#and i just can't cause now i wont be able to help again and i know so many women who did all of this alone and they did it so much better
xxlelaxx · 11 months
I feel like the worst mom ever and I've only been at this for a day.
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billieeilishmommy · 1 month
just so you know,, i know
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in which you have been more sad recently, causing you to not want to do anything, not even hang out with your girlfriend. and she knows somethings wrong
a/n please yall this is my first angst fanfic with billie,, and i kinda used my own personal life for this guys sorry if it's specific,, use of y/n
tw depression, mentions of not eating, crying, cussing, mentions of sh, loss of family
(if you are not comfortable reading things with those topics do not be afraid to stop reading! and know im here for you. your not alone, i love you all and your here for a reason babies)
ever since you lost your dad, you haven't been acting the same. yeah, your dad wasn't around, but that doesn't change the fact that its your dad. apart of you is missing now and you wont be able to get it back.
obviously billie has been with you the whole time, but eventually she had to go because of her music and you understood that, honestly you would rather be alone, of course you loves billie being there though.
you were currently laying in your bed, surrounded by plates and cups, most of them having food in them since you couldn't bring yourself to finish them, but it made you feel overwhelmed, but you just couldn't get yourself up to clean it.
all you wanted to do is lay there and think about this, everything bad was happening to you and you don't know why.
the last time billie was at your house was around 2 days ago, and you haven't talked to her since then. you wanted to, but you didn't want to look on your phone because you knew that you would feel guilty for not responding so you didn't. you laid on your bed watching your comfort shows and youtubers over and over again until you found some sort of relaxation.
all you were thinking about is how this grief will never go away. its stuck with you forever no matter what.
eventually you'll start to live with it and continue on with how you used to be, but not right now. all you wanted was comfort but you also just didn't want to be around anyone.
a few days later, the last time you've ate was around 3 days ago and the last time you've talked to billie was 7 days ago. you missed her, and who knows what she thinks about you. hell, she probably thought you blocked her. that was why she came into your room with no notice, just showed up.
"y/n? are you okay? you haven't talked to me?-" she says, cutting herself off as she steps in your room
"hi billie" you say quietly, your voice hoarse since the last time you've talked was ages ago.
"are you okay baby?" she says to you, not worried about all the trash and plates on the floor, she immediately sits beside you, "sit up for me princess. tell me whats wrong"
your eyes immediately start to fill with tears, and before you can get a word out the tears start falling and you can't get them to stop
"its okay hun" billie says to you softly and wraps her arms around you and gently kisses your forehead.
"billie i can't-" you cut yourself off with heavy breathing.
"yes you can my love, you can breathe okay, you can talk okay, your okay." she reassures you and it helps you calm down a lot.
"are you okay now baby?" she says quietly to you.
"i think so.." you sniffle, wiping the tears from your face.
"whens the last time you've gotten up love?" she asks you, worried. all you do is just shrug in embarrassment.
"its okay baby, have you ate any today or do you want me to make you something?" she asks you in a comforting tone, she knows just how to talk to you.
"im not hungry." you protest and put your head on your knees.
she gives you a look, knowing that your lying. "what do you want me to make you baby?" she asks, cuping your cheek.
"nothing, im not hungry" you say, in a colder tone this time and she nods, not wanting to make you uncomfortable in any way.
"are you okay my love?" she asks softly
"no bils.. i can't do this anymore." you sniffle into her shoulder, genuinely so tired.
"baby don't say that. how about you come over to my house for a few days? you can shower at my house and ill make you food and ill get you a drink at canes, i know you like their lemonade." she says and rubs your thigh.
you nod in response, you stand up for the first time in a while with the intentions to actually go out. "are you hot?" she asks you, you have on a sweatshirt and pajama pants, obviously you were sweating like a mother fucker, but you had to hide your scars.
billie knew that you struggled with this before, but she didn't know that you started again, so you had to lie and say "no im not, im cold actually"
"okay baby, do you want me to turn the heat on in the car?" she asks you
great you think, eventually your gonna have to tell her.
"noo its fine baby" you say to her quietly and she nods at you, taking you to her car.
did this eat yall
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chaoticallyfluffy · 4 months
"What are you, a cop?" and "Now you see me now you don't" both sound interesting
For "What are you, a cop?"
Billy is deaged (actually deaged. He goes from 15 to 10 or something and doesnt remeber the league) during a mission. He suddenly woke up in the middle of a battle so he's freaked out. the Justice League take down the threat then try to calm the boy down, explaining that theyre heros and here to help.
Billy takes a moment to take that in... then bolts.
It takes a bit to catch the kid, he's surprisingly agile for his concerningly small size, but they manage to get him into the jet and hes pouting in the corner looking angrier than the league has ever seen him.
They try to ask questions. Are you okay? Are you hurt? Why are you so thin? Is there anyone we should call? But Billy stays silent and his glares stay intense until he finally speaks.
"I don't talk to pigs." he spits out, giving them the nastiest look as if his glare alone could poison and kill them.
They stare at him for a moment, processing that.
"We're not cops???" Clark says, unconvincingly. Hes never been more confused in his life and has definitely never been confused for a cop.
"Whats wrong with being a cop?" Barry, the forensic scientist, pouts.
They knew that Marvel had a bit of a weird relationship with cops but they didn't realize he hated them, and especially not with such a passion!
The league spends the whole jet ride back to the tower trying to convince Billy that not only are they not cops, but that cops shouldn't be something to be afraid of anyway.
Billy spends the whole trip explaining ACAB to them and that yes, they are in fact cops, and here's all the things that the police system has done wrong that the league have probably also done or been complicit in..
I just want to write Billy radicalizing the Justice League and the league helping to reform the police system.
For "Now you see me, now you dont"
In the original comics Billy can and will transform in front of anyone at anytime and they wont realize that it was a transformation. Why?because plot armor. They will just think that the boy ran away right as Captain Marvel appeared or something, and when Billy reappears they don't question it either.
In the fic, its a magic perk that came with the whole Champion of Magic package and its a perk he uses often and irresponsibly. He takes it to the extremes by transforming in front of large crowds (no one questions it), while being recorded (The camera shorts out and stops working completely), and even in front of villains (they curse when the captains escapes yet again, completely ignoring the little boy standing in the middle of their secret base)
The last one is how he figured out that even if he is very much Not supposed to be somewhere, he wont be questioned as long as the only people who see him there also saw Marvel transform in that area. If someone who didn't witness the transformation were to see him, they would realize he wasn't meant to be there and call him out which would cause the witnesses to notice it as well. Leaving the room and then returning would also snap them out of it and he would be questioned.
Its a pretty overpowered ability for a child to have access to and when your a street kid without any video games to play who gets chased out of public parks for being too 'dirty' and can't afford any toys, you have to get creative with your entertainment.
Billy wants to see just how far he can take this power, and decides to transform in front of as many people in one day as possible while on the most highly secure facility in earths orbit- the Watchtower.
Follow Billy as he stretches his powers to their limits by transforming in front of the Justice League while praying he doesn't get caught and see what pranks he's able to pull off in that time!
I really like both of these ideas and I definitely want to write them someday. I already have lots of ideas for ways Billy can abuse that particular power! For now I am focusing on a few other fics but these ones are somewhere in the queue.
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ellieslittleburrow · 6 months
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Requested by : @mymelodymia : you can't fall asleep. And clingy you needs to be around someone. Joel is -forced- to help. And Ellie is there to make sure you regret it.
Warnings : none, just internal swearing
Pairings : Joel Miller x daughter!reader /Ellie x platonic-sister!reader
It's been a few months since you've been traveling with Ellie and Joel. Your friendship with both of them has been developping smoothly. As well as their own with each other.
While on a nightly stop out in central wyoming, Ellie had taken watch so that you and Joel could get some sleep....Joel could get some sleep. His snores, as uneven as they were, pierced the space. And you couldn't sleep. Not because of the constant tiring irritating snoring, but just because you simply couldn't.
Giving up and getting out of the uncomfortably thin matress, you shuffle your feet, roaming around the cave and then out to find Ellie.
But she was walking away.
"Where are you going?" Your voice booms, causing Ellie to duck and turn around.
"Go to sleep, what are you doing up at this hour?"
Honestly....you do not know. You shrugged.
"Go back to bed, man."
"I can take over..."
"No. You already took watch yesterday. Go to sleep."
Ughhhh. There's no way you'll be able to fall asleep. You unfortunately knew yourself too much. Nothing could stop that irritating feeling of wanting to be close to someon-
You head towards Joel, and stop a few inches away from him, squatting down to get closer to his face. You didn't want to scare him(no. You'd love to scare him but his fast reflexes would have you end up with a broken neck)
"Joel.." you whispered. But no sign of life from the man. So you tapped his shoulder, starting gently and going harder and harder, violating his shoulder until he huffed.
You fidged, shrugging. "Nothinng." It sounds more like a question and Joel goes silent.
"Then why are you waking me up?"
You go quiet yourself...darting your eyes away from him even though the moon was straight behind you, meaning that all was lit BUT your face.
"Spill." The man seems to be impatient.
"Can i...i can't sleep. Can i sleep with you-"
Uh-but you haven't even finished your sentence.
"Hear me out, joel-i"
"No. No. No. Go back to the other room and force yourself to sleep. It's much safer there anyways."
You slouch your shoulders. "But i don't caaare...i want to sleep here." You sternly argue, having made the decision that tonight, you choose.
"No." Joel says again as he shifts his head for a better sleeping position. "Now let me sleep."
"Okay then." You respond, sitting down on the ground. "Then i wont stop talking until you change your mind." You cross your arms over your chest, your brain fishing for things to blabber about for as long as it will take.
If you can't sleep, might as well benefit from your free time.
And then you start blabbering, about random things like the sky....the cold...El-
Well, that was quick. You think.
Joel shifts his body to the side, reaching for the space behind before he pats it and you hop over him and lay beside him, your back facing his.
You grin, quickly accomodating yourself to a comfortable position.
"Sleep." Joel commands but....you can't. The warmth radiating out of his body is too damn comfy. You might not be...in his arms. But you haven't been this close to him ever. And it feels....good. You don't think you'll fall asleep anytime soon...although..your eyes are suddenly feeling heavy...Damn...how long as it been since you've felt such physical and mental warmt-......
"Wakey wakey little missy."
Snatched out of a beautifully blurry dream, your eyes violently open to a blinding light, causing you to shut them even more violently.
Hell....what in the f-
"Look who's finally up."
You might be deeply disoriented from the sleep you've just been kidnapped from, but that annoying little voice will never be one you can't easily recognize. Not only is it the voice but it's also the sacrcastic tone of-
"Ellie, what the hell do you wan-"
You squint to find yourself staring at a horizontal Ellie. You proceed to move but a pair of hands turn out to be wrapped around your chest. You try to free yourself but the arms around tighten their grip, causing a quick panic to set-
You spin your head around, meeting a pair of half closed eyes-you're envelloped in Joel's arms-
When did that happen?
"Joel." You gently nudge the man's stomach, earning yourself a groan. "Joel let go of me." Your voice is as low as it can get. It's not a whisper, it's just a worried tone. Worried about the crippling smirk painted on Ellie's dumb fucking face.
You know her well enough to know what she's thinking about and you just-you can-
"Joooell...."Your roar comes out as a whine.
A deep inhale tickles your ear and Joel seems to be annoyed but he only wraps his arm around you tighter.
"Let gooooooo....."
Your eyes search for something to fixate on as your face flushes red. You're embarrassed and you want to hide, but Ellie's....persistent. and Joel doesn't seem to want to l-
"Nope." He doesnt seem to want to let go.
"Joel, shes gonna be making fun of m-"
"No. You're stuck here." He groans, stretching his body without letting go of you. "She'll make fun of you wether you're in my arms or not, better take the ooportunity and enjoy this new pillow i got for free." Your da-Joel's voice is soft and reassuring.
And deep down, you'd rather he stays like that forever....You know what? Fuck Ellie.
You turn around, facing his chest. You're still too shy to look up, but this- his earthy(stinky) shirt and the soft puffing of his chest as he inhales-this..is enough for now.
"Mmmmm." You whine, keeping that annoyed salty tone to not have them know....but..they know. And it's not really that much of a problem. You just....like being in your dad's arms and you want to enjoy the moment.
Hiiii babe! I really really hope you like this. It was really fun to write. But wtf is that ending omg. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for your sweet comments 🪷🪷🪷
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honnelander · 1 year
Your lips letting out the shakiest exhales, the tears now dried on your flushed cheeks. He remains still, unmoving just holding you. Your cold fingers move up and grab his wrist. Giving it a quick squeeze, a signal he knows to let go. His arms relax slightly before tightening again, He's hesitant to let go, scared you'll run off like you did last time. Honestly he's tired of it. Not of you, just how he feels completely helpless in these situations. How he never knows what to say or do to help you understand yourself. He always offers a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, a body to be there whenever you needed. And you know that all too well, he would do anything to be with you, to help you out so why? Why don't you rely on him more? He knows you aren't to blame and he hates that he feels this way, but sometimes he just can't help it. Especially when you look so troubled. He just wants to see you smile, from the bottom of your heart. No worries, no fear just complete happiness, If he could he would take away all your negative thoughts and feelings, without a second thought. Anything for the one he loves. So right now as you're breaking in his arms he is overwhelmed with heartbreak. He is scared to let you go, scared you'll run and lock yourself in the bathroom, scared you'll skip dinner that's been long forgotten, scared you'll bury these feelings until the next time they overflow, scared he wont be able to save you from them. "Taz?" Your voice a little harsh from staying quiet he snaps out of his thoughts. Mumbling something like an apology he slowly releases his hold on you. His hands remaining on you as they travel down your arms until he reaches your hands. You turn around keeping your head down, the shame and embarrassment clear on your face. His slender fingers play with yours unsure of what to do or say. After a few deep breaths you gain enough courage to look at him. Closing your eyes you raise your head and slowly blink your eyes open. Clenching your jaw, trying to not cry again you stare at the most powerless look upon your boyfriend's face. Your eyes widening slightly as you stare back at blue eyes that are swimming in unshed tears. It hurts, it hurts so much. You have to tell him, you would say anything to get rid of the look on his face. The realization of the whole situation dawning on you. You're not alone in this, you never have been. Everything you feel he feels, everything you do he does, everything affects him as much as it does you. The squeezing feeling in your chest, does he feel it too? The fear and anxiety in your throat, does he feel it too? The sinking pit in your stomach, does he feel it too? As you stare back into helpless eyes it all becomes clear to you. You love this man, you love him with your whole heart. There truly is no one else for you. Tell him, just tell him. You want to see him smile, you want to feel him in your arms you want to hear him say it back. Now with new determination you stand tall against him. Blinking back your tears you open your mouth. "I-," Closing it again you lick your lips. You can do this. Letting out a small puff of air you raise your gaze to his again. "I-I- I love you." Your heart has never drummed so hard against your ribs before. The silence deadly. He is as still as a statue, completely frozen into place. Did you break him? Is he okay? Will he just say something, anything. A furious blush creeping up your neck and onto your cheeks. It's killing you, this silence. Now what do you do. The confidence you quickly built to confess disappearing just as quickly. Your fingers twitch against his causing him to flinch back to reality. Life being breathed back into him, a smile blossoming on his handsome face. His eyes twinkling with such amazement and admiration as the shock of your confession wearing off. He immediately lunges toward you, wrapping you up tightly in his arms. His small chuckle tickling your neck, spreading warmth through your chest. You did it, you finally told him. relief leaving your body all at once leaving you weak. "I love you too, so so much"
I. have. been. WAITING 😭😭😭 this was SO beautiful, i was gasping and tearing up reading every part 🥹
thank YOU for sharing this with me fr. I wasn’t expecting it and it truly made my weekend!
part 1
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
can i req jax x reader angst? o-(-( been brainrotting on this idea for so long now; jax goes a little overboard with his joke or prank and reader gets upset by it.. but he doesnt really approach reader to say sorry for a while because he doesnt really know how to? so it worsens the situation? thank uuu!!!!
Severed ties (jax x reader)
There will be NO!!!! Comfort here!!! I want pain!!
Written this as platonic !!
Not proof read and written on mobile!! Yahoo!!
Honestly I love writing angstier stuff, like
Idk I like exploring the topic and the feelings
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Jac in general does not seem like the type of person to apologize. It hurts his pride and ego, and really in his eyes everything he does is "all in good fun", or as a means to entertain... himself, mostly
What, is he supposed to apologize because his little joke made someone upset? That's his thought process, I think. Like unless there are huge consequences or he is actively trying to better himself I really don't think he would give a sincere apology, you know?
Like imma be so real here, I know I usually portray jax as a prankster but so far he's worse than that. He has pushed gangle at least twice (in the pilot, and in her tailer), he stepped on her mask and knowing him I wouldnt be surprised if it was on purpose. He just. Ripped zoobles arm off (like yeah sure it doesnt look like it hurts and it can be reattached, but its the idea that he just disrespects them like that), throwing a bowling ball at kinger, ect ect ect
Like I think I down play how mean jax can be
I think a lot of this is caused by the digital world; given that hes probably gotten way too comfortable with the fact you cant get severely injured in the digital world or hahe any long lasting physical damage, you know?
Anyways onto the actual request
I think it's less likely to happen if this is a romantic relationship because I think at that point in time you guys respect each other enough to not be goofy and communicate stuff. As well as this, this prompts jax to try to tone it down.. can also see this happening if you guys are close friends
So really this can only happen if you guys are only like. Normal level friends, because otherwise jax at least learns remorse and tries to be less. Uehdjcf.. you know?
Like I love jax as a character and I enjoy writing him but I'm realizing just how assholish he is based on the pilot
Honestly to be friends with jax you're going to have to be able to have some kind of tolerance to his more tame everyday stuff... imma be nice and assuming the stuff he does above isnt in his usual league of asshole-ness... or maybe it is? I dunno
But some prank he pulls goes too far, and he laughs at you. Probably takes to down play it if you're actually upset, trying to dismiss it as a good ol fashion joke
If he gives an apology it's a half assed one
This leads to you not talking to him as much anymore, if at all
In fact, you may even go as far as to avoiding him during IHAs
And you know what
At first he thinks you're just being sour over his little practical joke
But overtime as you continue to bold your ground he starts to... actually feel bad
And if he does ever sincerely apologize, its likely two late
That's also assuming you dont abstract before then
God can you imagine that, I mean what's worse? Never being able to apologize because the person is effectively dead, or apologizing and not being forgiven?
I think this would push jax to try to tone down his antics
Like he wont totally stop, but it will definitely go back to the light hearted fun I like to headcannon it being when he first joined the circus.. before it got all.. meaner..
Boredom does terrible things to someone and given that the consequences of losing your mind in this place are huge.. I can't help but understand jax a little, assuming my headcannon is correct
Though again he might just be an asshole
While your friendship may be dead and buried now, at least jax learned a lesson that actions do in fact have consequences
And hopefully it sticks
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saszaszeszi · 21 days
Tw. Suicide mentioned; calories and ed mentioned
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Guess who isn't feeling good and have the biggest stress of life since i got sa'd? YES, MY DUMP ASS! THIS IDIOT OVER HERE. I feel dump, my head is dizzy and fuzzy cause of all this stress. I don't know anymore what to feel, except it's stressful. Maybe i feel worried? Or betrayed? Maybe just sad? Or angry? I don't really know and probably won't know. I'm just tired for now and don't wanna to worry them anymore, yet I know I can't continue living like this. For the whole night i slept not even 3h and woke up scared. Just like i had some nightmare I don't remember anymore. I need to focus on myself cause grandma noticed I slightly tremble. I want to cry and yell for attention and help. Yet I can't. I think I'll go buy some snacks today. I maybe want to loose some weight again and it wont help. Hell with how much i was pissed off when i noticed i ate more than 500 kcal in a day I know it'll sabotage all my progress. Yet maybe something tasty and sweet will help me to calm down. Maybe not chocolate, but an sweet candy soda (if ill get it at my village shop lol. If not then probably monster or black) and crisps. Ngl want to smoke badly, but everyone home so can't. Probably will smoke at night. It helps me to calm down. Maybe I'll buy beer and get drunk again? Last time wasnt good, but at least I wont remember it well again too. I need to calm down. I can't talk now, cause everyone have their problems and is busy, but when we all will ve ready I can't let my emotions control me too much. And now to focus on not puking or loosing consciousness around anyone. I'm so used to the second one i already can feel signs before, so I know I'm close. And well i guess puking in stress like this is common, especially it happened to me once. But oh well, don't want to worry my family. The biggest problem is that I know one of them reads this blog from time to time when worried. I mean i gave them info to check on me if something is wrong. I wanted them to check if they are worried. But not for them to lie they never checked and then send ss and talk about it behind my back. I hoped for confronatation even tho i hate em. I thought if they worry and see something is wrong and they decide to check they'll tell me. That was litteraly the only reason they got the faken info. It was a bad idea. Now idk if I even can trust them? Eh... I already was overstressed and tired from all this fatigue and couldn't do a shit, but oh well my fault. I won't annoy others anymore, i have plan to end it all. But now I'm also worried I'll act like a coward and won't do it. At least before i can do it i have whole week ahead. So I can change my mind, cause won't lie i decided on this way to fast. It will be place withiut much internet (mountains) and I'll only be able to use it in tourist spots and mountain shelters. But if next week after wednesday I won't make any post know I'm not here with you. Or fucking failed and in hospital. I hope they won't see it, and they wont talk about it behind my back and all.
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jester089 · 10 months
I loved your "more then merrier" headcanons and I was wondering could you write headcanons for the rest of the tadc crew as well! Love your works!
More the merrier (Part 2)
Apologies on this taking so long life has been kinda rough. And I've been taking up tons of new hobbies. I've been busy.
He the others freaks out when coming face to face with himself. I mean it definitely isn't the first time. But this time the double feels more real and not just a AI. It takes him a bit but once he's used to it he actually really enjoys having two of him. Can get double the things done in half the time. When their are two Caine's he can have one run the circus like always and have the other with you. This way nothing gets left alone and he can learn why he feels differently about you. Overall it's a good thing. Only real downside being when both start an adventure without informing the other making the entire circus be extra chaotic till he realizes what happened.
When Caine found you. Or rather you two, he doesn't react as much as you would expect. It's when he failed to get rid of the copy that he seemed surprised. He would probably put you both in cages so whatever this is doesn't spread. After checking over your code he realizes that it isn't a virus. It is literally just you. But two of you. The majority of your time from then on is Caine testing different things to see what happens. Usually Caine has overall control of everything. But since you double he doesn't. He can't so much as change the outfit your wearing. He doesn't even know what caused this yet it completely takes away his control. It worries him.
When you walked in on two Zooble's you thoughts that her spare parts came to life. But they both have the same parts. With two Zooble's I can see it going one of two ways. 1. They accept the other and team up making it basically impossible to mess with them or you. It really would just feel like one Zooble with double the physical capabilities. I mean she doesn't talk much no matter how comfortable she is with someone so not too much would change in words, just acts. 2. She strikes me as the self loathing type so upon meeting herself she's forced to come to terms with a lot. That makes her hate the double and actively avoid herself. If that happens good luck cause no matter which you choose to spend time with the other will get jealous and borderline pissed that they weren't picked. Now if it goes the first way or you get the two to be ok with each other then you can keep on living. She does have to watch her mouth with you more though. Before she would say something mean and not really mean it. But if two people do that it feels much more real, and true. So she is constantly watching her mouth with you now.
With two of you again I don't feel like that much would change. You would be able to help Zooble find her parts easier or keep her safer but past that not much difference. It will be a little problematic finding space for two of you on the bed for movie nights but she takes their being two of you surprisingly well. She's a super independent person who can easily handle her own so you wont really have problems to fix that one of you couldn't do.
I've mentioned before that I feel Kinger isn't crazy. Not how he's seen at least. The circus is a crazy place and Kinger is just adapted. He is lonely however. He's been here so long and lost so much. With two of him it surprisingly doesn't get worse. Kinger is amazing at comfort we all know this. So with two of him he's able to keep himself calm and safer. Not being as easy a target for Jax or other creatures. Not being as susceptible to losing it. All you really have to do is make sure he knows you still love him and he's a happy king. Trust me when I say two Kinger's could calm down just about anyone. Including himself. He's well spoken and courteous and is one of those people who is naturally really good at comfort.
Oh geez. You're gonna make him pass out from stress. He's amazing to be around and genuinely loves you. But as I said he's lost a lot. And he's been so worried about losing you. That caused a lot of stress, anxiety, and overall worry. Their's two of you to worry about now. Despite being borderline scared he isn't going to back down. He knows you, he knows you do your best and are worth his time. If he has to work harder for you he will. And his work gets him double the love from you. When he isn't stressing about it it's honestly lovely for him. You provide as good of comfort as you can give. You are also a overall nice person to talk to and be around. You shoo off his loneliness. And with two of you he never really has to be alone. Everyone needs some alone time every now and again but just being around you makes his days better.
(Sorry again this took so long. But I hope you enjoyed it.)
xoxo, Jester
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matrixxsystem · 4 months
Terripin Soup Part 2
NotoriouslyPrimary420 [NP] Started A Chat With AuspiciousHunter1989 [AH] At 11:07 PM
NP: Hey I have a random question AH: Because you never have random questions any other time of course. NP: Oh haha- But seriously. My brothers keep asking questions about where I'm going and I don't want to lie about it but I mean I can't tell em I'm sneaking out to go eat morally grey soup and not hang out with a friend like I've been saying..
AH: So you want advice on what else you can lie about? NP: Well.. When you put it that way it sounds worse... AH: I don't know what to tell you man, find some rando on the street to hang out with :P NP: I feel like that'd make it worse? Oh! You live in NY too right? AH: Kinda. NP: Kinda? Okay well... You wanna hang out? AH: Can't. NP: Cant or wont? AH: Fine. Won't.
NP: Why not? C'mon dude I'm panicking here! I can't even go to my favorite pizza spot with my brothers cause I can't handle them cornering me about this-
AH: Hm.. What was that one called again? NP: Like Run Of The Mill Pizza or something, idk, why does that matter?
AH: I see what you meant now. Okay, I've changed my mind. I will meet you there tomorrow night, 8pm. And we'll talk about it alone, but don't push it.
NP: Oh thank god- Wait you.. Know that place?
AuspiciousHunter1989 [AH] is offline
Leo sighed to himself as he made his way home, he wasn't really sure what he was going to tell his family, or what was going to happen when he met his friend, or how he knew the pizza spot for yokai... How did he even know about it? Was he just a chill human or a yokai himself? It might explain a lot but.. There were  still so many questions on his mind that he wasn't able to answer and that frustrated him more then having the questions to start with. He hadn't gone very far having been preoccupied with his phone, looks like he'd have to wait a bit longer for his monthly fix. He'd try and wait at least till his brothers suspicion was cleared.  
Once he was home his brothers managed to corner him one last time before trying Donnie's plan, they hoped it wouldn't come to that. "Hey Leo!" Mikey called, alerting the others who sprung from their seats and covered the exits, they looked.. Friendly but also concerned. "H-Hey.. What is this an intervention? C'mon guys, I stopped defacing shells like five years ago-"
"Nope, its not about that, though I don't appreciate your phallic pictographs on my shell you know how hard it is to scrub off and-" "Not the time Dee, we just wanna.. Talk." "Raph please I'm just tired and wanna go to bed, I have this thing tomorrow so-" "Thing?" Raph asked, "Well as your older brother what's stopping me from grounding you? You've been going out a lot and not doing the responsible thing of letting us know anything! What would happen if you left and got hurt, if you couldn't get home or if you were attacked and outmatched? If you couldn't call us for help how would we ever know where to look for you? ...I'm.. I'm not just being nosey Leo, it's my job to look after you guys, my job to make sure you always get home safe. My responsibility to watch out for you. And I know you might not need it or whatever you wanna argue but I do. I need it, to know what's up so I can be there and to at least put my mind at ease-" Leo sighed a little, he always hated when Raph said things like that to him, making the weight over his chest double as he saw the honest compassion in his eyes. "Fine.. I... Look I can't tell you everything, not yet. But I'm gonna meet my friend tomorrow and we're gonna talk about all of us hanging out, he's- He's just really shy so it's not like I was trying to hide it, I just didn't want to scare him off. We can get pretty rowdy y'know? A-And I just.." Leo paused when Raph's hand gently set itself on his shoulder, "Okay okay, I'm not mad-" He pulled Leo into a hug, not staying for too long before pulling away, "I just wanna know what's going on sometimes okay? We're family, we care about you, and we're all really happy you met someone. We can't wait to meet him." Leo let out a little sigh, at least part of the anxiety dying down from his reassurance. "Thanks.. I'll... Try to talk more, and I'll let you know tomorrow night what the plan is. Promise." Raph smiled and gave him a pat on his shell, there was still a lingering anxiety that his brother wasn't being fully honest but he looked tired so he wasn't going to push it. Looks like it came to plan B after all. 
Once Leo headed off to his room Raph turned to Donnie giving him a little nod, the 'okay' to put the tracker on. "I know we shouldn't but you all saw that right.." "Leo doesn't lie to us.. He wouldn't... Right?" "Well technically speaking Mikey, he lied to Raph, we didn't ask him about anything. But no you're right Leo isn't one to lie about small stuff, usually when he does something stupid he owns up to it pretty easily. Its only when he starts avoiding the question and actively avoiding us that we should consider it a problem. I like Raph's plan on listening in first before confronting him again. And not just because it gives me a chance to use my new audio data recording device-" They all nodded in agreement before splitting up for the night. This was for the best right..?
Donnie was able to install the recording app though his computers since he was the designer of the tech they all wore. And with his other concealing app Leo wouldn't be aware it was recording or shouldn't be if it worked properly. And that night when Leo was ready to head out Donnie stopped him for a moment, it didn't happen often so Leo decided to listen. "Nardo hold on a sec, I wanted to ask, and you don't have to tell me. But are you and this 'friend' of yours.. More then friends?" "What?" "Now hear me out- No one cares if you have a boyfriend, I mean dad might be a little furious no one told him about it and he didn't do that stupid blessing thing he always talks about like they do in movies- My point is. If you've really been seeing this guy for a year now it just seems a little.. Weird that a casual relationship would go unmentioned since you love to talk" "Do.. Do all of you think I have a secret boyfriend?" "Well-" "Dee seriously.. We just talk when and hang out, and eat food. Nevermind, doesn't matter. I gotta go, I'll see you guys tonight." "You didn't answer my question Leo." "You're the smart one how bout you figure it out m'kay"
Leo opened a portal and vanished, leaving Donatello with a few more questions then he'd hoped he would have. He headed back to his lab where Mikey and Raph were already waiting, Raph having dragged in bean bag chairs for him and their little brother. Donnie sat in his chair and turned on his computer setting it all up with the improved tracker. In just a few minutes Leos icon was outside of their usual pizza spot. They all looked to each other, knowing he hadn't been there to see his friend before since they'd gone out some night's when he didn't come home. 
"Hey bone man! I'm here to see someone, I uh, how do I put this..." "Ah pepino, it's been a while. I was almost excited to have no repair bills this year. You're looking for the booth in the back. You're here for a date yes?" "Oh- Uh- Right. Okay, thanks. I mean, did he say it was a date? Cause I mean I- Are you sure its the right table?" "He said something about, meeting with a hyper mutant with three other brothers. I can think of no one else whos fits that description." He nodded a little, "Ah.. Kay, good too see you too then" There was the sound of shuffling as Leo made his way towards the booth, peeking his head around he saw the table already had someone sitting one one end, a white rabbit yokai who was staring down at the menu, his expression was impossible to read. "NP?" He asked, eyes not moving from the paper, Leo tensed up and nodded, "Uh- Y-Yeah uhm." "Just call me Usagi like you've known me for years, a long name wouldn't look good. Sit." Leo did as directed and sat across from him, "Right, I'm Leo. So.." Usagi glanced up to him, taking a quick moment to look at him, his expression softening a little seeing how nervous he looked. "Didn't expect another yokai hm?" Leo rubbed the back of his neck, this guy was kinda... Cute.. "Heh.. Yeah I was a little curious how you knew this place, sorry for dragging you into this. So.. What kinda cover story do you wanna have? They seem to think I have a secret boyfriend but I don't wanna ask that much of you-" Donnie saw the blue icon unmoving and turned to device on from his end, listening to whatever voices came though the speakers.
"No no, boyfriend is fine. I think in this situation that label would best suit us." Everyone looked to each other, jaws nearly hitting the floor. "G-Good! I.. I mean, they're all really excited to meet you. I know we can get a little crazy sometimes but they all mean well." There was a soft chuckle, "I don't think the kind of crazy you speak of could phase me, Leo. Since you know what I'm capable of." Donnie handed Mikey the five dollars he was owed for their bet of if Leo was really seeing someone. Hesitantly, Raph handed the youngest the same amount as well. 
"Right.. Wish I could be that calm about it." "I think after a while it gets easier, or maybe you just need some help? I know I probably shouldn't be so forward but.. My teacher will not be at the house tonight. If you are able you may join me." "Join you..?" "For desert." "You mean, you want to do that stuff? With me? I dunno. I mean half of me is like, screaming yes cause I want to but, this also feels kind of like the plot of some b list horror movie yknow? Hot guy invites you over late at night and says all the right stuff then boom you're in a basement for the rest of your life- N-Not that I think you would but.. Yknow." "So you think I'm hot~?" Leo's face went red, enough to match his markings, there was another chuckle. "You don't have to answer. Perhaps you can decide after I meet your family hm? There will always be another night where we can do those things together." "Mm.. Yeah, I guess you're right. Okay you've twisted my arm, you do this for me and I'll do that with you. Which brings me to another question." "Ask away" "Are you a good cook? Or like, you don't just eat it raw right? Cause I tried that before and got really sick-" "Leo, I may have a unique taste but even I'm not dumb enough to just eat it raw c'mon. I mean when you do your own hunting you have no idea where that meats been, you have to be very careful and clean it and cook it properly. I can show you in fact, if you ever plan to cook for yourself one day." "Why would I ever do that if I have a skilled cook like you as a boyfriend~" 
"Touché. Does tomorrow work then? Why not go some where in the hidden city? There's a beautiful garden not far from where I live that would be nice. We could pack lunch or something, something your brothers would like of course." "I haven't been in the city that much actually, they'd probably love it. I think we can arrange that. But enough about them, I have like a zillion more questions." "I as well. Tell me more about when you were younger." 
Donnie turned the device off there, mouths still hanging open. "I can't believe Mikey was right-" Dee said quietly, spinning around in his chair to face the other two. "And him and his boyfriend are doing stuff!!" Mikey yelled, "Do you think they've been... Kissing???"  Raph quickly collected himself, very glad Leo and his 'friend' hadn't said anything too risqué.. "Well he's what 15 now? He's allowed to have a boyfriend.."
The rest of the night they talked about their childhoods, not daring to mention their quirks out loud, but rather alluding to them. Trying to get as close as possible in the hour and a half they had before heading home to rest before meeting up tomorrow. It was interesting to hear both sides, how Leo had been suppressing his feelings for a long long time while Usagi on the other hand was encouraged to indulge in them by the one who raised him. He was taught to be merciless and survive by any means available. While had been turning all his frustrations inward hurting and isolating himself Usagi and been turning it outward letting those feelings guide his training. Both vastly different worlds they lived in. But it only made Leo more curious to see how the rabbit yokai handled his food. He ate their pizza normally, seeming more then content with its flavor, but for Leo there was something in the back of his mind saying it was missing something. Even his favorite food seemed to mock him for being different... Part 3 Part 1
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domoz · 1 year
An attempt at a Hikaku/Itama thing that I just can't seem to get past a block on. so i'm turning it over to you.
The Uchiha clan has every right not to trust outsiders with their health. Unfortunately, the Senju have healing techniques worth risking it for. Even more unfortunately, the injury Hikaku had taken to his left arm had been noticed, and even worse than that, the Hokage had suggested it would be a show of good faith for him to go to the hospital that his clan has taken charge of running. And Madara had agreed.
So now here he is, tense and nervous in a waiting room chair because just the act of being here is a signal of weakness that no shinobi should ever willingly send. The long stares and flustered glances of the people manning the intake desk haven't helped improve his mood
"Ah, Uchiha-san?" A vaguely familiar voice calls.
Hikaku looks up and locks eyes with one Senju Itama, who is one of the most immediately recognizable people in the entire village despite the fact that his reputation is entirely shadowed by his brothers'. Dual colored hair is swept up in a high bun, though some fly-aways have started to pull loose, and a few larger strands dangle loose around his ears. He's in a doctor's coat, but there's nothing on him to indicate that he pretty much runs the building.
The head of the hospital probably doesn't need to see him for a broken arm and dislocated shoulder, but perhaps this is just the good faith he's supposed to be offering being returned.
The Senju gives him a small smile, "If you're ready, I can see you now."
Hikaku nods, hiding a grimace of pain in the collar of his battle coat as he pushes himself to his feet and follows. Instinct has him examining the back so easily offered to him. There are no obvious weapons, but there's no way Itama doesn't have something on him. Medic types tend to go for senbon, which are easy to hide -- besides that, the Senju may be the shortest in his family, but he still has a good few centimeters on Hikaku and a not insignificant amount of muscle. With his broken arm, Hikaku would be at a significant disadvantage if they got into a brawl.
…Which is not going to happen, Hikaku tiredly reminds himself. Because it would cause a political incident, which would negate the whole point of him coming here. And because Senju Itama, from everything he has seen and heard, is as mild mannered as they come, and is also holding the door to an exam open for him. The look on his face is somewhere between the compassion Hashirama might wear and Tobirama's analytical gaze. Hikaku ignores it and walks into the room, arm twinging in pain as his muscles reflexively tighten as he hears the door close behind him.
"You can sit on the table there, Uchiha-san." Itama says softly. He's gotten a clipboard from somewhere and is already marking down notes on it. "Is there anything else besides the break and dislocation?"
Hikaku seriously considers lying for a moment, because he wants to be out of here as soon as possible, but good medics always seem to be able to tell that sort of thing and make your life hell for trying.
"Just some minor bruises and scrapes." Hikaku grits out, hoping that wont extend the time he's kept here even longer.
Itama hums and makes another note before looking up to make eye contact again -- which Hikaku only now registers as unusual. Most Senju still don't.
"Well, we'll deal with the worst first. Are you alright with me using a medical technique to examine your arm?"
Hikaku blinks, and Itama waits expectantly. He had been assuming thats was where this was going -- after all, what was the point of coming here if not to experience those techniques. He's not sure if he's actually being given a choice, but the illusion of one still feels kind enough to unwind some of the tension that had been building and making his shoulder ache even worse. He exhales.
"What exactly would that entail?"
The corner of Itama's eyes crinkle. Rather than upset at being questioned, he looks pleased.
"I would use my chakra in a series of specific highly compact sensory bursts to determine the severity and nature of the damage, which is painless and non-invasive. After that, if you're willing, I would use another technique to directly stimulate the regrowth and repair of injured cells. I can also temporarily reduce the pain your nerves are transmitting as well."
Hikaku mostly knows the words he's just heard, but that all seems very…
Well it seems like it's something that no one should casually admit to being able to do, which is to say that it seems very Senju.
"…How does the recovery time compare to letting it heal the natural way?"
Itama smiles at him, one cheek dimpling.
"I'd have to see the damage more specifically, but for bone breaks full recovery tends to take about half the time, and for minor fractures most people leave clear to go back to light duty."
Which means that it's way too useful to pass up on, no matter how dubious Hikaku feels about the matter.
"Alright." Hikaku agrees, "That sounds… Good."
Itama only nods. "I have to touch you for this as well. Are you alright with that?"
Hikaku can't decide if he's thankful or annoyed that he keeps asking. He thins his lips and nods.
"You can tell me to stop at any time." Itama says. He steps closer, telegraphing his movements like he knows the proximity has set Hikaku's heart thundering. If he'd had time to rest before coming here, perhaps he wouldn't be so paranoid, but he hadn't, so Hikaku watches warily and braces as Itama's hands light up a soft mind green and reach towards him.
…It doesn't hurt.
Izuna has been through this before, and he had described the feeling as being overwhelming. Like drowning in someone else's chakra, and hideously painful and uncomfortable. Granted, his wound had been far more severe, but it had set Hikaku up with a certain expectation that's not being met.
The foreign chakra brushes across his senses feather-light and almost cooling. The pain of the break fades to a dull ache, and then, slowly, to nothing at all.
"This may be a bit unpleasant." Itama warns him, and Hikaku braces for what is mostly nothing. The cool sensation grows until it's mildly uncomfortable, but not more than that. It's like a chilly winter wind that saps away all the warmth, but it never starts hurting, not even when Itama slowly lifts his arm to pop the joint back into place. The longer it goes on the more Hikaku feels the tension leech out of his shoulders. Pain relief so instant and without any apparent side effects is… Nice.
Itama steps back, looking Hikaku over with a critical eye.
"Take care to watch for inflammation and take it easy for the next few days, but you should be fine. The break was clean. Do you want me to heal the smaller things as well? Or I can bandage them up to heal the slow way."
"I…" Hikaku almost rejects the offer on reflex, but now that what is presumably the worst is over he feels a little silly over how worried he was. If he's already taking the easy way, why should he stop now? "Yes, if you don't mind."
Itama nods and reaches out again, seemingly already aware of where the worst of the cuts and bruises are.
"Thank you." Hikaku finds himself blurting, "For -- this. I've been impolite, but you've been very accommodating."
Itama smiles again, but he doesn't look up from where he's focused on Hikaku's other hand -- numbing the sting of a scrape so minor Hikaku hadn't even realized it was there until the pain was gone.
"You're welcome, Uchiha-san. And don't worry, you've been a model patient. You wouldn't believe how hard it can be to get people to just sit still sometimes."
Maybe that's not surprising; shinobi are a jumpy bunch at the best of times and being injured only makes it worse. He can use himself, today, as the perfect example of that. He resists the urge to duck his head.
"Well… I'm sure that once people know how useful this is it'll get easier." Hikaku honestly means it, too. Because he's fine -- coming off one of the worse missions he's ever had --certainly the worst in recent memory-- and he's going to go home tired and fine.
"…You'd think that, but sometimes I have trouble convincing people who have grown up with the option to use it." Itama sighs, resigned or amused, Hikaku doesn't know him well enough to tell, and continues his work, chakra easing the strain in his muscles and fading bruises to pale yellow.
"…Actually." Itama says after a moment, pulling his hands away, "Do you think if we taught more people how these techniques work, it would make them more willing to use them? I don't really know how else to encourage it short of forcing it."
…Like Hikaku basically had been, though he's not certain if Itama knows that or not. That aside --
"Oh, I...I think so, yes. I men, it's a trust thing right now, isn't it? And the more people who know how to heal like that, the more likely it is that someone who needs help will know someone who can do it."
More practically, Hikaku is pretty sure that the number of Uchiha who have managed to get that technique to work for them in all of the history he knows is in the single digits. There's clearly some secret to it that the sharingan can't copy. If Itama is willing to share even a fraction of it, the clan needs to know. Or-- the village does. Both, since that's the same thing, now.
"That is…" Itama steps back, "A good point. And I think I'm all done here, so you're free to go, Uchiha-san."
"Oh. Thank you." Hikaku slides off the table, rolls his shoulders and test his muscles. There's the burn of exhaustion, but compared to how he'd come in, it's like a miracle.
"Of course." Itama smiles at him again, "Come back any time."
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heyitslapis · 4 months
its a fucking shitshow at work tonight
so we have two groups in-house until Monday. We had 6 no-shows but checked them in anyway because lots of reasons i wont go into cause its unimportant.
A few hours ago a guy left his room and after the door latched the keypad lock DIED. We spent an hour and went through plan A, B, C, & D to try to get the door open. No such luck. We called and woke up our manager, and after telling her everything we tried, she said theres nothing else we can do short of disassembling the door lock, but then he wouldnt be able to latch his door. Have to wait for Maintenance in the morning (8am). We'd normally move him to an empty room but were sold out. Cause he can't sleep in the lobby, we made the decision to move him into one of the no-shows rooms. Two hours later, and guess who shows up? The ONE room out of the 6 no-shows that we gave to the guy who got locked out. So the only way we could move her to a different room was to checkout one of the no-shows (who again, all of them are supposed to be staying through Monday). So i checked her into the room that i just checked out. Now thats a fucking mess and a half to sort out as it is, so god fucking forbid any of the other no-shows show up, because we'll have to do more checkouts and transfers, which will only dig deeper the sinkhole of a situation.
Mind you right after all this is happening and im still frazzled as fuck, one of the ladies who lead one of the groups comes to checkout but is asking to make sure her employees with the group are set to checkout on the 2nd. She doesnt know the room numbers. Only other way we can look up the right rooms is by searching the rate code (employees and students were checked in under the same code, so that wont help), by searching the company name (again, students and employees have the same company name, so that wont work) or by searching the last names. She gave me like 4 different last names. Two of the names werent even in our system, the other two of them had completely different first names than what she told me. She said thats not them. Only other way i could help her is to use the confirmation number, which she had. Found one of the rooms using the confirmation number, and turns out it was under a completely different name. The confirmation number was correct, so i changed the name. The departure date was wrong, so i pushed it through our system, which is gonna oversell us for that day (oh fucking well im leaving that shit for the managers to figure out). She asked about the other rooms, and i asked for those confirmation #s. Apparently she only received ONE confirmation for the 4 rooms, so i literally cannot find those other rooms. She was definitely frustrated and needed to catch her flight, so I asked her if she can have her associates stop by the desk whenever theyre able so we can use their keys to pull up their room numbers and fix all this (sales dropped the ball on that, because if the one room had an incorrect departure date, it means the other rooms do too, which is going to fuck up our inventory even MORE. Yay.) After she leaves, i check her out, only to realize her departure date was the 1st. We're not supposed to check group rooms out early unless sales gives the ok. So i fucked up yet another thing.
To add on all this shit, because ive been running around half the night i didnt get to do my paperwork when i was supposed to, which takes me about an hour and i usually finish it around 3am. Its currently 5:30am, i only just finished my paperwork 10 minutes ago, and im finally on a very short break. Fuck my stupid baka life
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olkarrion · 11 months
just a little life update:
ive been working with a pain management doctor and a physical therapist for the last few months. since then, I've regained a bit of strength and my pain has become more manageable.
my leg doctor still wont approve me for surgery because the muscle is too atrophied and the nerves are still too damaged. i have some senory loss in my leg that we're still not sure if it's going to come back.
for anyone who is wondering, I had a full work up of my spine, neck, and brain. they found a few slightly bulging dics/areas that experienced degeneration but nothing that would cause me to lose my ability to walk. I am very lucky and so fucking thankful. for months and months my doctors were looking for MS or spinal stenosis, I am so grateful to know my spine is okay.
I have another appointment with my leg doctor in three months for a reevaluation. before then, he wants to give me a gel injection to help with the pain from missing cartilage under the knee.
I'm working with my doctors and insurance to get a custom wheelchair, again thank you to everyone who helped! The wheelchair is one thing, but the dozens of appointments and phone calls and MRI's leading up to that point was also so expensive, I could not have done it without your help.
I'm applying for disability this month. I'm still getting all my shit in order, and truthfully, if I am able to get a job in IT before then thats what I'll do. I need to be financially independent because I'm living with my abuser who does not believe im disabled and I can't keep living in this vulnerable situation.
My insurance requires me to be a full time student so I'm doing college online now, studying computer information systems.
Im still struggling. I dont have a support system other than my mom, best friend, and my long distance partner. Im still in pain everyday. But Im also still fucking here.
If you have any more questions about what ive talked about here, please shoot me an ask. i vented a lot on here when I had only 10% of my ability to walk and i was getting my brain scaned every other week, so i assume there's some confusion about whats been going on.
as of now, i and my doctors assume joint instability due to hEDS caused the severe degeneration of my knee, the damage to my nerves, and is why I'm experiencing the loss of so many of my abilities. leaning on my wrists to walk caused some serious problems there too. im doing much better noe that im not using a cane everyday.
I am working my ass off to recover, but Im not sure if ill ever even get to half of how strong I was before. Im still trying, though. even though it feels hopeless. its not.
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bridgyrose · 1 year
Ruby the Huntress frequently chases after a cat faunus thief (Blake). The tricky thing is that the thief is not only really pretty, but extremeley charming, so she practically has Ruby wrapped around her finger. Ruby can't resist. (I'm okay with angst, but can it at least be spicy?)
(I think this might satisfy you)
“Get back here!” Ruby yelled out as she chased after a masked cat faunus, using her semblance to run from rooftop to rooftop without missing a beat. It had been the same game for months between the two of them, and this time Ruby was ready to end it. She stopped at the edge of a roof and took aim at the faunus. “I wont let you get away this time!” 
The faunus grinned and stopped, almost giving a bow to Ruby. “The same way you didnt let me last time? Or the time before that? Or maybe the time before that. Face it, you’ll never catch me and always let me go.” 
Ruby took a shot at the faunus and paused as she seemed to disappear. She sighed and lowered her rifle, nearly cursing under her breath. “Of course she has a semblance that lets her get away..” 
“Oh, I wouldnt say it lets me get away, just lets me have a few surprises.” 
Ruby froze as she felt a finger glide across her cheek as the faunus whispered in her ear. Her heart raced as a gentle hand guided her own to the wrist of the faunus to allow her to cuff her. She closed the cuff and held tight as she tried to steady her own breath, her eyes finally able to glance under the mask of the faunus for a brief moment to see amber eyes looking back. 
“You have me, Ruby Rose, huntress,” the faunus purred out. “So now what are you going to do? Take me in like you always say you will, or will you let me go as always? 
A blush grew across Ruby’s cheeks and her hand slipped away from the cuffs. She let out a sigh and pointed away from her. “Just… leave…” 
The faunus undid the cuffs around her wrist and rolled her eyes. “Not even going to give me a chase this time? What’s the fun in that?” 
“Are we really going to keep doing this, Blake?” Ruby folded up her scythe and put it onto her back and looked out over the city. “Every night its the same thing. You steal and cause trouble for the White Fang, I chase you, I catch you, you convince me to let you go every time… Why bother?” 
Blake nodded and sat down next to Ruby, taking her mask off. “Then why be a huntress?” 
“I help people. I fight the grimm, save lives-” 
“And let a thief get away at every turn. But do you really help anyone besides that? When was the last time you went on a real mission that wasnt Ozpin asking for you to help the police because they cant do anything against me?” 
Ruby looked away. “Why do you care?” 
“Because whether you want to admit it, you and I are a lot alike.” 
Ruby’s blush deepened as she felt Blake’s hand against her chin, slowly moving her to look at her again. Her heart thumped in her chest as she looked up at Blake, eyes locked to hers. “W-we are?” 
“You’re hopelessly optimistic in a world that is crushing you.” Blake pulled her hand away from Ruby’s chin and grinned. “Dont you want to be done with it? You could be doing so much more with yourself.” 
“And what exactly did you have in mind?”
“You could help me.” Blake stood up and put her mask back on as she looked out over the city. “We could work together to make things better for everyone. And with a huntress backing me up, no one would question anything I’m doing.” 
Ruby looked towards the city and gripped the edge of the roof. The blush across her cheeks started to fade for a moment and her voice started to crack. “And… what happens if I dont?” 
“Then we continue our game of cat and mouse until you either help me or you catch me.” Blake smiled and hopped over to the next building. “But, this is where we part. Until tomorrow, my Rose?” 
Ruby smiled a bit as she watched Blake run off, holding her hand to her chest. She hated letting Blake go every time, but no matter how hard she tried, she could never keep hold of her long enough to bring her in. “Tomorrow. I’ll see you again tomorrow.” 
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funnylittlelad · 4 months
life update, or a not-quite-so-funny story about disability, loss, and academia:
i go to school. i did well enough in community college to earn a place in all the honors classes i wanted, started a new wave of activism on my campus, and then got into what was meant to be a fancy program and transferred. now by the time i started the transfer process, i had already been going to the doctors. doctors who told me i was fine, i needed more exercise, i need to learn to just live with my body how it is, and there's nothing wrong. so, i had an idea something was up and i was worried. what if i start this whole big new thing and i end up actually being really sick? then i hear some amazing news from the program! they've had a student who had become ill and needed to take time off and were able to do so without an issue! great! well, i won't get into all the stress-inducing, symptom-worsening stuff that happened in between, but i will say this: it was utter bullshit.
there was a week last october where i buried someone incredibly important to me and a few days later received a hypermobile ehlers danlos syndrome diagnosis. A diagnosis i knew was coming by this time, but was hard all the same. i tried desperately to arrange time off. i had just started a new student organization that was, once again, trying to start a new wave of activism on campus, but i was (and still am) grieving so many things, including my own living body. when i tried to ask, beg, plead for just one semester off- just one- i was essentially told no. i asked about a medical leave, since i was told about that student who got sick and needed time. i was informed i either had to drop out entirely or go part time and risk my funding. they were nice enough to find a work around for me to stay on part time without sacrificing funding. it wasn't enough. it wasn't even a good idea.
i needed time to not be a student, student leader, or activist. i needed time to grieve and stop putting my health to the side and build back as much as i could. i was terrified because of how things were worded that if i left now they would make it harder for me to come back. so, i decided to tough it out.
here's the thing about disability: it can't be toughed out.
i didn't have the capacity to deal with it all and so many things were neglected by me because of it. my grades have suffered and so have i. now, i spent a year of school that did almost nothing for me as a student but instead stressed me out to the point of barely being able to function because of how bad my physical symptoms have gotten.
i'm dropping out for now. i have like a year left and i can't make it through as i am. my mobility has declined so much and i've lost a notable amount of weight. i can't be in school and focus on getting the medical care i need. it feels like i wasted so much fucking time when all i needed was a break to deal. and now i can't stop thinking about the student i heard about who got so sick and the school was able to help and provide a break for and i realized the difference. they had something they could make better. they had something they saw a horizon on. i don't. they don't trust i wont need more breaks so they refused to give me even the one.
oh, and after not giving me the time off i begged for, causing my grades to suffer, they now want half my funding for the last semester back.
at least im leaving that campus with better access to gender neutral bathrooms? i don't know im just trying really hard to find a bright side.
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Tobacco Beetle AU (part 2 villains)
HUrrah i got through a lot of the villains. some that I haven't talked a ton about, like Graveyard, Tombstone, and Poseidon. I am so pleased and so ahh
Villains (?)
What is it to be a villain in a world that has turned its back on you?
Name: Phineas Mason
Aka: Tinkerer
Powers: semi-resistant to electricity. More than a normal person. 
Toolkit: an entire secret lab to work on underground weapons
Age: ?? Maybe 4... He wont tell anyone for sure.
Height: 5' 7'
Weakness: not good at fighting.
Backstory: weapons creator who had a bit of a name for himself in New York. And then he got a kid and had to start worrying more and more about the number of heroes and eyes on New York. And so he decided to move down south. He creates weapons in Richsten and operates a technology repair shop. 
Name: Adrian Toomes 
Aka: Falcon  (this world’s vulture)
Powers: none. But he is very smart
Toolkit: operational wings. Not attached to his arms. These help him adjust the speed and direction of his flight pack
Age: 50
Height: 5’ 7” ish
Weakness: Old. Quick to anger
Backstory: He is an older inventor whose work has been stolen from him over and over and other ideas have failed multiple times. He is tired and done. Osborn takes his glider design and this was his breaking point. He is now bent on revenge and Baccy is bent on getting him to calm down and not let his life be determined by wanting revenge on someone who could care less
Name: L. Thompson Lincoln
Aka: Tombstone/ The Big Man
Powers: Thick skin caused by an “accident”
Toolkit: He has a crime “empire”. Since the city is small it’s more of a fiefdom
Age: 27
Height: 6’ 2”
Weakness: mOrAls. Oops. Not in love with fight rings or drugs being sold to children. Also not a fan of people under 18 working for him. Dan sorta is an exception in his crime network rather than the rule. 
Backstory: Tombstone has always been involved with crime, using fighting as a defense mechanism to both get people off of him and to keep people from messing with him. He does not like people having power over him. Often such people used their power against him, so he slowly made it his goal to gain more and more control over time, so no one can control him like that again. At one point there was a minor crime boss that got him trapped in a chemical vat that was meant as a root protector for crops. The boss had been fearful of his growing ambitions. He was doused in it and his skin grew thicker, almost impenetrable. He broke out and killed the man, taking over that gang. 
He killed the last crime lord in Richsten (because it was dived into 6 or 7 gangs before) and takes over, cleaning up the disorganization and reorganizing everything to his liking. It has been seven years since that. He also has a legal business that he runs which is a towing, removal, and repair company: Sea Shore Towing 
He is not sure what to think of Baccy. She causes a slowly growing number of people to turn from crime and she ruins many operations by showing up. But also the atmosphere of the dying city is lightening and she seems able to handle the slowly encroaching villains that keep popping up. Not to mention the ghosts.
Baccy can't go in his office. He keeps it too cold for her to be able to without falling asleep within minutes. He has no idea that's the case. She leaves notes on his window to ‘threaten’ him. Like cut-out letter ransom notes. Most of them are lighthearted notes. He leaves some in reply on occasion when a playful mood strikes him on the roof with a signal for her to know to check. He just thinks she is not willing to face him head-on. 
Also Tombstone+symbiote: Graveyard
Aka: Graveyard
Powers: Being a symbiote? So the ability to form shapes from symbiote material. Enhances the strength of the host. Can form a suit around the host, but Tombstone tends to not do this. 
Can read the surface emotions/thoughts of people the host touches.
Makes the host impenetrable to possession by ghosts or demons. Its host is its host, back off!!
Toolkit: … being a symbiote? And Tombstone. 
Weakness: Fire. Loud noises.
Backstory: Graveyard is an alien captured by AIM when one of their experimental rockets hit an astroid during reentry. It was experimented heavily upon and lived in deep hunger and agony for years. Eventually, it was able to escape its container during a move and consumed everyone on the submarine it was on. The submarine ran aground and Tombstone’s company is brought in to examine and clean it off the beach. Tomby comes to investigate the wreckage himself and the symbiote slips out and latches on, intent at first on feasting, sure this is another scientist. And then as it digs, it finds a mind different from the scientist. Just as calculating and organized, but the morals are new and the memories of pain convince it to still. Tombstone lets it stay if it promises to put a halt on eating people. SHEILD sweeps in and marks the wreck as their property and asks if anything was found on the ship that could explain the clean-licked bones. Tombstone shrugs, and says he barely had the time to look at the thing to figure out removal logistics. Wishes them luck, cause he really would rather flesh-eating stuff not be loose in his city, and really they should have come faster if they knew it was an AIM ship before, does SHEILD know how to run a tight ship? 
Graveyard is enormously pleased to not be in pain anymore and to be safe. It also happens to love the cold, thriving in it.
They are a decent match
Name: Norman Osborn
Aka: Green Goblin 
Powers: Enhanced strength and mobility.
Toolkit: bombs, glider, funny hat. Sick earrings. 
Age: 31
Height: 5’ 6” ish /as goblin in heeled boots: 5’ 7” ish 
Weakness: Mocking. He mocks but is bad at being mocked in return. Especially as Norman by children like Quentin. 
Backstory: Norman Osborn dragged his father's company back from the brink and has fought for everything he has. Scheming, cheating, blackmailing. Whatever he has to do. And now his eyes are on the underbelly of Richsten, hoping to take it for his own. He takes globulin green, originally conceptualized as something to strengthen weakened animals (or people like his daughter)  
Speaking of his daughter. He is terribly distressed at her ‘weakness’ and heart for fantasy. He wants her to focus on more serious subjects like the hard sciences. He keeps her at home and hates the excursions brought about by Martha. Strongly dislikes Martha. But he likes Gwynn. Wishes he had a son like him. So he allows the friendships to continue. Quentin is banned though.
Name: Otto Octavius 
Aka: Land Octopus (this world’s Doctor Octopus)
Powers: Four arms attached to his back. He also communes with technology through Electro. This can be good and bad. 
Toolkit: his arms.
Age: 22
Height: 5’ 1”
Weakness: He has five voices aside from his own in his head. He can get overwhelmed if they all get distracted by something different. He gets better at blocking out his arms and Electro, but in tiredness and extreme panic, he struggles. Without his arms, he is physically weak.
Backstory: Otto was working towards getting his doctorate at the local university: Spartan University. Unfortunately, the person in charge of approving his doctoral research fails him, cheating him out of his doctorate. The person who does this is  Doug, the son of the chancellor, who was paid off by Osborn to do this. 
During this time he is working with his arms in a lab at the school, a lab funded by Agrioscorp. After finding out that he is not passing and not getting his doctorate this semester, he is working in the lab and then there is an accident that frees the AIs of his arms and merges his brain with Electro. He breaks out into the city, determined to destroy the university. And maybe the city. Or take over the city. Hard for him to be sure what he wants, given that his arms are slowly developing slight personalities and that Electro’s subconscious also bumps up against him. 
Name: Maximilian “Max” Dillan
Aka: Electro
Powers: generates and controls electricity, can become pure electricity to travel through wires if he is emotional enough or on purpose after some training. Has a mental connection with Otto.
Also, able to sense ghosts and demons, and other supernatural beings nearby. Can see them when these entities are too weak to be seen by others and talks to them. A lot of people think he is just talking to himself. Otto also thinks this for a bit, not believing in ghosts
Toolkit: determination and a desire to live. 
Age: 25
Height: 5’ 8”
Weakness: Water. 
Backstory: Electro has been working as a repairman around the university as a way to help pay for college. He goes only part-time, with two or three classes a semester. He is trying to make his life better than that of his father’s to drank himself to death when he was 7 or his mother who vanished off the face of the earth after talking to the air for a month when he was 9. He was raised by his maternal grandmother from 9 onwards. She died when he was 23. He wants to be a mechanical engineer and is clawing his way to the degree slowly. 
Then while doing repairs in the university labs, he is electrocuted and knocked into a vat of electric eels that they were experimenting with in the hopes of finding a renewable energy resource. The world explodes into pain and electricity. When he wakes up, he is fully electric and has a metal link to Otto. 
Now he has a beef with the unsafe working conditions of the university and running around with Otto who is trying to find a workable cure. He is in danger, as elements of the city and the world beyond see him as a potential source of renewable energy. He'd much rather not be captured and forced to generate energy for people who don't care about his well-being. 
Name: real name lost to time
Aka: Poseidon
Powers: Similar to Hydroman but spooky. Possesses the ability to transform his whole body into salt water. He can control every droplet that comprises his body. 
Toolkit: Water. And being a ghost
Age: ???
Height: ????
Weakness: Holy water. Certain symbols. Buckets. 
Backstory: A diver who drown many many years ago off the coast near Richsten. His ghost now haunts the waters and tries to drown people. Rises from the waters when the right conditions are met. Those conditions? Unknown. Has to be banished back to the water. The people that he drowns become possessed and shamble like zombies to try and grab other people and hold them still so he can drown them too. But when vanished people return to themselves, slightly worse for wear. 
Name: Sally Stevenson
Aka: Viper
Powers: enhanced strength and enhanced sense of smell.
Toolkit: Venom in her mouth, and in the claws on her arms and shoes. The venom paralyzes people for a few moments in which she can attack. Like the fusroda in Skyrim only impact enemies for a few moments before they recover.
Age: 23
Height: 5’ 6”
Weakness: Not well trained in fighting. Relies mostly on her venom and intimidation to accomplish her goals.
Backstory: TBD
Oh and a doc for edits in the future that has everything:
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the-crow-binary · 2 years
Yooo a Devil Forgemaster Belmont would be so cool! Strong magic already flows in the Belmont veins thanks to Sypha, so it is possible that one of them would be born exceptionally powerful! Now I almost see him as a darker counterpart to Juste... oh, the drama of the demons calling him to Castlevania, but knowing that his fate is to destroy the one place where he could be accepted...
And because i like IRONY, his name is Benedict. :3 A name wich means "blessed". :3 Isn't it perfect for a cursed child ? :3
I also want him to have sibling(s), and i think it would work better if he's the oldest: he would be the one with the responsability of wielding the whip, of continuing the family's legacy. He'd have all this pressure on his shoulder, expectations he will never be able to live up to because of his dark powers. Not that he doesn't want to do good and help the family... but its pretty hard to do when even the ancestral whip itself is against you. It burns his hand, he can't hold it :3
Actually, the moment where he would discover he can't touch the whip is THE moment that would forever change his life (for the worst, ofc). Because it's from then on that everyone in the Belmont clan started being highly wary of him. Started excluding him. Mind you, he was 10 years old. Its also at the same time that his mother was pregnant with her second child. Yeah it took the parents 10 years to make another one and thus for several reasons:
First is, the mother almost died giving birth the first time. She didn't quite wanted to do it again for a while. There was also this fear of the second child being as cursed as the first (they could feel right away that something wasn't right about Benedict). Then when they began trying for a second one, it didn't work for a long time, to the point they even started blaming Benedict because they thought his dark powers somehow made the mother unable to bare another child (listen its the grief talking here, people are not always reasonable :/). The mother also blamed herself at one point because she thought SHE was the cursed one, and she passed it on their child.
But anyway, she does end up pregnant so you imagine the JOY. But then the "whip incident" occurs, wich convince everyone that Benedict is lost and will become a big threat to the world in the future. The parents dont want to straight up abandon him, he's still a child after all... but they wont leave him alone with his sibling. They wont even let him TOUCH his sibling in fear he would somewhat taint them ?? Oh and yeah the sibling comes to life totally clean, wich was a deep relief to the whole family. But from Benedict's POV, it hurts a lot to see everyone so visibly happy that the newborn is nothing like him. Just... Aouch ?
SO THE YEARS PASSES and Benedict becomes really lonely. The environnement around him is pretty hostile now, he just doesn't feel like he fits in anymore (did he ever ?). He barely interacts with the little sibling, partially because his parents and the rest of the clan don't want him near the youngs, but also because he became convinced he was a monster. An error. Something that should have never seen the light of day and will cause great harm one day. Nonetheless, i can still imagine them having cute moments, like the young sibling going to secretly see their big bro who, even if he doesn't want them too close, still very obviously cares. Most his time, he passes reading and practicing his forbidden craft. It's the only thing he knows how to do, after all. The only thing that make him feel... warm. Everything else is cold to him. The Innocent Devils he creates became his only friends. But he does hunt night creatures from time to time, to show he can still do "good" things, hoping his family would consider him more... doesn't quite work.
And then, what was always meant to happen, happened: Demons from the Castle found him.
I think he would be around 17 at this point. Even though his dark powers always were really strong, the demons couldn't feel him yet because of the rest of the clan, acting like some kind of "camouflage" (even when Benedict would use his magic, it would be inside the family's home). But well, there's a limit to what the clan can hide.
So the whispers start. They're warm, and welcoming, or so they seem. They invite him to the Castle, they invite him to Dracula's side, we can even imagine that Dracula is (still) dead and they want him to bring him back to life. So Benedict is torned. On one hand, he has his family, his clan. Yeah they hate him, fear him, or are straight up disgusted by him, but they're blood, surely it should mean something ? And on the other hand... he has evil, and monsters, and everything his family stand firmly against. But it feels so, so right to go to them. To let go and stop trying to be someone, something he isn't... He would finally feel home.
Because after months of temptation, Benedict decides to go check the Castle for himself. Y'know, just to get a taste of what his life could be... so he sneak out and follow the demons into the unknown. He finds the ruins, and there's something deeply evil emanating from it. Some incredibly chilling cold aura that would make any normal folk run away in terror. But to Benedict, it felt so right to be standing there. He felt warmth. For the first time in forever, he felt like he belonged. And it made him feel immense guilt and shame. He really shouldn't be feeling so good in such a horrible place.
So he comes back home, still unsure of what to do... but what's waiting for him is his father, visibly unhappy. He saw him go out with demons and he knows where he went. Benedict tries to make him understand that he would never betray the clan, but it doesn't work. His dad then admit to him that the only reason why he was still alive, was because they couldn't kill a child. But now that Benedict is "a man", old enough to be fully conscious of his decisions (is he though?), he will feel less remorse. He doesn't have a choice, if he wants to protect everyone. And so he grabs the Vampire Killer.
You can imagine the violence of the fight that ensue, both physically and psychologically. But as much as Benedict didn't want this, and was hurting by the very idea of having to fight his own dad for survival, he still gave it his all. In the back of his mind, demons were still whispering things to him, encouragements, invitations... promises. He actually wins, and his father ends up at his mercy. Just one last blow, and he would be dead for good, but Benedict didn't do it. He couldn't. And anyway, before he could even mutter a word... It was his time to be on the ground. This time, it was the work of his mother, cuz of course she can fight. She's not alone though, because their fight woke everyone up, and they all came to see what is going on, hunter instincts obliges. So now Benedict is in a pretty bad situation, and he knows talking won't get him anywhere. They all decided his fate a long time ago, anyway... He thought about fighting again, about defending himself. He had the power to do so, he knew it. THEY weren't going to grant him mercy, so why should he ??
But then he saw his younger sibling, and how they ran to their injured father. He met with their teary eyes and saw the terror in them. And it broke him. So he fled, teleported away... back to the ruins of Dracula's Castle. He survived, but what was he supposed to do now ? He was to the only place that would accept him as he is, and it was nothing but ruins. Well... he did have the demons.
For the clan, there was just one thing left to do: erase everything about Benedict. Every proof he had ever been there. Never talk about him again. He doesn't exist anymore, not in their family tree, not in their hearts. New Belmont children would be born, and none of them would ever learn about the Belmont Devil Forgemaster... But Benedict's sibling never forgot about him. They even made it their personal quest to find him. Not to kill or hurt him in any way, they just... wanted to talk. And to go back to how things were beetween them.
And they would meet again, eventually... 👀
ANYWAY THERE'S MANY THINGS YOU CAN DO WITH A DEVIL FORGEMASTER BELMONT (the drama potential inspires me very much) This is my story for Benedict for now but idk it might change a bit overtime, i'm also open to suggestions hehe (haven't put it here but i did think about what would happen after all that 👀)
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