#and if I go to the gym it'll be cause I want to because I like to do physical activity not because anyone else wants me to cause god knows
femmeidiot · 4 months
being fat is literally so annoying and it's not even like the being fat part it's the stupid ass comments people make like as much as I struggle with body image I've pretty much accepted that this is just how my body is and how it is going to look but I am so tired of having people bring up stupid shit or feel like I owe them explanations about my body it's exhausting everyone should shut the fuck up and leave fat people alone forever cause we could absolutely destroy most of y'all's skinny asses if we needed to and I'm about to start physically fighting the next person who says any sort of bullshit to me
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forusomimiya · 1 year
Check part one if u wanna enjoy it full 😚
Virgin!Suna wasn't afraid to stick his dick in a real pussy. Unfortunately, a teammate gave his a fake one for his 23rd birthday, so he had time to practice and learn how to care and touch it.
"How can you turn 23 and still be a virgin?" Komori added. "You should stick it in at least once before kick the bucket, Rintaro. Trust me, it'll be worth it" Washio advised.
Virgin!Suna wouldn't stop showing you how hard he was thinking about you at home, in the shower, or even in the gym locker room surrounded by people. It couldn't just be him showing how needy he was, because you needed him too, badly enough. You would go straight to hell if anyone saw the images you and Suna shared with each other. It was worth doing.
Virgin!Suna would pray to every god in existence that he could take more than 2 minutes inside you, and he would curse to believe that that fucking silicone pussy would help his control it. He had no choice but to spend time beforehand flattering, kissing and caressing it before filling it.
"God… *kiss* it smells so good *kiss* *kiss* and it's sooo soft… *kiss* I can't wait to take it bunny. Can I call ya that? ´cause that's what you're going to be, right? My little bunny."
Virgin!Suna with his heart about to burst out of his mouth, would contemplate how your pussy opens up perfectly for him, sucking him off without grumbling.
"Oh shit, no no no, I can't, I can't baby. You're so wet that- I don't think I can hold it in. I don't know if I can do it, I-I don't think I can even get back in."
He wasn´t wrong.
Virgin!Suna would take a breath and with courage, prepare to enter a second time. But oh, the thought of getting it into a pussy was so easy but, what was there in seeing you half-naked lying on his bed, arching your back in a desperate search for his thick cock, wearing his team t-shirt, (which he cursed with all his being to have lent you for not imagining he could see your hard fucking nipples under it), suffocating, whining and almost whimpering surrendering under his grip, and with your fucking pussy dripping endlessly onto the sheets and throbbing with every approach to your entrance?
A mistake. A fucking mistake.
As uncontrollable were his thoughts as the leakage of semen.
“Oh sssshit babe! Aaah s-sorry babe, i can’- fuck, I can’t stop, hah… hah honey, just- shit, fuck me, and don’t fucking s-sstop”.
Virgin!Suna it would take not once, not twice, but three times to get his emotions back in order to act properly. But the best was yet to come.
Virgin!Suna had a pretty lucky first time. He took all the time in the world to take you as many times as he wanted so he could surrender to you and let you take control at least once. A control that would completely end with him every time he got lost in the movements of your ass riding his cock, or in your sweet mouth, which ended up being his favorite body part to cum in.
"Bunny... if you're going to take me like this every time we fuck, you're going to drive me completely crazy."
And even though he had taken you completely, the bastard was already missing seeing you again.
enjoy :P @animeloverzx @passionateuchiha @hayatslife @tojicvmslut @pinkscolouredcrayons 💖
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kokomos · 1 year
abby anderson relationship headcanons
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  + Abby's the girl who says hello to everyone in the morning and will never fail to thank the people working around base. She's a sweetheart at her core and it's the reason you two got together. She's so friendly that it's almost unknown for her not to get along with someone or at least try to.
+ Definitely tries to impress you with her strength, she knows you've got a thing for her muscles so she'll be sure to show 'em off whenever she's got the chance.
+ Goes to the gym every day, she's one of those people who's hardcore dedicated to their routine. She'd love it if you visited her while she's there working out!! It would make her so happy to have you join her, she'll guide you patiently through all the new equipment so you can get a feel of what you wanna try. Definitely will use anything as an excuse to put her hands on you. She's so cute, she'll give you encouraging rubs on the back after you complete a set.
  - "You did so good, babe! Wanna keep going?"
+ Always has you over at her place, she kicks Manny out for the night so you two can be alone.
+ Basically makes you wear her clothes; after a night together at hers she'll give you one of her favorite shirts to keep. She thinks you're the cutest in her stuff because it's always a little too big on you. Having everyone in the cafeteria see you in her attire is just more incentive to the cause.
+ On occasion, she lets herself enjoy a quiet, lazy afternoon spent with you.
+ Unfortunately for you she takes enjoyment in tickling other people; specially reserved for only those she's closest with. She doesn't go all out, usually a sneak attack of a side tickle but sometimes, sometimes she goes in for the kill. She can have you under her within seconds and it's used to her advantage greatly.
+ Soft dominant. She's had to make a leader out of herself since her father's death meaning she'd rather you take the backseat while she takes care of things.
+ Abby isn't the biggest on physical touch, she wouldn't be constantly touching you like some people would. Affection from you, either alone or with friends, is always welcomed with loving arms though. She prefers expressing her love for you through quality time in your company or doing simple favors to help you out.
+ That being said, she's the kind of girlfriend who will let you take her by the arm or spontaneously grab your hand while walking up behind you.
+ Tilts your face by the chin when she kisses you. Her fingers are so blissfully light on your skin like she's trying her hardest to be as gentle as possible with you.
+ She really is so tender and delicate with you. Always giving you the lightest touches when her fingers inevitably end up tracing the curves on your body.
+ On the other hand, she can show her true strength if you want it. She can pin you down so easily; she can't resist teasing you about your weak muscles (of course she'll follow it with a kiss to avoid your pouting).
  - "See, babe, this is why you have to go to the gym more. What if I was an attacker?"
+ She will more than volunteer to teach you about self-defense, weapons, etc. Actually, if you don't know that stuff already she'll force you to attend a mini class of hers.
+ Such a good teacher, her patience makes learning from her a breeze. Comes at a cost when she’s almost always assigned to training the newbies because of this unmatched skill of hers.
+ If you're a soldier, too, she tries to convince Isaac to let you two stay on the same assignments. Nine times out of ten he says no, it'll be a rare occasion when he gives in to Abby's relentless arguing.
+ She patches you up after missions!! No one else can be trusted to tend to you. You deserve to be babied 100% and anything less than that is unacceptable in her eyes. She ends up staying with you for a couple nights checking up on you near constantly to monitor your condition. It doesn't matter if it's just a couple cuts, she's treating it like a broken leg when it comes to you.
+ With Manny's help, she begins writing you little love letters. Mostly they're innocent messages with her declaring just how cute she thinks you are and how much she loves you. Simple, yet so effective. She knows you cherish each and every one she's written.
+ A sentimentalist at heart! Aside from her coin collection, she has a stash of memorabilia from days in the past to keep the moment and the feelings associated alive. Give her a flower you casually picked from one of the bushes around the base and it'll be drying in a book under her bed so she can keep it forever.
+ When you two get into an argument, she tries to hold back her honesty but it slips out in hurtful ways more often than not. She has a problem of not working with you as a team to solve the issue; Abby views any conflict as a fight and she wants to win more than anything. When this unavoidably makes you upset, she realizes she's done wrong and takes back whatever she's said. Fortunately, arguments never last long and they without exception end with some cuddling.
  - "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I care about you so much…"
+ Very good at reading you, it's half scary and half comforting. You don't need to use a lot of words to get your point across with her, she understands you completely.
+ After you two date for awhile, she realizes how much time she spends away from home and you. She has a talk with Isaac to take shorter trips around less dangerous areas essentially taking a step down in her position.
+ Dreams of following in her father's footsteps by working in the med unit, she knows she can't be a soldier for long; not when she's got a whole future with you to live for.
— ♡☆
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hyuckwrlds · 2 months
>> caught up
wc: 1.6k you win some you lose some
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There are three moments that Jisung will always regret in his life, no matter how hard he tries to forget them. In no particular order, those things are:
Letting Chenle give him a bowl cut before freshman orientation
Sitting with Jaemin during the Calc 122 final (their tests got flagged for cheating)
Meeting you (this might actually be the worst one)
Sure, he knows things could be even worse. In fact, he was really close to peeing himself in his organic chemistry lab once. But even that would be more favorable than his biggest regret—the day he met you.
That day, he’s working a shift at the student store when Chenle suddenly turns to him, gesturing to the tour of prospective students standing outside the glass doors.
“The next group that comes,” he begins, spinning the register keys around a finger. “Over or under fifteen people?”
Jisung snorts; surely the answer is obvious. “Over.”
“You sure?”
“I’ve literally never seen a group with less than fifteen people.”
“Wanna bet on it?”
Jisung snickers, already sensing success. “Bet.”
That was his first mistake.
Because soon enough, the next group arrives and he’s watching, mortified, as Chenle counts a total of fourteen people. Jisung was merely two bodies shy of a victory.
Next thing he knows, he’s trudging out of the storage room in a poorly-ventilated costume of the school’s beloved mascot: Neo, an oversized wolf in a neon green jersey. 
Chenle immediately bursts into a fit of laughter, earning a few stares from the freshmen nearby. Jisung considers smothering him right then and there. His next mistake was not doing that.
“Dude, this thing smells,” he gripes, voice muffled by the large head.
“Yeah,” Chenle agrees, clearly amused. “I don’t think anyone has ever washed that thing.”
Jisung winces at the thought. Then through the perforated plastic eyes, he catches Jaemin barrel into the store, undoubtedly arriving on behalf of Chenle’s erratic texts in their group chat. His face lights up once he sees the giant wolf figure.
“Oh, aren’t you cute?” Jaemin grins, nearly slamming his gym bag into someone’s mom as he makes his way over.
In response, Jisung tries his best to fold his paw into a middle finger.
“Ah—speaking of, I passed by another tour group on the way here,” Jaemin adds. “I think it’s only right that our lovely mascot goes outside to greet them.”
He reaches up to tug at the fake ears and Jisung swats his hands away, scowling behind his mask.
“I’m not doing that,” he groans.
But he stood no chance against the two of them. Chenle and Jaemin easily wrestle Jisung into going outside. They end up (quite literally) having to drag him out the doors and he blames all the time Jaemin spends at the gym.
Now standing at the top of the front steps, he’s held captive by a firm grip around each furry arm. The warmth (and smell) of the suit is starting to get to him so in hindsight, he kind of wants to get it over with as fast as possible. If he can just wave at the group then leave, it'll be fine. It’s not as if anyone will know it’s him anyway.
All of that changes though, once he sees you round the corner.
Fitted in that bright green ‘tour guide’ jacket, Jisung feels his knees buckle as you lead your group towards the store. 
He blanches. “You’ve gotta be kidding—”
There’s a desperate attempt to wiggle away from his friends but it only causes them to hold on tighter, their fingers pressing into the glossy gray fur. Chenle makes it a point to smile widely at him.
“Hey, we can’t have a wolf on the loose when there’s visitors,” he beams.
Jisung’s gonna kill him.
You stop just short of the stairs when you notice their presence, blinking up at Jisung (well, Neo the wolf) in surprise. His heart is pounding in his chest as your eyes flicker between him and his friends.
You’ve shared a few classes with Jisung, and while the two of you have never spoken to each other before, he’s always thought you were pretty (like, really pretty). Meanwhile, he’s not even sure you know his name.
Or that he exists at all.
Beside him, Jaemin coughs out a low, “Wave.”
Hesitantly, Jisung raises his stupidly oversized paw in the air. He can hear you start to tell the story behind the school’s prized mascot but even worse, he can feel Chenle’s hand on his back, pushing him to move closer. Tentatively, Jisung takes a small step forward.
And like the idiot he is, he trips.
With his giant wolf feet, he somehow misses the first step and is sent tumbling to the ground, landing on his stomach as he slides down the concrete stairs. 
This earns a chorus of gasps from you and your group which is soon followed by a stunned silence. He lays still on the ground, frozen under everyone’s stares. Yet that isn’t the most horrifying part.
The worst part was that in the midst of falling, the obscenely large wolf head had come off too.
With his face now smushed into the concrete, Jisung feels the embarrassment coil in the pit of his stomach. He hears someone kneel down beside him.
“Shit, are you okay?” you ask.
Even though the steps were small and the suit had cushioned most of his fall, the lack of a mask meant that he had, in fact, hit his nose at some point. He feels it start to ache. Though the last thing he wants to do right now is face you. He can’t get himself to do it.
Instead, he stays facedown and settles on giving you a thumbs up. You don’t immediately move, so after what feels like an eternity, he hears your shoes shuffle a bit against the pavement. From the corner of his eye, he sees you set down the wolf head beside him. It must’ve rolled away at some point (oh god).
He stiffens. That might’ve been the worst possible thing that could’ve happened next. He would’ve never expected his name to fall from your mouth and slowly, he lifts head up in humiliation. So much for remaining anonymous.
The sight that greets him, though, could’ve came straight out of a shoujo anime.
Bathed in the afternoon light, you’re hovering over him with knitted brows and a look of concern. He catches you sigh out in relief once his eyes meet yours. Now he’s stuck staring dumbly at you, suddenly at a loss for words. You’re somehow prettier up close.
“You okay?” you ask again, setting a hand on his shoulder.
Jisung is just about to respond when he realizes that his nose is very much going to start bleeding. He quickly pushes himself into a seat and reaches a paw (oh god) to his face. His mouth is uncomfortably dry as he looks at you, nodding sheepishly.
“Y-yeah,” his swallows. “I’m okay.”
Your eyes scan him and his cheeks burn. He looks away, praying you don’t notice how flushed his face probably is.
Unknowingly, you scoot closer. “Are you sure? I can call someone, if you need me to. I’m also First Aid certified.”
He nods again, only to pause at the feeling of blood rushing towards his right nostril and he really can’t risk getting it on the suit. He gives you a bashful look, “Actually…do you have a tissue?”
You smile at the sudden request, laughing softly. “Yeah, I do.”
His heart swoons.
Reaching into your tour guide backpack, you take out a packet of tissues, sliding one out before handing it to him. As best as he could, he presses it against his nose with the stupid paw. You help him stand back up.
“Thanks,” he breathes, giving you a small nod. 
“Yeah, no problem,” you say. “I didn’t know you were the mascot.”
“I’m not,” he admits, nodding towards the two idiots behind him. “I lost a bet.”
This earns another dazzling laugh from you. “Okay, good. I think you look better without the fursuit anyway.”
He blinks at you and suddenly, it’s your turn to blush, waving your hands frantically in the air. “N-not that you don’t look good in the costume. Because you do. You always do. I, um, I just meant that—you know...”
Your words falter and honestly, Jisung is still stunned that you think he looks good at all. He lets out a small laugh, one short and airy to ease you.
“It’s okay,” he reassures. “I know what you mean. Thanks.”
You pause for a split second then, looking up at him as if there’s something more you want to say. Only, your attention is snatched once you seem to remember the unfinished tour waiting for you. You look from the group back to him and take a step back. 
“I gotta go.”
With his free hand, he gives you wave, still a bit dazed. “Oh, right. See ya.”
Though just before you leave, you meet his gaze, adding a quick, “I’ll save you a seat in class tomorrow, yeah?”
He stills. This can’t be real. His pulse picks up again, thrumming against his ribcage.
“Y-yeah, sounds good,” he stutters, a smile tugging at his lips. “I’ll see you then.”
You resume your tour and Jisung turns to head back inside, but not without first smacking both Jaemin and Chenle with the stupid wolf head in hand. Even then, he’s undoubtedly smiling like an idiot.
So sure, while Jisung may always regret the way he met you, he can’t really say he’d change a single thing about it either.
After all, it brought him to you.
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
I just recently read the “oikawa slut shmes y/n” and wondered if ushijima would be as harsh and strict with romantic reader than the platonic one. Cause I remember that ushijima made reader do excercises and shoves protein shake down her throat.
No no, because with platonic reader, Ushijima wants you to be a "mini Ushijima". That's why he trains you so hard and gets you on his diet plan.
Romantic reader on the other hand, will never have to experience running laps at the ass crack of dawn and having raw egg protein shakes forced down her throat, because Ushijima doesn't expect you, nor desires you to be like him. No, he wants you to be you, because that's who he fell for. I mean of course if you ask, he'd take you to the gym with him and help you train, but it'll be still no where as brutal as the one platonic reader has to go through. Romantic Ushijima is a gentle giant with you, while platonic Ushijima is a drill sergeant.
So, in short, romantic yandere Ushijima is way softer than platonic yandere Ushijima.
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patheticbabie · 1 year
Hi, Candice,
Igotanidea (pun intended) for you:
Jay (obviously) with a s/o reader who's afraid of physical affection. Maybe she was abused in the past or maybe sth else (your choice). So everytime he tries to get her "in the mood" (iykwim) she flinches and escapes and ices him, even if she wants him so bad. I leave it to your imagination whether he can walk past her inhibitions or not (but hopefully so, cause damn you, for posting those Jay pics :D)
TY :)
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We’ll get through it - Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: body dysmorphia, past eating disorders, comfort, implied smut, angst with fluff at the end. 
Word count: 1,935
A/N: this took me a while to write, because I wanted to be careful with this theme. Also, requests are still open, but it'll take some time to get through, as I've suddenly become sick with the flu. Also thanks @igotanidea 💗
A stressful week called for date night. His idea. They’ve both hardly seen each other due to her working mornings and him late until the night, sometimes until dawn breaks. It was a nice change of pace, to be all dressed for her boyfriend.
She stood in front of the mirror checking over her makeup and painting on a deep red shade of lipstick. Standing back from the mirror, she eyed her outfit, a figure hugging red mini dress with black heels. She looked stunning, but she couldn’t help but grimace at the sight of the fat of her hips peeking through the sides of the dress. She pinched her right side and sighed and thought maybe she could go to the gym or cut back on snacks.
Making his way into their shared bedroom, Jason stopped and leaned against the doorframe, with a smile and let out a low whistle, she was a sight for sore eyes, even more so in his favourite colour. Pulling her out of her negative thoughts, she gave him a soft smile as he made his way towards her to wrap his arms around her waist.
“You look absolutely beautiful, especially in red princess.” He said softly before leaving a kiss on her neck and shoulder. 
Eyeing their reflections she couldn’t help but disagree with him, “I don’t know…love, but I think it’s a bit tight?” 
His hands made their way up to the exposed part of the dress, as he gently caressed her, “Not at all baby, to me you look perfect. Now come on, we don’t wanna miss our dinner reservations” pulling away from her, he watched as she grabbed her clutch and he held his hand out to her with a smile. 
Dinner going smoothly, with the two catching up on what has happened during the week, Jason talking about how Dick got his ass handed to him by a Gotham rogue for his stupid puns, she couldn’t help but laugh as he told her how it happened.
The mood lighting of the restaurant enhanced her features, even more so as she laughed. He stared softly at her with a dreamy smile. He softly grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers “Have I ever told you how much I love your laugh, and how beautiful you look when you laugh too?”
Pink dusted her cheeks and a small laugh escaped her lips “A few times, you corny man”
“Hey, it was me being corny that won you over” he joked
In their private area in the restaurant, she got up from her seat and made her way to him, as she sat down on his thigh, delicate fingers running through his hair, catching onto the white streak. He gazed up at her and kissed her softly “I love you princess.”
She sighed softly and cupped his face “I love you too.” before pressing a soft kiss to his lips
The elevator ride up to their floor felt like it went forever. Teasing touches and stolen kisses were given as his girlfriend tried to push him away with a laugh. Finally reaching their floor, she grabbed his hand and led them down towards their home.
Trying to fish the keys out of her clutch, Jason had his arms wrapped around her waist and kept leaving kisses and lightly biting at her neck, grinning as she fumbled to put the keys into the lock.
“Babe…how am I supposed to get us through the door if you won’t behave?”
“Hm.. you tell me baby” he held her tighter and licked over a spot he bit a bit too hard.
Sighing with relief she finally managed to open the door to their home, before he spun her around, and picked her up effortlessly, as he shut the door with his foot and pinned her to the door. 
“Still want me to behave?” he gave her a smirk, watching how flustered she was
Shaking her head, her fingers played with the hair at the nape of his neck. He chuckled at how she was at a loss for words, as he led them towards the couch, the bedroom just seemed so far away, and he didn’t know if he had that much patience to not rip the red dress that drove him crazy all night.
Sitting on the couch, he leaned back with her on his lap, as he reached for her chin to pull her closer to kiss. The red shade, also driving mad, wanting to know where else it would happen to stain. Wasting no time, she kissed him back passionately, tongues intertwined with each other, as both of their hands eager to feel one another.
When oxygen became a need, she was panting deeply, and her fingers carded their way through his hair, sighing when he left kisses down her neck traveling to her collarbones. Hips grinding against his ever growing hard on, she let out a soft moan of his name, as he bit down on her collarbone to leave a hickey. “Feels so good Jay”
Her hips moved even faster on top of his, she couldn’t help but moan loudly feeling his cock through his pants. “Fuck….please I want…I want..” she couldn’t finish her sentence, not knowing what exactly she wanted, his fingers? Lips? Cock? 
With a hum of agreement, his hands made their way to the back of her dress, easily finding the knot, before slowly undoing the bow. Stilling her movements on top of him, her eyes popped open, suddenly feeling self conscious about her body. She flinched slightly as she felt his fingers lightly tracing her hips.
Not hearing her whines or moans, he opened his eyes, and pulled back slightly to look at her, “princess what’s wrong? Are you okay?” he asked his voice laced with concern 
“I- uh…suddenly feel tired..I know I'm a mood killer. I-I’m sorry” she whispered, and if he wasn’t so close to her he wouldn’t have heard her. Getting off his lap, she stood up, gaze avoiding his as she tried to smooth down the invisible wrinkles in her dress.
Sensing something was wrong, he just nodded and gently grabbed one hand and lifted it to his lips to kiss “it’s okay honey. Don’t be sorry. How about we get changed into comfy pj’s and watch a movie and cuddle, is that okay?”
“um…I-I have an early start tomorrow. Next time yeah?” she gave him a fake smile, she hated lying to him
With a nod, he didn’t wanna push her if she didn’t want to make love or watch movies and cuddle with him. 
Days later, every time he tried to get her into the mood, she always had excuses. First it was that she had some work to do, second she suddenly remembered she had to go to the gym, or even lying about being tired. He thought he had done something wrong, and she felt bad, because all those times she wanted him just as much. But negative thoughts plagued her mind about how she suddenly didn’t like her body or that she looked fat in all her clothes. Which led to her going to the gym at least 3 times a week, early mornings when he was still asleep, and her skipping out on meals, just to attain a perfect physique.
It was a week later when he decided to ask her what was happening. He had noticed that she flinched away from his touches, and only resigned to pecking his lips, not sitting on his lap, and of course, the lack of meals.
He came home to find her in their bedroom, looking at her figure, and heard her mumble “there’s still fat…god why do I have to look this way?”
His brows furrowed as he heard her talk bad about herself. With a sad sigh, she let out a quiet sniffle as she slid down the front of their bed and wiped away a stray tear, “Jay didn’t fall in love with me, just to let my figure go.” she whispered to herself.
Head on her knees, her tears fell down her cheeks, unaware of him making his way into the room to sit beside her. He gently nudged her knee with his, and waited for her to acknowledge him. She looked up and her eyes were red, tears streaking down her cheeks. He looked at her sadly, and tried but failed to wipe away the tears.
She buried her head onto his chest as he held her softly and kissed her head. His heart broke hearing her sobs and choked breaths. It took a few minutes for her to calm down a little, before she heard him ask what was wrong.
“I’m sorry Jason, I feel like I let myself go. And you don’t deserve to love someone like me, completely flawed, who barely likes her own body, who can’t even keep her boyfriend satisfied.”
“Hey hey, have you met me? I’m flawed too, baby. And who cares about sex? I just want you to be happy, feel loved and safe. Tell me what’s wrong?”
Unable to meet his eyes, she wiped away the stray tears that had gathered again “It’s…I think I’ve relapsed, I’m not too sure. But since date night, I’ve been noticing things I hate about my body, which is why I’ve been avoiding you, skipping meals and going harder at the gym more than lately.”
He was patient as he listened to her, heart breaking as he heard her talk about herself in that manner. He knew about her past eating disorder, all of which stemmed from her ex best friend in school, her older sister and an ex boyfriend. He didn’t know how anyone could say such cruel things to you. Wordlessly, he gathered her into his arms, and tilted her chin up to look at him. 
“Why didn’t you tell me? You know I care about you princess, I love you so much that I wanna be the one who can take away your pain, or carry it for you when things get too tough. I’m not going away, I’m here, even when you can’t fathom why someone loves you, I’ll be here to remind you, how much I love you, and that you’re always going to be beautiful to me, no matter what shape or size you are.”
“But Jay, please don’t lie about that. I just wanna be perfect for you.”
“Who said I’m lying? And you’re always perfect to me baby.” he said softly and gently cupped her face and left a kiss on her forehead and both her cheeks. 
“I know you’re going through a rough patch right now, I understand, it’ll take time, but I’m here, I’ll always be by your side, to hold your hand, and be your personal hype man. I promise you that.”
“You really are madly in love with me, even when I look like this.” her eyes soft, with unshed tears. For once in her life, feeling as though someone might actually care enough to help her take on her problems.
“How could I not be? You’re the love of my life, and I wanna make you feel safe and loved. All your battles? We’ll get through it together, cause no way in hell am I giving you up.” he gave her a soft kiss and then held her close to his heart.
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stars-tonight · 2 months
Hiii, can I request a scenario or headcanon, idk what it’s called really😅. You know know how you have the match ups request and the other one. That’s the one I mean you know 😭
Characters: atsumu, suna
So my cousins and I sometimes get together and play volleyball casually. We play at friendly tournaments against other teams it’s nothing official or serious really. But my cousins and I get together to practice cause we lowkey suck
So my request is how would Atsumu and Suna be if their significant other invited them to play volleyball casually with her family? Like would they take it a little too seriously and really want to win? Would they call in their teammates to the team as reinforcements? Do they go coach mode? Idk what else😋
My emoji🍓
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miya atsumu
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🕊️ unfortunately, he's never used "casual" and "volleyball" in the same sentence before
🕊️ his first serve he goes back and absolutely whips it
🕊️ if you're playing outside in your backyard, it definitely bounces over the fence and into the neighbor's yard
🕊️ you make atsumu get it
🕊️ if you're playing in a gym, it'll probably hit the ground and bounce so high it gets stuck in the ceiling or something
🕊️ like you know how there are sometimes wooden beams on the ceiling
🕊️ i'm so bad at describing but imagine it just gets stuck on one of those large ceiling fans or something
🕊️ and your whole family just stares at him until you go over and you're like "yo so this might be surprising but we're actually not national level players, it'd be really nice if you could maybe just take it easy?"
🕊️ unfortunately he still goes kinda hard after that but he tries to listen to you and tone it down a bit
🕊️ absolutely loves the praise he gets from your cousins when they first see his skills
🕊️ if you enter a tournament with him you're guaranteed to win
🕊️ if you enter like a doubles tournament he's automatically your partner
🕊️ if you enter a team tournament he'll probably call in osamu
🕊️ lowkey a ball hog 😭
🕊️ will probably only set to 'samu
🕊️ however he'll probably get a little annoyed once he realizes that you guys don't play on the same level as him
🕊️ will probably end up saying something mean without realizing it
🕊️ your cousins will probably dislike him a bit more after this
🕊️ atsumu plays volleyball to win, and he'll find a way to win even if it's a casual tournament
🕊️ maybe it's not the best idea to ask him to take it easy
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suna rintarō
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🕊️ actually could not be happier to play casually for once
🕊️ definitely will not go all out
🕊️ if you all take water breaks he'll just be scrolling on his phone
🕊️ although if you play in a tournament against other teams?
🕊️ man has a reputation to uphold
🕊️ he IS a national level player after all
🕊️ so if you're playing other teams (even if it's a tournament just for fun) he's blocking every ball
🕊️ will somehow do it without getting the least bit sweaty
🕊️ if you ask him how he's not sweaty, he'll respond with a snarky "it's not hard to block them"
🕊️ you have to believe him though because he's too lazy to actually put in effort which means he was just messing around and still blocked everyone
🕊️ his skill level is just that far above everyone else lol
🕊️ probably won't call in any backup
🕊️ he already has enough of the twins on a daily basis because they're on the same team and in the same year
🕊️ would rather just spend this time alone with you
🕊️ he'll probably warm up with an airpod in
🕊️ suna does play volleyball professionally post-timeskip so it's not like he doesn't like volleyball or is opposed to actually trying
🕊️ he just has a tendency to do just enough to get the job done
🕊️ and that's not different here
🕊️ he'll probably deny any requests for photos or autographs with fans (lol) because he's feeling like being a little shit
🕊️ or he'll sign his name and add a note:
🕊️ "your defense really could use some work"
🕊️ definitely posts you on his social media
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A/N: there you go 🍓anon, i hope you liked it! thank you for requesting a fic, i loved writing with a prompt even though it takes me a long time to get started 🙈
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maxcuntstappen · 5 months
Bestie lestappen with the reverse trope “too many beds” ????? But they still share maybe?? Could be ridiculously funny
From this. Honestly any of these would be hilarious
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It's the night of the annual lock-in.
Max never understood the point of them, really.
But it keeps him away from his house and gives him more time with his friends so he's not going to bitch about it.
After the chaos of last year's 'oh let's put a bunch of hormonal, horny, overly sensitive kids in one gym for one whole night and see how it goes', the management seems to have come to their senses and split the crowd up.
Max likes it better like this, 6 to 10 people in one classroom, people you can choose to have with you with all the bonding activities left for the gym.
It comforts him, knowing that he has a place to retreat if it all gets too much.
And it does get too much. But not in the way he expects.
"MAX!!!!!" Oscar yells, snapping him out of his snooze, just in time for Max to dodge the ball heading straight to his face.
"What the fuck," Max growls, or at least tries to, it comes out as a whine instead.
He would feel embarrassed if he wasn't busy feeling so fucking tired instead.
It's not his fault that GP and Seb made the entire team run double their usual drills because one stupid fucking freshman was late to the practice.
"What the fuck is you," Lando yells, making no sense but the frustration in his voice gets the message across.
"Okay," Alex's voice declares, "We need to regroup."
The other team groans and complains but they're retreating to their side as they do.
Fucking dickheads.
Alex pulls Max to the side, leaving their team discussing and strategising behind.
"Max, you know I love you," Alex starts, and Max preens a bit, always happy with how openly affectionate his friends are with him, "But you're a damn liability, man."
Max frowns, "No, I'm not."
"Yes, you are," George pops up out of nowhere, cause of fucking course, "We are being absolutely murdered out there and you're not helping."
"Okay, Russell, I've seen you throw, let's not pretend you're Tom fucking Brady, yeah?" Max snaps.
George opens his mouth to snark back but Alex pushes him away, "Go. Now."
George grumbles but walks away.
"Max, buddy," Alex says, voice gentle, "It's okay to be tired. It's late. You can rest."
But Max doesn't want to rest. He wants to be with his friends and watch them be stupid. He wants to watch Lando slip on the polished floor and he wants to point at him and laugh in his face. He wants to watch George get worryingly protective of Alex when they play capture the flag. He wants to watch Charles argue and argue and argue over one single point in one of these redundant stupid games. He wants to watch him win the argument. Because he will win the argument. Max knows this all too well.
"But..." Max begins to protest, but Alex runs his hand through Max's hair and Max fucking melts into it before he remembers himself and snaps up straight.
"Yeah," Alex says, all sympathetic and soft. That cunt.
Max sighs.
Hard-headed as he is, even he knows when he needs to call it quits.
Max nods, making Alex softly smile.
"I'll see you in a bit, yeah?" Alex squeezes his shoulder, and turns to return to their miserably losing dodge ball team.
Max is practically dragging his feet as he exits the gym. He feels a tinge of sadness at the idea of missing out but it's overshadowed by the absolute fucking joy he's deriving from imagining how fucking good it'll feel to finally, finally be in a horizontal position.
He's just turned into the hallway when a voice calls out, "OI! MAX!"
Max looks back to see a grinning a bit-too-widely Daniel, holding a wide eyed, clearly trying-very-hard-not-to-blink Charles.
"Take him with you too, yeah?" Daniel says, slightly pushing Charles in Max's direction.
He leaves before Max can even get a word in.
Max sighs, running his eyes over Charles' rumpled appearance ; loose red sweatpants and a cream hoodie big enough to fit two, bloodshot eyes with mad scientist hair to match.
Max isn't the only one among his friends who had to run double the drills today.
"Tired?" Max asks, already knowing the answer.
Charles simply nods, his hoodie-covered hand coming up to rub at his eyes.
The sight makes Max feel all soft and mushy.
It's a feeling he's becoming increasingly familiar with, thanks to Charles' existence.
"Come on then," Max says, gesturing with a nod to the hallway towards their chosen class.
They walk next to each other wordlessly, both too tired to thinking of anything to talk about.
Max, surprisingly, is fine with it.
He thought it might be weird, considering just how much Charles and him talk when they're together.
But no.
This is fine too.
It's perfectly fine.
And then they reach their classroom and both of them stop short.
"Uh," Charles says, and Max agrees with that sentiment.
Because there are ten mattresses placed around the class, spread out from one wall to another.
Max so doesn't have the energy to gay panic about sleeping arrangements right now.
He never thought having too many options would ever be a problem when it came to sharing a bed with Charles.
Max glances over, sees Charles' eyes dart all over the floor, clearly trying to figure out his next move.
Max sighs, thinking, 'This is stupid'.
Cause it is.
Charles and Max have known each other since they were kids. Maybe they didn't like each other for half of that time.
But things are different now.
Even if Charles doesn't feel the same bubbly warm overwhelming feelings that Max feels for him, Max knows that Charles still likes him, still likes his company and their conversations and their time spent together.
That's more than Max's tired brain to make a decision.
"C'mon," he mumbles, taking Charles' hand in his, walking them over to the mattress closest to them.
He drops down, making Charles yelp and follow, somehow managing to not stab Max with his elbow.
It's not a big enough mattress to share.
But it's not a small enough mattress to not share.
Charles decides to stay, pressed up to Max's side.
Max is out before he can really appreciate the warmth and the comfort and the joy of the moment.
But it's okay, there will be other times.
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armpirate · 8 months
Anti-romantic || JJk | Ch. 5
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Pairings: Boxer!Jungkook x fem!reader || Enemies to lovers, neighbors
Genre: smut, angst, fluff, curse, illegal boxing, violence
Warnings: fuckboy!Jungkook x reader, smut, dirty talk, curse, mention of tarot and fate
Summary: Jungkook had always been carefree when it came to love. He always believed he was worth sharing himself with everyone, and thought it was selfish of him to ever think of keeping himself exclusive to just one person.
And maybe that was exactly what got him into the big problem he was in.
A curse that kept him away from love didn't seem an issue for him. The fact that his ex-girlfriend thought he'd be affected by the idea of the girls he slept with running away from him after sex was ridiculous. She actually did him a favor, and took a burden away from him.
At least that was what he thought at first.
He had never found himself thinking of the possibility of repeating with neither of his hook ups, because they disappeared before he was able to even think about it. But when he makes the mistake of sleeping with the sexy neighbor that lives in front of him, he finds himself hoping to get the chance for a second round every time their paths cross.
Y/n hated him the second he set foot inside the building by the way he started making her life a miserable mess for no reason. Sleeping with him was a big mistake she wasn't thinking of repeating. At least not until he came up with the excuse that she rejected him for a curse. Not only she thought he was annoying, but she was also convinced he was crazy. 
There was no way she could take him seriously.
Aprox. time of reading: 18 minutes
Chapter warnings: [Violence] Illegal fights [Smut] Blood licking, mentions of sex
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She felt her arm twitching, before the rest of her body reacted to the sound of her phone buzzing and blasting some music. She could tell it was still night when her eyes opened, with her room only being lit by the screen of her phone.
Her hand reached for the shaky device on her nightstand. She let out a sigh when she saw Jack's name on her screen, before she answered the call and laid her phone against her ear to be able to hide her arm under her blanket again.
—Do you know what time it is? —her voice sounded sleepy and tired.
After what happened with Jungkook a few days back, she had finally been able to keep up with some of the rest he forced her leave behind, only to be interrupted again by one of the sources she managed to find the little time she worked in that newspaper.
—I thought you'd like to hear the exclusive I have for you, but if it's not the case…
—I swear if it's another dumbass breaking a Record Guiness for the longest fart in history, I'll go wherever you are and kill you with my own hands —she threatened.
She was too tired, too annoyed and too done with life to deal with something like that again.
—And how does an illegal fight in South Shore sound?
Her eyes suddenly opened at the mention of that, sitting on the bed almost instantly and causing her phone to fall over the blanket.
—…I have to take a flight in thirty minutes, yet I'm giving you some golden info for you to treat me that way.
—Jack, shut up. What are you talking about?
Y/n had been after that information for months -or more so, almost a year-, but whenever she thought she was getting somewhere, it always ended up with a wall blocking any chance she could have of finding out more about it.
—Ah, so now you're interested?
—Unless you want me to show up at O'Hare, you better start talking.
—I have a friend who received a message for it after he started training at some gym. Apparently, some owners and trainers introduce their fighters to it —she heard him sigh—. It's tonight, at eleven. It'll be in that abandoned nylon factory near the bay. Do you know where it is?
—I think I know, but could you send me the location?
Before she was able to celebrate it, Jack's voice got her attention again.
—Whatever you do, please be careful and try to be as discreet as possible. I know you already know how dangerous the people in there are, but I don't want you to risk yours and my friend's asses.
She hung up the call, assuring Jack that she'd be as careful as possible about it, while also being sure that it'd be a chance she wouldn't allow to pass. She'd have to ask her boss for the company's car though, and that probably wouldn't be easy.
—3A, do you know what fucking time it is? Have those phone calls at a normal time —Jungkook whined on the other side.
Her eyes rolled instantly after hearing his muffled voice through the wall. For the first time, she was regretting that awful hole she chose to do out of desperation a few nights back.
Opting to simply ignore him, she left her phone back on the nightstand, connecting it back to the charger before she rolled in her bed to find the right position to fall asleep again.
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Her fingers tapped nervously at the wheel plastic cover, feeling everything she ate piling up at the entrance of her stomach as if it were planning to go all its way up her throat. For one second, she thought if it was really worth it. She had gone too long after it for no reason, it wasn't like it was going to change anything for her, and it also was a superficial story no one would care about after reading it. It was the type of story that entertained people, but that created no complex thoughts after "Oh, wow, some people are doing something that doesn't affect me at all. Let me pretend to be concerned about it, before I jump to the sports section". She remembered how even the chief editor was surprised with her election, when there were many good articles to choose from that week: elections, manifestations, a worldwide celeb's scandal… yet she stagnated to something that would go unnoticed.
There wasn't a lot of control to get inside. Actually, there was no control And she guessed that it could be because no one, except for the people who received a message, would know about that fight. She was convinced that the few people who went there either bet money or fought.
The smell was heavy as she stepped inside, walking among the crowd. It wasn't anything putrid, or that couldn't be bearable, but the humidity from the walls -because of how old and unattended the place was- was noticeable in the air, and she wondered how healthy breathing that air was.
It felt uncomfortable walking through those people, trying to make it as close as possible to the improvised boxing ring, but she still did it, making sure the hood of her jacket wouldn't move as she tried to cover her face and hair as much as possible -and she wasn't the only one doing that.
Her heart raced as she got closer, managing to see the spots from fresh blood on the floor before the two fighters started a new round. And it felt like it'd escape through her mouth when, holding her phone tight in her fingers, she moved it through her sleeve as little as possible to just let the camera peek over to film the whole thing.
She was forced to move when one shoulder suddenly blocked her view, although maybe that'd be better to cover up the whole thing closer to the ring. Once she thought she had enough of that fight, she moved to the side, escaping from the crowd and also getting closer to where some of the fighters were.
Her heart beat fast for one second, as if it had a sudden electric shock when she felt someone pulling from her hood.
—Hope you know you can't record here —a thick voice warned at her back.
She was ready to reply to that accusation, hiding her phone deep into her sleeve as she turned on her tracks. His almost folded eyelids, positioned in a challenging way, widened when he realized it was his neighbor in front of him.
—What the fuck are you doing here? —Jungkook spoke first, widening the way his eyebrows were furrowing.
—I could say the right same thing —she replied back, moving away from him.
Jungkook sighed, looking away for a mini second before his eyes were back on her. Having to be there was bad enough, but seeing the last person he wanted to see there made it worse. Ever since their paths crossed, it seemed like he wasn't able to escape her, especially after what happened the last night they were together in the same place.
—Are you a cop?
—It's not your business —she replied back.
Having her there would only be a big distraction he wouldn't be able to deal with. Jungkook didn't want to know why she was there, or how she knew about the fight, he was just thinking of having her leave as soon as possible.
He sighed exasperated, realizing how that conversation would take them nowhere. She wasn't going to give away her reason, so there was no point in arguing with her about it.
—If you're smart, which after these weeks I doubt —he added, referencing the several encounters they had had ever since he moved in—, leave and delete whatever it is you've filmed. You don't wanna deal with the people here.
—Jungkook, you're next —they both heard at the side.
Y/n just scoffed at that, looking back at him. If his black tank top, and his black shorts weren't enough for her to tell, that person confirmed it for her.
—Seems like you aren't that smart either.
There was no point in arguing with her, he knew she wouldn't listen even if he told her to go home because the people in that place had robbery with violence as the most mild crime. His eyes dropped on her quickly before his lips twisted, tilting his head.
—Do whatever you want, then.
Those were the last words he dedicated to her, before he walked past her body and disappeared among the crowd. It wasn't like she had much of a choice when it came to what she wanted to do. On one side, she knew she wouldn't get to know what she went looking for, but on the other side, she needed more content for the article.
The crowd suddenly seemed more invested in the upcoming fight, surprising her when she heard the chants and growls as the two fighters were presented.
Rodric "The Bully", and the Doberman of Busan.
She rolled her eyes at what she believed was Jungkook's name. "Doberman of Busan", someone had to be kidding her.
In the ring, Jungkook tried to contain his need to break Rodric's nose before the bell even announced the start of the fight, after he whispered how he was dead meat and how he'd eat him in a matter of seconds.
It wasn't a comment that surprised him in any way, but that still annoyed him.
The fight started with the two of them slowly meeting each other at the center, throwing daring glares over their gloves as they tried to guess who'd be the first to attack.
All his confidence was gone towards the end of the second round, his face was covered in blood that spilled down from his eyebrow and his broken lip. After falling a few times, and standing up before the count reached the fourth number, he was already feeling dizzy, hardly managing to see through that blurry gaze he was already suffering from.
He had good resistance, but he was better at attack than that night. Maybe the fact that his neighbor was among the crowd played an important factor. Checking on her, while trying to make sure no asshole would bother her and no guard would catch her filming played as big favor for Rodric -who smirked at him whenever he got up and got ready to be beaten.
His body fell flat on the floor again when he received a hook, after he heard Y/n complaining while trying to get rid of Jimmy's grip.
At that point of the fight, where the count didn't even matter, Rodric smiled, getting ready to give him the final punch as he walked towards his body.
Jungkook tried to stand up, or at least roll on the ground by himself, but his body reached a limit that night. Most parts felt numb, only being aware of the way Rodric made him lie on his back.
The devil seemed to be on his side that day though, seeing everyone panicking around him when the place was suddenly lighted by blue and red lights, along with several cops telling everyone to stay still in their places.
His back collided against the ground again, when Rodric let go of him, not without promising the next time he wouldn't be as lucky. He didn't expect the night to end as bad when he received the text for the fight, but there he was: lying on the ground and getting ready to be arrested and taken to the police station.
As soon as Jimmy found more important his freedom than whatever it was that she filmed, Y/n got ready to leave as well. Until she saw Jungkook lying on the ground, not even attempting to move.
She was genuinely thinking of leaving him there. Maybe that was the answer to her prayers for the past three weeks.
She clicked her tongue when she found herself bearing with all the pushes and pulls, walking against the flow to reach Jungkook.
—We need to leave —she whispered to him, helping him to get up and walk by hooking his right arm around her neck.
Jungkook managed to open his plump eyes, looking down to see her dragging him to the nearest exit until the two of them reached an old car, where she pushed him to the backseats.
While he looked conscious from the outside, it actually seemed like his body was moving automatically, following her guidance and doing what felt right. He wasn't even aware of how fast she drove from the center to their building until she dropped his body over her couch abruptly, making him moan while he closed his eyes.
She could've left him on his doorstep until he regained some consciousness back, and she would be lying if she had said she didn't feel tempted to, but she still allowed him to step inside her place. She also helped him get rid of the gloves and the bandages carefully, scared of him being injured or hurt after the fight.
—I can do that myself —he mumbled, moving his hands away.
—Fine —she dropped his hand hard over his thigh, getting a low groan from him—. Do it yourself.
For one second she forgot she was dealing with the pain in the ass Jungkook was.
Although she was annoyed, she still moved around her place, trying to get the few things she had to cure the wounds on his face. She looked after him, but it didn't mean she wouldn't use it to her advantage either.
He hissed, squirmed and moved his head away every time she pressed hard on the places she wanted to heal, finding some joy in his pissed off expression. She also prepared some ice cubes covered in a rag, ignoring his stretched hand to press it directly on the wound on his eyebrow until she saw him holding it.
Jungkook looked around her place, finding the similarities in structure, but seeing it completely different from his own. Her house seemed cozy, ready to bring calmness to anyone who stepped inside. Her furniture was also black and white, but the different accessories over them created a huge change. Like the thick purple blanket that was over the backrest of her couch, on his side, or the big world map that was over his head. She even had pictures displayed over the cabinet next to her door, and a jar filled with bright pink flowers.
Just like he expected, her house was as feminine and delicate as she seemed.
His head moved in her direction again when he heard her hissing and huffing. Y/n looked at the broken screen, cursing at that man who dropped her phone against the floor when he caught her filming. At least she'd be able to use the videos and pictures it took her so long to get, but she'd have to repair the screen or get a new phone. And both options were too expensive to think about lightly.
—Look at what you did —Jungkook frowned at her accusation.
—Me? I already told you not to film there.
—If you hadn't reached out to me, and shouted how I should stop filming, no one else would've noticed —she dropped the phone over the coffee table.
—Sure, because you were so good at pretending you were doing nothing suspicious… —he squinted his eyes— Who else would've thought this —Jungkook lifted his right hand at the level of his chest, in the most unnatural posture ever— was suspicious if it hadn't been for me.
Jungkook dropped the rag over the couch, finally standing up to confront her.
—I'm the one who should be mad. Look at my face —he pointed at it with his two indexes—. If you had stopped recording when I told you and gone home, I would've been able to focus on my fight.
—I didn't ask you to focus on me —she replied back—. Oh, also…
Jungkook looked confused when she crossed her living room, opening one of the drawers of the furniture next to her table and seeing her walking back to him.
—I also didn't ask for your eighty dollars —she handed him the money.
The morning after she got stuck outside, he managed to hear the conversation she was having with her mother, as she ranted and hell opened beneath them at the several curses because of how expensive the locksmith was.
Leaving the eighty dollars at her footstep was his way to apologize for the way he treated her the previous night. She was confused at first, but was determined to return it to him when pride went back to her and was big enough to forget how she drooled for him all over his face.
—It was my fault you got stuck outside.
—It wasn't, I should've checked first —she sighed—. I don't want your money, and you didn't need to make up for shit —she left the money in front of him at the coffee table.
—But you still blamed me for your broken phone —he replied.
Y/n sighed, looking down at her phone when she realized the argument with Jungkook would take her anywhere. It didn't matter if she had to buy a new phone, because she'd probably be able to opt for better articles and more recognition after she posted her reportage. The screen suddenly went dark before she could even enter the gallery, going completely useless although the battery was at fifty per cent still.
—No —she whined—. No, no, no, no, no
Not like it would change a thing, but she let out her desperation, moving her thumb over the screen as if that would make her phone react. She gasped, and cracked a whimper, dropping the phone from her hands when she felt her fingerprint being sliced.
It wasn't a deep cut, she definitely wouldn't lose her finger. It was more the type of cut she could get with a sheet of paper, but it still was bothersome and some blood started to leak.
She wasn't aware of Jungkook still being there until he stepped closer to her, hearing his sigh over her before he took her wrist and looked at the tiny and thin wound. She was expecting him to do anything, but her body froze when he raised her hand a bit more to wrap his lips around her finger.
The tiniest bit of pain disappeared, because all her senses were too focused on the way his warm mouth felt around her finger, and how his slick tongue moved around softly. Her cheeks started to burn when his eyes sank in hers, as if he were trying to read her thoughts.
Not like they were too complicated to guess them though.
She gulped thick, regaining some senses back.
—Don't you know how dangerous it is to do that? —she tried to break off the moment.
Letting go of her finger with a loud pop sound, he smirked at her.
—What are you talking about now?
—Licking someone you don't know's blood. Apart from the amount of bacteria that could come out of your mouth, you don't know if I'm sick…
—Holy shit, you're like a walking encyclopedia. Are you even sick to say that? —he raised his eyebrow.
And she certainly wasn't worried about the consequences of what he did, but the reaction and effects it was creating in her body.
—Then what are you so worried about? —he rolled his eyes.
—I'm just trying to let you know that… —he interrupted her again.
—Fine —Jungkook nodded—. I'll lick something else instead.
While she was still trying to process what he meant, Jungkook hooked his fingers around her nape, in an attempt to pull her closer. Although she moved back before he was able to lick her lower lip.
—Do those lines actually work with anyone? —she challenged, lifting her eyebrow.
—Why? Jealous?
—More like going through a first stage of second hand embarrassment —she pushed him.
Jungkook huffed, letting his eyes go to the back of his head as he let go of her body, walking back to the couch and dropping his body lazily on it with a sigh.
—I bet you do much better with that rottweiler attitude —he scoffed.
—I'm better with actions, indeed.
Jungkook's gaze followed her as she walked over him, stopping in front of his legs. It was so hard for him to tell what her intentions were, that maybe that was what drew him to her that way.
She slightly separated his legs, pushing her knee against his until there was a small gap in his thighs. He suddenly felt nervous, gulping thick when her knee fell so close to his crotch, making the place he was sitting at sink a bit on that spot. He moved under her nervously when both of her knees were positioned on each side of his body.
—Are you nervous? —she purred close to his lips, tilting her head.
—You'd need to do much more than this —he lied.
If Y/n leaned closer to him, Jungkook was sure she'd be able to feel the way his heart pumped against his chest like crazy, beating racing up when her breath moved from his lips to his neck.
—Did you take off your piercings? —she suddenly asked.
—Yeah —he threw his head back—. It's… It's better for the fight. Do I look better without them?
—Hmm, it's not that —she rubbed her lips against his—. I wanted to know how it'd feel to pass my tongue over them.
Jungkook's words got stuck in his throat, and soon she had his body trying to hold back the way it squirmed when her tongue traced the line of his marked jaw, starting from the superficial hole his piercings had left.
—I bet you thought I'd end up riding you on that crusty couch of yours after shaming me —she whispered.
The mere image of Y/n taking every inch of him, with her tits bouncing with every move of her hips, got him twitching in his pants, grasping at the fabric of her couch while holding back from touching her.
She licked her lips, rubbing her lips against his before she moved to the other side with a dangerous smile, making him flinch when her breath was then on his left earlobe.
—I probably would have if you had insisted a bit more.
—Why don't you ride me here, then?
She smiled, leaning on him to ghost a kiss on his lips, pushing him back against the backrest when he attempted to kiss her instead. His lower lip was trapped between her teeth, being pulled lightly as he felt all of his skin burning with something so simple.
—It seems like my rottweiler attitude actually works.
Everything she helped to build up was destroyed within seconds, when he stopped feeling her warmth caging him as she moved to the free spot next to him to get up next.
—You look better now, so why don't you walk home and deal with that? —she mocked, pointing at the noticeable bulge under his shorts.
—I can snap my fingers and have three like you showing up at my door —he huffed as he got up.
—Snap your fingers and disappear with them, please —her chuckle made him feel heated.
—You think you're the big deal.
—I got you hard in less than a minute by just licking your ear, judge by yourself.
—You really don't know what you're missing…
As he kept talking, Y/n started to push him towards the door, finding it hard to control his body as she tried to open it.
—Ever heard of what a multiorgasm is? —he went on, ignoring how she was kicking him out— Sex with me is on a whole different level of any other thing you've ever experienced. I…
Her door shut in front of his face before he was able to finish the sentence. Jungkook just stood there, looking at her door for a few seconds before he turned around and sighed after looking down at his bulge.
That woman was so twisted and cruel.
Taglist: @jk97bam @ttanniett
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paper rings part 2!!!(teacher!spiderdads)
oh my god. hi. this fic has pushed me to 100 followers (after 6 years on tumblr 😭😭) and is my most liked post ever. OHMYGOD
yes i will be writing the teacher one!! it'll be multi-chapter lelelel but the first chapter shld be out by this week!! pls stick with me *pray hand emoji*
alright so. the first 500 words of the chapter for u guys. bc i love u
thank u all sm
Brooklyn Visions Academy is a good school. 
It pays well, there’s a clear path to promotion for him and it’s close enough to his house that he won’t be late when Gabriella forgets her water bottle for school. 
Their gyms are nice too. There's air-conditioning when they do assemblies, and the floors aren't horrendously squeaky. Miguel waits by the side for the principal to finish his announcements and introduce all the new teachers. There are at least seven of them here and pessimistically, he wonders how many of them will make it through the year. 
He wears the blue polo (Read: The one Gabriel hated the least) and he tries to go through what he’s going to do today. After this assembly is his first class. Ask them for their names, go through expectations and start work properly. He’s here to do his job and to do it well. 
“Hi,” The guy beside him speaks. He has brown eyes and brown hair, and he looks like he should be tall, but Miguel has to angle his head down to look at him. He’s wearing an ironed maroon shirt. He smells like hot chocolate. “I’m Peter Parker, you’re one of the new guys too, right?” 
Miguel nods. He has to pick up Gabriella today because her piano lesson got pushed to the weekend. So, he has to make sure that he brings home any materials he wants to look over for the next lesson. Then, he’ll probably pick up pizza, the four-cheese one for Gabriella and a small meat lovers fo him. 
“Are you the other Humanities guy? I teach Literature, so it’s nice to know someone, I guess.” Peter Parker has a face that looks like it should always be smiling. There’s a strand of hair falling onto his forehead. Miguel doesn’t think he would care. “I mean, I hope you are, as long as you don’t teach Economics, 'cause only blood-suckers would teach something that bad.”
Peter Parker apparently doesn’t know how to shut up. 
"I teach Economics." 
The principal gestures for them to get on the stage, and Miguel walks past the shell-shocked Peter Parker. Peter quickly follows, and as the Principal introduces them, he leans in to whisper. 
"I'm sorry, I didn't know you, uh, sorry." Eloquent, for a literature teacher. Miguel fears for the poor literary geniuses who have to be taught by Peter. 
Miguel's name is read out on the screen, and Peter turns around to look at the projection. "So, Miguel, sorry about that, let's start over, get this right." 
The bell rings and the teachers get off the stage, loafers and heels clicking on the veneered wood. Miguel could just walk out of the hall right now and get to his first class, but a tap on his shoulder stops him. 
"I'm Peter Benjamin Parker," He introduces again, a hand outstretched. "I love every subject ever and I am excited to work with you." He lets out a breath after like this was an effort to say. 
Miguel shakes his hand. "I'm Miguel." The sun is streaming into the high windows, and the room is being painted in bright yellows. "I have to go, can't risk getting hit by the sunlight."
Confusion quickly gives way to joy on Peter's face, and Miguel lets himself stand still for an extra second to see Peter's smile before he stalks off.
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h-ayata · 1 month
Francis and little plant crisis🌿
When in March Violet moved in with him for a few weeks he thought that it's not gonna be so visible. Sure, it's another person in your apartment, another mug in the sink and another basket of laundry, but the person itself wasn't by his side most of the time. She was at work, at the gym, at her friends house and while at home, she worked in the same spot not making any mess. Even her cat was kinda hard to spot most of the time. Violet wasn't shy or quiet, she was a fun person and a good partner for conversation and jokes. She was responsible for her space, trying to always clean after herself first thing after she did something. Never wanted to make him overwhelmed with her presence in his own home. He saw that's she's dealing with hard times and since he knew her as a good neighbor, he wasn't so afraid of taking her in. There was only one thing started to get under control.
Violet 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘴 plants.
Her apartment is full of them. Vases, pots, flower bouquets, little succulents, hanging ivy. 6 feet long monstera. Everything. And she had to leave it in her house. Because of the growing black mold behind her washing machines and cabinets that started spreading more and more she obviously had to call the right guys to clean it up. Her apartment is old and has a lot of history, so the ventilation system was in horrible shape. The landlord trying to save money wasn't very helpful with making it right cause it's only her issue. It was a battle back and forth. So of course she had to move out for the time being, she wasn't trying to die. She was already scared that she can have issues because of breathing it for God knows how long. So she grabbed her things and stayed with Francis. Violet was entering her apartment only if she needed to take something or water her plants. But with time she started to move pots into his flat.
"Can I take this little one? It's not gonna take too much space, I'm afraid it'll completely die cause of the ozone that crew is using. Everything is getting weaker."
"Yeah, sure. It would be a shame, it's pretty."
So she placed it on the window. Next one on the table. The bigger one she throwed in the corner full of sunlight. And before he noticed his apartment was cluttered with flowers. He tried to wash a plate— pots in the sink. She was watering again. And he didn't say "no" at any point. It kinda just... Happened. He had a few plants that was his own, but now they were thriving. Everything became more aesthetically pleasing, even if sometimes it was a little annoying. Violet seemed content though. Exited about plants when she talked to him about them. He thought it was kinda cute. Seeing this overworked lady happy about such a small thing. Maybe that's why he didn't say "no". But when they became closer friends and he was going shopping with her he was trying to talk her out of buying another one.
"It's called an addiction, darling."
"Don't be silly, it's just a small one, you wouldn't even notice it if I'd just bring it home."
"You said that every time you brought a new plant and now our house looks more like a jungle than anything - you have enough"
Well she did sneaked it home, and he noticed it after a week.
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its-gonna-be-may · 6 months
//IMPORTANT: Hi, I'm gonna preamble this instead of putting this below the cut because its kinda important. I originally wanted to kinda string you along with a mystery but due to the themes involved in this blog I feel I kinda owe you an explanation up front. Basically, this is not "May" this is "A person from a "real world" (not our real world but something that resembles it) got isekai'd into May's body My Next Life as a Villainess style." While their world had Pokemon games and as such they are trying their best to "follow the script" out of fear that going off-script will cause something bad to happen, I will not be treating this as if May is trapped in a game. The Pokemon World is simply a parallel reality to theirs that happens to bear a striking resemblance to a popular video game series in their world. So, if any of that sounds like it'll make you uncomfortable, consider this a warning.
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Hi! I'm May! I'm new to the Hoenn region, just moved here, and I'm going on my Pokemon Journey! I'm gonna get all the Gym Badges and be Champion! Me and my team, of course!
That sounds about right, I think. Now just stick to the script and hope nobody asks me too many personal questions.
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I see your bealil with the workout post, I raise you teasing (and probably something more) when they’re working out. Adrenaline can cause many things to happen.
lil bit of Beatrice being down bad horrendously horny, lil bit of Lilith reflecting on her self worth, lil bit of me experimenting with 2nd pov because I don't do it that often. enjoy!
The thing is that you don't think you're not attractive. You get it. Some people on some level may find you aesthetically pleasing. Or they would've, before the whole scales and wings and eyes that shimmer with fire from within. Or they still do, because your partners seem to still like looking at you because they're kinda weird.
A good kind of weird, but weird nonetheless.
But the way Beatrice is looking at you right now.
It's something else entirely.
Beatrice has a lot of different ways of looking. Her smart eyes catalogue a million things a minute, things most people would miss. and right now that hungry, learning gaze is trained on you.
You're not doing anything especially special, just going through your normal workout routine. You've been building strength though, and you know your arms reflect a type of hard won muscle that you've never exactly had before, helped along by three square meals a day for the first time in recent memory. Your back is getting stronger too, it helps with the residual pain from the wings.
"You're staring." You say to break the silence. Beatrice starts, like she wasn't aware of you staring at her through the mirror that takes up one side of your makeshift home gym.
Beatrice clears her throat, sets aside the resistance band she was using (or ignoring in favor of staring at you), and steps slightly closer to you. "I was."
You don't bother to pause your curls, opting to track Beatrice's movement in the mirror behind you instead. "Why?"
"You're rather," Beatrice steps up directly behind her, with you sitting like this she towers over you in the mirror. Beatrice clears her throat and starts again. "You're getting quite strong, you strike a rather imposing figure."
"I'm not really trying to." You defend, somewhat uselessly, because Beatrice knows this best of all. You're alike in this way, the need to be able to protect your loved ones, a drive to feel useful in any way you can.
Beatrice puts a soft hand on your shoulder. Looking up into the mirror, you make a striking couple, a portrait that your mother would never hang in your ancestral home. Beatrice's unassuming softness, your manufactured intimidation.
The hand on your shoulder moves, sliding across to your cheek, pulling your head towards Beatrice. The weight in your hand is abandoned, clatters to the ground as you have better things to do. You reach out to haul Beatrice up into your lap.
Beatrice's hungry eyes glimmer with something sharp, like she's gotten exactly what she wanted, like she's won a game you weren't aware you were playing. "How much can you lift?" Beatrice asks, breathlessly.
"I could lift you, easily."
"For..." Beatrice pretends to calculate something, "30 minutes or so?" And oh you're so in love with her.
A wolfish grin. "Oh, I don't think it'll take that long."
Beatrice's hands run along the edge of your shoulders, feeling and scratching and driving you mad. "No, no I don't suppose it will."
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i-cant-sing · 11 months
life update?
Well... life feels like I'm on rollercoater that's on fire and is heading towards a pit of needles and I'm just.... vibing because I'd never scream or cry in public cause "embarrassing". I mean, exam season is approaching, my brother is getting married in that season and I have to participate actively in wedding activities and keep everyone entertained because its not like I have spare siblings that I can do this for...
And then talking about the actual exam season is also stressful because I'm someone who locks herself away for 4-6 months to study and become a hermit but now I can't do that because guests from all over the world will be staying over and my parents are old and don't have it in them to be running around all day serving guests, even domestic help goes so far.
Hmm what else.... I mean I'm crying over everything these days. The current state of the world? Yes. Palestine? Yes. The world is ending? Yes. Am I gonna end up in hell? Tears. Reading my urdu novel that is soooo well written and I 1000% don't relate to the female mc's struggles? Even more tears. I'm even crying when I thunk about the time I cried over something💀💀💀 (this all very new to me because I've never been so emotional over anything)
Oh and I found out I am not eligible to donate blood because my hemoglobin is in the single digits (so like I know why I couldn't see anything for a minute straight whenever I stood up💀💀)
I have a crush, he's smart and handsome(but like why does he as a man need LONGER LASHES AND CLEARER SKIN THAN ME???HES MAKING ME WANNA START A SKINCARE ROUTINE) But the thing that is the most appealing about him is the way he talks😭 like it just makes u swoon. Idk how to describe it, but like he has a deep voice but not too deep, just the perfect balance between mature adult and charismatic golden boy. And it's not just the way he talks with me or his friends, BUT THE WAY HE TALKS WITH HIS PATIENTS🤌✨️ like I'm here befriending 70 year old women before filling their cavities and he's all "Yes, ma'am/sir. Of course, it'll be done as you want." Like he's so professional even at the end of the day when everyone's just tired from doing their umpteenth patient and start slacking off in the whole "VVIP treatment of all patients". I'm just praying to Allah to make us soulmates (if we're meant to be), I have left this matter in God's hands because He's never disappointed me before and I can't afford to be distracted rn (I borrowed a book from my crush for some notes and was comparing how we even highlighted the same stuff.... we are sooo compatible.... this is so delulu of me omg never thinking about him again- unless he approaches me first)
I feel like having a crush is good because look at me rn- I have started a skincare routine, I am actually studying hard so that if he ever asks me a question, he knows that I'm not a dumbass. And if I had the time to go to the gym, I would, instead I'm doing counting calories and skipping unnecessary meals! What do I have to lose in all of this if he rejects me? Nothing. I end up with clear skin, hot body, and smart af brain.
Like he has a lot more on the line as a crush because he's one, ONE ick away from making me lose complete interest in him. See? This is a win-win for me.
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sara-scribbles · 2 years
kinda random and silly but how about which house warden and vice could you take in a fist fight and would you win?
Fist-fighting the dorm leaders and their vice
To keep this simple, I’m going to pretend the fool person who decided to fight these boys can kinda fight but not an expert. Let’s pretend no one can use magic for some reason.
You could definitely take him in a fist-fight. And it probably wouldn’t be too hard to instigate a fight if you pick at him enough
Should you fight him though? I mean knock yourself out I guess, no one’s gonna stop you except maybe Trey. I'm sure a few Heartslabyul students have wanted to fight Riddle too for how he used to be
Outcome: You win. Congrats?
You could take him in a fight. He doesn’t look like much of a physical person. Trey would probably try to decline the fight in a civil way
But why would you want to hurt the dorm mom? He bakes you sweets, that’s just mean!
Outcome: You win but will probably have the rest of Heartslabyul after you so keep that in mind
You could not take him in a fight. Even without magic, Leona’s still a beastman which makes him stronger and faster. Those wiry arms can do damage
Could try fighting him while he’s napping to get a head start. He’ll probably grudgingly respect your dirty ways but then he’ll beat your ass
Outcome: You lose. Why did you think fighting a furry from a dorm that's basically a bunch of gym bros was a good idea?
I see Ruggie as being quick and slippery when fighting, so you could possibly take him in a fight but he still has more strength than the average human
Will definitely have tricks up his sleeve cause I can imagine he's learned a few things or two growing up. Survival of the fittest and all, Ruggie will fight to survive
Outcome: You have a 60% chance of losing. Ruggie will laugh at you and demand payment after
You can totally take him in a fight. His natural habitat is the sea, so fighting him on land would be easy peasy. Plus he's probably too busy making contracts and counting lounge’s revenue to hit the gym
Has to take off his glasses first cause he doesn't want to break them. He cries the moment you take a swing and gets knocked out in like one or two hits
Outcome: You win. You're basically fighting a fish flopping on dry land
Do you want to die? What makes you think you can take on this giant eel? He probably wouldn't need to punch you to win. Man could literally rip your throat out with his teeth
But if you insist on fighting Jade, all the power to you. He'll kick your ass with the most polite expression. Will probably give you a bill for the fight, so you'll have to pay it off by working in the lounge
Outcome: You lose. What did you expect from someone that exudes murder vibes?
Why would you fight this literal ray of sunshine? Out of all the students at NRC, he doesn’t deserve it. Kalim would probably think you just need to vent and would gladly let you beat him up if it'll make you feel better
Jamil would step in considering he needs to watch over Kalim. But knowing Kalim, he'll tell Jamil that it's okay because he obviously did something that made you upset
Outcome: You win. Was it worth kicking a puppy? Huh??
Honestly, he probably doesn't have time for this. Looking after Kalim, cooking for Kalim, taking care of the dorm, etc. this boy is tired of the shenanigans
He's kind of athletic, being a dancer and all, so I think he could possibly hold his own. However, expect Kalim to try and stop the fight because how could he allow his "best friend" to get hurt
Outcome: You have a higher chance of winning but mainly because Jamil is trying to get Kalim to stop clinging on him
He literally took down a couple of beastmen in Beanfest. Do you really think you can win against him? It's a stupid idea but if you insist, go ahead
He'll knock you out in a few graceful hits and then insult your form, your dress, your lack of manners, etc. You basically get beaten up verbally
Outcome: You lose and should’ve seen that coming
Good luck finding him first. He's probably somewhere watching you, but he's not going to come out. And even if Rook did decide to entertain the idea of fighting you, he's like ripped. Maybe not as much as Jack or Vargas, but don't be fooled by his "oui, oui" attitude
Rook probably would be the type to knock you out from behind. You wouldn't even have a chance to take a step before you're out like a light
Outcome: You lose to a baguette with a questionable page-boy cut
Is there any question that you can fight Idia? He spends his time indoors and mostly away from physical activities. You'd have to get him out of his room first, but after a good old one-two punch, he's out
Though is that really such a satisfying win? Beating the shut-in, tech gamer doesn't have the nicest ring to it. Plus, you'd have to contend with Ortho, who'd probably laser beam you before you could run for hurting his brother
Outcome: You win but will probably die by laser shortly after
The other character that I ask: why would you want to fight him? He's also basically a kid, so you're beating up a child. Ortho doesn't seem to be bad, much like Kalim, so there's really no reason to fight him beyond being mean
Let’s not forget he has the state of the art advance body, though. He'll fry you to a crisp if he really does see you as a threat. And even if he didn't have a laser, I don't think hitting a metal body is good for your hands
Outcome: You lose and half of NRC is destroyed
You want to fight the dragon? The fae that can transform into a dragon? You sure? Okay, you're funeral. And lets say Malleus can't transform, it's still not a good idea. He could probably stab you with his horns bull style
You'll have to also deal with Silver and Sebek. So more headaches and 3 on 1 isn't very fair. It's not like they care much about the one-on-one rules, you're trying to fight the future king of their home. Lilia is watching off to the side while eating popcorn
Outcome: You lose by either getting roasted by a dragon, stabbed by horns, stabbed by a sword from Silver or thrown by Sebek. Pick your ending
He's a former royal guard and probably a couple hundred years old. Do the math. Lilia could also just float out of your reach until you tire yourself out
Thinks it's fun watching you struggle. Doesn't take the fight seriously. Silver might have a few words for you. Lilia bops you on the head a few times as a joke
Outcome: You probably don't even end up fighting and that's for the best
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gemini-sensei · 2 years
So I was thinking about the post you just made about Werewolf!Eli not knowing he is a werewolf and it made me think-
What if he only finds out he is a werewolf because he meets Chubby!Reader and it turned out she is like his “true mate” and now that he has meet her all of his werewolf traits are going crazy? Like he can smell her really good now, his strength is going crazy when he’s around her, he’s bulking up more for “some reason”, and he starts GROWING!?!?
- Sensei-Venus💕✨
@sensei-venus Ohhhh my god yes! I see this with shy!Eli so...
All of a sudden he starts excelling in gym class, he's starting to develop more muscle and stamina. He's gets a big appetite but gains no weight? His senses heighten and he's sensitive to certain smells. He has no idea what's going on but he's trying to act like it's not happening. His friends all know something js up though.
He tries to hide in his clothes so no one sees his arms or his chest, except when cute, chubby Reader is around. For some reason, when she's around, he wants to tear off his sweater and show off his body to her.
When she's close by, her scent takes over his senses. He had no idea what it was at first, but one day he learned that it was her because she was so close, he was practically bathed in her sweet scent of honey and flowers. It's like walking in a dewy meadow while the sun is shining.
She'll be standing on the other side of the soccer field and he'll hear her laughing with her friends. His ears perk up when she talks or makes any noise. It's like he's hyper aware of her presence always.
All of these changes are strange to him and he doesn't know what's going on. He doesn't want to talk about it with anyone. He thinks if he ignores it for now, he can eventually figure it our or it'll go away. Unlikely, but he'd rather things go back to the way they were before.
That is until he happens upon something going down. He hears Reader pleading to be left alone and he's following her scent to find her, only to see Kyler bugging her. He has her cornered, laughing at her body and how she's "so ugly" because she's fat. It makes Eli made, a rage he's never felt before, and he pulls Kyler away from her before he thinks about it.
"Leave her alone," he huffs, stepping in front of Reader to shield her from the bully.
Kyler laughs at him. "What're you gonna do, Lip? Gonna be her stupid little hero or something? Think that'll make you some kind of hot shot? You know what, go ahead. You two will make some butt ugly babies. They'll be fat asses and have freaky-"
Eli's fist meets Kyler's jaw before he can finish his next insult and he falls to the floor holding his face. He coughs and spits out some blood and what looks like a tooth. He's wallowing about on the floor in pain while Eli stands over him, still angry as all Hell. He doesn't understand wholly why what he was saying struck such a nerve, but it did and what's done is done. However, his blood is still hot as it runs through him and he lets out an audible growl.
The only thing that brings him back down from his high headed anger is Reader, who simply touches his arm. Her touch is enough to calm him down and he turns to her, asking her of she's okay. He holds her arms gently, searching her for any harm Kyler might have caused her. As she explains that she's okay, it's almost as if they're the only people there. However, he's still on high alert just in case Kyler tries something stupid. His only focus is Reader and making sure she's okay.
Asdfghjkl- idk what happens after that but ahhhh I love this now
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