#and how does the way she looks and behaves be reflected in how the girl plays with her
svankmajerbaby · 2 years
im so curious about that m3gan movie. of course i love the inherent uncanniness of dolls used to maximum creepy effect and especially when it applies to some sort of commentary of the way we depict and conceptualize childhood and children themselves But. i also really do not enjoy when the line between doll and robot is blurred, for some reason?? they obviously have a lot of things in common, robots and toys, in a sense, but i also think that theyre fundamentally different in the way theyre used and the social functions they have...... and besides theres the fact that robots are just not something that kids really interact with, unless its a tamagotchi or one of those hopping doggies......
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togrowoldinv · 4 months
Date Night
Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
A date night with Natasha
Warnings: Smut! 18+ please! Kissing, cursing, car sex, fingering (R receiving), soft and hot times
Note: I was thinking about Natasha as per usual. Enjoy this one!
Natasha Masterlist 1, Natasha Masterlist 2, Natasha Masterlist 3, Main Masterlist
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The candles and soft lighting illuminate Natasha’s smile. She looks at you like you’re the only person in the entire world.
The waiter pours her glass of wine and yours before walking away, leaving you and Natasha be. She takes a sip of her drink.
“I’m so glad we’re doing this,” she says once she’s swallowed the sweet liquid.
“Me too,” you agree. “It’s been far too long since we had a date night.”
“Mhm. Do you think the kids are behaving for Yelena?”
“Oh, I’m sure. But is Yelena behaving?” You joke.
Natasha chuckles and says, “Not a chance. That girl is so unpredictable.”
You laugh. The conversation continues to be about your family that you both love so much until Natasha changes the subject.
“I’ve been wanting to talk to you about something,” she says, her voice comes out steady but the way her eyes don’t quite catch yours makes you nervous.
“Okay,” you say uneasily.
“I’m going to retire from avenging,” Nat says. You open your mouth to react, but she stops you short. “Before you say anything, I’ve thought a lot about this. It makes the most sense for our family. I can’t be out there risking my life. Not when I have so much to lose now.”
“I know,” she seems to read your mind. “I know it’s what I’ve always done. Fought for something. But it’s not what I want anymore.”
“Well, you know I support you no matter what,” you tell her. You see her take a deep breath. “And it does make sense why you’ve been different lately. This has been weighing on you. I’m glad you told me.”
“Thank you for understanding,” Nat says. “I have one more mission to go on before I retire. Steve already asked me to go, so I don’t want to leave him and the team hanging.”
“What kind of mission?”
“The kind that might not be the safest,” Nat reluctantly replies. “I’m sorry to tell you about it tonight, but it’s hard to get a moment alone with you.”
“I understand, Natasha,” you say. “Let’s just make the most of tonight before you go?”
“Absolutely, sweetheart. I love you,” Natasha says.
“I love you too,” you say.
The rest of the dinner goes by without anymore serious conversations. Natasha holds your hand as she walks you to the car. Like always, she opens the door for you to slide in.
“Ice cream?” She asks once she’s sitting in the drivers seat.
“The kids will be sad,” you reflect.
“The kids will never know,” Nat says, her playful smirk on her face. “Come on, baby. I want ice cream. Please?”
“Are you begging me?”
“Are you not into me begging you? Because last time I checked you like when I do that,” her voice drops an octave and you feel your entire body react.
“Fine, we’ll get ice cream,” you relent. Nat kisses your cheek in victory. “Only because you’re so cute.”
“I’m not cute,” Nat pouts.
“You’re extremely cute.”
“I’m not.”
“You are, babe. Accept it.”
“Just drive,” you say.
You share a smile and Nat starts the car. She drives to your favorite ice cream place. Natasha doesn’t even have to ask you what you want. She already knows. She orders and you find a booth while she waits for the treats.
“I got two different ones because I wasn’t sure what you were feeling tonight,” she says. She slides into the booth across from you.
“Thank you, my love.”
You eat a little of both flavors while Nat does the same. While you’re eating, Natasha gets a text from Yelena. It’s a photo of the kids sound asleep in the living room.
“And it’s only 9pm. Well done, Yelena,” you say.
“I miss them,” Nat says.
“Me too,” you agree.
You reach across the table and intertwine her fingers with yours.
“How long?” You ask, bringing up the mission again. She doesn’t have to ask you to know it’s what you meant.
“2 maybe 3 weeks,” she replies. “I leave Friday.”
You nod. There’s a sadness lingering but you push it aside for now.
“Should we get the kids something?” Nat asks.
“Nah, it won’t be as good tomorrow. We’ll just take them out when you get back.”
“Good idea,” Nat says. “Let’s go.”
The ride home is quiet, but not uncomfortably so. You love just existing with Natasha. No words can really capture how you’re feeling. She knows that.
When you get home, Nat stops you from opening your car door. She doesn’t say anything, but she leans across the center console and kisses you.
She kisses you like her life depends on it. Her tongue brushes against yours and you realize her intentions. You push her classic leather jacket off her shoulders.
“Nat,” you whisper as her lips move to your neck.
“I want you,” Nat says.
“You can have me,” you say.
She moves her hand to your pants and dips it beneath the fabric. It doesn’t take long at all to find where you want her the most. Natasha knows your body so well.
“Fuck,” you mumble as she moves her fingers through your folds.
“I love you,” Natasha says against your lips. She leaves hot, opened mouthed kisses all over your face, neck, and any other skin she can reach.
“I love you,” you reply. “Fuck, I love you.”
It’s been too long since you’ve done something like this. Since you’ve been entirely lost in each other in a not so private place. Her and the circumstances leave you feeling so hot.
“Come for me,” Natasha says. She knows your body and your whimpers well enough to know you’re close. “Come for me, detka.”
You come hard against her hand. Natasha grins at the pleasure she sees move through your entire body.
She kisses you softly once you’ve opened your eyes again.
“Let’s go inside?” She asks.
You nod. She gets out of the car as you readjust your clothes and follow her.
Once inside, you love the sight you see. Yelena is laying between the kids on the couch. She’s sound asleep.
“Cute,” you whisper.
Nat takes a photo before you tiptoe past your sweet family. Before you make it to your bedroom, you both hear Yelena.
“I know you two were out there a while before you came in,” she says quietly, her eyes still closed.
You and Nat just giggle.
“Night, Yelena,” Natasha says.
“Goodnight, lovebirds,” she replies.
You and Natasha go to your bedroom and finish what you started.
You’re always so proud of her in everything she does, and you know her future even without avenging will be just fine.
And she’ll always come home to you.
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peachesofteal · 1 year
Dead Disco / Chapter 5
Dead Disco Masterlist
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Ghost/Soap/female reader 3.4k words - AO3 18+ Minors DNI, no smut. Protective Simon, Protective Johnny, Possessive Simon, brief mention of children, anxiety, Simon has a lot of feelings, relationship issues, angst, comfort, mention of assault, established throuple.  The three of you go shopping.
Simon does not like this realtor. He does not like the way she looks at you, like she’s looking down her nose, like she thinks you’re less somehow. He does not like how she appraises both himself and Johnny, like she’s trying to piece together a jigsaw puzzle in her mind. He watches in disgust as she tries to touch Johnny, her fingers just missing his elbow, like he’s some sort of prized animal on display for her to take part of. He briefly fantasizes about scaring her, threatening her so she runs far, far away from his family in fear, never to bother them again.
In Simon’s defense, his emotional and mental state are currently sitting on a razor thin wire. He is volatile. He is anxious, and uncomfortable, and frightened. He watches your every expression; he tracks your every movement. He takes note of your inflection, your rhythm, the pitch of your voice. He tenses when he sees you standing next to an open door.
He is afraid if he turns around, or blinks too slowly, you could be gone.
And he already knows that if it were to happen, again, he would not be able to hold himself together like last time. He would not be able to keep both himself and Johnny upright. He would crack. He would crumble.
They would be lost.
Johnny approaches him from the east, from the formal dining room that has the floor to ceiling windows that you were so excited about. You peer from them, eyes darting down and up and all around, and he watches for the tell-tale sign of you feeling overwhelmed, the clench of your nails to your palm. When it doesn’t come, he rolls his shoulders, shaking a minuscule amount of tension free from his bones.
“What’d ye think?” Johnny slides a hand under his sweatshirt, across his ribs and then up, to his breastbone. His heart thumps hard against his palm, and Simon closes his eyes to draw a deep breath.
“I like it. Liked the last one too. And the one before that…”
“The realtor?”  
“She’s a right cunt.” He hisses, and Johnny chuckles.
“’M pure done in, I think.” Johnny opens his mouth onto Simon’s shoulder, and he feels the press, the points of his teeth through the fabric and his skin. His blood heats, and he turns his head slightly, just enough that their noses nearly touch.
“Always behave for you, LT.” He pauses, watching you. “She likes this one more.” You’re looking down at the hardwood, inspecting the dark stain of a black-grey color that runs through the entire flat, pointing at something and asking the realtor a question. She answers you curtly, and Simon can tell from where he stands that the dismissal in her tone hurts your feelings. His fingers curl into a fist, and then you’re looking over to the two of them, something soft and hopeful written across your face. The light from the very tall windows streams down on top of you, shining onto your hair, your skin, your lips that are turned upwards in a timid smile. It reflects through your eyes, shimmering across your irises and swirling in the depths of their color, pulling them both towards you like they’ve been hypnotized.
It takes his breath away. It takes Johnny’s too, because he whistles out a low murmur that only Simon can hear.
“Bloody hell, Si. That’s our girl.”
“Close your eyes.” Johnny urges, and you chew on your lip nervously while you look between the two of them. “D’you trust us?” 
You nod. Simon tilts his head, regarding you silently, teeth clenched tight behind the mask. 
“You’re not gonna like… do something weird right? We talked about boundaries…” Johnny laughs, and then kisses your clavicle in the slow way that Simon likes, the slow way that Johnny touches him too. 
“No, love. We’d never cross your boundaries.” He tries to reassure you, but your gaze flicks upwards from where you’re sitting in front of Simon, like you’re waiting for him to say something. 
He nods. A burst of words builds up inside of him, a plea, a confession, a promise. He wants to tell you that you can trust him, that all he wants is to taste you, press his lips to yours, savor the breath of your moans and whimpers, promise you that you have nothing to fear. He wants to tell you he’ll take care of you, that he and Johnny will keep you, keep you with them, keep you safe, keep you happy. He wants to tell you all the things you’re not ready to hear yet. Wants to tell you you’re precious, so precious to them already. That you buried yourself beneath their skin, worked your way into their hearts. All without even seeing his face. With baring your body to him, but never pushing him to reveal himself. Never demanding anything from him. 
He says none of it, only nods. Only hopes. 
It’s enough, and he relaxes a fraction when you do close your eyes. 
Johnny’s palm rests across the bridge of your nose, effectively blocking your sight, and Simon pulls the mask away, folding it carefully before pushing it down into his pocket. He holds your chin between his fingers, tilting your face to expose your neck, the beating pulse under your jaw. 
When he kisses you, it’s effortless, and he tries to keep his head straight while your mouth and all its heat meets him equally and unafraid. 
He pulls on Johnny’s wrist, freeing your vision to reveal your eyes still clenched shut, your faith and trust on obvious display, your eagerness to do as he’s asked striking something sharp and pleasurable in his body. You’re so, so good, so sweet for them. So perfect. 
“Open your eyes, darling.” He instructs, and you frown, brows creased in confusion. He strokes your cheekbone with a thumb reassuringly before repeating himself. “It’s alright.” He promises, and you finally relent. 
When you do, and you finally see him, truly see him for the first time, your face breaks into a radiant smile, and it nearly stops his heart. 
“What do you think?” The realtor asks, and her eyes glitter when she glances at Johnny’s position over Simon’s shoulder, where he’s leaning with his hand still wrapped around his torso.
“It’s up to her.” Johnny inclines his head to where you’re standing in the kitchen, inspecting the cabinets.
“Hey, these are like the slow close drawers.” You say over your shoulder, pulling one out and then pushing it back in to show them, an excited grin pushing your cheeks up. The act of selling the old flat and getting a new one is not a cure all for what ails you, what ails them, but it is a step in the right direction. A step that will lead to the next, and then the next, until they’ve cut out all the rot that’s festered in your head. A step you have seemed to embrace wholeheartedly, even if Simon is having trouble letting go of his worries regarding how you’re feeling.
Breathe. She’s right here. You’re all together. 
“Come here, darling.” Simon implores, and you do so willingly, sidling over to stand in front of them, casually watching the realtor who’s lurking at the edge of the room. “What do you think?”
“I like it.” You nod, more so to yourself than to him or Johnny. “It’s… awfully big? But I don’t hate that about it. I mean, I’m not sure what we need with three, four bedrooms if you count the sunroom but I could turn one into an office so I could work from home more.” He feels Johnny’s mouth curve into a smile on his shoulder and he allows one to stretch across his face as well. You look between them hesitantly, and then your fingers curl into your palm. “Or, we could leave them both as spares, whatever you wa-“
“It’s what you want, darling.” Johnny emphasizes, beating him to it, and Simon nods his agreement. “We want you to have what you want. It’s your home.”
“Okay, yeah. Then… I like it. A lot.”
“What about an art room? Didn’t you have in your last flat?” You smile again, face bright and beaming.
“Yeah! That would be great.” You look over at the kitchen and its tall cabinets again before turning back to them. “And I love the kitchen. I think it’s more than big enough.” Simon agrees, and pictures you in the kitchen with them, sitting on the counter while Johnny cooks, half your body covered by a t shirt, feet slipped into too big socks. “But we’ll have to change the tub.” You frown, and Johnny rolls his eyes playfully before he pulls you into his arms.
“You sure about that love? Looked plenty big to me.”
“What? No… definitely not.”
“Definitely yes.” You scoff. “Don’t believe me, go check.” When you push away from him to do just that, Johnny leans his head on Simon’s shoulder as they indulgently watch you walk away.
“A lot of bedrooms.” Johnny whispers and Simon immediately shakes his head.
“Don’t, Johnny.” He admonishes.
“Ya never know Si. All our dreams have come true so far, ‘aven’t they? What’s one more?” Simon scowls at him. “Or two.”
“Johnny.” He warns, voice low. The last thing they need is for you to come around the corner and hear him indulging in his wildest fantasies, his whispered prayers that he’s only ever dreamed about in private, only ever told Simon about when he thought he might die in Las Almas.
Johnny’s quiet for a minute, and then sighs.
“You’re right.” He resists the urge to say I know, and instead leans in for a kiss, brushing his lips against Johnny’s, his mouth opening slowly, slick heat of their tongues against one another going straight to his head, sending blood rushing through his body-
The realtor clears her throat with an annoying, high-pitched cough, and Simon turns with a huff of irritation.
“We’ll take this one.”
“What’re you on about, LT?” Johnny’s hot on his heels, practically breathing down his neck while Simon tries to get free of his tac vest. 
“I said, fuck off Soap.” Get away. Get away, get away, go away. Go anywhere else. The mask on his face suddenly feels suffocating, the entire hall feels suffocating, and he pushes through the door to the tiny four walls that houses his bed so he can rip the skull free from his head and finally breathe. 
The door swings shut. Johnny stands just inside, just enough inside that the door can close, his body pressed between the edge of his dresser and the door frame. 
“Ghost.” Simon trains his eyes on the floor. Maybe, if he ignores him, he’ll leave. If he pretends he’s not here in the first place, he’ll take his bloody mohawk and charming eyes and beautiful face and get the fuck out of his room. “Simon.” Johnny presses, and it’s enough of a match on the gunpowder to set off an explosion. 
“DON’T CALL ME THAT.” Simon throws the mask at the wall, the sound of the hard-shell clattering to the floor while his lungs draw air in harshly. “I told you to fuck off, Soap. Now get the hell out of my room or-“ 
“Or what, LT?” Rage boils in Simon’s blood, hot, burning anger that sears him from the inside out. He steps closer to Johnny, closes the distance until his chest is touching his tac vest, the only barrier left between their bodies. 
He expects to see fear in Johnny’s face. Expects to bask in it, wants to relish in it. He wants Johnny to feel as he does, wants him to know the cold grip of fear around his throat, wants him to understand. He wants Johnny to know what it’s like, to be afraid of losing everything, even things he doesn’t have yet. 
He does not expect to see softness in Johnny’s face. Patience. Kindness. Adoration. He did not expect to step closer, as close as he could, and he did not expect to feel Johnny’s hand take his, the bare skin bleeding warmth through his glove, an intentional pressure pulling him in closer and closer until his face is a mere centimeter from Simon’s, and then a millimeter, and then just a breath’s distance away, the softness in his eyes unchanging, the understanding still as solid as it was a day, a week, a month ago. 
Simon does not expect to press his lips to Johnny’s. He doesn’t think Johnny expected it either. All he knows is one moment, he was nearing a rage filled blackout, and the next, his mouth is tasting Johnny and his honey sweet lips, their sweet, sugar like softness pressed gently against him, opening for him, letting him swipe his tongue behind his teeth and pull him in for more. It’s intoxicating, and more than he’s ever dreamed, more than he’s ever hoped for. 
“Eejit.” Soap hisses, but his mouth twists into a smile. “You’re a bleedin’ fool, Simon Riley.” 
“I know.” He agrees, because he must, and then takes Johnny’s mouth again, rougher, more demanding, before his hand finds the deadbolt and slides it into place. 
“It’s been a pleasure.” The realtor’s obnoxious smile grates on Simon, and he tries not to display his impatience while she speaks to the three of you. “If you’re ever in the market again, I’d love to do business with you.” She hands Johnny a card, but her fingers linger on his skin, and Simon beats back the urge to throw his body between them.
“Don’t touch him.” He snaps, the sharp crack of his tone whipping across the sidewalk to where you freeze with your eyes shuttered, lip tugged between your teeth. The realtor has the guts to look shocked, or offended, but Simon cares for none of it. In this moment, he does not care that she’s been discreet about the fact that they’re buying through a shell company, doesn’t care that she’s made last minute changes to accommodate them, doesn’t care that she’s shown every single listing that you marked down hastily this morning. All he cares about is that she keeps touching what’s his and hurting what’s his along with it.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think-“
“Ya didn’t.” Johnny agrees, and you watch Simon carefully from where you stand, until you’re wrapping a hand around his waist, and laying your head against his body.
“It’s alright.” You mumble into him, your face pressed against his arm, doe eyes peeking upwards, something calm, but unsteady, reflecting in your gaze. You’re looking to him for reassurance, for him to agree and say that yes, everything is alright, and he feels a small sliver of weight lift from his shoulders.
You’re still looking to him. You trust them. You’re still here.
Johnny’s head is in his lap, freshly washed strands of mohawk laying against the bare skin of his thigh, Johnny’s hand tucked between his back and the couch. It’s the afternoon, and you’ve been at work late, and both he and Johnny are eager for you get home. Their last mission went a few days long, and they only got in an hour before you had to leave this morning. 
You wanted to call in sick, but he had forced you out the door. All they’d be doing is sleeping anyway, he assured you. They needed to get caught up on actual rest.
When the front door slams, Johnny jerks upwards, an elbow supporting his weight, and Simon turns to where he believes he will see you walking past the kitchen towards them.
Except, you’re not. You’re standing in front of the door. Far enough away that he can’t read the expression on your face, but he instantly knows something is wrong. Uneasiness tugs at his gut and he shifts, pushing Johnny completely upright so they both can see you better. When he does get a better glimpse, his stomach completely sours.
You’re crying.
You’ve got a palm pressed over your mouth like you’re trying to hold it in, but you’re shaking, and tears are spilling down your cheeks.
He experiences a million emotions. Panic. Fear. Anxiety. Rage at whatever’s happened to make you feel this way.
“Darling?” He calls, standing behind Johnny, not even realizing that they’re both practically trying to vault over the couch to get to you, nearly stepping on top of one another.
He gets there first, and slowly grazes a light touch along your forearm. Your eyes are wide, and frightened, and he swallows the nausea that’s building up in his throat. “What is it?”
“There was a… a m-man.” You croak and his vision ebbs with darkness. He looks closer, and sees the red mark on your wrist, notices the way your work bag strap is torn at the top where its sewn in. 
“What happened?” Johnny’s already pulling your bag free from your body, but your fingers are twisted around the strap so tightly it looks like they hurt. 
“I don’t know,” you try to take a deep breath but fail, and Simon tries not to throw up. “Th-ere was a man. I thought he was homeless, and he looked sad… I- I thought he needed help but then he gra-grabbed me.” 
“Where?” Johnny presses and you try to explain what street it was, but Simon doesn’t hear anything you’re saying. He’s too busy staring at your wrist, staring at the torn strap of your backpack. Someone tried to hurt you. Someone touched you. He closes his eyes and counts his breathing, lost in trying to keep himself calm until he feels a hand on the back of his neck, a thumb rubbing a soothing circle into his skin. Johnny’s thumb. “She’s alright, Si.” He whispers, to which Simon nods, snapping his eyes open. You’re still standing in front of him, head tipped back, eyes wide. He steps forward without another thought and crushes your body to his chest, nose indulgently seeking your hair so he can breathe the smell of your shampoo in as deeply as possible. Johnny doesn’t let go of his neck, just rubs gentle touches into him while he holds you, the three of you moving closer and closer into perfectly aligned orbit until he’s settling you on the couch in his lap, Johnny tucked under his arm. 
Safe. You’re here, Johnny is here. You’re both safe. You’re both here. 
You’re exhausted by the time they get you into bed, your body limp and pliable, face sad and confused. 
“I thought he needed help.” You mumble into Simon while Johnny works on a cup of chamomile, and he holds you tighter, arms like a vice grip around your waist. 
“Shhh. I know, darling. You didn’t do anything wrong.” You sniffle, skin still raw from your tears, and he presses you into your body like he wants to consume you, hide you from the world, take you away from anything that could hurt you. Simon is a killer, but you and Johnny have turned him into something more. You’ve taught Simon he has the capacity to care for something sweet, something delicate. Given him and Johnny a chance to have something good besides each other, to love in a way they’ve only dreamt about. 
You sigh, and he strokes a finger down your cheek. A gesture softer than he’d ever thought himself capable of, before Johnny, before you. “Close your eyes. We’ll be right here.” 
It’s later in the evening when Simon watches a crack reopen like a wound that’s been freshly sewn shut, splitting free after being pushed or pulled too much in one direction.
It happens when his phone rings. You and Johnny are in the bedroom, packing items away into boxes, wrapping fragile things in newspaper and bubble wrap, the sound of your voices carrying on floating through the hall to where he sits on the couch.
The entire flat goes dead silent when everyone hears the ringer go off. You and Johnny appear from the room like you’ve been summoned, Johnny’s hand firm around your shoulder, your eyes desperate, seeking Simon for some kind of reassurance.
Simon doesn’t need to check the caller ID to know who it is. Only one person calls him after hours. Only one person has the right to interrupt his time at home, his time with his family.
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colourstreakgryffin · 8 months
Hello my good friend. It's been a while since I've requested but. Can I request kyojuru and mitsuri with female-child reader who likes fire, and likes to watch things burn up? They don't get burnt by it but if they do they won't cry. For kyojuru's part reader like to brush his hair with there smalls hands on tug at the bottom of his haori where the flames are. 🙏🏾💕
Hehe! Omg, this is so wholesome and cute and I can already see how both would behave! Let’s gooo! I’m totally doing this request and welcome back, darling! Also welcome back, Mitsuri
Rengoku Kyojuro
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Kyojuro is naturally protective over younger ones so when he sees you, the little girl he rescued and adopted, sat in front of a stick fire. He sprints to pull you away from the flames and tell you lightly that fire is dangerous
Kyojuro is flattered with how much you like his hair. Yes, it does look like fire, doesn’t it? He will let you brush his hair all you want and the way you try pull the strands up so it will burn like real fire, has his heart exploding. You’re just so adorable with your fire fascination
Kyojuro cannot say no to you, like at all. Sure, he will take you away from fires you start and put you in front of controlled fires but that’s for protection. In every other sense, he can’t say no, so when you reach for the tips of his flame-like haori, he drapes it over you so you can play with it
“Look, Dokusha. See that fire there?” Kyojuro‘s comforting yet strong voice rolled out softly as he comfortably sat down on his knees, with you placed in his lap. His pointer directed your eager eyes to the roaring tall torch egging-on a big, beautiful orange-red-yellow mix palette flame burning with life. You immediately silenced yourself, the reflective light of the fire bouncing off your eyes as you glared in pure awe
Kyojuro didn’t want his precious adoptive daughter to be around uncontrolled and touchable fire so instead, he would set the Rengoku Family flame torches for you to gaze and admire the fire from a safe distance. You always have loved fire, ever since he met you and up to this very moment. You pulled at his fire-like coloured hair and played with the flame patterned haori draped carelessly over his shoulders
Kyojuro didn’t mind sitting in front of the torch with you, all to make you happy as he admired your gawking expression. You look simply so adorable in your nighttime Yukata and your pretty loose hair decorated by a single small ponytail. Kyojuro is over the phrase of ‘glad’ that you’re his precious baby girl, his one and only child. He will give you his flame-like haori to cuddle up in and a nice lap to fall asleep on
“What is your favourite colour of the fire, Dokusha?”
Kanroji Mitsuri
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Mitsuri, as the older sister of five, knows to always be careful around danger and how to handle children with dangerous things so when you, her cute little adoptive daughter, is huddled over the Estate’s furnace fire to gawk at the colours and liveliness, she is bolting to make sure you won’t catch on fire
Mitsuri will try distract you with fire-looking items as to keep you away from real fire. The way you hawk at the red fade to yellow kimono she bought for you and play with the tips of the flame-shaped handkerchief she got made, her heart goes pitter-patter with joy
When push comes to shove, Mitsuri will let you sit by her as she sets up the Estate’s furnace fire and even let you put in wood for her to set ablaze. She won’t let you handle the lighter, all because she is protective over you and always strives to keep you safe
“Place the big log down in this spot, baby” Mitsuri chirped gently, carefully placing her hands on your little back as you lazily dump the big irritable log of wood onto the standing pile of charcoal, spreading a small gust of ash over the short metallic railing guarding the entrance to the fire’s shelter. The log was heavy and scratched at your chest, you stepped back until you bumped against Mitsuri’s torso. She took this opportunity to cuddle you closer to her as she picked up the lighter and flicked the nozzle to spark up a fire
In wonder and awe, you watched Mitsuri eventually set the big log on fire after a few attempts of hovering the dancing flame over the wood, placing down the lighter to the side and shuffling back on her knees with you firm in her grasp so the fire couldn’t touch any inch of you incase it roared to life. Her prediction was proven correct when the thick chunk of tree essence brought to life a raging fire that almost grazed over the brick roof of the furnace
Mitsuri leant her vision down to look at you after your amazed coos faded. You’re just so adorable, eyes reflecting the mixed fiery colours and in that moment, she knew she will never regret saving you from that Lower Moon and adopting you as her little one. Sure, you’re a bit reckless with fire but your excitement over it makes her heart roar in true passion. Comfortable in your comfy nighttime Yukata and cute small silky brushed braids, she planned to sit with you in front of the fire for hours. All because the colours made you so happy
“Do you feel the warmth, Dokusha? The fire is so nice”
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night-raven-tattler · 5 months
Say hi to daddy!
Summary: How would these characters behave as fathers? What does their ideal family look like?
Characters: Savanaclaw dorm (Leona, Jack, Ruggie)
Other parts of the series: Heartslabyul, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignyhide, Diasomnia, Royal Sword Academy
Warnings: none
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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The chances of Leona agreeing to having kids is very low: he has a lot of baggage and personal beliefs that would make him not be fully on board
Plus, why would he need another screeching box when Cheka is already around?
But then a bit later in life... something happens and suddenly he has a child in his and his partner's care
Because why would anything ever go the way he wants?
Yet, he grows attached, with the help of his partner
He's the only one who can put the kiddo to sleep, and the only one whose hair the kiddo likes to play with
While his lazy predisposition doesn't allow Leona to go too much out his way for the kid, he's far from an absent father
He is not only present but trying his best to be an example
Because, even if the child ends up seeing him as a bad example, he will be satisfied with the lessons he managed to teach
He loves roughhousing with the kid or challenging their young mind
And when he's too overwhelmed, Cousin Cheka is available for babysitting duty
For Leona, fatherhood becomes a time of finally healing inner wounds while becoming more understanding without being dejected: it's the time when he finally finds an inner balance and find some peace
...he still won't ask Falena for fatherly advice though
Leona is, for sure, a girl dad; he also will pump the brakes at 1 child, 2 children would probably open old wounds he's not quite ready to deal with
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Jack is, undeniably, a family man whose life goals follow a pretty traditional route: get married, have children, grow old and see his family thrive
His classmates sometimes teased him lightly about it, but they all were happy for him when they saw Jack's content smile at his wedding and later at the apparition of his first child
From the very beginning, Jack is a good husband and a doting father, and he loves spending one on one time with his kids the most
Jack loves having his little ones join him in his training regimens, even if all they do is watch and ask questions
That's what they do usually anyway, the kiddos have been waddling towards their dad since they were in diapers
Dominant beastmen traits or not, he still expects them to do their best physically, and he's the dad to sign up every kid for a sport
Not that he wouldn't be understanding if any of his kids happened to take a less physically challenging path in life: he'd be just as supportive, but he'd also reflect on his actions and ask his partner if they think he's done something wrong
Parenthood is a chance for Jack to learn how to be more of a team player, not only as part of a parental unit, but also as a dad who needs to meet his kids in the middle and understand that the "pack leader" can still be wrong if he doesn't listen to his pack
Jack would enjoy 3-4 kids, he loves the idea of a big family, and he'd totally be a boy dad
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Ruggie never really thought about having kids, his main focus has always been financial stability and reducing that food anxiety
But it's very likely Ruggie would end up with an unplanned kid
He wasn't completely on board with the idea of parenthood... until his little one looked into his eyes and smiled
Did Ruggie accidentally pass down his pickpocketing skills to this kid? Because they just stole his heart
But that doesn't mean he really has a good grip on what parenting really means; yes, Ruggie is dependable and responsible, but he also is an orphan who has always fought against a lot of prejudice
So he often relies on his grandma for advice, she's the closes thing he has to a parent
He's the dad that really pushes his kid to learn as many things as they can, anything that can become a life skill will eventually come in handy
He helps his kid build up their independence, while they help him become more open and honest
Ruggie is very open with his child about his upbringing from the moment he feels like they are ready to hear it, and he makes them understand that his position in the Sunset Savannah is nowhere near the top as a hyena beastman
But he promises them that they are not any less worth being someone deserving of living comfortably just because of some societal garbage
Ruggie doesn't really have a gender preference, but would prefer 1 child, so the financial burden wouldn't be too heavy
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milaisreading · 7 months
Hi, is your request open? If so can I please request something like the bllk boys didn't know it's CD!YN's birthday because they're too engrossed on practicing and they just find out because Ego-san greeted her in the middle of lecturing them.
-Please excuse my grammar, English is not my first language TT
-also it's my birthday today so I gathered my courage to request for the first time to indulge myself (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
Have a greet day!
🌱🩷: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK! I feel honored to write this then. Hope you like it and hope you are having a great birthday, and getting a lot of presents 🥰❤️
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. In the story the boys will be using he/him when addressing Yn. Requests for this series are open.
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Ever since (Y/n) became the captain of the rowdy team known as Blue Lock, her life changed a lot. Whether it was for the better or for worse, she didn't know. Maybe someday she will be able to judge it better, but for now she barely had any time to sit down and think this through. With how chaotic everyone was, the JFA gave her a clear warning:
'Make sure they behave during interviews and on TV. Their behavior is a reflection of you as a captain. It is also a reflection of Japan to the world. Don't tarnish it.'
Back then she wanted to say a lot of colorful words to the old men, and she still does, but now she had little to no energy to do that. In fact, she completely forgot what day was when thanks to how hectic everything became. And just like that December 24th came, which is also (Y/n)'s birthday.
While the outside, aka fans and general public saw some ads and public congratulations for the player's birthday, the girl and other Blue Lock players stayed blissfully unaware of everything.
"Here." (Y/n) sighed as she offered some salmon on her chopsticks to Bachira. Grinning, the boy took a bite, smiling in victory as he received death stares from everyone else.
"Bachira, you can eat on your own." Isagi rolled his eyes and looked back at (Y/n), speaking more softly now.
"Please, eat your own food. You look like you need some."
"Huh... oh, I don't mind, Isagi. I need to make sure you guys are healthy." (Y/n) smiled weakly, feeling way too tired to say more.
"(Y/n), feed me too. Feed me, too!" Nagi begged, tugging on her sleeve.
"Oh, sure-"
"Nagi, you have your own hands and chopsticks. Let (Y/n) eat his own food." Reo warned from the girl's left side as Nagi pouted.
"Please~" The albino gave (Y/n) some puppy eyes, and before she could agree, a tray was put between her and Nagi's face.
"Huh?" She looked at the person who did it, only to find Barou glaring at her classmate.
"Eat on your own. And you, eat something, now. Let Bachira eat on his own."
"But I don't want to-" Before Bachira could finish, Gagamaru shoved a pastry into the boy's mouth.
"I will feed him instead. You eat something." Gagamaru said as he grabbed a displeased Bachira's shoulders.
"Yeah, let us handle it." Isagi agreed.
They are right. You should eat something. I didn't see you during breakfast today." Karasu said from the table next to them.
"What?! Why did you miss out on breakfast?" Rin yelled in worry, and (Y/n) gulped as she felt Reo and Barou glare at her.
"I didn't feel like eating this morning." She excused herself.
'I had to prepare everything for an upcoming interview.' She wanted to say, but couldn't bring herself to burden them with it.
"Not feeling like eating? You? I have a hard time believing that." Otoya said suspiciously.
Yukimiya sighed and took his plate of food, walked over to (Y/n) and put the plate in front of her.
"What?" She asked the boy.
"Have my food, too. It can't bring you any good to miss out on food."
Reo frantically nodded his head.
"Have mine too."
"You should have something high in protein, (Y/n)." Hiori agreed.
"Take my tofu, too."
"I can give you some of my veggies as well. They are sweet-sour." Niko added on.
"No, guys. It's fine. Please eat. It's more important that you all are full and-"
"It's also important that the captain isn't hungry, (Y/n)." Kunigami said, putting a hand on her head.
'Where did he come from?!' She thought in surprise.
"Seriously, I am fine-"
"That pale face says otherwise. I should give you a nice skin care day, (Y/n)! A nice Vitamin C mask does wonders~" Aryu added in, causing (Y/n) to raise an eyebrow.
"I am really fine, Aryu. Please, focus on yourselves. We can't have you tired-"
"We-we can't have you faint on the field, (Y/n)! P-please listen to us!" Tokimitsu interjected, clearly worried over the girl's health.
"Yes! You are important for the team, too!" Kurona added in.
'I am? I am just the captain... a babysitter if you will...' Well, at least that's what she was made to feel by the JFA.
"Here! I was given this new nutritious shake to try. It's good for the bones." Chigiri said, handing her the pinkish drink.
"Uh... this is your-"
"And drink that!"
"You should really get some rest after, too."
"My pillow is very soft, I will give it to you."
"I will carry you to your room."
"Hold up! Hold up, everyone!"
(Y/n) grew a little overwhelmed, but thankfully everything stopped once Ego's voice appeared.
"What is this ruckus?!" Everyone stopped and looked at the screen that was showing the confused adult. Gulping, (Y/n) put her utensils down and got up.
"I am so sorry, Ego-san. This one is my fault-"
"Silence. I know it's not. And don't put all the blame on yourself." (Y/n) shut up and looked at Ego silently, the boys watching the interaction in confusion.
"Besides, why aren't you resting today?"
"Uh... The JFA-"
"Forget what those old farts said, I told you to rest today."
"Are you sure?" (Y/n) asked, unsure if she should listen. On one hand she had Ego, and on the other she had the duty to keep everything in line, for the country.
"Yes, besides, it's your birthday. Go and rest."
"Bitthday?! You never told us it's your birthday today!" The team yelled in unison, causing (Y/n) to flinch a little.
"I myself forgot... if I can be honest." (Y/n) blushed as Ego sighed.
"Go. Sleep. Now. I will deal with the JFA. The rest of you stay and finish your lunch."
Ego ordered as the room fell silent.
'Ego... will handle it.' The girl slowly nodded her head and walked out of the cafeteria as everyone watched her silently.
Once she was away, and out of earshot, Ego spoke up again.
"So... you guys want to take part in a surprise party Anri and I are preparing?"
"Hell yeah!"
"Of course!"
"Party for (Y/n)! Yes!" The team agreed, eagerly waiting for what Ego will say next.
Walking back into her and Rin's room, the girl sighed and plopped herself on her bed, cuddling into the pillow.
'Ego-san will handle it. I can rest for now.' As if a weight got lifted of off her, (Y/n) sighed in relief and started to drift into a slumber. Feeling more carefree now.
Once Ego finished instructing everyone what they should do, he turned off his camera and looked back at Anri.
"Is everything ready?"
Happily, Anri nodded her head and went through the list.
"All the ingredients and instructions are set for Isagi, Barou, and Rin. The meat, veggies, sauces, and spices for the katsu are there for Kunigami, Hiori, and Yukimiya. Bachira, Niko, and Karasu will get the balloons and decorations to prepare. Sanrio themed ones are so hard to find during Christmas, especially of that pink sheep." Anri commented as Ego nodded from time to time.
"Nagi, Reo, Kurona, and Aryu have the wrapping paper set for the presents. And lastly, Tokimitsu, Gagamaru, Chigiri, and Otoya will clean up and prepare the cafeteria. In case (Y/n) wakes up earlier than expected, I will try to distract her till everything is done."
"Ok. Everything is under control then. I will leave now." Ego announced as Anri finished her talk, causing the woman to raise an eyebrow.
"Go? Where to?"
"To talk with the JFA. Nobody treats my players like they are some no-name babysitters."
As the day went on, (Y/n) slept peacefully while the boys were moving fast to cook, bake and set everything up for the party. Anri was watching over everything, in case they needed help in the kitchen, while also keeping an eye on the monitor showing the door to (Y/n) and Rin's room.
6 hours later...
By now it was 8 PM and (Y/n) slowly opened her eyes, and sat up on her bed as she stretched.
"I feel so much better now. What time is it even?" She mumbled blinking the sleep away to look at her clock.
"8 pm... already? I slept for so long?"
She said in surprise and then looked at Rin's bed.
"Rin isn't here yet... maybe they are practicing still. I will go and join them." (Y/n) said, getting up from her bed, but before she could move more, a knock was heard.
"Huh? Yes?" She called out.
"Oh! Good, you are awake!" Otoya's voice was heard and the door opened, only for (Y/n) to see the said boy and Bachira.
"Hi, guys? Sorry for missing practice today, I will join-"
"No,no. We aren't practicing today. Come with us, Ego-san told us to get you."
Bachira and Otoya walked over to the confused girl, grabbing each of her arms and dragged her out of the room.
"Ha? Did something happen?"
"Nope!" The two said, sending each other secretive smiles.
'What did I miss?' She raised an eyebrow.
"We are here! We are here!" Bachira said happily as Otoya hummed along. (Y/n) grew even more unnerved now as she sniffed the air a little.
'Am I crazy? Why does it smell like Katsu?' She thought.
"Open the door~" The duo said.
"Are you guys pulling a prank on me?" (Y/n) asked in confusion.
"Please, just open the door." Bachira and Otoya answered. Reluctantly, (Y/n) nodded her head and walked closer to the door, slowly opening it.
"Happy birthday!"
"There you are! We were worried you won't wake up till tomorrow!"
"Happy birthday, (Y/n)! Hope you like everything!"
(Y/n) blinked in surprise as Otoya gently pushed her into the room. Flabbergasted, the girl looked around the room, now decorated with different balloons.
'Oh... Sweet Piano balloons! How did they find them?! They are so hard to find.' (Y/n) thought, blushing in excitement as she saw them. The players silently, and anxiously, watched the girl inspect everything.
"Huh..." (Y/n) muttered, eyes widening in amazement as she saw the cake, decorated with the pink sheep.
'Not even my parents did this for me...' (Y/n) thought, feeling her eyes water up a little.
The boys watched in panic as tears started to stream down the girl's face.
"Ah?! Did we mess something up?" Gagamaru asked in worry.
"I don't know!" Hiori said back as Isagi went to hand her a napkin, which (Y/n) gladly took it to wipe her tears away.
"We... we are sorry..." Rin said awkwardly.
"Did I mess up the decorations on the cake?" Barou looked over the cake.
"I think it's my fault. The balloons look a little deflated." Niko gulped.
"Maybe we should have done a better job on them." Karasu muttered nervously as Bachira and he glanced at each other.
"I swear I made sure the katsu doesn't burn." Yukimiya flinched.
"Did I mess up the salad?" Kunigami bit his fingernail in worry.
"You... you guys did everything amazing! Thank you so much!" (Y/n) finally busted out, hugging Isagi, who was the closest to her. Isagi tensed up and blushed a scarlet red, but hugged her back anyways.
"You are the greatest team ever!" (Y/n) announced with a huge smile, causing their worries to lift, and smiles to appear on their faces.
"Happy to hear that..." Nagi sighed in relief, but tugged on her shirt.
"Huh?" She looked over at the boy, still hugging Isagi.
"I want a hug, too."
"Me too! Me too!" Kurona nodded, running up to her, followed by Gagamaru and Tokimitsu.
"Me as well. Please."
"Me-me too, if you don't mind." Slowly, the other guys joined in on the asked and (Y/n) couldn't help but laugh softly.
'These guys are the best.'
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ageofevermore · 1 year
SUMMARY — you’ve exerted yourself trying to get wanda’s attention, but she’s having no fun with your bratty ploys, so she reminds you of one thing; bad girls don’t get to cum
WARNINGS — smut 18+ only, dom/sub dynamics, dom!wanda, face slapping (once), spanking, cum filled strap, teasing
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"Do not give me that look." Wanda warns through clenched teeth, emerald eyes slatted in a near animalistic frustration. She’s watching you thickly, every ethereal twist of your silky hips hitting her harder. She’s had just about enough of your teasing.
You bite down on your bottom lip, eliciting a softer cherry tint to arise on the already bruised skin. Your eyes melt innocently, hands clasping compliantly at your front, concealing the lace pattern of your rich blue thong, and pushing your tits together suggestively. "What look?"
Wanda's jaw locks, her eyes darkening to a shade of green you'd come to dislike. A shade that meant she was in the mood to be mean, selfish even. Though, maybe you had overdone it, afterall, she'd asked you to behave and now your bra lays across her gentle thighs.
"I'm gonna have to call you back, Nat." Her voice is smooth, silky in her anger, nostrils flared in your direction as she abruptly disconnected from her mission debrief without as little of a goodbye. You flinched when she slammed her laptop shut, the veins in her hands on full display as her muscles tensed. Her rings caught the yellowing light of her desk lamp, mocking you and the position you’ve earned yourself as it reflects beams of light onto the walls and over your skin. Wanda’s hot when she’s mad, but now's not the time to remind her of how much you like this.
Wanda beckons you closer with a single raised finger, curling threateningly towards her front. You can't help but reminisce the feeling of her fingers shoved deep in your heat, that same motion beckoning motion bringing you to the edge of a euphoric high. A high that you’re not so sure you’ll be getting tonight with the way her jaw is locked and her head is tilted.
Meekly, you take your rightful position before her, wide eyes filled with a desperate submission only Wanda manages to draw from you. A submission that begs for all to be forgiven before it starts. She chuckles darkly at your soft features, a calloused finger making quick work of your wilting chin. She tilts your head back, her eyes consumed by midnight pupils. Your mouth falls open instinctually when her thumb swipes at your bottom lip, and she settles her heavy thumb onto your tongue.
"What did I ask you to do?" She tutts, voice dripping with assertive dominance, enough of it to make your knees weak more than your panties wet. Her thumb flattens against your tongue, waiting for your response impatiently, but stopping you from speaking coherently at all.
"Behave." You mumble, unconsciously swallowing around her thumb when saliva begins to pool near the corners of your mouth. Your eyes widen, jaw falling slack at the mistake.
Wanda pulled her thumb from your mouth so quickly it broke the suction with a pop, and then dragged it down her pants to collect the wetness of your saliva. You think that she’s going to let you off for the mistake, but her palm connects with your cheek before you can even apologize. Tears spring to the corner of your eyes, and your eyes flutter momentarily before you collect yourself enough to keep them open. She’s never hit you hard enough to mark or sting, though it stuns you to tears every time. Your bottom lips quiver in response, the same submission and obedience you felt before coming over you in heavy waves.
"Did I say you could swallow?" Wanda seethes, grabbing your jaw and harshly squishing your cheeks together. She’s unapologetic in her assault, but you know you can safeword at any time and put this to an end. She does this more for you then for her, although the further you’ve played with this dynamic the harder it is for her to deny that she doesn’t like it as well. You don’t want to safeword. Feeling small beneath your girlfriend creates a fire in your belly, reminding you of all the trust, safety, and open communication your relationship is built on that you didn’t always have. “Did I. Say. You could swallow?” She articulates nearly every word, forcing your glassy eyes on her instead of wandering around her face.
"No Wands." You shake your head, hands turning into fists when the urge to reach out and grab onto her becomes too much. You don't have permission to touch her. Not yet anyways.
"Do I need to remind you who's in charge?" She growls, completely overwhelmed with her dominant persona. It's been weeks since the both of you have lost yourself in these roles, and clearly it's needed, days overdue. "Over the fucking desk. Now."
Wanda doesn't have to tell you twice. The second she relinquishes her punishing hold on your jaw, you're advancing towards the desk and bending over it, shuddering at the abrupt cold against your burning hot skin. Your nipples are flush against the cold surface, pebbling in protest. You manage a soft whine, thankful that Wanda hadn't heard you.
"I don't want to hear a fucking sound out of those pretty lips, is that understood?" She cracks her hand across your ass, not bothering with your panties just yet, eager to put you in your place as you are. The weight of her spank is unforgiving, a ruthless promise that she’s not going to be gentle, or even bother to take off her rings.
"Yes." You nod, laying your cheek against the cold wood. You can hear her moving around, pulling off her shirt and stepping out of her pants. You're anxious waiting for her next move, desperate to confront the sight of her toned belly and whatever strap she’d been packing in the daylight, but you know better than to search for her. She’ll come to you when she wants.
"Ready?" He asks, though he doesn't really care for your answer. In seconds he's landing harsh hits to your ass, turning the silky skin a strawberry red. His rings catch your skin, leaving imprints of his initials messily across your lap. You're absolutely drenched at the simple thought of your ass, decorated in handprints and ring marks.
"Fuck." Your hands shoot to cover your ass, legs kicking up off the floor in protest to Wanda's hardest spank. She’s abandoned your near-bruised ass, aiming straight for the sensitive backs of your unbothered thighs. "Ow."
"Move your fucking hands." She warns lowly, giving you a minute to collect yourself and obey her order. Reluctantly you comply, stubbornly digging your heels into the floor and forcing a pout off of your cherry bitten lips, trying your hardest not to whine at her continuous strokes.
Her fingers trail curiously up your inner thighs, stopping at your covered clit and digging harshly into the swelling nerve. Your eyes pinch shut, breath catching in your throat at the teasing tickle. She ignores your soft whines, tracing your heat twice in a row before she teases your weeping hole.
"Unbelievable. You're fucking dripping." She snickers, taking her fingers away from your sensitive and needy heat just as quickly as she’d found it. Your clit throbs at the lack of attention, juices ruining your panties that have begun to burden your skin with their weight.
Wanda pushes her fingers into your mouth, letting you lap at your own juices needily. She pulls away all too soon, gripping at your hair and pulling you to your full height. The strap she’s been packing all day is making an impression in the underwear she’s left on, mocking you with how close it is but simultaneously how far. You want to reach out and free it, take it in your mouth or your hands, but you have to wait for Wandas permission.
"On your fucking knees." She demands, hand still tangled into your hair. You comply, dropping to your knees, the hardwood cold and painful beneath your knees.
You let your mouth fall open hungrily, inviting your hands to the softness of her thighs without permission. You're entirely captivated by the bulge right before your face, you don't even realize Wanda's warning you to stop. "Did I tell you to fucking touch me?" She pulls harshly at your hair, peering down at your flush and sweaty face. You're beyond gone, looking entirely fucked out for her, and she hasn't even properly touched you yet. "Well, did I?"
You shake your head, swallowing thickly. "No."
"That's fucking right. You're going to sit on your pretty fucking knees, and watch me get myself off, and maybe, if i think you deserve it, I'll cum in that filthy little mouth of yours." She smirks, and your face goes pale knowing she’s packing the cum-filled strap you’d gotten a few weeks ago. She pulls the toy from the confines of her underwear, not paying you any attention. Your mouth waters at the sight, arousal pulling between your legs.
"What about me?" You whine, rocking your hips into the floor desperately, moaning when you catch the edge of Wanda's shoe with your clit accidentally. You strive to do it again, but your girlfriend is quicker, landing a harsh slap to your cheek with the shaft of her needy cock.
"You're going to keep your fucking hands to yourself, and stop being such a greedy little whore. Bad girls don't get to cum, Y/N."
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slaymitchabernathy · 5 days
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Anything at all
| “If I let him do this to me, what else will I allow? Anything, anything, anything." - Catherynne M. Valente |
Soarynn stares at her reflection in the mirror.
She doesn’t see much. Just a plain, simple girl.
“A well-behaved Capitol girl,” he’d say to correct her.
Her dress is long and clings to her figure in places she’s not too comfortable with, but it’s not really up to her. It’s up to him.
Whatever he wants her to wear, she puts on. Whatever he wants her to eat, she eats. Whatever he wants her to do, she does.
She does anything for him.
She wishes she could do it out of love, devotion, joy. She does it out of fear. It wasn’t always this way. He wasn’t always this way.
When Soarynn met Coriolanus Snow he was utterly charming and polite. Even though he was five years older than her. She had just graduated from the Academy at eighteen and her father had brought her to a small gathering with some of his associates.
That’s when he introduced them to each other.
Soarynn had been so shy, so reluctant to look Coriolanus in the eye. He was so tall and handsome, he was someone who shouldn’t spend a moment with a girl like her and yet he was infatuated with her.
Despite their age gap, he took her on dates, brought her roses from his grandmother's garden, and showered her with gifts and promises.
Her father was more than pleased. Not only had he secured his daughter a proper husband, but himself a good business partner.
Coriolanus proposed a month after she turned nineteen. They got married that December and her father died in February. Heart failure. No one saw it coming, and certainly not Soarynn who adored her father with all her heart.
She had been gutted by his death. Only comforted by the knowledge that her husband would be there for her. How stupid she had been.
Two weeks after Glen Nightingale’s funeral, Soarynn and Coriolanus sat in a big, fancy office where she signed several documents that allowed Coriolanus full access to her father’s business assets. Since Soarynn was a woman, there was no need for her to look after her father’s business.
Coriolanus took over everything including her life.
It was remarkable how well he hid it. The monster inside of him. It was as if a flip had switched. Suddenly he was cold, harsh, and bitter. The gentleman she once knew was gone, vanished, only appearing when they were in public.
He took everything from her.
꧁ ꧂
Her hand rests on her stomach, a strange feeling still lingers there since she took that test. A pregnancy test.
Coriolanus has been more than vocal about wanting to have children, to grow their family, to expand the great Snow household. But Soarynn has been…hesitant. He’s already so strict with her, so harsh and cruel. She can’t imagine what he’d be like with children.
The naive part of her hopes he’d be kinder, more patient, and gentle. But it's wishful thinking and much to her dismay, she’s four weeks pregnant. Soarynn had hoped it was some mistake, a false positive, a defective test.
She took three more.
All positive.
And yet she hasn’t told Coriolanus. She’ll have to tell him sooner or later, one can’t hide their pregnancy forever. Soarynn has always been on the leaner side so any weight change will be significant to her husband who keeps close track of what she consumes.
Maybe she’ll tell him tonight after their dinner. He should be in a good mood as long as his friends don’t say anything too vulgar for his liking.
Soarynn doesn’t really care for her husband’s friends but it’s mostly because they’re all much older than her. All of them have been married much longer and remember the war more clearly than she does. And she knows how those women look at her, some with envy for her youthfulness, some with pity for the same reason.
“She’s so young,” one of them had whispered one night when Soarynn had attended a gala with Coriolanus. They had only been dating for a few months and it had been one of their first public appearances. It had caused some different reactions from different people.
Most men patted Coriolanus on the back whereas most women eyed Soarynn with contempt.
“That’s how he likes them,” another had whispered back, “easy to mold, easy to break. I’ll bet he gets her pregnant a month after their wedding if all goes to plan.”
A statement like that had horrified Soarynn who had only been trying to find the bathroom and it stayed in the back of her head ever since. They were right though, he had molded her, broken her. Without her father, all she had was Coriolanus and he loved it.
It didn’t help that she was rather shy and quiet compared to some of the other wives who were very opinionated. She had been the witness to one too many arguments between husband and wife after both had consumed far too much alcohol.
Coriolanus always spoke about it after, spoke about his disdain for outspoken women whose husbands let them walk all over them. “In a society like ours, there are rules, hierarchies, levels. And a woman’s place will always be below that of a man’s. Some of my friends would do well to remind their wives of that.”
If Coriolanus wanted a quiet wife he certainly got one. After revealing his true colors, Soarynn did her best to avoid him at all costs, only speaking to him when necessary.
But Soarynn would have to speak to him today, to get his approval on her current wardrobe for tonight. The dress was fine, and the shoes were more than uncomfortable but Coriolanus Snow was a man who expected his wife to always wear heels. Her jewelry was kept simple yet tasteful, classy enough to show off the Snow’s wealth without being seen as too flashy.
It takes a lot of effort to look effortless.
Soarynn ran her fingers through her blonde hair, making sure she hadn’t curled it too tightly like last time. Goodness knows she had gotten an earful about it from Coriolanus after they got home from the theatre.
The soft sound of purring is what pulls Soarynn from her thoughts and she looks down to see that Petunia has made her way into the closet. Petunia was a graduation gift from her father, Soarynn had always wanted a cat but her father said she wasn’t mature enough to take care of one.
Soarynn likes to think that Petunia is watching over her now since her father can’t. Soarynn can feel emotions bubbling up in her throat at the thought of her father, of her home that is now empty and closed up. They still own it since everything of her fathers was left to her, but it now truly and really belongs to Coriolanus. And he’s made no effort to put it to use.
She pushes those emotions down, she can't afford to get weepy tonight. Coriolanus had made it quite clear that he expected her to move on from her father's death in a timely manner and he's held her to that expectation ever since. Even though it's been six months, she still mourns the man who truly loved her.
Soarynn crouches down to scratch Petunia behind the ears, allowing herself a small smile. Coriolanus hadn't been thrilled about the cat moving in with them after they married and that should have been the first warning sign. But Soarynn had been so blissfully happy that she agreed to keep Petunia at her childhood home. She visited almost every day so it was fine.
But once father passed away, Petunia moved in with them. She avoided Coriolanus for the most part, stayed tucked away in corners of the penthouse, only coming out to be with Soarynn. It seemed that Coriolanus preferred it that way as well.
"Let's hope he likes this dress," Soarynn says softly to the cat. He picked out the dress but Coriolanus is often unpredictable and Soarynn never knows how he'll react to certain things. She's learned to live with it for the most part, to simply nod and smile and agree with all the things he says but it gets tiring after a while.
Soarynn collects her things and puts them into her purse before leaving the closet to go find her husband. The last she saw of him was in his study, finishing up some paperwork. Soarynn slows her steps as she approaches the door, not in any rush to speak to Coriolanus.
She remembers how she used to count down the minutes until she got to see him again. How giddy she would be in anticipation of their next date. She'd fuss over her appearance, wanting to be absolutely perfect for him. Little did she know that she'd be doing the same thing a year later, but not for the sake of her own vanity but for her husband's.
The door is closed and Soarynn raises her fist and softly knocks, waiting for a response. "Yes?"
She carefully pushes the door open and peeks her head in to see Coriolanus sitting behind his desk, a glass of whiskey next to several important-looking documents, "I'm ready," she tells him. He finally looks up from his work and Soarynn inwardly cringes at the critical gaze of her husband as he looks her up and down without shame.
"You should wear a coat," is all he says, "or a shawl. I don't want people to think my wife is trying to draw attention to her by dressing like that." Soarynn bites her tongue and doesn't point out that he is the one who picked out this dress, and simply nods and forces a small smile, "Okay, I'll go find something to cover up with."
꧁ ꧂
Heavensbee Hall is decorated quite luxuriously tonight.
Soarynn holds onto her husband's arm as they walk through the main room where many social events are held. The dinner they're attending tonight however is being held in a smaller, more intimate room.
"Remember, best behavior," Coriolanus says, giving her arm a squeeze. Soarynn nods and looks up at the ceiling where intricate depictions of vines and flowers have been carved, "I know."
Coriolanus steers them away from the hallway and into a small alcove where he takes a firm grip of her jaw, almost bruising it but not quite. Soarynn's eyes widen as she's forced to look up at her domineering husband, "I don't appreciate your tone," he hisses, "and I don't appreciate little brats who are ungrateful for all I've done for them."
Soarynn tries to steady her breathing because she knows that once her heart rate picks up, tears will soon follow. She can already feel them forming as she tries so desperately to blink them away but it's futile and one escapes her grasp.
Coriolanus scoffs at the tear, "Crying will not save you, it will not excuse you from dinner and it will not keep me from reminding you of your place once we get back home. Do you understand?" He stares down at her, daring her to defy him.
Soarynn swallows and manages to nod, "Yes, I understand."
He releases her jaw and dusts off his hands, "Good. Now be my good girl and stay by my side." He leans down and presses a kiss to her lips, a lustful one which Soarynn only returns due to necessity. She used to like kissing Coriolanus, right up until her father passed away. Every kiss since then has only been returned because of her obligation as his pretty society wife.
When he pulls away he lets out a displeased groan and looks her up and down, "You could at least act like you enjoy it Soarynn." She suppresses a sigh and takes his large hand in her small one, "I do enjoy it," she tells him sweetly even though they both know that's far from the truth. He simply gives her a sharp look before leading them back out into the hallway where several other couples are walking.
Soarynn spots Festus and Persephone Creed, the man who is undoubtedly her husband's best friend and his wife who said Soarynn seemed far too young to be dating Coriolanus Snow. Both were in attendance at their wedding of course. Festus was even the best man.
"Looks like we all arrived at the same time," Festus remarks, reaching his hand out to Coriolanus who shakes it with a smile, "So it seems," Coriolanus agrees. Soarynn stays pressed to his side, offering Festus a small smile when he turns his attention towards her, "Lovely to see you again Soarynn." She allows him to press the expected kiss to her cheek before she nods at Persephone, "It's wonderful to see you two again."
Coriolanus pulls his hand from hers and wraps his arm around her waist instead, keeping her flush to his side, "I've heard rumors that there might be a game of poker later tonight." Persephone lets out a groan that would get Soarynn in a world of trouble and she notices her husband's face slightly falter before recovering, "I don't understand why you men can't play poker on your own time. Us women would like to enjoy the night as well."
Festus simply rolls his eyes at his wife's complaints, "It was a rumor Persephone, no need to make a fuss."
Soarynn stays silent as she watches the older couple bicker back and forth before Coriolanus finally suggests that they all make their way to the dining room so they aren't late. In a way, she admires how outspoken Persephone is, how she's not afraid to voice her opinion. But she supposes that Festus isn't as strict with her as Coriolanus is.
It seems to be on her husband's mind as well because he places a kiss on the top of her head as they walk into the dining room, his silent way of praising her for a job well done at being so behaved.
Soarynn used to bask in gestures like that. A squeeze of her hand, a kiss to her temple, him tickling her waist. They all mean nothing now that she knows who Coriolanus Snow truly is.
If only she realized that sooner.
꧁ ꧂
"Felix hasn't stopped talking about the horse races since they announced when tickets will be going on sale," Domitia Ravenstill says with a groan, "as if we don't have a private box."
Soarynn nods along with all the other women, all of whose husbands also own private boxes to attend events such as horse races. It was one of the first dates Coriolanus ever took her on. He let her bet on whatever horses she wanted and anyone who saw the two together could confidently say that he adored her. What happened to that man, she wonders to herself, glancing over near the fireplace where all the men are sitting.
"Soarynn?" She looks back at the group of women who are looking at her expectantly, "Yes?" Rarely do they ever truly acknowledge her so this is a surprise. Clemensia narrows her eyes before speaking, "We asked if you and Coryo are going to be having children any time soon." Soarynn blushes at the prospect of children, especially since she technically is with child already.
However, she finds the question somewhat interesting since none of these women seem to be having children of their own. Perhaps it's an unspoken rule that she has to be the first to bear her husband's children since she's the youngest in the group of prominent Capitol wives.
Soarynn picks at her cuticles for a moment, a habit that Coriolanus despises. "I actually am pregnant," she says softly and immediately regrets it when she's met with several loud gasps. All of these women seem to be surprisingly excited for her and she does not know how to feel about that. "Oh my goodness, what a blessing, Coryo must be thrilled," Persephone gushes.
Except he doesn't know, Soarynn thinks but that's going to change quite quickly it seems as she watches Clemensia and Persephone rise from the sofa and make their way across the room toward their husbands, more specifically her husband.
Oh no.
Soarynn feels her heart sink as she watches Persephone place a hand on his shoulder before saying her congratulations. Coriolanus looks up at her with a confused look on his face before she points at Soarynn, a big idiotic smile on her face.
His eyes meet her eyes and all she can see is held back anger. Anger for not telling him sooner, the moment she found out to be exact. But Coriolanus Snow has a reputation to uphold and he naturally smiles up at the two women before nodding. Soarynn stays frozen in her chair as the news spreads throughout the room like wildfire, everyone now talking about how Soarynn Snow is pregnant.
Soarynn feels someone's hand on her shoulder and she looks up to see Lysistrata Vickers, a friend of her husband's from the Academy, "Are you alright Soarynn?" What a loaded question. Soarynn slowly nods, "Yes, I...I think I might need a bit of fresh air is all." But to leave and go outside she'll need his permission.
Lysistrata looks over at the group of Capitol elites who are all still talking about the news and gives her shoulder a squeeze, "Why don't we go outside for a bit then? I'll come with you."
Soarynn knows she shouldn't. That she should go to her husband's side and stay there but the room is spinning and she so desperately wants out.
She looks up at Lysistrata and nods, "Alright."
꧁ ꧂
"You don't seem too excited about the baby," Lysistrata notes as they lean against the balcony railing, overlooking the city. Soarynn sighs and rests and hand on her stomach, trying to imagine a small human being growing inside of her, "I'm thrilled," she deadpans.
It would be wonderful to have a baby, someone to love unconditionally. But only if it's a girl. Soarynn knows Coriolanus well enough to know that should she have a boy, he'll want full control of the baby's life from the start. A girl is the only option for her.
"Have you thought of any names?" Soarynn shakes her head at the question, a question reserved for when she finds out the gender, finds out her child's fate to put it more lightly. "Not yet but I'm sure Coriolanus will have a few ideas." She doesn't mean to sound like she's making a jab at her husband but it certainly comes off that way and Lysistrata chuckles, "He's a bit of a control freak isn't he?"
If she were with anyone else, Soarynn would deny such claims, be scared that it's some sick twisted test he's putting her up to, trying to see where her loyalties lie. But she's seen Lysistrata enough to know that she can be trusted, well, trusted more than the others who wouldn't hesitate and run back and report to Coriolanus about his wife's behavior.
"He can be," Soarynn agrees, "but I know he just wants the best for me," she adds, not wanting to sound as if she's contradicting her husband.
Lysistrata hums, "You know, there are many ways to stop an unwanted pregnancy, if that's what this is to you." Soarynn's eyes widen and she grips the railing even harder, "What makes you think that I don't want this pregnancy?"
Every part of her is screaming that she doesn't want it, but Soarynn knows she doesn't have a choice. Not if he knows about it now and he's bound to punish her when they get home from keeping this a secret from him.
Lysistrata shrugs and looks out into the night sky, "Because if you did then Coriolanus would've known about it already."
Soarynn is surprised that Lysistrata managed to pick up on his initial surprise. Coriolanus can hide his expressions fairly well, but Soarynn has been with him long enough to be able to read the tiniest expressions, whether he likes it or not.
"He knew," Soarynn says, more for herself than for Lysistrata.
The sound of the balcony doors opening halts their conversation and Soarynn doesn't even need to look back to know who it is. "There you are darling, I've been looking all over for you." Soarynn plasters on her practiced society smile before turning around and looking up at her husband who easily towers over her even when she wears heels. "Well you found me," she replies, letting him place a possessive hand on her back.
Coriolanus hums and shoots Lysistrata a smile, "Lyssie, have you been enjoying yourself tonight?" Soarynn has never heard of this nickname before. She knows that close friends call him 'Coryo' but she has yet to be granted that privilege.
Lysistrata nods but the smile she gives him doesn't quite reach her eyes, "Yes. Congratulations, by the way, I'm sure you two must be thrilled." Coriolanus presses his hand hard against her back, "Yes, we were absolutely delighted to share the news with all of you."
Soarynn does her best to look pleased as she listens to their conversation but all she can think about is the scolding she's going to get when they arrive home, the lecture, the yelling, the tears.
She might throw up.
"I can take it from here Lyssie," Coriolanus tells his friend who looks hesitant to leave the couple alone. "You're sure?" She asks, the question directed at Soarynn. No one has ever stood up for her like this, and Soarynn is grateful but she also wishes that Lysistrata would just drop it. The bed has already been made. Soarynn nods, "Absolutely."
It's a tense ten seconds that pass by while they watch Lysistrata walk back inside. Soarynn doesn't say a word when Coriolanus grabs her face with his hand, tilting her head up and forcing her to look him in the eye, "How long have you known?"
"Four weeks," she answers, seeing no point in lying to him.
His jaw clenches and his grip on her face tightens, "And when were you planning to tell me, darling? Were you going to wait until your water broke? Or were you going to run off and try to terminate the pregnancy?"
Soarynn's throat tightens up at the last question because she doesn't think she could ever have the guts to do something like that behind his back. Coriolanus finds out everything.
She slowly shakes her head, "I wasn't...wasn't going to terminate the pregnancy. I was just scared." Coriolanus tilts his head, his eyes narrowing, "Scared of what?"
You, she thinks, but that won't do.
"Of becoming a mother," she whispers. Her own mother died after giving birth to her and his mother died trying to give birth to his little sister. It's one of his only soft spots and her answer has the intended effect on him. Coriolanus slightly relaxes and looks her up and down, still displeased by the turn of events tonight. "You'll still be punished when we get home."
Soarynn can't hide her disappointment and he smirks, "You didn't think that being pregnant would keep me from fucking you did you, darling?" Soarynn feels stupid to admit that she has, that she hoped this pregnancy might deter him from having sex with her in the aggressive manner he usually has.
Coriolanus lets out a raw chuckle and uses his grip on her face to turn it side to side as if she's shaking her head, "That's another lie Soarynn. You're just begging to be punished aren't you?"
Tears begin to form once again and she can't stop them from falling down her cheeks, "Please, please Coriolanus I'll do anything. I'm sorry, I should've told you as soon as I found out, as soon as I saw the test."
Coriolanus leans down until his lips are ghosting hers, "Yes you very well should have but it appears that you still haven't been properly trained. But don't worry darling, once I'm done with you tonight, you won't fucking breathe without asking for my permission."
꧁ ꧂
Soarynn's sobs sound throughout their bedroom as Coriolanus continues to fuck into her at a punishing pace.
But her crying has never stopped him from taking what he wants.
Their dresser is located directly across from their bed and a mirror sits on top of the furniture, granting her the perfect view of him fucking her from behind. The sight is normally bad enough, but the humiliation tonight has brought adds a new layer of shame for Soarynn.
She hates what she sees in the mirror now, a young, stupid girl, pregnant and trapped. With hair now chopped up to her chin.
She had been terrified of what he would do to her. Would he spank her? Choke her? Force her to crawl around on all fours like an animal? She wishes he had gone with one of those. But instead, he sat her down in front of her vanity, her hands tied behind her back so she couldn't stop him.
Soarynn had sobbed as he cut her hair off, watching it form a gold ring on the floor. Soarynn had never cut her hair short before, never saw the reason to do it and while she never felt an attachment to it, she certainly did now.
"It'll grow back," he had told her before setting the scissors down.
It was as if he took away all her girlhood in that very instant, claimed her as his, cut away the last pieces of the old her.
She hates him. She stares into her own eyes through the mirror, watching her soul die slowly. She hates him.
꧁ ꧂
Soarynn does her best to contain her sniffles as she sits in front of her vanity once again. Coriolanus is fast asleep in their bedroom, tuckered out after fucking her for hours. Soarynn takes in her ruined appearance, smudged makeup, bloodshot eyes, and a choppy haircut.
He'll want her to get it professionally cut. There's nothing Coriolanus hates more than an unkempt woman. But for now, she has to make do. Soarynn grabs the scissors and brings them up to her hair, her bottom lip trembles as she cuts a few strands, trying to even it out.
He hadn't tried to be skillful in cutting it, just getting his point across was good enough for Coriolanus.
"You belong to me."
Soarynn follows the line of her jaw and does her best to even the choppy cut, watching the silver blades gleam under the bathroom lights.
Soarynn lowers her arm and stares at the scissor blades for a moment, contemplating something she shouldn't be considering.
But wouldn't it be better this way? She wonders, wouldn't it be the only way out, the only way to show him that she is still capable of being her own person?
Soarynn takes in a sharp breath before dropping the scissors onto her marble vanity. She can't. Can't bring herself to cut her skin, to take her own life, to risk her child's life in the process. It would be entirely too selfish. And if for some reason she survived, well, she'd be in loads of trouble.
Soarynn rests her head in her hands, trying to ignore the disgusting feeling of his cum still lodged inside of her. Coriolanus Snow is a man who prides himself in finishing inside of her each and every time. It's probably how she got pregnant so quickly.
Soarynn looks in the mirror at her wrecked reflection, not recognizing the girl staring back at her.
“If I let him do this to me, what else will I allow?" She whispers to herself, thinking of all the things he's already done to her.
But she has something else to live for now, something to defend, to protect. Her child. And for them, she'll do anything.
"Anything, anything, anything at all."
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queenaryastark · 6 months
Someone needs to explain to Stansas that terms have meanings and they can't just be thrown around at random to mean what they want them to. Newest example of this: Calling Arya and Lyanna pick-me girls because... they don't like them and they want Sansa and Dornish!Sansa (they erroneously refer to this OC they created as Elia Martell) to have more importance in the story.
So, what is a pick-me girl? It's a girl or woman who is desperate for male approval and validation, often at the expense of other women. They'll change themselves to fit a particular man's preference and trash other women to boost themselves up.
In short, Stansas are essentially acting like pick-me girls on a fan level by trashing other female characters to make their self-inserts look better. Meanwhile, Arya and Lyanna are never shown behaving that way. Ironically, we actually see Sansa behaving like a pick-me first when she lies to make Joffrey like her:
“I hate riding,” Sansa said fervently. “All it does is get you soiled and dusty and sore.” -- Arya 1.5, AGOT
Joffrey reflected a moment. “We could go riding.”
“Oh, I love riding,” Sansa said. -- Arya 1.5, AGOT
Like a true pick-me, she lies about her preferences to fit what Joff wants. Arya naturally likes horseback riding rather than it being something she does to fit with someone else's preference. If anything, it's used against her as she's bullied over it.
Also, Sansa later trashes Arya to the queen and council specifically so she can marry Joffrey:
“I’m not like Arya,” Sansa blurted. “She has the traitor’s blood, not me. I’m good, ask Septa Mordane, she’ll tell you, I only want to be Joffrey’s loyal and loving wife.” -- Sociopath Throws Family Under Bus For Boy She Likes, AGOT
"I'm not like Arya," or did she say, "I'm not like the other girls"? She does something similar in her mind to Jeyne Poole earlier in the novel by presenting herself as superior because she's not like her:
Jeyne covered her eyes whenever a man fell, like a frightened little girl, but Sansa was made of sterner stuff. A great lady knew how to behave at tournaments. Even Septa Mordane noted her composure and nodded in approval. -- Who's Who of Westeros Info Dump, AGOT
Weak girls have emotional responses to witnessing violence, but not Sansa. She's not like them lol
So, if one were to apply the concept of the pick-me girl - a woman who trashes other women to uplift themselves and changes themselves to gain male approval -- it would be Sansa. Trying to misapply that term on Arya and Lyanna only proves that the person misusing the term has no clue what it means. GRRM wrote Arya as feminist while Sansa, her foil, was created as the opposite of her, meaning she's sexist.
I swear, the misuse of pick-me has become the new "Not like the other girls" in this fandom. These terms weren't initially intended to demonize women for NOT fitting patriarchal ideals. It's the opposite. The terms are pointing out the ways the misogynistic women (ex. Sansa and Stansas) will trash other women by insulting other women who are different from them as a way of validating themselves.
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scribespirare · 1 year
Do you think you could write an a/b/o for omega Miles babysitting Mayday at HQ, and tsundere alpha Miguel doesn't know how to cope? The way you write these two is just *chef's kiss*
Nonnie i could kiss you for this request i love it so so much. i kinda...went a little nuts with it lmao. first its sappy then it gets sad and it ends very horny. its 2k long ajdfkdj;a. i think im gonna write the sex scene later and post it as a full fic.
There are very few things that can stop Miguel O'Hara in his tracks these days. He's been there, seen it all, got the goddamned spider suit to prove it. Surprising him is nigh impossible and he likes it that way.
For some reason, Miles Morales seems to be at the top of the list of things that can get to him though.
Miles, with his big dark eyes and his sneer and his inability to listen to common sense or reason. The Omega superhero who defies every stereotype about his gender. Who smells absolutely amazing and is stunning in action, lithe body built perfectly for his acrobatics.  
Miles, who is currently sitting in HQ's control room with Mayday in his lap, his face bright and smiling as she babbles at him. He's got her little hands in each of his own, lifting them one after the other as she stamps her feet.
"I know!" he says in response to her babbling, attention completely on the little girl. "It's crazy, right? Tell me more about it."
Mayday obliges, her babbling raising in both pitch and tempo like she really is going on a diatribe of some kind. She seems to be enjoying having a captive audience and isn't going to let it go to waste.
It's...well, Miguel really and truly has been stopped in his tracks. It's the first Omegean thing he's ever seen from Miles. Normally he's so contrarian and difficult, not to mention eager to jump into danger and equally as capable of actually handling it. You'd think he was an Alpha the way he behaves, small, lithe form be damned.
Seeing him like this, soft and sweet and smiling, his scent bright and nearly floral, is...doing things to Miguel. Bringing up feelings and urges that he's known were there, but which he'd been successfully keeping under lock and key.
Miles suddenly seems to become aware of Miguel's presence, and he looks up. His smile fades a little but it's a smile all the same, and Miguel's pretty sure Miles hasn't smiled at him since...well, everything. It looks good on him.
"Hey, wasn't sure when you were going to be back. Peter asked me to babysit for him though and I figured hanging out here would be better than taking her home with me. Not sure how I would explain that one to my folks."
The idea of someone mistakenly thinking Mayday is Miles’, that the Omega has a child, has been mated and more, makes Miguel’s nostrils flare. He clamps down ruthlessly on the reaction, knowing that if he doesn’t his interest will undoubtedly be noticeable in his scent.
“Just keep it down,” are the words that come off of Miguel’s tongue. They’re better than Do you want a child? or You’d make a good mother or, even worse, I could give you one of your own, if you want. 
Miles’ smile turns into a frown and then an unhappy twist. He clicks his tongue, says, “Whatever, man,” and goes back to Mayday. He’s speaking quietly to her now but Miguel can pick up his own name and big meany and assh- wait I can’t say that to you.
Miguel just heads for his central computers, waking them up and logging into the system to check on how everything is running today. But he can’t help the way he watches Miles’ and Mayday’s reflections on the screen. He can’t pick up many details like this but he can still smell them. Happy, pleased Omega, and the young, innocent scent of a child unpresented. Of babe and mother.
Christ, Miguel is going to hell for this.
It’s been about an hour of Miguel pretending to work but actually getting very little done, when Miles speaks up. “Hey, Miguel, you know stuff about kids, right?”
Miguel’s shoulders hunch and he breathes out slowly. Of course he does. He turns, glaring back at Miles. Mayday has been dragging him around the room with her crawling and right now they’re both hanging upside down from the ceiling, Miles sitting cross legged and her on his shoulders.
“Yes,” Miguel says sharply.
Miles’ mouth twists, but for once it doesn’t seem like it’s directed at Miguel. “Sorry, that was kinda insensitive, huh? I was just curious, ya know, about parenthood and all.”
Another bolt of longing shoots through Miguel. It’s part arousal, part wistfulness for his lost family.
You could start again, part of him says. Children. A mate. It’s not too late for you. He’s right there.
“What do you want to know about it?”
Miles shrugs, which causes Mayday to wobble dangerously and laugh delightedly about it. “Just, is it good? Like, hanging out with Mayday is great, but I can’t imagine having one of my own.”
You don’t have to imagine, Miguel thinks, but says, “It’s different, when they’re yours.”
“How so?”
Miguel sighs and holds out his arms to Mayday. Even though she’s halfway across the room she immediately lets out an excited shriek and climbs her way down a protesting Miles’ body. It takes only a minute before she’s dropping into Miguel’s arms and then crawling all over him.
“Kids are work and energy,” Miguel explains. “When they’re someone else’s, you’re happy to give them back after a certain point. When they’re yours, even when you’re annoyed or upset with them, you still know it’s all worth it. You can’t imagine a life without them.”
“Oh,” says Miles. He watches quietly for a moment as Mayday continues her excited quest to make Miguel look as ridiculous as possible, before he too crawls across the ceiling and drops down. Sadly it’s not into Miguel’s arms like Mayday had.
Gingerly, Miles’ takes the little girl back, and she goes willingly enough. “Sorry if that was like, rude or anything. And don’t kill me for saying this but you sound like you make a really good Alpha, mate wise.”
Miles is halfway across the room again before Miguel can reply, like he really is expecting retaliation. Miguel just shakes his head and pretends to go back to his work.
I am a good Alpha he thinks. I could show you. We could have a whole litter of kids. You’d love it. And then inevitably Miguel’s thoughts turn lascivious. He ends up losing himself to a daydream about exactly how he wants to breed Miles (facing each other, his fangs buried in Miles’ throat, Miles’ flexible, coltish legs wrapped around his hips, heels digging in to coax Miguel into fucking him harder) while watching the Omega’s reflection.
He doesn’t come up for air until Peter makes his appearance. The man gives Miguel a quizzical look but is distracted quickly enough by his daughter. He sticks around long enough that Miguel does actually get some work done, and when his voice finally fades away Miguel figures he’s alone.
That is, until Miles clears his throat directly behind him.
Miguel doesn’t jump, but it’s a near thing. He turns and looks down at the Omega in annoyance, raising one eyebrow in a silent question.
Miles looks shifty, transferring his weight from one foot to the other like he’s thinking about running, but he’s got that mulish jut to his chin and a hard glint in his eyes that Miguel recognizes at the stubborn streak that’s lead them into more fights than he’d like to admit.
Is regularly wanting to throttle a teenage Omega better or worse than wanting to fuck him?
“Spit it out, kid,” Miguel eventually snaps.
Miles juts his chin out even further. “I’m not stupid,” he says, which, well he’s just inviting a scathing retort with that. Miguel’s expression must convey this because Miles rallies and goes on quickly, not giving the Alpha a chance to cut in. “I’m not! I saw how you were looking at me today, with Mayday. And then your scent…you were looking at me through the reflection on the computer screen.”
Miguel stiffens all over because fuck. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he grinds out.
“The hell you don’t! Even Peter smelled it. You’re into me, you smell like you want to jump me.”
There’s one of two ways Miguel can play this; deny it till his dying breath, or agree and pretend it doesn’t matter. His panicked brain picks the latter, because Miles isn’t stupid, and he’s tenacious as hell. He’ll hound Miguel until Miguel gives him an answer the Omega is satisfied with.
“So?” Miguel says.
That makes Miles pause, his eyes flicking back and forth between Miguel’s. He clearly isn’t seeing what he wants to though, brow knitting in confusion. “What do you mean ‘so’? So, you’re horny as hell for me.”
“You’re an Omega and I’m an Alpha,” Miguel explains slowly, like he’s speaking to a child. “It’s biology.” Which of course just ruffles Miles’ feathers and makes him puff up even more.
“That’s bullshit. You’ve never smelled like that before around me,” Miles insists.
Miguel is butting up against almost the exact same decision from before. Does he own up, or does he keep denying it means anything?
With a faint snarl of annoyance at having been put in this situation to begin with, Miguel says, “Most Alphas seeing an unbonded Omega with a young child are going to be affected.” The word horny will absolutely not be crossing his lips. “It sparks an instinct in us.”
Miles narrows his eyes, a faint smirk curling at his mouth. He thinks he’s won. “A breeding instinct,” he accuses.
Miguel turns his gaze skyward, giving a quick prayer to whichever poor saint is watching over him today to give him patience. “Yes, Miles. A breeding instinct.”
“I knew it!”
“Congratulations,” Miguel says dryly, crossing his arms over his chest. “Now will you go away so I can do some work in peace?”
And there’s the chin jut again. Stubborn ass Omega. “I’m not done with you yet.”
The corner of Miguel’s lip twitches of up into an involuntarily snarl. “Well I’m done with you, malcriado. Vete.”
“No. I want to know if this was a one off,” Miles demands. “’Cause like, sure seeing an Omega with a kid might work for you, but my theory is that you’re already into me and it just pushed you over the edge. You’re too uptight to let your scent go wild like that unless you’re like, close to losing it.”
How the hell is this kid so damn perceptive? Clearly Miguel’s going to need to work on his defenses if Miles is reading him like a damn book. He sighs and rubs at the bridge of his nose with two fingers, trying to figure out how to get out of this.
Well, he’s dug this fucking grave. Time to lie in it.
“Fine, Miles,” he says wearily, dropping his hand and making direct eye contact with the Omega. “Yes, I have more than a passing interest in you as a mate. Seeing you with Mayday made me think about having children with you myself. Are we done with this line of questioning now? Are you finally satisfied?”
Miles smiles slowly, then wrinkles his nose. “Having children with me, huh? That’s an incredibly boring way to talk about breeding. Why so family friendly? Just say you wanna fuck me. And no, by the way, I’m not satisfied yet. You gotta make good on all that before I let it drop.”
Silence reigns as Miguel’s brain just churns through the words, understanding them individually but failing to grasp the big picture.
“Not, like, immediately though!” Miles rushes to add, oblivious to Miguel’s plight. “I’m not ready for kids yet, not to mention my parents would kill me. But we could, you know, practice?” He looks stupidly hopeful, staring up at Miguel with that little smile on his lips, rocking forward on the balls of his feet.
“You…want me to breed you,” Miguel says slowly.
Miles snorts and rolls his eyes. “Well, practice breeding me. But yeah, that’s what I just said didn’t I? Get with it, old man, we’re wasting daylight here.”
Miguel’s never been one to follow orders. But how’s an Alpha supposed to resist?
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cablyunkataplum · 11 months
Never meant to be
Sully family x Sully! Fem/Pronouns Reader ANGTS
Words: 6,358
Summary: It does not matter who's fault it is right now. You're gone, it won't be the same any more. In the way to your eternal rest, memories come out and fill the sad enviroment.
A.N: Use of (__)-Third person- I'm not an english native speaker so I support on translators!--Sorry for any mistake-- I tried to relate the stories with something of the funeral and scenes before, I hope it makes sense. I hope this is sad/angst but fluff too. -(__) has different ages in each memory. 6 months for this is pretty wild.
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It was weak but it was still there, the lullaby made by the waves, accompanying those who were grieving. The water a little warmer but cold for the Sullys, burning their skin as memories flowed over the surface of the reflecting form.
Her body floating softer now it was lifeless, being encapsulated between large leaves and flowers, taken away from the village to a place unknown to all of them even after living there for weeks; there was not their home, not with pain clouding their senses. She's not coming back and it will be a long road before they can be together again.
Kiri did her best to find a flower that only grew in remote places and very well hidden ones. She spent her days trying, but it seemed she would not succeed and that frustrated her. Everyone noticed this and asked her if there was anything they could do, she simply said it was nothing and continued with her tasks.
One night, after noticed how distracted she was, again, (__) talked with Mo'at about the matter.
Reaching the tent after dinner, (__) announced herself before entering given the permission to, she greeted with her hand raising and descending --I see you, grandmother-- Mo'at reciprocated --I see you granddaughter,What brings you on these sides? You haven’t come here for a long time-- She grabbed a few herbs putting them in a bag to direct her attention to collect others, without taking off the eyes of them she heard --I know Grandma, I’m sorry-- (__) squatted and then took a more comfortable position. --But Kiri has been different these days-- Now the tsahik turned to look in her direction with the same calm as she crouched down --different?-- she placed the herbs in a bowl and began to grind them for a few seconds neither of them spoke, concentrating on how the bundle turned into a pasty mixture, the sound of fire breaking the wood causing their ears to move, --And haven’t you thought about asking her?-- This question sounded very innocent but it was obvious how sarcastic too, --Of course Grandma!, but she didn’t say anything-- Mo’at stopped grinding and her eyes met those of (__) raising her eyebrows and tilting her head a bit --And I should know--.
With her ears pressed to her head she answered almost whispering --maybe-- but quickly continued --She spends a lot of time training and healing with you-- at the end the eldest shook her head laughing a little --You care too much granddaughter of mine-- And she went on to mix it again --If it helps you and Kiri, I think I know what’s going on. I told her about a very rare ingredient that I use in several of my mixes, but I no longer have it and I have not been able to find any, not even the pickers-- when she finished and saw that the texture was the best she stopped and picked up a few rags, At the same time (__) came closer to her --How is it?-- Mo'at could see the determination in her eyes, after thinking a little about whether to tell her or not, she gave in and then gave her the details of said flower.
The days passed, (__) spent less time in the clan returning untidy and sometimes with cuts. Something that worried the Sully’s, another girl who behaved differently than usual, but this would not last long.
Kiri tended to several with their wounds, focused on making the right moves and putting in the right amounts that ignored a figure who walked beside her and sat a few feet away from her.  Mo’at, who was attending to another na’vi, spoke --When you finish with him, take care of your sister, I have already done it too much--- So Kiri looked up, first to her grandmother who with some seriousness saw (__) then to the same one who offered a small embarrassed smile lowering her gaze. Without saying anything and keeping her eyes for a few more seconds she continued to heal the wound. At the end she grabbed her things and went with her older sister observing those that required more attention first --what happened this time?-- (__) frowned trying to disguise the satisfaction of the task that left her in such a state --MH?-- Kiri exhaled somewhat tired --You know what I mean and don’t try to deny it (__)--She ran her fingers through the mix and spread it on the first wound getting a few moans of pain --Didn’t you think about what might happen to you?-- Turning her eyes for the scolding she opened his mouth for the first time to speak not before making other sounds for the burning --Mom and Dad already scolded me enough … I’m fine, Thank you--. Kiri quickly took her arm and extended it so that she and her sister could see it and bending over to see her face. --Is this being fine?-- --Kiri-- now (__) had a tired tone, Kiri’s uneasy face relaxed and looking for her sister’s look tried to be more delicate --What do you think you were doing?-- Studying her face a little and looking for the words to explain herself and make the surprise a good surprise --Little sister it won't happen again-- --I hope so-- she returned to focus her attention on the wounds --If you continue this strange, I will be the one who will have to take care of you--.
--Now I am the one who acts weird?-- Again they connected glances but Kiri shook her head and attended another cut --I don’t know what you’re talking about-- (__) brought her face closer to hers --Really?-- --Ugh-- she took some bands and wrapped them around her sister's arm --You are the one who is acting weird I’m fine-- (__) nodded slowly with lips a little pressed but her tail somewhat restless, her head looking at some shops began her “little plan” --TUK!-- Without turning but her eyes focused on Kiri continued with a smile forming --Then I think I’ll have to see what I do with all this-- The steps became more audible as they got closer, soon after Tuktirey appeared holding a basket --Hi Kiri!-- When she was close she extended the basket, when she took it, the little Tuk just as she came she went --Goodbye Kiri!-- with some caution she opened the lid to meet several flowers, the same that she spent many days searching without success Her mouth opened a little, her eyes opened a little more, after a few seconds she looked at (__) with the same expression and then at Mo’at --she is quite persuasive, as stubborn-- with bowl in hand went to her tent. --And?-- Her face full of happiness and fun for Kiri's attitude, but only received a slap on the face --Auch!, what was that for?-- --For being a skxawng-- With hands running her arm and without erasing that smile from her face --I can show you where there are more-- taking the basket and putting it in another place she observed them for another time --they are beautiful … I like them-- (__) confessed --Thank you-- softening her expression --It is nothing Kiri, anything for my siblings-- now it was Kiri's mouth that curved to share the smile.
Kiri sat next to (__) and laid her body and head on hers. --I think you better collect more, grandmother will reproach you every time you approach to her the times she has had to attend you--. She exhaled amused since it was most likely --as you say-- her posture became rigid and made a military signal that her father had taught them. Giving another pat but on the back of the neck she rolled her eyes without losing her smile --I'll reserve some for you, you'll need them-- --You talk like I'm always in trouble-- her tail moved as she remembered the many times her brother had gotten in trouble and where she had to heal him. --You behaved like lo’ak--. Kiri felt (__)’s head lying on hers, she closed her eyes and (__) answered --That’s why you scolded me? I am older, I am the one who should scold you--.
--I was worried-- settling more into the gap that she had in the neck of (__) and her chest, focused on listening to her heart. --You don’t need to worry about me-- and neither said anything, enjoying each other’s company. Kiri then thanked the great mother for giving her the family she has, for the support and love they gave her and give her, for being in the here and now. Her arms encircled her sister's figure and hers her shoulders.
The cold wind caressed the face of Lo’ak who was still sleeping, the external activity diluted in his listening announced the morning, feeling the lack of body heat at his side, it took him a while to open his eyes that to his surprise the light was already abundant, he stretched as much as he could, he left his resting place and went to breakfast. When he arrived he was greeted by his family, first by his mother who stretched his arm to his head and kissed it, then by his father --Did you sleep well son?-- Jake asked by taking a piece of food and Lo’ak settling down next to his mother and Neteyam answered --Yes Father-- by bowing he grabbed a few pieces of food, leaving no room for further conversation (__) continued to swaying and asking --Daaaaaaddd pleaasseeee--.
Neytiri, who helped Tuk to eat, replied --(__), your father already told you no-- with this the girl made a few grimaces, without stopping her action her dad interfered --What will you do there?-- Before answering Neteyam spoke --She's going with a boooyyy-- he didn't dissimulate the smile and immediately made sounds to imitate kisses --Puagh! I'm not!-- with disgust she pulled out her tongue while the other children laughed but her mother looked at them to stop and so they did but in a while the ones emerged a little, --Very good, but you take your brother, today Kiri and Neteyam have their trainings-- As if she had never been sitting, she started jumping around and then hugging her dad for a long time, --Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you-- and hastily sat down to eat, with a small look at Lo’ak. Neytiri who at that time had finished eating and was now focused on Tuk saw Jake with a smile that he tried to hide when he saw her along with Mo'at.
When they finished eating Lo’ak and (__) went to the spring, the wet grass as well as the weather made the road lighter, concentrated in the view that although it was not possible to see beyond 4 meters was abundant, the sounds of his own steps, insects or even the wind was enough to relax the little one and make his body feel sleepy but the grip of (__) hand with his hand was enough to keep walking. After several moments of the walk the water hitting and joining with another was already heard as well as several laughs and other movements.
Lo’ak watched his sister dive more and more into the spring, from time to time pouring water or dipping her head. --Lo’ak! Come!-- (__) called her brother with a sign, the one who was sitting playing with some toys just shook his head and continued with his game, the water was too cold for his taste but, (__) wouldn't take a no for an answer, she had come to have fun and wanted her brother to do it too. But as soon as she thought of something to convince the child she would enjoy the spring.
Dipping and dipping she noticed a close flash, curiously she approached, came out of the water to take a breath of air and dive again, extending her left hand and grabbing the object. This moved a little, when she opened her mouth by the surprise she had to leave to not take or breathe the water. --Lo’ak! Lo’ak!-- He raised his head and saw his sister walking quickly towards him. --Come, look what I found!-- Her face no longer reflected surprise but joy like her body language, again shook his head --I don't want-- (__) clasped her hands together and asked again --Come on Lo'ak! If you do then I'll play with you whatever you want, but come-- thinking about it for a few seconds, he accepted and took the hand of (__). When he touched the water he moved back a little by the temperature but his sister gave him a squeeze with her hand and a look to encourage him, as he walked more and the water reached his torso he had already become accustomed to the cold. When they got to a certain point they stopped, the elder pointed her head and spoke --There it is, ready?-- She noisily breathed in and waited a little for Lo’ak to do the same, in doing so they both put their heads in and with their eyes wide open they searched for what had excited his sister so much. When he saw a little figurine of pastel colors and that with the passing light shone, as (__) he tried to touch it, but when his hands did he felt a peculiar texture, without having the same reaction, he only pulled his hand and watched the little figure come out antennae and move slowly on the rock on which it rested.
It was a snail he had never seen before, a very nice one, smiling he came out to breathe and began to laugh, next door his sister saw him and just imitated him. Already in a less deep place both walked looking at the rocks and stones below and the leaves that had fallen and floated aimlessly, some of the na’vi were no longer there, they had returned to the clan so it was calmer. As the child that is Lo’ak it occurred to him that it would be fun to surprise his sister. As slow as he could was approaching (__), he bent down and her hands formed small spaces, when she turned to hear her brother approach she was greeted by nonstop water splashes with laughter, she tried to shelter her face with her arms but it was quite difficult so she decided to fight back, thus initiating a battle that neither of them would be willing to lose.
Hours later the only thing they did was rest, when one said they had given up and the other believed they took advantage to throw water again, the other did it too. Her hair moved according to the waves, as did her garments that barely floated. The light was dim by the leaves that covered the spring. Looking at her face, Lo’ak appreciated every detail of her sister, even how serene she was even seemed to have fallen asleep. Almost as a sigh Lo’ak said her name, she opened her eyes and waited --I thought you were sleeping-- she shook her head. --It is better that we go to the clan, surely we have passed the food-- Turning a little leaning on her knee and squeezing her hair to remove the excess water, his brother did the same and taking by the hand they collected the toys to leave.
Back his head followed a thought that had formed at breakfast time, at his father’s condition and decided to clarify it even if it hurt his feelings, --(__), did you want to come with me?-- For the sudden question she stopped the steps, the sister who saw the face of her brother understood what he meant --Hey… why wouldn’t I want? with brothers as “cool” as you-- she broke her grip and swirled his hair with a smile before it got serious --I'm here Lo'ak, ok?-- without much thought he nodded.
They grabbed hands again and continued their way home without looking back.
Neytiri had already finished several of her tasks for the day, one of her last was to go hunting, walking among the hammocks and some roots she carried her bow and arrows with constant step, the eclipse was approaching remarkably so it was necessary to get something before the night covered every corner of the forest. Before she could completely leave the clan and call her ikran’s attention, she was attracted by a creak that frightened her, turning around quickly she found nothing less than her eldest daughter holding her own bow, her own eyes open --sorry ma, I didn't mean to scare you-- calming down immediately she signalized to her to approach her --what happened darling?-- slowly shook her head as she shortened the distance, arriving Neytiri surrounded with her arm the head of (__) charging it at the end of her collarbone --no, I just wondered if... could I go with you?-- --Nothing would make me more happy-- before continuing she separated a little to take her face in her hands and observe it a while --My great hunter is not yet big enough to think that hunting with her mother is thing of the past-- the cheeks of (__) warmed up to remember how those last weeks she was alone or with other young na’vi --mom!!-- a smile crossed by both in a moment, --It is better that we go at once-- without another word they walked until they reached the place that seemed right to them and called their ikran.
Already in the place that Neytiri had planned both began with the task, as cautious as possible they roamed the forest, tracking and following the chosen prey.
The rope was stretched until the arm reached its ideal point, the tip centered in the sight and with one last breath her hand released the rope, the arrow accompanied by another giving in different objectives, without wasting time they approached and performed the prayer.
--You have improved a lot in your aim-- --Thank you-- when she met her eyes her mother nodded --when the time comes you will take my father’s bow-- (__) who was preparing the animals to be loaded stopped the action taking again her eyes to those of Neytiri with disbelief --But Mom-- Neytiri interrupted --A bow must be strong, endure all the times it is used and those that do not, the person who wears it must be as strong as one, is one more part of who wears it; just as important as the heart, it is decided-- she finished preparing the animals herself, turning just to make her posture clearer, (__) nodded and then helped with what remained to be done.
On the flight back, the girl's mind wondered why that decision, despite being honored and happy she was also confused and even a little worried because that bow was one of the few things that her mother kept from her own father and therefore from her old home but she would not question it otherwise as it was what her mother wanted.
After dinner averyone went to their hammocks to sleep and be ready for the next day, including the Sully’s, each to their respective but before Neytiri could go with Jake, her daughter asked to talk to her. Already set aside for others to rest, (__) sat on a rock and waited for the moment she thought was most appropriate to ask by tilting her head a little towards Neytiri --how was my grandfather?-- She stood behind (__), she took a great inhalation as soon as she sat next to her, looked at the stars standing still in the sky, --He was one of the strongest people I have ever met, wise and determined, even though Oloeyktan, he was someone who inspired confidence, love.-- The memories crossed her mind good and not so good but made tears find place in her eyes --Sometimes you look a lot like him, I'm sure he would be very proud of all of you.--
(__) In her periphery saw how her mother's face changed according to her emotions, her hand rested on top of hers --so would he be with you-- Neytiri turned her head to see (__) that she did not look at her directly swallowed saliva and tried to say something, she took off her tears with her hand --I wish it was, it is time for us to return-- and so they did.
Before (__) lay in her hammock she pulled Neytiri into a big hug putting her ear on her chest --rest ma, see you tomorrow-- with a kiss on the crown of her head for the last time she spoke -- you too, ‘ite’-- that’s how the night ended, the clan resting quietly.
The bows rested one above the other in their designated place waiting for another use, while dreams visited everyone, Neytiri dreamed of her father, she was again a girl and he was as always a great man.
The little Tuk ran from one side to another screaming, the na’vi and people around her gave small glimpses toward her direction somewhat confused by her actions, as she stopped she turned around with her eyes going through every possible corner, attentive to any suspicious movement. But for a while there was no action to alert Tuk, for a moment her face was covered in confusion.
But as she let her guard down, two arms surrounded her figure –-I got you!-- Tuk shouted again but it was mixed with laughter --not true!-- And tried to break free repeatedly until she gave up, when (__) let her go, she resumed her escape --Hey, that's not fair-- she shouted but the girl ignored and kept running toward the tent of the whole family, with the things that were there she tried to hide and keeping silent, she waited.
After several minutes she heard as someone approached and entered the tent, holding her breath she watched as the na’vi moved to the other side, that’s when Tuk noticed that it was not (__). But lo’ak who squatted and pulled something out of a basket, but when he stood and turned around he realized that the little girl was in the same space, carrying a scared look for a moment he asked --what are you doing?-- --Shh-- without being quiet, Lo'ak asked again, raising his voice --Shhhh!,What do you not see that I am hiding?-- he immediately answered --No-- and without further, he left the tent.
Other minutes passed and Tuk was already more than bored, she thought that, since (__) had not entered there perhaps she had forgotten their game and that she could already leave and not worry too much so she did but as she walked toward the entrance she didn't notice the shadow that was expected on the cloth of the store, When she left, she was back between two arms, the same ones that had imprisoned her moments before – I knew you were here-- --(__)!-- She laughed a little, --I win-- at that moment she let go of her, but the girl didn’t move from her side-- it’s not true, you cheated, that doesn’t count-- Tuk pressed her lips and changed her posture so that her sister knew how she was feeling.
--Cheated? How I cheated?-- Her tone of voice reflected the confusion she presented at what her younger sister said --surely you pretended that you forgot that we were playing to distract me and sure Lo’ak told you where I was-- Now she was the biggest grimace – I didn’t forget anything and Lo’ak hasn’t even spoken to me since breakfast -- Tuk’s tail stopped moving abruptly, his ears just as still – really?-- -- promise TukTuk-- she took a hand to her heart to make it better understood what she was telling the truth, Tuk seemed quite satisfied with that and she accepted it --that’s good because others usually do it when we play--. So (__) knelt down to level with her sister and seeing her in the eyes --then I promise I will never forget when we play together-- Tuk smiled and with his hand imitated her sister’s previous action --And I… promise… never forget anything-- ----what?-- The expression was funny because of her sister’s somewhat vague promise --Yes, I will never forget anything, nor of this-- raising an eyebrow the kneeling Sully asked --Really? Then I hope you never forget that I am your sister-- she composed her posture rolling her eyes--it seems that Lo’ak and Kiri already did-- the latter was more for herself but Tuk managed to hear and laughed, without saying anything else they heard how her mother called them to eat, --Yeah, i promise--
Neteyam had finished his practices for the day so he decided to go and walk to relax, he knew that his father expected that when he finished he would immediately return to the clan, half a year ago that the people of heaven had returned and Jake was more strict and hard on them, plus he was busier. So he tried his best not to stress his father and make him proud, just like anyone, he needed time to rest.
So thinking of returning to the clan before worrying anyone, he went on his way, observing the flora and fauna, eating from the fruit he found, memorizing the parts of the forest where he was. After a long time he remembered what he had planned watching as he was close the eclipse ran as fast as he could as his ikran was not close. When he arrived and was under the camp he called his ikran in a hurry, without having stepped on, first he heard the cry of his father and then his figure approaching with tense posture –-did you already realize the time you arrive!?-- --I’m sorry, sir.-- But this response only seemed to infuriate Jake who immediately thought of some punishment for his eldest son –-A sorry doesn’t help me when you don’t even seem to care!-- Neteyam lowered his head, biting his tongue to the point of drawing some blood. What else could he say? He knew that if he told the truth he would only make things worse and if he didn't say anything else he would take his father out of his boxes, at that time to remain silent and Jake's to wait, (__) approached knowing what was going on from her father’s screams, and to try to help, she spoke –-Neteyam, did you get the stones?-- both turned to see her confused --What do you mean sweetheart?-- asked Jake, for a second the ears of (__) went down but quickly replied --an apology father, I asked Neteyam some things for a project I have-. --And the stones?-- Jake turned to Neteyam who stuttered a bit trying to give an answer that was credible –- I didn’t find any special for (__), sorry --Do not worry brother, another day will be–- with some doubt and without discomfort already some Jake accepted the fact and left everything with a warning that they should always warn with issues like this to avoid worries --it will not happen again father--, -It better not-.
When Jake disappeared from their field of vision, Neteyam spoke -– why do you lie to him? You shouldn’t have done that-– something tired (__) put her hands on her brother’s shoulders --did you see how he was? He almost takes your teeth out one by one-- he sighed – anyway, that was wrong – with one hand he pushed the hands away from (__) -- when he finds out that I never looked for anything, what will we do?-- She raised an eyebrow – what else could we do? Tomorrow you bring me any stone and I will pretend that I loved it–For a moment, Neteyam watched his sister in disbelief. Had she lied before? --We won’t do that-- she escoffed, --As you wish, so what do you suggest?-- --We won’t do anything, this was my fault.-- (__) turned her eyes and before turning around she said, --very well-- and finally marched to leave Neteyam with his thoughts.
The next morning, as if he was not between his father’s expectations, he woke up late, possibly it was already noon. He rushed out to apologize and start his arc practices immediately. But Jake did not recriminate anything, to the surprise of the boy and his mother - thank (__) who warned me of your great ability, this day you can rest as much as you want but I will not allow it to always be that way, did you hear boy?-- --Yes, father, thank you very much-- without further ado, he did. In the night when he saw the eldest, he thanked her but she shook her head and with a confessed smile – you earned it – she shook her brother’s head and finished –now rest Tey– –you too (__)--. And with that they went to sleep without seeing eachother in the eyes.
It had been a busy day but full of fun and new discoveries with his friends, his family. Removing the mask that helped him move in Pandora, Spider opened the second control door, when Norm entered he received it as usual.
--Hello Spider! How did everythin went?-- --It was great Norm, Kiri showed me plants I had never seen before and then with Lo'ak, Neteyam and (__) we went to explore a place she found, There were a lot of bugs and they ate some-– Spider only laughed at what happened as they had also joked with each other but Norm made an expression of disgust thinking about their texture and taste --Very well I do not want to know more details, Go take a shower so we can eat-– Spider breathed out his shoulders and walked down heavily to where the showers were --ok-- without having moved too far he stopped and without losing another second he passed his hands on Norm’s clothes and ran to his room --Spider!-- he shouted with his hands outstretched seeing the dirt and what looked like drool on his shirt and some of his pants, with a sigh of defeat he went to change and make Spider bath.
Well into the night and after having dined Spider lay on his bed, just below Norm's and before he went up the boy asked why he never learned the ways of the Omaticaya to be one of them, he settled on the edge of the bed --well-- he squeezed his lips --Jake was the first, he was taught as he was not a scientist and I was a little jealous- Spider curved an eyebrow --Something?-- Norm frowned --Don't you believe me?-- The boy shook his head and denied, Norm forrowed his eyebrows and nodded slowly --I guess I was very jealous, I had spent many years learning so that someone who barely knew what photosynthesis was or knew what skxanwngg meant would have been accepted into the clan… but then Grace and I had the opportunity to live with the Omaticaya, everything seemed to improve, After the war I still had the opportunity to ask and more with Jake being Oloeytktan but at that time I realized that it was really not something that was for me... plus-- he shook the hair of Spider --Someone has to take care of you-- --The other guys take care of me too-- he moved his hand away from himself --Yes, but I'm the one who does it most of the time-- Spider was silent thoughtfully and yawned, --I guess-- Norm shook his head with a smile, --Good night kiddo-- --Good night Norm--.
The next day Spider went out again to meet the Sully's near a river, even if (__) did not arrived yet he and the others started playing, Neytiri and Jake watching them, for a while they chased, they swooped down and the boy pulled their tail until being a little calmer the mud hit them right on their faces, with their mouths wide open they saw that the cause was her older sister --(__)!-- the children shouted while she laughed, they took off the mud and began to grab more.
When she saw this her tail tightened and ran away as quickly as possible --don't run coward!-- Lo’ak shouted --try to catch me fools!-- and as the challenge that was all came out shot in her direction – children!-- They barely heard how Jake called them, but they continued as they knew she would not return until it was safe and accelerated the pace further, just as if they were for the prey that runs away from the hunter. They all took different routes, Spider running on the ground just like Kiri, while Lo’ak and Neteyam took their route on the tree branches.
The further they advanced Spider recognized the way as he and Lo’ak sometimes passed by and had even made a shorter path, so he took it for the sake of everyone’s revenge.
After running a little more he managed to see the figure of (__) that now ran less, so as not to frighten her or to make her notice his presence he slowed down until he only gave step by step with caution when she had stopped completely, examining her surroundings for any alert that her siblings were nearby, she took a long time to notice Spider as lightning came out at her, when she did it was already falling and being muddy --Spider!-- (__) she shouted before removing the child next to her and the mud, when she stood up she asked --Do you think it's funny?-- --It is--Spider smiled and she gave him a bitter one, before he could walk a few beads and ties fell to the ground, as if she had never been blue (__) she felt the blood leaving her body --what is that?-- --Nothing-- she wanted to pick them up but Spider had already done it with some --this is for a songcord-- without being able to lie (__) exhaled and sat on the wet ground nearby,he did the same, she extended her hands to him and spoke --it's yours-- Spider remained silent for a while --mine?-- She nodded --I thought maybe you could make your own cord, I wanted it to be a surprise-- -- but I am not a na'vi -- she immediately answer -- you are, You are na'vi as much as me or my mother and every na'vi has their songcord-- she tilt her head to him grab the beads and the ties in her big hands and so he did --If you want I can help you--without giving answer Spider stood and hugged with all his streght to (__) who received it --Thank you.--
The sound of creaking branches and moving plants reached the ears of both who with just a glance and a smile grabbed mud and ran out to the cause of the noise.
Days later Norm analyzed samples when Spider passed at great speed but he noticed something hanging from the boy's waist, a musical string.
The flora illuminated the night landscape in different colors, occasionally reacting to the outside activity of the still awake animals. In a hammock several meters from the ground one family rested peacefully, huddled on top of the other.
However one of the dreams was interrupted, Jake felt how some hands grabbed his arm and in periods squeezed or shook it but the state in which he was not paying much attention to this until he heard whispers calling him. He slowly opened his eyes until he got used to the darkness, highlighting the figure of his older daughter who was closer than he expected. Clearing his throat he spoke in a low voice so as not to disturb anyone else -- What happened my child?-- regulating her tone to her father's and without letting go -- I had a nightmare--
--Oh really?-- (__) nodded – And what was it about?-- -– We were in the mountains and mom and you were flying but I didn’t, so I wanted to fly and I tried to get on an ikran but none wanted and then – her tail swung in times – you left and I wanted to fly alone so you wouldn’t left me-- Still sleepy he listened to the story of his daughter that seemed to have really affected him since also the grip of his hands on his arm increased and decreased as it did.
-But I didn't fly-Focusing as much as possible on her even that it would not make much difference, he placed one of his hands on the girl's head to move her until he caressed her cheek. --And why did we leave without you?-- (__) moved her eyes until they reached their limit when thinking about it for a while --I don't know, but I didn't like it, you wouldn't leave me, right?-- Without taking away any of his hands that touched them both, surely Jake spoke --of course not, we would never leave without you--.
--Pinkie promise?-- Jake laughed a little but hooked his little finger to hers who was already waiting for him --I promise, now go back to sleep-- she pulled her hands off his arm, lay down and closed her eyes, Jake following took a deep breath settling down to sleep, He concentrated on reconciling this --Dad-- without moving and to let (__) know that he was listening to her although she looked at him he made a kind of murmur --MH?-- --I would not leave without you either-- Sometimes the words, the innocence and spontaneity with which she said them made Jake form a big smile and in other desire to laugh, In this case even something tender --seriously?-- --Yes-- he gently scratched his temple --that's good, your mother and I will not let you go anywhere until you are your grandmother's age-- (__) covered her mouth to suppress the sound of her laughter that tried to come out even more when Jake leaned one of his arms against his figure --But now back to sleep--.
The sounds of the atmosphere returned to their place in the hammock for a few seconds --Dad?-- (__) put one of her hands back on his arm with a small squeeze waiting for some answer, this being another murmur --I love you-- --I love you more (__)-- He closed his eyes and losing the grip of his hand sleep and stillness came.
With the security that his father gave him little by little, she embraced the rest that her body asked him without thinking about anything else.
Her body was now embraced with houndred of tendrils, dissapearing in front of the eyes of her loved ones, everything felt unreal for them. Because it was unreal. For years they fought to be happy but ir seems they were never meant to be.
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Nilou, Candace & Dehya x Dom!Male!Reader Headcanons!
CW: Male!Reader, rough play, swearing, pole dancing. Not proof read.
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For Candace it’s all about serving you. She does so willingly - she likes to think that caring for you with her mind, actions and body is her wife’s duty. It also turns her on quite a fair bit! Nothing beats being your obedient, slutty cocksucker <3
You lift the cup to your lips. The slightly sweet taste of the ice cold cactus juice reaches your tongue, and you down the drink in one go. You put it away and sigh in satisfaction, not only because of the refreshment. The pair of tits moving up and down your cock and the soft, firm tongue flicking your tip every now and then work wonders for your exhausted mind. You reach out your hand to cup Candace’s tanned cheek. She looks up at you, her heterochromic eyes glowing with unrestrained lust. She smiles and opens her mouth, letting her hot tongue slide out. 
Moving your hand to her head, you press it down slightly. Candace catches the hint and she pulls her body away. Your dick doesn’t remain lonely for long - her mouth envelops your head almost right away, wetting it with a mix of her saliva and your precum. She works away, sending waves of electrifying pleasure through your body. Her hands grip your thighs for support as she worships you sloppily. 
The pleasure peaks when she presses her tongue against your frenulum. You groan and she immediately pushes her head all the way down. You grab her hair for support.
“C-candace… Candace…” You moan as you unload inside her eager throat. 
When your thighs stop trembling, she pulls away with a loud pop. She opens her mouth slightly, showing just how much you came. Candace looks you straight in the eyes and swallows your seed with a loud gulp. Her mouth opens again, not a drop left inside. She smirks.
“Thank you, my dear.”
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Being a submissive is so fun! Nilou loves the dynamic a lot. She likes feeling cared for, feeling protected, and being the well behaved sub for you. Being obedient and called a good girl in return gets her all hot and bothered. Nilou likes a good punishment and reward system - it makes her rehearsals much more fun when sexy time is at stake! Especially if those dances are meant only for you…
Nilou takes a deep breath. She looks back at you, and you send her an encouraging smile. Her hands tighten around the pole, her aqua eyes focused on her distorted reflection.
I can do this.
She turns her entire body towards you, her left hand still gripping the metal rod. Nilou walks a few seductive steps to the side before leaning against the pole again. Her right leg raises and she bends it, grasping the pole. She pulls her entire body up and she shifts her balance to the left, making a few spins. Seamlessly, she places both of her feet down on the floor again. Her arms shift to hold the top and bottom parts and she gracefully hops up, pushing the side of her hips to the pole and curling her legs slightly. She spins a few times again, a gentle smile on her lips. Nilou straightens her body and wraps it around the pole and spins in the opposite direction this time. When her back is turned to you she fluently dismounts, making slow steps towards you. She bends down in a bow before smoothly grabbing the pole with her right thigh. She bends her entire body back, left leg in the air and left arm nearly touching the floor. After a moment she straightens up, spins a final time, and ends her performance by blowing a kiss. 
“Beautiful, simply beautiful…” You get up from your seat and approach her. Nilou runs up to you. Her entire face is glowing with excitement. 
“Did I do it? Did I finally do it?” She asks, barely containing her joy.
“Yes! That was absolutely stellar, Nilou!” You hug her tightly, rocking her side to side a little. She squeals with happiness. “Where did you even learn all of this?”
She giggles and blushes. “It’s quite popular here, so I have a few friends who are into this. I asked them to teach me so I could dance for you, and they agreed! It took some time, but I got the hang of it.”
You move your hands to cup her cheeks. You stare into her eyes with pure adoration. All of that for you?
“Oh, Nilou… You’re spoiling me!” You share a gentle, short kiss. Her lips taste of peach juice, sweet just as herself. 
“Am I a good girl then? Do I deserve a reward?” She asks timidly.
“Of course you are. You’re more than good, you’re the best girl.” You kiss her again. “What would you like as your reward?”
“Hm…” She places her finger theatrically to her lips. “Can we make love? Please? I was thinking of your c-cock all day…” 
You smirk. Despite her every effort, ‘naughty’ words are still hard not to stutter at. You grab her wrist.
“You’ve more than deserved it, baby.” 
You both giggle as you hurry to the bedroom.
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Don’t think Dehya will come quietly. She enjoys being the sub, but you have to earn it. She’s the strongest girl around for thousands of miles, so you have to show her that you’re even stronger - your reward will be her body and submission. She likes to get you to show off your strength, your amazing body, your deep voice and ,last but not least, your authority over her. Prepare to actively keep her down and force her into submission - she really likes when you do that, and she always gets what she wants. 
 “What was that about?” You ask, arms crossed over your semi exposed chest. 
Dehya narrows her eyes and scoffs. “What was what about?”
“What were you doing out there? That wasn’t the plan.” You’ve just returned from a Fatui caravan raid. Instead of following the tactic you established, she moved first and forced you to improvise. 
“So what? It wasn’t risky and no one got hurt.” 
“You can’t disregard my words so much. You’re introducing chaos into the heists. You have to follow the plan, else it won’t work. That was luck, Dehya.” Your tone is serious, adrenaline still pumping through your veins. 
“Oh? Listen to you or what?” She smiles mockingly and steps forward. “What are you going to do about it, huh?”
You step forward, your chest now pressing on hers. You hold back a smirk, keeping your composure. “You know the consequences, Dehya.”
“Oh, I see. You’re going to punish me, are you? I have been a bad, bad girl. I need someone to discipline me.” She guides her hands, dirty with sand and sweat, up your chest, until finally resting them on your shoulders. She presses her hips against yours. 
“Hm, maybe I will. But you would like that, wouldn’t you? You enjoy being punished, you absolute brat.’ You grab her by her wrists and pull her hands away from your body. Dehya can feel your dick twitch underneath your pants, so awfully tight on your erection.
You push her into the command tent, closing the folds behind you. She backs up, resisting a fair bit, but not enough to pose any serious challenge. Her ass hits the edge of the map table, and you force her to sit on it. With a broad swipe, you send all the props and miscellaneous items to the ground. She opens her legs, making space for your clothed cock to press right against her hidden pussy.
You stare at each other for a second before you dive into her lips, letting your lust flow freely. You let go of her hands for a moment and Dehya immediately moves to take off her pants. With a few moves you remove everything covering your scarred chest and unbuckle your belt. Before Dehya can take off her panties you grab her wrists again. Pinning them to the table over her head, you unceremoniously rip them off and discard them to the side. You reach for your cock and, without warning, you thrust into her. She groans.
“Fuck, really got you all riled up - Hng! - didn’t I?”
You slap her face with your other hand before forcing your thumb into her mouth. She moves her hands to gently hold your forearm for support as she greedily licks your dirty digit. Your other hand soon finds its way to her throat, wrapping tightly around it. She gags, but her tongue never stops worshiping you. You pull your hand out of her mouth, earning a groan of displeasure from her. You make up for it with another slap before roughly pulling back the cloth covering her bust. You grab a handful of her boob, carelessly massaging the nipple. She moans, but due to your hand the only sounds that come out of her restricted windpipe are those of air being forced out of her lungs with every thrust. Her legs lock around your hips, but you push them apart by wiggling your torso. 
Someone clears their throat outside of the tent. Both of you suddenly flinch, your hand on her throat instantly relaxing.
“Sir? Among the documents we stole there is something you would be interested in. A map to be precise.”
Dehya growls. “Put it on the table to the right and scram. We’re busy.”
You look back to see a tanned arm reaching into the tent and placing a scroll where she commanded. It then retracts, and the sounds of quick footsteps on the sound mark the officer’s departure. Dehya grabs your chin and turns it back to her. 
“Where were we? Oh right. Choke this bitch and keep fucking. I still have a lot to learn.” 
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Thanks for reading!
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acourtofthought · 20 days
I like your blog a lot for a long time. You have lots of great theories and There’s one theory of yours that i struggle with though and it’s that Elucien will come first because they’ve suffered more than the others. It’s not that I don’t believe Elucien can’t be next I think there is a very good chance, but this specific reason that they deserve it first is what gets me
Hasn’t Azriel been waiting for a mate or some answer from the Mother for 500+ years? (Not saying this is right but it’s the info given to us). Hasn’t Gwyn been in a library for 2 years looking for courage to go outside? Is Sjmass really going to writing the next two couples in order of who’s been more wronged? If that’s the case Helion and Lady Autumn’s story should’ve been resolved long ago. I think is purely a stan/shipper feeling to think a couples book should come first because other characters need to repent to faves before they get their happiness
For me, it's a little more involved than that.
First off, Az being hung up on Mor for 500 years and someone thinking he should get a book next for that reason is not a strong enough argument in my opinion. If he were to end up with Mor than sure, maybe that would make a bit more sense but she is not his endgame person therefore their past should not really influence his love story with Gwyn. As of November-ish in SF, we saw Az expressing jealousy over Mor when Helion asked after her whereabouts. As of December in SF, we have Az not able to admit to Rhys that he's no longer in love with Mor though he was having extremely sexual thoughts of Elain.
In my opinion, no, I don't think it's a great setup for Az to end up with his mate 9 or so months after that (because that's a realistic time-frame we're looking at here, Koschei and Beron aren't just sitting around waiting for Az's love life to happen before they carry out their schemes which will most likely be dealt with in an Elucien book. The state of Spring can't continue on the way it is for another 9 months while Az gets a girl. If he does, Az will not have spent even a single year not having been fixated / obsessed on a female for nearly the entirety of his life. I think it would actually be very healthy for Az to learn a little bit of who he is outside of his fixation on a female.
Also, Az claiming Elain can't handle the Trove, rejecting her and saying Lucien will never be good enough in one book then he goes on to get his HEA in the very next book while they continue struggling? That's rewarding his temper tantrum (again, in my opinion).
The LoA and Helion are most likely not getting a POV anytime soon so bringing them into the debate doesn't make a lot of sense to me at this point. If anything Mor probably even deserves her HEA before the others (especially Az) because she's the one who has struggled to come out to her family. She's the one who has felt scared of Az's behavior at times. She's the one who feels she has to hide things from Az otherwise he pouts and she has to feel bad about his feelings.
Why should Az, who honestly is not behaving well to most of the others (trying to undermine Feyre's word as High Lady, mouthing off to Rhys, being jealous of Lucien who is their ally, trying to hold Elain back from doing more, pouting about Mor, be the one to get his HEA after how he's acted towards all of them? Shouldn't he spend some time reflecting on how he's made them feel before he's ready to be the guy Gwyn deserves? He is surrounded by love of his friends and family yet he behaves as if he has nobody. I think his first lesson is to be grateful for what he has without wanting romance. Because that's the thing. He's tied up his self worth in whether or not he has someone and that will make his ending up with Gwyn be more about him finally thinking he can tell himself he's worthy rather than it being about a sincere love for Gwyn for the right reasons. But because love isn't going to actually cure him, their foundation will not be a strong one, his personal issues will not have been dealt with. Az wanting love from a relationship is a crutch. "if I got this I'd feel better".
And yes, Gwyn has been wanting to come out of the library but the thing with that is whenever she's ready to do so, she has a very strong support system already in place. She has Nesta, Emerie, even Cassian and Az. Gwyn has people who have supported her, pushed her to do more, believed in her. We already had the chance to here her story in her own words.
Compare that to Elain? Elain does not have that and she's the only possible FMC who we've never heard tell her story. Even Emerie got to tell her story. Elain is surrounded by people who don't think she's capable of much, who never once encouraged her to train her powers, who we have never heard how she truly feels about her fathers death or having stabbed the king or her mating bond. Elain does not have a found family so her spending another 9 months without the same support system the others have? Lucien spending another 9 months without a real home?
It's clear neither is in the court they belong so yes, I do think it would be more fair for them to not be pushed aside for another 9 months. Where Lucien is actually struggling with the affects of an unaccepted mating bond versus Az who is just pissy about not having one but is not going mad (which in canon can happen to mated males) from his instincts the way Lucien might be. Also, Lucien is not treated extremely well by the IC. He's tolerated, at times they get along but even in SF we see evidence of dismissive behavior. As of HOFAS Az has an even stronger friendship with Nesta, Cassian and Rhys are his brothers. Who does Lucien have? Who have we seen on page that he shares a real connection with? He said Vassa and Jurian are his friends but have we ever seen either of them actually ask Lucien about how he feels, what he wants? Cassian tried to strike up a conversation with Az about children, that's someone who is showing an interest in Az. All anyone asks Lucien about is Koschei or Spring or Beron and when he did try to tell Feyre about Vassa and Jurian, she made fun of him.
Also, to your point about Gwyn's trauma taking place two years ago, it did but it was only introduced to the reader on page in SF. We weren't able to read about what happened to her in real time. It's sort of like Lucien watching Jesminda be murdered. It was an absolutely horrific thing that happened to him but we didn't suffer with his character as it happened. That's not to say it makes his trauma (or hers) less valid but when we actually read about Elain and Nesta's kidnapping / being bound and gagged / forced into the Cauldron in book 2, where we read about their terror as it played out and Nesta had a chance to process the trauma on page in her own book and Elain confirmed she still has that trauma yet nobody is talking to her about it? Would it not be a logical conclusion that she also deserves a chance to have a voice since she was waiting for one ever since book 2? Where we witnessed even more trauma for her on page in book 3? Where she suffered another rejection in book 4 and had her own sister pushing her away for an entire year?
Even if Gwyn and Az don't find love right away they both have a place where they truly belong with unconditional love from their friends and neither Elain or Lucien have that. It's not even about deserving romance, it's them deserving a chance to find a home and I'm not sure why they should have to wait for Az to get a mate before they get that.
And in terms of plot, the pressing issues that affected their entire lands were the peace treaty, Beron, Koschei and Spring. From a plot perspective those things do seem more urgent and are tied into Elucien.
Sarah also said her initial plans for the spin-offs have not really changed from that first pitch (while drafting ACOWAR and finishing up edits for ACOMAF), where she knew who the first two would be about but was unsure of the third. At that time Gwyn's character did not yet exist so I don't think it's completely out of the realm of possibility to believe the characters with a confirmed / strongly hinted at mating bonds at that time were getting those first two spin-offs.
I do appreciate your comments and I'm sorry this particular stance is upsetting to you. It's really just my opinion though, no more valid than anyone else's.
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strniohoeee · 7 months
Chris with a rockstar girl who sings and plays electric guitar 😏 like she’s very confident and can make him weak in the knees!!… also I love all your stories and writings 🫶🏻❤️
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Chris is madly in love with his rockstar girlfriend, and can’t stop obsessing over her🎸
Warning⚠️: None, it’s pretty short sadly. I wasn’t sure if it was supposed to be smutty. I felt like not really but IDK🥹I still hope you enjoy tho!
Song for the imagine: Feel Good Inc.- Gorillaz
Chris POV
She was hot….so fucking hot. She was mysterious and dark, mean but nice. She was my wildest dreams in living flesh. She could make me crumble just by the way she looked at me. She was so powerful, and she was all mine.
I wasn’t too sure how I got her, I was the total opposite of her. I was foolish, dumb and oftentimes seen as immature. She liked all this about me, and I wasn’t too sure why when she was the textbook definition of Divine Feminity.
I would say we were the black cat and golden retriever stereotypical couple. I just followed her around with hella heart eyes as she ran everything. Confidence oozing out of her pores. Most people didn’t think we were dating, but she always put it out there.
“Who’s he?” Some random band guy would ask
“That’s my boyfriend and his names Chris” she would respond with a blunt expression
Most times they would scurry away at her demeanor. She was very confident and powerful, but she was the sweetest most loving girl I’ve ever spoken to. She had my heart melting constantly.
She was a singer and played the electric guitar. She was part of a band that was pretty popular in our area. Always playing gigs, and I tagged along. Cheering her on from the front row, or from backstage. I loved my baby
Her voice when she sang….sent chills down my spine. For someone who was soft spoken with me she sure knew how to make her voice hoarse and raspy as she sang. Sending chills throughout my whole body.
The way her fingers worked quickly against the guitar, and how her head went back as she held a note. I was ready to drop to my knees for her.
Her dark red lips…so plump staining the microphone as she sang every song. The way her long hair flowed as she moved around. Her tattooed arms shining bright against the lights reflecting down on her. The way her veins would stand out in her neck as she would hit one specific note in one specific song. It was my favorite song, and she was my favorite singer.
I would find my jaw slack, my pupils blown and my knees weak. She was so fucking beautiful.
The way she ran her hands through her hair sent shock waves through my brain. How could I possibly be dating someone as talented and gorgeous as her.
I was beyond head over heels for this girl, and I couldn’t figure out how to control myself.
I was at one specific show right now standing on the sidelines watching her.
She was currently doing a cover of DONTTRUSTME by 3OH!3. The way her voice flowed through my brain, I swear I was being hypnotized. How does one cover a song, and make it sound so fucking sexy.
After her set she went backstage, and I met her there
“Amazing show baby” I said walking in
“My loveeeee thank you” she said smiling bright and opening her arms for a hug
“I swore I was hypnotized” I said kissing her
“I try” she said winking at me
Fuck she was making me weak in the knees just by winking at me.
“So beautiful and sexy and dark” I said to her biting my lip
“Ouu you might want to watch how you speak, or I’ll act out” she said looking at me shyly
“Maybe you should” I said looking her her through half lidded eyes
“I have another set in five minutes baby” she said pouting
“Noo” I said pulling her in for another kiss
“I know baby, but later on tonight” she said winking
“Mmm yes watching you for another hour will work me up some more” I said rubbing my hands down her sides, snaking my arms around her back and giving her ass a squeeze
“Behave now” she said looking up at me
“I am…I promise” I said looking down at her
“Let me finish this set, and I’ll make all your wishes come true” she said running her hand down my chest
“Sounds amazing” I said winking at her
She got ready for her next set, and I sat there watching her in a trance. God this was the woman for me.
The End
I hope you guys enjoyed this one I’m sorry it was short. I wasn’t too sure how to make it super long. I’m not really experienced as far as like a rockstar girlfriend😭😭
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mziroe · 10 months
pudding character analysis!
I'm not gonna lie right now, Charlotte Pudding is one of my favourite characters. I know, I know, she’s an antagonist. Sorta? Personally I think she falls under this dere type, mayadere. Basically it’s a character that used to be an antagonist, but switched sides after falling in love.
I don’t know, I just love when teenage girls behave like teenage girls. One of the reasons why I enjoyed her character was honestly because of our closeness in ages. I was the same age as her while i was watching whole cake island, which is 16 if you didn’t know. It honestly just felt like she represented all of teenage girlhood or at least my experiences with it.
I will be honest first though, I went into WCI knowing that Pudding was lying throughout the whole time she was nice (it is difficult to keep away from spoilers i suppose). I was prepared to hate her, truly I was. I was surprised though, when slowly I started to identify with her more and more. Honestly, I couldn't help but fall in love at first sight, despite knowing of her lies and deception. A child of an Emperor, how could she be so sweet to the strawhats?
Of course then her true nature was revealed when she shot Reiju, and started telling her about how evil she truly is.of course this is the part i begin to dislike her, the way she spoke about Sanji broke my heart, especially with him standing outside. (i also loved the scene of him under the rain, tears in his eyes as he tries to light his cigarette again. Trying to revive the flames of the love he thought she had for him, only to realise it was futile as she didn’t love him in the first place, y’know, cause the fire can’t be lit under the rain.)
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But after this line in chapter 902, ‘No one will ever fall in love with me. I’m a hideous, monstrous freak.’ It was heartbreaking to me because it was a realisation that everything she said about Sanji was a reflection of how she felt about herself. It’s common for a girl like Pudding, who’s been told time and time again that she was hideous and horrifyingly ugly because of her third eye to have a coping mechanism, especially one of projecting. 
See, Pudding is an extremely confused girl. I cannot blame her for it, look who she has as a mother, Big Mom. She calls herself Big Mom’s favourite (if i can find the screenshot i’ll put it here) yet ever since young she was ridiculed and put down by her because of her third eye, even asking her to grow out her bangs to cover it up. This is detrimental for a girl’s self-esteem, especially coming from a mother figure, someone you are supposed to look up to and respect. See how she is being both put down (Big Mom says no one will love her because of her looks) and complimented (yet she is her favourite child) at the same time? Any little girl will become like Pudding when put through this psychological turmoil.
It is no wonder all she does is want to impress her mother, seeking her validation and love in every corner. Pudding has it drilled in her mind that she is unlovable, what else can she do but chase after that sliver of what seemed like love from her mother by lying by becoming rude and basically being a bitch? She will never get it from her mother though, with Big Mom merely seeing her as an important tool as with her awakened ability, she is able to read poneglyphs. (this is just a personal thought but i think her learning how to act and lie flawlessly is to be favoured by her mother as she has yet to awaken her ability. If she does not have any ability at all, why should her mother ‘love’ her?) It's a complicated emotion, to both love someone yet dislike them for how they’ve treated you, especially if they are of your own blood.
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Thus these two main reasons cause her to spiral out of control. Pudding had lost herself, in all the intricate lies and personas that she plays, to the point she doesn’t know who she is anymore. This is honestly really common, especially in teenage girls, or maybe I've seen it with myself. Painting yourself in a different light because you hate who you are due to your flaws, in hopes that it will make you feel better. In doing so, you lose yourself entirely, forgetting who you even are.
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Even when she switches over to the strawhat’s side she is seen to have this extreme shift in character, from being mean to Sanji then to being absolutely lovestruck by him. This is the most glaring evidence of how messed up she had become from her mother’s brainwashing. She questions herself, why does she even say mean things to someone she feels so dearly towards? It has integrated so well to her personality that she is unable to switch back to whatever she considers her true persona– the ‘mean’, the ‘sweet’ and the ‘vulnerable’ all mixed up in one person. Anyways, Pudding was honestly a refreshing yet realistic character I was able to relate to. The small faucets of her personality, the motivations behind her character was very eye opening to read. In learning about her, I felt I was learning more about myself, so to speak.
Pudding is a character riddled with self-esteem and self-image problems that stem from an unhealthy relationship with her mother and bullying. To combat that, she becomes rude and ‘evil’ to earn her mother’s praise as well as protect her heart in some sense. It is a story that most girls can relate to, the real life ups and downs of complex teenage feelings all rolled into one character. That is exactly why I love her, because she represents the honest troubles of growing up.
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laufire · 1 year
☕️ related to our discussion before... why is Elena Like That.
Born this way?
LOL. I do think that's part of it, but I will elaborate (quite a lot).
To put this ask in context: we've pointed out that Elena's extreme awareness of social hierarchies and other people's emotions (with some blindspots) is similar to those of characters like Cammie's Laila in The Essence of the Equinox or Dean Winchester (Elena's soul twin as far as I'm concerned!): characters who suffered abusive upbringings. Even Stefan is shown to behave the way he does in part due to growing up with an abusive father he had to manage and fawn at. It's remarkable that Elena resembles this type, given that until her parents' deaths, she lived as charmed and cushy a life as a young girl possibly could in this world.
First thing first: I see no reason to question this assumption. Cushy doesn't mean perfect and I don't think the Gilberts were so. I mean, Grayson did unethical experiments on sapient beings LOL, that's not a good sign. IIRC Elena as a child saw Something of that, but wasn't equipped to understand it at the time and seems to have shaken it off, as she often does. And there is room to argue that Miranda's encouragement of Elena could've taken the form of high expectations of her; Elena, however, seems to want to honour and meets those expectations in a pretty level-headed way that doesn't interfere with her life and ultimate goals, which is a good sign. In summary, there's absolutely nothing in the show's writing that could be interpreted as "Elena is a victim of parental abuse" without making the reach of the century.
With that out of the way, in my opinion, there are some important factors that contribute to Elena's... let's call it mimicry? of this attitude. I think, to begin with, she has an intrinsic intuition she was born with; a capacity to understand and navigate social hierarchies with ease and with no need to reflection, practice, or focused study. Some people are like this, period.
Another factor I'd consider important is her natural amorality. I know, I know, this is not how most people see Elena, to say the least. But c'mon. That girl does NOT have a code, she does NOT have principles, she does NOT have an ideology. Nothing as solid as that could survive her fluidity of character. She constantly moves the goalpost and reacts accordingly when other people move it for her. This is very different from say, Laila: someone with a sturdy moral core, with principles that, if not completely solidified (she starts out in her twenties!), develop and gain strength through the story and through the challenges she goes through. Laila's moral quandaries and outrages, in summary, are genuine.
Meanwhile, Elena is good at mimicking morals, because of another factor: she's subconsciously tuned to the image others have of her, and she knows how singularly important it is. Specifically, she knows how singularly important it is for her to retain exactly the image she wants to cultivate.
Because the thing is, and this is something that ended up working against her: Elena's learned to glorify soft power, at the expense of hard (real, personal, nontransferable) power. Personally, I've always had the headcanon that Miranda was a soft power MARVEL. Loved and idealised and perfect in that just-slightly-imperfect way that makes it all the more loveable, always at ease, admired for it. Elena looked up to her and wanted to live to her image. She might've seen the social power Miranda wielded and wanted to imitate her. And because of how charmed and privileged their lives were, and probably because Miranda was taken from her when Elena was young enough that she had yet to forcibly become aware of the limitations of this method, Elena sticks to it, sometimes stubbornly so. She's seen how well it works when it's meant to work, and for a long time it worked perfectly for her.
This leads me to how I think Elena's privilege is an important factor in how this socially-aware nature happens to work for her. The fact that she instinctively understands how structures and hierarchies work, and how to use other's feelings for her benefit, combines with how she's perfectly at ease with the status quo because so far, it's done nothing but aid her. She doesn't chafe against perceived or real limitations* because she has a (partially earned!) overconfidence in her capacity to thrive in her environment.
*I do think her gender can't be ignored: she's still a girl in a world where that can be dangerous (where that does become dangerous once the Salvatores enter the picture, but although I'm not there yet in my rewatch, IIRC her flashbacks at the end of season 3 regarding her relationship with Matt definitely painted a picture). This quote I reblogged recently really stood out to me:
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But this can't be separated from how well she otherwise navigates and adapts to the status quo and from how ultimately she thinks it's better to maintain it and work within it than to challenge it. She's profoundly misogynistic, she has no use for feminist praxis, and she subtly (and later not-so-subtly) works to separate from and elevate herself above other girls, often seeking reassurance of her superiority (see: making sure Matt dating Caroline didn't actually mean he was over her). Instead of thinking "hey, men have one over me no matter what and this is unfair", her goal is to be the One Special Woman they'll be willing to compromise for (without acknowledging this won't necessarily last forever*). This works wonderfully... until the show no longer centres the perspective of a man that considers her special.
*sometimes I wonder. what if some of the information we got about Grayson had involved being a less-than-stellar husband? I think THAT would've wrecked Elena far, far more than to learn he was a torturer lol.
Another way in which her privilege both comes at hand AND gets in her way is that she will always dismiss people she sees as "below" her. People like Vicki, like human!Caroline, etc. She's aware of social hierarchies but she doesn't question them, and she sees them as far more immovable than they truly are.
This is when Dean Winchester becomes a good point of comparison. As I've said before, I think they're cut from the same cloth. But one key difference IS their wild disparity in upbringing.
Dean got four good years in (although we're eventually told they are less idyllic than they might seem, because surprise surprise, it turns out John was always a lousy husband and parent. Or, paraphrasing Dean, "the marriage wasn't perfect until she died"). Then his mother died, and everything went to shit in a SPECTACULAR way. The audience is told that there might've been periods of straight-up food scarcity, because John would leave the brothers alone in motels for longer periods than the money he left covered, and at one point Dean was even caught stealing food. He's such an obvious case of parentification that it hurts. He's a drifter, he doesn't have a safety net, the money he uses comes from schemes and hustling people at pool and poker and the like, something he obviously wasn't born learning, etc. etc.
Dean has his own blindspots but in general I think he's a better judge of character than Elena because of this. He navigates reality and hierarchies and structures, he adapts, but he's not built in to discard people at the bottom because he's been at the bottom (or as close as a white guy will get in this world!). There are several times where Sam expresses a Blissfully Liberal Opinion (sometimes college un-educates you, ime xD), like implying that doing a job at a prison is a waste of time because who tf cares if convicts get hurt, and Dean immediately shoots that down. Another time Sam makes a disapproving comment about the guy in charge of the group home Dean stayed in as a teen being an ex-con and Dean replies "what, and we're such saints?".
He has principles, is what I'm getting at. He has a morality; one he might not have in another, cushier life (he seems far chillier and breezier in "alternate timelines" episodes where his backstory has been altered in that direction). To be clear, these principles aren't fool-proof or completely consistent. He believes "every person deserves our help", but that belief holds maaaaany caveats. For one, his definition of person is limited, to the point of abject cruelty to those that fall outside it (and sometimes even more damning, towards those that once deserved the consideration until they failed to meet his standards). He has genuine, sincere sympathy for victims, AND this sympathy will translate into actual help for them!! amazing!!!... unless the way you are a victim is perceived by him as faulty on some level (see: Max, a boy with psychic powers that used them to kill his abusive family in season 1, while Dean was still at Peak Daddy Knows Best mode. And of course, Bela, who he can't process as a victim at all, even when he should see that the facts don't add up).
My point is that, despite all that, imperfect morals are still morals. There's a struggle there. They might not come natural to him and be a product of his experiences, but they're there. With Elena................. I don't see them LOL.
But another useful point of comparison is grief. It caught Elena older, on more solid ground, but I think in both cases it contributed to a need for a sense of control (of themselves and their projected images AND of those around them, more evidently manifested in their younger brothers). I think losing her parents enhanced Elena's tendency to hyper-awareness, basically.
Another thing that enhanced it? VAMPIRES VAMPIRES VAMPIRES. See, I think before the show, Elena was understimulated lol. I mean, she was dating Matt, who is ALSO very in tune with social hierarchies (but who chooses hard-power female role models like Liz and Carol. I cannot tell you how funny I find this on its own. But I mean, he clearly saw first hand how soft power was shit with Kelly's parade of lousy boyfriends). But, well, for her, Matt wasn't exactly a strong proposition. There was no challenge there. She was BORED. Caroline's insecurities and her ambition were probably the most difficult thing she had to deal with, and at that point Caroline had yet to be a real challenge herself.
But then Stefan came, and all the dangers to her life, and even Damon to a certain extent (at least, when he was something to retain and be managed without giving him too much). Elena is easily bored and THRIVES on high-stakes situations. In regards to her actual life, of course, but more in terms of high-stakes social situations, where it's only her charisma that might prevent her downfall. They make her more creative, more efficient. She pays more attention as well, which obviously makes her act more hyper-aware.
Her relationship status cannot be ignored here. Elena is extremely dependent on romantic relationships/bonds for her modus operandi, and even outside that, she's an extraordinarily social animal (that also works best with as much forced closeness as possible). It's a good thing she was a doctor during the pandemic* because if you'd make her remove herself from the world at large (worse, alone with only Damon...) she would've died of sheer boredom.
(*......... writing this down for my horror delena wip brb).
This is why she was at her best, in terms of social capital, with Stefan. HE was a strong proposition. HE was a challenge. A worthy partner and worthier opponent. And this is why she slowly loses her magic touch when she dates Damon, who has the social finesse of a baby elephant in a glassware shop. Elena responds to and raises to a challenge. If she's put on the spot, she'll surpass expectations.
This speaks to why becoming a vampire was... not that great for her social capital. Suddenly her soft power strategies didn't work as well, because nobody could forget she now had superpowers. Maybe if the show hadn't combined the double punch of hard-power-thrust-at-her with now-she-dates-Damon things would be different, she could've adapted to a new MO, but alas. This is why she's one of the only two vampires volunteering for the cure (along with Rebekah), and why she actually follows through. On some level, she's trying to return to a better time for her. She almost... fetishizes that human vulnerability of hers, and how she could get others to fight for her with it. But season 6 is a different world, with different rules and very different players, and it proves to be a huge miscalculation on her part.
Oof. This got long xD. Tl;dr: I attribute Elena being Like That to a variety of factors: her intrinsic nature: great instincts wrt social hierarchies, easy charm; a combination of lack of morals and excess of privilege both aiding her and getting in her way depending on the context; a personality that responds to challenges and gets bored and more passive without them; and a learned glorification of soft-power manipulation.
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