#also gets mad when hes got the kids and people ask if hes babysitting
wynnyfryd · 11 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 18
part 1 | part 17 | ao3
“I’m sorry I’m sorry don’t hate me I’m sorry, did it work? Don’t hate me. Did it work?”
“Dustin,” Steve barks. Dustin looks up, eyes bright; he's hugging Steve so hard it’s like he’s trying to fuse his face to Steve’s rib cage through his shirt. Steve scruffs him on the top of the head, rubbing his knuckles over his dumb baseball cap in a way he hopes is reassuring, and wheezes, “Can’t breathe, bud.” 
The kid takes a hesitant step back, fists still balled in the fabric of Steve’s shirt like he might run away. Mike’s cowering behind him, hunched in on himself and nervously eyeing up the nail bat.
“So you’re... not mad?” Dustin asks.
“Oh, I’m fucking pissed,” Steve smiles sarcastically. “Hope you used that Butterscotch wisely, dude, because it’s the only one you’re getting for the rest of the year. Also, you can kiss your full candy bar trick-or-treating plans goodbye.”
“What? No!” Mike starts to whine, but immediately shuts his mouth when Steve glares at him. Then Eddie swoops in behind them, clapping a hand on both kids’ shoulders and nearly startling Mike out of his skin.
“And, uh, for obvious reasons,” he says in an acidic sing-song, “you’re both banned from Hellfire for the next month.”
Oh, this guy’s good.
“Eddie, what the fuck?!” Mike pleads. “We’re just about to get to the manor’s secret passage!” 
“Yes, and what a shame that your paladin triggered a hidden trap and got stuck in a faulty portal for the next four sessions.” 
“Oh, my god! This is— this is—!” 
“Payback?” Eddie sneers.
Dustin’s eyes are darting rapid fire between the two of them, and he elbows Mike in the ribs and hisses, “Dude, shut up before he kills us both for good!” 
“Oh, my god,” Mike says again, face twisting through all five stages of grief. 
“Oh, also,” Steve adds for his own amusement as he heads toward the stairs, “you two can clean all this camping shit up.” 
“You play a good game of Punish the Pipsqueaks,” Steve grins, walking side by side with Eddie. "That D&D ban? Ouch. Keep that up and the moms will start recruiting you for babysitting duty."
“Oh, boy!” Eddie smirks. “My dream finally realized.”
They get back to their cars, and Steve shivers a little, the cold finally getting to him now that he doesn’t have the fight or flight to keep him warm. He unlocks the bimmer and slides into the front seat; cranks up the heat, his hands impatiently hovering in front of the vents. 
Eddie catches the car door. “You’re really not going to punish them more?" he asks, leaning in, head cocked to the side. "I mean, no trick-or-treating sucks and all, but. Seems a little lenient, doesn’t it?” 
“Yeah, it does,” Steve agrees with a short laugh, “but see, the thing is, those two dumbasses are assuming that revenge is a dish best served cold, when actually?" He points at the house. "It’s a dish best served by Claudia Henderson.”
Eddie’s brows lift in question.
“I’m gonna call her tomorrow morning and say I caught them smoking at the bus stop.” 
“Jesus!" Eddie laughs. "That’s diabolical.” 
“And then I’m gonna suggest they do community service at the retirement home on Halloween instead of trick-or-treating, because Dustin’s weirdly afraid of old people.” 
Eddie's laugh turns to a cackle, all his teeth on display, and the car bounces on its wheels as he leans his weight against the door. “Oh, man," he exhales, wiping the corners of his eyes. "Remind me not to get on your bad side.” 
“Pretty sure we’ve only ever been on each other’s bad sides.” Steve’s joking, but Eddie’s smile slips a little, and Steve wants to take it back. Pluck the words from the fog of chilled breath hanging between them; tell him that they're not anymore, that they don't have to be again.
But then Eddie catches the bass line coming from Steve’s speakers and the grin comes back full force. 
“Hold the fuck on," he beams, nodding his head to the beat and hum-mumbling the melody as the words come back to him.
Following the footsteps of a red dawn dance, we are entranced. 
“Spellbound,” he sings, shaking his head in delighted disbelief. “I’m sorry, does Steve Harrington have a Siouxsie tape in his car?”
Steve’s face goes red. Fucking Robin. “If you’re about to talk shit about the music, I— I mean, I’m just the chauffeur, man, I don’t—”
“Relax. It’s not that, I just…” He raps his knuckles against the roof. Gives Steve a once over; smiles softly at whatever he sees.
“What?” Steve asks. Kinda likes how he has to crane his neck to look up at him.
“Nothing," Eddie murmurs, low and deep. "You’re just full of surprises, aren't you?"
Steve shivers again.
It seems to snap Eddie out of... whatever that was. “My bad, man,” he says, his voice back to normal volume. He apologizes for letting in the cold air and slips Steve’s jacket off, handing it back to him and shutting the door with a soft click, then he throws out a parting salute and skips off to his van.
Steve just sits there for a moment, feeling syrupy and dumb. Like there's whiskey in his chest, a full flask of it sloshing around behind his ribs.
His jacket smells like Eddie. Siouxsie croons in his good ear.
Spellbound, spellbound, oh-oh-oh.  
"Jesus Christ," he mutters as he cuts the music off. He drives home in silence, the song still ringing in his ears.
part 19
first half of tag list below the cut comment if you want me to add you to the next one
@heartsong18 @hellion-child @hiimlevi @hotluncheddie @jackiemonroe5512 @jaytriesstuff @littlebluejane @lololol-1234 @marklee-blackmore @melonmochi @messrs-weasley @mrsjellymunson @mugloversonly @nburkhardt @nerdyglassescheeseychick @noodle-shenaniganery @notsopersonalcharlie @novelnovella @nuggies4life @pending-dope-username @perseus-notjackson @ppunkpuppyy @questionablequeeries @remosdeerica @runninriot @sadcanadianwinter @shamelesspatrolshepherdcowboy @silver-snaffles @singmeyoursimpsong @slowandsteddie @slutforcoffein @solalasoforth @spookednsaucy @steddieas-shegoes @steddie-island @stevesbipanic @steves-strapcollection @taleah-bonnick @teatimeeverybody @th30ra3k3n @thealwithnoname @thespaceantwhowrites @thestarslittleking @thesuninyaface @trensu @violetsteve @wormdebut @yourmom-isgay @zoeweee @zombiecreatures
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grandlinedreams · 10 months
Ok I loved the whole reader is Kid’s/Killer’s sister. And I can just imagine her and Kid not getting along, and when the heart pirates and kid pirates run into each other, reader and Kid are like two cats fighting. Then Killer picks reader up under her arms like a kitten, and hands her to Law, all like, “this is yours”.
Could you make this happen please? 😭😭
I told myself I wouldn’t send anymore requests till they went down a bit more, but this scenario wouldn’t leave my head, and I wanted to see it come to life with your words. Asdfghjkl I’m sorry 😅
LMAO YES i loved writing it 🥺 but also don't apologize bb, I got you!!
[Heads up!: semi/non-canon compliant (idk either around Sabaody or in the 2 year ts), established relationship, sibling antics (Reader and Kid), cursing, silliness]
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You love your brother, you swear that you do. You've stuck with him through thick and thin and at the end of the day, woe to anyone who tries to hurt him while you're around.
That being said, however, that doesn't necessarily mean that you like your brother or his general attitude towards anyone that isn't part of his crew.
Part of you gets it, truly ㅡ there's been plenty of skepticism and mockery when it comes to Kid and his goal in life. Finding the One Piece is a pretty lofty ambition, but you have no doubts your brother has the determination it takes. He's hostile because of it though, less keen on asking questions and more on the offensive ㅡ and his attitude towards Law's crew is no different.
Perhaps it's made worse, actually, for the fact that you're currently in a relationship with Law. Something your brother knows, and hates. Which is why you've found yourself, predictably, in another argument with him.
Anger boils in your veins as you raise your voice to match Kid's. "Stop treating me like I'm an idiot! I'm a grown adult!"
"Then act like it, damn it!" Your brother snaps back. "I don't have time to babysit you anyways!"
"Nobody asked you to, youㅡ" You yelp as hands hook under yours, your feet leaving the ground as you're lifted up. You know who it is, the only one besides Kid who'd dare to lift you like this in the first place. "Killer, put me down. Now."
The masked pirate ignores your demand, unbothered by the way you squirm in his hold before he sets you down in front of the Law and a handful of his crew, who've been watching this shitshow go down silently.
"This one is all yours," Killer tells Law, hand on your head and ignoring the way you swat at his touch, eyes narrowed and teeth gritted in annoyance. "For now."
"You can't just hand me off like I'm a package," you grumble, "are you that desperate to get rid of me? I didn't even do anything wrong!"
"Not getting rid of you," Killer cuts in, "just giving you some time away from Kid. I think you both need it."
Ever the voice of reason against his captain, Killer has a point ㅡ you could do with a couple weeks (or more) away from your brother and his crew, and who better to hand you off to?
You're sure Kid could think of better (or worse) people to leave you with, but all he does is scowl, silented by the firm steer of Killer back the way they'd come.
You watch your brother and his crew retreat, the scene not unfamiliar even as you sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose. "How mad do you think they'd be if I stayed with you permanently?"
You don't raise your voice and it's not quite an intentional needle to Kid, but he still comes to a halt and glares at you over his shoulder. "I heard that," he snaps, "don't even think about it!"
You adopt a face of innocence that lasts just long enough for your brother to turn back around, then glance at Law, who tilts his head. "The offer does stand," he says, even though there's a teasing gleam to his eyes that you grin at.
"I don't think I'll be truly leaving my crew anytime soon," you say as Law's own crew heads back towards the Polar Tang, and you wait until they've gone to snag your fingers in the front of Law's shirt, tugging playfully. "But I could be convinced to stay a little longer."
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suzukiblu · 7 months
Some assorted Smallville headcanons from some of my assorted WIPs for Plot Bunny. They did not specify which WIP they preferred, so I just picked a bunch of different ones and went from there! 
Smallville does not approve of Clark Kent’s parenting style: Smallville is a tight-knit, proud little community where everyone looks out for each other that is full of people who want to continue living in a tight-knit, proud little community where everyone looks out for each other. The population at large still considers Clark one of their temporarily-displaced own and were therefore very willing to pretend to believe the “cousin” story when “Conner” showed up–right up until they found out it was NOT a story meant to help Clark’s displaced kid he’d just found out about settle into the Kent family in a low-pressure environment while he got over whatever obvious trauma had happened to him. Now? Now there are pitchforks being sharpened and torches being lit. CLARK JOSEPH KENT, YOUR HOMETOWN IS NOT MAD, JUST DISAPPOINTED. 
Kara gets to Earth on time and the Kents get a two-for-one special on free kids: Smallville is pretty sure Jonathan and Martha did NOT get this emotionally-fraught teen mom and her weird but adorable little baby from any actual adoption agency, Norwegian or not, but what’s a little illegal immigration and identity fraud between neighbors? None of THEIR business, no sir. Especially not if any strangers ever show up in town asking QUESTIONS. 
Jon and Martha, professional soulparents: Oh Jon and Martha absolutely will be clearing out the attic to make Conner a bedroom the absolute SECOND they get back to Smallville. And also being heartbroken about Clark, obviously. Everyone in Smallville is going to cry on them when they hear about Conner and be both very sad and very happy for them. And then they’re all gonna be Weird About Conner, who isn’t gonna know how to talk to ANY of them. He’s gonna get his cheek pinched by so, so many old ladies and SO many manly back-claps and it’s gonna be a pain controlling his TTK enough to actually let people do it. Meanwhile, everyone in Smallville, internally: oh he’s exactly as weird as Clark was when he first showed up, noted. Jfc, Jon and Martha, AGAIN?? WHERE DO YOU EVEN FIND THESE KIDS. 
Kon is too trans for this pregnancy shit: No one in Smallville knew a thing about Kon’s physical sex, so they’re all gonna be VERY surprised very soon, but also Smallville in general is gonna take that whole reveal like CHAMPS and just roll with it, even if it might require some people having some Talks With Their Kids And/Or Slightly Bigoted Relatives. Like, there will be a few assholes and a few over-inquisitive weirdos around, because nowhere is a monolith, but overall Smallville is gonna roll with it and be chill about it while ALSO being incredibly out of touch with the up-to-date terminology/language and having very little grasp of the minutiae of queerness in general ( aside from a couple of very quiet people who are gonna feel a WAY about finding out that Conner Kent is trans and went completely unclocked all this time, and seeing how most of the town’s taking finding out really well, and does that maybe mean . . . ). 
the one where Kon isn’t the father: Smallville has politely not asked any questions about Tim aside from if he wanted a baby shower or not, but also ALL of Smallville knows Tim was Conner’s “boyfriend” and Kyra is “his” daughter. That’s just gossip-by-osmosis that all of Smallville knows. A lot of casseroles and crocheted things and quilts have happened to the Kent household since Tim showed up pregnant and traumatized. And baby stuff donations. And babysitting offers. And general helpfulness in general. People weren’t necessarily close to Kon, but a lot of people felt very bad about what HAPPENED to Kon, especially after finding out about Kyra. Not that any of them actually KNOW what actually happened to Kon or the truth about Kyra, but that’s a clone of a different gene donor, okay?? OKAY.
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raythekiller · 1 year
I really wanna see (if u wanna write it) JTK, Toby, ej, masky and hoodie platonically with a new recruit that’s a child (around Sally’s age, maybe a bit younger, like around 8-9. sad backstory, blah blah blah) but instead of being like fanon Sally (sweet, joyous, innocent) they’re literally just a little shit. Like shenanigans, swearing, pranks and being immature? (Even though they all find the kid strangely endearing and funny) so basically the kid is just a COMPLETE troublemaker, but also have a kinda sweet and soft side like most kids.
🗒 ❛ Troublemaker Child Reader ༉‧₊˚✧
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Featuring: Jeff The Killer, Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack, Masky, Hoodie
#Notes: this one was so funny to write lmaoo
pronouns used: they/them
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Jeff The Killer
I swear he tries to be nice at first. He'll look at them and go "Awe, hey there little g-" "You're ugly as shit." "..." Yeah, someone better get that kid away or they're getting stabbed. Legit just develops beef with the toddler so now they have kind of this rivalry going on. I'm talking full blown prank wars. Everybody is just looking at Jeff weird because you're a grown ass man? And they're a literal child? But the dispute doesn't slow down until one day the kid actually gets slightly hurt because of one of his pranks and starts crying, to which he'll genuinely feel bad and patch them up while apologizing. It's a cute bonding moment.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ticci Toby
Thinks that the kid is funny as hell. Doesn't mind it when they sass him, he'll just laugh and pat their head, but loves it when they do it to others. Just the reaction of sheer horror on their face at this 8 year old cussing them out makes his day every single time it happens. Will absolutely help them prank others or just cause trouble in general - they're officially partners in crime now. One night, they come up to him and ask him to check for monsters under the bed, to which he just smiles and ruffles their hair, checking every corner of the room that a "monster" could be hiding in and even offers to read them a bed time story. It's super cute, he's a surprisingly good big brother figure.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Eyeless Jack
Total dad figure. Tries to "reform" the kid and teach them proper manners and to stop messing with others, which barely even works. Scolds them when they misbehave, but nothing too serious, more of a "I'm not mad, just disappointed" kind of talk. Will also apologize to the people they mess with, almost like he's the one legally responsible for the toddler (which he's not). There was one time where he caught them drawing something on the walls with crayons and was about to give them a talking to again, until he noticed it was a drawing of him. He had to stop for a second cause he genuinely didn't know if he should be mad or flattered, but ends up hugging them anyway.
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Hates the little shit and asks Slenderman on a daily basis why he recruited them, to which he doesn't answer. Will just kind of drag the kid by the back of the collar whenever they're about to go cause some trouble, dragging them away. He's absolutely not happy about having to babysit, but he can't exactly go against the boss' orders. He doesn't warm up to them at all until they catch a cold someday and he's the one tasked to take care of them. Seeing them so vulnerable and weak made him genuinely feel bad, and he doesn't leave their side for a second until they're fully recovered, even sleeping by the side of their bed.
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Another one who finds them funny as shit. Will at most tell them to be careful about not hurting themselves while pranking other people, no actual scolding ever coming from him. I already mentioned that he's good with kids, he's just got that cool uncle vibe to him. He already likes the kid, imagine the one day he walks into his room to see them wearing his clothes, trying to pick up his guitar which was about their size, all because they "Wanna be cool like uncle Brian!"? He might actually cry.
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slime-sandwhich-nom · 6 months
Haha..new tawog hcs <3
(also my mom always told me I was exactly like Gumball and I never forgot about it)
- gumball loves horror, horror films, games anything. Darwin does not.
- gumball standard face is :3, the problem is that people can't understand if he's smiling mischievously or if it's his normal face.
- gumball when he was younger liked to snooze in Darwin's bowl.
Darwin had to sleep in the bathtub sometimes for it
- Carrie feels lonely because she can't touch anything, not even Darwin. She feels alone despite being in a room with so many people.
- penny flirts, Gumball gets flustered.
- gumball enjoys saying words in different languages, he likes to say ciao, hola, excusez-moi,Nǐ hǎo and more. It's simple words really, hello, excuse me, or words of objects like pants, paper, anything. He just likes to do that.
- Darwin likes to hum parts of songs, while instead gumball likes to make little noises.
Darwin says that if he hears weird noises around him he knows he's not going crazy it's just gumball.
- gumball speaks alone, he just speaks out loud to himself (got it from his grandma.), Darwin instead likes to write (no matter how bad his handwriting is.) he just keeps a diary no one can read and instead looks like some kind of secret code.
- Richard knows how to cook, he's just too lazy to do so. Sometimes he does cook whenever Nicole can't because she's too tired.
- Nicole suffers of insomnia.
- gumball is he sits still for too long will start rocking slightly unconsciously, he doesn't even notice it when he does it.
- Darwin has abandonment issues, which explains his jealousy whenever gumball and penny hang out.
it surely does annoy gumball because he can't properly enjoy some time alone with his girlfriend, but he gets where Darwin comes from, so he doesn't get mad, but he gets annoyed still.
Gumball makes up for Darwin by hanging out with him the next day.
- Anais is.. lonely. The only time she ever gets someone to hang out with is Polly. Whenever gumball is babysitting her.
But it's still lonely for Anais since it's not that often.
- when people say Gumball is anxious and paranoid, they ain't joking. Gumball is genuinely anxious about anything, talking to people he doesn't know, going in public, coming in late, coming in too early, what if this happens, what if that happens. He just pretends he's all good (he is very much not)
- Darwin always wonders what would happen if they were fictional, who would be he shipped with.
Gumball knows that answer very well. He decides to stay silent for his brother's mental health. (He saw things that he shouldn't have)
- gumball is the kid who says romance is disgusting but then gets all lovely dovely with his girlfriend
- gumball originally wanted the bed on top because he enjoyed watching everyone from up there but Darwin wanted him by his side at night so he just got the bottom one.
- gumball is the one asking "would you still love me if I was a worm" in the relationship.
- Nicole is not a cat person, and it's actually a thing between cats. For example my eldest cat HATES other cats, it took him ages to get used to the new kitten. Oh but he's super friendly and cuddly with new people! He loves anything that isn't a cat. He purrs and cuddles.
So yeah. Nicole doesn't enjoy the presence of other cats around, unless it's a cat she knows, like her parents or his son. (It's a territory thing for cats, btw.)
- Darwin sometime pets gumball with his feet. Gumball lets him until it gets annoying.
- gumball sometimes joins in the gossip between masami and Leslie.
- Penny's dad is tormented by gumball. He's like when a cat goes specifically to the people who don't like cats and ignore everyone else. That's exactly their relationship.
Y'know the whole "I bought a cat despite my dad not wanting it" situation? Yeah. That's gumball and penny's family.
- Anais once ran a business where she sold candy, and she got money instead. Didn't run for long because president brown treated it like some illegal drug situation or something
- gumball when he was younger was that one kid who looks cute and acts innocent around adults but he's a nightmare to the other kids his age. He still is, he's just everyone's problem now.
- once in class they talked about scoliosis or any problem of posture and it took weeks for gumball to convince Darwin that he did not have scoliosis or any of the other things, he's just a cat and cats are built weird. It's normal.
- whenever Gumball coughs he sounds like a dying man who has smoked for 30 years, no one knows why but it scares the shit out of everyone each time.
- gumball thrives in dresses. He's the prettiest girl at the party.
- honestly gumball is just a crazy bastard, in the real sense. Like he's fully unhinged and it's not even funny, penny is dating some kind of maniac who will literally kill people just because he wants to prove a point (and he did already in the show. Multiple times.)
And..she still loves him and she just says "it's part of his charm."
- gumball whenever he has to go to the doctor (or vet, in his case.) has to be tied up and sedated real hard because he just hates hospitals. He just hates any hospital, doctor, vet, anything. He hates being there, it makes him super uncomfortable and he has tried before to escape but ended up doing more damage than anything
Anais Is only scared like a little kid, nothing wrong with that, usually it's Darwin to hold her hands (gumball can't because he's busy not being at the doctor. He doesn't wanna go near anything that relates to a doctor or a hospital.)
Darwin is relatively calm at the doctor's appointment (he cries after because he was real scared but was very brave.)
- the reason why gumball hardly gets sick (and if he does is because he makes himself sick just to skip school.) is because he was basically FED antibiotics when he was a toddler. His mother was just very anxious about gumball and his health.
then there's Anais, getting sick once a week.
- Gumball ironically thought of becoming a doctor once, simply because the subject itself is interesting. buttt he gave it up because he's too lazy to actually study all that crap.
- gumball either doesn't remember any of his dreams, or if he does it feels like something that actually happen (it didn't) or he was high or something.
Darwin remembers them very clearly and enjoys talking about it! They are nonsensical though.
Anais actually has.. somewhat..normal dreams? She dreams about daisy anyway.
- sometimes Leslie asks gumball genuine opinion on boys in terms of dating, since Leslie only knows gumball who (as a guy) likes guys. The rest seem to be straight (therefore will only talk to you about girls, instead of boys) or just aren't interested in dating.
..only because gumball actually has good points and good taste. In both boys and girls. (But Leslie is interested in boys.)
- gumball sometimes says that penny looks like a sunset and that he would prefer seeing her over the actual sunset, she hasn't recovered from it still.
- gumball figured out he was bisex because before he had a crush on penny he actively thought a few guys in his school were cute and he would date them if he had the chance. Probably had a crush on one or two of 'em.
- in the Wattersons house there's this rule of "don't trust gumball if he's either sleep deprived or after 8pm" because he'll start spitting stuff like "your nervous system has no idea your eyes exist so once they find out, you are already blind because the nervous system sees them as a threat." Or "you can get an aneurysm at any time no matter how healthy you are" and it freaks Darwin out to the point he can't sleep.
so they told Darwin, gumball just lies by 8pm and doesn't think straight when sleep deprived. Just so Darwin can sleep.
- penny is a gumball apologist. Yes her boyfriend is a dumbass and yes he did nothing wrong (she absolutely knows gumball is totally in the wrong most of the time but she defends him nonetheless.)
- gumball is normally on his tippy toes, like any cat. So to reach Penny's cheek to kiss her he has to get on a stool, needs her to crouch down or she needs to pick him up.
- penny is going insane with the whole red flag, green flag, situationship, one month rule this one month rule that.. gumball instead has NO idea how to date or what to do but he's doing a better job than any guy in existence.
- Carrie and gumball hang around in hunted houses. For fun. Gumball is the "hey ghosts! It's ya boy!" Type.
- penny enjoys getting all dressed up whenever it's for a date and gumball is Adam Sandler walking around with his clothing style
- usually it's gumball who makes a ponytail for Anais with her ears.
- yeah gumball has a sister, you know he's well educated on periods and all that shit. (His mother got him ready before Anais was born for when she'll need help.)
- gumball is just not innocent. Not in the sense that he's dirty minded, it's that he just knows stuff normal kids his age don't.
He just acts clueless and dumb so people don't expect much from him, he's too lazy to get high expectations. but he's actually smart and more mature mentally than kids his age.
- Darwin HATES vomiting. Vomit. Anything related to that. He's not scared but really REALLY grossed out, can't even think about it he gets nauseous himself.
- Darwin takes ages to type on phone so he always asks gumball who's relatively fast.
- Darwin.. can't spell. Or at least, has difficulties in it. Gumball always messes with him by giving him the wrong spelling. Darwin never realizes.
- gumball has big difficulties in math. and ms. Simian doesn't make it easier for him.
- Darwin info dumps about sea animals. Gumball now know useless facts about sea animals. (Does not complain)
- gumball likes lemons...again something he shouldn't eat but he does anyway.
- the nickname gumball is from the fact that he tends to sleep tucked in like a ball, which looks like a blue gumball. People just started calling him constantly 'gumball' because it's funny when a cat has a stupid name. (Realistic to irl anyway)
- gumball has a problem with texture.
gumball has both problems with texture AND picky on his own, his mother is going insane with it.
- gumball and Nicole are the fastest in the family, gumball is the fastest in his class if we don't count bobert.
while Nicole shows often how fast she is, gumball is too lazy for that. At least for P.E.
Normally he slows down so Darwin can keep up with him.
- gumball enjoyed eating fish but since it made Darwin uncomfortable he stopped altogether.
- sometimes people tell Darwin that his brother doesn't love him, because cats "don't love you", and that most likely if Darwin dies gumball will eat him.
Darwin response is "okay, I'll let him. He's gotta eat if he's hungry."
- yes gumball often ignores everyone like general cats do. He moves his ears towards your direction but god forbid him to stop his session of watching people from the window and stalk them.
- the coach has to literally give gumball an extra prize (food for free for example) to "motivate him" to do any kind of exercise during P.E. otherwise that cat will never feel like doing unnecessary exercise.
(20% of the time it works.)
- having gumball as a student is like having this guy hang around without a care of the fact that you're here.
Darwin instead will follow instructions CONSTANTLY, sometimes too literally though.
- gumball when he was little used to grab birds or small animals and bring the home, he never really "hunted" them, he just wanted them as a friend in the house.
- gumball is just an average cat just with the ability to talk.
So this small little thing with a massive ego. Y'know, kitty cats!
Nicole is more traumatized than anything, she's the opposite of gumball but that's just because of trauma, really. She still hasn't healed fully from it.
- when gumball was younger he used to bring random food to Darwin because he thought his little brother wasn't capable of doing it himself- like when a cat hunts for you and brings you birds or mice. He's just tryna help.
Sometimes he still does.
- gumball tilts his head when he's confused and trying to understand something.
- cats..play with their food.
You know damn well gumball dies that too. Just not with food, he plays around with people. By making shenanigans and chaos around of course, all in good fun! So yeah he's entertaining himself while everyone screams around.
- gumball stress eats
- when gumball, or any of the Watterson kids need comfort, they go to their father. If they need advice and someone to kick ass, they go to their mother.
- gumball would rather adopt than getting Penny's pregnant. He knows what kind of stuff can happen with a pregnancy or giving birth (death, specifically.) and his anxious ass will not put his girlfriend through that.
- gumball is secretly a nerd. He particularly likes biology and psychology.
He hides this fact about him though, being a nerd at a middle school is like asking to be killed on the spot.
- just like for Darwin watching gumball's ears move individually and can do a 180° is freaky, for gumball it's weird looking at Darwin move his little fish tail at will.
- Darwin taught gumball how to swim like gumball taught Darwin how to walk.
- gumball's grandma (Nicole's mom) has definitely cried like once or twice just by looking at gumball. Because that's HER GRANDSON. And he's just so similar to her child, it's like watching both her little girl in front of her again and watching how much she has missed of Nicole's life.
Gumball's grandpa just calls gumball "Nicole."
"hey Nicole!"
"I'm gumball"
"same thing"
- gumball remembers everything. He pretends not to, but he does. Even if sometimes people say something else happened or have no memory of it, he just remembers it.
This means he remembers when rob killed his entire family in front of him, and gumball is still not fucking over it.
right after it he couldn't sleep or just HAD to cling to Darwin because he thought nothing would happen if he did. If gumball can't die because he's the protagonist, then if he clings to Darwin then neither can he.
Took weeks, painful weeks, of gumball recovering from a trauma only he remembers. His own family tried their best to help him while not even knowing what was bothering him.
Gumball doesn't hate rob but in that moment he wanted to kill him so bad, and he tried too (the only time gumball hates that his own show is family friendly and restrained him from hurting seriously rob)
- gumball wears clothes from the girl section because not only does they fit him better but because they are just more fun to pick (the boy section is just copy and paste. It's boring.)
- yes, Darwin's shoes are STILL the same one gumball gave him all those years ago. They are kind of falling apart but he always fixes them or changes them in order for them to fit
- gumball has a group chat but its members are all the characters that exists on cartoon network. Like yeah gumball is friends with uncle grandpa, yes with Clarence, yes with any character you can think of. They are all friends.
- gumball is the one who says "hear me out" to the most disgusting creatures ever existed.
In fact he constantly says hear me out to penny whenever she transforms into something she finds "ugly and disgusting"
he never means it sexually or anything, on one side it's a joke he likes to do to see people's reaction, on the other, he genuinely loves penny despite on how she looks and it makes her feel better whenever he says that, so.
(he literally fell in love with a walking peanut, if her turning into a dragon doesn't bring him to his knees then idk what does)
- gumball was the one kicking his feet whenever penny texted him or paid attention to him. he still does.
- people think gumball is insane, like genuinely he's mad. And he agrees
- honest I like to believe that in gumball's universe every other animal evolved, cats, bunnies, ect but humans did not or if they did, they are rare asf (reason why humans are "weird" in the gumball world) then other things started to appear, probably from radiations or something and that's where the objects started to walk around.
So everything is still modern but built not for humans but for animals/objects walking around
- Tobias and Leslie did date for a short,in secret, didn't work out too well.
Now for headcanons that I do have and did said before but saying them again
- gumball likes to hang out at Penny's just to loaf and sleep on her chest. She plays on his phone instead (Penny's dad is always worried they might be doing something freaky but that's all he sees.)
- gumball is that type of cat who sits weird as fuck. Like no he doesn't sit like a standard cat he SITS CRISS CROSS APPLESAUCE.
- Darwin has HUMAN feet. the rest is fish. Like when you glue two pieces of different toys together
- gumball is a lanky dude, like for cats he's a tall and lanky motherfucker (like his mother, for cats she's super tall just like her mother.) he just wears baggy clothes so he looks tiny (because he's a young kitten)
- gumball says ominous shit for fun
- gumball constantly slow blinks at penny, she thinks he's high or sleep deprived
- when gumball, or any character that has legs like a cat, deer, horse ect. Wears pants they look like "normal legs" (human legs.)
- gumball's tail is usually down, he's not sad or anything, he's neutral, but oh if he sees penny you see that tail raise AND vibrate (for a cat it means he's EXTRA happy to see you and that he missed you as well.)
- gumball is aware that he's in a cartoon, it's all he ever knew so he can't be upset at that if you never saw the world differently.
Ok I'm done Tumblr is starting to lag when I type on this
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
I despise having to memorize marching band music. I also love having to memorize marching band music. Just not in less than a week because I procrastinated too long and now I’m busy babysitting my friend’s younger siblings all week, so I have no time to work on memorizing.
I have to have this memorized by Monday.
I can’t play half of the music while looking at the pages. I’m screwed. Why do I have to march tenor drums? I’m getting so confused by all the drums, and I know how to play them! I know which one’s which, I know how it’s supposed to go, so why won’t my hands do it?
On a different note, back to the babysitting thing, I had to microwave a freaking pear (five times!) today because the five-year-old would not eat it otherwise. I was then asked if the pear getting hot enough would light the house on fire.
I was also painted on by a seven-year-old.
Kids are fun.
In your opinion, which Link would be most likely to be driven insane by the kids they’re babysitting, if they ever babysit? Which ones would be the ones driving the babysitter insane? I’ve got a good idea as to who fits in which role, but I’m still curious.
kids are insane, i used to work with em and this one fucker microwaved a grape when my back was to them and all i heard was the kid’s friend frantically going “oh my god its on FIRE.” to warn me that they were doing something they shouldn’t have been
Time. I don’t think he’s ever been in a scenario where he gets stuck with the kid (LU not counting because he’s not the only adult), he’s always BEEN the kid, so I think if you took just him and stuck him with one or two insane children he’d lose his actual shit 😭
As for who would be the child driving the babysitter up the wall: Sky for sure. And he’s so frustrating because he makes you want to strangle him because he’s such a shit but then he stares at you with the most head empty look and also he’s so precious so you can’t even be mad at him. And he knows EXACTLY what he’s fucking doing. His parents were definitely like “oh he’s our little angel, he’ll be good for you” to the baby sitter as they left the house, and then that poor babysitter spent the next three hours of their life ripping their hair out because Sky is so big eyed innocent stare and >:) at the same time
I could also make an argument for Wars because he’d be all “oh no, mom and dad said i can do this” and hes a LIAR. But he’s so sweet and well behaved for an 8 year old that the babysitter isn’t expecting him to be a little shit. And then slowly as the night goes on the babysitter realized hes been full of it this entire time 😭
Twi would be an actual fucking angel child, so would Hyrule. And maybe people are gonna argue with me on this one, but Wild and Wind too. Like if you tell them to do something, they’ll do it. They have a lot of energy but the babysitter wouldn’t leave in tears because of a frustrating ‘head empty’ genius sweetheart or a manipulative 8 year old
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ynbabe · 1 year
Batfam x male reader
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Jason: How did you know there would be an extra uniform in the bag?
Tim: Everyone knows flight attendants are required to carry extra uniforms, in case they get called to work unexpectedly.
Dick: Or if something happens to the one they're already wearing.
Tim: Everyone does not know that. How did you both know that?
Roy (yes he’s a bat now, no idgaf abt queen): Worked airport security.
Jason and Y/n: *Simultaneously* Slept with a flight attendant.
Jason: *sighs* I have no friends...
Y/n: *coughs* Bitch, what am I? A roach?!
Tim: I can’t go, Dick’s mad at me 
Y/n: Why?
Tim: Well there was too many people watching on the Netflix account so I texted him and told him to check the news ‘cause Batman was dead and when he saw I was lying he couldn’t get back onto the Netflix because I had taken his spot
Jason: [on the phone] Hey do you remember when I said that me and Y/n were gonna have a calm night out?
Steph: Yes?
Jason: How much bail money do you have?
Jason: [takes off his shirt and jumps into a fighting stance] Fight me you bitch
Y/n: [picks up Harley’s shirt and puts it on] What’s your next move?
Jason: Wait what-? Gimme my shirt back
Y/n: No you’ve made your decision 
Jason: L/n I’m cold
Y/n: Should’ve worn a shirt then
Dick: Damian loves the outdoors
Dick: That time we went camping he was like Mowgli running around those woods
Dick: I swear Y/n, he was that happy that I honestly thought about just leaving him there
Y/n: Are you all caught up on homework?
Tim: I have a project due on Tuesday and I’m not saying I haven’t started but if you ask to see what I’ve done so far there wouldn’t be anything 
Y/n: Pete, why did you put syrup on the shopping list?
Steph: Cause I like syrup
Y/n: Yes but now it’s all sticky
Y/n, serious: Don't go falling in love with me
Jason, also serious: Yeah, that's not a problem
*A few days later*
Jason: *yelling as he runs to Dick's room* DICK, I HAVE A PROBLEM
Dick: Do NOT drink the night before the awards ceremony 
Jason: Yeah yeah, be on time, don’t mess things up
Dick: NO. Alfred’s booked a bagpipe choir. You do NOT want to be hungover for a bagpipe choir
Y/n: Oh fuck
Dick: We’ll go out AFTER the ceremony
Dick: When the bagpipe choir has left the premises 
Y/n: Tim got so drunk last night he puked all over my living room
Tim: It was the laughing! You made me laugh and I threw up!
Jason: Yeah it wasn’t the nine vodka sodas, it was the laughing
Y/n: “Oh my god! I drank so much laughter before this!”
Jason: You owe us a new rug
Y/n: [climbing down the side of the building]
Tim: Y/n!
Tim: Y/n come back! You’re gonna miss your cocoa!
Y/n: [in the distance] I know!
Tim: Well can I have it then?
Jason, after getting Tim duty: Horror movies don’t scare Tim
Dick: But Chuckie is so creepy though
Tim, spending wayyy to much time on Y/n with this: If I had to fight Chuckie I’d stand in an open field and kick him like a soccer ball every time he came towards me
Y/n: We need to find Dami, do you have a picture of him?
Tim: No but I can draw him from memory 
Tim: How tall is he? Like 2 feet?
Y/n: Have fun at your party
Tim: Thanks
Y/n: You know what they say: “Liquor before beer, never fear. Don’t do heroin”
 Tim: It’s a parent-controlled sociale for rich kids in Gotham I’ll be back before 9
Y/n: Fuck sake Bruce you said I had to babysit one kid
[Dick, Jason, Steph, Cass, Tim, Duke and Damian waving]
Bruce: They don’t exactly come separately... and you only need to look after Damian
Y/n: [waking up from a near death injury] You were scared
Jason: Nah, I was waiting to inherit your millions
Y/n: Let me know where you find them, huh?
Bruce: Can’t you leave Damian alone?
Tim: I got all the Justice league, young justice, teen titans, titans, everyone at WE and a bunch of interns to sign this notebook I had and then I wrote “Sign here if you think Damian is stupid” on the cover
Tim: He almost cried 
Tim: It was great
Dick: Kid, could I have a moment in private with Y/n?
Tim: Sure, I’ll just plug my ears and sing an old sea shanty
Dick: Wait-
Tim: There once was a ship that went to sea-
Tim, crushing on Y/n: Can I just say that I’d love to listen to you talk about Hell all afternoon Y/n
Jason, dating y/n and having met in hell: And can I just say that if I had my guns right now I’d shoot myself
Y/n: Uhhh
Damian: *scoffs*
Y/n: You want a beer?
Dick: He's ten!
Y/n: I don't know, what am I supposed to do with him!?
Damian: I wanna ride a horse
Y/n: Alright sweetie here’s the horse
Damian: That’s a horse? 
Damian: [picks up book] I thought this was a horse?
Y/n: Damian that’s a cow
Damian: I wanna ride that
Steph: Me moo
Y/n: You’re not helping 
Tim, clearly drunk: I don’t even know how to drink! I’ve never had one! Like what do you even mix vodka with?
Y/n: A straw
Y/n, at a PTM meeting: Wait- that guy is the bullying you?
Cass, under strict orders from Bruce not to fight: Hmm 
Y/n, knowing Bruce can’t say shit to him: [powering up] Not my first human, doubt it will be my last 
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sapphobolide · 23 days
FFXIVWrite Day 1 — "Steer"
“But why do you do it?” She was six summers old, and full of questions.
There was another riot in the city. Her parents had sent her to stay with Aunt Ealhild and Uncle Gellmar—her mother’s cousin and her husband—at their farm in the Peaks. She didn’t like Ealhild and Gellmar, not as much as she liked Uncle Anselm, who wasn’t really her uncle but her father’s best friend since forever and ever. And she knew what he and her father and her mother would be doing while she was away, they would be trying to keep a bunch of very angry people safe while they shouted and raged at the Mad King, except really they’d be shouting at the palace, because the Mad King never came down to the streets of Ala Mhigo anymore. What she really wanted to know was were they safe, her mother and father and Uncle Anselm, but no one at Aunt Ealhild’s farm could answer that, so she asked other questions instead. Right now she was asking why they castrated billy goats.
“They’re not billies once you do it, they’re wethers.” Stubborn Brook finished untangling a kid that had got itself trapped in a bramblebush, and sent it on its way with a gentle toss. The young goat bleated as it hit the ground, then scrambled away in search of new trouble to get into.
“But why?”
Stubborn rolled her eyes. She was one of Aunt Ealhild’s hired hands, mostly because both her parents were mercenaries and away all the time fighting Lominsan pirates on big Ul’dahn merchant ships and needed somewhere to stay most of the time. She also knew everything, mostly because she was thirteen summers old, but also because she was a Roegadyn and so was already taller than everyone else her age. She brushed off her hands and leaned back against the fence, not even looking at the annoying little Hyur girl from the city she’d been forced to babysit. The sky was full of mountains and no clouds, and sunset turned the air crimson.
“Because they’re too much trouble otherwise,” Stubborn Brook explained. “You let a billy keep his balls, he gets mean, and bossy, and he’ll bother all the nannies. And he’ll stink, too.”
“Wethers don’t do all that?”
“Gods, no! Wethers are sweet, and strong, too. Good pack goats, good for travelling. They’ll get protective of their herd without being possessive about it. They’ll let you know when a nanny’s in heat, ‘cause they’ll still mount ‘em, but they won’t get ‘em heavy and spoil your stock. And they’re good eating, too.”
“Why do you let any of the billies keep their balls, then?”
“Ha! Mam’s asked Papa that before. Only I don’t think it was about goats.”
“Other kinds of beastkin can be wethers?”
“That’s not what—I mean, yes, but they’re not called that. Castrate a chocobo and you get a gelding. Do it to a bull, and that’s a steer.”
“And they all get nicer when you do it?”
“Pretty much. I’ve heard some shite-faces say that a bull what can’t rut is only fit for slaughter, but they must never have had the chance to plow with an ox before. One alone can do the work of six birds.”
“True as Rhalgr’s aim.”
"And what about with people, what do you call it then?”
Stubborn snorted. “You mean fantasia-seekers?”
“What does that mean?”
“Uncle Anselm? Who does he know?”
“Uh—“ Stubborn looked embarrassed. “Nevermind. I don’t know anything about that.” She shot the younger girl a queer look. “…Though if any of what Ealhild says about your papa’s friend is true, he might know a few.”
“Nevermind, I said!” Stubborn Brook stood up. “I got better things to do than teach a baby city boy how to ranch. Go bother your aunt for a change. I gotta get the rest of the herd in before dark.”
She pouted. She didn’t want to talk to her aunt and uncle—all they did nowadays was try to pretend they weren’t worried about Ala Mhigo. About revolution. She couldn’t stand it. But Stubborn Brook was already walking away, leaving her alone with a score of unanswered questions about steers.
Slowly, the bloody glow in the sky began to dim.
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poguesofthebau · 1 year
dating steve would include... (part two)
pairing: steve harrington x fem!henderson!reader part one
-sneaking him into your house for sleepovers
-him complaining whenever you dedicated time to schoolwork instead of him (even if you allowed him to sit with you while you worked)
-both of you being slightly territorial but completely unwilling to admit it, which was always entertaining for your friends to watch in action
-occasionally giving him a hard time over all the girls he dated before you just to see him get all worked up and defensive
-letting robin take the passenger seat when he drives you both to school, until he randomly starts picking you up first and doubling back by his house for robin afterward ("what? you're too nice to tell robin to get in the back, so i had to take matters into my own hands")
-dustin referring to you and steve as every famous duo under the sun •bonnie and clyde •romeo and juliet •holmes and watson
-understanding all the kids' d&d terminology, which only ever surprises steve ("babe, how do you know this stuff? am i the only normal one here?")
-randomly making a statement supporting queer rights during a conversation with steve and robin which eventually led to her coming out to you
-punching billy in the face in the school parking lot one time because he was being racist giving lucas a hard time, which steve was actually pretty mad at you for (“y/n, he could’ve seriously hurt you! do you not understand that?”)
-taking mid-day naps together after you got out of school/he got out of work
-steve being the best listener when you just needed someone to rant to •mumbling a supportive mhmmm whenever you made a specific point during the rant •you rambling for 5 minutes straight, then sighing and saying, “ya know?”, to which steve nods and says “i hear ya, babe” •when your anger fades a little and you ask him, “am i just being crazy?” his immediate response is something like ‘absolutely not! those dickheads are lucky i don't send el to fling them off a rooftop or something'
-dustin barreling into your room while preemptively covering his eyes and yelling threats every time he realizes steve is over and you have the door closed
-him offering to drive you whenever you mentioned having to go somewhere to him
-constantly having to explain lord of the rings/the hobbit references to him (“babe, please just read the books”)
-when you ask what's gonna happen when you go away for college, he looks genuinely dumbfounded before shrugging and saying, "i thought i'd just go wherever you go"
-a double date with nancy and jonathan that was both horribly awkward and incredibly fun
-spearheading all the kids' crazy plans, which drives steve insane
-steve looking at you and saying, “these are the people that are gonna babysit our kids one day” every time your friends did anything abnormal/ridiculous •while dustin, mike, lucas, and will have a full-blown argument over their d&d campaign •after robin trips and face-plants on the walk from her front door to steve's car •when el is using her powers to adjust the tv antenna so no one has to get up from their seats •after nancy convinced everyone to go back into the upside down/face vecna despite the terrible odds
-your mom adoring him, which kind of annoyed dustin but also made his heart feel whole
-his fingers hooked in your belt loops in a crowd to keep from getting separated
-him playing with your fingers while you talked to dustin about something that didn’t interest him
-listening to him sing in the shower when he didn’t realize how loud he was being
-giving him tons of nicknames but only reusing the ones that made him blush •lover •stevie (which he forbade anyone else from calling him) •batman (originally because of his iconic nail bat, but then a double entendre of sorts after his encounter with vecna's bats)
-him knowing your favorite song off the top of his head even before vecna came around
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lheslie · 1 year
Taehoon with an S/O who has a kid
He never thought he'd fall for someone who has a kid
He doesn't like babysitting that's for sure. He thinks kids are disgusting eating boogers and snots.
But your kid is well behaved. Sometimes too energetic but is very clean.
"I make sure they're always clean, so they won't get sick." You tell him while feeding the kid some food
The kid in question was just looking at Taehoon.
This kid was basically planned by you and your ex-lover m, but your ex-lover just decided he wasn't ready and left you, and the kid behind.
Even though your lover had left. You still studied in to finish school.
Your kid was shy, hiding behind you while looking at Taehoon and Taehoon just stares back at him like there was a staring contest.
But one day you had something important to go to and no one was going to watch your kid so you asked Taehoon if it was alright for him to watch them.
Taehoon didn't like the idea but he had no choice since you were practically begging him.
The kid was looking at him staring. "What do ya want?" he asked the kid and the kid shrugged.
"Then just sit there and be quiet." He said as he started to exercise and the kid was just staring at him but was now amazed.
The kid started to imitate him. Taehoon noticed "Ya like that?" he asked at the kid nodded.
He walked some the storage room and took out some Dobok and gave it to him.
"Lemme teach ya Taekwondo" He said as the kid took the clothes.
"Uhm, I don't know how to wear these." Your kid said as Taehoon sighs and helps the kid change into clothes and even gave him a white belt.
The kid was jumping in joy ready to learn Taekwondo as Taehoon explained the origin of Taekwondo.
Later you came back to take your kid home to see them training with Taehoon.
You thought it was adorable. You were just watching them as your child noticed you and ran to you.
"Took ya long enough. The kid started imitating me when I practiced so I taught them some. You practically owe me some fees."
You giggled "How much?"
"Nah, just kidding."
You were happy they started bonding.
Taehoon still wasn't used being with a kid but he learned to adapt.
He noticed your kid was matured for their age. The kid was understanding but still sometimes naughty.
He stopped cussing, smoking and drinking beer whenever the kid was around.
He even started to buy the kid some gifts.
If the kids sometimes a bit naughty he'd kick them. Not too hard tho.
Your kid basically learned some things from Taehoon.
The kid basically bacame Taehoon Jr. You were actually shocked when your kid started to cuss. And you got mad about it.
Your kid is understanding and would not cuss inside the household. They would only cuss whenever they're outside beating the shit out of people.
Taehoon would basically be proud of them. And one time they accidentally called Taehoon dad and Taehoon smiled.
Even though your kid was a Taehoon Jr. They were still respectful and kind it's a good thing you were their parent.
He would also use the kid as dumbells and your kid is enjoying it.
He almost can't wait to see Taehoon everyday.
"Stop being loud kid."
"Shut yer trap"
"Slow down ya might trip again"
"Yer too annoying"
"If you got lost, I won't be finding you."
"No, means no." will buy the kid what they want in the end.
He can't resist the kid.
He would mostly Teach the kid to live how ever they want.
"Ya wanna do what? Yea sure. Just don't die. I don't got no money for yer burial expenses."
If the kid got into fights. Taehoon would only care if the kid won.
"Ya should've crippled them" Taehoon said to your kid while he was applying ointments."
"Taehoon..." You sigh.
"What? You shouldn't give em any chances of attacking again."
"Look, I'm proud that they stood up for themselves but crippling them would mean Jail and I don't want them to go to Jail" You tell Taehoon.
"Relax, we can bail em." Taehoon said as you just looked at him wide eyed.
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an-au-blog · 10 months
Thinking about Shuggy college au and got to thinking about the relative ages of other characters and now I’m thinking of end of High school aged Frobin. Robin is that loner goth girl turned popular goth girl that is still seen as a bit odd but she’s smart and helpful and has a slightly morbid sense of humor that just endears her to her classmates. Franky is that loud jock who comes to school in way too short shorts even when the weather doesn’t permit for it. You’d think he’s a huge dumbass from the way he acts sometimes but he actually knows a lot of stuff and gets decent grades and is pretty nifty with machines (Also sometimes babysitting his kid neighbor Usopp and teaching him how to not hit his thumb with a hammer). Both of them having this kind of „end of a slow burn“ relationship where Franky is trying to gather his nerves and tell his long term friend that he has feelings for her and it’s completely fine if she doesn’t, but also she’s going to move to college after the end of this school year and he’s afraid about what that means for them and not to mention he’s „smart“ but Robin is like „SMART smart“ and is going to study history and oh GOD what if this is the thing that makes them loose contact and Oh god, oh no, oh fuck.
… probably ends with her just spontaneously taking his hand and asking HIM out, completely oblivious that he has been fretting over this for almost an entire school year. Just felt like the right thing to do to her. A decision she made right that moment.
I... I never really calculated her years in the college au and at first I thought, pft, she won't be that old but then... like she IS around 10/11 years older than Luffy and assuming he's around 5/6 she'd be in her last years of school omg D:' I'm supposed to be good at math how did I not see this???
Also you have no idea how happy I am, this is my first frobin ask I was so happy when I saw it and then my happiness doubled because it's the college au hahaha :')
If I haven't given you a name, can I call you Franon? Or Fronan?? (haha cuz frobin + anon...)
(Edit: by the time I was halfway through writing this post, I realized I've written an entire subplot lol':))
Robin is definitely that weird kid in school that's a bit too smart for her own good and most teachers just think she's a smartass. The type that even though she moved schools and now she's pretty (and still a bit weird, just hides it better), she still has the outcast mentality. She doesn't know how to be herself and she definitely doesn't know what to do, react or even comprehend that someone wants to be friends with her. Let alone to be interested in her romantically.
Franky on the other hand is so outgoing because he's so weird. People will see him in a blizzard in his short shorts and sunglasses and go "how the heck are you not cold". He'd respond with "oh, I'm freezing! I have a parka and two cotton shirts under there!" and people would laugh along. The type to high-five and greet random people he's talked to once as if they've been friends for ages. I feel like he'd also kinda be the class clown but in a somewhat respectful way. There's a meme about someone calling Prometheus a mad lad and then Hermes a Chad, and I feel like that would be his vibe.
Also, I'm sorry Fronan/Franon, but I'm absolutely stealing the idea that Franky babysits Usopp and they have fun arts and crafts type of bonding. He'll need it for the stuff I've been planning for him and Yasopp >:]]]
Everyone assumes he's a moron, but it's until Robin sees him in one of his extracurricular advanced classes that she realizes he's not only smart but funny and fun to be around. It turns out that they also have a lot in common and quickly become friends.
Also him overthinking it and her asking him out is so on brand imo and I absolutely love it. And maybe here comes into play the fact that he's so friendly with everyone so he automatically assumes people like him so he doesn't know what signs for romantic feelings look like? And how she doesn't think anyone could like her in that way? I can imagine him trying to talk himself out of it because she's going places and what could he give her to make her be with him anyway. While she's sitting next to him already planning a schedule for their talks for their long distance relationship.
And of course, their long distance relationship works very well. They both love each other so much they try their best to have at least two or three nights to talk. In fact, their relationship has a very strong foundation of getting to know each other because of the physical separation.
Or so I'd like to think hehe :')
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palettepainter · 1 year
Lips or Floyd for the HC question!
Why not both?
A few spoilers to Muppets Mayhem, the shows been out for a while now and come June/June 10th I’m probably gonna stop putting spoiler warnings in my post buuuut just incase for anyone who hasn’t seen it
-So Lips is shown to have a lot of connections in the latest series, so I think it’d be funny to imagine Lips also having dated a bunch of big shot names before he joined the band. Of course all broke up on friendly terms and Lips continues to have very happy catch up chats with his many famous ex’s when they bump into each other (the band are shocked every time) 
-I feel like he’s got a proper dad bod, he’s got a healthy amount of chub and is so body positivity 
-Since he knows so many people in Muppets Mayhem I think it’d be neat if he knew how to speak a few other languages. Once again it shocks the band everytime, but it’s still helpful to have a guy who can speak Mexican when you end up chasing after your drummer whose after a squirrel. Possibly also know about sign language and things like stimming since he might have had to work with kids who where mute and or on the spectrum 
-The best hair routine and care his hair is like touching cloud nine 
-Such a dramatic worry wort always jumping to the worst case scenario, he probably developed this from babysitting kids so much as a manny (kids get themselves into the craziest shenanigans). If someone cuts their finger while chopping veg Lips has got the first aid kit and band aids ready before anyone can so much as stand up from their seats this man is prepared for everything 
-Speaking of which he’s also extremely hard to catch off guard. Working with kids for so many years this man will walk into a living room, see the tv broken, sofa on fire, a wild raccoon scratching the curtains and Animal stuck on the ceiling fan and he’ll just ask if anyone wants a coffee
-Occasionally smokes from time to time, likes to blow the smoke through his nose to show off 
-Him and Piggy are constantly at each other’s throats, no two ways about it. But there’s also a mutual respect that the two can just be themselves around each other. There’s no need to keep up appearances or pretend cuz the two know each other that well to know when the other is putting up a facade. Neither will admit this to the other of course or to anyone else, it’s a silent agreement between them. Enemies dynamic with substance
-Hates hates HATES Piggy’s dog Foofoo sm you have no idea 
(Floyd, glaring, scratched, bitten and looking like he got put through the ringer, holding Foofoo at arms length: God I hope you hurry up and go to doggy hell already 
Foofoo, alive from pure spite: Grrrr…) 
-Basically confirmed in Muppets Mayhem but total dad. He’s a lot better with kids then people believe and is a lot more responsible with them too. Whenever Robin is in the studio and he walks into the same room as him Floyd will always, always, flick away his cigarette or stub it out. He will actively shoot Pepe and Rizzo an unimpressed look if they start talking about something inappropriate and will - and probably has - cover Robin’s ears when Big Mean Carl starts screaming something little ears shouldn’t hear. He actually gets a little offended when people assume he’s not good with kids cuz…come on that’s a child he’s not that irresponsible 
-He rarely gets angry, getting him angry is a chore. Quickest way to get him mad is to insult Animal (that’s his son don’t you bring him into this-). The gloves will come off and he will throw hands, Janice will hold him back until then, in which case she’ll basically go “I’m not for violence, but-“. Not even Piggy uses it as an insult 
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teadrop-12 · 6 months
heehee thank you for giving me hcs of my blorbo :))) can I ask hcs for your favourite hedgehog Rudy?????? I wanna hear abt em :)))))
Hiii bella omg yeah ofc!! i have a lot of them locked n loaded omg
so i said before like my main hc of ejen ali is that rudy is a trans girl. and that still stands. she/her rudy but only with a few people she knows wont give her shit for it
again i know i draw and depict rudy as being femme but in actuality nothing really changes. shes the same exact person with the same blunt personality and spiky hair shes just a girl now
has a bunch of skills like sewing and baking. absolute dogshit at cooking though
shes bi, i've always had the hc she's bi, even before the tgirl hc came along. like the reaction she had to kim was the same she had to Ali i rest my case
i think she's got a guy pref tho? like she thought she was straight until she had her first crush on a girl
ALSO!! shes on the aro spectrum, specifically demiromantic.
really good with animals and kids, babysits on weekends sometimes
Roza is genuinely like her sister, like her cool older sister thats basically rodrick from the live action diary of a wimpy kid movie
she's not in a band but to blow off steam she plays the drums sometimes
theres a boxing bag in her room she uses that too rudy knows boxing
her and bulat are the besties of the agency. they met each other when bulat came to the academy and they have been each others ride or die since
while she was in the infirmary and her arm completely healed she would sneak into the kitchen and bake for the remaining agents anonymously
she thrifts and gets a lot of grundge and trad goth clothes, but she cannot be bothered to dress up unless shes with a date or at an event then she wears formal Baju Malayu (im so sorry if i got it wrong i just searched for malay formal wear and the one i saw her wear is just like that so i dunno)
like think hot topic, or gothic lolita clothes.
kinda clingy with people? i dunno how else to describe it but its like if shes with a friend or something and they abruptly get taken away for something else she'd be a tiny bit jealous or something
moons like her little sister i think, like theyre always bickering and stuff n tease each other but if anything happened to her she would be mad
she can't really take compliments well. like from anyone.
very indulgent hc, shes got a crush on Alicia.
im sorry these hcs are so boring
an actual menace to society, she should be put down/j. but srsly, she is a known prankster in canon before ali and alicia came and she became so much more tough
i think she would have had rabies. at least twice. one as a kid once recently
as a kid she actually had really long hair but she got it cut rlly short bc she wanted to style it like Djins
accidently called one of the mentors "mom" once but that mentor said it was fine and flattered
despite having a huge crush on alicia, she is also her biggest rival. Like luz and amity except theyre both amity except alicia amity is luz does this make sense
calls ali and khai cringe for liking a card game like WAUriors but in actuality she has a whole collection for herself.
ok here are some heavy hitters (TW su1c1de mention)
Remember that thing with my dos hcs? with dos being unknowingly cloned? that clone was rudy, but because she was a child, they couldn't wait for her to grow up so when they tried to terminate her, rudy caught wind of this and ran away, which is how she got homeless until she was around 2 or 3?
if thats not the case, I do think something more sinister happened in which MATA was involved with the fact she has no family left.
given the fact they hid ali's mother dying from him for about a year or two after he joined MATA, i dont doubt that they hid something about Rudy's origin.
I like to think when she first joined MATA she did know Aliya but she doesn't remember her so she can't put her finger on why Ali's so familliar to her
When she was younger she was kinda the older sister to the other kids there, like she would pickpocket some extras for them or find some sort of shelter and stay outside if there wasn't enough room for everyone.
Agent Geetha is the one she considers a mother bc shes the one that would actually primarily take care of her when she was a baby
When she grows up she actually goes through such a terrible incident on a mission that makes her lose her arm, but she refused to get a prosthetic bc she didn't want to look anything more like djin
like moon, she had strenuous nightmares for months and didn't sleep an entire night once after the incident in s2, and when they finally subsided, after season 3 it all started again
when she's older she actually quits being an agent, but doesn't leave MATA until shes much older, like around 30, and till then she's a CSI for them and still tags along on certain missions but not as common now.
I like to think Geetha adopted her after some years when they got much closer. Sometimes rudy would ask to sleep in her room when shes having a nightmare or something like that.
speaking of which, She calls her Ama or Ami (since Geethas desi in canon I want to think she prefers being called mom in Urdu)
rudy did kind of. like still not completely trust geetha even after she adopted her, but it got much better later when rudy would get really sick and geetha wouldn't stop helping her and she like wouldn't leave her side like she slept in a chair next to her as she was sick.
I do adore the hc we have of Geetha and dos being rudys moms, but i am also loving the hc of like. rudy finds out shes techinically Dos's "daughter" (bc of the whole clone thing) and her kind of realizing that geetha is so much more of a mother to her than dos can ever be and thats also what strengthens their bond.
After she saw alicia crying after Zain died, they always kept an eye on each other. like alicia and geetha are really the only ppl she'd cry in front of.
when she found out dos almost killed alicia she kind of cried there too. because what if she did actually die she wouldn't have met either of them.
after djin died she did actually attempt, but it didn't work and had to see a MATA specialized therapist.
ok i think thats all for now behn!!! super sorry for the boring hcs i didn't know anything new!! but pleaseee send me more hc asks i love them so much!!
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its-cunt-dracula · 2 years
Scott Cawthon vs J K Rowling
@horrorfem tagged me in a post where I mentioned hating Scott Cawthon in the tags and she asked me to explain. I decided not to piggyback off that post and just make my own cause I got a lot to say.
For those of you not in the know Scott Cawthon is the guy who made Five Nights at Freddy's (FNaF for short cause I don't have all day). I super popular, super successful video game from 2014 that shaped the indie horror scene to this day. Every other indie horror is just people trying to recreate Scott's success. I used to babysit a kid who was obsessed with the first game so I know a little too much about the franchise considering I never played any of the games. I don't like jump scares, I consider them cheap. But this is not a review.
Anyway, in 2021 someone shared online this man's donations (which were publicly available) and they trended on Twitter. Almost all of his donations were to republicans, including Donald Trump. So he basically came out as a republican on Reddit where he played the victim because people were mean to him online. God, men get criticism for their hurtful ideology and actions once and act like they're the most opressed of them all. He also particularly mentioned that he was pro-life (i e anti-women). Which really irks me the wrong way when I see he has 6 kids. Did his wife want all of them? Did she have any choice?
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You can google the post and read it all online pretty easily. What I wanted to point out was how people reacted to finding out their favourite game dev is a piece of shit.
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Notice how they're all so understanding and nice? Obviously there were people mad back then too, but the backlash he faced for donating money to fucking Donald Trump was so tame compared to JK for stating sex is real and immutable.
A few people were at most silently boycotting him and not buying the new game, Security Breach (the 8th game in the series not counting the spin off. I can imagine this man with little money bags for eyes like a cartoon character) But nobody was intentionally spoiling the game so that people don't buy it or pester everyone who did. The youtubers covering the game weren't repenting for their sins by donating money to Planned Parenthood or pro LGBT organisations. Some of them acknowledged the controversy before playing and theorising about the game like no tomorrow. I'm curious if fucking MatPat is gonna cover Hogwarts Legacy and just shrug off when people talk about JK. Doubtful.
And look at how many awards his fucking post got. It infuriated me to no end.
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For those not in the know, reddit awards cost real money. People were throwing real money at this guy for saying he thinks "Donald Trump was the best man to fuel a strong economy and stand up to America's enemies abroad". That's a direct quote from his post. He tries to placate by saying I donated to black people, women, gay people... but he just think a straight, white man is the best for the job tho. I wanna fight him.
He would never in a hundred years have gotten such a mild reaction if he were a woman. Especially since he was a game dev, he didn't just own the universe the game was set in.
People act as if for every new purchase of Hogwarts Legacy JK Rowling personally strangles a trans woman to death.
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marenwithanm · 2 years
Ok in a burst of inspiration I've finished this snippet lol. Basically, Legend gets de-aged by weird portal magic shenanigans, Wolfie gives a ride, Wind's a weird older brother, Four gaslight gatekeep girlbosses his way through babysitting, time gets sad, sky gets defensive, and warriors has four lines. Enjoy :)
Little known fun fact about time travel and dimensional travel: they do not mix well. Something about the magics being too similar but different enough they didn't mesh? Who knows, certainly not Wind! All he needed to know was that was the reason for the current predicament.
Legend had come through the most recent portal with Wild at the end of the group, but it wasn't Legend who came out on the other side. Beside Wild stood a kid shorter than Aryll with strawberry blonde hair and a pair of bright yellow bunny ears on his head. He jolted and looked around in bewilderment. Each Link was equally bewildered as they stared at the tiny kid in place of their friend. Were those… pajamas?
"Wh-... What's with the bunny ears?" Warriors asked. It was an utterly useless question but one Wind was actually wondering as well.
The kid, for his part, scrunched his face up as he looked up at Warriors. "They make me run faster!" The kid responded before kicking Warriors in the shin and bolting in the opposite direction. First of all, what? And second, fair enough, Wind could respect that.
"So, uh, does anyone know what just happened?" Four asked after a few seconds had passed.
"What just happened is I got downed by a child." Warriors said, rubbing his rapidly bruising leg.
"But where did Legend go?" Sky asked, pursing his lips in worry.
"I think… maybe that was Legend." Hyrule said, scratching his head. "Remember when Legend suddenly had pink hair for like a week? Plus he looks really similar."
"But that was a child. Legend's, like, 19 or something." Wild said, crossing his arms. "Although, to be fair, I was next to him and there's no way Legend could have left without me noticing so…" Wild ended with a shrug.
"It just might be possible." Time cut in. "There was a time in my first adventure where I switched between my child self and my teenage self using time travel. I don't see why that wouldn't be possible."
Warriors perked up at that. "Oh, yeah, during the war there were a couple instances of soldiers going back in time when they went through dimensional portals that opened up. Never happened to my men though so I can't really confirm that."
"So, if that was Legend just now," Wind cut in, planting a hand on his hip. "Why hasn't anyone gone off after him?"
Suddenly there was a mad scramble as people tried to figure out where he'd gone. Hah, Wind loved creating chaos. He was also a big brother and therefore contractually obligated to care about little kids, but he wasn't worried. Twilight had run off almost immediately and he had the best tracking ability out of everyone so he could definitely find Legend.
Twilight raced through the woods in wolf form, tracking a familiar yet new scent that was moving surprisingly fast. Maybe the bunny ears really did make him run faster? Wouldn't be the weirdest thing out there.
He came upon a clearing where a head of pinkish hair sat upon a rock with one shoe off. The kid, Legend apparently, was shaking his boot upside-down as small rocks tumbled out. "Stupid boots with their stupid holes in the stupid toes." He muttered quietly enough that only Twilight's dog ears would be able to hear it.
Twilight took a step back, planning on transforming back before approaching. Apparently, Legend had some rather impressive ears of his own because he spun around immediately and locked eyes with Twilight's. Twilight froze, previous reactions flashing through his mind: Rusl's torch waving in his face, Uli's screams, the terror on Colin's face. None of these prepared him for the widest grin Twilight had ever seen and eyes as bright as Colin's on his birthday. "It's a dog!"
Legend ran up to him, completely forgetting his boot on the rock. Only once Legend was face to face with a terrifying wolf (Twilight had seen his reflection in the water, he knew how intimidating he looked as a wolf) did Legend decide to hesitate. "...are you a nice dog or a mean dog?" He asked, squinting.
Twilight decided to play along, and sat on his hind legs like he'd seen some dogs be taught to do. He wasn't a fan of acting like an animal, but, well, Twilight had never been good at saying no to kids.
Legend, for his part, resumed his grin and enthusiastically held his hand out for Twilight to smell. After Twilight gave it a sniff, Legend stroked Twilight's fur, muttering "so fluffy" to himself. From this angle, Twilight had the opportunity to observe little Legend's face. It was practically the same, just in child proportions. His buck teeth were more prominent, as were his freckles, but his ears were just as long and his boots (or rather, boot) were awfully familiar.
Well, they'd waited long enough, Twilight didn't want to worry the others. He stood up and nudged the back of Legends knees with his side until the kid fell over, right onto Twilight's back. Legend sat up, confused until he sucked in a gasp. "Are you going to give me a ride?!" He asked with barely contained excitement. "Let's go!"
Twilight ran off towards the rest of the group (although he swung back around to grab Legend's forgotten boot first). It didn't take long, less than five minutes with Legend giggling the whole way.
Breaking through the trees, Twilight came to a halt a few feet away from the group, Warriors turning around at the sound of his paws. Legend tensed on his back. "Nooooo doggie!! I thought you were nice! Betrayal! Betrayal of the highest degree!"
Twilight paused at Legend's words, it sounded like the type of thing Legend had overheard once before and was repeating. Despite the playful tone, Legend really was tense on Twilight's back. He hopped off, ready to run at any minute as he glared up at Warriors in particular.
Warriors' eyebrows creased together, and he slowly raised his hands up and away from his weapons. "Hey, kid, we're not gonna hurt you. We just wanna talk."
Legend squinted, visibly contemplating his words. "... really? You don't think I kidnapped the princess or anything?"
"The princess? No, why would I think that?" Warriors asked.
"Hmmmm." Legend said, tapping a foot on the ground in agitation. "Ok, I believe you. Most of the guards didn't spend any time talking before trying to kill me." Warriors recoiled at the dark words spoken with such a cheerful tone. Legend went on. "But that doesn't mean I trust you! Besides, I need to put the master sword back in the lost woods so I'm just gonna go."
Unseen by nearly everyone, Time's fist clenched at the sight of the master sword on someone so small. What made Legend so different, why wasn't he deemed too young the way Time had been?
"Well, we're heading that way too, why don't you escort us? We'd be honored to be led by the hero himself." Wind said, hooking an arm over Legend's shoulder.
Legend looked up, surprised. "You know I'm the hero and you still want me to guide you? Usually that goes the opposite way around."
Wind simply shrugged. "I mean, when you're in monster-infested woods, who'd turn down the legendary heroes protection? That's just stupid!"
Legend, however, wasn't fooled as he glanced around at the glinting armor and sharp swords of the Links. Sky carefully adjusted his cape over the hilt of the master sword before Legend could see. Good call, Sky. "Yeah, ok, whatever, follow me if you want-" he stopped suddenly before a wide grin spread across his face. "-if you can keep up that is!"
With that, he clicked his heels together to activate his pegasus boots and ran off. "Not again!" Warriors exclaimed, exasperated.
Wind smirked, time to reveal the ace up his sleeve. Activating his own Pegasus boots, he raced after the pink headed figure in the distance. To his complete and utter surprise, Four kept pace with him. A small pair of wings that Wind could've sworn weren't there just a minute ago fluttered on his shoes. Huh, well, that was Four after all: full of surprises.
Unceremoniously, Wind slammed into someone's back and they both tumbled to the ground. Four skidded past them before circling back around to help them both back up. "Them" consisted of Wind and Legend, because of course it did. Luckily, based on his petulant glare, Legend didn't seem particularly hurt. That was good, because it meant Wind couldn't get angry at him guilt-free. "What was that all about?! You gotta give a guy some warning before stopping so suddenly when going at mach speed!"
"Hey, I didn't think you were gonna actually keep up!" Legend said, crossing his arms. He dropped his defensive stance after a moment, however, and looked around in confusion. "I stopped cuz I realized I don't recognize these woods. I mean, the lost woods are never easy to navigate but this is just ridiculous!"
"Well, I hate to break it to you, but this isn't the "lost woods"." Four said, brushing his windswept hair out of his face. Wow, it was, and he meant this is the most hilarious way possible, a mess. No wonder he wore a headband all the time if this is what it did. "You just appeared within our group from a strange portal, don't you remember?"
Wind squinted at Four, trying to tell if he was withholding information on purpose or if he really had not been paying attention at all. Legend, for his part, furrowed his brow and looked down. "I mean… I guess I did just appear here all of the sudden, but I don't remember a portal…"
"Maybe the portal caused some disorientation, causing minor memory loss?" Four offered. "If I had to guess, I'd say there's a reason you're here. If you were trying to return the master sword before you arrived, perhaps this is a sign from the goddesses that the sword should remain in your possession a while longer. That, and maybe it's a sign that you're needed here."
Wind felt his eyebrows shoot up, practically brushing his hairline. Wow, he knew Four was smart, but this was straight manipulative. Quite frankly, Wind wanted lessons.
Legend sighed, defeated. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Alright, let's go back to the scary knights… If we have to…"
Four smiled. "Yes let's." He nonchalantly tapped his heels together before his smile turned into a grin. "Last one there's a rotten Cuckoo!" He shouted over his shoulder as he sprinted off.
"Get back here ya dirty cheat!" Wind yelled after, activating his boots and sprinting after Four, Legend on his heels.
Having a miniature version of Legend around the camp was… painful for Time. The sight of those tiny hands wrapped around the hilt of the sword that cost him his childhood, well, it hurt.
Apparently, Sky had noticed his unsubtle staring. The fact that he had willingly volunteered for second watch was so far out of character that even the child version of Legend knew something was wrong, even though he'd only been with the group for a few days now. Combine that with the fact that Time had third watch and it was pretty clear what was going on. Still, there was nothing to do about it now, so he tried his best to at least get some sleep before Sky subjected him to the Concerned Mom Look™. The boys were scared of Time's neutral face of disappointment, but they didn't know true fear until Sky turned that sad expression onto them.
Sure enough, right on Time for his watch, Sky shook Time awake, gentle but firm. "Time," he began. "Could I talk to you for a bit?"
Time sighed, resigned to his fate. "Alright, just give me a second." Sky nodded, wandering over to the firepit and sitting down. Briefly, Time contemplated running away and becoming one with the woods, but, while Sky's stamina was atrocious, his bursts of speed were truly terrifying.
He sat down heavily upon a log, and looked Sky directly in the eyes, ready to get it over with. "What did you want to talk about?"
"Well," Sky began, fingers brushing against the hilt of the master sword, less in anticipation to draw it and more in a self-comforting gesture. Or, perhaps more likely, in association with the topic at hand. "I know you're under a lot of pressure as our leader, and I understand that you have to stay strong around the boys. But if you ever need someone to talk to, I promise I'm here and willing to listen." It was said with all due concern and care, but something in the way Sky sat, something in the glint in his eye made it feel a bit more like a threat than a reassurance. Considering Sky's relationship with the master sword, it certainly wasn't out of the question.
"I appreciate your concern, Sky, but really, I'm alright." Time said, voice pleasant but stare deadpan. Sky's expression became slightly more disbelieving in response, and Time flattened his gaze even further. Sky raised an eyebrow. Time held his ground. Sky's other eyebrow joined its twin. Time clenched his fist in his lap. Sky's eyes didn't move, but somehow he knew, he was winning. In a last ditch effort to get out of this alive, Time lowered his eyebrows into a glare. Sky's mouth twitched upwards to match his eyebrows. Time slumped, finally admitting defeat. Sky was far smarter than anyone gave him credit for. "I just… feel unsettled seeing Legend so small and already a hero."
Sky remained silent, clearly unsatisfied with a partial truth. Darn it all, Time really couldn't get a thing past him. "I know your feelings on the matter, the master sword is a dear friend of yours, but I just can't abide by her choices. She deemed me too young to wield her when I was just about his age and sealed me away for years. Why the sudden change of heart?" The unspoken "why me" hung heavy in the air between them.
Sky pulled the cursed sword off his back, studying her cold face between his hands. The wind (no pun intended) had clearly left his sails. Sky sighed. "I'm sorry, Time. I get so defensive since, like you said, Fi is very dear to me. And… I miss her. But the fact remains, she hurt you."
Time looked up, surprised to hear Sky admit that. Any questions to the validity of either Hylia or the master sword were usually met with Sky's cold, simmering anger. Despite everything, Time felt his own guard begin to lower. He stood up, reseating himself next to Sky instead of across from him. "Truly, it means a lot to hear you say that."
Sky's eyes remained locked on the smooth surface of the blade, but he nodded sullenly. "I suppose…" he began quietly. "Maybe she learned something from you. I know that doesn't change things, but maybe she realized that her interference caused more harm than good and resolved to do better in the future."
Behind them, clutched between the child version of Legend's sleeping arms, the master sword pulsed softly with light. Sky laughed quietly. "I think she agrees."
Time felt a soft smile pull at his lips. "It feels like an apology." The pulse flared brighter for just a moment before dimming. "Apology accepted, Fi."
The next time a portal appeared before the group, all eyes were on Legend. The only discernible cause for the switch last time had been a portal just like this one, after all.
Legend wrinkled his nose at the combined stares of eight people and shoved his way to the front of the group. "Well, are you all going to stare at me all day or are we going to get going?"
"Of course, let us proceed." Warriors said, ignoring the glare Legend threw at him for having the audacity to exist.
As soon as the group emerged from the portal, eight heads swiveled to check on the state of Legend. He stood there, back to his short, barely adult self, blinking in confusion for a few moments. Once he noticed the stares, he wrinkled his nose and stepped away from the group. "Well, are you all going to stare at me all day or are we going to get going?" He didn't understand why everyone suddenly burst out laughing at that one.
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punk-pandame · 8 months
ok for the violence asks, if u may <3
worst blorboficiation,
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom (sasuke unless u want to talk about other/or more than one)
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
i have chosen violence
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom UUGHHH this hard cause i only ship him with naruto and i see sns as a very switch-vers relationship... okay, i'll try. in the context of sns... - sasuke would never bottom because: he spent years in caves with a guy who wanted to steal his body. his brother violated his mind with the tsukuyomi. he's had his eyes surgically removed and replaced. he had a curse mark non-consensually bitten onto his neck. his likely first experience with penetration was haku turning his lil genin ass into a pincushion. i can't imagine sasuke would ever want to let someone inside him, in any sense of the word, after all that. being penetrated is a very vulnerable thing, most of those positions leave you with little control over what's happening. i don't think sasuke would appreciate that. he'd need the control that comes with topping. - sasuke would never top because: he's bottom-coded, truly. he's the yin, he's receptive to other's opinions, he was willing to at least feign interest in letting orochimaru take his body, he accepted the curse mark, he's often portrayed in the more feminine role when cast beside naruto, etc. etc. etc. also, remember how he plunged his hand through his best friend's chest that one time? remember how he spent years of his life becoming one of the strongest people on earth? i can easily imagine that having some kind of psychological effect on sasuke's sexuality. i can imagine him seeing his body as a weapon and not trusting himself to stay gentle in the heat of the moment. he can, obviously, but the amount of worries and concerns it comes with makes it unenjoyable. once he opens up a bit, he'd take to bottoming like a fish to water.
13. worst blorboficiation KAKASHI. i feel like people focus too hard on one aspect of his personality or another when he's got so much going on. he's actually so complex. yes he's the sopping wet puppy in a cardboard box but he also is an attack animal who will go fucking apeshit if you come for his pack members. he's got multiple overlapping traumas that get repeatedly hashed out in the text and at some times very few coping mechanisms. woobify him all you want but he's still a kage-level fighter long before he gets the title (that he didn't even want but still did a great job with!). they made him teach children. like you have SO MUCH to work with why are you only focusing on his stats or his teaching methods like 😩
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like... orochimaru XD the dude's fucked seven ways to sunday but he's just such a compelling villain to me. i especially like to think of him pre-naruto, as a young adult still being broken by the world and by war and his toxic relationship with tsunade and solidifying into the creepy fuckin snake we see later. he's also genuinely one of the funniest characters in the show to me, especially if you consider what he's up to in boruto. which is fucking?? nothing?? lmfao like he's got a kid (or maybe a few) and tenzou babysits him and taka is there?? idk man it's hilarious tho.
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