#and idk if my essence of an idea would be possible
halinski · 1 year
Yesterday i got a tattoo I've been wanting for 10 years now! A part of it at least - a wolf (Derek) and on the right coming soon will be a fox (Stiles) - written in the stars forever
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emo-batboy · 1 year
Battinson on SNL
Idk how popular Saturday Night Live is outside of the US so there will be some links for context. That said, as a New Jersey native, I think Battinson would totally watch the show. And since he's a celebrity...👀
To promote WE’s newest charity fund, Alfred signs Bruce up to be a guest host on SNL (à la this post) The announcement is made, and everyone’s like “oh this is going to be a disaster. That man can’t even hold eye contact or speak a full sentence without crying.”
But oh, that’s why it’s so funny.
Now, hear me out. Bruce’s strengths are displayed best when he’s himself. That’s why he’s so popular in Gotham. That’s why the internet calls him Relatable TM and a Disaster (Affectionate) and “Poor Little Meow Meow.” It’s his ✨ essence ✨
But he tends to get overwhelmed or self-conscious onstage, right? Because he can’t be Himself himself if he has time to overthink something. So after a few meetings with Bruce, the writers of SNL figure out the perfect way to keep Bruce from getting anxious.
They decide to load this episode with as many skits where Bruce plays different caricature-like versions of himself as possible. The objective? Make him break character and laugh so he doesn’t overthink. And if he breaks character, he’ll still technically be in character because he’s playing himself, you know? Genius.
So that’s how they go about structuring the show. During the few days they have to write, they decide to take everything about Bruce’s public image and either ramp it up to 11 or turn it on its head.
He speaks quietly? Turn it into a running gag. He dresses in all black? Make him emo. He tips well? Add that in too. He’s “depressed” and “sad?” Literally, all he does on screen is laugh and break character. What’s not to love?
Of course, Bruce also gets to decide what skits are in each episode as well. (Refer to this if you have no idea how SNL works.) He loves the idea, though, and he has a surprisingly dark sense of humor which bleeds into some of the sketches. They add in a few skits without him, and they’ve got their lineup.
It’s the wildest episode of the season. Here are the highlights:
It’s the big night, everyone’s excited to see Bruce Wayne hosting a live sketch comedy show with no idea how it will turn out.
To begin his monologue, Bruce walks on, opens his mouth to start talking, and immediately two cast members appear as stagehands to set up six microphones in front of him. He is already struggling to keep himself together.
Bruce: “You may be wondering why I’m host- Cast Member: *adds one more tiny microphone to his chest* Bruce: “You may be wondering why I’m hosting tonight.”
It’s working. The audience loves it.
Halfway through, Kate McKinnon comes out in a dark cloak with a chalice. “Your sustenance, my lord.” *sees camera* “Oh. Sorry. Carry on.” And she shambles off. Bruce has to take a second before continuing.
Bruce knows when (most of) the jokes come. It’s literally on the cue cards, but he still falls into a fit of giggles.
There are a few more gags, including Lex Luthor peeking out from behind the band set-up, all teasing the show to come.
Overall, an amazing way to set the tone for the episode. Expectations have been set. Then the skits begin!
(Oh but before I forget: During every single live skit with Bruce, the writers have scheduled for one of the cast members to run in dressed as a stagehand and put an extra mic on him. They do not tell him when it will happen.)
Between the monologue and the first skit, he has to do a really fast quick change, but to everyone’s surprise, Bruce is a natural. (Huh, wonder why.)
The skit is called Gotham PTA Meeting. We open in a meeting room full of stereotypical PTA moms setting down baked goods and gossiping. And apparently, there is a new PTA member attending today 👀
Right as the meeting starts, he enters. Bruce walks in wearing the most emo get-up imaginable. He’s got a Nirvana shirt, a comical amount of eyeliner, black skinny jeans, chain accessories, metal rings, AND a clip-in extension to give him fringe.
Someone immediately runs in and puts another mic on him.
PTA Mom: “Oh, Bruce! You made it! Did you bring a snack?” Bruce: “I brought lemon bars.” PTA Mom: “Why are they black?” Bruce: “They match my soul…they’re also vegan.”
He talks like a moody teenager. HE CONSTANTLY has to brush the fringe off to the side to read the cue cards. And because there’s so much eyeliner and he’s sweating a bit from the lights, it starts running everywhere.
PTA Mom: “Bruce, you’re a little quiet. What are your thoughts on increasing the school lunch budget?” Bruce: *eyeliner dripping down his chin* “I think it’s a great idea.”
For a pre-filmed skit, they bring back the Chad character with Pete Davidson.
It’s 2 am, and Chad is working at a 24hr drug store in Gotham. He’s reading Twilight (the book is upside down) when the lights begin to flicker.
He turns around and tries the light switch, turns back around, and JUMPSCARE it’s Bruce dressed as Edward from Twilight.
Yes, he IS sparkly.
Bruce is awkwardly holding a bunch of items, all concerning. He plops down a few knives, several raw meats, Sudafed. Chad: “Oh hey.” Bruce: O_O “I’d like to check out please.” Chad: “Lit.”
Chad’s “No Fucks Given” energy and Bruce’s “Please Do Not Perceive Me” energy clash like titans. The whole skit centers around it.
Bruce: *sweating bullets* “Oh. You’re reading Twilight?” Chad: “Just the title.” Bruce: *throws the book through the window at lightning speed* “It’s not very good. You should probably read something else.” Chad: *shrugs* “Okay.”
Chad: “ID?” Bruce: “ID? For what?” Chad: “Sudafed.” Bruce: “Oh. I don’t really need that, actually.” Chad: “Already scanned it.” Bruce: “Haha. Of course.” *awkwardly produces a scroll from his pocket that says Bruce Wayne DOB: 1901* Chad: “Okay.”
Bruce checks out, Chad picks up a porno mag or something, and we see Bruce turn into a bat and fly off through the window behind him.
The next skit they have is Celebrity Family Feud: Billionaires Edition. Again, Bruce plays himself, but he’s more of a background character. Instead, the skit makes fun of billionaires as a whole.
Bruce’s team consists of Kylie Jenner, Lex Luthor, and Oliver Queen. So just imagine three Lucille Bluths standing beside one another. 
Bruce’s bit? He just keeps handing cash to Steve Harvey every time he breathes in his direction.
Host: "We got the richest man in the world: Bruce Wayne!" Bruce: *hands him a roll of cash* Host: "Oh, what’s this for?" Bruce: "It’s your tip. I always tip." Host: "Oh, Mr. Wayne, you don’t usually tip the show host. I’m also a millionaire myself." Lex Luthor: *snatches it* "Well, if you’re not going to use it, I will…for charity, of course." Host: "Uh huh, whatever helps you sleep at night."
Just a ton of fun quips, the usual.
At some point, Harvey says, “That’s batty.” Bruce: *ducks* “Where?!” Host: “Oh, I don’t mean Batman. He’s not here.” Bruce: “You don’t know that.”
This time, the mic bit is a bit different.
Host: “We asked 100 billionaires: How much does a loaf of bread cost? Top three answers are on the board.” Bruce: *hits buzzer* Host: Bruce, your answer is? Cast Member: *runs in with a megaphone and holds it in front of Bruce* Bruce: “TEN DOLLARS?”
Board dings! That was the #1 answer
Brucie Wayne for the win
Next is a skit that dares to ask Gotham, “Why would anyone live here?”
The skit begins with someone opening a press conference for Wayne Enterprises. “And now presenting: Bruce Wayne!” Bruce walks in…
But it’s not him. Instead, it’s one of the cast members dressed in a black suit with horribly gelled brown hair.
Everyone in the audience is wondering where the actual Bruce is before another cast member runs onstage crying, “Help! Help! I’ve just been robbed! Somebody call Batman!”
A mini version of the bat-signal lights up…
We hear some generic hero music play…
And there he is: Bruce Wayne dressed in a horribly cheap Batman costume
(They got the cowl ALL wrong btw)
Bruce puts his hands on his hips in a weird superhero pose. Bruce: “I’m Batm-” Cast Member: *runs out to attach another mic to his costume* Bruce: “….I’m Batman!”
Cue all of the gags and digs against Batman. The fake Bruce faints then starts crying under a table. Someone calls Batman a furry. Bruce is barely keeping it together the whole time. Lord help him, but he asked for it. He approved the skit.
Bruce: “Looks like a job for my bat taser!” Cast Member: “Isn’t that just a taser with a bat on it?” Bruce: *whispers* “You shut your mouth.”
He saves the day, the police take the thief into custody, then Batman myStErioUsly disappears. Bruce: “Look over there!” *runs off* Cast Member: “Oh my gooood, how did he do that?”
Finally, they have the Weekend Update where Bruce comes on as himself for the final time.
Since they got his permission, the writers switch out some of Bruce’s jokes last minute. (Think Bill Hader’s Stefon which notoriously caused him to break character because the writers would mess with his cue cards.)
News Anchor: “Here to promote his newest humanitarian project: Bruce Wayne!” “Mr. Wayne, what a pleasure to see you today.” Bruce: “Thank you. This is probably the longest I’ve been out of the house.” News Anchor: “Since the Riddler catastrophe?” Bruce: “Since ever.”
News Anchor: “So Mr. Wayne! Before you make your announcement, any life updates?” Bruce: “Yes, actually. Just a few days ago, I adopted five- *starts losing it* five more children.” News Anchor: “Wow, really? So you have eight kids now.” Bruce: “Uh huh. *tears streaming down his face* One more orphan and I get the tenth one free.”
News Anchor: “So where can people find you online?” Bruce: “Well, I don’t have social media because I’m afraid of people, but sometimes I’m on Twitter.” News Anchor: “What about a phone call?” Bruce: “Oh no, phone calls- *giggle* phone calls give me fainting spells.”
It’s a great way of finishing the show, with the most genuine version of Bruce. Then, he gets to what’s really important!
News Anchor: “So if they can’t reach you on social media or on the phone, what else can our viewers do, Mr. Wayne?” Bruce: “They can donate to the Wayne Foundation’s newest charity called The Arts Initiative. It funds programs for the arts in underdeveloped school districts nationwide. I’ve already donated $30 million, and I’ve pledged to match every dollar donated within the next week.”
And that’s what he’s here for :) They share a link for where and how to donate. The anchors praise him for his charity, which he deflects because he can definitely afford this, and the 90-minute broadcast is over.
The camera pans away with the whole cast waving goodbye, and Bruce is seen keeling over with laughter.
Along with some of the other skits, these four specifically go viral. WE raises a fuck ton of money, and everyone loves Bruce.
LOVE YOU ALL!! Let me know what you think :D
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milkpup · 4 months
✧ stoner! choso ramble thing ✧
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@ solrhaf
ʚ ao3 ɞ / ʚ kofi ɞ / ʚ fic masterlist ɞ
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›› choso x f!reader drabble / thirst
‹𝟹 genres / warnings: drugs (weed)
‹𝟹 tags: au- no powers, spit kink, spitting, switch!choso, dom choso at first then he's all soft at the end WOOO,making out, smoking, swapping smoke? idk how to describe it, groping, light smut i guess?
‹𝟹 notes: thank u to my pookie @navi-n0 for the great idea :3 inspired by @comicalgrievance (read their stoner choso i am begging T_T!!!!!) idk if i'll write more, although i like stoner!choso so maybe owo but i just wanted to thirst abt him rn frfr, i like choso more as subby but tbh switch choso is pretty fire ngl LMAO
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Choso was happy when he found out you smoked. He was even more thrilled when he found out you were like a fucking chimney, the only one who could match him that he’d ever met.
You both regularly had seshes together, taking turns rolling for each other or packing bowls. He thought it was cute you would use pink papers and add dried herbs, but he’d never admit it to you.
It was his turn, and you were sitting next to him as he was grinding the herb and placing it on the paper. He leaned over to kiss you, taking a momentary break to leave your mouth sloppy. “open, princess.” your lips were covered in sloppy lip gloss, and Choso admired it as he spit into your mouth. “lick it,” he says as he lifts the joint to your lips. you didn’t think it would be so hot to seal a joint this way, but your body said otherwise. “good girl,” he purrs as he pets your head. Your cheeks are flaring and your body feels like a furnace.
Choso isn’t usually dominant in general, but his aura changes sometimes, especially if he’s higher than an astronaut. It was a good change of pace, and you welcomed it.
“Ladies first,” he says as he places the joint between your lips, and sparking the lighter under it. You inhale the unbeatable taste, and you noticed Choso added some dried up flowers and herbs like you had shown him. You smiled at the thought knowing you influenced Choso.
You exhale, passing the joint to Choso and watch him take the longest and fattest hit he possibly could have. He looks like a dragon, grinning from ear to ear as he exhales out of his nose. You chuckle at the sight.
Choso’s eyes lock onto yours as he asks you a question. “Can I try something with you?” Although his question was more in the essence of a statement, he didn’t give you much of a chance to respond as he inhales a long puff from the joint and crashes his lips into yours in the next moment.
He kisses you for only a moment, as his hand locks around your neck and pulls you closer into him. He seals your lips together, exhaling and sharing the smoke. Your mouth fills with the smoke as you inhale. Choso pulls your lips apart, a string of saliva still connecting to you two.
You look over at him through the haze of the smoke, your cheeks flaring and heat pooling in your core. “My turn.” You say as he passes the joint to you.
You push Choso down on the couch beside you as you take a long drag of the joint. You’re straddling his lap as you lean down and kiss him. You bite his lip softly as you exhale smoke into his mouth. Your hands are snaking down his abdomen, and you lift his shirt up, pulling his sweats down. A blush is covering his face as you work your hands over his boxers.
“Can you do that again, please?”
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‹𝟹 notifs: @vvxxccaa @arylaa @navi-n0 @starshipxoxo @comicalgrievance
ʚ join my notifs ɞ
(・ω・)つ divider creds to @/cafekitsune and @/eloquentreverie
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For the question about what other peeps could be in JDs squad what about coopers parents Queen Essence or King Quincy I think they’re around jd and deltas age maybe about 5-6 or so years older. It would be that only one or them would be in jds squad because someone has to parent their kids but the other could definitely be military. Plus if Cooper is branches friend that adds to another level of angst in the separation and irony because jd probably stayed at coopers house before cause he stays with his squad mates during leave sometimes and it would be a case of so close yet so far cause jd would have no idea that cooper is branches friend and branch would have no idea that coopers parents friend/cooper’s uncle JD that gets mentioned sometimes is actually his missing older brother John.
Actually I already had a spot for them! They gave me the vibe of being older than JD so I kind of went with Quincy being in JD's squad when he joined when John was younger but over a few years, got promoted to a more managerial/overlooking position.
But Quincy has quite the soft spot for all of them. He keeps in contact with the squad and once in a while pulls some minor (non illegal) strings for John on occasion. He's probably the one who found Bruce's number and nudged the hospital in that direction (that one might be against the rules, using military resources like that or whatever but idc). He kind of keeps an eye on John, knowing his history and stuff. He's stationed somewhere now, but I'm not sure where yet.
Although the Branch angle... I kind of like that.
I suppose in this au, Cooper might have been kind of Branch's friend before Poppy's possibly? Hmmm... lemme think... okay. So, when Quincy was part of the squad, his family was in a place where Cooper and Branch went to school together. They were kinda friends but when Quincy got promoted, they moved to wherever he was being stationed at... which was not where Branch lived. Anyway, Cooper and Branch do stay in contact. They aren't super close or anything but talk casually, probably have an interest or two in common.
Branch probably complains about his brothers, Cooper probably talks about his family. Things get messy when Branch's mom dies and Coop is kind of the one he is there for him at the time, although idk if he is actually "there" physically. They probably play video games together on occasion. Branch has no idea about John anyways so when Cooper mentions his parent's friend, someone he knows as Uncle John/JD (idk which yet), Branch doesn't think anything of it and neither does Cooper. They aren't quite close enough that Cooper talks about Branch to JD, although if he does mention him, it might be a nickname.
Quincy and Essence are always quick to let John stay with them (granted, so are Dickory's parents and Delta's sister lol) and once in a while he does.
There may be a funny thing that if Quincy and his family go to see John after what happens, it might be at the same time that Branch is staying with him over the summer... possibly. So it would be funny cause Cooper might be like hey! I get to see my pseudo uncle again AND by coincidence, an old friend is ALSO on the SAME island/area!
And then find out Branch's newfound brother and Cooper's uncle is the same person.
Which would probably make Cooper ecstatic.
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macabrecake · 1 year
cake, my beloved, idk if you've been asked this but given this is the stuff you've been putting out - I thought I'd ask,
dam! leon x fem! reader x re6! leon smut?
pls and ty <3
Thought ID and Vendetta Leon was the final boss??? NAH IT'S THESE FUCKING TWO
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LOOK AT THEM AND TRY TO CONVINCE ME THAT YOU WOULD STILL BE ABLE TO WALK AFTER THEY'RE DONE WITH YOU. Also hi I'm cutting this close but Merry Christmas Gabby! Have a sandwich! 💕💕💕
Minors step back this is a whole different kind of Christmas present.
"Come on sweetheart. You're not tired already, are you?"
Tired no.
But oh so ready to finally break.
Leon Scott Kennedy, and Leon Scott Kennedy two years from now, have been at this sweetly cruel game for what felt like ages.
It started when one kiss turned into two, then three, then five more.
One suddenly gives into his need for a challenge and shows, despite them being the same, just who exactly is the one and only man that can rock your world the best. In the form of a gentle bite turned hickey where he knows it'll get you squirming the most.
His counterpart decides to outdo him and places another, before a small galaxy ends up being intricately printed onto your skin. Leaving you breathless and needy. Much to both Leon's delight at seeing your panties ruined with just how unbearably soaked you were.
That's when they both lit this match that would set your body ablaze with high pitched mewls and gibberish filled whimpers when your husband finally slipped inside your wet, aching walls. Inch by inch until he bottomed out completely. Then softly bounced you on his cock, while his counterpart's fingers touched where you desperately craved him.
They'd watch like starving wolves at the point where your cunt would visibly flutter and squeeze every time the brunette would sink back in with the most satisfying squelch.
Squishing you between them more so you're certain to not miss those beautiful words and wonderful groans of his that burn you hotter.
"Look at you honey, so good for us.~"
"Always so fucking tight around me…"
You know he and himself do it on purpose. They wanna see you absolutely writhe for them.
Slow and soft at first. Then a little faster, and faster, harder.
So close.
Always so close.
A half driven delirious idea that Leon is finally going to let you fall into that blissful, messy heaven. Only for all of it to stop. And steadily start over again. They're both testing you and it's driving you mad in the best way possible.
Funny. Earlier you thought Leon's future blonde headed self would be the more gentleman-like to balance them both out, right?
He definitely still possesses that rough nature, not that you're complaining though to be honest. They'll both still treat you right, even in the meanest of ways.
"What's the matter, Princess?" The blonde softly cooes with a light nip to your ear, relaxing his arm just enough for you to quietly gasp. Greedily swallowing new lungfuls of air before the flex of his arm makes it shallow again. But you trust him, knowing he won't completely cut your oxygen off. Only enough to keep you perfectly suspended, high like a drug you know you couldn't live without.
He makes you never want to be sober.
"You wanna cum, don't you?" God, they have both edged you to oblivion and back to the point that your pussy immediately tightens up at just the word itself, which pulls a small hiss from your Leon considering his dick is still resting inside you. So deep you swear you could feel it in your throat. You want it to break you.
Ruin you.
They both see how much of a mess you are. There's a puddle on Leon's lap and if you were to stand up right now, your essence would be a dribbling mess down to your knees and onto the floor. Your lips let go of the most pitiful whine, desperate enough to take a chance that you lightly move your hips in a search for that sinfully amazing friction. Hoping they'll now show you mercy.
Sympathy isn't what you find however, instead it's those familiar hot blooded hands clamping down tight on your hips to cease your movements altogether. The moment you softly gasped, you knew it was a bad move. One that has you shrinking submissively before the intimidating blue flames that dance in his eyes. Feeling dark colored fringes lightly brush your cheek when he leans closer. "Didn't say you could move."
Leon's voice drops an octave, almost to a snarl with his waning patience. But he knows you love to hear it. Even if you don't admit it through words, your body betrays you when your hot, squishy walls twitch around him again. It's enough for the ghost of a smirk to tug at his lips, but that's not what he's after. "And I asked you a question…"
"Yes!" You immediately yelp, your hands already grasping at his future version's arm around your neck for dear life with another tear filled sob. "Please please please yes!"
Definitely an answer both Leon's like, but not the one he wants. One hand leaves your hips to travel up and take hold of your chin, forcing your gaze to fully lock with his. "Yes what?" The brunette hisses dangerously low against your lips.
"Yes I wanna cum, sir." Comes your breathless whisper. So so ready for that euphoric coil in your lower belly to wind up and snap, you almost didn't get all the words out. Luckily it's enough to reward you with the light scratch of stubble when he presses a hard kiss to your lips that steals what little breath you have, "Much better." Then another pair of lips sneak over to lay some love to your cheek with a smile against your ear. That wonderfully smooth tone uttering his praise. "Atta girl."
Atta girl indeed because finally…
Finally, your wish is fulfilled.
In the form of the blonde agent's hand taking yours and guiding it down to your drenched little pearl to softly press on it. The action reaches into your lungs to tear an airy moan from you at the sudden jolt to your core, that would've most definitely removed you from Leon altogether if the hands on your hips and the arm still locked around your neck wasn't there to keep you in place.
A warm sound vibrates against your back, that pretty chuckle of his. And oh his words that rumble into your ear. So sinfully sweet.
"Play with yourself for us."
"Show us what you like, Princess.~"
Given how Leon has pleasured you to the point you were nothing but putty by just his hands numerous times before, you'd think he already knows what you like. But you're quick to spot the underlying truth.
They both wanna watch you get yourself off.
Normally such a bold request like that would leave you rather timid, but you can't take another second of this game anymore. Your body is aching for a release to the point you can't help but obey. Letting a cry tear it's way out of your throat as your fingers desperately rub and caress your little pink bundle of nerves. Relieved for that spark of sweet friction tingling your senses.
Much to the delight of the two agents, watching your hand work and listening to your moans, sighs, and little whines steadily rise in volume and string together into a beautiful melody of your own making. Such wonderful sounds pairing with the most lewd gushy noise between your legs. Amazing.
It's much more than enough to pull a deep rooted groan from your Leon, "Fuck." He curses in a hoarse whisper, "Feel you getting close, Sunshine." His fingers dig deeper into the soft flesh of your hips. Forcing you to stay still so you won't ride him. Just to be a little mean, but also because the way your heat clamps down tighter around his twitching cock is a slice of heaven in itself. The moment you start bouncing, he knows he'll be done for.
Seems his future version knows it too, given his low chuckle into your skin. "That's it, Sunshine." Leon encourages between gentle open mouthed kisses up and up until his lips capture yours, while his free hand easily engulfs your breast to pinch and toy with your hardened bud before switching to give the other some attention.
You feel him smile and hum as he happily drinks up your muffled moans like it's a shot of his favorite whiskey. Until he pulls away to whisper against your kissed swollen lips.
"Let go, we'll catch you."
Oh Leon. Always so good with his words, his touches. Everything. It does the trick, almost a little too well in fact. Like a tsunami, your orgasm crashes into you hard enough to leave you squirting. But, as promised, both Leon's squish you close when your form trembles and writhes between the two with a loud moan of ecstasy filling the comfortable space of the bedroom.
But with the gaze your Leon fixes on his blonde headed self, he knew right away. You made such a pretty mess with his dick still nestled so deep inside you, he couldn't help but get a little greedy.
"W- ait! Leon Oh f-uck! T-too much! AH!" You squeal with a gasp while your dainty hands frantically grab at Leon's wrist in a weak attempt to move his fingers away when he rubs them mercilessly against your visibly pulsing clit. All you get from him, is a loving growl.
"Keep cumming, sweetheart." Lord help, what's left for him to love if he breaks you like this? Your senses are already too high and so sensitive, you don't know if you can handle anymore.
Thankfully, his movements are quick to cease as soon as he hears your sounds beginning to drift into sobs. Bringing his hands away to gently stroke your quivering thighs instead while his future self releases you from your headlock prison. Keeping you leaned back against him while he carefully kisses at your neck, further helping to ease you back down.
"There you are." A deep tone drips into your ears like honey, once you finally open your eyes. Only to release a tired, breathless giggle at the two pairs of sweet blue eyes centered on you. "Got scared I broke you for a second." Your Leon muses, gifting you a gentle apologetic kiss. "No, but… I don't know if I can go again." You sheepishly confess between quiet pants.
Two soft laughs from the same voice and a kiss to the crown of your head help put you at ease. "It's ok, baby." Leon reassures while his blonde counterpart tugs you a little closer. Letting the two wrap you up in his shared warmth filled with sweet kisses and gentle caresses that convey all you want to know.
The night is far from over.
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fyodior · 8 months
F-Flora. I think you know very well when horny thoughts just overcome you at the WORST of times.
Literally, LITERALLY DURING LAST MINUTE OF HISTORY REVISION (I'm telling 30 minutes before exam kind of thing), my head literally fucking came up with the idea of Dazai teaching me history while I'm seated on his cock–
(That was so weird to type, but anyway)
Like, imagine this. I feel like he would either have a genuine interest and/or have a really good sense for History. So when you're preparing for your exam and can't seem to get any further into it, Dazai would offer to quiz you and maybe explain some parts you just can't drive into your head to remember... with you on his dick.
He'd ask you questions in the most nonchalant way possible while rubbing your hip and shifting his hips just the slightest. If you answer wrongly, though... he's gonna completely stop and go on normally. Ya feel me?
slowly slides my old dazai cockwarming fic ur way…..
no but im absolutely obsessed with this concept!!! u literally sweating and moaning and brain just on fire with how turned on and horny you are sat on his cock while dazai’s pretending like everything’s normal, just keeps quizzing you over the flash cards you keep getting wrong bc ur so damn out of it. he figures if you can recall the info while cockdrunk and halfway to creaming all over him you sure as hell can during that exam!! and even tho ur driving him crazy too, esp with the way ur mewling and whining and begging for him, dazai maintains his composure bc he knows how much better fucking you afterwards is gonna be for you both. even tho he’d LOVE to just swipe all that bullshit off the desk and fuck you stupid, he knows timing is of the essence. just know you are absolutely gonna be the death of this man
and if you get a high enough grade on that exam, you bet he’s gonna fuck u so good all night long :)
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carpisuns · 1 year
Now that you are no longer avoiding miraculous ladybug spoilers, can I say that it is absolutely bonkers the way the sentimonster theory started out with just Adrien, but then spread to Felix, and now apparently kagami??? And I've heard there might be another person who is one as well?? Like at this point I think we might as well say that every rich kid in paris (or vaguely related to paris) is probably a sentimonster. I bet it was a top secret Agreste collection back in the day, and all of Paris' wealthiest got a slice of it
OHOOEHEHEHE YES AND IM LIVING FOR IT!! honestly I never thought we would get confirmation of the senti theory that is this clear—like I thought it would be hinted but left open enough for the average child viewer to totally miss and for deniers to be able to deny if they want to. And I guess they could still deny? But man I didn’t expect it to become so central!! the felix eps were insane i was yelling !!
A while back I saw this theory that was basically what you said—that all the rich kids in Paris were sentis. Because of that fancy weird cult party from the episode Gabriel Agreste. Which was so fascinating to me back then and now it feels not unlikely?
It’s so interesting bc we know sentis are created from a specific emotion. It would seem appropriate that Emily created adrien out of love, and that’s why he’s such a kind boy who gives undeserving people second chances and who loves people with all his heart. Im not sure what emotion felix would be?? he’s a pretty complex character but his sense of personal justice is strong, wanting to free himself first and then the other sentikids, and using morally questionable means to reach his mission. So maybe something along those lines. And for kagami, idk, is perfection an emotion? Desire for perfection? That idea is brought up more and more surrounding her and her mother is very concerned with kagami’s perfection.
This gets even more interesting to me when you consider Chloe. Admittedly, she makes less sense as a senti bc the other sentikids have a missing parent (presumably the one who wielded the broken peacock and then eventually died from it??). But im just considering the concept of Audrey making Chloe from her own emotions….which seem to consist solely of selfishness and superiority. So if Chloe was made with such ugly emotions, no wonder she is the way she is. And no wonder that every time she seemed to make a little progress, she backslid into her old behavior. Bc any display of self-awareness and kindness and genuine care for someone else goes against her emotional core—her very essence. Is it even possible for a senti to change their emotional core? that would be an insane display of self-control and sheer force of will that would challenge the very concept of sentis as creatures who are made to be commanded. if it’s possible for a senti to break the bounds of their emotional core, is it also possible to break the bond between them and their amok holder and disobey a direct order? Could they even break their link to their amok entirely? This is all crazy talk bc it doesn’t even make sense in context and I doubt Chloe would end up having that big of a role anyway lol but the implications are interesting to think about! It’s even interesting to think about XY and the possibility of him being a senti—emotional core of greed, maybe? or, like, shallowness? lol. his dad definitely controls him and his image pretty carefully so. Hmm!
anyway insane musings aside I am really enjoying this arc with the senti focus!! felix’s Argo fit is so cool. his villain song. Girl help!!! when he had to kill his sentimoon and cried…oh that got me. That was his SISTER !! and FELIGAMI HELLO???? FELIGAMI PRACTICALLY CANON AFTER 2 EPISODES??? i did NOT have that on my bingo card lol but you know what?? Hell yeah!!!!!! Kagami said if Adrien doesn’t love me I’ll simply fall for his more intense and moody twin who rapidly and rightfully became obsessed with me
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marimbles · 8 months
I know this is super random and like a year late, but as the consummate marichat fan, what were your thoughts on Elation?
first of all, apparently there are two definitions of the word “consummate” and until now i only knew the first one. HDNSND
second, i have many thoughts about elation but they are honestly kind of mixed and jumbled!!! On one hand, WHAT AN EPISODE!!!!! it still feels like a fever dream lmao. marichat fell in love and went on a cute little date and he took her up way in the sky with his baton carrying her princess style and then they tango’d over to andre’s and wanted to get Love ice cream and then they had the CUTEST KISS EVER!!!!! nose kiss cheek kiss lip kiss combo are you kidding. Are you KIDDING me. then he was trying to be respectful and not take advantage??? 😭 and she got AKUMATIZED bc she wanted to keep kissing him so bad??? HDJDJD and then the angsty second kiss to break her free omfggggggg people died (im people). the little moment at the end too when they agree to go their separate ways but hug like good friends who are in love. Waaaaa my heart. It was all really really good. I loved it. When I first watched it I kept having to pause and pace around like a madman fhsndn
On the other hand, it was so different from my personal vision of marichat that I wasn’t totally sure how to feel! The essence Marichat to me has always been a friends-to-lovers slowburn, so “sin ship” stuff or fics where they very quickly fall into a relationship against their better judgment have never been my cup of tea. And this episode felt like sort of a tamer, canon-appropriate version of that? It came on so fast and was over just as quickly. marichat ended up being just a one-night fling, basically. which is fine because I i always figured it wouldn’t play a big role in the plot—we got wayyyy more marichat than I ever expected to get! So I’m grateful! I don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth haha. But at the same time I couldn’t help but feel sort of disappointed in how it all played out. because while I’ve always been rooting for reverse crush development, I never truly wanted a “love square flip” in the sense of them completely switching love interests from ladrien to marichat. That idea never felt super authentic to the characters to me. I feel like OG crush is so baked in to the love square, you know? This probably sounds rich coming from such a loud annoying marichat stan lmao but I always think of them as still being partly in love with OG crush underneath it all, even if marichat are together.
Anyway, i guess I just had a hard time processing it at all because I had a very specific vision/preference for how I wanted the love square to play out—which was basically, reverse crush develops simultaneously with OG crush and they have to figure out how to deal with being in love with two people at once, and then at the reveal they get the relief of knowing it was always the same person all along, and of course they fell for them twice. Idk to me that would be the most satisfying culmination of the love square—one of the most interesting romantic plot elements I’ve ever seen! And that’s not how the show writers decided to go. Which is OK. We got so much good love square and there will be more to come. I really have been trying to let go of what was always just my personal preference for the LS. But at the time I couldn’t help but feel it was sort of wasting a lot of potential by going in this direction. And that did kind of sour my experience watching elation. marichat was set up and discarded so quickly, as if to both satisfy the fans and also shut them up lol. like “here, you got your marichat, you animals. and now that door is permanently closed bc we just proved how it would never work.” Hahaha. And tbh maybe that was a necessity! Like the closure of that possibility.
All in all elation was an amazing episode. It just made me sort of sad at the end, watching marichat die within minutes of becoming canon. also at the time there were a bunch of marichat stans being kind of obnoxious and salting on ladrien which also dampened the mood a lot for me. So I felt weirdly sad for a while after watching it, even tho it was such an exciting ride that I’d been looking forward to. I guess I just keep thinking “yes this is what I wanted!! …except not like this tbh”
lol I’m so entitled Im sorry….we ate SO good. Elation will always be iconic. Weredad is still my all-time favorite episode though! :)
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dbgmode · 3 months
a close read of the lyrics/video of "Cheerleader" by Porter Robinson
... the irony of immediately, spontaneously spending several hours doing is extremely not lost on me (and crossposting only deepens)....
(a self-xpost from /r/porterrobinson: from cohost! Deluxe edition! ( peppered with a few additional links for the chosting tumbling crowd)
The song/music video in question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzJbz9qSsd0
Based mostly on lyrics
[before I then close-watched the video]
Placed in the context of what we have seen so far in other promotional media,
after a couple listens, it seems to me that this is also, in essence, a work commenting on parasocial relationships and fame in the [early] social internet age:
the potential unhealthy character of idealization of someone you don't know,
the ways in which that idealization drags the sense of self and esteem out of an internal locus for the "object of affection".
I'd go so far as to say "the objectification of affection"
and somewhat in particular the ways both parties in this relationship experience some of both aspects of this.
To that last end, there is some tension in my understanding of who the speaker is and who the cheerleader / "she" is . The most surface level read is to assign those to: speaker = (more or less) Porter, the cheerleader(s) = us, the fans; or like "fame" itself
{The cheerleader archetype also steps specifically onto both American high school "teen movie" archetypes, and (given the use of mask etc.) probably the interpolation of that in anime I am less personally familiar with. [a big reach, but I would contend there is some possibility that there is an invocation here also of like ... homestarrunner absurdist prior art: teen girl squad, trogdor?]. (cohost and tumblr exclusive addendum!: also like ... the idea of the cheerleader as specifically the victim of masked killer in a slasher-film, here (probs not for the first time) directly-inverted.)}
That holds especially for:
The per-chorus " Cheerleader / Thought she needed me, but I need her "
The bridge, which is more or less the extended version of the pre-chorus ("Somehow, I don't ... ")
And it probably can read all the way through the verses and chorus too, but I think its also admits some inversion:
"I can tell you're acting your heart out" applying in some ways more cleanly to a performer per se than a fan, though certainly in the context of like ... fan-sites, stan-accounts, etc. that line breaks down and that's part of the point
"I don't even know what she does now" feeling to me harder to read as any version of porter wondering what his fan base is like (though it does read better when taken as like "what even is fame now?") - vs an enthusiast fanatic feeling spurned by a modern "celebrity" exercising more privacy and/or "going dark"
Video "text" (scene by scene, interpretation-biased description):
Cast (in order of appearance):
frame-story fangirl (FSF) (or possibly femmeboy?) - sits alone in bedroom. implied a high school student.
we have what I'm not-not gonna call 2021 MGK Porter. Idk at this point if this is to be understood as being identically the "Porter weston Robinson" of the broader album cycle or is more constrained to this video. I also used the phrase "cringecore porter" elsewhere, and while I think that applies metatextually, not as much in text.
this is NOT nurture porter. nurture porter had long blond hair and wore loose-fitting clothes. nurture porter was into upright pianos, acoustic guitars, and wide-open spaces.
this porter is un-blonde, plays analog synths and electric guitar. he is on the floor of his bedroom or studio, and while outside is there in the window, he does not go there.
of not no consideration is whom I'd call "nurture Together porter" (also "happy fiance Porter" => the man is allowed to be a person outside of aesthetic choices, but I'm not gonna ignore it either). That man (who first appeared at Second Sky 2022) wore a lot of cardigans and cable knit sweaters, and had brown hair that he kept pretty short and neat. Who we see here is both not that guy (see all the "my chemical robinson comments" and yet is closer probably too that guy than he is to either early nurture era guy, late-worlds anime sadboi, or fuckboi [though ... ])
His pants look kinda like his shirt in Get Your Wish, as well as somewhat like beetlejuice (... the musical?) and other ~harlequin figures.
The sweater is somewhere between the styles preferred by nurture-Together porter and late-worlds porter.
Shoes are ... kinda fancy? (cf. bare-feet in Get Your Wish).
His colors are red, white, AND BLACK. the cheerleaders for the most part are just red and white. (by contrast the porter from "scene 8" on is pointedly black and grey)
doll cheerleader. possibly specifically the sort of doll used for practicing pose drawing? or doing doll fashion?
other psudedo-human cheerleaders (whom we can probably assume include frame-story fangirl)
additional porters, introduced in scenes 5 - 8, no spoilers.
Scene 0 :
FSF sits alone in her room, doing her best to embody the cheerleader persona, but needing to remove the mask at least a bit to eat. it is unclear whether their hair under the mask is not visible or if it is also styled like the wig
[P.S. posted as reddit self-comment "I also missed the scene 0 important detail, that the candy is literally a chibi-porter-u head (gummy? gusher)"]
Scene 0.5:
hyperspace/cyberspace tunnel - "going down the wire", bubblegum pop logo
Scene 1:
Meet this porter. he jams alone in fairly-large room (synths, some guitar, room is inside but painted like sky. It is lit as fluorescent drop ceiling. Doll cheerleader vibes. You can see (cartoon) outside (invocative of some specific past work, maybe flicker, maybe easy; probs others), and you can also see [same size, eyes on him] ... bubblegum cat (FSF also has a cat).
zoom out through pixels of screen
Scene 2:
Karaoke amongst the cheerleaders. "Perfect!" and other text on screen invokes rhythm games as much as socializing karaoke. Everyone pretty much is signing. One has maracas. There isn't any food or booze.
Porter walks out of (behind) screen and seizes stage mic, at least initially the cheerleaders stop singing to fangirl instead.
Scene 3:
Someone (we can presume FSF) plays with a character creator, and creates (in miniature) dragon Porter. Next she builds a chibi doll of him. (Is this her OC/custom? or did it already get merchandised by e.g. Funko). It briefly stop-motions before exploding into
Scene 4:
Porter is very pop punk now. He has grown the dragon wings and tail. Both the makeup and the pink/silver confetti do remind me of _specifically_ "Tickets to my Downfall" MGK (and perhaps "congratulations" Post Malone?). Though with the blue of the walls (which sometimes have cliffs that are very "Language" video), also is evocative of a common color palette of nurture tour.
Scene 4.5 [intercut]:
FSF is literally playing out this scene in doll-house form, dropping the confetti on her figure. We see the city models preceding the next scene; she is taping this with a gorilla-podded point-and-shoot ; she is not in frame. Next to the porter-room is another much more "normal" doll-house, it doesn't match this room but ... it might have at some point? (it actually is the room from scene 8, but ... I didn't realize that when I wrote this, and neither can the first time viewer)
she picks up and moves figure to the city
Scene 5:
Dragon porter become Kaiju/Rampage porter. Doll cheerleader is here and hyped, and immediately gets stomped.
Scene 5.5:
Reality break. Kaiju porter has breached containment and is outside of FSF's window. She is initially ambiguously scared or excited but approaches the window
Scene 6:
Kaiju porter eats FSF (who is an even smaller less detailed doll/figure to him), this immediately makes him sick, probably dead. Intercut is cartoon chibi porteru (where? in the mouth/GI of kaiju porter? in the brain?)
Scene 7:
meet hot air balloon chibi porter. Note that there is someone in the basket. In wide, she does not appear to be a cheerleader, but also use of binoculars makes it unclear. In close up, she absolutely is.
The body of pom-pomed cheerleaders (who we did meet briefly earlier intercut in scene 4-4.5) form a landing target(?) with the pom-poms, briefly striped, but then chibi face.
Scene 7.5:
Once we have entered the mountains (of Sad Machine?), Porter of Scene 1 is running from but likely spotted by hot air balloon porter and his basket's occupant. The size scale is implied flipped now from scene 5-6. He seeks refuge in a doll-house-ish safe house
Basket radios to ground and her landing target is gone in pursuit/seige of porter
Scene 8 [bridge]:
FSF returns (un-eaten) to her bedroom and sits down on bed out of frame; zoom into new doll-house which is also interior of safe house. Mid-zoom, FSF removes their mask/wig, but we do not see them without it
Here porter sits also on bed, in largely undercoated (but for much smaller version of pink cat in frame), vaguely sky-blue (but no clouds, no cliffs) bedroom.
Arrangement of synths and guitars lightly suggests that _if_ this is understood from Porter's perspective rather than FSF's that he is maybe been sitting alone in dark-ish on bed the whole time.
Outfit is different from every earlier scene as well; fairly generic, but also (to me) kind of evocative of Virtual Self concert dress specifically
In wide shot, there is no one at window. In close up they press against it.
Scene 9 [chorus]:
cheerleader headbutts in and they precede to fuck up his bedroom, synths, one piece of art, before one of them tackles through the drywall
Scene 9.5:
One cheerleader is briefly alone in the scene 1 room, cat art becomes cartoon and jumps from frame, gives chase (to whom? the only one we saw enter this room was a cheerleader);
brief passage flanked by cheerleaders. shit gets trippier
Scene 10:
tracking shot down a sky space tunnel (scene 0.5) in which Porter of Scene 8 jams while a cheerleader (FSF?) and Scene 1 Porter both get spun around. Cat falls down center of that tunnel until camera is obscured.
Scene 11:
chibi porter (dressed like scene 8 porter but with the legs of dragon-doll-porter) is pursued by now giant doll cheerleader, while cheered on by roughly-same-scale dolls and video walls of selves. Also seemingly some holographic-projection cheerleaders who are holding a synth in way that almost suggests they might be playing it (keytar style) but its backwards so ... probably smashing.
Giant doll cheerleader catches and eats chibi porter. Whereas we saw the vore of scene 6 in silhouette, so we don't know how FSF felt about it. Here we dolly zoom on chibi porter who honestly: fuckin thrilled. (in start contrast to terrified expressions in the rest of scene 11)
Scene 11.5:
We (the camera) follow him down, but he is gone from view quickly. the gullet of doll-cheerleader is the cyberspace tunnel of scene 0.5 except that by strobe it is also explicitly the wall of FSF's bedroom. Not for nothing, but the effect is also Windows 95/98 maze screensaver at those times.
Scene 12:
Scene 8 porter crowdsurfs on the cheerleaders hands. Intercut flash jump-scare-ish (but no, cause context) face closeups including:
the pigeon from the window in scene 2
scene 8/12 porter's face
scene 8/12 porter wearing a cheerleader mask
low poly cgi cheerleader
real fast blinks on what probably is just porter's face in even closer-closeup, but might also include un-masked FSF? (I'm kinda loathe to do the frame-by-frame look that would tell me that or no)
Scene 12.5:
oops, crowd surfing porter became a chibi porter pinata, which is ripped apart by the hands of the cheerleaders, splling out hard candy and rock candy, like FSF had in scene 0.
Scene 13:
a single very quick, extreme closeup of FSF's candy bowl
So yeah... I don't want to over-explain (my over-description), but ... relative scales, who appears to control whom: you probably get it.
Video paratext:
The description on youtube here is extensive liner notes style credits. Contrast that to the overwhelmingly self-promotional and (few) lyrics description of last music video release ( do-re-me-fa-so-la-ti-do)
or the major credits and lyrics of most early nurture stuff.
I'll grant that this is a more involved production, probably, but also - I think taken with the late-nurture move to a live band show & what we think this album is about, it is both an artistic and a practical decision that this says
release context:
It's a Porter Robinson album first single. It is tone-setting intentionally. He (et al) picked "Sea of Voices" largely cause it was the furthest thing from (for example) 100% in the Bitch / the State - and indeed a big (if smaller, to me) contrast from Language, Easy, Say My Name.
Ditto "Get Your Wish" is not Sad Machine or Lionhearted. And pointedly it is less that aesthetic than even Something Comforting is (Look at the Sky ... idk)
So here, we are doing distortion, we are doing fairly simple analog synth patches, we are doing singing in largely-unprocessed voice. But hey, also, in the bridge, we are doing acoustic guitar - nurture porter isn't actually gone. [Also, while the arrangement works well, I think, there is an amped up section contrast that - in the context of the promotion so far to me - reads as "I know only one part of this is good for tiktok"]
This song is ... about the same things as Get Your Wish. It has a very different outlook on it. but its that, again.
So ... take that as you will.
metatextual P.P.S
posted as self-comment:
Not to suggest this is any more than happy/unhappy accident (or possibly emergent from user behaviors?), but YouTube does want to auto-play the most meta-textually appropriate thing next:
Tumblr media
And the existence of that piece of ~fanon single art did at least passingly occur to me as relevant to Scene 0 / the frame-setting of this video.
[Additional context: this song, "A Sound for Lonely People" was a demo leaked following either the hacking of Porter's dropbox or the loss/theft of a laptop containing it. No finished version of the song was ever released (and its not clear that that was for lack of "done", lack of desire, or it being a mostly-for-self / private work of art)
His discouragement at this (and other?) leaks is a thing brought up both in both:
the "anachronistic video essay from 2028" about his disappearance on March 1st 2024, which he posted on February 29th. (but then instead dropped an album announcement. Whether there is any intention to go through with any back-scrub is tbd, but there has not been within the first 3 weeks. I might have over-reacted and yt-dlped 69gigs of stuff about it)
the tweet / 𝕏 post feigning(?) such discouragement yesterday
following the "early" release of the song to streaming services in only japan (and not other countries in the same time-zone) for a few hours( or less?)
a thing that could certainly have been genuine data entry confusion, etc. but also is speculated in the context of other album promotion to have potentially been intentional
The most popular youtube uploads of this use imagery of a person or people sitting alone in bedrooms, much like Cheerleader (twice) does]
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bettyfrommars · 7 months
Hello!! 👋 I have a possibly random thought. Sorry if this is long but every time I hear the song Devils In The Canyon, idk why but it makes me think of Eddie. More specifically it makes me want to read a fic about Fallen Angel Eddie and reader on the run…you immediately came to the front of my mind to send this to 👀 Feel free to ignore if you hate the idea!
‘Tossed out of heaven
Out on the run
I don't know where we're going
But we've been coming undone for quite some time
No, don't you give me those eyes
'Cause there's no turning back
And with forever on the line
I'm hoping heaven has the heart to cut us some slack
Oh mother, won't you say a prayer
A prayer that I can make it out alive
Oh honey, let's ride
Like devils through the canyon
Oh, honey, let's hide
From the angels in the mountains
Back in the valley, they're boarding up their windows tonight
'Cause there's devils in the canyon
Here we lie in the shadows
In the wind and the rain
While back at home, the gallows
Have been surrounded, and the village is calling our names
And your body is shaking
As the world caves in
Wrapped in each other and the night
It feels like we've been forgiven of all our sins
And it's ok to be scared
But I think we're gonna make it out alive
Oh honey, let's ride
Like devils through the canyon
Oh honey, let's hide
From the angels in the mountains
Back in the valley, they're boarding up their windows tonight
'Cause there's devils in the canyon
But they never came
Was the darkness playing games with our heads
The night turned to day
And we're leaving all the shame where we found it
And I'm gonna say a prayer
A prayer that they can make it out alive
And oh honey, let's ride
Like devils through the canyon
Oh honey, let's hide
From the angels in the mountains
Back in the valley, they're boarding up their windows tonight
'Cause there's devils in the canyon
There's devils in the canyon’
I honestly love being sent song lyrics and to know that you thought of me with such a great idea for a fic 🥹 I've been thinking a lot about writing a fic inspired by Tracy Chapman's song Fast Car and I know it's totally different, but also that essence of "us against the world" that I love.
You mean Fallen Angel as in he fell to be with reader like in City of Angels? Or he's a fallen angel riding from town to town on his motorcycle, and maybe the angels are actually really ruthless and try to track him down, but he belongs to the shadows now, and maybe there's a whole underground community of devils who fell because they wanted to escape the "holy regime".
Maybe reader has a past too, maybe there's an element of the movie Leaving Las Vegas, but not so dark, and they both never thought they'd find someone who saw them for who they really are.
I love thinking about this and could absolutely see it as something I would write. Thank you sm nonny for putting music and food for thought in my inbox!
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catboygirlboss · 9 months
2, 8, 9, 22 with elsie, Aidan, and keith
2: Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child?
Elsie: plant, possibly. i could definitely see them having a succulent or two, maybe a cactus. maybe they’d forget to water it every now and then but other than that they’d do well. a pet, yes, they have a cat; a sphinx named stinky (after the animal crossing villager). they’ve also owned rats in the past and did pretty well with them! a child… not in the present moment, but once they get to a better mental state then absolutely. right now it would be too big a commitment but give them a few years
Aidan: a plant, uhhh good question LMAO i mean he’s an earthmancer so you’d think so but it’s aidan… would he care enough to take care of a plant… it’s possible but god i don’t know kajdjdkf. a pet, yeah, he does have a chihuahua named cujo, and xe does a good job caring for her. cujo is aidans one and only soft spot, like nothing else in this world matters except her. a child, absolutely the fuck not LMAO like he’s not one of those people who hates kids or whatever like he’s fine with kids but xe’s more of a grouchy drunk uncle than a full on full time parent
Keith: plant, probably not. he would forgeg. pet, yeah he takes care of his pit bull, helena (named after the mcr song) really well, but a small pet? god no lmao he doesn’t have the attention span to remember to clean the habitat (i don’t use the word cage, personally, it feels wrong on my tongue idk). he’d love to have a pair of rabbits but he probably shouldn’t lmao. a child, surprisingly, yes! he was such a substitute dad to his sister veronica that he has a general idea of how to care for kids, and he really wants to be a dad so he’d put in the work and research and whatnot to make sure he does it right
8: Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them?
Elsie: definitely intrigue, but up to a certain point. they can be patient for maybe ten minutes before being like “fuck this shit” kajddkkfkf
Aidan: oh he gets so fucking frustrated lmao he has the patience of a… creature with very little patience. xe’s impatient is what im saying kskdkdkf
Keith: keith has like. all the patience in the fucking world. he spent probably an entire month, maybe more, trying to solve a rubick’s cube without help. he was determined to solve it himself. he eventually worked out the math involved and once it clicked he solved it in… idk an hour? how long do rubick’s cubes take ive never solved one LMAO
9: Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?
my hatred for the word empathy aside-
Elsie: they’re canonically posic! which stands for “perception of object sentience, individuality, and consciousness”. basically they perceive inanimate objects as having some form of sentience. not necessarily every object, but any object! so yeah basically lmao it’s especially prevalent in objects like stuffed animals, porcelain dolls, figurines, and technology (computers, handheld devices, stuff like that). their companion is a pink 3ds! it’s covered in stickers :33
Aidan: there’s only one object he connects with in that way, and it’s xyr grandfathers flask. aidan loved his grandfather, even if xe doesn’t remember him well now (he died when aidan was five, almost six). he feels like the flask, in some way, contains his grandfathers essence? not literally but. sentimentally. this is the flask
Tumblr media
Keith: he doesn’t consciously do so, but he’ll say shit like “i have to buy this mug, it’s the last one on the shelf and it’s lonely :(“ in all sincerity. he also loves collecting things to add to the object “family” as he puts it. he collects so much shit. especially the tabs on cans of monster energy. but that’s not so much a love of objects thing that’s just a Keith Thing
22: Do they like being called pet names? Do they call other people pet names? What’s their go-to?
Elsie: being called pet names, it honestly depends on the person. elsie needs to trust you hardcore before you can call them pet names. and they don’t really use pet names cos it feels unnatural in a way
Aidan: if you call him anything other than aidan xe will cut you. searra calls him dan as a way of antagonizing xem. he doesn’t care for it
Keith: his girlfriend rosita calls him pet names in spanish 🥰 cariño and mi sol are the most common, but she also loves calling him príncipe, amorcito, stuff like that. keith has been learning spanish and he’s… trying. he’s at about my level. so. barely okay! lmao and he loves calling rosita pet names, and tries to sound as sappy and cheesy as humanly possible, like intentionally vomit inducing. think “cutie patootie” but like times a million. “cutesy shmoopsie pie with a cherry on top”. it drives rosita insane and he weaponizes this
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pixies-and-poets · 1 year
I have a random lil head canon regarding Cursa.
We know she fused with stellar debris to regain power. But the way it’s described is as if she was aimlessly fusing with anything around her and that got me thinking.
Every empty second without any stellar debris or any anything. Did Cursa fuse with nothing? We’ve never seen anything fuse with nothing so is it ever possible?
My hc is basically then. Cursa was worsen not just by stellar debris but by the pure isolation of flying through the emptiness of space and forever having that emptiness be part of you. No matter what.
(I hope this make sense I’m writing this when I really should be sleeping lol)
Hmm, so if I'm understanding correctly... since Cursa (or proto-Cursa/the Megabug remnant) was just kinda drawing everything to it and fusing with every bit of space junk it could, but there were long periods when there was nothing around to fuse with, you think it would have fused with like... the very essence of nothing itself? "Space" itself, if you will? That's an interesting philosophical supposition; could one fuse with the very concept of emptiness, of anti-existence? Would that explain some of Cursa's nature, her desire to destroy as well as create?
"Courtney don't bring up Super Paper Mario again" you all say- but ok so, in Super Paper Mario there is the Void, which destroys dimensions, and leaves them as Worlds of Nothing... so the idea of "nothing" being like, an important... metaphysical concept of its own in the Marioverse (I don't want to say "an important THING" because the whole point is it's NO thing, lol) has precedence. It would be cool to think the Void and Cursa share some kind of essence at their root, an essence of nothingness, especially because the Megabug always reminded me of the Void a lot anyway, in its appearance in the sky.
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But idk, just throwing stuff out there! At any rate, whether or not "fusion with Nothing" is possible, or whether Cursa was just isolated for long periods of time, trying to grow and gather things to it and finding nothing in the vast empty reaches of space... either way, I think that led to a deep loneliness being a part of Cursa's nature. And that led to a desire to create new life.
In a way, it is sympathetic. But I still can't really sympathize with Cursa considering how she treated her creations. Perhaps we could at least guess at understanding, though. Cursa did not want to feel loneliness again. Since she was a being formed from a technological glitch she is probably capable of thinking on a different timescale than a living being, and having more dense thoughts as well, so each boring lonely moment lost in space with nothing around felt like an agonizingly long time.
So yes, she did not want to ever feel like that again. She wanted to create things, lots of things, but all of those things were also disposable to her. More could be made in their place and she did not get attached to any of them. After all, loneliness comes not only from having a lack of other people around; it can come from grief or missing a specific person who is no longer in your life. Maybe Cursa, from her observations, or from accessing Rosalina's own memories of loss, was sentient enough to understand this. Grief is the loneliness that can become a deep eternal part of each person's nature, something that Cursa was trying to escape. So, as I talked about a while back, she created things but never accepted or allowed into her nature, the actual love or the feelings of attachment that would lead to pain if her creations were lost or abandoned her (as Edge did).
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Not necessarily an update, but sorta. I’m currently slowly reworking on everything. Barely anything from before now is going to be canon to this AU because I’m wanting to completely start over, but idk if I’ll actually go through and delete old posts. Just know that anything with old Sophie art (her design before this) is no longer canon unless I state otherwise. I will be keeping the idea of Rose and Steven coexisting (aka Steven has his own gem) but they will be still sharing powers (with some of his own) because Steven was created using Rose’s essence (it’s complicated but makes sense in my head). I’ll be figuring out other things that’ll still end up canon in this AU, but it’ll take some time since I’m doing this for the fun of it (despite not being hyperfixated on SU at the moment). I’ll also be working on an actual timeline unlike before since I’m planning on setting this after the events of SU, but nothing is confirmed yet. Especially since I’ll have to be figuring out how everything happens now that Rose/Pink is still alive (which is more work for me, but I wanted to have Sophie kinda bond with Rose and Rose seeing that she really wasn’t the only diamond to see how flawed gem society really is/was or something along those lines).
As a sign that I am still alive and working on things (albeit slowly) here’s some art I’ve made related/for this AU. Basically the only confirmed designs for this AU.
Firstly, we have Sadie’s performance design as 80die. This is confirmation that 80die will still exist in this universe because I really just love the idea. Her design is more inspired by actual outfits female artists in the 80s wore (a mix of pop & rock). Also the star earrings are a nod to Greg’s star shirts since he is her manager.
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Secondly, I have finally given a design to Purple Diamond’s disguised form as an amethyst. I kept a bit of Amy’s original design (light purple hair with a dark purple streak), but mostly completely changed her look. I kinda did a slight color shift with her design like Rose and I kinda (unintentionally) designed her skirt to be a bit similar to bottom of Rose’s dress. Though I did look at a ref of CG!Amethyst to kinda have her look similar yet still different since she’s just a diamond pretending to be an amethyst. Also the hearts in her design is actually a callback to the original concept I had for Purple Diamond’s symbol when after her rebellion (since stars is kinda the Crystal Gems thing). Though I think the only time I’ve ever shown anything related to the original concept for Amy’s group of gems (which mostly consisted of 2 or 3 other gems) is in Sophie’s earliest concept design, which is somewhere on my main account.
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Lastly, I designed a fusion between Steven and Sophie. This is mostly the design of what their fist time fusing would look like. It’s heavily inspired by Stevonnie (for reasons I will not explain yet). Their fusion is called Stevie and their pronouns are They/Them. I don’t have much on their personality or really anything other than their design. However, I can say that both were surprised and excited to be able to fuse. (Also it’s really the first drawing I’ve ever made that actually has toes since I tend to avoid drawing them lol)
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So yeah. A lil update and some art. You can send in asks for any questions based on what could possibly change or what ideas I have for this AU or even my thoughts on Sophie in other AUs. However, I may end up being vague with some answers for this AU since I’m still figuring things out and working on the timeline, but I’m fine with answering any questions for this AU. I may not be very active here (I’m more active on @artistically-unique-girl or @artsartblog since their my main account/blogs) but I still see things and check up here every once in awhile since I’m not trying to burn myself out over this (like I did before) and actually figure things out before just throwing out too many ideas at once. So feel free to leave any questions or thoughts you may have about this AU as I’m working on it (some things could spark new ideas for how this AU will be) or just questions or my thoughts on Sophie in other AUs because I have fun thinking about how Sophie would be/exist in other AUs. That’s all for now. Until my next post, stay creative!
~Mod Art
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troglobite · 1 year
laskdjf cr c3 spoilers i guess
in the 4 sided d/ve ep m/risha was like "yeah i asked matt how l/dinus knew abt k/yleth and v/x and that he'd show up to protect her" and matt apparently responded "well that's not the first time that she's been attacked"
well yeah clearly
the attack on the ashari that killed or/m's family was obviously a test run to get an idea abt how best to kill kiki as quickly as fucking possible
they start on different continents, as far as we know, they've never had cause to interact at all
and you expect me to believe that kiki has been in enough danger frequently enough for her level 20+ powerful druid self to be near death that it SUMMONS V/X???? like on the reg???
and that for some reason, vax, who has grown as a person and is a deeply important and busy entity, would just be able to show up on a whim to help kiki??? like, whenever???
also they'd already discussed what happens and that was NOT part of it. how is kiki supposed to MOVE ON AND EVOLVE past that devastating thing? how does she not immediately develop a death wish if THAT'S what happens every time someone tries to kill her?!?!
she faced him and the crew once before! it went VERY badly! WHY IN THE WORLD would she think that charging into the middle of EVERYTHING ON HER OWN would be safe?! so either she has a deathwish or she's VERY stupid, all of a sudden, even though she literally last had a WIS score of 22.
and then also--
and that, for some reason, word gets around about that???
and that for some reason, they all find out who and what vax is??? so that they know he's divine in essence and can be used for this purpose specifically???
like i'm sorry, the sheer VOLUME of serendipity and coincidence and perfect timing that has to happen for ANY of that to be possible. like no! absolutely not! THERE'S NO WAY THAT MAKES ANY SENSE!!!
listen i'm not shitting on cr all of a sudden or whatever, and by and large i still think matt is a great person, storyteller, and dm.
but this move w c3 is SO just. fucking infuriating.
i'm rambling bc i was talking w friends abt it today. lol
but the most batshit part, as a friend pointed out, is that MORE ppl aren't screaming RAILROADING!!! SCRIPTED!!! SHITTY STORY!!! at c3 when they were all losing their minds at c1 and c2.
but here we are in c3 with the most blatantly pre-planned, railroaded shit ever that completely removed player agency to accomplish One Thing, and no one??? cares????
truly nostalgia is a powerful drug, apparently.
like matt turned vax into an orb or a hockey puck or something and WE'RE ALL JUST FINE WITH THAT?!?! batshit.
anyway point being, matt had an idea, he thought it would be cool, he worked backwards to justify it, he constructed the scenario so that no one would be able to stop it, he forced it to happen
that's what happened in c3, end of.
and i don't particularly like that.
i'm not like. ABANDONING it. but c3 was already kind of on thin ice. lol i'm compelled by parts of it but oof. it does kinda suck.
esp when the party is just like.
NOT engaging with the immediate consequences of whatever the fuck happened. and matt has ALSO made THAT happen on purpose.
he 10000000% knew that they would fail to stop the event (bc there was no way they could change anything) and planned far ahead of time to split the party.
which--fine! more time and space for guest players! which is great!
these characters are, again, so low level that they just......are flailing in the face of something so much bigger than them that HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. so idk what really they're supposed to do now.
i'm just rambling abt my thoughts
this mainly started as a whole thing abt like--
no, matt's justification, narratively, for vax and kiki made no sense.
and then m/risha also said that he told her they did "middling" w their performance trying to stop it--that it could've been worse but it could've been better
yeah i'll bet because they wouldn't be able to change anything, period.
they managed to do so much and everything they destroyed was just...what? a decoy? backup? so they changed nothing.
and that sucks.
i'm rehashing it all again but i was just thinking abt it again bc i had to plan for my own game today and i was talking w friends abt it again bc it happened to come up.
bad writing, matt.
very cool idea and moment!
terrible logic. absolutely hand of god kinda bullshit, there. "because i say so" vibes. lol
hopefully everything gets better from here. aabria and christian have been wonderful guest players, though shit is also hinky there. i think aabria has something up her sleeve so i hope that THAT is ALSO really good.
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lmelodie · 1 year
I have only one (1) thought about fusion AU that's been replaying in my head for a while. A very specific plot bunny that I probably won't write in full but it has captivated me, so i’m going to tell you about it!
Of course it's BlackIce centric, Julians time to shine is now!
Jack and Jacqueline went out on this mission but just happened to stumble upon Killian cause he was just there.
But a vague magical threat ambushes them, Jacqueline nearly gets swiped so they both try and save her at the same time resulting in Julian. Who doesn't actually know he’s fused for a while cause he’s taking care of the immediate threat.
And after the fight, Jacqueline has TO TELL THEM that they are currently fused.
Julian: Mind equations meme
Julian: OH FUCK! 
They promptly have a little freak out about it, literally arguing with himself, only saying how much he literally doesn't wanna be here.
But when they try and unfuse, multiple times, it doesn't work.
Jacqueline’s like, can you unfuse?
Julian: Nope. Looks like we can't. Don’t worry this always happens whenever we fuse it's fine.
And Jacqueline is like, What? That doesn’t sound right, even Jack himself knows that unfusing should be the easy part??
And Julian is like It’s fine, when I say this happens all the time I mean it. Whenever I get stuck the only thing we can do is just kinda wait it out until the components are too physically exhausted from sustaining the fusion and they break apart and pass out. Jack usually does a sprite sleep afterwards.
And Jacqueline is like >:O WTF?? THAT'S NOT HEALTHY! There's gotta be an easier way to untangle yourself.
And Julian is like, nope. Haven't found another way to do it. Just gotta wait it out unfortunately.
But Jacqueline isn’t having it and is like Ok what if i try and tire you out myself, and speed run the process. I mean you’re the epitome of two middle aged men stacked together in a trench coat (literally) how hard can this be? So she tries to fight him.
But surprise surprise, it’s harder than she thought considering that he has the raw power of TWO legendary figures. So when that doesn't work, she tries taking him back to frost manor to get the fam's opinion on how to unfuse them.
(I am not a Jacqueline expert and i don't know who she would most likely call in for a fusion problem, so this could all be replaced with another option besides the frost fam)
But the whole time he’s trying to leave for the city to cause CHAOS.
Julian: As long as we're going to be stuck like this, we might as well make it worth my while. I got a giant snake demon to unleash on the streets!
But even so, she takes him back to Frost Manor and is like, Help me fam idk what to do.
(Enter prose about how Julian can't fit and gets stuck in the doorway)
And Winter is like, hold on real quick gotta message your dad. Now that Julian is here he’s gotta call ahead to the fire department, law enforcement offices, mother nature. Just to give them a heads up, just in case. 
Jacqueline's next idea is to get someone ELSE who has even MORE ENERGY than her to try and tire him out faster. 
So the twins fuse and Fire tries their best, but I think them and Julian cause even MORE damage to the yard than ever thought possible. Julian tries to see how much ice they handle before their flames get put out.
Julian: Hey as long as you're gonna be on fire, make yourselves useful and light this will you? (offers cigarette)
But we have two options for possible endings:
1) Fire actually works their magic and wears him down enough for them to unfuse (with still a lot of difficulty) but they’re not even as worn as they usually are by the end!
2) Using Fire doesn't work and they have to call in fucking BLINTER to beat his ass into the ground. This is the more violent option and one that does require the Jack sprite sleep afterwards, in essence forcing them apart.
The entire time while they were fused, both of them tried not to peek into the other's mind. But these thoughts are hard to get rid of when you're sharing a headspace with someone else!
So coming unfused they now know, very unwillingly, just a little more about the other, and his point of view. (Maybe even like a feeling or two idk)
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iamespecter · 3 years
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LN roleswap - The Thin Lady, and The Lord
Hello again, long time no post :0
Now, before I explain, please keep in mind: THIS IS NOT A GENDERBENT VERSION!!! which means that I really swapped The Thin Man and the Lady's position, and tried my best to replicate what they could've looked, based on in-game details and theories I subscribe to.
I made this last night to make myself feel better, you see and in this, The Thin Lady, instead of the fan-suggestion of her being inspired by a 'Hannya' yokai, in here she is based on an urban legend called "Hachishakusama", meaning, 'eight feet tall'.
I just found out about this yesterday and it ties with how The Thin Man's suggested lore works. basically, Hachishakusama will lure children, stalking them first for months before ultimately killing them. I think it fits perfectly, especially with how the LN universe works.
Other than that, The Thin Lady also lures starving adults, transforming them into 'Guests' with only having mouths visible, to be fed for the Flesh. That's all I have as of the moment for The Thin Lady unless I've forgotten smth idk
The Lord works a bit more differently than the original though, as he hypnotizes people with magic, keeping them watching his performances, until slowly drained of their life essence. I haven't worked much in terms of The Lord's premise, but if you have suggestions, please.
As for design choices, I chose to give The Thin Lady a messy bun and low hanging bangs to replicate the og Lady's hairstyle, in a more modern hairstyle. I've also elongated her skirt just like The Teacher's, and gave her a wider brim of a fedora to resemble the urban legend. I imagined that despite her 'imprisonment', she still is *slightly* concerned about her looks, but never has enough time to fix her outer appearance, making her look like a total hot mess-
for The Lord himself, I figured a high-ranking styled Haori would be fit, as he would *possibly* perceive himself in a higher position than his Viewers. I tried to retain as much of the original palette as possible with this choice. The porcelain mask is also present. 
There was also a time that during the sketching process that I wanted to make The Lord's hair longer, but then looking back to The Thin Man, who still has short hair underneath the brim of his hat, I figured it was unnecessary. So for him, I chose stage 3 Thin Mono as base.
This was a fun practice, and if you have suggestions as to how I can expand this idea more, feel free to drop some :D
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