#and given that she promised to translate and can't go back on a promise to a friend !!!! she says. she's saying I made friends with vampire
ehlnofay · 1 year
the biggest change I've made for efri & co.'s college questline is that they have to sneak around for all of it. in the game everyone will just send you off to do whatever but mirabelle is refusing point blank to let this ten year old (+11 year old + normal apprentices) go gallivanting off on a death mission because Obviously. so the difference is that efri has marginally more difficulty getting the necessary information to go anyway and then routinely shows up again going hi!! we did the thing!!! you can't be mad at me because we only ALMOST died and we were successful. and you can't kick me out because you're attached to me now :D (kazari stop trying to get me to tell them about the really extra stupid shit I did. I'm not dobbing on myself)
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sv5hive · 7 months
c'est toujours toi | cl16
pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader
content warning(s): mixture of my bad french and google translate bcos in 5 years of learning that language i didn't pick up anything useful (if anyone wants to suggest any improvements please do!!)
word count: 951
note: i had to rewrite this 3 times bcos i didn't like it and it's past midnight again. help.
darkness encapsulated the room before a video flickered onto the screen and the guests fell silent. a sense of familiarity filled you as you realised just what you were about to watch.
"maman, arrête! c'est bon!" (mum, stop! it's fine!)
the boy pushed his mothers hands away trying to adjust his clothes.
"d'accord! mais c'est ton mariage." (ok! but it's your wedding.)
as much as the woman wanted to take her son seriously, she couldn't help but laugh at the situation.
they were enjoying a picnic in the park as a family when their three sons decided to go wander off and give their parents some relief. it hadn't even been fifteen minutes when their middle child had come tumbling back towards them saying that he was going to get married.
they had almost laughed but the boy was showing no hint of amusement on his face. it was then that their two other children returned with a little girl wearing a pink dress in the middle of them. once they reached them, the boy introduced her.
"c'est ma petite amie!" (this is my girlfriend!) he proudly showed her off to his parents as if to prove a point that he wasn't just telling tales this time.
his parents simply stared at the pair in disbelief and shock.
a tiny, almost inaudible, "bonjour" came from the girl as she fiddled with the hem of her dress. they could barely hear her over the birds chirping.
"charles! tu ne peux pas faire ça. où sont ses parents?" (charles! you can't do that. where are her parents?) his mother wasted no time in scolding the three boys for taking the girl away from her family.
before anyone else could reply, the girl came to their defence.
"mes parents sont à la maison. désolé de vous inquiéter, madame leclerc, mais on peut se marier maintenant?" (my parents are at home. sorry to worry you, mrs. leclerc, but can we get married now?)
"tu es sûre que, chérie? charles est un garçon très désordonné!" (are you sure, darling? charles is a very messy boy!)
"papa!" the boy blushed at his father embarrassing him for fun.
"je vais lui apprendre à ranger, ne vous inquiètez pas!" (i'll teach him how to clean up, don't worry!)
the two adults went along with the plans to make them happy and began preparing for an impromptu wedding as best they could. his father would walk her down the aisle, his younger brother would be his best man while his older brother would be the officiant, and his mother would record the special occasion on their camera.
an imitation of 'here comes the bride' was attempted and although it was pretty much unrecognisable, you could take a well educated guess given the circumstances. the boy's father leaned down to hold the girl's hand as he walked her down the makeshift aisle with daisies and buttercups sprinkled over the grass. she whispered a quiet "merci" and soon enough the bride and groom were face to face with each other.
the older boy quickly stepped into his improvised role of the officiant with what little knowledge he had and introduced the few guests to the ceremony. after all the formalities, it was finally time for vows.
"je promets de toujours t'aimer comme ma maman et mon papa. je jouerai avec toi tous les jours et te donnerai tous mes jouets." (i promise to always love you like my mum and dad. i will play with you every day and give you all my toys.)
the boy reached out to hold the girl's hands and bumbled through his vows which only included everything that was important to him, of course.
the girl blushed and went ahead with her vows which were just as innocent and clumsy as his were.
"je promets de t'aider à nettoyer tes bêtises et de vous soutenir lorsque vous deviendrez pilote de course!" (i promise to help you clean your messes and support you when you become a racing driver)
despite only having met an hour beforehand, the two had clearly bonded and learnt much about each other.
"vous pouvez maintenant embrasser la mariée!" (you may now kiss the bride!)
cheers erupted as the boy took a brave step forward and pecked the girl's cheek to her pleasant surprise.
whistles and claps echoed through the room from your family and friends as the screen faded to black and the lights were switched back on. the reception was just starting and the guests had left their tables to eat, dance and mingle. the bittersweet nostalgia had brought tears to your eyes and you had to blink them back to be able to see clearly. you couldn't believe you had forgotten the day you two met.
you were brought back down to earth when you felt a hand squeeze yours.
"tu va bien, ma chérie?" (are you okay, darling?)
you turned to the man beside you and squeezed his hand back before replying.
"ouais, mon amour. je ne pourrais aller mieux. regarde comme on était petit!" (yes, my love. i couldn't be better. look how little we were!)
charles laughed and kissed your temple. sometimes he found it hard to believe how lucky he was to find you that day. he found it even harder to believe that you two were finally married now. after years of friendship and not so secretly pining for each other, he had finally been bold enough to make a move.
"dès que je t'ai vu, j'ai su que j'allais t'épouser. c'est toujours toi, mon trésor." (as soon as i saw you, i knew i was going to marry you. it's always you, my treasure.)
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httpsdana · 15 days
Hiiii!!! can you write a jamal story with promt 107 where they're having an argument (he's at fault 🤭) with like HEAVY angst where jamal is lowkey being a meanie and not trying to understand readers side but ends in the cutest fluff tho (cuz can't accept sad endings 😭)
Also thank you in advance!!!!! 😽🩷🤍
Lost In Translation~Jamal Musiala
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THANK YOU SM FOR UR SWEET MESSAGE. i hope u enjoy this one 😙🫶🏻
request from here
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players/drivers I write for
107-"please stop. you're scaring me."
She felt it from the start of the season. Jamal had said he was going to give his best this season and push himself to his limits. He promised to avoid any distractions and focus solely on football, fully committing himself. What she didn’t expect was for him to avoid her too. It made her feel like she was the distraction, rather than the support he needed.
y/n woke up every morning without Jamal by her side. Every day, she rushed to the kitchen, hoping to see him and wish him a good day.
All she wanted was to hear those three words she felt like she hadn’t heard in forever. But every morning, she was disappointed to find that he had already left without even a "good morning."
When she returned from work, Jamal still wouldn’t be home. She knew his training sessions were intense, but she also knew he couldn’t possibly be training from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
She made him dinner every night, hoping they could share a moment together when he came home exhausted from practice. Instead, he’d arrive late at night, claiming he had been at the gym after training.
He no longer wrapped his arms around her at night. He hadn’t touched or kissed her in over two months. It felt like she was invisible to him, and she couldn’t take it anymore. She had to tell him how she felt, or she would have no choice but to let him go.
y/n sat in their living room, waiting for Jamal to come home. It was 10 p.m. After what felt like 100 episodes of her show, she finally heard his keys and the door opening. She remained seated on the couch, waiting for him. He walked into the living room, seeing her sitting there, watching TV.
“Hey,” he mumbled, dropping his bag on the couch and sitting down, keeping his distance from her.
She wanted to ask him about his day. She wanted to ask how he was feeling about the start of the season, especially given his incredible performance. But she didn’t. She just wanted to know what was going on and why he was avoiding her.
“We need to talk,” she said, looking at him intently, her voice blank and direct.
Jamal sighed, running his hands over his face, exhaustion clear in his features. “y/n, I’m tired. I just want to shower and go to sleep,” he said, already standing up to leave the room.
That’s what he always did, avoiding any conversation with her.
“No, Jamal. You’re not running away this time. We need to have a serious conversation, and you need to listen to me for once,” she said, standing up too, her voice tense with all the frustration she had been holding inside for so long.
He turned around, surprised by her outburst but clearly annoyed that he was going to have to talk. “What is it now?” he said, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, her voice weak and hurt.
“What do you mean, what’s wrong? You’re the one who said we need to talk, and now you’re asking me what’s wrong?” he snapped, his voice getting louder with each word.
“What’s wrong with us? What happened? Did I do something to upset you? Why are you avoiding me and acting like I don’t even exist in this house?” she said, her voice trembling as she fought back tears.
“Oh my god. You’re always so needy, constantly craving attention. I can’t have you clinging onto me all day, y/n. I come home every night exhausted, and all I want is to sleep. But you’re there, nagging me because you can’t survive without attention. What am I supposed to do?” he shouted bitterly, stepping closer to her.
“I’m not asking for anything crazy! Just acknowledge me. Say good morning, make me coffee before you leave, tell me you love me at least!” she yelled back, her hands dropping to her sides in defeat.
Jamal was fuming, his face red with anger. She had never seen him like this before, and it scared her. He paced around the room, his steps heavy, before kicking a vase, shattering it to pieces. y/n flinched at the sound, stepping back slightly as Jamal moved closer.
“Please stop. You’re scaring me” she whispered as he stood in front of her, his face inches from hers. It was the closest he had been to her in weeks. She could feel the heat radiating from him, but his cold expression sent chills down her spine.
Jamal didn’t seem to hear her or care. Instead, he continued hurling hurtful words.
“I come home to rest. I don’t need anyone ruining my mood before I leave for training. I don’t need anyone distracting me from having my best season. So stop with the attention-seeking and deal with it. It’s not like I’m treating you as if you’re dead,” he spat, his words cutting deep into Y/N’s heart like knives.
She fought back the tears that threatened to fall, refusing to let him see her break.
“But you are, Jamal! You don’t look at me anymore. You don’t remember anything. You’ve forgotten our date nights, and we haven’t had a Sunday date in weeks. Sunday is your rest day, but instead of spending it with me, you choose to hang out with your friends, friends you see every day at training. Why can’t you acknowledge your girlfriend, who’s doing her best to stay calm and deal with the consequences of dating a footballer?” she cried, finally letting out all the words she had been holding inside for months.
“For fuck’s sake. You just don’t get it, do you? I’m going to shower and then go to sleep. I better not hear about this childish problem you’ve made up in your head again,” he said coldly, leaving the room and heading to their bedroom.
y/n collapsed on the couch, the tears she had been holding back finally breaking free. She pulled her knees to her chest and sobbed into them, her heart aching.
She didn’t understand how Jamal had changed so much, why he had become like this. They had been dating for years, and every year he wanted to have a great season, but this was the first time he had acted this way. She felt their relationship slipping through her fingers, and she didn’t have the strength to fight anymore.
After crying for a while, exhaustion overtook her, and she wanted to sleep. But she couldn’t bring herself to sleep next to Jamal after the hurtful things he had said. She began walking to the guest room when she heard his voice behind her.
“Where are you going?” he asked, making her turn to look at him. He stood there shirtless, fresh from the shower, his hair still wet and dressed in the shorts he always wore to bed.
“To sleep in the guest room,” she replied, turning away.
“Fine, be like that,” he scoffed, and she heard the bedroom door slam behind her.
She sighed and entered the cold, empty guest room, with only a bed in the middle. Lying down, she felt as though she were on a rock.
She closed her eyes, hoping for some rest, but after tossing and turning for hours, she gave up. She sat up, running a hand over her face, wondering if Jamal was struggling to sleep too.
A part of her hoped he was awake, thinking about her, just as she was about him. But she knew he was probably fast asleep, after using "needing sleep" as an excuse to avoid their argument.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door creaking open. She looked up and saw Jamal peeking his head in to see if she was asleep. When he saw her sitting up, he entered the room slowly, standing awkwardly by the door.
“Can I... sleep next to you?” he asked nervously, avoiding her gaze and looking at the floor. When she didn’t reply, he looked up, seeing the hesitation in her eyes.
“I won’t touch you or anything. I’ll stay as far as I can,” he pleaded, his eyes begging for some rest.
y/n thought about it. She couldn’t sleep without him next to her either. “Please,” he said softly, and she finally gave in, nodding her head and moving to the far side of the bed, turning her back to him.
She felt the bed dip as Jamal lay down next to her. Even with the distance, she could feel the warmth of his body close to hers. y/n closed her eyes, hoping to finally get some sleep. As she drifted off, she felt his arm drape over her body, a small smile forming on her lips as she welcomed his warmth. She knew they would need to talk about their fight in the morning, but for now, they could rest.
Next morning, y/n had woken up by the sun that was shining in the guest room. She turned around, hoping Jamal was still next to her, but as usual, he had already left the room.
She let out a sigh, knowing he probably left to training too. She hoped he would stay and explain his hurtful words, but it seemed as if nothing happen to him last night. y/n entered the bathroom, washing her face and brushing her teeth, before going to the kitchen.
She was surprised when she saw Jamal there, his shirtless back to her as he was making breakfast. When he noticed her, he smiled at her, making her more confused. "good morning darling. I made you coffee" he pointed to the cup of coffee that was next to the coffee machine.
Jamal moves quietly around the kitchen, the sound of eggs sizzling and toast popping up from the toaster filling the silence. y/n sat on the counter, the cup of coffee next to her, arms folded, watching him, her heart heavy with the weight of the argument that’s still fresh in her mind.
He seems to be gathering his thoughts, carefully plating the breakfast before he turns to her, his expression soft but full of regret.
“I’m really sorry,” he starts, his voice low, almost hesitant.
“I’ve been thinking about everything, and I know I shouldn’t be trying to explain why I acted the way I did, because none of it excuses what I said or how I treated you. It was wrong, and I wasn’t supposed to do any of that.” He takes a deep breath, looking down at the floor before meeting your eyes again.
“But with the new coach and the new season, there’s been so much pressure. The coach has been really strict about us not getting distracted, and I... I let that get into my head.” he said, his voice weak and unstable.
y/n doesn’t respond right away, waiting for him to continue, her gaze steady as she takes in his words.
"I thought that maybe you were a distraction," he says, shaking his head at himself.
"But that was so wrong of me. All you’ve ever done is support me. You’ve been there through everything, my ups and downs, every game, every challenge, and instead of seeing that, I pushed you away. I don’t even know why I said the things I did... I just... I took my stress out on you, and I’m so sorry for that. I know it hurt you, and I regret it more than I can say.” he stuttered, seeming nervous
Her chest tightens, emotions swirling inside her as she thinks back to how hurt she felt. But she remains silent, waiting for him to finish.
“I shouldn’t have acted like football was more important than you," he continues, stepping closer.
"Because it’s not. You’re so important to me. Honestly, most of my success, it’s because of you. You keep me grounded, and your support means everything. It’s not just my talent that’s gotten me where I am, it’s you. And I was stupid for not seeing that." he said confidently, stepping closer to her
He looks at her, his eyes full of sincerity, waiting for some kind of response. She hesitates, his words slowly sinking in.
"You really hurt me, Jamal," she says softly. "It wasn’t just about football. It was about how you made me feel like I wasn’t enough, like I was in the way." she said, her voice filled with pain.
He nods, a look of guilt flashing across his face.
"I know, and I’m going to spend every day trying to make up for it. I want to fix this. I don’t want you to ever feel that way again." he said honestly
There’s a pause before he speaks again, his voice even softer.
"I took the day off today. I thought maybe we could go for a walk, spend some time together, and get some ice cream, if you want? I just... I want to make it up to you." he hesitated, waiting for her to speak
She tries to hide the small smile tugging at her lips.
"You got me with the ice cream. I can’t say no to free ice cream." she jokes
He chuckles, though there’s still a seriousness in his gaze.
"I really am sorry. I swear to you, nothing like that will ever happen again. Football’s important, but so are you. More than that, you’re more important." he said, grabbing her hands in his
"i believe you Jamal. I hope you don't break your promise this time" she said, giving him a small smile.
He smiled back, squeezing her hands in his.
"you won't regret it i promise" he said
After breakfast, they walk side by side, hand in hand, talking and catching up on everything that’s happened since the argument.
Slowly, the tension between them begins to ease. As they sit on a park bench, ice creams in hand, y/n leans her head on his shoulder, the warmth of the moment filling the space between them.
"I missed this," she says softly, closing her eyes as she let the comfort of his presence wash over her.
"I missed it too," he murmurs, placing a gentle kiss on her head before resting his against hers.
Everything was fine now.
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queenendless · 4 months
A/n: I legit don't know how to title this piece. Inspired by @xo-romiiarts and their artwork.
Also Guns for Hire by Woodkid fits this piece so listen to it while reading this or any song that gives dark!GoGe vibes.
CW ⚠️ : 4.7k worded piece with DARK MATURE themes/depictions of murder/genocide, teen dropouts/runaways, angst, hurt/comfort, romance/fluff, already established poly!teen!GoGe x fem!teen!curse seer!reader, set in an AU where the guys did go through with it ... you have been warned. ⚠️
Cause #261 and fanarts of Gojo saying yes to Geto have given me the push to finally get this out. I have been working on this since September of LAST YEAR SO I hope yall enjoy this.
And I'm working on a pt 2 to this set a few months to a year later of the aftermath. Cause Lord, Clan Head Gojo x Cult Leader Geto x Reader but they're dark now kinda I wanna explore in my own way. With them kids. Their kids. And scene.
*DO NOT REPOST, TRANSLATE, COPY, EDIT, PLAGARIZE, AND OR STEAL MY FANFIC WORK. Rather if you enjoy my fan work, then reblog, like, comment, n follow pls n thnx u.
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"You're late, Suguru."
Indeed he was.
"No … I guess you got here fast. There are several Star Religious Group facilities in the city, after all."
Something felt seriously off the moment the snowy-haired sorcerer raised his head.
"Satoru? Is that you?"
The look in his eyes … practically radiating their potent rebirth … a stark contrast to the fading scuffs of blood running down the left half of his face, down both sides of his mouth, weariness evident.
"What happened?"
This was not his Satoru. This one … had seen hell first hand. In a twisted way, they both have today. Literally at death's door.
"I see you already saw Shoko."
"Yeah, she healed me. I'm fine now."
And yet, a long sleeved uniform arm slipped out from under the sheet, swaying a bit til staying still as a lifeless corpse would be.
"No … me being safe doesn't help anything here."
Not when he failed to keep their promise to Riko-chan. She was ready to walk away from the merger with him. Choosing to live for herself rather than follow her pre-chosen fate. Yet, fate had other plans. A cruel one, at that.
"I screwed up. You're not at fault." Gojo sounded so blunt, so calm … willing to accept all the blame for their greatest failure yet.
"Let's head back."
An eerie ringing began penetrating Geto's hearing as the clapping kept going. He chalked that up as an explanation as to why he thought he misheard Gojo's next words.
"Suguru, should we kill these guys? The way I feel right now, I doubt I'd feel anything about it."
As the form of Gojo carrying Amanai's draped body was being overshadowed by the pure white radiance of the smiling clapping cultists, Geto's morality dilemma prodded his mind, unable to meet Gojo's gaze.
"No. There's no point. It looks like there are only common believers here. The masterminds who know about our world have probably fled already. And unlike with the bounty, they won't be able to talk their way out of this. The organization had problems to begin with. It'll be dissolved soon enough."
Geto, standing in the pure white room of morality, starkly contrasted Gojo as he brushed past him and stood in the crimson room of immorality.
"No point, huh? Does there really need to be any point to it?"
Does there need to be a rhyme or reason for them to act on this? Ideally yes. They may be above the laws in most cases, but even sorcerers can't enact vengeance on regular humans. Unless they were curse users or even like the Sorcerer Killer, they couldn't lay a hand on them.
Right now?
The clapping grew louder, mocking him. Antagonizing him.
Gleefully celebrating her death and their own damaged, traumatizing failure.
Geto's left hand curled into a fist.
His morals were conflicting with his personal feelings; his fist shaking in restrained emotion.
His almond eyes, weariness tainting his eyebags, finally looked up.
Out at the clapping, smiling crowd.
"It's very important that there is. Especially for a jujutsu sorcerer."
Even the cruelest scum of the Earth get away scot free, never facing retribution. Darkness grew underneath him, outstretched to reach their seemingly untouchable light, as his fractured moral code made way for his true inner self to finally show its true colors.
"But not us …"
Gojo stiffened. Slightly looking back over his shoulder, peering inside the open doorway, his radiating Six Eyes turned on at the darkened gaze of Geto's eyes slightly looking back in return.
"Not today."
Rage and distraught guides him.
He would right this wrong.
To the bloody damn end.
Now triggered by those firm, final words, Gojo's heightened state strengthened as he set Amanai's body down gently on the hallway floor, the anger he didn't feel on her behalf in his rematch against the fallen Zen'in man was finally making its appearance, intertwining with an unhinged drive for chaos in his blood as a twisted gleam overtook his lips.
Survival of the weakest. Discouragement of the strong. That's how society should be; one where jujutsu sorcerers protect non-sorcerers. That's what he always strived to uphold despite his inner demons. But now… they as sorcerers still failed in the end.
Riko-chan, Kuroi-san, the weak but good ones, now dead by the orchestration of these unforgivable heinous —
"Monkeys." Having seen that monkey assassin's standing corpse himself on his way inside; decimated and dripping with bloodied spilled guts, made Geto wish he could deal the killing blow himself back in Tengen's domain.
This would have to do, feeling ready to puke when he uttered the same word as that scarred mouthed bastard, wincing as the shadowed hole he summoned released his newest curse.
The same cursed worm draped over his shoulder, opening its mouth to pop out the handle of a cursed tool, one Geto pulled out as swiftly as Gojo began ascending to heights unbound, slicing the cursed energized blade through the air as tears sprung from his unforgiving dark eyes.
Those monkeys' glee changed to confusion then bursting out in waves of panic as the blade grew in length the more Geto spread his cursed energy into it.
Several heads got sliced sideways, splattering blood over some's prime white apparel, kicking off the shrill hysterics.
In an instant, Gojo blips out of sight only to plow through a row of them scurrying ants in his way like the cursed speedster he had become.
Blown off head chunks.
Fists jutted right through their torsos right and outta their spines.
Setting off carnage filled piñatas left and right.
Trained on every weakling in his sight, Gojo's uniform grew darker as more blood seeped further in with each blow.
Reappearing as he grabbed a randomly chosen neck, snapping it in two with ease, before blocking a panicking one that tried socking him from behind, glowing eyes narrowed in as he clenched their fist before ripping their arm right off with swift ease. Their tortured screech is heard one moment, the sound of bones crunching in Gojo's other hand the next.
Through hatred fueled adrenaline, Geto cleaved in them guts to match the mutilated limbs that rolled across the crimson spreaded floor.
Those attempting to flee were squandered as the force field of Limitless smooshed them, splattering the now cracked dented walls; minced red.
Many more sunken noggins soared in the air, sprinkling red from on high.
Screams and splatters became the symphony of Pandemonium.
Flinging the chain around the neck of one, Geto swung them like a chain and ball, crushing many others against the walls.
Those petrified hideous faces get their brains ruptured out; globby chunks vomiting out by mere cursed thought.
Many rammed right into the glass window ceiling, sending cracks racing in its wake, the pure white sunlight becoming a neon red.
Shards of glass rained down, deflected by Limitless as the pair found themselves back to back, watching with callousness as many were skewered like porcupines.
Limbless lumps of lifeless flesh plastered every inch of the once pristine interior from every wall, crevice, and even the ceiling had scarlet drenching it.
Their haggard breaths and sweaty burning faces aside, their dark craving for retribution still lingered in them both.
It wouldn't be enough.
Not until every last member was eviscerated.
Dismissing the worm, Geto scanned the room, trembling at the grotesque aftermath.
His cerise painted hands hung limply at his sides.
Amiss the madness, their residuals were there.
Fortunately they knew to an extent how to hide them. However long those held out, they couldn't waste a moment. Any longer than that spent here meant capture followed by immediate execution.
Feeling himself moving by a firm grasp tugging on his hand, his light headed state transitioned to a frigged one over what they had just committed. The solid squeeze of Gojo's sizzling hand helped pull him further out of his own unsteady mindset.
"Satoru …" He internally felt revolted at having those monkeys wretched blood covering his skin.
Through the path of red, his closest friend – his ally in genocide – turned to him with cherry-red streaking his unbuttoned jacket and the collared white undershirt, for his glowing – exhausted – eyes were scarred with the brutal truth. Reaching his stained, steadfast hands out for that stained lost face, Gojo rested his forehead against Geto’s, staring into those stricken eyes of one of his most greatest treasures.
"Come with me. Let's get away.”
Blood trickled down from the ceiling, spilling along their hair, staining their faces, but both couldn't care less as they sealed it with a kiss. Lost in the bloody euphoria, relishing in one another's warmth.
The new taste of searing iron overtook the repelling flavor of cursed spirits, overwhelming the pair as Geto clawed at Gojo's back and the latter's hands massaged the former's supple cheeks, bringing muffled moans outta them both.
It feels right … anywhere … as long as it's with each other. It's just right.
Wherever they end up, whatever it may be, may it be nowhere near here whenever whichever sorcerers would be sent to investigate this now scene of massacre.
Once partners in sorcery.
Now partners in crime.
What a send off for them, the newly dropouts.
The clapping halted.
The ringing faded.
Their hearts felt lighter.
But something still felt off.
Someone was missing.
"Y/n." Geto's eyes opened to stare into Gojo's as they parted lips. "We can't leave her behind … we can't …"
Knowing their cursed seer partner probably foresaw the bloody chain of events that had recently just transpired in the last few hours. But knowing how abrupt they can be, maintaining and willing them into your mind’s eye was still a burdening struggle, ergo you being left behind at school for tiring training.
The heavy fog of bloodlust and tension between them lifted for now Geto's eyes lightened at sensing that familiar presence. He knew Gojo sensed it as well, for his glowing eyes followed his lead, taking Riko back in his arms, the duo raced to the surface outside.
You had ran outta the car that dropped you off down the street. You gulped to stifle back the bile at the gory sight of the fallen Zen’in still standing; the bloody puddle reaching for you now.
Your gaze averted once you spotted them coming out, hurrying over, your stomach churning at how scrapped up and red they appeared, but your empathy outweighed the disgust as Geto caught you in his heavy weighted grasp.
The fear in Geto's eyes mingled with confusion and concern. "Y/n … I … we –!”
Gojo’s eyes slanted as you kept your face hidden. "Did you get a vision?”
Your shaky nod against Geto’s chest paired with your ashamed tone. “I was too late … I,” An anxious pause of silence stretched between you three. “Shoko told me where you were headed after healing you … then came another one … of course you two would get Riko’s body back …”
They waited for the heart shattering blow. The final nail in the coffin. You shunning them away, cutting ties immediately. Rejecting them for their heinous act. Fleeing away in horror to Jujutsu High, reporting their sorry asses and ousting them as traitors. All the above — !
“The system would have let these zealots slip through the cracks. They … their assassin … they all deserve to rot in hell for what they've done … all because of Tengen … Kuroi and Amanai have been avenged.” Your callous tone kinda threw them off a tad bit.
Geto gulped. “You … You're okay with it?”
Your head finally rose up, the glossy layer to those e/c eyes sparkled from the sliver of sunset. "I know I can't make up for letting you all down … and no amount of apologies can redeem my blunder … but I can do this at least. I'll bring her back to the school, back to Kuroi-san. They deserve to be laid to rest together.”
You reluctantly pull away from Geto’s warmth; uncaring about the red stains smearing your clothes now, to take the wrapped up body as Gojo gently passes her into your arms, melancholy heavy on your face but the strength of resolve aiding you in carrying her. “My place is with you two. Always. Now more than ever.”
Geto’s eyes pricked with burning warmth; your willingness to stay despite everything, as he kissed your temple. “We should be apologizing to you.”
“There's still more of those facilities in the city left standing. We're not finished just yet.” Gojo's voice spoke doom for their upcoming targets, a stark contrast to his own kiss to your forehead being so sweet.
“They all need to go. Every single one of them.” Geto clenched his veiny hands, determined to see this through to the end. “We will return for you. If you wouldn't mind packing our things for us by the time we show up …”
You nodded, sadly smiling. "Don't keep me waiting too long.”
Their brisk nods to you paired with smooches to your cheeks were all you were given before you watched them holding hands then warping away.
The driver stayed silent as they drove your contemplative self, keeping her cold self close to your warmth, back to school for the last time.
The sun had set.
Crimson painted the sky.
A young girl's life ended by a gunshot to the head.
Two young teens, forced to face the cruel reality of their lives through near death.
The Star Religious Group Headquarters.
House of the Children of the Star.
Their monotheistic religion spent worshiping their absolute God; Tengen.
Crossing the wrong sorcerers, nearly costing them their lives in the process at the hands of their hired assassin; the Zen'in clan failure.
Their facilities left as ruins scattered in ruble, collapsed craters layering the grounds, red painting the toppled stone and marble.
The trauma of near death, failing to keep their promises to protect their friends' lives, and losing to a physically gifted human … their pride as the strongest duo now tarnished.
Selfish desires made to fruition.
With Riko-chan now gone, the assimilation was now void.
Tengen-sama had evolved.
The barrier hiding the school's location was weakened and easily spotted by the Six Eyes.
You solo carried Riko to the morgue, spotting your senpai and fellow kouhai watching you from the distance, ignoring your driver hurriedly running to inform Yaga-sensei of the turn of events, but only making eye contact with Shoko as she was standing out front by the entrance, already expecting you, prepared for the worst.
You two stayed silent, understanding exactly just from seeing the acceptance in your gaze.
Seeing the covered bodies laying side by side on the tables, you prayed over the mother daughter pair, believing the guys would stop by to do the same, hopefully.
As you just finished zipping up one of three duffle bags meant for each of you in your room, you felt the ripples through the Force that is cursed energy.
The fuse was lit. The air pricked with sparks as those two set off a chain reaction.
You could visualize the facilities up in flames.
“You really are idiots.” Shoko leaned against the open doorway, smoke in her disapproving frown. “To think they'd go this far … and you're bailing with them.”
“My whole world ended when I lost my mom. My dad was a broke ass deadbeat. Then I was discovered, brought here and met you all. You became the family I needed … so I thought that was enough. But those two … they're my everything. We ride or die together. You can join us or stay here. That goes for you two as well, ya know.”
You felt Haibara and Nanami hiding behind the wall before joining Shoko in the sliding doorway. By the looks on their faces, the news spread like wildfire.
“If I go with you guys, then the higher ups will force my sister to take my place.” Haibara frowned at the guilty truth.
“Rules and regulations keep us in line, as much as they suck.” Nanami sulked.
“Those old cods view us all as disposable tools. We're not heroes. We have our own ideals, desires, lives even. And if it means I may die down the line because I choose to walk away, then I'd rather die with freedom than serve them as their obedient lapdog.” You spoke devotedly.
“I don't get it.” The blunt tone and her aversion to eye contact made you realize how left out Shoko still felt that her two crazy guy friends were willing to leave them – leave her – behind.
“It'd be nice to have you by our side Ieiri … but I know you still have Utahime to consider.” You grinned at seeing the tiny pink tinted rise to her cheeks.
“You're our classmates! To have you and our senpai be branded as curse users, I don't want to have to fight you guys!” Haibara's angry tears made your heart waver. Your own eyes burned with cursed energy.
The static film reel of seeing your guys getting savagely brutalized, Riko and Kuroi's murders, even further down the line … glimpsing Haibara scarred and pale and so damn still —
“You're still our friends. Always.”
Even with glistening chibi eyes and stubbornly pursed lips, Haibara realized you had made up your mind, reaching Nanami's hand to squeeze and be his anchor.
“It's not a crime to be a kid, but the accumulation of life's little despairs make you become an adult. Remember that.” Nanami understood that much, knowing the guys are capable of setting the world on fire when pushed too far. Like so.
Blinking back tears yourself, you nodded. “If you ever need us or change your mind, you know how to reach us.”
Throwing the duffle bags outta the window before jumping out yourself took them all by surprise. Jutting their heads out, they were relieved yet anxious spotting Geto's manta ray cursed spirit flying away, the bags and you safe across his lap and wrapped up in his arms.
His crestfallen gaze back at them was the last sight of him they received when they also spotted Gojo floating on high, gazing at them with melancholy, the living example of Nanami's parting words to you.
Knowing deep in your intuition they snuck into the morgue to pay their final respects to Riko and Kuroi before retrieving you, you kept quiet about it, trusting them wholly to catch you as well.
On that day, everything changed.
On that night, there was no turning back.
But to both yours and Geto's surprise, the boldness of Gojo as he landed right by you both on the manta ray and grasped Geto's shoulder, his suggestion for a hideaway took your breaths away.
The empty private home – one of quite many – belonging to his family's clan; this one gifted solely to him. Even as fugitives, making such a bold choice to hide there, Gojo sure is a wild child.
Wading in the waters of the giant tub to wash away the blood, flushing the pink tinted liquid down the drain, then filling up the tub once more made way for some scented oil that helped elevate the tranquil vibes.
“You're certain?” Geto scrubbed his shoulder length sudsy hair, brushing his wet locks.
“The clan has too many spots all over Japan. We crash here tonight, take what we can to sell for cash in case the geezers fry our bank accounts, then high tail someplace new. Like say, I don't know, overseas?” Gojo's lax assurance transformed him into a chibi in Geto's point of view; resting his head and arms back against the tub's rim.
Almond eyes darkened, catching the scar stretching from Gojo's lithe neck, across that toned chest, and stopping by his hip poking out of the bubbly water.
Exhaustion smeared with piqued intrigue and guilt in those blue eyes spotting the X shaped scar on Geto's sculpted chest.
Red tints colored their faces as pleased sighs left their lips at the warm water loosening up their stiff muscles, fingers weaving through each other's slick hair, bringing their faces closer, brown meeting blue as they stared longingly at each other.
The unique connection ergo magnetic attraction was evident. From clashing freshmen to still bickering but budding sophomores. And now, as fresh genocidal dropouts, they both looked like they aged a lot.
The contrasts, the similarities, their yin yang dynamic.
That and the fuzzy warmth was getting to them.
“I'm really glad you're alive.” Geto nuzzled his nose against Gojo's.
“RCT for the win.” That albino pecked the corner mouth of his raven.
Their tired giggles relieved the tension.
Brushing their bare dripping shoulders together, lips connected, initiating timid soft touches. Drool connected their heated tongues, their heated breath fanning one another's face, oh so close, wanting more.
Your hums of content grabbed their attention as you waded over to them, watching your round cheeks blowing soapy bubbles into their faces.
Running your hands down their scars made your lips tremble at the agony they went through. Entrapped in their arms, you hummed as their lithe hands caressed your supple smooth skin for they were touched by your gingerly layered kisses along their tender marked flesh.
Toru's yawning broke out, worrying you and Sugu who suggested you all start drying up. Toru was the most exhausted being actively awake using Six Eyes for 3 days straight.
But you all were, mentally and emotionally.
The electric dryer rumbled as your wet uniforms swirled within. The AC hummed in the backdrop.
Duffle bags left open as you three laid in the enormous bed, you three snuggled in close on the center.
Setting up a small simple altar in honor of Riko and Kuroi in the room gave you all some peace of mind, especially when burning some smoky incense to cleanse the place. To pray and hope that their souls were in a better place than the hell they're stuck on called Earth.
“I detest humanity. Swallowing cursed spirits made from the worst parts of their very existence for so long confirms that. Killing those cultists put my mind at ease … as horrible as that must be to you.” Suguru's weary gaze shifted to meet Satoru's now unsettlingly calm ones as they laid atop the bed beside each other, clad in just boxers, with you splayed across Satoru wearing just a large tee you all shared just cause.
“You've been feeling this way for a long time, then.” Suguru flushed as Satoru weaved his hand through those silky obsidian strands, free from the metaphorical shackles of his usual restrained bun. “I'm sorry I didn't realize it.”
Suguru's cheek nuzzled his wrist, breathing in Satoru’s cozy scent. “I never wanted you to. Or anyone for that matter. These are my own feelings to grapple with.”
Satoru's messy cat hair shook, tickling Suguru's face, closing his stinging eyes to let them rest for the moment as their foreheads touched. “Well, now, we'll carry that burden together.”
“We're branded as curse users now … we're on our own from here … and you're fine with that?” Sugu was skeptical for the most part.
“I never held hatred for anybody before … not even over Amanai's death … but I always knew my life would be spent as a living weapon for jujutsu society … a monster. And now that I've crossed the line … there's no coming back from that … but I'd do it all again …if it mended the pain you felt inside. I just … I don't want you suffering in silence anymore. I never want to leave you behind.” That soothing voice of his cracked.
Suguru was breathless seeing red in those reopened agonized eyes.
“Still … I took advantage of your heightened state and let my emotions cloud my judgment. I'm supposed to be the moral compass … yet I'm no better than those monkeys … and you nearly died because of them … I'm sorry Satoru … I'm so sorry.” Water hit Toru’s skin as the choked up weeping of his best friend smothered his shoulder.
“Hey, hey. I'm here, aren't I?” Keeping an arm wrapped around his partner, Satoru smooched the crown of Suguru's precious noggin, being tickled by those loose bangs in the face, shushing him and kissing that pierced ear of his. “And even you need to cut yourself some slack and lean on others too, ya know. And realize … you can't get rid of me that easily. You're stuck with this monster for a long time, Suguru~”
That possessive, enamored voice compelled Suguru to peak out and witness those lovesick eyes; the polar opposite to the tunnel vision of the reawakened Satoru Gojo that approached him with Riko-chan in his arms, struck right at his core.
The soft warm lamp on the side table paired with the sliver of moonlight between the curtains transformed their eyes into mini galaxies. Their own universe even to dwell in and share together.
“Hmm.” He brushed back Satoru's locks to spot the scar on his forehead and kiss that booboo. “You've never been a monster to me. Just a goofy idiot.”
Elated chuckles hit his giant lobed ears as his resident goofball pecked his blushing nose. “Your goofy idiot, smart ass.”
Flinching at that familiar voice, the guys directed their flushed gazes to you; your cheek mushed against Toru's pillow chest, fawning over them with your e/c eyes, round with sparkles and hearts set a glow in ‘em.
“I agree with all the above. Don't mind me. Just get it on with the yaoi goodness.”
“How subtle.” Suguru's eyes crinkled with mirth.
“She's got good taste, though.” Satoru's feline grin followed, rolling you both over to smush you in between them, pecking your forehead. “Period.”
You frowned. “All the apologies in the world can't make up for me letting you two down today.”
“Nonsense.” Suguru disagreed as the back of your head cushioned in between his plush pecs. “Having you here with us makes this shitty day much better.”
“We all screwed up.” Gojo griped before it became a longer deeper yawn.
Your eyes glowed a moment before dying down, alerting them and reminding you. “Time for you to sleep. Cause we got a lot of shit to think over on how to move forward. For all of us.” His exasperated sigh was met by your chaste lips as you leaned up to kiss him; him returning it to suck them up.
“Yes ma'am.” His pouting turned to a dopey grin; growing wider when Suguru kissed him goodnight too. That finally conked him out, breathing softly, when Suguru's hand wrapped around your side, turning you to lay on your back so he could see you properly; eyes clad in guilt of his own.
“Y/n, in no way should you feel responsible for what happened. That assassin would have killed you too if you had gotten involved. If we lost you as well …” His forehead met yours, letting you kiss him slowly, pulling him in to relish your personal taste. “My hope is that they're in a better place now.”
“Me too … My visions are just as much an omen as they are an aid. In this world there are no guarantees for a peaceful living … but I believe in you two … no matter what … and I know in my heart this is worth it, risks and all.”
Your honest smile made him grateful for accepting him, despite all that's happened, his tears hitting your face in response so you kissed his tears away.
“Thank you, Y/n.” His whispers met your lips as you two got caught up in another kiss when you two grunted in surprise as Satoru flipped you both over, smothering you two under his precious heat.
“‘M love you both, mmh so much.” He mewled, sleepy eyes peeking open to drowsily smile down at you two.
“Satoru, we can't breathe.” A red faced Suguru wheezed out.
Satoru languidly laughed, “My bad.”
Thankfully, you three were able to get some shuteye that night.
They're your whole world now.
Deep down inside, they know they're both monsters, for that day brought the truth to light of their dark potential.
But they're your monsters.
Your empathetic, devious, passionate monsters.
And as far as the truth goes, you too are just the same.
Three of a kind, indeed.
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maleyanderecafe · 12 days
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A story about how the kind senior who lives next door is actually a dangerous person (Oneshot)
Created by: Amamiya Akuta
Genre: Smut
Back with my debut with more male yandere translations. This one is very similar to It's All About Love where the premise is very simple and jumps right into the smut pretty much right away. If you like what I translate, consider supporting me on ko-fi.
The story starts out Kanazawa stopping Shinoya to give her a drink and walk her home, to which she obliges. She reminices how the two met in college, with Kanazawa helping her study for tests and tutoring her. While walking back, Kanazawa is able to steal Shinoya's keys while distracting her. Kanazawa after drinking, really needs to pee and can't find her keys, leading to her begging Shinoya to help her open the door. Kanazawa promises on the condition they have sex, which Shinoya has no choice but to agree with. After finally getting into the apartment and relieving herself, Kanazawa jumps on her. Shinoya rejects him and when Kanazawa asks if she hates him, she admits to liking him. Kanazawa ends up kissing her afterwards, and as Shinoya tries to run, he pins her down and ties her up. He admits to her that he stole her key and took pictures of her in the bathroom which freaks her out. They basically have sex, with Kanazawa jumping to the conclusion that since they kissed they are now dating. At the end, Kanazawa ends up keeping her keys even stating that they will live in a big apartment together.
So as I said, pretty short, though I was seriously worried that this oneshot might have piss in it given the nature of her really needing to pee before going to the apartment (which is...a strange thing to happen, I mean are there no other bathrooms nearby the apartment). At least Shinoya did try to leave the situation, though unfortunately Kanazawa was already one step ahead of her. It's too bad we never see why Kanazawa actually liked Shinoya since I think that would have been pretty fun to see. In terms of yandere actions, blackmailing, stealing her keys, possibly drugging her and of course forcing everyone to stay together at the end. He seems to be at least a little delusional given he thinks that one kiss means that they're already dating and he wants to buy them a giant house at the end.
Overall, short yandere story that's pretty good, though could be expanded on. If you liked It's All About Love, you'll probably like this one too.
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All is fair in love and Mario Kart.
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Wanda Maximoff x Avenger fem!reader.
A/N: I hope you enjoy and I apologize for any mistakes! Also comments, reblogs, shares and likes are super appreciated, thank you! :)
Translation: “Sestra.” Sister.
“Detka.” Baby.
“Amor.” Love.
Word count: 1,446.
You should have known.
You should have known agreeing to a Mario Kart tournament with the Avengers was a bad idea.
But you were excited to try out one of the many new versions of the game.
Excited at the prospect of the nostalgia it would bring as it reminded you of simpler times.
Times where you weren't too worried about the next big bad. Times where aliens weren't invading and wreaking havoc on earth.
Honestly, this was all just supposed to be innocent fun. You relaxing while you played your favorite childhood game.
But when Tony caught you playing in the TV room of the compound and he made a bet that you just couldn't refuse, you found it hard to back down, and as many of your other teammates joined, your girlfriend included, it all got too out of hand.
On one team it was Pietro, Natasha, Steve, Bucky, Peter and you.
On the other team it was Vision, Thor, Bruce, Clint, Wanda and Tony.
Once the tournament began, you all played like your lives depended on it, pouring out all of your skills into each round. The competitiveness arising in all of you a tenfold at the stakes that were given.
There was coercion, and threats being thrown around, anything to ensure a win that didn’t include using your powers, it was there and having both teams at a tie as the final round was about to commence, you can feel the tension in the air as the last two players are randomly chosen and you gulp when you realize it’s you versus Wanda.
“Alright lovebirds, it all comes down to you two,” Tony begins as you shake your arms up and down, bouncing on your toes as if you're about to enter the boxing match of your life. “Whoever wins this round ensures the win of their team. Remember the winning team has no chores for 3 months, losers must take on those chores, got it?” He says, and both you and Wanda nod, “okay, go!”
Beginning the round against your girlfriend had you nervous to say the least, Wanda showing promising skills from her previous rounds as she quickly picked up ways to ensure her success. But as you finish the first lap of the race you quickly realize you're definitely going to beat your girlfriend, your skills slightly better than hers as you’ve played many times before and your loud thoughts cause Wanda to throw you a quick side glare.
“So smug detka, already thinking you’ve won when there's still 2 more laps to go,” she says, accent prominent in her competitiveness.
“Sorry amor, but what can I say? I'm just that good,” you say, shrugging with a smirk as Wanda gapes when you hit her with a series of objects, making her character move onto last place.
“Oh, you are so going down sestra,” Pietro exclaims happily, bouncing in his spot.
“Shut it Piet,” Wanda grumbles angrily. “Baby,” the witch begins with a sweet voice, causing you to tense, “if I lose, just know that no kisses will be given to you for the 3 months that it takes for me to complete my punishment,” your girlfriend says in a singsong tone and her threat makes you falter, making you immediately go from 1st to 5th place.
“Whoa, no, no wait. You can't do that! You can’t take kissing away from me,” you pout, “that's not fair!”
Wanda merely shrugs, a smug smirk on her face, knowing that you can't live without her kisses.
“Okay, hey! No!” Natasha exclaims suddenly, snapping her fingers beside you, “focus up Y/L/N, because if we lose this tournament, I will make sure you don't get to kiss Wanda for 3 months, you got that?” The redhead threatens back and you gulp using your objects to make it back to first place.
It's the final lap and Wanda's character is in 2nd place trailing right behind you, you could feel the tension in the air at this moment, everyone holding their breaths as they await a winner.
Quickly you cast your eyes to the bottom corner of the screen and see that Wanda has one final shell in her arsenal as you have a banana peel and by the looks of the approaching finish line, you know for certain your girlfriend is going to use it on you to help ensure her win.
So what you do before she has a chance to hit you is, you place yourself right in front of her character and deploy the banana peel causing Wanda's character to spin out of control just before she has a chance to hit you with her shell, making you win first place.
“Fuck yeah! Way to go Y/N,” someone from your team exclaims, as the rest of the group have their hands thrown in the air in celebration, rounding you immediately to hug you for ensuring their victory.
As you and your team celebrate your win Pietro suddenly jumps up onto the coffee table.
“Do you know how many basic bitches would kill to be like me,” he says as he fake sweeps his shoulders, “so many! I am a king, I am unstoppable, I rule the world!” He exclaims and the opposing team roll their eyes at the speedster’s antics.
“Oh please Piet, you didn't even win one of your Mario Kart rounds, get down,” Wanda says, pulling her brother off the table.
Smiling widely due to your victory and your girlfriend's actions you approach Wanda and pucker up your lips jokingly, “celebratory kiss?” You ask, as you get close to her face.
But before you can reach her lips, Wanda's hand comes in between your faces, “no, shut up, I'm mad at you for winning, so get away from me,” the redhead says, shoving your face softly causing you to let out a laugh.
“I'm sorry amor,” you begin, approaching your girlfriend slowly, “but I had to win, Nat is scary!" You say as you reach her, your arms go around Wanda's waist, “I definitely did not want to know what she was going to do to prevent me from kissing you for three months if I lost us the tournament,” you whisper, eyes quickly glancing towards the redhead assassin that's standing across the room and Wanda chuckles softly, arms going around your neck to play with the baby hairs at your nape.
“Oh, my poor big baby,” your girlfriend teases with a smirk and you roll your eyes.
“Yeah, that’s easy for you to say, she didn't threaten you! She may be small, but she's mighty,” you say, whispering softly in order to prevent your words from reaching the assassin's ears.
“Oh really, so I’m small? You want to start shit Y/L/N, is that it?” Natasha asks, as she suddenly stands behind you.
You turn around quickly, “no. No! I'm not starting anything! Also how the fuck are you already behind me?” You exclaim, eyes wide in shock and fear, “and hey, I said small, but mighty! So please don't hurt me,” you say, going behind Wanda for protection and the team laughs at your antics due to your fear of Natasha and the height difference between you and your girlfriend, your frame still in clear view behind Wanda.
“You won us the tournament, which means no chores for three months, so you're safe for now, but next time I won't be so kind,” Natasha says, a teasing glare on her face.
“Okay, okay. I'm sorry,” you say hands up in surrender, then you grab Wanda's hand and softly pull her towards you, “also, you know what? I'm just going to go to bed before I put my foot in my mouth again, so bye. Goodnight losers, enjoy your chores,” you say grinning smugly as you walk away from the group. Suddenly stopping when you feel Wanda stop from beside you, her hand being pulled out of your grasp and you turn to see a frown on your girlfriend’s face as a slight glare is directed at you, “oh shit, wait, no, not you baby, not you. They’re the losers,” you say, smiling sheepishly.
“Hey, so uh, where's that foot at Y/L/N?” Clint teases with a laugh.
“Hey, so uh, mind your business Clint,” you retort, blushing red as you turn to look at the witch, “baby, come on. I was talking about them being losers, not you,” you say as Wanda begins storming away from you, “Max, come on amor, I swear I wasn’t talking about you,” you exclaim as you jog to catch up to your girlfriend.
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13 Ways Masterlist | Masterlist
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"How's your day been baby?" His low voice is barely loud enough to be heard over what chaos must be behind him, but it's still loud enough to be heard, and scoffed at.
"My day? I'm a full time uni student Neeks, how is your day going mister hockey player?"
"Student or not I want to hear about your day- shut up Jack - and I won't be telling you about my day until you've told me all about yours."
"It's really not all that interesting-"
"Fine, fine," Now Daya and Penny are laughing, hearing how I've just given in. "I worked this morning in the microbiology laboratory on my research, went to a few classes, and now Daya, Pen, and I are studying at the cafe a little bit down the road from your apartment."
"See, now was that so hard?" I can hear his grin in his tone, how the corners of his eyes crinkle when he smiles. "Johnny was just saying that you'll have to explain your research to him the next time he sees you. Mr.Harvard would like to attempt to understand what your brain thinks like."
I can't help the laugh that escapes me. Every time I mention my degree or my research, John is thrown in to translate the science to hockey terms for the rest of the team. Neeks has done well with learning a lot of the basic information, but the rest of the team knows aseptic technique in comparison to the goalie, "keeping out the pucks that are contamination".
"I'd love that," Is what my response finally lands on, Pen tapping my shoulder.
"I'm going to get a muffin, do you want one?"
"Cinnamon sugar, please and thank you!"
She nods and is off, Neek's voice meeting my ear. "I'm glad they're taking care of you."
"And who's taking care of you? How's practice?"
"Good, boys are looking in good shape tonight, but it's against the Rangers so you never know."
"Will you be staying in New York overnight or will you boys be driving back?"
"Driving back after the post-game interviews," He answers, confirming my assumption. He prefers his own bed to anywhere else. "Will you be going back to my place or to yours after your study session?"
"That's up to you, if you want space to yourself or -"
"So I'll see you at mine?" He interrupts the rest of the thought. "Your snacks are in the cabinet, and you can watch the game on the TV," He continues, like it really would take any convincing. "You know, if you want to."
"I'll be sitting there, watching it while I write my paper, promise."
"I'll let you get back to your study session with the girls, say hi for me," He returns, and once again I can sense his smile. "And text me when you get home, yeah?"
"Of course, Neeks. Be safe, play strong." I love you.
"Always for you, Schatz."
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judesmoonbeauty · 5 months
Love Begins From a Mean Lie: Liam Evans Collection Event Story❥︎
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. What I obtain is what will be translated. Translation notes are marked with *** Alternate translation is marked with/// Dividers: @/natimiles
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Liam: Victor, what's going on? Katie and I are going to be separated for a few days…..
Victor: I'm sorry. I've been making adjustments and considering things, but... due to circumstances, it just ended up happening.
Victor: ...... First, Kate I want you to infiltrate a women's club where there are rumors of drug deals going on.
Kate: When it comes to women's clubs, only women can infiltrate them.
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Victor: Given Crown’s busy schedule, it would be impossible for him to dress as a woman, so I have no choice but to ask you Kate.
Liam: Can't I sneak into that women's club, too? I can even cross dress!!
Liam approaches Victor, threatening to take off his clothes and put on the dress at any second.
Victor: Liam, I would like you to work with Harrison to investigate illegal gambling establishments in the suburbs.
Victor: We need tickets to enter the gambling hall, but I only have one available.
Victor: So, Liam I want you to use your ability to disappear and infiltrate.
(There are places where only women can enter, and places where you have to disappear to enter……)
(……both of those missions are irreplaceable.)
Liam: ……
Liam: ……ok, I get it.
Victor: I’m sorry, Liam. Thank you for understanding.
Victor: While you can't be by her side, I'll be more careful than usual to make sure Kate is never in danger.
Victor: How about having Roger on standby, so he can be there when she needs help?
Liam: Yea... In that case, I’ll feel a little relieved.
When Victor told him about the schedule for the next mission, he was satisfied for a while…….
On the way home, Liam was completely depressed.
(......Liam, are you sure you're okay?)
So far, I've seen him get anxious many times before just because he can't see me even a little bit.
(This lasts for several days.…..)
Kate: Um, Liam…..
Liam: ….okay!
Liam suddenly slapped his own cheeks with his hands.
Liam: I'm sorry for looking so bitter, Katie. I changed my mind.
Liam: Even if you’re not here Katie….I'll be fine!
Kate: Really....?
Liam smiles and holds out his little finger to reassure me.
Liam: I'll complete the mission perfectly and come back to see you soon …. I promise.
Kate: Then I'll finish my mission safely and wait for you to come back Liam.
I smiled back at Liam as we intertwined our little fingers.
Liam: Haaa……Katie.
Harrison: Hey, how many times have you sighed? They say that when you sigh, happiness escapes from you. 
Liam: ……Which direction is Crown Castle in?
Harrison: From this position, it's southeast... so, isn't it over there? 
Liam: Haaa…..
Liam: I hope the happiness that escaped from me reaches Katie.
Harrison: ……We’re about to go on a mission, and you're not ready.
Liam: It's a symptom of Katie deficiency.
Liam: …..Don't you think the picture on that signboard looks a bit like Kate?
Liam: I feel like the flowers on the roadside there also look like Kate……
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Liam: Katie…..I’m fine. 
Harrison: Don't talk to the flowers .....
Harrison: .…I thought you told Kate you were okay to come out.
Liam: Because if I cried forever about not wanting to leave, Kate would be troubled, right?
Liam: Even if I didn’t mean it...I have no choice but to say so.
Harrison: You sound like a toddler who is reluctant to go to preschool because he doesn't want to be away from his parents.
Liam: ….Hey, Harry. Can you do me a favor?
Harrison: What?
Liam: ..... I hope you'll imitate Isla and support me.
Harrison: Huh?
Liam: I need to intake Katie’s dosage……I’m already on…..
Liam: I may go back to Crown Castle right now without completing my mission.
Harrison: ..... Can you promise me that if I imitate her, you’ll get back on track and complete the mission perfectly?
Liam: I promise!
Harrison: ..... You're not lying. I'll do it because I have to, but don't laugh.
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Harrison: Hmmm …….Liam! I'm rooting for you Liam! Keep up the good work! 😭
Liam:……Not at all.
Liam: Katie’s arms are angled like this. The direction of her neck is like this. The way her legs open is like this..... Haaa.
Liam: Harry, your poor impersonation has made me want to see Katie even more….
Harrison: ........ I can't do it.
Kate: Liam! Welcome back!
A few days after Liam and I were separated for a mission.
Liam finally returned to Crown Castle after completing his mission.
Liam: Isla, I'm back……!
Liam hugged me tightly while we were talking.
The painful embrace made me feel that Liam was indeed here, and I was very happy.
Harrison: I'll report back to Victor on the mission, so Liam can go off with Isla, okay?
Liam: No problem! Thanks, Harry!
Harrison: You can buy me a table full of sweet treats later and we can call it even about the mission.
Kate: About the mission….?  What happened?
Liam: While on the mission, I asked Harry a rather difficult request.
Liam: For Harry's honor, I can't go into details...
Liam: I was faced with the obvious fact that there is no one who can replace you Katie.
Liam, who must have been exhausted, took me in his arms and ran in a straight line from the entrance hall to his room.
Before the open door is completely closed, my lips are quickly snatched away.
Kate: Mmm…….haa…..
Liam: ….I missed you, Katie…..
After many intense kisses to fill the missing time, we finally pull away.
Liam: I've done my …….mission perfectly, just as I promised. How did you do while I was gone, Kate?
Kate: The mission I was on went off without a hitch! There was nothing dangerous about it.
Liam: Good…..
Kate: I was also relieved. Even though we were a part, you were able to carry out your duties without any problems, Liam.
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Liam: That’s…..
Liam: …. It was more like I was the one who had the problem by being a part.
Liam: ….What?
Kate: Even though you weren’t there Liam, when we were eating, I'd turn around to the one next to me and say, “It's delicious, Liam.” 
Kate: Even when I was writing my report, I mistakenly wrote your name Liam for a completely different person...
Kate: I was worried about you before I left...but I was the one who wasn't okay.
I remembered my days at Crown Castle with Liam by my side.
Meals that were supposed to be delicious were tasteless, and even when the sky cleared, I didn't feel better.
With each passing day, the world seemed to gradually fade away.
Liam: That's not true! I wasn't okay at all either!
Liam: I didn't want to worry you, so I lied and said I was fine...... 
Liam: I was lonely and sad and pained when I left you Kate.... I was going crazy.
(I wasn't the only one...) 
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Liam: I'm sorry. I keep telling you I want to change……
Liam: Katie, I can’t leave you, I’m still so weak and useless…..
Kate: That's not true! I like the Liam, who is trying to change and moving forward.
Kate: There is no time limit, so don't be in a hurry to ……change.
Kate: Besides, if you were to leave me so quickly, I would feel lonely too.
Liam: Yeah…..
We smile, we kiss, and we make love again.
Liam's brazen lies taught me that we’re deeply in love, and I don't want to be apart even for a moment.
And then -
Liam: Hey, Isla. Actually I think I bumped myself a little bit on my mission......
Liam: May I ask you to check to see if there are any bruises?
Kate: What? That's a big deal ...... I have to check it out right away!
I rush to undress Liam.
Kate: There's nothing in particular about the upper body, but….
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Liam: Then maybe it’s on my lower body?
Kate: Lower body…….
Liam: Yeah, I'd like you to help me check! I can't see much by myself.
Liam, who replies, is very energetic and doesn't look like he is in any pain.
Kate: Um……Liam, I'm sorry if I'm mistaken.
Kate: Are you lying, by any chance?
Liam: …..You found out?
Kate: Liam, you said it yourself, you’re a bad liar…
Liam: I wanted you to spoil me and take off my clothes, so I lied to you Katie…Sorry!
Kate: If that's the reason, I can't get angry.
Kate: In exchange for forgiveness, Liam I’ll ask you to help me get undressed as punishment.
Kate: Now are you going to undress me Liam.....?
Liam: …..Then it's not a punishment, it's a treat, Katie.
Giggling and giggling, we kissed again and…naughty lies deepened our evening.
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I shed a tear over Harrison today LOL!
[Master List]
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keto-keyes · 2 months
I Am You - Eternals Fanfic
Synopsis: 1,000 years after the Eternals split off, Deviants defeated, the unfortunate family comes back together to save humanity from its biggest threat. But they can't do that without talking, and if old rivalries still stand, that might be a little hard.
[This might be a two-parter or more] [Use of y/n, reader is nonbinary]
Let's GO!
"I will never leave you"
It had been about 500 years since Sprite had stopped believing those 5 words. And another 500 years on top of that since she'd last seen the person, Eternal, rather, who'd spoken them. But now she was following Ikaris and Sersi through a crowded Osaka airport towards the taxi port and bus terminal, trying to find the exact person who'd made that flaky promise - Y/N. "They're not gonna be here," Ikaris growled, "Why can't we just go get Kingo? He's agreeable at least."
"We need Y/N," Sersi reminded the Eternal of Flight, "Besides, if there's anyone who can get through to Druig, it's them."
"You just don't like that she's got more powers than you," Sprite teased, but secretly she was a little nervous. It hadn't just been a century since she'd last seen Y/N, it had been a century since Y/N told her where they were going to disappear off too. They'd specifically instructed her not to tell anyone, and now she'd broken that promise. "Uhh, hello, we need to get to Hyogo..?" Ikaris tried asking a taxi driver in english. Sersi covered for him with google translate.
An hour and 45 minutes later, they had arrived in Hyogo prefecture. Sprite looked around nervously. "There isn't enough ... EARTH for this to be where the fearsome Eternal of nature lives!" Ikaris mocked, rolling his eyes as he got out of the taxi.
"IKARIS!" Sersi scolded.
They kept walking. Sprite led them through the small city to a modest house near the school down the road. Ikaris knocked sharply. Sprite knew it was wrong to lead him and Sersi to Y/N, but they really needed to get their family back together, or else everyone on Earth was going to die. After a moment, the door opened enough to see Y/N's silvery-blue hair surrounding their features, then it promptly shut again. Ikaris stuck a foot in the door and heaved it open despite Y/N's hearty attempts to close it using their nature-given strength. They shot him a dirty look as he shoved his way into their house. Sprite pushed past Sersi and wrapper her arms around the shocked and annoyed Y/N, gripping their waist tightly. A second later, Y/N was returning the hug, gripping the shorter Eternal's hair in their fingers and pulling her close. "We need to talk," Sersi said as she too stepped into the room, breaking off the hug.
Y/N rolled their eyes. "We," they indicated between themself, Sersi and Ikaris with a finger, "Don't have anything to talk about. Please leave."
Sprite pulled Y/N down to eye height and murmured, "I'm really sorry I had to bring both of them, believe me, but we really need you. Everything's changed, Deviants are back, and we need to save the world again. Please help us."
Y/N breathed for a moment, contemplating. Then they nodded. "Make yourselves at home, I guess," they said finally, "I'll..uhh, I'll make tea."
"I'll help!" Sprite offered, eager to get away from the two ex-lovers and to spend more time with Y/N, who had always been her favourite.
The kitchen was silent except for the beeping of the oven and hiss of the kettle. Sprite didn't know what to say, or how to act around her sibling. They seemed so much more grown up than everyone else, especially Sersi. Maybe being apart had changed them. "Y/N... Ajak is dead," she said, internally cringing at the suddenness of the reveal.
Y/N didn't say anything. Then they did. "And the deviants are back and the emergence is happening," they added, finishing Sprite's thought, "I know. The question is, what are we doing about it?"
They glanced at Sprite, who was tearing up a little. "I'm sorry, I know it's hard for you. I wasn't as close to Ajak as the rest of you, that's all," they murmured, wrapping Sprite in a side hug.
The two Eternals stood like that, staring out the window into Y/N's small garden and watching the world go by together. Then the tea kettle started whistling and they were shocked back into the world. "We'd better get back to the two star-crossed lovers, hadn't we?" Y/N teased, nudging Sprite's shoulder, "I'll take the tea, you grab the cookies."
They walked back in to the dining room with the trays. "Break time's over lovebirds~" Sprite crowed, clanging the cookie platter down on the table and sitting loudly next to Ikaris. Y/N casually placed the four cups in front of the others sitting at the table like the leader of a parent's club setting up for a meeting, then took their own place. "So," Sersi started awkwardly, "The-world's-about-to-end-and-we-need-to-save-it-from-being-destroyed-in-the-emergence."
"And Ajak is dead," Ikaris added.
Y/N just stared at the two of them. Sprite couldn't help glancing in between Ikaris and Y/N like a child between fighting parents, and waited for someone to speak. "..I know," Y/N said finally, "What I was going to say was - how do we stop the birth of a celestial?"
Awkward laughter from Sersi faded into silence. "Ah... That's what we don't know. We were thinking maybe Druig could put the celestial to sleep, or Phastos could think of something," she murmured, pushing a useless strand of hair behind her ear.
"So why do you need me?"
"We need all of us to come up with a solution, Y/N!" Ikaris man-splained, "And Sprite said you were closer than Kingo."
"To Britain? Definitely not. To sanity, maybe," Y/N replied sassily, "But I would like to see Makkari or Kingo again. It's been too long since I spoke some decent slang. And, I can feel you wishing you were anywhere but here right now."
They pointed right at Ikaris' chest, causing everyone else to turn to them. "You can sense emotion?" Sprite asked incredulously, "Since when?"
"I can't. I can just tell cos the air soured around him."
Dull silence. Then Sersi pushed out from the table. She cleared her throat, dusted imaginary crumbs from her pants, and pushed her plate closer to the cookie platter. "Well, we'd better get going if we want to have saved the world this time next week."
Part 1 - fin
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nardaviel · 1 year
Been doing some thinking about the characterization implications of Makoto's aikido black belt, and the interesting contrast between aikido and her Metaverse weapon.
Like, to start with, the fact that Makoto knows aikido specifically says a lot. Aikido is extremely not an aggressive martial art. It's a little difficult to translate something like a martial art name from Japanese into English, but the one I always heard was "way of the harmonious spirit". I'm not going to do a deep dive on it, just summarize a couple of the most relevant points, but it was created by a war veteran who was inspired by a spiritual experience. His guiding concept was like... self-defense without hurting the aggressor.
(Disclaimer: I obviously only studied in one school! Although all of aikido shares the same overall principles, there may be some schools out there that are extra-aggressive. However, given that we lack any indication of what style of aikido Makoto studies, I would guess that it's not anything wild or unusual.)
Aikido focuses on using an attacker's energy and momentum against them. You learn throwing and pinning techniques to defend against various attacks, but specifically techniques where you can pull back before you cause serious damage. You don't learn barehanded strikes at all, except as much as you need to know to initiate fake attacks to help your partners practice. And you don't need to know how to throw a really good, dangerous punch for that. I had years of aikido training and I still sure as fuck can't. At more advanced levels, you start to learn other things such as weapons forms, but even those aren't really attacks. You just perform a ritualized series of movements against imaginary enemies.
It's not the world's most practical martial art, to be honest, although someone who's really skilled can get good use out of it. If Makoto claims she can use it to ensure her safety, she must be that good, because I expect she's too practical to delude herself with false confidence. More importantly! It takes years to get a black belt, like it does in any martial art. So little middle-schooler Makoto looked at all the martial arts on offer in Tokyo, which I imagine is pretty much every martial art on earth, and decided aikido was the one for her.
It suits her, and continues to suit her up through the end of canon. She's not Ryuji; outside the Metaverse, she's not going to start a physical fight. But she's perfectly willing to finish one. Given her family history and personal values, it makes sense that she'd be drawn to the idea of defending herself, but not in a way that causes unnecessary pain. It's also considered a good martial art for women, due to the lack of emphasis on size and strength.
But pre-canon Makoto is also very repressed, very focused on being composed and perfect. Aikido promises self-defense and an outlet, but nothing too aggressive. Nothing that looks too loud or rebellious. Martial arts are male-dominated practices; by studying one at all, she's already being a little bit out of the ordinary. Best not to stand out too much.
And then she gets into the Metaverse.
It's easy to think that the brass knuckles and the punching make use of her martial arts background, but they don't. At all. Makoto has absolutely not learned how to strike with her fists to cause damage during her training, at least not like people envision. If Atlus wanted to go that route, they'd have given her a karate backstory or something similar.
And if they wanted her to know aikido and wanted to carry her training into the Metaverse, they could've given her a staff, which she will have learned forms for during aikido training. The other classic aikido weapons are already taken, or at least the non-wooden versions are lol. But no one else among the Thieves uses a staff. Makoto the warrior monk with her jo staff and her Pope persona would be a coherent design.
But Atlus didn't do that either. Instead, they gave her brass knuckles (among other fist weapons, I know, I know) and let her punch the shit out of her enemies. That's not merely unlike her training; it's in total opposition to the core tenets of aikido. No "way of the harmonious spirit", no self-reflection, no pacifism. She's going to beat up Shadows for justice.
In short, the brass knuckles are an emblem of her rebellion within the Metaverse. They come from the same place as her spiky leather outfit and motorcycle Persona. In the real world, student council president Makoto isn't afraid of anyone hitting her or grabbing her because she can put them on the ground before they can blink. Like I said, I think aikido suits her really well, even without her pre-canon baggage. But in the Metaverse, Queen doesn't bother to wait for an attack. She hits first. <3
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resowrites · 1 year
Daredevil - oneshot.
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Summary: Henry’s overprotectiveness drives his pregnant wife crazy…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Wife!OC
Warnings: fluff, banter/British humour, dialogue heavy, nondescript OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 1765
A/N: My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Daredevil - oneshot.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Henry's voice startled her and she almost lost her footing. "Careful, you're going to fall!" He dashed forwards, catching her as she teetered backward from the ladder.
"For God's sake! I almost fell off thanks to you!" Henry quickly helped her down, taking the large box from her hands as he did so.
"Well, what on earth are you doing?! You know you're not supposed to be doing any heavy lifting!" She couldn't help but roll her eyes.
"Don't be ridiculous, I had to get a start on clearing my office or we won't be able to make it into a nursery--"
"Then why didn't you just call me for help? I said I'd do it at the weekend, there's no need for you to be carrying heavy stuff or going up and down ladders--"
"Henry, you promised not to start becoming a fusspot--"
"How am I being a fusspot when my pregnant wife is scaling heights while juggling a load of boxes?!"
"So I'm not meant to move for the rest of my pregnancy am I?!" He folded his arms.
"Preferably, yes!"
"Oh, don't be ridiculous! I'm allowed to carry on as I would normally, you know women can even do weight training throughout their pregnancies?" Henry's eyes went wide.
"You're not planning on doing that, are you?!"
"Well, maybe. After all… it's better to be in good shape ready for the birth."
"You're are joking? You're not seriously going to lift weights in the gym?!"
"Well, I thought having a personal trainer come here would be better. Just let me know when you're not using the weights and I'll schedule the session." But he was in no mood for her teasing.
"You mean to tell me you're going to have some random guy come over and help you work out?!" She smirked.
"Oh, so now it's about the trainer? What if it's a woman instead?" Henry sighed and led her by the hand into their bedroom. Carefully, he sat her down on the edge of the bed and took a seat beside her.
"Ollie, I know you're a headstrong person but I must admit, I'm getting worried about how that's showing up in your pregnancy--"
"Aren't you being a tad dramatic? I mean, I haven't been advised to take any precautions so far--"
"And what if that changes? Will you follow the advice you're given?"
"Of course! Why are you making me sound like some irresponsible lunatic?"
"Well, I don't know about irresponsible…" She smiled.
"I'm serious, what risks do you think I've been taking?"
"Well, take a couple of nights ago. You got in the bath despite barely being able to keep your eyes open!"
"So? What does that have to do with anything?" Henry sighed and took her hand in his.
"Ollie, you have to accept that our lives are changing. And there will be some things you just can't do anymore." She jumped to her feet and angrily crossed her arms.
"Henry, I'm not an idiot and I would appreciate it if you stopped treating me like one--" she turned to leave only for him to catch her by the sleeve.
"Whoa, there. I neither said nor implied any such thing. But what would have happened if you'd fallen asleep in the bath Ollie? I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you or the baby…" Henry's eyes seemed to glaze over temporarily and she felt bad about being so defensive.
"Oh, Henry. I had no idea you were feeling so anxious…" She sat back down on the bed, taking his hand once again.
"I'm not anxious!"
"Look, I'm worried about the responsibility of becoming a parent as well--"
"I'm not worried, either. More… concerned. I mean, there's only so much I can do to protect you both."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, it's my job as a husband and father to keep you both safe. And if I can't even do that before the baby gets here… it hardly bodes well for the future."
"But Henry you do protect us. Every day, in fact. You make sure I'm eating well, and getting enough rest. I can't even leave the house without you holding my hand or walking between me and the road!"
"And what if that's not enough? I won't always be around…"
"Well, I'm sure we'll manage--"
But it won't be easy for them to have such a handsome, famous father!"
"What do your looks have to do with anything?! And I'm not a china plate Henry and neither is the baby. There's going to be accidents, injuries… times when we're sick. It's just a part of life." Henry looked down, shifting slightly from one foot to the other.
"I know, I know. But just promise me you'll take it easy. At least until you're past the twelve-week mark?" She looked into his pleading eyes and could see it was useless trying to disagree.
"Fine, but only if you promise to try and relax a little. Who knows what the future will bring but I want us to both enjoy this pregnancy. Before we know it, it'll all be over."
"You're right. It's just tough feeling so powerless…" An idea suddenly popped into her head.
"Well, why don't we get a fetal doppler? That way we can listen to the baby's heartbeat at home."
"Can we really do that?!" She nodded eagerly.
"From twelve weeks onwards, yeah. And you're also welcome to check in with as many times as you want each day, no matter where you are or what you're doing." Henry visibly relaxed and placed his hands gently on his stomach.
"Do you also promise to tell me the minute anything feels off? Even if you're not entirely sure what it is?"
"Of course, darling. I know it's just as important for you to have that information as it is for me. But please try and relax, there's no use worrying over what we can't control. Now give me a hand with these boxes, once they're up in the loft I can start moving the furniture out of my office as well." He jumped to his feet and came between her and the door.
"Oh no you don't! You're not lifting any more boxes. And if you want things moved then you'll have to ask me."
"But then how will I turn the loft into a workout room?" Henry's mouth fell open. "I'm kidding! You are far too easy to wind up these days. Anyway, I thought you didn't like it when I bossed you about?"
"Well, you just said to stop worrying about things we can't change…" She bopped him on the arm. "Ow! I think somebody's overdue for a nap, don't you?" As if on queue, she yawned.
"Henry, if I wanted a nap, I'd take one…" She yawned again and Henry just shook his head.
"Into bed now, madam. And if you're good I'll bring your dinner up later as well."
"Are you going to cut it into little squares and give me a fruit shoot as well?" He smirked as he made his way around the bed and pulled back the covers.
"Ollie, you can argue with me all you like, it's great practise for when we have an actual toddler…" She grabbed a pillow off the bed and chucked it straight at Henry.
"The only toddler here is you, it's why you're so good at antagonising me all the bloody time!" He patted her spot on the bed and she reluctantly sank into the sheets. Henry then lifted up her feet and pulled them around so she was laying straight. "What's next, are you going to sing me to sleep?"
"What's that? I can't hear you over the sound of being right--"
"How are you right?! I told you, I'm not a bit sleepy." But her heavy eyes betrayed her. He then settled in beside her, rubbing the base of her stomach the way he always did to help her to sleep.
"Come on mama, time for beddy-byes…"
"Hey, do you think the baby sleeps when I'm asleep?"
"…They'll be awake more than that." Though her eyes were closed she thwacked Henry on the chest.
"You know, just for that, I think I'll do a motorbike jump over ten London buses at Wembley Stadium…"
"Have you been reading my Evel Knieval biography?"
"Well I had to find something to do between marathon training and shotput practise…" He rolled his eyes.
"Well don't go getting any ideas… you're a danger to yourself as it is."
"Oh stop it, I was actually reading it to get inspiration…"
"For what?!"
"Baby names."
"You are not naming our baby after some mad stunt performer!"
"But Knievel Cavill sounds lovely!"
"Go to bed missy, before I launch you out the bloody window!" She curled up closer to Henry.
"Ooh, now you're talking. I like a bit of danger. Maybe we should put together a knife-throwing act…"
"Don't bloody tempt me. Now close your eyes and think calm thoughts, our baby needs all the help they can get."
"I will not! I don't want them turning into a nerd or I'll come home to find the two of you painting those bloody figures!"
"Warhammer, woman! And far better they do that than be some hooligan!" She giggled. "Can you imagine them having a goth phase like you did?"
"I was never a goth!"
"You had dreadlocks! And listened to Megadeath!"
"Oh God, what if they get the worst of both of us?!"
"What, like loving air guitar as well as online player games?"
"Exactly, throw in your third nipple and they'll be an outcast!"
"It wasn't a third nipple, it was a cyst--"
"Oh Henry, I can't bare the thought of them being teased--"
"They won't be! Besides, with the kind of school they'll be going to, there'll be much better targets."
"I suppose… do you really think our lives will change that much?"
"I guess so, yeah."
"But what about us?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, what if we change? I like the person I am now and it took a long time to get here…"
"Darling, I promise you will be just as uncool when the baby's here as you are now. Now go to go to sleep, you can't even keep your eyes open."
"Fine, but keep rubbing my tummy…"
"Will do, after all the more love our child feels the less likely they're turn to heavy metal." She kicked him in the shin.
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suzukiblu · 10 months
WIP Wednesday Game
Taken from @kedreeva.
It’s WIP Wednesday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. I’ll be searching the reblogs to find people to send asks to!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
file names:
omega!Clark and hungry!Kon
gentle princely caretaking
the wet nurse omegaverse
trans Clark and cis Kon
weird Kryptonian bonding rituals
snippet from "omega!Clark and hungry!Kon":
Jon peeks out of his room down the hall, looking intrigued, and lights up at the sight of the chocolate chips and the big bowl Clark always uses for pancake batter. Clark smiles at him, and he scurries down the hall and into the kitchen. Clark asks him to set the table, and he does. He also steals a significant percentage of the chocolate chips, but Clark accepts that loss as pup-induced taxation. 
Lois's alarm goes off after Jon’s gotten out all the necessary dishes and Clark’s gotten the pans heating up, and she trudges sleepily out of their bedroom. Clark passes her a mug of the coffee he started as soon as he got up himself, and she makes a mumbly noise that he knows her well enough to translate as "I love you beyond all existence and where's the sugar". 
He passes her the sugar and leans down to kiss her cheek. She turns her face into his throat and bites his scent gland a little harder than happens to be decent in front of either of their pups, but given the invulnerability just feels like a chaste little nibble. Clark gives her a soft purr of appreciation and Jon sticks out his tongue at them as he finishes setting the table. 
"Grosssss," he says, making a face. "Don't be all mushy, we haven't even eaten yet!” 
“I’m afraid we can’t promise that, kiddo,” Lois says, then yawns against Clark’s throat before taking her coffee to the table. Clark gets the bacon in the frying pan and starts carefully pouring pancake batter, and Jon drops into his usual seat at the table. Lois makes sleepy noises into her coffee. 
“How many pancakes, Jonno?” Clark asks. 
“Ten,” Jon says immediately, holding up both hands with a charming little grin. Lois snorts. 
“Maybe if they’re very, very small,” she says wryly. “Baby pancakes. Infants. Tiny little dollops.” 
“No way, I want big ones!” Jon says. Admittedly they do have a higher than human metabolism–Clark does not think of Kon’s too-thin wrists–but ten full-size pancakes is probably still pushing it. 
“Maybe we’ll start a little smaller and work our way up,” Clark says, amused anyway. Jon pouts. Kon comes out of his own room already dressed and ready and sits down quietly at the table too, and Jon immediately brightens back up. 
"Hi, Kon!" he greets excitedly. Kon always seems to wait to come out last, and Clark's never figured out why. He’s not even sure the kid even wears his pajamas, or if he just sleeps in his clothes. He never sees him in anything but the clothes he wears to school and his Superboy suit and jacket. “Mom’s making pancakes!” 
“Sure,” Kon says. He obviously knew that, of course, given his enhanced senses and also the very obvious process that is Clark pouring pancake batter into a pan, but Jon’s clearly too excited to have thought that one through. Clark doesn’t comment either way, just smiles at Kon. 
“Morning, Kon,” he says. “How many pancakes would you like?” 
“Whatever’s fine,” Kon says, visibly repressing the urge to fidget in his seat. Clark hates that answer almost as much as the sight of his too-sharp face and those too-thin wrists and how close to stray he smells. 
“Three to start?” he suggests. 
“Sure,” Kon says. Clark can’t call it a victory, but at least it’s an answer.
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blueesnow · 3 months
(3/6) Ootori Eiji's Private Story [Utapri Live Emotion]
Ch 1: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 6 with Eiji)
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-Park- Haruka: (That's strange… I'm sure I heard that the location where they were shooting a movie today was supposed to be around here…) Eiji: Eh, are you possibly…Nanami-san? Oh, it's indeed you. Haruka: Eiji-kun…! I'm so glad that I meet with one of the cast members. You see… I'm actually lost right now. Eiji: I see. Then again today's location is a bit secluded so I don't blame you. Eiji: I'm just on my way to go back after having a quick break. If you don't mind shall we go together? Haruka: Really? Thank you so much, you really help me out. Eiji: You're welcome. By the way I've heard the news. You're the one who will be in charge for the soundtracks of this movie right, Nanami-san? Haruka: Ah, yes. As an assistant of my senior composer*, I was given an opportunity to work on this movie. Haruka: It's also the work from this recently popular director too. To be honest I'm feeling so much pressure just working on it… Eiji: It was the same for me too. Although I was happy when I heard the news, sometimes I can't help but wonder if I'm really the right person for the role. Eiji: The original work for this movie was known as a best-selling novel, its story was refreshing, and the role that I'm playing is the love rival which is quite an important role. Eiji: Ever since the filming began, I've been feeling nervous while making sure that I'm not making trouble for everyone. Eiji: But…since I've already accepted the job, I have no choice but to do my best. I must fulfill the expectations of the director who picked me after all. Haruka: Eiji-kun…that was such a wonderful way of thinking. I'll make sure to support you! Eiji: Thank you. It's very reassuring to know that there's people watching over you. Let's work hard together shall we.
*: I'm not sure how to translate the 作曲家先生 to be honest. I remember he did appear from the ori game, where Haruchan finally got accepted into Shining Agency, but as she was a newbie she was appointed to be working under this 作曲家先生 first before she accept any real job offers from other clients, you could say that she's interning(?) under his care while learning how to work around the field. Anyway he's not exactly a teacher as he's one of the composer in Shining Agency but you could say that he's Haruchan's... senpai in a way(?)
Ch 2: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 11 with Eiji)
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-Park- Haruka: (Looks like Eiji-kun's scene will come out soon. He keeps having quite a lively discussion with the director.) Eiji: About this line… I understand, I'll try to be aware for the timing. I'm looking forward to be working with you. Eiji: "…I love you. So much that I can't help it." Eiji: "This feeling of mine won't lose to anyone. I'd promise that I will treasure you. That's why…rather than him, I want you to choose me instead." Haruka: ( …Wow. His expression and his voice…all of them perfectly capture all of his feelings. Even though I know it's all just acting it still made my heart beats…) Eiji: "Ah… did your mind slightly waver just now? Of course I noticed, I mean I've been watching you all this time." Eiji: "As long as there is a possibilty no matter how little they are, I won't give up. I'll definitely make you fall in love with me so…be prepared." - Eiji: …Phew. Thank you very much. Haruka: …Eiji-kun, good job! My eyes can't take their eyes off of you. (choices) <I was moved with the gap of your acting!> Haruka: Your face at that time looks so much more different than the usual Eiji-kun. Anyway I was moved with the gap of your acting! Eiji: Oh no, you're exaggerating. But…it was something I tried to do consciously, so I'm glad you noticed that. Eiji: Being able to become someone else is one of the charms of acting itself. <You're shining brightly> Haruka: Just watching you make my heart beats… Eiji-kun, you're shining so brightly. Eiji: T-That much!? Compared to all of my co-stars, I still have a long way to go. I'm always overwhelmed by their actings during our shooting. Eiji: But knowing you complimented me just now must means that I'm a little bit closer than before. Thank you. (back to story) Eiji: Wait, Nanami-san, what's wrong with your finger? Don't tell me you're hurt…? Haruka: Oh, you're right. I probably accidentally cut myself when I was trying to take a note. Eiji: Although it's just a small wound, it might turn worse if you didn't properly treat it. Please wait here for a moment, I'll be back soon.
Ch 3: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 21 with Eiji)
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-Park- Eiji: Sorry for making you wait so long. Here's a band-aid. I think it'd be much better if you put one just in case. Haruka: Thank you so much. I'm sorry for the trouble. Eiji: Don't worry about it. Maybe I'm worrying too much, but it'll be too late if anything happens to you. Haruka: I'll be more careful from now on… But still, it's amazing that you can quickly find a band-aid this fast. Eiji: I-Is that so? I usually carry a first aid kit with me. Though people do sometimes say that I'm quite a worrier. Eiji: But, there are lot of times when I'm glad that I have it with me. Since I also tends to get hurt too sometimes. Eiji: Just like for today, I might be of help to someone else too. This kind of thing really made me happy. Eiji: Especially to everyone in HE★VENS, I want them to always stay healthy and be in their best possible condition. At the very least, this is the only thing that I can do. Haruka: That's not true…! I don't think Eiji-kun's attentiveness is something that everyone else can do. Haruka: And you're also very good at acting too. Seeing you in action really cheered me up and it made me want to try even more harder with my work. Eiji: Really? …Although I'm a bit embarrassed, I'm glad that I might be of help to you even if it's just a little bit. Haruka: (Eiji-kun is really such a kind person. To think that he'd be so considerate and caring to me.) Eiji: Oh…it looks like it's almost time for the next shoot. Actually, after this I have a special appearance later with a big-name actor. Eiji: I've been nervous since this morning, but hearing your encouragements made me feel like I can really do my best now. Eiji: No, I need to be more greedy and make sure it'll turn out to be a great scene. Well then, I'll be going now.
Ch 4: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 31 with Eiji)
Ch 5: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 41 with Eiji)
Ch 6: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 51 with Eiji)
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ewingstan · 9 months
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What do I do with this.
I'm not gonna claim that the text is endorsing this or anything. It did construct a situation where leaving someone on an empty world was the best choice with Monokeros, and we can analyze what that writing choice means, but I don't see this conversation being something we're meant to nod our heads along to. I can't see someone writing "we're gonna disappear people on this list" and "its fine if you're especially violent vigilantes we'll put you in our especially-violent-vigilante support network" and not mean for it to be read as awful. Otherwise it would use words that sound less bad on the face of it. Maybe I'll hear that WB has spent the last few years arguing on reddit that this was actually totally moral and cool but with the text in front of me, with the language used, I cannot see a reading where any of this is meant to be seen as okay.
But more to the point I don't see how we got here? Worm did an amazing job of making every choice Taylor made believable and understandable in the context of what choices she's already made and how she's been changed by her experiences. I do not understand what has prompted Victoria to suggest this and every other member of breakthrough (and every major hero team) to go along with it. I can see why its accepted on a systemic level, its not too different from the birdcage and most of the villains sent there were given sham trials at most anyway. But literally no one on the team is pushing back on this. Two members of breakthrough were just in prison—three, if you count Damsel. Its not clear that she's even given up on the top-tier villain persona even if she's not making moves to pursue it, why is she going along with this. Several of them have done things that at least approach getting put on a list like that. You're living in a world where Riley and Valkyrie and Legend are load-bearing pillars that people rely on, and suddenly disappearing powerful capes that are currently a problem is the only option we can think of? Is the whole "the city is the place of renewed chances" thing really being abandoned so thoroughly?
Kenzie had just told Swansong how much it hurt for her to go to prison, how much it felt like breaking a promise to not leave her alone even though they kept in contact. They were just having a conversation about how much Chris meant to them, how much his deal is a result of horrific circumstances that its the group's original goal to try to work through constructively and come out a better person with. Chris would almost have to be on a list like this, right? Apparent shadow-leader of a cape dictatorship? Sveta would've been on a list like that as Garotte, if it wasn't apparent how much she hated what she was doing. Sveta had spent the last chapter yelling at Carol for her views on criminal rights. Why is there such a huge disconnect here that the text isn't seemingly doing anything with.
Its not even that I can't see a version of this beat working for the story. The track just hasn't been laid for it. The prison break story set up "hey there's a lot of really dangerous capes and knowing where they are can let people try to break them out" thing well, but that does not automatically translate to "everyone will be on board for Secret Prison Colonies" given all the strong character and thematic reasons for the opposite reaction. Why isn't this the result of a more gradual slide or a series of moral compromises? Why is this something that's being described in jump cuts?
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
So, imagine being Arthur today. He gets that letter yesterday, and his dad is kind of on the mend, and his bullshit detectors are going off very loudly. So he rushes back to visit Lucy today.
He comes in quickly, whispering urgently to Jack, so he's obviously already deeply concerned. When he arrives it's to the sight of two probably visibly stressed/scared doctors moving with urgency. And within seconds of saying hello, he's told that his suspicions were right, that Lucy is in very poor shape. (Arthur's internal 'people trying to make things sound better' translation: she is actively dying right now.)
He's immediately given the opportunity to do something helpful, at the least, and of course he's more than willing. He'd do anything, make any sacrifice, for her to live. (He soon learns that his suspicions are correct, her life is indeed on the line.) He's grateful to Jack that he was willing to give her blood, but Arthur is a better choice. He's not her doctor after all, so he can give more. And this is the only thing he can do, so of course he wants to do it.
He's told he has to wait outside. By the time he comes in, she's asleep. The first time he's seen her in a week, and she's unconscious the whole time.
He kisses her.
She looks wretched, he can barely hear her breathing. At least his blood seems to be helping. He's so, so glad to watch her color improve. The longer it takes, the weaker he feels. Dizzy, and tired, and he doesn't care, he'll keep going as long as needed if she will only improve just a little more. Does Arthur know how dangerous transfusions are? I imagine probably not, and so he's at least able to take comfort in van Helsing's promise that Lucy will be better after this.
And yet, even then. How much comfort can he have? He's escorted out of the room immediately after. He can't stay by her side lest he scare her. Can't stay in the house lest he frighten and kill her mother. He gets a drink and a short rest and then he's told to go home.
He might be drunk, with the wine and blood loss. He's almost certainly feeling very weak. Tired, and dizzy, and he has to go home and stay there all alone. Hoping that his blood will save her life. Hoping that his friend will send him good news.
He didn't get to say a single word to her.
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nightsadness · 7 months
Tags: fem!reader, angst
Pairing: Fyodor Dostoevsky x fem!reader
Warning: The death of a canon character, the reader longs greatly. There may be errors in the text, as I am not a native English speaker, I often had to use the help of a translator
Synopsis: Fyodor didn't keep his promise.
A/n: This short story was written out of boredom, but I liked it so much that I decided to post it here. As I wrote above, I don't speak English, so I used a lot of translators, trying to write normally 😞. Please let me know if it's really bad.
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- I promise I'll be back. - Fyodor held the girl's body tightly in his arms, resting his chin on her shoulder and slightly covering his eyes.
- I believe you - almost whispered the girl, hugging Dostoevsky tightly, and did not want to let go. She really believed that he would come back having fulfilled his purpose, though inside her everything was turning upside down because of bad thoughts and worries, but it was Fyodor Dostoevsky, right? He has everything perfectly planned, there were no mistakes and there can't be. But no matter how hard she tried to chase away those bad thoughts, something inside told her that this was their last dialog....
- You promised, you bastard! You promised me! - The girl screamed hysterically, breaking everything in the house, from dishes to furniture. She was a whirlwind of emotions, she was angry with him and at the same time her grief had no end, because it was unbearable to lose a loved one.
In the end, she just collapsed on the bed, choking on her tears, which the already wet pillow took in. It was the first time Y/N had ever felt such intense heartache that was nowhere near physical pain, which one in her entire life, she had known it in all its colors. How now to live and move on...without him? Of course, the girl realized that it was possible, that it was not the end, that she could survive it, but it would take too much time to heal such a huge wound. But would she be able to? Though Y/N was strong physically, mentally and morale, but Fyodor was her greatest weakness.
Three hours have passed after dark thoughts and bitter memories. The girl was no longer crying, but just staring at the ceiling, and the memory of the black-haired man still tormented her, she knew she had to get her act together and move on, but there was neither strength nor desire. The girl scolded herself for showing weakness, for not even being able to move, morale condition did not allow such luxury.
Days, weeks, months, and so it passed 3 years, Y/N more less recovered, but still day and night missed Fyodor, dreaming to see him again, to hug again, but it is simply impossible! The world collapsed for her, lost all their colors, she just existed, every day come in low-paying job, on her way home and then going to bed and so day after day.
On one of those days, the girl came home as usual and went straight to the shower. Lying in the bathtub, she looked at her hands with a blank stare.
- Our time is encased in a ring, - Y/N smiled slightly at the corners of her lips, a lone tear rolling down her cheek as her gaze stopped on the ring Fyodor had given her almost immediately after they met.
Still lying in the tub, she leaned her head back, trying to occupy her bad head with various thoughts, but there was still only the image of Fyodor in front of her.
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nightsadness © 2024
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