#and if that Happens to show up as you dedicating yourself to the 'uniform' good for you but not everyone can afford it/is able to
adlamu · 8 months
me every time i see [insert alt subculture (which definitely came about as part of their respective iconic, identifiable music) here] discourse across any of the three socials i actively use:
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#newtrabble#listen i grew up in an alt family - i am part of an alt family#i knew shit about twotone and punk and goth and metal and all of this because i grew up with a big mix of the music and their subcultures#i was actively bullied for a) liking the music of these subcultures and b) dressing in the most CASUAL version of their respective aestheti#and people are arguing that the aesthetic makes the subculture?#there are people who actively don't want to engage with the music that Made the subculture they wanna join?#like my siblings in hell without the music there would be No subculture and therefore: none of the aesthetics#not to mention by saying 'yes it is the aesthetic dumbass' YOU are doing the gatekeeping here.#most of these subcultures come from working class (ie: POOR poor) and minority communities... a lot of them made music to counter the shit#that put them down - like the government poverty racism and other general assholes capitalist bs and various forms of bigotry#people are SCARED of joining the communities attached to these subcultures because of your Insistence re: the aesthetic when the reality is#if you listen to the music - you're part of the subculture because you are Actively engaging with it in some way shape or form#a wise person once said: 'i don't need to wear the uniform to show you that i'm 'about it'!' because You Don't Need The Fucking Uniform#engage with the music - engage with the communities around the music - have fun literally end of discussion.#and if that Happens to show up as you dedicating yourself to the 'uniform' good for you but not everyone can afford it/is able to#jesus h fuck half the bands in these scenes don't wear the 'uniform' all the fucking time... some not even At All.#anyway i'm tired of seeing it every time i flick between here xwitter and instagram... just Exhausted by it.
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littlelioncub43 · 2 years
Come On, Angel
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Summary: You and Eddie have been exhausted, and sometimes a nice long nap is exactly what you need.
Pairing: Mechanic!Eddie Munson x Best Friend!Female!Reader
Warning: Fluff, sooooo much fluff, idiots in love, friends to lovers (kinda, nothing happens but it's lowkey understood that they're in love with each other), cuddling, forehead kisses, Eddie and Reader being in love with each other and showing it in sweet ways, one mention of masturbation but it's not even graphic, Eddie has been having nightmares but doesn't know what they're about (S4 doesn't happen in this. He's safe and loved and always will be), slight angst, pet names, just—nice things.
Word count: 2,209
A/N: Oh my goodness, I loved writing this one, ok? This was so much fun. It made me feel all sorts of nice things, and I hope it makes you feel all those nice things too. This is based on a thot I shared with my bestie P!R Anon that I just couldn't help but expand. They put up with a lot of my ramblings and they're amazing for that. And so! I hereby dedicate this slice of heaven to them. Here you go, bestie. Enjoy!
— K
Part II. Series Masterlist
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“If I only could, I’d make a deal with God, and I’d get him to swap our places…” Eddie mumbles under his breath with the radio, silently cursing Max for playing that damn cassette so many times. The drive through the slowly chilling streets of the trailer park was quiet, a few solitary cars and trucks passing Eddie’s prized van as he made the journey to your trailer. With the sun dipping low behind the trees, the shadows and wind bit harder than normal and told of a fast approaching winter. 
Your trailer was a familiar shape at the end of the road, a beacon of comfort that pushed his foot on the pedal hoping to cut the journey as short as possible. Thankfully, he didn’t have to wait long before he was slamming the rusty van into park, shutting off Kate Bush, and hopping out of the driver’s seat with that impish grin that never seemed to leave his face around you. The door was locked, which didn’t deter him in the slightest. He pulled the mess of keys from his jacket pocket and found the copy you’d given him a few years ago, just after you moved into your own trailer. The moment you gave it to him, he swore that he wouldn’t let it out of his sight, and, surprisingly, he hasn’t. 
“Helloooo!” He calls as he pushes the door open. He waits for a second for a response but when he gets none he slips his jacket and vest on the couch, heading for your bedroom. 
“Lucy, I’m hooooome!” He sings as he pokes his head into your room, immediately regretting the loudness of his voice. He hears a soft chuckle from the lump of blankets on your bed, your limbs slowly stretching as you peel back the duvet from your sleepy face. “Hey, sleepyhead,” he says, much softer this time.
“Hey,” you croak, still rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you click on the lamp next to your bed, “whatcha up to, Munson? No good?” 
“Oh, yeah, you know me; scaring housewives, stealing cats, sacrificing goats—the whole nine yards, babe.” He grins and slides his hands into his pockets. You giggle again at his silliness and let yourself take him in in all his glory. Eddie Munson looked far too handsome leaning against your doorframe, his frizzy, wild hair illuminated from the light behind him (God, was he an Angel?), dressed in his usual uniform: a well-loved Hellfire t-shirt, black jeans, that God-awful handcuff belt that you secretly loved, and the same pair of white sneakers that he’s had since his junior year. 
“The poor thing, you must be exhausted,” you yawn, even with sleep still heavy in your system you could see that he was tired. 
“Nah,” he winks with a shake of his head, noting how adorable you look swaddled in your blanket. The thought is quickly tossed aside as quickly as he thought it, he shouldn’t think of you like that, you were his best friend. He pulls his keys from his back pocket. “Didn’t mean to interrupt, I’ll leave you to your nest, sweetheart.”
“Noooo, com’ere,” you tiredly beckon to him with a soft smile, “join me in the nest.”
“What?” He pushes off the doorframe to make his way to kneel beside your bed, the grabby hand you make at him has his own hand itching to hold yours. He rests his chin on the edge of your bed, his hands folded neatly. 
“Stay. Nap,” you say, sitting up on your elbow, “I know you need it, I can see your eye bags without my glasses on.” 
“Ok, see, that’s not how to get me into bed with you,” he jokes with a laugh, easily making you laugh with him. He hadn’t been sleeping very well lately, strange nightmares about strange looking bats and massive basilisk-like vines kept him from getting good rest. Then he spent his days toiling away in the garage.
“Com’on, just a small nap,” you pet his arm gently, trying to lure him into agreeing. It was working.
“I don’t have pajamas,” he points out, already caving to your suggestion, you could suggest he take a flying leap and he just might. He straightens up so your eyes are level, subtly searching for more of your warmth. 
“Just ditch the jeans and t-shirt, and sleep in your boxers—which I assume you’re 100% wearing?” You suspiciously raise an eyebrow at him. 
“Yes, mom, I’m wearing underwear,” Eddie sasses at the accusatory tone of your voice. 
“Good! Then you can sleep in those,” you rationalize, your sleepy brain may not make the best choices, but goodness, you were sleepy and you could tell Eddie was too. He clicks his tongue with a heavy sigh, feigning defeat. 
“Alright,” he pulls himself standing and reaches for the hem of his shirt. “Avert your eyes, sweetheart, the show ain’t free.”
“Boooooooo,” you groan and cover your face with a blanket before flopping back on the bed dramatically, earning a chuckle from the metalhead. He was thankful you covered your face so he can blush in private. You’d seen him in his boxers many times before, but this would be the first time he’d be in bed with you, while practically naked. ‘She’s in her pjs, it’ll be fine,’ he tells himself and tugs off his Hellfire shirt. He quickly strips down to his checkered boxers, the chill of the room nips at his skin and leaves him with goosebumps, it mixes with the perpetual exhaustion in his bones. 
Yeah, a warm bed sounds like heaven right now. 
“Done yet?” And there was an angel. As soon as the blanket was over your face, you felt a fresh wave of tiredness crash down on you. 
“Mmhmm,” he hums, trying to remain as calm as possible to fight off the blush that desperately wants to return. You throw open your blankets for him to climb in, reaching for him on instinct. 
Eddie smiles as soon as he sees your pajamas; one of his favorite shirts that mysteriously went missing a week ago and, he hopes to God, a pretty pair of panties. He’s never seen anything more gorgeous than you in his clothes, but you sleeping in his clothes? Oh, he’d pay good money to see that every day for the rest of his life. 
He lets you gently guide him into the spot next to you before he scoops you up to hold you a little closer, an uncontrollable shiver racing up his spine. Boy, he was cold. You nuzzle deeper into his hold on instinct, the feeling of his arms around you always sent your heart a-flutter. The chilled skin of his chest pressed into your cheek as you snuggled in, your hand coming to his arm to rub his skin warm. 
“My God, Munson, are you made of ice?” You joke and curl yourself around him, slinging your leg over his. You swallow lightly when you feel his bare thigh against yours, the light dusting of hair scratched against you ever so softly. If you weren’t so sleepy, you’d be having a mini heart attack right about now. 
“Well, they do say I’m cold hearted,” he teases through a yawn, his eyes getting heavier and heavier with each breath. He hears you hum out a tired laugh but he can barely focus on anything except your leg in his lap and the rhythmic thumpthumpthump of your chest against his. 
There’s a spell of comfortable silence. The room is filled with slowly deepening breaths and two heartbeats. Sleep takes hold of you quickly, your eyes already shut and dreams just about to start. Eddie catches himself dozing and has enough sense to carefully shut the lamp off before relaxing again. 
As soon as the room was dark, sleep came to him and carried him off. 
There’s laughter. And sunshine. And his favorite Metallica record playing. He remembers you in the passenger seat of his van, passing him a spoon with ice cream on it. He remembers eating the spoonful of chocolate ice cream while never looking away from you. You were smiling at him, and, God, it was the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. The light was red, there was no danger. No bats, or vines or whatever the fuck they were. It was just the two of you and a bowl of chocolate ice cream. What more could he want?
Soft movement twitched in his limbs as he slowly came back from the dream realm. His head was resting on something soft, tresses of his brown hair covered his face but he couldn’t be bothered to move them yet. He felt you stir with him, wakefulness rising in you both. The feeling of his head on your chest was what you could only describe as perfect. You laid on your back with Eddie resting on top of you, his arms bracketing your sides, hands holding the fabric of your shirt that had ridden up in the night. Your legs were spread comfortably for him to fit between. 
With a gentle stretch, you run your hands across his naked shoulders idly. The soothing touch igniting awareness in Eddie as he finally blinks his eyes open. The sun was peeking through the light curtains of your room, the morning birds singing their happy songs in the trees outside. He purrs when you bring one hand to his face, brushing the hair out of his eyes for him. Oh, yeah, he liked that. 
“G’mornin’, Princess,” he rasps, not bothering to move from his spot yet. If he were honest, he wouldn’t move for all eternity if it were up to him. 
“Morning, Ed,” you mumble back with a yawn, still rubbing his back as you finally open your own eyes to stare at your ceiling. 
“'Just a nap,’ huh?” He yawns, his own hand moving to stroke your side, “now, I may not be a smart man, but that was way longer than a nap.”
“Well, we needed it,” you respond with a small smile, the feeling of his calloused hands gliding over the heated skin of your side was equal parts comforting and intoxicating. Eddie let out an affirmative grumble before lifting his head, resting his chin on your sternum. The sight that greets him nearly knocks him on his ass. Your hair is a mess, sleep has made your face plumper than normal, lines from your pillow run along the length of your cheek, eye crusties dot the inner corner of your gorgeous eyes. You look beautiful, like always, but you look real. And the fact that someone as perfect as you were, was real and currently playing with a knotted lock of his hair, blew his fucking mind. 
While he was busy surveying your face, you were doing the same to him. Taking in his own puffy face, drool coated lips, wild hair, and glossy brown eyes. You came to the same conclusion, unbeknownst to you, that he was perfectly real. The smile that tugged at your lips was easy and held all the fondness you felt for the man in your bed. He saw it, the fondness that he hasn’t found anywhere else in the world. 
“Sleep good?” You ask, the tension in the room was too much for you to take any longer. It was enough for Eddie to come back to reality. 
“Like a baby,” he hums and stretches his arms out before propping himself up on his forearms with a sigh. “We are so doing that again,” he says with a playful smirk. 
“Definitely,” you chuckle in agreement and rub your face clear of any left over sleep crusties. It’s then that Eddie realizes that he’s on top of you, he glances between you to see your shirt rucked up, revealing a pair of plain black cotton panties adorning your hips. He bites his lip and takes as many mental pictures as he can for some at at home solo activities. He’s quick to pull his mind out of the gutter when he hears your tummy rumble. 
“Hungry?” He asks, you hum and nod. “One ‘Eddie Special,’ coming right up!” He kisses your forehead, it was too tempting to ignore, before getting up and heading for your kitchen. You listen to the sound of his rummaging through your kitchen and decide to switch on your stereo next to your bed. The normally harsh sounds of heavy metal guitars and drums is a quiet hum when Eddie returns. He comes back with a bowl of your favorite cereal, a banana, and a fresh cup of water— all balanced in his two hands. 
“Wooooow, room service? I should let you sleep in my bed more often,” you reach for the glass of water first and gulp it down. He gets back in bed, being extra careful of the milk in the bowl.
“Yes, you should,” he grumbles through a mouthful of cereal before handing you the bowl. You laugh and dig in, letting the morning go on at a comfortable pace. It’s just the two of you and a bowl of cereal. 
What more could he want?
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Part II
Reblogs and comments are deeply appreciated!
I no longer have a taglist! If you wish to stay up-to-date on when I post a fic, follow @littlelioncub-library to be notified!
Dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics
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yandere-daydreams · 2 years
Okay imagine
Being taken from your village to join the king’s harem. But suddenly, you’re demoted to a servant.
The personal servant of the king’s favorite concubine, who has become infatuated with you.
tw - imprisonment, unbalanced power dynamics, implied physical abuse, and manipulation.
i mean, it's not that unlikely. most concubines are more ambassadors than proper companions, little shows of goodwill to prove that the Emperor still cares about his people - even if he chooses to show his affection by occasionally grabbing up an orphan no one will fight to keep around from one of the all-but-forgotten villages on the outskirts of his territory and whisking you back to the palace., whether or not you care for the royal life. you met him once, on the day he collected you, but you haven't been alone with him since, much less performed the duties expected of you as a member of his harem. not that you mind. the Emperor is a... particular man, and if you're being completely honest, you'd alright never finding out if he treats his lovers the same way he rules his subjects.
your closest friend within the palace's walls has more luck with him, though. they're the clear favorite, and despite what the other concubines like to mutter about them in the shadows of the courtyard gardens, you can see why. they took it upon themself to approach you when you first found yourself in the capital, still shocked and confused after being dragged away from your home, and they're just so kind, always so willing to share the gifts the Emperor lavishes them with, always so happy to let you spend the night in their private chambers when you can't stand to sleep in the harems' dedicated dormitories, where all the other concubines seem to take so much joy in shunning you from their idle chatter and animated gossip. they're good at handling the Emperor, too, at stringing their requests for diamond-studded jewelry and wine imported for the other side of the world between skillful compliments and honeyed praise, and you've never once seen them falter in the face of his temper, even if they'll occasionally return to their chambers with swollen lips and bruises around their neck. you look up to them, in a way, even if you'd rather not take their place. you're glad you have someone like them so close to you.
you're glad you have someone like them, up until the moment you're told you've received a reassignment from the Emperor himself, up until the second you find yourself in their chambers as they fuss over your new uniform and wonder aloud what they should do with their precious little servant first. there's nothing you can do now, of course. to go against them would be to question the Emperor's decree, and you've seen what happens to the servants and the concubines who try to leave the palace, but still.
you can't help but wonder why the sweetness in their voice suddenly sounds so sickening.
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warden-melli · 1 year
Melli Character Analysis
Melli’s confident demeanour is a persona that he has adopted in an attempt to hide his true, shy nature so that he can appear to be somebody that Adaman, the Diamond Clan and the rest of Hisui can deem worthy, but as Mai said, he overdoes it and ends up unintentionally rubbing people the wrong way.
Melli is so utterly dedicated to Adaman and the Diamond clan that it leads to him being heinously misunderstood. In fact in canon he dedicated his entire life to helping Adaman, and it’s said that he loves his people dearly.
It’s likely that his desire to help Adaman is even the reason he decided to become a warden in the first place, so you can imagine how hurt he must have been when he discovered that Adaman hadn’t invited him to the meeting to discuss quelling the frenzy of his Lord. Even worse, after given no context and told he couldn’t help, he then witnesses a stranger not of his clan defeat his beloved leader in battle. Adaman’s attempt at showing him your strength and ability to handle the situation backfires. He now sees you as a threat. He must stop you to prove to Adaman that he is worthy, and that you cannot deceive Adaman, or take his place.
Just as Adaman went behind the Pearl and Galaxy teams back when asking for your help to quell Lord Kleavor (when he reveals that he lied and that his clans Lord Electrode was also frenzied), Melli once again emulates his favourite person. A lesson learned from Adaman himself. Sometimes it’s okay to go behind your allies back if you think it’s for their own good.
He attempts to block your path up to his lord. Lord Electrode, a pokemon that he loves dearly, that has been gifted with a fantastic strength, yet seems to be suffering greatly because of it. A pokemon that protects his people in exchange for his service. He sees his lord in pain, but he also see’s himself. Through all his attempts to become a person worthy of his Clan, he has only suffered. Been left out, and passed over, even when his lord is involved. Just like Lord Electrode must suffer to attain its new found power, so must he too suffer to be worthy of helping Adaman and his people.
Not all suffering is bad! These challenges exist to help us grow! He tells you and Adaman this himself after his attempts at blocking you have failed. They have to. They just have to! If they don’t then all of his suffering has been for nothing. His life’s goal, being rejected and excluded when he feels like he was needed most, and the pain his lord is enduring is for nothing
But finally, his favourite person, Adaman the man who inspired him to dedicate his life to serving his clan actually speaks to him about the situation. He gets the wake up call that he needs, and he is able to let go of his hurt and see the situation for what it is. Just like always his great leader is right. Melli is quick to acknowledge this. This suffering is wrong, and needs to be stopped. Still hurt, and suspicious, yet beginning to understand the situation, he allows you to proceed.
He watches you free his lord from its terrible frenzy. He is scared, uniformed and still unsure about this decision. That power may have been a gift from Sinnoh itself, and what if they receive its wrath for rejecting it? He turns to Adaman to calm him, and is soothed by his wisdom.
Melli is still unsure of you, but if Adaman can ask others for help, and provide it in return, maybe he can too? After all, his goal is to help Adaman. He waits and watches, anxious about what happens next.
Time passes, the nobles are calmed, and yet suddenly the sky is all wrong! Hisui is in a panic, and after a long journey to find out why, you and your allies find yourself outside of Melli’s lords hollow, ready to face whatever challenge lies ahead of you. Melli is there, and he offers you moral support as you and your party set off to the temple, seemingly learning his lesson to stay put if Adaman hasn’t asked him to join. The tone in which he says this is jokingly, even perhaps a bit cowardly, yet his actions betray his demeanour, as despite the danger he, true to his word, remains ready to help. Finally, now, surely Adaman will ask for his help?
But, no. Melli tries his best to act as important as possible, yet Adaman tells him he is needed elsewhere. He asks you (a stranger to their land), and Lian (a literal child of their rival clan) to help instead of him. He is intensely hurt, but smarter than he may seem, takes notice of everything. After some harsh words to maintain his persona he leaves to do as he is told.
The daybreak update. Hoards of dangerous and wild pokemon are found on mass, in stormy weather and in places that they shouldn’t be. It’s dangerous and mysterious, and the player character sets out to investigate. It’s only natural that Melli, both as a warden and somebody who’s life mission is to help Adaman and his people would too, but this time he’s going to be smart about it. He’s going to do it the way Adaman did. He’s going to get help, but he’s also not going to ask directly.
Worried at being denied the chance to help again, he begins to investigate himself, making the connection between the rare Hondew berries and the outbreaks. After all, the pokemon in those outbreaks are the only place they seem to be available in the entire Hisui region. What did Adaman do when he needed help solving the mystery behind a mysterious phenomenon? He asked you for help. He still cannot risk being found investigating directly, so he must go about it in subtler ways.
In your own journey investigating the mystery, you eventually find yourself speaking to Arezu about the mysterious phenomenon. She mentions a Diamond Clan “friend” who noted the outbreaks in the Swamplands. She is deliberately vague about who this person is, as if she had been asked not to reveal their identity. You follow her tip and head to the swamp and who do you find. Melli of course.
Armed with the berries he could have only collected by investigating the mystery himself, Melli gifts them to you. Perhaps you may be of assistance like you were before. Adaman had used your skills to the benefit of his clan, why not harness your skills himself? The berries must be useful for something, and if not they’re a way to gain your favour. He lays his persona on thick. You accept the gift. You don’t suspect a thing. Mai tells you a bit more about him as he leaves. A shy person? Dedicated to helping Adaman? This is at odds with the highly confident and deliberately unhelpful man you know? You don’t have time to consider this for long, as you’re soon amazed to find out that these berries can aid Munchlax in finding and identifying the outbreaks.
Just as he found out about the meeting he wasn’t invited to, he finds out about your breakthrough with Munchlax, and is delighted that his plan seems to have worked. Getting you to help was the right thing to do, so what to do next? Surely you could use more help? Adman trusted that Lian boy, so he must be competent. No way he could ask directly. He decides to get creative.
He approaches Lian at the heartwood and begins to brag about the fantastic gift he gave you. Of how useful it was. Surely this will inspire a reaction in the boy, and Lian will be compelled to help as a means to try and one up him. It works. He comes to your aid.
Unfortunately, Lian’s newly inspired involvement ends with the two coming face to face in the Icelands, yet despite the animosity, the plan continues to go well. He is, for the first time asked to help. He proceeds into the Icelands with the boy in order to investigate together. Investigating the mystery for the first time, he insists :)
After both groups have completed their tasks, he delivers word of their success to Adaman, who delighted, informs you in turn. Finally, he has helped Adaman. He doesn’t break character and reveal his plan, he doesn’t demand praise. He helped. He was needed. He is satisfied.
And he is rewarded.
Although Melli may tell the story a little differently, Adaman approaches him and asks him to join him in representing their clan in some friendly battles down in Jubilife village. Not only that, but he is assigned the position directly before Adaman, serving as his right hand man, the guy you have to beat before facing his beloved leader. Adaman admits that the whole situation has served to bring his whole clan closer together, seemingly learning and acknowledging that his clan work better together, instead of all of the secrecy and going behind each others backs that occurred before that point. (Adman goes behind the Pearl and Galaxy teams back to try and get your help to learn to quell Lord Electrode so he can help Melli up on the Mountain. Arezu goes behind Adaman’s back to try and stop the frenzy of her lord herself, upsetting Ursaluna and getting injured in the process. Adaman goes behind Melli’s back as part of his plan to have you quell Lord Electrode to protect Melli and and rest of his people. Melli, believing Adaman was mistaken to be trusting you goes behind Adamans back to try and stop you from reaching Lord Electrode). It’s fitting that he should ask these two to join him in the end. Adaman has grown into an effective leader, and Melli is finally serving at his side, as he has dreamed of since they were both young.
Everything Melli did was as an act of service and dedication to his people that he loves, and to the leader he believes in. Even his appearance in the photo studio alludes to this. He markets himself, the character of “the great Melli”, as somebody useful and of value to have around.
He comes off as rude, arrogant even, somebody who’s actions don’t make any sense at times, but that’s because his true nature and the persona he has carefully crafted are at odds. For all his posturing and pomp the real Melli is the man who cares for Lord Electrode and it’s Voltorbs, pokemon known to be treated unfairly and even cruelly by the vast majority of people in Hisui because despite their good intentions, they’re seen as dangerous and undesirable. He is the man who befriends and trains poison types, which (like the Voltorbs) are seen as disgusting, dangerous and unlovable. All the more impressive considering he doesn’t use a pokeball, proving his true kind nature as there would be surely be consequences for mistreating such creatures. He’s the man with the beautiful voice, who charms people and pokemon alike, and who could have easily lived an easy life as a performer, but who has instead chosen to dedicate his life to serving his people and the leader he admires. Who is always ready to help, despite everything.
Unfortunately his shyness, and low self esteem, perhaps due to his towering height, perhaps something else, has lead him to believe that to be worthy, he must put on a persona free from such perceived flaws. He doesn’t intend to come off as rude, but as confident, capable and aspirational. As somebody worthy to help Adaman. Melli, despite often accidentally archiving the opposite, just wants to be included, accepted, loved and to most importantly, to help
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psi-scribe · 2 years
I am thinking of making my own ig regiment, do you have any advice?
Hey it's always good to more guard regiments! 👀
Creating stuff from the ground up takes time and a lot of background development. In my opinion, some important questions to ask yourself are:
What is the planet like? This will help you figure out what the regiment might specialize in or what enemy they are particularly dedicated to fighting. Catachan is a jungle death-world so the Fighters are especially tough and excel in wild/rougher terrain. The Cadian Shock Troopers and Armageddon Steel Legion are regiments have developed around a certain kind of threat (Chaos and Orks).
How does your regiment recruit? Do people willing enlist like some modern military? Or is there any method? The Vostroyan Firstborn are quite literally made of only the first born children of families on their planet for example. Is it like a specialized penal legion just for the planet? Like the Savlar Chem Dogs.
What is the culture like? Planet-side and within the regiment? People carry their cultures with them off-world! Catachans are bold and defiant, preferring to show off knives than wear badges/metals. Cadians are highly disciplined and Krieg has developed around the faith they have gone against the Emperor in the past and must redeem themselves. There's also the Royal Volpones who all nobles and view any lowborn with disdain.
Combining questions 2 and 3, does the recruitment method reflect in the regiment? This one is more straight forward, is it generally considered an honor to serve? Repentance? Serving time for a crime committed? Naturally there will be differing opinions but what's the general consensus in the regiment!
Have they served with another regiment, sister of battle order or space marine chapter? This is where you can further detail their history and give them some reputation; good or bad and allows for some story ideas to happen. And allow for you to build up individuals within the regiment and show how they interacted with others.
Here comes the real fine details; regiment ranks, equipment/vehicles and general tactics. Don't worry about deep combat strategies, just ask yourself, are they trench fighters? Urban warfare masters? Sneaky? Let their weapons and vehicles reflect that.
After that it's all about designing the uniforms and perhaps any banners they might have. There's a bit of a balancing act here as all the regiments are part of the same branch and have to kind of 'fit' to some degree. But! There are regimental symbols and there can also be company symbols/names to think of. The 'Blue Bloods' are just the name for the Royal Volpone's 50th company for example. You don't have to make a bunch of companies, just one or even two particular examples. Symbols can be related to the planet's culture/history or even just something you particularly like!
You can also read up on other canon regiments or listen as well! Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer is an excellent in-universe lore vids and covers the lore. for deeper stuff Oculus Imperia also does amazing work. Check them out if you don't already know about them!
Also for books, Gaunt's Ghosts is all about the Tanith First and Only, a very unique regiment and highly recommended! There's also the Last Chancers, a personal fave of mine that delves into what a penal legion is like. As far commissars (The bosses of the regiments) you can never go wrong with the boi Ciaphus Cain, a very different commissar than Yarrick (Of the Helsreach fame) but also a good look into the regiments.
I hope this helps any at all! Homebrews of any kind are passion projects and some details are figured out quicker than others. Sometimes you figure out a detail only to backtrack later and have to figure out again, it's all part of the process.
I look forward to seeing what kind of ideas you develop!
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pytorstar · 2 years
My take of Chaotic Academia.
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Ink stains, always.
Finding stained blood on clothing from cuts you weren't aware of.
Good posture, but bad posture once focused.
Buying and collecting classics rather than reading them
Deep diving into history and psychology at early hours
Wishing for autumnal weather constantly
Fantasises about going to a Harry Potter-esque school and living through all the mystery - without the psychopaths, war and magic, of course.
Crying over average grades, then isolating yourself and over-studying for a week before giving up
Not actually liking coffee and going back to Tetley and sweet herbal teas.
Collecting black, leather-back journals >> writing in them
Genuinely having horrible, joint up handwriting even you struggle to read at times.
Wearing school uniform properly? What's that?
Relating to Leonardo Da Vinci on a spiritual level: tons of ideas/work in progress, never finishing them.
More dedicated to thinking up poetry for hours than finishing up a thirty minute assignment.
Writing or imagining your own take on a show because it didn't have the ending you wanted.
Having read more fanfiction than actual books.
Envying people who have the money to buy a ton of classic books.
Getting low grades on your favourite subject but high ones on your least (obvs).
Studies early, analyses and properly taking in late.
Binge watching crime and/or dark, romantic or mysterious themed movies.
Sleeps very late, just happens to wake up early.
Modernising artistic figures from hundreds, thousands of years ago (RIP Tchaikovsky, would've loved lana tbh)
Getting more attached to fictional characters decades older than real people.
A genuine, burning hatred for 'good' weather.
Wishing for a simple relationship, knowing you'd be bored to death.
Getting irritated whenever renaissance or romantic art is modernised.
Doc Martens or Mary Janes?
Eating while studying, then getting more focused on eating.
Crime documentaries in the afternoon, because you're too scared to watch in the night.
Researching infamous figures and attempting to psycho-analyse them (you can't).
What's a bookmark? *Pulls out a collection of receipts, hair bands, twix wrappers, and stickers you never used*
Holes in socks that are constantly frustrating.
One shoelace tied too tightly, another on the verge of removing from all the lace holes.
Indepth arguments on who would win if Mozart and Beethoven had a beat-boxing match.
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vikkirosko · 3 years
Can I please have headcanon for Blitzo, Stolas (not poly) and M&M With a moth demon S/O who was a plague doctor when they were alive but they died from the Black Plague, they still have the plague doctor uniform, old medical textbooks and an old briefcase full of flowers, herbs and old medical tools and equipment?
Headcanons Plague doctor
😈 Blitzø x Reader 🐴
You were the only doctor in I. M. P. and the only sinner. You were very smart and often helped them with their wounds. Blitz appreciated you as an employee and as a person. But when he saw you in the plague doctor costume, he tensed up
He saw you in the costume of the plague doctor when he came to visit you. The smell of herbs was coming from your apartment. You let him into your apartment, took off the mask and opened the windows. You told Blitzø that you decided to remember the times when you were alive. You told Blitzø that when you were alive, you were a doctor, and treated people for the plague. But unfortunately, you died from the black plague. But even in hell, you have not forgotten your profession, even though you have learned to use more modern means
You were happy to show him your old medical books and dried herbs. You had quite a lot of things that reminded you of your life. Even though you died, you still loved your job. Blitzø liked your dedication to your work
You worked quite a lot and Blitzø made sure that you didn't overexert yourself. Although your work brought you joy, but because of this, you often did not feel tired, even though you worked for many hours. Blitzø took care of you. He learned from you that it was the fact that you were a workaholic that ruined you when you were a human. He couldn't let that happen in hell
🦉 Stolas x Reader 🎩
Stolas has known you since the time when you were a human. He remembered how you turned to him for help when the plague was just beginning to appear. You agreed to give up your soul in exchange for knowledge and wisdom. You were able to live for several years, saving people from the black death, but you yourself died from this disease
In hell, you became a moth demon and were forced to obey Stolas. But he didn't treat you badly. He liked you. He allowed you to live your life and periodically called you just to chat. You were a good doctor and quickly found a job in hell, because not a minute in hell passed without fights
Stolas was a frequent guest in your house. He knew perfectly well that you keep things that remind you of the time when you were a human. You had a lot of old medical books. You kept old medical instruments, even though you didn't use them because of the huge amount of modern medical equipment. Stolas saw your longing for the old days and was always happy to talk to you about those days
Even after your death, Stolas was happy to share his knowledge with you. You've been chatting a lot. Next to each other, you felt calmer. Next to Stolas, you stopped feeling longing for the time when you were alive
🎶 Moxxie x Reader x Millie ⚔
Moxxie and Millie quickly realized that you are connected with the old medicine. You always smelled like herbs. When they saw you in the mask of the plague doctor, they confirmed their guess
You did not hide the events of your past life. You told them that you were a doctor, but died during the plague epidemic. You blamed yourself for a lot of things. You blamed yourself for not being able to help so many people. You blamed yourself for dying so early
Millie and Moxxie supported you and convinced you that this was not your fault. You couldn't have known in advance what might happen. There was no point in blaming yourself
Their support helped you cope with the burden that you took on yourself. They were always there to cheer you up and support you in moments of self-flagellation. You didn't know what you would have done without their support
🦉 Octavia x Reader 🌌
You and Octavia met thanks to her father. It was he who introduced you to her. You got along pretty quickly. You have become friends. When Octavia came to your house, she found quite a large amount of old medical equipment and a plague doctor's suit. She knew from her father that you were a doctor, but she didn't think that you had seen the plague epidemic with your own eyes
You told her the story of your death while she was rummaging through your things. You didn't mind, but you asked her to be careful, because some things could hurt her. Among your things, she found an old drawing made by a child's hand. When she asked you who drew this picture, you smiled wistfully and told her that when you were alive, you had a younger sister. It was she who drew this picture for you
You missed your sister. Octavia reminded you of her. You were sorry that you left her alone. You had no idea what exactly happened to your younger sister, but you knew perfectly well that now she is definitely not alive. Octavia didn't want you to be sad. You were her friend. You took care of her as if she really was your little sister. She wanted to repay you with kindness for kindness
Octavia often took you to unusual places, like a stuffed animal store. She took you to concerts of her favorite bands. She tried to make you forget about your longing. And she was doing it. You began to smile more often. It's like you've started living again
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Toman's S/O saving pretty boy Baji (contains spoilers)
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This one-shot contains a lot of spoilers for the Valhalla arc. so please don't read it if you haven't read the manga or don't mind spoiling Tokyo revengers for yourself.
So I reread the Tokyo revengers manga to make myself suffer and I honest to goodness can't get over my girl Emma's death and Baji's death. so to console my broken heart I decided that I would write a one-shot of Toman's s/o saving Emma and Baji. This one-shot will be about saving pretty boy Baji and another one will be solely dedicated to saving Emma which has already been posted.
This is basically a giant Fuck you to Kisaki. I, 100% agree with the said idea.
In this one-shot, you have some uncanny ability to basically be a Mary Sue.
Warnings; strong language(cursing), violence, mentions of stabbing, attempted murder, and y/n being an absolute badass maybe a little bit off their rocker.
character listed: Baji, Mikey, Draken, and Chifuyu
I'll try to keep the reader as gender-neutral as much as I can. In the next one-shot, the reader will be female.
This one is shorter than the other one.
{Masterlist 1} {masterlist 2}
The moment Baji appeared at the Toman meeting you knew it was trouble and you were right it was an absolute shit show.
Baji quit to join Valhalla, Kisaki was 3rd division captain, and Takemitchi got knocked out. Kisaki gave you kind of weird vibes and bitch you weren't buying the whole I'm your friend spiel he was spouting. You would keep an eye on him since he acts kind of suspicious and uppity.
On the day of the fight, you had cram school so you wouldn't arrive on time and you couldn't ditch it or else you wouldn't hear the end of it from your parents.
A common misconception about you was that you weren't part of Toman. Many people would see you hanging around toman's top brass and just believed you were just someone's s/o or friend.
They weren't wrong but they weren't right.
You were more like a secret among the founding members. You would handle things in your own way away from the public eye. Simply because you had to uphold your good child reputation with your family, friends, and school. So you couldn't possibly taint your family name. Through and through no matter how secret you did things rumors still made their way around Toman's and other gangs but they weren't ever confirmed. It was made very clear to any member of toman that if you ever give out an order, they listened. It was an unspoken rule, due to that same reason many thought that you were one of the top brass's s/o.
This is why it was way more shocking to see you in your school uniform standing next to Mikey's passed-out body before Kisaki could even make his way to set the stage to his plans. the wind blew lightly as you stood above everyone near Mikey.
"Sorry I'm late, Cram school is a ran a little late.♡" You say as you send a man flying by kicking him.
"Y/N, let us protect Mikey," Kisaki said as he tried to get closer
"No, I have it covered here. Your division should head down and help the vice-captain." your tone leaving no room for Kisaki to argue.
"But we have numbers. Its smarter to-" Kisaki began saying but stopped when seeing your cold dead glare shot right at him
"I didn't ask, I order you to go help Draken." Kisaki scoffed but obeyed
"And if anything happens to any of the toman's captains and vice-captains I'll kill you myself." a shiver ran down Kisaki's back as he and the third division went help Draken.
You see many Valhalla members rushing towards Mikey. "well it looks like fun is just about to arrive Mikey.~"
You grab Mikey and basically play hot potato with Mikey as you fight Vallhalla members. It was certainly amusing and impressive to you defend Mikey by throwing him up towards the sky only to catch him in a different place.
"where's all that confidence you guys had before? already gone?" you teased your opponents "It would be so much easier to kill all of you ♡"
"but that would make Mikey sad ..so I guess I'll just beat you till you can't breathe. ♡"
"c'mon put more into your punch, hit me. Can't you do it? Your all so freaking boring!" you say as you literally kick Chrome off of the mountain of cars.
"Guess its over Mikey, its not as fun, as I hoped," you say as you carry Mikey down passing by all of the knocked-out Valhalla members you left.
Oddly you didn't see kazutora anywhere, so you knew that that something was going to happen. So you stopped mid-way from the mountain of cars and looked around.
You facepalm as you see kazutora run with a knife.
" Kazu, you never learn do you?" you say and slip Mikey off of you. you lay Mikey down on the hood of the car.
you see Chojo's passed out body on the car next to you
" I hate to do this to ya, but not really," You say as you grab chojo's ankle and yeet him at kazutora. You see them both collide and the knife gets thrown into somewhere nobody would care to look.
you finally make it down with Mikey on your back and sit him down on the ground. You sigh tiredly as you see baji shocked you stopped someone from stabbing him.
you stop in front of kazutora.
"of all the things you could have done you did the worst kazutora," you say before punching kazutora while all your strength to knock him out.
"did you see that? they beat all those Valhalla members?"
"that's so fucking cool!"
"no wonder they hang around the top dogs of Toman! they're one of them!!"
nevertheless, you ended up with so many fanboys after that fight. its almost ridiculous.
Manjiro Sano aka "Mikey"
Mikey was passed out for most of the fight and was in a bad mood. Being awaken by hearing Kisaki spouting out bullshit to him was horrible.
"Kisaki shut the fuck up. Baji is fine and kazutora is knocked out" Draken said
Mikey could feel some of his cuts were cleaned off and bandaged.
" I wanted to kill him."
"I know, but since I stopped him you don't have to right?"
" I think you're smart enough to see kazutora got manipulated. he doesn't have enough brains to pull any of this shit off on his own. You can hate him and you should but remember he can't do any of this on his own"
"Go talk to Baji. you guys need to talk about whatever this shit is cause I'm too tired to understand."
after a lot of thinking, Mikey does what you say. Baji gets back into the first division and Mikey is happy he didn't lose another person in his life.
Ken Ryuguji aka "Draken"
He watched you as you threw Chojo across the yard. He had no idea why you would do that like wtf we won ?? like no need to throw an unconscious person like a football.
well, that's until he realizes that you were saving Baji. He's proud of you for stopping Kazurora from making a giant mistake in his life.
"Good work y/n!" he's very professional in public but once you guys get into a private he thanks you properly because he knows how much it meant to Mikey and him that you saved Baji.
He's also very jealous of your reflexes, strength, and instincts. Like how did you throw chojo with such accuracy?
though it kinda unnerves him how many fanboys you have gotten due to showing up and showing off. He had to shut down a lot of gangs on a daily basis due to them trying to recruit you.
So congrats you now have a 6'0 something giant and Lil Mikey following you around so that you don't get recruited every time you go out.
Keisuke Baji
He didn't even realize that kazutora was going to stab him till he saw the knife skidded away somewhere
"kazutora?" poor baby is in shock that Kazu was going to stab him. he knows Kisaki was behind this but he couldn't save off the shock he felt.
"Thanks, babe ♡" he doesn't care if the guys call him a freaking simp. He's thankful for a s/o who has his back even in life and death situations. After this, he kinda chills out for a bit. he's still baji but he just double-thinks things now. he appreciates everything in his life a little bit more.
You, Baji, Chifuyu, and Takemitchi start the "Fuck you Kisaki" group and basically talk shit about Kisaki.
His mom is a little bit weirded out by how he acts and generally is very concerned. But he's back to old Baji in no time.
Please don't ever mention to his mom that he almost died or that kazutora tried to kill him.
He differently plans to marry you as soon as possible.
Chifuyu Matsuno
This man cries I tell you cries! he doesn't give a damn if anyone sees him. Especially since takemitchi told him about the future and what was supposed to happen to Baji. He first cries, then hugs Baji like his life depended on it, then he comes barreling towards you and hugs you. basically hugs and swings him around while crying.
He will give you the world if you ask him. this man loves you.
You two spend most of your time hanging around Baji. you basically start the "Protect Baji" bodyguard movement. The both of you Baji gets annoyed but he just lets it happened or else you and Chifuyu trail him so horribly he can't ignore both.
Honorary member of "Fuck you Kisaki" group. Takemitchy is the president 😂.
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cower-before-power · 4 years
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Summary: Gojo has sinned, and he will repent at the altar of his beloved
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x F!Reader
TW: swearing, implied sexual content, idolatry
Link to A03 here
A/N: First time writing for everyone’s favourite sensei, hope I did him justice. This man can step on me. Enjoy, sweet potatoes!
“You’re late.”
He laughs softly from the doorway. “I told you I would be.”
“I know,” you say, your eyes focused on the rising moon out the window. “But you’ve always said I was the exception.”
“You are,” you can hear walk over to the closet; next, the rustling of clothes as he sheds his uniform. “But Yuuji-kun is doing so well I got overexcited and just had to stay a bit longer. When I was finished with him, I was planning on rushing straight home to you, but then I ran into my other darling first years. They wanted me to watch them fight. Their training for the exchange is coming along nicely too.”
“Hmmmmm,” you hum, rocking on your heels, “good reasons to be late, I suppose.”
You can’t help but let a little irritation creep into your voice. You’re not angry with him, not truly, but you can’t help be a little annoyed. Your lives were so busy it was often hard to find time to actually act like a couple. The two of you had set aside tonight to finally go out together, a real date. You’d made reservations at a fancy restaurant and even got dressed up for once. Not that you didn’t love your late night routine of takeout, Netflix and sex, but it was nice every once and a while to get out.
To pretend everything was normal. To pretend you were normal.
So when he texted you that he was sorry but things came up, could you please cancel the reservation-you couldn’t help but feel....cast aside.
You loved Gojo’s dedication to his students and his passion for his cause. You were proud of his strength, his powers. But sometimes it felt like you were a planet orbiting around his brilliant sun, competing with all the others for his warmth and light. He was the best, and was always needed by someone somewhere. You knew it was what you were in for when you put your heart in his hands, but it was still sometimes a bitter pill to swallow.
“You’re upset with me,” he says, and you finally turn to face him. He’s out of his uniform and only in a pair of dark sweatpants; your favourite look. You have a strong urge to run to him and bury yourself in his chest. You stay put.
“No not at you, per say,” you run your hands through your hair, taking out the style you’d coaxed it into earlier. “Just at life, I guess. Things are always crazy around here, but they seem to be getting even wilder and it just makes it even harder for us to spend quality time together.”
“You’ve never complained before.”
You sigh, tugging at the straps of your dress. “I know, I know. I’m just in a mood today, I guess. I was really looking forward to going out, and when you texted me, I just felt, I don’t know, shuffled aside.”
He stays quiet, face unreadable. It’s unusual and quite frankly rather unsettling. You feel guilt suddenly bubble hotly in your stomach.
“I mean, it’s fine! What you were doing was very important! Yuuji needs all the training he can get, poor boy. Plus, Megumi and Nobara miss you, they’ve noticed you haven’t been around a lot and they probably just wanted to see you be proud of them, even if they’ll never admit it. I’m being silly, I mean, who cares if we missed the reservation, the students and their training is definitely more important than going out with me-“
Your words die on your lips as you find yourself suddenly pressed flush against the chest you were just admiring moments earlier. You blink and gasp-bright blue eyes are staring intently down into yours. It always stuns you momentarily to see them. They are like sapphires; not only beautiful in shine and hue, but rare and precious. They only show up when he’s feeling particularly loving and mushy, or the very limited occasions when he gets serious.
You have a feeling it’s the latter.
“What have I told you about being too kind, angel?” He scolds you, shaking his head as he cups your face in his large, warm hands. “Just come out and say I’m the asshole here.”
“Hush now,” his voice grows stern, the tone he uses when he’s got you at his mercy. You obey on instinct, snapping your lips shut. “I shouldn’t have stayed so long at school, and I definitely shouldn’t have assumed that cancelling would be okay without asking. I’ve never, ever wanted you to feel like you’re playing second string, and I’ve gone and done just that.”
You frown. “I don’t feel like that all the time, please don’t think I-“
“Once is one time too many,” he interrupts. His fingers smooth over your skin, stroking the frown from your face. “I clearly fucked up. I let my angel, my reason to live, my sweet darling thief who stole my heart, down.”
(You feel warm. So he is feeling mushy as well as serious.)
He replaces his fingers with his lips, featherlight brushes over your skin that make your knees begin to wobble. “It’s okay,” you breathe, eyes slipping shut so he can kiss your eyelids gently. “You didn’t mean to.”
He laughs. “Sweetness, you are shit at being mad at someone. This is the part where you call me a prick and make me grovel for forgiveness.”
“You’ve never groveled in your life,” you hum. The irritation you’d been feeling earlier is melting away under his gentle ministrations. He hadn’t meant to hurt you. He sometimes forgets the two of you didn’t always operate on the same wavelength. He sometimes forgets that everyone didn’t operate on his wavelength.
“Another exception I’d make for you,” he nibbles at your bottom lip, and you can’t help but chase him, trying to catch him in a proper kiss. He just laughs and sweeps a thumb over where he’s just nipped. “I’ll even get on my knees.”
The image of the worlds most powerful shaman on his knees before you sends a shiver up your spine. And the perceptive bastard doesn’t miss it. He pulls away, peeling himself from your body with a sticky slowness that causes the air around you to heat and thicken. He sinks to his knees before you, palms upturned in perfect piety.
“Oh goddess divine, please accept my humble apologies,” the words drip from his lips like a sacred prayer. “I have displeased you, and I seek to make amends.”
“Only you could apologize and make fun of someone at the same time,” you murmer, feeling your cheeks begin to flush. “You’re an idiot.”
“An idiot who only wishes to repent for his sins,” he grins lazily up at you, and his upturned hands are suddenly on your legs, beneath your dress. His thumbs begin to rub circles on your inner thighs. Time stops; your next breath lodges in your throat.
“Tell me what I must do,” his voice is smooth like the silk of his blindfold, slipping over you. He leans in and presses a kiss just above your right knee. His mouth is hot against your skin.
“Ummmm....” you try to speak, but nothing comes out but a choked whimper.
“I’m waiting very patiently,” another kiss, this time slightly higher. Your brain begins to malfunction. You open and close your mouth, trying to get the words out, but there’s nothing. Nothing but his warm breath and deft hands. Nothing but crystalline blue darkened with hunger. Nothing but need beginning to boil in your blood.
“I’ll just have to decide the form of atonement myself,” he murmurs, skimming his nose along your inner thigh. His hands slowly slide up your legs, your dress is coming up with them....
And then you both hear it.
The loud grumbling of your very empty belly.
He pulls back and blinks up at you. You stare back, mouth open. And then you both burst into raucous laughter.
“What a mood killer,” he grins, sitting back on his heels. “I’ve never been cockblocked by your stomach before.”
“Sorry!” You rub the offending area, still giggling. “I guess in all my stewing I forgot I was hungry.”
He’s on his feet in a flash. “Well we can’t have you starve on me, can we, sweetness? I know, how about I cook for us?”
Your eyes light up. Gojo is an excellent cook, but he rarely does it due to his busy and exhausting schedule. And his bad habit of filling up on sweets. “Really?”
“Sure,” he’s already across the room, throwing on a shirt and his blindfold. “Tell you what, you go have a nice hot soak in the tub while I cook. I’ll bring you a glass of wine and something from my extra secret sweets stash to tide you over till I’m done.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Something from the secret stash? I’m honoured.”
He grins. “Another exception for my angel.” He suddenly claps his hands together. “Oh, and tomorrow we’ll play hookey! Go to Tokyo for the whole day, and I’ll spoil the absolute shit out of you. The kids can survive a day without us.”
“You already spoil me,” you laugh, shaking your head. “I’ll just be happy to spend a whole day just us.”
“No arguments!” He wags his finger. “I will drop mad cash on you and you will enjoy it.”
“Ugh you are such a dork,” you roll your eyes, but your heart fills with love for this silly man. You know he really is sorry and is trying to make it up to you. He’s an idiot on occasions, but he’s your idiot, and you wouldn’t trade him for the world.
You make to move towards the bathroom, but the lingering feel of his touch on your skin reminds you.
“Hey, what happens after the bath and food?”
Before you can blink, he’s back in front of you, gathering you against him. His smile is absolutely feral, and you can feel his smouldering gaze even through the black fabric now covering his eyes.
And his lips are descending on yours, hot and hungry. He licks into your mouth, swallowing the moan that’s threatening to escape. There’s nothing left but him. His touch, his taste, his scent. He is everywhere, in every sweep and valley of your body, in every corner of your pounding heart. He consumes you like fire consumes a forest, and you are happy to burn, burn, burn.
All too soon he pulls away, and you are left empty. Bereft. Lost. But he leans back in, his lips brushing your ear, his voice dark with reverent desire.
“I’ll worship at the altar of my divine goddess until my penance is paid a hundred fold.”
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fictionsmooches · 3 years
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Plot: after a small fight with Porco, Pieck helps (y/n) get Porco jealous, while also having fun with her.
Contains: sweating, degradation, Praia, name calling ‘slut’ whore’ ect.ect., oral sex, unprotected sex, thigh riding, lesbian sex, 18+ MDNI
Word count; 3k-ish
Classes had already been out for the day, and with a long weekend around the corner, you were more than ready to get this ‘Porco issue” sorted out. Your whole life felt like it was spent between Pieck and Porco. You three had formed a bond unlike any other. You shared secrets, hopes, and protected each other on and off the battlefield.
“Look (y/n), a small fire lit under his ass wouldn’t hurt him. Besides, he’s been awfully rude to me lately. I wouldn’t mind making him a little jealous myself.” Pieck said.
All week he had been acting funny towards you. A little too funny for your comfort. It all started when you and Pieck decided to hang out without Porco. He had been taking extra lesions from Zeke as of lately, so he wouldn’t come home until late. The dorms were too quiet to be alone. Your thoughts had rang too loud to be left alone with quiet ticks of clocks to keep you company.
Pieck had no roommate since Annie left for Paradis, so you decided to have a sleepover. The two of you spent the night swapping stories of the week and laughing over nothing. It was a well needed pleasant night. However, In the morning when you arrived home you could see the hurt all over Porco’s face. He was sitting up on his bed. He faced the door. Dark circles rimmed his eyes, you knew for a fact he didn’t sleep at all last night.
“Where were you? You know you worried me to death!” he yelled standing up. His loud tone took over the whole room. It was as if nothing else existed apart from you two in this room.
“Oh I'm sorry Pock.. I don’t mean to worry you. I just got lonely waiting here for you to come back so I had a sleepover with Pieck.” you spoke softly as if to sooth him. You really didn't mean to make him worry, that was the last thing you wanted.
“Well the least you could have done was left a note.” he said brushing passed you as he walked through the still open door. His voice was cold and numb. You hated seeing this side of Porco, the cold side of him.
You could deal with his anger outbursts, you could manage the yelling or the cursing when he was upset. You could at least talk him down from that, but you can't help him when he was like this. How could you help somebody who didn't feel nothing? This was the first time he ever acted like this towards you, and it felt horrible.
Sure he yelled at Reiner and even got too snappy with Pieck every now and again- but not you. He made a habit of bragging to everyone that you’d be his wife one day and how beautiful you were whenever you weren’t around. You knew Porco was smitten for you but he never acted on it.
You waited all year for Porco to make the first move but feared he never would. Maybe it was because he wanted to live up to Marcel’s legacy. Maybe he didn’t want to ruin the friendship between you and Pieck. But it looked as though he’d never act on those feelings now.
“Pieck.. what if he never talks to me again?” you spoke as you slipped down onto Pieck’s lap. Her skirt was damp with the tears you’d been crying all day.
“I highly doubt that. You just have to show him that if he doesn’t act fast, he’ll lose you.”
You nodded and sat up. You wiped your last tear away and raised your fist.
“Ok. What’s the plan?”
Pieck slipped her arm around your waist and pulled you closer. Your thighs now touched one another as she closed in the gap between you two. She cupped her free hand over your ear, she whispered softly.
“You want me to do what?! Pieck, we aren’t little girls anymore! We can’t just ‘practice’ like we did when we were little!” you jumped slightly. She pulled you back into her grasp.
“And why not! Am I not your type?” Pieck teased.
“It’s not that” you looked away. “It’s just.. I don’t know.. Embarrassing?”
Pieck couldn’t help but giggle at your shyness. It is true that you two used to practice kissing each other when you were children. You needed to be sure that when the time came, and you married your future spouse, you’d be ready. But you were not children anymore. You couldn’t just kiss her and act like it meant nothing. After all, you had some morals left.
Sure Porco and Pieck fought about who would be the one to marry you- but you never thought anything of it. Why would you? Wasn't it natural to hold hands with your best friends? Your mind ticked and ticked until finally you could form a coherent thought. Was Pieck in love with you? And was Porco as well? How long had they been? Either way, the idea of kissing Pieck didn’t seem so far-fetched anymore.
You could hear Porcos boots clomping in the distance, he had always been so brash with his walking. You often felt bad for the poor wood floors he had walked on.
Just as the door knob turned, Pieck cupped your face and pressed her lips against yours. As soon you were connected, you could feel yourself pooling under your skirt. Pieck had begun rubbing on your thigh, and that definitely didn't help the dampness from collecting. The warmth of her mouth took over your whole body. You couldn’t help but melt into the kiss, your mouth opened slightly as Pieck shoved her tongue into yours.
You knew Porco could walk in at any moment, and the excitement of him catching you made you want to kiss Pieck even more. It felt so dirty to be like this. To have Pieck’s hand up your skirt, and to have Porco possibly see. you wouldn't dream of pulling away. It felt too good to stop now.
The moment the door actually opened, Porco just stood there- eyes wide as he watched Pieck absolutely degrade the mouth he wanted for himself. He had dreamed about parting those lips countless times. He tried to imagine if your mouth felt as good as it did in his wet dreams. His now half hard cock twitched as he watched Pieck pull away from you, a string of saliva still connecting you two.
“Good evening Pock.” she spoke with a smile as if nothing just happened.
He avoided his gaze from the two of you. “Yeah.. whatever” he said, nearly throwing his books on his desk. He took a seat as he covered his face- hoping it would make his blush less noticeable.
Pieck kissed your forehead. “I’ll see you later my sweet (y/n), i’ll be late to class.” she said walking out of your dorm with a wink. You sat breathless at what had just happened. Pieck had unlocked something so sinister in you, and you feared that simple kissing wouldn't be enough for you anymore.
As time went on you wouldnt understand how Pieck could just go along with you like nothing happened. You walked to class together as usual, ate lunch like you usually would- but in the back of your mind the only thing you could think about was Pieck. You craved her touch on your body. You longed for her hands and for her mouth, but you wanted Porco’s gaze upon you just as much.
“Uhh Earth to (y/n)?” Pieck said waving her hand in front of you. You had spaced out at the table you had been studying at. Porco sat at your left and Pieck across from you.
“I’m sorry. I just got lost in thought!” You rubbed the back of your head In embarrassment.
The stuffy room you sat in, had once been dedicated to strategizing wars and battles but the campus had now converted them into study halls for students. You weren’t sure if the weather made the room feel humid or if you had imagined it to distract yourself from forming tension between you three.
Large windows covered the walls of the room, the sunlight coming in gave you a clear view of everything in the room. The tables were old and worn, chairs wobbled ever so slightly, and the books on the shelf were slowly collecting dust as years went by.
“Is it hot in here?” You ask aloud, fanning yourself with your hand.
“I’m sure it is, and these uniforms don’t help out any.” Pieck smiled was she pulled her book away from her face.
Porco slid his hand on your thigh from under the table, he snickered as he turned the page of his book with his other hand.
You gulped quietly.
“Yeah I’m getting tired of all these layers, I wish I could peel off a few, don’t you Pieck?”  Porco said as his hand gilded under your skirt, calloused hands rubbed small circles on your inner thighs. You were being too obvious, you had always been too obvious.
Pieck caught on quickly to the soft movements Porco made under the table and your breath heaving. Her eyes made their way to your warm cheeks with a smirk.
“I understand completely, Porco.” Pieck looked directly in your eyes “It’s almost like I could undress entirely right now.” she began fiddling with the top buttons of her shirt.
You could feel it happening again. The wetness starting to build between your legs was unbearable.
You were practically gasping for air as Porco’s hand slowly started making its way closer and closer to your clothed cunt. Your clit ached with the thought of his touch. All sense of shame was gone at this point. Pieck’s shirt was half way opened at this point. The bits of her lace bra were exposed more and more with every bottom she slowly undid.
You couldn’t tell if your arousal came more from Piecks undressing or from Porcos touch, but at this point it didn't matter, you only knew you needed more. You wished to be laid against Pieck’s chest as Porco bent you over the wooden table, just imagining it made you bucked your hips in desperation for more friction. Porco slowly placed the pad of his middle and ring finger against your clit.
He withdrew his hand entirely as you let out a soft moan.
“It’s almost time for dinner, we gotta get going if we want to beat the crowd.” Porco said, looking at the clock on the wall.
“Right! Best if we leave now.” Pieck said with a devilish smile as she began buttoning up her shirt.
The two left you there panting for air, and longing for hands all over your body. The light of golden hour stained the room with warm hues. Your mind raced with what had just happened, and why you were left hot and bothered. Your legs spread open on the chair you had been sitting it, a small puddle laid under you.
The next day You woke to an empty dorm. Porco had been long gone at training. You knew you would have most of the day to yourself but today your mind raced with thought of Pieck and Porco. At times you shifted your weight to distract yourself from the overwhelming thoughts you craved.
It wasn’t long before a knock at the door sent a shiver up your spine that jolted you to sit up.
“(Y/N)?” Pieck called as she let herself in. “I assume Porcos is training?”
You nodded.
“Ooh so you’re all alone?” Pieck’s tone sounded sultry like she was alluding to something. You felt the heat rising in your face.
She made her way over to your bed. Her foot steps echoed in the room with every step she took. She took a seat on your bed. And leaned over to your ear.
“Have you been thinking of me?”
You avoided looking at her. “Maybe” you answered
“Or have you been thinking of Porco?” She asks nibbling at your ear lobe. Your breath couldn’t help but deepen.
“Maybe” you answer again
Pieck pulled away and repositioned herself. She was now sitting with her back fully against the wall, her legs laid out over the length of the bed.
“Come here (y/n). I want you to show me the way you want to grind on Porcos lap” she lifted her skirt to expose her thighs. She looked so soft from where you sat.
You don’t think twice about straddling her thigh. Your clothed cunt made contact with her soft skin sending a shiver down your spine. Piecks hand found their place on your ass with a squeeze.
“Such a desperate little whore you’ve become. You get one kiss from me and a half assed teasing from Porco, and you’re so eager to do as I say?” She squeezed your ass again only this time more rougher.
You could only moan in response.
Pieck had begun dragging you back and forth on her thigh, pleasure rippled through your body.
“Unbutton your shirt for me”
You hesitated. “What if Porco comes back early?” You whined
“Don’t act like you don’t want him to see you like this. Now unbutton your shirt”
She lifted her leg to make more friction between you and her thigh.
You did as you were told and undid every button to the best of your ability given the circumstances.
“No bra? You really are a whore (y/n)!”
You moaned at her words, your pussy was leaking all over her thigh as you rode her.
Pieck placed your nipple in her mouth and began to suck.
“Fuck-!” You say throwing your head back
She slapped your ass making you moan louder.
Her mouth felt amazing wrapped around the sensitive bud, sending shockwaves through your entire body.
She looked up at you through her eyelashes. She looked as though she was smiling as she sucked on your nipple, she knew what she was doing.
The knot in your stomach had started to tighten.
“Pieck! You’re going to make me cum!”
She pulled away. Without saying anything, she pulled your panties to the side, giving your cunt direct contact with her.
“Cum for me then” she said looking in your eyes.
Your hips moved at a rapid pace as you released on her thigh with a scream.
You were so busy with Pieck that you didn’t even notice Porcos boots clomping down the hallway. By the time you noticed he was already opening the door.
He stepped into the most unexpected but beautiful sight. You say still straddling Piecks thigh, gasping with your tits out. Your cum and sweat covered your body and Piecked thigh, your skirt hiked up over your ass and piecks hands holding on the back of your thighs.
Pieck peered her head to the side “hi Pock!”
You couldn’t help but feel so embarrassed and exposed.
Porcos cock twitched with excitement.
“So this is what you do while I’m off working my ass off?” He says while slicking his hair back more.
You were speechless. When you decided to speak all you could manage to say was “I’m sorry- I couldn’t help myself! I just-“
“Just what? Decided to act like a slut and think I wouldn’t find out?” Porco says.
Your clit jumped with excitement.
Pieck shifted her weight so you lay elbows to the bed with your ass in the air. Pieck guided her hands to your panties and slid them off of you. She spread your ass cheeks and pussy lips for Porcos full view.
“Look Porco, she’s just begging to be filled” Pieck smiled up at you.
You could hear Porco’s zipper being undone behind you.
“She sure is. But I want to hear that from her” he grinned, stroking his cock. The tip was wet with precum already. He stroked as your hole fluttered with excitement.
“Please Porco! Please, I need it!” You said.
“Tell me princess, what do you need?”
Pieck reached her hand underneath to rub your clit.
You gasp nearly being able to talk, “I need you to fuck me Porco! Please fuck me!” You choke out.
“Good girl” he said as he slowly pushed the tip of his hard cock inside. “Mmm.. so fucking wet already” he shoved the enteier length inside you.
You moaned against piecks mouth as she kissed you. Her tongue once again shoving its way into your mouth.
While Porco took his time fucking your tight hole, you slid lower to make contact with Pieck’s lower half. She giggled at the sight of you being so eager to please her. “Here, ill help you.” She said lowering her panties.
You wasted no time lapping up every once of Piecks oozing pussy. She collapsed into the this matress as you attacked her clit.
Piecks moaning caught the attention of Porco. “L-Like what you see Pock? Her mouth feels amazing on my pussy.” Pieck said, smirking.
“I always knew (y/n) would be the perfect little slut.” Porco said speeding up his thrust into your sloppy tight cunt. You moaned against Piecks clit, squeezing down on Porco’s cock in response to his degrading words.
Slowly you added two fingers into Piecks slit.  “Better do a good job (y/n), or I wont let you cum” Porco said slowing his pace. You wasted no time proving at her g-spot. Pieck moaned in delight.
“Good girl.” Pieck said in between moans.
You couldn’t go on much long like this. You needed release and you needed it bad. Porco could tell you where close by the way you began clamping down on his cock.
Pieck was the first to cum as she held a fist full of your hair “(y/n)! You’re gunna make me cum” she exclaimed. She lay breathless on the bed for a moment as Porco kept thrusting into you.
Pieck seized the opportunity to reach under and rub your clit. Pieck’s soft fingertips where enough to send you over the edge. “Porco! I’m coming!” You screamed.
“I’m close (y/n).. where do you want me to finish?” He choked
“Don’t be shy now (y/n) Answer him” Pieck said.
“Inside!” You yelled feeling over stimulated.
“Fuck!” Porco said as he raised inside of you, your pussy drank up every drop of his cum.
You three laid squished against one another, sweat and cum covering your bodies
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rosequartzwriting · 3 years
The Agent and Her Sorcerer
Pairing: Doctor Strange X Fem!Reader
Description: You, an agent who works with The Avengers, comes back to the compound to find that Doctor Strange has brought you coffee.
Warnings: mentions of drinking and doing the dirty
Word Count: 2.4K
A/N: Originally posted on Quotev | Things have been busy, so has mental heath things, so idk when new things will come out. I love this piece tho so I hope this makes up for it. 
Masterlist | Fic Reading Recs | Ao3 | Quotev | Coffee
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Gif by @cumberbatchlives
Technically a sequel to The Sorcerer and The Agent
When you stepped off the jet and onto the landing, you let out a long breath of relief. That field mission was finally over. It was an early call that got you out of bed before the sun came up. Too early for your body to function, but with the encouragement of coffee and Captain Rogers forcing you out of bed, you conquered the task. You checked your phone for the time, it was now around noon. You were ready to sit down, maybe even take a nap. You desperately needed a break.
But you knew you would not be able to rest.
Tony was already on your ass. He came out of nowhere, scaring the life back into you, and shoved a tablet in your hands. "Before you file your report, you got another one."
You groaned, falling into step beside him to make your way into the building. "Already?"
Tony pushed a few things on your tablet and an image came up. It was one of the objects you had recovered from this morning's mission. On the side was a stream of jumbled letters and numbers.
"Decoding, seriously?"
Tony shrugged, with a grin on his face that you wanted to punch off. "Hey, you're best for the job."
"Can't FRIDAY just run through it?"
"Where's the fun in that?"
You glared at him.
"Come on, you got this."
You rolled your eyes, "Fine. Only because it might give us a new lead."
"Atta girl! Don't stress yourself out."
You were already stressed.
"Oh and by the way, someone in the lounge is here to see you."
After a brief moment of surprise, you knew who it was. Tony saw the smile appear on your face, then winked at you. You rolled your eyes at him.
You tucked the tablet under your arm and made your way to the lounge. Maybe you were getting a little break before continuing for the day after all. A small amount of energy that came from your happiness pushed you forwards.
When you got there, sure enough, there he was.
"Hey, I thought you might want coffee."
You chuckled. Of course you wanted coffee.
Stephen Strange had a coffee tray in his hands that had two cups in it. He was standing around looking a little awkward, a little out of place at the compound. He looked relived to see you, as if anyone else in the doorway would made him embarrassed. His serious demeanor was no where in sight, a hint of warmth in his cheeks.
He wasn't wearing his sorcerer robes, but casual clothes. A jacket, dark jeans, sneakers, a t-shirt, simple things that you got to see him in more often now. You liked it. Very much.
Without any hesitation, you made your way over to him. Giving him a big smile the entire way. You put your tablet down so you could take the cup he was holding out for you. "Thank you." Your gloved hands brushed against his bare shaking ones. The contact was enough to widen your smile.
"Don't mention it."
"Hi! How are you? What's new?" You asked him, leaning one hand on a table and sipping your coffee with the other.
Stephen let out a breath, "Well this morning I helped to try and close a dimensional rip in space time. If we hadn't managed to close it then it would have swallowed an entire country."
"Sounds exciting, Doctor." You hid a smirk behind a look of playfully exaggerated interest.
"Oh it was." He was trying to hide a smirk too, "How about you, Agent (L/N)?" His cheek twitched, trying desperately to not let that smirk slide through.
"Well I just came back from a mission in London where an very well hidden Hydra base was found. There were a few of their agents there, kicked some ass, and managed to recover some of their tech and files. You know, normal things."
"This is a very casual conversation despite its content." He commented.
You both broke after that, smirks turning into fits of chuckles. You reached up and kissed him on the cheek.
The two of you were developing into a 'thing' recently. Whenever he would come to the compound, you would have your eye on him. And you could feel his eye on you as well. It had been going back and forth for a while, finding excuses to talk to each other and purposely being in the same room as one another. Casual attraction.
You noticed the little details in him. Taking every opportunity to make a snarky comment during meetings. Dedication and a 'cool calm' overtaking him whenever disusing anything serious. His gaze of sparkling blue, sharp features, and welcoming smile. The very presence of him either made your heart stop or quicken, sometimes both simultaneously.
Whenever you were both having a conversation, whether for work or just friendly chatter, you found yourself entranced by him. His voice, his gorgeous face, his personality. Not casual attraction anymore, you were sightly obsessed.
But there was always this look in his eyes, that he recognized your attraction to him. And a look that told you he had similar emotions. You just knew it. You paid attention to him. You noticed him paying attention to you with interest, catching him staring on occasion.
Things had went from zero to one hundred at a party that Tony threw last week. You had a little too much to drink. Stephen did too. You found yourselves alone. Things escalated from there. You woke up the next morning in his bed in the New York sanctum, cuddled in his arms. You both went out for breakfast that morning. He took you out for dinner a day after.
Ever since then, he shows up at the compound when he can, or calls you to ask how you are doing. Work for both of you has gotten pretty busy lately so finding time to go out together was hard. But you promised each other another date as soon as you both were free.
This was a long time coming, you both knew that. All it took was one little push. But you did not expect that push to be a little alcohol. It happened anyways, so you decided to take it without complaints.
Stephen looked around, making sure no one else was in the room to intrude. After confirming, he leaned down and stole a kiss from you. You giggled and let him, leaning up into him. He pulled away to let you have another sip of your coffee.
He wasn't drinking from his own cup. You felt his eyes on you. It did not take long to figure out why. You were still in your uniform, one that is similar to Natasha's. Black bodysuit, weapons belt. Skin tight. A blush crept up on your face, some memories coming back from that night. He has seen you wearing this before, but now his gaze had a different weight to it.
"Liking the view, Strange?" You asked with a raised eyebrow and mischief glittering in your eyes.
He shrugged, "Now that I know what it all looks like, I like the view even more." Casual. Calm. Cocky.
You playfully smacked him on the shoulder, bringing his hint of a smile into light. Tucking the tablet under your arm, coffee in one hand and Stephen's own hand in another, you pulled him over to one of the couches. The two of you sat down. "I have a little tech and paperwork to do right now. You're welcome to stay while I do it, if you're free."
He relaxed beside you, an arm slinging over the back of the couch. "I've got time. Wong is watching the Sanctum, I have the afternoon off."
"Maybe if I finish early we can go out?" You asked with a perky smile.
He gestured to your open tablet. "Better get to work then." You laughed, quickly kissed him, and did get to work. You explained to him your tasks, the decoding you needed to do and then fill out your mission report file. He seemed interested, looking over your shoulder the whole time as you explained your process. He watched you complete the decoding, send the results to the cloud, and start typing away at your morning's mission report.
Stephen's presence behind you the entire time was comforting, taking away some of the stress of your busy work. His warmth and the smell of coffee in the air made you content. You felt him start to fiddle with the tails of your hair, you jokingly swatting him away before he went right back to it.
During the breakfast date, and the dinner date, you saw more little things about him you liked. There was curiosity and interest in his eyes. Behind that serious shell was gentleness and kindness, a full heart who thinks for others. It was like after that night, you got to see the real Stephen Strange, not the Sorcerer Supreme. He was a gentle lover, even drunk, making sure you were comfortable the entire time. Eating out together, he was a gentleman. Seeing him around the compound, he seemed to be smiling more.
You never knew the great Doctor Stephen Strange was a total softy. It made you like him even more.
While writing, you found yourself putting extra care into reviewing the mission and its details. This may have been caused by knowing Stephen was watching your every move and you wanted to make a good impression of your work ethic. You made sure to skim through for any mistakes or typos in your writing as well. After some time, discarded cups on the coffee table and Stephen now subtly nuzzling your neck, you submitted your report.
"Do you have to do that after every mission?" The man who was practically wrapping his entire body around yours on the couch asked.
"Yeah. That was one of the longer ones. Most things were more straightforward this time around, but I did a lot in London today." You heaved a sigh, momentary wiggled out of Stephen's arms to plunk your tablet down on the coffee table, and relaxed back into the couch.
"Have anything else to do?" He asked.
"Not currently." You turned to him, now giving him your full attention. He seemed to like it.
"Well then, maybe you and me can go grab lunch?"
"I'd like that."
You watched his eyes dip down, briefly glancing at your lips before looking back up at your eyes. You caught him. This told you what he was thinking about, and soon you were thinking about it yourself. And then you were doing it. One of his hands rested on your cheek, the other found your waist as he kissed you. Your hands tangled around his neck and up into his hair gently.
It was like you lost track of time. You just focused on Stephen, a hand of his running over the fabric of your tight uniform.
"I'm glad Tony threw that party."
You and Stephen urgently parted at the interruption. Standing in the doorway, Steve and Natasha had smug grins. They were still in their uniforms from the mission, Steve's shield strapped across his back. You groaned.
When you told only one person that you went home with Stephen that night, it had spread through the compound like wildfire. Your coworkers all knew, and they were relieved. Finally, they had said. You must have not noticed how obvious you and Stephen's electric stares and intrigued chatter were.
You were a little embarrassed at being caught making out, but the embarrassment practically radiated off Stephen. He immediately straightened upright and cleared his throat. Apparently he did not show his vulnerable side to anyone but you, him instantly clicking back into a neutral expression when facing someone else.
Nat got right to the point, ignoring the irritated look on your face, "We got a new lead. There was a new location marked in one of their files found in London. Venice. We leave in thirty."
A frown glazed your features. You were really looking forward to spending some time with Stephen again. You looked at Stephen, who shared a mutual disappointed look in his eyes. But you knew that he would go let you work. It was annoying.
It wouldn't hurt to ask. Would it?
You stood up from the couch, grabbing your tablet to pull up your report again. You strided towards your bosses, a lick of confidence in your posture.
"Um actually I was kinda hoping if I could get the rest of the day off." You sang.
Steve let out a breath in a smug laugh, while Nat was hiding one of her own.
With a smile, you handed Nat your tablet, the mission report on the screen. Clean, detailed, care put into it, reflecting your hard work you had accomplished all morning. You saw her eyes look it over, the captain leaning in to do the same.
"You did work hard this morning." Steve pointed out.
"And you did eventually save our asses in the end." Nat added.
As you said to Stephen earlier, you did kick ass during the mission.
You gave them a look of hope. It was obvious what you wanted, they both knew it. For some reason you felt like they were lengthening the moment to tease you. To leave you in anticipation.
After what felt like minutes instead of seconds, the two turned to each other and exchanged expressions. Steve nodded. Natasha handed back your tablet.
"Go play with your sorcerer and his magic hands." Natasha whispered to you with a wink. A deep blush crept up onto your neck, and you saw her smirk. Scrunching your face up in a mock sneer, you snatched your tablet back.
"Have fun, you two." Steve said as a goodbye, and him and Natasha left the lounge to get ready for part two of today's investigation.
You turned back to Stephen. He had an impressed look on his face. Now standing, he threw away your empty coffee cups in a nearby bin."You didn't have to do that, you know."
"Too bad. Already did." You shrugged, sauntering back over to stand in front of him.
Stephen gave you a smile, and opened a slingring portal right in front of you both. "Then lets go."
You put down your tablet and went to empty your weapons belt. "I'm still in uniform, Stephen." You laughed, "I should go change first."
The sorcerer snapped his fingers, and your skintight Avengers uniform turned into a pair of leggings and a blouse. An outfit Stephen had complimented you on last week. You were surprised he remembered it.
You rolled your eyes at him, and before you could say anything, he grabbed your hand and pulled you through the portal.
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tom-holland-parker · 3 years
Summary: Bucky has to tell you that he leaves tomorrow but not without leaving you with plans for when he gets back
Pairing: 40s!bucky x reader
Word count: 1344
Notes: Broke my heart while writing this because we all knows what happens after he leaves and Jesus Christ it just hurts to think about how y/n is gonna feel when she realizes he not coming back...ughhhh
Bucky had made a lot of choices in his life, but deciding to keep this a secret was the hardest one. The letter remained in his sock drawer for weeks as he contemplated ways to tell you, his guilt eating him alive as the days drew closer
“I got drafted”
He’d practiced those words over and over again trying to find any way to make them sound different. Trying to make them sound better. Maybe a larger part of him was hoping it would all go away if he avoided it but he knew it wouldn’t, not with the way the war was going.
So now here he was with 1 day left to tell you the truth
Bucky took a deep breath as he knocked on your door, smiling when your mother opened it, “Good Evening Ma’am”
“Hello James, Y/N is just getting her shoes on, please come in” She said as she opened the door wider. Bucky stepped in, enjoying the familiar smell of your mother's apple pie coming from the kitchen, “So where will you two be going tonight?”
“We’re going to the Stark expo tonight” You replied as you came down the stairs. Bucky couldn’t help but smile at the sight of you, wearing the pink dress he loved on you and the necklace he gave you for your birthday last year. “Well look at you all dolled up for me” He said as he kissed your cheek. 
“Not too bad yourself handsome” You chuckled, “We should get going, Mom I’ll be home by curfew love ya”
The night was amazing, filled with fun as you and Bucky looked at all the new inventions. As the night went on Bucky glanced at his watch nervously, “Doll we gotta go” You chuckled grabbing his hand, “My curfew isn’t for another two hours”
Bucky shrugged his shoulders as you both quickly jumped into the car he borrowed from a friend, “We’re actually making a quick stop before I drop you off” He said as he began to drive. Your brows furrowed, “Where exactly are you taking me Mr. Barnes?”
He chuckled, “if I tell you it’d ruin the surprise”
You jokingly huffed in disappointment as you looked out the window, watching as the apartment building quickly turned into houses, you were definitely far from home, “Bucky where are you taking me?”
“Don’t worry you’ll like it.” He stopped driving after a few more minutes, parking outside of a small white house with a match white picket fence boarding the lawn. You glanced at him, your face filled with confusion, “A house?”
He chuckled pointing towards the house, “One day I’m gonna buy you that house” You smiled, moving closer to rest your head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around you. “And we’ll have two kids,” he continued, “and a dog”
“And fireworks every fourth of July” You chimed in, picturing your picture perfect life with Bucky. He’d come home after a long day of work, greeting you with a kiss. You guys would throw a huge barbeque every fourth of July, ending the night with fireworks and s’mores. You watch from the back door as Bucky plays catch with your son while you cradle the sleeping baby girl in your arms.
So many scenarios played out in your head as you rested in his arms, it wasn’t until he placed a small kiss on your temple that you were pulled out of your imagination. You looked up at him, his lips meeting your for a quick kissed before he pulled away from you, “I have to tell you something”
“What's wrong?” You questioned, noticing the look of nervousness and worry on his face. He took a deep breath, here goes nothing, he thought to himself, “I got drafted. I leave tomorrow”
The words hit you like a ton of bricks, you see the countless of boys being drafted and every night you prayed that Bucky would never be added to that list of boys, but as luck would have it here you were. You stood silent, utterly speechless as your eyes filled with tears. Trying but failing to blink them away as you shook your head in disbelief, “No you’re lying. That’s not something to joke about”
Bucky’s heart broke as he watched you process the words he said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know how to tell you”
“How could you keep this from me?” You wiped your tears, it was useless though, the tears just kept falling. Bucky sighed pulling you into a hug before gently holding your face with his large hands, “I’m sorry, If I could change it I would but don’t worry I’m going to come back to you no matter what it takes”
You swallowed the lump growing in your throat, “Promise?” 
He smiled, kissing your forehead, “I promise”
The next day you got up extra early, catching Bucky at the bus stop surrounded by the other drafted men who were saying goodbye to the people they loved, “what are you doing here?” he said as he pulled you into a tight hug, spinning you around before letting you go.
You chuckled, “Did you really think I’d let you leave without saying goodbye?”
“No, I figured you’d find some way to see me before I left.” He said with a smile, “So what do you think” he took a step back so you could see him fully. It hurt to see him in his uniform but you couldn’t ignore how good he looked. 
“Well aren’t you a dreamboat” You joked, “I need a picture before you leave”
Bucky rolled his eyes, but smiled for the camera as you took the picture, you smiled as the polaroid printed, “Gotta show our future kids just how handsome you are” 
“Well it’s only fair that they get to see what a catch their mother is” he grabbed the camera, pulling you closer to him as he took a picture of the both of you. “Keep it” you chuckled, putting it in his pocket, “that way all the pretty nurses will know your mine”
Bucky rolled his eyes, “You know I only have eyes for you doll”
“Alright boys, on the bus” the tall man shouted. You watched as everyone said their final goodbyes. You looked at him, not having the guts to say goodbye, “two kids and a dog” You said quietly as tears slowly trailed down your face. It was an unusual way to say goodbye but it was good enough for you.
Bucky nodded, kissing your forehead before pulling you in for a final hug, “and fireworks every fourth of July”
Present day
It took a long time for Bucky to gain the courage to actually go to the museum, every time he thought about going he would chicken out. Too nervous to think about that time in his life. It took Sam weeks to finally convince him to go and now here he was, staring at the exhibit dedicated to people that died in the war.
He rolled his eyes as he saw his face on the screen, “James “Bucky” Buchanan Barnes, died during an ambush. His remains were not found, his only belonging found was a picture many say he kept in his pocket at all times. This picture can be found at the end of the exhibit on the photography wall” He heard the guide tell the group of people nearby. 
He sighed making his way to the end of the exhibit, searching the wall for the picture. It took a few minutes but there it was. There was obvious damage, wear and tear from years of being tossed around but he could still see you. He could still make out all the lines on your face, the shape of your lips, the shape of your eyes. He smiled, taking out his phone to take a picture of it. He took one last look at it before deciding he’d had enough for today. He’d come back another day to see you again
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f1nalboys · 3 years
i’m back again with a request this time!
how about shy!randy with a future fem s/o (or whatever is most comfortable) who starts to work at the video store with him and they’re both socially awkward and he’s all nervous trying to teach her the way around the place and it’s just CUTE
(i love all your randy writings btw he is so underrated and you write him perfectly!!)
AHHH you're so sweet :,) I'm really glad you think so! i hope you enjoy!
WARNINGS: fluff babey
When Randy saw you talking with his manager, wearing a uniform, he nearly shit his pants. He had seen you around school a few times and heard from a passing group of kids that you were new. Not that he had been listening in on their conversation, of course, because that would be totally weird and he is not weird.
He clears his throat, pretending to fix the shelves when he sees you and his manager, Henry, begin to walk towards him. “Randy,” Henry calls and Randy turns, acting surprised at seeing the two of you. “This is Y/N, we hired her yesterday. I gotta run so I need you to train her.”
“What? I mean, yes, sure, it’s just… I’ve never trained anyone.” His manager shrugs, tossing him the keys for the store and leaves without another word. Randy sighs, grinning when you laugh. He really liked the sound of that. “So, Y/N, welcome to the wonderful hell-hole that is the Woodsboro Movie Rental Store.”
“Seems like paradise,” You tease and he laughs, feeling heat spread across his cheeks. The store was empty, it being a Tuesday and all, so Randy wasn’t really sure where to start. “So… what am I supposed to do?”
He sighs, looking around the store, asking himself the same damn question. “That is a good question… here, you can help me put the movies back from the cart.” You nod and follow, trailing behind him. “So, it’s pretty simple. You pick up a movie, look at the genre, go to that section, and place it wherever the hell you think it belongs.”
“Shouldn’t it be in alphabetical order?”
Randy shrugs. “Yeah, it’s supposed to be, but I refuse to spend time doing all that just for some snot-nosed kid to come in and fuck it all up.” You snort, grabbing a movie off of the cart. He peers over you and grins: The Howling. “So, where do you think this goes?”
“Well, assuming you don’t have a dedicated werewolf section, I’d say horror.” You look at him, eyebrows raised and he claps. You take a bow, walking to the horror section, which was to your right, and you take just a second to look at the titles. “Here, I’ll place it next to Arizona Werewolf.”
“Good job! You’re almost a natural.” You elbow him lightly as you pass by and his breath hitches in his throat. He squeezes his eyes shut, annoyed at himself. Nice one Randy, get all flustered because a chick elbowed you! “Alright, now for the hard part.”
Randy walks you to the register and presents it. “This old beaut is named Betty. She’s been kicking for the last 12 years, which is 90 in electronic years, and she works about 30% of the time.” You laugh and nod, waiting for him to continue. “So, we’re gonna run through an old-fashioned fuck up so you know what to do when it inevitably happens.”
The next four hours is, honestly, the most fun Randy’s had during a shift in a long time. Like, a long time. He teaches you how to do transactions, how to get Betty to work again, he shows you where all of the cleaning supplies are as well as other copies of movies and where you have to mark the movies rented.
“Well, I think that’s it. You did good, kid.” Randy says, clapping you on the back a little harder than he meant to. You jolt forward and he sucks in a breath, his face showing his embarrassment. “Shit, sorry. Meant that to be softer.”
“It’s alright, kid,” You tease, standing next to him as he locks up the store. He spins the key ring on his finger and shoves it in his pocket like they do with guns in those old Wild West movies your dad made you watch. “So, I actually had a question for you.”
He raises an eyebrow as you and he begins to walk to your cars, which were the only two left in the parking lot. “Yeah? And what would that be?”
“Do you wanna get something to eat with me?” Randy nearly chokes on his own saliva. You giggle and he clears his throat, trying to be as nonchalant as possible.
“Uh, yeah, yeah. Totally… when do you wanna do that, exactly?”
“Tonight? If you’re free, of course,” You say, turning away from him, embarrassed. What if he had something to do? Then you would have put yourself out there for no reason.
You reach your car, which Randy forced you to let him walk you too, and he grins. “Yeah, that works for me. Kind of free all the time. Not in like, a loser way…” His face heats up again as you laugh but he can’t help but smile. It was clear you weren’t laughing at him, but rather with him. “I’ll meet you at Sunny’s, you know where that is?”
You nod and, in a rare moment of confidence, you pull him in for a quick hug. You release him and get in your car before he even has time to react but you can just barely make out the grin spreading across his face. He waves as you pull out of the parking lot and walks to his car, his hands shoved deep in his pockets.
He gets in, closing the door and rests his head against his seat. “Shit. I gotta date.” The thought makes him laugh; who would have thought Horror Movie Randy would get a date with the new girl? Not him, that’s for sure. He turns his car on and turns the radio up, singing the entire way to the restaurant.
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twstdreams · 4 years
Tackle Hug
Sometimes you just have to be a little more aggressive to get your dose of physical affection!
Riddle Rosehearts
Running is not always uncommon at Heartslabyul. Obviously, you’re not supposed to run in hallways, but sometimes the flamingoes escape or you’re about to be late for a tea party! So Riddle isn’t pleased to hear fast steps but not completely surprised either
He lets out a shriek when you tackle him and you both go down. No matter how much affection the act is filled with, he’s now fallen to the ground, even if it’s in your embrace
This must be breaking some rule and if not, some societal rule or norm. You’re 2 seconds away from being beheaded until you tell him because you wanted a hug, specifically one from him.
Riddle’s face is as red as the rose he wears from some odd amalgamation of affection, anger, and embarrassment. He’s still chiding you but it comes out a lot more like a flustered mess than a sharp lecture
Leona Kingscholar
What are you doing? Guess the herbivore has a lot of energy
Why are you coming so close? So fast? No way, there’s no way ... You couldn’t possibly be aiming for him, right?
Your arms latch around his torso, and Leona stumbles a bit from the unexpected impact but manages to keep the two of you upright
He says he caught you because hearing your friends whine about you getting hurt would be too troublesome, but his heart knows it’s because he has a soft spot for you. 
All this for a hug? You could have just taken a nap with him. “What an annoying herbivore,” Leona mutters but his arms still hold you in a loose embrace with his tail wrapped around your frame
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul hears frantic footsteps approaching him and swiftly turns around to face you. You look like Floyd when he’s chasing down someone who hasn’t fulfilled their contract with a chaotic grin to match
“What are you doing?” he asks as you break out into a run towards him. Azul is about to sidestep out of the way of your random rampage when you gleefully tell him it’s because you want a hug!
The answer is so unexpected that it freezes him in his place and unfortunately sends you two falling to the ground. He’s just not used enough to his land legs to support the two of you during a spontaneous collision
He’s chiding you for being so reckless, now his suit is crumpled, he’s rambling a bit but the light dusting of pink on his cheeks are undeniable. 
Try nuzzling your face into his neck and he might even shut up for once
Kalim Al Asim
BAM! Kalim goes from thinking about how much fun the latest light music club session was to tumbling on the floor before he even knows what’s happening
He lets out a yelp but it soon dissolves into a fit of giggles when he realizes what’s happened. A tangle of limbs, bouts of laughter, crinkled clothes, but you’re both happy
Kalim tells you to let him know next time so he can properly catch you, but neither of you are complaining. 
Be careful! It might end up as a little competition between the two of you to see who can give the other more surprise hugs.
Vil Schoenheit
Vil does sidestep out of the way when he hears you stampeding. He has no intention of encouraging your zealous affections when they come with a dose of recklessness
Yes, he did say that he was someone worth dedicating yourself to, but he didn’t mean like this! Vil strives to be elegant and never show clumsiness which hardly goes hand in hand with a tackle hug
Vil scolds you about your impetuous display of adoration, warning you of the dangers of rashly charging about and how it lacked both tact and grace.
However, he helps you up after you tumble and fixes your uniform with gentle touches that contrast the harsh words slipping from his mouth. Even if his actions are covered with a bitter coating, the centre is sweet
He finishes off his lecture by saying that next time you should just ask for a hug, silly potato
Idia Shroud
You’re running towards him and honestly it kicks in his fight or flight instinct and now suddenly you’re both running
Too bad Idia skips out on gym too much, so you’re able to tackle him with your affection whether he likes it or not
He freaks out because he thinks you’re gonna hurt or bully him. Why else would you tackle him, if not in a blind rage? Is this the destruction flag event he was supposed to avoid?
You cut off his rambling and explain you hugged him as a show of fondness. 
Idia.exe has stopped working please return at a later time. He practically combusts on the spot but makes no move to wiggle out of your arms
Malleus Draconia
What are you doing? Is this a game of some sort? He’s not really concerned given you don’t really have the capacity to hurt him but you look quite odd, scurrying towards him and then suddenly opening your arms
You’re lucky the other Diasomnia members aren’t here right now or else they’d definitely intervene in fear that you had ill intentions
The goofy grin on your face indicates to Malleus that he’s safe but even after you collide, though Malleus doesn’t even stumble despite the force you came at him, Malleus merely quirks an eyebrow
Now you’re clinging onto him like a koala and he’s unsure of what is supposed to happen next. He asks what your intentions are and to discover it’s that you wanted physical affection from him causes the arrogant smirk to fall. 
Soon enough he’s smiling. Ah, so you’re brave enough to touch him without hesitation? Good for you, he shall permit it to reward you for your boldness. 
Malleus hugs you back and you feel safe in his strong arms. He feels delighted by your tight embrace and bright expression looking up at him. Perhaps he could get used to this
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animeniac-writings · 3 years
Titan!Eren x reader (sort of) Ain’t SFW
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This fic is in part dedicated to @ererokii​ who wrote about that titan tongue and sent my mind into making this. You are responsible. 
Anime: Shingeki no Kyojin
It was still barely the crack of dawn, before the sun was visible in the sky, before you had finished fastening the straps on your uniform, before the birds had even fully woken up.
Yet your door was flung open slamming back against the wall with enough force to wake up anyone who was still smart enough to be unconscious. 
“Good morning Commander Hanji, how are you this morning Commander Hanji?” You calmly continued buttoning your shirt while she waved off your snark with a look of undampened enthusiasm across her face.
Something that would surely put fear into some unlucky souls today, and it seems you should be the first one of them.
“Yes, yes, good morning, it’s morning?” She walked in the room past you to pace in the center of the room, mumbling in thought with gears almost visibly turning in her head. 
“Doesn’t matter! This is important, it could be a breakthrough in understanding titan shifters and priceless knowledge to use against them.”
You had slipped on your jacket and tried to brace yourself when she turns back to you, eyes shining with glee. 
“So will you do it? Will you fuck his titan? I would gladly participate in this experiment myself but Moblit says “That would be inappropriate” and “honestly rather disturbing” and “an invasion of privacy on the highest levels.” She rolled her eyes mocking Moblit’s words with air quotes. 
“Well, Commander, no disrespect but as his titan form has no genitals and his tongue’s as thick as a pig, no.” 
She deadpanned, face falling flat and starring at you sharply. “Look me in the eye and tell me you’ve never done anything nasty with those 15 meters.”
“Exactly! So you’ll do it?” There was no arguing with her plans, there never was. 
“You know, some of the stuff you come up with is really intrusive Commander.” 
“I’ve been told that many times!” She grabbed your wrist and was tugged you along with her down the hallway.
You stood beside the Commander in a small clearing, 3DMG prepped and ready, staring up at Eren’s titan form that awaited “A fantastic new experiment!” as far as he knew.
“So you want me to slice open his neck, crawl inside, and start jacking him off?”
Hanji was practically vibrating in excitement, gripping her notes clipboard tight enough you think it would break soon. 
Moblit was called to help transcribe the coming events but was standing off to the side looking like he’d rather Eren step on him.
The titan looked down towards you and huffed through his nose in question.
“Yes! That way we’ll know how disrupting the body inside the titan effects it’s actions!”
You’re rather impressed at how professional she can appear while telling you to give your boyfriend, her no. 1 specimen, a handjob.
Moblit seemed to have steeled his nerves and stomach walking back towards you both, you acknowledge and give him a curt nod. “Since all of history was black lined, I hope everything we do gets put into history books so people will read it and wonder what the fuck was wrong with us.” 
You take a deep breath and angle your gear ready to launch. “And molesting him would give better results than say, one of those tiny knee hammers? Poking him with a fork?”
She shakes her head as if you’re the ridiculous one. 
“Not enough physical stimulation for a definitive reaction.” She mulls over her thoughts for a short moment. “But you could cut off his leg while you’re in there?’
“Honestly, I’d rather not.” Your face scrunches at the sensation whiplash your poor boyfriend would get. “And the reason for not telling him what I’m going to do it because?”
She ignores your question, only briefly having said something before about the "element of surprise."
“You never know! This could be the perfect way to bring a titan shifter to its knees without killing them!” 
You cock your gear’s angle “...if this works I get a front row seat to you telling Connie and Jean this new, required protocol.”
In the blink of an eye your gear first hooks into the flesh of his hip, to his shoulder, then into each cheek with you safely perched on the bridge of his nose.
“It’s just me, okay baby? Hold tight.” His eyes focus on you and gives a an affirmative little growl. You pat the side of his nose and are off. 
You remove one of your blades after landing on his shoulder, taking a deep breath before carefully cutting into the flesh of his neck where Hanji had showed you on a diagram before.
Steam poured from the large slit but when you pushed the side you could see there was indeed as you were told, a small cavern sort of area around Eren, nearly in awe looking at how the tendons attached to his arms, his face, cocooning him only where it needed to attach.
“Just stay still Eren!” Hanji’s far away shout make you shake from the stupor, sheathing your blade and crawling in towards his body. 
The cut steamed and resealed shut after you had crawled inside, it was strange enclosed inside the titan, small but with enough space to move around. The dry heat was stifling but nothing like what poured out out of incisions. 
Eren’s leg moved slightly, you wonder if his titan had readjusted its’ stance? 
The space is cramped and strange in the way it surrounds your suspended boyfriend, but you move to be sat directly in front of his waist, observing how the tendons keep hold on him.
You can see his eyes, standing against the flesh to peek over the tissue, how they flit bored, his body poised that you know he’s waiting for something to be done. He has worked on endurance in his form, but still. He hates just waiting.
You trail your fingertips down his jawline, a ghost of a touch, and his head tilts. The titan’s head tilts. 
As you unbutton his pants you can tell he fells something happening, his mouth turns downward into a frown, his legs shift and you would bet his eyebrows are furrowed.
You unzip his pants and push down his underwear and you can tell he can feel exactly when you grip his cock in your hand. His posture straightens and you can feel the titan shift in copy of it. 
He’s hard in seconds of you freeing him, the most predictable trick he has and you run your hand up and down his length a few times, squeezing firmly near his base. Precum leaks generously from his tip and drips down for you to use.
His thighs clench and you place your free hand running over the tense muscle.
Your hand speeds up, fist spreading the precum across him and rubbing your thumb in circles below the head of his cock, you can tell he’s having trouble staying upright, a shaky breath and legs begin to tremble.
You leave him lacking for a moment and reach your hand below, slicked fingers rubbing slow and decisive massaging and pushing firmly against each of his balls and the whole being around you shakes as much as the one directly at your mercy.
A simple squeeze at the top of his balls and he breaks, falling to his knees and there’s a short weightlessness as the titan slams down to follow suit. 
You can’t seem to find it in you to care but the movement knocks you back against the wall of flesh and your grip on his dick yanks him harshly, a moan, a whine, from Eren above you and a growl resonating from the titan. 
You wonder if the titan’s eyes have rolled back the way you know Eren’s have.
It takes a second to re-steady yourself and Eren whines from the lack of attention, your hand goes around him again, barely touching around him before deciding to run your nails along the bottom of his shaft.
A moan spills out of him that makes the whole titan seem to shake with a growl and you quickly go back to jerking you grip up and down his length, precum slick and fast and you know he’s close, finally you can hear his mindless begging between breathless pants asking for more, please, wanting anything and everything you would give him.
Tightening your grip to squeeze around him every time you pull forward and he tries to follow but it stuck in place when his hips try to jut closer. 
His beautiful moans filling your senses and the distant sounds from the titan echoing his cries spur you on to make him finish. To watch how his jaw clenches from below and how be bites his lip enough to pierce the skin as his orgasm finally hits, your nails of one hand digging harshly into his thigh and making him see stars with the other. 
Your thumb presses directly over his whole while he cums, white pouring out around it and giving just too much stimulation rubbing in short, fast circles that makes him cry out to you with his whole body quaking in pleasure even while he’s held up securely.
With Eren truly spent, you watch in delicious satisfaction how his chest heaves with each breath, thighs still shaking and panting heavily. 
You almost can’t help it. This was to “test” him after all, right? You move your hand, still covered with cum and stick two fingers in his open mouth, his entire body goes rigid and you can feel the titan around you freeze as you drag down the expanse of his tongue and pull them out.
You’re not sure if he can hear you, he can from the outside but you rest a hand on the tendon holding his arm, lean close to his ear and praise. “Good boy.”
A shiver visibly runs down his spine and you grin. Moving your attention back to his pants, tucking him back into his underwear which are still soiled with cum anyway and buttoning him shut. But pulling the waist band forward so it lightly snaps back against taught pelvis for good measure. It’s still enough to make him jolt and the titan quake.
With a quick wipe of your hand down your thigh to get clean off what Eren would usually be up for taking care of, and your job here is done. 
Taking out your blade you start cutting approximately where you had entered, knowing you wont accidentally cut Eren makes it easier. 
Crawling back out is trickier, the angry steam hindering your vision making it hard to see where to grapple even with the titan still as stone. 
But you can hear Hanji shouting with excitement before you’re out of the cut, something about how amazing that was, incredible research, you’re sure if you tried you could hear Moblit moaning about what his life has become.
Once you’re safely on the ground you look at the damage you did from the outside. 
Eren’s titan is on it’s knees, craters in the ground from how hard he dropped. Arms limp and his head hanging down, mouth open and hair shielding his face much how Eren is inside. 
You never thought you’d see a titan be “disheveled” but that’s the only word that could truly describe how wrecked he looks. 
“Oh, YOU CAN COME OUT NOW EREN!” Hanji finally pauses her joyous dance to inform him, but the titan stays still. “Eren?”
You don’t think he’ll me moving on his own for another few minutes. 
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thestorycfus · 3 years
The Sweetest Apparition - Part 3
Pairing: Peggy Carter x fem!Reader
Summary: Reader is a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and historian who specializes in the life and legacy of Captain Carter. After Nick Fury uses the Tesseract to bring Peggy back, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. contacts the reader to help her navigate life in the XXI century.
Warnings and notes: Food, mentions of Steggy, mentions of Stucky, very small mentions of war. Other characters are also mentioned. This got way longer than the first two parts, but there’s also way more Peggy here. This series takes place after the last scene of What If… episode one, including spoilers to that episode. Reader uses she/her pronouns.
Word count: 2,304
Series Masterlist
It should be a short walk to your apartment, but you made a small stop each time Captain Carter was curious about something. You also got some take out on the way, making sure to pick at least four different options from separate places and a couple of desserts too, since you didn’t know her taste yet. It was a while before you made it to your street.
During the entire time, your chatting was limited to safe topics - how loud and bright the city was, how many screens there were, the amount of coffee options that existed now. You watched Carter fall in love with her caramel coffee and made a mental note to buy her more sweets.
Soon, the Captain would also need to go shopping. Fury had gotten her the formal white blouse and the black pants she wore now, an outfit much more discreet than the uniform she was wearing when she fell, but that was her entire wardrobe at the moment. That was another mission you should handle, but it could wait until after lunch.
When you finally got home, you placed the food over a kitchen counter and gave Carter a quick tour of the apartment. It wasn’t much, but hopefully it would be enough for both of you until she was more familiar with this century. The tour ended where it started: in your tiny kitchen. You pulled a stool for the Captain and presented her with the options for lunch.
“I suppose you’ve never tried some of those, so I got a few different meals. Burritos, sweet and sour chicken, calzones and Pad Thai. For dessert, there’s lemon tart and triple chocolate cake. I might have gotten a little carried away.”
Peggy took a seat and examined her options. You wondered if that would be, technically her first meal since the 40’s.
“They are all tempting, but I might start with this one.” Her eyes were fixated on a burrito as if it was the Holy Grail. Yeah, that was surely the first time she ate in seventy years. She dove in, so focused on her meal that you didn’t dare to interrupt. Meanwhile, you took the other stool and picked a calzone, eating it while you watched Carter.
You were still trying to wrap your head around the fact that she was really here, and it was surprising that you hadn’t completely freaked out so far, but the prospect of the rest of the day started to worry you. The Captain would certainly have a lot of questions and, if there were inquiries that Fury left for you to answer, they probably pertained more to her personal life than to great historical events.
If the registers about her were right, it wouldn’t be long before the real conversation started. Peggy Carter was too smart to have such a debate in the middle of the street, but she wasn’t known for stalling. As soon as she finished her meal, in the privacy of your (now shared) kitchen, you would have to provide about seven decades of answers.
Before you could try to prepare yourself, she was done with her second burrito. You almost suggested dessert, but the look she gave you left no room for pauses. Carter turned on her stool to face you directly, her posture becoming straighter and her eyes never leaving yours. She was the perfect image of Captain Carter, the hero, the legend who defeated all odds. Still, when she spoke, there was softness in her voice.
“The meal was lovely and so is the apartment. I can’t thank you enough for you kindness, Agent L/N, but I must ask a few things more of you. If you have studied about my life, you must know what happened to Steve Rogers after I was gone.”
You should be ready for that. Of course her first personal concern would be about Rogers. His story with Carter went down in history as a tragic tale of love, bravery and loss. To his last days, Rogers had made it his mission to honor her legacy, but that wasn’t all that he did. How do you tell a person that the love of her life went on to live a decades long, fulfilling relationship with someone else, even though, from her perspective, they were together the day before?
“Please, call me Y/N. And you can ask anything, Captain. I will tell you everything I can.” You took a deep breath, going through the words in your head in search of the best way to let her know. It was best to keep nothing out. Carter deserved that. “Steve Rogers continued to serve as the Hydra Stomper until the war had ended and all known Hydra operations had been eliminated. After that, he stepped out of the suit so that Howard Stark could continue his research with the Tesseract. I believe neither of them ever gave up on bringing you back, but, in many ways, they also moved on to build new lives.”
You made a small pause, in case she wanted to say something, but Carter only gave you a nod, encouraging you to continue. It was impossible to look away from her eyes, or to keep anything hidden when she stared at you with such intensity. Even in silence, sitting still, she emanated a power that kept you talking.
“A few years after the war, Rogers and Stark started an intelligence agency to keep the world safe from threats we could barely understand. They named it S.H.I.E.L.D., because of you. That is the agency I work for, directed by Nick Fury.” There was something poetic in the way that same agency ended up being the reason Peggy Carter was back, but it wasn’t your place to point that out. “Rogers never stopped fighting, even without the suit. He was a legendary agent, working along with James Barnes until they retired. They were also together for the rest of their lives.”
That was the piece of information you feared would break Carter’s heart, but she had a bright smile after hearing that.
“That suits them. All of them.” The joy in her voice sounded so sincere, and you couldn’t help but ask.
“Were you and Rogers… Together? It is said so in the official files, but…” In your studies, you sometimes wondered if their relationship was just a myth, maybe a publicity stunt to humanize the fallen super soldier. It was your job to question the data, but you had never paid that possibility much attention until now.
Instead of being offended by your invasion of her privacy, Carter laughed so lightly and freely that you felt your cheeks getting warm.
“Oh, darling, Steve Rogers had a heart too big to have only one soul mate. He was the love of my life, yes, and I was the love of his, but not the only one. A love so beautiful and dedicated is supposed to be shared. Of course I’m sad I didn’t get to share the rest of his life with him, but I’m relieved to know that he and Bucky had each other. And that’s not to say I’m a being of such virtue that I’m above jealousy. I felt jealous of Steve alright, many times, but I could never be jealous of him with Buck. They fit well together and they were good for each other. They were real, just as Steve and I were. Steve deserved to be loved through a lifetime. I’m grateful that he was.”
Carter’s eyes shined with tears, but she didn’t allow any to fall. Maybe she would let herself grief for the lost possibilities later, but for now she was handling such an emotional journey with more elegance than you thought possible. It didn’t seem to be an act at all. On the contrary, what touched you the most was the honesty in her words. That selflessness of being genuinely happy to hear of how her soul mate lived on without her, in love with someone else, told you more about Peggy Carter than any history book ever had. And that’s how she reacted right after being thrown into the next century, coming directly from a war and landing in a world she didn’t recognize.
“I don’t think history ever made you justice, Captain. The general public thinks of you as a hero, but they’re so far from knowing the person behind the suit... You know, it’s very nice to meet you.” You couldn’t help but sharing a bit of what was on your mind. To that moment, your hero was turning out to be even better than your daydreams, and it was only fair to let her know so.
At that, she gave you a big smile and your heart skipped a beat. You would have a hard time sharing an apartment with this woman.
“You are far too kind to me. To be honest, they never showed much interest on me, suit or not, until I went against official orders and started throwing tanks around and fighting the battles that needed to be fought. I am more concerned about what I am able to achieve, regardless of how they will see me. And there’s no need to call me Captain, Y/N. Heavens, we live and work together now and you’re my guide to modern life. Peggy is fine. And it’s nice to meet you too.” She took the initiative to get a slice of chocolate cake, already making herself at home. You had the feeling that her adaptation to this world wouldn’t be too difficult, all things considered. Peggy Carter would take whatever she was given and make more of it than anyone imagined possible.
“As you wish, Peggy. Speaking of that, there’s a lot I think you’ll like to see about life now. What else are you curious about?” You took your own slice of cake, trying to feel at ease in this conversation. You couldn’t be on high alert whenever Carter was around if she was going to be around all the time, but that was easier said than done. Your responsibilities here were enormous and, to be frank, you were determined to be your best self and impress her, even if just a bit. Maybe telling her about the wonders of nowadays technology would do the trick.
“I am curious about everything. I can’t wait to know all about the development of science, or what I missed in seven decades of sociopolitical turmoil, but there’s one more person I’d love to hear about before we get to that. You mentioned Howard moving on with his life, didn’t you? What exactly was that little menace up to while I was gone?”
Now, that was a rich topic of conversation.
“Well, Stark continued his research with the Tesseract and with many other projects, sometimes along with the US government, and he built a billionaire empire. Weapons, all sorts of technology, wild parties. The man had everything. He has a son, Tony, who inherited the tech, the money and the brains, but with a stronger inclination to heroism. You see, Tony Stark built himself a supersuit, partially inspired by his father’s Hydra Stomper, but with a larger variety of uses. It’s said that Steve Rogers was a sort of mentor to him, but I couldn’t get Stark to talk a lot about it when I interviewed him.”
You couldn’t tell which part made Peggy more excited. She nodded along as you listed Howard Stark’s achievements, as if it was all expected, and her eyes got wider when you told her about his son. When you mentioned Rogers, she almost jumped in her seat. She was already invested, but dropping that name sealed the deal.
“Fury gave me this.” She took two business cards out of her pocket. “It has his telephone number and Barton’s too. Could I use your telephone to call him? I would like to meet this Tony Stark, and I bet Fury would be able to reach him.” 
Giving Director Fury a call from your cellphone felt strange, but how could you deny Peggy that? If the Director gave her the number, he wanted her to be able to reach him, right? 
Instead of dialing yourself, you showed Carter how to use the phone. She looked like a kid on Christmas whenever she was given access to new technology. You would make sure she got a cellphone of her own soon so you could show her everything the device could do. 
She called Fury and you waited as they talked for less than two minutes. Peggy handed you the phone when she was done, with a smile that said she got what she wanted.
“So, what did the Director say?” You asked, anxious to know the outcome of the call.
“We’re meeting Tony Stark tomorrow at 2pm in his tower. Was it him who named it Stark tower or is that Howard’s doing?” She narrowed her eyes a bit, still smiling.
“The tower was built by Tony, so I think we can’t blame Howard for that one.” You joked. “Are you meeting Fury at S.H.I.E.L.D. before you two go to Stark’s?”
“Oh, Fury is not going. He booked the meeting for you and me, if you would like to accompany me.” Peggy sounded hesitant, as if she had just considered that you might not want to join her on that plan. 
"You’re asking me if I wish to be there when Captain Carter meets Tony Stark? Please, if I didn’t get the chance to be a part of that exchange, I would beg you for a detailed retelling as soon as you got home.” 
Your reply made Peggy laugh once more, and you were getting used to that sound very quickly.
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