#and doesn't understand a bit of any of it but he also straight-up told me
So adding stuff to my Wishlist because it's nearing Christmas time and was struggling to think of ideas when Mother mentions making a separate "safe" wishlist for Grandpa
Which makes me remember that I'm in a place that won't judge or question my choice to wear anything pride-related anymore and proceed to add all the pride clothing to my Wishlist that I want <3
(For context, Grandpa prior to earlier today(still confused as fuck about it) refused to call me by my chosen name + would just. Not use pronouns for me. At all.)
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signedkoko · 5 months
hello, good afternoon/night!
I was wondering if you could do a vox x character (?) oneshot where the other person has royal status (something similar to stolas).
I’m interested to see if vox would change his attitude if he was interacting with someone above him, or if he would act the same as usual.
either way, I hope this makes sense and thank you so much!
Vox X Reader [Romantic]
In which you are apart of the ars goetia family, and Vox doesn't know much about royalty. Reader is genderneutral.
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Being one of the 72 members of the family didn't feel special from your point of view; you were royalty, yes, but what that actually meant was beyond you
Nevertheless, you were representative of innovation, and your role as an 'aristocrat' was quite literally the most dull of all: an archivist
Your role was to document, file, or archive every piece of information that has ever existed or will exist, and to protect it all in your library
You were a vast network of knowledge, not too different from a computer
That was where you and Vox became so similar, he was certainly an impressive overlord worth meeting.
You found yourself archiving logs upon logs of his creations, of his ad campaigns, of his scandals; he was always up to something
It piqued your interest, so you were sure to note the next time you were in proximity so you could meet him
Vox didn't give two shits about royalty, but what he did care about were the opportunities it presented
It was worth being nice to them and biting your tongue, and in all honesty, he wasn't much of a hot head when it came to people he didn't know
He had files on every member of the Ars Goetia, including yours, and he'd developed a bit of a 'celebrity' crush
You seemed so like him, but he knew pictures could only say so much about a person and moved on
Both of you knew the other would be at the same event, and like magnets, you came straight to one another
Vox used his television charm to lure you in, and just like you'd hoped, it worked
He is extremely nervous around royalty because, truth be told, they really are far more powerful than he or any other overlord
Not to say he doubts himself, but he understands his limits
And being technology itself, he also knows that your ability nearly pales his technology—computers are without a doubt more capable of storing information and processing it than any human or demon ever could, but you were beyond that
That is to say, he is extremely impressed with you and asks a lot about your ability, almost hoping it'll reveal some kind of trick he could use too
Unfortunately, no tricks, but he does find you to be just as kind as he'd imagined
Ars Goetia is extremely strict about the relationships they have, but fortunately for you, you knew every rule and loophole there was to know and managed to get by with 'one of hell's strongest overlords'
He is very adaptive to rules and customs, so it's no issue impressing your family with his seemingly infinite skills
" I didn't know you knew all that, Vox. "
" Yeah! You know, I didn't either! "
He absolutely goes autopilot a lot around other royals because he does not want to cause you any trouble, but you always tell him to relax and let him know you'd never let them get in the way
The hardest decision is who is moving, and when you eventually offer to abandon your lavish lifestyle for his minimalistic city style, he does whatever he can to help you adapt.
Really, you are his prince(ss), and he will treat you like the royalty you are
" So, does this make me a prince now? "
" Are you proposing? "
One of his favourite perks is that now he can really stick it to Alastor
Not that he would ever intend on putting you in danger—even if you'd win—but let's be honest
You would win against that stupid radio demon
Oh yeah, he's proud of that too
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Author's Note - I ended up doing headcanons because I felt the prompt didn't have enough for me to go off of, I apologize for disappointing!~ Even so, I hope this still catches your interest 🖤
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wonderlandwalker · 6 months
Cherished Moments | Finnick Odair x Reader
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THG Masterlist / Taglist / Inbox
Summary: Finnick is trying to get you to relax and, well, it works maybe a bit too much.
Content Warnings/Tags: Mostly fluff, small injury, lovesick Finnick, grumpy!reader x sunshine!Finnick, insinuations of violence, no use of y/n
Word Count: 1.2k
Requested by Anon: I love your writing!!! What do you think a grumpy reader × sunshine finnick would be like? Love the back cat gf golden retriever bf trope haha and I feel like finnick would be obsessed with someone who was mean to everyone BUT him! Feel free to ignore if you don't feel inspired, I'll read everything you write anyway!!
A/N: Can someone pls let me know if they actually manage to find the request after I've posted them I have no clue if these are getting through. Ngl this one was a struggle for me but once I found the right idea it came pouring out. Do they even have darts in the Hunger Games universe? Well, they do now. Keep sending me requests I genuinely love doing them!!
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“Come on, I know you can do it! I’ve seen you throw knives, this is pretty much the same thing, only smaller.” Finnick was trying to encourage you, but you weren’t easy to win over. 
“I’m telling you, I can’t. This is just different. The darts are so much smaller and lighter, it throws me off balance.” You were at a party in District 13, well, calling it a party would be generous. 
“Just try. I’ll help you come on. I promise it’ll be fun.” He couldn't hide his smile at your antics, but he also knew if anyone was able to convince you, it was him.
“Fine, but if something goes wrong it's on you.” You looked him in the eyes, and could see a spark of light inside them, and you wouldn't admit it, not with all the other people in the room, but it warmed your heart a little.
“It’ll be fine, what’s the worst that could happen” He asked you, and you almost scoffed at the question.
“I could hit someone, and then everyone will hate me even more than they already do”
“They don't hate you, they just don't know you the way I do.” Whenever someone would ask him what he saw in you, he would always be dumbfounded. Sure, you had a hard exterior, but when someone has gone through as much in their life as you did, were you really to blame? No, he didn't understand the question, because, to him, you were perfect. Whether you were sulking at breakfast for having to leave the bed or smiling at him because they were serving your favourite dish for dinner, he would take anything you gave him. 
“Are you telling me that you, the victor of the 70th Hunger Games, are afraid of hurting someone with a tiny dart?” He was challenging you, and it was working.
“I'm not afraid, I just don't want anything to go wrong.” The way your voice softened around him made his heart beat faster for you and sometimes, he swore you knew and were doing it on purpose.
“You won’t, just throw it straight into the board.”
Finnick is standing behind you, grinning like he’s just won some sort of lottery while he guides your arm up for you, you can feel his breath on your neck before he whispers “Come on love, do it for me.” You’ve never been able to deny him, to your own annoyance at times, so you do as he says.
The dart flies through the air, and it doesn't hit the board, but it comes relatively close. So you throw a second dart and it hits the board, but you don’t manage to score any points just yet. As you throw another one, it manages to hit the board, but only for a little while before it falls to the floor. You throw your hands up in defeat before saying “See, told you I couldn't do it.” But Finnick hasn't given up, in you, he would never give up.
“That’s nonsense, you just have to try again, be patient.” He walks over to collect your darts and hands them back to you. He steps behind you again, guiding you into the right position before speaking.
“Just close your eyes, imagine you’re throwing them at Snow.” It makes you laugh and he can feel your muscles relax. He would always feel so proud of himself when he made you laugh, he didn't mind that you don't do it often, it would only feel like so much more of an achievement.
You do as he says, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath right before you throw the dart, hitting it right in the bullseye. You throw another, hitting the bullseye again. But you miss the board with the next one when Finnick leaves a small kiss on your shoulder, and your breath hitches. You can feel his body moving from behind you, and focus to throw another dart. It’s only when you hear an exclamation of pain coming from right in front of you that you snap open your eyes, you would recognize it anywhere. In front of you was Finnick, standing right next to the board with one of his hands clutched in the other, and when you take a closer look, you can see the dart that is stuck in the back of Finnick's hand.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry are you okay.” He would never tell you this, but he doesn't even mind that it happened, seeing you being sweet on him so openly, it makes him forget anything even happened in the first place.
“I'm fine sweetheart.” there is a strain in his voice, and he knows you can hear it too from the way your brows furrow in regret. You knew he wasn't trying to be tough for you, no, you had moved past that years ago. he was trying to not make you worry, it was something he would always do no matter how much pain he was in. But you were worried, because in contrast to all those other times, this time it was your fault that he was hurt. It never phased you much when someone would get shot, it never phased you much as you heard the canons each night in the arena signalling another death, not in the way it phased other people, but this, this broke you.
“Finnick you are not fine, there is a fucking dart inside your hand and it's my fault.”
“Well, most people don’t throw a fourth dart sweetheart." He says, and he chuckles a little, but you don't hear it in your state of worry.
“I am so sorry I-” You were choking up over your guilt, and while he loved getting to see your raw emotions, this one he didn't enjoy.
“Hey, no, I'm sorry too, don't get yourself worked up over this. It's just a dart, I will be fine. Why don’t you go get me a first aid kit?” He really was fine, and he could have gotten it himself, but he knew how much you would get in your own head when you didn't have anything to do in these kinds of situations. 
Once you come back and help patch him up, he looks up at you and you catch his gaze. A smile crosses his face in a way he knows his cheeks are going to hurt.
“Why are you smiling” you ask, confused at his glee in a situation like this.
“Because I know you care about me. You don’t always show it, and you don’t have to, because moments like these I’ll cherish forever.” His eyes are sparkling as he looks into yours, he swears he could just stand here and look at you for the rest of his life. 
“Oh, would you shut up already” you tell him while swatting his hand away from your face and rolling your eyes.
“You can’t tell me to shut up, you threw a dart into my hand.” He’s still grinning like an idiot, and it's infecting you. One of the corners of your mouth lifts up, and it's subtle, but he catches it, how could he not with how intently he is watching you. You’re back to your old dynamic, but he loves it just as much.
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amuseoffyre · 8 months
Things worth remembering:
All Stede knows about Ed's breakdown is that it was because of him (You broke him/he took my leg cos I mentioned your name), He doesn't know about Ed's other trauma aside from his dad and while he knows Ed is disillusioned with pirating, he doesn't know the specifics about why.
Ed tends to speak in metaphors and while Stede tries to understand them, it's clear that sometimes he's missing the mark. Sometimes Ed isn't even sure of the metaphors himself, but once he has them, he holds onto them - the fish thing has got him especially.
And the thing is that Ed's only just learned to sit with himself in episode 5 and it's overwhelming him. At the beginning of 6, he's the stillest and quietest we've seen him and is gazing out to sea while having flashbacks to things he's done and people he's hurt (hello 1x09 callback).
And the thing is he's okay at the start of 7. He's made a decision about shedding the Blackbeard stuff. He doesn't say anything to anyone and he's ok until Jackie points out Stede is the rising star just when Ed wants out
He doesn't begrudge Stede being excited and happy with his new fame. He is afraid of what his presence has led Stede to: the conversation with Jackie is very much his "you defile beautiful things" moment, especially his presence brought Ned to Stede ("It's me you want").
He also doesn't understand why Stede killed Ned because Stede bottled up his trauma like his love letters. He doesn't even know why Stede a) became a pirate or b) went back to Mary, especially since Stede never actually told him where he'd been directly. He had to hear it from Anne - and Stede is betrayed by that as well ("I told you that in confidence")
Right now, he's feeling unmoored by his own identity and now Stede has taken a step that has fully changed him as a person too and dragged him straight back into the heart of piracy. He tells Jackie he wants out and she asks if Stede knows that and Ed's face just drops and he whispers "shit".
And he spends of the rest of the day thinking and quiet and realises that to process any of this mess, he needs to be away from the pirate world for a bit so he can get his head on straight because now it's roaring back in for him. He sits, he thinks, he realises he needs that space - he should speak to Stede but he tried that the day before and Stede still killed Ned.
Stede also lashes out, which definitely doesn't help. He's right. Ed is panicking, but Stede is also missing so many little clues. Ed never told him about dropping his leathers and Stede just sees him as Ed in other clothes. He doesn't understand the significance, even when everyone around them realises something is off. If even the Swede picks up on it, you know it's an obvious flag.
They both need to use their words and explain wtf is happening with both of them, but they are also both ridiculously traumatised by their past experience. Ed is afraid he's unlovable and now Stede is talking down his coping mechanism, so maybe he's right and Ed-as-Ed is unlovable, while Stede has been told his entire life he isn't enough, so becoming the ultimate pirate should be the win he's been looking for, only Ed isn't happy and Ed is leaving him, so maybe it's him that isn't enough after all.
They are both tangled up so much in their own histories and don't know enough about each others and that's why they keep lashing out and hurting each other so much - they each don't realise what they're saying is a different kind of weapon to the other.
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hunterssm00n · 7 months
NSFW ! Thomas Hewitt hc’s
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A little bit dangerous / but baby, that’s how I want it
*cw include mention of cnc and mention of slight gore* MDNI - 18+
• big boy, big hands, big fat ddddd - i don’t make the rules *shrugs*
• his fingers are like sausages on his hands, and are bigger and thicker than pretty much everyone else’s he comes across. i’ve always noticed how big and meaty his hands are, and the thought that they could crush someone’s skull just as easily as they could hold a kitten is just… unnnf
• his hands are quite large, warm, and super calloused from his day to day life. i hc that since his family is elderly he ends up doing a lot for them, and that includes housework, maybe some repairs, and definitely anything to do with getting food on the table. rough, weathered hands that can be gentle is one of the sexiest things ever.
• despite his sheer size and strength, tommy is an incredibly gentle lover. he’s a very sweet and considerate partner.
• after some practice and allowing his confidence to grow, those big hands know exactly what they’re doing- and a man with big hands that knows how to use them? *swoons*
• he’s a switch; can be a top or a bottom. loves being ridden but also loves being in control
• did not know pretty much anything about sex growing up, uncle charlie tried to explain it to him but you can imagine how well that went. this may have resulted in thomas having some unnatural fears when it comes to intimacy, but thankfully he's a quick study and is open to positive influence when there are good feelings associated.
• this can mean that this sweet boy can be talked into doing pretty much anything. as long as he understands there's nothing to be afraid of, and that if he doesn't like something he can always stop/indicate that he wants to stop.
• for example, he would only be open to cnc if he understands that it's a game - i really don't think he would be able to violate someone that way (which might sound weird considering he chainsaws people in half and then cuts off their faces and wears them...) as long as he knows it's for fun i feel like he would be open to anything
• sooo considerate afterwards - a total sweetheart who absolutely jumps at the chance to do aftercare
• he is always hot - figuratively and literally. i hc that his big boy body is like a furnace. this means the ultimate snuggle time in the winter, and just in general.
• he’s long and thick down there, lawd have mercy. like, almost doesn’t fit all the way he’s so big. and his balls are large and heavy, full of hot seed, and they swing back and forth when he thrusts, creating the perfect titillating sensation.
• when he cums… dear god. it’s like the hoover dam breaking open. he definitely needs lots of towels to clean up afterwards - or just straight up jumping in the bath/shower to rinse off
• his favorite positions are missionary and being ridden - the best of both worlds
• and he absolutely loves sex in the shower/bath. he is super touch starved, especially in the romantic sense, so that level of intimacy completely blows his mind.
• he adores being praised; being told what a good boy he is, how good what he's doing feels. he likes to know when he's doing something right - it is a huge confidence boost for this shy guy
• he actually isn't as quiet during sex as one may think. not that he says anything, but the noises he makes instead are equally as good. low groans, pitiful moans when something feels too good, and even growling when he cums. thomas is just so animalistic in nature, and much like when he's chasing after someone with his chainsaw, sometimes the beast just needs to be unleashed.
hunterssm00n © All rights reserved by me. I do not allow this work to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
AN: I do not own the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise or any of its characters. I also do not own the song ‘Into You’ by Ariana Grande.
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bloodstainedsaint · 6 months
noises in the bedroom with ron, lew, lieb, luz, and shifty
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word count: 770+
warnings: reader has female genitalia, degradation (only in ron's), praise, teasing, i call nixon a whore for the reader (it's true)
notes: i couldn't include babe in this one cause i just decided that i would write for him (and therefore i must do Research) but hope you guys enjoy anyway !!
ronald speirs
big on praise-degradation, like 50/50 on it
unless you managed to really set him off (ex; make him jealous on purpose, tease him, be a brat, etc.), then don't expect very many kind words
he can be so mean and unfair when he wants to, but by the end of it he’s worshiping you like you're a deity
he’ll call you a slut but his slut, yk?
could not care less about who hears — no one's gonna confront him about it anyway with his reputation, and they're definitely not coming up to you either since they know ron is going to be death glaring them the whole time
he groans and grunts huskily + openly and encourages you to not cover up/muffle your sounds with your hand
(quickies are, of course, the exception since that would be unsafe, and if higher-ups are around, obviously he's about to care; in any other situation though, no one is safe from hearing the two of you)
lewis nixon
somehow his moans are louder than yours???
LIKE that's not a bad thing, it just means he's enjoying it just as much as you but he's just so vocal about it, saying your name or princess, doll, sweetheart like his life depended on it
(he's such a whore for you, especially when he goes down on you. you're gonna be feeling the vibrations of his groans bc omg is he obsessed with eating you out…but that's another story)
this is mostly because he also does not care who hears (same exceptions as ron). i imagine dick having to come talk to you all flustered, his face matching his hair and his eyes cast to the ground, asking you guys to keep it down
…nixon definitely didn't get any play for two weeks after that
despite being the #1 slut for you, he still manages to tease you, saying things like, “tell me how bad you want it.” (as if he doesn't want it just as bad)
joseph liebgott
he's probably the biggest pottymouth out of the five
anything he does is followed up by a hoarse “fuck, doll” or “shit, (y/n)”
he's trying to cover up the fact that he's a bit of a whiner/panter
he’ll kiss marks onto and around your breasts to muffle the sound of his moans
definitely says “yeah, you like that?” or “that feel good, baby?” during foreplay, smirking down at you while you’re begging for more (he's a little cocky with it)
becomes soft during and afterwards; he's scared to be vulnerable but he can't help telling you how pretty you look, how good you feel, and how much he loves you
will probably confess some of these things in german so he's not as vulnerable, but you still get the gist either way (and if you do understand german, he's screwed)
george luz
honestly he's just kind of unserious, like this man is giggling he's so happy to be with you (and his laughter and smile are infectious so now you're laughing too and telling him to shut up)
he’ll praise you with jokes, telling you you're prettier than any pinup model
“rita doesn't have anything on you, beautiful.” cue you rolling your eyes with a smile and telling him he’s cheesy
he's a little bit of a cusser too (especially when you play with his hair), not to the level of lieb though
“damn, (y/n), i'm lucky you're all mine.”
eventually the jokes and goofiness dissolve into him straight up telling you how good you feel around him and that you're especially gorgeous like this
+ him confessing his love for you when he's still catching his breath
“(y/n), have i ever told you how much i love you?”
“maybe 100 times today, george”
“oh so not enough then” you kiss him before he can remind you again
shifty powers
loves to praise you (and be praised honestly)
like he swears up and down that you're the most perfect girl alive
he can't believe that you're his and he's yours
kind of shy about his moans but he can't stop himself/hide them well enough because he moans at the slightest touch (he's so in love with you)
whimpers when you say he's making you feel good and “don't stop”
he's definitely asking if you're sure about anything and everything, reminding you that you don't have to go through with this if you don't absolutely want to
you just have to be like “darrell c. powers, please just take me” and lord will he oblige you with the brightest goddamn smile on his face
taglist: @mads-weasley, @ronsparky, @dcyllom, @malarkgirlypop, @joetoyesbrassknuckles101, @samwinchesterslostshoe
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
Guys imagine, Roach died, before the creation of 141, but Soap is able to see his ghost. He was originally following Ghost around, really annoyed that he was using his death as an excuse to not get close to anyone, but when he found out Soap could see him and talk to him he started following him around instead.
And they get really close, like two peas in a pod, except they have to be discreet about it because no one else can see or hear Roach, and they'd think Soap was crazy if they saw him talking to no one.
They use that for shenanigans too: Roach will go follow someone else and report back to Soap, Gaz is genuinely starting to believe Soap has superpowers or something. It's really useful on missions as well, and Soap managed to successfully rescue team members thanks to Roach being able to move through walls and everything.
(Roach is not the only ghost Soap is able to see btw, just the only one he's talking to.)
And then Roach is witnessing his past lover trying really hard to not fall in love with Soap, and Soap trying really hard to not do anything about the love he already feels, and he has to try and convince Soap that he is dead. During that conversation he finds out that something else that keeps Soap from doing something is that he feels very confused about everything because he also has feeling for Roach.
So now Roach has to try and convince him that even if he was still alive he wouldn't have a problem with that. He's known for a while that he was polyamorous, but he hadn't really dared talking to Ghost about that because he thinks he's jealous and possessive.
And Soap is like "oh yeah, you want me to go say to Ghost 'don't worry about your dead lover that I'm not supposed to know, he's actually polyamorous and also in love with me, I know because his ghost told me!' ??? I'm sure he's gonna take that well!"
But Roach is nothing if not resourceful and he manages to put Soap in situations where he's forced to interact with Ghost, and eventually they kiss and their relationship is beginning to be something. They're not really sure what.
And Roach is sad, because he has to watch the two men he loves being in love without him, yes, but at least they're both happy, and it makes him feel a bit better. And then during a mission Ghost almost dies.
Because he was alone and Soap and Gaz were together, Roach was following Ghost this time, ready to fly to Soap in an instant if there was any problems. But there was and he didn't have time, so he instinctively grabbed the gun being pointed towards Ghost's head and moved it as the person was shooting, saving Ghost's life, giving him enough time to shoot the enemy himself.
But even as the threat is eliminated, Ghost is still looking up from where he's on the ground, staring right through him, looking shocked. No, not right through him, he realises when he moves to the side and Ghost's eyes follow him. He also realises that he grabbed the gun. He's never grabbed anything before, in all his years of being a ghost.
Then suddenly Ghost's eyes move wildly around, and he figures he disappeared from his view. He can still go through the walls, but he's kept the ability to grab stuff when he wants. It gives him a ton of new possibilities, to fuck with people and, of course, to touch Soap.
"I wish you were actually alive," Soap whispers to him, holding his hands against his face as he's falling asleep.
"What the fuck," comes Ghost's voice the next morning, waking both of them up - wait, since when could Roach sleep?
Soap doesn't understand immediately, because he's always been able to see Roach. But Ghost is standing in the door, looking straight at dead past lover.
Turns out Soap is a necromancer and he had no idea, though the whole 'I can see dead people' should probably have told him sooner that he wasn't normal... The more he wishes Roach is alive, the more he actually is. And they all end up happy and together. And Gaz is very happy to have won the bet that Soap indeed has superpowers.
The day Roach says, in a wondering voice, "I... I think I'm hungry" is the day they understand that something is really happening and he's actually coming back to life.
(Also, Soap has no control at all on his abilities, he has no idea what does what and why, he knows nothing. No one knows.)
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eitaababe · 1 year
˗ˏˋ WON'T HAVE YOU ! ´ˎ˗
din djarin x reader.
this is 100% self indulgent LMAO, based off of kanej from six of crows :) (maybe ooc mando?? it's my first time writing for him lol it might be iffy)
warnings — mentions of blood / injuries, shooting, typical star wars fights
─── ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ───
You sat on Din's cot in the Razor Crest, desperately trying to get the whining green baby to sleep. Mando was off, collecting another bounty for credits whilst you were left here babysitting. It was part of the deal, after all.
He took you in for protection, and you would prove yourself useful.
Din had found you on one of his hunts for a bounty— well, more like you had found him.
You were being held captive by the very man he was after, and when you ran into the Mandalorian you quickly made an alliance with him, leading him straight to the bounty.
You told Mando little of your past, and he knew better than to push. What he did know, was that you needed out and could be a valuable assest, showing your expertise in mechanics and skilled fighting.
You would almost, dare say, consider the new arrangement, safe for you.
Which was new from what you'd ever known, always trapped and having to report back to the same place all your life. Without knowing if you had a real family out there or not, without knowing how much more of your life you'd have to live.
So yeah, you could get pretty used to this.
A sound of the hatch opening caught your attention, meeting the familiar beskar helmet. You were silent for a moment, trying to hide your excitement at his return when you noticed his limp.
"What happened?" You asked, setting Grogu down carefully and rushing to help him.
"Bounty." Came a curt response, and you couldn't say you were shocked at his cold demeanor.
You almost rolled your eyes in the vagueness of his answer, "Very descriptive, Mando."
No response.
Huffing, you grabbed a kit, handing it over to him.
"Thank you." Was his only response as he tried his best to walk normally over to a nearby table, opening up the kit.
Watching silently as he removed some of his armor (never the helmet, you came to learn), you saw him slightly lift the cloth worn underneath, a wound on the back of his torso. He hissed as he reached back, struggling to clean off the blood.
"Let me help you," you finally spoke up, being met with the stubborn look that you were somehow able to understand underneath his helmet. "Din."
At the call of his name he finally complied, handing over the clumped up rag, turning around.
With shaky breaths you dabbed the cloth in water, hoping to clean the wound up a bit before applying any bacta.
You moved slow, hesitant towards his bare side, the rag finally making contact with him. He jumped at the touch, clearly holding back any noises of pain. "Sorry," you mumbled, retracting your hand away for just a second. "But I have to clean it up before I can put any bacta on."
Finally being able to focus on the task at hand, but still moving carefully, you cleaned it up the best you could, setting the dirty towel aside and spraying bacta on the wound, practically wincing with Din anytime he jolted suddenly.
"Finished." You called out, and only when he turned, helmet almost meeting your face, then did you realize just how close the two of you really were.
"Thank you. Again." He breathed quietly, also aware of the close proximity. Neither of you daring to break away, you bath sat silently on stools, and for a moment, you swear you saw him lean just forward, his hand twitching to meet yours.
You find yourself caught in whatever trance this was, heart beating rapidly—
When the cooing of Grogu on the floor snaps you back.
"I should, um," you stumbled across your words, clumsily standing to grab the little one. "Take him. You should probably wrap that. So it doesn't get infected, or anything."
Only nodding in response, the Mandalorian stayed and watched as you walked further and further away from him, out of reach.
Once again.
─── ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ───
You go weeks without addressing anything of the situation.
You tagged along with Mando in the next bounty hunt, leaving the ship and Grogu in Peli's hands as you stopped at Tatooine.
The mission consisted of someone who was associated with the man who once held custody of you— who on a technicality, still did. And you'd be lying if you said you weren't terrified of the chance of you having to go back to that life once more, but found solace in the fact he was captured previously.
You and Din split up, figuring secrecy was best suited for this mission. Stealth was always your forte, and clearly not his. He stood out too much with the armor, of course.
So you two went separate routes to the coordinates, as you took to the rooftops and Mando by streets. You'd kept him in your line of sight for the most part, seeing him successfully locate his way.
"I'm here." You quietly called to the comms, standing on top of the roof of the supposed building.
"Going in." He replied as you watched him head into the building, you looking for a nearby latch or window to sneak in through.
Your plans were cut short, however, when a bullet hits you in the arm.
"Fuck!" You cried out, crawling over to hide behind a large chimney. The shots fired towards the bricks, debris flying. You pulled out your gun, shooting from over your shoulder, taking the sniper out. "Mando! I've been compromised!" Not bothering to listen for a response you peeked in the direction of the (now dead) shooter.
You quickly learned that there were more than one, though, when more shots were fired from a different direction. You ripped off a piece of your sleeve and wrapped it around your arm for good measure on the bullet wound, and dropped from the rooftop to behind the building, shielding yourself from sight.
"Where is she?"
"I don't see her!"
You put your gun back in its pouch, opting for a knife. You followed the voices, locating them and lurking behind before taking them out, trying to find a way inside the cantina Din went inside when you were tazed, groaning in pain as you fell to the ground.
"Did you really think you would get away so easily, little bird?"
Your heart sunk to your stomach at the familiar voice, looking up to see the very face you hoped you wouldn't.
"Cat got your tongue?" He chuckled, and you were paralyzed, unable to move as he stood over you. "I won't let you get away, not this time. You'll never—"
A simple three shots ended his rant.
Your head whipped around to meet the Mandalorian, bending over to check on you. "What happened?"
Almost too much was going on for you to process, you didn't even realize the beads of tears that ran down your cheeks. Too much that you didn't realize how the Mandalorian, the very same, stoic one who mostly only spoke to either Grogu or to say thank you, the very same one who never let you get too close for comfort, was on his knees. For you.
"I'm- I-" you breathed, the floodgates rushing open. You silently leaned into his chest, and for once, Din didn't push you away.
"Let's just get you back to the Crest, alright?"
─── ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ───
After a brief explanation and some calming down, Peli left you and Mando in the newly fixed Crest, still keeping Grogu inside, both of you insisting not to wake him from his nap yet.
Still shocked, you sat down silently, doing nothing but staring at a wall. You were so numb that you didn't even notice Din taking out the kit, tending to your wound as you did his not too long ago. For once, the closeness didn't affect you whatsoever, the same voice repeating itself in your head over and over again.
"You won't get away this time."
You succumb to the thoughts of your head, still scared, despite knowing he was gone and who was beside you.
"Hey," Din's voice called out to you, your glossy eyes snapping over to meet his helmet. "He's gone now. You don't answer to him anymore. He's gone and he doesn't own you. You're free."
The words you waited to hear all your life don't feel as good as you thought they would.
Freedom was something you once thought was unattainable, something you dreamt of. But now that you have it?
It almost feels just as horrifying.
"You can do anything you've ever wanted to do," Din continued. "You can leave. Be free of this place, go wherever."
"I could leave?" You inquired. The thought of what you'd do now that you have a life that's your own and only yours has crossed your mind just a few times, and not in many of those thoughts have you thought about leaving Din and Grogu.
But would it be for the better?
You contemplate your decisions, would they even want you to stay? They were doing just fine on their own before you even arrived, they clearly would be just fine if you left. Figuring it was an invitation to leave you wordlessly get up, turning your back to him.
"You could also stay."
Four simple words make you stop in your tracks, and cowardly, you don't look back at him. "And why should I?"
"Because I want you to," He speaks, and after all this time, only now are you able to detect the emotion in his voice. You turn around to the beskar covered man, never seeing him look so small. "For him. For us."
For a moment you think he's talking about both himself and Grogu, but you understand that when he says us, he means you and him. And it should be heartwarming, it should make you want to jump into his arms and accept, but it only makes you angry.
"Us?" You repeat, and in a tone that chills him to his core. "There is no us, Din."
He's pleading now, and if only you could see his expression under the mask. "Please."
"And if I stay?" You push, walking slowly towards him. "How will I have you?"
"All of me."
You only shake your head, knowing it wasn't possible. "All of you, with a full armor of beskar every night. All of you, with short and meaningless conversations. All of you, with gloves on and hands I'll never get to truly hold. All of you, with lips that will never touch and a face I'll never see."
"My creed-"
"This isn't about your creed, Din Djarin," you practically whisper, scared if you talk any louder your voice will crack. And Din knows, Maker he does, that this isn't about his creed. It isn't about the armor that he's wearing but about the armor he puts up, about the space that he's put between you two and what he guards his heart with.
"If you think for a moment that this is about what you wear," you pause, and Din has never wanted you to see his expression underneath his helmet more than his does in this moment. "Then you really don't know me at all. If I cannot have you, truly have you, without the armor," you press against his chest plate with a light hand, and stuck in place, he doesn't give into the instinct to hold it.
"Then I won't have you at all."
─── ⭐️.
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evilcowgirl · 1 year
Hi! i was thinking of a prompt for some headcanons for autistic! reader x the gang members (any one you like!)
a sort of "they're a bit odd but i like that about em" since it wasnt discovered until 1911.
stuff like when reader gets overwhelmed/doesnt understand social que/shows empathy/apathy at the wrong moments
and mostly what they'd do when reader feels left out/like they dont belong because thats something im really struggling with </3
have a good day/night!
autistic reader relationship headcannons
pairings: arthur, javier, dutch, charles x reader
a/n: hiii loved this request sm !! feeling left out is the worst feeling but there's a place for everyone so pls remember that !! also i included dutch and john for the first time !! this is me using my autism powers for good
word count: 1k (combined)
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you bond over you both feeling unheard in the gang. you because communication is difficult for you (especially when you feel out of place) and for arthur it's because he and dutch got into an argument twenty minutes ago and he's still mad.
makes it his personal responsibility to make sure you never feel overlooked at camp because he knows how hard it is for you to settle in with the rest of the gang
during parties at camp he makes sure to keep you right by his side of you don't feel up to talking and reassures you that everything is fine if you get overwhelmed
doesn't think twice about intimidating your way out of situations he sees going south
"You can't just go around talking to folks like that"
"Nah you ain't do nothing wrong, just that people 'round here are real quick-tempered; thankfully for you i'm even quicker."
he writes about you in his journal more than anything else, pages and pages are dedicated to just how special you are to him !!
"They aren't like most folk, I like that about them."
arthur takes it as you being less influenced by social norms, which he's naturally drawn to as someone who doesn't get along too well with social norms either.
KING of aggressive reassurance, sometimes it can be off putting but you know he means every word he says.
"I promise you if they didn't want you here you'd be long gone, darlin'"
"Everyone here loves you, I think even more than they love me at this point so stop your nonsense."
biggest autism fan
calls you eccentric because thats how he chooses to describe you to people
completely over analyzes everything you say because he thinks you're the most interesting person he's ever met !! you might as well be evelyn miller !!
to him, you are so unique and precious that he finds himself being overly protective
his protectiveness could a flaw depending on your mood because he never notices that he's smothering you until you're past the point of being overstimulated by the attention.
you made a mistake ? no you didn't, you could never.
would rather watch a man die slowly than let you be confronted, even if you can take up for yourself.
"If he doesn't like your manners he'll be terribly disappointed to find that mine are much worse"
"Don't you dare waste your breath apologizing to anyone, sweet thing."
notices the small things about you like how enthralled you were by the noise his rings make when they brush against a glass or how you hate the feeling of too many eyes on you
you're the only person other than arthur that he feels like he can vent to without being judged.
will listen to you ramble about whatever you're interested in at the moment for as long as your interest lasts. has no problem with you coming up to him to talk about horses for a month straight if he gets to see you happy
he just thinks you're neat
you have a chest filled with little gifts that he brings you from his trips out of camp because you told him you like collecting things once.
little calm walks through the woods when things aren't going well, and even when they are and you just miss each other's company.
always reminds you to prepare yourself for the loud noise when he feels like he might have to use his gun if loud noises bother you.
"Remember to cover your ears, amor"
because of his own strict morals and passion for what he stands for he appreciates your straightness with what you believe. its easy for him to talk to you because he can trust you to be honest.
loyalty is a huge thing for javier so you can trust him to stand up for you diligently regardless of what it's about
someone made a snide comment ?? dead !
he adores everything you view as a flaw about yourself. from your struggles with putting things in a way that people can swallow easily, to your excitement for whats often seen as mundane.
"That's amazing, amor, tell me more!"
javier is definitely a self-identified romantic and finds ways to romance you even if sometimes you don't pick up on his affections.
always invites you to sit near him around the fire and listen to him play !! every song is for you because he knows you like his music
could not care less about your issues with empathy because he has them too after everything he's been through.
would never force you to feel something you don't or don't understand and reminds you that you're just as caring and lovable as anyone else
"You're a bit off, you know?"
will ask you why you do certain things, not to be rude but out of genuine curiosity and a lack of manners.
literally so clueless
thought that you hated him in the beginning and held a grudge that you didn't even know about, but once he realized that you simply expressed emotions differently than most people he warmed up to you over time
he wasn't exactly sure how to approach you even though he was interested and he's NOT at all used to being nervous around people he's interested in
tried and failed to strike up conversations with you numerous times before finally switching up his approach and realizing that small talk wasn't going to get him anywhere with you.
the term autism and it's symptoms weren't recognized medically until much later, there was no term for it which often led to people simply avoiding the topic of your differences or leaving you out completely. john on the other hand was incredibly frank about everything and never tries to convince you that you're just like everyone else. he knows that you're not and so do you, what matters to him is that he loves you just as you are.
gets aggressive when you're overwhelmed, not with you but to everyone else around you. hates seeing you stressed out and it gets him stressed too.
"They said they don't want any bother." when you definitely did not say that
sitting in his tent with him while you both calm down and sweet hugs and comforting words afterwards
only he is allowed to poke fun of you everyone else knows you're off limits
i like my bitches weird an offputting -charles i think
charles is the first person you think has truly known you without treating you any differently. he didn't speak down to you, or simplify things because he saw you as less intelligent. he spoke to you like a person that was just as capable of everyone else, which you were.
gentle words of encouragement and silent glances of of acknowledgment when you need them. he always know when you need them.
so sweet with you because he knows what it feels like to not belong in more ways than he could even list
"Would you like to join us?"
"I'd like it if you came, you're always welcome with me."
you never feel like he's judging you for not understanding how to talk with others in a conventional way. he understands you in a way you're not used to.
he can always magically tell when you're getting overstimulated and never makes you feel like a burden for it.
sweetest man ever just wants you to be okay !!!!
always shares new things that he's learned with you because he knows you'll appreciate them. loves to tell you all about plants and animals and in return he listens eagerly to whatever hyper fixation you have at the time
you both have a similar social which leads to you spending an unsettling amount of time together
holding hands and sweet kisses when you're both up for it, regardless of who's looking
people in camp talk of course, wondering how something that's not an animal being hunted could capture charles' attention for so long
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chaifootsteps · 1 month
Full Moon anon - unexpected third part, sorry.
I think I've figured out why 'Stolas sending Blitzo nice texts and having phone chats means Blitzo should understand he wants more than sex' bothers me so much, on top of everything I outlined already
it's becaue it's accepting Stolas' narrative (and Viv's) as the only legitimate one
like from Stolas' perspective this is all some grand love story, right? - love at first sight as kids, magical day together when Stolas had a friend, reuniting later as adults leading to the magical first time Stolas ever enjoyed sex. From there everything that happened has been rewritten in Stolas' mind to suggest he and Blitzo are an actual 'thing' - Blitzo agreed to the deal, so he must want (or at least be OK with) monthly sex. In fact Blitzo's (we assume) very good at sex and seems to enjoy it sometimes, so that means he's happy with the arrangement. He even invited Stolas out on a date, so he must want romance...!
Then Ozzie's happens, & this is Stolas' big Missed Reality Check #1. He's wrecked his life for a transactional fling and he doesn't even have the guts to stand up for Blitzo in the moment, though he does still try to hold his hand afterwards, because why shouldn’t he have the kind of happiness those two married imps seem to have...? Except, no. Blitzo pulls away, then gives him the big speech that should have told him everything he needed to know about why this isn’t working out the way Stolas expects it to - because he's been deluding himself this whole time. But instead of grappling with the damage the full moon deal has done, he pushes reality away some more - and claims Blitzo lied to him on top of everything else.
Instead of ending the deal straight away he seems to internalize the message that he just needs to act nicer and more romantic to Blitzo and that'll prove his love - even though the deal is still in place so all he’s really succeeding at doing is confusing him at best and making Blitzo think Stolas wants to have it both ways at worst. Even while he’s arranging to get the crystal to end the deal he keeps sending Blitzo text messages and having nice phone calls with him, effectively LARPing the romantic relationship he actually wants *while the deal that Blitzo was so upset about is still ongoing (*and Blitzo doesn’t know Stolas now also thinks it’s wrong on some level, since he never apologized for it by text except for a backhanded ‘I’m sorry if something I said or did offended you but I won’t specify what or think about why’). The most Stolas does is pull back a bit on the deal - the duet has Blitzo imply it’s been awhile since they met up for their arrangement, though on its own that’s not good enough to make Blitzo think Stolas wants him for more than sex/views him as an equal without a proper apology from Stolas’ side when he ends things, and right now it’s feeling like it’ll be a small miracle if that happens without Stolas or the show acting like Blitzo is equally in the wrong here.
Assuming 'Blitzo should know Stolas wants more than sex' is viewing things entirely through Stolas' perspective, where a couple of nice texts and phone calls entirely counterbalances a long history of treating Blitzo like a sex toy and disregarding his feelings and boundaries on a near constant basis. All Stolas wants is to fast walk their 'relationship' from 'transactional fucking' to 'actually dating' and he doesn't want to do any hard work of acknowledging what the effect of that first bit was on Blitzo or why he can't just demand Blitzo trusts him the moment he hands over the crystal. Likely Blitzo will try to hammer this point home in Full Moon and Stolas will get mad and shut him down (Missed Reality Check #2) - frankly it’s already a fair argument to suggest Blitzo should just take the crystal and dip but if the show wants to really make a case for these two, this is basically its last chance to show Stolas actually cares about Blitzo’s emotions and that Stolas is willing to acknowledge how him not caring about Blitzo’s safety or ability to give informed consent back in Murder Family has affected his perspective of the ‘relationship’.
I imagine some Stolas/Stol/tz stans will look at that last bit and say ‘but s1e1 was ages ago! Stolas has changed a bunch (read: been retconned into a new person without doing much actual character development) since then and it’s Blitzo’s fault he can’t let it go’. To which I say, no. Stolas doesn’t get to dictate that Blitzo should ‘just get over’ how he treated him when he hasn’t apologized properly for any of it. It will always be an issue until Stolas deals with it because it will always hang over Blitzo’s perception of him. Plus Blitzo had an entire season of dealing with other BS from Stolas; it’s not like the owl just did one bad thing and that was it (see: basically everything about the way Stolas treated him in Loo Loo Land, persistently mispronouncing his name until Stolas wanted a romantic relationship and decided it was time to address him properly, yanking on his face multiple times, putting cigarettes out on his horns, calling him a plaything, flirting with him when he was T-minus seconds away from a panic attack the episode right after Blitzo told him off for treating him like a sex toy). Frankly it’s self absorbed on Stolas’ part to refuse to acknowledge the way he has treated Blitzo affects the way Blitzo treats him in return and demand he get over it the second Stolas has decided he’s ready to be better (and if Stolas doesn’t even listen to Blitzo’s feelings without losing his temper and throwing him out in Full Moon, his idea of ‘better’ isn’t worth a darn).
Look at it from Blitzo's perspective instead and it becomes clear. He steals the book and tosses Stolas some pity sex because he feels bad the bird actually thinks they're friends/has never had anyone want him physically before. From then on he has the problem that Stolas has become obsessed with him and fixated on him sexually - it’s evident in their convo in e1 that he’s been avoiding his calls, after all, and he has a panic button for him in his office. Stolas then leverages a situation where Blitzo can't freely consent to him changing up the terms regarding his use of the book to get him to agree to monthly sex. He does this after having let Blitzo use the book no strings attached for some time, too. Blitzo agrees to get him off the phone, then probably thinks that because he needs the book and wants to stick to his word (even though it wasn't freely given) that he should just grit his teeth and get on with it, so he doesn’t argue the issue further. Stolas is kinky enough that the sex is maybe at least enjoyable, even if Blitzo would rather not have to please his every whim every month just to keep the lights on. He keeps his head down, maybe thinking they could have been something if only he didn't feel like Stolas' prisoner (truth seekers). But then Stolas starts to change - a one off invite to a club has Stolas acting like they're on an actual date and Blitzo has no idea what to do with that (’that’s a little much, don’t you think?…oh yeah, I guess it is.’). They don't have a ‘thing’ after all, it's just transactional. And it's starting to get annoying that Stolas - who he couldn't even trust not to attempt to drag him off to some dark corner in loo loo land for a hookup - is acting like they're a real couple. What's worse is he's now sending these long desperate text messages and extending this delusion that he cares about Blitzo to their phone calls! And he has the nerve to act like he’s been hinting he wanted to go out with Blitzo for a while, when he was the one who proposed the deal instead of just asking Blitzo out and working out a separate business arrangement for the book? He has the nerve to act like he was powerless despite being a prince, that he was seduced by Blitzo despite Blitzo acting annoyed or rejecting his advances outside the deal near constantly?
Tl:dr, but what's so frustrating here is that it would be bad enough for Blitzo to have deal with someone who uses his life being in danger to extort sex out of him. But it's worse because he's also having to fight against Stolas' delusions - Stolas has been trying to treat him like a boyfriend even with the deal still in place. If Blitzo had come inside at the end of Ozzie's and they'd watched a movie and cuddled, it wouldn't have fixed anything. It would have enabled Stolas' notion that he could have a relationship with Blitzo and that they were mutually in love, even as he refused to give up the deal. Stolas wanted to act like they were a couple now and somehow at the same time he doesn't realize/refuses to see that it's wrong to use the book to have power over Blitzo. That's an outstanding and disturbing level of double think tbh and it's frustrating to see fans so totally buying into the show's narrative of how Stol/tz should be viewed that they don't realize how irrational it sounds to basically say 'Blitzo should realize Stolas wants more from him than sex because Stolas has been behaving like they're going steady, while he's still kept this transactional deal going'.
They don't seem to get Blitzo's perspective is heavily informed by the transactional deal, because it's the only reason he interacts with Stolas at all! Of course he's going to behave according to his own perspective and everything we've seen from Stolas makes it entirely rational to behave the way Blitzo does. If I were Blitzo I'd be tearing my horns out with frustration that Stolas just can't seem to compute that treating someone like a means for transactional sex means they're not going to behave in a romantic way towards you. They're going to behave like you're the client and they're the one being forced to please you (because they are), and naturally snap when the client tries to act like the relationship isn't entirely based around them getting what they want at all times (and then have the client get indignant because they wanted the benefits of a transactional relationship but they don’t want their ego hurt by being made to face the fact they treated another living being like a means to an end)
Honestly given how cruel and delusional Stolas is, I'd love to see Blitzo tell him that not only did his father buy Blitzo's company and he actually has a childhood friend that isn't him who he was actually in love with (Fizz), but he only slept with Stolas that first time out of pity. If Stolas is going to delude himself and fail to understand where Blitzo is coming from, he frankly can't have enough reality checks shoved under his beak (and even then he'd probably take a while to get it).
Put it this way - if Blitzo had swallowed down his upset in Ozzie's and come inside as Stolas wanted, Stolas would probably still be deluding himself that it's totally valid to have a romantic relationship with someone while simultaneously having a deal with them so you can ensure they sleep with you.
Stolas isn't ending the deal because he thinks it's wrong (and I'm not counting that song from the trailer as enough proof that he's really learnt this lesson - if he can't hear out Blitzo's feelings on the matter then it's clear he's gone from demanding sex to demanding a romantic relationship with no change in his fundamental flaw of not treating Blitzo like a person with his own feelings) he's doing it because the thing he wants out of Blitzo has changed and if he can't have that thing within the confines of the deal, ending it is his only option left
Your guys' writeups never fail to feel like a neck rub. I'd kill for more people in the fandom to realize exactly what you've written here.
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silverynight · 5 months
Unbreakable bond
Dark fic, possessive behavior
"I have a date today!" Yuuji happily announces as he sits on the floor or Fushiguro's room. He's so excited he starts humming a song he once heard in one of Jennifer Lawrence's movies.
Kugisaki told him the girl looked like Jennifer, although she also told him not to ruin it because she was one of her friends in middle school.
He starts thinking about what he is going to wear for his date, but shakes his head and makes a mental note to ask for Kugisaki's help instead. Yuuji is so busy in his own mind he doesn't realize Fushiguro hasn't talked since he said he was going to go on a date.
Suddenly, the boy with dark hair kneels in front of Yuuji, trying to get his undivided attention.
There's something weird about Fushiguro's expression, but Yuuji is not sure what it is.
"What do you mean 'why'?" The pink haired boy asks in confusion, tilting his head to the side. His friend's eyes only turn even more dark. If it wasn't because they're very good friends, Yuuji would feel a little bit intimidated by that look.
"Why do you want to date her, what's so great about this girl? What do you like about her?"
"Well... I don't know," Yuuji smiles, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I'm going to meet her today. But Kugisaki said she looks like Jennifer Lawrence!"
"You shouldn't go on a date with someone you don't know." Fushiguro scolds him, looking a little bit irritated.
Yuuji chuckles, shaking his head.
"I mean thanks for worrying about me, man, but if I don't start doing this then I won't be dating anyone!"
Fushiguro's lips part slightly, like he's considering his next words, however he stops himself before actually saying anything and instead shakes his head.
"You'll regret it."
Yuuji chuckles, finally realizing what's going on with his friend. He puts an arm around his shoulders and pulls him closer to him.
"Are you jealous, Fushiguro?" He says, smiling triumphantly when his friend goes all stiff and turns slightly pink. "Don't worry, we can tell Kugisaki to introduce you to another girl next!"
"No. I'm not interested," he narrows his eyes, but leans closer to Yuuji when the pink haired boy pouts. "Don't worry about me."
Nobara is going to kill Itadori; she has no idea how he managed to scare off one of her most patient and kind friends she's ever had. What did he have to do in order for her to send her a message about not wanting to see any of them again?
Sure, she wasn't Nobara's best friend, but she was great company to go shopping with.
Pissed, she storms into Itadori's room without knocking first and finds the pink haired boy curled up on his own bed and resting his head all over Fushiguro's lap.
Fushiguro is patiently and lovingly running his fingers through Itadori's hair and even though he's not exactly smiling, Nobara knows him enough to be certain he's enjoying every second of it.
"What did you do, Itadori?" She hisses, trying not to feel pity; yes, Itadori looks miserable, but it's probably his fault.
"I don't know!" He pouts, leaning closer to Fushiguro. "She didn't even show up!"
Oh. Then maybe it's not Itadori's fault after all. Although the situation is even more weird now.
"She wasn't worth your time," Fushiguro says, doing a terrible job at looking like he's genuinely sorry for his friend, but he's lucky Itadori can't see his subtle smile from where he is.
But Nobara can. She had talked about it with Fushiguro before, but the boy doesn't seem to understand that's not good to have a crush on his straight best friend. Well, they're not 100% sure Itadori's straight because who knows with a dumb, golden hearted guy like him, but he certainly talks about girls.
However, Fushiguro is infuriatingly stubborn and Nobara has the terrible suspicion that what he feels about Itadori is not a simple crush.
Which can make things complicated, but Nobara is not going to focus on that at the moment.
One thing at a time.
"Listen, I can get you another date with someone else," Nobara offers, because no matter how ridiculous and dumb Itadori is, she truly likes him and doesn't want to see him hurt. He's like a kicked, sad puppy and she's not that heartless.
Itadori immediately perks up and even though he looks adorable, it's not enough to dustract her from the glare Fushiguro sends in her direction. She would've been intimidated if it wasn't because she knows Fushiguro likes to be dramatic.
"Ouch! Fushiguro, let me go!" Itadori grimaces when he tries to get up, but the fingers on his hair curl into a strong grip.
"I'm sorry," the other boy mumbles, looking like he truly is sorry for a moment. He reluctantly lets go of Itadori's hair so the boy can rush towards Nobara and pull her into a hug.
Fushiguro glares at her again, but this time his expression manages to send a shiver through her spine.
Yuuji feels absolutely terrible; this time the girl not only didn't show up, she also sent him a message telling him she didn't want to see him.
Fushiguro finds him on the couch, sits next to him and hands him a bottle of ice cream that Yuuji takes immediately.
"Thank you."
"What happened?"
"She doesn't want to see me," he pouts, allowing Fushiguro to sit him on his lap. He's way stronger than he looks, although not as strong as Yuuji himself.
"Then she's not worth it," his friend says, making Yuuji chuckle. Fushiguro puts a hand on one of his thighs and another one on his waist before pulling him even closer.
"I think I'll stop trying to date girls for a while," he whispers, resting his head on his friend's shoulder.
"That'll be for the best."
He can't help but pout again.
"But I really wanted to go on a date."
"I can take you on a date," Fushiguro immediately volunteers without hesitation.
Yuuji chuckles because even though he knows his friend is doing everything for him and has the best intentions, he's sure it won't be the same.
"I don't think it'll work."
"Why not?"
"Because we don't see each other like that," Yuuji laughs because it's so obvious that the fact that Fushiguro can't see it is almost ridiculous.
"Oh..." the other boy grimaces like he's in pain and Yuuji tries to move away, thinking he's the reason, but the grip on his waist and thigh turns almost painful. "Stay."
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"I am," Fushiguro nods, before leaning closer and bringing their foreheads together. "We could go on a date as... practice."
That doesn't sound like a bad idea at all.
"You're right," he nods, agreeing immediately; Fushiguro looks really happy about it too. "Where do you want to go?"
"Wherever you want to. I'll take you anywhere. And I'll pay for everything, don't worry."
Damn, he's already better at this than Yuuji.
"Alright, spit it out," Nobara hisses, pushing Fushiguro into his own room so they don't have to talk in the hallway. She knows Itadori is with Gojo so they're safe for now. "What did you do to my friends?"
"Scared them off," the boy with dark hair answers immediately, not even bothering to deny it.
"That's obvious!" She huffs, trying not to show how shocked she is; the truth is that she had hoped that it was all a coincidence. "But I mean... what exactly?"
"Best if you don't know. But I didn't hurt them, just talked to them."
Maybe Nobara was wrong all along; she actually doesn't know Fushiguro that well.
"They're not good for him."
"And you are?" She snorts, crossing both arms over her chest.
"Of course," Fushiguro says without a second thought. "I know him better than anyone. I can make him happy."
"We don't know if he likes–"
"He'll like me," Fushiguro cuts her off, looking almost feral when he says it; it scares her a little bit for a moment. "I'll make him fall in love with me. You don't need to worry."
But Nobara does worry now more than ever.
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blingblong55 · 11 months
Nothing much- John Price
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Based on request:
I had a kinda angsty to fluffy idea and thought you'd be great I writing it (I love reading your angst). So the reader doesn't have the greatest of parents, they'd yell at them when ever the reader got hurt instead of helping them. Fast forward, now the reader struggles revealing their injuries to the 141 During a mission the reader injures their arm. Theyre successful in stitching up the wound but is having a hard time wrapping it. Then one of the guys walk in, they help them and have a sweet heart to heart (I'm thinking either Ghost or Price would be a perfect fit). Sorry if this is kinda hard to understand it's been a long day and my mind is all jumbled lol
GN!Reader, fluff, angst, father figure!Price
Life is not always the easiest or most understanding, sometimes we are born into families that without much love or care raise us. The lack of care and love would be shown when parents would yell at you rather than help treat your wounds. One small cut they knew you accidentally did on yourself when you were jumping rope and they'd yell or make fun of you because how dare a child have fun without thinking of the consequences first.
The team had been sent on a simple mission, with nothing too much to worry about and no heavy planning. On the way out of the last building you cleared, a civilian holding a knife for their own protection mistook you for the hostiles, they stabbed you and when they noticed you were the ally they apologised and ran away scared.
You walked out of the building, and you held your shoulder, pretending you were sore as you kept pressure on the wound. No one knew about such a wound and all you could do was keep a straight face and walk to the extraction point. Ghost and Gaz talking about some weird building they went into and making some rather hilarious comments. Soap and Price talking about their plans for the weekend and you separated from the team, hoping they would not notice your sudden quietness.
By the time you all made it back to base, you walked quickly to your room, blood staining your black vest and some blood loss making you dizzy from time to time. You took your vest and shirt off once alone in your room. Medical kit on your bedside as you hissed and bit your lips while cleaning such a wound. In times like this, you can feel your family judging you, and criticising you for getting injured. Always the clumsy one whom they hated.
Price without any knock walks in, "Knew it.." he ushers out. Cigar in hand while the other holds his bucket hat. Part of you felt like he would yell at you, and criticise you for something that wasn't entirely your fault.
"Sorry," you mumble. Always apologised because you knew best when your parents would yell at you. "Hey, no need to, I'm sure this isn't your fault," he sat next to you, taking a look at your shoulder.
"How'd it happen?" he was always so soft with you, never being too cold or strict because without you saying much you told him your life story. To others outside of his team, he was a strict, rude and cold Captain. He began to clean and close the small wound, something he had to learn to do since most of the men he worked with were bound to get injured on the field.
"...Why didn't you tell me about this?" part of him asked to make some conversation but the other part knew to not force you to go to the med bay. He had tried with Ghost before and he knows a man like him is stubborn and doesn't give trust for free. Ghost was also a reason why he learned how to clean and close minor wounds.
"I did this, so no one should help."
"That's what they told you?" he asks once more not wanting to push the boundary. All he received was a small nod. He sighed and put a bandage on the closed wound. "Well, I'm not them, don't place me in the same category with them...I care Grim..I really do.." he places a hand on your other shoulder. You look at him, teary-eyed. "Price?"
"Yes, kiddo?"
Oh, the sweet words he always gave you. "You are better than them," you referred to your parents. "So much better that...you make me feel...safe..so safe that it's scary." He wipes the tears that roll down with soft delicate touches. This was the same conversation he once had with Ghost when he too was scared of how much affection and care Price had given him.
"You'll always be safe with me, kiddo...always" he kissed your forehead and patted your thigh. "Rest and tomorrow I'll check that shoulder, good night, r/n"
"Good night, Price"
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komelrebi-san · 7 months
songs without words
was in band practice yesterday daydreaming about inumaki toge and it gave me ideas
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synopsis: in which, you! the concert pianist in the school orchestra, caught their eyes... feat.: (my husband)gojo satoru, suguru geto, inumaki toge, itadori yuji, fushiguro toji
don't like, don't read.
when they walk into the room, carrying their music sheets and instrument, their eyes land on you. eh, wait, you're new! they haven't seen you before, have they? are you even supposed to be here?
but you don't take any notice of them as you played transcendental passages on the piano, dextrous fingers dancing over the keys, beautiful melodies resonating from the strings of the piano. smiling bashfully, you stop playing and walk over to talk to the proud-looking conductor, yaga masamichi.
gojo satoru - principal flautist
jeez, you cannot, cannot tell me this man is not the principal flautist
bags any and all solos he can, may or may not be competing for attention with a certain principal violinist
quote: 'what do you mean the violin gets to be concert master??? i'm also a principal musician! the flute is a solo instrument too!!!'
always always always be flaunting his skills - insane scales and arpeggios, fingers pressing and releasing the keys faster than one can comprehend - wait, how can he even tongue the notes that fast??
never never tunes to the principal violinist nor the oboist though it's normal orchestral procedure to tune to one of the two
bro skips to the piano to ask you for a tuning note, doesn't forget to add that he doesn't care which note it is because he's that skilled that he can tune to anything
(it's normal orchestral procedure to tune to concert-pitched A, frequency 440 or 442)
refuses to use a tuner/tuner app, bro has perfect pitch
goodness, he's such a menace, he's always belting out high notes
conductor yaga has never regretted anything more than giving satoru the piccolo part
(for those of you that don't know, the piccolo is basically a mini flute, same fingerings but just higher pitched)
i think everyone's ears died, oh god
wait, don't blame him though, he just wanted you to notice him
(oh, the little giggle that came out of your pretty lips when he belched high notes on his piccolo)
suguru geto - the said principal violinist
the said principal violinist satoru tries to take solos from
oof he always looks so good, sitting up straight int he front of his chair, hair swept to the side as he sits his violin on his shoulder
the little smirks he sends you as he plays, god damn
quite literally enchants everyone with his playing, fingers effortlessly reaching across the violin fingerboard
was so so so tempted to ask the principal percussionist to chuck the huge gong mallet at satoru's head
does this thing where he nods at you with a confident smile before rehearsal officially starts, and that's his signal for you to play the concert-pitched A so he can tune, then the rest of the string players will follow, and then the rest of the orchestra
relishes the fact that he's the closest to you in terms of seating and never forgets to rub it in satoru's face
has given your piano part a few tries on his violin just to spend more time with you, ends up laughing at satoru once again because whilst the violin can play multiple notes at the same time, the flute cannot
always brings hand cream with him! he doesn't use it but he makes you use it (trust me playing piano after massaging your hands slightly with hand cream feels infinitely better)
bonus! offers you his jacket if you get cold hands easily
inumaki toge - the principal oboist
somehow always gets dehydrated? like
needs to have water with him at rehearsals
probably started following you around like a lost puppy a little bit after that one time you gave him water and told him very nonchalantly that you aren't saliva conscious when he forgot to bring his bottle
well i mean, in his mind he probably was like 'wait, they understand me!!!'
welllllll, there was supposed to be another oboist but they always skip rehearsals lmfao
have i told you that this boy has the prettiest lips??? they look so kissable
partially the instrument's fault bc the reed is so small, so oboists really have to preserve their lips
loves loves loves loves onigiri, like, you never see him without onigiri during rehearsal breaks
and he look so cute when he eats!! does this thing where he puffs his cheeks out as he chews, bro probably just stuffed his mouth full of onigiri bc of his love for them 😭😭😭
started bringing extra onigiri with him so he can offer you one
actl speaks quite little, so he settles for actions instead
always comes to rehearsal 10 min early just so he can warm up and tune his oboe but in reality is just an excuse to sit with you
itadori yuji - actually supposed to be first trumpet, but ends up substituting as a percussion player a lot of the times
have i told you that he's loud???
i swear, music classrooms are soundproof af but you can hear his laughter down the corridor even as you warmed up on the piano
okay, the principal trumpet is great, but wait, how does itadori's sound always manage to overpower their's???
please, yaga doesn't even know 😭😭😭
okay, itadori is great, but the problem is he always manages to somehow come in at the wrong time or play the wrong note, on top of being really super loud
welp, so he started subbing for the percussion
oh no oh no, everyone's ears
but hey, his crash-cymbal part is done ON POINT, so might as well keep him there
always comes early to set up his percussion stuff, so when you joined as the concert pianist, he also sets the grand piano lid for you, it's so damn heavy
bro's always hungry, so he always carries candy or sweet stuff with him, and he tries super hard to hide them from the sweet-toothed principal flautist
but uses them as on opportunity to start conversations with you and offer you some, and deny satoru in his face
and he's always rushing off to some kind of sports training session afterwards, lmfao
toji fushiguro - guest saxophone player
badboy upperclassman fr 😩😩😩
saxophone is a side job, but bro looks so fucking sexy while playing, and he makes sure he perfects every solo bit he can get his hands on
actl in like a band with his classmates or something, pretty sure you saw him playing drums with his friends at the school concert once
probs knows how to play guitar and bass too, so he helps his friends rearrange the parts and teach them parts they cant play
but! mediocre at the keyboard
so when he saw you?
thought 1: oooof she's so hot, i wanna ask her out
thought 2: hey, she can join my band!
so he used idea number two as an excuse to talk to you lmfao, but wasn't gonna give up when you told him that you were busy so you had to think about it
made a point right then and there to talk to you every single rehearsal he can come to
either to show you videos of them/solo cams of him playing, or to complain they cant find a good keyboardist and they are suffering lmfao
literally almost started fighting satoru for your attention lmfao, and my bro right here actl went ahead to wack satoru's head with a drumstick
oof arm muscles flexing oof so hot
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gaykamenriderdreams · 6 months
Ok so like. Everyone and their grandmother who watches Gotchard knows that Kurogane Spanner thinks Chemies are "just tools". Like, he just straight up says it, here it is, badda bing
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But like. And hear me out on this one. I think this is more complicated than just "oh the rival character is a bastard who thinks puppies don't have feelings and therefore it's okay to go around kicking them all day"
Because I think Spanner thinks of himself as "just a tool" too.
(I am physically incapable of writing a post that doesn't get long so the rest of this is going under the cut. Spoilers up to episode 14)
I mean, just from a design standpoint, the guy has a wrench for a face half the time. There's definitely something to be said for Valvarad's mask being representative of how Spanner presents himself, or even thinks about himself (especially since Spanner created the Valvarad suit single-handedly, apparently????)
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Also just like. The guy's first name. Is freaking Spanner.
Like, one of these??? And that's just his name???
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Like I mean a bit on the nose but alright. Also, if he picked that name himself (and with a name like that, it seems likely). What motivated that. I simply must know.
(Diversity win! Local Trans Man absolutely hated by Every Area Teen because he's just such a bastard at all times!)
Also, for all his talk about Chemies being tools, he really doesn't treat them poorly. Like he DOES say that he really doesn't care about collecting them, he's just doing his job (performing his function, you could say)--
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But like, this is also the same guy that has three Vehicle Chemies that are just his that he does not like being apart from even for less than two minutes
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Like we all done been knew that Sabimaru has a special interest in Occult-type Chemies, you can just SAY you're only interested in Vehicle Chemies.
Or he could just, y'know. Have three Chemies that he really cares about and be content with that. Like those pokemon NPCs with six Magikarp and no interest in getting anything else.
And it's extra odd because we've been told that higher number Chemies are just plain stronger than the others (at least when used by regular alchemists for combat), but none of Spanner's Chemies are level 9. And he doesn't need to use number combos like Ichinose does- so why doesn't he just have three 9s and call it a day? Even IF Valvarad only works with Vehicle Chemies, why doesn't he have Golddash and Steamliner (7 and 9) instead of Gekiocopter and Madwheel (4 and 6)? We just don't know. But it could be because he cares about His Three Chemies Specifically, as much as he verbally denies it.
And another thing. Even when things go wrong, he doesn't take it out on his Chemies!
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When Gekiocopter hits their altitude limit and can't take Valvarad any higher, he doesn't express any frustration towards his Chemy. I feel like if he really hated Chemies in general, he'd get mad at Gekiocopter and replace them with a higher-flying Chemy as soon as possible. But he doesn't.
Sure, Gekiocopter is "a tool"... but you don't get angry at a tool for asking it to perform past its specs. It's your fault in the first place for not respecting its limitations when you chose to use it. All the pressure and vitriol in the world won't suddenly make the impossible possible. (I wonder, is this empathy? An understanding of what it's like to be pressed to the breaking point? From one alchemist's tool to another? Surely not.)
And with episode 14 hinting that some things previously assumed to be part of his personality may be "just following orders..." And with how useless he's got to be feeling, losing over and over again despite having spent so much time and effort forging himself into a weapon for the alchemists to use as they see fit... aghhhhh I'm soooo curious where they're going with all this. THERE'S POTENTIAL.
Anyway. All this is not to get anyone to like the guy (though as you can tell, I'm a big fan). I just really wanted to express my thoughts about how there could be more than just "generic jerk" going on under the hood for this car crash of a human being.
TLDR: Kurogane Spanner is a massive tool (derogatory) (complimentary)
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Hi, so, I made a lil quiz on controversial opinions and one of them was that narc abuse isnt real and someone disagreed and gave a response that I thought was intriguing, however I am an egotypical so I figured I'd go to this blog to see your opinion on it?
The response was "Know a lot about this topic (got really deep into the NPD) and i gotta say it's fine to say narcissistic abuse. The whole pointttt is that we're all trying to help folks with NPD, narcissistic abuse is real and should be talked about but that doesn't make narcissists evil/unredeemable. Individuals w/ NPD greatly affect those around them, unlike stuff with most cases of like, existential OCD since that's most internalized rather than externalized. I don't have any issue with the term narcissistic abuse and y'know, it's like, not something you're gonna care about in 50 yrs."
i do not know a single person with NPD who felt at all "helped" by narc abuse truthers. no, 99% of narc abuse truthers are not "trying to help folks with NPD," i've never met or seen one who wasn't passively ableist at BEST. most narc abuse truthers are not trying to help, they are not trying to understand, they DO in fact think we're irredeemable and a good portion of them wish to actually wipe us off the fucking planet. multiple times i have seen narc abuse truthers just straight up spew eugenics. most narc abuse truthers don't even actually know what NPD is beyond abuser disorder.
it is true that people with NPD can affect the people around them, but that is not at all a trait unique to people with NPD. narc abuse as a term makes it sound like there is something uniquely abusive about people with NPD. all narc abuse describes is patterns of emotional and psychological abuse, nothing more and nothing less, and those patterns are not unique to us. i have been abused in ways that narc abuse describes by people did not have NPD. if you want a term that literally just means "abused by someone who had NPD," you would need to apply that same logic to every single disorder out there that could possibly have an externalized affect.
even if a term like "narc abuse" worked in theory, the communities that are fostered around it are horrendously and disgustingly ableist. it is the nature of a term like that. blaming the abuse you suffered from someone soley on their disorder not only takes responsibility off of them as a person, but also inherently subconsciously creates negative associations with that disorder and everyone else who has it.
i am going to get a bit vulnerable about something i'm not proud of. i have had a very similar mindset narc abuse truthers have about NPD but with bipolar disorder. i grew up knowing my extremely abusive father had bipolar disorder as he was diagnosed when he was younger. i blamed the majority of his actions on his disorder, it made me scared and paranoid of people who had the same disorder. i even had an old friend who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder while i knew him who explicitly told me he was afraid i'd start to hate him or be afraid of him. and a part of me was afraid of him for it. i was miserable and made other people around me miserable. i had to at some point confront the fact i could not blame his disorder for all his abusive actions, i had to make the disconnect, i could not hold innocent people with the same disorder responsible for what he did to me. it was not their fault, and they did not deserve to be held accountable by association of a disorder they did not ask to have.
i could not imagine how much worse it would have been if i had something like a "bipolar abuse" community. i maybe never would have undid my ableist views. these "[disorder] abuse" communities always inherently create an environment that is extremely negative and hostile towards people with said disorder. you can absolutely have conversations about how your abuser's mental illness and trauma affected the relationship you had with them, as mentioned before my father's untreated bipolar disorder absolutely heavily impacted our relationship even outside of his abusive behavior, but these kinds of communities are not the way to do it.
and actually, this is something i will still care about in 50 years if i have to, but hopefully i won't because hopefully it won't still be an issue in 50 years. though that may be wishful thinking.
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all-pacas · 16 days
i was watching house s6: divorce edition last night and i think im getting obsessed with these episodes because they are so nonsensical
like we know the point was to get cameron off the show. we know she got fired. she has seven episodes and she’s gone.
but it’s so weird. the whole thing is so out of character on almost every side. like people joke about cameron being weak for leaving chase after he murders a genocidal dictator, but that’s not even it? she goes weeks having no clue? meanwhile:
chase avoids her straight up. there’s this wonderful drawn out scene where house gives foreman one task and cameron another and they peel off in different directions and chase hesitates and follows foreman
it’s never once said why he is avoiding her btw. he doesn’t say “i’m worried she won’t approve” or “i want to protect her from the fallout of this” or “i’m mad because she put the idea in my head,” there’s nothing. no inkling why he does this.
he’s sleeping in the lounge and not at home. when he does come home he leaves on thin excuses. chase does not want to be anywhere near cameron. why?? no clue
cameron for her part doesn’t seem to notice or worry. about any of this. she mentions she knows something is wrong and asks chase if he’s ok. chase says yes. she says nothing else. this is weirdly understanding and hands off for CAMERON. did we forget the liver lesbians. did we forget her “we have to tell house about addison’s guy!!” s3 thing. this is the one time in cameron’s life she goes “this is none of my business” and it’s her husband’s mental breakdown
chase continues to exhibit red flags like refusing to go near the ICU, being so exhausted and out of it he’s not even trying to engage in the differentials. foreman and house realize it. they have the advantage of knowing why and the cause but again it is not subtle. chase also goes out and gets super drunk after his confession escapade, which is implied to not be normal behavior for him. cameron is shown to be worried but apparently sees no red flags??? chase continues to avoid her for unknown reasons???
like there’s several reasons we can handwave but it’s never stated or even implied. he just can’t stand to be around her.
finally cameron decides he’s having an affair. this makes no sense. she apparently calls him on it, as he has a moment where he’s defensive like "i told you i'm not!" it makes no sense because she’s ignoring all the red flags except for “he’s avoiding me.” like yes put it on the list but farther down than that cam.
it's at THIS POINT, 7 episodes in, that chase informs us that telling her is "dumping a burden on her forever." however he's ok with her thinking he's having an affair? except he isn't ok with it and actually is a bit mad about it? also again why is this cameron's first guess???? it would have been like my fifth. she KNOWS he was stressed about dibala dying she's not stupid even if she doesn't think it was murder what about "do you feel guilty a patient died? it's not your fault!"
he finally confesses. cue a whole long mess of them deciding to leave princeton together and cameron deciding she can “live with” (red flag!!) the murder if he’s sorry enough. chase then decides he’s not sorry enough.
this was another weird thing btw. he goes from about to confess to cuddy and being afraid of taking foreman down with him to getting mad at a priest and telling him he did the right thing. like what flipped the switch chase? is it just that he officially got away with it?
cameron then decides he’s been ruined forever and dumps his ass. now i will be fair. this is sort of set up. chase clearly picked the hospital over her when he started avoiding her for weeks on end. he’d already made the jump to i did the right thing. house covered up the murder and didn’t scold him for the choice; house also spends teamwork planting doubts in chase’s head and not bothering with cameron. chase already picked house. cameron is not wrong
but again. when and where did chase make that switch? why was he avoiding cameron? why is he suddenly now so desperate to have cameron's approval and not weeks ago? again we can handwave but it’s literally never stated.
why did cameron look at the past months of red flag behavior and clear depression and ptsd and go “you feel no remorse?” clearly he feels remorse! clearly he is affected! why is she so hands off here? why was he so afraid to tell her, and why was cameron so passive? she loves telling people how they feel! she loves fixing people and her husband just did her the favor of getting fucked in the head!
lockdown then throws eighteen more retcons onto the pile because it has chase and cameron agree that actually everything was her fault. she led him on and never loved him and was a broken human. never mind that cameron was usually (if not always correctly) presented as sympathetic and right and a poor darling. never mind that that has nothing to do with the divorce. cameron is too broken to love and that’s why they broke up.
i mean it’s clearly because chase is still on the show and cameron got fired but honestly it just pisses me off. i love cameron. she deserved better
my favorite characters are cameron and chase and you’d think that would make me ship them but the writing is just such a hot fucking mess it's just impossible. they literally GOT MARRIED and it's impossible
in conclusion i could write a better version in ten minutes and it makes me mad
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