#and alice married frank and had neville
jupitersrising · 8 months
TMA and tmagp and the marauders have made me realize that my type is just Alice and their genius girlfriends.
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Do you think Neville was planned?
Was Harry a surprise?
Yeah and yes!
From the timeline/what we are told about these characters parents, James and Lily were incredibly young, while Alice and Frank were older and at least established in the Aurors.
James and Lily died at 21 with a 15/16 month old baby. They basically got married right out of Hogwarts at 18/19 and then bam! Lily is pregnant with Harry??? That is not on purpose, no way is that not an accident. The films did us so dirty by aging up all of the Marauders just to have Alan Rickman (RIP) be Snape🤮 It would’ve been so much more impactful to have James and Lily be fresh faced 20yo children, like they are barely older than Harry when he walks into the forest in DH and it would’ve been so shocking. The biggest tragedy about James and Lily is not their death, it’s their youth in death. 21 is so young, and no 21yo fighting in a war is thinking about having children, even if they are married. Having Harry was such a choice for James and Lily, and it was because they had hope that the war would end soon and they could have more than what the last few years their lives ended up being. They died in hiding, trusting a friend they shouldn’t have, and getting news through coded letters. James and Lily did not plan Harry, he was their best mistake.
Alice and Frank planned Neville! This is something I’ve always stood by because we know they were older. It takes 3 years of training to become an Auror, and when we hear about the Longbottoms they are known and established in the community, that means they either made some big arrests when they first came into the department OR they had been there for a while. The idea that the Order was literally the Marauders and some of their friends is fucking stupid. The Order was made up of many different people of VARIOUS AGES (I’m so sick and tired of this idea that everyone was close in age in the Order). Just because we know a little more about the younger members of both Orders doesn’t mean all of the Orders were young. That being said, Frank and Alice, at their youngest would’ve been 27/28 when they got pregnant with Neville. They were established and in a loving relationship, they were older and married, and while it may have seemed stupid to try and have a baby, they were friends with people who were actively having children. They would’ve know Arthur, they knew Edgar Bones and his young family, they would see James and Lily struggle to decide to have Harry. Neville was planned, or at least a more happy accident than Harry ever was.
But both of these boys, no matter how you want to argue it, were so loved and welcomed by their parents. Accident or not, planned or not, Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom were born a day apart and grew up to be friends despite the consequences of putting them together, McGonagall couldn’t have been more proud of them.
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maluceh · 2 months
Hello!! I just wanted to say that I love your art so much, everything feels so warm and comforting to look at!! Your Jily specifically is so beautiful & I love the way you draw wolfstar as well ❤️ I know you've been getting negative messages but I would personally love to hear more about your marauders as parents au!!
For my 80s AU (1986-88), originally it was only Harry being raised by a big family (full of uncles and aunts and ofc his parents). But then I thought he would make a GREAT older brother, but I honestly didn't see him having any brothers. I think it's important for his character to be the only boy, and as the eldest daugther with brothers I found it natural to give him 2 younger sisters.
Some points
Marlene and Sirius are Harry's godparents; James and Lily are the godparents of Ziggy; and Peter and Dorcas are Callie's godparents. (NOTE: people don't need to be married to be godparents of a child, so I am IN NO WAY shipping Dorcas and Peter lol).
Remus and Sirius adopted the girls. One of them (Ziggy), has licanthropy and people wouldn't adopt them fearing the both of them had it. Their names are Sigrid (Ziggy for short cause they are huge nerds), and Calliope (Callie). I agree with Wolfstar not actively seeking being parents or starting a family, I see it more as if it came to them by accident and they just wanted to give them a home cause Remus understands it better than anyone, and wanted to give them a safe space.
James and Lily went on to have two other kids, both girls. Josie and Kate.
Mary and Remus are Josie's godparents, and Frank and Alice are Kate´s.
Pandora is part of Lily's friendgroup and so is Alice, so they were very excited to raise their kids together. Meaning Luna and Neville are Harry's childhood friends.
I love the hc of Mary being Dean's mum, so her and Emmeline are his moms, trust me.
Dorlene/Peter and Sybill, have still no interest of having kids as the rest of their friends and are happy just being cool aunts/uncle.
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myadmiringmind · 2 years
What’s This? |Remus Lupin
Remus Lupin Masterlist
Word Count: 1.4k
Genre: Fluff | established relationship
Pairing(s): Remus Lupin x Fem!Reader, James x Lily Potter, Marlene McKinnon x Dorcas Meadows, Sirius Black x Male!Unamed!Character, (mentioned) Mary Macdonald x Emmeline Vance, (mentioned) Frank x Alice Longbottom
Summary: You’ve been with Remus since Hogwarts and found out about his furry little secret before the two of you ever got into your romantic relationship. For years you’ve wanted nothing more than to give Remus one gift. This year is finally the year.
Warnings: Remus thinking low of himself (Remus being Remus), mentions of past transformations, cursing, crying (it’s not from something bad)
Characters: The Marauders (all four), Lily, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadows, Sirius’ boyfriend, and 4 year old Harry Potter
Characters Mentioned: Alice and Frank Longbottom, Regulus Black, Pandora Lestrange, Mary Macdonald, Emmeline Vance, 4 year old Neville Longbottom
Voldermort is gone
Peter never betrayed them
They all lived
All characters are in their mid-twenties
Readers mother is a potioneer
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 The Potters were well known amongst their loved ones for their famous Christmas Party. James’ parents, even though aging, continued with their parties, and the lot of you attended every year.
After James and Lily got married they started hosting holiday gatherings as well. It was a bit more of an inner circle than what James’ parents did. But you all looked forward to it every year.
“Hold on..I got this!” James assured us as he struggled to open the box in his hand.
Little Harry laughed at his fathers clear struggle, earning a grin from James. Lily looked at James strangely.
“James,” Lily plucked the box from him, “It’s already opened.” Lily opened the box with ease.
A fit of hysterical laughter filled the room.
You were resting on your boyfriend's legs, listening and joining in on conversation as your head rested on his thighs and your hands were intertwined across your stomach.
“Y’know,” Sirius began, “This reminds me of when we won that quidditch match against Ravenclaw and James got drunk as shit-“
“Sirius!” Multiple voices chastised
“Whoops.” Sirius grinned, not even trying to seem guilty. Sirius was spread across a love seat while his boyfriend sat on the floor in front of him.
“I think it’s time for Harry to go to bed.” James said, rushing towards Harry as if Sirius’ swear word would poison his son.
“Not yet, you know he gets fussy when he goes to bed too soon.” Lily stopped her husband
“Yeah, Jamie,” Marlene jokes, “It’s a holiday, let the kid stay up.”
“You’re only saying that because you’ve never had to deal with a fussy baby.” Dorcas pointed out
Marlene snorted, “Of course I have, I used to have to babysit my siblings when my parents went out. I’ve dealt with plenty of fussy babies.” The blonde corrected her wife.
“Thanks for volunteering to take care of Harry, Marls.” James teased as he gently plopped the four year old in Marlene’s lap.
Marlene’s eyes looked as though they were going to pop out of her head as Harry tried to reach for Marlene’s bottle of beer.
“Uh, love, a little help here.” Marlene begged her wife quietly.
“I thought you were used to fussy babies.” Dorcas teased
“I was, but that was a long time ago!” Marlene shrieked as she tried to keep the bottle of alcohol away from the persistent toddler.
“I’ll take him.” Sirius scooped Harry up from Marlene’s lap, “I’m his godfather, I’m amazing when it comes to these types of things.” He said proudly
“You called us crying because Harry got a paper cut.” Lily deadpanned
“It was a bad paper cut!” Sirius exclaimed
“It did look pretty bad.” James agreed quietly with his brother
Sirius grinned, feeling victorious.
Lily sent James a look, “But you did make it seem like Harry was dying.” James said quietly
Sirius gasped and pointed at Lily, “How dare you turn him against me. I thought we were closer than this, prongs.” Sirius feigned hurt, “Moony, Wormy, back me up here.”
“Leave me out of it.” Remus said
“I’m sure you meant well, Sirius.” Peter said in a slight sarcastic voice
“Thank you, wormy.” Sirius chose to ignore Peter's tone.
“I do not understand how you deal with toddlers all the time, Lils. First, you and James, then Alice and Frank.” Marlene commented
“How is Alice and Frank?” Lily asked, suddenly very curious about one of her closest friends.
Marlene shrugged, “Good. Me and Dorcas went over for dinner earlier this week. Their little mutant clinged to my leg the entire time.” The blonde complained.
“It was sweet, he likes you.” Dorcas teased
“Tell that to the slobber left on my good pants.”
“I'm glad to hear that.” Lily said, “I got a letter from Mary yesterday morning as well.”
“How's our sunshine doin?” Sirius asked
“She and Emmeline are traveling right now…she thinks Emmeline is going to propose!” Lily's excitement was obvious.
“About time.” Sirius spoke up, “How long have they been together? Since third year?”
“Sixth year.” Lily corrected
“You’re next, Moony.” Peter said teasingly
“Yeah, Moony, when are you going to pop the question.” Sirius was only joking. All of them knew why Remus hadn’t proposed.
“Just be patient, pads.” Remus jokes
Sirius snorted, “You sound like my little brother. Though he and his blonde friend were a thing, then I found out he’s seeing some muggle from France.”
“Regulus?” Peter questioned
Sirius nodded, “The boys a blonde and everything.” Sirius looked towards Marlene, jokingly.
“Must be hot then.” Marlene jokes.
Remus had already changed into his pajamas and climbed into bed. He was only waiting for you to come to bed so he could fall asleep.
Meanwhile, you paced in the living room of your shared cottage. You sent occasional glances towards the basket that held the vials of potion your mom had produced for you.
“Love?” Remus called from the stairs
“In here!” You called back, you shuffled your feet in nervousness.
What if he didn’t like it? What if he thought you were trying to fix him? What if it doesn’t work?
Remus peeked his head in the doorway and smiled at you, making your heart melt in love.
“What’cha doin? It’s late.” He walked towards you and stiffened when he saw your uncomfortable posture.
“A-are you okay?” He asked worriedly
You managed a small smile and stepped towards him, straight into his arms and rubbed his back. Mostly to calm yourself.
“I have a present for you.” You whispered
Remus hummed in confusion, he hadn’t heard you, you realize.
“I have a present for you.” You said louder, pulling back from his chest but keeping his arms around his waist as his arms stayed around your shoulders.
His brows furrowed, “Okay?”
You sighed, stepping back and walking towards the basket, “Sit down.” You said
You heard shuffling and the creak of your chair.
Gently, you pulled a single vial from the basket and walked over to him. Without making eye contact you sank to your knees beside him.
He eyed your figure and chuckled nervously, “You’re freaking me out a bit..”
You sighed regretfully, “it’s nothing bad. I promise. It’s just..I’m worried you might not..like it?” You said for lack of better word
Remus smiled softly and squeezed your hand, resting on his thigh reassuringly, “Whatever it is, I’m sure I will love it.”
You smiled back and handed him the vial of potion.
His face contorted back to one of confusion.
“Look at the label.” You said quietly, scanning his face for his reaction.
You watched him turn the bottle over and read the label. Once…twice..three times.
“Is this..” he said with a disbelieving tone
“It’s Wolfsbane. I’ve got plenty of more in the basket over there.” You motioned towards the basket, “My mom made it so it should work perfectly.”
His face didn’t change.
“Rem..” you said in an anxious voice.
“How..why..?” His voice broke
“I know you’ve read about it in the “Daily Prophet” about a hundred times. I asked my mom..I paid for the ingredients and my mom brewed it. For you.”
Remus took in a shaky breath and looked at you with tear-filled eyes, “You shouldn’t have.” He said, holding back tears.
You sat up and wrapped your arms around his shoulder, “I wanted to. I know how much you’ve wanted this..how much you need this. You deserve every last vile and much more.”
Remus let out a sob and buried his head into your chest.
“Thank you, thank you.” He pulled you into his lap, and buried his face into your neck, “I don’t deserve you.”
You whispered sweet things into his ear as he cried. He only continued to hold you tighter.
When pulled back from your neck you cupped his cheeks and wiped his tears from his face.
He continued to mutter words of gratitude as he pulled you into a kiss. The kiss was full of so much adoration and love, as you knew he was trying to express how grateful he was.
“I love you.” He said
“I know, and I love you too.”
As the two of you went to bed that night, wrapped in each other's arms, there was a new feeling, one that you knew Remus could feel too. It was a new sort of understanding between you and your lover, one that you were sure would last the rest of your lives.
edited on 05/16/2024
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bearswithaxes · 2 months
According to Regulus' wiki page, he has a wife and daughter??
Regulus married Emmeline Vance and had a daughter called Renne? No, just no.
Also sirius, the gayest man in hogwarts marrying the lesbian queen Marlene Mckinnon? Just no, and THIRE CHILDREN HAVING WIKI PAGES?? NO
Mary is also Reg and sirius' half sister?
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They survived the war. They all survived the war. Marlene and Dorcas were together and out of hiding, living in the same house together. Marlene and Dorcas had three kids, Artemis, the oldest, who's a girl, Aries, the middle child, who's a boy, and Jack, the youngest, who's also a boy. James was the donor for all three.
Lily and Pandora are married and have twins, Harry and Lillian Rosier, and their youngest, Lewis Rosier, who's seven years apart from the twins. James was the donor for all three yet again.
James and Regulus are married and also have three kids. Their oldest is Rose, the middle is Leo, and their youngest is Euphemia Potter. Who is named after James' mother and Leo's named after Regulus's constellation. Lily was the surrogate for all three.
Mary and Emmeline are married and only have one kid, Penelope Vance. They live in an apartment, the same one they've had since before Penelope was born. They didn't need a house since they only planned on having one. Their sperm donor was Caradoc Dearborn, a dear friend of Emmeline's.
Alice and Frank married each other and had three kids, Neville Longbottom, Juliana Longbottom, and Nicky Longbottom, who are twins. Alice and Frank tried to make it work, but they just weren't in love with each other anymore. So, when the twins were four and Neville was ten, they had a separation and went their different ways. They have partial custody, Neville, Juliana, and Nicky go to Frank's on the weekends, but they live with Alice.
Frank found Hestia Jones and married her when Neville was fourteen and the twins were eight. Frank was Hestia's first husband and wanted kids. Frank gave her two, the oldest is William, and the youngest is Alexander, Will, and Alex for short. Their two years apart, and William is ten years apart from the twins and sixteen years from Neville.
Alice married Narcissa Black, who also had a previous marriage to Lucius Malfoy and had twins, Lila and Draco Malfoy. When Narcissa left, she took the twins with her and switched their last names to Black as she did to herself. Lucius isn't allowed visitation since Narcissa has full custody. They didn't want any more kids. Five was enough for them to raise.
Sirius and Remus married fairly young but didn't have any kids until they were twenty. They named her Violet Lupin. They had another a year after Violet. They named her Hermione, and their last was five years after Hermione, Teddy. Violet and Hermione's surrogate was a friend of Mary's, who she recommended to them. Monica was very sad to tell them she couldn't carry their third child as she didn't think she could do it, so they went with Sirius's cousins, daughter, Nymphadora Tonks.
Peter and Sybill married, and they had one child and named her Cassandra after one of Sybill's ancestors. Peter didn't argue since Enid, his sister, had taken the name he wanted for his kid.
Of course, Barty and Evan married each other, but what was surprising was they had two boys, Lucas and Nicholas, only two years apart. Everyone was surprised when they announced Emma was going to be their surrogate since they didn't even think they wanted kids.
Emma had fallen in love with Amelia. They soon after married and had two kids, Olivia - the oldest - and Camilia - the youngest. The sperm donor was Regulus as he was a dear friend of both of theirs, which is why they went with him.
Edgar married a girl named Jessica and had two girls, Ava and Aria. Aria being the oldest and Ava the youngest. Ava and Aria loved their cousins, Camilia, Olivia, and Susan. They got together on the daily just to hang out.
Susan lived with Emma and Amelia as her parents died from some kind of deadly flu. Amelia and Edgar were sad for months after their brothers - Anthony's - death. Emma was the one who took care of Susan in those months that Amelia couldn't. Jessica came over when she could with Aria to help, but it just made it worse since they now had to take care of three kids when they were already exhausted. Amelia and Edgar got better and started to become theirselves again, but they never were the same people they were before Anthony's death.
Aurora had married Ophelia and later on in 1980 had a boy named Blaise. His sperm donor is unnamed as they went with a random person on the website. They decided to only have one as he also had "cousins" to play with.
Andromeda had, of course, married her boyfriend of ten years and had two girls, Nymphadora and Nina Tonks. Dora is the oldest and Nina, the youngest.
Bellatrix had married Rodolphus Lestrange and had two kids with him, Mandy and Cara Lestrange. She also had four kids with Tom Riddle, Tom, Mattheo, Aliana, and Delphini Riddle. Her last and final kid was with Charles Berkshire. She named him Lorenzo Berkshire. Tom is the oldest, Aliana and Mattheo are twins which Bellatrix had a year after Tom, Mandy was born five years after the twins, Cara was born a year after Mandy, Delphini was born a year after Cara, and Lorenzo was born nine years after Delphini. Rodolphus had tried to get her to kill her cousins and sisters, but she refused and ran away later that night with her kids. She changed her kid's names to Black as she did to hers and later on remarried Rita Skeeter.
Rita hasn't ever been married as she was in love with someone else who was already married off and had kids. When Rita found out the woman she loved had ran away, she knew exactly where to find her, with her sisters. A few years later, they married, and Rita took Bellatrix's name. They decided that having one more kid just to have one matching Rita's DNA wasn't worth it and decided to have Delphini be the youngest.
Voldemort was defeated by Dorcas, Marlene, Lily, Pandora, Regulus, and James in 1990 when they were all the Potter house. Voldemort had, of course, hit there first as he didn't succeed in killing them the first time. Marlene had answered the door first with her son, Jack, in her arms.
She ran to the sitting room where everyone was sitting and yelled Voldemort is here before grabbing her wand and firing curses at the door before going to get Artemis and Aries to make sure they were safe. James followed behind her, wand in hand, getting his kids to safety. Lily had Lewis in her arms and her wand in her other and followed behind them to get her kids.
Pandora and Dorcas ran upstairs after a big thud and burst in the nursery. James had immediately run out to find Regulus when he didn't come in after. He saw Regulus at the bottom of the stairs laying on the ground, Voldemort hovering over him wand directed at him.
He must have heard James run out because Voldemort snapped his head up to him and fired a curse. James dodgged it. He hears Marlene scream from inside the room before someone comes out of it. James whips his head back to Voldemort just as he fires a curse at Artemis.
"No!" James yelled before hugging Artemis just before the curse hit her. James fell to the ground just as Dorcas came out to grab Artemis. James screamed in pain. It was the Crucio spell.
James hears Voldemort's cynical laugh. It pierced through his body and sent a shiver down his spine. "The great James Potter is going to die from a Crucio? How pathetic. I don't think they should even call you 'great'. I mean, protecting a child? That's how you die? Pathetic, really."
It stops. James can move again. He muscles through the pain and stands up to face him. "You wouldn't protect your children? Oh, that's right. Bellatrix took them. They don't have a father."
He sneers. "Do not talk to me that way! Imperio!"
"No!" James hears Marlene yell. "That's my best friend you mother fucking asshole!" She runs out with her wand. "Crucio!"
He dodges the curse. A death eater behind him hits Marlene with the cruciatus curse. She falls to the ground screaming in pain before passing out.
That must have been what happened to Regulus.
The death eater and Voldemort walk up the steps and stop in front of the nursery. "Stay away from my kids!" Pandora yells.
Voldemort smirks. "Oh, I will." James forcibly walked into the nursery controlled by Voldemort.
Lily and Pandora start breathing heavily and put all their kids behind their back to protect them. Dorcas has a stern face with her kids behind her back. Euphemia, Rose, and Leo are standing off to the side, staring at their aunt, lying on the floor in the hall, and then turn their heads to their father, walking towards them.
"Dad?" Rose says. "What's happening? Where's Papa?"
"Kill them." Voldemort says. "Kill your children."
James's mind flicks back to him at that moment and casts his patronus. The stag finds Voldemort in his mind and kicks him out. James takes back control and spins around and points his wand at Voldemort. "How did you -"
"Never invade a man's mind and make him kill his kids. It never works out well." Pandora, Dorcas, and Lily pull out their wands and point it at Voldemort. Regulus had apparently woken up and is now standing behind them, pointing his at the death eater. Marlene is beside him, pointing it at the other death eater that was there when James turned around. "You're surrounded. You're not getting away this time."
"Crucio!" Regulus yells, sending the death eater to drop to the ground.
"Crucio!" Dorcas's was aimed at the other death eater. That one also falls to the ground in pain.
"Avada kedavra!" Lily says, sending one of the death eaters to its death. Pandora does the other.
Dorcas aims her wand behind Regulus head. "Avada Kedavra." Marlene and Regulus spin around their killing spells going off as they go down the stairs.
"You're followers will be dead soon and soon you will be, too." Voldemort tries to aparate out, but James stop him. "Crucio!"
"You're not getting away this time." Dorcas says.
"You tried to kill us when Harry and Lillian were babies." Pandora says.
"You're not going to have another chance to do that." Lily says, finishing her wife's sentence.
"Crucio!" James yells. Voldemort falls to the floor. "You might have succeeded in killing Anthony, but you left his daughter. You won't get her or anyone else. You'll be dead before that happens."
Regulus and Marlene come back up the steps. "They're all dead."
"Avada Kedavra!" James finally yells, killing Voldemort himself. Hopefully, for the final time.
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allamericanb-tch · 5 months
goblet of fire thoughts !!!
(my first watch as a marauders fan. spoilers obviously.)
writing my thoughts down bc i’m a Talker during movies and my family is not watching with me
barty <3 i’m trying not to lose it rn
this is the skin of a killer bella (i’ve never seen twilight)
lucius’ hair is so luscious
morsmordre is the coolest word ever idec
oooohhh cho chang (i hate her name so much fuck jkr)
isn’t it funny that ron has a crush on fleur and then she married ron’s brother
fred and george my pookies
eeeee moody (barty)
this is an age line 🤓
krumione is so funny to me
lowk do not like ron in this movie
rita! if only this movie had quillkiller
knowing exactly what size a broom cupboard is is important for future writings
“my eyes aren’t glistening with the ghosts of my past”
neville <3
i’m not an owl 🦉🤓😠
ron is so sirius 
i’m a draco girl im so sorry i can’t help myself he’s so fine
moody (barty) is so real i love him 
i never realized how far away the quidditch pitch is from hogwarts
trying to figure out how im gonna write this in the context of the marauders
krum is so
when dumbledore calls barty crouch sr ‘barty’ it messes with me so much
these mini dragons are so cutie
the way harry just destroyed part of the castle
brb memorizing the gryffindor common room layout
harry smiling at cho and then the pumpkin juice falls out of his mouth 😭😭😭
love ginny
mcgonagall teaching dance lessons
fred and george are so sirius and james
i love neville so much i would happily go to the yule ball with him
ew snape boooo 🍅
harry 😭
RON 😭😭😭 “you know how i like it when they walk”
padma and pavarti’s outfits EAT
guys i know hermione’s dress in the book is blue but in the movie it HAS to be pink ok
i used to have a crush on moaning myrtle
love neville
harry turning into a little half mermaid
my dad just walked in and said “that’s the dream” (turning into a half mermaid when you swim)
harry is so james for trying to save everyone
fred and george calling harry “moral fiber”
barty crouch sr and moody (barty) 😧
“evan rosier is dead” 💔
rip frank and alice
“give me a wretched name! BARTY CROUCH…… junior”
barty is so fine ahhhhhh
the way he just flicks his tongue 😭
barty and sirius would’ve been best friends in azkaban
cassandra but it’s harry about his dreams
oh no this is the part where cedric dies
this movie reminds me of the cursed child because of That One Part
“periculum” red sparks remember that
“kill the spare” 💔
rip robert pattinson you will be missed
voldemort’s fetus body getting thrown in the cauldron 😭
why did they have to make wormtail so ugly like
tom riddle was a hottie why’d he have to turn into a snake man
brooo put your dogs away
voldy’s manicure eats lowkey
i forget how small the dark mark is on their arm
death eater outfits are so funky
lucius 😧
lily mention 💔
“i can touch you know” voldy he’s 14
ooooo duel
james ☹️ 
lily ☹️
his eyes really are glistening with the ghosts of his past
“i don’t think i said anything about a graveyard professor”
the trunk is cool
moody (barty) turning to barty We Are So Back
he’s so babygirl
the way barty just escaped azkaban and no one noticed 😭
you can tell dumbledore isn’t straight because he stands like [see picture below]
and it’s over 
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tedwardremus · 4 months
Nena!!! I almost deleted this and pretended not to see it I was so offended you would ask this
Fuck: Frank because a nice strong author who is also a mama’s bot is going to treat you right but also he’s going to know what he’s doing
Marry: Neville because he is my beloved
Kill: omg I hate to say it but I guess it’s Alice
Fuck: Harry because boy had the energy to make it a good time but he has too many issues to make a good husband
Marry: Lily because I mean you’d be an idiot not to. The woman saved the wizarding world. I will wait in her hand and foot
Kill: James, I am so sorry. At least we know he is willing to die for a dirty cause (be marrying his wife)
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starmoonsunseeker · 6 months
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Chapters: 5/? Fandom: House of the Dragon (TV), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death Relationships: Regulus Black/Original Male Character(s), Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen, Regulus Black/James Potter, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Alice Longbottom/Frank Longbottom, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy Characters: James Potter, Sirius Black, Regulus Black, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Andromeda Black Tonks, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans Potter, Marlene McKinnon, Frank Longbottom, Alicent Hightower, Alice Longbottom, Amelia Bones, Amos Diggory, Pandora Lovegood, Luna Lovegood, Xenophilius Lovegood, Barty Crouch Jr., Evan Rosier, Sybill Trelawney, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Lucius Malfoy, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Albus Dumbledore, Pomona Sprout, Filius Flitwick, Horace Slughorn, Minerva McGonagall, Charlus Potter, Dorea Black Potter, Orion Black, Arcturus Black III | Sirius Black's Grandfather, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Walburga Black Additional Tags: Female Regulus Black, Regulus Black is Harry Potter's Parent, Harry Potter is the Heir to the House of Black, Regulus Black Lives, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Magically Powerful Harry Potter, Reincarnation, Time Travel, Regulus Black Raises Harry Potter Summary:
Life and Fate were ever changing, but there was no world where Rhaenyra Targaryen ended up being a bad mother - it was entirely contrary to her maternal nature and her tender heart. So when she was reborn as Regulus Aquila Black without very few memories of her former life and elevated at the status of heir, she had been overjoyed to raise her future children as proper nobles.
Entangled with a steamy love affair with James Potter only to be heartbroken by his betrayal and infidelity, she was then responsible for raising her son by her lonesome while protecting him from the machinations of Voldemort and Dumbledore.
Thankfully, her sweet boy was always ready to be his mother's knight - and time traveling to make sure she married the right man instead of losing seemed like such a small bargain with Death. Hadrian should have known nothing was ever easy.
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Frank August Longbottom
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Frank August Longbottom
Nickname: Frankie
Sexuality: Polysexual
DOB: 20/03/2007
Ethicity: 1/4 English, 1/4 Scottish, 1/2 Samoan
Parents: Neville & Hannah Abbott
Siblings: Alice
Godparents: Luna Lovegood and Dean Thomas
Best friends: Hugo Weasley, Mabel Thomas-Finnegan, Caspar Parkinson, Ethel Winchester
Started Hogwarts: 2018
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Unicorn hair, apple wood, 11 3/4”
Patronus: Salamander
Boggart: complete darkness
Ex curricular: Art
Best subject: Herbology
Worst subject: DADA
Hair: Brown, straight, cut into a bowl cut
Eye colour: Hazel
Build: 5ft 11”, stocky
Favourite music genre: Bluegrass/ Folk/ Country
Favourite artists: Ritchie Mitch & the Coal Miners, Chris Stapleton, Caamp
Favourite songs: White Horse - Chris Stapleton
Health: Social anxiety, Dyslexia
Career: Owns The Leaky Couldron and also a Speakeasy close to Diagon Alley
Future: Frank lives in The Leaky Couldron. He never married and had 2 children with his ex-girlfriend Cleo Mbaye:
•Evan Malik Longbottom (male, b. 2034)
•Jasmine Dija Longbottom (female, b. 2036)
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 11 months
Okay, so Augusta has had shades of being abusive towards Neville (her treatment towards him counts as abuse, right?) i mean it’s definitely not on the dursleys’ level, so with that said, it’s not irredeemable, is it? I mean, she did ease up, even though it came later and only at the heel of neville doing something noteworthy. And do you think she was always like this? Like when she was raising Frank, his father, was she always critical? Do you think, if Frank and Alice hadn’t been tortured and were able to raise Neville, Frank would have the courage to stand up to his mother?
I feel like i went all over the place, im sorry if this seems confusing :/
Yeah I think Augusta abuses Neville phycologically pressuring him to be better and more like his father. That's why I think Augusta was overprotective of Frank. For Augusta, Frank was her precious baby. I don't think she was particularly abusive of Frank, she just wanted to take decisions for him and mold his life for his "own good". Maybe that's some sort of abuse, but yeah she didn't mean harm.
My headcanon is that Frank was supposed to be just like his father when he grew up. And Augusta pressured Frank to do that.
Also my headcanon is that Augusta didn't like Alice at first. She thought she wasn't good enough for her son.
Even though Frank was calm and obedient, he fell for Alice so that caused conflict between him and his mother. Augusta believed it was Alice who was changing him. So she hated her even more.
I think Frank had always been a mommy's boy, obedient and quiet, always accepting his mother's wishes. So his love for Alice made him stand up to his parents for the first time. And it wasn't easy. But he didn't want to leave Alice.
In my head, Frank marries Alice against his parents' will. He becomes an auror to fight in a war. And his parents stopped talking to him for a while.
It wasn't until Neville was born when things started to change. Augusta met her grandchild and immediately loved him. And Augusta was regretful of how she had been acting.
Augusta got closer again but mainly for Neville and still treating Alice poorly. Which still caused fights between mother and son.
After Frank and Alice were tortured, Augusta felt guilty for the way she had acted. And swore to take care of Neville. But she was overprotective and strict with him as well. Always remembering her son.
I think she is not an evil woman, she is just thinks she is doing the best for Neville in Frank's honor. But she is making the same mistakes with him.
That's my opinion. Hope it works for you
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You all know it’s time for headcanons:
Alice would sing while she was pregnant with him, one of her favorite Beatles songs (Something) and it was the song she sang to him as a baby to stop him fussing
He and Harry were playmates the second they were born, and James often joked that Neville was much to big or old to play with Harry
Mad-Eye always had a real soft spot for him and enjoyed how calm and quiet Neville was when he held him
In fact Mad-Eye kept in contact with Augusta to keep up on how Neville was, Augusta was always honest but a bit kinder in her writing
Neville has memories of watching Alice paint and playing in the garden with Frank, even if their slightly faded
He also remembers them dancing in the kitchen, both of them singing purposely off tune to the wireless
The night the DEs came to the house, Frank had quickly pushed him into the hall closet and locked the door, he had heard all of the screaming and torturing
He knew it was all over when he could open the door, Frank’s magic was broken forever
Alice stared at him with blank eyes and never sang or spoke or painted again
Living with his grandparents came with a lot of rules, but his grandfather was a lot more relaxed about them than his grandmother
He could always escape to the garden if he needed too, and often he did despite his gran’s annoyance
After going back for his eighth year, Neville joined the Aurors and was the first to get promoted (along with his partner Susan Bones)
He had started dating Hannah too the first summer after leaving Hogwarts
Becoming an Auror made his gran proud, but once all the DEs were collected, he decided that he was done
He and Hannah got married in a quiet ceremony with just their friends and family, Harry was Best Man and Susan was the Maid of Honor
He accepts a job at Hogwarts and shortly after his twins are born
They named their kids after their parents: Allyson Collette “Ali” Longbottom and Franklin Adam “Frankie” Longbottom
Neither of them take up herbology like he did, but Ali is so talented in Charms and transfiguration, while Frankie is amazing at Potions and flying
Hannah leaves them when the twins start at Hogwarts, but the twins have their friends to help them get over the pain and Neville moves them into his parents old house that next summer
He’s actually happier as a single dad than when he was married to Hannah, and he’s not the only one who’s marriage fell apart
Luna was always his friend, but they grow closer commiserating their failed relationships and one thing leads to another
Their son Augustus is born a few months after his gran passed, he’s named after her though they usually just call him Gus
It’s strange to have a house full of teenagers and a newborn, but it ends up being more helpful than not
Gus ends up taking after Neville and Frank, loving to get his hands in the dirt and making the world a little greener
Neville is quite happy about it
Read: Plants (let’s garden together)
A Neville Longbottom character study that takes us through the war and after
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unwoundcorridors · 6 months
prompt #29: storm
pairing: narcissa/alice word count: 876
❈ written for @sapphicmicrofics ❈
Lightning lit up the pitch black gardens of the manor while thunder nearly shook the floor beneath her feet, rain pounding against the grounds outside. Narcissa didn’t move from the window, though, instead catching her countenance illuminated by the flashes of lightning every few seconds. Lucius was locked away in his private study, working on Ministry matters, and Draco was sleeping in his crib just across the hall from her, his room soundproofed to the storm raging outside.
Her mind drifted at the thought of her son, and her throat tightened at where it landed: another boy, only a month or so younger than her own, without his mother to tend to him. She still remembered the last time she and Alice had met, sequestered in a corner booth in a hole-in-the-wall establishment that lent itself to confidential gatherings. Even so, Narcissa had placed a glamour on her facial features so that everyone but Alice wouldn’t know who she was.
“Don’t tell me you don’t wish our sons could grow up together properly,” Alice had said, hooking one of her pinkie fingers around Narcissa’s on top of the table sitting between them. Alice’s hazel eyes plaintively pierced Narcissa, and she shut her own as Alice’s finger stroked her skin. When she opened them again, she worried her lip as traitorous images of Draco and Neville as playmates entered her mind.
Officially, she and Alice were on different sides of this conflict. Or rather, better put, war. Alice was a bloody Auror, or rather had been before taking an indefinite leave to give birth and tend to her newborn son. Meanwhile, Narcissa was bloody well married to a literal Death Eater. She shouldn’t even meet with Alice at all, yet letters scrambled with magic still passed between the Malfoy and Longbottom homes, and Narcissa had yet to toss any correspondence from Alice into a lit fireplace like she knew she should. Nor had she had the heart or willpower to turn down this particular invite to see Alice in person again.
In a different world, perhaps they could have raised their sons together. Yet would that have been enough to satiate the both of them? To stay married to their husbands and continue an illicit affair? Or at least illicit on Narcissa’s side, as Lucius knew not a thing of her continued interactions with an Order member. Alice had told her that Frank was all for “bringing another Black sister onto the right side of things,” even going so far as being accepting to the reality of an open marriage.
It was a fool’s dream, and Narcissa had finally tugged her pinkie away from Alice and told her as such.
“You and Frank may gallivant around in this fool’s dreamscape as much as you like, but I cannot join you.”
Alice’s face had fallen a little at the biting words, but she’d continued to hold Narcissa’s gaze, asking, “Cannot or will not?”
Unable to hide her grimace completely, Narcissa had turned her head away so quickly that she almost strained a muscle. Hard rain fell onto the cobblestone street outside of the establishment they’d met in, and after masking her emotions, she’d looked back at Alice with a made-up excuse for leaving. Alice, someone who had never even tried to hide her emotions—instead openly choosing to wear them on her sleeve like the almost Gryffindor-Hufflepuff hatstall she’d been—had caught Narcissa’s wrist as she stood from their table, the din of other muffled conversations around them transforming into a muted buzz as Alice got to her feet as well and pulled Narcissa to her, one hand grasping the back of Narcissa’s head, fingers entangled in locks of honeyed blonde.
It was a shock to her system, Alice’s lips on hers for the first time in months. For a moment, Narcissa almost forgot where they were, a whimper bleeding into Alice’s mouth, but as soon and her mind caught up to their surroundings, her fingers stiffened up, curled almost like claws, and she wrenched herself away. She couldn’t—they couldn’t—
“Please don’t,” was all she managed to say before she left. Ran out into the rain to disapparate, more like. Because that’s what she was good at. Running away.
Narcissa’s vision blurred as she stared out of the window of Malfoy Manor unblinkingly. Her fingers ghosted over her bottom lip, recalling the passion that Alice had poured into that last kiss. A tiny whimper, not unlike the one that she’d vocalised at that establishment months ago, escaped her, and she wondered if she’d ever cease to associate rain with fleeing from the only woman she had ever once seen a future with.
Gallivanting around in a fool’s dreamscape… Narcissa laughed, a hollow and forlorn sound. She had denied the truth of the matter for too long: she had, in fact, always been a fool when it came to Alice Longbottom, née Fawley. She would simply need to learn to completely shut it all away, because in this new world—a world in which the Potters’ son had recently vanquished the Dark Lord, a world in which Alice and Frank were tortured into insanity by a group of Death Eaters including her sister—such foolishness had no place.
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bellwood-qudditch · 1 year
Alice Longbottom headcanons
•Her maiden name is Fortescue
•She has a half sister named Abigail
•She’s a first generation PureBlood
•She had a Ragdoll cat named Jiggles from her first year of Hogwarts until Neville was born
•Alice worked as an Auror before she was tortured into insanity
•She always smelt like Vanilla
•Her and Frank have been dating since Fourth year and only broke up shortly twice before they got married
•Her favourite subject whilst at Hogwarts was Charms
•She was very much a theatre kid growing up
•Her and Frank ended up getting eloped rather then a big wedding because due to the war they didn’t want to wait any longer
•She was almost named Isabelle but her dad didn’t like that name
•She use to love having gum and was constantly asking her friends for gum
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kissofchrysantheum · 2 years
Frank and Alice Longbottom Headcannons
Alice Longbottom
Alice is a nickname for Adalheidis
Born on June 21st 1960
Between 5 and 5’2
Has heterochromia (one blue one violet eye)
Has fiery curly red hair with white strands throughout (it kind of like how Rhaenys Targaryen was suppose to look and is depicted in Panagiota Mylona’s fan art)
Lots of freckles
Is either a metamorphamgaus or a parseltounge (her dad is a metamorpmagus and her Mum is a parselmouth I do not know whose genetics would win.)
Her parents were best friends and she is the result of a one night stand
Has a large family including half and step siblings
Her mother, a Prewett married Florian Fortescue while her father a Griffiths married a Bulstrode. Both raised Alice as if she was there own.
Likes Floriograohy
Played Quiditch
Great at herbology
Was a hat stall between Gryffindor (where her brothers were) and Slytherin eventually Gryfindor won out because she wanted to be with Frank and she threaten the sorting hat saying that she would have her one of brothers set it on fire
Is childhood friends with Frank
In Lily and the Marauaders year (I know this is unlikely but I like it all we know was she was a respected Auror by the time she was tortured which was likely between 1984 and 1986 not in 1981 giving Alice plenty of time to be a respected Auror by the time she was tortured. It was a war which would give her more opportunities to prove herself and who knows with the ongoing war the Auror training that takes three years may have been cut back to get more Aurors out there.)
Augusta really dislikes her and only puts up with Alice because Frank threatened to go no contact
Had two abortions one on 1975 and the other iin early 1978, she also had a pregnancy scare in 1976 and a miscarriage in early 1979 before she got pregnant with Neville (her and Frank were kind of careless and according to statistics Nearly 1 in 5 births to teens, ages 15–19, are repeat births. Most (86%) are 2nd births Some teens are giving birth to a 3rd (13% of repeat births) or 4th up to 6th child (2% of repeat births) and About 1 in 5 sexually active teen mothers use the most effective types of birth control after they have given birth.)
Started dating Frank in 1974
Married Frank as soon as she could after graduation
Neville was an entirely planned baby. Frank and Alice wanted something permanent,a part of each other in case one of them did not survive the war.
Was mentored by Alastair Moody who was also her Uncle through marriage
Her father and many of her brothers were also Aurors.
Alice was generally liked but girls were jealous of her relationship with Frank which resulted in her being bullied
Was plump or Plus sized
Had insecurities about how she looked and would require lots of reassurance from Frank which he did not mind giving (he was an extremely understanding and caring boyfriend
Her insecurities were partly the result of her mother fat shaming her and favouring her stepsister
Her patronus was a Phoenix
Frank would call her Ace, Aces, Gem, Pearl, Flower, Al or Ali
Wore heels a lot due to her height difference from Frank
Stole his Quiditch jumpers all the time
Rarely wore her own clothes
Would steal food off Frank plate constantly
Besties with Pandora, Xenopholius, Edgar and Caradoc
Was also friends with Marlene, Lily, Emmeline, Dorcas, Sirius, James, Remus, Sybil, Ethan MacDogoual, Peter and others
Was friendly enough with Regulus although she mainly put up with him for Pandora’s sake
She and Marlene were co-godmothers to Harry ( I like either Marlene or Alice being his godmother and as I can not choose they are co godmothers. Harry has three godparents deal with it)
Despite being younger she was like the big sister Lily wished she had
Swears like a sailor to the point that Neville’s first word was b*tch
Was a bastard (she was legitimised after her seventh birthday)
Frank Longbottom
Frank’s full name is Francis Castor Joseph Kristopher Elroy Algernon Longbottom
His parents are Augusta and Elroy Longbottom
Mixed race (Augusta is black, Elroy is white)
Born January 17th 1957
Between 6’5 and 6’9 (I imagine the Longbottoms as really tall)
Heir to house Longbottom
Had an older brother who died at seventeen leading to Frank becoming heir at fourteen
Had four older sisters, one older brother, three younger brother, two younger sisters (one was stillborn)
Siblings names are in order Berniece, Cerenna, Deirdre, Emphyria, Aldous,(Frank) Genesis, Genavene, Hendrix, Isaias, and Jaqueline
Was in Gryfinndor
Adored Alice
He and Alice were in a secret relationship for almost two years because it made Alice more comfortable but all here wanted to do was tell people she was his girlfriend
Played Quiditch
Was Headboy and Quiditch captain
Asked Alice out dozens of times before she said yes despite her liking him as well. He later learnt that she though Frank had been joking all those times as she could never believe that a guy like him would want to be more than friends with a girl like her
Proposed 3 times before Alice said yes
Had two wedding ceremonies one with just him and Alice (and witnesses) and a big wedding with all there friends and family. The small ceremony was there favourite.
Followed in his father’s footsteps and became an Auror
Is not as gifted at herbology as Alice but likes it nonetheless
Quite popular
His weakness is Alice
He is cool and collected while Alice is hothead and temperamental
The only time he lost his cool was when someone dared to insult or make Alice uncomfortable (protective BFF/husband)
Pretended to act like he was annoyed by Alice stealing his clothes and food but he actually loved it
Alice calls him Frankie and she is the only one allowed to
Is quite confident unless he is with Alice then he gets nervous
Brought Alice breakfast in bed whenever he could when she was pregnant
Went no contact with his parents (his mother in particular) after Alice had been insulted one too many times. He told his mother and sisters if they could not be civil with Alice then to not talk to him until they could. Alice always came first.
Was there for both of Alice’s abortions and never blame her nor left her side. He wanted the children but he respected her decision he loves her and never resents her for not being ready to be a mum.
Frank did more housework then Alice
Every night he went home to Alice he would always keep her close in bed reassuring himself she was there and she was fine.
Older brother figure to the Marauders
Would often have to stop Alice from ending up in a fight
Other Headcannons
They were never tortured to insanity (who am I kidding that is canon. I take no arguments on this)
They both wanted a large family.
They had a large family. At least six kids excluding Neville. The only reason they slowed down was Alice’s health
Both rose through the ranks in the Auror Office
Alice became Head Auror
Frank became the Deputy head of the DMLE
Were members of the second order
Their family survived both wars
Took family picnics often
Gardened as a family
Cooked as a family
Had two wedding ceremonies one just for them (they eloped) the second was for family. No one beside the officiant and witnesses are aware of the elopement
Both of them saw through Dumbledore
Both Longbottoms had tattoos and piercings
Were partners at work and at home. They were known as the gamblers in the Auror office because they always took risks.
Frank and Alice rarely fought
Frank would often tease about how short she was and she would often call Frank an insufferable giant
Alice and Frank are magical soulmates (I take no criticism on this) and it is one of the reason Augusta eventually put up with Alice as she and Elroy were soulmates as well
Frank and Alice are very much in love, like extremely, they are head over heels for each other but they are also kick arse Aurors( there is absolutely NO CHEATING. I have read far to many fics for my liking that have one of Fralice cheating on the other. Give them any other storyline if you really want them to break up for a while in your fic before getting back together use one of Fralice’s parents hating their partner or they grow apart or they are a very different person around others or they break up after an abortion or if you really want to have a cheating storyline involving Fralice maybe that is how Fralice gets together by one or both of them cheating on their partner and the fall out of that. I absolutely hate the Fralice trope come up with something original cheating is not the only way to make them interesting.
Frank and Alice will sometimes use muggle fighting techniques on Death Eaters when they are bored
Did it like rabbits
Always touching each other (not always sexually it could be hugging, holding hands, a hand around the waist, head on shoulder)
Had a surprise baby at 40 (Alice) and 44 (Frank)
Most of their babies were unplanned but welcomed surprises (Frank is a little forgetful on the potion and charm side of things and Alice is so busy she doesn’t notice either.) eventually Frank had a vasectomy (or the wizard if counterpart) it worked for several years but then it reversed itself and we’ll surprise baby
Alice was pissed when she found out she was pregnant at forty and Frank slept on the couch for at least a week
Had most of their babies young so while the children were off at Hogwarts they could travel (it worked for the first few years before the surprise baby out there plans on hold)
Augusta did not like the fact that the women suceeding her as Lady Longbottom was a legitimatimized bastard but what she hated more was the fact her son dated Alice while she was a bastard. Augusta tolerated his friendship with the bastard (Alice) only because she came along with her family and they would not leave her home
Frank gave Alice hair combs and eventually began to make them so Alice has a large collection
The hair comb Headcannons was inspired by the fic And Then My Heart (With Pleasure Fills) by dehydrated_thot on Ao3 it is a Fem Neville Longbottom X Harry Potter (they are godsiblings) and Harry gives Niamh (fem neville) hair comb
I love Fralice so here are a few of my favourite fics with them in it
Just the two of us by dancerchic16 on Wattpad & Ao3 (incomplete but I love it) they are the main focus
Waterloo by auroraleigh1856 (ongoing but Fralice is a nice side pairing and I love it) Waterloo is a muggle Au and the main pairing is Jily it is currently in Frank.net
Armada by auroraleigh1856 (essentially a forbidden love take on Fralice with no Voldemort. It is a long shot) It is on both Ao3 and ff.net
Marauders: Growing up by Loadsofrandomness (Fralice is a side pairing) covers year 1-5 of Hogwarts
Marauders: Fighting back by Loadsofrandomness (sequel to Marauders: growing up) covers sixth year till October 1980 (it is completed and is the second in Loadofrandomness’ Marauders series the author is currently writing the 3rd instalment and has several more planned 7 in total last time I checked their page on ff.net) the stories are on both ff.net and Ao3
Amateurs at war by Natalie.Ana on both ff.net and a03 (the fic is currently incomplete and I do not know if the author is going to continue it but it is a great fic
The bonds we trust by rocks-my-socks on ff.net (Au where the Longbottoms are not tortured, take in Harry, Frank proves Sirius innocence and there are hints of wolf star in the last few chapters)
Only the Good Die Young by intothewilder& pinkpeppermintpatties on a03 (Fralice is a sidepairing
The Marauders by SilverThestral on ao3 (Fralice is a side pairing)
Of Arrogant Toerags and Rabid Redheads by messengeroflove on ao3 (Fralice is a side pairing)
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Obituary of Alice Longbottom
Remembering Alice Longbottom.
Alice Longbottom (née Fortescue), a former auror and long-term patient in the Janus Thickey Ward at St Mungo's, passed away in the early hours of 16th August 2027 at the age of 67.
Alice is survived by her husband, Frank; her only son, Neville; daughter-in-law, Hannah; and her two grandchildren, Alice II and Frank II.
Born 14th May 1960, Alice Fortescue was the only child and daughter of Ivan and Anne Fortescue. She grew up in London with her parents. She started attending Hogwarts in 1971 and was sorted into Gryffindor. During this time, she met her future husband, Frank, as well as many she would later fight with in the First Wizarding War. She graduated in 1978 and became an Auror, where she was well-respected in her field. She and Frank married in 1975. In 1980, they had their first and only son, Neville.
During the first rise of Voldemort and his Death Eaters, Alice was responsible for the capture, arrest and imprisonment of more than two dozen Death Eaters, earning their wrath. Alongside her husband, she joined the Order of the Phoenix to fight against the Dark Lord, who they defied directly three times. They angered many Death Eaters, including Bellatrix Lestrange and her husband and brother-in-law, Rodolphus and Rabastan. They, alongside Bartemius Crouch Jr., captured and tortured Alice and Frank with an unforgivable curse to the point of permanent incapacitation.
Following the attack, the couple became long-term residents of the Janus Thickey Ward where they were beloved by the staff and frequently visited by their son; Augusta Longbottom, Alice's late mother-in-law; and later their grandchildren. Both Alice and Frank were targeted in the recent attack on St Mungo's and were left in critical condition and comatose. Alice's heart stopped in the early hours of this morning and she was declared dead at 6:17am. Frank remains comatose.
Alice's life inspired many, including her son who became an important figure in the Second Wizarding War, and her grandchildren, who are now both Aurors like their namesakes. She is remembered by her friends and loved ones as kind, passionate and a fierce fighter.
A funeral service will be held on Friday, 20th August on Hogwarts grounds. Flowers and condolences may be sent to the residence of Neville and Hannah Longbottom. They are also asking that people pay their respects by donating to the Janus Thickey Ward to help the healers continue to support the long-term patients.
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