#also drinking water. Oooo I love water.
twilightarcade · 5 months
ok so I was reading then slept 4 like an hour and a half
#wordstag#end story I don't think there was a point here. I'm so sleepy and also dying.#finally got some neosporin though... thank goodness.#also drinking water. Oooo I love water.#hate tea . That shit is out to get me.#like. Halfway through the day it was just Over. I was ready to die. I could Not more than average#consequences of my actions or whatever I guess. Not to mention the Other Problems#ummmmmm library books ? I stole like 2 off the crusty shelf#I love the crusty shelf. It's my favorite. But I always feel bad#I would donate them back if I could yknow ? I'm not great w books again#like. I think I should get a reading schedule or smthn. Like when you were in 3rd grade and you never really got homework#So they just told you to read. Yknow.#I forget the exact scope/titled but like. One was like humanity is dying maybe??#or something big biologically was going on. I forget exaxtlg. And there was some doctor guy.#another one there was this woman who was dying and she like marries her doctor and kills him or smthn. Big Stuff#Then I bought one because I felt bad. That ones like. Some Guy committed a murder or smthn.#there's a father and daughter in it. More than it seems. Etc etc.#also from like a while ago I picked up lethal practice.... mayor or smthn gets murdered via injection into the brain ? Or smthn#whatever it was only Doctor Guy had the skills to do it. Or whatever. But Doctor Guy SWEARS !!! He didn't do it#So he sets out to like solve the murder or whatever on account of its jeopardizing the future of his career#haven't finished that one. Who knows what happens at the end of it all.
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hopefulromances · 11 months
I Feel You - Jamie Tartt x demi!Reader
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A/N: Hello to my faithful followers! I'm sorry I've been so inactive for the past couple weeks I've been down in the dumps and sorta uninspired.
But the crazy thing is I've hit 1k followers! What? How is that even possible! I'm planning to put together a little celebration soon but for now, here's an unrequested fic that I wrote featuring a demi!reader on the acespec!
See y'all soon!
Words: 2.2k
Warnings: Fem!Reader (she/her pronouns), Drunkenness, I think that's it
Jamie had to be the lamest footballer in the world. It was a Friday night and instead of going out and finding a club to get drunk at, he was sitting on his couch reading a bloody book. Fucking Roy Kent had gotten to him, that bastard. He wasn’t expecting anyone to come by so when there was a knock on the door, Jamie was surprised. 
There on his doorstep was (Y/N). Pacing, wobbly, back and forth seemingly trying to take off her shoes without sitting down. 
“(Y/N)?” He opened the door, turning on the porch light. 
(Y/N) was someone Jamie had been friends with for a long time. Longer than anyone else, maybe. She’d grown up with im in Manchester, and gone to college in London when he got called up. When he was busy being a prick and cutting people out of his life, she stayed, refusing to be cut. And here she was, drunk on his doorstep. 
She spun in spot, her eyes lighting up when she saw him. “Jamie!”
She fell forward onto him in a sloppy hug. Jamie caught her in his arms, realizing with a chuckle that she was beyond wasted. He hoisted her up so she was tucked into his side so he could properly assist her while closing the door and turning off the lights. 
“Jamieee,” She sang, sweetly, pulling Jamie with all her might to get them to topple over.
“At least one of us had a good night,” Jamie muttered. 
“It was ‘meh’,” (Y/N) admitted, shrugging. “Felt all wonky all night.”
Jamie pulled her into his bathroom, sitting her down on the toilet seat. She slumped back, as it finally feeling her exhaustion. He filled up his water cup and handed it to her, having to help her put her hand on and grip the cup.
“Drink,” he instructed. 
“It’s like, I’m over here, looking and waiting,” she continued, pausing for a second to glug down a large sip of water. “And everyone else is over there. Falling in love, dating, kissing, and I’m just,” she made a raspberry with her mouth.
Jamie found a cloth and the bottle of makeup remover she’d left at his house one time, dabbing some of the serum on the cloth. He walked back over to her, kneeling so he could be at eye height with her. 
“Mmhmm,” he hummed, starting to dab at her face like she’d taught him. 
“Why can’t I feel that, Jamie?” She whined, leaning into his touch. “Why can't I just find a dude and just kiss him? What’s wrong with me?”
Jamie frowned, pausing his dabbing for a moment. “What do you mean, darling?”
“I just mean,” now she was frowning too. “I try to go on dates, hook up with random guys, and I just feel… nothing.” Jamie, pursed his lips, moving the cloth gently over her face. Her eyes fluttered closed as he swished over her eyelids delicately. “But I’m so tired of waiting… I don’t want to settle anymore.”
“You shouldn’t have to settle,” Jamie agreed softly. 
“But I also don’t want to be alone forever,” she opened her eyes and Jamie stopped washing her face. 
“You won’t be alone forever,” he droned. This was a conversation they’d had before. She was afraid she’d never find the one, and Jamie reassured her that she would. Of course, she would. She was beautiful, and funny, and headstrong in all the important ways.
“I’ve only ever liked one person, in my whole entire life,” she hiccuped. “And he…” 
“He what, love?” Jamie went to stand but she grabbed onto his pants, stopping him from moving away. He looked down and she looked very small. He’d never seen her look so small before. 
“He’s been my best friend since we were kids,” she muttered, looking up at him. “When I look at him, I feel this flutter in my chest. And no matter how hard I try to feel that with other people, I just can’t.” She looked between his eyes. “I can’t.” 
Jamie could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his blood rushing in his ears. Was she saying what he thought she was saying? She couldn’t be. Either way, she needed to go to bed. 
“You… uh… you can stay here tonight, yeah?” He took the cup from her hand and filled it back up. “I’ll go put out some sleep clothes in the guest bed.” 
She looked disappointed when he didn’t acknowledge her rambling, but she nodded, taking a pitiful sip from her cup of water. He watched her a moment before pounding on the sink and walking out to grab a shirt for her. 
As he set up the bed for her, his mind was racing through what she had said. The best friend from childhood that she’d liked forever. It couldn’t be him… could it? Not after everything he’d put her through. 
When he walked back to the bathroom, she’d fallen asleep on the toilet. Chest rising and falling steadily, her eyelashes resting against her cheeks. His chest fluttered as he looked at her, a gentle smile coming over his lips. He slid one arm under her legs and another around her back, resting her head on his shoulder. She curled into him immediately, nestling her nose into his neck. 
He brought her to the room, he’d set up maneuvering her carefully so he could take her clothes off. She’d changed in front of him before, felt comfortable around him, but he still was careful of his hands and quickly putting on more comfortable clothes.
She mumbled incoherently as he laid her down and pulled the covers over her. His hand rested on her cheek for a moment, her face slightly flushed from her night out. He was tempted to get in the bed with her, keep her safe and warm in his arms but he swatted that thought away quickly. Instead he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her temple.
The next morning when he woke up, he went to check on her, but she wasn’t in the room. Then he heard humming and the smell of bacon filling the air. He padded down the steps and saw her in the kitchen, cooking and sipping on his coffee like she owned the place. He shoved his tongue in his cheek to stop himself from laughing as he watched her. 
She spun around, dancing to the song in her head, yelping and freezing when she saw him. 
“Oh!” She sighed, throwing her hand over her heart when she realized it was him. “Jamie! You scared me.” 
“Scare you? This is my house, you know,” Jamie laughed, leaning across the island. 
She rolled her eyes, sliding a cup of coffee across to him. “Two creams, one sugar, yeah?”
Jamie looked down at the coffee, knowing Roy would kill him if he took a sip. ‘Your body is a temple’ and ‘caffeine is a drug’ and whatever, but she was looking at him so sweetly there was no way he could say no to it. So, he reached down and took a sip. 
“That’s it, yah,” it tasted perfect. No one else made his coffee like she did. “Do you know how you ended up here?”
She slowed her cooking for a second. He couldn’t see her face, she was turned facing the wall, but he saw her back tense just the slightest bit. 
“Uh… I don’t remember, really,” (Y/N) answered. “Just woke up here… figured it was just where I thought I’d be safest.” 
Jamie felt his cheeks heat up, trying to hide it by taking a sip of his coffee. “You, eh, were out with the girls?” 
She turned around, sliding the bacon onto the two plates she’d set out. She was deep in thought, he could tell by the way she picked the skin off her lip, reaching up to pull a piece of hair out of her face. 
“Yeah…” she whispered. “It was Larsen’s birthday. Wanted to go have a hot girl night. Find some guys to go home with.”
Ah. Now he got it. She’s gone out with her friends and they’d all gone home with guys and she was left alone. She was upset because she thought she was unwanted. He grimaced at her. 
“Did Larsen ditch you again? I told you to stop hanging out with her,” Jamie comforted, reaching to grab a piece of bacon. (Y/N) didn’t answer, she just stared down at the greasy meat on her plate. “Oh, c’mon, (Y/N), you can’t really believe that because of one bad night that no one wants you.” 
She furrowed her brow, shaking her head. “No that’s….” She looked up at him, looking back and forth between his eyes. “Do you really think that I couldn’t find one person to go home with?”
Now Jamie was confused. He pursed his lips, not sure how to answer. 
“He was great. Attractive enough, I suppose, saying all the right things,” she mumbled, suddenly unable to meet his eyes. “We chatted for a while. But I just felt… nothing.” Her fist open and closed as she fought the nervous energy. “He was kissing me, holding me, doing all the things that should have made me feel… something. But it was like… I felt nothing! It was like there was something blocking my brain from just latching onto something random.”
“He was… kissing you?” Jamie cringed as he said it. He wasn’t sure exactly why he’d said it and she looked at him like she was crazy. 
“Yes, he was,” she scoffed, running a hand through her hair. “He wanted to do a lot more but I couldn’t feel it. I didn’t feel anything.” She rested her elbows on the counter, her head in her hands. “God, what is wrong with me? Every other person we went out with went home with whatever stranger they’d met that night. But me? I feel so… stunted.” 
Jamie was surprised by her sudden admission. It wasn’t something he’d felt before, but he wanted her to feel the things he felt for her. The care and softness that he felt for her. 
“I know I want it,’ she continued. “I feel it sometimes… for… one person. He knows me and I know him. And I try to get myself to get over it, to feel it for someone else. Anyone else, but no matter how hard I try. I just… can’t feel it.” She shook her head, pushing herself off the island. “Sorry, I don’t know where that came from.” 
Jamie stayed still for a moment, figuring out his thoughts. 
“S’okay,” he finally responded. “I’m sorry you feel like that, you deserve to feel loved and wanted.”
Her eyes snapped back up to his, her cheeks turning red, spreading up to her ears. Jamie moved around to the other side of the island so he was right next to her, leaning against her side. She kept staring straight forward, her eyes turning shiny with unshed tears. 
“You said… there was one person,” he implored, pursing his lips into a duck shape. “One person who you felt something for.” 
She nodded, not speaking, brushing her eyes furiously. 
“Who… who is that person,” he asked. 
She let out a shaky laugh, cocking her head before looking up at him. 
“I think you know,” she replied quietly, sucking her bottom lip into her mouth. He looked at her, letting his hand slide down to intertwine with hers. Her breathing hitched and her chest started to heave. “Jamie, wait, please.” She stared at their entwined hands, scared that it was going to go away. “I can’t… I’m not like other girls. I can’t give you what you want, not right away, maybe not for a long time.” 
Jamie shook his head, moving his free hand up to touch her face. “I don’t want that, all I want is to make you feel loved. All I want is for you to feel how you deserve to feel. And I’m willing to wait however long it takes, and to do whatever it takes to make sure that you feel that love.”
“Oh, Jamie,” she gasped out, reaching up to touch his face too. They stood in the kitchen, the soft morning light dappling in through the windows, holding each other's faces. He looked between her lips and her eyes. “Jamie?”
“You can kiss me.”
His eyes were big and wanting as he looked at her. “Are you sure? Like really sure, like you aren’t just saying it to make me happy?” 
“No, Jamie, I want it.”
The words scarcely left her mouth when he cut her off, pressing his lips to hers. And there it was. She felt it. She felt that electricity that her friends had talked about. It rocked through her, stealing her breath away as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, his coming to creep up her back, lifting her up slightly. 
“Can you feel that, love?” he hummed, in between kisses. “Can you feel how much I love you?” 
“I can feel it,” she responded, pulling back to look up at him. “I can feel you.” 
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sargeantposting · 6 months
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A little earlier in the F2 season, we caught up with Williams Racing Academy Driver Logan Sargeant.
Wanting to get to know him just a little bit better, and with a big date in Austin now on the horizon, we tasked him with answering 22 questions about racing and life in general.
Here’s what he had to say…
What race day rituals do you have?
If weekends are going well, I tend to stick with the same underwear for each day. Before you worry, they’re different pairs! I have a Friday, Saturday, Sunday set. But if it’s not going well, I have to make a change!
What's your go-to coffee order?
Latte, but it's a double espresso before quali.
What's the inspiration behind your racing number?
This year it’s six because I can’t choose in F2, but when I am allowed to pick, it would be No3. Three for Dale Earnhardt, an all-out American hero.
Your favourite drink?
I’ve only just turned 21… but it’s water, of course.
If you had to cook one main course to impress a loved one, what would it be?
Oooo… I’m not much of a cook, but I can tell you what I would order in! I love a good prime rib.
What’s your favourite film?
Love the Jump Streets, but I’ve got a lot of time for Step Brothers. But if I had to choose out of the two, I’d go Jump Streets. I suppose I have to choose which one?! But 21 and 22 are both pretty good. Ah, I can’t decide.
Who is the toughest rival you've come up against so far?
It’s got to be the battle in Formula 3 between myself and Oscar Piastri.
Your favourite cheat meal?
Fortunately I have a quick metabolism, so they come relatively often… my American roots mean it would have to be a nice, juicy burger.
How many attempts did it take to pass your driving test?
Just one, which is apparently pretty rare for racing drivers! That’s including the practical and the theory.
Which track are you most looking forward to in 2022?
It’s got to be Monaco, but I’m looking forward to seeing the F1 team in Miami.
You can choose one song only to listen to before a race, what is it?
Lose Yourself - Eminem.
Is there one circuit not on your calendar that you'd love to race at?
Obviously it’s either Miami or Austin; to have a home race would be amazing. That said, I’d love to race at Suzuka some day.
Who is your favourite sports team outside of F1?
Anything Miami! We’re talking Heat, Dolphins, Marlins, Inter Miami… they’ve all got my support.
Least favourite exercise your trainer set for you in the offseason?
I’d say it’s got to be all the extra cardio I had to do to get ready for F2.
What's a better feeling, nailing a quali lap or executing a late overtake?
I saw what Nicky and Alex said to this answer and I have to agree. Nailing a quali lap all day long. It’s my favourite part of a weekend, I love putting it all on the line.
Is there anyone you idolised when growing up?
In racing, my first hero when I was a kid was, funnily enough, Jeff Gordon. I just loved watching him and the way he fought on track.
Favourite sport that's not F1?
At the moment, I’d have to say NFL. But it switches between that and the NBA.
If you could invite anyone in the world to a dinner party, which three people would you choose and why?
I would invite Leo DiCaprio, I feel he’s kind of cool. Then let’s also invite Margot Robbie and Brad Pitt. Let’s make it an A-List movie night!
What is your favourite Grand Prix?
Well, I could be biased and say Austin. I mean, how can you argue against 450,000 fans across the three days last year? That was pretty awesome. But I’ve got to say I love Silverstone as well.
What's been your favourite moment of your career so far?
My rookie race in Macau where I finished third. Definitely, 100%, hands down my favourite track in the world.
One word to describe how you're feeling about the 2022 season?
One word that best describes Williams Racing to you?
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bloopitynoot · 15 days
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 6
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
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Here we are on book 2!
I took a couple days off because my body was perishing (read: my uterus was being a little bitch) but I am back :D
Today's tea is an apple crumble with milk and sugar and my little reading buddy (Charlie) has returned for this chapter Extra Needy and sporting his new necktie.
Let's get into this long chapter:
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And we start three years later! I was wondering if there was going to be a time jump and there is! :) p9
Why is everyone so thirsty in this world RE: Ning YingYing p10
Oh dang. I really want to know what's making people melt into skeletons p13
Shen Qingqiu is such a vibe" I know I am physically useless, but i'm also a walking encyclopedia so I bring that to the party" p14 honestly same
So many corpses in the water!! p18
Oh shit, what the heck Wu Chen's legs? p22
RE: Wu Chen I did lol at "Great Master, you call this a bit uncomfortable?!" p 22
this totally feels more like a curse than a standard plague p24
why am I laughing so hard at "fuck me, with this speed, they wouldn't lose to a runner doing the 100-metre hurdles! 'Old Lady'? Yeah right! I must be blind!"p26
oooo! Gongyi Xiao is back! p28
Baby is back too!! Luo Binghe! pp29-31
omg and now there is a height difference! Shen qinqgiu being the smol one p32
Re: on the subject of thinking it was a curse like 15 pages ago, it is not a curse. I don't know why I thought it would be literally anything other than demons LOL this is the plot of the entire fictional universe of this book p37
Luo Binghe still only has eyes for Shen Qingqiu- even after being tossed into hell p38
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I truly love the inner monologue of Shen Qingqiu's thoughts vs what people just kind of assume he's feeling. SQQ: Luo Binghe has brainwashed these disciples, he is definitely coming for me, I am fucked. Everyone else: this poor man misses his student so much, he is so hurt that Luo Binghe didn't go back to him.
LOL at Luo Binghe's hatefire at seeing SQQ and Gongyi Xiao bonding together p42
I can't XD SQQ: I have a huge announcement guys, Luo Binghe is back!!!! Everyone else: who tf is that? RIP p44
no shit that demonic activity increasing in frequency is 100% indeed a bad omen. p47
I'm crying SQQ thinks Luo BInghe is about to kill him p48
not the magpie bridge reference p50
This man is just crushing his windpipe for funsies -> why do I feel like this is their dynamic? p50
SQQ is actually an idiot. This fool is continuously operating under the assumption that nothing in the story has changed and the original story is guaranteed. If he heard these words and responded appropriately he'd probably be fine RE: "Then why did you tell me not to put too much weight on race and that no one is intolerable to the heavens" p55
Goddamn is Luo Binghe just going to keep beating the shit out of SQQ?? pp57-59
He really made him drink his blood (side note: when this is all said and done, I need to read some vampire aus) What even is that blood going to do to him?? (do not actually tell me, I assume I will find out soonish) p59
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I am once again here to talk about how utterly Fucked SQQ is. He still has 0 idea that Luo Binghe has absolutely claimed him p65
Oh dang. Still, even after all this, SQQ has not shaken his original fate of being hated p69
Bro should have let Qi Qingyi finish that sentence. Re: out of his mind with grief" also probably would have changed some things (even if he was embarrassed as hell) p71
omg so much happening in this scene rn AND then Shen Qingqiu's ex shows up out of no where?!?!?!?!??!!? p73
this man truly cannot catch a break p75
holy shit not even his ex- his wife??????? p75
oop, we have SQQ backstory reveal p77
But also with this reveal: it's a little weird for her though. Like her family takes in this kid from the street, makes him a servant. He continues to serve them, his "family" starts to view him a sibling, AND THEN they get betrothed (not married). Like what. This is wild poor guy- weird because sibling dynamics, also he was their servant. I think she is the weird one honestly. p77
okay, well, he did kill her brother LOL p78
the water prison does not sound good. p81
he really wants to try and last a month there??? best of luck buddy, he cant even handle riding in a carriage without a snack p85
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Bonus picture with no notes!
I'm actually so excited for the water prison- it sounds vile, but I need to know how he get's out/how his relationship with Luo Binghe progresses.
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uchihaharlot · 7 months
Shsjdjdj Imagine, you want something back from Shisui that he borrowed from you, so you sneak into his room to get it, but you hear him coming so you hide in his closet, and him and Itachi come in and are just talking, and then they start making out and stuff, and your just watching from the closet, and and and and maybe they secretly know your there and fuck each other infront of you or something like that- my brain all over for this one - also yes that was all one sentence. Fight me.
Oooo. I love this. It’s no secret Shisui can be sort of inadvertently be a kleptomaniac. It’s not malicious by any means. He just is really bad at returning things to people.
NSFW; some hot ass Shisui and Itachi; read for the details.
— So when he borrowed your favorite book. You instantaneously knew that prying it from his hands would be problematic. Not in sense that he would purposely withhold your belongings.
— But his room in a fucking mess. Aside from the rest of his house; yes you absolutely tore through it—nicely of course. The last place was his bedroom. You feared for your book and your sanity on its retrieval. Aside from the empty cans of water, and the various energy drink. You couldn’t find your book.
— Even checking under his mattress, nothing. Then you heard footsteps enclosing at an alarming rate. He was supposed to be out training with Itachi, this put a wrench in your recon mission. The second they enter the room its hushed whispers, you fortunately ended up in his closet. Chakra concealed, crouched beneath a pile of sweaty ass training clothes. Mundane words of clan business between the two as usual.
— Then silence, followed by the unforgettable sound of lips touching and soft panting. More hushed whispers, but you distinctly hear Shisui say, ‘you’re gonna get it for that little number earlier.’ Your curious eyes and hands lifted at the god knows what you used to cover your face, and holy shit. The immaculate amount of arousal spread through your body was embarrassingly high. This…this was not expected, but also not surprising. Extremely welcoming though.
— Your own Uchiha show. They worked fast, Shisui lazily stroked Itachi’s cock in one hand as the other worked his own. How would Fugaku feel knowing the clan heir was getting plowed by his best friend? Surely he wouldn’t be as excited as you. It was hot, two of the most attractive men in this clan just going at one another’s throats. Sucking and nibbling each other. Then Shisui forcing Itachi to his knees and tapping his cock against eagerly parting lips. Roughly shoving it in Itachi’s mouth eliciting him to gag. It was almost unfair how good he was at it.
— You clearly had died. This was the only sane conclusion, Shisui came home and mistaken you for an intruder and killed you without it registering. But no, it wasn’t, because the sound of Shisui’s deep moaning matched the fervent mouth pace Itachi had on his cock. Your eyes did not deceive you. Yep, this was real. It was happening, no matter. Hidden in your stuffy sanctuary, this was one thing you could see to the end and if you hand ended up in your pants. It was merely a coincidence.
— Your excitement only grew as Shisui lifted Itachi to a searing kiss, pushed him on the bed and slicked an ungodly amount of lube over his length. Itachi’s desperate effort to pull his pants down was just fast enough for Shisui to breach his waiting hole. That alone had you on the verge of climax. Your own mouth almost betrayed you with a moan. You had to stop, allow the buildup to simmer down. Watched as Shisui wrung Itachi’s beautiful hair in one hand and smack his ass with the other. Hard thrusts that made Itachi moan in falsetto. Even not touching yourself you could almost cum.
— Yet, it was endearing. They had been doing this for a while, there was no way that either one weren’t familiar with each other under these circumstances. Shisui towered over Itachi’s back side. Hand expertly stroking his cock, the way Itachi and Shisui looked at one another in this moment was ethereal. And there was that damn hand of yours. Playing tribute to yourself, matching as best you could to Shisui tenderly plowing Itachi. Their loud moaning turned into soft panting. More hushed whispers, ‘I’m close’ and ‘don’t stop.’ Had you reeling in pleasure.
— The resounding groan that Shisui let out, his hips jutting. Your eyes couldn’t keep up. Itachi milked by Shisui’s hand as his thrusts tapered and eventually stopped. The heat of your own climax felt dirty, but why should you care? It wasn’t like they heard you. Or saw you.
— A snug grin spread Shisui’s mouth. “I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did.” Which, to your surprise. You though he was talking to Itachi. But when he looked behind him, it seemed that Itachi was as just as perplexed as you were.
— It was comical to at you tried to cover yourself in his smelly clothes again. Shisui wasn’t having any of it, opening the closet doors. A bewildered Itachi in the background, Shisui more amused than anything. “Next time, you’ll join us.”
— “Uh.” Where was that stupid mouth of yours when you needed it? “I came for my book.” Shisui didn’t doh t that, you were stingy with your belongings. It wasn’t his laugh that made your stomach disappear, but rather when he said. “I gave that back to you two weeks ago.”
— “Oh. Really?” Yea; you did. You hounded him for it. You usually didn’t forget these things; but there had been so much going on you forgot about it. “My bad.”
— It was a good thing Shisui was so chill. Helped you up and spun you around into the center of his room. Itachi was less than pleased that you had seen one of his darkest secrets. He was more irate with Shisui for knowing you had been there all along.
— “You owe me.” Itachi slapped his back, Shisui snickers. “You owe Itachi too.” Which wasn’t what he was getting at. “Don’t go too far after tomorrows training.”
— With that you nodded silently and made you way out the window.
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gurathins · 3 months
OOOO 1 (don't leave) and 21 (collapse) mayhaps,,,,,,,
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Summary: i know people would probably assume i'd write something dramatic for this one like the previous prompt, but no. My brain looked at these, went through several ideas and then finally decided on the final version: pillow talk. And it's even in a funny location.
No warnings, though there is one (1) dirty joke by Klara + the last few paragraphs are a bit suggestive. Anyway, enjoy 🤍
Klara watched as Tobias's finger brushed her palm, its arm softly wrapped around her side, feeling its soft breaths on her back. She'd think it was sleeping, if not for the occasional movements and feeling it blinking every now and then.
She heard its voice, which was a bit groggy, either from not drinking enough water or from what they were doing, say softly. "You're oddly quiet."
"Hmm... Maybe I've just been enjoying the way your thumb is massaging my hand. Or your eyelashes brushing against my back. Or your nose between my shoulder blades."
"Mmhmm," she felt Tobias move a little, its lips kissing different parts of her back, as if moving on a curvy path towards her shoulder. Finally, it leaned its head on her shoulder, and murmured, "There's clearly something else, too." It took her hand gently and moved it close to its face, kissing her fingers. "What's wrong, honey?"
Klara smiled at its voice and cupped its cheek. "I don't know, just a bit lost in thoughts. I-" she sighed and caressed its cheek, "I don't know. It's like I'm suddenly realizing that I've lost so many things? Can't say anything to my family, hell, I think Elliott would happily tell my whereabouts to corporates for a free lunch, which he already gets from them. Can't tell anything to our friends either, just so they won't be in danger. All the resources, all the connections, all the things we had... But, you know? At the same time I feel like I have no limits and no one is controlling me. I don't know..." she paused, "One part of me feels like my whole world just, well, collapsed?And the other feels like I'm completely free for the first time ever."
"Mm, I know what you mean," it said softly, "Weird feeling in stomach as if you feel very sick, and at the same time feeling like you're able to do whatever you want. These two fighting between each other and drowning everything else in your mind. Gets even worse when you're all alone."
"Yeah... Though," she said, "there's also this hopeful feeling? It appears especially when you're somewhere close."
Tobias smiled against her shoulder and kissed her neck. "Glad to hear there's at least some kind of usefulness from having me around."
"Oh, stop it, you dumbass."
"I love it when you call me that," it giggled, "But, um, I guess it's helpful to have someone's shoulder to lean on."
Klara smirked and turned around to face it. "And what a comfortable shoulder it is, by the way," she said and buried her face in its neck.
"Well, I don't know about that, but," it gently caressed her back with its hand, "just know that it's always available for you."
"Mmh, of course."
"And Melody's there for you, too."
"Hmm, yeah. Though I already have one pussy near me..."
Tobias blushed. "Damn, okay then, käresta," it kissed her head. "Oh! By the way, I have something for you. Hang on..." it murmured and rolled to the other side of the bed, and tried to reach for its overalls laying on the floor.
"Mmh, don't leave yet..."
"I'm not, I'm not," it took something out of the pocket and moved back next to Klara, quickly tucked itself in a blanket. "Fuck, it's cold."
Klara pulled it closer and kissed its face. "Huh, is it now? Their AC seems to work very well." She looked at its hands. "What do you have there, anyway?"
"Hehe, well," Tobias sat up, "I know how upset you were when your necklace broke, so I-" it opened its palm, showing a silver necklace between its fingers, a snowy plover charm hanging on it, "-ordered a similar one. I'm actually not hundred percent sure I got the bird perfectly right, but, well, I tried my best. I, um, I hope you like it."
"Sunshine, honey, you didn't have to..." she sat up in front of it and kissed it, "you really didn't have to."
"It has always been important to you. And, well, like you said, you have lost...many things. So I thought that maybe I should get you at least something back," it reached its hands and put her necklace on her neck.
"God, Tobias, if this is another one of your 'I feel guilty for everything' thing, then-"
"It's not, I promise," it murmured and cupped her face, "I do think it's partly my fault, but this is simply because I know how much you cared about this necklace."
"Honey, this is... this is a perfect gift. Thank you so much," she murmured and kissed it all over its face.
"Mmhmm, no problem, darling," Tobias leaned closer, "Now, what do you think of, say, laying in bed for a little longer. Or-"
"Or having another round?"
"I was going to ask about checking on our cat to see if she isn't lonely, but honestly, why not?"
"God, you're adorable," she murmured and gently pushed it down on the bed. While leaning down, she stopped for a monent, quickly glanced out of the window, and said quietly, "You know, I've always thought that being out in space would have some kind of special feeling."
"Yeah, it's verh boring, isn't it? No special feelings or 'wow' moments, not counting the first time you look outside," it turned its head towards the window, "just darkness and white dots. Rocks, if you're lucky."
Klara nodded and leaned down. "Guess we'll have to make it interesting all by ourselves."
"You got it, honey."
taglist (reply/dm/ask in tags to be added or removed):
@spaceratprodigy @elvves @dekarios @aeducanthaig @edgepunk
@dickytwister @hiddenbeks @terendelev @tuntau @babylon5
@claudiawolf @velocitic @eluvixns
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curioscurio · 5 months
Oooo do you have a favorite tea or fun tea fact? 👀
I ADORE a good jasmine green tea! Something that's strong but not too acidic, and I do enjoy some sugar every now and then. Where I live, it's super hot Almost all year round so I love almost all my tea fresh brewed and poured over ice!
To do this and not get an overly watered cup, first measure out how much tea you need for say a relatively large 24oz glass of iced tea. Then only add HALF as much water as you want in the end. So instead of measuring out 24oz of water, measure out 12oz and use the 24oz worth of tea. Then you have a hot tea concentrate! Fill your beverage cup to the brim with ice and pour over as soon as its finished brewing for a great cup of iced tea!
I'm also on a huge Saffron Tea kick and find that it's been a huge help in stabilizing my emotions as well as tasting ... unique? Either way I like it haha! You don't need much, only like 6ish strands per 12oz ish, depending on your preference. Sometimes 12 for me depending on the flavor haha! also I like to resteep them a few times if possible lol. Check out with a doctor though first bc it can lower blood pressure and some other things. For me it just helps curb my everyday anxiety a little, but it's incredibly potent and you don't need a lot at all.
You can also brew catnip like tea as long as it's culinary grade! It can act as a natural depressant/sleep aid. Yes, it makes cats crazy if they smell it, but makes humans sleepy when we drink it haha!
I also love a turkish tea over ice, sweetend with a little sugar! I love that you can brew it super strong and dilute it to your preference as sometimes I like it strong and sometimes I like it really light.
I've not been interested in boba tea as much lately unless I need a super sugar kick! I find I really dislike the taste of powdered tea and that boba places often over brew their hot tea. Some have actually had some great Pu'er tho!!!!
I could go on tbh but my knowledge really is only the tip of the tea iceberg lol
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amethystfairy1 · 4 months
You are such an amazing author and I love you so much!!!!! I read both ttsbc and tt and honestly, how do you do it!?!?!?! I barely have enough motivation to do anything these days and you're just here uploading DAILY!?!?!? Thank you though, the emails I get when you upload are always the highlights of my day and when/if I get married, you are invited to the wedding. You gave me such brain rot all my OCs are starting to get inspired by your works. I just wanted to say thank you, you are amazing and drink some water because like gem said - HYDRATE OR DIEDRATE!!!
Thank you!!! I'm so glad you enjoy my AUs so much!
I dunno, I just like writing! 😅 And it's also been so amazing to have so many folks who support, so I know when I post I'll get comments and questions and such, and that always just makes me so excited to write, so I haven't lost steam just yet! 😆
Oooo OCS! Have you heard about the fandom event @silver-sunray is running? It's called TTSBC: Beyond and it's going to be a fanworks event for stuff related to TTSBC, if you want to create anything about your OCs and submit them, you should follow Silver, they are planning to have some more info about the event up at some point that might be interesting to ya!
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maochira · 1 year
hello!!! if im not bothering you, is it alright if you write a short drabble or headcannons of how wc!kunigami would react if he saw his s/o cry infront of him ;;-;;
(you don’t have to do this)
ps: drink lots of water and stay hydrated 👍👍
Oooo I'm making this part of the Neo Egoist League assistant series!! Also, don't be scared of bothering me with requests, I'm happy about everything I receive in my inbox💟
Requests open! - NEL assistants masterlist
Tags: gn!reader x wc!Kunigami, hurt/comfort
You haven't had any contact to Kunigami since the beginning of Blue Lock, but your love is still as strong as it was before he left.
You were confused why he wasn't part of the Blue Lock Eleven team or at least on the bench, so you were hoping to see him again when you started working in Blue Lock. But now that you see him again, a part of you wishes you wouldn't.
Your boyfriend isn't the same person anymore. You immediately notice that only after looking at him. And still, you collect the courage to walk up to him. Your original intention is to talk to him, but somehow no words leave your mouth and you pull him into a hug as if it's an instinct.
Before Blue Lock, Kunigami would hug you back in only a few seconds and give you a gentle kiss on the forehead before you raised your head so he could kiss your lips next. But what he does now makes your heart ache. As soon as you wrap your arms around him, Kunigami pushes you away and looks at you with a mix of a cold and and angry expression.
And then, your boyfriend starts yelling at you. He asks over and over what you're doing in Blue Lock and why you would choose to work there. Even though he's asking you questions, he doesn't give you a chance to answer. Instead, he continues yelling at you to leave and not bother him with your love because he's not the same person he used to be.
It breaks your heart.
Your mind is a bit fuzzy and you don't clearly understand if he's breaking up right now or not, but it sounds like he is. You try to hold your tears back, But the pain is too much so they flow out of your eyes on their own. The way Kunigami yells at you and the things he says make everything inside you hurt so bad. There's this awful pressure in your chest and your arms feel weak.
Your tears make something inside Kunigami break. The tears on your face trigger memories of the first fight you had with him and how you cried when he got mad and accidentally said something that hurt you.
Even though he changed so much, the love he has for you just got locked away somewhere deep inside him. And now, it's finding its way out.
At the realization of how much he still loves you, Kunigami pulls you into a tight hug. It confuses you, but even though he just yelled and apparently broke up with you, his strong arms make you feel so secure and comforted.
"I'm so sorry," he whispers into your ear, "I promise, I still love you. Don't go away now."
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carcarcraziiv2 · 8 months
The Woman with the Pink Hair (Parts 10, 11, 12, and 13 (final))
HERE ARE THE LAST PARTS FOR THE WOMAN WITH THE PINK HAIR! I Sincerely hope you enjoyed <3. I have already started the next story in the series (oooo). Lmk if you wanna see it! <3
This is a Vi x Fem! Reader fanfiction.
Please note that this is the first piece I wrote after a HEFTY (I mean years long) hiatus from writing.
P.S. Lowkey I KNOW there's a bunch of shit I could fix in here to make it better due to my practice over the past year or so, but I just… I'm so lazy rn LOL. Anyhoooooo….
ALSO- here are the TW for you lovelies! (This is for the WHOLE SERIES)-
Violence, mental illness, oral sex, dominant tendencies, torture, kidnapping, plotting?… lowkey there's probably more but you should get the gist here, AS ALWAYS ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK ILY<3
READ PART SEVEN, EIGHT, AND NINE HERE-> https://www.tumblr.com/carcarcraziiv2/739738198020964352/the-woman-with-the-pink-hair-part-7-8-9?source=share
 "What the hell...?", Vi said lightly, scanning the top deck of the ship she just boarded after returning from her confrontation with Kench. She was not in the mood for anything but a drink and to cuddle up with (y/n). Her stomach plummeted when she saw the small pool of blood a few feet away.
    Blind panic fills her soul, and she bolts for the stairs. Please don't be gone. Please don't be gone. She thinks to herself, silently pleading to the Gods she wasn't even sure exists. Basically jumping down the small flight of stairs into the cabin of the ship, she notices it is in disarray. The dark wooden table was flipped, and glass was shattered all over the floor. There was a trail of water from the top deck, down the stairs, leading directly to a dead stop in front of the room the two lovers were occupying.
   "Fuck, no no no!" Vi yelled, running down the hallway, and bursting into the room. The armoire was open, but there was no (y/n). "Fuck!" Her hands reached up to her hair, pulling as she fell to her knees. Her shoulders slumped, and she lowered her head and began to cry.
    After a few minutes of sobbing, Vi slowly crept up onto her feet again. No emotion on her face, her eyes glazed and icy cold. She walked over to the chest at the end of the bed and pulled it open. Inside were two large fighting gauntlets. She hadn't used them since all of the bullshit with Jayce. 
    There is no better time than the present, and she was prepared to destroy anyone in her path to finding (y/n). 
--- 🖤🖤🖤 ---
    "Please! Please! I'll do anything, just don-" Crack.
    The sickening crunch that resounded through the dark rocky cavern made you shiver. Prior to what you assumed to have been the untimely death of some other prisoner down here, the voice had sounded like a young woman, much like yourself. 
    You did not move as you waited to hear anymore sounds, shuffling, or wet slapping footsteps. Waiting nearly 20 minutes, you finally let out a gasp of breath, and crawled back to your corner where a useless excuse for a bed lay on the floor. It was nothing but a long, dirty piece of fabric. At one point, you were sure, it had been padded. 
   The cell was entirely uncomfortable, and you were sure you had been there for at least a week at this point. You prayed, which you never ever did, for someone to rescue you. The things that you and Vi shared for some reason did not fully convince you that she would want to go through the trouble of rescuing you. Hell, you didn't hardly know anything about her.
   Over the days that you had spent here, they had been sending in plates of slop, you weren't entirely certain of its origin, that smelled like absolute ass. The first few days you refused to eat, and Tahm personally came to inform you that if you didn't eat, he would either kill you or let you starve to death. You were sure no matter what you did, you had a death sentence over your head, but due to fear and your hunger you decided after the third day to finally just eat it. After today's food was delivered, a few hours after the confrontation down the hall, you heard those wet sloppy footsteps approaching the iron gate of your cell. 
    As the steps approached, you quickly scurried to the very most corner of the room, drawing your knees to your chin as you awaited and prayed that the beat would continue past. To your dismay, the large shadow enunciated by the faint candlelight in the hall stopped right before your door. 
    "(Y/N), I have some questions for you. Do you wish to comply, or are you going to make me force them from you?" The long-winded question reverberated through your body, making you tense up and tingles run down your spine. 
   You stayed silent. If there was anything you would do, talking would not be one of them.
   The creature let out a defeated sigh, and you held still, not wanting to react. Even as a tear began to fall down your face and the creature wabbled inside, and engulfed you in the rancid large mouth, you still did not struggle. 
    Mind blank, the only thought in your head was how easy it would be to break you. You had the pain tolerance of a baby and were terrified of what he might do. 
   As Tahm Kench walked, you sloshed around in the small space you were in. You could feel his long tongue wrapped around you like a rope holding you tight. Although slick and slimy, it did not budge when you dared to fidget ever so slightly. You simply squeezed your eyes shut, and forced the rising bile back down your throat as the journey quickly came to a stop. 
   He spit you out, and again you landed on a hard floor. Before you had the opportunity to take in your surroundings, two gruff pairs of hands were dragging you off the ground and sitting you onto a lone chair. Looking around, your eyes straining from the brightness, you realized that the sun was shining through a broken window to the left. In fact, it appeared that you were being kept underneath a large, abandoned boating house. 
  You were quickly snapped out of your realization when the monster began to speak..
   "Tell me, (y/n), how do you know Vi?"
   He let out a soft chuckle, and leaned closer to you, the motion looking hard due to the bulkiness of his body.
   "I will give you one more chance, child. How do you know Vi?" 
    Remaining silent once more, you conjured the spit in your mouth and spewed it directly into the monster's face. He took a moment to wipe the spit off of his face. Turning around, his chubby arms resting at his side, he looked over at one of his minions and nodded slightly before continuing his venture to the other side of the room. 
    Panic blossomed as you noticed what one of them was holding. In its green, wet hand you saw the sheen of a blade. You leaned as far away as you could as the creature approached you slowly, as if it was enjoying your fear. It leaned in, its face mere inches from your own, it raised the knife and pressed it to your cheek, snickering. It began to slowly press in, when you let out a sharp hiss.
    "She's my girlfriend," You said quickly, silently cursing yourself for breaking so quickly. As you realized the shit you were in, you prayed that he would not ask any in depth questions that you didn't know the answer to. You knew they wouldn't believe you. 
   Tahm turned back towards you, a long smile spreading on it's face.
   "Good," He said, and you felt he wasn't simply talking about your answer, but more so the ability to break you. 
PART ELEVEN- Unleashed
 Getting thrown back into your cell, you were wholly torn apart. The evil menace that had captured you picked you up, crumpled you in his palms, and threw you onto the ground. Entirely spent, you could not sleep, not while you knew that those demons were wandering the halls and rooms above you thinking you are hiding some important information from them. 
    You aren't.
    You hadn't a speck of knowledge aside from the things that you and Vi had shared. Kisses, long gazes, conversations about both of your childhoods. You realized, in that moment, that you didn't even know what her favorite color was. What kind of food she liked to eat or where she liked to go to get away from it all. 
    You decided that when - if - you got out of this hell hole, you were going to make a point of learning all of those things.
    Sighing, you wince as you roll over on the decrepit pad on the floor. Your ribs were bruised, at the least, if not having a few broken. Every breath you took caused a sharp lingering pain to blossom in your torso. There were small lashes on your arms, your face, and you were sticky from the sweat and blood covering your skin. As you laid there, tears falling at their own will down your cheek and onto the mattress, you prayed once more for your savior to find you.
--- 🖤🖤🖤---
---         VI         ---   
    "Tell me where the hell she is, I don't want this to be harder than it needs to be, Illaoi. Please, please just tell me," Vi seethed, her fists where clenched inside the large foreboding gauntlets.  Her heart was racing and breaking beneath her white tank top, her thick arms straining with the stress coursing through her veins. 
    Before her, Illaoi sat in an old brown leather chair, her legs spread and her forearms resting on her knees. Her fists were held together, acting as a podium in which she rest her sodden and tired face. 
    "Vi, I don't know where he keeps them. I only know where his base is. I am telling you this because I have been bound to that monster for far too long, and I, too, want to get my revenge. But please, you must call down. He has cronies all over the town, some who may be lingering these very halls. Their hearing is keen and sharp, and they will do anything in their power to protect their boss."
    "Do you think I give a single shit about that? Take me to his base," Vi spat, her body unflinching as she gave Illaoi the option, no, the order to take her where she needed to go. She would break through every god damn house in Bilgewater if it meant finding (y/n).
    "Vi, I ca-,"
    Vi slammed her fist against the wall, making the house shake. Dust fluttered off of the shelves and ceiling, littering Vi's shoulders and arms like sad rain.
    "Take. Me. There. Now." She said calmly, but her calm demeanor only hid the wrath behind her eyes so much. Illaoi sighed, standing. She was a tall, muscular woman, and her admitting defeat was anything but that. She was willing to fight for what she believed in, even if that meant risking her life. Vi was proud of her for that and vowed silently to forever be in her favor.
     After the woman collected her items and put on a few scraps of leather and gold armor on her arms and chest, they left the small apartment that Illaoi must have called home. Vi had located it after cornering Captain Fortune in a pub a few streets down.
    It had been 5 days since Vi last saw (y/n), and she didn't dare think about the possibilities of torture, of death, that have been plaguing her little love. She seethed, gritting her teeth and choking down the lump in her throat. She would not cry, not here, not now. Not while she needs to be strong.
    Illaoi led her down a few wary streets, venturing down a few blocks from where they started. They ended up at some old rotting docks, the boards broken and falling into the stinking sea beneath them.  
    "That boat house, down at the end. That is where Kench and his men do their biddings. I will not proceed, but I will be here, waiting. Yell if you need me, and I will come to you. I will help you, for the sake of defeating Kench."
    Vi merely nodded, her fists clenching within her gauntlets as she strode towards the decrepit building. The place smelled this shit, like him, and she was not happy about the concept that (y/n) may be here somewhere. 
    The thought rattled her, that she could be a mere few feet away and Vi wouldn't even know. She silently begged the gods that she was here, simply so that she could rescue her as soon as possible.
    Approaching the large rusted doors, Vi didn't care about silently entering. She slammed through them with her gauntlets, making the whole building shake as the door shattered in front of her. She stomped in, over the broken wooden splinters littering the floor. Across the warn concrete floor, there was a table of cronies playing cards and shooting shit with each other. They all looked up in unison, gaping at Vi before everything broke into chaos. 
    Two of them approached her, unsheathing sharp twisting blades and stalking in her direction. Vi cracked her neck and rolled her shoulders, and snarled as she began stalking towards her. 
    The one on the right lashed out, and she quickly parried it by bringing her massive metal fists up and smashing it against its body, making it fly to the wall beside them. It slunk to the ground, grunting with no appearance that it was going to stand. The second one ran at her, and she turned 45 degrees to her right, launching her fist into the creature's face. A sick crunching sound reverberated through the building, and it fell to the ground before her. 
    It held its nose and whimpered slightly as Vi lent down to grasp its dirty hole ridden shirt. She lifted it, her face a mere inches from her own.
    "Where is she?" She snarled.
    "I don't know who you're talking about," the creature snickered back. She could tell it was lying and that made her even more feral.
    "I will cut out your tongues and feed them to your cowering brothers," she threatened, pointing at the two others who were running towards a door in the back of the building. 
    A door she hadn't noticed before. A door she was sure led to the very captor she was looking for. 
    She shoved the monster to the ground, and it grunted on impact as she raised her fist again and punched his face into the ground. When she stood, the creature did not stir. She wasn't sure if it was dead or not, but she didn't care. The other that she had fought was still on the other side of the huge room, its body slouched against the base of the wall.
   Quiet, almost silent screams echoed below Vi's feet.
   She's here. She's here. She's here.
    Vi stormed towards the back of the room, slamming into the door. Those fuckers locked it, she thought. She didn't hesitate for a second as she brought back her fist and slammed it into the iron door. It didn't move but a smidge, and so she hit it again, and again. Finally, the bolts broke from their spots and the door shot open, not falling off of its hinges. A musty, sodden smell drifted up the stone stairs that Vi stood atop of. 
    Another scream echoed through the chambers below, this time much louder than before. She could hear shuffling, and the sounds of grunting as she assumed whoever was screaming was being dragged away.
    She cascaded down the steps, now more alert to her senses as the darkness encompassed her being. She wanted to be quiet enough so that they didn't know exactly where she was. They already knew she was here.
    She listened for more sounds, more grunting, more anything. Silence ensued, so she began walking down the dimly lit hallway. She noticed immediately the small iron gated rooms surrounding her. Each had a small sad bed on the floor. Some, there were bones and blood, others were empty. She reached the end of the stretch where another hallway collided with this one, making a T shape. The very last room she peered into before veering down to the left caused her to stop in her tracks.
    There, in the middle of the room, as if left as a sign for her and her alone was her jacket. Her dark red jacket she took from one of the first people she encountered in Zaun after getting out of prison.
     She was here. Vi could hardly hold back the vomit that threatened to rise in her throat, as she scanned the little stone room. From top to bottom, she could sense that she had been kept in here. Various plates were strewn across the room, rotting food sat on a few of the plates and she grimaced at the thought of (y/n) being forced to eat that trash. Gods know what it was.
    Right before she went to continue on her hunt, she heard another blood curdling scream, before a familiar voice yelled-
    "Vi? Vi! Please, anyo-," a grunt sounded from that voice, as if being punched in the stomach to quiet her pleas. White hot rage flooded Vi at the thought of someone touching and hurting her girl. Hers. 
    She zig zagged through a few more halls, before descending a small staircase and bursting through a door that she could hear a ruckus coming out of. The sounds; crying, cursing, and heavy breathing. Vi had to momentarily shield her eyes as brightness flooded her vision. As they adjusted, she took in her surroundings quickly. 
    There, in the middle of the room, bound to a chair and gagged, was a beaten and bloody (y/n). Her eyes widened at the sight of Vi, and she whimpered, pulling lightly at her restraints. Vi started towards her, her only inclination to free her immediately. At her first step, she heard (y/n) yelling through the gag, her eyes widening and her head shaking vigorously. Vi took another step, and (y/n) closed her eyes and screamed into the gag. Only then did Vi realize there was a crony behind her, using her as a meat shield with a knife to her back. 
    "Well, well, well," a familiar voice boomed. Vi didn't flinch as Tahm Kench emerged from a shadowed room to the far right that she hadn't noticed before. "It's a pleasure, as always, Vi."
    "Free her, Kench. Now." Vi ordered. It merely offered a chuckle in response.
    "For a price, child. Everything comes with a price."
     "What do you want?" Vi pleaded. She did not plan to go through with anything, other than to get (y/n) as far away from here as possible.
     "Your girlfriend here told me a lot about you. About your connections to the one they call Jinx?" Panic flooded her momentarily, and she glanced at (y/n) who only sobbed, her head sagged to her chest. She knew (y/n) was strong and must have endured a lot to say anything. "Although, she wouldn't tell us anything else. About your dealings in Piltover. Pity, if she had cooperated, I would have offered her a clean, easy death. But they never do, do they Vi?"
     She shuttered at the thought and burst out of her stance towards kench. She stopped dead in her tracks when 10 other creatures came out of the shadows. Fuck, she thought. She knew Kench could, and would fight too, but she didn't know his moves, what to expect. Thinking for a moment, she knew what she had to do.
    She leaned back her head, and as loud as humanly possible she yelled, "ILLAOI!"
    A quiet tense aura shifted the place, each of the creatures looking back and forth at one another. A minute passed before Vi cursed again, and a few of them laughed. 
    "Illaoi? That is how you found us, huh?" Tahm smirked, a hint of distaste lingering in his tone. "She wouldn't dare come down here and face me, not for the like of you."
     Just as he finished his sentence, Vi felt the heavy presence of Illaoi's spiritual bonds to the Kraken. The air shifted into a heavy, haunting, foreboding feeling. She turned around, just in time to see the massive woman breach the threshold of the room. She glowed slightly, Vi realized then, and her power was emanating through her and rippling through her room. 
    Illaoi did not hesitate as she approached Kench. All of his cronies seemed to cower in her powerful presence. 
    "Release the girl, Kench," She stated plainly. 
    "You do not understand what you are doing, woman," Tahm said, sounding slightly afraid. Even the great demon cowered in her presence. Vi made note not to fuck with Illaoi. 
     "I suppose you are going to do this the hard way," She mocked. She must have been closer than I thought. Suddenly, all around the room, large green spirit like tentacles rose from the floor, flapping mindlessly left and right. Illaoi glanced back at Vi, "Take her, and come help me kill these scum." 
    Vi did not hesitate as roaring combat erupted around her. Her primary focus was (y/n). She stormed over to her, immediately ripping the binds of the gag off of her face. She threw it to the floor and leaned down, making quick work of the bindings around her arms and legs. (y/n) quietly sobbed and looked up through her wet, blood-matted hair at Vi.
--- 🖤🖤🖤---
    You couldn't stop crying. Not now, not here. Not while Vi knelt in front of you looking entirely panicked and you couldn't move an inch. Every part of your body ached, and you felt weak from blood loss. You didn't flinch, though, as Vi delicately looped one arm under your legs and the other around your back and carried you towards the stairs. She set you down, on the steps, far enough away to keep you safe, but close enough to be able to monitor you. 
   "I've got you, baby. I've got you," She brushed a hand lightly over your bruised face, and you winced from her touch. The color drained from her face, and she looked utterly defeated as she stood. "I have to help Illaoi, don't move." You almost, almost, laughed at that. As if you could move if you wanted to. You were so weak, so frail. 
    Maybe she would teach you how to fight, when this was all over with. You watched her as she turned her back to you, descending the few steps she had gone up. You could see through the doorway the hell that had broken lose. Illaoi had made quick work of the monsters that worked for Kench, the tentacles becoming solid and slamming into them, crushing the majority under their weight. Blood splattered the walls, screeches echoed until all was silent. The only remaining contender was Kench. 
    Before you, Illaoi shot out what appeared to be a tentacle, much smaller than all the others, towards kench. Before it could reach him, a giant hole summoned below the monster, and he jumped into it. You gasped, then grimaced from that pain it caused your body. Suddenly, you heard a wet thud from above you. 
    You didn't dare look behind you, you knew who it was already.
    "You have caused me quite a bit of trouble, child," he said, his stubby arms wrapping around you. You let out a scream, guttural and otherworldly, as you grabbed the knife that was still attached to your thigh. It had gone unnoticed, or more likely, they hadn't bothered to care simply because you were a weak little human. 
    Slashing backwards, pure adrenaline made the pain subside slightly as your blade coursed through the thick skin of Tahms face. He let out a disgusting screech, dropping you. Your body rolled aimlessly down the stairs, and you could feel a snap as your arm landed beneath you. You let out a scream and saw Vi and Illaoi running towards you. Through your tears, and the encroaching darkness that was shrouding your vision, you noticed that Tahm was no longer at the top of the stairs.
    Before you lost consciousness, you saw the woman fall to her knees beside you, carefully adjusting your body and arm. Relentless pain tugged at your sanity.
    "(Y/N), baby, I've got you. I've got you. Let's go home." you heard her voice say faintly. Her tear ridden and bloody face was the last thing you saw before you lost consciousness. 
PART TWELVE- Encouragement
  Your eyes flutter open, and for a moment you are flustered. You do not recognize your surroundings, and you scramble up against the headboard of the large bed you realize you rest upon. Panting, you clutch the covers to your chest, your clean chest. After a moment, you also notice the pain.
    You yell out in pain, and quickly clamp a hand over your mouth.  Before the panic could set in, the door at the furthest left-hand corner of the room swings open. 
    At the threshold, Vi stares at you with wide eyes, panting as if she had sprinted to the room. For a brief moment, you were in shock. Vi let out a soft sigh of relief as she began walking over to you.
    You did not mean to, but you shrank from her. The experiences of the last week were still haunting your very being. She stopped in her tracks.
    "Baby, you're at my house. You're safe now," Vi said in a cool tone. Her hand was put up out in front of her as if to further reassure your safety with her gesture. It didn't take more than a second for tears to begin falling down your cheeks, cascading down your neck and onto your chest under the shirt you wore. 
    As Vi walked to the bed and sat on the edge, she placed a hand on your knee. You did not flinch away from her touch as you did when she was walking toward you. Instead, you let your head fall back against the headboard and let out a pitiful sigh through your sobs.
    "It hurts, Vi," was all you could muster. You hated sounding so pathetic, but the state your body was in was not one to argue. Vi nodded, and reached her hand up to your face, caressing it far more gently than she ever had before. In that moment, the only thing you could think of to say was, "What is your favorite color?"
    She looked slightly taken aback, one eyebrow raised in curiosity. "It's red."
    You smiled slightly.
    "What is your favorite food?"
    "Um... don't make fun of me, but bar food?" she laughed, lowering her head in embarrassment. 
     "Where do you...escape to?" you said lightly, your gaze landing on her own piercing one. You twiddled your thumbs as she looked at you as if studying what she was seeing. She looked away, out the square window that, to your surprise, had sunlight seeping through. 
     "I used to leave for stretches of time after getting out of prison. Usually for odd jobs here and there." She looked back at you before she continued. "There is this place here in Piltover, where the trees surround a small lake close to the border of the undercity." She swallowed. "When I got out, I had... a relationship with an officer of one of the Council leader's daughters. They hated me, thought I was scum of the earth.
    I would leave Cait's house and wander the streets as if I knew where I was going. No matter where I went, people gave me dirty looks. They knew who I was. What I was. But when I found that place where the grass was green and the only noise was birds chirping and leaves rustling in the trees, I knew I had found my safe space.
    That was, of course, until I met you."
     You could feel your chest tightening, your heart aching for the harsh treatment she had received from people that didn't know her just because of where she came from. Where you both came from. 
    "When I met you, it felt like something clicked inside of me. Like a missing puzzle piece had gone into place. Even when I was throwing a fit in that alley way unsure of who you were. When I looked into your eyes in that moment, it felt like we were meant to be there. I was supposed to meet you. Every time thereafter that I saw you and you laughed, I felt that same feeling as I had at the lake. I felt safe."
     Tears that had dried on your face became wet again as new ones began tumbling down your cheeks. "Vi..." you whimpered; your mouth downturned in a far too dramatic that's so sweet type of look. "I feel the same way about you, too." You tried pushing off the headboard but hissed in a breath as a shooting pain traveled through your torso. Your arm, luckily, had been put back into place as you were unconscious. It no longer hurt aside from minor aching.
    Vi stood, and leaned over you so that her shadow covered your famished frame. Bending her neck, she raised her hand and lifted your chin ever so slightly with a single finger. Her lips pressed against yours so gently. It was as if she was ensuring that she would not break you. 
    "I am going to go downstairs and grab you something for the pain. You have two options, a remedy from a medic or booze."
    You let out a slight chuckle, and replied, "I think it would be smart to take a remedy this time."
    After a few minutes of observing the room you were in while she fetched the pain reliever, you came to the conclusion that this was her space. Her familiar (now quite destroyed) red jacket was thrown over the back of a black chair in the corner of the room. You could see spools of white wrapping on a desk that rested in front of a large rounded window, looking over what you presumed to be the city.
    "Here you go," Vi said, startling you slightly as she re-entered the room with food and a small bottle of red liquid. "This does not taste or smell great, please don't smell it like you smelt the shit on the ship." She sat beside you once again, popping open the small vile and handing it over to you. You hesitated, almost smelling it before reaching your other hand up and plugging your nose. Throwing your head back as you drank, you sank it back like a shot of whiskey. "Good girl." was all she said in response. You melted at her praise, feeling heat rise to your cheeks. She snickered, no doubt noticing your reaction.
    "Patience, baby. Once your better I am never letting you leave my room."
    "Promises, promises," was all you said in reply as a sly smile spread across your face.
- Spicy -    
It has been a few weeks since your expenditure with Tahm Kench. Vi had not lied for the most part, she had not let you leave her side even once after having rescued you. No matter where you went or what you did, she was with you.
    "(Y/N)," Vi said, lying next to you on her large bed. She lay on her side, resting her head on a hand and twirling absentmindedly fiddling with a piece of your hair with the other. "You feelin' okay today?"
     You nodded in response, turning your head away from your book to peer down at her. "Yeah of course babe, why?"
      "After everything, I just want to make sure you're okay. Like... mentally?" She gazed at you with concern lingering on her face, but as if she was trying to hide it. 
      Contemplating for a moment, you weren't entirely sure. You were certainly glad to be here, but it felt so sudden. Like all of these things had happened so out of the blue. The momentum of your life had been completely overturned, and the experiences of the last few months had certainly changed the way you think about things.
    "Honestly... I don't know. I am not scared, but I am not at peace. Do you know what I mean?" You looked at Vi as you talked with your hands. She nodded knowingly in response. "I am just glad I am out of that place, and we don't have anything to worry about. Plus, I feel a lot better physically which definitely helps."
    "Good. Do you want to go to that place I told you about? By the lake?" 
     You recalled the place that Vi had told you about being her hide-away location. Her peace. 
    "I would love that." You replied with a smile.
--- 🖤🖤🖤 ---
     Vi had given you a light sweater to wear, as spring had just arrived and although it was warmer than during the winter the wind was still crisp as it ran across your skin. 
    Walking through the streets of Piltover, you didn't care to look back at the gawkers and whisperers. You held Vi's hand in yours and felt like the most powerful woman in the world standing next to her. She did not look anywhere aside from ahead, and occasionally over at you to give a faint smile. 
    Approaching the end of a neighborhood road, the sidewalk curved around with a tall fence guarding from what lay beyond- the forest. You looked over at Vi and raised a brow.
    "Am I supposed to climb that?"
    She laughed, "My love, there are some obstacles you must overcome before you get to where you want to be."
    Although she was right, you still let out a prominent sigh and rolled your eyes to the heavens. She laughed again, bright and vibrant sounds radiating through your skin and bones. You approached the fence, using your fingers and boots to push you up, up, up and over the top. You took a moment at the top, looking over the small road you had come from. No one was watching, and you were thankful that no one was going to see you struggle with such a simple physical activity.
     "You ever going to come down?" Vi urged, shocking you from your revery. 
     "If I fall, will you catch me?" You said in response, nervous flutters racing through your chest. It was ridiculous, as it was only a few feet off of the ground. It felt like a hundred.
     "Always." She responded, looking you dead in the eyes. You sighed again, slowly turning your body and descending the opposing side of the fence. Once you nearly reached the bottom, you jumped off the last ten inches and turned to face Vi.
    "You have got to help me get into shape, honestly," You smiled, huffing out breaths. 
     After a tad bit of banter, the two of you continued walking. A thick line of trees sat ahead of you, a sweet whisper of pine lingering in the air. Vi released your hand and began walking forward, beckoning you to follow. You stepped in line behind her as she pushed branches aside and followed a path only known to her.
     "Here it is," Vi said, holding back another branch and stepping back as if revealing the area to you. You stepped forward, gawking at your surroundings as Vi stepped up behind you. 
     "Oh my Gods, its..." You started. You couldn't even find the words. A small meadow filled with Lavender, Honeysuckle, Tulips, and various other flowers rest in front of you. The breeze made gorgeous floral scents waft over to you, instantly relaxing your mind and muscles. A few feet ahead, you could see a round pond littered with lily pads. Across from the pond, the trees finished the circle encompassing the area. It really was a secluded paradise.
    "I know, right?" Vi smiled, looking longingly at what lay ahead. She grabbed your hand gently and pulled you with her as she began walking. "Over here there is a perfect place to lay down and look at the stars at night, if you want to stay long enough to do that."
    You nodded sheepishly, feeling honored to be taken to her sacred place. As you reached the flat plane of grass that looked almost manicured compared to the rest of the space, she sat down. Gently she tugged your hand to follow suit.
   Sitting in silence, you rested your head on her shoulder and looked across the water. It was crazy that all of these things had happened in the span of a few months. Meeting Vi, meeting her sister Jinx, getting kidnapped and tortured... All to lead to this place, next to this woman, who you could not deny you were falling undeniably in love with.
   "What are you thinking about, sweet stuff?" Vi murmurs, looking over at you with her head tilted as she lifts your chin with a finger. Your gaze meets hers and you take in her beauty. The small scar that sits on her pink lips, the jewelry in her nose. Her hardened eyes softening only for you. 
    "I think..." You start, pausing to suck in a shaky breath, "I think I'm in love with you, Vi."
     She looks taken aback, her eyebrows raising, and she blinks a few times. You feel heat rise to your cheeks before she smiles sweetly at you. Relief floods you when she responds.
     "I think, sweet stuff, that I may just love you, too." Her hand moves to your cheek, cupping your face. You lean into it, closing your eyes for a moment and inhaling deeply. When you open them, you meet her gaze. Her eyes have heated, lids lowering. As she gazes and you through her lashes, she runs her teeth over her bottom lip. "You know... I think you feel better enough that we can consummate our love... the good ol' fashioned way." She sniggers, raising a brow and tilting her head the other way. 
     "I suppose there is," You reply, trying to sound sultry even though you have no idea what you're doing.
    She giggles at your attempt, leaning in close. Your foreheads touch, and for a moment the two of you just sit there basking in each other's presence. You can feel her eyes on your lips, and instinctively you lick them. She lets out a small growl, moving her hand to the base of your neck and pulling you in. Her lips brush yours slightly, and a sigh escapes you. As your lips part, she enters you with her tongue. The two of you kissing passionately, she slowly lays you backward on the grass you sat upon. 
    Vi wants to cater to you, to love you. She wants you to feel special, but you can tell that there is something else urging her to go faster. She is ravenous to taste you, it seems, as she quickly trails down your body and pulls the pants down that you are wearing. You nearly reach down to cover yourself, but she snaps her gaze up to your own with an intensity so fierce you can't help but feel obliged to let her move forward. 
    Leaning your head back on the grass, your breathing intensifies as you feel her breath brush against your bare skin. The feeling of being out in the open, in the wild, is exhilarating. You had never experienced anything like this, and you are more than happy to be doing it with her. 
    Deep in thought, you intake a sharp breath of air as you feel her flat tongue lick you from your opening up to your clit. The world slows, but she speeds up. Your eyes roll back into your head as you reach out a hand a clasp her hair. She lets out a satisfied groan.
    "Fuck, baby. You look so fucking hot when I am pleasing you," Vi says quickly, returning to what she was doing. You feel one of her hands travel down your side, past your thigh and to your center. She pauses briefly as she adjusts herself and inserts a finger into you. Vi curves it up, flicking that spot perfectly, making little breathy moans escape your lips as she continues licking and worshipping your clit. 
    "Vi... Vi I'm gonna...", you start to say, and she looks up at you, breathing against your pussy only to pause for a moment.
     "Look at me while you cum, Princess," She urges, returning to that spot. You look down at her, and as she consumes you, you see her eyes meet your own, and you explode into a million pieces. You can't help it, falling back and bucking your hips against her face. She doesn't stop savoring the moment, until you use the hand that was once clenched in her hair to gently stop her.
    She smiles, a feline smile as she retreats from your throbbing pussy. You're panting heavily, and she crawls up your body. You think she is going to kiss you, but she brings the hand that she was fingerbanging you with to your mouth. You reach out your tongue and suck your juices off of her finger, and watch as she inhales and closes her eyes. 
    Using all of the strength you can muster, you grab her wrist and pull her to the side. As she falls over, you giggle maniacally and crawl on top of her. She laughs out loud as if shocked you got the upper hand for even just a moment. 
     "Now, Vi, let me return the favor? This love... it isn't one sided." Before she can open her mouth to protest, you lean down and kiss her long and hard, letting your right-hand trail down her neck, her breasts, until it brushes over a nipple. She gasps, and you can't help but marvel in the fact that she is sitting here beneath you. Vi looks so stunning, a blush creeping into her cheeks. Her blue eyes are hooded, never leaving your own.
     You lean down, unzipping her jacket as you go. You let it fall to the sides of her torso, and slowly caress her bare stomach underneath her white tank top. You pull it up and up until her chest is exposed to you. You had often wondered what she would look like here, as you hadn't gotten the opportunity to see yet. But she was perfect. Her breasts were not big but not small, cute little pink buds were hard as the breeze and most certainly her arousal enticed them. You bit your lip, before leaning down and taking one into your mouth. Swirling around it, sucking, and releasing it with a pop. You turned your attention to the other and did the same thing. 
    After you were satisfied that she was feeling positively enchanted, you trailed soft kisses down her stomach, stopping at the hem of her pants. You hooked a finger in one of the belt loops and looked up at her expectant gaze. In this moment, you recalled the first time she did this to you.
    "Is this okay?" You smiled, and she smiled back. She must have also remembered what she said to you that night on the ship.
     "More than okay, Sweet stuff," she said, no louder than a whisper. 
    You took no time in removing her bottoms, her panties, and marveling at her beautiful pussy. She was so wet, glistening. The thought that you were what caused her intense arousal made you proud. You had no mercy in your fucking her. The love flowed through you and your tongue against her clit until she was crying out your name. You had never heard her sound like that before, so sensual, so free.
    After you were finished, you both got your clothes back on. Vi rested her head on an arm as her back pressed against the grass, and you climbed up and onto her chest. Mainly, the two of you were looking at the stars.
    "I guess we get to look at the stars, after all," She smiled, and you glanced at her in awe.
    "If it's with you, I will do anything." You shifted onto your stomach, resting your chin on her chest so your face was directed at her. "Because after everything we have been through, I have come to realize that you're my escape, too. You're my home."
     Vi stretched down, tears threatening to leak from her eyes. You rose up slightly, to accommodate the space between the two of you and shared a pleasant, soft and loving kiss.
    You realized, in that moment under the stars, that there was nothing you would ever change about the past. And that the future, no matter what it could bring, would always be better than it could of been before if you were with her.
    Your home. 
------  🖤🖤🖤 ------      THE END      ------ 🖤🖤🖤 ------
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ncityavenue · 1 year
…can I request smt with Jeno like going on a picnic date that leads to him getting all touchy and needy…?
Oooo this is cute!
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Warning: Suggestive, kinda pervy!jeno ???, hinting switch!jeno
It's 81° outside, you and jeno decided to go on a picnic since the weather was so nice. You laid the baby blue towel on the green grass while jeno had the food baskets in his hand placing them on the corners of the towel so it won't blow away.
"So glad I decided to bring sunscreen." Jeno spoke breaking the silence. You watched him take the pastrami and cheese sandwiches out of the baskets and the fruit bowls along with the sugary sodas and occasional energy drinks.
"Damn it's 81° degrees going up to 90°" You squint your eyes at your phone from the sunny vision.
"Got the water." Jeno smiles shaking the two bottles in his hand.
You smile back at him before he settle down sitting right next to you, he eyed your figure as you took pictures. You matched with him today wearing a pink body fitted dress that only came up to your thighs with white lacing on the hem of the dress,slits on the sides of the dress exposing more of your thighs. You had a mini sweater that previously was on you but it got too hot so you wrapped it around your waist. The white lace also coming around your boob area, your cleavage being on display.
"You are so pretty." Jeno says kissing your cheek, he placed his hand on your thigh kissing you more. He grabbed your attention enough making you turn your head so his next kiss was connected to your lips.
"Jeno—lets—eat" You say in between kisses.
"I can't when you look this good." Jeno says sneakily snaking his hand on your waist, his neediness made you slightly slip on your hand. Jeno kissed your neck sucking at it leaving small marks.
"Oh my god Jen— we're in public!" You squealed trying to have him think rationally.
"What's wrong with a boyfriend just kissing up on his woman?" Jeno questioned before smooching your exposed chest. At this point, you just let him smooch on your exposed skin. You guys were situated by a large tree that had a nice shade, the large log gave you some what privacy from the rest of the open land and past byers.
Jeno's sneaky hand buried itself under your dress rubbing circles on your clothed clit generously, you gasped as you couldn't really believe your boyfriend was doing this sort of thing.
"You are so pretty, please moan for me baby." Jeno pleaded, he kissed behind you ear and you let out a whine but it was barely audible.
"Oh c'mon love I know you can do better." Jeno added pressure to your clit, his other busy hand fondled its way to your breast.
"Jeno— I'm- we are in public" You cried out, Jeno just hummed to that as he felt a new wetness stick to your panties. He snatched his hand out of your dress, you were confused that why he stopped so soon since he was menace and loved to see you suffer sometimes. That's until you seen a family walk past you two, he flashed a smile at them and so did you trying not to looks so suspicious.
You glanced at his tense body, you realized his hard on and you decided to take matters into your own hands. You glide your hands over his erection sensually, kindly jerking off the dick print on his Grey slacks. His hands flew to yours trying to pace you but you didn't budge.
"Oh shit please—" Jeno held in a breath, you raised an eyebrow.
"Please what love?" You smirked at his slight submissive actions.
"Please let me c-cum" Jeno squeezed his eyes shut before returning them back to your lewd acts.
"Cum? I barely did anything baby" You said with a toothy grin.
Maybe this was one of those days jeno was going to let you take the lead.
I'm so sorry that it took me so long to respond, I've been kinda busy and the lack of ideas to make this decent was not registering, so, if this is not as good I'm super sorry I'm very preoccupied as of rn.
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cherry-pop-elf · 4 months
Warm Rain Kisses
Westley Vuk x Reader
I had married Westley so I got a burst of needed endorphins. It’s also a AMAZING game. Pls I need mutuals who play this game
Summary: A rainy day on the farm calls for some needed cuddles with your newly acquired puppy of a husband
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“Darling, you are just drenched-!” Your husband would shout, as your soggy body entered the home. Everything was soaked, and your boots were even filled with water. That rain storm came out of nowhere, and it was hitting hard. With lighting cracking outside.
“Seem’s to me Violet may have made her incantation a little too potent.” You admit, as you would pull your shoes off. You swore a fish came out of it even. Cleocatra would enjoy it, at least.
“I’ll go fetch you a change of clothes.” Weasley said, as he would hurry to the closet. He did his best to be careful, as it had been past sunset. Big paws and all. He’s had years of practice, and you made it your soul mission to write your own mending incantation. Just for him. That way he could stress less. Gramma would have been so proud.
“The chores are all done, at least. Frozen over here.” You shivered, as you had to take everything off. Even with being married, and having had many an encounter that resulted in damaged clothes, your husband still got so bashful around your naked body. You two have long since enjoyed a wonderful honeymoon, but here he was. Covering his eyes with sleepwear he grabbed for you. Had you giggle. That’s the man you married.
“I’ll get some underwear on, don’t worry.” You teased him. With a peck to his furry cheek you were off. Left him all a fluster. How you adored teasing him. Your big ‘scary’ wolf of a husband, still able to be so gentle in such a massive form.
With proper undergarments on, you returned to the living room. You might wear was laid out, and you could hear him already working in the kitchen. If the mutters of Russian curses at dropped items said anything to you.
Warm clothes, a warm fire place, and the works of tea. That’s what your cold skin needed. Also, cuddles. Lots of them. He was more than happy to provide such, as he would return with a tray of needed treats.
“Figured I would try something a little different. My mother loved to make warm drinks for me, and my brother, whenever we returned hunting. Even in the snow you can lose a lot of fluids. She liked to make it a little challenge for herself. To try and make something a little different.” Westley would explain to you, before he laid on the floor. Now your big pillow to cuddle, as the towel he had also grabbed was in your hand. Ruffling at your hair to dry.
“Oooo. Hot chocolate!” You perked up, and were excited. Something sweet. Oh he knew you well. Hardly bothered with your hair anymore, before you were quick to take your cup. Nearly burned your tongue, but it was so worth it.
“Kai always finds the best chocolate.” You cooed, as you laid against your husband. Enjoying his furry touch, and the way he breathed. Such big breaths. How his heart beat was so visible. Some call it morbid. You call it beautiful.
“He really does. Maybe if we were to ever reveal ourselves one day, he should be who we speak to first. He seems the most likely to be open minded.” He figured, as he yawned. Poor man was exhausted, but he was always willing to wait for you.
“Yeah. I wouldn’t be surprised if he already has met some FaeFolk. He’s been all over the place. Maybe he never brought it up because of that. He knows better than to risk their secret. Respects nature, after all. The way he talks about the water just seems too whimsical…” You would agree, as you watched the fire place.
“Exactly. Along with the books he seems to enjoy, and how whatever I recommend seems to be something he’s aware of. World travelers tend to be more open minded.” Your husband would agree, as he gave a long stretch. Made his joints pop just right, as he would yawn.
“Today was a good day.” You would nod, with pride. You finished some candles, have potions and time freeze spells stacked for your mining trip tomorrow, finished some aging wines for your hubby to enjoy, the animals were checked on, you did alot in one day. Busy, but that’s how you liked it.
“I’m so glad. I wish I could do more for you, but I can only be in two places so often.” Your husband would sigh. That made you kiss his fuzzy little ear. He was doing so much. He deserved rest all the same. Just because you two had different jobs didn’t mean he didn’t deserve any less rest.
“You are doing the best you can. I love you so much for that.” You would finish your drink, before you simply curled up against him. No need a bed tonight. He was just perfect like this. The warm fire place, the rain storm outside, and the heavy breathing of your Westley. What more could you want?
“Suppose I’m stuck here for the night.” He chuckled, before he would nuzzle his muzzle against your cheek. His wet nose kissed your cheek, and that made you giggle. You loved his little doggy kisses. And in turn, he loved giving them. It made the burden of being a werewolf not so bad. You loved BOTH sides of him. His human, and fae, sides. Him. Simply him.
“Good night, sweetheart. Love you. Love you so much.” He whispered, in that gravely voice of his. A sleepy ‘love you more’ was returned, and he chuckled. Hardly could stay awake any longer. It was just a slice of heaven in that moment. Warmth, and love.
What more could a witch want?
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 8 months
melda tâe, pray tell: what are the ojv!style/starsev's favorite foods? <3
HELLO MELMË!!! Oooo this is such a fun ask ilysm and I love any excuse to be Incredibly Annoying abt the OrangeJuiceVerse so YEP HERE WE GO!!!
Kyle- Kyle SO has a sweet tooth!!! (I love that that’s a universal Kyle hc btw) that boy is THERE for any baked goods deadass even those shitty gas station packaged muffins (Stan is scribbling out the nutritional information (or as he calls it, Food Lore, well into their 30s)) and Kyle def consumes anything sugary. As for actual real food, he likes Italian a lot which works very well bc pasta is a general hit w everyone. Favorite fast food place is subway and he ALWAYS rearranges the sandwich components to make sure the distribution is right (he claims he doesn’t have obsessive compulsive tendencies) (he does) so this guy is THE reason the ojv is called the ojv, his favorite beverage is orange juice with seven ice cubes and a pinch of salt bc he’s picky even when he claims to not be, he’s also a red wine enjoyer
STAN!!! Oh my god he and Cartman and Kenny are bottomless pits!!! Stan is a big boi and he’s packing away everything he eats bc 1) he hates waste, and 2) he’s just hungry. BUT he’s really more of a savory guy. Veggie king, ofc, and he’s at every fast food place in town ordering any vegetarian option, ALSO!!! This man LOVES spicy food but his stomach doesn’t. He’ll get a couple crunchwraps sub refried beans and slather that shit in Diablo sauce, but there’s a pretty good chance he’s gonna be nauseous a few hours later. Also he loves Kyle’s cooking!!! Bc Ky likes to cook when he’s stressed and Stan likes Kyle, and Kyle makes this really kickass homemade bread (jalapeño cheese bread oh my god I really want some now) Stan is also SO bad at drinking water but he is in fact a soda enjoyer. Miller Lite and the cheapest vodka known to man (before he stopped drinking) are a staple, also he frequents the local smoothie king and gets a chocolate hulk. For most of their life style has been ordering an olive and pineapple pizza. Stan always dips it in extra marinara.
Tweek- he is seriously just a snacker. Like Girl Dinner has nothing on Tweek Dinner. His meals look like a Charlie Brown thanksgiving. If he even remembers food is a thing. But like Craig will come home and be like “what do u want for dinner” and Tweek’s like “oh I ate a whole jar of pickles” the amount of half eaten granola bars in that house smh. BUT he can decimate so much garlic bread. A very big lemonade fan.
Craig! He’ll eat whatever, nonchalant KING unless!!!! He’s having a bad day and is already on the cusp of a meltdown. If he’s overstimulated it’s a sprite and an uncrustable. A grape uncrustable. Also I just feel like he likes seafood? I cannot explain why, but he does. Also he’s really good about hydration, he likes routine and he has one of those bottles w the time markers lmao. And he’s weirdly pretentious abt craft beers like when he and Kyle take their lil excursions to their spot he’s drinking an ipa that’s lowkey gross but then he’s just shrugging at Kyle and being all “idk the citrus hits in the aftertaste” like an asshole.
KENNY ok Kenny is also not picky in the slightest, how could he be with how he grew up, but I feel like he’s especially fond of easy meals like casseroles, frozen pizza, that kind of stuff. When he starts actually making a stable living off his art he hits up ALL the local food trucks and small businesses and broadens his food knowledge, and he’s keeping the smaller struggling businesses going just by his support. He is another example of ojv losers not drinking enough water, thinks Mountain Dew counts, literally he would’ve developed scurvy in college if left to his own devices. SMH ily kenneth also he and Stan have both thrown up bc they tried to one up each other doing shots of hot sauce
Marj my queen! She, like Kyle, likes sugar, if the homies are going to a diner she’s getting pancakes, and she takes her coffee ALL dressed up. Also kenny is the grillmaster and Marj is making the BEST sides for the bbq!!! Omg she loves her some pasta salad and a lil shrimp shishkabab moment like put this girl on the cover of a southern living magazine with her sweet iced tea (she makes the best sweet tea) marj my goddess pls quit causing problems on the internet and just use ur hospitality degree to run a b&b and make the best biscuits and gravy ever
Cartman. Bruh. Eric Cartman. He has THE most expensive taste known to man when he’s older but until he gets into the Rich People scene he doesn’t really care about what he’s eating or if it’s of good quality. In college he dragged the m5 to some shitty steakhouse bc he heard it was a good deal, and also bc he was mad at Stan for belting As Long As You’re Mine from Wicked and he knew Stan wouldn’t have any food options there lmfao that asshole (he did have to put a dollar in the Fuckwad Jar). He will also eat the weirdest combination of things. Who is putting whipped cream and chocolate syrup on fried chicken? This man. He is a Diet Coke enjoyer lmfao also he drinks martinis with olives bc “it makes me look sexy and kewl” he doesn’t like olives btw he’s just an asshole
I HAD TOO MUCH FUN WITH THIS!!! The ask is always open for ANY of my AU’s or if ur just bored or want fic recs I’m a huge loser and my sp obsession is ever ridiculous.
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bonesandthebees · 7 months
WE’RE ALL SYNCED NOOO…. everyone remember to rest and eat and hot water bottles help with cramps but don’t burn urselves .. and maybe take some paracetamol too (or ibuprofen if ur feeling silly) my mother swears by it . I think it’s just a desi thing and like willpower i forgot tje term but like . when u believe something will help u so much it does . But it works for me..
AND HONEY WATER!! i will stand by honey water till the day i die just boil some water and add some honey and wait for it to cool (don’t burn ur throats guys) Or just add a bit of cold water like i do and supposedly that helps with a sore throat and it makes u feel all warm and fuzzy . my Dad taught me the first one he says its cause of the texture i never fact checked that
i’m getting carried away with the random food things ONE MORE FOR GOOD LUCK if u want . to make Desi chai . boil half a cup of water and put tjat in a tiny saucepan with the teabag, one cardamom (make sure u crack it open so the tiny little seeds drop out), like a Teaspoon of fennel seeds or something idk i just add whatever amount looks good, and optionally a little bit of cinnamon (again i just wing it just add a small bit) and some sugar/sweetener and let that all simmer for like 30 seconds while u get half a cup of milk and pour that into ur saucepan . Thenn you wanna mix that around a bit and leave it all to . cook? that doesn’t sound like the right word… whatever. leave it for a few minutes and ur final step is when the chai starts rising u let it rise to the top and then turn down the heat and let it sink (i have a gas stove but if you have an electric ermm just set it aside for two secs to sink i think that’ll work). let it rise and sink three times!!! this really makes the flavour pop according to my dad!! then just strain it and enjoy :3 i lovee chai it was inevitable being pakistani HAHA it always makes me feel better after anything whether i feel sick or something bad happens or if i’m just silly chai is just nice for any occasion . my phopo calls me an auntie but Likeee isnt being a rich brown auntie the life…… im not rich yet but one day guys trust
anyway that got long HAHA i love cooking and baking and stuff … and home remedies MEDICATION IS GOOD DONT GET ME WRONG but sometimes im too lazy to run to the shops and get some cough syrup or something so i just make some honey water .. please take ur meds and get vaccinated though guys ❤️ stay safe hope u liked my chai :3
do you know how many asks I've gotten saying they're also on their period literally why are all of my followers synced up WHAT IS THIS
everyone listen to our friend here. honey water sounds lovely I'll have to try it. usually I just go for drinking honey straight out of the bottle if I have a sore throat but I suppose honey water might work a bit better lol
also OOOO CHAI!! tbh I've always wanted to make chai at home because so often chai I've gotten in coffee shops just... isn't it. but when it's good it's so good. I'm going to take note of this so I can get some cardamom and fennel seeds from the store :))) so excited to try it
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satorisoup · 2 months
THE BOKUTO DOODLE IS SO CUTEE 😭 i don’t really collect anything, maybe books? i’m a big reader. i don’t really collect these but i love mugs and bags but manga and figurines are too expensive for me :( i’m in turkey rn and it’s way way too hot i have no motivation for anything other than sleep lmao
EEEEK DARLING ZEE !! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝ hai hai my sweets !! please forgive me for the late response omigosh </3 m’ soso sorry !! T^T
UWAHHH PLS !! m’ soso glad you liked the doodle SOB !! :,> the idea was just too good teehee !! THANK YOU SOSO MUCH MA LOVE !! ^_^
OOOO i understand !! manga and figs can definitely get supa expensive </3 but omigoodness !! books are a wonderful thing to collect !! :0 I ALSO USED TO COLLECT MUGS !! i don’t collect them much now because i’d have no where to put them, but i absolutely adore cute mugs !! :3 HOW CUTE !! <3
SOBSOB the heat sounds awful !! T^T m’ soso sorry you have to deal with that !! </3 m’ hoping your motivation is lifted up, you deserve to be happy ma love !! :,< please remember to stay safe & cool zee !! drink your water and stay hydrated during this hot season !! <3
WAHHH how are you doin’ lately zee ?? is life treating you better ?? i’ve missed talkin’ to you shooo much !! >//< m’ sending you the bestest wishes EVAAA & givin’ you a big smoochie !! MWUUUAH !! <3 🍓
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dribs-and-drabbles · 7 months
Dead Friend Forever ep 8
I had started a re-watch of eps 1-4 - I got half way through ep 1 over breakfast this morning - but I came home tonight to a message from @kayatoasted which implied that I should finish catching up with the eps before I do my re-watch. So, here goes!
Let's see how Non can fuck his life up even more!
I like Tee's shirt, it's not one I've seen before and I want to see it again.
I wonder why we haven't seen any of the repercussions for the tutor because of the leaked video...
Am I supposed to recognise that man who walked out of the Tee's Uncle's place when Khun Keng sat down?
He was not being subtle at all. No wonder they went after him...but running him down is a bit of an extreme reaction to someone just looking a bit shifty in their food stall.
Ok so Khun Keng is dead.
Wow this is really hard to watch. Poor Non. Not only is he second/youngest child but he has to live up to his older brother who's doing well, and Non just keeps fucking up. And both parents should take equal responsibility not just blame the other.
I'm wondering if we're going to be seeing Non without his medication...
'JRPP' posted the video (What if it was Non? What if Non has split personalities? But then how would he have gotten the video from Jin? 🤔)
So Tee kind of has a conscience...he's an ass to Non but doesn't want him killed.
Non has snapped, obviously, but I wonder how much of that is to do with him not taking his medication. I'm leaning more towards it being for a mental illness and this is all really exacerbating it. I love unhinged Non though.
It is funny how Jin and tee have reversed roles... And that framing was delicious - Jin trapped in the situation.
Another BANGER of a t-shirt for Non - 'We all get lost sometimes' - that's both metaphorical and physical isn't it? 😂
And oooo is that the knife he's putting his that bag?
I loved the contrast between the first episode - when they arrive at the house they sound pleasantly surprised it's not that far/long but now they're moaning about how long it took to get there. PERSPECTIVE.
Oh and that water is going to be spiked, isn't it?
🤣 I'm actually laughing at their very real fear of Non. I can't see how it's going to end but this is brilliant! Yes! they all get to hear how awful Tee is 👏🏽
Damn, Fluke, I want to shake him - 'I have no part in this', when his passiveness is actually a choice to allow the bad things to happen to Non, therefore he absolutely does have a hand in it.
I love that Non's dad, who has been accused by Non's mum of caring too much for Non, is in a dark blue shirt showing his support, and Non's mum, who has been accused by Non's dad of not caring enough, is in the cream top.
And Phee is also in a dark blue shirt! And he's still wearing the red bracelet! DELICIOUS! So he still cares about Non...and I think he will be avenging Non in the future.
Love the parallel of making Jin drink the beer and making him drink the alcohol in the first ep. I don't know why Jin sticks with them when he clearly doesn't like them or agree with what they do...and yet he's still there in the future. But also, maybe this is why he's going abroad. To get away from them.
I also love the ambiguity of whether Tee's uncle killed Non or not, and that Tee really wants to know.
Oh is that watch Khun Keng's that Tee's uncle is wearing?
Yay! Phee's still in blue!
Ohhhh what if everything in the future is more about Tee's uncle and Phee's father?! So Phee gets in with that group because of Tee and wanting to help his dad somehow to get Tee's uncle and in the process discovering what happened to Non and avenge him...? That's a long-ass ploy because the future events are at least 2 years after what we're seeing now...
Oh poor Phee. Yes! avenge your pookie!
WHAT. WAS. THAT?! Is that Tan maybe?!
In my ep 1 rewatch, I was wondering about how Phee and Tan got to know the group and wondered if they (Phee and Tan) knew each other before and both transferred together with a purpose in mind...and now after that trailer for ep 9 I'm leaning more towards exactly that. One thing I am a bit confused about though is that the way Non's mum talks implies that she doesn't work but the first time we saw her she had on what looked like a police uniform, no?
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