positively-emerald · 2 years
Not to brag but it’s been almost twenty years since I was in this production and I still remember every color in Joseph’s amazing technicolor Dreamcoat
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harfanfare · 2 years
Unique Kisses: Heartslabyul!
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Hearslabyul || Savanaclaw || Octavinelle || Scarabia || Pomefiore || Ignihyde || Diasomnia || Rollo, Che'nya, Neige || Honest Fellow
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Riddle R. (strawberry kisses)
If it wasn’t for this situation, Riddle would consider removing strawberries from a cake a blasphemy.
Fortunately for you, and also his joy, which he could not admit to if it wasn’t the last resort, Riddle isn't sure if his judgement would be a fair one. He is drunk on the taste of strawberries and fluffy cream, but also your fragrance, which has been his favourite aroma even before he thought he would dare to confess his feelings to you.
Riddle knows he doesn’t think soberly, but also believes that Trey didn’t change a recipe for his favourite dessert.
So, it is your fault.
“You should have taken yourself a piece of cake if you crave strawberries so much,” he says, regarding how you stab a little strawberry from his tart on a silver fork. It shimmers softly with honey or frosting or whatever Trey had added. Right now, Riddle can’t remember what his favourite dessert tastes like, and it was your fault as well.
“Kitchen is too far away,” you almost sigh, but don’t do that because it’s not a reason to be disappointed. “And, by the way, you are the one eating your tart. The greater part is still yours.”
“I have an irresistible impression that my serving disappears too fast.”
“You’re such a gourmet then. You will have to take bigger pieces next time.”
You chuckle at his stern facade, face fully covered with blushes, not matching the crossed arms that were probably meant to give his figure a more serious tone.
The strawberry on the fork you put against his lips, and he - used to this, after your multiple pleas - swallows his dignity and bites the fruit enough, not to cut it in half. He blinks a little faster, a little more nervous, and can’t bear to hold your stare when you smile and put the fork aside.
And then, you bite a strawberry held by his lips. A soft crunch attends the moment where your lips brush against each other. You feel how a sweet juice fills your lips and you have to move away to not let it drain over a corner of your mouth.
Satisfied, now less frustrated with your idea, you lick your wet, slightly sticky lips.
You glance at Riddle.
It… was a surprise that he went with your idea. It was a plan to soften him up a bit and have another reason to laugh when he would scold you again for your “preposterous suggestions”.
Surely not for you to stand in bewilderment and quick-paced heartbeat when Riddle pulls out a strawberry on a fork towards you. And as his face is red, crimson almost, his gaze is tainted with warm grey.
“Now it’s your turn.”
And that was an order.
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Trey C. (hand kisses)
Trey Clover is a gentleman.
He opens the door whenever you go with him. Helps to carry supplies to the alchemy room at the far end of the school. Forbids you to prepare snacks for yourself, just to serve you beautiful little tarts during a break, that can be eaten in one bite.
His love is elegant and attentive. He likes to hold you in his arms while reading books. By highlighting the most important things in notes he helps you prepare for exams. He doesn’t even complain when you rob his wardrobe and usurp his clothes. He collects - by following all the Queen's rules or while avoiding Riddle's eyesight -- and offers you roses for every greater or lesser success.
A dreamy gentleman.
The only thing that mystifies you every time, is his touch.
You always quiver slightly as he takes your hand in his and entwines your fingers. He turns it over and brings it to his mouth, kissing the back of your hand. You don't know what is more delicate: the way his fingers slide over yours, or your heart, which will probably quickly tear apart itself, not able to bear the darting beat.
It would definitely be a nice death, but more than choosing that, you'd still rather live through this moment.
Trey's lips brush against your skin and move towards your fingers. There, he places another kiss and when he finally releases your hand, he still holds you. A grip slightly tightens when you look at him bashfully.
It was a gentleman's kiss.
Or maybe not gentleman’s, but from a man who pretends. You are not sure if a gentleman would do something like that to his lady: watch her lose her mind with each kiss as she becomes more and more addicted to her gentleman who smiles with a subtle but private smile.
Even as he pulls away, you feel that the spot on your skin where he kissed you tickles you lightly.
"Good morning to you, too, I should say”, you exclaim with a big smile. But you already like that greeting very much, and you're sure Trey knows it as well, as he repeats the gesture every day.
"Ah, and that's not the reaction I was expecting," he snorted as you rolled your eyes. “You got used to this trick already. Should I stop or…” now he smiles, mischievously. Certainly not like a gentleman. “...change the offensive?”
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Cater D. (kisses on the eyes)
“Smile!” and snap! With a soft sound, another photo saves itself on Cater’s phone. He immediately enlarges it with his fingers, brings the image closer to your faces and clicks his tongue with dissatisfaction, but doesn’t remove the photo. “No, that’s not it. We look lovely, but- Sweetie, come closer!”
“Yes, yes.”
You take another step towards Cater. He instantly places his arm over yours, drawing you a little closer, as he holds the phone in the other hand. He observes the preview of the photo. And then, he directs you to turn a little to the west, so the sun would colour your faces even more.
An artistic wind begins to blow and ruffles the leaves of the trees behind your back. They form your main background, which Cater wanted to expose as they were famous for their multicoloured flowers. It was the main reason to choose this park as the next place for your date. The strands of your hair began to wave, and you gently brushed a few away from your eyes.
But before Cater can snap that hundredth picture, you lower your head and put hand to your face.
“Ah, I think something is in my eye,” you murmur, with all your will trying not to rub your eyes. “Probably sand, ewh.”
“Oh, oh, wait, wait, wait,” Cater quickly tucks the phone into the pocket of his jacket and with one movement unbuckles his backpack. He pulls out a bottle of water -which he immediately hands to you - and then finds a package of tissues. “Here. Try to wash it out. And blink. You're supposed to blink a lot at times like this, right?” … Luckily for you, you don’t have to vex with it for long, because after a short while you manage to get the sand out of your eye. Cater’s phone is used as a mirror, and he checked himself if there might be any irritation visible in your eye.
You crumple a wet tissue and throw it in the trash can near your bench.
“It’s all right now, I think.”
Cater puts his stuff in his bag and gets up. With a short wave, he says that he wants you to stay where you are.
"I will cast a healing spell on your eyes," he announces and crouches in front of you. He smiles. “Metaphorical one. Please don't trust me when it comes to healing magic.”
And then he moves closer to you, and his hands are on your cheeks. They hold you in place as he gets closer and closer until he completely fills your view and asks you to close your eyes. You don’t have to look at him to know his gaze is trailing your face. And when he stops, it’s because he wanted to turn your attention to the touch as he places warm kisses on your eyelids.
These are some of the softer kisses Cater gave you. They are almost imperceptible and uncharacteristic of him, but you can feel the care in each one... and have a scent of his cologne – jasmine scent, slightly spicy in smell - that he put on himself surround you.
He steps back only when each eye receives at least three kisses.
“I think I feel better now...” You say with a smile which he reciprocates. He pulls out his phone, once again, and points its lens at you. He hums with pleasure, as he finds the perfect angle.
“So~? Will you smile for me once more?”
You can’t say no after such a satisfying spell.
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Ace T. (feigned kisses)
“Hey, hey, come here, I want to tell you something...”
You tear your gaze away from your notebook, where the next line of your essay on the history of magic is now cut halfway. Ace's whisper snapped you out of the monologue you've arranged in your head, and you know you won’t recollect it soon. Not even a passive focus spell applied to the library could help, as Ace acted as a truly sterling distraction.
“Come here yourself.”
“It's important”
It’s probably not.
You sigh and shake your head. Ace does the same, but rises from his untouched textbooks. "I lack the motivation to study today," he tells you every time you drag him along to prepare for your next exam together.
He stops in front of you and turns your chair around so that you can directly face him. He smiles mischievously. Almost malevolently, but warm enough.
He places his hands on both sides of your chair and—oh, since when is he so close to you?
It's not that Ace isn’t in the habit of kissing you—he likes it as much as you do, although he never fails to roll his eyes when you ask for a kiss, or tease you ("ah, so you need more of my attention, hm? Heh~") before pressing his lips to yours.
And you are expecting the latter option until Ace stops inches from your face and snarls.
“Heh. You wish”.
He tries to whisper something more, but you don’t give him an opportunity to do so, as you throw your head back. And then he greets you with a look, you could describe as mean.
“Yes,” you admit quietly, genuinely disappointed. You turn your chair around and quickly tuck your books into your bag. Maybe you'll find Riddle or someone who can chase Ace away a bit with their presence, so you will have some peace. “But I'm feeling less and less sorry that it didn't happen. See you later, I'm off to class…”
He didn’t expect that. Did you have a bad day today? Did he do something wrong or- Did you really care about getting a good grade on that essay? He couldn't guess, but he knew that if he doesn’t make a move now, you will try getting back at him.
“Hey—!” He wheezes, grabbing your hand. “You can't give up so easily. Fight for what you want!”
“Too much work.”
Ace sighs and tilts his head. He pulls you towards him by the strap of the bag you carry, almost knocking you off balance. And then, he presses your lips to his—they are unexpectedly soft and you start to wonder if it was because of the honey he added to his tea at almost every unbirthday party (to break another rule of his dorm)—and then... And then you both lost the air in your lungs that you hadn't managed to take in before kissing.
You look at him from under your lashes as you take a deep breath. “To quote, "Ah, so you need more of my attention?””
“Ughh,” Ace breathes out, and you feel that quiet sigh on the skin of your neck. He is still incredibly close, but for that moment you can’t bring yourself to push him away. “You're lucky I like you. …And, by the way, you choose very wise man’s quotes.”
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Deuce S. (forehead kisses)
“...Are you asleep?”
“...No. Not yet.”
The quilt rustles quietly as you sat up on the bed. You feel tired, your head aches, and your eyes seem too heavy. You are sure you've already yawned about five times since you said “goodnight”, but even after forty—you counted each one with agony—minutes of lying down, sleep wasn't taking you away.
Neither did Deuce, and that was your current greatest comfort.
“I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight,” you whisper, trying to make out his features in the darkness that merge into a dark room. But you are sure that that darker patch of shadow—Deuce—is looking at you as intently as you are looking at it. “Not after the movie that Ace picked out.”
Deuce slowly gets up and you can finally tell where his face is.
“He picked the wrong title,” Deuce agrees, sighing heavily. “I don't know if I can-... Erm, I mean, I'm not a fan of horror movies, but it's not that, that, I-.”
“Yes, yes, I understand,” you interrupt him gently and squeeze the duvet lightly in your fingers. You turn your gaze to a window where a hint of light shines through the gaps between the curtains. The moon must be very visible tonight. “I didn't like that film. You know what, Deuce? We can't let Ace choose movies ever again.”
“Right,” he put his hands through the strands of his hair. And then laughs at the memory he proceeds to describe you. “...When I was younger, my mother would often kiss me on the forehead whenever I felt I was too upset to sleep. I often tried to watch horror movies on my own so I could talk about them later at school, but... Haha. Anyway, somehow it always worked because I would go back to bed later and then—I think—I would fall asleep…”
“...Do you want to kiss me goodnight?”
“Ah-! N-no! That's not what I meant!” he protests. And then tries to look at you but finds it impossible. “Ah... Was that a request or a question?”
“An offer of a lifetime.”
Deuce remains in his bed for a few more moments but finally gets up. He pushes the curtains a little more and the room becomes much brighter. You could now see the games scattered on the floor that you had vowed to clean up in the morning, the outline of your beds and finally, and most importantly, yourselves.
He approaches you, quietly and carefully. You wait with a smile that you try to hide. You straighten up, put your feet on the floor, but still sit on the bed as Deuce brings his fingers to your face, and touches it with care as if you were a porcelain doll. Or a dream and Deuce was willing to believe in both cases.
He brushes your hair from your forehead and holds loose strands with one hand; the other is placed on the back of your head. He leans in. You hear him hold his breath and feel warmer as he presses his lips to the top of your head. You are sure he must have sensed the scent of his shampoo (you had a good reason for that: you had forgotten to take your own with you) because he quivers subtly as he inhales the smell bashfully.
And he must also be glad that it was still dark in here because, when you raise your gaze, his head is titled, as he often does when conscious of his blushes.
“…Are you calmer?” He whispers the question.
You nod slowly. Deuce carefully, almost reluctantly, steps away from you and sits down on his bed. Although he is no longer beside you, you can still feel the memory of how warm his skin and lips were. You gently touch the spot on your head where he had placed his kiss.
“If we don't fall asleep in the next half hour, we're going to go get some late-night snacks,” you decide, as you lay down, and you even notice Deuce smiling.
“Okay,” he chuckles. “And we can watch a better movie. But now try to fall asleep.”
“If I fall asleep now, I'll regret it.”
“You will say something else in the morning, tired.”
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maries-gallery · 9 months
Tbh I really just want some snuggles lol not feeling the greatest so can Licht or Nokto take care of me till my head stops hurting? (Or both I will never say no to both)
(feel free to ignore but I saw your post and thought why not lol)
Ghoul! I'm so sorry to hear your head hurts like this :( I hope it gets better soon! I'd be so happy if this can bring you even the tiniest of comfort <3 Don't forget to get lots of sleep if you can! Sending you lots of love and all my best wishes!
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genre: comfort, fluff
characters: Nokto and Licht Klein
warnings: none
moon banner by the lovely @/saradika
For more content like this, check the masterlist
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"Is your head any better?' Nokto's voice rings in your ears and echoes in your head, way too loud for comfort. 
You close your eyes, fingers pressing down in circular motions on your temples to try and soothe the radiating pain that spreads to the back of your neck and tickles at your simmering nausea. 
You miss the concern that flashes through Nokto’s crimson gaze, his heart squeezing in his chest as you bury yourself deeper into your pillows. Guilt claws at the pit of his stomach. 
“You asked her the same question five minutes ago, I don’t think things have gotten any better since then.” Licht’s words sound distorted through the pain, far away yet too close at the same time. 
You can’t hold back an amused chuckle at Licht’s words, it’s true, Nokto had been asking you the same question with each visit. 
“It’s okay, Nokto. It still hurts but the pain is much better now.” You flash him a comforting smile. The last thing you want is for him to feel bad about your current state. 
As soon as they heard you had collapsed in the library from a thunderous headache, the both of them had come running to your bedroom, reaching your door at the same time and you like to imagine the surprise written on their features when they caught sight of one another. 
A smile had touched your lips as they both crossed your door, touched by their apparent worry and the silver platter filled with sweets and medication held in Licht’s hands and the books and games held in Nokto’s. 
“Take this, it’ll help.” Licht said, his neutral features betraying a vivid concern as he held out some round pills and a glass of water for you to take. You gladly took them, popping the medication in your mouth and gulping it down. 
Your eyes traveled to the array of sweets he had brought, all resting on a pretty porcelain plate hand painted with intertwined roses and leaves and all mouth watering. A fraisier bright with fresh strawberries, a religieuse rich with chocolate icing and a dollop of cream, and a millefeuille generous in its crème pâtissière filled layers. 
“Thank you” You whispered, “I really appreciate it.” A faint smile touched his lips, and your heart softened at the sight. The smile’s from Licht were rare, but all blinding in their earnestness and honesty. 
Your eyes turned to Nokto, who had been silent until now, a grin etched on his features, one that didn’t serve to mask the gentle care in his eyes. “And what are those?” 
“Those, little fox, are books. You’ve probably read them a hundred times already but can’t blame a guy for trying to cheer up a pretty girl.” He gave you a playful wink, and your insides fluttered at his affectionate nickname. Even with his flirty tendencies, Nokto’s love always shone through his actions. 
“Oh?” You perked up, eyes scanning the leather bound tomes in his arms with professional scrutiny. You remembered seeing these in Chevalier’s library once, rare books from overseas and one of your favourites. 
“We’ve got Midnight Cinderella, I think you called it? The Tale of the Rose knight and The Little Mermaid.” Nokto spread out the novels on your bed covers, revealing golden titles all familiar. 
Your fingers traced upon the letters, warmth spreading in your chest as you pictured Nokto sneaking up in Chevalier’s private library to find books to your taste. 
“Have you read any of these?” You asked him, eyes meeting crimson ones. 
He shrugged his shoulders, “Nope. But I figured it might be time to discover them with you.” 
“He wants to impress you.” Licht’s flat tone reached your ears, smooth and soft as a paved stone. A chuckle spilled from your lips at his words. 
“I think your ‘little fox’ might enjoy some silence.” The older brother continued, throwing his sibling a warning glance. And you wanted to laugh,but it hurt too much, so you just observed them with eyes filled with mirth and the sparkles of amusement. 
After this the two of them had left your room, only to pop by at the same time thirty minutes later to ask about how you were. And the last two hours had been filled with these punctual visits, Licht here to make sure you take your meds correctly and eat the sweets, Nokto here to pop a joke and brighten your day with more and more books or games to pass the time. 
And whilst your head still hurts, the pain has grown softer over the last hours, better with each visit the brothers paid to your chamber. 
“Thank you for being here.” Your words are soft as they leave your lips, quiet and like a caress to their worried hearts. Your smile all they need to offer you one of their own. 
“Well, shall we read now?” 
taglist: @aquagirl1978 @randonauticrap @xbalayage @ikemen-writer @scorchieart @ikesimp100
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lyralit · 2 years
[ᴡᴏʀᴅꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴇꜱᴄʀɪʙᴇ] ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏᴜʀꜱ
[under the break bc this is really long]
mercury / mars
gold / golden
robin's egg
black currant
cherry blossom
cotton candy
hot pink
pink panther
rose quartz
dragon fruit rind
[bonus: shades]
jet black
black pearls
squid ink
whipped cream
teddy bear
cydney's backyard fence
paper bags
courtesy of @cydthesciencekid
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neopronouns · 4 months
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flag id: six flags with 9 stripes, with the second and eighth being smaller than the others, the first and ninth smaller than those, and the fifth the smallest.
the top left flag's stripes are dull bluish-green, dull light sky blue, pale sky blue, bluish=white, dull light turquoise, cream, light sandy brown, very light sandy brown, and faded turquoise. the top right flag's stripes are very dark indigo, dark indigo, gold, pale gold, very dark red, light red, red, dark red, and very dark pinkish-red.
the middle left flag's stripes are blue-black, dark dull purple, teal, light green, dark faded turquoise, dull green, medium dark sky blue, dark teal, and dark faded brown. the middle right flag's stripes are dark brown, dark faded red, caramel brown, gold, dark red, golden yellow, faded green, dark faded green, and very dark red.
the bottom left flag's stripes are light silver, light seafoam green, pale sky blue, bluish-white, faded teal, cream, pale green, dull seafoam green, and faded turquoise. the bottom right flag's stripes are near-black, dark brown-grey, dark dull pink, grey, medium dark red, light red, bright red, dark red, and very dark red. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
seafoamcolauric | crimsoncolauric tealcolauric | garnetcolauric jadecolauric | redcolauric
seafoamcolauric: a colorgender related to the color seafoam, clear water, milkshakes, crystals, agave, candy dishes, converse, and seashells
crimsoncolauric: a colorgender related to the color crimson, rose vines, blood, apples, velvet, sharp nails, galaxies, and dripping jewellery
tealcolauric: a colorgender related to the color teal, dyed hair, scales, doc martens, aurora borealis, stormy seas, kingfishers, and agate
garnetcolauric: a colorgender related to the color garnet, brooches, anthologies, stained glass, leaves, dining chairs, long robes, and curtains
jadecolauric: a colorgender related to the color jade, islands, sketchbooks, rainy windows, pendants, puzzle pieces, tree frogs, and sea glass
redcolauric: a colorgender related to the color red, leather jackets, cherries, bruised knuckles, roses, lipstick, fast cars, and rose petals
[pt: seafoamolauric: a colorgender related to the color seafoam, clear water, milkshakes, crystals, agave, candy dishes, converse, and seashells
crimsoncolauric: a colorgender related to the color crimson, rose vines, blood, apples, velvet, sharp nails, galaxies, and dripping jewellery
tealcolauric: a colorgender related to the color teal, dyed hair, scales, doc martens, aurora borealis, stormy seas, kingfishers, and agate
garnetcolauric: a colorgender related to the color garnet, brooches, anthologies, stained glass, leaves, dining chairs, long robes, and curtains
jadecolauric: a colorgender related to the color jade, islands, sketchbooks, rainy windows, pendants, puzzle pieces, tree frogs, and sea glass
redcolauric: a colorgender related to the color red, leather jackets, cherries, bruised knuckles, roses, lipstick, fast cars, and rose petals. end pt]
sixth set of colorgenders based on the results of this 'what color is your aura?' uquiz for anon!
these are in the colorgender flag format with the aura color from the uquiz as the center stripe and colors inspired by the listed things as the rest of the stripes. the terms are the aura color, 'col' from 'color, 'aur' from 'aura', + 'ic'!
tags: @radiomogai, @colorgendered | dni link
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eudaimonia83 · 10 months
Chapter 6 is posted! For anyone who felt adrift last week bc of the new character, the Elucien goodness will hopefully make up for it this week. 🥰
Content warning: Solstice, but make it just a bit sinister. Muhahaha. No triggers that I can think of in this chapter.
Trivia moment: this chapter was the original basis for the entire fic. (It has obviously spiraled significantly into larger themes since then, lol.) I’ve long been annoyed that Lucien keeps being forced to hang out w the IC and then they act like he isn’t there, or treat him like he’s an enemy. *cough az and cass cough* So i wanted Elain to make him feel included…and to finally give him a thoughtful present. I also wanted Elain to be a bit more in her element, at a party.
There will probably be a couple weeks before this is updated again bc I will be working on a different piece for a bit, but there’s more coming!
Chapter 6: ELAIN
The party was a bright affair, lamps all ablaze, faelights swirling like tiny acrobats in the rafters, and fires crackling merrily. Elain wore her lavender silk dress, against the advice of Nuala, who had suggested a darker color to match the rest of the guests. And it was true; Mor was resplendent in red and gold, Nesta icy in silver edged with white and jewelry of sparkling black, Feyre in deep royal blue. The three Illyrian brothers were in their customary matching black, though Azriel’s leathers somehow seemed the most formal attire of the lot. Rhysand had indulged in a violet-trimmed waistcoat and Cassian’s crimson siphons seemed to set everything he touched ablaze.
But after Elain had spent two hours trying to decide between a dark blue high-necked velvet gown and a long black dress festooned with big pink roses — hating how pale she looked, how thin and wan — she had finally thrown open her wardrobe doors and pulled out the soft, swishing dress with its fluttering skirt. It was not truly fancy enough for the occasion, she knew. It was a dress for a day in the gardens in the height of summer, for running in and out of the shade of her tall hedges, for trailing her hand in the fountain and dabbing the cool water on her neck to soften the heat of the sun’s kiss, for spending hours lying in the grass trying to identify the scent of each particular flower. But her heart had eased the moment she’d held it up and looked at herself in the mirror. It felt right. And in it, she felt beautiful. She knew people called her the pretty sister. She had used that as currency herself, drawing the attention of men and boys alike. But standing next to Nesta, regal and austere; or Feyre, slender and magnetic and alluring; or Morrigan, glowing and brash and curvaceous…she just felt ordinary. In this dress she could at least compare. To keep warm, she picked out a plum-colored velvet high-cut jacket edged in brown fur. The gentle color of it warmed against the bronze of her curls, which she left down; and her cheeks, still hollow from the weight she’d lost as a new Fae, looked like they picked up some color. She stared at her reflection for a while, feeling as though it all looked unfinished, when the bell tinkled merrily to announce that dinner was ready. On her way down the stairs, she passed a dripping bouquet of winter roses and pine garlands; one of the arrangements the decorators had brought earlier. The roses were cream-white with a pink edge to their petals. In sudden inspiration, Elain twisted two buds from the bouquet and prepared to tuck one into her hair, before thinking, be daring. Be brave. With the slightest of tremors, she instead tucked both of the flowers into the sweetheart collar of the dress, right above her décolletage. They warmed against her skin. Somehow, she didn’t need a mirror to know she had chosen well; she lifted her chin and walked down the steps. She passed a massive gilt-edged mirror as she went down the hallway to the dining room, and noticed that the buds had opened slightly against her skin, blushing and pale in equal measure. She stopped to straighten them only to find their stems firmly tangled in the fabric of the lining of her dress, so they pressed lightly against her breasts. Like they were hugging her. And when she’d entered the dining room, ever so slightly late — she remembered one of her human friends insisting they be late to a party, saying “no, Lainey, you must make an entrance” — she’d been pleased to find all eyes drawn to her. Even Amren’s steely gaze had narrowed.
Dinner had been loud, especially when Nyx had made an appearance after his nap. His eyes were ringed with tiredness, but lit up merrily when he saw Cassian, the undisputed favorite, who immediately waved at him and stuck his tongue out. Feyre now relinquished her son to his uncle and sat back on the lounge chair, tucking her feet up under the blue silk of her gown. Elain hadn’t spoken to her all day; when they’d arrived back from the Hewn City, later than people had expected, she had looked unsettled, and shuttered herself in with Rhysand for a good hour, the shields around the room thick and humming. She looked happier now, her pale blue eyes alight as she watched her family.
Elain couldn’t think of how to begin the conversation, but felt obliged to ask, “Are you enjoying your birthday?”
Feyre glanced at her briefly before directing her eyes back to her son. Rhysand had pulled him up from Cassian’s shoulders and his little wings beat frantically, though they weren’t yet strong enough to bear his weight. Feyre smiled, lines fanning out from her tired eyes. “I am now,” she said. “It wasn’t an auspicious start to the day, though.”
“What happened?” Elain wondered if she just meant being at the Hewn City or if something worse had happened.
But Feyre shook her head and said, “Oh, it was a tense day at the tithe. The Lesser Fae have had a bad harvest this year so the totals were unimpressive. And they want more than ever from Rhys,” her eyes darkened, brows creasing, “as though he doesn’t protect them enough. As his mate it’s hard to sit by and hear them blame him, like he can control the weather or eliminate bandits.”
She shifted in her seat to keep Rhys and Nyx in her view, and Elain caught a glimpse of a bright gold medallion around her neck, hung on a knobbly homespun cord. The gold was yellow and white hammered together, in painstaking handmade relief, to make a shimmering, undulating surface; Elain saw as the light played on its surface that it was worked into an image. An image of a toothy maw spread wide…claws on disturbingly human hands extended…
Feyre smiled brightly at her sister, noting the direction of her gaze, and picked up the medallion to show her. “Isn’t it lovely? I know the image is grotesque, but the workmanship is stunning, especially to be handmade.” She tilted it so Elain could see better. “One of the tithe attendees gave it to me as a gift. For my birthday.”
Elain leaned forward in appreciation. “What is it?” she asked. She’d never seen such a creature before, even with all the horrors of the past two years.
“I don’t know,” Feyre said, shrugging. “A creature holy to that specific tribe, I shouldn’t wonder.” She lowered her voice as if about to divulge a secret. “I think he thought appealing to me would make Rhys grant his request, but it was all the way in the south, and we haven’t any time to go so far. And it’d be close to impossible to travel there with Nyx so young too.” She admired the gleaming surface. “It is lovely though. One of the prettiest things I’ve ever seen at the tithe. Usually their work is so simple compared to the jewels of Velaris.”
Elain leaned forward and touched the medallion with her fingertip, and as she did, she heard a low roaring in her ears that swelled to obliterate the laughs of the party: a humming growl, low and undulating. The light of the party faded, until it was nothing more than the sparkle of a candle…and before her, a darkness, near total, but for the occasional glimmer. The light wavered oddly, like the cast from a flame — a larger flame, the writhing of its light against the shadows nearly twice Elain’s height, bent violently by gusts of wind. It reached no more than a few inches beyond where Elain stood, then slipped back into blackness. But there was movement there; movement that materialized into fur, mangy and stinking, and teeth, dripping with saliva, light glinting on the points of fangs as long as her fingers, vicious, hungry for blood. And then a rushing voice, filling her ears with a thousand whispers. A pact. An agreement. An old magic, invoked by charm and wrought by hand. It must be honored.
A vision. She knew it even as it spiraled into darkness, the whispers coiling into chaos and then clarifying into something more familiar. Into words. BACK. HOWEVER YOU FIGHT, IT WILL BE OF NO USE. WE WILL HAVE IT ALL BACK. It melted into a hoarse scream, a cry of attack…
But then she was sucked backwards into light, so bright that her eyes watered a bit in protest, trails of blackness still lingering across her vision; and she was at the party, thrown into its chatter and charm, and Feyre was laughing, throwing her head back, exclaiming, “Lucien! As I live and breathe! Rhys told me you were back, and I would’ve been so upset if you hadn’t come to see me.”
Elain blinked, and the last of the darkness slid away. Before her was the erstwhile prince of Autumn, his hair braided and smoothly caught back at the nape of his neck, a bright blue coat with subtle gold threading outlining his broad shoulders. Even dressed relatively modestly, he gleamed, all color and light, all mischief and elegant trickery. So Fae. Even now it sent ripples up her spine, sliding along the knife edge between fear of him and trust in him. His golden eye glinted as he returned Feyre’s smile. “I wouldn’t miss your birthday for all the stars in Velaris,” he said, his voice light and teasing. “Not that even you could give those away.”
“Don’t put it past me,” Feyre winked at him.
Lucien turned to Elain, whose voice was as firmly caught in her throat as a burr stuck in a glove. “Good evening, Lady,” he said, with a slight bow. She swallowed, and nodded.
His good eye narrowed, ever so slightly, taking her in at a quick glance. “Can I get you a drink?” he asked, swinging his eyes back to Feyre, and smiling disarmingly. “The pair of you aren’t doing the party any favors sitting here without partaking.”
Feyre protested, laughing, but Lucien cocked his head and stared at her in mock accusation until she relented with a roll of her eyes. “Very well then. A half glass of the gold wine.”
He moved off toward the bar cart with a smooth stride. Feyre’s gaze shifted to Elain, whose hands were clenched tightly in her lap. What had he noticed?
Feyre leaned in and said, her eyes dancing, “That’s a magnificent color on him, don’t you agree?”
Elain blushed from her ears to her chest, hating her sister for being so open, so obvious, so damn gleeful. It was confusing enough to be around him without everyone watching and whispering. She was trying to figure out what to say when he returned, a glass in each hand. He handed the wine cup to Feyre, who thanked him and then slyly slid away; he pushed a highball glass into her hand as they found themselves alone.
“Drink it,” he murmured, almost inaudible over the chatter of the party. “You look like you’re about to faint.”
She clutched the glass hard and stared at him.
“It’s only water,” he said, a trifle defensive. “You should drink it. It’s too warm in here and you’re flushed.” He leaned forward against the chaise, body language utterly relaxed — no one watching from a distance would think he was talking about anything but pleasantries — but a strain in his voice belied all that as he asked, “Did you just have…a vision?”
She put the glass to her lips and drank, the cold of the water a welcome rush on her tongue. The shock of it loosened her voice. She tried to stay as calm as possible, to imitate his nonchalance. “How did you know?”
His smile was tight. Pained. “Even if I hadn’t felt it here…” he touched his chest lightly, over his heart — “your face would’ve given it away.”
“You…” He flexed his fingers as if they hurt. “You looked the same as…as back then. When you were first Fae.” He threw a glance at the fireplace with its evergreen bower and gestured at it, maintaining the small talk facade with ease. “Are you well?”
Surprised, she couldn’t help but turn and look him full in the face. “I’m…”
He turned his head, quizzical, as she trailed off. “You’re…not well?”
“No, I’m all right,” she said, hurriedly. “But — you don’t want to know what I saw?”
Everyone always pounced when they heard she’d had a vision, starving for details, most of which she could never recall. But his eyebrows twitched together and back apart as he wiped the concern from his face, turning it bland and calm. “Not if you don’t want to tell me.”
Elain drew in a deep breath and let it out in a trembling sigh that turned into a laugh, tremulous and true and even a little sad, if she was honest. He cast his eyes down and smiled at his hands, folded on the back of the couch. “Don’t laugh at me, Lady.”
“But you’re ridiculous, my lord,” she said, her humor finally cresting over the prickle behind her eyes.
“Eternally,” he agreed.
She was about to give him a pert answer when she noticed Feyre, standing on the other side of the parlor and grinning like the Mad Cat in their childhood storybook. As their eyes locked, Feyre seized Mor’s arm, and the two of them turned away at the same moment, leaning their heads together. Elain fought against a stab of annoyance at their interference and slid her gaze across the room, only to briefly lock with Amren, who returned it with narrow, flinty eyes that were somehow both flat and depthless. Elain felt her hackles rise like she was staring down a predator…like the gaping hungry mouth in her vision. But she forced a smile, and raised her glass slightly. Amren inclined her head in the barest of nods and raised her own goblet, and the corners of her mouth twitched upward in a knowing, feral smirk.
Lucien followed her gaze and then looked immediately away, back down at his hands, shifting as though he too had caught the expression on Amren’s icy features. “Being watched all the time must get tedious,” he said. “No wonder you guard your secrets.”
“I have none of consequence,” she murmured.
“And now you’re even bringing in lies. How enchanting.” His foxlike grin split his face. She couldn’t control the lurch in her chest. “I like you deceitful, Blossom. It’s intriguing.”
“Well, everyone else has their secrets,” she fired at him. “Can’t I have any of my own?”
“Certainly,” he said. He seemed utterly earnest. “I only ask that you promise to share with me the ones you ask me to keep.”
She paled. Was he going to give her away? An outright lie to Cassian and Nesta, a lie of omission to Rhysand and Feyre…they’d have her under the daemati claws in no time…there would be no secrets then, no mind left, they’d have it all and she’d be a shell of herself…
He extended his hand in a calming motion, seeming to sense her unease. “Not just yet,” he murmured. “When you’re ready. Til you instruct it, I’ll keep my silence.”
She couldn’t think of what to say, but he straightened up and nodded as Rhysand approached. She froze, feeling the sly rake of her brother-in-law’s claws across her thoughts, and focused hard on the half-full drink in her hand.
“Lucien,” Rhys greeted him, smooth and effortless as always. “Thank you for coming.”
“It’s my pleasure,” Lucien replied, and Elain was strongly reminded of the dukes and earls at the dances back in the human lands; that charm, the utter facility of sliding from one interaction to another. “Happiest of birthdays to the High Lady.”
Rhys nodded, immense satisfaction on his face as his violet eyes scanned the merry gathering. Cassian had Nyx on his shoulders; Nesta’s hand rested protectively on Nyx’s leg to keep him from falling backwards. Azriel sat by the window, shadows romping with the fluttering faelights, while Mor and Feyre argued playfully over a chessboard. And Amren stood slightly apart from the rest, her pale eyes surveying keenly. Rhys asked, a trifle absently, “How do the human lands fare?”
Lucien sighed. “The lands are buried under snow, as the seasons dictate. The humans themselves are…suffering.”
Rhys raised his eyebrows. “The fall harvest was sufficient. Once the crops come in in spring…”
“…they will still be suffering,” Lucien interrupted. “They cannot eat their seed crops if they hope to lay in the fields for next season. And yet they cannot starve. Everything there is restless. People who are hungry and sick and neglected will not tolerate it for long.”
Elain felt her insides squeeze in shock. No one interrupted the High Lord. Not even Feyre, who always gazed at him with pride. But even more critically, his words burrowed through her surprise: the humans were hungry and sick. That was her village. Her friends. Mayfer, the bustling harbor city where she’d visited to wait for her father’s ships. Her former home.
Lucien continued, “Jurian has purchased extra grain stores from the continent. And Vassa took in several hundred of the country folk who would have starved otherwise, onto Lord Nolan’s estate.”
“Generous of her,” Rhys remarked. He sounded ever so slightly bored, as his eyes followed Feyre’s every move.
“Just keeping body and soul together,” Lucien replied, and his tone dropped. His expression remained mild as Elain glanced between the two males. But without even knowing how she knew it, she thought he is angry, before remembering to keep her thoughts focused on her glass of water. Angry at Rhysand. For what?
It could be any number of things, a small voice inside her head hissed, and she felt a tiny stab of shame, then covered it with thinking of how cold the glass was in her hand, beading with condensation.
“Clearly. Come see me in the morning and give a full report,” Rhys said, calm and unconcerned. But his eyes flashed as they settled briefly upon Elain. “And get Elain another glass of water. She’s parched, aren’t you, little sister?” His smile was thin and cold, and he moved away, sleek as a shadow, to stand behind Feyre, one arm draped lazily over her shoulder, fiddling idly with the knobbly handwoven string that supported the gold medallion around her neck. She reached up to stroke his wrist; the very picture of domesticity. Elain was pleased to discover that she could in fact distract him with obvious surface thoughts, to misdirect from her deeper misgivings — since she had no expertise in mental shields, that could be a useful tactic, even if it was flimsy. But warring with her satisfaction came a deep unease. A pact. An agreement. An old magic…
“Presents!” Mor called out from close to the fireplace, dragging a sack of brightly wrapped gifts out of a pocket realm, and everyone clustered around the couch for the exchange. Elain knew this would dissolve into spoiling the baby, and she was right; everyone competed for the best present for Nyx, who was getting a bit tired and cranky, and wanted only to play with the bright ribbons on the packages. Everyone had gotten one another gifts, and everyone exclaimed over the silk scarves, the sharp knives, the antique astrolabe that Feyre had sourced from the Day Court for Rhys…but, Elain noticed again and again, no one had gotten any gifts for Lucien.
She stole another glance at him. He seemed unperturbed, smiling at the chaos of wrapping paper and mirth as Cassian opened a leather satchel from Mor with a suggestive shape. He howled with laughter as she winked and told him with supreme innocence that it was for use in the annual snowball fight. Nesta rolled her eyes, and Cassian stuffed the satchel into her hands with a hooded glance. Elain felt curiously voyeuristic, as though she’d witnessed something she wasn’t supposed to see; a tiny window into a private moment between her sister and the powerful male she was mated to. She thought of the little blue box, sitting on the table in the next room, and longed for the right moment to give it to Lucien. But it didn’t seem appropriate, not here; not with everyone watching. She didn’t dare to give everyone else a tiny window into what was — or perhaps wasn’t — between her and Lucien. Not when it would be giggled over and teased and demeaned.
She broke away a few minutes later to gather all her presents together — jasmine soap from Nesta, tulip bulbs from Feyre, a box of expensive spices from Rhys — and found him in the hallway pulling his cloak off the hook.
“You’re leaving?” she blurted out, before she could think of anything better to say.
He turned, masking his surprise with a wry grin. “Overstaying a welcome is poor etiquette, I’ve found.”
“You’re welcome here,” she insisted. Was it her imagination that his eyebrows twitched in denial?
“Thank you,” he said, “but I think this party is for family now. And I’m not that. Whatever else I may be.”
“But…” — was she really going to say it? Her stomach clenched. Brave. Be brave. “But…I haven’t given you your present yet.”
He froze, comically halfway through securing the cloak buttons. “My what?”
“Your — your present,” she stammered. Gods above, untie her tongue from these hopeless knots. “I’m sorry no one else got you anything. But I did.”
As soon as she said it, it sounded false. Petulant. Like she was seeking a compliment.
“What for?” he asked, and he sounded bemused enough that she laughed, short and quiet.
“For Solstice, silly,” she said. She beckoned him into the darkened sitting area, turning on the lamp as she did. He followed, wary, keeping his distance.
She pushed the box at him, unsure of how to proceed, but now committed to seeing it through. He stared at it as though it was a trick, or a bomb that would explode in his face if he touched it.
“But you didn’t need to get me anything,” he said.
“I — I know,” she said, and her courage flagged. The box sank an inch or two from where she’d held it out to him. “But I wanted to. You did save my life, remember, so it’s only fair that I thank you properly.” She squared her shoulders, and in an attempt at being merry, said with a faint smile, “And I have a few Solstices to catch up on with you.”
He still didn’t move.
“Take it.” She moved two steps closer, til the box was within reach of his hand.
And with a brief hesitation, he reached up and took the box from her, pulled the ribbon off it, and opened it.
Elain was consumed with the strangest twirling in her gut, a spiral of anxiety and excitement. Gods. Dear gods. It was stupid. So stupid. Unutterably stupid, in fact. How could she have thought that it would be enough, when she had never accepted his gifts with anything but awkwardness, that this tiny thing would say everything she wanted it to?
Her cheeks flamed. She wondered if this was what it was to slowly choke…to asphyxiate under the weight of her own mistakes.
And still it was quiet. Finally, desperately, she dragged her eyes up from where her fingers twisted with anxiety and —
— and he was looking at her, his face a mix of gratitude and grief. Their eyes locked so tightly she almost heard the click of a key.
“A hyraeth,” he murmured, pulling the little pin from the box. The jeweler had fashioned it from a single piece of bright yellow amber that caught the light like honey, but also gleamed like sunshine on water. Elain had selected it herself. The etchings on the edges were done in black lacquer, faceting the surface of the amber just like the patterns on butterflies’ wings. The jeweler had done a lovely job, but her stomach corkscrewed into her legs nonetheless. Did he not like it?
“Well, not a real one,” she said hurriedly. “Just their likeness in a pin for your hair, or your lapel. But I thought you might like it…they’re from the Autumn Court,” she blurted, realizing she was babbling and cursing herself roundly for it, trying to lower her voice, which - drown her in the damned cauldron - was so much louder than was necessary.
“I know,” he said. “From the Vilderavian Groves, at the borders of Summer.” His voice fractured ever so slightly at the edges.
Her eyes widened. “Have you seen it?”
“Yes,” he replied, and there was a reverence in his voice that rippled through her like wind through grass. “Long ago. Just once. They alight on the great trunks of the hemlock trees in a shimmering mass. An ocean of tiny wings, all amber and gold and black, whispering among the green foliage. It’s a special place; the only evergreen spot in Autumn. And the sight — the whole forest alive with trembling light — is magnificent. There’s nothing like it.”
She nodded. “It made me think…” She spread her hands in defeat. That home is a journey, rather than a place. That it might not obey borders or rules, but seek its own way across barriers. That to find it, to keep it, one can endure unimaginable toil and turmoil. That there is magic in the smallest things. “…that you might someday find a place for your heart to rest. Unfathomable as that may be now.”
She could have sworn there was a gleam in his eyes, just for a moment. He closed his hand over the little pin. “It’s beautiful,” he said, softly. And then, so gently that had she not been straining toward him with every cell of her treacherous body, she would not have heard him: “I think you’ve fathomed me quite well, Blossom. Thank you.”
His eyes slid down to her lips, so close…the moment brief and shimmering, a bubble on the wind…
…and it shattered, burst by the arrival of Nyx, screaming in uninhibited toddler glee as Cassian mock-chased him through the hallway and past the open doors. Lucien started and stepped back. Elain very nearly followed him, so strong was the pull of the bond’s tidal undertow in her ribs, but she knew it was too late. Misery blooming in her heart, she turned to go.
“Happy Solstice, Elain,” he murmured.
She looked back over her shoulder, and saw him standing in the pool of light from the lamp. In that moment, he seemed aglow himself somehow. A living sun.
“Happy Solstice, Lucien,” she replied; and, unbidden, unsought, a smile rose to her lips. He returned it, shyly — and low in her gut, an ember, dormant under the ash of everything that had happened, flickered into a tiny flame.
It was nothing, she told herself sternly as she climbed the stairs to her room. So small. But even a tiny light could bring a traveler safe home.
Elain could feel the heat blooming on her cheeks…a light tingling in her fingertips…but somehow, she couldn’t help but feel excited. She knew the dreams would come. But perhaps, even before the dreams arrived, there could be a decision first.
She collapsed against her door, fist pressed trembling to her mouth, as though to stuff the helpless giggle back down her throat, all unguarded from the fizzing happiness inside her. Gods, it was intoxicating. Had she truly forgotten what it was to feel joy? It was a light in her veins. Liquid, effervescent sun on the longest night of the year. She pulled the two winter roses from her bodice, tearing the lining slightly as they relinquished their hold. She tenderly set them down on her nightstand into a glass of water and busied herself undressing…not noticing, as she shucked off the little jacket and unfastened the silk of the bodice, draping the dress over the door of the wardrobe, that the flowers were uncurling, roots extending from the stems faster than any normal plant; leaves stretching out to fill the rim of the glass.
The rustle of the branches in the hedges outside grew louder. It could have been the wind; or a bird sleeping, stirring in its nest; or perhaps a thousand whispers. The moon was the only witness; and she was as silent as she had been since the birth of the planet beneath skies roiling with sulphur and fire, waiting, watching as everything beneath unfolded in miniature.
We will have it all back.
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askvekpa · 1 year
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This must be what YOU EARTHLINGS call TORTURE…
WHAT DID I DO to deserve THIS.
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godkilller · 6 months
COLOR.       ——     red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, black, white, teal, silver, gold, grey, lilac, metallic, matte, royal blue, strawberry red, charcoal grey, forest green, apple red, navy blue, crimson, cream, mint green, magenta, pastels, bubblegum pink, blood red, ivory.
ELEMENTAL.      ——        fire. ice. water. air. earth.  rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. thunder. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. clouds. light. dark. shadow.
BODY.       ——       claws. long fingers. fangs. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. ears. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. slender. trained. piercings. tattoos. strong. shape-shifting. svelte. long hair. short hair. dark circles. big. small. prosthetic. experimented. cyborg. halos. horns. wolfish.
WEAPONRY.        ——       fists. sword. dagger. spear. scythe. bow & arrow. hammer. shield. poison. venom. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katana. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. power loader. flamethrower. metal rod. shotguns. needles.
MATERIAL.        ——        gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. copper. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. yarn. slime. ivory.
NATURE.       ——       grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. holly. lavender. lilies. petals. thorns. sunflowers. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. snow. ice. roots. flowers. ocean. river. lake. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. swamp. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. stars. clouds. mountains. fungi. cliffs. sunlight.
ANIMALS.       ——       lions. wolves. black panther. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. roaches. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantis. crows. ravens. misc. lizards. frogs. bears. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dinosaurs. dragons. felines. foxes. pigeons. centaurs.
FOOD & DRINK.      ——      sugar. salt. water. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. pomegranate. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. vanilla. cookies.
HOBBIES.       ——        music. art. piercing. watercolours. gardening. knitting. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. fencing. riding. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self - defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. poetry. philosophy. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. fiddle . cello. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. synthesizers. harp. woodwinds. brass. trumpet. flute. drums. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. climbing. tree climbing. running. vivisection.
STYLE.       ——       lingerie. armor. cape. dress. robes. suit. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. heels. legging. trousers. jeans. skirt. shorts. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendants. hat. goggles. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. neck tie. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. pauldrons. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. pantyhose. stockings. thigh highs. eye patch. collar. no makeup.
MISC.       ——        balloons. bubbles. cityscape. landscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. ripe. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirror. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. realism. loneliness. anger. laughter. screams. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. lovers. loyalty. smoking. alcohol. stories. drugs. kindness. love.
tagged by: i stole it tagging: @dokuhai, @keikakudori, @owabisuru, @madestars, and you!
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lonesomejester · 2 years
Real gender envy is looking handsome and smart in my coat that is red and yellow and green and brown and scarlet and black and ochre and peach and ruby and olive and violet and fawn and lilac and gold and chocolate and mauve and cream and crimson and silver and rose and azure and lemon and russet and grey and purple and white and pink and orange and blue
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asheanon · 11 months
Vincent Valentine running a tea shop.
— For @/Carendsyaz1 (on Twitter)
From: Ask Box Writing Prompt Game
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📖 It's Tea Story Time...
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At low volume, a strangely familiar tune can be heard playing from within. Though soft and slightly somber, there was something almost bewitching about its sound. For those who felt themselves inquisitive enough to stop by or simply take a little peek inside, the melody often served to pull them in. And if it wasn't enough to keep them there, then another provocation of the senses surely would.
While the space wasn't necessarily sizeable, it was made good use of. The interior was largely cast in black, embellished with mahogany trim and other forms of furniture and decor. Rows of shelves lined the walls - all of which were lined themselves with boxes and tins containing loose leaf tea blends. In one corner, what could best be described as "Victorian Gothic-esque" tea sets were made available with respective displays. In another, a variety of delectable baked goods could be found. It was sleek, elegant and dark. Pardoning some splashes of color, at least.
A modest collection of carmine roses and other fair forms of flower were scattered about and presented daintily, accenting the shelves and countertops. While these floral arrangements were far from abundant, oddly, their fragrance seemed to prove stronger than their number. It dared to puzzle you. Before your curiosity got the better of you, however, a door behind the counter opened.
A gentleman with long raven hair, partly obscured by a headband of a similar shade, emerged with a tray in hand. Following him, a wave of an even stronger rendition of the botanical scent wafted towards you. With a lean figure complimented by a cobalt dress shirt and black dress pants, it was soon made apparent to you... He was tall, dark and... well... he was a pretty handsome fellow too. Had it not been for the metallic shimmer of his silver tray, golden arm and rather pallid complexion, he threatened to blend right into the walls. What's that? Golden arm? Why, but of course!
Donned upon his left arm was a metal gauntlet bearing a golden sheen - large, clawed and unlike anything you had ever seen an employee in your local area wear. Its peculiarity begot intrigue.
He carefully sat the tray down upon the furthest counter, retrieving a pinch of something red, then another of something violet, dropping them both into a small metal infuser. It was then that he noticed he was no longer alone.
"Welcome." He offered a simple greeting. A moment was spared as an electric kettle was given power before he turned to face you. You were met with dark crimson eyes.
For whatever reason, you felt oddly compelled to purchase a lemon raspberry scone in particular... this same compulsion drove you to remark on the "heavenly aroma" just as well. And, as was made evident, there appeared to be a tea in the making right before your very eyes... so, naturally, one would only speculate what manner of tea it could it be, right? Right! Between the redolence and an innate sense of wonder, understandably, you found yourself pressed enough to ask about it.
Logging your order, the man then offered you a subtle nod and an even subtler smile. One that was easily missed. He retrieved a box from nearby, handing it off to you with the assurance it was a similar blend. It was titled "Rose On The Grey."
Clearly, it contained flowers; rose petals and lavender blossoms deemed safe for consumption, but it also bore black tea layered with hints of vanilla and bergamot. In essence, it was a blend of traditional Earl Grey with mostly floral additions.
"Goes well with cream and sugar." He added.
As you seemed preoccupied enough via examining the tea box's contents, he excused himself a moment more, tending to the now well heated kettle. He placed the infuser into a decorative black teacup, moderately gilded. It was one of two, now.
"Would you like a sample?"
Uh, yes. You would like a sample. In fact, when he inquired whether or not you would like any additives, you insisted that it be prepared the way he would personally prepare it. To your delight, he was willing to oblige.
The lull in time placed between the present and preparing two teacups worth of specialty tea felt to pass by effortlessly. A small, intricate table made for two beckoned you over. You took a seat with your scone and the box of tea that was not quite yours (yet,) but you felt compelled to let it accompany you nonetheless. Additional details within the shop catered to the eye as you waited.
"Here." Eventually, an elegant little cup of piping hot tea was presented to you, complete with the recommended amounts of both cream and sugar. Despite the somewhat impassive fashion in which it was bestowed upon you, you can tell it was made with love. Your intuition told you so.
Lightly blowing at the steam, you boldly went in for a sip - only to be stopped with a small "mm-mm." He had his back turned to you, returning to the counter. Had he heard you? How did he know?
The man insisted that you wait just a minute or two more, lest you burn your tongue. It was as if stories of visiting tea-samplers previous to you told themselves in the way he handled the situation. Fine, you would wait...
... But when you were done waiting, it was all yours. The revered first sip of the dark, mysterious shopkeeper's tea - of which seemed just as dark and mysterious, yet sweet as he.
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ultfan · 10 days
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what are your muse’s aesthetics? BOLD any which apply to your muse! remember to REPOST! feel free to add to the list!
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[ COLOURS ]  ~  burgundy. red. crimson. scarlet. maroon. mahogany. copper. amber. chocolate. brown. tawny. tan. bronze. brass. orange. gold. saffron. yellow. chartreuse. spring green. lime. mint. green. olive. forest. turquoise. teal. cerulean. blue. navy. cobalt. periwinkle. indigo. pewter. plum. purple. magenta. fuchsia. lilac. lavender. pink. coral. peach. ivory. cream. white. silver. grey. smoke. charcoal. ebony. black. pastels. vibrant. matte. metallic. muted. dark. light.
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[ BODY ] ~ mutations. claws. fangs. wings. tails. feathers. webs. spikes. scales. fur. stripes. spots. freckles. acne. bruises. scars. scratches. gashes. lashes. wounds. amputations. burns. brands. teeth. gums. tongues. lips. beards. mustaches. cheeks. noses. ears. eyes. eyelashes. eyebrows. hair. heads. neck. shoulders. collar bones. arms. elbows. wrists.  hands. fingers. breast. back. ribs. abs. belly. hips. curves. butts. legs. thighs. knees. shins. ankles. feet. toes. nails. sweat. spit. tears. blood. heart. stomach. lungs. liver. veins.  guts. bones. spine. muscle. skin. feline. canine. masculine. feminine.
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[ WEAPONS ]  ~  bites. fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. bow. crossbow. hammer.  shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers.  machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. bombs. missiles. boomerangs. lethal pets. lasers.
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[ MATERIALS ]  ~ metal. gold. silver. platinum. pewter. titanium. iron. steel. copper. bronze. brass. tin. bismuth. diamonds. pearls. rubies. garnets. sapphires. emeralds. jade. peridots. alexandrite. opal. topaz. jasper. quartz. rose quartz. smoky quartz. amethyst. citrine. fluorite. amber. malachite. turquoise. lapis lazuli. sodalite. pyrite. labradorite.  moonstone.  petrified wood. wood. paper. parchment. hemp. canvas. burlap. oils. skin. muslin. rayon. faux. wool. fur. lace. leather. skins. suede. corduroy. silk. satin. chiffon. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. rocks. flint. asphalt. brick. granite. marble. dust. rust. glitter. sand. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. nylon. polyester. plastic. glass. porcelain.  bone. shells. coral.
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[ NATURE ]  ~ grass. leaves. trees. bark. flowers. roses. daisies. forget me nots. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. roots. ocean. pond. river. stream. waterfall. creek. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. tropical. jungle. marsh. moors. swamp.  plains. hills. highlands. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space.  clouds. mountains. fire. lava. ice. frost. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun.  heat. cold. steam. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise.  sunset. dewdrops. shadow. tornado. hurricane. water spout. thunder. hail. twisters. humidity. dryness.
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[ ANIMALS ]  ~ birds. penguins. eagles. owls. falcons. vultures. hawks. swans. parrots. parakeets. doves. pigeons. ducks. robins. cardinals. blue jays. bluebirds. blackbirds. crows. ravens. magpies. mockingbirds. flamingos. ostriches. seagulls. albatross. peacocks. condors. finches. pelicans. chickens. geese. quail. bats. sheep. cows. buffalo. deer.  hedgehogs. elephants. horses. giraffes. cats. lions. tigers. pumas. cheetahs. jaguars. foxes. dogs. wolves. coyotes. bunnies. mice. rats. monkeys. apes. bears. pandas. polar bears. snakes. iguanas. chameleons. alligators. crocodiles. turtles. lizards. frogs. toads. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. stingrays. octopus. lobsters. crabs. bugs. spiders. ants.  moths. butterflies. flies. maggots. roaches. ladybugs. beetles. cicadas. dragonflies. fleas. termites. leeches. worms. snails. mosquitoes. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. dinosaurs.
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[ FOODS/DRINKS ]  ~  pepper. salt. sugar. honey. syrup. caramel. candy. bubblegum.  mints.  candy canes. gumdrops. lollipops. chocolate. vanilla. cinnamon. ice cream. cake. cookies. brownies. biscuits. pie. tarts. lemonade. soda. champagne. wine. brandy. rum. whiskey. vodka. tequila. sake. beer. soju. gin. crema de cacao. cocoa. latte. coffee. tea.  spices. herbs. fruit. apples. oranges. lemons. cherries. strawberries. blueberries. raspberries. cranberries. watermelons. cantaloupes. bananas. coconuts. grapes. kiwi. pomegranates. tomatoes. vegetables. potatoes. cucumbers. carrots. turnips. onions. leeks.  celery. broccoli. cabbages. lettuces. roots. nuts. white meat. red meat. raw meat. veal. pork. chicken. beef. venison. fish. lobster. oysters. pizza. ambrosia. pasta. sandwiches. soup.
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[ HOBBIES ]  ~  music. piano. flute. woodwinds. whistles. drums. guitar. cello. synthesizer.  violin. lute. harp. fiddle. harmonica. trumpet. brass. singing. composing. folk.  classical. bluegrass. blues. jazz. big band. pop. country. rock. punk. metal. electronica. hip hop. reggae. ska. rap. vinyl records. cassettes. cds. soundcloud. itunes. spotify. art.  sculpting. pottery. painting. watercolour. drawing. pastels. charcoal. sketching. graffiti. printing. inking. collecting. fighting. martial arts. self-defence. boxing. fencing. sumo. wrestling. jousting. paintball. lazer tag. duelling. hunting. fishing. climbing. weight lifting. training. sports. football. football (usa). rugby. baseball. cricket. lacrosse. volleyball. basketball. tennis. badminton. skating. cycling. sailing. rowing. hiking. running. gymnastics. dancing. ice skating. hockey.  reading. writing. cooking. sewing. acting. photography. video games. horseback riding. gardening. smithing. shopping. traveling. movies. theatre. libraries. books. magazines. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. science.
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[ STYLE ]  ~ nudism. perfume. cologne. piercings. tattoos. henna. body paint. war paint.  make up. lipstick. mascara. eyeliner. eye shadow. powder. beauty marks. blush. nail polish. lingerie. fishnet. pantie-hoes. socks. stockings. leggings. long johns. under armor. corsets. sports bras. bustles. camisoles. blouses. button ups. tunics. vests. waistcoats. leather jackets. ponchos. sweaters/jumpers. hoodies. skirts. jeans. kilts. breeches. scarfs. cravats. ascots. belts. sashes. gloves. heels. sandals. platforms. tennis shoes. penny loafers. jordans. slippers. boots. cowboy boots. rain boots. army boots. armor. justaucorps. trench coats. capes. cloaks. burqa. suits. tuxedos. kimonos. saris. sun dresses. gowns. jewelry. earrings. nose rings. lip rings. tongue piercings. belly rings. gauges. eyebrow rings. necklaces. pearl strings. leis. bracelets. bangles. cuffs. watches. friendship bracelets. rings. pendants. lockets. broaches. boutonnieres. pocket watches. cuff links. hats. crowns. circlets. flower crowns. helmets. hijabs. turbans. baseball caps. cowboy hats. brocade. doublet. gorget. bracers. masks. cowls. braces. glasses. sun glasses. eye contacts. pyjamas.
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[ MISC ]  ~ balloons. bubbles. candles. battle. war. diplomacy. peace. money. power.  clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies.  loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. sex. hugs. duality. sin. lust. greed. wrath. envy. sloth. gluttony. pride. virtue. chivalry. honour. piety. charity. diligence. chastity. gentleness. aggression. romance. hatred. grief. pity. success. bitterness. sorrow. joy. fear. anger. good. evil. relativity. vampirism. sapphism. life. birth. time. death. illusion. silence.
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ootori-sibs · 3 months
That sinking feeling
Chapter 1
Tw: general hell-ness, aftermath of major character death, a major depressive episode.
@blu2bee-froast because you asked to be tagged (anyone else who does, let me know.)
That was all he felt as crimson red filled his vision and cold shot down his body. He felt himself falling back and let out a soft breath as he was forced to relax more than he had ever done before.
As he hit the ground, he found it was a different texture to the one he'd expected. Rolling over to his stomach, he got to his knees as he suddenly became aware of how warm it was in here.
His eyes felt sticky, so he raised his hands to rub them, quickly realising his glasses had fallen off. Glancing to the dusty red ground, he saw them, putting them back on and sighing. He slowly gets to his feet then looks around, realising he's not in the limo anymore.
He probably should've noticed that sooner, but he was rather preoccupied by the pounding in his skull. He can be forgiven for that.
He appeared to be in a bustling city of some kind, but all the people seemed to be horrifying beasts going about their business… that combined with the red ground and the incredibly humid temperature made Kyoya very uneasy. He raised his head to the sky, only to see more dusty red rock, as far as the eye could see.
His heart sank and his headache seemed to flood out of him all at once. He knew he hadn't been a good person but… oh god he was going to throw up.
As he wiped the bile from his face, he was at least glad no one seemed to care. Glancing down at his arm, he realised it… looked different. He turned, rushing to the nearest reflective surface, a store window.
What he saw was not…whatever himself was supposed to be. It was some sort of grotesque bird with large silver horns. It was wearing his clothes, it was using his glasses, it was…
That sobbing was familiar.
Looking closer at the beast, it definitely wasn't crying. Which meant it was someone else…
Two orange eel-looking creatures, clinging to each other and desperately sobbing. It burnt his ears, that sound was so familiar, so…painful.
Then more arrived.
A small, plush rabbit man, with hair that looked like whipped cream, appeared, panicked and gasping for air. Watching them…they all looked so familiar.
Then a tall beast appeared, a hulking creature with long arms and deep blue skin. If he had to guess, he'd suppose the beast kind of resembled a boar- what with its tusks and the stripe of fur down its back. It wrapped its arms around the rabbit, quietly holding it.
“This lot are really clingy…” he mumbled, then paused, glad his voice hadn't changed.
More sobbing was heard, as a young woman with tanuki-like patterning. In fact she was incredibly fluffy all over, although her fur was wet from her tears. She seems more aware than the other beasts, and goes over to them, speaking quietly. The beasts all seems to calm down, a bit, clinging to each other as a group now, it…felt like a familiar sight.
Then another beast appeared, this one had paper white skin, and a golden white lion's mane, from which, roses of all sorts of colours grew- he could count seven colours in total. This beast looked exhausted, more than upset, and glanced to the others, visibly counting them, before meeting his eyes.
*Oh*. Recognition sparked in his mind as Kyoya realised why these particular beasts were so familiar, why his head ached so much and why he was…here.
He'd failed. He'd completely failed. Tears burnt Kyoya's eyes as he saw all those beast…all his *friends* raise their heads to look at him. He went ice cold and he felt his knees buckle under him.
As his head hit the floor for the second time that day, he could hear their footsteps hurrying forward towards him. It barely registered in his mind, as he slowly curled up into the foetal position, sinking deeper into the depths of despair.
They were dead.
He had failed.
He'd tried to save them.
He'd failed.
It hadn't taken Haruhi too long to figure out they were in hell, and she adjusted to her new form pretty fast too. What she couldn't adjust to, however, was the near catatonic state that their appearance in hell had sent Kyoya into.
The club's first priority in this new situation seemed to be making sure that Kyoya was okay. That made sense to Haruhi, this was a new and terrifying place, and they had no shelter. It did occur to her, that now they were in hell, the hosts were poor, homeless in fact. She'd often wondered how they'd deal with it, but seeing them now, like this…it hurt.
These were her boys, her beloved friends. Seeing them suffering hurt her, she wished she could take care of them, but she had just as much power as they did right now. She couldn't do anything.
“I don't suppose there's any homeless shelters in hell, do you?”
“What's a homeless shelter?”
Haruhi paused, surprised, “you don't know what a homeless shelter is? Really?”
The twins both shrugged, it made sense that they wouldn't know, why would they. Haruhi sighed, bringing a hand up to her face, she had to pause to adjust to the fine fur all over her face for a moment, still getting used to it.
“Ugh, well a homeless shelter would be exactly what we need right now. A place to go if you don't have a home.”
“But we have a-” Hikaru started, then froze, as he realised, seemingly for the first time, that they couldn't exactly go home.
As if finishing a thought Hikaru hadn't even said aloud, Kaoru sighed, “I wonder how our families will react when they find out…”
Everyone froze for a moment, as Haruhi was sure that the same cold chill ran down all their spines. Haruhi herself couldn't help but think that this would probably break her dad. He'd be all alone now… at least it would be easier for him budget wise. She just hoped that her dad would be able to move past the grief. The guilt threatened to consume her entirely, and she tried to shake the feeling, instead focusing on current priorities.
“Alright, what we need is money, money and shelter.” She paused, wishing Kyoya was a bit more capable right now, she was fairly sure he'd be pretty damn useful right about now. She wasn't going to blame him right now, he'd clearly known what was about to happen before it had. Haruhi sighed, glancing around the street they were currently in. “Alright, I'm going to see if I can get some information. Are any of you any good at stealing?”
Tamaki gasped, clearly horrified, but the twins cut in before he could start on a tirade. “We can, what'd you need?” They spoke in unison, glancing at each other, then at her.
Haruhi smiled, “cool. I think some food would definitely keep spirits up but that's not our top priority. Our current top priorities are: blankets, underwear, any hygiene products really… hm, what else…” she thought for a moment before snapping her fingers, “coffee, we need coffee.”
“Why'd we need coffee?” Honey asked, tilting his head.
“For Kyoya,” Tamaki answered for her, “it might help.”
She nodded, “exactly, we want him up and active as soon as possible.” Looking at the shivering lump of feathers in Mori’s arms, Haruhi sighed. She hoped Kyoya would be alright soon enough.
The twins ran off to get what they needed, and Honey hopped up. “Anything I can help with, Haru-chan?”
Haruhi thought for a moment, she had an idea, but she didn't want to word it. It seemed too cruel but…they were in hell and well, when in Rome…
“I need you to be a bully. Shake people down for money. Make sure they're weaker than you, you don't wanna get hurt. Can you manage that, Senpai?”
Honey looked alarmed by those orders, but nodded, scampering off to be a terror. Haruhi felt bad, and that feeling certainly didn't get any better when she felt Tamaki's eyes on her. “It's a necessary evil, Senpai, don't judge me.”
To her surprise, Tamaki just nodded. “It's for Kyoya, I understand. Someone had to be evil in his stead.” Haruhi thought that was a funny way of looking at it, and watched Tamaki lean over and run his hands through Kyoya's feathers gently. “I can't believe he…”
“Yeah,” Haruhi responded, “me too. Although… it's nice to know he was willing to do that, isn't it?” Tamaki just nodded, and Haruhi smiled, feeling tears well up in her eyes again. “Senpai? Can I ask you to do something?”
“Of course!” Tamaki turned his entire body to face her, clearly willing to do anything to make sure his friends were okay. “Anything at all.”
She nodded, “right, well I'm going to try and gather some information. You try and see if you can get us any accommodation?”
Tamaki nodded, “I think I can give it a good shot? I don't know how these people behave yet though…” he shrugs, brushing himself down and fluffing up his new mane- he was already attached to it.
The street he was on seemed to be a commercial one, with a few stores scattered about. Tamaki paused alongside a group to watch some adverts on the TVs in one store window. He was a little surprised how modern the ads made hell seem; with phones, microwaves and even automated security systems. Tamaki figured he should've expected it, of course hell would keep up with humanity technology wise. Most inventors probably ended up town here- the rich ones at least.
He leaned over to the demon next to him, offering a smile. “Tell me, where can a gentleman find himself somewhere to stay around here?”
The demon, a small, cat-like creature, looked up at him with an expression of pure scorn. “What? Fuck off bitch boy!”
Tamaki took a step back, not having expected the locals to be so harsh, although, in hindsight, he probably should've guessed they would. It was hell after all.
He hadn't fully processed the fact he was in hell yet, he was trying to ignore it. It was definitely a huge blow to his pride, and his already fragile catholicism was threatening to crumble to dust at the implications. It was all he could do to force it down and focus on getting everyone safe and happy again. They'd died, he was still grappling with that. It made him think about his life, and he was obsessing over details he'd never even noticed before. His life hadn't been…. great, but there were comforts there he knew he had taken for granted. Now he was down here, and he had nothing but his beloved host club, and the guilt of planning that cruise in the first place.
He supposed he deserved it.
Stood there for a little while, Tamaki decided to watch more adverts, hoping one would feature a hotel or even a realty. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case, so Tamaki moved on. He found a bar and entered, surprised he wasn't carded at the door. He sighed, shrugging and going to sit at the bar.
One of the bartenders, a strange reptile woman, was cleaning the glasses, so Tamaki decided to speak up. “So, miss, do you happen to know where one can find accommodation?”
She stared at him for a few moments before chuckling. “Ssssomeone’ss new around here~ Either go get a job, or find a demon sssstupid enough to give you a free room.”
Tamaki sighs, and tries to be more confident. “I understand that, madam, but where can I buy he home?”
“Jusssst go into any apartment building and assssk, it's not that hard.”
“Thank you,” Tamaki bowed his head to her, then stood, feeling a shocking sense of disgust at having to show respect to a demon. He had to stand outside and take a deep breath to remind himself that he was a demon now himself, and that any sense of superiority was unfounded.
He continued to walk around, not even bothering with the more expensive looking apartment buildings. Tamaki was slowly beginning to come to terms with the fact that this would be his rest of eternity, and it hurt, badly.
He decided to cut down an alleyway, getting out of the crowded street for just a moment. He leant against a wall, just trying to keep himself calm
“Excuse me?” A tiny voice came from beside him, and Tamaki looked down to see what appeared to be a small child.
It was some sort of young girl, she looked a lot like a dove, with delicate white feathers and a plain blue dress. The only thing was her…wings? Arms? Whatever they were, they were fully skeletal, seemingly dripping black ooze. Tamaki was a little off put by that, but gave the girl his best smile nonetheless.
“Well hello there, princess. What can I do for you today?” He crouched down to be eye level, and saw a spark of surprise in the girls eyes.
“The roses,” she began, with a soft but tired tone, “on your mane. How much to buy the blue one?”
Tamaki was surprised. He hadn't thought much about the roses in his mane, let alone thought about selling them. He paused for a moment, unaware what they were worth, or even what the currency in hell was. “Well what do you have?” Was all he could respond, hoping she knew more than him.
The girl looked surprised, and pondered for a moment. She then spoke, voice clearly unsure, “well I've got about five bronze… two buttons…a lollipop or uh…my soul?” The girl shrugged, like she had no idea what to offer either.
“Your soul?” Tamaki echoed, in shock. He hadn't realised that demons trading souls was an actual thing, and as he thought about it more, it sounded fascinating.
“You want my soul?” The girl asked, had she not picked up on his surprise.
Tamaki figured that if she was offering, it must be pretty harmless, so he nodded, curious to see what happened. She held her hand out to him, and he reached for it.
As he shook her hand and sealed the deal, he could see light emanating from his mane- probably from the roses. As well as that, a flurry of multicoloured rose petals blew through the alleyway as he watched a golden thread winding it's way down his arm and onto hers, snaking it's way around her neck before everything vanished.
He stared at her for a few seconds, processing what had just happened. She held her hand out expectantly and Tamaki had to shake the shock out of his head, reaching down to pluck the rose.
Thankfully, it didn't hurt, and he handed it to her with a smile. She thanked him, running off and leaving him to process the way he now felt.
He felt far less shaken, far less tired, far less…upset. He felt…good. He felt powerful.
Tamaki wondered if gaining someone's soul always felt like that, then he wondered if it had actually made him more powerful. He'd seen his roses glow, he had to be able to do more than that, right?
He kept walking, wondering what else he was capable of. He passed a music store, and paused for a moment, staring at the beautiful piano inside. That would definitely keep everyone's spirits up, he remembered the first time he played piano for Kyoya, and he wondered if Kyoya was doing alright… he hoped so.
As he remembered the song, he realised he could hear it, and glanced up at the piano only to realise that the piano was playing the song all by itself. Tamaki paused for a moment, wondering if he had done that. He snapped his fingers and the music stopped. He paused, staring down at his hand in awe. He'd done that.
He had abilities he hadn't expected.
Tamaki decided that if he had powers, he would use it to his advantage.
He located the nearest apartment building, a beautiful reddish pink tower. Walking in, he snapped his fingers, and although there was no instruments, music began to play. He grinned, glancing at a chess set in the corner. Scanning the room, he figured that the boar man in a nice suit that was now staring at him in disgust was the owner.
Pointing at the man, he spoke in a loud, room-commanding sort of tone. “You there, do you play chess good sir?”
The man didn't respond, but just grunted and nodded. Tamaki grinned anyway, sauntering over to him. He was incredibly nervous and not sure this would work, but the key was confidence. The key was always confidence. “Well then! How about I challenge you to a game? If I win, I get your soul, and me and my friends get free accommodation. How about it?”
Huge bellowing laughter filled the room as the man laughed in Tamaki's face. Tamaki didn't flinch, he had to stay in character. “Oh really?” The man definitely seemed amused, “you're a brave one, but sure, let's play. If I win, I get your soul and you get the fuck out of my building.”
“You've got a deal, my friend!” Tamaki beamed, holding out his hand and silently begging it not to shake. The man shook his head, it surrounded with flame as he shook Tamaki's hand, and Tamaki mused on how demons seemed to have their own little effects. It was almost novel to him, if not for the dire situation.
Tamaki would never usually gamble, but they were desperate, and he was relatively confident at chess. He'd beaten both Kyoya and Fiyumi had chess multiple times, that had to be some sort of impressive.
As they sat down to play, Tamaki switched the music to something more tense. He had white, so he knew what sort of defences to use. He tried a more advanced one, correctly guessing that the other man would expect something more novice.
It was a very close game, and Tamaki couldn't fight one or two beads of sweat running down his brow. In the end, however, Tamaki emerged victorious and almost instantly, he felt the boost of power fill him as he watched the rage and embarrassment in the other man's eyes. Cracking his knuckles and stretching, Tamaki gave the man a surprisingly cocky grin- even to himself. “So, about that accommodation?”
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tigressaofkanjis · 1 month
Transformers: Lost World - All Cybertron Transformers Part 2
Cybertron: Uraya 5 (100 Bots Documented) –  
162. Fireflight (Scout) - Can be found in Basic, Flames, and Hexagonal Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Cards (White, Red, and Black with Blue Lights), Glass Marbles (White, Red, Blue, and Black with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Cloudy (White, Cerulean, and Yellow with Blue Lights), Howlite (White and Grey with White Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (White, Dark Grey, Black, and Yellow with Yellow Lights; Black-winged Kite), Shattered Glass (Black, Crimson, and Slate with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Air Superiority (Brown, Silver, Yellow, and Maroon with Yellow Lights), Raiding Skies (Dark Brown, Red, Gold, and White with Blue Lights) 
163. Skydive (Infiltrator) - Can be found in Basic, Wide Single Striped, and Wide Racing Striped Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Death Rose (Red, Black, and Grey with White Lights), Supernova (Black, Red, Orange, and Silver with White Lights) 
Regal Colors: Starry Night (Black, Indigo, and Copper with Purple Lights), Moonlit Ocean (Dark Blue, Black and White with Blue Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Tangerine, Blue, and Dark Grey with Green Lights; Quetzalcoatlus Hybrid), Shattered Glass (Blue, Black, Cream, and Dark Blue with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Dangerous Deception (Purple, Black, Green, and Red with Green Lights), Silk Waves (Silver, Blue, Light Blue, and White with Blue Lights) 
164. Slingshot (Healer) - Can be found in Basic, Saddled, and Ocelot Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Cards (White, Red, and Black with Blue Lights), Harlequin (Red, Black, and White with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Wire Jacket (White, Green, Black, and Red with Blue Lights), Howlite (White and Grey with Blue Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Black, White, and Red with Red Lights; Anchiornis), Shattered Glass (Gold, Neon Green, and Black with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Precision Shot (Brown, Gold, Blue, and Silver with Yellow Lights), Gold Plating (Gold, Silver, and Blue with Blue Lights) 
165. Drag Strip (Wrecker) - Can be found in Basic, Leopard, and Wide Sports Striped Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Sand (Gold and Tan with Red Lights), Super Seven (Gold, Purple, and Maroon with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Yellow Jacket (Yellow and Black with Red Lights), Sphene Titanite (Gold, Green, and Burgundy with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Amber, Grey, Black, and Red with Red Lights; Cougar), Shattered Glass (Lavender, Purple, and Light Yellow with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Daring Stunts (Black, Gold, and Cerulean with Red Lights), Shadowstrip (Black, Slate, and Gold with Red Lights) 
166. Nemesis Prime (Leader) - Can be found in Basic, Tiger, and Tribal Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Vampire (Black, Purple, and Red with Red Lights), Black Widow (Black, Grey, and Red with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Obsidian Sun (Black, Orange, and Deep Copper with Orange Lights), Black Pearl (Black and Silver with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Dark Brown, Copper, Red, and Tan with Red Lights; Woolly Mammoth), Shattered Glass (Silver, Purple, and Teal with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Deadly Shadow (Dark Red, Dark Blue, and Dark Silver with Yellow Lights), Dark Master (Red, Black, and Teal with Red Lights) 
Cybertron: Iacon 10 (120 Bots Documented) –  
167. Springer (Scout) - Can be found in Basic, Hexagonal, and Wide Double Striped Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Prairie (Yellow, Camo Green, and Silver with Blue Lights), Variscite Bracelet (Gold, Green, and Mint with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Turquoise (Teal and Mint with Blue Lights), Moss Rock (Camo Green, Windsor Tan, and Black with Yellow Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Tan, Green, Grey, and Brown with Yellow Lights; Wallaby), Shattered Glass (Tan, Purple, and Black with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Big Heights (Dark Green, Black, and Orange with Blue Lights), Stealth Copter (Black, Green, Grey, and Silver with Blue Lights) 
168. Bluestreak (Miner) - Can be found in Basic, Wide Single Striped, and Wide Racing Striped Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Warlord (Silver, Deep Grey, Black, and Crimson with Blue Lights), Royal Blue (Blue, Gold, and Teal with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Diamond Ring (White, Cerulean, and Silver with Blue Lights), Techno Rave (Dark Blue, Purple, and Gold with Light Blue Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Grey, Red, Black, and Blue with Blue Lights; Greyhound), Shattered Glass (Blue, Silver, and Purple with Yellow Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Chain Bolter (Blue, White and Green with Green Lights), Silverstreak (Slate, Silver, Black, and White with Blue Lights) 
169. First Aid (Healer) - Can be found in Basic, Narrow Sports Striped, and Chevron Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Medic (Red and White with Blue Lights), Cards (White, Red, and Black with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Fuchsia (Pink, Purple, and Gold with Blue Lights), Auburn Anthem (Crimson and Copper with Blue Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Grey, White, Gold, and Crimson with Red Lights; Leopard Seal), Shattered Glass (Black and Purple with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Noble Protector (White, Mint, and Gold with Yellow Lights), Ambulance Rush (Tangerine, Neon Yellow, White, and Black with White Lights) 
170. Skids (Gatherer) - Can be found in Basic, Tribal, and Narrow Double Striped Patterns. 
Normal Colors: 3D (Blue, Crimson, and Black with Blue Lights), Berry Platter (Blue, Red, and Teal with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Emerald Marble (Green, Gold, and Black with Blue Lights), Variscite Bracelet (Gold, Green, and Mint with Blue Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Brown, Grey, Black, and Green with Yellow Lights; Platypus), Shattered Glass (Black, Red, and Silver with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Hard Racer (White, Pink, Teal, and Lavender with Yellow Lights), Hustle (Light Blue, Silver, and White with Orange Lights)  
171. Mudflap (Scout) - Can be found in Basic, Tobiano, and Wide Sports Striped Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Showtime (Blue, Crimson, and Gold with Blue Lights), Dark Stone (Deep Blue, Black, and Slate with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Autumn Night (Gold, Orange, and Black with Orange Lights), Oriole (Orange, Amber, and Black with Yellow Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Light Orange, Brown, Grey, and Crimson with Yellow Lights; Pig), Shattered Glass (Black, Gold, Brown, and Grey with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Cyber Demolisher (Baby Blue, Dark Blue, Black, and Green with Green Lights), Dead-end Construction (Yellow, Black, and White with Blue Lights) 
172. Strafe (Gatherer) - Can be found in Basic, Tiger, and Saddled Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Vanadinite (White, Red, and Orange with Orange Lights), Raven Flock (Grey, Black, and Slate with Green Lights) 
Regal Colors: Imperial (Silver, Gold, and Purple with Purple Lights), Howlite (White and Grey with Blue Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Grey, Red, Orange, and Black with Orange Lights; Two-headed Pterodactyl), Shattered Glass (Cream, Green, and Blue with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Forgefire (Gold, Silver, and Dark Grey with Blue Lights), Cyberjet (Camo Green, Orange, and Blue with Yellow Lights) 
173. Dai Atlas (Leader) - Can be found in Basic, Ocelot, and Triangular Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Apatite Calcite (Blue, Slate, and Orange with Blue Lights), City Night (Blue, Orange, and White with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Shaded Canyon (Copper, Purple, and Black with Blue Lights), Crystal Spessartine (Orange, Burgundy, and White with Blue Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Copper, Grey, Gold, and Brown with Yellow Lights; Ground Sloth), Shattered Glass (Black, Indigo, and Silver with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: High Council (Grey, Dark Grey, Blue, and Red with Light Blue Lights), Drill Punch (Brown, Dark Grey, Orange, and Yellow with Orange Lights) 
174. Longarm (Healer) - Can be found in Basic, Cheetah, and Tobiano Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Waves (White and Cerulean with Blue Lights), Ominous (Teal, Black, and Silver with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Witch Doctor (Lavender, Black, and Slate Purple with Blue Lights), Berry Platter (Blue, Red, and Teal with Blue Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Teal, Dark Blue, Yellow, and Orange with Blue Lights; Giraffe), Shattered Glass (Indigo, Violet, and Rose Gold with Purple Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Constructicon Clone (Green, Purple, and Slate with Red Lights), Tow Truck (White, Blue, and Orange with Red Lights) 
175. Sentinel Prime (Leader) - Can be found in Basic, Mackerel, and Tribal Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Harlequin (Red, Black, and White with Blue Lights), Apatite Calcite (Blue, Slate, and Orange with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Crimson Rosella (Red, Blue, and Black with Blue Lights), Ivory Glamour (White, Gold, and Red with Yellow Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Tan, Brown, Red, and Orange with Orange Lights; Pachyrhinosaurus), Shattered Glass (Slate Purple, Indigo, and Black with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Red Force (Red, Orange, and Amber with Yellow Lights), Golden Prime (Gold, Yellow, and Black with Blue Lights) 
176. Star Saber (Leader) - Can be found in Basic, Hexagonal, and Triangular Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Prime Sherbert (Red, Blue, and Yellow with Blue Lights), Flag (White, Deep Blue, and Crimson with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Howlite (White and Grey with Blue Lights), Cryptic Aquarium (Dark Blue, Gold, and Cream with Yellow Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Red, Gold, White, and Cerulean with Blue Lights; Asian Dragon), Shattered Glass (Tan, Black, and Grey with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Victory Saber (Black, Lavender, and Blue with Blue Lights), Golden Sword (Gold, Yellow, and Rose Gold with Blue Lights) 
Cybertron: Kaon 10 (140 Bots Documented) –  
177. Reflector (Healer) - Can be found in Basic, Wide Single Striped, and Wide Sports Striped Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Purple Dawn (Purple, Lavender, and Grey with Green Lights), Lavender Field (Lavender, Grey, and Green with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Spatial Wonder (Blue, Gold, and Silver with Red Lights), Vampire (Black, Purple, and Red with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Grey, Brown, Purple, and Green with Green Lights; Mimic Octopus), Shattered Glass (Yellow, Black, and White with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Red Eye (Red, Dark Grey, and Green with Green Lights), Night Light (Black, Silver, and Green with Green Lights) 
178. Dead End (Infiltrator) - Can be found in Basic, Narrow Double Striped, and Mackerel Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Velvet Gold (Maroon, Gold, and Silver with Purple Lights), Fuchsia (Pink, Purple, and Gold with Purple Lights) 
Regal Colors: Phoenix (Yellow, Orange, Red, and Black with Red Lights), Stardust (Black, Gold, and Tan with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Purple, White, and Pink with Red Lights; Nautilus), Shattered Glass (Blue, Silver, and Orange with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Dead Striker (Black, Yellow, Orange, and Green with Green Lights), Stunt Paint (Pink, Cerulean, Black, and Yellow with Purple Lights) 
179. Octane (Infiltrator) - Can be found in Basic, Cheetah, and Tobiano Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Iris Diamond (Silver and Violet with Red Lights), Poison Haze (Grey, Black, and Indigo with Purple Lights) 
Regal Colors: Ivory Glamour (White, Gold, and Red with Red Lights), Cinnabar Dolomite (White, Maroon, and Deep Grey with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (White, Brown, Gold, and Purple with Purple Lights; Moose-Albatross Hybrid), Shattered Glass (Black, Orange, and Silver with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Precursor Changer (Red, White, Yellow, and Green with Green Lights), NASA (Dark Blue, White, Black, and Silver with Blue Lights) 
180. Sweeps (Gatherer) - Can be found in Basic, Saddled, and Wide Racing Striped Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Aqua Spring (Deep Blue, Light Blue, and Teal with Red Lights), Lepidolite (Indigo, Lavender, and Slate with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Ominous (Teal, Black, and Silver with Red Lights), Royal Blue (Blue, Gold, and Teal with Yellow Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Blue, Grey, Silver, and White with White Lights; Dolphin), Shattered Glass (Orange, Red, and Light Orange with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Scurvy Sea (Dark Blue, White, and Yellow with Yellow Lights), Pirate Treasure (Black, White, Gold, and Copper with Yellow Lights) 
181. Sixshot (Gatherer) - Can be found in Basic, Tribal, and Flames Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Purple Starling (Purple, Teal, and Silver with Red Lights), Lavender Field (Lavender, Grey, and Green with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Mystic Mist (Slate, Lavender, and Yellow with Yellow Lights), Turquoise (Teal and Mint with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Purple, Yellow, Orange, and Blue with Red Lights; Centipede), Shattered Glass (Red, White, and Dark Grey with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Guardian Destroyer (Dark Yellow, Dark Purple, and Red with Red Lights), Hectic Hybrid (Dark Blue, Red, and Yellow with Blue Lights) 
182. Runabout (Miner) - Can be found in Basic, Wide Racing Striped, and Narrow Double Striped Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Black Widow (Black, Grey, and Red with Red Lights), Blood Moon (Black and Crimson with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Death Rose (Red, Black, and Grey with Red Lights), Black Pearl (Black and Silver with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Black, Grey and Light Yellow with Yellow Lights; Siamese Cat), Shattered Glass (White, Blue, and Gold with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Opposing Sides (Silver, Orange, and Black with Red Lights), Reverse Bumbling (Black, Green, and Yellow with Red Lights) 
183. Runamuck (Scout) - Can be found in Basic, Wide Single Striped, and Narrow Sports Striped Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Monochrome (White, Black, and Grey with Red Lights), Howlite (White and Grey with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Charm (Silver, Gold, and Magenta with Pink Lights), Sunstone (Orange and White with Orange Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Grey, Black, and Light Yellow with Yellow Lights; Siamese Cat), Shattered Glass (Black, Grey, and Teal with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Opposing Motives (Black, Dark Blue, and Orange with Red Lights), Reverse Jazzing (White, Blue, and Red with Red Lights) 
184. Scourge (Combatant) - Can be found in Basic, Flames, and Chevron Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Blueberry Cream (Blue and Light Gray with Red Lights), Neutral (Tan and Grey with Orange Lights) 
Regal Colors: Legrandite (Gold and Yellow with Red Lights), Green Amber (Dark Green, Amber, and Brown with Orange Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Orange, Indigo, and Green with Orange Lights; Locust), Shattered Glass (Light Teal, White, and Yellow with Yellow Lights) 
Legendary Colors: One Army (Dark Blue, Silver, and Red with Red Lights), Flame Convoy (Gold, Tangerine, Black, and Indigo with Green Lights) 
185. Thunderhoof (Wrecker) - Can be found in Basic, Cheetah, and Saddled Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Dark Stone (Deep Blue, Black, and Slate with Red Lights), Aqua Spring (Deep Blue, Light Blue, and Teal with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Spatial Wonder (Blue, Gold, and Silver with Red Lights), Charoite (Purple, Black, and Deep Grey with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Grey, Blue, Black, and White with White Lights; Fallow Deer), Shattered Glass (Tangerine, Black, and White with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Kospego (Brown, Red, and White with Red Lights), White Deer (White, Grey, Tan, and Dark Grey with Red Lights) 
186. Galvatron (Leader) - Can be found in Basic, Tiger, and Ocelot Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Purple Dawn (Purple, Lavender, and Grey with Red Lights), Morning Glory (Purple, Lavender, and Black with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Raven Flock (Grey, Black, and Slate with Red Lights), Lepidolite (Indigo, Lavender, and Slate with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Dark Purple, Lavender, Black, and Dark Blue; Giganotosaurus Dragon), Shattered Glass (Indigo, Silver, and Black with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Second Reign (White, Blue, and Amber with Red Lights), Golden Warlord (Gold, Yellow, and Rose Gold with Red Lights) 
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pandorasgirlfriend · 2 years
Marauders era aesthetics
James Potter - Gryffindor
broomsticks, quidditch robes, hot butter beer, autumn leaves, cinnamon, apple pie, dancing badly, movie nights, campfires, walks in the rain, adventures, new places, maps, fireworks, pine trees
Sirius Black - Gryffindor
leather jackets, thunderstorms, cigarettes, eyeliner, oversized hoodies, stolen sweaters, band t-shirts, rock music, record players, breaking rules, strong emotions, playing in the snow, drawing, friendship, loopy handwriting
Remus Lupin - Gryffindor
worn out sweaters, fresh parchment, old books, cigarettes, tea, ink pots, messy handwriting, chocolate, old shoes, fuzzy socks, forests, tragic smiles, sarcasm, big mugs
Peter Pettigrew - Gryffindor
birthday cakes, smiles, surprises, hot chocolate, board games, reading marathons, baby animals, weird talents, chess, soft blankets, herbal tea, disney songs, long walks, sunny afternoons, baking
Lily Evans - Gryffindor
vanilla ice cream, strawberries, summer dresses, scented candles, lemonade, snort-laughing, taylor swift, wild flowers, braided hair, gummy worms, romance novels, stuffed animals, lip balm, freckles
Marlene McKinnon - Gryffindor
jewelry, eyeliner, fishnet tights, dyed hair, crisp weather, polaroid pictures, parties, mint, iced coffee, whipped cream, thrift stores, friendship bracelets, sushi, piercings, chipped nail polish
Mary MacDonald - Gryffindor
cute pyjamas, tea leaves, crystals, glitter, cats, coloured pencils, heart doodles, lemon water, curly hair, bralettes, cardigans, flared jeans, poetry, musicals, taylor swift
Frank Longbottom - Gryffindor
wild ideas, free spirit, hot cocoa, beach days, watermelons, waffles, pure heart, passing notes, willow trees, best presents, bright colours, cartoons, rainy days, hide and seek
Alice Fortscue - Ravenclaw
floral patterns, picnics, pixie cuts, leather sandals, forest fruits, ice cream, horror films, blanket burritos, salted crisps, summer breeze, soft lips, mascara, lipstick, brown eyes, creativity
Emmaline Vance - Ravenclaw
open windows, windy weather, mythology, zodiac signs, photography, blueberries, jasmine tea, dark colours, dark hair, forests, classical music, astronomy, lavender, messy hair
Xenophillius Lovegood - Ravenclaw
wild imagination, obscure teas, colorful clothes, blue eyes, thoughtful gifts, rain, doodles, fantasy books, painting, museums, rivers, smooth pebbles, mascarpone, magazines, dark chocolate
Pandora Rosier - Ravenclaw
pearl necklaces, silver earrings, clouds, old books, ice skating, contagious laughter, curiosity, wild animals, cooking, windswept hair, pressed flowers, tall grass, butterflies, bird watching, denim jackets
Gilderoy Lockhart - Ravenclaw
poetry, snow, birds of paradise, valleys, cologne, rain, echoes, astronomy, charms, fame, elegance, fashion, dragon flies, ocean waves, new places
Sibyll Trelawney - Ravenclaw
crystal balls, minerals, tea leaves, cigarettes, long dresses, starry nights, zodiac signs, astronomy, mythology, piano music, poetry, teacups, essential oils, incense
Dorcas Meadows - Slytherin
colourful clothes, nails painted electric colours, raspberries, iced tea, citrus fruits, spring time, converse, lip gloss, lollipops, foreign languages, art museums, scrunchies, sticker collections
Evan Rosier - Slytherin
old books, long scarves, cooking, headphones, snowball fights, climbing trees (totally not a crimson rivers reference), binge watching shows, friendship bracelets, pet snakes
Lucius Malfoy - Slytherin
poetry, classical music, history, forests, dark chocolate, fresh parchment, mint, black coffee, architecture, quills, cunning ideas, birds of pray, sea salt, champagne glasses,
Narcissa Black - Slytherin
romance novels, red roses, bikinis, lakes, constellations, cheesecake, makeup, red lipstick, sorbets, diamond rings, piano music, black cardigans, white shirts,
Bellatrix Black - Slytherin
ball gowns, red wine, ambition, curly hair, reptiles, cliffs, mini skirts, cherries, eyeshadow, white bedsheets, silver jewelry, obsidian, black tea, powdered sugar
Andromeda Black - Slytherin
baking, summer dresses, messy handwriting, flower crowns, wild strawberries, ocean waves, blankets, crochet queen, picnic baskets, lace nighties, rose petals, full notebooks, sunsets
Regulus Black - Slytherin
big rooms, pianos, beaches, caves, echoes, books, theatre, sparkling water, lightning, rainy evenings, ink pots, poetry, dogs, cups of tea gone cold, rings, cologne, gobstones
Severus Snape - Slytherin
potions, tattered clothes, greasy hair, bad choices, unrequited love, snail slime, horrible personality, bullying children, blackmail
Rita Skeeter - Slytherin
gossip, perfume, fresh parchment, quills, romance novels, mini skirts, classical music, eyeliner, lipgloss, long nails, curled hair, insects, pressed flowers, blackmail, silver earrings
Barty Crouch Jr - Slytherin
messy hair, lakes, cupcakes, penknives, quills, mint, forests, fantasy novels, chess, thunderstorms, snow, black tea, mean comments, ink pots, empty rooms
Hestia Jones - Hufflepuff
cardigans, curiosity, adventures, confidence, mary jane shoes, fairy lights, pressed flowers, guitars, hardback books, daffodils, mermaids, beach days, sun hats, sparkly nail polish, long walks,
Ted Tonks - Hufflepuff
si-fi novels, video games, movie nights, cooking, photo booths, wax crayons, kanken backpacks, festivals, amusement parks, insects, hot chocolate, cookies, worn out jeans
Maryrose Jenkins - Hufflepuff
(this character is from “ The Marauders” series on wattpad by pengiwen, not canon, i just really wanted to include her)
scented candles, tatters converse, pressed flowers, lip balm, fantasy novels, curiosity, adventures, creativity, ice cream, sunsets, scrunchies, flared jeans, bikinis, butterflies
Amelia Bones - Hufflepuff
denim jackets, doc martens, essential oils, writing stories, lavender perfume, plant mom, big windows, forests, boats, hoodies, oversized t-shirts, black coffee, snow globes, seashells
Amos Diggory - Hufflepuff
creativity, cooking, adventures, movie nights, book shops, bow ties, lakes, woods, campfires, a little shy, cookies, tea, plants, sugar cubes, jokes, smiles
130 notes · View notes
locallibrarylover · 11 months
like literally i am handsome i look smart i am a walking work of art such a dazzling coat of many colors how i love my coat of many colors it was red and yellow and green and brown and scarlet and black and ochre and peach and ruby and olive and violet and fawn and lilac and gold and chocolate and mauve and cream and crimson and silver and rose and azure and lemon and russet and grey and purple and white and pink and orange and blue!
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iobartach · 6 months
COLOR.       ——       red.    orange.    yellow.    green.    blue.   purple.  pink.   black. white.   teal.    silver.    gold.   grey.   lilac.   metallic.   matte.    royal blue.   strawberry red. charcoal grey.  forest green.    apple red. navy blue.  crimson. cream.    mint green.   magenta.     pastels.    bubblegum pink.   blood red.    ivory.
ELEMENTAL.      ——        fire. ice.  water.   air.   earth.   rain.   snow.  wind.    moon.    stars.    sun.    heat.    cold.  steam.   frost.   lightning.    thunder.   sunlight.    moonlight.  dawn.    dusk.   twilight.   midnight.  sunrise.    sunset.   dewdrops.    clouds.    light.    dark. shadow.
BODY.       ——       claws.    long fingers.    fangs.   teeth. wings.    tails.    lips.  bare feet. freckles. bruises.   canine.    scars.    scratches.   ears.    wounds.    burns.    spikes.    feathers.    webs.    eyes.  hands.   sweat.    tears.   feline.    chubby.   curvy.     short.   tall.      normal height.   muscular.   slender.  trained.   piercings.  tattoos.   strong.   shape shifting.    svelte.   long hair.       short hair.   dark circles.    big.    small.   prosthetic.    experimented.    cyborg.    halos.    horns.    wolfish.
WEAPONRY.        ——       fists.   sword.    dagger.    spear.    scythe.    bow & arrow.    hammer.    shield.    poison. venom.   guns.   axes.    throwing axes.    whips.    knives.    throwing knives.   pepper sprays.    tasers.    machine guns.    slingshots.    katanas.    maces.    staffs.    wands.   powers.    magical items.    magic. rocks.   power loader.    flamethrower.    metal rod.    shotguns.    needles.
MATERIAL.        ——        gold.    silver.    platinum.   titanium.    diamonds.    pearls.   rubies. sapphires.    emeralds.    amethyst.   metal.    iron.    rust.    steel.   wood.   porcelain.   paper.   wool.    fur.    lace.    leather.    copper.   silk.    velvet. denim.     linen.   cotton.   charcoal.    clay.   stone.    asphalt.    brick.    marble.    dust.  glitter.   blood.    dirt.    mud.    smoke.    ash.   shadow.   carbonate.    rubber.   synthetics.    yarn.    slime.    ivory.
NATURE.       ——       grass.    leaves.    trees.   bark.    roses.    daisies.    tulips.    holly.   lavender.  lilies.    petals.    thorns.     sunflowers.    seeds.    hay.    sand.   rocks.   snow. ice.  roots.   flowers.    ocean.    river.    lake.    meadow.  forest.    desert.    tundra.    savanna.    rain forest.    swamp.    caves.    underwater.    coral reef.    beach.    waves.    space.    stars.   clouds.   mountains.    fungi.   cliffs.    sunlight.
ANIMALS.       ——       lions.    wolves.   black panther.    eagles.   owls.    falcons.    hawks.    swans.    snakes.    turtles.     ducks.   bugs.    roaches.    spiders.   birds.   whales.    dolphins.    fish.    sharks.    horses.   cats. dogs.    bunnies.    praying mantis.   crows.     ravens.    misc.    lizards.    frogs.    bears.    werewolves.    unicorns.    pegasus.    dinosaurs.    dragons.   felines.   foxes.  pigeons.   centaurs.
FOOD & DRINK.      ——      sugar.    salt.   water.  candy.    bubblegum.    wine.    champagne.   hard liquor.      beer.    coffee.    (iced) tea.   spices.    herbs.     apple.    orange.    lemon.   cherry.    strawberry.    watermelon. pomegranate.  vegetables.   fruits.     meat.    fish.    pies.   desserts.    chocolate.    cream.    caramel.    berries.    nuts.   cinnamon.    burgers.   burritos.    pizza.    vanilla.    cookies.
HOBBIES.       ——        music.   art.   piercing.    watercolours.    gardening.    knitting.    smithing.    sculpting.    painting.    sketching.    fighting.    fencing.    riding.    writing.    composing.   cooking.    sewing.    training.    dancing.     acting.    singing.    martial arts.    self - defense.   electronics.    technology.    cameras.   video cameras.    video games.    computer.   phone.    movies.    theater.   libraries.  books. magazines.   poetry. philosophy.  cds.    records.    vinyls.    cassettes.  piano.   violin.  fiddle .  cello.    guitar.    electronic guitar.    bass guitar.    harmonica.    synthesizers.    harp.    woodwinds.    brass.    trumpet.    flute.   drums.   bells.    playing cards.    poker chips.    chess.    dice.    motorcycle riding.    eating.   climbing.    tree climbing.    running.    vivisection.
STYLE.       ——       lingerie.    armor.    cape.    dress.    robes.   suit. tunic.    vest.    shirt.    boots.  heels.   legging.    trousers.   jeans. skirt.  shorts.    jewelry.    earrings.    necklace.    bracelet.    ring.    pendants.  hat.   goggles.   crown. circlet.    helmet.    scarf.    neck tie.   brocade.    cloaks.    corsets.    doublet.   chest plate.    gorget.    bracers.   belt.    pauldrons.    sash.   coat. jacket.   hood.   gloves.   socks.    masks.    cowls.    braces.    watches.    glasses.   sunglasses.    visor.    eye contacts.    makeup.    pantyhose.    stockings.    thigh highs.   eye patch.    collar.  no makeup.
MISC.       ——        balloons.    bubbles.   cityscape.   landscape.    light.   dark.   candles.  war.   peace. ripe. money.   power.   percussion.    clocks.   photos. mirror.   pets.    diary.   fairy lights.   madness.   sanity.   sadness.   happiness.   optimism.  pessimism.    realism.   loneliness.    anger. laughter. screams.  family.   friends. assistants.    co-workers.    enemies.  lovers. loyalty. smoking.   alcohol. stories.   drugs.  kindness.   love.
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