#and another thing i don't like about this drama is the music?? it's so weird 😭😭
I have a small question where I would like to hear your opinion on. My MC died in her original world and was reborn into a new one. So she died at 27 and started back again at 2 years old from the body she took over. She is mentally at the original age. So my hiccup is that the story take place when she is 25 in the new world and I'm having a bit of a hard time figuring out how to have her carry herself. Theoretically, she is mentally in her 50's but 25 physically. How should I go on to write her personality? I don't want to say I want her to "act old", but what are some things that might be different between a 25 year old and a 50 year old and how could I best make her more mature? Should I make her more immature in the beginning (pre-death) So that change could be put in place?
Character is Mentally Older Due to Reincarnation
Here's the problem... there are two things needed in order for someone to mature: physical development and emotional development through experience. If your character died at 27, not only is that about the time that brains stop physically developing anyway, she also does not go through any further emotional development through experience.
Even if she is "mentally 27" when she is transported to the body of the two-year old, and even if we say her mental age somehow overrides the physical capabilities of a two-year-old brain, the kinds of experiences she's having over the 23 years in her second body aren't the kinds of experiences that are going to add significantly to her emotional experience. These are all things she has already experienced and learned in her first life. As a 2 to 25-year-old, she's not gaining a lot of experience in things like career, marriage, parenting, layoffs, career changes, divorce, single parenting, dating after divorce, caring for aging parents, etc. Instead, she's experiencing some of the things (again) that are natural for 2 to 25-year-olds to experience, like going to school, making friends, trying to get good grades, social drama, first kiss, first love, learning to drive, first job, graduation, going to college, first-time independence, getting to vote, serious relationships and serious break-ups, perhaps even getting married and having a kid or two, though not getting very far into that.
So, my point is, your character has to live the life of a 25 to 50-year-old in order to gain the experience and maturity of a 25 to 50-year-old brain.
BUT... having said that, I am speaking to you as a person who has lived the life of a 25 to 50-year-old, and I don't feel mentally different from who I was when I was 25. Maybe a little, but not significantly. I have certainly experienced a lot of things during those 25 years, but I still like a lot of the same things, still do a lot of the same things, still think and feel a lot of the same things. I still wear clothes (sweaters, jackets, and coats, mostly) I wore when I was 25. I still watch a lot of the same TV shows and movies, and like a lot of the same music. But also... I'm sitting over here singing to songs that are popular on the radio, watching TV shows that are popular with the 15 to 30 crowd, and comfortably conversing with family members who are in their teens and 20s.
So, a part of it, too, is that once you get past a certain age (mid-20s, really, when the brain stops developing), there's not always this catastrophic difference between who a person is at 25 and who they are at 50 or 70. I mean, there can be... there are definitely those adults who turn into weird adulty robots who feel like they can only drink wine, eat salmon, play golf, and throw wine and cheese parties, but not everyone is like that. Most people aren't. You'll get into your fifties and laugh that you thought you'd be so significantly different from 25-year-old you. :)
Another issue to consider is this: if your character is a 27-year-old trapped in a 2-year-old's body, does that make her like Stewie Griffin, except that's the way she actually sounds to everyone around her. Do you have a two-year-old sitting in the baby seat in the shopping cart at Target, looking at her "new" mother and literally saying out loud, "Oh, Diane... please tell me you're not thinking about buying that. You know how gluten wrecks your stomach. Put it back and get the gluten free one, would you?" Or, do you have a 27-year-old woman who has to pretend to be a two-year-old, and has to sit there making baby talk and saying things like, "Ma-ma... can get cookie? Pwweeeease?" It's really awkward, to be honest, and I can't imagine how mentally taxing, frustrating, and demeaning it would be for your character.
So... what to do? There are two options that I can see, but keep an eye on the reblogs in case anyone else has a suggestion:
1 - Compartmentalize her adult consciousness from her two-year-old consciousness until she's maybe ten or twelve. So, almost like she's a prisoner inside the body of a child, but she doesn't know what it's thinking and can't control what it says or does. Like they're two independent beings and she's just along for the ride, silently commentating and even trying to get through to the kid to little or no avail. Maybe sometimes, if she mentally screams loud enough, she pops into the child's consciousness as a subconscious thought. Then, for whatever reason, as the child ages, her voice gets through more and more, and she gains control of what the child says and does little by little, until finally she has fully become the child when it's maybe 12 or 15 or whatever age you think makes sense. So, that might look something like this:
Childhood: I'm dressed in my--rather, Bella's--favorite Bluey shirt and a pair of shorts. The birthday party is at an indoor play area called Bounce, and I can almost feel Bella's excitement as she drops her gift off at the table and runs to join the other kids on a giant trampoline. They didn't really have places like this when I was a kid--the first time, I mean. My next door neighbors--the Andersons--they had a trampoline in their backyard, the kind with the net cage around it, but my parents wouldn't let me jump on it except during neighborhood parties when there were lots of parents watching. At least I... Bella... will sleep well tonight.
Teens: "Hey, Bella!" Maxine said as I joined her at the lockers. "Are you going to Brant's party tomorrow night?" Ugh, Brant's party. I had forgotten about that. What an absolute turd. He reminds me too much of this guy Jared I dated briefly in college, in my first life. I'm obviously not going to tell Maxine that. "Nah," I say at last. "I don't like that guy enough to go to his party." "Why don't you like him? I think he's cool!" "Oh, he just reminds me of someone I used to know. Wanna head to lunch?"
2 - Give the adult consciousness a bit of amnesia and have her start to remember things over time. In this sense, there would still be some compartmentalization early on as far as being a separate consciousness from the child's, but in this sense she would be less like an adult imprisoned in a child's body, along for the ride and commenting from the peanut gallery, and more like a faint awareness that is more distant, but becomes more aware and close as time goes on. That might look something like this:
Child: Bella is wears her favorite Bluey shirt to the birthday party. She is such a happy, friendly child. The other kids welcome her with smiles and open arms as she joins them on the trampoline. I wonder if I went to parties like this in my first life?
Teen: Bella's friend--my friend--Maxine greets me as I join her by the lockers. "Are you going to Brant's party tonight?" My stomach sours at the thought of that guy, though I don't know why. Perhaps I knew someone like him in my past life. The name Jared suddenly pops into my head, and I briefly wonder what this guy did to past life me that I carried dislike for him into my second life. Not wanting to get into all that, I make an excuse about having to help my mom wallpaper the guest room. "See you on Sunday, though, so we can study for the test?" "Yeah, see you then," Maxine says, closing her locker. She smiles, but I can tell she's a little salty. She knows social gatherings exhaust me, though. Sometimes I wish I could tell her why--that I've been through all of this before, not even that long ago. But she wouldn't understand.
So, in either case, you're not really worrying too much about the nuances of maturity, but rather a general "adult" perspective as it relates to this child whose body it's inhabiting.
Anyway, I hope that helps! Edited to add: see a related question here.
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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kelstey · 4 months
get him back!
mattheo riddle x reader
warnings : none
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❃゜・。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。・゜❃
i met a guy last summer and i left him in the spring
"hey," you shielded your eyes with your hand from the sun, squinting at the figure in front of you.
"hey," you replied. you allowed your eyes to adjust, realising that a literal god of a man was standing in front of you.
"i'm mattheo," he brung his hand out in front of him for a hand shake.
"i'm y/n."
he argued with me about everything he had an ego and a tempter and a wandering eye
"you're such a dick! you were fully undressing her with your eyes!" you shouted at him, heated, absolutely enraged he was gaslighting you.
"staring at who?! you're making things up," mattheo ran his hand through his stupidly soft, brown hair.
"oh making things up?" you laughed at the stupidity that was coming out of his mouth, "i have eyes! i could see you checking her out as if i weren't right next to you!"
"yeah, whatever," he scoffed and walked away
he said he's six foot two
"and i'm like dude nice try," you giggled to pansy, gossiping about all the juicy drama to her.
"you love tall guys, he seems perfect," you blushed at her words, knowing she was right.
but he was so much fun, and he had such weird friends
"why do you have a ferret?" you questioned mattheo.
"it's just draco, i'm taking him back to snape to see if he can fix him," he chuckled and handed the white animal over to you.
"and how exactly did he get in this predicament?" you giggled as the little thing tried to bite
and he would take us out to parties and the night would ever end
another song, another club, another bar, another dance
you were pressed up against mattheo, grinding on him as the music deafened you. his hands were glued to your hips, gluing you to him.
"another drink?" he shouted in your ear.
"fuck yeah!" you shouted back, heading over to the bar to order another 10 shots.
and when he said something wrong he'd just fly me to france
"c'mon darlin, drivers here and he's taking us to my family's villa," you stepped off of the plane in paris, feeling like some sort of royalty.
"i can hardly speak french," you giggled, heading over to the personal driver who was parked, awaiting your arrival.
"i'll speak it for you, sweetheart," he winked, opening the car door for you.
so i miss him some nights when i'm feeling depressed
you laid on your side, mascara smudged all under your eyes as you continued to stare off into space; your mind on one person, and one person only.
you rolled onto your back, staring at the still ceiling as you reminisced the times he held you in his arms, the way his soft lips felt against your lips - and everywhere else on your body.
til i remember every time he made a pass on my friend
your eyebrows furrowed, frustrating growing through your body when you remember the one time mattheo hit on astoria right in front of you.
"hey," you watched as his hand was placed on the arch of her back.
"hey mattheo," she smiled and you frowned.
"you look gorgeous tonight, mind if i get you a drink?" be was now dangerously close to her and you felt as if steam was coming out of your ears.
do i love him? do i hate him? i guess it's up and down
if i had to choose, i would say it right now i wanna get him back i wanna make him really jealous wanna make him feel bad oh, i wanna get him back
cause then again i really miss him and it makes me real sad
oh, i want sweet revenge and i want him again i want to get him back, back, back
so irerite bim all these letters and i throw
them in the trash
"dear mattheo,
i hate you, but i love you. and i hate you again. you're a piece of shit. i never want you to speak to me again but i don't want you to ever stop trying to reach out. you confuse me so much. i know we're bad for each other but you're the only one i want. cause i miss the the way you kiss, and the way you make me laugh."
yeah, i pour my little heart out but as i'm hittin' send
i picture all the faces on my disappointed friends
"you did what?!" pansy screeched in the middle of the hall.
"girl shut up! pineapple might hear! plus, i only wrote it in my notes. merlin, do you really think i'm stupid enough to hit send?" you scolded her.
"i wouldn't put it past you," she began walking again and you rolled your eyes, knowing she was right.
because everyone knew all of the shit that he'd do
"he's not the type of guy you should be with, y/n,"
theo spoke to you, his thumb rubbing circles over your hands as you told him the things he did.
"he said i was the only girl but that just wasn't the truth," you felt your eyes water, theo giving you a pitiful look.
and when i told him how he hurt me, he'd tell me i was trippin'
"you keep giving me mixed signals, mattheo," you were now beyond exhausted of the arguing.
"you're trippin'," he couldn't even look you in the eyes as he knew what you were saying was factual.
you titled your head, "you're a fucking cunt." you poked your index finger into his chest, pushing past him as you headed to class.
but i am my fathers daughter, so maybe i could fix him?
your fingers were tangled in his hair, calming him down as he had yet another argument with his father.
mattheo was laid on your stomach, his body between your legs, hands wrapped around your back.
"i just hate him so much," warm, salty tears fell from his face to your stomach.
"i know baby, i know. i'll do my best to help you."
i wanna get him back
i wanna make him really jealous, wanna make him feel bad
oh, i wanna get him back
'cause then again, i really miss him, and it makes me real sad
oh, i want sweet revenge, and i want him again
i want to get him back
i want to get him back, back, back
i wanna key his car
"c'mon, hurry," you waved pansy over, the two of you disguised with all black, baggy outfits, and balaclavas as you hopped over the riddle's manor.
"which one is it?" pansy pulled out her endless assortment of keys.
"that one," you pointed over at the black mercedes.
"posh twat," pansy muttered and tossed you some keys.
"i wanna get him back," you smirked. you carefully went over to the parked car, trying to make as little noise as possible.
quickly you began to run the keys across any surface area of the sleek black car, ruining it as much as possible.
"this is for making me listen to y/n rant about you 24 fucking 7," pansy mumbled to herself.
i wanna make him lunch
"hey love," you gave mattheo a sweet kiss on the cheek as you handed over the bowl of pasta, his absolute favourite of yours.
"you truly have my heart," you fake smiled at his
i wanna break his beart
you straddled theo's lap, his large hands going under your skirt as he massaged away at your ass. his lips were hungry for yours, the kiss was rough but it was everything you wanted and needed.
you had thought because of the dark lighting, and crowds of people, that mattheo wouldn't see. but oh he did.
his heart shattered, dropping at the sight of you with his best friend. he downed the rest of his drink (aka straight whiskey) before heading over to the two of you, ready to fuck some shit up.
you moved your hips against theo's, grinding on his boner, his lips still eager for more of you. he knew it was bad - betraying his friend. but you wanted to get mattheo back, and theo was only there for some very 'moral', moral support.
you were ripped away from theo, landing on the foor with a thud, you looked up to see mattheo going ham at theo, punching him over and over as the fight broke out.
you stared in horror - enzo pulling you away from the horrific sight.
then be the one to stitch it up
"hey matty," you walked into mattheo's room. he was sat at his window ledge, head in his book which he was reading intently.
"what do you want?" he didn't even glance up at you.
"i'm sorry about last night," you made your way to him.
finally, mattheo looked up at you. his heart nearly bursted out of his chest seeing you in his hoodie - the one you always wore when you stayed over.
"baby," his voice was now softer, his eyes staring at you in adoration as the memories of the nights you spent together came back to him.
"i'm really sorry," you pouted your lips, knowing it was all so fake.
wanna kiss his face
you held mattheo close, his face rested on your chest. you leaned down, peppering kisses onto his face 'lovingly'.
you smiled down at him, "i love you."
"i love you too," you said, he put his face back in your chest. you looked up, the smile wiped immediately off of your face.
with an uppercut
wanna meet his mum
just to tell her her son sucks
"hi mrs riddle," you smiled at the older lady as she opened the door.
"hi, and who might you be?" you tried your hardest not to let the disappointment take over as you realised mattheo clearly had never talked about you at home.
"i'm y/n, and i'd love to tell you all about mattheo. i suppose he's clearly not mentioned me then?"
oh i wanna key his car
"what the fuck?!" mattheo yelled, his arms flailed up as he stared at his car, freshly bought and freshly keyed.
"what are you - oh," his father stepped out of the house, face dropping at the scene in front of them.
wanna make him lunch
mattheo was crouched over the toilet seat, uncontrollably puking over and over as draco rubbed his back.
"mate what the fuck is wrong with you?" draco was both disgusted yet trying not to laugh.
"y/n made me lunch. think she's poison-" he threw up, yet again into the toilet.
"suppose she's got to get you back somehow." mattheo shot draco a glare. "apologies," draco held up his hands in defence.
i wanna break his heart
"hey tom," you wandered into mattheo's older brothers room.
"what?" he turned around from his desk.
"oh nothing," you held your hands behind your back, innocently walking over to tom. "just wanted to see you, is all."
you sat on his lap, fixing his loose tie. tom's hand supported you on his lap, a slight firm grasp on your thigh too. you finished sorting his tie, your eyes flickering up to his eyes.
"have i ever told you how much hotter than mattheo you are?" tom smirked at your comment.
"my very own brother, hm?" his face was close to yours, millimetres away from each other.
you nodded, looking from his eyes down to his lips. "i do prefer older guys," you closed the space between you and tom.
as if on cue, mattheo walked in.
stitch it right back up
"mattheo, i don't know what got into him! he just pulled me onto his lap and you just walked in," you explained to mattheo.
"do you promise me?" he looked up at you, sadness in his eyes. you felt bad, but he felt nothing when you were depressed over him for months.
"promise, sweetie, you know i'd never," oh yes you absolutely would.
wanna kiss his face, with an uppercut
"oops!" you covered your mouth with your hand as you accidentally 'nudged' mattheo's arm as he was mid falling asleep in class, his face hitting off of the table.
"want me to kiss it better?" you asked him.
i wanna meet his mum, and tell her her son sucks
"oh he did not," his mum was appalled, hand covering her mouth as you told her about the year long situationship with her son.
"oh he did, and then, he had the audacity to be like "you're trippin',", ugh the cheek!" you took another sip of your tea.
"oh and don't get me started on the time he was flirting with my friend in front of me! but then he got upset cause i kissed one of his friends as payback."
i'll get him, i'll get him, i'll get him, i'll get him back
get him back
i'm gonna get him so good, he's not even gonna know what hit him
he's gonna love me and hate me at the same time
he didn't know wether to hate you or love you. but what he did know, was that he was undoubtedly obsessed with you.
"please, y/n, i'll do anything," he was on his knees in front of you, begging for your forgiveness.
you really wondered how he even had feelings towards you - you keyed his car, made him lunch that was poisoned, broke his heart by kissing his best friend and brother, told his mum all the shit he did and how he sucked.
but here he was, willing to give up anything and everything for you.
you had finally got him back.
❃゜・。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。・゜❃
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darkbluekies · 18 days
The origin of the ocs
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Silas Achilleos:
I have always loved to write and read mafia fics. I wrote them before I wrote fanfiction, during fanfiction and now. When I created this account, I wanted a mafia man who's main characteristic was that he was kinky. I didn't like the ones I had read about that bent their partner over their lap for every little thing and that their entire relationship was built on sex. I wanted someone that felt human. So i made him in November 2022.
Silas name comes from a store I used to walk by all the time. I have no recollection of knowing about the name before I saw that store, so unconsiously the name must have come from there. I liked it because it was a name I hadn't been familiar with and I could "mold" the name to whatever I wanted, i had no connection to a certain person. I could make my own. His surname, Achilleos, was chosen because it reminded me of the character "achilles" and how he was untouchable besides one part of his body. Like this, i wanted darling to be Silas "achilles heel".
Silas personality comes from my want of something different. I wanted some humor, some drama, some weak spot. I made him childish, hypocritical, emotional. I didn't want him to be 2d.
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Dr Karl Kry:
I have always loved the atmosphere of hospitals. I don't know why. They almost give me "backroom" vibes. I thought that it could be interesting to try to write about a doctor even though I have no medical knowledge. I have always loved to write characters that are weak and dependent on someone, which would work perfectly if I created a doctor. I created him in December 2022.
Dr Karl Kry's name comes from swedish. "Karl" means "man" and "Kry" means the opposite of being sick (not sure if english has the exact word). I thought that it could be fun if a doctor had that surname because only swedes/nordics would be able to get that little joke.
His personality is a bit of a mixture between the sterotypical swede and an opposite to what you think a doctor should be like. He's cold, quiet, doesn't like touch and is very modest while still being very professional and "sweet". He is quite old fashioned and carries traits that were normal then.
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King Edmund of Vesanus
He wasn't supposed to be a character. I had gotten inspired to write the "Masquarade massacre/dance with death" oneshot because of a music video i used to watch when i was a kid (Eric Saade: Masquarade) and i wrote the oneshot in January 2023. It quickly became my most liked story so I decided to add him to the characters.
Edmund's name was originally Edward, but I have a character in one of my private novels with the same name and I thought that it would be weird for me if I named them the same thing. I decided to use a similar name and I decided upon Edmund. It sounded like it could belong to a royal. His kingdom "Vesanus" is in latin and means "mad/insane/frenzied" and I thoght that fit him extremely well.
His personality comes from the stereotypical spoiled king imagine, but I also wanted to make him ... human? He is a teenage boy who doesn't know who he is and only knows that he is the crown. He is lost and I think that shows. Edmund is ignorant, spoiled, rude and yet teasing, humorous, childish and caring.
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Jerry (Yubin) Kim:
My first girl. She was created as a side character in a kpop mafia fanfiction i wrote back in 2020 and then reaccured in another kpop mafia fanfiction i wrote in 2021, although she was not a yandere back then. I loved her character and knew that I had to add her here.
Her name is special, to me. I don't remember why I named her Jerry, all I know is that I wanted a male name for a girl, and Jerry is a boy name that also feel like a girls name. That is the name she goes by, but her birth name is Yubin, although she doesn't go by that anymore. Her surname is a popular surname in korean, so that doesn't have much behind it.
Her personality is a rollercoaster. When I created her back in 2020, she was a bit different to what she is now. She was much happier, joked a lot, didn't have much darkness in her. She was pretty flat. Now that she's here, she has evolved into a much more human like character, much more rounded. She is a pretender. She feels one thing but pretends to feel different. All her joking persona isn't all real, she is pretty emotional. Jerry has many layers and many emotions she can't understand, she feels a lot of guilt, fear, love and hate, but presents a careless, joking girl to everyone else.
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Hedwig Carter:
Hedwig is a character that was evolved from another character I was writing. In the beginning of this account, i tried out different kinds of characters to find the ones I wanted. I was writing a "quiet kid" yandere oneshot because I wanted this typical yandere setting, aka being in school. But I didn't like the character, I already had men (kry and silas) and I wanted it to feel like yandere simulator, so I scrapped that oneshot and created a girl. She wasn't supposed to be rich, but I decided to add it to have more to work with. I created her out on an evening walk in January 2023.
I don't like when characters who are supposed to be "normal" have "non-normal" names. I cannot imagine a girl who goes to school like everyone else having a name like "elowen", "amethyst" etc. i want the name to fit the situation and feel natural. Hedwig is one of those names. It feels wealthy, yet natural. It is distinctive, yet normal. The name Carter came to me when playing the game "titanic adventure out of time" when you have to go down to the cargo and the steward are like "YOURE A CARTER!!!" because the Carters owned the car that was on board the ship and a car in 1912 was expensive and etc. The name just stuck with me and felt like old money wealth, which she is.
Hedwig's personality is meant to be the opposite to Jerry, but they are quite alike too. Hedwig is sweet, innocent and loving. She doesn't like being mean. I wanted a rich popular girl that wasn't rude, entitled or a mean girl. Hedwig has a hard time controlling her emotions and can easily become "hysteric". I wanted an opposite to what's usually done - the rich popular girl is the one obsessed with someone instead of the other way around.
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cripplecharacters · 2 months
Hi, I have some questions regarding confusion over a certain topic. First off, I have a character with a severe scarring on the upper right side of their body. I've heard in some tumblr ppsts that such appearance shouldn't be fetished. Then I stumbled across some posts, mentioning how the character can be described as 'pretty with it'.
For sure, I'm trying my best to normalize the looks. Because I have a love interest set up for them and while they don't mind the looks, I feel confused on how to convey their appreciation for the character's looks even with the scarring. They like the character as they are and stuff.
Sorry if this is a lot, I tend to get confused on how to handle such scenarios. And this sort of varying opinions is making me go '???'.
It's okay if you take your time to answer! Have a good day ahead of ya!
"Fetishization of a disability" and "thinking that a disabled person is pretty" are two very different things. Despite the somewhat similar sound, they're not connected by much.
In the context of scars, fetishization would be what I would call the "Zuko situation" (yes, I love ATLA as much as the next guy, let me explain) - the scar isn't really a scar, it's more of a, I don't know, make-up? It's just the color that changes, it's all sharp edges and intricate shapes, the facial structure stays the exact same. There's no physical symptoms. Essentially, it's permanent body paint.
It fetishizes a disability by making it inaccurate, sometimes almost mystical. You don't see anyone fetishizing how real people with facial burns look like because they only like the idea of it. They don't care for us; they don't care for Face Equality or why we are offended by "villain with scar #32482". It's just a fun splotch of color to add to your OC when you're out of ideas.
Another aspect of fetishization is the "a scar is the worst thing in the whole world", the tragedy porn. It's using a disability for cheap drama. Again; it's inaccurate and exploitative. I don't see writers excited to depict my "coming to terms with my facial difference as a teenager, and eventually being proud of it" experience because where's the shock value and pity points? Fetishization, again, is about liking the idea of it, not the real thing.
Describing your character as beautiful, well, isn't any of that.
The point that I tried to make on that post was that a scar is often considered inherently ugly. That it's a stain on someone's beauty, that it would be better if it wasn't there.
"Brown beautiful eyes, thick facial hair, strong cheekbones - he managed to be irresistibly handsome even with that nasty scar going across his nose."
This, well, sucks. It's as if the character's beauty and their disability are contradictory forces that have to fight each other. But in reality, scars and any other visible disabilities are neutral. If the character is pretty, their scar is pretty too. It's a part of them, so how could it not be?
"She was a cute girl; her pastel pink, thinly braided hair framed her face, defying gravity by curling towards her mouth. The burned skin on her lips shifted as she smiled, revealing a tooth gap. She played with her equally pink 'white' cane, holding it between the two fingers she had on her right hand, bopping it against the ground to the rhythm of the song."
This, on the other hand, just states her disability as a part of her person. It's nothing weird or shocking, she's pretty, has a burn on her face, she's blind, she's missing some fingers, she's enjoying the music - it's almost boring when compared to the usual "scar introduction". There's no "even with her horribly burnt face", no "if only she wasn't scarred she would be beautiful", no "poor thing, lost her fingers in a horrific fire" - instead, she is beautiful, and she has scars, and she sure is having fun. That's it.
This is my best shot at explaining the difference between "fetishization" and "yeah they're pretty :-)" ft. my questionable writing - I hope this makes sense.
I definitely took my time to answer, sorry about that. Thank you for your ask!
mod Sasza
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beastabyss666 · 13 days
The Season 2 Episode 8 of Helluva Boss recently was published quite spontaneously, so I'm writing the review while being very sleepy. First of all... It was weird to start the episode with some cheap musical. Blitzo's solo was especially... fair to middling. I'm sorry, but I think Brandon Rogers can't sing, his voice isn't actually made for singing(that's just my opinion tho). And also hey, they remembered the cherubs! Wow. Though they made them some utter idiots, much like the other characters, I mean.. So the plot is about Blitzo going shopping for a sex toy which(in his opinion) will really rejoice Stolas. Meanwhile, the cherubs are seen living on Earth and robbing humans to "redeem themselves and return to heaven"(I won't ask how it's supposed to work). They get caught by the D.H.O.R.K.S. folk(wow, you also remembered them too, nice work Vivzie), where the agents tell the cherubs that they built a portal to Hell and made high-tech robotic suits imitating the main IMP gang. The cherubs wear them and enter the portal, ending up in the Lust Ring, where Blitzo goes shopping. The main gang attacks them(though it wasn't shown that they even were there), and OF COURSE defeats the cherubs, throwing them through the portal. The episode ends with Blitzo finally visiting Stolas and talking to him. But I'll mention it later. So... I found this episode quite weird, nothing much to say about the visuals, though some frames look like they're from another show. How some characters(especially humans) are drawn looks like they're also from another show. But I guess they don't really organise anything normally, so it just is. I also find the tone of the episode too chaotic, but the whole show switches rapidly from "Edgy black comedy" to "Unserious absurd trash comedy" to "Drama/whining/'we care about characters and their development'" stuff. Another weird thing I found about visuals is that the creators put many overly cartoonish expressions to characters, to the point that it look just ridiculous, not even saying it's out of the general style.
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Some of these expressions look kinda crooked, and the other are cartoonly, but not in a way that fits the whole show. It's not a slapstick comedy, and I don't understand why the writers pretend it is. Most of the time(and it's seen in this episode) it's just lazy and poor attempts at satire on our stupid and hypocritical society, but it just doesn't work mainly because the protagonists don't seem to have more brain cells than usual humans in this universe. Earth here, although, really seem to be a thing to relieve Vivzie's malice at... everything, I guess. There is no exact satire/mocking of someone or something, so I guess Vivzie just hates every living thing in general(especially kids, for some reason). That's why the humour in this episode also seems odd in a bad way. I don't like that HB sometimes pretends to be South Park, or Family Guy, or... a typical CN show, perhaps? It just doesn't look right, it's like the writers try to copy other better works instead of making their own vibes/special tone.
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Also they could use some more imagination
And about the ending... Stolas doesn't seem satisfied by Blitzo's behaviour(who acts overly sexual towards him which seems OOC), and starts... basically complaining about him being too sexual and not sensual. Guys... do you remember how it all started? Does Vivzie remember it? Literally in the 1 episode of 1 season it's shown that Stolas only uses Blitzo for his sexual pleasure, not caring about his comfort etc. He even calls him while he's on a dangerous mission. And there are lots of other moments where Stolas practically h*rasses Blitzo and makes him uncomfortable with his comments. And even since pilot doesn't seem to be canon(so Stolas didn't threaten Blitzo with r*pe), there are enough red flags about this mf. Yet in this episode he literally complains about receiving not so much love and care? That's... idk, that's shitty to say the least, and I don't know how the writers even managed. A literal abuser complaining about their partner being "not affectionate enough", that's fuckin' hilarious(sarcasm), and I say it as someone who had few abusers in my life. I still remember the previous episodes so I kinda don't buy it, but many people do, and that's sad. After that Blitzo [rightfully] angers at Stolas for complaining about lack of love while disrespecting him for being a lower class and using him as some object. Stolas only answers with "I think so very highly of you, I didn't realise you think so low of me", and kicks Blitzo out of his palace.
So... that's the episode. I have nothing much to say about it more, but I'm genuinely wondering does Vivzie even understand what she's doing and where she'll push the whole Stolas x Blitzo pairing(not that I fucking care, lol). These two are obviously in an abusive relationship, and the more they try to understand what even happened between them, the more confused they become. I personally think there's nothing to talk about with a guy like Stolas(though Blitzo too is a huge red flag), but idk, maybe Vivzie thinks that r*pists and abusers are changeable and are good deep down. Anyways, it was surely an odd episode, and I didn't really like it.
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the-milk-monarch · 6 months
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Summary: General headcanons.
☢︎ | Total Drama | ~3k words | gender-neutral reader ♡ | Mal | Mike | Vito | Svetlana | Scott | Gwen | Noah | Cody ⚠ | smoking weed lol
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He'd be very hesitant to try any illegal (or legal, depending where you live) substance.
You gotta be on very close terms, and he needs to trust you a lot.
Would be surprised, first of all, when you offered.
I imagine he was a "good boy" throughout his life, so he'd have to think about it.
But if you finally get to it, he'd be quite fun.
After he goes through the several coughing fits, of course.
You make sure to bring him something cold to drink though, to help with the burning throat.
I imagine he'd focus on all the touchy-feely aspects of weed, like enjoying soft fabric, the euphoria, better music and so on.
It'd be quite an adorable sight of him "discovering" those.
The both of you had already prepared everything for a good smoking session, or so you thought. You noticed you didn't have a tv remote nearby to change the screen to Netflix, so you had to leave Mike alone on the couch for a moment. Mike felt all tingly and slightly dazed, nothing he had ever experienced before. It was both terrifying and kinda cool. He patiently waited for your return, but as he got slightly bored, his eyes began to wander around. His focus got fixated on a fluffy blanket you were supposed to cover yourself with. He gently picked it up with curiosity. His fingers just touched the nicest fabric known to man. It took you a while, but you eventually found the remote. Which was left in your room. You should really watch where you put your things while stoned. You couldn't hide the smile you had on your face as you noticed Mike getting comfy with the fluffy blanket. He made his lower half into a burrito, fidgeting with the tip of the blanket with his hands. After he noticed you staring he immediately stopped, though. "Oh- You're back." He smiled nervously. "You mind sharing that blanket?" You smiled back, nearing closer to the boy. "Right, of course, you can come here." He changed his position as he quickly reacted. You got under the blanket with the remote in your hand, sitting next to him as your side touched his. "It's- very comfy." He quietly remarked with a shy smile as a fact, but also to explain his "weird" behavior. "Not as much as you." You joked as you leaned your head on his shoulder, flashing a silly smile. His face flushed a slight shade of red as he chuckled.
Not that he'd demand it, but... If you pet his head, he'd appreciate it a lot 👉👈
Do it please, he'll melt.
Surprisingly, he never tried it.
Ok, he may have, once or twice, but it was with a bad crowd most probably, so that doesn't count.
He'd also have to trust you quite a lot to be exposed to such an activity, it'd leave him vulnerable, after all.
But if you're close together then it wouldn't be such a big deal for him.
Weed paranoia might set in if the vibe in his mind ain't right though.
Then he'd be closed off and not really having fun.
But if not, he'd be quite chiller version of himself.
And you try your best so he'd be comfy.
"So- How do you feel?" You asked, looking at him. An idea has already formed in your head, but for now, you try to test the waters. He reciprocated the stare briefly, taking a second to process what has been said to him. "I'm- fine. Why do you ask?" "Do you wanna feel even better?" You ambiguously (in his pov) asked. He raised an eyebrow at you. You could've worded yourself better, but it's what you have to roll with now. "I mean-" You tried to explain yourself, but it's hard to form words in your state. At least you and him are both stoned, so it's unlikely Mal would cringe too much at you. "Since we're watching a movie, and I see you sitting so tense, why don't you- lay down?" You lightly suggested. He shot you yet another confused stare. "You care a lot about my comfort now, huh?" He asked you in a bit poking fun way, but it was all lighthearted - at least you thought so. "I'm very hospitable to my guests, what can I say?" You smoothly tried to save your face. He rolls his eyes at you, after which he smirks slightly. "Alright. But what about you? What if I take all of the couch space?" He raised his brow in a bit amused manner. "You know, you can just put your head on my lap." The words spilt out of your mouth. You got some surprised yet entertained at your boldness stare. "Don't think it's gonna become a habit." He 'warned' you before hesitating for a second and carefully placing himself down. His head awkwardly leaned on your lap. He wasn't used to being in such position. "And that's supposed to be comfy?" He was laying on his back as he looked you straight in the eyes with a halfly playful and doubtful expression. You noticed it was your cue, so you gently raised your hand to touch his hair. He got slightly alarmed at what you're doing, but after your fingers touched his hair and made the first pet, his expression softened a little. His face remained neutral, although it was visible from his body language that he actually enjoyed the closeness. "...So? Feeling comfy yet?" You playfully asked, playing with his hair. It was quite fluffy, as you expected. "Hm... I agree it is enjoyable to have a useful pawn at your disposal." He joked with a slightly silly smirk.
Surprisingly enough, he'd be quite funny when watching some shitty movies.
Like this guy has some sick ass roasts for the bad characters + stupid plot mixture.
Sorry but Mal strikes me as a hidden comedian.
Of course, it's only funny if you're into his humor though.
Loves listening to music high, the lyrics just flow in his head.
Are you up for listening to My Chemical Romance with him??
This boy must have smoked some before.
Or at least seems like the type who would.
He'd be way more annoying with his flirts.
Weed gives him confidence, and it's already oozing out of him enough while sober.
An opposite of Mal, in a sense that Vito just cannot be funny.
You may only laugh at how bad his jokes are (respectfully).
This won't stop him from having a good time and laughing at his own jokes though.
To be fair, on weed everything is way funnier, so Vito passes the hilarity scale anyway .
He also laughs at the dumbest things.
Show him funny videos compilation and he'll have a good time.
Would get even lazier.
Expect him to be all over the couch.
Oops, guess there's no place to sit now.
Better go cuddle with him.
You just came back from going to the kitchen to get some more food and here you saw your place on the couch taken. "Vito." You shot him a half-serious glare, to which he just stretched more comfortably. "Hm? Oh, did ya really like that spot on the couch?" He said looking at you, playful and smug. You rolled your eyes at him, waiting for him to move. He didn't. He just looked at you, as if testing your patience. "Sorry, I look too good right now to move from this place." He playfully stuck out his tongue with a smirk. You took it as a challenge, so you just squeezed yourself in-between the couch and him, making him almost fall off the couch when he lost balance. "Aye, yo- you gonna drop the goods-" He quickly remarked as he got his balance back. You chuckled and caught him with your arm on his side, supporting his body so he wouldn't fall down. He readjusted into a comfier position, facing you. "Ain't it better laying here?" He said with a smirk.
Perfect fit to watch movies while cuddling.
Especially some cool, action ones.
That way he can tell you how he's as amazing as those guys in the movie, and that he could do anything, like that guy from Need for Speed.
If you disagree, he'll be very disappointed.
It'd be... an usual sight to see her smoke.
I mean, she's so active and energetic-
It kind of translates to something else when she's high.
She loves to talk on weed.
"Vant me to tell you zat one time I got a golden medal?" The enthusiasm was fully visible on her face. "Of course." You nodded lazily but with curiosity. "Oh, great! It vas near the time I performed my first backflip!" She reminisced and continued. "I'll tell you about zat too!"
She's so social, talkative, expressive and overall joyous.
You think it's quite adorable, and you don't mind listening.
You forget everything she said after few minutes anyway.
Don't worry, she'll say it again, with the same enthusiasm.
But don't take her as a selfish one, she'd love to intently listen to your stories too!
She'll try her best to remember them as well.
On a funny scale, Sveta is most likely the 3rd funniest one, I don't make the rules (I do actually)
She can be a bit- savage, if she wants to.
Especially when it amuses you.
She loves to see your smile.
She's also such a cuddlebug!
Loves to stay close to you, you're like her personal pillow.
You noticed the window to your room being open. You didn't mind a slightly colder room, but you wondered if Svetlana was bothered by it. "Hey, Sveta, are you cold?" You asked casually, gaining her focus. "Are you?" She looked at you like a concerned mother. "Nah, I'm fine." You calmed her down, although you couldn't deny the dirty truth. "I mean, maybe a bit, but I'm too lazy to go close it." "Oh, zis is unacceptable-" She scooted closer to you as she said halfly-jokingly and embraced you tightly. She gently laid you down with her body weight and put herself on your chest. You felt her arms holding you as she had a warm smile on her face, giving you a nice source of heat now. "Is zat better?"
He'd be a total dork.
He has never smoked weed, but will act like an expert.
"Hey, Scott, you sure you're gonna handle that much?" You asked, concerned about Scott's wellbeing after you noticed his share of weed. "Psh, I'm gonna be fine!" He brushed you off with a simple gesture with his hand. You watched as the boy with freckles on his face got the bong in his hands and started to inhale the smoke. He tried his damn best, but he couldn't stop the attack of sudden coughing it gave him. "Ih'm- Good-" He managed to cough out.
After trying to appear cooler, he'd behave a lot more dumber.
Which made it harder for you to stop giggling after each of his response.
"So- Whatchu wanna watch?" You asked him lazily. "Wha- Huh-" He looked around, thrown off of his thoughts. You laughed softly at his state. "...What was the question again?" He looked at you, really dumbfounded. "What movie do you want to watch?" You repeated with a chuckle. "...One that has moving pictures in it."
He also wouldn't be able to resist the food.
The pure joy in his eyes once he took a bite out of the pizza you ordered before smoking-
Is also a lot more excited for things, like "Woah, there are still onion rings left? Amazing!"
Is also down for like, anything you suggest.
Wanna watch a movie? Got it.
Wanna watch the paint dry? Sure thing.
(He used to it for fun as a child, anyways)
Wanna sit on the floor, stopping whatever you were doing to pet your dog/cat? Count him in!
His whites turn so red because of his blue eyes- (I experienced it first hand)
She totally smokes weed on her own, from time to time.
So she's not as afraid to do it with you for the first time.
Her social anxiety would be slightly lowered, and so she wouldn't be as self-conscious to get vulnerable around you.
She would probably have a good time.
Also would get more touchy, she rediscovered her biggest weakness, affection.
She usually doesn't receive much of it, given her closed off and calm body language around others.
She'd be the one to ask for permission to touch your hair (if you're close, of course).
She loves to play with it, you're like a personal kitty to her.
Loves watching horror movies with you!
Whether bad or not, she's up.
Her favorites are Scream, Nightmare on Elm Street and Scary Movie series, which she enjoys a bit ironically (not all of the jokes from the movie aged well).
If you're scared of horror though, she'll light up the mood with silly jokes and lots of cuddling.
She looks the best in her cozy pajamas, laying on the bed with you.
Sorry Gwen-fans, no little situation bit for Gwen 😔 I'm feeling uncreative on this one
You wouldn't expect him to actually agree to smoke weed with you.
Turns out, he's up for it.
I mean, he never saw it as anything spectacular, but could understand why people do it.
Never planned on doing it himself, but since you offered, he's slightly curious to try.
Que nonchalant coughing after inhaling too much on the first try.
Don't make fun of him.
Would internally salivate after the hunger hit him like a train right when he finished smoking.
"So- What do you want to eat first?" You casually asked. He waited a bit before answering. "Anything works, really." You passed him a very good looking, chocolate donut. He took it into his hands, looking at it a bit before taking a bite. His eyes opened a bit wider while experiencing the explosion of flavor from it. "I never thought I'd know what Owen feels like on the daily."
Would get like, 10x funnier.
Watch a movie with him, it'll be a blast.
He's the type to sarcastically comment on a cheap 3D during a movie scene. "Geez, if I wanted to watch a bad production, I'd watch Total Drama."
Would probably cringe after the smoking session was over though.
As if he shown "too much of his bad side", which he usually smoothly tries to hide.
But it wouldn't be such a big deal, he just isn't in the mood to hear your teasing at something silly he might have done then.
Actually would be up to smoking again, it seems like a blast.
Yes he smoked all the weed, everytime and anywhere.
Don't actually let him smoke too much though, he'd get obliterated.
He has never tried weed, but wanted to try it with you, since you offered, and he thought it'd be a good idea.
But he found out he's slightly paranoid after it.
And his awkwardness doubles.
I mean, how can he not, he has to show his best self to you!
He calms down once you put him in a good place mentally.
He can't stay in his limbo of intrusive thoughts if he's got a bad joke to laugh at.
His honest laugh is so pure.
He didn't even know how much of a sweet tooth he'd become after smoking.
He likes sweet to a relatively normal degree while sober, but boy oh boy that chocolate bar is looking good right now-
He won't stop eating them unless you tell him to leave you some, to which he'd embarrassingly chuckle at. "Sorry-"
If he's feeling brave after all of that character development, he might subtly suggest snuggling together.
He just got to see how amazing it is to have a heightened sense of touch, and he's not gonna waste it.
"Do you- also feel a bit cold?" He asked, trying to be casual. "No, actually. Do you?" You responded honestly, leaving him a bit out of options as to what to say. "Um... I- kinda- do-" He stayed 'nonchalant' as he fidgeted a little with his hands, trying to keep his body language neutral. You didn't think a lot before responding back. "You can come closer, I don't mind." You casually said. You didn't really mind the close proximity while high, you liked having someone to casually lean onto. And you certainly didn't mind it with him. "Oh, that's fine then-" He scooted over to you in a smooth, yet a bit hesitant manner. You felt Cody's warm side beside yours. "If it's not weird with you, you can like- comfortably lay on me, if you want." You lightheartedly and carefully suggested, not wanting to seem like a weirdo, in case he's not as open to physical touch. Cody's eyes widened a little, but he wasn't about to decline your offer. "O-okay!" He exclaimed, trying to contain his excitement, not to seem too desperate for any sort of affection right now. He entangled his arm slightly into yours to get even closer, after which he leaned his head on your shoulder. "Amazing..." He mumbled to himself with a goofy smile, hoping you wouldn't hear.
If you're like his best friend and he's comfy around you, prepare yourself for a karaoke night of stupid songs like California Girls.
This boy can get silly.
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thndrs-wrtr · 8 months
Hello! Here's a bit of angst. Part 2 for happy ending??
Trigger warning: Angst, break up, crying. Reader is a teacher cause is the profession that came first skdjs
The Chaos Theory
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The butterfly effect, or the chaos theory states that one simple event can lead to bigger events, and change the course of things, the way an action can affect directly another one.
Maybe, going to that convenience store wss your butterfly effect. Maybe, you shouldn't have gone.
However, it wasn't crazy or weird to see your boyfriend in tv, or heard people talking about him since he was a popular, yet, no one had a single clue he was dating you. For the world he was single, until that night.
You were waiting in line to get your things payed, until one of the two girls in front you of let out a tiny scream, making you furrow your eyebrows in confussion.
"What is it?" asked her friend. "Your boyfriend again?"
"Well, not my boyfriend, my husband. There's a twitter account saying Bangchan might be dating! Oh my god, do you think is true?"
Even though you tried to avoid reading those comments or being involved in the media scandal, you couldn't help but pay attention. Was it a leaked picture of you? Do I need to run? You thought to yourself. But you didn't.
"Apparently he's dating this female idol from the latest JYP group. They were seen together a few days ago, look!" The girl showed her friend her phone "They don't look that bad, do they?"
"Nope, not at all. They look great, actually. Would be a pretty couple, I ship them!"
You knew, you absolutely knew. You knew her, you knew he was going to be a guest in their new music video, you knew everything, but you couldn'y say anything. You knew Chan wouldn't even think of cheating on you, you knew Christopher. However, those thoughts were definitely not helping your rising anxiety.
It was something that had been haunting you for months, you met him when he was already popular, and you were beyond proud of everything he accomplished and keep accomplishing. You could deal with the distance whenever he went away on tour, or the nights where he'd arrive late. But you couldn't seem to deal with your own thoughts and how they were tearing you apart.
You moved back home, thinking about how different your lifestyles were, and the dark clouds were adding drama to that moment.
When night came, you couldn't control it anymore, your eyes were already teary and puffy, and you thanked god your roomate wasn't there so you didn't have to give any explanations. You put on a jacket, grabbed the keys to her car, and headed to Chan's dorm. You knew the kids were not going to be there, so it seemed the perfect timing.
"Baby? Hey! What are you—" Chan said welcoming you, but interrupting himself when his smile fade away, noticing your tired, teary eyes. "What happened, y/n?
He was about to pull you in his arms, but instead of jumping to him, you moved aside and let yourself inside the building, making Chan look at you in confussion and concern. He turned around, searching for you eyes.
"Chan we... We need to talk, can we?"
"Yeah, we need. And you're scaring me, like... a lot" he chuckled a bit, keeping his smile. But out of being nervous.
"I–..." you cut yourself, feeling your throat getting tight. "I've been thinking a lot and... Maybe..." after taking a deep breath, you looked back at him "maybe this isn't right?"
"This? What is this? Could you explain it better, yeah?" His soft eyes and patience broke you even more.
"Us, Chan." You saw Chris's eyes getting filled with pain, horror, sadness. "This is not easy to say, but... I've been thinking and... Maybe it's better if we take different roads."
"Y/n—ah... I'm not– I'm not getting anything. Why are you bringing this up? I know I don't rest that much or I'm always doing things but—" this time, you interreputed him.
"Exactly. But it is not that I'm mad about it"
"I don't want to drag you down, Channie..." you felt your eyes getting wet, and you bit your lower lip trying to stop your chin from trembling. "You are always trying to move your agenda, getting more time, and... Last time you already got scolded for cancelling an interview and spend the weekend with me. I–... We are from different worlds, Chan. And at some point is gonna... Is not gonna be manageable anymore. I don't want to block you from working hard and your dreams"
You said looking down, while Chan was completely frozen in his spot, his eyebrows furrowed, his adam apple moving when he swallowed hard to keep his tears.
"I'm a grown man, y/n. I do what I want, and I want to be with you, yeah? I know it's hard but-" you interrupted him.
"Chan this is not... there's a lot more behind it" you said as you felt the tears going down your cheeks.
"You read comments again, didn't you? Baby those are not true, and you know that."
Chan took a step closer and denied with his head, he wanted to hug you, kiss you, but the step you took back stopped him from doing so.
"They are, Chris." Hearing his name in that moment was even more painful "I mean, just look at you...And look at me." You sniffed, lifting your arms pointing at him but letting it fall once again "you are an idol, your world is... Unmatchable for me. I'm just a regular teacher, with a reg-" this time, he was the one to interrupt you.
"You're not just a teacher, you have a masters degree, your students love you, you make them feel better, you do much more than I do."
"But it still isn't enough, Chan. You deserve someone at your level... And... Maybe I'm not the one."
And that was the breaking point. Your words grew smaller and weaker syllable by syllable, finally closing your eyes wjth strenght as your tears fell down, uncontrolably, matching Chan's heartbeat that was going crazy, crazy not to shatter into a million pieces.
He took another step closer, finally caging you in his arms, the smell of his perfume giving you instant peace. His hand landed at the back of your head, gently pushing you against his chest.
"You are speaking non-sense...I love you, you make me wanna keep going, and... And we can carry this, yeah?" His voice was soft, yet, you could hear the sadness.
"I love you too, Chris. Way too much... That is why I have to let you go."
You lifted your head and your palm rested on his cheek, thumb caressing his cheekbone. Chan's hand grabbed yours without taking it away from his face, he couldn't.
"Don't say that, come on" at this point, his eyes were red with tears, and both of you were broken of seeing the latter fall down your faces.
"You're the best man I have ever meet, Channie. And... I just hope someone good..." You sniffed hard, being completely unable to finish that sentence. You didn't want him to be with anyone else, but at the same time you felt you were not the one. "Take care, yeah?"
You left a quick and painful kiss on his cheek, before going out as fast as possible, hiding your sobs. Chan stood there, not moving an inch in the middle of the room, only his chin trembling, and tears staining the floor.
Meanwhile, outside, seven boys were happily getting off the van, trying to cover themselves from the rain.
"Ah, Chan-hyung is going to be so happy" Felix said with a smile
"Totally, this new world tour is gonna hype him up so much" I.N added, "Oh, yn-ah is here" he said again with a happy smile when he recognized your car, making the rest of the kids smile as well.
However, you didn't even see them. Or didn't want to. The door closed behind you as you ran past the seven of them, their faces looking at you in confussion when you didn't say hi, but especially, cause they noticed the sobbing and the tears in your face. They look at each other, not understanding anything.
"Lee Know"
Changbin told him, and just by his name he understood. From a time there, you and Lee Know had a very close relation, he became pretty much some sort of big brother, and he was the one who ran after you, calling your name.
"Yn-ah!" He grabbed you by your shoulder, stopping you right before you entered the car.
"Not now, Minho" you said, a sob escaping your lips "please"
"God, I can't let you get go in that state, much less with this rain. What the hell is-" He stopped right in his tracks when you hugged him.
"Take me home, please"
You begged in a whisper, him nodding. He raised his head to look at Han, slightly lifting his shoulders to make him understand he didn't know what was happening either. But they were far from dumb, they knew something between you and Chan must have happened.
When Han turned around, the kids were already walking inside the place. When he got in, he saw Hyunjin sitting next to Chan, his head on his shoulder, and his arm around his torso. On Chan's left was Felix, patiently looking at him. Kneeling in front was I.N together with Changbin, and Seungmin was coming back from the kitchen with a glass of water. Han took a step closer to the group, and with no words he understood why their leader was sobbing hard, looking down while holding his head with his hands and covering his face as his elbows were on his thighs.
Did it really end? Was the only thought for everyone, inside and outisde the building.
Part 2?
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 month
My white ass little brother is getting all the Kendrick v Drake tiktoks for some reason and has been INVESTED even without listening to rap much. He said 'have you seen the Kendrick diss stuff?????' and it was the biggest 'LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING' moment of my adult life. Had to give him all the backstory, starting with Meg!!!!
i have a lot of the thoughts on the situation because like. i think a lot of people who are only hearing the recent diss tracks don't know how deep the drake kendrick beef and speculations go !!!! like almost as far back as drakes career as a musician.... that tension is so long-standing and they mutually have several records that people have speculated have been digs about the other.
THE THING IS THEY'VE KEPT THAT RELATIONSHIP MOSTLY OUT OF PUBLIC VIEW. when kendrick dropped a verse dissing the other two in the supposed big three - it was a big deal because the three of them have had a mostly amicable relationship to outsiders. there was a rumored jcole kendrick record for years (which ill mourn forever). everyone was anticipating the response!!! jcole even made one before pulling away !!!!
when drake releasd his intial response it was like.. the first time we've heard drake actually rap in YEARS LMAOO. IT WAS CRAZY AS IS!!! but then they just kept going. AND THEN KENDRICK RELEASED DOUBLE DISSTRACKS??? the same move drake pulled when he had his beef with meek mill years ago!!!! AND THEN DRAKE RELEASED ANOTHER RESPONSE FAMILY MATTERS AND KENDRICK RELEASED MEET THE GRAHAMS WITHIN A FEW HOURS OF THAT?
it's crazy. some of the most influential musicians of the genre and kendrick, one of the greatest lyricists of the 2010's , publicly beefing in such a way is insane. it's genuinely historic in terms of rap beef. and all of kendricks tracks have crushed all of drakes - despite the fact drakes diss tracks WERE GOOD!!! if he were going up against anyone else it would hold up. but it's kendrick, pulitzer winner, so he really hasn't been able to get up since 😭😭😭
on top of that kendricks disses and generally his music are heavily intergrated with black american culture and issues - and his criticism of drake through these means can't be overlooked. again these are longstanding critiques rappers have had against drake. its largely not just about music but about black culture overall. outside of celebrity drama its unbelievably relevant in that aspect as well. and i say this as an outsider to it repeating from other people interested in it, but its just too relevant to the conversation to ignore
meet the grahams is FATAL TOO. kendrick has been consistently bringing up the industrys issues with drake as a rap artist and how it's been in contention with his upbringing in his disses and then drake brought up his family. meet the grahams is making insane allegations that supposedly kendrick has receipts for, and it's not like people haven't known drake is fucking weird. but the way meet the grahams set it up.... im not over it.... shot after shot after shot. it is nothing like 6:16 in L.A. or euphoria it is crazy to me to witness real time.
like no wonder there is so much media attention for them right now this is like. INSANE. AND I HAVE NO INVESTMENT IN EITHER OF THESE RAPPERS as much as i just have for rap and it's history. and i cant believe the direction its been going on
im wondering if this is going to be the era of drake disses releasing and im dying to see who and what has something to say because the industry has had issues with drake for YEARS. its just crazy all of it is insane
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juyomiao · 1 year
take the chance - ricky
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ricky x gn!reader
genre: fluff !!! , best friends to lovers
word count: 791
warnings: ENGLISH ISNT MY FIRST LANGUAGE!! so theres going to be mistakes !!! , alcohol consumption but its barely mentioned , is it considered underage drinking if it'd only be considered as underage drinking in countries where the drinking age is above 18/19 ,, (i feel bad for u if u r from any of those countries fr)
note: first actually written work im kinda # nervous my writing skills r .. definitely writing !! this is cringe cliché and based on a dream i had like a month ago . yes im a lesbian yes i dream abt kissing ricky thats completely normal . (friends dont read this i want to disappear rn as i speak)
You've been to countless parties since the half of the previous school year when your best friend Ricky became popular out of nowhere. You still don't know where that popularity came from, he's always been good looking, it's not like he had some kind of glow up.
Sometimes you think it's more of a curse than a blessing, with all the times you've been dragged to a party you were not invited to because Ricky, being the introvert he is, refuses to go anywhere without you and, consequently, getting dirty looks from everyone for tagging along and 'leeching' off of Ricky's popularity.
Even now, when people have more or less come to terms with the fact that you two are a package deal, you still despise parties, only appreciating a few things about them, like drinking for free and… nothing else, really.
It's not like Ricky enjoys them either, he'd rather stay home with you and watch some romance drama as you eventually fall asleep with your head on his shoulder. But it's not like he can reject every single invite thrown at him. So you two came to a compromise: one weekend at a party, one weekend at your house.
The boredom of awkwardly standing in a corner as you silently watch yet another drunk couple make out, careless of the countless other people surrounding them, soon gets to you, and you blurt out a question.
"Have you ever kissed someone?"
Ricky's calm expression falters for a second, his eyes widening. He just hopes the dimly lit room is hiding the blush creeping on his cheeks.
He's your best friend, how do you not know?
Well, Ricky is a private person and, even having known him for years, he barely talks about his romantic life, so you've never dared prying into it.
"Of course," he says, after composing himself "You?"
You shake your head, breaking eye contact with him. "And I don't think it's going to happen any time soon," you sigh. At this point, it's a hopeless mission.
Ricky is convinced if it wasn't for the loud music in the background, everyone would be able to hear the cogs turning in his brain as it processes this information.
His best friend – whom he has had a crush on since forever – has never kissed someone.
Ricky looks at you through the corner of his eye, wondering if he should take the chance and possibly change your relationship forever – for the better or the worse, he doesn't know.
To you, though, it just looks like he's side-eyeing you with his usual unreadable expression, and you think you fucked up. You assume he's judging you, because not only are you a complete, bitchless loser, but you brought the conversation up yourself.
"Forget it, I don't know why I said that, sorry, now you probably think I'm weird and…" you start rambling, and to Ricky, that's the cutest thing he has ever seen.
God, he's really that down bad.
Suddenly, an idea pops up in his head.
"Can I kiss you?"
The abrupt question leaves you speechless, your words dying in your mouth as you look at him like he has grown a second head.
"What?" It sounds dumb once you say it, but you genuinely think you misheard him. There's no way Ricky, of all people, would ask you something like that.
Ricky smiles, "I said," he turns with his shoulder leaning on the wall so he can look at you directly "Can I kiss you?"
You blink at him, dumbfounded "Wha- what? Did you… what? Did you actually say that? Am I hearing this right?"
Ricky nods, clearly amused by your reaction
"If this is a joke, it's not funny, like, at all."
"Why would I be joking?" Ricky's expression goes back to deadpan serious, he inches closer to your face "So? Is this a yes?"
You nod slowly, still trying to process what's happening. You shouldn't want this, you shouldn't be so tempted to kiss your best friend. But you are.
Before you can overthink it any further, Ricky closes the space between you two. He's hesitant at first, his lips barely brushing against yours, but when you clumsily try to reciprocate the kiss, he takes the lead.
It doesn't feel special, or magic, or like anything else people have described their first kiss as. It's just two best friends who realized their feelings for each other. And to you, that's perfect.
"So… now what?"
"How about we get out of here and go on a date?" You sigh, shaking your head, "Ricky, it's…" you check your phone "1 AM, where would we even go?"
He seems to genuinely think about it for a solid one or two minutes "McDonald's?"
note 2 bc i cant stfu : WHY IS THE ENDING SO RUSHED I WANT TO SCREAM.. but i've wanted to post this for like a week now so im posting it anyways , pls leave some feedback if u liked it 🫶🏻
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sandybrett · 2 months
Here are my completely honest thoughts on a bunch of audio dramas I've checked out. (Don't worry, nothing scathing, they're all reasonably good. But please proceed with caution, or don't proceed, if you're involved in creating any of these shows.)
In the order I first listened:
The Storage Papers: Nine episodes in. A little slow paced, but I've heard it picks up in the later seasons. My only real concern is that it seems like a lot of the horror revolves around "this thing looks sort of like a human but it's Wrong somehow. also it kills people (or cats)." I hope at some point we meet a creature that looks and acts as unsettling as the Grinner but is nice, or at least complicated.
The Cellar Letters: Seven episodes in. I LOVE it. I love the natural-feeling messiness of it, the way Nate and Steve talk in circles and go back and forth on what to believe. It's made me laugh out loud multiple times. I can't wait to learn more about that weird little room full of letters with that one random word written on the wall (I forget what).
400 Words a Horror: Three episodes in. I had to re-listen to the first episode because I hadn't been paying enough attention, but I think that particular episode rewards re-listening anyway. Also it is the only show on this list that genuinely frightens me so I have to pace myself. Very good.
Tin Can Audio Presents: Middle:Below: Two episodes in. I won't say I'm hooked, but I am somewhat interested. It's a lot more relaxing than the other podcasts on this list, so I keep thinking I'll save it for listening closer to bedtime, then not getting around to it.
The Grotto: Six episodes in. Very much enjoying. I was SO proud of myself for correctly guessing the twist in the second episode. I love the characters and am extremely intrigued by the mysteries. My only criticism is that the musical interludes drag on too long. And I'm saying that as a WOE.BEGONE fan.
Soul Operator: Three episodes in. It's good but there isn't any particular element that's drawing me in just yet. There's a lot I don't know about the world yet, though, so there is still plenty of time for me to fall in love with this show. (Irrelevant note: I always get "Smooth Operator" by Sade stuck in my head when I think about this show.)
Shadows at the Door: Listened to half of the first episode. It was somewhat interesting, but I decided I had higher priorities for my listening time than disconnected hour-long episodes that are only *somewhat* interesting.
Archive 81: Five episodes in. Quite possibly going to become a major obsession. It's got everything: playing with point of view; the Power of Storytelling but in a menacing way; vivid character voices; probably a cult. I particularly love the way conversations play out on this show--I don't know exactly how to explain it but there's a certain... friction that happens in real conversations but rarely in fictional ones outside cringe comedy. I don't usually enjoy that sort of thing when it's played for laughs, but for realism or suspense? I eat that up. It does make me a little tense so this is another show I pace myself with and I'm glad the episodes are short.
Alice Isn't Dead: Two episodes in. I'm not going to make it a priority--it's got a similar sort of surrealism to Night Vale, but with higher stakes and less humor, and I had enough trouble getting immersed in Night Vale. I could probably enjoy it if I gave it enough time, but for now I'd rather focus on *gestures at some of the shows above*
The Silt Verses: Listened to the first ten minutes of the first episode and got bored, which I think says as much about me as it does about the show. It does get off to a bit of a slow start and leaves more space between lines of dialogue than most of these shows do, but I could probably get into it with adequate time and sleep. Not prioritizing it, for similar reasons to Alice.
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some-murmurings · 2 months
i'm happy that video essays are a popular format on youtube now. i've loved the genre for years and, with care, it's a reliable source of accessible education.
that said, the popularity of video essays on youtube makes me feel like my brain is leaking out of my ears. it is so easy to immediately tell when an author has no actual investment in the genre and sees it merely as a vehicle for #Content™️©️®️
There are three basic qualities I see suffering the most for this
1. Length
I see so many of these newer channels pumping out 8 hour pieces that are closer to exhaustive book reports then they are tight, well written examinations of something and, while I LOVE the diversity inherent to the video essay format, this is a terrible way to explore a topic. It's boring, lame, and extremely profitable.
Quinton Reviews is a good example; I like his work occasionally, his recent thing on Dan Schneider was genuinely pretty good. It did still suffer from the resulting pacing sickness from overloading on information and underloading on composition & organization. Wendigoon is an even better example. Most "iceberg" style vids also are (not u jan misali. never u.)
Also, there's no defined rule for the length of a video essay. They can be 5 minutes long or 5 hours, flash fiction or a full-bodied thesis. Shots of tequila or a whole bottle of wine can both get you drunk.
2. Pacing
Obviously related to length but this is another problem; video essayists have always struggled with this and it got worse recently anyways.
A lot of that "information overload" is to blame. It's important that, when researching, YOU come to a strong, nuanced understanding of a topic through disparate sources. It is, by nature of the format and genre, an extremely bad idea to try and make your audience learn the information the same way.
We don't need a thousand sources spread across several dozen sentences, we want the 3-4 (max) best sources on a given subtopic concisely synthesized into a coherent idea.
Use music, jokes and relevant graphics to make this information as engaging and interpretable as possible without sacrificing accuracy. It's okay to abridge and note that you were, in fact, abridging. We don't need to know every detail about every single thing loosely related to the topic.
Dan Olson from "Folding Ideas" is a good example of this. His script writing and camera work does an extremely good job of creating effective flow with an appropriate amount of detail & nuance. So, pacing, basically.
3. Topic
U can tell some of these jamokes don't give a fuck or shit about the thing they're discussing. Worse still when it's some inane internet drama they're recounting like its "news."
To be clear: the best video essays are OFTEN on topics you have no previous interest in. Roblox_oof.wav by HBomberguy is an easy example. This shit is a complete mess thematically but, because the author engages deeply and effectively with the topic, it literally doesn't matter. It's an insanely good video you should spend all 2 & 1/2 hours in rn. Go. Watch it.
Nor is internet drama a bad topic to cover. You're allowed, encouraged really, to discuss the weird bullshit people do to each other but like... this is closer to a soap opera than it is a national news headline. Looking at you, "Turkey Tom" or whatever the fuck your name is.
There's something to be said, too, for how quick people are to make an essay about a still moving situation. I know the algorithm is an insatiable maw of content hunger but, counterpoint, ONLY MAKE A VIDEO WHEN YOU CAN ACTUALLY DESCRIBE WHAT HAPPENED. If there's reasonable suspicion stuff isn't done, SHUT THE FUCK UP. It's okay if you misjudge a timeline here or there, you're allowed to admit fault and correct yourself, but, like, cmon.
Also something to be said about how quick so many essayists have ALWAYS been to talk about someone else's business without permission, particularly intimate partner violence.
4. Style/Presentation
Video essays are an extremely novel format, particularly for education, so there's a genuine debt of easy-to-adopt styles. And, because of the recent growth, there are a lot of new people entering the space with very little experience in it.
That said, the next time I hear that fucking "influencer cadence" I'm gonna EXPLODE. You know the one, they slow down towards the end of a sentence to lend "gravitas" and overarticulate every. single. word. to, idk, build credibility?
It's shallow and obnoxious and I hate it. Nothing makes me skip a video faster than a boring intro & a predictable cadence. Be honest about the way you speak. If you struggle to create rhythm & flow with your voice, use music! Seriously, music sampling is a super valid method, most indie artists would be JAZZED to have their stuff in parts of their video. A lot of orchestral stuff is in the public domain, especially a lot of famous "classical" works. Put Beethoven's 5th in your video about potato farming in russia, God might not be real and if she is she'd ALSO think it's funny.
Another problem: predictable cuts & generally uninspired editing. I know editing is a pain in the ass but, like, it IS still a creative process. You do have space to do interesting stuff here and, if you can't focus for that long, literally just make a shorter video.
It's okay if 95% of your transitions are purely functional, the trick is to make those 5% REALLY silly to keep your audience on their toes.
5. Tone
You don't need to be "an authority" on a topic to make a good essay about it. It helps but, as long as you're clear & honest about the limits of your understanding and you've done your due diligence, you almost certainly will be fine to talk about anything you want.
If you want to build credibility quickly, consider starting with disambiguation instead of dry recitation. Dates matter less to me than actually understanding a topic better. Even better if you come across like another autistic person infodumping about whales or w/e.
I'd keep going but my phone's gonna die. U get the gist. Lots of format problems that algorithm-brain is exacerbating.
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lokifys · 6 months
SUMMARY: A twisted life of Lokius that takes place in the 1960s.
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[TW DISTURBING CONTENT. Angst, fluff, nsfw, blood, horror and unsettling moments. Also inspired by WandaVision and The Truman Show. Read at your own risk please]
"Morning." Loki spoke with a raspy morning voice, as he finds himself laid beside Mobius. He probably accidentally fell asleep on his bed and Mobius wasn't going to sleep anywhere else. Besides, they were together now. Sleeping beside one another shouldn't be weird.
The mortal shifted his body upon hearing the voice of his lover. It would be a lie to say that he didn't enjoy hearing his voice in the morning. Finding Loki's warm presence by his side, he turned his head to his left and stared at the god, whose raven locks were sprinkled all over his pillow.
"I'm going to need to start getting used to this new sight every morning." Mobius said hoarsely. He tried to play it off cool but the look of adoration and love in his eyes said otherwise.
The new lovers were finally fitting in with each other in their new home, happy and safe. Of course, it would take a lot of time for them to get used to waking up to each other but it's not ever an issue or a problem. In fact, the past few days together have been amazing.
Their routine was as follows: morning comes, they lavished each other with affection, maybe going further more into each other's pants. Mobius would always shower first, followed by Loki. They'd have breakfast which they made together and when they're done with their meal, Mobius would leave for work.
W̶h̶a̶t̶ w̶o̶r̶k̶?̶
Loki would stay home, await for his lover to come back and when he does, they spend their time close to each other, doing their own thing in silence.
Today was different. Loki was aware of Mobius' romantic nature, wanting to do something extraordinary for his beloved on this occasion. So, he decided to organize an exquisite candlelit dinner, certain that it would make his partner swoon. In summary, the prince was excited
The time came, and the minute Mobius walked in, Loki had already made the initiative to take his coat for him, which had taken the man aback since Loki hasn't done such an act since the past few days they had lived together. He was greeted with a smile from Loki as the god guided him through the house and to the dinner table.
"Woah, this you?" Mobius exclaimed, looking at the beautiful feast in front of him, a vase full of flowers and a candle in the middle. It was romantic. Something you'd see out of a rom-com movie.
Loki responded, "Yes, Mobius. All me. It was nothing really. Easy to come up with."
"So you can be romantic."
"I don't think it's that romantic."
Mobius chuckled, recognizing Loki's attempts to downplay his handiwork behind the romantic dinner. Yet, as his ears greeted with one of his favorite old musical tracks, his eyes sparkled with affection, delighted by how Loki remembered his playlist of beloved songs.
The prince saw the twinkle in his eyes and begin to feel proud of himself. He immediately brought his man to his seat, taking a chair out for him. He then went to his, placing the napkin on his own lap.
The two dug into the delicious meal and chatted the night away. They talked about various things like Mobius' work, his colleagues drama and many more. But there was something interesting that came up which got Loki intrigued.
"So, you remember Casey, right? Well, he invited me to this neighborhood party that happens tomorrow which frankly, I never even heard of until he told me. He said I should bring my wife along, aka you, and I knew you probably wouldn't want to go since you mentioned how you didn't want to interact with any of our neighbors but uh, Casey seems to think you don't exist and that I don't have a partner. Would you like to prove him wrong?"
Loki chewed his food as he thought, wondering whether if he had the capacity to meet new people. Obviously, altering his gender never posed a serious problem for him considering he was genderfluid. The bigger problem was his ability to keep a courteous demeanor for a long period of time. Since they were new, Loki didn't want to mess things up with their new home. It seemed wherever he goes, disaster follows. This time, he wished for things to be different. A new start.
He thought but remained silent, which led Mobius to speak. "You could use your magic, you know? Do the switcheroo you do sometimes."
"I know. I wasn't going to out there as a male. We would get flamed. I was thinking about having to smile for hours. That sounds like torture."
"If you don't want to then that's fine. Not forcing ya."
The Asgardian could see the slight disappointment in his face and after a few mouthful of his chicken, he decided to give his final answer, "Fine, I'll go. Only if we get to do one thing tonight."
"What's that?" Mobius already kind of knew what Loki had wanted. They haven't really gotten super into it for a while now other than a few touches down there every morning, but it seemed like tonight was a good time for some spice in the bedroom.
And so, on a certain night, the two were intimately engaged, Mobius on top, grinding slowly into Loki. Their sounds of arousal and joy filled the room, along with the thuds of each push. Only lust and love permeated their beings. Soon, Mobius's pace quickened, his hands intertwined with Loki's as he neared climax. His pelvis thrusted forcefully, his lips against Loki's neck. Eventually, his seed was released into Loki, slowly spilling out, and his intense rutting eventually eased.
"I love you...you know that." Mobius whispered into Loki's ear, while he was still in him. He pulled out which earned another small groan from the god and they both embraced each other lovingly till they fell asleep. 
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It was finally time for the two to head out for the party and as much as Loki was starting to dread it, he was also curious on how the neighborhood looked. He hasn't explored the area since they arrived. In fact, he couldn't ̷r̷e̷m̷e̷m̷b̷e̷r̷ ̷h̷o̷w̷ ̷t̷h̷e̷y̷ ̷g̷o̷t̷ ̷h̷e̷r̷e̷. All he knew was that it was a small town and everyone apparently knew everybody. Well, except for Loki since he doesn't show himself.
Mobius signaled the Asgardian on his appearance and was reminded that he was still in his male form. So, he quickly transformed and was in her female appearance, and she was stunning as ever. Mobius' eyes started going down onto her cleavage and Loki shot her lover a seductive look, knowing he was probably super turned on at the moment.
"Eyes up, love." She teased.
The man smirked but turned around to open the door for Loki, gesturing for her to walk first. While she strut out with her beautiful green dress, Mobius took the time to admire her curves and the way the dress fitted perfectly on her. He has seen Loki as a female from time to time so it wasn't the first but seeing her in that dress was a sight for sore eyes.
The two took the car to their destination, Mobius being the driver. Song on the radio was "Daydream Believer" by The Monkees and Mobius quickly turned up the volume, blasting it through the car. He sang along to it as Loki simply tapped her fingers to the rhythm with a satisfied smile on her face.
"To a, daydreamm believer and a, homecoming queeeen!"
Once the song had finished, they had nicely arrived at the neighborhood party. The house was huge and the gathering was brimming with occupants. There was music playing from inside the house. Kids were seen running around in the huge garden, laughing away. This was their chance to show this town who the best couple was. Mobius went out of the car first which already had people staring from afar, wanting to see who the wife was. He then went to the other side to get the door for Loki, who emerged gracefully with her foot first and then the remainder of her body.
The women present turned their heads instantly upon Loki's elegant arrival. They didn't imagine Mobius' wife to be so stunning. The men sneakily eyed her, which somewhat riled Mobius. However, he refused to let this bother him. He was aware that they had captured everyone's interest, and Loki seemed rather pleased by the attention she was receiving.
The couple of the house immediately walked out to greet the two, the wife shooting a dirty look at Loki.
"We didn't think you were going to make it," remarked the wife, Donna, in a sharp tone.
The husband, Brad, promptly followed up, "Yeah, we even believed that you had no such wife, Mobius. Seems you've been hiding such a ravishing beauty all this while?"
Upon hearing that from her husband, Donna who had her hands on Brad started squeezing her nails into him, receiving a wincing sound from him. Clearly she wasn't into Loki at all since she was taking all the attention away and Mobius found that awkward.
After they've been introduced with everyone and had met up with their friend Casey, Mobius pulled Loki away to somewhere private to talk, uncomfortable with the situation. "Can't believe I'm saying this but, do you want to leave early? I hate that there's already bad vibes between you and the woman of this house. She's literally the leader of the community service. Make her angry and god knows how our life would be from now on."
Loki seemed a bit offended, as if it felt like it was her fault, "Are you blaming me?"
"No, it's just, look, she's already mad at you probably because you look stunning as ever and you definitely took all the attention away but she clearly is the big boss of this town and everyone worships her. Either you try and talk to her or we leave now."
"You don't get to tell me what to do, Mobius. Why are you acting like it's my fault that I'm beautiful? You want me to switch back to my male form now?"
"Loki, it's not your fault. I love you but I'm just scared for us. You already have powers that need to be kept hidden and we just moved in here. I want the best for us."
The goddess of mischief went silent for a while, knowing Mobius was right. Despite loving the attention, she knew she had to make sure they don't mess this up especially since they both just moved in. Maybe if it was a month in, drama wouldn't be a problem but it's just been two weeks.
Loki sighed, rolling her eyes. "Fine, I'll talk to her. Don't blame me if she gets more agitated."
Before Mobius could respond, Loki was already walking away, about to have a heart to heart talk with Donna. The man stood there, hoping things played out right.
Loki found Donna hidden in her kitchen, cutting up some apples into slices. The two were alone which gave the goddess an opportunity to talk to her. She walked up slowly and Donna immediately turned, already shooting a disapproving glare.
"Hello, Donna. Listen, I hope I haven't made you upset in any way. It isn't my intention." Loki clarified and was straight to the point, trying to sound sincere as possible.
Donna didn't seem to speak or look at Loki for a while and only after was she finished slicing the apples, she responded to her.
"I'm intrigued actually, where do you come from? I usually know everything about the people here but you? I know absolutely nothing."
Loki hesitated, "I'm..." She couldn't say anything.
Donna's words were tinged with an attitude of suspicion as she approached Loki.
"I have heard about Mobius. I have seen Mobius before. But I have never seen you," she uttered, coming to a close proximity to the Goddess.
"You see, terrible things happened ever since the arrival of you two. It's a weird coincidence, don't you think?"
This was the first time Loki had even heard of anything bad that has happened here. She thought this was a lovely neighborhood. But to think Donna is suspecting Loki of being related to those horrible things makes her angry. She retaliated.
"That's a nice conspiracy theory, Donna. But I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about."
"STOP THE LIES!" For some reason, the mortal woman had snapped, the knife that was used to cut the apples was immediately pointed at Loki. The Asgardian was appalled and backed away, both hands out trying to pacify Donna.
"You don't get to come into my house, dress like a whore and steal my spotlight! You're disgusting. You should DIE!"
In a split second, she took the knife and started slicing her own throat, blood starting to flow out in one line. Loki's eyes widened at the shocking sight and immediately gasped. The blood spilled down to the ground, causing a pool at her feet. However, the woman wasn't dead. She stood with a bloody neck, looking at Loki demonically. "Wake up."
And suddenly, Loki was starting to gain awareness as if she's realizing something. She didn't want to. She wanted to suppress it. What went from a look of horror turned into anger. Loki was not going to deal with this today. Not right now.
"Morning." Loki spoke with a raspy morning voice, as he finds himself laid beside Mobius. He probably accidentally fell asleep on his bed and Mobius wasn't going to sleep anywhere else. Besides, they were together now. Sleeping beside one another shouldn't be weird.
Wait what?
Loki was puzzled. Didn't he already go through this before? He recalled a nightmare he had about a neighborhood party. It felt real. What made him more concerned was that he found Mobius missing from the bed all of a sudden. Was his mind now playing tricks on him? Loki immediately got out of bed and wore whatever clothes he could grab, immediately searching the house for Mobius. He was nowhere to be found.
The next thing he did was to dial his work place and hope someone picks up. To his surprise, someone did and he spoke with the receptionist. "Is there a Mobius in work right now? May I speak to him?"
"Give me one second." The lady replied nicely.
"Uh, I'm sorry sir, there isn't any Mobius' working here."
The god was confused and his heart started beating fast. He felt like he was in some sort of sick dream.
"This is surely a prank, right? There IS a Mobius working there I need you to check again."
"Okay, what is his last name? Maybe that could help."
Suddenly Loki was lost for words. He couldn't remember Mobius' last name. Did he even have a last name? How was he able to forget his own husband's surname. A theory had popped through Loki's mind that maybe he was suffering from memory loss and whatever that is happening this morning is a result of his amnesia.
"Hello? Sir?"
He didn't reply. He simply smashed the telephone down and hung up, his forehead sweating profusely.
So if he had amnesia, it means he needed help. With that, Loki took off and walked out of his house cluelessly, his surroundings looking different than he remembered. The street was different, it was smaller. The trees and bushes were gone. He also noticed some of the houses were missing windows. Had it been like that the entire time? Loki tried to hail for a taxi but there were no cars to be seen. In fact, it looked as though no one is around. It seemed empty.
"Mobius!" Loki now shouted, finding this all very strange. He turned around and around, trying to find at least one person to get help from but was only finding everything even more unnatural. The sky lacked clouds as though there was only blue and the sun wasn't anywhere in sight. Houses that he was able to see from afar was now empty nothingness.
Loki lost all his composure, letting out a resounding howl. Tears flowed down his cheeks as he grieved, the emotions pouring outwards. The God of Mischief was at a loss for words and completely distraught
"Where are you, Mobius!"
There was nobody he wished to see now other than his lover. He closed his eyes shut hoping he could just wake up.
Wake up...that's it.
Wake up, Loki.
   It was cold, dark and terribly lonely. I was hoping I could stay on longer. I felt my sanity slipping away and my mind drifting to an eternal sleep. I shouldn't sleep. I couldn't. Not when these branches needed my godly strength to hold them together.
Just one second. Just a second of sleep. I keep pleading to myself. I observed Mobius from afar in the sacred timeline and it seems he was being too hard on himself which didn't sit well with me. I tried to look at my other friends in their timelines and they were all safe and sound. Yet, I still wished I could do something for Mobius. That silly man just stands there with a hole in his heart. I need him to know I'm with him for all time. I wanted to be with him.
I had to be with him.
I think that's how it all started. I shut my eyes and all I thought about was Mobius. Then I woke up.
"Morning." I spoke with a raspy morning voice, as I find myself lying beside Mobius. I probably accidentally fell asleep on his bed and Mobius wasn't going to sleep anywhere else. Besides, we're together now. Sleeping beside one another shouldn't be weird.
That's how the story started.
Mobius shifted his body upon hearing my voice. It would be a lie to say that he didn't enjoy hearing my voice in the morning. Finding my warm presence by his side, he turned his head to his left and stared at the me, my raven locks sprinkled all over his pillow.
It's the same story again. Again and again and again. Each time, I never go further. I keep trying to rewrite it in many different ways but it always ends up in tragedy. This time, I give up. I'm not going to try.
"I'm going to need to start getting used to this new sight every morning." Mobius said hoarsely. He tried to play it off cool but the look of adoration and love in his eyes said otherwise.
"I don't care." I simply didn't.
I was expecting him to question my behavior or get angry but for some reason, he laughed and laughed. There was nothing humorous at all. This is ridiculous. Mobius then placed a hand on my cheeks and turned it so I faced him.
"Look at me." He demanded gently. He always looks at me with affection. It was why I fell in love with him in the first place. He looks at me like I'm worth everything.
"How long have you been doing this now?"
Now I'm intrigued and confused. My brows knitted together in uncertainty. "What do you mean?"
"How many tries of this have you done? What? 100? 1000?"
Does he know? What is going on?
"You called for me, didn't you? Well, I'm here."
"You heard me?" I instantly got up in the bed, my heart pounding through my chest. I didn't want to get any false hope because then, it would hurt even more.
"I did."
"No, that's a lie. This is just another one of my scripts I've written to keep myself delusional. This isn't real."
"So you finally admit, you do control the narrative."
My heart wouldn't stop pounding, "What does that supposed to mean?"
Mobius held my hand tightly before he spoke, "Only reason you never got past this delusion you created is because you were meant to write yourself in OUR timelines. Your subconscious knew that was possible because it has already lived through a life with me on the sacred timeline."
Salty watery droplets poured out of my eyes uncontrollably. For some reason, it feels like I'm finally escaping because Mobius was making sense.
He continued, "Do you know who you are, Loki? You've said it before, you can rewrite the story. You can do the same with the timelines. Write yourself in it for you are the God of Stories."
"But the timelines?"
"You can hold it while being down here. You shouldn't underestimate your illusion spells. They're pretty handy."
He's right. I can change it all. I mean, I'm writing this aren't I. This is not the end. This is simply the beginning.
And you're going to watch me rescript this mess.
   "I might just wait here for a little bit. Let time pass." Mobius responded to Sylvie. She places a hand on his shoulder in a way to comfort him. After all, she knew how much Loki meant to him. Wanting to let him grieve on his own, she decided to leave him be, making her way through the time door and closing it up.
Mobius simply stands in isolation, looking at his old life from afar as he hoped his presence was made known to Loki.
Perhaps it did.
"Ugh, stop being so dramatic." A voice rang out and he instantly recognized its origin. His heart seemed to leap out of his chest from the euphoria he felt and he swiftly rotated his body towards where the voice originated from.
Mobius eyes widened, his mouth slowly turning into a huge smile. Seems like the god of mischief is really full of surprises.
"Loki!" He walked towards him, confused but rather relieved and happy. There was nothing better than to see him again especially when he thought he was never going to see him ever. He wanted to go in for a hug which he so desperately needed but there was something else on his mind.
The agent took Loki by the collars and immediately pulled him in for a kiss, something he has always wanted to do before he left. Loki was taken aback but kissed him back, holding Mobius' face in his hands. This was the story he was meant to write for himself. A life on the sacred timeline.
He let himself experience the authenticity of the kiss and how it feels much better than the ones in his fake reality. This was perfect because it was real and Loki soaked in every single moment.
This is reality.
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squivulous · 9 months
My Podcast Masterlist
I have a long commute, giving me two hours a day to listen to podcasts. Here is my documentation of all the audio dramas I’ve consumed plus a little blurb. I just wanted to organize them in a list and also (selfishly) get recommendations if anyone would be so kind. Or maybe you’ll see something that’ll interest you. Enjoy!
Podcasts I’m Caught Up With
The Penumbra Podcast: I’ve made an animatic for this one. I’m down bad. This is the one that sucked me into this podcast world.
Malevolent: Arthur dating sim when??? Everyone wants him. Also it took me way too long to find out it was an actual play podcast.
Red Valley: Gordon fan all the way. Normally I do like the Sad Boy but Gordon is that type of dorky that makes me want to protect him.
Caravan: Interesting world and love a main character that makes questionable decisions. Everything is going to be fine :)
WOE.BEGONE: I’m obsessed. It happened slowly but now I think about it every day… And the music is so good! Mike Walters is cringefail, bbygurl, easy to manipulate, and saws his left arm off at the shoulder.
The Cellar Letters: Legit gets me spooked at times. Steve and Nate are good vibes. I’m sure glad nothing ever happens to them.
Harbor: Love that Sam being a malewife ruined his life.
Rifted: Aurora, another Sad Boy to add to my collection. Daniel should give him a kiss to make him feel better.
Heroics: Pls come back some day… I need more Josh. He’s in his slay era.
Second Fiddles: Max is owning being a bbygurl. Also there are a lot of poop jokes which is weird but I’ll look past it.
Hand in Glove: idk anything about baseball but these baseball players are smoochinggg.
Find Us Alive: Lancaster in booty jorts. It's canon. Don't look it up. I'm right. ALSO HE NEEDS TO TALK ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM PLS. C
The Kingmaker Histories: The kiss is still the subject of much historical debate. Eisen <3
The Viridian Wild: It hasn’t been updated since 2021 but I still have hope.
Dos: After You: Ghosting GONE WRONG
Brimstone Valley Mall: SEASON TWO IS COMING. 90’s mall setting is really fun and I’m here for the thing Asmoraius and Trent have going on.
Levian: It starts off with a bang! Well not quite since his sister walks in oops. Excited to see where this pirate tale takes us.
Midnight Burger: Each episode is a delight and as someone who is bad at science, I appreciate Gloria and Caspar. Caspar pls stay forever and also Brodie <3
Return Home: I’m really listening to it for Buddy and DW.
Raythe Reign: Sometimes you need a yaoi.
The White Vault: At this point, I know what I’m getting into and yet still decide to get attached to these characters
The Amelia Project: Please don’t hurt the Interviewer! He’s too goofy for all this drama. I’m scared!
Fawx & Stallion: James Stallion being canonically hot in any situation is such a win
Victoriocity: Inspector Fleet has had a long week and needs some days off
Yokai Detective Agency: I’m always a sucker for detective stories and I’m looking forward to where this one is going
The Grotto: the music is so good but also please help. The emotional turmoil is torrential.
Camlann: Yo…. Dai, for real???
The Strange Case of Starship Iris: Idk how they’re still alive
Podcasts I’ve Completed
Dash: This might not be completed? This is actually the first audio drama I finished. Classic noir but supernatural and boys are smooching!
The Two Princes: This was wholesome and had good vibes. I prefer the first season but it was still a fun time.
The Magnus Archives: Arrived late to the party on this one, but I love all the fanart. Awakened my interest in pathetic men.
EOS 10: I also am not 100% sure this is done but I enjoyed the shenanigans!
Wolf 359: Eiffel, my beloved. I liked the silly and dramatic parts of this story. It hurt my soul but it was worth it :)
Time:Bombs: noahdeaart's fanart made me think this was going in a different direction... Still a fun one!
Valence: Love this one WAAAAHHH! Pls listen. I love Nico. Sad Boy but hides it under their chaos energy.
The Bright Sessions: I would 1005% listen to a spin-off just about Mark. This Sad Boy keeps collecting trauma and I need to see him and Oliver maybe go on adventures or something. ANYTHING.
Roommates: I, too, had a pandemic college experience. It's kinda bizarre that there's already a story about that and I love it!
Look Up: Wholesome. Briggon Snow kept me fed.
Moonface: Appreciate having an audio drama from an Asian American perspective. Didn’t realize how much I needed that.
Murray Mysteries: Must protect Jonathan.
Kaleidotrope: More wholesome content. I got more into it by the second half. The hosts have a fun dynamic!
Re: Dracula: Still thinking about Inside You.
Wooden Overcoats: Rudyard is my fav. Chapman deserves the hate.
The Vanishing Act: this Rudyard wasn’t my fav. I was happy to listen to him suffer but also happy when he fell in love. A win for Griffson!
Greater Boston: Michael Tate <3
Ars Paradoxica: Nikhil Sharma <3
Podcasts I’m Catching Up On
Life with Althaar: I knew that plant lady was sus
Love and Luck: I’m on ep 87 now some magical things are going down
Going Lowbrow: I wasn’t expecting a musical but I’m not complaining.
SAYER: There are no bees on Typhon :)
WTNV: I got behind during high school and now I’m too scared to get caught up… one day. It's been so long at this point I think I'd need to start over.
BRASS: I fell behind on episodes :(
Not Quite Dead: If there are vampires, I'm automatically interested. Only a few eps in.
Hi Nay: I’m listening to Murphy respectfully.
Unwell: I just listened to the Christmas episode and cried
Podcasts I’ve Dropped
Moonbase Theta Out
Archive 81
The Sheridan Tapes
Jar of Rebuke
I’ll keep this updated every so often. Most of these I’ve found either from scouring rec lists or seeing nice fanart.
Please let me know of any recommendations you may have! Thanks for reading if you got this far. Mad respect.
Last updated: 06/08/24
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akkivee · 3 months
I feel like HypMic is at this weird point where they are lingering on how they want to proceed forward. I feel like the music for the 2nd DRB was very experimental, and I did appreciate that even if I didn't like all the music (except for that DragonAsh song tho that was ass LOL). It feels like KR is struggling with how to move forward with telling a story while using the voting system, as such they've kinda written themselves into a corner. Like it was obvious they wanted FP to win the 2nd DRB because it was needed for plot. But at the same time it really feels like the plot has slowed to a crawl at the same time, and between that and the music creeping away from rap you're kinda left with a feeling of disappointment overall. It esp hits harder when you're a fan of BAT and DH given how under utilized they still are in the grand scheme of things. But given how they placed them geographically it feels like yet another instance of KR accidentally writing them into a corner and struggling to rectify that so they can be more relevant but also make it make sense, idk. I still love Kuko no matter what even if the series is currently languishing. (it also doesn't help that there isn't really any unified fandom because of politics, too much content too fast, and people being so oshi-pilled they have no interest in touching content that doesn't interest them. Which again, sucks as BAT fan cuz we don't really have a translator solider for us.)
what’s really really annoying about that, is that it has been put out there that we’ve entered the third act in hypmic’s story and tho it’s not always necessarily the case, usually that means we are heading towards an end. and we are starting to see an end with a lot of og division plot threads so to be closer to the end than not and still having like a third of your cast floundering around is not good!!!!! at all lol!!!! unless there’s a max effort push to bring nagosaka into the fold, it really does feel like nagosaka, no matter what, will feel under utilised
hypmic’s slow to come plot bombs have been a staple since the beginning so i’m not mad at it, esp since i suspect those long waits have something to do with production values and making the next shiny, economically stimulating thing lol, but you’re right about it not being great rn when everything else is not great lol
but i will say hypmic has its formulas. like the way first solos were surface level character introduction raps and the second solos went into depth, for the og divisions, their first drb and preceding dramas were introductory and the 2nd drb dramas really dug deep into them. so hopefully the same will happen for nagosaka when the 3rd drb drama hits them lol 🤞
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geminison · 11 months
modern-ish things I would like to show dishonored characters
I got inspired by this lovely post by @dogg-teethh and kinda made my own thing but with dishonored protagonists and some side characters so, low and behold
blues music in general, he would enjoy brooding while listening, and Fleetwood Mac
thriller movies, can't abide the mysteries so would be glued to the screen until the very end. would get mad if it ends on unexplainable cliffhanger
radio dramas, something to fill the silence while doing paperwork
antidepressants, no comments
rope bondage, but not in a sexual way (yeah, I've seen it in ff and thought, yep, seems like his thing)
90s fashion, a bit awkward but appealing somehow?
David Bowie, that's so specific? complex and diverse but funky
takeout food, he doesn't really cook, has terrible eating behavior and just plainly starvs when there no food around, so that would be helpful
absurdism, whole "acceptance without humility" thing? i dunno
Lord of the Rings, a small hero with a great burden and greater stakes, it would resonate
punk rock, 80s pop, industrial and Corvo would also show her "Rebel Rebel", she would vibe with it
Satoshi Kon's movies, great female characters and a bit of insanity
comics, variety of styles and stories to tell! she did enjoy drawing while she was younger, maybe it would inspire her to pick a pencil again
asian cuisine, a lot of different flavours, I wonder how she would like it
marine biology, so much info about whales and other weird ocean creatures, again little Emily would be so happy
headphones, she would feel even cooler while jumping from one roof to another and kicking asses
airplanes, speed, freedom and views! you are already a captain of the ship, time to tame the sky!
anarchism, yeah, fuck the government!
family therapy, grab your old man by the hand and fucking go, you need it, it wouldn't be easy but please
Killing Eve
heavy metal music and jazz, Emily and Corvo approve. Daud, well, tolerates, it's a bit too much for him
video games, all kinds of it!
DnD, especially GM role, you don't have to be a god to feel a little bit like one, and he also has this dramatic side it would def suite him
sci-fi and horror genres
techno, ambient and modern classical music
programming and hacking, he's a nosy young man, he'd like to know all your secrets, and it's just fun ehehe
big fashion shows for stylish and powerful lady
therapy, again, no comments
expensive cars that people own and don't drive
Florence + the Machine and MARINA
iPad, Apple pencil and some software for drawing digitally
social media
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plumfondler · 2 years
Heaven Can Wait
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Word count: 6k, my bad.
Warnings: smut smut smut. unprotected sex. mentions of murder and dumb ass cops.
Summary?: This is a Hawkins AU where there is no Upside Down, but there sure are a lot of mysteries, and the scooby gang (including you) has solved dozens of them. Eddie Munson is about to get accused of murder, and you find out what it's like when the gang gets shit done while you're not around. Should this have a second part? I have no idea.
A/N: This is dedicated to my hypebeast @gaybybirth without whom this story would not exist. Your support and encouragement mean the world to me. And thanks for telling me to use those two prompts <3 lol
Also a huge thank you to @munson-trashcan, @poppy-metal & @peterthepark for your filth that has kept me going these past few weeks, and supplying my soul with so much Eddie Munson that I started writing again for the first time in over a year.
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You slammed your car door and ran into Hawkins High as the sky opened up and fat raindrops started falling- a few hitting your face just before you made it inside. 
As a theater kid you really didn’t have anywhere to channel your energy after graduation, so when they asked if you wanted to direct the drama class musicals, you jumped at the chance. The first year didn’t go too well, but you had to admit you had other reasons for wanting to try again.
“Alright everyone that was much, much better! Keep it up! See you tomorrow!” you announced.
The class quickly scattered as you saw the Dungeons and Dragons club scramble into the room to set up their things.
One nice thing about directing was the schedule: the drama class was the last period of the day so you didn't have to spend all day at the school. 
Another nice thing was seeing him again.
Eddie Munson entered the room, excitedly talking to his friends about something he just added to their campaign. You smiled to yourself and gathered your things to leave.
"Runnin’ off so soon?"
Your heart skipped as you turned to see Eddie standing behind you, thumbs tapping on the notebook he held to his chest.
"I'll be out of your way soon, sorry!" Was all you could say before your face heated up.
"Take your time, please stay and hang if you like, it's real nasty out," he said, turning to walk towards the table.
You looked out the window and cursed; the rain was blowing sideways and empty trash cans were tumbling by rapidly. You really didn't want to go outside right now, let alone drive home.
"If you don't mind, I might try to wait it out? I'll be quiet as a mouse," you said, putting your things down and taking a seat in the rows of chairs in the back of the room.
"We definitely won't be," Eddie grinned, taking a deep breath before diving into his story with a booming voice.
It stormed for the next four days straight; Eddie convinced you to wait out the storm each day, though he didn't have to try that hard. When it finally stopped raining, Eddie had other reasons to ask you to stay, so you stayed.
It was the last week of school and you were panicking trying to think of what to say to Eddie before the break. You wanted to keep seeing him, so why couldn’t you just say that? 
You had a shift after school at Family Video with Steve and Robin, and you were considering confessing your crush to them to get their advice.
"Hey guys, I just saw the weirdest thing," Max said as she came into the store, seconds after you arrived.
You turned to look at the tiny redhead, waiting for her to continue as Robin and Steve joined you.
"Eddie just came home, went to his trailer, ran right back out and got into his van and sped off. Like he was running from something."
"Eddie is a weird dude," Steve shrugged, stacking tapes.
Three police cars sped by the store towards the trailer park and you all looked at each other. 
Robin spun around and picked up the phone to call Nancy who always knew what was going on; you had a sinking feeling in your stomach.
Robin spoke with Nancy quietly and hung up the phone a few seconds later.
"They found a dead girl in Eddie's trailer."
Your legs gave out and you grabbed the counter to keep yourself from falling over; Steve and Robin both lunged at you to hold you up.
"I'm fine," you said weakly, waving them off and lowering yourself to the floor, hugging your knees to your chest.
"He was at school all day, right?" Steve asked.
"I saw him when I went by to get some things from the drama room about an hour ago," you said numbly, thinking about the way his smile lit up his face. 
“Also, obviously,” Robin started, elbowing Steve in the ribs, “Eddie would never hurt anyone, let alone murder.”
“Yes! Of course!” Steve said, hurriedly.
Rumors spread like wildfire. By dinner time, the local news had already mentioned that the police were interested in finding Eddie to ask him questions, and all hell broke loose. 
Soon everyone in town was talking about how Eddie the Freak was a murderer, even though dozens of people had seen him throughout day. Even though Tammy Perkins, the sophomore at Hawkins high that was the unfortunate victim, wasn't seen anywhere near Eddie the entire day, let alone all year.
You had to help Eddie, and Steve and Robin seemed to be on the same page; you gathered everyone to search for Eddie as soon as you closed the video store.
Steve slid the pizza onto the counter in your kitchen and took a piece, Dustin sat with you at the table in front of the window and sighed, resting his head in his hands.
Nancy sat across from you and reached a hand to put over yours, "We're going to find him. Before anyone else does."
You believed her, you always believed Nancy when she said things with such confidence. 
It had been three days and you still hadn’t found Eddie.
The doorbell rang and everyone in your kitchen froze. 
The doorbell rang again and your dad walked in to look around at you all.
"No, no, I'll get it," he said dryly, walking past everyone towards the front door.
You looked out the window and cursed under your breath as you saw the police car in the driveway.
"Good evening officer, how can I help you?"
"Yes, sir, I was told that your daughter has been seen with the Munson boy, is this true?"
You quickly joined your father at the door with your hands on your hips, not in the mood to be pushed around.
"Been seen with my friend Eddie Munson? Yes. The innocent man who is being targeted by an angry mob of civilians that the police are doing nothing to stop."
Your father cleared his throat.
"Now listen here, if we found a dead body in your house we'd have some questions for you too," the officer said.
"Of course. But you'd also not condone random ass people running around with guns trying to shoot an innocent person just because he likes rock music and fantasy games!"
"So are you coming down to the station to answer questions then or are we going to do it here?" The officer asked through gritted teeth.
"Please, come in, officer…" your father said, opening the door.
“Pond,” the officer responded, “Officer Pond.”
Your mother came down the stairs and froze, "Lloyd, dear, why are the police in our house?"
"Well Evelyn, they threatened our daughter, so now they get to ask questions here instead of at the station with our lawyer."
Officer Pond paused and looked at your annoyed parents, then turned around to look at his car.
"Let me get my partner in here, just a second."
Your parents huffed and Officer Pond left to get his partner.
Your mother turned to you quickly and took your hands, "Honey, answer their questions as vaguely as possible. No details, no extra information.” 
"And please don't antagonize them," your father added.
Before you could respond, the two officers returned, and on their heels were Mike, Max, Lucas, Will, and Erica.
"Why are you here?" Erica said before she was even through the door, "there is a killer on the loose and it is NOT a nerdy boy who plays guitar."
"Yeah!" The rest of them replied.
"Alright, alright you five, let the officers do their job," your father showed the cops to the kitchen and told the five intruders to stay where they were.
You heard a thump from upstairs and your eyes widened as they met Nancy's from across the room.
Next to you, Steve grabbed your shoulder and started coughing; Dustin leapt to his feet to get him water, making extra noises with the chair and lecturing Steve loudly about chewing his food properly. 
You backed slowly out of the kitchen, and once out sight you bolted up the stairs to your room.
You threw open the door to see Eddie Munson wiggling his way into your room through your window which was open as wide as it could: a little over a foot.
"Eddie!" You hissed, grabbing him by the shoulders and yanking him inside. "It's BARELY dark, what if someone sees you?!"
"Darlin, I'm running out of options."
You heard heavy steps up the stairs and panicked, shoving Eddie in your closet just as your bedroom door started to open.
"What's going on in there?" Pond’s voice came through the crack in the door.
You pushed the door shut with all your weight, "I'm changing, you fucking perv! Steve aspirated pizza all over me."
The officer outside your bedroom stumbled over an apology and quickly hurried away from your room and back down the stairs.
Eddie poked his head out of your closet.
"Did you just call a cop a fuckin perv?"
"I did."
Eddie put a hand over his mouth and shook with silent laughter.
You reached next to him for a shirt and turned Eddie around to face away from you.
"You keep manhandling me like this, I'm gonna demand you buy me dinner. What are you doing?"
"I have to change. If I go back in the same clothes they'll be suspicious."
Eddie hummed in response and you quickly changed. 
You turned him back around, keeping your hands on his shoulders, "Stay here. Stay quiet. I will be back soon."
Eddie nodded silently and you held his eye contact for a bit longer, needing him to feel your calm. 
"You're safe here," you said softly, cupping his face in your hand.
Eddie squeezed his eyes shut and leaned into your touch, nodding again. 
When you got back downstairs the two police officers were walking out the door, followed by Max, Will, Erica, Mike, and Lucas.
"Jesus Christ, that was an event," your mother said, falling back onto the couch as the front door closed.
"Why are you friends with so many children again?" Your father asked, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"We'd be here for a while to answer that question," Steve said, "is everyone okay?" He asked, looking directly at you.
"Yes," you nodded, "fine."
"How did you do that? They didn't ask me anything." You said.
"We kind of bullied them into leaving?" Steve offered, scratching his head.
"More like psychologically manipulated, but yes. Your dad implied that the police department can be vulnerable to lawsuits from people who are questioned about crimes they don't have any connection to if it damages their reputation in the community," Robin said. 
You put your head in your hands, "thanks dad." You mumbled.
"Alright!" Nancy clapped her hands, "that tall cop was shifty as hell and I don't trust him at all. Robin and I are going to go talk to the neighbors in the trailer park and-"
"And I'm coming with you because that sounds dangerous since a teenager was just murdered there," your father said, standing up.
Nancy seemed to be caught off guard by this, looking between you and your father; you shrugged.
"He makes a good point. Also he's deceptively strong," you said.
"Okay then, let's go,” Robin nodded.
Robin, Nancy, and your father filed out the door and Dustin grabbed his bag looking up at Steve.
"Let's go to the library, I have thoughts and need additional information."
"I guess we're breaking into the library," Steve said, running his hands through his hair and down his face.
"It's not difficult," your mother said from the couch, "just don't break anything, please, they're so nice and a real pillar of the community. But they do make it really difficult to do late night research in this god forsaken town, don't they?"
"I'm really starting to understand you better," Steve said to you, staring at your mother.
"Keep our boy safe," Steve said quietly, nudging you with his shoulder on his way out.
"Of course."
"Honey, I'll be downstairs working on my quilt. I need to be alone for the rest of the evening," your mom sighed, pulling herself up off the couch.
You nodded, "alright, I'll be in my room."
Once you were alone, you made a plate of food for Eddie: leftover meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and a few rolls.
You found Eddie sitting in the corner behind the door in your room, hugging his knees to his chest, his fingers drumming on his arms. You closed the door and sat in front of him; Eddie lifted his head and his eyes widened as he saw the plate.
"For me?"
"No Eddie, I made myself a plate of food to eat in front of you."
"Look, I've had a very bad week."
Your face fell, "I'm so sorry, Eddie, my default mode is sarcasm."
"No I get it, me too," he said, taking the plate with both hands.
You stuck a fork in the potatoes and he smiled, holding the plate with one hand and stabbing the loaf of meat with the fork. He took a bite of it and sighed, closing his eyes.
"It's been three days. All I've had is dry cereal, chips, warm YooHoo, and two cans of cold beans."
"The gang is close to solving this, I know it. They'll get the guy soon and you won't have to hide anymore."
"Yeah? What are they gonna do about the mob of people who want to kill me?"
"I'm not sure yet, but we're going to figure it out together, okay?"
Eddie nodded.
"After you eat you can take a shower," you nodded towards the bathroom connected to your room.
Eddie raised an eyebrow, "fancy."
Eddie dropped his leather jacket on the floor and started tugging his shirt over his head on his way to the bathroom. You distracted yourself by digging through your closet for old clothes. You found your old school gym shirt and a pair of sweatpants for Eddie to change into, trying not to dwell on the thought that you accidentally had when you realized you didn’t have underwear to loan him.
You heard Eddie sniffing in the shower and your heart ached; you sat on your bed and hugged your pillow. You couldn't imagine what he was going through and you wanted to do everything in your power to keep him from harm.
The shower turned off and you wiped the tears that were rolling down your cheeks. When Eddie came out a few minutes later he was holding your purple towel around his waist.
"Hey, I uh-"
Your heart felt like it fell into your stomach as you saw Eddie lean into your room, water drops rolling down his chest, dripping from his hair.
"Sorry, sorry, forgot to give you these before you went in," you scrambled to your feet and shoved the clothes at Eddie, your cheeks burning hot.
"Thanks," he grinned, turning around to go back into the bathroom.
"Jesus Christ," you mumbled to yourself, wiping your hands down your face.
You turned and took several pillows off of your bed, setting them on the floor. You made a small bed for yourself, and looked around your room for your spare blanket, chewing on your bottom lip.
"Havin' a sleepover?"
Eddie stepped out of the bathroom, now wearing your clothes, running his fingers through his wet hair.
"I figured you've not had a proper sleep in a few days so I'll sleep on the floor and you can take my bed?"
"You want me to sleep here?"
"Eddie, I told you that you're safe here, I really-"
Before you could continue, Eddie's arms were wrapped around you, squeezing tight.
As soon as you started breathing again, you returned his embrace, rubbing your hand up and down Eddie's back.
He quickly jerked away and cleared his throat.
"Sorry," he flinched slightly, spinning one of the rings on his finger with his thumb.
"Don't be, that was nice," you replied, sitting on your bed. 
"Yeah. I'm here for hugs if you need them, okay?"
Eddie nodded, his fingers twirling the ends of his hair.
"You uh… got any more of those rolls?" he asked.
"Yeah, let me go see what else I can rustle up."
You went back to the kitchen and took a few deep breaths to calm your nerves before returning to your room with the rest of the dinner rolls, cookies, Coke, and an unopened bag of pretzels.
When you opened the door Eddie was sitting on your bed looking curiously at the jewelry box on top of your dresser.
"No, don't open that!" You gasped.
"What, you still have your baby teeth in he-" Eddie lifted the lid of your jewelry box with his ringed index finger and his words escaped him.
You cringed and put down everything you were carrying, shut the door, and reached over to close the lid of the jewelry box that hid the vibrator you bought last year.
"It's a… uh…"
Eddie looked up at you with bright eyes and a wide grin and you stared at him.
He kept grinning.
"I'm waiting to hear whatever you're about to tell me that this vibrator is. Please explain to me what this sex toy is, I have never in my life seen such a device, so it must be explained to me."
"Alright, alright," you said, grabbing the jewelry box and throwing it into the back of your closet.
"I've never even used the thing," you mumbled, shoving the bag of rolls at Eddie, avoiding eye contact.
"Why did you buy it if you don't use it?" He asked, shoving an entire roll into his mouth.
"I don't know why I bought it in the first place, I've been too afraid someone will hear me use it."
Eddie smirked and you handed him the can of Coke.
"Shut up."
"I didn't say anything!"
"Well, keep it that way."
Your head was reeling as you attempted to think of anything else to say, when the phone on your nightstand rang.
You exhaled and answered. 
"Hey Nance, what's going on?" You asked, scooting over so Eddie could sit next to you and put his ear to the receiver with you.
"The killer is working at the police department and we called the FBI," She said, exasperated.
"You what?!" You and Eddie both said.
"Yeah Murray knows a guy and when we told him what we thought was going on, your dad and Murray agreed that there should be other law enforcement involved. Hi Eddie. Sorry about everything."
"Holy shit," you mumbled.
"What about the angry mob after Eddie?"
"Murray has people on that too, but stay hidden, they haven't found them yet."
"Alright thanks for the update."
"Of course. Stay inside. Goodnight."
You put the phone back on the receiver and sighed. Eddie fell back onto the bed with his hands on his face.
"What the fuck is with this fucking town."
"Yeah, I gotta get out of here," you sighed.
"Why haven't you?" Eddie asked, lifting a hand to look at you.
"Why haven't I?"
"Left yet. You graduated two years ago."
"I'm not sure. I really liked being around here…" you shrugged, "and I can't imagine being away from everyone."
"Nancy, Robin, Steve, you."
"Of course you, Eddie."
You put a hand on his knee and you felt him tense for a second, but he quickly covered your hand with his and relaxed.
You fell back to lay on the bed and rolled to your side, pulling Eddie into your arms. He immediately buried his head into your neck and secured his arms around you.
You exhaled a shaky breath and rubbed Eddie's back gently, feeling his muscles quiver beneath your touch.
"It's going to be okay. It'll all go back to how it used to be,” you said softly.
"And you'll keep coming to DnD?"
"Absolutely. I have to know what's being so heavily guarded at that keep."
Eddie lifted his head to look at you in surprise.
"You're paying attention to the story?" he asked.
"Eddie, I've been staying to watch your club for the last three months, did you think I was just staring at you the whole time?"
Eddie looked sheepish and shrugged, rolling onto his back, "I mean I guess you can't blame a guy for wishing."
Your heart leapt and you couldn't help the tears that filled your eyes as you reached to hold Eddie's face and press your lips to his. You felt his breath catch as he quickly turned on his side to hold you again, eagerly returning your kiss.
His tongue swiped at your lips and you moaned softly, running your hands over his shoulders to the back of his neck. You felt him melt into your body and your head spun.
You hitched a leg up on Eddie’s hip and he bucked into you, making you gasp as you felt him already hard, pressing into you. You instantly craved more and grinded into him, grasping his shirt and moaning as his erection rubbed against your clit. He whimpered and you felt him shaking as you held him tighter.
You couldn't get close enough, you were squeezing and rubbing every part of each other's backs, sides, faces, and thighs as you grinded into each other. Eddie's hands tried to wander up your shirt but couldn’t get anywhere because he didn't want to let you go. Your legs were tangled together as you tried to wrap them around each other, and eventually you fell off the bed onto the pile of pillows.
You parted, laughing quietly, holding each other's faces.
"Eddie," you breathed, resting your forehead against his.
He whispered your name and nudged your nose with his; you shuddered and clutched his shirt. 
"I mean, it did start out as me staring at you the whole time, yes, but I got invested really fast. You are such an incredible storyteller," you said, looking into his soft, dark eyes.
Eddie kissed you in response and you were quickly back to grasping at each other as your tongues swirled together.
You rolled onto your back and pulled Eddie on top of you; he immediately hit his head on your nightstand.
"Ow…" he whispered into your mouth.
"Let's move back up to the bed, yeah?" You said, trying to catch your breath. 
"I don't wanna let you go."
"I'm not going anywhere, Eddie. I'm here, I'm yours."
He groaned and kissed your neck, "say that again, please?" He whispered.
"I'm yours, Eddie Munson," you said, holding his face as your stomach tightened, "I am yours and I want you."
"Bed, now." His voice was strained and his eyes were pleading.
You nodded and he pushed himself up, helping you to your feet. Eddie rolled onto the bed, immediately reaching out to you. Your heart pounded as you met his eyes and yanked off your shirt and bra, pushing your pants down before climbing back onto the bed.
Eddie gawked at you as you crawled on top of him in just your panties, he wasn't sure where to focus his attention.
"Oh my god," he whispered, "can I touch you?"
"You better," you said, taking his hand and putting it on your side.
Eddie sighed and ran his fingers over your soft skin, whimpering quietly. 
You hummed as his warm hands explored every inch of you while you kissed, finally trailing over your breasts after avoiding them intentionally for several minutes. You moaned as Eddie's fingertips circled your nipples; he sucked in a breath as they pebbled.
"Can I touch you?" You asked, running a hand up his arm.
Eddie tugged the shirt over his head and you smiled, running your hands over his tattoos, feeling his chest rise and fall with every heavy breath. 
You leaned over and kissed the tattoos on his chest, then lifted his arm and kissed the ink there. Eddie watched you, lips parted, eyes soft as you handled him so gently. 
Eddie reached for your face and pulled you in for a desperate kiss, his hands sliding around your waist and grabbing your ass to pull you against him. You moaned and ran your fingers down his chest, tugging down the waistband of his sweatpants.
"Wait, stop!" Eddie pulled away and you froze, worried you hurt him somehow.
"I am so sorry, I'm just so worked up right now, if you touch me, I’m going to cum," he winced and looked down at your hand that was hovering over him.
You glanced down to see the large wet spot on the tent in his sweatpants. You bit your lip and squeezed your legs together as you stared, eager to touch him and suddenly soaked at the thought of watching him cum.
"What if I want to see that?" You asked, tracing your finger around his stomach, across his waistband.
"Is… that all you want? Not-not that that's a bad thing I'm just wondering…"
You shook your head, "no, it's not, can you keep going after that?"
"Abso-fucking-lutely," Eddie said, pushing the pants down and kicking them off in one swift motion.
You almost moaned as you wrapped your hand around his hot, swollen cock. Eddie gasped and bucked into your fist as you squeezed and gave him a slow stroke, running your fingers around his firm, velvety head.
"You are fucking beautiful," you mumbled, leaning over to kiss Eddie's soft lips as he gasped your name.
You moaned into his mouth as his cock twitched in your hand. Precum flowed from his flushed tip and you used it to give him slow strokes.
"Oh fuck, fuck," he whispered as you nipped at his bottom lip and trailed kisses to his neck.
"Cum for me, Eddie," you whispered in his ear, tugging at his earlobe with your teeth.
Eddie's hand flew to his mouth and he stifled a cry as his hips bucked off the bed and his cock pulsed in your hand. You quickly looked to see his cum spurting from his cock all over your hand and his stomach. You squeezed out every drop and released his spent length, kissing up and down his neck as he caught his breath.
"Fucking hell," he mumbled, "that was a record."
You grinned and kissed his lips, reaching for the nearest item of clothing to clean up with. 
As soon as you dropped the shirt, Eddie pulled you to him and kissed you breathless, rolling you onto your back and sliding down your body, taking your panties with him.
"Oh fuck, you smell so amazing," Eddie moaned.
"Can I taste you, baby?" He asked, arms wrapped around your thighs, fingers stroking the insides of them gently.
His dark eyes looking up at you from between your legs had you speechless. You nodded enthusiastically and Eddie grinned, tapping your legs.
"Use your words, sweetheart, need to hear you say it," he said, nuzzling the inside of your thigh with his nose, leaving soft kisses up it.
"Yes, yes!" You whimpered. 
Eddie hummed happily and pressed his lips to your mound, kissing and nuzzling you, inhaling your scent as he buried his face between your thighs.  He moaned and you squirmed as you felt the vibrations; his hands held your hips and you couldn't help but love the feeling of being pinned by him.
Eddie came up for air and cursed again, "you are so fucking wet, holy fuck."
Before you could even consider responding, Eddie gently spread you apart and licked a line straight up your cunt, ending at your clit. You gasped and he repeated the action three more times, staying on your clit once you whined.
Eddie's tongue lapped at your swollen bundle of nerves and his hands ran up and down your thighs as they trembled. Your hands went to his head as he devoured you slowly, your orgasm approaching so much faster than you could've imagined. Eddie felt you tense and moaned into you, his hips grinding into the bed as his tongue circled your clit.
"Don't stop, don't stop, fuck, Eddie I'm gonna come," you cried softly. 
Eddie sent you tumbling over the edge with one final slow flick of his tongue and your back was arching off the bed, your thighs squeezing his head.
Eddie moaned as your body shook with your release; as soon as you relaxed, Eddie was crawling up your body leaving kisses along the way. 
You lifted a shaky hand and he met it with his face, nuzzling into it. 
"You taste so good."
"Fuck," you breathed, your entire body was shaking and Eddie wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tight.
"You okay?" he asked, nuzzling your neck.
"More than okay," you whispered, "just a bit dizzy."
Eddie grinned proudly and you ran a hand through his soft hair.
"You have an incredible mouth," you mumbled, running a thumb over his bottom lip.
You stared at each other for a while and lazily explored one another, kissing intermittently. Once the haze from your orgasm dissipated, your kisses became more desperate. You pulled Eddie closer, wrapping a leg around him, rubbing yourself against his cock.
"Oh fuck, baby, you're dripping all over my dick," he moaned, his hips bucking so his cock nudged your tender lips, making you gasp.
"You like that?" He asked.
You nodded and he did it again, grinding a little, getting harder against your slick cunt. 
"Oh my god, Eddie, I need you inside me, please."
Eddie rolled on top of you and knelt between your legs,
"I don't have any condoms…" he said, his face falling.
"Me either, can you pull out?" You asked, running your thumbs over his hip bones, watching his perfect cock jump at your proximity.
Eddie nodded, "yeah. Yeah I can do that. And I'm clean, I promise baby," he said, holding your hand to his heart.
"Me too, I trust you, Eddie."
The look in his eyes was pure adoration as he held your face and leaned over to kiss you. You wrapped your arms around Eddie and he sighed as your kiss deepend. 
Eddie reached down and guided himself into you. Once his tip settled at your entrance you both took in shaky breaths and held each other tight as he slowly pushed his hips forward.
His thick cock filled you slowly, heat and tingles immediately spreading over you. You gasped and dug your nails into his back; Eddie groaned.
"Oooh wow. Ooh fuck," he breathed, stilling as he bottomed out. 
You squeezed your legs around Eddie as he brushed his hair out of your face with a smile.
"You okay?" He asked softly.
"Yeah, just stings a little, gotta get used to you," you said, pulling his face to yours, kissing him tenderly.
"I'll wait as long as you need," he said between kisses.
"You feel so incredible," he said, dropping his head to your shoulder and kissing up your neck.
"You fill me up so good, Eddie," you said, shifting your hips slightly, “mmm, you can move now.”
Eddie held you as close as possible and only moved his hips, dragging his cock out slowly, and pushing back in. You moaned softly and Eddie repeated his action, again and again.
Just as it was when it began, you couldn't get close enough, your bodies pressed together, your legs locked around him, your arms holding him against you as he rutted into you.
Eddie was so deep inside of you, you could barely breathe. He kissed you tenderly and held your face with one hand, weaving his free hand with one of yours and holding it to the bed. You held his face and met his eyes as he thrust into you steadily, keeping a slow pace.
"Is… is this okay?" He asked, running his thumb over your cheek.
You kissed his thumb and nodded, "yes, it's perfect Eddie, you feel so fucking good."
"You feel amazing, so wet, so tight," he breathed, circling his hips and rolling them slowly.
Eddie kissed you and the room spun around you as his slow, deep thrusts matched the speed of his tongue swirling with yours. 
You moaned and lifted your hips slightly, gasping as he started grinding against your clit with every thrust.
"Oh god Eddie, right there, fuck," you cried softly, clinging to him as you felt the warm tingling start to spread throughout your body.
“You’re squeezin’ me so tight, baby, come for me,” Eddie moaned in your ear, grinding into you harder.
You gasped as his cock flexed and brushed against your g-spot, his pubic bone grinding against your clit; you saw stars as your orgasm washed over you. You bit down on Eddie’s shoulder to keep yourself from screaming as you came. Eddie gasped and immediately pulled out of you, his head barely out of the folds of your pussy as thick ropes of cum pulsed from his cock all over your twitching clit. You cried out and bucked your hips, instantly obsessed with the feeling of Eddie’s warm cum dripping down your cunt as the tip of his cock rubbed your clit and dragged out your release.
Eddie’s body went limp on top of you and he rolled to his side, taking you with him and holding you to his heaving chest. You lifted your head and held his face, kissing him softly. Eddie sighed and returned your sweet kiss, holding your face and peppering it with kisses.
You held each other and calmed down eventually, laying in silence for several minutes.
“Wow, well done, I’m usually so talkative.”
You snorted and grabbed a pillow to stifle your burst of laughter. Eddie pulled the pillow away from your face and you turned to see him grinning at you.
“I love your laugh.”
You held his face and kissed his nose and grinned at each other for a few more silent minutes.
You glanced at the clock and saw that it was almost midnight; then the phone rang and you and Eddie were yanked out of your bubble.
“Hey, it’s Steve. We’re all together and found some really weird shit, are you okay?”
“Yeah, trying to figure out if it’s better to try to rest or be on guard all night,” you sighed, rolling onto your back and wiping a hand down your face.
“Don’t worry, get some rest, both of you, we’re across the street at my house and we’ll keep watch, okay?”
“Oh yeah? He got binoculars that can see in here?” Eddie asked.
“Yeah Steve, you peeping?” you asked.
“W-what? No! I wouldn’t! Wait, what would I be-?”
Robin grabbed the phone out of Steve’s hand.
“Hi, Steve is stammering so get some sleep kids, we’ll come by in the morning, okay? Goodnight!”
The line went dead and you hung up the phone.
“We’re supposed to get some sleep, I guess,” you said, taking Eddie’s face in your hands.
“Yeah, I’m not really tired yet,” he said, biting his lip.
“Wanna find out if Steve has binoculars?” you asked.
Eddie giggled and kissed you, rolling over on top of you, “how would we do that?”
His hair hung down and framed your face, tickling you as he held himself up with his hands on either side of your head.
“Well, if we stay up all night doing things that would make Steve blush and then see him tomorrow, we might find out?”
“All night, you say?” Eddie whispered, kissing up your neck and capturing your lips with his, making you moan and arch your body up into his.
“Or until we exhaust each other, I guess,” you shrugged.
“Until we exhaust each other it is.”
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