#also it's late and I am running on very little sleep so my brain is currently overcooked oatmeal
orcelito · 29 days
Went upstairs, fully intending to knock on their door to ask them to stop. Got as far as their landing before chickening out. But I did bring the note too, just in case, so I left it on their front door.
For what it's worth, i did end up hitting the ceiling again to try to get them to shut the fuck up. And I don't hear it now. But that also might have a little to do with my fan, which I turned on extra high today. I don't prefer to have it on more than the lowest setting (for sound padding) bc it makes my cats cold. But if they get too cold, they can go to another room. I really really need to be able to sleep tonight. I'm really feeling the sleep deprivation catching up to me.
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nothorses · 2 years
I'm a physicist, not an engineer, but we have a lot of the same problems saying awful shit. there's an idea in place that Understanding The Universe automatically makes your ideas exist beyond human experience. would the "kill everyone" guy actually deploy that plan? probably not! but it being a thought experiment does not actually give you permission to just say whatever you want. physicists do a LITTLE better only because last time we let a thought experiment go rogue, it, uh. became nukes.
Yeah, the concept of non-liberal-arts colleges in general kind of fucks me up.
imo, the best thing college- and school in general- does for anyone is teach & sharpen critical thinking skills. Those are skills that cannot be built in a vacuum; critical thinking reaches into every single aspect of our lives, and it requires you to question everything, connect dots across disciplines and worlds of information, and, crucially, to factor in complex socio-economic systems & reasoning when doing so.
So giving someone an education that cuts out history, english, arts, and other related classes just seems... pointless to me? What is the value of a science education if you're not talking about the roots and mistakes of these and related fields, the impact those things have had, and the people and groups of people who suffer, struggle, and are erased because of and by your field?
What is the fucking point of learning physics and physics alone?
Not that like, research-based schools don't offer any classes like this, or that there aren't plenty of professors who do bring that stuff in. And not that this rant has anything directly to do with what you're saying (lmao).
I mostly just say all this because it's been on my mind for other reasons, and in the context that post provides, it's kind of fucking scary to think about all the young adults spending years in environments that teach them, basically, that nothing outside of their field matters- and that nothing outside of their direct purview has any impact on what they're studying.
It's narrow, and it actively deteriorates critical thinking skills, and I am not a fan!
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yurmomsawh0r · 11 months
•°His Perfect Little Wife °• - p2
You and Nanami’s relationship has been a little difficult during your pregnancy and one turn of events has you ready to divorce him. But Nanami would never let you leave. You were his wife and he’d never let you go.
@delightfulmoonbanana @i-killed-a-prostutute @muzanswaifu @ebonydumbslut
Sorry it took super long! I’m pregnant with a toddler and it’s super hard to have energy to write anything, but I’m definitely coming back on here because YALL, I have soooo many ideas in my notes for tumblr and oof I can’t wait to drop them! But I hope you enjoy part 2 it’s different from part 1 because I kinda had to make it a small story but anyways enjoy 😊 💙
Prompt idea by @ebonydumbslut
“ I’m literally fina write a whole plot feel free to just take parts from it but I’m thinking For his perfect wife maybe yandere and Angst like since y/n pregnant she hasn’t been at her best with waking up on time doing things for her husband hasn’t felt like having sex so her husband hires a maid and y/n can tell that she is trying to take her husband away being to Close and saying things like “ofc I will make you food if you were my husband with how hard you work I would make sure you didn’t even have to ask he doesn’t see it but y/n does he’s also been a little distant and hasn’t been able to see her much because when he comes home y/Ns sleep y/n know this and stays up untill he’s home and by the time she gets all pretty for him she walks down stairs to see her husband and the made doing something that looks inappropriate (yk how In the movies someone walks in at the wrong time and it looks wrong) anyways she runs to her room and he goes after her to tell her it’s not what it looks like and y/n is getting ready to go to her moms house or something she tells him that he can have the maid and she’s going to leave and this is we’re the yandere starts he tells her she can’t and what about there baby and whatever else you want he makes y/n feel bad and she stays then he shows her how much he loves her by yk having sex’s loud to the maid hears everything while there having sex he tells her how she knows that she can’t leave because she needs him she’s to much of a dumb slut to do anything without him all she’s good at is being his perfect little wife y/n falls into this brain washing and promises she will never leave and that she’s his and will always be you could also put some fluff in there sorry for how long this is I Basically could have made the book for you😭”
CW - Yandere-ish, Manipulation, mentions of cheating, pregnant reader, penetration, pregnant sex, cursing, pet names, mentions of a divorce
Part 1 here
Nanami was frustrated to say the least. Between working extra hard and keeping your need’s satisfied, he definitely had his hands full. He wiped the sweat from his brow as he typed away on his computer. It was going on another late night and he had many things to get done. It always felt like he’d never have another second for himself or for you.
A knock on the door had an oh - so, very tired Nanami shifting in irritation. “What?” Came his groggy, stress filled voice. A subordinate of his walks through the door. A file in his hand. “Sorry sir. I just wanted to drop off my report you requested.”
“Place it in the black tray.”
The man did what he was told, quickly placing it in the tray and making his way out of the office.
Nanami glanced at the clock and seen that is was going on 1 am in the morning, making a sigh leave him. He knew you’d be in bed by now. You both couldn’t seem to catch a break. Nanami thought about the conversation you both had about hiring a housekeeper. You were about 4 months pregnant and you’ve grown quite a lot. It was getting hard for you to keep up your regular routine.
Nanami has even taken it upon himself to be home more to help out, but it was definitely putting him back, which resulted in him having many late nights and causing him to be way more irritated than normal. Anytime you both found a moment to yourselves, you would be to tired to do anything. You slept way more than you normally would these days, which he didn’t mind. It wasn’t your fault you ended up pregnant.
It was decided, he would take it upon himself and hire a housekeeper as soon as possible once he was able to cut back his work load.
It’s been about 3 weeks since the new maid started working for you both. She had tremendously been a big help around the house keeping things tidy and organized. Although you’ve had more help around the house, you still haven’t been able to see your husband for a while. The times you both did run into each other, he would always seem irritated with you. You knew work has been hard since he’s been catching up, so you decided to suck it up and do the things he normally liked.
“Oh! I see you cooked dinner Martha!” You honestly weren’t surprised. The past week she had been taking over in the kitchen before you even had a chance. “It was no problem. I understand that you’ve been tired lately.”
Although that was true, you usually pushed yourself to cook dinner for your husband but you haven’t been able to because she always did. It kind of bothered you, but you decided to try and be grateful for all the help.
“Well thank you, I can prepare the plates for dinner, as well as Nanami’s lunch for tomorrow. You can take the rest of the day off.”
“Oh no need ma’am. I already prepared his lunch as well as his plate for dinner.” She spoke. This was another thing that bothered you. She always took it upon herself to do more than she needed. You even seen that she left a note on his lunch one time. It was a small “Have a great day at work.” But you felt as though she crossed a boundary. This was your husband, not hers. Leaving notes wasn’t in her job description.
Before you could say anything else, the front door opened and in walked your husband. You went to greet him as usual. Helping him remove his coat and hanging it up for him. “Hi honey! How was work.”
He only grunted. “It was work.” Was all he said and brushed passed you, not a single glance your way. Not even a small forehead kiss as he usually did. An ache in your heart throbbed through your body.
In the kitchen, you could hear Martha speaking to him. As you went to peak, you seen her placing his plate in front of him and pouring him a glass of wine.
You couldn’t lie and say that it didn’t hurt you to see the small act, but it did. Your own sensitive emotions plus being pregnant didn’t help, the tears started to flow. You turned on your heels and made your way to your shared bedroom skipping dinner that night.
Weeks had passed and still nothing had changed, well except you did. You weren’t yourself. You had completely stop doing your house work and just left it to the maid since, she took it upon herself to do everything. So you just rested in bed most of your days falling asleep when ever he felt like it.
You haven’t seen your husband for most days. By the time he came home you were already in bed passed out.
Martha had also been getting a little too close to your husband for your liking but Nanami didn’t seem to care to stop her advances so you assumed that maybe your were making things up, but you couldn’t help but think about all the little smart remarks she took it upon herself to say.
“Wow, you’re such a hard working man, if you were my husband I’d be sure to reward you everyday.”
“Would you like me to give you a massage sir?”
Maybe she was being nice? Maybe you were reading into it a little too hard. Either way Nanami didn’t seem to mind her forwardness so maybe you shouldn’t either.
Having enough of your pity party, you finally decided that it was time to put an effort in getting your husband’s attention again.
That night you got yourself all clean and dolled up in one of his favorite lingerie pieces and one of his t-shirts. He loved seeing you in his clothing. He always told you it made him feel like the best man in the world seeing his woman comfortable in his attire. It was almost 1 in the morning, the usual time he had gotten home. You had waited all night, despite being so tired, to see him. Lights shown through the curtains and the sound of a motor vehicle pulling into the drive way shook away any traces of sleep you had in you.
This was it! Tonight’s the night you and your husband rekindled.
Nanami walked through the door tired as ever. He was finally done with playing catch up and attending hour long business meetings for the month. He’s finally be able to catch a break. He felt as though he had be in a trans working and powering through his long streak, and finally he would be able to settle down for a while.
He made his way to the kitchen to look for something to eat. I was a little after 1 so he knew you’d be sleeping.
When he entered the kitchen, he was surprised to see Martha standing there in nothing but a small tank top and shorts to short for her size.
“Oh! Nanami, I didn’t think you’d be home just yet. Are you hungry?” Nanami only grunted and moved passed her and headed towards the fridge.
“Would you like wine with your meal sir?” The sultry tone of her voice rung in his ears. He eyed her suspiciously for a moment before shrugging it off. “No thank you, not tonight.”
He told her with a monotonous tone. He grabbed his plate that was left in the fridge and placed it in the microwave to warm.
“Alright, I’ll just put this back then.” She had a smile on her face as she strut her way towards the wine holder that was just behind where Nanami was standing.
Just inches away from him, she had stumbled, almost dropping the bottle in the process. Nanami kept forward, grasping her in his arms just as he was able to fall, allowing her to wrap her arms around his neck as if they were lovers about to ignite in a night of passion.
She giggled, pulling him closer. “I’m sorry, I’m such a klutz! It’s a good thing a big strong man like you were here to catch me! You’re just like a knight in shinning armor. And my knight deserves a kiss for saving me.”
As she tried pulling him closer, Nanami started to pull away, but it was too late. A small gasp had them both frozen.
“Oh! My lady! I didn’t think you’d be up.”
There you stood from your stop in the kitchen, watching as your maid and husband were about to share such a passionate kiss. It brought tears to your eyes seeing how good they looked together.
You knew you hadn’t been up to par in taking care of yourself as well as him, but you didn’t think he’d cheat on you for such a small inconvenience.
“Wait! Y/n-“ He called out to you but you just turned and ran to your bedroom to grab everything you needed to leave.
Nanami dropped Martha letting her fall to the floor leaving her in pain as he chased after you.
Once he made it to your shared room, he saw that you were packing a suit case with everything valuable and important to you.
“It’s not what it looked like y/n” he tries to reason with you but you didn’t listen. “I don’t care Nami, it’s not like I haven’t noticed we haven’t been the same in a while. Especially since she got here.”
“What do you mean? I know I’ve been busy, but I’d never do something like that to you. I love you.”
“You don’t love me. If you did you wouldn’t have been all up on her. But it doesn’t matter anymore. I’m done.”
This caused Nanami to freeze. His voice dropped, a menacing tone sounded in his voice. “What do you mean you’re done?”
It sent a chill up your spine but you remained strong. “It means I’m done. I want a divorce. I can’t do this anymore. My own husband doesn’t even want to look at me, let alone act like I exist.”
You finished packing whatever you could and zipped it up, but Nanami was faster than you. He grabbed your luggage and threw it aside, shattering your vanity. “What is your problem! I don’t understand why you are so upset. Go be with your fucking mistress!” You yelled.
“I’m fucking upset because my wife is trying to leave me over a misunderstanding!” He cornered you. His pupils dark and expression angry. It was look you never wanted towards you.
He broke out into a laugh that boomed into the room. “You can’t fucking leave me y/n. You can’t break up our perfect little family that’s just getting started.” His hands slid up the sides of your waist pulling you closer to him.
“I take good care of you and I always will. No matter what. You are mine and I’d never let you go. I need you here with me little one. I don’t know what I’d do if you decided to break up our perfect little life.”
A flood of memories flew through your head. Even images of the future that you thought were to come. You felt a little guilty for trying to leave instead of making things work, but you couldn’t help but think about him being with another woman.
“How long have you been messing with Martha.”
Rage sparked in his eyes as he punched a hole in the wall by your head making your scream. He gripped your chin tightly and forced you to meet his gaze.
“I’ve never touched that fucking woman! She fell and I caught her, nothing more. Do you understand?” When you didn’t respond, he sighed.
“My love. My perfect little bunny, must I show you just how much you mean to me? Shall I show you that nobody can make you feel the things you do for me? Hmm? Must I show you one of the many reason that you love me?”
“Must I remind you who you belong too!?”
You couldn’t think straight. You really couldn’t think at all. The only thing filling your senses was your husbands dick penetrating you so hard and deep. Your face was wet with tears and saliva that pooled onto the pillow as he drilled into you from behind.
“Ahh, you feel so good little one.” He grunted in your ear. Nanami gripped your neck and pounded deliciously into you. The feeling of your juices getting him going.
It had been too long since you both last had sex and he was going to make it last as long as possible.
“And you’d thought I’d let you leave? With my baby in your womb? You’d thought I’d let another man have you? No, I’d kill anyone who thought they would have a chance.”
Your body shook as another orgasm ripped through you, but he didn’t let up, he just fucked you harder through it. “P-please Nami!”
But your please fell on deaf ears. “No, not until you learn that you can never leave me. You’re mine y/n. You’re nothing but my little dumb slut, my perfect little wife.” He licked up your tears grinding deeper into you.
“Say it! Say that your mine and that you will never leave me! Say that you’ll stay and be my perfect little housewife forever.”
You could feel him going deeper and deeper, skin slapping against each other in perfect rhythm. It was too much, you couldn’t even get a word out. You were moaning so loud and the bed was banging against the wall you were sure it would break. You were also sure Martha could hear everything.
“I’m waiting my little bunny.” Nanami’s voice warmed you. You gushed around his cock even more at his power over you.
He was dominating you. Showing you that you were indeed his. Nobody would make your body feel the way he did. Nobody ever could.
Just as another orgasm ripped through you, you wailed “y-yessss Naaamiiii, yessss i-im yours!”
“You’re my what?” He pressed his shaft into the opening of your cervix making you yelp. “IM YOUR DUMB SLUT DADDY!”
He moaned as he felt you squirt on him. Your essence pooling on the sheets. “Uhhh, that’s it! Let daddy have it all!”
His thrust started to get choppy as he reached his own peak. Spilling all of himself into you. Telling you how much he loved you. How he would never let you go. Ever.
As you both came down, he pulled you into his arms, gently caressing your face and smothering you with gentle kisses. You were exhausted. Falling in and out of sleep with a dazed but satisfied look on your face.
“Fire her.” Was all you could muster up. Nanami laughed and kissed your soft lips.
“Your wish is my command my lady. It always will be.”
You both laid there in each others embraces.
“But don’t think I’m done with you my love. You have awoken a part of me by just telling me your going to leave me. I need to make sure that never happens again.”
His perfect little wife, forever and always.
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dandelions-143 · 2 months
Late Night
Pairing: Bang Chan x f!reader
Genre: one-shot, smut, fade to black
Warnings: nudity, oral sex (f. receiving), very soft praise kink, unprotected sex.
{Forgive me if the smut is lacking and that it’s also short. Working on improvements}
Summery: You come home late from work. Your long distance boyfriend comes to make sure you relax..
You walked into your Australian studio apartment throwing your bag down by the door and kicking off your heels. It was a Friday night and the sun had long since disappeared. Allowing the full moon to shine brightly in all its glory. Your apartment was softly illuminated by that pale grey light so you felt no need to flip on any lights.
With a tired groan you plop yourself down on your bed and lay back. Just a minutes rest you thought to yourself as your eyelids instantly become heavy once you got comfortable.
It only felt like a few minutes had passed when you heard what sounded like footsteps walking up to you and stopping at the end of the bed. Work had been hectic and all the stress of the day made your body heavier than usual, more tired than usual. You wanted to open your eyes but they were so heavy.
You only turned your head with a heavy sigh when you felt the mattress dip down from the weight of something. As if someone was getting on the bed with you. Their movements making you move ever so slightly. The sleep you were in was too good and too deep for you to react but your brain was slowly beginning to wake.
You felt the cool night air hit your thighs as someone slowly began to raise your skirt up. Large warm hands caressed the soft skin of your inner thighs. Am I dreaming? Another thought drifted through your mind. Another rush of cool air when you felt your silk white panties being slid gently off your hips, over your plump ass and down your thighs.
You were completely exposed to whoever was now settling themselves between your spread thighs. “So fucking pretty..” you heard a male voice whisper to you? To himself?
Long, strong fingers slid very slowly between your soaking wet slit, teasing your swollen clit causing you to let out a relaxed sigh. “Does that feel good, baby?” His voice drifted up to you making you stir a little more. “Chan?” You mumbled sleepily yet you made no effort to open your eyes.
“I fucking missed my baby girl..” he whispered between slow wet kisses up your inner thighs and around your soft mound.
Chan then spread your folds to expose your pink bud and began to slowly kiss and suck on that special spot.
You finally open your eyes with a quiet whimper escaping your parted lips. Your eyes focus on your beautiful boyfriend lying down on his stomach between your thighs. His strong arms wrapped around your legs holding you wide open for him.
His deep brown eyes locked on yours as he slowly begins eats you like you’re his one and only meal. You run your fingers through his hair, tugging gently. His tongue was moving so slow it was almost painful.
Chan grips your hips roughly holding you down when you start to become a squirming little mess beneath his hands. You wanted and needed his lips and tongue, moving your hips in slow circles seeking out that heavenly friction.
Just as you start to feel the low burn in the pit of your stomach. That familiar climax starting to form Chris stopped and pulled back. His full pink lips and chin glistening with your wetness. He licked his lips and crawled up your body like a predator to his prey.
“Please don’t stop..” you whine to him, your eyelids still heavy with sleep and lust as you watch his shirtless form move over you. “Shhh, baby. Don’t worry I’ll take good care of you.” He smirked and leaned down kissing you passionately. His tongue slipping through your hungry lips to tangle effortlessly with yours.
Your needy hands instantly wrap around his broad shoulders, feeling his muscular back. He pulls away once again to remove the rest of his clothes. His erect cock springing from his boxers and you’re fully awake now. He takes a moment to stare down at you before he moves back over you again.
He gently pulls your shirt off and unhooks your bra with one hand as his lips explore your exposed neck then travel down to your now exposed breasts. His full lips finding your nipples and sucking them hungrily. Nipping at the soft buds his eyes stayed on your face the entire time.
Chan pulls your hands off of his body, placing them above your head holding them in one of his large hands while the other held his member in place so he could rub himself over your soft clit.
Getting himself wet from how slick you were. “Dripping for me, princess.” His husky voice was low in the darkened room. Your soft little whimpers grew louder only making him smile more. He loved teasing you, making you squirm.
“Have you been a good girl while I was away?” Chan leaned down closer to your lips, you could feel his breath caress your face. All you could do was nod a yes. “Good girl.. have you missed me? Have you missed this?” Chan then kissed your lips after you whined a little frustrated, “yes.. please..”
That seemed to satisfy him enough. His grip tightened on your wrists as he slid slowly into you. Chris let out a groan feeling you tighten around him. “That’s my good girl..you fit me so well.” He nipped at your bottom lip as he began to pump slowly, bringing himself all the way out then sinking himself completely inside of you. Between soft moans against your lips Chan whispered, “fuck.. show me just how much you missed me, baby girl.”
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bunnliix · 3 months
The Invisible Strings that Bind Us - Chapter One
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Hiii! I hope this is an enjoyable start to the story.
And to anyone that's reading this and wondering if it feels familiar, I was given permission to adapt another fanfic that was discontinued, to give it a new life! I didn't change much here in the first chapter, but the story from here on out is much different than the original first chapter. So basically, I'm not stealing anything!
word count: 3.2k
warnings: panic attack, anxiety, I think that's it?
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Italicized - Korean
Y/n's POV
I sighed and laid back in bed after my class finished for the day, waiting to see how long this strike would go on. It felt weird to not have school other than the one online class, but for now it's a nice break from the long days at school. I sat up and grabbed my headphones from the foot of my bed, hoping that listening to my music for a bit will help speed the day along. While listening to said music, I started reading some fanfiction, having felt an abnormal want to read k-pop fanfics. This wasn't totally out of place, however it was odd for me to be unable to read one genre of fanfic for this long, as I had been focused on this for a couple weeks already. This week's fixation was Stray Kids, and particularly OT8 fanfic. I had read fanfic for the group before, however it was primarily members by themselves and not as one large group. Which is why this fixation is classified as odd in my mind. 
I passed the day by while reading fanfiction, and it was late at night by this time. I may have fixated on reading a bit too much as I had forgotten to eat food, though it could have been caused by the increasingly odd and realistic visions I had been daydreaming throughout the day. These daydreams had been occuring more often lately, and while some seemed to be of the same people sometimes, it was not always the case. These daydreams also seemed to carry into my dreams, which as I remembered them, seemed to catch my attention as it was very unusual. I had been having odder sensations, in addition to the strange dreams and daydreams. When I searched on the internet, everything pointed to the soulmate bond trying to pull me to my soulmate, however very little of what was happening to me, was really any help to point me in the direction of my soulmate or soulmates? All I could tell was that there were a lot of men in these visions, and that they may speak Korean, or at least most of them do.
Shrugging off that train of thought, I moved to get out of my regular clothes and into my sleep/comfy clothes, and hopped into bed afterwards, quickly forgetting about the daydreams and focusing on a new fanfiction I had found. A while after settling into bed, I found myself getting dizzy out of the blue, and decided that it was better to stay in bed and close my eyes, hoping that it would pass soon. Unfortunately, the universe did not agree with my hopes and soon I felt the bed disappear from under me, and the feeling of falling replaced it. Panicking, as one would in this situation, I open my eyes to try and find a way out of this situation, only to find myself falling into the lap of someone. I look up and recognize the face of the person whose lap I'm in. Of course, being the panicky person I am, my brain decided the best course of action is not to say "hi" or anything else, but to scramble off of his lap and run away from my soulmate. I somehow managed to open the door and run out of it, running around until I found a bathroom, running inside and hiding inside one of the stalls. I patted myself down, trying to find my phone and freaking out when it's nowhere to be found. 'Fuck!' I thought as I sit here in a stall in a strange place and I have nothing to help me get out of here and I'm not even wearing suitable clothes either. I started hyperventilating and found myself spiraling into a panic attack, unable to stop myself. Eventually, due to my panic attack and the lack of food I ate, I passed out in the bathroom stall.
Chan's POV
Today so far has been normal, nothing terribly unusual has occurred yet. Nothing is that unusual when it comes to my members, the chaos is eternal, but very amusing. I'm working on very little sleep, however I was able to finish up writing a couple songs for our next album, so that was a plus. Currently, the group and I are waiting on our choreographers to show up so that we can practice the dance for the title tracks of our upcoming comeback.
"Man, the dreams I've had lately have been kinda weird. There's been one girl I've seen more than a couple times, and I've seen her work on what look like essays as well. I wonder if this is due to the soulmate bond, but maybe it's just my overactive imagination." I hear Han say, and look up at him. That is fairly strange, and he isn't the first to have voiced about strange dreams or other occurrences they've had. However, I have no time to think about this as out of thin air, someone lands in my lap who is clearly none of my members. I look down to see a girl land in my lap, who quickly makes eye contact with me. I see her panic clear on her face, and I have no time to react before she scrambles away from me and runs out of the room. 
Han quickly leaps up as does everyone else who wasn't already standing. He shouts out, "That's the girl I saw in my dreams! How is she here?!" and before anyone can stop him, runs off after her. I'm in shock and look up to see Han run off, standing up quickly and calling after him. I look to the rest of the boys to try and figure out what to do now, as there was no way for that girl to have gotten in, with the exception of her being our soulmate, which I suspect to be true based on how I felt looking down at her. I look down at my lap only to find a phone that I know belongs to none of us, and figure out that it's her phone. I hold onto it and turn it over to find a Nayeon photocard inside the case on the back. "So it seems our soulmate likes k-pop." I remark and show the others the back of her phone case. "Now we just have to find her and Han, where they both went." We all leave the practice room and head off to try and find the two of them.
Han's POV
I watch the girl from my dreams run out the door and my body reacts, jumping up, yelling out that I knew her, before I run out the door behind her. I see her round the corner, but lose her once I turn the corner. I look around to see if I could find her, but the only rooms around here are a couple closets and the bathrooms. I open the closet door to find nothing but cleaning materials, and then search the men's bathroom in case she has run in here. The only option left is the women's bathroom, however it would not be good if I’m caught in there by someone. I lean back against the wall and try to think of what I was going to do next. 'I could call out to her and see if she hears me. But I don't know her name so what would I even call out.' 
I took a chance and looked around to see if there was anyone around. Seeing no one, I headed into the bathroom quickly, checking that there was no one in there. I saw that all but one of the stalls were open, so I went to check that stall. I knocked on it and get no answer. I took a risk and looked under it to find the girl, and wondered if she's so freaked out that she's not answering me. I found a way to unlock the stall and open it to find that she's passed out. I started panicking slightly because I don't know what to do in this situation. Do I call Chan? Do I try to carry her back to the practice room or our studio? Well the first thing I should do is make sure she's okay and alive. I knelt down in the stall and checked her pulse, finding that it's strong and well, if a little fast still. 'She must have had a panic attack or something to have a heart rate this fast after passing out who knows how long ago.' I figure that the best thing to do is to bring her to the studio so that when she wakes up, she won't be too shocked at least. I carefully reach under her knees and back and lift her up slowly, aware about the lack of space around us. Somehow, I managed to get the both of us to the studio without running into anyone. I lay her down on the couch, and sit down on the floor next to the couch, waiting till she wakes up. I texted the boys that I had found her and that both of us were safe. I also informed them that maybe it was better if all of us weren't here when she woke up, in order not to frighten her. If I was in her shoes, I would have reacted similarly, I'm sure.
Chan's POV
I felt my phone vibrate and saw that Han had messaged our group chat. I sighed in relief that he had found our soulmate, but frowned as I read that she had passed out in the bathroom, and that Han wants only a few of us to come see her once she's awake, fearing that she may freak out once again. I understood his idea, as it was logical, and quickly thought of who was best for her to meet first. Probably Minho, Felix and myself, as Felix and myself can speak English, and Minho will want to make sure that she's okay. I sent these thoughts to the group chat, and while the others protested, they ultimately understood where I am coming from. I started heading towards our studio and met up with the others outside, and we all entered the studio quietly and waited for her to wake up. 
Y/n's POV
I slowly started to wake up, feeling a soft surface underneath my body. I opened my eyes to find an unfamiliar ceiling above me, and my memories from before came back to me and I shot up into a sitting position. I heard noise from around me and looked around to find that my memories had in fact, not been a dream. There were half of the members of Stray Kids sitting or standing in various places around the room. "Umm, hi." I said quietly, still not sure what the hell I'm supposed to do in this situation. I looked down at my lap, feeling as if looking away would make it easier on myself. I saw and heard movement next to me and before I could look to see who it was, I heard someone speak to me.
"Hey, are you alright? There's no need to be shy, honestly." I looked up to see that it was Chan who had moved next to me, kneeling on the floor so that he was able to look at me. 'Should I say I'm fine when I'm really not? I don't want to worry them, that wouldn't be fair to them, and I'm sure they're busy enough already without me popping into their lives randomly.' I keep going down that rabbit hole until I feel a hand on my leg, bringing me back to the present. What I hadn't seen while spiraling was the four members trading concerned looks between them. I then looked to see that it's Chan's hand and that he looks more worried. I quickly opened my mouth to respond to his original question. "I'm fine, I'm totally fine. No need to worry about me." I try and laugh his concern off, I don't need to be a bother to them. 
I hadn't realized that I had said that last thought out loud until I felt someone sit behind me and wrap their arms around me as they talked. "You could never be a bother to us, you're our soulmate and we want to be there for you, even though we may have just met. We want you to lean on us for help when you need it, just as we will lean on you from time to time, okay?" I teared up unknowingly as he said that, looking up to see that it's Lee Know who was embracing me. He reaches a hand up to wipe the tears from my eyes, which I only noticed had fallen at that moment. I nodded silently, not really knowing what to say at that moment. I tensed up slightly in his arms, feeling conflicted as I was both comfortable and uncomfortable in his hold. 
One of the boys grabbed my hands again, before I looked up I knew it was Chan. He smiled at me, though he still looked slightly concerned. "Are we making you uncomfortable? Please tell us if we are and we'll back off a bit." I rushed to reply, in doing so also jumbling my words a bit, "No, no, you're all fine, um it's fine you're not makin' me unfomfy, fuck, I mean uncomfy. I just don't know what to do in this sorta situation and so I don't know how to act and you're all cute and y'know, idols and just I- aaaaaaaaaaaaaa" I ended up cutting myself off to spare myself the embarrassment and look back down at my hands that Chan is still holding. While I'm looking down, I heard laughter coming from Felix and Han and I'm not sure if they're laughing at me or not, and I scrunch my shoulders up to my ears, as if it would somehow protect me from them. 
"Hey, knock it off guys! You're making them uncomfortable, can't you see that? " I heard Lee Know speak up from behind me in Korean, talking to the two younger ones. I'm not sure what he said, but it stopped the boy's laughter and soon enough they came over, apologizing for laughing and Han explaining why they laughed in the first place. "I'm sorry, we weren't laughing at you, well not exactly. You sound like me when I get anxious and flustered so Lixie and I were laughing about the fact that I wouldn't be the only one who rambles and gets clumsy with their words. We're sorry that we hurt you with our actions, and hope that you are able to forgive us."
I looked up at Han and Felix, who clearly looked apologetic, and nodded. "Now that you've explained why you both laughed, I understand that you were not laughing at my inability to talk, but that I am not the only one that gets like that. So you both are forgiven, it's okay." I smiled at them, hoping that my forgiveness was clearly translated. They both smiled back at me, and I can see Chan smiling from the corner of my eye, seemingly happy that the situation was resolved. He then spoke up, "So maybe we should do introductions, though it seems you already know who we are."  I blush, nodding my head. "I do know who you all are, and who's missing from this group right now as well. Though shouldn't they be here so that I don't have to introduce myself twice? It would be easier to only do it once." 
Chan's POV
I laughed quickly and nodded, "Yes, that would be much easier. Han, would you text them to come here quickly? " I looked over to see that Han was already doing that. " No worries hyung, already done. They're all on their way ." Not even a minute or so later, the other half of SKZ barged through the door, just as I had hoped they wouldn't. " Guys, really? There's no need to barge in like that. " They all bowed apologetically to both myself and our last soulmate. She giggled at their actions and smiled and waved at them. I looked over at her to see if she was ready to introduce herself and after she looked at me and nodded, I smiled.
After the chaos that was the other half of Stray Kids barging into the room, I was ready to introduce myself to my soulmates for the first and only time. I turned to face everyone, "안녕하세요" I smiled and bowed to them as much as I am able to, as I introduced myself. I heard various reactions to my words, including a couple that I can make out as them calling me cute. 
I heard Chan say, "Well, our last soulmate, it's a pleasure to meet you." I looked up and smiled at him brightly as I responded, "I'm very glad to have met all of you as well, my eight soulmates. Though I already technically know all of you by being a Stay, would it be a bother to ask you to introduce yourselves as if I had never met any of you before?" 
3rd Person POV
Felix smiled as their soulmate asked them to introduce themselves to her, as if they were strangers. 'She's adorable, and I can already see how she fits in with us, though I know I'll have to wait and see the full extent of how well we'll get along,' he thought.
 He then decided to introduce himself first, "Hello, I'm Felix, it's nice to meet you!" the younger Aussie waved and smiled at her.
 "It's Seungmin in the building, it's amazing to meet our final soulmate." She giggled at Seungmin's introduction, which in turn makes the man happy that he got a laugh out of her. 
"Hi noona, I'm Jeongin." and eventually the introductions ended with Chan, "Hello, I'm Chris or Chan." 
The young girl smiled at the eight of them, happy to meet them all finally. The boys, as they were bound to do, started getting distracted and eventually Chan came to sit beside her. She looked over at him, still smiling as she almost always is, and asked him if he wanted anything. The Aussie shook his head, just wanting to be near her, telling her as much. They were both happy to watch the rest of the men fool around and have fun with each other. Soon enough, she was feeling tired again, and started to lean into Chris's side, laying her head on his shoulder. Chris smiled at her actions and moved to pull her closer into his side, enjoying the close contact. 
He felt her fall asleep, hearing her breaths even out. In order to make her feel a bit comfier while asleep, he moved her body to lay down across the couch again, with Minho's help. Her head rested in his lap, and he quietly talked with the boys as they let her sleep more.
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monster-slxt · 7 months
Vampires you say? I happen to be a vampire connoisseur, some little things that have been on the brain lately - A vampire that can't stop themselves from sinking their fangs into your neck while they rail you into next week - Alternatively, a vampire who can stop themselves from biting you, they just don't. They whisper "hold still" in your ear and then bite you as hard as they can - Being a free use fuck toy/bloodbag for a covenant of vampires. They of course have to be careful not to drain you too much before your body has time to replace its blood volume, but they drink form you till your weak and unable to struggle, and then they spend all night using you like a fleshlight. They are creatures of the night afterall, they sleep all day and then have plenty of energy to use up at night. - Being a servant sent as a sacrifice to a vampire ruler, you presume you are meant to be a meal but instead they stuff your holes full of cum and you're made to join the group of other 'sacrifices' all of which are also filled to the brim
God these are all so good. Let's see if I can't combine them into something fun<3
"Really, they'll make a wonderful... servant! Very healthy, this one." It was all I could do not to shudder at my soon to be ex-employers words, offering me up as a lamb to the slaughter. The man, mysterious with sharp eyes, carefully took me in but said nothing. Instinctively I knew he wanted to watch my boss squirm.
Everyone knew the truth. Our town was practically run by a group of vampires. No one ever said it outright, but we all knew. You kept your head down, didn't get close to new comers who wouldn't last long, and everything was fine.
But everything was not fine. My boss had gotten himself into a spot of trouble. He never told me the details but it must be pretty fucking bad if he's desperate enough to offer me up on a silver platter. To call attention to himself.
"I think you might just have a deal." The monster, the head vampire if the whispers were correct, finally spoke up, "get out of my sight. You, come with me."
And just like that, i belonged to the vampire coven.
The first night had been utterly terrifying. Instead of being ripped into like I expected, the leader showed me around their manor and introduced me to the coven. Of course they fed from me that first night, but nothing more. Four mouthes latching onto me, sharp fangs piercing deep into my neck. Something about their bites left me uncomfortably warm and light headed, and I'm quickly shown to a room to recover.
Over the next few weeks my postion as blood bag is made painfully clear. All four of them are nipping at me every chance they get, and getting progressively handsier as time goes on. I get to learn their personality and preferences through these feedings.
The youngest is wild and impulsive- biting deep and harsh and almost having to be pried off of me by the others, lost in their hunger. They're the most handsy too, ice cold fingers slipping under my clothes feel far too good in my loopy post-feeding state. Another realm they need to be reigned in, no matter how hot and bothered feeding the vampires, the leader never allows anything further than heavy petting. It's honestly starting to drive me a bit insane.
The sweetest vampire has platinum blonde hair and likes to coddle me, cooing about how sweet I am and petting me while drinking my blood. They always make sure I end up somewhere soft and comfortable in the end. I think they must be getting off on taking care of me when blood loss makes me dizzy and frail.
It's still preferable to the second in command. They're outright cruel. Biting the deepest, holding me down and mocking my inability to fight back against supernatural strength. They like the hunt, following me in the shadows only to pounce when i least expect it- leaving me jumpy and paranoid.
I still don't know if I prefer them to the leader though. The leader treats me like food, nothing more. Just a pretty thing to sit on his lap and quench his thirst. He hasn't said a word to me since that first horrible night.
And so here I am, sitting on his lap as the others watch him feed from me. It's clear whatever aphrodisiac properties vampire venom have are getting to me- im hot and barely suppressing the urge to moan and grind against his thigh.
"Look, it's broken in enough isn't it? Poor things desperate." The leader detaches from my neck at that, cold eyes taking in my desperate form.
"You know, I think you're right." He says, leaning in close and nipping my ear. "I think it's finally time we showed our new pet some proper hospitality."
In an instant the others closed in, their freezing hands roaming every inch of my body. The chill felt heavenly against the heat of my own body. I was too lost in blood loss and vampire venom to have any idea what was happening, not that it would have mattered against the four of them.
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elliesflower · 1 year
what's love? [ellie williams]
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pairing; ellie x gn!reader
cw; angst, ellie and reader in a situationship(kinda), post-golf incident (joel mentioned), slightly au (still set in jackson, ellie never went to seattle), ellie doesn't open up ab her feelings :(
an; hello! first off, rest easy to one of the greatest to ever do it, miss tina herself. while listening to her today i felt like this song was very ellie-coded tbh nd i haven't been great lately nd just wanted to throw something angsty together for my baby girl :( (i know the song's vibe doesn't necessarily match the story's vibe but i'm meaning more the lyrics). also this is more from ellie's pov so reader is gn and has absolutely no physical descriptors!!
no smut, but like all my content please 18+ only, mdni!!!
Three little words. 
One big problem. 
What is it?
“Is this the end?” 
No, not those ones. It was something else, painful, and always dancing at the tip of her tongue, making tiny beads of sweat prick at her palms and a ball of trepidation sink to the pit of her stomach. They were cursed words, seldom given thought, and never spoken aloud. The underlying topic of ninety percent of all songs ever written, and movies produced—it was cruel, really, how there was no escaping it. 
“This can’t be the end…” 
Vision blurred by the thoughts of a thousand demons, Ellie muttered back into the void. 
“It’s not,” and her voice was so quiet, it very well could have been the wind pestering the trees outside her window. 
“It’s not…?”
Oh. Right. 
Your legs shifted under the shared blanket, and Ellie’s eyes refocused onto your folded hands in your lap. 
“Is there a second movie, or something?” Your voice was trembling only slightly, the emotional turmoil of the last twenty minutes of the movie lacing your words. 
Ellie shook her head again, as if it would shake her brain right out. She couldn’t help but to feel bad, having practically abandoned the movie as she stewed in her own emotions. There were so many of them, fighting to get out, clawing her insides every time she looked at your face for too long.
“Sorry,” she could blame her watery eyes on the movie. Push aside her feelings. Again. “No, there’s no second one. I wish there was, though.”
Ellie wasn’t much like an open book. Or, I guess she was a very specific kind of book. That one you fell in love with based on the dust jacket description, with her complex words and inexplicit detail, but every time you’d pull it down to read, something stopped you. Life gets in the way. You’d tried and tried, oh god have you tried, to open her up; to wear her down, pressing on her spine and dog-earing her pages, keeping her infrequent tipsy confessions and three-am sleep deprived rants in the back of your mind like a filing cabinet. Pushing, but never pressuring. Ellie didn’t like pressure. 
“S’okay,” your voice was always soft with her. Couldn’t be loud, couldn’t scare her away, because Ellie Williams could fucking run. Away from her problems, as fast as her legs could carry her and as far as her heart would let her. Despite her alienation, the empty bed permanently rooted in the hardwood of Joel’s house kept her coming back. “Did y’wanna watch anything else? I’m kinda tired.” 
Even the softness of your voice couldn’t conceal your hurt, that she was shutting down. Closing you off. Keeping you at a distance. Her heart twinged, but she couldn’t look at you. She looked down at her outstretched legs, the off-white blanket cascading over them, the piece of dust she could see out of the corner of her eye. Anything. Except you. She felt cold, but your body was warm, radiating and making her shift toward you subconsciously. She hated it. 
Why is hate so much easier to express?
“You have patrol tomorrow?” It was easier to just get technical, sometimes. You nodded, before stretching your arms over your head, a yawn escaping you. “Gotta be up at four. Wesley and Nia have the flu or something, so we have to head out early to swing by their posts, too.” Ellie nodded, absentmindedly picking at her cuticles. Ignoring the sweet smell of vanilla that emanated from your body as your arms went over your head. 
She was so proud of herself when she found you that bar soap out on patrol, neatly tucked away in a dusty white vanity. You were so happy, so grateful, always so grateful that she was thinking of you. That she perceived you in such a way.
And she almost fucking said it, that night. Almost ruined everything. Those three little words. She was high, probably on some weed, but also on how your eyes sparkled when you were happy, the way your eyes crinkled slightly at the corners and you shifted your body weight side-to-side excitedly. Your emotions were quite obvious, most of the time. It made Ellie want to cry. 
“That sucks,” she mumbled, and she couldn’t help it now. You were like a magnet, she was sliding down against the pillows, watching the credits roll on the small screen past the end of her bed. She could hear you breathing, deep and careful. On edge. Why were you so on edge?
“It does,” you agreed. Ellie didn’t look away from the screen. Sinking, slowly, slowly, slower...her head was resting near your rib cage, now. She could feel you breathing. And she felt you slide down to match her position, turning your body to face her, silently and without explanation. It was better that way. 
“You’ll sleep here tonight?” And it felt strangled, coming out of her throat. She didn’t need to say anything, though. Of course you were sleeping in her bed. Tonight, and the night before that, and before that…but she felt you nod against her side, and her arm slid up to allow you access to her chest. No explanation. Ellie was really bad at explaining. 
“You’re cold,” your voice was muffled against the fabric of her gray hoodie. Ellie almost smiled. Almost. 
“You’re warm,” she retorted, and she feels your heart pulse faster against the skin of your back. The movie’s end credits became the soundtrack to the night. Soft and pensive. Like you. 
Ellie watched as your breathing eventually slowed, your shoulders rising and falling rhythmically as you drifted away into sleep. She was always jealous of that, though of course, like everything else, she’d never admit it—how your tiredness always let you drift into a blissful dreamland, your right hand twitching where it usually sat curled loosely atop her chest as you slept. You moved a lot, she noticed, and talked sometimes, too. Sleep didn’t come easy to people like Ellie. 
And so, she was absolutely, positively, awake and conscious when you let out a breathy sigh in your sleep, legs twitching slightly against her bottom half before settling back into her chest. A whisper escaped your lips, so sweet it may have been laced with vanilla, too. 
“I love you…” 
But this time, Ellie couldn’t stop her tears.
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milaisreading · 11 months
Blue lock in the Demon Slayer au (pt III)
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. No particular warnings, yet. Characters introduced: Kaiser and Ness.
Blue lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura. 
Next chapter is focused on the boulder and the Final selection process!
A few weeks had passed since (Y/n) arrived at Noel's house. Isagi had fallen asleep the night they arrived and ever since then didn't wake up. (Y/n) tried her best not to worry and would stay in the room Isagi was in, just in case he woke up at night. Noa had also called a local doctor to check on him, but the doctor could find no issues with the boy.
"You are distracted." The girl woke up from her thoughts as she felt Noa kick her to the ground. The girl groaned, remembering that she was actually training with the man. She looked up and nervously laughed at the man while sitting up.
"O-oops..." Noa sighed and shook his head, causing the girl to stop and look at the ground.
"I will be blunt, but this isn't working. You have the strength and flexibility to be a great fighter, but you lack the brain to learn anything." She flinched at Noa's words and looked up.
"I am sorry..."
"Go inside and have dinner." Noa said, walking away as (Y/n) looked at him in sadness.
'Stupid...how will you save Yoichi like this?!' She thought, on the verge of crying. She got up and looked at the setting sun, ignoring the ache her muscles were having, as she got used to this feeling over the few weeks.
'I am not even hungry... how can I eat when Yoichi? How can I even rest when I know I won't be able to fulfill my promise to protect him?' She groaned, walking away from the garden and out into the woods, to the same place where Noa and her trained hours ago.
'What am I doing wrong? I am using up all my strength and even concentrating on the fire breathing, but nothing works. This katana is very useless too. It's so inconvenient.' She thought, throwing it away and went to stretch out her body instead.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid-"
"What are you doing there?"
She jumped as she heard Noa's voice and looked up at the man, who was holding a book.
"I...Stretching!" She quickly said. Noa nodded his head and handed (Y/n) the book.
"Uhhh? What's with this book?" She asked.
"Read it. I don't think you are really made for fire breathing. But, there is a breathing technique that is related to mine, but you might have an easier time using it." (Y/n) slowly nodded her head and opened her book, reading a little through it.
"Love...breathing?" She raised her eyebrow.
"That breathing style didn't appear in the past 100 years, since not a lot of people have the muscle density and physiology like you. Read through it for the next two days. I have a special training prepared for you later." Noa started walking away, (Y/n) only staring at him in confusion.
"Hurry up, it's getting late. If a demon appears..." She yelped and got up, taking the katana and running after the man.
The same night, (Y/n) was again in Yoichi's room. The demon boy was sound asleep while she read the book under the candlelight.
'Hmmm... so love breathing is derived from flame breathing and has six forms... what else... it relies on the flexibility and durability of the users body-' She stopped reading as she heard some shuffling and looked over. At first, she thought Yoichi had woken up, but he had just rolled over in his sleep. She smiled softly and turned off the light, then buried herself in her futon.
'I should probably sleep too.'
For the next two days, (Y/n) spent herself studying love breathing and concentrating on using it while doing her individual trainings. And although she had much of a easier time with this breathing style than with flame breathing, the katana made it at some points hard to practice.
'This thing is soo useless!' She thought, glaring at her katana as Noa called her over.
"Are we training again?!" She wondered, running to the man.
"Kind of. Come on, I prepared something for you. Leave that katana here. You will use this one instead." The man said, giving her a different one.
'Is there a difference between these two?' She thought doing as she was told, then inspected the katana. From the outside it looked like the one she was using the whole time. (Y/n) decided to stay quiet tho and followed him deeper into the woods.
"We are here." Noa announced and (Y/n) looked at the place. What was once a simple training ground had now various traps, dummies dangling from the tall trees and on the ground, among other things.
"What is all of this?"
"It's to train you in love breathing. You read through all the 6 forms, right?"
(Y/n) nodded her head.
"Your mission is to slash as many of these dummies with one of those forms, at the same time."
"But...Noa-san, aren't they all too far away for me to do that?" She wondered.
"Take your katana out." He said and she silently did as told, only to gasp at how much longer this one was.
"Eh?! What kind of a katana is this?! It's... oddly flexible..." She muttered, moving the thing up and down.
"This one is more useful for the type of breathing style you will train for now. The previous love breather used the same one." Noa explained.
"Now get to training." He commanded as (Y/n) nodded her head. She looked nervously at the katana and then at the training ground.
'What if this isn't the right one either?! What if Noa-san loses his patience with me and just gives up after this?! What if he ends up killing Yoichi-'
"Hurry up." Noa called out, watching her in a bored manner as (Y/n) slowly nodded her head. She looked back at the dummies and at her katana.
'Flexibility... hmmm...' She thought for a moment, then an idea hit her.
"Most of these dummies are in the air... how was it with the third form... you leap into the air and perform multiple, quick slashes..." She muttered, finally getting an idea.
'I guess this is supposed to be handled like a whip?' She thought. Taking a deep breath, (Y/n) tried to concentrate all her breathing on her arms and legs, while trying to picture how the breathing style should work.
Noa watched silently as ran and finally jumped in the air.
"Love breathing. Third form: Catlove shower." (Y/n) felt an odd sensation run through her body as she performed a few slashes. It was a... refreshing feeling... like the one she would get after a good sleep and breakfast.
'This feels nice- Ouch!' She winced, finally landing on the ground. Opening her arms, she noted a few wounds she made on her body while moving the katana.
'Ahhh! I am stupid! Why did I think this would work?!'
"Great job." She froze after hearing Noa's voice and turned to look at him.
"What?" (Y/n) asked as the man pointed up. Looking up, her eyes widened when she saw all the dummies being successfully cut.
"I... I did that?" She asked Noa, who nodded his head.
"It was impressive to see, although we still need to work on your control with that sword. It was a little clumsily executed."
(Y/n) blushed and grinned, ignoring the pain in her arms as she cheered.
"I did it! I did it!"
Noa watched with a passive look, but inwardly he was more than happy that they finally figured her breathing style.
'Maybe, after 5 years I can have a student who will pass the final selection. Maybe it will knock Kaiser off of his high horse a little.'
The man thought, remembering how much he gloated that he was the first one of his students to pass the selection after nearly 7 years. The blonde completely ignored the fact that Ness, another student of Noa, passed it too.
Months had passed of her training with Noa, and another winter season came, indicating to (Y/n) that a year had already passed since the incident. Over the time, she finally got a hang of the breathing technique and the weird katana. Noa would leave for missions from time to time, leaving her to train alone. Yoichi has still not woken up, and wouldn't it be for his breathing, (Y/n) would have believed he was dead by now. After some time, the nightmares about her parents and his had stopped too.
"That's about it. I have nothing else to teach you." Noa said, as (Y/n) knocked the katana out of his hands. The girl looked at him in surprise.
"What? Are you sure?"
"Mhm. You have good control on your katana and breathing technique. It's up to you to perfect everything after becoming a demon slayer officially."
"And how will I do that?" She wondered.
"There is a special process, the Final selection, where all the trained students go and have to survive a week in the forest on the Mount Fujisakane. I, as your teacher, get to decide when you will be going there."
"Ah! Alright! So when will I be going?" She asked, excited that she can finally move further to her goal.
"Not yet, you are not ready."
"What? But you just said we are done!" (Y/n) argued.
"With the training. I still have a final test for you."
"A test?" She raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah it's-"
"Hey, old man!" Noa groaned and (Y/n) looked on in surprise as a new figure approached them... well 2, but one wasn't speaking.
"Kaiser... Ness, what are you two doing here?" The man asked in surprise. (Y/n) silently stared at the boy who was speaking. He had blond hair with blue ends, blue eyes, wore the same sort uniform as Noa and had a smirk on his face.
'He looks...questionable...' She raise her eyebrow suspiciously at him, then looked at the more silent boy. He had strawberry blonde hair with purple ends, purple eyes and was dressed the same as the previous boy, just that he wore a much more welcoming smile.
'Who are these people now?' (Y/n) thought.
"I came to visit you, old man. After all, I need to see how my old teacher is doing." The blonde said back.
"I am in the middle of teaching, Kaiser." Noa said, causing the said boy to look over at (Y/n).
"A...a girl? You are teaching a girl to become what... a maid?" Kaiser laughed as the other boy, Ness kept quiet.
"No, to become a demon slayer." She said back, a little annoyed with his words. Ness looked at her in surprise as Kaiser stopped laughing.
"You? A demon slayer? A girl?" Kaiser smiled mockingly.
"Yeah, what's the issue with that?" She asked, getting annoyed.
"Kaiser, shut up. I went over this with you, just because girls aren't common in the Corps, doesn't mean they can't join." Noa said back.
"Come on." Kaiser waved him off, then walked to (Y/n).
"This here can never be strong enough for the Corps." He said, point at her.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" She yelled.
"Don't yell at Kaiser." Ness said in a warning manner.
"So you can speak?" She asked, looking at him now.
"Kaiser, you know full well that the current Hashira, who is a woman, beat you in a hand to hand combat." The said boy blushed in embarrassment.
"I let her beat me!" Kaiser protested. Noa shook his head and pulled (Y/n) along to the forest.
"If you have nothing better to say, go and do your missions. You too, Ness." The white-haired man told them.
"What did you mean that girls aren't common in the Corps?" (Y/n) questioned as the two were put of their earshot.
"For two simple reasons. One is that most of the other men underestimate the women who join and make a joke our of it, and the 2nd one is that women are more common to be targeted by demons."
"Why is that?"
"It has something to do with the blood. Demons like it more." Noa explained simply, then looked down at (Y/n) and patted her head.
"Don't worry too much about it, for now concentrate on your test."
"What test?" She asked, his words still echoing in her head.
"You see that giant rock?" Noa pointed at the said item, that was a few meters away from them.
"Your test is to split it in half. Once you do that, you will join the Final selection."
"Split it in half?!" She questioned, looking more at the giant rock.
"How am I supposed to do that?!" She wandered.
"Use your katana and everything I thought you on concentrated breathing." Noa explained, watching as (Y/n) walked up to the boulder, eyeing it up and down.
"Kaiser, are you alright?" Ness questioned his friend worriedly as he followed his around Noa's estate.
"I need to know why Noa wants to train that weak girl. There is no way he doesn't have a motive behind it."
"How do you know she is weak?" Ness wondered, trying to stop him from opening every door there was.
"Please, there is no way she has any strength in that body. There are no muscles on her body or anything of similar sorts." Kaiser muttered, intrigued on why Noa was so adamant to teach her. The man had been training students for the past decade, and only 2 have survived to become demon slayers. None of the students were girls, so why did Noa want to teach one all of a sudden?
Kaiser's questions were soon answered as Ness stopped in his tracks, looking at a door in horror.
"A demon... a demon is here." Ness said, both boys taking their katanas out.
"What is a demon doing here? During the day at that?" Kaiser wondered, slowly opening the door. Both him and Ness looked at the sleeping Yoichi in utter confusion, it was odd to see a demon asleep and unbothered.
"Is.... is Noa hiding this demon? Won't he get in trouble?"
"I don't know, let's just get rid of this thing while we can." Kaiser snarled ready to behead Yoichi, when a voice interrupted him.
"And what are you two doing there?" Noa asked, appearing behind them.
"Noa?!" They both yelled, surprised they didn't hear him sooner.
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rootandrock · 2 months
There I was in a Circle doodling and note-taking in my "workbook" when I get The Vibe.
The Vibe is when one of the principle players in The Nocturnal Gatherings decides to nudge into my personal bubble. This nudge is, I think, another 'priest'. Certainly someone touched by Herself in a particular way, anyway. I am paraphrasing their words, because I get it as more of a "meaning" that my brain attempts to assign the best possible word choice to almost as fast as I get it. There's 'input lag', and a bias for sure, it's sometimes hard to convey the full spectrum of what I 'get'.
It is late, and my brain is half-asleep anyway, owed to a very loose border between the two states for me, so I lean a little more into "sleep" to tune in better.
"You're going to need to start writing the [grammar], and the [rites], and the methods for traversing the [badlands] to get to [the gathering place]." Says the Nudge.
Now, in this message I also get Jake Stratton-Kent's name, the word "Grimoire" (Which seems fairly self-evident... pick up their version of The True Grimoire, or maybe some of their other work) someone with a Swedish accent/low voice, saying "sigil", the image of beads being strung. A few more images like that, and those will take time to puzzle out.
"We'll assume I believe that this is genuine communication, and a genuinely communicated wish of the Whole of The Assembly and Herself. Then what is the meaning of doing those things?" I reply.
"You have heard most of the words, and found the right replacements when you couldn't. You found the right way - without losing the meaning - to leave behind the [parts that would cause genuine harm]. The [Ludo narrative, mytheme, mythic truth, 'dream logic', Magical Truth] is now good (as in "proper and useful" but also good as in "not harmful") enough to share."
As they say this I also get that their 'meaning' is intended to match how I describe my own 'traditional witch' as more of a literary tradition than a direct, physical, person-to-person, lineage due to the complications of spirit interactions just like this one. I also get flashes and bits of the things they're referencing that are harmful, and the mitigating factors I've employed.
So I take a second. I think hard about what I just picked up. "So, you're telling me y'all want me opening the way for more people...?"
"They will arrive either way. They sometimes come without being invited, and bring trouble [A flash of the visitor who got their head ripped off for rudeness]. Aren't you the [Image of a retriever gently offering a duck to a hunter]?"
"No, you know very well that if I am a dog I am far more the [Lurchers running down hogs, Border Collie directing a herd, Kangal soaked in blood]. Maybe I can show people how to shape and fashion the right keys, and prepare themselves the right way to gain entry into their version of the roads and ways? Maybe I can nip their heels to keep them walking in the right direction? And uh... keep the rabble out."
The Nudge is nodding slowly, but enthusiastically. "Even if they do not come to us, they go where they belong."
"Well, there's a tiny problem with that: You and I both know the writing would have to be a physically delivered medium, and the last four printing houses I talked to said no in the strongest possible terms with one of them threatening to send the prayer warriors... so..."
"[That sounds like a you problem.]" says The Nudge, and is gone.
Wow thanks.
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anaslair · 5 months
I’m a straight Bengali girl (daughter of Aphrodite), who’s a little chubby and has a lot of acne scars (both of which I’m insecure about, though, I’ve been staring to like my acne scars lately). I wear glasses and without them, the world around me is very blurry. I’m pretty shy and nervous, so I sort of have trouble speaking to strangers or people I don’t know well. But once I’m comfortable around you and we mutually see each other as friends, I’m able to show you my chaotic side and feel comfortable saying some pretty wild things. I also make quite a few sexual jokes. Though I am more comfortable to speak freely with my friends, if I’m in a relatively big group that consists of my friends, I get really nervous speaking in front of all of them, so I opt to talk to individuals rather than the collective. I crave for physical affection but I never ask for it because I’ll feel bad if I get rejected of such, so I’ll wait til someone decide to give me affection. I’m a huge romantic fan and love reading romance stories or fanfic, and I love men who are completely obsessed with you. If I’m going to be honest, I feel more attracted to depressed or sad men rather than happy or cheerful men. I love eating food, but don’t really like eating in front of people much cause I always feel like I’m being judge for the way I eat even if that’s not actually the case. I can’t help it, so I prefer to eat alone. My favourite food is chicken curry and rice! I have trouble keeping eye contact so I usually look somewhere else while talking to people, but I do occasionally (while in the conversation) do make eye contact. There are times where it takes time for my brain to process some situations or dialogue, and I have an awfully memory. I also hate reading out load cause my brain takes time to process the words on the paper for me to read out load, so it makes me say the words out load slowly and almost choppy, you know? I love my friends very much and always love to hang out with them, even if we are simply in a room together only doing our own thing. I just like being in their presence. Though, once my social battery runs out, I’d like to be alone in my room (though, I I have a romantic partner, I wouldn’t mind them being with me). I’m always open to be their for my friends if they are down and listen to their problems, but not good at verbally comforting them, so I’m open for providing them physical comfort such as a hug or rubbing their back if that’s what they want. If I don’t anything embarrassing, I will constantly think about the moment for years and best myself over it and mentally redo that whole conversation or action in a way better way that I should have done to have not embarrassed myself earlier, you know? I very kind and often give people the benefit of the doubt, and I’m sort of a pushover, but I’m still able to say no to situations that make me uncomfortable.
I love reading, drawing, and creating ocs and world building. I’m such a mythology nerd, especially when it comes to Greek mythology (I have many books about these myths). I absolutely hate bugs and because of them, I hate being in forests and such cause I always get swarmed by them. I’m also afraid of the dark, so when I sleep, I leave my door open and the hallway light on.
My matchups are usually long like this so that’s why they may take a little while to come out 🥸 pls bear with me guys 🫶
Hope you like it anon!! Have a great day and tysm for requesting!!! <3
I match you with…
Luke Castellan!!
(Let’s all collectively join hands and pretend he didn’t die 🫰)
After the second titan war was officially over, Luke went through a lot before finally being able to return to camp
He did literally stab himself to end Kronos’s reign of terror, so after a long fight discussion amongst the gods, it was decided he should be given a second chance at life. A brand new start
Not without cleaning his mess first though. He was assigned by the gods to send a load of monsters he recruited for Kronos back to Tartarus, while simultaneously healing from his fatal wound
Even under Apollo’s direct care, the injury left a huge, nasty scar on his body
Honestly, he preferred facing whatever punishment Hades had for him in the Underworld than helping any god. But he owed everyone (specially Annabeth and Thalia, his real family) an apology and to make things right
So he killed a shitload of monsters, (complained the whole time)
When he finally got back to camp, he almost couldn’t believe how much it had changed. The place was PACKED with new campers (and they were not all cramped in his cabin like usual 😱)
And there were twice as many cabins too??? for the smaller gods???
Was he at the right place?😀 Was he actually dead?🧍‍♂️
Took a lot of explaining for him to believe he wasn’t
The thought of demigods not having to go through what he went through was incredible, but hard to believe
A bit bittersweet for him too
On top of that, it took a lot of time and effort to regain everyone’s trust on him
Even with all the new space available in the Hermes cabin, he had to sleep on the ground for a long time before his siblings let him have a bed 💀
He had to prove himself for a long time before everyone started opening up to him again
Slowly but surely, it started to happen!! Annabeth and most of the campers got back to speaking terms with him, Thalia visited sometimes and Percy was still a little sus every time they interacted (specially when Annabeth was in the room🤷‍♀️) but it eventually got better
It wasn’t the same as before of course, which made him feel…lonely most of the time. It wasn’t perfect, but he was grateful for at least not being completely ignored
Travis and Connor even stole a new pillow for him after a while of him sleeping without any 👏
Soon enough, life was almost normal again (as normal as a demigod’s life could get)
He did live with an imense sense of guilt and had recurring nightmares about what happened, accompanied with sharp pains on his chest, right where he stabbed himself
But it was a small price to pay for all the pain he caused, he thought
Eventually, he became head counselor of the Herme’s cabin again and Chiron gave him permission to teach sword lessons to the newest campers.
Life was as good as it could get for him, for sure
Though it definitely got a million times better with you in it
You were one of the new campers, practically Luke’s age when you arrived, which got yourself urgent self defense lessons with Mr. Castellan himself
He was the ideal person for the job, being the best swordsman on camp and all
Chiron also knew Luke had a way of making newcomers feel welcomed, being used to do it with practically every new kid in camp before the war
So, as Luke made his way to your first lesson, he tried to come up with a way to politely ask you how you survived all this time without proper training-
Only to give it up as soon as he laid his eyes on you
Of course you were a daughter of Aphrodite, you were drop dead gorgeous. Probably survived all this time outside camp by using the power her kids inherited, charmspeak
All of that was going through his head while he intensely stared at you without saying a word 🗿
Making you nervously eye him back 👁️👁️
Noticing you were getting anxious, he snapped out of it, the very tip of his ears getting slightly red
Quickly introducing himself as your new self defense teacher, he offered a hand for you to shake
To which you did after a bit of an awkward pause, nodding at his words. He seemed like a confident, nice guy
He took it you were a bit shy so he made sure to try and not to make you uncomfortable while teaching you some basic sword moves and techniques
You were doing your best to keep up but honestly felt like straight up dying everytime Luke asked you to repeat a move
The sword was heavy and the afternoon was hot, making you sweat profusely
That’s when everything went downhill :)
Your glasses just wouldn’t stay still in your face, the sweat making them slip down your nose every time you tried a new move
Right as you were about to swing your sword for the millionth time, your glasses fully fell off your face, making you flail the big weapon around uncontrollably
Coincidentally chopping a good amount of Chiron’s tail off, who was just passing by to check on your progress
Chiron promised he needed a new trim anyway, but that didn’t stop you from apologizing almost a thousand times and sitting down with your face buried in your hands
The situation amused Luke profusely, but he could also tell you were seriously beating yourself up about it
So after thinking for a while, he gently tapped you on the arm, showing you small scar he had on his forearm
He told you it was from his first ever sword lesson, but it wasn’t caused by a sword
When you gave him a confused look, he told you it was a consequence of accidentally poking a Pegasus’s bottom with a sharp weapon
You tried not to, but you laughed right at his face
Which made Luke smile as well, you had a cute laugh
After that, you slowly started opening up to your sword teacher, who actually got attached to you pretty quickly
Y’alls friendship was honestly precious oml, he absolutely LIVED for the fact that you were completely unhinged when y’all were alone, which got both of you a lot of inside jokes
When you first made a sexual joke in front of him he was completely shook
You were in the middle of training, making him accidentally cut a whole training doll in half after you said it
Who knew that something like that could come out of a shy person like yourself
He laughed and threw a dirty joke right back at you, but his ears were completely red in the process
The first time he had one of his pain streaks next to you he got really stressed out, not really wanting to talk about the origin of his injury
Partially because it was tremendously hard for him to talk about his past, but also because he was afraid you’d hate him for it
But you never pressured him to say anything, just sat beside him with a hand on his back for support, furrowed brows in concern as you waited for his pain to pass
He absolutely adored you for that
He didn’t feel alone anymore
He’s a naturally attentive person so he can always tell when you’re uncomfortable in social situations, always making sure that everything you’re saying is getting the correct amount of attention, even if he was the only one listening to it
Everyone knew he kind of had a soft spot for you (totally unrelated to the crush he was developing on you)
He always went easy on you at sparring lessons, just to absolutely humiliate whoever was next against him by winning in seconds
He sneaked food into your cabin when you absolutely could not stand eating with everyone else at the dining pavilion
(anyone else would probably get caught in the act and get absolutely wrecked by the harpies, but he was a son of the god of thieves so 😋)
Kept you close during capture the flag, not only to keep an eye on you but also because he absolutely LIVED for the fact that you were more scared of the bugs than the monsters who lived inside the woods
You dealt with the monsters and he jabbed all the bugs on the way, you made a pretty good team
It was pretty obvious he had a thing for you, everyone knew about it but you apparently
I mean, he stole got you a whole deck of mythomagic cards because he knew you were totally obsessed with mythology, the guy was pretty much down bad for you pls 😩
And honestly, you felt the exact same way
It was pretty clear in the way your face got full on red every time he had any type of physical contact with you
He adored it and absolutely did it on purpose just to get a reaction out of you
He wanted to let you know how he felt, he really did
But on top of not wanting to risk your friendship, he was deathly afraid you’d absolutely despise him after you found out about his past
It was only a matter of time anyway, but he was going to avoid it as much as he could
Although you found out way sooner and it went WAY better than he expected
It was a warm night and you were awfully quiet, more than usual
It wasn’t because your social battery went out. No… he knew something was up by the way you hugged yourself tightly, touching your face from time to time
He asked if you wanted to hang out by the beach for a bit, to which you silently agreed
Y’all sat in silence for a while, Luke giving you concerned side eyes from time to time
He eventually spoke up, saying you could talk to him about anything you wanted to, he’d listen
Your eyes watered a bit. You breathed out and eventually told him that some days, you had a bit of trouble accepting your current weight and your acne scars
You told him you were working on it but some days were harder than others
Honestly, he was bamboozled lol
He could never imagine someone as beautiful as you had those kind of insecurities
Before even thinking about it, he said you were absolutely perfect in his eyes
It was the first thing he thought when he met you actually
You almost choked on air bro WHAT
Your face was COMPLETELY red, about to explode🚨
Ears fully red after realizing how he slipped, he quickly continued, telling you that he also understood how you felt
He touched the scar he had on his face, lowering his hand to touch the one on his chest right after
You knew something bad had happened to him. But you also knew he had to tell you on his own terms
You just softly repeated what he told you
“You can talk to me about anything you want to, I’ll listen”
His eyes met yours and you were surprised by how much sadness they held in that moment
He shifted his gaze from you to the sand, taking handfulls of it just to let it fall from his fingers as he told you about his past
He told you everything
“You can… cut contact with me if you want to, I’ll understand-“
He was suddenly interrupted by you hugging him
He was surprised to say the least, arms slowly closing around you after some time as he let out a shaky breath
You both sat like that for a while before you told him that none of what he said changed the way you felt about him, everyone deserved a second chance
The way… you felt about him?
He pulled apart from you gently, still holding you close in front of him
“Exactly how do you feel about me?”
You had no choice but to confess, face fully red and straight up stuttering the whole time
He smile was HUGE oh my gods that little shit was enjoying every second of it
When you finished, you were trembling a bit, afraid you just ruined the best friendship you ever had
Imagine your surprise when he slowly leaned in, kissing you
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vague-bisexual-crimes · 2 months
The main character of all my iwbft fics isn't actually Jimmy or Lister or Rowan or Angel it's actually insomnia.
Description: This is set slightly after Lister has come home from the hospital and Jimmy and Lister are plagued with insomnia for several different reasons including but not limited to Jimmy's anxiety and Lister's sobriety.
Word count: a little over 2.5k
Rated: G
TWs: canon typical anxiety, nonspecific mentions of withdrawals
Slightly pre-relationship bicci fluff, mostly The Ark fluff, very domestic!
Jimmy rolls over for the billionth time, pissed at his brain and at his clock that keeps incessantly marking the passing of time. 
He’s been trying to sleep for four hours now. 
First it was that he really wasn’t all that tired. So then he watched TV until his eyes felt heavy, which turned into trying to sleep, which turned into his body refusing to let him sleep, which led to frustration that he wasn’t asleep, and inevitably anxiety over lost sleep.
Jimmy’s brain, everybody. What a wonderful thing to behold. 
He’s going to break something. Or scream. 
Instead he goes to make a cup of tea. 
To Jimmy’s surprise, he is not alone in his 3AM journey to the kitchen. 
Standing folded over the kitchen island, deep bags under his eyes, jaw clenched, hands clasped so tight together that his knuckles were white, was Lister. 
Jimmy is torn trying to decide a way announce his presence as to not scare the shit out of Lister who’s eyes are glued to the counter while also not initiating any kind of conversation that would lead to Lister asking him why he’s up so late (so early?). Before Jimmy can decide how to do this, Lister’s eyes break away from the countertop and land on him.
“Jimmy!” Lister stands up slightly straighter at the realization that he’s no longer alone in the kitchen, but his hands are still gripped together like he’ll die if he lets go. He sounds like he’s been crying but he doesn’t look it. 
Jimmy gives a halfhearted smile to Lister as he turns the teapot on. Jimmy runs a hand over his face, the sleeplessness catching up to him before the night is even over. 
Jimmy looks at Lister properly and he finally registers exactly how strange Lister is behaving. “You alright?” 
“Peachy,” he says in his Lister Bird voice, the same way he would cheekily reply to a fan or an interviewer who he found particularly boring. It felt wrong in their kitchen. 
Jimmy wraps his arms around himself, the kitchen is always colder than the rest of the apartment. “Yeah?”
“Can’t sleep?” Lister asks instead. 
Jimmy frowns but answers. “God forbid. I’ll be asleep on the couch by afternoon and up at this time tomorrow.”
“At least it’s pretty at night.” Lister says, sounding more like Lister, Jimmy’s best friend rather than Lister, Calvin Klein model. 
Jimmy scrunches his face up. “I hate nighttime. Nothing ever feels real at night and yet everything feels too real.”
“I’ve always loved it. No parents to tell me what to do, no fans to ask for pictures. Just my own little world inside the apartment.”
Jimmy wishes he shared the sentiment. 
“What’s keeping you up?” Lister asks. 
It’s not always something, more often than not it’s nothing, tonight it’s a bit more complicated than that. 
“At first I just couldn’t sleep, and then I convinced myself that the apartment is empty and I’m alone and this is actually a nightmare and I’m just waiting for the bad thing to happen and I know it’s not going to happen but I’m stuck waiting for the other shoe to drop until morning.” He fights to keep his voice level and for the most part he does, but his heart is beating too fast in his chest. 
“I’m here,” Lister says. He looks like he hasn’t slept in days. Maybe he hasn’t. 
“Why’re you up?” Jimmy asks. 
Lister sort of rolls his eyes and shrugs, his face torn between resentment and exhaustion. “Why am I not up?” Lister answers.
Jimmy catches Lister’s eyes for a moment but not before Lister casts them back down to the counter. “I haven’t really slept since I came home from the hospital.” 
Neither had Jimmy. He didn’t say as much. 
“Have you slept at all tonight?” Jimmy asks instead. 
Lister shakes his head. “I’ve given up on trying. A bit of me is hoping the exhaustion will catch up to me and I’ll just magically fall asleep one of these nights.” 
“Or you’ll fuck up your sleep schedule and stress out your body more.” 
“My sleep schedules always been fucked.” Lister ignores the latter comment. 
Jimmy makes his tea and offers Lister some, who declines. 
“Keep me company while we don’t sleep?” Jimmy asks. 
Lister smiles, it’s small and directly contrasts the bags under his eyes, but it’s genuine. “‘Course,” 
They end up in Jimmy’s room, the TV playing quietly in the background so as to not wake Rowan who had gone to bed at ten. 
The light is off, casting the two of them in the faint light of the TV as they sit side by side on Jimmy’s bed, legs under the covers. Jimmy’s holding his cup of hardly drank tea and Lister is holding a pillow against his chest, his head resting against the wall. 
“Did you know that screens are bad for falling asleep?” Lister says when Jimmy picks up his phone. 
“Fuck off.” Jimmy says though he isn’t really upset. God, he’s tired. 
“No, I mean I’ve been reading about sleeping and insomnia and shit—it’s all a lie none of it works—but the light keeps you awake.” Lister says. 
Jimmy locks his phone and watches TV for a few minutes. “Did you ever have a normal sleep schedule? When we were teenagers, I mean, before the band.” 
“No. And we’re still teenagers.” Lister says, turning to glance at Jimmy. 
“We haven’t been teenagers for years.” Jimmy says. 
“Amen,” Lister amends. “Did you?” 
“Not since I was a little kid.” 
They sit in comfortable silence for a while. Jimmy feels like he might possibly feel like he can fall asleep in a few more hours. 
“Do you ever wish we were never famous?” Lister asks. 
“Yes,” Jimmy answers with little hesitation. 
“Do you think we’d all be friends if it weren’t for the band?” 
“It’s hard to imagine a world where we aren’t.” Jimmy admits. “You and Rowan are the only reason I haven’t gone entirely off the rails.” 
“Only mostly,” Lister says. 
“Fuck off.” Jimmy smiles slightly. “Neither of us are entirely on the rails.” 
“I don’t think I’ve ever been on the rails.” 
Jimmy lets out a small laugh, like music in the quiet of the dark room. “That makes two of us.” 
Jimmy’s silent for a few beats before he asks. “Do you ever wish we were never famous?” Lister has always enjoyed fame. The drumming, the attention, the money, it’s all things he loves. Or maybe it isn’t. Lately Jimmy’s been realizing how little he actually knows about Lister. 
He thinks for a moment. “I wish things happened differently.” Another moment. “I wish we were older, I think. Like maybe if the fame was starting now we’d be more ready for it than we were.” 
“We weren’t ready for shit back then.” Jimmy says. “It’s a bit of a miracle we didn’t get more fucked over than we did.” 
“That’s probably true.” 
Jimmy is riding the line between still awake and so tired he’s about to start seeing things when his phone buzzes. 
Rowan: Are you awake? 
Jimmy: And Lister. We’re in my room 
“What’s that?” Lister asks, not moving his eyes from the point on the ceiling he’s been looking at for twenty minutes. 
“Rowan’s asking if I was up.” 
“God, what is it four in the morning, why’s Rowan up?” 
A second later there’s a soft knock and Rowan is pushing the door open before anyone replies. 
“Is this the insomniac room?” Rowan asks, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, his glasses abandoned. 
“You’ve caught our disease.” Lister says as Rowan climbs on the bed to the other side of Jimmy. He wraps an arm around Rowan who rests his head on Jimmy’s shoulder. Jimmy’s eyes close. 
“I can’t sleep either but I don’t get cuddles.” Lister whines. 
Jimmy opens his other arm without opening his eyes. “C’mon then,” Jimmy’s about to open his eyes to glare at Lister when he feels him scoot across the mattress and rest his head against Jimmy’s chest, one arm reaching around Jimmy’s back, the other coming to rest on Rowan’s bicep. Jimmy’s cheek comes to rest on the top of Lister’s head, he smells like sandalwood and spices and that kind of vaguely masculine scent that they put in men’s perfume. 
Jimmy can’t recall when any of them falls asleep, he just recalls the sense of calm that falls over the room as his two best friends cling and nuzzle against him like kittens and waking up the next morning to the three of them tangled together like three balls of yarn. 
Rowan’s insomnia is a one off case, he sleeps the next night in his own room with ease, Jimmy and Lister, however, are still cursed. 
They meet earlier this time, having both sat in the living room sometime in the early evening and migrating to Jimmy’s room around eleven. 
Jimmy turn’s the TV on again and rests his head on Lister’s shoulder as he watches it. Lister is stiff for a moment before he puts his head on top of Jimmy’s and puts an arm around him. It’s still late when they fall asleep but it’s before 5AM and Jimmy hasn’t felt so well rested in weeks. 
This quickly becomes a routine, Jimmy’s not sure if it’s the presence of someone else or the cuddles that soothes his racing mind, but it does, so he tries not to look too deep into it and takes all the sleep he can get. 
After a few weeks of this the bags on Lister’s eyes begin to fade slightly and some life comes back to him. 
Jimmy supposes he looks less ill than normal but he tries not to pay enough attention to his appearance to notice such things. 
It’s Rowan who brings it up to Jimmy, one afternoon where Jimmy is sitting on Rowan’s floor while Rowan fiddles around on his guitar. 
“Have you been sleeping? You look better than you’ve been.” If anyone else had said this to Jimmy he may have taken offense, but it's Rowan, so he doesn't.
“Do I?” Jimmy asks. 
“You do.” Rowan says, wincing at an out of tune string. 
“Lister’s been sleeping in my room.” Jimmy says picking up one of Rowan’s other guitars and tuning it along with Rowan. “It’s helpful, having something living in the same room, I guess.” 
Rowan hums but doesn’t look up, his twists hanging in his face as he strums a chord. 
“He looks better, too,” Rowan says. 
Rowan shows Jimmy the songs he’s been writing against the advice of all of their therapists, but Jimmy’s not sure it counts when he’s just writing for himself and not the band. It’s a different sound than he’s used to from Rowan, but he really likes it, it feels like Rowan. 
Jimmy hasn’t written any lyrics in so long, he still needs some time to separate writing from The Ark, every time he sits down to write he worries it’s not good enough, that people will hate it. He’s been advised to not write for other people and just write for himself but he’s finding it difficult. Rowan’s always been a writer though, it would be strange if he stopped. 
Jimmy’s not sure his life has ever been so eventless, even before the band. The apartment is quiet and with each passing day Jimmy realizes how big it is for the three of them. He wishes, not for the first time, that they would move out of London. It’s been discussed, but it was decided that it would be worse for the three of them to uproot their lives anymore than they have, so they stay in the London flat. 
Lister’s doing better, the withdrawals are noticeable to Jimmy and Rowan but they don’t comment. He hardly ever talks about it, but when he does it’s almost always the day after he has therapy and he still never says much. The two of them are there for Lister and Lister knows that, and that’s enough most of the time. 
It’s three months later when the topic of moving comes up again, to Jimmy’s excitement. 
It’s a Sunday morning, Jimmy and Lister have been up for a few hours but Rowan has recently joined them, perched on the foot of Jimmy’s bed, legs crossed, glasses hanging on the neck of his shirt. 
“I’m sick of this apartment.” Rowan says. “Too…much has happened here.” 
“We should get out of London while we’re at it.” Jimmy adds. 
“We can’t move back to Kent.” Rowan says.
“Just out of London.” Lister seconds. 
“Have you talked to Cecily? She’s not gonna like us being outside London.” Jimmy asks. 
“I don’t really care about how convenient where we live is to anyone else. And Cecily said it was fine as long as we didn’t move more than an hour's car ride away unless we want to have to fly into London every time we do pretty much anything.”
“That sounds perfect.” 
Despite having moved out of their family’s houses years ago, they are utterly useless at looking for somewhere to live. 
Cecily, Bliss, Pierro, and Rowan’s sister Jade are all called about the matter. Bliss and Rowan’s sister aren’t entirely sure how they’re supposed to help but they both send a few listings to Rowan. Pierro hasn’t bought a house since before Jimmy was alive so he isn’t much more help. Cecily takes it upon herself to find the boys a house close enough to London that she doesn’t go insane, and far enough from London that the boys didn’t go insane. 
Cecily is surprisingly fruitful in her search and presents them with several options. In the end, it boils down to the one that is midway between London and Kent. 
“We have too much shit!” Lister declares as he finishes taping a box shut and sits on top of it. 
“Sounds like a you problem, mate, I’ve almost got all my stuff packed.” Rowan calls from down the hall. 
“Piss off, you have Bliss helping you!” Lister calls back. 
By the time they’ve moved into their new house, Jimmy has sworn off ever moving again and told Rowan and Lister they can never get sick of this house because he is never packing up all their shit again. 
It’s smaller than the London flat was, still bigger than the three of them necessarily need. 6 bedrooms, one for each of them, one to be turned into a studio, and two spare bedrooms. Bliss helps them move and resigns herself to one of the spare bedrooms as soon as all of their boxes are inside. 
Jimmy's given up on unpacking the rest of his room that night and flops down on his bed, staring at the unfamiliar ceiling. A knock comes on Jimmy’s door and he jumps a bit, he sits up to lean against his headboard, and in a shaky voice says, “Yeah?” 
Rowan pushes the door open and lays down, putting his head in Jimmy’s lap. “I’m too tired to unpack tonight but my room feels too clinical without any of my stuff.” 
Jimmy hums in agreement and rests a hand on Rowan’s head. Rowan doses off after a little while, but before Jimmy can there’s another knock. “Yeah?” 
This time it’s Lister, in boxers and a hoodie that almost swallows him whole. “Welcome to the sleepover,” Jimmy’s voice drips with sarcasm, though he’s secretly glad that he doesn’t have to spend the first night in their new house on his own.
“Can't believe I didn’t get the invite.” Lister says, laying his head on Jimmy’s shoulder. 
“I think you’ve just got a standing invite at this point.” Jimmy answers, resting his head on top of Lister’s like he so often does. 
“Even better.” Lister says and it doesn’t take much longer before they’re both asleep.
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lumine-no-hikari · 27 days
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #151
I am running on only 3 hours of sleep and I have no idea what to write today. So I guess I'll tell you about the pancake breakfast.
Last night's letter ended up being written late, and then after that, I was troubled by various things and it took me until 3:30am or so to finally fall asleep. And then J and I woke up at 6:30, because there was a pancake breakfast going on for folks who are pilots. So we went. And I took a buncha pictures for you:
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J took some pictures, too:
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...There were also sausages, but neither J nor I thought to take pictures of them, for some reason. I'm sorry.
J talked to a lot of people. He's very conscientious when it comes to this stuff, so he's well-liked by most of the pilots in this community. For the most part, I was a bit too brain-dead from lack of sleep to interact with anyone in a more than cursory fashion, but I had a good time nonetheless; I can be tired and in good spirits simultaneously, and it's very good!
Also, along the way of today's adventures, I found 14 big feathers, and a couple little ones:
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...They were very pretty, but they seemed old and a bit too worn from the wind and the rain to keep them. Also, I imagined that if there are this many of them, it is the result of a bird having been struck by something while flying around near the runway instead of being just a single random loss of a plume. So I picked them up and arranged them in a relatively peaceful location, hoping that if the owner of these feathers is no longer with us, that its soul is also at peace. Naturally, I washed my hands shortly thereafter.
J and I went to get lunch at a place called Taiwan Noodle after that, because we were at the airport for around 3 hours before returning to our city, and we were hungry again, as is natural. It was nice.
Oh! I am reminded! I took some other pictures for you in days past that never made it into the letters that were written on the days they were taken. I'm sorry about that. But I suppose now is as good a time as any to show them to you.
These are from going to my friend's house to help her watch her little son:
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...Here is a new looseleaf tea that I blended together with you in mind...
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...It's prismatic just like you... 😊💖
And... here is the finished lilac syrup, distributed in jars to give to my friends:
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The big jar there is for those of my house.
I made some of the tea pictured above, and sweetened it with the lilac syrup; the result was an absolutely heavenly concoction that I wished so much that I could have shared with you:
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...It tasted like sunshine and flowers blooming outdoors; I think you would have loved this one...
And here are a couple from the park that M, J, Br, her son, F, and I went to:
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...Sephiroth, I'm super tired today, and it's hard to formulate complete sentences, but... I still wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you. I wanted you to know there's someone out here who cares enough to put in whatever effort is possible to try to extend a little kindness towards you. Try to remember that you're not alone, okay?
I guess I'll call it here. It's midnight, and I still gotta get ready for bed; if I wanna be able to drive to the place tomorrow so I can give a jar full of lilac syrup to the leader, I have to have actually slept for 8 hours. So I'm going to go do that.
I love you. I'll write to you again soon, so stay safe out there, okay?
Your friend, Lumine
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emmebearpaw · 2 months
This just in. At this rate I doubt I'm ever going to finish my OC smut fic so guess who's just going to post the unfinished thing instead of making it rot in my literal notes app forever. Anyways uh. Is it proof read. No. Did I stop, 1 paragraph into the actual make out scene. Anyways I guess it's context time. Which will be above the cut. Congrats it got too long I put it below cut. Because if you follow me I'm going to make you read about my little fuckers. I have more, I could make you read about all of them. You learn about 2. Fic will contain: vampirism, lead up to public sex (they were going to be fucking in the woods!). And also someone's first time writing smut. Please stick around. Also, the one comment I got on a very early version of some of this is that Atsuko doesn’t sound very interested. They are. I promise they are, they are just also a nerd who was initially hoping to not enter a state of brain shut down due to lack of blood because they wanted to write. This is not safe or sane but it is consensual.
Anyways let's start with the info they both share: They are both nebulous TTRPG OCs now, they have been dragged through about 5 universes (starting with an original universe that was very Shintoism inspired, hence the Japanese names) at this point but now they are in, some sort of DND-ish type fantasy world. No I am not playing them, I am not playing any TTRPGs because I don't have a group (like half my friends are in one but they don't need/want more players) and I have roleplay anxiety. Anyways, moving on to their individual Qualities. Atsuko (They/them): Elven wizard, likely Order of Scribes if talking DnD subclass. Approximate human age would be like, mid to late 20s? Maybe early 30s. Probably like, 5'9. They are really more of a researcher than a combatant but hey, magic is also a large interest of theirs and thus cast fireball. They have been working on creating as comprehensive an encyclopedia on religions as they can. They believe that in order to choose a religion, one should be able to compare the options, know what they believe, structure, holidays, symbols good and bad. They couldn't find one. They are on a fucking odyssey to decide if they are religious or not. Atsuko is interested in finding out if they are because their mother finds significant comfort in faith for dealing with the fucking bloodline curse the rest of the family is afflicted with. "Wait what bloodline curse" Watch me make up lore. Yeah so like, a portal to the feywild can be made anywhere the energy is right. This is usually places like, a forest, a hill, in a circle of mushrooms, etc. Fey also thrive best in these areas, hence why fey are not diffuse, but instead congregated around portals. Nothing stops people from having the correct energy(tm) make up to be a fey portal. However, the creation of a fey portal in a person (which occurs usually before age 1 ish when a person starts to gain a personality), usually results in their soul pulled through it the next time they sleep, which results in a small portion of SIDS cases throughout this magical world. Elves don't sleep. Which mean they often live. However, Elves with Portal-itis (i did not come up with a name) are still, you know, fucking Fey portals, and thus they are just in uh, elevated amounts of Fey danger for their entire lifespan. This usually results in them inevitably getting fucked over by a fey in the normal ways you've probably heard of (loss of their identity/soul, murder, the works). Yeah this is genetic. Congrats Atsuko's mother for being the one person in the family to dodge it. So Atsuko spent most of their childhood basically stuck inside of their mostly fey proofed house with their grandma and uncle. So that sucks. Anyways, Atsuko was bored out of their fucking mind, because like, you run out of books eventually, and managed to make themself a semi decent contract with a fey named Chiyo. In exchange for Atsuko giving Chiyo the life force energy they need to live (and like, regular food and shelter), Chiyo would help plug the portal, basically stake a claim on Atsuko so other fey don't bother. Other great features: been anemic for decades. yada yada eventually Atsuko started wandering. Anyways this was way longer than I intended. Look at Human!Atsuko, thanks picrew.
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Chiyo: She/her: Fey, her class is fucking bite you I guess, she's active in combat but is not really a class. Because she's Atsuko's "familiar". Chiyo is uh, nebulous kind of fey. I don't know what she is, I made it up. She has various abilities, she can shapeshift, she needs to eat life force energy found in human bodily fluids, she has doll joints. She can also taste human emotions as flavor. This is her fey brain’s best way to understand emotion. I do have a lot of emotions mapped onto flavors for her (she describes Atsuko as tasting bad. Atsuko there tastes like blueberries and oregano). She usually is in the form of a fox somewhere between a red fox and fennec fox, or a human gijinka to anthro (yeah atsuko is a furry dw) of that form. Atsuko has been passing this fey off as their familiar for, so long, which is why she's usually a fox form. Anyways her backstory is she super got run out of the feywild for unclear reasons and basically had to make a deal or die. The two are now in a normal relationship: married and having sex but neither have the emotional intelligence to realize they are in love. I've never made a good depiction of Chiyo and her design has gotten harder to picrew so please close your eyes and imagine. A golden and white fox, turned into a slightly uncanny humanoid doll. Hollow, you can see strings in the joints. Can reduce the animal features, can not transform into a non-doll humanoid, the doll features will remain. This is my best picrew.
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Anyways fic time --------------------------------------------
It was a few hours into night watch when Chiyo decided to begin the pacing. Hopping down from whatever person way blessed with the unlucky gift of the disguised fey deciding to make them their pillow for the night and just. Pacing. It was sort of fun in a way. Sitting by the fire. Watching her squirm. Enjoying a few more minutes of your lucidity before the hunger saw time take your feather right from your hands. If there wasn’t more reason to be thankful you didn’t have to sleep. Though you suppose you wouldn’t be in this mess if you did.
You’d be long dead after all. Taken by something else as its delicious reward.
Your false familiar whines as she licks your wrist. You may have chosen your beast but well. You don’t make a deal with a fey without a few concessions. Your head rushes as always as you quietly pace away from the low fire. Chiyo’s small paws scamper alongside you, racing you out of camp and into the night air.
You were barely 30 feet out of camp before the sounds of snapping were unbearable. You asked for her to transform before she fed off you, of course, but the noise. The noise the noise. If her bones weren’t already morphing you would break her bones for her. Crush them to dust and-
“You probably shouldn’t transform this close to everyone else. It’ll be a pain if they wake up.” Your mouth says without you. You are thinking of blood.
The fox-doll sniggered as her vocal cords reformed, and when the creature was satisfied teased: “What? Worried about your friends getting jealllouss??”
“I’m worried about us both getting blown up by whatever spell they decide to aim at the entity, covered in blood, pinning their acquaintance to a tree.”
“You’re no fun”
“And yet you’re the one who led me out of camp instead of just pouncing.”
“Because I respect your taste” A bone snaps into a new place. The spine was always loud. “Even if I think it would be more exciting if it wasn’t just u-“
“Breach of contract.” You take off your coat. The night air is cold against your exposed neck.
“Yeah okay okayyyyy. I get it. No feeding on anyone else. But what if they just wat-“
“Are you hungry or not?” You press your back against a steady tree and sit, in case you feel unsteady in the minutes to come.
You looked down at what was once your false fox, body shifted and morphed into a bipedal form. Her fangs still as sharp as ever, and ears just as big and yet. Well, there was certainly a reason you advised her to not take humanoid form in town. The holes in her joints were obvious, revealing the long spindly strings that seemed to make up her insides. Allowed her segmented fingers to reach up and brush the hair away from your mouth, lingering just a moment to long as she looked up to you. Face close enough you could smell the sweetness of her breath.
“May I bite you now?” She asked. You knew she had to. You tried to play with it once. See when your loyal companion would pounce without command.
Well trained dogs need a reason to— “bite me”.
The “t” had hardly graced your lips before she latched to your neck like a wolf after its prey.
The first wave of blood to leave your veins always made your head spin the most. It wasn’t as if you ever did anything to dull the pain and Chiyo’s teeth were just as sharp as she always kept them.
Your head was definitely pounding more than normal tonight though. You panted, breathing in the smell of your iron before asking, “Are you charming me again?”
If she had ever bothered to answer that, you had never been conscious enough to hear her response to that question.
The facsimile gasped for air. Its pale velvet face sullied by the dribbling blood as you winced once more. Neck raw and warm and wet and—
She had definitely charmed you. Your heart was pounding as your blood ran thin once again. With a moan— a sigh, with a sigh you close your eyes. This was moving frankly too fast. As much as the thought of her excited you, now wasn’t the time. New thought, new thought… ah yes. You were working on compiling your notes before this. You had managed to sample various common foods eaten during the autumn lunar festival of—
Her hands running along your back snapped you out of a thought on the ceremonial purpose of spiced rice dough. Fangs dislodging for a moment as she looked you in the eyes to state, “Stop thinking about lunar cycles or whatever. You taste like shit.”
“I’m thinking about the symbolism of colors in the dough from the other day actually.”
The doll laughed at you, joints creaking ever so slightly as she separates from you, “Fascinating topic. You can tell me all about it after I’m finished sucking you dry?”
A slight “Mmm…” was your form of a whine as her heat left the crook of your neck, once your brain managed to find words once more you responded: “Don’t eat too much again, please?” A please is polite. A please can help to paper over the shudder in your body as she reaches forward to collect a drop of blood from your neck with those fingers.
“But I’m still hungryyyy” she whined. Eyes seemingly warbling. “You would deny your loyal companion a full meal? Hmm. What would we call that? Ohh, right. A breach, of, con-tract.” Her fingers walked across, dancing around the sensitive spot as you two had done so many times before.
“I wasn’t saying you can’t eat more. I was trying to tell you that you could have a bit more? I’m just—” You shake your head, just skip to the explanation rather than the correction. “I need to be able to stand up without falling this time.”
“Well. I think I’m hungrier than just a little more.” Your face is so warm. “If you want my little ol’ stomach filled without me drinking more… we can always—“ She flicks her tongue. If only if only if only-
“They’d hear us you know.” You two were, what, 60 feet from camp? As much as you felt the air get ever colder against your warmer, warmer, warmer skin… “We can try and find a better spot.” You proposed. Surely there had to be another spot than the one you scouted while gathering firewood, further away, line of sight.
“So the only reason we can’t have fun is your worried about screaming?”
…when she put it like that…
“I— yes? That’s the only concern. Really we can just move and—“ you were scooped up by the arms by your small fox, her shiny porcelain skin scratching against the tree as she dragged you to your feet against it. You looked down to your Chiyo, running your fingers along the fur of her ears to keep your mind off the snap and stretch of the bones you were sat upon.
The fox licked her lips as the leg you sat upon seemed to settle, morphed to allow you to straddle it comfortably and yet… from this distance you could see all the tiny joints that ran through her face, your finger fluttering through her hair as you lean into the moment.
Then you blink. “I thought you wanted to have sex?” You vaguely gesture at, the both of you. You were both as clothed as you normally were (which, admittedly for Chiyo was rather sparse due to the whole shape shifting thing), and, well, “Figured you were going to eat me out.”
She shifted closer, pinning you against the tree as her lips nearly brushed against yours, her sudden motion pressing against
She shifted closer, moving away from your grasp on her with a slight roll of the hip, her knee pressing up into you as you respond with a simple “Ohh-hh”
She snickered at the way your breath hitched with so little, “Awww, we’ve barely even started and you’re already making noise…” she trailed off, pulling at the waist of your trousers with an inquisitive look before asking “I thought you said we couldn’t have sex unless it was quiet. Besides, how am I gonna stop you from waking everyone up if I’m down there?”
You sighed as you rose to your toes to pull your pants off, shuffling them off one leg at a time in the downbeat. Your heart pounding as it tried to get your head the blood enough blood to not tip over as you pulled the second leg off. An arm quickly grabbed at you, as if she was jealous the earth may try to claim your lust before she could if you fell. You fumbled for a moment, words stuck on your tongue, and yet, before you could even form the words she answered, “I can always charm you to keep you upright too, if that’s what that silly lil brain of yours is trying to ask.”
(Eyes sparkle with a “holy shit I love you” sort of energy)
“I thought you already charmed me?”
She laughs at you. “I knew you were into it but, sheesh, you got wet so fast you thought it was magic?” Try to retort, she presses a finger to your lips and asks if you want her to charm you, you say not immediately but yes. “Can I kiss you?” You nod and she once again launches forward and suck suck
————— Chiyo told you once that the taste in her mouth was similar to a “blue berry”. The sweet tinge of her tongue mixing with yours. The sour that mixed in as she nipped on your lip before stopping your squeak with her tongue once more.
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jackiebrackettt · 6 months
ermmm hello i am here for writing prompt what about this :
late night conversation between gill and chip, maybe about how gill wears his heart on his sleeve and chip both admires that about him and think its stupid, wishes he was more like him but also knows he couldnt get away with it cuz hes not gill, just has a lot of conflicting emotions about gillion and doesnt like how vulnerable that makes him feel. something like that.
(Prefacing this with i haven’t been caught up on riptide for a while now so this is ambiguously set somewhereeee around whatever era you think it works best thumbs up emoji)
Chip can’t sleep. An annoyingly more frequent occurrence he’s been dealing with. And he knows that lying there will probably be better for him in the long run—at the very least, no one will ask him questions about why he’s awake in the middle of the night—but he drags himself out of bed, anyway.
He’s antsy. His legs aching like they need to move. So, he does.
He heads to the kitchen first. Picks up a snack to entertain himself with while he mopes around on deck. Maybe he’ll go to the crow’s nest, and stare out at the sea—try to spot their next destination, even though it’s far from being in eyesight. Or maybe he’ll climb out to sit on the figurehead. Dangle his legs over the water.
Or maybe, he’ll go talk to Gillion. Who’s leaning against the railing, staring down at the waves below them. Huh.
“Hey, Gill.” He keeps his voice quiet, and decides not to comment on the way Gillion makes an aborted movement to reach for his sword. “Couldn’t sleep, either, huh?”
“I suppose so.” Gillion sighs.
“So,” Chip sits up on the railing, and takes a bite of his snack, “what’s got you up?”
“Just… thinking.” Gillion shrugs. “You?”
“Oh, I was just hungry.” Chip lies. And, well, he didn’t actually consider it a lie until he realised he was saying it to Gillion. “I mean… I dunno. Just felt like I had to move. And why not grab a midnight snack, huh?”
“True,” Gillion sighs again, “very true.”
“Do you, uh, want some?”
“No, it’s fine.”
“Do you… want to talk about it?”
“There’s not much to talk about. I think…” Gillion hesitates. “I think I’d rather talk about nicer things now, you know?”
“Yeah, sure, I can do nice.” Chip wracks his brain for anything light-hearted. “It was, uh, sweet how you bought that kid that book back at port. Or, well, used my money to buy it.”
“Thank you.” Gillion smiles, but it’s a tired thing. “The ability to learn is a great thing. I wouldn’t want to bar anyone from that if I can help it.”
“Yeah, yeah, always the hero.” But even as he rolls his eyes, it comes out much more fond than he’d want. “Someone’s going to exploit you for that, you know? Well, again.”
“Maybe.” Gill’s eyes catch his now, and something nervous scrambles around in his chest. “But it’s worth it.”
“Yeah. I guess.” Chip darts his eyes away, and coughs. “It’s—it’s good. Yeah. And even though I think it’s kind of stupid! I… I do admire you for it… I guess.”
“Thank you, Chip.” The smile on his face is a little more lively now. “And, you know, since you’re well versed in scamming people, maybe you can help me notice the difference.”
“Oh, I’ll try.” Chip promises, with a false bravado. “But once you’re on the path of honour, and doing good it’s, like, impossible to drag you off it, man.”
“Well, I promise I’ll listen to you.” Gillion rests his hand on Chip’s knee, and despite the coolness of his skin making its way through Chip’s pants, he feels warm. “I know you like doing good, too.”
“Well, I don’t know about—I mean, I’d like to, but—” Chip bites his tongue—trying to stop the meaningless rambling so he can gather his thoughts. “Well, I’m not you. I don’t do all that… hero crap.”
“Oh, don’t say that! You’ve helped a lot of people, Chip!”
“Shut up, you know what I mean.”
Gillion laughs a little. Squeezes his knee, before withdrawing. Chip kind of misses the touch.
For a moment, they both lapse into silence. Thoughts swirl around Chip’s mind, none of which he’s particularly interested in entertaining.
He finishes his snack, and claps Gill’s shoulder.
“C’mon.” He jumps back onto the deck. “Let’s go try and sleep, yeah?”
Gillion sends him another smile that he has to look away from. Too much for the complicated tornado spinning through his brain right now.
He remembers when he wanted to get Gill to laugh at one of his jokes. Properly laugh. He used to think Gill was so uptight.
But kindness, and all the associated emotions come easy to Gill in a way they don’t come to Chip. And maybe he’s a little jealous of how easily Gillion can express his love for his crew without wrapping it up in anything else.
They say goodnight to each other. Chip checks on Jay, but she seems to be sleeping fine—didn’t even wake up when their conversation drifted closer to her.
And Chip tries to fall asleep.
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Words: 4030
Summary: Steve Harrington has always dreamt about running away from Hawkins and his parents. Ever sense he could form his own thoughts, he has always wanted to travel the world in a beat up van with those he loved. Yet obvious circumstances stop him from leaving. Instead of being on a beach somewhere he is stuck in Hawkins, Indiana waiting for the world to end at any time. He loves all of his friends, but he has been missing a piece of himself for a long time. After taking the first steps of self discovery and putting down the crown, he realizes that he’s barely touched the surface of who Steve Harrington really is. Even if it means running away from home last minute, taking chances and using the flimsy excuse of a family emergency to get away from his friends for a while, he’s willing to do what it takes to make himself feel whole again. Make those thoughts finally disappear and maybe be more then what others has set his image to be.
Part : 1/?
Ao3 link
Note: I have the next few chapters planned out, but I don’t think this will be a terribly long fic. Five chapters is most likely max. But who knows I might like writing this so much that I add a few more. I just didn’t want to rush the process and not have Steve returning to Hawkins different hit the way I wanted it 😭
Steve runs a hand through his hair, water droplets falling down his forehead and down his nose. Watching each one move down his freckles through the reflection of the mirror. It wasn't uncommon for Steve to sleep in, honestly it was very common for him to sleep until nine am at the latest. Lately though, his body has been craving for a lot more sleep then what he can offer it. Flapping his hands a bit, spraying water around the small little bathroom of the diner moves himself out of the cramped space. Giving a tight smile to a older male that pushes his way through before he's heading back to his table. Moving, wiping his hands off his pants a little, fidgeting a bit before he plops himself into his designated spot next to Robin. Who was currently rambling about something, hands flying in the air as she leaned forward at the table in a chaotic manner. Matching Eddie, who was nearly standing on the opposite side of the booth from excitement. Steve isn't sure what part of the conversation he catches them in as his brain goes foggy again. The splash of cold water not grounding him into reality like normal. The feeling was annoying, and instead of catching either of his friends attentions he moves to start eating his food. Zoned out a bit as he planned out his day in a way that he could get a nap in. Maybe he was coming down with something?
For the last couple of months? Yeah no fucking way dude. There was something wrong with him and he wasn't sure what. Though he was physically good in health, maybe cutting back the amount of time going to gym was making him feel so ill. But that also didn't make any sense, he still felt the same icky feeling going to the gym, one of the reasons why he stopped going more then twice a week. He's chewing carefully on a strawberry when Robin playfully shoved him with a soft smile. Not showing concern, but looking curiously at him. Steve furrows his eyebrows as he swallows the fruit in his mouth. Letting a soft hum out, "Hm?" Licking his lips shortly after as he turns his head to glance over at Eddie who's properly kneeling on the booth seat, head cocked to the side a little bit. Trying to read him almost.
"Do you want the rest of my pancakes?" She asks gently. A common ritual between the two friends. Her eyes would be bigger then her stomach which left Steve swooping in and finishing what was left. He needed the calories anyway, constantly burning a decent amount on his morning jogs and in the gym. Though with the cut back of exercise he wasn't feeling all that hungry. That was the excuse he came up with as he shakes his head no, carefully licking some whip cream off from the top of his mouth.
"Nah, I'm find Robs." He responds with a hum. Watching the way she stops mid movement, holding the plate in her hand as if she was already on her way in moving it to put on Steve's. He chuckles gently, raising his eyebrow at how awkward she looks. Startled as well as she jokingly moves a hand forward and touches Steve's forward with the back of her palm.
"You feeling okay Dingus?" She asks softly. Not holding the plate for much longer as Eddie moves quickly scooping it from her hand. She doesn't bother looking over at the table, where Eddie was currently shoveling the food in as if he hadn't eaten a hamburger, a full plate of fries, and a strawberry milkshake with chocolate syrup mixed in a little bit. Steve had thought once the other wasn't on the run any more he would stop shoveling food into his face so fast that he nearly hit some of his fingers off. That, did not seem to be the case.
"Yeah, just started cutting back on how much I go to the gym." He admits, "so I'm not as hungry." He says softly. Watching Robin relax, the softness in her eyes grounding him better then the water in the bathroom. Her eyes crinkling a bit as she playfully pokes him lightly in the stomach.
"See, I told you so. Lady's dig the dad bods dude." She teases playfully. Causing Steve to laugh gently, shaking his head amused as Eddie starts to choke on a piece of fruit. Coughing a bit as he pulls back from hovering over the plate, any closer and his nose would have been touching the glass.
The day goes the same, for the most part. Steve drives to his shift at Family Video, sharing it with Robin like normal. Watches the neighborhood kids come in and leave after inspecting the shelf that held a , "new movies" sign above it with a life sized cut out of David Hasselhoff leaning against kit the talking car. It was a couple of years old, but it worked fine with getting the younger boys excited about the car. More desirable then having to move a life sized cut out of a girl in a bikini away from a drooler. He's fiddling a random rhythm on the counter as he tries figuring out what he has to do. Feeling a tad forgetful lately he frowns as he moves crouching down as he picks up a lollipop stick off the rug. Probably Robins wrong doing, scrunching his nose from disgust as he moves it likes it's the plague, to a trash can. Hearing the bell of the front door going off, following along with a very pissed off Dustin. Steve's lost as he swings himself over with the rolling chair.
"This is such bullshit Steve!"  Spit goes flying everywhere as Dustin has no control over his lisp. Voice Loud enough that it echos through the store catching Robins attention. Who had been opening new boxes of tapes. Behind Dustin is Max who looks agitated, Will Byers who looks confused and wants nothing to do with this conflict along with Mike Wheeler who's face is a light pink and looks like he's done something. What, Steve isn't sure. If they didn't all look like they were in one of the most serious situations in their life's Steve may have snorted and cracked a small comment to Dustin about "saying it not spraying it."  However the saying went.
"What is Henderson?" Steve asks slowly. Furrowing his eyebrows tiredly as he tries to catch onto what the other was talking about. He hadn't forgotten anything had he. But even if he had Dustin would not be this pissed. Mistakes happened, and most times Dustin made sure to ride his bike everywhere.
"You're parents!" Dustin spits out again. Steve's lost again, he hasn't heard anything from his Mother and Father in a couple of weeks. Doing god knows what in god knows where.
"What about my parents?" He asks confused. Moving his arms a bit as he looks concerned as well.
"Hellfire Club, or any club that doesn't fit a Christian like bubble can not and will not be allowed at Hawkins high because someone's parents refuse to donate money to the school if it's not a preppy Christian love nest!" Dustin says upset. And oh, that makes sense.
"But- I thought hellfire was banned already?" He asks confused.
"It was! But you don't understand, the only clubs that are allowed are all sport oriented." Dustin snaps.
"Ok—" Steve drawls out. "You can't create you're own—" before he can finish Dustin's snapping again.
"This is bullshit! Of course you would side with your parents, and here I thought you were on my side!" Dustin in clearly upset as he slams his hand on the counter. Normally Steve would be able to handle a out break like this, he understood he used to be a moody teenage boy himself. For the most part Dustin wasn't all the angry. He stands up startled, eyes glancing over at Max who says softly. Almost as if she was shy, moving her body around as she keeps her arms crossed around her self.
"They cut robotics club-" and oh. That made sense why Dustin was so pissed. He had been so close to creating a device where no matter how far away you were, it would use some form of connection to connect to another device. The purpose was to be able to tap on it, like Morse code almost. Which he somehow knew, along with his girlfriend Susie who would definitely appreciate the more private way of communicating instead of having a sibling eavesdropping. Though knowing this Steve was also a bit upset.
"Too far Henderson-" he says calmly, trying to get rid of the agitated part of his tone. Watching the way Henderson's shoulders deflate under the words. Meeting his eyes a bit. That mutual agreement they had months ago coming through, not once has Steve ever had to say to far to Dustin about something. Normally it was Steve who took the jokes to far sometime. Used to tough jocks his age who made fun of stuff like that, not a small teen boy who was obviously going to have some insecurities. "First off, I don't agree with my parents. Honestly, I didn't even know they were doing that. Haven't spoken to them in weeks, with the 'earth quakes' my phone line has been down, and I just got it fixed a few days ago. Plus, it’s not like my parents ask me for permission to do anything before they do it!" he rambles out. Most days he doesn’t even touch his phone, it was always through the radio that he contacted the group by.
"Second, I am sorry about your club. I'm sure that you brainiacs will figure out a way to steal the parts back and finish it up by yourselves. You've got a lot of it done. Third, no I am not on your side dude. I'm on all of your guys. Which includes the others not just you Henderson." Steve says waving his right hand loosely, leaving the other on his hip. Cocking said hip off to the side a little bit, his nose flaring a little as he hears Robin moving around in the back. His head was starting to kill him from all of the commotion, as he moves forward grumbling under his breathe as he pulls a ibuprofen out. Popping it in his mouth before swallowing and then sassily waving his hands for the kids to get out.
"Now scadadle. Start coming up with ideas for your own clubs, I'm sure you can create your own. Don't need money to just hang out with each other. Plus, I expect you to figure out a way in stealing what you started to  create Henderson." Steve says with a playful huff. Dustin his moving back a little as he nods his head eagerly. Much more calmer then what he been earlier. Now he looked like he had a part of a plan formed in his head as he playfully bounces up and down walking backwards out of the store with the other goons following shortly behind as their voices start to mix and go over each other as ideas started to form.
"You okay Steve?" Robin asks curiously. Moving over to him, slightly hovering over him as he sits down on the chair. He looks up with a soft smile, feeling her hand laying on his shoulder where his neck met his shoulder. He moves his own hand placing it on top of her tinier in a comforting manner. As if he wasn't the one who needed it.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He smiles dimly, watching his friend relax before patting his shoulder absent mindlessly then walking away to go finish what she had started.
Thing is, Steve has always randomly gotten the urge to pack up and leave. Leave everything behind, start over, become someone new - someone that wasn't Steve Harrington. Son of two rich assholes who didn't have any real touch to reality. Become something more, be something more then the image his parents have created, no spray painted all over this town. Of course he's used to it but the thoughts are particularly hard to shut up tonight.
Has Steve really not changed at all?
Is he still like his parents?
What if everyone around him was better off without him?
Now, the last thought was a bit shocking. Steve wasn't suicidal, he just wanted to curl up somewhere and disappear for a while. He didn't want to die, but he didn't want to be living in a sense. He was exhausted, feeling his bones ache to just lay in bed for a while. Though he was tired, he couldn't fall asleep. It was the most annoying thing he's ever felt. He rubs a hand through his hair, runs a hand down his face. Sitting up when the reality of the situation hits him. He can start over, he can leave Hawkins behind, he can go off and start off fresh. The excitement fills every part of his body as he throws himself out of his bed, looking around the room as he realizes he can make his own room. Have something that was his own, just as long as he got out of this town. Just as fast as he makes the decision to leave, he is quick to shut it down. Running a hand through his hair. Stressed out by the thought of even leaving Robin and the kids behind.
Deflated of all hope he moves curling back into his bed. Deciding he would much rather live in misery, then conflict any hurt feelings on his friends. His rambling thoughts are non stop as he stays curled up, now on top of the comforter. Feeling the sun beaming through his window as he turns on his shoulder getting more excited about getting up and seeing Robin. Though slightly agitated that he had just spent the last eight hours laying in bed doing nothing. Hopping off the bed he moves, pulling his sweats off, then his shirt before scratching at the slight happy trail he had that connected to even more hair hidden behind his boxers. Moving his body at weird angles as he starts to get changed, tracing his v-line as he looks at the mirror. Slight scaring placed underneath his finger tips before he pushes himself out of his room, heading to the diner to meet Robin and Eddie for breakfast.
And today feels like yesterday, then feel the same as tomorrow. As he sat down next to Robin he felt like everything was moving around him so fast. Robin and Eddie’s voices drowning out in the back of his head. Eyes glossed over with exhaustion as he looks around the diner. Eyes stopping at the newspaper that had been pinned up on a board near the kitchen. Swallowing a bite of food he leaves his eyes trained there. Looking at the image of a town further away, that seemed to somehow be smaller then Hawkins. That seemed nice, Hawkins was pretty big for a rural town. In his head Steve realizes he’s daydreaming about leaving. About just disappearing, imagining everyone’s reactions. Knowing that not many people would care. Most likely only Robin and Dustin would be the only ones to notice his absence.
The slight shove against his side and his attention is back on Robin who’s not asking this time as she forces the last of her pancakes on his plate. Leaving a bit more for him then what she normally would, as if she was trying to make up for the day before. Steve smiles tiredly as he starts to eat. Staying silent as he glances over at Eddie. Who was a little disheveled this morning. Hair a mess, bags under his eyes as he rambles his thoughts out as well. Robin seemed a bit more tired then normal as well. “What’s got you two so tired?” He teases. Knowing his excuse, but it was rare for Robin and Eddie to have sleepless nights on the same night. It was more common for one to come in like a zombie and the other to be beaming until their roles were reversed. Steve would be the consistent one, always getting enough sleep. On occasion though he had his moments, like today.
“Oh, Eddie decided he wanted to throw a long ass session yesterday. Argyle, Jonathan, and I were all up until three am dealing with his bullshit.” Robin laughs gently. Steve looks amused, though his chest ached. Logically he knows he wouldn’t have been playing with them, but it still stung that he hadn’t been there when they were playing. He wouldn’t mind watching. And typically before every session he was invited to join anyway, to watch which he gladly accepted. Though there is no comment said about him not being invited, as if it was just common knowledge that he wasn’t accepted in the group.
“Oh?” He chuckles gently, running a hand through his hair as he lets the topic die. Letting Eddie take over, talking about some movie that was coming out. His brain wandering, not finishing his food as he steps out of the booth when it’s finally time to leave. Normally the minutes went by super fast, and he didn’t want to go. Today, he was bored out of his mind and couldn’t wait to head back home. Not having a shift today, maybe he could get a quick nap in. Waving at Robin, who would catch a ride with Eddie who would be passing the family video on his way home. Steve moves clicking himself in the car and rubs his eyes. He’s on a loose thread, and he felt like something was coming. Something that was just going to cut it in half and force him to have to do something he had no plans on doing.
And it does. When he gets a phone call from Keith, the store manager. Who’s trying to get him to come in on his day off. Wanting him to cover a shift, that someone else could easily cover. Steve was close to passing out, there was no way he was able to get behind the drivers wheel and drive like this. “Keith! Can you - dude I can’t come in right now!” He snaps. Running a hand down his face. This was really going to be his last straw. Something so small yet so big. The urge to run away was getting stronger, to escape from the real world. His exhaustion running deeper then just physically but also mentally. Before he can even think about what he was saying he spits it out. “Fuck dude! You know what, I quite. Don’t even bother calling me again, my uniforms already in my locker so I don’t even need to drop it off.” Steve snaps. Slamming the phone into its holder.
It felt amazing, the slight relief of not having something tying him down. The feeling was addictive as he sets his back against the wall. Sliding down dramatically as he feels tears forming in his eyes. Then the relief is gone and he’s overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with everything. Soon, he knows Robin will be calling him. Probably chewing him out about quitting the only stable job there was in Hawkins. His mind was making everything seem bigger then what it really was, anxiety eating away at his stomach as he tilts his head back. He felt like he was drowning, though just a few days ago he had been perfectly afloat. Fine really. Then something happened and he was being pulled down. Shuddering at the thought of a hand wrapping itself around his ankle and yanking him down he throws himself off from the cold floor. Rushing to go to his room.
Logic was gone, he needed to leave. Before this town dragged him down any further. Duffel bag on his bag, his movements and decisions are erratic and stupid. Any person staring and watching from a third persons view could see that. God even Steve could see that, but his brain was so wrapped around the feeling of being buried alive that he doesn’t even care. He wasn’t crying, but he wasn’t calm either. Pulling what he needed out, this was all last minute and he knew that the second he left Hawkins he would be stuck in shitty hotels and sleeping in his car for awhile. Though that sounded more exciting that sleeping in this empty house.
Moving to his closet next he pulls out what he needs, leaving everything else as is. There wasn’t much he needed here. Grabbing his walkie, hoping that where he went would be able to catch the station the kids were on. Moving to the bathroom packing soaps and his toothbrush. Careful not to let any of it explode in the bag. Moving out to his car tossing it in the trunk, before he’s moving back in grabbing any food that wouldn’t expire any time soon and didn’t need to be refrigerated. Though he was panicked, he was clear minded enough to think about cleaning the fridge out. Not much in there anyway. Running a hand through his hair he grabs his keys and takes one final look at the house. He could back out now. But that made him more upset then the thought of leaving Robin and everyone behind. Of course he left a small note, where he knew Robbie would find it. Though he’s sure that he would call when he got to a gas station. Coming up with an excuse about a family emergency.
Moving out side he realizes the thought of never returning to this ugly house didn’t phase him as much as he thought it would. Growing up he was convinced that he would be crying when he drove away from it for the last time. Instead none of those emotions were there. Instead his hands shook as he gripped onto the steering wheel. Looking forward, and not behind him as he pulls out. He shouldn’t be driving, with the lack of sleep he really shouldn’t. Though he needed to hold onto the walkie. Moving and grabbing it from the other seat he presses it hard on his right thigh. Letting the windows down, wind wipping his hair all over. He’s sure that this stunt would only last him a couple of weeks, he would be back in no time.
As the sun comes up, he slips his glasses on. Beaming excitedly as he turns the radio on. Letting whatever station that had been on last play. Heading off to god only knows where, with only what he got, a wallet with all of the money he’s saved up over the past couple of months and a bank account filled with hush money that has been yet to be touched. There was nothing but looking up from here. Letting the road take him where ever it wanted to, hours away from Hawkins. And when it was time for him to meet Robin and Eddie at the diner for their daily breakfast, he’s tempted to turn back. Hearing the panic in Robins voice through the speaker. Reminding himself that he would call later, he turns the thing off. Throwing it to the seat, hearing it thud to the car floor. Nothing but the woods and dirt roads surrounding him now as he finally fulfills his dream of running away.
With the time he had, he knew he was being stupid. Stupid got you killed. But kids his age were allowed to be stupid, so why wasn’t he allowed to be stupid. It wasn’t fair. He sighs as he sees a huge sign that read open. Moving and parking in the driveway, feeling and hearing his tires crunch against the rocks as he heads to eat in a entirely new diner, all by himself and alone for the first time in months.
And god, did it feel good.
Tag list; @whalesharksart @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steddie-as-they-go @justforthedead89 @kengwisi @anzelsilver @miss-wright
*note if you wanted to be added to tag list let me know, though again I don’t plan on this being more then a few parts and no more then 20-30k words because I’m also working on a bang fic lol*
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writingmysanity · 1 year
One year back on Tumblr
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So, I am a little late on this since my one year mark was on the 21st. I originally wanted to do something fun for my one year anniversary but I realized that I just am burnt out at the moment. I am sure that you've noticed the lack of content- and I am sorry. I am hoping soon.
Instead, I've decided to make a post for some of the highlights since I've come back to tumblr. I've met so many wonderful people that I know that I wouldn't have had the honor to meet otherwise. I just want to list some of my mutuals and also artists and writers I've had the opportunity to find and interact with that i think you should all check out their content if you haven't already.
I am going to separate this by fandom lol because I love you all but I tend to lose myself in trying to remember everyone sometimes.
The Witcher first because it is what gave me the inspiration to come back and share my random bits of writing with you all.
@seidenbros steffi, beloved, you are truly the sweetest and kindest person ever. I have been blessed with your presence. you have been one of my biggest sources of encouragement and defiantly a huge enabler. you have listened to countless rants and ideas of story ideas that didn't always take off but that didn't stop us from ranting about them and fleshing them out to the point where they may as well have appeared, fully written and perfectly edited.
@cosmos-coma hello, sweetheart <3 one- happy belated birthday once more. I am so angry with myself for having gotten it wrong. Thank you for the light youve brought to my life. our letters and just being able to have someone to talk about the random craziness in life has been the absolute craziness of this world and our lives has been amazing. thank you for everything youve done, your unending adoration for my mini me who is the epitome of chaos but makes for some hilarious stories. I love our friendship more than words could ever properly express.
@queenxxxsupreme Kacey, you're probably my biggest enabler. you are an amazing writer, and an even better friend- even if you don't feel like you are sometimes. you've helped me through more than you realize in the last year that we've known each other. I can't wait to enact our plans to run away to another state and be cryptids in the woods and sell fancy cheese to rich people by the sea shore.
@daughterofautumn Goose, I haven't known you quite as long as the others but you have definitely sewn yourself perfectly into my life. your chaos and crazy energy fuels me daily. you and your obsessions (inadvertently dragging me into said obsessions) make my entire day. i love your energy. not to mention the absolute chaos that is your life. please sleep more darling, and drink plenty of water. I worry.
Arcane next!
this fandom was one that I defiantly stalked in silence for at least a month before I finally gave into the brain rot specifically for a wonderful person who amazes me with the depths of the love and kindness Shes shown to everyone who has the absolute pleasure to engage with her.
@grumpyoutlaw Grumpy, my beloved- my muse. you have been nothing but an absolute delight, a light, the very heart of this fandom. your art was what brought me into your orbit but your kindness has kept me around. writing that first piece for you was possibly the most spur of the moment but also the greatest domino that has affected the sheer amount of community i have been honored to encounter. thank you for everything. I adore you so much!
@thedreamlessnights Jams. I don't even know where to start. thank you for being so wonderful to me. your vampire fic was pinnacle for dragging me into this fandom well before i even fully committed to the fandom itself. and you followed me?? before I posted anything?? it always baffled me. you claim it was vibes lol and ill take it. you're an amazing writer and friend and I cant believe i get to call such an amazing, open, supportive person my friend. the space you've opened for everyone who wishes to let them have space to be themselves has been a blessing on my day-to-day life.
@sherwood-forests darling, I know we haven't spoken much but you are defiantly responsible for my Silco brain rot. I took a chance on your dragon fic and I cant ever recommend it enough. not to mention how kind you are?? you are the real treasure! thank you for encouraging me and being a light for everyone in the fandom.
@cedarcia DARLING. where to start? i can't believe you follow me and i cant believe I've been given the chance to be your friend. your talent is almost as impressive as your heart. you're always the first to hop on the train to try and help someone the best you can. I cant wait to visit and dress up like pirates to go sailing.
@thehistoriangirl first and foremost, your rants your T A G S... darling they give me life. getting to freaking out over our blorbos and stories we are working on (with a sprinkle of life outside fandom) has been amazing. bouncing ideas with you has never been boring in any capacity and the only thing i know to expect when i see that I've gotten a message from you is sheer just E N E R G Y and i LIVE for it. it is unmatched. not to mention you are 100% an enabler. ahaha
@mariana-souza getting to know you, in the short time that I've gotten to, has been amazing. getting to see how much work you put into your work- both art and writing- has been motivating to say the least. i love that we are able to just scream about things together- how you always seem to know what questions to ask when were talking about each others WIPs. your art is what brought you to my attention, and I am so glad I made the decision to interact with you further.
Shadow and Bone/Six of crows next!!
somehow, i feel like this fandom is simultaneously the smallest of the fandoms i find myself somewhat active in, but also the most tight knit.
@maliciousbrekker Cal. I don't know where to start- you are a wonderfully talented person and so very kind to everyone (also, I am sorry about dragging you into arcane in the middle of your SOC love <3) you are so relatable and i cant help but laugh at something you've posted at least once a day because S A M E. i know we aren't super close but just knowing i have such a wonderful mutual like you, who has on more than one occasion reached out just to check on me, i appreciate you more than you know and seeing your name pop up in my notifications always brings me joy.
@ell0ra-br3kk3r @sophierequests-trashblog I adore you both, I am sorry that we don't talk more often, you are both so pure and i love the interactions that we've had, even if they've been minimal. your amazing writers that i cant ever get enough of. thank you for being so welcoming into the fandom even if I've only ever written one piece to it in total lol. <3
there are several other moots that i just haven't gotten to engage with much at all, but i see you! in my notifications every day, and it makes my day every time. @insult-2-injury @astudyincontrasts @uniquedeerwitch
and of course- I can never forget my friend @rainbowpitofdoom you have been around for so long. we have seen each other grow and change and learn. you are honestly one of the best friends I've ever had and just getting to know you as a person has made me a better person and i need you to know this. I love you lots, Chesh and i don't know where id be without you.
every single one of these lovelies are wonderfully talented and just amazing people. they are writers and artists and they are a delight to know and get to engage with- i promise. if you ever need something new, or just to read something again, please! give them some love. they deserve every bit of it.
I love you all, and if you ever ever need anything please do not hesitate to reach out. even if its just needing to talk to someone. i truly thank every lucky star out there that ive been lucky enough to meet you all.
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