#and he'll die comfortably and with his children around there
honestly tho om lucifer is such a comfort character
you know mammon's my all time all around favourite no contest but like
lucifer just hits different
he's so tired and he's so overworked and he loves his family so much it makes me sick he's willing to kill and die for them at any chance he made the misfits of the celestial realm his family despite being the perfect example of an angel himself he thinks his brothers are adorable he just wants them to have one quiet day
he's such a bastard he's arrogant and prideful and he'll willingly meow like a little kitty cat because his boybestfriend is sad
he's got daddy issues he's terrified he's traumatised his greatest fear is his father he spent years fighting a pointless war and never questioned his father about whether they ever even tried to find a way to end the war without just mindlessly trying to kill people who really aren't that different from them for a reason no one knows he's willing to be given piggyback rides by another high profile man in a public area
he's a dog person he's weak to puppy dog eyes from everyone he cares about he's constantly done with Mephisto's shit he gets jealous because one of his friends complimented their mutual friend's cookies
he's willing to villainize himself in the eyes of his family to keep them safe he's sadistic his first response to being cornered and scared is to kill anyone who's making him feel that way his love language with his brothers is being a little shit to them he's somehow connected to/the starting point of all the issues/trauma his brothers have he has empty nest syndrome even though all his brothers live at home he hasn't realised the extent to which his actions and words have fucked up his brothers and is constantly surprised and devastated by it when he realises
he has a son he pretends is his brother whom he only ever canonically acknowledged as his son twice which led to huge blowout fights one of his younger brothers bullies him into going to the pub with them once a week his son runs a club with his youngest brother dedicated solely to making his life miserable
he's sadistic he genuinely enjoys seeing people suffer he's so polite he'll allow himself to be poisoned by food he knows is bad he bought dinner for a whole restaurant because it was the owner's birthday he wore a silly outfit and worked at a themed restaurant as a favour for a friend he gets visibly more aroused when he's ordered around he insults his brothers but gets upset whenever an outsider does the same
he loves his human so much and he's so annoyed at them he's so frustrated with them he's so angry at them and he's so worried about them so protective of them so incredibly proud of them he has tried to kill them many many times
he's a borderline alcoholic he's immortal he's greying he gets migraines he forgets to eat and he sleeps at his desk he does the mom thing and orders takeout for his children when he goes out to eat without them he likes dad jokes his greatest wish is to visit a factory he likes good socks he's a grumpy old man
he's over 10 million years old he's an eldritch horror he's the personification of the sin of pride he needs glasses to read his childhood friend? ex-boyfriend? kind-of-brother? old coworker? brother in arms? calls him luci
he's a naggy paranoid perfectionist he removed the entire bathroom because one of his brothers forgot to clean it he had to literally be kidnapped to send him on a vacation he ripped out multiple sets of his own wings he doesn't like being seen shirtless he lectured jason voorhees about him not killing efficiently enough
he's a respected and recognised drag queen he believes love is love he's canonically so beautiful but no one ever makes a move on him because the whole realm thinks he's in a committed long term relationship he refuses to believe his best friend is in love with him despite multiple people saying so
he's the type of person you want to please the type of person you want to make proud the type of person you want on your side because you know no matter what he'll always have your back you're safe that as long as he's there everything will be okay the type of person you want to be held by while everything is falling down around you
he's even queer
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yandere--stuck · 1 month
AGH. Familial!yandere!Stan
Stanley “Stanford” Pines is far from a good person. He's heavily aware of this, as is most everyone else. He's a liar, a cheat, he's broken innumerable laws and can count on both hands the number of states he's been banned from. Hell, his main source of income comes from con artistry.
He's a hardened man. But, having Mabel and Dipper around... It's making him into a softie, but it's... Nice. Like what he'd imagine having a couple kids would be like, when he was a younger, better man. And now, it's hard to imagine the shack without the sounds of their squabbling or them running around doing who knows what.
He feels that, by now, they're like his kids, too. And sometimes, he allows himself to believe it's true.
But, it's not. He's too old and, hell, he's not even their grandfather. Just a grand uncle.
He doesn't want them to leave. Well, he will. When summer ends and the kids’ time with him is up, he'll send them on a bus to their real home.
But, he can't help but imagine a reality in which he didn't. A reality in which, against all odds, Mabel and Dipper want to stay with their Grunkle Stan forever. A world where they readily toss aside their parents, their friends in Piedmont, their school, everything they'd known, just to stay with him.
A foolish, selfish dream. One that's too unrealistic for Stan to consider for too long. If the kids were to stay, it'd have to be for a good reason. Like, say, their parents for some reason not being able to take care of them.
Ideas like that wash guilt over Stan in waves. Of course he'd imagine something like that. He'd already ruined Stanford's life (killed him, even, depending on what was on the other side of that portal.) Now what? He was going after Shermie's kid, too? Shermie's kid and the kid's wife. Just because he was too selfish to let go.
But… It's not like he wanted them to die or anything! Just, maybe, for both of them to go into simultaneous comas so the kids couldn't leave? A car accident, maybe. Maybe they'd be too injured for the kids to come back. It'd be convenient, really. The kids were already with a family member. They could just stay with him. Stan would enroll them into school for the time they had to stay. They'd get used to it. And if either of the parents’ conditions were to deteriorate…
The kids would be so lost. They'd need him to be there for them. They'd need to turn to him for comfort. And he would. Stan would do anything. He'd be their hero.
Stan actually made a face at his own thoughts. Disgusting. They were family. He couldn't pray for their downfall just because he was selfish. Just because he could already feel the encroaching dread of loneliness.
Maybe he could just lie, lie about what Dipper and Mabel couldn't leave. Like the buses would all be down for the next, say, six years? And his car had broken down. And there were no taxis. And no, they definitely couldn't drive down to pick up their own children because, er… The apocalypse was coming?
Or he could just run away with them. Because they'd definitely want to flee the state or country or continent just because their Grunkle couldn't let go. Maybe, just maybe, he could finally make the Stan O’ War II, with his grand niece and nephew as co-captains.
Now, that was funny. Utterly hilarious to even think about, even imagine.
No, when the summer was over, the kids would go home, and maybe, just maybe, they'd visit again next summer. But Stan couldn't help but indulge himself in imagined ways in which he doesn't have to let go ever again. And no one ever leaves him. And he is loved and he's important and he's not a fuck up.
That probably makes him a bad person. He certainly feels like one. But, then again, he always has.
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satoruoo · 11 months
currently thinking about physicallyaffectionatebf!yuuji
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physicallyaffectionatebf!yuuji who can't keep his hands off you for more than 5 minutes because he likes the feeling of being close to you.
physicallyaffectionatebf!yuuji whose favourite activity is cuddling in bed while watching movies of any kind.
"babe, it's movie marathon night! i brought snacks and blankets!"
physicallyaffectionatebf!yuuji who likes to walk hand in hand with you and swing your arms like children.
physicallyaffectionatebf!yuuji who finds comfort in the way your arms wrap around his middle, rubbing soothing circles into the flesh of his skin while he complains about daily life sukuna.
physicallyaffectionatebf!yuuji who has a deep rooted fear of losing you so prefers to always be touching you in some way, shape or form. :(
physicallyaffectionatebf!yuuji who's scared that one day he won't be able to be around you his execution, so soaks up every second with you as if it's his last.
physicallyaffectionatebf!yuuji who's partly scared that he'll hurt you everytime you get close.
"i dunno, babe. sukuna came out today and i don't wanna hurt you."
"yuu, honey, don't be silly."
physicallyaffectionatebf!yuuji who is sure he'd be more than happy to die in your arms.
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poquiii · 2 years
 König x reader  /  Ghost x reader  Headcanons
 They are like fathers. 
● König grew up in an incomplete family, but he still knows what it is to love.
● But he will never get used to how tiny children are.
● The first time he sees your baby, he can't pick them up. He was so afraid of hurting them.
● König walked around your bed for a long time, looking at the little lump in your hands.
● You insisted that he take them in his hands and he sat awkwardly on the edge of the bed, watching you put them in his huge, rough and scarred hands.
● Since then, he has made it his goal to be the best dad ever, to make you and your children proud of him.
● He will learn to cook well. He will tell the baby's breakfast so he doesn't have to do it for you.
● If you have a daughter, he won't be afraid to look silly when your daughter wants to paint his nails with pink nail polish.
● He will also learn how to braid her hair.
● He doesn't think it's anything shameful to play dolls with her and make Troop 141 drink tea with her and her teddy bear. (He doesn't fit at her little table, so he sits on the floor, bent in half.)
● He will always treat her like a princess and fend off her suitors.
● He won't have to try particularly hard, all he has to do is stand next to her when he picks her up from school and everyone will go around them.
● If you have a son, Koenig will do everything he wanted from his father when he wasn't around when he was growing up.
● He will teach him how to play soccer, fight, and handle a knife (which you don't approve of, by the way. But he'll just put his head down and mumble awkwardly about self-defense. However, if you don't take pity, he'll back off and teach your son to defend himself with his fists instead)
● He will gladly buy them a dog and train them as the best defense for his child.
● He will carry them on his shoulders and toss them in the air, enjoying the children's laughter.
● He does not want his children to know what he is doing. He avoids these conversations at family dinner in every way possible, asking you and your children more about their day.
● He likes to take his family on picnics and trips to the amusement park.
● He will in all seriousness cry over Disney cartoons when a child asks to watch it with him. (”Coco” broke him.)
● He will always try.
● And he is ready to protect all of you from any danger at the cost of his own life.
● He didn't want this baby.
● That phrase he threw out in a panic made your heart freeze in your chest and your hands clutch at your stomach.
● He immediately started making excuses: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean- Fuck! I didn't-"
● He'll spend a long time trying to explain to you that he's just afraid.
● He's afraid of being a bad father.
● He's barely learned to show his love for you and he's afraid of hurting you, of hurting you.
● Even more so, he was afraid for a defenseless little creature.
● His child. It took him a long time to come to terms with the thought.
● But when he held the little bundle in his hands and your child's little hands reached out to him, something clicked in his chest.
● He would kill for them.
● He would die for them.
● He will do anything for them. Just like he did for you.
● He'll learn how to change diapers, swaddle the baby, make applesauce, and move around even more quietly than before so he doesn't wake them or you. 
● After all, he knows how tired you are.
● He didn't wear a balaclava at home. He understood that the child was afraid of it.
● For a while he thought he was naked with his face open. But first you started kissing his cheeks every time you ran into him in the hallway of your house, and then the baby started touching his face with his little fingers and smiling.
● And for the first time, he felt comfortable without Ghost. It was just Simon Riley.
● If you have a daughter, he won't be a soft dad. On the contrary. He'll teach her to fight better than any boy. He'll do anything to keep his beautiful, beautiful girl safe.
● And yes, he's the kind of father who demonstratively cleans his gun in front of his daughter's boyfriend when he walks her out on her first date.
● If you have a son, Ghost will treat him like a little warrior. "You have to protect mommy while I'm gone."
● Your son will be a copy of his father in both appearance and personality. He'll even steal Ghost masks from your closet and sneak them on to show he's as tough as Daddy.
● Ghost never objects. and always strokes his son's head affectionately.
● In fact, he's afraid his son will find out the truth about his father and hate him. 
● The ghost doesn't want to be what he used to be. He wants to be the best version of himself for his family.
● And every time you smile at him affectionately while he does your children's homework, you kiss him affectionately on the forehead, he knows he's doing the right thing.
● He will never yell at his children, never hit them or punish them harshly.
● He wants the best for them and knows he can't protect them from everything, so he tries to teach them everything he knows. To prepare them for hardships and make them strong both physically and mentally.
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hjparisian · 1 year
ready baby- harry j potter x reader
p: harry j potter x fem! reader w: just fluff, not fully proofread summary: after the wizarding war, (y/n) and harry spend time healing from the past. harry is ready to move forward and start a family, but is (y/n) ready? a/n: a request from one of my lovely followers! kinda short but i hope its good
The end of the Second Wizarding War came as a relief to everyone, but it brought many deaths to love ones. From Fred, Lavender, Remus, Tonks and many more, both Harry and (Y/N) had to face a lot of coping and healing. Because of this, they couldn't really progress on what they desired in the future.
Since Harry was deemed as the godfather to Remus and Tonks' baby, Teddy Lupin, he and (Y/N) would often visit Andromeda to help raise him. (Y/N) had absolutely adored the little Metamorphmagus and was often the one coddling the boy. She'd always have Teddy wrapped snuggly in her arms. This sight was always a dream to Harry.
You see, Harry has always thought about having children, especially with (Y/N). He's always known that she was the one for him. He had proposed to her prior to the Battle of Hogwarts, promising that even if he had to die, he will always be hers. Thankfully, he had survived and defeated Voldemort, having their wedding a little bit after to bring cheer to a dark era.
Even though he really wanted children, he never expressed the thought towards (Y/N). He didn't want to bring this up when they were both healing from the war and didn't to put pressure on (Y/N) if she didn't want children. At least they had Teddy to help raise.
The two Potters returned home after celebrating little Teddy's fifth birthday with Andromeda and the Weasleys. The two had always spoiled Teddy a little too much when it came to birthdays and Christmas, giving him a pile full of gifts ranging from different toys to pictures of the boy's late parents.
After the two had changed into more comfortable clothes, (Y/N) had went to make tea for the two of them. Harry sat at the table, staring at his lovely wife.
"Teddy is growing up pretty fast, don't you think?" (Y/N) says to Harry as she brought him his tea.
"He is. Soon he'll be taller than you," Harry said, a faint "hey!" coming from (Y/N).
"Maybe he'll be taller than you."
Harry laughed. "Yeah right."
A comfort silence laid in the room before (Y/N) began speaking.
"Hey Harry?"
"Yes, love?"
"I've been thinking," (Y/N) started. "After spending so much time helping Andromeda with Teddy, I think I'm ready."
Harry was slightly confused. "Ready? For what?"
A shaky (Y/N) took a deep breath. "I think I'm ready to start a family with you."
"Really?" Harry asked.
"Yes. Caring for Teddy made me think of what it'd be like to raise a child of our own. And you know, maybe give Teddy a young sibling," she said.
To say Harry was happy was an understatement. The man had stood up and wrapped his arms around his wife, picking her up and spinning around in joy.
"I can't believe it," Harry said as he sets her back on the ground. "Are you sure you want to do this? With me?"
"Yes Harry, there's no one else I'd rather have a child with than you." (Y/N) told him. "Besides, I think it's time we move forward in our lives. I know we will never truly get over the war, but we can focus on our future, bring more little wizards around."
"We should have three little Harrys," he said jokingly.
(Y/N) laughed. "If they're anything like your sassy self, you're handling that catastrophe."
"I'm not sassy!"
"Joking! Maybe."
Harry cupped (Y/N)'s cheek before leaning forward to kiss her, (Y/N) meeting his lips at the middle.
"I love you, darling," Harry said to (Y/N).
"I love you too, Harry."
"So," Harry began. "When can we start this family?"
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
If you're comfortable, could I request a romantic concept for Endeavor (MHA)?
I have mixed feelings about him because I know he's going to horrid to Darling... but at the same time he'd probably try to redeem himself later- This doesn't have much of a plot but it takes place after Rei. The original draft I was doing took place where you replace Rei but I scrapped it for now. Take this as an AU that doesn't really connect to canon.
Yandere! Enji Todoroki (Endeavor) Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling (A section mentions female anatomy, however. This section is in pink), Obsession, Age gap, Possessive behavior, Manipulation, Abuse of power, Lucid yandere, Stalking, Marriage, Mentions of wanting/having children/baby trapping, Isolation, Dubious (forced) relationship.
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In an alternate timeline where Enji decides to start anew from his old family, I can see him hesitate for once when he finds a new obsession.
After all, it's clear he's been horrible with relationships in the past.
He's only ruined his kids lives, same thing for his wife.
He probably doesn't even think he'll love again.
Then you come into his life, just about as annoying as Hawks, yet make him feel funny.
It's a familiar warmth... and he dreads it.
You're a new pro hero which means he's going to be dealing with you a lot.
This leaves him conflicted as now he'll have a harder time to suppress the burning warmth in him when he looks at you.
You're younger than him, at least half his age if not a bit older, he knows it would be unprofessional to do anything.
The good news, after his original family and the retirement of All-Might, he's much better than he was.
Unfortunately, if you ever got too close, old habits may make themselves known.
There's times you're so bratty... yet he knows it's just because you're young.
You're overconfident, yet you have a decently strong quirk.
Enji wants to be better, part of him even wants another chance at love, but doing it here would be poor choice.
You look up to him, something he both enjoys yet pities.
Which is why he'd probably stay quiet about his newest obsession for a long time.
He doesn't want to ruin your life.
You have promise, you don't need him to ruin everything.
At the same time... He worries he won't be able to hold back the longer you're around him.
To talk about Enji in general, he's a possessive yandere.
Even when he leaves his old family behind to make them happy, he'd still be bad with you.
Enji no doubt eventually would want to marry his obsession just to be able to show everyone you're his.
He knows marriage didn't go well for him before... but when he looks at you, he can't help but want others to know you're his.
That he's picked you.
To add onto that, if you have a womb... Enji would no doubt try to put a child in it.
I personally believe this man has a thing for strong successors.
Based on past behavior, that is.
So, if you were capable of having kids, Enji would eventually want that.
At first he'd be against it, knowing how his last four kids went, but the thought of giving you his kid...
It just makes him think it's another way to show you're his.
Even after losing his original family he's still possessive.
Old habits die hard, too bad you are on the receiving end.
Enji no doubt tries to be better.
He doesn't want a repeat of Rei.
He doesn't want to hurt this second chance, maybe he's just lonely but...
He wants to make you happy if you're involved with him, it's not like All-Might is in the picture anymore.
Enji may not even suggest a Quirk marriage in this case, perhaps this one he'll take his time with.
But your quirk is an added bonus as a fellow pro hero.
Enji tries his best to stay away and help you from afar.
He shouldn't have you, he doesn't deserve you, he can't ruin another...
Yet you grow close to him and he's trying to put a wildfire out.
I feel most pro heros would take a subtle manipulative approach towards their obsessions.
Things like coaxing their obsession into being involved with them.
Enji would try to stay away from it more due to past experiences.
But you just know he'll snap and start being closer with you.
It's no doubt an abuse of power due to his seniority.
Which is what makes it so manipulative.
You're both skilled heroes and you may even find dating the Endeavor flattering.
At first you think there's nothing wrong.
Completely unaware that being around Enji can get you burned.
Enji doesn't want to keep things hidden when he manages to date you.
He wants other heroes to know he's dating you.
That way no one else can sabotage him.
He wants people to know you for dating him.
When dating you he tries his best to be more amicable.
He doesn't try to hurt you, he's learned.
He's possessive and easily irritated when people bring you up... but never blames you.
He probably buys you what you want, even if you have the money as a hero.
He remembers certain aspects about you, even does it before you're dating.
Enji tries to hold himself back from marriage, but he may use it as another way to show you're his.
It's like a flex to him to say you're engaged. (even if you're not... but that's okay, he can change that.)
Plus, when he eventually gets you to marry him, it feels euphoric to slip on that ring.
He's admittedly nervous to ruin his second chance... which means he does his best to tend to you, even when he has work.
He wants to make things better.
If he notices you're falling out of love with him, or if you notice his more toxic behavior... he distracts you.
Others pity the relationship you two have, even if you are well cared for.
Most of his old family pity you, while Dabi finds it laughable Enji found someone else to torment.
Enji doesn't seem to care about the backlash.
As long as you love him, as long as he has that chance, as long as you're his...
Everyone else can burn.
Speaking of burns, early Enji may have used burns to mark his darling.
This time he refrains from that... but the thought is tempting.
Although... anything to show his mark on you couldn't be that bad, right?
He may not kidnap, but he'd definitely manipulate you into staying with him.
By the time the rose tinted glasses are off, you're in too deep.
If you can have children, you may even already be with child before you realize this... might've been a trap.
Enji likes to show ownership over his obsession.
While he may be caring with you, he's still controlling.
You're no longer your own person, perhaps even forced to give up being a hero.
You're his partner, you'll be known as his partner...
Enji doesn't plan on letting you leave, he'll use whatever means he deems necessary to keep you with him.
He'll lock you away, he'll bribe you, he'll baby trap you... anything.
Enji isn't going to mess this up again...
You're going to be his...
No matter what it takes.
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Orc boyfriend head canons
Warnings: mentions of sex, swearing, mentions of war, mentions of hunting, brief mention of blood.
Minors Don't Interact!
Big scary orc boyfriend whose taken down dire wolves with his bare hands terrified by a little mouse. His tiny human lover has to catch the mouse and put it outside while he freaks out.
He'll give you all the kisses in the world after that praising you for being so brave.
May or may not give thanks by burying his face between your legs for a few hours.
He likes bring you back his trophys of war and hunting, he knows he doesn't have anything to prove but he still likes showing off to you.
Loves rubbing his tusks against you while cuddling in bed. Heart eyes and smitten if you kiss his tusks.
Would die on the spot if he saw you wearing only pelts from animals he killed. Run back to that bed or else your getting railed on the closest surface he can find.
Is ok with doing you in front of all his friends but if your not comfortable with it he won't push the topic at all. He respects your choices
Will try to take you hunting though, mostly so he can show off but it's also a bonding experience for him.
Likes picking you up and puting you on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes with his hand on your ass. He'll walk around your home and even outside if you let him.
He thinks putting a bear pelt down in front of the fire place with a couple of bottles of mead is the most romantic thing in the world and will pull this move any time he feels romantical or if you need a night of pampering.
He also thinks battling side to side covered in your enemy's blood is just as romantic.
Lord this man is bad at reading, he's more a himbo type. Sit on his lap and read out loud to him he will absolutely love it. His arms will wrap around you holding you close as you read to him. Better yet let him use your lap as a pillow while you read to him.
If you have hair long enough please let him brush and braid it he loves it. Do the same to him he finds it intimate and rather romantic.
Oh boy oh boy ask him about his scars and his tattoos, he'll spend hours telling you about them in great details.
In his mind your alredy married but if you explain to him you want a wedding he will be more than happy to listen to how you would want it and try to get as close to that as possible. He's going to go all out for the wedding sex too.
He has a tattoo in honor of you. May have more than one.
Would be so happy if you got a tattoo that had to do with him but wouldn't be disappointed if you didn't.
If you have any pets he treats them like their your children.
Will bread you in hopes of having your kids even if it's impossible for number of reason's. Still fun to pretend.
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autumn-hiraeth · 1 year
Hobie brown x reader
Where you got Hobie's heart in your hand.
a/n: i had to write this. Idk why suddenly i'm shadowbanned. Can u see this? :(
You can find more here “ Hobie's masterlist”
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“we'll figure it out Y/n, we can fix this together”
Hobie hasn't stopped begging you to try to break the canon, no matter how selfish that may be, Hobie doesn't care about the lives that are going to be lost if it means you're going to be with him. Because that's what feels good to him, you and him together for the rest of your lives. But you can't do that, sometimes you hate that you can't be selfish but you don't want to condemn a wholeuniverse, you're the type of person to do the right thing no matter the cost. Whatever it takes. And Hobie always admired that about you, until now.
It turns out that you are his canon event and you're going to die soon, Lyla told Miguel when Margo was around then Margo told Gwen and finally she told Hobie. But what Hobie doesn't know is that you already know and you're okay with it.
“luv, listen to me, 's bullshit, this is not supposed to be like this” “you cannot do this Y/n” "'m gonna save you, 'm gonna save you luv"
His broken voice is what makes you wrap him in your arms and he clings to you, his face is buried in the crook of your neck and you can feel his tears fall as he murmurs "please luv." Lemme save you, need to save you"
You rock him softly, it takes all of you not to break down in front of him. "I know it doesn't feel good but it's the right thing to do" so he pulls away from you before crying out through his sobs:
" No! No! No! The right thing is you and me together, this can't be our canon event!" “If you leave, I'll be so lonely. You have to stay with me Y/n” " I do not want to do this!" Watching him break in front of you finally makes you cry, you hate this as much as he does.
“Hobie, my sweetheart, listen to me.” You are kneeling in front of him, your forehead resting on his as he sobs. "I won't be able to live in peace if I know I didn't do the right thing" "This wasn't supposed to end like this, all this time I believed that you and I..." you pause when you feel a lump in your throat "I thought that one day we would get married, I know you hate all that commitment bullshit but I know I would find a way to persuade you” you laugh through tears imagining the scene, a scene you daydreamed about so many times and now it is nothing more than a fading dream.
Hobie wipes your tears "I also thought abou' a future with you... and children" you and Hobie smile through tears, of course you both wanted children, but you never said it out loud, that topic would be for the future, right? Bullshit. The silence that follows that little chat is almost as heartbreaking as the next chat that follows.
"But you can do all that with someone else" you whisper and Hobie closes his eyes as he shakes his head, he's not okay with that. Hobie knows he'll never feel the same way about anyone else. He doesn't want to get married or have children if that person is not you. His Y/n. "Listen Hobie, you have to go on, you have to let me go." "Please, I won't be able to live with the guilt" You choke on your tears and sobbing, all while your head falls onto his shoulder.
Now it's Hobie's turn to see you vulnerable, clinging to him while you tremble, he knows you're scared, who wouldn't be? And he knows you don't want to leave him, he knows you love him, but you don't want a universe to pay the consequences either.
So with all the pain in his heart he comforts you, kisses your salty cheeks and he loves you so much that he accepts losing you so that you can be at peace.
" alrigh' luv, 'm gonna let you go" "I'll be fine" “I always get back luv”
Now you two are crying while kissing, because they know that after this they only have a little time left.
And even though Hobie hates that idea, he keeps his promise from him and when the time comes he doesn't save you.
I don't wanna go
But baby, we both know
This is not our time
It's time to say goodbye
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neoarchipelago · 2 years
Here to humbly ask for one serving of a price+sex pollen please 😔 saw someone bring it up under the konig one and they are so true and real for the price ghost konig Holy trinity of daddy issues
Ahhh yes... Daddiest of daddies... Just ask and you shall receive...
Price is such a calm man. Ruled by logic and love for his adopted children. But you... You could never be his child. Cuz the things he wants to do to you... Fuck, the devil itself blushes.
The pollen... Was unexpected. He tried to remain calm. He tried to breath through the waves of adrenaline washing over him. He still couldn't believe you were there straddling his lap, rosy cheeks.
A calm man. He'd be so soft, even through the rush and the mind wrecking need. He'd love absolutely every part of you. And you can see just how hard this man is trying to hold back on you.
So you push him. And he unleashes.
Every thrust hits the right spot. Praises fall from his lips like the morning rain, and they make you feel so hot. Your heart feels like it'll burst from it.
"Such a good girl... You're taking me so well... Fuck... You sound so good, moan for me again..."
Deep, steady... His cock just pumps in and out of you in a calculated move. His eyes are fixated on you, pupils dilated. His chest raising with each breath, with each thrust.
He gets lost in you. Lost in your eyes, in your heat. The first time he can feel himself reach the edge, your orgasm rolling through you he asks. He needs to hear it.
"Baby, gonna cum... Do you want me to... Should I feel you up my sweet baby?..."
A yes. A nod. A beg. And he'd spill so deep in you, staying there. It wouldn't help much. Cuz he's already up for another round.
Even with his age, and through the cigars, the man has stamina.
He'd be more controlled than the others, so he'd try to give you a little moment to rest. He'd be unable to keep his hands off of you though... Your neck kissed, lips almost bruised, hands caressing you, cock in between your thighs from behind to try to relieve himself a bit. So warm... So perfect for him.
And he fucks you again, looking at you like your the sweetest strawberry he'd ever get the luck to taste.
If by any chance... A 'daddy' would slip past your lips...
He'd freeze. The electric shock that ran through him straight to his cock was unbearable. Shit he almost came on the spot. You might think you fucked up but no... He's about to fuck you up real good though. He'll grab your hips, positioning you just right to hit that spot. And he'll pound you. His eyes wouldn't leave yours.
"I'm your daddy? You want me to be your daddy, baby? Go on... Say it again... Moan for daddy..."
He'd drop his dog tags around your neck, tangling his fingers with them. He'd fuck you from behind, laying down on the bed, because shit... You just feel so good and he can't handle it anymore. If this was heaven he was sure to die worshiping you on his knees.
You'd be close to tapping out from exhaustion, and he'd wrap his arms tightly around you, praising you, comforting you.
"it's ok, let go my darling... I'm right here, let daddy take care you... Relax..."
He'd stop if you passed out. He wouldn't pull out though. He'd stay burried deep in you, almost torturing himself by his own cock warming. You'd bat your lashes, awaking slowly, feeling so full, body melting away. He'd kiss your cheeks, hand softly roaming you until you wiggle your hips.
He wouldn't hesitate. Fuck he'd have you all night. He'll fill you up again and again, loosing himself in you. He was supposed to be logic, he was a captain. But you'd manage to simply own him.
And he'd make sure he owned you.
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2smolbeans · 2 months
Yandere Obey Me Brothers x Mc (Replaced Au)
But what about the side characters that become Yandere for Alex during the time she learns stuff from them and they become Yandere during Replaced AU
Orginal post/ Part one
In the replaced Au, I wrote.. For the side characters like Mephistopheles, Raphael, Solomon, Thirteen, and Simeon..
They aren't like the brothers and won't necessarily become obessed or infatuated with Alex (the rival student). If anything, to sum up most of their feelings, they would feel..Odd about her.
Like you know when you see a train speeding, and you know it's gonna crash, but you just can't help but watch? That's what they all feel, with their own different versions of course.
Simeon sees the good in people. He's an angel of compassion that adores humans - just like how God so ever loved his children. Like his father, he wants to help, he hates seeing those suffering. So when he sees Alex trapped in their own self-destructive path, he's eager to swoop by her side and be her Guiding Guardian angel.
He tries to help her, and he tries to steer her in a better path that will stop her from hurting you and ultimately herself. But it never seems to work. He'll talk to her, and she'll ignore him. He'll show her what her future looks like if she keeps indulging in the seven deadly sins, and it seems like it gets through to her. He gets hopeful, thinking he she'll change. And she does, for a bit. But then she goes back to her old habits again, and it breaks Simeon's heart. The murder, the abuse, and the torture she so happily inflicts..
Like his father, he wants to help..But also like father, he knows when it's time to give up. He sees the corruption in her soul and knows that nothing can be done. She has free will to do whatever she wants, it's gods given gift after all..And, she doesn't want to change. So he just watches her from the distance, unable to do anything.
He's angry. It's not like she's the first human that the deadly sins have used and manipulated.. And you're not the first obsession the fallen angels ever had.. Lord, why can't these demons just leave poor innocent humans alone?
Thirteen, on the other hand, is purely intrigued. It's a gameshow to the reaper as she watches this 'rivial' student in the shadows. How will she die? When will she die!? Ohhh she bets that Alex is gonna die a painful death!
The reaper eagerly watches this particular corrupted soul that dances with the most eldest evils since creation. She keeps an eye on her soul, the candle of her life always flickering and on the verge of blowing out..
Thirteen is infatuated with Alex and their stupidity. No normal human would comfortably snuggle up with the most horrid demons in hell, let alone SURVIVE being around them. She hasn't seen a normal human do that before. The only human that has ever dealt with the seven deadly sins and survived is that old ashy skeleton Solomon.
So, of course, she's slightly obsessed with this human.. Collecting her soul would be an honor! And seeing what her judgment will be when she gets sent to hell for eternal punishment would be even better!
Like a curious cat, death herself is always waiting at Alex's doorstep. Waiting to collect her soul, eager to terrify her.
Raphael doesn't seem to care or have any likeness towards this rivial student. If anything, he's disgusted with her actions towards you and how far in degeneracy she's gone to. He blames her for interacting with the brothers. He knows that she threw her own life away just by looking their way. He despises the brothers for enabling her sadism as a way to teach you a lesson and to get you vulnerable underneath their shelter..
He doesn't like Alex, but he doesn't hate her either. At the end of the day, he knows that it's just sin and human nature.. It's something that's hard to resist.. It's why he's made it his goal to try to get you out of there. He knows it'll get worse, and he knows that you've been praying for help. He hears your prayers, and he wants to answer them.
Even if you don't know who he is, he'll do everything in his power to give you hints on escaping and tips on how to protect yourself as an omniscient force. As Micheal's second best man, he does know a thing or two about fighting off powerful demons.
As for Solomon..He's entertained and curious. Like Thirteen, this man wants all the tea and info. A human dabbling into witchcraft and cruelty for the sake of the seven rulers of hell? That's interesting! Reminds him of the good old days when he was a beginner and dabbling into witchcraft!
Solomon antagonizes Alex, trying to see how far her devotion is for the seven rulers of hell. He sees her as this cute little girl who has no idea what she's playing with.
Like Thirteen, he'll start placing bets on what mistakes she'll trap herself in. Solomon has seen multiple people like her, desperate for love, desperate for power, and toying with the supernatural.. And they don't last long. Whenever she's roaming around the school, Solomon will go out of his way to tease her, pushing her buttons - but not to the point where she'll get the brothers involved.
When it comes to Alex bullying you, he won't do anything. He feels bad, but oh well. It is what it is! Just nature playing its role. He just likes to watch shit burn to the ground, in all honesty. Plus, why should he do anything? He's not gonna get involved and risk his life when the demon lords are connected with the both of you! Fuck that!
Mephistopheles is probably the only exception of being utterly obsessed with Alex. Not because of love, admiration, or lust.. But because of pure jealousy. How did this human get all the attention and excitement going on with their life? And how in the HELL did they manage to get Lucifer Morningstar himself to be around someone less of his league? And how is it that a HUMAN has more knowledge than a demon like him who has been in hell for years!?
He's interested. He wants to know every detail about Alex's life under the House of Lamentation. He was a journalist and loves to listen to personal details..
Mammon has connections from the human world inside casinos? Interesting.. Asmodeus has fallen angels in his strip club? Who could've known..?
There's another human in the house of Lamentation? Now, this was something he didn't expect.
For the sake of his own curioisty, he'll befriend Alex. He'll keep a calm, collected face, strategically getting closer to her with each day. He doesn't care about her, but he wants to be close to her. It's dumb, but he can't help it. Being around her is just so..Interesting. This rival student has a lot of charm for a human..
Okay, maybe he likes her just a bit.
But yeah, the side characters won't necessarily be 'yandere' for Alex, but definitely are invested.
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seventeenlovesthree · 11 months
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@digimon02countdown Day 7 - What do you love about Digimon Adventure 02?
While my attachment to Digimon started and persisted due to my love to the original Adventure, there are still quite a few things about 02 that always kept me around. I have already hinted at it in previous posts; the relationships, similarities and support between the "older" and "new" Chosen Children, the concept of the multiverse, Jogress evolution (also the fact that my OTP are absolute dads to the kids)... But I'd say the most important aspect for me is the bonding between the characters. And nothing signifies this more for me, nothing is as outstanding, significant and vibrant - as the development of the relationship between Daisuke and Ken.
I would argue that, overall, no relationship gets that much focus, that much visible positive development than these two. And yes, upon getting asked, I will never deny that, in my opinion, there is a sense of romantic tension between them too, but in this post, I just want to write about how fascinating, soothing and beautiful their bond is to me in general.
Their initial set-up is, once again, that of rivals. That is a theme Digimon has always been playing with - but I'd say no other series threw that trope for a loop like this before. On one hand, there is the fact that they're both playing football, even ending up facing each other at a point in the series where Ken is still considered to be that perfect, untouchable genius, good at and with everything, while Daisuke is considered a thick-headed knucklehead, goodhearted, but brash and not really talented in many areas - and yet, he still admired Ken at this point. Then of course, there is the fact that they're on opposing ends, enemies in the Digital World, having brutal, cruel fights against one another as Chosen Child vs. Digimon Kaiser - until the spell breaks, with the Crest of Miracles breaking Ken's curse.
And from now on, the boy - who's responsible for his own Digimon partner's death and the suffering of so many others - will have to face the aftermath of what he's done, dealing with guilt and self-esteem issues, feeling unworthy and unlovable.
But then there is Daisuke - the only one who immediately wants to give him the chance to atone for what he's done. He is not forgiving him right away, but wants him to be able to make up for everything - and with kindness and the persistence to not let him sacrifice himself and die, they achieve the unthinkable: Their Digimon combine, their hearts pound in sync. They seem to be connected in ways that make Daisuke get excited - and scare the heck out of Ken. He thought he didn't have anything or anyone else but his reborn Digimon partner and family, and now there's this boy he used to fight, he used to be enemies with... Who simply wants to be his friend, who wants them to be "partners" and work together.
It's confusing, it's scary. While Daisuke is sure that they're meant to be and fight next to each other, it takes time for Ken to feel ready to take the steps towards him, the others, forming bonds, friendships. But Daisuke being Daisuke makes it so much easier for him to let his walls down, slowly but steadily enabling him to show his gentle and soft side, starting to trust and rely on him as much as he does in return.
And Daisuke? Daisuke is displaying a sense of confidence and comfort that we rarely saw before - he tended to be so focused on impressing others, covering up his own insecurities with cockiness. But his bond with Ken makes all his natural kindness and straightforwardness come through easily. He may appear more simple-minded at first glance, but his heart has the right priorities - and he'll do what it takes to save Ken, from himself, from darkness, helping him to be his true self.
Daisuke doesn't doubt their connection for a second - and that's why it's so important that Ken is still able to shake him. That he has an impact on him like no other. He will give Ken all the time he needs to face his demons, to do the things that are uncomfortable to him - and he'll be by his side all the way.
They are partners, they've got each other's backs. And as long as they don't lose sight of themselves and each other, it will always be this way.
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yetanothergreyjedi · 2 years
Ghosts of Our Pasts
DP x DC crossover
Danny Fenton and Damian Wayne sibling AU
Parts 1 & 2. Part 4 Part 5
Part 3: Before
"You are not my brothers!" Their newest brother shouted. They were used to this by now. Once Damian had stopped actively trying to kill them for dominance or whatever, they'd taken to domesticating him like feral kitten. He was a lot more hiss than he was claw. And as long as they didn't push too far, he just got more comfortable with them. Except, of course, when they referred to him as family.
"Yes we are," Someone quipped back, and Damian's face grew stormy.
"You. Are. Not." Damian snarled. "I had a brother. You will not replace him!" They all froze with the revelation, and Damian took that time to throw down his Robin gear and storm out of the room.
He'd had a brother. The league had tucked away, not one, but two?!? And they had killed one, or gotten them killed or— it was no use to speculate, they didn't know what happened.
"I'll talk to him," Dick volunteered, before he started to spiral. No one responded, probably because they'd started a spiral of their own.
Damian wasn’t hiding. Well, from a civilian's perspective, he might be. He felt like hiding, but this was not an appropriate situation to hide from. Thus, he stayed in a place someone with League of Assassin training, and his b— his father’s other children would find completely obvious.
It was Grayson who found and silently sat down next to him. He didn't ask, and that was better because Damian didn't have to say anything, but it was worse because he needed to say something, and now he couldn’t hide behind a resistance to interrogation.
"He would've loved it here." Damian admitted.
Grayson leaned ever so slightly into him. "What was he like?"
Danyal laughed as he ran down the hall, enjoying the moment while he could before the inevitable he'll to pay. He'd been seen, but hadn't been caught, so his self imposed mission was successful.
It was a harmless prank, but an action suitably beneath an heir to the Demon. It should be enough. Damian wouldn't fail, but he feared he would; now, even if he drastically missed his mark he'd still have a reason for grandfather to keep him around.
If Dany had known he was setting the mark his brothers would be held to, he would've held back. He did now. He sprinted on the razors edge of acceptable performance and excellence. Hopefully, it would last long enough to put his plan into motion.
Damian told him about the older brother who loved the stars, played secret games, got into odd kinds of trouble, and was the best at everything. Dick got a sense of how young Damian must've been when he'd died. There was also something missing in the stories, but Dick didn't push. This was a rare bit of vulnerability, and he wasn’t going to risk it.
They missed patrol that night, and later shared those stories with the rest of their siblings. They morned the brother they'd never meet, and eventually Damian called them brothers too.
But one phrase from that night still haunted Dick;
"He would've gotten us here years ago... if it weren't for me..."
Dick never did ask, he wasn't sure he wanted to know the details.
Danyal layed there for an eternity. If he moved too soon, he'd risk Damian turning around, if he waited too long, he'd bleed out. Would Damian turn around? Would he apologize and help him up? Would he come back to finish him off? Had his brother intended a slow kill to make him suffer, or to let him escape? Maybe Damian hadn't accounted for the light armor beneath his clothes?
He waited a half an eternity longer, then forced himself to his feet. He managed a few steps before pain and dizziness toppled him again. Up. Step. Step. Down. Up. Step. Down. Crawling managed more distance, but left a more obvious trail. It wouldn’t get him out of here. He would die here. Unless...
Jazz wanted to be mad at the boy who was now her brother. Her parents had barely left the lab since he'd offered a glowing green vial in exchange for a home.
It was his fault they'd forgotten about her, but only this time. Last time is was the old woman convinced her husband was still in the house. The time before that it had been a beeping box that went off whenever it was pointed to close to an electrical line. It would only be proof until it wasn’t, and then she'd have her parents back until someone brought the next new toy. It was his fault this time. He stood in the living room in his borrowed clothes like furniture was a foreign concept. She sighed, grabbed a washcloth and ran it under warm water. It was hard to be mad at someone who'd shown up looking like they'd escaped a serial killer.
He didn't startle as she approached and she realized he'd been watching her. Well, no backing out now.
"Here," She held it out to him, "you have dried blood behind your ear."
"Oh," He ducked his head and started scrubbing. She waited for him to finish and showed him where to put the dirty laundry. She had a little brother now, and their parents had forgotten them both again.
In this AU, Jazz is 13 when Danny arrives. She already thinks that psychology is interesting, but she only starts diving deep into it after Danny shows up.
If you guys have any comments or questions, I'd love to hear them. This was a one part thing until you asked questions and started thinking about the answers.
Tag list:
@spectralstardustandphantomnights @avelnfear @idfk-man10 @blackroserelina @candeartist422 @mur-ururu @luer-mirin @insufferablecrab @skulld3mort-1fan @alonedustspeck @voidbornposts @meira-3919 @marshmelloe @aethernorwood @mimilikey @undead-essence
Dears, I love you, but you really need to change your profile pic to anything that isn't the default because I thought you were bots. I legitimately almost blocked you on reflex because I'm getting so many right now.
@the-winds-of-kushala and @spectralstardustandphantomnights thank you both for your lovely title suggestions
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woodandwaxwings · 2 years
Can I request yandere Peter Pan and the lost boys (poly) x male reader? It’s cool if not! (:
sure thing :) since most of the lost boys are really young children I decided to do headcannons for Peter and Felix individually cause I've had a lot going on these past two weeks emotionally so when I have more energy I'll do an actual oneshot for this ask
Warnings: Yandere obvi
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Starting with peter, he'd be the type of yandere to make it very clear to his darling that they're his.
If you came to the island with a friend, yeah, they're dead.
nobody can go near you, but the longer you stay on the island the more he'll trust you. But trusting you doesn't matter because it's the lost boys who are eternally stuck in puberty that he doesn't trust.
HATES physical affection but will not hesitate to fully make out in front of a lost boy so they'll leave you alone
he's chill(er) with you hanging out with the younger lost boys between like 6-12 after that it's free target practice.
after about a month he gets more comfortable with Felix being around you, but not without ripping his heart out and threatening him first.
says ily before you even start dating
if you choose to go the monogamous route and Felix isn't attracted to you, then you'd end up hanging out with the blonde more than the man who set his eyes on you, but that'll be purely bc with Felix you can talk to the other lost boys without worrying he'll snitch.
and boy does that piss peter off. you're supposed to be HIS so what are you doing spending more time with the second in command than the man who took you in?
are you not grateful for his protection and undying love? of course, over time you are but he needs to ensure he's gotten his message across.
so like any good boyfriend you didn't agree to date, he stabs his competition and leaves him on the beach to die. Of course, the other lost boys saved him but now you understood.
you understood that no one would go as far for you as him. nobody can be trusted but him.
if you go the poly route he's 10x more defensive not just of you but of Felix. It took a lot of effort to share you and he's not going to spread his feelings further.
At first, it started out as a competition, you obviously fell for Felix first considering he's better at masking his psychopathy compared to Peter
It took some time but Felix convinced you to give pan a chance.
happiest day of his life
he's down bad I'm telling you
leaves hickeys to mark his territory. doesn't matter if he was prompted or not he'll just come up to you, loop his arms around your waist and get to work
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despite being over a century younger than Peter I believe Felix is 110 times better at hiding his obsession
once you realized that Felix was equally as crazy as Pan you were already in too deep
big spoon so you don't run away
he enjoys pissing you off a bit too much
very much a passive yandere
unlike pan it'll take a bit of provoking for him to act out, whereas pan if you look at him the wrong way he'll gut you
will not let you leave his side EVER
loves playing with your hair. he's sitting on a long combing his fingers through your hair in front of the fire while he glares at Peter ogling his darling, this happens quite frequently
I think Felix leaves bite marks rather than hickeys, like, 'he let me do this to him and you think you can lay a hand on him? nah'
loves physical contact and Holding hands is a must.
irl guard dog
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howtotrainabraincell · 2 months
Types of affectionate the Templars are - Part 3
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Shay Patrick Cormac - The Irish Captain. Good cuddler. I said it. Good. Cuddler. Look at this Irish penguin and tell me those arms won't wrap around you in a warm hug and just melt all of the stress and worry away. That FRICKEN smirk is so attractive you could die from attraction overload, and he KNOWS what it does to you too. He's all for quick playful kisses the kind that are delivered out of nowhere and make you laugh. He has a habit of taking his gloves off when he caresses your face, he likes to have skin to skin contact with you. Taking your face in his hands and kissing you sweet as he threads his fingers through your hair (if it's down, he'll smooth it if you have it pinned up as man has had his fair share of difficult hair days lol). Head cannon that his love knitted him a grey scarf and he wears it all.the.time. It's like a grown man comfort blanket to him lol and he has a hard time letting it go when you need to wash it or repair it (so he pulls you into his lap or hugs you from behind instead). if you don't judge or criticize him, he'll love you even more because he already does that to himself enough. To have a sweet love that understands him and loves him despite his past, would be equal to having the world in the palm of his hand to him. Whether you're a Templar or not he would like for you be safe no matter what. Going so far as to state that he would prefer to have you safe on dry land over being selfish and putting your safety at risk on the Morrigan. You however put.your.foot.DOWN and said either you were going with him or you would tie him to the bed (which he wouldn't mind per say...) but when he realized that your stubbornness matched his own? He couldn't help but acquiesce to his lovers demands (with a big fat grin on his face lol). He loves it when you pepper his face with kisses and stroke his jaw with your fingers. If you kiss his scar over his eye he will melt like butter in your hands, it makes him feel very loved to know that you love him and desire him even with all of his scars. (I mean come on you can't deny that his scars are VERY fitting on him). He loves speaking to you in Irish Gaelic loving the blush that covers your face, with every time you laugh drawing him closer to you until your wrapped in his arms tightly against his chest. You swear that from that cheeky smirk on his face, that he's saying dirty things to you, but once you learn a bit of it to surprise him you find that while some things are quite dirty... - he mostly talks about the kind of life he wants with you and how he wants to give you the world. He speaks of settling down somewhere nice and comfortable and having a handful of beautiful children, (he'll literally take such good care of you while you're pregnant FR). But even if you two never settle because so long as he has you, he is home. Shay doesn't want to raise them in the ways of the Order he wants to let them choose, and most especially give them the chance to have a normal life. He will teach them self-defense though as well as making sure that their beloved mother can kick bahookie Far and Away style lol. His daughters may not choose to follow in their father's footsteps, but the majority of his sons do (as in cannon), and while you worry about them Shay swears upon his love for you and his life (bc he knows that if your babies get so much as a SCRATCH he'll get his cute Irish ass handed to him lol) that he'll be there to guide them every step of the way. If you cook for him and sing in Gaelic this man will explode from love. STOP BEING SO PERFECT YOU MINX. Besides Gist, you are the only person he trusts enough to let you take the wheel of the Morrigan when he can't do it himself. When you two get married your wedding is on the Morrigan when she's docked in New York's harbor with a celebration following off ship afterward. You two will love each other with everything you have even after the end of your days.
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Haytham Kenway - The Austere Grandmaster. He's often busy with business concerning the Order but when he does have time with you, he makes it well worth it. Tell me that this man doesn't buy you jewelry that matches your eyes. He thinks you look gorgeous in blue, and he has a hard time taking his eyes off of you... I imagine that he enjoys the slow life with you aside from the normal life he lives. He would enjoy having breakfast with you and having relaxing mornings where you force him to stay in bed because if he works too much his brain will implode. If he has to leave you, he makes arrangements for you to be protected and well provided for while he's away, and he always brings you something from his travels. Kind of feel like he would be the type of lover to spoil you rotten because he can't be there and then try his best to make it up to you when he sees you again. He'll also plan surprises for you ahead of time either when he's there or while he's away. Haytham was very flattered and surprised when you returned his favor, as he wasn't expecting someone so sweet to be interested in the likes of him, as he is aware that he doesn't come off as the warmest man. He definitely blushed when you made him a gift something that he prizes almost as much as he does you: a red satin sash that you handmade for him to tie around his waist (it makes him look even more dashing if that's even possible). He would write you letters of course expressing his love for you and informing you of what was going on and inquiring about your well-being. He's protective of both you and your honor, and he will not stand to see you disrespected. He will duel for your honor - knowing of course that he'll win - making sure that anyone who dares to disrespect you will pay the price for it. He loves to show you off in public any chance he gets, he's very proud of you lol. He'll proudly introduce you as the "lovely woman he has the honor of courting" and make it known that he sees you as wife material. I can imagine going to an event with him, specifically a tea party and when he's concluded his business or had all he can take of the stuffy upper class, he'll stay by your side engaging in playful conversation with you. Imagine sitting there people watching as you two come up with stories about the lives of the people around you. You two would get looks for laughing when one of you comes up with a rather preposterous story about a partygoer, with you turning to hide your face in his shoulder as he begs their pardon with slight sarcasm lol. He will definitely give you looks over his teacup whether they be eyes of "Do you hear this snobbish buffoonery?" or eyes of "You look absolutely ravishing". He'll mostly be checking you out over the rim of his cup though more interested in you than the tea. He'll make faces at you when the person isn't looking whether it be rolling his eyes at their nonsense or making an exaggerated face of disdain which makes you smile to no end. If at all possible, the first chance he sees to get you alone he absolutely will, disguising it as nothing more than a friendly walk between a gentleman and his lady. He's less of a gentleman behind the bushes though... I personally do not believe that he would not introduce you to Ratonhnhake:ton his son - not because he's ashamed of you or because he feels like he has to hide you. He doesn't think that his son would harm you either, but Haytham wishes to keep you out of Templar affairs as much as possible (that is if you're not already a Templar when you two meet) because he doesn't want you to be harmed, targeted, or something else awful he refuses to think about. If we're not sticking to cannon and he lives until his natural death you two stay together until the end. If we're sticking to cannon and he eventually dies in 1781 he leaves you everything he has (which is a lot) hoping to leave you set for life and wanting for nothing. Thinking about his love even unto death.
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icarusredwings · 7 days
kidwades opinion on Moana? you can do all of em if you want, but i’m specifically curious about logan’s kidwade!
- @laddies-rambles
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So firstly, Nessa's Wade is definitely the type to stare wide-eyed and with a small triangle mouth when there is singing or water scenes. He especially likes baby moana, and if Ness lets him, he'll put his hands on the screen and sit up a bit more excitedly. "Baby?" He'll ask her because he didn't really yap, so he's more of a gabber, very few actual words but a lot of huffs, sighs, whines, grunts, etc. She has come to learn "Be easy with her. She's little" gets his hands off the tv and he sits back on his knees with his hands in his lap. Wades undying love for children is so strong that even as his smallest self he still wants to keep them safe. It's so cute though to see him shift around excitedly and full out giggle at the baby scene every time though.
In all honesty it breaks Vanessa's heart considering they were supposed to start a family but now that isn't such a good idea. They've already had a long talk about it while he was big and as much as it broke him, he didn't want to risk their child having any mental issues or problems like him incase they ended up being genetic.
Logan's wade, much like Al's wade, thinks of her grandmother as Al and cries every single time. The movie is a huge range of emotions for him so sometimes can stress him out more depending how little he is today, you will see him tear up, make a pouting grunting noise and then run off to find Al. He hugs her and curls up with her, rambling that he doesn't want her to die and that it's not fair for her to leave him forever. This is usually when Logan would intervene if Al was persay- Sleeping and then jumped on for snuggles, Logan would have to pull him away and comfort him. He's already (MISTAKENLY) tried to explain the concept of death to him while he was like this, and it made things WAY worse. Like WAAAAYYY worse.
So now- He's learned to skip this part.
"Kid, Look over there!!!" *skips this entire scene*
"What?" "Aw shucks I thought I saw something. Oh well." And he never notices really that it's skipped. It's never a good idea to let such a little mind with multiple opinions linger on such a big thought for long. Other then that though, he ADORES the water scenes and it makes Logan question if he should take him to the beach but then remembers that he cant swim and gets a bit upset about that.
Poolveriness' Wade is just as same obsessed with the water scenes but is actually able to handle the entire movie, understanding the powers that moana has and that this movie is "Very girl power" as he says. He also likes the green earthly woman and the sparkly crab. Sometimes, he will vocal stem. "I ate my grandma."
He heavily enjoys watching her walk through the water and such and tells them that she's "Princess jesus"
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buriedpair · 4 months
Just a simple ask…
Reader as a MILF/DILF?
For example: once the reader gets comfortable, they start to open up about themselves and one day bring up that they have a child?
(I joined the discord, the people are very lovely and lively)
YESSSS THIS ASK IS EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED!!! Fun little fact: Gambit was ALMOST a dilf, but I didn't feel like designing him a kid, lol!
I did more of how they'd react to the news that you have a kid and how they'd respond to a darling's child in general, if that's okay!
THANKS FOR JOINING THE DISCORD!!!! I'm glad you like it there!!!
Yandere!OCs x GN Reader
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He's so happy you trust him enough to tell him! Um... but... that does mean you have more experience than him, which is kind of interesting. Amias is a huge loser virgin who can't even take care of himself, let alone a child! It's a strange situation for him to end up in, but he cares a lot about you and you trusted him with this information, so he'll definitely try.
He isn't against your child, but he isn't thrilled about it either. You'll soon learn to keep the kid away from Amias lest he try to feed it cup noodles for every meal. He doesn't know the first thing about caring for a child.
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Edge is the absolute king of self-care. He'll definitely be protective of your kid, and you. However, he cannot stand the little rodent sometimes. You're his priority, and as much as he wants to care for your child with you, it isn't his... Even if you can't birth children yourself, he's annoyed that this thing is the product of you and someone else.
He'd be good at the basic taking care of children part, but he's awful when the kid starts crying or complaining. He'll just yell, and get annoyed. Honestly, he's not prepared for a child in the slightest.
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Double Down
"Want to make more?"
Yeah, he doesn't really have much experience in this department. He used to be a 'hit and quit' kind of guy, so even if he knocked someone up he didn't stick around to see the result. He'll probably forget your kid exists most of the time until you remind him.
He's a good babysitter. He knows how to keep a child happy. Though, similar to Amias, he isn't really the best at taking care of himself, let alone a child. He'll do his best, though. Definitely better than Amias.
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Oh my god, a mini you! He loves you, he loves your kid. He would die for the little thing, honestly. He's probably the second best person with a darling who has a kid, mostly because he's the only one who's responsible enough for himself.
Though, don't let him get ahead of himself. He loves that child, but he might grow protective of it over time, as he does with you. If he's taking them to school, they'll have a long lecture as to why they're never allowed to date anyone for their own safety because everyone is rotten garbage compared to someone who came from HIS darling.
The kid might end up terrified, in the long-run.
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If Jackpot is second, Gambit is definitely first. He'd be like a father figure to your child, and love them unconditionally. He's gentle at heart, even if a bit misguided. He's caring, and he's well-mannered
He'd know exactly how to calm the kiddo down, and would always be a second parent to them. They can trust him! Except, he may get a bit too comfortable and start sharing his twisted ideologies with the kid. Before you know it, the kid starts replicating Gambit's less than ideal tendencies.
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