#all we know is that this little girl just drank blood and her parents hated it and she repressed herself until she couldn't take it anymore
mettywiththenotes · 2 years
I’m still of the opinion that Toga’s quirk wasn’t actually put into the quirk database when she was younger and everybody just thought she had a different quirk (which honestly makes her drinking Saito’s blood out of nowhere more disturbing from an outside perspective) and so when Hawks and Gran Torino talk about knowing Toga’s quirk, they actually got the wrong one
And then everybody knew what her quirk really was after the war arc when she told Ochako what she could do and that’s how they better prepared for it, because they finally knew what it really was
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Bnha class x Poison ivy power reader bc slay
Toga himiko x reader
Headcanon/drabble thing
• everyone loves your makeup
• definitely best friends with Mina or Uraraka
• you do stand with Todoroki or near him so you guys got some bond
• once you guy move into the dorms your room is full of plants.
•And a huge carnivorous plant is in the room. that scares everyone but you just pet the plants head
• you also become friends with Kota from the love of plants and animals.
• you team up with Iida to parent everyone which is very scary
• your the go to nurse rather then going to the real nurse.
• Denki’s definitely has goes to you for splinters
• You do make dinner with Bakugo the only time you two tolerate each
• When the lov attack Toga always try’s to fight with you. She’s your Harley Quin ♥️
• Tho you do get kidnapped which she loves
• the league try’s to make you join but you hate Dabi to much
“Come on just join us.”
“I am Nature's arm. Her spirit. Her will. Hell, I am Mother Nature. Why would I join a group that harms us?”
“The heroes are bad people not us!”
“You both are.”
• Shigaraki just walks away after
• you get Dabi to kiss you so he passes out
“Men, the most absurd of God's creatures. We give you life and we can take it away just as easily.” Slay!
“I want a kiss!”
“You stupid girl she’ll kill you!”
• Shigaraki goes to hurt ya but All Might saves the day.
• you help with the fight then when the other save you, you just stay fighting
• you do leave once all of the other villains leave not wanting to die
• you hadn’t told anyone about your full quirk till after the fight
“So what can you do?”
“My blood is aloe, my skin is chlorophyll, and my lips are filled with poison. I control plants and can make them.”
“So is that Dabi guy dead?”
“No my lips just make you fall asleep.”
“So that’s why you didn’t let me drank from your cup?”
• you and Bakugo do get closer from the kidnapping but still have a dislike for each other
• the girls go to you when they need help with guys
•you only go to the mall to protect them, not that they can’t do it themselves.
“Hey mamas!”
“Aww pretty boy want a kiss?”
“Kinda want more then that mamas.”
“Mmm, just one kiss and I’ll show you everything you see plus everything you don’t.” Man’s drooling but so sad he passes out after your little kiss.
• Toga goes undercover as Mina just to get closer to you, though you find out and bring her into your dorm.
“Darling? If you wanted to see me could’ve just came in.”
“You remember me!?”
“How could I forget such a cute face like yours?”
“Can I pleases get some blood? I bet yours is so sweet and yummy!”
“Oh honey, my blood isn’t for eating. It’s aloe which just leaves an awful taste in your pretty little mouth.”
“Darling I have to go make dinner for my babies. Why don’t you go home for me?” She leaves but definitely comes back at nighttime twice a week.
• the teachers love you
• Midnight loves your hero outfit and helps with your winter design
•  Aizawa and you are similar in ways. You both care about the class and are scary when mad or when they get on your bad side. Plus you both are moody and got a goofy girlfriend/husband.
• you hate All Might and he’s scared of you. Often you correct him on a lot of stuff. No one knows why you hate him but you do.
• Mic is also scared of you but still loves ya. You guys both listen to music together or you teach him about plants
• Toga tells you abt overhaul, which your pissed about and do try to kill him but fail to do so.
• dude like 5ft away from you and is wearing a mask. You can’t kiss him, blow your perfume or powder. And it’s really hard to get plants through concrete.
•but Toga try’s to help you because she upset about big sis. She vents to you abt it.
• When Eri comes around you love her!
“Thank you darling. Your so pretty as well. Want to play with some plants and butterflies?”
“Mhm!” You guys play in your room.
• your the only one Aizawa let’s babysit by yourself
• You make plants and make Eri fly sometime.
• you teach her to read and take care of plants
• she even recycle which you are so happy!
• for Christmas you get her, her very first plant
•  Aizawa freaks out when it dies and calls you
• you tell him what the plant is so he can just rebuy one when needed and when to water it incase she forgets
• Toga also gives you plants when she can
• she’ll give you carnivorous plants or red plants that reminds her of blood
• you give her a tomato plant so she can stab the fruit instead of animals plus she can eat them
• y’all in love and you probably do become a villain and you stay a hero so you get more info
• you still hate the league so you don’t join
• she’ll probably do your dirty work and kills everyone who says they have a crush on you or kisses you
• Mother Nature and her favorite plant in her garden a Langsdorffia (also known as a vampire plant)
Part two
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drowndaily · 2 years
Loss, gain, and confusion
I've had many significant people in my life, many good, even more were bad. I tried my best to hold on to what saw me, but it did it's best to never last. The bad could smell my blood and I didn't know how to run yet.
Starting from a young age I guess one of my strongest traits was my ability to forget the details my brain decided were a little too much for me. I'm still trying to figure out where that line was crossed, since I never forgot getting stabbed, never forgot that I drank myself to many first experiences I didn't want and couldn't stop, and broke myself to keep the weight of reality off for just a day longer each time something strayed too close to home.
Love was always missing or locked out to rethink its role.
I had many first days to new lows, and the tide continued to rise, never falling back to let me keep my feet dry.
Sometimes I really hate me, and sometimes I sit and think of all the wrong I've done, just for the sake of what? I've never found out.
I could've had so many people stick around but my first instinct is to shun, fight, blow up? anything to keep the pressures of being an actual person off until the time comes that I drown, or fall, or the shadow in my eye closes in.
Why wasn't I better? I ask myself this every hour of every day to be honest. I'm a wreck of a person and hurting is my specialty.
I've never gone a significant amount of time without thinking about her, and who is she? She is many, and they all deserved better.
She is the girl who saved me from bullies, from my brother, from my parents, from the side of the road bleeding, she never did me wrong but I managed to become a person of disinterest despite her vitality to my entire being.
She is the girl who saved me from myself, the one lifted my spirit after school, who would call me every day just to make sure my thoughts didn't hurt, and loved me from a different world. My last words to her were sweet, but God or Fate decided to take one of the best from the world on a day meant for family and love. Fuck you for that, all you higher powers and blind hypocrisy.
She was a hurt soul, one I related to, a neighbor with a smile that lit up the water tower and warded off those emotions I needed so much help coming to terms with. We were rocky and poetically childish, a beautiful mess that couldn't self sustain. On again and off again like the narrow path through a hurricane. We never truly got sick of each other despite our attitudes. And yet she was killed by her hometown hero, and heroin struck twice that time, but she's still around. Thank you for that I guess. She once said that no matter how much time passed we always came back to each other, and as toxic as that felt, it was a warmth I could never tell anyone about.
And here I am again, doing it all over, rocky roads and heavy winds. The long haul has been an interesting one, maybe it won't come to an end, somehow I doubt that given my innate ability to ruin everything I've ever been handed.
Even when something feels off, I'll stay, because no one did for me.
If the cliff comes though, I don't think I'll have enough tread to stop myself from leaving town.
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jaesvelvet · 3 years
precious — park jeongwoo
warnings: lowercase,grammartical error,mention of death,nightmare
words: 1.8k words
pairing: jeongwoo + fem reader
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it's nothing strange when jeongwoo stays with your family during holidays or school days. you guys' bonds are really strong, besides your parents are also best friends since high school so that's why both of you are close to each other.
it's usual summer breaks, jeongwoo hanging with you at your house, binging some netflix series. jeongwoo who is already bored watching the vampire diaries for thousand times, secretly glancing at his best friend.
he never thought of having a girl like you as his best friend (beside haruto of course) for him, you're perfect. sometimes he has a thought that he would never bored live in this world with you only. sounds creepy but that's how he loves his friendship with you.
turning 17 is a lot harder than jeongwoo ever imagine, he thought going through puberty is a lot easier. but trust him, it's not.
when he gets older, he realized that he saw you not as a best friend but as a girl he wants to date. he doesn't know when or why he fell for you but for sure he head over heels towards you.
"woo, stop looking at my pretty face"
"am i supposed to look at your damon then?" jeongwoo scoffed, flustrated you caught him looking at her
"um, yea?" you answer, grabbing a handful of popcorn from the bowl and stuffed into her mouth, without breaking the glance from television
jeongwoo let out a small laugh, seeing you, really into that show although this is their thousands time watching it
"im tired of these vampires, i'm bored" he confesses, lean back on the beige couch, once again he glances at you hoping you would respond to him
"you can't get tired of this, we're gonna binge this show until we're old," you said
"old? are you gonna be old with me y/n?" jeongwoo asked
without looking at the brown-haired boy, you nodded
"how about your future husband? doesn't he be jealous when his wife binge her favorite show with her guy best friend?" jeongwoo asked, when he sure his feelings towards you, he can't help but think about their future, if they ended up with someone else, does their friendship will last long? or they're gonna be like a stranger?
jeongwoo's question finally made you pause the show and turns her back to jeongwoo, staring at his relaxed face
"i don't want to be married, no-one can't stand if i'm having one of those ruthless nightmares" you frowned and pout at the same time, jeongwoo can't help but smile as a response, he just wanna pinch your soft cheeks.
you suffer from nightmares, although it happens occasionally, when it's happened, you will call jeongwoo, face-timing the sleepy boy until the next morning because you're too scared to return to sleep and spent the rest of the night, crying. and jeongwoo is the one and only who accompany you till the next morning no matter how tired he is.
he never sleeps when you having a nightmare, he will take care of you and calm you down, you will keep apologizing to jeongwoo and treat him with good food the next day, and of course, jeongwoo didn't mind at all, because he hates seeing someone he loves suffering.
"so do you want to get married to me then?" jeongwoo asked, if haruto is here, he will screaming at the top of his lungs cause jeongwoo finally got some brave to make his move.
you let out a big laugh
"nope, i want to marry with damon" you stick out your tongue at jeongwoo, making the boy tickles your body.
the house filled with your and jeongwoo's laughter, although you guys didn't notice you guys are really at your highest of happiness now.
it's 4 am and you once again woke up because of the nightmare. however, this nightmare felt different, it made you shaking so bad and out of breath, your body all covered with cold sweats, tears slowly falling to your cheeks.
quietly you sobbing in your blanket, although all of your nightmares seem real, this nightmare felt too overwhelmed for you— usually, you would call jeongwoo but today you didn't, it because your nightmare this time is about him.
you never dreamt about anyone else, never! but tonight you dreamt about jeongwoo, you dream that he is dead. his soul left his body because saving you. all the scenarios from your dream keep playing in your heads and you want to forget it but you can't.
and that time you realized,
you and jeongwoo fit together like a puzzle piece.
you didn't sleep after the long night. you calmed yourself by watching some of your and jeongwoo videos together. you cried when you realized you fell way too deep at jeongwoo. his laughs are loud and annoying, he's too talkative, and he's too clingy. for others, he may be annoying but not to you, you could listen to his laugh, he's never-ending story while he clinging onto you every day and you feel weird if he didn't do that for a day. he also always put others first before him, he always cares about the people he treasure. how can you not fall for this boy!?!?
you grabbed ices cube from the freezer and put it on both of your eyes to get rid of the swollen eyes. although you knew so well jeongwoo would notice your swollen eyes but it's never hurt to try.
minutes later you heard jeongwoo's voice across the living room, greeting your mother. quickly you threw the ices into the sink and wipe your wet eyes using your sleeve.
you grab your mom's morning coffee and greet jeongwoo who already enter the kitchen, smiling widely as he saw you.
"jeongwoo, your voice is so loud my ears hurt!" you said trying to act normal.
jeongwoo grins and side hug you, jeongwoo frowns when he saw you drink a coffee? you hate coffee, even the smell made you mad.
"you drank coffee y/n? are you a real y/n?" jeongwoo look at you with a suspicious look and hit your head
"you ghost, get out from y/n's body, she sleeps and watching the vampire diaries all days it's no hope for you to control her body" he hit your head once again
"ouch! ya, park jeongwoo!" you slap jeongwoo's chest and put down the mug on the counter.
"that was my mom," you said making jeongwoo mouthing an 'o'
you and jeongwoo are now in your study room, studying for your guys' upcoming exam after summer breaks end. the room is so quiet, and it made you nervous. whenever you with jeongwoo, you guys are never this silent. usually, jeongwoo would sing or throw some stupid jokes that could lighten the darkroom.
you glance at jeongwoo, you lowkey surprised seeing the male is so focused on his study, jeongwoo is indeed a smart boy but you never see jeongwoo study so seriously???
"woo, you okay?" you asked
jeongwoo drops his pencil and finally look at you
"um, the silence is too loud, you know"
jeongwoo continues his study after the short answer. his short responses making you shocked. never in your life he treat you like this
"woo, are you okay?" you asked again
jeongwoo sighed and his eyes bore into you.
"your eyes swollen, i thought we have no secrets at all? but i think we have now" he said and crossed his arms.
he felt upset when you didn't tell him why you were crying. he saw your eyes red and swollen in the kitchen but he didn't wanna ask, usually, you're the one who would tell him from a to z, what happens.
you bowed your head, you bite your lips. how you're gonna tell jeongwoo about your dream? you start picking your nails, all of a sudden you remembered your dream crystal clear, you recalled how jeongwoo's body full of blood, exited from his chest and his face so pale, mouth shaking while try to said his last words
'be safe y/n'
you shriek when the image of jeongwoo's death felt too real for you. you cover both of your ears and your face buried down between your knee.
"y/n are you okay?" jeongwoo asked, panic, he goes to your back and rubs your back, whispering 'everything is okay. he shocked and clueless since this is his first time facing this kind of situation but he copied everything you do whenever he felt blue.
after a moment you finally raised your heads and look at jeongwoo who worriedly stare at you. your face pale, trying so hard to forget about your dream and the fact that your dream feels too real not to help you at all. you quickly hugged jeongwoo, you buried your face in his chest, crying, and begged him to not leave you. jeongwoo froze at your sudden action but he still ensures you that he would stay.
"i got a nightmare yesterday" you finally speak up, your face still buried deep in jeongwoo's chest, too scared to face him.
"what? y/n why you didn't—"
you make a little space between you and jeongwoo
"the dream is about you woo! i dreamt you died last night and it felt too real! i scared, the dream wouldn't go away so i cried all night, i– still clearly saw your dead body in my dream. it all felt too real woo"
jeongwoo face become soft and his unsettle towards you faded away, he hugs you tightly and kiss your head
"i won't go anywhere, those dreams are devil trying to hurt my precious best friend," he said, rubbing your back to calm you.
you let go of the hug and look at jeongwoo with shy looks
"because of that nightmare, i realized something"
"i don't love damon anymore, i love you" you confess making jeongwoo giggles
"finally i beat damon! come here bestfr—"
"no woo! i love you as a boy, man, or whatever it is. i love you not as a friend!" you said
jeongwoo froze, his smile faded
"i,i— you what? y-you love me?" he asked again
you shyly nodded
jeongwoo froze
his brain still processing all of your words. it's kinda strange when your crush has the same feeling as you
"woo, you're making me scared. say something"
jeongwoo looks at your red and swollen face, he smiled at how he is so lucky to have this girl as his girl?
"i love you too, i love you a lot and it's hard to keep it since you're my best friend," he said making you smile and tears falling on your cheeks
"please stay tonight i'm still scared," you said
"of course, now come here precious girl" jeongwoo said, wrapped his hand around you and kiss your head.
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Cherry Wine (Miss Venable x reader)
well..hi :) i guess we have trash in this fanfic, but pls listen to “Cherry Wine” by Hozier while u r reading this, coz this is another song fanfic haha
warnings: toxic relationship,  bruises, abusive gf,..
google translate 
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If you had to describe what was most beautiful thing in your relationship, you wouldn't have to think twice:
There was nothing better for you than waking up next to her on the weekend.
That probably sounds pretty cheesy, but actually it was sad.
Waking up next to your sleeping girlfriend in the morning was everything for you and if you sometimes doubted your relationship it was enough to kill all of your doubts.
Beep Beep Beep
You blinked sleepily and quickly reached under your pillow to turn off your alarm clock. No way, did you want her to wake up because of you.
For a few seconds you lay quietly on your back with your eyes closed, afraid that your alarm clock might have woken her after all. But there was nothing ..
Before you opened your eyes, you focused on the things you were perceiving as you always did to ground yourself.
You felt the bed beneath you, the disgusting taste in your mouth and through your closed eyelids you could feel the light that shone in through the curtains. And then of course you felt her.
You could hear her breathing, you smelled her lavender perfume and then there was her arm around your waist. Her cool fingers had wandered under your t-shirt at night and were now caressing the bruises she had inflicted on you the day before, when you had once again not done the things the way she wanted.
Her eyes and words are so icy Oh but she burns Like rum on the fire Hot and fast and angry as she can be I walk my days on a wire.
You winced when the front door slammed loudly.
"Mina .." you shouted happily and quickly wiped your hands on your shirt before running into the hallway to greet your girlfriend.
"How was your day, honey?", You stared at her nervously and watched her as she hung her coat on the cloakroom. She was obviously not in a good mood.
"Is everything okay Mina? You look-"
"Didn't I tell you to clean up the hallway?" She hissed and glared at you menacingly.
You raised your hand soothingly
"I do it after dinner .. My boss wanted to speak to me in his office after work today and I just got home.. I've only just started to cook .."
"You could have cleaned up this morning .." she scolded as she got closer and let you stagger backwards.
"And what did your disabled boss want from you?"
"I..Uhm he..I mean..he .." you stuttered.
"Jesus, Y / N ..", she spat and rolled her eyes in annoyance.
Fearful you looked up into her eyes, which stared dangerously down at you. You couldn't tell her that, she would be so angry.
"He saw the bruises and asked if everything was okay with you and me.." you uttered and closed your eyes.
The next sound you heard was a loud clap and not a second later you felt a sharp pain in your left cheek.
"Mina ..", you gasped and lifted your eyes trembling at her. Tears welled up in your eyes.
"Stop crying, Y / N .." she hissed and looked at you condescendingly.
"Our private life is none of this asshole's business .."
You nodded quickly as you rubbed your cheek.
"I told him I fell down the stairs .."
"Good girl.."
It looks ugly, but it's clean, Oh momma, don't fuss over me.
You opened your eyes and stared at the white ceiling for a moment. You just wanted to be her good girl, that's all ... why was it so hard?
As carefully as possible, you turned your body on its side to face her. She was so beautiful.
Her long red hair was disheveled and reflected the light of the morning sun. You wanted so much to reach out a hand to brush the stray hair from her face, but then she would wake up because of you and all the rest would be over. You even set an alarm clock to watch her asleep.
"See you then, Mina .." you mumbled before running towards the front door as quickly as possible.
"Where do you think you're going?", Her voice sounded shrill and you heard her limping into the hallway behind you.
"It's Jessica's birthday today .." you said quickly as you turned around.
"We talked about it yesterday .."
Mina frowned.
"I don't remember that .."
"I even put it in the calendar .." you tried further and looked nervously at your watch.
"Mina, I really have to go ... I'm way too late .."
"I actually thought we could spend the night together.." she said, suddenly sounding sad. Immediately you felt guilty.
"You know, we could watch a movie, for once I could cook for you again and we haven't had sex for weeks .."
You stared at her. She always did that at moments like this. And you lovesick idiot craved her affection so badly.
"Please Y / N .." she said and smiled gently at you.
Damn she knew you too good ... you would kill for that smile. Everything you did for her, you did just because you wanted to see her smile. It made you so fucking happy.
"I think I can call Jessica and tell her I'm sick or something .." you mumbled and immediately hated yourself for it. Jessica was your best friend.
Of course, you remembered the next day when you saw Jessica at work and she was incredibly angry. It was no secret that Jessica hated Mina. She said Mina wouldn't do you any good, but Jessica had no idea. Mina loved you, you knew that. She was just very complicated.
Your eyes traveled from Mina's hair to her face. She always looked so peaceful when she slept. Any harshness, all the severity had escaped from her face and she looked almost harmless.
But you knew better and sometimes you wondered how you got into this disaster.
You remembered the evening when your cousin dragged you to that party at work and you met Mina. Her dominance intimidated you and you fell in love with her immediately. Your cousin, who has not worked at kineros robotics for a long time, had advised you not to mess with her boss, but you couldn't help it.
You winced when her hand suddenly gripped your waist tightly and she pulled you closer to her. Usually you liked that, but now her hand was pressing against your fresh bruises and making you shiver. You let out a low whimper as tears stung your eyes and immediately you clapped your hand over your mouth.
The way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine Open hand or closed fist would be fine The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.
"Okay, what's your problem?" She scolded and hobbled into the living room when you had ignored her calls.
You sat on the sofa and played with the pillow in your lap.
"We have been living together for 2 years and have known each other for 4 .." you said without looking at her. Mina frowned.
"So what?"
You lifted your eyes and looked at her sadly.
"Why the hell did you tell your stupid secretary I was your flatmate ?? Are you kidding me?"
"My private life is none of my employees' business .." said Mina, who raised an eyebrow at your aggressive tone.
"Then you shouldn't have taken me to your stupid New Years party .." you growled and stood up.
"Am I just a flatmate? I mean, do flatmates fuck like we do? Do flatmates share a bed? Do they-"
"Be careful, Y / N ..", Mina hissed and stared at you dangerously.
"I think someone drank a little bit too much."
"Fuck you .." you mumbled.
"I go to Jessica .."
You tried to walk past her, but she grabbed your neck and pressed you against the back of the sofa. While she held your chin between her thumb and forefinger, the rest of her hand pressed against your neck and cut off your air. And while you stared at her in fear, you didn't know which was worse: the feeling of choking at any moment or the feeling that your jaw was about to break.
"You listen to me well now..", Mina spat and let the grip around your neck tighten a little. Desperately you gasped for air.
"Who owns the house? I do. Who brings the most money home? I do. Who paid for the ugly clothes you're wearing right now? I did.
You can go if you want, but if you do, you don't need to come back .. Besides, where should you be able to go? Your parents hate you, Jessica hates you .. And should you really decide to go, I'll make sure that everyone else hates you too .. You know that I can do that ... "she threatened. You heard her words but only million miles away, you were too focused on breathing.
"Mina please .." you gasped as your vision became blurred. It was too much.
"You're really pathetic .." she spat before finally letting go of your throat and you immediately gasped for air.
While you held on to the sofa, panting, your other hand rubbed your jaw. It almost felt like she broke it. Your gaze wandered carefully to Mina, who leaned on the stick with both hands and glared at you angrily.
Calls of guilty thrown at me All while she stains The sheets of some other Thrown at me so powerfully Just like she throws with the arm of her brother.
You just stared at each other for a moment before she grabbed your arm and pulled you into the kitchen, which you two had left untidy.
No, which YOU left untidy.
She let go of your arm in the door frame and left you there as she walked past you into the kitchen.
"Do you see this mess?" She barked and you nodded quickly.
"Who made this mess?"
"I .." you mumbled quietly.
"I can't hear you .." she hissed and raised her eyebrows.
"I .. "you repeated out loud, nervously rubbing your aching arm.
"Yes, exactly you .." she scolded and made you flinch when she threw a plate on the floor and it shattered into a thousand pieces.
"YOUR chaos in MY house ..", another plate flew on the floor.
"YOU live on MY money ..", this time it was a cup.
"And YOU are MY girlfriend and not the other way around and if I think it's right to keep that to myself, then that's my damn decision ..." she screamed, her jaw trembling.
You just stared at her and didn't dare to move when she suddenly grabbed a glass and threw it at you before it splintered on the door frame next to you. Immediately you woke up from your stupor and let out a little scream, before you turned around and ran into the bathroom to lock the door behind you.
Breathe Y / N, breathe
You pressed your back against the bathroom door and slid down the wood. Your hands caught in your hair as you pulled your knees up to your chest and began to sob softly into your jeans.
That damn glass was supposed to hit you ..
Mina had already done a lot to you, hit you, choked you, spat on you, but this glass broke right next to your head. The broken pieces could have hit your eyes.
You didn't understand what her problem was .. You loved Mina so much and all you wanted was to see her smile, but apparently you always made things worse.
At some point your crying had calmed down and you could breathe again.
You closed your eyes and focused again on the things you were feeling. You could feel the wooden door on your back while your fingers dug into the soft carpet. In your mouth it tasted like the salt of your tears and you smelled the air freshener in the bathroom. In the end there was only what you heard, but there was nothing, just silence.
You pressed your ear against the bathroom door, but you couldn't hear anything. You'd probably been sitting here for hours and Mina went to bed.
You stood carefully up with shaky legs and lean on the bathtub.
When you stood, you couldn't help but look in the mirror.
Holy shit
You looked like shit. Your hair was disheveled, the elaborate make-up had run and then there were those dark spots on your jaw and neck. There she had marked you ..
But I want it It's a crime That she's not around most of the time. The way she shows me I'm hers and she is mine Open hand or closed fist would be fine Blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.
You carefully stretched your fingers towards the bruises, only to regret it straight away as pain twitched through your body. Your hand slid down to grab the cool handle of the sink and then turn it up. Cold water splashed into your hand and you bent down to wash your face. Which turned out to be relatively difficult because you had to avoid your jaw. After washing your face, you grabbed the brush to comb your hair. Satisfied, you found that you only looked half as bad as you did a few minutes ago.
As you stepped out into the hallway you immediately noticed that all the lights were off and still you couldn't hear anything ... She had actually gone to bed. You didn't have to think twice when you decided to go back into the living room to sleep on the couch.
You carefully lay on your side and pulled the soft wool blanket over you.
You had no idea what time it was, you didn't really care. All you wanted was to sleep, even though you were terrified of waking up the next morning.
You were already half asleep when you heard the tap of her stick in the hallway. Immediately you opened your eyes again and pulled the covers a little tighter to your shoulders.
"Y / N?" You heard her voice softly from the hallway and you began to shiver slightly. She didn't sound like the Mina who had thrown the glass at her earlier.
"Are you awake?", She tried again and suddenly switched on the light in the hallway.
She stepped into the living room and saw you lying on the sofa. You ignored her and stared at the bookshelf opposite the sofa.
"Why aren't you in bed?" She asked as she sat on the edge of the sofa and put a hand on your thigh, which made you wince.
"I didn't want to .." you muttered, still staring at the bookcase.
"I am so so sorry .." you heard her whisper. You carefully directed your gaze to her and met her worried eyes.
"You always say that afterwards .." you replied courageously and sat up. Mina stared at the bruises on your jaw. She carefully raised her hand to your jaw and ran her fingers over it. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. At any moment her grip could be get firmer again.
"Does it hurt?" She asked softly.
"Only when you touch it .."
Immediately her hand jerked back into her lap.
"I..uhm..wait here for a moment .."
You watched her get up and walk out of the room only to come back a minute later with a jar in hand.
You frowned in confusion when she sat down next to you again and you realized that the jar was the lotion for her back.
"I thought it might help your bruises too .." she explained when she noticed your confusion. You didn't answer and watched as she took the lid off the jar and applied some of the lotion to her fingers.
"May I..?" She asked as she reached out her hand to your jaw again. You nodded slowly and she carefully began to spread the lotion on your abused skin. Your eyes never left hers and you wondered why she was just this way to you when she apologized or when she wanted something from you.
You wanted her to always be like that to you and you would work so much for it that it was like that at some point.
Her fight and fury is fiery Oh but she loves Like sleep to the freezing Sweet and right and merciful I'm all but washed In the tide of her breathing.
"Do you forgive me?" She asked, putting her hand on your cheek. You automatically leaned into her touch and wished you could do something like that more often.
"Of course I do .." you said and smiled gently.
..Like I always do
"Hello princess ..", her sleepy voice purred in your ear and she hugged you a little tighter.
You carefully turned your head towards her to stare straight into her brown eyes.
If the eyes really were the gate to the soul, then this gate seemed to be closed. No matter how many times you looked for answers in her eyes, you would never find an explanation for her behavior. Often you saw fire, poison and cold in her eyes at the same time and then there were moments like this when you couldn't see any of the hate, just love.
"Did I wake you up?" You whispered and were scared for a moment, but she quickly shook her head.
"No..You know, I dreamed of you, princess .." she smiled as she started to play with your hair.
"Oh yes?"
"Mhm .." she hummed and began to press gentle kisses against your face.
"We were on the beach in Italy .."
"Italy .." you repeated with closed eyes and tried to suppress the tears that welled up in you. It was all so contradicting itself. While one hand gently scratched your scalp, the other was still squeezing the bruises on your waist.
Yesterday she had yelled at you and told you, how ungrateful you were and this morning she told you, that she had dreamed of you and was so lovely with you.
It was like having a relationship with two people at the same time. And you knew that she was breaking you more and more every day. But you could never leave her, she had put you under her spell and you were like cement in her hands
And it's worth it, it's divine I have this some of the time
If you had to describe what was most beautiful in your relationship, you wouldn't have to think twice:
There was nothing better for you than waking up next to her on the weekend.
Because no matter how angry she was the night before, she would always be gentle with you in the morning and that was the only thing you wanted.
The way she shows me I'm hers and she is mine Open hand or closed fist would be fine The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.
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moonyblackwerewolf · 3 years
Betrothed Ch. 1 - Sirius Black
Sirius Black x fem!Reader
Word count: 2.653
Summary: Sirius and Y/N meet at a family dinner and have some fun, later she finds out she is betrothed to some pureblood boy so Sirius comes up with a mental idea to save them both. 
warnings: Kissing, hints of sex, 'aggressive' parents, underage drinking, idk my writing and English? lol
a/n: so this is just an idea for a possible series!! i never published anything before so i’m kind of scared but i really hope you like it!! :) xxx
Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch. 2.5 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch. 5 
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(not my gif)
Diner party
The Royal Manor of Watson was a cold palace, stone walls, rich decorations, sumptuous, but intimidating. The Watsons were cold people, living in a house too big for five people, but Y/N thought it was only fitting, since her parent’s ego was as big as the manor itself. Their pureblood mania deep in their minds, untouchable, which made their daughter’s life miserable. They were the perfect family on the outside but rotten in the inside, three children, Diana, two years older than Y/N, beautiful, smart and most importantly just as purist as their parents and William, tall, handsome, sophisticate and serious, he was the older sibling, three years older than Diana, he was already working with their father on the Ministry of Magic, daddy’s favourite. Home was big, impressive, a dream home if you saw it, libraries, uncountable bedrooms and living rooms, ball rooms, huge gardens, and everything you could ask for but it was far from being a welcoming home.
Though, all of her miserableness went away once she first went to Hogwarts. Of course, being sorted in Slytherin and having good grades was minimal when it came to living up to her parents’s expectations, which were high and if not complied there would most certainly have severe consequences, but still Hogwarts was more of a Home than the Watson Manor ever was. 
Throughout the years, Hogwarts had become her first true home. There she felt the warm winds, the familiar feeling in the great halls, friendships, all she ever hoped for was there, a home, but not quite yet. She met Elizabeth Greengrass a blonde, tall thin girl with deep grey eyes and enviable beauty, Katherine Abbott who looked almost like Diana, but shorter, longer darker hair, blue-green eyes and thiner face. The three girls became best friends right after being sorted into Slytherin. Later on her second year she met Elijah Lestrange, through her sister, he was a year older, handsome and had a polite appearance. Y/N loved her friends but they shared the same blind beliefs her parents do, she’d always nod when they talked about mudblood, choosing not to create conflict, she couldn’t help but feel a little out of place, her parents couldn't disagree more, controlling they way they were, they were more than satisfied to know that their daughter’s inner circle contained only close family friends’s children.
The Marauders were quite famous for their pranks since first year, Y/N always admired their courage and wit, but her siblings and friends didn’t share the same opinion. When she was around them she’d always get a look from her sister, her brother or her friends would push her away, which only made them more interesting. Although, with time, she stopped trying and just kept living her life the way her family wanted her to.
Until summer break before 5th year, at least. 
By then Sirius had already gained his bad boy reputation. Y/N had known Black for a long time, only by sight, his family was friends with hers and his cousin, Narcissa, hangs out with her sister, she’d see him in the pureblood elite parties they were forced to attend, they’d exchange glances but never talked. Sirius was once again being forced to go to some snobby party from snobby people. He couldn’t count in a thousand hands how many other places he’d rather be, but there he was sitting in a huge room full of people he despised, until a certain girl he recognised from other dinner parties and Hogwarts caught his attention, she was Remus’ partner in DADA, though he wasn’t sure, he never paid much attention in classes, pranking the student body was much more entertaining.
She caught his eye from a couch across the room. She was stunning, he thought, her slightly wavy H/C hair matching her S/C skin, freckled rosy cheeks and her alluring E/C eyes. Sirius only hoping she was different from the other brainwashed people in that house.
“Hey” Sirius said softly while he approached the girl that was, apparently, just as bored as he was, to his luck. “Not your scene, love?” He asked with his signature smirk on his face, wanting some good company for once at these afternoons.
“Not really” she chuckled, not knowing exactly what else to say, they weren’t close and she was a bit shy. But she was being honest, these parties were hell, full of families who thought too much of themselves, she didn't feel much like them, but she could fit in she was quiet and not nearly as loud as Sirius was about her beliefs. No one knew. 
“By any chance would you know whose death palace are we on? I mean it’s huge but it looks like Salazar himself lived here, it gives me the creeps” he paused laughing “and my house it’s not a Hufflepuff common room or anything” Sirius said mockingly, not knowing exactly who he was talking with.
“Well” she chuckled awkwardly “It is my parents’, but i know, it’s not very homey, looks like a dark theatre or something and Salazar did live here, family heirloom” she laughed for real this time, she didn’t take it as an offence, if anything she couldn’t agree more.
“How come we never crossed each others path before?” Sirius asked wondering why they never talked on one of those parties or at school.
“I guess I usually just stay in the corners, like today” she chuckled.
The two of them bonded after talking for a while, they discovered that both of them hated these things, Sirius couldn't get how she managed to hide her feelings so well, she looked so much like them. After laughing, talking about school, Sirius was a part of the infamous marauders, telling stories and joking around, for the first time any of them could think of, they had fun in a family party, since Sirius’ friends weren’t pureblood except for Potter but his family had been banished from the sacred twenty-eight for being “blood traitors” and Y/N’s friends’ parents kept them at their side the whole time for “good image”. 
Y/N stole a bottle of fire whiskey from the cellar and started showing the house to Sirius, while the two of them drank more than their bodies could handle, who was just as pleased as her for making fun of the paintings and carpets and the fancy but useless stuff their families valued so much. As they entered a room, particularly big and empty, Sirius had to catch his breath, Y/N and him started running through the halls before entering the room they were now on. He had only now realised that he had grabbed her hand, and apparently she hadn’t noticed until now too, making her blush furiously, releasing each other’s hand quickly and Sirius teased.
“getting comfy are we?” He smirked, as she blushed at his comment. They were very close, he could feel her breath catching. “Where would we be now, love?” He asked inching closer to her.
The both teenagers weren’t thinking straight anymore, the alcohol in their system already influencing their emotions. All they could think about, was how their touch felt electrical and the magnetic pull they were feeling towards each other, wondering how would their lips feel like. They just wanted to have fun, not caring about consequences that moment.
“Ball room” she said innocently but still a bit teasingly, not backing away from him as he inched closer to her “East wing, third floor, far away from where the party is going on, on the first floor” she bit her lip “But still very close to a room-” she said boldly wanting to see his reaction to her suggestions “-two doors away near a window at the end of the hall next to a beautiful painting of my favourite flowers” she said voice husky and breathy, making Sirius groan.
He chuckled low, “And may I ask you whose room is that?” They were now so close that their lips were slightly brushing.
“Why don’t you take me there and see for yourself” she said feeling a flip on her stomach and with a swift motion he lift her up bridal style, making her shiver at the contact, but then laughed, his hand gripping her body and legs tightly as he followed her instructions to get to her room. Once there, he settled her down on her bed and admired the girl in front of him, lust in his eyes. She smiled and bit her lip, she knew Sirius’ reputation, only one night stands, he was a ladies man, but she didn’t care, she wanted him, the fact that her mother would murder her if she ever found out only made it all more exciting.
Sirius took a look at the room, it wasn’t dark as the rest of the house was, it was still sophisticated, but nicer, the detailed wood on the wall was white and, above, the wall it self was light lilac, the room had big windows covered by delicate curtains and even had a balcony, and everything matched between the lilac and whites tones, she had a few paintings and pictures, and flowers, probably fake but still beautiful, the same flowers as on the darker painting outside, her four poster bed that matched the couches by the windows had delicate semi transparent white curtains and her silk white sheets were under a soft lilac blanket, she had a lot of silk pillows with subtle embroidered details on the corners, it was certainly appealing he thought, a beautiful room fit for a princess. Then he was brought back to reality.
“Do you think our parents are wondering where we are?” He asked with a still semi amazed look, it made her laugh, she patted the sheets next to her, inviting him to sit, he sat closely to her and then suddenly she went to the middle of the bed, which was big, pushing his wrists and they sat there, her legs crossed.
“They probably are” she affirmed giggly, she hadn't let his wrists go yet, she was holding it gently. “But, they won’t find us here, even though it’s pretty obvious that i’d hide in my room. Mom and dad wouldn’t leave the party” She paused and laughed “And well your parents certainly won’t come up here to my room i guess” He chuckled at her commentary.
“Well, well, miss perfect pureblood daughter escaping a dinner-party with the rebel Black son, who’d have thought” Sirius said dramatically, she laughed at him.
“Guess this Black here is just a bad influence on me, or… I just put on a good facade” she said more serious this time, voice low, eyes fixated on his. Her hand tracing their way up his arm, his gaze fixed on her movements. “And the fact that if mommy finds out i brought a guy to my room, and that he’s in my bed with me, would make her go crazy, only turns me on” Sirius let a little breathy moan escape his throat.
When Sirius looked at her she was already looking at him, lust all over her eyes. He trailed off just a little and asked, voice low “Y/N… are you sure you want this?” She nodded so he grabbed her waist and pulled her to his lap, he was holding her waist, lips brushing, he finally kissed her, the kiss felt electrical, it was slow and passionate at first but then I grew more heated. One of her hands was wrapped in his neck, the other was holding his chest going slowly lower, he was pulling her impossibly closer, the both couldn't get enough of each other. They had to pause for catching a breath, in the mean time Sirius leant over pushing Y/N down onto bed earning a tiny moan form her. They started kissing again, but this time was less passionate, more lustful and heated, Sirius started fiddling with her dress’ zipper and took it off slowly, undressing her, tracing kisses in each piece of newly exposed skin until she was only in her underwear, She, then, pushed his blazer off then started unbuttoning his shirt while kissing and sucking his neck making him moan. Once they were both in their underwear Sirius looked at her searching for a final consent, when she nodded, he took the rest of their clothes off.
“What do you want princess?” He asked kissing his way down from her cheek, to her jaw, neck, breasts and she moaned a little louder, the nickname turned her on even more. “Hmm??” He groaned waiting for her answer. “I want to her you say it”
“I… want you” she said between moans, after that she pulled his boxers down kissing him desperately, waiting to feel him against her in the most intimate way possible, the feeling was ethereal.
They laid in her bed legs tangled under the silk sheets, her head laid in his chest, his hands caressing her back while the other wrapped around her waist pulling her closer, making her shiver, the both of them catching their breaths while he stroke figure eights on her back inhaling her delicate floral floral scent. It felt heavenly to be there by his side, neither of them wanting to let go of one another, enjoying every moment before reality came back to them, but they knew they’ve been gone for too long, the party was probably ending.
“Sirius” she said voice as low as a whisper “This was nice” he smiled at her and pulled her to a kiss.
“Yes, it’s nice to have some fun in these events, and you love, are the most fun I could've had today” he said trailing his hand on her lower back “I mean, this is certainly the best place my parents could’ve dragged me to”. It made her chuckle. He never thought he’d fuck a girl his mother would approve and in one of their elite parties, but here he was, proof that Sirius Black always managed to corrupt girls, anywhere.
“Glad you liked it then” she said chuckling while she buried her head in his neck. But they couldn’t go on with this any longer. “You should go first” she said “Your parents are probably looking for you and it would be suspicious if we showed up together” she advised “Since the fact that we’re both missing from the party is already very much suspicious” she said laughing this time.
“Sure, love” he helped her get dressed before dressing himself and gave one last peck on her lips before getting out of bed. “See you” with a wink and that signature smile of his, he left, leaving her there with her thoughts about the events of this evening and the captivating boy, while rubbing her hands lightly where he left love bites on her neck, knowing she’d have trouble walking tomorrow and a bad headache from all the drinking. She decided it was best if she took a shower, changed into her pyjamas and if her parents show up there, she’d say she wasn't feeling well and wanted to sleep.
On his way back Sirius kept thinking about Y/N and how much they’re alike, she was the only nice person he met in one of those parties, she was a good kisser too. Starting to get confused on why he was thinking so much about the girl and the strange feeling she caused on him, but then assumed it was because of all the drinking, he didn't realise his mother, father and brother were waiting for him in the foyer and their faces weren’t kind, he knew it’d be a long night back home. But he didn’t care his only thoughts were about going back to Hogwarts and seeing her again.
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flowerwrites06 · 3 years
ring lover — pjm
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Plot: Violence and grace come together in harmony. 
Pairing(s): Boxer!Jimin x Ballerina!OC (Name: Gaia) 
Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+
Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Two Parter | Series
Word Count: 7k+
Genre: Boxer | Ballerina | Fluff/Smut/Angst 
Tags & Warnings: mentions of blood, boxer-related violence, explicit smut. 
Authors Note: we love boxer jimin so I didn’t a whole lot of convincing to repost this lmao enjoy! 
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Red oozed across the glistening floor as the medics dragged the body away to let him relish in his victory. If he had not done this damage then he would be the one being scraped off. At least that was how Jimin reassured himself after the lack of news on his opponents’ health. Or when a parent and wife would scream at him for being harsh in the ring. It was a battle of who could knock someone down the hardest. Jimin never faltered when he needed to get something done.
Cheers everywhere with no remorse because they knew no judgement would come for being happy with murder within these walls. Jimin let himself be washed away by the production.
Eyes scanned across the crowds, seeing painted faces and lit banners with statements that could never be repeated in a more humble setting. He drank them each of them in filling his ego to the brim until it overflowed out through his smile.
However his gaze stopped at one person he really looked forward to see. Curly locks with a pink bow peeking out from the back of her head while her lips shone even from a distance. Inside the heart of the city situated a dance studio full of the most elegant dolls he had ever seen.
One in particular Jimin seemed to gain a stubbornness in impressing.
On a day full of meetings with new sponsors, Jimin had the opportunity to see one of her shows and much like the rest of the crowd he grew enamored. Grace seemed to ooze through her veins letting her limbs flow into the most complicated of moves but she did them like she was born to do it.
Soft face ever so sweetly gracing her features when the show ended and Jimin swore he almost fainted from the overwhelming feeling pulsing through him.
His sponsor had been kind enough to get him backstage for even one conversation with the faery on stage. Jimin prided in his luck for seeing her in person, to find out her demeanor was a little shy with one person compared to the thousands she saw just a minute ago. Somehow that tingled excitement in his belly even more.
Except his luck fizzled out when Gaia recognized exactly who he was and her smile faded away.
“I know exactly who you are.” Her throat bobbed up and down as she held her shoes in her hand tightly. “You’re that boxer who killed the nineteen year old boy in the ring.”
Jimin was used to fear in people’s eyes when he met them but now more than ever, he wished anything else. He wanted the sparkle on stage but came to the painful realization that the reason it disappeared was because he stood in front of her. “In the ring, we just call each other opponents.” The man attempted to smile.
Gaia took a deep breath. “Well...I hope we never meet in a ring.” She turned away, hair moved over her shoulder while she carefully placed her shoes inside a pale pink box.
He pursed his lips not entirely used to someone being against his ruthless behavior. Usually it would gain a lot of positive feedback and respect. Right now Jimin felt like a simple minded murderer who just referred to it as a sport. “We could meet outside the ring.”
“Pardon?” She looked back at the male, brows furrowed.
A gentle smile tugged at the corners of his lips silently admiring how she could keep such an elegant composure even when she clearly looked a little upset. “I have a match coming up soon. Maybe you could drop by…” Jimin shrugged attempting to keep the conversation as casual as possible. He hated to admit that it never took this long for a girl to just get on board and it had only been ten minutes.
“I don’t like watching fights.” She replied simply holding the box to her chest as form of a shield between them.
“You don’t have to watch the fight.” Jimin shook his head. “You can come afterwards and—and I’ll be nice to the guy this time, I promise.”
“Why do you want me to attend?” Her eyes flickered up and down his body.
“Apparently faeries are good luck…I’m told.” He smirked.
Gaia had the strongest urge to scoff but unfortunately this was not the place to be showing off any casual behavior of the sort. Sighing, the woman nodded. “I’ll be there towards the end.”
Smirk stretched into a proud grin before giving her an almost bow and some motivation to impress the hell out of his new lady friend.
The rush of adrenaline lasted around two seconds before his stomach dropped down to a pit watching the fear on Gaia’s face, her gaze fixated on the limp body of his opponent. It didn’t take any type of effort to notice the way she hugged her jacket tighter around her body as if someone was going to attack her in any second. Someone like him.
For the first time Jimin could not feel like floating as he was patted on the back and cheered on. Everything seemed muffle and fade away to the imagined sound of her heart pounding out of her ribcages from how she struggled to avert her eyes away. Smile disappeared watching her pad away behind to the lockers with Kiku leading her to the right place.
He wanted to somehow communicate to her why he did his matches like this but it just seemed like such a silly reasons in his mind. So all he could do was mentally apologize for bringing a peaceful faery into a murderous war zone.
“You alright? You need some water?” Kiku, one of the Jimins’ trainers, asked in a gentle almost motherly like tone as they walked into the dull looking locker room.
Greenish lights, blue lockers with suspicious red and brown stains, wet benches and the stench of too many bodily fluids swirling in the air. The loud incessant cheering now finally faded into something Gaia could tolerate without feeling her lungs trying to escape from her throat.
The only thing somewhat pleasing to look at was the beautiful head of curly pink hair on Kiku contrasting pleasantly with her all black get up. From afar people couldn’t tell but Gaia noticed the little crevices of her toned body peeking through the top and pants. She was not much older than Jimin but apparently had been fighting in less professional rings than this which led to a bubble of fear with the people around her.
As much Gaia admired the strength of fighters and boxers, it still did not help her anxiety seeing violence happen in front of her. Every punch always seemed like it was directed at her no matter how far away she was. The dancer understood pain and blood more than people really saw. Her feet were permanently ruined so watchers could admire her shoes, grace and movements. Even still to harm other people never settled with her.
Doors burst open as the cheering and shouting ripped through the thin cloth of safety, sweaty bodies rushing inside with smiles on their faces while Jimin was constantly patted on the back. Damp orange hair matted against golden skin riddled with blood splatters that did not belong to him. Except the grin he had tugged at his lips was so sweet and kind.
Gaia almost couldn’t believe that this man was the same person in the ring battering his opponent.
Kiku pulled her over closer as the fans were escorted away from the rooms by security. Soon the multiple bodies scattered down to just Jimin and his coach.
Jimin slumped onto the bench wiping off the back of his neck while his coach talked about booking the next match. When the huge faded away, the boxer became highly aware of the aching on his shoulder blades and stinging on his forehead.
“Let him breathe for a minute, will you?” Kiku retorted with a smile, gesturing for him to walk with her. “Ice and first aid kit.” She whispered to Gaia tapping on the boxes rested on the table behind them where the water tank was.
Jimin chuckled lightly, quietly telling the coach that he will think about it before he moved off leaving him alone with Gaia standing on the side. Smile drowned back into softened expression seeing the woman looking unsure as she shifted in her position. “If it helps I’m too tired.”
Gaia rolled her eyes turning to grab an ice bag and the first aid kit. Padding over, she knelt down on the bench just behind the male carefully placing the ice bag on the bruising.
The male hissed before groaning lightly as his body squirmed a little from the frosty touch. “I probably shouldn’t ask how you liked the match, yeah?”
“No you shouldn’t.” Her lips twitched, eyes following the little orange tinted trails of sweat flowing down his neck. “But you fight well within context I suppose.”
Jimin nodded even though it hurt to do so from the injury. “I can take that, thank you.”
“Keep your hand here.” Gaia requested. When Jimin obliged, she walked over to stand in front of him now with the first aid kit shifted towards them. Placing an antiseptic on the cotton pad the woman carefully tapped it onto the wound making the man wince. “You’ve taken punches but this bothers you?”
“I can’t show that it hurts in the ring.” He smiled watching her continue on with the work.
Gaia hated that she could relate to the idea so much. She could never start wincing and crying whenever everything hurt during a performance or her cramps would get so terrible that her vision blurred. It had be sucked in and used as strength to carry on. Always keep a smile on your face and perfect posture even if your feet bleed across the stage, one of her instructors used to say.
“You’re very good at this.” Jimin gestured with his one free hand.
“Ballerinas get bad injuries too. We have to know how to fix things up when needed.” Gaia spoke but her focus was on placing a gauze on the wound.
“Really? You get punched in the gut?”
She glared at the male before shaking her head. “It’s mostly on the feet.” Gaia took off her shoes immediately causing Jimin to look down and see the bandages wrapped around the balls of her feet, little red spots and healing bruises with a simple band aid on her second toe. “Still want me to come to your matches?” She teased gauging Jimins’ speechlessness.
Jimin flickered his gaze back to the girl and let out a chuckle. “Does it hurt right now?”
Gaia shook her head, light hum under her breath. “I get used to it after a while.”
“Would you ever get used to me then? What I do?” Eyes searched her expression as his words made the woman pause her actions for a moment. It was a shot in the dark asking such a question considering they only knew each other for little time.
She sighed gently placing bandage over the gauze while her fingers kept his hair out of the way.
Silence plunged into the room between the two of them as Gaia finished the dressing before moving her hand to the ice bag so she could hold it instead.
“Are you scared I’m going to hurt you?” Jimin’s tone rung so much more meek than Gaia prepared for. His eyes softened and droopy, bitten lips relaxed into a natural pout. How was it that someone so dangerous could look so gentle this up close?
“A little.” She whispered, wanting to speak honestly. Despite sensing a side of him that those people in the arena would never see right now. “I always think if you can knock people twice your size in the ring in a matter of seconds…” Gaia chose her words carefully. “I don’t exactly want to live my life terrified of making you angry.”
It took a lot out of his whole entire being not to protest heavily on her words but that kind of behavior would really just prove her point. Jimin never knew anything but fighting for what he got. Nobody ever gave him what he needed when he was kind especially not on the streets or even in his own home. A long trail of just fighting, scraping and surviving to get to this point and people loved him for it. They loved the story and journey.
“Fighting is your passion, I could tell when I saw you out there tonight.” Gaia’s fingers drenched at the layer of water droplets around the ice-bag. “It isn’t mine.”
He tilted his head. “Do you want me to give it up?”
Gaia furrowed her brows, stammering a little. “Of course I don’t. Why would you even do that for me?” She chuckled nervously.
Jimin shrugged nonchalantly. “I’ve never had a girlfriend before…not the kind that I liked anyway.”
“There’s a kind you don’t like?”
“Yes, unfortunately.” Ever since he rose up to fame, there were a lot of publicity projects to have him parading around with different models and actresses. Thankfully this year Jimin was able to keep himself busy enough for that to be non-existent.
Gaia smiled lightly. A small jolt of courage allowed her to reach out and brush away his hair from his face, warmth radiating between their close bodies. ��I like you, Jimin.”
Jimin couldn’t help mimic her smile as his eyes glanced momentarily at her lips. “I like you too.”
She pulled the ice bag when there was nothing but sloshing heard from the inside and walked over to the table. As she placed it back in the mini fridge for it cool up again, she heard shifting from behind her.
He stood from the bench with a light groan when he tried to stretch his back a little. “I’m gonna go shower, you want to join me?”
Gaia glared at him over her shoulders, brows furrowed and mouth agape.
Jimin laughed as he backed away towards the lockers. “Just kidding.” He winked before disappeared down the little hallway that led to the showers.
God the excitement that momentarily rushed through infuriated her. She trained her whole life to keep a strong composure, head held high with a integrity that reached out for miles on end. Of course this was not talk of integrity. This was temptation. That little ache touching her lower belly whenever he smirked her way. Jimin made it so easy to just forget about elegance for a moment and jump into the ring to take what she wanted. The woman was trained to do jumps and leaps all the time.
Zipping down her coat, Gaia shrugged it off to reveal her plain black dress before padding over until the sounds of the shower grew louder.
Hot water trailed down his slightly bruised back, hair sleeked back already fading into a more pale orange and his new bandage already dampening. The shower was mostly opened with a tiny wall just at his waist covering the sides to hold things.
But from Gaia stood just behind him, the girl could see his entire silhouette. She tried to look away but something in her brain seemed to switch off. Steam emitted from the shower adding more warmth aside from the heat on her cheeks.
Jimin looked over his shoulder as he shifted and paused for a moment, the corner of his lips lifting a little. “Did you need something?”
The dancer stammered before swallowing down a small satisfied hum. “Your— your bandage…” She struggled a little as she gestured to her own forehead. A crude excuse to somehow validate her blatant staring at his naked body but Gaia’s proper words were lodged in her throat. Instead her eyes absentmindedly tracing across each toned line of his torso, glistening in the light, arms veiny from the match and his muscular thighs framing something that made her whole body burn like a furnace.
His faint smirk widened looking at how flustered the usually composed girl looked. Turning fully around to face her, he padded closer not really caring about the water droplets gathering around his feet onto the floor.
Gaia backed away as he came closer until her back halted against the wall leaving her to wait until Jimin stood right over her. Water dropped down from the strands of his hairs and some settling on his skin as the heat in the room made her break a slight sweat.
“You wanna fix it?” He muttered, their faces seconds apart to a point where he could see the tiniest little mole on her nose.
Chest rose and fell as Jimin inched even closer until the droplets touched the sides of her face, warmth clouding all judgement and replacing it with this magnet. Just a constant pull tempting her to take the leap.
Gaia closed the tiny space they had left and pressed her lips against his. A burst of curiosity and courage. But she pulled away to let out a shaky breath. “Sorry…”
Jimin grew speechless once again for a moment expecting her to push him away at any moment. His heart pounded right up to his throat, the small memory of her soft lips still lingering so strongly on his own.
Shit he needed more.
Breathing heavily, he cupped her cheeks to have her face him and kissed her, with the same gentle current but a personal intensity. Jimin wanted Gaia to feel the heat rush through his veins making them pulsate and yearn until his head spun. He forced himself to stay at this tantalizing pace, silently reassuring her that it was possible for him to be gentle. Even in the midst of immense desire tightening around his crotch.
Tongue brushed across her bottom lip making her part them just enough to invite him in so he could explore any inch of her that he could.
She traced her hands up his damp arms to his shoulders, the sounds of the shower running creating an ambience amongst the shared pleasure.
Tingles shot up her spine feeling Jimin’s hands trailed down her waist to her hips before wrapping both arms around her and diminishing even the slightest space left between them in a tight embrace. Steam flowed around the couple almost making them look a little hazy like they were lovers in a fog.
Gaia felt her clothes sticking to her dampening skin, lips still in a soul-catching lock that shortened her breath. Whining lightly at the heat she broke the kiss seeing Jimin’s lips so bitten it was to a near bruise.
Her hair felt almost just as damp as his, running his fingers through while succumbing to pressing a few soft kisses on her cheeks and jawline.
The ballerina jumped at the voice trying to keep her breath in check while Jimin backed away reluctantly and turned the shower off.
Quickly grabbing a towel to put around his waist, Jimin saw Kiku stomping over to where they were and waving away the fog.
“You trying to start a fire or something?” She chuckled before looking over at Gaia who attempt to look as nonchalant as possible despite standing here while Jimin was supposed to be showering. “Ah—sort of.” She teased.
Jimin smiled nervously, scratching the back of his head as he glanced at Gaia feeling the little nag that they were interrupted too early. “Is it an interview?” He asked.
Kiku nodded. “No it’s…about the opponent.”
Gaia’s heart jumped out of her chest almost predicting the news that was going to fall from her lips. The usual softened expression now contorted into one of concern.
“What is it?” Worry gripped his feature more so because Gaia stood in the room rather than his own. Jimin grew used to bad news at this point.
Kiku maintained her usual serious note for a few moments before a smile quickly stretched across her lips. “He’s okay. It was a broken nose and a few bruises…quite happy with being beaten up by you really. Your fans are fucking weird.”
“So were yours.” Jimin retorted with a smirk, gaze trailing over to Gaia who visibly let out a sigh of relief. It could have been just as easily turned the way around where the girl ran away from him if the news were of a different light.
“Speaking of fans, you two should probably get out of here, they’re getting more crowded out there.” Kiku glanced at the both of them before turning on her heel to leave.
Once Kiku walked away, the couple were left in an awkward silence very much aware of what they did a few minutes ago. Now that woozy heat from the steam faded away into the cool air it felt like they woke up from kind of dream. Gaia was almost not sure if it even happened but the light ache on her lips and the loss of consistent breathing spoke otherwise.
Jimin padded back closer with a towel covering his lower body now. “You alright?” He smiled faintly.
Gaia met his gaze, smile shyly twitching out but she hung her head to hide out. “Yeah I’m fine.” A slight chuckle passed through without her realizing.
“You’ll have to come in the car with me if the crowd’s already happened.” He explained padding over to the lockers where a bag rested on the bench.
She merely shifted a little to see him pulling out a few pieces of clothing.
“Will I have to come to your apartment too because of this inconvenience?” Gaia mused.
Jimin looked over his shoulder as he pulled a T-shirt down his toned torso, tiny laugh passing his lips. “If that’s not too much trouble, butterfly.”
Thankfully the man had pulled his boxers on already so her body could cool down a little more and she focused on his face. Not that it was much help with that stupidly beautiful smirk. “I can live with it for now.”
As Kiku said, the crowd was horrendous. Once the doors opened yelling and screaming similar to the kind inside the ring ensued, bodies pressed up against each other trying to get close to Jimin but the security guards easily pushed them back. Jimin pulled one of his hands out of his coat and held onto her hand, guiding her safely to the door.
Gaia could not really make out anything the people were saying which made her scooch close to the male. The only crowd she was used to were the quiet ones during her shows who merely ended it off with a round of applause. Jimin had to deal with near violent people attempting to touch him but he continued to smile through the whole thing.
Finally she saw a car door open and Jimin pressed a hand on her back to lead her inside first. Gaia quickly climbed, shifting to the side where someone tried to open the door but the security guards pressed his back against it.
The door finally slammed shut with the orange haired male letting out a sigh as the sounds of their screaming now muffled against all the doors.
“You deal with this every match?” She asked in a careful tone as the car drove away.
Jimin leaned back into the seat feeling all his limbs a lot cleaner but still exhausted and almost melting through the surface. He met Gaia’s gaze when her question posed, smile stretching on his lips. “When I win, yeah.”
“So every match then?” Gaia smirked, shifting closer to the middle seat so her shoulder pressed against his. “You must have a lot of people who’d love to date you. Especially who condones violence a little more.”
“I could.” He nodded, jutting his bottom lip out. “But then I’d have nothing to work for.”
“Do I make you work?” One of her brows raised up.
Jimin shrugged. “A lot of them just want me to be the same fighting machine as I am in the ring. It takes a lot more work for me to be a person.”
“That’s very deep, Mr. Park.” Gaia muttered, finger tracing down his cheek. “Do you think about stuff like that a lot?”
“Not a lot. Sometimes.”
Eyes searched his expression as her own softened into one of fondness. That was the side of him she could see peeking through. “Well if it helps…a fighting machine would never be so good at kissing.” Gaia gave him a bright grin as the male chuckled.
Jimin smiled down at his fingers before meeting her gaze, tongue darting out to lick his lips while glancing at hers. “That’s good to know.”
Car parked at his apartment building in the heart of the city. The couple were led to his penthouse with a crowd of security around them not a gap left between them. Guards dispersed to their different corners of the building to ensure that no one snuck through any door. Two more walked with them on the elevator before they were left alone at the room entrance.
Jimin unlocked the door, glancing back at the security guards before opening and letting Gaia walk in first.
Once the door clicked to a lock and they were both alone, Jimin dropped his keys on the kitchen counter just a few steps ahead. Padding closer to the girl his arms immediately wrapped around her waist and he buried his face into her shoulder.
Gaia couldn’t control the small giggle when she felt his warm embrace from behind as they waddled forward to where the sitting was. The apartment had an open plan, with the kitchen on their left facing the living room area while their right had a space for the gym, punching bag still intact and a clear view of the night city taking most of the wall in front of them. Slowly they moved to the living room still connected by Jimins arms.
“Aren’t you going to show me around the apartment?” She mused pulling away from his embrace and turning around to face him once they reached the couches. Every step he took the girl moved back as if playing a little game. It was strange acting this way in front of someone because Gaia always kept a veil over her, presenting herself as the perfect doll to admire.
“Where did you want to go?” Jimin asked shrugging off his coat and placing it on one of the chairs. “Shower again?” He smirked. “Maybe this time I won’t be the only one naked.”
“Is that what this is?” She smiled unzipping her coat once again as it dropped on the couch behind her. “Have you been trying to get me naked?”
“It’s one of the things.” He scrunched his nose finally halting as he stood over her. “Am I succeeding so far?”
Gaia leaned in a little letting their noses tap one another before giggling. “Aren’t you exhausted?” Hands rubbed up and down his arms, her voice dripping with every inch of mischief in her body.
“Not anymore.” Jimin whispered, hand reaching out to place a loose curl back. “Now I asked you a question, butterfly.”
“All my clothes are still on my body…” She placed her hands behind her back now shifting to the side, away from the couch. “So you’re going to have to work a little harder.” Gaia mused padding towards the kitchen counter with her hair bouncing in the process.
Jimin smirked feeling a fire in his lower belly at her teasing. “Well you seemed to be interested in something last time.” Fingers hooked at the hem of his T-shirt, pulling it over his head and throwing it on the couch before walking over to Gaia as she leaned against the counter.
The girl couldn’t help but bite down her bottom lip, golden torso still glowing a little in the light.
Bare arms now rested on either side of her gripping at the edge of the counter with every intention of preventing her escape. Light scent of water still lingering on both their bodies mixed into a fading remanence of Gaia’s perfume. “It’s your turn now.”
Gaia shook his head. “No, I have a dress on. If I take it off I’ll be in my knickers and you still have your pants on.” Her chin raised in confidence.
Jimin merely licked his lips wanting to desperately to just take them right there and then but she lured him into this play. The one match he could never win. “Fair enough.” His hands on his belt now, pulling at the leather strap while keeping his gaze on Gaia the whole time.
Gaia’s chest began to rise and fall watching the belt being thrown onto the floor then his veiny hands proceeded to unzip his pants before pushing it down to his ankles. Kicking it fabric away she was caged once again by Jimin’s arms.
“I believe it’s officially your turn now.”
Cheeks burning a little, Gaias’ fingers hooked at the hem of her dress before pulling it over her head. Curls covered most of the girls face once the clothing got discarded onto one of the stools.
Jimin couldn’t help but chuckle as he brushed away all the wild hair from Gaias face, a few strands sticking to her glowing cheeks. Lips practically magnetized together in another heated dance previous interrupted. He almost forgot the game being played once his mind drowned into the feeling of her warm kiss calming down every tightened nerve knotted inside him. Except on in particular only grew stronger in his lower belly, blood rushing to his crotch as his hands explored her bare crevices.
Gaia pulled away from the lip lock, letting out a deep shaky breaths as she reached behind and unclasped her bra letting it to the ground between them. Within seconds the male ducked down to press his tongue against the tender skin sliding to her nipple and suckling hungrily.
Arms pushed her up to sit on the counter making the girl gasp as his teeth accidentally sunk into the sensitive area.
Bottom pressed harshly just at the edge of the counter, she spread her legs apart for their distance to be closed completely. Jimin embraced her waist as his lips trailed from the valley of her breasts, to her torso before hovering over the clothed core.
Gaia could already feel pooling between her legs, arousal soaking through the thin fabric. It only ruined more when Jimin pressed his thumb against her clothed clit. Head threw back as her hips leaned into his touch trying to get as much friction as possible but he only lightened the pressure to torture her.
A whine uttered in Gaia’s throat before she grabbed him by the neck and locked their lips together once more, wrapping her legs around his waist. Jimins’ hardening clothed cock pressed her soaking pussy as their tongues danced in a slight battle to somehow express the built up tension.
Jimin grabbed her ass to keep her secure around his waist before carrying her to the bedroom situated on his right.
Sloppily kicking the door open, the man almost stumbled until he finally threw her onto the bed.
Gaia chuckled as she landed on the soft surface, silk sheets gracing her skin while having a gorgeous view of a bothered Jimin pushing his boxers off and kicking them to the side. Her own fingers hooked at her destroyed panties and stripped them down, the thin clothing hung at her ankle.
Jimin hovered over her figure kissing Gaias knees and thighs before brushing his lips towards her puffy pussy. A smirk played on his features as he moved back up watching the girl squirm at the teasing. “Still want to play the game?”
She smiled pushing against Jimin so he could shift onto his back.
Jimin was a little taken aback by the action, breathe hitched in his throat but it quickly dissipated when the gorgeous woman climbed on top.
Both legs on either side of him, wetness rubbed against his hardened member with the same amount of grace as she would in any dance but doused in a little mischief and thousand times stronger dose of passion. Jimin clasped onto her hips almost like his life depended on it. Each rub causing an aching twitch that awakened the warm pool in his lower belly.
Gaia rested her hands on his torso to keep herself balanced. Knees weakened when his cock rubbed against a sensitive spot, her entire body melting more into his touch. Staring down, she watched his tip redden and leak the closer she got to it, pre-cum glistening in the light while dripping onto his torso.
Breathing grew shaky as Gaia kept her movements tantalizingly slow. Nails dug into her thighs, a more impatient side of him wanting to move her body faster but he forced himself to keep control. Instead Jimin filled his mind up to the brim at all surges of pleasure trembling through his veins the moment she rubbed against her tip.
Her slick entrance spewed more and more arousal at every torturous rub. Moving one of her hands behind her body, she kneaded his balls, heavy from his awaiting release making Jimin throw his head back into the pillow.
Gaia pressed her core right against his tip creating a little more friction. She rubbed it on her clit, the heat in her belly tightening but she raised herself up and halted her actions. Both their light whines mixed in with one another in deprivation of their edge.
Slowly she rubbed against the base of his cock and moved her hands back on his torso.
Jimin scoffed out a light moan, digging holes into the skin of her hips from the way he gripped onto them. “Fuck baby I can’t—” He whispered.
“What do you say?” Gaia spoke in such a delicate tone but it exuded so much power, Jimin felt tingles down his entire body.
His rising chest glistened a little from the overwhelming heat huddled around their growing bubble of sin. Eyes lazy and drooping as he watched the faery continue to torture his cock with a brush of her core. “Please—please, please baby…”
“Please what?” She leaned in, a small smirk tugging at her lips. Gaze fixated on the lightly heaving male as her lips pressed wet kisses on his chest.
Jimin growled under his breath. God he could never remember feeling this helpless in the best way possible. The pressure a little heavier when she leaned in but pressed hard enough to make it utterly difficult to come undone. “Please, baby—fuck me…I wanna be inside you, please…”
Accomplishment rushed through Gaia as she moved to her original position, slightly dampened curls falling gracefully over her shoulder and face. Lifting herself up again, one of her hands wrapped around the heavy, hard shaft before positioning it at her entrance. Her soaking core easily swallowed every inch as Gaia slid down.
All his breathing caught in his throat in the few intense moments where he felt his aching cock finally being warmed up by her snug walls. Forehead knitted, pouty lips parted as Jimin’s whole focus fixated on his member disappearing completely inside her.
Gaia had to let out a sigh, almost grabbing at his torso as she tried to adjust to the long awaited feeling. Dull ache quickly faded into a dizzying hot pleasure making her instinctively grind her hips against his. She moved torturously slow allowing him to take every tiny spark and tug at all the right nerves in their writhing bodies.
Jimin bent his knees and carefully met her thrusts, trembling moan mixing in with her whimpering breaths.
Sloshing sounds resonated louder as Gaia increased her pace rubbing at that beautiful spot causing every limb to shake in the new tickles of ecstasy. Jimin’s thrusts grew a little more harsh, balls hitting her ass every time their sweaty skin slapped against each other.
She followed his tingling rhythm, practically bouncing on his cock in a steady heated pattern. Gaia’s head threw back as her moans echoed through the room almost drowned out by the sounds of their sinful pounding.
Jimin almost felt hypnotized by her gorgeous breasts bouncing up and down almost jiggling as their pace into a fast and brutal race. Reddened member drilling into her burning entrance as it clenched around him.
“Oh god—” Gaia whimpered gripping onto Jimin’s shoulders as the warm spot inside her got ravaged by his pulsating cock.
Growling like an animal, he grabbed her by the waist and flipped them around. Legs spread wide Jimin stroked his drenched and glistening shaft before sliding back into her.
Gaia’s wild curls hovered over her eyebrows, wanting to squirm at the sudden empty feeling before her walls were stretched once again with ease. His arms jabbed on either side of her.
Fingers curled around them for a grip as Jimin wasted no time before continuing his thrusts at a brutal pace. “You want me to go slower?” He asked in an extremely shaky tone.
She shook her head frantically, the desperate rolling to the edge coming closer at every burning drill into her core. “Keep going.” Gaia whispered. “Please keep going—” Her free hand slid down to rub at her clit even through his lower belly slapped into it at a beautifully maddening pattern.
Jimin groaned unable to maintain his own fucking sanity watching her take his cock so well and only ask for more. He buried his cock deep inside and paused for a moment, grinding into the back of her hand to give more pressure on her clit. “God you’re so fucking beautiful.” He breathed out.
Toes curled in a little, light aches beating from her healing bruises while he stuffed himself inside her completely. Gaias’ eyes almost rolled to the back of her head but she was allured by his voice. A small chuckle leaving her lips at his words. “So are you.”
The man smiled leaning in to kiss her slightly drying lips from heaving in the heavy midst of pleasure. Hips began a steady pattern once again welcoming back the tumble towards the edge.
In a matter of seconds Jimins’ thrusts turned into an onslaught, mind-numbing pace that caused even the bed to tremble under his movements.
Gaia’s nails raked down his forearm feeling the warmth in her lower belly tighten until the only thought rushing through her mind was reaching that edge. “I’m cumming…” She almost cried out.
“I know, baby…” He could feel her walls clenching around his cock dragging his orgasm to the point of no return.
Whimpering moans flooded out of the woman as the coil in her belly sprung free, warm explosions bursting through and pumping into every veins until she momentarily could only see a flash of white.
Pulling out Jimin immediately spurted out his release onto her stomach, fingers wrapping around the tip making his hips jerk. Eyes flickered down to see Gaia slowly rubbing her sensitive clit to drag out her orgasm. The sight alone caused an extra tingle down his spine. “You should get stuck in the locker rooms with me more often.” He spoke through heavy breaths.
Gaia giggled playfully tapping his chest. “I’ll try to drag my time out in the next match.”
A smirk stretched across Jimin’s lips. “Does that mean you’re coming to the next match?”
“Towards the end.” Her bottom lip pouted out a little. “And less injuries.”
He nodded reaching into a tissue box just to gently wipe off the excess on her stomach. “Less injuries…” Jimin leaned in and kissed her forehead. “Promise.”
As the gentle light of the morning flowed in, Gaia wrapped her freshly moisturized body in a thick white robe before she walked out of the bedroom.
Bare feet pattered across the penthouse apartment adorned in nothing but her robe, curls still a little messy and a subtle pink tinge on her lips. Gaia paused in her tracks as the sound of chain clanging and leathery thuds pulsed in the air.
Now on her tiptoes, the woman attempted to be a little quieter as she observes Jimin.
Exposed upper half, back glistening in sweat illuminating all the little crevices that tensed out at every punch and the fading bruise on his shoulder blade. Despite the cool air Jimin still was able to create his own personal radiator around his skin from the constant training.
Painful to admit but Gaia grew a little uncomfortable seeing the quick, hard punches he swung onto the punching bag. Of course she understood why he did it and he was simply hitting an object but it still created an unsettling feeling in her stomach.
Each impact onto the leather made her jump more and more until the girl succumbed to rushing over to the kitchen. Taking a deep breath, Gaia turned on the coffee grinder machine to maybe help drown some of the noises from the other side. This was his job. This was his job. You can’t stop him from training just like he can’t stop you.
Jimin paused mid-swing hearing the grinder turn on, looking over his shoulder but only saw a glimpse of something white peeking out of the corner. He waved out his maroon shirt to cool himself off through thankfully the AC helped him from overheating.
Carefully he walked over to the kitchen corner to see a long waterfall of a curls and an unforgettable figure wrapped in a white robe. Leaning against the kitchen counter, Jimin unwrapped the cloth around his hands. “Morning.”
Gaia jumped with a gasp almost dropping the empty espresso cup in her hand but she quickly hugged it to her chest. She chuckled breathlessly. “Morning.” Gaze stayed focused on the coffee machine even though she could feel his eyes burning through her.
“You okay? Not usually that jumpy.” Jimin squinted placing the cloth on one of the stools before moving closer until he stood right behind the girl. “More than usual anyway aside from the ballerina stuff.”
“I just—” She glanced over her shoulder before facing in front of her. “I don’t usually wake up to…punching. Takes a bit of getting used to.”
Jimin parted his lips as the realization brushed through his mind. “Did my soft butterfly get frightened?” Arms carefully snaked around her waist, face buried into her shoulder.
Gaia whined lightly trying to pull away from his grasp. “Ah don’t, you’re sweaty.”
“You didn’t mind that last night.” His brows furrowed.
“That’s because we were both being dirty, I’ve just showered.” She couldn’t control the smile that ghosted over her lips at the thought of last night’s activities.
Despite her protests, Jimin pressed her closer against his body relishing in her warmth. “That’s too bad now you have to shower again with me.” He chuckled under his breath as his hand snuck into the opening of her robe, feeling the under curve of her breast. “I’ll just do other workouts in the morning. No more punching at this time.”
Gaias’ smile widened seeing Jimin already making compromises without her even asking to do so. “Thank you.”
It was an unlikely match, the elegant dancer and the ruthless fighter but once they cuddled up in their own private bubble, all the hinderance disappeared. It was just wholeheartedly and lovingly them in their rawest forms.
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dingdongitsbees · 3 years
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Chapter 13: Rinse and Repeat
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Tw: PTSD, implied suicidal ideation, alcoholism
WC: 5.4k Ao3 link Ask to be added to the taglist! It will be updated weekly on Saturdays
First person version can be found here
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“Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All that blood was never once beautiful, it was always just red.” – Kait Rokowski
It had been a few years since your world had gotten simultaneously a million times better and also gone to shit. It hadn’t really hit you two until you had spent a few days back in the homes that had been provided for you. You each had your own house as per usual for victors, but you didn’t need a second. You had spent your life together in a borderline shack, it would feel weird to have the other sleep across the street. But it had been in that gifted house that it finally came crashing down.
All you could see was their faces, all you could feel was that knife in your hand, all you could hear was that goddamn canon. You were sitting on a velvet couch paid for in blood. Now having more than enough food on the table was exchanged for lives. Being able to still exist in the world meant twenty-two people had been ripped from the world.
Levi had been next to you, so he just held you, his shoulders shuddering just as bad as yours, and you cried. You just cried. There’s nothing you can do or say or think to make anything like that better. Only time can help, and to be honest it isn’t very good at its job.
The trip to each district took what was left out of you two. Combined you had killed tributes of five districts out of the other eleven. Almost fucking half. Most of their families just glared at you on their platforms as their child’s face was displayed behind them as you recited propaganda scripts.
District Ten was hard for you. They had surprised you to be honest, neither of Sasha’s nor Connie’s family looked at you with any disdain. All you could feel was pity radiating off of them, especially from Sasha’s father. She told you how he had taught her how to shoot, you almost deviated off script to say how you learnt vicariously through his daughter, how kind she and funny she was.
Connie’s siblings hurt to look at. They looked at you with such big eyes. They should have hated you, they really fucking should have. Their brother died in one of the most horrific ways possible yet they stared at you as if you were one of their sisters. The normal people in front of the stage only copied their looks, none of them hated you for taking away two souls. It didn’t make any fucking sense. It would have been better if they had just heckled you. Just yelled at you and screamed at you, taking the brunt of their words was the least you could do for exchanging your life for one their own.
District Eleven wasn’t so kind to Levi. Kaya’s family looked like they were two seconds from breaking on to the main stage and choking him to death right there. He might have let them. Niccolo’s family was confusing. There was obviously no forgiveness for how Levi killed their son, a wild animal in a spree of rage, but they didn’t look angry. Levi had told you he had just said a few words over Niccolo before coming back, maybe those words were enough remorse for them to not want his head on a spike.
However, the civilians in the crowd didn’t agree. They had to be restrained from climbing up, yelling threats and taunts, about how he could kill a little girl without a second glance, how he took pleasure in killing Niccolo. Levi kept his head down, his undercut blinding his view, but his hand shook in yours. You did the speech on behalf of the both of you.
The districts from Nine to Five didn’t give two shits about you, maybe only some had mild curiosity. Their glazed-over eyes just stared, clearly bored as you were from the fuckery spilling from your lips. Some of the families glared only because their child wasn’t standing up there instead of you, but you couldn’t blame them for that.
One was…weird to say the least. Neither of you had many interactions with either Annie or Bertolt, but you two lead them to their deaths. Levi may have killed Annie directly but Bertolt’s murder was just cruel, you knew that, but you had thrown that rock anyway. Both of their families just looked devoid of any emotion, the crowd didn’t seem to care, that’s One for you, but their parents just looked empty. The speech went smoothly.
Three was strange as well, you never met nor saw their girl, but Falco you certainly had, but you also hadn’t killed him, in reality your relationship him was positive. They didn’t seem to hate you, quite the opposite really, they seemed to be happy you were there. Three was no stranger to careers betraying and killing their tributes so they were probably just happy Reiner didn’t win and it had been because of your own hands. Still, it was strange. Falco’s older brother, the one you had seen in the reaping recording, had looked on the brink of tears but he stayed strong, his back straight and head up high. They probably wouldn’t have looked at you the same if Falco had gone with you. Someone would have needed to kill him at some point anyway, it just so happened it wasn’t you.
Two was painful. Instead of two separate families standing on their respective platforms it was just one. There was confliction in their eyes for sure, you were surprised they could even stand to be around each other, their sister or bother’s son killing their child. But they stood together. Staring at you with a mix of hate and affection. Levi had to do the speech that time.
Four was hard once again, but only because of one person, specifically Marcel’s younger brother. He flew daggers from his eyes, pure fury ran through his veins. He probably would have killed you both if he had the chance, probably would have been good at it too. You could only begin to imagine the anger he had stored up since you had sliced his brother’s throat.
You recognised him in the reaping for the next game.
He used his anger well.
At the end of the trip you had to go to the Capitol once again for the Presidents party. You nearly preferred the arena.
Floch was sweating buckets under Zeke’s gaze the entire time and drank himself into a stupor, avoiding you both at every turn which you were glad for. People reached for you like you were statues, brushing your hair and clothes and bodies like you were pets. Nick was the only thing stopping you from cursing everyone in the vicinity, Levi came close. Zeke watched from his balcony, eyes narrowed and sipping on champagne waiting for one of you to misstep so he could order a bullet into your heads.
When you got home you two didn’t know what to do. You both fucked around for a year, bought anything that caught your eyes at the hub no matter if it was an ugly piece of pottery or a toy. You bought a lot of liquor too and drank most in one go. The burning in your throats let you forget the inferno in your brains. A small price to pay for some peace and quiet between neurons.
You two were rarely sober for the first few months. You’d wake up and have whiskey for breakfast, you’d walk around town, maybe sneak through the fence, and have some gin, and if it was a particularly bad day you’d opt for tequila as your bedtime stories.
People in the streets knew to leave you alone, just to let you wallow a bit, they hadn’t seen many victors, but they could guess that starting up conversations with people on the knife’s edge was a good way to get punched. Hannes talked to you two occasionally, usually at the hub, cheering your bottles with his flask. He didn’t ask about the game, he saw enough anyway, he just pretended you were those troublemaker kids you had been when you left.
It was Hanji of all people that got you out of it, though she wasn’t one to talk when it came to the number of empty bottles in your living room, but she at least cut the number down a bit or swapped out the drinks for something weaker much to your slurred complaints.
The months after that were hard, letting the built-up trauma hit you like a train. You both started getting nightmares.
One of you would wake up already screaming or crying or be entirely frozen still and unable to move as their body quaked. The other would hold on to them until their tremors ceased and their breath evened again. Then you’d just rinse and repeat the next night.
Rinse and repeat.
Flinch at a raised voice, go numb at the sight of blood, start hyperventilating when you were sure you had seen another tribute in the crowd.
Try not to let yourself die.
Rinse and repeat.
Then the next game came around. You both offered to go as mentors, to let Hanji take a backseat from the role after her isolating years, she came to make sure you didn’t say something stupid, but she just got to hang around without much of a care.
The two kids that you got weren’t good. You knew the second that their names were called that they were goners. Wouldn’t make it in the bloodbath, and even if they ran, they probably wouldn’t live past the first day. You learnt to push their names away. It didn’t help any to hang on to them.
The kids weren’t dumb, they knew that too.
There was a little bit of hope when they looked at you however, a hope that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
Porco had sliced both of their throats open within the first minute. Porco won the title of victor in only three days with a kill count of eight. They never had a chance.
You think that was the last time you cried.
When mentors go to the Capitol and watch the feed, they sit in a room together connected to an ongoing party that never stops until the games do, infested with sponsors and government officials. Only mentors are allowed in that room, not even titan servants. You just needed a room to be in to be able to grieve only with people that understood.
They always looked after the new mentors, it didn’t matter the districts or even if their tribute killed yours, they’d hold you, get you a glass of water or usually something stronger, just let you get everything out and topped up makeup on your red rimmed eyes before you got ambushed by press outside the door. Sometimes the career districts were prickly, but only the ones that truly cared about the kids became mentors anyway, so they weren’t ones to give you shit.
It just sort of numbed you after that. You’re not sure if you could even remember all the kids you sent to their deaths. No, you definitely couldn’t, and you didn’t plan to.
Without fail every year they always got killed in the bloodbath, and every year without fail you’d drill into them to just run away, but they just wouldn’t listen, or the careers just didn’t let them leave. You both spent most of your time in the Capitol just flicking off the tops of third bottles and taking quiet bets on who was going to win or who’d kill who. Levi was always right.
It was actually Erwin’s idea to do something back at Twelve, to find something to pour yourselves into. So, after the 70th Hunger Games you went back and pushed your ludicrous amount of money to builders to create an orphanage. The one on your side of Twelve was shit and didn’t have the funding nor space, it was the reason you two had never gone to it yourselves, so you gave them some of your load too so they could get food on the table for once.
Kids started trickling in, you didn’t run the place yourselves, you didn’t have the emotional range to do something like that anymore and you’d probably do more harm than good as their caretakers, they didn’t need a pair of fucked up twenty-year-olds to lead them through life. But you visited, making sure everything was up to scratch and there was no complaints or concerns from the kids about the people you had employed or the quality of their beds and food or if they needed some more toys to play with.
Levi always made sure the place was meticulous, and it was kinda funny how he used cleaning as his way to bond with the kids. They always complained but they never said no when he asked for their help. You helped kids with schoolwork and funded whatever type of skill they wanted to learn.
“You wanna paint? Here’s an easel and some paints from the Capitol that my designer friend sent over.”
It was hard to smile but at least you could help them to.
One day, when you two had dropped in to visit before you went to stock up on vodka, a boy came up to you with big emerald eyes, with a black-haired girl trailing after him. He asked a question that got everyone surrounding you looking up from their sandwiches.
“Can you teach us how to fight?”
And so you did. Twelve had always been at a disadvantage, nothing in your district aided you for the Games, the closet you’d had was learning about mines and explosions or having the physical strength to lift a pickaxe but that was only available when you worked in the mineshafts at eighteen, the last year qualifying for the reaping, and eighteen-years-olds were never picked.
So usually any kid that went in was utterly fucked.
Unless you tried changing that.
You started small. Learning how to throw a proper punch or kick, things you had learnt on the streets stirring up trouble. How to balance yourself in a proper stance so a gust of wind or a shove from a career wouldn’t send you stumbling.
You taught them the things you learnt in the Capitol and in the training room; what foods were safe, how to set a trap, how to treat a wound, how to conduct an interview, how to form an alliance, who to avoid.
It was a long time before you held a blade again.
They had begged you for months to just teach them how to knife fight, but the idea still shook you. You hadn’t held a throwing knife in your hand for years, but it still melded uncomfortably comfortable into your palm. You could still throw it and hit it dead on centre. You knew if the throw was hard enough to go through someone’s skull. You knew how long it would take for their body to hit the ground if it were a clean shot, and how long it would take if it wasn’t. You knew how many milliseconds it would take for the canon to fire.
Picking up a knife again, only if to teach, was a torturous process, but you didn’t let them know that. You would just drink a little more that night.
“Eren keep your arms up! Try and copy Mikasa’s form!” you barked.
They all stood in a line, throwing knives into hay bales, some making it, most missing. Mikasa was unsurprisingly the former, Eren was unsurprisingly the latter. The two were always the hardest at work though it seemed it was usually driven by Eren’s ambition. The kid wasn’t gifted with natural talent but he was stubborn enough to try and make up for it. They had come to the orphanage after Mikasa’s parents were murdered over some debt they couldn’t pay and Eren lost his mum to a mine explosion and then his father caught something bad from his own patient.
It was always them begging you (well Eren at least, Mikasa would just ask nicely) for more lessons and whatever advice they could squeeze out of you. It frightened you a little, Eren’s enthusiasm, you had seen that face before.
It was an unspoken truth that they were your favourites of the bunch, the others didn’t take offence to it, it was just those two were always coming up to you two whenever they got the chance, though you were scared it was because they reminded you of an overconfident kid and the one trying to take care of them. You tried to pretend you didn’t see Gabi and Falco when you looked at them.
“I’m trying but my arm’s starting to feel heavy!” Eren said, not even bothering to turn his head.
“You brats don’t have time to get tired when you’re in there so just get used to it,” Levi replied.
He walked behind them, arms crossed as he analysed each of them, you tried not to make a joke that Eren and Mikasa were taller than him now. He muttered out tips to those who needed it, and compliments to those who deserved it, you had tried to get him to coddle them just a little bit but then he said overestimating yourself just gets your killed and you couldn’t say anything to that. When he got to the end of the line of kids, he wandered back over to you and you gave a crooked smile.
He bumped his shoulder into yours before turning around and standing next to you, you both falling into your usual silence as you just watched.
“There’s more of them than usual,” Levi noted and you nodded absentmindedly.
“It’s today, it makes them nervous.”
“Zeke never picks them though.”
That was true, when you had first started up the orphanage, you had expected Zeke to jump at the opportunity, there was no way he wasn’t privy to your every movement let alone something that required legal documents to be signed, so how he hadn’t rigged the reaping to pull one of your kids was honestly getting a little unnerving.
But each year a pair of kids were picked that you didn’t recognise, and you’d breathe a sigh of relief; it’s much easier to forget strangers.
You realised that the games were rigged at the 71st games, you had noticed that all the slips of paper you could see, even though they were folded in half, would all start with the same letter, it peeking out, and then the name called out would match. You asked Hanji afterwards, cause there was no way she hadn’t noticed, and she just laughed in your face.
“It’s a show, of course they choose their cast.”
You leant your head on his shoulder as you watched, he leant his head too. His arms untangled themselves from each other and he let one fall, letting his pinkie interlock with your waiting one. You both still being there was a constant surprise and an unspoken threat, because someday, when Zeke got tired, or you did something to piss him off, that fact might not be so true anymore.
But Levi’s there now, maybe not tomorrow, but today at least, and you could only hope that the trend remained.
“Cut it out dude!”
You both whipped your heads around, finding two kids wrestling on the ground. They panted as they tried to get the advantage, dust billowing around them as the other kids stared. Neither of you could be bothered to move. Eventually one straddled the other, pinning him to the dirt.
Levi’s pinkie tightened.
The boy on the ground whined while the other grinned in victory before joining his empty hands together and sending them down onto the boy’s chest.
Levi stiffened beneath you and alarm bells blared in your head.
The boy started pretending to stab him.
“Die! Die! Die!”
The kids around them laughed.
The boy beneath told him to stop.
Levi’s breath shortened.
You were at the kids in a second, pulling them off one another.
“That’s enough.”
They went silent, the boys looking down to the ground in shame, though they didn’t know why you were trying so hard not to glare.
“Time to pack up anyway, you guys need to get ready for the reaping,” you said, you were just greeted with whinges, “Put the knives in the tub you lot. Now.”
They instantly shut up, knowing that tone of yours was not to be messed with under any circumstances. They all shuffled off, throwing the knives in, you always counted them all in case one of them took one, but they were good kids.
Levi nodded at them as they filed back inside the building, jaw still tight. As soon as they were all gone, Eren and Mikasa waving goodbye at the end of the line, you sprinted back over, running your hands through his hair as you brought his face to your shoulder.
“Shh it’s okay it’s okay.”
A shudder whipped through him.
You kissed his temple. “You’re not in the arena, you’re in Twelve. I’m not about to die and neither are you. No one is dying and no one is going to. Just breathe, just focus on my voice and breathe.”
Eventually he stilled again, air flowing through his lungs like normal. It didn’t happen as much anymore, but it still happened. It probably didn’t help that he was about to meet two dead kids.
“Let’s go home, yeah?”
He nodded into your shoulder before finally raising his head, sliding over his façade again. You two of all people had to be the strong ones today, you couldn’t show fear, you weren’t allowed to anymore.
The walk home was silent, most people were inside or rushing home to get ready. You dropped past the hub quickly and you bought some bottles from your usual, Levi didn’t say a word, just stared into space. You passed the town square, the camera crews were nearly all set up, the barriers were getting placed. Hannes was testing the mic on the stage, he sent you a nod that you sent back.
The Victor’s village was always weird to see, after passing smog polluted houses with windows that are barely transparent anymore with walls that are starting to tilt, you come to a pristine gate. The separation pissed you off like it was saying you were better than them, but Nick would have your head if you even suggested taking it down. The houses were beautiful too. Maybe it was just an average house for a Capitol citizen, maybe a little nicer, but it looked like a goddamn king’s estate compared to everywhere else in Twelve.
People would say you deserved it, to have a nice home. It made you want to puke.
You could see Hanji through her window, lounging on a couch, bottle of whiskey in hand. Seemed like a plan.
You squeezed Levi’s hand as you unlocked the door and led him inside. You shed your jackets and shoes and put away your bottles, leaving one out. You glanced to him, he was still sort of out of it, he needed quietness, maybe a bath. Yeah a bath would do, those always calmed him down.
You trekked up the stairs, on the landing you let yourself take a little run up and slide across the wooden floorboards on your socks towards the bathroom door. Silly shit helped sometimes.
You reached out and grabbed the handle and turned it, pushing forward on the door. It let out an ungodly and far too familiar screech.
You gasped and slammed your back into the wall.
Your breath was getting quicker, not letting your lungs get enough oxygen before taking another gulp.
Fuck fuck fuck.
You crouched down, elbows on your knees as you pressed your palms into your eyes at a sad attempt to get your brain to stop.
You could only see him, or in more exact terms, you could only see his melted remains.
Rapid thumps came from the stairwell, you didn’t look up as arms enveloped you.
You let out a shaky breath. “I’m fine.”
He didn’t say anything, just kissed your head before holding you tighter. Your need to talk to communicate was even less than it used to be ever since the Games. There were things you two didn’t need to speak about, you just acted on, knowing exactly what to do.
Though there were moments you didn’t want to talk about, and you didn’t plan to talk about them either. He didn’t mention finding you sobbing on the bathroom floor surrounded by spilled sleeping pills and you didn’t mention waking up alone in bed and finding him completely out of it on the roof of the orphanage. You didn’t talk about it, but you held each other a little tighter just as you did both of those nights.
“I’ll get some oil for it when we get back,” Levi whispered.
You nodded into his chest.
“Bath?” he asked.
You nodded again.
Warm water has magical powers you swore, it really shouldn’t be able to make someone feel so good, to be able to relax and almost drift away forgetting about the possibility of drowning. What a lame way to go out, though it was much nicer than the ways you’d seen.
You laid on Levi’s chest as the water rippled around your little movements. He played with your pruned fingers, touching the fingertips with his own like it was an interactive museum exhibit. You watched, fascinated by his fascination, blinking slowly as the bath bled out all of your stress.
Moments like that were nice, but it had to be broken today. You couldn’t stay in that warm heaven forever, though it was quite tempting, you wouldn’t exactly be missing out on the adventure of a lifetime.
You ruffled the towel through your hair as you sipped the vodka. The burn and taste were barely noticeable, even the effect had begun to wear off or maybe you had just gotten better at being under the influence.
You threw the bottle to Levi on the couch who caught it without a second glance, immediately taking a few gulps of it himself.
“Hello you two.”
You both looked to the door, sending tight smiles to your usual guest, though to be honest your home was hers and hers was yours at that point.
She walked behind Levi’s couch and took the bottle that he already had extended to her, taking a gulp before placing it on a side table.
“Ready to send children to die?”
The reaping went as usual. Hanji welcomed everyone to the 74th Hunger Games, two kids got reaped, one fifteen-year-old and one thirteen-year-old, you couldn’t remember which was which. You waited in the train, neither of them came up to talk to you and just ate up all the food they could before passing out on the nicest bed they would ever sleep in. You didn’t bother them, one look and you knew they were a lost cause.
The process went on.
Neither were that charismatic, they were only memorable because they were last and that was pushing it as is. They both got low scores, a four and a six. The thirteen-year-old cried himself to sleep the night before, or he might have, you wouldn’t know, you slept through it.
That morning you went up to the roof with them, got in the mentor’s hovercraft and just twiddled your thumbs, wondering who was going to win that year or what the arena was going to look like. You went in, sitting in the back of a cart, going through the maze of corridors beneath the grand stage, not bothering to focus in your eyes to see your surroundings. It was just grey walls anyway.
You yawned when you got to the centre, scratching the back of your neck as you tried to find your tributes amongst all of the shaking teenagers.
A finger tapped you on the shoulder. You spun around to see the girl from…Seven? She grinned, her eyes crinkling.
“I just wanted to say I think you’re really cool, I really admire what you and Levi did in your games.”
You blinked.
“Oh, is that so? Good luck then I guess.”
She smiled even wider before running off with a wave. You dragged a hand over your face before heading over to your tribute waiting for you.
It was a forest arena, nothing too special.
The games had long since started when you got back to main city of the Capitol and went into the sponsor party, both of you immediately beelined for the mentor room. You watched as replays showed one getting killed in the bloodbath the other getting hunted down by none other than the careers. You just stared at their slow-mo screaming faces and sighed.
You didn’t cry, you didn’t even blink. You did the first time but after that it’s just been shut away. Thankfully there was no new mentors that year, you didn’t have to deal with sobbing messes. You were too exhausted to care for someone anymore. Compassion doesn’t come cheap.
The mentor room was filled with pain as always, most were just trying to unlearn two names as quickly as possible, drowning their neurons in liquor so they could pretend that two faces weren’t burnt into their brains. It won’t be enough, it never is. You knew that too now.
Some of the others in the room weren’t mentors but they were victors all the same, having just grabbed a free trip to the Capitol so they could bum off some high-class booze. Couldn’t blame them. They were lucky though, the other districts, having more than three victors meant they had the option of just staying home and just ignoring the screen. They didn’t have to know the kids.
You two spent the rest of your time in silence, going back up to the penthouse to sleep before coming back, hoping the whole ordeal would be over soon.
The girl that talked to you before it started, a girl from Eight you had learned, was still alive though, and you couldn’t help but cheer for her a little bit. She started an alliance with a girl from Six, both doing well against the attempted threats on their lives by the careers. Soon they had made it to the last few with only a few scratches to show the world, much better than your leg to say the least. It still ached every once in a while.
But you were still surprised when her little duo alliance were the last ones left. Their mentors were on the edges of their seats, hands covering their noses and mouths like a prayer, eyes glued to the screen.
Then the girl from Eight did something fucking stupid, something that made everyone’s breath hitch around the country.
She brought out some poisonous berries. They had killed a career with them, not needing to get into a fight, but then they held grenades in the form of blueberries in their blood-stained hands.
They brought it to their mouths as the room cursed in unison, people rose from their seats, you could hear people yelling outside the door. They both hesitated for a second as they counted down but plopped them in their mouths anyway.
Two canons fired in quick succession.
The transmission was as silent as the room. No one knew what to do. You stared at the screen with two dead kids. There wasn’t going to be a victor. There wasn’t going to be a victor because they copied you.
“I really admire what you and Levi did in your games.”
Fuck fuck fuck.
The room slowly turned to you two as your heart hammered in your chest, Levi’s hand fumbled for yours.
You were fucked. Completely and utterly fucked.
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a/n: sorry this chapter was late! this was mainly just summary but we’ll really get into it next chapter
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Runs in the Family CH. Two
Book: Chamber
Title: Dirty Blood
Words: 2705
Warnings: Use of a slur (mudblood), broken bones, Reader gets petrified
A/N: Enjoy chapter two!
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Harry Potter Masterlist
Your first month at Hogwarts was amazing. You found out that you were an amazing flier and that you had an affinity for potions. Madame Hooch loved you and Snape had begrudgingly accepted you as one of his best students. Most of the students had figured out by then that you were Harry Potter’s cousin and they either hated you or loved you.
 Most of the Slytherin’s hated you and you thought it was just because of your cousin. But it turned out to be because you were a Muggleborn. One day, you were passing by a group of Slytherin students in the hall when Marcus Flint shoved you into the wall.
 “Get out of the way, stupid mudblood,” he said. You had just rolled your eyes, but those words stopped most of the people around you.
 “What did you just call her?” Cedric said.
 “I called her what she is. A mudblood.”
 It looked like Cedric was fighting himself on whether or not to do anything, but it didn’t stop the twins. They hexed him at the same time and Flint went flying against the wall.
 “Guys, stop!” You said, getting in between them.
 “He called you a mudblood,” George seethed.
 “He deserved what he got,” Fred said.
 “I don’t know what that means and I don’t particularly care. It’s not worth getting in trouble for.” You put your hands on their chests and held them back.
 “Weasley!” Everyone turned to see McGonagall rushing down the corridor, Snape close on her heels.
 “What happened here?” She asked.
 “Flint called [y/n] a mudblood, professor,” Cedric said.
 “And why is Mr. Flint currently on the floor?” Snape said.
 “Those Weasley twins hexed me!” Flint groaned, trying to get up from the floor.
 “Detention, both of you. And twenty points from Gryffindor,” McGonagall said. She turned to you and Cedric. “Ten points to Hufflepuff for the two of you not starting anything and ten points from Slytherin for the use of a slur. Mr. Flint, go to the hospital wing. The rest of you get to class.”
 Everyone started walking again and you looked at Cedric.
 “Mudblood is a nasty way of saying Muggleborn. It means dirty blood,” Cedric explained. “It’s mostly used by witches and wizards that believe in blood purity and that anyone other than a pureblood is not deserving of having magic.”
 “That’s awful,” you said, voice hushed. “How can some people think like that?”
 “It’s deeply rooted in our society and it’s disgusting. Don’t let it get to you, [y/n].”
 “I-I’ll try.”
 Cedric gave you a smile and patted your shoulder, walking to his next class. You didn’t have any classes for the rest of the day, so you made your way down to the Great Hall to study. You sat down next to Ginny and she frowned at your upset demeanor.
 “[Y/n]? What’s wrong?”
 “Flint called me a mudblood and the twins got in detention for hexing him.”
 “He called you what?” Ginny was shaking from anger and you put your hand on her arm to calm her down.
 “I’ll be fine. It’s just a word. We don’t need you getting in trouble either. Let’s just study and try to forget about it, okay?”
 “If you say so.”
 The two of you didn’t talk about it for the rest of the night and when it was time for bed, you found a small pile of chocolate and a note from your Housemates. The other two girls in your dorm weren’t there yet and you let out a watery laugh as you read the note.
 [Y/n], don’t let that bigot get to you. You are more than your blood and you’re better than him already. We are lucky to have you be a part of Hufflepuff House and don’t let anyone tell you different.
 It was signed by everyone and you smiled, putting it on your bedside table. You had already changed into your pajamas so you curled into bed with a book you had brought from home and fell asleep while reading.
 Soon, it was Halloween. The castle looked beautiful all decorated and you were excited to spend the holiday at Hogwarts. Since it was a Saturday, there were no classes and you spent the day flying outside. You had gotten permission from Madame Hooch to practice flying in order to get on the Quidditch team next year, and Cedric was helping you. He was Captain of the team and he had seen you start learning how to fly and thought that you would make a great addition to the team.
 The two of you had spoken beforehand to try and determine what position you would play and after reading about the game, you had chosen to be a Chaser. So the two of you practiced throwing the ball back and forth and throwing it through the goalposts. You did that through lunch and only stopped once it was dinner time.
 “I’m not saying that you’re definitely going to get on the team next year, but if you keep up with your practicing over the summer, you should do well in tryouts,” Cedric said.
 “You really think so?” You said, eyes lighting up.
 “I do.” Cedric ruffled your hair and you laughed as you tried to get away.
 The two of you went into the Great Hall for dinner and you said bye to Cedric as you walked over to the Gryffindor table.
 “Hi guys!” You said. You sat down next to the twins and they grinned at you.
 “We saw you practicing earlier,” Fred said around a mouthful of food.
 “You planning on joining the team next year?” George asked.
 “I’m definitely going to try out. I love flying and the sport seems fun,” you said.
 “Well then we’ll meet on the field.”
 “Fred and I are the Gryffindor Beaters.”
 “We won’t go easy on you.”
 “Then I won’t go easy either.” You gave the brothers a wink and Ginny laughed.
 The rest of dinner went by without a hitch and after, when you were going back to your dorm, you ran into Harry, Hermione, and Ron. There was water all over the floor and when you looked at the wall, your eyes widened.
 “Enemies of the heir, beware,” Draco said. “You’ll be next, mudbloods.”
 He glared at you and Hermione and you glared at him. There was a chill settling in your chest and you only heard Dumbledore telling everyone to get back to their dorms. Shivering slightly, you followed your House to your common room.
 Mrs. Norris being petrified and the Chamber were the only things everyone was talking about the next couple days. The only thing that stopped that talk was the fact that Gryffindor and Slytherin would be playing against each other in the first match of the Quidditch season.
 You were cheering for Gryffindor, and standing with the younger two Weasley’s and Hermione. You were in awe at the game and how fast paced it was. It was one hell of a game, your eyes darting everywhere, trying to take everything in. You could feel your throat starting to get scratchy from yelling and shouting, but you didn’t care.
 When Wood’s broom got smashed by a bludger, you flinched. It looked like it would be super painful to be hit by one of those. Then it started chasing Harry.
 “That’s not supposed to happen, is it?” You said.
 “No. That’s a rouge bludger and it’s been tampered with!” Hagrid said. Ron went to stop it, but Hermione told him not to.
 The bludger followed Harry for a minute, crashing into everything until Harry managed to lose it for a little bit. Draco said something to him, but you couldn’t hear what it was. That was when the bludger came back and Harry had noticed the snitch. The bludger was still chasing after Harry and it hit him in the arm. You gasped but he managed to catch the snitch. Lee Jordan announced that Gryffindor won and you ran down to the field with Ron and Hermione.
 The bludger still wasn’t stopping and was still going after Harry. He barely managed to dodge it before Hermione blasted it to pieces.
 “Harry, how’s your arm?” You said, kneeling next to him.
 “I think it’s broken.”
 “Not to worry, Harry,” Lockhart said. “I will fix that arm of yours straight away.”
 “I think we should wait for Madame Pomfrey to fix him up,” you said.
 “Nonsense. I’m here and I can do it. This won’t hurt a bit.” Lockhart rolled up Harry’s sleeve and cast a spell. A blueish light came from Harry’s arm and when it faded, you could tell that something was wrong. When Lockhart held up Harry’s arm, there were very clearly no bones left.
 “Oh god,” you said, squeezing your eyes shut.
 “Yes, well, that can happen sometimes. But it’s very clear that the bones are no longer broken.”
 “Broken? There’s no bones left!” Hagrid said.
 “He’s right.”
 Harry’s arm was flopping around and you shook your head in disgust.
 “Come on, Harry. Let’s get you to the hospital wing,” you said. You helped him up and walked him to Madame Pomfrey.
 “You should have come to me straight away!” She said once you got there. “I can mend bones in a second but to regrow them entirely? That’s going to be a process.”
 “But you can do it, right?” You asked.
 “Yes. But it’s going to be painful. You’re in for a rough night, Potter.” Pomfrey poured something into a glass and handed it to Harry to drink. He drank it and immediately spat it out.
 “What did you expect? Pumpkin juice?” She was exasperated and rolled her eyes before pouring more. You had wanted to stay, but she said that Harry needed his rest. So after saying goodbye to Harry, you walked out with everyone.
 The next day, it was announced at breakfast that a student had been petrified. You were scared for a couple reasons. It was highly plausible that what happened to Collin would happen to you and if it did, or your parents heard of what happened at school, they would never let you come back. You didn’t want either of those things to happen so after you steeled yourself, you went to talk to Professor McGonagall.
 “Professor, can I speak with you?” You asked her.
 “Of course, Miss Dursley. What can I help you with?” She put down her quill and you sat down in front of her desk.
 “You saw how my parents were, right?” You said, twisting your hands.
 “I did.”
 “Can you promise me that if what happened to Collin happens to me, you won’t tell my parents?”
 “I can’t promise that, Miss Dursley.”
 “But if they figure out what has happened here, I’ll never be allowed back. You said yourself that I need to learn how to use my magic or something bad will happen to me,” you said. “I looked it up. What would happen. I don’t want to turn into an Obscurus, Professor.”
 McGonagall sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose.
 “Alright, Miss Dursley. I won’t tell your parents anything if something happens to you. But only because you’re right.”
 “Thank you, Professor. I really appreciate it.”
 “In return, I expect you to practice your transfiguration more. It needs work,” she said.
 “Of course, Professor. Thank you!” You gave her a smile and walked out of her office. A huge weight was lifted from your chest and you went about your day with a smile on your face.
 A few weeks later, there was an announcement of a dueling club being formed. You were excited to learn some defensive spells but when you found out who was leading it, you frowned.
 “Lockhart? Really?” You said to the twins. “He’s such a sham.”
 “Might be.” Fred shrugged.
 “But he is the DA teacher. He has to know something.” George put his elbow on your shoulder, Fred following suit.
 “I hope so.”
 Soon, Lockhart was knocked back by Snape’s disarming spell and you had to hold back a laugh. When Lockhart said that he let Snape do that on purpose, you accidentally let out a snort.
 When Harry and Draco were called up to duel you were a little nervous to see what would happen. Both of them hated the other so much that something was bound to go wrong. So when Draco cast a spell that wasn’t expelliarmus, you weren’t surprised. It was only when Draco conjured a snake and Harry talked to it did you start to get worried.
 Everyone backed up when the snake landed after Lockhart tried to get rid of it, and that’s when Harry started talking to it. Him doing that brought you back to Dudley’s birthday a couple years ago where he spoke to the snake at the zoo and set it free before trapping Dudley in its enclosure.
 As Harry spoke to the snake, you saw it turn to Justin. It went to strike but then backed off. That’s when Snape got his head about him and got rid of the serpent.
 “What’re you playing at?” Justin said.
 That was when the club ended for the day. Everyone dispersed and you caught up to Justin after telling the twins bye.
 “Are you alright?” You asked him.
 “I think so? I mean, I thought that we were on good terms, but I guess not.”
 “I don’t think that he meant anything by it.”
 “Did you know that he was a Parselmouth?” Justin said. He stopped walking and turned to you.
 “That he can talk to snakes.”
 “I think so? I saw him doing something with a snake from the zoo a couple years ago. I guess he was talking to it. But it can’t be that big of a deal, right?”
 Justin was about to answer when Nearly Headless Nick showed up.
 “Miss Dursley, Mr. Flitch-Fletchley! How are you?” Nick said.
 The both of you looked at Nick and everything went black.
 When you woke up, you sat straight up.
 “Giant snake!” You said.
 “Miss Dursley?” Madame Pomfrey said.
 “There was a giant snake, where is it?”
 “It’s been taken care of, Miss Dursley,” Dumbledore said. “The Basilisk is dead and the situation is over.”
 “That’s the giant snake you saw. Now come on. I’m sure there are some people who would love to see you.”
 You got up on shaky legs and was immediately engulfed in a hug. You knew it was Hermione because of her hair and you let out a laugh.
 “Thank goodness you’re alright! Harry was worried sick,” Hermione said after she let you go.
 “You got petrified too?”
 “I did. I had figured out that it was a Basilisk and saw it through my mirror. Let’s go get some dinner.”
 You walked out of the hospital wing with Hermione and once you got to the Great Hall, you immediately ran over to Harry and gave him a hug.
 Hermione was the next to hug Harry and you waved to the twins before making your way to the Hufflepuff table. You sat next to Cedric and he was happy to see you back. After Dumbledore made the speech saying that finals were cancelled and you were happy about that seeing as you missed half the year.
 The last week of school passed very quickly and soon you found yourself on the train back home. Harry had explained everything to you then and you were glad that everyone was okay in the end. You were also glad that you had asked McGonagall to not say anything to your parents. Even if you had to come up with an excuse for missing Christmas.
 It was a nice train ride home and when it stopped at the platform, you didn’t want to get off. With a sigh, you grabbed your trunk and your things before walking with Harry. You said goodbye to everyone, giving hugs to the twins, and left to where your parents would be waiting to pick you and Harry up.
 You couldn’t wait for summer to be over and to go back to Hogwarts.
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The Broken Hearts Hotel
Chapter One: Star-Crossed
I’ve had many names over the years. I don’t even remember my original name so I’ll use the most popular one. The one everyone recognizes. 
Juliet is my name and fair Verona is where I’m from (in this version, at least). My age is disputable but I remember I was young. Too young for what I experienced. It blows my mind that some can even consider my tale a romance when I think about it. My life was cushy, I’ll admit. My family was rich and influential. I didn’t want for anything growing up. Looking back I realize I had the perfect life but hindsight is twenty twenty. 
Maybe that’s why I did what I did though. I was a spoiled, bored teenager. I needed excitement in my life.
Rosalina was considered the beauty of the family. She was a few years older than me and was totally stuck up. Always surrounded by a group of friends, my older cousin had no time for little ole me. Actually, no one really had time for me. My other cousin Tybalt had an older brother protectiveness of me but other than that he left me alone. My dearest (and truthfully, only) friend was my nurse. For the record, her name was Bianca. That’s usually left out.
Bianca was my friend and surrogate mother since my own couldn’t bother herself with parenting. Bianca was old fashioned. We’d spend our time doing needlepoint and reading the bible. Like I said, I was a bored teenager.
So when I was finally allowed to attend one of our grand masquerade parties, I was thrilled. Bianca sewed me a gorgeous dress, though the neckline was a little too modest for my taste. I spent hours at the market trying to find the perfect mask. I finally decided on a dainty red and gold mask lined with pearls. I was going all out for my first masquerade. 
I could barely sleep the night beforehand. I was so excited. I had my hair done and was dressed hours before the party started. I’m not going to lie, when I looked in the mirror, I was blown away by how I looked. I finally looked like a woman, and a beautiful one at that.
The party was both amazing and overwhelming. There were so many people that I had to greet and so many men to dance with. But one man in particular caught my eye.
So I should probably back up here and talk about the rivalry that has plagued my story for centuries. Montagues and Capults have hated each other since God knows when. It goes back years, maybe even decades. What was the issue? No one knows. Isn’t it ironic? Isn’t it poetic? 
Let’s be real, it’s stupid. And I’m sure the original reason for the hatred between my family and his was stupid as well. The rivalry was well known throughout the town. I can only assume everyone else rolled their eyes when it was brought up.
Anyway, back to the party. Romeo caught my eye from across the room. Was it love at first sight? I thought so but what did I know? I’d never been in love before. But there he was looking as handsome as a prince. And he was staring at me in much the same way. I blushed and broke eye contact first. Suddenly I was filled with panic and I slipped out into the garden. He followed me a moment after. 
“My lady,” He bowed to me. Actually bowed. How could I resist that? “My name is Romeo.”
“Nice to meet you Romeo,” I murmured. I was going for demure but it came out as a squeak. He took my hand and kissed it in greeting. I could have melted into a puddle on the floor. Embarrassing, I know, but this was the first man to interact with me outside of family. I didn’t know at the time that he had originally been there for Rosalina. Or that he fell in love with a different girl each week, I just knew that there was a handsome man before me. Me. Boring, good mannered, Juliet.
Well it wasn’t long before we were in the garden kissing until my lips went numb. Unfortunately my absence was noted and Tybalt came searching for me. Not only did he ruin my first kiss but he made such a scene that Romeo was soon kicked out of the party. 
I was sent to my room at once where I wallowed in despair. Would I ever see my beloved Romeo again? Well I didn’t have to wait for very long for my answer. Romeo scaled the wall and invited himself into my room and not long after, my bed.
It was wonderful and scary and thrilling all at once. The things he whispered in my ear, the lengths he promised to go for me. It’s no wonder I thought myself in love with him. And for that night, everything was perfect. 
It all fell apart pretty quickly though. Romeo got a little too hot headed in the streets and killed my cousin. You think that would end any romantic feelings on my part but I was young and stupid. Tybalt started it anyway! He killed Romeo’s best friend first. Romeo was just a loyal friend. It was sweet, really.
That’s what I told myself. Not my proudest moment, I’ll admit. And then Romeo had to go into hiding. You see, they didn’t know it had been Romeo who killed Tybalt. The fight happened late at night and the only other witness, Mercruito, was already dead. So he left his body and fled to my bedroom to stash the murder weapon. He needed to leave town but he promised he’d come back. And I promised to wait. And I did. For months. He took an apprenticeship a few villages over while he waited for someone else to take the blame for Tybalt’s death. So I wrote him love letters that I never sent. I kept my window unlocked every night. I waited and prayed and yearned. And then I met Paris.
Paris was not nearly as handsome as Romeo but he was still an attractive man. While Romeo was flirtatious and suave, Paris was charming and gentle. He was a sweet man and if I hadn’t met Romeo, I think I would have been ecstatic when my mother announced our engagement. 
We would have been happy together. I realize that now, but then all I thought of was my Romeo. I had a sweet spot for Paris and that only caused guilt when I remembered that I had already promised myself to another. Romeo was my true love. How could I ever think I’d be happy with another?
The timing of Romeo’s return couldn’t have been more perfect, almost as if he planned it like that. He had heard about the engagement. He raged and he sobbed as he asked if I was going to abandon him so easily. He’d die for me, he said. Would I be willing to do the same?
I would. And I did. With a special tonic I would fake my death and then Romeo would come get me from my family’s crypt. He’d whisk me away and we would start a new life together. I believed him and I think he believed himself as well. But it’s like I said earlier, Romeo was quick to fall in love. 
So when the tonic was finally ready I drank it quickly before I could change my mind. My thoughts slowed and my vision blurred. I became sluggish and panicked as the tonic slowed my heart rate. I tried to make it to my bed but I think I may have lost consciousness before I could. I heard shouts as my world went black.
When I woke, my body ached. I was lying on a stone slab in a thin dress that did not keep out the cold. As my thoughts returned to me, I looked around and there was my Romeo waiting for me. I gave a weak smile that he did not return. Instead, he could not meet my eye and was fidgeting nervously.
“I think we’ve made a mistake,” He said at last. My thoughts were still confused so I did not respond. 
“It was a fantasy to think we should run away together,” He continued.
“What are you saying?” I asked but I already knew. He was not going to start a new life with me. 
“Perhaps you should marry Paris instead.” And then I knew. He had met someone else. He did not love me, he never did. This was all a game to him and it had finally gone too far.
“I gave up everything for you!” I cried. He shrugged and told me I wasn’t actually dead. I could return home to my family’s rejoice and it would be like nothing had changed. But things had changed. My heart was broken as the man who’d asked me to die for him had already moved on.
And suddenly I was angry. A burning white hatred bloomed inside me. I wanted him to suffer the way I had while he had been gone. How hopeless and sad I’d been. The happiness I’d felt when he returned was now being ripped away from me. I’d done all he had asked. I’d waited and was going to give up my entire life for him.
It was stupid to remind him of Tybalt. That I could tell everyone what he had done. I had the murder weapon after all, still rusted with my cousin’s blood. Romeo’s face paled as he tried to calm me. The more he tried, the angrier I became until we were both yelling.
I didn’t even see the knife he had until I felt it thrust up inside of me. He looked as shocked as I felt as we both realized what he had done. But then just as quickly, the shock vanished from his face as determined resolve replaced it. He stabbed me over and over again until my white dress was no longer white and the blood was pooling onto the floor. He laid me down gently, as gently as he had done when he shared my bed. He whispered sweet nothings in my ear that I tried not to hear. His tears that dripped down onto me only made me angrier and with my last strength I tried to push him away.
Blackness. Then light. Then the Broken Hearts Hotel. 
My story, as twisted and retold as it has now become, is the greatest romantic tragedy of all time. And I couldn’t be any more furious about it.
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electronicgrowth · 3 years
Can’t Get Enough Part 2
Hi friends! What do we think of Billie and Lee? How will Lee keep Billie? Only time will tell *evil laugh*. 
Summary: The two most stubborn people in Knockemstiff, Ohio have eyes for only each other. Lee Bodecker is determined to become the town’s next sheriff. He knows that image is everything. Billie Dechswaan doesn’t care about her image at all. All she wants is to leave Knockemstiff and never come back. But Lee has other plans for her. Both are far too stubborn to give up their own plans. What happens when they can’t get enough of each other?
Word Count: 1.9k
Billie awoke the next morning nervous. Not nervous that she was going to be pregnant, she may have been a small town girl but she wasn’t stupid. No, she was nervous because she knew she had crossed a line the night before. It was something she had dreamed of doing, for almost a full year. But she had plans to leave Knockemstiff and she couldn’t be deterred. She figured there was no sense in worrying about it for the time being. Knowing Lee Bodecker, she knew that he never paid a girl attention for very long. And she had to get ready for church. 
Being part of a family of eight meant that trying to pile everyone into the car on Sunday morning was an event. Wesley sat between his parents. And the three girls sat in the back. Joseph and Thomas sat in the trunk area. It was plenty big for the two of them. Joy fussed over her children. Straightening the boys ties and attempting to keep the girls’ dresses from getting rumpled. She had recently focused much of her attention on Billie. Billie was at the age where she needed to think about finding a nice fella to settle down with. John and Joy didn’t approve of Billie’s plan to leave Ross County. They knew she could find a nice boy in town and have wonderful grandchildren for them. 
Today Joy was especially grating to Billie. She thought about faking sick and skipping the church services. She didn’t know why her mother made the family listen to both services. They weren’t the same, but they were similar. Billie thought one service was plenty. But no, they had two every Sunday and Joy insisted that her daughters help serve lunch between the two services. The local women who could find some room in their budget to contribute a dish or two each week ran the lunches. She hated that everyone expected her to help. But she never put up a fuss about it. 
Lee awoke that same morning very excited. Excited about his future with Billie and today he would start to woo her. He knew the entire family would be at the Sunday church service. So, he went to the Sunday service and actively sought out the Dechswaan family. He saw Joy in one pew, she was toying with Billie’s dress. It’s white with pink flowers embroidered on it. Joy is obsessively running one hand over the dress, as if she think there’s wrinkles in the fabric. Billie looks entirely unamused. Lee walks over to the family as they’re starting to sit down. 
“Deputy Bodecker,” Joy beamed, “How are you on this fine Sunday?”
“Doing well ma’am,” he responds. 
“Good, good. Why don’t you sit with us today,” Joy grins, sitting down. 
“I would love to,” Lee smirks. 
“You and Billie can sit next to each other,” Joy suggests. He was used to mama’s shoving their daughters at him. What mama wouldn’t want a nice man with benefits to marry their little girl? 
Lee grinned to himself as he sat. If Joy was already trying to push Billie on him then this would be easy. Billie hesitantly sits between Lee and her mother. Lee’s legs spread open so his thigh brushes Billie’s. She strains to take a deep breath in. The air in the church was sweltering. You couldn’t expect much more from a stuffy church in Southern Ohio in June. 
Sweat was pouring down Billie’s back. She could feel her heart beating out of her chest. Lee moved his leg up and down so it rubbed on Billie’s leg. She wanted desperately to lean into it. The preacher asked the congregation to stand and sing. Billie stands with the rest of the family, she felt all the blood rush to her head. She stumbles back into Lee a bit. He rights her, he’s not sure what to make of her stumble and the intense blush in her face. She moves her hair off of her neck. She can’t feel the tips of her fingers, there’s ringing in her ears, and she can’t breathe. She starts to see little black dots hopping across her visual field. They’re halfway through Amazing Grace when Billie’s vision goes black and she collapses. 
Lee catches her before she hits the floor. There’s gasping and panicking. The preacher’s wife jumps to action.
“Let’s get her to the kitchen, we can get her some water,” she says, coming to the rescue. Lee carries Billie and Mrs. Dechswaan follows closely behind, ordering the other children to stay with their father to finish the sermon. Billie’s loss of consciousness is very brief, before they even get fully downstairs her eyes flutter open. She doesn’t fight Lee holding her. He manages to get her downstairs to the church kitchen, where he gingerly sets her on a countertop. 
“You feeling alright, sweetie?” Her mother coos with concern. Billie nods, not trusting her own voice. “I told you to eat breakfast,” Joy admonishes, handing her a glass of water provided by the preacher’s wife. Lee gathers Billie’s hair off her neck and starts to fan her with a church bulletin. If Joy wasn’t so concerned with her daughter fainting she might have noticed that such an action was too familiar. Billie sipped the water for a moment. 
“Thank you for catching me Deputy Bodecker,” she whispers. 
“Of course,” he responds.
“Mama, I just wanna go home,” Billie begs. 
“We can’t, honey. I’m signed up to serve luncheon between services,” Joy sighs. 
“Well, daddy or Joseph or Thomas could drive me home between,” Billie counters. 
“Honey, you know they’re going straight to that hog auction from here,” Joy says, clearly irritated that the three are skipping a church service. 
“I could take her,” Lee offers.
“We couldn’t impose,” Joy argues. 
“No, really. It’s quite alright. I was going to duck out between services anyway. I have a shift down at the station,” Lee promises. 
“Mama, just let him take me,” Billie urges. Joy looks at Lee, studying him.
“If you’re sure, I would really appreciate you helping us out,” she exhales. 
“Of course. It’s no problem,” Lee smiles. 
“Alright,” Joy allows, “Thank you Lee.” Billie slides off the counter and onto her feet. The four sneak back up to the main level. The preacher’s wife and Joy go back to the chapel for the remainder of the service. But Lee leads Billie outside with a tight grip on her arm. He opens the passenger door for her, before going around to the other side of the car.
“Thank you,” she murmurs as Lee starts the car. 
“You feeling any better?” He asks, eyes straight ahead on the road. 
“Still a little light-headed, but yeah,” she says. 
“You scared me there,” he tells her. 
“I’m sorry,” she apologizes. Lee nods. He’s silent for a moment. 
“I wanted to chat with you about the other night, actually,” Lee says. 
“Are you going to lecture me?” Billie wonders aloud. 
“No,” he laughed, “I just want to make myself clear going forward.”
“Yeah, I would like to start dating you,” he responded.
“Huh,” Billie hummed. 
“You’re a beautiful girl and you deserve someone who can provide for ya and treat ya right,” Lee murmured. 
“Sounds like you’re ready to settle down.”
“I am. The sheriff’s gotta have a lady on his arm.”
“And you want me… to be that lady.”
“I do. You’d be good at it. Already help serve Sunday luncheon and you could volunteer to work with the little kids during one of the services. Until we have our own babies, of course.”
“I think you’re moving too fast, Lee. I intend to go my own way for a time. I want to experience the world.”
“Baby,” he shakes his head, “The only experiences you need are right here. I can give you a good life. Once I’m sheriff, anything you want I can get ya. The fanciest house. The prettiest dresses. I don’t care. We’ll be so happy.” Lee stops the car, they had finally arrived back to the old farmhouse that Billie’s family lived in. Billie’s eyes are wide. She seemed almost panicked by what he had to say. 
“Uhmm, do want to come in? Have a glass of lemonade?” She asked, politely. 
“Of course,” he smiled. He was glad that she was already catering to him. She’d make a pretty little wife. He followed Billie up the steps of the house, she stumbled a little and he caught her by the elbow. 
“Thank you,” she sighed. She opened the door and led him to the kitchen. The table where the family ate was scuffed and scratched, all the chairs were mismatched. He would buy her a much nicer dining room set. He sat and waited for her to join him. She gathered two glasses and a pitcher of lemonade before sitting down at the table. She poured them each a glass. Lee drank from his glass deeply, while Billie sipped. 
“I appreciate what you’re saying Lee, I really do,” she began, “But I really want to go to college. I want to be a teacher and live in a big city.” 
“I know, honey. But my plan is better for you. You don’t have to work. You just gotta take care of me,” he explained. It was simple to him. He couldn’t fathom what it was that she wasn’t getting. Billie was quiet. 
“Didn’t you have fun last night, sugar?” He asked, his voice was gravelly and low. 
“I-I did,” she answered. Lee reach his hand over to rub her thigh. 
“I could love on you like that every night, baby,” he told her, “Wouldn’t that be nice?” Billie nodded dumbly. It did sound nice. Her heart was beating quickly again. She fought to control her breath. Was he going to do that again? Right now? Part of her really hoped so. 
“Well, we don’t have to get married anytime soon,” Lee reasoned, “We can take it slow and maybe next summer we get married. Just give me sometime to prove to ya that I can treat ya right, okay?” Billie nodded again. Lee leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers. 
“I gotta head to work, baby,” Lee downed the rest of his lemonade, “Let’s meet tonight. Go through your woods over here and I’ll pick you up, okay?”
“Alright,” Billie nodded. She didn’t know why she was agreeing. 
“Good, I’ll see you at ten, then. Now give me a kiss and walk me out,” he commanded, standing up. Billie stood and reached up on her tippy toes to kiss Lee. He was at least six foot and she was just five feet five inches tall. She pecked his lips. But he wrapped his arms around her, and held her to him. He deepened the kiss, running his tongue against hers. She kissed him back eagerly. Her tongue fought his for dominance. His hand snaked down to her ass to palm it. He pulled away from her with a gasp and released her. Billie walked him to the door and pecked his lips a second time. 
“Bye,” she smiled. 
“I’ll see you tonight, baby.” She watched Lee drive away before closing the door. She went back to the kitchen to clean the two glasses, before slinking up to her bed. If she was meeting Lee tonight then she would need to get some sleep. 
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kurt-nightcrawler · 3 years
Comfort and Care
𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
(𝑭𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒆!𝑫𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒅 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)
Blurb: Dominique comes over to help the reader feel a bit better after a bad week
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: so this is very self indulgent! I haven’t been doing too well mentally and that isn’t really portrayed in the fic but I wrote this because of that... I hope you enjoy! (Also I may write more lost girls content? We will see what happens! Let me know what you’re all vibing with!)
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You cried yourself to sleep. You could barely focus on your studies and you didn’t even have the strength to brush your teeth. 
You wanted it all to stop. The feeling to pass. You hated it and you hated yourself for it. 
You didn’t want to get up and move, but you knew you had to. 
You groaned and got up from your bed. Your reflection was sad— reflecting your current state— your hair was oily, a sign you needed to shower, Your skin was breaking out again, and your pajamas looked wrinkled and worn from you wearing them for days on end. 
You didn’t have the strength or energy to change and make yourself presentable, but you had plans to meet your friends at the boardwalk. 
You didn’t want to go. But you had to. They’d be upset you canceled on them. You hadn’t seen them since last weekend. 
“Ugh! Fuck it!” They probably wouldn’t care anyway. 
You went to the kitchen to grab the landline and dial-up the Emerson’s home phone. 
If Grandpa hasn’t wrecked it yet. 
It rang. It rang, and it rang, and it rang, and it—
—it stopped. 
“Michelle?” You asked. 
“Hey, (Y/N)! What’s up?” 
“Oh um, I don’t… I don’t feel good… I don’t think I’m gonna go to the boardwalk tonight.” 
“Okay… I’ll tell the others. Do you want Dominique to come over? She’s gonna be pissed you didn’t show.” 
A wave of guilt flashed over you. You hadn’t seen your girlfriend in a week… 
She was going to be upset, and you didn’t want to upset her, but you really didn’t want to go out.
“Um, I’ll see her tomorrow…” 
“Okay. Hope you feel better!”
“Thanks…” you put the phone back on the hook and went immediately back to your room. 
You turned on your small tv, not bothering to see what was on, and buried yourself under the covers, and tried to fall asleep to the sounds of the television. 
“(Y/N)... (Y/N)...” 
You groaned as you slowly awoke. “Hhhhhhhh…” You rubbed your eyes and opened them. 
Above you was Dominique. She was straddling your lap, her hand cradling your cheek. 
“You’re up.” 
“What— what are you doing here?” You asked. 
“Michelle said you didn’t feel good,” She stated. 
“Yeah, but—“ 
“I brought you snacks, some blankets, your heating pad you left at the cave, I even brought some movies from Darcy’s collection.”
Dominique frowned, “What’s wrong?”
“I’m just tired. Tired of everything. I’m so overwhelmed but I don’t do anything! I feel so alone all the time. Which is stupid as hell, but—“ 
“Oh, Kitten, it’s okay… I get it…” 
“It’s so stupid. I’m stupid. I wish I got to see you more often,” You frowned. “My parents are just arguing all the time and I’m worried they’ll drag me into it. I don’t know if I can take it.” 
“Where are they now?” She asked. 
“My mom went to her sister’s and my dad is at my grandpa’s. It’s just us.” 
“Come here,” Dominique helped you get up and lean against your pillow. “It’s okay. This feeling will pass…”
“It feels like it never will. I was doing fine for so long and now I’m not! It’s pathetic.” 
“No. You are not pathetic. You are amazing and strong and doing your absolute best.”  
Dominique tried to give you a kiss, but you flinched.
“What is it?” She asked. 
“I haven’t brushed my teeth today… my breath probably smells awful.” 
“I don’t care. Pumpkin, I’m dead. My breath smells bad all the time. My eyebrows disappear when I vamp out. I kill people.” 
“But still… I’m disgusting. My skin is breaking out again and I look like an oily rat.” 
“When was the last time you showered?” She asked. 
“I don’t even remember. Maybe Monday? I don’t know…” You felt so helpless. You felt so embarrassed in your girlfriend’s arms. 
“How about we take a warm shower? That sound good?” 
Dominique led you into the bathroom and helped you strip out of your dirty pajamas. “Have you eaten today?” She asked. 
“Yeah. I had some peanut butter and apple slices.” 
“Anything else?” 
Dominique frowned, tossing her shirt off and throwing it with your clothes, “Coffee isn’t a meal, kitten.” 
“Yeah, but I needed the caffeine.”
“After your shower, I’ll make you something to eat. Come on.” 
Dominique stuck her hand out to see if the water from the tub faucet was warm enough. When she decided it was, she pulled the diverter valve, letting the showerhead run. She held your hand, helping you into the shower. 
You stood directly under the showerhead, letting it beat down on your hair. Dom grabbed your shampoo bottle, squirting some product into her hands, before lathering it into your scalp. 
Her body pressed against yours. It was cold. Her hands in your hair were just as chilly. 
You had become used to the feeling, but you still shivered. She was a stark contrast against the hot water coming down.
You rinsed out your shampoo and applied conditioner to your ends. You thought about shaving, but Dominique said that could be done another time. 
You ran your fingers through your hair, washing the conditioner out of the ends when you noticed Dominique’s mullet no longer styled. 
“Oh, your hair!” You cooed. “It’s all soaked.”
“It’s fine.” She waved off. “I’ll fix it later.” 
You turned the water off and Dominique grabbed a towel for you. 
“You’re welcome.” You both dried off and looked in your room for some clean clothes. 
“Here’s one of your sweatshirts…” You sheepishly handed over. “I think I have some of your sweatpants too…”
Dominique chuckled. She gave them to you to keep, you didn’t have to be so shy about it. “Thanks, Kitten. What do you want to eat?”
“I dunno…”
Dom restated her question. “What do you have?” 
“Uh, I think chicken strips…”
“Pumpkin…” She warned. 
“You cannot eat chicken strips for every meal.”
“I didn’t! I made pasta this week, and I even had a vegetable!” 
“Good! Good, I’m proud. Sit at the counter and I’ll find something to make.” A small smile snuck its way onto your face as you got yourself an empty glass and filled it with water. You sat down, watching Dom look through your fridge and cupboard. 
“Want me to make salmon? Or was your mom saving that?”
“Oh, um, if it’s in the freezer go ahead.” 
You watched Dominique take out a baking tray, and place a piece of foil over it. She poured olive oil over it and added some spices to season the bottom side of the salmon. She cut up a lemon into thin slices, placing some on the pan and saving the rest for the top of the fish. She placed the salmon onto the tray and added more seasoning. 
“I’m going to steam some veggies too. Can you get them out for me, Pumpkin?” 
“Yeah,” You got up from your seat and opened the fridge. “We just have carrots and broccoli… um, there’s also some rice leftover from… I think Thursday…?” 
“Get it out. I can reheat it.” 
You placed it all on the counter for Dom to have access to. You sat back down and continued watching her cook as you absentmindedly sipped on your water. 
As Dom steamed the carrots and broccoli, heated the rice, and cleaned up, she just had to wait for the fish to finish cooking in the oven. 
She turned her attention to you. 
she cupped your face with one hand gently, “You look tired.” 
“So do you,” You teased. 
Dominique squinted her eyes. “Are you trying to cause trouble?” 
“No…” You had to hold back a giggle. She rolled her eyes and kissed your forehead. 
“Lemme get you some more water.” She took your cup and refilled it. 
“Mhmm,” Dominique glanced at the oven timer. There was a little less than two minutes left for the salmon. 
“I’m going to see if it’s done. It probably is.” She opened the oven door and—
“Use an oven mitt!” You reminded her. 
Dom almost scoffed, “Kitten, my skin will heal in a week—“ 
“It will smell like burnt flesh for weeks if you don’t use an oven mitt. And I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” 
Dominique found it sweet how much you cared about her, even if it was in a minuscule moment like this. She grabbed the nearest oven mitt— yellow, with a sunflower design all over. It clashed with her aesthetic for sure, but safety before fashion. 
Dom pulled the salmon out and poked it with a fork.
“yeah, I think it’s done. I’ll take it out and let it cool. Get yourself a plate.” 
You did as you were told, and you filled your plate up with vegetables and rice and your piece of salmon. 
“Are you going to eat anything?” You asked Dominique. 
“I’m not hungry.” 
“You sure?” 
“If I want some food, I’ll take it from you later, and besides, I only need blood to survive.” She reminded you. 
“Have you drank lately? Do you need to? You can have some of my blood while we watch a movie, I don’t mind,” You told her as you took your plate and headed to your bedroom. 
“I’m fine, pumpkin.” She shut the door behind you, put a random movie in the tv’s tape player, and made herself comfortable on your bed. 
“Besides, I don’t want to drink from you right now, it will affect your mood… and I want you to get better… Okay?”
“Oh. Okay.” 
Dominique stroked your cheek, “Don’t feel bad, (Y/N). I can get blood from anyone… but I can only get one of you, and I want you to be happy. You’re my girlfriend, I care about you a lot.” 
You weren’t sure if you wanted to cry or not. 
Dom wasn’t always the best with words, and she had a bit of trouble saying “I love you”, which you didn’t mind. She showed she loved you in other ways than just words. Like coming over with movies and blankets because you said you weren’t feeling good, or washing your hair for you, or cooking you dinner. 
“Thank you. I love you.” 
“Mhmm,” She wrapped an arm around you and kissed your forehead. 
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katrina765 · 3 years
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summary: you and reggie have always been good friends. being the manager for sunset curve had its perks, one of which included growing close to all the boys. one night reggie lets his feelings for you slip. how will you react?
song: testify
pairings: reggie x reader[platonic] maybe;)
words: 3.3k
warnings: mentions of alcohol, drinking, swearing, angst, pining, fluff towards the end
a/n: i’m sorry this took so long. i’ve been super busy with school and my motivation hasn’t been the best, but we made it! finally finished testify, so enjoy:) [for plot purposes we’re saying y/n lives in bobby’s house and owns the studio-garage]
he’s lying awake trying to contemplate what this all means. he’s known how he’s felt for so long and yet he can never find the right words to say to you. you always manage to steal his breath away by barely doing anything. you walk into a room, his face lights up and suddenly his palms are sweaty. he’s amazed with the way you speak. it’s as if silk were a sound and it were projecting from your lips.
your lips.
what he’d do just to get a taste, a feel. the poor boy has dreamt of the way they’d fit perfectly against his. he’d imagine the way you’d move in sync with him. it all felt so real and yet he knew if he never built up the courage to talk to you, he wouldn’t get the chance to make those dreams realities.
“luke!” you called, crossing the cramped studio towards the lead singer. he was shouting over the music to a girl who practically clung to his arm. you watched as she batted her eyelashes and took another sip from her red solo cup. “luke!”
you reached the pair, earning a pointed glare from the petite girl. luke hesitantly looked at you, guilt already painting his features.
“can i help you, sweetheart?” she took a step forward, clearly bothered that you interrupted her conversation.
“find someone else to bother, babe.” you roughly grabbed luke’s hand, leading him towards a less crowded area. he gave the girl an apologetic wave before she stormed off towards the drinks table.
“she was really pretty, y/n.” luke groaned, tossing his cup into a nearby bin.
“luke, you said this was only going to be a few people! do you know how big of a mess i’m going to have to clean up? my parents are going to be up my ass when they come home!”
“calm down, y/l/n. have a little fun, get a little drunk! the boys and i will help clean up. scouts honor!”
“you were never a scout- you know what? fine! this is yours to deal with. i may be your official manager, but i’m not your babysitter! have fun with this one, patterson.” and with that you made your way over to a cooler, pulling out a bottle of some fruity drink.
reggie spotted you from a few feet away, his beer abandoned in a corner of the studio. it wasn’t his fault you stole the show wherever you went- even if he was the only one in the audience. his eyes were glued to you and that was how it was. you were completely oblivious to his infatuation with you. that’s how it’s been for years.
the boy watched as you made your way over to alex. he ogled at the way your lips met the rim of the glass bottle, delicately sipping at the liquid.
as you approached the boy in the pink hoodie, his eyes traveled far behind you. they met reggie’s, catching his stare. alex smirked knowingly and nodded to his band mate. reggie hesitated slightly before walking away to grab another beer.
a little liquid luck never hurt anybody. right?
“hey, alex.” you greeted, tilting the bottle back once more. “i thought you weren’t a ‘party person’.”
“i’m not.” he scratched the back of his neck, glancing around the room again.
the studio wasn’t terribly big. normally there was room for your piano, the band’s gear, and a couple couches. sure there was an empty area and a loft, but you never intended to have more than ten people in it at once.
luke’s “small gathering” had turned into a large house party and your poor studio had people so close, they were bumping shoulders. cups were tipped on the floor, bottles strewn about, your mother’s plants pushed to one corner, speakers in the middle of the room blaring some jumbled rock song.
a mess.
“i really only came for luke. he said it was gonna be fun, but i wasn’t expecting so many people.” alex leaned down so you would be able to hear him better.
“yeah.” you rolled your eyes, recalling the conversation you just had with the guitarist. “didn’t really give any of us a heads up. do you wanna-”
a loud crash from across the studio cut you off. in the direction of it, a mixture of cheers and laughs erupted.
with a groan of frustration, you politely excused yourself from the drummer. he flashed you a sympathetic smile as you downed the rest of your drink and walked off.
“hey, man!” reggie took your place next to alex, keeping his eyes on you as he spoke to his bandmate.
alex waved a hand in front of reggie’s face, snapping his fingers a couple times. he chuckled once the bassist finally looked up at him with reddening cheeks.
“if you didn’t want to talk to me, you could have just said so.” alex laughed.
“no- no, i’m sorry.” reggie cleared his throat, taking another sip from his bottle, before continuing. “just a little...”
“distracted?” the boy in the flannel nodded sheepishly. “dude, you have to tell her.”
“you know i can’t do that.”
“why not? everyone sees the way you look at her! it’s better to tell her than to keep it to yourself for another three years.”
reggie took a deep breath. his eyes scanned the crowd in search of you. he watched as you shooed people away from a broken vase- one of your mother’s. you delicately picked up shards of glass, careful not to cut yourself.
“i just don’t want to ruin things with her.” the boy finally exhaled.
“well then at least go help her clean up.” alex’s eyes glimmered with a hint of mischief as he shoved his bandmate in your direction.
reggie stumbled towards you, instinctively smoothing out his jacket. your eyes lit up when the boy reached you. he offered his help and even after you insisted this was your mess to clean up, he stayed and helped you sweep. it was sweet; the gesture. to you it was just a friend helping another friend, but to him, every lingering touch sent a million questions to his mind; was that on purpose? why is she looking at me like that? does she feel the same?
to any onlookers, they’d see the way his cheeks flushed each time your hands accidentally brushed or when you moved to sweep a fallen strand of hair out of your face. reggie was infatuated by you and everyone saw it except you.
“thanks again, reg.” a smile stretched across your face as you tossed the last shards of glass into the bin. reggie had just walked back outside to you with two drinks in his hands; the same fruity drink you had earlier and another beer. “how’d you know these are my favorite?”
“had a hunch.” his cheeks were tinged that familiar pink color, grateful the darkness was there to hide it from your view.
“we should probably get back in there before something else breaks, huh?” you tipped the bottle back, taking another long sip from the sweet drink. as much as you hated the feeling of being drunk and what was to come after, you needed all the liquid courage this bottle had to offer.
reggie tilted his own bottle back, mind racing with a thousand thoughts, but only one that really stood out. for him, it was now or never. the atmosphere was right, there were no distractions- if he didn’t do it now, he’d be kicking himself forever.
i’m losing control now that the alcohol hits my blood flow.
“y/n?” you turned around, walking back towards the bassist.
“everything alright, reggie?” you placed a hand on his shoulder. concern evident in your eyes as you looked up at the flustered boy.
didn’t want to address this, but i really thought that you should know.
“can i tell you something?”
the conversation was short. nothing much said, at least not on your part. it was him who spilled his entire being into one breath. his words hit you quickly, the loud music almost drowning them out entirely. reggie watched as your face fell. you attempted to mask your discomfort with a shy smile; one he knew all too well. it was the same look you’d given so many others before. it was all out there now. his feelings for you, the ones he’d been hiding since he first met the bright, bubbly girl. he’d fallen instantly. now he stood, drink in hand, watching as you walked away. you didn’t feel the same and he knew you never would. his mind ran through everything he could have said to persuade you. “life gets so black and white when i look in your eyes. girl, you just simplify, you make wrong seem so right, turn dark into light.” he’d lost his chance and there was nothing he could do to get it back. if only he’d been better, more charming, would you have felt the same?
he drank that night. reggie tipped bottles back like there was no tomorrow. he drank and drank and drank for the next two weeks.
he knew it was a bad idea- telling you- and yet he did it anyway. alex had suggested it, but it wasn’t his fault. he’d been wanting to do it since before he could remember. it just hurt that you finally knew...and didn’t feel the same.
reggie started skipping band practice. he knew you’d be there, going over gigs you were looking for or just to provide feedback. he couldn’t look you in the eyes without being swarmed with those feelings again. nothing would change for him and he knew that. seeing you there would only make things worse.
the doubt was what ate at him. why wasn’t he good enough? was it something he said? did? there was nothing wrong with you- hell, you were perfect to him- so it had to be something with him, right?
i’ve made a mistake, but this is a whole new kind of rejection.
he could have spoken differently? if he controlled the nerves in his voice he would’ve seemed more put together. what if he said something smoother?
come over here slowly, come get to know my body. got me breaking a sweat ‘cause this is a whole new kind of neglection.
he wouldn’t call it neglect. if anything he was the one avoiding you. it was only after he came back to band practice a month later when he saw it.
you were the only one not to greet him when he walked into the studio last wednesday. reggie didn’t blame you. it was only fair you were a little uncomfortable around him now that you knew it all. so he didn’t mind when you ignored him today.
band practice had started the same as any other day. luke had written a new song and was eager to show you all. alex picked up his parts quickly, reggie was a little distracted, but tried his best to follow along, and you sat on the couch across the room flipping through newspapers and magazines in search of a place that needed an opening band.
“what do you think, y/n?” luke asked, strumming his final chord before placing his guitar back in it’s stand. “stage-worthy?”
“a little choppy on the bass, but otherwise not bad.” you looked up at the boys.
luke, bobby, and alex laughed at your quip, but reggie’s face resembled something of a poorly hidden scowl. in his mind your remark was nothing short of jab back at him. is it bad that he was the slightest bit relieved you even addressed him?
it felt like it had been years since he saw your smile let alone pointed in his direction.
“you heard the girl! pick it up, peters!”
“shut it, luke.” reggie swung his bass back around, ready to play. he glanced quickly up at you to see your eyes already on him. a soft smile rested on your lips as you ducked your head back down to your work.
reggie felt those familiar butterflies arise in him. you still managed to steal his heart even after breaking it.
that’s gotta hurt.
i’m missing you, do you miss me too? i’m missing all your cues ‘cause baby, it’s hot in here and i’m filled with fear, ‘cause i know you don’t like to lose.
“i miss her.” reggie slumped down in his seat, shuffling his shoes gently on the pine floor.
“dude she literally just said she couldn’t make it to bowling.” bobby walked towards his sulking bandmate. he had just completed a turn and glanced back to see the last three pins fall.
it was alex’s go. on his way to the rack of multicolored bowling balls, he patted bobby on the back as a ‘congrats, man!’
“i don’t just mean tonight. after i told her and- and after i ghosted you guys for a couple weeks- sorry about that by the way.” luke dismissively waved him off, nodding for him to continue. “she’s been ignoring me. at first she would at least smile at me, but now she won’t even look in my direction. i know i messed up, but this is just confusing.”
the boys had decided to relax this friday night. after having practice everyday this week and working nonstop, a celebratory pizza and bowling night seemed appropriate. you had actually suggested the small bowling alley a couple towns over for the boys to go. they insisted you come along, but you had already made plans.
they weren’t the only ones with a busy schedule. between managing the band, work, school, and maintaining your own personal relationships, you needed a break. friday was the only night you had free, so you made the most of it. bowling could wait.
“she’s been distancing herself from us too, reggie. not just you.” luke admitted.
“girls are just confusing, man.” reggie looked up at bobby. he tried his hardest to smile along with his friend, but all that was on his mind was you.
he didn’t realize how much it hurt not having you there. it was in that moment when reggie decided keeping you as a friend, would mean he at least kept you in his life. even if your feelings for him never changed, not having you around was worse than losing you.
“is she actually gonna show?”
“dude, why wouldn’t she?” luke and bobby murmured between themselves.
sunset curve stood backstage, tuning their instruments in preparation for their performance. you had spent a couple weeks trying to book this gig. through your hectic schedule you had spent little time at the studio with the boys, but you were still able to ‘work your magic’ -as luke would say- and get them a spot playing at a club.
they were obviously grateful, but seeing as they hardly saw you, they weren’t able to express it. regardless of them practicing in your garage, your time was exhausted running between your work and school.
now you stood front row at the club, waiting for their band- your band- to be announced on stage. little did you know, reggie had been pacing back and forth hoping you’d show. the look on his face once he caught sight of you was one you drilled into your mind.
it was pure joy.
the boys all gave the crowd a quick scan as they reached their instruments. almost at once they all saw you and smiled. their teeth weren’t showing nearly as much as reggie’s, but you could tell they were all ecstatic to see you nonetheless.
to say the performance went smoothly was an understatement. to you, they did phenomenally. it was not only the crowd’s first time hearing some of the songs, but yours as well. the boys were flawless and they knew it. you could practically see the energy radiating off of them as they took their bows.
you took no time in rushing past the crowd to the backstage, waiting eagerly to congratulate the boys.
“you came!” reggie practically leapt off the stage and into your arms.
“good to see you too, peters-” you choked, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“let the poor girl breathe!” bobby chuckled, following the rest of the boys down the steps.
reggie quickly released you, muttering a sequence of apologies. his cheeks burned a bright pink as he finally met your eyes. there was a sort of twinkle he noticed. he couldn’t quite place it as he was blocked from your view, but he saw it nonetheless.
“you guys did amazing up there.” you smiled at the rest of the band. they all took their turn wrapping you up in sweaty hugs.
“no thanks to our amazing manager!” alex cheered.
an assortment of ‘here here’s’ and ‘cheers’ erupted from the boys. they paraded around you, talking over each other as they relived their time on stage from just moments ago.
“celebratory pizza?” luke jumped in question, arms waving towards the door.
“i’m down!”
“you guys comin?” alex nodded towards you and reggie. the two of you stepping away from the group subconsciously.
“we’ll be there in a bit. can i talk to you for a sec, reg?” the three guys behind you exchanged a set of looks. each raising their eyebrows higher than the next. alex was quick to push his bandmates out the door to give the two of you some privacy.
you couldn’t help the blush that crept onto your cheeks as you looked back at reggie. he too had a thin layer of pink dusting his cheeks. the two of you stood for a moment, neither speaking. the seconds between the boys leaving and your first words felt like an eternity.
you shifted from foot to foot, trying to find the right words.
“i just wanted to say-” you started.
“i’m sorry!” the two of you blurted out in unison.
“you first.” you giggled, ducking your head as the boy in front of you stuttered his words.
“ok, ok. i’m sorry for springing all of that onto you a couple months ago and then ditching the band while i drank away my petty feelings. it was pretty shitty- i mean being rejected is pretty shitty too, but the way i reacted was bad. it just hurt because i’ve liked you for so long and when you said you didn’t feel the same, i didn’t know what to do so i hid and-” reggie rambled and only paused to take a breath. you took the opportunity to pipe up.
“reggie...i need to apologize, too. i could have had an actual conversation instead of walking away from you-”
“no!” reggie bounced forward slightly, making you stumble back in laughter. “i mean...your reaction was valid. you probably weren’t expecting it all. you not feeling the same shouldn’t have changed our relationship and i realized that all recently. i’d much rather have you as my manager and friend than lose you completely. so…y/n-” reggie stepped forward again, reaching for your hands. you nervously laced your fingers with his, looking up as he continued on with his dramatic speech. “y/n, will you do me the honor of being my friend?”
you couldn’t help but giggle at his theatrics. reggie was sincere and you could see that. he didn’t want to lose you and even if it was only a month of you two hardly seeing each other, he knew he didn’t want you out of his life.
“reggie…?” your tone scared him. reggie’s eyebrows raised slightly at your sudden seriousness. were you going to leave him right then and there? would you not want to be his friend anymore?
“what if your feelings weren’t all one sided anymore?”
tagged: @caitsymichelle13 @poppin-peters @shmaptainshada @mystic-writings​ @fantomlovescharliegillespie4ever @dream-a-little-bigger-x​ @mnmdancin12​ @annoyinglyseverehottub  @peeurpantsbitch @artificialsweetener15
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letsunity · 3 years
Not Afraid - Chapter 1
Summery -  
The Bad Batch go to Tatooine to resupply and avoid the Empire. As per the usual, Omega gets separated from the group. Fortunately for her, Krayt's Claw just so happens to be nearby. Bossk and Embo guide her to Boba Fett, who takes interest in why the Kaminoans want her. It's a reluctant partnership, with the Bad Batch having to rely on Krayt's Claw to navigate non-military life.
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Tatooine is hot, dry and bright, the opposite of Kamino. She stayed by Hunter's side, inquisitively looking at everything around her. Everything was new and interesting; she wanted to learn everything. The heat emanating from the suns above bore down, drying out her mouth and cracking her lips.
The market was bustling with aliens of all kinds, from giants to dwarves, each with their own story. Everybody had their own experiences, which fascinated Omega, as she had none. She hadn't even experienced dirt until recently.
 "I don't think credits are enough here," Echo sighed, irked by the constant rise in temperature. "Not to mention the place is infested with lowlifes."
 "Considering how Pantora went, we fit right in," Tech continued blankly, earning an eye-roll from the cyborg. "It's possible we'll have to do a job in exchange for supplies."
 "As much as I don't want to agree, it looks that way," Hunter said, nodding slightly. "It's not like we can go to Jabba the Hutt for a job, though. There aren't a lot of people who won't turn on us in a second."
Although it was important, she struggled to pay attention.
The crowd became thick like an ocean, slamming against the group. Something was going on, and whatever it was, Omega wanted to see. Wrecker picked her up, sitting her on his shoulder so she could see above the rest. From the looks of it, a man was duelling someone else, the fight brutal and lawless.
Whoever they were, they must be important, given the crowd. Several people bumped into Wrecker, betting on who'd win. One shoved him hard enough to cause Omega to fall off, angering the hulking clone. Unsurprisingly, this led to another fight, which Hunter and Echo tried dragging him away from.
She wasn't sure why, but he'd been a little more aggressive as of late. Maybe it was because they're hungry? That would make sense. Hunger made people act weird.
People from the first fight got involved in Wrecker's, creating a cacophony of chaos and excitement. As people hurried to surround them, they shoved Omega away, pushing her from side to side. Before she could try fighting back, somebody else shoved her down, sand seeping into her clothes and hair.
She pulled her hand, avoiding it being crushed by someone's boots. Anytime she tried to move, someone walked over her or into her. They didn't have a care in the world that she was in their way, so she stayed put, waiting for it to dissipate.
The moment it seemed safe enough to get up, a Rodian sneered in disgust, thinking she was some slave. Revolted by her, the Rodian kicked the humanoid thing, wanting it away from him.
 "Big mistake," hissed someone behind him.
As Omega rubbed her eye, trying to remove the sand, she could make out a hand.
Embo helped the child stand, asking if she was alright. She didn't understand him, so he helped wipe some sand from her eye, looking to Bossk.
The Trandoshan licked blood from his claws, finished with the Rodian pest. With Marrok grunting beside him, Embo requested that he talk to her.
Bossk knelt, looking over the girl. Her condition and clothing meant she wasn't from here and couldn't be more than around ten. The kick would bruise, but he didn't feel any broken bones.
 "Where's your family?" Bossk hissed, looking around for someone like her.
She wouldn't say, closing up. A wise decision, given how hostile Tatooine is to foreigners.
 "Alright. We'll give you a place to stay while we look for your family or friends. You look dehydrated, and you could get sunburnt. I'm Bossk, and that's Embo, plus his mutt Marrok."
Embo protested to the insult of his fuzzy son. Bossk rolled his eyes, not understanding his attachment to the oversized Massiff.
Omega hadn't met a Trandoshan before, although she was aware of them. She didn't know what Embo was, nor his animal companion. She didn't want to follow them, but she didn't know what else to do. Unlike the orange helmet lady, they actually helped her. Her eye hurt, but Embo's assistance made it tolerable.
They waited patiently for her to decide, their presence scaring off some people. The Trandoshan offered a hand, his arm creepily long. Though hesitant, she just wanted to go home, and they were all she had. Hesitantly, Omega took the reptile's hand. Instead of clasping back, his hand was relaxed, giving her control.
Gently, they walked beside her, Marrok walking behind them. They were purposefully slow, doing it for her sake. So far, they were nicer than the mean lady.
Embo spoke to Bossk in a language she didn't know, the Trandoshan making several expressions she didn't understand. She wanted to understand, but that would take a while.
They led her to a house-like location, opening the door for her. Embo mumbled something to Bossk and left, presumably to find her friends.
The reptilian motioned for her to sit, pointing to a large table belonging to a cantina. As Omega sat down, she examined the location, understanding it to be a home base of sorts. There were locker-like contraptions in the walls with symbols etched into each one. Bossk opened one, likely his, and tossed a bottle to her.
As Omega opened it, a funny smell ran through her nose and assaulted her tongue. Instead of waiting for her, he took one himself and drank it, a long tongue licking his scaled lips afterwards.
She took a sip, feeling cold water trickle down her oesophagus. She didn't realise how thirsty she was.
 "What's your name, kid?" Bossk asked, sitting across from her.
 "I'm Omega. Thanks for the water, mister."
 "My nephew and I have a strict code about children. If there's one in need, it'd be wrong to turn them away. Embo's adopted the same code since working with us," he said casually, looking at her clothing. "You aren't from around here. What brings your pals to the sandy rectum of the galaxy?"
 "We needed to get supplies. We were meant to get them on Pantora, but a mean lady with an orange helmet got in the way. She had red strings in her hair, too."
He nodded, aware of the woman Omega described.
"Fennec Shand. She's fairly new to the Bounty Hunting game, more of the assassin type. Someone must want you bad if they hired her. You don't have to worry about me, though; I don't do bounties with kids."
The door opened as two more entered. There was a man with cloth around his head and C-Assassination Droid. They stared at the girl, surprise on the man's face, and they slowly looked at Bossk. Apparently, this wasn't the first time he'd brought a kid back.
Bossk introduced her to Dengar and Highslinger, part of his group. Dengar sat down, shoving the Trandoshan to make more room. The reptile hissed, but Dengar waved it off, seemingly afraid of nothing.
"What is it with you lot and adopting kids, huh?" Dengar joked, getting a growl from the reptile. "Don't give me that, grumpy. Don't urate yourself or whatever you do."
The droid spoke up, essentially calling Dengar a moron. Bossk nodded in agreement, pushing Dengar off his seat. The man casually got up, used to the Trandoshan's friendliness, or lack thereof.
They reminded her of Hunter and the others.
 "Be a good moron and look for her friends. What're their names?"
 "Hunter, Echo, Wrecker and Tech. They've got an Omicron shuttle, Havoc Marauder," she named, eager to reunite with them.
 "Omicron, huh? That'll be an easy find. You don't see a lot of those hovering around these days," Dengar assured, walking back outside. Highslinger provided a robotic wave, following the tanned cyborg.
"It's a big place. In the meantime, have a nap while I make some food. You look like you could do with some."
They weren't anything like the mean 'Fennec'.
Bossk watched over the girl, pausing as she fell into a deeper sleep than either anticipated. Slowly, he lifted her, holding her against his warm body. She was underweight, having near to no muscle on her at all. Poor thing was exhausted.
Her clothes were old and tattered, having seen far better days, and her boot soles were near non-existent from wear. Not just that, but her clothes were Kaminoan, which worried Bossk.
Slowly, the Trandoshan walked out the back, stepping into the Slave-1. The smell of saltwater seared his nostrils, but it helped Bo sleep. Since Jango died, he couldn't sleep without the smell of Kaminoan oceans, even though he hated the planet. He felt her breathing changing like she was more comfortable.
That confirmed that she was from Kamino. It was good that she wasn't there anymore, but still.
Carefully, Bossk pulled out a makeshift bunk, having set it up for Jango many times. The man overworked himself, often falling asleep in the cockpit. It was something that Bo inherited, the little scamp, so much like his dad.
Every day, Bossk missed that asshole more and more. Even the grump of Cad Bane missed Jango's enthusiastic crazy, and weirdly, Jabba took it worse than Bossk, and Jango was his brother. Not even as a close friend, he was raised by Jango's adoptive parents.
He couldn't imagine how mom was doing. She struggled with Jaster died, but with Jango gone as well? He couldn't fathom it.
As Bossk placed the sleeping girl into the makeshift bunk, several questions clouded his mind. What did Fennec want with this kid? She was as normal as Bossk had ever seen, just a plain child. For the likes of Fennec to be sent after her, things were serious. Before leaving her, he made sure to tuck a blanket over her, keeping her secure.
Concerned, Bossk checked her bounty, and unsurprisingly, the Kaminoans issued it. When it came to those lunatics, he loved the idea of getting in their way. Helping her meant upsetting them, which was good.
In the meantime, they'd have to find her friends. They were probably worried sick for her.
When Bossk exited the Slave-1, he found Embo waiting for him.
 "She's asleep. She'll have a black eye, but nothing too severe. What've you found?"
 "Someone saw the kid with four men in altered clone trooper armour, all with skulls painted on. Apparently, similarly-armoured hooligans were sighted on Pantora recently. Think they're clones?"
 "We shouldn't rule it out. Get Derrown or Black Krrsantan to find their ship; I'm sure Dengar's getting pissed somewhere. Do what you do, Em."
Embo nodded, whistling for Marrok. As they set off, Bossk wondered what the Kaminoans could be up to. From Ventress' info, before she died, they were out of fresh Jango Juice. There's no telling what the hell they're thinking.
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Prince of Wishful Thinking (Tom Retrospective): Tough Love or The True Monster
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Hello all you happy people and welcome back to Prince of Wishful Thinking, what is usually my look at the life and times of Tom Lucitor but since I NEED to cover the season 3 finale as vital part of Tom’s story, we’re taking one last look at the tragic tale of Meteora Butterfly before the finale sends these two stories hurtling together. You’d THINK this would be the last detour of this already sizeable arc.. and you’d be wrong as i’ll also be covering Kelly’s World, as I feel it’s vital for both “Curse of the Blood Moon” and “A Boy and his hard to remember title”, as it provides extra context for Marco’s anguish in the former.. and provides extra evidence for why a CERTAIN MOMENT in the latter pisses me off to no end.. seriously even when as universe dies and the only people left are Frankllin Richards and Galactus, there will still be a little note reading “Fuck how they treated Kelly” written in all caps so Galactus remembers to yell it. 
So sadly that DOES mean it’s been three entries in this retrospective in a row that either haven’t feature Tom at all or in the case of the last episode only had him in short cameos. I mean we did get his love affair for pie but we also got a creepy goblin man forcing his girlfriend and best friend to kiss each other, his best friend being WAY to eager to jump to that conclusion, and neither considering using Marco’s Scissors because the writers only remember he has those half the time in Season 3... and clearly I ddn’t either as I forgot to mention that plot hole, something @jess-the-vampire​ brought up to me. Sadly I DID forget to consult on this when we talked earlier this week , and she’s not online as I write this so I won’t have her insight for this one. 
But if you want some Tom content, i’m happy to share my crossover ship for the boy with you. I’ve been shipping him with Octavia from Helluva Boss lately.  Because of course it’s Helluva Boss, i’ve not been at all subtle with my obession with it and much like Letterkenny, X-Men and Dragon Ball Z Abriged it is a love I never plan to be subtle about. 
But I just think they compliment each other well: They have contrasting atittudes, and tastes in music, but seem like they’d share hobbies. Like taxidermy.. I could see Tom buying this... demonic combination of a badger, a skunk, a deer and my nightmares Octavia is preciously holding up.
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Granted I also feel tom would both animate them with their dead souls.. and then use his new woodland friends of the dammned as a chorus to sing “Can You Picture That” from the Muppet Movie, because that’s what my mind does on a regular day. I think the contrasting attitude creates great chemstiry and it made me also realize I have a thing for ships with directly contrasting home lives.  Tom has two loving decent parents who deeply love one another and at worst simply didn’t reign in his worse behavior because it was standard for demon stuff. Octavia in contrast simply has two parents, one who DOES love her and tries his best, but his best includes calling his side piece “My big dicked blitzy” right in front of her and hiring said side piece to guard them, and her mother who clearly thinks so little of her daughter’s emotional well being she hired a cowboy to shoot her daddy dead in the middle of a large crowd. The point is I think they’d be adorable and they both badly need to be happy after being emotionally fucked over by people they care about. 
But  alas my new ship will have to wait as we marginally important things to get down too.. things that will impact both this season and the next’s endgame and utterly destroy Eclipsa and Moon’s relationship for good. Sound fun? Well if so join me under the cut won’t you?
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We open in the Pidgeon Kingdom.. and things aren’t exactly great.. and by that I mean Meteora stomped a hole through it and ravaged the place and Rich demands blood.. and vengance.. and possibly blood vengance. But not Tekken Blood Vengance.. he already has like 5 copies of that on dvd. Still needs it on Blu Ray though, hook him up if you got it. 
So Moon and Eclipsa are trying to smooth this over/find out which way did she go George which way did she go, and are angrily dismissed after they try Rich’s patience, not helped by Eclipsa not being familiar with the Pidgeon Kingdom because they hadn’t slaughtered everyone who used to live there yet. Look that’s what happened, Star outright mentions in the Big Book of Spells that htey suddenly sprung up where another kingdom was and no one knows what happens. There was some bird murders up in that place.. or birdur if you will. Some birds drank some human blood. This is what Alfred Hitchock tried to warn us about with his film built on horrifying actress abuse. 
The point is with some more pidgeon-led murder stabbings on the cards our heroines are trying to find her since their attempts to convince Rich not to go on an Archer Style Rampage fell on deaf ears. 
But it’s clear from the second the two are alone both have diffrent priorties: Eclipsa desperatley wants to find the daughter she lost and talk her down from what sh’es become, help her become better and hopefuly heal from the pain she’s been in. She’s lost her husband, her kingdom and centuries. She can’t loose her baby girl too.
Moon on the other hand... clearly has no intrest in helping Meteora or stopping this peacefully. Her first thought is stopping Meteora. Her living through it is not necessary. It’s also clear her racisim isn’t REMOTELY gone depsite Buff Frog and Star’s best attempts and despite learning just how deeply and horribly Mewni’s engrained racism has hurt eclipsa and destoryed Moon’s own family history. To Moon this is just a big monster to fight.. i’ll dive into this more in a bit.
For now our heroines encounter an angry mob. This time their not here for Homer Simpson, but for Meteora as her rampages have destroyd their towns, livelehoods and given some weird guy a hat. It’s the best bit of the episode and i’m embarassed I forgot it happened. 
So with them being no help our queens back out but end up finding some actual help: Eddie! You know the guy from the episode I skipped over... River’s cousin or something like that. He dosen’t have a wiki entry, I do not know why. He’s voiced by Rhys Dharby of Flight of the Conchords Fame whose since made quite the career as a voice actor. No major roles yet that i’m aware of, but a lot of delightful minor ones like this. It’s good to see him he was one of the highlights of that show and not just because he sang this..
Eddie showed up in the Bog Beast of Boggabah and I honestly forgot he was in this episode.. but again, it’s Rhys Dharby. It’s not like suddenly finding out “Aw god dammit Pauly Shore is in this”. So Eddie agrees to help as he’s been tracknig Meteora.. and we find out something troubling: Meteora is getting BIGGER. Gradually, to the point the bog from said episode Is skipped over is drained because she DRANK IT. We also get a great exchange “I’d hate to see the size of her mother” “Actually her father more than helped with that”
Awwwww.... seriously Esme Blanco is a national treasure and has some great deliveries in this one.. and some heartbreaking ones. But before we can get to that it turns out Meteora sucked the powers out of Eddies family.. who he misses..e xcept one guy> That guy can fuck right off. Seriously Eddie is also a national treasure and I wish he’d shown up in season 4. I mean he couldn’t of HURT it. For one it’s Rhys Dharby and for another that season shot itself in the face, both feet, the groin and then the face again enough that I don’t think anything could hurt it as bad as the writers already did. 
But sadly we say farwell to Eddie as he goes out how men have since the begining of time.. deciding to poke a strange creature till it murdered him. Or took his soul out in this case, speaking of which...
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Yeah while I couldn’t get Jess in time for this review, she did bring this up in the past: Meteora’s ablility to pull a 
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Comes right the fuck out of nowhere with no build up and no explination for it. She DID drain personalites and according to this episode youth.. but that was with a big ole machine. It MIGHT have been intended to be one of Globgor’s powers.. but that makes zero sense, as if he COULD do that, as we saw with Toffee last season when he had that power, also out of nowhere but at least it made a touch more sense given his power was draining magical energy anyway at the time, so adding souls to that isn’t a huge stretch, but as we saw that would’ve been game over for the comission, especially since we DO see him fighting them one on three next season. If he had this power, he wouldn’t be in crystal and I think they realized that, but just tried to act as if his daugther COULDN’T do that and assumed everyone would casually forget. And I get not accounting for me writing about this years later, even I wouldn’t of thought that, but not counting on fans both young and old to latch onto a continuity error? Have you met fandoms Disney, have you? It dosen’t bring the story down entirely and I get WHY ti’s there, so she can nonlethally kill people so we’re not down most of the cast for Season 4, but it feels like an easy win button and one she barely uses despite it being eye beam activated. It should be easy enough to pull, boom, soul suck, win, rinse and repeat. It’s okay to have uber powerful tequniques but they have to have a drawback. For instance the Kaioken from DBZ. It’s a really damn cool technique that gives the user a neat red aura and amplifies poewr.. but the more you amplify the more strain it puts on your body and the more likely you’ll die, and Super later creatively explained why it hadn’t been used since Super Sayian was introduced because said form would’ve sped it up so much it’d be too much for a body to take. Here whie Meteora dosen’t use it in EVERY fight, she uses it enough that it makes no sense this isn’t just her first move for every fight she gets into, mental breakdown or not. 
That being said Meteora’s current mental state as she talks to her mother, having regressed to talking in only a few words and acting like a child, makes perfect sense. Henious already wasn’t in great mental shape to begin with, having a slow sustained breakdown since Marco overthrew her. and now on top of this she remembers her whole life has been a lie, starts to mutate into her natural state at a rapid and likely unehalthy pace, and then finds out on top of all of this Mewni is rightfully owed to her. Given she ended last episode blowing a guy up for rejecting her, it’s not a stretch that given even more power and no time to process anything, Metora would deteroate further. 
Esme and Jessica really knock this scene out of the park as Eclipsa presents Metora with her old doll Bobo and gently trying ot talk to her.. but you also get the fear Eclipsa feels as she tries to awkardly manuver around the fact her daughter is far more unhinged than she was prepared for, even threanting Eclipsa simply because Eclipsa wanted to be called mother instead of mommy. But despite this fear.. Eclipsa wants to help and Walter beautifuly captured metoera as a hulk like tragic figure:a being with low sanity and too much power desperate to be loved by the one person it cares about. And it makes it even more heartbreaking as Eclipsa explains what happened: bad people trapped her , a disfunctoinal society with a racist queen and even more racist subjects has taken hold in her absence... and it’s clear both want opposite things: Meteora wants what sh’es owed, her family back on the throne and Mewni back in her graps, but has lost herself so much to rage, anger and insanity she can’t see it’s not hers to take, while Eclipsa.. just wants her daughter back. She’d be happy just settling down with her and having a LIFE after hers was taken away. Eclipsa just wants a chance to be with what family she has left. It just HURTS to know that despite RIGHTFULLY hating the comission, despite having eveyr reason to take the crown from Moon by force and make the world better by force.. she dosen’t want that. She just wants some peace. It’s selfish... but it’s hard not to be when you havealmost nothing to hold onto. Eclipsa has lost her legacy, her husband and her crown... Meteora is all she has and all she wants and sh’ed of been happy if she just accepted that. If that was enough. 
But the real telling part, and the thing that ultimately makes this go as bad as it does.. is Moon’s reactions to all of this. Sh’es CONFUSED by Meteora having a toy as if that’s foreign to her a monster would, and she’s cleaerly livid , if restrianing it, at both Meteora’s deire for the crown and Eclipsa RIGHTFULLY calling out the state of how things are, and mildly at that. Despite seeing how much damage Mewni’s inherent racisim has done, how it lead to her living a lie, ruined Eclipss, Globgore and Metora’s lives, despite how DESPERTLY her daughter struggles to fight against it, despite seeing firsthand that Monsters can have famiies and lives... she can’t let it go. She can’t see monsters as people. SHe dosen’t see a flawed person who was turned into a metpohrical monster by years of brainwashing and abuse and is slowly unravling under the weight of her true self.. she just sees a threat to her kingdom. She dosen’t see her kingdom as racist, just as it should be. And she dosen’t see herself as stepping down like hse damn well should’ve the MOMENT she found out everything. Because at her heart Moon can’t accept the truth and clings to her racisim. 
And that my friends.. is what ultimately leads to Tragedy. Not Meteora’s unraveling mental state, not Eclipsa’s naitvite. What happens next is ENITRELY Moon’s fault. Whle Eclipsa was failing to get through to Metora, she was trying her best and might of gotten somewhere.. but Moon was already settling to attack.. and does so, making it look like Eclipsa set her own child up. 
A fight ensues, a suprisingly even one... but Eclipsa breaks it up and PROVES her way could’ve worked. In one of Esme’s best performances sshe tearfully tells her daughter she loves her.. that ALL she wants is time with her to make up for what she’s lost.. she dosen’t need a kingdom or her crown or her wand, all things she DESERVES... she just wants her daughter. She just wants to help her baby girl before she goes so far down this path of hatred and vengance she’s alreayd well trod upon there is no point to return to. 
It gets through to Meteora, makes her stop... and Moon TAKES ADANTAGE OF THAT. She then restrains metoera with a magical rock barrier and starts palpatineing her to death. It’s a horrifying moment that ultimately shows who Moon really is.. that when given the chance to let Meteora go, let her CHANGE and grow as a person and help the kingdom.. she instead tries to kill her. When she’s no longer a threat,  hasn’t seriously hurt her in their fight, and could use her power to RESTORE the damage she’s done, fix what she’s broken and help the kingdom grow and mend the bridges racisim has torn down. But all she can see is a monster, and something to destroy.. not someONE to save. 
So Eclipsa does what Moon would do if it were star about to die and saves her daughter, desperatly trying to stop mooon.. and allowing Meteora to get a clear shot and take half of moon’s soul. While Eclipsa is able to stop her from taking the full thing, Moon is left disoreinted and half alive and leaves on insticnt to parts unknown while Meteora escapes. Eclipsa is left alone, devistated and with her daughter truly lost. And the worst is truly yet to come. 
Before we get into final thoughts i’d like to talk about how this scene impacts Moon’s betryal later. To me having rewatched this scene.. it only makes it work MORE making it clear Moon simply can’t fahtom racial equality and that she can’t fahtom that eclipsa had very good reason for doing what she did ... to me it comes off as her using Eclipsa betryaing her as a very flimsy justifcation to not validate her rule and to first retire and then try a coup. That “Well she “BETRAYED” me so i’m fine. “ But in truth... she betrayed Eclipsa first. She attacked her daughter TWICE when Eclipsa was close to getting through to her Her reasons are flimsy.. because i’ts not ABOUT eclipsa, but what eclipsa represents: equality with a race Moon dosen’t see as people. It’s about Moon’s racisim coloring everything tills h’es truly blinded and should have lost everything She didn’t because the ending is a fucking disgrace, but we might get to that at some point, the point here is for all that disgrace’s faults... it did get it right here, and Moon was always portrayed as being unable to let go of her racisim no matter what it cost her or how much her daughter despteratly tried to change her. Trust me as someone whose Dad used to argue that gay marriage meant he should be able to marry his cat, and who still argues against trans people using the bathroom of their choice, I get trying desperatley to change someone who don’t wanna. “Sigh”. 
Final Thoughts: This episode is truly excellent. The writing is top notch as is the voice acting for all involved and the climax isa true, well led up to tragedy. The animation is also on point, with the characters emotions on perfect display. This is an episode I now realize is one of the series best and worth ar ewatch if you haven’ts een it. Truly amazing stuff that gets me pumped for the finale.. and disapoints me in how the series could reach these highs for one finale.. but would sink to it’s lowest point for next seasons.  Next Time on Prince of Wishful Thinking: Star tries depseratly to find her mom, while Marco, Tom and a motely crew of misfits try to take down Meteora and Tom learns the awful truth from the photo booth and wears a zuko ponytail which weirdly looks good on him. That boy can rock anything let me tell you. 
If you enjoyed this reviews, please consider joining my patreon at patreon.com/popculturebuffet. As mentioned my 30 dollar stretch goal includes a review of the cluster fuck that is the series final arc, and the goals up to that , me making 20 and 25 dollars a month repectively, have their own nifty rewards: At 20 i’ll review Darkwing Duck once a month, the two remaning Ducktales 87 mini series I have not covered and the Danny Phantom film The Ultimate Enemy. 25 meanwhile gets you reviews of the Proud Family Movie, the theatrical recess movie and the Kim Possible almost finale movie so the drama. And 30 also gets you reviews of every episode of gravity falls season 1 at least one a month till I finish it at some point, so as you can see you get a lot of bang for your buck and these reviews will be public for everybody. Not only that but joining my patreon gets you a review a month if you pitch in 5 dollars and evne if you can’t swing THAT much just 2 bucks gets you access to my discord, a guarnateed pick in my shorts, votes for patreon exclusive reviews, and SAID patreon exclusive reviews. It’s a lot of bang for your buck is what i’m saying so please help me out so I can make a living off this and sign up today. I even JUST ADDED an exclusive and utterly insane scrooge mcduck review, The Great Wig Mystery. So throw in a buck to check that out. 
And if your intrested in Tomtavia... please hit me up. I’m really proud of it and until then... i’ll see you at the next rainbow. 
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auroracalisto · 3 years
Hey! If it is okay. Could I request an Arranged Marriage AU with Jaskier x insecure female reader, please? (Bonus points if it turns out to be a romantic loving marriage in the end with a pregnancy too if you’re comfortable with that) Thanks so much!
summary: follows the request
pairing: prince! jaskier x princess! insecure! reader
word count: 2k words
warnings: controlling mother, manipulative mother, insecure reader, female reader, arranged marriage AU
a/n: i did not put in a pregnancy because i felt like this was just going to go on forever.  perhaps i’ll make a part two to include the pregnancy.  and it’s not really romantic in this; it’s more of a realization between two parties that it could be romantic??
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“What do you mean, my wedding?”
You stared incredulously at your mother, wondering what she had to say.  Nothing that would come out of her mouth would be good.  
She gave you a soft smile, her hand reaching out to touch the side of your face.  “Now, now, [Your name],” she spoke, “you knew that this was only a matter of time.  You are being wed to a man from another kingdom.  It will unite our kingdoms and we will be stronger for it.  Nothing you could do will stop it, my love.  I know you are thinking of ways.”
Half of you knew that your mother did everything out of the love and pride she had for her kingdom.  After your father died, it was only a matter of time before your mother projected her controlling ways onto the kingdom and onto you.  This was proof enough.  The other half of you stood there, in disbelief.  You had grown up, hearing stories about how your mother and father fell in love with each other and were married on their own accord.  But now, you were to be wed to a man you didn’t even know. 
Everything inside of you buzzed with anxiety.  You closed your eyes, taking in a deep breath.  All you could do was allow your mother to do what she set out to do in the first place.  There was no changing her mind.  
“May I at least know his name?”
Your eyes shot open and you looked over at your mother, your eyes wide.  Jaskier was the prince of a rather expansive kingdom.  They had good fortune, power, and beautiful people.  Not to mention that the prince, himself, was rather attractive.  
Your blood ran cold and your palms began to sweat.  “Mother, is this a good idea?  Surely, I am not good enough to marry someone like him.”
She gave you what she believed to be a comforting smile before taking a hold of your hands.  “They will be here in a week’s time.  Your wedding will be in a fortnight, my love.  Be prepared.”
The week in question went by faster than you had wanted it to.  You stood by your mother in an uncomfortable dress, fit with the royal colors of your kingdom, waiting for the carriage that had brought Jaskier and his parents to a full stop.  
Your mother nudged your elbow, sending you a look.  She did this many times when she wanted you to stand up straight—you did just that.  
You nervously watched as one of the coachmen hopped down from his seat, walking over to open the carriage door.  
His parents stepped out, first.  And then, Jaskier stepped out from behind them.  
He’s pretty.  
You felt your cheeks grow warm as you keep your eyes on Jaskier.  He laid his eyes on you and he gave you a faint smile.  
Neither of you wanted to be here, and that was obvious.  
His parents began to converse with your mother, shortly after introducing the two of you to each other.  Not that you would need it.
“If this is going to happen,” smiled Jaskier, “I’m glad to be able to marry such an exquisite beauty.”
That’s all it took for your cheeks to burn once more.  You averted your gaze, clearing your throat in a very un-princess like manner.  “I beg your pardon?” you asked, your teeth biting the inside of your cheek as to try and prevent you from saying anything else.  
Jaskier smiled even more.  “I realize this is unconventional.  For both of us.  But we do what’s best for our kingdoms.  I hope so, anyway.”
“No… no, you’re right.  My mother has talked about that many times with me.  I know what we are doing is for the betterment of our lands.  But,” you looked up at the man, furrowing your eyebrows.  “I haven’t a clue why she chose me.  Let alone to someone who could have anyone that he wanted.”
Jaskier couldn’t help his blush and he chuckled in response.  “Well.  Perhaps I can make it worth your while.”
And just like the week leading up to Jaskier’s arrival, the week to your wedding went by faster than you had expected.  
Your wedding ceremony had been a blur.  Jumbled thoughts, anxious feelings, nothing felt like it was going right.  And now, you sat beside Jaskier, looking at those of your kingdoms joining together for the celebration.  
“Princess,” Jaskier said, turning to face you.  “Perhaps you should eat something.  Your mother has been eying your plate ever since you sat down.”
You frowned and returned your gaze onto his.  “She is making sure I do not eat everything.”
Jaskier fell silent for just a moment, a look of confusion washing over him.  “What?”
You forced a smile after seeing your mother with a not-so-happy look.  “Like I told you before, Jaskier.  My mother does what she has to for the kingdom and for herself.”
“What does eating have to do with anything?”
You blinked slowly, thinking of an answer.  But before you could say anything else, Jaskier’s father stood, toasting the two of you to a happy marriage.  You and Jaskier drank to that, but it still didn’t stop his concerned look.  
“We have the choice as to where we will live.  Right?”
You looked at him, frowning.  “Yes.  My mother would never give up her crown willingly.”
“Then why don’t you come back to my kingdom with me?  You will be able to have lots of good food, good atmosphere, and especially good company,” he gently nudged your arm with his elbow.  
Your eyes widened and your cheeks felt hot.  “I don’t see why not…”
Jaskier smiled at you, but there was something else beneath his smile that you couldn’t quite make out.  
Everything your mother put onto you had happened so quickly.  You were not sure if telling Jaskier yes would have been a good idea, but it was far too late to change your mind.   
Shortly after the banquet had finished, Jaskier informed your parents that you would be traveling back with them to live in his palace.  
Your mother seemed displeased, but you knew that deep down, she was glad.  She would not have to worry about you ruining her image if you were not around her.  And that would mean she would always have someone from her kingdom within Jaskiers’ palace.  It worked out well, just like the arranged marriage. 
You were only a couple of months into your marriage with Jaskier.  His kingdom was just as beautiful as the stories you were told growing up.  You hadn’t heard much from your mother, not that that was an issue.  However, and this was something you had noticed from the time that you had arrived, Jaskier was a huge flirt.  And it didn’t matter what their status, or who they were, really, he would flirt.  And a part of you hated that.  He was sweet to you.  But he never talked to you the way he talked to other people.  Perhaps that was a good thing.  But the other side of you wished that he would treat you like what seemed to be his fleeting crushes. 
You knew what these feelings were.  Jealously.  But it didn’t make sense.  You weren’t supposed to have any sort of feelings towards him, were you?  It would have posed a problem.  That problem being, you weren’t good enough to like him as much as you were starting to.  
What especially didn’t help were moments like this—where you were out with Jaskier in the kingdom and he flirted with people as you walked by them.  As you passed the third girl Jaskier flirted with (who returned the flirtatious remarks), you found yourself growing increasingly upset with this.  Something overcame you, lest it is called jealousy, and you suddenly grabbed ahold of Jaskier’s hand, turning him to face you.  
His eyes were wide and he stared at you for a split second, trying to figure out what you were thinking. 
“[Your name]?”
“Why don’t you talk to me like that?  Am I—am I not good enough?”
He couldn’t help his smile that quickly formed.  “Not good enough?”  He let out a laugh, and he leaned forward to kiss your warm cheek.  “You are too good for me to talk to you in such a manner.  I couldn’t imagine being the reason for—”
“—if you aren’t going to talk to me in that manner, please refrain from talking to others in front of me in such a way.”
You let go of his hand and proceeded to walk past him, an angry look on your normally calm face.  
“[Your name],” Jaskier quickly called after you, taking a hold of your hand once more.  “Where is all of this coming from?  I always believed you thought so little of me.”
Your eyes widened as you turned your head to look at him.  “Jaskier,” you breathed out.  “You truly are oblivious.”  You squeezed your eyes shut as you gathered your words.  “I never believed that I was good enough for you.  You spend your time flirting with girls far prettier than I’ll ever be.  Far thinner, far too beautiful.  What am I to assume if you continue doing so?  I never once thought that you would have been alarmed had I said something about it.  What is all this, Jaskier?  If I have hurt you in some way, could you not imagine what every passing comment does for me?”
“I—” Jaskier frowned deeply.  “I realize that perhaps I should not have flirted with the women in passing.  But in my defense, princess, never once did I stop to think that you would feel so strongly about something like this.”
You jerked your hand away, frowning.  “Well.  You should have.”
This time, instead of grabbing you and stopping you, Jaskier let you walk off.  You made your way back to the castle and went straight for your quarters.  You had nothing to offer the kingdom, let alone your husband who flirted with everything that walked.  You sat down on the edge of your bed, a million thoughts racing through your mind.  
He was right.  Why did you feel so strongly about this?  Why did you care?  You were both in this marriage out of the necessity for your parents and for the kingdom.  He should be allowed to flirt with whoever he chooses.  So, why did it hurt so bad?
You were only alone for an hour with your thoughts.  A knock brought you back to your bedroom, and you quickly cleared your throat and called out. “Come in.”
Jaskier opened the door and came in as soon as he heard you speak.  He had realized that maybe he shouldn’t have flirted as much as he did, especially when he knew he felt so strongly about you.  
“I have something to tell you, princess,” Jaskier spoke.  
“So do I.”
Jaskier stared at you for just a moment, coming over to sit down beside you.  “What do you have to tell me…?”
You closed your eyes, quickly taking a hold of his hand.  “I do believe I’ve come to a conclusion.  On why I feel so strongly about you.”
Jaskier began to blush.  He couldn’t help it.  That was similar to what he was about to admit.  
He began to smile at you, and when you realized that he was smiling, your face began to heat up.  
“I do believe that I feel the same way, [Your name].”
You had never expected to fall in love with Jaskier, especially in the way that you were feeling now.  Perhaps, the controlling nature of your mother was looking out for you, for once.  
Pieces of Jaskier still could not fathom how you talked about yourself.  You were just as beautiful as the women he flirted with, if not more.  But now, he realized, he would have so much time to properly show you that, especially since, now, the two of you were on the same page.  
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