#also had to end the event early because… december’s coming!
jakebark · 2 years
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It couldn’t have been very long, but after an uneventful trial Jake arrives back at the campground to find his stash—sadly—empty. Leftovers taken by the Entity, presumably.
Except for one, which jar definitely not been there before.
“Well… that’s suspicious.”
Jake was not, however, the kind to be swayed from his actions by a bit of suspicion and worry for the consequences of his actions. The peppermint liqueur was pretty good, anyway.
Maybe he should have been a little more cautious.
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AITA for keeping my friend away from a party?
This was a Christmas party mid December so it’s been a few months but I still feel extremely guilty for what happened. I had attempted suicide at the beginning of December so I wasn’t in the greatest headspace leading up to this event. I wasn’t sleeping well and hadn’t slept at all before the party. I was considering just staying home but my friends and I agreed that it would probably do me good to go.
The party was themed around a musical group we all enjoy. For the first few hours or so things were going well. But then we started doing trivia. The trivia was split between actual trivia questions (like when is X’s birthday) and opinion questions (like what is your favorite live performance by the group). EM, AN, and I are far more casual fans than AY and BA. BA is a super fan and knows just about everything you can about the group. She’s also the one who made the trivia. The rest of us were not doing well. We were getting nearly nothing correct for the regular trivia questions and didn’t know enough about the group to answer most of the opinion questions. AN and I started having fun by teaming up but that made BA very angry. She yelled at us and tried to get us to move so we weren’t sitting near each other. After that I sort of shut down. I’m autistic so when I shut down I go nonverbal so I wasn’t talking and I stopped writing anything down for answers. It wasn’t like I knew the answers anyway. This made BA even angrier. She kept yelling at me to write something and I just couldn’t. It was like I was frozen. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t speak, I was certain I was going to start crying. AY asked if I needed to go home and I nodded.
AY’s husband offered to drive me home since AN drove me to the party but AN said she didn’t mind driving me home. I figured she’d just take me home then return to the party but she ended up coming in to my apartment with me to make sure I was okay. Once I was able to talk again I told her I was okay if she wanted to return to the party. She told me she hated the trivia so she wasn’t in a hurry to go back. We ended up hanging out at my apartment and talking for close to 2 hours. I asked her a few times during that time if she wanted to/should go back but she chose to stay. I know AY messaged her at one point but I don’t know what either of them said. After she left I went to bed.
AY messaged me the next morning checking to make sure I was okay. And everything was fine with her. But from after the party until around early February BA was ignoring me. She tends to do that if she gets angry at me. I didn’t put much effort into trying to talk to her because when she’s in one of these moods she either ignores me or is extremely mean and I’d rather deal with being ignored than the mean mode. At some point in February she started taking to me again as if nothing was wrong. This is what usually happens. She starts taking to me again and we pretend nothing happened and never really address what was wrong. I’m pretty sure she was angry about what happened at the party. I asked AN if she had any other ideas but she was certain it had to do with that as well. I feel extremely bad about shutting down, ruining the vibes, and having to leave early. I feel like that was an ESH situation. What I want to know is if I was the asshole for keeping AN away from the party. I feel I should have insisted she go back once I was able to talk again. I think that’s likely what BA was upset about. I feel like I was selfish and just happy to have someone to talk to for a little while without the pressure of the trivia at the party but it made things worse between BA and I.
So AITA for keeping my friend from the party?
What are these acronyms?
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The Grim Reaper's Guide to Breaking Every Rule of the Universe /// Chapter 4
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ANOTHER CHAPTER IN LESS THAN A WEEK. BRING ON THE GRINDDDDDD. I will warn that my motiviation for each of my fics comes in waves, so you'll probably get chapters in random chunks ngl. Enjoy!
Summary: When touring America for the sake of it, you go to stay with your aunt in New Orleans for a while, taking up a peaceful part-time job restoring objects. But a few weeks in, a package arrives containing an old radio that's seen better days, along with a note seemingly written by someone who thinks they could fist-fight the Devil.
What you didn't know, was the hell of a path that was now set out in front of you. Not fist-fighting the Devil, but instead a very smug radio host who would have no problem spending the rest of his days driving you up the walls.
But two could play that game.
Tags: Demiromantic-Asexual Alastor x Demiromantic-Asexual OC/Reader - 1920s/30s New Orleans - fluff - angst - EXTREME slow burn - crack - Violence (It's Alastor what else)
Word Count: 4590
Warnings: Period-typical sexism, Period-typical attitudes towards neurodivergency, Swearing, Mentions of murder. MC'S RACE IS DEFINED DUE TO PLOT REASONS (also because she is based off my OC)
Taglist - comment or message to be added!
Now available on Wattpad and AO3 (please let me know if links aren't working)
< Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 >
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PART 1: Chapter 4
Unconditional Violence.
Bambsquabbled (Definition): A 19th Century American slang word essentially meaning stupefied or confounded. (Adjective)
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New Orleans, Louisiana, USA – Wednesday, 18th December, 1929.
You had expected the additional Tuesday Mr LeBlanc had given you off to prepare yourself for the radio company to consist of you sleeping in until 11am. But dreams are short lived when you have an aunt who insists the ass-crack of dawn is prime time for everything.
You guessed it was fun to climb onto the roof of your relative’s vast home to collect the crystals you had both put out under the full moon, before the energy given to them was whisked away by the rays of the early golden hour. But when nerves settle in like the green spirals of nausea the night before, sleep takes the hand of another, leaving you to lay there with your over-active mind as it drags you through every possibility and event that could end up with you looking like an idiot in front of your new colleagues, or worse. Can’t think of much worse. But the universe will find a way.
It always does.
When Wednesday finally rolled around, it was barely 6am and you already couldn’t wait for it to be over. Your cousins had found you curled up on the bench swing, having dragged your duvet outside as you balled yourself up like a worm, sipping on the iced tea Agnes had bought you the day before in an attempt to settle your nerves. It did. A little.
And now here you were, the first half of your new workday having gone as smoothly as your awkward self could do.
Ethel, who’s desk was closest to yours, had dubbed you the quiet one after spending an hour running her mouth at you with barely a break for you to chime in. You had also already created quite a commotion on the third floor, a few people intrigued by the new ‘foreigner’. Well – as foreign as you can get when you’re from another English-speaking country, in the biggest cultural melting pot of a city had ever seen in your rural life. But they found you interesting enough.
The oddest thing you had experienced that day, however, was a strange request from your new boss – Mr Durham himself.
“I don’t suppose you know how to pull off a local accent?” he had asked when showing you the phone on your desk.
All you could do was blink at him. “I’m sorry?”
He gestured to the phone. “Since you’re my assistant, you’re gonna be filtering through the calls I get before passing them onto me. Now, there might be an issue if someone calls expecting to hear me, but instead find themselves speaking to a British girl on the other end. Some can be impatient and might end up putting the phone down before you explain.”
Memories of that one very unpleasant phone call flooded your mind. “Even if I answer: ‘Hello W.A.D Radio, this is Mr Durham’s assistant speaking’??” you replied monotonously.
“You’d be surprised.” He sighed. “But do you know how to anyway?”
Frowning, you recalled your time in the cities further in the North. “I guess..? A girl I rented a room from in New York insisted on teaching me for when we went into town, but I struggle to see how it’s important?”
The man put his hands together, pointing them at you in a prayer motion. “Just.. try it out? Talk like your colleagues when you see them, to see if you can get a hang of it – I’m sure they’ll be happy to help. Please?”
You gave him a wavering look, but sighed, finally giving in. “Fine, but they can’t make fun of me.”
He beamed, patting you on the back in satisfaction. “I’m sure they won’t! I’ll be in my office if you need anything.”
And with that, you sat in your new chair, trying to pointedly ignore the sign at the other end of the room that pointed you to the fifth floor, and began your attempt to settle in.
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA – Wednesday, 8th January, 1930.
There wasn’t much to celebrate when the new decade rolled around. Gone were the so-called ‘Roaring Twenties’, when you would join your parents at the parties and balls they were invited to – when it was acceptable, of course; those higher up in the class hierarchy still grasped to the dwindling standard that children should be seen, not heard. The year you turned eighteen ended up being quite interesting, when the older women who had turned snooty at the sight of your teenage self wandering around their stately homes, tried to attempt a 180°, as they congratulated you reaching adulthood with strained smiles. But you paid them no mind, too busy staring at the paintings or statues that lined their corridors – a stark contrast to the more barren and plain wallpaper that coated the walls you grew up in.
But now that was far behind you, the English garden parties in the spring and summer that you adored so much were now a mere echo in the distances of your mind. The noises of tiny forks clinking on fine china as the little birds twittered in the trees now replaced by the sputtering and groaning of automobiles as you gripped the pole of the tram, your arms tight against your chest as you tried your best to not let the swaying of the vehicle toss you about into the crowd of packed bodies around you.
Making sure the scarf was tucked safely around your neck, you grasped the small briefcase in your hand – mentally preparing yourself for you first day back at the radio station after the new year. Unfortunately for Mr Durham, a small hurricane had passed over during the holiday, and radio stations across the city were temporarily silenced as their mechanics desperately attempted to repair the damaged towers. And also unfortunately for you, only the hosts were offered a couple days off as things got back up and running, though some still showed to prepare for their shows; you, on the other hand, were still expected to show up like any other day.
So here you were, pushing open the (now familiar) double doors, giving a small wave to the receptionist, who’s name turned out to be Diana, and the woman barely raised her hand in response as she continued to tiredly shift through the concerningly large stack of papers on her desk.
You were just about to climb the wide staircase when you heard her call your name (something you were very surprised she knew, considering her tendency to ‘accidentally’ throw paperwork in the bin on the daily), and your wedge heels clacked against the tile flooring as you stumbled slightly, turning to face her as her nasally voice echoed around the large lobby.
“It’s best you stay in the shadows today.” She warned cryptically. “Trouble’s in, and the mechanic’s not happy about the damages – Durham’s getting the brunt of it, but you’ll end up in the crossfire unless you hide out during breaktimes.”
All you could do for a moment was stand and stare, a million thoughts running through your mind. Mostly about who ‘Trouble’ was, and why Diana thought you couldn’t handle the guy and the other mechanic. You did handle the radio man at the repair shop after all, and speaking of the radio, you were quite proud to say you had finished the it in time for Christmas, and had shipped it off with a very passive-aggressive note that hinted for the man to basically never return. Luckily, Mr Boudreaux hadn’t replied to any of your letters since you had begrudgingly accepted the object, but you had suspected he had called the shop once or twice, and you had left Mr LeBlanc to deal with it, mostly because he was quite terrified you would call another customer every name under the sun the second they tried to give you trouble.
Glancing back and forth between Diana and the stairs, you mumbled a slow “Oookay…” before nodding your head and turning on your heel to hurry up the steps. Reaching the third floor, you didn’t stop in your path as you neared your desk, instead dropping your briefcase onto the wooden surface as you dashed by, striding towards the door that had the golden plaque engraved with ‘Mr B. Durham’ onto it. Grasping the handle, you turned the knob, swinging the door open, only to stop in your tracks as you were met with a very empty office.
You frowned. It must be really bad if your boss was no where to be seen. Whipping around, you scanned the main room for him, but only saw a few of your colleagues, the rest still yet to arrive – you were normally expected to be in early to handle Durham’s work as soon as he began.
Throwing your coat and scarf on your chair, you strode back towards the stairs, readjusting the suspenders of your wide-legged trousers as you practically jogged up the steps, and ended up rolling the sleeves of your loose blouse to your elbows as you tried to catch your breath.
On the fourth floor, you spent a couple minutes checking all of your boss’s usual haunts or hiding places, even going as far as interrogating a couple of the workers there for his whereabouts. It wasn’t until some blonde guy that came wandering down the steps from the fifth floor that you got your answer, the man looking up to take in your slightly dishevelled and feral appearance with wide eyes as he stammered out that he was in one of the radio booths. To his further horror, you patted him on the cheek with a thanks as you rounded him, ready to take another flight of stairs to reach your – apparently – floundering boss.
Ignoring the embarrassed sputtering of the man behind you, you eye the sign nailed to the wall, the painted hand pointing upwards with a very bold ‘FIFTH FLOOR’ next to it.
“Don’t go up there until I say you’re ready, okay?” Mr Durham’s words echoed through your mind.
Buuuuut, he did say he wanted to discuss the stuff you brought in your briefcase ASAP.
Yea that’ll be your excuse. You can deal with his complaining later.
Reaching your heel-clad foot out, you took the first step, almost like you were expecting an axe to come swing down and impale your forehead. But when nothing happened, you shrugged, and simply continued up.
Recalling the path your boss had taken you on during the initial tour, you managed to find the dreaded corridor that supposedly housed your greatest nightmare.
Extroverted people.
At that thought, you did consider turning around, but your urge to drag your boss’s arse back downstairs drowned that thought out, and you carried on.
Surprisingly, it was quiet, but at the same time not so much when you remembered that most of them were plating their somewhat wealthy behinds on their armchairs at home as the rest tried to fix the issues of the storm.
Reaching one of the lit rooms, you heard raised voices.
“–really expect me to know? –” “– supposed to be on in an hour! How is that –”
Cautiously, you peeked around the corner to try and witness the potential fiasco. And what a fiasco it was.
Wires, cables, and any other random parts that were used for radio technology were strewn across desks, tables and even the floor. Amongst these were two men, and there was only one you recognised.
Just like you had seen him every day for the past month, Mr Durham was stood in his washed-out blue suit and concerningly shiny shoes, and at this point one hand was on his hip, whilst the other rubbed tiredly at his face as whom you assume was the mechanic, was blabbering the poor man’s ear off as he ranted on and on about random parts and problems and he gestured frantically at said random parts and problems. Wait – nevermind, you recognised one and a half.
The man from across the street was here, with his back to you. Again. For fuck’s sake.
This time he was back in the seat you first saw him in, this time with a few strands of dark-brown hair out of place, curling slightly as if to rebel against the intense styling he had put it through. Peeking your head out slightly further, you managed to get a good look at him.
Well for one, he was a triangle. Stupidly broad shoulders that narrowed into a stupidly small waist (triangle), with lanky legs long enough that you could probably chop them off and fashion them into skis. Despite his face not revealed, you could see the semi-light tan on his hands, that were busy turning knobs and dials as he listened in to whatever was coming through the headphones on his head. He was dressed to impress, to say the least, in smart, dark-grey trousers, who’s ironed out edges looked as if they could slice through skin. His high collared cream shirt was tucked away under a relatively tight looking reddish-tan waistcoat, and to top it all off, you could see the back of the black ribbon that was most likely tied in a stupidly even bow.
You didn’t want this guy to sense your staring, so you opted to look back at the other two men who were still chuntering on about god knows what. Stepping into the light that flooded through the glass, you wave slightly to try and get your boss’s attention. A couple seconds passed, and you watched as the mechanic kept glancing at you and Mr Durham, until eventually he nudged the other man on the shoulder, pointing you out.
Turning his head, Mr Durham’s eyes met with yours, and you raised your hand with a questionable thumbs up to see if all was good, only to watch in slight confusion as his eyes widened, and he whipped his head rapidly between you and the faceless man sat at his desk, before marching over to the door and pulling it open a crack, sticking his head out.
“Hey uh,” he half-whispered, surprisingly nervous at your presence. “what’re you doing here?”
You lowered your voice to match his. “You said to come find you as soon as possible this morning, you know, to go over those statistics from that other station?”
Realisation dawned on the man’s face, and he reached up to drag his hand down the side of it. “Shit I forgot,” he cursed, and glanced over his shoulder before facing you again. “I’ll – uh… I’ll be down as soon as I get this sorted. Marty’s givin’ me a run for his money right now and the second Al takes his headphones off I’m gonna feel like I’m entering an early grave.”
Surprised, you eyed the man sat at the desk, who looked far too calm to be threatening anyone right now. “Ok… I guess it can wait. I’ll bring you some coffee up!” you chirped, and Durham went to call out that it wasn’t necessary, but faltered with a frown as he realised you were already halfway down the corridor.
Balancing the tray of cups and steaming jug the best you could, you reached the final step, retracing your route to the radio booth that your boss was probably getting murdered in. Walking up, you waited patiently until Mr Durham noticed you, and watched as he reluctantly trudged over to open the door.
Taking your first step in, you were hit with the very potent smell of strong black coffee, as if someone had some brewing every day, and you figured you had made the right call of fetching the same beverage as you placed the tray down on one of the tables.
The mechanic was still going off on one, and you watched out of the corner of your eye as you slowly began pouring the coffee into the cups, listening to the greasy-looking man speak.
“– there’s literally no reason that I can find that’s causing the local outage!” he spouted at your frowning boss. “The boys have already fixed the aerial, and David’s currently on-air and that’s working perfectly fine, so it has to be something in this room!”
During the man’s tirade, you noticed the rustling of papers, and looked over to see the faceless man again, still at his desk, but his hands were fiddling with no purpose, and his head was turned to the left slightly, showing his high cheekbone and the edge of his thin circular glasses.
Looked like someone else was listening in too.
Biting your smile down, you turned back towards the cups in your hand, only to have a glint of light pierce the corner of your eye, and you looked in the opposite direction to a large wooden box, with one of the panels removed, displaying the endless wires and springs that coiled and wound in every direction. But you weren’t looking at that, you were instead looking at the screwdriver that was very prominently glinting in the shine of the ceiling light. This must be the painstakingly obvious problem that the mechanic had painstakingly missed.
Giving a quick glance over at the men, you waited until they faced away, scrapping about the wire pile on the floor, and you reached for the wooden teaspoon on your tray, and inched towards the box. Knowing wood doesn’t normally conduct electricity, you raised your hand, testing it anyway against the hanging wires to see if they were live. Seemingly not, you stuck your hand further in, and began nudging at the tool, slowly loosening the wires around it as you dragged it along the bottom of the box.
When they had deemed your silence as suspicious, the mechanic and Durham turned round, only to see you elbow deep in some very expensive equipment.
“Whoa, whoa, WHOA!” the mechanic cried as he rushed over. “The hell are you doin’??”
Instead of jerking your arm back out and apologising to the man who was slowly turning purple, you gave the screwdriver one last flick, and the three of you watched as it dropped over the edge and fell to the floor with a clatter. Moments of silence passed as you all stared at it, until you decided to explain.
“It was tangled in the wires, which would’ve prevented the electricity flow,” you said plainly. “Plus, if you had tried to power it all up, it could’ve set the place on fire.”
All the mechanic could do was stare down at the tool, but Mr Durham had decided to approach, and bent down to pick up the tool.
“Nice one.” He complimented, turning the object in his hands. Though the warm smile he had put on for you quickly vanished, as his eyes set upon the name engraved on the wooden handle. He pointed at it. “This has your name on it Marty.” He said lowly, his blue eyes turning dark as he regarded the paling man with a look of thunder.
Seeing the outcome, you gestured nervously to the beverages on the table. “Coffee’s there, Mr Durham, I’ll see you downstairs.”
Just as you walked around him, he called your name. “Take ten minutes to yourself and grab some tea, whilst I deal with Marty here.”
Nodding, you curtly took your leave, swinging the door open as you power-walked out, failing to see the sharp pair of eyes following you from where they were sat at the desk.
You found the break room housed several curiosities that you were yet to explore in America. Apart from the atrocious fact that the tea station lacked the Yorkshire brand, you found yourself poking at what they called a teabag. Yes, surprise, surprise, the Americans invented something tea related before England or even China did, but you had to admit it was rather useful in helping you not gag at the slimy tea leaves that sat at the bottom of most of your beloved brews.
With the table to your right, you leant your hip against it, your back against the door as you rather noisily mixed the spoon around your large mug, making sure the sugar was dissolved properly before you went to strain the teabag. Lifting it carefully out of the boiling water, you gingerly held your other hand out below it to catch any stray drips from hitting the floor, scanning the room in front of you for a bin that you could chuck it into.
What you foolishly had failed to do however, was hear the footsteps that grew in volume from behind, and you hadn’t realised anything until a very uncomfortable prickle hit the side of your neck, as a very unwanted presence loomed over you. Though, that didn’t last long, as the presence decided to deafen you instead.
“So YOU’RE the new assistant!”
A banshee screech raised from your throat, the teabag flying through the air and onto the floor by your feet as you basically jumped three feet up. Instinctively, however, you didn’t realise what was happening until one elbow flew upwards, slamming into the nose of the man behind you, the other flying round to collide with his ribs. Teaspoon armed in hand, you spun around to face your assailant, only to step on the soggy teabag that was still on the floor, and you cried out again as you slipped and slammed into a very firm chest. Eyes screwed shut, you felt the two of you fall, though quickly broken by the table behind you.
Relieved that you were no longer falling, you swiftly blinked your eyes open, your dark brown ones meeting a pair of equally matching brown. Moments passed as you took in the scene in front of you, and you realised you finally had a face to put to the lanky man from earlier.
Said man was groaning as he rubbed at his nose, his lips twisted into a grimace as he checked for blood. What you noticed however, was the several poignant glances the man took to your right, and you followed, only to see you hand raised, teaspoon in hand, pointing down at him as if you had a machete, ready to stab the lights out of him.
A small gasp left your throat at the realisation, and you quickly pushed yourself off, pointedly ignoring the grunt the man let out as you knocked at his ribs. Taking several steps back, you distanced yourself from him. He had gotten close before, he wasn’t about to do so again.
You watched as he pushed himself up on his elbows, using the table as a support as he stood. To a disturbingly tall height might you add. Looks like you did just reach his nose after all.
“I’m uh,” you started as you eyed him, teaspoon machete still in hand, strangely, you instinctively used the southern accent you learnt – it was the one you used with strangers. “Sorry. I didn’t expect you to sneak up on me like that.” Reaching over, you snatched up a napkin, offering it to him. “Y’haven’t got anything…?”
Dark eyes flitting between you and the outstretched napkin offering, you watched as something seemed to switch in his demeanour, and a natural smile fell across his tan face as he raised his hands in mock surrender.
“No, no, don’t worry, it’s quite alright.” He assured, and you blinked at his prominent transatlantic accent. “I figured that wasn’t the best way to say hello to a stranger!” he laughed as he smoothed down his crumpled waistcoat. Reaching his lanky arm out whilst tucking the other behind him, he offered his hand out in greeting. “The name’s Alastor, my dear. And who do I have the most entertaining pleasure to be speaking to?”
You stared at his hand, then flicked your eyes up to him, scanning his grinning face with vigour.
Where, oh where, had you heard that voice before?
Your silence seemed to confuse this Alastor guy, however, and his eyes darted around in confusion as you continued to stare. From what you could see, he had come to a very wrong conclusion about your silence, and leaned over at you slightly, bringing his face level with yours.
“Cat got your tongue, my darling?” His growing cheshire grin reminding you of two very similar people. “You clearly must find me that dashing if your this speechless, haha!” he chortled, the condescension rolling off him in waves.
Oh, you knew exactly where this guy was from.
Narrowing your eyes, you scrutinised him as you quietly muttered out a single word.
Alastor blinked, eyes darting around your face, before raising a hand to cup at his ear. “I hate to say but I didn’t quite catch that!” he exclaimed rather loudly.
You felt your brows begin to furrow, so you raise your voice slightly. “I said, Boudreaux.”
Oh you did it now. Sparkles seemed to glitter behind his chocolate eyes as he perked up with glee, straightening up to his full height. “So you do know me after all! I was starting to think you simply had nothing going on in that head of yours!”  he simpered as he tilted his head to look down at you.
Despite his clear mocking, you remained quiet for a moment longer, until you couldn’t hold it anymore.
“…You work in a radio station.” You stated flatly.
Alastor looked around, acting as if he had just realised as such. “Yes I am quite aware!” he affirmed in an obvious tone. “Did you want an award for that observation?”
You had to refrain from gaping at this man’s audacity. “… Couldn’t you have just fixed it yourself?”
The man blinked at you. “Fixed what now?”
Oh, this was it. Stepping forward, you didn’t stop until you face was a hand-lengths away from his, and you watched with satisfaction as he shifted at your invasion of his space – talk about a hypocrite as someone who clearly loved to invade the space of others. Staring at the man dead in the eye, you fully dropped the southern accent, your Yorkshire one coming back through full force.
“Your mum’s radio.” You stated simply, raising your brows to regard him with a condescending look that matched his.
You had expected him to brush it off, laughing when he realised who you were. What you hadn’t expected for his pupils to blow wide, his eyes darkening as they narrowed, scrutinising your gaze with his own, and you suddenly felt a little uneasy.
“Oh,” he said lowly. “It’s you.”
Keeping your gaze levelled, you gripped the spoon harder in your hands. That is, until your name was called.
The two of you straightened up, you leaning to look around Alastor as he spun on the spot, the both of you facing Mr Durham, who was looking between the two of you rather nervously. He called your name again.
“C’mon.” he said, refusing to take his eyes off Alastor. “Let’s go over those papers you brought.”
Without a second thought, you darted for your mug of tea, grabbing it along with an almost empty bottle of milk to put in it as you strode around Alastor, feeling the hand of your boss as he put his arm around your shoulder as he quickly led you away, and the back of your head prickled, definitely feeling the sharp eyes on your retreating back this time around.
ALASTOR'S HERE RAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Watch me disappear from the face of the earth for a week cuz of my executive dysfunction lmao (Blame my adhd not me she's a seperate entity at this point.)
I hope you've enjoyed what I've given you so far, see you soon for Chapter 5!!
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iam93percentstardust · 8 months
It's not just the commodification of fandom. It's not just the disinterest in wips in favor of completed stories. It's not just the unwillingness to take chances on new writers.
It's the demand for instant gratification too.
I'm posting a "wip" right now. It's actually a fully completed story, and I stated that in the A/N when I started posting it a few weeks ago. I finished writing it early in December. It's not going to be abandoned and discontinued. Short of a tragic accident, it will 100% be posted in its entirety before the end of January.
It's also almost 60k words long. Each chapter is approximately 14k words. That's a lot to expect people to read quickly, so I made the decision to post weekly instead of dumping it all at once. I don't normally do that for wips. I normally post bimonthly to give myself time to write the next chapter. But in concession to the fact that this one is already finished, I decided to post once a week. Could I have posted it all at once or even once a day? Sure, but again, I have more than a few close friends who are slow readers, and I thought it was better to give people the time to read each chapter and let it digest before dumping another one on them instead of making them feel like they have to read it immediately so they don't miss the next update.
This, apparently, was a mistake.
I've been very open about working on this fic since I started it in September. People told me they were excited to get the chance to read it every time I posted an update about where I was in the writing process. When I announced that I was posting it, they told me that they couldn't wait to read it. It's not like I was expecting massive numbers of kudos and comments; this fandom has shrunk in size and engagement, I'm not the most popular writer in it, and I try not to feel entitled to engagement, but considering all the people telling me they were excited for it, I was expecting something.
Instead it was crickets. All those people who were so excited and told me they couldn't wait to get home to read it? That was the last I heard from them, unless it was to express outright incredulity that I expected them to read a work in progress. "It's not a work in progress!" I protested. "I'm just taking a little longer to post it!" Yeah, but it's not posted all in one go, so why should we bother to read it? We'll just wait until the end of January once it's finished. "Will I hear from you then? Will I get any indication at all that you liked it?" Eh, maybe. If we feel like it. But it'll only be one comment at the very end. If that.
This keeps happening. If it's not an already completed chaptered fic that I'm posting over time instead of immediately, then it's an idea that I had first talked about a while ago but took a couple months to write only to be met with silence once I start posting because everyone moved on and forgot about it. If it's not ready to go right now in all its fully finished glory and all 60k words posted immediately after I first spoke about it, then why am I talking about it at all? Why should I expect people to be waiting in anticipatory eagerness?
I remember when I posted my first Christmas event fic in 2020. It was already finished too when I started posting it. I'd been talking about it all year. People had seemed really excited for it when I first mentioned it, but then interest seemed to die out somewhere around August. By the time I started posting it in late November, I was fully convinced that no one was going to read it. I actually posted the first chapter and then immediately turned my computer off and didn't let myself turn it back on until the next day.
I was shocked by the number of readers I had. The number of comments. The sheer amount of people telling me they'd been waiting on tenterhooks for me to post that first chapter. And it kept coming. People were talking and theorizing and marking their conversations with spoiler bars for anyone who hadn't read the latest chapter. People timed when I posted the first few chapters so they could be waiting by their computer for when I dropped the next one. I was randomly gifted art. It was really an event, and I'll always be grateful for the support and community I was given for that month.
I never believed I'd ever be able to capture that kind of readership again, and I was right, and that's okay. But when I posted last year's Christmas event fic, for the first time since I started doing this in 2020, someone asked me why I bothered to space it out over a month instead of just posting the entire thing in one go on Christmas Day and how could I possibly expect them to be that invested for an entire month instead of just waiting until it was finished. I didn't know how to tell them that only three years prior, that's not only exactly what people did but they were excited for it to be like that.
If I'm not going to post my already completed fic in one lump sum right now, then the audience for it is nonexistent. And the audience won't grow once it's finished. It's like I have one opportunity to capture the readers and if they weren't willing to take the chance on the first chapter, then they'll never come back. It's disheartening, to say the least. Only six months ago, I was telling a friend that I thought this was my forever pairing, that I'd still be writing for this ship when I was old and grey. And now I'm going through my ideas folder, wondering what can be repurposed for other ships, because I increasingly feel not just that I'm shouting into a void but that the void is actively ignoring me.
I can't post wips because what if I abandon them or take too long to update? I can't post a chaptered fic in one go because that's too many words to expect people to read. But I can't space out posting completed chaptered fics either because everyone wants the instant gratification of the full fic right now. So what am I supposed to do?
I miss December 2020, but it's not the random art that I miss or the kudos or the number of comments. It was the community that built up around this fic. It was knowing that it was okay to space out the chapters because everyone was still right there with me, talking and theorizing and using their spoiler bars. It was my audience trusting me enough to come along with me for the ride instead of waiting for me to be done. I was so scared back then that the full year between me first talking about the idea and posting the first chapter had lost me my audience, scared that they'd all forgotten about me and moved on to other authors who were quicker to post, but I wish I'd known that three years later, it would only take four months for people to lose interest in an idea.
I'd have treated December 2020 like it was way more special than I did.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 7 months
I don't know. I think it's unfair to pretend Meghan was not protected only because she was not playing by palace's rules.
From articles, Meghan was not just sending emails at 5 am, she was yelling at staff, making them responsible for failures in her plans well after the end of their day. I remember one saying that they ended their day of work, were out and they kept having calls from her and Harry saying their failure ruined everything, that they were the worst or whatever, not respecting their private life. There was also the story about the ice cream truck where Meghan specified that it was only for her staff and that W&K's staff and children should have none of it. It seems to me that at one point someone even talked about how she was not sending information to someone and then blaming that person for not knowing. Someone even said once that some of her ex-staff ended up traumatised and I don't remember hearing that for anyone's staff. Like, Andrew's staff sound annoyed by him and mad, some of Charles' and Di ex-staff are mad but traumatised ?
I mean that there must be a part of truth but to make it the reason it's a bit big to me. Especially as Meghan was leaking from the get go with those "Kate didn't go shoping with me" and her/her team was sending puff pieces and anti-Kate comparison quite early on. I don't think C/C had much to do to break anything (but I do believe they did things - they always do) and we love talking about it but the Fab four thing lasted from february to december (after that, there were too many rumours of feud to make it really believable). It was not a really established thing as Catherine was in maternity leave for most of it and there was holidays. And I do think Meghan sent many of her staff off and that they were the ones leaking (Melissa Touabti, Sam Cohen, etc). If we don't hear things about Camilla and Catherine it's also because their staffs are loyal. I mean, we don't hear of them, neither Sophie, having let down but they are human, they surely have, so it must not be automatic misogyny.
I mean that I admit a part of it can be true. But there were so many things going on that saying she was fed to the wolves by misogyny only doesn't sit well to me.
(I'm sorry, I know you don't have clear answers, it's all rumours but I like your way of thinking and decoding, so I think I'm asking for a theory ? Or if you have more info clearing what I said ? )
You bring up a lot of great stuff too.
Something to keep in mind is that part of doing analysis or a contextualization is being aware of timing and knowledge. I like to use the Rumsfeld theory of knowledge (or the Rumsfeld matrix), which breaks everything down into:
Things we know or the known knowns - facts that we are aware of and understand. This is our knowledge.
Things we don't know or the known unknowns - facts that we know exist but don't understand. This is the gap in our knowledge that research can address.
Things we know we don't know or the unknown knowns - facts that we don't realize we know. These are things that perhaps we've dismissed or overlooked, or things we know but don't understand yet its importance or relevance.
Things we don't know that we don't known or the unknown unknowns - the facts/factors that we aren't aware of, can't predict, don't know. This is uncertainty and risk. These only come to light with the passage of time.
That matrix is further complicated by timing: what we knew then vs what we know now. What we know now will always have more information, knowledge, and facts than a "what we knew then" analysis.
What we knew then essentially boils down to "knowing only what I know today right now, this is what is currently happening." You have to look at the facts as they were known then at {{event}}.
What we know now is essentially "knowing what I know today right now, this is what was happening then." We use the facts, stories, intelligence, investigations, research, etc. that have happened since {{event}} to give context to what was happening at {{event}}.
Let's look at the Fab Four Forum, for example.
The "what we knew then" analysis, using only the facts that we knew in February 2018, is that there was some awkward tension between the two couples (William's laugh at the question if they ever butted heads and Harry's glare), awkward tension between Harry and Meghan (from when Harry chimed in that they needed to plan the wedding first) and awkward tension between Kate and Meghan (Meghan's dagger eyes at Kate). There was also a disconnect between the others and Meghan, given that Meghan wore cocktail attire while the rest wore business attire and that Meghan seemed to do the most speaking. So the analysis is something like eh, no big deal, they were all nervous, it's the first time all four of them were together in a formal public setting, there's a new person coming on board, of course it's going to be a little awkward.
The "what we know now" anaysis, using everything that we know as of March 1st 2024, is that the Fab Four Forum was a disaster: Harry and Meghan had confronted William and Kate for not rolling out the red carpet for her, Meghan had been caught (at some point much earlier) taking photographs of the Cambridge children, Meghan had thrown Kate off-guard by asking for her lip gloss and Kate had upset her by her reaction, wedding planning was in shambles/not going well, the fashion designers were all favoring Kate, Meghan was making demands of the KP staff and bullying people around, Kate was dealing with her brother's mental health crisis, Harry was making demands to be treated like William, etc. and so on. Which is very dfferent from the February 2018 "ah, this is just growing pains from a new person" analysis.
Or look at the wedding. If you were to do an analysis with the Rumsfeld Matrix on the wedding in June 2018, it would be totally and completely different from a Rumsfeld analysis done today in March 2024. Kate's grimace/body language in the official portrait means something very different today than it did six years ago - because we know more today. I remember when the Sussex wedding portraits were released, everyone here was talking about Kate's body language in the photo and there was so much speculation about why she was so visibly uncomfortable. People chalked it up to "she's three weeks post-partum, of course she's uncomfortable, and she's holding Charlotte in her lap to hide that she doesn't feel like herself/her best self."
But six years later: oh, Meghan and Ivy were bullying Charlotte so Kate was in "Mama Bear" mode, Meghan and Harry had insulted Kate over her "baby brain" hormones, there was the quarrel over Charlotte's dress and whether the girls would wear tights/socks, Meghan had slammed the door in Kate's face when she tried to apologize, Meghan was spreading gossip about the Cambridge marriage, Meghan and Harry were throwing wild parties at NottCott that Kate had to keep shutting down, Meghan kept trying to hug everyone, there was a lack of respect from Harry and Meghan for everyone, and she was three weeks post-partum. No wonder she looks disgusted to be there.
Very different interpretations of Kate's body language in that photo, right?
So that's why when you look at everything that's happened, you have to be careful to stay consistent with how you review or look at things. It doesn't really matter if you're looking at it "then" or "now," it's just more important that if you look at it "then," you're not adding facts from "now" or if you're looking at it "now," you're more objective about "then"'s coverage.
If you're looking at something as it happened back in 2018 or 2020 with Megxit, you mainly have to consider only the facts as you knew them back then. In this case, everything we've learned since then adds context that explains why certain actions were taken (or not taken), why certain body language read the way it did. You have to be careful not to mix "now" and "then" events because when you incorporate "now" events into a "then" analysis (or understanding the past by looking at the present), the waters can be easily muddied with assumptions that may or may not be true. For example, William's laugh and response at the Fab Four Forum when they were asked if they ever had any disagreements. Knowing what we know now today, it's reasonable enough to assume that William laughed because of all the "firm" or monarchy-related issues they were having -- but we don't actually know if that's correct. It's more reasonable to assume that William laughed because he was thinking more about the brotherly spats he and Harry get into that has nothing to do with the monarchy or the Royal Foundation at all.
A more effective analysis (or a theory-making exercise, if you will) is when you look at "now" events through a "then" lens. Or, in other words, trying to understand the present by looking at and contextualizing the past. William's hard line and blunt rejection of Harry's attempts to weasel half-in/half-out from Charles is because of the monarchy-related issues, because of the chaos Harry and Meghan caused, because of how they treated their staff and RPOs, because of controversies with charities and the finances, because of their attacks on Kate and Charlotte, because of their demands to censor the free press, because of their exploitation of Diana, etc. And while that still is an assumption (because again, we don't actually know what William thinks), it's a more conclusive assumption and one that's likely to end up validated.
I hope that makes a bit of sense. So getting into your ask...
I don't know. I think it's unfair to pretend Meghan was not protected only because she was not playing by palace's rules.
It wasn't the only reason (and I apologize if that's what I led you to think!). It was probably one of the bigger reasons why she failed, but yes, definitely not the only reason.
From articles, Meghan was not just sending emails at 5 am, she was yelling at staff, making them responsible for failures in her plans well after the end of their day.
Correct. This is what I meant by culture differences in US vs UK. Remember, at the time when all this was happening, Meghan and the palace excused this behavior as "this is how Americans work." (Which absolutely went down like a lead balloon because all the Americans came out of the woodwork saying "no, we don't do this, that's not our work culture." And interesting, the palace stopped saying "it's American nature" pretty soon after this, though Meghan doubled down on it, and has kept doubling down on it.)
I remember one saying that they ended their day of work, were out and they kept having calls from her and Harry saying their failure ruined everything, that they were the worst or whatever, not respecting their private life. There was also the story about the ice cream truck where Meghan specified that it was only for her staff and that W&K's staff and children should have none of it. It seems to me that at one point someone even talked about how she was not sending information to someone and then blaming that person for not knowing. Someone even said once that some of her ex-staff ended up traumatised and I don't remember hearing that for anyone's staff. Like, Andrew's staff sound annoyed by him and mad, some of Charles' and Di ex-staff are mad but traumatised ?
Yes, I remember this too. Either Valentine Low (in Courtiers) or Tom Bower (in Revenge) wrote about this extensively. But again, that's not something we knew back in 2018/2019. We only learned it was this specifically bad in 2022*, which ends up contradicting Meghan's "no one protected me" claims - the palace absolutely did protect her. Not only did it take 4 years for that specific detail to come out, it was also probably discussed in the bullying investigation...which the palace 100% suppressed.
*A lot of people assumed it was this bad before the books came out, specifically because of the "Meghan has an American work ethic which is much more direct and aggressive when you're not used it" defense. There was a lot of discourse around Tumblr then that if you had ever been in a toxic relationship or a toxic workplace, you saw "Americans are direct and aggressive by nature" for the gigantic red flag it was and knew from then that Meghan was nothing but trouble. While there were suspicions, it wasn't as openly discussed until it started being confirmed by the rota and the books.
And also regarding the ice cream story, there's two versions to it. One version is that she was so kind enough to get an ice cream truck for everyone. The second version is that Meghan hired the ice cream truck only for Sussex people and that no one from the Cambridge side (not even the kids) were allowed.
Look at the timing of it. The first version came out in 2018, was promoted heavily by Meghan's PR and KP said nothing. They didn't issue a correction and just let her reap the public goodwill. It wasn't until 4 years later when Low/Bower came along that the second version/the truth was revealed.
Again, the palace protected her. They could've come out in 2018 to say "Meghan bought an ice cream truck and refused to share with George, Charlotte, and Louis" and sat back to watch the public turn on her. But they didn't. They didn't say anything. That's a form of protection.
So because we know all of this now, we can look more critically at why Meghan's attacks failed: because she ignored the actual evidence. What probably happened is that Meghan had certain expectations of how the palace would protect her, and when that didn't happen, she started crying racism and misogyny to anyone who would listen. Now, why did Meghan have certain expectations for what protection meant? Why didn't she understand what she was really signing up for? Why wasn't she appropriately prepared?
Because of Harry. But she can't really blame Harry, right? Not yet at least. She still needs him because he's the one making all the money - Netflix, Spotify, Oprah, Tyler Perry, Jamaica, they don't care about her. They want Harry because through Harry, they get the royal family. But that's all "what we know now." We assumed a lot of this back in 2018/2019, but this wasn't fact yet. These were all "unknown knowns"; things we knew but didn't know how important it was.
I mean that there must be a part of truth but to make it the reason it's a bit big to me. Especially as Meghan was leaking from the get go with those "Kate didn't go shoping with me" and her/her team was sending puff pieces and anti-Kate comparison quite early on.
This behavior of Meghan (the leaking and the gossip, the constant PR and puff pieces, the 'I'm better than Kate' stories) is exactly what I mean by she didn't play the palace's game so the palace didn't do everything they could. I should have been clearer: this behavior/these tactics isn't Kensington Palace's game so of course Kensington Palace wouldn't go to extra lengths to protect her. But this is, to an extent, Charles's game - so Clarence House, and as Charles was the heir then, Buckingham Palace protected her. But I don't think that was what Meghan wanted. I think Meghan wanted William and Kate (but mostly Kate, I think) to protect her or use more of their fame, popularity, and wealth to elevate her to a position equal to them. And when that didn't happen, she turned even more against Kate and started to turn Harry against Kate.
I don't think C/C had much to do to break anything (but I do believe they did things - they always do) and we love talking about it but the Fab four thing lasted from february to december (after that, there were too many rumours of feud to make it really believable). It was not a really established thing as Catherine was in maternity leave for most of it and there was holidays.
True, yes. But again, what we know now vs what we knew then. What we knew then was that Fab Four was the future of the royal family and the Royal Foundation. It's important in the "what we knew then" analysis because of how it was going to influence the monarchy's future.
But on the other hand in the "what we know now," it was just pure disaster - and prematurely rolled out, exactly for the reasons you listed. First Kate went out on maternity leave a month after the Fab Four Forum, which put them back as the Terriffic Trio but subbing Meghan in for Kate (and literally too - remember the ANZAC Day service at Westminster Abbey when Meghan sat between William and Harry in Kate's position instead of on Harry's left?). Then they were launching The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who needed to be able to stand on their own two feet away from the Cambridges which led to the whole Sussex branding effort. Then the public/press turned on Harry and Meghan and William booted them from KP and then William booted them from the Royal Foundation and "Fab Four" was dead before it even started. Now it's a joke, a sarcastic reminder of the palace machinery shoehorning Meghan into a place she didn't belong in because Harry's demand to be equal to William because they were both sons of Charles and Diana, grandsons of The Queen.
So once again...it all comes back to Harry.
And I do think Meghan sent many of her staff off and that they were the ones leaking (Melissa Touabti, Sam Cohen, etc). If we don't hear things about Camilla and Catherine it's also because their staffs are loyal. I mean, we don't hear of them, neither Sophie, having let down but they are human, they surely have, so it must not be automatic misogyny.
I mean that I admit a part of it can be true. But there were so many things going on that saying she was fed to the wolves by misogyny only doesn't sit well to me.
Exactly -- you see it very clearly that the issues are more nuanced than how they were first presented to us. That's the benefit of "what we know now"; we see things much more clearly because we have more facts, more knowledge, more "known knowns" and we've been able to reassess the "unknown knowns."
Meghan doesn't see it this way. She's still stuck on "I was fed to the wolves because misogyny" because she didn't get exactly what Charles and William got. She didn't understand (or she refused to understand) that she's never going to be equal to Charles and William, but it's not because of misogyny. It's because she's the married-in wife of the spare.
If she didn't get what she wanted, if her expectations weren't met, if she wasn't prepared, if she was sold a bill of counterfeit royalty, that's not Charles's or William's or Kate's fault. It's the fault of the man she married, the man she conned and duped and gaslighted and manipulated with his dead mother's perfume she married, the man she decided to have children with, the man she loves.
But she can't turn on Harry yet. So she blames misogyny. Now, yes, there probably was some misogyny involved, especially in how the press treated her. But to blame the whole kit and caboodle on misogyny?
When all the facts clearly show that "her truth" isn't the truth? When all the facts show that it's because she didn't follow the expectations and rules set by her bosses at Kensington Palace? (And yes, William and Kate were the bosses because they were the priority principals/royals.) When none of the other married-in wives have these problems? When all the facts show that it was her husband, the one person she insists is absolutely blameless, who created these problems?
Sure, maybe back in 2018 or 2019 it was misogyny. But it's not misogyny anymore, no matter how hard Meghan tries to gaslight people otherwise.
I hope this helps, anon, or at least gives you some things to think about.
And as always, apologies for writing another essay. I didn't mean for it to get this long.
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New Year's Traditions HC's
Technically an extension of my December Drabbles list, all characters are included except faculty (Sorry, some are angsty, it's my Specialty sdlfkjhsdlkfj) TW: Alcoholism/implied addictions in Cater's family, implied underage drinking in prior years, (Cater), unsafe home environment implied in the Trappola household, Kalim is just generally Sad --------------------------------------------------------------- Heartslaybul Riddle: New Year's eve is the night Riddle goes to bed earliest, and not as a direct order from his mother. When he was a kid, it was because he wanted to go into the new year well rested and ready to tackle the next 365 days head on. As he got older it just became habit, and it brought the next day on sooner without him having to fill it with studying. While he couldn't bring himself to "party", the extra sleep meant he wasn't studying, which felt like enough of a break to him. Now that he's in school, Trey makes sure to encourage him to join in the festivities a little bit. Trey: When Trey is at home for New Year's, he isn't in the kitchen at all. His younger sister gets to take the helm, as she loves to make cute little charcuterie boards for anyone old enough to be staying up til midnight. Only once they're all done he sits down with all of them and watches Home Alone/the equivalent with them while his parents get an early nights rest. Whoever is asleep by the end of the movie gets tucked into bed and yes- they miss one night of tooth brushing even under Trey's babysitting simply because he can't bring himself to wake them up. Anyone else who stays awake with him usually ends in a giant cuddle pile that the younger siblings come and body slam to start the new year. Cater: God Cater hates going home for any reason, but New Years isn't....as bad. As long as he can grin and bear his mothers shenanigans long enough, his eldest sister will usually sneak him and his other sister into a party somewhere where they can drink and forget about the year before, and bring the new year in feeling a little less alone or scared because they're surrounded by people. It's also the one day of the year their dad figured out he needs to stay sober so he can go pick up his kids when they inevitably call at 3 am barely coherent and asking for a ride home. Deuce: It's not that big of a celebration, but the entire day is spent cleaning the house top to bottom to make sure they go into the new year with a clean, happy home. They usually finish off the day by baking off two cupcakes they prepped earlier in the day, and spend the evening decorating one for each other. Delia often has to work new years day, so they don't stay up. After having their cupcakes, they try to watch a movie, but his mom usually falls asleep. He tucks her in on the couch and then cleans what's left of the dishes to make sure the kitchen and dining room are just as pristine as they were when they cleaned them earlier so that the new year can start the way they hoped. Ace: He and his brother celebrate it together, avoiding their dad entirely. They go out for a snack run, and when they get home they climb out Ace's window to sit on the roof and eat their snacks and talk about their hopes for the future, or things they'd like to avoid. On years where it's too cold to go out to do that, they have a little hideout in the attic with a window they like to do too, even if they have to bundle up with enough blankets to suffocate a god. Savannaclaw
Leona: He would be forced to attend certain events and niceties, but as soon as he had the chance to sneak away, even as a kid, he would look up at the fireworks and try to wish on them. He's thought of it as rather dumb now that he's older, but a part of him still holds on to the hope that one day one of his wishes, even one of his more minor ones, would come true. He knows now that it would be completely coincidental, but maybe a part of his inner child would heal just a little bit. Ruggie: Aw man, the entire week of Christmas to the second of January is filled with music, partying and food. It's one of Ruggie's favourite times of year as the entire community gets together to make sure they start the new year off with a bang! Clean up isn't all that bad after either - those who can use magic have been taught to use it for very practical reasons from a young age, and the little ones know that if they want to be a part of the next activity or snag a few more treats know they have to help with tidying. It's also his favourite time of year because his grandma will pass down another one of her recipes to him, and he treasures that time with her more than anything. Jack: New Year's isn't a big deal for his family honestly, it's just another day. They do make new years resolutions together and help each other set realistic goals so they can achieve them. After that's done, everyone kinda just goes about their day and does whatever they want, but usually in each others company still. Octavinelle Azul: New year's eve means his mom and grandma's restaurant is open until six in the morning of the new year- it's a lot of work, but it's always worth it in the end. Azul gets the spotlight around 11 to play the piano for the customers, and then open mic night and drinks are served. Usually he would get sent to bed with a plate of his favourite foods, but as he got old enough to help more, he did. Though his nonna still, always, saves him a heaping plate of his favourite foods for the end of the night. Jade/Floyd: New Year's also isn't a big deal for them or their family, so they just kind of treat it as a lazy day. Sometimes together, sometimes in their own space. Floyd doesn't particularly like the end of the year, but once he got to land he loved crashing parties. Jade only goes to pick him up when he's armed with noise cancelling headphones and a mask. Floyd hasn't been allowed to do it again and has no wish to after seeing the look in Jade's eyes at the suggestion that he might. Scarabia Kalim: New year's eve is his least favourite night of the year. Every year, his dad, his mom, his dozens of aunties and cousins get to celebrate in the courtyard with drinks and foods of all kinds. Everyone sounds happy, but after the first few close calls, Kalim simply wasn't allowed to be out there. They tried, one year, letting him have Jamil with him, but the food brought up was what sent Jamil to the hospital. So now it's the one night that Kalim fasts, he's separated from everyone and can just hear them celebrate outside. After the incident with Jamil, he didn't want him to be stuck with him when he could get the chance to spend the time with his family. Jamil/Najma: As kind as Kalim intended to be, releasing Jamil back into the sea of servants only meant that New Years eve was also one of Jamil's least favourite days, however it bears some of him and Najma's favourite memories. The two of them would find little ways to mess around and stay out of the way to celebrate in their own ways throughout the day so the prep for the royals didn't feel as boring or taxing. Now that they're both old enough to help in the kitchen, they rarely leave the kitchen on New Year's eve without having thrown something at each other in a lighthearted way.
Pomefiore Vil: All his photoshoots for the season, all his magicam reels, he makes them well in advance for Christmas so he can focus on just spending time with his dad. While they aren't particularly close, it's the one time of the year his dad feels like less of his sponsor and more like his dad. New years day is Vil's most relaxed day of the year, when he just gets to stay in lounge wear all day and talk to his dad about things not related to work or school. It's always a little awkward, but it's ok. His favourite is having brunch and tea with his dad, just sitting in each others company. The silence is rather welcoming in his otherwise very hustle and bustle life. Rook: New year's day, his whole family goes out to an island they've never been to before and gets given different maps to their starting spots. Once they get to their starting spots, the games begin. The winner of the year prior (being the person who hunted the most game before the end of the day and brought it back to the plane), has a medal they have to wear in a visible and accessible place. In order to win, you have to snatch the medal and hunt more animals down, while also making it back to the plane before midnight. Everyone stays up to prepare/preserve their meat, they camp for the remainder of the night and then head home. Family bonding time! Epel: Harveston is mostly older folks, and because the holiday season is so busy for them with tourists coming from all over for their stocks and wares, new years day is generally very quiet. Epel doesn't mind it now, but as a kid it drove him crazy. "It's the earth's birthday so we gotta celebrate." Now, he mostly just sits and sketches future blastcycle paintjobs as he listens to his meemaw tell him stories he's heard a thousand times before, but would listen to a thousand times again. Ignihyde Idia/Ortho: Research and innovation can't stop for no reason, and a new year is hardly a reason for the Shroud parents to stop their work. However, as soon as Idia was able to solder, new years day became the day that the Shroud parents would teach their kids a new skill, so that the entirety of the next year could be spent developing that skill. The kids would also draft "blueprints" (drawings, depending on how old they were) of something they challenged their parents to build by the end of the next year. On new years day they trade their "projects" and critique and improve them together. Diasomnia Malleus: To him, new year's day is just like any other day. For the fae, years pass by like seconds. But watching the people around him celebrate reminds him that there is worth in every moment, so he tries to set a new goal like the humans tend to try and do every year as well. Like most humans though, it's rarely engaging enough that he follows through with it. Lilia: He knows his days are numbered, so celebrating another year feels like great fun! He tends to go all out, and often drags Malleus, Silver and Sebek into his shenanigans even if they're all a little confused. The confusion often turns to horror as every year he decides to take on a challenging recipe in the kitchen, often in the largest yield he can make it happen. Cakes are a favourite of his, but nobody else's. Silver/Sebek: He and Sebek have been close for a while. They don't see the appeal of parties to the same extent as Lilia, but certainly value the passage of time to a different extent than Malleus. Being some of the folks with human DNA in Briar Valley, they often spend it together. Silver naps all day, so that Sebek can wake him up at 11:58pm so they can make their wishes by 12am in the New year. Usually they both contribute their wish to Silver, on healing him, but Sebek would never admit that.
Others Che'nya: This little shit has been doing this since he was tiny, but he eavesdrops on people's conversations about their plans or their resolutions and then goes invisible and encourages them as a disembodied voice. People can never decide whether it's a good sign to act on what they were planning on doing or if they should freak the fuck out because holy shit a disembodied voice just told them they should follow through with their plans how would that be anything but bad? Neige/Dwarves: Neige typically celebrates whenever he can, and the dwarves he's friends with make it an exciting and bright time. It's usually just them, and they enjoy it that way. A small party celebrating a new year, and another year to being friends and making many memories. Cheka/Falena: They try to call Leona to at least video watch the fireworks together, but Leona never picks up. The fireworks go off at around 8:30pm, but Falena sets all the clocks to 12 so Cheka thinks he stayed up until the new year.
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Possible Birthday Months for Miles and Gwen (Theory.)
Okay, as far as I am aware, there are no definitive birthdays for Miles or Gwen in the movies; not sure if there are in the comics, but considering the differences, there is no warranty they would have stayed anyways.
This is more like a fun way to justify a headcanon, chances are the writers haven't thought really hard on dates because is not really, necessary in many cases. And giving exact dates sometimes makes things more complicated too.
Regardless, the idea pop into my head once I realized I had connected enough clues to MAYBE get the months down, and I think that's fun.
So let's go!
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Yes, this is where we start.
Again, we don't have hard evidence when anything of this is happening (including if it works like in our world since by being another dimension, anything is possible,) but if we go with the assumption that the writers intend to work things similarly like in our dimension, let's examine this.
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Now, let's reflect on this, when a prestigious school like this would be hosting a lottery or test to let people in? Probably at one point early in the scholar year, or if anything, at the beginning of the semester.
I believe is around January, primarily because you see multiple shots with snow.
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Now, we really don't know how long has been since Miles entered the school vs when he was bitten, especially since there is no snow when he has his first day. However, and I will admit I don't have hard evidence, it doesn't feel like it has been too long? maybe a few days perhaps, but it feels like it couldn't have been happening for more than a couple of weeks.
Another thing I consider is that from what I had investigated, tends to be light snow in December and not many days; so it could be plausible since is beginning of January, there hasn't been any heavy snowfall, which could explain why so many trees still had autumn leaves.
Another reason I don't think this is in September, and again no hard evidence; is that it doesn't give the impression this is the first day of school for everyone else. They all seem to chill, we don't see the teacher introduce themselves or the classroom at any moment.
Now, with the idea that this is January, how old is Miles? As I can see in the Into Spider-verse Art book, 13 yeards old.
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In Across the spiderverse however, we heard this from Miles.
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Now, how much time has passed between movies? Luckily, we have an answer for that in across too!
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Considering it has been a year and four months, this would mean the events of this movie are happening around May; this would make sense, since Miles using this Jacket seems to be pretty normal, and we have another dude in the background with one as well.
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So maybe, early May we could see? Since other guests are not using any sweaters or similar, I don't think it could be very close to June.
So that gives us Between January and May, which is close enough, right?
Luckily, determining Gwen's also helps determine Miles'!
Now Enter, Gwen.
The first nugget of Information comes from Into the Spider-verse, close to the end.
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Okay, so we know there is at least 15 months of difference, or 1 year and three months.
Now, during Across the Spiderverse, we have a brief moment when we see different days of the same moment, that is the Stacys and the Parkers having a meal together.
This sequence is obviously quick, and I needed to pause A LOT at half speed to catch this stuff; I couldn't catch every frame obviously, and it would be definitely too many images.
That being said, from what I saw in my reruns, this seemed to be at least in the span of a year (meaning not repeated moments like Christmas or birthdays.) And since I don't think each moment means every single day is depicted in the span of those moments, I can say there is a chronological sense on the images (type of clothing is more summer/winter/etc appropriate, holidays, etc.)
I noticed that the depiction of Gwen's birthday has very few images with more summer-type clothes (short sleeves for example,) and was after many frames when the characters were using light, but long-sleeved clothing.
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In comparison, I felt after this birthday scene, has more frames with more summer or light clothes, until we land on a more remarkable Autumn holiday, this looks like Halloween if you ask me.
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(I love how goofy George and Peter look, Do you guys think Gwen has a costume, or has she just decided to dress like whatever she wants? If is a costume, it definitely feels like a closet type. Aka you use your regular clothes to get a costume)
Considering Peter is using two layers (Even if light) during Gwen's birthday, I am inclined to believe this is around May, since I could believe this is late spring/early summer (especially with the beautiful clear blue sky behind Gwen) while not being the worst in terms of temperature yet.
So, with the idea that Gwen's Birthday is around May. This would mean Miles' birthday could land around February.
Headcanons: Exact dates.
Now, a lot of this is already in hazy territory, but for the exact days there is really no way for me to tell, so now this is fully just my own headcanons.
While I don't think Miles is truly an anomaly, I thought it would be funny if he was born on February 29, considering is a day that only happens every four years. I think Miles could also spin some jokes around it.
With that idea in mind, and going on with the idea that Gwen's birthday is in June, I thought it could be funny if they also shared the same number of day, with Gwen's birthday being May 29. Yes, there is no reason for them to have exactly 15 months of difference, but I like the idea of them having that cute coincidence.
End notes
Again, this is all a fun thought experiment, there is really no concrete evidence, and I don't think the directors or the writers had truly tried to think too hard on these details since there is no necessity.
I saw that there is a wiki that claims that ATSV takes place in April, however, it didn't really lead me to any reliable sources, so until I have some hard evidence, I will keep this intact.
Hope you guys liked this ramble!
EDIT: In Reference to this ask
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Thanks for your notes! I have some things to point.
I actually knew about the Decembruary detail! I watched the ITSV video from CinemaWins.
Actually, what Jeff says is that Miles needs to give it at least 2 weeks, not that he has been there for that long.
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The week reference is interesting! Thanks.
Huh, I didn't notice that detail previously.
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Now, with these details out of the way, what we can say?
I was right on the money about the creators not paying too much attention to dates. My original theory was that they avoided putting anything too concrete to don't run into timeline problems. Is good to keep in mind that both the test (Miles could have easily put the wrong year too, considering he put Decembruary;) and the Security Camera are all little details that aren't really relevant to the plot; like this isn't an "if we don't do this before X date the world ends."
I consider Miles Saying "And for the past year and four months" heavier proof of the time passed that what the security camera and the test had written on aren't as valuable as that. After all, if this ITSV happened on December 2018 but ATSV was on July 2023, that would mean it has been over almost 5 years for them, which has obviously not been the case.
So with the pieces of this new puzzle, what do we end up with?
New Dates
If we weigh the test Miles failed on Purpose vs the Security Camera, I think believing the Security camera makes more sense. Miles putting 2018 on a test that already says Decembruary can easily be chalked to him wanting to mess up even more.
If it has been a year and four months since he became Spiderman, and in July in ATSV, this would mean that Into the Spiderverse is happening around March.
This would mean Miles having this birthday fall between March and July, and Gwen's possible Birthday months to move from June to October.
If we continue to go with my theory of the outfits they use in the movie can count as a measurement of time, I would say March and June are very likely.
Headcanon dates for the new timeline
While I may or may not go with these dates in future stories (Which I will explain my reasoning later for those who like my fic writing.) I thought it would be fun to give some new headcanons to these dates.
Since the anomaly situation hasn't been done, my alternative number for Miles would be 24. Why 24? Because the number 42 plays a big role in his life (is the number which he won the "lottery," his spider is from that dimension, and is seen around in ITSV a lot too.) And since 42 can't be a date, 24 it is.
For Gwen, I thought it would be fun that since her universe is 65, and the month of June seems like a good lead, her birthday could be June 5 (since 06/05) I know this means there isn't an example of 15 months of difference between them, however, I think everybody goes more with the month than the exact day for these things.
I have a cousin who is roughly, 20 days older than me, but we always said "a month" while mentioned in passing because why bother with semantics.
Will I ignore this in my writing? Probably
Now, this next section is mostly there for those who like my writing, since usually, the headcanons I have here tend to translate into my works.
I will probably go with my original dates.
Here is my situation; I could believe Miles is in school in July because of the alternative universe (it seems traditionally it ends in June.) I could believe they use fluffy jackets in July because, in Miles' universe, July is colder than our own; heck I was joking with my partner that Miles probably didn't have coronavirus in his universe and the reactions to other spideys who dealt with that,
What I can't deal with, is Miles starting school in March.
While students can move to other schools all year around, the fact that the lottery part is mentioned as well as the test, makes me think this has to be at a reasonable timeline for the school year. After all, why they would host a lottery for a student when the school year ends in four months? Why Rio and Jeff would try to make Miles change school if nothing prompt them to?
Granted, this could be explained with the school year working differently, maybe they start in January, and is still early enough to do this, or start in March.
However, I disqualified the December bit (which I also discard because NO ONE HAS A STUDENT START CLASSES JUST BEFORE WINTER BREAK UNLESS THEY ARE MOVING OR SOMETHING SIMILAR.) I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to put imagine it was in December just because.
Again, this is not an important detail. Gwen's dad is different between ITSV and ATSV, as well as the fact that the situation and Peter's look are different.
(You could make the case it looks like this because Miles is imagining everything instead of being a faithful adaption. However, I firmly believe they didn't put too much time into it or stick with those concepts because it wasn't necessary. Also, this will mean Peter B maybe wasn't eating pizza instead of pushups, and I will NOT give up that.)
Why not have a different way the calendar works? Too many details to keep track of, and fics are supposed to be fun; I will not try to bend backward my writing to adhere to the canon if is not enjoyable.
Is not the only time I do this, Noir should be around 19 because of comics and stuff, but if you think I will give up the idea that Noir is in his 40s, you are dead wrong.
This part will be edited into the original post (since people don't tend to reblog reblogs, I prefer people will have the chance to see the corrections.) And queue for tomorrow so more people can see it.
Also, I made a mistake in my original post, I said Gwen's Birthday would be in June, when in reality it should May, sorry for the confusion!
If you read all the way, thank you for your patience! I know this is long.
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tomorrowsgardennc · 12 days
market update // september 14th
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drop off versus set up. i get to the market super early, even though setting up takes me 15 minutes, tops. i prefer to avoid the traffic of other vendors setting up, and i like to volunteer around the market before it opens. it's around 50 vendors at this market during the main season (april until december), so it can get busy super quick right before the market opens with everyone coming in at the last minute. not worth the stress when i can just come in early and help others out.
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today blew me away. literally. had gusts of wind that were so bad a power pole fell down right outside the parking lot. that means the road that's the main traffic for the market was closed after 30 minutes of being open. that killed sales for *everyone*, including the big bois that sell out every week. coffee barrista vendor said their sales were down to 1/3rd their normal amount because of this. but the die hards willing to brave traffic and walking 2 blocks from parking to the market still made it out.
tue big bois were panicing over sales, but a horrific day in sales for me here still beat a great day of sales at other markets in previous years. no panicing from me, for once. if the road wasn't closed but sales were the same as today THEN i would panic. c'est la vie and all.
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my top sellers were the ground cherry produce and the mini flower vases. none of those sales were my normal customers but rather the die-hards just browsing since they weren't eager to get back into traffic. so i met some new faces today, that's good. top reactions to people trying out the ground cherries go to a 3yo trying one, then shaking their head vigorously and then hiding in their mothers hair. another 6yo tried one and then just quickly started eating a whole bunch more. the mom paid for it, blushing, but i thought it was cute.
so imma share a secret with you, tumblr. for me to pass the time, i always wave to the kids who stare at me and tally up how many wave back. my record is 5 in one day. today was only 1. will try and wave better next week.
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with it being an unsually slow day, i did end up going home with more than what i came with. but today is also my birthday so that's ok. ton of bread from my favorite bread baker in all the charlotte area, plus bagels, apples, cookies... got 2 large flower bouquets - one for a colleague who passed away this week, and another for me because birthday. thinking about merging all the large flowers together and take them to the place where he worked tomorrow, and keep the small ones for me. idk, i just love smaller bouquets spread around the house instead of one big one.
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i didn't take an after-market shot because there was almost no difference at all due to lack of traffic. i did try and get photos throughout the day to share here and i hope that this new series of posts help inspire those who want to or are beginning their business vending journey. i've been vending at several markets and too many events over the past 5 years, so i got a lot of pointers and stories to share. please enjoy.
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mariacallous · 9 months
The war would be over by Christmas. That was what everyone said, when Britain, France, and Germany went to war in August 1914. Maybe that’s why, by the start of December, with no victory in sight, there was a pause in the fighting along parts of the Western Front stretching from Belgium through France. And maybe that’s why, when singing broke out in the trenches on Christmas Eve, soldiers on both sides decided to risk a walk up into no man’s land and even, in one recorded case, a soccer kickabout. Troops on both sides sang “Silent Night” as snow began to fall.
The truce was never formally declared by any power. Although Pope Benedict XV had called for a cease-fire earlier in the month, it had been rejected by all parties. France and Belgium had little appetite for a truce with an invading army. And in a war between global, multiethnic empires, there was little agreement about the timing or the meaning of a Christmas truce for soldiers who were Muslim, Sikh, Jewish, Hindu, or Shinto. Even for Eastern Orthodox troops on the Eastern Front, Christmas would be a few weeks later.
Instead, there were spontaneous truces along the front lines. While both sides engaged in singing, many Germans had reportedly decided not to take any action from Dec. 25 to 27. In France, near Laventie, German soldiers started putting up Christmas trees along their trenches on the 23rd and their officers requested a meeting with their British counterparts. In their book, Christmas Truce, Malcolm Brown and Shirley Seaton report that the German officers “proposed a private truce for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day” that the British officers accepted. Similar informal arrangements were made up and down the front lines, with different results in different sectors.
The informal nature of the truce meant that not everyone participated. This is partly why the truce has now attained a mythical quality—many who were on the front did not experience it and so doubted that it had taken place. Even where peace seemed to prevail, officers worried that “the truce will probably go on until someone is foolish enough to let off his rifle.”
Across the Western Front, the Christmas truces came to an end at different points. By the 27th, rain had resumed and the soldiers were once again knee-deep in mud. Along some parts of the line, fighting resumed in January. But one soldier wrote home that part of the front near Ploegsteert in Flanders didn’t really see any action from the Christmas Truce until mid-March. The Battle of Neuve Chapelle in March 1915 definitively shattered the peace. Attempts for an Easter truce in early April were largely ignored.
The Christmas Truce that took place in the first December of World War I has transcended historical curiosity to become a feature of popular memory. Pop songs, TV shows, and even ads have all made reference to the events of December 1914. Why has it adhered in this way? What has it come to symbolize, more than 100 years on?
Regular truces were a typical part of pre-modern warfare. Staged battles left time for clearing the field, burying the dead, and regrouping. Informal encounters between soldiers did not always lead to fighting, and impromptu Christmas truces occurred in the U.S. Civil War and the South African War in 1899. In a way, the Christmas Truce appeals because it seems to point to the last moment of an older form of warfare. Given the horrors of the war to come, it seems poignant in its innocence.
The popularity of the Christmas Truce of 1914—even though it was not repeated for the rest of World War I—was not just as a token of nostalgia, though. It was also responsible for creating something new: the idea that there should be a Christmas truce.
One of the enduring legacies of World War I was the shift from an approach to humanitarian principles and human rights that was “episodic, empathic, and voluntary” to, as one scholar put it, a “permanent, professionalized, and bureaucratic” responsibility of states operating in a transnational network. Alongside these developments in humanitarian organizing, truces moved out of the realm of improvised, informal agreements between soldiers. Instead, they were called for and negotiated by states and transnational peace organizations. And they did so with the Christmas Truce of 1914 as a model.
For instance, in 1965, in the midst of the escalating Vietnam War, the Viet Cong proposed a Christmas cease-fire. Meant to parallel the cease-fire that had accompanied the Vietnamese Lunar New Year celebrations earlier in the year, it was embraced back at home and internationally by the peace movement. The truce was arranged with some skepticism on the ground. Even more so given the previous year’s Christmas Eve bombing of a hotel where many U.S. officers were staying. The truce was agreed to and formally communicated to both sides.
A newspaper report from the cease-fire explicitly echoed the coverage of the 1914 truce. “It was quiet—the guns of war were stilled by a Christmas truce for the first time in almost a year,” the paper reported. “And from the top of the hill, the words of ‘silent Night’ wafted down” as the men rested their rifles on their foxholes and contemplated what the Viet Cong forces made of the song.
At the end of the 48-hour pause, both sides accused each other of violating the cease-fire. Radio Hanoi reported that “in complete disregard for their proclaimed Christmas truce, the U.S. imperialists Sunday sent many flights of aircraft.” The U.S. argued that these were reconnaissance flights, rather than bombing raids, and that the “Communists had launched at lease 60 small attacks.”
What the soldiers of World War I accidentally stumbled on was a new form of propaganda. Christmas cease-fires build morale among the troops, but also more widely. A key feature in the rhetoric of war is convincing your side that the opposing side is not just wrong, but bad. Truces and cease-fires play into this: The side proposing the cease-fire paints itself as humane. Violations of the cease-fire are fodder for arguments that the violators are inhumane.
In foreign policy, the Christmas Truce endured because it turned out to be good for both international and domestic public relations. But as a result of this realization, Christmas cease-fires also became more top-down. While the soldiers were responsible for organizing spontaneous truces along the front lines in 1914, the Christmas truces of the Vietnam War and other more recent conflicts have been ordered by leaders, often in response to international pressure. In Vietnam, despite suspicion among U.S. troops that the Viet Cong “took advantage of the truce” to rearm and resupply its forces in the south, the Christmas truce was often implemented. While this provided respite and a chance for point-scoring in the media, some U.S. soldiers were left asking, “What good would it do?”
And they asked that with good reason. Christmas—and other religious holidays—have been just as likely to mark the beginning of a campaign, taking advantage of the enemy’s hope for some respite. George Washington crossed the Delaware River on Christmas 1776, surprising the British-allied Hessian troops in Trenton. During the Tet Offensive in the Vietnam War, the Viet Cong took advantage of the Lunar New Year in 1968 to attack while many of South Vietnam’s soldiers were on holiday leave. And then-U.S. President Richard Nixon broke the expected Christmas Truce tradition in 1972 when the U.S. launched its largest B-52 raid on North Vietnam in the course of the war. The Yom Kippur War in Israel began on the Jewish holiday in 1973. Operation Ramadan in the Iran-Iraq War launched to coincide with the holy month in 1982.
This explains the unease of the leadership in December 1914. In Laventie, one group of British soldiers was about to withdraw from the trenches on the 26th when a German deserter, taking advantage of the truce, crossed to warn them that an attack was imminent. The British soldiers fired artillery at the German trenches and then lay in wait for the attack. But it never came. And the Germans, put on alert by the artillery fire, similarly had spent the night in anticipation of a British attack.
In fact, while the 1914 Christmas Truce saw soldiers sharing tobacco and wine, Christmas puddings and songs at scattered locations along the trenches in Belgium and France, the Germans dropped their first aerial bomb on Britain, at Dover on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Day, the British used seaplanes to attack the Imperial German Navy, stationed in the harbor of Cuxhaven.
The 1914 Christmas Truce in particular has been read in popular culture as a moment when soldiers rejected their officers’ orders and rejected the nationalist propaganda that they had been exposed to, which demonized their opponents. The Christmas Truce appeals to the idea that ordinary people would get along if only they weren’t ordered to fight each other by their governments. In 1914, soldiers ignored officers and took risks to make human connections with people they were supposed to hate.
Christmas truces have subsequently become a regular prop in international diplomacy. In conflicts ranging from the Philippines to Colombia, Sudan to Ukraine, it’s hard not to see the Christmas Truce as having retained its mythical status precisely because of its usefulness as propaganda. Perhaps it would be better to remember the Christmas Truce as one poem concluded in January 1915: “God speed the time when every day/Shall be as Christmas Day!”
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lindszeppelin · 3 months
Idk if this has been discussed here before, but I find it a major red flag how K jumped from her relationship with Elordi to Austin in about 2 months max. I can't imagine being with someone for a year, doing things together like running errands, walking your dogs, normal domestic stuff, gushing about each other, your parents also saying how good of a guy your bf is....to then dump him and get with someone else so quickly. At least Austin was single for about 2 years, beginning of 2020 to end of 2021, which is a healthier way to deal with a breakup. K wasn't even single for a month like wtf. I know this relationship will end just as abruptly as her last one. You lose them the way you get them. It seems like their relationship has been stalling for a while now, it's like they are heading in different directions. She will need someone more out there to be with. Tbh the best thing she could do is be single for a while, cause that girl changes her personalities more than people change clothes. This whole setup just seems really unhealthy and unsustainable, not to mention the huge gap in age and difference in their backgrounds. Austin was clearly enjoying his private time in NYC till she showed up. I can't even imagine them talking let alone dating, sorry. This whole thing is just odd. I hope he takes action quickly, before she can pull more stunts, I expect a breakup in early fall, that's when couples seem to usually break up, the summer is too chill and happy vibes for that lol.
It is a red flag. She knew what she was doing, she had her sights set on getting Austin. I happened to come across this timeline last night by chance, and it really puts things into a crazier perspective. Her and Elordi publicly breakup on November 18th. The same day, she was at some kind of event in LA (with her mom i believe). She hangs around the US, November 30th she was papped in Malibu. The next time she's seen is in NYC on December 17th, and then on the 20th she's papped for the first time with Austin in LA. So from November 30th to December 17th that short timeframe was when she somehow galivanted over to London and snatched him up. There's nothing from her time in London either. No candid pics, no pap pics, nothing of her hanging out with anybody. Literally went MIA for about 2 weeks and magically appeared with Austin. It is too short of a timeline for this all to happen organically, and she planned this all out from the get go.
like please lol. kaia and jacob go to two halloween parties together, and that was the last time we saw them until their public split on november 18th. it's just not right. she also got bangs around the time of her split, and it's just funny to me because women classically change their hair after a breakup. it's giving the same energy of kaia dying her hair very dark brown for no reason in the last few weeks.
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laurelwen · 11 months
Jack - Astrological Birth Chart
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This post is special and a little different from the posts for Alex and Nigel. I posit that Jack is a new, different person, born out of the events on the night that Nigel died--born out of Nigel's death itself. For Nigel and Alex, I chose their sun sign based on what I felt fit their personalities best, meaning Nigel was born in late February as a Pisces and Alex was born in early April as an Aries. For the rest of their placements, I simply chose signs that COULD exist (Venus and Mercury have to be close to the Sun sign, for instance), but I didn't bother with trying to get an actual birthdate chart. In other words: purely a vibes-based approach.
In this case, I decided to use a very specific day for Jack's birth. We know from the movie that Alex was invited to Nigel's house to attend the death of the Colbies on a Wednesday night at 8 pm. The seasons of the movie are wintery without being date specific. It's never the holidays which kind of rules out December entirely. Technically the snowy weather might be likely to put the final events in January or February, BUT the end of the movie imposes a specific time frame. Alex is leaving the school for good in summer (the trees are not at all autumnal, nor would autumn make sense for his departure). My guess would be late summer, like August. We know that it is 9 months later because the movie tells us so. 9 months before August is November. I felt very strongly that Jack would be a Scorpio. It is likely that he was "born" in the early hours of a Thursday, since Nigel would have had to go through the process of disposing of his parent's bodies which would have taken quite some time.
When I put all this info together to find a likely date for Jack to be "born", I looked at the Thursdays in November. And then I realized that the day the movie was released - November 9, 2006 - was in fact a Thursday. I felt it was too good an opportunity to pass up. So, I pulled up the astrological chart for that day, with a birth time of 3 am. What you see below are those exact placements. This movie (and Jack by extension) has a SHITLOAD of Scorpio energy, and isn't that really quite fitting? How could I resist.
Sun - Scorpio
Scorpios are known for their intensity. They are determined folk that absolutely throw themselves into whatever they do — but getting them to commit to something is rarely an easy task. In fact, it’s better not to even try to “get them” to do anything. Solar Scorpios absolutely have their own mind, and their primary motivation is unlikely to be prestige or even authority -- it’s real power. Their power can absolutely be of the “behind the scenes” variety, just as long as they have it.
Scorpios know what they want, and they won’t go out and grab it at the wrong moment. They simply sit back, watch (quite expertly), and then get it only when the moment is just right. This apparent patience is simply their powerful skills at strategy at work. They will confront the truth about themselves, as well as other people, if it will bring them closer to their goal. This need to face what is going on can come across as provocative or confrontational. Scorpios can appear controversial – even threatening – simply because they are seeking to expose the truth.
Scorpio isn’t afraid of getting their hands (their bodies, their minds) dirty. The darker side of life intrigues them, and they’re always ready to investigate. They often have an uncanny knack for sensing the subtle or hidden undercurrents in a situation. Scorpio is associated with desire, sexuality and release. It also relates to the psychological motivations which underpin human behavior.  They often prefer to sit back to assess others first, watching what they are doing, how and with whom before deciding who it is they can trust. Scorpios tend to be very private people, and even the most extroverted Scorpio will keep certain things strictly to themselves.
They are very intense and have extremely strong feelings, which they find difficult to talk about because they are also very complicated. When they lose their temper, they get extremely angry, and they don't easily forgive the person who caused their fury. For this reason they have ambivalent feelings about many people. On the other hand, if they do love someone, their feeling is very intense.
They are very sensitive and their feelings are easily hurt, but they won't run off and hide if someone hurts them. Instead, they strike back and fight hard. They have a great love of the mysterious and hidden. They also want to know what is going on in people's minds, so they make an effort to learn as much as possible about human nature.
Sun in Scorpio/Moon in Cancer (combined energy)
You rely heavily on feelings and sensations. In disillusionment with mankind, you may turn to the occult and mystic for what you fail to find in more ordinary spheres. In love, too, you express your potent desires and tenacity of purpose. You have so little trust that it is difficult for you to initiate a relationship, but once you entrust yourself to one individual, you are devotedly attached.
Ascendant - Libra
They are likely to be attractive to others and probably popular. Instead of using force of character to persuade people to do something their way, they use charm. They like to dress elegantly, perhaps even flashily. They may develop an early taste for art, music and literature. Driven by a desire to live indulgently, they are usually lured in by a good time. They're natural stars—they know exactly how to have fun.
They may have symmetrical features, the kind that photograph like a dream. Classically beautiful features like dimples, kissable lips and long, elegant fingers can be hallmarks of this rising sing.
Libra is the partnership sign of the zodiac, and it's likely that this person is a serial dater—always needing to be accompanied by someone else as they go through life. The first impression a Libra rising gives off is someone polite, pleasing, friendly and easy to get along with.
Moon - Cancer
Their mother will have a great influence upon their life, shaping their basic attitudes and their ideas of what values are significant and what is worth doing in life. Emotional awareness doesn't necessarily come with an ability to control their feelings. Moodiness certainly IS likely. These silent-but-deadly mood swings can be incredibly unpleasant. Cancer moons can also be incredibly driven—provided the goal appeals to their emotional needs. Because their emotions are such a driving force in their lives, these individuals find it difficult to complete certain tasks if their hearts aren't in it. Similarly, once their passion is ignited, they're nearly unstoppable.
Mercury - Scorpio
These people are on an eternal quest to get to the very heart of any matter. This appears in anything that requires thought, and in almost every conversation they have. Totally fearless when it comes to delving into depths that nobody else wants, or even thinks, to explore, Mercury in Scorpio is adept at learning the source and the core of any problem or issue. They are blessed (or cursed, depending on how you want to look at it) with the observation skills of a surveillance camera, seeming to just see all and know all. Sometimes they can be quite “dark” because of their tendency to focus on the false in order to get to the truth. These people detest superficiality. They come across as suspicious and can annoy other, more optimistic people with their negative take on things.
When they are angry, they can speak very forcefully and their words may hurt someone's feelings. At least they are forthright and say what they mean. Their sense of humor is rather sharp. When they see someone pretending to be more than he or she is, they are likely to make sarcastic and biting remarks. Their intelligence is absolutely instinctive. Strategies are their specialty. Their idea of constructive criticism can be interpreted as destructive criticism, depending on their audience. It can be very hard to win an argument or debate with Mercury in Scorpio. They are absolutely driven to win, not just for the sake of scoring intellectual points, but simply to come out on top in general. Besides that, it is hard to deny that their thinking is really quite lucid, at least in presentation. You may be gritting your teeth, but it will be hard not to concede.
Venus - Scorpio
Their feelings about people are very intense; they either like them very much or not at all. Only deep relationships have any meaning for them. They find it somewhat difficult to tell someone that they like him or her, because they are afraid of being rejected. It is hard to put their feelings into words, because they seem so complicated.
They give you their complete attention. These people are very focused on their partners. Depending on your personality, you may find this unnerving or entirely flattering. They have a strong need to control their partner, although this won’t be immediately apparent, and they may not ever admit to this. Their body-and-soul love and commitment can be so intense that it eclipses fun and makes loving them a very heavy experience. Their emotion and intensity may seem overdone to those looking for a more lighthearted relationship. These people take things to extremes, and can be very provocative.
Pleasing Venus in Scorpio involves demonstrating your complete commitment and loyalty to them. If you can, and they’re deserving, relinquish some of the control in the relationship. Let them feel they own you, without taking it to extremes. Remember, though, that some Venus in Scorpio lovers can and will take advantage of you on a subtle level, if only to keep you all to themselves. Let them have their secrets and their silences.
Deeply passionate relations are desired with Venus in Scorpio. Superficial flirtations and contacts do not satisfy, as they yearn for “body and soul” contact with someone special–contact that breaks the taboos, that is extreme and intense, and that is unforgettable. This is a highly emotional position for Venus. It is a passionate, sensual, and intense energy. Their relationships are immensely important to them, and they may even feel that relationships consume them. In fact, they tend to want to be consumed by them! Although the basic drive is toward intense closeness, blind faith in their partners is extremely hard. Fears of being too vulnerable or of giving up their own power to others is strong. Scorpio is an “all or nothing” energy, and relationships tend to be somewhat of a rollercoaster ride as a result. Disdain for mediocrity and superficiality can compel them to create crises in order to feel alive and vital.
Libra Rising/Venus in Scorpio (combined energy)
Their ruling planet, Venus, is in the willful and passionate sign of Scorpio, suggesting an emotional intensity, a depth of desire and of feeling which is belied by your surface equanimity: you appear mild and conciliatory but possess surprising drive and tenacity, especially regarding your loves. Intimate relationships are not only a tremendously impatient means of fulfillment and self-expression, they are also, for you, a crucible. You have a very exotic and creative force which can turn destructive and negative, bringing you (and others with you) down. Beware of allowing yourself to be ruled by those to whom you have a passionate attachment, and/or of wielding your own attractive powers to manipulate others through their desire for you.
Mars - Scorpio
You have a strong will, and you let everyone know what you want. If someone makes you angry, instead of blowing up right off, you go into a slow burn. People know you are upset, however, because you are likely to make sarcastic and biting remarks. But also the intensity of your anger, even though it is held in, may be rather frightening to others whose emotions are not as strong as yours.
Mars in Scorpio natives love to challenge themselves to do the impossible. They throw themselves into what they decide to do with concentrated energy and awesome willpower. These people make formidable opponents, although often quietly so. They keep their cool and their equilibrium on the surface. Below the surface may be another story, and they are unlikely to easily let you in. Mars in Scorpio has the potential to exploit others–they see through others and rely heavily on their gut feelings.
Mars in Scorpio people are attracted to taboos, and their fantasies may involve blowing the taboos to smithereens! They enjoy scenarios in which the “other” is giving in to them, wants them completely, and will do absolutely anything for them. And, their sexual appeal is strong enough that they generally do get what they want.
These people constantly test themselves, and, often, others. They make all kinds of rules and goals, just for the personal satisfaction that comes from achieving or mastering them. Their survival instincts are strong, and they embrace their own animal nature when they are all alone with themselves, without guilt. These people have a provocative quality to them.
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Alex Forbes Birth Chart
Nigel Colbie Birth Chart
[Like Minds Masterpost]
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Felix head canons?
Absolutely! Here are my headcanons for Félix:
Félix’s family was from Santa Marta, Colombia
His parents are called Adriano and Benita Estrada
He was the youngest of seven siblings. His siblings were much older than him though, so he was left out of their games
He loves playing outdoors, through all kinds of weather
After starting school, Félix became best friends with Bruno, much to the frustration of Pepa
He has never had any problem with Pepa
He attended dance class with the triplets, which was where he first met Julieta and they also became friends
Because of his friendship with Julieta and Bruno, he was always welcomed to Casita and ranked very highly in Alma’s good books
He was considered the best of the class and won a few awards
He was also one of the best players of Encanto’s football team. He would later become the coach as a young adult
Félix is bisexual
He can play the tiple and bandola
He works as a musician in Encanto and plays at many different events
He also runs the local kids choir, all the Madrigal children were in it at some point
When Julieta started dating Agustín, Félix and Bruno fully adopted him into their friendship group. Again, to the annoyance of Pepa
He, Agustín and Bruno are the ultimate trio
Because of this friendship, Félix was an even me frequent visitor in Casita. This was purposeful as he wanted to see Pepa; this was when he began having feelings for her
It took years for Pepa to realise
He ended up just pulling her in for a kiss (a habit they would both end up doing - see The Family Madrigal); frankly she got the message
Félix is a particularly good cook and he usually works together with Julieta in the kitchen for big evens (gift ceremonies, proposals, etc)
Félix helped Agustín practise his proposal song for six weeks
It took her many, many years before she dropped her grudge against Félix. And even more before she realised Félix had a crush on her
Félix and Pepa married in December, 1928
Yes, in a hurricane
Dolores came prematurely, Félix was the one who kept up hope that she’d make it
Baby Dolores was a very quiet baby, until she started talking, which came unusually quick for babies. Her first word was “Papí”
Félix, coming from a big family, and Pepa, having always wanted children of her own, expected to have at least five or six - unfortunately, Pepa struggled to have children
Pepa would later have a miscarriage between Camilo and Antonio. It was another boy
The baby is buried alongside Pedro; Félix visits the grave often to pay his respects, sometimes he will quietly play his tiple
Baby Camilo was the exact opposite to his sister, loud and always craving attention
In addition to raising baby Camilo, Félix also kept an eye on Mirabel during the early months when nobody (besides Luisa and Pepa) would interact with her
Félix learnt sign language following Dolores’ gift ceremony and taught her for when she got too overwhelmed by noise
He was very disheartened over Bruno’s vision for Dolores or rather Dolores’ comments of her never finding love - though he doesn’t blame Bruno for it, he does think Bruno could have broken the news to her a little better
He taught all three of the children to play football. It was chaos, to say the least. Camilo is genuinely really good; Antonio and Luisa enjoy playing for fun; Isabela is a competitive shit; Dolores (who can actually play) and Mirabel just chat at the sidelines and don’t actually play
He would sing his children to sleep
He is one of the only people who can always tell when Camilo is shapeshifting, which is why he always catches him out (such as when trying to steal Dolores’ breakfast). He claims Camilo can never properly nail other people’s posture
Camilo copies Félix’s methods for calming down Pepa and Dolores
When Luisa would try to do his, Agustín and Mirabel’s chores for them, Félix would hide the equipment (brooms, mops, buckets) to prevent her from doing so
He usually helps Isabela in the garden, as Agustín is a bit of a hazard and Julieta is terrible with plants
Antonio was the most difficult pregnancy
Baby Antonio also found Pepa’s weather to be good white noise for sleeping. Even after he moved into the nursery, he would still creep back into his parents’ bedroom. Félix would usually catch him doing so and welcome him with open arms, while Pepa slept on
He takes the children to see Adriano and Benita (almost) every Saturday
In spite of being the more calm of him and Pepa, he’s the (slightly less) strict parent
Much to the frustration of Camilo, Félix will let Antonio get away with everything: it’s the baby privilege
He has a bet with Bruno on which of the children will not end up in jail at some point in their lives; his money is securely on Mirabel
If he or Julieta aren’t there, Luisa is in charge of the kitchen - they have taught her well
He wants to take his wife and children on holiday out of Encanto at some point, but is unsure of how Alma will take it
Definitely cries through each of his children’s proposals
He wants to live long enough to see all his children find love and happiness, as he has done with Pepa
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kulay-ng-banaag · 1 year
HWS SEA but make it HetaDND
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Enjoy these rough sketches because I will literally not come back to them until December. 🥲
(From Back —> Front, L —> R)
VN: Bumped into a couple of Quora answers that discussed archery practice, which got me thinking about Viet as a mounted archer, and I immediately thought of the elephants that the Trung sisters & Ba Trieu rode on. So Ranger: Beastmaster — also what if the elephant was from Thai? 🫣💘 Easily a tank through her mount, but can fight well as a DPS (think OW D.Va). ID: The thing is he has the fighting style of a Warlock(: Genie?) but the character of a Paladin(: Oath of the Ancients). He’s giving CR Fjord. 😭💞 For sure, TANK. TH: He’s just a Monk. Debated on his subclass for a long time because he’s a war freak charge-into-the-frontline kind of fighter. Way of Mercy is ironic but I love the imagery of the Merciful Masks (except he gets the khon styles). Way of Shadow — it’s on one possible etymology of Siam (Sanskrit, “dark”). Easily a DPS type. MY: Druid: Circle of the Moon for the Wild Shape into a Tiger, and as of typing this I just realized the moon motif. Mostly support, but upset him just enough and he’ll easily switch gears. PH: Bard: College of Swords for the two-weapon fighting style aka arnis/kali/eskrima. Personally, he’s more DPS than support, though as a latter Dirge Singer & Siday fit the bill. SG: See, the first thing that came to mind was the RO Alchemist class for the Homonculus feature — hence, his companion Fishball. Obviously there’s Artificer: Alchemist for that, but also it would be cool if Fishball is just a “chibi” form of his patron of a water dragon— Warlock: Fathomless. Not to mention Singa would have both high INT and CHA — alas, he’s a Support guy.
(more notes under the cut)
I jokingly called this AU as Dungeons & Drawing Circles, but truth be told I’m not restricting it to being after DND, let alone 5e. Now I’m just throwing hands and calling it a fantasy RPG AU, although out of familiarity, I do refer to DND 5e often. The classes I highlighted above are just there for where I got the inspiration.
I’ve had the occasional “oooh I think [character] would be a [class/es]” hc over the years, but I ended up expanding on the AU as a means of coping with the early months of ECQ. Now there’s so many plot bunnies that I’d summarize as: your og main 8 unwittingly team up for a quest and, over time, they hit a point where they realize that they cannot fight the BBEG alone (or at least just the 8 of them), so they travel around the world recruiting allies a la Suikoden 108 Stars of Destiny.
It’s even got a literal history timeline where preceding events (and characters!!!) are involved with the BBEG and ultimately why the main 8 came together. Think playing a later game in a series where you not only get to meet the playable characters from earlier games, but you get to recruit them.
And I just wanted to draw cool fantasy looks, haha! Nevertheless, nothing is final — especially when I've clearly taken inspiration from some indigenous groups. It's why I shelved this for so long because I need to do more research and it's just not something I have a lot of free time for.
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laylabahiti · 6 months
when did you join ? what made you join ? what do you remember from the plotlines that were current at the time ? where were you in life when you joined and where are you now ?
i joined september 2016 when this was vikrp! i was a junior in college and had been writing indie rp for a minute before that kinda died down, so i took a peek at the tags. vikrp/haisociety/highsociety had the pairs aspect to it back then, so i fulfilled someone's jade thirlwall wc but they went inactive like right after i was accepted asjdfka. i believe the revamp to haisociety happened in december/january, truly a time to be alive. i started as a junior back then and i'm ending as a junior in my second bachelor's degree💀, a homeowner, and within the next couple years, i'll be married and have a kid*. *tbd when we're both done with school and onto other careers
which characters have you written over the years ?
layla, cameron (early days), tobias (early days), katalina, gabriel, mikolas, alaina, dmitri, juliana, ettore, emerson, tamiko, kaira
what is your favourite plotline that you've been part of ?
too many to choose from! tbh the aslan/layla/olivier triangle was fun just because of the silly ic drama it caused. i'm pretty sure it was during haisociety when i messaged e about layla/olivier, because layla has the "he helped me, i love him" mentality and we just went with it askdfa, not really planning anything or knowing what would come of it. also love the egypt plotline and anytime those siblings interacted. and the early days of barbie and layla's friendship, how barbie pretty much took layla under her wing and got her out of her shell.
what about other people's plotlines ?
definitely the chaos of england and the murder mystery event. if i remember any more i'll edit this jaksdf
who is your favourite character from the ones you've played ? why ? what made you love them ? what made them so fun to write ?
no surprise here but layla. in the early days, layla was meek to the point she hardly spoke, took everything literally, and asked too many questions. she developed her voice and learned to be a little selfish in the later years, but she's still a crier.
if you could relive a plotline, which would it be ?
the greek invasion. it might have been one of the most well-constructed events i have been a part of. i remember traveling during it and writing replies on my phone just so i didn't miss out. every character was affected one way or another, and that event was a turning point in layla's personality.
is there a plotline that you'd edit now if you could ?
i wouldn't necessarily say edit, but it'd be interesting to see how things would've panned out if layla kissed olivier back and still felt guilty enough to tell aslan.
what's a plotline you wish you would have been able to finish before closing or just write more of ?
egypt<3 getting to see amon's coronation and both of them trying to rectify the family's image. life got way too chaotic over the past year, but i love mine and lina's headcanons
what is your favourite ooc memory ?
late 2018, someone kept sending rude/hateful anons to muns and the main, and everyone banded together to keep hshq alive and well. i submitted a whole essay to the main with my comments not thinking the admins would actually post it and they DID, 2018 was an interesting time here. also in the early days when we started listing how all characters were connected and making full circles of connections, simpler times.
where can others find you if they want to get in touch ?
you can always reach me on discord! i'm in the hshq server so feel free to add me or message anytime. i have a few socials if you want those as well - if this is farewell, you've earned my real name ajkdlfj. tbh this is probably my tumblr exit, i don't have much time or mental capacity to write full threads and join something new, but this blog will remain.
what else would you like to say ?
hshq is truly the only reason i've stuck around tumblr this long. almost 8 years of my life has been spent communicating with you all! in some of my worst moments, i was able to turn to hshq and escape reality for a bit. i feel like i'm missing a lot but trying to dig up memories from 8 years ago is difficult lol.
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aritamargarita · 2 years
GOLDEN || 006
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you thought it was attitude but ITS GOLDEN
trying to make up for being so behind. really been enjoying these chapters. we are pulling all the grandpas and dilfs yes we are. MALEWIFING THEM ONE AT A TIME. AND WE CANT FORGET ABOUT THE LADIESSSSS!!!! HEY LADIES!!!!HEY LADIES!!!!!!! consider this chapter a bit of a timeskip, we’re goin to the intergender match yes yes. it’s not gonna be what you think y’all have to listen to the plan. i have to put the pieces in place….
scrambling events here the way i would like them to go, so this is like at the end of the year, it’s november / december 1997,,,,idk. it’s a vibe im hungry as fuck. splitting the chapters because well? yeah. i have things that happen post match
sorry triple h for cropping you out but it’s chyna foreva and always..im just one of her sassy shootas!!!
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YOU ARE VERY happy you have something to do tonight. You’re thrilled, even. All you want to do is showcase your wrestling skill. But things don’t always go the way you want it to..
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After Shawn told you about the upcoming intergender match last show, you decided to go head to the hotel for the night and rest up. You also make a mental note to issue an apology for Bret for not showing up…
But this was pretty important. It’s the week of Christmas, so you’re sure that the company has a lot of plans for the holiday..
You’re in DX’s dressing room, sitting on the floor and doing stretches. You had a reputation among your peers in previous companies for turning up to the events early. They didn’t know whether to envy it or love it. You’re always ready to go.
The door opening startled you from the floor, Chyna being the first to walk in with two duffel bags. She doesn’t greet you at first, but you watch as she sets her things down.
“Hi!” You chime.
And at the sound of your voice, she jumps too. You don’t think she noticed you at first. “Hey. You scared me.”
“You scared me too.” You smile, standing up. “What’s up?”
“Nothing in particular.” She responds. “You’re here early.”
“Oh, I always get here early. I like to be ready, you know?” You start to feel nervous in her presence, which you’re already hitting yourself mentally for. Somehow, you feel like you be trying to impress her. “You’re here early.”
Immediately, the tone in her voice changes into irritation. “Hunter was taking too long. I left without him. Shawn’s probably going to get him now.”
“You snooze, you lose.” You say, completely understanding. Truth be told, it kinda reminded you of Raven. Sometimes, you’d travel with him by car. Stevie would tag along at times too, but you’d much rather just ride with him alone if Raven’s gonna take forever.
Raven would come out 10 minutes late and it would mess with your schedule. He started doing a little better after you chewed him out about it, but the principal…
Just was you considered leaving him in the dust, he’d come outside, suitcase and all. There’s a tiny part of you that misses traveling with them, but, yeesh.
There was a moment you got fed up once and for all. Seeing some girl hastily leave his hotel room really upset you for some reason. You’re not exactly ready to explore why, but it really pissed you off.
You didn’t even care, you just left. Unfortunately, you fell right back into the trap of talking to him when he cornered you during an ECW show to ask what’s the deal….
Now’s not the time to mull over these things, you’re still talking to Chyna.
“Hey, why don’t we travel together next show? I’ll drive!” You offer. “That way we can get here on time and do what we need to do.”
“Fine with me.” It’d probably be better for the both of you, especially since you offered to drive. Chyna just hopes you’re a better driver than Shawn. She’ll never ride with him in a vehicle again.
The last time the three of them rode together, Hunter had been egging Shawn on the entire time, telling him to zig zag through the cars “if he’s not scared”. With the Heartbreak Kid being the show off he is, he did.
Never. Again. They’re lucky they didn’t crash.
“I heard we had an intergender match.” You continue on. You won’t let this conversation end so easily. “Is it me and you…?”
Chyna shakes her head. “No. It’s you and Hunter versus Shawn and I. They wanted to experiment and switch us up.”
At least Hunter seemed nice, despite the fact he threw wads of paper at your head the other day. Nothing’s wrong with him at all. In fact, you’ve been meaning to ask him how he keeps up with his hair. It’s so nice.
However, you really wanted to work with Chyna, not against her. Even though you had ring gear, you would’ve changed it if it meant you could match with her.
“Aw man. I wanted to partner with you!” You complain. “We would’ve had so much fun.”
There’s a ghost of a smile on her face, but as soon as you look at her, it goes away. “It would’ve been nice to be partners. But it’s just not happening. Don’t expect me to go easy on you, [Name].”
You give her a thumbs up. “I wouldn’t want you to!” It goes silent for a minute, so you return to the ground to stretch a bit more.
“I have something for you.” Chyna suddenly speaks up, making you look towards her. “Here, take this.” She tosses a rolled up shirt in your direction.
You unroll it, revealing a black shirt that says ‘Chyna Syndrome’. Woah.
“I hope you don’t think it’s selfish or anything. It’s just that Hunter and Shawn are wearing it tonight…” She trails off. You don’t even care if it was selfish or not. She just gave you a gift!
“Not at all, thanks! I’m definitely wearing it tonight.” This has gotta be your new favorite shirt. You’d cut it into a crop top, but you don’t want to ruin it. You may settle for tying it. “I really like this.”
“Good to hear.”
“You, uh, wanna go shopping before the next Raw?” You ask. “I’ve got a really good eye, I think we can find something you’d like!”
Chyna’s never been shopping. Well, she has, but not with another girl in the company. “Sure.”
Yet again, the door opens. Neither of you look up. You’re too distracted with your shirt and Chyna’s sorting through her belongings.
“Ohhh! Look at our lovely ladies congregating!” Shawn loudly says, tossing his bag to the side to come over to you. You’ve started to associate obnoxiously loud noises with him. “Raw’s never looked so good!”
You roll your eyes, but you can’t help the smile that appears on your face.
“C’mon, do a little twirl for me!” He’s a little too spontaneous. Is this how he always acts? You don’t mind though..
You give him your hand and he immediately spins you around.
“What a sight for sore eyes! You know, that Sergeant Slaughter guy’s been a real pain in the ass. Ever since they let him be Commissioner…”
You really start to tune him out after a while. Hunter’s over there getting his stuff together, and your eyes trail over to him as he walks over to Chyna. He looks frazzled, but you hear him chuckling soon after.
Good, he doesn’t seem too angry. Even if he did, you’d definitely defend Chyna quickly.
“…..And he knows I’m the champion! He’s putting my title on the line, can you believe that?! So you know what we’re gonna do? We’re gonna mess up the match. We’re gonna do it our own way. [Name], I need you to lay down for me.”
Him saying that immediately caught you off guard, looking at him in confusion. “You want me to what?”
You had no clue he was champion. The first time you met him, he wasn’t carrying his belt around.
“I want Chyna and I to win. It’s the least you could do, you know, since she’s letting you win the Miss Slammy awards…”
That was two bombs at once. Goddamn.
“Miss Slammy?” You repeat.
For some reason, you notice Chyna turn away in the corner of your eye. Is she embarrassed? Shawn comments on it. “Hey! Don’t get all shy now. You offered. You see, [Name],” He slings an arm around your waist.
“—there’s this thing called the Slammy’s coming up. Big formal event, it’s like the Emmy’s.” He explains.
“It’s like the Emmy’s??” You question. A wrestling event like the Emmy’s, huh? You feel like you’ve heard of something like that before. The only banquet event you’ve been to lately was Terry Funk’s Lifetime Achievement Banquet. You gave a speech and everything.
“Yup. You know, I’ve heard you’ve got nominated. Don’t tell anyone else, I just heard that down the grapevine.”
The grapevine?
You’re surprised. It’s one thing to be nominated, but another thing because you literally just got hired. “Are you serious? Don’t mess with me.”
“Yup. We were thinking about rigging the votes. Chyna, being the sweetheart she is, said she’d rather you get the win.” He grins.
That really is sweet of her. You’re already turning around to tell her ‘thank you’ one more time.
It’s not fair to the other nominees, whoever they are. You shake your head. “I’d rather win it myself fair and square. You know me and Hunter won’t go easy on you.”
Shawn can only scoff at your words. “That’s boring. You’re really gonna let Marlena win over you? Now personally, if that was me…?”
Marlena’s nominated too?
Well, now you absolutely had to win! You quickly interrupt him. “Um, no way. For sure, I think I’ll be Miss Slammy, but I told you I want to do it the fair way.”
“If you say so. Oh shit, I almost forgot. Listen, [Name], What I really wanted to ask you was…..”
Chyna and Hunter both look over at him curiously, but Shawn shakes his head and waves his hand at you dismissively. “Nevermind.”
“Shouldn’t you be talking with Chyna?” Hunter makes his way over to you two. “That’s my tag team partner now.”
“I’m not worried, Trips.” He says. “Me and Chyna are gonna win, even if [Name] won’t lay down for me.”
“I’m not going to lie.” You speak up, causing everyone to look at you. “I kinda wanted to be in Chyna’s corner. Really bad.”
“Unfortunately, you’re not!” Hunter cuts in, a shit eating grin on his face. “You’re with me. Aren’t you happy??”
You hesitate for a minute to respond. You’re a-ok with teaming with Hunter, but you like how he’s starting to get all sour about it. “Ehh…..”
He’s not too happy with your answer. “That’s not fair. You know, we’re gonna have to bond sometime, new girl..”
Chyna holds her hand up to her mouth, hiding her snicker. With the idiocy bouncing between Shawn and Hunter, you may be her only saving grace.
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After that fiasco, you headed out to check out the card for the night. It should’ve been on the wall somewhere. Just before you could study it, one of the staff members called you over.
Before he started speaking to you, he holds down his earpiece. Someone must’ve been talking to him at the same time. He eventually looks up at you. “Evening. I’ve got some papers from Creative for you. You can look through them...”
“Okay. Thanks.” You nod, taking the papers from his hands.
Great, more papers. You thought what Rick Rude put you through was hell, you just hope you don’t have to sign anything else right now.
“Vince McMahon wants to speak with you as well. He’s in the meeting room next to the catering area.”
Oh fuck. The boss wants to speak with you too?? You hope you didn’t do anything wrong yet..
You’re already panicking as you turn away quickly and make your way to the meeting room. It’s strange he wants to see you there instead of the office.
You don’t know why you’re so nervous. You’ve dealt with Bischoff and Heyman. There’s no reason why you couldn’t deal with Vince McMahon.
In your defense, it was a new playground. You haven’t gotten a feel for the work environment or for your coworkers.
The people you’ve met so far have been pretty okay though. Things were off to a nice start, so you’re not entirely worried on that front.
As soon as you got there, you remember to take a breath with your hand on the handle.
Once you swing it open, you already start to feel pretty awkward as all eyes fall on you. There’s only one familiar face in the room and it’s Sable, who looked incredibly bored until you walked in.
“Good evening.” Vince says. “Please take a seat.”
The only open seat there is was one across from Sable. How convenient! This definitely was a set up. You don’t say anything as you quietly take a seat. You don’t forget to wave at Sable.
She just blankly stares at you. You wonder if she’s not in a good mood…
Vince begins this meeting with formally greeting the both of you. “Good evening, ladies. I’m sure you’re both wondering why I’ve called you here.”
You and Sable definitely are. This’ll be interesting.
“In the next couple of weeks, at least by the beginning of the new year, we’d like to put you and Sable into a program. [Name], you will be the heel, Sable, you will be the face.”
First of all, this is the wrong blonde you wanted to be in a storyline with. Marlena’s the one who you had to get revenge on, not Sable. She didn’t even do anything.
Did he get the two mixed up?
No, there’s no way. When you’re the boss, you should be able to tell your own superstars apart. There’s a vast difference when it comes to Marlena and Sable.
You point it out. “What about Marlena? I thought we had a thing going on there.”
“It’ll happen eventually.” Vince reassured. “Just not right now. We want Sable to enter the picture, we’ve got plans to split her up from Marc Mero—“
“Wait, you’re splitting us up?” She’s surprised herself, turning her head over to Vince. “…I’m going solo?” You were sure she wasn’t expecting that either. “I don’t know anything about wrestling.”
“Now’s the time to learn.” Vince says, shuffling papers. “Two of my up and coming female stars, going head to head. This is where the dough is made. This, is what’ll get us some views.”
The way he said it made you a little uneasy. He was almost on the verge of laughter. Something’s definitely not right in his head.
You’re not exactly sure what to do. You’re conflicted, especially since he was mumbling on and on about the amount of money he’d be making. Damn old men these days.
It makes you idly look at the table for a moment. You’re not bored per-say, just concerned. Okay, perhaps just a little scared too.
Sable seems to mirror you, although the frown on her face is more noticeable. It’s silent in the room, save for the occasional chatter you’d hear outside the door.
It’s starting to make you uneasy, so you speak up. “I’m gonna be a heel, huh?”
Vince snaps out of his rant and looks towards you. “Yes. Just be prepared to be booed. The people aren’t going to like you. They’re gonna like Sable. She’ll be over.”
Great! You’re putting her over. You just hope she doesn’t get injured by the end of this, though if she says she doesn’t know how to wrestle, you hope that YOU don’t get injured by the end of this.
“I don’t want to take any bumps.” She says outright, crossing her arms. “Especially hard ones.”
You don’t know how this’ll work then. She doesn’t have a choice. “There’s just no way around it, you know? I’ll go easy on you, okay?”
It didn’t make her feel any better. Sable shakes her head. “No. I don’t want to.”
You turn your attention to her. “…If we have to work together, you’re taking a bump. I don’t know what else to tell you.”
She snaps at you. “Who are you to tell me what I have to do?”
“Someone who’s putting you over, and I don’t HAVE to do that.” You can keep up with her. Something you’ve learned being in the business was to never take shit from anybody. Though, it may have been the result of Terry instilling a lot of courage into you.
Sable stands up from her chair. “I can get over just fine by myself! I don’t need you. Remember where you came from, some company no one even knows about.”
She jabs a finger in your face, but you swipe it away. “Oh yeah, I remember where I came from. And I’m about to use this table and fucking—“
Vince stands up too, clenching his fists. “THIS IS WHAT WE NEED!” He yells, damn near startling the both of you.
He clears his throat, regaining composure. “If you have this much energy in the ring, both of you would be winners. You two need to calm it down immediately. This meeting is adjourned.”
Most of the people in the room leave, frazzled by you and Sable’s bickering.
Sable doesn’t forget to give you a glare before she leaves. You’re stiffing the hell out of her when the time comes.
You’re just about to leave too, probably to storm off and complain to the first person you see. Vince stops you just in time.
“[Name], I’d like you to meet someone,” He says. One of the members stayed behind it seems. Your mood is starting to sour, which doesn’t bode well for anyone in the future. However, you do your best to keep up a front for the boss.
Vince grunts something and motions with his head toward you. The younger man examines you, but at Vince’s movements, seems to take the hint and reaches out his hand for you to shake. “I’m Shane.” He introduced. “His son and the co-owner of the company.”
Interesting! You could see the resemblance as soon as you saw them side by side. Incredibly uncanny. Being face to face with both of your superiors felt strange.
“Hey.” You take his hand and shake it. “[Name], but you probably already know that. Really sorry for my outburst earlier.”
He chuckles. Thankfully, he didn’t seem to mind too much. “It’s fine. Just shows how serious you take the business.”
Vince looks between you two.
For some reason, he can feel the connection already. This will be documented for future reasons, of course. Alas, you’ve got something to do. “[Name], I’m glad you’ve came to this meeting today. Don’t disappoint on your match tonight. I will be watching.”
You’ll try your best.
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Before you had gone to gorilla, Hunter quickly ran you through how things would go. It’s a simple match. Nothing too fancy. He just requested you to do stupid shit every once in a while.
He had forgotten his water bottle, so he ran back to the locker room really quick. You stand there, using a rubber band to tie part of it into a knot. You have your gear on under it, but you’ve gotta represent.
So true, you indeed have Chyna Syndrome.
“Wow, I can’t believe you’re actually going to wear it..” Chyna’s voice comes as a surprise to you, making you turn around with another smile.
“With pride!” You pose, just as if she was holding a camera. “By the way, are we all coming out separate with our partners or all together?”
“Me first, then Shawn, then you two.” She says. “Don’t forget to put your game face on. Me and you are first to go at it in the ring. The other two take over after.”
Okay, this wasn’t too bad. Shawn wanted all of you to mess with this Sergeant Slaughter guy and you knew Chyna wasn’t going to go easy on you, but there’s gotta be a way to goof around with her in the meanwhile…
Hunter comes back with his water bottle in hand. “Shawn’s not here yet?” He looks around, completely confused.
Chyna just shrugs. “No. I’m not exactly sure what he’s doing.”
“Oooh, we win by default. Hunter, let’s hold the championship together.” You say.
“I’ve got an even better idea.” He says. “You’re gonna lift your shirt up and…” He trails off, glancing over at Chyna. He does not want her to beat him up for saying that to you. “…put the title belt on.”
“Just for me? Sweet.” It flew over your head this time. “I’m not opposed for sure.”
Chyna just shakes her head. Just in time, Shawn comes around with his belt in tow, a smile on his face. His gear was pretty gaudy, with a vest and some….what the hell is he even wearing…? It looks like you could unzip part of the pants, but even so, this shit looks like a fashion disaster.
“You guys ready to wrestle?”
Of course you were.
Chyna and Shawn are first out, just as she said. Then it was you and Hunter. You hadn’t ‘officially’ been given theme music quite yet, so they just allowed you to come out with Hunter to DX’s theme until decided.
All of you settle into the ring. You and Chyna were first up.
You’re ready, unable to fight the smile on your face. Chyna on the other hand, was as doing her best to be stoic as ever. You understood it though, she had to be.
Chyna comes towards you and you immediately fall down to the ground.
The crowd gets a good laugh out of it. You’re “knocked out” cold and she didn’t even hit you. Hell, she didn’t even touch you!
She stares down at you, then grabs your leg to drag you around the canvas a bit. You’re still not moving. She then tries to pin you, but you kick out.
You stand up and shoot her a smile. She can only roll her eyes at you, another smile playing at the corner of her lips. You’ll try and be serious now. The two of you lock up, but Chyna breaks it up and irish whips you into one of the corners.
You try to sell it as hard as you can, but it backfired on you completely. That shit really hurt! For a second, you keel over, your back absolutely killing you.
Using the ropes for some leverage, you jump up and hook your legs around her neck for a rope-aided hurricanrana. That’s one move!
Once you hit the ground, you try and exaggerate. (It still hurt though.) “Ow, ow!” You whine, putting a hand on your back. “OOOOOWWWW!” You try whining a little louder, rolling around.
Shawn’s eager to get himself tagged in, holding his hand out for a slowly recovering Chyna.
She sees it and reluctantly tags him in. She wanted to go a little longer with you, but she couldn’t deny him. He’s chipper as hell.
You use the ropes to stand up, then stagger over to him. The two of you were face to face in the ring.
He can only give you a grin. “Remember when I said you have to lay down for me?”
“Uh, yeah?”
Nothing could prepare you for what he was going to do next. He immediately tackling you down like a football player. “I meant it!” When he gets you down to the ground, the referee had started to count it as a pin.
“OW! What the fuck!” You exclaim.
If he wants to play dirty, then so be it! You don’t even let the referee hit two, you kick out immediately.
“Woahhh! You kicked out!” He was taunting you. As you try to get up, he starts to push you down, grabbing your arms to try and stop you from swiping at him. “Watch the hair!”
You’re getting a little frustrated at how he’s holding you down, so you’re doing your best to get the hell out of it. He’s having a bit of a hard time controlling you.
The crowd is enjoying this very much. Whatever you guys are doing, it’s working in your favor!
Shawn’s decently impressed, you’re much stronger than he thought! Well, of course he thought you were strong, you had twisted his arm in the hallway pretty hard.
Normally, girls would just turn into putty under him, especially if they were play fighting like this.
“Hey, HEY, HEY—“ His voice slightly rises in volume as you start to push him off of you with your legs. He doesn’t let go of your arms, trying to overpower your own attempts of moving away.
It’s not doing him any justice. You’re able to flip over him and roll off. That was incredibly embarrassing. In the middle of the ring, no less.
You jump up to your feet and he does too. What’s next?
You take a few steps back and so does he. Then you take a few steps forward. He does too. Is he copying you?!
You hold you arm up and he follows. Yeah, he definitely was copying you. You slowly lower it and flip him off. He returns the favor. Goddamn it.
You’re not for the bullshit, you’re just not. You back away and tag Hunter in. He hits your hand and you switch places.
Shawn doesn’t tag Chyna in, instead deciding to jump in place. You have a feeling that it’s going to go downhill from here.
Both of them pull on the ropes a bit, warming the ring up. They’re acting like the match is just beginning.
Once they’re all finally all geared up, the two of them lock up…and Hunter quickly throws Shawn right onto the mat. He just lays there.
It was a little too easy, definitely done on purpose. Maybe he was even mocking you a little bit.
Hunter bounces off the ring ropes and just as you think he’s about to do something, he just runs and bounces off, jumping over Shawn every so often.
You can’t help but to laugh. Hunter flops right on top of Shawn and pins him with no issue. Congratulations, you two won! He’s the new champion! …Of whatever the hell the theme was, you guess.
“Your new European Champion, Hunter Hearst Helmsley!”
European champion? Ah, very nice.
Shawn’s in the middle of the ring having a temper tantrum. He slams his hands and balled up fists onto the mat. Once he comes up, you see him crying crocodile tears.
Poor thing. He runs over to Chyna for some comfort, the woman fighting a laugh as hard as she could.
Hunter’s brought to tears of joy, crawling around and throwing his arms up. He crawls over to you and hugs your waist. You pat his back.
The referee hands over the title to you and you slightly drape it over his back, trying to catch his attention. He lets go of you and rises to his feet, taking it away from you and holding it up to the crowd.
“You know…” Shawn, now equipped with a mic, can barely get his words out without dry-heaving. “It’s—it’s—“ He pauses for a minute, choking over his tears. Boohoo!
There’s a man at the front of the stage watching all this chaos go down. Now that you take a look around, this arena is a little different than the usual.
Hunter throws his arm around you for support like he just wrestled a very hard match. Shawn’s still sobbing. He takes a minute to pull it together.
“It’s not easy being defeated for the European tiiittleeee…I’ve been in so many matches…I’ve been in ladder matches, I’ve been in cell matches, I’ve been in marathon matches, but, oh god—never has any match been so….emotionally, physically, and mentally draining as this one..”
Shawn continues wordvomiting something else something akin to “youtwowonfarandsquareaauughhh” but then hands over the mic to Hunter.
“I’d just like to say one thing. Other than my kid being born….I don’t have one, that I know of—,” He pauses, definitely letting that sink in. “This is the greatest moment of my life!! YOU ALL SAW IT! I DID ITTTT!!” He yells.
You feel like this match kinda sucks….
Seems like things were back to normal. Hunter tosses the mic somewhere after coming in for a hug and Shawn starts doing crotch chops. The latter grabs the mic again. “I know ya’ didn’t need any help from us Sarge, but we made an ass outta you anyway! MERRY CHRISTMAS!”
Even with Christmas being just days away, you don’t exactly feel in the spirit….
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the night is not over. I REPEAT THE NIGHT IS NOT OVER. yes the match was short and stupid. yes we’re complaining about it next chapter (so are some fans…) DO NOT WORRY,,
mickie actually does the rope-aided hurricanrana, it’s pretty cool, though i just think mickie herself is pretty cool :). im actually gonna make a gif move set list to reference or something like that i dunno.
you know, golden seems much more “mature” than attitude idk maybe it’s just me. that was a fun match to write,,sometimes my worst enemy can be writing too much in one paragraph grrr. anyway i hope you guys enjoyed i liked this kinda sorta. until next time
do you guys remember when dx “invaded” wcw? lol thought it would be funny if reader was there like damn.
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81 notes · View notes
astronomicalcandy · 9 months
Kimetsu no Yaiba Stage Play Act 4: Entertainment District Infiltration report
10 December 2023, 18:00 show, Tokyo Dome City Hall
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Went on a getaway to Japan right after internship ended and watched kny stage play bcus it’s my current fixation (especially Tengen 😭)
The report will mostly be comments on the actors’ singing and acting because I assume everyone has watched entertainment district arc but I’ll just write whatever is fitting with the event
Report with pictures of what I could get (not much) under cut
1. Arrived at Tokyo Dome City Hall from Roppongi after lunch with friend and went to the Tokyo Revengers Last Line exhibition at Roppongi Mori Tower around 4:30 pm bcus the show I bought starts at 6 pm and queue opens at 5. I arrived early to exchange my online ticket with a physical one (this is required and was mentioned early in the website upon purchasing the ticket)
2. Lined up and redeemed my ticket. Went inside to find my area seat written in the ticket (balcony 1, row 7, seat 79) and at this point I was conflicted if I should buy merch first or just wait until the end 😭😭😭😭😭 I‘ve never been to this place before so I went to look for my seat first. They don’t let you in until 15 minutes before show starts so we had to wait at the lobby
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3. While waiting for the show to start, I gave out my muscle mice stickers that I just cut and wrote a small message at the back last night to the people that sat beside me. A seat to my left were two lovely couple from Canada. They reached out to me on Instagram a couple of days after the show 💕 and a seat to my right were two friends that went to see the show together. They were lovely as well 💜 I’m so happy that people seem to like the stickers
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4. Before the show starts, they let us take pictures but not videos of the stage. It’s super pretty!!!
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I love that they decided the ensembles to come out, walk around and interact with each other. Like a real entertainment district
5. The show starts with an opening number from all of the casts. The story starts from when Tengen captured Aoi and another butterfly mansion helper to help him with his mission. That scene was showed through a screen. THEN BAM TENGEN MY BELOVED?!!!??! he’s so… he really is flashy in real life I fr couldn’t take my eyes off him 😭😭😭😭 OK SEE u know Tengen’s headband right? When the spotlight hits, it shines and dazzles a lot I’m so. IDK LIKE IM SPEECHLESS I GUESS never thought it would look that way (ITS PRETY) he also runs with his arms behind he’s so cute 😭💙 stage play Tengen ponytail is longer than manga/anime and that made him look cute too… (u can tell that I just looked at him whenever he’s on stage HAHAAH)
6. Sending off the Kamaboko team to work! Tengen in his yukata… pretty… the wig he wore for both uniform and yukata is really soft??? Like when he runs, his hair bounces ☁️ anyway, Kamaboko team so funny I love them sm 😭🫶 everyone clapped to Zenitsu shamisen rush play! That was fun hehe
7. Muzan comes in to see Daki. The song that the actor sang was pretty catchy and his voice is sooooo so GOOD!!!!!! Genuinely speechless. The scene where okami confronts Daki was so cool. Yknow that Daki flew above and dropped her from a height right? They used the screen to show that she was in the sky and when she dropped okami, the background showed those rush lines when she falls. I think it’s a creative way to show that! This also was done similarly when Inosuke went chasing Daki’s obi after it captured Makio in her room. Inosuke was actually running in the same spot but facing different directions along with the background. Making it look like he’s running chasing the obi in the walls
8. Ooohhhh the scene where Tengen came from behind the owner asking him about Warabi Hime’s whereabouts was so 👁️🫦👁️ then moved to when Inosuke calling the muscle mice to bring his nichirin. THE MUSCLE MICE REAL AND THEY TALK HAHAGAHSJJF yea they had 2 ensembles in black with muscle mice on their hands on the floor bringing Inosuke’s nichirin 😭😭😭😭 IT WAS SO CUTE?!!?! The song Koinatsu sang when Tanjiro is leaving the brothel was really nice ;;; bittersweet bcus she’s also leaving for someone that is willing to marry her but she’s also worried for the people she’s leaving behind the brothel 😔
9. The scene when Tengen found Hinatsuru ill and gave her an antidote… god I wish that were me… it might be just me liking the character too much but it somehow feels different in stage play than when ure reading the manga/watching the anime. Moved to Inosuke getting underground finding the obi’s nest of victims. The obi with people inside were shown through the screen. Inosuke spins while waving his swords around to cut and free the victims. There were ensembles in black moving the obi around. Very pretty! Like those gymnasts with ribbons!!! THE SCEEEENEEEEEE THE SCENE WHEN TENGEN COMES AND MET UP WITH SUMA AND MAKIO AAWHWHABWJEJFN 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🫶🫶🫶 god I wish that were me!!!! (2) Tengen patting their heads was the cutest 😭💕
10. The fight scenes for a stage play were executed very well by using extra ensembles and the screen at the back. So, Tanjiro fighting Daki. Nezuko woke up and fought her. She beat Daki up and went berserk. Tanjiro sang a lullaby to calm her down and there they were, the mom with little Nezuko at the back as demon Nezuko reminiscence the past. Tanjiro actor’s singing is so good… I could listen to him sing all day 😳
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The show then entered 20 minutes break and continued with the second half. I took the chance to buy merch at this time lol
Only able to get Tengen pin and the others were mostly dupes of Inosuke, Daki and Obanai… planning to sell them soon 😭
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11. Gyuutaro appeared from Daki’s back. I love the Shabana sibling actors so so much??? 😭😭😭 they were soooo good acting as the demons!!! I couldn’t get enough. Honestly when Gyuutaro uses his sickles, it kinda look like crab waving its claws… 😭 one of Gyuutaro’s moves was his spinning blood move right? The ensembles in black come out with props spinning it around like those spinning blood move. It was so cool I was so amazed by that lmao Gyuutaro’s singing was top notch 👌👌👌 my absolute fav
12. Y’all… the scene when Hinatsuru came to shoot her kunais at Gyuutaro and everything went slo-mo, they really went slo-mo 😭 when Gyuutaro grabbed Hina by the face… that stirred something in me ngl at that moment came the flashback to when Tengen tells his wives to value their lives first then him, that song was cute. I felt the impact more during stage play. He really loves his wives equally and very much 💙💜🧡 Tengen’s siblings also appeared on stage during the flashback. Definitely didn’t expect that at all! It was very nice
13. Moving on to Kamaboko vs Daki. They made it into a number and while Inosuke was singing, Daki was at the back dancing 💃 I swear I love her so much. They made the stage play so funny and entertaining 😭👏 when Inosuke successfully cut Daki’s head, they had her actor wrapped in black cloth and Inosuke was holding it instead of just a dummy head. Inosuke then said we’re gonna run far now to Daki which wasn’t in the original and he said that so that Daki actor would be ready to run. Everyone in the hall laughed at that 😭😭😭😭😭😭
14. I can’t quite remember well the fight scenes but Tengen still had his left eye and arm fighting Gyuutaro until the end lol the fight with Gyuutaro and Daki until both of their heads were cut off were intense 🫨 lots of flashing lights and stuff were everywhere. It was cool
15. The Shabana siblings’ laid under rubble to hide their bodies so that only their heads could be seen. Gyuutaro’s past was so heart wrenching to watch. Demon Gyuutaro was even there to see his kid self being bullied and abused, demon Gyuutaro tried to stop those people away but he was just looking at his memory so the rocks still hits his kid self AND GOD THAT WAS SO PAINFUL TO WATCH. He hugged his kid self aa… demon Gyuutaro was also there to see his sister being burnt alive… AGAIN… 😭 I can’t get those scenes out of my head. It was so good, I cried along with everyone else ;;;; the part where kid Gyuutaro tried to call for help for his sister, demon Gyuutaro joined in the line and that made me welled up so badly 😭😭😭😭😭
16. In manga/anime, Daki changed to her kid self but in stage play, she was in her demon form when she begged to her brother to let her follow him. Gyuutaro carried Daki on his back to hell :( they finally cut off Tengen’s hand during the aftermath 😭😭😭 Suma actor was so cute when she yelled at Nezuko for burning her husband alive LMAOAOAAO
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Show ended, everyone clapped for the casts and ensembles. Standing ovation and the casts came out for a short comment. The time slot that I went to was the last day and last show
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My thoughts/comments
Everyone acted in character and tried to be as close as possible to source. It was such an amazing experience 😭👏 this was actually my first time went to see a stage play so I didn’t have any expectations at all.
If you guys like a series and have the chance to go for their stage play, please go!!
I was genuinely 50/50 at first bcus I know I did this for my stupidly big fixation on Tengen. My friend who’s studying there really liked BSD watched the stage play live online and she really recommended me to go for it. I’m glad I went to watch it honestly 😭
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