#akatsuki text posts
sanrio-gyal · 1 year
Sasodei modern au hcs
College au ^^
Deidara is constantly overdressed while Sasori is wearing a hoodie and worn out jeans
They both leave passive aggressive notes instead of talking about their problems
Sasori is a major germaphobe when Deidara is sick. He will put on a gas mask, wet suit, and gloves to keep Deidara company.
Deidara is the one to never remember their anniversaries while Sasori is always two months ahead on planning.
Sasori is majoring in art and medicine
Deidara is majoring in chemistry and art
Sasori isn’t in any clubs because he takes too many classes. Deidara on the other hand is in a “protect the animals. Go vegan” club. Members include: sai, gaara, naruto (he doesn’t understand what veganism is 💀) Ino, zetsu,
Sasori tried to be a vegan for a week but quickly got annoyed.
Sasori avoids fraternities as much as possible
Deidara parties far too much. Sasori is a hermit crab who only interacts with his boyfriend for the most part
They both have a cat together. They call it their child 😩💗💗 Sasori at first wasn’t very fond of the cat but soon grew to like him
Deidara speaks to the cat and sasori is just awfully confused on why his boyfriend is meowing in the other room.
Deidara is very high maintenance and kind of a spoiled brat but sasori doesn’t really mind, he gives him what he wants to stop the whining.
They both send each other the cutest gifs and emoticons while texting even in arguments except it’ll be an angry cat
Sasori really doesn’t like when Deidara wears provocative clothes but also doesn’t want to be seen as controlling and has to deal with the fact that Dei is comfortable with his his body.
Sasori takes about ten minutes to get ready. Twenty minutes with a shower. He doesn’t want to waste time
They constantly argue if they’re not arguing that usually means there’s something wrong. A fight between them looks like (in order) -Arguing
Haughty silence
Avoiding each other
Deidara going to his old dorm (with Hidan)
Ranting towards their friends
Realizing they both did wrong
Awkwardly apologizing (they both hate to admit they’re wrong)
Yay they made up 🤣
Btw these last like a week
Sasori buys random things that remind him of Deidara, then gives it to him. They’re like the weirdest too. He’d be in an antique shop and would buy a broken porcelain cup.
Deidara keeps every gift that Sasori gives him. He has whole shelf of teddy bears, dolls, cups 😭 and whatever else Sasori buys him
Sasori is usually big spoon cons is that Deidara elbows him a lot in his sleep
Deidara is very hard on himself and is a perfectionist often leading to panic attacks.
Sasori is very particular about how is food is put on his plate. If it’s touching he won’t eat. Deidara always makes sure that sasori’s food is perfect before serving it to him (cuz ya know he’s in love)
Deidara has a fourty minute long skin care routine
Sasori: babe hurry up and come to bed
Deidara: I’m coming. Just let me wash my face
Sasori expecting Deidara to take five minutes
Deidara washing his face, plucking eyebrows, extracting black heads, exfoliating, putting on a moisturizing face mask, using a jade roller, hydrating lip mask, eye mask for eye bags, lotion, rose water spritz, eyelash serum…boom finish
Deidara: alright I’m ready
Sasori: *snoring*
Deidara: ….
They actually did break up once and both were extremely heartbroken. Sasori poured himself more into his studies and excluded himself. Deidara cried a lot then quickly got over it to distract himself. He tried to date but no one could compare to Sasori.
Deidara doesn’t take being told what to do unless Sasori says so…the he becomes obedient
Sasori likes his room frigid while Deidara likes his warm.
Sasori is a light sleeper while Deidara is a very deep sleeper and takes a while for him to wake up.
Deidara is very much a person who needs love and affection 24/7 Sasori on the other hand hates affection. Deidara is all over Sasori. Kisses, hugs, etc while Sasori dies on the inside. In the beginning of the relationship Sasori was sweating bullets because he didn’t want to be mean to his boyfriend but was also uncomfortable. Later he became used to it lol but he did have to tell Deidara to stop being so touchy all the time.
Sasori has a lot health issues and Deidara has to remind him for medication and doctor appointments and is very protective of him
Deidara eats a crazy amount of food and usually eats whatever sasori can’t finish
They both think they’re the cutest things to ever exist
Sasori has an obsession with Deidara’s hair, so when he chopped it off…he was heartbroken
Deidara is constantly making sex jokes while Sasori so clueless
They both love gardening and nature except sasori is very sensitive in the sun so he’s in a full suit covering his skin 🤣
Animal crossing is their favorite game. They constantly go go each others islands. Ya know cute stuff
There was a moment of time when Deidara was afraid to let sasori see him without makeup but eventually got comfortable to do so. (Sasori didn’t even notice 😭) sasori thinks he’s cute with and without
Sasori is a diligent worker vs Deidara who panics because he does everything last minute
Sasori isn’t known for being affectionate but occasionally he’ll cuddle up beside Deidara or hug him
Deidara trusts sasori’s judgement the most.
They’re young and very much in love 🥺🤭
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orochiposting · 7 months
“I can fix him dw” [drill sounds] {screaming} [chainsaw revving]
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fantasydreaamer · 8 months
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evartandadam · 9 months
Do you know about the 5 love languages? (Quality Time, Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation, Gift Giving and Acts of Service) What is the order of importance for each Akatsuki member? :)
Note: Physical Touch in this is used non-sexually overall. Like hugging, cuddling, forehead kisses, etc
Im color coding, so you can find what you want faster 👍
Sasori: Words of affirmation above all (and intelligent conversation)! I mean, he dislikes attention in general, so it’s hard to imagine him liking much else 😂 If you can think of a gift he would like, he would very much appreciate that. Under specific circumstances, like AUs, Sasori would also love physical touch (canon 35 year old Sasori really has no interest in relationships in general). He would find acts of service demeaning- he can do it all himself, and in his mind, better. He likes quality time, but also disappears for days on end working on his corpse puppets or killing people to make them into corpse puppets 😍 You gotta be cool with that and tell him they’re awesome.
Deidara: Physical touch, words of affirmation, and quality time- he is literally a princess and requires constant attention 😂 There aren’t many services he would expect from you, he just wants you to tell him he’s amazing and rub his back for hours (maybe that’s the act of service lol). He also would love gifts, and definitely enjoys giving them! Very easy to please and validate!
Hidan: Words of affirmation and quality time! He is a dog! He loves physical touch too, but feels religious guilt for it 😂 His religion is founded on worshipping destruction, and I think love and sex are the opposite of that and frowned upon. Hidan wouldn’t appreciate a nice gift enough, so don’t waste your time (unless it’s a trip to the hot springs or pomade). He would appreciate an act of service like cooking meat for him, or converting, so he doesn’t have to kill you 👍
Kakuzu: Acts of service and, if he trusts you, physical touch (he is very deprived of real affection and would dislike it initially). Kakuzu would also appreciate the gift of a good book! He does not require a lot of attention to maintain his interest if you got him, and though quality time is nice, it isn’t something he values much (once a month lol). He values intellectual conversation more than actual affirmation. Note, a hookup with Kakuzu is easy, and I’m referring to vulnerable physical affection, like snuggling.
Itachi: Gifts, quality time, and lastly, physical touch- he will feel more comfortable receiving physical affection after you spend lots of time convincing him he deserves it. Words of affirmation must be used in small doses or he will reject them. He would like giving gifts more than receiving them, same with acts of service. He is emotionally sensitive and considerate, so he will mirror what you give him and more.
Kisame: Quality time and physical touch. Kisame is a good boyfriend who is generally content and if you’re just nice to him, he’ll be ecstatic. Like Itachi, he might need some small doses of words of affirmation before accepting them as truth. Expect lots of bear hugs and being carried around! The only gifts he cares about are good food, and time with you! He expects no acts of service, but would appreciate you caring for him- all of these people have had hard lives and are comfortable doing everything themselves.
Konan: Gifts and acts of service. Physical touch is earned with her. She is a queen, so she already has whatever she wants, so sentimental gifts are best (but she would love designer). Honestly, she would care more about acts of service you offer to others more than herself. She is attracted to people who display character. Quality time is also nice, but not the top. You have to be good in bed to date her, and she likes giving caring touch to her partners, as well as receiving it. Words of affirmation are appreciated, but don’t overdue it. She’s heard it all, and likes action more than talking.
Nagato: Words of affirmation and quality time. Nagato has a god complex, so just nod and agree with whatever he says, and he will feel so valued 😂 He will shower you with gifts, but won’t expect any in return. Like Sasori and Kakuzu, intelligent conversation is also the key to his heart. Nagato would also value acts of service towards his people. Acts of service involving himself would make him feel guilty. If we are going for sickly Nagato, he would struggle with physical touch at first, but accept it gladly after you gain his trust.
Obito: Words of affirmation, physical touch, acts of service . Also has a god complex, so just tell him whatever he wants to hear and treat him like a king. Before he went nuts, he was a golden retriever, so he probably loves head scratches and tenderness. A good gift might make him giddy as well. Quality time is not his top, cause he’s too busy trying to plan mass genocide, but of course you will have endless time together in the infinite tsukuyomi, so no worries! I’m throwing shade cause he would be a taker instead of a giver 🤪
Orochimaru: Gifts, of course! Weird taxidermy, expensive wine, statues of snakes for his lair, live snakes, stolen research, etc. You will be favored if you give lots of words of affirmation. He has no time for quality time, and you will always be sad and lonely while he experiments on children. He doesn’t feel like the type care much about physical touch, but acts of service are great!
Zetsu: Gifts (corpses of course!) Quality time feels like a favorite of theirs, they seem content to sit around and chill. Don’t be surprised if they kill you, they aren’t quite human anyway. Acts of service are also appreciated! Perhaps some gossip? Zetsu doesn’t seem like the type to value words of affirmation too much (especially Black Zetsu), and hcs for physical touch can go opposite directions.
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imagineakatsuki · 4 months
Happy 10th Anniversary to this blog!
I know, I know, it's a month late - still, I hope you enjoy! Thank you to all those who stuck around and are still interacting with my recent posts. I could go on and on about how much this group and this blog means to me, but for everyone's sake, I'll leave it at this: I appreciate you all for staying during my Naruto/Akatsuki periods of obsession. This anime is just so great, even years later, and I feel like it will always be so.
Remember, the ask box is still open; even if you just want to chat, send me a message!
Admin S
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noizo1d · 5 months
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pawthko · 1 year
the worst part about watching all of naruto for the first time in 2023 is sitting on my paws and not looking at any fan content for like 1927363829 episodes until I’m done with the whole thing I’m not strong enough for this I’m teetering
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Reasons for submission under the cut
intentionally traumatized Sasuke (put him in a genjutsu multiple times to watch the murder of his entire clan, family, and parents over and over again for days straight)
no remorse years after about the Uchiha genocide even as an adult
planned to mind control Sasuke
repeatedly tortured Sasuke in a variety of ways
fanbase glorifies his decisions
a 14 year old deciding a genocide and traumatizing his little sibling for practically no reason is NOT a genius moment
his fandom's "young age" excuse only goes so far, since he never changes his mind or altered his plan
bootlicker, gaslighter, manipuative, liar, unreliable
sad boy martyr complex
sucked Konoha’s balls
nonsensical on a narrative level
fan base overlooks his issues because he’s hot
people ship him with Deidara
bad brother, bad vibes
ignored Naruto, even after becoming his mentor, unless Naruto shapeshifted into a naked woman
fantasize about, write, and publish stories based off of spying on naked women and girls
analyzes boobs in public
set an example of being a sleazy pervert to a kid who’s very attached to him
became a regular customer of a brothel when he was supposed to be teaching his godson
be a selfish, mean person in general
reminds two submitters of their uncle
had a CHILD proofread his porn novels
let Naruto be abused by the village for years
probably has lice
would make deez nutz jokes constantly
horrible friend
irredeemable waste of cool character design
gives a submitter the heebie-jeebies, and synonyms
made ‘weird’ comments about Konan while under his care
could have been honest with Naruto about knowing his parents
was friends with Orochimaru and didn’t care about his murderous tendencies
deadbeat godfather
coerced a child into turning into a naked woman
stole his (young orphan) pupils money
blew off naruto and made him learn on his own, didn’t teach him anything
perverted, sex offender, and harasses women
deathly ugly
not funny in any way despite supposedly being a comedic relief
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zuzu-draws · 2 years
I legitimately feel so cheated right now. Turns out there's like , two separate votes you can add for Obito, being; (i) Obito Uchiha (ii) Tobi
....Excuse me? THEY'RE THE SAME PERSON. I like both versions obviously, i desperately wanna see more of both, but i thought voting for Uchiha Obito automatically took his Tobi + Madara personas into account? Along with His Akatsuki days?
Sigh, now i'm conflicted over who i should be voting for. This'll just divide Obito's overall popularity vote bank so now i know there's a fat chance he might not even make it to the top 10s :'I
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sanrio-gyal · 1 year
Akatsuki at a pride parade
Kakuzu scamming people by selling gay merch with the worst designs. ( people love it somehow and has a very long line)
Hidan wearing nothing but a thong and dancing to lady gaga and accidentally hitting people with his flag
Deidara dressed in the sluttiest outfit and taking selfies with random people
Konan cursing out homophobes in her six inch platforms. So it’s like this goth lady yelling at a group
Nagato and Yahiko just nodding their heads at konan drags homophobes to filth
Sasori clutching to Deidara as they move through the crowd dripped in head to toe with gay merch and watching people unsuccessfully flirt with Deidara
Itachi scarred for life seeing people nearly naked, in bdsm wear, shirtless women (mind you this is first pride event 😭💀) he’s glad he didn’t bring Sasuke and his friends
Kisame is the one wearing a bdsm harness and the one that invited Itachi 😭 also is having the time of his life
Zetsu is stuck in the middle of the parade (he was just trying to get to his apartment)
Orochimaru is in full drag on top of an inflatable drunk ash
Madara coming through looking fab. The hottest old gay at the function 💅
Obito is awkwardly waving around his flag (he doesn’t know how he got there)
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alchadex · 2 years
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starter for @chidoried !
Life had been a blur for the past ... Dexio honestly couldn't remember. Everything had pretty much gone to immediate shit after the failed reanimation jutsu. He could still remember the burning behind his eyes so clearly, how it had felt as if his retinas were getting lit aflame from the inside out. He'd even gone so far as to try and carve out his own eye with a kunai, only to fail miserably in the end. In the end he'd been left with a disfigured cheek and gray, almost whited out eyes. It was creepy on a best day and downright horrifying on others. Of course he knew what he had done had been wrong - but Konoha had also been in the wrong. People died on that mission. Ninja died. His best friends died. And what did the village do? Nothing. Less than nothing, even. They didn't even acknowledge their deaths. The bodies were burned, as was tradition, but nothing else happened. Their families were left high and dry with no help - Dexio wasn't even so much as allowed to acknowledge their passing. 
It was torture. Slow torture.  And he was just so tired of being glanced over by the village. 
He already knew he was going used by them - it was fairly obvious. Constantly bringing up his kekkei genkai, how useful it would be to pretty much have an unlimited arsenal of jutsu because he didn't need to use handsigns to focus his chakra. It was natural - quite literally, too. He'd attempted to use it for good after the anbu, becoming a medical-nin of his 'own volition', but that was deemed too dangerous. He could kill members of the village out of revenge or spite. If only they had known how right they were at the time. It wasn't too long after that when Dexio made the decision that he was just done. Done with the stares. Done with the contstant second guessing. Done with being a humanized weapon. He'd lost everything because of the village, so why should he stay?
In the end, Dexio left, and it was one of the best decisions he had ever made - in his opinion, anyways. A strike had been made through his headband, which is now adorned strapped to his thigh instead. It was an obvious sign of him being a defector. With him he'd taken village secrets, countless amounts of knowledge of medical ninjutsu, and a deep understanding of, well ... everything. He was blind, it was no secret, but as a result people tended to treat him like he was slow. Talk about things like he wasn't there. He'd learnt so much that way, and that knowledge was going to be used to destroy the village that destroyed him. 
Dexio wanted to see Konoha burn, and he was more than willing to be a part of the downfall. It was how he found himself hidden deep in the woods waiting for a contact from the Akatsuki, ready and willing to hand over a heavily encrypted scroll full of village secrets. He was on high alert at the moment, even if from anyone elses perspective he looked totally relaxed. He was sitting cross legged under a tree, legs criss-crossed underneath himself. One hand was on his lap and the other was behind his head, knuckles pressed into the tree. If no one knew better, they would think Dexio was taking a nap- but every five seconds chakra pulsed out of him, feeling and listening to everything miles upon miles out to see when his contact would get here. 
It wasn't too much longer until he 'saw' someone step foot into his radius. He could feel their energy, feel the chakra ... it was familiar. Sitting up a little bit straighter his head cocked to the side some as he focused in on it, both hands pressed to the forest floor on either side of himself. Palms pressing down a bit harder he pushed out another wave, nails digging into the dirt some as he did so. He knew that chakra - he'd grown up with that chakra. 
There was no way. Simply no way. 
Dexio was patient as the signature got closer, eyes whipping back and forth as he followed it inside of his mind. Slowly he pushed himself up onto his feet, the heels of his black boots digging into the dirt some. His body moved slow as he picked the dirt from under his nails, scroll pushed into the back pocket of his pants a little - it would be safe there. No one ever got close enough to touch him, after all. Head cocking to the side a little bit his black locks fell around his face some, the rest draping in gentle waves over his shoulders. It had gotten quite long from the awkwardly styled bowl cut he had as a teenager. He'd never been able to really grow it out as a member of the anbu after all, so this was his ... tiny way of rebelling. He only turned fully when the foosteps became more audible, approaching cautiously. 
"Well I'll be damned..." There was a weird bitterness to his tone, words grating a little. He hadn't wanted the rumors to be true. "Long time no see, Hatake."
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evartandadam · 1 year
I posted 3 more chapters of A Second Chance finally! Yay! 🦂🌸
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tsukimefuku · 8 months
❅ Sand and Snow | Full Chapter List and other Notes
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In the past few weeks, there have been multiple deaths in the city of Odate. Nanami Kento, a first-grade sorcerer, is dispatched to investigate the snowy city, unaware that this would be his final mission as a Jujutsu High’s student.
Why Nanami left Jujutsu High to become a 9/5 corporate slave.
Tags: Murder/mystery, canon typical violence, POV Nanami, Post Star-plasma Vessel Arc, Canon compliant, Angst but I'm not Gege
On AO3 here
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Chapters (Tumblr)
I will be listing here every chapter already published on Tumblr under the #sandandsnowchapter tag.
✦ Chapter 1
✦ Chapter 2
✦ Chapter 3
✦ Chapter 4
✦ Chapter 5
✦ Chapter 6
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Updates and fun facts
They are in dd/mm/yy
12/04/24: Well, we'll be on hiatus until May. Nonetheless, more silly fun — here's Shiro's song pick. "Akatsuki no Kodou" by "Unchain" for the simple reason it sounds like him.
28/02/24: The fanfic will probably hit hiatus by chapter 7. Or not. I hit a slump and I'm having a hard time getting out of it.
22/02/24: Finally, chapter 4 is up. This one was a hard one, because I'm not in the greatest headspace right now. Just hope I'll be feeling better when posting chapter 5.
12/02/24: I really need to define a day every week to post, heh. The next chapter will probably be posted on the 22th, but maybe earlier if I get around revising it before that!
09/02/24: Some silly fun, I saw Akutami's song picks for his characters, and I thought I'd make such a list for my own original characters. Starting with Shiori, I chose the song "Setsuna" by Sunny Day Service for her. Felt like a good fit. Hope you like it.
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My author's notes about this fanfic
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I’m currently working on a sole mid-long fanfic called Sand and Snow, with a dear and beloved character Kento Nanami as a teenager coming into adulthood.
It takes place around 2 years after the star-plasma vessel fiasco, and it’s about Nanami’s last mission before leaving Jujutsu High after graduation. I wanted to delve into his psyche and motivations for doing so, because I feel we didn’t get to see enough of that before he became the absolute beefcake we know and love. Goddamn you, Gege.
This is my copium after the end of the Shibuya arc, and I wanted to explore more about the character. Of course, the absolute icon Satoru Gojo will be arriving at Odate to help Nanami, because I love some classic Gojo and Nanami Shenanigans.
Thank you for reading this wall of text, and hope you like it! Xoxo
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noizo1d · 1 year
learning about blitztank lore is so fucking wild like "hahahahaha funny tank lol! Wait these things can gain sentience and they're controlled by dying soldiers what the fuck. What the fuck. haha look at merkava swinging him around"
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greenbeen-with-an-e · 2 months
I just saw a person say that "naruto (the character) has no depth and is very cliche and predictable"
Aren't you people tired of being completely incorrect? Like genuinely? If you think naruto has no depth and complexity as a character then it simply proves to me that you have no analytical skills.
In comparison to, say, sasuke - it may seem as though naruto is more one dimensional. HOWEVER, the reason why it seems this way is because naruto is a little more subtly written.
When it comes to sasuke we see him; facing his abusers (danzo and a1p itachi) in the name of justice & emotional developments that are easy to understand because sasuke reacts to abuse in a way that makes sense to most. Sasuke haters (the braindead) aside.
Naruto on the other hand? We never see him face his abusers (the people of the hidden leaf) & his emotional developments are overlooked by the audience in favour of grand, shonen-esque fight scenes (i.e. the LoW arc. We see naruto maturing and developing his ninja way due to haku (character development??) but this is overlooked by many for some reason), etc. But no, you think that because naruto is a happy go-lucky 'idiot' there is no room for any other character traits.
A lot of his character is built around the neglect he faces as a child. In og naruto, we are introduced to a loud mouthed, annoying, attention seeking brat. AND THIS MAKES SENSE! Naruto has never received positive attention in his LIFE (bar the third's very much occasional visit) so of course he is going to go out of his way to get some - negative or not. So he is loud so people will look at him. He is prankster so people can laugh with him instead of at him. He's an optimistic smile-freak in order to hide the very real anger and misery he feels. Do you think it is a coincidence that kishi choose for naruto, a repressed young boy, to only release the power of the nine tails when extremely angry, fearful or otherwise I'm distress? No. It's a direct reflection of naruto's own emotional toil.
Who has the most attention and respect in the village? The hokage. What does naruto want most in the world atp? Respect and attention. So what does naruto want to be? Hokage. But when naruto was facing dark naruto when training with bee - he acknowledges that he still feels resentment and anger towards the village for how they treated him. He got everything he wanted, he got the respect, he got the attention. And yet, deep down, he wasn't happy with it. Because being so socially outcasted his whole life leave a toll of you. Leaves you with psychological issues that follows you for a long time.
This doesn't even mention the dehumanisation that naruto goes though throughout the series - even in shippuden, though this is more unintentional by the surrounding characters atp- due to him being a jinchuuriki. A literal weapon of state. An oppressed minority who were being hunted down and slaughtered by the akatsuki in their own villages. How does this demonstrate a lack of nuance? A lack of complexity? It doesn't. You only extrapolate surface level ideas from a text and call it a day.
This isn't even touching the bond between sasuke and naruto, yknow, the most developed and emphasised relationship in the entire manga? The relationship that is the key to understanding both characters, their emotions, their mental state and character decisions? But anyway. That's a WHOLEEEE other post for a whole nother day
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or0ch1maru · 3 months
Hey CJ! Sorry to hear that you're not having the best day :( I hope it gets better! Or the very least, please do take care of yourself and maybe treat yourself to something nice for all your hardwork!💖
I've got a fun lil F,M,K scenario for you😊Who would you F,M,K? Grimmjow, Kenpachi and Obito?
AND Obito, Hidan, Toji? ^-^
And I've got some random lil questions to ask!
- Do you bake? If so, what are your favorite things to make? If not, what are your favorite baked goods?
- if you could choose to be in any anime verse, which one would you choose and why?
- What's a favorite dish you like from your culture?
- if you had all the money in the world, what would be the first big purchase you would make?
- what is your favorite holiday? Mine is Halloween!
- a random fact about literally anything?
I heard that you're taking requests for some angst! Can I request some headcanons or drabble about kakuzu or Hidan comforting you when you're crying? Or how would the akatsuki be after they broke up with their partner? Or how would they try and get back with their s/o after a breakup? This request was inspired by the JJK post you reblogged ngl😅😅
I'm sorry that this ask became long😅😅 but I hope your day gets better!! Hang in there!!💗💗💗
hiiii bbys! Thanks to everyone who sent in kind words. I’m doing better! <3 so let’s get into it🫵🏻
I PHYSICALLY cannot answer those f,m,k. It pains me too much🤣 I love them all equally and there’s no way hahah
I hate cooking, I have horrendous anxiety being in the kitchen if I’m making something more complicated than ramen or pasta. But in regards too my favorite baked goods, definitely cream puffs! Or fruit tarts. My go to’s Everytime! Gonna buy myself a fruit tart for my birthday next month🥺
Bleach and Naruto. The aesthetic itself are just pleasing and they have so many complex characters, and the views are gorgeous lol. I could go on but it’d be too much
So, I’m part Jamaican on my mums side and part Panamanian on my fathers. I only recently reconnected with him so I have yet to try anything. Now, in regards to my favorite meal, nothing beats my mums homemade curry.
I have no idea lmfao. I’m not one to want a huge fancy house or all these fancy cars. I’d rather just pay off my bills and quit my job. Play it day by day tbh
HALLOWEEN! Every year I go to universal Orlando for HHN. I’m always back before Halloween and I dress up and do my makeup to do haunts in our yard lol. That and scary movies every day of the month and just ugh🫶🏻best holiday
For my random fact, I’ll tell you something about myself. I’m 4’10. And I love platform shoes. I own some boots and platform sandals. I hope to expand my collection!
I personally think every member of the akatsuki would distance themselves for starters but they’d creep back into your life slowly, but differently so let’s get intoooooo it!🫵🏻
18+, mentions of stalking,makeup sex, coercion ideations, possessive behavior and akatsuki member being mean to reader but apologizing, pervy tobi
Slight au, mentions of cellphones, phone calls, texts, etc
-totally gonna be the one to put as much distance between you and him. Especially when he knows he was the one to fuck things up
-but he somehow always knows where you are, who you’re with, and what you’re doing
-if he hears you’re hanging out with another guy, no matter how much time has passed since the split, just know you’ll receive some drunk texts from him. Maybe him even showing up to your place
-he’d be mean at first, talking about how nobody could treat you better than him, or fuck you better than him
-would somehow end up on top of you, showing you how much he missed you by stuffing your cunt
-if you ever want to see him cry, just know this is how. He’d be whispering such filth into your ear, burying his face in your neck to hide his tears and hopefully stifle the way his voice cracks when he admits he’s sorry and how he can’t go on without you
-he’d be the silent ex. Would only pay attention if someone brings you up in conversation, mentioning what you’re doing or how you’ve been
-Kakuzu would check in on you every once in a while. He’s a grumpy old man who’s soft spot was for you and you only
-if he realized or you told him you’re not doing okay. He be over to your place within the hour to comfort you.
-if it ends with you two back together, he’d be the happiest man alive. Yet he wouldn’t voice it. Ever
-would send you money to spoil yourself, he’d always tell you it’s not to win you back but deep down he hopes it would change your mind. Isn’t the type to beg for you to come back. He wants you to come back to him only if YOU want too
-such a sweetheart, she’d give you anything you want. If you tell her you two can stay friends, she’d be the best friend a person could ever ask for
-if you tell her you want space, she’s more than happy to give you as much space as you need
-if you tell her to fuck off and never speak to her again, as painful as that would be for her. She’d do it. She just wants you to be happy, even if that means without her
-is always super kind and respectful if you two run into each other in the village but wouldn’t go seeking you out without reason
-just like Hidan, always knows what you’ve been up too. Not because she’s following your every move, but sticks close by in case something happens to you (she hears updates from your friends because they adored her. Thought she was the best gf you’ve ever had)
-I believe he’s similar to Kakuzu. Pain would distance himself for his own sanity. Knowing you’re off being happy without him, kills him
-only speaks to you if you reach out to him first. Wouldn’t even ask how you’re doing if you didn’t say something to him beforehand
-misses you dearly, but knows space is the best option for the two of you
-wouldn’t hesitate to make your new bf ‘disappear’ when he hears you’re seeing someone new. Hoping that you’ll eventually come running back to him if your new partners keep ghosting you suddenly
-is super respectful, as much as he’s hurting inside, the break up would never turn sour
-no fighting, screaming, or hurtful words. Gives you a kind smile every time he runs into you in the village. A hug or a shoulder/head pat only if you’re comfortable
-would remain your friend afterwards. Being very respectful towards your new partners if you start seeing anyone. Doesn’t go out of his way to be rude or cruel to either of you
-doesn’t hesitate to give you a shoulder to cry on if you need someone to talk too. Even if you’re venting about your new man
-makes sure you always have everything you may need or want and that you can always rely on him if something goes wrong
-gets over the split relatively quick. Is content to stay your friend, but if you decide to distance yourself completely. He’s fine with that as well
-it would take him a long time to delete pics and videos of the two of you just because you were the best thing to come into his life.
-when the time comes that he decides to delete everything out of his phone, he’ll keep a picture or two just for comfort
-looking at it when he has a bad day or to remind him that there’s still good in the world.
-would be nice to your new partner when introduced but would knit pick everything about him. Knowing that no one will treat you like he did
-you were his first real relationship and would be devastated about it. Dei would give you all the space in the world after the break up but the second you reach out to him, he wouldn’t hesitate to slowly make his way back into your life
-he would ask to hang out with you on the days you were free,
-would make up random excuses or reasons for popping by your place even if he had no reason to be in the village in the first place
-would leave you clay gifts on your windowsill once in a while, especially since you loved his art so much
-would leave sweet notes as well. Something like “miss you” or “have a good day” etc
-I feel like he wouldn’t truly register it at the beginning.
-would kinda just shrug shit off. Wouldn’t pay much mind to you for a while, weeks, maybe a few months afterwards
-he’s not rude, or nice, he’s neutral about things. He’d reminisce about the times you shared but it wouldn’t make him sad or depressed
- if you reached out, calling or texting him, he’d reply. Out of respect mostly. Sasori would ask how you’re doing and would be glad to know you’re doing good
-he’d be devastated. Come on, like look at him
-would distance himself from his comrades outside of missions, he’d put on a brave front in front of them when it came to work but if he’s alone. He’s breaking
-once he’s gotten the crying out of his system he would not hesitate to keep tabs on your every move.
-he may or may not even cause something just so you have an excuse to come running to him. Knowing he’d be the one to fix things and make things right
-would be subtle about his obsession with you. Would run into you in town on more than one occasion, using the same old excuse of “didn’t think I’d run into you here”
-keeps all the nudes and videos you sent him, using those to make himself cum. Or better yet, the home movies you two made
-he knows it’s wrong, but that’s not going to stop him. Bites down on his bottom lip to keep himself quiet as he strokes his length, listening to the way you’d sound as you took him to the hilt
-totally wouldn’t sneak into your place while you’re out to steal a pair of your panties, or a shirt of yours just to have your scent.
-is more like Sasori tbh. At the start that is. Especially black Zetsu
-I think at the beginning it wouldn’t affect him much and if it did, it’s mostly white Zetsu. He’d let out a few tears, asking where and why you’ve run off. Leaving him behind
-while black Zetsu’s mean about it. Talking about how you’re a no good person to just up and leave him(he may or may not be delusional)
-he’s stalking you. Full blown
-even if he’s off on his own missions, he’d track you down and watch you for a while before going off. Acting as if nothing happened.
-would not speak to you which as weird as it sounds I feel is on par with him. Would maybe send a single text back if you messaged him but apart from that it’s as if he’s vanished completely. To you that is, you don’t know that he’s been inside your house, touching your belongings or following at a distance as you go on a date with to your new bae
-only to find a text from an unknown number of you and your bf at the cafe in town. It’s his way of showing you, you can’t fully get rid of him
I hope you loved this. Now I want some requests of crying Hidan x reader, perv tobi and stalker zetsu. Didn’t realize how hot those are lol
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