#and im irish
palilious · 10 months
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casually rewrites Nomad lore to make wolf walkers canon
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a-high-ludicolo · 1 year
Sometimes I make gold, sometimes I make my neighbours treatment of his horse that got stolen off of him by the horse girl that got him arrested for animal abuse
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heinous-bitch · 10 months
can we talk about Hozier's Anything But's double sense??? it can mean "if I was the Death, I'll let you live forever. if I was a stampede, you'd get unhurt. you don't deserve anything bad from me" BUT IT CAN ALSO MEAN "christ you're so fucking awful I wouldn't touch you with a hundred meter stick. you don't even deserve the worst of me, you waste of time" ugh his mind
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blondie-drawings · 3 months
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k-wame · 1 month
josh o'connor has been queer in 8 roles and about to add a 9th. give the man an honorary oscar draped in the colours
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bethfuller · 2 years
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the clouds parted for an instant.
follow my instagram! :)
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
Post-jadeGetsLaid scenario where yuu is just straddling his lap and handfeeding him food in-between kisses while brushing his hair with their fingers like a good future spouse and jade is just in domestic bliss. Just a soft moment that slowly leads to equally as soft smut because lo and behold. Yuu has been grinding on him for the past 10 minutes and saying shit like "How many kids do you want?" "Promise you'll come home to me everyday when we're married. Ok?" And it's Doing Things ™ to him
me reading this ask:
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Jade is living in bliss as Yuu sits on his lap, pressing the most chaste kisses possible as their hips grind into him, making him grasp at them like they're his last reason for living. Maybe they are, with the way they're murmuring sweet words, asking him questions like “Do you think we'll live in the sea or on land? I don't care as long as I'm with you.”
There's a lump in his throat as Yuu gently scratches into Jade's scalp, brushing his black strand away from his face. They're cooing, “You're so pretty Jade, I'm going to have the prettiest husband to ever exist, you know?”
A few more sweet whispers, gasps, soft moans and he is slowly losing his resolve. Jade would be positive that this was a dream if it didn't feel so real. Even if it was, it was nice to not pine and just give in to his affections with no remorse.
The straw that broke the eel's back however were these very three questions, one asked right after the other: “Do you want a big family, Jade? Do you think you can give me twins, or maybe even triplets, on the first try? If you can, I promise you can knock me up as many times as you want, do you wanna do that Jade~”
Jade grabbed them by the waist, pushing them down into the bed as he hovered over them, grinding his dick into them with a grin and ever so slightly feral gleam in his eye.
“Is that so? Well then, we better get to work. I'm not one to disappoint, especially if you're promising to make me at daddy~ Let's aim for twins, I want to see how quickly I can give you another set after our first two.”
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ecstarry · 2 months
im so so so tired of seeing people use james latin identity as an accessory but NEVER doing the actual research to make him even slightly accurate to ANY latin american country.
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izel-scribbles · 1 month
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raise your hand if you're enjoying the constant jarthur art (i raise my hand, completely alone) ((closeups under the cut))
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whilomm · 2 years
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irishmammonagenda · 3 months
“What do you think you’re doing?” The Avatar of Gluttony says, uncharacteristically angry, demon form out, bhí a sciatháin ildaite ag bualadh go feargach.
You’re trembling still, the previous altercation sparking in your nerves, although, cool, refreshing relief courses through your veins as you look up at the redhaired Demon.
Beel’s eyes. That was all you could look at. You had seen a plethera of emotions painted in his purple pupils, most commonly serenity, or joy, hunger or thirst, less commonly sadness poisoned his expression, rarely anger, annoyance yes, the expression he’d make before he went on a rampage that was a mix between hunger and anger, yes. But you’d never seen the pure unbridled fury ablaze in his eyes like you were seeing right now.
Not directed at you, never at you. Rather directed at the demon who had tried to give you a beating; Beel had stumbled upon it whilst looking for his twin, and A Thiarna is a Dhia, was he furious. You shivered, it was a scary sight.
Iridescent ildaite wings buzz angrily. The air is thick, Beel runs his tongue over his fangs threateningly, staring menacingly at the demon, who, gaining its senses, flees, tail between its legs. Beel lets it run, having a longtime learned from Lucifer how to play an cluiche cleasach.
Besides, letting the demon wallow in its fear for a while would make it taste a lot better when he disposed of the threat.
He wouldn’t tell you that, though, to protect your soft, pure, sparkling human soul.
Leaving you alone with a seething Demon, you trembled. Normally, you would trust Beelzebub with your life, but the sheer power buzzing around him paired with the rage doused you in icy cold water, a strong reminder that your reisdent softy was ifnfact capable of horrors beyond you comprehension.
You whimper, Beel snaps his head towards you in an instant, the fury in his eyes softening. Suddenly, his hands are on you, pulling you into strong arms. You shake involuntarily.
Beel coos at you in a language long dead, the syllables are harsh and guttural, like waves crashing into the shore. A huge hand comes up to pet your hair, so gentle it almost hurts.
You stay there for a while, in that empty classroom, enveloped in Beel’s arms. Slowly but surely you lean into his touch, your heartrate calmed, your head resting against his muscled chest, it was silly to think even for a moment that he would hurt you, laughable even.
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divider by @saradika-graphics
dia daoibh (hello to you [plural]) grma for reading as per usual 🫶🫶, heres the meanings of the words:
‘A Thiarna is a Dhia’ (A year-nah is a Yee-ah’) is a way of saying, ‘Goodness Gracious’/‘Good God’ etc
as per usual I cant write pronounciations😔
‘An Cluiche Cleasach’ (An Clue-Heh Clah-Sa) -The Sneaky Game’, bc i have no idea how to say the long game in irish and cluiche fada sounds wrong.
Now for the big one😰:
‘bhí a sciatháin ildaite ag bualadh go feargach.’
(pronounced: Vee ah Scee-ah-han ill-dat-che egg beh-whale-oo go fair-eh-gawk’)
as per usual the ‘k’ sound in feargach is pronounced with your throat, its technically right to just pronounce it ‘k’ (like the word chick in english) but its not the way native speakers pronounce it‼️
this roughly translates to: ‘His colourful wings were flapping angrily’
bualadh comes from the verb ‘buail’ which can mean a lot of things, but paired with ‘ag’ and ‘sciatháin’ it means ‘flapping wings’
heres a photo of me trying to explain it, please ignore my handwriting i tried to make it neat😔✊
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shit-talker · 4 months
Roach definitely has a tiktok where he literally just shitposts but it is super fucking popular for no reason. Because of the really spotty internet he has basically all of the time, he doesn't really interact with any of his fans, but there was once like five months where he didnt post and people started cancelling him for "propaganda".
It had all pretty much calmed down by the time he even realised it was happening, but in response he posted a video of Gaz and Soap, both high on pain meds laying in beds next to each other meowing at each other because they both think the other is a real cat (for some reason). He just slowly pans it to Ghost, who is sitting deadly still, eyes balnkly staring at a wall. He looks tormented. He switches the camera to his own face and pulls the polite-awkward-british-smile and just nods.
It's got clown music playing in the background, and the caption with absolutely no hashtags is just "Honestly thought my account was the definition of 'anti propoganda' but ok (i am in hell (please save me (this is a joke (for legal reasons (god bless the queen)))))
Almost every single comment is ; "It's a king now actually"
He then posts a video of him and the guys all saluting to a picture of Trisha Paytas. No caption at all. No hashtags.
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You might say Nathan is the prettier friend and "I have never seen two pretty best friends"
But Nathan's pov is this. He tossed a green cloth on him.
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Without text and cut and mtl reference:
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librastrai · 6 months
a larger post inspired by @tovezza's dives into the irish treatment of jews in their country cause i am an irish born jew, as well as an irish traveller & the hypocrisy i've seen from goyim regarding recent antisemitism + the i/p conflict is crazy.
they will call jews in the middle east settlers while throwing fits that minceiri, their own indigenous minority population, calls them settled & will throw out the most vile racism in opposition to it. settled irish + their government will prop up the colonization of themselves by the british as a shield against any accusations of racism (as recent as the very current riots in dublin spurred on by anti immigrant racism), & antisemitism (to denying ireland's own lack of action during the holocaust,) & the antisemitism raging in their every day society & now in government who are saying they're "more principled" regarding one of the most complicated sociopolitical conflicts in a region mired by it.
oh really? really, holohan? sympathy for palestinians is rooted in your own history of being colonized (which is used a shield consistently)? you can be more principled about the oppression of an indigenous people (which both palestinians & israelis are)?
explain the 1963 commission by the irish state, regarding the "itinerant problem" of which there was a system plan regarding the forced assimilation of irish travellers / minceiri into settled irish society.
explain how the plan was to sterilize minceiri women against their will, castrate minceiri men & forcibly steal our children, putting them into settled homes or insitutions run by the catholic church which spurred on untold amounts of abuse. abuse we are still healing from. how actions taken against us directly repeat actions taken by the nazis against romani women + men in their camps.
explain the ongoing genocide of minceiri folks that began way before this commission, hundreds of years of violent oppression, of theft, of cultural genocide & restriction to move. how the rate of minceiri folks imprisoned far outweighs our national population. how the camp sites we're forced onto, because our cultural way of life is restricted & criminalized, have no running water, no electricity, barely any food. how they're places you wouldn't even raise dogs, let alone expect humans to survive. not thrive, survive. how all of this is sounding very fucking familiar.
ireland's issue with jewish refugees from the shoah is built upon their insistence that their own indigenous minority, minceiri, refused to assimilate despite being beaten, raped, stolen & they knew they would not be able to do the same to jewish people.
i love my country, i have always loved my country & it's history & the gorgeous place it could become. it is not that place while it is perpetuating antisemitism time & time again, using it's own history of being colonized as a shield against criticism & ignoring it's own bloody, disgusting history of violent colonization & cultural genocde.
jewish people deserve better, irish jews deserve better & minceiri deserve better.
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psylkii · 2 years
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gotta purge the worms
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saewokhrisz · 2 years
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horror/fantasy - decay/rebirth
cant contribute much else to moicy week 2022 (organised by @moicydiscord ) this time but here, angst be upon ye!
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