#and abandoned her crying daughter on the side of the road
reineabeillexo · 1 year
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I just love walking down the Paris streets after a good rain. The wet pavement smells like home. 🌧️🏙️
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threepandas · 2 months
Bad End: Mama Mine
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I woke, that first time, to the most beautiful child I had ever seen. Even through a fever that felt like it was cooking me from within, I could see she was different. It was honestly impossible not too. She looked cherubic. Angelic. Impossible, somehow. As though favored by the gods.
Even in worn, threadbare, patched then re-patched old clothes, so far from new as to have forgotten the name of it, she looked... like a dancer. Beautiful. A tiny painting brought to life. I couldn't understand, delirious as I was. I thought I was hallucinating. Worried her terribly.
She was just a small thing. Trying her best. Too care for her sick mother. She could barely reach the stove. Struggled to carry the buckets of water she needed, to cook and wipe my fevered sweat away. But she let nothing stop her. So determined to save me. Her little face so filled with love and worry, forever a step away from tears.
She was so afraid.
How could I do anything but love her back?
Disoriented or not. Lost and confused I may be. I had a child. Any plan I made? Would be for two. I had never really seen myself a mother, but cast into the role? I refused to abandon the child who loved and needed me. Who was innocent in all this.
Instead, as my fever broke, I held her close. Told her she had been so, so brave. Let her cry. Cuddled my little girl and gave myself a moment to just... breathe.
Then in the morning I got to work.
I appeared to be a single mother. A PEASANT single mother. Delightful. We had little to nothing to our name. I could try and fix that, I think. I knew a few crafts. But I had "forgotten" everything practical. Great. Luckily? I had a VERY observant little helper. Who remembered most of how everything was done.
I could context clues from there.
We made due.
Cleaned up the house, washed the linens, aired everything out. In bits and pieces, using half remembered wiki binges and crafting videos, I improved our little homestead somewhat. It wasn't by MUCH. I didn't have the skills. But it looked... nicer, I think. Homey.
We foraged. Sold hunted animals and things we had found. The occasional baked good. More then that? I tried to make time for my daughter. Keep her away from powerful eyes. The sort that might covet a pretty young thing. Taught her what I could.
Not just how to braid her beautiful hair, but that her beauty did not define her. That love was wonderful but not all there was to life. Too be wary of empty promises and watch for how the powerful treat those that they deem weaker then them. To lead with a smile but be prepared to throw her fist.
Also don't eat those mushrooms, honey, those are the poisonous ones.
I wish... Honestly? I wish I could have given my daughter a better childhood. Better education then the lessons scratched in dirt I was able. If I'd been able to REMEMBER. To recognize. Maybe I would have scrimped and saved more for third or forth hand textbooks, instead of the new hunting knife she so badly wanted.
But I didn't remember.
And as we were visiting town? PROPER town as opposed to our little settlement? I heard about wealthy, comparatively, family's having their children tested for... magic?
I faltered but adapted. Was it that much stranger then being transported into a new body and world? Magic it was then, I guess. Huh. We continued shopping. I bought my daughter a new sturdy pair of boots. Room to grow, would serve her well. She adored them. They had FLOWERS on them, mama! I couldn't help but laugh. Ah, my daughter is so cute!
Then I saw it.
As we passed the temple square. The only building in this whole town that could count as ostentatious. Some silk clad toddler broke from the pressing crowds, no doubt displeased with being crushed in on all sides. He wriggled free. Back from the steps and out into the road. Blind to the mortal peril he had just put himself in as the carriage of some wealthy To-Do raced carelessly down the street. Looking around, innocent, as only a toddler can as he wandered farther and farther from safety.
I dropped my shopping.
The world fuzzy and muffled, far away in my panic. Some Mother's instinct SCREAMING as I raced forward. Throwing a few people aside to reach the road. Then bolting. Distantly I heard my daughter scream, another scream as they finally notice, too late, their child was in mortal peril. But all I could see... was the little boy. Turning. Noticing. The big scary horses.
About to crush him to death.
Time felt slow.
I got there.
Then PAIN.
Far away, people were screaming. A child was crying. Small and terrified in my arms. Some arrogant voice was first demanding, then stuttering, then begging. A frantic voice, joined by others. Rich perfume. The... the child reaching for someone. Safe? Safe. I let go. Tried to smile. Ah... my daughters voice. Crying. Shhhh, shhhh. I'm sorry. It's okay. I'm sorry.
Ah... there... there was so much blood.....
Then there was LIGHT.
Like someone had cupped the sky itself and poured it directly onto me. Blue. So light and weightless and blue. The pain vanished as though erased. New agony and old aches alike. My eyes blinked open in suprise. And there? Tear stained and glowing? Was my daughter.
Like the sky itself had wrapped around her. Sunlight and blue sky and drifting clouds. Swirling like she was the world itself. Her eyes filled with tears when they connected with mine. With a choked cry, she through herself into my arms. Oh, baby. My poor baby. I wrapped my arms around her tight. Hugged her back for all I was worth.
"Your daughter?" A gentle voice asked.
I looked up. What HAD to be a noble woman sat, skirts ruined, in the dirt and blood at my head. Clutching desperately at the toddler I had saved. I could only nod. Understanding passed between us. Mother to mother.
Which is why, when a priest with covetous eyes came forward?
The noble women's smile turned cold.
She had changed her mind. She was, in fact, going to have her son tested by the temple closer to home. AND? She was going to be taking us with her. I agreed. Immediately and before anyone could try to seperate us. Daughter mine, darling, honey, Get In The Carriage. NOW.
We got out of there while the getting was still possible.
It was safe to assume, my new noble friend eventually said, that my daughter had magic. But what did that mean for us? Well, according to Nation Law? (Oh goodie. Laws I know nothing about.) She would have to attend the Royal Magica Academy.
I knew that name. I KNEW that name! My jaw was surely on the floor, my daughter squeeking out flustered and rambling questions at my side. But... but all I could do? Was slowly turn to look at her. She was healthier then the game cover. Not as "that's not what real women look like!" Thin that... that in hindsight? Was probably prolonged food scarcity. Starvation.
She was taller too. Less... oh god, less "child like". That had to have been malnutrition. Stunted growth.
The way her hair shown, soft and healthy. The brightness to her skin and nails. Clarity to her eyes. Fullness to her cheeks. She was hardly even within sight of being a plump child, more muscle then anything, from a life of work and survival, but? She wasn't... waifish. I had made sure of that.
Even if it meant sacrificing my own meals to do so.
But I could SEE it. Could SEE the familiar features. The curling hair and doe like grey eyes. The generic princess character that I had been playing right before... before... God, I couldn't even remember the game's NAME. Just the plot. It had been mid at best. Magnificent art. Everyone raving there was some secret twist after the first play through.
So I grit my teeth a pushed through the generic. Tried to figure out what it was.
Never did get the chance. I died before the second play through and the twist everyone insisted made the game awesome. Now I wish I had caved and looked up spoilers. I tried to remember the mother. Did she die? What happens to my baby girl? Should I push her towards one man or another? Let her follow her heart?
It's a long, long night.
We stay in a guest room. Fancier then anything I've ever seen in this life. I keep my daughter calm. Help her avoid embarrassing herself. Tips for when in doubt. See, honey? It's a learning opportunity! No need to panic! Mama's certainly not, on the inside! She's very calm. Completely, utterly, definitely very ultra calm. Ha ha...
I think my soul had a panic attack.
Things moved very quickly after that. In the end, they had too, if I was to keep my daughter safe. The temple would want to train her. Her magic was apparently quite rare. Religiously significant. And being so lovely? She would make an EXCELLENT propaganda peice. A figurehead and puppet, forevermore in gilded chains.
Everything I feared for her.
No. That was NOT going to happen.
The Academy it was. Nobles and their games aside. The education would be unparalleled. She could probably even make friends. Possibly find love. I told her to Be CAREFUL. That is was a treacherous but beautiful place. Filled with powerful people used to getting their way. Do whatever she must to survive. Thrive. Be happy.
And remember, she is loved.
I...Returning home alone felt like ripping my heart out. I had thought I would have years, yet, before my daughter married and moved out. That I would have time to adjust. Get used to the idea, as my future son-in-law came around. Instead? I returned from a trip to emptiness. A life interrupted.
My daughters sewing, still resting, waiting for her, on the kitchen table.
I collapsed. Weeping. In the entryway.
My tiny home had never felt so vast and hollow.
Days passed. Then weeks. Finally, a letter arrived. Delivered by a very uncomfortable servant. The man checking more then once if I was TRUELY who he was supposed to deliver too. Clearly more then a little uncomfortable in the presence of such poverty. I did not care. I had a letter, thick with writing, from my daughter.
She was doing well.
MORE then well. My lessons had actually put her ahead of the curve in several classes, much to the shock and outrage of her peers. They had expected poverty to equal mental deficiency, it seems. And the library was quickly making up for any classes she was behind in. That's my girl!
She had made several friends that way. Quiet young ladies, willing to help her make sense of the complexities of history or magical theory. From nice, stable, neutral houses, too. No tea parties yet. Or boys. But I didn't care.
My baby had FRIENDS!
I sent a care package of her things back. Not indiscriminately, of course. But tools and notes, a few unfinished projects she had been working on to pass the time. Some snacks from home. They would likely still embarrass her somewhat, but... I did not want her to think I did not CARE. That I had tossed her towards that Academy and promptly forgotten her.
The servant, Geoffrey, and I got to see quite a lot of each other.
He got over the state of my house rather quickly. Instead, started bringing things he "just happened to have lying around" that would you look at THAT? I happened to need! Between letters on my daughter's meeting, then dramas, with pretty wealthy boys? Geoffrey helped me repair my roof. I mended his uniform. We shared new year's festivities together.
I even went to the actual festival, like I was some sort of lovely young thing.
As my daughter grew closer to graduation, the questions started. If I could go anywhere, where would it be? If I could do anything? What if I never had to work again? I wasn't a fool. Told her in no uncertain terms. If I EVER suspected she married for anything less then love and herself, I would disown her.
I did not sacrifice so that my daughter would SUFFER.
However... it seemed there was more then a few things my daughter had left from her letters. The next letter arrived in the hand of a man that wore Geoffrey's face, but even as I walked back towards my cabin from the forest... I knew.
That was not the man I had grown to love.
When the imposter turned, no doubt to lie, I RAN. Dropping my harvest of foraged wild greens. I had been planning to make a dish for him. One he was fond off. Perhaps my daughter's magic came from me, my line instead of her unknown father, or perhaps I had just enough to give it wings. To carry her to term.
I knew he was dead.
They pursued me. Of course they did. But this was a forest I had wandered for years. I lost them in the trees. Attacked them with rocks and stones. Destroyed my trails with rocks and rivers. Every hunter I crossed paths with an ally. Every hunting trap a peril I could lead them into. They were good.
I was better.
But more came.
Then more. And more. And MORE.
And I was not so good as to fend of a legion. I would not risk the village for some nobles scheme. I was dragged, bloody, bruised before some arrogant little sadist. A nasty little creature, like a porcelain doll filled with bile. What an utter waste of good fabric. I told her as much. Interrupt her sneering little monolog.
The backhand across the face barely hurt.
Toddlers had more muscle.
Unfortunate for this brat. My daughter had arrived in time to see that. And worse for this brat, she brought her friends and suitors. A veritable crowd of power and influence. The brat did not have the common sense to shut up while she was ahead. Even I, a peasant, could recognize royalty on sight. There were at least two of them before us.
MY daughter was not as merciful as the Cannon Protagonist had been.
It was a blood bath.
I tried to stay awake. Head wounds and all that. I... I had wanted to introduce Geoffrey to my daughter. Hinted at it, over my letters. I would... would never get the chance now... oh god. Geoff. Geoff, forgive me. Tears welled up. I could not stop them. Just as I could not stand. Just as I could not move...
I was... was rather useless... wasn't I?
Familiar yet no longer familiar arms threw themselves around me. Cradled me close to a softly perfumed chest, locks of hair I'd know anywhere, shielding me from the world.
"Mama..." my little girl said. Her voice the very picture of heartbreak. "I'm sorry. I... I was too late."
One of her suitors untied me. The knight, probably, from the calluses I felt. But all I could think about was, wrapping my daught in my arms. Together for the first time in years. And it had to be like THIS? Oh gods. Why was fate so cruel?
My little girl had grown so big.
This was a grown woman in my arms.
I just... I just wanted this terrible night to END. And as my daughters power slid over me? It did.
I woke up in a guest room. He dear friend Agatha had INSISTED. Geoffrey had worked for her family. It... it brought relief. To mourn with people who had known him. He had apparently spoken of me. Quite often. The sap.
It... it wasn't fair.
But when was life ever fair?
My daughter visisted. Now that i was finally closer. Her suitors dropped by, to pay their respects I think. Possibly win me over, as mother of their lady love. They were awkward little things. It was adorable. I was patient. Listened. Prodded them when then froze up, uncertain of what to talk about. Got them rambling about their hobbies. Really, it was no great difference then most shy kids.
The visited more. Stayed longer.
Brought gifts.
The gifts were expensive, elaborate, and wildly impractical. I was forced to gently explain why I, a peasant woman, could NOT accept their gift of fist size gemstones. It started with "I will be robbed" and ended with "they WILL be certain I stole these, no matter WHAT documentation you give me. I will die". They were very confused and alarmed. Much like puppies learning that suddenly treats were somehow illegal.
Agatha herself? Was a delight.
A very "mob" looking young lady with a sharp wit and an old man's sense of humor. Her personal maid was Geoffrey's niece. That neither held against me what had happened? Spoke of both of their maturity and grace. They WOULD however, never forgive the house that ordered the attack. I much agreed.
I considered, going back to the village, but...
The memories were too raw there.
I decided to follow my daughter, settle near wherever she decided to go. She seemed thrilled at the idea. Somehow, word spread. On the next visit, the future "head of the mage's tower" and man of entirely too many titles, Valtaan mentions an estate he owns near the Tower. How it lies empty. Would be the PERFECT place for a mother-in-law, you know... if he had one. Lovely gardens!
Oh, really?
Then, the Knight mentions how HE'S going to be stationed up North. In a Great Big Fortress with SO many rooms. Just... just SO MANY. Entirely too many, really. Honestly, he should bring more people! Like a wife! And... and a Mother-in-law! Really fill up the place, you know?
The Prime Minister to be? Oh HE talks of TRAVEL. Ever considered traveling? The Embassies are LOVELY. So much to DO around them. Foreign lands, beautiful locals, silks and lovely little treats.
You don't say....
The Duke is blunt about it, at least.
I have a castle. I have SEVERAL castles. Estates. He is aware you are not motivated by that, but it does leave you with options for where you want to live should your daughter decide to marry him. And he DOES intend to marry my daughter. Second husband if not the first. Motivated, aren't we?
I politely infor both prince's, the SECOND they sit down, before they open their mouth, that I like them. I do. A lot in fact. But it's not going to happen. It'll be a cold day in hell the day I let my daughter marry into the royal family and they both know exactly why. They pause... consider it. Then nod.
They agree.
Wouldn't wish this life upon ANYONE who had a chance at something better.
My daughter graduates, with HONORS. There is much gnashing are rending of clothes from the elitist base. Ha! Get fucked. I STILL have no idea what the "twist" is in the plot or if I was being punked. Also not a single clue which, if any, of her suitors she's chosen. Could be all of um. I could care less so long as everyone consents and is aware of each other.
The graduation party is, naturally, grand. I'm in a dress one of the suitors likely bought for me. Somehow, I actually look like I belong. Instead of dancing and reveling, my munchkins hover. As though afraid to leave me alone at my first Big Girl Party. I laugh, trying to shoo them away. Go, go!
My daughter stubbornly shakes her head, leaning against me, her dress complimenting mine. Though I doubt I could be half as lovely.
"Noooo~ I refuse! I will be staying Right HERE, Mama!" Her voice is playful but... there's something strained. Desperate, that's never really gone away I think. Not since the accident. "What if someone tries to take you AWAY? You're too pretty! You gotta stay with US, mama!"
I laugh out loud, completely missing the interested looks that glance my way. Well to do gentleman, widowers and respected servants alike. Long time bachelor's, who's eyes linger a touch too long on the length of my neck, the curve of shoulder. The way it dips down, past my collarbones towards someplace... interesting.
My crowd of young protectors DO NOT miss the looks.
Bristle like angry cats. Eye venomous and society smiles sharp enough too cut glass. There is a murder to their expression. A command to Look Away.
While you still have EYES.
"No, Mama." My daughter insists when I try to tell her she's wrong. That I am far from desirable. "I'm not letting go. Not EVER. We're FAMILY. And that means? That means you're MINE."
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Sunshine follows with Sunfall P.T 2
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Summary: Jason and You have had a past relationship, resulting in your daughter. After Jason goes MIA for a whole year, he finally returns to Gotham. Will the two of you rekindle your relationship, or will he end up leaving again?
Warnings: Y/N being adamant about not wanting Jason back, Gunshot, crying. Lots and lots of time skips.
Series Masterlist
He was home.
Back in Gotham, he had probably already claimed the territory he had before he left.
He was home, and he didn't even think of seeing his daughter.
Dick had told you about how Red Hood was seen on some cameras, and Gordon brung it up because he, too, knew of Red's disappearance. Everyone did. Crime on that side of town skyrocketed, causing Tim to have to take over. Jason's anonymous donations to women and children homes never stopped, though. Unlike how he stopped paying child support.
Whatever, like you said, "Who cares?" All you should be worried about is if this red light is going to make Judith late for school or not.
Bruce Wayne is calling...
"Hi, Y/N. How are you?"
"I'm good, Bruce, how are you?"
"Great, is Jude in school yet?"
"No, I'm down the road, say 'hi' baby."
"Hi Papa!"
"Hi Angel.."
"Whats up?"
"Well, I was just wondering if you could stop by after dropping off Jude."
"Yeah, I can do that."
"Perfect, see you then."
"Mhm, bye."
"Bye, Y/N, bye. Angel."
"Bye, Papa!"
Just as the phone call ended, you pulled into her school parking lot. You quickly shut off the engine to your car and hopped out so that you could help Judith from her own seat.
"Alright, mommy loves you." You told her as you crouched down to her level, giving her the opportunity to wrap her arms around your neck for a hug.
"Love you too, Mommy!" And just like that, she was off to grab a teachers hand so that she could be walked to class. You watched as her tiny body disappeared into building before walking back over to your car.
You looked at Judith's seat from the rear veiw mirror. Her leaving never made you feel good. When she first started school, she would cry because she was no longer by your side. Her fits never lasted long enough to where the school had to call you, she told you. You had told her about how you cried, too. You missed her throughout the day, never knowing what to do without her.
One day, she came home with a big smile on her face and told you that she successfully went without crying. You wouldn't tell her that you must have done all the crying for her.
Your eyes caught sight of a mother and son duo walking past, forcing you out of your thoughts. With the shake of your head, you banished any negative thoughts. You started the car back up and began the journey over to Wayne Manor, unaware of the familiar eyes that were watching you.
"Ahh, hello Miss L/N."
"Hello, Alfred." You sent a small smile to the man who was now grabbing for your jacket.
"Shall I retrieve Master Bruce?" He asked.
"No, it's alright." You smiled again, "is he in his office?"
"Cave." Was all Alfred muttered. Thus started your desent down an elevator and into the Batcave. The place you spent a lot of time in when you were a teenager, Bruce would allow you to sit and wait until he and Jason returned from patrol. One time, Jason returned with a sprained wrist, and in the end, he was the one comforting you. You subconsciously smiled at the thought before coming back to your senses. No, Jason is no longer that lovesick little teenager. He is a man who abandoned his child.
"Ah, Y/N." Bruce's voice rang. You looked up, and the elevator doors were open, revealing the large cave. You sent the man a nod and walked over to his side. "Bruce."
He only lifted his arm as a way to offer the chair that he was standing next to. You sighed as you sat down and looked up at the computer in front of you...security camera footage? Ah shit.
"I know dick has already told you, but I just wanted you to see for yourself." Bruce muttered out, clicking play on the video. Low and behold Red Hood was spotted on it, holding a man by his bicep and dragging him somewhere. "I was thin-"
"Bruce, I dont care." You interrupted him. "It's better if Judith and I just forget him."
"Don't you want to know why he left?" Bruce spoke softly.
You wanted to yell out yes! Yes, you do want to know why he left! Why didn't your family work out!
"Hey, sweetheart!"
"Hi, Mommy!"
You greeted Judith with a smile, watching her as she ran down the steps to her school
"How was your day?" You asked, staring down at her as she hugged your legs.
"Good, I held a turtle!" She beamed.
"A turtle?" You questioned.
Judith let out a giggle before responding, "Turbo, he's Mrs. Thomson's turtle!"
"Sounds cool." You responded as you picked her up and started walking over to your car.
"Uncle Tim brought me BatBurger!"
"Oh, did he now?" You know he did. He texted you yesterday asking if he could.
Judith excitedly kicked her legs."Yeah!"
You opened up the backseat of the car, setting Judith down in her booster seat, watching as she clipped it like she was supposed to.
"Who did you get in your meal?" You asked, referring to the toys that they sell along with the kid's meals.
"Red Hood!"
Your smile fell and you swallowed thickly. Why is he suddenly everywhere?
You and Judith walked through the isles. Well, you walked. She was in the shopping cart.
"What do you want for dinner, baby?" You asked, looking directly at her as her wide eyes darted around the shelves.
"Sandwich." Was all she mumbled.
"Okay...what kind of Sandwich?" You questioned.
Judith shrugged her shoulders, "A Sandwich."
"Well, do you want Turkey, Ham, Chicken, Bologna, PB&J?" You named a few options for her.
"You want a cherry sandwich?"
Judith only nodded her head. The two of you continued to look around, even trying to see if you could find cherry Jelly.
Eventually, the two of you gathered everything and went to take your leave. On your way to the parking lot, you could hear yelling. It's Gotham. There is always yelling, so you decided that it was best if you just ignored it by putting your groceries into the car. Just as the last bag went in, you heard a gunshot, causing you to shield Judith's body between you and the car. You looked over to where the noise came from, and instantly, you spotted a familiar physique that was clad in all black and a cropped brown leather jacket. You watched as he turned around, his masked face now looking at you. Judith moved from behind you and held your legs, looking up at you to see if you were okay.
"Judith, get in the car." You quickly told her as the man started walking towards you. You followed right behind her small body and frantically helped her into her seat before you hopped into the front seat and started the car, driving off before Jason could reach you.
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If I remember correctly, my kindergarten teacher (Mrs. Thompson) had a turtle in our class named Turbo...or was it Sheldon?
Taglist: @keira324 @dakotali @22nranjan @skepvids @harpy-space @godknows-shetried
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belit0 · 1 year
Hello!! I'd love to see Madara with a single mama. Baby could be hers and the dad died or poofed, or could be her friends passed and in their will they requested her to care for the baby. With Madaras temperament I think a little girl would be so perfect! She'd put flowers in his hair or share her bows and no one dares say A THING about it. Please and thank you!!
As soon as I received this request, I had to write it, because I love Madara's tender side (and having a break from nsfw things is also nice)!🤗💕
This ended up being way longer than I anticipated, I hope you like it!
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(Y/N) finally realized the depth of her problems when she held her baby in her arms, the physical proof that things were not going to be easy at all. Of course, she adored her little girl, and after giving birth alone and unaided, without any support, she knew it would be the two of them against the world.
One night of passion and need turned into a lifelong contract with the one she now carries in her arms, and nine months of pregnancy were far from easy. (Y/N) only wanted to feel alive, experience some sort of sensation, and she made the mistake of getting involved with a man who was only interested in the bounty between her legs.
With no clan, no family, and no friends, she went through gestation on her own, until the physical changes in her body would no longer allow her to work. She couldn’t do anything to earn a living, resorting to begging for charity among the wealthy as her only source of income.
Childbirth was devastating and traumatic, full of uncertainty and terror. The pain was overriding, and (Y/N) had to sneak into an abandoned barn in order to give birth indoors. She didn't know if she or the baby would survive, pushing and struggling alone to finally meet the only bit of happiness in her life. After hours of suffering, hearing her daughter's cry gave her back her willpower, and she forgot all her negative thoughts.
It would be difficult, but the two of them would make it together.
(Y/N) found a new motivation in her little ray of sunshine, and fortunately, people were kinder when donating money because of the baby in her arms. For years, she managed to get by, doing her best to find shelter and food.
When her child was five years old, (Y/N) knew things had to change. Her daughter could not grow up on the streets, exposed to any person or factor that would harm her, and the woman became determined to find a permanent destination for them both.
She asked anyone who might be willing to talk to her about possible inexpensive and friendly places to go, and got information about a particular territory. The journey would be long and laborious, a month of walking at least, but as the person who gave her the information related, "Senjus are the most compassionate and empathetic clan in the whole world, if anyone will help you, it will be them."
Ignorant of the war and all the chaos surrounding that particular family, (Y/N) embarked on a journey to find them, praying the legends about the mighty Hashirama were true.
The first weeks passed without any problem, fifteen days of movement where she met people kind enough to give them both a hot meal and a place to spend a few nights. Her little girl resisted the adversities alongside her like a warrior and never stopped smiling. Her attitude helped (Y/N) stay afloat, fighting against life to reach their destination.
The last two weeks of the trip got chaotic, with hints of war along every road they traveled. Near Senju territory, all the houses seemed to be abandoned, and the territory completely destroyed. Trees had been reduced to ashes, residences collapsed, the skies were gray and filled with smoke.
It was a battlefield, and she walked into it without any qualms.
A feeling told her something was wrong, and her daughter refused to walk in those surroundings, demanding to be carried in her arms out of fear. After a few kilometers of walking, she realized she would find no shelter or help there, and decided to retrace her steps.
They would find a more promising route.
A strange sound sings on the horizon, and (Y/N) can see how the heavens turn red. Clouds seem to bleed, as hurricane-force winds wake up unprecedentedly from the ground. The panorama becomes apocalyptic, triggering panic and terror in the two of them. She hugs her little girl and crouches to the ground, trying to hide her face from such brutal and sudden weather.
Two groups of five people each approach from opposite sides, as if they are about to confront each other. A few meters away from her, they run at impossible speeds, and the attack swiftly begins. Fire and water fly everywhere, screams, and metal on metal.
Smoke and debris fly through the sky, landing near where (Y/N) is reduced. She knows they must flee, and her little girl's cries indicate urgency. She has to get them to safety right now, or something terrible could happen.
Quickly scanning her surroundings, she finds no place to hide, the ground crumbling to dust and ruins. Far from any structure that could shelter them and make them go unnoticed, (Y/N) squeezes her daughter tightly, and hopes those men are too intent on their battle to notice them.
She decides to run in the opposite direction of the battle, standing again on shaky legs and holding back tears. There is so much dust in the air it is impossible to see, and she keeps her child's face hidden in her chest for protection. Holding the infant with one arm, she covers her eyes with the other in an attempt to move forward.
While taking her first unsteady steps, there is an embracing heat coming towards them, feeling almost as if about to be burned alive. Everything happens so fast there is no time to react, instinctively acting. Her first impulse is to scream, clutching her little girl tightly and hoping to shield her from whatever might be happening.
An incredible explosion hits just a few meters from where she is standing, and the shockwave sends them both flying backward. In the air, (Y/N) continues to hold her daughter, an inexplicable force helping to keep her close to her. She has a few seconds to calculate how to position her body and be the one to hit the ground, but it never happens.
Before she can slam into anything, two large hands grab her under her legs and shoulder blades, holding them both and pulling them away from the floor. The event is sudden (Y/N) cannot comprehend what is happening, only seeing the face of a man both handsome and terrifying holding them in his arms, preventing them from falling to the ground.
(Y/N) feels the cold armor the man wears against her body, rising and falling with his agitated breathing. Long, frizzy black hair hides half of his face, and upon making eye contact, she is met with an unnaturally red eye.
At that moment, she falls prey to an overwhelming drowsiness, and can only think of her daughter as she falls asleep against her will.
"That was close, you know..." A male voice booms against her ears, as (Y/N) tries to gain order and command of her body. All her muscles feel exhausted as if she has gone days without moving. She struggles to open her eyes, but when she does, she finds a cozy room, lit only by candles.
A window indicates it is nighttime, and the mattress under her body feels comfortable and warm. Examining her surroundings, the woman notices she is lying on a large bed, and wearing clothes that are not hers.
"My daughter..." she whispers feebly, trying to sit up and get out of her comfortable rest. "Don't worry, she's fine. Last time I went to see her, Izuna was with her buying candy."
(Y/N) focuses her eyes on that disembodied voice, and is met with a heavenly image. A handsome man with prominent shoulders is sitting against the sliding door of the room, looking out into the starry night and admiring the view. He wears a yukata similar to the one she wears, but much bigger. Long black hair rains down his back, framing his defined jawline.
She might have blushed if finding her girl wasn't a priority, and the stranger seems aware of her urgency. "Izuna!" he shouts into the darkness of the night, and another man extremely similar to him immediately appears. In his arms, he carries the sleeping child, who embraces a bouquet of flowers and a small bag of candy.
"Ah... so she finally woke up. Does this mean our fun evenings are over?" the boy presumably named Izuna asks the sleeping toddler tenderly, as if she would answer. He gives the girl to the mysterious man, and carries her to (Y/N).
Hugging her daughter for the first time in what felt like years, she can't help the tears, kissing her head and remembering those events which brought them here. They both could have died in the middle of that battlefield, but life decided to give them more time.
Well, maybe not life, but that man.
"My name is Madara, and this is my younger brother Izuna... If I hadn't been there to deflect his attack, both of you would be charred right now." The younger man scratches the back of his neck guiltily, and sharing a glance with his older brother, leaves the room, disappearing back into the night.
"Of course, it was not purposeful... the colors you were wearing were easy to mistake for those of the enemy. My apology on behalf of us both." Madara analyses her from his position, arms crossed over his chest and a comprehending look. (Y/N) carefully deposits the small child on the bed, and cuddles her between covers for a peaceful sleep. She tries to get up, but her legs quickly give way under her, too weak to support her weight.
Before hitting the ground, Madara holds her, keeping her against his chest. He carries the woman to where he sat a few seconds ago, and takes a spot next to her. The night is beautiful, and a warm breeze is blowing in the garden, signaling wonderful weather. "Would you mind telling me your name?"
"(Y/N) ... I am (Y/N)." The place is exquisite, and the beautiful room she woke up in is nothing compared to her current view. All the clan's territory can be seen from her position, a million houses lit by fire.
"How long was I asleep...?"(Y/N) asks uncertainly. "About a week. We had to resort to the family healers for keeping you healthy. According to their professional prognosis, I was a bit aggressive with the Genjutsu I used on you."
"Gen...justu?" trying to understand the words and the situation, (Y/N) asks almost to herself, "I confirm you are not familiar with warfare in this territory...I assume you must have traveled from afar. What brought you here?"
"The legend about a wonderful clan and the promise of a good life..." There are tears in her eyes still, mentally going over all the troubles and the terrible experiences lived.
"Hm... that must be regarding Hashirama... Well, (Y/N), we may not be the Senjus, but life here is delightful and comfortable. You are invited to stay as long as you wish... Personally, I recommend not leaving anytime soon, Izuna is too fond of that child to allow it."
Madara stands and smiles at her, before disappearing into the darkness of the night like his younger brother.
It's been months since their accidental arrival at the Uchiha compound, but as Madara commented on their first night, life here is nice and beautiful.
(Y/N) found a stable place to live, friends to share with, and a promising future for her little girl. The child begged her mother to allow Izuna to train her, and she started developing in the ninja arts.
She learned a lot about the clan and the family, about their standards and ways of living. Madara did not disclose being the leader of it until a few weeks after she awoke, trying to help her adapt as best as possible and not intimidate her with his position. She understood the importance of the Uchiha family and the power Madara carries within, profoundly respecting him.
The two became extremely close, almost to an intimate point.
The Uchiha adores her little girl, and (Y/N) admits embracing him as a father figure every time she witnesses how the young child fills his hair with flowers or paints his lips bright red. Who would have thought one of the strongest men in the world could have such a soft and tender side for them both?
Seeing the leader of the family stroll around the compound decorated by her daughter was definitely a wonderful scene, especially as no one dared to comment on it, except Izuna. His younger brother was dedicated to teasing him from the first time it happened, until he fell victim to those little hands himself, and had to walk around full of flowers and paint in front of everyone.
Madara was right... they might not be the Senjus, but they were even better.
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limehaspassed · 1 year
To Give a Man His Name
(Thomas Hewitt x M!Reader)
In which you run across four teens along the side of the road.
Part Two
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He was born to the world in a crude and grotesque way, one that can only be described as a living nightmare. His birth was a fatality, an innocent brutality for he was just a babe merely being born. To take someone’s life so young, at such an age, was an image unseen in the world, despite its sordid nature.
From the very start of his life, from the time he was born, he was a murderer, someone who took the lives of those around him. As he grew into a man, once fit for killing, he came to terms with his conditions, realizing that there was only one path he could take within this cruel world.
However, when your hands caressed his face and your lips graced his own, his life felt limitless. All restrictions left and for the first time, he felt as if his strength could be used for something else.
Chapter One
Texas, 1969 …
Texan heat bore down on your body as you swung the knife down repeatedly, a motion you’ve been repeating over and over since the morning’s first light. The smell of salty iron hit your nose, a rough and overwhelming smell, one that encircled your brain in a hazy and intoxicated field of buzzing cicadas.
You were a slave to your practice, a slave to your job. Everyday, you would wake up at the crack of dawn to make your expedition to that slaughterhouse and everyday you would slave away in front of that slab of wood, constantly slamming your knife into its surface over and over, consecutively using muscles most do not know exist. Your body would burn and your shoulders would cry but still, you would attend your job for you had a family to care for.
Your daughter, a young girl within her early teenage years, depended on your job for a life. Of course, your daughter wasn’t really yours, you had merely found her when she was around ten, abandoned on the streets. You had taken her in that day, whether out of pity or quickly growing love, you cared for her and you still cared for her to this day. She was your world now, your reason for continuing the path of slavery, your everything.
You were one in three workers at the meat factory for a while but that changed the day someone new showed up, someone intrusive and observant, someone so excluded yet centered it baffled you. He was a brute of a man, a massive guy who took up a good portion of the doorway. He held strong, sharp eyes, intelligent in a way you haven’t seen within others, not even yourself. He had a strong grip and quiet mouth. He was the ideal worker too, accepting of anything as long as he could work.
He was Thomas Hewitt, a man you would grow to know as the freak of the town, yet, you could never see why. From the day you met him, you’ve never considered him a freak, no matter what the people of that small, sullen town told you. They could express their own misguided hatred to the man all they wanted, but you would never back their statements. After all, on that day, the day you met him, your life was changed forever.
It all started a day before you actually met him, a day before he ever stepped foot into that meat factory. It all started one fateful afternoon when you stumbled upon a group of teenagers who had come from out of state, their car had broken down and they were in need of some help. Being the nice person you were, you aided them the best you could.
“Please, sir, can you help us? Our car has broken down and we don’t know where we are.” They had asked for your help first, reaching out to you like hungry children to a diligent mother.
“Sure, pop the hood why don’t yah.” You spoke casually, having experienced many broken down cars. People didn’t stay in this town but they often passed through and being the curse place it was, problems always occurred.
One of the teenage boys, his name was Carlos, did the honor of popping the hood. You thanked him and walked up to the car, taking a look at the motor. You couldn’t tell what was wrong at first but you eventually found the problem, one of the head gaskets was leaking, a problem that had overheated the engine of the car.
“Ah, I see the problem, your gasket needs replacing. You’re lucky it's an easy fix, all I need are the parts and I can fix it right here.” You explained to which the kids practically cheered. They thanked you and celebrated. You cut them short in their celebratory dances “I hate to be that person but the nearest place that sells gaskets is about three miles up the road.” You explained a guilt slowly trickling into your stomach. You felt bad that you had to ruin their celebrations.
“That’s okay, Carlos and I can go up there and retrieve it and bring it back.” Another kid named Dante spoke up.
You smiled and agreed to watch the girls, Lina and Grace, as they traveled to the nearest store. It didn’t take long for them to leave, waving goodbye to their girlfriends and you.
Once they walked far enough to where you couldn’t see them, you turned to the girls and talked with them. The three of you guys had spoken about a plethora of topics ranging from break up stories, societal morals, and more. They all seemed to be like interesting and nice people on the outside but the more they talked, the more you had begun to realize how different they were from you. You didn’t let this predicament affect you for too long though, always keeping a smile on your face, even when you felt like a complete outsider.
“I just think that the whole Vietnam war is bullshit.” They would say to which you tried your best to control your response. There was a part of you that formed hatred for their laid back words, their carefree attitudes, the way they talked about a war as if it was nothing else but a high school breakup, gossip to go around and around. You hated them and you still do, but you also feel bad for them. After all, they were only kids and they were stuck in the middle of a war.
Hours began to tick by and the boys had yet to return with the gasket. “Where are they? They should be back by now.” Lina had complained, a statement that only added to that trickling guilt. You worried something might have happened to them. A lot of things happened within this small town that no one ever talked about, that everyone was afraid to talk about.
“Do you think we should go find them?” Grace asked, her voice borderline frantic. “What if something happened to them? What if they are hurt or some weirdo snatched them up?” She asked repetitive questions, her mind looping in circles over the boy's case.
You walked over to Grace and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, she immediately jerked away and looked at you with scared eyes. The fear turned to anger and she lashed out at you. “I swear if this weird town of yours hurt my boyfriend, I will behead you. Now, show us where that gas station was, we’re going to find them.” She stated with an authoritative tone that sent shivers down your spine. Her three-sixty in character took you by surprise, She was more than fine merely a minute ago, she was even joking with you, now she’s practically screaming down your throat. Insane.
You backed away from her and pointed down the road. “Fine, but I’ll tell you this. Ain’t no one in this town wants anything to do with you or your little boyfriends. Now stop acting like you own the place and start walking, they ain’t gonna find themselves now are they?” You replied with an annoyed and bitter tone, pissed off that she would even take such a voice with you.
Grace rolled her eyes and mumbled, “whatever” before starting her walk down the road. Lina followed after her with you leading the back.
The three of your walked down the road under the blazing sun, the Texas heat boating down on you like a laser, burning your skin and stinging our eyes. It felt as if the earth was molten lava each time a foot was placed upon that heated asphalt. The heat seeped into the soles of the shoes, reaching up and attacking the foot with a fiery blaze.
It wasn’t until the sun began to set behind the horizon that the three of you made it to the gas station. Grace was the first one to make it inside, barging through the door with haste, not even stopping to say hello to the shop owner. She rampaged through the aisles, calling out the name of the boy’s. When you and Lina made it inside, Grace was already halfway through the store.
“You ain’t gonna find any of them here. Haven’t seen a soul all afternoon I’m afraid.” The lady behind the counter spoke in a calm tone.
Grace turned to face her with an angered look. “What do you mean no one has come in? They were supposed to be here. Are you telling me that they never made it to this shitty gas station?” She asked in a raised voice.
You stepped in front of Grace and held out an apologetic hand to the older lady. “I’m so sorry about that Mrs. Hewitt, her boyfriend is just missing and we’re trying to find him. I’m sorry about her tone, we’ll take her outside, won’t we, Lina.” You shot a pointed look over to the girl who immediately jumped into action and pulled Grace outside.
You didn’t follow them, you stayed behind to talk to Mrs. Hewitt, wanting to further apologize for the attitude Grace had taken up with her. “I apologize about her outburst, Mrs. Hewitt” You started, to which she simply nodded with her eyes closed. “Is there anything I can do to make this up to you, I’m sure it’s given you quite the fright?” You asked with a guilty tone. It was your fault that Grace had come in here, that the boys were now missing, you are the one that sent them down here in the first place.
Mrs. Hewitt opened her eyes and gave a soft smile. “It ain’t your fault, dear. And please, call me Luda Mae. All the formalities make me feel old.”
You nodded and smiled back at her. “Alright. Well, I’ll be back around as always, Luda Mae. See you tomorrow morning.” You took your exit after that.
The second you opened the door of the gas station to exit the building, you instantly noticed that both Grace and Lina were missing. You call out for them and walk around the building multiple times but still, there was no hint of them anywhere. You cursed yourself and kicked a rock on the ground. You had officially lost four teenagers in the span of four hours.
With a defeated sigh, you started walking up the road, heading back to the teenagers car, wondering if they had headed that way, simply leaving you behind. You didn’t get far when the sheriff pulled up, Winston Hoyt, the only officer in his unit here. He had pulled up beside you, driving slow in order to keep pace with you. He rolled down the passenger side window and called out to you.
“Do you need a lift?” He asked, partially yelling to beat the sound of his motor.
You kept walking for a moment before stopping, deciding that it was best that you just get home. Plus, you could hand the case of the missing children off to the sheriff and be free of them for the day.
The car halted to a stop and opened the passenger door, taking a seat inside before closing it. You gave the directions to your house and the Sheriff began driving, heading in the general direction of your house.
“You work at the that butcher place back there, right?” He asks, making small talk.
You nodded and gave a small hum, not in a talkative mood.
“So what are yah doing out here so late? Meeting a boyfriend?” He asked with a tease.
You looked over and visibly rolled your eyes, wanting him to see your expression. He laughed and playfully hit your shoulder.”I’m teasing but seriously, what are you doing out here so late?” He asked again, to which you went in and explained all the details.
You explained everything from the time you got off work to now. You explained how nice they were at first, how willing the boys had been to go get the part, how they never came back, how one of the girls flipped out, how you all went to find the boys, how you lost the girls, and how you ended up walking alongside the road, heading towards the site once more.
“I see. After I drop you off, I’ll go out looking for them. No need to worry about them no more, okay, sweetheart?” He asked, adding on an unnecessary pet name at the end.
You simply nodded and refrained from throwing up at the name he had called you. You always hated being called pet names, they never went well with you. For the rest of the ride, you were silent, not speaking a word, not responding to ending further questions. The only time you talked was to thank the Sheriff when you got out.
You were quick to head inside, your mind spinning and stomach flipped inside out. You felt like you were going to throw up, the guilt of losing those kids eating up at you. You hated leaving the case with the officer but it was the only thing you could do, there isn’t much else you can do, you don’t even have a car.
You went to bed that night with an empty stomach, the contents long since spewed out into the toilet. Your dreams were plagued by their faces and what might have happened to them. You hated it, you hated them, you hated guilt.
The next morning, before heading to work you ran by the site where the car had originally been parked. It was a normal, humid morning, the sky was clear and the earth was dry, despite the wet conditions of the air.
When you arrived at the scene, you were quick to realize that the car was no longer there, not a trace of the kids were left, not even skid marks of them pulling out. It was as if they had passed through the town like ghosts or had come through at all. You could only hope that they were headed out of town safely, that the officer had done his job correctly and handled the case with practiced ease. You could only hope.
After you left the site, you quickly headed over to the factory, not wanting to be late to your shift. Luckily, you arrived a minute before your shift started, just on time. You were quick to throw on an apron and gloves, quickly heading over to your station and preparing for the day.
It was here that you met Thomas, it was here that he walked through the doors with the boss leading him on through, giving him a tour of the place. It was here that he was assigned to share a station with you, and it was here that you would start an odd relationship with the town’s “freak”, as some would like to say.
Thanks for reading loves 🖤
Part 1/9
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hihi!! sorry if you already have requests or if you’re busy!
could you write a story about a poor fem reader who meets a rich noble? probably not something modern but not too ancient. idc if it’s the stereotypical “omg an injured sexy prince on the side of the road!! let me bring him back to my cottage and feed him stone soup because i am so sickly and poor!!”
thank you !! 🩵🩵🩵
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Aching Autumn
Fem reader • Prince Thatcher
TWs: Abduction, Mentions of starvation, Poor living conditions, Reader gets death threats, Thatcher is rude, Violence, + Reader gets her fingers dirty.
(This is my first request I’m literally foaming at the mouth cackling crying sobbing and so HAPPY!! THANK TAHK YOU!! I worked on this a bit and I think it turned out well. If you have ivory skin or locks of gold.. my bad 💔 Feel free to let me know if you wanted anything else. Sorry if it isn’t that good… this is my first time writing in a while 😭)
Although the seasons changed, it seemed the conditions I lived in were stagnant, from the cruel, cold winters that frosted my lips and gnawed at my fingers to sweet spring days that warmed my heart and soothed my soul. It seemed I was destined to live a life of poverty and hunger. After all, what could the bastard daughter of a drunkard wanton accomplish other than lamenting on the town streets of what could have been?
On this particular autumn evening, there was an ache in my heart; no words of comfort or looks of pity could soothe, for I saw the man who was supposed to be my father holding a child with golden hair and ivory skin–something I never had. I tried to elevate myself above the town gossip, but when I heard his name, I knew I had to see it with my own eyes. I needed to see my replacement. He smiled at the child, and I could feel bitter tears streaming down my ragged face.
“My father… You are supposed to be mine. Not that stupid angelic creature who you hold so dearly,” I bit my thumb and stared into the window, “You horrible man! You are my father!”
My father glanced out the window, and I felt my heart shatter when his face contorted into pure disgust. I emptily stared at him and pressed my hand against the glass. That child of his and some refined lady had stolen my leisurely life. I gently knocked on the glass and begged to be let inside. The baby began to sob, and the curtains were drawn. The front door opened, and I was violently dragged into the streets by my father.
“I told her to keep you away from me,” He furiously whispered and tightly grabbed my arm, “You are not welcome near my home. You are no child of mine.”
“But I am! I came from you and will always be a part of you, please,” I cried and pleaded with him, “If I were given an opportunity to clean myself up and become a member of society, I swear I could–”
Before I could finish my sentence, I was thrown into the road and kicked in the stomach.
“You will have to seek your opportunities elsewhere,” My father stepped back and glared, “Perhaps you could sell yourself the way your mother does. You’ll gather enough money to raise a regret of your own.”
He abandoned me, the same way he did when I was nine, slowly and cruelly. Savoring every moment of my cries for him to stay with me and ignoring my presence like I was the wind blowing on his back.
“Horrible man,” I muttered to myself when he was gone once more, “I hope the child dies in his arms and he can feel half the misery that I know.”
I brushed the excess dirt off my dress and readjusted my crimson scarf. I ambled through the town and arrived at the front of my dilapidated building. I decided I had encountered sorrow once too many today and went to the woods bordering my home.
“What I would give, if I had anything of value, to soar in the sky with the doves,” I squinted as they fluttered by, “How lovely.”
The mourning doves called out to each other and perched on pine branches. They hid themselves from me, and I strolled deeper into the woods. I ignored posted signs and warnings to the common people to stay out of the Queen’s forest. I hardly believed it was her land; she had never stepped in the forest. What right did she have to claim what she couldn’t see?
“I suppose it must be nice to claim things as you please,” I felt myself slip into my fantasy of grandeur and smiled, “I would claim the whole world if I were Queen.”
I pretended that the trees curtseyed and bowed as I strolled by. I straightened my posture and pretended the birds were my people. I politely waved and smiled like a queen would–delightfully and regally.
“Oh, I suppose these flowers are for me? Why, thank you, little girl,” I went down and picked what I assumed were wildflowers from the forest floor, “They will look lovely in my crystal vase by the stained glass window. The sunshine yellows would make a lovely spring gown.”
I hummed to myself and stooped down to pick more flowers. I carefully selected each one, though each flower seemed perfectly grown. I selected each by how strong the fragrance was; the more robust the scent, the more I could sell them for in the town.
“I wonder what kind of flower these are? I haven’t seen anything as beautiful growing in the forest before,” I murmured and put one in my hair, “I’ll gather one to replant in front of home.”
I had only begun to uproot the flower when I heard the galloping of stallions and the blasting sound of brass horns. I paid no attention; usually, the royalty stuck to a particular path to hunt the Queen’s favorite animals–ruby red cardinals, acorn brown deer freckled with pearly dots, and soot black bears. I heard the bloodhounds howling as the galloping began to fade into the ambiance of the forest.
I finished uprooting the flower and placed it with the others. I felt something lick my hand and gasped. I saw a bloodhound lazily resting beside me, panting and stupidly staring at me. It licked my hand again, and I pulled my hand away from the dog.
“Stay back,” I demanded but looked nervous, “I’ll.. well, I don’t exactly know what I would do to you.”
I cautiously reached my hand out and placed it on the dog’s head. I began to stroke behind its ears gently and smiled.
“I suppose you’re not that scary,” I mumbled and looked for a tag, “It appears the Queen hasn’t claimed you. Perhaps I will make you my own.”
I took my scarf off and wrapped it around the dog’s neck. I felt joy when it stared at me and rested its head on my lap.
“Such a beautiful thing, aren’t you? You can be my dog since the hunters are so careless,” I squeezed it and sighed, “Yet, I fear you don’t understand a thing I am saying. You probably will run from me the second you see your owner.”
The dog began to howl, and I felt alarmed as the galloping returned. I tried my best to soothe the dog into silence, but it persisted upon howling. I turned around and saw stallions charging toward me. I scooped the dog up, grabbed a flower or two, and sprinted through the woods. I heard men shouting after me, demanding I stop in the name of the Queen. I felt terrified and ran to the frantic beat of my heart.
Yet, no matter how fast I was to run, the horses would always defeat me. I was cornered by nobility and froze in fear. The other bloodhounds were growling at me, and I set mine on the forest floor.
“What an odd combination of bird and tiger. The cowardice of a bird to take flight and the boldness of a tiger to try and outrun horses and your fate,” A man wearing a green cloak frowned upon me–he seemed repulsed by my sight, “Speak, peasant. Make your last words something interesting.”
Promptly, he aimed his rifle at me, and I began to sob in fear.
“Brother, put your rifle down. The woman is clearly lost; why else would she be in these woods? Pity the poor thing and don’t frighten her,” A man wearing a brown cloak intervened–his eyes seemed gentle and welcoming.
“Einarr, could you spare your false sympathies? Not only has she racked up enough crime to be a prisoner in hell as well as Earth, but she also trampled through mother’s flower garden,” He scoffed and put his rifle aside, “It’s either I put her out of her misery now, or mother decides to stroll through the forest and sees her garden missing flowers then makes the whole country suffer her wrath.”
“Thatcher, you seem to forget about our mother’s kind nature. How, if a flower or two went missing, she would smile and think of the beautiful creature that wandered into her garden and was able to appreciate beauty,” Einarr dismounted his horse and clutched its reigns.
“Beautiful creature? I’ve seen more beauty in war than I have her ragged face,” Thatcher dismounted his horse and approached Einarr, “I am assuming this is your attempt at humoring me, so I spare her.”
The two seem more occupied with arguing than dealing with me. I wiped my tears away and fell to the floor. I could feel their eyes burning into my skin as I weakly opened my mouth.
“Forgive my insolence, Your Majesties. I never meant to cause such trouble and ruin your hunt. It is true I wandered into the forest and got lost along the way,” I prayed nothing would ruin my lie, “It tattered my dress and face; I find myself quite weary. I never will step foot in the woods again if it means you so graciously spare my life.”
I heard chuckling from one of the princes and poked my head up. I saw Thatcher terribly trying to mask his amusement as Einarr glared at him.
“Ah! For an ill-bred lady of low rank, she manages the audacity to ask favors from us? Say, do you think you’re more nobility than we are to make such demands? I will fetch your golden crown and scepter, and Einarr will–”
“That is enough, brother. Clearly, she is more worthy of a crown than you are. Such gentleness and kindness despite the cruelty of her circumstance,” Einarr approached me and kneeled to my level, “What is your name? I must know, or I fear I will go mad.”
“Y / N,” I sputtered out and felt breathless, “I am no lady, your majesty. I am only a bastard daughter who managed to lose herself to the perplexities of the woods.
“Einarr, you should be more careful around the animal. She might be rabid and contaminate you with the unforgiving disease of poverty,” Thatcher followed behind Einarr and shoved him aside, “Besides, shouldn’t the heir of the kingdom be at a diplomatic meeting?”
“I suppose you are right about something, Thatcher,” Einarr mounted his horse again and stared at me, “Farewell, Lady Y / N.”
Einarr rode away, and the dogs followed behind him, except for the one I called my own. It was lying beside me, and Thatcher seemed unamused.
“Eris, do not lay with her. Come, girl,” He demanded and crossed his arms, “I said come!”
Eris seemed content lying beside me, to Thatcher’s dismay. He noticed the scarf wrapped around her neck and glared at me.
“You... You were going to steal my dog, weren’t you? You wretched woman,” He clenched his fists and pulled me up, “How dare you steal so much from your providers?”
“I apologize, Your Majesty! I thought the dog was unclaimed and–”
“Silence! Einarr may be foolish enough to entertain your words, but I will have none of it,” He tightly gripped my arm and frowned at me, “Not even death will be enough to punish your crimes. You deserve to be tortured among the criminals of your dastardly rank.”
I felt my lip quiver as his auburn eyes searched into the darkest corners of my heart.
“Yet, even the most painful torture is not fit for you. No, I will choose your suffering myself,” He led me to his horse and forced me to mount it, “I will decide your fate, Y / N.”
He hopped up, wrapped his arms around me, and tightly gripped the reigns. I felt my heart pound as he rode away from the forest.
“Are.. are you going to kill me? Please, just put me out of my misery now,” I begged and felt nauseated.
“I am going to give you a fate worse than death,” He whispered in my ear, “Your fate is intertwined with mine now. Enjoy the scenery of the forest, for I fear this is the last time you’ll see it up close.”
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that-basic-simp · 9 months
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Minthara X GN! Reader (No indication of pronouns/private parts) CW: Trauma WC: 3.0k
She has never known a day of peace in her life, as far as what she has told me. From what she has spoken about and from what I have seen with her, she is trying to break free of these chains holding her back. But she does not want to lose faith in the only thing she knew. The only thing she has ever come to know in her life. Now that she was with me and the others, she was starting to question what was to become of her life now that she has left everything she ever knew behind.
So when I was given a choice, of breaking or freeing her, I went with the latter, freeing her from those chains that bound her to the lies she was fed. The lies she was put through her entire life. She was devout and loyal to the Absolute, but after failing to raid the Grove (no thanks to me), she was going to be sentenced to death. Despite her being cold and harsh towards me in out first encounter, I wanted, no, needed to save her. To free her. Once she was freed, she didn't know what to do.
At first she was cold towards everyone here at the camp, bearing her teeth like a cat and hissing at them, literally. Even she mentioned she had somewhat of a feline nature when it came to getting wet. I didn't even want to go down that road when it came time for a bath. She would just go down to the river and rinse her hair lightly. That was the first, and will probably be the last, time I had seen her with her hair down. She had caught me and held a dagger to my neck, threatening she'd slit it if I told anyone. I just nodded and she left me there to process what happened.
Afterwards, I didn't dare follow her unless we were walking somewhere with the others. But weeks and months had gone by and she was starting to open up to me. About her doubts of the Absolute.
"You can always talk to me, Minthara," I said, looking over at her, finding her red eyes.
For a moment, there was a look of fear in them before it returned with the same look she always had.
"Is there a place in private we could talk? I do not wish for the others to hear."
I nodded my head, "Yeah. There's an abandoned house nearby."
I stood up and led her there. I might die tonight, but maybe this was a good thing that Minthara feels safe enough to open up to me. Settling down in the abandoned house, Minthara sat next to me, which was rare for her to do as she always sat in front of me, so she could see my every movement.
"I am afraid, Y/N," she whispered.
"Afraid? Of what?"
"I've known of the Absolute my entire life. The one time I did not perform up to expectation, they wanted to kill me, without a second thought. It was as if I was only valuable to them when I did my job and did it exceptionally well. Now that I am with you and your friends, I guess I am afraid of not being able to connect with them. As I can connect with you."
"Why do you think you can connect with me easier?"
"You were the one that freed me from the Absolute. You showed me what a real family is like and not one where it is forged from lies."
"Well, the others came from nothing and then we built up from it. A foundation for a family are always different from the ones we are known to. This family is a band of misfits."
"Better than what I was given," Minthara spoke quietly.
"Hey, we can give you what you lacked."
"I lacked a lot of things in my life, Y/N. My own mother tried to kill me when I turned older because she saved me from being killed. She tried to kill her own daughter! Her own flesh and blood and what did I do with being saved from her attempt? Get caught up in the wrong crowd that did not love me for who I was," tears started to form in her eyes. That was the one thing I didn't think Minthara was capable of until now: crying. It pained me to see her in this much pain.
Reaching over, I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, pulling her into my side. Turning her head, she cried in my shoulder as hers trembled. My other hand ran up and down her back, trying to soothe her and trying to be her source of comfort. I knew this was a bad idea if she indeed was trying to kill me. But I wanted to give her some source of comfort if she did have plans to kill me.
"Shh, Minthara," I whispered. "It's ok. It's going to be ok."
"How do I move on from everything I knew? How do I go on telling myself everything I ever knew was a lie?!"
"There are just times where you need to ask yourself if it was real or not? Their friendship, their words, the relationships you had with them."
"Can I ask you something, Y/N?"
"Of course."
"The tadpole in our heads, yours did something when we first met."
Shit. When I first met her, before I stopped her from destroying the Grove, my mind wandered a bit too far and I expressed how I felt about Minthara. I thought no one heard those thoughts, but I guess Minthara heard them. It wasn't until now she was going to talk to me about them? I guess we were alone and the best time to talk to someone about feelings would be alone.
"Is that how you truly felt about me?" she asked. "That I was a beautiful person, despite everything I had committed before we even met?"
I turned and faced her as she picked her head up. Reaching over, I placed my hand on her cheek. It was a bit cold to the touch. Those red eyes of hers captivated me ever since I met her before defending the Grove. The harsh look in those eyes were replaced with a soft one, the same pleading one I saw when she turned to face me when facing the court of the Absolute. The same look when I knew I had to save her no matter what.
Caressing the skin on her cheek, it was smooth compared to the rough pads of her fingers. That was the only body part she had allowed me to touch was her hands and face at times. I wasn't allowed to touch her neck, as there was a tattoo on the left side of it. She didn't really go much into the tattoo other than it's the mark of the cult. 
"Not just beautiful, Minthy," I said.
"Why call me that? Both beautiful and the nickname?"
"Well, the nickname was something I came up when talking about you with the others instead of saying your full name. But I won't say it if you don't want me to."
"I-It's something I would have to get used to. Something that only you say and no one else."
"Of course, Minthara."
"But it is true? I am beautiful to you?"
I leaned towards her, "Not just beautiful. Gorgeous even. No one could ever have my heart like you do."
"B-But I am not a good person, Y/N. You of all people should know that. I tried to raid a grove full of innocent people for the sake of the people I followed."
"That was the people. Those were your orders."
"But I view people as beneath me. Even you!"
"E-Even me?"
She sadly nodded her head, "Yes. Yes I see you as someone beneath me. B-But I am not so sure now. I don't see you as beneath me. I-I'm trying to see that for everyone else you have introduced me to. But they have a lot of reasons to not trust me. Especially that druid friend of yours."
I nodded my head, "Halsin is not going to forgive you as easily as I have."
"You've already forgiven me? This quickly? It hasn't even been months since the attempted raid on the grove."
"I know. But after I have seen you try to interact with the others. Try to wipe yourself clean and be better, I know that you truly have been under a lot of shit with the cult. You're trying and that's all that matters, Minthara."
A soft smile formed on her face as she pressed her forehead against mine.
"C-Can we stay like this?"
"Stay like what?"
"Peaceful. Serene. This is the most peaceful I have ever been in my life and I want to cherish it as much as I can."
"Of course. Can I hold you?"
"Hold me?"
"Yes. Hold you close to me so that you won't ever fear of being hurt or left alone again."
She slowly nodded her head, "S-Sure."
I wrapped my arms around her and slowly started to fall towards the ground. Finally resting on the ground, I turned to where I was laying on my side. My arms were wrapped around Minthara's body. She was stiff at first, getting used to being held, but as we laid there in silence for a bit, she slowly started to wrap her arms around me, pulling me close to her. I rested my head on top of hers and took in what was her. She smelt of the earth and everything that made it natural. I thought that was what Halsin would smell like, earthy and like dirt. But Minthara had that kind of smell to her. It wasn't exactly like the soil, but like grass. Like freshly cut grass.
"You smell oddly nice, Minthy."
"At first I thought you said 'minty'."
I chuckled, "No. I was trying to call you by your nickname I have given you."
"Ah. I see. It sounds a lot like minty."
"Just with an 'h'."
"What do I smell like? Death?"
"It's an odd smell. Like freshly cut grass."
"Huh. I would have thought the bear man would smell like that."
"He smells like animals most of the time. Depending on the animal he was."
"Cut grass," Minthara whispered. "Is that a good smell?"
"One of the best in my opinion."
"I will take your word for it."
We laid there in silence until I rolled over, taking Minthara with me. She laid on my chest and closed her eyes, listening to my heartbeat. I smiled and closed my eyes, my hands running up and down her back. Sitting up, I looked worried as she took off the armor she was wearing. There was a light shirt underneath and she laid back down.
"I want to feel your touch."
"Anything for you, Minthara."
My hands snaked underneath the shirt she was wearing and started to rub at the middle part of her back. The pads of my fingers trailed up and down her spine. She shuddered slightly at my touch. I could get used to this. Having Minthara lay on top of me, our legs intertwined and just us holding onto one another in the quiet night. As the moon shone through the broken window, it hit Minthara's hair just right. While it was odd to see white hair at a young age instead of an older age, it worked well for her light purple skin. It reminded me of snow on a mountain. It even sparkled slightly with the moon light. I wanted to touch it. To see it out of its bun she had it in. To see it at its natural length. Reaching up, I dug my hand into her hair and started to undo the bun. She reached up, stopping me from going further.
"S-Sorry. I should have asked."
"Let me."
She reached up and undid the bun, letting her hair fall down past her shoulders and towards covering her chest. I marveled at its length and how it looked naturally wavy like the flow of water in an ocean. I couldn't help but feel my heart beat faster and my thoughts raced. A smirk appeared on Minthara's lips as she reached up, grabbing my jaw, tugging my face towards her.
"Better silence those thoughts in there," she said. "I can sense something you probably don't want others to know."
"Please, Minthara. Would you allow me to kiss you? To hold you tight against my body to where I fear of letting you go?"
"Only for you, my sweet."
I leaned towards her and pressed my lips against hers. They felt cold, but also warm at the same time. After a few seconds of kissing her, there was an odd sensation bubbling up. It felt like my lips were numbing and then there was pain. Pulling away, she looked disappointed of what had just happened.
"My lips are laced with poison. It's not lethal in small doses. But it is a bit intoxicating. Literally and figuratively."
I chuckled slightly, "What a great way to go out then."
"You flatter me, Y/N. But no, it is not something to desire. Especially as a good of a person you are."
I reached up and placed my hand on her cheek once more, slowly going towards her pointed ear, massaging it slightly. Her eyes fluttered closed and a small, soft sigh escaped her lips. Those soft, plump, and deadly lips of hers. Leaning towards her once more, I captured her lips once more. Growing a bit hungry, Minthara placed her hands on my shoulders and pushed me into the ground. Her teeth nibbled at my lips and who was I to deny her. Opening my mouth, our tongues brushed past one another's. My hands started to wander around her body as she did the same to me. We wanted to know each other's body inside and out. She got up, hovering over my body as the kiss deepened with passion and fire. Placing her right knee in between my thighs, she pushed her leg up, making my leg come upwards as well. When there was enough space, her knee started to rub up against my crotch.
"M-Minthara," I breathed out through the kiss.
She pulled away and straddled me, a sinister grin on her face. I could only smile at her, my heart racing once more.
"Tonight, you are mine."
"I am yours, Minthara."
After we had our fun, her head was resting on my chest and my hands were playing with her silky, smooth hair. I enjoyed feeling every strand in my fingers and as they parted in between the gaps of my fingers. Our breathing was starting to sync in time with one another, but as her eyes squeezed tightly closed, she stirred in her sleep. My one hand remained entangled in her hair while the other ran up and down her back slowly.
"Shh, shh," I whispered to her. "I've got you, Minthara."
She pushed herself upwards and found my eyes, her breathing heavy and ragged. I leaned up onto my elbows and placed my hand against her cheek.
"Hey, hey, I'm here. I'm here. They're not going to hurt you anymore."
Her breathing settled down and she found my eyes, some tears forming in her eyes.
"You're ok," I said softly. "They're not going to hurt you anymore. Not while I'm around."
"C-Can you promise me that?"
"I can."
"H-How can you be so sure about it? Everyone has left me without reason and without an explanation. How do I know you won't be like everyone else?"
"You won't, but I can prove it by my actions. I didn't leave you when you were vulnerable and having a nightmare."
"It was one time."
"It was actually many times."
"Explain yourself."
"During the first few days you were here, you got frequent nightmares that it even woke up some people in the camp. Others just hoped you were fine, but I got up and sat with you as you mumbled something in your sleep. I brought you water, offered it to you, but you didn't know it was me who was there. You thought it was someone else."
"A bit delirious from the lack of sleep I got at times."
"I didn't mind that you didn't know it was me. But I was there whenever no one would come. Although Karlach did come sit with me one night while you had a particularly bad nightmare. It was so bad you were in a cold sweat, trying to fall back asleep. But you were just crying so hard that I couldn't console you."
"It hurts my heart that you are the result of your environment. You were made to act out in bad choices. All in the name of someone you thought you were loyal to and could look up to. But as you saw, you are disposable to them the minute you are not useful. Not here, Minthara. You are useful, always."
A few tears slid down her face. Reaching up, she wiped them away and looked at the clear liquid on her fingers, staring at it in disbelief. Disbelief she was able to cry? Or in disbelief that someone's words and actions could make her cry? Whatever the reason was, she lowered her body onto mine, hugging me closely. I wrapped my one arm around her, kissing the top of my head.
"You're safe with me, Minthy. No one is going to lay a finger on you."
"Thank you," she whimpered slightly, trying not to sob.
"It's ok to cry. It's not a sign of weakness."
She nodded her head.
"Rest easy, Minthy," I said and laid back down, holding her close to me.
"Y/N," she whispered.
"I want to let you know, even though I may seem cold and harsh at times, you truly are the best person I could have ever met when I did. I didn't think I would be freed from them. I never even thought of being free from the Absolute and the people there. I knew them for most of my life. Meeting you, it was a blessing. If I could redo it over again, I'd choose with letting you free me."
I smiled, running my hands through her hair.
"Thank you, Minthara."
"Thank you, Y/N. For everything you have done."
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sunshinerapmonster · 2 months
The Saregeant's Daughter - Chapter 13 Jay
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"I'm going to drop them off right now actually"
Chicago PD S7 EP16: Violence Part One
Units on the citywide. 2533 south Whipple. Armed robbery in progress. Pay-day Advantage.
"5021 George, we're rolling on it," I said into my radio.
"There's a silent alarm," I said getting out of the car with Hailey.
"5021 Henry on the scene, Calls bins fide," Hailey said into her radio.
We walked up to the scene with our guns drawn out, Hailey was in front and I was in the back covering her.
Copy that, 5021 Henry. Backup en route
Hailey walked into the bank when I heard a woman screaming.
"I got this you go," she said.
"Alright," I said leaving her side and walking towards the screaming.
"Hey, shut up! Come on" A male dressed in all black with a gun in hand.
"Police! Don't move" I yelled out.
They started to fire the gun towards me and Hailey, I ran for cover behind a car and returned fire.
"10-1, 10-1. I got shots fired. Shots fired at the police, send me some cars. I got people everywhere" I said into my radio.
I shot my gun at the getaway vehicle breaking the glass of the truck with my bullets.
"I got two masked offenders fleeing northbound in a gray van"
I walked backward towards the people behind me, a white woman in a red jacket was on the ground with a black male who was shot.
"5021 George, roll an ambo. Got a civilian hit" I said into my radio as I applied pressure on the god-shot wound.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm okay."
"What's your name, man?" I asked the man.
"What's your name?"
"Carl," he said whipper in pain.
"Carl, stay with me," I said holding onto his hand.
"Hold on. I gotta talk to you for a second" I said walking up to the women.
"Oh," she said taking a deep breath, "Can't believe this. It's horrible"
"Yeah, I know. We're just trying to piece together everything that happened" I said with my hands behind my vest, "Can you tell me your name?"
"It's Michelle. Taylor. Michelle Taylor" she said.
"Okay. Where were you when the robbery went down?" I asked her.
"I was in the store down the street, shopping," she said pointing towards the shops she was at.
I nodded my head, "Michelle, do you remember seeing anyone or anything that was suspicious before the robbery?" I asked her.
"No" she shook her head, " I was inside the store, and when I came out, I heard the shooting. And I was so scared, I hid behind a car. And then I saw that man get shot, so I went to go help him" she said crying.
"A Good Samaritan," I said sending her a small smile.
"Well, if you don't need anything else, I have to pick up my daughter from school"
"Just gotta take down your information, in case I have more questions," I said.
"All right, what we got was three guys. Two of them go inside to hit the place. Another one's waiting in a van down the street as a getaway driver" I said explaining every to Voight.
"They're experienced and motivated," Hailey said.
"Yeah, they definitely had no problem pulling the trigger," I said.
"Well, we get a look at these guys?" Voight said looking at both of us.
"No, they were wearing masks, and when the shooting started, a bystander got hit, and he was just a guy on his way home from work," I said.
"Clerk said the offenders were both male and white. She could see their necks under the mask. She saw them pass the door strip" Kim said pointing at the entrance, " she said that one was 6'0" and one was 6'4"
"And the only physical evidence inside the store are these zip-ties, which were used to restrain the victims," Vanessa said holding up a bag of zip-ties.
"Patrol found the silver van parked about a mile down the road in an abandoned parking lot off Division. It's been torched. It's still on fire. Reported stolen about a week ago" Antonio said.
"So that's where they the switch. No prints, no DNA?"
"No nada"
"There's no pictures either. They spray-painted all the surveillance cameras as soon as they walked into the store" Kevin said looking at each camera.
"Well, the fact they knew where the cameras were suggests they case the place," Hank said, "So let's keep talking to witnesses, but pull all the surveillance over the last couple of months. These guys did their homework. Maybe we can catch them studying"
"Copy that"
"All right, bring me up to speed," Hank said walking towards the front of the room.
"The same crew has hit two other check-cashing places in the last couple of weeks, so that makes three. It's definitely a pattern" Hailey said looking at her computer screen.
"They're using gloves and masks. Same MO, and they're stealing a car every time to cover up their tracks" I said standing next to Hailey with my arms on her desk.
"Sarge, I pulled the rest of the eyes on the block as you said," Vanessa said as we all walked towards her and Kevin.
"And as far as we can tell, they had a lookout. That might be our way in" Kevin said looking at his computer screen.
"Thought it was a three-man crew?"
"Same thing we thought, but this makes four. So this is the drug store on the north end of the corner five minutes before the robbery. The kid in the bike, that's our lookout" Kevin said pulling up the CCTV footage so we could all see it, "Look, he's watching that patrol car down the block. As soon as that patrol car leaves.." Vanessa said.
"He calls it in," Voight said.
"And there go the bad guys and there's the minivan our shoots escaped in," Kevin said.
"All right, so how do we get the kid?" Antonio asked
"Well, we ran facial rec, Jamal Meeky. 20. He's got one prior for breaking and entering, spent a year in juvie" Vanessa said as Kevin gave Hank the file.
"Good. Let's roll him up"
"Okay, so the woman who Jamal thought was suspicious, Michelle Taylor, I interviewed her at the crime scene," I said looking at her file.
"The Good Samaritan?" Hailey said from her desk.
"The Good Samaritan who gave me a bogus number. And her story does not jibe with Jamal's. She said she was inside during the robbery. He says no, she outside the whole time" I said.
"All right, so now she's a suspect. Find her" Hank said walking back into his office.
I walked into the flower shop where Michelle and her daughter were packing flowers.
"Excuse me. Maybe you could help me?" I said as the door closed to the shop
She looked at me shocked as I stood in front of her, "Tina, go back to the office and start your homework" she said.
"So you do have a daughter. That's partially true, anyway" I said staring at her.
"How did you find me?" She questioned.
"A Prius registered to this florist was parked outside the robbery," I said explaining how I found her, "You want to start over? Or wanna head out in handcuffs in front of your daughter"
"Michelle," she said, "Michelle Sullivan"
"Why'd you give me false information?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to get involved with the police," she said.
"I got a witness saying that you were going from store to store, acting strangely during the robbery. You said you were inside the shopping center when you heard the gunshots. So is that lie number two?" I said repeating her story.
"No, I-I was confused. There was so much going on. I didn't..." she stopped mid-sentence and looked out the window.
"Are you involved with the robbery?"
I saw her shifting uncomfortably as she looked outside, I turned around to see what she looking at and saw a male standing outside on the phone.
I then recognized that look of fear in her eyes, "If you're in some kind of trouble, you know I can help you" I said low enough for her only to hear.
"No, you can't," she said clearing her throat as soon as the door opened to the shop.
"Hi, baby," the guy said kissing her cheek.
"Where's Tina?" He asked.
"In the office working on some homework," she said pointing towards the back.
I stared the guy up and down and took his features in, white male maybe 6 feet blue eyes a black mustache I couldn't see his hair since he was wearing a beanie.
"You okay?" He asked as he starched his head.
"Oh, yeah, I'm just, I'm, helping a customer," she said sending me a forced smile.
I sent her a small smile, "Who are you getting flowers for?" He asked.
"My beautiful girlfriend deserves some after working long shifts at the hospital," I said lying through my teeth and the lie sounded so right before I sent a smile at them.
"Bro, carnations are for parades. If I were you, I'd go red roses" he said.
"My girl doesn't like red roses, she likes pink and white flowers," I said thinking back to the moment Will had mentioned Madeline's favorite flowers.
"I'll warp them up," she said going to grab the pink and white flowers.
"Red is better but I hope she likes the one you get her," he said rushing out.
"All right, thanks"
I got into the truck where Hailey was waiting for me with the flowers in my hand.
"What a guy" she said chucking as I placed the flowers on the passenger side since she was in the back.
"Her husband came in. She told him I was a customer" I said turning to look at her, "something didn't feel right, and the look she gave me when he walked in was fear" I said.
"Yeah, well, uh I took a picture of them, ran it through the system," she said looking at her laptop screen, "lit up the screen turns out our Good Samaritan is married to a convicted felon"
"Let me guess, armed robbery"
She nodded her head, " told you we were good together" she said smiling, " now who are those pretty flowers for?" She said smirking at me.
"Well— I told them I got them for my beautiful girlfriend who works at the hospital," I said turning away from her.
"And you got her, her favorite flowers I assume"
"Maybe," I said starting the car.
"When are you going to give them to her?"
"I'm going to drop them off right now actually," I said driving towards Med.
I parked the car and got out of the car with flowers in hand and Hailey following behind me wanting to see this interaction go down.
I saw Will talking with Ethan I walked towards them and I caught Ethan's attention and he sent me a smile.
"Detective, what brings you here to Med today?" He said shaking my hand.
"I'm just here to drop some flowers off for a fellow doctor," I said nodding my head.
"That fellow doctor happened to have long black hair, brown eyes, 5'0 feet, and your sergeant's niece," Will said describing Madeline all in one breath as he sent a smirk my way.
"Oh my, and you just happen to have to of her favorite flowers," Ethan said.
"Yeah, you guys are correct," Hailey said smiling at them.
"Madeline happens to be in the lounge going over some files on her laptop"
I thanked them and made my way towards the lounge. I took a deep breath and opened the door. She looked open from her computer screen, she was wearing glasses and her long black was thrown up in a messy bun.
"Jay! What brings you here?" She said with a smile on her face.
"I came to drop off some flowers for you," I said walking towards her.
I saw her blush and her eyes widened she covered her face with her hands, "Jay you didn't have to bring me flowers, plus we haven't even been on a date." she said chucking as she stood up from her chair, "I keep waiting for a text from you"
"It wasn't a problem, so now I could ask you a question," I said handing her the flowers.
She took the flowers and smiled as she looked at them, "I've never received flowers that weren't from my dad or brother" she said smelling them, "Thank you so much, Jay. Now what is your question" She said kissing my cheek.
I felt my cheeks heat up acting shy in front of each other, "Well first off, It's no problem at all, secondly do you wanna go on a date tomorrow night?"
"Hmmm, let me think about it?" she said tapping her chin with her right finger, "Of course, I would love to go on a date with you Jay," she said smiling.
"Great, I will pick you up at 7:30 pm tomorrow, send me your address," I said.
"Michelle Taylor is Michelle Sullivan, who is married to Shane Sullivan," Hailey said putting their pictures up on the board," 30 years old, lived his whole life in Bridgeport except for three years that he served in Pontiac Prison for armed robbery. Was released six months ago. Works in construction"
"We talked to the guys on robbery who worked the case. It was a three-man crew doing home invasions. They arrested Shane and tried to get him to flip on the others. He wouldn't do it, he's old school loyal" Adam said shaking his head.
"All right, any leads on the new crew?" Hank asked with his arms crossed against his chest.
"Shane is 6'4", which matches the clerk's description," Vanessa said from behind Hank as she sat on her desk.
"We ran Shane's phone records. The only person he called in the last two days is his wife Michelle, which means this new crew is communicating with Burner" Kim said.
"And Michelle is the Good Samaritan," Hank said turning to look at me," we get anything on her yet?"
"Michelle Sullivan, she's also 30 years old born and raised in Bridgeport. She's got zero criminal history. She's got an eight-year-old daughter, and she works part-time as a florist" I said.
"And part-time lookout for her husband's robbery crew," Vanessa said.
"Well, that's the theory. We don't have the evidence" I said
"I mean, it wasn't a coincidence that she was at the check-cashing store"
"Yeah, I hear all that, but based on her behavior, she didn't give me up as a cop to her husband, so that suggests to me that she's in trouble with him. I think she's scared of him" I said thinking about her fear when he came in, "So we gotta cultivate her, win her trust"
"I'm with Jay," Hailey said, "If we push her and doesn't wanna play ball, we're tipping our hand to Shane"
"Right, and we know he's not gonna cooperate with the cops. If we push him, then he's just gonna shut down the whole crew. They're gonna disappear in the wind" I said.
"Okay, so get out your cameras," Hank said walking down, "Let's follow Shane. Get a tracker on his car. And dig into his associates. Let's ID this crew, get them in the pocket before they hit again"
"Copy that"
We all sat at the Sullivan residence in our cars, I saw them both walk outside almost arguing.
"All right, saddle up. Our boys coming out" I said into the radio.
"Target is getting into a gray, four-door BMW"
"I don't think they could afford that BMW on a part-time florist salary," Hailey said as we looked at the car driving away.
"He's headed south, down Princeton towards 33rd"
"Copy. Standing by on 31 to pick him up" Kim said into the radio.
"His name is Mike Brady. He's notorious in Bridgeport. Been a person of interest in over a dozen heists" Hank said placing a picture up on the board, "They're all open cases. None of them have been cleared. Brady's tough to bust cause the guy only feeds when he's hungry, so the window of opportunity to grab this guy is very slim"
"A guy that works for him is no joke. Eric Walsh, age 40" Antonio said putting up another picture on the board, "He's another Bridgeport boy. He's basically got a timeshare at the county jail, he just did six months for possession of an illegal firearm"
"Well, the good news is the crew is active. But meeting in a public place is not a crime. So we need an act of furtherance to catch this crew solid so we can make a case" Hank said.
Kim walked back to us after taking a phone call, "I just talked to a nurse at Chicago Med. Carl Hoffman, the guy who was shot during the cash store robbery, just died. He left behind three kids" she said.
I turned away from her looked down at the ground and took a deep breath.
"So our armed robbery just graduated go homicide, it's time to take the gloves off"
"Michelle," I said taking pictures out from a file and placing them in front of her," These are from the check-cashing robbery the other day. We are more than certain that one of these men is Shane Sullivan, your husband" I said pointing at each picture.
She shook her head, "No, that's not possible "
"He just did a three-year stint for armed robbery. So it's definitely in the realm of possibility" Hailey said staring at her.
I laid my back against the wall, "You were there to help him" I said.
"No, that's not true"
"Come on, Michelle, you've been lying to us from the get-go. What were you doing there?" I said almost yelling at her, "Why were you on the street? You acting as a lookout?"
"No, I already told you. I was shopping"
"We checked the security footage. You weren't in that store. You wanna try again?" Hailey said.
She stayed quiet, I grabbed the last picture in the file and placed it in front of her, "Take a look at this picture. That's Carl Hoffman. This is the guy you were trying to save" I yelled pointing at the picture of him, "He is now dead. That officially puts you on the hook for felony murder"
"Look, we can still help you. You have no priors. If you cooperate you can live a life, and see your daughter go to college. If not, you're looking at 15 years" Hailey said in a more softer tone.
She still didn't look at us at all, "if you know my husband did this robbery, how come you're talking to me?"
I nodded my head in disbelief as those words left her mouth.
"Because we don't have any evidence against him, just you"
"I didn't do anything," she said as we both looked at her," and I need to get home. My daughter is getting dropped off from a play date"
"Michelle, you don't get it. You're not going home. You're not going home for a long time. Not unless you help us"
"Yeah, I would like to make a phone call. But I'm not gonna help you"
"So far, nothing. She's not cooperating" I said walking towards Hailey's desk and sitting on top of it.
"I don't understand. Why are we so soft-showing here? We can put her on the scene. We can start to build a case" Antonio said.
"Michelle denies seeing anything, and we can't prove she did anything"
"Right, and if she doesn't testify we can't even place Shane at the scene"
"Hailey, I ran those 911 in-service calls to Michelle Sullivan's address," Trudy said walking into the room with a file in hand.
"Nothing. Not at her current address. However, they used to rent an apartment at 3956 South Lowe, the other side of Bridgeport" Trudy said handing Hailey the file.
"Thanks," Hailey said as Trudy left the room and walked downstairs.
Hailey opened up the file I tried to peek to see if I could see anything but she held the file close to her chest and her blonde hair covered it.
"Sarge, do you mind if we tap the brakes on pressing Michelle? I may have another way to get her to cooperate"
"Two hours," Hank said.
"Hi, I'm Doctor Gordon"
"Uh, Detective Upton, Detective Halstead"
"How are you doing?" I said shaking her hand.
"Here's the subpoena. Thank you for taking the time" Hailey said handing the doctor the paper.
"I'm happy to help"
"So you were the intake doctor that helped Michelle Sullivan four years ago?" Hailey said as we followed the doctor, "The police responded to a domestic"
"That's right, she was brought in by an ambulance. I wasn't able to find all the intake photos and x-rays with my notes attached but I can remember them without my notes"
"Really? From four years ago" I said shocked.
"Bad ones stay with you," she said tapping on her iPad to show us the picture, "The patient had swelling around the eye and six fractured ribs. She claimed it was from a bike accident"
"But it wasn't from a bike accident," Hailey said which caused me to turn to look at her.
"No, and it wasn't the first time. She had her ribs broken before. These are injuries a boxer might sustain" she said looking at us, " I asked her straight up if her husband was hurting her. I told her that she could be protected, and then her husband showed up that was that"
"You didn't notify the police?" Hailey asked.
"Of course I did, but she refused to press charges, and I couldn't prove that she didn't fall off her bike"
"Is there anything else you remember?" I asked.
"He seemed like such a normal guy. He even brought her flowers"
I turned to look at Hailey, "Red roses"
"Thank you"
Jay Master List
intro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Book Two
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the flowers Jay got Madeline
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havenmoon1369 · 5 months
Getting Her Back- Chapter 3
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Drew wakes up in the woods near the mansion, he's been bandaged up and he has a backpack full of tools, a cell phone, and a note. The note reads "The phone cannot dial out but I can call you. You will wait for instructions, then you will get into the mansion. We will be watching you, you do one thing out of line and your daughter is dead". Drew sighed in despair, he'll do anything to keep her safe. He started going through the backpack to see what kind of tools he had been given. In the bag included lockpicks, screwdriver, hammer, a map of where the goods are, a duffle bag for the goods, and cutting tools for the artwork. He was also given a mask, gloves, and a switchblade knife to cover his identity and for protection. He was putting on the disguise when the cell phone rang, he picked it up "yeah?" "Alright Drew, it's simple, use the tools you were given to get into the house and get the stuff. The men watching you will cut the camera feeds in exactly 10 minutes at 3:00, you will have 15 minutes to grab everything that you can, and get out of there. When you leave, go to the left and follow the road, a van will pick you up, and bring you to our location." Barclay said in a commanding voice. "What about my daughter, is she alright?" Drew asked with a saddened voice, "You'll know soon enough Drew" Barclay said ending the phone call. Drew took a deep breath, trying to cry with worry over his daughter but no one knew as he walked to the mansion he was formulating his own plan of revenge and save himself and his daughter from the hell they were put into.
Drew arrives at the mansion, two minutes until the camera feeds are cut. He stares at the mansion, having flashbacks to the night he was here with Charlie and Mason. He watches the time until it hits 3:00 and then he bolts for the door wasting no time breaking it down with one kick and runs to the room marked on the map. He's careful however, having the flashback to when Charlie was shot, he sneaks around the corner, nobody is there thankfully. He starts pulling out the lockpicks from his bag to start getting the jewelry out, he surprised at himself that he remembers how to do it, having been so long. He checks his watch and it reads 3:05, only a limited time left. He gets into most of the vaults but realizes he needs to get the artwork as well, so he abandons the vaults and starts cutting out the artwork. When he's down to the last piece, he checks his watch again 3:12, "Not much time left" he thinks to himself but carefully cuts the last bit of artwork out and rolls it up and puts in the duffle bag. He starts sprinting for the front door, he checks his watch on the way out 3:14, he only has a minute to be out of sight. He chooses to dodge into the woods for cover and runs as fast as he can away from the mansion, following the road he's supposed to meet the van on. Once the mansion is out of sight, he gets on the road and follows it until the van pulls up, two masked men open the side door and yell at Drew to get in and he complies. He gives the men the tool bag and the duffle bag, they tie his hands behind his back and start driving to the location without even looking in either bag, not knowing Drew had stashed the switchblade in his pants and that his plan of revenge was starting.
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Cordell Fanfiction Masterlist
This is going to be a long one guys. A collection of fics that have Cordell Walker as a main/major character. I've split them up into Series and Stand Alone stories.
Walker OT3- A collection of stories exploring the beginnings and relationship of Trickidell
Walkercest of the Cordaugust Variety- A collection of stories exploring the Cordell/August ship. Loose relation to canon
Walkernatural- A series exploring the clash of Supernatural and Walker in which Cordell is Sam's long-lost twin brother.
Dog Tags Verse- A collection of stories exploring an alternate universe where Cordell Walker and Trey Barnett met as soldiers on opposing sides of a war
Henry Winchester 'Verse- An AU of Walkernatural in which Cordell and Sam grew up as Winchester twins
A Rose By Any Other Name- An AU in which, rather than dying, Emily is exposed as a serial killer and the Walker family is turned upside down.
Crime Family Walker- An AU in which the Walkers are a crime family that run Austin with an iron fist
The Little Things- A supernatural crossover where the Walkers adopt a hunter's daughter
Sam and Dean Walker- Supernatural/Walker crossover AU in which John leaves Sam and Dean with Cordell and Emily after Mary dies
Stand-Alone Stories:
This is Probably A Bad Idea But....- Texas Ranger Cordell Walker can't seem to crack this case. He gets some unwanted assistance in the form of the eccentric Malcolm Bright
New Boy- Cordell Walker meets a man named Dean Winchester at a bar. Before the night is over, his life has changed forever. But will it be for better, or worse?
Camping 101- You know that infamous 2017 camping trip that August insisted required double-checking all the supplies on the list for because they left the tent at home that year? Yeah. This is that.
It Wasn't Supposed to be You- Death was inevitable. Cordell was only well too aware of it in his line of work. Death was also unpredictable. He always forgot that part.
Don't Cry- One day they would understand. At the very least, they might find it in their hearts to forgive.
Family Matters- He froze at the end of the entryway. It was her. It had been fifteen years since he last saw her, but he'd recognize her anywhere. He never thought he'd see her again. But there she was, standing on his front porch. Smiling at him like she hadn't abandoned him and their kids all those years ago. "...Emily?"
A Killer By Any Other Name- Cordell Walker is accused of twelve counts of first degree murder due to some damning evidence. Problem is, he didn't do it. Liam is determined to prove this so he calls on an old friend, Malcolm Bright, for some help. Meanwhile, Sam Winchester hears of the case and it doesn't take him long to figure out Waker has been pinned for one of their hunts. He can't sit by and watch an innocent man go to jail so he resolves to help in any way he can.
Just To Be Sure.....- Sam and Dean roll into Austin for a case and come across a (scarily) familiar face.
Secrets and Lies- It's amazing what a little lack of self-control can lead too….
"Duke" is a Dog's Name- The reader's family ranch has eneters some tough times and she enters the rodeo in the hopes of earning some extra funds to keep things going. While she's there, she meets an interesting character who calls himself Duke Culpepper. Little does she know that nothing will ever be the same after she meets the tall man with cheap aftershave.
Things They Never Show Onscreen- Just a little thing I wrote because they never show hospital scenes in shows like this and I needed a fix :)
The Long Road Home- Cordell Walker, Texas Ranger, was undercover for 11 months. He went dark for several of them. When he finally came back online, he wasn't the same man he was when he left. What happened and how will he recover? An alternate universe exploration of Walker coming home.
Don't Get (A)Head of Yourself- Cordell and Emily are taking a couples camping trip. Things don't go exactly to plan.
Cry For Help- Cordell knows something is off about how his wife died but he's not quite sure why. He turns to the internet in his time of need and finds an unexpected source of help.
Grass is Greener on the Other Side- An exploration of what might’ve happened if Cordell hadn’t listen to Liam during 2 x 04 (It’s Not What You Think).
It's Probably Nothing- “Listen, I don’t know who you are. I don’t know who Sammy is or why he left you but I’m not him.”///“Don’t worry, Sammy. I don’t know what happened to you but I’ll get you fixed up. You just need to remember me, that’s all. It’ll be okay. Dean's here now.”
Missed You- After a long day, Cordell gets a much-needed phone call from an old friend.
Here For You- It's not until late at night when Cordell has a chance to really process what happened that day. He's handling as well as can be expected. Micki's there to lend an ear.
A Series of Fortunate Events- A collection of alternative endings/events for 2x12
A Difference of Environment- Cordell Walker is undercover, not just as Duke Culpepper, but as an Omega. When his secrets are revealed, he's surprised to find acceptance rather than rejection. And maybe he finds a little something else….
One Last Checkup- Cordell knows what his kids went through today and he decides to check up on them before he goes to bed.
Going Home- Cordell Walker has been held captive for a long time. Now, he plans to escape. Or, a sort of speculative piece on how Cordell might escape the ones that captured him in the season 2 finale
In Another Life- What if Cordell Walker had told Twyla Jean the truth about his undercover mission before the last bank job?
Desperate Measures- What if August had been taken instead of Liam? A little exploration on how he might have handled that.
Groundhog Day is Just a Movie- In which Cordell finds himself stuck in a time loop
Hiding in Plain Sight- 15 years after Cordell ran away from home, he returns to Austin with his wife and new life. He just wants to live his life without worrying about what he left behind. Unfortunately, he moved in right next door to his little brother.
Basic Instinct- In which Cordell storms down to Desert Speed Wars to pick up his kids and his car. Shannon and her buddies have varied responses.
We Just Need to Talk- Liam has a nightmare about his time in captivity and goes looking for comfort. After witnessing Cordell have a nightmare too, he decides enough is enough. They don’t have to talk about what happened, but they are going to engage in some brotherly cuddles and at least acknowledge that there’s a problem.
Worst Kept Secrets- James is worried about Cordell and talks to Micki. Micki tries to talk to Cordell.
The Smell of Fear- Alpha!Cordell has an extreme reaction to seeing his omega brother in cuffs and bruised. He goes feral, kills a few guys with his bare hands, the usual. When rescue finally arrives, he’s still in feral mode and won't let the rescue team near them, so Cassie has to go in and try to cool him off. Eventually, they tranquilize him and keep him under until the feral has worn off.
Paradigm Shift- But there was one more thing Liam needed to get off his chest. He just wasn’t sure he had the guts to do it.
Under Duress- In the cage, Liam was unwillingly turned into an Omega via special pills that were outlawed decades ago. When he goes into heat, Cordell fears for his life and does what he thinks is necessary.
When It All Comes Crashing Down- The Walker family's initial reactions to Abby's collapse
A Special Dinner- Cordell is making a special dinner for his and Emily's anniversary. If only she was coming…..
Behind Closed Doors- AU in which Emily groomed August and no one was the wiser, least of all Cordell. Cordell has to process what his wife did to his son under his nose and August has to accept what happened to him.
How We Get Here- In which Cassie figures out Cordell sent her on a wild goose chase and tracks the GPS on the impound vehicle to find him. She's not exactly happy to see him but they have bigger fish to fry at the moment.
Sweet Child of Mine- When Liam asks to go to the hospital for a checkup, Cordell agrees because he feels Off as well. Little does he know how serious his condition really is.
Parallels- Cordell Walker is finally home after being released by the FBI. His whole family is worried about him but he's a little more worried about August
Under Fire- Cassie and Cordell go down together in the line of duty and get a little too close to death for comfort. Here’s how everyone deals with it
Haunting Melodies- While working late at the Side Step, Cordell meets a lovely young woman named Lucia. They hit it off really well, but Cordell seems to be the only one who sees her.
Confidential Details- Julia is in town for a job. Cordell has some information that would be helpful. If only he could share….
Uninvited Guest- “Oh look who's girlfriend showed up to the crime scene before any other journalist did. Again.”
Wait For Me- Julia's work takes her all over the world at a moments' notice. Cordell just wishes he would have a little more heads' up.
Taking Breaks is Important- Julia is stressing over planning their honeymoon. Cordell uses creative methods to get her to take a break.
About A Boy- In which Cordell decided to be the older brother Kevin lost to the war
Daddy's Girl- Sometimes Cordell wonders if Sadie can suck cock as good as her dad used to
Unexpected- Cordell learns some new things during family movie night
Like a Phoenix, We Rise- Cordell and Hoyt have lived impossibly long lives over and over again. Cordell starts to get bored by the same old pattern and tries to live at least one lifetime with meaning. This ends up with him becoming a part of the Walker family, starting with Abigail in Independence all the way through Abeline and Bonham in modern day Austin. He knew falling in love was risky. He knew having kids was risky. He just wishes he knew how to make it all work after he lost the person that made it all worth it.
It'll Be Okay- Because there's no way that little trailer got pelted with bullets and the only thing that got hit was Cordell's hat
Devil on Your Shoulder- AU in which Hoyt was around during 1x18 and plays the devil on Cordell's shoulder
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spidersdance · 8 months
Damhán Alla; Spiders
     Growing up Jim hated spiders. It stemmed from an incident when he was younger. His father, in an attempt to toughen his son up, forced him out into the shed, locking him in amongst the cobwebs. Spiders skittered across the floorboards, over his feet and around his hands, frightened by the sudden appearance of a human in the usually abandoned shed. He’d tucked his legs up and sat there, crying until his father opened the door. He was seven years old.
     After that he had nightmares almost every night. He could feel the spiders in his bed, crawling up along his neck and settling in his hair. He would wake, panicked and sweating, turning on the light in his room and refusing to go back to bed until his mother had checked under the covers. His father didn’t care, stating that his son needed to toughen up and stop being such a “wimpy little shit”. 
     His mother consulted a friend. A woman down the road whose daughter had gone off to Dublin to see a therapist about her fear of heights. She was told that exposing Jim to the fear might help, once done in a careful way. So that’s what his mother did. She bought the book ‘Charlotte’s Web’ and would read it to him every night. The pictures in it were cartoons so she’d gently encourage him to take a look, showing him the image of Charlotte in her web, smiling down at Wilbur. Once he was comfortable with the cartoons she moved onto real pictures. Got books from the library that were specifically tailored to teach kids about insects. It took him a little longer to get used to those pictures. A few sleepless nights occurred, his mother staying in the bed beside him as an assurance that the spiders wouldn’t get in. Eventually though, it became easier. He found himself wanting to learn about the different types of spiders, even building up to touching the pictures. 
    The real test came when she went out into the garden and caught one in a cup. Before she showed it to him she knelt down, hands coming up to either side of his face. “Now, brave boy, we’re going to do this together, alright? It’s only a small little spider and you’ve got your mammy here beside you. There’s nothing you and I can’t do together.” A gentle kiss was pressed to the tip of his nose before she handed him the cup. 
    She’d expected him to drop it. As much faith as she had in her son she didn’t think they were there just yet. However, he proved her wrong. He looked into the cup and let out a soft whisper of “Hi Mr Spider, I’m Jimmy.” 
     Her heart felt as if it could burst with pride, her smile the widest it’d ever been. Not wanting to spook him she let him keep the cup for a moment, listening to him chatter away about all the new spider facts he’d learned. “And y’know Mr Spider, I think we could be friends really. I like watching you make webs and maybe some day I could figure out how to make a web of my own.” There was a little pause, his eyes wide and sorrowful as they looked into the cup. “I’m sorry I was scared of you.” 
     Years later, on the day of his father’s death - seven years after his mother had been killed - Jim went back out to the spider infested shed. It’d remained locked for all those years, the key had been lost and there’d never been any reason to go back in. Determined to prove something he broke the lock and stepped inside. That time he cried for a different reason. His mother wasn’t there to see it and call him ‘brave boy’. 
     He left home a week later. The only thing he took with him was a small bag of clothing and the copy of ‘Charlotte’s Web’ that his mother had read to him. This experience eventually became the basis for his empire, Jim adopting the moniker of ‘Spider’ as a reminder to himself to be brave.
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victoriouscabaret · 3 months
Every Single Song I've Posted Here Since 2013
Under the cut - I'll make a Spotify playlist to pin soon <3
The Space of Your Mind - Black Mountain
Annabel Lee - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Skinny Love - Birdy
Femme Fatale - The Velvet Underground
Crystal Ship - The Doors
Pale Blue Eyes - The Velvet Underground
Fault Line - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Our Brave New World - The Dolly Rocker Movement
When You're Evil - Aurelio Voltaire
The Power of Love - Huey Lewis & The News
In The Aeroplane Over The Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel
So Sister - The Verve
Burn The Witch - Queens of The Stone Age
We Rise Again - Gogol Bordello
Dragula - Rob Zombie
Burnin' For You - Blue Oyster Cult
Sundrenched World - Joshua Radin
Like A Bad Girl Should - The Cramps
Beat The Devil's Tattoo - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Lasagna - The Knife
Am I Only - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Walk On The Wild Side - Lou Reed
Gobbledigook - Sigur Ros
This Is Halloween (Music Box Version)
Death Is The Road To Awe - Clint Mansell
Video Games - Kasabian
See My Vest - Mr. C.M. Burns
Heroes - David Bowie
Oh Comely - Neutral Milk Hotel
Abattoir Blues - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
One Way To Go - The Verve
Heat Of The Moment - Asia
Can't Help Falling In Love - Elvis Presley
Strange And Beautiful - Aqualung
Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me - The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Flightless Bird, American Mouth - Iron & Wine
Boys Don't Cry - The Cure
Lux Aeterna - Clint Mansell
West Coast - Coconut Records
Something To Do With My Hands - Her Space Holiday
Super-Sonic - The Brian Jonestown Massacre
Teardrop - Massive Attack
Institutionalized - Suicidal Tendencies
She Did A Lot Of Acid - Neutral Milk Hotel
Stagger Lee - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Lorde
Cell Block Tango (He Had It Coming) - Chicago
U Angel U - Elvis Depressedly
Sweet Come Down - The Black Ryder
Outside - The Black Ryder
Stranger Than Kindness - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Nick The Stripper - The Birthday Party
The Killing Type - Amanda Palmer & The Grand Theft Orchestra
Exile Vilify - The National
This Mess We're In - PJ Harvey & Thom Yorke
It Girl - The Brian Jonestown Massacre
Bad Wine And Lemon Cake - The Jane Austen Argument
Champagne Supernova - Oasis
Criminal - Fiona Apple
Pepper - Butthole Surfers
Club Foot - Kasabian
Your Funeral, My Trial - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Blackberry Stone - Laura Marling
All Flowers In Time Bend Towards The Sun - Jeff Buckley and Elizabeth Fraser
When Doves Cry - Prince
Love Cats - The Cure
Avalanche - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Silver Coin - Angus & Julia Stone
Dickhead - Kate Nash
Fable Theme - Danny Elfman & Russell Shaw
Bigger On The Inside - Amanda Palmer
The Sweetest Embrace - Barry Adamson (featuring Nick Cave)
Harder To Breathe - Maroon 5
Be My Baby - The Ronettes
Strength Through Music - Amanda Palmer
Strawberry Gashes - Jack Off Jill
Bullet Proof... I Wish I Was - Radiohead
Across The Stars - Richard Jones
Pavlov's Daughter - Regina Spektor
Briony - Dario Marianelli
Clone High Theme - Abandoned Pools
Phoenix - The Jane Austen Argument
Babe, You Turn Me On - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Lost Elf Theme - Trevor Morris
Hero - Regina Spektor
Crimson And Clover - Teho Teardro, Blixa Bargeld
Necessary Evil - The Dresden Dolls
Charmless Man - Blur
Enchanting Ghost - Sufjan Stevens
Enjoy The Silence - Depeche Mode
The Show Must Go On - Queen
Magneto - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Skeleton Tree - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Another Year: A Short History Of Nearly Something - Amanda Palmer
Samson - Regina Spektor
Princess Leia's Theme - John Williams
Take A Look At My Girlfriend - Supertramp
IDFC (Acoustic) - Blackbear
Age Of Consent - New Order
I'll Make A Man Out Of You - Mulan
House Of Cards - Radiohead
In My Time Of Dying - Led Zeppelin
Work Song - Hozier
Blake Says - Amanda Palmer
I Found A Reason - Cat Power
Satisfied Mind - Jeff Buckley
The Beauty's Wicked Wiles - Masayoshi Soken
Holes - The Jane Austen Argument
Shiola - Murder By Death
Love Me Dead - Ludo
2018: Nothing - I abandoned tumblr and did a lot of healing lol
My Sweet Lord - George Harrison
Vacation - Vitamin C
The Man Who Sold The World - David Bowie
2021: Nothing - still not feeling tumblr
2022: Nothing - still getting my shit together
2023: Nothing - it's a process, okay?
Wild God - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Angel Of The Morning - Juice Newton
Let Me Teach You How To Eat - Reverend Horton Heat
Whatever (I Had A Dream) - Butthole Surfers
Black Me Out - Against Me!
Junkyard - The Birthday Party
Body Like A Back Road - JVZEL
Sleeping Late - Doctor Hook & The Medicine Show
Rabbit Will Run - Iron & Wine
Josh - Peach PRC
Spine - Myrkur
Lazy Bones - Joel Plaskett
John Finn's Wife (Live) - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Radicals - Matthew Good
Psycho - Eddie Noack
KD and Lunch Meat - Boy Golden
Be Gay, Do Drugs, Hail Satan - Super Cassette
Tempel - Colour Haze
When The Trickster Starts A-Poking - Gogol Bordello
My Backwards Walk - Frightened Rabbit
Let's Roll Just Like We Used To - Kasabian
Haunted Cathouse - Nekromantix
Alice's Restaurant Massacre - Arlo Guthrie
Welcome To: - Ani Difranco
Lost River - Murder By Death
I Found A Reason - The Velvet Underground
Son Of Yule - Jex Thoth
Dark Solas Theme - Trevor Morris
A Million Deaths - Fleshgod Apocalypse
Places We Won't Walk - Bruno Major
Let The Day Begin - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
My Friends - Laura Marling
Walk Like A Zombie - Horrorpops
For Whom The Bell Tolls - Metallica
Death Death (Devil, Devil, Evil, Evil Song) - Aurelio Voltaire
We Call Upon The Author - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
I'm Blue - The's
Delicate Petite & Other Things I'll Never Be - Against Me!
Frogs - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Tower Of Song - Leonard Cohen
I Am The Antichrist To You - Kishi Bashi
Desire 126 - Hollerado
My Boy Builds Coffins - Florence & The Machine
Maniac - Carpenter Brut
Black Water - Timber Timbre
Slow It Down (Live) - The Lumineers
4 Minute Warning - Radiohead
The Ballad of Lucy Jordan - Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show
Devil Like Me - Rainbow Kitten Surprise
Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft - Klaatu
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo - -Bloodhound Gang
Clap Hands - Tom Waits
The Lyre of Orpheus - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Two Little Girls - Ani Difranco
Mediocrity Rules - Le Tigre
A Bar Song (Tipsy) - Shaboozey
Watermelon Sugar - Harry Styles
Where The Wild Roses Grow (Blixa Version) - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Nita - Pezz
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The value of each life depends on who is evaluating it.
As always, IMO (in my opinion) and with my limited general knowledge. There is a LOT of history and research out there and sometimes history gets rewritten more than once.
Amazon Prime made a Sundance 2019 prize winning documentary called "One Child Nation." It was made by Chinese born filmmakers and tells what really happened during China's One-Child policy. It is worth the time, but get the kleenex if you cry easily, and just remember to breathe.
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We wonder what the "truth" is and think we can count on authorities to give us accurate information. A look back at the numbers regarding China's history is a good example of how they are manipulated to shed a positive light on reports.
China had a famine that killed millions of people during the years of 1958 to 1961, but some scholars include 1957 and 1962, so you can see from the very start that all numbers are in question. The range of people who starved to death is between 15 and 55 million. Reports made to the government were not accurate because they didn't want to tell them that the new policies caused 70% of the problem while natural disasters such as flooding and drought caused the other 30%.
One person on a bus trip describes seeing the bodies of dead people all along the side of the road, but people just didn't "see" them out of the bus windows. Accurate reporting could cause retailation. The most stricken province was Anhui, and that is exactly where our daughter was born. People were so desperate that they resorted to cannibalism. They could eat dirt to fill their stomachs, but the desperation to stay alive caused crazy things to happen. The population of China during this time dropped by around 15 million due to a lower birth rate and increased death rate.
After the famine was over the population returned to normal activities....procreation. And the numbers started increasing over the years until it the problem was reversed and it was decided to implement a one-child policy in 1980. Each couple was only allowed one child. The tradition in China is that the bride goes with the man's family. Females were and are not valued as highly as males. There was even a time when females feet were bound in order to make them deformed and small and that made it difficult to walk or run away. They were definitely second-class if even that. Therefore, having a son meant you were set for life. Having a girl was worse than not having children at all.
As a result of this, infanticide was common. A bucket of water would be sitting beside the mother as she gave birth and if it was a girl she was drown in it before she took her first breath. There were forced third trimester abortions and sex selective abortions. It is understandable how the number of women available for marriage was considerably reduced a couple of decades later and men had a hard time finding a mate.
Some parents decided to save the lives of their babies even though they could get in big trouble. They began to leave them places where they were sure to be found hoping for the best. Orphanages started to increase and the plight of the Chinese girl became known across the world. People wanted to help save those precious girls, so all around the world they were being adopted into families ... going home. Compassion was the word. And it took money.
As the chinese government observed this happening they got dollar signs in their eyes. Girls were worthless there, but could be used to make a pretty penny elsewhere. It was illegal for anyone to abandon their child during this time, so when a baby was found a search was immediately launched to find the parents to prosecute them. Official paperwork went with each girl stating that the search had been fruitless and the child was indeed an orphan. We got those same papers when we were there.
I don't know exactly when the government started stealing children and claiming they were orphans for profit. Adoptions were still in great demand, so they saw opportunity. Gone were the rooms that they put unwanted babies in to die from complete neglect. Lisa Ling showed these rooms in a documentary, and it very well could have been from the orphanage that had our daughter. As always, follow the money. We had to show up with a bundle of cash in hand as an orphanage donation. While this raised flags it wasn't a show stopper for us as we truly believed that all those 400 kids at that orphanage were without families. There were 100 under the age of one and conditions were horrible. Seeing the film "One Child Nation" made me realize that our daughter might been kidnapped and sold. It was horrifying. It was tough to deal with, but considering the young girls who were no older than 8 soliciting their services to the men in our group on the streets of Beijing while their pimp sat behind them, at least I knew our daughter was safe.
The agency we used for our adoption was recommended by friends who had a good experience with them. They had a chinese man who had been present at the Tiananmen Square massacre. I remember seeing that confrontation. He had come to America, and his mission was to bring as many families together as possible and give these girls a better life. He accompanied all the families in groups of 6-7 and was the translator, banker, tour guide, and baby charmer all at once. It was a great experience and they had a fund used to help the orphanages. He said that they used to be in desperate need of food, then it was the clothes, now they needed washers. We took baby clothes as a donation when we went there. When we got out daughter they took off the little pants she was wearing and left her in the onsie. They really were in need.
I was talking to our daughter one time about where she was born and pointed it out on the globe. Then I wanted to show her a picture of Zhou who had been our guide so I tried to reach their site on the internet. What came up made me gently ask my daughter immediately to go get me something so she would leave the room while I freaked out. The adoption agency we used had been shut down for sex trafficking and financial exploitation. It blew my mind. It was horrific. And I found out about it by accident. We had recommended that agency to countless. My counselor helped me by telling me that I reframe it and be thankful that our daughter was safe from all that evil. It wasn't something that I wanted to share with our adoption group that were with us on that 12 day trip, but later on somebody else discovered it and shared it with the group as she was absolutely horrified, too.
God directed us to our daughter. We already had three kids and I had a hysterectomy so we weren't thinking our family would grow. But, we definitely had signs from God which I will share later, It's not easy to deny God's will and we weren't even going to try. So, we were blessed with a baby girl. Our family who we thought had been so perfect was missing one person. And that baby that I finally got into my arms on "gotcha day" has been a total blessing and completed our family perfectly.
We need to be on the alert for governmental abuse and lies. Falsifying numbers reported, spreading false information, using the citizenship for profit, unfairly treating it's population with some getting the lion's share while others getting too little to survive well. It is not enough to just have faith that good will prevail. If there is a real problem determining what the "truth" is then we need to start investigating and at least find out what it is not. If two elected officials stand on complete opposite sides of the fence then don't believe either one. Do your own research. Some people are very motivated by the wrong things and have no qualms about dishonesty.
I believe there is a special place in hell for people who abuse children. The most innocent people of all facing advances in technology that is constantly becoming more dangerous and intrusive in their lives. The world is a village with instant access into your home and child's mind. Depression and anxiety are worse when using social media. It is time to share our stories and tell the truth. Even if it hurts.
John 8:31-32 "So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, 'If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free'."
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"God is Love" by Yongsung Kim
0 notes
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It is the "Tragedy of september"... Alright, lets hear it.
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"The year is 1985. St Elmo's fire is at the top of the charts. The wreckage of the titanic has just been found at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean, and on a small farm on the Kansas Colorado border, The young mother is about to give birth."
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"The local doctor has predicted twins. Which gladdens the hearts of the woman and her husband who could certainly use the extra help around the farm. But the birth does not go well."
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"The terrified father drives his screaming, hemorrhaging wife to the local clinic. A poorly funded facility housed in a converted Airstream trailer. The presiding physician is Dr. Charlie Von Kook, A local denture maker of dubious training with eccentric religious beliefs"
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"The labour is long and painful, and Louisa Neville, a Mennonite girl, who had given up a promising career as a legal assistant to join her first and only love on the rundown farm that was his only inheritance. May her soul rest forever in peace, Is pronounced dead by the doctor. At 11:23 AM, on the 11th day of September, precisely 12 minutes after the birth of her twin daughters."
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"The girls are parapagus, tripus, dibrachius twins. Conjoined at the side and sharing between them: 3 legs, two arms, two hearts, three lungs and a single liver."
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"Without hesitating, Dr. Von Kook places the infants on the operating table muttering biblical quotations of doubtful accuracy, the doctor leaves the trailer and returns with a gas powered chainsaw. The noise is deafening in the small space as he starts the engine and prepares for the gruesome operation."
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"At this very moment, Sheriff Wilbur Owens notices the Nevilles' car parked outside steps in to see if he could be of assistance. Seeing the crazed doctor hovering above the newborns with the teeth of the chainsaw about to connect with their innocent flesh, the valiant sheriff draws his pistol and fires."
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"As the bullet pierces his heart, Dr. Von Kook emits a cry and stumbles backwards"
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"Samuel Neville, a timid, nervous man, who wanted nothing more than a quiet country life with many children, is still in a state of shock over the death of his young wife and the alarming physiology of his daughters when he is struck in the neck by the chainsaw blade Killing him instantly"
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"Distraught, the good sheriff takes the crying infants to his car. He radios back to the station where it is arranged for the twins to be admitted to the Bethany Center for Developmentally Disabled Youth into Topeka. Sheriff Owens decides to deliver the twins to the Bethany Center personally."
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"Less than an hour into the drive, an oncoming truck swerves, crosses the median, and strikes the sheriff's car. The sheriff is thrown into the windshield, knocking him unconscious. He will die thirty minutes later from loss of blood."
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"Meanwhile, the world has become a sea of feathers as the truck's cargo of live chickens, many among them now seriously injured or dead, spill into the road. A small awkward man limps out of the truck's cab, and cautiously approaches the sheriff's vehicle."
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"The man's eyes focus on the twin girls, calmly looking up at him from the back seat. Ignoring the dying sheriff, the truck driver lifts the infants into his arms and sets them in the cab of the damaged vehicle."
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"He unhitches the trailer, climbs into the cab, abandoning the defenseless chickens to their grim fate on Interstate 70."
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"A smile forms on his lips as he puts the truck into gear and continues down the highway"
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toms-cherry-trees · 2 years
A Little Slip || Tommy Shelby x Reader
Summary: Dad has been left alone with the children for the first time. What could possibly go wrong?
Word count: 2408
Warnings: cuss words, minor injuries, Tommy being a disaster
Author’s note: I honestly have no idea where did this one come from. Enjoy!
Let me know if you wanna be in my taglist
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The task was easy enough. Mommy needed a girl’s day off, which she was entirely entitled to. After all, raising a three year old toddler and a 11 month old infant could be a tiring mission, and she deserved a break. Frances had caught the flu, which meant she had been forbidden from approaching the nursery until she had recovered, and Tommy didn’t trust the other maids enough. Which meant that he had been tasked with looking after the kids that Saturday afternoon. They were his children so it should be easy enough, no?
The first problem arose five minutes after mom set foot out the door. Their eldest son, David, demanded to know the whereabouts of his toy horse. Because none of the other eleven horses neatly stacked in the shelves of his nursery would do, he wanted the one with a missing ear and almost no tail hair left. None of the maids had seen it, and no matter how many beds and sofas Tommy looked under, the toy refused to appear. The funny thing with children’s crying is that it appears to be contagious, for the more his son wept, the more his daughter Vera pouted, until she too let the tears spill from her Shelby blue eyes, bawling like a wounded animal for no apparent reason other than her brother’s own sorrow. This in turn made David cry even harder, which got them stuck into an endless cycle of tears and despair. 
It hadn’t even been an hour and Tommy could already feel a vein bulging in his temple. He could withstand many things, but crying had a particular effectiveness in fraying his nerves. So, in a desperate attempt to placate the storm, he put a child under each arm and marched towards the stables like a man on a mission. He knew from a fact that horses always solved everything, and if they didn’t at least the crying wouldn’t sound so loud in the open fields. But just like magic, the second the beautiful brutes came into view, David scrambled out of his father’s grasp and rushed towards the horses. His favourite in particular was an old one who, much like his own battered toy, had a missing chunk off one ear and virtually no tail nor crin left. His wife had saved that one, having found him abandoned on the side of the road. Tommy suggested putting him out of his misery, but she would have none of it, and she and Curly nursed the equine back to health. He couldn’t trot very well nor reach great distances, but David loved him to pieces, and for that Tommy felt extremely thankful at the moment. 
His joy, however, was short-lived. It is easy to lose track of time outside, and by the time Tommy noticed, Vera had become quite fussy, being way past her usual nap time. Her high pitched wails could arouse the dead, and make the living run for cover; she could be a star of the Royal Opera House one day with that pair of lungs. But for now Tommy wished for nothing more than to soothe her and enjoy five minutes of blessed silence. But he had yet another issue at hand. The stablehands had the day off, and Vera couldn't sleep without her milk bottle and her blanket, but also David could not stay outside alone, but if Tommy took him back inside he would throw a royal sized tantrum. 
He doubted in the soles of his feet, his ear ringing from the deafening wails of his little girl, while his son tried to climb the stable door to get on top of the horse, even if he was still too small to even reach the stirrups. After a few more seconds of hesitation he simply uttered ‘fuck it’ and grabbed David, hauling him under his right arm like a sack of potatoes and carrying him back inside, doing his best to ignore the screaming and kicking. An unfortunately aimed shoe kicked him right under the ribs; the kid definitely had some strength. Now more than ever he admired his wife’s ability to wrestle both kids to bed, and felt a pang of guilt at the countless times he could and should have helped her. 
Thomas marched towards the kitchens with the two howling banshees, startling everyone in his way with the noises, contrasting dramatically with his stony expression. He moved like a man on a mission, seemingly unaware of the chaos surrounding him. He bursted into the kitchen, set both kids down on top of the table, and pulled out the cookie jar from the pantry. Just like magic, David quieted down the second the baked good reached his hands. Meanwhile a warm milk bottle had been prepped, and Vera had fallen asleep halfway through it, slobbering all over her dad’s fancy shirt. David got the privilege of a second cookie to keep him happy while Tommy put his daughter down on her cot, but he had forgotten a little detail; feeding sugar to a toddler was like feeding gunpowder to a cannon. 
Now there was no way to stop the boy, who could run impressively fast for his young age. Now matter how fast he ran, or how long his steps were, Tommy could simply not grab hold of his son. The boy climbed over armchairs, jumped over flowerpots and slid under tables. A porcelain vase they had received for their wedding had already fallen victim to the chase, and Tommy knew he would have to give explanations for it. Just when he thought he finally had David cornered, like a hunter after a long chase, with his clothes in absolute disarray and hair sticking out in every direction, David had the brilliant idea to try and climb the staircase railing. Who knew a little boy could have so much skill? He clambered up a side table, knocking over a chandelier and another vase, and held for dear life onto the staircase railing, his little fingers barely managing to tighten around the smooth wooden bars, and hoisted himself up a couple inches. But the recently polished surface offered little traction, and the toddler inevitably lost his grip and crashed down.
He began crying before he had touched the ground. 
Panic immediately bubbled in the pit of his stomach. He dashed forward, slipping on the fancy Turkish rug and crashing down next to his son. He meticulously inspected every single inch of his body, looking for any injury or sign of internal damage. But it seemed that besides the tears and an already forming lump on the back of his head, his little champ was fine. Tommy sat on the floor, rocking David to soothe him while also trying to calm his own hammering heartbeat. His admiration for his wife and mothers around the world grew with each passing second.
“Oh for fucks’s sake” He could feel the migraine throbbing behind his left eye. 
David had fallen asleep in his dad’s arms, victim of the physical activity and his own pain. Tommy managed to pry his shirt away from the vine grip his son had on it and laid him down to nap on his bed. Silence fell over the house at last. 
For five minutes.
While he occupied his time chasing the devil, Vera had awoken from her nap, happily babbling away at her stuffed animals. But she couldn’t take not being in the centre of attention for long. The maids rushed to her side, but no amount of cooing or soothing would distract her. The cries became so loud Tommy thought his daughter was in great peril. He rushed to the nursery, only to find his little Vee in the arms of a maid, while the other one presented her with different toys and shiny objects to distract her. But all the fuss stopped the second she laid eyes on her dad, her sobs turning into laughter as she made grabby hands at him. Tommy simply could not resist the shine of delight in her eyes.
He dismissed the maids for the evening and sat down on the fluffy rug with his daughter, surrounded by toys and stuffed animals which she showed off to him happily, clumsily stumbling with her chubby legs which had just begun to give her their first steps. Her foot occasionally got stuck into the folds of fabric and caused her to fall, always being saved at the last minute by her dad’s outstretched arm. She remained unbothered and continued to display her vast collection of toys.
“What do you get there sweetie? A teacup? And what do we have here, a teddy bear, poor lad looks worse for wear after being on nap duty for so long. And that’s an - oh fuck” Vee tripped and dived head first into the floor, being stopped and pushed back by Tommy’s quick reflexes. The girl sat still for a moment, wide eyes staring straight at her dad, before her lips parted into a joyous smile “Fuck”
His heart skipped at least three beats. Torn between the utmost joy of hearing a child’s first word, and the sheer panic of said first word being fuck. She was his child, of course her first word would be something of the sorts, but he could be sure his wife wouldn’t be too happy about it and would have his head on a platter for it. He immediately tried to clean up his mistake
“No baby, no fu- no that word, daddy said…he said..erm…duck, can you say duck?” He tried to repeat the word several times very slowly, hoping to reroute her towards that path and dodge the bullet, but Vera would have none of it.
“Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck” The child was delighted at her newfound voice, bobbing up and down and clapping her little hands with each repetition of the word. Even if it sounded strange in her toddler dialect, with the final sound being more like a G, it was still clearly understandable. Oh, nothing like having an eleven month old girl cussing out all day long, following in the steps of her family. 
Tommy tried every single thing he could think of. From repeating several other words a thousand times, to reading her books, playing songs, even trying to maintain full worded conversations with her just to distract her attention. But it seemed to be causing quite the opposite effect. The more he spoke to her, the more she talked back, but all she continued to say was that word. He had already begun to pull on his hair, trying to figure out how to clean up this mess in just the 2 hours he had before his wife returned home. Maybe he could convince her that he had just taught Vera a Roma word…or he could take the next steamboat to America and disappear for a little while. 
In the end, he had to dig out his last resort. He took Vera outside to the stables, let her run freely in the gardens, played with her every toy, danced with her, let her chase after David, all in hopes of wearing her out enough that she’d be fast asleep before mommy arrived, and hopefully she would have forgotten how to talk by the following morning. And it worked. After dinner and bathtime, not only was Vera fast asleep, but David was tucked in and dozed off as well. Somehow he had pulled through.
At half past ten, he had perched himself in front of his desk, with whiskey on his hand and a cigarette on his lips, catching up with all the work he had ignored that day. Stacks of paper littered his desk, waiting to be read, signed and either filed or destroyed. But he had virtually no energy left for that. His back had begun to ache, and he found himself fighting to keep his eyes open. Not even pumped full of spirits and nicotine he would be able to survive even an hour of work.
He didn’t look up when he heard the Bentley pull on the driveway, instead straightening his back and placing a pen between his fingers, hoping to achieve a laid back and relaxed posture, as if he had had an easy day. He heard his wife’s heels clicking towards his office, and he cleared his throat, placing a random sheet of paper in front of his eyes. He could almost see her gloved hand turning the handle, and pretended to ignore her as she walked to his side and placed a tender kiss on his cheek. 
“How was your evening?” He leaned back to lock eyes with her, feeling the tickling of some loose hair strands on his neck.
“Good. Lizzie took us to this new pub near the Bull Ring. Of course they didn’t want to serve us, but she pulled out one of your presentation cards” His wife chuckled, the sweet sound like bluebells on his ears. Her arms laced around his neck, her chin lightly posed every his shoulder. “A guy tried to mess with her and she broke his nose with a single punch. I’m not sure they will serve us again.” She chuckled again and slid her hands down her husband’s shoulders softly “I’ll go tuck in the kids and go to bed. See you upstairs in ten?” He nodded and placed a kiss on the back of her hand. She walked off, with Tommy closely watching her elegant figure enveloped in a green velvet coat disappear behind the mahogany door. He smiled to himself, thinking about how he had almost been surpassed by the day but emerged victorious as usual, and now he got the prize of enjoying the night with his beloved. 
Ten minutes later he had gone upstairs, loosening his tie and undoing the buttons of his shirt on the way there. His wife sat in front of her vanity wearing her silk robe,a silver comb in hand, gently undoing some knots in her hair. She seemingly ignored his presence, waiting until he had sat in front of the fireplace to speak
“Vera had woken up”
“Can I ask something?”
He froze for a brief moment, but quickly regained himself “Anything”
She turned to face him, a mixture between anger and amusement in her features 
“Why did our daughter just said fuck to me?”
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starryhyuck · 4 years
dangerous game. (m)
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pairing: dilf!jaehyun x younger!reader
words: 1.9k+
summary: jaehyun is your father’s co-worker, but it’s not your fault that he’s undeniably hot.
genre: smut
warnings: older!jaehyun, younger!reader, car sex, public sex, creampie, breeding kink, mentions of pregnancy
“It’s not like he’s your dad, you know.”
You glare at Sookyung, who’s innocently sipping at her glass of champagne. You pinch her arm and she squeals.
“He could be! He’s just as old as my dad,” you comment, eyes roaming over Jeong Jaehyun’s figure.
He was just recently hired into your father’s corporation and proven himself to be a worthy asset, his dimples charming everyone who comes his way. He’s built up a strong relationship with your parents, bringing over his daughter to hang out with you sometimes. You wonder if he’ll always see you as a kid — a friend of his daughter’s to have play dates with.
Speaking of the devil, Haerim bounces over and smiles at you and Sookyung. Luckily, Haerim got her looks from her mother so you don’t feel so odd when you gaze over at her.
“How are you two doing? I’m kind of bored,” she comments, fingers gripping her own champagne glass.
Sookyung gives you the eye and you know what she’s thinking — you practically sped home from college just to stare at Jaehyun all night, jumping at your father’s invitation as soon as he called.
“We’re doing fine,” Sookyung replies, and you grow wary of her mischievous smile. “How about you and your dad? Any luck with finding him a date?”
Haerim shakes her head. “Nope. He’s probably just not ready to move on yet.”
Sookyung grins. “Maybe he just hasn’t met the right girl.”
You glare at her. Haerim shrugs.
“Yeah, maybe.”
It’s only a few weeks later when you come home for Christmas. Your father greets you at the door and your mother lets you know they have company over. You try to keep your resolve when you see Jaehyun at the table, his smile taking your breath away like it always has.
“Jaehyun’s spending Christmas with us,” your father mentions as you take your seat.
“And Haerim?” You ask, eyes locking with Jaehyun’s.
“At her mother’s for the holidays,” Jaehyun responds, dark eyes gazing at you. You nod, and as soon as you dig into your meal, your father and Jaehyun are chatting it up. “That’s crazy, Doyoung. I couldn’t imagine any of the investors buying that crap.”
Your father laughs and your mother leans over to speak with you.
“I want you to be nice to Jaehyun while he’s here. He’s having a rough time, first holiday after the divorce and everything.”
You smile. “I’ll keep him good company, I promise.”
She pats your cheek. “That’s my girl.”
It’s later in the night when you keep your promise, knocking on the guest room door. You’ve taken Sookyung’s advice and luckily packed all of your best underwear, matching bra and all. You know deep down you shouldn’t get your hopes up, especially since Jaehyun is still learning to live without his wife.
All those thoughts are thrown away, however, when he opens the door. You grin innocently at him.
“I hope you’re enjoying your stay, Mr. Jeong. I was just checking up on you.”
He smirks, leaning against the doorframe. “Is that so? Well, thank you for being such a hospitable host.”
Sookyung’s words bounce around in your head, still lingering when you called her after dinner. Flirt. Remind him you’re very mature for your age. And wear that red thong I bought you for your birthday!
You laugh. “Yes, well, I think my father would be upset if he knew I wasn’t being very friendly.”
He chuckles and nods his head. “We can’t have that, can we?”
“No, we can’t.”
Your gazes lock, and you swear his eyes darken a little. He opens his mouth to say something before you hear footsteps. Your father comes around the corner, smiling and placing his hand on your shoulder.
“I can see you’re treating Jaehyun nicely.”
“She was,” Jaehyun answers. “You raised her well, Doyoung.”
“I hope so,” your father laughs, placing a kiss on your head. “Listen, Jaehyun, we’re going out tomorrow to get all the groceries we need to make Christmas dinner. I was wondering if you would tag along with Y/N to find a suitable tree for the living room.”
Your eyes practically light up, and Jaehyun chuckles.
“I think that would be fine,” he nods, gaze returning to you. “We’ll leave in the morning?”
You smile. “Sounds good.”
Car rides with Jaehyun are more arousing than you expected. You’ve been on edge since you’ve been on the road with him, mainly because you’re unsure of how to make the first move. If he ends up not even liking you in that way, he could definitely tell your father and further humiliate you.
“You’re quiet this morning.”
Your head darts to look over at him, his fingers gripping the steering wheel tightly. “Oh,” you laugh awkwardly. “Just a lot on my mind, I guess.”
“Care to enlighten me?” He hums.
This is a very dangerous game.
“I just- um-“ you pause, trying to comprehend your thoughts. Jaehyun chuckles at your internal struggle. Oh God. What if he just sees me as a kid? I’m wearing this uncomfortable thong and all he sees is his daughter’s little friend-
“I don’t think we can,” he comments, taking you off guard.
You frown. “Don’t think we can what?”
He sighs. “I want to be with you in that way, but your dad-“
Your eyes widen. “Wait wait wait. You like me? I mean, you like me like that?”
He smirks, taking his eyes off of the road for a mere second to glance at you. “Yes, I like you like that. But it’s too complicated. You’re young, and-“
You scoff. “I’m not that young.”
“You’re as young as my daughter,” he reminds you. “And your father and I are good friends. Plus, he has all the power to fire me whenever he wants, and I don’t think I can afford to lose my job right now.”
Sookyung’s voice grows louder in your head. Make him want you. Show him he can’t resist.
Your eyelashes flutter closed, fingers drifting down to your core.
“Y/N, what are you doing?”
You ignore him, one hand slithering into your underwear and stroking your folds gently. You throw your head back and moan. You can feel the car swerve a little.
“Y/N, you shouldn’t be doing this. I’m driving, this is dangerous and I-“
“Touch me, Mr. Jeong,” you beg, opening your eyes to stare directly at him. “Please?”
It isn’t long before he pulls over on the side of the road and leans over the console to press his lips against yours. You whimper when his fingers tug on your hair, exposing your neck to him.
“Such a little slut,” he hisses, lips attaching to your neck and sucking gently. “We could’ve gotten into an accident.”
“But we didn’t,” you remind him, guiding his hand to your core. “Can you fuck me now?”
He growls. “Filthy little mouth. Does your dad know you talk this way?”
You shake your head. “No, daddy wouldn’t like that.”
He curses lowly and you know you’ve got him. He pushes the seat all the way back and climbs until he’s hovering over you, tongue desperately exploring the expanse of your mouth. He replaces your fingers with his, digits slowly playing with your folds before sliding two into your waiting hole. You whine into the kiss and he pauses briefly.
“You’re not a-“
“Virgin?” You raise an eyebrow. “No. But don’t tell daddy.”
He growls, attacking you once again and curling his fingers upwards. You’re both lucky he’s pulled over to an abandoned part of the town, and his tinted windows giving you even further security.
“We have to be quick, baby,” he whispers breathlessly. “Still have to bring a tree home.”
The clothes come off quickly after that, your hands gripping Jaehyun’s shirt and flinging it over your shoulder. He laughs at your eagerness, palming at your breast and kissing your mound.
“Such a pretty body,” he murmurs, lips darting over your nipple. You moan and arch your back.
“Yeah? Prettier than your ex-wife’s?”
He smirks. “Prettier. Younger. Hotter.”
You whimper when he throws your dress to the side, fingers dancing over your choice of underwear.
“Isn’t that pretty? You wear that for me, sweet girl?”
You giggle. “Only for you, daddy.”
He flips you over, smacking your ass along the way. You enjoy the way he manhandles you, pulling your hair back and tugging it harshly.
“Is this how you like it? Exposed like a whore for anyone to see? What would your parents say if they saw you like this?”
“What would your daughter say if she saw you about to fuck a girl the same age as her?” You counter.
He smiles. “She wouldn’t like it, that’s for sure.”
You feel his tip prod your entrance and you moan, gripping the headrest of the passenger seat. Jaehyun kisses your shoulders, cupping your breasts and sliding into you.
You cry at the stretch, feeling every ridge and vein of his cock as he enters you. He’s thick. And huge. Definitely the biggest you’ve ever taken.
He curses in your ear. “Fuck, baby. Your pussy’s so fucking tight.”
“Never-“ you gasp, catching your breath when he sinks deeper and deeper. “Never had someone this big, daddy.”
You both groan when he bottoms out, lips parting at the pleasure you’re receiving. You feel so full, and Jaehyun’s cock is like a fever dream.
“Jaehyun, please,” you beg, aching for him to move.
He follows your order, grabbing your hips and snapping into you. You moan loudly, the sound of his hips connecting with your thighs echoing throughout the vehicle. He feels so perfect inside of you and you blubber his name over and over again.
You imagine how sinful you both look, with Jaehyun fucking you desperately in the passenger seat of his car, where Haerim probably sat when he used to drive her to school everyday. You whimper at the thought as Jaehyun drills into you, panting in your ear.
“Feels so good, baby,” he praises you. “Wanna fuck you all day.”
“Will you?” You ask, whining when he nudges against your sweet spot. “Will you fuck me when we get back home?”
“If you can stay quiet,” he chuckles and you giggle with him. He groans when you clench around him. “You going to cum for me, baby? Show me how much you want it, sweet girl.”
You fall apart around him, squeezing his cock for dear life as you orgasm. You’re completely spent but Jaehyun still plows into you, chasing his high. You prod him a little.
“Please, daddy. Want to feel you cum inside me.”
“Yeah?” He grunts, his voice dropping an octave. “Are you on the pill?”
The beat of silence is deafening. “What if I wasn’t?”
He groans. “Don’t mess with me, baby. I’m going to explode.”
“Wouldn’t you like to see that? Your cum dripping down my thighs at dinner, trying not to let my dad see? What if he found out I was pregnant? What would he do then?”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Jaehyun hisses. “Baby, I can’t. I’m going to cum.”
“Knock me up, Jae,” you giggle, pushing back against him. “Show everyone how filthy you are, getting a girl half your age pregnant with your child. What would Haerim think?”
He pushes deep inside you and cries out, shooting ribbons into your waiting womb. You smile deviously, pushing further back onto him so none of his cum would spill out. He’s still cumming after a minute, and his warmth fills your stomach.
You grin. “Had a lot to give me, didn’t you?”
He growls and leans down, nipping at your ear.
“I’m getting you pregnant while I’m here, you little minx.”
“Looking forward to it.”
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