#and also in a slight mood at that due to reasons
icantalk710 · 7 months
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Worked from home-home today (and had to quickly run back to my apartment two hours in to grab my work laptop's charger i forgot 🙃) ☕
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ethereal-night-fairy · 3 months
Hi this is my first time doing this, I love your Christmas series, I thought of this idea yesterday- pre poly Task force 141 × reader where Ghost, Price and Gaz come to base late at night from a mission while reader and Soap are asleep, they come to base and see reader walking to Soaps room groggy with a pillow, and when asked, they say that Soap snores too loud so they will hit him with the pillow to shut him up.( maybe add a little reaction to them seeing reader wearing shorts and a tank top)
Thank you for sending in this ask. It's such a cute idea!! I hope you like what I wrote.
(Oh btw my blog can be quite dark with my other series, it would be much appreciated if you had 18+ or age in your bio so I know not to block you accidentally)
Pre poly 141 x GN Reader
Warnings: MDNI fluff, slight ideation to murder soap in his sleep, jealous Gaz, 141 ogling reader in sleep wear nothing too explicit though, sorry if I missed any.
Poly Masterlist
Words: 1.5k
The rumble of the engine finally came to a stop. Price, Ghost and Gaz just arrived back on base after an excruciating intel mission. At least it was successful and with minimal injuries. They just needed to shower and decompress for a while in order to recover. Obviously no one was looking forward to the debrief the next morning, it meant they couldn't sleep in. They all file out of the humvee groaning out their grievances to the chilly night air, their breaths condensing into clouds due to the cold.
Price's muscles were killing him after that nasty fall from the second story. But he had wiped their servers of all the information they needed. Which he was happy about. He stretches and groans, hearing his joints pop from sitting in one position too long. He rolls his arms trying to get the knot out of his shoulders, while the other two do the same. They walk the hallways in silence hoping to get to their respective beds as soon as possible. It looked like no one was in the mood to share tonight for obvious reasons.
“It's so unfair that Soap got to spend the last three days with them while we were busting our asses off”, Gaz groaned. He was the most annoyed by the mission arrangement. Especially since he was only just getting closer to you after your near-death experience. He was becoming more and more infatuated with you by the day. So much so that petty arguments were breaking out when one of the other boys spent too much time near you for Gaz's liking. He didn't complain as long as he was paired with you for almost everything.
“You know it's not like that, they were also working whilst we were away. He's probably driving them mad anyway. You know they have a special place for you in their heart”, Price countered. Soap and you were left on base since you two were gathering intel for an upcoming mission. It required a lot of attention so it was decided that you and Soap would stay behind to work on it.
“Obviously I'm their favourite…why wouldn't I be?…I treat them the best..”, Gaz continues to grumble quietly to himself. The other two men can't help but chuckle to themselves. He needed to learn how to share better. Eventually they turn the corner to their private barracks only to find you standing in front of Soaps door in the darkly lit hallway. It was jarring at first since they weren't expecting anyone awake at this time. You almost gave them a heart attack just standing there menacingly. You resemble the ghost with the way your hair was messed up and your clothes were rumpled. Were you sleep walking?
You hadn't noticed them yet, too occupied with staring daggers into Soap’s door while clutching a pillow to your chest. You looked groggy and had your lips situated in an angry pout. Everyone stood not knowing what to do. Price read somewhere you weren't supposed to wake someone who sleepwalks, that it was better to gently get them back into bed. But you looked like you wanted to murder someone. Just as Price is about to move to gently get to you a horrible sound rings out throughout the hallway. A sound akin to jammed chainsaw. A sound that was unmistakably Soaps loud snoring.
“I'm going murder him!”, you shout out, stomping your feet. The men flinch slightly at your outburst but it was a funny sight. Definitely welcomed after their exhausting mission, they try hard to keep their laughter contained.
“Who are ya plannin on murderin?”, you yelp and turn towards Ghosts deep manchester accent, hastily hiding your would be murder weapon behind your back. In doing so your chest gets pushed out slightly highlighting your tight tank top with your equally tight short shorts. The fabric clinged to your figure giving the men quite a nice eyeful as you fumble with your words.
“Y-your back, so soon? W-we were expecting you tomorrow morning. Me? I-I wasn't doing anything. I was just going to have a friendly?..yeah friendly chat with Soap. I-I wasn't going to suffocate him promise!…though I could..I definitely could…b-but I wasn't going to do it..promise..m-maybe just smack him a little that's all. I haven't been able to sleep since you guys left…”
They watch you with amusement as you stutter, getting all your excuses out while the men try to hold their laughter in. Obviously they knew you wouldn't harm him seriously, you probably just wanted to hit him with the pillow to get him to shut up so you could sleep. Such an adorable thing you were with your pillow now clutched to your chest as you mumbles your frustration into it. It was a shame the pillow hid all the things they wanted to see but that was ok, they knew this wasn't going to be the only time they saw you in your sleepwear. Especially since they were growing closer to you. But that didn't change the fact everyone needed sleep right now including you. You looked ready to topple over.
Gaz is the first to move as he laughs openly at your antics. He envelops you in a bear hug while trying to get you out of your sour mood. “Come sleep in my bed. I'll put some white noise on so you can't hear him, I'll even make you some tea so you can settle down”, you whine in his hold telling him you've already tried that. Ghost walks by petting your head suggesting wearing ear plugs but you just shake your head into the pillow as you hear him enter his room bidding everyone goodnight. Another earth shaking snore rings out from Soaps room making you groan out in frustration. None of the other men minded Soaps snoring since they were so used to it. They also had their own methods of dealing with the noise. Ghost wore ear plugs but didn't mind the noise most days. Gaz used white noise and the captain was fortunate enough to have his room further away beside his office for easy access.
“Come sleep in my bed tonight sweetheart, you won't be able to hear him there”, Gaz lets you go to pout angrily at his Captain and lover. Price just smirks at him, it was fair game when it came to you. No rules or boundaries were established yet. He'll have to make it up to him later.
“Really? Is that ok captain…?”, you look at him hopefully with your droopy eyes.
“Of course..I need my soldiers in tip top shape. Run along now make yourself comfortable while I chat with Gaz”, you do exactly that after saying goodnight, probably extremely relieved you wouldn't lose another night of sleep. Gaz continues pouting as Price kisses him goodnight.
“Better luck next time love”, Price chuckles to himself as he hears Gaz groan and mutter to himself as he enters his room.
Walking in Price finds you fast asleep, curled up comfortably in the far end of the bed. You must have been really tired. He smiles to himself as he strips quietly to go shower off all the dirt and grime from the mission. Once he's finally scrubbed clean and smelling like his favourite body wash he gently climbs into bed making sure not to wake you. The soft bed is forgiving towards his sore muscles and even better yet that it has a soft body to keep him warm throughout the night. For a second he watches your gentle breathing before getting comfortable and pulling the duvet over the both of you.
Price is a gentleman..most days.. so he stays by his side but it seems your sleep deprived mind has other ideas because you curl against him the second he's beside you. You were basically treating him like a warm body pillow, not that Price minded. He just needed to not focus on what you were wearing or else he wasn't getting any sleep tonight. You're probably too deep in sleep to realise what you were doing anyway. Such a feisty kitten you were when you were all tired and grumpy. He watches you move and get comfortable by placing your cheek on his chest as he settles into bed properly and wrapping his arms around you.
You'd do nicely as another addition to their relationship. He knew the boys were growing to love you more and more as the days went by. To the point that jealousy was being felt if anyone apart from them tried gaining your attention. The only question was how to approach the topic? You weren't the brightest when it came to things of this nature and they didn't want to scare or pressure you into anything. But that was a problem for another day. For tonight he was going to enjoy your warmth to the fullest.
“Our grumpy little sunshine, we'll make you ours just wait a little longer”, with that whispered into the darkness Price places a gentle kiss on your forehead before falling asleep as well.
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2024. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or to use with AI technologies.
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lovelettersfromluna · 9 months
⋆。˚☾ Silver Springs☽˚。⋆
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Summary: A step by step guide on how not to get over Ellie fucking Williams
an: AHHHH!! Here it is you guys! I wanna start off by thanking every single one of you for all the support not only did the first part of this series receive, but how much support my return received! I missed you all so so much and I’m so happy you’re enjoying this series just as much as I am enjoying writing it! I had some trouble tagging a few if you guys, as it wasn’t allowing your users to show up, so I really do apologize about that :( if any of you would like to dm me so we can solve it, feel free! I hope you all enjoy the second part to this series, and so much more is in store for this one! So stick around 🖤🖤🖤
Warnings: SMUT!!! 18+, MDNI, Alcohol and Marijuana usage, jealous!Ellie, slight asshole!Ellie, cheating, oral r!receiving, edging, fingering r!receiving, pet names, kissing, let me know if I missed anything!!
You can read part 1, here!
Tag list: @eveshyper @mattm1964 @teawithnosugar @macaroni676 @ximtiredx @gold-dustwomxn @mina-281 @aethelwyneleigh27 @abbysmainbitch @lil-elliesgf @franreadss @fairyysoiree @r3wbeef @liizzygrant @elliewilliamsgf69 @mabelle-cherie @cauliflowerpatch @forelliesposts @lunasolac @nil-eena @pillowprincessleia @pedropascalsbbg @ellieswifeyy @lesbiantothemoonandback @dummysimp011 @miniaturebananadefendor @sweetpumpkins @thesmutconnoisseur @miksde @delicategirlie
Ellie had always been possessive.
Over anything, really. Over her father, or her favorite forest green hoodie, or the bracelets you two made for each other when you were both in middle school. If it was hers in any way, there was a pretty good chance that she’d be possessive over it.
She was also, very possessive over you.
You never really noticed, mainly because she’s usually extremely discreet about it. Often time, it’ll go unnoticed by those around her, because Ellie knows not to make a scene over someone tugging you along to ride home with them after a party, or to have you stay in their bed instead of hers. And she only does it because you’re her best friend, not theirs. They shouldn’t be trying to take you anyways.
Yeah. That was the only reason.
So the shock you felt when she acted the way she did in front of Alex was something you’d never really seen before. Sure, your best friend had a temper. You couldn’t count on your hands how many times you had to talk down a very drunk Ellie from fighting some idiot jock because they told her she couldn’t beat them at arm wrestling, but that was stupid party banter. What happened at the beginning of class? That was just unwarranted.
And as much as you hoped it was simply Ellie being in a mood that morning, that wasn’t the end of it.
After that day in class, you and Alex grew nearly inseparable. You showed her around to all of her classes, she followed you to the library to study, and to the cafe to have lunch, she even ended up coming back to your apartment to play video games one night when your study session ran past the opening hours of the campus library. Days had gone by, and as much as you didn’t want to admit it, Alex had almost fully taken Ellie’s spot as your best friend.
But then again, Sofia took your spot too.
That was another thing, what used to be like pulling teeth to see your best friend after she had gotten herself a girlfriend, had suddenly taken a drastic change.
After the first initial situation with Alex, Ellie was suddenly almost always in the picture.
It first started with the text messages. When Ellie first started dating Sofia, there were only a few messages here and there, a few stupid tiktoks sent between one another, and the less than frequent plans that you’d try to make with each other that would almost always be cancelled due to last minute plans Ellie ended up making with Sofia.
Now? Now Ellie would text you all the time. She’d send you video after video telling you what kind of cat you were, or which season you were, and she’d make sure to never miss out on sending you pictures of her homework, asking you if it looked good enough to submit, and she was constantly trying to make more plans with you. It was just like how things were before Sofia, back when it was just you, and Ellie, and the little traditions that you and her had every weekend.
Only it wasn't just like those times...now she was...so much more.
It made things a bit awkward when you were studying with Alex one afternoon, the silence of you and her falling comfortably between the both of you as you simply scribbled notes in your books, enjoying each others company, when suddenly your phone went off. It was a message from Ellie.
Waddup dorrrrk
U busy tonight?
You frown softly as you look up from your phone, catching a glimpse of Alex's face as she types away at her computer before you looked back down at your phone, typing out a response to Ellie.
prob gonna head home after this and sleep
lemme come pick you up then
no thats okay. Im with Alex
You stare down at your phone as you await a response from Ellie. you see her little chat bubble pop up, stay for a moment, and then disappear. It does this for a minute or two, and you know she's struggling to find the right words to say. She always does this whenever she doesn't know exactly what to respond with
u know Alex is a prick right?
what makes you say that?
she just is
good to know
ditch her for me
im not gonna do that
where's Sof?
at her dorm
well I'll catch you later Ellie
Ellie never responded after that
and thats how things were for the most part. You would spend your time with Alex, and Ellie would try her best to intervene between that time that you spent with her. Whether it was swooping in and trying to pull you away from Alex while you were walking together, or blowing up your phone whenever she knew you were together, she’d make herself known.
And you still had that damn party to go to that following weekend
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You let out a soft sigh as you stared at yourself in the mirror. Your hands came up, smoothing down the clothes that you had on. The strapless black top you wore hugged your middle perfectly, a contrast to the usual baggy, comfy clothes you wore, and the denim jeans hung low on your hip, hugging your curves perfectly. Your hair was styled, and your makeup was done, but you couldn’t help but pout softly at yourself, turning around and eyeing yourself in the mirror, shaking out your hair, pursing your lips together before releasing them.
God….you really didn’t wanna go to this party.
And you were very close to cancelling. You already had your excuse thought up too, you were going to text Ellie and tell her that you had come down with a cold, and that you couldn’t make it out tonight, that you’d catch her and Sofia at the next one.
But she was already pulling you aside after class to make sure you were going.
You were walking out of your last class for the day, the idea of the party on your mind the entire afternoon. You didn’t want to deal with Ellie, as bad as that sounded. She had been so weird ever since you and Alex became friends, and it bothered you how clingy she had suddenly become now that your time was suddenly taken up by someone else.
She was being possessive, and childish, and it wasn’t your job to make her feel better about you having other friends or apologizing for the fact that you were finally moving on-
“Hey! Hey wait up!” The familiar voice called out from behind you, and it almost made you wince. Ellie’s footsteps grew closer and closer as she ran behind you to catch up. You almost wanted to put your headphones on, a silent gesture that you didn’t want to deal with any of Ellie’s antics in that moment.
But she was still your best friend
You gave a tired smile once she finally catches up with you, and you can see the way her eyes twinkle the second she’s looking down at you. You figure it’s because she’s catching you on a rare moment when you’re not with Alex.
“There you are…” She mumbles softly, and you’re sure that if you weren’t so annoyed with her recent behavior, you’d be swooning over how fucking good she looked. Despite the fall weather, it was a bit warmer that day, so she opted for a loose fitted white t shirt, her signature baggy blue jeans, and of course her favorite rings. Her brown hair was tucked into a loose bun, and she wore a backwards faded maroon colored baseball cap.
Once again, Ellie Williams was a fucking dream.
“Here I am…” you mumble awkwardly, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear before you watch her, prompting her to get out whatever it was that she needed to talk about. Instead, she simply stares for a bit, seemingly taking in your appearance for a moment before she hums softly.
“No Alex today?” She questions, looking around to see if she just missed her. You could hear that tone in her voice, the one that was hopeful for a specific answer from you. You let out a soft sigh, shaking your head as you push past the doors of the building that lead to the campus courtyard. “She left early to run some errands” you explain, a soft frown on your face as you catch the familiar smug smirk of triumph on your best friends lips.
“You know she isn’t that bad, right? I think you two would get along…you have a lot in common” you tried, adjusting your bag on your shoulder as you looked up at Ellie.
It was true, Ellie and Alex were extremely similar. In the time that you’d been spending with Alex, there were frequent moments where you felt like you were with Ellie. Certain things she said or did, or the type of jokes she’d make, or the music she listened to. Hell, they even dressed similarly, you were sure that if they gave each other a shot, they’d become just as close, if not closer than you were with either of them.
Or should you rather say, if Ellie gave her a chance.
Your words make Ellie scoff, the girls veiny hands shoving into her pockets as she strolled along with you. “Get along? Yeah fuckin right…I’d rather drag my bare ass along the concrete than hang out with that moron” she huffed out, her words making you scrunch your nose in disgust at the vivid picture she was painting for you, meant to express her distaste for the girl.
“But why? You really don’t have any reason to hate her, Els…because she sat in your seat? You don’t even sit there anymore…” you mumbled the last part of your comment under your breath, your eyes trailing down towards your feet as you frown softly, thinking back to the times before Alex showed up. How lonely it was sitting alone, walking to and from classes by yourself, spending the weekends cooped up in your home with nothing to do, no one to talk to.
Ellie frowned with you, her own green eyes zeroing in on the ground similarly to the way you did as she found herself deep in thought. It confused her too, why it bothered her so much. When you’d ask, her excuse was that she just felt Alex was bad news, and that she didn’t want anyone taking advantage of you or ruining your friendship with her.
That was always her excuse.
She inhaled deeply, replacing her frown with a bright smile, almost as if she were trying to distract you from your question before she changed the subject entirely. “Do you know what you’re gonna wear tomorrow? I heard this parties gonna be fuckin dope” she breathed out, turning towards you and flashing her pearly whites.
It almost gives you whiplash. She’d done it before, completely disregarded your attempts at trying to figure out why exactly she hated Alex so much, wanting more of a reason beside Ellie’s ‘bad feeling’ about the girl. It made you feel even more confused and frustrated with her and how she was acting towards you.
But every time she flashed those pretty teeth your way, it was like your mind went blank.
You blinked a few times as you stared up at her, clearing your throat before your mouth started moving before your brain could properly form a the sentence you wanted to say. Which was something along the lines of ‘im not feeling well! I’ll probably skip this one’
But that isn’t what leaves past your lips.
“I’m uh…not sure yet. I guess you’ll see once I’m there” you breath out softly, followed by a soft chuckle that sounds similar to a sound of defeat, because that’s exactly what’s happened, you’ve been defeated. Ellie has once again wiggled her way into that little soft spot she knew she had for you, and managed to have her way with you, no matter how annoyed you were with her.
Ellie beams the second she heard your words, nodding as she gives you a nudge with her elbow. “That’s why I like to hear! Hey, I’ll text you, okay? Keep you updated on what’s happening” she promises, giving you a nod. Before you can respond, her phone vibrated in her back pocket, to which she pulled out to check it, and you already know who it is. It rips you away from the little interaction you’re having with her, and it makes you sigh softly as you give Ellie a soft nod. “I’ll see you there, Els” you promise, adjusting your bag on your shoulder before you began walking ahead of her.
“I’m pretty tired so…I’ll head home” you nod, not giving her anymore room to stick around and tell you how she can’t stay with you any longer because she has to meet Sofia somewhere. That hurts much more than whatever the hell it was that was happening between you and her within that moment. She watched you, opening her mouth to stop you from leaving but you were already giving her a small wave, paired with a soft smile as you began making your way home.
And that was that. You went home and spent the rest of the day hating the fact that you had said yes to Ellie. You hated that she still had this weird power over you to get whatever she wanted whenever she wanted it.
It’s how you found yourself staring blankly at yourself in the mirror, feeling ridiculous in your outfit, unable to even recognize yourself, and feeling even more ridiculous for going to the stupid party in the first place.
On your bed, you hear your phone buzz, and you already know who it is. You let out a soft huff, grabbing the platform sandals you had settled next to you in the mirror and sitting on your bed to put them on. You open up your messages to read through them while you do so.
What time u want us to pick you up?
The messages make you frown, and for a minute your eyes trail towards the bubble at the very top of your phone, the one that has a silly picture of Ellie that you had taken of her when she was high out of her mind and babbling about something that was too incoherent to understand. Once you’ve put your shoes on, you grab the phone and begin typing out a message back to her.
you guys head out without me, I’ll meet you there
I stg if ur flaking on me
I’m not
I’ll be there relax
ok who’s bringing you then?
The text makes you frown further, because you can practically hear the tone of accusatory thick within Ellie’s words from the text alone, and it pisses you off. Because why the hell would she be prying on who’s taking you to the party? And why does it even matter in the first place?
You sigh softly, eyeing the text for a few more moments before you stand up off the bed, shove your phone into your back pocket and leave your room to head out into your kitchen.
Once you’re there, you open up one of the highest cupboards, you’re glad that your sandals are platforms, because if they weren’t, you wouldn’t be able to reach the single bottle of tequila that sits at the very top of the cupboard. You huff in annoyance, because you can vividly recall the night you and Ellie bought the bottle. She was complaining about your lack of provisions, to which prompted the both of you to make a late night run to the liquor store to buy it. The only contents from the bottle that was missing was from that of which came from nights that you and Ellie wanted to let loose a bit, other than that, you never touched it. And with Ellie being Ellie, she made sure to tuck the bottle away at the very top of your cupboard with ease, where she knew you’d struggle to reach it, just so she could piss you off a bit.
Funny, Ellie seemed to always have a way of pissing you off.
When you finally managed to take the bottle down from the cupboard, you grabbed one of the only two shot glasses that you had in your house, the other belonging to Ellie, and you poured some of the clear liquid out for yourself.
Because lord knows with how this night was already going, you were going to fucking need it.
You threw it back, wincing as the vile liquid burned down your throat, making its presence in your body known as it traveled down into your stomach, settling in and making it feel as though a match was thrown into your body. Instantly, it was already making you feel looser, less tense, the worries you had about the party were still very much there, but they didn't seem to matter as much.
And when you heard the knock on your door, you knew your date was there to pick you up.
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Did you end up inviting Alex to be your plus one to the party that Ellie invited you to? Yes.
Did this somehow morph into a date between you and Alex? Yes.
Did you know what you were getting yourself into by inviting Alex, knowing how much worse this would make things with Ellie? Sort of, but you couldn't really find it in you to care in that moment.
Not when Alex was showering you in compliments the second you opened the door for her. Not when Alex looked amazing in her outfit, and smelled even better, making you swoon for her the second she was wrapping her strong arms around your waist and guiding her out to your car. And definitely not when Alex's hand on your thigh on the way there was making your little heart flutter and dance, thanking the heavens above for granting you such a pretty girl to take along to this party with, and hopefully make it so that it wouldn't have the bitter ending of you sulking home while Ellie and Sofia made out in a random room, making it so that you were forced to catch the bus home.
Yeah, there was no way in hell you were letting Ellie ruin this for you.
It wasn't long until you both arrived at the house where the party was being held. Had it been any other day, the sight of drunk college kids, loud music, and the smell of beer and weed would have made you scrunch up your nose in disgust and walk back to your cozy little apartment, to make a warm cup of tea and cuddle up in your bed. But you were tipsy, you felt really fucking hot, and the longer Alex had her hands on you, the needier you felt.
It was time you finally give into the cliche world of being a college student, and lived a little. Because if not now, then when?
Alex had her hand slung loosely around your hips, her strong fingers slipped into your belt loop as she kept you close, toying with the soft sliver of skin that peeked out between the waist band of your jeans, and the bottom of your top. Upon walking into the house, you were glad to see that it wasn't a huge frat party. It was a bit more laid back, with the majority of the party goers splayed out within the living room, already having drunk or high conversations. Or they were in the kitchen, making drinks, or some even opted to head outside in the front yard or the back, the cold autumn air acting as an escape from the warmth that emitted from inside the house.
You feel glad that you don't spot Ellie and Sofia as soon as you walk in, knowing that, that was a confrontation that you were not drunk enough to face. You hum softly as Alex leans into you, your hand slipping down between the both of you as you interlock your fingers with hers, and drag her along to the kitchen.
That's how you find Alex pressed up against you, her strong hands resting against the edge of the counter top, hard chest pressing into your back, chin resting against your shoulder as she watches you pour out two drinks into red solo cups for you and her. She whispers sweet words in your ears, and to remember that she's driving you home, to make sure that you don't add any liquor to her cup. You giggle softly as you nod, melting into the girls touch, her soft caress and her even softer words. It's hard to remember the last time you were touched like this, given this sort of attention, told these sort of words. You figure that you could get used to it, especially when it's coming from her.
When you turn around in her arms, her hands are on your hips, giving them a slight squeeze as she smirks down at you. Both drinks are in your hand, and you simply stare up at her, your bottom lip tugged between your teeth, an overwhelming sense of warmth spreading throughout your chest, making it feel as though you could pounce this girl at any given moment-
And then it all stops.
Because suddenly, through the lust that you feel for Alex, your lips merely inches apart, the sound of someone clearing their throat somehow makes it through the music, cutting right in between the two of you and forcing you to look in the direction of where the sound was coming from, and you’re only met with Ellie.
A very angry, and annoyed, Ellie.
Her green eyes are dark, casted downward as she stares at you and Alex. She has a solo cup hanging loosely between her strong fingers, sharp jaw clenching as her eyes slowly drift between you and Alex, finally settling on you and giving you a look of disbelief, almost as if to ask if you were serious, and if this was some stupid fucking joke that you had.
And it’s so fucking awkward, that you have no choice but to break the silence.
“Ellie!” You chirp out, handing one of the cups to Alex before you turn to her, giving her an apologetic look, to which she simply sighs and gives you a nod before she briefly glares in Ellie’s direction.
You inhale deeply before you make your way over to your friend, clutching your cup slightly as you give her a smile. “Hey…sorry I didn’t come looking for you, did you and Sofia get in alright-“ Ellie immediately cuts you off, because you’re clearly trying to ease the burn of Alex being there, and you aren’t even sure why, because you truly don’t owe Ellie a single thing.
“What the fuck did you bring her for?” She gets straight to the point, and you can tell just how much she’s been smoking from her voice. It’s low, and rough, and if the way she was questioning wasn’t making you so fucking annoyed.
You would’ve been soaking wet just from the sound of it.
You raise your eyebrows in disbelief, a soft scoff leaving your lips as she give her a shrug. “Because I can? I didn’t know I was suddenly banned from bringing people places with me” you challenge her, your eyebrows furrowed as you stare up at the tall girl. Ellie chuckles softly, her tongue pressing against the inside of her cheek as she looks down at the floor before she nods slowly, smirking down at you.
“You know what? You can…don’t mind me” she hums out, a bit to casually for how angry she sounded mere moments ago. Her sudden change of tone makes you blink a few times, trying to see if you heard her correctly. You were convinced that this weird situation was going to turn into an argument, and you’d finally blow up on your best friend for acting fucking weird…
But that wasn’t at all what was happening.
“Oh…okay then…” you mumble out awkwardly, suddenly feeling small under Ellie’s gaze. Her eyes are low, and you can feel the way she’s eating you up, taking you in and shamelessly raking down every inch of your body with her emerald orbs that just seem different tonight than they have on any other night.
You both stay there for a few moments longer, and your skin begins to burn with the need to get away from the extremely awkward situation, making your mind cloudy with confusion as you’ve never once felt that way about Ellie. She’s a person you relate with the feelings of comfort, and warmth.
And now? You just needed to get away from her.
You inhale deeply, taking a large gulp of your drink that was far too strong, the contents burning your throat, which makes you wince as it travels down your body and settles in your stomach. You give Ellie a nod, clearing your throat as you avoid eye contact with her at all times. “Right, so….I’ll uh…I’ll catch you later” you try, giving your friend a half smile as you’re already making your way out of the kitchen to find Alex.
Ellie on the other hand? Simply gives you a slow nod, her eyes still shamelessly eating you up as you walk o it of the kitchen.
The only thing on your mind? Was that you needed to get drunk and forget about everything that just happened.
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The laugh that leaves your body is almost too much to handle, your hand coming up to cover your mouth as you lean into Alex, your face mere inches from your neck as you rest your weight against her, your feet feeling wobbly underneath you. Her hand was placed loosely on your hip, smiling lazily as she watched you lose yourself at another one of the jokes she had made.
The night had carried on after the situation with Ellie in the kitchen. After that, you had quickly found your way to Alex, relief settling in once you were finally able to enjoy the party with your date. You two were stuck to each other like glue from that point on, the vibes of the party making it easier to loosen up around Alex and truly get to know her outside of an academic setting, which was the main place of your relationship with her thus far. However, there was a looming presence that you simply could not shake from your spot with Alex at the bottom of the stairs, tucked away from everyone else.
Her eyes never left yours from her point on the couch. A blunt was loosely hanging from her tattooed hand, lifting it up and taking a drag ever so often, a beer in the other, and to make things even worse? She had Sofia propped right on her lap the entire time she watched you.
And as much as you tried to ignore it? Ellie’s glares were lethal. She made no attempt in hiding it, or pretending like she wasn’t keeping an eye on you and Alex like a fucking hawk the entire night. After about the tenth time of catching her run her tongue along her teeth every time Alex tried getting closer, you’d had enough.
Its how you ended up in your current position. You had dragged Alex to the kitchen with you, and she had taken a seat on the island, where you made your own spot standing between her spread legs. The more you drank, the funnier Alex got, and you suddenly couldn’t breath every time she spewed another silly joke your way.
You hummed softly, coming down from your laughing fit and finally catching your breath. Alex smirked softly at you, watching as you tugged your bottom lip between your teeth, glossy eyes growing hazy, and giving the dreamiest look, strands of hair cascading down into your face, which made her push to the side to get a better look at you. It was like a movie, the universe setting up the most perfect time for you and her to finally do it, to finally break the barrier and press each others lips against one another…
But this isn’t a movie, and none of this is perfect.
You realize that, when you feel Alex’s body get shoved to the side, causing you to gasp softly and grip your cup a bit tighter, as well as grip Alex’s arm to make sure she isn’t pushed off of the island counter entirely. You’re ready to yell at whatever asshole made it a point to sit right next to you and Alex, when there’s not only an entire kitchen, but an entire house with thousands of other places to sit, because who on earth would do something so inconsiderate.
Ellie. Ellie Williams would.
Her laugh is something you’d always loved, when she was high, it was loud and boisterous and electrifying, and it had the power to make even the saddest person laugh. You especially loved it, when her voice would crack, and she’d shed a tear because whatever she was laughing at was far too much to handle.
But right now, in this very moment, her laugh was like nails on a chalkboard.
She laughs loudly, taking a seat right next to Alex on the island counter top, adjusting her worn out backwards baseball cap on her head, blunt perched between her lips, and taking a long drag before she blows the smoke right into Alex’s face. “Shit…my bad, man. I’ve just been looking everywhere for my two favorite people!” She chuckles out. Her words make you wince.
You’re frowning right at her, because you know exactly what she’s doing, her eyes are red, lips are plump and pink from all the biting and sucking she’d most definitely been doing, and her eyes never leave Alex’s, studying her face like she was a predator studying their prey, looking for all the flaws they could use to wiggle their way into the cracks.
And you realize, Ellie Williams was fucking cock blocking you.
You inhale deeply, trying to control your temper before you give Ellie a very exaggerated smile. “So nice of you to join us, Ellie….but I’m sure you have other things to do, why don’t you just…catch us later?” You try, your voice desperately trying to get Ellie away from the both of you, your eyes practically bulging out of your head as you try to silently tell your friend to leave.
But she ignores you completely.
Alex, being the angel that she is, simply chuckles softly as she shakes her head. “Not a problem…the more the merrier, right?” She nods, her words genuine. Her hand reaches down, wrapping around your waist and pulling you forward to be tucked into the side of her body, which warms you up.
A flash of anger ripples through Ellie’s expression, her face hard as she eyed the way Alex pulls you in before she quickly shakes it away, giving Alex a nod as she lifts the blunt to her lips once again. “You smoke?” She questions casually, her eyes drifting towards you for a brief moment before she blows the smoke away from you and Alex. Alex hums softly as she nods, “I do…but I’m DD tonight, so I’ve gotta pass” she politely declines, her long fingers rubbing a sliver of your exposed skin mindlessly.
Ellie rolls her eyes, giving a playful scoff “ahhh don’t be stupid, do you see this house? You and the princess here can crash in any one of’em” she smirks softly, eyeing you for a moment, watching the way you become bashful at the nickname. Alex sighs softly, looking down at you for a moment before she gives a half shrug. “Why the hell not…” she mumbles under her breath, taking the blunt from Ellie and bringing it to her lips, Ellie watching with the most mischievous look on her face, it almost looks fucking comical.
And that, was Alex’s first mistake.
Because sure, Alex had smoked a few times. She liked to pop an edible on nights where she couldn’t sleep or she needed a bit of rest and relaxation. So of course, she wasn’t at all a stranger to the angel that was Mary Jane herself.
But she had no idea, what Ellie was packing.
Ellie had always prided herself on having the best weed on campus, the college kids flocking to her every time she rolled up at a party. She had anything and everything you could think of, each strain providing something different for its users.
And for her? Her tolerance was high of course, so she would opt for something a bit stronger. The thing about that, is that not everyone could handle what Ellie smoked.
Alex was a prime example of that.
It only took about three passes between her and Ellie for Alex to be stumbling off of the counter and towards the couch, mumbling something about needing to be somewhere ‘soft’. You knew things were trouble as soon as Ellie was giving that smirk as she watched Alex pull from the blunt, one that looked like she’d already won whatever stupid battle she was playing with Alex.
Before you knew it, you were helping Alex up the stairs to a spare bedroom, struggling yourself because you were still very much drunk, helping her into bed, and watching her as she shoved her face into the pillow, let out a loud groan, and promptly passed out.
Alex had indeed, greened out.
You let out a soft huff as you stood back, watching the girl for a moment and thinking about everything she was experience, wishing you were able to take it all away and rewind time back to that moment in the kitchen, when your lips were mere inches apart, so close to tasting one another and cutting through this stupid slow burn that you had between one another.
But by the looks of that stupid smirk of triumph on Ellie’s lips as she watched you tug the girl to the stairs and to a spare bedroom, that wasn’t written in the stares for you.
You were so confused, and as you walked out of the bedroom, closing the door behind you and making sure no one would walk in and interrupt her slumber, all you could think about is why Ellie was doing this. She was sabotaging you, that was without a doubt, but you just couldn’t understand why. Surely, you weren’t so blind that you wouldn’t be able to see that Alex was a bad person. You felt like your judgment of character was quite good, looking back at everyone you’d ever trusted, and trying to figure out if you’d ever gone wrong with who that wasn’t
But you couldn’t, nothing came up.
You pouted softly, making your way back into the kitchen and grabbing another cup and filling it with a drink. You figured, you might as well get your moneys worth through this damned party, and as much as you wanted to confront Ellie, you weren’t sure you could handle her reasoning behind doing what she did to you.
But alas, Ellie seemed to have continued her streak on making herself present in places that you wished she wasn’t, because as you were making your way to sit down at the bottom of the stairs, staring down into the orange color of your drink that was being distorted by the lights floating around in the party, you suddenly felt the familiar presence standing over you.
“Damn…a few pulls and that’s what takes her out? I think I’m doing you a favor, princess” you don’t even have to look up to know that she has that stupid fucking smirk on her lips. You let out a low sigh, resting your forehead against the palm of your hand before you bring your cup to your lips, taking another sip.
“I really don’t have time for this right now, Ellie. I’m finishing this, and then I’m going to bed with Alex” you explain, trying your best to put an end to this pointless conversation. You finally look up at her, giving her an unamused look. She’s seemed to have ditched her blunt and her baseball cap, a red solo held lazily between her hand as she takes a sip as well. Her smirk is gone once she hears your words, rolling her eyes as she leans against the wall next to the stairs.
“Seriously? You’re still interested in that idiot after what just happened? Isn’t she even the slightest bit pathetic to you?” She tried, and you swear you can hear her voice falling to a desperate tone. You scoff, unable to pay her tone any mind as you raise your eyebrows in disbelief.
“Her? The only one pathetic here is you, Ellie. I’m not stupid, I know exactly what you’re doing…the fact that you even had the time to do that was pathetic. Where even is Sofia? Don’t you have her to keep you occupied?” You practically spit out, unable to stop your words from sounding as harsh as they do. You know you’ll regret it later, despite the fact that Ellie very much deserved it.
Ellie eyed you carefully, bringing her cup to her lips before she gave a shrug that was far too nonchalant for what she was saying. “Dunno…she left a while ago” she mumbles out, staring at the bottom of your cup.
The way she says it, the way she had almost zero regard for the girl that she was raving about with stars in her eyes was almost scary, a chill running up your spine as you watched your friend.
You blinked a few times before you inhaled deeply, looking around at the house you were sitting in. The amount of people had lessened greatly since when you first arrived. What used to be a couch full of people was now only filled with a couple, passed out and wrapped up in each others arms. You sighed softly, throwing back the rest of what was in your cup down your throat before you shoved the empty cup towards Ellie’s chest. “I’m gonna go to bed….let me know when you wanna start acting normal again” you sigh out softly, turning around to begin walking up the stairs. A strong hand on your wrist stops you.
You frown, turning around and looking down to see Ellie’s tattooed hand squeezing your wrist, making you sigh softly. You try tugging your hand out of her grasp, clearly not in the mood for anymore of her tricks. “Ellie…come on. Im drunk, I’m tired, I am severely touch deprived, and right now, I just really wanna go to bed” you mumble out, your voice tired as you try wiggling your way out of her right hold on your hand, your hazy eyes looking up at her for a moment.
Thats when you catch it, that look of desperation that had become so frequent in your best friend. It was like she was begging you for something, begging for you to understand what she was saying, or what she was feeling. It makes your heart hurt, because it makes you realize that for the first time in the many years of your friendship with Ellie, you can’t understand her. You can’t read her feelings like you can your own, and the worst part of it all?
You can’t help her.
It makes you frown deeply, and you open your mouth to say something, to speak softly to your friend and try to come to a moral high ground where you could put aside her behavior, and try to understand what the root of it was. But before you can speak, you’re suddenly being dragged up the stairs.
You nearly trip over your own feet, the chunky sandals you decided to wear, paired with the alcohol in your system made it extremely hard to keep up with Ellie’s quick pace. You aren’t really sure how someone who’d spent the entire night drinking and smoking was able to move with such dexterity. You open your mouth to try and protest, to try and ask Ellie where on earth she was taking you, but those questions are all answered, because soon she’s tugging you into another spare bedroom, and locking the door behind her.
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion as you watch your friend lock the door, and remorse you felt for her suddenly gone as it was now replaced with pure annoyance. “Seriously, Ellie? I told you I don’t have time for any games” you groan out, moving your arms so that they were crossed over your chest. You expect her to give you another witty remark, one that was about you or Alex, about how stupid you are for going for someone like that. But she doesn’t do that, in fact, she doesn’t say anything. Ellie begins pacing back and forth in front of you, her strong hand coming up to run through her short brown hair, making it fall down in front of her face again as she stares down at the ground deep in thought.
Her actions make you scoff, rolling your eyes as you sigh out loudly. “And now you’re pacing…you know I was going to cut you some slack. I was going to let all of this go because frankly, I don’t want to deal with your bizarre behavior, but now that we’re here and you’re literally in front of me pacing as it I did something wrong, I can’t let it go anymore! You know what, Ellie…I’ve been so patient with you and I think that-“ your rant is cut off, and at first you aren’t really sure what’s happening. Your brain struggles to register what it is that’s happening, what it is that’s forced your rant shorter than you had wished. But when you finally come to, you aren’t sure if any of this is even real anymore.
Because suddenly, Ellie is kissing you.
You were too caught up in your rant, that you didn’t even realize Ellie had stopped pacing, and was staring at you with a conflicting look, before she inhaled deeply and was nearly stomping towards you, cupping both of your cheeks with her hands and pressing her lips on yours.
All of your words die down in your throat, and you’re melting into the kiss, and you can’t remember how many times you’d though about this. You can’t remember all the times you’d dreamed of Ellie doing this exact thing. Grabbing you, and kissing you like her life depended on it, like she needed your lips to breath, acting as a lifeline that kept her connected to the real world. Your hands went up to grip her wrists softly, a quiet whine leaving your lips and going directly to Ellie’s, and it makes her groan.
Her hands leave your face, and the lack of warmth on your cheeks makes you whine softly, but you aren’t without it for long, because her large hands slowly travel down your body, running along your soft skin until they settle on your hips, giving them a gentle squeeze before they slide down further, resting on your ass, to which she gives a firm squeeze.
Her grip makes you gasp, and she takes the advantage of pushing her tongue into your mouth, exploring you entirely and making you moan into her. Her mouth is warm, and wet, and it makes all of the blood in your body rush to your core. Your hands go to her chest, tugging at her shirt slightly as you let her dominate the kiss, playing with your tongue as she pleased, your head clouded with the an ever growing lust for your best friend.
“Ellie…” you moan softly into her mouth, the sound makes her groan, giving your ass a firm squeeze before her head drops down to attack your neck in kisses, her mouth licking, sucking, and biting on the soft skin of your throat. She isn’t sure she’s ever heard a sound so sweet, a sound that had the capability of throwing her into a frenzy of lust so quickly. “Lemme take care of you…” she mumbles out against your skin, giving your throat a playful nip.
It makes you whine softly, and before you can nod, beg her for everything you’d ever imagined, everything you’d ever wanted from her, a heavy, looming thought settles in. It’s like a dark cloud, one that quickly rains down on you and drenches you from the inside out, reminding you of why you couldn’t do this.
The name echos throughout your mind, and it makes you frown deeply, because it reminds you that this is wrong, and you couldn’t do this. You refused to be this, to be the other woman to your best friend of all people.
You frown deeply, shaking your head as you try to push Ellie away from you. “But…Sofia…” you mumble out, opening your mouth again to explain why you couldn’t do this, why she couldn’t do this, but Ellie quickly cuts you off with her lips on yours. She swallows down the words that were hanging off the edge of your lips, shaking her own head as she gives your hips a gentle squeeze.
“Isn’t here….you don’t need to worry about her right now…” she hums against your mouth, kissing you once more before she breaks the kiss, staring deep into your eyes, her own one’s blown out and lust filled. Her strong, calloused fingers go to grip your chin, angling your face so you’re staring up at her. “This is about you, and me right now…okay?” She promises, her words genuine, her eyes filled with something you can’t exactly make out.
And as much as the little voice inside your head screams at you to stop, to leave and go elsewhere, your heart is doing something entirely different, and the look in Ellie’s eyes is one you can’t deny.
So, you give in to her.
You stare into her eyes for a moment longer before you give her the tiniest nod, giving your trust to the girl. With that, she presses her lips against yours, the kiss was needy and sloppy and there were so many emotions put into it. Your head was spinning because you couldn’t understand the fact that this was actually happening.
You were actually kissing Ellie.
Through the clouds of your mind, Ellie begins pushing you back until the back of your knees hit the edge of the bed, her hand pressing against your chest gently and pushing you back to sit on the bed. You stare up at her when she does this, your eyes wide and needy, and it makes Ellie groan. “You’re so fuckin’ pretty…” she mumbles out, more so to herself than to you. You bite your lip softly, watching closely as she crawls over your body, pressing kisses against your exposed collar bones and neck until she reaches your lips again, taking the breath from your lungs away once again.
Ellie hums against you, relishing in the taste of your mouth, her hands traveling down your body until they reached your jeans, her skilled fingers undoing them. You pout softly, breaking away from the kiss and looking down at Ellie’s tattooed hand tugging at the waistband of your jeans. Ellie chuckles softly at the look on your face, to which she leans in and presses a kiss to your pouty lips.
“I told you…M’gonna take care of you…you trust me, don’t you baby?” She questioned, her green eyes staring into yours, hand massaging your waist gently. It feels like you can’t breath, because the look in her eyes, and the names she’s calling you are all things straight out of a fairy tale, and it makes you wonder whether this is all a dream or not. Even if it was, you decided you’d enjoy it to its fullest.
You stare down at Ellie’s lips before looking into her eyes and giving her a nod. “Of course I trust you, Els…” you hum out softly, giving her a gentle smile. The sound of your voice, and the little smile you give her makes her heart feel like it’ll burst, and she’s smiling with you, leaning in and pressing a kiss to your lips before she gives you a nod and kisses down your body until she’s on your knees in front of you.
Ellie brought her hands up to the back of either one of your knees, pulling you so your legs were spread, and you were at the edge of the bed. You propped yourself up on your palms, pressing them into the bed as you stared down at Ellie. You inhaled deeply, trying to fight off the intense butterflies you felt in your stomach, the feeling enough to make your head spin. Ellie stared up at you, gently tugging your jeans off your body and tossing them to the side. She presses a kiss to your inner thigh, humming softly as she kissed her way to your clothed core, her lips ghosting over the place you needed her most. “You’re in good hands with me, Angel…I promise” she assured you, giving you another slight nod before she presses the softest kiss to your pussy.
You gasp softly, watching as Ellie’s eyes never leave yours, scanning your face the entire time to make sure you liked what she was doing. She smirks softly against you as she watches the way you tug your bottom lip between your teeth, the way your eyes grow darker, filled with lust as you stare down at her. Both of her strong hands grip your thighs, keeping you spread for her as her kisses on your pussy grow firmer, making you whine. “Ellie…please…” you beg, and it makes her smirk against you again.
“So needy…tell me…what is it that you want, baby? Who’s tongue are you needy for?” She purrs out, her voice low and dripping with lust as she pulls your panties to the side painfully slow. You whine softly at the feeling of the cool air of the bedroom hitting your bare, wet pussy, it forces your hips to buck forward a bit.
“Yours…I want your mouth on me Ellie…please…don’t tease…” you moan out, your head tilting to the side as you watch her movements closely, hoping it’ll somehow make her speed up. She chuckles softly, a low hiss leaving her lips as she watches a string of your arousal connect to your cotton panties. She bites her lip, tugging them further to the side to get a good look at your core.
“Fuck yeah…look at how fucking wet you are, princess…so needy for me…” she hums out, getting a good look at your pussy before she slowly brings her mouth to your core, tauntingly slow, eyes never leaving yours. “For me, right? It’s all for me?” She questions, voice low. There’s a hint of desperation, like she needs to hear that it’s for her, she needs confirmation that this is her doing, and no one else’s.
It makes you moan loudly.
You give an eager nod, your hands fisting the sheets underneath you. “Yours! It’s all…all for you Ellie..” you confirm, because despite the cloudiness in your head, through all of it, there’s no doubt that she’s doing this to you, that Ellie is the reasoning behind the state you were in. Ellie smiles, and it’s like she’s so proud of you, like you’ve made her the happiest girl in the world just by telling her the truth.
You want to stick with that for a moment, look deeper into it and figure out what it is that you’ve said that’s made her so happening, but you can’t, because your head is spinning once Ellie latches her plump lips against your core, latching onto your clit and sucking like her life depended on it.
You throw your head back, back arching in pleasure almost painfully. Ellie watches in awe, because you look like a work of art, the prettiest painting, the most detailed sculpture, none of it can compare to the way your chest rises and falls, the way your lips swell, or the way your eyes become low and dreamy. You’re better than any work of art in the world, and it makes her feel lucky to even be here with you.
Her tongue is lapping at your core, watching as jolts of electricity travel through your body with each flick of her tongue to your sensitive little bundle of nerves, and she feels proud of herself for giving you this pleasure, for making you feel this way. You moan out Ellie’s name loudly, your head falling down and tilting to the side as you watch her closely. You want to remember it forever, you want to take this moment and burn it into your mind so you know that it’s real, and that this actually happened.
“So…so pretty…” you moan out, finding it hard to form coherent sentences through the blur of pleasure to felt, and the cloudy feeling that came with the alcohol. You felt numb and hypersensitive all at the same time, and the sensation of that made your head spin. Ellie groans softly against you, giving you an encouraging nod as she flicks her tongue against your weeping core.
And you suddenly feel it, that tight, coiling feeling at the pit of your stomach. It makes your legs shake, it makes your hips grind agains Ellie, forcing your pussy to grind against her face, desperately seeking your orgasm, needing to feel that familiar feeling of bliss wash over you, and you suddenly can’t help but wish that this doesn’t end, that this moment lasts forever.
“Ellie…Els I…fuck….mmmph…m’close!” You announce, your back arching further as you feel it growing closer, and closer and closer and the second you’re right there at the edge….
Its gone. And you realize, you need to be careful what you wish for.
You look down, a soft whine leaving your lips as you look at Ellie below you. Her face is soaked with your arousal, pupils blown out with lust, and bottom lip tugged between her teeth. You open your mouth to complain, to whine and tell her how close you were, but a shiver runs down your spine when Ellie brings her fingers to your core, rubbing circles ever so slowly into your throbbing clit.
“Look at you…poor baby wants to cum so badly, hm?” She hums out, voice tauntingly low as she stared up at you, eyes shining as she slowly toyed with your pussy. You can’t even respond, your hips buck up into her fingers, and she’s quickly clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, and bringing one of her hands down to hold your waist steady
“Ooh, not so fast…I think you need to wait a little bit longer, baby” she explained, voice so low and sweet, it made your head spin. You let out a soft huff, tugging at the sheets beneath you further as you try moving your hips again. “Ellie..that’s…it’s not fair…I’m so close..” you explain, your demeanor clearly switching to one that was needy and huffy.
Ellie chuckles softly, nodding slowly as she continues toying with your pussy so slowly, it feels like torture. “No…no it isn’t fair” she hummed out, slowing her fingers down even more, which was something you weren’t sure was even possible.
She hums softly as she looks down at your poor, weeping pussy, biting her lip softly as she continued rubbing small circles into your clit, pulling you closer towards the edge, just to rip it all away from you, all over again.
“You know what else isn’t fair?” She questioned softly, her eyes now trailing up to yours, her fingers speeding up a bit. As much as you wanted her mouth, anything was better than nothing at this point, and you barely had the mind to give her a proper response. You whined softly, arching your back as you felt it again, growing closer to the edge. Ellie smirked softly as she watches you, going even faster before she leans in and gives your pussy a long lick, which makes you nearly scream.
“How much you hurt me, baby…” she mumbles out, and you can hear that she’s pouting. Her words make your eyebrows furrow, and you look down at her, whining and moaning through the pleasure as you try to see if you’ve heard her correctly. “W-what?” You whimper out, and it causes her to chuckle softly again.
“God, you’re so fuckin cute…” she whispers softly before she nods, a soft hum leaving her lips before she continues speaking. “You hurt me so much, princess….you and that stupid fucking girl…makes me so upset seeing you together, especially when I know I’d treat you so much better” she pouted out again, watching you as you fell apart above her. You’re sure you aren’t hearing her correctly this time. You’re sure that it’s the alcohol, and the pleasure, and everything else you’re experiencing that’s making you hear things.
There’s so much going on in her head, and you can’t even focus on it because she’s clicking her tongue again, and it’s almost like she feels sorry for you, for how much of a wreck you’ve become at the hands of her, at the workings of her tongue.
“And you don’t even fucking realize it too…that’s what pisses me off the most…” she groans out, speeding up her fingers, watching as you whine and wither for her. “You never fucking have…” she mumbles out that part a bit quieter, as it she hopes you don’t here it, or as if that part isn’t for you to hear.
She smirks softly, green eyes trailing up to watch you as she hums. “I think for the at…I shouldn’t give this to you so easily, huh? Pretty girl?” She continues, and you’re shaking your head before she can even finish her sentence. Somehow, out of all the outlandish things that have passed her lips within the last few minutes, that’s the only thing you can focus on and respond to, and that makes her chuckle.
“Ahh, but you can respond to that…” she teases, humming softly as she gently pushes her pointer and index finger into you, watching as your face contorts with pleasure, and it makes her groan softly. “I can’t even imagine how good you’d look taking my cock…you’re made for it…” she groans out through gritted teeth, watching as you moan and whine while she slowly fucks her fingers in and out of you.
At this point, you’ve been denied your orgasm so many times, you’re sure she’s going to do it again. You’re practically preparing for the second she stops, egging you on further until you’re crying for her. You let out a pathetic little whine, your legs threatening to close, and keep her out, to which she pouts. “Shutting me out already? But I haven’t even made you cum yet” she taunts, watching you with a look of pity before she leans in closer to your core, her warm breath wafting against your weeping pussy.
“I know you want it…you always have, haven’t you baby?” She smirks softly, eyeing you as her fingers come to a complete stop inside of you.
And that, that is what throws you over the edge.
Because you can’t take it anymore, one of your hands goes to the back of her head, grabbing a fistful of hair and pressing her face against your core. This results in a low groan from Ellie, one of her hands squeezing your thigh the second you push her in, and her tongue working on your core immediately. She’s just as desperate as you are, tongue lapping at your cunt like a hungry dog, wet noises of squishing and squelching echoing throughout the room, bouncing off the walls and making you feel even more aroused than before.
Her fingers inside of you begin pumping once again, and you finally feel it, that warm feeling you felt earlier, yet this time it’s stronger. All of the orgasms you’d been denied had built up together to create something explosive, electrifying, you could practically feel the energy building up within your body, begging to be released.
And the second you looked down into Ellie’s eyes, seeing the way she was watching your every move, watching the way your face contorted in pleasure, the way your lips parted to let the most wonderful noises escape…
You were done for.
You came so hard, you saw white. It was like you’d died and gone to an afterlife where there was nothing but bliss, a euphoric state that left you almost feeling like you were no longer a body, but a soul. Your back arched so hard it was painful, you were sure to be sore in the morning. It was all too much, too powerful, too erotic.
When you came down from your high, all you could hear were Ellie’s praises. She called you a good girl, she called you her good girl, and she was so proud of you for how well you did, how well you took her. And all you could feel, was Ellie’s strong arms pulling you back into the bed, into her arms as she tugged the covers over your limp body, everything you felt was distant, it was hard to even compute what was real and what wasn’t.
And the last thing you felt before you fell into the most blissful sleep you’d ever experienced, was Ellie’s lips pressing the softest, sweetest kiss to yours.
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sttoru · 9 months
!!! geto hate fuck turning into something really damn passionate! reader repeatedly moaning apologies until geto had given us a bath of his warm cum <3
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⟣ note. listen this turned out way toooo detailed than what i had expected it to be HLPP i got lost in the story irlly just wanted to make this a 100 word drabble oopsies
⟣ tags. mean dom / ex!geto suguru x female reader. smut. hate fucking, mention of slapping, creampie, dirty talk; degradation, name calling; ‘slut’, spriiinkle of overstimulation, slight size difference, uhh dumbification once i think.
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all you did was throw non-stop insults at him — about his attitude, abilities, skills. . . maybe his choice of clothing too. well, that last one was purely added due to your own pettiness.
the heated argument had started when you came over to your ex-boyfriend’s house to pick up the last few items you had left there before the break up. the reason of why you two decided to go off against one another was long forgotten.
that was solely due to the underlying tension between you two. there was something about seeing suguru in such a furious mood that was extremely attractive — he secretly had the exact same thoughts about you too.
the sexual tension seemed to peak once suguru had stopped your hand from coming in touch with his face. it was intended to be a slap to the face out of frustration, however nothing came out of it.
. . maybe except for the fact that you were the one getting slapped now—though in a more sexual way;
“sorry? yeah, hah, too fuckin’ late.” suguru spits whilst keeping your wrists pinned above your head, hips ramming against yours, throbbing cock now balls deep inside you, “should’ve taught twice before catching an attitude with me, sweetheart.”
oh, he was livid. that ‘sweetheart’ didn’t hold its usual sweetness. it was filled with spite, though just a crumble of longing laid underneath. as if he missed you — as if he still yearned for you.
“‘m sorry, sorr—sorry, suguru !” you mewl. that’s all you could manage to do under the grasp of that man as he had you pinned to the couch in the living room, your face a crying mess from both the argument and the turn of events.
one thing about suguru that you did certainly miss was the way he could pleasure you. he did it so well, so precisely—no other man you had been with could ever compare. it’d be a lie to say that you weren’t glad your little visit turned out like this;
“ah, fuck—missed seeing your pretty face like this,” suguru whispers under his breath, lips grazing against yours for a single second. it was enough to leave you stunned and even more embarrassed. exactly what he was trying to accomplish, “missed seeing you cry, drool and beg for my cock. missed seeing you being a little slut for me.”
your nails were digging onto suguru’s triceps, teary eyes looking at him like you were begging him to help you reach your climax — for him not to stop once you were so close to that point of no return. you knew your ex had a thing for edging you, though that’s the last thing you want right now.
not when this felt so right. the way suguru was fucking you was rough and harsh, like he was outing his frustrations on you, but it also slowly started to turn into something more passionate. seeing your tears, hearing your sobs and your pleas definitely made suguru soften up a bit more.
it was almost like he was back to his usual self; the soft and gentle boy you had met in high school. it didn’t seem like the suguru you had broken up with; the guy whose ideals clashed with yours.
“fuuuuck, ‘m sorry, suguru—promise w-won’t say anything like that anymore !” you try and beg once more, though were quickly shut up when suguru went in for a kiss. you instantly melt, not caring about any consequences in this moment—not when he’s fucking you so well. treating you so well.
his tongue invaded your mouth for a couple seconds, groaning at the feeling, before pulling away with a small grin. his harsh thrusting motions eventually turn into gentle yet frustrating grinding ones. he drove his cock into your sopping wet cunt so extremely slow that it made you beg once more.
“shh, shh. don’t overuse that little brain of yours and just cum for me, yeah? that’s all i need you to do, darling.” suguru encourages with a cocky yet sweet smirk.
he was proud that he still had it; the power and skills to drive you insane with pleasure and satisfaction. especially when he was grinding into you ever so slowly, tip grazing against your cervix with each motion.
you were right at the edge of euphoria; almost there. as was suguru, which was obvious due to the increased intensity of his hip movements, switching once more to fierce thrusts. the coil in your stomach was threatening to snap—
“mnhh, can’t wait to fill that pretty pussy again.” the dark-haired man teases through a series of grunts, already imagining the perfect picture: your cunt overflowing with that familiar sticky liquid, watching it dribble out of you.
claiming you as his. even if you weren’t anymore, suguru still had the urge to. he needed - no - desired you back. he wanted to show you those feelings and thus decides to do exactly that by finishing your little session in the best way possible,
“oh, fuck!”
whilst you were still babbling incoherent apologies, suguru had already given up on holding back. he swore to have never released so much. ever.
the warmth filling your insides was a sensation you hadn’t thought you’d have missed this much. you gasp and finish yourself off solely due to the feeling of suguru’s cum spreading in your womb.
“. . . i missed this — i missed you.” your ex-boyfriend sighs and collapses on top of you, not even bothering to pull out. you instinctively wrap your arms around his back and keep him there.
suguru doesn’t protest and just rests his head next to yours, kissing your cheek gently. a simple peck, yet it was filled with emotion.
“missed you too.” you reply quietly. it stays silent like that for a while. there was no need to speak any more—not when the silence spoke volumes;
neither of you seemed to be in the mood to separate from each other. not again.
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ihopeiexplode · 15 days
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BasketballPlayer!Sukuna Headcanons
(he's your boyfriend in this)
Content: Fluff(?) . Slight Angst(?) .
A/N: okay guys u can send in threats again I forgot about Abt denial 🔥🔥(I also have no knowledge Abt basketball what so ever🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️)
. BasketballPlayer!Sukuna is the type to make it publicly known that both of you are dating, he could be interviewed by someone first thing he'll mention is your name, most of the time he isn't even talking about how the preparations for his game went, he's just talking about you
Safe to say everyone who tries interviewing him knows he'll just be talking about you instead of himself...
. BasketballPlayer!Sukuna who would always make sure you're there during his practices and games with the excuse of you being there is his good luck charm he just likes to show off how good he is in basketball
. BasketballPlayer!Sukuna who hates it when you two have an argument right before a game, he absolutely hates it when his girl is mad at him how could he play well when you're not there to watch him and cheer him on? But surprise your there watching him just making sure to stay seated somewhere far so he won't see you
But of course His mood would change when one of his teammates told him they saw you somewhere in the crowd
. BasketballPlayer!Sukuna who always always plays roughly and aggressively whenever you two have another petty argument
. BasketballPlayer!Sukuna who gets easily jealous and possessive when another man talks to you while you're giving him the silent treatment, just because of that he'll always make sure to flirt with the girl interviewing him and making sure you'll see the whole thing
. BasketballPlayer!Sukuna who loves seeing you wear his jersey, I mean why would he? Your wearing a shirt with his signature number and his last name
. BasketballPlayer!Sukuna who hates it whenever you act sad because of some stupid rumor you heard ever since you two started dating
Sure he was a playboy before you two started dating, but the only reason for that is because he never met you yet, seriously the term that your friends keep telling you is ridiculous.
“Don't date basketball players or they'll play your heart like they play basketball” as if he'll do that to you. (Thankyou @/aireia for this line also double credits to rais friend for making the line‼️‼️)
. BasketballPlayer!Sukuna who destroyed his own teammate during a practice just because he asked if Sukuna could set him up on a date with you? Doesn't he know you're taken?
Safe to say the guy never spoke to you or Sukuna ever again 🗣️🗣️‼️🔥
. BasketballPlayer!Sukuna who loves it whenever you overpamper him just because he got hurt during a game, so whenever he gets hurt he won't accept any help unless it you who's helping him,
he'll even purposely hurt himself if your giving silent treatment just so you could pay attention to him again but if that doesn't work?
He could play with a broken ankle and refuse any medical help unless it your helping him, he'd rather play with a broken ankle than receive help from someone that isn't you
. BasketballPlayer!Sukuna is the type to say "This one's for you" whenever you watch him practice, and every time he does this he's always looking right at you due to how confident he is that he won't miss If he ever misses he'll blame it on you saying how you distracted him
. BasketballPlayer!Sukuna who hates it whenever his teammates tease him on how he changed and became less aggressive when you two started dating, there right of course he just doesn't wanna admit how he takes his games much more seriously just because you're watching him and how he'll always win every game just to see that stupid smile on your face.
. BasketballPlayer!Sukuna who only lets you and you alone interact with him whenever he loses a game, only because he gets absolutely aggressive whenever he loses and his teammates are aware of this of course, so imagine their surprise when Sukuna isn't verbally degrading you while you talked to him
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[⛩️] @: Likes & Reblogs R appreciated! ^^
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mitsuyeaah · 1 year
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IZANA KUROKAWA x f! reader
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“it’s been a while since you noticed, i feel like you’ve been losing focus. you lost the fire where the smoke is.”
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cw: timeskip toman! izana (ch. 132 for reference), nsfw (mdni), slight angst, smut, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, oral (f receiving), backshots, pet names (sweetheart, babe, baby), not proofread :(
word count: 4.9k
a/n: © divider: animatedglittergraphics-n-more. requested by the lovely @notiddygxthgf <3
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It was always Toman this, Toman that with Izana Kurokawa. He barely had any time for you nowadays, especially since he was leading the biggest gang in the country, and great responsibilities unfortunately came with even greater demands. Izana was currently Toman’s leader since his half-brother Manjiro was out of the picture and the gang’s second-in-command, Kisaki, was hiding from the government, leaving him no choice but to flee the country.
With these changes in place, it left Izana with more burden to bear which ultimately left the two of you to spend less time together. The endless nights spent cuddling inside his high-rise apartment turned into watching movies alone amongst the vast decorated living room while waiting for him to get home; romantic date nights turned into sleepless nights alone on the king-sized bed, sheets cold due to the lack of Izana’s presence. It honestly drove you up the wall.
You weren’t new to the underworld, not at all. You’ve been by Izana’s side long enough to see him transition from being Black Dragon’s 8th generation leader to Yokohama Tenjiku’s Boss to finally being Toman’s top. The shift from Black Dragon to Toman was completely drastic; back then, Black Dragon was merely Tokyo’s motorcycle gang made up of young teenagers wanting to rule the city. On the other hand, Toman was different, it was the worst gang to ever be made in Japan.
Toman was involved in a vast amount of organised crimes around the country, whether it be dealing with drugs, taking one’s life or theft, it had Toman’s name written all over it, and the person behind it all was none other than your boyfriend.
Izana was a very important person who had a great deal of connections nationwide to cover the tracks of Toman’s organised crimes and whereabouts. That was the responsibility that came with being the boss.
Of course, you never meddled or interfered with his ‘work’ life—also because Izana never really wanted you involved in any of it—but it was almost like he completely disappeared from your life. You often found yourself lonely most of the time, hoping and praying that your boyfriend would come home to you each night and at a reasonable time; sometimes, you’d be pulled from your sleep in the middle of the night and you would see your boyfriend peacefully sleeping next to you, an arm protectively draped over your waist.
Other times, you would stretch your arms out in your sleep, only to be woken up by the lack of his presence, your heart sinking to your stomach once you realise that another night has passed without your boyfriend and you were left with nothing. These nights happened more often than not and it was usually accompanied by the same old text he sends,
‘Will be home late. Don’t wait for me. I love you.’
You knew it was silly to be whining about something like this because you knew exactly what you were getting yourself into when you promised to stay by Izana’s side. You know the demands of being an important person—the demands of being the top but your relationship also has its demands, for time, attention, and love.
Nowadays, it just seemed like the spark between the two of you was gone, like water had been splashed on the blazing fire of his love for you. He’d always come home tired, always in a mood and would barely even spare you a glance; he’d also leave soon after he came back, only spending at least a few hours in your shared space and then he’d disappear into the night without a single trace.
It hurt you a lot to see how cold your relationship has gone ever since Izana was appointed as Toman’s boss, it felt like you were pushed to the side without much of a choice. You wanted to bring this up with him, you really did but every time he came home to you, he looked so.. tired. Dark circles formed under his orchid eyes and he lost quite a bit of weight, presumably from the stress of handling the gang, and you didn’t want to add anymore problems to his plate.
But you knew you just weren’t going to sit on the sidelines and let your heart and feelings wander off. No, you weren’t going to let that happen.
Your ears perked up at the soft beeping of the metal door followed by the loud click of the lock, indicating that someone had opened it from the outside. From the dimly lit hallway emerged Izana, rubbing his amethyst eyes as he let out a deep sigh, his shoulders slumped forward clearly from exhaustion. Your boyfriend’s gaze darted over to your figure sitting on the couch, your eyes already on him; his face softened as he walked over to you, “Sweetheart, what are you doing up? It’s almost four in the morning..” he rested a hand at the back of your head as he brought you closer to his abdomen, hugging you.
Nuzzling your face into his torso, you inhaled his scent, missing the way it engulfed you every single night. “I just missed you so much, ‘Zana… you never come home to me anymore.” You pulled away from his body, looking up at him through your lashes, he was already looking down at you—his starlight-like hair radiated from the soft glow of the TV behind him, making him look oh, so ethereal. Izana’s face fell as he let out another sigh,
“Sweetheart, we’ve already talked about this.. you know how it gets—” “I know, babe. You’ve told me a lot of times but it seems like I’m not even in a relationship with you anymore.”
You looked off to the side, avoiding his crestfallen face. Izana might be feared by many but in your eyes, he was just a man who needed love and attention, a man who willingly gave you his heart to love and care for. He was everything you ever wanted and you hated doing this to him, confronting him about your relationship but it needed to be done because you needed to know where his priorities lie.. and if it didn’t include a future with you, you didn’t know if you were still going to hold on to what you two had left of your relationship.
During the days and nights spent alone, you spent them with your raging thoughts. Thoughts that weren’t pretty and kind—thoughts that made you question your relationship with him. What if he was seeing someone else? You’ve thought about it a lot, and as much as it broke your heart, it is possible given the amount of time the two of you barely spent together—the amount of times you were left all alone in his high-rise apartment, trying not to jump into sudden conclusions.
“If you’re.. if you’re seeing someone else, all you have to do is just tell me, Izana.” 
You didn’t use his nickname or a pet name which indicated how serious you were about this; Izana was shocked, he had mixed feelings. How could you say that to his face? How could you accuse him of cheating on you with another woman whilst using his nickname at the same time? Have you lost that much faith in your relationship?
The man standing before you opened his mouth but nothing came out, he didn’t know what to say to you because he was hurt and taken aback that you’d accuse him of such a thing. Yes, he was a busy and a wanted man but on top of all that he was loyal—not only to his gang but to you. He could not have asked for more ever since he met you. You, who stayed by his side long enough to know the real him, long enough to know that he would never do you like that.
So, why were you—out of all people—questioning his loyalty?
You acted like you didn’t even know who he was. “How dare you..?” He whispered, confusion evident in his tone. His arms unwrapped from yours and you were suddenly hit with the cool early morning air, immediately missing the way his warmth engulfed your body.
Izana felt guilty that he made you feel like he was not loyal to you but he was also upset and angry because why would you even think that way? And in times like these where he had a storm of feelings swirling in his chest, anger always took over. You looked back up at your boyfriend, suddenly feeling regretful that you even brought it up but by the look he gave you, he wasn’t going to let this down.
“Why would you accuse me of such a thing?! I work tirelessly for you! For us! So we have a future ahead and this is how you repay me? By thinking I’m sleeping around with someone else?”
Repay him? Your blood boiled. He acted like you owed him your life or something; it was Izana’s idea for you to not work anymore since he could splendidly provide for the two of you, you were hesitant at first but it took enough convincing from your boyfriend to finally cave in, and now he was acting like you’re a complete burden to him. You stood up from the couch, a scowl plastered upon your face as you crossed your arms over your chest, “Repay you? What do you even take me as, Izana? I wasn’t some damsel in distress when I said ‘yes’ to a relationship with you! Mind you, you were the one who begged me to not work anymore!”
He scoffed, looking over to the side, he stuck his tongue against his cheeks—a habit he usually does when he’s fuming. Oh, he could fight you all he wanted but you weren’t going to back down. You weren’t going to settle for the bare minimum he’s been giving you for the past couple of weeks. Izana closed his eyes, taking deep breaths before opening his mouth again, “I know that, okay? And I’m not cheating on you—god, I would never do that. I don’t even know where you got that silly idea from..” He shook his head before turning around to head for the hallway that led towards the door he just entered.
Your scowl quickly turned into a panicked expression, arms uncrossing from your chest as your eyes keenly watched his every move. Izana looked over his shoulder as he put his shoes on, “I’m not going to sit here and argue with you, sweetheart.. I’m going to sleep at Kakucho’s, it seems like we need to clear our thoughts for a bit.. cool off.” And with that, he grabbed the door handle and disappeared—just like he always did.
But this time, he wanted this.
The loud clang of the metal door closing reverberated through the whole apartment, the sound ringing in your ears as if to mock you. You stood there, rooted to the floor, unmoving and speechless—your chest heaved up and down as your eyes brimmed with tears. You could feel your chest closing in on you, everything felt suffocating, you didn’t know what to do. All you wanted was him, Izana, but the man who your heart yearned for left you. He left you all alone in this cold, uninviting apartment—an apartment of what used to be full of love and laughter.
You never regret something so fast. You wished you didn’t have to say that but it wasn’t like you were wrong because it was all facts. Izana never had time for you, that was the cold hard truth, and for someone who didn’t hesitate to pull the trigger to take one’s life, he was a coward for trying to avoid the truth.
That night, Izana stared up at the ceiling of Kakucho’s guest bedroom after finally convincing his best friend to let him crash for the night. Just as he’d expected, the younger man did not hesitate to try and shut the door on Izana’s face after telling him that he had an argument with you and wanted to ‘cool off’. Kakucho was persistent, telling the older man to go back home to you and fix whatever this whole thing was; truth is, Izana wanted to but he was tired. He needed his mind cleared before addressing such issues, he figured it was best to do so with a clear head before any of you said anything that would end in regret.
He’d come back to you. He always did. But right now, he just needed a breather.
You only got about a few hours of sleep before the sun shone through the window to remind you of the day ahead, heart sinking due to the lack of Izana’s presence laying right next to you. You were still upset at him, yes, but also worried about his well-being—you just wished he’d come home to you and forget about what happened a few hours earlier because now that your mind was less occupied, you did regret accusing him of seeing someone else.
You knew Izana more than anyone else, and out of all people, you shouldn’t have questioned his loyalty like that. Not when you knew how much he cherished and loved you, all of you. Sometimes there are things that are beyond one’s control, and you thought that maybe this whole thing fell into that category. You weren’t ready to tank this relationship—never, because you love him and that’s all that matters.
There’s been a lingering idea in your head to try to at least get his attention, and you figured today would be the best time to do it—he could think of it as a peace offering too.
After going through the hassle of shopping for a new pair of lingerie since all the other ones either ended up ripped—thanks to Izana—or simply weren’t enticing enough, you finally found the right set. The one that you knew Izana was going to lose his mind over, and of course, it was the same shade as his eyes, orchid; he never really admitted it to you, but you knew how riled up he got whenever you’d get lingerie sets that matched his pretty eyes.
You stood in front of the body length mirror inside your’s and Izana’s bedroom, wearing the lingerie you had bought earlier today; it was a purple two-piece lingerie set decorated with feathers and chains, and of course, like every other man, Izana had a weakness. Lace. The thin silver chains attached to the top part of the cup accentuated your upper bust, little feathers decorated the shoulder straps. The matching panties were just as daring, almost transparent and barely covering anything.
After taking several pictures, you found the one you liked best and immediately sent the photo to your boyfriend, along with a caption that said, ‘How does it look?’
In all honesty, you knew this was a shot in the dark since Izana barely checked his phone throughout the day due to endless meetings regarding illegal trades and other similar activities of such—you knew these meetings were always long and tedious, and it made sense because of how risky it was, thus, every single thing had to be looked into.
Izana sat on one end of the table as he listened to Kakucho talking on the other end; the executives were currently discussing how to bring Kisaki back to Japan without having to raise any suspicion. Yes, there a decoy body was used to pass him off as ‘deceased’ in police reports but one could never be too cautious. His body jolted against the seat as he heard his phone ping loudly, and suddenly all eyes were on him.
Shit. He had forgotten to turn off his phone.
Everyone in the room fell silent, even Kakucho had stopped talking, all eyes were on their boss. He took his phone out of his pocket and waved a hand, dismissing it and told the younger man to proceed; just as he was about to turn it off, Izana saw your name attached to the notification. He was surprised to say the least, you were the last person he expected to get a text from.
With his phone on his hand, he rested his arm on his abdomen, mindlessly clicking the notification. It took a few seconds for the picture to load but when it did, he almost choked on his saliva.
He quickly shoved his phone under the table to keep any prying eyes away, not that there were any, no one dared to look his way unless he was speaking. Izana’s eyes traced your whole body, the way it perfectly fit the purple lingerie set, fuck, he could feel himself getting hard. At this point, he didn’t even care about the ways they could bring Kisaki back to the country, fuck that, he wanted you.
Izana uncomfortably squirmed in his seat, tugging at his pants as his semi-hard cock was now rubbing against the material. His cheeks warmed and ears burned with embarrassment as he stared at the picture you sent him, you menace, you knew exactly what you were doing to him. And purple? God, you’re the death of him. He quickly typed a reply and stood up from his seat, once again gaining everyone’s attention, no one dared to question him as he spoke the next few words,
“I’ll be heading home early. Kakucho, you’re in charge.” With that, he swiftly slipped out of the room to head over to you.
‘Wait for me, sweetheart. You better be prepared, I won’t go easy on you.’
Your heart skipped a beat at his quick reply, lips parting in shock as your boyfriend replied rather quickly. You weren’t going to lie, the sentence he sent put a small smile on your face, all the unwanted feelings from last night suddenly disappeared. Izana might be the running the most feared gang in the country but under all that, he was just a man who still had needs that only you could fulfil.
Almost ten minutes had passed after you heard the door open and shut, you could hear the hurried clacking of his dress shoes as he made his way towards your shared bedroom. Izana appeared at the door, bending down to take his shoes off, his cock was evidently straining against his slacks, paired with a lustful expression—orchid eyes, tracing every part of your almost naked body.
Izana tossed his shoes aside which made a loud thud against the wooden floor as he stalked his way towards you; he held your gaze from where you sat on the bed, taking slow strides as if to drink in the entirety of you. You let out a shaky breath as you stared at his amethyst eyes, feeling yourself getting wet down there despite Izana not even laying a single digit on you.
Tilting your head to the side, you raised a brow and gave him a sly smile, “Hm? I thought you were busy, Izana?” He let out a playful scoff, standing between your legs as he pried your knees apart with his own; his amethyst eyes looked down at you, platinum strands framing his temple and his long earrings swaying ever so slightly at the movement—god, you always loved the soft sound it made as it dangled from his ears.
“That’s ‘babe’ to you. Get on all fours, right now. Don’t make me repeat myself.” There’s that tone that did unexplainable things to you; the voice he always used to command his underlings, you always found yourself biting your lip when he used it on you. Without hesitating, you moved yourself further up the king-sized bed and swiftly got into the said position, nails digging into the soft mattress as you anticipated your boyfriend’s next move.
Your arms almost gave out on you as Izana wasted no time and stuck his finger against your damp panties, adding pressure to your clit and rubbing tight circles on it through the lacy fabric. “Mhm! Izana!” Your head bowed in pleasure, eyes closing shut as his digits increased its pace. You haven’t felt this familiar pleasure in so long, so it made sense how reactive you were under his touches that you’ve been craving for.
He let out a low chuckle from behind, one hand massaging your ass as the other worked on your clit, making you even wetter. “So wet for me, huh? Such a naughty girl.. sending me daring pictures while I’m in a meeting. What if my men saw that, hm?” His tone  dripped with honey, causing goosebumps to form on your skin as his voice filled your ears. Your hands balled into fists against the mattress, clamping at the sheets as he swiftly pushed the lacy fabric aside and inserted two digits into your sopping wet cunt which earned a loud whine from you.
Your back arched in pleasure as Izana slowly thrusted two fingers in and out, savouring the way your warm and wet cunt invited his digits inside, deliciously sucking him back in as it made loud squelching noises.
You let out a small whimper, opening your eyes as Izana swiftly removed his digits from your cunt before sucking his fingers clean. You craned your neck to look back at him, the soft sound of fabric rustling and his belt hitting the wooden floor as he undressed himself. He stood at the end of the bed, his whole body exposed. You bit your lip at the sight of him; Izana stood at the end of the bed while he slowly fisted his cock, head thrown back to expose his neck. He was truly beautiful. The way his tan skin glowed from the golden sunshine of the afternoon sun, lips parted in pleasure as soft pants escaped, causing his chest to heave up and down.
He got back on the bed, knees sinking on the mattress while he made his way to your eager body. Izana gave your ass a harsh slap, earning a yelp from you before practically tearing the skimpy fabric—the sound of the material ripping apart filled the room, your wet cunt now fully exposed for him. Izana’s hands made their way to your outer thighs, pushing your legs together so that your knees were touching.
He positioned his body over your own, exposed chest pressed against your back and legs parted—knees resting just beside your own. You smiled at the small peck he placed on your shoulder blade but it faded as quickly as it formed as he pushed his tip into your wet cunt. Your lips parted, forming an ‘o’ shape and your nails dug into the mattress as Izana pushed further into you, stretching your walls. “Ngh! Fuck! I missed this..” Your boyfriend rested his forehead on your nape, letting out hot pants against your skin as he bottomed out.
He whined at the feeling of your tight walls clenching around his cock, a shudder running down his spine. “Babe.. please move..” You rocked your hips back, whining at the lack of movement from the man above you. “Shit, baby. You’re so fuckin’ tight f’me.. Need a moment..” He groaned before biting down at your shoulder as your hips desperately rutted back against him.
Izana stayed still for a few seconds, savouring the way your hot walls felt around him. It suddenly made him realise how much he’s missed your tight pussy. Fuck, he had been abandoning his sweet girl. Now that he’s here with you, he’s determined to make up the amount of times he’s neglected you and your needs.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as Izana finally started moving his hips; he didn’t bother setting a slow pace to start with, and skipped right to how you wanted it. Hard and fast. Your body jolted forward with every slap of his hips against your ass, lips parted as your moans increased in volume in pitch. It didn’t take too long for you to turn into a moaning mess as it’s been a while since Izana fucked you like this. 
Tears were quick to form at how fast his hips were moving. You could feel every inch of him, the pleasure being more intense for the both of you as your legs were glued together. Izana rested his forehead against your shoulder blade, hanafuda earrings dancing against the skin of your back with every thrust of his hips—you would’ve laughed at the feeling of his earrings lightly tickling your skin if it wasn’t for his dick constantly hitting that delicious spot inside you, making your legs tremble.
“Ngh—shit! D’ya think I’d still fuck you this good if I was seeing someone else—haah!” Izana groaned against your skin, one hand coming up to massage your breast through the lacy fabric, roughly squeezing at the flesh. You couldn’t even form any coherent sentences at this point; your lips were parted only to let out loud whines and moans. “I asked you a question—mhm!” His hand travelled up your chest and to your throat, fingers gently wrapping around the base of your neck.
You swallowed thickly, wracking your fogged brain to try and think of a response. Shit, why was it so hard? No words appeared in your hazy mind. “Mmph! Ngh—ah! N-no!” Izana breathlessly chuckled, “That’s right.. I only have eyes for you, baby. Now, be a good girl and take all that I’m about to give you..” You didn’t know it was possible for Izana to move his hips harder against you until he did, heavy balls slapping against your clit, causing your arms to give out, chest landing on the soft mattress beneath you.
Izana’s hips didn’t falter, not one bit. His chest was still pressed against your back, this time, the position drove his cock to hit deeper into you—abusing your g-spot over and over again. It didn’t take long for that familiar pressure in your abdomen to slowly surface, making itself known as pleasure engulfed your whole body, “Ah! ‘Zana—ngh! I-i’m close!” Your moans were muffled against the sheets.
“Go on, baby… Fuck! Cream around the cock that you’ve been begging for.” Izana trailed open-mouthed kisses along the side of your neck. Your entire body stiffened as the knot inside you finally snapped, an earth-shattering orgasm washing over the entirety of your figure. Your hands fisted the mattress as you came around Izana’s cock, lips parted but no sound came out.
He whispered sweet praises into your ear, riding your orgasm by fucking into your tight walls despite how hard it was to move.
A fresh set of tears wet the sheets beneath you as Izana’s hips didn’t stop moving. Your toes curled at the overstimulation, placing a hand against his abdomen to slow down, only to be pinned down at the mattress by your boyfriend. “Ah, ah.. you’re going to be a good girl and take all of it. Need to remind you that I’m all yours and no one else’s, hm?” Izana gritted his teeth at the way your walls gripped him even tighter, hips slightly faltering.
Your back arched at the immense pleasure, loud moans muffled by the mattress. It didn’t take long for you to reach another orgasm. This time, your whole body trembled as you came. Your vision was painted with stars, knuckles turning white with the way you held onto the sheets for your dear life. “That’s it, sweetheart.. Fuck! Been neglecting this pretty pussy, huh?” He praised you, his saccharine tone filling your ringing ears.
A string of profanities slipped past your lips, crying out your boyfriend’s name in pleasure. You whined as Izana slipped his cock out, your dripping cunt clenching around nothing—god, you already missed him inside you. He was quick to pry your legs open and stick his face into your sopping wet folds, tongue darting out to lick at your juices.
You bit your bottom lip. Hard. You swore it might draw blood soon, but you didn’t care. You whined at the feeling of Izana’s tongue alternating between exploring inside you and lapping at your folds, lips sealed around your cunt as he sucked you like his life depended on it. All while eating you out, one hand fisted his wet cock, earning a moan from him which sent vibrations to your cunt.
His other hand firmly gripped your hip to keep you in place as you attempted to run away from his mouth.
After lapping up all your cum, Izana lifted his torso so that he kneeled behind your body. He threw his head back as he continued to swiftly stroke his cock, loud moans laced with profanities slipping past his lips. It didn’t take long for him to reach his orgasm, every muscle in his body becoming taut, and his hips bucking up into his fist as ropes of thick cum spurted all over your back.
You groaned at the feeling of his hot semen making contact against your skin; you blindly reached a hand behind you and massaged his balls, earning a high pitched whine from him as he milked his cock to every last drop.
Izana panted above you, staring at your cum-painted back. It was truly a sight to see, a pretty one at that. “Fuck, I love you so much, you know? I wouldn’t trade you for anyone else, sweetheart. I’m all yours.”
The two of you held each other as you layed in bed, apologising for the events that happened last night. You both admitted your wrong doings and vowed to talk about issues that need to be addressed in the relationship.
You were truly grateful to have a lover like Izana, because with him, rest assured that the spark of love will never disappear. He made sure of that.
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© mitsuyeaah
968 notes · View notes
hoes4lino · 11 months
Do you wanna share a Towel | Pt2.
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WARNING ⊂✦⊃ This story contains nsfw content! Unprotected sex (wrap before you tap) mentions of alcohol and knifes; minors please don’t interact, please beware of what you consume online.
Genre: Childhood friends to Enemies to Lovers
Word count: 3.6k
Summary: it's spring break and your mom and her best friend decide to rent an airbnb to spend the week in, everything sounds great until you realize Minho has to tag along.
Authors Note: This is part 2 of the story, its not necessary to read the first part to enjoy this part, however I would recommend to read part 1 first!
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The soft moonlight caresses your face as you sleep soundly on your bed, the sound of crickets and rain embracing the ambience. You don’t remember what you were dreaming or how long have you been asleep, you stare at the clock to see is not even dinner time, yet it looks so dark outside.
Your eyes move around analyzing the room, you woke up because you swore something touched your leg. The room was pitched dark due to the rainstorm, you tried to find the switch to turn your lamp on but couldn’t find it and getting up to turn on the bedroom light wasn��t definitely not part of your plan.
The sharp sound of a thunder echoing in the silent room, your eyes squeezed shut as you embrace your plushie. Eyes trembling as you saw something moving on the corner of your eyes “YAH MINHO IF YOU ARE THE ONE DOING THIS IS NOT FUNNY” You screamed in panic.
The room was silent again your heartbeat ringing in your ears; you decided to call for your mom “MO-” you were interrupted as something launched on top of you like a cat, panic filling your body. Muffled screams falling from your mouth as you felt a warm hand covering your mouth, you body moved trying to escape their embrace but it was hopeless they had you pin your bed.
“Y/n relax it’s me” His voice had no reason to sound that soft and comforting, you open your eyes to be greeted with his. Big orbs that shined under the moonlight, his gaze was soft as he slowly started to unpin you from the bed. He moved to turn your lamp on; his eyes quickly moving to focus on the wall and his body tensing. His ears turned into a slight shade of red as he realized you were wearing only a t-shirt and your underwear. Your messy hair and puffy face were quite a sight, he could feel blood rushing down to his… He got smashed out of his thoughts as a pillow flung to his face.
“YAH LEE MINHO IM SERIOUSLY GONNA KILL YOU” You started attacking him with your pillow, he did his best to try and defend himself, however there was no way to block your punches as you were basically on top of him. “YOU SON OF A BITCH DIDNT HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO” You kept screaming as you hit him, his chuckles filling the room.
“I was trying to recreate the old times” You stop at his words and scoff. Minho and you used to prank each other every time you got the chance to, however, as he started high school he became too sensitive and would actually get mad at whatever prank you pulled on him. The last one being the one that broke your friendship.
It was a sunny summer day; you, Minho and your ex boyfriend (who was also his friend) were chilling at the beach, everything was good although you noticed Minho was quieter than usual and seemed rather out of place. You thought an innocent prank would lighten his mood, so you decided to fill a bucket of water and secretly sneak behind his chair. The cold water poured on his brown hair and his whole body tensed. His eyes burning fire as he stood up to look at you and your ex boyfriend laughing.
He walked away without spatting a single word, your stomach dropping as you followed him closer to the ocean, you knew he was mad. Next thing you know he has his friendship bracelet on his hand and he is throwing far away on the ocean. A tear rolled down your cheek as you look dumbfounded at him, you both made those matching bracelets during first grade craft time, it hold a lot of symbolism in your friendship. “Now you are just a memory” Were his last words as he left. Since then you would only see each other when your mothers made reunions, however, never spoke like actual friends again.
“Old times?” You questioned while looking at him, he just hummed in response and a sharp thunder filled the silence of the room. You didn’t realize his hands were resting on your hips until you wanted to stand up “You creep” You mumble.
— — —
“We are going to buy some stuff for today’s movie night, you two stay here and organize the rest of the stuff, we left a list on the counter” The loud clinging of the keys plus your mom’s words were ignored by your brain as you think in the living room couch about Minho’s behavior this past days.
It’s been 3 days into the trip and so far you have noticed his been acting strange, suddenly he is not the cold teenager you knew, he is turning back into the soft funny Minho you knew back when you were 12 years old. What happened that he suddenly want to go back to your childhood times.
“I call dips on the baking part” You look up to be met with Minho standing in front of you holding a list, you must have been really distracted to notice his presence.
“What are you talking about” You furrowed your eyebrows “Did you not hear what your mom said” You look around trying to find you mom but she is nowhere to be seen “Oh my god y/n” He rolled his eyes and sighed in frustration.
“They went out to buy the last ingredients for dinner, they left of a list to prepare the movie night” He hands you over the list, you give it a quick scan before pouting “Why you get the best part” You shot at him “Cause I’m the one listening to what our moms say” He scoff, a lightning illuminating the living room and your eyes shooting up to met his “Wait, but what about the storm? it’s dangerous” Your eyes filled with concern: Minho just shrugging in response “I’m sure they will be fine” He said before leaving to the kitchen.
— — —
You had no business to be so paranoid, sending texts to your mom every 30 minutes to make sure she was ok, 2hrs passed and you were done setting the living room, you made sure it looked comfy and perfect for the movie night, however, you still kept worrying about your mom.
“Can you stop bothering her, nothing bad will happen” Minho said behind you as he placed a plate with brownies in the table in front of you “You never know” You spat back, your hand moving to reach for a brownie.
Your hand being smacked as soon as you touched one “OUUCH YAH” You slightly turn your head to look at him, your heartbeat stopping for a second as his face was already close to yours “No dessert before dinner” He scold you, you could feel his breath hitting your face although it smell like fresh mint you pretended to be disgusted and pushed him away.
“Ewww get your stinky ass away from me” You made a sound like if you were about to puke, Minho just stood there and couldn’t help but laugh at you “I’m sorry princess” He said leaving the living room and leaving you there with a your face red as a tomato. Princess you thought.
The sound of your ringtone filled the silence in the room and caught your attention. Your mom’s name appearing on the bright screen. In that moment you were both relief and concerned that she called you, afraid she might give you bad news.
“Hey mom, everything alright” You were quick to say as soon as you answered the phone, your words catching Minho’s attention and making him come back to the living room.
“Yeah Honey, but theres a slight problem” Both of you turn to see each other with wide eyes, Minho gesturing you to put the phone on speaker as he sat next to you.
“What’s wrong” You could feel your voice trembling a little bit, deep inside you knew you might have been exaggerating the whole situation but it’s your mom and you deeply care about her.
“So we got all the ingredients we needed for dinner, however, a tree fell on the road and now its blocked. The authorities told us to wait inside this restaurant and well…” Her words were interrupted a faint voice speaking in the background. “Here is the pasta you asked for ma’am” Both you and Minho comically gasped as if you both got backstabbed.
“You are eating without us?!?” You place your hand on your heart, your mom laughed in response “We were hungry I’m sorry… But hey you have Minho he a great cook. We will be back soon hopefully, please don’t kill each other” You mom said in a cheerful voice.
“Love you~~~” Both your mom and his said over the phone, giggles being heard as they hung up.
You threw your phone on the table and laid back on the couch “ughhh” You cover your face with your hands as you see Minho’s smirk forming in the corner of his mouth.
“Guess its just you and me” He leaned over teasing you “Why are suddenly excited?” You sat down looking at him with an eyebrow raised. He just laughed.
“Im serious, you been avoiding me for years and suddenly you are all clingy? idk” You said with a dead tone looking at him. His face was emotionless although you could tell by his eyes that he regretted the way he treated you years ago.
“Y/n I-” He began to speak but you were quick to speak “Save it” You stood up from the couch and walked to the kitchen, his body following yours like a magnet. You scan the fridge and took out some chicken and salad ingredients.
“What are you doing” He questioned you from behind as you started to clean the vegetables “I’m cooking my dinner, you might be a better cook but I’m an independent woman” You smug at him.
“Let me help you” He said, his body caging you as he moved to grab some tomatoes —you turn your body around to face him, a knife in your hand “I rather do it myself” You carefully tapped the knife on his chest, your eyes never moving from his as your hand traced lines on his shirt.
His eyes moved to look at the knife, a smirk plastered on his face. He leaned over so he was closer to your face “Do I have to remind you our mom’s want BOTH of us alive?” He emphasized the word as he chuckled.
“You are lucky to be mommy’s boy” You sighed turning around and continuing your task of cutting the cucumbers in small pieces. He chuckled behind you, your blood boiling.
“There’s better cutting methods” He teased leaning over to your ear “I’m sorry Gordon Ramsay” You weren’t having it, one part of you wanted to give in into his teasing; the other part wanted to punch him due to his sudden switch up.
A gasp unintentionally left your mouth as his hand was placed on top of both your hands and his firm body was pressed against yours, caging you between the counter and his body.
“This way is easier” He whispered in your ear as he guided your hands. You weren’t going to lie— you felt like Gordon Ramsay cutting that cucumber… you made a mental note to take some cooking classes.
“Now keep that pace and I will move onto the tomatoes” He let go from your body and left to wash the tomatoes. It felt wrong the way your body missed his warmth behind you, you felt like something was missing.
— — —
You came back to the kitchen, a bottle of red wine in your hand. Minho looked at you as you place it in the counter in front of him. “My mom said no alcohol in the house” You look around at the kitchen “No mom’s no rules” You said as you opened the bottle of wine, the sound of the pop and wine pouring in the glass echoing in the kitchen.
He was hypnotized by the way your lips attached to the glass, the liquid going down your throat as you drink it all at once. You groan as you place the glass on the table with a loud thud.
“Want some?” You raise your glass at him. He looks hesitant but grabs it anyway.
— — —
Bottle almost empty you too stand in the kitchen washing the dishes. Even though the wine wasn’t as strong to get you wasted you could tell you were tipsy. You could also tell Minho was tipsy— maybe it was because he was giggling more than usual or the faint pink tint on his cheeks.
“So I guess I was jealous when you dated Jisung” He confessed, his gaze looking at the cup he was cleaning— your laugh ringing in his ears “So you are telling me- 16 year old you, stopped hanging out with me cause I dated your best friend?” You kept laughing making him more embarrassed of his confession.
“It wasn’t like that!” He defended himself “I was happy trust, but then you started ditching me for him and” He stopped mid sentence, his mouth opening and closing.
“And?” You questioned, tilting your head to find his gaze “And…” He continued “I missed your attention I guess…” He trailed “Plus Jisung was really annoying! He would always brag about your relationship” He rolled his eyes “That idiot lucky I love him to death.” He spat taking the last sip of his wine.
You chuckled at his words, hearing this confession cleared out so many things of your friendship “And here I was thinking you hated me this whole time” His eyes quickly moved to look at yours— they were soft and hold a lot of emotions behind them. A pout formed on his mouth before he moved to place a hand on your face.
“Princess I would never hate you” One of his hands moved to your waist and moved you so his body cornered yours against the kitchen counter.
“And… if I ever did… it was out of love” You couldn’t believe his words at that moment… He loved you?— your eyes scanned his face in search for something, a hint. Something that would tell you he is lying… that this is a prank.
“Seeing the way you would kiss him… the things he told me… it all made me hate you… because I wanted your love” He chuckled nervously, his face was inches away from yours. You placed a hand on top of the one he had on your face.
His soft eyes scanned yours, a fond smile forming on his face as he saw your confusion. “May I kiss you” Neither of you knew were this boldness was coming from, maybe it was the alcohol but you didn’t really care as you softly nodded.
Your lips met with a soft peck, his lips felt smooth and warm against yours. A million butterflies ran through your veins as he deepened the kiss, his hands moving to grab your waist and move you to sit on top of the counter.
You spread your legs so he could fit in between them, you thighs trapping him— his body pressed firm against yours.
His hands roamed free on your body as your hand wrapped around his neck. The wet sound of the kisses echoing in your ears. You could feel a pool forming in your panties, your body craving his touch.
Unconsciously you grind on him making him moan in the kiss, the gasp as you bite his lip. Both of you making eye contact as you pant for air. “Not to be a creep but… I have fantasized with this moment” He confessed chuckling.
“You horny creep” You spat back latching your lips again with his— this time your hands roaming under his shirt and moving down to unbuckle his pants. “Will this ruin anything” He stopped your hands and looked deeply into your eyes, trying to find any hint of regret.
You smile at him hoping this would ease his nerves— your face leaning to his ears “If anything it will improve our friendship” You whispered nibbling the flesh on his neck— a purple mark starting to form.
“Fuck” He whimpered, his lips crashing on yours. The way he kisses you is so addicting, the way he would pull your lips with his teeth just to crash back on them. He would also variate the pace, from slow and passionate to fast and hungrier. You know what they say— slow kisses are sluttier, definitely your favorite ones.
Each kiss told a different story, some told you how much he loved you, others how much he craved you, and others how much he was enjoying this. Minho isn’t a man that will express his emotions through words— his way to express emotions is through his body language, and that’s how you know he desperately wants to fuck your brains out.
The way his body would match yours, both grinding against each other like horny teenagers. Maybe you two were 21 now but you know that at some point through your teenage years you fantasized with this. After all he was hot and popular… could you blame you?
A loud moan echoed the room, the way his fingers would tease your dripping entrance while he nibbled the flesh of your neck. “If you are this wet from a little make out session I can’t imagine with my dick inside you” He took his fingers out your panties and move them to show you. His fingers were coated with your arousal, slowly dripping into your thighs— he chuckled before sucking his fingers clean, his dark eyes never breaking contact with yours.
“You are truly a delight” He smiled at your flushed face “Next time I’m eating you out until you forget your name” He chuckled before kissing you again. He pressed his tongue against yours so you could taste yourself. This man was driving you insane.
“I will be gentle I promise” He said as he slid his tip on your slit, covering it with your arousal— he teased your entrance, a moan coming out of his mouth due to his teasing, he was also getting desperate.
“Minho” You squealed in frustration as he slowly pumped in and out his tip on your entrance “Fuck y/n, say my name like that again and I will fill you to the brim” A sharp moan left your lips as he started to move all the way in.
You made a mental note at that moment to ask if he was still going to those dance classes you both joined in high school— He had no business to be so skilled, the way his hips would move sharply but gentle at the same time had you on the edge.
Minho was a man that would put your pleasure first than his. When he saw your back arching as he touched THAT spot multiple times, he felt butterflies running all over his body.
Your mouth half open, eyes rolled back. You felt like you were scratching an itch that you couldn’t find. It felt heavenly.
“Min- I-” You mind goes blank as you try to scramble words together, your vision going blur as you feel your high approaching “I know princess” He placed a hand on your tummy pushing you down on the counter.
With your body fully laid on the counter he had a better access to your dripping cunt. His thumb drew circles on your clit as he kept hitting that spot you loved with the curve of his dick.
Your moans echoed on his brain, it was like a melody to him, he wanted your whimpers and moans engraved in his brain.
A sharp moan left your mouth as you felt your warm cum washing down, your arousal dripping from your cunt and his dick and spilling over his legs and counter.
Minho felt his high approaching as your sensitive cunt squeezed his dick, the way your walls sucked him in was making him reach cloud9. “Fuck” He whispered as he was about to pull out to cum on your stomach.
“Please cum inside me” You grabbed his hand so he wouldn’t pull out— your command was music to his ears. Making it easier for him to cum.
Long shots of warm cum spilling inside of you. It was a sensation you have never experienced before. You were on the pill for a while but never dared to have unprotected sex, however, with Minho… you trust him so much you didn’t care about anything.
Once he pulled out of you, his body crashed on top of yours in the counter. It was indeed uncomfortable but you both didn’t care as you both got off your high.
A ding from your phone startled both of you and straighten your postures. Minho laughed as he checked your phone. It was your mom.
Mom: There in 10 ❤️
It was comically how both of you rushed to clean the kitchen and try to make each other look decent. Both of your bodies crashing on the living room couch once done.
“I should take a shower” You said as you felt sticky and disgusting “Maybe we should share a towel” He teased leaning to peck your lips.
You chuckled as you stood up “Help our moms with the bags and met me in the shower” You wink at him before running upstairs.
In that moment Minho didn’t realize he was smiling like a lovesick boy, until he spotted his reflection on the tv screen. He swears he has never loved someone like this before.
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Authors Note: I originally finished this at 1:30am… when I was scheduling my tumblr crashed and erased the smut part… I was going to give up and postpone it for next month, but I’m tired of procrastinating so I speed ran the smut part with what I remembered 😭
Finished time: 2:47am
718 notes · View notes
sister-lucifer · 2 years
An Attempt, A Failure, A Moment Of Forgiveness
The Demon Brothers x Gender neutral reader
Genre: Fluff, Hurt + Comfort, angst but with a happy ending! 
Summary: The brothers have had a particularly hard day, and you decide to make their favorite dinner to cheer them up. Unfortunately, it backfires, and now they’ve accidentally made you upset. It’s their turn to cheer you up instead. 
Content/Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, slight angst with a happy ending, sensitive reader, the brothers being uncharacteristically mean due to stress, Beelzebub showing his emotional intelligence, Lucifer has no idea how to apologize
*Asmodeus uses he/she pronouns 
*Levi is autistic 
Not fully proof read, let me know if you see any errors!
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio! 
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
“Watch it, stupid human!” Mammon hissed as he passed by you in the hall, bumping your shoulder and nearly knocking you to the ground. 
“O-Oh, sorry Mammon!” You called after him, but he didn’t even turn back to you. 
“Listen here, human,” He growled over his shoulder, “I have five tests I have to get through today and like, a million assignments due tonight, so stay the hell out of my way today, got it?!” 
You didn’t even get a chance to respond before he had disappeared around the corner and into a classroom. 
You sighed, gaze falling to your shoes as you solemnly made your way to your first period class. 
This was not the first of these “mishaps” to happen today.
It seems that all of the brothers had some reason or another to be stressed; they all had important exams scheduled for today, and not to mention their countless other responsibilities outside of school. 
Like Satan, who wasn’t supposed to be working after school today but had been booked for a shift anyways because his boss was, as he so elegantly put it, “a huge fucking asshole with no respect for anyone but himself.” The harsh words hadn’t been directed at you, but the icy cold glare he gave you while he said them made it feel that way. 
Or Lucifer, who was up to his eyes in paperwork. He wasn’t sure how but it was ten times worse that usual, and each new paper on his desk was another grey hair. His head was pounding with a stress induced migraine that never seemed to really go away. He says he’s had a headache for the past hundred years. 
Or Asmodeus, who had a photo shoot directly after school that would run for god knows how long, and she simply could not find a way to squeeze in any homework despite the fact that he was swamped with it at the moment. He was in too deep to cancel the shoot now, which meant his grades would surely suffer. Not to mention that the stress would surely give him acne, which was only making her stress out more!
The entire day it felt like they were rushing past you without so much as a glance, often disrupting you with their franticness and sometimes even rudeness. You knew they didn’t mean it, but it still hurt when Lucifer angrily snapped at you or Satan sent a sarcastic comment your way. 
Fortunately, you knew just how to lighten the mood! 
Although you didn’t fancy yourself a chef, the brothers always loved when you cooked authentic human food. Even something like mac and cheese was enough to cheer them up after a long day. You decided on a simple pasta recipe, something filling and easy to make for so many people. 
You were only halfway through when you heard Lucifer enter the kitchen behind you. 
“Oh, Lucifer! I was hoping you’d be a bit later, I have a surprise cooking…” 
Oh. He didn’t sound nearly as happy as you were hoping. 
“W-Well, remember that pasta you all loved? I decided to make it for you! I figured it would take dinner duty off your hands and maybe make you all feel better after such a rough day, so—“ 
“Human, I already had everything ready for what I was going to make.” 
His voice had a slight growl to it, a clear sign of his anger. 
“I know,” You sighed, “b-but I thought—“
“Well you thought wrong. My brothers are already expecting the casserole I was going to make, and I already went through the work of prepping and storing the ingredients so I could just throw it together when I got home. Everything’s been so upside down today, I just want this one thing to stay on schedule.”
You really couldn’t blame him for that one. If there was one thing Lucifer hated, it was when plans changed. He needed everything to have an order, and if it didn’t he would get very upset very easily.
“Lucifer, I know you’re stressed, but you’re clearly exhausted. Why don’t you go rest while—“ 
“No, human!” 
Seems that was the final straw. Although it wasn’t rare for Lucifer to get heated when scolding his brothers, he never raised his voice at you like that. 
“I don’t care what you think you’re doing, I need you out! You can make your stupid pasta another night. The last thing I need is for you to muck up the one thing that hasn’t already been ruined today, so I suggest you scurry off to your room and stay there!”
You stumbled back, nearly falling before you caught yourself on the counter. You couldn’t look him in the eyes; you couldn’t even stand the thought of being in the same room. You could feel the familiar burning in your throat and the way your chest tightened as the tears began to fill up your eyes and blur your vision. You decided to give him what he wanted, and ran upstairs to your room as fast as you could. You passed Beel on the way, who opened his mouth to greet you but hardly got out a syllable as you rushed past. He could tell something was terribly wrong from the way you hid your face and teary eyes, and the way you slammed your door. 
He immediately headed to the kitchen, only to see a half stunned Lucifer staring at the doorway you ran out of. He turned his attention away when he saw Beel, though, pretending that nothing was wrong. When his brother inquired about what had happened, Lucifer merely shrugged. He was overcome with emotion; yes, he felt terrible for scaring you off, but he also had six brothers who needed dinner and so many other tasks to worry about that he couldn’t make himself take pause. He figured he would deal with it later. 
You had collapsed beside your bed and hid your face in your knees. You didn’t know what else to do. You’d lost your appetite and certainly didn’t want to go down for dinner, and you didn’t want to bother any of the brothers after everything that had happened. You had tried hard not to be upset and especially not to cry, to tell yourself that he didn’t mean it, but it didn’t matter. The fact that Lucifer would ever treat you that way—that ANY of the brothers would treat you the way they had today—was simply too much. 
Beel was the first one to come see you. He knocked about fifteen minutes after you’d first shut yourself in, calling your name and asking if it was okay to enter. All you could muster was a hum in response. 
He opened the door slowly, sticking his hand in first and revealing that he was holding a bag of blood strawberry candies. This specific kind were incredibly hard to find, limited edition with special colors, which means that he must’ve pulled them out of his secret stash. 
“Hey, you alright?” He asked as he poked his head in, and you gave no response. 
“Sorry, stupid question. Can I sit with you?” 
You only nodded, scooting over a bit and making room for him. 
“Want one?” He held out the open bag to you and shook it. 
You reached your hand in and took one, putting it in your mouth without so much as a word. Beel did the same, though he preferred to munch on an entire handful at once. You both sat in silence for a few moments, and Beel didn’t speak until he had swallowed. 
“So, wanna talk about it?” 
You weren’t really sure. You just shrugged. It would feel nice to get it off your chest, sure, but venting to Beel about how mean he and his brothers had been today would feel terrible, even if Beel wasn’t anywhere near the worst offender. 
“…Can I take a guess?” 
You nodded once more, slipping your hand into the bag for another few candies. 
“Well, I saw Lucifer in the kitchen. He seemed pretty shaken up. Does that have do with it?”
Your silence was all the answer he needed. 
“I figured. Look, I…I know we haven’t been the nicest today. I think we all owe you an apology. We’re all stressed and tensions were crazy high, though that’s not an excuse…and I’m sorry for growling at you at lunch. I was really hungry…” 
You couldn’t help but giggle at that last part. It was kind of shocking at the time, but you could laugh at it now. 
You had many of these kinds of talks with Beelzebub. He was the most emotionally intelligent of the brothers, he just didn’t speak enough to let it on. The truth was he saw and heard everything, he was just better at picking his battles and shutting his trap than the others. Whenever it was just you and him, though, he always found a way to open your eyes. As long as he wasn’t hungry he was calm, cool and collected, and hardly anything bothered him. 
“It’s okay, Beel…thank you.” 
He sighed in relief when he finally heard you speak. He moved in a bit closer, allowing you to rest your head on his shoulder. 
The next one to visit was Mammon, who was not near as subtle has his brother. He came barging in, clearly worried, and had to be shushed by Beel when he yelled your name. 
“Shit, sorry…” He muttered, making sure to close the door extra quietly. 
“Beel sent a text to the family group chat, are you okay?” Mammon looked you over for a few seconds, and when he didn’t see anything physically wrong, he sat down on the opposite side of you from Beel. 
“I’m a little better now, thanks…” 
Mammon was silent for a few moments, mouth hanging half open as he tried to find words. Eventually he gave up on words all together, instead reaching into the bag you’d just noticed he brought with him. He pulled out a small bouquet of flowers, all fresh and dewy, and your favorite color too.
“Look, I know I was kind of an ass today…okay, I was a TOTAL ass today—“
He paused to smile at your laughter. Good, he was doing this right. 
“—A-And I know this doesn’t make up for it, but I’m not good with words so…I figured I would do better if I could give you something with my apology…” 
You gently took the flowers from his hand, taking a deep breath and inhaling their subtle scent. Mammon stared at you expectantly, watching for any sign of disapproval. Fortunately, he found absolutely none. 
“Thank you, Mammon. Apology accepted.” You punctuated your sentence with a kiss on his cheek, making his face heat up a bit.
“Hey, can I have one too?” Beel asked through a mouthful of candy, and of course you had to oblige. 
The next two were Satan and Asmodeus, who as usual came as a packaged deal. 
“Hey love, how are you doing?” Asmodeus asked in a soft tone. When it came to comfort, he was the best in the whole Devildom. Satan trailed in behind him, hugging a book to his chest. 
“I’m okay, Asmo.” 
“I’m sure you are, but I’m about to make you much better.”
Asmo presented you with a small white box, which he opened to reveal a red velvet cupcake with a heart sugar topper. 
“I saw this in the window of a shop today, and I just had to get it for you. A treat as sweet as my human!” She booped your nose playfully before closing the box and setting it to the side.
He took your hand in his gently, stroking your knuckles with his thumb. 
“Satan here isn’t much for apologies, so I agreed to do his for him. I am very, so very sorry for how rude I was today, love bug. And Satan is very sorry for being a…what was it? ‘Total fucking asshole?’” 
“Watch it, Asmo,” Satan scolded, but his feigned glare quickly turned into a grin at Asmo’s sly giggle. 
“It’s okay guys, really. You didn’t have to do all this…” You assured them. You felt sort of guilty to be honest, getting such unusual special treatment from them even if the attention was nice.
“Don’t talk like that love,” Asmodeus replied, “I have no idea what came over us today, but you could at least give us a chance to make up for it.”
“Besides, it’ll give me a chance to make Lucifer look bad, so I’m all in.” Satan joked. He and Asmo both settled in next to you as well. 
Leviathan was next, awkwardly standing in the doorway for a few moments before speaking. 
“U-Uh, I wasn’t really sure what the state of things would be when I walked in, so—“
He held up the variety of things he had brought, sporting a lopsided smile. 
“—I have ear defenders, some chewelry, and that really soft blanket I know you love. Y-You can keep it all for as long as you need.” 
Levi knelt in front of you and pushed all the offerings towards you. Your hand hovered over all of them, but eventually you decided on the blanket. You held it close and rubbed it against your face, relishing the blissfully mellow texture and the subtle smell of Levi’s room before wrapping it around yourself. 
Levi tried to contain himself, to take time to find the right words the way you’d taught him, but he was so overcome with emotion he couldn’t wait. 
“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry!” He blurted out, louder than he meant to be. “Shoot, sorry…I-I don’t mean to yell, I just feel terrible. I didn’t even realize how mean I was being at the time but then I thought about how awful it would feel if you were saying it to me, and—a-and—“ 
“Shhh, it’s okay Levi. I’ve already forgiven you.” 
This stopped him dead in his tracks. He quickly shut his mouth, looking down at the floor in slight embarrassment. You reached a hand up to gently stroke his cheek as you thanked him for the thoughtfulness he had shown. 
Belphegor slinked in a minute or so later, yawning as he greeted you. 
“Am I late to the party? Sorry, I was asleep. That was the first nap I’ve managed to have all day. Guess that’s why I was being so cranky…” 
Belphegor lazily trudged over, his exhaustion clear on his face as he laid his head in your lap. 
“Sorry about that, by the way. Hope you didn’t wanna punch my lights out too badly.” 
“Oh come now Belphie, I would never.” You argued, reaching down to scratch his head. He stretched and pushed into the touch, sighing with relief when you found just the right spot. He got comfortable very quickly, almost immediately drifting off to sleep. 
There was a sizable gap between Belphie’s arrival and Lucifer’s. He had seen the text when it first came out, but tried to ignore it. When no one, not even Beel came down for dinner, though, he knew he had to go see you. He paced around the kitchen for twenty minutes before finally gathering the courage. 
The sound of your door opening made everyone freeze as they looked over. Lucifer’s expression was hard to decipher; you couldn’t tell if he was sad, angry, guilty, or all of the above. 
He was silent as he walked over, eyes fixated on you even though you were looking anywhere but him. He knelt down in front of you, letting out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding as he started to speak. 
“Human…” He began slowly, feeling the eyes of all six of his brothers, scrutinizing every move he made. He sort of deserved it, though. After such a terrible screw up his apology had to be perfect. 
“I’ve come to say that I’m…sorry for how I’ve been acting.” 
This made you look up with wide eyes. You expected him to beat around the bush, if you’re being completely honest. You’d heard Lucifer “apologize,” sure, but never once actually say “sorry,” his pride wouldn’t let him. 
The most surprising part though, was that he kept going. 
“I was dismissive of you all day, and on top of that I yelled at you when you were only trying to help because I always need to do things myself. I’m sorry. You deserve better than that—“ 
He was cut off when you had suddenly wrapped him in a tight hug, squeezing him with all your might. It took him a few moments to process what had happened, but when he did he hesitantly returned the gesture. 
“I forgive you, Luci…” You whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. 
He patted your back, allowing you to pull away from the hug when you were ready instead of pushing you away. He couldn’t help but gaze into your eyes for a bit longer than he meant to when you withdrew from the hug. 
“Alright then,” He began as he stood back up, leaving everyone else quite confused. “We’ve got dinner downstairs that’s going to be cold soon, so how about you all help me bring it upstairs and we’ll eat in here instead?”
“Woah, really?!” Mammon gasped, “You never let us eat in our rooms! Wow, you must feel really shitty!” 
This promptly earned him an elbow to the ribs from Asmodeus. 
“Don’t worry human, I’ll grab yours for you,” Lucifer said right as you began to stand. “You stay here.” 
Each brother gave you a kiss on the cheek as they left, some lingering longer than others. When no one was looking, though, Lucifer pulled you into a real kiss before he too was out the door (though not before flashing you a smile). 
You sat there for a while, enjoying the silence and your own company, when you felt your DDD go off. It was a text from Lucifer.
   Hey, just so you know, I got your pasta out of the oven. It was amazing 💙
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shinjisdone · 1 year
When you have an Secret Admirer - and it's not them (Pomefiore; 5)
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A love letter was left at your door and now you are searching for that ‘secret admirer’ - everyone wants to help you out…but have their own reason for it.
'I've kept writing you about the things that you did that enchanted me...but without wanting to sound cliché, I also fell for your beauty...'
form of headcanons + scenario-ish
[note: reader is gender-neutral but mostly mentioned in 2. pov; a series of everyone you meet following you. headcanon will follow each char. own thoughts on the situation. mostly nervousness, slight jealousy & stubbornness]
Part 1: Heartslabyul
Part 2: Savanaclaw
Part 3: Octavinelle
Part 4: Scarabia
Part 6: Ignihyde
Part 7: Diasomnia
It's best if you stay in your room for a few days, you thought.
After faking feigning an injury after the...flower fruit fiasco to Crowley (and him letting out a speech of how gracious he is for allowing you to rest) you've let everyone know that you needed quiet. And. Silence. Even Grim left you alone.
It was calming in a way. Just you and your thoughts, as well as the four love letters lying on the desk. Until a little ring caught your attention and you opened up a message on your phone.
Letting the image sink in it was a photo of a frustrated Vil with his make-up smudged.
'guy is taking the piss hahah' - Epel wrote you.
'What's in front of him?'
You couldn't help it. The curiousity took the best of you, especially when the Vil Schönheit looked this laughably angry.
'someone won a magic mirror on an auction and its messin with everyone. says it shows everyones real beauty when looked at but it shows nothin when we stare at it. no reflec tion and its makin Vil angrier than squirrel with a nut that dont crack lololol'
The boy sent you another image and it was of Rook trying to calm Vil down, who attempted to get the mirror out of the dorm. It made you chortle.
'lol why care about some phony mirror when Pomefiore is filled with real ones'
'I can update u (Name) if you want. Funniest thing that happens in this dully stuck up place'
Epel's comment made you smile. Even when he can get a bit temperamental, which you can't blame him for since he has to live with Vil, the boy does try to cheer you up. He must have heard of everything by now and even if he didn't, Deuce probably told him of your mood. It was sweet of him.
'Sure, might be fun to watch'.
Perhaps you shouldn't have answered like that.
Epel Felmier
Epel is no idiot.
He's aware of how you must be feeling so he tries to be seldom with his calls and presence. If it weren't for all the things that had happened this month for him notice, then it was Deuce's unusual worried frown.
He was so...quiet. Almost looking depressed when he told Epel of the first letter. He tried with effort to explain what had happened but ended up unwittingly admitting his displeasure at the change. He seemed to miss you and you've become reversed yourself. It was a bit of a bummer.
Epel tried hard to play it cool. Although behind closed doors, he'd mumble profanities in the usual accent he'd hide. These rumors were true. Big, richy colleges are full of drama, just like his village said! Why do things gotta be so unnecessarily complicated??? It doesn't make any sense to him.
Epel wouldn't bat an eye at gestures of love and grand confessions (he feels still perplexed though) but all of this was for you. It was no happenstance like usual, no, you aren't just being involved due to coincidence - all of this is happening because of you and for you.
What are ya, a princess waitin' for a knight in yer tower??? It's just????
Less upset and more puzzled. But he wouldn't know how to deal with that either.
Nevertheless, he convinced you to leave your room for a while after school hours...just a small visit that shouldn't take too long...
Rook Hunt
Oh, la la~
This is quite exciting for him. Love letters and confessions are things ususally told in fairytales, so seeing all of this unfold in this very school is quite the entertainment and Rook wants to be seated at the number #1 spot to witness it.
It's less of a creepy reason and more one of fascination. This is a one-in-a-lifetime chance and he always loved romance! He wants to see what this secret admirer is capable of. What they are ready to do for love.
Although he feels...disadvantaged? Challenged? Is it rivalry? Jealousy or true fascination?
As a hunter himself, he should know best how to capture hearts yet he feels like a freshly-born scholar looking up to his teacher. And out of all hearts they are attempting to capture it is yours...
Love can hurt...but it isn't supposed to make you uncomfortable, no?
Ever since he heard the rumors - and especially after he found out they are true - he has kept an eye on you. Without your knowledge of course...
Is the hunter learning...or keeping his prey for himself?
Vil Schönheit
The fairest of them all is a bit distracted, you see.
Aside from this wretched mirror, the senior could barely believe that out of all people...you get love letters.
However, with Leona's sudden interest in anything really and Kalim's lack of cheerfulness, things have become odd - now having rumors be confirmed by Azul (he was a witness!), Vil must believe it.
Even Epel is more on his phone than ever...
Vil isn't...apalled by the idea of you getting attention. He is just the one who usually gets it! But none of his fans' determination compare to that of your admirer. It's strange.
...Thats what he deduces first. Then it becomes ridiculous at the realization of it! You??? Getting more attention than Vil???
Do not misunderstand, Vil is not excluding the possibility of you having a secret admirer but the amount they are doing for you even leaves him a bit stumped.
He isn't sure if he should congratulate you or give into his jealousy. Jealousy of you getting more attention or your attention being snatched away from him? He isn't quite certain of it either.
It's better to distract himself with some puny mirror than keep on pondering about it.
Discreetly making your way to Pomefiore, you swiftly passed by other students, ones who had long started to avoid you. It was believed that your presence alone even summons the secret admirer...so some would take shelter from their strange pranks by getting out of your way. Sure, there were some who showed sympathy, asking about your well-being or even joking when that admirer will finally capture your heart...or if they have already.
Admittedly, you did not feel like meeting either of these kinds of guys...thankfully Epel picked you up quickly, either using his shy mask or temperamental yells to get you out of any situation - and soon, you found yourself in front of that mirror. Just as Epel stopped snickering as he showed you more photos, his head would turn to you and back to that mirror...with a surprisingly soft stutter, he pointed to it.
"Er...it ain't a phony, after all..."
...Why were you able to see yourself?
'...The one who can see themselves here is the true beauty of this school.'
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Epel Felmier
Uh, what???
Why are ya able to see yourself in every angle possible? How come the background changed to every possible scenery that suited you so perfectly? With you standing out so marvy too???
That can't be it...is that seriously one of those infamous 'pranks' of that secret admirer everyone's been prattlin' about?
...Your secret admirer?
That can't be it. The (Name) he knows couldn't...have something like that...but it's true.
As Epel watches your face bloom like a magnolia in May, he finally understood Deuce's troubles deeply. It's one thing to hear it from someone on the surface and something completely different when you feel it deep in your soul too.
The boy stood there, as his yelling on what kind of phony mirror that could be transformed into mumbles until he was completely silent. His face scrunched up into a frown.
You look real pretty. He now thinks how you've always been real fine and fair but your reflection seemed so picturesque right now...all because of the darn, stupid smile on your face that you couldn't just wipe away, no matter how hard ya tried.
Damnit...what is this feeling?! How's he gonna get rid of it?!?!
Even as he wonders how others are gonna be up on your case again, the sweet lil' apple grew sour as he also wondered how much that admirer person was making you all happy and gushy now...
Rook Hunt
And here in comes Rook.
Rather, he had been watching you enter so elegantly and now admire yourself in that fancy mirror! He knew something was up with it and spying on Epel's messages, it was only a matter of time before your lovely self would find out about it!
The young man long knew that this 'auction win' was something from the secret admirer - with how they always end up involving whole dorms in their quest to win your heart. Rook has quite the keen eye himself...
Oh, he needs to be there and witness it himself! How exciting! What kind of creative confession will pop up this time?! How will you react?! It's all just trés bien!
Less worried about the consequences that may follow his dorm and more intruiged on how this pursue of love will continue. A true fairytale!
That's what he keeps telling himself.
Rook is torn between watching a beautiful love story unfold before him and being very displeased at the fact that someone else is trying to capture your heart.
How...unfair it all seemed.
But all is fair in love and war, no?
Shall he listen and learn from the admirer? To outwit them in every way and capture your heart himself? Maybe he should show them that this is his hunt and that they shouldn't mess with him.
Regardless, he's hiding it all too well behind a smile. Even as you hide your beautiful face bashfully and Epel trying to keep himself together and not stare at the scenery in front of him too hard and not for too long...
Yes, he'll stay back, like a real hunter.
Vil Schönheit
He hears the noise downstairs and wow, speak of the devil. Or rather when he thought of the devil. You just wouldn't leave his mind.
There you are with little messages starting to pop up in the mirror you were staring at...
'I wanted to have you see all the beautiful things about you when reading my thoughts about you...so you can believe me and witness them yourself in the moment.'
Vil raises a brow as your lovely reflection was overwritten by a dainty message, curvy and in red.
'You don't know how wonderful you look with a smile. It made me fall for you.'
And on cue, a bashful smile appeared on your face.
Vil, as well as Epel and Rook, jumped as they saw the many flowery poems of love spread around your reflection. It almost rivaled Rook's grossly exeggerated compliments.
"Now, now," Vil tries to stay calm as he shushed the mirror and tried to find out what the meaning of this is and by the Sevens, don't let it be the secret admirer. No, no, no, no! He keeps on shooing this...thing away, even if it can't really move.
Or...it can?
The mirror shrunk in size and used it's little attached wings ("WEREN'T THOSE DECORATIONS" - Everybody thinks) to gracefully flutter after you.
This secret admirer must be some kind of prodigy...
Does Vil not even stand a chance...?
He's confused and irritated. Not ever did he think things would come to this but seeing how someone actually has eyes for his numbre #1 potato sends the senior into slight panic.
This isn't like him.
But the turmoil in his heart is all so real and vivid...as is his determination to not let you be swooned over by anyone but him.
[yeah, I kinda feel like the vibe got from 'tralala oh a secret admirer? classic at a school like this how cute :)' to 'WHO TF...!? WHY U HAVING CRUSH ON MY CRUSH STOP IT' Hopefully this one is just as good as the other ones...dont feel like it does. You see, Vinland Saga...might have a chokehold on me :) ]
[If you get the 'IS THIS SOME KIND OF TWISTED JOKE' joke then u r really cool :) The fluttering, positive affirmation mirror just popped up as I wrote...and I had more ideas for Rook than anyone else. Would feel like Vil would be even worse with that what he had with Neige...even after his overblot, he just gives these vibes. Epel is just...r u kidding me. how am i supposed to be okay with that]
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rnelophobia · 6 months
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Let Him Apologize
Quoth the Raven “Let him apologize and eat it in a Bentley”
Content: •Oral •Cunnilingus •Vaginal Fingering •Fingerfucking •Smut •Semi-Public •Car sex •Eating out
word count: 1,899
Nanami loathed working overtime for many reasons. The demanding nature of his job made for emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion on a different level than his old office job. Another, more personal reason, was that he wanted any excuse to pick you up after you were finished working. The Jujutsu lifestyle was unpredictable, so spending any chance he could get in your presence was something he’d never take for granted. The uncertainty also led him to be more generous in your relationship, as a result he gave you whatever you desired, for the most part.
“Angel, we can't eat out so often, and you know we have food at home.” Nanami says, eliciting a huff out your mouth; what a parental thing to say. He isn’t wrong, of course, but after a long day at the office you want something quick and easy. It also doesn’t help that you have a nasty habit of hyper focusing on work and neglecting to eat anything of substance. The overall combination of work, along with a lack of solid meals left you in a sour mood at times afterwards.
Today had drawn out even more due to Nanami being held up at work longer than he’d like. He was also your ride back to the apartment you lived in together. So with the lack of knowing the proper time he’d come and the buses running later and later made for a bit of a frustrating wait. While Nanami was good at keeping time, Jujutsu work could be constraining at being able to keep you updated on the fly. It also gave you anxiety on whether he would respond back or if you’d never hear from him again.
Safe to say by the time he arrived you were ready to eat soon, not to say you hated Nanami’s cooking, he was a fantastic cook. Finding a man capable of doing the bare minimum seemed rare nowadays, finding one who excelled and went above and beyond like Nanami, near impossible. Sometimes it felt like you were inadequate in the relationship based on how much Nanami tended to you. Despite what appeared like a stand-offish, unapproachable exterior of a man, was actually one who’s incredibly devoted. Some would say you were spoiled, rightfully assumed. Perhaps that, the late hour, the hunger, and being tired from work would explain why you were currently not engaging with Nanami.
After rejecting the proposal to eat out, you swiftly turned your head away from him to stare out the window. The rational side of you knew it was immature, the stubborn side just wanted a fast meal. Another part of you hated the dread that came along with his line of work, the uncertainty of his life.
Almost immediately after disengaging you feel his firm hand lay on your thigh. It starts with a slow caress from his thumb going up and down the side. After a pat and a slight squeeze you shoot a glance at him as he concentrates on the road ahead. When there’s a red light he finally turns his attention back to you.
“Don’t be like this, I came as soon as I could.” He sighs. There are only so many hours left in the day and he doesn’t want to spend those hours with tension.
“It’s not really the waiting, I just hate worrying and it’s the second time this week.” You confess. The light turns green to turn into the lower parking lot of your apartment. Once Nanami finds a spot he finally shifts his attention back towards you. “I know it’s a joke when you say Jujutsu work is shit but is it worth risking your life for?” You already knew the answer, because Nanami always cherished the lives of his coworkers and students. He slowly brings his palm up to caress your cheek with his thumb.
“I value everyone as if it were you,” He brings your face closer to kiss your forehead, “There is no life beneath my own and death is above no one if I can help it.” Nanami speaks quietly as a kiss to your cheek leads to a peck on the lips. “If I could slow down the days in your presence I would; I’d treasure every second.” The hand on your cheek lowers to the back of your neck to bring you in for a proper kiss. You whimper a bit causing him to deepen it, as if you’d disappear at any moment. The two of you break apart for a second to take a breath as he gently presses his forehead to yours.
“I’ll never be able to get back our lost time but I’ll always make up for it.” He says, the words ghosting over your lips.
How Nanami can sell you on the prospect of his death and turn you on at the same time, you’ll never know. Forgotten is the appetite for anything other than the man in front of you right now. You place your hand on his chest, slowly moving it up his body until you get to his neck where you take hold of his tie. A firm tug on the fabric brings your lips back together with a new urgency. You start to shift the tie around, undoing the knot and move on to unbutton his shirt before he stops your hands.
“I appreciate the love Angel but let’s focus on you first.” He says while leaning over your side to recline and push back the car seat. Once it’s set, he leaves his own seat and moves over to your side to kneel before you on the floor. You prop yourself on your elbows to watch him as he starts peppering kisses from your knee into your inner thighs, alternating between each one. You lift your hips, allowing him to hike up your skirt as he continues on with his show of devotion. Once he gets to your underwear he lazily runs his thumb up and down the clothed part of your slit. It was a pale pink color that started to darken in the middle the deeper he started to massage up and down the length of it.
“A little teasing and I get rewarded like this? Now how will you spoil me?” He smirks as he gives a firm press over where your clit is, causing your hips to arch up into the pressure. He tells you to keep yourself there for a second longer so he can slide your underwear down for you. Once they’re off he places your legs on his shoulders bringing you closer to him. Nanami goes back to lavishing your inner thighs with kisses, giving them a squeeze with his hands. When he gets back to the center he brings his thumb to your slit, slowly parting your lips as he licks his own at the tempting view.
He lowers his head to finally get a taste, his tongue sweeping up lightly to tease you first. You let out a groan of frustration when you note he doesn’t follow through to your clit. Normally you’d go with the flow with anything he does to you sexually but the physical hunger was manifesting into another.
Lowering your hand down into his perfectly styled blonde hair, you grip onto the length as you bring him exactly where you want him. This is one of many things Nanami loves about you, your forwardness turning him on. Your eagerness comes with the reward of having your clit on his tongue and being sucked into his mouth firmly. The action elicits a gasp from your mouth at the sudden spark of pleasure, in doing so he brings his hand to ease in a finger and feels the delicious squeeze of your pussy. Working the finger in time with the pull of his mouth and tongue on your clit causes your thighs to clamp down on the sides of his head. He stops his administration to give you a breathy laugh that brings a full body shiver from the cool air.
“Don’t.” You plead.
“Don’t what? Stop fucking you? I wouldn’t dream of it, you’ve got more to give Angel. Now hold on to your legs for me”. He instructs as he leans back in, giving your slit a kiss before parting your lips with his tongue again. He immediately goes back to giving your clit its rightful attention, lapping at your wetness. Nanami’s tongue trails down towards your hole, dipping in just to tease and taking it back out to play with your clit. After alternating a bit he goes back to slurping at the mess he’s made of your cunt bringing it up once again to suck you into his mouth. This time when he brings his hand back he guides another finger inside, crossing them so he can twist as they thrust inside your pussy. The maneuver draws out a vigorous moan from your mouth, as the grip on your legs tighten.
He picks up the pace, loving the desperate noises falling out your mouth along with the sound of his fingers plunging inside your drenched cunt. He slows down until he’s fully out, which causes a whine to leave your lips at the sudden loss of stimulation. You peer down at him, finding his lustful gaze searing back at you. He brings the fingers he was using up to his lips, sucking them clean, not breaking eye contact.
Before you can plead again, Nanami gives them a swipe of his tongue before thrusting them back into your pussy, causing your mouth to fall open in a gasp. Your head falls back onto the seat as his fingers curve in a bit, stroking your sensitive walls with each push. He picks up the pace, making you clench harder at the force while your mouth chokes out an incomprehensible sound, the feeling overwhelming your senses.
The speed and length of his fingers is sinful as they keep heightening your pleasure, the familiar tightening of your orgasm approaching. Sensing this he brings his mouth back down over your clit, circling his tongue around it before sucking on it again. This shatters you as you feel your orgasm pulse around his ever moving fingers as they keep up the rhythm while pleasure washes through your body. A breath shutters through your mouth as you finally lower your legs, the weight of them feeling heavy after the act. There are aftershocks as he laps up your cum, the overstimulation making you whimper as he finishes. Nanami slips his hand out to suck off again before he begins kneading at your thighs, massaging the life back into them after being propped up for so long.
“Alright my love, let’s fix you up and head inside okay?” Nanami gives your thighs one last squeeze before bringing your skirt back down, not bothering with putting back your underwear on and instead opting to just pocket them for time’s sake. He opens the passenger side door so he can step out before you and presents his hand for you to take. With your hand in his you step out into the parking lot, the night breeze making you more aware of the lack of underwear. You shuffle closer into Nanami causing him to wrap an arm around your shoulder to accommodate.
“Now what would you like to eat, Angel?”
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yeoja-dream · 5 months
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Pairing: BTS OT7 X Reader 
Genre: Fantasy, Magic, Eventual Smut, Plot, slight slow burn
Characters: Vampire!BTS, Elf!Reader
Content Warning: none 
Word Count: 4.3k
You finally wake when the rays of the late morning sun warm your face and hurt your eyes. You sat up groggily, rubbing the sleep from them with balled fists. Unwillingly, the events of last night flood your barely continuous mind. The memories have you kicking at your sheets with frustration. 
“What was his issue anyway?” You complained out loud. Maybe you’d never get to know. At least I get to say I’ve both instructed and kissed a member of BTS, you attempted to reason. The thought brings you little comfort. 
While you set something fragrant to boil on the stove, you checked your phone, finally, scrolling through dozens of missed notifications due to your late slumber. Habitually, you checked for new work emails, the top of which gave you immediate pause. “SUBJECT: I’m sorry. SENDER: KIM SEOKJIN. You’ve got to be kidding me.” You laughed incredulously. 
Dear Y/N, 
Firstly, I would like to apologize for contacting you via your work email. In my rush to leave last night, I forgot to exchange more proper means of contact. I would also like to apologize for my behavior. I understand that it must have been, in a word, confusing. If you would be kind enough, I would greatly appreciate the chance to explain myself properly in person. The issue is more complicated than I have a great understanding of, so I would also like to bring Namjoon who has a better understanding of the circumstances. However, I wouldn’t want to impose or make you feel like you were being ganged up on. 
Please understand we will take no further action with you, and should to ignore this correspondence we will take it as your disinterest in the subject matter and we will leave you alone. 
Kim Seokjin 
“Jeez, this guy is uptight.” You mumbled, reading the message in totality. You sighed, sitting back in your rickety kitchen chair. Confusing is an understatement. You thought to yourself. But you also couldn’t deny that curiosity clawed at your insides. You sipped your hot, spiced cider, the taste giving you comfort and confidence. Something is telling me to hear them out, Dad. You thought to yourself. I just hope the cinnamon is enough.
Dear Kim Seokjin,
Sending emails is cumbersome, so here is my cellphone number. Text me whenever you’d like. 
Thank you for apologizing. I will decide whether or not I accept it after our meeting. It may be sudden, but I took the day off of work today. If today does not work, you can make arrangements with me after the studio closes every day at 10 pm. 
You type the email and hit send before you can overthink it too much. What makes a man go from ready to take you on the floor to running out the door you couldn’t fathom, but you certainly looked forward to finding out. 
It was about 2 hours later your phone buzzed with a notification, a text this time. 
Hello, this is Jin. We all have schedules this morning, but Namjoon and I will be finished around 5 pm. Is it alright if I go ahead and make dinner reservations? Is there any place you like in particular?
Dinner reservations? You mused to yourself. That sounded formal, more formal than you were comfortable with. Dinner reservations were for dates, of which this meeting was certainly not. 
Dinner is fine, but there is no need for reservations. I’m in the mood for Mediterranean tonight, so you can meet me at Olive and Thyme at 7. You replied. 
Your phone buzzed again soon after sending. 
Olive and Thyme at 7. We will be there. Thank you. 
At that you tossed your phone to the other side of the couch, settling back into the cushions, zoning out to whatever insane dating reality TV show was on. Speculation is going to get me nowhere. You reminded yourself. 
It had been a while since you had a reason to get dressed up, you realized as you curled your freshly washed and dried hair. Except the concert you had attended just 2 days prior, you could list the occasions you had to dress up for in the last 20 years on one hand. The thought makes you sad. 
Your theme is cute but casual, you reminded yourself as you selected your pair of favorite high-waisted jeans, a plain crop top to match, and a light jacket to go over. There was also no need to go overboard with makeup, a little bit of skin tone-flattering eyeshadow, mascara, and a pink lipgloss would be plenty. 
Of course, you didn’t forget about your ears. You’d had the pointy pains in the ass your whole life, and as such, you had discovered dozens of ways to hide them away. Your hair was down today, so pinning them back with a dab of spirit gum on the back side of each was more than enough coverage. 
You stood back, admiring your handiwork in a standing mirror in your bedroom. Cute and casual, you decided. It was while looking at your reflection, that you also realized how remarkably well you had been taking things. Just two days ago, you were a faceless fan in a sea of other fans. You were meant to enjoy a fun performance and return to your daily life, and yet impossibly, not but 24 hours later, the oldest of BTS was running out of your dance studio after a steamy make-out session, and now supposedly wanted to meet up to discuss something cryptic. It was absurd, anyone would agree. Even in your most delusional of fantasies you couldn’t have dreamed up something more ridiculous. Maybe that was what was keeping you calm, sane. Maybe this was all just a crazy dream. 
The time to leave fast approached, and with those lingering questions you found yourself in the back of an Uber on your way to destiny. 
The interior of the restaurant was dated in its decor and sparsely populated, even when it was time for the dinner rush. You were the first one there, the aromatic smell of spices and wine hit you like a wall causing your stomach to clench painfully in hunger. The hostess was a small, mousey woman, who upon your request, sat you in one of the booths on the far side corner of the restaurant, more privacy, you figured. 
Quickly the cool-headedness you were able to maintain from the safety of your home gives away to waves upon waves of anxiety. Bouncing your legs and chewing your nails was all you could do to relieve some of the pent-up nervousness as the seconds felt like hours. You cursed yourself silently for needing to arrive early. 
Your suffering is somewhat short-lived, however, and as the clock hit 7:00 on the dot, the bells on the entrance door chimed as two handsome, well-groomed men walked in. It was easy to identify the pair as your evening guests. 
They were nicely dressed in outfits not dissimilar to your own. They too spotted you easily, and with a swagger in their walks that made you need to look away, they both slid next to one another in the seats opposite to you. It was weird, though. Having both THE Kim Seokjin AND Kim Namjoon sitting across from you should make you feel 10x more anxious than you had before, and yet, slowly, you felt the tension in your shoulders come to dissipate, and when you really focused, the buzzy, electrical feeling from the previous night was becoming more and more prominent. 
“Thank you for meeting us,” Jin took the lead. “This is Namjoon.” 
You cracked a smile. “I know.” 
“Well, I didn’t want to presume…” Jin trailed off embarrassed. You didn’t think you had ever seen Jin get embarrassed before, it was cute. 
“Hi,” Namjoon said, offering his hand to you. You took it, and before you could greet him back, the very same warm, tingly sensation zipped up your hand and down your spine. Your smile quickly faded as you found yourself needing to grip the table to reorient yourself. 
“Woah…” you breathed, shaking your head to clear some of the building haze. 
The two boys looked at each other, then back to you. 
“We’re going to talk about that, actually,” Namjoon said. “But first let's put our orders in.” 
It was easy enough to flag down a waitress and place your orders. Small talk was easy to pass the time until your meals were served.
“So…” you began, picking at your salad. “Every time I touch you guys I get a weird feeling, whenever I am around you guys I get a different weird feeling, and at least Jin was acting weird around me.” 
The pair sat back in the booths and sighed, before looking to one another. 
“I’ll start,” Namjoon said. “What do you know about soulmates?” 
“Basically what everyone else knows.” You stated. “One true love and all that. Although…” you trailed off. You triggered a memory, distant at first but grows with clarity when you concentrate on it. 
“Daddy, what’s a soulmate?” You asked, book in hand, curled up in your reading nook in his laboratory. 
“Well I suppose that depends on who you ask,” He said, not pausing from his work. “If you ask most people, I think they would tell you that it was someone they love a lot, or maybe someone who they feel like they’ve known for longer than they’ve actually known them.” 
“Hmm.” You responded. “What if I don’t ask most people?” 
“Hm?” Your dad asked, confused. 
“Well, you said if I asked most people, that they would say all that. What if I don’t ask most people.” 
“Ah,” He said, holding up two liquids seemingly comparing them. “Well, some other people would tell you that soulmates are different than just people you love a lot. They would tell you that souls are real, and when a soul is created, it is created alongside another. Usually, they are created in pairs, but it's not unheard of for them to be created in groups larger than that. Each soul is placed in a different vessel, but it will always pine for the soul it was created with.” 
“Woah…” You respond in awe. “What happens when you meet your soulmate?” 
“They say when you meet your soulmate, you’ll just know.” He said, notating something down in his journal. “Your soul calls out to theirs, long lost lover and friends reuniting after millennia. You burn and ache for the other until your souls are finally tied in a tying ritual. The tying ritual gives you a bond that you can communicate simple ideas or feelings over.”  
“Wow! What kind of ritual do you have to do?” You asked, curiously. 
“Oh well,” he paused from his work, looking away. “It is a bit too complicated for you now, but when you get older I will explain.”
“Do I have a soulmate?” 
“Of course, you have a soul don’t you?” 
“Ew. I don’t want a soulmate, Daddy.” 
He laughed at you, walking over to you to pat your head. 
“I’m afraid there are just some things in life that we cannot control, Pumpkin. Besides, I’m not going to be around forever, and it makes me feel better that you’ll have someone to keep you company someday.”
“Nooo!” you whined. “Who else is going to make strawberry rhubarb pie with dinosaurs? You have to stay around forever, okay Daddy?” 
He laughed at you again, kissing the top of your forehead before returning to his work. “Sure thing, princess.” 
You shake your head bringing you back to the present as the memory flicked by. “Souls are created alongside other souls and put inside of people who then spend their whole lives looking for each other and once you find the person you just know and you can tie the souls together and they’ll be happily ever after.” You summarized from your memory. 
“Pretty much,” Namjoon said. “I was worried you were completely unaware. Have you ever met anyone you felt that way about?” 
“Like just knowing? Not really.” You admitted with a shrug. You had loved before, certainly, but you guessed that soul mates were something bigger, much more profound. Someone you loved and knew deeper than summer romances and puppy love. 
“We have,” Jin spoke up this time. 
“Oh,” You said, eyebrows coming together in confusion. 
“But I kissed you, you must be now wondering,” Jin said. You nodded slowly in response. 
“When you are near me, what sensations do you feel?” He asked. 
You took a moment to gather your thoughts. “I feel like there is a current running through me, and the more I spend time with you and the closer in proximity to you I get, the stronger the feeling gets. My brain gets dizzy and hazy like I’ve had a few glasses of wine, and yet my acuity is still razor sharp. And when I touch you, it feels… weird.” You confessed. When I touch you it feels really good and it makes me want to touch you endlessly you added in your mind. 
They shared a knowing glance before Namjoon spoke. “THAT is the feeling. THAT is knowing.” 
“Huh?” You asked, cocking an eyebrow. “I thought knowing was more of an abstract concept, like wow it feels like I have known this person my whole life, I think I want to marry them someday.” 
“In the movies, absolutely,” Namjoon agreed. “But those feelings are your soul, physically calling out to ours.” 
“You’re kidding.” You said, unbelieving. 
“Let me ask you this then,” Namjoon begins. “Yesterday when you were kissing Jin hyung, I bet it felt so, incredibly right, right?” 
You looked at Jin. If you could be honest with yourself, you wanted to climb over this table and kiss him again. Maybe then he’d bend you over the table and take you right here, Namjoon’s hands on you helping bring you to completion- you cut yourself off before the thought can continue further. 
Namjoon looked at you knowingly. 
“So if I am to believe that what you are saying is correct, I am the soul mate to both of you.” You asked, matter of fact. 
“We are suggesting that you are all of our soulmates,” Jin stated, looking at you seriously. 
“As in, all 7 of you.” You asked again matter-of-factly.
They nodded in response. 
You laughed, exasperated. “Bring out the cameras because this is un-fucking-believable. This has to be a joke.” 
The serious expression on both of the boys’ faces says otherwise.
“I know this must be a lot to take in,” Jin said honestly. “It was a lot for me as well. And the others.” 
“What?” You asked, confused again. 
They share a look and Namjoon nods encouragingly before Jin speaks again. 
“We are actually all mated to each other, all 7 of us.” 
“Wow,” you breathed. “You guys are as close as you portray online.” 
The pair chuckle at that. 
“Me and Yoongi found each other first and from there we found different members at different times. Every member struggled with it in different ways, so you probably aren’t alone in anything you’re feeling right now.” Namjoon said. 
“You said mated. What does it mean to be mated?” 
“Oh, it just means that we marked each other.” Namjoon rolled up his sleeves, showing off two gashes, dark in coloration one next to the other. “We all have one. You can either accept the pairing and become marked, or reject it and become a single soul.” 
“What is the marking process?” You ask.
“You don’t know?” Namjoon asks, before putting on a serious face. “In short it is a bonding ritual involving sex.” 
You flushed red at that notion. “So if I wanted to be marked by each of you I would have to…” You trailed off, imagery and fantasy flooding your brain causing you to snap your knees closed. Namjoon looked away, swallowing hard. 
“Yes,” Jin states plainly. “But there is a rejection process as well. None of us are familiar with it, but if that is the choice you’d want to make we’d happily assist you with that.” 
“We should be a little more clear with you as well,” Namjoon looks at you again. “You have full choice and freedom in this case, but ultimately, now that you have found your soulmates, the empty, hollow feeling you will have when we are apart, and the buzzy electric feeling when we are together will become more and more unbearable as time goes on and if you don’t make your choice at all, it will drive you mad.” 
“How long do I have to decide?” 
“A few days, a week at maximum.” He answered earnestly. 
“You are right this is a lot to take in.” You sighed heavily. “With all due respect, I know you based on some well-edited clips and your music. You are all attractive as hell don’t get me wrong, but I don’t know you, and intertwining your life with someone you have an entirely parasocial relationship with is, in a word, insane. And for you guys too, you don’t even know me. 
“That is true, but we didn’t know any of the members that well when we went through the mating ritual,” Namjoon said with a shrug. “Besides, did you really think the universe was so unkind as to leave you without a way to break the bond? People can change, become abusive and cruel, and with or without your partner's consent you can break the mating bond at any time.”
That brought you some comfort. At least there was an ejection seat if the shit hit the fan. 
“This is a lot to process,” you stated, rubbing your temples in frustration.
“I am the oldest, but I was the fourth to join,” Jin started. “When I found out I was pretty upset, I had a solid lifestyle going for me that I didn’t intend to give up.” 
“How did you overcome that?” You asked.
“It was Namjoon that convinced me,” he said, gesturing at the younger man. “He asked me to get to know them. That the divines or the universe or fate had good intentions and I would be sorry if I didn’t at least try.” 
“I was a bit heavy-handed and naive,” Namjoon cut in, embarrassed. 
“At any rate,” Jin continued, “I resolved to give it a month. I wanted to date them, get to know them, you know?” He laughed. “I think I barely made it a week. Something about the all-consuming pull of your soul is hard to resist.” 
“I bet…” was all you were able to mumble in response. “I feel bad,” You confessed. “About the whole getting-to-know-you thing.” 
“What do you mean?” Namjoon asked. 
“I think it’s fairly obvious that I am a fan,” you began, “and while I can’t claim to know you, I would certainly argue that I know each of you just a little more than you know me.” 
“We have forever to get to know you,” Jin said with a wink. Namjoon elbowed him in response. 
“For starters, I’m sure you understand that our public personas are different than our public ones,” Namjoon began “But put more politely, Jin is correct. In the way that some humans go through with arranged marriages that sometimes work out, sometimes something bigger than us calls us to make a leap of faith and trust that it works out.” 
“That sounds like we are putting pressure on the situation. I think I speak for both of us when I say we meant to simply arm you with the most amount of information we can provide. Besides, on the getting-to-know-you front, we know more than you might think,” Jin said.
“Do tell.” You stated, raising an eyebrow. “It appears you somehow found out who I was, and further that I was a dance teacher.”
“I know you’re hiding some cute ears under all that hair,” Jin said with a lilt. 
You instinctively reached up to make sure they were still in place. “How could you possibly…” you mumbled. 
“The truth is,” Namjoon started, lowering his voice. “We aren’t exactly human either, and our, shall we call it, conditions, allow us to sense the energy of different creatures.” 
“So you’ve known the whole time?” You asked, flabbergasted. 
“Pretty much,” Jin stated. 
“Sorry, that's just like, probably my biggest secret and it is just out there so I’m a little off-put. Not that it’s your fault just, in conjunction with everything…” You trailed off. 
“We thought it important that you also knew,” Namjoon said. “That we are vampires.” 
“Vampires?” You repeated. “All of you?” 
“Yes,” He replied. 
“No wonder you are all so unearthly attractive,” you mumbled under your breath. 
They both chuckle at that. 
“When we meet a soulmate, sometimes something darker, more carnal comes out. Vampires, once they are connected with their mates, can only feed off of them. All other blood becomes a virulent poison, so everything in a vampire’s body commands them to claim and mark their mate as soon as possible. Prevents their only food source from walking away.” Namjoon stated. 
“That’s why I kissed you suddenly in the studio,” Jin explained. “It’s not that I didn’t want to already, but I had resolved to not make any physical contact with you until all of this had been laid out, but the way you were looking up at me, the feeling of your hand on my body, your smell in that warm, closed room…” he trailed off before clearing this throat. “It was too much to bear. It brought out that dark side and well, you were there. I’m sorry for doing that without giving you the proper context.” 
“It’s fine,” You admitted. “Truthfully, I wanted you to kiss me, and I enjoyed it.” I wanted you to do more, you thought to yourself. “I was more hurt and confused when you, superhumanly I am now realizing, left with barely a word.” 
Jin’s expression was nothing if not apologetic. “I realize that must have been upsetting, and again I’m sorry for that too.” 
“But wait,” You began, tilting your head to the side. “If you are all vampires and are mated to each other, then do you drink each other’s blood? Do you even have blood in your body to drink? And if a vampire can only feed from their soulmate once they’re found, what happens if rejection occurs?” 
“Yes and no,” Jin said. “It is actually a myth that vampires don’t have blood. The vampire toxin mutates the blood of the person being turned and makes it so it's the only way for the new body to get energy. Problem is, vampiric blood isn’t very nutritious and it takes forever to regenerate by itself, so we have to supplement with animal blood usually. It's barely edible, and not that much more nutritious but it's better than being dead.” 
“Fascinating,” You said. “The universe really fucked you all over making you all mates and vampires then, huh.” 
“Tell me about it,” said Namjoon. 
“Well, what about my other question?” You asked. 
They exchanged uncomfortable looks. 
“You don’t have to worry about that,” Namjoon said gravely. 
“I thought we were being honest with each other?” You asked, feeling slightly frustrated. 
“We are, it’s just…” Namjoon sighed. “It would add stress to a stressful and confusing situation and I don’t want you to worry about it.” 
“Well, now I am worried!” You exclaimed. 
A few beats of silence passed between you all. 
“Just tell her, Joon,” Jin said. 
Namjoon sighed at that. “When a vampire is rejected, or when a vampire’s bond is severed, the vampire dies. Jin mentioned that we can subsist on animal blood for nutrition, but what he didn’t mention, is that the consumption of energy is also part of what vampires consume when they eat blood, and once you find your soulmate, it is only their energy you can subsist off of.” 
“So you’re saying…” You trail off, flabbergasted, before starting again. “You’re saying should I choose to reject you all, I am dooming you to starve to death and die.” 
“You understand why I was reluctant to tell you.” 
You put your head in your hands, head spinning with the information dump of the last hour. How could it be in just 48 hours you went from a passing fan to suddenly, apparently, being the deciding factor whether or not BTS dies? It was too much to handle, and with the added pressure, you felt like your head was going to explode. 
“I need time.” You managed to say. 
“Perfectly understandable,” The pair agreed. 
“I have to go, I think,” You said, starting to stand up. “It was lovely to meet you but being so close is messing with my mind a little.” 
“By all means,” Namjoon said. “Don’t worry about the check, it’s the least we can do.” 
“Okay, thank you.” You said, standing fully now. “You have my phone number, text me any time, I guess. Bye.” You began somewhat robotically walking away from the two men who had just turned your life upside down, out of the restaurant, and into the cool early night air. 
You walked for hours, the outside had always been a place of meditation and peace for you. Your mind swam, full of questions and concerns. On one side, your heart soared at the chance to be with BTS, by all appearances they were hot, funny, kind, and interesting people that just about anyone would sell their grandma to be with. On the other side, you worried. About how you didn’t really know them personally, how they didn’t know you, how stupid and impractical it was to make a life promise to someone you barely knew let alone 7 someones, and most importantly, it concerned you how loudly something deep within you called for you to accept them. Now, there was the added pressure of not killing them. If only you were here, you sighed inwardly. You’d tell me what I should do. 
Somehow, you found yourself full, your feet sore, and no closer to a conclusion. You collapsed on your bed, exhausted, sleep finding you and carrying you off as soon as your eyes closed.
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Sleeping with Eula, Lisa, Jean, Rosaria, Amber, and Lumine HC's
Despite how the title sounds, this isn't spicy, just simple fluff.
It came into my head as I'm falling asleep/listening to "I Really Want to Stay at Your House" from Cyberpunk Edgerunners.
Because I still haven't recovered.
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Eula only lets her S/O sleep in the same bed because it's easier for her vengeance to be enacted, do not get that mistaken.
...With that formality out of the way, Eula holds onto them with an iron grip.
Even though her hold isn't going to loosen up any, its a very comfortable squeeze.
Her head will rest against her S/O's, making sure they're faced away so they don't see her smile.
Not that they could anyway with it being so dark.
At least she hopes so, anyway.
Eula's bed feels soft yet very cold. Although she tries to keep it as cold as she can, she doesn't mind the warmth her S/O brings.
She's not always there to fall asleep with them due to her duties, but she treasures every moment she gets.
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Lisa being the beautiful lazy woman she is, prefers to be held in bed.
She holds her S/O all the time, she's entitled to being pampered too. Ignoring the fact she is every second of the day.
Her bed feels very plush, the perfect type of bed to relax to and not get out in the morning.
Lisa might tease her S/O and hang onto them, but she always puts her head on their chest.
The heartbeat is very comforting as her head goes gently up and down, as she drifts off to bed.
Lisa always has a way with her words to convince her S/O to stay in bed for an extra hour or two, wanting to go back to sleep.
Her hair will also go all over the place due to a slight bit of static from her Vision and the bed, so her S/O will occasionally wake up to hair all over their face.
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Jean is ready to collapse onto her bed with S/O when she finally gets a chance.
It's not very often she's there at a reasonable time at night, but she's grateful whenever she can.
Her bed is honestly very standard, nothing too remarkable about it.
Other than her lover is now sharing this once empty bed.
She doesn't mind being little or big spoon, but she loves being both for different reasons.
Jean likes the new feeling of being held, but also wants to give a familiar comfort, hugging and protecting her S/O, even when they're asleep.
The stress of the day instantly melts the second she gets under the sheets, with a kiss to S/O's forehead she is out like a light.
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Rosaria doesn't get back until ungodly hours in the night most of the time.
After patching herself up and making sure S/O is sleeping soundly, she gets into her bed and passes out next to them.
Her bed feels cold, though its because shes barely in it.
The times she does actually get to go to bed with her S/O is completely jarring.
Rosaria isn't used to being held or holding someone when she sleeps, and honestly she's still not sure if she wants to.
She loves her S/O, but she needs her own space too.
...But, if S/O is asking, she'll oblige, holding or being held.
It only ever so slightly warms her face, feeling arms gently wrap around her.
And if she's feeling very VERY special that night, she'll give them a small peck on the lips.
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Even at night, Amber is energetic.
It used to take her a while to fall asleep, but now with her S/O, it doesn't seem as boring!
She'll casually talk with her S/O about her day, asking about theirs, talking a lot in general.
Though her voice gets very soft as she looks into her S/O's eyes.
She gets very soft at night, hugging S/O tight and expecting the same.
Amber falls asleep very quickly if they're both holding each other, and with the biggest smile.
Her bed is a little squeaky, and is definitely a bit on the stiffer side, but it still is nice to sleep on.
It also has a Baron Bunny on it, because she refuses to not have it there.
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Lumine will tell her S/O that she made the bed herself, which is half true.
She swaps out her bed from Mondstadt style, to Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru, it just depends on her mood.
And the vibe of the room, whatever that means. But hey, her teapot, her rules.
Lumine makes sure to kick Paimon out so she can snuggle with her S/O in peace without a snack goblin interrupting them.
She tells her S/O what kinds of things she got up to as her voice begins growing softer and softer.
Lumine holds onto her S/O, afraid that they'd disappear if she ever lets go.
But it always reassures her to see them when she opens her eyes.
Lumine also has a tendency to snore and drool, so the sweet moments are usually interrupted by either of the two. Or both.
But with how tired she gets from adventuring, who can blame her?
Paimon can.
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ii2ko · 1 year
itoshi rin.
hating on rin itoshi was a certainty of your life. he annoyed you to no end, even when you’re together.
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you hate rin itoshi. oh how much you hated him was unbelievable, and you hate everything about him.
you hate the way his lips always find their way to leave a slight smile, you hate his eyes; especially how his top and bottom rows are much more better than yours. how is that even possible?! you hate it even more the way he looks at you. it pisses you off.
he looks at you as if you’re the person who created the universe. as far as you know, the way he looks at others isn’t similar to how he looks at you. it’s different.
and his lips. you hate those stupid soft looking lips that seem to never dry out. his mouth, his voice, everything. you hate the way his lips managed to be the reason you always took care of yours. you hate the way his mouth moves or curves into a smile due to any kind of reason it'll be, you'll copy. you hate the way his voice sounds, and fuck, it's like your alarm. you always wake up to the sound of his voice by a simple call of your name.
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“[name],” rin’s muffled voice coming from a few of the sides of the pillows lowering his tone to make it a little less inaudible, but you still manage to awake from it. his breath fanning on your neck as the both of you lay on the shared bed.
you mumble something out with your voice sounding raspier than your boyfriend laying on you, his arms wrapped around your torso and his head on your collarbone, almost to your chest area.
comfortable silence between you two in the room grew more of a sleepy surrounding mood, just as quickly you awoke you almost fell asleep.
“mm... you know I love you right?” rin said in a shushed-like tone, his voice sounding groggy which made it easier for you to slightly understand when you were still half asleep.
“rinnie, of course, I know that.. now shh.. go off onto dreamland where you dream about us, ‘kay?” you giggled a bit when you said that, but it was true. you did know how much he loved you! I mean shit, no boyfriend that you’d ever thought to have would’ve ever treated you as good as rin does.
you felt his head move closer to you as his hair tickled small parts of your skin; making you smile. his eyes open to look at your half-closed ones with his looking as if he was admiring every part of your face. (which he was) shuffling his body around yours without removing his arms laced with your torso, he takes the position where you both are at each other’s face level.
“no, you don’t. and you never will know how much I love you.. ‘s something you will never understand.”
now opening your own eyes to fixate it on the eyes that were already staring back, the look of adoration love from afar basically said in his teal eyes, a smile dawning on his plush and soft lips.
“oh yeah?” you ask in a teasingly soft tone, making him smile just a little bit harder. “yeah.” he sighs as his eyelids droop down with ridiculously very pretty and long eyelashes, seeming to go back to the dreamland you talked about.
“mhm, I’ll think about that itoshi.” a slight groan could be heard from the boy infront of you when you say those words. “don’t call me that,” he huffs out while messy hair is leaning forward towards your face as he buried his face in your neck once again.
“makes me think you hate me..” the black-haired boy grumbles with him stuffing himself more into the warmth of your body, now you spooning him.
“I do hate you riri.” “no, you don’t.” “yeah, I do.”
lifting his head to face you looking down on him already with a playful but annoying look on your face as you stared back at him. “you do?” he questions— already knowing the answer though. “mhmm, always did.”
he shuts his eyes for the last time then brings his head back to the original spooned placement, mumbling a response of “whatever”.
after that, the sleepy but also comfortable silence came back as the two of you laid in bed together; entangled within each others’ limbs.
“I love you. ‘m so in love with you.” rin blurted out in the mid-silence after giving a small attitude to the past conversation.
“i love you too riri, always did.” you uttered out after him, giving a small kiss to his forehead as an assumption of a relaxed sigh of comfort came out from rin.
thinking about it, the sigh coming out of him came out a little too often as it became soften heard as time went on.. taking a look at him and—oh. how didn’t you notice he fell asleep?
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now realizing something about rin and more of your feelings, you never hated him. and neither would you ever, but you just despised the insane lovely feeling he made you feel when you two were pinning on each other.
oh, how you love rin itoshi.
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amihan’s note!
uhh take this rin oneshot i made while i make the double take first chapter STOP im trying my best so umm take this as a filler my bad!!!! dw it’ll come out soon
i love rin too so much so this was kinda self indulgent or whatever they call it i love u rin my bae
uhhh ok plz commentPLEASE and reblog thank uuuu
© okkgoatsu, 2023. do not edit or copy my work.
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donkey-hyuck · 1 year
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idol!au | uni student!reader | strangers-2-lovers!au | fluff
“maybe we could try it if you let me
take you by the hand
you’re the only one who understands” - keshi
TW: food | profanity | lowercase letters
~ the night had shimmied it’s way to cover the now dark sky. you and your friends were out at some seven-eleven down the suburban street, taking a break from studying and watching all of the boys play their late night games on the court.
your friends’ lover had invited the two of you to watch him and his teammates play for a bit before going back to stuff your brain of information that may or may not pique your interest.
the two of you had now been sitting on one of the old beat-up benches with your ice cream slowly melting due to the humidity of the hot summer air.
all of the boys were goofing off and constantly teasing each other and their laughs (as well as you and your friends’) echoed through the open air. however the laughing came to a brief hault when a group of about four men asked to join a game. to which the boys boisterously agreed.
the game was neck and neck. not that you were keeping count, your friend was actually doing it for them but you knew they were tied. you could feel it. and by the time someone had finally scored a point (it was a three pointer by the group of four men), everyone was wiping their sweat and congratulating them with ‘good game.’
the group of men had left their belongings on the bench the two of you were sitting on. they were all handsome, that was for sure. even in their sweaty glory. and you hadn’t realized you were staring until you felt a slight puncture in your ribs from your friend.
“hi,” said the first, who appeared to have dimples painting his already beautiful face. the man had told his friends that he would catch up with them later as he turned back to you with his undivided attention.
“hi,” you awkwardly smiled back, looking at your friend who told you she was going with the boys.
the night long carried on, and the summer night breeze felt just perfect in a moment like this. you had learned the man’s name was yoon-oh (he prefaced that he preferred jaehyun, though.)
the conversation which the two of you were having was completely and utterly random. laughs and little bits of teasing were shared, and you don’t know if it’s because of the summer air or because you had been locked up in your dorm for the past couple of days studying for your finals, but something flickered. maybe not physically but emotionally, something was there and you knew you both felt it.
unfortunately all good things must come to an end. when jaehyun had received a phone call from his manager did your encounter finally come to an end.
“oh my god, it’s already one in the morning!” he laughed, “have we really been talking for that long?”
you took out your phone from your back pocket to confirm the time. and it was almost two in the morning. you both laughed out loud, too shocked that you got carried away in your conversation that really was not important. but it was important to you, and you hoped he felt the same way.
“when can i see you again?” he asked, pupils dilated as he took in everything he could of you.
“any time you want, really,” you replied, as he took your phone out of your hand and put his number in your contacts list.
“i’ll call you,” you nodded at his words as he walks further and further away. you can feel the freedom walking away with him.
every encounter with yoon-oh has been an absolute dream. he makes you feel like you again. he makes you feel free and he makes you feel incredibly happy. and he can say the same thing about you. everyone, even the makeup artists, can tell that his mood had just been uplifted. although they, of course, don’t know the reason behind it. they also don’t know that the reason is a person— you— rather than an item.
and you remember the exact moment.
he held you close, under the stars as the condensation escapes your noses. and this moment feels different. it feels raw. you’re facing him now, and he can see all the stars reflecting in your gorgeous eyes. he laughs, looking at the ground, not believing that he’s doing this now.
“what’s wrong?” you chuckle, gaining his attention back.
“i thought i’d be too scared to ever tell you this. and to be honest, i’m still shitting my pants right now. you make me feel nervous and calm all at the same time.”
you’re confused on where he’s going with this. he’s a great friend, but friends don’t hang out the way you two do, do they? friends don’t look at each other the way you two do.
he lets out a sigh before taking a step closer and shoving his sweaty hands in his coat pocket. “i cant believe i’m doing this,” he mutters underneath his breath, although you can hear him and it makes you laugh.
“doing what?” your nose scrunches, as you observe his stance. oh no, are things going to get awkward now?
“i like you… like- a lot,” he pauses, “… and maybe- if you want- i’d like it if we tried. if we can be together because that’s all i want and i know that’s all you want. our friendship was brief, i know- and it might be even shorter after me saying this to you- but none of it matters. even if you and i aren’t meant to be, i was eternally grateful to have met you… i still am, and i think i forever will be.”
your smile lights up with every word that escapes the beautiful man’s lips. he has so much to say and you think he still has more. although you know the answer to his upcoming question.
“you understand me. in ways i never even thought of. you’ve helped me escape my shell and you’ve helped me when i never even knew i needed help. our time had been short, yet i still long to be with you for as long as you’ll have me. you understand me and my feelings, and my heart, and my soul with every fiber in your being and i don’t know how much more i can handle. please, i want to create more memories with you. but i want to create them as a couple. [y/n], will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?”
jaehyun has truly never talked as much as he did that night. and you enjoyed every moment of it. with the whistling of the winter wind, the hot air escaping his lips, and the thumping sound of your heart, you knew the answer. you knew the answer when you first met, as if you knew this was going to happen.
jaehyun feels as though he was going to cry. he had never had a moment like this happen to him ever. his feelings were just too overwhelming and he didn’t no how much longer he could last. he’s looking down at the ground once more, and he hears you step closer to him. you cup the side of his face to finally catch a glimpse of him. and in that moment, he never realized how undeniably in love with you he was. every stare, every touch, and every word has meanings he will never understand. his feelings are overwhelmed in that moment. he remembers.
and it’s in that moment that he will cherish you, your relationship, and the late winter nights as you close the gap you oh-so needed to close.
you had both understood everything the other person wanted and words didn’t even have to be exchanged.
you had understood the underlying feelings you had stowed away from the man since you first met.
jaehyun understood the true meaning of life, because he now had you.
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the-amazing-wonderss · 10 months
hihi!! i hope both of ur guys day is going good! This is my first time requesting so im a little nervous i read ur rules over like ten times (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) can u pls do Kou, Nene, and Hanako reading their s/o a bedtime story >w< ty in advance :3
A/N: Omg hihi its been awhile since we last posted but we're here and alive still~!! Oh and also If it makes you feel any better, this is actually our first ask 😭??? So we're really excited and decided to have both of us write for it, aren't you a lucky anon?! Anyways I hope you like it! ⎯ Mod ☠️ Omg...a request...Hello! ^^ We added Mitsuba to the list, I felt like a silly fella while writing for him. His brain makes me insane. ANYWAY, I actually didn't write angst. I can't remember the last time I did that. Enjoy~ ⎯ Mod👻 (if tumblr eats this again, I will cry)
Content: Fluff, slight angst if you squint in Hanako and Mitsuba's part, no gender mention for reader aside from the word 'prince' and 'princess' being used. Summary: Reading their s/o a bedtime story
Characters: Nene, Hanako, Mitsuba, Kou
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A story about a girl who gets saved by her prince, not in an ideal way like she wanted it to be, but nonetheless, still fell for them anyways. ⎯ Once upon a time I had my eyes set out for a fairytale of my own, wanting to feel like a hopeless romantic with the person of my dreams. But to think that the person I've been dreaming of was actually beside me this whole time... Perhaps instead of me, it was them that was hopeless in the end.
It was during when you stayed over at her house and weren't able to sleep, that she suggested she'd tell you some of the latest stories she's been reading about. Some that you've already heard of (either from her already mentioning it before or seeing it in the media) while others not so much.
When NENE talks about her stories she's very enthusiastic about it. Happy to even have someone listening to her rant on and on about something she's been dying to talk about for awhile, but it's even more special when it's her S/O ⎯ especially if they were the ones to ask her first before she even got the chance to herself.
Her stories lean more towards romance for obvious reasons. Loving the tropes to the story is one thing, but another would be because of how she likes to imagine herself in those sort of scenarios. Embarrassed to even admit it out loud, though it's already clear why she likes them so much.
And although at first she was telling the stories to you to get you to fall asleep, it sometimes ends with you staying up a little later due to her getting a tad bit carried away.
Oh but if you do end up falling asleep right before her? You won't ever see or hear about it, unless you were pretending to be asleep, but Nene is definitely the type to give you a shy goodnights kiss. Feeling brave only because you were asleep, but if not, she'd totally cover her face as she fumes at how embarrassing it is to get caught in her sly act.
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A story about a commoner boy who had a princess that loved him dearly, despite his backstory and everything he deemed as 'unworthy' of their love, nothing ⎯ not even his words, could sway their view of him. ⎯ Time and time again you run and hide from me. Behind that wall of doubt and insecurities there's something that you clearly don't see in yourself that I adore so much. When will you finally come to terms and see things my way? Love yourself as much as I love you.
It's weird how you decided to nap in the bathroom. Especially his bathroom where he's poking you constantly until you tell him off.
When HANAKO is reading you a story, he has you sleeping and leaning against his shoulder. His hand occasionally shifting your head back in place when he notices you nodding off or about to fall, or maybe even just doing it to use it as an excuse to pat your head ⎯ who knows? Clearly not you.
But the types of stories Hanako tends to read to you depends entirely on his mood. Whenever he's feeling like a jokester, he'd tell you horror stories just to see your scared reaction as you cling onto him ⎯ or when he's feeling a little solemn, he'd tell the sort of fairytale that ends with bad endings to them.
Differing between those two genres the most. But on the more rarer occasions, does he switch it up to something else.
Something odd, something you wouldn't even expect from him. Something ... that perhaps convey how he really feels but is too afraid to admit it out loud? It honestly depends up to you to actually catch onto it. If not? Then you probably won't ever hear that story again from him.
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A story where a ghost finds a human and wishes to stand by their side ⎯ A story where death will not part them, for they belong together. ⎯ I keep thinking that I could be good enough for you - that you could love me as more than 'friends', maybe I am a bit selfish for thinking this. Not that I could ever say it to your face.
Someone decided to be nice today and bless you with a sleepover!! At your own house of course.
MITSUBA didn't plan on reading to you but you told him a few stories of your own. He wasn't sure why he did it. Perhaps it was the smile on your face every time you started reading to him, so he returned the favor.
He wasn't sure what to read until he came up with his own idea. A short story about a ghost, since he knew that firsthand. A story with a ghost about falling in love with a human, a story he...
As he told the story, he could see your smile slowly disappear, almost as if you realized he was the ghost in the story.
"The ghost never told them how he felt."
And that was the last thing he said before being engulfed in your arms. He knew this feeling - he's felt it before. That warm feeling.
The feeling of love.
The feeling of an old memory.
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A story where the knight doesn't get the girl ⎯ oh...I guess this is a different ending. A story where the knight gets the prince, and they live a happy life. ⎯ I didn't change the ending! This is how it was meant to be! I...I suppose if you prefer for the knight to not fall for the prince then...Huh? You liked it?!
KOU brought a book of short stories over to your house. He was super excited to be able to stay the night.
Unfortunately for him, you had the same book and it just so happened to be your favorite!
Kou told the story as it was written for a bit.
Until he got to the end.
The story was meant to end with the prince marrying a princess but Kou couldn't bring himself to say it. Perhaps it was because he was never the prince. He was always second.
But it seemed that you didn't mind. It does get a bit boring reading the same story over and over again, and you did like listening to Kou talk.
"I'm...really happy you liked it." He says, almost struggling to get the words out as you blush and smile.
Maybe this really was his story, and that's why he rewrote the ending. Well, you can't say it's impossible for that ending to happen.
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yourtoocleverfox · 8 months
"Yes, sir."
Those were the words you found falling from your lips more often than anything else these days. His life was your life now, and you lived solely to be at his beck and call.
It was rough at first. He didn't trust you an ounce, so he kept you close. Whenever you moved, whenever you spoke, his eyes were on you- watching, analyzing, assessing.
"Find a better way to do that."
"These are tasks you should be able to handle without my input."
"Look at me when you're speaking. I need to see your eyes."
And you did as he wished, always and without question. You were damn good at what you did. You wanted him to know, wanted him to see just how hard you worked for him. You longed for the moment when his perfectly sculpted lips formed the words:
"Good girl."
Your body felt hot at the thought. Slim fingers found their way into your pretty, lace panties and buried them deep into your warm, wet heat. It was wrong, so wrong, and beyond inappropriate, but all reason fled your mind as you traced tight circles against your sensitive clit.
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"Let me see the accommodations you've made."
He'd sat down hard in his chair, eyes screwed shut with fingers pinching the bridge of his noes. He'd been in a mood all day, a state that only worsened after an unproductive meeting full of 'morons' and 'asshats'.
Dutifully, you'd placed your tablet on the desk before him. He was due in Monaco for a conference in just one months time, but as usual he'd expected arrangements organized at the earliest possible convince- convince for him, not you.
But it hadn't mattered. You knew what to expect. You tailored everything to perfection, just for him. Luxury suite in a world class resort, dinner at a restaurant that served his favorite (you made sure to ask twice), seated at a private table with ocean views. You'd even scheduled-
"A massage?"
He'd quirked a skeptical eyebrow at you.
You had simply nodded in response, hands neatly folded in your lap. Originally, he'd been booked for a meeting over golf, a pastime that he hated, with an executive from a small pharmaceutical company whom he also hated. You'd taken pleasure in canceling that session, using your diplomatic nature to leave the abandoned party feeling less than slighted.
His eyes traveled the rest of the schedule you'd laid out for him, and after a stifling moment, they'd finally come to rest on you.
"Well, look at you."
You held his gaze, steady and sure, just how he liked. He'd seemed to appraise you as you waited there with carefully concealed anticipation. There had been the hint of something in his eyes, but what it had been, you never could quite tell with him.
"You've done well by me. Continue this pattern and I assure you, I'll be more than pleased."
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So simple, so simple, yet those words had you working your body in a frenzy. When had you become like this? So desperate for approval? For this man's approval?
You didn't know, and you certainly didn't care, as your aching core clinched and tightened around nothing. You reached for your previously forgotten pillow and mounted it, desperate for friction between your legs. You moved your hips back and forth, rhythmically dragging you soaking pussy over the cotton fabric, a breathy sound escaping your lips each time your clit hit it just right.
You thought of him, imagined for a second what it would be like if he were the one under you instead, and instantly felt the heat of embarrassment. But it was too late. You were already cumming hard, body collapsing onto the mattress as you rode the wave of pleasure overtaking you.
You laid there in the silence of your bedroom, chest rising and falling at a steady rate as your body recovered from its high. Light filled your dark bedroom and you glanced over at your glowing phone on the nightstand. A text.
From Miguel O'Hara: Apologies for messaging you this late at night, but I need you to come in early tomorrow. There is a last minute meeting in Conference Room B which is mandatory for all C-Level employees. Make sure we have everything we need. I trust you'll have it done to my standard.
You propped yourself up un your elbows and quickly typed out a response. It was quick and to the point, basically muscle memory by now.
You: Yes, sir. You have nothing to worry about.
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