#and fecking excited
I’ve got a ticket
I’ve got a ticket
I’ve got a ticket
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more dw thoughts but the choice to differentiate between 10 and 14 by showing off the new dude’s homegrown ability to say how much he loves his friends is just … fucking brilliant actually
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Doily 10 | Yarn | Pattern
Finally got to chart 3. Which has way more stitches than chart 2 but is also significantly simpler. I have a good ten rows where I don't need to consult the chart at all coming up. I've also gotten to the beginning of the end of the ombre, probably 10-15 more grams before it hits the absolute darkest colour.
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meowriddler · 9 months
And guess what
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Sooo, I got a digital art pad and a button/pin maker for Christmas.
And a gift card to use at Michaels Craft Store.
Me and this blog about to get REAL ARTSY ✨️✨️✨️✨️
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absentlyabbie · 2 years
new job NEXT WEEK
last day at current exhausting, frustrating, crap-pay job:
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aiteanngaelach · 8 months
its gonna be fun to see David tennant and Catherine Tate back yeah, but they're really screwing over ncuti gatwa imo like barely anyone in the dr who tag is talking about him and they're all calling David tenants doctor the fourteenth STFU he isn't
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typicalopposite · 1 year
I join Cavil fandom, Cavil out as Geralt AND Superman.
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chiisana-lion · 1 year
almost spoiled myself for cure wing’s full civilian form. surely i can dodge spoilers well enough and wait for sunday this is Fine
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serenailith · 1 year
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vanessaedp · 9 months
141 + König reacting to you taking off your mask.
taking off ur bally 😜😜✌️✌️😗😗🫶🫶
warnings: fluff, british slang 😛
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He had known the reason why you wore a balaclava and if he's honest. He hadn't ever expected you to take it off.
That was until today.
It was a simple mission really, do some fancy dress up party and poison the target.
However, to get into the party you need to have a partner
So, you and Price partnered up and went to the party as a fake couple. You wore a simple red dress and he wore a tuxedo.
The day before the mission he approached you. "Planning to paint your mask to match the dress, Sergeant?" He joked.
"No sir." You shake your head. "Actually, I wasn't going to wear it at all but now that you say that I might have another idea." You scoff at Price's dissapointed expression.
On the day of the mission you and Price are sat in a vehicle, he's running through the mission with you and take your mask off.
His look alone sent shivers down your spine. You expected him to look at you with horror or disgust but to your suprise he looked at you with admiration.
"Bloody hell, your beautiful, sarge." He said, his voice raspy and his throat dry.
"Don't get too excited, captain." You laugh.
You and Ghost had some things in common.
You both were traumatised at a young age and you both wore masks.
He cared for you somewhat. Like how he cared for Soap
Except he liked you more.
During this mission it hadn't gone well. You had a bullet graze the side of your head and now you were splayed across the concrete floor with Ghost surrounded by mangled metal.
"Wheres the bleeding?" Ghost checked everywhere.
"My head." You mutter, turning your head to show a dark patch on your mask.
"May I?" Ghost's fingers hooked under your mask as if he was going to rip it off anyway.
You furrow your brows and roll your eyes. "It's not like I have a bloody choice, i'm bleeding to death you tosser."
Ghost grumbles something under his breath before peeling the mask off and placing it beside your head.
You swear you see his eyes widen the teeny tiniest bit. His eyes trail down your face for a split second before setting on your bleeding skull. "Right.." He says with a sigh, his voice hoarse.
"Enjoying the view?" You scoff, wincing when he starts treating your wound.
"You wish." He mumbles, his gaze flickering down to your face and lingering there for a few seconds.
You and Soap had been dating for 3 years. Not once have you taken your mask off.
He doesn't mind but all he wants is for you to trust him.
Soap allowed to stay off while you were recovering from a near-death experience. His left arm was hanging on by a thread after being abushed in a mission. He survived and is now on drugs so he can handle the pain.
You visited after his deployment to see how he was. He acted like a drunk man when he saw you, probably from the drugs.
"Who the feck are you..?" He slurred, his head lolling to one side. "My girlfriend won't be happy to see this.." He mutters.
You giggle and take a seat beside his bed. "I am your girlfriend, Johnny." You look down at his leg. It's stitched neatly. You grimace for a moment. You can handle all the gore in the world but your boyfriends? Now thats a different story.
You hear his heartbeat monitor pick up. "You wha?" He asks, his voice higher pitched and his brows raised.
"I'm your girlfriend." You slowly place a hand on his face.
"Fucking hell." He mutters, his eyes wide. "Are you sure? I'm abit of a twat." He shuffles, trying to sit up however you place a hand on his chest and push him back down.
"If I wasn't your girlfriend would I do this?" You hesitantly lift your mask up and lean close, kissing his cheek. You do this because he'll probably forget about it but its precious to see his reaction anyway.
"Fuck me sideways." He says under his breath, looking at you with admiration. His eyes stare at your eyes then the little scar on your left eyebrow. Then the burn scar shaped like a cross. Presumably from a branding iron. He then stared at your lips. He licked his then spoke.
"Can you do that again? But on my lips this time."
"Listen i'm so sorry.. I don't even know how this happened I swear i'll fix it." Gaz protested. He accidentally ripped your mask while in a sparring match, thankfully you covered your face before anyone else saw.
"Gaz, it's fine." You say a little sarcastically. Sure, you were pissed he had ripped your only mask but he offered to fix it so there wasn't much point in being annoyed with him. "I want it fixed by tomorrow."
"Of course. I promise it'll be fixed." He even pinky swore on it.
After a long 12 hours of being in your room without letting anyone in with fear that they will see you without your mask you hear a knock at the door. "Gaz?"
"I've got your mask. Can I come in." He asks, twisting the door knob.
"Alright.." You mumble and sit up. Watching the door open and Gaz step in, he shuts it behind him and stops dead in his tracks when he sees you.
"Christ." He swallows hard. "You don't really need this mask, do you? It's only a silly balaclava." He waves it around.
"Kyle give it here." You hold your hand out and Gaz sighs, walking up to you and handing it over. He visibly tenses up when your hand brushes against his.
"So does that mean you'll wear it less around me?" He sounds excited, his eyes fixed on your face as you slipped the mask back on.
"Don't get your hopes up, mate. Thanks for fixing it though." You stand up and give him a wink, hitting his shoulder playfully.
"Jesus christ how do you wear your hood for so long." You sigh, blowing raspberries through your lips and lifting the bottom of your mask up to let some air through.
It was a heatwave at the base and you were MELTING
"Mine's baggy. More airflow." König stared down at you, his arms folded across his chest. "Why don't you take it off?"
"Fuck off you manky wank-stain." You laugh, shaking your head. "Bloody hell." You whine, the heat irritating you.
"I have a spare hood if you want it, liebe." He offered. "Come." He gestures for you to follow him and you do. He takes you to his room and he rumages through his drawer, tossing you a shirt with two holes in it.
"The bloody hell is this?" You giggle, looking at the massive shirt. "Your a size.. XXL?" You look at the tag.
"Just put the shirt on, selbstgefällig." He rolls his eyes which widen when he sees you take your mask off. It was truly a beautiful sight. Your cheeks pink and flushed from the heat, some strands of hair stick to your forehead. It was all interrupted when you slipped the shirt over your head.
"Schatz.." He mumbles. "Your very pretty, you know. You don't need it." He holds his head low.
"Thank you, König thats very kind of you." You smile under the shirt and adjust it. "Thanks for the hood aswell." You step forward and cup where you think his face is from under the mask. "I'll wear this more often."
You leave the room, leaving König flustered, flabbergasted and head over heels in love.
here u go pookies come here and kiss me
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My thoughts on some synastry aspects, from experience:
Moon conjunct lilith: i always have this fecking placement with almost every guy 😂 and I’m always lilith (the woman). These people (moon) will physically come to you. You won’t have to walk past them or shuffle to their way, just lock eyes with them from however far you are standing for however long, and they will literally walk towards you and start ~being there~ and make genuinely interested conversation with you. For some reason, the shyness of moon falls away in this placement, especially in the beginning when they haven’t fully realised their feelings yet or haven’t assessed how lilith feels about it, who they start instinctively fearing after a while when that natural moon shyness and reservedness and self-protective side starts coming back. Then it’s up to lilith to decide if they want to seduce moon, because for some reason, that then becomes their task! Lilith becomes like venus except they’re not venus, they’re dark moon lilith which basically makes them an intuitive dumpster fire who would ‘top’ moon, but only because they are edgy and have serious issues (i mean, it’s lilith). There is an obsessive side to this aspect, but it comes out in different ways.
Venus conjunct moon: I was 2/4 of the times the moon person in this dynamic (platonic and romantic). In this aspect, my ideal romantic dream of these people was always just for venus to spend time with me and pay attention to me. Even when we were not together yet, whenever I was with them I always felt so emotionally taken care of. When I was venus myself, all I wanted to do was for moon to want that! Treating moon like a special person and nurturing them with affection came completely natural to me, like creating that spark. That’s what this aspect is really about. My venus was simply conjuncting their moon! And theirs mine. This aspect is lying on the ground, watching clouds together. The ‘peak’ moments in this relationship so to speak are typically when holding each other, when moon can feel special to venus person and when venus can ‘feel’ moon person. To me, this constantly felt like one of the soulmate aspects. It’s funny how in this aspect typically, the venus person starts liking the moon person from afar and the moon person starts liking venus after being (physically(!)) close to them and interacting.
Sun conjunct venus: this, imo, is the mr and mrs Addams aspect. This aspect is hot in a mental way because it creates adoration towards something most people except your well aspecting friends would find ‘eh’ or ‘oh alright’ or ‘ew i hate!’ , namely your ego. Meanwhile venus is all ready for YOU, your core. I’ve been both venus and sun here. It creates the ‘how so? I like him’ vibe. The fact that there’s such natural formal passion between you two is the thing that continues to save the relationship all the time. It’s the basic goodness. In the old awkward English courting days, this was probably one of the most important aspects to look for, because back then what people had to do was think 1. Do I like this person 2. Could/do I ~love~ this person 3. Is it nice? All in a very short time like a few months! And with this aspect, all the answers are yes and it makes it easy in the sense that there’s both harmony and excitement. I had this aspect in scorpio most of the time, so what I experienced was a great compatible levelling about the fact that were both intense and crazy, and that was alright, soothing even. From venus there’s a feeling of admiration towards the sun, and the sun regardless of wether they have relationship, wants venus’s affection like they would typically show it. The fact that people say this aspect is overrated, baffles me. This is by far the most potent aspect for a romantic love connection.
Pluto square moon: unfortunately I have this aspect with every person from my age, as my moon is in pisces. Why are these people so rude and aggressive for no reason? And why are they bothered in a way that shows that, in a way, they ‘deeply’ care? And why do I find it hot??? I am doomed to have these weird and intense qualities in my friendships and relationships 😭
Ascendant conjunct mars/venus: I always have someone’s ascendant widely aspecting both my mars and venus. The attraction is absolutely there and the elephant in the room for you so to speak, but it’s superficial as well. You love this person’s personhood, but if they get a bad haircut you are completely turned off. With this aspect I often fantasised about showing this person off to my friends lol. They especially see the version of you that’s suave and tasteful, and it may put doubts in their head that you only like them because you think they’re hot, especially if the venus/mars is a woman. When men’s whose venus or mars conjunct my ascendant flirt with me I tend to feel like ‘right. it’s because you happen to find me hot’, but in a relationship this can be very favourable. The venus feels personally decorated by the ascendant person, so in turns tries to personally decorate the ascendant person with all of their venus~.
Lilith conjunct ascendant: if you’re the woman and you’re ascendant, lilith is going to be sooo mad at you all the time. Why? Fuck knows. But you are living in their mind and that’s endearing, somewhat. Also a bit dark.
Venus 8th house overlay: I just think 8th house overlay is neat. This aspect gets a bad reputation which I don’t really understand. If you’re both mature individuals, you’ll see that you shouldn’t mistake your intensity for bad tension, and that you can use this depth to have a fullfilling, transformative relationship. All relationships are supposed to be karmic! They are there to feed your soul, and I feel like 8th house synastry feeds my soul (on a scale of 1 to 10, how much do I sound like a scorpio?). There are bad sides to venus 8th house overlay, too, of course. The courting phase can be annoying when two people actually dislike each other but can’t help be drawn to each other in a way that’s near impossible to not be romantic. It can create very weird sort of boy-girl friendships. The venus person enjoys being in the presence of 8th house person, because they give them something to want and to root for, for themselves. They’re often erotically drawn to the 8th house person. The 8th house person feels the effect the venus person has on them intensely and subconsciously ‘claims’ them. Somehow these are two pieces of a puzzle that fit. I always think of two fashionista creative minds coming together when I think of this aspect.
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annymaght · 7 months
Ngl one of the things I am most excited for, if it does happen, is for Darius and Ben (and maybe Sammy as well) to be somewhat the same height as Kenji.
It would be even more amazing if Ben or Darius end up being taller than Kenji like that could be so fecking funny.
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thewinegrannie · 2 months
i love mage-warrior pairings and i am super excited to specifically romance Gale "everything in my life revolves around magic" Dekarios with a "what the feck is a weave" barbarian
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yellowchap · 3 months
Ok a mad coincidence to my last post, I’m about to play a fairy in my friend’s dnd campaign 💥 and since he has no lore for them he has given them to me to design and work with which is FREAKIN AWESOME!? And im having so much fun coming up with lore for them and the Faewild + working my character into that.
Literally the coolest guy and I’m so excited to have him as my dm yall plus everyone else playing I know so it’s so much less scary then the first time I tried to play with, basically, randos and it was just awkward and miserable for all of us
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The environment sketch isn’t really important since I didn’t draw the fairy village in the trees like intended but ah well, plus the Faewild is basically just the regular world but everything fecks w u.
My fairies r basically just expanded from og 5e fairies but I wanted to make them more communal since I didn’t want my character to come from a flower and just be vibing mostly by themself AND I’m a sucker and I didn’t want them to just look like little winged humans yknow? Leaned into the little freaky magical creature bit
I’ve also kinda removed the “roll for a unique trait” thing where fairies have a sorta base looks like the examples above and other stuff can be rollable traits or even combined at one’s own will bc that’s more fun to me
Is this homebrewing? I guess it kinda is osjhkjlslkha but at least y’all r getting more dnd content and plenty more in the future
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wolkoshka · 1 year
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summary: you meet Ghost for the second time at Soap’s birthday/costume party and this time, you promise to get a taste of the man behind the mask. Simon Riley/Ghost x Reader
warnings: slow-burn, eventual smut, eventual romance, mutual pining, excessive drunk flirting, slightly dark!Simon, touch-starved Simon, trying to get into Simon’s pants (and sort of succeeding??), nsfw-themed
•this is a simon riley ficlet, I repeat, this is not a one-shot but contains a bit of plot and character development, bcs god knows we need 'em
•part 1/3
word count: 5k+
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London was drenched, blinding flashes forking out amidst midnight clouds rolling in a hailing storm.
Or it was pishin' doon oot there, as your childhood best friend would call it.
His birthday, along with the rain, had just stormed in, and since he was being deployed on another mission tomorrow, he wanted to party as soon as the clock struck midnight.
Excitement buzzed in your veins, and not because of the party - well, partially - but because of a certain someone you were impatient to meet again.
On cue, lightning flashed as a strong kick to the bar's door burst it open - and in strut you, Ghostbuster uniform on full display. Except, this one's slutty. And there's only one ghost that needed catching tonight.
All commotion stopped to regard you.
Tossing the umbrella into a rack, you kicked the door shut with your heel.
With shorts hugging the plump of your ass, a form-fitting jacket unzipping down the front to reveal your salacious cleavage, and waist and thigh straps securing the proton pack to your back coupled with the knee-high boots four inches tall, you knew you were a sight to behold.
The bar was swarming with familiar faces of both military and mutual friends.
You dramatically posed, the gun of the proton pack activated. “Heard there was something strange in your neighborhood.”
Low whistles and compliments rebounded. “There’s something strange happening in my pants right now!” one male enthusiastically called from the back.
“Haud yer weesht,” a familiar voice reprimanded, soon followed by an effective smack.
From a sea of shark fins, faerie wings, and numerous superhero costumes, a Mohawk head popped out. Your expression abruptly brightened and you twirled performatively as Johnny shouldered through the bodies and took you in a big, tight hug.
The heat of his body singed into your chilled one, enveloping you.
“Ay ye bastard. Ye actually made it.”
Embracing him equally as tightly, you smothered him with kisses on the face. You hadn’t seen him for three months now. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Johnny-bo-bonnie. Mwah, mwah, mwah. That one’s from mum.”
A hearty laugh. “Don’t tell me - she baked me something real delicious and you ate it.”
“Guilty as charged.”
He put you down, and you stepped back to take in his outfit: a bathrobe, slippers, and polka dotted blue swim trunks. His chest was bare and suave sunglasses perched on his head.
“And what are you supposed to be?”
He splayed his arms wide open, a shit-eating grin revealing straight, white teeth. “A man on a well-earned vacation.”
You playfully slapped him on the chest. “Good one.” From your proton pack, you withdrew a box. A present. “Here. Gotchu something.”
“Please don’t tell me it’s another soap.”
“Why? Were you showered with them tonight?” A snort-laugh. “Get it? Shower? Soap?”
“Harr, harr, harr.” He thumbed over his shoulder at a shrine of soaps forming a pyramid on a table. “Suddenly, everyone’s so bloody hilarious tonight.”
You made a noise of intrigue. “Do they smell nice?”
“Don’t care. What did you get me?” He palmed the box, opening it.
“I’m taking some if they do.”
“Go crazy, lass.” A soft gasp. Then, “O feckin’ feck me.”
“I know, I know. I know you too well. It’s my curse,” you sighed, but smiled when he took out the expensive bottle of GlenDronach, his favorite scotch.
“Happy birthday, sucker.”
He looped an arm around your neck, hugging you close and kissing you on the temple. “And that’s why you’re my favorite best friend.”
"Other best friends, huh? Take that back or I’ll Bath and Body Works your arse next time I see you.”
“Roger that.”
Arm still corded around your shoulders, he turned your bodies to the bar - and there he was.
Simon Riley, you learned his name was.
The muse that lingered in every afterthought, in the darkness of the night, while sleep cooed you into a moment of silence your heart beat fast and loud enough to fight off - just to win more time thinking of the man who did not even care for your existence.
A soft gasp parted your lips.
His back was to you, broad and tall, as he conversed with Price, head tilting ever so often in remark.
He sported a dark brown leather jacket over a black hoodie and equally as dark cargo pants. His combat boots hugged up his strong calves, his legs parted over the bar stool he perched on, meaty thighs barely fitting.
He wasn't in costume. You guessed he dressed as a ghost mirroring a civilian.
Despite the chaos circulating him, his poise was calm and collected, but not unaware, the stiffness in his shoulders stating as much.
A killer of killers, apex predator of the fittest, his prowess was unmatched in the battlefield, and to witness a man of his caliber exist in environment simple and mundane had a startling effect.
Menacing, you thought, a bite to your lower lip.
"See somethin' you like?" Soap humorously chuckled.
You'd met Ghost three months prior, while Task Force 141 was deployed on a private mission to locate Shepherd's current hideout, and as a private contractor who'd built many commercial, private, and government facilities - wherever the clients needed them built - you'd come across one personally requested by Shepherd himself.
It was a long time ago, but your memory had not failed you.
By the shores of Chile, was a property laid out by you, the blueprint of it handed off to Soap to investigate.
Screw client confidentiality when your best friend's life was put in danger by a betraying bastard.
It was then, as you'd climbed into the SUV to hand the blueprint, you'd made out a humongous shape in your peripheral and screamed out in reaction.
It hadn't helped when it was a skull staring right into your very soul.
"Ah, a common reaction to Ghost," Soap had commented. "Lt, meet my best friend," he said your name, and to you, "meet Lt. Ghost. Simon."
You'd wiggled your fingers a hello at him. "What a name. Pleased to meet you."
He hadn't responded, had merely stared before looking out the window.
Right then and there, he was an enigma you couldn't deny. You'd decided to make him look your way however and whichever way you could.
"Johnny, be done with it," he'd grated out when you and Soap got lost in the gossip, the husk and deep gravel of his voice eliciting a full-on body shiver from you.
You'd stolen the name he'd given your best friend, calling him Johnny from that day onwards.
Now, here he was anew. A few more steps and within reach, you merely had to walk to him.
Excitement buzzed in your veins.
You smoothed a hand down your outfit. "Do you think he'll appreciate the joke?"
"Knowing Lt and his humor, or lack thereof actually, he might just hate himself for loving it too much."
A giddy feeling spurted in your chest. "You think?"
"Oh, yea. But go easy on him," he added, peering down at you, brow arched, "the man just landed from a solo mission. There's an uneasy air about him tonight. The fact that he's even attending is gift enough for me."
"That means he's tired, grumpy, and susceptible to an easy one night stand. Just my type of target."
"Ay ye vixen. I said go easy. Here," he lowered the zipper on your chest, revealing more of your cleavage, "that's better. Now go get him. God knows he needs it," he grumbled the last part.
Happily, you almost skipped your way to him. But just before reaching, two bodies swarmed you, hugging you close and screaming in your ear over the bar music. Your friends from college.
"Where have you been!"
"It's so good to see you again, come!"
You were dragged away, more distance than you'd like being put between you and Simon. Nooo.
It wasn't after two hours of losing yourself in the crowd, dancing with people, with Johnny, backs pressing together to roll to the beat of the songs in your sickest moves, that you, downing more margaritas than you could count, summoned back your wits and sauntered your way to the bar.
Plopping down on a stool next to his, you mirthfully laughed, buzzed out of your mind.
The melodious sound cut his conversation short with Price and dragged his attention to you, and - oh, fuck.
Those eyes.
Even in your stupor you admitted to their allure.
He walked, talked, like a man who's had his flesh peeled from his bones. Eyes too haunted to be alive, too haunted to be dead.
A man imprisoned in the infinite present that neither knew him reprieve or end.
You were so lost in them that you didn't say anything to him for a long moment. Then, "Hi," you lowly voiced, grinning like a fool who just got the best present under the Christmas tree.
Reminding yourself to be sexier, you opted for a, "What is a girl like you doing...sitting all alone when a hunk like me is right here?"
Your brows furrowed in the middle. No, that didn't sound right. You tried again.
"What is a girl like me doing with...with a hunk like you, sitting...all... No, that's not it either."
The bulk of him shifted in his seat, whiskey in a gloveless hand, as he now regarded you.
To be the sole focus of those eyes, it killed you. Like honeyed whiskey swirling with the silver clouds of storm outside, it made you feel more drunk than you already were.
But you could see how tired he really was, eyes rimmed red, thin veins stark against the white of his sclera.
"All right," he spoke, tone indulging, but rigid and gravely as the rest of him. "You have my attention."
You did? Success!
Even with the balaclava hiding that no doubt beautiful face of his, you complimented him, afraid that if you didn't, you'd be committing a heinous crime.
"You are." You hiccupped. "You are so pretty."
"And you are shit-faced. Had too much to drink, did ya?"
You leaned in, eyes twinkling with something wicked that even he could not deny.
"Liquid courage," you drawled. And then laughed again, dusky and free.
Price, having noticed where the conversation was heading, turned away with a warm chuckle.
"I'll leave you two to it," he said, giving his attention fully to Gaz, who sat to his left.
You waved at the boys, all giddy. And then motioned with your finger to Ghost's waist, as if to say you were going to get inside his pants. Oh, yes, he was the object of your desires.
Gaz chocked on his bottle of beer.
Price palmed his mouth to stifle a laugh. Unsuccessfully.
Ghost, on the other hand, when you glanced up at him, had his lids hooded.
In his language, that might as well translate to a glower.
"You have one minute," he almost barked out. Glower, indeed.
You straightened, expression serious. You gave him a captain's two-finger salute. "Sir, yes, sir!"
Then, before he could toss you out the window of the bar, you followed it up with, "Heard you like jokes. Do you like mine?"
You motioned to your costume.
He followed the movement, gaze raking down your body, and then slowly up, blond lashes fluttering. When his eyes landed on your cleavage, heat filled them, and in reaction, warmth spooled low in your belly.
"Clever," he throatily remarked, glancing away to his whiskey.
All for you.
His compliment added even more heat to your belly, and you blushed, biting your lip.
"I have more where that came from."
A low rumbling sound. It took you a while to decipher it as a hum. "Is that what the courage was for? Not in the mood, poppy."
His rejection would have floored you had you not been already sat.
Not giving up, you leaned further in, fingers trailing over his leathered forearm that rested on the counter. If one focused enough, they'd also spot the slight tremble in them.
At the closeness, he craned his head down slightly to give you a warning look.
It was dark and foreboding, commanding you to watch the boundaries he'd laid or you might just pay the price.
Any man would have run the other direction. But you were not a man. You were horny. For him. Your desire for Ghost had been stoking for months now, and this very moment, so close to him, you thought you might burn alive with it.
You needed him between your legs, feeding his length into you, assuaging the ache that had made a home there with a friction only he could create.
His scent filled your lungs, and you visibly shuddered. He smelled of the storm outside and something else, something masculine and singular only to him.
If you weren't already drunk, the mere heat of him would've rendered you stupid.
Maybe it had, because the next words out of your mouth were sultry and promising.
"You know, it is not ghosts that haunt, but rather they are the haunted. Give me one night, and I might just chase them all away."
You gently dropped from your stool then, stepping into the space between his parted legs, hands daringly skimming over his robust thighs - before warmly palming them, fingertips digging in his cargo pants.
And he was letting you. That fact alone made your head reel.
Face tilting up, you bopped your chin against his clothed one.
At that, Ghost breathed in deep, and then breathed out slow.
Were you getting to him? Or was he really just tired to deal with you, as Johnny had warned?
Only one way to find out.
"I have another joke for you," you hummed. His lids dropped to your lips, and stayed there. You licked them for emphases, the pink tip of your tongue leaving a glistening trail in its wake.
A sound started in his chest, the beginnings of a groan, you guessed, before he quashed it, and you wanted to whine like a little girl who'd been denied her favorite sweet.
"Be out with it," he lowly grinded out.
A small, playful smirk. "What do you call a man who's great at sex with a sigh and moan in his name?"
An intrigued huff, but it came out rasped. "Go on then."
You stretched to your toes, back bowing and perked breasts brushing against his hardened chest. As you dug the heels of your palms into his thighs, your lips trailed up his jawline and nestled right at his ear.
"Simon," you heatedly whispered, making sure to actually moan the last syllable.
When you pulled your face back an inch, you saw his pupils blown, a frightening darkness overshadowing all color. His breathing had deepened, turned almost harsh, but quiet, as his suddenly ravenous look made your knees weak.
You'd never seen his eyes glimmer like that, so predatory, and that turned you on more. So much so that molten heat drooled out of you, soaking your panties. Did he know the effect he had on you?
His hand traveled up between your bodies, and blood rushed in your ears, your heart palpitating. Had you done it? Were you finally going to know the taste of him? Know how his lips felt against yours, moving, devouring? How hotly his kiss melted every inch of you?
As anticipation coiled tight in your stomach, his iron knuckles pressed into your lower chest, right below your revealed cleavage - and nudged you away.
You plopped back down to your heels, taking steps back the more he outstretched his arm and pushed you farther, like he couldn't stand being in the same vicinity as you.
Confused, hurt - a look you did your best to mask - you searched his expression. There was nothing to gain, masked as he was.
"Point made, love," his deep - deeper - timbre chafed the air between your bodies. "But not tonight. Not in the mood. Go on, now. Dance with Johnny, will ya?"
Humiliation blistered your cheeks and you quickly sobered - and felt increasingly sick to your stomach.
He'd just dismissed you like you were some schoolgirl acting out in his classroom.
Hands balling into tight fists, you stole a determined step toward him. You'd worked quite hard on those jokes, mind him.
"Some fun, you are. What, afraid of a little pleasure?"
He leisurely blinked. "Pleasure's not what I'm afraid of," he began only to cut himself short. A glower crowned his ashen brows, smudged by the eye paint, and he grumbled something under his breath you could not make out.
Swaying a bit on your feet - liquid courage, your arse - you flipped back your hair. "Fine. I'll find somebody else to have fun with." Then, inching closer to him, you leaned in to drunkenly whisper, "And when they're balls deep inside of me, I'll still wish it was you."
The glass of whiskey shattered in his grasp when he fisted it too hard, and that groan, that heavenly, wonderful sound of peak male frustration, finally escaped.
"Bloody fuckin' hell, poppy."
With a cheery twirl, you marched away, lithe shoulders blanketed by the crowd, and left the ever stunned lieutenant to his devices.
But his rejection still chafed you, and, oh, God, you needed to get wasted. So wasted, this night would never come back to haunt you again.
. ☾ .
It wasn't after another hour of dancing, partying, and singing sappy songs at the top of your lungs with Johnny and the gang, even tipsily sniffing some stacked soaps and secretly hiding the ones you liked in your bra, you finally found yourself in your designated spot - hunched over a toilet seat and vomiting the contents in your stomach.
It was expected. You'd drank and drank and drank... And now, your whole world swam.
A wretched sound tore from your throat as another round lurched out of your mouth, splattering into the toilet.
You groaned, vision blurred. Ew.
Settling back, you wiped at your lips with your wrist, heaving. So much for having a good time. But Johnny was happy, so you were happy. With his dangerous line of work and your stressful one, you two deserved such nights of peerless fun.
Like the good 'ole times, something Johnny must've needed too, since he didn't usually celebrate his birthdays. But when he did, oh, shit hit the fan in the most amazing ways.
Recalling some of your escapades, you smiled to yourself, completely unaware of the large silhouette shadowing past the doorway.
The lavatory door whined closed.
At the sound, you looked up.
Ghost stilled in his steps, cocking his head at you in question.
You huffed. "What are you doing in the ladies' bathroom?"
"This is the men's." He thumbed his right, where the urinals lined the wall.
This whole time you were hunched over the men's toilet seat?
Another round of nausea shot up your throat, uncalled for, and you bent over the toilet in time to unflatteringly decorate it.
This was so not how you wanted your night to end with Simon, either.
At his retreating steps, you immediately clambered to your shaky feet. "Please, don't leave. I get scared when vertigo hits." Such pathetic admittance, but it was the truth. When your world spun out of control, so did your fears.
He stopped. Looked over his shoulder.
You tried to hurry to him, but knocked one ankle against the other, and unceremoniously tripped. Hard. Head first, down you thwacked against the marbled flooring.
You blacked out.
When you slowly came to, webs of darkness blurring the edges of your vision, you moaned your distress. Bit by bit, Ghost's face registered, hovering over yours, his Manchester accent thick with how he roughly ordered you to come to.
Blinking up at him, you deliriously raised your hand to pat his masked cheek but to no avail. Darling man. Were you dreaming? If so, you never wanted to wake up. You smiled a small smile at him.
"Hi," you whispered. You sounded so wasted and oh, so enamored. Sober you was going to have a serious conversation with drunk you tomorrow.
"Don't move. Easy, now, yeah?" He pushed you down when you weakly fought to rise up. "You're bleedin' all over the place, poppy."
You tried to reason with him, say how disgusting the floor was and you could never lay down there.
"Should've thought of that before drinkin' your posh arse stupid, yeah?" was his argument.
Dream Simon was mean.
"I'm posh," you hummed out a silly laugh. "Posh like a Spice Girl."
"Be quiet," he roughed out, unimpressed. From his pocket, he withdrew a glove and pressed it against your temple.
A throbbing ache hissed where the clothe touched your skin, and you winced.
After a stringing moment, "Why do you hate me?" you softly asked.
His eyes focused on you then, deep and intrusive, and you licked your lips in consequence.
"I don't hate you," came his gruff retort.
"So then why won't you kiss me?"
A slow blink away from your face. He might as well have rolled his eyes. "You don't want to kiss a man like me, poppy."
Why? Because it would rock your socks off? Render you into a silly little mess? Make your dirtiest dreams come true?
Even with a bleeding temple, you understood the meaning behind his words. Maybe even rejection. He was a dangerous man, callous and brutal. Men like him only caused pain and destruction, spawned nightmares and reveled in the blood spilled.
But from the stories you've heard of him, especially from Johnny, and from your own little interaction, you saw more than the mask he donned. Saw past it to something buried in him. Something guarded so very deep inside, not even sunlight could pierce the shadows around it, but it was there. And you saw it even now, drunk and utterly wasted you may be.
Maybe he thought he'd hurt you. Maybe he tumbled rough and mean under the sheets. At the image, arousal ignited in your veins, backlit behind the wall of drowsiness and pain that still coursed through your system.
"And... And if I still do? Would you kiss me then?"
A pout.
"How's your vision?"
With you in it, "Good."
A clipped nod. "I'll help you to your feet. And then we can take care of that nasty little wound there, yeah?"
"Aye, aye, captain," you murmured.
When he pressed the glove a bit too deeply into the wound, you immediately rectified your words. "I meant, yes, sir. As you say, sir."
A hum, low and raspy. "That's more like it."
Slowly but surely, you climbed to your feet. For a moment, your vision went black and your ears rang, and you paused, waiting for the darkness to pass. Simon waited with you.
"Better?" he asked when you straightened, touching where his glove pressed against your temple. Your fumbling hand fell upon his leanly adroit one.
Skin grazed skin, electrifying warmth rivaled warmth, and you softly gasped. You nodded, gaze lost in the sheer view of him.
Ghost towered over you, your head lining his broad chest, and you suddenly felt engulfed. It certainly didn't help when the reality of him ending you with just the flick of his wrist if he so willed hovered over your consciousness.
God, he was so big. Just the mass of him and how he crowded any room he was in, made your mouth salivate.
And now, enveloped in his masculine heat, he was all you could see, hear, smell.
"Don't look at me with eyes like that, poppy," he gravely warned, lids hooded as he stared you down.
Your throat tightened, lungs drawing in as all air escaped you. "And how am I looking at you?"
"Like I'm dinner."
You moaned despite yourself. It was achingly soft and needy.
You wanted to taste him in the back of your throat, feel his throbbing weight on your tongue, mouth working him mad enough that being pushed over the edge of insanity was his only option. And when that happened, you wanted to know how he sounded as all shred of control left him, his back arching as he spilled all he was worth in you, pumping and pumping, still in desperate chase of that high.
"Bloody hell, still with that look. Not a good listener, are ya? Come 'ere." He dragged you between the two sinks. "Lean against the wall." You did as told, back flattening against the large mirror mounted to it. He opened the faucet and let the cool water run as he wet the glove.
Ruggedly, "Stay still."
With that, he squeezed the water out and slowly got to work, dabbing around the wound and cleaning you up. It was a painstakingly tedious process, but you didn't mind, wincing here and there as you watched him tend to you.
See? Something more in there.
You studied the furrow in his brow, the sharp concentration in his eyes, the even rise and fall of his shoulders, and thought you lost a little bit of your mind for him.
He rinsed the glove, squeezed it, and resumed his task. His hand palmed the whole top of your head as he maneuvered you in whichever way he liked, tilting your face up, down, to the side, as he reached all spots inflicted.
The rough pad of his thumb pinned over the arch of your brow, and you thought you felt him subtly brush at it in his nursing.
When he caught you dumbly staring up at him for the third time, he broke the comfortable silence. "Shouldn't be drinking that much."
Had he been keeping tabs on you? Such wishful thinking, but butterflies still took flight in your tummy. You watched his masked face.
If his lips weren't shielded, you thought you'd feel his breath ghost over your cheeks.
Instead, you innocently batted your lashes at him. "Am I in trouble...sir?" you teasingly - sultrily - added.
He was in the process of wetting the glove when his gaze snapped down to you.
It was brief, but there was a flash of desire behind those lidded eyes before he subdued it with the subtle clench of his jaw.
The air in the room, on the other hand, he could not manipulate. It altered, thickened, became...hotter. Tension pulsed from his body raw and electrifying.
When he gradually straightened, protruding his chest, you suddenly felt suffocated - in the best of ways.
In the sizzling silence, you felt cornered, and your lips parted in anticipation.
He spoke, his words measured and roughish, betraying nothing. "You're bleedin' all over the place and yet you still can't keep it in your pants, mm, poppy?"
You bit your lip, a muffled sound of excitement building up in your chest for provoking a Special Forces soldier - Lieutenant - of all people. "Mhm."
You were stupidly giddy. He merely shook his head at you.
Then, he was watching you again, blond lashes fluttering as his gaze traced over your features, slowly, so agonizingly slow, before settling on your lips. You felt the heat of his stare on them.
A small sound got caught up in your throat, and it wasn't missed by him.
"Do I excite you, little one?" he quietly hummed, the sound rumbling in his chest, crackling ever so slightly, and it felt like honeyed butter melting down your skin.
A tremor racked your entire form, arousal burning your pupils wide and your breath scorching hot - all for him to witness and take in.
It must've pleased him, because he gave you the sexiest bedroom eyes you've ever beheld, the sheer fever in them sweltering and wild.
Huskily, "Yeah?" He stepped forward, large boots emitting no sound. You pressed further up against the wall, chin brushing over the leather of his jacket.
A thin layer of sweat dotted your skin at his nearness, your body involuntarily heating up, an unbearable ache building up between your legs.
And you thought Simon knew exactly what he was doing to your senses, because he followed it up with, "You look at the mask and think you're goin' to get fucked hard, is that it?"
His fingers lightly pinched your chin, his thumb darting up to caress the underside of your lower lip, grazing the edges and eliciting a ticklish sensation.
A needy whine from you caused that broad chest of his to collapse in a visible shudder. Seeing the reaction you pulled from him, your mouth fell open in want, and you meekly grinded up your hips against his thighs.
Your clothed core skimmed over the rough texture of his cargo pants, catching on a crease, but it was enough friction to have your head falling back against the mirror and you keening.
"More," you hotly moaned, feeling wetness seep out of you.
You tested the waters again, widening your stance and rolling your hips upward. Your clit meshed tight against his solid thigh, and when you rubbed it in gradual circles, grinding down, his thigh muscles bulged in response, hitting a sensitive nerve.
"Fuck," you gasped, mouth parting wider. You hadn't expected it to feel this good. "Ghost, please."
With a commanding grip of your hip, he stilled your ministrations. "None of that, poppy," he hoarsely warned. Then, "Shit," he lowly grunted when he felt your hips fight his hand for more stimulation, "That bad, huh?"
You mustered a nod, eyes never leaving his. "Want you," you breathed out.
"Can't have me." A small shake of his head. "Won't give you what you want. 'Sides, you're drunk out of your mind, love."
With that, he released you, backing away before you could reach for him.
Suddenly bereft, you wanted to shout your dissent.
Instead, your body laxed against the wall, palms clutching the coolness of the tiled wall. You already missed his nearness. His hands on you. You didn't want this moment to end.
You didn't want him to go.
Not so soon, anyway. Because God knew he'd make promise to his sobriquet.
"Wash your face. And get your shit together. That's a direct order," resounded his harsh command. If you hadn't wallowed too deep in his rejection, you might've caught the way his hands fisted at his sides when you whined in frustration.
With a defeated slump of your shoulders, you commanded your legs work and rounded the sink.
Palming the rushing water, you went about washing your hands and thoroughly rinsing your mouth. All sensation of him drowned with the water, leaving your skin cool to the touch.
"I'll take you to the hospital," he added more softly, which still grated the air.
Your heart seized in your chest. Why the sudden care?
What game did he play with you? Because one moment, he looked like he wanted to ravish you and the next, like he couldn't get away from you fast enough. Which was it, did you repulse him or attract him?
When he touched you, it was never deeply, desperately, but lightly, airily, leaving you begging for more.
And making him ever estranged.
What was his problem?
What was yours?
Why did you desire this particular man so wantonly? You had to find yourself a fling for the night. You had to flush Ghost out of your system for good.
You had to go home.
How you were going to accomplish both in one night, though, you had no clue.
Yes, while sober, you might have soldiered through the trauma to your head, but right now, still drunk and dizzy, you couldn't tell your elbow from your arse.
Splashing another round of cool water over your face, you grunted when you accidentally swept over your wound.
Appearing much like a drowned rat than the intended sexy Ghostbuster, you shut the faucet, clutched the edges of the sink and lifted your head to stare in the mirror.
Your eyes fell on Ghost.
He quietly watched you watch him from the reflection, a looming shadow in the background, waiting. You expected him to abscond you, but he remained - and that gladdened you beyond belief. Which also now irritated you.
He extended his glove to you.
Breath suddenly shaky, you turned around, the ugly bruised cut on your temple momentarily forgotten. When you made to step forward, crimson blanketed your left eye, and you swiped at it. In the haze, you saw your fingers coated in dark red.
"Bollocks." You started bleeding again. "No need for a hospital. I live a street down. I have a med kit. I'll..." You creased your brows in thought, still tipsy. "I'll care for it at home. Yes. And since you blue-balled me, I intent on finding someone to do the naughty with. I need you out of my system and out of my mind."
Oh, sober you was really going to sit you down tomorrow morning, all right.
He didn't respond to you.
The journey to Ghost proved to be a dangerous one, as the floor and walls adamantly dodged you, making your world swing whichever way you grasped for leverage.
You felt like you existed in a gigantic ball rolling down a hill at full-speed just waiting to burst and send you flying through the air. And you were in a hell of your own making.
Barking out a curse, you heard Ghost stomp your way - before you felt strong arms band around your shoulders and under your knees, effectively hoisting you up in his arms. "You are trouble, poppy. And you won't be taking care of anything in this state. I'll drop you home."
With that, he carried you out of the restroom, the bar, and into the chilled night of London city.
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an: it got too long, yall, too long! this is part 1 of 2 for now. i couldn't help it, when i write, i write. part 2, we're ghostin' it up! (therell be smut) hope you enjoyed it!
part two
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