#also yeah i switched some of the characters around based on what i thought would be more accurate
98chao · 1 year
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picking up the monkietale thing again hi
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ellecdc · 2 months
Moonwater is a bit new pairing for me and i love it too much but i always wonder how the dynamic are in the bedroom, i really dont think both men are anything other than rough.
I mean when needed the boys would be gentle but most of the time i dont think so? Remus, maybe? could be gentler but during full moon he’s an animal but regulus tho, i dont see him as the gentle type.
What do you think?
oooou ok ok I like it, I like it; let's discuss below
CW: discussing sex and dynamics, NSFW, mdni 18+
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So, this first part is going to be my own personal opinion based off of who I am as a person, and my views may not be shared within the fandom. I personally struggle with super abrasive dom/sub dynamics where a male character is very overbearing, controlling, etc. THAT DOESN'T MEAN I DON'T LIKE ANY DOM/SUB DYNAMICS, just that fics where a male character is being super aggressive and demeaning and such really aren't my vibe, if that makes sense?
I personally struggle imagining our sweet, sad boy Remus as being super mean in bed? Doesn't mean I don't think he's in charge, especially in poly!scenarios because when there's that many people in bed, someone has to run the show lol, but I don't see him as super bossy and assertive.
Now, keeping in mind that this is my interpretation on a character who literally doesn't exist (which is so sad wtf), my version of 'dom!remus' looks more like a very assured, confident guy in bed; he knows what he's doing, he's good at it, and he knows how to get everyone where they're trying to go (i.e., orgasm city, obviously). He takes care of everyone in bed, and (in the case of poly!marauders or poly!wolfstar) he certainly redirects anyone's naughty (bratty) behaviour (read: sirius), but I think he'd also be super communicative and understanding that it's a dance, not a battle which adds to his assuredness and confidence in bed because people feel safe with him - they know that he knows what he's doing and can let go because they trust him with their safety and their pleasure - and he's in bed with his partner's, not his adversaries.
I've often imagined his love language (how he shows love) to be acts of service and physical touch, which I think goes hand in hand with how he is in bed; when he's in a relationship with these ships, he's making love, not just fucking
I think you're right...some things definitely change around the full moon. I think leading up to the moon (depending on if it was a manic moon or if he was moonsick) there'd be a very noticeable change in him. For manic moons - he'd be a little more desperate, a little rougher (while still being our sweet guy as mentioned above lol), and I think there would be way more sex. He'd be insatiable and obsessed with you; "come on dovey, one more for me, yeah? you're so good, so good for me; i know you can do one more". Good luck trying to pry him from between your legs.
if he was riddled with moonsickness (immediately after every moon or leading up to a bad moon where he is sore and such), i think he might be a bit of a switch? He'd want to be held and cherished and taken care of - he'd nearly cry in awe every time you got on your knees to give him a lazy, gentle blowjob, or if you were in the mood, he'd lay back and let you ride him (he actually loved it - thought you looked beautiful up there)
Now for Regulus lolololololol
No one who grew up in the dynamics Regulus did is vanilla in bed, I'm sorry. (and I come from a place of authority in this - I relate a little too well to Sirius [though not as violent, obviously]). Honestly? I could see Regulus being mean. And not in a super demeaning way that makes you feel small or embarrassed (again, this is my preference), but he takes pleasure in surprising you by suddenly flipping you over and taking you from a different angle. By suddenly and without warning changing the rhythm of his thrusts from soft and slow to deep and punishing. He'd love marking you up - possessive af and making sure everyone and anyone knew that not only were you taken, but you were his. In the same vain, I picture him as a bit of a sadist/masochist but again, not in a super violent or demeaning way. He'd like for the fuck to be a little rough, a little hard; he loves the mixture of pleasure and pain - wants to be bit so hard he bleeds and wouldn't mind doing the same to you if you asked for it. I also think he'd be willing to try a lot of new things in bed, and some of his favourite sex is when you fuck him with a strap [if you're fem or afab].
I think Rem is still in charge - again, he's confident and assured in the bedroom and everyone trusts his authority and trusts him to keep them safe and satisfied. He would keep Reg from getting too rough or going too hard and would constantly check in to make sure you were still good with everything going on. He'd also be able to satiate any need in Reg regarding his masochistic tendencies. I believe Reg would bottom in the dynamic, but again, I think sometimes depending on the moon and how Rem is feeling mentally - he'd experiment more fluidly with Reg.
I've also mentioned before that I believe Purebloods have a breeding kink and with Remus' animalistic side due to his lycanthropy, that he would too. So I think there would be a lot of using cum as lube, taking turns filling you up with their cum, maybe some snowballing??? jesus christ I'm a sick fuck lmfao. anything to do with cum would send those boys spiralling, "no no babygirl, don't waste it" Rem would coo as he used his fingers to push cum back into your hole. or "whose do you want next, amour? Mine or Rem's?"
And I think you're right, when the time called for it, these boys would be so fucking good at making you feel nothing short of fucking worshipped. The soft, hungry gazes, the lingering and soothing touches, the praises falling from their lips as they gave you everything they got. I'd cry I think; they'd reduce me to tears for sure.
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raydays-swap-au · 2 months
Rayday's Swap AU ~ Anita Rosie
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This design took a bit to grow on me tbh. Didn't mean for her to end up looking sort of like a business mom, but I actually kinda like it. Maybe that's just me though. Either way, if the clothes I designed for her are shit, then yeah, I know I suck at designing. But I did my best, okay? :'(
More information about the design + "sprites" under the cut
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Why I decided to add on "Anita" to her name - Anita is a name I got from a rose species(?) called Anita's Rose. I wanted her name to start with an A too to fit into the entire gimmick the regular Vees have, and I'd personally say my solution is pretty decent!
Why her eyes aren't blacked-out - This is a trait all the cannibals has, and since Velvette is taking over as the overlord/leader of cannibal town, I decided it'd be best to give her that trait instead when I eventually design her. I also did think of making one of Rosie's irises a button, though thought that looked a little too out-of-place for her "well-put-together" outfit, so it didn't make it into the finished prodcut.
Added color to Rosie's hair - Rosie's hair is all white in canon, which is broken up mainly by her hat. This isn't something she has in my swap design though ( as she has to be more modern and all ) so adding some color to it similar to Velvette's helped a lot. Do note I thought about using the dark blue, but that turned out to be too intense imo.
Blood jewelry - This is something I've seen on Pinterest a few times, and I thought it'd fit her well enough. Not only does it link her back to her original design, but it also plays into 1) being pricked by thorns, and 2) being dismembered and being able to be taken apart like a doll. The jewelry is just red beads on a string, but imo it gives off those visuals idk.
The skull earring - I decided to keep this detail from Velvette's outfit as they both have skulls in their designs. If you're wondering where Rosie's is: It's on her hat.
General rose/thorn motif - this comes mainly from her name being "Rosie" tbh. Nothing much else there. Also, I know it'd be awkward as hell to to walk with those torns around her pants, but I thought it'd be a neat detail.
The light heart motif - This is a motif both Valentino and Velvette has, so I decided to give swap Rosie the theme too so she can match with Angel Dust in that regard.
Ball joints - Velvette in canon is supposed to be a doll, though personally I find that a pretty easy detail to miss. And while I usually won't switch character's species(?) or whatever else like this, Rosie and Velvette are more of a special case considering Velvette would fit more to be Rosie's species(?) to fit in with the other cannibals.
Blazer - Velvette ( in the outfit I referenced ) has a coat that has fur on it, though I found I didn't really think that fit the style of Rosie. Instead I thought it would fit more for her to wear a blazer over her shoulders ( at least when doing business and the sort. )
Balzer's hear sleeves - I added the hearts being asymmetric like that because, to me, it just looks best. Having 3 hearts on each sleeve looked off, having one felt empty, and 2 symmetric hearts just felt a little boring to me.
Balzer sleeve button things - They're tiny little blood drops cuz I felt that'd be a good theme to have more than in just her jewelry.
Hair style - The hairstyle may or may not have been slightly inspired by the messy buns from I think was around the 2010s. I have shit memory, so I'm not sure if that's the correct time period, but based off some quick Google searches I should be right.
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And as what I am making the usual, the "sprite" without the background:
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popopretty · 1 year
[Translation] Bungou Stray Dogs Projection Mapping (in collaboration with Kadokawa Culture Museum)
This is a projection mapping displayed on a huge bookshelf inside the Kadokawa Culture Museum. The projection lasts for about 5 minutes, with a short conversation between Dazai and Atsushi, of which the script was written by Asagiri Kafka specially for this collaboration. Videos and recordings are not allowed inside so I can only share some photos and the translation of the scripts here. Please note that it is based on what I heard and remembered so there might be some mistakes. Also the collaboration started from August 2022 so it might or might not relate to the recent events in the manga, it’s all up to your interpretation.
The projection starts with Atsushi climbing up the bookshelf and falling off it.
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Atsushi: Oh no. I have to put them back!
Dazai: Huh? Are you sure it is here? The book that has an impact on Atsushi-kun?
Atsushi: Dazai-san? Yeah, I’m sure it’s a book from this shelf but… I can’t find it now.
Dazai: Without that book, we might not have won that battle against the enemies, right?
Atsushi: Yeah…
“In days gone by I never repented of my acts. I was sorry only for what I didn’t do.” Had it not been for the words from that book, I might have not been able to make the right decision. What is it called again…? I can only remember the title was like, something written by someone…
Dazai: Pft… In other words, you don’t remember anything.
Atsushi: Sorry… You came all the way here with me yet…
Dazai: Nah, if you cannot remember, maybe now’s not the right time to remember it. Books sometimes behave as if they are testing us, that’s why.
Atsushi: Testing us?
Dazai: Have you never experienced that? You happened to come accross a book you didn’t know nor have any interest in. Then you picked it up and what’s written in it stayed unforgotten in your heart till years later. That kind of experience.
Atsushi: Dazai-san, do you read too?
Dazai: Huh? You thought I didn’t? Without reading, there is no intellect. It’s the daily consumption of foods that makes our bodies. But it is the letters and words that builds our souls. When you stand here, you will understand what it means. Look around you.
Atsushi: You’re right. There is something very…
Dazai: Yes, remember this well. Books, at times, behave like intelligent life forms, beyond a mass of paper and ink… If Atsushi-kun hadn’t read that book, we would not have won that battle. We must not take books lightly. Because there are some switches that can only be pressed through reading a book, quietly hidden in the darkness we think we are in.
Atsushi: Ah, I see. That book I read… it would be exaggerating to call it a fated encounter, but I feel like there is an important meaning to it.
Dazai: That’s what I thought. Atsushi-kun, maybe there is a reason you have a special role in there as well.
Atsushi: What kind of reason?
Dazai: It will reveal itself sooner or later... Well, now that I have achieved my goal of showing off as a senior in front of my junior, guess I’ll go back and sleep (yawning)
Atsushi: You didn’t come here to help me search for the book at all, did you…
The projection ends with Trash Candy playing on the background and a very cool presentation of the characters' skills. It is such a shame that I can't share a full videos with everyone, but live photo is a lifesaver this time.
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One last thing, even though the BSD collaboration will officially end today, the museum also does regular projection mapping on the same bookshelf and it is just equally cool so if you ever have chance to visit this museum, please give it a try. You will find a lot of BSD goods and related stuff around this area too <3
Thanks for reading till the end :3
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alienpossession · 1 year
"Ahahaha, yeah sir, just trying to keep up with the role, you know? As you said it yourself, cannot let other people know that I'm not myself any longer so I just play pretend being this straight Korean prick. Would've let you do anything you want to me if I know it was you from the get go, please, get in, you'll have so much more fun by being inside of me rather than going around as the little twink,"
After a while, I usually like to check out and test my various vessels which are spread across the globe. Aside from trying to know how well they integrate to human society, I find it amusing to toy around with their feelings and how easy their personality switched between their human persona and my dutiful vessels. It's also a way for me to test my power, like how well I could hide myself to be undetected by their senses which would indicate how well I could hide from other beings that might come to Earth and spoiled my fun. I find it handy to use Vince as my base body since he's loaded and despite claiming to be a very busy businessman when I first met him back then, most of his works are done by other people.
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It left a lot of flexibility in his schedule so I simply head to the airport and his private jet ready to drop me anywhere I wished in a moment's notice. After I landed, I usually just dropped Vince's body in the hotel while I did my test, wearing temporary skins that my vessels wouldn't recognize as other vessels of mine and could keep me incognito. Here's what happened in the past few weeks
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I just smirked as I quickly kneeled and get my tongue out ready to give that sweaty abs some licking it deserves. He's this close to bashed me to death, just like the real homophobic Seulgi would. I turned my incognito mode off and he directly stopped his fist a couple centimetres away from this cute university student's face I slid into earlier. Now, his fist turned into a lustful grab of my hair as he used it to rub me up and down his abs as if I'm some kind of washcloth. His lustful moan is as seductive as I remembered when I took him over in that Hongdae nightclub, and I couldn't help myself but squirted some loads into this university senior's pants while transferred myself to Seulgi through his navel
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"Oh that was hilarious. I totally didn't see that coming. I really thought you are just one hell of an annoying new client I should endure jist because they could afford me. Totally sorry for being so hard and rude to you Sir,"
I simply smiled. Francis is a personal trainer, a succesful one at that, but I know he's not good with people that are not at least a decently-built individual yet. I slid into this fat fuck when he left Subway and I quickly devised the plot to tick Francis off. I bought some gym clothes to be in character, signed up to the gym where he worked at, asked....no....demanded to have him as my personal trainer and said all the things I know he hated. He's this close to lash out on me, I could tell, but just like the real Francis, he kept himself together. I also didn't find any flaws on the way he behaved like Francis so after about an hour, I turned my incognito mode off and he quickly realized it
"Well Sir, please just left that fat retard quickly and get into me Sir. That look doesn't fit you and I know he only drained you and made you out of breath. Please, it's been a while too since you get inside me,"
"Why would you do that, Sir? We are totally fool-proof, you don't have to test us. Is this random test or did you hear anything about us raising other people's suspicion? Now I feel bad for not welcoming you properly, you really played that role a bit too well to, I was this close to slap your face and called you names,"
"No no, you two are doing fine. This is just random test as I'm visiting Egypt anyway. And as for her, I just know you would hate her. Argumentative and loud gym girl that dared to talk back to you? Yeah, that's your trigger, just need to up the ante by disrespecting your mom and boy, I noticed that balled fist yo, I quickly shut off my incognito mode hahah!"
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"We felt bad that you have to meet us this way. Maybe you want to slide into Farhan? You've went inside me during Mr. Olympia a couple months ago anyway, Farhan has been longing for you,"
"Well, I'm gonna do it from this chick's body so maybe let's search for somewhere private,"
"Master, sorry for being a bit direct but this is not an effective usage of your time. You have so many vessels, why fool around with the ruse?"
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"Because I like to do it. And I can do it. Why are you the one questioning me now?"
"Sorry Master. It's just---"
"Strip, and where's a bathroom? I need to fuck you with a mirror in sight so he can see that he's just a bottom bitch that lost thr ability to even control his own body and he's not going to influence you anymore even when I'm not inside you all the time. I will make him trapped so deep within his own mind, he wouldn't be able to leak through and influenced you any longer,"
"Certainly sir, everything I own belongs to you, including the bitch I'm going to visit. She's all yours. Heck, even if you want to fuck a white twink with my body, so be it, you do what you want with me and my schedule. I'm just so honored that you even bothered to come all the way down to South Africa for me,"
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"What? Huh....I guess you played Romain a bit too well. Calm down a bit. Get hard. Fuck around more. Stop being so business-minded all the time. It gets annoying to see more of that guy surfaced you know. He's one tough cookie back when I eventually subdued him, turned out he remained tough up until now huh? Giving you a hard time to be loose and free while fooling all the people worked for him. Strip,"
"Oh wow, really? Fuck, I really am going to smash this whole thing with you inside of me during the competition. What a chance encounter this is. I really thought you were just an annoying fan and I only wasted my time here interacting with a fans, but turns out it pays off acting all nice and pretending like I'm this sweet All-American boy when you revealed yourself. Please, you can just jump right in sir, it's been a while since my navel welcomed you,"
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writermai05 · 2 months
Arsonist's Lullabye
Chapter 3: Smelling like a Bonfire, Lost in a Haze
Summary: Y/n and Zuko get to know each other. 
Pairing: Zuko x fem! reader (Live Action or Animated) 
A/N: Point of view switch starting now! Hopefully this works better than the previous chapters. Based heavily off of "Too Sweet" by Hozier (Yeah this entire series is based on Hozier's discography, SUE ME!). Very excited about this. Next chapter is probably gonna be shorter, but I promise I'll make it worthwhile. Should I make a taglist for this series??? As always feel free to leave comments or constructive feedback, as it helps me grow. 
Word Count: 1,211
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Avatar: The Last Airbender, I am merely a nerd who hyperfixates a lot. Lots of divergence from the canon story lol. 
Warnings !: Insecure Zuko, mentions of burns, I think that is all? 
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Wednesday came a lot faster than you had anticipated. 
The mundanity of Tuesday felt like nothing compared to the stakes of today. Perhaps delaying a conversation about whatever had happened between Zuko and yourself for another two days wasn’t the best of decisions.
Your professor broke you from your worried state, explaining about some assignment you were meant to complete in pairs. Perhaps it was the sour mood you were in, but frankly, even you were over these icebreaker activities. 
Gathering your things, you began searching around the room for someone to work with. Before you could actually move, you spotted Azula heading straight for you, the same standoffish girl you had met on the first day, with familiar golden eyes and her long black hair in a top knot, held with the same gold pin. Taking a seat right in front of you, Azula neatly laid out her things in a sort of rehearsed way. 
You hid the surprise that filled your body at the sight of her. Staring at her, you raised your eyebrows inquisitively. She merely stared back, with an expression of many layers. You relented, putting all your things where they were before, and slowly retaking the seatright across from Azula. 
“So are we going to get started or…” Azula trailed off, seemingly indifferent. 
You were utterly confused. Admittedly, your guys’ first meeting was shaky, filled with a sort of aggressive energy and tension that most people would wish to avoid. “Yeah…Can I ask you something?” Azula raised her eyebrows in approval. 
“Why partner with me?” Such a simple question, but you were sure that the answer would be interesting.  
Azula rolled her eyes. “No one in this class is worth talking to. I just chose based on convenience.” She replied pompously. 
Much to the confusion of Azula, you smiled at her response. 
“Really? Here’s what I think. You partnered with me, even after our awful first meeting, because it was convenient, but also because you secretly think I’m really nice and cool, and that we should be friends.” Your sarcastic and dry humor, paired with complete honesty and optimism was quite polarizing. Azula scoffed at your statement. 
“You psych majors are always so weird.” She replied, yanking a sheet of paper from you and beginning the assignment. 
“Why thank you Azula, I also think it would be cool if we were friends!” you replied before also getting to work on the assignment. 
Little did you know, deep down, Azula was grateful for the connection. 
Zuko had been anticipating class all day. He was just trying to enjoy his walk in the cool autumn air of Ba Sing Se. Unfortunately, everything in his brain was telling him that this was not going to go well, and that eventually, you too would come to see him the way that everyone else does. ‘No, she’s not like that!’ he screamed back. If she was, why would she have even bothered trying? 
By the time he had reached class, his thoughts were going a mile a minute. A back and forth of thoughts about you, questioning your character, and attempting to quell the darkest thoughts within his mind. That was, until he spotted you. 
You had sat in the same spot from the first time, but this time, your backpack was saving the seat to your left. Seemingly sensing his presence, your gaze moved from the notebook on the desk in front of you to Zuko. He sheepishly waved, and you smiled, gesturing for him to come as you moved your bag off the chair. 
Everything that Zuko had been feeling a couple minutes before this moment had stopped. The smoke-filled haze of his mind had been absolutely soothed at the sight of you. Moving as calmly as he could, he made his way to the seat next to you. 
“How were your classes yesterday?” You asked softly. This type of gentleness was unfamiliar. It was the kind of sensitivity Zuko had only ever received from two people in his life. He gulped back some air before answering. 
“It was fine. I worked at the shop after.” You nodded, going back to whatever you were writing down in your notebook earlier. 
Class went by without a hitch. It felt casual, as if it wasn’t a big deal, and maybe it wasn’t. This sense of normalcy was almost unheard of when it came to Zuko’s life. After the professor dismissed the class, you spent a little extra time packing all of your supplies. Zuko stood beside you, waiting patiently for you to finish. 
“You didn’t have to wait for me, but thank you.” You said, slinging your bag over your shoulder. Zuko shrugged. 
“It’s alright. Do you have any other classes today?” 
“Nope. I’m done for the day, why?” 
“Let me walk you back to your dorm?” He asked, in a timid manner. 
“Really? You don’t have to-”
“I want to. My classes are done for the day, and the shop is right next to the dorms.” 
You were flattered by the sincerity in his voice. 
The two of you took your time, basking in the cool afternoon air. The falling leaves and luscious greenery, even in the city, was absolutely breathtaking. You and Zuko had polite conversations, just learning more about each other. He told you about moving to Ba Sing Se, and how his uncle had come to own the Jasmine Dragon. You told him about growing up in the north, and how you ended up transferring to the University of Ba Sing Se. As you reached the doors of your dorm building, the conversation fell quiet. 
“Thank you, Zuko.” You said earnestly.
“No, Thank you, Y/n.” 
Confusion flooded your features. “What for?”
“For giving me a chance. I know I’m not the best person to talk to.” 
“Maybe you’ve never known the right people.” You replied. He laughed, somberly in response. 
“No, it was definitely me who was the problem.” 
You shrug, making proper eye contact with him. Within your eyes held a look that seemed to hold something akin to a sky full of stars.  “Isn’t it interesting how eventually, you will meet people that see more within you than you see in yourself?” Zuko felt like his heart was about to explode.
“Goodbye, Zuko. Get home safely.” And with that, you entered your dorm hall, leaving the fiery boy at an absolute loss for words. 
You will meet people that see more within you than you see in yourself. 
You had said it so casually, so nonchalantly, as if it wasn’t some new and big concept. For Zuko, it was. He had never felt the warmth of fire, just the searing burn. He was never able to breathe through the haze, rather he choked on the smoke. How could anyone possibly come to see him as the man he became rather than the boy that he was? Has he always been worth the time and trouble? Was this what Uncle Iroh had been trying to tell him? Was his therapist? 
As he mused over these questions, Zuko couldn't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, he'd been underestimating his own worth all this time…and he definitely needed to schedule another appointment with his therapist.
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inbarfink · 4 months
Okay, this is probably just me being Very Silly but… I think Roleswap AUs are a lot of fun, not just like… as a character design exercise thingy, but as a character exploration and analysis exercise… thingy.
Like, you know, it’s a game of ‘what would this character do if they were in that situation that this other character was in?’, ‘how much would change if those were the circumstances of this character’s life?’, ‘how much do you have to change about a character to make them work in this specific narrative role - and how much you just cannot change without making the character unrecognizable?’
So I’ve had a lot of fun playing around with my Adventure Time Roleswap AUs (you can get a better look at them with the AT Roleswap Tag on my blog). 
And I’ve been thinking if I could do a similar thing for Invader Zim - both because IZ has these clear Four Leads that you can swap around very neatly (actually much more than AT does lol) and… mostly because I’ve been going through yet another of my Literally Can’t Think of Anything but Invader Zim Phases and Roleswap AUs offer an exciting new opportunity to Rotate These Characters in My Head.
(For the sake of clarity, I’ll be using ‘the Alien’, ‘the Kid’, ‘the Robot’ and ‘the Sibling’ when referring to the Narrative Roles of Zim, Dib, GIR and Gaz respectively. So if I’m talking about a Dib-Zim Roleswap I’ll be talking about Zim-as-the-Kid and Dib-as-the-Alien. It might lead to weird turns-of-phrase later down the line, like Sibling!Dib when Dib is obviously always a sibling - but at least I hope it’ll be less clunky and more clear that way lol)
So, yeah, I had some Thoughts and Considerations about the idea of a Zim-Dib GIR-Gaz Roleswap, but all-in-all things fall into place pretty easily. Playing on Dib’s relatively-more-heroic role and his only-sane-man shtick by having him as a kinda Irken Rebel - he might still have the interest in magic and supernatural things that Mainstream Irken Science does not acknowledge, but mostly he’s seeing as ‘crazy’ for such ridiculous concepts as ‘conquering the galaxy just for the sake of it is Bad Actually’ and ‘maybe it’s kinda stupid to pick our leaders based entirely on how tall they are’ and ‘the Tallest are obviously blatantly figureheads and the Control Brains are running the show’. 
And to add insult to injury, it’s not just that his fellow Irkens don’t listen to his ideas - it’s that they don’t even have enough respect to treat him as an actual dangerous enemy of the state. Instead he’s seen as a crackpot and a joke. He’s basically constantly avoiding the obvious Existence Evaluation he deserves because the Tallests keep procrastinating it and pushing it back in favor of more ‘important things’. And, like, it’s not like Dib wants to be executed by the state for the crime of free thought… but it’ll be nice to know that he’s seen as a real threat. 
And of course while he’s better than most Irkens at the whole ‘Space Imperialism is Bad Actually’ thing, he still hasn’t unlearned all of the Irken propaganda about their own superiority (he’s got a Green Savior Complex basically) … and also he's got his own complex about his own superiority. Like, yeah, he’s infuriated by his people’s obsession with height because it’s a stupid illogical prejudice… but also specifically because it makes people disrespect him. When his two lazy and stupid smeethood bullies were made supreme leaders of the empire that was kinda the last straw for him.
Oh, in this AU the Tallests are basically the Same except their colors are switched. So now Red is the sillier and dumber one and Purple is the relatively more competent one. And on one hand Dib is the only Irken who seems to understand how thoroughly unfit to rule these two clowns are but he is also kinda obsessed with making them acknowledge his superiority even though he knows their opinion shouldn’t matter and thus making him the biggest clown of them all, in a way.
I’m still ironing out the details of how he gets to Earth. Something about using his hacking skills to infiltrate Operation Impending Doom 2 to try and sabotage it from within. Then, like, maybe the Earth ‘assignment’ was a trap laid by the Control Brains to get him out of the way. Or maybe he picked Earth because although the Empire sees it as unimportant - Dib thinks it has powerful arcane significance that makes it the perfect foundation for his resistance against the Empire or something like that.
I’m mostly thinking which of these is the snappiest and easiest to explain, but I do enjoy the idea of it being a trap cause it creates the possibility of a “the Alien discovers their plan is a big fat lie” scenario like in ETF, but rather than being utterly despondent and depressed like Canon Zim - Alien!Dib will be joyous and jubilantly validated at the idea that he was considered a notable enough threat to get out of the way with such an elaborate trick.
And Zim as the son of Professor Membrane is also a fun concept to consider. It’s very funny to think of him as still a megalomaniac trying to take over the world while also being just a human kid. He wants to defeat Dib because he sees him as a threat for his world domination plans (maybe not even understanding that Dib is not actually a world-conquering rival) and cause he believes that if he exposes or kills Dib he can get his hands on the advanced alien tech, which is the edge he needs in order to take over the world.
You can justify his world-conquering-obsession as, like, him growing up under the pressure of living up to his father’s legacy and he figured the only way to escape Membrane’s shadow is to go totally against everything he stands for, or that he’s subconsciously seeking revenge against the world and humanity for taking away his father's love and attention, or that he’s hoping that if he becomes an Actual Threat to the world, his dad will have to pay attention to him for a change ,or maybe it’s just ‘Zim is Just Weird Like That’. Or probably some combination of all of the above.
GIR and Gaz slot pretty effortlessly into their new roles. Sibling!GIR could be literally Zim’s little brother, or like, some genetically engineered dog monster Professor Membrane made in an afternoon. But personality-wise there’s no need to change much outside of maybe needing to tone a human version of GIR down just a tad because a human child has some biological, legal and physical limitations that GIR would otherwise lack.
Robot Gaz is basically like ‘Dib stole and reprogrammed a SIR Unit to have Free Will, still somehow struggles with the idea that Free Will means she can disobey him as well’. Pretty much as soon as they landed on Earth she acclimated better than Dib did and developed a fondness for Earth’s junk food and video games. She generally does her own thing and doesn’t really listen to Dib’s schemes to develop Earth’s defenses or harness some sort of supernatural forces against the Irken Empire or foil Zim’s plans or whatever - but mostly because disagrees with Dib’s methods and attitude rather than his goals. 
She does prefer the Earth over the Irken Empire and she does have some affection for Dib despite also finding him so annoying. She just refuses to cooperate with plans she thinks are frivolous or stupid or plainly just for Dib’s ego. When push really comes to shove, when she actually believes Dib and/or the Earth is in danger, she would come to help… usually.
So yeah, that Roleswap works pretty smoothly, but the problem starts if I try to do the two other sides of this Roleswap cube. the 'Invader GIR' and 'Invader Gaz' scenarios. This is where I get stuck... And the thing isn’t that the characters aren’t complex and versatile enough - I actually think the IZ characters are pretty multidimensional in their ridiculousness. 
It’s just that Dib and Zim’s psychology are really designed for them to play the roles of Protagonist and Antagonist - they’re very much defined to their very core by how driven and motivated they are and how much they want to take center stage. Zim's so self-obsessed he pretty much has to take over any narrative you place him in. And like 50% of Dib’s psyche can be summarized as a terminal case of Main Character Syndrome. Meanwhile, while GIR and Gaz have their own motivations - but GIR’s are generally too wild, capricious and frivolous to actually motivate a Plot, while Gaz’s very much defined by how mundane all of her motivations are. So you really have to work extra hard to make sure Zim and Dib, even when relegated to the sidekick role, don’t still find a way to steal the show.
Honestly, doing Zim as the Robot is actually something I think I can make work. If you just play up a few of Zim’s wackier elements - and especially his blind obedience and dedication to his superiors (which in this case would be Alien GIR), I think you can get a version of Zim that is recognizably Zim while still sticking mainly to the Wacky Comic Relief role.
(And for the record, Robot Zim is a modified SIM Unit, which is a Standard Issue Minion. What does the Z stand for? The Z stands for ZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM, obviously!)
Sibling Dib was kind of a weird journey for me because at first I thought I had an easy solution for it - just Bill-fy Dib! Keep all of Dib’s bolster and UFO obsession stuff, but minus the fact that he can actually recognize an alien standing in front of his face. Probably because he just doesn’t want to admit his sister found an alien before he did - he just refuses to believe GIR is an alien and going off his wild-goose chases against his own phony conspiracy theories.
But… I think that idea is, like, too effective at keeping Dib away from the limelight? I mean, that would basically relegate him exclusively to Comic Relief and someone Gaz could have conversations with and very little plot relevancy. And I think we should be able to do better by Sibling Dib. Some way to keep him away from the Main Character Role, but still have him as a relevant and useful character from time-to-time?
Putting GIR in any sort of lead role is the much bigger problem. Like I said - GIR just too deranged and too uncontrollable to hold most plotlines, even on Invader Zim. And I can imagine grounding him just a tad, you can do, like ‘alien Invader comes to earth in order to conquer it - realizes he likes junk food and stupid TV so much that he doesn’t want to do it anymore, but still lacks any real concerns for human life or morality’. You know, I’m imagining wacky misadventures that are basically in the spirit of ‘what if SpongeBob SquarePants lacked any sense of right and wrong’ - and that will be a viable narrative, but I’m worried it’s getting too far away from the sheer id-like essence of GIR.
On the Kid corner, obviously you can make narratives in which Gaz and her motivations move the story along - Invader Zim Canon did it multiple times. It’s more of a question of how much we can keep this up. Like, okay, this is purely me and my stupid personal hang-ups. But what I’m looking for is an AU that really feels like it could be its own standalone show, and obviously it’s not going to be the same as Canon IZ - like the Invader Dib roleswap is going to have a slightly more standard heroic narrative compared to the total Villain Protagonist setup of the canon - but I want to make sure everyone fulfill their new Narrative Roles to the level you can imagine a Variety of Episode Plots that fit the 11-minutes-and-occasional-double-length format of IZ. 
And with Gaz being really defined by the fact that she cares more for being left alone or the mundane things in life or enacting terrible revenge in the name of the mundane things in life than for any of the sci-fi shit or saving the world- it kinda limits the amount of plots she should be willing to participate in and/or requires a lot of extra Set-Up to explain why she’s emotionally involved in the plot. 
I mean, I can certainly imagine a story about a hedonistic would-be Invader making a bizarre harebrained scheme to get his hands on a ridiculous amount of tacos which somehow spirals into attracting the ire of some scarily competent and spiteful little girl by, like, interrupting her Super Mario Odyssey speedrun or something and so she causally takes down his whole operation. But that sort of setup works better for a sort of hyperformulastic show like ‘Phineas and Ferb’- and ‘Phineas and Ferb’ is lovely, but Invader Zim really benefits from a wide variation of plots and episode structure. 
(That’s also the problem with a Tallests-Zim Membrane-Dib roleswap. Although the idea of an P&F style sketch starring the two lazy goofball Invaders who are just trying to get their incredibly obnoxious and megalomaniac boss off their back and are repeatedly accidently foiled by a brilliant hypercompetent child genius who also somehow remains consistently oblivious to the fact that they are aliens trying to take over the world is very Fun and I should probably do something Separate with it later)
And then there’s the idea of a Zim-Gaz GIR-Dib roleswap which is… I don’t even know where to start. That’s pretty much what that one body-switch-themed guest issue of the IZ Comics used basically because it’s the one that breaks the show’s premise the most thoroughly. The show’s most ambitious and least competent character swapped with its least ambitious and most competent and the most grounded character is swapped with the most unhinged. I am still really stuck on how to make it work?
The only real idea I have for now is maybe taking inspiration from Alien Gaz from that aforementioned comic issue’s characterization - not of Gaz-as-Zim, but of Zim-as-Gaz. Something about an Alien Invader who is genuinely invested in conquering the planet but also she keeps getting distracted? It’s hard to really say when, like I said, that’s really the only thing I have right now. 
Perhaps I need to think about all of this a bit more, or perhaps the real lesson of this Character Exploration Thingy is just that those kinda roleswaps just don’t work with the Invader Zim cast?
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mercymaker · 6 months
Tav NSFW Questions
As seen here, compiled and posted by @tragedybunny
What is your Tav’s sexuality/orientation preference?
Mal is very much bi (or pan, I guess?). She is weak for the ladies because they're so pretty and it can make her flustered so she tries to combat that by pretending that she's all calm and cool and unbothered. An absolute dork.
What are their biggest ‘NOs’ they will never consider doing during sex?
I'd say anything you'd consider "extreme", or anything that would seriously hurt her. The mental aspect is also quite important to her, so any words or actions that would harm or degrade her would be out of the question.
Are they a Top/Bottom/Switch?
At first, she's quite passive and submissive when it comes to sex, purely based on her inexperience and just being unsure of what to do and how to do it. There's a little bit of that pride in her that wants to do something well that prevents her from even trying in the first place, but eventually, as she gains more experience (and encouragement), Mal becomes more assertive and less passive, even when she lets someone else take the lead. So, I guess, once she gets to the place where she knows what she wants, she's kind of a switch? Maybe with a slight preference to letting her partner(s) take the lead?
Favorite Position?
Alright, so one time Astarion pinned her to the wall and fucked her till she saw stars and the whole thing is etched in her memory forever. There was something about that lowkey claustrophobic feeling of being trapped combined with his body pressed firmly against hers, getting overwhelmed by all the sensations and also not having to worry about finding support. Just wrapping her legs around him and enjoying the ride. I think that's the one.
Do they prefer giving or receiving? 
God, I can't believe I'm doing this to my own beloved character, but I do think that Mal's a wee bit of a pillow princess. At least at the very beginning. She just sort of... relaxes and enjoys whatever she's given. BUT! With time and experience her role does shift, especially when she realizes that her actions can absolutely melt her partner under her, so that newfound sense of power is very intriguing to her and in some way a bit intoxicating. Maleane becomes much more active and wants to learn how to give and be good at it, so in the end it depends on the day and the mood.
Tits or Ass?
Tits, chests, torsos, tiddies, boobies, all of that stuff! It's where the heart is! It's where love lives! But nah, Mal likes seeing, touching, suckin, lickin, all that good stuff, she might bite your nip nops a bit, so watch out!
How experienced is your Tav?
Before all the tadpole business and getting involved with the pale elf, Mal was a 100% forest-grown virgin, so not experienced at all! She does eventually pick up a thing or two from her vampire boyfriend but having no and then one partner for quite a while doesn't really make her someone I'd consider experienced.
Do they have any traumas around sex? 
It's not necessarily a trauma, but the first time Mal had sex was quite a complicated experience that left her somewhat hesitant to do it again. While she did feel attraction and wanted to experience getting all wild and dirty, Maleane was also pretty scared (there was a very real possibility she might get killed) and nervous, but tried to compensate for it by playing it cool and looking confident. In turn, she made it worse by encouraging roughness as she thought it would mask the fact that she's just a wee lil virgin girlie. So yeah, it was a mixed bag, and Mal would probably like to go back and change the way it happened, but not the fact that it happened. They got better at it, eventually. Mutual trust and all that stuff.
Do they have any taboo kinks?
I've been on this site so long, I honestly don't even know wtf is considered a taboo kink. Like.. is getting blood, biting, and ropes involved in your bedtime activities considered too nasty these days? Or is it the other way around? 🤷‍♀️
Would they want a polyamorous relationship? 
I don't think she'd necessarily seek a polyamorous relationship, but I also don't think she'd be completely against it. Mal wants to try so many things, so being with more than one person, when all the parties involved are cool with it? Yeah, pretty sure she'd be down to try. But then again, I'd consider Maleane a somewhat jealous person and considering how she doesn't exactly have a basis for a super healthy relationship, I'm not sure how long the whole shebang would last.
How do they feel about voyeurism? And would they do it?
Not to be a complete freak, but watching other people from afar is kind of her whole thing. Growing up, Maleane was not allowed to approach others, so she mostly just watched and observed them while being unseen herself. She witnessed some sexual acts as well, and that was sort of her first look at sex and intimacy. It doesn't feel weird to her at all, because that was just a part of her life.
How big is your Tav’s sex drive?
Mal struggles a bit with disconnecting her overthinking noggin, so it can make it quite difficult to relax and just fuck. As with most things, she learns how to manage it better with time, but she never quite catches up with Astarion. They find ways around it, though.
How many rounds can they last?
Not that many. I see her as someone who gets overwhelmed and overstimulated pretty easily, once it gets to that point. And considering how often times fighting discomfort in her intimate life is a pretty significant issue, the last thing she wants is to get more of it by pushing herself past her comfort zone. That being said, though, Mal does have her moments that surprise even Astarion, but those aren't very common.
What is their aftercare like?
Lots and lots of touch. She might not necessarily need a word of reassurance, but a touch with the same intent is what Mal needs. Holding hands, cuddling, soft caresses, all that. She wants to feel safe and appreciated, and it goes the same both ways.
What lingerie does Tav wear?
Coming from someone who lived nearly three decades in the woods wearing whatever the fuck was available to her, Mal quite likes all the pretty fabrics and clothes. I'm pretty sure that, when they can, Astarion likes to indulge this side of her by getting her pretty things, including lingerie. He gets to peel all of it off of her, after all. Maleane quite likes all the lacy stuff, but it's pretty expensive and not that common, so.. yeah. It's a bit of a special something.
Double penetration?
Gods, when I think of Mal she always seems so tense and tight, like a little clam, especially in the early days. I think it takes her quite some time to open up, both physically and mentally. She would like to try and maybe with some proper prep it could be achieved, but it's no easy task. It also depends on the, uh... dimensions we're working with here sdfsdfdsf.
Least likely person they’d ever consider themselves sleeping with.
Mal does have a bit of an issue with her fellow drow, so it takes her a looooooooooooooooong while to be comfortable to even be around them, let alone sleep with any of them. It's a lot of trauma in that department, so it's understandable.
How long since their last sexual encounter?
Considering she's in a relationship with Astarion, probably not that long, lmao.
Ok with period sex?
I think, yeah. Mal's nasty, she grew up in the woods wading through all sorts of stuff. The blood itself might not be an issue, but feeling like utter crap might not be the best premise for some "fun times", however, hormones work in mysterious ways so.. yeah!
Are they loud or quiet during sex?
She is surprisingly quiet in her little moans and whimpers. Which Astarion, naturally, takes as a bit of a challenge, he wants to make her truly sing. And yeah, eventually, Mal does let go a little bit, it helps her with the overall "shit, why am i constantly in my head through all of this?" problem, and allows herself to be just a tab bit more vocal.
Alright with Dub-con/CNC? Role Playing? 
I think Mal sits at the very edge of this very definition to the point of getting into the semantics of the word. Role-playing? Yes, that's one of her fantasies. But even that whole scenario comes from a place of tremendous trust, as she's quite fragile and just a single thought on how the situation could be real entering her mind would cause her to absolutely crumble. She doesn't want to be forced to do anything, but she does find the idea of pretending to be in certain risky scenarios very appealing.
Are they more serious at the moment? Are they humorous? 
Oh boy, at first, she's too serious. All tense and overthinking and making it more serious than it actually is. As with her general attitude, her views on it shift with time. She allows herself to have more fun, both in everyday life, as well as her sex life.
If your Tav has a vagina, do they like anal?
I wouldn't say she's someone who'd enjoy it often, but considering some of her kinks and fantasies, there are situations where it feels fitting and Mal prefers it in those scenarios. Like when she's feeling particularly submissive or when they're role-playing something or when she's feeling very naughty and wants to give someone "a treat".
Does your Tav want other people in a relationship? 
Yes and no. On one hand, she wants to experience a lot of new things and what life has to offer, just explore what's out there, so getting other people involved does sound tempting. But on the other hand, she's also quite jealous, so it depends on which devil on her shoulder wins that day.
How well groomed are they? Shaved completely? Does the carpet match the drapes? Etc.
I'm actually not sure how it all works with elves and stuff. Slippin' n slidin', no?
What is your Tav’s favorite place to have sex?
Mal likes to be comfy and relaxed, so... bed. But! A patch of nice comfy grass somewhere in a private location works just as well when one's not available. I know, quite boring, but you argue with her!
What about quickies?
She's not a big fan of those, but when you're on the road a lot getting into all sorts of situations, they just happen! When you're someone like Mal, it takes a bit of preparation to get her to a place where things feel good, so she tends to lean more towards, uh... less rapid scenarios.
Would Tav like to participate in orgy?
I think so! Just to see if it's something she'd like or not. After all the game events, Mal is out on a journey to explore the world and everything it has to offer. And I do think getting sandwiched between two bodies would do her good, maybe allow her to relax a little bit. She would need to build up a little bit of courage and experience for it beforehand, though.
Would Tav like to use gags?
Yes, if the situation calls for it.
Soft and slow or hard and rough?
It depends on the day and the mood. Considering how difficult at times it is for her to get into the right mindset for sex, it helps when things move slow and she's allowed some room to breathe and keep track of things. That being said, there are days when she's just horny and wants to be bent over and pounded. And then we have those situations where things start soft and slow and eventually lead to hard and rough.
What’s their favorite toy?
Considering that she spends a chunk of her time alone in the woods, I think a very simple dildo does wonders for her. The good ole reliable, as they say.
Does your Tav have sexual fantasies?
Oh, yes! For the longest time that's the only thing she had. Just imagining scenarios where she gets to experience all those things she read about or observed in the outside world. It helps that eventually she gets a boyfriend that she trusts enough to share those fantasies with, so they can both work on bringing some of them to reality.
Is there a companion they would sleep with but not want to date and why?
I'd say it's probably Wyll. He is incredibly attractive to her, but their personalities would lead to constantly clashing over things. She could put up her good girl appearance, but who wants to build a fake persona for a relationship to even have a chance of lasting?
Can your Tav not have sex for a long period?
Yes, I'd say so. Being able to be on her own is one of her core strengths, so not fucking someone for a while wouldn't bother her too much.
Who was your Tav’s first sexual experience?
It was Astarion. And it was stressful and scary, but also kinda hot at the same time? It's very complicated, but they managed to more or less figure it out, eventually.
Blood kink?
I mean, she's dating a vampire spawn, so you can't really walk around the whole blood thing, can you? Mal does indulge him in quite some blood-drinking during their activities, but she's very uncomfortable with Astarion putting those fangs on her neck, so he makes do with what he can: shoulders, wrists, thighs, tits, etc. And then one night when he returns from a particularly messy hunt, Mal opens the door to her boyfriend being absolutely drenched in blood and that, uh, that very much turns her on! So not only does she kiss his bloody mouth, tasting all that sticky red on his skin, Maleane also gets a bunch of it on herself when she fucks him like there's no tomorrow.
A cheeky slap on the bum every once in a while, especially during the act, I can see her entertaining. Anything more than that, she would probably decline.
Will they want to have sex during pregnancy?
Does she want to? Yeah, those hormones be wildin, after all. (Un)fortunately, for ms. preggers Mal she's all alone in the woods with no one to smooch, so wish all you want lmao.
What was the worst moment your Tav felt lust?
I mean. She finds watching Astarion doing his thing very attractive. They also kill a lot of things on their journeys. You put two and two together.
What is your Tav’s class and how does it affect their sexual life?
She's a storm sorcerer, so magic's always brewing somewhere within her. However, Mal tries to not involve it in her sexual endeavors as her type of magic is quite dangerous and a lot of it is tied to her emotions so creating an association between those sort of feelings might lead to some literally explosive orgasms sdfdsf. Besides, while traveling with Astarion, she already uses quite a lot of her spell-power, so there's usually not that much left for the, uh, extracurricular activities.
How naughty are they? Does Tav like to tease?
I think somewhere along their journeys she finds quite a bit of mischief in her bones. It's sort of hard not to when you're constantly volleying with someone like Astarion. She does like to tease him quite a bit, especially in order to "provoke" him to do things to her. Often times, he doesn't need much, but he enjoys seeing her get all playful, so at times he pretends to be much more resilient to her charms.
What is your Tav's safe word?
It has to be "red", no? Because blood and vampirism and all. Yeah, I think that works.
Does your Tav like oral? Giving or receiving
Yes yes yes, Mal loves getting her pussy devoured. With Astarion, at times it comes with some nibbles to her thighs, but she considers it a fair exchange. When it comes to giving, she's a little bit more hesitant because she's not very experienced and also she can't handle a lot. But she tries, god bless her heart, she tries so hard!
Does your Tav like handjobs? Giving or receiving
She actually does! Considering Mal's not always comfortable or willing to do penetration, sometimes she chooses to employ her hands to please her partner. And with a lot of pointers and questions, she gets pretty good at it!
Does Tav like bondage? Being tied up or tying up your partner?
If there's enough trust between them involved, then absolutely yes. She likes being tied up, pinned down, restricted, but she also likes to tie her partner up when it's her turn to take the lead. And because early on she's a bit unsure and not that comfortable in a dominant role, restraining her partner gives her a bit of a prop to work with.
What does Tav consider “cheating”? 
Probably getting involved in any sort of sexual or emotional situation without her knowledge. After all, her and Astarion go on some wild adventures that involve sucking and fucking a bunch of other people, but as long as they keep communicating with each other, it's all good.
What spells does Tav use during sex (i.e. “silence” because they are too loud)
I have a feeling she would try to keep the use of magic in the bedroom minimal, BUT I can also see Astarion coaxing her into trying some things out. Definitely everyone's favorite Mage Hand and something like Hold Person for some uh... fun times.
Is your Tav into breeding?
No, she already took one creampie too many and had a case of a baby. Though, she does brew some plan b tea alongside all of the other potions and poisons, so she doesn't particularly mind her partners coming inside (for some tea dgdfg).
What makes your Tav absolutely horny?
Not to sound like a nun or something, but seeing her partner naked and doing some suggestive shit. When it comes to Astarion, him + a blade does something to her she cannot fully understand. Just the way he handles a dagger, how quick and precise he is.. HIS FINGERS???? HMMMMM YES.
What part of their partner’s body does Tav like the most?
Arms, hands, fingers, cock. Maleane gets a bit mesmerized watching Astarion do things with his hands. Picking locks, playing with cards, handling a dagger, all that good stuff. Mal's all heart eyes over that.
I've also answered this before in an ask so I'm just gonna drop it here as well:
From the moment she met him, Mal thought that Astarion was absolutely beautiful (yea, peak drow features - red eyes and silver white hair sdfsdfsd). But very quickly she gets somewhat obsessed with his arms and fingers. The way his muscles flex when he holds a bow? How quickly and precisely his fingers move, making all the traps and locks just crumble under his delicate touch. The way they eventually find what makes her body quiver too.
And then I reckon it would be fair to include Halsin since Mal's actively smooching him in my mind as I'm typing this. She loves his chest! It's so warm and fuzzy and when she rests her head against it, she can hear his heartbeat and it feels very intimate and calming. It's also a pretty good base to rest her hands on when she's on top of him.
What parts of Tav’s body does their partner love the most?
I also answered this before soooooo:
Astarion loves her mouth, her lips. He's quite in awe how she makes other people open their doors the way he does with locks without a key. And he soon finds out that often times it's that smile, one that could only be described as "disarming", that makes people drop their defenses. Sure, there's something playing behind her pale lilac eyes as well, but the man's focused on her mouth more often than not. And throughout the years he notices the very subtle differences when that smile is honest and when it's not. He's drawn to the way she laughs around him. How her lips feel and taste when she kisses him, how warm they are when she presses them against his skin or when they're wrapped around him.
Lights on or off?
I mean, they both have darkvision, so it's not like it matters too much.
How sensitive are your Tav’s nipples?
The normal amount?
Does Tav like using sex potions \ spells? (which make them more horny or allow to make more rounds)
Honestly, I kind of see them experimenting with some things, for sure. Just to try them out. Like shrooms that makes you mega horny? Why not?
Does Tav initiate sex more often than their partner?
While Mal does initiate it at times, it's nothing compared to Astarion. I think it's also because he's much more comfortable and suave in that department and Maleane feels like she's stumbling in the dark more often than not.
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i'm tagging either the closest pals OR any of you that encouraged me to do this ♥ if you don't want any part of this, let me know and imma promptly remove your tag!
@ruinbringer @euryalex @arduath @baldursgaye @sorceresslodge @vspin @kiaransalee @ansburg @sageofthestrange
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ccrisntok · 1 year
TW// Blood, Implied Death, Suicidal thoughts/actions, Violence, Homophobia, Mentions of SA (Basically all the stuff that happens it Heathers: The Musical.)
this is really long and you kind of have to know the plot of Heathers to understand it. Major spoilers for DRDT and Heathers btw
Ayoo, I'm here with some doodles and basic story outlines based off of @another-danganronpa-fan's DRDT + Heathers au! I took some like, creative liberties I guess. Didn't really change things at all, but added a lot of things! Sorry if I messed with your au a bit too much haha. (Also this is probably not the only doodles I'll make about this au it has snatched my brain.)
I'll explain some stuff along the way.
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Xander as Veronica! (He still has his eye, its just sensitive to light and a different color). I feel like you could switch Xander and Teruko and the au would still work, but as the creator of the au explained, Xander just *barely* makes more sense as Veronica. He's more optimistic than Teruko is, and more willing to trust others. Also, David is a Heather in this au, so it makes sense that Xander would idolize them. Also also, we see canonically that Xander hates murder, but will do it if he really thinks it's necessary. I don't think he would kill people in this au on purpose though, and still feel as bad, if not worse about it than Veronica does.
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Teruko as JD: Pretty obvious. Troubled family past, prone to violence if necessary, extremely distrustful of others? i don't really know if her luck would be a factor in this au, but if it was, it would probably explain why her life is so messed up. She'd kill some bitches.
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Arturo as Heather Chandler. I feel like he's the only person in the cast who would be a big enough dick to be Heather C, and his obsession with beauty could be a factor of why he treats everyone like minions instead of people. He would probably die the same way, and for the same reasons as Heather C. Poisoned after making Xander and Teruko mad. His red ribbon... tie, thing would be the "red scrunchy" of this au.
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David as Heather Duke: Yeah. Like, I feel like he fits her to a tee. After Art dies, he takes place as the leading Heather, and becomes a total asshole (probably similar to his breakdown in cannon). Also, since Arei is Heather Mac, it would make sense for him to try and force her into suicide, since that's what he insists he does in cannon. He may give Xander some hair-clips as a show of friendship.
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Arei as Heather Mac: This one seems weird at first, but this Arei is in the middle of her redemption arch (for reasons that will be explained later). She's more snarky than cannon Mac, but also is going through a lot of mental turmoil. I'd say her sisters are still around. and her home life is pretty terrible, so she relishes in the power being a Heather gave her. Until she meets Eden, and realizes how little being powerful in high school matters.
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Eden as: Martha! I made quite a few changes to her character, because her being in love with the Ram of this au wouldn't have worked. So I made her in love with Arei. Obviously, in cannon Heathers, Veronica helps forge a love confession to make a fool out of Martha, and I feel like Xander would be pressured to do the same thing. In doing this, he could also end up outing her publicly, admittedly probably not thinking about that as a factor (can you tell this part of the au is where I'm most passionate hflkas).
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I feel like Xander wouldn't have bad intentions with outing Eden, but he still does it accidently, probably being like "THERES MORE GIRLS IN THE SEA BESTIE, FIND A BETTER ONE" in a crowed room while wasted.
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I also feel like these feelings would be ACTUALLY mutual, unlike Martha's feelings for Ram. I added this in because I just don't think Arei and Arturo would be very close, or "Ram and Kurt", but seeing Eden's recent public humiliation added to her "friends" deaths might push her over the edge. It also would give her a reason to soften up, and fit the Heather Mac role.
Also, hearing about Arei's suicide attempt could also influence to Eden's suicide attempt later, since she doesn't really care about the other people's deaths in this au.
now to my least favorites...
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...Ace as Ram, and Levi as Kurt. Hu as Mrs. Fleming makes total sense and I support that wholeheartedly, but Levi and Ace.... are kinda the only ppl who could fit the roles so 💀
I made quite a few changes to these two, the huge, major one being they don't try and SA Xander. There was no way in hell I was making them rapists, in any way shape or form. They're still pieces of shit, just not in that way (fuck Ram and Kurt in actual Heathers frfr I HATE those men oh my god JD was so based.)
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Now, Ace and Levi are most definitely still jocks, and bullies. Ace would probably more of a harasser, while Levi is the one beating people up. As mentioned in my little doodle, Ace is only popular bc he "plays sports", rides horses I guess, and is rich, and Levi hangs out with him for only those reasons. Also probably a little gay idk
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Instead of trying to SA Xander and lie about him sleeping with them, in this au Ace and Levi lie about Xander beating up Ace for no reason.
Levi is actually the one who beat up Ace, and idk, either Ace lies about it out of spite to Xander, or just doesn't remember and assumes its Xander. I'd say the remaining Heathers, Ace, Levi and Xander get super drunk in the woods or something (idk why Xander would be invited or show up but why not) and Ace said some dumb shit and got beaten up.
This gives both Teruko (for beating their asses before) AND Xander a violent rep, and Xander hates that, so he's pretty pissed. I'd say Xander would challenge them to a real fight, Teruko would bring the fake (very, very real) gun, and hilarity ensues (Ace and Levi get shot.)
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Since Xander thought this was a harmless prank, he's pretty traumatized ofc
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Then ofc, Teruko and Xander forge a suicide note. It would probably be like "oh yeah we were gay or whatever but levi beat me up so i killed him then myself."
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ofc Xander is haunted by the ghosties he murdered <3
uhhh I haven't drawn the saddest parts of the au yet so get ready for a part 2 😈😈😈 which will also prob include better refs.
this was so long omg I'm sorry. this is gonna take tons of tags djssfklafhdls
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thaliagrayce · 1 year
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thank you @tinybro for sending me a prompt!! hope it makes you smile :)
There’s another boy sitting on the bleachers today. He’s in the first row, heels balanced on the edge of the seat and arms wrapped around his knees, a little ball of black hair and brown jacket. He’s watching the girls on the team kind of sullenly, but he’s making no move to get up or leave.
Maybe he’s stuck here, too. It might be nice to have someone else his age at these things.
“Hey, Thalia!” One of the girls on the team waves them down as they get closer to the volleyball court. Jason doesn’t recognize her, which is kind of weird—he’s been sitting through every practice the Central High Hunters girl’s volleyball team has had for two years, since Thalia joined. He knows them all by now, and they joke around that he’s part of the team. His role switches from Manager to Mascot, whichever one the girls think is funnier in the moment. It’s a little embarrassing, yeah, but also kind of nice. He knows he isn’t really part of the team, but they make him feel included anyway.
This girl is new, though. She’s got long, dark hair braided down her back, and she smiles at them both as they approach.
“This must be Jason! That’s so great, I was worried Nico would get bored. Let me introduce you!”
She leads them to the boy on the bleachers, and he looks up as they approach. His eyes immediately zero in on Jason. They’re wide and really, really dark.
“Nico, this is Jason. He’s another Team Brother stuck with us girls. Jason, this is my brother Nico.”
Jason gives Nico a smile and waves at him, and Nico slowly uncurls from his position. He’s wearing some sort of anime t-shirt under his jacket, and Jason doesn’t recognize the character.
Coach Diana blows her whistle from the sidelines, and Thalia smacks him on the shoulder. “Be nice, Jaybird. Yell if you need anything.”
The girls run off to start practice and Nico and Jason are left staring at each other.
“Hi,” Jason says after an awkward minute. He debates with himself a little before sitting directly to Nico’s right.
“Hi.” Nico kicks his heels against the bleachers below them. They sit.
Jason glances at Nico out of the corner of his eye. He’s probably in Jason’s grade, or maybe the one below. Jason’s never seen him before, though, so he must go to a different school. His ears are pierced, and Jason has only met girls who have their ears pierced. He hadn’t known boys were allowed to do that. Little black studs glitter at him as Nico rocks with the swinging of his feet, and Jason wants to ask him how he got them done. He wants to ask how he thought of the idea, what he did to convince his parents to let him. He wants to ask if Nico thinks Jason could look that cool, too.
Instead, he starts with something a little less huge.
“Who’s that on your shirt?”
Nico turns his head to look at him, cocked to the side. Instead of answering right away, he shoves one of his hands into his jacket pocket.
“Do you play Mythomagic?” Nico brings his hand out wrapped around a couple loose trading cards. Jason can see a flash of bright color on the top one, something with electric blue lightning bolts on it.
“I’ve never heard of it,” he admits. “What is it?”
It’s the right question to ask, apparently. A huge grin splits Nico’s face, and he spends the rest of practice explaining how the game works, the lore behind the game, and the pilot episode of the anime based off of it. His shirt, apparently, is the main character’s rival.
Neither of them notice that practice is over until their sisters come back to the bleachers, sweaty and tired.
“Heya, nerds,” Thalia calls. “Time to head out.”
Jason blinks at her. “Already?” Last he checked, they were still warming up!
“Already. C’mon, kid, time for dinner.”
Jason turns back to Nico and tries not to look too disappointed. “Thanks for spending time with me, I had a lot of fun.”
“I— Yeah, me too.” Nico smiles at him, smaller, shier now that there are more people watching. “If you want, I can bring some of my decks next time? If you’ll be here.”
Jason smiles back at him. “Yeah, lets see if I can remember the rules!” Next time. He likes the sound of that.
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dootmoon · 3 months
Some thoughts on Ex Astris
Okay so the TL;DR is: Go play it if you're someone who is mainly motivated by gameplay, it's one of the most enjoyable games i've played in like 10 years (im not kidding). the story is not bad, but it's very poorly told and leaves a lot to be desired. I should also warn that i'll probably spoil a couple of things, mainly on the gameplay side (because yes, I do believe some encounters are better if you dont know the gimmick).
Where do I even start, I only watched like 2 trailers before playting, i had 0 idea of what i was getting into, all i really knew about the game was that it was a full game release by the AK guys and that it was a turn based rpg. I legitimately bought it out of morbid curiosity, I was not expecting to find my favorite jrpg in a literal decade.
I'll go over what I liked the most and then explain the couple of issues I have with the game, it might sound like i loved it (which i did) but it's far from perfect and i think there's room for improvement. I think the combat is the real deal in this title, for those unfamiliar with it: it's a classic turn based jrpg but it has layers. The main 3 mechanics that make it stand out from other games is that each turn you have AP (action points) which limit what you can do each turn, however you can directly manipulate them with a combo system that gives you back AP. The second one is a parry system, during the enemy turn you can directly parry their attacks, you have 2 colors for parrying, both colors have different properties and there's certain attacks that can only be parried with the respective color. And lastly, theres a stagger bar, similar to FFXIII or posture bar in sekiro, although i think it's more akin to stagger in FFXIII. Once you break said bar you can enter hyper time for a few seconds where you have unlimited AP so you can combo them for massive damage. The combo system is very enjoyable, you will be blindly experimenting your combos for optimal damage each time you unlock new moves in the skill trees. Theres a very satisfying feeling to landing a big combo on an enemy that feels like it was entirely something you came up with. This sadly comes with a downside, once you figure out your big damage combos, there's not much of a reason to try anything different. It doesnt mean it stops being enjoyable but this is a wall most of games with combo systems have. Now the parry system, while it's fun, it sadly makes the game too easy. Sure theres enemies that will mix their timings to throw you off and a couple of unparriable attacks. But really, if you get good there's no reason to ever get hit. "But what about the unblockables?" yeah about that... Theres really just 3 enemies in the game that had them, and 2 of them were bosses, which you get a hard counter to the unblockable in the first boss that has it. I wish the game had more ways to work around you to make it more challenging. The only time the game REALLY tries to fuck you up is the final boss (this is a good thing) however it was still too easy. She really just makes the screen black and white and makes you parry based on the icon, then she makes you parry based on the color of the attack. This was sick and i wish there were more moments like this in the game. Now the dungeons were great, they feel like they belong in an older 3d zelda game. Sadly they dont get too crazy on the gimmicks, they were just box puzzles where you have to move them in the correct spots or point lasers to certain switches. Apparently this game has plans for DLCs so if theres something i wish upon to get explored more it would be this in particular. The rest of the game is the towns and the sidequests inside them, they're very usual stuff for a jrpg so you know what to expect, i cant elaborate much on it. Overall I think the game is meant to be replayed, by the end you're only able to fully build 3 characters out of 5 party members, sidequests expire and there's a bunch of stuff to mess around to make a playthrough different from the last one. The game changes a lot when you already know how it works or what really happens in the story.
Now the elephant in the room, the story: Yeah it's kinda just there, it's very poorly told. However it's HG and i can tell there was a lot of thought put into the wold building, it's very well made. It's just a shame that i could barely care about anything happening in it, even though I was kinda invested by the final hours i dont think that excuses the really bad storytelling. However starting my second playthrough is when I noticed it was indeed meant to be replayed. There's a bunch of stuff that feels so incredibly cryptic or really make no sense, once you go over it already having context it all makes sense and you just go like "oooh so that was they were talking about". I'm not excusing bad writing though, this is bad, but at least the story feels better on a second playthrough. Anyways, i'm kinda upset this was a mobile game, maybe if it wasnt, 10 people would've played it instead of just 5. I cant stress enough how this is a phone game that is way better than most of modern jrpgs in the market. it's like the devs went back and asked themselves what was the main appeal of the genre and what they thought made them fun to them and made an entire game around it. This is probably gonna be the biggest surprise of the entire year for me and i'm gonna have brainrot about this game for a while.
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riahlynn101 · 7 months
What are your thoughts over the movie? I have some myself (and a mild mental breakdown over the Thing™), but overall, it was good. I want to talk about it with anyone, lol
Okay, so....
Spoilers below the cut:
Firstly, I loved it. You can tell how much effort they put into this movie, and it really shows. Kudos to everyone involved.
Things I liked:
Piper Rubio did amazing. No comment beyond that. Abby is one of my favorite characters now, and if anything happens to her, I'll cry.
Actually, all the kids did a wonderful job. Especially Grant Feely. He really embodied that creepy, restless spirit vibe.
Mike and Abby's sibling relationship was everything to me!
Vanessa asking Mike if he wants to dance with her (OMG).
The Springbonnie suit looked great!
Mike having a little bit of an attitude (I love him so much)!
The animatronics were cool. I like that they took the time to make them seem friendly, and almost childlike, before switching gears.
Things I didn't like:
I'm not an expert on filmmaking, so excuse me if I'm wrong here. But the pacing was all over the place. The first act of the movie was perfect, and then the second act was....fast. Like fast-fast. Based on what other people are saying, I'm 99.9% sure they cut out a lot of footage.
This one might come back to bite me in the ass later, but some plotlines felt unnecessary. I know this is FNAF and complicated is written somewhere between Freddy and Fazbear, but did we really need some side plot about an evil aunt? They didn't go anywhere with it, and we still don't know what happened to her. Did Golden Freddy K.O her? Kill her? Who knows? Because we certainly don't. We see her legs, and then she's never mentioned again.
I don't know if this is controversial, but I hate that Vanessa's an Afton. Maybe it's because I was so set on Mike being an Afton, but I really, really hate that they changed it. (I'll elaborate on that more down below).
I felt like they could have given us some more background. Some more flashbacks to the 80s. Anything.
I know I'm being overdramatic, but having the plot twist be Vanessa's an Afton kind of killed all my excitement. Which is stupid, I know, but yeah....
I mean, I'm still going to write fanfictions about the movie, and about all the ways that Mike Schmidt is actually Michael Afton.
--Sorry in advance, but I'm going to ramble--
I have a feeling that William knows Mike better than he's letting on. Of course, he did kidnap Garrett, who could have told William everything about Mike. He could have also watched the news and seen Mike with his parents, asking for Garrett to come home.
But that's not the vibe i was getting from William during the office scene. But I'll let you all decide for yourselves:
William Afton is a skilled manipulator and actor, but the expression he makes looking down at his coffee doesn't scream, "holy shit, the brother of my victim is sitting in my office." He has no reason to look concerned. Mike has no idea who he is, and he isn't even looking at William. So, why put on a show?
Also, the change in his attitude is telling. He went from cold and distant to personable in a heartbeat.
Of course, there's always the possibility that I'm totally wrong, and William is scared he's been found out. Which could be true, given that he doesn't hesitate to fuck Mike up the second he's able to.
In the same vein, why would William Afton-a guy known for killing/kidnapping kids around the pizzeria, or at least close to the pizzeria-drive to the middle of nowhere, pick a random kid, and kill him? I know he's crazy, but I don't buy it.
Some people are saying that Garrett is a Charlie parallel, and that Mike is Henry's son. Which could be the case, I mean, we see a mechanic in the training video that bears a striking resemblance to the actor that plays Mike's dad. I don't know if those two things are connected, but it's interesting to point out.
But, like I said, it's weird that William went out of his way to kidnap a kid for no reason. And he likely wasn't in a costume (at least I hope he wasn't, because if he was and no one saw who took Garrett, I think a kidnapped child is the least of their worries.) So, how did he convince Garrett, who was by himself for a grand total of five second, to get in the car? Maybe he offered him candy or toys? I dunno.
I might go into all the evidence/theories so far that Mike's an Afton in another post. And where they're going with Garrett's character. But yeah....
Everyone, please, feel free to share your thoughts on the movie. I would love to hear them :D!!
((Thank you for this question btw <3333))
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stickstone · 8 months
ok so! my predictions for thunder based on the preview (spoilers under cut of course)
starting off with the prologue. my first thought reading it was that it might be hinting at her being eventually being the leader of riverclan, heavily emphasizing this idea of destiny. i also feel like it’s pretty much confirmed at this point that frostpaw really doesn’t have the special starclan connection, which is honestly a really fun little twist on the usual warrior cats formula and ALSO further makes me wonder about curlfeather and what she was up to
that brings me to the frostpaw chapter, obviously. i love how urgent everything feels here. you can really feel frostpaw’s panic and distrust in this chapter, it’s great. also her decision to make sure only whistlepaw knows she’s still alive is actually very smart. if her attacker thinks she’s dead that means she’ll be able to figure things out and come up with a plan without worrying about being attacked again. i can already foresee some problems it will cause though and i’m Very excited for that
next up nightheart chapter. no secret that he’s my least favorite of the protagonists this arc lol, but this chapter was pretty good. or maybe i was just giddy about squirrelstar (yes i know it’s still up in the air. but look. i really really want it to be real. ok.) im not really sure why squirrelflight decided she wanted nightheart specifically there but i understand that he kinda has to be there for the plot to progress, cause obviously he’s going to end up running into frostpaw. he seems like he might be more tolerable this book, mostly because all of the female characters around him aren’t being portrayed as evil harpies sent to kill him
and finally! sunbeam. i’ll be honest i think she’s my favorite this arc. i love her interactions with some of the thunderclan cats, and am VERY glad that the erins didn’t make sparkpelt and finchlight evil xenophobes who vehemently hate nightheart’s girlfriend. berryheart is such a fun antagonist and the way that she’s actually able to get sunbeam to doubt herself and her relationship with nightheart is so good. especially because she has a point! nightheart has continually put himself before sunbeam and placed her in bad positions, this is not at all a stable situation sunbeam’s in
based on these chapters, i can pretty easily guess where things are going. nightheart meets frostpaw and, for whatever reason, she needs him to help her on her quest (which makes sense considering she is severely injured). because nobody can know that frostpaw’s alive, nightheart either won’t be able to tell sunbeam that he’s leaving OR will be able to speak to her briefly. either way, he’s leaving her alone. again. which is pretty much a confirmation of sunbeam’s worst fears, and sort of proves berryheart right. because of this sunbeam is going to really struggle, not just with her trials, but with the fact that she’s made a massive life change for someone who might not even like her back. Looking Forward To This
last thing! i wasn’t really sold on ivypool as deputy initially but now that i think about it there’s a lot of potential. i really liked her in sunbeam’s chapter, and i’m honestly very eager to see how her opinions on cross clan relationships and clan switching have changed after bristlefrost’s death. there could be a lot of fun stuff to explore there, and also idk. maybe she’ll finally apologize to dovewing. that would be great.
but uh yeah. genuinely looking forward to this book, i’m very excited.
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fipindustries · 3 months
first course completed!
that was arc 1 of introduction to magic.
and this is the first drawing i made of the main characters all the way back in 2019
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what is this
now that the first arc is done i would like to take a chance to actually stop and properly self promote a little here. it was about time.
i am currently writing a novel called Introduction to magic, an examination of a magic system i came up with by way of following the lessons of magical apprentice Katerina Dolcevita under the aprenticeship of Maria Bellanova. the best way i have to summarize the feel and tone of it all is Fantasy AU-R63! Rick and Morty. imagine if rick and morty were both women and they were exploring magic rather than sci fi.
the first arc is intended to be a prologue of sorts, to get you up to speed with the nature of this world and the nature of the two main characters.
where this came from
i came up with the story and the concept around this world proper in 2021, while reading pale. i was looking at all the extra material that wildbow had written for its magical world and i found myself really wishing that we didnt have to just see excerpts from the magical books like famulus or 100 years lost. and it came to me that if i really want a book about magic to exist then i can just write one myself.
the magic system in this story follows a bunch of my own deeply held beliefs about life and magic. mainly that is kind of silly how we insists magic doesnt exist when we have things like computers and planes and psychodelics. it occured that if we were to live in a world where magic was real we wouldnt call it magic either, we would just think of it as the normal state of affairs. there is a post i read here, which i cant find right now, which said something about how weird conciousness is, how strange the fact that conciousness arises from the specific configuration of a brain. about how conciousness is the last, mysterious, seemingly ineffable property of reality. they concluded that we live in a fantasy world where our magic system has only one spell "summon daemon". obviously a lot of it was merely poetic and rethorical devices to see with fresh eyes of wonder something we take for granted.
and a lot of this book stems from a similar wish to want to see the mundane with eyes of wonder once again, which is why i insist that low level magic in this world is things as basic as writing and lighting a fire. is also the reason why a lot of the titles that i use for the magic specializations are normal every day professions.
the second, stronger impulse was to try to come up with a system of magic that could be broad enough to grasp all possible forms of magic humans have come up with and yet simple enough that could be understood in a few pages. the classification system i use on this book is based on all the broadest, most basic forms of magic practisce that i have seen in history and fiction. manipulating signs as drawings and writing, manipulating sound as voice and song, using tools and props, moving the body, combining and refining substances and materials, handling living creatures.
what's next
as we move forward on this story the format will switch to a more traditional narrative where we will properly follow the adventures of these two ladies. ocassionally i will dip back into textbook-like sections where i infodump about another interesting concept i thought of, but even in the narrative sections most of the chapters will be an excuse to explore some concept or idea. i gather by sheer quantity 80% of the content of this story is going to be maria explaining things to Katerina.
so yeah, if that sounds at all interesting please do read this, and please do leave a comment, i really want to see what people think of this work. i dont need money or donations or to be engaged in any algorithm, all i need to stay motivated and energized and thus continuing the story is to know that people are invested in it.
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thank you so much for reading.
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kalims · 1 year
hii for your christmas event! 1 & 7 for vil schoenheit? 💗 happy holidays to u! <3
‎˃ ᵕ ˂ . . "happy holidays to you too!"
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twisted holidays event
leisure — winter activities with them.
serene — their gift is in their front door, catch is it's you wrapped around hazzardly in wrapper meant for presents. there's no better gift than you duh!
character. vil
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in christmas vil goes all out to show his spirit through appearance, and he simply can't leave his significant other unattended
you can't remember how long you've been sitting.
maybe hours, thankfully the cushion your on top of is very comfortable. no doubt more expensive than your allowance alone, it feels better than the bed that creaks every time you move n ramshackle.
vil clicks his tongue, twisting around various angles to get a better look on his body. he seems displeased, despite the way he's absolutely shining in whatever. thousands of people would murder to see this sight themselves.
he turns to look at you. "hm. what do you think?" vil inquiries, staring you down as he pats down his bangs.
you shrug. "you look beautiful as always. isn't this enough? you've been changing outfits for atleast two hours now." your shoulders slump. honestly jts crazy how you're more tired than him and you were literally sitting there the whole time!
he shakes his head and frowns. "please. have you seen neige's magicam? I refuse to let a flimsy little squirrel sweater beat me."
it is true. neige's latest post was a selfie of him looking too innocent to be true. he was sporting a sweater akin to vil's description, if he didn't resemble snow white before he sure does now. though you doubt neige will beat vil in terms of appearance, how is the world so blind to blatantly choose cute over hot?!
"why can't I just use my sweater?" you ask, crossing your arms over your chest ignoring the unfamiliar cotton your skin is pressed to. vil looks at you with a certain look.
you can't say the layers of clothing was entirely comfortable but it did keep the cold away.
"that.. thing?" he points to your sweater thrown into a basket. "are you serious? I will absolutely not let you walk around in such a hideous thing."
you gasp. "hideous? how dare you!" you feign an offended look and point accusingly at him. you bite back the comment about you getting said article of clothing by sam just cause it was on discount.
"that 'thing' is the love of my life! it fights away the winter for me."
"you're simply wrong darling. I, am the love of your life."
"true but.. really? hideous? you could've said it was average or something."
vil rolls his eyes. "yes. hideous. it's so ugly that I can't even call it average. now stand up will you? I want to see how we look together."
vil's schedule includes basically showing off his relationship, he is aware that he's trying to change you for his sake sometimes but it's nothing about changing you. just some stuff to fit his 'aesthetic'
he isn't usually affected by fans comments but something about them commenting things about you two together (positive) gets him smirking at his phone and rook somehow always knows.
as many pictures he has aesthetic worthy in his magicam there's also a ton others that show the reality of your relationship. there was some photos he thought was just too cute, some he kept for himself and some you posted after kidnapping his phone.
spoiler alert, he scolded you but never took it down.
at this point his fans know it's you by the caption alone and you actually managed to get yourself a fan base of your own?
for the most part he never showed he was whipped but do you know who did? yeah. the press! they somehow know exactly where you two are sometimes and the video that blew up was both of you throwing snowballs at each other.
vil looked disgusted but his face switched to an eery blank.
mainly you starting it but vil swore his revenge you know, it's usually him just dodging the balls like it's gonna end him if it hits him and when i tell you to run when he picks up a ball you should.
cause he's gonna demolish you.
his favorite though is dressing you up.
you don't really mind it, only there for the sake of his pampering but you get the feeling vil knows that as well.
sometimes he indulges you in dressing him up too sometimes to match. even if the sweaters are hideous, ugly, a sight to sore eyes— yeah we get it. only because he cursed the entrances to ramshackle so that whoever tries to get in passes out till tomorrow.
he will not let anyone see him in these atrocious things!! (but alas, this is yet another reminder to you that he lets you see a side others can't)
vil raises a brow. "now. is this my present?" he doesn't open the door all the way. leaving it hanging as he steps out and casts you an inquisitive look.
his lips thin as he takes in your appearance but no matter how much he appears to be bothered he can't really hide the small quirk of his lips. "my, I wonder why rook has let you in looking like that." he chuckles.
you raise your arms. "he can't deny a gift for his housewardeeeeenn!!"
"this might be the best gift I've ever had this holiday."
vil doesn't mention the.. thousands of gifts he has in the mail, even the delivery person keeps going back each hour to deliver the multitude of gifts that never seemed to end.
it's true he has a lot of presents to the fact that he needed tons of assistants to open them themselves since he can't really do it alone.
tosses out whatever gift he liked the most in favor of you, you won't ever notice. cause now that you gave him your own present he can't argue that he doesn't love the small, little endearing thing you just did.
oh well. you might've been joking, perhaps you had another present in store for him but nothing can ever top you.
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griddlebait · 4 months
i was backreading your page and saw you mention that you were once considering a tlt yellowjackets AU and assigned some characters to different roles. as a TLT and YJs fan i was wondering if you could maybe share what roles you assigned who?
oooh fun! thank you so much for asking this. i’ll put it below the read more because i will definitely get carried away and this is pretty niche lol. also spoilers for yellowjackets!!
i mostly assigned the roles based on necro/cav pairings so that’s how i’ll format this. also i’m basing this on the teen/wilderness versions of the characters.
taissa - necromancer / van - cavalier
i think that their dynamic in the show (especially as of s2) can easily lend itself to the necro/cav dynamic and i think it would be interesting to examine their relationship through that lens. also tangential but van palmer would love gideon nav as a character someone give her a copy of GtN
lottie - necromancer / nat - cavalier
i KNOW most people’s go-to here would be mistynat because of misty’s protectiveness over and devotion to natalie, however i just can’t see nat as a necromancer and i think there’s more room for juicy drama that could also play off their canon dynamic if nat is (begrudgingly) lottie’s cavalier. admittedly i am also a lottienatter so i might be biased here.
shauna - necromancer / jackie - cavalier
this one was a bit difficult for me because it can also be the other way around and still make sense, it really just depends on which parts of YJ canon you want to take into account. on all levels except for how their story canonically concludes, shauna should be the cavalier. i definitely see the merit of switching the roles, especially if you consider jackieshauna’s interpersonal conflict (particularly shauna’s feelings/resentment towards jackie) and the positioning of necromancers vs cavaliers in tlt - there’s plenty to work with there. but their storyline just kinda lends itself to this interpretation, at least in my opinion. and also when coming up with this (spoilers) i was thinking about shauna in the meat shed with jackie’s corpse and just the idea of reanimation/puppeting and the Seventh’s practices/expertise … it made sense to me for her to be the necromancer. (i did in fact think about placing them in the seventh house for that reason specifically lol)
misty - necromancer / crystal - cavalier
my thought process here is that i see misty as being the type of character to attain lyctorhood due to there being a convenient ‘whoopsie’ and being like well what else was i going to do? she was already dead! and with what happened to crystal … i mean. yeah. (although i did contemplate the idea of necro misty / cav nat and i think misty’s potential ascension/reaction to the cost of lyctorhood would change drastically if nat were to be her cavalier)
those are the only pairings i came up with but i definitely see laura lee as a Cristabel type of cavalier - if i moved nat to a different pairing or role i would have laura lee be lottie’s cav (potential for absolute devastation here).
thank you for asking this, it was really fun to think about again! i hope one day someone actually writes this au as i do not have the skill, talent, nor patience for such a thing. any other yellowjackers here please feel free to give me your thoughts
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