#amazing how far you can get into something without knowing pretty important stuff like that!
phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Doe anyone else do that thing where they binge a whole series of something, I'm talking hours and hours of content, and just.
Have no idea what anyone's names are.
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grapefacegrfa · 2 years
I literally couldn't do anything until I typed this stuff out because I didn't wanna forget the idea hngjfkdkeldjskbfja
"Pretty Boy"
Scenario: Leo reacting to his lover gently cupping his cheek and calling him "pretty boy" after a rough day.
⚠ There is some angst in this⚠
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☾ As confident as this boy may appear, he genuinely can't believe that you wanted to be with him of all people. He isn't super smart like Donnie, he's not big and strong like Raph, or emotionally mature like Mikey. Sure, he makes jokes about how it's obvious why he'd be your favorite, but he seriously can't figure out why you chose him. Not that he would ever actually tell you any of this of course.
☾ Yet after a particularly rough day, it just sorta came out. Specifically the evening that him and his brothers came back home from the Maze of Death and you had heard of the story about how the four of them almost died because Leo wanted a picture on the Wall of Champions.
☾ You weren't necessarily upset with Leo, but you did decide to confront him about him. He played the situation off as a joke at first, but after after asking him what the big deal was about the photo, he snapped.
☾ "It's not just about some stupid picture! It's about the fact that I'm useless to my family and especially my brothers! Yeah, I get that I'm annoying or whatever, but it's like I'm just so expendable! Donnie's the brainy one, Raph's the smash-y guy, and Mikey's the one who's good with feelings and stuff. I'm nothing without them, and I don't bring anything to the table. I just-" A quiet hiccup escaped from Leo's lips as hot tears streamed down his face. "I just wish I was worth something."
☾ After waiting patiently for Leo to finish with his rant, you slowly stepped forward to move closer to him and place a hand on the side of his face. One of your fingers caressed the fabric of his mask and you looked up at Leo, as if silently asking permission to take off his mask.
☾ Leo seemed to notice what you were doing and reached his hands behind his head to untie his mask, sliding it off of his face. Your hand gently cupped his cheek and your thumb slowly traced along the red crescent on the side of his face.
☾ "Leo, I can assure you no one thinks that way of you. You're far from useless to anybody, but I'm also not trying to criticize you for feeling the way you do. It's okay to feel that way, but I hope you know that you're extremely important to all of us. You're always there for the people you care about and always try your best to cheer them up even in their darkest moments. You always do whatever you can to protect the people close to you and you're such an amazing strategist. I know it's easy to go down into a negative spiral like that, but you're worth so much to all of us. Especially me." You place your other hand on his other cheek, looking up at the red eared slider with a soft smile. "And I'm so happy that you're here, pretty boy."
☾ Leo had to take a few moments to process what you had just said. Mainly because of the extreme lack of validation he's recieved in his life, but also because someone as sweet as you was saying such kind things to him. He didn't feel as though he deserved it, and he definitely doesn't believe that he deserves you, but shortly after your words finally sink in, the warmest and dorkiest smile graced the turtle's face. Even though tears were still falling down his face, he placed one of his hands over yours and his eyes closed as he leaned into your palm.
☾ Leo still doesn't understand why exactly you put up with him or treat him so kindly, but whatever the reason, he was just happy to know that he meant something to at least someone.
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elsfairy · 11 months
i’m saurrr glad you put your anons back on, because i had the best idea a few days ago involving our favorite dangerous middle aged woman silly girl 🥰:
sevika with a gf who is rlly into ballet. now i don’t know much abt it but recently i’ve been trying to get into it and i can see her dating someone who does it professionally.
her coming to every. single. recital. her going to the local library to read up on the history of ballet and very famous plays just to show you that she’s supportive of your career. her trying to coach you and help you practice/stretch and being a little harsh (but it’s all out of love ofc) just because she loves watching you succeed. almost crying with you if you ever get any lead roles. her being amazed by how flexible you are and using it to her own advantage…ifykwim…
just some thoughts!!
Hi baby. I also have no knowledge about ballet, so if there is anything in here that’s wrong no one attack me. I only know from watching tv shows & movies. I hope it goes well for you though & you have fun! <3 I’m lowkey sorry if this answers or gives you nothing, i haven’t written for Sevika in a while. I apologize.
I feel like Sevika would for sure be the kind of person to tell everyone at each show that you’re the lead dancer, and will proudly show you off without hesitation to every single person who is watching you. She loves to see you doing something you so very much love, and if she has all the time & chance in the world to show everyone how much she cares, treasures and supports you? girl is gonna be talking about you constantly until their ears fall off. She’s a proud woman, and she’s always proud of you for doing the things you enjoy. Every show you do, and even in practise, Sevika will always bring you flowers. Personally, after big shows she brings you a bigger bunch because its the moment of your life. Practise, its a small bunch of maybe tulips because she knows your a little busy, but either way it always makes you happy because she never misses any of them. They are important to you, but they are so much more important to her. 
For learning, i feel like you’d teach her a lot of stuff. Maybe to do with some new move you had shown her, and she wasn’t entirely sure what it was. She loved that you were willing to take time out of your practicing to show or teach her your very (as she puts it) sexy moves. Of course, it would take a few tries for her to even keep up with you though. (i have now realized i read that part wrong, you said ballet history.. my bad) but yes! I think anything involving you, she would be so keen to learn more about everything you do. can imagine her literally studying & spending hours at the library or even staying up past 3am while you’re either fast asleep beside her or getting in a little more practice to learn more about which ballet shows were your favorite, which ones inspired you the most etc. 
Crying if you get lead roles?! Uh yes? The conversation with probably go something like “Vika.. they called me today and they told me that they wanted me to be the l-” and before you could even finish your sentence, she’s bawling her fucking eyes out, picking you up and damn near suffocating you with her hugs telling you how proud of you she is, and how much she loves you. (me sobbing because i miss writing for sevika.. anyway)
Helping you stretch… now listen, im all for Sevika helping ME stretch but i damn near think she would combust seeing just how flexible you are… like imagine you’re doing the splits.. and she’s just staring at your ass the whole time, or the way your back is slightly arched. she is gonna be on the verge of breaking a bone with how tight her grip is on her own thigh, or she’s gonna pass out because you just look so good in that position. like who let you? so as far as helping you stretch… of course, she’s gonna help, but i think her hormones will act up and get the best of her… and it’ll somehow end with you, a pretty mess under her, your legs over her shoulders while she pretty much fucks you into the mattress, and actually praising your flexibility “fuck.. I didn’t know your legs could actually go that far, shit..”
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orangelemonsstuff · 11 months
OMG!! i loved that a Malleus x Lucifer's & Mc's kid/ Mammon & Mc's kid, it was hilarious! Could i req you do the rest of the brothers? If not that 100% ok ofc, tysm I hope you are having an amazing day/night!
first part
Levi: U-umm... yes??
Malleus: oh you must be Sir Leviathan, good evening sir.
Levi: Can i help you? (what's a fancy looking normie doing here?)
Malleus: Oh, i am here to take Yuu out in a dinner. I'm here to pick them up
Malleus: What's a normie?
Yuu: Malleus I'm he-
Yuu: Yeah, we are going to a gargoyle convention and then dinner what's wrong with that?
Levi: AAAAAH you don't understand!? this fancy dancy looking boy is taking you out in a date! and a-as your father I can't allow tha-
OM!MC: *clasping a hand over Levi's mouth* Have fun the two of you, don't forget to go home on time okay?
Malleus: I will take them back before 12
(Interruption: I have a feeling that Levi would actually name Yuu to be an anime character like "goku" or something thinking its cool only to be stopped by OM!MC)
Satan: Hm? who are you?
Malleus: I'm Malleus sir, Friend of Yuu, I'm here to take Yuu out.
Satan: On what exactly?
Malleus: a stroll in a nearby park
Satan: and then what?
Malleus: well...
Satan: Look kid, you seem like a good person but i do not know who you are and i don't think we're that close to be called friends even to be taking a stroll in the park together.
Yuu: he meant me you know
Satan: Oh.
Yuu: also stop interrogating him, he's my friend and it's just a stroll we're not going that far
Satan: Haha that's funny but i didn't remember you asking to go out this late without my permission
Yuu: Well can i?
Satan: No.
OM!MC: *Holding hin back* Yes you can, I'll hold him back have fun you two!!
Malleus: I'll bring them back before their curfew and next time I'll take you out in a stroll too sir
Satan: WHY YOU-
Asmodeus: Oh my~ what do we have here!! one of my fans?
Malleus: My name is Malleus, I'm here for-
Asmo: Yes, yes i know darling! here I'll give you my autograph
Malleus: Actually-
Asmo: that's pretty weird, I don't remember seeing you around me before? i mean a lot of people surrounds me when they see me but it's not like i don't remember any of them, but of course secret fans exists and it's natural you'd be here for me~
Yuu: Actually remember the outing we had you called "date" is what he's here for
Malleus: lessons?
Asmo: How to seduce you of course! just so you know i taught my little Yuu here well how to hook a fine catch like you!! i also used these techniques to my spouse and look what we've got now!!
Malleus: ...
Yuu: i swear he forced me to listen to it and memorize everything
Asmo: BUT OH YOU'RE INTERESTED IN IT AS WELL!! especially at the lessons on gazes and the body language oh and don't forget- *continuously babbling*
Yuu: should I get you out of here now?
Malleus: yes please.
(Warning: a very little suggestive)
Beel biting at the donut: hrm? yesh?
Malleus: Is Yuu inside? i need to talk them please
Beel: Whaf for? (What for?)
Malleus: can you please call them it's urgent.
Beel: Okaysh, NYUUU!! (okay, YUUU!!)
Malleus: Sir won't you choke on that if you're yelling while eating?
Beel *swallowing* : it's okay, I'm used to eating heavy loads
Yuu, running down the stairs: Yeah? oh hey Malleus what's up?
Malleus: Yuu, I've got something to talk about... very important.
Yuu: Okay go on.
Malleus: ...
Yuu: oh right i forgot, Dad can we have privacy please?
Beel: would it be alright for me to listen as well? I'll just stand here i promise.
Yuu: No, i think it's personal... actually Malleus do you want to go inside? in my room perhaps?
Malleus: i can?
Beel: he can?
OM!MC: he can, Beel come on give them privacy dear. help me prepare the table, I'll add extras to dinner tonight since we have a guest.
Beel: okay just keep the door open please, just in case... you know.
Yuu, holding Malleus's hand: Fine, we'll leave it open if that satisfies you. come on Malleus.
Beel: Better come down when we call for dinner!!
OM!MC: Relax, when the two of us were like them the doors are closed and nothing even happened, well something may have happened but it's not like what you think they'll do.
Beel: Hopefully, we better prepare dinner fast before they get to do anything at all.
Belphie, yawning: Yes... can i help you?
Malleus: (is it that late?) I'm here for Yuu, we have a sleepover.
Belphie: sleepover??? that's wrong, Im pretty sure Yuu is too old for sleepovers
Yuu: im ready for our sleepover Malleus.
Belphie: okay you're not going young lady/man.
Yuu: Why?
Belphie: you're sneaking out wih a boy and sleeping in his house without my permission.
Yuu: That's why i said it's a sleepover, and I'm not sneaking out! its 6 pm.
Belphie: you're sleeping in his bed!
Yuu: It's a sleepover and i get my own bed, we don't get to share!
Malleus: Should i go...?
OM!MC who just got home with groceries: take them with you. don't worry about their father. I'll take care of him, *breathes deeply* Belphie this is a dream.
Belphie: you used that technique on me four times, it's not going to work again.
OM!MC: awh damnit
Yuu: whatever, I'm going come on Malleus.
Belphie: fine go, but you're grounded for two hundred years , NO MAKE IT THREE.
OM!MC: It's okay Belphie, i allowed them to go don't worry you'll be the one to pick them up tomorrow morning
Belphie: good, all this arguing with a child stubborn as them is making me tired anyways, I'm gonna go back to sleep, IN. MY. OWN. COMFORTABLE. BED. NOT WITH A BOY'S
Yuu: IM NOT SLEEPING IN HIS BED!! don't worry about him he'll be too late to pick me up anyways I'll just tell him this was all a dream eventually think it actually is.
Malleus: he...will?
Yuu: yeah, and that technique will work for the fifth time now.
hope you liked the different scenarios with Belphie and Beel (i ran out of conversation to use in those ill take your son/daughter out and return them by five scene)
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nocturneblight · 2 months
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Jenecis placed her helmet back on and they both shifted towards her home, as they got to the door he looked up and down her stead.
It was a modest house, it looked fairly like the rest of the houses albeit a bit cleaner, she opened the door and issued him in, she entered with him behind her. The inside was much more alluring, his eyes expanded as he looked at the wonderful carpets and drapery’s that coated the rooms walls and floor.
“guard work must pay well…” he thought, amazed by how nice her house was.
“Feel free to take a look around, I’ll be right back” she said, moving down into her basement from a room a over from where he was.
“Thank you!” He said, Taking his time to intake the pretty household scenery.
While it wasn’t gorgeous, it was a beauty in modernity, Just decent enough to exist in but not enough to cost a fortune. Although, to him it was a gem, the only time he got to be indoors was when he was lucky enough to get inside shelters before they filled up with whatever other poor welps entered.
After some time passed, he heard her voice ring out from far away.
“Edward! I got what I needed! I hope you’re still up there!”
He shot up, quickly assuming a polite posture than what he was doing before, with his arms behind his back, he awaited her return.
She came up the basement stairs and entered the living room with a map in her hands, showing it off to him.
“Alright, so here’s the plan…”
She placed it on the dining table, spreading herself over it and pointing out the important locations.
He looked over her shoulder, gazing intently at the map as she issued her plot.
She twisted her head around from the map, realizing this position for viewing was a tad bit uncomfortable for him.
“Oh I’m sorry about that! I got a little too into our plans, here, take a seat over there” she said, pointing at the chair next to him.
He accepted, as he went to plop down onto the chair he stopped himself, realizing how dirty his attire was.
“Um actually, it’s probably better off if I didn’t, I don’t want to dirty your stuff.” He said, shyly moving his eyes away from direct contact with hers.
Jenecis raised her hand to her chin, thinking of what to do.
“Let’s get you out of those mucky clothes, I have a pair that should fit you and it’s a lot cleaner than that.”
She walked away, bending over and reaching into her closet for attire to fit him.
She began to hum quietly to herself as she searched, making noises to fill out the silence that was in the atmosphere, forgetting her own self awareness.
He looked at the floor, swaying himself left and right in slightly nervous way, trying to process what was occurring in his head.
“Clean clothes? All right! Ive gotten so used to these muddy rags that they stopped itching but… wait a second, She’s being nice again, giving me clothes for the sake of it, she is going to demand something in return isn’t she? Ah man, I don’t have anything to give her for thanks, I’m just taking without giving again… this never feels right” he thought, becoming weighed down by guilt.
“Ah ha! Here they are!” She cheered, pulling herself out of the closet and holding a plain green shirt and brown pants.
Each of the apparels had slight scuffs on them and wear from time, but they were much more cleaner than his yucky street rags.
“Alright here we go! Put these on” she said, Handing them to him.
He accepted them gladly, looking at her and back down at the new clothes.
As he looked at her he realized she swapped clothes as well, a gentle fitting blue shirt and white pants secured around her body, her tail still poked out from her clothes.
“Oh thank you! I um, How can I repay you?” He stuttered, not sure where he was going with his own words.
She raised her brow, “You think I expect payment for a gift I’m giving you?”
He chuckled nervously, “Oh uh, Sorry, I know it sounds silly but, you’ve been awfully nice to me for zero reason and well-“
She halted him with the raising of her hand, “That’s not silly at all Edward, while i do appreciate your consideration, I don’t need anything for this, again, think of it as a gift! They’re all yours now! I’m not going to demand anything out of you.”
He smiled, knowing now that there was no way he could stop her assertiveness, “Thank you jenecis, this means a lot to me, I won’t forget this.”
Jenecis chuckled a bit, with a sly smile spreading onto her face.
“Oh come on, they’re literally just basic clothes, I feel guilty for not giving you something more classy honestly”
His face lit up more, jenecis was chuckling at his gratitude, this made him feel special.
“Well, I uhm…” he trailed off, still holding the clothes in his hand.
“What’s up? Something wrong?” She questioned.
He looked down, avoiding eye contact, “can you look away please? I-“
“I’ve seen plenty of folk naked in my line of work and past adventures, Don’t be nervous man, It doesn’t freak me out” she said, without any tension.
His facial muscles raised, his cheeks flushing lightly as his lips smiled uncontrollably, he couldn’t stop himself from nervously smirking.
“Ah! I um, I mean- It makes ME nervous, being stared at, ya know? While not clothed at all…”
Jenecis laughed at his shyness, “Oh come now, I promise I won’t make fun of you, you’ll be living in my house for a few weeks anyway, might as well break the ice without being embarrassed over each others looks.”
He tucked himself in more, “S-sorry, I just not used to this sorta thing”
Jenecis could see he was insecure about her looking at him, while it was really funny to her, she didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
She let out a couple more giggles, attempting to cover her mouth with her hand, “O-okay, that’s completely fine, I’ll turn around, okay? I promise I won’t peak… maybe….”
“Maybe?!” He squeaked in shock.
She couldn’t stop chuckling, “I’m kidding, I’m kidding!”
She waved her hands limply, “Go on, I not gonna look”
He continued to look at her, one eyebrow raised in almost a sassy manner, his face having more attitude to it than before.
She laughed again “hehe, Edward! I can’t take you seriously when you look at me like that!”
He giggled a bit, now placing his hand on his hips while still holding the clothes in his other, resuming the same face at jenecis.
“Edward please- I,psshhahaha!” Laughed jenecis, not breaking from her last fit of laughter.
She leaned her hands into her knees, kneeling over from wheezing, her head lowering in her giddy fit.
He smiled more, knowing he was making jenecis nearly die of laughter, all it took was a goofy look from him and she would be livid.
As she kept being influenced by her laughing fit, he contemplated on jenecis, before she was so intimidating, she became less intimidating and then went to being even MORE intimidating in an instant but now… she really was just another living being like him, having a good time at the smallest funny things In life, and of all things, it was him making her giddy! Just some leftover lowlife from the streets that prayed himself to sleep all his life. Were things really different now? He recalled just hours back when life was uncertain and now all the sudden it feels like he had been living here with her for awhile.
She picked herself back up, recovering from her absurd giggles,
“thank you. I haven’t laughed like that in forever, even with the circumstances appearing dire, you still managed to make me genuinely merry”
She held her smile, looking at him with relaxed eyes, he responded back with the same look, proud that he could provide such comfort.
“Without that spooky armor on… she sure is friendly” he thought to himself.
She turned around “alright you, put those clothes on and we can continue our conversation”
He smirked, “Gotcha”
He grabbed the dagger out of his pocket and the vial, “uhhh, where should I-“
She responded, not facing him but knowing what he hinted at, “Oh just put ‘em on the floor, Don’t worry, I won’t be upset if they get dirty, I mean, They will eventually get dirty, Ya know? Just with… okay Im not gonna say that”
He chuckled, now feeling a lot better about the plans, regardless of how dark it was going to be, he always had jenecis to rely on.
Jenecis’s lip curved upward in a slight smirk, “Did I just hear him giggle at that joke?” She thought, becoming more comfortable with the whole situation.
“Things are going swimmingly! Once this whole situation is done, Maybe he’d like to stay here with me… it’d be a lot more comfortable with another person to come back to at the end of the day-“
“Alright I’m done changing!”
Jenecis jolted, Getting startled out of her own thoughts by his excited cheer.
She turned around, “Someone sounds cheerful”
As she placed her eyes on him she quickly became livid, His new clothes fitted him perfectly, They complimented his natural scheme and looked So cute on him.
“How do I look?” Said Edward, holding his hands out and presenting his newly adorned clothes. A satisfied look on his face.
Jenecis put her hands to her face in excitement,
“oh you look great!” She chimed, trying to contain her excitement.
He did a slight pirouette in his new attire, making sure to grandly show off his new look to her.
“Thank you jenecis, for your generosity and kindness” he said, also containing his delight.
As they both looked at each other for a number of seconds, the realization popped into their heads.
“Ah! The plans!”
They both walked over to the table and sat down, discussing what was in store for the future, Jenecis had marked down the specifics on the map.
The targets house, the steps to get there, how long it would take, the hero’s average walk path, everything.
“She’s really been readying this up for a while now, huh?” He thought, contemplating still on this whole idea of killing.
“So, Essentially you’ll take the road from my house to the west, then you’ll reach the town, after that you should keep continuing through the shopping district until you reach the beginning of the plaza, in that sector you should see a well dressed house, adorned by purple and yellow decorations, this is the hero’s house.” Said jenecis
Edward quickly interjected into her planning, “Speaking of hero, Do they have a name? I don’t think I ever asked about it”
Jenecis realized she hadn’t told him.
“Doh! My bad, the name for em is enthu”
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muselin · 1 year
Hi, I love your stories, they make me very happy!I don't know if requests are open, but I leave the simple suggestion: NSFW alphabets with Key! (with minho it would be amazing too, but let's take it easy, right?) Thanks for sharing your writing with us! -🇧🇷
So not done with the wildcard requests but I like this, my SHINee alphabets aren't a complete set yet. Here's Key:
SHINee Key NSFW alphabet
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Casual king. Makes jokes in his whiny tone like "ayyyy I need a bedding subscription, look at this mess" but at the same time is taking your hand and guiding you to the shower with him, afterwards making sure to get you water. He'll cuddle if you really want or if you're happy doing something else he's fine with that too.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
This is gonna sound like a cop out answer but on himself and yourself it's the face. That's where your expressions are, that's where everything is that tells him how you feel and if you like it, and he's really not so invested in body parts in general.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He's a bit more neat but he still loves decorating your ass or chest with his cum. Especially loves it when it shoots out far and makes long streaks across your skin, he thinks it looks fucking beautiful. When he's super super horny he loves cumming inside of you too, all the way in and loves to feel you flutter and squeeze around his cock.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Spitting. He wants to spit in your mouth, it does something to him, speaks to a possessive streak in him he doesn't want to admit to. He imagines fucking you senseless so that your lips are falling open, gasps constantly flowing, and imagines looking down at you as he spits in your mouth, proving to you how bad you want him when you wet him do such dirty things to you.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's confident for a reason. He knows what he's doing, he's been around, he's tried a lot of stuff and he can almost tell which things you'd be into and which you won't. It makes him rather unforgettable because of that because it's like he reads your mind and skips right to your favourite parts.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Either one of you on top. Loves looking both down and up at you and there's something about the feeling of pressing his weight onto you and having yours pin him down as well that just makes him feel so good.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He's far more teasing than goofy. The jokes he makes are at your expense, intended to embarrass you, make you heat up and make you look away from him so he can grab your face to point it back towards his own and tease you about that too.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
On himself he keeps it neatly trimmed, on you he couldn't care less. Sometimes he'll go bare, just depends on what mood he's in that week.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Has a bit of a hard time with intimacy during sex but he knows how important it is. He'll look at you a lot, and sometimes you might miss the way his eyes soften and trace your features with a certain reverence. Sometimes he'll blurt out "I love you" out of nowhere, right in the middle of railing you into the mattress. He's not romantic during sex usually, he tends to keep that side for outside the bedroom but he feels safe with you, just doesn't always know the best way to show it.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Does it regularly and has zero shame, to him it's completely normal. Sometimes he asks you to help, especially if you're both too tired to go a full round. He's happy using his hands or yours, sometimes adding a vibrator to make it more fun.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Corruption kink is a strong one, even if it's fake. He wants to see how far you'll go with him and wants to be the one to teach you all the naughty things you haven't tried yet. His favourite phrases that rile him up are when you say "I've never done that before" or "Not here."
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He loves a good bed but he's not opposed to some semi-public fun either. Touching you under the table in the restaurant, under the blanket on the plane, letting you blow him in the changing room if no one's around (but easily could be). It ties in with his corruption kink and seeing how far he can goad you.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
The same as the last two letters, anything that's new to you, a little bit risky, a little bit taboo, he loves the idea of those things so much. He likes having to persuade you a little bit, having to work to get what he wants.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He doesn't fully realise it but he's possessive. I don't see him sharing you with anyone, no matter the configuration. He's very playful but he only wants to play with you.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Not his favourite part but he again knows how important it is and will happily give you oral and let you blow him. He's good at oral, knows just how to tease you with his tongue to get you hot and desperate, and he does love it when you start to beg. However to him it's more of a preparation for the main event.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He varies his pace, initially slow and teasing, peppered with dirty words to rile you up and get you to beg, and later he can be faster and rougher. He learns what you like and uses it to his advantage and to give you some very satisfying orgasms.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Loves a quickie and will happily do that whenever possible if there isn't enough time for a full round. He never sees it as a waste of time even if neither of you cum, he just saves it for later and enjoys the moment with you.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He takes a lot of risk but he's good with doing it safely. He'll experiment with toys, places, with bondage, with some slightly dub-con elements but he's so focused on you that he immediately picks up when you're not 100% into something and will never push past that. Loves bondage a lot and that requires good reading of body language so he's not afraid to try a lot both on you and himself as he's confident he knows where the line is.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
One round usually but a good long one. If he has time he wants to make it satisfying and fun and isn't happy to cum too quickly.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Owns a good selection of toys: different vibrators, dildos, some more exotic ones like double ended ones or ones with attachments. Definitely owns a strap-on and is just waiting for the right moment to ask you to use it.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Easily the biggest tease in SHINee. He'll tease you with words, with his pace, with delayed orgasms, he'll edge you and really make it feel cathartic when he finally does let you cum.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
On the loud side and he's a talker. Moans, whines, hums, dirty talk is a fixture in your sessions too.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
After you tried anal with him he's mildly obsessed with the idea of letting you play with him that way too. The next time you blow him he makes a show of spreading his legs up and apart, taking your hand and guiding it to his ass and when you questioningly swipe over his rim he looks at you with a fucked out expression. "Play with me," he pleads in a whine and something buzzes in your head to hear and see him like that. You slide a finger inside him in time with your sucking on his cock and you try to find his sweet spot that he's not-so-subtly mentioned a few times before. When you do he gets even louder, causing you to smirk around his cock and slip a second finger inside of him.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Average in every way but he's perfectly content and confident because he knows it's all about how he uses it and how he uses everything else at his disposal, not just his dick.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Good healthy sex drive. He can cope with a partner with a higher or lower sex drive than himself. If yours is high and you're wanting him every day, he'll do his best, might turn you down once a week if he's had an exhausting one but he'll try and make it up to you. If yours is lower then he'll give you as good of a time as he can when you do want him and he'll just masturbate more in-between.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Varies. If you've had a long, teasing, tiring session he'll fall asleep pretty quickly. Otherwise he might feel a little wired and will take some time to calm down enough to go to sleep.
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churchofthecomet · 4 months
I haven't watched Leverage in a while, see my last complaint post about their Stuxnet episode. But in the meantime I've been consuming other media, and it just struck me how equal the dynamic is between all of the Leverage characters.
Every character in this show is competent. They each have Their Thing that They Do, and if one of them is absent for an episode, the rest of the team suffers until they get back. I complain about them short-changing Hardison by making the tech stuff unrealistic and incomprehensible (so you can't get a feel for how good he is at it, like you can with Eliot punching people -- although if I knew more about fighting I'm sure I'd be complaining about Eliot's scenes too). But at least within the narrative he is really good at his job, and the other team members know it. Likewise for Eliot, Parker, Nate, and Sophie -- they're each at the top of their respective classes. They have separate specialties and they're amazing at those specialties.
And what's more, the interpersonal dynamics reflect this. Nate is an asshole to the rest of them, but there are FOUR OF THEM so it balances him out -- they can commiserate with each other, sit him down and have a talk with him, threaten to strike, whatever, and their side of the relationship is treated with importance because the team couldn't function without them.
Hardison and Eliot's sniping is just friendly banter, and they know it. Everyone is so supportive of Parker's social problems. Sophie is the one with the most traditionally-feminine skillset, something which might be demeaned in another show (and I have some complaints with Leverage's treatment of her), but she's taken seriously both in-universe and by the show itself. They all work wonderfully together. They balance each other out, and they become more than the sum of their parts.
Contrast this with the dynamics in a bunch of other modern media. Let's grab my favorite punching bag of late, BBC Sherlock. Sherlock is far and away the more useful member of the Sherlock-and-John team. The narrative places incredible weight on his intelligence, and John is stuck in a support role. Sherlock is also mean to John, and since John is one person (without much of a spine for standing up to Sherlock!) it feels utterly abusive. The "friendly banter" isn't banter. The "aww look they really DO care about each other" moments were enough for me when I was 13 or 14, but now it just feels like a cycle of abuse. The dynamic is fundamentally not equal. If I'm watching a TV show and I start to think "man character A really needs like 6 months of therapy to stop hating themself and they NEED to leave character B," when the show's message is "character A and character B are a match made in heaven you guys," the show has failed.
See also Our Flag Means Death season 2 with the relationship between... honestly Ed and the rest of the crew, but mostly Ed and Stede. Ed is the best pirate anyone's ever seen -- the rest of them are pretty good but no match for him. The one guy who had a chance of standing up to Ed and equalizing things got killed off at the end of the season, and Stede (as we've seen) lacks a spine to stand up to Ed. Controversial take but Good Omens might be heading in this direction? They defanged Aziraphale and made him into way more of a softie than the book or Season 1 imply. Meanwhile Crowley is Competent and Right About Everything by comparison. The general pattern here is that couples (or whatever the fuck was going on with BBC Sherlock and John) are worse off. I don't know if it's lasting heteronormativity or "two-person dynamics are hard," but the urge to make sunshine-and-stormcloud pairings where the stormcloud acts like shit towards the sunshine is just... too strong.
Leverage is this rare show that refuses to shit on any of its protagonists. Everyone's in the loop, everyone sees some character development, and it fucking RULES. I wish they could make more TV shows like this in 2024.
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judgeanon · 9 months
Plastic Skies - Model 13: F-15E Strike Eagle "Garuda 1"
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Near the end of last year, I bought a sheet of bootleg decals to make my Mobius-1 F-22 Raptor (as seen here!). The sheet had a lot more decals than just the Mobius ones. Some were for planes I had no interest in doing, some ended up in my old decal-less Berkut model, and some inspired the model I'd end up building right after the Area 88 Tiger. After all, I knew sooner or later I'd end up making an F-15. Even if I'm not its biggest fan.
Yeah, yeah, I dunno, I just don't like the F-15 Eagle. I know it's the backbone of the USAF and a fantastic plane and it does everything and the story of how it was conceived is super funny, but there's something about it that just doesn't spark anything in me. It's just... a fighter plane. Much like the Flanker platform, it always felt like the most standard example of Fighter Jet to me, without the cool swing wings of the Tomcat or the sleek small shape of the F-16. There's no such thing as a boring fighter jet, but the F-15 is close.
That's not to say we don't have some history. One of the last models my brother built back when we were kids was an absolutely massive (for us) 1/48 scale Eagle. As with all our models, it was glued together and not much else, and I distinctively remember it losing one of its tail fins somewhere underneath a bed. Still, the thing was huge to us, and I always remember it as the biggest model we ever had. But that's about as much fondness as I have for the Eagle.
Or at least, as much as I had until Ace Combat happened.
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Although the Eagle is very prominent in several AC games, the important one for this model is Ace Combat 6: Fires of Rubi--I mean Fires of Liberation, for the Xbox 360. This was one of the very last Ace Combat games I tried during my "I want to play all of them phase", since although PS1, PS2, PSP and 3DS emulation are all pretty good right now, Xbox 360 emulation is not quite there, and has apparently been not quite there for years now. I should know, I tried. But earlier this year, a very generous and dear friend of mine offered me an old Xbox 360 which he'd come into possession and was using to try some cool hacker stuff. And soon, I was finally getting to play AC6.
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The game itself is great, as are all Ace Combats. It has a really interesting "large-scale battle" system, where different units are doing their own thing and you can choose which ones to support. It has the first appearance of high-g turns, which I love. It has a killer soundtrack, but that's no surprise. It has a really frustrating boss fight followed by a really amazing final level. And it has one of the most gloriously OP fictional jets in the series. Its story isn't quite as engaging as the PS2 games but I'm very glad I played it. And as seen above, the game's cover star is the F-15E, a plane for which I already had the decals to make.
So as I was finishing up the Tiger, I knew what the next project would be.
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This was also going to be my first Academy model kit. Academy is a Korean model kit company that as far as I can tell sits quite comfortably in the middle ground of model kit quality. They make decent stuff for a good price with solid plastic quality, although some reviewers note a few glaring accuracy issues. I don't really care about accuracy when it comes to models, especially not at the price I found this, so I got to work pretty quickly.
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The cockpit was the first step. Emboldened by my work on the Tiger, I tried to really make it shine this time, adding those little extra dabs of red to the flightsticks and other touches. Unfortunately, the decal sheets were a bit too wide for the panels, so they ended up getting warped and stretched. It looks pretty bad, but once inside the plane, I figured it wouldn't be visible. And I was right! Althouh what is visible are some of the corners where I skimped or forgot to paint, something which I'm definitely trying to work on in my latest kits.
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The main fuselage was a much easier fit than the Raptor, although not quite as easy as the Tiger. The Eagle is a big motherfucker, after all, so putting it together requires a lot of pressure in different spots. Unfortunately, it also resulted in some plastic melting around a few corners, but only in the underside, and only on one wing. It was still a good lesson that made me want to invest in better cement, but it'd take a while for me to actually do it.
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I decided the next step would be the nozzles, which is where this particular kit goes a bit fucking nuts. The F-15's thrusters feature external fairing arms for their variable geometry nozzles, which is way easier to explain with a picture:
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And if you're observant, you can go back to that first picture of all the model's sprues and see how this kit handles that. But just in case:
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The parts in green are the 30 (!) parts necessary to build just the two exhaust nozzles. The parts in orange are Academy offering people who aren't insane a way out, with two fully built nozzles with "turkey feather" panels instead of the arms. Which is very thoughtful of them, but after 12 models, I guess I was feeling a bit insane.
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Admittedly, it wasn't rough sailing. The panels themselves didn't fit as well as I would've liked, and the faring arms required a very delicate touch. Still, I figured it'd all look at least decent once I went in with my beloved burnt iron paint, and sure enough, the end result was mostly fine.
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Around this time, I started running into what's become my weak point this far into model building: indecisiveness. It's easy to think that models are "put them together first, then paint, then decals, then varnish, then panel lining, then clear coat", and some cheap kits are perfectly capable of following that order. But the more experienced I get and the bigger kits I try, the more I find myself playing with that order, doing things like painting certain parts of the plane first before gluing, or even fully detailing things like tail wings before I'm even done painting the fuselage.
Which sounds smart and is the way to do until you're staring at four different tasks and you just don't know what you should start on now. In this model's case, one of the biggest problems was armaments.
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This isn't even all of it, btw. This is still missing the eight other missiles I also had to paint. Though I will say, as messy as the yellow tips on the Mk 82 bombs are, I'm still a little proud of the way I figured out to paint them roughly similar:
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It's not perfect, but nothing is. However, the armaments thing was something that bothered me all the way to the end of the build.
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Painting the fuselage was a way different story. One of the reasons why I chose AC6's F-15 was precisely because it's just one big color. No camo jobs, no masking tape save for the yellow bits on the tail wings, just me and my brushes and a newly bought box of Revell Greenish Grey paint. That paint is... an odd one. Looks absolutely disgusting when wet, like the insides of a toilet after eating some very unhealthy food, but once it dries out and especially once varnished it looks... kinda cool? Kinda awesome? It just has way more personality than the usual air superiority grays of most USAF fighters.
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The other part of the build that was surprisingly comfortable was the landing gear, since this model only has one door for each gear. Made the whole thing go by in a breeze, and before I knew it, I was already putting in the decals. At least the big ones. Admittedly, they're not 100% game accurate, since AC6 uses low visibility versions of the emblems and such, but they were there and I wasn't not gonna use them.
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Panel lining was also shockingly easy for this kit. Although I'm still pretty lousy at it, the kit's panel lines were very well defined and easy to get the paint in. Compared to other kits I've had, this one was very well behaved when it came to this step. Sooner than I'd expected, the whole thing seemed almost ready to be done. I just had to finish the armaments and we'd be all done.
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So... yeah. You might notice something missing here. As it turns out, this kit doesn't actually have enough parts to put the 12 green bombs I'd painted besides the Mk 82. They're supposed to go three alongside the edges of the conformal fuel tanks (where the missiles now are) and three on the little chunks poking out of the sides. But for whatever reason, this kit only has four of those little chunks instead of six. And due to some issues with the instructions, I think I also glued the ones it did have wrong.
On top of that, I had some issues gluing the hardpoints with the Sidewinders and Mk-82 bombs to the wings, mostly because hey, protip: gluing stuff that's already painted and varnished is waaaay harder than gluing stuff when it's fresh off the box. But I just had to be a smart boy and get all the panel lining done first... Very frustrating, especially after realizing this, too, isn't game accurate. But it'd never really been my goal to make something perfectly accurate to the game. Like with the Raptor, like with every kit I make, I'll always choose what looks good to me over what looks closer to the real (or virtual) thing.
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Eventually, the whole thing was done. Painting the cockpit was tricky but I've lost a lot of my old fears about it these days. And once the whole thing was varnished, I found myself really liking what I was seeing. The long nose, the beefy wings, the shiny engines... Maybe I'd been wrong about the F-15 all this time. Maybe it isn't really a boring jet. Maybe I just needed to let it back into my heart. And although it gave me a real tough time in a bunch of places, at the end it's low-key one of my favorite models so far, and a nice homage to an unsung game.
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And it looks pretty cool on the Area 88 base too.
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beebooca · 1 year
I watched HTTYD ThW once again and I want to share my thoughts and critique points
The stuff I liked:
Toothless getting a love interest actually made me very happy!
I can’t even tell you how excited I was that we got the blue eyed white fury, when I was a wee litle kid I wanted that so bad
Ruff and Fishlegs getting together is actually so sweet
Eret being a bigger part in this and delivering some important information to our main characters
Tuffnuts beard plot was actually very funny and in character for him
The Night Lights are adorable and I love them dearly
My critique points:
starting at the very beginning, why is Berk so overcrowded? What about the rest of the island? What about surrounding islands? What about dragon island? Are those just... not there? why is every dragon living right in the village?
Why is Snotlout hitting on Valka... please... it made me so uncomfortable the entire movie.
Just... Snotlout... he is so out of character the entire time. The only thing in character he did was cry when the dragons left and cry at the Hiccstrid wedding. The writers just wanted a plotline of Hiccup being bullied, but couldn’t think of another way to do it.
We know that grimmel set up the trap on Berk and left the light fury there  to meet Toothless, but... why exactly did she stay? She could have just left? It’s not like she knew there was another fury here, she could have just flown back to the hidden world
I didn’t want to address it but the Light Fury design makes me so mad. Yeah, she’s pretty, but she was modeled after human beauty standards. Soft, glittery, smooth... meanwhile other female dragons, like Meatlug or Stormfly, don’t show a difference between male and female.
The Light Fury design just looks out of place in a world where something like a Singetail or Quaken exists. It’s not the typical HTTYD style that I know and love.
talking about design choices, why is every female character, especially Valka, suddenly wearing make up?? In HTTYD 2 Valka looked amazing, like the feral, middle aged dragon lady she was. In this one she looks like a 20 year old, now signs of aging at all except for the grey strands.
I’m also not sure about Toothless design for this movie, but he at least still looks like a night fury his age
Toothless would never leave Hiccup for a girl? Like?? What??
Why is Toothless behaving so weirdly? the producers said it’s because of domestication but like, Stormfly is also domesticated in that sense and she knows how to do her mating dance, she doesn’t behave like a fool around a potential mate.
Grimmel is made out to be this crazy, dangerous foe, the Night Fury killer. But yet I felt like he wasn’t actually such a threat? Drago for example was intimidating because, not only was he insane, he was responsible for Stoick’s death and had forced a dragon the size of a mountain into submission. Grimmel is just some dude that drugs dragons for obedience.
There is no way that grimmel actually killed all Night Furies, like, come on. What are the odds.
Why is Ruffnut this way in this movie?? The whole plotpoint of her being left behind is just so bizarre.
First off, it has been mentioned and explained multiple times throughout the franchise that a two headed dragon needs two riders.
Second, did Barf just not care?? That his rider was missing?? And how did Tuff not notice either?
Third, I’m sad to say this, but if there is one rider that this could have potentially worked on, it was Snotlout. We’ve seen many times in the franchise that he can fall off of Hookfang without Hooky noticing. It’s still far fetched, but it’s the most likely out of all of them.
Ruffnut would be way too smart to not look back and check if she was followed. We’ve seen her be smart many many times. She refused to tell on her friends at any time. She would have looked back and made sure that she wouldn’t be followed.
I call bs on the dragons having to leave. They always insisted on the fact that they will always protect the dragons and fight for and with them and now they’re just tossing all that out the window?
Sure, Grimmel was a threat. But like... The events of the movie took maybe a week. RTTE in comparison was over the span of a year or two. The war with Viggo, Ryker, Krogan and Johann was so much bigger than what happened here, but yet this is what makes Hiccup decide to send off the dragons?
Hiccup... honey... Toothless is permanently disabled... you can’t set him free just like that, his tail needs maintanence or it will inevitably break and leave him for dead...
In Conclusion:
Standing alone, it’s a great movie! But within the franchise, between other movies, shorts, shows books and comics, it’s just so out of character and incredibly weak compared to the rest.
That was it for now, I might add onto this list in the future
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ley-med · 11 months
Hi!!! I need some advice from you or other doctors/med students. I just have a few exams left till the end of med school but I just. Can’t. Study. Anymore. It’s making me want to throw up. I hate it so much. I open the book and I’m just like 😭😭😭. And the worst thing is that after I’m done with med school I will STILL have to study. Till I die. And I currently just don’t want to study ever again. I feel like it’s sucking all the life out of me. So if someone here ever felt like that, I would greatly appreciate some words of wisdom haha
Oh sweetheart, I feel you! And I assure you, most of us had been here, and still succeeded against all odds. I'm sure others will have some advice too :)
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how I passed my last exams, I was also suffering from a very heavy case of "I can't study"-ness (and apparently also undiagnosed ADHD, not helping my case). What worked for me (kinda), I took breaks pretty often. Might seem counterproductive, but it's better if you do something fun/relaxing/anything else for an hour and then study effectively for half an hour, than suffering through that one and a half hour without getting any studying done... Eat well, do sports, and sleep enough! And then, just take a deep breath, and suck it up, force yourself trough the material. Pure force of will. And my favourite motivational pinterest quote: "the quickest way out is trough". (You can't imagine how many times I repeated this sentence like a mantra in my head, instead of actually studying, naturally)
And it's important to remember, you are at the end of med school. You know way more than you believe. If your school is anything like mine, most of these exams will test you on stuff you've already learned once (or twice or thrice etc). You need to freshen it up, definitely, but you already have most of the knowledge you need to pass.
Believe me, I know the feeling that you think about the future and you want to throw up because of all the studying you will have to do after med school. Hell, I'm still in my "school? never again" phase. (I might have slight PTSD from med school... But yeah, we are talking about you and not me here. Anyway.) First off, you will most probably have some time off after finishing med school and before starting your first doctor job. Hide all the medical books from view! If you have a few months, by the end of it you might even be able to read more than a page of a non-science-related book you actually enjoy! But joking aside, time off after med school really works wonders. It's absolutely necessary for your sanity and survival, and it will help regain some of your motivation.
Second off, studying after med school is much more fun! If anyone told me this, I definitely wouldn't have believed them, but it's true. Now I have to study things I'm interested in, things I care about. I see it put to work in day to day life, hell, I use it in day to day life. Never thought I would say this, but studying now is (mostly) fun. I'm starting to remember that I used to like studying, that I'm curious about the world around me... So to summarize, it gets better. It's still studying, sometimes it's still an "I don't wanna" chore, but when the difference between studying or not can literally and actually make the difference between a patient's life or death, that terror makes for a pretty fucking great motivation. And when you studied something and then use it in your work the next week? Amazing feeling.
So hang in there. You got this far already, you can do this! It's going to hurt all the way, but you are going to be standing there on the other side victorious, so just puff out you chest and keep going until you get there.
Best of luck with your exams!
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Ortho, Cater: All Grown Up
HERE COMES THE BOYYYYYYYYYYYYY 🥺 Too bad Ortho didn’t get the “who would you want as a brother” question, I wanted to see Idia despair big bro Jade with him--
Imagine this...
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[Condition: Immediate escape from a deserted island.]
[Please stand by. Running simulation… Running simulation…]
[Simulation complete. Optimal island partner has been determined.]
“Malleus Draconia-san!” Ortho chirped out loud, mimicking what his inner voice—the programs and the many pieces that made him up—whispered. “I would pick him as partner!
“Malleus-kun, eh? That’s a pretty unexpected choice for you, Ortho-chan!” Cater, his interviewer, laughed nervously, curling a strand of orange hair around a finger. “I wouldn’t think a cute little kid like you would be so fearless when you’re confronting NRC’s oogie boogeyman.”
Then again, this is the same kid that came close to blowing up the entire school that one time, so maybe it actually isn’t too far off?
“I decided based on facts and logic,” the birthday boy explained. His tone was matter-of-factly, yet proud, like that of a child showing off his latest crayon drawing. “I wouldn’t want Nii-san to worry about me being gone for too long… but with Malleus Draconia-san by my side, we’ll be easily able to survive and escape quickly! And…”
The robot boy paused, head tilted thoughtfully. “There are many things only he can do. For example, lightning does not interact well with my metal body. It would be beneficial to have Malleus Draconia-san temper the lighting and keep it at bay.”
“Oooh, that’s actually pretty clever!! You’ve got big brain cells just like your big bro! It must be a trait that runs in the family~”
“You think so?”
“I know so! You Shroud bros are on, like, a whole ‘nother level. It’s surprising that you even think there’s stuff others can do that you can’t.” Cater spoke with a smile, but a thorn of jealousy had crept up his torso, pricking him in the heart.
Ortho’s heart, his amicability. All of it pure, all of it genuine, in spite of lacking flesh and bone, marrow and sinew. A robot was more real than he would ever be, a stronger light against the darkness of a winter dusk than he.
Pathetic, Cater silently spat. Just pathetic.
“… I’ve always thought of it the other way around. It’s like how social media connects people from all over Twisted Wonderland. Only machines are capable of doing that sort of magic—so you’re totes amazing! Not just anyone can float and shoot lasers.”
There are lots of things you can do that I can’t.
Ortho stared at him quizzically with those large, curious eyes of his. They were bright and sparkling—Cater could not only see his own reflection in them, but also every circuit wired in his irises upon closer inspection.
There was a lull in the conversation.
Then Ortho bursted out into a wide grin. “I think humans are the amazing ones!”
“Humans? We can’t do half the things you can. You think I can float without a broom or shoot a laser without my magical pen?” Cater laughed lightly.
All he excelled at was pretending to be something he wasn’t. It was an act, a sham.
“Humans are capable of a different kind of magic.” Ortho seemed to see straight through him. “Cater Diamond-san… You said that only machines can make certain spells happen, but wasn’t it man that made machine in the first place?
“It’s man has the capacity to create. To grow, to change, to adapt, to learn. But man passed that ability to machine. It’s like playing a video game and leveling up; you gain new skills the longer you play, and you share some of those skills with your part members… and more of the world opens up to you as a result.
“I’m only possible because both man and machine exist. They’re both just as important!”
Both are just as important…
Something in Cater’s chest tightened. His smile faltered, supported up only by sheer will.
“You’re pretty smart for a kid, you know that? I could’ve easily mistaken you for a grown-up just now.”
A placed a hand on Ortho’s head and ruffled the blue artificial flames that made up his hair. The young boy buzzed. Life and warmth, kindling close together.
And suddenly, the birthday boy launched himself at Cater, sending him rocketing back and bumping into a table covered in food. The plates and cups upon it rattled from the impact before stilling.
As did Cater.
His eyes slowly paned down to find that Ortho had embraced him, metal arms wrapping around him. He felt the magic and the electricity that the bot ran on coursing through him and grazing his skin, leaving it tingly and warm, like the aftermath of gulping down a hot drink.
Some small, fragmented part of Cater panicked. Had he seen through the facade? Pulled back the curtain and found the poor, sad man manning the smoke and the mirrors?
A soft giggle.
“… I’m really happy that I was born, that I get to celebrate my birthday with you. It’s so different to experience it than looking it up on a search engine.”
Ortho lifted his head, grinning widely from behind his skeletal mouth guard. “I can’t wait to learn more with everyone! I want to catalog flora and fauna, explore uncharted territories… even explore a pirate ship and find hidden treasure!”
It was hard to say no to that face, an expression brimming with vitality and innocence and hope. A boy that was growing ever so fast.
Cater softened, slipping his own arms around the Ortho and squeezing, reciprocating the hug. “… Yeah. I can’t wait either. I’m sure we’ll get to do all of that someday~”
There’s so much more in store for us both. And… for every side of me.
Cater pulled away, pulling his phone from his pocket. “You’ll want to experience every bit of your birthday to its fullest, so leave it to your Cay-kun to record it—pieing included—for ya!”
“Ooh, the pieing!!” Ortho excitedly clapped his hands as his upperclassman propped the phone up on a tripod and angled it. “By the way, my calculations suggest taking two steps back before throwing the pie. This will produce the optimal shot.”
Cater laughed, sweeping up a pie once the tripod was set up. “You sure there’s things you can’t do?”
“I can’t pie myself. That would take away from the point of the blessing.”
“That’s true~ Hope you’re ready then, cuz here comes Cay-kun!!”
Two steps back, one step to the future, and best foot forward.
“Happy birthday, Ortho-chan!!”
The pie was a direct hit in his face, sliding down to his metallic torso and dragging a trail of whipped cream with it. Ortho plucked the paper plate from him, practically beaming as he held it up like some forbidden jewel.
“I’ve been blessed!” he cried, waving the plate at Cater, who approached with phone in hand.
“Yup, yup! And now that you’ve been blessed on camera, let’s take a pic for the occasion!” Cater slid an arm around Ortho, grasping his whipped-cream covered shoulder with a smile. The other arm maneuvered his phone, flipped camera pointing at the duo. “The more memories, the merrier~”
“I know just what to do at times like this.”
“Ehhh, so you’re already a natural at selfies?”
“I’ve learned from the best!”
Ortho threw up a peace sign—and his best smile. “Cheese!!”
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malka-lisitsa · 1 year
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My blog may be only like 5 months old, but I managed to hit a pretty big milestone for followers anyway! Wanted to say thank you to all of you who follow me and subscribe to the cult of Katherine. Even if we don't interact or write I really do appreciate your follow and support. I adore all the random anons I get, you guys make being here so much fun and Im so glad that you chose to follow me.
While I love all of you there are a few people I would like to escpecially thank for my rpc family wouldn't be the same without them!
@baby-royalty - You were my first follow on this site, we were DRAWN to each other. It has been a pleasure and a privilege helping Lizzy develop more into her own person. As far as OC Dathrine children are concerned you will always be my one and only, I love you endlessly. Obiche tem Zvezdichke.
@multi-royalty - Dat my bes fran, she a rl bad bitch. The Caroline to my Elena. Seeing you grow and improve as a writer while you explore your wide range of characters has been so heart warming to see. You have a knack for being able to pick up just about any character youre asked to and do them proficiently, which is a skill not everyone posesses! But no matter who youre writing, you will always be my favourite Caroline. xoxo
@hybrid-royalty-main - U R A SCRUB. But despite that I have to admit I am impressed with how fully you have dedicated yourself to the RPC and become such a large part of my affilliates circle. You play all of my boys and then also my tormenter and you do them all so well. Red string Stefrine is what the world DESERVED in tvd, and I am so pleased to give you the chance to write it with me <3 muwah muwah.
@sonofmikael/@bunnyblooded - I WAITED THREE WHOLE MONTHS from the moment I joined and found your blog I waited with baited breath to see if you would EVER come back. Then I was alerted and worked my way into your notifications and then BOOM. Follow back. I was so excited, and then YOU HAD A STEFAN BLOG TOO??? I mean, mostly built for a klefan AU which i mean i guess I forgive you Stefrien supremacy but really where its AT?? Our Stelena is something special. Idk how or why, but I write my favourite Stelena stuff with you, it just flows so beautifully. NOW IF ONLY YOU WOULD DO YOUR DRAFTS- jk. I love you. But really.
@faiththesinfulslayer - GIRL????? GIRL???? When we first started interacting I did NOT expect their relationship to evolve into what it has. Faith and Katherine are just one of my fave pairings because they GET each other in a way not many other's can. Its so important to them and FOR THEM you know? I adore seeing you on my dash and even tho she will deny it to the end of time Katherine and I DO notice when youre gone and we DO miss you both. We are always waiting to see our girls active and killin it on the dash <3 know that you are very loved.
A few other mentions that make my dash amazing. I love seeing all of you pop up in my notifications and my feed. All of you are amazing writers with wonderful grasps on your characters and you all have made my experience here on this blog more amazing than I could have asked for. From banter to deep dive angst and character development, writing with you guys has made my experience amazing. I am very happy to be mutuals and write with all of you.
@tobeblamed @touchedbydestiny @ladamedemartel @lordofthestrix @deceptivemorals @witch3d @townwxtch @siiinfultemptation @jeremydied @wonkrugona @tricursed @viikingwitch @seesgood @langdhon @tormentias @demone-volpe @sindicate @hcpemikaelscn @roshale @ofwaywardsunshine @salvatoraes @klaeus
And just a quick shout out to a few more special people-
The OC hall of fame, the love and devotion you have for your characters is inspiring and I am heavily invested in them on my dash.
@unbearablyindifferent @ravenskeeper @demonstigma
Katherine ESPECIALLY adores bothering Sarah and Alice. &lt;3
Thank you all again for your love and support! If you weren't mentioned don't worry! It's nothing personal, these are just the blogs that have been my faves for a large part of my 5 or so months in this RPC. I can't wait to see what the future holds for me as a writer and on this blog, but I hope you all are a part of it <;3
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sharksa-shivers · 2 months
What are…Mers? Part 1
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(Old art is old but i love it so here you go lol) --- Mers are one of the 5 types of beings in the Kidnapped universe…And they are exactly what you think they are.
Mers=Mermaids, mermen, merpeople. Mers is the term used most often though because it's gender neutral and quicker in general.
(NOTE TO BE AWARE OF: Not every single mer we see in series is good…Mers as a species are neutral until proven good or bad. Just because alot of mers we see are good DOES NOT MEAN every single mer is a good person...)
If you somehow are not aware as to what a mermaid is (first how'd you get this far into my stuff without knowing lololol) BUT; a mermaid is half human, half fish.
They're thought of as mythical beings, magical and powerful…And in the Kidnapped universe, they are all of those things.
Magical and powerful on average and humans/landies think mers are…A myth, something that doesn't exist. However…They absolutely do in this world…And they're alllllllll over the place…I'm talking worldwide, i'm talkin there's several billion of em, like…They absolutely exist lololol… --- So basic biology stuff:
Mers have several forms, similar to shadowdemons. - Their basic merform (tail, their watery appearance basically) - "Human" forms (Trading their tails for legs via magic/being out of water basically lol) - And usually, most mers have a powerform (a form made from their magic type…As an example, a water mer can transform parts of themselves into water or they can fully become water or ice. NOTE THO, NOT EVERY MER HAS A POWER FORM. Most do tho) More basic biology things, mers have: -Brighter colored hair colors, usually 'unnatural' bright colors like blues, greens, purples, ect. These appear alot brighter and oddly never fade like dyed hair would but most humans assume these people must have really amazing hair stylists or something lol -Oddly neon/rainbow colored eyes (unnatural shades of green, blue, purples, pinks, ect) -Sharp pointed fingers (this was a hunting adaptation and is still helpful but less so in modern day) -Natural swimming abilities/ability to breath underwater -Mers all have levitation/telekinesis/ability to move stuff with magic as a default power. EVERY MER HAS THIS POWER... Back in olden days, mers used to have a siren call, used as a mating call. Mers WOULD actually sing potential mates/people to death but usually this wasn't on purpose. (alot of mers didn't realize humans/landies cannot breath underwater and thus would drown, whoopsies) Mers as such could sing and attract the gender they were aiming for and it would hypnotize the person pretty much...Didn't matter the genre of music either, if the mer liked screamo music or whatever, that absolutely could hypnotize a potential mate lol In modern day, this has kind of evolved out but mers usually on average are naturally amazing singers. This is mer history though so yep... --- Magic shiz? Yeah, let's do that lol. So an important note to begin with: A mers magic comes from a core in their heart and a mer CANNOT live without magic (vital bit of their body and dna system) MAGIC CAN BE STOLEN WITH CERTAIN METHODS AND IT IS 100% FATAL TO THE MER... Ok, we got that rule? Ok, COOL. Now then... Suffice to say mer magic is vital to them, their culture, ways of life and their lives themselves... Mer magic runs on energy thus a mer cannot use it if they are sleep deprived, starving or greatly injured. The body will shut off the magic to save energy for keeping them conscious and alive. As an add on, mers typically have different power levels then each other. It varys and depends on the mer type, how much they practice their magic, if their klutzy or skilled. It greatly varys from mer to mer. This applies to Kristy as well. If she's hurt or exhausted or starving, that magic WILL NOT WORK. Her magic can be stolen via the amulet being taken but since she's human and her magic comes from the amulet, she's not in danger of death in the same way a mer is...Kristy just won't have magic at that point, she'll just be her normal human self. Mers just die without magic after a period of time. Powerful mers die faster without magic while weaker mers have a bit longer until they croak... Examps: Strong mer- OH Weaker powered mer- Nucleo We'll get more into this in more entry points buttttttt here are the mer types (mixed power mers not included here but for ref, mers are typically born with one type of magic HOWEVER you can be born with 2 types of magic, genetics depending...This is more rare though...)
Mer types:
-Water mers -Fire mers -Plant mers -Healing mers -Weather mers -Acid Radiation mers -Cloud Radiation mers -Magic mers/Mixed Bag mers -Mind mers -Rainbow mers (more rare) (pictured below is OH/Orange Hair, one of the most powerful fire mers) We'll get into actual magic shiz in part 2 lol, only got so much room here...
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--- Nowwwwww here's the bit ik everybody ALWAYS wants to know...Reproduction shiz so i shall...Answer... Do not make me regret this lmaooooo
Mers that have the equipment(usually females but not always, AFAB people too) are the ones that get pregnant and give birth. It usually takes a mer about a year or so to form and to be born. The magic aspect is what takes those extra few months...Takes more time to form...Mers are mammals also btw. Mers start life as babies and grow from that point. (Baby-->Child-->Teenager-->Adult) ……..So basically, mers age like humans, they are INSANELY similar to humans in alot of ways…But not every way obviously…
Mers are born with magic but their magic isn't able to use until they hit a certain age (4-6 for the much more powerful mers, 7-9 for average mers and usually 10-13 for weak powered mers on average…)
Mers can live up to 10,000+ years (needa figure that cap off point but uhhhhhhhhh a longass fucking time lmao...And they don't show physical aging for a longggggggg while...Like gotta be in the thousands before wrinkles even start to show up...) Mers can have mental issues considering this ENORMOUS lifespan but there are resources for such issues...
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Next part we'll talk about actual mer powers/what powers each type of mer has lol. Idk when i'll get to that but i'll try and do it soon lol.
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captawesomesauce · 1 year
Thoughts at 2pm..
This is not a complaint... this is just my attempt to understand and get the thoughts out of my head and make some sense of something. 
W is an amazing woman, an amazing partner, an amazing friend. I’m lucky to have her in my life, so what I’m going to say isn’t a criticism... 
She’s really bad at organization at times. 
She gets overwhelmed, she gets frustrated, she shuts down. 
And it’s important to acknowledge that it has nothing to do with being messy, or lazy, or any of that shit that parents scream. Some people have real difficulties with this kind of thing. 
As far as I can tell, she just cannot look at stuff and space and figure out where to put stuff IN space. There’s often too much stuff, and even if there’s enough space, there is a barrier to her being able to function in a way that leads to accomplishing the job.
An example is packing of boxes. My brain tells me to keep like items together, to pack them in a way that protects them and to go slow and steady until it’s done. 
Watching her, it’s just a matter of throwing in as much stuff as she can, without regard to what, or how, just to get it done! The more time goes on, the more she has to just throw and go faster!
With unpacking, it’s pretty much the same. She did the kitchen, which meant the counter tops were all covered in stuff, the drawers were full, the cupboards too. The problem was... it was unusable throw and go. Nothing was stacked nicely, nothing was where it should go for convenience, things weren’t even taken out of bags or boxes. There was a great big bag of “snack food” just sitting on the cupboard. I asked her why? She said she didn’t know where to put it, so... it went there.
There were small plates mixed in with big plates, stuff just shoved in drawers without any rhyme or reason, and it... was bad. 
It was unfunctional as a kitchen.
And I’m not saying this to harp on her, I’m saying this because I am learning how to work with that.
I’m learning that when she told me she never ever unpacks, she just leaves things in bags and boxes when she travels/moves... I’m starting to understand why that is. 
If you ever saw my rooms, you’d know I have a minor issue with that as well. I get overwhelmed doing things because of my dysgraphia and other issues. 
What I do that overcomes that is that I have to make piles. I have to sort, and sort, and sort some more. Because if things are with like things, I can find them later! I need there to be some sort of pattern/grouping or I’m fucked. 
What also helps is to have a runner. I can sit in one place in make my piles, while someone else grabs stuff for me, or moves stuff, or packs/unpacks. Because when I start moving, and getting up/getting down/moving left and right, and stuff... i get so exhausted, I hurt, and I can’t function. I end up just throwing and going too. 
But with help, I don’t reach that mental breaking point.
And I’m finding with her, we work well as a team where she can turn off her mind and just sort of follow directions. 
Things really go well when I say, put that stuff in that drawer, take that stuff out of the bag, put it on the second shelf in the far right cupboard. Take all of the cleaning stuff and put it under the sink. She just does it, and it makes sense and it she doesn’t feel overwhelmed and neither do I.  Same with cleaning... you wipe down the counters, I’ll clean this stuff... boom... done. If I don’t give those directions, she walks into the room, sees everything... and hits that mental crash.  So i’m working harder to work with her... to give those directions, to help her not hit that crash, without me having to do everything which leads to me crashing... we’ll just do it together!
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I nEvEr GeT aSk GaMe StUfF
Geee, alright already! 🤣🤣🤣
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
Okay, first things first, I'm pretty satisfied with how all of my fics have been perceived so far, so I can't really complain. 
That being said: Someone who cares is doing significantly less good than Hic sunt dracones, statistics-wise. It is my own emotional support fic and incredibly close to my heart, so I really am delighted about every positive comment I get about it. 
🦋what are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
Erm, everything? Can I say everything? 🤣
I'm literally a nervous wreck after posting, anxiously hitting F5 and waiting for feedback, mind in a constant loop of self-doubt.
What if my characterization is off?
What if the premise sucks?
What if my readers don't like the direction I'm taking the story? 
🌿how does creating make you feel?
So many things!!! 
For one thing, it scratches the brain itch. I’ve always had to create things, as far back as I remember. When I was a kid, my parents could stick me in a corner with some paper and scissors and crayons and glue and wouldn’t hear from me for hours. 
Even during the 15 years that I didn’t write, I always had to be doing something creative. Knitting, painting, drawing, photographing, you name it. It’s an urge that I need to fulfill and I get crabby if I can’t. 
Seeing the end results makes me feel insanely proud and accomplished. It may not be perfect, but I made that! I sunk my teeth into it and saw it through and made this wonderful thing that I love. 
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
How dare you make me say nice things about myself?! 
Okay … I guess my writing does something to other people that makes them want to create their own stuff. People have repeatedly told me that reading my fics kickstarted their own imagination into creating stories or art of their own. And every time that happens, I get so incredibly happy because that is like a god-tier compliment right there! That somebody found my writing so engaging that it made their brain spin off on a tangent and they created something out of it! 
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Dragons! Dragons dragons dragons dragoooooons!!!! 
The feedback I am getting for this fic just won’t stop blowing my mind, seriously, and every time I think it’s done, you guys hit me in right in the feels again with your gorgeous comments and rec lists mentions and fucking FANART! I am incredibly happy and humbled and awed that people are loving it so much! 
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
That would be Someone like you, which is a little bonus story to Someone who cares. It's a purely self-indulgent little one-shot featuring married Steddie and a baby. This universe is my emotional support AU and I loved visiting the boys again. 💕
💎why is writing important to you?
Wow, where to start? 
Because it's incredibly fun and allows me to completely immerse myself in the story I'm creating. Because I get to be self-indulgent and spoil myself and make the story exactly like I want it to be. 
And because I have met so many amazing, creative, lovely ppl through it over the past few months, who bring me joy and make me smile every single day.
I honestly don't know how I could ever go without it for so long! 
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
Okay, so I'm still firmly stuck on the demon!Eddie brainworm and fully planning on turning it into a chaptered fic. I'm still figuring out a lot of the specifics, but I've already got some nice twists and details planned. There'll be demon besties Eddie and Chrissy, a nice side of Buckingham, lots of smutty goodness, Dustin running a mystery YouTube channel and so much more, it will be glorious! 
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havnblog · 23 days
Lead Paint Is Amazing
On “Usefulness” and “Harmfulness”
Why are people so down on putting lead in paint? I mean, as Wikipedia puts it:
Lead is added to paint to accelerate drying, increase durability, maintain a fresh appearance, and resist moisture that causes corrosion. (…)
(…) very popular with artists because of its density and opacity; a small amount could cover a large surface.
And about the alternatives:
Titanium white has far greater opacity and tinting strength than lead white, and it can easily overpower most other pigments if not mixed carefully. Titanium white has been criticised for leading to “chalkiness” in mixtures.
Zinc white dries slowly and creates a relatively inflexible paint film. Critics of the pigment argue that its use leads to excessive cracking and delimitation, even when used sparingly.
Why the hate for the great technology that is lead paint!? Well, the answer is pretty simple: “Usefulness” and “harmfulness” are completely independent spectres.
I see this conflated a lot in discussions surrounding AI. People who are wary of the harm transformer models can cause, often also call them “useless hallucination machines”. And others, will respond to the claims of harm by pointing to the usefulness.
It’s obvious that the people and companies who’s developed these tools, have spent very little time thinking of the harmful consequences — and have only focused on making them useful (for, at least, their own bottom line).
Perhaps not quite as obvious, is the way some critics hurt the discussion.
I think generative AI can be very useful — even in its current state. For instance, I can’t draw, but frequently think in images — so using image generators would be great for my blog. 1
I would rather not use the tools for writing (or translating) directly — but I do have some commands set up in Raycast to quickly check the spelling of a word, or some general grammar. And as a programming novice, I’ve gotten a lot of help from Raycast’s integrated chat — even though it sometimes does stuff like this:
Me: Do I have to do this to get the negative value? calc(-1 * var(--my-variable))
Opus: Yes, if you need to use a negative value of a CSS variable, you can use the calc() function to perform the calculation. The syntax you provided is correct and can be used to calculate a negative value based on a CSS variable. (…)
Summary: Using calc(-var(--my-variable)) allows you to dynamically compute negative values from CSS variables, offering flexibility in responsive or dynamic design scenarios.
Me: Wait, so I don’t need the -1 part? Do I need the calc at all? Can I just do -var(--my-variable to get the negative value of the variable?
Opus: You can indeed simply put a minus sign in front of the CSS variable to negate its value directly. You do not need to use calc() or multiply by -1 for this purpose. Here’s how you can do it: …
Well, that last part is straight up wrong. 😅 And so was the example of calc(-var(--my-variable)). But that doesn’t mean I’ve also managed to do and learn a lot more than what I would’ve been able to do without it. 2
Now, let’s imagine someone named Franz, who finds these tools demonstrably useful — but isn’t mindful of the harmful sides. Then he hears someone say: “Transformer models are problematic in these (*insert thoughtful criticism here *) important ways — and also, they’re completely useless.” Franz knows the last part isn’t true — so why give any credibility to the first part?
Here’s my challenge:
Thanks to regulation (🫶🏻) we’ve mostly managed to ban lead paint. And I’m not bringing it up because I’m arguing that we have to do the same to generative AI. 3 I’m bringing it up because I have one challenge for the critics, and one for the advocates:
For the advocates: Not all advancements are worth it, 4 and technology isn’t inevitable. Something can both be very useful and so harmful that we shouldn’t do it. So don’t shrug off ethical questions by pointing to general notions of “progress” and potential use-cases. Instead, maybe work on reducing the harm enough so that it is worth it? And then I’m talking about “society at large”, not just your investors. 5
For the critics: If someone, arguing for the regulation of lead paint, also refused to acknowledge its usefulness, it would hurt the cause. So while it is very valuable to point towards areas where it’s a terrible idea to use AI tools, don’t let the advocates conflate the “harmfulness” and “usefulness” debates.
But I’ve landed on those being too harmful for me to want to use them. I’ve written more on that here. ↩︎
The good thing about simple programming, I that it’s low-stakes and easy to verify. This example shows why there’s lots of stuff it’s a very bad idea to use these tools for - especially if you don’t have the expertise to smell when something’s off. And that part of the criticism of their usefulness is very valid. ↩︎
I’m honestly pretty unsure about this. What I’m not unsure of, is that we need new laws to deal with this. More on this here. ↩︎
Ask any chess player. ↩︎
But if you’re forced to say “Well, I think it’s worth it to eat all artists, so that my company can earn more money”, that at least provides some honesty. ↩︎
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