thetimelordbatgirl · 1 year
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...This post really is the definition off, “Writing your version of events and expecting everyone to believe them.”...which given how dedicated parts of Lily’s fanbase can be, will happen, but just...let’s see:
The whole thing with Rebecca Sugar is not only because of how Lily acted when being critical of the show, but also cause of how even in 2023, Lily still has an ongoing hatred for Rebecca simply cause Lily didn’t like Rebecca’s show and instead of moving on, similar to how she treats Dana Terrace (creator of The Owl House), Lily still drags Rebecca whenever she can, including insulting Rebecca’s talents in music and writing and art and it’s at that point that you start to wonder if its less ‘Rebecca made a show Lily didn’t like’ and more ‘does Lily just have a obsessive hatred for Rebecca?’ And the thing with Big Bang Theory and Harley Quinn was literally people seeing how convenient Lily will call out stuff in Steven Universe but if its shows Lily happens to like? Oh look at that, suddenly its being ignored, as Lily won’t ever dare call out stuff she likes. 
And Lily acting like she has to talk about anime is just...no one’s making her. She’s choosing to talk about it. To the point of starting a whole dubs vs subs discourse where its clear Lily prefers dubs and thinks its okay to censor Japanese culture and even acted like there wasn’t much difference between Japan and America, even implying in her version of history that Japan got destroyed by America and basically colonized their culture and from how Lily spoke, she seemed happy about that idea and seemed to imply you can easily replace Japanese with English and....oh, would you look at that- suddenly it becomes less about ‘oh you just hate I said your favorite anime is bad’ and more people literally have found her being racist towards Japanese people and she wants to try and make it about anime.  Something that adds to her racism when she can only ever discuss Anime when it comes to Japan and yet, thinks its more popular in America then its own home country. 
And oh god, the racism against black people accusations is far more then what Lily’s trying to paint them as: *She only ever writes black women ocs as nothing but violent and easy to anger, including Aliana whose easy to get pissed and will murder on a whim and throw someone across a room and also proceed to colonize planets and force them to follow Sith culture, while her Harry Potter OC basically used a torture spell on Vernon and it was made to seem cool when anyone whose read Harry Potter, knows who are shown using those spells in the books (hint: not the good guys).  *She also wrote Aliana’s mom as being a slave trafficker and Aliana as a result, being fine with that and even getting mad if someone insults her mom for that.  *When it comes to The Owl House, she has basically fetished the idea of Hunter being black (saying it’d make him interesting) and for some reason, wanted the backgrounder character, Skara, to be more focused on instead of characters like Hunter and Amity, and there’s also how she treats Luz as soon as Luz stopped being the character Lily expected her to be.  And there is likely stuff I’m missing from this, but its less ‘oh i mixed words up’ and actually just again, Lily burying stuff. 
And there’s a-lot of shit to unpack with her clearly proceed to slander someone throughout the rest of the post to try and make them the villain of her narrative, but the whole ‘Lily sends herself asks’ and ‘Lily lied about having cancer’ is literally because: *When one of the NSFW Art website accounts was exposed to be Lily’s, Lily suddenly and conveniently got an ask warning her that ‘someone is pretending to be her on the website’...when not much on that situation had even come out at the time, so basically Lily played herself there, and then there’s asks that Lily gets that basically looks to be Lily’s writing style that also allows Lily to rant or slander or deny anything/anyone she wants to at the time.  *The cancer thing is still on-going but Lily has slipped up constantly in her cancer lying and keeps adding to the lying, all because now her sister has called her (and the twos brother) out for pretty serious allegations including molestation. *And it should be noted that Lily also proceeded to slander her sister in response, trying to paint her sister as this mastermind villain. 
And her calling someone terfy is also ironic, given Lily has gotten into hot water for lore in her Star Wars OC fic where...her OC basically said that only women can become siths, and if they happen to come out as trans male or non-binary while a sith, its okay because...they still considered sith women to their fellow sith.
Yeah uh, suddenly not so much of a hate wagon/wanting to tear Lily down as Lily claims it is, huh? 
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lesbianjackies · 1 year
❤︎︎ about me ❤︎︎
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hi!!! i’m meredith, but you can also call me lottie, steph, briar, or elia <33 i use she/lil pronouns and i’m bi, demiromantic, and aceflux. i’m neurodivergent so be patient with me if i don’t understand things/talk too much!! i’m a writer and i used to have over 200 fics on this blog, but i’m starting from scratch bc tumblr broke my links <//3 hope you have fun here!!
currently reading: i kissed shara wheeler by casey mcquiston
currently watching: yellowjackets
currently listening to: preacher’s daughter by ethel cain
❥ my favorites
movies/books/tv shows:
steel magnolias, 10 things i hate about you, the corpse bride, marvel cinematic universe, mean girls, pirates of the caribbean, puss in boots: the last wish, the princess bride, monster high, tangled, edward scissorhands, easy a, colette, ella enchanted, the princess and the frog, barbie movies, beetlejuice, coraline, summerland, ever after high, six of crows, the school for good and evil, the hunger games, harry potter, if we were villains, edgar allan poe, the lunar chronicles, miss peregrine’s home for peculiar children, dc comics, shatter me, the folk of the air, lore, the arc of a scythe, percy jackson, new girl, avatar: the last airbender, a series of unfortunate events, winnie the pooh, teen titans, the amazing world of gumball, the good place, brooklyn nine-nine, community, newsies, yellowjackets
marina, lana del rey, lorde, børns, mother mother, poppy, studio killers, twenty one pilots, wallows, hozier, aurora, florence + the machine, phoebe bridgers, arctic monkeys, the neighbourhood, conan gray, harry styles, taylor swift, the smiths, zella day, declan mckenna, my chemical romance, fin, flower face, cults, melanie martinez, boys world, clairo, bad suns
things to do:
write, sing, read, listen to music, go on picnics, watch tv, swim, take walks, spend time with people, talk
❥ my comfort characters
patrick verona, peter parker, briar beauty, dexter charming, kitty cheshire, madeline hatter, lizzie hearts, darling charming, daring charming, jesper fahey, nina zenik, anadil of bloodbrook, hester of ravenswood, peeta mellark, johanna mason, finnick odair, harry potter, george weasley, cedric diggory, mary macdonald, lily evans, pandora lovegood, luna lovegood, sirius black, regulus black, remus lupin, james potter, meredith dardenne, millard nullings, hugh apiston, emma bloom, tim drake, stephanie brown, cassandra cain, bart allen, jason todd, harley quinn, poison ivy, aaron warner, kenji kishimoto, cardan greenbriar, percy jackson, leo valdez, hazel levesque, jessica day, zuko, klaus baudelaire, violet baudelaire, sunny baudelaire, the hook-handed man, isadora quagmire, quigley quagmire, winnie the pooh, robin, starfire, beast boy, chidi anagonye, troy barnes, abed nadir, jack kelly, nat scatorccio, jackie taylor, lottie matthews
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hellishgayliath · 11 months
Violet, bluebell, and tiger lily for the flower ask game! 🌸
Do you like to cook or bake? if so, what is it that you like to make?
I like doing both a fair equal amount. I'm always looking for new recipes to try out and see if they hit or not( and especially since I live with my sister's kids, their "palettes" are so fucking hard to please sometimes since they don't really like to try anything different, so experimenting has it's downfalls most times). Some dishes I like to make are omurice, egg fried rice, fried chicken, any potato recipe honestly lol, but in baking I really looooooove making bread. Pumpkin bread, apple bread, banana bread, cinnamon swirl bread, milk bread, Hawaiian bread i fucking love bread n pastries (including muffins and scones). I only make other stuff like cookies/cake/ cupcakes for occasions or if somebody's cravin it ( I don't like cookies tho they give me so much trouble when it's time for the oven >:U ) I don't like cake either cept for this one recipe I use where its chocolate but it also has coffee in it to counteract the sweetness of it since I cant handle sweet things too well.
2. Do you have pets? if so, what are their names?
I live with my dad atm so we can't have pets ( he is the fucking worst to animals and it pisses me off, like you live in a family of animal lovers bro wtf is your deal) BUUUUUT my mom's house on the other hand has 4 cats and 1 dog and I miss them each and every day so goddang much. Each of them were taken in as strays( cept the dog Koby, my step bros have a bad habit of bringing in dogs and then expecting my mom n stepdad to take care of them, this pisses off my mom greatly when she already has her own shit to deal with).
The cats are Cleo (Cleopatra, I call her queenie): she's a bit of an old lady with a resting bitch face but she's so cuddly and lovable to me at least.
Mufasa ( who we don't even call him by his name, he's just chunky boy to me): he's a stinky stinky bully to his sisters and very unbothered by most things, he's also very cuddly
Nala ( she doesn't have much names compared to the others, but i do call her Houdini/ nanas): chunky boi's sis, she's a bit of an escape artist, has tried and succeeded escaping the house numerous times, she tends to keep to herself alot of the time and is the one you hear meowing at your door at 5 in the morning, we love her tho, I also like holding her on my shoulder like a parrot
Pudge/Harley (still half n half on her name) : sis to nala n Mufasa, gets picked on the most from chunky boi, she's a bit more skitterish and attached to my lil bro the most, and her fur is just oh so soft like a cloud
3. Do you have any favorite quotes from any movies, tv shows, books, or poetry? (or from people in real life)
First thing I can think of is just most of the lines from Monty Python and the holy grail, there are just so many iconic lines from that movie that me n my sister say on the daily and then we're always compelled to watched it again ( A NEWT?...I got better xD) . Another thing we also love is the guy who didn't like musicals which we also just want to watch again cuz starkid is amazing. Im sure there's more quotes hidden somewhere in my mind but those are the first two pieces of media i could think of
Flower ask game
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Submission: Transcript of Lily's Harley Quinn video, part 1 *season 3 spoilers
I put the stream in a app that transcribes text. There’s lots of mistakes because the audio wasn’t clean and Lily cutting the audio whiledditing. I tried correcting some of it but there’s still mistakes left, and if something is missing it is because of the audio cuts in the original stream. 
The text is super long so I'llsubmitt it in parts:
Okay, so I fucking love the Harley Quinn show. After me and Mikaila were orbiting around it for a while,  trough the Eat Bang Kill Tour, I’ve finally decided to just give it a watch one day when I was bored and lying in bed and thinking about the sheer dread of being terminally stalked and harassed content creator, people will always take stabs at for sadistic glee no matter how much time has passed.
A/N: She does a speed cut montage of her stalkers’ accusations over her current depressed profile picture. Text includes:
-bitter exes
-angry conservatives
-loosers on KF
-SU stans still having a meltdown
-Brony pedos
-Wrynn simps
-porn addics
-C//A stans
-literally just nazis
-if I was a straight white male I wouldn’t get nearly this much vitriol thrown at me
-I was raped by these freak of fucking nature
-and swatted by my abusive ex
-if I didn’t have a platform I’d be another MMID
-all this about cartoons and fake made up shit about Sweden
-that’s what all this cruelty is really about
-I’m not an abuser
-I’m not a puritan
-I did not write Stockholm
-G did not rape C!Lily
-Aliana is not a blood purity fascist
-I don’t have secret accounts on furry websites
-I don’t prey on minors
-I’m just a mouthy trans woman
-and that’s all these people are really fucking mad at
-because I said their precious fashy cartoonists were bad
-and they’ve been having a violent, hateful tantrum for years over it
-If you’re still mad about SU just fucking die and quit being a burden to the res tof us
And you know what, it was quite qood. I dare say it was probably the best thing to have come out of Batman in a long time, though Eat, Bang, Kill is still better. I don’t have a trough line, I’m just gonna gush.
Let’s not mince words, I mean – they have it, they don’t just say they’re going to have it. I didn’t check out the show until clips from the third season of Ivy and Harley being adorably sapphic started coming out, and I was “yeah, I’ll give that a look”, and the whole show was fucking amazing.
This is the first time in a long time I’ve been interested in anything to do with Batman. After the entire franchise went grim-dark and edgy, it’s been the single most miserable pile of shit in the whole god damned n the world, but this, oh this is beautiful.
Let’s start with the selling point, Harley and Ivy have a really good arc from season to season. In season one they are friends while Harley struggles to geto ver the Joker. In season 2, Harley realises she’s in love with Ivy, all the while Ivy is about to get married to Kite Man. And in season 3 they are together and just being the most sapphic couple ever.
I thought the first two seasons were going to be a slog, but they’re actually very well paced. In the first season Harley’s struggling to get over the Joker. The Joker actually leaves her for dead in the first episode, after being broken out of jail by Ivy, she rushes straight back to him only to get betrayed again. -thinks she’s done with him, only to relapse a third time and is betrayed almost immediately, and that’s the point where the lesson is driven into her skull, that she needs to be done with this clown. The interesting part about this however, is that by the time of the third relapse, her friends are furious with her. Like, they’ve spent all this time trying to get her away, but she keeps running back to him.
A/N: She shows the clip where Harley is pleading to Ivy about her needing to understand why she went to the Joker, while Ivy tells her she’s done with trying to help Harley. But she cuts out the part where Harley is trying to explain to her friends that she didn’t go to the Joker to be back together with him, but to ask him for help trying to safe her friends.
It’s something that isn’t touched upon very much. People who have a tendency to rush back to their abuser, are often doing so at the expense, time and emotional labour of the people that love them. You can’t really help someone who refuses to help themself. I think it’s a really good wake up call for Harley to see who really matters to her. It might seem cruel to some people, but at the end of the day you can’t help people at your own detriment. It’s something I have experienced myself, I have ended at least two friendships over the fact, that the people involved were content to put themselves in bad situations, and worrying about them all the time started affecting my health. One of them was contemp *audio cuts off* -so I feel very seen by Ivy here. She’s just, had enough.
It doesn’t stay that way very long, a few episodes later Harley comes to Ivy’s rescue her, and things are good between them again, but the fact that Harley abandoned her when she helps- stays with Ivy until the res of the season, while her relationship with Kite Man gets more serious – be a better friend, but as the chaos in Gotham amps up, she realizes doesn’t want to just be a good friend to Ivy, she wants to be with her. She even gives up the chance to rule the world, because it’s not what she actually wants and confesses her feeling immediately after. Ivy turns her down, because she’s afraid of getting her heart broken. At this point Harley just kinda gives up and tries to be the best friends to Ivy as she can, until she gets a pep talk about not giving up on Iva from the Joker from all people.
*she plays the clip of it*
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
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This is not the Lion King but it is my motorcycle and it is me and it's a real lion and he get up there and he hold on and he had like a seat but he would snuggle with you and his big head would be like pushing against you and little cats do it in with him doing it he's really strong so I had trouble keeping the bike up straight and he kind of noticing these off a little he says this is fun he get off and he come up and lick him he was a great great lion I think he's still around and he's a friend but boy people are very mean to them I don't think he'll be nice to me like this probably not he says when they get afraid of humans to go last for a long time and they remember it too one day I had to whip him a little and he got mad at me you go stay away from me then so I stayed away for a while and I tried coming back and he said no Wendy is ready to say hello again and you whip me a little they said there that's what it's like and I stood there and watched it I said no one and now what and he became a friend again I said don't do that so that's how it is with him and some people most people what a beautiful animal and I miss him and I miss Rusty and all those doggies and cats and the family this is hell it's so stupid someone gave me the assignment in a very mean about it it's probably the max and the hostile they don't want to give it their lives here you're mad at everyone's what they're doing to those house for what they're doing to themselves now I want to do this idea this is not the motorcycle he's talking about if you saw it you laugh but it's really a kind of a cool idea and that's why they came about was for us to have gas mileage and a cushy seat that's what he's looking for damn it and we need it it's hilarious his ideas are very weird but having a carnival and doing this is great and I think that Lily is thinking about it all the time and she has a couple Acts she can do and she says it's not real complicated stuff and a friend says even finger painting is good for kids and adults and she said that's terrific and good ideas but she has better ideas some people will get together and this is going to be great and he says you make like a small one and you see how it goes and you have to get a permit for that kind of thing I don't think they charge much but he's right you're making small one and then we can do a big carnival and we can have acts along the way and it's important to have pantomime and this is probably where it came from and we're not going to go up to Sarasota unless we try something so we could should get going on this and today is Thursday it's a little late for this weekend but we can try stuff out at our houses and have parties and get balloons and try to detox and detox from nitrogen so I guess we'll be drinking hard alcohol he said it's Florida so you drink mixed drinks and we're laughing but maybe not cuz football's on so we have like an impromptu little circus stuff for the kids and we'll be watching the football game is a good idea
He's always wanted to have theme parties that do stuff and this would do something event planners want to work with us but we don't have much of an event we just all show up at the same time and he might have a vents later to sell this particular bike it's going to be awesome used lawn mower engines that's crazy
We can do that too take a picture of each one and package it and put it under a certain make and model and type and size and people can look at them this is what it's like we're going to certify them and throw them together so we need to send them out and we need to get going I'm going to try this stuff
Thor Freya
Meanwhile up in space the morlock is suffering and losing very badly you're saying if we had Harley-Davidson you guys could make it a contract and we can send out tons of them to you get your people going they're going to need it and now and they're looking around saying you're probably right
Thor Freya
There's some of them thinking that they can't get it together and they can't do it but we get there we start making them and our son and daughter say probably a lot of the sx 350 and 550 and they agree and tons of them so you buy them in lots. Are you going to buy them for transportation and they need to do stuff they're paying the ass
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alyssadeliv · 3 years
The Forgotten One
First      Previous
Chapter 8
Just seeing that dagger, even after years, brought memories that made his heart ache. He remembered giving it to her… It was her 12th birthday, and even being only six at the time he remembered feeling so proud of himself when her entire face lit up at the sight of his present. The yin and the yang always represented their relationship so well. She was the light inside his darkness, and he was the darkness to her light. He still had the other part of the set, from the last time he had ever seen her, it was his most prized possession. It was inevitable that every time he looked at it he remembered her, so he mostly kept the weapon in the back of his closet, carefully protected inside a wooden box, because it was too painful to look at every day.
Now that he was older he wondered if his first actions after discovering his other siblings had anything to do with her death. Something inside him told him he needed to secure a position for himself before his Father decided he wasn't needed anymore. Because that was the norm in the League. You had to fight for your position. The only person he could let his guard down was his sister. He didn’t need to prove himself for her. She looked at him as if the world started and ended at him, and he always had looked at her the same. 
He took her death hard, but he never truly got to mourn her properly. Being tossed aside by his mother to live with the father he had never met, after the most tragic event of his life, was enough to damage lesser children, but he was the Heir of the League. He needed to be strong. So that's what he did, first, he tried to eliminate his competition. But to his surprise, he was berated by not only his Father but his other siblings. 
Being only ten at the time he didn’t know a life without violence. And he had to relearn how to behave in this new world he was left on. Without his sister by his side, he felt incomplete. Being neglected by the Father he looked up to for so long wasn’t easy either. He never once told anyone about her. He didn't see the point. She was dead, and Al Ghuls never dwell on the past. But as a Wayne, he often found himself opening the wooden box and remembering all the happy moments of his life by his sister's side.
That’s why this copycat made him so angry. He recognized the uniform and the weapons being used. The fighting style and the evasion techniques he recognized from his training in the League. Whomever this person was, it had ties to his grandfather's organization. Living almost three years away from the League lifestyle was enough for him to decide to never return. But he couldn’t for the life of him understand why his mother sent someone to taunt him with his dead sister's doppelganger. That was cold even for her, and he knew that Talia would never cross that line because she loved Marianne too. 
It took him almost one week to try to come clean with his family. He needed time to process. In that period of time, their mysterious assassin completed their mission. Damian knew that because a high fashion designer was found dead by the docks a couple of days after their last encounter with the BatFam. There were signs of torture, but the most peculiar thing was that the designer was wearing a tailored suit with the Order of the Miraculi symbol on the back. Gotham police simply linked his death to a Chinese gang, but Damian knew better. He just wasn’t sure what exactly happened. 
He had a theory that after his sister's death, Wang Fu eventually got a new apprentice, and that person now was impersonating his deceased sister to obtain power. Before her death, Marianne was widely known as The Lily of the Desert. Her reputation was incredible. And her Modus Operandi, amazing.
In his sister's memory, he needed to put a stop to this impostor.
“I have not been completely honest with you Father” They were all at the cave, getting ready for patrol. Grayson and Todd immediately stopped whatever they were doing and stared at him as if he had grown another head. Drake nursing a hot cup of coffee didn't seem to have listened to what he said. 
“And what exactly have you been hiding?” Father asks folding his arms in front of him. These last couple of days had been hard on him. Catching the assassin had been his number one priority. 
“I believe that I have information pertained to Gotham's new visitor…” His Father's face darkens. He wore the Batman suit sans the cowl, but he still looked very much intimidating. 
“And why have I not been informed of this sooner?” He asks with a stern tone. Seeing his Father, with arms crossed, made Damian remember the series of long berations he received in his first months living at Gotham. And for some reason, he felt small.
Seeing his youngest reaction, of flinching, he softened his tone. 
“What I mean is… Why not come to us in the first place, surely we could have helped, and-” He was interrupted, a loud signal echoing through the cave signaling that there was a disturbance. Oracle immediately gets to work. 
“There’s a disturbance in Wayne Botanic Garden… The alarm indicated someone broke in. There is no response from the security team there.” The redhead explains the situation. “I don't think it is Ivy. There have been no sightings of her in weeks… She and Harley have been keeping a very low profile.”
“Suit up everyone! We will finish this later Damian. You and Hood are in charge of discovering where this intruder entered the building. Tim, Alfred benched you, stay here with Oracle and go through the security video, find out where this person is staying. Nightwing you are in charge of finding the security team. I’ll deal with whoever it is inside.”
And with that, they were gone.
When they got to the Botanical Gardens it was too silent. The alarm that alerted them wasn’t on anymore. And if they didn't know better it would have seemed a false alarm. 
“New plan, Nightwing and I will enter the building. Robin and Hood are to keep guard on the roof. If you see anything exiting the building notify us immediately.” And he was gone.
Damian got angry, knowing that his Father was punishing him for lying.
“Well, it looks like it’s just you and me baby bird” Todd says with a cheeky smirk. Even with his laid-back attitude, Damian could still tell that he had his guard up. “You stay here, and I’ll take the other side of the building. Call me if you need backup!” Of all of his brothers, Jason Todd was the one he least interacted with. He mostly lived in his apartment, and aside from patrol, he was never home. He liked to think that at some level the oldest understood him. He too was trained by the League for years, and he always wondered what it would have been like to meet him before coming to Gotham. 
Todd didn’t like to talk about the time after his death and Damian respected that. Because he too had difficulty talking about his childhood. Grayson was the one that always pushed them to try and talk about their feelings, and that was one of the reasons he did like his older brother, it kind of reminded him of Marianne.
Even if he did miss his life in the League, life with his Father was without a doubt, better. He was allowed to have pets, something he always wanted. And he wasn’t expected to train until he bled. He was obligated to attend school, and that he didn't like, but in general, he couldn’t complain. 
Suddenly he got movement from his perimetrical vision, and if it wasn’t for his training he might have missed it. Whomever it was, was taking advantage that the roof from the building across from the Gardens didn’t have lighting. 
Throwing caution out of the window Damian went into action. He didn’t need backup. If it was someone from the League, he could take care of it. When he got to the other roof he was immediately attacked. His opponent wasn’t using the weapons Damian knew she had in her possession. At their last encounter, he hadn’t been able to catch a glimpse of who had attacked Drake, but now he could tell it was someone older than him, and she definitely had previous training. He blocked her first punch but wasn’t able to escape the second one. He momentarily lost his air but didn’t let his guard go down. He responded in kind and suddenly they were in heated combat.
On his intercom, he could hear his Father and siblings asking what was happening, but he didn’t have the time to respond. For some reason, their fight suddenly felt like a dance. They were in synchrony with each other and he felt as if he was missing something. The girl was wearing the traditional League attire, with a small symbol of the Order of the Miraculous on her left breast. It was identical to the one his sister would use, and that only helped to fuel his anger. By now the other would be getting there in a matter of minutes, so he had to act fast. Fastly grabbing a Batarang he threw it with all his force. Not expecting it, she couldn’t get out of the way fast enough, and the weapon lodged itself to her right side. Blood immediately started coming out of the wound. He lunged at her. Using her wound as an advantage. But to his surprise, she didn’t seem affected. And was able to block his attacks with ease. He heard some bodies landing on the roof, his family had reached them. But that still didn’t deter him. Punch after punch he started to gain some ground over his opponent. Landing one powerful land on her jaw she falls to the ground defenseless, and her mask dislodged from her face, and now Damian was finally able to see the face of his opponent. He froze. 
Somewhere behind him he hears his Father asking her questions, but it is all muted. A million thoughts pass through his mind, but there are so many that he can’t form a coherent thought. 
“Ashataqat lak ya 'akhy" Comes from her mouth.
He throws himself towards her. He hears Grayson shouting for him to stop, but he can't, it's like his body is moving at its own accord.
Jason sees everything happening in slow motion. From the second they hear fighting sounds from the Demon Spawn’s intercom to when they reach the rooftop where the fighting is taking place. He sees the brutal moves, Robin, lands on his opponent. And if she wasn't an assassin he would feel bad for her. 
She’s injured but that doesn't stop Damian. Dick tries to interfere, but for some reason Bruce stops him. Something he regrets when she’s finally overpowered and is on the ground because even after Dick screams Damian to stop he still goes after the girl. 
But to their surprise, he doesn’t attack her. He throws himself into her arms. She hugs him back, not even caring that her side it’s badly bleeding. She holds him as if her life depended on it. And Damian is no different. Even being at a considerable distance they can see Robin’s shoulders shaking. He's crying, something no one ever saw him doing before.
That sight stunned him. And he can see he is not the only one. Bruce doesn’t seem to know what to do, and Dick looks like someone just kicked his puppy. 
Oh, how Bruce wishes he had heard what Damian had to say earlier.
So last chapter didn’t get a lot of notes... Is the story getting boring? Honest aswers please! I’m posting this chapter today as a birthday present for myself! (My birthday is in 2 days! So exited!) 
Please tell me your thought!
Taglist:  @macncheesemonster @jumpingjoy82 @silversaphire12 @jinx-jade @swiftie-miraculer13  @greatcatblaze @megaafangirl @ramos123 @theamityislife @maskedpainter @toodaloo-kangaroo @nyx-in-line @ketchupqueenboiiii @blackroserelina @lozzybowe @user00000003 @kashlyn @msshadows97 @ira-sairain @stackofrandomstuff @myazael @frieddonutsweets @asrainterstellar @our-preciousss @laurcad123 @nyaabinch @rverfades @thefangirlwholiterallydies @astoriaandromeda @unnamed2357 @little-lady-bird @imdaqueenie @meismu @dorkus-minimus @a4-machete @arty-shadow-morningstar @catthhay @sizzling-fairy-oil @poodapup @charme-de-malchan @jayjayspixiepop @fusser90 @adrestar @iloontjeboontje @buginetye @macncheesemonster @messymessyml @redbullgivescaswings @queer-illusion @moonlightstar64 @kking13 @lupagrimm @dorkus-minimus @roguishredaxion @meow-6296 @galla02006 @samiamack @readingalldaysleepingallnight @twsssmlmaa @ihatecomingupwithusernameswtf @alexizlazy4eva @lady-bee-fechin
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꧁Midnight Masquerade꧂
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Description; A masquerade becomes the perfect time for a monster to stalk its prey. But what if the heroine knows the villan?
Pairing: Pietro x reader
Rating: Mature
Word count; 3.230
Warnings; Kinda entering the thriller genre, a bit of fluff (?)
Author; @the-goddess-of-mischief-writing
A/N: So this is my little piece in @sdavid09 halloween's challenge and I had the prompts "Scooby Doo" and M.J's "Thriller". Though this isn't only an entry in the challenge, but also my way of introducing a new character I'm going to start writing for. I took a new and kinda differente approach with this fic, so this isn’t how I characteristically write and honestly I don't really now how it turned out. Maybe I'll do a part two or just leave it as this is, we'll see. Nevertheless, hope you enjoy this little work xx
Autumn. From where you came the season didn't bring much more than chilled temperatures that nipped at every part of your body, no matter how much or little clothes you wore for the time of year. The only thing differing it from the snowy winter though was the colours. Leaves painted in every colour between green and red, making the forest look as if it was on fire. The otherwise dull coloured buildings, speaking of an ill-favoured state, blended together with the third season of the year, as the smell of earth and heaviness of rain was present. 
Those scents reminded you of your home more than ever as you now walked through the mist coating the streets outside. Goosebumps spread across your body as the wind ruffled the leaves enough for them to fly. A curse left you as you hugged the coat closer around your body, damning the wind for penetrating your scant pieces of clothes for the season. As well as your friends, for the night stroll that you now needed to take.
"Miss, your costume is pretty", the tiny voice surprised you to a stop. As the masquerade mask covering your face also entered your outermost vision, you need to tilt your head downwards to find the owner of it. As soon as you did, you saw a little girl standing there, with illuminated wings and brightly coloured clothes. Her face was painted as well, but unlike yours which aimed to look somewhat regal, it accentuated the costume she was clad in.
"Oh, uhh thank you", you mumbled, unsure if the little girl heard you as another gust of wind fittingly blew by, although seemingly she did. With nothing but a giggle in return and a bright smile, she skipped away to catch up with her mother, who had stopped not far behind you as she noticed her daughter wasn't with her.
You followed the pair for a few seconds, unable to not notice a few dozen other people roaming the streets as well. It seemed that everyone below the age of fifteen was out and about in silly costumes, knocking on each door of the houses in the scary decorated neighbourhood.
The ghosts, mummies, fairies and other creatures and costumes were what reminded you that the outfit you felt was bothersome walking around in, looked unusually modest. Aside from the black lace mask covering your face, there wasn't much more which differed your outfit from any other party clothes.
You sighed, continuing forward to reach the new place your friends said they meet you at, while in the background hearing voices gleefully exclaiming trick or treat. Everything reminded you that here, autumn didn't only bring a change of season, but Halloween as well. You were not used to it, in fact, you had never experienced it until now.
"Hey Y/N!" Along with the call of your name, came the honking of a car and if you hadn't recognised the voice, the rapid sound would have helped you figure out that it was your friends.
"Oh stop it you pest!" You shouted back, laughter lacing your tone, at the man behind the wheel.
"Won't stop until you're in this car missy!" You openly laughed at the way Jake, from his position in the driver seat, leaned closer to the open window on the passenger side to holler at you.
"Can't you see I'm on my way", you answered, almost entering a jog to reach the car to stop his irritation of the whole neighbourhood.
Thanks to your hurried steps, you soon jumped in the backseat, though the person already sitting there didn't give you much time to close the door behind you before throwing themselves at you. Automatically you encircled them, naturally knowing who it was by their display.
"I see you went for the devil after all", you said, regarding the brunette opposite you as you parted. Noticing she matched her deep red glitter dress with devil horns, while a red mask covered her upper face.
"Seeing as we aren't going to the ordinary college party, I thought I could try a classic in a different style".
"Stop lying to yourself Lily, we all know you picked that dress because it made your butt look good", turning to meet you from the passenger seat was Emma, a short-haired blonde.
"And perhaps that's the second reason", Lily stated, though before any further comments could be made, you felt the jolt of the car as it jumped forward.
"Anyways, welcome to the Mystery Machine", Jake said excitedly, though you couldn't miss the blonde rolling her eyes at her boyfriend's comment.
"He's waited to say that since we began heading here", you chuckled at the way she said it, an act that only grew when she swatted his shoulder after a smart comment he made.
"Hey, hey! Don't hit the driver, right Y/N?" You glanced up to meet Jake's eyes in the rearview mirror.
"I want to arrive at our destination and survive, so perhaps don't hit the driver, which for further information, also is your boyfriend Em".
"If anything that gives me the right to", she said sarcastically, which made him make a pouty face and lean in to kiss her. With a giggle, one that made you smile at their exchange, she pushed his head away while saying eyes on the road.
Although the ride was anything but short, your company and their storytelling of previous Halloween's, made the journey pass quickly. Soon enough, you pulled up to the estate-like property, already filled with cars and people flowing through the entrance.
"Geez, they really went all out this year", Jake's eyes strayed from searching for a parking spot for a few seconds to eye the bustle outside. You heard Emma mutter a there, showcasing an empty lot for you to take which her partner immediately headed for.
"When don't they go all out", Lily shrugged before continuing " Though this year you made a valid effort to match the theme, compared to earlier", Lily gestured to the hair Jake had coloured green for the night and the black tailcoat he wore. The man addressed was momentarily busy parking the car, so he only hummed as recognition to her words, but if he gave any further affirmation once it rocked to a stop, you didn't know as you hurriedly opened the car door.
Once stepping out, your mouth dropped open, before a gleeful smile took over. You heard the chatter of people passing by and watched their choice of clothes, the cocktail-dress code for the masquerade impossible to miss.
"You look like an eager puppy", you hadn't noticed the rest stepping out of the vehicle, but Emma's word you heard. Turning around you saw how she had matched the Joker her boyfriend dressed as. Patch-work jumpsuit in black and red followed her body, mask a bit more excessive then both your own and Lily's, as her face was covered in a joker masquerade mask.
"Don't tease her Harley, I'm the Joker for the night", Jake had come up to draw her close to his side, half of his face hidden behind a grinning mask.
"With jokes like that, I'm going to dump you".
"I know you won't", he said, the banter between them continuing as they took the lead towards the house, you and Lily following behind them. You felt exhilaration starting to pump through your veins and your mask gliding up as you couldn't contain a smile. Your undivided attention made the man following you with his gaze, go unnoticed.
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You felt how the dress stuck to your skin as you made your way out from the dancing crowd. Since you arrived, you and your friends had busied yourselves with drinking and dancing. Up until this moment you hadn't parted from each other, though the suffocating atmosphere now prompted you too. You excused yourself to get through the crowd, knowing the exit to the garden was on the other side of the mass.
It didn't take long until you got to the door and opened it, doing so you were met by a cold autumn gust. Although it was probably barely noticed by those inside, you felt it envelop you like a counterproductive blanket. The sensation made a shaky sigh escape you, a sound which was swallowed by the noise of the door closing. Hugging your form your eyes closed momentarily, taking in how your bodily temperature steadily lowered. Something about it was comforting, feeling how the hotness disappeared though never fading to freezing. Even though you could hear the music from inside, it was nice fleeing it and the crowds for a few moments.
Taking a deep breath, you slowly opened your eyes while tipping your head backwards, following the fog the exhale then created. Not until it dissipated fully, did you refocus to watch the night sky. It seemed to be close to midnight if the full moon shining brightly from above was any sign to tell from. It cast a cold glow over the garden you stood by yourself in, that was what you had thought at least.
It caught you off guard, heart jumping as you hastily switched to look towards the source of movement in your peripheral. Far to your right, at the end of the patio, a man stood, almost hidden in the shadows. It was his dark grey suit, with few other lighter details, that made him blend so well against the wall of the house, yet the thing deceiving him was his hair. Light, almost verging silver, became a beacon of his presence, nearly as much as the shining mask hiding the majority of his face. His gaze had been heavily set on you the whole time since you noticed his presence and only thanks to this, could you see what the piece shielding his face resembled, a wolf.
As your eyes flickered up to meet his eyes, a pair you couldn't see but feel, you started to feel how the cold grew palpable. It was if the temperature dropped several degrees and a creeping feeling begun to spread in your body. It was then, instead of just having his head turned to you, his whole body did. However, the swift motion didn't stop there, as he didn't waste a second before walking towards you.
You couldn't read it as threatening, yet the way he closed the space between you without saying anything made you unsure. The door you had exited through was still nothing but a step away, as you hadn't ventured further from it, but you were paralysed. Even though you wanted, you couldn't move, merely stare at the man who already had crossed the halfway point to reach you.
It was when he started passing the windows, the flickering lights from inside illuminated his features enough for you to see him clearer. He was tall and well built as he moved with grace, although at the same time it seemed to be a restrained speed. You noticed a stubble on the visible part of his jaw, yet before you reached his eyes, you blinked and when looking towards him again, your jaw dropped.
He was gone.
There was no trace of him even being there in the first place. You started to doubt your sanity while stepping forward. That was when you felt it, a hand on your shoulder. Frightened you jerked away from it, scream dying in your throat as it closed from the sheer panic wrecking throughout your body. However, instead of being met by a silver wolf, you saw a shocked devil.
"It looks like you've seen a ghost", your hand was still placed over your heart and you felt it race from the jump-scare you just got. A relived, albeit airy, chuckle left you seeing Lily stand there, eyebrows scrunched at your reaction.
"From how you appeared from nowhere, I might as well have done it", you tried joking. Earning a laugh told you that you succeeded.
"Well you disappeared, so I came looking for you", you smiled, ever the caretaking friend she was.
"I needed to cool down, too sweaty with the crowd inside".
"Understandable, but you better come inside again", she reached for your hand, about to make you follow her, but not before exclaiming "God women, your freezing!" You wanted to laugh at her outburst, although the uneasy feeling in your stomach of being watched irked you to look behind you instead. As expected, no one was there.
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From that moment and onwards, you couldn't let go of what happened. The man had disappeared into thin air, something you couldn't find any explanation to. Though that was not everything, ever since then, you felt observed. The feeling of having a glare in the back of your neck never ceased, yet every time you turned, you couldn't find anyone looking your way. It made an uneasy feeling settle in your body, but you tried pushing it away, knowing your easily spooked mind most possibly played a part in the trick your brain now played on you.
You had since then also joined the dancing crowd, at the moment throwing your head backwards, singing along the lyrics. You moved along the bodies, eyes closed to delve into the sensation of letting go. Even though you hadn't touched a drink since returning inside, you had had a few glasses earlier. Not enough to lose your reason, but plenty for renewed energy to develop.
Suddenly you felt how someone bumped you, harsher than acceptable even for the setting you were in, to which your eyes shot open. You were to turn around and tell the person off, yet something else caught your eye. Through the crowd, you could see him again. Silver mask reflecting the neon lights, yet none reached his eyes. You blinked, but in the second people had moved in the way and he was gone.
"This can't be real", you shook your head, though it was then you felt the burning feeling of eyes on you once more. This time you didn't hesitate to start turning in a circle to find the onlooker and when you did your eyes widened.
You had turned the opposite way of how you originally stood, something which would've taken minutes to walk. No matter if you walked through the dancing crowd, or around it. Yet there he was. The quickening of your pulse wasn't noticeable, not until the music started to fade to give room for the pounding in your ears that was. As heads began clouding the vision of him again, you tried to peer around them, as well as standing on your toes. Still, you lost him a second time.
It felt like someone played with you by now or you were going insane. At that instance, as it was triggered by your thought, you felt your body stiffen and straighten. Your body was hot, but you felt a coldness spread from your core. You recognised where the feeling came from, horrified you slowly turned to look the way it came. His mask shone in the dark, yet you could see nothing besides from it, the rest of him drenched in darkness.
"This can't be real, this can't be real", you uttered to yourself while turning and exiting the crowd and continuing down one of the corridors.
You knew Halloween was the night of terror, but never had you thought you would end up in a thriller. There must be a reason for everything, you thought, yet you had no explanations of the events you had witnessed.
Continuing to move forward, you heard the music fade behind you and your steps echo filling the silencing space instead. The empty space resonated each of your heavy steps loudly, the thought almost stopped you. There was no way your heels would give away that deep and loud of a noise. Intensely you listened, noticing how the sound followed yours perfectly, hitting the ground with the pace of your soles, making it sound like a further echo of yours. But it wasn't, someone else walked behind you.
The growing panic quickly crossed the threshold of fear, making you bolt. You zoned out, only focusing on putting as much distance between you and whatever was behind you that was humanly possible. You didn't dare look back, only held your gaze fastened on the door of the toilet, which had been your original goal.
It felt like the distance never ceased then all of a sudden, your shoulder connected to de door, while hand turned the handle, making you crash trough it. You stagger into the polished room, still not forgetting the door was wide open behind you. With all your weight you threw yourself at it, fingers finding the lock as soon as it closed with an echoing bang.
Your breath had turned shallow, shaking att both in and exhale. In a futile attempt, you tried holding your breath to silence the sound of your breathing. You stared at the door, attempting to hear if whatever chased you still was outside or worse, trying to break in. You realised that if it succeeded, there was nowhere left to run. However, besides your ragged breaths, it was silent, almost to silent.
It was then the impossible happened, you felt a cold hand wrap around your wrist. A choked sound was the only possible noise able to leave you. Biting your lip, you tried to quite the cry that wanted to escape, as well as your tears which were threateningly close.
You prayed this was your imagination, but you knew it wasn't as you felt the one being behind you step closer. You didn't need to turn to feel the looming feeling, which made you insignificantly curl into yourself.
"Y/N", unprepared for the sound of a voice, a whimpered left you, while you covered into yourself further. Your fear clouded your thoughts and not until his voice had echoed in your head multiple times did you realise, you knew that voice.
Though fear still gripped you, you slowly turned, eyes wide as you saw the mass of a man now standing before you. It was impossible to see anything more than his form in the dark, so you reached behind you, fumbling to find the light switch. Flickering to life the sudden source of light blinded you momentarily, though as soon as your eyes had adjusted, you looked at him once more.
Though his mask still covered most of his features, the light revealed many traits you hadn't seen before. His hair, which you had thought was silver, was dark brown at the roots, matching the stubble covering his jaw. The blue of his eyes shone from the cuts in his mask, seemingly crinkled in the corners. That was when you recognised him.
You recognised those blue eyes which you had gazed into so many times before. Those blues that could shift from shining brightly, to dangerously opaque. The ones you had left when moving from Sokovia, from him.
It was like he was bound, thus as you reached towards him, he stood perfectly still. You found the laces to his mask easily and with a few tugs, the tie loosened and the disguise fell from his face, hitting the floor with an unbothered cling.
Taglist; @flowerchild1216 @haven-in-writing @krystallynx​ @sdavid09​
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peachteapiggies · 4 years
Massive @Enriques4 Candy Naturals Recolor Dump
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I’ve recolored tons of @enriques4 hairstyles (104 with 3 ombres to be exact) in @candycottonchu candy naturals palette! There’s too many hairs for a decent looking preview so enjoy these 6 lovely models! If you like em I can share my ladies :)
Lots more below the cut!
If you like this and wanna see more you can help a chica out with some packs! Origin ID: Piggylover524 
Currently missing: Strangerville. Jungle Adventure, Spa Day, Nifty Knitting, Moschino, Laundry Day, Toddler, Kids Room, Fitness, Bowling, Backyard Romantic Garden, Movie Hangout, Spooky, Cool Kitchen and Perfect Patio. 
Any gifts will be very much appreciated and you can request anything you’d like to see recolored from me! My work will always be free as I don’t make original things (yet) so enjoy!
Pictured from left to right: Kylie Hair in shade 14, Levitating Hair in shade 10, Dayglow Hair in shade 17, Eliyah Hair in shade 1, Keyla Hair in shade 2, Malibu Hair in shade 11
Download: Simsfileshare
Let me know if you encounter any issues! I couldn’t find the link for saved version 2 sorry!
Credit to:
@candycottonchu​ for palette
@enriques4 for meshes
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lyssismagical · 4 years
i never wonder why my favourite places feel like you
Some meaningless parkner fluff 
Living together was rough at first.
Peter couldn’t say no to anybody, so he was pretty much always busy. He had his university classes, the work he’d do for Stark Industries, his job as a TA for one of his professors, his extra-curriculars like robotics, Spider-Manning, and he’d say yes to any favor people would ask of him.
It used to aggravate Harley to no end. There would be fights whenever Peter missed on date nights, there would be silent treatments whenever they wouldn’t have the chance to see each other for days on end because of their schedules, and there was one particular instance where Peter got so busy helping out with a school play that Harley moved in with a friend in the area for nearly a whole month before they patched things up.
But things got easier after they learned how to communicate, how to make time for each other, how close they got to losing the most important thing in their lives.
Now, nearly eighteen months into living together, they’re thriving.
“I love you,” Harley says, grinning at his boyfriend.
Peter blinks his eyes open, all bleary and sleep-mussed in that way Harley absolutely adores, and offers a tired smile. “I love you too.”
Smile widening, Harley ducks his head to press a kiss to Peter’s cheek. “I’m never going to get used to this. You stay here, take your time waking up, we’ve both got clear schedules for the first time in ages and I wanna bring you breakfast in bed.”
“Today’s grocery day,” Peter replies, eyes sliding shut again. He’s still smiling, one hand reaching out to grab Harley’s.
Grocery day means their fridge and pantry is probably mostly empty.
Harley can’t help but roll his eyes because there goes his plan of a sweet breakfast in bed for his lovely boyfriend.
“Hey,” Peter says, catching Harley’s attention again. He’s smiling all sleepily and his curls are a mess as he rolls his head to the side, bringing Harley’s hand up to kiss his knuckles. “I don’t mind. We can grab breakfast on the way to get groceries. We can have an early start, just let me shower and then-”
The older boy pushes him back down, kissing his forehead. “Give me like thirty minutes. Stay right there, I’ll be back.”
Peter shakes his head in amusement but pulls the covers back up his chest. “Love you. Hurry back, I’m starving.”
By the time Harley gets back, it’s already nearing eleven. The lines in the café he chose were slow and long, traffic was even slower, and to make matters worse, he forgot his phone in the apartment so he couldn’t even text Peter and let him know he’d need an extra hour and a half to make it home.
When he bursts through the door, a bouquet of flowers in one hand and breakfast balanced in the other, Peter’s still in bed.
It’s obvious he’s been up, hair damp and wearing jeans, an old Rose Hill High sweater, and the collar of a button-up peeking out from underneath. His laptop is on his thighs, working away at something, but he closes it and pushes it aside when he sees Harley.
“Tough errand?” he says, voice sweet and sympathetic. “You know you didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to do something nice for you.” Harley pouts, glaring down at the breakfast and coffees that took two hours to get.
Peter laughs, making Harley smile because his boyfriend’s laugh is unbelievably contagious, and he stands up to cup Harley’s face and kiss him gently.
“You’re sweet. Thank you.”
“I got you flowers,” he says, lifting the bouquet of pink lilies and daisies.
The superhero’s face lights up and he leans in to kiss Harley again before he takes the flowers and heads to the kitchen to find a vase for them, blush creeping up his neck.
He returns a moment later, hopping into bed and beckoning Harley to join him with the food. As soon as he’s got the coffee in his hands, he’s relaxed and grinning. “You’re the best, you know that?”
“If I show you what else I got you, I think you might die with how happy you’re getting,” Harley says, laughing. He overbought, but he always does because he always underestimates how much Peter can eat with his metabolism.
“How much did you spend?” Peter exclaims, eyes going wide at the array of croissants and donuts and eggs and pancakes. “We’re not going to be able to afford groceries later.”
Harley kisses his cheek and pretends to seal his lips.
They eat breakfast mostly in silence, neither of them able to keep the smiles from their faces, and keeping their hands intertwined. Harley’s never been happier to be left-handed.
When they finish, Harley offers to clean up, but Peter immediately stops him, rolling his eyes fondly.
“You already spent two hours just getting me breakfast and flowers. Let me clean up.”
“I know you said it’s grocery day but I really want to spend today with you. We could order pizza for dinner tonight, I’m sure we have enough to make something for lunch. Tomorrow, we’ll do groceries.”
Peter pauses in his work to collect the garbage. “I’ve got classes all morning tomorrow, Harls. And then Robotics Club meets at two, and then I’ve got papers to grade for my Chem prof. Not to mention you’ve got classes and work.”
“Is it really so crazy that I want to spend the day watching movies and cuddling?” Harley pouts. He knows this is just what happens, they’re busy and sometimes, they have to understand that things have to come before their relationship for their education and careers.
“I love you, but we’re not in high school anymore. I can’t ditch classes just so we can hang out.”
Harley laughs until his stomach hurts. “You? Skipping school? Honey, no offense, but the only time you ever skipped school and hung out with me was when you broke your leg on patrol and Tony didn’t let you leave the tower.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have fallen for the biggest nerd then. I think that’s on you.”
“Suppose that means we’re doing groceries today?” Harley says, lifting an eyebrow. He’s not even upset, this is the boy he loves, even if sometimes it feels like he loves class more than Harley. He gets it though.
Peter leans down to kiss his forehead. “Tell you what, I’ll skip Robotics, we’ll do groceries tomorrow in that window between your last class and your shift at the shop. And we’ll stay in today.”
Harley’s about to celebrate before Peter stops him, “But you owe me one. You’ll pay for dinner next Sunday?”
“Yeah, we should go out. It’s been a while.”
Grinning, Harley nods with probably too much enthusiasm, pushing himself up to catch Peter by his elbows and pull him down into a kiss.
“I’m going to run out, grab us some snacks and drinks, and you’re going to set up a little fort in the living room,” Peter says, smiling so wide his face might split in two. “And don’t you dare try to pick out movies without me! I’ll be back in a bit.”
“I love you!” Harley calls out, watching Peter disappear into the kitchen. “Don’t get stuck in traffic like I did. I will not be as forgiving if you take two hours.”
Peter peeks his head around the corner, tugging his hood over his head with a grin. “I won’t. Unlike you, I’ve got an alter-ego that works as transportation.”
He opens the front door, barely visible from where Harley’s sitting on the bed.
“If you’re late, I’m starting Tangled without you!”
Peter flips him off from over his shoulder. “I love you too.”
Taglist: @littlemissagrafina  @spideygirl2003 @romeoandjulietyouwish @c-artara @shadedrose01 @likeaphoenix13 @pj-hermes-tonystark-obsessed  @you-get-killed-walk-it-off @kitkatwinchester  @emo-girl10 @justme--emily  @hold-our-destiny @imalivebecauseirondad @spiderman-peterman @dykeragee @maryserrao  {Let me know if you wanna be added or removed}
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goggles-mcgee · 5 years
A Little Birdy Told Me
Based off the AU by @ozmav , and inspired by @particularlygeeky ! I love Lizzie okay and i love her fic Little Ladybird.
Marinette is dealing with knowing Adrien is Chat while on the school trip to Gotham, while also having to deal with more of Lila's lies. It wasn't enough to turn everyone against her she guessed, apparently Lila was set on making sure Marinette felt no happiness. But Marinette makes friends in Gotham, friends that are willing to throw down for her. Out of all things she could have guessed would happen on this trip, falling in love was not one of them. She also didn't expect to reveal her identity to the Batfamily, she also didn't expect to find out their identities either.
Meanwhile Adrien is trying to figure out how to make Marinette his finally, one way or another.
I know what some of you are thinking, Goggles why the hell did you start another fic when you got so many going on????? My answer: I'm weak to a cute ship. I am very very weak.
I hope you guys enjoy!
It was dark out already and everyone knew not to stay out at night in Gotham, even tourists, but here Marinette was walking aimlessly, trying to find the hotel her and her class were staying at. It didn’t help that her phone had died an hour ago after her following the directions displayed back to the hotel, she hadn’t noticed how low her battery had been so she had kept the app open, she was still hours away, if she had to guess. She knew this trip wouldn’t be great but she had held onto the hope that everyone would be preoccupied with the new place enough to leave her alone, but she had been wrong. Somehow Lila had convinced everyone to leave the hotel earlier than they had planned, of course the day Marinette is early is the day they ditch her at the hotel. She decided to try and catch up with them by taking a taxi but she underestimated just how slow and hectic traffic could be, by the time she got to Wayne Tower she was told that her class had already toured most of the tower but that they would be on one of the upper floors. So she raced up to where they were only to see them get into the elevator, then she ran all the way back downstairs as fast as she could, but at that point she had been so tired that she just couldn’t catch up. The sight of everyone getting in the bus filled Marinette with such relief, she could catch up to them, she yelled out to her teacher who was the last one to get on the bus but it seemed like she didn’t hear her and the bus was quick to take off.
 Marinette had just stood there watching the bus drive off in disbelief. She had shouted, her teacher had to have heard her, right? Then why did they leave her again? Especially in Gotham! The Class President had put a whole presentation together on Gotham, especially about the crime and the curfew that they should stick to considering they were tourists. That’s specifically why she pushed so hard to book a hotel near the Wayne Botanical Garden instead of the one near Crime Alley like Principal Damocles wanted them to stay at.
 Needless to say she was on edge as she walked, her feet were killing her and she had a migraine, she definitely didn’t think she could try and grab another cab when it had taken her so long to get one earlier. At least Tikki and Kaalki were with her, she wanted to just transform into Ladybug but what if someone saw? Ladybug couldn’t be seen in Gotham, not yet anyways, and she would have asked Kaalki to open a portal for her but she didn’t have anymore sugar cubes to give to the kwami. Eventually, everything just got too much and she stopped in the middle of the alley she had been taking as a short cut and sat down, she couldn’t stop the tears that ran down her face, nor could she hold back her sobs.
 She was…she was just so exhausted. With everything, with school, with Hawkmoth, with everyone basically, and she was fed up with not getting to cry, so she let herself do just that, just to get rid of all the pent up emotions that swirled dangerously inside her. Her heart ached, her throat was starting to feel sore from her sobbing, and her lungs begged for more air, but she didn’t care.
 “It’s coming from over here Pam-a-lamb!” A voice said from somewhere behind her in the alley, it had a slight accent but she couldn’t place it. That was beside the point, someone was approaching and she didn’t know I’d they were friend or for so she slowly pushed herself up and tried to stop crying but that didn’t really work, if anything it made it worse.
 “Are you okay, sweetheart?” Another voice said, this one was softer. Great there was two of them! She needed to say something anything, but her voice wouldn’t come out, she realized it was even hard to breathe. She couldn’t breathe! She needed to breath!
 “Hey, hey, hey! You’re okay doll, everything is okay. Can you breathe with me?” The first voice asked, Marinette looked up when she felt one of her hands grabbed, she flinched and tried to tug her hand away but the person had a good grip. They placed her hand on their chest and breathed slowly. In, and out. In, and out. She soon found herself copying the breathing, she finally got control of her tears and blinked the rest away so she could see things other than colorful blobs.
 “You’re doing great!” The woman who had placed her hand on her chest said, she finally got a good look at her, she was blonde from what she could see under the red and black jester-like hat, she had white face paint with a black and red mask over her eyes, pink blush stood out among the face paint. Her outfit seemed to follow the black and red theme with a collared shirt jumper over a leotard that went and disappeared into boots. Marinette could feel the leather of the gloves that held her hand. The other woman had vibrant red hair, her skin had a green hue to it, her clothes seemed to be coming from her, like she grew them. The top was white, it looked like it had veins, almost like flower petals, vines act as a belt while her pants seemed to be made of leaves.
 Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, she recognized them from her research on the city. She knew that they were rogues, sometimes antiheros, it really depended on the day of the week it seemed, with how they were acting she was hoping they were feeling more antihero.
 “What’s wrong sweetheart?” Ivy asked as she pet Marinette’s hair, the girl couldn’t help but lean into the gentle touch, sure she got a lot of physical affection from her parents, but they weren’t here and she soaked up whatever comfort she could get.
 “I-I…it’s just been a really long day.” Marinette stuttered out before she launched into a full explanation of the day she had been having, she did her best to not break out in tears again, she surprisingly was able to do that, she chalked it up to the fact that Harley was sitting by her and a had a hand around her shoulders while Ivy held her hand. As she explained she completely missed the two women exchange looks of rage at what they were hearing.
 “I’m sorry you had to go through that my pet,” Ivy said in a soft voice as she stood up and helped Marinette up, “would you like us to take you to the police station?”
 Marinette shook her head with wide eyes. She really didn’t need to give her classmates more fuel to add to add to their dumpster fire of secrets and ridicule of her. “I’m sure things will be better tomorrow, but uh, can you help me back to my hotel? My phone was giving me directions, but it died.”
 “Of course, Doll! Where you stayin’?” Harley asked as she and Ivy walked on either side of Marinette, Harley still had her arm around Marinette’s shoulder, but the girl really didn’t mind, she felt comfortable with them, which really surprised her, but she knew the two weren’t anything like Joker or any other villain, they were more like Luka when he became Silencer. That reminded her that she was supposed to call him and Kagami to tell them about her first day in Gotham.
 “At Gotham Grandeur.”
 “You would have been walking for hours! How could they do that, don’t they know how dangerous Gotham can be?” Seethed Ivy, orange lilies started to bloom in her hair and thorns seemed to protrude from her vine belt.
 “I covered that in my presentation on Gotham weeks before we left, I wanted to have all bases covered, I mean it is my responsibility of class president…but I guess my teacher forgot or something.” She lamented, the ‘or intentionally forgot,’ remained unspoken. “That’s just my luck really but I guess Lady Luck decided to grant me some luck today! Afterall I got to meet you guys!”
 The two rogues smiled down at her and she smiled back, more genuinely than she had in a long time. She smiled more when Ivy asked if she would be okay if they traveled with her vines on the rooftops, she claimed it would be much faster and she said it would be safer for Marinette. Really, she had no problem with it, especially when some of the vines held her carefully when they jumped over to another building, kind of like a seatbelt. The thought made her giggle. It took them awhile but eventually Marinette was back at the hotel, she could see some of her classmates hanging out in the lobby, making her freeze, she really didn’t have the energy to deal with them if they noticed her.
 Apparently, Ivy and her vines felt Marinette freeze up. “Are you okay sweetie?”
 “Um, well, my classmates are in the lobby, and well we don’t exactly get along. I just really don’t want them to see me.” Marinette explained in a hurry as she tried to hide herself behind Ivy and Harley when Adrien turned to look outside, she couldn’t see him so she hoped he couldn’t see her.
 “Do you remember which room is yours?” Harley asked, her voice was cheerful, but Marinette could hear the slight fakeness to it.
 “Room 7021. Mine has a balcony…” She said, she felt the vines grab her once more before they lifted her to the seventh floor, right at her balcony, which thankfully she didn’t lock the door to her room when she had stepped out to take a look at the city and the gardens they were near. “Thank you so much, for everything. Oh, wait here!”
 Marinette rushed into her room and opened up the box that she had wrapped in some clothes and took out two macarons. Her parents had sent her with an assortment of them that way she had something to remind her that they loved her. Also so she could have a taste of home while she was out in an unfamiliar place. She quickly made her way to the two women who were leaning against the rails of her balcony. They smiled when she came back and she easily returned their smiles as she handed each of them a lemon raspberry macaron.
 “As a thank you.”
 “Doll you didn’t have to!” Harley squealed out before she immediately stuffed the macaron in her mouth.
 Ivy chuckled and smiled fondly at her clown, “She’s right, but thanks all the same…uh?”
 “Oh my god, I didn’t tell you guys my name. I’m Marinette!”
 “Thank you Mari-gold, it was nice to meet you dear, we’ll leave you so you can rest.” Ivy said as she nudged Harley with her shoulder, Harley nodded before picking up Marinette in a big hug.
 “Hope to see you again, Doll!”
 “Me too!” Marinette giggled. She watched as they left, and for the first time in a long time she went to bed not feeling dread about tomorrow. She really hoped she got to see them again. Hopefully she would, but she was really excited for their tour tomorrow, they were going to be going back to Wayne Tower and she was excited to actually tour the place with no rush.
 Ivy and Harley took a break on a roof, still close to Marinette’s hotel. Ivy was barely holding in the urge to cover the whole hotel in her vines and letting them have a couple snacks, but she took deep breaths to quell the tempting thought. Harley was doing no better as she swung her mallet around to relieve some stress.
 “They left her to fend for herself, Red…That’s just, that’s just wrong!” Harley yelled out as she paced back and forth on the roof.
 “I know, Love, I’m not exactly happy about it either. She was such a sweetheart; I don’t see how they could forget about her like that.”
 “I think something is going on with her and that class of hers.” Harley grumbled out as she came to stand with Ivy at the edge of the building. “Every time she mentioned them, she would curl in on herself, like she was trying to make herself seem smaller. That’s not okay. And the way she described being left behind? Yeah that was a load of baloney.”
 “You think they left her on purpose?” Ivy asked, she really hoped Harley was wrong.
 “I think we might need to seek out the Bat just so he can be on the look out just in case they “forget” her again.” Harley said with a frown as she stared off in the direction of the hotel they had just come from. Ivy really didn’t want to have to talk to the Bat but arley was right, it would be the smartest thing to do for Mari-gold.
Bugs Before Hugs @immagothamitetermite
#onlyingotham I swear I just saw Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy on some rooftops with a teenage girl, it could also be the Red bull and coffee taking effect though. #essayduetomorrow #killmemydudes #thatsnotaninvitationroguesisweartogod 
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nokia75 · 4 years
Hello people of Mother Earth 🌍 this chapter will be quite (very) short ok 👍 now a good bye so without further a-doo let's get on with the chapter-ooo.
Chapter 8
Marinette woke up in the morning, she was tired from watching Netflix with Damian.
She went to the bathroom and washed her and brushed her teeth , she did her hair and wore her uniform.
She had already told Harley and Ivy that she was going to be at the Wayne's for her time at Gotham but will visit them on the weekends or when she's sad.
When she went down stairs she saw only Bruce and Dick there.
She took her breakfast and in the middle Damian had come.
When they finished they went to the car and and Alfred drove them to the school.
Once she entered she didn't notice the limo that was familiar behind her pull up.
In class they sat at there regular back seats.
Marinette had started to be nice to people but not let many in.
The teacher got up and said
"Good morning class , today we have some exchange students from Paris"
When she said that 3 people came in
Chloé bourgeois
Alix kubdel
Adrien Agreste
The girls were not happy that Adrien had come and Marinette was terrified.
Marinette jumped out of her seat and hugged Alix and Chloé whole scoffing at Adrien.
The two girls went with Marinette to the back and Adrien sat at the front.
The class was pretty boring today.
All the girls were drooling over Adrien while the boys were scoffing.
In the class Marinette filled Alix and Chloé in on everything:
How she was going on a date.
How she was living with the Wayne's.
How she new Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy.
How Chat Noir is Adrien Agreste.
How Chat Noir killed her parents.
How big of a crush she has on Damian.
And how much she missed them.
The girls left the class and it was soon lunch they went to the school cafeteria and sat at a table with Damian .
They chatted on small things. Till someone came requesting Marinette.
"No can do Agreste" Alix defended.
"Yea whatever you have to say say it here , say it now" Chloé scoffed.
"Fine, Marinette I'm warning you , your mine ok come easy or I come back hard" Adrien said and left.
The girls had comforted Marinette even though she said she was fine and Damian went to her side and let Marinette rest her head on his shoulder.
The rest of the day the classes were boring and their was nothing to do so when they finished Damian invited Chloé and Alix to the manor.
At the end of the day the girls and boy went to the manor and were greeted with loud banging.
The door opened and they saw Tim sipping coffee and Jason sliding down the stair rail while Dick was with Kor'i.
Once they were inside Marinette noticed Chloé's eyes on Tim and Alix's on Jason while she was grinning like a mad man and making hook up plans for them she didn't notice she has sat down already.
The boys came and greeted them
"Hey pixie pop who are these girls" Jason asked.
"Hello Jason , these are my best friends Alice kubdel and Chloé bourgeois ." Marinette answered.
"Have fun with them I'm going to get ready for my date with Damian good bye"
And with that she left and went to her room.
Marinette wore a red , black and white dress with black and red flowers and a white base and she wore some red high heels with a bracelet
And did her hair with her hair mostly on the side and with a small blue bow
Marinette soon finished and went down to see Damian in a green tuxedo and with some black outlines with black shoes.
She went up to him and kissed his cheek and said
"Always" he replied.
And with that they left.
Hello again hope you like this chapter but anyway goodbye,
Lily out.
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
There's a huge number of people who are watching and listening and they're finding out the Legends are being born and legends are at work well Mrs O'Leary might get an experience is that kind of wants out and if you want out now so you're milking us and you're making this cheese and selling it and they found out what it means and it says the second job so that's a low level person it's a job and I'm a low level person and they sort of get it and they figured out something they don't want to eat me and stuff or abuse me but they're different people but these ones trees okay cuz we're doing that so they're trying to stay healthy and get it and they're moving on walking exercising eating and resting and there's a lot of people who think it's sad but it is so the cow is a famous cow and a famous store is going to happen. So the girl wants attention and stuff she's on a movie and looks a little like Hera and they're going to have a problem cuz he looks a little bit like a clone but she is Lily and boy she looks different and no way can she do that but there are some problems here and some problems going on but our son is mentioned the Ozarks and the ship there and people are going there and the Midwest is not emptied yet but they are going there and with gusto
Thor Freya
And the Indian motorcycle invention they can't seem to understand it no they understand it and they are buying the idea now they want to buy the motorcycle and they want to they want to use the concept but really the demand is a lot less than you thought my son is trying to say what what it really represents and so am I you like missing the concept or something so it's an Indian that would be us native peoples you would be riding again in the 1900 cc's and the fact that it's an automatic. You don't understand we thought you were all fanatics especially Trump and he doesn't really understand it now he gets it and his zero motorcycles are disappearing and they're not fast enough they suck and because the latest designs the robots can hardly ride them and it says yeah it's a joke the answer eventually get up there but they have to learn like every time how to write it as a pain so he's not really going home for it anymore. With the electric you can recharge if you put in a special system that collects ambient electricity and you can have the bike drive to a transfer station in in about 20 minutes if you refuse instead of 15 and some picked up on it too but people are not after that
Never said it above the robots can't drive a shift gear bike very well but they can drive regular automatics w ease. It looks kind of like a Harley from anywhere but right on it and they could use it as fear other people would use it as fear and cover and also they grab people riding around on them and turn them into terminators so not sure why they're not doing this for us
Thor Freya again
Only had a few minutes to think about it we like the idea and the motif and so on we don't do much of it and it would be good for us and it would attract people who do a lot of it
Tommy a
You like the idea and we want to do it a lot the problem is that these bikes will be watched and we don't like that idea but other people should and we probably try and grab them all the time
Tommy f
It would and it's a perfectly good idea and people just not into it or something. I hear in the streets and not really pushing for it so and we need the transmission they can put it on different bike I mean I don't understand what the hell these people are up to they don't find some weird people
Yeah I'm thinking about it but yeah you're right everybody's has run out of gas
0 notes
I’m so soft for all this queer content we’re getting
Like, you guys remember how much of a big fucking deal the finale to Legend of Korra was when it aired? That we got two amazing bisexual women who got together, loved each other, and didn’t die? In a kids show? Because I remember that, and I remember crying my eyes out because I never saw anything where the queer characters didn’t die and was just so happy.
And now we get just so much more? In our TV shows for adults, in our kids shows, in our E for everyone shows, in YouTube content and creators, in comics, in games, in books, in international content? Killing Eve, Gentleman Jack, Steven Universe, Good Omens, Grace and Frankie, Dear White People, Orange is the New Black, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Jessica Jones, The Percy Jackson series, the Heroes of Olympus series, The Bold Type, Vida, Adventure Time, Baka and Test, Durarara!!!, Young Justice, Bob’s Burgers, B99, Wandering Son, Stein’s Gate, Yuri on Ice, Doc McStuffins, Gravity Falls, Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet, Attack on Titan, RWBY, Rick and Morty, BoJack Horseman, Star vs. The Forces of Evil, My Hero Academia, Voltron (even if it was shitty rep), Big Mouth, Banana Fish, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Tuca and Bertie, Broad City, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Fresh Off the Boat, One Day at a Time, GLOW, Grown-ish, Black-ish, POSE, The Umbrella Academy, Queer Eye, Sex Education, She’s Gotta Have It, The Good Place, Jane The Virgin, Shameless, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, The Get Down, The Other Two, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones (I only put this down because Yara got to live), Once Upon A Time (even though they did my fave Milan dirty and never gave her anybody to love), Master of None, Mr. Robot, Sense8, Andi Mack, Claws, The Handmaid’s Tale, A Series is Unfortunate Events, Atypical, Anne with an E, Insatiable, The House of Flowers/La Casa de Las Flores, Everything Sucks!, American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace, Élite, The Haunting of Hill House, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Batwoman, Mystique, Ms. Marvel, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, Loki, Young Avengers, Constantine, The Runaways, Miss America/America Chavez, Green Lantern, Archie Comics (NOT RIVERDALE, the actual new Archie series where Jughead is aro/ace, Toni’s bi, and there’s character development and a plot that isn’t going all over the place), SAGA, Assassin’s Creed, Fallout, The Last of Us, Life is Strange, Overwatch, Mass Effect, Eugene Lee Yang, Lily Singh/iiSuperwomanii, Tyler Oakley, Todrick Hall, Hanna Hart, Dan Howell, James Charles, Thomas Sanders, Nikita Dragun, Shane Dawson, MacDoesIt.
It’s like “Yes, nothing’s great, but at least we have some amazing content to give us hope.” Anyways, happy pride 🍾💖🙏🏼💑👩‍❤️‍👩👨‍❤️‍👨💏👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👫👭👬🌈🎊🎉🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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simonxriley · 3 years
6, 9, 18, 21, 41, and 48 for whoever you’re feeling right now? 😘 because I honestly love hearing about them all
Thank you! 😘 I've been in a major SOMA mood lately so I'll probably answer for Harley and why not my MCU oc Lily? i just finished watching The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (I know I’m late finishing it) and it made me miss her 😅
6: What do they look like? (i.e, hair color, eye color, etc).
Harley - She has red, wavy hair that goes down to middle of her back, blue eyes and freckles that cover most of her face and chest. She also has a small scar on her hairline from when she was working on her bike. 
Lily - She has light brown hair that goes down to her tail bone, and green eyes. 
8: What makes them, them?
Harley - Her upbeat attitude. For the most part she’s always in a good and positive mood. Which came in handy while living underwater. 
Lily - Her caring nature. She has a big heart and is always there for people who need her. 
18: Who do they look up to the most/are the closest to in their family?
Harley - She was very close to both of her parents, being an only child she got spoiled. Not in a bad way, her parents were just loving and wanted to be there for her. 
Lily - Before Thanos destroyed her home she was close with her mother. They did a lot together and was supportive of her fighting even if it frightened her. After Thanos, she was close with her kids because they were the only thing she has left that made her truly happy. 
21: Best Friend(s)?
Harley - Johan Ross, Sarah Lindwall and Raleigh Herber. 
Lily - Carl Danvers, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff. 
41: Are they dating anyone? Do they want to date? Are the married? Divorced?
Harley - She was dating Johan Ross, but now they’re both dead. I like to think they’re happy on the Ark. 
Lily - She was married to Thanos until Thor killed him (which she secretly thanked him for ‘cause she was now free). After his death and the blip she wasn’t sure if she wanted to date, she had Lotus (her youngest daughter) who lost legit all of her family and she was still very young. Lily just wanted her to settle into living on a new planet. However she does end up with Bucky some odd years in the future. 
48: What do they do when they get angry, stressed, or upset?
Harley - She’ll close herself off in her room to calm down. Maybe listen to some music to help ease her mood. There’s not much she can do underwater, if she was on land she would grab her bike and go for a long ride. 
Lily - When she was on the Sanctuary II she would spend time with her daughter because she was the only one to help ease her mood. Dealing with Thanos wasn’t always easy. When she’s with the Avengers she usually goes for a walk, fresh air helps ease her mood or she’ll take Lotus to the park. 
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ruthoakenshield · 4 years
The Lady in the Black Leather (Ch 21)
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Catch up here [chapter 20]
Aiden x Scarlett, Graham McTavish, Reader
You, Aiden & Scarlett visit for a while, then Graham shows up with a pretty bouquet of brightly colored daisies and mums with a big sunflower in the middle of it, and a tray with two coffee cups and a brown paper bag in the other hand. He had a ‘get well’ balloon also for you, which was tied to the vase of flowers.
You giggle and thank him for them. He grins and sets the flowers and balloon down on the windowsill next to the ones from Aiden and Scarlett.
He comes and gives you a little hug and kisses your forehead. “How’s my girl doin?” he asks.
You grin, “Don’t let Rich hear you say that!” you tease.
He grins, “Well, me and Gwen laid claim to ya before Rich did, so he’ll have to just deal with it.” He says cheekily, making you giggle. “So, how are ya doin?” he asks.
You shrug. “Tired, my leg hurts, and I’m hungry.” you reply and grin when he sets a bag on the table and hands you a french vanilla cappuccino from the tray.
“Well, breakfast is here now, so at least ya won’t be hungry anymore.” He chuckles. “Don’t they have ya on pain meds?” he asks you.
“Yeah, but I told the nurse I didn’t want them till I had some breakfast in me. I’ll get them in a bit.” You tell Graham.
Grinning, you dig into the bag, seeing pastries like what Todd has delivered each morning. You look up at Graham. “Where did you get these from? They look like the ones Todd has delivered each morning at the shop!” you ask.
He grins. “I got them from the pastry shop that he gets his from. They asked why his shop was closed and then saw the note Rich left on the door this morning. They said to tell ye and Todd that they wish ye both a speedy recovery!” he says with a smile
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You grin and take a bite of a strawberry scone and let out a happy little groan. “I love these ones! These and the doughnuts with the icing and the strawberry or cherry fillings! OOOooohhh they are the BEST!” you giggle.
There’s a knock at the door and a young lady is standing at the door with two big bouquets of flowers. “Excuse me Miss, but are you Harley?” she asks.
You nod. “Yes.”
She comes in and tells you, “These are for you. Where would you like them?” She asks.
Your jaw drops. One bouquet is two dozen red and pink roses with baby’s breath and purple lavender filler. The other is a bouquet of 6 yellow roses, brightly colored fuji mums and daisies that were colored brightly with food coloring.
Scarlett gets up and takes the bouquet of red and pink roses. She sets it down on the table and looks for a card. “Aaahhh! Here it is!” she says and hands you the card.
You open it up and see it’s from Richard. “For the love of my life. You mean the world to me, Sweetheart. I hope these brighten your day. I’m thinking about you & know I love you more than anything in the universe! Xoxo – Rich”
You grin and show it to Graham, Aiden & Scarlett. They all smile, and Scarlett puts the card back on the plastic stand and Graham takes the bouquet and puts it on the windowsill next to the other ones.
The delivery gal hands Scarlett the other big bouquet and then heads out to do more deliveries after you thank her for bringing them up.
Scarlett digs around in the bouquet and finds another card. She hands it to you, and you open it up to see it is from the Police Department that Alex, Todd and Jack worked for. It said, “Heard what happened, wishing you a speedy recovery! Our thoughts and prayers are with you! – Inspector Kathleen Walsh & your friends at the NYPD 19th Precinct.”
You look at Graham and Scarlett in surprise. “The police department sent me flowers?” Graham chuckles. “Apparently so Sweetheart!”
You shake your head in disbelief. “Well, that was nice!” you state.
They all nod. Graham takes the flowers and puts them on the windowsill as well. “You’re getting quite the collection, Sweetie!” Scarlett teases you.
You grin. “They’re making my room smell nice, that’s for sure!” you say, grinning.
Your doctor knocks on the door casing and then steps in. He talks with you for a bit and checks the wounds on your leg after shooing everyone out into the hall.
He asks you about all the scars on your legs and you explain they go all the way up onto your crotch. You tell him that the ones on your legs were from your last three boyfriends you had before meeting Richard. And you tell him the ones on your crotch were from the ex-boyfriend, Ben, who shot you. You ask him to make a note of you telling him that to put in your medical file. That you don’t want anyone thinking it was Richard who gave you them. You explain you never had reported the abuse from your ex boyfriends because of fear since the ex-boyfriends had all threatened you that if you told they’d go after you and your family. He nods in understanding and makes a note of it in your file.
He tells you that he doesn’t want you walking on the leg for a few days, and that you may use the crutches ONLY to get from your bed to the restroom in your room and then back to your bed for now. You nod. He asks if you need any stronger pain meds and you shake your head.
“I’m due for them when the nurse comes back with them. I told her I wanted to wait to take them till I had some breakfast in me first.” You reply.
He nods and tells you he will check in with you tomorrow morning then and tells you to have a good day.
Your friends come back in after the Doctor leaves and they have another two bouquets. You roll your eyes and giggle. “Now who are these from?” you ask.
Graham sets a small oblong flowerpot on the table with Hyacinths, tulips, daffodils and crocuses on the table in front of you. You grin and take a deep breath. “Oooohhh! Those smell wonderful!!!” you pull the card off the flower pick and read it. It’s from Captain Angel L. Figueroa Jr. & the NYPD 1st precinct and says: “Wishing you a speedy recovery, Harley! Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you recover!”
“Awwww! That’s sweet!” you say and put the card back on the flower pick.
Scarlett takes the planter and puts in on the shelf by the sink so you can smell them when people open the door to enter and exit.
The other bouquet is pink and white stargazer lilies and hot pink roses and lighter pink carnations with some greens. You look at the card and see it’s from Lee Pace. It reads: “Wishing you a speedy recovery and hope you and Phantom are doing well.”
“Oh! Those smell lovely too! It’s gonna smell like a flower shop in here!’ you giggle.
Graham and Aiden chuckle and Graham adds the flowers to your collection on the windowsill.
Scarlett looks at the time and nudges Aiden, who glances up at the clock and sees they need to get going to the studios. “We gotta get going, Harley. I gotta film some scenes this afternoon, and Scarlett’s gonna go check on the shop for you and Todd.” He tells you.
They both give you a hug and tell you they will see you later on. You wave goodbye and they head out.
The nurse comes in with your pain meds. “Are you ready for your meds, Harley?”
You nod and she gives them to you. You down them with your water and she makes a note in your chart on the hospital’s computer. Then she heads out after seeing if you needed anything.
You look at Graham and say, “Now what do we do?”
He chuckles. “Well, what would you like to do?”
You shrug. “I don’t know. Graham, can you tell me about your family? I don’t even know their names, you said your wife told you to tell me ‘welcome to the family’.” You said. “You must’ve been telling her about me.”
He chuckled. “Aye, Lass, I told her ‘bout you. How I met you, and how I was tryin’ to hook ya up with Rich. She wanted to see what ya looked like, so I sent her the pics I took.” He explained. “Didn’t want her worrying if the Papparazzi snuck photos of us when we all do stuff together.
Scarlet told me your parents died a few years ago and I mentioned it to Gwen… It was her idea, actually, to ‘adopt’ you, so to speak.” He giggled. Gwen is my wife. Our two daughters are Hope and Honor.” He tells you, “Honor was born in 2006 and Hope was born in 2012.” He says beaming with pride. “I’ll show you pics of them later.” He says. “They live in New Zealand where we have a house.” He tells you.
You look at him surprised. “I thought you were from Scotland, though?” you ask.
He chuckles. “I am, Lass, but I’ve lived all over the world. We decided to settle in New Zealand, though, after living there while we filmed The Hobbit.” He explained.
“Oh! I saw a lot of the bonus features on my Extended Edition DVD’s of the Hobbit. It looks absolutely wonderful! It’s on my bucket list of places to visit someday.” You tell him with a big grin.
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He chuckles, “Well, Lass. I’m sure Rich wouldn’t bat an eye taking you to come visit us there. He loved it there as much as we did and considered buying property there, but he’s so busy with filming and such, he said he’d rather wait till he got older and started to slow down with work.” Graham tells you.
“Graham?” you ask.
“Yeah, Sweetheart?” he replies.
“I want to do something special for Rich, but I don’t know what to do. He doesn’t like to talk about himself, so trying to find out what kinds of things he likes, I’m finding is rather difficult. Do you think you could help me?” you ask. “I know he likes chocolate ice cream, wine, legos and reading. But that’s about it.”
Graham chuckles. “Yeah, he is an introvert and shy, so whenever people ask him personal questions, he tends to shy away from them.” He tells you. He gives you a few ideas of things Richard would like and suggests to just be observant, “You’ll learn more about him from just observing and listening, than from anything else, Lass.
He’s moody and grumpy sometimes, but don’t let it get to you. It’s just how he gets into characters he portrays. He’ll often take them home with him and struggle to let ‘em go. Maybe having you around will help ‘im with that, Lass.” Graham tells you.
“There’s so much I don’t know about the film industry.” You sigh. “I’ve never seen how one is made from start to finish. He asked if I’d come with him when he travels for the promotional stuff for the film too. I’ve never traveled very much tho. He said something about finding out the details for taking Phantom with too, so I’d feel safe.” You tell Graham.
Graham grins. “It would be nice for him to have ye with, Lass. I know I’d enjoy having you with us. My wife and kids don’t travel much with me. It’s such a long flight from New Zealand to the US and Europe that they don’t make it very often to join me for premieres. It’s a whirlwind of a time, and is exhausting, but it’s a lot of fun too. You get to meet a lot of people and just sit back, relax and talk about the film with interviewers. If you do come with, we’ll be sure ya are well taken care of.” He tells you.
You giggle and grin. “Graham, did you get my dress from Aiden’s? Don’t let Rich know anything about the dress. I don’t want him to see it or see me in it until he picks me up for the event! I want it to be a surprise!” you tell him.
He gives you a positively evil smirk and says, “Your wish, is my command, Sweetie. And yes, I picked it up from Aiden’s last night before I headed home. It’s in my closet in my bedroom, which he won’t dare go into. Scarlett said I should hang it up so it wouldn’t crease the velvet.” He tells you. “I’ll take ye to go have it altered to fit ye when they let ye outta here.” He says.
You grin and happily clap your hands. “I can’t wait!
Graham chuckles and rubs his beard, thinking.
“Graham, do you ever do Skype or Zoom or FaceTime your family? You’re always saying I remind you of your daughters.” You tell him. “I thought it would be nice to say hi to them and talk with them and your wife, if it was okay with you. I don’t know how the time differences work between there and here though.” You mention to him.
He glances up at the clock and you can see him working out the time differences in his head.
“Well, Lass, it’s about 1am there right now. Well, if ya can wait till around 3 or 4 pm our time this afternoon which should be able to give them time to get up and get ready, then we can give them a zoom call, we’ll say “Hi” and I’ll introduce ya to them!” he tells you.
“For now, though, what do ya want to do?” he asks. Phantom comes over and sniffs all the flowers on the windowsill and ‘wuffs’ at them.
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“What? Don’t you like all my pretty flowers, Phantom?” you ask. He chuffs and comes walking over to your bedside. Graham smiles and gives him a good scratch. “Do ya need to go outside, Boy?” he asks.
Phantom gives a short yip and Graham stands up. “I’ll go take him out to do his business, then we’ll be right back, Sweetheart. Did someone take him out last night or this morning?” he asked.
“I don’t know. Maybe the officer had one of the nurses take Phantom out. You’d have to ask him.” You tell Graham.
He nods and clips the leash on Phantom after he adjusts the service jacket. They head out and Graham stops to talk with the officer. The officer tells him he had one of the nurses take Phantom outside when he needed to go to the bathroom, and she brought him right back up. He did say they played with the rope toy for a bit having a tug of war.
Graham chuckled. “All right. Well, we’ll be back in a bit.” He tells the officer.
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doomonfilm · 3 years
Thoughts : Tusk (2014)
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This one has been in the queue for quite a while.  I’ve been a fan of Kevin Smith since the late 1990s, and it has been a pleasure to watch him grow as a screenwriter and filmmaker.  His brand of humor has always stood out as unique, but the word I was hearing prior to finally seeing Tusk was that it was unlike most any film folks had seen.  
Wallace Bryton (Justin Long) and Teddy Craft (Haley Joel Osmet) are the hosts of The Not-See Party, a popular podcast where the two discuss social media influencers and viral videos before Wallace travels to interview the subjects.  Wallace travels to Canada to meet the Kill Bill Kid (Doug Banks), a young man who accidentally cut off one of his legs with a katana, but Wallace arrives just in time for the Kill Bill Kid’s funeral due to his choice to commit suicide.  Stranded in Canada with no story, Wallace stumbles across a letter on a corkboard from Howard Howe (Michael Parks), an eccentric explorer searching for a lodger who promises endless personal tales of his adventures.  Desperate for an interview, Wallace seeks out Howe, not realizing that he is walking into a trap more bizarre than anything his imagination is capable of creating.
While Tusk is certainly not Kevin Smith’s first foray into the world of high concept contemplation, this is his first true dive into a realm as specific as body horror.  The high concept comes into play as he examines Wallace through the lens of bad life choices, and how these choices have ripple effects that can leave an individual isolated before they realize for far gone they’ve spun out.  Wallace is presented to us as egotistical, boorish, opportunistic and unfaithful, but in one of the rare tender moments he shares with his girlfriend Ally, we are told that he did possess desirable and admirable qualities at one time.  Based on his character choices, and his job as a host of The Not-See Party Podcast (a show name that creates a self-imposed hurdle), his turn into danger plays out in a perfect “boy who cried wolf” scenario.
Perhaps the most interesting and impressive aspect of the film is how Kevin Smith is able to serve as a bridge between the comedic stylings he made his name with and the high-level skills he has gleaned from two decades in the film industry.  A mix of absurdist, intellectual and low-brow humor is a given with a Kevin Smith affair, and Tusk provides it in spades.  Canada not only serves as the butt of a few jokes, but it manages to dish out a few zingers and quips full of Canadian personality.  Several characters are given carte blanche to embody outrageous characters and go nuts in that skin, with Michael Parks specifically getting the chance to show a handful of these looks.  The premise of the story is a randomly obtuse mix of Misery and The Human Centipede, and the periphery of the main narrative is peppered with mini-narratives that are proportionally ridiculous in their own right.  What really stands out amongst all of this, however, is the high production value of the film, as Smith finds a middle balance between the big budget comedy look of Cop Out and the darker, edgier look of Red State.
Tusk continues a streak of stellar, rejuvenated writing that began with Clerks II (if you’re willing to ignore Cop Out’s poor performance and critical reception), with Smith finding new and unique ways to expand his voice and naturally gifted ability to tell stories.  The production value on the Howard Howe home is stellar as well, with everything from the living quarters to the walrus dungeon providing a jarring tonal shift at each point of appearance.  The walrus effects and costuming are bold, but the final result is one that creates an image that will forever be burned into the minds of viewers.  The scoring is also strong, standing up to the high bar set with his previous film, the brilliant Red State.  The expository insert shots that accompany the Michael Parks monologues are a nice touch.
Justin Long jumps off of the screen with his ridiculousness broadness, with everything from his hilarious mustache down to his outlandish behavior setting viewers up for a shared journey down a path of darkness that could not be further from that initial stance.  Michael Parks plays equally ridiculous in his diabolicalness, with his madness and obsessiveness played so large that it nears the brink of insanity, and yet somehow, he finds a way to ground it all so that he plays sinister enough to incite fear.  Haley Joel Osmet finally gets a chance to break out of what seemed to be an eternal typecast as he gets to bask in a humorous light.  Genesis Rodriguez brings the emotion to the table, with her unconditional ability to share tenderness and be vulnerable making the main protagonist trio engaging.  Johnny Depp completes the trinity of ridiculousness, with his measured and specific take on his Inspector Clouseau-like character adding a different shade to the spectrum of humor in the film.  Appearances by Ralph Garman, Harley Morenstein, Jennifer Schwalbach Smith, Harley Quinn Smith, Lily-Rose Depp, Doug Banks, Zak Knutson and Ashley Greene also stand out.
BONUS THOUGHTS : Yoga Hosers (2016)
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As if Tusk weren’t weird enough as a standalone, Kevin Smith followed it up with a comedic horror for kids in the form of Yoga Hosers.  Part lore expander and part “let’s throw a movie together with famous friends”, the film famously divided fans of Smith and the View Aswkewniverse, mostly due to the lead roles of the Colleens in the form of Lily-Rose Depp and Harley Quinn Smith (the daughters of Johnny Depp and Smith, respectively).
Colleen C. (Lily-Rose Depp) and Colleen M. (Harley Quinn Smith) are a pair of friends whose job at the Eh-2-Zed convenience store has brought them minor fame due to their involvement in the rescue of a “man turned to manatee”.  One evening after sneaking in a practice for their band Glamthrax with drummer Ichabod (Adam Brody) while on the clock, the girls are invited to a Grade 12 party by seniors Hunter Calloway (Austin Butler) and Gordon Greenleaf (Tyler Posey).  The girls accept, but on the night of the party, Colleen C.’s father Bob (Tony Hale) is invited to Niagara Falls by his girlfriend (and Eh-2-Zed manager) Tabitha (Natasha Lyonne), leaving the girls to cover the store and miss out on the party.  In a last ditch effort to exert control, the girls invite the seniors to move the party to Eh-2-Zed, but the Colleens have no clue of what was in store for them.
If held up to the standards of other Kevin Smith films, it’s easy to pick this one apart, as the tone is much more juvenile than films like Mallrats or the Jay and Silent Bob films.  This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, however, as it seems like this film was not meant to be taken seriously or held as high art… this film does, however, totally read as a gift to two daughters whose fathers believed in their desires to act, and due to their rare ability to facilitate those dreams, were given the chance to fulfill a wish.  You can see both actresses progress and become more comfortable as the film progresses, with Harley Quinn Smith especially showcasing that intangible growth where an actor or actress can visualize their place within a frame while on the set.  It’s also very fun to see a litany of familiar faces and famous friends pop in and out of the film.
Certain creature design choices and production design continuously serve as reminders of this film’s connection to the Tusk world, though the two films have very unique rhythms.  Much of the writing and humor drives home how the film is meant to be perceived as a bit of a “human cartoon”, with literal references to cartoons and comics sprinkled throughout.  Keen viewers will be able to spot the numerous references to nearly every other Kevin Smith film that are presented.
It’s safe to say that words and descriptions cannot do the film Tusk justice… this film is one that simply must be seen in order to be believed, and even then, it is still rather unbelievable.  Yoga Hosers is fun in its own right, but you REALLY have to be a fan of not only Kevin Smith the filmmaker, but Kevin Smith the family man to truly enjoy it… it’s definitely the one folks will see simply out of a need to be a completionist.  I may or may not be writing on Jay and Silent Bob Reboot, as I watched it on the same day, but I can say that I have not laughed that hard at a movie in a long time.  
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