#also regretting my choice with the spawn
tiecladartist · 6 months
On my third bg3 playthrough and I found not one, not two, but THREE areas I missed in Cazador's palace the first times 😓
Never found Lady Incognita's attic (I think that was the name).
Never found that dude's confession after all the button puzzles.
Never found the fancy rapier beneath the cells or the entrance to the sewers.
I just wish these places had more to them? Like, idk, someone there, or a comment from Astarion at least. The environmental storytelling was cool, but the ends felt lackluster.
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todderwodders · 8 months
My durge and Gortash’s relationship is like. Two horrible little best friends who put an amazing amount of trust in each other despite their positions and generally horrible personalities making it more or less impossible. They’ve known each other carnally and robbed a few supposedly unrobable places. It ain’t true but it is love.
#also my durge is a huge dnd pot head and a deeply capable monster of epic proportions#Aku is like cercei Lannister motivated by love to even more psychotic extents who also thinks hunting people is a delightful pastime#something something volo said all spawn are coins landing on their sides#he swings from being totally okay#even happy#with his occupation as anti christ#only to fall into short lived but deeply tumultuous periods of meloncholy or breaks INTO reality#where he may not regret his choices but he does regret bhaal and knowing he will never see an end to being father dears perpetual servant#no escape no life beyond this tiny little existence he didn’t get a choice in#he fully slides up to my quasi immortal tav multiple times#still brain damaged#and is like the things I could do to your body over and over and over again baby…#tomoko voice are you flirting with me or threatening me?#Aku voice oh baby it’s a prommy#anyhow durge is a funny tyrannical god complexer who says shit like ‘you approached the blunt with a heavy karmic debt’ after eating#an inn keepers face off and doing some very suggestive tongue stuff before he sucked out his eyeballs like other people suck out gogurt#has had like twenty kids tried to give Enver a kid (his? not? does it matter#take the honor you little worm) a kid only to be bitterly disappointed each time#would love to do some laundry and taxes#nic plays bg3#they show up to the function (post bg3 events where gortash lives) lookin real good only to go hooooow could you cheat on me like this#(they are both fucking or wooing different people now)
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Astarion Very Happy Ending
So full disclosure, my Tav was a Selunite, and I can't stop thinking well if Bhaal can have a mortal chosen one, why can't Selune?
Also, spoiler warning, stop reading here if you don't want, but like damn girl I freaking turn a Shar priestess away from her god back to you, free a man from his devil's contact, high-key save the world, kill bhaals chocen, convince my vampiric lover to not sacrifice thousands of people, stop an entire goblin army from murdering Tieflings and druids alike, and literally free your daughter. A reward is in order!
This is that reward:
Astarion was slowly getting used to living in the shadows again, as loathe as he was to admit it. It was quite the transition, despite the fact that his time in the sun had amounted to less than a year. But what a lovely year it was. Nearly a perfect one in comparison to the rest of his life. And the promise of more of the same was a suitable balm to being cursed back into the darkness.
It was difficult, but with the love of his life by his side it was more than tolerable. Borderline beautiful in fact, to be able to live his life so freely despite the infuriating complications.
The money also certainly helped.
That was one thing Astarion always had over his brothers and sisters, his fantasies of a better life had always surrounded around Cazador's murder. Not his approval. He may have been completely unaware of the horrifying dungeon beneath their feet, but he did know where the deed to his estate and other properties were kept. And now had enough connections with the higher up's of Baldur's gate for some frankly exquisite forgeries. It had been a particularly satisfying feeling to sell all of his former master's possessions off, even more so when it came to the land. Almost like he was tearing apart his legacy and handing it off to the highest bitter, piece by piece.
Though, being there with you to find and settle in your own little corner of paradise was an even better feeling. Maybe it didn't quite reach his past dreams of grandeur, but it turned out settling in a quaint and poorly lit townhouse in the upper city was more than enough for him to be satisfied.
It was a good charming life, one that Astarion was sure he didn't deserve. But that certainly wasn't going to stop him from enjoying it. Though as much as he adored where he ended up, he'd be lying if he said it was perfect.
No, perfect would have been finding a way for him to ascend without becoming a monster, living in a world where he could be with you fully, completely, out in the sun like the kind of lover you deserved. It made him feel... startlingly inadequate. Everything you did had to be in accordance to his schedule. His lack of capabilities. And just because you always insisted it didn't matter didn't fix the feeling of inadequacy. He hated it, hated the fact that there were so many hours of the day that you couldn't share. He didn't regret his choice, not for a moment, but that didn't mean he was fully satisfied with the consequences.
But in his own defense, he did make up for it in other ways. Mildly frustrating and draining ways, if not a bit rewarding. It had been his own fault, falling so utterly and completely for such a goody two-shoes. A zealot to Selune, as fierce as she was compassionate, always trying to do what was fair and just. Always dragging Astarion on for the ride of her cleric duties.
But he couldn't blame you for all of his new do-gooder ways. Not when he was nearly the leader of a bizarre cult of repentant vampire spawn.
It was just the slightest bit exhausting to so often be playing the part of their heroic leader, fighting all of his murderous instincts to work for a better future for himself and the brethren he had personally damned. Though he'd be lying if he said he didn't get any satisfaction from it. It felt... good to teach them new ways to live. To give them the chance at the beautiful life he had managed to secure for himself.
He wouldn't do it forever, just until he was confident enough to be sure that his departure wouldn't lead to a massacre on either side. Then the two of you would be off to explore the lands, working to do your goddesses work with just a touch of hedonistic activities on the way.
Astarion was looking forward to it. He hadn't done all that work to be selfless forever. No, he was going to be forced to insist on a few years of having you all to himself, with only the occasional bits of volunteer work for the temple as interruption. Then the two of you could go back to galivanting about the lands being local heroes. But he had earned an extended vacation.
One that, luckily, he hadn't had to fight you on too much. That was just one other thing he loved about you, your complete understanding that Astarion would always be a little selfish, especially when it came to you. The one person who had ever really been his, who loved him, who understood him, who believed in him. Could he be blamed for wanting to have you all to himself?
And admittedly, he did have you more often then not. Even if on occasion he did have to share with your beloved goddess.
Astarion sighed as he watched you pray in the moonlight, completely absorbed in your quiet, mystical chants. Despite his distaste for the length of your prayer sessions, Astarion did like seeing your more ritualistic side. Just... maybe not for the morally correct reasons.
He was well aware that being so involved with a vampire was clearly against your religious doctrine. But it didn't matter. You still choose him, despite how the knowledge nearly made you an outcast amongst your own kind. But he mattered more than your reputation, more than the lessons you had been taught your entire life regarding love and evil.
You still had your faith, but you never let it shake the faith you had in him, something that he valued more than he could ever express. It was perhaps a sick thought, but it also made him feel exceedingly powerful, to know the true extent of your feelings. Even more connected. It was almost... like he was defiling you, corrupting a beautiful flower to turn away from the sun to something even brighter. A love that Astarion doubted most could ever hope to feel.
Perhaps that was not the best outlook on your religion, but oh well. He'd keep those thoughts to himself. What you didn't know wouldn't kill you. Besides... if anyone had been corrupted it was him, plagued with a new sense of loyalty and gods, justice. All from the beautifully strange woman kneeling in the moonlight.
Though, you sure were taking awhile tonight. Nearly twice as long as your usual nightly prayer. He hated to interrupt your worship but this was starting to cut into his time a bit here.
"My dear," Astarion called out, swinging his legs over your shared bed to stand, "Don't you think that you've been kneeling there for a touch too long?"
But you didn't respond, still muttering under your breath, even faster than before.
Astarion narrowed his eyes as he walked closer towards you, confused by your lack of response, "Darling-Tav?"
Astarion stopped, eyes wide as he got a solid look at your first. Your eyes were wide open, body rim rod straight as your irises glowed a vibrant blue light.
What in the nine hells was happening? Astarion kneeled next to you, his heart in his throat as he shook your shoulders, "Tav, love, can you hear me? What is this?"
You didn't answer, you didn't even acknowledge his presence. But you did start floating in the god damn air. Astarion stared, helpless as he watched you levitate, words that he didn't understand spilling from your lips.
Then just as suddenly as it started, it stopped. You fell unceremoniously to the floor. Astarion scrambled towards you, his heart in his throat as you started to come to. He settled your head in his lap, his hands shaking as he touched your face, lost on what he should be doing.
You blinked your eyes open slowly, that angelic glow still radiating from your irises. But you didn't look frightened, more... excited.
You grinned up at him, your voice slightly cracking when you murmured, "We've been blessed."
Astarion stared at you, brow furrowed. He was happy you were alive and speaking but...
"That's lovely?" Astarion tried, "But severely lacking in terms of an explanation. Are you okay?"
You nodded eagerly, suddenly sitting up with an unexpected amount of energy, "I'll explain later, we don't have much time."
What was it that compelled you religious types to be so cryptic? But you didn't give him anytime to question. Instead you wrapping your arms around his neck and smashing your lips together, kissing him hard enough to take his breath away.
He wrapped strong arms around your back, pulling you in closer, always helpless but to return your affection. But something about this was different. He could feel it, holy magic spreading through him through your lips, down throughout his veins, changing something inside of him. It wasn't unpleasant per say, but it certainly was startling. Startling enough for him to almost push you away, if it wasn't for the fact that he trusted you with everything inside of himself.
Neither of you pulled away until the blue fire in your eyes had died out, and Astarion was left with the intense sensation that something had changed, irrevocably inside of him.
You stared at each other, Astarion in confusion while you looked nothing short of gleeful, "Do you feel it?"
He felt... strange. A warmth still spreading through him that was settling. Astarion raised a brow at you, exceedingly impatient when he asked, "First, how about you explain to me what in the hells that was?"
But you didn't answer. Instead you stood with an adorable hop, lending a hand out to help him up, "Do you trust me?"
Astarion almost rolled his eyes as he took your hand, annoyed that he fell for someone that had just as much of a flair for the dramatic as he did, "You know I do."
You helped him to his feet before you started to mumble again, a startlingly familiar incantation seeping from your lips. It was the spell for daylight, the very same that you had used to help defeat Cazador. The kind that could now kill Astarion in mere moments.
He was too shocked at your audacity to even protest, believing for a split, terrifying second that he was about to die a fiery death. Sunlight suddenly filled the room, bright enough for Astarion to tightly shut his eyes.
Then...nothing. No burning, no pain, nothing but the sounds of you both breathing.
That didn't-how was he-what did you just do?
Astarion stared at you, absolutely flabbergasted with his mouth hanging open, staring at the borrowed daylight like a simpleton, "But how?"
You were still grinning ear to ear, looking happier than Astarion had ever seen you before. You grasped his hands in yours, your smile gentle as you explained, "I told you. We were blessed. Our Lady of Silver gave me one gift, and this is what I choose."
If sunlight wasn't already staring him in the face, Astarion would never believe it. But here he was, alive and standing under it's warmth. A gift from a goddess, spent on him of all creatures.
"It can't fix everything," You clarified with the slightest frown, "But it can fix this."
He could feel the truth in your words. He was still... wrong. A creature born of something awful, doomed to eternity and a life of bloodlust. But part of that wrongness had been culled, curling up and dying from Selune's holy magic, from your enduring love.
It was a dream he never thought possible. One that he had accepted never having. But here he was, here you were, continuing to give him the impossible.
It was enough to bring tears to his eyes. Astarion reached up, cupping your face before confessing the truth he couldn't quell.
"I don't deserve you," He whispered, voice hoarse, "I'll never deserve you. Words can't express my thanks. You have given me everything, while I have nothing but myself to give in return. But it's always yours. Everything inside of me."
He meant every word, he always would. Until his last breath.
You shook your head, gentling cooing at him, "This is a time for celebration my love, not for doubt. You've earned this."
He hadn't. And he doubted you'd ever be able to convince him he had. But he'd still take it. Gladly.
"I love you," Astarion murmured, helpless to say anything else. He pressed his lips against yours, the gravity of his new life just starting to settle in his mind.
He was free, as free as he could ever hope for. You had achieved what Cazador could not, all without a hint of malice or horrifying sacrifice. But through kindness, love, and perseverance. You had already freed him once from his own mental shackles, his last remaining ties to the tyrant that made him.
And now you've done it again, saving him from at least a portion of the taint on his soul.
It was beautiful, wonderful, and Astarion would never waste a moment of it.
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Love Bites {Masterlist}
With your memory spotty, you gravitate toward the first person you see—an old friend from a very old past. But Astarion is keeping plenty of secrets...and he's never been the best liar. How long will it take before his deceptions unravel? And what will you do when you realize just how much damage he's done?
Ship: Astarion Ancunin x fem!vampire spawn!elf!Tav/reader
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, vampire spawn!Tav, fem!Tav, manipulative but guilty/regretful Astarion, Astarion's sexual trauma, Cazador, vampire bite, reader is turned into a spawn, reader is technically one of Astarion's victims
18+ Warnings: vaginal sex, consensual sex, mirror sex, riding, fingering, oral, blood kink, bite kink, loving sex, non-descriptive noncon/dubcon (Astarion’s trauma), Astarion experimenting with his boundaries
Total Word Count: 47,397 words (87 pages)
Notes: The title of this fic (and some of its chapter titles) is heavily inspired by Def Leppard's song Love Bites.
Posting Schedule can be found on my {Updates Page}
CONTENT NOTE: Where Astarion's perspective comes into this fic, I tried writing his experience with his hurt that he has been treated this way along with his "this is what I do" mentality; he's very back and forth about the abuse he's endured and some of my writing reflects that. If that upsets you or makes you uncomfortable in anyway, I completely understand and I encourage you to leave the fic at any point. However, I do believe writing this perspective is necessary, as his blasé take on his sexual trauma is one that I myself have struggled with, as I am sure other survivors have as well.
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☟ story parts linked below ☟
Best Unremembered {Chapter 1} Waking up with a spotty memory and the only person you do remember is jarring enough—but it only gets worse when the people who remember you are monsters and strangers.
Walking Corpses {Chapter 2} Astarion's night spent searching for prey is interrupted by an unwelcome feeling of familiarity. Your life is derailed by recognizing a long-dead friend.
Little Love {Chapter 3} Appearances can be deceiving, but they can also tell you everything you need to know. A second look at the elf you once called a friend is all you need to fill in the two-hundred year gap.
The Golden Elf {Chapter 4} Sometimes, vampires choose their spawn specifically. Sometimes, they're in the wrong place at the wrong time and are lost to their loved ones for centuries. These days, that's all you can think about.
Little Star, Little Sun {Chapter 5} A long-awaited reunion that doesn't go quite as planned can lead to many things, especially when two manipulators both lay their traps for one another. Though is it really a trap when all you want to do is spare your lover from yet another night of torment?
Love Bites {Chapter 6} Astarion remembers you, but it's already too late. He's bedded you and remembered the love and life you had together, two hundred years ago, and now he has to make a choice. Does he sacrifice himself, or does he sacrifice you?
Love Bleeds {Chapter 7} Fangs gleam in the shadows and a coffin lies open nearby. Vampire lords are nasty creatures; even a changed heart can do very little when there are claws around it.
On My Knees {Chapter 8} A betrayal so severe even centuries of love threaten to break beneath its weight. Yet you offer forgiveness, even if Astarion has not felt its kindness in two hundred years.
Second Chances {Epilogue} Home is a place and home is people. You have quite the large family now, and it's time to provide for them, however you may.
Love Bites Soundtrack — 3h50min
Chapter 1: tracks 1 - 6 Chapter 2: tracks 7 - 13 Chapter 3: tracks 14 - 19 Chapter 4: tracks 20 - 26 Chapter 5: tracks 27 - 32 Chapter 6: tracks 33 - 40 Chapter 7: tracks 41 - 46 Chapter 8: tracks 47 - 53 Epilogue: tracks 54 - 60
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[Image Caption: I do not give permission to repost, translate, or publish my work on any other site or app by anyone except myself. I do not give permission for my work to be fed into AI (for audio, art, or writing).]
Baldur's Gate 3 // Astarion Ancunin
Taglist: {comment and let me know if you'd like to be added to the Astarion taglist!} @wayward-hel @cheeslyy @ofmyth-andmagicart @neetheslayer @whispering-depths @freesidexjunkie @lightsinmycity @the0ldmann @gobbodoggo @oooof-ifellforyou @beeblisss @fangboner @aquaarietes @fiercest-eigengrau-skies @niqhtfell @call-me-nyxx @lueji-m @ceres-xiv @tricksy-trinity @graynstairs @rosa-rubus @ynisthatyou @thegoodwitchs-blog @catching-fire-in-the-wind @kiyastrf94 @vincemachina @silverfangmarks @ravenswritingroom @hinata7346 @hellethil @caramel-hufflepuff @beemiilk @mypainischronicbutmyassisiconic
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Base Yandere Hera Headcanons: The Gods Know No Wrath Like A Yandere's Scorn (Greek Mythology)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am FINALLY Here with Yandere Hera! I hope that you all enjoy this chapter here! I hope that you have a happy early Mother's Day.]
(Disclaimer: Hera is not yandere in canon! This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine, just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon!)
(Disclaimer!!! The Mythologies of the world were NOT OKAY in the day-to-day stuff, Family X Family stuff is NOT Okay, and Neither is them saying they are now 15? free real state! That is NOT Okay either. Or any of the other bad stuff in the Mythologies of the world, it is not okay!)
-Base Yanere Headcanons With Hera From Greek Mythology-
.Hera, now she gets a lot of poo! For mainly punishing the women who slept with her husband and their offspring.
.Now there is a partial reason for it, Zeus basically made it so she could not punish him for his affairs.
.So she is very angry, and cannot punish her husband, so that leaves the women and their children.
.That was until she met you, she did not know how a human like you could be so stunning, that your beauty even rivaled the Gods.
.She wanted you and she would have you.
.So she stopped caring about her husband's affairs and the spawns he produced.
.She was solely focused on you, and that was NOT A good thing.
.She would never punish you like she punished the others.
.But she will punish everyone that tries to win you over.
.May they be humans or Gods themselves.
.You belong to her, and Zeus supported this, he saw that his wife was less angry with you in her life.
.So he decreed that no God or Goddess would be allowed to harm or punish you.
.The Gods and Goddess like that Hera is much more pleasant to be around in Godly meetings and Mount Olympus.
.So they all are giving you blessings, hell even Zeus agreed to make you a God when Hera takes you as her second spouse.
.Hera wants you to be her spouse.
.Though when Zeus sort of jokes that he and Hera could have a threesome with you in the middle.
.Hera threatens to remove his cock and balls for good. If he even tried it.
.He has decreed no other Gods can smash you.
.She is super SUPER Possessive and VERY MUCH The JEALOUS Type.
.So when your rivals try to smash, she will legit torture them in some very ancient ways.
.She will confess to you, and if you say yes, she will be over the moon and have you as her lover and spouse, making you a god.
.If you say no, she will punish you, not as bad as her rivals, but she is for sure going to make you regret saying no to her.
.You are hers and you better be thankful. She chose you to be her spouse out of ALL The Gods she could have smashed and been with.
.You were the ONLY Mortal she saw as worthy and you better be grateful for that!
.She did not and could not have you reject her, she would not be able to live it down from the other Gods.
.So she will be underhanded and make you love her so that you cannot say no, and that way you will love her and be hers for the rest of time.
.She does not care if it is fair to you, you belong to her.
.To her, your soul's purpose was to be hers and hers alone and she will make it happen no matter what.
.You do not get a choice.
.Side not if one of the Gods were to harm you or take you from her?
.Well The Gods Know NO Wrath Like A Yandere's Scorn
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done! I hope that you all enjoyed this and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!]
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bearhugsandshrugs · 11 months
Baldur's Gate 3's tragic endings – Pt. 1
There was talks about Larian's devs and one (romance) ending that was so heartbreaking they hardly got through making it. Since then, lots of speculation about which character this was about has been going on.
I personally have two theories as to who it could be (and why) so let me get into it. I'm going to start with the most popular theory so far (from what I've seen): our favorite bitey boy.
He seems like the most popular choice for anticipated heartbreak (with the heart breaking being ours, of course). His carefully constructed mask of cruelty, arrogance, and delusions of grandeur would fit the narrative of betrayal and regret for more good-hearted Tavs for sure. Yet... I believe the path with him will ultimately depend on whether or not Tav can tear down this mask and address the underlying issues.
He's been alone for centuries, alone in the sense of being abandoned and abused, with no end to it in sight. As a result, he took refuge in his newfound condition (he's the only companion who wants to keep the tadpole and merely control it) and dove right into power and revenge fantasies (he wants to become more powerful than Cazador). It's a completely understandable defense mechanism. A low approval Tav will get nothing out of him, he's too guarded for that. But a medium or high approval Tav will learn more and more about his experiences, and, most importantly, plans. (Referencing EA only here)
Here's the thing though: No one willing to get that much power without second thought tells a stranger (or worse: friend) about their plans. I firmly believe that Astarion simply doesn't know better, coming out of centuries of torture so bad it made him forget his own natural eye color. I also believe he wants to be stopped and guided onto a better path – subconsciously of course. (Why bother asking how the world sees him? If power would be the true ultimate goal what should he care?)
So, what about that tragic ending? I think the betrayal and regret theories are spot on.
When researching a cure for vampire spawns in the DnD rules I found something interesting: True Resurrection, a spell that can be cast by druids or clerics, can bring back a vampire (spawn) that has been dead no longer than 200 years. Which is exactly the number of years Astarion references as being under Cazador's thumb. Coincidence? (Nah.)
I think ultimately the party will fight Cazador and Astarion will have the choice of either drinking from his former master, thus turning himself into a vampire, or killing Cazador and then letting an ally (Halsin? Shadowheart? Someone else?) resurrect him (as vampires are technically dead) with said spell, curing Astarion of his condition.
An Astarion who witnessed Tav being selfish, power-hungry, or cruel, might increase the chances of him turning his back on them. Why cure himself and accept his (former) victimhood if he could become the master (and abuser) instead? Why bother being good and complicated when Tav sets the example that only power and selfishness gets you to where you want to go? I can see this ending play out. And I can see this ending being really sad. Astarion becoming a vampire, maybe even attacking Tav in the process, or with Tav having to fight and kill him next – yeah, that's tragic alright. (But also please don't let anything happen to my snarky boy. I need him.)
Wait a minute. Why should Astarion be the only one who could betray someone?
So I'll do you one better: Tav does the betraying.
Thinking in ultimate roleplaying choices, a Tav that is selfish, cruel, and/or power-hungry (fueled by the abuse of their ilithid powers??), could absolutely give Astarion back to Cazador – in return for power, or favors, or even something lowely as gold (or shits and giggles). Picture this: Astarion, anticipating the long awaited revenge with his new friend and ally (or even lover!!!) Tav, walking straight into the trap Cazador and Tav laid out for him. The ending that would leave him right where he started – a prisoner to his abuser once more, betrayed by the first person he opened up to in centuries; the first person he let see him, maybe even beyond his mask.
And now that we're sufficiently sad, I'm going to take a break before writing the next option for the most tragic ending (tm) I can think of.
Let me know what you think!
Part 2 here
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tallymonster · 3 months
Memories of Us Chapter 17
Masterlist || AO3
Hey another Election Day Tuesday and that means I have a lot of time to kill! So a new update is the result lmao!
As always, thanks to @cheesy-cryptid for blessing me with permission to use her art as inspiration.
Thanks also goes to @micropoe10 and @tragedybunny for being my besties and betas and everything else for me. I love you both. Extra special thanks to @leomonae for encouraging me to try first person pov lol I DID IT MONA. BE PROUD OF ME.
Warnings for this chapter are as follows: mentions of death, violence, and grief.
This part of the city was peaceful at night, it was one of the things Astarion loved most. The walk back from Octavia’s house wasn't too bad, she lives about a 30 minute stroll from the main city. Pretty convenient, all things considered. 
He walks down a hidden path that leads straight from her little cottage to the main road. He could've taken one of the other connecting streets to her house, but there was a somewhat romantic feeling to the solitude of being surrounded by the trees and wind.
Astarion steps towards the gates of the museum, no one should be here by now. Pushing the gate open, he makes his way down the paved walkway. The warmth of the sun still radiates from the ground. He turns and makes a detour down to the gardens.
The stretch of gravel to the lush greens is long, a tall figure peeks out from behind the rows of flowering shrubs Astarion surrounded her in. Tav’s arms stretched out to greet those who visited. 
My treasured flower. 
Astarion walks towards her, plucking a few buds from the walls of vines that wrap around each other. He looks up at her and sits at the bench at the base of her statue. Her gaze permanently locked in the adoring way she used to give him when he would fall at his knees and worship the ground she walked on.
 I regret each choice that took me from you. My fears always let me make the worst decisions. 
He stares up at her beautifully carved stone face, knowing it can't react to the words he says to her. “Hello, beautiful.” Astarion places the small bundle of flowers at her feet, a small token of everlasting devotion. 
Staying at Octavia’s house felt strange. It's been a long time since he’s tried to do anything like that. After he left Tav, it felt wrong. No one was like her. The few he tried were pretty to look at, sure. With the right words, he could get close to anyone, but not the same way. 
Astarion feels a small flutter of anxiety in his gut, something that he keeps trying to push away. This feeling of longing growing for someone else. The same feelings of excitement he felt when Octavia let him bite down and drink from her veins. 
“I can't stop myself from thinking I've betrayed you by letting myself partake from another. I keep seeing you when I look at her. The same eyes, so soft, adoring, and curious. I hear you in her laugh, her words of comfort, and her cries of ecstasy. Her touch is sensual and familiar, so intimate in ways I've longed for. I even saw you when I finally gave myself away to the urge after I fed on her sweet blood.”
Astarion lays with his back flat on the stone bench. The stars shining as bright as that night he led Tav to the graveyard and lived his first night truly free. He closes his eyes and sinks into the warmth of the stone. If he tried hard enough, he could almost replace the breeze with Tav’s fingers running through his hair. He sighs and begins to speak.
“If you only knew how much I wanted to turn back and take you with me. I couldn't forgive myself for leaving you, but with all those feral spawn, I couldn't take the chance that you would be in danger. The thought of you being safe somewhere else with anyone else was better to me than having you by my side.”
He pauses, opens his eyes, and plays with his sleeve. “I couldn't take the chance for you to have a family away from you knowing that I couldn't give you the children you wanted. There were too many things that I knew you wanted and deserved.” 
Astarion lets his mind wander. He stares at Tav’s face. “I guess now is a good time to explain myself. There's things I need to apologize for, and some things I need to tell you.” His voice quivers slightly as he trails off. The memories of the last century and a half without her flash periodically through his mind. He usually pushes them away, but tonight he lets them wash over him. 
The journey to the Underdark was lonesome and tiring, always having to lurk in the shadows. How many people would recognize me without her? How many would take their chances at killing me? I had to stay shrouded once more, sometimes I would get lucky and cross paths with someone needing a favor or two. 
I’m not sure how many times I had to kill a shady merchant, an abusive husband, or slaver just to have a place to stay during the light of day. It seemed like one of the Gods finally came to watch over me during this long trek. It was always about killing the right people. 
It took three months for me to finally make my way down to the Underdark. Considering, people weren't too open with any information on what had happened to the 7006 vampire spawn that we had freed. I had heard rumors of a mass casualty event, but without more information, it would be difficult to fully understand what they meant. 
Eventually, I found a familiar face in the Myconid colony. I ran into my sister Dalyria as she was buying some potion ingredients from a traveling merchant. 
I still remember the wide eyed stare Dal had on her face, her gasp of surprise as she dropped the potion bottle in her hands. Her sobs of happiness when she held me tightly in a grateful embrace. 
The words that followed after she pulled away would haunt me forever. 
“I thought you died with the rest of them.” 
I was taken back, the rumors were indeed true. “How many?” I asked, anxiously awaiting Dal’s answer. She hesitates in answering, “We lost more than half our people that day. Mostly the Gur children, the starved, the weak, the ones who most likely wanted to die.” 
We talked more once she finished. She led us down to the outpost she and Leon had settled in. I listened as Dal spoke quietly. 
“We got caught in a solar eclipse. It was a total disaster. Youssen promised that he calculated everything correctly, but he didn't. I knew it would've been dangerous. I warned them, but he and Petras kept fighting with Leon and I. They were so desperate to get here and live freely that they turned the rest of the family against us.” 
Dal sniffled and continued, “Everything happened so fast. They promised they had it down to the minute, but it seems that even with precise instructions, you can't account for arrogance.” 
“Arrogance?” I asked, looking at our surroundings. Cave systems that twisted and snaked together to form a hidden stronghold. After a couple of miles or so, we were finally there.The broken and dilapidated temple where they had settled.
It looked strangely reminiscent of one that our group had visited once. I pushed the thought away as Dal led me through it. I noticed the number of spawn that resided there, a stark difference between the amount I helped free back in the bowels of Cazador’s manor. 
Dal scoffed, “One can never account for those who are desperate to prove their point. No matter the cost to those around them. Like I said before, Petras and Youssen turned everyone against us. Violet and Aurelia followed soon after they explained their reasoning. It was hard to argue two against four after that. 
They wanted to get here as soon as we could. So when they heard of the eclipse they figured it would save us around half a day. Leon and I couldn't argue with that kind of time, so the most skilled of us went first.” 
“Where is Leon?” I interjected. 
Dal’s eyes locked behind my shoulder, I turned and saw a staircase leading up to the next floor. “He goes up there alone frequently. After we were released,we explored the manor for a while. Gathering clothes and some other things for the journey. He saw Victoria. He..” she exhales, hesitating some. 
“He hasn't been the same since. She was all he had left from his previous life.” Dal finishes with a quiver in her voice. 
“Children are dangerous company for vampires.” I replied empathetically.
“Quite. Come on, let's get you a bed and some blood.” Dal placed her hand on my shoulder, she smiled, and walked off after a few seconds. 
I followed her up to a small room with a solitary bed. She held the door open as I walked past her, dropping the brown leather bag I held over my shoulder. 
“Apologies if it's not as luxurious as you're used to” she says with a small sarcastic tilt, "It's one of the few private rooms we have. Figured you would appreciate that over aesthetics.” 
As Dal prepared to leave, I turned to her. She's paused by the door, halfway between the frame and the hallway. “Thank you.” My voice was quiet and soft. Dal looked at me and smiled, “Of course, brother. What is family for after all?”
Twenty years would pass with little problems. The vampires that lived in the outpost were used to having to ration. Hunting in small packs, majority of the time Leon and I would supervise them and teach them to hunt. We tried to be careful about making sure the younglings never went too far by themselves.
As the main hunters, the two of us would seek and kill animals on the surface at night, bringing the meat to merchants around Faerun once we broke down the carcasses and bleed them dry. 
With the money we gathered, we would buy more blood from other butchers up top. We’d also get blood from other less than reputable sources, but as long as the blood was good, we wouldn't ask too many questions. 
Leon and I were on our way back to the outpost after a few days out hunting and trading when Leon stopped mid step. “Brother, something feels off.” He held out his arm, took a few steps forward toward the opening of a cave, and stayed quiet for a moment. I walked up to him and concentrated on the noises around us.
I heard people yelling, sounds of feet shuffling, a loud rumble, and then sharp screams. “DAL!” Leon gasps, and rises to his feet, sprinting out to the maze of cave openings.
Once we got closer, Leon pointed out the smoke billowing out from the outpost, the thick clouds growing darker in color as we neared our destination. 
“Astarion, we must find Dal!” Leon stood ready, with his hand on his crossbow. I looked around and noticed the two converging tunnels in front of us. 
“We have to split up, Leon. We can cover more ground that way. Find her, I’ll see about the others.” I commanded, grabbing onto the daggers hung on my hip. I turned to run when Leon grabbed my arm, “Be careful, I’ll do my best to find you as soon as I find Dal.” 
I nodded, sprinting down the tunnel. As I neared the opening of the path, the smoke became a thick curtain, making it more difficult to see. I pulled at the leather bag that hung from my back, searching for anything to help. “Come on, there's got to be something here.” 
My hands moved frantically inside the bag, until I felt the texture of a scroll. “Fucking finally!” I unfurled it and began to speak the words inscribed. I raised my right hand and braced myself, a giant gust of wind came out in a burst of energy, clearing the way forward. 
My legs pistoned me forward as I continued to look for Dal. I hurriedly made my way to the back of the outpost. When I got closer I noticed some rocks leading towards another tunnel. I ran following the path of debris until I reached the end. 
One of the exits had been collapsed. 
I knelt in front of the pile of rocks and began to dig into it, using my body weight to pull big pieces of stone away from the opening. I dug into the avalanche, my hands becoming raw and bloody as jagged pieces of rubble cut into my skin. 
I keep digging, a sharp kind of sulfuric scent hits my nose and goes down my throat. I can taste the acidic notes, it’s acrid with a hint of ash. I immediately recognize it. Runepowder. However many people were in that tunnel, they were certainly dead. Someone did this on purpose. 
I must find Dal.
The adrenaline pumping through my body kept me going until I heard yelling coming from inside the outpost. “Dal!” I ran into an open door in front of me, up some stairs. I crept up to a broken wall, the opening leading to the dining hall’s ceiling lined with wooden beams connecting the adjacent wall. 
I stayed hidden in the shadows concentrating on the sounds around me. A short time passed before I heard some movement coming from underneath. I stepped forward and saw Dal and Leon. I gasped softly, gently stepping out to one of the beams obscured by the darkness. 
Soon after, a group of at least 10 Gur flood into the room and block the only exit. A man steps forward as Dal and Leon realize they are outnumbered with no way out. 
The man begins to speak, “Where is the third? We were told there were three of you running this bastardized commune.”
I continued to creep along the wooden supports, Leon noticed me and quickly turned back to the man in front of him. “I came back alone. My brother was…killed by a bulette when we were on our way back. It caught us by surprise. I was barely able to get away from it. I tried to save him but we couldn't overtake it. It killed him before I killed it.” 
The man looks at him suspiciously, he nods and the hunters behind him point their crossbows at Dal. “I will not ask again, vampire scum. Where is the third?” 
“I swear to you he's dead! There's no one else other than us now. You killed the others, did you not? I saw the bodies, the rubble, the fires. You said you collapsed a tunnel when you came in, is that not enough? We cannot turn anyone into vampires, we're mere spawn. We’ve been living in peace for a decade and a half. Why do you come hunt us now?”
 Leon held his hands up as he plead his case, Dal trembled as she hid her face in her hands. 
“One of yours killed an innocent woman. Found her drained near the sewers in the Gate. We caught him sneaking around underneath the Elfsong Tavern’s wine cellar. He told us about this place with at least 1500 of you waiting to be killed. Planned this little raid for a few weeks. Had some people watching your little outpost. Even paid some merchants to tell us your movements.” The leader explained. 
Dal uncovered her face and looked up, noticing me watching them. Her eyes were full of fear. She shook her head slowly, mouthing “Run.” 
I swallowed, my mouth feeling dry, I retreated to the shadows before the leader turned and looked up where I was just perched. 
The man turned back to Leon and Dal while I watched them. “Kill them. If the third is gone, that means there shouldn't be any more of these abominations. Ulma should have destroyed you all when she had the chance, now that she's no longer our leader, her deals with you all are void. Consider this a mercy.” 
He walked a few yards then he stops and speaks with a serious tone, “May the Moonmaiden have mercy on your souls.” He looks over at a woman to his right and nods at her. She steps forward and yells out “Take your positions. Fire on three.” I could've shot at her, but I would've be easily outnumbered. 
I had to sit here and watch as the last two people I ever felt close to were slaughtered like lowly carrion. The Gur took no hesitation in killing Dal and Leon. They shot at them with what looked like silver tipped crossbow bolts. 
I suffered hearing Dal and Leon’s screams of pain, the sounds of them dying were unbearable. I waited in the darkness for what seemed like hours until the Gur left, a wake of devastation behind them. The second their footsteps waned, I sprinted over to Dal and Leon’s crumpled bodies. 
“No no no nononono.” I choked back, Dal and Leon’s faces were battered and abused, their clothes slathered in blood. I felt the rage and devastation crash down on me. 
The guilt for letting the young ones hunt when I knew better than to trust them to go off alone. Leaving Dal alone while Leon and I left. Splitting up and letting Leon go off to find his death. 
I couldn't help the sobs that came out when I was holding them, I realized I was finally truly alone. The sadness and anger just came flooding out. My eyes stung as the tears came out, lungs burning when the air expanded them sharply. I gripped on Dal and Leon, their bodies growing even colder by the hour. 
A week would pass, I gathered what I could, buried my siblings, and left. I made my way back to Baldur’s Gate hoping to sneak into Cazador’s manor. 
I knew the people of the city were too afraid to go near it. Leon and I had spread rumors of it being haunted, so that kept them out. We used to sneak inside using the underground tunnels that led to the kennels, ransacking the place and selling off what we could. 
Leon came up with the idea of stashing small piles of gold away in loose floorboards around the manor. His foresight was a blessing. 
I began to gather the piles and count my reluctant inheritance. After finishing, I realized I was set for the foreseeable future, but I still had a manor to legally obtain. I talked my way into becoming a historical conservator given the relics I had at my disposal. 
My vast inside knowledge could be chalked up to being a lover of history and a studied mind. No one would be the wiser. I decided then that I would go to the City Council and plead my case to purchase the manor to turn into a museum honoring those whom I loved.  
I took great care to disguise myself, thankfully Wyll wasn't in the City. He and Karlach were in Avernus. Gale had gone back to Waterdeep. Lae’zel and Shadowheart were living in a cottage somewhere near the mountains…And you…I don't remember where you ended up.
More time would pass, the museum was open after a year and a half of me selling, restoring, commissioning, and appointing a board. I opened with a team of people to oversee the major projects while I maintained the procurement of items for the galleries. 
A century or so passed when I met a familiar looking young man. He came to apply for the lead assistant position straight out of Blackgate. Usually, their graduates would go out and teach themselves, but he wanted to research and preserve these items instead of being in front of a classroom full of people.
I questioned him for a few minutes, noticing the unusually similar flair he had to his speech patterns. The air of assuredness behind his statements. 
When he told me his name was Gale Dekarios. I could hardly hide the shock on my face, luckily he didn't notice. “Dekarios? Any relation to the wizard of old legends?” I asked tentatively awaiting his response. 
I watched as he wrung the corner of his blazer and cleared his throat. “Y- yes sir. He was my grandfather.”
Was? I thought wizards lived hundreds of not thousands of years? I hesitate before questioning him further. “Was? Don't wizards usually live many lifetimes over? Did he get killed in a grand battle?” 
The young man bites his lip. A worried look flashed over his face. “Well it's still pretty recent, sir. I'm sure you know all about the Netherese Orb that used to occupy his chest?”
I swallowed fearing the worst, my throat clenched as if I had swallowed fire. I nod urging him to continue. 
“A few years ago, my grandad started to have these bouts of chest pains that would last hours, days, sometimes even up to a whole tenday. My grandmum was a druid healer, so she would make him different teas, tinctures, balms, pretty much anything to help him. Nothing would ease his suffering. One day she helped him to bed, like she usually did, and she had me assist her in making tea for him.
My grandmum told me he was dying and I was the only male in our family that wasn't adopted or married into it. So I guess he wanted to keep his story alive and told me everything. His past, his mistakes and triumphs, friends he made and lost. He and I were close, he was my best friend.” 
Gale cleared his throat and wiped his eyes. “So yes, I am related to *the* Gale Dekarios. I hope I can live up to the expectations my grandfather set forth.” 
I hired him on the spot. 
Now, to make a long explanation somewhat shorter, this is where things get complicated, my love. Here, I feel I may have fucked up. 
You see, there was this woman Gale hired. It was about 6 years after hiring Gale. I was off in the Underdark around the anniversary of Dal and Leon’s deaths. I came up with some story about looking for artifacts to cover my tracks since Gale liked to ask a million questions. Guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree?
Once I got back to the museum, Gale had informed me of our new hire, Octavia. I imagined if she made an impression on Gale, then she would be useful at least at the administrative level.
I couldn't imagine what came over me when I got to know her more .
Astarion sighs with a long exhale. He stares at Tav’s face, hesitating as if he's actually saying this all to her. “She's indescribable. Absolutely beautiful, smart, she challenges me the way you used to.” Sitting up, he presses his back against the stone platform. 
“That night I saw her outside of the restaurant, I swore I saw you. You in front of me like the day we met.” He plays with his sleeve, not knowing how to proceed with this long overdue apology. Even if Tav wasn't really here physically, he was truly able to say the things he held behind.
All the regret from his idiotic spontaneous decisions, grief from losing those he loved and held closest, and most of all the devastating pain from losing everything he took for granted. 
At the same time, something had dropped this precious jewel on his lap. Was it possible for him to be able to open up to someone the way he did with Tav? Octavia showed that she trusted him when he confessed about his true self. She even let him bite down and drink her blood. 
Everything about Octavia was feeling the same, could she be some sort of reincarnation of his lost love? No. That would be impossible. Humans can't do that. Can they? He shakes the idiotic notion away, softly laughing to himself.
Besides, he saw the picture of Octavia’s family. 
Astarion sits with his gaze pointed up at the night sky. It seemed like so long ago when he was doing the same type of internal argument about Tav. He's enthralled by Octavia and agonizing about it. Gods, somehow he was always stuck in a cycle of perpetual pining. 
He wants to open up to Octavia more. Sprinkle in some truths to the little lies he tells. 
Opening up to people has always been a struggle for Astarion, but Octavia has a way of prying his emotions out of him. It's so easy for him to let her reach into the emptiness and allow her to pull his past out.
Her hands pull at the chains around his heart, slightly loosening them with each gaze, each fleeting touch, all of the little ways she reminded him of Tav. Was this a sign of approval from beyond the grave? Maybe this was Tav’s way of pushing him to live again just as she did once before.
Astarion is in deep contemplation, he doesn't begin to notice as the night sky begins to turn light. The bird songs become more animated, he is knocked out of his head and begins to make his way inside. Thank the Gods that his suite is close to the gardens. The manor had secret entrances and rooms for him and his siblings to come in and out, convenient for a thoughtful vampire losing track of time.
As he goes into the museum, he sees the first rays of light break through the tops of the trees. It feels like that morning after the tiefling party, the cool air of morning breaking against the feeling of the warmth from the sun. 
Astarion feels the same hopeful warmth from within. The same tug of curiosity that wants to allow Octavia in. He lingers at the doorway, watching the same sun begin to rise above the trees. So many similarities to weed through. He would take his time though, he can't rush this opportunity he's been given. 
He has to trust whatever force is guiding him at this point. It brought Octavia to him, so it must be good. Turning to walk up the steps to his suite, he looks out the window and stares absentmindedly at Tav’s statue. Suddenly, a tiny green and blue hummingbird flits by and stops at the row of gardenias that lined the windowsill. 
Astarion watches as the little bird takes a sip from the buds. It's fragile wings glint off the reflection from the glass. After zipping through a couple of flowers, it hovers facing him as if watching him. It's little head tilts to the left, then to the right, before flying away. 
It's been so long since he's been around early enough to see them feed. It brings a small tug to his heart. Tav’s words about her people and how they grieve flooded back into his mind. 
“There's a legend in my culture about hummingbirds being messengers for the dead. They say if you see one, it's a sign that your loved one is watching over you. I always thought it would be the way I would communicate with you if I ever died.” she’d say.
I just laughed it off and said “Oh darling, you don't have to worry about that. I would follow you into the dark if that day ever came. I’ll be close behind.” Another lie I told her. 
I think it's time I stopped lying to myself.
Tags: @justporo @satanicspinosaurus @sleepy-timaeus @tragedybunny @davenswitcher @wayward-hel @hereliesblackdragon @misscrissfemmefatale
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Reincarnated! 7 Deadly Sins X Archdemon! Reader Intro and Headcanons
Hi hi! Part two of Love Bugs is on the way but I thought I would right down something just to keep engagement up. BTWs this might become a whole story if enough people request it. You can also ask for the individual characters in requests! Any gender for reader is fine (I'm nonbinary so I feel most comfortable writing gender neutral characters, however request male/female reader if you want) Also guess what their powers might be.
You were an archdemon, a powerful one. During the battle with heaven, you proved your metal and earned your spot as one of the King of Hell's personal guards. You had plenty of muscle and scars to show your dedication to your King, which is why you were confused with his request.
"Puh-lease!" His Highness begged you causing you to roll your eyes. In all your thousands of years of serving your king, he only seems to be this childish around you. It was almost a pitiful sight to see your mighty king reduced to this. "Your highness, please stand up. Groveling will only embarrass us both." You deadpanned towards your master. "Oh, come now (Y/N) no one ever dares intrude on our personal meetings. I wouldn't want anyone else to see what is only for you." You wanted to gag at the semi-flirtatious tone your boss took with you. It almost made you regret betraying God to assist the one you admired so much before.
Your King had called you in for an important meeting which almost made you roll your eyes since most of his "important meetings" were just an excuse to stop your training and spend "quality time" together. You were surprised you weren't an alcoholic yet because every time you were done talking to the king you wanted to forget the syrupy sweet smiles and pet names, he cooed in your direction.
However, this time the important meeting was truly important, as your lord had a vision of the future. On this very day, the stars will align and the Seven mightiest warriors in Hell's army will be reborn as mortals with no recollection of their past lives as demons. Your lord thought it would best to have someone remind them of their past and train them to be their full potential, and he requested you to do it.
As much as you and every other little demon admired the great seven one of whom was the very first ruler of Hell Lucifer himself, you did not want to become a glorified babysitter. You were a warrior, General of Hell's army and right-hand man of King Balam. It was your job to oversee the safety of Hell and fight off any angel brave enough to attempt another "cleansing". However, his majesty was insistent that the mentor had to be you.
"(N/n) please you are Hell's finest and one of the greatest soldiers who ever spawned, only you can handle the massive power of the Seven and teach these little mortals their true potential." Buttering you up typical his majesty. He always gushed about you and your awesome power of sealing holy and demonic powers with your chains. It was very useful in and out of battle.
"I'm busy with protecting you and recruiting and training my soldiers. Find some retired demon to do it for me." You dismissed his plea entirely. That seemed to shut the crying and begging off. Your King got up and brushed off his royal garb "Very well then you leave me no choice." He wouldn't.
Your King grasped your hand, and you were taken to a strange place. It looked like Hell but it didn't feel like Hell. Thousands of figures in white loomed above as millions of screams were heard. Human and demon kind both burned in white flames as the apathetic stares of the holy gazed uninterested at the whole scene.
Like you were nothing...
What made things worse was you saw your dear friend and King barely holding on to life as the tallest and strongest looking angel held a sword to his throat. Michael.
"So, you do care about me!" Your King's voice anchored you back into reality. your face felt oddly wet. Tears, that hadn't happened since you fell. "My liege what vision did you share with me." His majesty chuckled and lifted your face to look up at him and cupped your cheeks.
"I tell you to call me Balam silly, we've been friends for almost a millennia." You shook your head he never changes. "That was what happens if the seven don't reach their full potential. You see Heaven is growing restless as they realize that the Great Virtues are coming back as well." Not the great virtues. You fought only one of them and it almost cost you your life. In fact, the only ones strong enough to defeat the Virtues were the Sins.
"Balam..." You paused searching for the right words.
"Yes, my dear knight." Balam sighed fondly as he stared at you with so much adoration.
"I accept."
The Sins:
Pride: Nalani
Full Name: Nalani Ai’la’ausd
Pronouns: She/they
Nalani Ai’la’ausd was the youngest and only girl of her family. As such she spent most of her time being raised by and cared for by her older brothers and family members. Her Hawaiian heritage meant her entire community was family and were treated as such. Her last name shows her family's rebellion towards the colonization of Hawaii and Christianity. She ended up moving away from Hawaii because of the overtourism and being sick and tired of her family being treated as servants. She is attending university and studying Political Science in hopes of going back to her home and creating policy to stop the overtourism.
When Nalani first started experiencing her powers she was frightened. I mean who wouldn't be a little scared if they started glowing and were able to control fire. However, she tried to remain calm and brave in the face of a storm and even contacted her elders for advice. Or she would have if you hadn't come out of the floor.
"Greetings mortal, I am (Y/N), General of Hell's army sword of the King of Hell. You are the reincarnation of Pride and most powerful of the Sins... can you stop glowing it's hurt my eyes."
"I don't know how to?"
"Dear Satan."
Yandere Types: Harmless, Protective, Manipulative, Possessive, Self-Aware
Nalani at first would be a Harmless yandere as she is not fully taken on her duty as a sin. She feels admiration in a platonic sense for all you've taught her. However, her feelings change as time goes on. It might be because you encourage her to be more confident in her abilities or don't ridicule her dreams. A crush soon blossoms from the admiration. Nalani notices you also interact with her teammates on a daily basis for training.
She doesn't like it...
She's the reincarnation of Lucifer who fell in some myths due to feeling jealous that God favored another over him. She knows what she's doing is wrong, but she can't help it. You make her feel so good and she simply wants to monopolize on that feeling. She's got a silver tongue which allows her to manipulate others to do small things like give you two alone time, or form alliances with the others. Again, nothing that will hurt those close to her and you, but enough to get her fill.
She's Pride the sin above all sins, it make sense for you to choose her.
You have no choice
Fun facts:
Loves Poke and any dish with fresh fish. Would love to take you to sushi bars in the city.
Proficient Surfer- wants to teach you (excuse for some alone time)
Has a fear of crabs
Scrunches her nose when she's happy.
Muscular woman with tattoos (important part of culture)
Works in a tattoo parlor when not attending classes.
Greed: Avaris
Full Name: Avaris Buhl
Pronouns: They/them
Avaris Buhl is the definition of poor, they live in a trailer with their parents and five other siblings. They are used to sharing everything with their family and take it in stride. Bathroom, living space, soap, and other items. Avaris was not very popular and often bullied for being poor. What a terrible thing to do, make fun of someone for being born into an unideal situation. Their only refuge during this turmoil was art. Drawing, painting, sculpting, Avaris tried it all. They personally liked sculpting the best. They were immediately kicked out at eighteen for applying for art school and coming out as nonbinary. Now they live in a crappy apartment and work part time as a barista and doing commissions online.
When Avaris found out that they had powers they were thinking about something that was always the forefront of their mind. Rent was due tomorrow, and that bastard of a landlord was raising rent once again. Turns out Karens don't like when you take breaks as Avaris was harassed about a drink that they didn't even make. One thing led to another and Avaris ended up turning the Karen into a gold statue by accident. While fleeing in fear a large figure appeared from a rift in the ground.
"Greetings mortal, I have come here in search of the reincarnation of Greed. I sense a powerful aura in front of me so I'm guessing it's you."
Avaris promptly fainted.
Yandere Types: Clingy, Obsessive, Self-Sacrificial, Possessive, Stalker
Avaris isn't one to let their yandere tendencies show. At first, they were just grateful that someone was there to help them. Having company also wasn't too bad as Avaris isn't the most social person.
As time goes on Avaris notices all your little quirks and starts to admire each one. Do you swing your legs when you sit? Noted. Have a unique laugh? Noted. Do you have feelings for someone? Better fix that.
Avaris is a little (very obsessed) with your every move and action seeing you as their muse. Many of their latest art pieces and sculptures look a little too familiar (many of them smashed to bits for not fully incapsulating you). Incorporating precious stones and gold they summoned to enhance your natural beauty.
Avaris is used to being ignored which never was a blessing until now, in the busy streets of the city Avaris follows you as you explore the human realm. Careful not to get close enough that your demonic senses kick in but enough to keep track of you. They don't like how close the others and some randoms are to your immortal glory. It should be them and only them.
You are encouraging them to be more greedy.
Well they are greedy for you
Fun Facts:
Even though Avaris is an artist they also know how to code (taking a few lessons online)
Loves pudding
Has very long and nimble fingers which make sculpting clay very easy.
Has a short wolf cut that is shaved on the sides, its color changing based on what they want
Extremely near sighted
Average body type and very pasty (twig arms)
Envy: Cain
Full Name: Cain Alvarado
Pronouns: He/they FTM
You know that one kid who has a reputation for being "troubled" that's Cain Model. His parents divorced when he was five, with his mom taking his older and younger sibling, leaving him with his dad. His dad wasn't terrible, but he wasn't great either. Working on a construction site all day left Cain to become self-sufficient very quick. It was learn or starve. He still resents his mom for taking his siblings away and never coming back to check on him or even let him see his siblings. He was bullied in school for being the only openly trans kid and was called some really nasty names. They never got in trouble, only he did when he broke some stupid boy's nose for groping him inappropriately. Left at sixteen to stay with a cousin and finish school. He currently lives with the same cousin and is job searching.
This was it; he was going to die. Cain ran into some very angry gang members of an old rival gang; they recognized him immediately and intended to beat him to death. He wasn't even in the gang that long and they still recognized him.
"You should've known better than to insult us like that maricón!" One of the guys said his comment, causing his buddies to laugh. "I didn't do shit hijueputa." Cain doubled over again as another foot made contact with his stomach. "Shut up bitch, we do what we want." God damn it, someone deity must love to see him suffer. Cain dug his hands into the gravel. If I find that bastard, I'll fuck them up.
Suddenly a fire hydrant exploded, and a wave of water sent the men right into the side of a wall. The water formed a protective dome around Cain. The men ran off talking about "bruja" or whatever. What was happening? Cain opened his eyes to see an imposing demon with their back turned. "I didn't need your help." Cain spoke up to the figure, who turned around with mild fascination. "Clearly not. Are you going to get off the ground?"
"Fuck you."
Yandere Types: Tsundere-Yandere, Overprotective, Impulsive, Jealous, Clingy, Self-Indulgent
Your relationship at first was rocky at best and for good reason. Cain has serious trust issues, and you were tired of having to justify everything you do. A lot of curse words in English, Spanish, and Demonic were thrown at each other. He only stayed to figure out what was going on and because you are strong. However, you kept helping him and not pitying him like everyone else.
He would rather die than admit to himself and others that you've gained a soft spot in his heart. He's never had anyone to depend on so he can't trust that you won't be like everyone else too. Yet at the same time he won't allow you to spend too much time without him tagging along and complaining about how he hates spending time with you (liar). He sees anyone flirting with you and he will cuss them out, same with anyone flirting with him. Would melt internally if you help him volunteer at the animal shelter.
He is a very emotionally driven person and when he becomes jealous, he does many things to stop that feeling making him impulsive. Leading to him being capable of hurting and killing others and you. One of the most dangerous due to his unpredictable behavior. Believes that he should indulge in his obsession with you and will force you along if it means that he is happy.
Don't look to the others for a way out
He might get jealous
Fun Facts:
Volunteers at the animal shelter regularly
Loves sour candy
Low spice tolerance
Great at domestic tasks
Loves visiting the koi pond in the park
Has many piercings
Insecure about his big chest (well-endowed and too broke for top surgery)
Has a cat named Chorizo (rescue with burn scars)
Stocky figure (chubby yet strong)
Maricón= a slur used against gay men in particular. Cain isn't fully gay per se (all of these characters are pretty fruity), but these assholes don't know the difference between gay and trans.
hijueputa= means motherfucker
Wrath: Kali
Full Name: Kali Ramanathan
Pronouns: She/her
Kali comes from a conservative Indian family. Her family longed for a son but instead they ended up with a daughter. They fell into grief when her mother could not have any more children. She became the stain of the family simply for being born the wrong way. Instead of being light skinned and petite, Kali was darked skinned and very tall, towering over her own father. She was dubbed by the rest of the family as "Mannish Girl". Instead of being ashamed of it she wore it like a badge of honor, she would never make her parents proud so why try? Her parents were furious of her love of sports and her average to low grades (despite being very smart). No one would want to marry such a defective woman. Then she confessed to liking girls more than boys, which was the final straw. She was given an ultimatum: Marry a nice Indian boy a seventeen or get the hell out of our family in shame. Much like the vengeful goddess she was named after she stormed away without a second thought. An old girlfriend's parents let her stay with them until college when she left to prove her parents wrong and become a doctor.
Kali had always swallowed her pride; it was best not to argue. She had taken sixteen years of emotional abuse without once complaining. Being compared to cousins, called stupid, called mannish, called the shame of the family. She dealt with a shitty landlord, many rejections to colleges, and working her ass off in undergrad all with fierce determination. Yet her molecular chemistry teacher was what made her snap.
"Honestly I don't understand why you're still in my class you're not very smart and you're wasting a spot that a man could fill." She had lost control and punched him but a single punch that was supposed to just bruise his jaw and ego, shattered all his bones and snapped a few tendons.
This isn't good. Her chauvinist professor had passed out due to the pain and Kali was left panicking. Why did she have to snap now when she was so close to graduating? "Need help cleaning up?" Kali snapped around to see a janitor, except it was a very muscular and handsome janitor with a regal aura and... horns? "I just need to get this man to a hospital." "No need." the person spoke and waved their hand over the broken body a black aura surrounding the body. Kali anticipated something but nothing happened. "I healed him and in exchange for my silence on this matter I want you to come with me."
What had she gotten herself into?
Yandere Type: Harmless, Sadistic, Isolating, Manipulative, Possessive, Protective, Worshiper, Delusional
At first Kali thought you were the shadiest being on the planet. Who else goes out of their way to pluck young people from their lives to train them for...? The end of the world? Were you high? Clearly not as you had some of the best fighting, she'd ever seen. Please teach her!
However, you were one of the first to not belittle her for simply being a woman with her interests. You would listen as she rambled about anything that caught her interest. You also introduced her to boxing (something about channeling her wrath powers). You were her calm her source of peace and she would do anything to keep it that way.
She is never sadistic towards you; she would rather hurt herself then hurt you (physically at least). Others including the other sins are on the table. Got a little too rough during training? She was just really into it. Knocked the tooth out of that girl at her boxing gym? She was asking for it thinking she could flirt with you (she was just smiling at you out of politeness but okay)!
Kali is smart and knows she can't have you all to herself all the time (yet), especially with the other sins. Non sin people however... are fair game. She'll manipulate every situation to make sure others stay the hell away from you and that you come to her instead. She'll also do everything to earn your trust and lure you into feeling more secure around her (good luck with that). She will treat you with great reverence and be your champion.
She would let the world burn
If you'd be there by her side
Fun Facts:
Her poorer grades in grade school were due to undiagnosed ADHD.
Loves jewelry (specifically necklaces)
Got into boxing and working out to release anger (thanks to you)
Damn good at basketball
Is a yoga instructor at a local gym
Loves spicy food
Thinks spiders are cool
Dresses in the goth aesthetic
Knows a frightening amount about the human body (will ask you for books on demon anatomy as well)
Tall and lean (from sports) medium long dark hair that is very soft (has a tiny girl stache), slightly bushy brows
Lust: Désirée
Full Name: Désirée Beaufort
Pronouns: He/him
Désirée Beaufort is a child born of an affair, specifically his father and a maid that worked for him. His father only raised him out of a sense of obligation (not wanting to pay child support). His father's wife hated him and would do everything in her power to remind him that he was a mistake. Has two other half-sisters (that we know of) who were legitimate and hate his guts. Hated the fact that he was prettier than them and would do terrible things to him (chop his beautiful locks and cut his porcelain skin). It didn't help that the other people he met all objectified him, some even trying to assault him. His father's wife did nothing but watch on as these disgusting individuals would touch him where he didn't want to be touched. Luckily, they never went further but it made Désirée terrified of the idea of sex. He asked his father to let him live on his own (to escape the abuse), who agreed just to get rid of him. Currently, living in the wealthier part of the city off the allowance his father gives him.
Désirée noticed how easy it was to get what he wanted. Of course, he always had pretty privilege but now everyone had a foggy look in their eyes when they talked to him. His landlord allowed him to stop paying rent, his coffee was always free, and people would do anything he said. He didn't understand why everyone would act so strange around him, but he just got used to it. That was until a bunch of crazed admirers chased Désirée with obsessive intent. It frightened him so terribly to see their lovesick expressions.
Why won't they go away?
A heavy weight pressed on his arm and he was yanked into an alley as the admirers continued running past him. Désirée looked up in fear of what the person behind him might do. "Are you okay?" "Huh?" Désirée tilted his head to the side, no one had ever asked him that before. "Those people looked like they wished to murder you so I want to know if they hurt you." This person cared? Désirée pulled away from the strong persons grasp and stared at them. Before him stood a terrifying beast with a commanding aura.
"Do you love me?"
"Why would I? I just met you."
"Oh thank the stars!"
Yandere Types: Worshiper, Obsessive, Clingy, Manipulative, Self- Sacrifice, Harmless(?), Desperate, Delusional
Désirée was grateful to find someone who didn't throw themselves at him. He could have a conversation with someone as an equal rather than an object and he was overjoyed. You were equally strict on everyone you trained equally which Désirée both loved and hated. You were a savior in his eyes and someone to admire for your dedication to your cause.
Désirée fell hard and fast, maybe even the first person to go yandere for you. He was surrounded by people who mistreated him so doing the bare minimum was enough to make him fall in love with you. Désirée wanted to be around you 24/7! He found out about demon contracts and begged to enter one with you. Broke down sobbing when you explained that 1. He couldn't enter a contract as the reincarnation of Lust and 2. You wouldn't do it anyways (you serve no one but the King of Hell).
Normally very touch adverse but with you Désirée is the definition of clingy. Wraps himself around you as soon as he sees you, kisses your cheek, and drowns you in compliments. He adores you so so so much, how can he not express it?! Accidentally guilt trips you into being more accepting of his advances (he becomes very depressed if you seem nonreceptive). Learns all sort of magic to impress you and uses his secret ability to make sure that his dream comes true (you and him together forever).
He always hated lust but...
He feels compelled to it by you
Fun Facts:
Bilingual (speaks fluent English and French)
Favorite food is breakfast food
Likes heavy death metal
Loves to craft (crochet, sew, knit, needlepoint)
A very good swimmer and proficient fencer
Loves horseback riding
Loves romcoms (will try to reenact them with you)
Beautiful man: Tall and lithe (most likely to malnourishment) with Long wavy blond hair and icy blue eyes has two beauty marks under each eye
Gluttony: Gwyn
Full name: Gwyn Bex
Pronouns: ALL OF THEM
Gwyn Bex and their background is nothing to sniff at. She had two supportive mothers who love him no matter what, they have a successful career as a high fashion model, and they have more wealth than others of his age group could say. However, she is not satisfied with this life, it was all so hollow. The only time that he ever feels a thrill is when something is at stake, someone challenges their comfy life. When that is not happening, she is going on a diet to it the newest body trend after all their looks are what gave them this life and he can't be anything less than perfect. They have a severe case of binge eating and purging which has caused many health complications, oh well not like she cared much about himself.
Gwyn reclined in a red leather seat of a beauty parlor getting their hair done, smoking a cigarette. Smoking was against the rules but who was going to stop him? Their next photo shoot was coming up and she had to look flawless. The hairdressers were chatting about unimportant things until he heard a rival model's name. A string snapped internally as they heard those insects praising that ghastly creature. Gwyn sighed and tried to keep things together.
They wouldn't stop.
Gwyn dug their manicured nails into the armrests of the styling chair. How dare they speak of another who couldn't hold a candle to them and her beauty. Their multicolored eyes held nothing but malice for the people talking in front of him.
Large lightning bolt followed by wall shaking thunder landed in front of the shop. The lights in the shop began to flicker on and off, freaking out the customers. A humming sound came from the walls themselves. Bursting from the vents came a swarm of locusts swirling around Bex causing patrons and workers to scream in terror. How amusing.
Even more intriguing was the brief yet ominous silhouette that appeared near the window. Ignoring the chaos around her she walked out the door and was greeted with the intense scent of ozone. Some of the locusts leaving the store and following them, one in particular landing on a stranger's finger. "You know locusts aren't often found swarming in the city, they often flock to where there are crops to be razed. Gwyn cocked his perfect brow at the strangely alluring person in front of them, smirking. "You're going to be fun."
Yandere Types: Sadistic, Monopolizing, Controlling, Unpredictable, Self-Indulgent, Manipulative
Is the most dangerous yandere upfront. They know what they want and what she wants, what he craves is entertainment. It almost scares you how differently Bex approaches things than the rest of the sins. Beelzebub was known to be very dangerous but the reincarnation more dangerous than Lucifer's. That's new. Gwyn flirts with everyone in this strange little 'family' at first not really caring for their fate or anyone's feelings. You change that.
Foxy little minx you are
How dare you fill their mind when they should be focused on other things? You must pay by being their little play thing. Too bad your so stubborn and defiant. No matter... makes things more fun.
Unlike the other sadists Gwyn's sadistic tendencies can and will be turned on you. You're the big bad general, of course she wants to test your mettle (you're not having any of it). They like to playfully tease you, predatory gaze trained on your figure consuming your every action. It's so sweet how you worry for their health (you don't you just need them to embrace Gluttony further), you should be rewarded for that (you don't want his rewards).
Cain might kill others by accident but for Gwyn it's all a calculated game and everyone must play their part. Your part is to be her precious little general, their toy.
Gluttony is all about overindulgence
Well let them overindulge in you
Fun Facts:
Has heterochromia (one blue eye, one eye that is half blue half brown)
Is jealous of the King's power over you
Likes testing their abilities in his spare time
Great singing voice (is a triple threat)
The only sin who is on board with embracing their sin
Actually hates bugs (especially flies)
Knew Duke before all this (you'll find out ;))
Weight fluctuates from anorexically thin to fat (can pull off any weight), foxlike eyes, pretty strawberry blonde hair, average height
Sloth: Marmaduke
Full Name: Marmaduke Skelly (prefers to be called Duke)
Pronouns: "The guy ones" (any pronouns besides she/her)
Duke's a chill guy, he's very go with the flow type guy. Grew up in middle class suburbia with two loving parents and a cute little sister (very big age gap between siblings). Was very insecure of being short and skinny (was the shortest boy in his middle school), which lead to a lot of teasing from his friends and classmates. When you've been thrown through a basketball net you decide it's time to bulk up. Got his first set of weights at thirteen as well as a gym membership at fifteen. He aspires to be just like his first gym bro who helped teach him how to use all the equipment and figure out a routine. Joined his high school wrestling team and quickly became MVP. Was a golden boy jock at his school and would report any jock to the coach who was found bullying or harassing girls. Got in on a sports scholarship to the city university and is studying Early Childhood Education (minor in Philosophy).
Duke was having one of those sleep paralysis episodes again he was sure of it. He had no problems getting sleep in his whole life until recently. Every night he would fall asleep and would wake up unable to move or speak. A large dark figure would whisper to him calling him Belphegor for some reason. He was never really that religious, sure his parents dragged him to church as a kid but he never believed in demons.
Until he saw one in his frat's kitchen. "Ah you're awake finally, you know you talk in you sleep, correct?" Fuck. What was he supposed to say? "Uh are you a demon?" Duke asked. Idiot that must be such a rude question to ask a demon. The demon laughed as their eyes squinted in amusement (which Duke thought was pretty cute). "What do you think?" The demon asked flexing their powerful wings and sweet gains. "That you should teach me your routine cause you got some sweet gains." The demon stared at Duke in disbelief. Did he say something wrong. "Gains? Routines? Human what are you talking about."
He's jealous
Yandere Types: Harmless, Obsessive, Clingy, Overprotective, Delusional, Lovesick
Bro is just happy to be along for the ride. He a reincarnated demon represented the cardinal sin of Sloth. Sick... what is sloth? IT'S WHAT?! Bro's straight up offended. He did not put all this work into a healthy bod to be told he has to throw that all out the window. Hell no! Not only that but sloth is one of the least respected and powerful of the sins. How come Nalani gets to be Lucifer Freaking Morningstar and he just... he doesn't even know! You're pretty much the only person who can calm him down.
Bro is whipped for you anytime spent with you is good time. Wanna go to the gym? The movies? The gym? That new burger place? The gym? Please go to the gym with him! He wants to learn some new moves and teach you some of his own (also see you covered in sweat).
Delulu for real. You can do nothing wrong in his eyes. #1 (Y/N) apologist and defender. Will fight anyone who disagrees. He also believes that you love him the most deep down so that's why he's fine with you interacting with everyone else. Does many things to attempt to convince you that you he should be your mate. (you are his but more importantly he is yours)
Your number one hype man will shower you with compliments all day long. You didn't have an ego problem before, but you'll have one after interacting with Duke for too long. Bros always praising your muscles (using that as an excuse to squeeze them).
Freaks the fuck out if you get even the tiniest scrape. He doesn't underestimate you, he just never wants you to feel pain. Oh my god you have a paper cut?! CALL THE AMBULANCE! Don't worry baby he'll make sure to hold your hand the entire time. You're just rolling your eyes.
Seems the most normal out of all of them but he's still a yandere (just unintentionally sneaky).
Sloth is all about apathy but
He'll never sleep on you
Fun Fact:
Is intersex
Total gym bro (but a wholesome one)
Has fairy princess tea parties with his little sister like a real man
Professional body builder
Terrible cook
(insert the Knuckles feminist rant here)
Loves the Rocky movies (sister is convinced he's a ginger Rocky Balboa)
Huge anime nerd
Knows Gwyn (unfortunately in his eyes)
One of the only ones willing to share darling
Bros literally been called a buff leprechaun (cause he is short, ginger, and built like a tank). No one thinks this man would be 5'2 (158.496 cm) but he is. Hairy arms and cannot go anywhere without putting a crap ton of sunscreen on. Covered in freckles and has the nicest hazel eyes. Heart is as big as his muscles bro.
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skullytotheark · 15 days
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Random Creepyhornets Heacanons
[i made that thumbnail btw]
Additional: in this canon, marble hornets takes place when youtube was extremely fresh & ends in 2006/2007. But in saying that the current time within this canon is 2008
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The Mansion.
The Mansion is built on top of a massive cave
Context: Deeeep within the cave is a large pit of sorts which houses one of the Slenderman's 'towers' [which is a hivemind source. Think of it as a 'spawn point' for slender incase he 'dies']. Most of the food the proxies collect for slender is tossed into a basement corner which has a massive hole, The hivemind uses smaller roots to grab ahold of the food before dragging it into the depths
The Mansion is actually an asylum that was made into a "mansion"
You can still find some left over files fron when the asylum was up and running. A bunch of patient records, Weird experiements [which is probably why slender picked this place in the first place] and a bunch of cells
This also confirms that the 'basement' is a boiler room
The mansion moves around???
Well actually, The Forest moves around the mansion. But for this reasoning proxies need to be marked so they can find the mansion with ease, It has a strange 'six sense' thing going on where the proxies kinda know where the mansion is even when the forest shifts
Only proxies are allowed in the mansion
This just means that 'followers' or unofficial proxies aren't allowed in the mansion
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Timothy Wright "Masky"
[drawn by my bestie @peachy-cloudds]
Background within this canon:
A year after marble hornets, Was shortly forced into becoming a proxy. The Operator's 'hauntings' becoming so bad to the point it was physically attacking Tim until he finally submitted. A choice he regrets to this day
Tim is a 'commander' or a 'leader' of sorts
Tim is a 'high ranking proxy' [which was a rank he was instantly given, alot of proxies hate him for how fast he ranked up], Meaning he can give orders and tasks to his follow proxies.
Tim's 'normal life'
Tim worked extremely hard to regain what was left of his life after marble hornets, Which meant him trying to be stable enough to hold a job as a Computer wiz, Of course having some experience with computers from marble hornets. He kinda dreads work but it's alot better then being a proxy and killing people
Tim constantly feels guilty for the things he's done as a proxy
As a proxy, It's your job to follow every order, Even if it means killing innocents.. But when being a proxy it's pretty much you or them.
Tim doesn't remember Entry 83
..... "I don't know what it is but.. something is off about brian.."
Tim's hobbies
One of tim's hobbies include photography, A thing he remembers enjoying in his childhood.. before he was sent away of course. He remembers having a shit camera he wondered around with and taking photos of whatever he saw as a kid
"I'm not like these freaks.."
Besides the events of marble hornets and his childhood, Tim is literally just a everyday guy. He's not a ruthless serial killer like everyone else in the manor nor is he some asshole some ppl make him out to be. He's just wrangled into this because of the Operator..
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Tobias Erin Rodgers. "The Woodland Maniac"
[His surname is Rodgers in this canon, Just cuz no real big reason]
"You're wreckless Tobias.. That'll be your downfall" - The Operator
A Lot of the time Toby is pretty short tempered and doesn't like to be mocked, He prefers to be taken seriously like the other proxies around him. So he kinda does whatever to prove that he deserves respect like the others
"Everytime I look in the mirror.. He's there."
Toby fucking HATES looking in the mirror or at any of his reflections. Toby pretty much looks like a younger version of his father which pisses him off alot, Even beyond his dreams he seems to not be able to escape him
Toby dropped out of school at 17
Toby isn’t very good at Math or writing since he was pulled out of school when he was 15. Of course Connie tried to homeschool him but the rogers household wasn’t the best place for learning. But just because Toby isn’t extremely educated doesn’t mean he’s stupid, Toby can be pretty smart with certain scenarios thanks to his years as a proxy
spare time in Childhood
When Toby was younger Toby never really got to grow up with any computer/console games since and isn’t really familiar with the big brands. When he was little he heard of games like “mario” or “sonic” and was alil jealous of the other kids and their stable lives, However Toby always found himself being an outside kid which Connie considered to be a lot better than sitting in the house all day playing video games since, Toby spent most of his days doing that already
Fucking lies. All of them
Upon awakening Toby found himself in the edge of the woods, Feeling strangely sick from blacking out. His body aching while he coughed violently, Often coughing out bits of blood. Toby would begin to make his way to the edge of the forest before he finally broke through the treeline to find a group of police. While Toby was informed he was missing for about a month, Word had gotten out about Lyra’s sudden death along with Toby’s sudden disappearance and he was a prime suspect for her death thanks to his aunt Evelyn [Frank’s sister] spreading rumors about Toby possibly killing Lyra.
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Skully "The Vessel"
"Whispering voices"
Skully tends to pause in between sentences due to some of the soul’s memories flashing before their eyes, It often distracts them and leaves them stunned for a second or two.
"Brian Isn't Here Right Now."
Skully often disguises themself as Brian / Hoody to scout around the mansion, Due to being a similar entity to the Operator it is unable to detect them. However there was only one tiny problem, Tim is a proxy too.. So one night Skully erased the memory of Brian dying before proceeding to weasel their way into the Manor. Using Brian as a meat suit
Skully is a lesser being of the Operator, Which means that they have similar abilities. Skully mostly uses teleportation though since they don’t wish to bring any form of harm to others.
Skully doesn’t really express any emotion, They often rarely talk or show any form of emotion. Their voice often montoned while Their body language often still similar to the Operator
"You can be fixed."
Skully is often a guardian angel for those who have been infected via drowning or the Operator, Often observing them in the distance and protecting them when they need too.
"How Much Do You Hate?"
Skully is often rarely aggressive however if provoked they tend to enter a more intimidating form that is similar to the Operator, Skully’s arms being outstretched while their mask expresses anger of sorts. 
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The Operator.
[drew this the first time i used procreate on my sister's ipad]
Living nest
Spiders tend to make small nests in the small holes that are on slender’s body, These spiders due to long exposure can give you the drowning if they bite you
"that horrible face.."
The Spiral in the center of Slender’s face can hypnotize it’s victims. In my canon it’s how Slender gains most of it’s proxies
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[example image]
• "The Hivemind."
The Operator has more than one variant that all act as a single hive mind sharing the same exact thoughts. The following examples are The Tower, The Drones and Hallucination
The Tower: The Tower is the main source of the hivemind, These variants are basically the "Queen Bees" that pop out smaller versions of themselves to scout for food and return it to the Nest. Towers often borrow themselves deep underground where they cannot be touched, often growing extremely giant, For example they can grow to the size of the statue of liberty before stopping. Their tentacles can connect to the roots of trees which allows them to shift the forest at their command, It's also worth noting that the hivemind all share the same thoughts
Drones: The drones are basically mini clones of the hivemind that are produced so the tower doesn't have to expose itself to the outside world and get injured or killed, Their goal is to collect food until the Tower is ready to bloom. But a lot of the time these drones will hypnotize people into doing their biddings for them which is considered to be the norm nowadays. It's also less stressful for the drones in case they do not wish to be discovered by the outside world. Drones can also become towers if they live long enough
Hallucinations: These are as you expect, They're the dones way of messing with your head by haunting you and breaking you mentality. They often appear in hallucinations and aren't the actual drones themselves, The main way to tell the difference between a drone and a hallucination is by the color of their tie. Red means that they are physically there attacking you while black means it's not real
The Great Blooming / The Arrival
This event is pretty straight forward. So the main reason these towers need to collect so much food and souls is so that they can bloom, Their heads unraveling to reveal a black rose that shoots out a giant cloud of spores that will infect those whoever breathes the spores in. These spores have the regular side effects such as the drowning, However those who are infected with the Tower's Spores are a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. If one is infected long enough their heads will implode into a flower and spread more spores around them
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Connie Melody Rodgers.
Young mother.
Connie had Lyra when she was pretty young, Connie was 21 when she had Lyra who was born in 1984 while she was 25 when Toby who was born in 1988.
public shame
Connie often avoids crowded areas and neighborhood events due to the amount of people pinning blame on her son for the casualties when Toby burnt down the neighborhood. At times they would pin the blame on her even though the outside world never really got an insight in the Rodgers Family Household
Small distractions..
Connie tries to distract herself as much as she can, Constantly bottling up all of these emotions she has inside of her the best she can trying not to break. These distractions are often work, Household chores, Cooking and Painting
Family drama
Connie often avoids Frank’s side of the family who were just as horrible as frank was. But they often come knocking at her door trying to rile her up and often threatening to take her to court. But alot of the time when Connie hears them knocking she just pretends she’s not there.
"Burnt It All To Cinders Burnt To Ash.."
Connie recently went back to the burnt remains of her house, When she found the old metal box that surprisingly protected the things she had put in it she nearly bursted into tears when she found all of the old familt photos she has.. Although She could’ve swore she put Lyra’s jacket in it
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thatdangeroussmile · 3 months
I ascended Astarion for the first time and I was given the option to Detect Thoughts before I knelt to see “What he really thinks of me”.
Long post but interesting analysis of Ascended Astarion and him turning the player character under the cut
Things to keep in mind (but that I know probably don’t really matter):
Approval was at Exceptional (100)
This is a Dark Urge play through so I’m the literal child of a God (which all companions knew at this point)
No Astral tadpole had been used or discussed (the subject was dropped entirely which now I regret).
I did indeed have sex with Mizora and I am also romancing Halsin (both interactions have no impact on your romance with Astarion)
So tell me why, when I did my wisdom check to detect thoughts, I GOT MY FUCKING FEELINGS HURT.
And when I refused, “it’s not hard to find someone like me once in a millennia” is what he spat at me (while checking his nails so unbothered) and the interaction ENDS ABRUPTLY.
I, of course, went back and went through with it because I went through hell trying to ascend this fucking asshole but I could use some insight on why Ascended Astarion decides to start degrading you as soon as he ascends.
I kissed him at camp just after Cazador’s dungeon, and I got one of the three very degrading kisses and my character hadn’t even been turned yet. Thank goodness it wasn’t one with the slap included.
It was all downhill after the long rest.
At first, I was like, after all that he went through it sucks he’d turn me into a spawn too. You have an option to say this to him before he changes you and he again, tries to explain it away, gaslight, and manipulate you into trusting him so he can bite you.
But, it isn’t just a bite. Not like when he was changed right?
RIGHT! In my mind, I was like, I’m not delulu he’s definitely toxic but this toxicity feels unfortunately familiar.
I reblogged a post (I don’t have it now but scroll and you’ll find it) that got me thinking, why would Larian make this choice for Ascended Astarion if AA is the real Astarion without the mask? Spawn Astarion spent the whole game talking about how much being a spawn sucked and then as soon as he isn’t one is going to try to make us one? That doesn’t make any sense story wise OR character wise.
Anyway, the post in question talks about creating a vampire bride and the lore in Dungeons and Dragons 2e.
Even if you are or arent familiar with the lore but have played bg3 to hell and ALWAYS romance Astarion, chances are you always have the dialogue after he feeds on you in ACT 1
Where he says, “If I’d been a true vampire, that bite would have turned you into a vampire spawn, like myself”.
The dialogue goes heavily into what it takes to make a true vampire, but we also immediately learn that if you’re a true vampire, it doesn’t take much to make a spawn (Astarion’s change into spawn follows 5e rules- the bite must take hit points to zero and then he was buried in the ground for him to rise the next night under Cazadors control). Meaning, if us as the MC had been paying attention, there is no exchange of blood to make a spawn. The subject gets nothing. They are bitten, dead and buried to rise as a slave.
Returning to the part of the ACT 1 dialogue about how one makes a true vampire, Astarion says “In Theory” meaning he isn’t sure. But yes, “The Vampire would drink your blood and you’d drink theirs,”.
Sound familiar?
ACT 3 right before he changes you, “I’m going to drink you dry and then grant you one drop of my blood”.
This isn’t how you make a spawn. This is how you make a true vampire or more specifically for the case of the game a vampire bride but the ritual is almost the same.
They drink your blood, you drink theirs.
Another way you can tell that he didn’t turn you into a spawn is that, when Spawns emerge, the emerge knowing exactly what to do and how to be a vampire.
Because your character was not turned into a spawn but is still very much bound to Ascended Astarion (if you’re dark urge and go to the tribunal after and try to throw your weight around as a child of bhaal, they call you a slave and then initiative starts), is because you’re a Vampire Bride(gn).
Vampire Bride’s do not wake up knowing what the hell is going on so AA straight up lies to you. You do indeed have free will and while, no you still cannot just walk away because he’s still your creator, he can’t compel you to do anything. And, that’s why you’ll still be seen as a slave by outside forces and other gods because you would need AA permission to break your bond.
Anyway, why this toxicity felt familiar is because the first thing he says is “Thank you for trusting me”. And then he goes ahead and lies to you and DEGRADES YOU TO MAKE YOU FEEL POWERLESS.
And then love bombs you to make you stay “The world will be yours and mine, etc”
Even though he made you a true vampire, his bride. And instead of telling you that and trusting you, he degrades and lies to you and makes you think he could control you at any time to MAKE SURE YOU NEVER LEAVE HIS SIDE.
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its-jaytothemee · 3 months
Tonight...And Every Night - Chapter 4
Pairing: Astarion x Tav, Halsin x Tav; Astarion and Tav POVs
Word count: 1,653; Chapter 4, Astarion POV
Rating: Mature
Read on AO3
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Summary: Tav fails to convince Astarion to reject the Rite of Profane Ascension and refuses to help him complete it. He leaves her and the party, but regrets his choices later. Angsty and fluffy, POVs from both Astarion and Tav.
Tags: Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Spawn!Astarion, Angst w/ Happy Ending
Author's Note: This was inspired by my playthrough where I somehow failed all of the persuasion checks for Astarion after the Cazador fight, leaving me obviously devastated. First three chapters will come together, then hopefully one or two at a time after that!
Astarion slowly shuffled his way across the streets of Baldur’s Gate. The sun was setting across Grey Harbor, bathing everything in a soft warm light. He didn’t really know where he was going, he just kept taking step after step until he found himself in front of the Elfsong Tavern. He only had a few gold coins on him, the rest was of course in Tav’s pack. He figured a good stiff drink was as good a use for his little remaining gold than anything at this point.
‘You couldn’t have even tried to loot the bastard’s palace before you left, idiot?’ He chastised himself again.
The tavern was crowded, as usual. He found a small table in the corner and pulled the hood of his cloak over his head as he sat down. His nervous eyes darted around the tavern, intensely aware that he no longer had any backup if he ran into trouble. A chipper voice startled him nearly out of his chair.
“Hey there, traveler! Can I get you a drink?”
Astarion looked over to see a friendly, familiar tiefling. She gasped when she saw his face. Lakrissa started looking around the tavern, obviously looking for his companions…his former companions.
“Astarion! It is Astarion right?”
“Yes, that would be me.” He answered flatly.
“I do hope you don’t take this the wrong way but you look awful.” She set her empty serving tray on the end of the table.
“I’ve had worse.” He grumbled. She gave an uncomfortable laugh in response.
“Where are your friends? Should I clear a bigger table for you?” She smiled at him sweetly.
“No that won’t be necessary.” He heard the involuntary crack in his voice and felt the tears welling in his eyes again. Lakrissa studied him for a moment and then placed her hand over his and gave it a soft squeeze.
“I think you could use a drink, my friend.” She smiled at him and disappeared back into the bustle of the tavern. He blinked away the tears threatening to run down his face.
Eventually Lakrissa returned with a wine glass and sat it in front of him. She also returned with another tiefling.
“Well, well. If it isn’t one of the heroes come to save Baldur’s Gate.” Alfira’s sing song voice teased as she sat across from him. Lakrissa turned to walk away, giving a quick wink to her partner in crime.
“Oh yes, hello bard.” Astarion managed to mumble out to her as he took a large drink of the wine in front of him. It was the perfect level of sweetness, Lakrissa had a good eye for wines.
“Where’s the rest of your merry band?” She asked innocently. He felt anger and embarrassment and despair rising in his throat threatening to choke him.
“Change of plans, darling. Looks like they’ll have to save this city from the Absolute without me.” He took another large drink of his wine. When he sat the glass back on the table, he saw Alfira studying him intently.
“Would you like to talk about it?” She asked after a moment.
“Not even a little.” He replied, keeping his tone ice cold.
“Alright, my apologies for bothering you then. It’s obvious you’d rather be alone right now.” She started to stand up from her seat.
Alone. A spike of panic ripped through his chest at the word.
“Wait…” He started. Alfira stopped just a couple of inches off of her chair. “I…I’m sorry. It’s just been a long day. Please…sit.”
She smiled and sat back down in her chair. Astarion shifted uncomfortably. He wasn’t really one for small talk. She absentmindedly plucked at the strings of her lute, quietly humming along with the notes ringing from them. Alfira was the one to finally break the silence between them.
“You know, I had really lost all hope before I met you and your friends.” She was still softly strumming her lute. “I remember when I first saw you and your companions stroll through the gates of the Emerald Grove, covered in goblin blood and desperately seeking a healer.”
“Yes, yes. A real group of knights in shining armor.” He said with an eye roll. He picked up the glass in front of him and gently swirled the dark liquid around.
“To a group of scared, displaced, and battered refugees? Yes. That’s exactly what you were.” She stopped playing her lute and stared Astarion down over his glass of wine. He looked away, ashamed of himself all over again. He would have never agreed to help the grove, that was almost all Tav. Sure, everyone else agreed they could stop and help those in need, but she was the one who insisted on it.
“Well my dear, I hate to be the one to ruin your fantasy, but I had nothing to do with that.” He drank the rest of his wine down in one large gulp, stinging his throat. He looked back to Alfira who was giving him a puzzled look. Giving an exaggerated sigh, he continued.
“If I was alone, I would have walked right by that grove. I would have let you all be slaughtered by goblins. Hells! I probably would have joined the goblins if I thought it would have saved my own arse.” The confession felt oddly satisfying to him.
“But you weren’t alone. And you did keep us from being slaughtered by goblins.” She countered.
“No,” he insisted, “I didn’t. That was all Tav.” Saying her name caused the pain in his chest to return, nearly knocking the wind out of him. Alfira seemed to catch the break in his voice over her name.
“Ah…” She smiled, “So this is about her.” Her voice started to take on a bit of a teasing tone, but he shot her a warning look that stopped her from continuing.
“So why did you stay then?” She said after a moment.
“Excuse me?” He didn’t even try to hide his confusion.
“Why did you stay with her if you didn’t agree with her choices? If you didn’t agree with her leadership? You could have left. You could have stayed safe in your camp, you could have hid from the fights. You didn’t.” She had set her lute to the side, folding her hands in front of her on the table.
“What do you suggest I should have done? Wandered off alone in the wilderness? To fend for myself? With a fucking mind flayer tadpole in my head?” He realized he was starting to raise his voice, and it probably wasn’t the best idea to announce his condition to the entire tavern. No one nearby seemed to notice his little outburst.
Alfira studied him for a moment before answering, her brows furrowed.
Astarion could only blink in response. Before he could speak again, Lakrissa arrived with another glass of wine, and he immediately took another large swig.
“There were countless opportunities for you to leave, Astarion. You could have parted ways with everyone the moment you reached the city. You could have cowered with the rest of us at the Last Light Inn, waiting to be rescued. You didn’t.”
“Like I said…all Tav.” He countered. “Not to mention I needed protection from the aforementioned tadpole, and she carries the artefact that allows that.”
“So why leave now? You’ve followed her into nightmares most would never recover from. You’ve helped people against your better judgment all because she simply asked you to. Why?”
He knew the answer of course. Because he would do anything to gain Tav’s approval. He would do anything to see her smile, to hear her laugh, to feel her touch…but he also knew that he didn’t deserve her.
“So?” She prodded, her sweet face seemed to see straight through him.
“I…” Astarion stammered.
“She loves you, Astarion. It’s horribly obvious.” Alfira said with a smile. “The way she looks at you? There’s no doubt about it.”
“You don’t understand…” he started, “I hurt her. Badly.” Astarion looked away, shame welling up inside of him again.
“Did you try apologizing?” Alfira asked.
“Not exactly.” His stomach lurched, but for some reason he felt compelled to tell Alfira everything. Every gory detail of his past, his treatment of Tav and his other companions, everything. He suddenly felt suspicious.
“Did you charm me, bard?” He asked, slightly defensive. She just chuckled in response.
“The guilty mind sees tricks everywhere. Unfortunately, my bardic capabilities start and stop with music. No magic here.” She held up her hands innocently in front of her face. Astarion relaxed slightly.
“I…ran away.” He admitted. And with that, he couldn’t hold back any longer. He tearfully recounted the events of the day. How he betrayed the trust of Tav and his companions. He told her of the awful things he said to them. She was hanging on his every word. He told her about his relationship with Tav, how he meant to manipulate her into protecting him but ended up falling for her, hard. He told her how he felt about Tav, how she made him feel safe and seen. He briefly told her of his miserable life with Cazador.
Alfira sat back in her chair after he finished his tale, thinking on his words.
“Wow,” she said quietly, “it seems our hero is even more incredible than I thought.”
“That she is.” He responded, staring into his glass of wine.
Alfira grabbed his free hand with both of hers, bringing his attention back to her.
“Listen, we’ve both been to the literal hells and back. We’ve seen horrors beyond comprehension and come out the other side alive, odds be damned. If you have found someone that makes all of that suffering worth it…” She looked away briefly to glance back at Lakrissa who was cleaning up a spilled tankard of ale. “What the fuck are you doing here drinking alone?”
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myrmica · 1 month
4, 15, and 20 + s4 zam? :3
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
HMMM... i think he would lose a lot of his charm in most other mediums to be honest. for my particular vision of s4, definitely a stage play. or a ballet or something. i want princezam doing salieri type shit.
the wings of freedom/pits of hell cinematics especially would translate well to this and they would be WAY COOLER !!!!!!! his night of the end breakdown becoming an address to the audience... the whole thing needs to be done 1800s style where the audience is expected to heckle him the whole time. and throw things at him maybe. i think you could do something cool with it where the first half of the show is centered around castle arc/leviathan and the second half is exploits/leadup to wormhole... so you can dramatize the thing that happens where pvp stops mattering, if pvp is dance choreography. you have a lot of motion and action in the first half, and then by the second half you're left with these long scenes where characters monologue to each other/the audience (ideally this would genuinely piss people off to watch at least a little but the dialogue and character drama is enough, much like in actual lifesteal s4. i've been watching ford play the second act of inscryption and puzzling over it as a game design choice ... it might be like that.) and then for wormhole itself you have scenes like the final eclipse conversation taking place isolated in the center of the stage under a single light while there's this mass of dancing/fighting taking place in the dark around them...
first scene of the play is subz and vitalasy standing in the wreckage of spawn -> eclipse base reveal. second scene is team awesome betrayal. i can see it all in my head so clearly. mapicc and ro moving around and talking while everyone else on stage is frozen in place. you could have actors positioned throughout the audience who come on stage for wormhole but that feels slightly tacky to me, it would depend on the execution. this all came to me just now like a vision from god
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
(looks around) well um now this might be surprising (coughs) but it is vitalazam. not just my favorite lifesteal ship but one of my favorites ever in anything. i like it when characters feel like they're representative of or deeply entwined with an ideological conflict and these ones in particular are entwined with a METHODOLOGICAL conflict masquerading as an ideological conflict...!!!!!!!!!!! over how they interact with their medium...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and beyond that i like the way they bounce off each other on a very basic level. how weird their combination of complete awkwardness and drama/tension is... this is the appeal of vitalasy as a character in general to me, the way he is exceedingly awkward and weird and yet has a very commanding presence at times. he always feels like an animal puffing its fur up to seem bigger... he tends to put anger on over sadness, in contrast to zam in s4 putting sadness on over anger, making himself "smaller" on purpose in a lot of ways.
basically it's insane to me that two people who talk to each other like THIS have such a real sense of tension between them
Tumblr media
i'm also drawn to the element of frustration and unfulfilledness. there's so little of it comparatively but i loveeeeeee s5 vitalazam for how frustrating it must be for vitalasy. how much he missed his chance with zam in eclipse when he could have been there, and from zam's perspective, chose the exploits Over zam by not spending time with him or fighting for him the way subz did. the idea that vitalasy might regret that forever ... and then zam just never even talks about any of it again no matter how many times vitalasy needles him on it.
been thinking a lot about vitalasy essentially responding to the question "how much did you even protect me?????" with "i protected you FROM ME" like what is wrong with you. seriously what is your problem. it's besides the point but i like "Okay so this guy is kind of obsessed with me" way better than mutual obsession in this context... it plays into vitalasy's grandiose visions for the world and his playing god, and setting himself up for failure, and trying to change lifesteal when all zam wants is to play the game and had vitalasy simply played with him instead of doing all that he might have gotten what he wanted (romantically or as a teammate or literally whatever) from zam. and in the end, does he want that more than he wanted the thing he sacrificed his chances at it for? somebody please bonk me over the head before i keep talking i know i am repeating things i've said elsewhere at this point
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
my first thought was mapicc and then i went "Well that's kind of the obvious answer what else have we got" and then i thought about it some more, went on a whole subzam detour mentally, and then got back to mapicc. So i suppose it is mapicc
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alovelyburn · 1 year
For @megashadowdragon
Okay, so I'm not answering this Ask directly because it pastes someone's post into the question and I'm not super comfortable arguing that directly with someone who doesn't know they're being argued with. But the points included basically come down to
the Eclipse is a used to reactivate Guts' rape trauma and he is reminded of Donovan during the rape of Casca.
She tells him to look away because she knows he'll be having traumatic flashbacks to his own rape
The Eclipse is much worse when you consider that he's having flashbacks and is unable to save her from what happened to him.
Okay, I'm middling on this.
And heads-up, there's some pretty frank talk about the narrative's use of rape and such below this line, and it's presented without judgment on whether Miura's choices were good or bad writing or right or wrong morally because I'm just here to talk about what's on the page and the rest is fuel for another day.
Okay, so, I don't think he was actively thinking about/reminded of Donovan at all, because if he were, Miura would have just put that on the page. I know this is the most boring-ass possible way to answer it but it is what it is - Miura never once hesitated to twist a knife if he had one, or give an onscreen flashback so you know where things connect. So I do think he would've put it on the page.
But even if he wasn't literally thinking about it, that doesn't mean he doesn't ultimately end up having the same buttons pushed.
The thing is, bear with me here, but the actual rape by Donovan does not appear to be the primary source of Guts' trauma. He's with the mercenary band for years afterward and shows no touch aversion, he's not particularly skittish. I'm not saying it didn't traumatize him, because it very obviously did, the flashbacks are self-explanatory, but...
If we look back at the assault by Donovan, what happened to Guts is largely framed in the narrative as being about the question of whether Gambino did or did not sell him - the first thing he does the next day is go after Gambino and when he thinks Gambino didn't do it, he just kind of goes back to "normal," and then gets his revenge, and then goes back to "normal" again. Now, let me be clear... obviously he wasn't actually "normal." My point is just that the emotional core of the situation with Guts, Gambino and Donovan is actually on Guts and Gambino. And narratively, the rape itself is used to set a timer on a bomb inside that relationship that ultimately blows on the night when Gambino tries to kill him and reveals that he did, in fact, sign off on the assault... which is when most of Guts's PTSD symptoms actually begin.
What I'm saying is, ultimately what did the most damage was not the rape in itself but the fact that Gambino, who he loved and trusted, was the reason it happened. Not only does this reopen his wounds from the assault, it also spawns an inability to trust that leads him into a life of isolation and loneliness, and the two combine to manifest through his unwillingness to be physically touched by men..
To reinforce my point here, even when he had his final major flashback in the meadow scene, it took like 5 seconds for him to go from flashing back to Donovan to crying over his regrets about Gambino, which does appear to me to be the biggest wound in his life up until the Eclipse.
Now why is this all relevant, well, because Griffith's actions during the Eclipse (and the fact that he agreed to the Sacrifice to begin with) are an echo of Gambino's actions, which brings it all back.
So yes, I do think the Eclipse ultimately retraumatized him, but here's the caveat: much like the original rape by Donovan, the assault itself is traumatic, but the larger portion of the damage comes from the betrayal that allowed it. I'm not sure if that distinction is clear outside my brain though, so lemme try to explain.
Basically, it's about where you center the emotional core of the scene.
The post is suggesting that the emotional core of the scene is between Guts and Casca over this shared trauma - he's flashing back because of what's happening to her, she's trying to protect him by telling him to look away because she knows he must be suffering from flashbacks, etc., he's traumatized because he was unable to protect her, like there's a lot going on between Guts and Casca in this post.
But that's difficult for me to buy because much like the thing with Donovan is centered on Guts and Gambino, the rape in the Eclipse is clearly centered on Guts and Griffith. Casca is mostly used as a vessel for Griffith to hurt Guts with. That's so clearly the case that people get pissed off about how sidelined she is during her own rape. And, if I ask my writer brain why that was done, the answer is very obvious: it's because the emotional core of the scene is actually not on Casca at all, it's on the implosion of Guts and Griffith's relationship; specifically on Guts being betrayed by the person he loves most again, with that person again trying to kill him (or have him killed) and using rape to hurt him.
That Guts is more focused on Griffith's betrayal than anything else is also evident in how Femto's rape of Casca largely remains categorized in Guts' head as something that Griffith did, rather than something that Casca went through.
And again, I know the sidelined Casca thing bothers people, but don't pillory me, I'm just analyzing what's on the page.
Moving on - the thing about Casca saying don't look... honestly I think the reason is self-evident: she doesn't want him to see his girlfriend being raped by his best friend… and frankly, she probably doesn't want to be seen in that situation either. I don't know that it needs a bigger explanation than that.
Which brings me to the last point - the thing about the scene being worse when you realize he's having these thoughts about being unable to save her from what happened to him - I guess my comment on is that I don't think that's what he was thinking, so the conclusion doesn't apply.
That said, full disclosure, I did look up the original post and I mean, I'm trying to interpret their theory in good faith but because I'm vaguely familiar with that poster, and I remember the last line (that was left off) I just kinda... ehhh.
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devilcatdarling · 11 months
3, 9, 11, 13?
Oh boy lots of words incoming
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
- a few times actually, but because said opinions happened to be either extremely ableist, transphobia, proshipper rhetoric, or infantilization of trauma victims, etc, things that are reflections of poor character irl passed as "opinions" that I'd much rather not see on my dash or associate with. Ship discourse and or ooc characterizations and the like for fictional media are things I usually just mute or ignore otherwise
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
- a lot of my choices are the usual common ones for the reasons you'd expect, though most of them I can respect as nuanced/complex characters and write/portray them as such. The main ones I dislike being Zote, the White Lady, the Pale King, Soul Master, and the Radiance.
Particularly the Radiance and White Lady. Zote is annoying, Soul Master is a haughty immortality seeking asshole that throws others under the wheels for his own gain, the Pale King is an in-denial deity seeking any methods to purpetuate his kingdom at the ultimate cost of his own kids, etc (at least he had regrets though? I'm not about to defend him though tbh)
But the White Lady and Radiance? Despicable. Both more than capable and willing to throw their own "children" into eternal suffering and hell for the sake of their wars. Radiance infecting and wiping out the entire populace of Hallownest over her fury towards another god for "stealing" from her. Burning everything to the ground and leaving nothing but sickness and corpses. No matter how justified her anger or fear of being forgotten could be, she has laid waste to the entirety of a population in the name of her rage and slaughtered countless mortals caught in the crossfire of a godly spat
The White Lady? Bitch. Biggest bitch. How her responsibility in things is often overlooked in fandom portrayals is astounding to me because, as the only one of the three gods involved in this shitfest that you actually can just talk to ingame, her complete and utter dismissal towards her remaining spawn, from her cold indifference towards Hollow as a "tarnished impure failure" to her insistence that Ghost offer themselves up as sacrifice for a kingdom that they owe nothing to, that left them to die, is vile on a level that makes me despise her the most out of most of these choices here. She then hides away to assuage her own guilt and leaves the rest of the kingdom she claimed to care for to burn, speaking to her last remaining child as an object and pleading with them to lie their neck over the guillotine for a kingdom long since burned to ashes while she does nothing but hide away
I'd fist fight her in a McDonald's parking lot at 2 am and win
11. Is there an unpopular character that you like that the fandom doesn't? Why?
- I'm a pretty basic bitch in that most of the characters I like/dislike are also popularly liked/disliked in most fandom spaces but uhhh if I had to pick I'd say Unn. She's kinda just vibing under her lake separate from all the other godly bullshit going on and yeah she's not really trying hard to keep her own land but she's also kinda causing way less problems for everyone else unlike some aforementioned gods in this salt post. Also Greenpath as a nature realm is THRIVING compared to the rest of the burnt up and abandoned husk that is Hallownest so...Unn for the win lol
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
- Some people spend an excessive amount of time gatekeeping ships and characterizations and it's just..not that serious guys xD
Granted it's not a HUGE problem, but if I had a dollar for every time I have someone showing up in mine, or other ppl's, inboxes to inform them about how their characterization/au/ship for XYZ character is "incorrect" and lives rent free in their mind in a negative way to the point where they just HAVE to tell you how bad it is, I'd have a hefty pocket full of dollars right now. Other people having harmless headcanons and ships shouldn't consume so much of your time and energy to the point where you NEED to hit up the inboxes of Pale King stans or Quirrelnet/Pale Nightmare/oc x canon shippers to needlessly shit on their day and tell them they should stop liking things because you can't use your mute and block functions to curate your own space accordingly. Log off and go outside and breathe some fresh air, I'm begging you. You can not like or even HATE certain interpretations of characters, you can rant about them in your own spaces, whatever. But don't come into MY inbox telling me not to ship oc x canon because you hate women and can't stand seeing your fave fictional blorbo with zero canon dialogue or relationship content shipped with a girl. I promise you I don't give a shit xD
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dragon-queen21 · 3 months
I was tagged by the lovely @awesomedurraworld in a tag game to list the first opening lines from 10 of your fics.
I’m going to do seven from published fics and three from my upcoming fics because I can >:3 Also because I struggled with this all of my writing feels so old
1.He Doesn't Want Me (demon slayer agere fic)
“He’s not sure when his baby brother stopped seeing him as safe. Not sure when the comfort and warmth that only he could provide slowly faded, leaving him cold and empty. Not sure when that warmth once his little brother came to him for, shifted to others.”
2.A cup full of scorpion (fma fic that is just 90% Edward being a menace)
“Roy never would have guessed that raising two hell spawn children would be so difficult, and yet he was already beginning to see signs of early grey hairs and was starting to feel the beginnings of regret towards his life choices that lead him to this moment.”
3.A kit and a collar (dream smp fic)
“It was late night calls where things seemed to go for the worst or for the better. This was a bit of both.”
4.Too many days spent lying awake (hermitcraft fic)
“‘Baby…” Impulse’s voice started, impossibly soft and caring.
All Ren heard was pity.”
5.Let me watch over you now (Demon slayer + my most recent fic)
“It was embarrassing to fail at a mission. Especially one as easy as this.”
6.The cookie heist (one piece)
The goal of the afternoon was an 'impossible' task.
7.Attachment scars (Life smp)
“Scott didn’t feel any remorse upon leaving Pearl. Well maybe a little bit. Seeing Pearl’s face look so sorrowful, he had felt his own heart distantly pang in remorse, sharing in sympathy with the girl when he told her he was leaving. Maybe he felt a little bit bad, his heart ached for days after, not of his own accord but his soul mates. But she’d get over it soon enough.”
8.Spiders are evil (mha fic a bit like the one I did for fullmetal alchemist)
There was a pillow in the corner of Izuku’s room. Why was this worth mentioning? Because said pillow had a giant black spider currently crawling across it.
9.(Mob psycho fic that I am soooo close to finishing. I shared a draft of it here on tumblr so it counts)
“Ritsu’s face is downcast, looking at the rubble on the ground around him. He doesn’t want to look up. Doesn’t want to see what he’s done. What he didn’t mean to do. It was just self defense, that’s all he keeps saying to himself. He was scared and caught off guard.”
10.(One Piece color au thingy that I haven’t posted yet but still feel like sharing)
“With Shanks brought the color red. The red of far away islands, dreams, and adventures, all, waiting to be discovered. The red faded along with the ship in the distance, but not his dream. His dream had mixed into a new color, one that promised to never be forgotten as long as Luffy lived.”
Tagging @little-froglight , @juicezone and @babyminty as I know you all have writing posted :3 (if you want to join in of course)
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rcrisdraws · 4 months
for the OC creation ask game: 17 and/or 2?
Context, gonna talk almost exclusively about the OCs in my The Shadow Men thingy.
2. Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind? 
With other characters yes! Quite a few of them share some traits with characters from story/games/manga I liked (Nagato and Nagato (from Naruto) as obvious examples, but also Hiko and Kassandra from Assassin's Creed Odyssey & Gideon from The Locked Tomb series) before evolving into their own things. Sometimes I poach OCs from earlier stuff and put them in the new. Basically mostly fitting archetypes I enjoy in a setting of choice :D
Rarely do i have OCs i feel very strongly about that came around because of the universe they're in, not in spite of it (example of it Fumetsu, who spawned as an OC in mid December).
17. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story? 
At the moment, not really. I regretted the way i set up the story of The Shadow Men for about a year before i decided that good or bad I can take the hike to mend what I regret. Right now I'm feeling confident about changing what needs to be changed, especially bc that story requires a lot of me, a lot of knowledge i'm not really privy to so there's books, books everywhere, and I know i'm gonna fuck stuff up no matter how well i do my research - definitely encourage calling my ass out for inaccuracies or touching on subjects I shouldn't be touching. Whole process and theme is change, almost nothing stayed the same since i thought up the concept in 2018.
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