#and creating my own content makes me so happy
gilbirda · 2 days
Personal coach Red Hood
Idea by @impyssadobsessions where Jazz needs a personal trainer from a gotham hero and chooses red hood. Eventual ship content. This is more of a setting so far but i have ideas. I accept ideas too, im just balling
I'm going to try a more chill and lax posting with this bad boy. I feel like my rigid way of organizing is making me feel restricted so this will be 1000% vibes and let's see where it goes.
Jazz knew this was a stupid idea. Dangerous. Suicidal, maybe, depending on who would answer her call. But she still had to try.
You may be wondering how a twenty something young woman ends up following Gotham heroes around with a notepad. She wasn’t looking for an autograph, or for the latest scoop on the heroes, trying to uncover their secrets.
She was actually writing down their patterns and observations in behavior, trying to map their patrol routes and create a decent enough file and expectations of the heroes.
What did she need the information for?
She needed a personal trainer.
No, not the kind you hire at the gym. She already tried that and it didn’t work. She also tried MMA, and kickboxing and just to see if she could do it, Judo. All were interesting and gave her a pretty good picture of what her body was capable of, and a guesstimate of her physical limitations.
But no. She needed something else, something more… tailored for what she actually needed the training for.
She needed to intern with a hero. The term “sidekick” felt wrong for what she had in mind, since she didn’t want to be that hero’s trainee forever. Or was interested in the current superhero scene at all. They were doing just fine without her.
She just… she felt left out. Danny was amazing but he didn’t need her, not as much as she would have liked. He was a hero, and a pretty good one, but he wasn’t in any place to train her. Not that he wanted to, since he usually avoided her every time she brought it up.
Her baby brother was all grown up and he didn’t need his older sister anymore. 
Jazz shook her head. She was being ridiculous. Danny would always need her — she just needed to do her homework and keep up with him on her own. If she just trained enough and could hold her own in ghost fights, she was sure Danny would be grateful and appreciate her support. Who knows, maybe he would be happy that he didn’t need to be wary of ghosts day and night, and actually rest and focus on his neglected studies.
She yawned, lamenting another night that looked to be a bust. Maybe the heroes were busy tonight? Maybe they were on a big mission away? Unlikely that all of them were away, there were usually at least a few of the Bats flying around the city.
Why Gotham, you may ask? Of all the funny-dressed crime fighters on Earth, why these people? 
They were human.
That piqued Jazz’s interest. She had been between the Arrows and the Bats, but finally chose the Bats because Gotham had one perk over Star City: unlimited supply of ectoplasm. The place was almost as coated in the thing as Amity, which she was grateful for. It saved her from going back and forth to places rich with ghost activity and fishing blobs to eat.
Don’t ask too many questions about the consuming blob ghosts part. It was a necessary evil.
However, it’s been a few months and all she got to show for her efforts was a notepad filled with scribbles she painstakingly copied to her computer and a lot of frustration.
Until one night she caught Red Hood alone as he checked his phone. She waited until he was done texting — she had manners thank you very much — and jumped in front of him before he had the chance to grapple away.
“Hi— oof.” 
Thanks the ancients for her reflexes and Judo training, she blocked Hood's punch and following kick. It would probably bruise but it wasn't the end of the world.
“What the fuck?” 
“Hi,” she tried again, “I'm Jazz.”
He didn't punch her again, which she took as a good sign. Instead, he took a step back and squared up like he was expecting a fight.
“I’m not looking for a fight,” he scoffed but let her continue speaking, “I’m looking for… I guess you’d call it a mentor? That sounds weird… A personal trainer? No, that’s wrong too. Hm, I wonder if there’s a word for ‘person who is the only one that can teach you very specific information in a field of interest that legally, or otherwise—’.”
Red Hood cleared his throat, making her jump.
“Are you for real?”
“Yeah? I am real.”
Hood looked at her in silence for a few moments. Then, he sighed and rubbed one gloved hand against his helmet. 
“Listen, girl.”
“Jazz,” somehow she got the impression he grumbled, but the voice modulator did its job really well, “I have things to do, ok? Crimes to stop and stuff. So… yeah. Goodnight.”
He turned around and picked the grapple gun from inside his jacket.
He jumped and misfired the gun, hitting the wall of the building instead of the roof, like he was supposed to. As the gun recalled the rope, he looked over his shoulder at her. Jazz understood he was glaring at her, she could feel the daggers on her skin.
“Hear me out, ok?” He didn’t move or said anything. “I need— I have tried hiring a trainer, at… back at the gym. You know? But that wasn’t enough. I think I need to train with an actual hero—”
“Listen,” the word was accompanied by the hook of the grapple clicking into place, “whatever it is you are looking for, you definitely are not going to find it with me. So. Scramble.” 
He made a shooing gesture with one hand and aimed the gun without looking, shooting it and amazingly enough, hitting the edge of the rooftop. He made a salute as he was launched to the air at high speed.
Jazz didn’t follow, mesmerized by the skill. Hood landed with a flip and without breaking momentum, started running to the next rooftop, jumping impossible lengths. The way he moved was confident, powerful and measured.
She wanted to do that. She needed Red Hood to train her.
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nighttimeoracle · 2 days
🌈Based on your talents, what business should you launch?💰🪙
Hello! I hope everyone is doing great. I'm going through a phase where I started wondering if I wanted to go back to work for an employer, or even if it was worthy after I've acknowledged all my potential and the fact no one would ever pay for the real price of my work. Aquarium era is hitting me harder, and I bet you too are feeling this call to reach financial freedom. We deserve it.
I want to contribute with your awakening.
Please take a deep breath, focus on what's in front of you and pick the picture you feel more attracted to.
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Pile I → Pile II
Pile III → Pile IV
🌱Pile I🌱
OMG, pile 1, you are so kind and empathetic that people want to open up to you and ask for your opinion/advice on topics such as recent breakups, petty fights with mom, best friend betrayal drama and so. Even though that's not the main purpose for them going into your store/business. If you weren't an entrepreneur, you could've been an excellent therapist since your serene demeanor and polite speech would make others believe they are speaking to a good friend. You show you care for what you are being told by providing meaningful replies, and I could swear people go crazy over your attentive gaze. Some of you are natural, others are really good actors (no one is to be judged here). Your patience and warm personality real or not sells, people could purchase anything from your business if you are the one assisting, which can be a boomer if you are aiming for leaving someone else in charge and doing the counts behind the scenes, knowing you are one of the best sellers.
You could own a coffee store given how good you are at building spaces where people will gather and feel safe. Not only that, you can create beautiful settings that will make others immerse in a new world like the tea room from a dollhouse or within a Monet painting. You will succeed at making them distance themselves from real world's problems, thus they could be more open to speak about something that feels so far away. To be honest, I don't think everyone that chose this pile would identify with this business idea. For some serving, cooking and simping chai latte over the daily gossips feels like a waste of their potential. You guys are right, another part of group which's artsy in nature is more aligned with fashion, beauty, and textiles. But I swear you all have the potential to manifest large amounts of money in one sale. I didn't have to crack my head open thinking about what type of business could allow that as designing is your strong suit. You are a master when it comes to making colors, fabrics. and whatnot march. A small part of this group loves sweets and how food can make others happy, therefore you could settle down for having a bakery and specializing on wedding cakes. However, some of you are contemplating the idea of running a drift or wedding dress store. For the ones willing to work with the brides, I assure your business will do well. You have the patience of a Greek hero going against the gods' will, so I see you nailing sales that took plenty of your time and energy.
I hope this reading was to your liking♡. I'm offering paid readings about this topic here. You can find more free content on my blog.
🌱Pile 2🌱
I didn't know "giving a fuck" was a talent until I drew your cards, dear pile 2. You are strong people, you don't care if others start hating you for doing your job. Like 5% of the people who picked this pile dreamed with being a hitman and go ahead guys, you'll do great. Now, a large percent of you have questionable morals, allowing you to work in fields where you can turn corrupted and earn wealth as a politician, lawyer, or even a doctor. I know those are career choices, but the real business for you is owning agencies, institutes, clinics, and funeral homes. I am not even making the latter up. Some of you won't care about the taboo-ish nature of your work. You approach business with level-headedness and practicality, thus if it pays wells as any other job related to humans needs... dealing with the deads is easier than their family but you will still do the job or you will hire someone to do it eventually. Curiously, you are great at making people feel better. You aren't that talkative, but you know how to make others laugh with your silly jokes, pulling weird faces, providing them with food or water and much needed space.
Some of you are radicals and into activism. You have plenty of pent-up anger and aggressiveness inside of you that you will directed at facing opposing forces. You might start a charitable cause and talk people into volunteering. Yeah, I know it won't give you money or not so much, but hear me out! You could own an institute for people with special needs or another for learning languages. There's a high chance you might end up working with foreigners, what gave you that business idea when you thought on how to help them improve their lifestyle. Some of you could be interested in farming or owning a supermarket. You would feel inclined to hire immigrants regardless of the consequences. Actually, what are consequences to you? You don't fucking care. You see people suffering, you help them. There's no other logic in your brain.
I hope this reading was to your liking♡. I'm offering paid readings about this topic here. You can find more free content on my blog.
🌱Pile 3🌱
Ok, guys, I love how unbothered you are when it comes to your line of work and what people have to say about it. Unlike pile 2, you are not interested in top positions that might lead to corruption, dirty money and living a very intense life. You are the complete opposite, you are humble and like to contribute to the community. You have a great intuition and observation skills, so upon checking your town or the place you want to install your business in, you will know what spot in the market needs to be filled right away. You can also tell what the community's needs are; you are not afraid of getting your hands dirty, so you could feel inclined to run a fish or convenience store. I feel like you want to belong, so not only your business won't cover a necessity, but also will turn into something traditional, even "iconic" for your neighbourhood. Is a music store still a thing? I feel like a small part of this group longs to have one.
You have all what it takes to manifest a long-lasting business. You are highly talented at nurturing and you might see your business like a "baby". It's not just your money source, but something to care about and fight for. Some of you might be interested in running an esoteric shop, where people is going to get their cards read or purchase herbs, incienses, candles, and so on. Mostly, this pile wants to have an unique business or for it to be the sole provider of something. E.g, you might own the only bookstore with coffee services at town. Also, I believe some of you will settle for moving out to a town or the countryside and start a business over there.
I hope this reading was to your liking♡. I'm offering paid readings about this topic here. You can find more free content on my blog.
🌱Pile 4🌱
Hello, guys! This pile is slightly different from the rest since I feel like going straight to the point and sparing unnecessary details, but I might annoy you as I'm not leaving nothing unsaid. You are known for being busy and most times you seem to be in a hurry. You are always working on something, even in high school your friends knew you were too invested on your studies and earning money than hanging out with people your age. You probably like technology and travelling, so you could own a business like a travel agency (in your country or another), transport or event planning company. In all honesty, you might end up running all three of them. The term "workaholic" does not make justice to what you are, but I will call you a genius. You were born to steal the spotlight by your innovative style at the moment of giving birth to your ideas into the real world. You can mix all your interests together and create a new business that will leave people gawking, like an app who allows users to match with vacation spots instead of people or something like that?
Some of you will rather work with tourists, renting cars, boats, and properties so their basic needs are covered. I don't know how many of you are sporty but you are adamant about turning one of your interests/hobbies in your business. You might run your own indoor rock climbing centre. If you were to ask me for specifications on what's your talent, I would say you are a natural when it comes to businesses and you hold such control over your emotions. You put your sole focus on work, nothing can distract you from achieving your goals. Not even your family, so I can see you making up to your dear ones with expensive gifts or generous check after you missed an important family event again.
I hope this reading was to your liking♡. I'm offering paid readings about this topic here. You can find more free content on my blog.
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yuurivoice · 3 hours
Happy pride month! I was wondering if you would ever make a trans character or if its ok to headcanon any of you characters trans. I really headcanon faust being ftm cuz i relate to him so him
I never mind anyone headcanoning a character as trans. I think it's dope. I think in terms of my content specifically, particularly characters I voice, I shouldn't just make and portray a trans character as most of my boys are particularly geared to sell smut in addition to the plot, and that's a whole additional layer of stuff to consider because it's like...yo why is this cis guy profiting off something that should be handled with thoughtful consideration.
That being said, I'd like to explore my creativity outside of the bounds of just the audio roleplay medium. I'd like to write and tell stories in many ways, some of which absolutely involve creating characters that don't look like me, and have very different experiences from me.
When that time comes, I'll be figuring out a process for sensitivity reads, talking with all sorts of people to gain further insight and understanding before just...making things.
It's something I try to be conscious of. I don't think a creative has to only stick with whatever lived experience they have gone through, but I think it is the bare minimum to do the legwork to understand people and whatever stories you tell, know that you may be waving flags that are not your own, and that comes with responsibility. It might also come with shutting the fuck up. You won't be able to please everyone in a scenario like that, and sometimes you just have to accept it.
I've been very lucky to have spent a pretty significant part of my life getting to know people who aren't like me. That's only scratching the surface, but if I have one strength, it's listening. I don't always get it right, or know all the things, but that awareness is why I'd take those extra steps to grasp wtf I'm about to tackle in my work.
And if I think it's beyond me, I'll also know when to hang my hat up and move along.
All of that being said, I certainly have no issue with a trans Faust headcanon. I've spoken before about how he's about as close as I'll get to publicly exploring my own complicated thoughts on my gender and whatnot. I don't think I'll ever be comfortable enough to delve top deep into that in my public facing work just because while I trust my core audience to be great to me, that's the sort of thing that I don't think I'd want to go out of my regular orbit and leave me explaining myself to strangers on the internet. 😂
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disposal-blueeee · 1 year
gay gay homosexual gay
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Same with the if you like but not reblog il block you thing. To me it seems really rude and makes me more inclined to unfollow than anything else.
FR... again i understand wanting more interaction on your art, it's pretty normal to want people to enjoy stuff you also enjoy and stuff you put time and effort into , but you GOTTA think about how it's gonna come across. "if you dont share my art even if you liked it you're getting blocked so you can never see it again" well suddenly your art isnt as nice as i thought it was...
also, maybe i thought it was amazing and i just HAVE to share... but i dont want my followers to feel obligated to reblog your art and feel guilty if they scroll past, i dont wanna make someone's day worse! so now i wont reblog it for their sake! it's just too hateful of a mentality :/
yes reblogs ARE better than likes in like the most basic functionality of this website. no one sees your likes, sharing is caring etc. but i think everyone should be required to read this post outloud once a month
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swordsonnet · 1 year
#ive tried multiple times to write down my thoughts on this but my brain is just too scattered and it comes out all jumbled#but here's another attempt i guess#so yeah ive read the medium article about rusty quill. i'm absolutely gutted.#i suppose it's not super surprising but still. i hadnt expected it to be this bad#ive never really cared about rq as a company tbh but i do care about tma! a lot!#its been my special interest for almost 2 years now and if you're not autistic#(or hell maybe even if you are autistic - everyone experiences autism differently ofc)#i dont think you understand what that means. its not just a show i like. its like a part of my identity#its helped me through some really tough times and i can't begin to describe how happy it made me#when a continuation was announced just as i was once again going through some bullshit#i really want to still be excited about tmp because it really is so important to me#and tbh i dont think there's anything wrong with still enjoying tma/tmp? you can like sth and still be critical of the company behind it#and tma was written and created by jonny and not alex so i do sorta see it as its own thing and not just sth made by rq#but i keep seeing people on here acting like you have to boycott tmp (or even tma) now and that just makes me really upset#ill cancel my patreon and withdraw my kickstarter pledge and all#because i dont want to financially support rq unless they make some significant changes and commit to them#but i still want to engage with my special interest! need to really because thats just the way my brain works#and sticking to fandom content wont work for me because a lot of tma fandom stuff just... isnt my cup of tea#i'll take it as an addition to canon but not as a replacement#maybe i should just stop listening to what other people say#but its really difficult to deal with all this negativity about sth that means so much to me#might take a break from tumblr for a while for the sake of my mental health#i feel silly for being so upset about this but it is what it is#sometimes i do wish i had a different brain#anyway sorry for the rant#if you read this far: i love you. have some flowers 🌼🌻🌺🌹🌸🌷💐
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natsmagi · 1 year
Hii good day! I was wondering if you allow your using your art as profile pictures with/without credits?
hii! yes you are allowed to use my art as profile pictures! id greatly appreciate it if credit was given, at the very least on public social media accounts, but if for some reason crediting me isnt an option then thats fine too. thank you!!
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munch-mumbles · 9 months
booooo vent in tags BOOOOO TOMATO TOMATO
#feeling very frustrated with how bad i am at being a person#like i just do not have the energy to survive#nothing can hold my attention anymore and its fucking with my desire to create anything#and thats not even in like a 'i need to make something to be worth something' way its more#'holy fucking christ im so fucking bored every day all the time forever' way#im also realizing that i fucking suck genuine ass at just talking to people#i dont know what to say in conversation. like im just fucking stupid#i have a small list of preloaded responses and if none of them fit what was said to me i STRUGGLE#i didnt always feel like this but im decaying#if more than two different people dm me in a day thats a whole Event#had something i wanted to say but got dsitracted for a second and immediately lost my train of thought loollll (gritted teeth)#whatever tldr im lonely but im too 2 dimensional of a person to know how to make friends anymore#i WANT to talk to people but talking has become exhausting and i dont know how to get better#if i at least had the energy to keep creating my own content to keep myself entertained i would be fine honestly#but i cant have anything so even thinking about the characters that i love feels like something i have to force myself to do#and still struggle with because i cant pay attention to jack shit#i like to think that maybe i just need to be medicated for something. probably adhd. and then ill be all better and happy#but 1 money 2 time 3 effort 4 what if it doesnt work#yeah time and effort sounds like little bitch shit and yeah it is but im not exaggerating when i say i have no energy#sorry the tags on this are getting so long i keep coming back to add more so i dont bug anyone with a new post#i just. i dont know what to do. im consistently unhappy every day and it keeps getting worse#if i wasnt scared to die i wouldve ended it months ago
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yuutx · 1 month
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gojo satoru x f!reader ノ 18+ content. ノ nsfw + unprotected sex / raw sex ノ praise kink ノ tit play / nipple play ノ size kink ノ creampie ノ squirting ノ multiple orgasms ノ tongue kissing ノ slight breeding kink ノ mdom + fsub ノ not proofread ! ૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა
eeeee i jus' wanna say thank u 2 all of u beautiful people who r supportin' m' works 'n reblogging ! 've been feeling supa confident in my writing recently 'n seeing my works having s' many notes makes me rllie happy, so once again, huuuugeeee thank you ! art credits go to @/wrt_428 on twitter ! ♡ + ↻ are rlly appreciated ! !
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Squishy walls squeezed around his pulsating length, milking the throbbing flesh for all its worth. Hot, slick skin slapped against his pelvis, the sound reverberating through the empty space. He could feel the warmth seeping into his groin, the slick surroundings enveloping his swollen girth, the tight ring of muscle clamping down on him, trapping his throbbing shaft inside its velvety depths. "That's it.. good girl.." He praised, his hand reaching up to cup your breast, his fingers kneading the plush mound. His thumb brushed over your pert nipple, his digits rolling the hardened bud between his forefinger and thumb, the harsher ministrations making you whine, the noise spurring him on, the sound going straight to his aching length. Your thighs quivered, the muscles clenching around him, the soft walls constricting, squeezing his member, the sensation sending a jolt of pleasure through him.
"You're so good.. such a good girl, aren't you?" He cooed, his voice smooth, the tone dripping with adoration. "M' baby's a good girl, isn't she?" He asked, his hips rutting into yours, the motion making his balls slap against the underside of your ass.
"Yes.. y-yes.." You choked out, your hands grasping at his arms, nails digging into the toned flesh, the slight pain causing his cock to twitch, a bead of pre-cum dripping from the tip, the sticky fluid decorating your womb. He leaned forward, his chest pressing against yours, his lips hovering above your own. "That's right.. good girl.. pretty girl.." He purred, his hand moving to the back of your head, fingers tangling in your hair, his nails raking across your scalp, the feeling making you whimper in excitement. His fingers curled around your locks, pulling your head back, his lips ghosting over yours, his warm breath fanning across your skin. You shivered, your mouth parting slightly, a soft gasp escaping your lips, his length still pounding into your cunt. His tongue slid past your parted lips, slipping into the depths of your mouth, his lips crushing against yours, the grip on your hair tightening as he deepened the kiss, his hips slamming into yours. His other hand reached around, cupping your ass, his fingers gripping the flesh, kneading the supple skin, squeezing and massaging the soft mounds.
"Mhhhmmm.." Gojo hummed, his tongue exploring the recesses of your mouth, allowing his tastebuds to become acquainted with the delicious sweetness of your inner sanctum while simultaneously stimulating the nerves in his shaft. "Mmmm.." His lips curved into a smirk, the corners of his mouth twitching as he continued to assault your mouth, his hips driving into yours, his swollen girth burying and retracting from your cunt, an everlasting flow of pleasure washing over you, the sensation intensified by his kisses, the sweet taste of his saliva mixing with your own, the blend creating a delightful flavor, the unique concoction making your mind foggy. You could feel yourself becoming cockdrunk, the combination of his length slamming into your core, his fingers massaging your cheeks and his tongue ravaging your mouth becoming too much, sending you spiraling into a dazed state. The blissful haze made it difficult to think straight, and soon enough you found yourself unable to keep up with his movements, the pleasure overwhelming you, causing your limbs to go limp, your body going slack in his arms. You were powerless to stop the sensations from coursing through you, the ecstasy rendering you immobile, your body reacting involuntarily, pornographic squeals and moans bubbling from your throat, muffled by his lips, which refused to separate from yours.
"'toru! 'toruuu..!" You mewled, the vibrations of your voice rippling across his tongue, the pleasured cries almost musical, the erotic sound ringing in Gojo's ear. Your hips clumsily rolled and bucked into his, trying to meeting each thrust, your body moving without your consent, your hands clawing at him, desperately clinging onto him for support. Craze-driven movements, driven solely by carnal desire and instinct, caged his swollen girth without any restraint, the constriction pushing him closer to his climax. "M-mhh, s' f-fast-! 'toru.. 't-t-tooooo muh.. 'ttoo..! T-t-toooo fast..!" You cried out, squeezing him tight and digging your nails into his skin. The pleasure was unbearable, the intensity causing you to tremble uncontrollably, your body convulsing with every thrust. "AH, shit- babyyy.. s' tight.. you jus' gon' take it, huh? S' too good.. too good.. fuck, 't-too tight..!" A loud moan left him, the noise reverberating throughout the room, his sac getting heavier with each passing second. "Nnn, n-nooo..! Too m-muh.. too.. 't-tooooo..!" Your words were reduced to incoherent babbles, the syllables slurring together, your mind unable to comprehend the situation. You could feel your orgasm creeping up on you, the familiar feeling of release building in the pit of your stomach. It was too much, too soon, too fast, but you couldn't bring yourself to care, the only thing on your mind being the desire to cum. "''toru! 'T-toooru! 'Toouuuu-!" Your eyes rolled back, the whites of your sockets fluttering beneath your eyelids, your lashes batting erratically. "F-fuck-! 't-too fast- 't-toooo f-f-f-ast..! 't-too muuuuuuh-! c-cant take- take it 'nymore!!"
Gojo's eyes widened, the cerulean orbs shimmering with delight, a mix between a pant and a groan leaving him. "Nghh, shhh.. don't fight it.. g-mmm.. gotta give in.." He breathed out, his thrusts growing more urgent. "J-jus' relax, baby.. let me- mnhh, fuck- just let me fill you up..!" Words were spoken between laps of his tongue, the heated kiss never stopping, his saliva mixing with yours, the combined fluids trickling down your chin. "S-shit.. I'm gonna cum- m-mmh- gonna fill you up.. f-fill you- fuck- fuckkkk, gonna fill you up until you're s-s-so full that you're- uhh- fuck- gonna leak.. gonna- gonna drip.. mm, baby.. fuckkk- fuckkk, I'm gonna breed you- mnhh, gonna fucking- fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, f-f-fuck-" His hips jerked harshly, the movement causing your body to lurch forward, the abrupt motion making your back arch, the angle providing him with more leverage, his length hitting the deepest parts of your cunt, his tip nudging against your cervix. The unexpected sensation was too much, and soon enough you could feel yourself reaching your peak, screaming his name as the pressure burst, a river of juices flowing from within your cunt, coating his length. "H-holy shit- shit- s-shit- s-s-shiiiiiittt- 't-toorrrrruuuuu-!" You wailed, tears welling up in your eyes, your pussy clamping down on his member, the vice-like grip causing his cock to pulsate, a torrent of semen filling your womb, his load thick and hot. You could feel his essence pooling inside your pussy, sending you into overdrive, the sensation triggering another orgasm, a series of short bursts of liquid spilling from your slit, the squirt dripping down his thighs and onto the bed. You sobbed, the aftershocks rippling through you, your body convulsing, legs twitching and jerking as they tried to close.
Gojo kept you pinned down, his cock buried deep inside your cunt, the pulsating flesh spasming as it emptied itself inside your core, his hot seed painting your womb. He pulled away from your lips with a gasp, his gaze fixated on you, watching as your face contorted, the expression filled with bliss, the emotion displayed clearly on your visage. He groaned, his length still shooting thick ropes of semen into you, filling you to the brim, the excess fluid leaking from your pussy. "F-fuck, t-that's it- so pretty, so good for me- good girl, s-so beautiful- nnnhhh, fuck.. fuck, fuck, f-f-fuck-" A final wave of pleasure washed over him, his hips stuttering, his movements faltering as he came down from his high, the orgasm fading. "Mmh, fuck, that's my good girl.. took it so well, makin' me feel so good, s' fuckin' good.." He hummed, his head falling forward, his forehead resting on top of yours, his breaths heavy and labored. "M' such a lucky man, got such a good, good girl.. the prettiest girl in the whole world.. prettiest girl with the prettiest fuckin' cunt.. m' best girl.." He murmured, his words slurring, his voice dropping an octave lower. "Shit.. fuck.. pretty girl wanna cum again? Wanna cum on my cock? Make a mess, let me see that cute lil' face.." His length was still rock hard, his stamina far superior than most men, his libido unmatched. His cock throbbed inside of you, his seed spilling out, trickling down your thighs. He slowly pulled himself out, his girth sliding from within you, a mixture of his semen and your slick coating his length. "Come on, baby, one more time.. you can do it, can't you? Can't leave me hangin' like this.. gotta milk my cock completely, don'tcha?" He purred, his hand reaching underneath your leg, his fingers brushing against your pussy, the digits spreading your folds. "On top, baby.." He said, tapping the tip of his cock against your clit, the sudden contact making you yelp.
"Get up and ride my dick, show me what you got."
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stargirlo · 3 months
"PLEASE LET ME FUCK YOUR TITS!" he whined, practically on his knees begging for you to finally give in to his little fantasies. you sighed exasperatingly. "i'll give you one rule though," you lowly spoke to him, hands on your hips. "don't cum on my hair." holy shit, you agreed!? was he dreaming?
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content warnings: fem coded reader, a lot of mentions of you having big boobs, begging, boob job, blow job, teasing, facial (he can't control it so he cums in ur face >:( ), cum eating, snowballing, etc etc.
💌: a little appreciation 4 my big titty girlies <3 && thank u sm for 100 followers, never had been so happy !!! the sudden wave of motivation is soooo rare 4 me ohemgee! :oooo
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𝜗𝜚 ‧₊ "pleaseee let me just squeeze them, jus' a little bit! pleasepleaseplease,"
he was constantly nagging you for just a simple squeeze of your perky tit, but you kept on refusing. its not like you were weirded out by his needy actions but it's just that you didn't expect someone to be so obsessed over your tits. you were a little insecure about them a while back because in your own words, you said that you looked "too fat" or "too disoriented" but honestly, your boyfriend loves them! he doesn't see any issues about your big tits, wether they're saggy or not.
he loves it whenever you wear his oversized shirts without a bra supporting your perky breasts, nipples poking out of the cotton fabric of his shirt immediately makes him huff like a dog. he loves it when your boobs jiggle whenever you make the simplest moves, wether its you swaying your hands around while you talk, or when you walk around the house.
his eyes will always land to your bouncy tits.
he loves giving you hugs, having a great opportunity to feel your tits pressed against his chest, he could practically feel the softness and the plumpness of your swelled tits. ughhh, it just makes his mind go blank!!!
"please let me fuck your tits!" he whined, practically on his knees begging for you to finally give in to his little fantasies. you sighed exasperatingly. "i'll give you one rule though," you lowly spoke to him, hands being placed on your hips. "don't cum on my hair." holy shit, you agreed!? was he dreaming?
𝜗𝜚 ‧ . ° "h─holyyy shiit, ohmygoddd... f─fuck ye'r tits feel s'good mamiii.."
he moans like a literal slut, your breasts hugging his cock and keeping it warm, the tip of your tounge flicking the head of his cock. pre-cum beading through he slit of his pinkish tip before your tounge eagerly swipes away his essence. you softly moaned, cupping your breasts and rubbing his shaft slowly, creating a delicious fricition. "d─didn't know it'll feel t─this good─ ohfuck!"
you giggled, beady eyes locked with his as your filthy mouth wraps around his cock, sucking the head of his cock. his body jolts, hips bucking up as more of his cock easily slips further in to your mouth. "mami─ oh shit, don't stop, don't stop, don't stoppp," he begs, a trembling hand coming up to move your head downward as his fingers desperately tug on your scalp.
your choked moan vibrates against his cock, tears bubbling on the corner of your eyes as it was already too much for you to handle. reluctantly, you withdrew your mouth away from his cock, leaving him to elicit a needy whine. "babyyy─ why'd you... why'd you stop?" he breathlessly spoke, looking down at you with a small pout. but you didn't stop, not when you moved your tits up and down his cock in a subtle rhythm. he clenches his jaw tightly, his pearly whites grinding against one another to stifle out a whimper. "what a naughty boy you are..." you cooed, and holy shit you could feel his cock throbbing at your words. "so dirty." your breath ghosted against his cock, feeling a subtle twitch.
"please─ need to feel your warm mouth againn.." he beckoned you, eyebrows pinching together as the overwhelming feeling slowly starts to frustrate him. "please mami─ oh!" his body tenses up again, your mouth wrapping around his cock again. the tits and mouth combo sent him to cloud nine, his thighs trembled as your saliva coats your cleavage. he hissed in pleasure, throwing his head back while he swallowed a lump of saliva that brewed in his mouth, his adams apple flexing in his throat.
"g'nna cum, holy shit─ 'm cummin' mami, fuckfuckfuck..!" his moans grew slightly louder, his free hand clasping on the bedsheets as if he was holding on for dear life.
you pulled your mouth away from his cock, once again. jerking him off with your tits before he couldn't take it anymore, his hot and steamy cum spurts from his flushed tip as the thick strings of his cum land all over your perky breasts and on your face . . . and hair . . .
"ay─!" you gasped, closing one of your eyes as he just couldn't stop cumming. he's so nasty, sooooo disgusting!! a stifled giggle elicits from your lips, watching as he becomes putty into the bed, the aftershocks of his mind shattering orgasm leaving his body limp.
he softly gasped once he realized the mess he had made, on himself and on you. "fuck─ heh, my bad..." he chuckles dryly, your tounge swiping on your bottom lip to give his release a little taste. so bitter.
"i told you not to get it on my hair, pendejo!" you playfully smacked his knee, looking up at him with a pout. your expression tempted him, the way you just look at him makes him want to ruin you next. "c'mere baby, gimme a kiss..." he leans forward, placing his hand on the back of your head as he pulls you in for a sloppy kiss. you yelped, his tounge quickly slipping into your mouth as he took a little taste of himself, the bittersweetness of his own release.
how fucking nasty you both are!!!
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💌: satoru gojo, kazutora hanemiya, tartaglia, könig, chifuyu matsuno, souya kawata (idk how to spell his last name :( ), aventurine, bokuto koutarou, kenma kozume (hear me out!!), sanzu haruchiyo, manjiro sano, jj maybank, ++ your favs!!
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kingkatsuki · 9 months
— baby fever
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Bakugou sees you cradling Kirishima’s newborn in your arms, and thinks it wouldn’t be so bad to have a baby of your own.
Warnings: 18+, not proofread, breeding, unprotected sex, public sex, car sex, dirty talk, one use of the word daddy, creampie.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader.
Word Count: 2.1k.
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“Come and hold him, Kats.” You tried to beckon your husband in from the kitchen, looking up at him with a twinkle in your eyes.
Kirishima’s newborn was bundled in your arms as you sat on his living room couch. It was your first visit since being in the hospital for the birth, noticing the soft glow his wife had as she sat beside you. A warm mug of tea in her hands as you looked down at the baby with awe and adoration.
“Maybe later,” Bakugou replied from his position as he gave you a small smile.
Despite the years you’d spent with Bakugou, you’d never really discussed kids. Perfectly content with the life you’d created together. But as your friends grew older, they began to settle down in to happy families and it had you longing for a family of your own with your partner.
Lingering in the doorway of the kitchen gave Bakugou the perfect view of you on the couch cradling Kirishima’s newborn. The small bundle looked tiny compared to you, stroking your knuckle against a soft cheek as you cooed down at the baby.
“So when’s it your turn, bro?” Kirishima grinned at his best friend as he handed him a beer from the fridge, breaking Bakugou out of his stupor as he twisted the cap off the bottle.
“Nah,” He rubbed his nose with the back of his hand, “We ain’t discussed kids.”
“Maybe you should, man,” Kirishima nodded towards you, “It suits her.”
His best friend was right. There was almost an ethereal glow radiating from you as he watched you across the room. Picturing how you’d look cradling a bundle of joy of your own, a child that you’d both created together. Thinking about how pretty you’d look all round and plump with his child as you brought a new life into the world.
Bakugou felt like a pervert as the thought had his cock stirring between his thighs. The thought of watching your body grow because of him had a desperate ache of desire burning molten lava inside him, claiming you as his and showing everyone once and for all who you belonged to.
“Talk to her about it, man.” Kirishima clinked his beer bottle against Bakugou’s with a grin, “You never know.”
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“Are you okay?” You hummed, taking his hand in your own as you walked back to the car, “You hardly said a word in there. I know you don’t like kids, but—”
“Is that what you think?” Bakugou turned to face you.
“I mean you’ve never mentioned them before,” You smiled softly, “I know you love the little fans that adore Dynamight but we’ve never really talked about kids ourselves have we?”
“Would it be so bad?” Bakugou chewed on his bottom lip, his hand tightening around yours.
“What?” You tilted your head in confusion.
“If we had kids, would it be so bad?” Bakugou mumbled, “I could give up more missions and patrols, work from home. My sidekicks can handle a lot of shit if I’m out more often—”
“Katsuki,” You grinned, reaching your arms up to wrap around his broad shoulders as you cut him off, “I’d love to have kids with you.”
Bakugou placed his hands on your hips, fingertips digging into the soft skin as he held you close. Pressing you against the front door of his car as he leaned down to press a soft kiss to your lips, “You know you’d look so fuckin’ hot carrying our child.”
“Yeah?” You teased, playing with the buzzed hair at the back of his neck, “What’s brought all this on?”
“Seeing you with Kiri’s kid? The little baby in your arms— you’d make such a good mother, and I want to experience that with you.”
“I’ve been thinking about it for a while actually,” You smiled, leaning up to press a glossy kiss to his jaw, “You’d be such an amazing dad, Katsuki. Kids adore you.”
“Tch, you been thinkin’ about it and didn’t tell me?”
“I didn’t want to get in the way of your dreams or your career,” You shook your head, “Being with you is enough, we have such a good life- but I’d love to have kids with you.”
“Kids plural?” Bakugou grinned, nosing your cheek, “We better get started then, huh?”
“What, right now?” You laughed, “You better drive fast then.”
“Who said anything about drivin’?” Bakugou shook his head as he rut his hips forward, feeling the bulge in his jeans press against your tummy as you gasped in surprise.
“What?” He scoffed, “It ain’t my fuckin’ fault you’d make such a hot mama.”
Bakugou opened the back door of his car as he walked you towards the seat, “Wait— here?”
“It was either here, or Kiri’s bathroom and we both know you can’t keep quiet for shit,” Bakugou grins,
“That’s not my fault,” You squealed as he pushed you down onto the seat, closing the door behind him as he clambered on top of you.
“I can’t wait any longer,” Bakugou groaned, already unbuckling his belt as he let it hang loose through the loops in his jeans, “I gotta fuck a baby into you, sweetheart.”
“What if someone sees—” You were cut off with Bakugou’s lips against yours in a hot and heavy kiss, his palms groping your chest as he pressed his bulge against you. Feeling the hardness graze your clit only separated by thin layers of fabric.
“Let them watch me stuff you full of cum,” He groaned.
You could feel his desperation as he bunched your skirt up around your hips, pawing at the hem of your panties as he pulled them down your thighs. Using them to push your legs up as he pinned them to your chest, your pretty heels still buckled against your feet as he positioned himself between your plush thighs.
“Oh fuck, Katsuki.” You groaned, feeling him lean his body weight against you as he fisted his cock. Guiding the leaky tip between your messy folds as he blindly searched for your tight entrance.
“I’ll make you cum on my tongue when we get home sweetheart, but I gotta fuckin’ have you now.”
The confines of the back of his car made it difficult to move as the tip caught against your hole before sliding along your folds to nudge your clit, repositioning himself to try again as he pushed forward with more urgency. Watching your lips part in a silent moan as he stole the air from your lungs, pressing into you inch by excruciating inch.
“Oh my god, Kats—” You scrambled to find purchase as your hands gripped his arms on either side of you, the new position had him deeper inside you as you felt every vein of his cock moulding to your slick heat.
“Want me to fuck a baby into you, huh?” He rasped, stilling inside you for a moment to adjust as he felt his balls tighten from the sensation. The pent up desire inside him almost too much as he felt you clamp down around him.
“Please,” You mewled, trying desperately to get him to move as he leaned down to press a lingering kiss to your lips.
“Fuck, sweetheart.” Bakugou choked out as he began a rough pace, his heavy balls slapping against the swell of your ass as he hunched over you.
Rough hands reaching out to massage your bouncing breasts as he pulled at your dress, pawing them in large hands as his cock twitched inside you.
“Can’t wait for these to get bigger,” He grunted, reaching beneath the fabric to pinch at your nipples, “They’re gonna have the fuckin’ life sucking those all damn day.”
“Kats.” You writhed beneath him as he kept his steady pace, crimson eyes searing into you as he gave you another chaste kiss.
“I can barely keep my hands off you as it is, imagine when you’re carrying my kid.” He groaned, his lips parted in a constant moan as he felt your walls clamp down around him at his words, “Make you all nice and round with my spunk.”
“Oh shit,” You trembled beneath him as your hands slipped under the bottom of his shirt, raking your nails along his back as he kept pistoning his hips into you.
The windows were beginning to fog as the air inside the vehicle became hot and heavy, almost suffocating as he continued his ruthless pace.
“You’d look so fuckin’ perfect carrying my child.” Bakugou rambled, feeling his cock twitch as he neared his release. The pent up desire that was building inside him ensured he wouldn’t maintain the usual stamina right now, the insatiable urge to fill you with his seed was all too much as he sought his release, “You’d be the hottest fuckin’ mama.”
“Shit,” You whined, feeling your walls begin to tremble around him as you felt yourself swiftly approaching your climax.
Bakugou could feel the way your walls were clenching around him as his hand dipped between your connected bodies, the calloused pad of his thumb rubbing messy circles against your puffy clit as he felt you on the cusp of your release.
“Come on, sweetheart,” He taunted, “Cum for me so I can fill you up, yeah?”
White spots began to blank your vision as you felt your orgasm crash down on you in harsh waves, your thighs shaking as you cried out his name. Your walls clamping down around his thick cock as he worked you through your release, desperately trying to milk him of his own.
“That’s it,” He cooed, “That’s my good girl.”
“Please, Katsuki,” You mewled, your toes curling as you basked in the bliss of your climax, “I want it so bad, please cum inside me.”
“Yeah? You want me to fill you up?” He groaned, “Fuck you over and over until you’re dripping with my cum?”
“Fuck—” You gasped, the sultry tone of his voice becoming far too much, “Please, daddy.”
“Oh, fuck- shit,” Bakugou gasped as the name caught him by surprise. His hips stuttering as his pace faltered, choking back a desperate groan until he was dangerously close to the edge, “You want daddy to stuff you full? Breed this little pussy until you’re round and full of my seed? So everyone knows who you belong to—”
“Oh, God. Please, Katsuki. Make me take it all, fuck—”
“You ready, sweetheart? Fuckin’ take it.” He grunted, his balls tightening as he pumped rope after rope of hot cum inside your eager cunt. Your walls clamping down around him as you milked him of his release, “Just like that, that’s it— good girl.”
You stroked your fingers through his sweaty hair as he leaned his forehead to yours to relax his breathing as you both came down from your highs. His warm lips peppering kisses against your face as your walls continued to spasm around his softening cock. Keeping you plugged full of his release for a little longer as he regained his breath.
“I hope Kiri didn’t see,” You pouted as you were thankful for the steamy windows, even if it did make your actions far more obvious, “I can’t believe we fucked outside his house.”
“Hey, inside his bathroom would’ve been worse,” Bakugou scoffed, “You’re so fuckin’ noisy.”
“That’s not my fault,” You attempted to glare at him as you furrowed your brows. Causing Bakugou to lean down and kiss you on the scrunch between your nose with a grin, “You’re the one that practically jumped me.”
“Then you shouldn’t look like such a hot mama,” Bakugou deadpanned, finally pulling out of your quivering walls as he watched strings of your combined slick break off and stick to your skin uncomfortably, “You stay there and I’ll drive us home, yeah?”
“I can’t stay like this on the drive home,” You whined when Bakugou buckled his pants with a grin, opening the back door to make his way into the drivers seat.
“Yeah you can, sweetheart,” He laughed, “It’ll take better in that position.”
You pulled your panties back up your thighs as Bakugou watched shamelessly, his crimson eyes focused on where his release was now drooling out of your quivering walls.
“I’m not letting you drive me home like this,” You pouted as you climbed out of the back seat on shaky legs, clinging to Bakugou’s arms as he helped to guide you into the passengers side. Allowing some welcome air into the steamy car as the windows began to defog, your hands already reaching for the aircon even though the car wasn’t turned on yet.
“Have it your way,” He shrugged with a cocky smirk on his face, “I’ll just fuck more into you when we get home anyway.”
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ovaryacted · 8 days
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PAIRING: Jackson! Joel Miller x afab! reader
SYNOPSIS: After a long day of patrol, Joel comes home later than he said he would be back. You are just happy to welcome him back into your arms.
CONTENT/WARNINGS: FLUFF. Suggestive content - 18+. Established relationship. Soft & affectionate Joel Miller. Ambiguous age gap (Joel is in his late 50s, reader is 25+). Mentions of early pregnancy. Cute stuff. Banter and teasing. No use of y/n.
WC: 1.8k
A/N: Hey there, been a while. In case y'all forgot, yes I do still write LMAO. This is a little something that I wrote miraculously on my free time, and it is my first Joel Miller piece. I'm also slowly getting back into writing so pls be nice! I did originally write this with the new Pedro Pascal picture as Joel in mind, but I'm a gamer Joel type of girl at heart so that's what I went with. Hopefully, it is enjoyable for those who choose to read it. Any likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated! Dividers by @saradika-graphics.
➣ TLOU was created by a zionist and is based off of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Please refer to this link to learn how you can help the Palestinian people.
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Night fell over Jackson, soothing and quiet as it usually was. You’d think after some time, you’d get used to the stillness that often consoled others in a world full of unsettling clicks and gunfire, but you found yourself troubled with the calmness that followed once the sun went down. The change of the seasons propelled a temperature shift outside; bitter winter exchanged for the rebirth of spring, which hopefully meant the sun would stay in the sky just a little bit longer.
Your face nuzzled into the pillow beneath you, the material not yours to claim, but it wasn’t unfamiliar. Digging your nose further into the bedding, you subconsciously chased the faint scent of pinewood and gunpowder, one of the few things that eased your anxiety. It was a smell you got used to recognizing over the past few years, not that you’ve been keeping count.
Despite the warmth the sheets provided you as you rested on the left side of the bed, your body felt cold, missing a familiar set of strong arms and a welcoming chest pressing up against you. He had told you before he left for patrol that he’d be back before sundown, that was the plan anyway. But you knew better than anyone that stepping outside the protective gates of Jackson always left room for the unpredictable.
In the haze of your dreams, you faintly heard the click of the front door opening and closing, the floorboards of the stairs creaking with the ghost of muted footsteps. You stirred in bed, ears trained to pinpoint the noise, yet too stubborn to wake up entirely. A breeze entered the bedroom before you sensed something else sharing the space.
That’s when you felt the phantom touch of plush lips skimming along your hairline. If you weren’t awake then, you certainly were now.
“Joel?” A call of his name equivalent to a whimper at the sudden contact you craved. You caught the slight intake of breath and the exhale that followed.
“It’s me darlin’. Didn’t mean to wake you,” Joel spoke quietly, the peaceful baritone of his voice awakening you fully. As you sighed, you met his tired gaze with your own, bruised knuckles raising to brush your cheekbone affectionately.
“Things went okay on the patrol?” You questioned him, pleased that he was here with you in one piece rather than focusing on the fact that he came later than you’d like.
“Yeah, had to check something out with Tommy to be sure before coming back. I’m sorry honey, didn't want to make you stay up for me.”
Even if it was unintended, Joel felt guilty whenever he didn’t stick to his word. He was not much of a virtuous man, lived a large part of the past two-plus decades giving less of a shit about honesty and ethics. But when it came to you, it killed him when he couldn’t follow through on his promises, even if things weren’t within his control. The last thing Joel wanted was to upset you or make you worry, but no matter how many times he reassured you of his return, you still tried your hardest to wait for him to come back home, back to you.
“It’s okay, I’m just happy you’re here,” you blinked slowly as his voice filtered through the lagged mess of your head. Leaning your face towards his hand, you kissed the inside of his palm. “Go freshen up and come to bed; I’m cold.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he chuckled with a smile at your forgiveness, parting from you for a second and heading to the bathroom, not planning to make you wait any longer.
You watched his silhouette from where you lay on the bed, fluttering your eyes closed at the sound of running water. When the door opened again, Joel’s broad figure returned wearing a worn-down flannel and some fleece pants he had snagged long ago.
“Scoot,” he jutted his chin to gesture to the right side of the mattress, your side, suggesting to reclaim his on the left. Shifting to the right, you let him slip into the bed feet first, hauling the sheets to cover the both of you. A bulky arm wrapped around your waist and tugged you close to him, your body molding to his like a missing puzzle piece.
“Not too far now,” Joel grinned as you nestled right into his warm chest, seeking his attention and attempting to siphon more of his warmth. It takes you off guard how your nerves instantly settled once you had Joel near you again. In his arms, that was where you belonged—protected, loved, safe.
“I missed you,” you mumbled, eyes shutting to breathe in his typical musk. One of his hands cradled your lower back, thumb running circles into your skin.
“I missed you too, darlin’. Too damn much.” Joel kissed your forehead, drawing lines up and down your back with his fingertips.
His hand moved again from behind you to the front of your body, palming your stomach protectively. A smile crept up on his face as he felt your tummy under the material of the flannel you stole from him, the only thing you preferred for pajamas. The gentle curve of your belly was not yet prominent enough to be overly detectable, but he knew what you carried. Precious cargo. That’s what he called it after you both adjusted to the shock of adding to Jackson’s current population count.
“Still feelin’ sick?” Joel asked you in the room’s darkness, his eyes shifting to watch over your facial features. The moonlight illuminated the edge of your jaw and the roundness of your cheeks, and his chest ached at the thought of witnessing other growing changes over the next couple of months.
“Sometimes. It bothers me, but nothing I can’t handle.” You reassured him the best way you knew how, having to rely on Maria’s advice for all things related to childcare and Ellie being your new overly protective guard and nurse when Joel wasn’t around.
If someone had told you that you’d find yourself alive after the apocalypse in a safe community and pregnant at that, you’d consider them crazy. Yet here you were, carrying a man’s child when you least expected it, a man years older than you with memories of a reality you couldn’t experience or remember. But you didn’t mind; the end of the world didn’t leave much room for strict morals anyway.
Make the most of it. You don’t know when you’ll miss something once it’s gone.
Joel had told you that after the first few patrols you had with him once you adjusted to Jackson, growing comfortable with the stoic and quiet man who grabbed your attention everywhere he went. He shared stories of a time before the world fell apart, discussing things like watching the sunset, listening to music from artists you’ve never heard of, and sweet treats he missed tasting. Things changed after the seventh patrol together, where you saw him smile for the first time after successfully hunting some game for the town.
That night, one thing led to another. It started after some drinks, a hungry and messy kiss on your doorstep that led to clothes on the bedroom floor, and hands pawing at one another. You woke up the next morning with an arm wrapped around your waist and his nose rubbing the back of your neck.
Simply put, you haven’t left since.
“Oh, I know. Can handle a whole lot, strong woman you are.” Joel taunted you a bit, his memory fleeting momentarily and recalling the spitfire you always were with him in particular. He could never seem to tame your spunk and attitude, but he grew to love it like the rest of you.
“Mhmm, real strong, if you ask me.” You held his gaze with a gleam of mischief, bringing your body closer to his wide chest and tilting your chin upwards, silently asking for more than a cuddle.
“You tryin’ to tell me something I don’t already know?”
“I don’t know. Am I?” You were a tease, always have been, jerking Joel’s chain more than he cared to admit. 
“Those hormones are messing with your head, darlin’. Got you acting feisty,” he smirked, shifting nearer to your face.
Curious hands reached up to curl through his thick, graying curls. The contrasting streaks along his temple became more noticeable as time passed, matching the graying beard you’ve come to love and adore. He hesitated to let his hair grow out initially, thinking he’d look too much like his younger brother. Much convincing later, paired with hiding the shears, you got the desired result, and now you were lucky enough to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
The kiss was velvety as it was intimate, your tongue lining his bottom lip before he groaned, granting you entrance into his mouth. You swallowed the rumble he released, drawing a path of your touch from his neck down to his lower abdomen. Antsy fingers itched to skim the waistband of the fleece that concealed him, reaching close to the hardness you felt before he seized your hand away.
“Aht aht, no. As much as I want you there, it’s bedtime.” Joel didn’t necessarily want you to stop. Hell, if it were up to him, he’d let you go to town on him however you wanted. But his energy levels were dwindling, and all he wanted to do after a long day was get some proper rest with you in his arms.
“Sweetheart, if you let this old man sleep, I’ll wake you up to a real nice surprise in the mornin’.” It was an effortless proposition, easy to keep you at bay until the next day and enough to curb your insatiable appetite.
“Promise?” You beat your lashes at him, knowing the last thing Joel would do was deliberately not provide for your needs, even if that meant having to keep up with you physically.
“Pinkie swear.” Joel gave you another peck before letting you get comfy against his chest once more, cuddling into him as much as your growing belly would allow without being squished. You started to drift off as sleep called to you, listening to the gentle rhythm of soft beating in your ear.
“Breakfast too, Miller.” You murmured to him, peeping how he laughed in the dark with his eyes closed. The pleasant and lively sound made you smile and your heart pound. 
“Oh, I’ll feed you. Don’t worry your pretty little head about that.”
The peace in your bedroom matched the serenity that fell over Jackson. Now that you had Joel wrapped around you, you didn’t mind how quiet it was. So long as you have him, you can handle anything that comes your way.
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©️ ovaryacted 2024. Please don’t repost, copy, translate, or feed into any AI. Support your fellow creators by reblogging, commenting, and liking!
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(Genshin Impact) Furina, Lynette, Navia, Arlecchino, Chiori, Dehya, Shenhe, Candace, Sara, Yae, and Xianyun's S/O spoonfeeding them
No one requested this, I just had some cake and got reminded of that cute thing from Rune Factory 4 where on a date you can spoonfeed your date. Speaking of, I need to write more for RF4...
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Furina hums in very smug content as S/O rightfully feeds her a spoonful of cake that she rightly deserved.
After all, such hard work from Fontaine's most beloved star deserved nothing but amazing treatment!
All she did that day was lay on her bed.
She closes her eyes as she lets out a small "Aaaah!", expecting another helping of cake, albeit with a small blush.
Furina would be more flustered if she wasn't so happy having two sweet things in the room right now.
(Furina) "S/O, give me another bite, do not keep me waiting!"
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First of all, Lynette was slightly insulted that S/O was using a spoon on shellfish.
You ate them the way it was intended, and that was with your hands and napkins.
Putting aside that, Lynette can't help but play along and lets S/O put the spoon in her mouth.
She doesn't make too much of a reaction, at least on her face.
Her ears twitching and tail swishing is what tells S/O how she's really feeling.
(Lynette) "Mmm...Tastes good."
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Navia already feeds S/O with macarons, so she does not even blink when S/O gives her a spoon.
Her smile gets even bigger as she opens wide and happily takes a bite from their spoon.
Wiping the crumbs off with a fancy napkin, she finishes swallowing before nodding enthusiastically.
Her heart is beating fast to be sure, but she just wants to enjoy this very cute moment for a little longer!
(Navia) "Oooh, that tastes really good! Here, now it's my turn!"
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Whenever Arlecchino is having dinner at the House of the Hearth, her demeanor does ease up by a significant amount.
Especially around the kids and her S/O.
Meaning when S/O offers her some of the food, Arlecchino indulges them by leaning in.
Noting their happy reaction, Arlecchino takes a moment to gauge the food.
(Arlecchino) "Hm...Not bad. However, I could use a second opinion."
She grabs her own spoonful of the food and offers it to S/O, without a single second of hesitation or any signs of blushing.
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Chiori greatly enjoyed Inazuman desserts, but did prefer to create rather than taste them.
Nevertheless, that did not stop her S/O from always making her them when she was working.
Making sure she was far away from the clothes she was tailoring and her tools, S/O brought Chiori a plate of sweets. However, it made her raise an eyebrow when S/O offered her a spoonful, and told her to open wide.
Sighing, she rolls her eyes a little and opens slightly, tasting the treat after a few seconds.
(Chiori) "Yeah yeah, very cute S/O. I hope you didn't expect to do this for the entirety of our lunch break."
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Dehya gets flustered if her S/O tries to spoonfeed her, especially in front of the other mercs.
But that being said, she has no problem with letting them feed her Candied Ajilenakh Nuts.
She leans into their hand and almost bites it from them, laughing at their reaction as she does it so quickly.
Once a few seconds of crunching passes, she looks expectantly at S/O.
(Dehya) "Come on, don't hold out on me, pass me another!"
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Shenhe just nods when S/O offers her some soup on their spoon, not even blinking when she allows them to feed her.
Nodding in satisfaction, she then continues eating her bowl of noodles before pausing for a brief moment.
Silence passes through the table for a few seconds before Shenhe offers some of her food to them.
(Shenhe) "Would you like to try mine? It tastes good."
Though she remains stoic, she feels very happy to mimic S/O's actions, seeing how happy they were.
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Candace warmly smiles at S/O when she sees them hold out their spoon to her.
A small chuckle escapes her lips before tasting S/O's food, seeing how happy they were.
(Candace) "Delightful, S/O. Thank you."
It was moments like these that made Candace fall in love with them all over again.
She moves a little closer to them, if only to let S/O feed her a bit better than having to reach out their arm so far.
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Sara's eyes widen in surprise, seeing S/O smile at her expectantly.
Swallowing her pride, Sara hesitated for only a second before leaning in.
Chewing the food S/O gave her made her cheeks start to heat up, making her eyes look anywhere but them.
(Sara) "T-Thank you...Please do not speak of this to anyone."
Thank the Shogun they weren't feeding her sweets, otherwise she'd really be in trouble...
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Honestly, Yae would be more insulted if S/O didn't pamper her in some capacity.
(Yae) "Oh? Well, this is quite the service for dinner, S/O. Come on now, let me taste your cooking."
No shame whatsoever, Yae allows herself to be fed by S/O.
In fact, she pretty much has all of her meal spoonfed to her, partly because this was really cute, and mostly because she wanted to see how long S/O would actually keep this up for.
Would she do the same for S/O? Probably, if they asked. But for now, this was her dinner.
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No questions even asked, Xianyun immediately takes S/O's spoon into her mouth, sampling their cuisine.
She doesn't really understand, nor care for that matter, about how some people would see such an action.
If there was good food S/O was offering her, then One would be a fool to refuse!
The smile on her lip quickly follows after, having properly discerned the delicacy.
(Xianyun) "Simply marvelous cuisine One has been given, S/O!...Hm? What is that expression for? That could not have come from your meal alone, do tell One the reason for it."
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house-of-daena · 8 months
[CONTENTS: nsfw, robotic anatomy, f/cking robots but with no penetration, just messing with his circuits, wires, screws, whatever (im not a mechanic, idk half i said here), sub dottore segment (omega), gn.mechanic.reader (co-created the segments)]
゚+*:ꔫ:*﹤"sit still, omega." you warn him, a serious lilt in your voice as you move your hands carefully into his open chest cavity, wires, and bits of his intricate parts all laid onto the metal surface of the table he was currently sitting on. "you wouldn't want me to mess up, right?"
and although your delicate hands, now covered in black soot that will be difficult to clean off, a smile adorned your lips, eyes bright and full of mischief. "this is the 3rd time you've visited my office, you know?"
omega merely scoffed, turning his face away from your teasing gaze. his cheeks, despite it being a cool surface composed of metal, were dusted with muted shades of reds and pinks, that spread down to his neck, and to his shoulders. it contradicted his dismissive attitude, and he cursed at the useless feature implemented in his system.
"awww, flustered now, are we?" you cooed, lips brushing against the edge of the panel that's usually covered by his mask. your hot breath fanned against his skin, and though he was a machine, he shivered at the feeling, biting his bottom lip as you pressed a kiss onto his star-shaped sensors. you chuckled when it glowed a brilliant red, his pale skin, now flushed, as he grits his teeth in anticipation. "you're so adorable, omega, so hot and bothered just with some words."
you hear a faint 'click' inside his titanium rib cage, where his core and other frail components lie. curiously, you pull back to see what activated in his system, only to break into a big, shit-eating grin to see his automatic internal cooling system begin to gleam blue. "oh my, don't go all shy on me! not after coming in here inside my workshop~"
"j-just get it done," omega finally finds it in himself to speak, his voice breaking easily as his trembling hands grip your shoulders, holding himself back on wrapping his legs around your waist. "i have important matters to attend to, and prime won't be happy if i report late— a-aAHN!"
he was cut off by his own moan, writhing and panting at the feeling of your hands rubbing and fondling his metallic spine, aiming for the sensitive spots of his system, thumbing between the joints of his fragile parts. omega couldn't help but arch his back and whimper your name out loud when you've begun tugging on his complicated wiring. you relished at how his bottom lip shook, his body instinctively mimicking organic reactions when it comes to pleasure, his shoulders rose and fell as he pants at each tantalizing touch.
you shook your head as you clicked your tongue, plunging your arms deeper into his chest, making him gasp and choke on a moan, fingers brushing against his convoluted circuits. "this doesn't usually happen, you know?" humming, you began to unscrew a bolt to access an even more complex section of his body, though you did it agonizingly slow, making sure omega could feel each twist and turn of your tool. "unless someone else messed with your circuits… but that's impossible. each segment has a different screw, nut, and bolt, all custom-made and unique, courtesy to me, so that only prime and i could have access to your very fragile and very complicated machinery."
before omega could even make an excuse, trying to save himself from this utter embarrassment, he throws his head back and almost falls off the table as his body is suddenly electrified with intense shocks of pleasure, his system overwhelmed as he felt sparks coursing through his wirings. drool seeped at the corner of his lips, he keens when your hands didn't relent on reattaching wires back to their proper place, and tweaking the numerous gears inside of him.
he couldn't stop shaking, hands pawing at your shoulders as he tries to keep still, lest he wants you to fuck up his system even more… although the thought made his fans whir faster, to have your hands touch every single intricate piece of his metallic body, your hands warm to the touch and expertly assaulting his every weak spot he had. he was at the verge of an overload, senses making him lightheaded.
"this is a very calculated error, so much so that only a person or a machine with high intelligence can pull it off, rather than it being due to the humid air of sumeru." omega lets out a cry when you tightened a screw, making him curl his toes and fall back onto the table, back so beautifully arched against the metal surface and rattling his mechanical parts. "you know very well that i built you more resilient than that, darling~"
omega swallowed down his moans, trying to catch his breath as he glares unto your eyes, a weak scowl on his trembling lips. "p-perhaps the mechanic lacks the utter skill to—h-hahnn! t...to even complete proper maintenance o-of their own creation... f-fuck!" he argues in between his whorish moans, cursing and stumbling over his words, "l-leading to this 'calculated error', as you've said..." you knew if he had eyes, he'd shed tears.
you laughed at his poor attempt of an excuse, especially when he's been letting out perfect mimicry of hiccups and sobs, pretty sensors flashing red, fingers digging rather painfully against your biceps as his joints creaked. "oh darling, you and the other segments are all the same," you tease, leaning towards him and pressed kisses on his neck, all the way up to his jawline, paying attention to how his body reacted to everything you do to him. "knocking on my office door, saying that they're having calibration errors, or they need an early tune-up, begging me to fix them."
omega felt like he was perpetually on edge, the pure ecstasy driving his system into a frenzy, his body struggling to cool down his processor. he couldn't even cum if he wanted to; you didn't build him like that. it was maddening—each caress made him mewl how a slut would, each tug of his wiring made him quiver weakly beneath you, the desire to be absolutely ravished by you growing stronger at each passing second.
"are you all so jealous that i can fuck your very own creator so good that he's crying my name all night long, but can't do the same to you?" you purr into his ear, and he bucks his hips upwards, taut against yours as he whines in desperation, "so you'd mess up your insides so i can fix them? hoping for me to touch you in ways only i know that will make you feel good?"
and he nods, tongue lolling out between his lips, looking absolutely wrecked. again, you laughed mockingly at his pitiful display. you kiss him all over his face, and he cries, begging you to be gentle with his insides, that he can't take anymore. he's so sensitive that he could feel it through his mechanical bones, the electric currents flowing through his body giving you small shocks whenever you touch him, and his system making loud beeping sounds, indicating that he was overloading.
but you found it too amusing, for what was supposed to be an unfeeling robot, melting into putty in your hands as you stroke, palm, pull, knead his pieces to the point he's seeing stars. "if only i had known you segments were all pathetic whores for me, then we should've gone for a more organic approach..."
"although," your hands paused, and omega took big gulps of air, his back somehow began to ache for how long he's had it arched in burning bliss, his sensors focused on you, body twitching. "i could stimulate a feature that could mimic a human orgasm..." omega visibly lights up, gripping onto the sleeves of your shirt as raspy pleads slip from his lips, but you shush him, smiling sickeningly sweet for reassurance. and yet, omega could feel regret creeping up his circuits in the dark and wicked intent behind your eyes.
"alright... it will take a few hours," your hands began to move again, and omega screamed, voice caught in his throat as you pressed a button that made him extra sensitive to stimulation, head clanging against the metal table. he could feel his inside buzz with delight, every single command prime had given him was left forgotten, and he could only think about your hands, tinkering away on his engine.
"try to keep your system stable until i finish, okay~?"
a/n - haiiii @brenbosan this is for u... i've had this thought for a while, saw ur post and my brain just. buzzed,, this was so fun to write hehe,, okay i will answer u guys asks now 🥹🥹
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dragon-ascent · 5 months
I wonder how Zhongli would feel if he came home one night, to find his lover surrounded by plushies of him (as an archon, dragon, and his current form) and cuddling a giant Rex Lapis exuvia plush?
Sure, he finds her skill at textile design impressive but he can't help but feel a bit jealous that a creation of fabric and cotton stole his beloved.
Jealous (and possibly pouty) Li is everything to me ;u; so here you go! Enjoy~
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The first time you showed Zhongli a plushie you'd made of him in his miniature dragon form, words couldn't describe how touched and flattered he was that his beloved could find pleasure in creating plushies in his image. The fact that you loved him so much amplified his own love for you tenfold, and he couldn't ask for a better partner.
But then, the plushies started piling up. Big and small, fluffy and smooth, person and dragon. Zhongli didn't want to discourage you from making use of your exceptional crafting skills, especially seeing how happy you were, but once the plushies started taking up his side of the bed, he couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy - something he wasn't accustomed to. Especially when it appeared that he was stealing you from himself in a way..?
It all comes to a head when he returns home after a week-long consultation overseas, wanting nothing more than to hold and be held by you. "Darling, I'm home."
No response. Well, that's all right, he thinks, as it's quite late and he wouldn't be surprised if you'd already fallen asleep. Zhongli pictures you nodding off while trying to stay up waiting for your husband, and a tender smile tugs at his lips.
But when he gets to the bedroom, a different scene awaits entirely.
There's the usual mountain of Zhongli-themed plushies around you, but it's...a lot bigger than he'd remembered. And in the middle of it all, you're wide awake and rolling about with a giant plushie of his dragon-Qilin form, about as tall as Zhongli himself is. Your eyes are closed and you're humming, petting the plushie as you do.
At first he's a mix of awestruck and besotted by the scene, but those feelings are swiftly overtaken by envy. Huffing softly, he decides to take matters into his own hands.
...You're minding your own business, stroking your soft Rex Lapis in utter contentment when suddenly the soft fuzzy cotton seems to morph into a smoother, scalier texture.
"Oh!" You open your eyes, seeing a more reptilian version of your creation staring back at you expectantly like a dog. Grinning, you cuddle him. "Wow, I really outdid myself with how realistic this one is!"
He lets out an audible huff now, and you laugh.
Your dragon husband curls up around you, fiery eyes transfixed upon you alone. "Pay attention to me," he murmurs, and there's a hint of a whine in his deep voice, "and me alone." He uses his tail to knock his cotton imposter off the bed.
But you're still being cheeky. "Well, technically these are all you," you say, holding up a little plushie of Zhongli wearing his white archon hood, but your husband only growls at it, which makes you giggle. You stroke his sorry, scaley ol' head. "You're so silly, Li."
"I am not silly," he answers earnestly, nuzzling his snout against your skin. Ah, how he missed your scent. Gently, he uses his clawed hands to keep your upper half in place while his tail coils around your lower half. Finally content, he closes his eyes and purrs.
You roll your eyes, smiling. "You're going to keep me like this?"
"Yes. You are to stay like this with me all night, my darling. Please do not object."
And you willingly give in, letting your lizard lover keep you in his hold like this until the sun rises again.
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jinnie-ret · 8 months
9th member reader where skz are on a talk show or smth and the host is saying some uncomfy stuff abt reader being the only girl in a group of boys. the boys would be kinda passive aggressive about their replies because they cant outright say anything for fear of bad publicity and being disrespectful. i like the idea of the boys sticking up for reader in any way they can, even if they have to be sly about it so reader knows they have their back
bite my tongue
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stray kids x ninth member!reader
genre: angst
content warnings: sexual harassment (verbal)
word count: 1.6k
summary: when an interviewer decides to pick on you specifically, the boys do their best to hold back and get you out of the situation.
Thank you so much for this request! I'm sorry it took so long for me to answer but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!!
As always, like, reblog if you enjoyed, and my asks are open for any requests you may have. And let me know if you'd like to be tagged when I post :)
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You decided you hated interviews. There was clearly a difference between how they'd talk to the boys in comparison to how they'd treat you. Whether it was by completely ignoring your existence or sexualising you as the only female in the group, it made you feel awful. The gross comments that were made caused you to feel uncomfortable, yet your demeanour was too shy to fight back. Perhaps that was a good thing, you had 8 other members to defend you at all times anyways.
You were currently doing an interview to promote S-CLASS, your new title track, and it seemed to be a nice atmosphere, a nice sit down conversation where you could talk about your music mixed in with other personal questions to make it more fun. But that was the issue, it wasn't fun. It started off light-hearted, and you worried you were being sensitive and overreacting at first when you suspected the questions you received weren't normal ones, but by the expressions on the boys' faces, you realised you were right to feel this way.
"So, Y/N, tell me, what was it like getting to do a more masculine dance this time? I saw the music video and I was quite surprised at how well you did," the male interviewer started off.
You mouth visibly dropped open in shock, yet you did your best to answer, despite your nerves.
"Ummm, I think my dance skills have improved over the years, yes," you said, not able to make eye contact with the man, not directly saying anything about his prejudiced words.
You had been with Stray Kids from the very start. Yes, the public had their things to say about you being in a group with a bunch of guys, but it had been 5 years now. Of course you were accustomed to the dance style of Stray Kids. You had created your own image through your music and dance, so what if the dance moves were typically more powerful with sharper movements? You were part of the dance line for a reason.
"Our Y/Nnie did so well," Hyunjin ruffled your hair from where he was sat behind you, trying to lighten the mood as he could tell his other members weren't too happy with how you were being treated.
You turned to Hyunjin with a thankful smile.
"So, 3RACHA, you do all the producing for the group right? That's quite a unique situation amongst idol groups," the man asked the group, and nearly everyone let out a sigh of relief and allowed themselves to smile, grateful for a normal question.
"Ah yes, 3RACHA have been together since predebut, so we've worked hard over the years to create music that represents our group and who we are," Jisung nodded and explained.
You couldn't help but check the time on your watch, seeing there was still 10 minutes to go.
"Y/N, how did it feel having to squeeze into your outfit in the MV? I noticed it was quite a tight leather jumpsuit you wore, that must have been difficult to wear considering it clinged onto you so tightly," the man directed his question at you again, and you were taken aback once more.
"It, umm, it wasn't too difficult, yeah... I think it fitted the vibe of the song," you said, clearly uncomfortable as you shifted in your seat.
Why did you get these types of questions? The boys got asked about music, and you instead got ridiculed for your skills and sexualised by the gross man in his mid 40s.
"Don't you want to ask me about how I fitted into my outfit? I've been working out these days," Changbin tensed his arms, flexing and patting his muscles proudly as he took the attention away from you. He seemed to have been thinking the same way as you.
"Maybe you should help Y/N, she's so small and weak, you could do anything you wanted with her," the man suggestively wiggled his eyebrows at you, and quite frankly, you wanted to throw up.
"Have you been working out, sir?" Minho spoke sharply and asked the man, infuriated.
"Oh yes I'm quite strong, can lift just about anyone in this room," he said. The statement of course, inferred he was challenging everyone else, yet his eyes never left your shy and nervous figure sat on the stool.
Everyone could see it. And they knew it was time for something to be done. They didn't think they could last the rest of the interview without punching the interviewer in the face. Yet, they did their best to keep their composure.
"Sorry, sir," Chan began through gritted teeth, tongue poking his cheek, "unfortunately we don't have anymore time for this interview," and he gestured everyone to stand up and follow his lead, exiting the room.
As you did so, you saw the blatantly shocked face on the man's face, Felix wrapping an arm around your shoulder as you left.
The boys were calm, until you made it to your backstage room where you had gotten ready earlier. All hell broke loose.
"What does that man think he's doing?" Changbin slammed his hand down onto the table, making you jump as you stayed quiet.
"I can't believe all those stupid things he was saying!" Minho growled, folding his arms.
"He's disgusting," Seungmin shook his head.
Chan was the angriest of them all, face of thunder as he paced the room. And yet, you couldn't help but feel bad. Surely, that interview couldn't be released now? And it was meant to help promote your new music, and because of your presence in the group, you felt like you were taking that opportunity away from them.
"Y/Nnie?" Jeongin waved his hand in your face to get your attention.
"Hmm?" you shook your head wondering what he was asking.
"Are you okay?" he asked gently, and with all the anger that was in the room, it dissipated with your calm voice breaking through it.
"I guess..." you didn't really know what to say at this point. You felt like you should have been used to it by now.
"I know that look on your face, Y/Nnie, don't even go there," Chan shook his head at you, a frown still present on his face.
"I don't want to do interviews anymore," you suddenly blurted, fiddling with your hands nervously.
"Y/N..." Hyunjin sighed, but you cut him off.
"Every time we promote something we get an interview like this that can't be put out to the public. And it's because I'm here. And then that means our music will be getting out to less people out there and-" you fretted.
"If you seriously think this is your fault Y/N," Seungmin sat up, pure disbelief seeping through his words as he couldn't believe that even with the way you were being treated you still felt guilty.
"Y/N, you didn't make that interviewer say all those gross things towards you," Felix rubbed your shoulder soothingly.
"You actually did really well to still try and answer him," Jisung nodded at you, thinking that he wouldn't have been able to have done the same thing.
"I had to bite my tongue so many times to not shout at him," Changbin gritted his teeth.
"This is why I shouldn't do these anymore, because it just ends up stressing you guys out," you felt bad, sitting down with your leg bouncing up and down.
"You're worried about us? We're worried about you, it's not fair that someone talks to you like that," Jeongin shook his head, hands on his hips.
"Y/N, here's what we're going to do. First, we're going to file a complaint against that guy. And second, for all future interviews we'll get the company to do a thorough check on if they're respectful and actually treat their guests right," Chan began, a plan already sorted in his mind for what action they could take.
"You're part of this group as much as anyone else, we can't represent Stray Kids without you there with us," Minho said like it was obvious, but it didn't feel that way to you.
"But it's always going to be the same thing. I'd rather not risk it again," you say, upset at the situation you had all been put in.
"Chan hyung already said, we can check what the show is like before going on it. That way you can decide from there, yeah?" Felix suggested, hand stroking through your hair as he sat next to you on the sofa.
"Or if you really don't want to do interviews anymore, I'm sure there's a way we can work around it. We could do more company based promotions and Div.1 can help us make our own shows?" Jisung wondered.
"No, I don't want to make things more complicated... I'll do them, I will, I just don't want this to ever happen again. It stresses me out, makes me feel all, gross," you shuddered.
"As long as you're sure, Y/N," Changbin checked in on you as everyone grabbed their things ready to leave the studio.
"Yeah, I'm sure," you mustered up a small smile, leaving with the others.
As you walked to the cars, you spoke up again, speaking louder than your normal quiet voice to catch the attention of everyone else.
"Thanks, by the way guys. Thank you for doing that."
"You don't have to thank us for that, Y/Nnie. We'd do that anytime, you know that," Hyunjin ruffled your hair, him and the rest of the boys now seeming more themselves and happier as you were leaving.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng
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