#and feel love and friendship and the infinity of the universe
maliceofminds · 7 months
watch out corporate got me guys
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crackedchimera · 1 year
love is incomprehensible
Love is infinite in a way I can't explain. It stretches throughout and beyond my body, like the universe, like time, like memories. I think my only redeeming quality is how much I love you. But even that's not enough. No matter how immense, how deep and true it is, my love will never fit quite right. Because it's from me, which means it's shoddy at best. Like the devil trying to create something holy, some form of humanity no one else can see in him. I guess what I'm trying to say is my love doesn't matter, but it's there, here, and always will be. For some reason nothing can change that, it's something more certain than the sun in the sky, it exists from the beginning to the end and even when it means nothing to me or to you, it is still my everything.
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randomshyperson · 2 years
Another Love - Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: Being late doesn't always mean you lost your chance. Wanda might not be yours now, but if there’s something an Eternal can do is wait.
Warnings: unrequired love, hints of mutual (?) pining; mild angst with hopeful ending, friends/team partners, canon divergence, fluff, some tension, language. |
Words: 4.046k | Part Two
A/N-> The author was missing Klaroline and instead of dealing with it in a wholesome way, I wrote angst (ish) with Wanda. Send help. Those who haven't seen TVD may know lines from tik tok edits. Cry with me, dear ones. And good reading.
General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad
You didn't know that a piece of paper had the ability to hurt the invulnerable until you received Wanda Maximoff's wedding invitation.
It arrived at your newly sold apartment by mail - You would have missed it if you hadn't made a last check on the boxes of furniture that were to arrive in China shortly after you.
Meeting the new leader of the Ten Rings Society was an indispensable business necessity, you had convinced yourself of that. Much though you had the impression that deep down, leaving New York had little to do with work and a lot to do with a certain former teammate.
Your history with Wanda went way back - all the way to Sokovia, where, as usual, you were guaranteeing the mission Arishem had given you, even if with each century, you doubted your vocation for it more. The Judge was clear in his instructions, on what you represented. A Homo Immortalis, in all your magnitude, chosen to oversee the rest of your people. You were gifted with a little of each of the others; having what was necessary to hold more power than any other, a mortal and superior combination of all the abilities of the other Eternals. 
And while the others lived out Arishem's mission in their own way, you were actually working towards it. Ensuring that humanity evolved, and that applied to making sure that Infinity Stones were not used to exterminate them, everything from helping Captain America with the fools of Hydra disguised as Shield to joining the Avengers to recover Loki's scepter.
Your participation in the team was hidden from the rest of the world for a long time. You had no interest in gaining fame for your work or any financial recognition. These material and superficial things came naturally to you, but they meant little in the magnitude of the life of an eternal, the kind that could run and fly and destroy the world with a breath. The one who could see these, and many other universes, from a palm's distance.
When the Mind Stone fell into your hands, you had two lost and angry orphaned twins at your feet. The Maximoffs were young adults with a lot of anger and hurt towards the world, and while you guaranteed them safety in a new country, they gave you something in return that you had long since allowed yourself to feel.
The vulnerability of having a family scared you. Even then, the Avengers were limited to you just as the Eternals were - co-workers toward a common goal, a shared function. 
Loving Wanda changed all of that.
She melted away your age-old defenses - Centuries of loss and betrayal, dispassion in your mind with the comfort of her presence. Wanda was a ray of light, hope, for humanity you hadn't recognized within yourself in a long time.
Through her friendship, you were inspired to have other friends. To reconnect with the rest of the Eternals, and with the remaining Avengers. Ensuring that humanity evolved, as Arishem instructed you, was almost a secondary plan. Your priority was to guarantee the safety of these people who had become important to you.
The Stones were protected - You would have suggested their destruction, but even Phastos had been against something so raw. The problem was not the stones, knowledge, and evolution never are, the issue was the way these species wanted to use these heavenly blessings. Keeping these objects away from such primitively violent races should be a priority, and so, you made sure. 
The Stones were kept away by you, and when the Mad Titan tried to steal them, he was defeated like the grain of sand he always was before the multiverse.
But soon, you would realize that Thanos' death caused the inevitable revelation of the Celestials' true motives. It was a very sad unveiling - Tragic even, for everything you believed in. Years of ensuring that humans prospered only to destroy them. Luckily, the vast majority of your team agreed that this was too absurd to be allowed.
Not all of you survived, and there was a sigh of greater threats knocking at the door, beyond the promised judgment of Arishem on the humanity your family betrayed his teachings for, but for now, there was peace.
The world was flourishing and spinning, the Avengers were growing stronger every day, recognized as Protectors of the Earth, respected and loved all over the globe. Despite all that had happened to the Eternals, at least this gave you a sense of duty fulfilled.
When it came to Wanda, you hesitated. Not in your heart, because the certainty of your feelings was always clear to you, even before you could admit it to her. The feeling bloomed in your chest every day in her company, and to deny it would be foolish. But at some point, perhaps when work occupied your time, and priorities of making sure Dreykov was dead or stopping other lesser villains that seemed to sprout in the earth like cancer, you put Wanda aside. She grew close to someone else and fell in love with him, and Vision was the one she would marry in a few weeks.
The invitation surprised you, no, it hurt you. At first, your instinct, in a moment of anger and indignation, because Wanda knew - everybody knew - about your love for her, and yet this didn't stop her from reserving a seat at the celebration of her choice. The choice that was not you.
The invitation ripped in a tug, and you gasped. Your mind filled with nostalgia and longing, memories of the team, and of her, made you sigh. The item floated from the floor until it was rebuilt and returned to your fingers.
Greater foolishness would be for Wanda not to invite you. Even though she had been nothing but understanding and kind in rejecting you so many months ago, it would be rude not to include you in this now. Everyone was invited, Eternals, Avengers, Shield agents, and so on. not inviting you would have hurt even more.
You kept the fancy paper in your jacket pocket. You weren't sure if you would have the courage to show up, but all it took was one phone call to a certain widow who said she would shoot you if you upset Wanda on her special day, was all it took for you to make sure you went to the party.
Your return to the United States was bittersweet. Despite all the good memories as an Avenger, the feeling of losing Wanda still ached deep in your chest at every thought that flowed into your mind about her. And traveling to New Jersey for her wedding guaranteed a lot of them.
You purposely missed the ceremony. First, because delays were impossible for someone like you, and second because you didn't want to watch her swear her love to another. 
For the party, Wanda was supposed to change her white dress into something lighter, that would allow her to dance with everyone. 
You knew you shouldn't, but your feet made their way upstairs to the Wedding Venues just the same.
Manners be damned, you would be selfish one last time. 
The floor was quite busy, many familiar faces like Nat, Maria, and Carol, and some distant colleagues were there. You just greeted them politely, ignoring the hesitant glances at your presence at the party, when everyone knew and imagined that you were not coming.
Wanda was frantic in the make-up room. She was smiling so much when you entered, that you barely noticed the gold wedding ring on her finger.
She noticed your presence through the mirror as Nat and Yelena helped her with her jewelry and immediately hesitated.
You smiled, looking at her, and her solemnly. "Hello, Wanda."
Nat exchanged a glance with Yelena, both by their proximity, realizing how a simple greeting made Wanda shudder from head to toe, and the color of her cheeks not limiting the makeup now.
She turned, twiddling her fingers. "You came."
Your smile didn't falter, but your hand left the doorknob to touch the pocket of your jacket. "You invited me." It is an obvious and tender statement, almost a tease. Wanda smiles shyly, looking away from your intense eyes before she embarrasses herself further in the presence of others.
Nat clears her throat and gestures to everyone in the room. "Let's go see if everything's all right downstairs, shall we?" Most of them practically run out of the room. Yelena makes a confused face.
"She hasn't even changed clothes yet-" She starts to protest, but you step forward.
"Don't worry, Yelena, I'll help her with her dress." You say in the most respectful and least insinuating manner, but still, you get a warning look from Wanda and blush about the way Nat holds back a chuckle.
The door closes as only you and Wanda are left inside the room. You smile at her, and she sighs affectedly.
"I wasn’t expecting you." She starts, but seeing your expression, she blushes as she corrects herself, "I didn't mean it like that. Of course, I wanted you here, or I wouldn't have sent the invitation. But..."
"Wanda, it's okay." You cut her off, aware of the heart pulsing at high speed in her chest. You did not wish that to give the bride an anxiety attack - You promised Nat that she would have an amazing day, and so it would be. "I'm sorry I missed your vows, I'm sure they were beautiful."
She smiles shyly, adjusting a strand of hair behind her ear. If you used telepathy, you could watch her fondly review the last moments, but you would rather burn your eyes out.
Moving closer to the bed, where the change of clothes had been placed, you smiled at her.
"I'm glad you liked the gift."
Wanda frowned in confusion, then understood. She opened her mouth to say something but didn't know exactly how to thank you. You grinned.
"Forgive me, I should have written a note on the box." You joked, wielding a weak, affected laugh from her.
Her cheeks are rosy and she looks lovely like this. "I-I didn't realize it was you who sent it. I didn't... I thought it was a gift from Yelena or even Stark, considering how expensive it looks..."
You hum in understanding, your hands busy unfolding the dress. "I told Yelena to cover for me." You explain, hiding from her curious expression. "Don't look at me like that. I was under the impression that if I put my name on the gift, you might reject it."
"And I couldn't let that happen." You interrupt her gently, making her shut up because you approach. Your smile is tender and your touch on her cheek makes her breath hitch. "I chose it especially for you with the world's greatest stylists, each desperate to please me the most."
Wanda swallowed dryly, trying to keep her gaze in your eyes. You licked your lips, and she almost gave up. But your hand moved away, and so did you. 
"Turn around. Let me help you with the zipper." You instructed, and Wanda was so mesmerized by your presence that she did so immediately. 
The ease with which you opened the locks of her dress suggested magical assistance, but Wanda was too busy keeping her own body under control to pay attention to this. The dress was loose on her, and she held it up in front of her, turning to thank you.
The closeness of your face made her gasp softly.
You kept your gaze low, resisting as she did, the urge to break the distance. Wanda put a hand on her stomach when she had the impression that this distance got smaller.
When she spoke, her voice was husky and affected. "I just got married."
It was a warning, a reminder. For both of you, in a way. Your heart broke, and unbeknownst to you, so did hers.
Despite this, your smile was easy on your lips, even if they didn't reach your eyes.
"I am aware." You retorted with a slight tease, stepping aside to grab the dress and hand it to her. "Go get changed, love. I would like a dance before I go."
She refused to acknowledge the nickname, honestly used to them from day one, but not the request. 
She raised an eyebrow at you. "Are you ordering me to dance with you?"
You pouted, a posture reserved for Wanda and Wanda only. "I wouldn't dream of ordering the Queen of Chaos to do anything."
Wanda snorted in embarrassment, shoving your shoulder gently. A distant version of her, a friend you have long since lost, was visible in your eyes. It made your chest ache.
"Shut up." She giggled shyly, clutching her dress against her body.
You didn't mind, your eyes shining with an adoration that made Wanda warm. "What, Scarlet Witch, no need to get modest with me. I'll be seeing you on a throne yet, I'm sure."
Wanda giggles away, her face very red. "God, you're the worst." She complains embarrassedly, fleeing to the makeshift fitting room in the bedroom while you amuse yourself with her clumsiness at her inevitable fate.
When she returns, she looks as stunning as you knew she would in that dress. She must think so too because she sighs at the glimpse of her own reflection.
"It was really thoughtful of you, Y/N." She commented softly, staring at the mirror. "I loved it from the first moment I put it on."
You were leaning on the window now, having spent all the time Wanda was getting dressed, looking at the guests at the party. Watching the happy groom downstairs. Your face turned to hers, and for a moment, Wanda saw only the cold Eternal she met years ago. She didn't have time to hesitate, because your gaze softened and your smile emerged.
"I knew you would look even more beautiful than usual in this one piece, Maximoff. Red really is your color." You compliment, moving away from the window to approach her. "How are you feeling? Is it comfortable enough to dance in?"
You are assessing the dress, but Wanda is looking at you when she replies; "It's perfect."
She looks away before you can notice. There is an exchange of shy glances before you nod to the jewelry you were going to help her put on. Wanda stands back, busy with rings, and when she hands you the necklace she has chosen, you deny it with your head.
"Not this one." You say, moving your hands to your jacket pocket. She stares at you with confusion through the mirror, but holds her breath at the item you begin to fit around her neck. 
"Y/N, that's gorgeous." She gasps in surprise at the sparkling jewel, but as soon as she feels the soft weight, she flinches. "I-I can't, it looks too expensive-"
Your hands hold her by the shoulders, and Wanda chokes, blushing and burning with the feeling of your touch being firm and gentle at the same time. Your fingers adjust the necklace, and your chin rests on her so that she stares you in the eyes.
"It's yours." You assure her, enjoying her perfume and the way Wanda sighs before raising one of your hands to touch the jewel, feeling it on her fingers. "All the best things for my favorite girl."
Although with rosy cheeks, Wanda smiles at your reflection. "Oh, so there are other girls?" She teases, and it's dangerous to do that, alone in a room with you, so close you could just turn your face and take her right there and now, while Wanda has the impression she would let you, even if the party was going on downstairs, but she does it anyway. And you love it.
"None quite like you, Maximoff." Although you return in the same tone, there is a striking truth in your words. Wanda licks her lips, and your grip tightens, making her choke softly on her own breath.
"You're just trying to boost my ego." She retorts, struggling to keep her eyes open when suddenly, your lips are brushing over the amount of exposed skin. Your breath tickles the back of her neck, and Wanda trembles all the way to her tiptoes.
"And why would I do that?" You challenge her as affected as she is, running your hands down her arms until you intertwine your hands over her stomach. Your body embraces hers, and it's as warm and comforting as all the hugs that you two ever shared at the compound and post-battle, and as full of lust as all the few stolen moments in road motels and training sessions. 
Wanda's knees go weak, but you hold her, close and tight. 
"N-no." She gasps, making no effort to pull away, but with the last vestige of sanity in her mind. "Please, Y/N, I can't. I do love him." The statement throws a bucket of cold water on you, reality back.
You try not to be hurt so much, but it is inescapable. You let go of her gently, and by instinct, Wanda ends up with her face turned to yours. For a second, both you and she think the kiss is inevitable. But you offer her a sad smile and pull away.
Wanda speaks before you can, "I'm sorry." She says, and you know what the apology is about because she has tears in her eyes. You shake your head, quickly bringing your hands closer to your cheeks to make sure your makeup doesn't get ruined.
"Hey, no tears now." You ask as tenderly as you can handle, and despite your own request, your eyes are also teary. "It's your special day. No crying, unless it's from happiness."
"I mean it, Maximoff." You say in a falsely serious tone, a smile playing past your tears. "Both Romanoff and your brother will break my ass if I make you sad at your wedding. No tears because of me, alright?"
She gave a tearful laugh, nodding her head. She really wants to hug you, but you just kiss her forehead and walk away.
You look like you are going to add something when you face her, but a knock on the door interrupts the moment. Wanda retreats further away, unsure of what she is trying to hide.
It's Pietro at the door, suspicious and clumsy. "Hey, Y/N. What's up? Everyone's waiting for her..."
"And she's ready now." You say to your old friend, coming closer to hug him. "Wanda will be right down. In the meantime, why don't you accompany me to the bar? I have some Makkari stories to tell you..."
Pietro is immediately excited by his new speed rival, and you offer Wanda one last wink before leaving the room with her brother.
The party is so lively and your friends are so happy in their celebration that it is contagious to have fun too.
It is inevitable, however, that you avoid Wanda. She is the star of the night, and she dances with almost everyone and has everybody's attention, and this keeps her busy long enough to look for you. And with Vision there, you figure she wouldn't.
The celebration must go on through the night, so you get distracted by all the other people. When it is almost 3 a.m., and many of the guests have already left, leaving space for the more intimate friends, Natalia Romanova prepares a martini for you at the bar.
"I'm surprised, you know?" she begins, drawing your full attention away from the slow dance that Vision and Wanda share in the main ballroom. "You behaved very well tonight."
With a small smile, you stare at her. "And when haven't I?"
Nat chuckles softly, serving you both. "Good point, friend."
You nod in thanks for the drink, and you toast before Nat asks about where you were going. Your first response is to shrug before you clarify:
"I imagine we'll have a few months of peace before the next supervillain shows up." You joke, getting a chuckle from the other, "Maybe I'll just work. It's been a while since I've wanted to have a better relationship with the witches on this planet."
Nat raises an eyebrow. "I can't even imagine why the change of heart." She implies, receiving a soft hearty chuckle.
You fall into casual conversation after this - Nat updates you on the full rescue of all the widows she made with Yelena, how they both would now have time for a normal life, and that Yelena was going to study at NYU next semester. She also comments that she is thinking about proposing to Agent Hill, but she might wait until spring because she was under the impression that Tony and Steve were about to announce a wedding on the same date as well. You were sincere when you said that although your love life was turned upside down, you were very happy for her and everyone else.
It was almost morning when the party was officially over. Except for the few drunk people around, and that included a high Clint Barton trying to shoot arrows without being able to see in his current state that Pietro was using speed to prevent it, the venue was being dismantled by the wedding team.
Vision wanted to do something special - He went back inside the house to get blankets so that he and Wanda could watch the sunrise together. You didn't want to be listening to the conversation but it was inevitable.
If you manipulated a little bit of probability so that he wouldn't find the items so soon, it was a harmless prank.
Wanda was waiting for him at the pier on the lake. You approached in short strides, and the lack of disappointment in her gaze as she realized it was you and not her husband made you sure of what you were about to say.
"Hey." She greeted gently, her arms crossed. "I guess I owe you a dance, huh?"
You smiled at her, and as you stood close enough, your hand went to adjust the slightly tousled strands of her hair behind her ears.
"I'd be happy to charge that." You begin, your fingers fondling her skin. "At a masquerade ball in Italy."
Wanda hesitates, surprised before almost upset. She opens her mouth to repeat her apology, but you give her a sad smile before continuing, "But I know what your response to this invitation would be."
She swallows dryly. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I wanted to... I really wanted to feel the same way."
"Oh, sweet girl, don't martyr yourself for it. Ever." You ask her gently, the palm on her cheek so gentle that Wanda has to use all her power not to lean in completely. "My feelings aren't going anywhere, Wands."
She sniffles lightly. "That doesn't help-"
You chuckle lightly, shaking your head. "No, you don't understand." You begin, and she holds her breath as you approach. The kiss is on her cheek, but it is so close to her mouth that Wanda's mind stops for a full minute. Your eyes are full of tenderness as they stare at her. "Vision is your first love. I intend to be your last. No matter how long it takes."
She stares at you, static in surprise. Something in her chest burns and screams, and Wanda recognizes this feeling from many years ago, one that she swore she had completely undone with every goodbye she ever had to give you.
But you are here, looking at her and promising to love her for eternity, and she can't help the ghost of a recurring feeling in her chest.
She feels like the worst person when she sees Vision holding blankets outside the house, and the luckiest as well.
"My congratulations, Wanda." You whisper to her. "I wish you nothing but happiness. To both of you."
Wanda gives you a tearful smile, nodding in gratitude. You smile at her before turning your back, knowing that this will not be the last time.
You would wait for her. Another thousand years if necessary.
Part Two
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tarot-root · 3 months
🃏 Pick A Card - 6/25/24
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[ID: 3 sets of cards. the first shows 2 purple cards with a cutesy style skull, lollipop, and eye. it's labeled with a 1. the second shows 3 cards with a dragon looped to be an infinity symbol. it's labeled with a 2. the third shows 2 blue cards with branches. it's labeled 3.]
⬇️ Readings beneath the cut ⬇️
Group 1 - Spoopy Tarot
Ace of Wands reversed, The Devil reversed
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[ID: 2 purple tarot cards, the first shows a single lollipop with a skull on it, the second shows a candycorn with devil horns. both are reversed]
Something is holding you back in your life. You feel chained to a boulder you are dragging behind you and it's slowing you down. You want to be adventurous and take on the world but you're being held back by someone or something in your life. You feel like a caged bird, ready to break free and fly.
Group 2 - Spheres of Heaven Tarot
The devil reversed suggests that you break free of those bonds. The task is not easy but it reminds you that you are capable. You will feel much lighter once you are free. The devil reversed is an encouraging card, it lets you know that you are stronger than the chains that bind you.
If your reading resonates, consider reblogging?
Nine of Cups, The Empress reversed, The Fool reversed + The Chariot reversed (clarifier)
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[ID: 3 light purple cards. the first shows 9 cups stacked and flowing water into each other. the second shows a black woman with short hair dressed in a robe and golden jewelry, the card is reversed. the third shows a person with medium toned skin and short brown hair looking to the left and holding a staff. their clothes blow behind them and in their clothes is an image of a dog chasing a bird. the card is reversed]
You are moving on from a relationship that has, or should, end. This relationship may be romantic but may also be a friendship or familial relationship. You've decided it's time to let go before the universe forces your hand. You feel in your heart this is the right decision but that does not make it easier.
The empress reversed suggests that you are still holding on tightly. You don't want to leave this relationship behind. This relationship, while it was once great, has become soured but you are still clinging to old times.
The fool reversed and the chariot reversed both advise that you are making a mistake. The chariot tells you to put the brakes on for a minute, stop, and reevaluate the situation. You are discarding something hastily and you should think for a minute about whether this is truly the right decision or whether your drive for something better has caused you to make a mistake.
If your reading resonates, consider reblogging?
Group 3 - Tarot Landscapes
Four of Cups, Five of Swords reversed
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[ID: 2 tarot cards, the first shows a crane flying over a lake. the second shows a tree covered in moss with a woodpecker on it, the card is reversed]
Right now you are feeling discouraged and depressed. You are feeling as if any step you take is meaningless but in the process you are rejecting opportunities for improvement. You have turned your back on all the good in the world in favor of your philosophy that not caring is the way to go.
Five of swords reversed suggests that it's time to break this cycle. It is time for you to move forward in your life. The first step to healing is deciding to heal and this card is telling you that the time to make that decision is here. Reach out to your loved ones and make a choice to start on the path towards improvement.
If your reading resonates, consider reblogging?
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shippyo · 10 months
Meet life herself.
Pale without ever seeming to present even a shadow in her figure with her iridescent mantle, she is infinite in its entirety, born from the void or rather...this one reborn from nothingness, an eternal cycle that she finds herself in with everyone in the universe and at the same time is not the same "life" as never in any of her lives has she been the same, her purpose is merely to exist without any ties other than to wait for everything to end once again, what she does in each life is different because nor is she still the same person,thus this one has her own way to do her things.
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Life has the power to lengthen and shorten the life of whoever she wishes, or , provide a new life as those it calls her children, who are the butterfly beings like Morpho knight, souls of beings fallen into misfortune from the course of life that she herself brings to her strange and calm dimension with the question of,resting in peace in the infinity of the underworld OR with a new destiny guided by her in a purpose,reborn.
Those who choose to go to the warm hands obtain the joy of being reborn, yes, in a butterfly, different from who they once were and with the blurred memories of her former life, all for them, her most beloved children,but even so,she still loves all life in the existence of this one.
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"Well,well,if it isn´t the part of all and nothing,my daughter sure talked alot about your fights ·child of the stars· thehe,nice to meet this version of you."
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This life is calm and extremly patient and never seems to feel burden , because, ironically she can still die to return to all and give it to new lives to reborn into someone again and much different from who she was with the eternity of the universe,again and again and again, there should be no surpise to you who are reading that this is merely one of the reincarnations of life herself of the thousands that once were and will be. Even so,this one allows herself to be seen by the width and length of the universe, she simply appears with total calm even in the most dangerous of abysses or calmest gardens, simply observing and you can go talk to her, ask her whatever you want and she will always show kindness and try to share her point of view of life with you if thats what you wish.
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Life again in her strange irony, or... in this "she" shares a certain friendship with Necrodeus, the death himself, both believe that they were once a couple on a wedding day about to enter into their union that, to the misfortune of both, they died together with the same all, waking up like this in front of the other, whether it is mere coincidence that both have that blurry memory or not, for them nothing is the same and who they once were supposed to be or last selfs does not mean anything anymore, but still they remain united and at peace with each other until one day, Necrodeus will put an end to everything so that everything will rise from a new nothingness and life will once again reborn with him in a new identity and form, this is their eternal cycle that binds them from the void together with all the souls of infinity.
[You can send any asks or questions to the box-thing to her if you are interested to interact wit this oc AND please be respectfully if my canon/story of kirby stuff isn´t 100% accurate with the kirby lore or yours,i just love to have my own interpretations of it and create alot jsjs but i do hope you all love her and enjoy this </3]
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kuroosdarling · 1 year
ft. gojo satoru !
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : you and gojo have always had something going on; something more than friendship, but have never addressed it. for you, fear held you back. for him, it was the world.
꒰ CONTENTS ꒱ : MANGA SPOILERS !! set in canon universe, angst with ambiguous ending, a glimpse into both POVs — wc: 1k
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : said i wouldn’t write for gojo but then this concept came along and i ran with it. this is a lil diff than what i usually write tbh so please enjoy !! <3
reblogs and interactions are always appreciated ! (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
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19 days. 19 days you’ve had to endure life without gojo by your side. without him constantly getting under your skin, trying to pry a smile out from it. you never thought you’d miss the childish behavior so much or how whiny he’d get when he didn’t get his way.
you never realized how much it helped you fight better, how it made you stronger. the glimpse of light during the dark moments was now gone and all you could do was suffer in the shadows. because when the brightest star burns out, all you’re left with is the empty wish that it’d come back.
if he was jupiter, you were europa. if you were the earth, he was your moon. always orbiting each other, suffocating each other with a heavy dose of gravity but never being able to touch. never able to collide due to the fear of the ripple effect it would undoubtedly cause.
a constant song that has you dancing around each other's feelings, skirting around the truth in fear that if the other doesn’t feel the same, gravity will snap. instead of orbiting each other, you’d launch out into the great abyss to face the unknown completely alone.
his infinity helped keep it from becoming a reality, drawing an invisible line that separated the two of you. not only distancing his physical body from yours, but using it effectively as a wall around his heart. tossing around flirtatious jokes here and there paired with an undeniably strong friendship was just enough to keep the rest of the feelings at bay.
at least for him.
because in those 19 days, he still managed to consume you. every moment spent trying to find a way to get him to come back to you no matter the cost. your mind only capable of thinking about him. him. him.
and when he finally returned, a part of you wished he hadn’t. the orbit was suddenly thrown off of its axis as gojo learned the truth about everything that happened in the last 19 days, his eyes never leaving yours as he grasped the new reality of the world.
and yet, your heart couldn’t stop chanting his name, claiming that anything could happen now. but reality was colder, the war ahead sinking itself into gojos skin and making its home there in your stead. he was always good at wearing his mask in front of the others, but you knew behind that teasing smile was a black hole ready to destroy everything around it.
there was one moment when you got close enough, your feelings about ready to overflow from your mouth and into his soul like a moth to a flame. but one look from him had it all retreating back deep within your heart, the flame extinguished without uttering a single word.
it was a look of dismissal, coated with an obscene amount of guilt. one that told you, “not now” and had your heart locking up the burning question of “then when?”.
but you knew gojo better than that. he needed to see this battle through before he could charge forward to his feelings for you that had long since been tucked away. all you had to do was wait for your orbit to resync, granting you a second chance and letting your love finally spark into a supernova.
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gojo knew that in this world, he wouldn’t be able to be with you. he couldn’t give you what you deserved, he had too much on his plate to do so. if he didn’t win the fight then he couldn’t change the world into one where he could properly be with you.
the weight of the world tirelessly rested on his shoulders. something he had grown up with and eventually grew into — the pressure always looming there.
it was heavy, pressing deep into his back with each step he took. it would never waver, never go away. he was forced to carry it with him no matter where he went and act like it didn’t affect him.
how do you keep moving with the weight of the world resting on you?
coming out of the box had been another tragedy in his life. the sudden reappearance of the ghost of his late best friend showing up, effectively catching him off guard and throwing him into a place he never wants to think about again. but everyone looked so relieved when they saw him reappear, looked up to him as some savior when all he wanted to do was take you with him and turn the other way.
it would be so easy for him to be selfish. to say “screw the world, im going after my own happy ending.” but no matter how many times he thought about it, or even how many times he could’ve easily changed his course, he stayed back; the weight on his back kept him firmly in place.
so, gojo kept up his usual facade, not wanting to worry everyone. but the truth was, he was tired. so very exhausted, the weight seeping deeper into his bones.
the day you came into his life was one of the best days and the worst. even geto had poked fun at him for how love struck he was. the times had been so simple back then. there were no heartbreaking betrayals, no looming threat that couldn’t have been taken care of with the simple snap of his fingers.
the weight of the world had been shared upon all of your backs. but once geto left, the weight had to be redistributed and he couldn’t bare the thought of you carrying any more than you had to.
maybe when the war was over he could hear what you had to tell him, what he’s been longing for this whole time. but with everything teetering on the brink of chaos, he needed to do this alone and tuck those selfish desires away.
so for now, he broke your heart and took all of the burdens of the world with him, holding onto the hope that you’ll one day forgive him.
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Personal review regarding what if…? season 2 episode 8 (spoilers)
No ok, I must admit, the episode was good in some aspects.
Wanda was majestic. Loki and Scott were hilarious and I loved every single moment with them.
Thor was amazing, dark and serious out of loss but still enjoyable, and the crumbs of his relationship with Hela were very nice.
I’ve actually liked Tony for the very first time in my life, probably because I tend to like him a lot more in AUs and fanfictions than I do in the normal timeline.
And then… there were those two.
I will never comprehend why marvel wants Steve to be so dependent on Peggy. And I will never comprehend why, to make him interact with her, they have to destroy or sideline every other relationship he has built, or make his character flat.
Bucky being friends with Scott was amazing, but the fact that him and Steve interacted like two times was extremely disappointing. You’d expect “best friends in every universe”, if you dislike the romantic pairing so much, to acknowledge themselves for more than a few scenes, in only one of which they’re in frame together (Bucky was literally 😐 while his best friend disappeared, come on now).
And the storyline about Peggy coming from another world to save the universe was just… Mbah. It could’ve been executed in another way without including her and it still would have made sense. It really feels like a Y/N insert.
Seeing literally any other character was so good, so fun, and they had to ruin it this way, making Peggy once again the self insert and girlboss she didn’t need to be.
Plus, forgive my constant complaining, but it’s extremely infuriating how all of Steve’s friends were eliminated to put the focus solely on Peggy. Where’s Sam? Where’s Nat? Where’s Clint? It’s not an underrated friendship we’re talking about, a big chunk of the fandom loves the cap quartet or team cap, and after civil war it would have been nice to see them interact, especially after its popularity and popular demand. Outlaw team cap would have been glorious, a good chance to bring back many characters who aren’t here anymore in the right way, and involve characters that are rarely involved in What if in the storyline, for a change.
The treatment of Sam in this series particularly angers me, and even more so in this episode. I understand not involving him in other storylines, but Sam was a big part of CATWS and he wasn’t even in the episode centered on that film. What, because Steve met him while running he can’t be introduced in any other way? And oh, there’s no excuse for this episode. If there was one episode they could have placed Sam in, it was this one. Sam was there in infinity war, where the mess happened, and he should have been with the other avengers in this one.
If marvel wanted to involve someone from another universe so bad, it should have been a Captain America Sam from another universe. Can you imagine the poetry of seeing Steve and Nat again after endgame? Can you imagine having closure with them both, and having fun in the process? It would have been so great.
Another great storyline without involving characters from other universes would have been one where Steve, who touched the time stone, accidentally brought everyone in the past, and he was the only one to remember it. And to go back and prevent everyone’s distraction, he had to recruit the avengers, who don’t know him and don’t trust him but that in the end become his friends and companions. It would have been so interesting to see the original avengers involved in something different from being some side characters or extras in the one woman show that seems to be What if, constantly centered around the same bland, one dimensional reimagined side character. Peggy’s blandness is so obvious in these episodes (aside for some random remarks that made me smile) that literally everyone who’s involved directly with her must be bland like her, otherwise risking to overshadow her.
I don’t think I was supposed to cringe and look away as much as I did during Steggy’s forced scenes, but I did. If they had to force Steggy and Peggy down our throats, at least they could have done something different from the same bland and boring storyline as always. I wouldn’t be as mad as I am now if Peggy and Steve’s relationship wasn’t as bland. I would have preferred an enemies to lovers type of twist or change, where Steve doesn’t trust Peggy and struggles with her because he sees in her a different version of the Peggy that died in that universe. But noooo, god forbid, let’s go with the same old song.
An episode five or ten minutes longer with a better, avengers-centric or Steve-centric storyline would have been much better than what we got.
And given that this was my most anticipated episode, I was very disappointed by it. I hope for the next seasons, if there’s other ones, Marvel will listen to the general complaint regarding Peggy and will give her a break. I don’t think any of the original avengers or relevant MCU characters made as much appearances as Peggy, and being a main focus in four episodes out of nine is ridiculous.
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The Ultimate Vriska Poll - Calling for Nominations
My Tumblr Sexywoman poll is going well and I'm having a lot of fun, so I'm thinking of holding a poll to find Tumblr's most iconic Vriska-archetype character. If you don't know what a Vriska archetype is, Tumblr user @doubleca5t coined the term as follows:
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Sexypedia didn't have a specific page for the Vriska archetype (the link shown in the screenshot leads to a page titled "Controversial"), but here's what it has to say on the topic:
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Now that Tumblr's had time to get a smattering of blorbos that can be considered Vriskas, I want to pit these bad bitches against each other. I want to put them in a box and shake them until they fight to the death. I want the intense campaigning, voter fraud, and sabotage that happened around the original Vriska Serket in the Tumblr Sexywoman poll by Tumblr user @lutzlig. But I want it 32-fold.
The start date for this tournament will tentatively be February 19th. The structure will likely be like the Tumblr Sexywoman poll. Before that, I will be collecting a list of at least 16, preferably 32, Vriska-archetype characters. I will be considering nominations until February 17th, 6 PM PST.
The character you nominate must fulfill at least 4/5 of the requirements of a Vriska. UPDATE: I have decided to expand requirement 4 to just "queer" instead of strictly "attracted to women." Requirements 2, 3, and 5 are mandatory. This is so that male (and nb) characters like Bakugou from BNHA can still participate. As well as characters that don't really get shipped a lot. Like Lilith from The Owl House. (I'm sorry queen I've found someone more controversial) However, I will reject characters if I feel they fall more into other archetypes. Like Komaedas.
The list so far is as follows:
Vriska Serket (duh) (Homestuck)
Catra (She Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Lucretia (The Adventure Zone)
Bakugou Katsuki (Boku No Hero Academia)
Chloe Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug)
Alador Blight (The Owl House)
Edelgard Von Hresvelg (Fire Emblem)
Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond (Steven Universe)
Ianthe Tridentarius (The Locked Tomb)
Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time)
Azula (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Mapleshade (Warrior Cats)
Amber Bennett (Invincible)
Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)
Asuka Langley Soryu (Evangelion)
Abby Anderson (The Last of Us)
Silco (Arcane)
Magnus The Red (Warhammer 40K)
Yennefer (Witcher)
Alphys (Undertale)
King Andrias (Amphibia)
C!Dream (Dream SMP)
Hiyoko Saionji (Super Danganronpa 2)
Sayaka Maizono (Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc)
Prince Lotor (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Dahlia Hawthorne (Ace Attorney)
Kiwi (Cyberpunk Edgerunners)
Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
Alice "Daisy" Tonner (The Magnus Archives)
Nanami Kiryuu (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Grace Monroe (Infinity Train)
If you want to add or remove a character on this list, DM or send me an ask. I may ask you for clarification if I'm not familiar with the franchise or fandom. Remember that this poll is just for fun. While I love a bit of drama, I hope it's kept at a level where everyone's still having fun. This poll, like the sexywoman poll, is about the most "iconic" Vriska. What that means is up to the individual voter.
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As if nothing happened (life goes on)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/57773563 by Why_am_i_still_here By the time he makes his way to Mr. Stark, he’s half gone, like a shitty Hammer Holo-Projection from 2011. Peter tries to hold onto his leg only to be met with some kind of weird ashes. His hands move before he can even process it, running away from the Iron Man Suit like it burns him. “Pete...”, Mr. Stark is talking to him, eyes half closed and breathing loudly like he can’t catch his breath. Peter can barely hear him over the sound of his blood rushing through his veins. “Mr. Stark, wha-” “Tell them… Tell Pep and Morgan I love them, Pete. So much... I love you guys so much…” ******************************************************************************************************************************************************** Infinity war au: Tony gets dusted instead of Peter. The world moves on. Peter refuses to let go. Words: 6250, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, Friday (Marvel), Other Character Tags to Be Added, Avengers Team Members (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Nebula (Marvel), Guardians of the Galaxy Team Members (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Harley Keener, Shuri (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Loki (Marvel), Stark Industries Employees (Marvel), Background OCs Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker & James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Happy Hogan & Peter Parker, Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added, Harley Keener & Peter Parker, Harley Keener & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Harley Keener & James "Rhodey" Rhodes Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Parent Tony Stark, Tony Stark Dies, Blipped | Dusted Tony Stark, Peter Parker is not Blipped | Dusted, Blipped | Dusted Pepper Potts, Blipped | Dusted Aunt May Parker (Marvel), all deaths are temporary, Sad Peter Parker, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Peter Parker is a Mess, Peter Parker Whump, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, Protective James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Uncle James "Rhodey" Rhodes, BAMF Peter Parker, BAMF James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Peter Parker-centric, Peter Parker Saves The Day, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Peter Parker Feels, Genius Peter Parker, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sad with a Happy Ending, Morgan was born before the infinity wars, Big Brother Peter Parker, Baby Morgan Stark - Freeform, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Canon Divergence - Post-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Not Beta Read, Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57773563
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kirby-souljourney-au · 5 months
Kirby time! Again! But he’s tall now!
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Here’s our boy! The guy! The orbo! The fella!
…With a lot of scars now. Goodness gracious. Hehe… can’t wait to show what the fic-event scars came from. (Evil Intent)
Anyway! As per usual, all their information plus hex codes are under the cut!
Also, I feel like I should add, ArtShield slightly desaturates images when watermarking them, so please reference the written hex codes to get his colours right if you draw him!
Full name: Kirby Argon
Aliases: Soullite Knight, Infinity Hero, ‘Pink Demon’
Species: Soul-Heart-Matter Astral
Planet of Origination: Popstar, technically; their true birthplace is unknown
Age: 39
Height: 8’9”
Gender: Biologically both sexes; identifies as transmasculine agender
Pronouns: He/Him/His, They/Them/Theirs
Sexuality: Asexual, aromantic
S/O: None
Family: Ione Argon (adoptive father), Galacta Iriam (adoptive parent), Auberon Ivi (step-father), Ophanim (step-mother), Artemis Ivi (step-sister), Athena Iriam (step-sister), Cipher Argon (adopted sister), Inifya Argon (daughter)
Protector of Gamble Galaxy, diligently keeping Popstar safe since the day he landed.
Utilising their powerful Soul Magic, they (somewhat unintentionally) created a daughter for themself, naming her Inifya.
Works as a Knight under Dreamland’s King Dedede, as well as being one of the Universe’s protectors as a Holy Knight.
Landed on Popstar in a Starship as an infant, when he was about 2 months old. It is unknown where their actual birthplace is, but evidence suggests they were likely born either on the outer edges of or entirely outside of Gamble Galaxy.
The sweetest soul known to sentient life since the birth of the Absolute Purity, and the most well-known Astral Warrior in the Galaxy to date. Many consider him a Demigod because of his unbelievably powerful Soul and Heart Magic; not a necessarily true assumption, but it isn’t too far off from accurate. They are currently the most powerful Astral alive, wielding incredibly rare Copy Magic and the ability to create multiple Heart Spears at once, anytime.
He’s lived in Dreamland their whole life, save for the lost months in his Starship after his birth. Throughout the years, they’ve developed a fondness of food, sparring, and naps, and above all else, a love of friendships; they treasure every friend they’ve had and ever will have, and treat them like they’re worth their weight in gold, because to them, they are.
His weapon of choice is the Godblade Seraphim and a shield, taking after his parents. They utilise their Copy Abilities when they feel like it, and occasionally chooses to battle without any ability or proper weapon, instead relying solely on their Sparkling Stars.
Hex codes
#D53117 — Fur fade (dark)
#FF3C8C — Headpiece hearts
#FF9DC8 — Fur base
#F2C0D6 — Scars
#FFE2ED — Inner ears
#FFF0F2 — Fur fade (light)
#B6B5AE — Headpiece chains
#F4A55A — Horns
#FFB46E — Warp Star / Armour accents
#005AFF — Iris
#1C1C1C — Casual shirt
#4A4773 — Sweatpants
#8F45EE — Crystal 1
#3B77F4 — Crystal 2
#6CA7FF — Crystal 3
#94EFB6 — Crystal 4
#DF1111 — Necklace 1
#FFF2F2 — Necklace 2
#E6EFFF — Eye whites
#33353E — Pants
#80405C — Shirt
#CB7BAC — Armour accent 3
#DD972C — Armour accent 2
#ECB3D6 — Armour accent 1
#FCE1F1 — Armour base 1
#DED5D8 — Armour base 2
#FFD9B4 — Straps / Belt
#E784AE — Covert feathers 1
#FFB4D4 — Covert feathers 2 / Flight feathers (back) base
#FFE5F0 — Flight feathers (front) / Flight feathers (back) fade
Note: The accent colours of his armour as well as the shape and colour of the hearts on his headpiece will change based on what Copy Ability he is using.
The boy :)
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bambishifts · 1 month
MARVEL DR ~ intro
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yall i finally got to scripting 😨 took me like a week to get this done and i am still halfway through my mcu script, but i have stuff left like my bedroom or visuals so nothing that i put in my intros 🥹
basic bitch backstory - tony is in fact my father, pepper is my bio mom, i wasn’t really planned they had me early in their lives, tbh idc ab how this affects the whole lore of marvel, it makes everyone a lot younger like the timeline is complicated but nothing I worry myself with, i’ll let the universe figure that one out 🤞
i have powers, my backstory is literally the first one i posted in my avengers dr backstories post, so i got powers due to gamma waves and i think an infinity stone as well if i remember that correctly, so i’m like a mutant? but a made one? idk…
my powers are pain illusion and inducement, so i can make others feel genuine pain or just create an illusion where they believe they feel pain, but in reality they don’t, but i suppose the pain is real for them either way. mental manipulation, psychic immunity so no one can read my mind, mess with it etc. + telepathy and telekinesis cause why not.
i’m 20, living at the compound, morgan is in the picture she said seven and i already love her, like i cannot wait to babysit that little witch, she likes science and math and all that, got that after dad aka the tony stark yall. oooh and i have a fc maddie philips / cate dunlap from gen v (gif at the end)
the avengers team includes: me (duh), natasha, tony (who is kinda retired but helps with gear and pays for a lot if not all), yelena, steve, clint, bruce, thor, pietro, wanda, kate, peter & i’m thinking about scripting daredevil as well as i really like him so either that or i will have a separate dr for him.
not sure if there is more to add at this point this is pretty much everything? i don’t have an s/o i’m kinda straying away from that idea overall, i shift mainly is not only for the experience and the friendships/family bonds.
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moistvonlipwig · 4 months
Top 10 Favorite Final Seasons of a TV Show
For @loisfreakinglane's enjoyment.
...This was actually so hard. I'm limiting myself to TV shows with multiple seasons that have officially for-real ended, as well as to final seasons that I've watched in full (so there are some seasons of shows I watch that maybe should make the cut that won't because I haven't gotten around to them yet). In the order that I thought of them:
Breaking Bad Season 5: A really strong & exciting final season with some great new characters (Lydia Rodarte-Quayle I love you Lydia Rodarte-Quayle!!!) and some of the show's best episodes.
Once Upon a Time Season 7: My favorite season of the show, and one that weirdly addressed a lot of the problems I had with the first six seasons. The new characters were great and they did some cool & unexpected things with the old characters. Hardly perfect, and it somehow made the show's already-convoluted timeline worse, but it was a very strong note to end the show on & it helped me look on the show as a whole in a much fonder light, which was no small feat after some of the bullshit the show had previously pulled.
Amphibia Season 3: A great final season. I loved seeing the Boonchuys on Earth in 3A, and I loved the story arc of Anne & Sasha co-commanding the resistance in 3B. IMO a lot of the complaints about this season come from people who didn't really understand what the show was about. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Steven Universe Future/Steven Universe Season 5: I kind of consider Future to be the proper 'final season' of Steven Universe and not its own show, but I know some people disagree and consider it a separate limited series and would say that Season 5 is the real final season of the show. Either way, both seasons are quite good. I think Future is consistently stronger -- Season 5 has a stretch of 6 or so episodes that are kind of weak -- but Season 5 has higher highs. But again, both are very good final seasons, whichever one you consider to be the 'true' final season.
Person of Interest Season 5: Honestly, this is not the best final season -- I think being limited to 13 episodes really hamstrung the writers, and not all the episodes are good -- but it does end on a really strong note, and also I ran out of final seasons I consider legitimately great, so, uh, good for you PoI, you arguably don't deserve to be here but you're here anyway!
Better Call Saul Season 6: I'm not gonna lie, I had problems with the way 6B unfolded -- I thought the pacing wasn't the best and some of the character/plot beats didn't quite land -- but both 6A and the finale were very strong, and I'm not opposed to most of the events of 6B in theory. Plus, BCS is just well-made TV in general, so even when I didn't love it, I was still appreciative of the artistry that went into the show.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 9: I remember really liking the first half of this season and thinking it was some of the best stuff the show had put out in years. The second half was more par for the course but not bad. The actual season-long plot was pretty whatever but it produced some good episodes, and Daniel Ingram, as always, delivered with the music.
Battlestar Galactica Season 4: Look, anyone who's taken a cursory glance at my BSG tag knows how I feel about what BSG S3 & 4 did to Boomer, and S4 additionally committed the sin of killing off Anastasia Dualla, but I don't actually think S4 is overall a bad season. I think it could've been better, sure, but I honestly was fine with it aside from the stuff I hated. Lol. Also, Kara Thrace turns into a pigeon, and that's hilarious.
Infinity Train Season 4: Technically this is a better season of television than some of the seasons listed above, but it was not intended as a final season and you can tell; nothing about it makes for a particularly effective ending to the show. I will forever mourn the remaining 4 planned seasons of this show that we never got. But, hey, it's still a good season, even though it's probably the show's weakest outing.
...Revolutionary Girl Utena's Apocalypse Arc: LOOK I KNOW IT'S NOT A "SEASON" I RAN OUT OF FINAL SEASONS I LIKE OKAY. It's better than pretty much everything else on this list though because it's RGU, how could it not be.
Tagging @jioinfocommlimited, @02511213942, @occidentaltourist, @cassphos, @nocticola, and anyone else who wants to tackle this challenge. Be warned, it's harder than it looks!!!
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mthofferings · 1 year
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See nostalgicatsea’s existing works here and here.
Preferred contact methods: Tumblr: nostalgicatsea Twitter: nostalgicatsea Discord: nostalgicatsea
Preferred organizations: - Médecins San Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) - Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES) - Transgender Law Center - Waterkeeper Alliance - World Central Kitchen (See the list of approved organizations here)
Will create works that contain: Tropes/elements: character studies, angst, soulmates, slow burn, mutual or one-sided pining, self-sacrifice, amnesia, time travel, reincarnation, fake relationship, relationship of convenience, hurt/comfort, de-aging, dream world, presumed dead, temporary or permanent death, post-breakup, getting together, getting back together, post-Infinity War to post-Endgame, substance abuse and recovery, grief/mourning, parental/child and mentor/mentee relationships, friendship over the years, Tony’s family issues, dark Steve, pre-serum Steve, Hanahaki, hauntings, betrayal, forgiveness AUs: canon-divergent, mafia/gangster, magic, sports, non-powered, high school or college, supernatural, horror, sci-fi, etc. I love AUs! For writing, I tend to focus on one specific moment or a series of small moments, feelings, and relationships more than action-packed plots.
Will not create works that contain: I’m up for most things except some extreme kinks, incest, adult/minor romantic relationships, and infidelity or partner abuse in a ship (unless you're referencing a canon plot point). I'm fine with infidelity and abuse involving a villain as long as it's not OOC. I don’t have any triggers. If you want me to elaborate on my do-not-wants or have a trope, kink, or plot point that you’re not sure I’ll be okay with, please contact me beforehand. Betaing: A/B/O, D/S, OOC, PWPs, OCs, self-inserts, pure fluff without plot, Darcy-centric fics, Hydra character-centric fics, unbalanced CW plots. I’m not that fond of coffeeshop AUs, but I can help with them Writing: A/B/O, D/S, poly, comedy, complicated plots, crack, 100% pure fluff/domestic plots, kidfic (unless it’s canon), AUs that require a lot of specific knowledge (e.g., historical AUs or military AUs), reality TV AU, zombie AU, animal transformation, unbalanced CW plots, Hydra Steve
  -- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 1145
Will create works for the following relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - AvAc, MCU, Noir Bruce Banner & Clint Barton & Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark & Thor - MCU Miles Morales & Miles Morales - Earth-42, Spider-Verse (animated films)
Work Description: This fic will probably be 1.5–3k. It’s possible that it may end up longer as has been the case before, but I can’t make any promises. It might take me a while to finish it as I’m slow at writing and RL keeps me busy, so please keep that in mind when bidding. I’m very interested in writing canon-compliant fics or fics set in canon, especially ones that act like snapshots of the characters at a specific time in their lives or a character/relationship study. I do love AUs as well, but I’ll only write AUs for Steve/Tony for this auction. I would appreciate it if you gave me several prompts, both general and specific, to choose from as that will increase the likelihood of the story being finished faster and lessen the likelihood of me getting writer’s block. If you have any questions about what I will and won’t write, don’t hesitate to reach out to me! I’d also like it if you reached out to me before bidding if you’re thinking of forming a pod bid.
Ratings: Gen, Teen
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
-- Beta Service --
Auction ID: 2072
Will create works for the following relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson - MCU Iron Man fandom any gen - 616, AvAc, MCU Captain America fandom any gen - 616, AvAc, MCU Avengers fandom any gen - 616, AvAc, EMH, MCU Shang-Chi fandom any gen - MCU Black Panther fandom any gen - MCU Black Widow fandom any gen - MCU Ms. Marvel fandom any gen - 616, MCU Spider-Man fandom any gen - Earth-42, Spider-Verse (animated films)
Work Description: I can help with SPaG/copyediting, flow/structure, continuity, and America-picking, and I particularly love discussing characterization, world building, plot, and character development. I love character and relationship studies and contemplative pieces that dive deeply into who the characters are and how they feel, but I also like plots that tackle serious issues or big canon points, complex plots, and plots with multiple layers/levels. I'm also up for cheer reading if you're looking for that instead! Turnaround depends on fic length and my schedule. I’m relatively fast, but if something comes up, I’ll let you know immediately. If you need references from people I betaed for, let me know. Notes on relationships: I’m willing to beta some ships along with gen/platonic relationships for the fandoms listed above. Notes on characters: There are some characters whom I’m not that fond of or interested in. I’m open to betaing almost anything, provided it follows my wants/DNWs, even with characters I’m less keen about/don’t care for, but feel free to contact me if you have questions about this. Notes on universes: For 616 and Ults, I’ll only do an AU or a story that doesn’t require specific knowledge of canon events for me to beta properly. I’ve only watched a handful of AA episodes. I’m open to Noir, AvAc, 3490, EMH, AA, 1872, Bullet Points, and Earth-TRN634 (Civil Warrior) for Steve/Tony as well.
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
Can pods bid on this auction? No - I'd rather not be bid on by pods
-- Digital Work --
Auction ID: 3026
Will create works for the following relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson - MCU Iron Man fandom any gen - 616, AvAc, MCU Captain America fandom any gen - 616, AvAc, MCU Avengers fandom any gen - 616, 1872, AvAc, EMH, MCU Shang-Chi fandom any gen - MCU Black Widow fandom any gen - MCU Black Panther fandom any gen - MCU Spider-Man fandom any gen - Earth-42, Spider-Verse (animated films) Ms. Marvel fandom any gen - 616, MCU
Work Description: I’m offering a mood board for a character(s) or a fic of your choice (no NSFW shots) according to the theme or tone you want. Examples here. I’m up for all gen and most ships for the fandoms listed above with a few exceptions. If you have any questions, please contact me! You’ll get your mood board in 1–3 weeks, depending on whether I need to read a fic or not and how packed my schedule is. If the winning bid reaches $20, I’ll make two mood boards. For every $10 after that, I’ll throw in an extra mood board.
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
I'm honestly curious as to what Salem was referring to in the first volume when she said, "there will be no victory in strength" - alluding to all the times Ozpin has failed to defeat her. Interestingly, Salem never directly strongarms her followers into working for her - violence only comes in when they disobey her (Cinder) or she has her followers do it for her. Meanwhile every conflict the heroes face is solved with violence with the exception of heel-turned antagonists who are either narratively disposed of (Ilia + Raven), added to the cast-bloat of 20+ onscreen characters (Emerald + Aceops) or killed off (Hazel), thus not having to reconcile with new dynamics that aren't "everyone is best friends, all the time".
In some respects it feels like a reversal of the standard moral we would expect from a tale like RWBY. (Though, as I always want to stress, not an intentional reversal.) Meaning, most shonen-esque, fairy tale-esque, young protagonists fight some evil force-esque stories present the message that it's not their literal power that saves the day, but rather the Power of Friendship/Love/Purity/Whatever. Or, more accurately, one leads into another. By embracing the emotion that the story wants to uphold as significant, they receive their power up as a cosmic reward (like going Super Saiyan over the love of a friend), or are otherwise rewarded with the solution to their difficulty (like the Guardians of the Galaxy crew splitting the power of the infinity stone). The in-world universe looks at the hero who has Behaved In The Morally Correct Way--which often includes overtly rejecting power--and says, "Here, have a lot of power anyway as a treat. You've proven that you deserve it." Something, something the best leaders don't want to be leaders (insert Ruby's Beacon arc here) and similarly, the people to have a ton of power are those who don't inherently want to be powerful because now there's little chance that they'll misuse it. And for a hot second RWBY went in that direction with a "simple soul" who doesn't want to be the "bees knees" but does want to "help people."
Problem is--as you say--Ruby and the group just solve all of their conflicts with violence. Not in a Power of Friendship/Love way, but ordinary, prodigy, punch-them-until-they-stop-moving violence. Particularly in the later volumes. Ruby doesn't defeat Cordovin with a power-up because a teammate was injured in the fight and she now wants to protect them, they just shoot at her until a massive grimm shows up to finish the job. They don't defeat the Ace Ops with the Power of Teamwork, they all split into separate rooms and we're told they're simply more talented than these professionals, period. Blake doesn't find the strength to defend herself by thinking about Ruby, she begs Ruby to wake and do the work for her. Jaune doesn't save Penny by unlocking some upgraded semblance at a crucial moment out of a love for her, he slits her throat. The group doesn't defeat Cinder in Volume 8 at all. There's no strategy anymore, or success tied to Love--and I do use the word "anymore" deliberately. Because for a long time RWBY's saving grace (no matter its other flaws) were the Silver Eyes: a straightforward ability Powered By Love that was at the heart of our hero's development. Ruby sees Pyrrha die and it activates. She sees Blake in great danger and it activates. Even in Volume 6 when it was getting very flimsy with memories of decorating the dorm and what-not, at least it still revolved around the concept of a found family, even if it was retconning the idea of mortal peril being a trigger. It still mostly worked.
Now though, Ruby simply decides that the fight is over and disintegrates the Hound--no emotion necessary--and she doesn't react at all when her sister is murdered. We lost the one aspect of the show that still revolved around the Power of Friendship/Love.
Which finally brings us back to Salem's opening speech. "There will be no victory in strength." AKA, the standard moral. You can't defeat me by training, learning fancy techniques, or even being a prodigy. At least, you can't wield those things on their own. All the straight-forward power in the world isn't going to bring me down. Her immortality should be a metaphor for that message, wherein the cast learns the thematic lesson of upholding the Power and Love by figuring out how to circumvent the practical problem of an enemy that can't die. This setup works. It's tried and true and tested!!
But than, as said, RWBY swerved hard. Now they're saying that strength is enough. Strength is the ultimate weapon. How do you deal with a traumatized ally? You punch him and demand that he return for more violence. How do you convince an abused brother to help you? Threaten him with your sword. How do you beat the best team in Atlas, possibly the world? By just being more powerful than them, duh.
How do you defeat Salem?
By fighting her. That's the closest the group gets to offering Ironwood a "solution" to their problem: we'll stay here and fight her. How is that going to work given the whole immortality thing? They don't know. They don't care. There's absolutely no discussion about the issue, yet the protagonists continue to push the message that the best--the only--solution is to stand your ground, sharpen your weapons, and find a way to punch the problem into submission. Oh, RWBY still appears very Power of Friendship-y with all the speeches about how they have to work together, but post Volume 4-ish the writing hasn't followed up on that message.
RWBY said, "There will be no victory in strength" and then halfway through its run went, "Never mind, strength is awesome. Why would we write a story about strategy, creativity, and the importance of strong bonds when our heroes can just be More Powerful than the enemy? It's so much simpler to write a story where they're inherently as talented as the plot needs and they've all read the script, so they know they'll win in the end--that's their reasoning and justification. So much better than writing that complicated metaphor."
You know, I'm thinking now about Ironwood's final moments as he reached for his gun and then dropped his hand. Besides the fact that it reads as more sympathetically tragic to me than, I suspect, the pathetic angle RT was going for, within this framework it really reflects his whole philosophy. In a "normal" Power of Love story, there might be something to the idea that he isn't trying hard enough; that unlike our protagonists who Persevere, Ironwood demonstrates a pronounced weakness in giving up. But since the story has established quite clearly that conventional violence will not win this fight--AKA, a gun--it reads more like a tragic wisdom. In his final moments he's not giving up because he can't fight anymore (I mean, whatever else we might say about the guy, he's incredibly determined and resilient), but because he understands that the only course now available to him is useless. From the moment Oscar told him the truth, Ironwood has been working within the realities of their situation. It led him to doing horrific things in the name of finding a lesser evil, but it's narratively significant that he (and Ozpin) is one of the only characters who truly accepts the problem of Salem's immortality and doesn't bow out of the fight (like Raven). He understands that picking up a gun and shooting this being is the height of stupidity. It's a waste of time, of energy, of focus. It might be comforting to pretend that their weapons are still a viable option, but he's not going to spend his last slice of life chasing a delusion. It won't work.
Meanwhile, or protagonists are still ignoring this problem 99% of the time and the other 1% they're going, "Hmm... but what if we tried brute strength 🤔?"
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jupi-ter · 11 months
my intro post!!
i'm Jupiter!!!
i like cartoons/animated kids shows, theyre so so so silly >w<
more info under the cut :)
well like i said, i'm jupiter! i use it/its and he/him pronouns ! :)
i'm not sure what i'll post here... probably just my random thoughts and deranged rants
i'm transmasc!
i have autism if that wasnt painfully obvious
i sometimes write things, i might post those, but i mainly interact!
here's a full list of all my favorite shows as of right now!!! i am very deranged about all of them
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Steven Universe and Steven Universe: Future
Spongebob Squarepants
Adventure Time
The Amazing World Of Gumball
The Fairly OddParents
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
Invader Zim
Gravity Falls
Infinity Train
Phineas and Ferb
Sonic Boom
Ruby Gloom
Star vs. the Forces of Evil
The Owl House
The Regular Show
i also play video games!!! here are some games im into as of right now :)
Doki Doki Literature Club
Needy Streamer Overload
and of course, i have a dni list. pretty standard but i'll put it in anyway!
basic dni
anti xenogender/neopronouns
dsmp fans
thats abt it!! i wont post much but i love interacting w people anyway so feel free to dm me and be nice <3
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foxgloveprincess · 4 months
Honestly, I'll probably never rewatch Endgame because of what they did to Steve's character. It STILL makes me mad even now! Why did they have to butcher our boy like that? 😭😭
I’ve rewatched it once with family cause they wanted to understand some of my references. It hurt just as much the second time. The betrayal of his storyline just made me so angry. And I’m gonna rant.
And I’ll admit I do have a lot of bias from being a Stucky shipper. So I know a lot of people watching it might be fine and accepting of the ending with Steve going back to Peggy. But that just ain’t me.
Cause I was going into Endgame with the idea that Steve and Peggy had both made their peace. Peggy told him to live his life. In the Agent Carter series, she’d fully said goodbye to him years earlier. And Steve was living in the modern world with friendships with Sam and Natasha and he found Bucky, too.
I get the writers were in a pinch. Chris Evans wasn’t coming back. Steve Rogers needed a final ending, but there had to be something better than what we got. I mean, I was so thrown when he mentioned Peggy in the group therapy scene. Like what??? She wasn’t even blipped. No mention of Sam or Bucky or Wanda or any one of your friends who vanished into dust?????? I’m sure Steve and Peggy had a somewhat lingering feeling of connection (as lots of people do to the ‘one that got away’), but I’ve always felt like their actual screen time relationship was sorta superficial(?) while Endgame tried to make it feel so deep and epic or something. It was an alright love story in the first movie, but after that, I felt it had already played its course. And then there’s the Sharon thing, which is just weird in the context of Endgame.
Plus with the whole time travel thing and branch universes and all that, it just got confusing as to why Steve would be allowed to just do that? Not to mention the TVA from the Loki series afterward. Like if they make sure there’s no branches in the time stream, where were they? Why does Steve get to break the rules? Or does it count? Who fucking knows?!
But at the end of the day, you’re really gonna tell me that after years of searching for Bucky, fighting for Bucky, Steve’s not gonna want to spend time with him? Say a proper on screen goodbye?? That he’s just gonna live in some fantasy world while he knows about Hydra and Bucky’s torture happening under the surface of Shield. He’s just gonna let his best friend suffer and do nothing? That is not Steve Rogers. That’s not the Steve Rogers they wrote. That is not a Steve Rogers worthy of lifting mjolnir—not in my book.
A heroic death would have been better. Steve reaching out to Tony, trying to help him bear the power of the infinity stones and losing them both, fighting together, would have been better.
He deserves rest. He deserves to pass the mantle. He deserves to end the fight and really heal. He does not deserve character assassination.
And do not get me started on Rogers: the Musical.
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