#and be seemingly almost immune to such things most of the time
missy4176 · 21 days
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Matching Accessories: A Subtle Bond
Cale Henituse x Reader
Cale Henituse isn't the type to express affection overtly. His reputation as a laid-back, seemingly lazy noble who’s more interested in a quiet life than grandeur is well-known. However, beneath that nonchalant exterior, Cale deeply values the people he cares about, even if he doesn’t always show it in the most traditional ways.
When you and Cale first got together, the idea of a grand romantic gesture would have made him groan internally. Still, he’s not immune to the idea of having something that connects the two of you, something that symbolizes the bond you share. But it had to be subtle—something that wouldn’t draw attention but would still hold meaning.
One day, during one of your quieter moments together, you suggested the idea of matching accessories. Initially, Cale raised an eyebrow at the thought, but as you explained it further—how it wouldn’t be anything flashy or overly sentimental, but rather something simple and meaningful—he eventually agreed. The idea of carrying a piece of each other, even when apart, resonated with him more than he’d like to admit.
The Bracelet
You both settled on matching bracelets. They were simple, yet elegant—a thin, durable band of black leather, with a small charm engraved with each other’s initials. Cale liked that the bracelet was practical; it wouldn’t get in the way of his day-to-day life, and it wasn’t something that would attract unnecessary attention.
He would wear it under his sleeve, where no one could see it. But every so often, when things got hectic, or when he found himself thinking of you, he’d discreetly touch the bracelet, a small, almost imperceptible gesture that grounded him. It was a way to remind himself of your presence, even when you were far away.
For you, the bracelet was a constant comfort, a symbol of Cale’s quiet affection. Unlike Cale, you didn’t mind if people saw it. To you, it was a subtle way to share a piece of your relationship with the world, a mark of the trust and understanding between you and him.
The Ring
As time passed, another matching accessory found its way into your lives—a pair of simple silver rings. You didn’t even discuss it beforehand; it just happened naturally, as many things with Cale do. The rings weren’t fancy, just a plain band with a tiny inscription inside—an inside joke between the two of you that never failed to bring a smile to your face.
Cale wore his ring on a chain around his neck, hidden beneath his clothes. It wasn’t that he was ashamed or didn’t want to show it off, but he liked the idea of keeping it close to his heart, away from the prying eyes of the world. He’d absentmindedly fiddle with it when he was lost in thought or when you were away on your own missions. It was a small comfort, a reminder that you were out there, thinking of him just as he was thinking of you.
For you, the ring was a source of strength. You wore it on your finger, and every time you glanced at it, you were reminded of Cale’s unwavering support, his unspoken promises, and his quiet but fierce love.
The Pendant
The final matching accessory was a pendant, one that you both received from Raon as a gift. The dragon, in his innocence, thought it would be nice for the two of you to have something magical that connected you, and who were you to refuse such a heartfelt gift? The pendant was small, a gemstone embedded in a silver setting, with a protective charm engraved on the back.
Cale appreciated the practicality of the charm. It wasn’t just a sentimental piece; it had a real, tangible use—protecting you when you needed it. He’d occasionally joke about how Raon’s gift was more useful than anything he could come up with, but you knew he treasured it just as much as the bracelet and the ring.
When Cale had to go on a dangerous mission, you’d hold the pendant close, silently wishing for his safe return. And when you were the one in danger, you knew that Cale was doing the same, hoping the charm would keep you safe until you were back by his side.
Cale’s Quiet Affection
Cale Henituse isn’t a man of many words when it comes to emotions, but his actions speak volumes. The matching accessories you both share are more than just tokens; they’re symbols of the unspoken connection between you. They’re a way for Cale to show his affection without having to say it out loud, something he’s never been particularly good at.
Every time you see Cale subtly touching his bracelet, or fiddling with the ring on his chain, you’re reminded of the quiet depth of his feelings. And even though he’ll never admit it, you know that these small gestures mean more to him than he’ll ever let on.
In his own way, Cale Henituse loves deeply and fiercely, even if he doesn’t show it in the traditional sense. The matching accessories are a testament to that—a small but significant part of your lives, a constant reminder that no matter where you are, you’re always connected.
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frownyalfred · 3 months
thinking of superbat hours in my brain today and i'm on the topic of secret relationship superbat, because this is the most comedic-potential and angst-potential iteration for them. but i'm thinking of comedic potential version rn
(also side note - when you made a post on the kissing for immunity thing you said that you were ignoring the angsty implications (or smth like that about angst) and i genuinely cannot comprehend anything being angsty in that scenario??? what were you thinking of for that)
anyway, back to my thing. i'm thinking maybe clark speeds over to gotham at night sometimes to sleep with (both euphisimistically & not, bcs bruce needs all the sleep he can get and clark being the only one to be able to keep him safe while he sleeps is my jam), and leaves in the morning before anyone knows (ofc, alfred knows and idk if superbat would know alfred knows, but he would approve).
one morning, after clark's left, bruce wakes up sick - feverish, sore, headachy, nauseous, tired, the whole gamut - and being the idiot he is he simply. goes about his day. maybe he takes some tylenol or something but he definitely isn't a good example of what to do when unwell. and he almost goes out for patrol, with damian, but his heart rate spikes dangerously while he's suiting up and clark hears this (he is very attuned to bruce's heart even from cities away) and his Bruce Is Being Stupid Again senses go up (it's the spidey sense but bruce) and he speeds there immediately.
he finds bruce about to put on his gloves and cowl and is like "no, absolutely not" and stops bruce, who ofc gets annoyed and says smth like "no metas in gotham" and clark, trying to get him to stop, v tenderly brushes his hair out of his face and gently holds him and coaxes him into sitting down and resting, "babe, no, please"-ing him out of costume into regular human clothes, and giving him kisses (for immunity of course!) and calming bruce down.
he's going to drop bruce back to his/their bedroom when he realises that damian's seen them kiss so he thinks "oh, shit" but damian's more concerned for his seemingly-infallible dad being so sick. the next morning alfred wakes clark up for breakfast and thanks him for keeping bruce safe in a way alfred has never been able to. dadfred supremacy (dilf).
have a great friday today! idk if you work weekends but if you don't - have a good time off! if you do, have an easy day at work :)
oh I loved this!! thank you for sending it. as for the angsty microbiome post. I was thinking more about ways that having an alien microbe inside of you could make Bruce sick, or cause irreparable damage from an immune response. Or maybe change Bruce into some sort of Kryptonian/Human hybrid, but not a stable one. Or simply give him abilities or longevity that would change him beyond his comfort level.
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loser-writings · 1 year
Frieza SFW Alphabet
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Notes: First post in 3 years lets go! Decided to go to my roots and hit the old SFW ABC prompt I used years ago
Synopsis: SFW Alphabet Prompt list with my take on Lord Frieza
Word count: ~2900
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Frieza is not one for affection, and you would be a fool if you had expected anything more than that honestly. Despite this, He has his moments that surprise you. His main form of affection is subtle and easily missed, especially if you let your fear and intimidation blind you.
He calls for you to join him. When he is alone and finds it too boring, or if his temper had seemingly flared just moments before, he will call for you. Most should be afraid if this is the case, but not for you, because at this point he just wants your presence to calm him or to just have a chat with. This is his form of affection and although it isn't much, it leaves him satisfied.
The more rare forms of affection appear when hes annoyed with you. If you fail a mission or fuck up, he would shoo the other staff away and claim he would be "Dealing with you" without watchers. Though you are not immune from the harsh words of the reptilian man, he is just as quick to slide something that sounds almost like a backhanded compliment. One moment he's scolding you because a mission went awry, but the next he says that he sent you on it because he expected more from you and to not let his minions drag you to their level.
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B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
This is a slippery slope for most people, and you would likely have to remain on your toes just like every other crewmate. If you seemed to climb up the ranks or proved yourself useful, you might gain his attention. He might interact with you a little to see if you squirm under his gaze, or watch you if a fight breaks out among crewmates just to see how you handle yourself. If all goes right, then you might get the chance to be a little closer to the man.
If that chance happens, You would be one of the few to see just how paranoid that man is. Yes, he is a man who is unbelievably powerful with a strength only few could rival, and yet you would see where his true danger comes from. A paranoia that runs so deep that he is on edge all of the time despite attempting to keep a calm front. Though you'll never be able to mention that to him unless you wanted to be killed where you stood.
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C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
It's an interesting predicament because Frieza cannot stand physical touch. He cringes, snarls at the thought, and just despises it. On the flip side, He enjoys any warmth that he can find because of his reptilian nature.
The only way he would cuddle up to you is if you were extremely warm, nobody was at risk of finding him in such a position, and he was a bit more drained than usual. He would have to initiate the touch, only being drawn in because of your heat, and he might curl up to take a nap. Any little sound would wake him though, and there is a mild risk he attacks you out of impulse but hey. For the moment it's nice.
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D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
No. He will not stop until he is as powerful as he can possibly be. He will not cook because he views it as peasant work, and he would only clean if he is distracting himself by doing other things. He is not a domestic man.
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E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Death probably. If you broke his trust or if he decided you were no longer useful to him, he would just get rid of you and end your life. That way he never has to worry about you betraying him or helping an enemy. It's the safest as well as an easy option in his mind.
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F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Frieza is not one to look towards marriage as a sign of love or affection. If you wanted to be married just because, he would deny it. The only way you could possibly marry Frieza is if it was in the form of a business deal. A way to benefit him through giving him something through your hand in marriage.
His father on the other hand would be thrilled to hear that he would be married, but that is truly about it.
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G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
If you break the mold and actually gain Friezas trust, you would actually be able to see that he can be gentle. The man is elegant and holds himself to a high standard. There is a beauty in knowing that your touch can demolish worlds, and yet his touch can be surprisingly delicate when he is calm.
Now when he is upset? His grip can break bones and he will tug you around if you aren't listening. His words can be cold and even cruel. He is not gentle when it comes to his speech as he has no reason to sugar coat anything.
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H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He doesn't like hugs, but it's a similar deal with cuddling as well. He hates them and will not admit to liking them, until his face is buried in your body somewhere and hes clinging to you cause you're warm. The idea of being touched so casually makes his skin crawl but at the same time…he really likes the warmth.
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I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He likely wouldn't ever say it. The concept of love is something he has always been disgusting to him and has always been viewed by him as a useless weak spot. With that being said, the most I think he would say verbally is "I am fond of you" which is as close to love as that man will have.
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J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Frieza is a possessive man who doesn't like when other people play or try to toy with things he deems as his. Because of this, he is prone to being extremely jealous. He initially takes it out on you, accusing you of being unfaithful or being promiscuous but after some time of you proving your loyalty to him, he would instead turn this attention to others and take his wrath out on them.
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K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Friezas kisses come extremely few and far between. As a man who hates physical affection, the only time you'd find him kissing you is when his heat is right on the cusp of starting. During that time, he is more likely to engage in physical touch and affections to help relieve himself during that time. Typically he would end up smashing his lips against yours before whimpering against you all while his hands grip your armor tight. The kisses almost always start harsh and a bit sloppy only to melt into something a bit more gentle and needy.
Outside of those desire filled kisses, the only other time he would let you kiss him is when hes half asleep or cuddled up to you. If you're quick enough, you could plant a little peck to his lips and he wouldn't complain.
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L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He doesn't do well with children. They don't listen, They destroy things, and they cry a lot. To him, Children are weak little annoying fleshbags of life that serve no purpose other than to annoy him.
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M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
On the rare mornings where you wake up alongside him, you'll find him curled up on your chest since he craves your body heat. You'll have a hard time leaving since the reptilian man would grumble a demand that you stay for a moment since your warmth made him comfortable. After a bit of time, Frieza would wake up on his own and sit up, clearly not amused by having to be awake. That is how you discover that Frieza is not a morning person.
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N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Frieza typically are calm. He may call you to his chambers to discuss the day with you or talk about what the next day may hold, but after a while there is a chance that he would tell you to lock the door and stay for the night since he feels calmer in your presence. He might have tea made for you both so you can just relax and unwind. Rarely, itll result in Frieza cuddling into your body for warmth and falling asleep, but most nights you would both bid farewell once tea is done to rest on your own.
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O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Frieza is a man who only lets people know what they need to about himself. He lets his reputation do the majority of the speaking for him so when it comes to genuine discoveries about him, he is slow and cautious. It would take lots of time and trust for him to reveal how he truly feels about certain things or to know him past the surface level.
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P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
The man has some patience but it can be run thin quickly. He hates waiting for things when he wants it, and will make demands or be prone to having one of his meltdowns where people or things can be destroyed. Though his mood heavily determines this.
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Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Surprisingly, Frieza remembers a lot. The man listens to everything intently and would remember the little things, though he would brush it off by saying it's because he hates when people repeat themselves since it wastes his time. But the man would listen and be aware of what you said at all times.
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R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Though Frieza would never admit it out loud, I do think he would enjoy the very rare moments where he is cuddled into your arms just enjoying your warmth as he takes a nap. It's an oddly peaceful moment for him where he feels protected and doesn't have to be paranoid that somebody is trying to overthrow him or trying to kill him.
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S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He would protect you in ways that would be subtle. He would break up fights if you were involved and were being ganged up on, he would punish those who try to slander you, and he would go out of his way to ensure your safety on his ship. That being said, he also will not interfere if it becomes too commonplace or if its a minor skirmish.
As for larger battles, he would protect you if he didn't feel threatened personally. He would have to view you as an asset at this point and losing you to some goons would set him back. In the end though, he values his own life above all else so don't rely on him to sacrifice himself for you.
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T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Dates are something that he would not admit would happen, but there would be little moments where he would request your presence. He might pull you aside to share a meal as you both discuss things happening on the ship, or the next planet up for trade. He may request you join him as he goes to explore a new island because he trusts that you can hold your own alongside him if anything goes wrong, or that you would protect him if he doesn't want to get his hands dirty. They wouldn't exactly be high effort, but the fact he requested for you would be a lot for Frieza.
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U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He is very paranoid and can be accusatory. If he notices the smallest thing is off, he will get paranoid. At first, his questions seem like they're coming from a place of curiosity as he calmly asks you why something has happened, or about the new rumor he heard on the ship. If he thinks that you are lying or are hiding something, You can prepare for him to attempt to intimidate you, but after a while of knowing him though, you realize he is doing this as a way to protect himself.
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V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He is EXTREMELY vain. He takes extreme care of himself and values his appearance greatly, especially in his final "true" form since it is something few have seen. He goes out of his way to ensure that he looks both intimidating as well as beautiful.
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W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Frieza has seen so many come and go in his life so I don't believe he would feel incomplete if you were gone or had died, but I do think every now and then he would think of you and sigh a little since you did make his life a little easier when you were there. It would be small and a rare thing to have happen, but he would miss you for a moment before going back to whatever he was doing.
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X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Frieza suffers from PTSD because of the Legend of the Super Saiyan becoming true in front of him, which he knew deep down meant his inevitable downfall. This lessens as time goes on, but after his death at the hands of Goku, he could be triggered and have a PTSD episode. This usually leaves him shaking, wide eyed, and struggling to remain composed. he would be more prone to attacking impulsively in an attempt to just destroy whatever is threatening him at that moment.
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Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn't handle secrets well as he is too paranoid for his own good. If he believes you are being secretive or sly, he might approach it one of two ways. He will rather approach you and be upfront, asking you if you are hiding anything and if there is a reason why your behavior has been off, which is his way of giving you the opportunity to be truthful with him if you are misbehaving. Or, he will send spies to subtly watch and report back to him after your every move which may eventually lead to an explosive downfall on your end.
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Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Frieza sleeps on his stomach. His tail might sway a little in his sleep or wrap around something, but he always has to rest on his stomach. He also tends to find really warm areas to sleep in, so don't expect to be in long clothes anytime soon if you are resting with him.
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cooliogirl101 · 2 months
(Because I want Reina throwing the canon!verse into chaos)
"Absolutely not. I won't allow it!" Hiashi raged, slamming both hands onto the table.
"Unfortunately, we may have no choice. Konoha cannot afford another war at this moment." The Sandaime sighed, looking every single one of his years at that moment. "Not when we are still recovering from the Kyuubi attack."
"Still, what kind of precedence does this set? That we allow foreign nin to kidnap our children and steal our bloodlines, and yet we are the ones to pay retribution?" Inoichi asked sharply. "You say we cannot afford another war, but surely we also cannot afford to look this weak in front of our enemies."
"What Inoichi said. After what those bloodline-stealing, clouds-for-brains ninja tried to pull? If anything, they should be worried about us declaring war on them," Inuzuka Tsume snarled.
"This move buys us time while we build up strength," Utatane Koharu argued. She shot Hiashi a sharp look. "This wouldn't have been necessary had you the foresight to show a little restraint. I don't know what you were thinking, killing off a high-ranking Kumo nin with diplomatic immunity--"
"He took my daughter--"
"He was evidence--"
"Enough," Hizashi spoke up quietly. "If this will save lives and ensure the safety of the Byakugan, then I am willing. I can think of no more honorable way to serve my village and my clan."
"Try living," a new voice called from outside the doors, a split second before they opened and a vaguely familiar woman walked in. She was startlingly pretty, Hizashi couldn't help but notice-- delicate, almost elvish features, bluish-black hair tied up in a casual twist, deep blue eyes with a hint of mischief within.
Amidst all the ninja stiffening in alarm, Hizashi noticed Uchiha Fugaku letting out a low groan, pinching the bridge of his nose in an uncharacteristic display of emotion.
"Kobayashi-san," the Hokage said, eyeing her with...wariness? What was going on? "This is a classified meeting."
"Yes, you really do need to work on your security seals, Sandaime-sama, they're terribly outdated," she mused. "I do apologize for the intrusion but I admit to feeling rather worried after I overheard this esteemed council seriously consider handing one of Konoha's most valuable dojutsu over to Kumo on a silver platter." She clasped her hands behind her back, offering him a falsely bright smile. "As a tax-paying citizen of Konoha, you'll take my concerns into consideration, I hope."
Across the table, Nara Shikaku snorted at the blatant sarcasm in those words.
"Reina-san--" Fugaku growled. The woman--Reina-- waved at him cheerfully.
"Hi Fugaku-san! Mikoto-chan would like you to pick up some tomatoes on your way back. Sasuke-kun got into the pantry again, so we're out." She shook her head fondly. "That boy, honestly. I don't know what to do with him."
Next to him, Hiashi choked on his spit while most of the room stared at her in disbelief (with the exception of Tsume, who was currently stiffing her laughter behind a fist). With an abrupt start, Hizashi remembered where he'd seen this woman before. It had been a popular topic of gossip the past few days, when the Uchiha Matriarch had, seemingly out of nowhere, struck up a close friendship with a civilian woman who made a living decorating cakes and cookies.
Hizashi glanced at the woman standing calmly in front of them, having effortlessly broken into one of Konoha's most secure buildings, completely unconcerned by being in a room full of Konoha's most powerful and influential ninja.
If she was a civilian, he'd eat his shoes.
"We wouldn't be 'handing the Byakugan over on a silver platter,' girl," Danzo scoffed, narrowing his eyes. "Don't speak of things you don't understand."
"Oh? Because by my understanding, you were planning on sacrificing Hizashi-san's life for his brother's and just hoping the Caged Bird Seal does its job and prevents Kumo from utilizing the Byakuyan," she said sweetly. "The problem with that plan, of course, is that the Caged Bird Seal is an absolute atrocity and an embarrassment to fuuinjutsu, designed by someone who cared more about enslaving his family members than actually protecting his bloodline."
"The Caged Bird Seal is infallible," Hizashi interjected before he could stop himself, voice hoarse. It was infallible because it had to be-- because if it could fail, then his and his son's suffering meant nothing.
An unreadable expression crossed her face.
"Is it?" She asked softly. "Why don't you ask your son that?"
She turned towards the door.
"Neji-kun, come inside for a moment, will you?"
His son walked inside, forehead bare as the day he was born, and Hizashi's world shattered.
"How? How did you remove the Caged Bird Seal?!"
"What, like it's hard?"
"So you've proven that the Caged Bird Seal can be removed," Danzo glared at her. "That does not solve our problem; in fact, it worsens it."
"Danzo is right," the Sandaime agreed. "Kumo will still demand payment in blood and--"
"No, they won't." Reina tilted her head to the side. "Oh, I probably should have started with that. Yeah, they retracted their demand for Hyuuga-san's life, and send along their most sincere apologies for what happened, and their most sincere assurances that they had no idea their head ninja was planning such a thing, blah, blah, blah. You're welcome."
There was a long silence. It was the first time Hizashi had ever seen Sarutobi Hiruzen speechless. He probably would have enjoyed it more had he not been so focused on keeping his own mouth from dropping open.
"Um, excuse me. What?" Inoichi asked, sounding as gobsmacked as Hizashi felt.
"How the hell did you manage that?" Tsume exploded.
"Passed along a message?" Reina shrugged. "Although to be honest, it wasn't so much the content of the message as much as the method of delivery."
"Reina-san," Fugaku said, voice low and laced with dread. "What did you do?"
She grinned, twirling around a very familiar looking kunai-- one that Konoha hadn't seen in a very long time. Next to him, Hiashi drew in a sharp breath.
"Did you know A has one of these just lying around in his office? Probably in an attempt to deconstruct it. But oh man, you should have seen his face when I popped in!" She laughed. "Or should I say, flashed in. Never seen a man turn white so quickly! That was totally worth the motion sickness."
Kumo, after Reina breaks into their Kage’s office with an S-Class jutsu that was thought extinct but still gives like half the ninja world PTSD: I’m sorry Konoha, I wasn’t familiar with your game
(In Reina's world, there's like half a dozen people who know the Hiraishin, although obviously Minato's the best at it. Reina learned because after what happened with Obito and Rin, she wanted a way to teleport instantly to her precious people in order to provide emergency medical care (she also was on standby while Minato was developing it, just in case of any teleporting mishaps/he ended up needing any limbs reattached). She doesn't use it for combat though and dislikes using the jutsu as it gives her motion sickness. Kushina also technically knows it but doesn't have the chakra control to use it effectively. Kakashi and Orochimaru also know how to use it, and Minato plans on teaching Naruto one day as well. Which is a sharp contrast to the canon world, where the number is like zero).
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midnight-black2 · 5 months
Hiiii! I'd like to request Prompt 11 for Jann 🫣. Idk something probably after winning Le Mans; being all famous and stuff. Meeting reader on a neutral place like a snack bar or smthn. LMAO. Jann absolutely falling head over heels because reader is cute and nice and doesn't know him 😭😭😭😭
pairing : jann mardenborough x reader
synopsis : genuinely just what the req says
disclaimers : honestly none, just some nice fluff which is not common for this blog lol
note : sorry this oneshot got delayed so much ! also i did not see that you put *snack* bar, and wrote it for an actual real alcohol bar instead, im so sorry lol. anyways, hope you like it regardless !
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there was only one place jann could go to get away from everything. away from all the noise, people, and fans. don't get me wrong, he loved everyone who looked up to and supported him. however, there was a point where it all became too much.
the bar. the little one not too far from where he lived. the little hole-in-the-wall, quiet bar. there weren't many people that went there, and most of them were typically too drunk to even notice jann. either that, or they simply just didn't know who he was, which was refreshing. he didn't even go to drink, it was just that most of the time he needed a way out.
so that's where he found himself, walking through the door of the beloved bar. the owner greeted him. jann had been there so many times, that all of the staff knew who he was. jann waved, before taking a seat on a stool near the counter.
"hey, jann," noah, the bartender spoke.
"hi noah," jann said back. "slow night?"
"yep. its a good thing for me, though," noah replied. the two shared a small laugh. there was a moment of pure silence apart from the soft music playing in the background, before jann spotted in his peripheral a woman--you-- sitting and enjoying a drink. you were pretty, and it was odd to jann that you were sitting alone.
you glanced over, and met eyes with him. he almost immediately looked away, not wanting to seem weird, and also not wanting to draw attention to himself. you smiled softly. he seemed around your age, and he was cute. small tamed curls, caramel skin, dark brown doe eyes.
"hi there," you greeted, eyes scanning his body. he was tall, too. really the full package. his eyes darted back over to you, widening slightly at the fact that you had actually spoken to him.
"oh h-hi," he stuttered, blinking a few times to make sure he wasn't seeing things. he wasn't, a beautiful woman was sitting right next to him and did just say hi.
"here all alone?" you questioned, tilting your head to the side slightly. he cleared his throat, in a fruitless attempt gather himself, and some confidence.
"uh, yeah. how about you?"
"yeah, same. i come here for the quiet, and a good drink," you said with a soft smile. "would you like some company?" he grinned slightly, and nodded.
"yeah that would be...that would be really nice actually," he replied, looking down at his hands. you moved to the seat beside him, before taking a sip of your drink.
"so, what's your name?" you asked. he was a bit surprised, not entirely, though. you didn't seem drunk, so he hadn't expected you to disregard him. however, it seems most people at this bar were immune to the news or something because he could finally be a normal civilian here, without anyone knowing who he was.
"jann. yours?"
"Y/N," you responded, reaching out a hand for him to shake, and he happily did so.
"so, what brings you here, since you seemingly don't want to drink," you ask, taking another sip of your drink.
"oh uhm, i come here because it isn't so busy, or loud. i come to get away for a bit, you know?" he explains. you nod.
"i do know. i love this place. it's like the only spot where i can breathe," you said back, smiling. jann noticed you had nearly finished your glass.
"would you let me buy you another?" he queried, nervously.
"another drink? no no no, i couldn't possibly. this was expensive, i'd feel so bad."
"it's not a problem, really." and before you could protest again, he had already ordered another from the bartender.
"you're sweet, jann," you started, and he softly smiled at the compliment. "i like you."
"t-thanks. i...i like you too," he said back, fingers fidgeting a bit.
"so, what do you do?" you asked. he grew even more anxious that you'd find out who he was, and it would ruin this all.
"well uhm, i'm a race car driver..."
"what? like, actually? like you're not screwing with me?" you asked, unbelieving. he chuckled, and shook his head no.
"nope, not screwing with you, i really am, promise. sounds weird, right?"
"no, not at all. i totally meet race car drivers all the time at random bars. it's my typical friday evening." he laughed.
"well, what do you do?" he asked. you explained your job, with this sort of passion. he could tell you did what you loved, which made him fall even more for you. you had this glint in your eyes, and this huge smile on your face. he had never seen someone so beautiful.
"w-wow," he said, after you had finished speaking. you tittered.
"yeah, it's not quite race car driving, but it's what i love."
"no that's amazing. it really is," he replied.
"you're too flattering."
"well i...i think you deserve it," he said, and your smile widened. you gazed at jann, admiring him. he was so kind, and he had even gone out of his way to spend money on you. he was adorable, at the very least.
"thank you," you finally said, keeping your eyes on him. he swallowed.
"you're welcome." time had passed as you two were simply chatting about anything and everything. it was nearly eleven pm before you had decided to call it quits. jann was partially disappointed, but he didn't want to hold you captive or anything. he noticed you pull a pen from your purse, and write something on a napkin.
"call me sometime," you had said, before exiting the bar. on the napkin was written your number, with a heart next to it. he felt his heart flutter with excitement.
turns out the quiet little bar down the street had another pro, too; a kind, pretty lady named Y/N that spends some time there.
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐤𝐲𝐚-𝐢𝐬-𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐥
𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐲? 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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highstakeweights · 26 days
The Blue Heron
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A place for the odd few who aren't satisfied with just gambling their finances away. The Blue Heron offers a thrill like no other, with the promise of riches and your wildest dreams if you play well enough. The catch, you may ask? Petty things such as cash, expensive jewelry, or other tangible assets are useless to those who already have all they could want and more. No, The House only accepts much more personal stakes. The buy in for a game of poker could be a cherished memory, the love for your favorite food, or... a few inches on your waist~.
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The Blue Heron is not only a casino, but a resort as well. While it has extremely pleasant facilities, the more one indulges, the greater their tab. The House is strange, fickle, and often vindictive. Yet, people still keep coming, even though some may never leave~. It isn't just The House you have to worry about, but the eccentric staff here to make your stay as memorable as possible. Dealers, bunny girls and boys, and food you never remember ordering lurk around every corner. All there to help you have the best time possible! Though, some want to make sure you'd never even think of going back to your boring life...
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Meet Madam Diana Welstrom Anatolia Rhysford Mihaly, or Madam D for short. The Maître d' for The Blue Heron, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and that both guests and staff have a pleasant time. She ensures that there isn't any mischief afoot... At least, not of her own design. While bearing the title of master of the house, she laughs at the notion of being truly in control of everything around The Blue Heron. Her attention is usually focused on her cadre of bunny girls and boys, running a tight ship with little room for error. Beauties bashfully bursting out of their uniforms is a common sight when Madam D is personally overseeing their work. However, she has been known to don one of those skimpy suits herself to show her blubbery bunnies how it's supposed to be done. Regardless, she's far tubbier than any normal woman, and is known to throw off almost any gambler's groove with her enlarged assets.
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Another common sight around The Blue Heron is Walter Romanov (no relation to those you might be thinking of). Walter usually handles any affairs relating to the plethora of dealers, bartenders, and kitchen staff. Like Madam D, he is strict, though he lacks her occasional playfulness afforded to diligent workers. His expression is always neutral, regardless of the situation, and his every move is done with unnatural precision and grace. Regardless of his stoic nature, he can still be seen threatening to brush both sides of a hallway with his hips, not immune to the effects of The House. Though, he is a peculiar sort in that his weight and size can seemingly change on a dime. And, he has been seen helping out Madam D's bunnies when they're particularly short staffed or overworked. Yes, Madam D does make him wear the outfit.
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Finally, the most recognizable and enthusiastic bunny girl under Madam D's employ, Tracy Burns. Compared to the other staff, Tracy is by all accounts just a normal girl working as a bunny girl. Though, anyone who works at The Blue Heron is still far from what many would consider normal. And... Well, her proclivities make that statement rather apt. Despite being a fan favorite among many who frequent The Blue Heron, Tracy is often quite the thorn in Madam D's side. The ditzy blonde is always eager to see herself and others grow bigger. Outgrowing her uniform before the start of her shift on numerous occasions, she resorts to using pasties and bikini bottoms that cover precious little when the need arises. If she didn't generate so much guest satisfaction, Madam D would have turned her into a human food disposal long ago...
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Of course, The Blue Heron has many more eclectic characters calling it home, but best to pace oneself when avarice could very well be your undoing~. Don't bother trying to find your way here uninvited, The House is very picky about who it welcomes inside. Though, you'll certainly know you're welcome if it wants you there. Once it has its sights set on you, it will never let go. Even if you make it out once, twice, five, ten, or even a hundred times... The House always wins~.
(First attempt at an rp blog! Likes and reblogs appreciated, asks always open, and more than happy to do scenes! Still very unfamiliar with all this, so I please ask your patience and understanding!)
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i kinda wanna know what goes down when darling finds out about the database on her. like we know yves is never gonna make a mistake, he's always gonna have things at home under control, but what if darling is just THAT nosy (me tbh) HAAKKALZKAKZ ANYWAY WELCOME BACK HOMIE
Maybe, you finding out about his database is intentional. Yves knows best, after all. He knows that you're not above snooping around his office even though he expressed that it's rude and he does not appreciate you invading his privacy. He is a massive hypocrite in a sense that he finds it unnerving to have anyone else collect information on him like how he collects yours.
He collected enough information to know that you would either be flattered to know he is paying attention to you so attentively that he is willing to invest an exorbitant amount of time and resources on you, or downright disgusted at him. If Yves deems that your reaction to him figuring out his well kept secret is positive (to him), he might even leave hints and clues for you to eventually discover his vault on your own. Even then, the dossiers that you discovered may still be a decoy, to keep you complacent and feeling somewhat secure in your privacy.
It really depends on your personality and how likely you are to react, and what will be the most effective method of making you stay happy with him. He could, weep prettily and apologize sincerely if that would make you feel better about it. He also could stay silent, put on his best poker face and let your anger fizzle out on it's own. Yves has years of experience bargaining and negotiating his way out of trouble and into getting what he wants. He could double-down on his decision and make it as if he isn't in the wrong at all, making you feel embarrassed that you perhaps 'overreacted'. he is horrifyingly good at doing that. He would definitely reward you for backing down.
If you have a particularly short attention span or memory, he could use that to his advantage and distract you with something else, I'd advice you to take a good, hard look at your medication if you take any. Take a look at your prescription glasses, your eyesight isn't getting worse or better. You're not losing your hearing, pay attention to the hidden speakers all around his house, it's playing something that you cannot hear.
The lights aren't bothering you but it doesn't mean you should ignore the fact that it's not irritating. The temperature seems to be perfectly fine, "nothing" wrong. It feels so much easier to breathe here, strange. Time feels different in his home, it almost doesn't feel linear. Some days it's harder to move around on your feet, some days it feels like a breeze.
And these aren't just coincidences, if Yves can control the small, seemingly insignificant things, he can easily puppet massive ones; such as, manipulating your perception of him collecting years worth of classified information of you. His words, he is a master of words. He picks his vocabulary and sentences structuring very carefully.
Before you even realize it, you're beating yourself up for being nosy and impolite instead. Or you might find his obsession with you is something normal and nothing to be upset about, so you drop the subject and drop your concerns. You've been brainwashed and you haven't had the slightest idea.
You might think you wouldn't fall for his mind games, and that is exactly what he wants you to think. Maybe you're a bit more humble and you know you're not immune to indoctrination. He would still want you to maintain that belief in yourself. Whatever you may think, it is beneficial to him.
No one calls him the reality bender for nothing, Yves' mind spins fast and you cannot keep up with him. He is always a mile's worth of steps ahead of you. It doesn't matter if he made mistakes, he is an adult, and can always clean up after himself.
But did he really make a mistake, though?
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OMFG I KNOW my dad went way the fuck up north to some buttfuck frozen nowhere military outpost for a while. And I am realizing now that this means that his appendix removal might really actually have been precautionary. I could have sworn he maybe said it was when we asked about it as kids, but I have also been told multiple times we "don't do that" because unnecessary surgery is unnecessary risk, so I must be lying or mistaken...
Somehow thinking my dad got to skip the appendicitis part of having his appendix removed pisses me off a little. Mostly because I asked my doctors about removing mine for precautionary reasons, due to what I thought was "family history" a few years before it actually acted up. I was concerned that -given the way the medical system treats me- I wouldn't be taken seriously and they'd just let me die telling me it was a menstrual cramp or something. Which they DID!
Btw, they tried to send me home multiple times, treated me terribly during the actual scan and test [kept pushing on it really hard, seemingly fucking vindictively], rushed me into prep for surgery in a big panic, yelled at me for saying "ouch" too loudly when they shoved a needle in my arm without warning me [just held me down and shoved it in], and then got distracted for over 10 hours or something with a heart patient or three, while the nurses periodically came across me just being left in a desolate hallway [abandoned, lights not even on, randomly int he hall with no one around] and rushed off in a panic each time because my appendix had looked ready to burst, or something happened during one of their tests, and I was supposed to have surgery hours ago, but had just been left in some hall. Wherever I was it absolutely wasn't protocol, and I was barely conscious and unable to do anything to seek help, the drip they shoved in my arm without asking had some drugsTM in it.
I woke up being told it was lead bird-shot that had blocked off my appendix, but it had to have been ingested more recently than I was claiming or "you would have lead poisoning by now :("... They did not check for lead poisoning, even though one of my main complaints was that I had been having nasty abdominal cramping all month [a common symptom of lead poisoning], and I had only eaten a bird that was shot on a farm once in the past 10 or more years. I also had scars that were in the wrong place and looked like they originally tried to go in to treat an ectopic pregnancy, but had to pivot once they were inside to actually remove my appendix... Almost like I only got in because they had me confused with another patient. They claimed it was because my appendix was too swollen to be taken out the normal way??? I think they just fucked up.
And all of that could have been avoided when I was like "hey my immune system is known to cause issues with swelling pathologically over very small tissue irritations, and I have a family history of appendicitis, and I get ovarian cysts all the time, could we maybe remove my appendix now so that later something that gets brushed off as a cyst doesn't just suddenly fucking kill me??"... They could have been like "yeah that makes sense as preventative medicine in this case" instead of being like "no we have to just wait and see and if we let you die then that's what happens :)" And they tried so so so so hard to let me die so I couldn't complain about them trying to send me home or otherwise mistreating me I fucking swear,
And the thing that pisses me off the most is that I think the reason they tried so hard not to even bother checking me or running any tests is EXPLICITLY because I went in saying "Yeah I think this is my appendix and it's been acting up all week and now I am experiencing tunneled visions and symptoms of shock" and then later went on to "too perfectly" describe the symptoms of lead poisoning... Doctors hate that. They despise when you walk into their office and already know the diagnosis, and these doctors were willing to let me die for it, until they called in an extra surgeon [the new surgeon was nicey's and cleaned up their fucking mess. He saved me despite whatever disorganized bullshit was going on in that hospital that night].
It has been over 10 years since then and I STILL haven't gotten a doctor to agree to check my lead levels. They have really done their best to make sure I can't possibly sue anyone over what happened.
My dad also got a cool grey streak in his hair from having his out, which is, apparently, common, but I never did... But then, who knows, maybe he got sent because he already had his appendix out and whatever he told us as kids is unreliable even if I remember it right.
Anyway if someone with ovaries wants to get their appendix removed for precautionary reasons, I think they should be allowed. And I think it should be covered. If men going to the arctic can have it removed "just in case" of the supremely remote fucking chance of it acting up while they are there specifically... Young afabs+ should be able to get it out for the incredibly higher likelihood that they will be told appendicitis is "just cramps".
Give me the stats, give me the stats on men or women who have had appendicitis and died of it on one of these trips, or had to operate on themselves, before this ruling, vs the young women+ who were left to die of appendicitis being told they had cramps and should shut up... Go ahead and get me the stats I'll wait here while you explain why one is justified and why one isn't.
There is always this assumption that someone like me can "deal with a problem when it comes up :)" or "cross that bridge when we get to it :)" because someone will for sure see the symptoms, accurately diagnose it and treat them properly, once they are too sick or unconscious to advocate for themselves.... When that is simply not the fucking reality.
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loving-azerath · 1 year
König who's always so quiet and seemingly shy in front of your friends and teammates, but the second the door closes behind you, He's the cockiest, most condescending freak. He blindfolds you with his mask and does whatever he wants to you 🧍
CW: Degrading, praise, edging, forced eye contact, Konig being a cocky little shit
MDNI 18+ only
It was a night you had begged your boyfriend for. A night that he actually came along and met your friends. Hung out with them. You knew if he gave them a chance he would love them. They would love him. You had wanted him to at least try. So you were ecstatic when he finally agreed to attend the bar with you and your team tonight.
Practically jumping off the fucking walls.
You spent more time getting ready, not wearing anything too fancy. A red thin strapped sundress. Though you missed the look of pure raging desire burning behind heavy lidded eyes. You were too excited.
The bar was a local one, you were well known there as you were always there after work with your team. The group of men that striked fear in anyone dumb enough to mess with you. Spark desire in any woman who glances over their uniform and guns strapped to thighs and hips. You seemed to be immune to their charm having worked with them so long.
Konig shook their hands, a strong grasp but otherwise silent. Trying to make himself smaller. He hated social gatherings. He hated people. He hated the risk of saying the wrong thing trying to translate them. Knowing on multiple occasions he has said the worst thing he could have.
“So this is Soap, and then Gaz” He shook his hand, both Soap and Gaz looking up at the man and then back to each other with the same thought. “Then this is my boss, Captain Price, and that is my other superior Ghost”
“Hear ya a Colonel” Captain Price says, trying to start polite conversation. Konig nods and sits in the seat beside you, slouching yet manspreading to make himself appear shorter. Less intimidating to your friends. He watches the way you interact with them. A small part of him trying to pick up on hints. Wondering if you are into any of them. Though when every time you laugh you glance at him to make sure he’s having a good time too. Your hand remaining in his under the table. The way you still call him your pet names even in front of them had him sure you knew who you belonged to.
“Konig, I’m surprised you are so quiet.” Gaz says, he is doing his best to be the outgoing personality of the group. Though doesn’t quite understand the social anxiety aspect of things.
“Ja, I am not one for uhh..talking” He says, “I enjoy listening to mein Schatz”
“She’s so social, the difference is jarring” Soap replies, you laugh and squeeze his wrist under the table. Hearing his breath hitch. It’s when you realize both of his hands are on the table. You pull your hand back, hoping it went unnoticed.
“He’s socially anxious. He doesn’t talk much” You say
“Oh so like you’re scared of people? My sisters mate had something like that” Gaz says, Konig shakes his head.
“I hate people. Most of the time. Not scared.” He corrects, “I have exceptions.”
“Like Y/N, can’t say I blame you. We weren’t really welcoming when she first got here. Now she’s like our little sister” Soap says, receiving nods from the other guys.
Konig did his part. Being polite yet still uncomfortable talking with everyone. It was almost sweet how shy he was being. Not that you were unfamiliar with his silent tendencies. How he spent most of his time watching you as you spoke. His eyeline traveling down your body in that sinful dress. How dare you wear something in front of him so delicious and not be in a place he can fuck you in. His eyes linger at the hem that bunches at your thighs. They linger at the pudge of stomach that he swears makes you in sundresses that much hotter. His hand moves to your thigh squeezing it hard enough to tell you he is ready to go home. You get up.
“We should head out, he has work really early” You say “Colonel duties”
“Night Y/N” the chorus of drunk men rings. He is almost rushing out of the door. Waving at their goodbyes and nice to meet you’s.
The ride home is silent. So silent that you worry If he is mad at you. If you had said too much. If you were too loud. If you had said something that embarrassed him. You were also a little nervous to ask, not wanting to argue with him in the car. He always drove a little less safe. Not on purpose just not being able to focus when he’s arguing with you.
Though as you get to your house, he still opens your door for you. Wordlessly. You open your mouth to say something but shut it as he walks away to the front door. He would give you the silent treatment sometimes when he had too many thoughts on his mind. Attempting to figure out how to vocalize them. It wasn’t anything you weren’t half used to.
He unlocks your front door, gesturing silently for you to go in ahead of him. So you do stepping in and as soon as the front door closes it is like a switch goes off in this mans head. Grabbing you by the waist and pulling your back flush against the front of him. His massive hand moving up your body and to your throat. Not squeezing but resting.
“ooh  mein liebling, you have no idea what you wearing that dress does to me” He groans “All I could think about all night is having you”
You whimper at his other hand moving around and taking a handful of your breast. Fingers trailing over the fabric and finding the bud beneath.
“Oh I’ve wanted to hear those sounds. Klien maus, upstairs now. I’m not waiting any longer” he commands, releasing you. You don’t need convincing. Moving up the stairs with him on your heels. You took too long and he ends up scooping you up anyway. Throwing you over his shoulder. You squeal and kick your feet as he carries you up the stairs and through the open space.
“You wore it on purpose. I know you did. You wanted this cock so badly you needed to tease me this way, liebling? What a mistake that was. I’m going to fuck you until you can’t take anymore” He tells you, the confidence you have grown so used to in the privacy of your own home leaves you on fire. He’s so damn cocky. He knows his dick is like a drug for you. He rips off his beanie and his sniper hoodie. Leaving the balaclava under. For now. He basically drops you on the bed, you look up at him, needy and practically pleading with your eyes. He chuckles.
“Oh sweet Schatz, You want this cock so bad don’t you? Look at you, practically panting for it” He coos kneeling in front of you. Laughing at your neediness. “You want to watch your greedy cunt swallow my massive cock?”
“Ko” You whine, he laughs again
“You don’t get to watch klien maus” He says taking his sniper hoodie and covering your eyes with it. It’s large enough that he can tie it in the back and he lowers his mask kissing your lips when it’s tied. You moan into his mouth at the touch. His hands trailing lines of fire ignited skin up your legs. To your thighs before a hand slips under the hem of your dress. He whimpers at the realization he finds under there.
“Schatz, you did not wear panties under this dress tonight? What a dirty Schlampe you are” He says, the blindness is so hot but so nerve wrecking at the same time. Having to only rely on your ears to find out where he is. What he is going to do. You feel the absence of his warmth, and want to whine for it. Though knowing him, it might not be a good idea. He would just make you wait longer. Knowing he can push you and push you and you would wait for him. You feel his lips on your skin. On your thighs and small bites on the soft inner thigh. You whimper at the feeling his hand reaching for your chest. Pushing you down flat against the bed.
You feel him push your dress up to right underneath your breasts. His lips never straying from their torturous kisses. He would kiss around where you wanted him. Where he knew you wanted him. You were panting and half crying for him to just fucking touch you. Give you an ounce of pleasure.
“Beg for me Schatz” He moans against your thigh leaving another love bite. Your breath hitches at his words. How did he turn into such a cocky little shit?
“Please Ko”
“Better than that.”
“Please Colonel. I want it so bad. Please, I’ll be so good for you” You say, he chuckles to himself wetting his lips with his tongue as he finally kisses right next to the spot you want him. You groan out frustrated. “Konig please!”
He laps you, slowly and softly and your fists close around soft sheets instantly. The feeling of his tongue against your folds drives you insane. The way he takes his time with you. The way he eats you like it’s the last meal he will ever have. Moaning and whispering praise on your taste and moans as he devours every bit of you. Your back arching at the pleasure, breathing becoming erratic and uneven. He lifts up. You whine at the absence.
“Konig” You whine
“Shush, I’ll make you cum on my time. Not yours” He says, “I need to prep you properly”
“Can’t we just skip it this time?” You plead, his fingers finding their way to your core. The feeling making you jolt.
“You know better than that maus. You know I’m too big for your little cunt” He says his fingers thrusting into you unforgivingly. The wetness he created allowing him to thrust into you with so much ease. Every pump pulling delicious sounds from your lips that he practically drinks up. Using it as his air. “Oh fuck you are so wet for me”
“Your fault” You moan, he laughs
“Oh I know, I know just how wet I can make you Schatz. No one will ever be able to make you this soaked.” He boats. You cocky little-
He pumps hard into you. Adding a third finger and stretching them. You. The gasps fill the dead air along with the lewd sound of him finger fucking you. Stretching you as much as he can to prep you. You walls begin clenching around his fingers and he notices. Smirking down at you as he removes his fingers. You open your mouth to complain and he shoves those fingers into your mouth. The taste not foreign. He loves this, does it every chance he has.
“Look at you, enjoying your own taste like the klein schlamp you are” He says, your stomach flops at his words. Your breathes shuttering with your arousal. You feel the tip of him and buck your hips to get closer, which makes him move back. “Nein, when I am ready”
You moan against his fingers which still rest in your mouth. He returns his length, rubbing the shaft against your wetness. You are jolting at the feeling. Panting against his fingers and whimpering. The tip of him touching the entrance of your escape and he has to control his breathing. Still allowing a moan to escape his lips as he pushes into you.
“Fick, meine gott you are so fucking tight around me” He moans lewdly, the whimper behind his words drives you further into this cock induced madness. He still goes slow, far too concerned about hurting you but knowing you enjoy the torture anyway. As soon as he sinks down to the hilt he thrusts back into you. Refusing to give you the time to adjust. The feeling of him stretching you to the fullest you think you can has you shaking already. His rhythm unforgiving and relentless. His own moans fueling a tightness in your core that begins out of no where.
“Oh fuck Ko” You moan your head tilting back. He pulls out. Refusing to let you orgasm yet. You let out a frustrated cry at the emptiness. “Ko, please”
“Look at you begging for me. What would those friends of yours think right now? If they heard you begging this way? Acting like a bitch in heat. Acting like an addict for my cock” He asks, you let out a long whine the thought of it was so wrong? What would they think? You were such a strong personality, begging and sobbing for a mans cock wasn’t something you would do. You wouldn’t either, Konig just brings it out of you. “Beg some more, I want to hear it maus.”
“Please Konig, I need you right now. Please, please. I’ve been so good” You cry he shakes his head rubbing small circles into your clit. Mewling and trying to grab his hand to keep it there but he slaps your hand away.
“I decide. Not you. Hands off” He tells you.
He pushes back into you, putting pressure on your lower abdomen, cursing in german under his breath about how fucking good you feel. “So good for me, maus. Such a perfect fucking cunt for me”
He moves your legs against your chest, bending you almost in half as he slams into you. His hands holding your legs still with bruising pressure. He feels himself rising, the hour he has spent in this position fucking you into the universe. Stars explode across your darkened vision, super novas take over your being and buzz behind your face. You sink lower and lower into a whimpering pleading mess. Konig moans loudly, proudly, hoping that anyone walking by will hear how good he fucks you. How good only he can make you feel.
“Louder for me Schatz, I want the neighbors to hear how you call for me” He growls with a moan behind the last few words as he fizzles into cursing in german at the heaven you are welcoming him into. The salvation he feels he earns when you are wrapped around him. You follow his directions.
“Oh FUCK KONIG! Yo-Fuck- so big” You basically sob
“Good fucking maus. Be such a good klien maus for me” he moans, his pace becoming sloppier and harder. He rips off the blindfold, leaning over you and holding your face in his giant hand. He could leave bruises this way too, but he’s more careful with your face. “Look at me maus, I want those eyes on me when you cum on me. I want to watch you lose yourself”
The forced eye contact sends a tight ball of tension through your stomach, lowering and tightening further.
“Oh fuck” You grind out, mewls and pants following shorty after. It feels so fucking good it brings tears to your eyes.
“Look at you, making a mess all over the bed, your thighs are drenched liebling” he coos
“Feels so good”
“Be a good klien maus, cum on this cock you love so much. Show me how much you love when I abuse your klien fotze. Do it for me” He moans, his own resolve burning through as he becomes more desperate for you. He needs to feel you tighten on him before he can let himself finish. “Bitte bitte, I need to feel you clench on me. Bitte bitte Schatz, bitte”
His voice almost turns to pure whimpers as he dissolves into a puddle of need. Need to watch you thrown on the cliff of your orgasm he has neglected to give you. You were ready and he could see it written all over your cumdrunk and over stimulated face. The way your face moves in pleasure to each thrust, the way your stomach rolls with your knees touching your chest. Though he needs to be closer. So he releases your leg, pulling your ankle around his hips. You get the hint and wrap your legs around him. His eyes roll at your moans, the pleasure and the sounds you make sustaining him. He could live this way. He could die this way and be happy.
“Bitte I need to feel it”
The orgasm rips through you, unraveling the tight ball in your stomach. Releasing all the pleasure. Profanities and his name falling from your lips. Tears of pleasure dropping down your cheeks. The sight and your walls closing around him that with on deep shove into you he is pumping ropes into you. Filling you so full that it leaks out of the side. He releases your face, a gasp escaping his lips as he pulls out of you.
“You took me so well” He says as he helps you clean up, when both of you are ready he pulls you close to him in your shared bed. Kissing along your shoulder and your head. Your cheek. “You did so good for me. Danke”
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snezus-christ-risen · 5 months
I am both pleased and ashamed to debut my En//canto fixation (and primary source of dopamine) to the world. About a month ago, after having watched the movie for the forty-eighth time (#momlife), a thought crept into my mind later that night (and I’m blaming the edible for this one): has anyone ever made this Bruno guy sneeze? I knew from the moment I took to Google to find out that I was already in too deep. So I wrote a little something myself, for myself. Part II to follow if this hyper fixation doesn’t burn out and die before I get around to finishing it.
Stubborn Things, Part I - Aperitivos
(Part II - https://www.tumblr.com/snezus-christ-risen/748150063515287552/back-blessed)
Colds were stubborn things. Notoriously incurable, it’s only natural that they would pose a challenge to the woman who could heal almost anything. To Julieta, almost anything was an evasive mental itch, a thorn in her side, one elusive combination of ingredients away from becoming everything. What did it matter how many bones or tendons she could mend if she couldn’t even conquer the sniffles?
Julieta was a stubborn thing, too (and maybe, maybe a bit of a perfectionist). She resolved to solve this puzzle if it took the rest of her life. But that was, God willing, quite a few years yet. Her brother was sick now.
Ay, Bruno. Su conejito extraño. He was another thorn in her side (but how she’d missed him so!). So much like her Augustín at times that it was alarming, except Bruno’s chaos was more… deliberate, governed not by butterfingers and left feet, but a seemingly insatiable drive to push himself past his breaking point as often as possible. Despite having developed a robust immunity to most things (owed, in part, to a lifetime of keeping close company with rats), he was particularly susceptible to catching colds. Naturally, this made him the perfect lab rat for his sister’s culinary experiments. Julieta wouldn’t deny that she subjected him to a lot over the years, but nobody ever claimed the field of medicine was without its sacrifices.
Bruno was late to breakfast that morning, which was unusual. Since his return, he was always the first one at the table, so eager he was to make up for lost time with his family. Alma was in the middle of asking Antonio to go check on his tío when her son shuffled in, looking just as pale and tired as he did when he first emerged from the walls. Not that he ever looked particularly healthy. Coupled with the fact that his visions were known to sap his stamina, nobody thought to question his appearance. Bruno quietly apologized for his tardiness, then sat down at the table and cleared his throat a few times, covering up the sound of his fist knocking against his chair. Julieta heard a hint of something in his voice, something that kept drawing her attention back to him as the meal progressed.
Only a few minutes had passed before he scraped his chair away from the table, burying his face in the sleeve of his ruana to stifle a volley of sneezes. A pair of rats dropped to the floor before scurrying away. The conversations around the table ceased abruptly, giving way to stares and scattered blessings. Bruno sniffled, withering under his family’s collective acknowledgement.
“Sorry! Sorry…” It was unclear if he was apologizing to them or his rats.
Camilo resumed (or perhaps never stopped) his reenactment of the argument he had witnessed at the market that morning, talking quickly and switching rapidly between faces in a way that reminded Julieta of cards being shuffled. Her nephew had been so eager to share what he saw that nothing else seemed to register for him. She flicked her gaze back to Bruno as he returned to the table, looking upset with himself for having interrupted. He reached instinctively for the salt cellar, but then met his mother’s eyes and withdrew his hand as if from a flame. It swung around to grip at his left arm instead. Julieta recognized this as a self-soothing gesture, except this time Bruno’s fingers were digging into his arm.
“Are you feeling okay, tío?” Dolores asked, having lost interest in her brother’s story a long time ago. “You’ve been sneezing all morning.”
Bruno shot Dolores a look of betrayal so dramatic he could have been performing a scene from one of his telenovelas. While he was distracted, Julieta seized the opportunity to reach across the table for his forehead. “Are you getting sick, manito?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” Bruno said, dodging her hand and sliding down in his chair. He started to pull his hood up, but when Alma cleared her throat in disapproval he yanked it back down again, sitting up straighter. “Really, I feel great, I’m just, uh… still getting used to the air out here, you know.”
Nobody seemed convinced, least of all Bruno himself, but nobody challenged him, either. At least, not until he interrupted Alma during her morning rundown. He had just enough notice to stutter out a breathless apology and twist away from the table, crushing his fist against his nose. Julieta winced as he stifled two sneezes into silence without a breath in between. She kicked her brother under the table, frustrated by his stubbornness, and mouthed stop it. How many times did she - did they all have to tell him not to do that? Bruno blinked, looking dizzy and indignant at having been cheated out of his usual pattern of three sneezes. His retaliation efforts were less than successful; Julieta saw him bite his lip to hold back a curse as his foot struck the leg of the table instead of her own.
Alma, wearing an impassive expression, cleared her throat and waited patiently for her grown children to settle. While Bruno was preoccupied with his body’s latest betrayal, she casually brushed his curls back from his forehead to rest her hand there. He looked at her in stunned silence, breathing more quickly than usual through slightly parted lips.
“Bruno is unwell,” she stated matter-of-factly as she withdrew her hand, then held it up to cut off his objection. “He will remain in Casita today so he can rest.”
Julieta was surprised; Bruno actually had a few appointments lined up for this morning. Their mother never used to let something like a cold get in the way of her family’s obligations to the town. They were all still getting used to this new Alma, who, while not perfect, was learning to see the benefits of resting and recovering over crashing and burning. Julieta sat up a little straighter, wondering how much further she could push their luck.
“Mamá, if it would be alright-” she began, and Bruno, apparently aware of where this was going, started shaking his head.
“Uh, no, nope, not uh,” he said, rapping his fist against the table with each syllable.
“-I’d like to stay here too and test out some new recipes-”
Bruno continued to shake his head. Julieta closed her mouth and frowned, genuinely wounded by his fervent refusal. “Do you have so little faith in me?” she asked, and that was all it took for his protests to melt into praise.
“Juli, you are incredible, and you know I know you can do anything, I’m just… .” He swallowed nervously as she eyed his untouched plate. “Full? So full. I, uh, ate earlier, you know, I’m still getting used to the new schedule, well, I guess the old schedule, and besides, and most importantly, I’m not sick, so it would b-be a w-waste to… heh!”
Julieta prided herself on being the most mature of her siblings, but something about Bruno always called her inner child out to play. She just couldn’t resist the urge to tease when the opportunities presented themselves. Catching a glimpse of Pepa across the table, smirking as their brother’s breath hitched helplessly, only egged her on further. “Perdona, a waste to what?” Julieta asked, fully aware that providing clarification in his current state would pose a challenge.
He surprised her by squeezing his eyes shut and holding his breath before forcing it back into a steady rhythm. She had never seen him do that before - a technique he learned living in the walls, perhaps? Had he been doing that for the last ten years to avoid detection? Julieta was impressed with his self-control, but she could imagine how unsatisfying it must have felt to deny his body something it desperately needed to do. Bruno didn’t look like he was going to sneeze anymore, but he did look ten times more miserable than before.
“Disculpe…” He sighed it more than spoke it, then sniffled again, wincing at how wet it sounded. “I forgot what I was saying.”
“Ay, mijo.” Alma passed him her unused napkin before waving her hand at him, directing him to turn away from the table and blow his nose. She then turned to Julieta. “You will stay with your brother today and see what you can do. I’m sure Mirabel would be happy to bring your food into town. We have those new herbs that Isabela grew. Perhaps they’ll do the trick for your…” She paused as Bruno blew his nose, then looked at him pointedly. “… purposes, today.”
He gave a little cough as he crumpled the napkin in his lap. “I suppose I don’t get a say in any of this.”
Julieta shook her head and he huffed out a sigh, grinding the heels of his hands into his eyes. He seemed resigned to his fate. Good. That would make things go a lot more smoothly for the both of them.
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truthinlifetarot · 2 months
What Do You Need In Love?
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How to Pick a Pile? Some of us focus on the image that seems to call to us most, some intuitively choose regardless of picture. Don't overthink it. Choose whichever pile you feel called to. It may even be more than one!
Gif credit: @thiscoldheart & @omgpankaj123
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Pile 1: You, my dear pile 1, need someone who is strong in ways that you are not. Their strength might be an area that you are weak in. Their skills might include patience, ambition, and grace. You need to be able to depend on them without feeling like you need to check behind them. You need to feel completely safe with someone who you feel lucky to be with in this life as an equal.
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Pile 2: You need someone who can be spontaneous and thoughtful. You need to feel known in your relationships. If your person can show you that they took the time to truly know who you are and then act on that knowledge (without you spelling it out), they would have your heart. You need an almost youthful spirit who is immune to the seemingly increasing negativity you see in the world.
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Pile 3: You need someone to completely shake up your world. Not in a dramatic way, but in a realistic way that you can slowly but surely believe. You need someone who can be all the things you need and all the things you haven't dared to want. This person is the kind of person who is usually unseen and unassuming, but who ultimately fits with you easily.
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tornrose24 · 1 month
Regarding crystalization in that Disney Resident Evil Village AU (God, I can’t believe I made that a thing. Mickey have mercy on me.)
-Quick refresher/in case you aren’t familiar with it-
In the games, crystalization occurs when an opponent is usually killed, calcified, and then their remains are turned into crystals. However, I’m going for the version that was used on Zoe and Rosemary where you aren’t killed, but you are turned into a crystal and can be resurrected.… as long as you have enough of yourself to be reformed. Of course, that’s not something our main bad guy is going to let people know, so a LOT of people are going to get traumatized in this story.
Ok, here we go…
-Pre Village-
-Bill Cipher (attempted, but failed)-Belos attempted to crystalize Bill numerous times, but given the MASSIVE cocktail of ingredients Belos used alongside the cadou for Bill, Bill was rendered immune. He found that hilarious and made sure to let Belos know. However, Bill managed to locate the megamycete and nab some of its powers for himself before he was taken out of the village…
Upon his death, his body was too far gone to be crystallized. It calcified almost instantly. (Kind of fitting, considering his fate in GF…) Yet, before he died, he decided to get some stealth revenge on Star by leaving a certain amount of mold within Marco…. And kept a secret from Star…
Dipper Pines–While Bill infected most of the Pines family (save Stan), he let Dipper try to help Star for a bit out of some amusement and to allow some false hope. However, the boy proved to be an actual threat, so Bill triggered the mold within Dipper. Because Bill didn’t have much mastery over it, Dipper was only partially crystalized and was able to keep a mostly human form. Still, it was enough to further piss off Stan and motivate him into saving his family.
–Before Star entered the village–
Marco Diaz–Was captured by Belos and brought to his church, not knowing that the mold buried within him was developing and growing stronger over time–and given that it came straight from Bill, the potential was near limitless. Belos knew he finally had his vessel, but he realized he would ensure two things in crystalizing Marco. One was that it would ensure the ceremony would be a success. Two was that Belos had a way to get rid of the four houses, so he gave the lords the flasks along with a warning–if the flasks left their grasp, they would be punished in a way they would not see coming. He separated the boy from his sister and thus crystalized him.
-When Star is in the village–
Numerous villagers/the goofycans– While some villagers had been secretly evacuated (including the friends and families of two of the ‘daughters’) others were not so lucky as these bizarre monsters rampaged through the village and infected many. While Star tried to avoid fighting them as best as she could, there were cases where she had to fight, and many ended up crystalized and were shattered. Yet strangely, even if these creatures tried to bite Star, their infection wouldn’t spread to her for some reason…
Ok.... This is where people will likely start sharpening their pitchforks and come after me–
-the castle overlooking the village-
-Globgor–Eclipsa made it clear to Star–who had been trying to maneuver her way through the castle–that she could not let the girl roam free on her property, and when Star got too close to the room where the first flask was hidden, Eclipsa mutated and attacked.
Globgor–realizing that his wife was willing to kill Star if it meant keeping her family safe (even if that was the last thing she wanted)–tried to save the girl, who only wanted to find her friend and get him and his sister out of there. Unfortunately, Belos was closely watching somewhere hidden and–deciding to motivate Eclipsa–triggered Globgor’s crystallization. Eclipsa was forced to watch as her beloved husband–someone she fought so hard to save–seemingly died before her eyes.
Eclipsa–Mistakenly assuming that Star killed her husband, Eclipsa flew in a fit of rage and attacked Star once more. As the battle wore on, Star ended up in the room where the flask was kept. Eclipsa was eventually too injured to continue on and realized she was fighting a losing battle. Eclipsa–not wanting to lose her daughter too–promised Star that she could help her stop Belos, but Belos went ahead and triggered Eclipsa’s crystallization, though she had enough time to plead for her daughter’s safety and dropped a clue regarding the flask’s importance.
Yet there was something that baffled Star–why did Eclipsa mistake her for her mother and asked about her?
While Belos attempted to crystalize Meteora, it didn’t work–Meteora had powers, but no cadou inside her to manipulate. When Meteora–alongside Mariposa–was given to the strange, helpful merchant  Star befriended, he agreed to keep the infants safe, alongside the crystalized forms of Meteora’s parents.
-The house beyond the cemetery–
Molly–While he managed to sneak Molly’s friends and family out of the village, Scratch was not able to send Molly away unless it raised suspicion. Determined to not let an even worse fate befall the girl, Scratch locked her up in his house and went all out to traumatize Star when she managed to enter the house, and hoped to drive her out. Yet Star freed Molly and revealed to her that she just needed the flask and would gladly leave the both of them alone. Determined to protect her friend, Molly agreed to help find it.
When Star was able to locate Scratch’s real, living body, she threatened the spirit that she would drop it off the cliff if he didn’t give the flask over. Scratch refused and Star… made good in her threat, much to his horror, forcing him to save himself before he could become a ghost for real. Meanwhile, Molly came to give Star the flask, but once it was passed into her hands, Molly’s fate was sealed. While Scratch was quick to return, saw this happen, and tried to get the flask back, it was too late. Belos kept his word and Molly was crystallized before her friend’s eyes.
Scratch–He gave up.
There was no point anymore.
After all he had done to try to keep Molly safe in all the time he knew her, he failed and lost the only thing he had left in his life that he cared for. He truly had no reason to remain on Earth.
In his despair, Scratch handed his flask to Star and accepted his own fate. His soul was forcibly reunited with his body which crystallized.
-The house on the lone isle–
Eda–of the four lords, Belos had a very personal grudge against Eda. She was descended from the woman who stole his brother away from him, and–in Belos eyes–was responsible for Caleb’s death. He had been waiting for the right time to enact his revenge upon the Clawthorne bloodline, and now he had his chance.
However, this was something Eda had been preparing for. She knew she wouldn’t be spared from her fate, but she ensured that Luz–thanks to the use of titan DNA mixed with her cadou–would be immune from crystallization.
Eda put on a hell of a convincing show to make Star think she was a bad guy and didn’t hold back when her mutation activated. She had made sure that Star could easily find her flask long after Luz was forced to secretly evacuate with King. When Star grabbed the flask and avoided getting killed by Eda, Belos all too happily activated Eda’s crystalization, not caring if she was Caleb’s something-great-granddaughter.
As she crystalized, Eda regained her sanity long enough to declare that she screwed Belos over–she knew who he truly was to her, and she and her family would get the last laugh in the end. She laughed until her crystallization was completed.
Elsewhere, Luz and King revealed themselves to the merchant–King’s father. The father and son were overjoyed to be reunited, and Papa Titan thanked Luz. He promised her that her mother and friends were safe, and advised her to stay with him and the others until it was time to reveal herself.
-The factory beyond the fields (no I’m not doing THAT jingle, this isn’t meant to be funny here)-
Vanessa–While lacking in a cadou, Belos had secretly given Vanessa slight quantities of mold over the years to try to improve her own powers, unbeknownst to her father. While he was unable to crystalize Meteora, he was sure he would have a better success with Vanessa.
While she could have escaped with her mother, Vanessa correctly predicted Doof’s fate and stayed at the factory. After Star spent time trying to maneuver her way through the factory–with each room practically a death trap–Vanessa confronted the girl and used some of her father’s creations to fight back. When that didn’t work, physical force was required.
Surprisingly for Star, it appeared Vanessa was actually going to defeat her. But Belos did not want this and triggered Vanessa’s crystalization. Horrifyingly, it worked–Vanessa was too infected with traces of mold to be immune to the process, unlike her youngest ‘cousin.’
Doof–He had known for too long that he was the least favored of the lords, having no powers beyond being able to create his machines and being able to survive what should have been horrifying injuries. He had planned to rebel against Belos at the last second to deny him a victory and was so proud that his daughter might actually be able to defeat Star when everyone else failed.
Upon seeing his daughter’s fate, he snapped. He was going to MURDER Star before he could get to Belos and brought out his greatest ‘inator.’ A mechanical monstrosity that would crush the girl to death. However, Star had a very unexpected ally on her side who snuck into the factory. Someone that–to her surprise–the enraged inventor was more than familiar with.
Upon finding a vehicle to use, Star had something to combat the final lord. His anger and his hubris in the match proved to be his undoing, and Star landed the final blow. To add insult to injury, Star’s ally found the final flask he delivered it to her before Doof’s eyes.
Belos triggered the seemingly final crystalization upon Doof…. But not before he could curse out everyone who wronged him.
However, there was one more person Belos needed to eliminate… an unknown fifth ‘daughter’ that only he was aware of… That ‘daughter’ was none other than–
Star–Once upon a time in the village, there was a chef beloved by all, whose daughter was friends with the young Lady Eclipsa when her mother had control of the castle. A sickness spread in the village and when the daughters of both the chef and lady were at their deathbeds, Belos gave them cadous as well as the same type of DNA. One girl gained powers, the other did not, beyond a change in her appearance. Having no desire for two of the same lords, Belos cast the chef’s daughter out of the village and left her for dead, while her mother was already dead. Yet the girl escaped, grew up, married, and had a child. A child who carried those powers, which would not develop and manifest until they were exposed to the mold that Bill brought with him.
Star was the child of Moon–the lord who never was. She was the unknown fifth ‘daughter.’
Belos separated Star from anyone who could help her and laid out his plans in full to her, while also revealing the truth of her lineage. However her purpose had been served–thanks to her attempts to save Marco, her ‘aunts’ and ‘uncles’ and half of her ‘cousins’ were gone. He revealed that he was indeed behind the crystallizations of a ‘family’ she never knew and could of had.
With her purpose done, Belos triggered Star’s crystallization and left her for dead while taking the flasks back…
…Yet did not know that Luz had not been crystalized and had been hiding and overhearing EVERYTHING. He also did not know that Luz was taught how to reverse the crystallization process, but she only had enough time and power to spare for one person. So Luz came to collect Star–as well as the final two crystalized ‘family’ members–and took her back to a certain caravan where a merchant was waiting…
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xandertheundead · 9 months
Drabble: Sick
(I have the covid so I'm really spitting these out. Have more Bird Boys.)
It was funny how three birds of a feather could be so very different.
One was how the three of them got sick.
Donald, unsurprisingly, got sick the most often, but never anything past a light cold. All the duck ever really needed was a night with his humidifier and a glass of orange juice at every meal and he was right as rain within twenty-four to forty-eight hours.
It was remarkable how his immune system caught something so fast but then just as quickly sent it on its way without too much fuss.
Sometimes he would use cough drops, but José suspected that it was more because he liked the disgusting flavor than Donald needing them.
José came in second in the running, sick less often than Donald, but much worse for wear when he did get sick. No matter what, if he caught something it was awful. His sinuses were always congested, his nose ran like a faucet and his body ached for at least two days. 
Donald and Panchito had learned after the first few times that when José got sick he could be a bit mean or as Donald so lovingly put it ‘bitchy’. It was not his fault that when his head felt like it was stuffed with cotton, his body hurt and he could barely breathe he may have said one of two things that could be viewed as hurtful. Panchito and Donald never really argued that, they would just share a knowing look over José’s shoulder as if he didn’t know what they were doing.
Though the one time he had called Panchito a ‘Cock-sucking cock’ for strumming his guitar too loud while he was trying to nap and had been mortified upon waking up when he remembered. 
Still to this day, Donald will sometimes call Panchito that or the rooster will even refer to himself with it and José always wants to bury his head in the sand.
But when José came down with something, there was always a routine he would follow whether he was on his own and at home or with others. It started with tea. José’s kettle would work overtime anytime he got sick, boiling water for all different types of teas that José drank greedily even if they didn’t taste good. 
He would then make himself a huge pot of black bean soup, or ask Panchito to make it once they started living together and survive off that until he woke up feeling like himself again.
Panchito rarely ever got sick, he boasts his rustic upbringing with all the fresh air and such boosted his immune system to where almost nothing can bring him down. It wasn’t a lie, Panchito was hearty and healthy three-hundred and sixty-four days of the year which made him the main caretaker when the other two got sick.
Then there was one day out of the year when something latched onto the rooster that his insanely strong resistance to sickness couldn’t shake and that was it.
The first time José and Donald had experienced Panchito getting sick they had panicked, calling for an ambulance and rushing Panchito to the hospital because the day before he had a slight cough, and then the next he was unresponsive.
After that first time, Panchito assured them that he was fine and that was what happened when he got sick. It took one more trip to the hospital and two more times of Panchito seemingly dying and then rising from the dead for Donald and José to believe that Panchito might know what he was talking about. It was always strange when it happened while they were on tour, the car and hotel room usually filled with Panchito’s loud voice, singing, and guitar playing only for it to be almost silent with him being sick.
It wasn’t like Donald and José just sat in silence when Panchito was down. Still, it was undeniable what was missing after having a normal uninterrupted conversation at a regular volume for the entire day. The quiet wheezing breathing from the bed or backseat being Panchito’s only contribution to their conversations felt uneasy and wrong. Medicine never seemed to really do anything so Donald and José stopped trying and would just wait until the second day passed.
Panchito being sick worked like clockwork…
Day One: Panchito would have sniffles or a small cough and mention that he felt a little off, which was their warning to get ready.
Day Two: Complete blackout. Where Panchito fell asleep, that's where he stayed. No eating, drinking or even using the bathroom. He just slept while having a fever and sometimes soaking through the sheets with sweat.
Day Three: Wake up, eat some food, hydrate, shower, and then snuggle with whatever willing person he could grab (usually José but sometimes Donald didn’t mind).
After that, he returned to his usual self as if nothing had happened.
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basketballanonsblog · 11 months
Amidst the darkness (you were my light)
TW: s***ide and self h**m references
You sat in your office, overlooking the city. Almost everyone had left for the day, and really you should too.
But you can't bring yourself to go back to an empty house.
In your world, soulmates existed. When two soulmates find each other, they glow and only the pair of them can see it. The thing was, when one turns 18, they don't age until they meet them.
You however, were over 200 years old and you were so, so tired.
A knock interrupted your thoughts, as Mina, your secretary, peeked in.
"Hey y/n, just letting you know that I'm heading home for the day."
You smiled at your friend.
"I thought you had already left Mina! Go, go! And say hi to Chaeyoung for me." She returned your smile before leaving you alone once more.
Chaeyoung worked in your company, but in a different department. You recalled the day she came for an induction and had made it to the same floor as your office. Mina and Chaeyoung saw each other, and the rest was history. You remembered seeing this in front of your very eyes and while you couldn't see their light, their expressions gave away what was going on.
You were so happy for them but you still couldn't help but cry in anguish when you went home that evening.
You envied them.
Another thing that should be mentioned is that you are practically immortal until you meet your other half. Out of everyone, you knew that the most.
That's actually how you met Mina, who found you standing against the railing of a bridge. You tried so many times to just put yourself out of your misery, not caring that it hurt every time you tried.
Immortal but not immune to physical pain.
What good was it, if you have a business empire, with anything you could want at your fingertips but no one to share it with?
You shook your head clear, before you spiral into miserable thoughts before making your way out.
The cool air greeted you, and you momentarily closed your eyes. Only opening them when you felt something land on your foot: a handkerchief, unknowingly dropped by a woman walking past.
You picked it up, and hastily moved towards her.
"Excuse me miss! You dropped your..."
Said woman faced you, and all of a sudden you couldn't breathe. Time seemingly stopped and all you could see was green.
A green glow had enveloped you both.
She reached for it, and you shivered when her hand touched yours.
"Hi...I'm y/n."
"I'm Jeongyeon. It's nice to finally meet you, y/n."
Her soft voice almost made you cry, however, despite the overwhelming feelings you were experiencing you couldn't help but smile genuinely; something you had not done in so long.
A smile that was gently returned.
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cursedfortune · 4 months
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It's easy to just go, "Haha, her spell of regeneration is so capable" but I like to think about the nuances of it. The amount of years it took to become desensitized to cuts, bruises, being stabbed, shot with various projectiles. And even with that, she isn't immune to pain - she has just grown to have a very high pain tolerance. To the point she can become maddened/manic by either feeling almost nothing or when she is still experiencing pain in combat. There's no winning.
Being set on fire still hurts her. Between the trauma of what she endured from a young age to the fact fire is effective, it has been something she cannot truly become desensitized to. Just endure. Fire, like acid and certain venoms/poisons, constantly push back on her spell. So it's just a matter of her spell winning out over time or her taking care of the passive damage.
I don't write this as 'Mortem can't feel pain for the most part' but more-so, 'Mortem can feel pain, she's just hardened to a lot of it'. Softer touches and gentle things she notices instantly because that's not the norm. You may as well be touching raw nerves. She is used to a harsh touch but not fingers ghosting over her forearm. The effect it has on the nerves differs from what she's used to.
When Mortem forged her spell of regeneration, it was her in her youth. She accounted for a lot of aspects to it, but certain nuances and consequences still made it through. Her spell gave her a high metabolism which should make her warm, but constant cell regeneration contributes to her feeling colder to the touch.
Mortem may have built a terrifyingly useful spell, but it has a single weakness that can be exploited and undo everything. That being said, despite this spell, it is really because of her willpower to endure and overcome that has made her into such a formidable force.
When she realized her physical limitations, she took to integrating aspects of the beasts that dwelled within her forest to empower herself. Her abilities are primarily to serve her purpose and not be offensive, but she has pushed herself to be able to weaponize herself because the world needed the witch to fight. Because some souls had to be put to rest despite not wanting to. If it's something needed for her purpose, Mortem can adapt to learn it. Sometimes it's a permanent change to herself, like tattooing an open gate to all energy/magic on her chest. Other times it's temporary abilities she borrows by forging a spell and then relinquishing it once her spell is cast and done with.
The entire subject of Mortem being desensitized with many kinds of pain and her being sensitive to lighter touches is also especially important. It ties into her core ability of energy manipulation - which involves the soul. Souls and bodies are interwoven, what affects one will affect the other so varying degrees. It has been an ugly journey. At times, it was her soul that willed her to become desensitized to pain. At other times, it was her body being in such agony that maddened her into numbness until desensitization was forced upon her. A lot of this was done at the hands of witch hunters or her enemies in war - a portion of it, however, she did to herself in order to experiment and learn her own limitations.
Witches will always be products of the world state and in return, the world state will be a product of witches. She will become whatever is needed to carry out her specific purpose, no matter the morality or how seemingly impossible it is. It may sound like there's a lot Mortem can do, but that's not at all accurate. There's a lot she has the potential to do, but that doesn't mean she can do it unless there's no alternatives. She can't do elemental magic beyond calling a storm, but if she needs it - she'll either have to get help or forge a spell.
There's a running joke that Mortem loves heights and wishes she could fly, but her purpose has no reason for such an ability. So she just SIGHS over it. If there's no reason, it serves no purpose to her directive. Everything Mortem has done to herself has been carved into her, it's tattooed across every inch of skin that's not visible with her usual dresses. Everything she has done to herself is linked. Stacked. It makes it difficult to topple her over but if one ever learned the way to, the entire thing known as Mortem would come crumbling down and shatter.
While her strengths are very useful that doesn't change the fact the consequences for her abilities exists. If you learn what to do and manage to succeed defeating her, you can absolutely one shot Mortem out of the realm of the living. It was audacious she made these rules for herself but it was necessary. She isn't immortal. She doesn't want to be immortal. Her spell if good, it keeps her alive to serve her purpose. But she is part of the wheel, the cycle, the natural balance. Being fallible is that. You can imprison her, hurt her, put her out of commission temporarily or permanently - all of this matters in how she designed herself. She is a reflection of the world's needs and later the needs of the cosmos. Which is all the more reason her nickname is the Bride of the Universe (which she doesn't approve of still lmao).
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kob131 · 2 years
I really cannot emphasize just how excellent the reveal of Type ORT truly is.
The creature has been hyped as THE strongest being in the entire Nasuverse, matched only by the likes of Arcueid using the absolute peak of her power when her using the bare minimum still made her monstrously powerful. It has never directly shown up in any fight beforehand, only being mentioned in supplementary materials. All that’s known is that it has the ability to warp it’s surrounding to be like its home, which to anyone familiar with the lore of Nasu’s works knows this is already fucking insane.
At this point in time, Chaldea has killed literal fucking gods at this point. They defeated a divine King Arthur wielding a mystical lance. They killed the original mother Tiamat. They defeated the Demon King Goetia. They took down the bringer of Ragnarok himself, Surt. They fucked up about half the Greek Pantheon. They just got done blasting the fuck out of a walking god corpse that threatened to destroy the entire planet with world rending curses. At this point, no one would be surprised if they could take on anything. 
Of course, ORT is mentioned as being vastly more powerful than Chaldea. Even more powerful than the Foreign God aka the strongest of the Evils of Humanity. But given human being’s issues with scale that large, your average player isn’t gonna think it’s THAT bad. Surely everyone is just exaggerating, right? I mean, hell. It’s revealed in the first chapter that the Storm Border is basically a giant fucking Excalibur at this point so surely we can win!
And then some dumbass decided the best idea possible was to blow up a chunk of the planet. 
The soul of the planet, Gaia, screams in pain.
And the Ultimate One of the Oort Cloud rustles.
‘People die’ isn’t enough to convey what happens. The ground is covered with the bodies of the jaguar men you’ve been fighting. Nemo fucking died out of nowhere, during to dust. You see a shot of the planet outside, with about a fourth of the thing blown into bits.
And during all that, this is what you see.
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This fucking...thing. You have to fight it.
And right before that happens, the last thing you see before the party selection is this.
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The Foreign God, btw.
And the horror doesn’t stop there. ORT’s battlefield is a gigantic crater caused by its awakening. You’re fighting on a barely intact little island. Debris and embers are flying up in slow motion, as if ORT’s sheer power is influencing gravity itself. 
ORT’s HP bar is 1 million with a white break, rigged break bar underneath. The first of its kind. ORT’s class is Foreigner, obvious yes but said class is treated as a Beast class threat by itself due to the sheer power the Foreigners possess. ORT attacks by its body flashing and then green orbs connected to branches appearing and exploding with AOE damage. Any Servant that dies in battle turns into green crystal and is seemingly absorbed by ORT. The battle music is thus droning, oppressive but also strangely, unnervingly calm tract. As if to say that this creature does not see you as a threat.
But most creepy of all- ORT’s movement in the background is almost...calm. Just gently going up and down in place. Almost like...it’s sleeping still.
But hey, melting through 1 million HP isn’t too hard, especially with defensive options like Jeanne and Caster Arturia as well as all the stupidly powerful firepower you have. ORT doesn’t even have any boxed buffs- it won’t be that hard. And so, you blast through that 1 million HP, breaking open that health bar-
-Only to see a lightshow of nine differently colored lights freeze in mid break before becoming nine new Break Bars, with the next one having 10 million HP. (Note: Even including the Super Recollection quests, no enemy in the game has a total of 10 million HP or more. This is ORT’s second health bar out of ten.) Oh and the boss gets an ATK boost, full NP gauge every tick and Debuff Immunity on break. You can break the second Break Bar. Difficult but doable. 
To be met with a health bar of 100 million. 
And to make this all darkly hilarious?
A. ORT never uses any skills in battle. It only gets Break Bar effects. The thing isn’t even using any planinng or advanced tactics- it’s just hitting you.
and B. ORT is Level 1. This is Type ORT at it’s weakest.
ORT has been known as the single strongest being known in the Nasuverse. And everything in it’s appearences proves it.
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