#and everything keeps piling up and I'm forgetting about things and shit is falling through the cracks
asiananeurysm · 10 months
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darkcrowprincess · 6 months
Poly losers club: Bill finally standing up to his dad for his real family the losers.
*if you want to picture how angry Bill is, and how the losers calm him down. Watch this YouTube video. James Mcacovy is brilliant here. I love picture young adult Bill getting angry like this*
Bill finally standing up to his father for everything. He stands in front of the other losers. Not afraid. He's faced scarier things. His dad is nothing.
Bill: Y-you don't get to ju-udge m-my choices. You don't get to judge them!
Bill gestures to the other losers behind him, they all stare at Bill in wonder, awe, and also how hot he is. But also worry for him because they never seen him this angry(not since Bill and Richie's fight) , and at his father no less.
Mr Denbrough, his tone judgmental(Mrs Denbrough standing behind him, nervous but silent): Bill this isn't normal! Having this close a bond with your friends isn't normal. I'm just concerned.
Bill eyes go cold: C-concerned! Yo-ou haven't gave a shit about me in f-fucking years! Not since Georgie died!
Mr Denbrough fully angry now: Do not talk to me that way young man! Now you listen-!
Bill snaps and pushes his father back away from him, hard. Causing the other losers to gasp.
Bill: NO YOU LISTEN! You were never there for me when Georgie died! We never talked about it! *Bill starting to tear up, but still angry.* You never talk about him. You just want to forget. Just like everyone else in this town.
Mr Denbrough starts to tear up but still angry. So has Mrs Denbrough. But she still says nothing.
Mr Denbrough: Bill!
Bill interrupts his father. He doesn't care anymore: Y-you have no idea w-what I've b-been through. *points to the other losers*. What we've been through. They're t-the only ones who have b-been there for m-me. The only ones! So to me they're my family! YOU DON'T GET JUDGE MY FAMILY!
Bill: And I dont have to stand here and hear it.
Bill turns around to leave with the other losers, who all started piling into Richies car when Bill turns around.
Mr Denbrough moves forward and stops Bill from leaving. He grabs his arm hard and hurting without realizing it. He's too deep in his anger. Bill freezes at the touch. Cold stone still.
Mr Denbrough to angry to care what he says: So you're just going to leave with these freaks? We know all about what you kids get up to! You know how much the town talks about the disgusting things you-
Bill doesn't let him finish, red fills his vision. Quick as a flash he turns around and punches his dad in the face. Breaking his nose. His dad curses, falls on his ass and holds his bleeding nose. Mrs Denbrough screams in shock.
Bill makes a move to jump on him(angry undesirable words of protective fury spilling out of his mouth)and continue hitting his father, but several different arms grab a hold of him to stop him. Bill doesn't hear what any of the other losers are saying. He just hears a high pitched rining in his ears and red in his vision. His blood burning hot. What finally calms him down is the sight of Mike standing in front him.
Mike cups his cheek gently and smiles, though theres worry in his eyes: Hey Big Bill. Hey. Calm down, look at me ok. It's alright. It's alright.
Bill starts to calm down. Breathing slow soft breaths. He keeps his eyes on Mike. Several of the other losers are hugging him.
Mike smiles, than kisses Bill soft on the mouth( kisses him in front his parents, where all of Derry and god can see. Being brave and not caring). Bill kisses him back softly. He feels his anger seep out of him. Finally calming down.
Mike moves away from the kiss, than leans his forehead against Bills: We are going to leave now ok? Ok Big Bill?
Bill nods, than he feels others move away from the group hug. Ben boldly hugs him around the middle, picks him up like he weighs nothing. All but drags him to Richies van. Bill doesn't look back.
Mr Denbrough and Mrs Denbrough: BILL! COME BACK HERE!
Ben brings him into the back of the van where Beverly sits, gets Ben to lean him on her lap(she runs fingers throughhis hair to keep him calm and comfort him). Stan's up front with Richie whos driving. Mike and Eddie both get into the back behind them.
Richie starting the car, lets him moter mouth run: Nice seeing you again Mr And Mrs Denbrough. You better get that nose checked Bill's punches hurt like a bitch. Though I never had any personal experience with that.
Stan in front with Richie, who puts a hand on his shaking wrist: Beep Beep Richie. Just drive ok.
Richie does. Driving the car away. All the losers hear one last angry cry of Bills name. But Bill doesn't turn back to look. No one does.
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bobbyseyesmile · 2 years
Pride and Passion | 7
Chapter 7
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Negan's head hurt and all he wanted was a hot bath, maybe a glass of scotch and his bed. His day was waaay too long- and believe it or not, he did remain pretty calm throughout the day.
Rick being an asshole? No problemo. Hot Señorita shooting one of his men? Sure, why not. His hot, new wife causing more trouble in a day than the whole apocalypse in years? Absolutely fucking not. Enough was enough.
"Sit." It wasn't a request and by the look on her face she knew it too so she sat down without saying word. He kicked off his boots, stripped of his leather jacket and finally undressed himself from the sweaty white shirt he was wearing all day. A quick side glance told him that her cheeks were all flushed and she quickly looked at the wall next to her. Negan let out a low chuckle and grabbed himself a clean shirt.
He poured himself a glass of his favorite scotch and gulped it down in one go.
"Join me?" he asked. Her eyes wandered from his face to the bottle before she looked down. He could almost hear what she was thinking: Should I decline?
"Yes, please." she whispered and took the glass he handed her over.
"Aaahh..." he sighed, finally sitting down in his heavy leather sofa, eyes closed. What should he do with her? It wasn't the lack of ideas for punishment that was his problem, oh hell no, he had a lot of ideas for that kind of stuff. The problem was that he didn't want to punish her.
When he first saw her, Negan had a funny feeling in his stomach- he either had to shit or he had a crush. He still wasn't sure.
But now, with Y/N being a little hurricane in his kingdom and constantly challenging him, he needed to remain calm and strategic. He couldn't let feelings determine his next move, nor could he just forget what happened or let it slide. There had to be consequences, he just didn't know what kind of consequences.
"Negan?" Her soft voice ripped through his train of thoughts and he opened his eyes. Damn. Why did she had to be so... ravishing? "I-I just wanted to apologize..."
He observed her meticulously and it seemed to make her more nervous. Good. "Go on."
"For everything that happened today... I wanted to tell you when you returned from Alexandria but then..."
"Then you and your girlfriend decided to light up a pile of shit and call it a firework."
"Uhm..." she cleared her throat "I guess that describes it pretty well. But you have to understand that I was just worried about her! I wanted to see what the deal was, why she was here and-"
"Stop." Negan leaned forward, face in his hands now. His voice was dangerously low. "So instead of asking me like a normal and grown-up person you did what? Embarrassing the fuck out of Simon, your girlfriend broke the nose of a Savior and literally attracted the attention of all the workers. I can't have that, Y/N. I like keeping things at bay, chaos makes them uneasy, they're harder to control."
"I'm sorry." she whined and he had to hide his amusement because she sounded so damn adorable. "It's hard, okay? You're not really a nice person and..."
"And what? You're scared of me?" Although she shook her head, he knew that she lied. Of course, she was. They all were.
"No! Not scared... intimidated. Maybe a bit."
"Huh." Negan got up from his comfy place on the sofa and walked around till he stood behind her. "You know what I think? I think you're not scared of me for bashing the head of your red-haired friend but because you're attracted to me."
He didn't need an actual answer- her nervously squirming around was answer enough for Negan.
"I think you hate me so much because you actually like me. Because a funny and good-looking guy like me is so evil, and it doesn't fall in line with your imagination of me- how I should be. Am I right, sweetheart?"
She scoffed but didn't disagree with his assumption. "Yeah, that's what I thought. You're giving me a hard time and fight back because you just can't stop. You need to fucking challenge me, huh? Need to annoy the fuck outta me, testing the waters and how far you can go."
She suddenly jumped from her place and turned around to face him. "I just want to go back to my family and friends..."
"Oh honey-" he chuckled and gulped down the rest of his drink "I am your family."
He saw the tears in her eyes and he hated it- if only she knew what fantasies he had in his head to make it up to her... Negan licked his lips and put down the glass. "What about we make a deal?"
Her head shot up. "You show me that you can behave, follow rules, be a good girl and maaaybe I'll let you come along for a future run to Alexandria. How does that sound?"
She nodded, a small smile forming on her lips. "Sounds good..."
"Great! So, what about we start with something easy and you get your cute little ass out of them jeans for me?"
She instantly tried to back down but Negan grabbed her hip, holding her in place. "Don't worry, I didn't mean it in that way..." she closed her eyes when his beard scratched over her cheek. "I promised not to touch you. Unless you changed your mind...?"
"I-I don’t k-know..."
"Hmm" he murmured "No. I don't think we're ready yet, even though it's getting really hard." He smiled against her cheek before letting go of her hip and walked over to his closet, getting a fresh pair of jeans and a shirt for her. "Here."
"T-Thanks..." she took the clothes and pressed it against her chest. "Can I see Rosita?"
"No, honey, you cannot. She caused me a lot of trouble today and I have to figure out what to do with her." She just nodded in defeat. "Maybe tomorrow. Depends on how you'll behave."
"I should go now. You seem tired."
"Oh, babygirl if you only knew... Now go to the others, I don't like my wives wandering around in the hallways."
„Sleep well, darling. Dream of me.“ He gave her one last smirk and watched her leaving his room before undressing completely and finally hopping into the shower. After being alone with her for so long he just needed to rub one out…
Taglist: @toxic-ink @jaywinchestersalvatore @crosshajr @neganswoman @tone-stark @missmiauz (if you want to be added, pls let me know)
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emjae · 2 years
i think i don't hate you ²
diluc x gn!reader
following the acting grandmaster and her girlfriend librarian's talk with y/n about their feelings towards diluc, they decide to act on it tonight. after a few drinks with a few hisses thrown at their friends kaeya and venti, they begin their conversation with the winery owner with a heavy heart.
2.6k words
tw: drinking of alcohol, traumatic past go brr, related to the manga, angsty beginning but it's probably gonna get a whole lot worse in the next chap, pretty wordy; also goes a bit into depth about the feeling of isolation
* reader will be referred to as y/n here, yes diluc makes an appearance yeheyyy
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If sounds could have emotions, then the plop your body made as it met the couch was definitely exhausted. You had just come back from the Favonius Headquarters and the walk was boring and tiring, piling unto the hours and hours of work you'd done with Jean and Lisa. Earlier, when you were about to leave, Kaeya stopped you and invited you out to the tavern, which was definitely the last place you wanted to be. Sure, Charles is always the one manning the bar but Diluc always makes unannounced drops and judging from your luck, he'd most likely be there tonight. So, naturally, you declined and did a rain check.
You leaned your head back, staring at the ceiling blankly and thinking about everything your life ever meant (which was to be Diluc's top one struggle, problem, and enemy). He did some pretty bad shit to you after Lord Crepus passed. You gave him what he needed: time, space, and comfort while Diluc gave you the complete opposite.
That's right. Once upon a time, you two were friends—great friends, really. But once someone fucks up that bad, everything you've ever had was tossed into the fire.
Every moment of his eighteenth birthday was vaguely remembered for your head was really foggy and was mostly fueled by a lot of negative emotions. After a few insults here and there, you also recall breaking down and crouching for a healthy five seconds before standing up and telling Diluc how tired you felt. The rest after that, you'd never forget.
"If you're so tired, maybe you should leave me," he laughed dryly and exhausted. You scoffed, running a hand through your hair.
"I never said anything about leaving you, Luc. I'm trying to be your friend here, I want to be there for you but I can't do that if you keep pushing me away!"
The maids had left a long while ago after Diluc dismissed them when you'd started raising your voice. Elzer felt compelled to stay for your and Diluc's support but left as well when things started getting personal. You two had been fighting, screaming for hours. By then, your guys' breathing were as heavy as the weight on your chests.
Hands and jaws clenched; chests heaving; tears pooling. This had to be the most emotional day in your life—it was a big fat lie when you said you didn't remember when was the last time you'd cried. It was precisely mid May, four years ago after the tragic events on Diluc’s birthday.
"I'm not asking you to be there for me," he says, taking a deep breath in through his nose. "I never did."
Your eyes widened at this. Something bubbled in your chest—it wasn't anger anymore. You could feel Diluc watch you as if you were some lunatic, in which you did feel like one. Fighting your best friend over something like this? It was ridiculous.
"You're not thinking straight; you're in mourning right now. I'll come back to check on you tomo—"
"Didn't I just say that I don't need you here? Just go, I don't want to see you again," he looks away, yet there was no shame laced in his voice as he said that. You swallowed, hard. Another laugh leaves you but you shut yourself up by breathing in slowly. It took you one blink to get the tears falling.
"Diluc, please," you whisper, stepping closer to him. Yet he stepped away. "You need someone now more than ever, let me be that someone. I want to be, it's not– I don't –"
"It's not what? An obligation? Responsibility?" He finally looks up, advancing towards you and looking you straight in the eye—his crimson reds glossed in tears just as yours. He whispered as if raising his voice would make the tears spill over. "So go. I don't need you."
You could feel your throat closing up, followed by a sob. Your arms raised to his waist, wanting to hug him, but you pull them back before you could touch him. "Don't hate me for anything. I tried to be what you needed, but if you don't want that, so be it," wavered your voice as you said this, walking backward until your hand felt the doorknob. "I love you, Luc, alright? So I'm sorry if my feelings change."
And so the door shut. And once again, Diluc was alone.
Suddenly, your vision of the ceiling blurred. When you blinked, something wet trailed down your temple. Tears? Oh. You were crying.
A groan left you as you sat up straight and wiped them away. You would drink your sorrows away at the Cat's Tail if it weren't for your deadly allergies. Maybe you should take up that offer with Kaeya. You hadn't thought of that day in a while now. Perhaps it's a good thing you saw Diluc tonight, you two could straighten out everything and unpack all your emotional baggage.
"Good Gods, let’s just get this over with,” you say and get up, grabbing your coat and leaving.
You lived a good few blocks from the tavern. You always had to use the long way because of the gods-forsaken amount of cats lying outside and inside of Cat’s Tail. The walk was never too long but never too short, however, with the number of thoughts running around your head, it felt like it was way, way, way too long.
Although you were dazed out for most of the trip, your legs made it to Angel’s easily. What should you say, do if you see him? Good Celestia, what if you make eye contact? That’s the worst type of interaction anyone ever has to go through.
The night you said it—the I love you part—you initially meant it as a friend. Back then, you’d always said that to each other as a joke at first, like a sigh of relief when a favor was done by one another, or when one of you saves the other’s ass. You two went through a lot and for a long time too, it was natural that some form of platonic/familial love grew in the midst of that.
But now that you think of it. . . at that moment, maybe you did mean it in another way. You couldn’t remember; again, you were fueled by lots of negative emotions. Before you could process what you had said, you were already out the door. Elzer was sat outside by the staircase and was alerted by the door. The minute he’d seen your red, tear-stained face, he stood up and ran over to you and offered to get you a ride home. Thank the Archons for him, by the way.
Before you knew it, you had arrived at the Angel’s Share, staring at the door like some idiot. Another groan leaves you yet again. A long groan that went on for five seconds until you lazily pushed down the doorknob and entered.
“Ah, captain! I thought you weren’t available tonight?” Kaeya greets. Despite hearing his voice first, you already had your eyes on the bar and who was managing it. Despite it being Charles, it still made you feel kind of. . . not relieved.
“Sorry, Alberich. Changed my mind last minute,” you smile softly and took a seat. “Something really strong, make it three.” Kaeya’s eyes flew wide at this, chuckling in amusement.
“Ohoho, what brought this on? Stressful day in the office?” he prods, swirling a glass of wine in one hand while he leaned his cheek on the other. “Don’t answer yet, I’d like to guess.” He takes a sip of his wine slowly, looking for an answer.
“Anything go through your wine-fed brain, friend?” you ask sarcastically while muttering a “thank you” to Charles who had just slipped three glasses of whatever strong alcohol they had on hand. Kaeya clicks his tongue and takes another sip of his wine.
“Too much paperwork?”
“Similar to your first.”
“That sounded. . . oddly sexual? Ooh! Ditched a one-night stand?”
“What? No! Last guess,” you cringe, both at Kaeya and the drink. Your friend and colleague turns to you and looks you in the eye—a very uncomfortable move for you, for some reason. You tried to scooch away, but he scooches closer.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I gi—ooh! Is it love~?” he sings, catching the attention of Venti who had just walked in.
“Love? Now, this is the kind of juice I’d drink that isn’t grape juice,” the young bard grumbles as he takes the seat next to you, furthest away from Kaeya and closest to the wall, a spot he always occupies when you drink with the two. “What’s this about love? Is a certain someone in looove?” Venti giggles as if he were already drunk despite the fact that he was nowhere near touching a glass.
You huff and cross your legs as you down the entire glass. “Mhm, that’s not good,” Kaeya mutters and snatches the empty glass from you. “Seriously, Y/N, what’s going on with you?”
“I don’t know anymore,” you mope into your hands. “Kaeya, did you ever smooth things out with you and L– Diluc after. . . you know?”
Kaeya gives you a puzzled look, just as Venti did. “Why’re you asking?”
“I may kind of, perhaps, maybe have thoughts about doing just that.”
“What? Why? When? Why???”
“Smoothen what? What’s the big deal?” Venti chimes in, thanking Charles for his wine.
You and Kaeya wince at the question, visibly and internally tensing up. “And did I forget to ask why?”
“Exactly three times, and besides, I just. . . it’s been weighing on me—”
“Oh my, GODS, Diluc is the dude you like?”
“No!” Venti gasps dramatically, slapping a hand over his mouth. Your heads slowly turn to him, to which he gets the message and sinks back. “Shutting up,” he says with his hand still over his mouth.
You turn back to Kaeya and reach out for your second glass. “Yes. Maybe. Kind of? I don’t know! Listen, Lisa and Jean were just teasing me and then things got a little serious and when I got home, all I could think of was that day. Night? I can’t even remember anymore,” followed by you downing the glass again.
Kaeya sighs and sets down his glass. “You know that I’m all about helping you but Diluc? As much as I want to be his brother again, him being your friend is off the list. What he said and did isn’t forgivable,” he says, seriously this time. The usually carefree Kaeya must’ve been shocked out of his body.
“I know, I know, but that’s exactly why I need to fix things between us. It’s been four years, Kae. Plus, we weren't thinking straight. When you're that overwhelmed, you would’ve said anything. He did exactly that—”
“So why are you thinking of letting this go?!"
"Because! Despite everything he said and did, and all the swearing at each other the last four years, and the awkward encounters in public that lead to little roast battles, I think everything I ever felt for him is still there. Was and never left," you hid your face behind your hands again, confused and extremely unsure of what to do. Venti, who you kind of forgot was still by you, placed a hand on your shoulder. "Look at me, I'm acting like some lovesick dick."
Kaeya sighs, drinking a bit more of his wine and watches as you do the same. "I think you should talk to Master Diluc," Venti says and snatches a bottle of wine from behind the counter when Charles wasn't looking. "I may not know what's going on between you guys but you should go with my advice 'cause I'm always right," he shrugs and takes a nice long swig that took three whole gulps. "B'sides, it's been four years! That's like. . . four years!"
"Thank you, Venti, for your wonderful insight," you turn to Kaeya. "See? He agrees."
"That's because he doesn't know anything about what happened. You deserve better, Y/N!"
Another groan leaves you, irritated by the fact that you didn't know what to do. "And how is Venti already wasted?"
Kaeya laughs lightly, swirling his glass and begins a new topic, the front door of the tavern opens with a tiny jingle. Neither of the three turn and continue to softly converse among themselves until Charles leaves his spot just as Venti was about to ask for another refill.
"Master Diluc, thank you for taking over my shift for me."
Your entire body freezes. Drats. The entire reason for your presence in Angel's was to drink your problems about Diluc away and to avoid him, not to drink in front of him now while you're still trying to figure out if you wanted to reconcile or leave things as is. Why must making amends be so difficult? Is it a trauma response thing?
"It's no problem, Charles," says the voice you so didn't want to hear tonight. Kaeya nudges you with his elbow, gesturing to the second floor with a raised brow. An easy signal to get, so you slowly move your head to nod, but then change your mind midway and end up shaking your head. The cavalry captain shrugs, asking why. You shrug back, confused about your answer too. "Give my birthday wishes to your daughters as well. Enjoy your time," followed by his boots softly clicking on the floor and Charles's slowly fading away.
"I will, Master Diluc. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Take care."
When the door shut with that jingle again, the four of you remained awkwardly, hellishly silent. Six Fingered Jose's lyre and the hushed conversations from throughout the tavern thankfully made the silence between you all less insufferable, including the occasional loud laughter from the celebrating people from the Adventurer's Guild by the corner. Even as Diluc filled Venti's cup with hesitance and a very evident roll of his eyes, he still felt uneasy by your quietness. No catty comment as a substitute for a welcome? No dissing of his grape juice in his face while calling him nicknames related to his favorite beverage? Nothing?
Admittedly, it was a new feeling. Different, but in an uncomfortable way. You could feel his vermillion eyes staring at you with the slightest bit of concern while he put away the now-empty wine bottle (courtesy of yours truly) into the full crate of glass bottles carefully. Sighing, he picks up the bin and walks out the door to discard the trash.
When the door jingles close, Kaeya leans in. "What the hell?"
"What now?" you complain out loud, making Venti giggle.
"You made Y/N mad~" he burps out cheers-ing to no one in particular before downing the very glass.
"That was so much tension—and I'm saying that, me, the absolute god and king of tension!" Kaeya whisper-yells at you, desperately finding ways to change your mind and forget about anything related to his brother.
“Oh calm down you big baby, I’ll handle things myself.” That was a lie, a cold-faced lie. Sure, you can carry your own weight but confrontation, where your feelings are involved, isn’t your forte. “Just trust me on this, would you?”
Kaeya purses his lips then leans over to Venti, who was already passed out on the counter, and retreats with another sigh. “I have work early in the morning so I have to go, but I’m leaving my door open for you in anything goes wrong, alright?”
Your eyes soften at your friend’s support before nodding. “And–”
“Bring this little guy with me, yes.”
Your fellow captain picks up Venti and easily piggy-backs him and walks over to the door, but not without giving you a small, reassuring smile. You return the favor with a wave. Before Kaeya could open the door, it jingled open, a man clad in black and red filing in.
Here we go.
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all-fandoms-rise · 2 years
It's Just Different
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Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Summary: Sometimes nothing hurts more than falling out of love.
Word Count: 1813
A/N: It's just angst I'm sorry :( The words in italics are past situations or conversations. Also it's not talked about in the story the readers quirk is similar to Shinsou where if they get another person to answer to them they control what they do but also get them to admit the truth. Lemme know how you feel about the writing <3
As a Pro hero you know better than anyone that there's bad days, but today has by far been the worst one… coming to terms that the love of your life had fallen out of love with you and you had fallen out of love with him.
Six years ago you fell in love with Katsuki Bakugou and his spitfire personality when you were students at UA, he didn’t treat you differently than everyone else you simply knew how to accept him for who he was and he admired that even though you could easily take down all of UA with your powers that you never would, you were the definition of a hero and that's how he grew to love you, this was the person you not only grew with as a partner in life but in work. He grew in the rankings until soon enough he was in fact the #1 hero while you were #3 hero, shortly after he had gotten his number one hero ranking the two of you got married for sure that the two of you would spend the rest of your lives together, just two young dumb kids ready to take on the world together.. but that's not realistic is it.
Three years have passed and now instead of shared laughter and passionate kisses, its chest tightening frustrations and yelling at one another till your throats are raw. Now you lay here by yourself waiting for your husband again knowing he wouldn’t be home until it was nearly time for him to leave again. You can't stop this feeling of pain in your chest when you know it’s finally time to let go, at the end of the day you know that you love him more than any words can describe but just because you love someone it isn’t and will never be a good enough reason to stay in an unfixable relationship. As you lay here you think about everything that has led up to this moment because no one knew what went behind closed doors between you and bakugou as you were both very private people except for one person, the one person that was the start of all your problems. Izuku fucking Midoriya. 
Izuku Midoriya was in class with 1a with you and bakugou and to everyone else they would swear that bakugou hated Midoriya more than any other living thing on the planet but you could see through his facade he did care about him, even though you’d have to near kill him before he ever admitted it. Of course you knew bakugou cared about you but sometimes you couldn't stop the pang of jealousy you felt when he would ditch you to train with midoriya so that he could “beat that damn deku and prove he’ll become the #1 hero”, but anytime these feelings occurred you’d be reassured by the sweet moments that you could never forget. 
“Come on seriously y/n why do you look like that” bakugou asked as you two continue to sit there after everyone else had piled out of the classroom.
“I don’t know bakugou I just do” as the words left your mouth he really knew you were upset about something because he couldn’t even remember the last time you had called him by his last name.
“y/n i’m not an idiot just tell me what’s wrong so i can go train some more against shitty deku” he says and he can hear the sigh of frustration leave you. 
“That’s exactly it.. You keep ditching me to go train against midoriya. Do you know how that makes me feel huh? It makes me feel like shit I understand wanting to be a better hero. We all want that, I just want you to care about me the same way” you manage to whisper out before finally deciding to walk away. As you get to the door bakugou grabs your arm stopping you before you can leave, 
“You think I don't care about you dummy? That’s why I'm training so hard I wanna be the best for you so we can kick all the villains ass together. I love you y/n”. That was the first time Katsuki Bakugou had told you he loved you and you had never been happier even in that cheesy moment. 
You smiled thinking about those days, even though there were a lot of hard times especially with villain attacks and still trying to figure out how to use your power to its full potential, you managed to still find moments of light and happiness within Katsuki Bakugou. Even after you had graduated UA and gotten married things had been adventurous and fun with bakugou that was until about after a year and a half of being married the both of your work loads had increased and since the two of you had worked at different companies that meant you had been seeing less of each other.
That’s when it all started: the phone calls at night saying they’d be late coming home because they had to work on paperwork with midoriya or late night watches around the town. You couldn’t lie to yourself after months of the same phone call that eventually just became a short text. You felt like that small, fragile girl that you were in high school and you definitely weren’t her anymore, then you remember the day that had started all of your future fights. You had just gotten off patrol with your partner charge bolt or otherwise known as denki kaminari, you were about to be back to your headquarters when you had seen them. Bakugou and Midoriya were getting ready to start their patrol but that wasn’t the problem, the problem was the way bakugou was looking at midoriya and vice versa the look he used to give you. The look in his eyes that you had been craving and begging for months but now it was given to someone else and you couldn’t stop the hurt you felt, but you knew he loved you so maybe you were wrong it was nothing.
Yet you still let those feelings grow and the hurt turned into anger so several nights later when bakugou had come home from his shift he had noticed your silence which was strange from you. The silence was deafening before you had finally decided to speak: 
“Do you love me?” You remember as the words had left your mouth, Katsuki had looked at you as if you had three heads. 
“What the hell are you going on about of course I do” even as he said those words there was something you had to ask. 
“Even more than Midoriya” You could see as his face turned red with anger and right then would be the start of all your future arguments. 
“Why in the actual fuck would you ever think I like much less love that shitty deku, seriously y/n your delusional” he yells getting closer and closer to you until your eventually cornered against the wall. And as the words leave your mouth, you can’t help as your voice breaks:
“Because I see the way you look at him, it’s the same way I've been praying you’d look at me like again for months now” Tears were now streaming down the both of your faces as apologies were said.This began the cycle of kiss and make up, avoid the topic like it was the plague, pretend like we weren’t both hurting , that is until the hurt turns into anger and then we repeat.
You can’t stop the tears that roll down your face as you think of everything that has happened, it's now well past 2am when you hear the front door open. For a split second you can't stop the rapid beating of your heart, you knew this moment was coming but you weren’t ready for it.. Not yet, you weren’t ready to face reality, ready to face the worst moment that's probably ever gonna happen to you, ready to face losing the man you had planned your whole life with.
But this time you were done fighting, you don’t want to grow to hate him and if you continue doing this you know that soon enough you will. Bakugou comes into the room expecting to see you asleep like normal except this time you were sitting in your shared bed, tears staining your face. He comes and sits next to you wiping the tears off your cheeks, 
“What's wrong babe” he whispers as he sees the pain lurking behind your eyes. 
“I think you know Katuski..we can’t keep doing this, it’s just gonna hurt us more” as your words settle he knows that you’re serious. This is the first time you’d called him Katuski in who knows how long and oh how he had missed that one simple name leaving your lips but it's too late now even if he was ignoring some of his other feelings he still loved you it was just different he didn’t know how to explain it but either way he was just gonna deny your words. 
“No y/n I love you, I need you” his voice cracks. 
“Not more than you love him tho Katsuki, and if you love someone else then fine even if its killing me on the inside to say outloud but I would rather do this than stay here and keep breaking inside more… I can’t do it. I know you love me but it’s not in the way you used to and you just don’t know how to accept that….so please just say you love him so we can both move on please….” Once again the silence is louder than any screams you had targeted towards one another. 
“Please don't make me y/n, it’s not true” he sobs, even though he knows no matter how many times he tries to deny he knows your words are the truth. 
“I'll use my quirk if I need to and get you to admit it Katsuki, I need this I want to move on please” he knows that if you use your quirk all of the truth will come out and he can't accept it he's not ready to talk about everything so he just mutters the words that you both have known as reality for over a year now 
“I’m in love with midoriya”.
In that moment time had officially stopped and reality had crashed down on the both of you. You were no longer the two 17 year olds running around UA hopelessly in love with their life planned ahead of them. Now you were the two that had fallen out of love and had to move forward with their lives, no matter how much hurt it was causing because you both needed to heal just not with each other. 
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firefly-lemons · 3 months
@writing-prompt-s you probably won't see this but I'm too lazy to scroll back to prompt to reblog it, it was the one with the dead co-working coming back into work.
I sigh as my cereal swirls, surrounding my spoon. The milk ripples. It's beautiful, the patterns it makes. As the milk swells, it almost makes me forget abou- suddenly I see it.
The image. 
That image.
It keeps replaying itself in my mind. Lurking in the corners of my eyes, cautiously creeping in. Crashing into my thoughts. It sends me spinning down. Down. 
Down. I need to talk to someone.
I need to talk to her.
I rub my eyes, scrubbing them, trying to rid myself of the dirt staining my eyes. I fish for the last few Cheerios (with varying success). God I can't believe they're making us go to work after . . .
I quickly stand up, holding the table to stabilize for a second as my vision blurs before grabbing my bowl and falling more than walking back into the kitchen. I carefully stack the bowl on top of the growing heap of dirty plates, bowls, spoons and who knows what else buried there. The pile heaves a second, groaning with the added weight before settling down. (I'll get to them later) God. That's what she would've thought before . . .
God. Clarissa. 
Shit. Shit. Work. I snap my eyes to the stove. 8:34. Fuck. Please. Please, Please be a late bus. I fly past the sink, past the couch, out the door. Shoes half on. Bag hanging off shoulder. Frizzy Hair flapping.
I quickly lock the door and dodge through the strangely empty sidewalks. Left. Right. Left. Right. Almost There. Left. Right. Person. Left. Right. Sign. Left. Right. Left. Fuck bike. stay in your lane. You're going to get hit idiot. Right. Left. There's the bus. Right. Sigh. Left. Slow. I Dive through the automatic doors. Made it! I gasp in relief, panting heavily as I sag onto one of the surprisingly empty seats. This is the A, the standing room only - beating heart of commuter travel - bus. Love it or hate it. She loved it. I never understood why.
My heart pounds heavily in my ear. I look around trying to find something to focus on. Ooo, I try looking out the windows (she loved the windows). The city flies by, the trees, the people, the constant motion soothes me. I sort of see it. The beauty in this creaky thing.
It slithers in, the image. So slowly that I don't catch it until it's to late. It sneaks in from the reflection dancing on the windows (covered in grubby graffiti scratches), the edges of that strange guy I don't recognize (drinking himself dead in the front, beer forming rivers around him). I see why she loves it now. I wish I hadn't teased her relentlessly about it. That image creeps itself to the front. I don't know how or when I stopped thinking about the windows. 
Every detail of this trip from yesterday floods in vividly. Washing through my thoughts. The Bus. The angry guy who didn't want to pay. Work. Clarissa stuck in a meeting. The smell of the rubble, the smoke, the...
I look out the windows again, diverting my attention. It's fine I only need to get through one day at a time. If I don't think about it. It could almost not have happened (ha if it were only that easy). I remember the grit flying into my eye . . .
The tall autumn trees blur together as the bus rushes past. I rub my eyes trying to get the muck stuck to them like glue. The colorful storefronts rush past, run down, but still fighting tooth and nail for attention. A person fallen in the street. Wait, I glance back. Nothing. The flashy neon signs declaring buildings "Open" (like anyone would go in there). The rows of houses peaking through crossroads. The fuck is that car doing, They're going to get themselves killed. Oh 45. That's me. I pat down my hair and sling my bag over my shoulder. The bus slows down to a stop. I get up. forcing myself out of my sweet and drag myself to the doors. I plaster on a fake smile "everything's fine smile" before making my way to the doors. I nod at the new doorman. Gritting my teeth as the smile claws up my face tearing into me, I try to pretend everything is normal.
Everything is fine. Except 
Except her.
A torrent tugs at my eye. Not here, not now. I plead with myself as I check in, swearing I could see her in the staircase window. I force myself not to look up. I focus on the weight of the pen in my hand, the smooth paper the - curiosity overtakes me. I glance up expecting nothing but wanting so much. -
A beat passes.
I stare at the window below before looking away. All at once my heart races as she passes by.
Clarissa!" I yell
I . . .
isn't she . . .
But she's there . .
She's here.
She enters the lobby.
She's walking briskly.
She's alive.
I freeze. The tears slip out slowly, washing some of that dust away. I stare at the window. Feeling each drop slide down my silky skin. 
I almost run towards her. I squeeze her tightly trying to tether her to me.
Isn't she?
I sob into her shoulder as she pulls me in squeezing me tightly.
I take a few moments before pulling away to look her in her eyes.
"Clarissa, how . . .
how the fuck are you alive?" I say (a few people I don't recognize throw me dirty looks)
She pauses and takes a moment before I finally hear her say
"You were looking pretty pale after that day too", with a drop of knowing dancing in her eyes just out of reach.
A beat passes.
"Maybe a little too pale."
She doesn't say any more but she smiles softly wrapping her arms over me like a scarf. I sigh. The plastered smile fades into the real one. I could live in this moment. Her arms warm and comforting. Her heart beating with mine. Just feeling her breathing next to me again. In and out. Back and forth. Gently rocking like the A. Breathe in breathe out. The air feels fresher. In and out. Back and forth.
She slowly raises her arms off of me raising them, like I was some scared stray cat she was trying not to startle. Lost and alone. (Maybe I was.)
"Please don't go"
A beat
"I have meeting now darling" 
Her words rip though me, letting the fake smile wrap my lips up again. The "please don't leave me again" hovering on the tip of my tongue. Suddenly I hear someone yelling my name exasperatedly, I look around. Fucking Gerald.
Let me have my moment.
I sigh turning back.
She's gone.
Gerald storms over.
I, in Geralds very colorful words "get the fuck to work."
I go to the elevator. Push a button. Any button. Slam my fist into the buttons. They light up like my insides. I sigh. The elevator goes up. Beeps. I draw a frowny face. Goes up. Beeps. Goes up. I shouldn't have done that. I sigh. I get off. I make my way to my desk.
Work work work.
So much work
I see her through the glass of a meeting room.
She had a meeting that day. 
The day when.
When she.
I bolt up.
The explosion echos in my ears, little bits of shrapnel lodging themselves in my eyes. I see Clarissa. Collapsed. Crumpled. Crushed.
A lifeless heap.
The explosions echo. My vision fades in and out.
The image stains my mind.
The explosion echos. I wake up. Get out of bed. Pulling on clothes. Dragging myself into the kitchen. Make cereal. Bringing it into the dining room. I sit down in a chair, pull the other one out, and push it back. I don't know how long I sit there looking at that empty chair.
I sigh. My cereal swirls, surrounding my spoon. The milk ripples, it's beautiful the patterns it makes as it swells it almosts makes me forget abou- suddenly I see it. 
The image. 
That image.
It keeps replaying itself in my mind. Lurking in the corners of my eyes, cautiously creeping in, crashing into my thoughts. It sends me spinning. I need to talk to someone. I need to talk to her.
0 notes
poguestvff · 3 years
in which wheezie cameron finds that blood doesn’t make you family, love and affection does.
taglist | masterlist | 2.5k words | @pogueslandia ,
warning(s): food, she/her pronouns, ward slander, a little sarah slander but that’d include reading between the lines. why’d this make me want to make a series of reader and Wheezie being best friends.
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There's always been a heavy feeling of loneliness that rested upon the youngest cameron's shoulders, weighing her down as it seemed to pile over the years. Her siblings were always older, an age gap between them that even if it was shortened by a few years, their worlds would still be two different things. All three of them were in three different stages of life yet somehow it felt like Wheezie wasn't even there at times.
Throughout the entirety of her schooling career so far, everything had somehow been about Rafe and Sarah. Sarah was the perfect one; the paragon who could do no wrong. Even if Sarah tried to disobey, it'd be turned around to be made out as a minute mistake. She'd probably be able to get away with it a second time if she did it a different way. Maybe the same way.
Rafe was quite the opposite. The bastard child who needed a plentiful amount of attention in hopes he can be more like the paragon. With all this attention, his head only grew. It never gave him the space for growth. It minimized the space to stay exactly where he was for years on end.
This left Wheezie to be the ostracized sibling. She wasn't a social butterfly or a poster child like Sarah and she definitely wasn't a loner or the 'damaged goods' child like Rafe. She was just... average. With average grades and an average personality. Just average old Wheezie. She told herself this consistently, watching her father balance his attention between making sure Rafe stayed between the lines he'd drawn for him in a radius such as a dart board and allowing Sarah step out of them, even erasing some of the lines so she could walk on by them without a second thought.
But Wheezie was stuck in that tiny little circle in the middle, the bullseye as if scared to move out of those lines. The one place that was the hardest to pinpoint specifically by her father. But there was one thing Ward Cameron always said correct about his younger daughter. That he wouldn't be able to pin point his little dart of control into the middle of the board because she was misunderstood and misunderstood she was.
Though one person had been able to pick up on every single one of Wheezie's emotions.
Y/n Y/L/N was a pogue who had done tutoring on the side for a little extra money and when John B had recommended Y/n for help with Wheezie's homework, Ward was quick to say okay. He hardly even asked a thing about Y/n, just telling her to help Wheezie pass eighth grade and that was all. It was made very apparent to Y/n that was Wheezie was not as much of a priority to Ward as other things were.
Their first tutoring session, Wheezie was awfully dismissive. She didn't care for any of Y/n's efforts as they sat within the comfort of Wheezie's bedroom. She just wanted the entire hour to be over with the second she'd entered her room but Y/n was insistent, knowing that by the end of the school year she would have something instilled in Wheezie's brain. She just didn't know what that something was yet.
The second time they met, Y/n was more passive aggressive in hopes of breaking down the brick walls Wheezie had stored between her and everyone else in hopes of not disappointing them like the way she thought she'd disappointed her father. Y/n sat her down in her desk chair, swiveling her chair to her as she rested her hands on the younger girls shoulders. "You are going to have a really awkward couple of weeks if you and i don't become friends so no work today. We're playing 20 questions."
That night, Y/n learned a lot about Wheezie Cameron that she never thought she'd learned. Wheezie hated the color purple, she just painted her room that color because Sarah liked that color. Wheezie loved to paint and to draw, it was her favorite activity, she just rarely showed it bevause she hadn't believed in herself. Though, when she showed Y/n the canvas' that were shoved at the back of the closet, Y/n marveled at them. But Y/n's favorite fact, and the same one that almost made her hug Wheezie on the spot, was that she was never taught to swim and Y/n made her a promise that she would teach her.
As the weeks went by, Wheezie waiting anticipatingly for Y/n's beaten down, green ford bronco to pull up on the driveway and she'd leave the house with a giant smile on her face. It’d be early in the morning, a little less than an hour until school started, just like how Wheezie liked. She'd jump in the driver seat, embracing the smell of vanilla from the scented item hanging from the rear view mirror. She’d toss her bag to the back as Y/n would ruffle her hair, just like she had every morning. "And beloved was set in... late 1856!" Wheezie answered excitedly as Y/n drove down the final street towards her school after the two had gotten breakfast together.
"Perfect! You're gonna do so good on your test, Wheeze, I promise." Y/n told her ecstatically as she pulled into a parking space. Just before Wheezie could get out, Y/n held her upper arm just to gain her attention before she got out. "Tell Rose she doesn't have to get you after school. I'll leave school early and you and I are having a girls day. No studying, just me, you and a shit ton of sweets."
Wheezie smiled, she could feel the muscles in her jaw begin to hurt from how wide she had. She tilted her head to the side out of curiosity, eyeing the look of excitement on Y/n's face. "But why?"
Y/n shrugged, adjusting in her seat and fixing her rear view mirror. "Cause, you deserve it. I'm so proud of you, Little W." She told her, looking back towards the girl and seeing her smile slightly drop. "You okay?"
Wheezie couldn't remember a time where she was genuinely told that. Yeah, sure, Ward said it a few times but it'd be in a lousy tone before he'd wave her off, saying he was busy with whatever office work he had to attend to. Sarah may have said it a few times but it was rushed before she'd run after her friends with a quick goodbye to Wheeze, leaving her alone in the sand. It was never sincere. Not in the way Y/n had said it.
She rubbed her hands against her jean clad thighs with a sharp breath before nodding. “Yeah. I've just never really been told that before. Like—Like genuinely." She said, lowly, in hopes Y/n would understand and wouldn't push it.
Y/n had known Wheezie long enough to know her tells and avoiding eye contact was one of the biggest ones. So she didn't indulge further in the conversation, brushing it under the rug but knowing she'd have to go diving back in for that little tidbit later on. Instead she wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a tight hug from over the console. "I'll tell you i'm proud of you everyday if i have to." Y/n muttered before kissing the top of her head. "Now go, if you're late to first period, your dad will kill me." And Wheezie was able to leave the car with a smile on her face, already looking forward to the day planned later on.
Y/n was overall consistent, it was one thing Wheezie enjoyed knowing that when she made promises she tried to keep them as best as she could. Sometimes things slipped her mind but Wheezie could recognize that Y/n didn't forget a thing when it came to Wheezie. Like she made sure to engrave bits and pieces of her into her mind like a data chart. But it showed she cared and that was enough for Wheezie.
Y/n cared enough that when she entered her car after school, the smell of her favorite cinnabon's filled the car that made her look in the backseat, seeing a picnic basket. There wasn't a chance, right? You could only get them on the mainland. She turned her body swiftly towards the elder girl who sat with a smirk on her face. "You didn't?"
"I did. Second I left fourth period, got on a ferry just for you to have those overly sweet treats." Y/n said, tapping her nose with a 'boop'! "And I almost got stuck on the mainland because of it so you better enjoy the hell out of them."
"I will, I promise." Wheezie said dramatically as Y/n smiled, pulling out of the parking space to head down to the beach. Wheezie had said she didn't have a bathing suit, not prepared for the outing, though Y/n already said she had ransacked her room for clothes for after. Y/n was the only person allowed in Wheezie Cameron's room without Wheezie being there and the elder girl took pride in it.
As Y/n set up their small area for the few hours, she noticed Wheezie standing just where the water and the sand met. She kicked around the water with clear disinterest causing Y/n to huff, hands on her hips, before tossing off her hoodie to get in. The splash she'd made by pushing herself into the water made Wheezie jump, a laugh falling from the two's lips. "Come on." Y/n said, standing and holding her hands out to Wheezie.
"Y/n/n, I can't swim."
"Y/n/n I can't swim, well, obvi, i know that, little W. But, you have your amazing best friend to keep you afloat. I won't let you go, i swear." Y/n said, holding up her pinky.
"On my life." She reassured with a trusting smile before Wheezie walked further in. When the water had gotten to her above her waist, it'd freaked her out a bit though Y/n talked her through it, coaxing her further in slowly. Wheezie was kept above the water as Y/n held her hands as the buoyancy was used to their advantage. "See, not as bad as you thought?"
Wheezie shook her head though still nervous. "Not as bad, not my thing though."
"Why don't we try actually swimming? I won't force you if you don't want to and we can get back to shore right now but maybe just try?" She asked as Wheezie had to think about it for a moment. She almost felt guilty, remembing just a few months ago when Sarah had asked her if she could teach her but she refused. Though maybe, just maybe, it was because of Y/n being a bit more trust worthy that Wheezie said yes this time.
It took a while, Wheezie was frightened by letting go even as Y/n would say she was okay. Wheezie would tighten her grip on her shoulders before trying again and again until she eventually got it. She finally was able to keep herself above the water without flailing, recognizing that she was okay. Y/n cheered as she watched, not caring for the stares of others around them. "See, dude? You just have to start applying yourself! You did it!"
"I did it!" Wheezie said as Y/n hugged her, the two laughing before Wheezie screamed making Y/n's laughter die fast. "Something touched me!"
"Wheeze, it was seaweed." Y/n said softly before turning and letting her place her hands on her shoulders. "Yeah let's get you out of here before a jellyfish gets you."
Wheezie widened her eyes. "Jellyfish?"
As the sun had began to set and people had packed up their things and left, Y/n and Wheezie stayed. Wheezie was on her fourth doughy treat, even though Y/n told her to slow down two treats ago. Towels were wrapped around each of their shoulders as they watched the pretty colors fade in to one another, a mixture of pink, blue and orange array of colors combining to make a cotton candy sky. Wheezie watched as Y/n got up, accepting a phone call from Ward, the only phone call she hadn't silenced since they'd left the car.
In the time she'd left, Wheezie took advantage of it to recognize how appreciative she was of all that Y/n was doing for her. She came in as a tutor and, to Wheezie, was to stay as a friend. As family. Wheezie was more then ecstatic to have someone who would be there to rant and rave about the other Cameron's, someone she could trust with her secrets and the contents of her always running brain. Someone who was just there.
"Hey, your father would like us back in thirty so we should leave in ten." She said coming back and sitting beside Wheezie as she caught sight of her face, the lack of the smile that was there previously concerning her. "Tell me what's wrong."
"Nothing, really. Just... I really enjoyed today, Y/n. It really lets me know you're not just here for like... like the money or something."
Y/n let out a scoff. "Are you kidding? I enjoy nothing more than watching you freak out over the existence of jellyfish." She joked as Wheezie pushed her to the side with a laugh. Y/n recovered, letting out a content sigh as she tossed an arm over Wheezie's shoulders. "You're stuck with me now, Wheezes. Can't wait to record you falling at your next soccer game."
Wheezie couldn't help the laugh that slipped past her lips, leaning into Y/n's embrace as her head rested against her clavicle. "And I'll be looking for you in the stands, Y/n/n."
Y/n and Wheezie had both found out something about the other that night. Wheezie found that she didn't want to be like Sarah and she was glad she wasn't like Rafe. She was content with her own little circle on the dart board but maybe she could take a bit after her newest role model. And Y/n found that she was able to instill several things into the youngers mind including To Kill a Mockingbird, Inca Civilizations, and that she now had a true and present big sister to look up to.
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bruhstories · 3 years
Personal Demon
Summary: Because of a mistake, you're assigned a devil instead of an angel. Pairing: Demon!Eren Jaeger x Fem!Reader Warnings & Conent: oh boy, here we go - language, mentions of suicide, mentions of self harm, mentions of rape, fingering, unprotexted sex, alcohol consumption, mentions of drug abuse, mentions of reader in an asylum, sliiiiight dumbification of reader, slight corruption of reader, Eren's a little shit Word Count: 3.9 k
A/N: So I wrote this in, like, 3-4 days because I felt like it's pretty bad but not bad enough not to post it. I hope you still enjoy it, though!
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You always felt it — breathing in your nape, moving in the corner of your room at night, whispering things you shouldn't dare think about. Your own personal demon. Most of the time you did a good job at ignoring it. Most of the time you abused substances to make it go away, at least for a minute. With the puff of weed or a bottle of alcohol, it stayed away, only watching from afar and never involving itself with you. Most of the time.
Keys clung in your hands, door shutting behind as you walked into your apartment, fingers wrapped around your grocery bags. Yet another night of drinking the voice away.
"Not today, Satan." You hummed, popping open a bottle of gin, nose scrunching at the bitter taste.
"I keep telling you, the easiest way to get rid of me would be to kill yourself." It spoke, this time outside of your head.
"And I keep telling you to stay the fuck away from me." You growled back.
"We both know that's not possible."
Another sip and you put the bottle down, hands digging inside the bag for a snack.
"You're gonna need something stronger than that."
There it was, the bar of chocolate you so eagerly starved for. The TV suddenly turned on. It was craving entertainment.
"Anything unusual happened today?"
No, it was craving attention and you were not about to give it any. You put the groceries inside the fridge and grabbed the bottle, plopping on the couch.
"How long are you going to pretend I'm not here?"
"As long as I need." You snapped back, eyes glued to the TV.
"Well, that didn't last long." It laughed. "Come on, Y/N, we've been together for, what, 24 years?"
"Can you just shut up? Disappear? Crawl back to Hell?"
"Nope. Waaaaait, I know why you've got your panties in a twist. It's because that Jean guy you like hooked up with Mikasa, right?"
It was impossible to deal with. Every single second, it was there. Since you've been born, it was there, always watching, always following you, always. You tried to go to a priest, a monk, anything, but nothing helped. The angel that was supposed to guide you happened to be a demon and there was nothing you could do about it. But you were not going to give it the satisfaction of ending your pathetic life, no matter how much you wanted to, because despite being a demon, it still had to keep you alive until your time came. It, however, did like to push you over the edge, push you until you grabbed a knife and slit your wrists, only for the knife to get shoved by some invisible force before you could finish the job. It tormented you and it loved it.
"I told you, not today, Satan."
"Ugh, my name's-"
"I don't care." Your head snapped into the direction of the voice, only to be met with a wall. "Let's face it, we shouldn't have been in this situation, so why don't you shut your mouth up and let me get on with my life?"
"What life?" It laughed and you could already picture the sneer on its face, flashing you fangs and a forked tongue. "That's not even what I look like."
"Get out of my head!" You screamed before grabbing the bottle and emptying half of its contents.
"Careful, Y/N, the neighbours might call the police and you don't want to end up like last time, do you?"
Last time... you were but a child, throwing plates at the wall only to make it stop talking when your parents admitted you to an asylum. You had to live with it for half a year before they let you out.
"Please, please stay out of my head." Tears pooled at your eyes as you clutched the bottle at your chest.
"Now why would I stay out when it's just so much fun in you?"
"God, I hate you so much!"
"Me or beardy up there? I couldn't quite get it." It laughed again, laughing at your damn misery as you got up from the couch and left the apartment.
The alcohol already made its way to your brain when you reached the ground floor of the building. Rain poured outside but you didn't care, you just ran as far away from it as possible and for the first time in years, it didn't follow you. Grateful and content, you slowed down, admiring the beauty of the city which you ignored because of the voice inside of your head. The smell of rain, the colourful buildings, the empty streets, everything felt new and refreshing, and you took it all in. Time seemed to slow down without itconstantly nagging in the back of your mind and you realised you were pretty far away from your home, an area unknown to you. Still, you knew how to get back, you hoped, but when you turned around, a man pushed you into an alleyway.
"Satan?" You whispered, dizzy from the lingering gin and smell of rain. The man pinned you to a wall and finally you were beginning to realise what was happening.
"Call me whatever you want, baby, just keep that pretty voice down." His hand moved up your thigh and panic seeped through your veins. "We don't want to draw any attention, now, do we?" He kissed your neck and you froze on the spot, eyes widening in fear and body shivering.
"L-let go of me!" You managed, the alcohol numbing your arms, rendering you unable to push the stranger away.
"Shhh, don't fight it." The man squeezed your arms, his fingers bruising the soft skin. Anger, sadness and pain coiled together in your chest and you couldn't breathe anymore. Oh, how you wished you never left your flat, how you wished you stayed back and listened to itconstantly yapping, like a maggot crawling into your brain. "Aren't you a pretty one?" He cooed, his hand travelling lower, lower, to the point where tears started rolling down your cheeks, mixing with the snot and rain on your face.
And then it happened — in the blink of an eye, your assailant was thrown against the other wall by the too familiar invisible force as you sank to the ground, eyes puffy and red, legs trembling.
"The fuck? What are you?" The man hissed at you, his hands holding his abdomen.
"I'm the devil." It spoke, voice inhuman and perilous, and you could only sneer at him. For the first time you were happy it was there. Sick, twisted thoughts invaded your mind and you wanted to watch him suffer, and itknew. It knew, because the devil was always in your head.
"You crazy bitch!" The assailant, now helpless and overpowered, did not know about your own personal demon, and he tried to get up, tried to leap forward at you and strangle the last bit of air out of your lungs, but he couldn't. Somethingwas holding him back.
"You want him dead?" It asked, but you know the devil took more pleasure in inflicting pain rather than swiftly killing.
"No." You grinned, eyes dark and dangerous. "I want him to suffer."
"That's my girl."
Blood-curling screams echoed in the alleyway. You didn't know what it was doing to him, but you knew for a fact that you were enjoying the sounds that came out of your attacker. His wrists contorted in a way you didn't think was possible, and the melody of broken bones reminded you that what was happening was wrong. For a moment, your brain was rational, telling you that it should stop, that you should both just leave and forget this ever happened. But... it also felt good, it felt like you've just been reborn, discovering a deeply buried part of you that ached to be exposed. Then, his legs twisted and the man winced in pain, so much pain, and your heart fluttered in your chest.
"More?" It asked and you nodded.
His arms looped, like a deformed puppet loosely strung, and it made him dance in the rain until his body gave up from fatigue.
"Aw, I was really hoping he'd be a feisty one." It mused, and you also clicked your tongue in disappointment. Before you left, you gave your assailant a good kick in the stomach, your boot stomping on his face with so much anger and force that what remained was unrecognisable.
Wet clothes piled on the floor, you wrapped your naked body in a blanket to warm yourself up. What just happened? What did you do? Why did you allow it to happen and more importantly, why did you love every minute of it? The questions jogged in your fuzzy brain, as you slowly sobered up.
"Why did I enjoy it, Satan?" You asked, lips quivering.
"I told you, my name's not Satan, it's-"
"Eren, I know. I remember." You could feel it quirk a brow, surprised and impressed by its name rolling down your tongue so naturally. "Why did I enjoy it? It's wrong and disgusting."
"Do you remember what happens when you say my name?" It sounded almost concerned.
"You physically manifest, I know. Now answer my fuckingquestion."
"What do you want me to say?" Itasked, fragments of muscle, skin and silk pulling together from thin air. First, its legs. Then, its upper body, draped in a charcoal-black robe. "That you're as sadistic as I am? Maybe it wasn't a mistake that you have a demon, not an angel." And finally, its face materialised in front of you — long dark brown hair falling down his shoulders and eyes so green, it felt like a forest was in them. It looked almost human, the hooked nose, the elongated ears, the deeply sunken emeralds and jagged mouth betraying its true nature.
"I thought you'd have fangs." Was your only response at the scene unfolding in front of you, blanket clutched at your chest. Any normal person would shudder at the demonic sight of Eren appearing in front of them, but to you, it felt comforting to finally assign a face to the voice you so desperately tried to ignore.
"And I thought you wanted to get rid of me." It scoffed, its facial features changing, becoming softer and resembling a human man, but those eyes didn't change an ounce.
"I don't know what I want anymore. If it weren't for you, I would've been raped and dead, probably."
"Just embrace it, Y/N. Just let go of that annoying voice in your head that tells you it's wrong." He encouraged. "There's no such thing as good or bad, right or wrong. It's just surviving, adapting or dying."
Eren looked unbelievably human and incredibly handsome in the dim light of your living room lamp. Maybe it was the alcohol that hasn't left your body yet, or maybe it was the fact that he saved you, again, but the truth was that the devil in your house was making you feel something you couldn't even feel for Jean — and you thought you were in love with Jean.
"Alright, let's pretend for a moment that I give into temptation." Your eyes found his and you felt hypnotised, the rational part of your brain slowly overshadowed by your instincts and feelings. "What then? Do you leave me alone? Do you go back to hell? Do Igo to hell?"
"Oh, I wouldn't call it hell. More like a demonic paradise." He shrugged, eyes bored and blank, devout of any emotion. You leaned forward trying to search for something in his darkened orbs.
"Why are you being nice to me? You're supposed to save me from death, not rape."
He clicked his tongue, your question drilling into his brain, repeating itself over and over again. Why did he save you? It's not like he cared, he only did his job, right? Right?
The demon you grew up with, the demon who tormented you, the demon who tried so desperately to ruin your life did, in fact, give two shits about you and your pathetic existence. Just not in the way you thought.
"Let's just say no one gets to touch you but me." Eren closed the gap between you two, his nose almost grazing over yours. He was absolutely intoxicating and you always fought with the constant need to let him control you. After all, he was always with you, he saw you hit your lowest points, he saw the best of you, he saw your naked body, he saw everything, ergo you were his. Your head quickly turned to the side before you leaned back, exhaustion written all over your face as Eren clicked his tongue. The thing about demons was that they couldn't physically interfere without their human's consent, only using invisible force to stop you from dying and he was just so close.
"Ah, but you can't touch me, though." You trailed off, brow quirked at his narrowed eyes. You've done your homework, you knew what he needed, but still, that side of you tried to prevail over the side that craved his touch.
"Yet." Eren snapped back before your drifted to sleep.
Once again you dreamt of it him, his cock buried deep inside your needy cunt as you screamed his name over and over again while you came undone. When you jolted up from your sleep, he was there, watching you, like a predator stalking its prey. Normally he wouldn't be there, but since you called his name, Eren was glaring down at your helpless body, famished for something only you could give him.
"What's the time?" You groaned, fingers rubbing your eyelids.
"Three in the morning." He answered, eyes glued to you. "Bad dream?" The demon sneered. You knew he'd been in your head again, you knew those dreams existed for a reason.
"They wouldn't be bad if you'd just stay the fuck out of my mind." You hummed with a fake smile.
"Alright then, look me in the eye and tell me, reallytell me you want me to leave you alone." But you couldn't and he knew it. "Stop fighting it, Y/N. For two decades you kept trying. Maybe you should stop being stubborn and just give in." Eren shrugged, his voice tempting and you only wondered if that's how Eve felt when the snake tempted her. You weren't a Christian by any means, but you knew the story well enough to figure out the consequences.
"I have work tomorrow. Please let me sleep." You got up from the couch, blanket wrapped around your shoulders.
And that's when Eren reached his limits. He followed you into your bedroom, something knocking the wind out of you as you fell on the mattress. Somethingpulling the blanket off of you. Somethingtravelling down your arms, goosebumps dotting your skin as he stood in the doorway.
"I can't touch you, but I can do so many things to you." He inched closer, his figure imposing and dangerous and you could feel your core burning. "I can smell your arousal, Y/N. I know you want it. You just have to say it." Eren demanded and you hated that he was right. Slowly but surely, the battle in your heart and mind was coming to an end the more he got closer to the bed. "Say it."
You whined and writhed in pain and pleasure, and in the blink of an eye your life flashed before your eyes as you came to the conclusion that you've tried so hard to stay away from the demon, but either he was too persistent, or you were too weak. Or you just simply wanted him to ravage you and you were okay with that. Your hands stopped moving, your body stopped fighting.
"Do it..." You half-begged, judgement clouded, vision blurry. "Please, do it! Touch me, break me, fuck me, please! I need you, need to feel you..."
Like some sort of spell had just been lifted, Eren felt relieved. The sight of your sprawled body, combined with the lustful look in your lidded eyes only fed his hunger and he was famished. Calloused fingertips grazed over your knees, up your thighs, sending chills down your spine as you arched your back, pulling the demon closer to your face.
"Kiss me?" You asked, voice sweet and needy and he crushed his lips onto yours. They were surprisingly soft, tasting of whiskey and honey and the flavour lingered on your lips after he pulled away. Your body quivered under his touch, yearning for more, hands tugging at his silken robe to expose the chiselled chest. Eren pressed his forehead onto yours, hot breath tickling your cheeks.
"I'm going to ruin you, Y/N." He dug his teeth into your shoulder, the imprint burning into your skin, all the pent-up frustration slowly being released with each movement. He dragged one hand over your breasts before settling on one nipple, fingers pinching it to earn a reaction out of you. A whimper escaped from your lips as you pushed your chest upwards, wanting him closer than the laws of physics would allow. Your slender hands tangled in his locks as Eren left a trail of purple marks and bites all over your neck and shoulder.
"Fill me up, please..."
"Patience." He mused. "I've waited so many years for this, you can wait a few more minutes." Head buried between your tits, his hand travelled lower until it found your wet cunt. Fingers grazed over your folds before he drove his index into your soaked pussy and that's when you knew just how much you craved him. Your silken walls clenched around his curled-up finger and your neediness made him add another one, moans drilling through his eardrums, into his brain. "Fuck, you're so wet..." Eren hummed, vibrations tickling your skin. You couldn't form a coherent sentence even if your life counted on it. All you could think about was that if his fingers stretched you, his cock would tear your cunt apart — and you reallywanted to feel that. Fingernails dug into his back and he hissed, his tongue flicking your nipple and all the build-up was too much for you.
"Eren, please..." You mewled, your chest rising and falling with each breath, with each touch, each lick.
"You want me to fuck you? Want me to tear you apart?" The demon growled. His sudden change in tone only further added fuel to the fire inside your core and you eagerly nodded.
"Yes, God — yes! But Eren, I want to see you, not this pretty face you put on." You pleaded, eyes teary and demanding.
"No." He simply answered and that instantly made you jolt up, forcefully pushing him off of you.
"Are you trying to screw with my mind again? You've literally been with me for 24 years!" You shouted, and even Eren was slightly confused. "You tormented me for two decades, put me in an asylum, constantly stopped me from killing myself and now I can't even see the real you?" You threw your hands at him and he caught your wrists with ease. "You owe me at least that, Satan." Tears freely rolled down your face and you could feel his hot tongue lick the salty drops from your cheek. Your pain was his pleasure, he was a demon after all, the embodiment of all evil, but he decided you were corruptedenough to at least see his true colours, which you only managed to glance at.
"You're right, Y/N," Eren kissed your forehead and you couldn't even notice the manipulative hints in his voice, "you deserve at least this." He pulled back, and slowly his face distorted, allowing you to look at his disfigured mouth, elongated ears and abnormally long tongue.
"Thank you, thank you!" You beamed with bright eyes.
The woman who battled her demon? Gone.
In her place stood only a shell of a person, whose sole purpose was to get fucked by the demon in front of her. You feverishly parted his lips with your tongue, touch-starved and desperate, and Eren threw you onto the bed, robe pooled on the floor. And you were right, his cock wouldtear you apart by the looks of it. Before he could do anything, you spread your legs for him, like a good little slut, mouth agape and nothing but lust in your eyes. The sneer on his face was unlike anything you've seen before, and it both terrified and aroused you.
"Eager to please, aren't you?" He climbed onto the bed, the velvety tip of his cock barely touching your wet slit.
"I'm begging you, Eren, please fuck me!"
The demon scoffed at your pathetic words, but he couldn't deny how much he loved to hear your needy voice. You wouldn't have to know that, of course. He ever so slowly pushed the tip in between your folds, your cunt greedily taking it all in while you whimpered at the foreign sensation.
"Shhh," Eren cooed at you mockingly, "you love it, don't you?"
"Y-yes, please, d-deeper..."
Was it really you speaking or was this another one of his demonic tricks? And more importantly, did it even matter that he made you say those things when his cock felt just so good inside of you? Your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer to you as Eren thrusts became harder. Your tits bounced with every move, pleasure engulfing both of you and you never knew demons fucked so raw.
"Fuck, you're so tight." He hissed into your ear, the compliment only making you clench your walls around his impossibly hard cock. "Such a good girl." Eren praised you, knowing perfectly well how much you lacked appreciation from your parents, knowing perfectly well how your childhood traumas and frustration only aided him. He was your demon, after all. When your only response was to roll your eyes at the back of your head like a possessed woman, Eren picked up the pace, his abnormal tongue licking at your collarbone.
"D-do you l-like it?" You asked, concerned that he might not be satisfied with you. He wouldn't be fucking you so hard if he didn't, but you were so brainwashed that nothing made sense anymore.
"I do, doll, now be a good whore and rub that clit, will you?" The demon urged and with a shaky hand you complied, the friction mixed with his thrusts sending you into a frenzy. You were close and he knew it.
"Oh, f-fuck! Eren!"
His cock hit that sweet spot and you were done for, your legs loosened around his waist, falling onto the bed, but he kept on fucking you.
"My turn." Eren growled, his hands lifting your hips like you were some sort of ragdoll between his fingers. Your vision blurred, every word you tried to utter lost in your throat the more he buried himself into you, yet somehow you still managed to clench your walls. With one final thrust you felt him spill his hot seed, cum dripping out of your sore cunt as he pulled out.
Eren plopped next to you and you curled up in a ball, head on his chest. You were craving his attention, his care, but he responded by bringing his hands behind his head, eyes staring blankly at the ceiling. He wanted to hold you tightly, he wanted to pet your head, but he couldn’t. And you were alright with that, because you knew that, no matter what, you would always have your own personal demon at your side.
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bluecookies02 · 4 years
Dabi x Reader- cûm soaked silk
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Summary: You're the league's relatively new addition, during a fight Dabi saves you, immediately catching your attention and clouding your mind. Eventually after a row of success the league organizes a party and Dabi comes over so the two of you can prepare.
Warnings: cum play, creampies ,throatfucking, light alcohol consumption, pinning, panties theft.
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Here you are once again waking up at 2 in the afternoon. With a quick stretch and desperate grasp for consciousness, you feel the familiar pain of a long night spent gathering supplies and fighting the trash that calls themselves heroes.
Thankfully, it was a night full of victories for the LOV so the pride you feel is stronger than the strain on your tired body. In everything you remember from last night, one moment sticks out so clear that you can't help but blush and let a smile escape the corner of your lips.
"A little danger looks good on you."
That was the most Dabi had said to you since you joined the League. A small-time hero aimed their quirk at you and your heavily scarred teammate was quick to throw you against the nearest wall, his body covering yours. There was nothing but anger in your heart and a lust for blood painted on your face until your eyes met his stunning blues.
All it took was those few words from his all too calm voice and that lazy, lustful look from his heavy-lidded eyes...you were hooked. With a final stretch, you tried to shake him from your mind.
Freshly showered and with coffee in hand, you grabbed your phone off of the nightstand. You skimmed your missed messages to get an idea of the day ahead of you. Nothing unusual. Some blood-soaked selfies from Toga, early morning ramblings from Twice, a short but thoughtful message from Kurogiri thanking you for your efforts last night, and a lackluster message from your boss inviting you to attend a gathering at the LOV hideout for a few drinks and to officially welcome you into the fold.
Well, at least you had something besides a mission to look forward to. You'd been wound so tight for months doing everything you could to help the league and uphold Stain's ideals. You needed tonight. Besides, he might be there. Before you had the chance to shame yourself for letting him back into your thoughts, your phone rang. An unknown number.
You got out a sleepy, half-hearted, "Hello," before you heard it. That honey-coated voice that caused a chill to run the length of your spine before his warmth washed over you.
"I see our crusty leader is throwing you a party. That's quite a surprise. So when are we going?"
Like always, he was so matter of fact. So sure of himself and set in his intentions. As much as his words made you want to melt into the floor, he said a little danger looked good on you, right? Fine. Then you would live dangerously.
You caught your breath before meeting his cool tone with your own subtlely beckoning statement. "Why don't you come over and we'll discuss it over a drink? If you've got my number, I'm sure getting my address should be just as easy for you." He let out a chuckle, wicked and low.
"See you in an hour dollface."
With that, you both hung up. Your heart was going to implode. What had you gotten yourself into? You bit your lip and smiled. It took no time for you to pick out the perfect outfit. No worn-out villain clothes tonight. No. This called for something exceptional.
A little black dress, some thigh high stockings, and the perfect lace lined lingerie would get you more than just a passing glance from the stapled stud you had set your sights on. As you laid the outfit neatly on the edge of your bed, it hit you. "Shit." Your alcohol-fueled stress relief had left your house completely dry. Whatever.
Fashionably late with a bottle in hand seemed better than facing this man without a little liquid courage. A quick text and you were out the door. "Heading out for a bit. Give me 30. Let yourself in and get comfortable."
Getting your address was simple. He was a man on a mission and after last night, he had a hunger. Saving you was the first thing on his mind during yesterday's battle. You were reckless and he could relate to you. A woman with convictions was his weakness. In a world full of fake meaning, your passion was as fiery as his quirk and he wanted more. Needed more of you.
The thoughts that crossed his mind after pinning you to that wall were less than noble. He wanted to feel you, to sink his teeth into your soft flesh. God he hoped you were a fighter behind closed doors too. Maybe he could overpower you.
He wondered if you knew how much you had him worked up and if you were just as desperate for a release as he was. Before he knew it, he was at your front door. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket.
"Get comfortable? Alright, doll. Let's see what you're all about."
He was surprised upon entering your apartment.
"Pretty classy place for such a reckless fighter. What are you hiding in here, little miss?"
He was eager to get to know you better. He couldn't simply flop onto the couch and kick his feet up. He knew you were more than a simple yet dedicated member of the league. You had dirty little secrets somewhere and he was out to find them. A few unlabeled pill bottles in the bathroom, empty champagne bottles in the kitchen...nothing too out of the normal considering your line of work.
When he finally made his way into your room, it was as well put together as the rest of your flat. He sifted through your nightstands and found...nothing. He let out a little sigh of defeat and sat next to a small pile of clothes on the bed. Running his hands under your pillows in a last ditch effort, he finally found something.
"So you are a naughty girl. You don't disappoint after all."
His wicked smirk was a sight to see as he held your toy in his hand. He had seen these before in a questionable marketplace. So he knew two things for sure; you had taste and he wanted you even more now. He'll make you forget you even own that little toy.
He was praying that this was just the tip of the iceberg when it came to your kinks. He made a mental note and tucked the vibrator back under your pillow.
He moved his attention to the outfit you had delicately placed across the mattress. If that was what you were planning to wear tonight then you knew exactly what you were doing to him. He could imagine the way that tiny dress would hug your curves and tease him with glimpses of all the places of your body he wanted to devour.
The fishnets were a filthy addition and he might let you keep those on while he had his way with you someday. His thoughts continued to spiral and he could feel his growing erection pressing uncomfortably against his jeans.
That's when he saw them. There they were. Those perfect, lacey little panties. His hunger for you hit primal levels as he grabbed your panties off the bed and tugged at the hem with his teeth. His free hand was already rubbing his aching cock through his pants as he imagined sliding those panties over and letting himself inside you.
Oh, the sweet moans you would make. How would his name sound when it rolled off your tongue as you begged for him to wreck you? He knew you wouldn't be back for another 20 minutes and he couldn't hold out any longer.
He made quick work of laying back on your bed and freeing his now rock hard cock from its clothed cage. He grabbed the black silk panties and wrapped them firmly around his base as he began pumping and stroking.
He bit his lower lip at the electric feeling taking him over. He was a man possessed and he would get his release by any means necessary. The veins along his shaft were throbbing as he thought of you all dolled up and desperate for him. He wanted to know how you would look on your knees ready and waiting for him. He could almost feel your hips gripped tightly in his hands as he imagined ruthlessly hammering every inch into you. His deviant thoughts and the feeling of your panties sliding sweetly along his length was an intoxicating combination. His other hand reached for his heavy balls, massaging them, trying his best to spoil himself for the remaining time he had.
All it took was the thought of your pussy gripping and welcoming him inside you with that black lace causing the perfect amount of friction between your swollen lips, clinging desperately for that pathetic amount of friction-... He couldn't help himself. Thick, hot ropes of cum were coating the cotton lining of your panties, his release overflowing and pulling all the way to the base of his cock.
He milked out the last few drops and watched as they soaked into the thin fabric.
Well, this would either get him kicked out of your flat or he would get the confirmation he needed that this overwhelming lust was mutual. All he knew was that he needed a drink.
With perfect timing, you returned home with a bottle in each hand just as he had placed the underwear back onto the bed and got himself situated on the couch as though nothing had happened.
Your heart almost skipped a beat. You assumed he would show up so that was no surprise. What you hadn't planned for was just how good he would look; the track lighting of your apartment showcasing him like a work of art. He looked so comfortable, so natural sprawled out on your furniture. Like he had always belonged there. This was your home but his presence filled the place. Fuck, what you would give for him to fill you instead. Before you could fall even deeper down that rabbit hole of attraction, he greeted you as only he would.
"So are you gonna pour us a drink or are those just for show?"
You felt the heat rise in your face and you could only imagine the color of your cheeks as he let his eyes work their way from the whiskey in your hands to the rest of your body. "Sure thing. Gimme a sec. And I said to get comfortable, not scuff up my table with your big dirty boots, ass." His little laugh was warm and kind despite your attitude. A few drinks, some light conversation, a couple of shared nervous laughs and glances...before you knew it, it was getting late. A nice buzz enveloped you as you excused yourself.
"Not so fast, doll. Where do you think you're going?"
The look in his eyes made you weak. You couldn't tell if it was the slow burn of the whiskey or the equally smoldering quality in his tone that made you blush. "Sorry, blue eyes. I gotta go get ready. You don't want me missing my own welcome party, do you? Behave while I go get dressed," you giggled. That laugh, innocent and a clear give away to your inebriation, was enough to cause his desire to come bubbling over.
He was one sip of whiskey past the point of being calm and he needed you. He quickly made his way behind you, grabbing your hips and leaning in to whisper in your ear...
"You should know by now, behaving is not something I do, hopefully, you can behave like a pretty little thing you are. Now let's get into that cute little room of yours and you're going to get changed. Slip out of those clothes and give me a nice show."
With those words, he gave your neck a few light kisses making sure to let his lips trail your skin before pushing you lightly towards the room. You were a warm mix of goosebumps and giggles. You were going to give this man anything he asked for, do everything that left his mouth before even finishing his sentences.
This was happening and you wondered why it hadn't happened sooner. The look in his eyes was ravenous and you were ready and willing to let him feast. The second you both made your way into the bedroom, your body was against the wall; his own body covering yours once more. This time, however, there was no battle, no rush, and the only dangerous thing in the room was the man staring you down with lust in his eyes and whiskey on his tongue.
You began unbuttoning your blouse and it was as if he couldn't pepper your skin with kisses fast enough. His lips worked every inch that was exposed as you tilted your head back and practically ripped your shirt the rest of the way off. The blouse fell behind you as Dabi's teeth lightly grazed your neck.
His left hand made its way up to the clasp on the front of your bra. He looked down unhooking it with ease as your breath hitched in your lungs. He let his lips and tongue playfully work down from your neck to your now exposed breasts. His bottom lip was about to glide over your nipple when he suddenly stopped and looked at you with that wicked half-smile.
He grabbed your chin and pulled you in for a passionate kiss. His original intention was to make it quick but the two of you were swept away in the burning taste of cheap whiskey and overwhelming desire. His arms wrapped around your waist as your hands softly glided through his hair and over his scarred cheek.
With a final soft bite to your bottom lip, he pulled away. "Is everything okay?" The aura about him had changed to something far more dominant and primal.
"I said put on a show, babe. So let's see it."
He sat back on the bed as he looked over your figure. You couldn't tell if his stare was more anticipatory or predatory but either way, you were soaked and dying for his skin against yours. You turned around and looked back at him with a dark and coy smirk before facing away.
You slid your hands down your body until they made their way to the zipper on the back of your skirt. As the small metal tab fell, Dabi bit his lip and felt something else rise up. You placed your hands on the wall above your head and spread your legs lightly.
You gave your hips a little shake and the skirt fell to the floor. Turning around to face him, you ran your thumbs across your hips and into the waistband of your panties. You teasingly lowered them barely an inch. His eyes lit up. That's when you snapped the band and let the panties back up. Slinking towards him, you placed yourself between his legs with your arms around his neck. "I think you should take these off...Don't want to have all the fun to myself."
"I thought you'd never ask, babe. But you'd look better in these. Why don't we change things up a bit?"
With that, he picked up the little black panties from the outfit laid out on your bed. You blushed. Now you were wondering what else he had seen. As you took them from his hand, you noticed something felt off about them. Your fingers slid across the slick and sticky substance that was still warm. Suddenly it hit you and felt your own temperature rise. "Dabi did you..."
"I said...put them on....go on."
His voice was deceptively calm but inside he was on a one-way track and there was no stopping him tonight. His cock was literally aching to be inside and the thrill of seeing you slide those panties on, getting you nice and coated with his cum before he had even entered you; It drove him right over the edge.You shyly slipped off your panties and began to put the others on. You stopped with them about halfway up. "Babe, I dunno. Is this really...."
"Looks like you need a little help."
Before you could blink, he had come right up to you and pulled the cum soaked panties the rest of the way up. You barely had time to catch your breath and enjoy the feeling of his lips so close to you when he began to run his fingers over your clothed slit and press his still warm fluids closer inside you. When he heard a small moan escape your lips and felt the silk against his fingers go from dampened by his own doing to soaked with your juices, he knew he had you.
He let his fingers slide past the fabric and past your folds trailing his sticky cum along them. He dipped two fingers into your cunt, pushing his cum into you, picking up the gushing out liquid each time it dared to drip out of you.
With just two minutes of that, he was throbbing and you were crying out, begging to feel him inside you, begging to get a fresh coat of cum in your greedy pussy.
"All fours, on the bed...Now."
With a firm slap to your ass, you did just as you were told. Only, he didn't get behind you like you were expecting. No. After quickly undressing himself, he stood before you hard and ready. Your jaw dropped and you were about to tell him how bad you needed it but he grabbed your chin and forced you to look him in the eyes.
"You're gonna be a good girl and get me nice and wet before I let you feel this cock filling you up and stretching that pretty pink pussy of yours. Do you understand?''
You nodded as he moved his hand to the back of your head and the other to the base of his cock. He guided you forward and you let your tongue gingerly trace the veins of his shaft before wrapping your lips around. With every pulse of his hips, you would play with his tip and graze it with your soft tongue before taking him all the way into the back of your throat.
He closed his eyes and let his head fall back. A few expletives left his lips as you let out soft moans and began to drool, his length becoming a bit too much to handle. Your mouth became a sloppy mess, his cock twitching each time your throat tightened around him. He could feel himself getting warmer and dizzier, the sight of you splattering around his length, your eyes watery and your hands struggling to keep you up made it unbearable for him to hold for much longer.
You can feel the mess dripping onto the sheets as you rub your thighs together.
He slides out of your mouth with a small pop and runs his thumb across your lips glistening with spit. The look you gave each other said enough as you arched your back and he made his way behind you.
His earlier fantasy was becoming a reality as he put one hand firmly on your hip and used the other to slide his tip up and down your warm and aching lips. He let go of both just long enough to grip the sides of your panties and burn them clean off. He yanked away the remaining fabric and lined himself up with your quivering entrance.
"Is this what you want, gorgeous? Hm? Do you need it?"
"Yes! Please Dabi! Fuck! I need it.C'mon.Please." And with your final desperate cries...he did just that. His every inch slid into you just right. His cock twitched as soon as he bottomed out, his hips jerking into you out of instinct.
He was the only man you knew who could pound your pussy so ruthlessly while his hands still explored your body so sweetly. it was intoxicating, addictive. You needed more. You needed him. Despite him holding your hips down, you managed to sway your hips just right, meeting his thrusts one by one.
He watched you gasp and loose balance, dropping on your forearms as you buried your head into the cushion. He admired the way your pussy took him so well, his cock disappearing all the way in and then coming back out. He was hazed, forgetting how much time passed as he plowed in and out of you, the intoxicating rhythm putting a strain on his muscles as he couldn't have it in him to slow down.
You were a teary mess, whines and cries coming from your sore throat as you begged for him to make you cum.
With another hard slap across your ass and more praise for the way you took him so well...that was it. You couldn't take it anymore. He was pounding that spongey spot just right and his hands were sending shivers through you. You couldn't hold back anymore and he could tell. You were clenching down on him as he continued to slide in and out. He grabbed you by the waist, towering over your back as he held your body flush to his.
His pace deep and more meaningful, his cock dragging along your velvety walls that were squeezing him of every drop he had left. The feeling of him throbbing as his warm cum painted your insides white threw you over the edge, your legs shaking as he continued with small ruts into your shivering cunt.
You were breathless, smiling, and spent. To your surprise, so was he. His blue eyes half lidded and his breathing ragged.
He carefully slid out of you and you both fell back into the mattress. After taking a moment to appreciate his sweat sheened body you sheepily asked, "Soooo...about the party...?"
"Yeah, yeah. It was great, wasn't it? Now shut up and come here," he said teasingly, welcoming you into his arms.
You're not sure when you fell asleep with your head on his chest or how you ended up with this man in your bed but you were happy to sleep in that day, your body already hooked on the warmth of his embrace, begging for it to not be just for this one night.
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So that was a wild ride, the backstory about this one is kinda long but i'll keep it as short as possible.
One day this lady jumped into my dm's (a few moths ago) requesting a Dabi x Reader x Overhaul fic.
Hovewer I didn't exactly get to it yet, but we continued talking throughout the months, her mentioning how she would love to start writing but was too scared of messing something up.
So we came up with a rough idea about dabi jerking off in the reader's panties and it went uphill from there!! Drafts and drafts, massages and thirsts we collabed on this and ended up with this little 4k word thing. So taking all of this into consideration, if you liked this spicy fic go give a follow to @issamomma the mentioned lady and a wonderful woman and now my dear friend.
Like,comment and reblog with ideas you might want the two us to collab on again. Hope you loved it and enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed writing it.
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bullyhunter--69 · 4 years
"She's so sweet, really."
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Pairing: Izuku x fem!reader
Summary: When you and Izuku started dating, you were as happy as could be. He was beyond sweet and caring, and helped you forget about the bad in your life. But after he introduces you to his mother, Inko, and you start to be a more frequent visitor at the Midoriya household, you realize it's starting to take a bigger affect on you than you thought it would. Why can't your mother be like that?
Tw: mentions of family issues/absent family/family death, bottling up emotions and eventually breaking, a stressed Izuku, ends with soft fluff
A/N: This turned out so much longer and more angsty than planned but I'm really proud of it, tell me what you guys think! 🖤 (This is also my first ever angst written so--)
Today was a beautiful fall day. Colorful leaves fell around you, the sky was tinged with a deep orange, and the soft grass beneath you made your time all the more comfy. You were snuggled next to Izuku beneath a huge tree on campus, who was currently going on and on about his latest quirk findings. The goal you guys originally had set was to review for the upcoming test, but the topic quickly shifted to Izukus day once your fingers intertwined with his and you inquired about it.
"-and so then once I asked Mr. Aizawa about it I found that- Hey.. are you okay (Y/N)?" You really were listening, but had found that you zoned out. Izukus concerned, soft voice brought you back to reality, and a small smile crawled it's way onto your features. "Yeah 'zuku, I'm all good.. I just was thinking about some stuff and was focusing on your voice. It always helps." You ended your reply with a squeeze of his hand, which all together resulted in his face blooming into a shade of deep red.
"Well, uh.. T-thank you, I'm happy to help!" He stuttered out as he felt butterflies all throughout his body. "Oh, also!" Izuku started, turning his body to face you more, holding your hands in his lap with a nervous look in his eyes. "(Y/N), I was wondering.. we've been together for a bit now and I.. I want my mom to meet you."
As soon as the word 'mom' reached your ears, you tensed up. It was always a sensitive topic, even if it wasn't your parental relationships in question. You knew Izuku had noticed, as the hold on your hands got tighter. "I understand if you're scared or nervous but I know She's gonna love you! She already says you're really pretty and smart just basing off what I've shown her.. she really is looking forward to it, and we don't have to stay long if you don't want to." The gentle rub of his thumb on the back of your hand and the puppy dog eyes was enough to soothe your nerves. If Izuku talked so highly of you to her, and if she was anything like him at all, you figured it wouldn't be that bad to meet her. She would be your mother-in-law someday, so you might as well get it out of the way now and not later.
When the day finally came, you were beyond nervous. The thought of meeting Izuku's mother and her not liking you made a wave of sickness and dread fill every inch of your body. Whether it was a friend, or a boyfriend, meeting mothers always gave you a bad taste in your mouth. It brought back all the feelings that you tried desperately to hide away and fight daily.
See, you were almost fully open with Izuku, but there was one thing he didn't know. Your family, to put it bluntly, was shit. Your mother always belittled you for every single little action you ever made and everything about you. Nothing was ever good enough. As a small child, it was always under-the-table, backhanded compliments with passive aggressive undertones, but after the passing of your father, it turned into raw, brutal words. She was never proud, and never actually loved you, she just used your desire to be a good daughter against you. It was cold, hard, manipulative behavior which resulted in you finally refusing to talk to her after you got accepted into U.A. The mental gymnastics you had to go through to hide all of this, especially from Izuku, was taking a toll on you. You never talked of family and never left the dorms, and had an.. unusual amount of luggage stored away in your room. It seemed like you packed your entire life up in a suitcase and ran.
Which is essentially what you did.
As bad as it sounds, you never planned on telling your love any of this. You just needed to forget all of the childhood trauma you were put through and focus on showing your mother she was wrong. Everything she said about your quirk being useless, to you being intolerable and a bad daughter, would be proved wrong. But, the biggest thing you planned to show her? Is that your father would be proud. She always used him against you, and you'd be damned if you wouldn't prove that point the most ridiculous of them all.
A soft knocking on your dorm brought you out of your deep thoughts, and your gaze slid to the door. Your hands shot to your face and you quickly dried your tears. "O-one second, I'm still changing!" You knew in the pit of your gut that it was Izuku coming to pick you up, and your thoughts were confirmed when you heard him on the other side of your locked door. "Alrighty baby, take your time!" God, he sounded so sweet.. this was hell keeping from him, but it kept him from worrying.
The night went on so much better than expected, and it genuinely surprised you. You had never met a woman as sweet as Inko was. She cooked your favorite food and had your favorite drinks, and even baked you your favorite dessert. She asked about how you were doing in school and once the topic of your quirk was brought up, she was beyond ecstatic to hear you talk about it. She even added on how she felt it would be useful in battle. The night was amazing. Nothing felt real, it all was like the fantasies you made up while lying in bed at 4am sobbing, so sleep deprived you almost can't move to get ready for your class that starts in just a few hours. It's what you've always wanted in a mom-- a beautiful, sweet woman who cares.
Why can't your mother be like that?
As the weeks went on and Izuku kept inviting you over for weekly dinner and game nights with him and Inko, you found it harder and harder to conceal exactly how much your mental health was struggling. Yes, you absolutely adored both your loving boyfriend and his equally loving mother, but it was just so fucking.. hard. Every smile she gave you, the loving, motherly twinkle in her eyes when she talked to Izuku, the amazing dinners, the endless support for both of you, the pictures she insisted on taking of you and Izuku-- it was all too much. You started to dwell on this every single night, and resent yourself for how much anger and jealousy you felt. This wasn't right, but you couldn't help it. It wasn't your fault that your mother hated you for every fiber of your being and Izuku had the best mother imaginable. He was your boyfriend, you should be happy.. right?
You didn't realize how hard you had been sobbing until there was a hushed yet firm knock on your dorm door. The tears that blurred your vision made it even harder to read the clock on your nightstand through the pitch black room you sat in, huddle up in a pile of blankets, All Might plushies and Izuku's hoodies.
9:54 p.m.
The pain that was radiating through your torso from the wreck you had become from however long you had actually been crying was torture. It felt like needles were being shoved into your lungs and your heart was being squeezed in a vice grip. Breathing felt impossible. Your throat was raw. But the thing that hurt the absolute worst, out of everything?
"(Y/N)? Baby, please let me in.." Little Izuku's voice sounded like the biggest bomb going off, the jiggle of your door knob making emergency alarms go off in your head. There wasn't any possible way to get out of this, and this might just be your biggest fear. Facing those soft emerald eyes and that sweet smile that has been open and honest with you over the entirety of your entire relationship, and even before. Telling the love of your life all the trauma you've endured, and then willingly decided to hide from him. No.. it's the disappointment that you're positive will shine through his features that's truly your biggest fear.
You don't know how long he had been listening, but one second was more than enough for you to know Izuku wasn't going to leave. He loved you endlessly and never left without making sure you had a smile on your face. So, with limbs that felt like cement, eyes that felt as if you were crying spikes, and an aching heart, you got up and made your way to unlock the door. It took a minute-- your hold on the cold knob firm and extremely hesitant.
3... 2.. 1.
Finally, Izuku had enough room to gently push your door open, and his breath was taken away when he saw you as the golden light from the dormitory hallway illuminated your entirely wrecked appearance.
Bloodshot eyes, make up filled tears streaming down both checks, snot dripping down to you mouth. The cuffs of his hoodie that covered your shaking body were soaked in black, wet mascara. Your hair was messy and tangled. You were.. broken.
After taking in every little detail of your appearance, a struggled gasp last your body when his arms were suddenly around you. The touch of his warmth around you was electrifying, and instantly brought you to your knees. As Izuku shut and locked the door behind him, still holding you in his strong arms, he sighed softly. "What's wrong?"
These are some of the only words that you really didn't want to come out of his mouth. They stung and tore through your heart like the sharpest of blades. They made you regret not opening up sooner, his tone overflowing with worry, fear, and dread. You knew not to make eye contact, but you couldn't even if you wanted to. Once those words entered your ears, soft and delicate as if you would shatter into a million pieces if he spoke too hard, another strangled sob was unleashed out of what felt to be your core.
"S-she's just so sweet.." Your voice, although strained and crackling, came out with an emotion Izuku had never heard from you before. A mixture of jealousy, rage, disappointment, and disgust is all he could pick out, but it sounded like something was hidden beneath it all. Something that you didn't know how to express, so emotions just came seeping out of you in the easiest way.
Picking you up was an easy task, as your body had long ago given up the fight to stay standing. The sweet boy made his way to your bed and sat with you cradled to his chest, your nose tucking away in the crook of his neck instantly to breath in his scent. It calmed you-- he calmed you, but you couldn't help but to shamefully pull your head away and look across the room.
"(Y/N), you have to tell me more. Who is 'she'? I want to help you.." His voice still held a delicate tone, his fingers combing through your hair with one hand and the other still holding you tightly. After what seemed like forever of Izuku just holding you and letting you cry every single ounce of emotion you held in your body out, your sobs slowly came to a stop and you took a soft, shaking sigh.
It was time to come clean.
"'Z-zuku, I'm sorry.." You started, slowly and steadily while trying to steady your breath further. The gentle back rubs from his warm hands helped sooth you, and gave you the strength to continue.
"I haven't been exactly.. truthful with you." As you took a second to find your words and sniffle, you could sense Izuku tilt his head to the side curiously. "You always ask if I'm okay-- if I'm happy-- and I always say that I am. I love you so incredibly much and you do make me feel happy and safe and welcomed and-" Your ramble was cut off with a kiss to your temple, which was a silent signal of Izukus trust and time.
"Because of how incredibly happy you make me, I dont want you thinking that this is your fault at all. Its mine.. I shut you out and bottled myself up when I should have just told you in the first place. I just.. don't know how to say it other than to say it outright."
Your shakey tone made Izukus heart race even more. He was staying calm and supportive on the outside but on the inside, he was a wreck. He was currently going over every single one of his actions, words, and notes that made what you and him were-- absolutely scraping the bottom of the barrel for anything and everything he could have done wrong. That stuff, though, was shoved deep so he could help you, because that was what was important right now.
"I don't.. Izuku, I love you and I love your mother so incredibly much. I feel at home with you guys but it's just so hard. Seeing how sweet and caring she is, how She's invested in both of our lives, how she.. s-she said she loved me.." You body was quickly starting to shake again, so Izuku pulled you in closer. "Why can't my mother be like that?"
There it was. It finally clicked in Izuku's mind. Everytime you avoided the topic of family, how you never had pictures with them, how you never had a place to go to during break, how every day after spending time with him and Inko you seemed drained the next morning as if you had stayed up all night.. it clicked as to what might be wrong, and his suspicions were confirmed when you continued.
"M-my mother hates me and she has my entire life. I have never received an ounce of love or respect from that filthy woman and it's always on my mind. Her degradation and her mocking laugh and her hideous presence. She used my dead fucking dad against me to make me feel like I'd never make it in this world and I just-- I-I want to escape the horrible memories but I can't. I just want a mother like yours.. it's what I've always wanted and I don't understand why I had to be the one stuck with a dead dad and a mockery of a mother. Seeing how absolutely amazing your mom is fills me with love and happiness and a sense of home I've never gotten before but at the end of the day, it just reminds me of how shitty my life was up until I got to U.A. I don't have a mom. I don't have a home. And its not fair that I'm upset over the fact that you having those things happens to remind me of that. I'm sorry."
Izuku was speechless. His comforting ministrations had stopped and he just looked at you. Even with the pitch black void that was your room, his emerald eyes shined bright.. and brimmed with tears.
"I.. I had no idea, baby, I'm so sorry.." Izuku was choosing his words incredibly carefully. He held nothing against you, nor was he upset or disappointed at you. He was a person that could put himself in someone else's shoes very easily and see through their eyes, and your emotional monologue was enough to paint your story for him. He just wanted to comfort you and show you everything was okay.
"I don't want you to be sorry, there isn't any need for you to be. You can't help what your mother put you through, and how horribly unfair to you that it was. Nobody can control how others actions affect them-- it's just how humans are.." Strong arms turned your body to face him, your limbs wrapped around his torso and your cheeks gently held in his hands. As tears streamed down his cheeks, he stared deep into your eyes. "You're so strong and beautiful, and I understand as much as I can. I love you so much.. Baby, to hell with her. I know it's hard, but she doesn't have to mean anything to you anymore. Me and you, and mom, can be our own family. We're your home now.."
A sob managed to choke it's way out of your throat, but this one was different. Your head fell into Izukus neck and you held him as tight as you possibly could, soaking his chest with more snot and tears. His arms held you back just as tightly as he peppered soft butterfly kisses along your hairline. This is how you stayed for the rest of the night until you calmed down and passed out on his firm build. Laying back softly, Izuku tucked you both in and kept his tight hold on you.
"Goodnight, love.. You're home."
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cocastyle · 4 years
Wish — ONE
Pairing — Maxwell Lord x reader
Word Count — 7,234
A/N — and here is the first official chapter! I’m so excited to explore this storyline with you all and having an already established relationship between Maxwell and Y/N is going to make this story just that much more interesting!! let me know what you all think so far in the comments and thank you for the support I’ve already received from you all! it’s so greatly appreciated :))
if you would like to be added to the tag list, let me know!
Wish Series Masterlist
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾   ONE   ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
"Welcome to the future."
The familiar voice of Maxwell Lord spoke through the TV, the sizzling sound of bacon on the stove and the soft hum of a girl's voice harmonizing with the commercial just like it did almost every morning. It was a natural occurrence for the apartment, the familiarity of it all providing a warmth to the place that Y/N herself couldn't describe.
"Life is good, but it can be better."
The girl picked up a small piece of already cooked bacon and took a bite, her eyes flickering over to the small TV while her other hand absentmindedly flipped the bacon in front of her. Y/N let her gaze wander over the man upon the screen, the corners of her lips perking up with each crunch of the bacon between her teeth while she followed every single one of his animated movements.
"And why shouldn't it be? Everything we've ever dreamed about is right at our fingertips."
He was smiling towards the camera, towards the audience watching on the other side. Maxwell Lord was a man who was destined to be a TV star in some shape or form, even if that meant a commercial. His charisma, his charm, his whole being was something the world was meant to see and Y/N had known that since the moment she first laid eyes upon him that Maxwell Lord was meant for greatness.
"But are you reaping the rewards?"
Y/N flickered her eyes back over to the bacon, smiling with satisfaction once she noticed it was almost done. She moved across the room to where pancakes were currently covered with pieces of tin foil to keep them warm. She pulled the tin foil off, tossing the discarded pieces into the trash before grabbing the extra plate she had ready and bringing it over to the bacon which she began to take off the pan one by one.
"Do you have it all?"
Y/N hesitated at that, the question ringing through her ears and swirling within her head. She was too busy thinking that she didn't even register the sound of footsteps until two arms were snaking around her waist, lips gently pressing against his neck and leaving a soft kiss  where the lingering ghosts from the night before still peppered her skin.
Yes, she wanted to say. I have everything I could ever want.
Y/N let out a soft sigh of content, her eyes fluttering closed as she leaned back against Max, her free hand sliding up into his hair while he moved his lips up her neck and towards her cheek where he left a gentle kiss. "Good morning," Max whispered, his lips brushing against her ears and making her shiver before he was burying his face into her neck while he held her close.
"Morning," Y/N replied a little breathlessly, not being able to help the effect Max always seemed to have on her. She could feel his fingers trailing down her side, gently lifting up the night shirt of his that she had thrown on so that his hands could glide across her skin. He held her waist then, his thumbs rubbing soft circles against her skin while Y/N struggled to pull herself out of the daze she was already falling into.
The smell of bacon was the only thing keeping her from falling into a mess right then and there and she didn't hesitate to pull the rest of the bacon off the pan and on to the plate. She then moved the pan off to the side, quickly shutting off the stove before turning towards her boyfriend—the one and only Maxwell Lord.
He was already dressed to impress, his usual suit hugging his body and his blonde hair styled back to perfection. His brown eyes shone down on her, twinkling as they always did when he looked at her. Then there was that smile, a smile that was very similar to the one on TV but with an extra component reserved just for her. He was a sight to behold, his beauty something that never failed to make her heart skip a beat.
Y/N barely had time to smile before Max was pulling her closer by her waist, his head ducking down to close the distance and capture her lips with his own. She instantly responded, her eyes fluttering closed while her hands reached up to wrap around his neck and pull him closer if that was even possible.
It was a simple kiss, one that still managed to make her breathless while also preventing her from forgetting the food that she had spent a while making while Max got ready for work.
Max pulled away first, his smile never leaving his face as he looked at her before he wrapped both arms around her waist and nodded towards the TV where his commercial was just ending. "You like the new commercial? Same words, just a different concept," he explained.
Y/N smiled and let her hand cup his cheek, her thumb gently caressing the skin there as she said, "It's perfect because you're in it."
Max jokingly rolled his eyes at that, pulling away from the girl in order to help grab the rest of the plates and utensils they would need while Y/N grabbed their coffee and a bottle of syrup for the pancakes. Max set his things down before pulling the chair out for Y/N to sit in. She let out a quiet mutter of thanks while he just pressed a chaste kiss to her cheek and sat down beside her.
The two were like a well oiled machine as they got their food situated, neither of them even saying anything as they automatically began passing things to one another that they knew they would need for their food. Before long they were already eating, Max letting out a small moan of delight before whispering, "Honey, you've outdone yourself again. I still think you should quit your job at the museum and open your own restaurant or maybe even a bakery."
"You only say that because you don't want to cook it yourself," Y/N teased, raising her eyebrows at the boy with a teasing smile while he simply winked at her.
"Maybe the half about me not wanting to cook is true, but the half about me only saying it's great because of that is a lie. You seriously know how to cook," Max insisted earning a small chuckle from the girl.
"Well I'm glad you love it so much and I guess you must be right if you've been able to stick with my cooking for almost three years now," Y/N admitted, noticing the way Max's smile grew a little when she mentioned how long they had been together.
"I'm always right," Max insisted earning a small eye roll from the girl which made him chuckle. He bit into a piece of bacon as he lifted up his watch to check the time. "Shit," he muttered, already turning to his plate and beginning to pile all of his dishes on top of it. "I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I really have to head to work."
Y/N frowned at that, having not noticed it was already time for him to leave. "Really?" she asked, attempting to sound curious and not whiny. "Is it already time?"
Max knew what she was doing and let out a small chuckle as he set his dishes in the sink with the intent to clean them later when he got home. "Sadly, yes," he told her. "And if my calculations are correct, you have about half an hour before you need to head to work and unless you want to work in my shirt all day you might want to get ready. Not that I'm complaining."
Y/N turned to him at that, rolling her eyes at the smirk that dawned his face as he not so subtly looked her up and down. She looked away with a sigh and stood up muttering, "I wish we didn't have to work. I'd much rather spend the day here with you."
"I know, sweetheart," Max sighed, taking one last sip of his coffee before rinsing out the cup and setting it in the sink. "But we have to."
"Life is good," Y/N said before pointing to her boyfriend half heartedly and making the face she was so used to him doing on TV. "But it can be better."
Max gave her a small smile at that before walking over and pulling her in for a hug, one hand holding her head against his chest while his other arm was wrapped around her waist. Y/N closed her eyes for a moment and breathed in, Max's scent instantly filling her senses and making her feel more relaxed than before.
Y/N then glanced up at the man who smiled and leaned down to kiss her. She instantly kissed back, her hands beginning to slide up his chest and inching their way towards his hair. However, before she could deepen the kiss and somehow convince him to skip work for the day, Max was already pulling away with an apologetic smile.
"I really have to go," he told her. "I'm going to be late if I don't."
"Right," Y/N agreed. "We're still on for dinner tonight after work, right?"
"Of course," Max assured her, smiling as she pressed one more kiss to his lips.
"Good. Have a great day. I love you," Y/N said, kissing him once more which in turn made Max chase after her lips to prolong the kiss.
"And I love you," he whispered before quickly pulling away and grabbing the last of his things. He went for the door and pulled it open before glancing back at Y/N who was standing in the doorway hugging her body with a small smile on her face. She lifted her hand and waved it ever so slightly in goodbye. Max smiled and sent her one last wink before disappearing out the door and leaving Y/N behind.
The girl stood there for a little while after he had left, her thoughts consisting of nothing but her boyfriend. She couldn't help but be slightly upset for this was what every morning was like,  Max rushing off to work while they were still in the middle of breakfast. And she knew she wouldn't be able to see him until that night.
Luckily it was a date night which meant he would get off early just to eat with her, but most of the time he would be at the office until so late that by the time he got back it would be time for them to go to sleep and repeat the whole process again.
The weekends were the only days she truly got to spend a lot of time with him, but those were also the days that they were in charge of watching over his son Alistair which meant she didn't really get to have him to herself very often. Y/N never complained about it, but sometimes she wished he didn't always have to rush off or wasn't always so busy.
She just wanted to be able to spend a little more time with him was all, especially at this time since he hadn't always used to be so busy in the three years she had been with him. Lately he had just been going through a lot of things at work and he kept referring to some project that he was trying to get started, but wouldn't tell her what it was because he wanted to surprise her when it was ready.
Max's reminder of work was what kept her from getting lost in her thoughts for too long and Y/N quickly went back to the kitchen to put away the leftovers and clean up the dishes. Once she was done, she went to hers and Max's shared room and got ready, throwing on a nice blouse, jeans, and heels like always.
As she put her earrings in, her eyes flickered over to the picture frame on their dresser, her eyes lingering on the photo of her and Max from a gala the year prior. Max was kissing her cheek, an arm wrapped around her waist and holding her close while she smiled towards the camera and kept a hand upon his chest. It was almost funny to think that back then she still hadn't even moved in with the man yet. Now here she was sharing an apartment with him and wishing for the day that he finally decided to pop the question.
Brushing away all thoughts of Max, Y/N checked her appearance in the mirror one last time before grabbing her bag and heading off to work. She had been blessed enough to work at the Smithsonian Museum for a while now and was probably one of the few people on the planet who really didn't mind working. It was just the having to get ready part instead of staying in bed that got to her.
By the time she reached the Smithsonian, Y/N was already looking forward to her day. She was so lost in her thoughts about what she planned to do that she didn't even notice the person trying to go in the door at the same time as her until she had accidentally bumped into them.
"Oh my, I'm so sorry," Y/N quickly said, snapping out of her thoughts and glancing to her side where she was met with a warm smile. "Oh, Diana, good morning."
Diana Prince's smile didn't waver as she looked to the girl. "Good morning, Y/N, and it's really no problem. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings," she insisted.
"I assure you it was my bad," Y/N said with a small laugh. "I've just been lost in thought all morning and was kind of going through the motions."
"Is everything alright?" Diana asked curiously.
"Yes, yes, everything's fine," Y/N assured her. "I've just been trying to figure out my schedule for the day so that I'm able to go to dinner with my boyfriend tonight."
For a moment Y/N was sure she saw a flicker of sadness in Diana's eyes, but it was gone before she could fully register it was even there. "Ah, trying to juggle your work life and dating life can be hard," Diana agreed while Y/N let out a small sigh of agreement.
"You have no idea," Y/N said, the two girls chuckling softly before Y/N grabbed the door and held it open. Diana gave her a smile in thanks before walking inside. The girl followed after and was about to engage Diana in another conversation when she noticed that the woman was already gone.
Blinking, Y/N looked around for a moment before brushing off the interaction. After all, it wasn't unusual for Diana to disappear when the conversations became a little too friendly. Y/N didn't blame her. It was obvious Diana wasn't looking for a friend and she wasn't going to force her into any sort of friendship that she didn't want.
Y/N let her eyes wander around the museum as she headed for the back rooms, smiling slightly at all the history that surrounded her and the kids who pointed towards different exhibits in awe. It was only when she got to the back rooms that she reminded herself to focus, instantly heading towards the front desk where she began to pick up her papers for the day and any mail that had come in for her.
She was in the middle of flipping through her mail when she heard the sound of papers hitting the ground behind her. Y/N blinked before turning around, a curious look in her eyes before she noticed a blonde on the ground struggling to pick up her papers.
"Hey, Jake!" the blonde said, eyes locked on her coworker who was walking by at that very moment. "Jake, hi! Can you. . .can you. . .?" she began, but the man merely gave her a look before walking away.
Y/N rolled her eyes at Jake's behavior, not necessarily surprised since he wasn't exactly the kindest person there. She let her gaze shift back over to the blonde who was muttering to herself with a disappointed look on her face.
The woman didn't hesitate to set her stack of papers down before walking over and helping the girl pick her own papers up. The blonde blinked in surprise and glanced up, her eyes locking with Y/N’s as she sent her a smile and said, "Good morning."
"G-Good morning," the blonde replied, still stunned at the fact that someone was helping her and someone as beautiful as Y/N no doubt. Another pair of hands joined in and the blonde's eyes grew even more at the sight of Diana who flashed her a grin as she too helped pick the papers up.
"Hi," the blonde said to the two, still looking at them in slight shock. "Thank you."
"Diana Prince, cultural anthropology and archeology," Diana said as she reached out to shake the blonde's hand.
"Y/N L/N," Y/N greeted next with a warm smile as she too shook the blonde's hand. "Anthropology and curator."
"Barbara Minerva. Geology, gemology, lithology, and part-time cryptozoologist," the blonde said with a smile.
"Woah," Y/N said with a small laugh. "That's amazing."
"I kept busy in college," Barbara explained, quickly diverting her gaze as she grabbed the last of her papers and stood up. Diana and Y/B followed, each of them handing Barbara the papers they had managed to pick up. "Sorry. It's these heels, you know. It's stupid. I don't know why I was gonna wear heels. Scientists don't wear heels."
"Sometimes we do," Diana told her with a kind smile.
"Makes things fun," Y/N said, winking at the blonde. "And it might be just me, but I love the sound of my heels clicking down the hallway."
Barbara let out another nervous laugh, feeling slightly intimidated by the two gorgeous women in front of her who were both wearing heels. "Right. Right. Those are cool," Barbara said, pointing towards Diana's cheetah print heels. "I like those. Animal prints." She then did a small growl and Diana and Barbara both awkwardly laughed while Y/N let out a small breath and reached over to grab her stack of papers from the table nearby.
"Do you want to get lunch?" Barbara asked suddenly, her eyes flickering between the two women who blinked in surprise.
"I, uh. . ." Diana began, already sending the rejection that made Barbara's smile deflate a bit.
"Not now, obviously. It's morning. But later today, or whenever. Like, around. . .Like, at lunchtime?" she asked, hope still flickering in her eyes.
Y/N felt a wave of guilt wash over her and she gave the girl an apologetic smile as she said, "I'm so sorry, Barbara. I actually have to work through lunch today so I can get some stuff done."
"And I have a lot of work today as well," Diana said. "But maybe some other time?" Y/N nodded her head in agreement, both of them looking to Barbara who was obviously trying to hide her disappointment.
"Oh. Yeah, I'm busy today, too," Barbara muttered making Y/N feel ever worse.
"Great," Diana said, but before any of them could say anymore, their boss Carol came walking up, her fingers pointing towards Diana and Y/N.
"Ah! Diana, Y/N, do you happen to know who a Barbara Minerva is?" Carol asked, genuine confusion upon her face.
"Oh, hi, Carol. Hi!" Barbara exclaimed, forcing her smile on to her face despite the confused look upon Carol's face. "It's me. I'm Barbara. Remember? You hired me. Started last week."
"Oh!" Carol exclaimed, although Y/N had a sneaking suspicion that Carol really didn't remember her. "Gemologist?"
"Yes. And zoologist," Barbara added. "We had a couple interviews."
"Yeah. Well, the FBI are gonna drop off some artifacts later this afternoon," Carol told her causing both Y/N and Barbara's eyes to widen while Diana suddenly walked back over to the conversation.
"The FBI?" Barbara asked while Y/N let out a breath of disbelief.
"Wow," the girl muttered, knowing that whatever it was that the FBI had to bring in had to be good.
"Yeah. Yes," Carol told her.
"They're coming here?" Barbara asked, still in shock.
"The mall heist yesterday, apparently they were using a jewelry store as a front," Carol explained.
"Front for what?" Diana questioned and even Y/N found herself taking a small step forward out of curiosity and anticipation.
"Black market. Stolen jewels and art meant for private buyers. But we could use your help identifying one in particular," Carol explained, gesturing towards Barbara who smiled widely.
"My help?" Barbara asked before laughing. "Yeah, I'll help the FBI with whatever they need."
"Is that a yes?" Carol asked, obviously wanting to get the conversation over with.
"Yes. I would, um. . .I would love to assist you," Barbara told her.
"Wonderful. It's nice to meet you," Carol said before walking away.
"We've met," Barbara lowly called after her, her smile disappearing into a look of utter defeat.
Y/N watched the blonde for a moment before reaching out and placing a friendly hand upon the girl's shoulder. "Don't worry about, Carol. She treated me the same way when I first started working here," she tried to assure her earning a small grateful smile from Barbara in return. "I really am sorry about lunch, but I'll try and stop by later and talk to you for a bit if that's alright?"
Barbara's eyes lit up at that, her smile widening as she said, "Yes, yes! I would. . .uh, I would love that."
Y/N gave the woman a small nod before beginning to back away. "I'll see you then," she told her before turning and going to head to her office.
"Have a nice day," Diana said as she too turned to leave.
"Bye, Y/N. Bye, Diana," Barbara called after them, a small smile dawning her features all because of the two friendly faces that had made her feel not so invisible for the first time in a long time.
- - -
Y/N let out a small sigh of triumph as she leaned back in her chair, her eyes slowly flickering over the now finished work that she had laying on her desk. It seemed she was going to not only be off in time for dinner with Max, but now an hour earlier than she had expected. All she really had to do was go see Barbara like she had promised and then she would be free to go.
The woman had a little bit of a pep in her step as she got up and began to clean up her desk, putting away the papers that needed to be filed and sending the last couple of emails that she had written throughout the day.
It was when she was in the middle of filing the last of her papers that her phone went off. She didn't even bother looking at the caller ID as she picked it up and said, "This is Y/N L/N speaking."
"Good afternoon, Miss L/N. This is Raquel, Mr. Lord's secretary," the woman on the other end of the line said, her voice just a tiny bit shaky.
"Yes! Raquel. How are you, dear?" Y/N asked, not really paying full attention to the girl for she was too busy trying to file her stack of papers in her hand.
"I'm doing good, Miss L/N. Mr. Lord asked me to call you and deliver a message for you. He's really sorry, but he won't be able to make it to dinner tonight," Raquel said, her words making Y/N freeze almost instantly.
Raquel then went into this big discussion on how Max was held up at work and wouldn't be able to get home until later that night. Y/N could only stand there and listen as the girl rambled, her eyes closing as she sat down at her desk and leaned her forehead against her hand.
"Miss L/N?" Raquel's voice echoed through her ears.
"I'm here. I'm here," Y/N assured her before she let out a small sigh and sat back up in her chair. "Thanks for letting me know, Raquel. If you don't mind just letting Max know that we can just reschedule and that I'll see him when he gets home tonight, that would be great."
"Of course, Miss L/N," Raquel said. "Have a wonderful day."
"You too, Raquel. Don't let Max push you around too much, okay?" Y/N asked.
There was a small chuckle on the other end of the line before Raquel said, "Of course, Miss L/N."
Y/N smiled softly and pulled the phone away before setting it down to end the call. She sat there for a moment after that, momentarily glancing at the paperwork that she had so desperately tried to finish that day only for it really to mean nothing in the end.
Although, she really shouldn't be surprised. This had become an often occurrence in the past couple of months.
Letting out a sigh, Y/N got back up and made no effort to work quickly as she put the rest of the papers away. When she was done, she collected all of her things and made her way to where she knew Barbara would be dealing with the new artifacts.
To her surprise, Diana was already in there with the blonde, the both of them standing over a small box as Barbara muttered, "Here it is."
"What is it?" Diana asked while Y/Nnodded in greeting to a few of the workers as she walked over to the two girls.
"Um. . .Uh. . .I can't tell. Some light," Barbara muttered as she moved a lamp over the box.
"Whatever it is. It's kind of pretty," Y/N spoke up causing Barbara to jump in surprise before smiling once she saw that it was Y/N.
"Y/N, you came," Barbara said in slight surprise.
"Of course. I told you I would, didn't I?" Y/N replied, smiling softly at the girl who only blinked with a look of disbelief on her face as if she couldn't understand that someone had actually wanted to talk to her.
"R-Right, of course you did," Barbara laughed awkwardly. "Uh. . .I was just showing this to Diana. It's the artifact that they wanted help identifying. I think the technical term here is 'extremely lame.'" She laughed in defeat while Y/N and Diana both chuckled softly with her. "Um. . .It's. . .It's citrine. A classic stone used in fakes throughout history," Barbara told them, gently picking the stone up and sighing softly. "I can't imagine this is worth any more than $75. What do you think?”
"Fakes aren't my forte, but let me see," Diana said, taking the stone from Barbara and beginning to examine it. "Mmm. Latin."
"At least it's an antique, right?" Barbara suggested.
"Or a purchase from a stall on the Ponte Vecchio last week," Diana retorted. "You never know."
"I wonder what it says," Y/N admitted, carefully reaching out to run her fingers across the Latin words while Diana kept the stone in her grasp.
"'Place upon the object held but one great wish,'" Diana read off earning a surprised look from both Barbara and Y/N as the later girl pulled away.
"You read Latin?" Barbara asked.
"Yeah. Yeah. Languages are a hobby," Diana explained.
"Wow and here my hobby is watching TV until the sky is suddenly screaming good morning to me," Y/N muttered between laughs which Barbara and Diana quickly joined in.
"So maybe it's, like, a lucky charm or something?" Barbara suggested.
"Yeah, I guess. Strange," Diana said, letting her eyes flicker over the rest of the objects upon the table and the box the stone came from.
One of Barbara's coworkers Roger must have overheard because he walked over and placed his hand upon the stone before saying, "I really wish I had a coffee."
Y/N cracked a smile at that while Barbara laughed a little too hard for Roger's joke and said, "You're funny."
It was at that moment that another coworker walked in and said, "Hey, I got Erika a coffee, but she's out sick. Does anybody want this?"
Roger blinked before laughing and looking back over at Diana, Barbara and Y/N, "What? Yeah, I'll take one." He took the coffee happily and went to take a sip as he walked away, "Ooh, hot! Hot, hot!"
Y/N watched the man go, furrowing her eyebrows slightly before glancing back at the stone that was in Diana's hands. Barbara let out a small gasp of disbelief, "Did you see that? Can you imagine?"
"If only," Diana whispered.
"Hmm. So many things, I don't even know what I would wish for," Barbara admitted.
Y/N smiled softly as she stared at the stone in Diana's hand before lowering her gaze and moving to look at the other artifacts. She knew exactly what she would wish for if given the chance—to spend more time with Max and Alistair, the two people in the world who made her the happiest she had ever been each time she saw them.
"I do," Diana said, a distant look in her eyes before she set the stone back down. "Well, um, anyway, sorry to bother you. If you need anything, I'm around."
"Oh, yeah, I'm good," Barbara told her. "But thank you for. . ."
"That's okay. It's my job. And I'll look into it more when I have a chance," Diana replied.
"Okay. Well, thanks for. . .talking to me," Barbara added before glancing towards Y/N. "The both of you." She let out an awkward chuckle and looked down bashfully. "I'm. . .I'm sorry, uh. . .I mean, I'm fine."
"You know, we could go and grab early dinner and talk about exactly how lame that stone is," Diana suggested, her words making Barbara look back up at her in surprise.
"Really?" Barbara asked, her voice barely above a whisper and sounding so fragile.
"Yeah, I mean, citrine? Who are they kidding, right?" Diana joked.
"So lame," Barbara agreed between laughs.
"Dorky," Diana added.
"Lame," Barbara said. "That's, like, the lamest of lames."
"Yeah, let's go," Diana told her and Y/N watched as the two began to leave before biting her lip nervously and then running after them.
"Hey, uh. . .if it okay if I come too?" Y/N asked. "My dinner plans kind of flopped and I'd really like to make up for the missed lunch."
Diana watched her silently and Y/N knew she was thinking back to what she had said about going to dinner with Max, but Barbara was already smiling and saying, "Y-yeah. Of course."
Y/N smiled widely. "Great," she said, falling into line with the other two women as they began to head out the building. "Thank you."
And with that, the three made their way out of the building and off to dinner while Barbara silently thanked whoever was looking out for her for putting the two amazing women in her life.
- - -
Y/N had to hold back a snort as she leaned back in her chair, laughter shaking her body while she tried to ignore the fact that maybe she had one too many drinks than she should've.
"Wow. You're so funny," Diana said as she looked to Barbara, Y/N quickly nodding in agreement.
"Oh. Thank you," Barbara said a bit surprised seeing as no one had ever told her that before.
"My sides hurt," Y/N admitted, using her hand to brush her hair out of her face as her eyes sparkled at the girls. "I think my smile is now permanently on my face."
"I've got to agree with, Y/N. Wow. I mean, no one's made me laugh like this in such a long time. I mean, it's true, I don't get out much socially, but—" Diana began, but Barbara gave her a loo of disbelief.
"You don't get out much?" Barbara asked.
"No, not really. No," Diana said and Y/N had to hold back her utter of agreement for she knew how anti-social Diana could be if she wanted to, but she didn't want to let her know that she had noticed it.
"I'm sorry," Barbara laughed. "I'm just surprised. Because you just seem like the kind of person who's, like, always out. Like, people are asking you to go out all the time and you live out. You're just out."
The three laughed at that as Barbara began making hand gestures, "Like, you never get in. You just seem like you'd be really popular. And I would know because I've never been popular."
Y/N frowned a little at that, feeling a pang of sympathy for the girl who no one really seemed to give a chance to. "I wasn't popular much either," Y/N assured her. "It happens to the best of us."
That made Barbara laugh and Diana joined before saying, "I'm surprised you two haven't. You're both so personable. So. . .free. I mean, honestly, I gotta say that I envy that."
"What?" Barbara laughed in disbelief. "You envy me? That doesn't make any sense. Oh, my gosh. People think I'm weird. They avoid me and talk behind my back when they don't think I can hear them. I'm like, 'Guys, I can hear you.'" The blonde looked down at that, awkward laughs escaping her lips while both Diana and Y/N looked at her sympathetically.
"Barbara, my life hasn't been what you probably think it has. We all have our struggles," Diana told her.
"She's right. As much as I wish it were true, no one's got a perfect life," Y/N sighed. "Life is good, but it can be better," she whispered like a mantra.
"Yeah, it just sucks," Barbara said and Y/N chuckled softly at that. The blonde let her eyes flicker over to her new friend and she gave her a curious look, "So Y/N, you mentioned earlier that you were supposed to be getting dinner with your man, what happened if you don't mind me asking?"
Said girl let out a soft sigh, her eyes focusing on the glass of wine in her hand and the way the liquid spun as she slowly moved it. "He got caught up at work," she explained with a sad smile.
"You don't sound surprised," Barbara pointed out.
Y/N glanced up to find both women staring intently at her and she just shrugged. "It's happened quite a bit lately, but it's okay," she said. "He's had a lot to deal with, so I'm not mad or anything. I just miss him is all."
"I'm sorry," Barbara frowned. "I know it must be hard."
"It is," Y/N admitted with a sad laugh.
"How long have you guys been together?" Diana asked.
"We'll be coming up on three years next month," Y/N replied, a genuine smile appearing on her lips as she thought about what an accomplishment that was and how lucky she was to have Max.
"Three years? Wow. You must really be in love with the guy," Barbara teased.
"Yeah," Y/N said with a small blush, her thoughts suddenly being consumed with everything that had to do with Max. "He's the love of my life and he has this kid who is just the greatest. I'm very lucky with what I have. I just wish we were able to spend more time together, you know?"
"I get it," Barbara told her, reaching out to gently squeeze the girl's hand in comfort before glancing at Diana. "What about you, Diana, you ever been in love?"
"Uh. . .Yeah. A long, long time ago," Diana told her. "You?"
"So many times, yeah. All the time. Often," Barbara replied instantly making Y/N chuckle softly despite the ache in her heart that had reappeared at the thought of Max. "So what happened? Where'd he go, your guy?"
"He, uh. . .He died," Diana explained, her words making Y/N still. She couldn't imagine the type of pain Diana had to be going through. She didn't know what she would do if Max ever passed away. "But I still think sometimes that I see him up there in the sky. He was a pilot."
"Oh!" Barbara exclaimed.
"That sounds fun," Y/N told the girl. "I bet he was an amazing guy."
"He was all kinds of things, but he was great. It was true," Diana said.
"I get it," Barbara said, her eyes flickering between the two women who were invisibly now thinking about theirs guys. The blonde was quick to pick up her drink, smiling at the two as she said, "Well, cheers to us. Wishing us better luck, I guess."
Y/N smiled softly at that before clinking her glass with the two beside her, but she would only be there in spirit for the rest of the dinner for her thoughts would be on Maxwell Lord.
Just like they always were.
- - -
By the time Y/N got home from dinner, she wanted nothing more than to curl into the embrace of the man that she loved. She knew she should be mad at him for ditching her once again, but she knew what it was like to be busy at work and would never blame him for working hard like he did.
However, she couldn't stop the small pit of despair that was growing in her stomach once she got back to their shared apartment only for the lights to still be off and for Max to be no where in sight.
The girl let out a soft sigh before walking towards their bedroom, stripping off her work clothes in favor of something more comfortable before pulling her hair back into a ponytail as she plopped down on the couch to watch a little TV while she waited for Max to get home.
It was at least another hour before the door opened up, Max tiredly shuffling inside before closing the door behind him. Y/N could already tell that he was tense and she frowned before slowly getting up from the couch, her eyes trailing over the man as he took his jacket off and went to hang it up.
Y/N came up from behind him, her arms snaking around his waist so that she could hug him from behind. She felt him relax under her touch, a small sigh escaping his lips as he leaned back into her while she rested her head against his back.
He sounded tired, but she could still practically hear the smile on his face as he said, "Hey there, sweetheart."
"Hi, Maxie," Y/N whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his back. "How was work?"
"Stressful," Max admitted with a small laugh. "I'm sorry about dinner. I just had a lot I had to deal with today and I didn't realize how long it would take."
"It's alright," she assured him, but Max was already turning around so that he could gently cup the side of her face.
"It's really not and I promise I will make it up to you, alright?" he told her and although she knew he would only forget just like the other times, Y/N still gave him a small nod and a smile in response.
Max smiled and leaned forward to press a kiss to her lips, his arm slowly snaking around her waist and pulling her closer before he pulled away and went to sit down on the couch. He held onto her hand and dragged her along beside him, pulling her down into his lap as he wrapped his arms around her waist and looked to her with a small smile.
"How was your day?" he asked. "A lot better than mine, I hope."
"It was the same as every other day," she told him, her eyes closing slightly in content as he pressed a small kiss to her neck before holding her tight and resting his face in the crook of her neck. "Just a lot of paperwork as always. I met a new coworker today at work named Barbara and went to dinner with her and Diana."
Max hummed in response before muttering, "Sounds like fun."
"It was," Y/N said. "Oh, and we got a shipment from the FBI with all of these cool artifacts."
Max hesitated at that and pulled his head away from her neck in order to look at her. His eyes sparkled with curiosity as he asked, "What kind of artifacts?"
Knowing that her boyfriend was intrigued, Y/N smiled and continued, not seeming to notice the way Max looked off into space as she spoke. "Apparently the mall heist the other day revealed the jewelry store was selling stuff on the black market. We got a big shipment of all sorts of artifacts. I only got to glance at a few, but there was this one gemstone looking one that I saw with this engraving on it. Diana said it mentioned something about making wishes with it and—"
It was then that she noticed Max's behavior, the way he was just staring off while being so quiet she would've assumed he was asleep if it weren't for the fact that his eyes were still open. "Max?" she questioned, her gaze flickering over him until he finally seemed to hear her voice and blinked himself back to reality.
His eyes flickered her way and she gave him a confused look. "Are you okay?" she asked.
"Of course," he told her, sending that smile of his in her direction that made her heart skip a beat. "I just love listening to you talk is all." He pulled her closer to his body if that was even possible, pressing a small kiss to her cheek before whispering, "I love you."
Y/N didn't even have time to blink before he was closing the distance between them, his lips capturing hers perfectly while his hands slowly moved under her shirt before resting upon her hips. She couldn't help the way that her eyes fluttered closed and she knew her face was heating up due to the intensity of the kiss that literally came out of no where.
When Max pulled away, Y/N was sure her face had gone bright red, but thankfully the only light in the room was coming from a lamp nearby which meant that her blush was semi-hidden by the darkness.
"What was that for?" she asked breathlessly.
Max just shrugged with a small smile as he whispered, "I love you."
"Yeah, yeah," she chuckled, her eyes fluttering closed once again as he felt him slowly begin to kiss down her neck. She leaned back with a heavy sigh while Max smirked against her skin.
"I love you so much," Max whispered, his emotions heightened even more as he tried to process how his beautiful girlfriend had been able to help him achieve his dream without even realizing it.
Y/N let out a breathy laugh as she opened her eyes to look at the man, taking note of the way his eyes seemed to sparkle as he stared at her. "Oh, really? How much?" Y/N asked, smirking at the man who merely chuckled before pulling her up off the couch with him.
His eyes were practically flashing at her as he slowly began to back her towards their bedroom, his lips curving up into a smile as he whispered, "Let me show you."
- - -
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touyasdoll · 3 years
Complicated - Chapter Two
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Chapter One: Here
Pairing: Dabi/Touya Todoroki x reader
Warnings: self-degradation/self-doubt
Word count: 2.2k
A/n: Gonna rework this and ditch the first person POV, jsyk.
A/n pt. 2: This story does contain spoilers for the show/manga. The dates/ages of characters are going to be shifted around a bit.
It's been two days. Is he gonna call? Text? Completely forget I exist?
I sigh, trying to expel the anxiety balled up in the pit of my stomach.
Why would he call? We talked for, what, five minutes? He seemed older too. You were in your damn school uniform, idiot. He's obviously got more important shit to do than chat up a schoolgirl who can't mind her own fucking business.
"Ugh," I groan to no one but myself in my apartment. "I'm really just the biggest fucking jackass, aren't I?"
Flopping down on my bed, I let out another weighty sigh and bury my face in the plethora of pillows piled beneath me.
Relax. Maybe he'll text. Maybe he won't. And if he doesn't he's just sparing you the embarrassment that you would inevitably bring upon yourself.
A yawn escapes my lips as I feel a wave of drowsiness wash over me. Glancing at the clock, I could see it was hardly 5 PM.
Fucked up sleep schedule, here I come.
The familiar comfort of my bed allows me to quiet my thoughts enough to fall into a shallow sleep, until I'm startled awake by a vibrating sensation coming from underneath my chin.
I blink against the harsh light emitting from my phone, squinting to see who was disturbing me.
What the--oh shit!
It was an unknown number. Recognizing that it could be him, I sit up faster than I have ever managed to after a nap and fumble the phone into my palm, eagerly sliding my thumb across the screen to accept the call.
My breath hitches and I bite my lip in anticipation as I wait, eager to hear his deep, silky voice on the other end.
But the pause on the other side of the line seems just a little too long. Something is off.
Is this him? Is it..just some creep? A prank? What the hell?
"We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty."
My eyes slam shut, a shake reverberating through my spine as a cocktail of anger and embarrassment wash over me.
That's it. Hope is off limits from now on.
"Fucking great."
I tap the end button, half ready to throw my phone out the window.
Instead, I decide to check and see if I missed anything else while I was out.
Hope is off limits.
I shake my head, trying to erase the little embers of hope that persist, praying that maybe he did reach out.
To my surprise, there's a text from an unrecognized number.
Unknown: You free tonight, doll?
Holy shit.
Looking above the message, I see: Today 6:58 PM. I wince as I dare to look at the clock, which mercifully reads 7:26 PM.
Tapping the text box, I don't give myself the chance to overthink this opportunity.
Me: For you? Sure thing.
Tossing my phone onto the bed, I nod my head, processing the sudden burst of confidence I seem to have found.
I'm not like this. What is it about this guy? He's just that--a guy. One that I don't know. And now I'm just gonna meet up with him?
He's literally a stranger. Who the hell do I think I am?? Is my vagina just running things now? Gonna run out and meet up with some strange dude, because he's pretty and charming?
You know who else was pretty and charming?? Ted Bundy.
That's right, you said it. This is dumb, logically. This is everything everyone’s ever warned you about.
My phone buzzes and my heart rate spikes in response, tearing me from my spiraling doubts.
Unknown: Our spot. 30 minutes. See you there.
A noise that I've certainly never made before eeks past my lips as I process his instructions.
Fuck it. The possibility of this guy being a serial killer has been assessed. I'm going, risks be damned.
You're an idiot. You're an idiot. You're an idiot.
I sigh for the umpteenth time today, waging war in my own mind.
I don't know what it is about him, but I have to see him again. Nothing bad is going to happen. It'll be fine.
That's what I tell myself as I exhale, until I catch my reflection.
My hair is disheveled, my mascara askew. I didn't even bother to take off my uniform before I passed out.
As if I weren't flustered enough, now I gotta make myself looking somewhere near presentable and get down there in time.
Here goes nothing.
Fifteen minutes fly by and I think I've managed it as I step back to look myself over in the mirror once more.
The shortest pair of high-waisted shorts I own, paired with a low-cut black crop top and my favorite slip-ons. My make-up doesn't look perfect and there's not much of it, but it's touched up, and my hair is at least brushed.
Okay, no turning back now.
Grabbing my keys, I tuck my phone in my back pocket and make my way to the meeting place.
Our spot. The man is smooth and I think that he knows it.
I re-read the last message he sent for probably the thirteenth time in the past five minutes.
The clock in the corner of the screen reads 8:02.
Maybe he won’t show. Maybe this is a joke. He and his buddies with come around a corner and laugh as they speed off.
Damn, can I chill? No. He’s going to be here. And I’m going to act like a human fucking being. A normal girl. Someone he could like; I’m capable of that.
Aren’t I?
Scanning my surroundings yet again, I take in the scenery. I never really get out at night, but the city looks so pretty this way. There’s not too much traffic, especially considering that it’s a Friday night, but there are some people milling about up and down the sidewalk. Some look like they’re on their way home. Some look like they’re on their way out for a night on the town.
“Hey there.”
My eyes are quick to follow the sound of his voice. I look up and he’s strolling up to the bench where I’m seated, the same one where I bandaged his arm the other day.
His hands are shoved in his front pockets, thumbs pushed through the belt loops of the tight, black jeans he’s sporting. His white t-shirt dangles off of his frame in a way that suits him, offering a glimpse of his muscular chest. A black coat completes his ensemble and he certainly looks the part of the typical bad boy.
But, damn, does it look so good on him.
“Hey, there. How’s the arm?”
I scoot over a bit, allowing for ample space between us if he were to take a seat. To my surprise, he sits towards the middle of the bench, so that his thigh brushes against mine as he settles.
I tuck my hair behind my ear, glancing down and covering the noise I want to make with a quiet clearing of my throat.
“It’s good. You do make a pretty decent nurse, sweetheart.”
He grins and pulls his coat sleeve back, revealing the still bandaged wound.
“Wait, have you changed that?”
You’re such a mom. You better hope he’s into MILFs, because otherwise this ain’t gonna get you where you wanna go, girl.
His brow furrows in an expression that tells me all I need to know before he even speaks.
“What do you mean? Changed what?”
A quiet sigh leaves my lungs as I hold out my hand.
“May I?”
His puzzled expression doesn’t falter, but he shrugs and offers his forearm up for inspection.
Carefully, I pull back the tape holding the bandages together and slowly begin to unwrap them.
That is, until the smell hits me. I barely catch of glimpse of the reddened skin before my nostrils detect the scent of burned flesh and excess viscera.
“Oh, dear. Have you even unwrapped this thing?”
Trying not to agitate anything further, I delicately wrap the bandages back around his arm, taping them down once again.
“No, should I have?”
I look up and my gaze meets his, a sense of true ignorance evident in his expression; I try not to laugh. I really try, but a soft giggle escapes nonetheless.
“Yes! I mean, if it doesn’t hurt, I’m sure it’s not that bad right now, but you should be cleaning and redressing a wound like that once every 12 hours at the very least. It’s been what, like, at least 50 at this point?”
His good arm reaches for the back of his neck, scratching at it as he dons an apologetic half smile.
“Sorry, I’m not exactly nurturing by nature, doll. I don’t know the first fucking thing about this kind shit.”
I cock a sympathetic smile as I look at him, sitting there looking almost helpless. I guess he is, in a sense. It’s actually kinda cute how he doesn’t seem to have an inkling of how to properly care for himself.
Because that’s absolutely what you want in a potential relationship. Someone to fix, how fun! Why not open up a shop for broken boys? Girl, when will you learnnn??
“Well, I don’t have anything on me right now, but if you don’t mind coming back to my place, I could clean it up there? And I’ll teach you how to keep up with it this time.”
I guess not today, motherfucker.
“Coming to my rescue again. You must be in a hero course, huh, doll?”
His smile is so naturally disarming as he stands and offers his hand out before me.
“I don’t mind, if you’re sure you don’t. I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable and I don’t wanna be a burden. I didn’t ask you out tonight for you to have to play doctor on me again.”
He seems so sweet, so genuine. Maybe he is broken, but everyone deserves kindness. He looks like he hasn’t seen much of that. And as cliché as it is, maybe I can help him. Maybe he can help me.
I slip my hand in his, smiling as flirtatiously as I can manage as he pulls me to my feet.
“I don’t mind. I was kind of hoping I might get to play doctor on you again anyway. Maybe you could even return the favor.”
I brush my fingers against his as our hands disconnect, taking a page from his own book and watching his expression as my skin glides against his.
Or maybe we could just do this. This works too. No muss, no fuss. But oh my goodness what if what I just did was weird and he’s not even interested??
His eyebrows rise for just a moment as he chuckles and glances down, still grinning as he puts his hands in his coat pockets.
“Well, sweetheart, I don’t know much about medicine, but I do know how to give a pretty thorough physical exam.”
Something twitched deep inside my belly as my breath caught in my throat and I damn near tripped over my own two feet as we started walking.
Thankfully, his reflexes were quicker than my inate ability to fuck things up and his good arm reached out to steady my frame as he stepped in front of me.
The delicious scent of his cologne mingling with remnant cigarette smoke nearly made me dizzy as my hands connected with his chest, now completely unable to ignore the muscles just beneath his thin shirt.
“You all right there, doll?”
Long, slender fingers find their way under my chin. His thumb just barely brushing the edge of my bottom lip as he strokes it over my chin.
His eyes are practically piercing mine as he carefully lifts my face to his. Who knew being in such close proximity to someone so beautiful could be this paralyzing.
Holy fuck. Forget fixing me. He can break me and I’ll probably thank him for it.
The strong hand on the small of my back threatens to rob me of my breath all over again and I have to fight to keep any semblance of composure in his arms.
“Yeah.” I tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear and will myself to break eye contact. “You always have girls falling for you this quickly?”
I pity laugh at my own joke, wishing my quirk was something that would allow me to disappear.
But then he’s chuckling too. It’s melodious at first, but then it morphs into a deep reverberation that sends all the right chills down my spine as I level my eyes with his again.
He looks like an enigma personified. His eyes look so gentle and warm, but his smile reads so sad. The words that leave his lips sound like both a warning and an invitation to my flushe red ears.
“Trust me, princess. You don’t wanna fall for me. I’m no good for you.”
Oh, but it’s too late for that.
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
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Why did Jungkook not want to be on Jimin's team in the last run episode? He has changed a lot from before. Thoughts.
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My first thought is, you don't gotta interpret everything in a negative light.
Not every strong reaction is a bad reaction.
I'd be a phony ass fraud if I sat here and told you with my two thumbs that I didn't raise a brow at that moment. I did.
Especially when you contrast that episode with run 112 which falls on all fours with this current situation- ok may not all fours.
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But in that video, like many others, RM had suggested they form teams based on the sunglasses they wore, just as he had suggested they form teams based on the seating arrangements.
Of course he'd meant it as a Joke just as we discussed in a previous blog post. Personally, I expected they make a draw, rock papers or even dance in circles like they did in the other episode to decide who got who in the competition.
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But it seems in all the times he's been paired with JM he's been supper thrilled about it. He even warned the members not to underestimate him and JM when they'd unanimously concluded they were the disadvantaged team in the game- Jin not even bothering to ask them what their scores were on Korean.
He reset the timer to 10 seconds when Jk pointed out he wasn't good at reading fast
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When the time stopped and they were asked to make a team of four, he turned to find JM almost immediately as if to make sure JM was part of the four, he held on to his arm to prevent RM from breaking the link.
He was supposed to pair with Yoongi and Jimin with Tae but he didn't even try to find Suga. At least V did try to find Jimin. He moved towards JM and when he realized JK was hugging him he went for Suga.
Throughout the episode he was giving JM tips on how to cheat and shot when he wasn't sure of the answers.
Yet in the last run, he didn't seem as enthusiastic about being paired with JM- or so, he'd have us believe. Smirk.
He ain't slick. Lol.
To me he seemed, on the surface of it, either really salty about the others having Jin or RM on their teams or upon reflection, just plain ass overcompensating for something.
I'd go with the later.
It's similar to how, Jimin got the Sauna card and he'd complained about not liking the Sauna but then swapped cards with Tae so he could be on JM's team.
Or how he'd make a theatrical show of wanting to win a competition but smirk satisfactorily to himself when he loses.
I really don't think it's a big deal.
Personally, I love watching them paired up and doing such activities. It's a great way to see how they work together as partners and as a team.
It's also a great way for them to spend time with eachother, enjoy eachother, nurture their bond and strengthen their relationship.
Fanservice or not, scripted or not, you cannot deny that spending time together doing activities together is good for building a relationship.
They spend a considerable about of time together off cameras but a lot of their time is spent on cameras and at work.
They gotta find a way to make their relationship work on the work as I keep saying. All that 'fanservice' people say they are doing? That's them making it work. They gotta find a way to go on dates, feed eachother, hold each other's hands, tell Jokes, laugh at eachother's jokes, express their attraction for each other, flirt, share eachother's interests and do things couples do without inviting public scrutiny to their every interaction and invasion of their privacy.
So where they see an opportunity they go for it. For JK it's the the little decisions he makes on their behalf like choosing where they will sleep, what activities they can do together, wanting the bigger room, making sure JM wins the presidential suite, or choosing a room detached from the other rooms.
He invests in his relationship the best way he can. Same goes for Jimin.
I keep saying this whole fanservice culture is a win win situation for them- for even any queer idol couple in the same band.
What seem like a challenge could technically be an opportunity for a date for them without dispatch breathing down their necks.
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A typical example would be this. Jimin said he wanted to go get Yoga with the others but ended up going with YoonKook on their brewery excursion.
The more time they spend together, on and off cameras the more closer they get and the more they get to know eachother on a deeper level.
But you have to bare in mind, they need their personal spaces too in order for their relationship to function properly.
Jimin used can be very needy in his relationship but for the most part he enjoys his independence too.
Jk has always had a strong sense of independence but he can equally be quote needy and over attached once he is in a relationship- especially when things are going great for him.
Spending time apart, persuing personal goals and interest is good for them.
If it helps, think of moments when they hang around eachother as Jikook dates and when they hang quietly in the background of videos do think of those as them having their me times at work...
Would they miss an opportunity to 'date' or hang privately with eachother? I don't think so.
It's in their dicks interests and the interest of whole production team and crew to allow them to be around eachother as often and as much as they want and can.
I for one, I'm not prepared to sit through yet another excruciating episode of Jungkook wanting Jimin- physically and emotionally. I'm still dealing with the PTSD from the last BonV four episodes.
Y'all buy me Ko-fi please. I don't intend to sit through that shit sober.
If Jk is pushing to be on JM's team and what not it's mostly because he feels he needs to spend more time with him. If he's not pushing for that it just means he or they are both allowing for space and room in their relationship for eachother to pursue other activities and interests or even connect with other members- unless of course they are having relationship problems which I don't think is the case.
Jimin is particularly good at this.
He goes out of his way to nurture his relationship with the others even on set.
He does this especially with Tae.
He'd take Tae to go see places he and JK had already been to, he'd request to take pirate rides with Tae- even though JK is available and won't hesitate to let him know, he often make plans involving Tae or even the others- in Soop when Tae asked him to go ride around the town with him he chose to stay and manspread on Jin and Yoongi. *I'm cackling. Lmho.
Jimin is a funny guy.
Now does this mean he doesn't like spending time with Tae or that he's changed? Hell no.
Hell, Tae does the same thing from time to time too. I mean when he found out he had picked a Sauna card he asked to swap it knowing very well Jimin had picked that card too. Soulmates coulda soulmated that shit in hot piles of steamy.
Sure JK lurks around sometimes. He is the resident intruder stepping on Jimin's other ships' neck. Love him for this. Lol.
Perfect Disney villian.
Tae had to drag his ass away from the kitchen for intruding when he and JM were cooking in the Kitchen. Let's not talk about him physically removing him from JM's car or all the times he's complained about JK raining on his Vmin agenda.
When V wanted to be on a team with JM this man literally sabotaged him, hugging Jimin first. It's his laughter afterwards for me. Lmho.
V needs to insure his Jimin cos at this point it's trademark infringement. Hashtag soulmates. Lololol.
Jk needs to go ahead and free Vmin.
But JM does this too, in much more subtle ways- I'll never forget the look he had on his face when he had to get off the bus and walk home as punishment. It was the most heart breaking thing I ever seen.
Then he had to hang off Hobi to get JK to leave his friends and come to him.
It's why I used an ellipsis the last time I talked about Jimin being very mature now. Old Jimin would have, clapped back, made JK pay for that outburst if he genuinely thought JK meant what he said or believed JK really wanted to be on a team with someone else.
Y'all don't see him when JK compliments other people? He stays kicking his feet under the table🤣🤣🤣🤣
I used to pinch a gurl I liked when other gals talked to her when I was little- In my defense, I didn't even know I liked her or that it was straight up abuse💀
Jimin can be pretty scary and petty when he's mad or offended.
If it helps you sleep at might, think of this moment as just another one of those 'we've been a unit for so long do you wanna be with someone else now' scene from February last year.
Jk answered yes when JM asked him that. But do you really think he meant it?
Jikook is complex, not complicated.
They love eachother.
We can't be looking at their interactions as either or. Grey areas exist and it's not a negative thing.
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rsmrymnt-tea · 3 years
All of your points about health in the Devildom omg!!!
No I'm really just thinking about how absolutely cranky and depressed and stressed to hell the MC would be the entire exchange program!! Also like with the unfamiliar environment I think the stress hits that much worse because you can't fall back on anything for support.
(catch me trying not to cry every morning and night at the dining table because I am super picky and there's not a single familiar food on the table. Someone says the name of the thing I tentatively tried and I start gagging and go to bed without dinner.)
I'm just thinking about how excessive fear and stress does take a toll on your organs. Stress makes your hair fall out. The potential malnutrition of Devildom food makes their weight fluctuate!! MC in the Devildom looks like shit and feels like shit and probably treats others like shit (because idk how many people can take on that amount of stress and still be kind)
I am kinda enjoying the idea of the brothers just finding that level of adoration and love for the MC even though they're undoubtedly at their worst!! Anyway the brothers come to the human world and MC is thriving and they're like Wait What?
Also about the angels!! I see them as more resilient just by merit of being angels and magical n stuff. But my new headcanon is that Purgatory Hall is lit by 700 light sources up to their brightest setting because as angels they can't really relax or sleep when there's poor light. You have to wear sunglasses when you go in there.
Honestly this has me considering making an OC that is just Not handling the Devildom at all.
(the devs: hehe silly concept of the Devildom having no sun me: Time To Think Way Too Much About This)
(Before I forget, how do you send long anon asks like this?? I think I’ve got an anon who’d appreciate figuring out how this is done >.> I personally have no idea either since all the asks I send are off anon
And also!! Do you want an identifier? An emoji? Name? I’m pretty sure I’ve correctly identified you as having come back more than once lol)
It’s kinda funny how when you think too hard about the logistics of living in Hell… It’s hell? Lmfao
Like just the food part has to make you wonder what the fuck it:
- Looks like. They sound either incredibly enticing or like they’d still be moving in the plate when served.
- Tastes like. So much sound very much like bitter offal kinda meals and insanely spicy food?
- Does to your body. Between not having enough nutrients to having way too much, both those things aren’t good and are unexpected ways to develop health problems.
Some of the stuff sound kinda good and edible (mostly the desserts tbh) But like… How tf does MC deal with all the new food? And how would they determine which is safe for them to because because seriously I doubt that all the ones with ‘poison’ in the name are good to eat (though Solomon eats them… but he can’t die?)
(Okay I’m going through the list of canon mentioned food and… Maybe I’m going crazy but a lot of them do sound pretty nice? But I’m the kind of person who regularly scours grocery shelves for anything I haven’t tried so… RIP picky eaters >.>;;)
Perhaps the cast keeps mentioning how MC is so stunningly adaptable to every situation to make it sound like they’re not that bothered by how stressful it actually would be to live in the Devildom? The constant stress of everything would burn them out by the end of the first month and by the end of the second month they’ve probably lost a ton of hair and aged a couple hundred years. Health problems probably pile on as the months go by if they don’t get the right accommodations to help them adjust and relax.
And like. I like to think there probably would be accommodations?? It sounded like Solomon’s been there a while longer than MC and he’s probably the one they asked first because he’s likely used to the Devildom and has notes on how they can make it more livable for humans + he won’t die from the effects of living there for an extended amount of time >.>
Asdfhdsjkfh brings a new meaning to being loved at your worst… Imagining them being shocked that MC’s completely different when they’re in the human world in S3 is gold lmfaooo (plus even funnier is that the brothers themselves seem to be happier there too?)
Gosh I wanna believe that headcanon but at the same time have you seen Simeon’s room? Even more poorly lit than Satan’s room, at least Satan’s got the Devildom moonlight streaming in from his giant windows >.>
And go!! Do it!! Tbh I kinda wanna make a similar thing where it’s my OC just… Slowly being introduced to the ‘quirks’ of Hell and learning to deal. It’s just so interesting to think about Making Living In Hell Work because of much of the shit they don’t address irks me on some level and I just wanna iron it out hnngnggng
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mmilkbreadd · 4 years
Chapter twenty five: “The End”
Masterpost - Prev.
Warning(s): a bit of swearing ; post-timeskip manga spoilers!!
Or aka, ‘The Sakusa Kiyoomi Theory’
Act One: “Who is Sakusa Kiyoomi?”
Saturday, 6:23 am, “y/n's home”
“You're late,” said y/n with crossed arms, she was already waiting for him at the door of her house. “I hope this doesn't become routine.”
It was already morning in the streets of Paris. Tendou Satori and her neighbor (and best friend), y/n l/n, were walking towards their famous bakery and chocolate shop, ‘Sweet Strawberries.’ It was a small place with a few tables to sit for tea and delicious things to eat. Also, although it was small, it was quite crowded.
“Woah, how angry you are today, little baker... More than usual, actually” y/n shook her head at her friend's comment. “But obviously I already know why, and it seems that you know why too.”
Y/n decided to ignore what Satori had said, and keep walking quite ahead of him. It was still an hour before the store opened, but they already had several orders that were due to deliver around nine in the morning. A three-tier wedding cake, forty heart-shaped chocolates for the anniversary of a married couple, and of course, the strawberry cake for someone named Sakusa Kiyoomi.
Around a quarter to seven, they arrived at the bakery, and they got down to work to get all the orders completed on time. 
Tendou was more dedicated to the chocolate part, of course, and to serve customers. Despite y/n had advanced a lot in terms of her social skills, she still needed to learn a little about how to communicate normally with a person.
“That 'Sakusa Kiyoomi' has a Japanese name, do you think he is too?” y/n asked, wiping flour from her hands.
“I don't know, they could be. But doesn't that name sound too familiar to you?”  Satori replied.
“That's exactly what I was thinking!”
“Yeah... Anyway, the customer asked not to make the chocolate so bitter so add more milk to that please.”
“Yes, boss!” Satori made a military signal and continued his work.
Act Two: “Pretending to be Sakusa Kiyoomi.”
8:39 am, “Paris” (?)
Bokuto Koutarou, along with Miya Atsumu and Hinata Shoyo were lost in Paris. They had circled the Eiffel Tower at least five times. But it seemed they hadn't realized it yet.
They were more lost than Bokuto studying math. But a simple city would not defeat them so easily... would it?
“Maybe we should have brought Sakusa,” Hinata said after round number six.
“And hear him complain about how dirty everything is? No thanks,” Atsumu Miya replied, shaking his head. “We don't need Omi-Omi. I, Miya Atsumu, am enough to know where we are.”
Atsumu put a hand on his chest, pretending to be offended. Bokuto and Hinata looked around, ignoring the enormous tower behind them, wondering where they were.
“And where are we then?”
“Paris, of course” he replied. “I can’t believe you’re seriously asking that, Shoyo.”
Hinata and Bokuto looked at each other, unable to believe what their teammate was saying.
“Sure…” Bokuto said, getting his phone out of his pocket. It was time to be the serious person of the trio. “Akaashi, we got lost” and that time was now over. Koutarou was crying as he spoke to his friend, who was on another continent. “No, I can't stop crying, Akaashi. I swear I was following the steps you wrote on the map so we wouldn't get lost, but Atsumu wanted to take the lead, so he broke the instructions, and we don’t know where we are. It's all his fault...! No, Sakusa has not come either.”
“Hey! It wasn't my fault,” the dyed blonde complained, crossing his arms. “And we never needed Omi-Omi!”
“Okay, Akaashi, I'll do it. Bye, love you… As a bro of course” Bokuto finished saying and hung up. “He told me I have to call Tendou. Is the only way.”
Hinata started shaking his head from side to side, while Atsumu slapped his forehead with his hand. Then a message came from Keiji; It was the number of Tendou Satori himself. Bokuto started dialing the numbers that appeared on the screen of his phone, on Hinata's.
“Wait wait, shouldn't I speak? He might recognize your voice” Hinata said, awkwardly taking the phone from Bokuto's hands. 
“He would also recognize yours, Shoyo. I'll do it.” Atsumu snatched the device from him and pressed the call button. “Hello, sir, what’s up? I'm Sakusa Kiyoomi, could you help me get to your store? I'm a bit lost... How did I get your number you ask? Eh– It's on your website dude! You should delete it, some people pretend to be someone else and you should not fall for that...”
Act Three: “If Sakusa Kiyoomi was real, we should have brought him.”
10:04 am, “Sweet Strawberries Bakery and Chocolate Shop”
“I can't believe it took us almost two hours to get here! It wasn't even that far from the hotel” Hinata said looking towards the building that was a few meters in front of them.
“Six blocks. Can’t believe it either.” Atsumu wiped the sweat from his brow. “And now that? Are we going in or not?”
Bokuto went pale. He was going to see you, after so many years without communicating or having exchanged glances. He never imagined that he would see you again after that cold day in Miyagi. He had made a thousand scenarios in his head of how you two meet again: in some distant future you visit your hometown and he visits Hinata, and thus you meet in the park or on the street. You would have your own family, and he would have his. But that would happen in many years, not now. Not at this moment, when neither of you had grown enough... When he hadn't managed to forget you yet. But these weren't Koutarou's inventions, this was reality.
The incredible and stupid reality.
“I don't want to go in,” Bokuto said suddenly and stopped walking. “I’m not ready.”
Atsumu, who was already one step away from the door, turned to see him. Hinata collided with Miya's chest because he was walking right behind him.
“What are you talking about? Let's go in now” Atsumu said walking towards the ex-owl. “We didn't change the whole tour just so you don't go see your little girlfriend… We change it so you do! Don't be scared, do it now or you'll regret it for life. I remember how you talked about her during practice, and I even want to meet her after that! Come on dude, use the little braveness you have left.”
It seemed that Atsumu's words, or Hinata's smile next to him, made Bokuto take courage and head towards the entrance of the shop. 
A bell rang before three pairs of feet echoed through the small place. There was a great smell of chocolate that invaded every inch of the establishment. Hinata paced around the place until the sound of a door opening made the three teammates turn their heads to where the sound was coming from.
“Welcome, what can I offer-- So all of you are Sakusa Kiyoomi, huh?” Satori Tendou said, coming out of the back-room. “You see guys, I never believed this would happen. It makes me think a lot too… So, is Sakusa Kiyoomi even real?”
Atsumu, Hinata, and Bokuto were paralyzed in place for several seconds. The former Shiratorizawa monster stood with his hands on his hips, staring at them.
“Is it Sakusa Kiyoomi? Tell him I'm coming in a minute!” y/n yelled from the back room.
“Oh no, y/n, it’s someone much better!” Tendou replied, holding back his laughter. “You won't believe it even if you see this!”
Then, silence took over the place until a few quick steps interrupted it. A figure appeared through the door, with several boxes in their hands. A pile of boxes so big it covered their face.
“Help me, Satori, I'm going to fall” y/n complained, and after Tendou took out the boxes that covered her view, she saw her friend smiling widely. “What?”
Satori, who couldn't contain his laughter anymore, gestured with his head towards the three statues in the middle of the place. And finally, seeing her friend's face, he started to laugh out loud.
“A-and Hinata!” shouted Bokuto nervously. Shoyo looked at him and then pointed at Atsumu.
“And also Atsumu!”
“And Saku– shit, we should have brought Omi-Omi after all…”
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Note: I am very very very very sorry for not posting this sooner, but I had thousand of things going on in my life. Now I’m better and ready to finish this beautiful, and crazy, love-story.
I hope you loved it as much as I did. I truly enjoyed it writing, and I’m happy to finish it too.
I’ll appreciate it a lot if you comment down below what you thought about the series. I’ll read you later -Tina.
Tags in reblog!
Thanks for reading🥰
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marchioness-caprina · 4 years
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Pairings : Reader x Todoroki Shouto
Writing Style : 3rd Person, 1st Person
Warning : Cursing ( only a few) , OOC Shouto Todoroki
Word Count : 2487
3rd Person's POV
" I feel like I've been watched for the last 2 months and now it's kinda freaking me out " Y/n muttered sitting down on the sofa with a groan as the rest of the girls piled up around her.
" Well maybe you should just You know... Investigate? " Mina suggested staring at her friend.
" Yeah... Maybe it's just someone who LIKES you but is too shy to admit it? " Uraraka added.
" And who do you think it would be? " Y/n asked raising her eyebrows and simultaneously the girls around her groaned.
" Really y/n? For such a sharp person you're really dense.... And he's dense too! But you're even worst! " Hagakure muttered.
" Who's he? And I'm not dense you guys, I know what's happening around me " Y/n said in defense and the girls gave her a look which states ' No bitch, You don't '
" Oh really huh?... Ok then. Didn't Todoroki-kun give you flowers the other day? " Momo questioned and y/n was fast to answer.
" Yeah he did... So? What's up with that? "
" Oh my god! You're so dense it's actually painful! " Mina cried hugging her pillow.
" Ok let me Try " Uraraka volunteered as she scooted closer towards y/n who only gave her a questioning stare.
" Didn't Todoroki-kun.... Ask you to The Amusement Park a few days ago? "
" Uhh... Yeah but I was busy that Day so I said No.... Why? " Y/n muttered trying to recall the memory.
" Oh my god! I can't take it anymore! Didn't Todoroki-kun Say he Liked you !? " Jirou blurted out standing up from her seat and again the dense female nodded her head.
" Yeah he did and I said I like him too because he's a really Nice friend " Y/n answered and the girls didn't know if they should cry or laugh atbyehir friend's hopelessness.
" She's too dense Kero " Tsu muttered.
" Oh Lord Help me! And what happened after that huh? Anything weird happening with Todoroki-kun!? " Hagakure yelled unable to handle her friend's unaware nature when it comes to love.
" Uhh.... Well.... He started avoiding me? And... He was being really gloomy? And cold? A Bit... Mean? " Y/n tried her best to pick up on Todoroki's behavior and it was true. After that day he had been more distant and he actually snapped at her to stay away from him.
" Y/n... You like Todoroki-kun right? " Momo questioned and the girl gave her a nod.
" Yeah why? "
" More than a friend? "
" Yeah why? "
" Will you accept his love if he asks you to be his girlfriend? "
" Yeah why? "
" Then why the hell did You Fucking Reject Icy Hot!? Now everyone's got to suffer his moody ass and your oblivious fuckery! He Fucking Likes you too! And now he's cooped up in his room barely eating because you Fucking rejected him! You hear me!? " Bakugou suddenly stormed in the common room and y/n's eyes widened.
" Really? " She asked unable to believe the new information she had acquired.
" Oh my fucking-- yeah Really! " Bakugou yelled and she just gave an unreadable expression.
" Oh "
Everyone froze staring at her with disbelief.
Was she really that dense?!
" Y/n....if you don't get your ass up to his room... I will Fucking murder you! And blow your body to bits! " Bakugou threatened and immediately y/n made a run for it upstairs.
Y/n's POV
I'm not dense right!? No I can't be... Wait... Oh shit bitch I think I might be.
I didn't even notice that I was standing infront of Todoroki's Door.
Taking a Deep Breath I knocked on the door , once, twice, thrice, and whatever r the Hell's next.
But on the 9th try he finally opened up .
" Shoto!---" The moment he saw me he slammed the door in front of my face harshly.
" .... "
" Shoto?... Can you please open up? " I pleaded softly knocking on the door.
" Don't call me shoto " He spat out from inside his room.
" Shoto.... I know you Like me--"
" Oh you think y/n? "
' what the?.... Why is he being so sassy? '
" As I was saying... I know you like me--"
" No shit Sherlock "
' did he just curse at me? THE Todoroki Shoto just cursed at me '
" Just let me Fucking finish Shoto Todoroki!, I know you like me , I Like you too but I was too dense to actually notice the signs that you do like me back! I never confessed because I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable with me! I didn't want to ruin our friendship! Because it's the only thing keeping me close to You! I Like--- No.... I Love You! " I finally had the guts to confess but the only reply I was met with was Silence.
Sighing I turned my back against his Door and started walking away.
I didn't get far when his door flew open and arms were wrapped around me from behind.
" It's about Time you finally said something.... I was upset you know?... I thought you didn't like me" He whispered in my ear making my legs wobble.
This guy makes me feel weak.
" Shoto... I'm sorry for noticing a bit too late.... " I apologized in a sincere tone.
" No.... It's better late than Never " He muttered making me smile.
I didn't really expect him to collapse on me like that.
" What the? Shoto?! " I reacted quickly and spun around catching him and when his forehead brushed against my neck I felt how hot he was.
Oh my gosh? Can a person with an icy hot quirk get sick? Well apparently he's living proof of that.
" You're burning! " I began to balance him in my arm before dragging him inside his room.
It took me a lot of will power since he's bigger and heavier than me and I bumped onto ever furniture I passed by.
After a few seconds of bumping myself here and there I finally managed to gently lay him down on the bed which is a futon and by gently I meant falling on his futon with me laying on top of him.
I made sure to use my arm as a pillow for his head so the fall won't be painful for him but for me. It hurts.
I was about to roll off him but his arms wrapped around my waist securely when he felt how I was about to shift my weight.
" Stay...please " He pleaded with his eyes closed a pained expression on his face making my heart clench.
" I'll be back shoto, I need to get you medicine and food ok? Just wait here I'll be back I promise--"
" No! I want you! I need you! If I let go you won't come back! " He whined his voice weak and hoarse as he tughtened his hold around my waist.
" Shh...baby it's fine...i promise I'll come back but you need medicine and food. I'm going to take care of you ok? But you have to let me go--"
" No! No! No! Don't! Please! " He begged, this was a very weird sight to see. A very childish and vulnerable shoto unlike the usual calm and collected shoto.
People say Fevers make people act weird.... I believe it now.
" Shoto Please! " I raised my voice and this time he started sobbing.
' oh my fucking gosh what the fuck have I done!? Is this even shoto right here!? I think the fuck not! Damn it! '
" Don't leave! " He whined between sobs and I honestly didn't know what to do but let my instincts kick in.
Hushing him as I gingerly grabbed onto his cheeks and peppered his face with kisses while humming a comforting tune to calm him down and it worked, he was slowly calming down and when his eyes closed and his arms relaxed I waited for a few minutes before standing up from my position and crawling away from him.
Grabbing his blanket I placed it on top his figure before leaving the room.
I needed to find medicine, a towel and a bucket and maybe I could ask someone to cook chicken soup for shoto? .
I trailed down stairs where everyone was seated.
" Well!? What the fuck happened!? " Bakugou asked making me jump.
" Wow Bakugou... I didn't know you were this Nosy " I teased and the blonde boy growled.
" Ok, ok. Everything is fine now but shoto has a Fever and I need Medicine, a towel and a bucket filled with water, and can someone please make chicken soup?" I asked and everyone looked genuinely concerned for Shoto.
" Me and the girls will cook Chicken soup " Momo volunteered and the girls agreed.
" I'll Look for Medicine! I think I saw some in the Kitchen Cabinet! " Izuku stated.
" Don't worry I got the Towel and bucket of water Covered! " Denki smiled as I walked closer to them but again I felt a powerful and overwhelming air of fire and ice combined. I didn't even get the chance to react when I felt arms wrap around my waist harshly and I was pulled back against a hard chest.
" You said you won't leave! Why did you leave me!? " Shoto growled angrily, his tone was dead serious and cold. It made everyone in the room shiver.
" Shoto, didn't I say I needed to get -"
" Fuck Medicine and shit I needed you... I wanted you and you left---... Why'd you leave? " At the last bit of his sentence his voice broke and he started sobbing again , he dipped his head on my shoulder and I could feel the wetness of his tears as his sobs began to grow louder.
" Oh shit.... Did Todoroki just curse? " Kirishima muttered.
" Forget that.... Is that even Todoroki? " Came another comment from Kaminari.
" I heard from my mother that A fever could change a person's Behavior... As to what I am seeing today I highly believe that it is indeed true " Iida added.
" Y/n...shame on You for making Todoroki-kun cry " Uraraka was guilt tripping me and soon everyone joined in.
" Shame on you y/n "
" Hey! Why the fuck is it my fault!? " I growled and It seems like either Todoroki took it the wrong way or he misheard me.
" S-so you don't care about me? " His voice came out weak and pained and I turned around to place his face on the crook of my neck.
" No I care about you... That's why I came down here to get Food and Medicine for you right? I love you remember?. Why'd you come down here when you're sick? Tell me where it hurts " I softly cooed running my fingers through his hair and he visibly relaxed breathing in my scent as he buried his face further on my neck.
" My head hurts... And my eyes sting " He silently complained.
" Because you were crying, don't cry anymore ok? I won't leave you again and our friends are here to help us... Say thank you " I smiled as he shifted his head taking a peek at our classmates who watched in awe.
" Thank you guys " He muttered with a smile which made everyone's jaw drop.
" Wow.... Who knew the Queen of dense actually has a motherly side " Sero muttered.
" Y/n I think you should take Todoroki-kun back to his room, we'll take care of everything here and we'll deliver everything to his room once we're done! " Izuku suggested and I couldn't be happier.
Shoto was leaning all his weight on me and my legs were slightly shaking. It seems like midoriya noticed.
" Ummm.. A little Help guys? " I asked and some of the boys volunteered to help me carry shoto back to his room.
" We'll leave now Y/n! And take care of Todoroki-kun for us! " Iida stated as The rest of the boys who helped me carry him waved us goodbye and closed the door.
Shoto was on his futon my hand on his cheek . One of his hand holding onto my hand to keep it in place while he nuzzled his cheek onto my palm.
" Y/n...."
" Yeah? "
" Cuddle with me? "
" Umm.... "
" Please? "
" Fine "
Giving up with a sigh I laid down on his futon , his blanket covering us as I scooted closer to his body.
And to my surprise he pulled me closer only to climbed ontop of me in a very awkward position.
" Uhh... Shoto? " I asked nervously as his intense gaze pierced my own.
" I wanna lay on top of you " He stated with a monotoned voice before laying his head on my chest and his arms wrapping around my waist.
" Warm.... Soft " He mumbled clearly pointing at my chest as he nuzzled he face further.
' ok... Awkward... I'll try to not think about it that much... He's really lucky I love him'
Closing my eyes as my hand came to brush against his head I heard giggles coming from the door.
Opening my eyes I saw the girls standing in the doorway taking pictures of us.
" No! Stop that! It's not what it looks like! " I yelled as Momo came in holding a bowl of soup along with tsu and Uraraka holding a bucket with a towel and medicine.
" Relax y/n we're just here to deliver everything, hope we didn't disturb you guys " Momo chuckled placing everything on the table.
" Yeah right... You guys are here to deliver everything... It kinda looks like you're taking pictures from an exhibition or something " I deadpanned as Momo headed towards the door.
" Well, continue what you're doing Kero " Tsu smiled before shutting the door.
" Y/n? "
" Yeah? "
" I love you "
Looking down at him with a smile I kissed his forehead.
" I love you too Icy Hotty "
" Wait... You Think I'm Hot? "
" Shut up and go to sleep already! "
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