#also this is why iron man 3 is one of my favs
rendy-a · 6 months
amh if possible could hoy make hdcns for the dorm leaders ( separately ) reacting to their mc fem explaining the marvel universe and then puts them to watch the movies hehe ( ..also mc's fav hero is dead-pool ;) bc it gives me laugh imagine their reactions about this xd) , thanks in advance and take care<33
This certainly ended up being a little bit of a crack fic but it ended up amusing. Hope you enjoy it.
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At first, he scoffs as such a time-wasting thing as wanting to watch dozens of movies.  Where is the educational value in this?
He is just too polite to refuse to listen, so he’ll end up letting you describe all your favorite scenes to him.
You are better off if he doesn’t take an interest because, if he does, he is going to turn into the worst sort of comic book geek.  Be ready to have him quote lore from issues of source material at you during any discussion on this from now on.
What do you mean who would win?  In Volume 3 #3, Thor clearly defeated Iron Man.  Don’t get upset Prefect, I don’t write the lore, I just recite it.
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Doesn’t appear to be interested but, if you pause long enough, he’ll prompt you to go on.  It’s important to you, so he’ll try to care at least a little.
You’d never tell him this, but you love to banter with him because it reminds you of your favorite character.  Sometimes you wonder if he’d be pleased or offended to know who you remind him of.
Movie marathons?  Not only is he willing to do them with you, but he is also often the one who suggests them.  Don’t be deceived though, it’s not for the movie but for the quality nap time on the couch with you. 
Don’t turn that off, Herbivore, I’m watching it.  What do you mean I don’t know what’s going on?  This is the part where we learn her mom isn’t dead after all.  So quiet down and keep the lights off.
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Please, he is in Board Game Club with Idia. You think this is the first time he has hmmm’d himself through a conversation about fictional characters?
Wait, you say that this makes a ton of money?  Tell him more about this merchandising and licensing.  Especially that, what do you call it…ah, Happy Meal.
You can eventually talk him into watching the movies with you for ‘research purposes.’  When you do, you can’t help but notice how teary-eyed he gets at the sad scenes.  He’s just so sensitive!
Deadpool is also his favorite character.  He feels a sort of connection to certain parts of his story.
So, she chooses to stay with him even though he looks like that?  No, I’m not blubbering.  No, I don’t need you to cuddle with me.  Ok, fine.  Just for a little while. 
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He doesn’t get it, but he still loves it.  Sure, you have to explain everything to him three times, but he gets excited over your excitement.  Call him any time to talk about your theories on how things would have gone if Thanos had made a different wish on the infinity gauntlet.  He doesn’t mind if it’s 3 AM (just don’t let Jamil find out).
Movie marathons turn into parties.  Why just watch the movies when you can have themed snacks and dress up too?  Hulk smash cakes and Black Widow berry cobbler?  Yes, please.
His favorite part of any film is the soundtrack.  If he hears a song he likes, he gets up to dance along.  It’s pretty disruptive when you are watching the movie but when you see how much fun he is having, you find you don’t really mind after all.
Sorry Prefect, Jamil says we can’t have dance battles in Scarabia anymore.  Ooh!  But come by the Pop Music Club later.  I’m going to play all my favorite songs for Cater and Lilia. Ahaha!
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You were worried Vil would dismiss your favorite Marvel films as inferior art, but he is actually rather generous about it.  He believes the film should suit the audience and, as so, there is nothing wrong with films like this that serve to entertain the masses.
Still, he can’t help but be critical of everything while you watch.  He doesn’t criticize the things you’d talk about with your friends but topics you’d hardly even notice while you watched like the set design and lighting.
You notice Vil seems secretly fond of Loki.  You think the idea of the Villain that survives the main movies to get his own spotlight series appeals to him.
No, Potato, I’m just saying the angle isn’t right for this sort of tone.  A shot from below would be more effective.  Plus…wait, are you having more popcorn?  I don’t think so, it’s past the time you can snack before bed.
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You had expected Idia to be all in on the Marvel Universe but, at first, he is oddly resistant to it.  He’d rather recommend you one of his own favorite hero movies.  If you disagree on which is better, he is more than willing to fight with you over why his is best!
After a heated argument, he puts on some of the movies to watch so he can come up with targeted points about why his own shows are better.  This does not work out for him as he gets sucked in himself.  Next time you meet up, he wants to go over tiny bits of lore and speculate on future plot lines from hints in the past movies.
You might think his favorite would be Iron Man because they both are innovative engineers, but he is a fan of Ant Man.  Shrinking down to a size where you can hide from everyone; it’s an introvert’s dream!
Prefect, this is serious business!  I’ve drawn up plans.  So long as we sleep only 2 hours a day and avoid taking any breaks for food, studying, and showers, we can finish at least three seasons this weekend.  True fans like us need to be ready to sacrifice for the shows we love!
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There are many things Tusnotarou doesn’t understand, and this is one of them.  For starters, he barely knows how to use his smartphone, let alone how to stream movies and shows.  So, before you can even start explaining the plot, you must explain the whole concept of series and interconnecting shows to him.
He doesn’t get it, but he is happy to watch with you.  Your reactions to the show are far more amusing to him than the actual show.  Plus, he feels like he learns so much about the human world from your conversations.  A subway, how intriguing an idea.  Humans are so fascinating.
Even though he watches politely, he isn’t very impressed.  They can fly?  Well so can he.  Magic, lightning, superstrength?  All just part of being a dragon.  Perhaps instead of being interested in these superheroes, you’d rather learn more about him?
 Lilia, do you think I am a superhero?  The Prefect has been explaining this concept to me in great detail lately.  I can’t help but notice the many things I have in common with these so-called heroes.  Why yes, Lilia, now that you mention it, I am wearing a cape.  Another point in my favor. Fu fu fu.    
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kirbyderb · 4 months
Okay so, got a few questions
What is your favorite color (obvious is obvious)
favorite cat breed?
Favorite superhero
favorite tumblr moment (mine was the one that included the word “tea-fication process”
this isn’t really a question (well it sorta is, I just need some advice) how can I create better ocs
fav smiling critter
fav horror games/movies/characters
fav movie genre
(I know this is more than a few, I’m sorry)
☀️ HELLO!!!!1!!!!
1. Green, actually.
2. I'm more of a canid fan! (Can you tell?) But my Prototype... I love Ragdoll kitties and black cats! :D
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3. SPIDER-MAN. NO CONTEST. I WATCHED ALL THE MOVIES. HALF THE SHOWS. Best actor is Tobey Maguire. Favorite Spidey film? Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 2.
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4. "The flag of Japan but it's actually this hand towel with a perfectly-placed water stain"
5. Better OCs? Well, uhh... IM NO EXPERT! !!1! BUT. What I think is fun is looking at those "questions to ask your character/character development sheet" things. Like how would they get through a fence while being chased? Just run cartoonishly STRAIGHT THROUGH IT? Find another way? Jump across? Maybe also try to imagine why they are the way they are, and be sure to give both positive/negative traits. If your character is very affectionate—TOO affectionate— maybe they don't know personal space? Or if they're lazy, they might be really good at finding the shortest way to do a task. Maybe crank up some positive traits for bad traits, or see how it could create a bad trait, and vice-versa!!1!!! :D
6. Dogday.
7. My memory isn't good so I may have more, but... Dogday, any Smiling Critters, Cy-dog even though it isn't ever used in PPT, Sunny/Omori, Glamrock Freddy, Wooly, Starved Tails, Kinito—
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8. Hmm.. SCI-FI?!?!??? :D Hypothetical scenarios with viruses or outer space are pretty cool! Also love historical films, 2d animated films, psychological horrors, mysteries, anything to do with my current interest. Feel free to recommend me stuff ! :]
Maybe I should say a genre I hate?
You're not gonna catch KIRBY ever watching any 18th-century rom-coms. No TELENOVELAS FOR ME!!!1!!!!!!
THOUGH I'm very willing to IRONICALLY watch a movie with people. I like to watch them suffer WITH me and it's hilarious. ANYONE WANNA WATCH RATATOING!!1?!???
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greensagephase · 3 months
what made you wanna name the story non-violent communication?
Hiii, nonnie!! Thank you so much for the ask (and also, I'm sorry for the delayed reply! I took off tumblr yesterday)!! 🥰 Thank you for asking this question because I don't think I've ever talked about it before!!
Long story short:
THIS SONG RIGHT HERE!!!!!!!!! 🗣🗣🗣🗣 If you haven't listened to it, pls do!!😭It's one of Miguel's songs and has part of his dialogue at the end of the song before it transitions to "Givin' up (Not The One)" in the album!!! The transition is (in my humble opinion) ✨😭✨😭✨ !!!
If it has a million fans, I'm one of them. If it has one fan, I'm THAT FAN. If it has zero fans, it means I'm no longer on this Earth!!! 😤
This is my fav song from the album!! I'll explain why below the cut! I'm going to give a short (lol, I yapped too much, I gave a whole story time) explanation because I love this song sm 😭 so if you care to read a bit of an analysis on the songs, then proceed, if not, pls disregard the rest lol and thank you for sending this ask!!!
So I first heard the song a day or two before I posted the first chapter to NC, which was late July 2023. I watched the movie in June but I only listened to the songs that I really, really liked (I love all the songs but some a little more than others) that were included in the movie without listening to the full album, so I hadn't listened to this song because Miguel's songs (this one and "Givin' Up (Not The One)") are not included in the film. I only found out about "Givin' Up (Not The One)" because it was all over tiktok lol
So yeah, I listened to the song for the first time a day or two before the first chapter was posted and fun fact, the first chapter I posted for NC was actually nameless lmao!!😭😭 I didn’t know what to title it (I’ve always been bad with titles), so it was just a writing post with no title. I didn't think much of it either because my og plans were for the story to be like 3-4 chapters total (past me would've been shocked I'm still going with the story and that we're 249k ish words in just from the main parts of the story, not counting the one-shots lol).
As I mentioned, I hadn’t heard the entire album yet but after part 1 was posted, I sat down and FINALLY listened to the entire album to appreciate it (I've since then listened to the entire album like a hundred times (Metro Boomin was my #1 artist of 2023💀)) and once I listened to it in order, I immediately knew I wanted to title my fic Nonviolent Communication. 🥹❤️
When I heard both of Miguel’s songs right after the other it made something in my brain click.
I felt like it was so, so fitting for what I was trying to achieve with my story, even when I was planning to make the story like 4 chapters long lol.
So my explanation for connecting the song to my fic:
I'm probably going to sound crazy, or like someone who gave the song too much thought but hear me out.
In a way, I felt (and ofc everyone is going to find a different vibe, feeling, or meaning to a song but this was mine) like it was kind of ironic how "Nonviolent Communication" didn't receive much attention like his other song, "Givin' Up (Not The One)" did, which is more... out there (???). It's more like !!!! You know? Like the lyrics themselves and the production are more bold and strong, more “rough” for lack of a better word. Despite it not being in the film like "NC", everyone knows it! Everyone also knows Miguel's dialogue because of it, "But I'm not like the others..." and so on along with his little quote about "being Spider-Man is a sacrifice" at the end of the song.
Then, you have "Nonviolent Communication." It's the second song with the least plays on the album on Spotify (after "Nas" which is another one of my top fav songs from the album), and the lyrics and production are an entire different vibe from the other song!! It's so much more softer and vulnerable, even slower.
You let me fall first, then you dream awake I'd do anything to bring you to that other place We speak so differently alone, love like Vincent we are low Watch for constellations, soft as cloud formations That will never leave, much as duty calls If I'm in over my head, I'll swim Niagara Falls
It still has themes of being Spider-Man but it's not so !!!! like the other song is. It's truly so much more vulnerable and soft, and even has romantic themes included. And at the end of the song we have another part of Miguel's dialogue, that's often disregarded, included, "I'm this dimension's one and only, Spider-Man... At least I was," which I'm always !!!! about because one, his tone for that part is much softer (almost sad), and two, I feel like him no longer being the only Spider-Man in his own dimension goes along with him not feeling like a true Spider-Man, and no longer having this one thing to himself that he can have in common with other spider members.
I could go on about this but this is already so long 😭 but anyway, I think that part is usually disregarded, much like Miguel’s soft side that we don’t get to see a lot of in the film. We’re given very little of soft Miguel and the majority is him being angry, stressed out, scared, and frustrated (rightfully so) with what’s happening.
So, hearing both songs, I felt like they represent two sides of Miguel. One that is more direct, bold, and rough, maybe even “violent.” It’s the side that’s most known to probably all the spider people and fans alike. Some people only see Miguel as an angry man that’s determined to protect the multiverse and sacrifice anything, since he’s already given up so much.
But then there’s the side of him less known (less seen), one that we didn’t see much of but that many of us picked up on. He has a soft side despite being through a lot, and has a lot of love and care to give. He’s a man that’s capable of having nonviolent communication, someone who can fall first, speak differently with someone when he’s alone with them, and be willing to do anything to “bring” that person “to the other place” - while still being Spider-Man and sticking to his duty that comes with such title but not sacrificing those very things.
So yeah, I heard the songs and it just clicked. “Nonviolent Communication” to me is the soft side of Miguel that we don’t get to see much in ATSV, but it’s still there. And so, I decided that it was the perfect title for my fic because of my interpretation of the song and my goal with the fic: show Miguel’s soft and vulnerable side that I so desperately hope we get to see more of in BTSV (I am begging the writers to do Miguel justice!!!!!!!).
I hope this made sense, maybe as I mentioned earlier, I’ve given too much thought to this (I’m an overthinker) but that’s my version and I love the song SO MUCHH!!! It was my most heard song in 2023, so I guess that says a lot :)
If you read this far, thank you so much!! I definitely talked too much but I seriously love Miggy and this song so much and I always get so emotional listening to it lmao 😭 but yeah, thank you for the ask, nonnie!!! I hope you're having a great day/night!!!🥺🥰
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for the character opinion bingo... obviously... raoul. if not him then who?
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my son!!!!!!
so normal. i definetly dont have a teen girl shrine wall for my art of him. i definetly have less than 25 images of him in my bedroom. normal.
i like to think about him and hallucinate information. like a prophet
hes just like moi vraiment. also my mom said her fav mousko is athos and she recently referred to herself as raoul's "momma" so like we're goin to kinnie-hell in a handbasket
what if i put him in my mouth like an amiibo
i want so badly for him to go beast unleashed mode. however dumas didnot do this bc he foresaw that it would cause me to go beast unleashd mode which could prove a danger to humanity
for some reason wearing 17thcen mens clothes makes me feel extremely feminie [in a good way] i should be so knight coded
by everyone i mean man in the iron mask adaptations. i cant even call them vdb adaptations bc they dodnt undstand why raoul is the title character and is in fact very important to dumas' theme and story arc. if anyone cares. is this mic on?
and by salad spinner i mean [REDACTED] and by redacted i mean story idea
hes fine
hes so galahad coded it makes me sick [affectionate]
free space! next month is september you know what that means ;~)
my sweet bean. he is not necessarily smart<3
being my fav who is also me unforetunately does also mean that he is pizza's favorite chew toy in times of distress
i hope this doesnt turn into a weird pygmalion thing haha *kisses painting*
i couldnt resist checking this one off. idk how athos convinced him hes not a bastard but like. baby. be so fr right now you are a bastard.
im over it. im so over it. we're so over. we're so back
[DATA EXPUNGED] who said that
i wanna cosplay him again so bad, but its so much work and i have few monies
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
Hiii! Sorry if this is late but I'm the anon who requested the SR accidental kiss! I loved it...I love your works <3 <3
I have to ask after enjoying your book recommendations, what are your favs/recs of tv shows and/or movies? I'd like to know your thoughts on film!
Have a good day, wish you a good time!
thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!! it was an enjoyable request to work on, thinking about scarlet ribbons could be a full-time job for me. i always have a great time. sometimes it's nice to write something a little silly, as a treat.
and ooo what a fun question 👁👁 i'm actually really into tv shows these days, although i had a film phase (mostly thanks to my brother's interest in film . idk why but when an older sibling is into something it seems 835925x cooler). let's see...
my favorite movies in order would be:
everything everywhere all at once
perfect blue
the handmaiden
the dark knight
howl's moving castle
iron man
the wailing
the empire strikes back
(some honorable mentions include: the silence of the lambs, the witch, get out, the conjuring, rosemary's baby, train to busan, the favourite, a tale of two sisters, whiplash, us, lake mungo, the others, the ritual, the eyes of my mother, the blackcoat's daughter, hereditary, midsommar, rec, one flew over the cuckoos nest, the shining, noroi: the curse [i consider this the scariest movie i've ever seen], alien, barbarian, hellraiser, and the original suspiria).
as for tv shows, my favorites so far have been the walking dead, succession, and breaking bad. i also like the sopranos, hannibal, the haunting of hill house, the haunting of bly manor, and the first six seasons of game of thrones.
about 95% of the things i listed here feature disturbing content of some kind, so pleasure be sure to check out warnings in advance before venturing in hjtrkgerm i'm a huge horror buff. i love horror. movies, books, tv shows, video games; if there's horror, i'm on my way. 🏃‍♀️
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atlasofthestaars · 11 months
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Baraka, Smoke, Reptile, and Liu Kang? 🥺
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I think he's a neat dude! A man!! I started to like him in MK11 but MK1 made me RLLY respect him!! I think his design is sick af. I think he is a cool dude, he deserves sm after what happened to him and it's geniunely cool to see him be a leader and stand for his people. He's like a cool uncle to me. He is a character I would not salad spin or squeeze bc he's been through enough.
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I liked him since MK9! He is my top 3 for mk1 and I adore him a lot. I would very much kiss him. A lot. I would affectionately squeeze and put him in a salad spinner affectionately. I rlly rlly hope he doesn't get the enenra treatment. I also like the Lin Kuei outfits this game. I do think ppl severely mischaracterize him though which is SO tragic. I put he is so silly bc of some of his intros. My friends think he's cool/main him so that's for that square. Idk!! I like/love him a lot.
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I was hype for him since his reveal!! I thought I'd be way more romantically into him but I'm honestly not romantically attracted to him that much which is why I marked the "not for me" tier. I think he's still SO dope. I think his designs is one of my faves probably. Strangely feels mischaracterized sometimes. My friend mains him so there's that. Again, I would affectionately squeeze/salad spin him. I hope he gets to be happy and not be bullied in the upcoming games LMAO.
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I love this man a LOT he was my 2nd fav in MK11, I felt bad for him in mk9-x, and 4th favorite in MK1. I think about him ironically the most?? While yes New Era is partially responsible I think about the whole being a god thing. I kinda project my feelings of how I would feel if I were a god and having my friends not recognize me and being alone blah blah blah onto him. I just think about a lot of angst for him. Also the way he just wanted a simple life with Kitana?? He HURTS me. That's also a lot of my headcanons and stuff. He's a beast bc of his black hole fatality and the whole "you have chosen war with a god". I kinda miss his mk11 design but I dig his mk1 designs. I would salad spin and squeeze him affectionately. I hope he doesn't die for like. the 3rd time. I dig his tattoos in mk1/mk11!!
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Wierd helluva boss AU I just thoguth of (it's consuming me)
Basically, everything is the same, very canon compliant, but during the fire Blitzø lost an eye, specifically the one on the scarred side of his face
Now, he would be less effective with guns, since from what I heard once you lose an eye your depth perception goes to fuck itself and I'm pretty sure it's important for shooting and aiming guns, but if I'm wrong correct me
Now, he could go either of 3 directions:
(my favorite) He wears a sick-ass eyepatch 24/7, only ever taking it off to wash his face. Even Loona doesn't know he's disabled in the eye department. Everyone just assumed he was doing it for the vibes. Now, the outing of his disability could go two routes in this scenario • The Stolitz route Basically goes kinda like Crooked, they argue a bit, Blitzø has low self worth, Stolas says something, and Blitzø goes "because this is who I am!" or some bullshit and pulls of his eyepatch, to reveal that there's nothing behind it • The IMP route Moxxie: Umm, Sir, why are you wearing that eyepatch all the time? wouldn't it be better for fighting if you took it off? Blitzø: Oh I WISH! *pulls of eyepatch to reveal empty eye socket* Moxxie: *shooketh*
2. Protethic eye
Basically, just an eye, to put in his eyesocket to make him seem normal.
In this case, it goes like this
Blitzø: *misses target* Goddamn it, this would be easier without my eye issues!
Moxxie: Sir, may I suggest some glasses?
Blitzø: Aprecciate the thought Moxxie, but this shit won't be fixed by glasses! *pulls out prostethic eye mid-battle*
Moxxie: What the fuck-
3. Just plain ol' empty eye socket
No covering it up. Nothing. Just empty eye.
That woud make for a fun scene i ep. 7 tho, so even though it's my least fav it's still a fun idea to consider
Also, consider:
If Stolas found out about his disability, he would definetely ask for a fully functional prostethic eye along with a crystal. Like, Oz already makes limb protethics, and really advanced ones at that, so he probably has some kind of working robo-eyes for astronomical prices on the factory tape.
And, smol bonus, if Ozzie gave Stolas that eye for Blitz, he would totally have the eye do cool-ass tricks, like change colors or see super good or like be contected to a database like in Iron Man.
That would definetely make Full Moon much more interesting, and maybe help Blitz understand what's going on, since Stolas just giving him the crystal could be understood as trying to get rid of him, but ordering him a custom fucking actually working prostethic eye?*Not so much
So yeah, do whatever you want with this AU, just wanted to get this man outta my system, may edit screenshots/draw him without that eye
Anyway bye bye!
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sandmark · 3 months
get to know juno better!
what's your phone wallpaper? on my phone, it's a picture of my husband and son. on my ipad, it's birth of venus by botticelli, but with hello kitty as aphrodite. last song you listened to? 360 by charli xcx. i'm obsessed with her new album, it's just too good. also, having rachel sennott in the 360 mv helps LOL. currently reading? venus & aphrodite: a biography of desire by bethany hughes. last movie? minions for the billionth time. what are you wearing right now? my university sweatshirt and baggy jeans. i have an apple watch and evil eye bracelet on my right wrist, and my hair is up in a clip rn. i was gonna wear my medusa necklace, but i chose not to. how tall are you? 5'3.9. i was told i was 5'4 my whole childhood, and now in my adulthood, i was told they were rounding up so i'm actually 5'3.9. piercings / tattoos? okay so. i used to have my nose double pierced, my helix on both ears pierced, my conch pierced on my left ear, my belly button pierced, and my septum pierced. not all at once, but i've gone through quite a bit of piercings lol. currently, i have my earlobes double pierced. i want to get piercings redone bc i took them all out when i got pregnant. i don't have tattoos, but i want some sooooooo bad. glasses / contacts? i've worn glasses since high school. i've thought about getting contacts, but i had a friend who wore contacts and one of them rolled up and got caught between his eyeball and eyelid so :D i remember that whenever i consider contacts. last thing you ate? cinnamon raisin bagel with plain cream cheese and two cups of coffee lmfao. fav color? ugh i don't really have a color i dislike. it depends on my mood honestly. my husband hates when i do this, but i always say like "i'm in a purple mood" or "i'm in a pink mood" lmao. right now, i'm in a green mood, but not like a general green more like a sage green or forest green. i tend to gravitate towards neutrals when it comes to my appearance, i'm not an over the top person even tho i love love love those kinds of looks, but on my person, i stick with simple, neutral colors. current obsession? i've been playing animal crossing: new horizons on and off for the past year or so, but i've picked it back up and i am determined to get 100%. i recently achieved 5 stars on my island and i was really excited about that. do you have a crush right now? like celebrities? rachel sennott, zendaya, tom holland, victoria monet, megan thee stallion, ayo edebiri. in real life? just my husband lol. fav fictional character? obvs cassie sandsmark. the wonderfam in general, i love women. i'm actually a HUGE batfam girl, like dick grayson was my first robin and he's still my fave, but i love the other batboys too. i can discuss bruce's psyche and characterization for hours. i love peter parker/spider-man, too. he was my first marvel character and holds a special place in my heart. iron man is a fave too. but those are really the only male characters i like? i grew up watching them, so that's why. in general, i prefer female characters and sources of media that female-centered. last place you traveled? i dropped my son off at daycare </3 i miss him already.
tagged by: i stole this from @maidmyth. tagging: you :)
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nocek · 2 years
There's actually a deleted scene of Okoye trying to go rescue Shuri in her borders' tribe armor, and being stopped and confronted by Ayo and the Doras
Also the midnight angels in the comics are the most skilled Doras, her using the armor to defeat Attuma who has superhuman strength doesn't disminish her as warrior.
Hope they release that deleted tho.
Damn... sorry for such a late reply but it also grow up to quite a long rant. I'm sorry. I have too many feels about this movie
That deleted scene sounds interesting and I'd love to see it for more Ayo or just for the costumes because this movie, just as previous one, has glorious costumes.
It answers the question why she didn't go on a quest to save the princess. Problem is that this question only arises because she doesn't go on that quest because her plot thread has been cut.
I know it's a circular argument but hear me out.
That scene would be a logical explanation. A very realistic one too. It's a very real life thing to fuck something up and not be able or allowed to fix it. And it sucks and is very frustrating.
And that's why we invented storytelling with it tropes and all (ok I'm simplifying since it's after all a superhero movie but....). In stories satisfying plot will have an actual resolution. That's why the bomb is always disarmed in the last second and so on.
So if this scene was actually in the movie my angry rant will be at least 3 paragraphs longer and I'm glad creators realized that it's better to cut their loses, cut this plot thread cleanly instead of adding a tease that leads to nothing and would be even more frustrating.
Because here we would have glorious potential. Suddenly the Lawful Neutral character is being cut from the external lawful codex she was following. She would have to make a hard choice and switch to her internal moral compass and move towards Lawful Good alignment. (not my fav thing as there is so few really interesting lawful neutral characters but I'll take it gladly)
We would have a buildup, a big breath before a leap of faith just to have it suddenly stopped by external factor. Typical bait and switch which is very unsatisfying. It doesn't necessary need to be bad story writing tho. But it would require some additional scenes with Okoye dealing with her being stopped and this movie just didn't have time for that.
So in a way thank you for telling me about this deleted scene. I actually feel better knowing it all was mercifully cut cleanly instead :D
Damn, that got a bit ranty again. Sorry! So just a quick thing about Midnight Angel armors.
Comics are great and everything is better established there. Problem is we are talking about a movie where comic reading audience rounds up to like statistical error :S even people that will learn bit more from youtube comic fun fact videos are comparatively small to general casual audience. Besides we should evaluate the movie by it's own merits as a separate and complete project.
And in the movie it's more like Shuri side project of iron man but better because it's Shuri's. Probably they wanted to add bonding moment with Riri of you make armors, I make armors, armor sis hell yeah! But they didn't have time for that also. With presenting Iron Heart armor movie doesn't have time to give audience info about Midnight Angels besides that maybe it will be mass produced?
Instead of showing us (or just even telling, I'll take telling at this point) it being given to the best Dora Milaje as an act of honor and recognition of their skills is given to Okoye because she had to have something to do to appear in final battle and to Aneka which we don't know anything about besides she likes knives above a spear, is a bit quirky and is Ayo's wife (blink and you miss it, classic shitty Disney "Representation-first-ever-again"). Nothing about her above average skills :(
And even this had potential that this movie didn't have time for. Disgraced general and a free spirited soldier she previously scoffed at? Aneka being very open and enthusiastic towards new technologies while Okoye being traditionalist. So. Much. Potential.
And I'm not even mad and I'm not shitting on this movie because I hate it. Quite the contrary. I liked it I see all the potential and all the heart that was put into it and I'm just dam frustrated that the "Marvel formula" works so hard against it with it's shitty gray cgi grand battle at the end that just takes away the runtime from things that are actually interesting :(
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dennis is one of my fav mcs ever ur so real for that BUT
please PLEASE explain the makima & kishibe appeal to me bc. i am not seeing it
i would eat makima too if i was like dennis but cook her in the most disrespectful way possible like. make a pancake and flip it into the trashcan or something idk
like i get her writing is great but … THATS NOT ENOUGH TO MAKE ME NOT DESPISE HER
ok so for kishibe i wont lie im just into dilfs. hes literally my Dad. i just think hes silly and funny and very sad. 
AND MAKIMA…. look i absolutely do not blame u . i get why ppl hate her i rly do. i just really really love. toxic mothers in media. (see also: kenjaku jjk…..) idk man shes just so INTERESTING to me like……
just. how she cant love other ppl bc her existence as the control devil puts her above everyone else….. shes so so isolated and uncaring but she also has this. interest? in living beings and warm things n good movies…. and she cant smoke bc it makes her cough a bunch…… and she cried from a movie scene of a mother hugging her son….. i just feel like makima has these tiny tiny moments that humanize her so much but shes also just. so blatantly inhuman. like she really is just a Devil masquerading as a human n that concept makes me insane
and god….. i know u didnt sign up for a ted talk but. the fact that her true dream was something like a family…… or a connection….,. JUST like aki and dennis n everyone else. but shes the one character who Does Not Find It bc!! she cant!!! she doesnt have the grounds for companionship bc her existence is meant to be completely alone at the top!!!!
her story isnt Tragic bc makima is awful and we’re not meant to be like ”noo makima :(” but her character is just soooo ironic and sad to me……. not a single person understood her until the very end and she never gave anyone the chance to.
makima is just. Yeah. i just think shes so interesting n i adore her and i think i could fix her <3 not rly but. yknow. im a lil obsessed.
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zolwbozydar · 2 years
so since @bitchthemed tagged me on her post i guess im coming back from my hiatus for a sec to list my six albums ive been listening to a lot lately. ive allowed myself to only list one album from each performer as to not embarrass myself too gravely. hdsbhds. still embarrassing myself here because i dont have that much of a diverse or interesting taste
1. Because the Internet by Childish Gambino
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(sorry that the gif is so small compared to the other album covers btw. i just wanted it to be a gif and this one is of a satisfying quality) literally listened to it when i saw the email notif. what a great album istg. its really interesting musically, it has a particular plotline (that i sadly havent payed that much attention to that but im planning on focusing more on that in the meantime) and a lot of lore behind it and im so excited to dig into it. its really interesting considering Glover's acting / directing history (actually, interestingly enough, i started getting more interested in him as a musician only after watching Community, where he played). one of my friends got that cd as a birthday gift and since then i kinda went back to listen to this album more. its really, really interesting, both musically and lyrically. one of my favourite albums in general (although that will be a trend here. i keep on relistening to my fav albums these days)
2. Folié a deux by Fall Out Boy
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i wore my folie a deux tshirt two days ago so i really really had to listen to it. it was my fav fob album back in middle school and man it still holds. makes me feel very. free and maybe angry but in that joyous way. more. energetic rather than angry i guess. it both reminds me of a particular time in my life and just sounds amazing. ive read a tumblr post abt it so im not gonna ask the question of why was it badly received back in its time but yeah i cant help but disagree with past fob fans. its. probably still my fav album of their? although its hard to decide. infinity on high and from under the cork tree are both similarly close to me (with a slight leaning to infinitys direction) and both could probably be on this list as well if not for my selecting choices
3. I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love by My Chemical Romance
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sigh. is anyone surprised that mcr is here. i liked them for some time now (started during the first pandemic i think?) but since foundations of decay got released and they toured and their concert in my country was getting closer i started REALLY getting into them. like downright obssessing. bullets was the hardest to like as a newbie but over time it really really grew on me and ive come to appreciate it a lot. things that felt a bit too rough to me before have uncovered their beauty before me and the roughness feels appropriate considering the subject matter. it also has a couple of songs that feel really appropriate considering the teenage angst im going through these days. sidenote: other mcr albums that couldve been here are three cheers for sweet revenge and the black parade. man. beloved
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what a truly original sound. idkhow captured me by the. weirdness? the quirkiness of its topic, and as i was joyously singing along to songs about murderviolence and whatnot i was subtly dosed with an unimaginable amount of softness hiding beneath. truly a heartwrenching experience. its still a joyous listen and 80s (? im guessing. im not a musical genius, sadly.) vibes are. yesss
5. A Fever You Can't Sweat Out by Panic! At The Disco
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yes i know panic just below idkhow is a pretty ironic choice. but we're not talking abt brendons endeavors here. that album is so beloved to me. i really like the. uhh. victorian aesthetic of it? sorry i have little to no idea what im talking about. i do like the aura it builds, a vibe. lyrically its a feast, i wish i could wield words like Ryan does. i used to hold a feeling of guilt related to this album (and mcrs three cheers for sweet revenge) because it reminded me of a person i hurt. i dont really feel that way anymore and i only feel excitement when i listen to it now. what an album!!!
6. Born To Die (The Paradise Edition) by Lana del Rey
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so this one is a bit of a reach because i havent been listening to it that much that recently but i kinda mostly. listen to my biggest playlist on loop and also i didnt want it to just have fall out boy and my chemical romances discography in random order. anyways, i have a soft spot for this album. it reminds me of my childhood (oof thats a sentence) not because i relate to the experiences that much but rather because i listened to it a lot when i was like. twelve? thirteen? before you call social services, english isnt my first language and i didnt really. get that deep below the surface. i was just. noises nice d-_-b. anyways. yes yes i know problematic romanticising whatever. i like its main character okay? sometimes you just listen to a girl that is Unwell and you nod and say "so true bestie" despite not relating at all. say whatever you want about lana but this album is a vibe and it stays dedicated to it
uhhhhh i am now realising how long my post is compared to juleses. sowwwyyyyyyyy
im supposed to tag people but honestly i wouldve tagged only my dear mutual ania @dictatorgoddess69 and since prev post did that already its kinda. pointless (still tagging because idk. hope you dont kill me ania)
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seelestia · 2 years
dw he can always come home and rest in my arms after dealing with all the, uh, interesting people, throughout his day lol-
sweat is just. evil. icky. yucky. ew ew get it away from me D; it's unfortunate that i can't get away from sweating every time i'm outside here. tropical country whyyyy ;w; so far no plans for another vacay anytime soon sobsob we'll see... it'll have to be next year for sure :c hbu??
lmao i don't think he finds my jokes funny enough rip 💔 it is!! that's why i did try to pull for him despite having too many polearm characters already ;w; oh well.
xiao: "don't talk nonsense, my power is meagre compared to morax." // me: "yeah no shit i still haven't built him yet-"
you bring him so much entertainment and that's one of the things he just loves about you lolol al haitham looking back at you skeptically like 'what in the world is this little creature barking about...'
hskdhfjsdhf the way you're cheering on us pls that's so cute ;w;
omg you're a genius yes yes i can totally see you walking around with a few dogs ;w; ayato made sure they're trained so well too (flashback to that one time when you first got them, they were untrained and almost made you fall down the stairs bc they're just a bunch of excited balls of fluffs), always walking by your side and never tugging on their leash (altho the moment you unleash their harness they just zoom about everywhere). v v cute <3
ayato and lia having a mini friendly debate session hsdhjs thoma is so used to bringing you tea while you're in the middle of doing this and he's always so amused (he might even cheekily add in his two cents too) hehe
I HAVE SEEN IT YES and gosh i love love love it so much, the colors and shading and lighting is just sosososo gorgeous ughghghghghgh ;w;
i'll let you know when i finish them archon quests ahhhh i did finish the events but i need to start on them sllsdjflksd
us indulging and screaming about each other's selfships 🤝
also your birthday is tomorrow yes? :) hehe. hehehehe >:)
give 👏 the 👏 man 👏 some 👏 rest <//3 if not for the obstacles he had to face as the geo archon, now he has to deal with unique people after he retires LOLLL as a hu tao kinnie, i am afraid i might not be able to help alleviate his suffering. (/lh)
the continuous summer 😭 it's like can't we get more creativity in terms of seasons here?? me eyeing the orbit 🤨 (/j) aaaa, you deffo deserve to go on more vacay trips! they're so therapeutic <//3 i'm not sure about me either, but the highlands have a special place in my heart, so we'll see! expect strawberry-related pics if i do >:)
WAIT, YOU'RE RIGHT. *squints at zhongli and xiao* it's either your fav weapon is polearm or you just happen to like people who like polearms JFWKDKSK dw, rin jie, more characters to pull for soon! it's either tartar sauce or angy shortie now 👀
in alhaitham's eyes, i'm just a puppy trailing after him angrily <//3 whatever do you see in him, my dearest cousin? is it the iq? the brains? his voice? but alhaitham's could never compare to your hubby's (/j)
lia walking with kins of her kind is a sight to see 🤫 we need more fanarts of ayato with animals, i will cry 😭 the power of fanarts over us is smth else <//3 and true, thoma just got himself a ticket to a live debate show in the kamisato estate! he'd put down the tray in ayato's office and just comment on how 'spirited' the both of us are LOLLL ayato isn't vv fond of work, so i might as well do smth to help him get thru it easier, hehe. iirc, in his voicelines, he expresses ironic (?) shock if you tell him that some people who treat their work as a hobby. he just goes "how... exceptional." HELPFKES i think paperwork traumatized him (/j)
I KNEW YOU DID 😭 i just knew you went thru the artist's page and honestly??? so valid because i did too 🤝 if i come across more zhongli fanarts, i'd definitely trip and run over to you in an instant! >:)
YESYES lmk! and take your time~ i love how sumeru is going thru a crisis while mondstadt is just 💃🍃🥂 ✨ LOLLL but i wasn't expecting how the wienlesefest event just went straight for those with parent issues HELPFKWK i thought this was supposed to celebrate wine and autumn... OUCH. 😟 but at least, we got pieces about crepus, razor's parents, amd even kaeya's father. and angst
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twildflower · 3 months
watching build fighters oh my fucking god i love my boys so much
fucnin yapping again guys i think i might have adhd
why the hell do i keep saying guys. i nedd hep i need to be killed
i miss them so much theyre so silly i am sooooooo ajhdgfshfga this is so much nostalgia im aghgfhgsgkjfhakfhajkhdsjh and just episode one too i cant think how hype id get watching finale itll be so fucking awesome I LOVEEEE BUILD FIGHTER my fav gundam show.... mercury is second i guess i only watched mercury and i think its iron blood or whatever its called in eng im not even sure if its gundam lol but anyway i love sei and reiji theyre actually sooo damn <3333 i think they were the first two guys i ship together bc theyre actually so gay even tho reiji has a gf or whatever its like one of the first pieces of media i consumed and didnt just like whichever main ship the plot has... yea iirc. i think theres mainly only jp twinkle n shugo chara before build fighters but then i went back to main ship in pokemon xy and macross delta lmao... shits awesome tho i think im cool and like whatever i like i love sei so much hes so adorable and reiji is so cool and theyre blue and red theyre so made for each other like ahhghdgfsjgfhsgfisgfjgfjdghsuifguiwdg i think i mightve gave myself way too much adraline its fuckin 430 am and i wanted to cut my hair a bit tmr agh damn. i guess i could stay up the night and binge....hehe....... was watching horizons too i love horizons a lot i really dont mind ash not being protag anymore but the fact that they ended with him looking like a fuckin ugly ass idiot that looks even worse than gen 1 ash tho..... i have beef with only that fact bc like fuck you man i hate whoever the fuck made that artstyle after xyz with a passion i think tney deserve to go to hell. the fact that its a downgrade from gen1 is crazy. i dont hate that artsyle but i hate the way ash is drawn in that artysle like most other people look okay but the past travel companions and ash look fucking shit and i think theyre doing it on purpose and i fucking HATE THEM
ermm back to gunpla hehe its 6 am im so tired im gonna sleep em anyway i love them soso much damn id so build a gunpla of their moedel in the episdoe.... yknow my dad used to record the edpisodes when they played on tv and idk was it a bug or there wasnt enough space anymore so he deleted all the episodes excepgt the las one or maybe seocnd last im not sure but anyway we kept rewatching it every now and then and go feral over how awesone it was it was the best endin episode i wached when i was a kid like shugo chara i didnt watch or they didnt play till like season 2/3 i think the wedding dress end and all that shit was crazy but the only other thing i watched was jewelpet and it was like not as crazy as this one i like it alot but build fighters was a lot more visually and emotionallly stunning lollll
i think if i had to choose a best ending for all the stuff i watched itd still be xyz tbh that shit was stunning and so. urgh. my heart. i get. so much agsjhahlf. its just so good. peaked tbh. then itd probably be build fighters tbh like idk man. delta was like. cool. very cool. but like. idk. build fighters either is more nostalgic or whatever it just appeals to me more than macross. it would be third tho. i think it is. then itd be shugo and then twinkle. these are like. the main stuff i have really core memorty w lmao. yeh i uess this is it. gn im so eepy
last edit lol i didnt remember the uhhh handsome guy being just a guy that also liked gunpla a lot at the start lmaooo i just remember him being a bad guy turned good at the end w everyone to help destory the crystal........aghhhh i loveeeeee build fighters sm.....
oh yeah i guess i did watch brs too. black rock would like. hm. be at the bottom tho bc..idk. i dont have too fond memory and i like my stuff better i have my prioritys lmaooo.. hm. yeah now i really dont rmb anything i just remembered brs bc the blacckkk rockkkk shooooterrrrr is just ringing in my head its such a good song owo
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sansalicents · 2 years
ohh thanks!
favorite male character: tony stark my beloved <3 fav character of all time. shoutout to the loml that is sam wilson tho
favorite female character: natasha romanoff, also a top 5 fictional character for me. love her sm!
least favorite character: not a huge fan of sylvie tbh but maybe that changes in s2 of loki
prettiest character: can't choose one so i'll do a top 5 - steve, wanda, peggy, valkyrie and killmonger
funniest character: tony, the guardians and thor. also rhodey!!
favorite season (in this case phase lol): either phase 1 or 3
favorite episode (movie): the avengers and iron man
favorite romantic ship: stevetony and rhodeytony. in terms of canon ships starmora and spideychelle <3
favorite family ship: this is probably the most basic answer but tony & morgan. shoutout to the wilsons tho, i loved the scenes with sam and his sister and nephews in tfatws.
favorite friendship: also rhodeytony <3 and stucky, romanogers, samsteve and science bros
worst ship: starker and thorki ugh why are these even ships?
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reactxr · 6 years
You know what I love about iron man 3? 
The fact that it completely destroys the notion of Arrogant Selfish Uncaring Tony Stark™ that so many people believe him to be. 
After Happy’s hospitalized, who is the only one sitting, waiting in that hospital chair, even though Happy is nowhere even close to breaking consciousness? Tony Stark. Not only is he there for his friend because he was hurt, but he specifically tells the nurse to keep his favorite show on -- knowing it was his favorite show, as well as commenting about keeping all badges in plain site, because he’s “a stickler for that sort of thing.” 
And to show just how important his friends and their safety is to Tony, he straight up threatens a terrorist because of what he did to Happy, acting out of nothing but emotion, angry enough to make the decision to broadcast his home address. Something that eventually leads to jeopardizing his and Pepper’s safety, but he’s so angry about what the Mandarin did to his friend that he can’t even think about direct consequences, other than getting this guy in a body bag. Selfish and Uncaring Tony Stark™ at work here? I don’t think so.
When Maya visits Malibu Mansion, he greets her as if he doesn’t know her, questioning only if she’s the Mandarin. To which Maya responds, “why am I not surprised?” Because Tony Stark is Tony Stark™, why would he remember some girl he spent one night with over a decade ago?
And then he introduces her as his old botanist pal to Pepper, not even a minute later. 
Because he does remember, and he does care. She’s not just ‘another girl that he’s crossed paths with and doesn’t give two shits about’ like so many people expect him to. And with a single sentence that derails that entire line of thinking. 
During the mansion attack, when we see Tony call his suit -- we obviously expect it to form around Tony, after all that was what we saw in the beginning, and it’s leading up to this intense moment. But he directs it instead to protect Pepper, and he takes the blunt of the force instead, colliding into a wall with no armor at all. He could have easily chosen himself to protect, but he didn’t, because he cares so much about Pepper, he’d rather have himself in harm’s way than her. Not only that, but he immediately tells Pepper to grab Maya and leave the danger zone before he even thinks about taking the suit back. 
If that wasn’t enough, after the mansion is destroyed, Tony leaves a voicemail to Pepper. Not only does he let her know he’s okay, and apologize for his actions, realizing that what he did put her in harms way, he also apologizes for his Christmas gift to her. “Rabbit’s too big. Done.” 
This is only the first half hour of the movie, people. I could go on and on about just how much of a materialized Front Tony Stark™ is, and just how much different it is from actual Tony Stark. 
Tony Stark cares. Tony Stark remembers. And he puts everybody before himself. 
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idv-sunsxin3 · 3 years
->My Twisted Wonderland Circle✨
🌸// I literally spent so much time taking lessons with these people help-
This is a masterlist, I write random things but might not usually write x reader oneshots stuff I think- you’ll only see headcanons/scenarios/ramblings hhh-
I can only take 5 characters in one request as maximum but like, I can take a request with vice dorm leaders, dorm leaders and first years in separates posts by category group. ;u;
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Riddle Rosehearts 🌹 -> My #1 Hubby- SHUT UP EVERYONE, LET THIS GENTLEMAN SPEAK, THANK YOU- This king is me but much better(?) and more discipline- (I would quickly die if I face the same pressure as him to be honest,,,, poor dear- 🥺)
Trey Clover ☘️ -> I- I think I really like characters who seem to know how to bake or cook lol-
Cater Diamond 🔶 -> Thanks to my friend, I’m now in love with him-
Deuce Spade ♠️ -> I just love his determination- I somehow relate whenever I study,,,, - BE MY STUDY BUDDY PRETTY PLEASEEE!!! 🥺🥺🥺
Ace Trappola ♥️ -> One of our beloved bakas in Twisted Wonderland-
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Leona Kingscholar 🦁 -> Slacker,,,,/affectionately <3
Ruggie Bucchi 🍩 -> So far, he is the only character I forget how to spell his last name,,, 😔(I really thought Schoenheit was the hardest one to remember-) but yes, donut lord✨✨
Jack Howl 🐺 -> He looks like a bad boy, but is also a good boy- lovely,,,,
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Azul Ashengrotto 🐙 -> He’s almost me in terms of emotional health but more financially successful- I may or may not shut up about him being a sly but a perfect hubby-
Jade Leech 🍄 -> I have nothing in common with him besides loving shroomies-(I swear I would eat them every day if my body isn’t so weak-) I keep getting his SRs in the gacha, not really complaining tho- ;)
Floyd Leech 🐟 -> I think I need a hug if I see him as a fav- I would let him squish me bc I’m not afraid of death at all,,, :’3
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Kalim Al-Asim🌟 -> *sighs* Idk how, I just love his energy despite being quite alarming to me,,, x’3
Jamil Viper 🏜 -> I’m a simple person; I see a snake man doing cleaning and cooking as a hobby and part time job, I stan.
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Vil Schoenheit 👑 -> At first I don’t seem to pay in mind about him bc of his diva personality, but then I sobbed once I leaned about at his backstory and his intentions to be beautiful and be the best-
Rook Hunt 🏹 -> I have a thing for man wearing hats okay-
Epel Felmier 🍎 -> Aaaaaaa- I like how he’s actually manly while looking lovely on the surface-
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Idia Shroud 🎮 -> I need characters like him, his energy is ironically refreshing,,,,
Ortho Shroud 🤖 -> He has true baby energy,,,, 🥺
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Malleus Draconia 🐉 -> He kinda gives me himbo vibes once in a while- at the same time clever- Yet, I love him sm at the first glance-
Lilia Vanrouge 🦇 -> Excuse me, he kinda gives me the Venti vibes by how he’s misunderstood as a child rather than an old man-(even some portion of his personality, mysterious and mischievous-)
Silver 🗡-> Like Kalim, I’m questioning why this individual like him is at NRC instead of RSA- he looks like he’s made to be a prince or a knight in shiny armor hdhdhhdhd-
Sebek Zigbolt 🐊-> If he ever becomes my classmate irl, I’m sadly won’t be able to tolerate with him yelling my ear off,,, It’s the truth, but I love him as well- 😔🥺
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Random TWST Characters playing Genshin Impact Brainrot Thoughts
First years with Robotics Engineer! MC {platonic}
First Years with Motherly! MC {platonic}
Animal Crossing with some of my fav characters-
The Leech Twins & Idia with S/O whose hair shows their emotions as they’re facially expressionless(unless feeling very EXTREME emotions)
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