#and like idk i cant relax in other clothes
silverislander · 2 years
i've FINALLY found the best spot in school to chill alone/study and it's. the individual study rooms. who could have predicted this.
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solbaby7 · 3 months
If ur still taking requests can i ask for azriel x reader. Where reader and Az are newish friends. One day Elain asks reader for help on how to please a man (I imagine elain always on her back 🤷‍♀️). Reader asks elain if its to show Az and elain just blushes sweetly saying "maybe". Reader being a girls girl shows elain how to be ontop and how to do other favors like if they were besties. ( idk if uve seen game of thrones but a girl shows khalessi how to ride khal drogo. The girl straight up straddles her with clothes on of course, And shows her. I have it in my head that while reader straddles elain Az walks in and is like 😮😮). Readers a bit jealous cuz she has a mini crush on azriel but doesnt show it. She sees elain with some hickies and what not and she decides she cant be around Az anymore (hurts too much blah idk lol). Az is like wtf! Turns out that Elain was asking for sexy help for lucien!!! Doesnt have to be detailed smutty at all, whatever ur comfortable with is cool with me. Oh btw i so so loved that possessive toxic azriel fic u posted the other day. 🫠🫠🫠 🥵🥵🥵
I love love love love love this idea! So happy you requested it🤍💗
Teach Me
azriel x reader
[ part 2 ]
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“Well—can you help me with that?” A furious blush fans across Elain’s cheeks, eyes wide and hands fumbling at her sides. Dainty fingers dig into the intricate lace detailing of her dress, nails raking over the pattern in attempts to calm the racing of her heart.
“You want to know how to please a male,” You repeat gently, slightly shocked after she’d timidly slipped into your bedroom with flushed cheeks and sweaty palms. It took Elain ten whole minutes to reign in her rambling until she’d finally blurted it out. “Anyone in particular?” She doesn’t meet your eye, shifting her weight from foot to foot and your stomach rolls at the turn your mind takes. Elain had been spending a lot of time around Azriel; afternoons spent tending to the garden and evenings were blocked off to trail behind as she baked some new sweet treat. “Az, maybe?”
“Maybe,” Elain mutters softly, subtly taking in the contents of your room. The pictures propped against your side table and the endless jars and creams stacked neatly on your vanity. “Can you please teach me?”
Pushing side your curiosity, you offer an encouraging smile, patting at the spot beside you on the bed. “Come here.” The first step is hesitant and so is the one that follows but Elain still finds herself following the gentle command and complying even further when you urge her to lie back. You can feel her thighs shake when you swing a leg over to straddle them but the trembling subsides when you adjust her hair and straighten out her dress. “Sex is like a dance.”
Immediately, she’s hooked, hanging onto every word as if you were the Mother herself coming down for a personal visit. Briefly, Elain’s gaze flicks to the door, shoulders relaxing when noting its shut and locked; curtains drawn and the fireplace crackled with life. The smell of you is everywhere. Something light yet memorable, soft and elegant, classic and slightly sweet—soothing in every way. “A dance?”
“It starts off slow,” You begin, a sliver of your abdomen exposed in your Night Court attire. A breathable onyx top that seemed to wrap around your chest like a bandage, blending into a lighter material that was slightly see-through. “Lingering glances from across the room, the heat of feeling his eyes watching you long after you’ve looked away.” Her confusion is palpable in her furrowed brows and slight pout. “Love always begins in the eyes—I’ve heard of women who’ve finished males with nothing more than their gaze alone.”
“Finished?” Your brow raises, a teasing smirk accompanying it and the implication alone has Elain’s cheeks rosy once more. “Oh, gods. I don’t think I’m capable of anything like that.”
Your fingers trace along the length of her bare arms, holding her hands and guiding them to the sides of her head as you hover, voice low. “You are a woman. You’re capable of anything.”
Elain swallows thickly, taking in the words as if it were the first time she truly wanted to believe them. “What if he doesn’t like it? Like me or the fact that I’m not very experienced.”
“They don’t care about if you have experience or not. They simply desire what they’ve never had.” She hangs onto every word, analyzing the way you guide her through the motions of what she’d do. Talking her through the scenarios on how she’d touch; when to kiss and gently tug at hair. Eventually the blushing becomes less frequent, Elain’s eyes fluttering closed as she visualized it, working through the new feelings that brewed at the thought of being able to use such teachings.
“And they like that? Us on top?”
“If you like it then they’ll love it.” You rest her hands at your waist, demonstrating the sensual rocking of hips going back and forth. “Fae males are not like the human men you were accustomed to—all sweet and gentle. Fae’s fuck. They take control,” You’re still above her, watching as her thoughts race a mile a minute, thick lashes fluttering before she moves in a flurry. Quickly the position is changed and while it’s a little sloppy, Elain was obviously paying attention as she hooks her leg over your thighs the same way you had hers. “Good job—exactly like that.”
She lets out a laugh, seemingly surprised in her own actions but the thrill of it all is evident across ethereal features. “My heart feels like it’s going to beat out of my chest.”
“Breathe through it and always remember that no matter how highly you think of him in your mind, no matter how highly others think of him—in that room, he belongs to you. There for you to do as you please and if you’re ever uncomfortable you can always say no. You can always stop no matter how far you’ve gotten.”
Elain nods in understanding, dainty fingers barely gripping at your wrists. “Thank you for this. I don’t know what I’d do if—just, thank you.”
She lingers a tad longer, following every instruction you give and just as you’re about to correct her, your door creaks open. A familiar voice calls out your name, shadows slinking across the wallpaper but they freeze once they take you in—sprawled out against the bed with Elain straddling you, hands pinned by your head.
“We were just—“ Elain scrambles off of you, cheek and chest a furious red as her mouth opens and closes; unable to come up with a reasonable explanation before she’s sliding past Azriel and rushing down the hallway.
“Most people knock.”
But Az wasn’t most people. You’d been friends for years and long since had he forgone the formality of knocking before entering. He hasn’t moved an inch, still donning his fighting leathers and surely he must’ve just rushed in from flying because his hair was a fucking mess. Inky strands lay messily atop his head, flopping over his forehead and teasing the thick of his brows. “What was that?” A finger points in the direction Elain had just disappeared off too and you’re unable to explain why such anger swells in your gut—all too aware of the fact that another female would be using your moves on him.
Seducing him in a manor that belonged to you but would never actually be you.
“Just wait a little, I’m sure it’ll make sense soon.” Confusion sweeps over the angles of his face at the vagueness of your words, skewing the corners of his mouth and you have to physically tear your eyes away before you did something stupid. Like, kiss him. You suck in a sharp breath, a hand curling around the doorknob. “You should get to bed, Az. It’s late.”
You can’t bear to see the look on his face when you close the door on him but it was for the best. It was one thing crushing on him while knowing he wanted another. But it was more complicated now, teaching the object of all his desires exactly what to do to him—how to please him and draw out the sounds you’d been dreaming about for decades.
You flop down on your bed, nose scrunching at the lingering smell of Elain on your pillows.
Sleep doesn’t grace you with her presence that night, instead offering a series of scenarios of what could be happening a few hallways down.
Elain’s back two days later, a goofy grin spread across her cheeks and a line of hickeys branding the side of her neck in a way that makes your stomach turn. It takes everything in you to hide the jealously, to smooth over the embarrassment of ever possibly thinking that Azriel would go for you when he had a blushing Archeron hanging off his arm. “I take it that it went well.”
“More than well,” Elain confessed, dressed in a pale shade of green with ivy’s laced into the thin sleeves. “It was perfect—everything was perfect thanks to you.” She continues on, divulging naughty details and devastating descriptions of Azriel’s fingers grazing at bare skin, the tickle of his hair against her cheek, the warmth radiating from his body when the nights chill became too much. “I’d always heard whispers about the males of Autumn but you guys really weren’t joking,” Your head tilts to the side at that certain detail, brow quirking and your spoon halts its swirling about the teacup. “Fire really does run through their veins.”
“Autumn males?” Your hair flicks behind your shoulder with the wild way you turn to face her, arms crossed loosely over your chest. “You were with Lucien last night?”
Elain nods with a knowing smile growing at the corner of full lips, the tulle of her dress shifting obnoxiously when she takes a seat on your bed.
“I guess I just assumed you’d be with Azriel.”
“Not quite my type,” She replies wistfully, gaze far away as if she were reminiscing on the night before and the male involved. “He’s yours though,” It’s not a question but a statement, thrown out there as if it were a known fact amongst others and you were the last to be let in. “—you like him.”
The teacup pressed to your lips muffles the words but Elain still understands perfectly clear. “”He’s my friend.”
“Friends don’t really look at friends the way he looks at you.” You swallow audibly, attempting to hide your interest and yet it’s the quick flick of your eyes that gives you away. “It’s exactly as you said the other night,” Elain raises from the bed, a gentle hand trailing up your arm the same way you’d done to her. “Love always begins in the eyes. Just look at him—really look at him and see what’s right in front of you.”
Your hands tremble in your lap and for the first time in a very long while, it was you that felt like the blushing virgin searching for answers and not knowing where to look. “I don’t think I’m capable of handling what I might find.”
“You are a woman,” Elain softly answers. “You’re capable of anything.”
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btdemaru · 1 year
hiiiyaaa! just found your blog, and im already obsessed 🤭 the theme is so cute too like wtf 🔛🔝 anyways i was wondering how the obey me brothers would react to an mc who’s very very good at giving massages! idk what it is but im very good at giving them so i wonder how they’d react to that 😭 again, super obsessed with ur blog and ur work <3
Obey me! Mc giving good massages to the brother's
note : thank u omg i just love pink tbh and i couldn't find any soft pink theme but im so glad you love my theme now 💕. AND THANK U AGAIN for suggesting this cause i need more idea juices for them [lipbite].... Gn!mc.
Warning : oiled up (not all), Might be ooc, if there's a misspelling/typo's I'm sorry, but mostly fluff cause idk if u wanted smut or not so enjoy
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He will definitely resist it at first- the avatar if pride? The eldest?? A massage??? Do you think he's tired and overworked ?? [Yes]
But eventually gives in and lays down on the bed, i think he'd prefers clothes on or maybe just a t-shirt so that when you're done giving him the massage he can get back to work again
He's wrong 💀. Five minutes into the massage Lucifer's eye was starting to get droopy and heavy but he tried not to sleep
I think his back has alot of knots especially around his shoulder
If you knead/massage that part he'd probably slip out some groans or at least a satisfied noises
"i have no time for that, it'll only waste my time and i need to finish a few more-" before Lucifer could finish you tug his arm trying to drag him to the bed. He looks at you before sighing "fine, but i don't need this." Proceeds to lay down on his chest while he buried his face into the pillow.
You gently pressed your palms against his juicy broad shoulders before putting pressure on the tight knots "haaah.." he accidentally let out a satisfied sigh "oh? Seems like you're enjoying this after all!" Hearing you say that Lucifer went silent but still enjoys it, slowly drifting to sleep.
When you're done he's already too relaxed and knocked out at this point "hello? Earth to Lucifer! Were done here.. much better right?". No response at all from the mighty prideful demon below you, slowly with struggle you move him so he's laying on his back to find a peaceful look on his face as it was evident that he's definitely tired.
Probs after you massage him once he'd want more some other time
Barges into your room after a 'tiring' day of having complaints and being chased for his debt just to ask for a massage
If you say no he'd look at you with puppy eyes while whining and pestering you about how shitty his day was
You (ofcourse) give in and he starts to take his jacket off leaving him in his white shirt smiling sheepishly at you before his back faces you
Mammon sighs in content as he immediately melts and relax into your touch, leaning more and more as he's starting to get a little too greedy for your touch. You pulled away only for him to gasp and turn over dramatically "hey why'd you do that? I thought the massage was-" you quickly cut him off "oh hush and let me do it properly and stop leaning all your weight towards me or lay down!" You spoke as he pouted and lay down on your bed.
He talks and talk about his day while you apply pressure on his muscles
Slowly he yawns and at the end of the session he sits up and thanked you before his eyes closes... now you have a sleepy eepy mammon
You cant tell me that he's not playing his video games most of the times or watching stuff to the point where his posture is BAD
And him sleeping in a bathtub doesn't help at all
He secretly has been wanting to ask for a massage from your for quite awhile but never really got the courage to ask even if you're close!
If you suggested it tho he wouldn't decline at all and just let you do your thing
You should probably tease him to take his hoodie off and just go shirtless to see how red he can be
"are you sure about the.. shirtless part?" He's still unsure but does it anyway since you're more experienced. What he didn't expect was a massage oil dripped onto his back from his shoulders all the way to his hip as you softly rubs it, making him jolts out of shock. "Wait wait wait w-what even was that?!" He looks at you "it's just an oil, relax."
He struggled to relax as he kept moving and wriggling slightly made you a little bit annoyed before gripping his waist and sits on his ass area so he doesn't move.
Levi's eye fluttered as your hand works magic on him, from his neck slowly moving down his shoulders and so on.
After you're done his face was less flushed as he thanked you and asked if he could ask for more in the future
He would probably droop himself over your shoulder fully dropping his whole weight onto your back
Nuzzling Into your neck before finally asking if you can massage him as his back was hurting from reading
If you accepted he'd happily lay down next to his cats (the one where he totally didn't sneak in)
He dimmed the light in the room and lays back down while he impatiently waits for you to begin
"just for a couple of minutes.. my back is killing me already" he said as he lays on his chest while slowly stroking the sleeping cat next to him "fine fine" after you spoke, you started to do your massage.
Satan couldn't help but melts and groans at the pleasure as the pressure on his back was slightly going away from your delicate but precise hands
Let's say 20 minutes has passed and you pull away thinking that satan is asleep and that you can stop, but as you do that his arms pulled you in again wanting for more "just ten more minutes- it feels so good.." well ten more minutes it is! (I cant say no to him)
He's the one who sets up all these heart candles with flowery smell and assorted massage oil for you to choose
Asmo lured asked nicely for you to give him your perfect and heavenly massages
He'll even ask to give you a massage in return (it'll turn into more)
Loves the way your hand roams around and all over his body
Oh and asmo probably will go butt naked only with a towel to cover his ass
You gave in to him since he made the efforts of already setting the mood with pretty scented heart candles and bought the massage oil
When you start to carefully massage his neck, he's going to be loud and wouldn't mind if anyone outside his room hear him, slowly working down to his back Asmo is amazed of how good you are "where did you learn this? It feels so good~" he nuzzle back to his pillow after talking.
After you're finish, he'll insist to give you a massage in return so if you accept that then don't be suprised if his hands roam around places on your body slightly squeezing it (he'll ask tho) and perhaps more than just a massage
You'd give him massages a few hours after his workout sessions
Loves the way your hands move all over his muscular body and would be a happy boy if you provided small snacks after
This is just a guess of mine but i think it'll be kinda hard? Like you'd need to put more pressure on him than the other's cause his muscles are hard
Aside from the back side, feel free to give him arm massage as well
Beel will stare at you when you're kneading his sore arm muscle, a small smile was shown on the corner of his lips and he leans back.
"you brought snacks..right?" He looked around the room and on the bed to find anything he van chew on "I'll give it to you after the massage so be patient." Beel actually did what you said and waited til the end of the massage
Gently rub his arms with a warm towel after pls he likes it.
After that he'd probably embrace you while he's eating the snacks and just enjoy how fuzzy n relaxed he feels and glad that you accepted his cuddles
He wouldn't ask for it in words, belphie would just tug your shirt and pat his back signaling he wants you to start massaging him
Loves LOVES when you give him scalp massages and gives his face kisses afterwards
Eventually will fall asleep but who's suprised atp lmfao
You better give him snuggles and cuddles when you're done cause i like to think he's abit clingy
Belphie pats his back as you guys were watching a movie "you want a massage like- right now?" You said while only getting a nod from the demon next to you, quickly gets in between your body and lays on your stomach as he waits for you to start "...hurry" belphie kept nuzzling his head on your hands as you sigh and starts to gently massage his head
Working your way across his scalp to cover all areas. Trying to massage his scalp using your fingertips for at least 5 minutes before small snores are starting to come out of belphie's lips, he would say it from time to time about how good of a massage you give and how much he enjoys it.
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butmakeitgayblog · 16 days
can we talk about how lexa would act if clarke came walking out the bathroom with no pants on and lexa just dead stops mid conversation and just stares mouth wide open even tho the conversation was a serious one at that. she doesnt even continue talking until clarke is out of site because she just cant get out of the bubble of clarke with no pants and smirking the hell out of her.the rest of the days meetings are just not gonna work for her anymore.
I actually think Lexa would be quite adorable when it came to having Clarke feeling so comfortable in her space. Don't get me wrong, I agree with you in that, at first, it would take some time for her to get used to it. Not just having someone in her space like that, but Clarke specifically in her space. And nude. On a regular basis.
I think at first she'd be rather struck by it. The feeling of waking up and looking over and seeing Clarke sleeping on her extra pillow. Hair a blonde trainwreck (idk why but i feel like canon Clarke is a messy sleeper when she actually gets a full 8hrs in an actual bed), mouth slightly open in little kitten snores, and yet all Lexa can do is try and breathe normally because her heart pounds so hard it almost hurts.
But more it's the casual intimacies I think that would hit Lexa the hardest (in entirely good ways). The moments of discussing their plans for the day as Clarke pads out of the bathroom fresh from a bath, her hair slightly darkened from the water and smelling like Lexa's soaps. Smelling like Lexa herself. Almost like a... Like a claim over her. Over each other. Because that's what they do now 😳. They really do smell like each other's soaps and perfumes. They get dressed together sleep together and eat dinner together, and also Clarke likes to steal Lexa's slightly too big lounge shirts that show off just a little bit of buttcheek and a whole lot of cleavage when perpetually left half undone, just to parade around her their room while she gets ready for bed. Like she owns it. (She does. She owns everything, including the contents of her wardrobe and also Lexa's entire ass.)
And just. Sometimes it'd be more than Lexa can really make any sense of.
Because love was supposed to be weakness, and while she is indeed weak for this fuckin chaotic mess of a woman, the moments when Clarke catches her staring and grins at her, when Lexa can't stop herself from grinning right back at being caught... nothing about this between them feels like anything other than strength. Certainly not when Clarke adds an extra sway to her hips just because she knows Lexa is watching. When Lexa gets to the point where it's not quite so overwhelming thinking about Clarke in her space and in her clothes and in her bed that she can walk right up and put her hands on those hips without questioning if the touch is welcome.
So yeah, I think it'd be a process, but also once the dams had been opened I think Lexa would've welcomed it. All she'd wanted from the start was for Clarke to want her to be close too, and while I think some lingering hesitance from fear of invoking Clarke's anger would linger for awhile, I believe wholeheartedly it wouldn't take long for Miss Body Glitter Sultry Eyes Grabby Hands kom Lesbiankru to relax into the reality of being with Clarke. I think she'd look, and enjoy looking. And more than that, I think she'd enjoy the fact that Clarke knows she's looking. Aaand I think, despite being a walking gay 404 error message at any given moment, I think that flirty little shit would be making bedroom eyes at Clarke whenever she got the chance.
Especially when it involved her girl wearing no pants.
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artsyannierose · 13 days
Angel and Husk’s love language?
What would they describe as their perfect date?
Who made the first move?
Who is more sentimental?
Who falls asleep first?
Who is more more relaxed/carefree?
Who is always cold?
Who worries more?
What are some non-sexual activities they do together?
What are some things they don’t agree on?
What’s their individual flirting style?
Which member steals borrows the other ones clothing?
Who is the cuddle initiator?
Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
Who gives piggy back rides to the other?
Who fell in love first?
1) Love Language - Words of Affection
Honestly Physical Touch was running my mind at first but like that’s just so casual for them. That’s like their thing you know, coming home and just flopping down on the bed together.
sleepy snuggles <333
So then if they wanna actually get through to each other im sure they won’t skimp out words of affection and affirmation, plus im an absolute sucker for them speaking in Italian to each other I NEEEEEDDD THAT IN CANON
That remind of this one post like “Husk and Angel call each other ‘baby’ and no one knows whether its romantic or platonic (they don’t know either)” cuz thats so them
2) Perfect Date - Alone Time
Call me basic but I promise you neither of them want a grand extravagant fancy date at a restaurant or something (not that they wouldn’t i can totally see them dressing up for each other and going out) but i feel like their ideal date is just. Each other.
Also i am a SLUT for a date where Husk carries Angel around and the fly over the ring while probably singing some cheesy romantic song like I See the Light i want that. Pls. (Obviously I’m a huge Tangled fan)
3) First Move - Husk
This isn’t anything new but like it’s just in character for Angel to worry about messing something up somehow and would probably flirt with Husk but freak out once it got serious. He probably doesn’t wanna replay that night in Episode 4 where he overstepped Husk’s boundaries so like I’ll bet Husk asks to kiss him first. That’s not to say that both of them are not awkward asf around each other
4) Sentimental - Angel
Mostly cause he hasn’t had any sort of proper relationship and the one that had any sort of promising future quickly turned into a living hell (f u Valentino). Bro doesn’t know what a healthy relationship is supposed to even look like
So whenever Husk does little, pretty normal things, like wipe his tears or get him some cheap makeup that reminded him of Angel, Angel would turn into jelly, like a water balloon ready to burst honestly.
5) Falling Asleep - UMMM I WANNA SAY HUSK
I feel like it REALLY depends on the day’s events
But i headcanon that Angel has insomnia (perhaps im self-projecting idk shhhh) so only Husk’s purring can help him sleep well. So I think Husk is just the type to like, crash after he flops in bed cuddled up with Angel
6) Relaxed - Angel
Idk this is just in character, Angel’s a party boy for one. Husk would rather chill at the hotel
7) Cold - Angel
Hmmm this just feels right to me. That he wants to cuddle up in Husk’s warm embrace
Besides bro’s literally built like a stick. And wears slutty clothes why wouldn’t he be cold
8) Worries More - Husk
They both worry about each other okay they’re both in dangerous and very unfortunate situations but like Angel gets stuck at work hours upon hours straight yk
Husk never knows when he’ll be home so he gets worried when Angel’s been gone without at least texting him something cause we know the kind of crap Valentino pulls
9) Non-sexual Activities
Cuddling. Self Explanatory.
Angel grooming Husk’s wings anyone?? I want. Pls.
10) Disagreements
Never really thought of that
I feel like Husk doesn’t believe he can get redeemed while Angel is slowly believing that redemption is possible. Both eventually believe Angel can get redeemed but Angel is convinced that if he can get redeemed so can Husk. Husk though, he's full of self loathing and no faith sooooooo yeah
11) Flirting Style
Angel - Words. For sure. He’ll never skimp out on reminding Husk just how sexy that kitty is
12) Clothing - Angel
considering husk doesn’t wear anything but pants….and angels clothes would NOT fit him I promise
(They def had a night where Angel shoved husk into all his outfits)
Angel would buy matching tshirts I promise you that
anyway I feel like he’d steal clothes more yuh but tbh I don’t think he’d fit into it💀💀
13) Cuddle Initiator - HUSKKK
Husk loves the way Angel is at complete peace and relaxation once he falls into Husk’s arms, like a limp noodle istg
of course Angel feels like it’s heaven and prolly passes out pretty quickly
besides ain’t it canon that husk likes cuddling
14) Staying up Late
Tbh this could go either way bc Angel comes home late from work anyway
and I’m sure there are days Husk comes late from errands from Alastor
if we’re talking pure personalities tho Husk would be up doing smth while Angel being the drama queen he is would be moaning and whining in bed like “cOooME hErE iMM sOoOOo LoNELy aNd inComPLeTe WiTHouT yOuuUUuU”
15) Piggy Back Rides - Husk
Nobody argue with me Angel just bounces onto Husk at random times and demands he carry him around
16) Who fell in Love?
Ill try to shorten it but BASICALLY Angel definitely was lusting after Husk (and i am convinced that Angel has a thing for men with deep sexy voices and Husk has the deepest and sexiest voice hes ever heard so he was smitten) from the moment Alastor teleported him into the hotel, and kept trying to hit on him. However after episode 4, Angel began to see Husk as a person rather than someone he needed to win over or someone who was just playing hard to get.
Husk on the other hand was first disgusted and annoyed by Angel’s tendencies, and he even thought he understood him without Angel ever opening up to him. After ep 4 however he also starting wanting to actually get to know Angel as a person. I wanna say cheesy stuff like Angel fell first but Husk fell harder…but I don’t believe that the case
They both fell for each other equally hard and both are absolutely smitten with the other bro…it took them a sec to get to know each other but they are in it deep now. Angel is absolutely in love with Husk and desperately wants to remind him that he doesn’t have to go through his trauma with Alastor alone, and he wants Husk to learn his self-worth and he won’t shut up about it. Husk loves Anthony through and through, and that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love Angel Dust. It’s just certain aspects of Angel are horrendously fake that Husk cannot stand, but he still loves all parts of Angel Dust. Angel has a little easier time opening up to Husk than vice versa but that doesn’t mean it comes easy. So Husk also wants to make sure that Angel feels loved and he feels like he's worth more than everything Valentino tells him. And he wants Angel to feel like he has control over his life, not that hes only good for being used up (gosh im thinking about Paranoid DJ’s Use Me Up i LOVEEE THAT SONG)
And we all agree angel has self-worth issues right
Anyways its been like a week since i got this ask so ill shut up now
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bigboipyromaniac · 13 days
hey idk if you’re taking requests but could you do something with Eddie gluskin? Like, maybe the reader could be one of the doctors in mount massive, and after all the inmates break out he goes looking for them? It doesn’t have to be nsfw, I’m mostly just curious how you would write him. Thank you for your hard work!
Ok its not that silly but still
You were the one unfortunate soul who worked at Mount Massive during the outbreak, i mean the place wasn’t too bad, you got to work with patients,that would sometimes eat your arm… but that’s ok! You were mostly called if a patient was injured.
Which was most of the time.
Despite this place being an absolute chaos, you did find those places that were always nice to hang around, yours being the sewing room! It was always empty and rarely people would come in, it was mostly use to keep inmates clothes and to fix clothes if someone was being rough with it. But for you it was your little lunch break room.
It was one of those days that you just want to sit back and relax while the other doctors had to deal with the inmate fighting with each other. Before you had taken a bite out of your lunch, you can hear in the distance loud screams, you had assume that one of the inmates had escaped and fought with one of the doctors, but.. no thats too many screams for it to be just one person.
You quickly ran back to your assigned station hoping nothing had happened to your patients.
It was a mess…blood was spread all over the walls, the smell was horrible, how can this all happened in just a few minutes? You had to contact someone about this! The manager? Bodyguards? God this feels like the military needs to get involved. You quickly ran to your office to grab the phone, the office was also a mess but manageable.
Heading to the line-phone that was hanging on the wall, before you can manage to dial anyone, you heard some footsteps and a voice near you. Turing around you found on of you patient on the floor with what seems like a screwdriver, where did he manage to find one? Who knows! He had gotten up from his spot and started saying words you couldn’t understand well.
He was walking towards you with that screwdriver “Hey man, put that down! Im not trying to harm you!” But your words fell on deaf ears as he went for the attack.you quickly closed your eyes and held your arm up and waited to feel a sharp pain in your arms or anywhere in you body
But nothing?
You felt water land on your body but no pain at all. Opening your eyes, you see your patient has a knife through his stomach and someone was holding the arm that held the screwdriver, the water that you felt was blood pouring from his body. You froze, you had just survived a attempted murder and also witnessed a murder.
After a few minutes which felt like eternity, the person had removed the knife from his body and the man had fell to the floor, “Darling!” That voice, oh no. Before you can get another thought in Eddie had grabbed you into a hug, lifting you up from the floor. “Oh i was so worried that someone else got to you before me!” You couldn’t tell if he meant it as you getting murdered or getting married to someone else.
You could really form words after that, so… you just awkwardly pat his back, almost like a thank you for saving me. “We should leave honey, this is no place for our wedding!” Wedding!?! When did you agree to get married? He grabbed you leg and headed out from the office, completely forgetting what you were there for. “H-hold on! Where are we going!!” Eddie looked at you with a look that says ‘are you dumb? You should know.’ “To get ready for our wedding! You cant be wearing that darling.” He gave you a small kiss on the forehead and walked his way to the sewing room.
Congratulations on getting married!
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pesttherat · 2 months
For @archie-sunshine and that one sappy Dratchrod drawing.. dont laugh i dont.. i dont write smut... ever... (its not very serious, i enjoy using silly words)
♡Hi, anyone under 18 pls dont read- and if you do, pls dont interact with it- i cant control you, but I'd prefer if you didn't read it♡
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Fic below
It had been a day like any other for Ratchet.. scolding idiotic knights, shooing off pesky preachers, even having someone try to explain how magic is better then non magical healing... so when Drift ran in, Rodimus in arms, panicking.. he was.. concerned... not for Rodimus really, more so Drift.
"Ratchet! Issues!" Drift called to the healer, biting his lip... Him and Rodimus had been out at a public function as normal, and before they knew it, some "kill the kings peasants shall rule" loser had come up and stabbed him!
"What it is now? Did he fall down the well again?" Ratchet gave a dry chuckle as joked about the many times Rodimus has fallen, but Drift hadn't laughed.. instead he just held Rodimus out to Ratchet. "He was bloody stabbed!" "Stabbed..? With what, let me see"
Ratchet could see the difference between how Rodimus typically looked when hurt and now... he was pale.. clamey... and his forehead was soaked in sweat, while his skin was colder then usual.. and Drift could only give a worried look..
"A serrated sword, the attacker has been arrested, but Rodimus is... worryingly still..." Drift shifted, while Ratchet pushed him out his work space, and began to prep his table.. getting out different herbs, cloths, medicines and liquids...
"Cursed? Poisoned?" He queried as he worked, seamlessly and gracefully... "not that i could tell... but that doesn't ease my worries... i failed to protect him!-" "eh, he was to cocky recently anyway."
Rodimus let out a small groan and whimper as his little armor, and shirt was removed... Ratchets eyes widened slightly, and he put a hand over the wound, as he grabbed a wet cloth, and forced himself to remember a good disinfectant spell.. no way this thing wasn't infected already.. so he'd be forced to use magic to clean it..
"What the frag.. Drift warm up a cloth by the fire, and soak this one in cold water... " he handed Drift two rags, and used a few small clumps of sheep wool like cotten balls, as he dipped them in various medical liquids, then applied them to the wound
"Ahhh.. mmhm..." Rodimus hissed and groaned.. while Ratchet gave him a soft "shhh"... "is it bad Ratchet..?" "It aint pretty.. he's gunna be on bed rest for a while.."
◇{~ Time skip bc IDK what to put between here and the next part ~}◇
Rodimus... lets just say this was a close call, and he now has a cool scar on his abdomen... he woke up with terrible aches and a groan.. his vision clearing he could see the dim light of a lantern lit up the room, and two familiar blobs were beside him, one gently rubbing his cheek, while the other had a firm hand on his side...
"Easy hot shot.. dont move to much.." the larger blob spoke, and he immediately recognized it as Ratchet.. and before long he heard the second blob pipe up as well... " stay down please.. we got you..." obviously that one was Drift.. he could see the familiar horns...
He must have been out for days.. his body was stiff.. and he felt.. he hated to admit it.. but stupidly pent up, and hot... which his lovers could quickly tell... "Rodimus.. are you... uhm.. just happy to see us..?" Rodimus looked at his lower abdomen, and his cheeks flushed.. as he realized Drift was looking at his pelvic area, where he had a massive fantasy boner-
"Kid, relax.. just try and sleep.." Ratchet sighed.. Rodimus nearly died.. he'd rather he wasn't getting horny and focusing on everything but recovering- "Ratchet.. i cant help it..! And you know I get pent up.." Rodimus voice trailed off to a low quiver as he got embarrassed.. but Drift was quick to pick it up..
"He.. did nearly... kick the bucket.. and we.. have been feeling a bit lost without him nagging us during our canodaling..." "Drift, no- dont encourage hi-" "*Big cough, big sad Victorian sick child cough*" Rodimus had a slight coughing fit, and Drift coulr only give Ratchet a look, before he moved himself gently over Rodimus, and began to puch his hair out his face...
Ratchet just groaned... they were like children.. but he did feel his heart strings get pulled when Rodimus practically nuzzled up to Drifts hand... and moved more to Rodimus' side.. gently rubbing his injury with a soft touch..
"Mmm..." Drift gently removed his lovers garments, and then his own.. still with a gentle touch, his fingers trailed Rodimus chest, and traced his tattoos and scars... whispering gentle words into his ears..
"Your doing so good.. you were so brave.." Ratchets hands began to move down Rodimus' body.. towards his thighs, he massaged the sore spots on his legs... hands moving up then.. gentle as they brushed Rodimus' soft lower lips... and he smiled softly as his lover quivered...
"Mm.. ahh.." "easy love.. let is treat you right.." Drifts turn.. he leaned down.. tail raised, and softly kissed Rodimus' top scars... kisses going up his chest as to his neck... and Rodimus was a softly moaning mess... his mind flooded with serotonin at the praise and gentle touches to his skin...
"Y'know Drift.. he's so pretty.. he's out handsome... strong boy... so masculine... and brave..." "R- Ratchet.. mmm~ y- you... your so nic-" Rodimus cut himself off with a moan as Ratchets fingers entered his sensitive clit.. and his hips moved slightly.. Ratchet taking gentle care to make sure Rodimus was leaking slightly before any sort of real sexual action happened..
"Your doing great... so good love... you ready to take me love..? I wont start till you give the ok... my manly man... si strong..." Rodimus smiled and nuzzled up to Drift... any sort of praise to his masculinity, and he was caught hook line and sinker...
"Please..? I- i need it.." Rodimus let out a nice, deep moan.. he didn't have to speak twice before Drift had carefully inserted himself into the smaller man.. and Ratchet was now up by his face.. relaxing his injured lover muscles and whispering sweet nothing in his ear..
"brave.. strong... taking us so well... such a man... so good to us.. our sweet king just let us take care of you... dont you lift a finger..." Drift was slowly moving in and out.. taking special notice when Rodimus was react in a pained or negative way.. and would be quick to fix himself accordingly..
Sadly, he could only last 20 minutes... his sigh libido being effected by his injury.. as he began to softly whine... "whats wrong love..? Does it still hurt?" Drift gently pulled out.. and was handed a damp towel by Ratchet. "Lets clean you up.. and we can lay for the rest of the day..."
And the trio did... after wiping eachother down... they layed together.. all naked, they cuddled in a big ol pile... Drift collected pillows and blankets.. while Ratchet kept Rodimus from getting sore... both kissing Rodimus all over, and rubbing his warm skin... staying like this till they all fell asleep...
Thank you for reading! As i said, I've never written smut- so- hope its decent!
-Pesty Pest
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to6ge · 10 months
★ Gojo satoru x gn!reader
★ IN WHICH ! your lover, Gojo satoru woke you up in the middle of the night just to ask you to ride a bike with him. He took you to a nearby river, just to stargaze and admire you the moon.
★ WARNINGS ?? SFW, pining..?? Cursing, Non Proofread, other than that, none.
★ AUTHORS NOTE : Yall, idk how much times im gonna be changing my theme, but I changed it again 😁😁.. ANYWAYS!! was supposed to be studying, but felt the motivation to go write sooo here we are💀
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“Wake up” - “Wake up!!” Gojo said, on top of you. Your eyes fluttered open at the sound of his voice, you were worried that something had happened.
You groaned, still super groggy. “Huh?? Whats wrong??” - “Its really late, you know?” you said with a worried but irritated tone. Why did he have to wake you up in such a sudden??
“Lets go biking” He said with a wide grin. You sighed and turned to the side “Im laaazyy..” you said “Please?? I reaaally wannaa..!!” He pleaded, and you just couldnt resist “Get off me first then!” You scolded him.
You slowly sat up as he got off from you, rubbing your eyes. You checked the time and saw that it was just 1am. The night was cold, breezy and it felt like it was about to rain.
“do i need to change my cloth—” you got rudely cut off by your beloved, he took your wrist and was practically skipping to go outside and ride a bike.
The moment you stepped into the outside, you were hit by the strong, cold wind. You both were in your silly, matching pyjamas. Your teeth almost immediately started clattering, he seemed to notice it but he was cold as well.
You were about to continue walking to your bike, when you felt gojo's warm embrace. He didnt know how to warm you up, so he just thought of this. “I know it wont completely warm you up, but thisll do. Right?”
“thank you, satoru” you smiled so warmly at him, he felt like he was also already warm just because of your mesmerizing smile. He returned the smile, but it was cocky and teasing now.
“You cant live without me, can you?” he playfully asked “Hmm, maybe i can maybe i cant” you returned his teasing demeanor “oh please, ofcourse you cant. Im your amazing, sweet and caring boyfriend!!” he said, grinning ear-to-ear.
You giggled out of his silliness, “i suppose so, i cant disagree with that statement” you were still smiling. “see? Im so cool right!” he was getting even more annoying by the second.
“yes yes, whatever you say satoru” you replied. He finally let go of you, the embrace surely kept you both warm. You continued to walk over to the bikes, one for you, one for him. You were kind of annoyed that there was 2 and he couldnt just bring you with him, but you decided to go along with it.
The both of you hopped onto your own bike, “you ready, [name]?” you nervously gulped your spit down. You could ride a bike, but you werent too good at it. But regardless, you put on a tough face “hell yeah i am!” Gojo seemed to notice your nervousness, he didnt think much of it, expecting that youd be good. I mean, to him, you were good at everything.
He started biking first, and god damn was he good. He was so stable and fast, you were breath taken by the sight of him doing things just so..... Utterly perfect. You tagged along, but when you tried to get fast you started to get unstable.
Gojo laughed and decided to tease you “Pfft! Youre so fucking bad at this!” he chuckled “Youre acting as if you dont suck ass at this too!” Obviously, you lied. He was amazing at this. Then he purposely crashed into you. Both of you shared happiness and laughter. This scenario could be a little more romantic if Gojo wasnt such a tease, but it was a cute “date” for now.
He started speeding up faster into a route you had never been to, you felt a bit suspicious but decided to catch up with him anyways. Turns out, he had taken you out to a lake. The moon was very visible, the sound of the water flowing was so..relaxing. There were a bunch of stars, everything looked so pretty. Even Gojo looked prettier right now!
The both of you parked your bikes and sat down on the grass near the river. The sight was so heavenly. You raised up your head to see the stars,, and they were breath taking. Your attention immediately redirected to the stars and the view, but Gojo? In this pretty place? He was still staring at you, admiring you, yearning for you.
“Even in the prettiest place, id still stare at you. Even in a room full of people, id still stare at you. You bewitched me, and youre so absolutely mesmerising.”
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 11 months
Idk if ur taking request butttttt can we have another chapter of “bleeding out” where they are all preparing for the baby buttt when the time comes angst comes idk like u cant put spice into it like something happens to Wanda or nat or reader is away on a mission and Wanda won’t have the baby till they come which causes complications or idk like mostly fluff with a bit of angst or like all angst but fluffy ending yk where theirs complications with Wanda but they end up having twins (you can chose the gender) or idk triplets that would be cool lmfao but idk I kinda wanna see the time during the pregnancy and the arrival of the pregnancy yk yk idk i im just excited to like see what would happen and me saying idk a lot is just me getting anxiety typing this and getting all giddy lmao but of course only if u want to you don’t have to :)) <33
Bleeding Out, part 5
Authors note: again, sorry this took so long.
Authors note 2: This is the final chapter for this fic, I really hope you all enjoyed it and I can't thank you all enough for reading 💖
Word count: 3687
Warnings: angsty with happy end
WandaNat Masterlist Marvel Masterlist Bleeding Out Masterlist
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   The past few months have kept the three of you rather busy. After Wanda's first appointment with the doctor the three of you realized the small apartment wouldn't suffice for all of you so a housing search began. Thankfully house hunting was easy, as you all had relatively the same needs and wants for a home, and it didn’t take long to make the purchase, or pack. But moving and unpacking weren't the only things keeping you all busy. 
   Natasha has had to go to the compound a few times now, mostly due to paperwork for SHIELD or to help settle some sort of disagreement. Not to mention giving orders and assignments, as with Tony back in retirement and Steve newly in it she was back to being in command. You’ve been doing the same, only not for being a leader. Instead you've been helping Maria train the newer SHIELD recruits. And both of you had strict rules from Wanda, no missions.
   And Wanda, well she was in full mother hen mode. Every room now had evidence that your family was expanding. The kitchen had new cutlery, plates, sippy cups and bottles. The living room had bouncers, a playpen and toys. Your bedroom had a high tech monitor system hooked up to nearly every other room in the house. And of course, the twins' room had everything. Changing table, dressers, cribs, toys, blankets, pillows, clothes. 
   Now, of course Wanda hadn’t been the only one to set these things up. In fact you and Natasha hadn’t let her lift a finger when it came to anything that actually needed to be built, the two of you handled that. She handled the smaller things. Like organizing the clothes in the dressers and closet, or putting up decor.
   But lately she's been feeling a bit more restless. Checking and rechecking that everything in each room was in its place, snapping at one of you if a stuffie or blanket was even a centimeter off from her previous check. Neither of you held it against her, you knew it was a mixture of hormones, excitement and anxiety that caused her to fuss so much. And you both tried your best to assure her everything was fine and convince her to sit and relax. Unfortunately for you though, getting her to relax wasn’t an option right now.
   “What did you just say?”
   You gulp, setting your keys down on the countertop “I uhm, well…Natasha, she….”
   “Y/n” Wanda stresses as her hands for fists at her sides
   “She left the compound. She's in the quinjet as we speak. I came home to tell you right away”
   The Sokovians huffs out a humorless laugh, “Of course she is. Not like she has a family at home that will worry about her safety”
   “That isn’t fair” you try to defend, but before you can finish your sentence she's interrupting you
   “No, Y/n. What's not fair is watching you die. What's not fair is coming back to a world without Natasha. What's not fair is even with two lives growing inside of me, our babies, she can’t understand why I want the two of you home, with me” she explains, letting her sadness and worry show through her anger
   “Oh, Wands” you coo, quickly pulling her into a hug and letting her cry on your shoulder, “Tasha understands, she does. She lost me too, and then she lost you. Trust me baby, she understands”
   Wanda sniffles a bit, “Then why did she go? And why couldn’t she at least talk to me about it first”
   “Because there wasn’t time to talk, love.” you tell her, kissing her temple, “Yelena was out on a mission. It wasn’t supposed to be anything too risky, but you know how things go. She got pinned down and called in for backup. You and I both know nothing and nobody could have stopped Tasha from being on that rescue team. That's her little sister”
   “I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions like that” she admits, feeling guilty for thinking Natasha was back to her careless and reckless ways, “I just worry about you two. A lot. Even with mundane things like going out for milk or picking up something I’m craving. I just…I can’t be without either of you again. Especially not now. The boys will need you both just as much as I do”
   “I know baby, I know” you reassure her, guiding her to the kitchen island and helping her onto one of the seats, “I’ll make you some tea, ok? And I’ll check in with Tasha as frequently as you need me too”
   She smiles at you, appreciative of your care and ability to help her be calm, “Thank you malysh(baby)”
   You quickly move over to the stove and grab the kettle. You fill it up with an adequate amount of water before putting it on the stove to bring it to a boil. You stop for a brief moment to give her a peck on the check before heading over to the cupboard to grab her favorite tea. 
   Wandas gasp pulls you from your task, “Baby, you ok?”
   “I think my water just broke”
   Your eyes widen in panic, “It did not”
   “The puddle on the floor beneath me says otherwise”
   You rush over to her side and sure enough, puddle. “But they aren’t due for another month!”
   Despite the discomfort of the contractions that have started she giggles at your panicked response, “I don’t think they really care about that malysh(baby)”
   “Right, sorry. You stay here, I’ll grab and load your bag and come back to help you”
   She nods in agreement but you don’t even notice because you’ve already darted off towards the door to the garage. You quickly grab the car keys and Wanda's duffle bag and head into the garage. You toss the bag into the backseat and start the car before heading back inside to gather your girlfriend.
   “Ok, cars ready so let's get you in it” you tell her as you help her stand
  You help her get into the car and it takes all of your willpower not to peel out of the driveway like you're the star of the next Fast and Furious movie. 
   “We have to call Tasha” she says, as you concentrate on not getting caught at the next redlight
   You nod, “Let's worry about getting to the hospital first. But I promise as soon as you're in a room I will call her”
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    You finally pull into the hospital parking lot and get Wanda inside. The nurses were quick to get her in a wheelchair so she didn’t have to stand while experiencing contractions, and it only took them a few minutes more to get the two of you into a room.
   You pace at the back of the room while they get your girlfriend into a hospital gown, and help her get settled into the bed. The phone in your hand keeps ringing before going to voicemail for the third time, causing a knot of anxiety to build in your chest.
   “Tasha, please babe. Answer the phone.” you mutter to the recording of her voice before trying again. But you only end up getting her voicemail again, “Baby, please. Wanda's water broke. We’re at the hospital now, but we need you here."
   You hang up and dejectedly walk over to Wanda's bedside, you know the fact that you couldn't get ahold of Natasha is going to make her both worry for the Russians safety as well as be livid with her.
   "How soon will she get here?"
   You nervously scratch the back of your head, “Well, uh, I actually didn’t manage to get ahold of her”
   The Sokovians eyes widen and her grip on the sheets tighten as another contraction hits her, “What do you mean? Y/n, she has to be here for this. She has to be”
   “Shh, I know love. I know” you reassure her, cupping her face, “I’ll keep trying ok? Try not to worry too much over it. Just try to focus on you and the boys.”
   Just then her doctor walks in and begins to check over your girlfriend and the babies. Everything with her and the babies is fine, all are healthy. But to Wanda's chagrin she's told that while she's not quite ready to deliver yet, it should only be a few more hours
   “I can’t do it until my other girlfriend gets here. I can’t give birth to our boys without her”
   She eyes her sympathetically, “I understand why this upsets you Miss Maximoff, but unfortunately there's no way to stop them from coming out once they are ready”
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    Two hours have passed now, and you're still frantically trying to get ahold of Nat while Wanda holds your other hand in a vice-like grip. You don’t mind though because you know if your anxiety is through the roof at this situation then hers must be the height of the Empire State building.
   “Still no answer. Nothing from Yelena either”
    A few tears roll down Wanda's cheeks, “What if she's hurt? What if…what if something really bad has happened and she lying out there wondering if she’ll ever see us again”
  “Hey, hey. Come on baby, don’t think like that” you try to calm both yourself and her, brushings her tears away
   “How can I not?!” she practically sobs, “She wasn’t supposed to be out there Y/n, she was supposed to be at home. She's supposed to be here. And she's not.”
   “I know love” You sigh, “But this is Tasha we’re talking about. Do you really think she's going to let anyone or anything stop her from coming back home to us?”
   Her lower lip trembles, “I don’t- Oh!”
   “What is it?”
   “The contractions” she grits out, cradling her belly, “They’re getting more painful”
   A few contractions later her doctor comes back into the room to check on Wanda's progress, “I’m going to lift your gown now Miss Maximoff to check on you, alright?”
   Your girlfriend nods her approval, and while she originally thought this part would excite her she finds herself filled with dread instead. She's not ready to do this. Not without Natasha by her side too. Not without knowing if her other girlfriend is even alive right now.
   “Okay, well you’re fully dilated now, so it’s time to get you ready to push.”
    Wanda shakes her head, “No. No, I can’t”
   “My love, you have to get ready. The boys are ready to join us” you tell her, trying not to let any tears of your own fall
   “No! Not without Tasha!” she sobs, grasping onto you tightly, “Please, please I need Tasha to be here too!”
   “Baby, I- ”
   You're interrupted by a woman's shriek a few doors down, but before you can question the doctor to make sure everything is alright a familiar goofy voice rings out, “Oh! Sorry! That's my mistake ma'am, wrong room!”
   “Clint I swear to god, if I miss the birth of my sons because you forgot what room….”
   “I didn't forget! The lady at the desk said room 36!” he defends, “Thes sixes and eights just look too much alike when you have a concussion!” 
    You can feel all tension fade away from the woman holding your hand as she hears the familiar voices and the doctor, noticing the smiles on your faces moves out to the hall to gather everyone, “Excuse me, but this is the room you’re wanting”
   Recognizing Wanda's doctor Natasha taps Yelena's shoulder repeatedly and the blonde quickly helps her sister into the room with Clint right behind them. The three are a sight for sore eyes, and honestly they look quite sore themselves.
   A layer of sweat and grime covering each of them, and their bare skin sports a few scrapes and bruises. Clint's head is bandaged up, and he's holding an ice pack to a rather large bump, and his nose has a bandage over the bridge. Yelena's arm, the one that isn't wrapped around her sister's waist, is in a sling and her pinky and ring finger are wrapped up together. And Natasha, her left ankle and knee are both wrapped up with a makeshift boot supporting her.
   “Tasha!” you call out, rushing to her and gently embracing her, “God, you had us worried sick!”
   “I know, I know” she replies as you help her hop over to Wanda, who is quick to latch onto the hand Nat offers her, “I’m so sorry moya lyubov'(my loves). Yelena's phone and mine only had enough service to receive your voicemails, Clints took a bullet, and I couldn’t call from the quinjet because it took an emp blast”
  “Yeah, we had to steal a helicopter just to get here” Yelena admits
   “You stole a helicopter?” you tease
    Clint nods and smiles proudly, “It's on the roof”
    “I really am sorry” Nat says, bringing your attention and Wanda's back to her, “I didn’t mean to worry you both so much, or get hurt or be late
   “Shhh” Wanda sighs, cupping the older woman's face, “You're safe, and you're here. That's all that matters”
   As soon as she finishes the sentence another contraction hits her causing her to gasp out in pain. The way Natasha tenses next to you and her eyes rack over the pregnant woman in concern warms your heart and you wrap an arm around her to offer comfort
   “It's ok babe, it's just a contraction. It’s normal”
   “You're sure?” she asks, letting her hand rest on Wanda's belly
   “Positive” the doctor replies for you as she stands at the end of the bed, “And with how close together they are now, it's time to push.”
   Clint grabs a hold of Yelena's uninjured arms shoulder and makes a move towards the door, “We’ll be waiting out here”
   A few nurses enter the room with a bassinet, ready to help the doctor and Wanda bring the boys into the world. They instruct her while you and Natasha help keep her as calm and comfortable as possible.
   It takes Wanda two hours to push the larger of the two out, and his loud cries fill the room. You're smiling so wide your cheeks are hurting and Nat can hardly see him through her tears but she laughs at the way his little arms wiggle as the nurse cleans him.
   “You did so good baby” you assure Wanda, running a hand through her sweaty hair
   “And he's so active already” Nat adds in excitement 
   She smiles at you both, but it quickly turns into a grimace as the next twin gets ready to make his entrance. The doctor once again prompts her to push and a mere twenty minutes later he's being cleaned up by the nurses as her cries and coos.
   “You did so good detka(baby)” Natasaha praises, kissing Wanda's forehead gently
   “Can I see my boys?” she asks, barely managing to keep her tired eyes open
   “Of course” the nurse cleaning her up says, signaling for one of the others to bring over the already cleaned up baby over to you all
   Tears spill down the Sokovians cheeks when she sees his little face, its very reminiscent of her brothers. And Nat can't help but smile at the small amount of reddish brown hair that adorns the top of his head
   “Hes perfect Wans” you exclaim, holding his little hand
   Nat nods, “He really is.”
   “He looks so much like Piet” Wanda admits, a sad smile on her face
   “Then let's honor your brother, just as Clint did” Nat says looking to you for approval and you quickly nod, “William Pietro Maximoff-Romanoff”
   Wanda's eyes widen, “You mean it? But what about your last name Y/n?”
   “Of course we mean it” Nat assures
   “And I’ve always liked your last names better. So when we marry, mine will cease to be. So no need to add it to the boys names”
   You and Nat laugh at how softly Wanda had squeaked out the word, “Of course. You didn’t think Y/n and I would get you magically knocked up and then not marry you, did you?”
   “Well no, I figured it would come eventually” she admits, “But hearing that confirmed just makes me really happy”
   Finally the other baby is brought over and Wanda takes him in her other arm. Your smile never falters when you see him, but Natasha can no longer hold back her tears. The smaller boy is the spitting image of the Russian, he even has her eyes
   “He's perfect too” you exclaim, rubbing the redheads back
   “He certainly is. If only he looked like someone we now too” Wanda playfully says, looking at Nat
  “He looks like me.” she says, volume barely above a whisper
   Wanda smiles at her, “He looks just like you dorogoy(darling)”
   “You're your Mamas boy, aren’t you” you coo, tickling his chin, “Thomas Natan Maximoff-Romanoff”
   Nats eyes fill with even more tears as you honor her with the closest male slavic name for his middle one, “Thank you my loves. Thank you.”
   “Of course Tasha” Wanda replies, “Now tell their Aunt and Uncle to get in here and meet them”
   Although Natasha is happy enough that she feels like she could simply float out into the hallway to grab them both, she is still nursing an injured leg. Something which you quickly remember.
   “Stay here Tasha. I’ll get them.” you walk over to the door and open it, peeking around the doorframe, “Come meet your nephews”
   Both practically scurry into the room after you and Clint can’t help but chuckle at how Nat already embodies a proud Mama, even still in her dirty post mission gear. He and Yelena sit on the opposite side of the bed from you and Nat and as soon as Yelena sees them she becomes emotional
   “Oh sestra(sister), they're so squishy looking”
   Clint laughs, “What she means is, they're beautiful”
   “Yes, that too. But their cheeks are just so plump” she gasps as her eyes study Tommy more cleary, “Oh my god, he is just like you.”
   “Wow, he really is the spitting image of you Nat and his brother, he looks just like….like…”
   “Like Pietro” Wanda finishes with a smile
   “Yeah. Just like Pietro”
   “Well I hope you don’t mind that we took your idea Nat says, “His name is William Pietro Maximoff-Romanoff”
   “Perfect. I’m sure Nathan won't mind sharing a middle name”
   “But a mouthful” Yelena adds
   “Billy for short. And his middle name will only be used when he's in trouble” Wanda adds
  The blonde nods, “And what of my sestras(sisters) doppelganger, what's his name?”
   “This is Thomas Natan Maximoff-Romanoff” 
   Yelena beams, “Beautiful.”
   “Tommy for short?” Clint asks and Nat nods, “Billy and Tommy. I like it.”
   “We do too” you tell him, gently scooping Billy out of a barely awake Wandas arm, “Rest love, Tasha and I will watch over them”
   Nat follows your lead and goes to pick up  Tommy but you slap her hand away. She looks at you for a moment, confused by your reaction until she glances down at her dirt covered hands. She smiles sheepishly and you merely shake your head as you stand. 
   “Y/n is right. Rest up” Nat tells her as you place Billy in the bassinet. 
   “Thank you moya lyubov'(my loves)” she mumbles, smiling as you come back and take Tommy from her 
   After you get him settled beside his brother you return and help Natasha to her feet and the two of you leave Wanda to rest while you admire your sons. You both practically melt when the boys both turn on their sides to face each other and wrap each other up in their embrace, and you wonder if this is how they looked the entire time they grew within Wanda.
   “I love them so much already” Nat whispers 
   You nod, “I do too. And I love you. I’m glad you're alright.”
   She turns to you and smiles, “I love you too, and nothing would have stopped me from coming back to the four of you”
   You lean forward and capture her plush lips in a soft kiss, her hands instinctively find purchase on your waist as she savors the feel of having you close. Truth be told she had been scared she may not make it back in time, if at all, and she finds this embrace to be rather grounding.
   Wanda smiles as she watches the two of you embrace, and as she shuts her eyes for some much needed sleep she feels whole for the first time in a long time. She will always miss her brother and parents, but knowing she’ll always have Clint and Yelena as family and getting to meet her boys has helped fill that void that she once thought would never close. 
   Now all she needed to do was talk you and Nat into a full retirement, so there would be no more scares like today. But that was a battle for another time, when she actually had energy. For now she’ll happily drift off to sleep knowing that her boys are in good hands.
   You pull away from the Russian eventually and smile at her, “Go get cleaned up babe. That bathroom here is huge so I’m sure the shower will feel just as good as the one at home does”
   “My extra clothes are in the duffle, right?”
   You nod, “Yup, and I already set the bag in there. Are you going to need help?”
   “No, I should be able to manage. Besides its a hospital so the shower will have a seat I can use” she says before hobbling off
   Clint smiles as he takes in each of you, and he finds himself tearing up a bit. Because life truly is a gift, as are second chances, and he's glad fate saw fit to bestow those gifts upon the three of you. No one was more deserving of a happy ending.
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Taglist: @wandaromamoff69 @when-wolves-howl @danveration @sheneonromanoff @sayah13 @likefirenrain @nighttime-dreaming @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @chaoticevilbakugo @crystalstark02 @wackymcstupid @lovelyy-moonlight @blackwidow-3 @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito @yomamagf @yourfavdummy @justarandomreaderxoxo @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145 @eline03 @wizardofstories@imthenatynat @marvelonmymind @fluffyblanketgecko @bitch-616 @dakotastorm @zoomdeathknight @aeroae @sashawalker2
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
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yourinstagram everyone’s been asking for a ‘bumpdate’ so here she is in all her little glory! i’m definitely starting to feel more tired and sore these days, so lots of comfy clothes and relaxing for me. luckily I have a pretty amazing fiancé who takes excellent care of me and little bee🥰🐝
liked by gemmastyles, florencepugh, annetwist, harrystyles, jefezoff and 5,287,000 others | 5000 comments
florencepugh little bee is the most precious nickname🥺
liked by yourinstagram
>yourinstagram isn’t it?! H came up with it! Can’t wait to see you for tea this week🩷
harrystyles my flower and my little bee❤️
liked by yourinstagram
>yourinstagram we love you so much🥹
>harryfan25 I CANT I CANT I CANT
annetwist oh wow! bit bigger than last time i saw you! she’s growing so quick!
liked by harrystyles
>yourinstagram she really is isn’t she mum?🩷
gemmastyles i get more and more excited each and everyday 🥰
liked by harrystyles and yourinstagram
a/n; The birthday celebration begins!! Happy Birthday to me, I am now 24…idk how I feel about that, but oh well life goes on LOL i cannot wait to get to your requests and writing tomorrow! thank you for celebrating with me🩷🩷
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eggdrawsthings · 2 years
Hi! Same anon here. I was asking about how to draw such expressive figures like your drawings. I noticed even when you were drawing a character standing still, it still looks so alive and dynamic. My drawings always ended up looking so stiff and out of balance. It's weird. Sorry for the trouble and thank you for your time 🥺🙏
Hey! Sorry about all of that. Again, I don't consider myself as someone worthy to ask advice from lol, but I'll try to mention whatever i can think of from the top of my head, so sorry if it's too random. Also, I actually answer sth similar here regarding my process of drawing poses.
You see, when standing still, we tend to shift to one side and put our weight either on the left or right foot, leaning more forward or backward. You want to have the weight shift happening in your drawing too. It makes the figure looks interesting, just by shifting weight to one side, tilting the shoulder a bit, or even twisting the body a little. I learn this from studying Brian Matyas's drawings. He always shifts the character to one side when he's drawing a relaxed standing pose. Also, notice how the shoulder and the hip are always tilted to the opposite side. That creates rhythm. It makes your body less symmetrical, gives it a sense of flow. thus making it more alive. (a trick when observing real-life people is to look to which side the belt is tilting down)
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When your start drawing a pose, draw the action line first. Block out the pose by using boxes or the stick figure technique, whichever you prefer. By simplifying the figure down into line, shape, and form, you can easily see if the proportion of the figure is working or not, without being distracted by details like clothes and hair and stuff. The most common problem I saw is ppl focusing too much on the top half of the body or going into the details too quick, and when they start drawing the lower half, it looks off. Either the legs are too short, the action line is not strong enough, the character looks off balance, etc. So you always want to start by blocking out the pose and checking your proportion. The pose might look stiff at first, but you want to get comfortable with drawing the figure w the correct proportion before trying anything else. This applies to facial structures as well.
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Also utilize the curve against straight, complex against simple. This again gives a sense of flow and contrast to the figure.
Draw from life. Bring a sketchbook with you. Draw when you are in the library, on the train, in the park, etc. Use references too. Keep a reference board, either on your phone, computer, or places like Pinterest. If you can't go out, drawing from videos is good too. Here are some studies I did from some pencak silat videos. It's much harder than drawing from life cos you cant really see the form and such, so I'd still recc going outside and draw when u can.
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When u r drawing from life or videos, observe how people move, stand, sit, etc. Where is the weight distribution. What is the line of action here. How can you exaggerate it. Break it down into shapes. Draw what you see, not what you think you are seeing. Observation is key.
Flip your canvas, compare it to other masters' art, ask for critics, then fix it. Have fun, but also be critical of your art. If you want to, you can find books about figure drawing by masters like Andrew Loomis or George Bridgman. I love their books. Rmb you don't have to go to school to be good at art.
Again, my advice is very biased cos it's based on my own experience and observation. I don't see your art, so Idk what exactly you are having trouble with. But my ask box is always open so feel free to ask again or send me your stuff if you like. I'll try my best to help ^^
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Hii first of all i hope youre doing great! Make sure to drink water‼️
So i saw that your requests r open but idk if u can do matchups so feel free to ignore this if u dont
But if u do, i was wondering if u could do a jjba matchup from parts 2-7 (any gender idm)
Some info ab me:
Im agender but i use any pronouns, im aroace (! Aroace ppl can still feel romantic feelings js limited, just letting u know bc ppl get confused🥲!)
Id like the matchup to be romantic and some characters i wouldnt rlly like u to include r stroheim, kira, pucci and funny valentine
Okay lets get to the main stuff
My personality is pretty confusing even for me tbh
I can be very serious at times but i can also be very js energetic and yk goofy ig? My energy gets drained quickly after that tho so yeaah
I get told pretty frequently that im harsh but im just honest🤷‍♀️
I prefer saying whats objective and truthful rather than sugarcoating stuff
I can be very supportive tho dont tske this the wrong way
Im an ambivert and idk if yk mbti but since it might help im an Intj e3
Also im a night owl so yeah i love staying up and stargazing from my window💁🏻‍♀️
As for how i act in daily life well, i always try my best to get everything that im assigned done and most of the time i do. I strive for perfection and success in whatever i do and i am very ambitious🏃🏻
At times tho i feel like i need breaks so once in a while i like to just stop and relax, to do absolutely nothing
I like to read books every now and then but i dont have a good attention span and i zone out A LOOOTT
Not just while reading, if im doing anything at all ill just zone out eventually
I really enjoy being in my head with my own thoughts its like my safe space even if its not safe ykwim
Im just a very brain-ish person yk i like thinking i spend hours in my head its like my comfort place
I also like being productive it makes me feel alive
Like doing stuff
Im also a result/success oriented person so yeah
Also other than reading im also into make up and i like to listen to music if u consider that a hobby
I have a very mixed music taste but my friends say its good
I really like lana del rey and indie music but I also love rock and grunge like ac/dc, nirvana, pearl jam etc.
I also listen to stray kids sometimes their music is cool (kpop) but i also listen to j-pop and classical music (ascends me to heaven fr)
I also listen to 90s hiphop. Yeah.
Thats a lot of stuff I KNOW but i told u its a mix
As in fashion i dress either very y2k-ish or like my friends always tell me i look like those 2 girls from mean girls (my clothes)
I like to dress coquette-like though too!
Id also like to be a gothic lolita but i cant so thats sad
I also have brown hair and brown eyes and im average heigthed
My friends say i have the best style so yeah
I dont really have a type but i do have a preference for either people who are like me bcz yk they get me
But i also like funny people like very energetic funny people
We can be like sun moon dynamic idk😭
I like every love language ngl
I have a slight preference for gift giving though
I mean thats the one i use so
The fic is up to u idm what it is
Tysm for ur time, ik that was a lot, feel free to ignore if u dont feel like it have a nice day/night <3
notes: omg hi!! I am finally doing your matchup <3 I feel like it has been in here forever omg. but i am so glad im getting to it today!! i literally have the PERFECT character for you tee hee so let's jump in <3
the character I chose for you is...
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you and him have a very similar personality. you can both have a serious front, but goof off with each other, which is the most fun
it makes you a super successful couple too because you both know when it's joking time or not
though you will find him making stupid jokes more often than not
he likes that your harsh/honest
it just really shows that you know who you are and you cant take certain stuff
it just means your strong-willed and that's what he loves about you
there is nothing wrong with being harsh and he tells you that all the time
you and him are very supportive to each other and it really helps the relationship grow
i feel like gyro is honestly a morning person, so you wont find him staying up with you late that often
so while he sleeps next to you pet his hair
but he will 100% stargaze with you while you talk about life and cuddle
you get shit done and that's what he loves about you
and when you two are together, you're literally unstoppable tbh
as ambitious as this man is, he is also lazy, so he will ask you to just sit and cuddle him so you can take a break
and who are you to deny gyro??? i would cuddle in those arms any day
doing absolutely nothing sounds amazing to him, so please stay wrapped in his arms
just know he will fall asleep
since you love reading, but zone out a bit, this man will read to you
he loves to read to you
even if you zone out, he will catch you up
he overall just enjoys reading out loud a lot, so you're going to hear a lot of it
while you're just thinking, he'll be right beside you
you are your own comfort space, but you begin to feel that he is becoming your new one
he is also a mixed music dude, so yall listen to whatever
literally force him to dress up to and you will be walking ICONS
do his makeup
he loves when you make him all pretty
he'll braid you hair if you braid his
he is super energetic and funny, so you have the literal perfect man for you
and he will provide every love language, just expect a lot of words of affirmation from him and way too many cuddles
and if you give him gifts, he gets all flustered and blushy
and then he'll get you gifts too :)
and now for your fic :)
You stayed up on the edge of your shared bed with Gyro and watched the stars from your window. You lived in a nice enough area to see all the stars and you were very thankful for that. You couldn't go to sleep, so you decided to open the window and get a breath of fresh air along with your view. Your boyfriend slept quietly next to you, his arms hugged around his own lanky body. You watched his breaths for a moment. In. Out. In. Out. You smiled and ran your fingers through his long sandy blonde hair before looking right back to the window. "Darlin?" You heard from Gyro, making you jump. "What's up?" You asked, seeing his long arms stretch in front of him as he sat up. "Can't sleep?" He asked, avoiding your question. "No, not really. Just wanted to do some stargazing." "Come here," he said, patting his chest. You gladly laid your head on your chest, having an even better view of the stars as he petted the top of your head until he fell back asleep.
matchup rules | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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butchdykenormallen · 11 months
Idk what you’re saying but I would like whatever it is
ok. under the cut now.
the hanako kun type: as the school mystery "hanako san of the toilet," hanako leads the seven mysteries and governs the schools apparitions. he goofs off, but holds an inner darkness. although you might be inexperienced, be brave and communicate your inner thoughts.
lucky items: toilet bound hanako kun vol 1 and warm things
the mitsuba type: hes a lonely ghost that appears at the school entrance called mitsuba. you say whatever's on your mind and end up hurting people... but your sense of beauty is unparalleled, and you have a hobby you can immerse yourself in, so make the most of your life!
lucky items: toilet-bound hanako kun volume 4 and kappa/raincoat
the teru minamoto type: with a handsome face and figure, he is a talented exorcist and popular student council president. for a person like you who is just like an idol, you must have a lot of worries you cant tell people. during those times, letting your stress out is tough!
lucky items: toilet bound hanako kun volume 2 and favorite scented items
the nene yashiro type: shes a girl who is in love with love, and super weak to hot men. there are some nights where tears stain your pillow, but there are also many people who have been saved from core strength that lies within you. continue living with that natural light inside you.
lucky items: toilet bound hanako kun volume 1 and a move you missed the chance to see.
the akane aoi type: he loves his childhood friend aoi with all his heart. for the person you love, you spare no effort to support them before even thinking about it. there are times where you have to bear tr unfairness of the world, but continue forth with your unbring hard work. (?)
lucky items: toilet bound hanako kun volume 14 and aoi akane
the yako type: no. 2 of the seven mysteries, "the misako stairs," a moving (?): statue. (fox). your mature, but your often lonely and suffer from unrequited love. from now on, it might be good to try falling in love with those who will take good care of you
lucky items: toilet bound hanako kun volume 2 and a gentle hand
the natsuhiko hyuuga type: hes flirtatious, but hes a friendly guy who cant talk to anyone. you should also make the most of your sociability and endeavour to make new contacts. that skill will certainly be helpful in your future.
lucky items: toilet bound hanako kun volume 5 and a gift from someone close.
the kou minamoto type: an assertive exorcist with a puppy's spirit. though you dont look like it, you have a really kind personality, a strong sense of responsibility, and tend to keep things to yourself. rely on others around you before you overdo it!
lucky items: toilet bound hanako kun volume 1 and new sneakers.
the tsuchigomori type: a teacher at kamome academy whose true identity is no. 5 of the seven mysteries. the 4 pm bookstacks." you love to know the secrets of others, so use that gossipy spirit to the fullest to discover peoples weaknesses and build smooth relationships with them.
lucky items: toilet bound hanako kun volume 3 and the time to forget everything.
the mei shijima type: no 4 of the seven mysteries, who has the power to draw things to life. "shijima san of the art room." you might be pressured with big expectations from those around you, so having a best friend you can share anything with is important.
lucky items: toilet bound hanako kun volume 9 and a favorite colored clothes.
the sakura nanamine type: a mysterious, cool, and beautiful women. unintentionally tends to be liked by those that are the opposite of her. you have difficulty expressing your emotions, so you may take things in unexpected directions... in those moments, you should relax while drinking tea.
lucky items: toilet bound hanako kun volume 5 and a new hairstyle.
the mokke type: a supernatural that likes stealing and making mischief, your cute appearance contrasts with your avertive personality, and in due time you'll make better friends who you can share your true personality with. take caution in not getting a cavity from eating too many sweets.
lucky items: spinoff after school hanako kun and money.
the aoi akane type: shes the no. 1 "girl you wanna date" in her class and has a sparkling charm to her. are you also a charming girl that gets confessed to a lot? but on the other hand, you also feel distant from those around you. make a best friend you can open your heart to and spend every day having fun.
lucky items: toilet bound hanako kun volume 13 and words of gratitude.
the tsukasa type: a ghost boy that seems to be hanako kuns younger brother from when he was alive. a person like you that always goes their own way is sometimes kept at a distance by others. but thats a part of your wonderful personality, so keep going as you are!
lucky items: toilet bound hanako kun volume 4 and a shovel.
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transcribed from this image because i needed to help someone who couldnt read the text.
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imherebabycakes · 2 years
donnie\femreader tmntbayverse 14/16 the guys are 20+
*i do not own anything tmnt*
i didn’t proof read a damn thing😂(sorry)
my oc’s name is Blaze,Neptune Marie
military veteran
a black woman from the south side of washington dc
she’s 5’5
has light grey eyes
black wavy hair *bra length*
lets just say she’s the type of woman you’d see in king magazine. she fire 🔥
loves trap, the 90’s hip hop r&b as well as Jamaican country
chill & laid back, can twerk also
so there we stood, the purple masked terrapin & myself , blushing at one another looking dumb as hell
ehemm…..are you to okay? raph say’s staring at me & his brother with a sly grin on his face.
umm yea…..yea im straight, i say almost instantly snapping out of a trance, and perking up as if i wasn’t just imagining donnie kissing me all over.
donnie! you good? mikey asks
oh yea mikey im…uh never better donnie answered. obviously lying through his gap teeth.
i peep the scene and its hella awkward and stuffy even if being outside.
well guys, umm it was nice to meet y’all but i better get home,im jhi tired…
jhi? what does that mean? mikey asks with a slight giggle.
well in dc its slang & we use it to emphasize a few things but in this case it just took the place of the word really.
ohhhh wow thats so cool, i love dc slang its different
im glad you do mikey,
but guys i do have to get gone. i got work in the morning unfortunately. as i got my stuff in the car i pop back out an ask , umm do you guys wanna link up again or is this just a one time thing?
well idk, will you tell people of our existence? asked leo hoping right in face , a little to close but i guess this was his attempt at coming off threatening . which wasn’t working at all
i chuckle to myself as i slide a little to the left to get some space between us,
“nah man i wont tell a soul” thats my word.
he looks me over and huffs “yea well see”,
almost immediately they ascend back to the roof tops disappearing into the night. 
see later sexy chocolate!!! mikey yelled
shut up mikey !! the rest
them yell in unison.
………….time jump…..2weeks later
it was now friday 5:30pm finally free from the plantation i call work. while walking to my car i thought about a few things, like i loved my job as an SPO, working at Children’s hospital  but my real passion is fashion design and today my sergeant caught me drawing a few sketches while on duty and grilled me for it.
she can kiss my black ass and i mean it , i cant stand that old bitch it wasn’t even that serious to be honest .
walking out of the elevator and into garage towards my car all i could think about were those four unique brothers out of my head, Especially the tall one in purple.
now that i think about it i didn’t even get his number, shit i been out the game for a while , but its cool i’ll see them again one of these days….. right?
i sigh and push all those thoughts to the back of my mind. i threw my sketch books and gear in the car and drove off.
about 25 minutes later i sluggishly enter my cold apartment kick my shoes off,lock the door then proceed to my bedroom. i plopped down my lush king sized bed, looking at the ceiling lost in my thoughts of the full day i had and the next thing i knew i fell asleep.
i woke up around 10pm realizing i had fell asleep in my clothes, i reluctantly made my way to the bathroom where i ran the shower to get it nice and hot to my liking, while stepping in the air/steam relaxed me even more, damn this feels good, i needed this….
donnie pov
its been almost 2 1/2 weeks since we’ve seen blaze.
patrols have been the usual not alot of foot clan activity a few attempted muggings but nothing has really changed.
but i noticed that i couldn’t concentrate on any of my work since i seen that Beautiful woman.
i couldn’t get her out of my head, i mean i’ve been with other women before, yea they were mostly in the police department but still. hell i’ve even had a girlfriend once upon a time.
it was something special about blaze, and i honestly think its because she a black woman.
to be honest i i’ve always been with a white woman or latin or asian and i don’t know much about black women or culture for that matter outside of rap & r&b music that i listen to.
or what the media sometimes portrays but im not one to judge and everything is not what it seems so i don’t stereotype people. i mean i wouldn’t have room to judge anyways im a mutant turtle for crying out loud. i sigh slumping in my chair, i don’t know what to do.
you should go see her bro,im sure she’d be happy to see you again, she seems cool even though i didn’t think you’d go for her type say’s mikey
umm……mikey first off how long have you been standing there listening to me? and secondly whats my type?
long enough to know you got the hots for blaze…..look bro she likes you man.
i saw the way y’all looked at each other. she fine as hell but you know usually go for white skinny girls like april.
you know the runway “model type”. & blaze is the opposite she’s got body oddy oddy for days he said laughing.
you cant handle all that wagon she’s draggin ,but you better get on that and wife her up before i do… he says slyly.
oh please mikey she doesn’t want you , your to immature for a woman like that and plus her having a curvy body doesn’t matter to me in fact that’s actually what i like about her
yea ok Donnie, im not the one who needs convincing , you��ve fucked only skinny white, latin,or asian woman only . you sure blaze isn’t just some fetish for you bro?
what!! of course not mikey i’ve only fucked those other women because thats all thats around us, people usually date who’s in close proximity to them you idiot. if more curvier women lived around here black woman included then maybe i would date them.
umm bro sorry to burst your bubble big bro but the thing is, black woman mostly definitely are around, and there’s alot that work in the police department to . open your eyes dude and admit you have a type he says laughing and walking away
damn he got me stumped… i…i guess i do, well did have a type but obviously not anymore. i gotta see Blaze again.
turning to my computers i figure its time for some hacking and background checking.
(blazes pov)
after that lovely shower and hot meal, i decided to sit on my balcony with some wine to look out onto the city. as im sitting there, i think about my life and whats ahead,like how i love fashion and design, and my dream is to be big time designer. but how will i get there.
just as I’m pouring another cup of wine my phone starts vibrate uncontrollably then all of a sudden a greenish hologram of green bean Donatello pops up
“hey there, its ummm Donatello you know the turtle guy!?….anyways umm well i hope im not interrupting anything. i’m a bit of a computer whiz & nerd hence me hacking in your phone .  I just wanted to say that you seem cool and I would like to meet up again sometime if that’s OK with you?
that’ll be great donnie i don…..
all right all right!. sheesh give me a second , feeling a bit stupid because i thought it was a live conversation . (hits 1) “you’ve chosen number 1, please stand by for follow up text.” then like turning off a tv the hologram of him shut off
!Bing Bing Ding!
damn that was fast as shit donnie, you really wanna see my sexy ass huh i joke. i open my phone and the text read
hey blaze this is donnie again, im glad you said yes, if you can, please meet me at the same spot where we met at 7:30 pm 2 blocks away from the double take on saturday. well im looking forward to seeing you😂😅
i chuckle to myself at the thought of he’s such a nerd, but a fine ass one, and i’ve honestly been thinking about this for weeks now. not knowing what he wants to meet up for specifically i don’t know what to put on. I want to look good but I also don’t wanna overdo it. aw who am i kidding i look good naked, he’ll like me in whatever. plopping on my bed i drift off to sleep with the wonders of whats to come tomorrow.
mmmmm…. donnie!
(Donnie pov)
yes yes and hell yes!!! i screaming and squealing while fist pumping in my lab chair,
whoa i say getting overwhelmed i have a date, well not a date date. but we’re meeting up! got damnit its a date thats unofficially officially a date! 
omg omg omg this is amazing…
wheeeew,wheeeeeeew….calm down donnie this is not your first date, relax buddy i say to myself. its honestly not my first date but with a girl like her it might as well be. I wonder what we will have to talk about she’s so much different than girls ive dated before, down to her her body ,skin tone ,her lingo and where she’s from. sitting down on my bed, i sigh and lay back with only one thing on my mind, in the words of Tpain
…time jump 3pm next day…..
( blaze pov)
I don’t know why I’m so nervous this man has me sweating like a hooker in church, not wanting to do too much I just do what drake said. put my hair tied up and chill with no make up on. and if he really fucks with me like he says then he’ll see that I’m beautiful naturally. but in the meantime all this planning gotcha girl hungry I think a quick meal will suffice nothing too heavy though, probably like a BLT with some chips because i don’t want the bubble guts on the first meet up.
time jump 7:28pm saturday night
(donnie pov)
hopping on the roof, i stare at the city below me, i got here with 3 minutes to spare. blaze should be here any minute now. well i might as well sit and wait and sing.
(start singing his version of ushers “nice N slow” )
its seven o clock on the dot im on the root top, looking at the city,….i’ve got a real pretty pretty black queen that im waiting to see, when she pulls up, ill be anticipating, her good looks, damn she’s amazing, i got plans to my hands on her waist,looking up to see if she’s really feeling me!! let me take you to the park where its quiet, there ain’t no one there to attack us, i can feel the rush, cuz i just wanna get to know you more…… blaze tell me what you wanna do
(blaze pov)
pulling up to the same spot i almost got robbed at made me uneasy, but since donnie was meeting me here i knew i was okay. i do one last look in my rearview mirror to look at my hair and face. and like i said earlier, I kept it chill and i put on my favorite black juicy sweatsuit & my black & white Jordan 12’s and my hair was in a messy bun. and i couldn’t forget my mouskatool. getting out the car i start to text donnie to let him know im here, when i hear singing and beautiful singing at that, i slightly walk into the alley where i hear the melody an look up to see my green bean singing what sounded like ushers nice and slow song
i didn’t want to startle him so i let him continue, & what i heard next made a shiver go down my spine, not only could he sing well but if im not mistaken he’s singing about… well me!! at least i hope he is. unless its about another black queen. not wanting to waste any more time I shoot him a text.
you sound amazing!….and am i a queen to you? 
(donnie pov)
hearing my phone go off I figure blaze is on her way but to my horror i see,
 **you sound amazing!….and am i a queen to you?**
which means not only was she here but she’s been here and not only has she been here she heard me singing and not just singing but singing about her. naturally my heart went to my ass and i felt my stomach tighten immediately. im so embarrassed. then i hear blaze say
**YO Rapunzel let down your hair! she says laughing. c’mon down here song bird or should i come up there?**
ummmm no ill come and get you give me a sec. i flip down and see blaze staring at me smiling at me with those beautiful grey eyes and she has cute button nose. wait when did she get a nose piercing? has that always been there?. man does she look stunning , i mean she’s effortlessly beautiful, her hair was in a messy bun and she had a simple but cute track suit on that hugged that body of her’s sheesh. baby got baaayyyack . snapping out of it i realize she’s leaning in for a hug, OH SHIT HUG HER YOU IDIOT*
hugging donnie i say, damn i didn’t know you had pipes like that green bean, you sound amazing. you remind me of a 90’s r&b singer,i love that. noticing he’s in a daze i snapped twice in his face, hello earth to Donnie are you there? “oh my bad blaze, sorry i got distracted. can you repeat what y said please?
shaking my head laughing i repeat myself. donnie i said your singing is amazing man. and what did you get distracted from that fast?
honestly blaze….. well..i got distracted by…umm… y-your beau…hmp…. I GOT DISTRACTED BY HOW BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE!!
going wide eyed by his raised voice and words , i just give a sly smile and say. like wise

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sereniv · 2 years
I think the problem with telling people to do the best that they can do; even adding in "what you personally can do", is (besides people usually knowing they arent doing their best) that it can still invoke the idea of forcing ones self to do something
Because one can assume that we are saying "do the best you can personally do....up to my standards" because a lot of times that is an add on
we see it with disability, where we do the best we can do and people still arent happy. So it can feel like whenever someone asks that you do the best you can do, they are really saying that theres at least a limit you should reach
And obviously theres really no way around this other than padding the phrase with example scenarios to assure the person that yes, we truly mean that your best is defined by you, not us
But then it comes down to people knowing they arent doing their best. And thats where the guilt comes in, because instead of a phrase that should invoke relief, they feel anxious.
But what people need to know and realize, is that when you can do more, when you can do better and youre not, we dont know whether it is your best or not
We shouldnt judge you because a hersheys bar keeps you from killing yourself. I can not take a position on that because im not in your life and im not you. So even if you are lying that is down to YOU
When we (vegans) tell you that its about doing your personal best to avoid using animals for entertainment, food, clothes, we mean exactly that. With no judgement. And thats how it should be
If you have connection to your culture religion through animal use and there is no way around that? that is your necessity. That is your best.
You should always ask your self if what you do is necessary for you, and explore other options
but at the end of the day, only you can decide what is nescessary for you. Only you can decide when you are able to change
AND that means that you eating non fair trade chocolate or relapsing and needing eggs or wearing regalia of skins or participating in any other animal usage- that that necessity isnt low on the scale.
Like when vegans talk about sustenance hunting. it shouldnt be said as a "oh let them hunt" because no one is "letting" you.
It should be supportive in a nature. we can not support the death of an animal and still fully support someone feeding themselves whether for ceremony or cultural ties
its not a 'let it slide' scenario. And sometimes from some vegans it feels like that
But it shouldnt
Because all of this should be seen as large as our earths population
You participating in your culture or religion, or you needing to have a Hersheys chocolate bar to make it another day is not the problem
be confident with your needs, truly. It is okay. Its okay to relapse. Its okay with what your connection requires. Its okay to buy things that arent as sustainable or ethical because its not your fault of what your needs are
but again thats on you to figure it out. What vegans should do is simply provide the facts and the info, and should stay any judgement on things we dont know or cant confirm
Idk what this post is about or who its for
but yeah its sad. because though, again, a lot of people arent actually doing their best and thats why they get defensive (change is HARD, and thinking of trying new things is exhausting, ao its okay if you take your time. roll it around in your brain for awhile until you are ready), though that, a lot of people might THINK they arent trying their best
As a disabled person i know how it feels to feel like im not doing my best. and thats why i check in with myself. But "im sitting all day i could have cleaned" comes up a lot, and i have to remember, that i didnt.
i didnt clean and thats okay. becauae it can feel like i chose to sit, but being honest with myself, i dont have the tools to not feel exhausted even thinking about cleaning
So i wasnt sitting on my ass, i was doing the best i could do, which was relax
So if in the face of veganism, explore why you feel defensive, but also learn to recognize what is already your best, and what is something you can actually change. if not now, later
Remember: Veganism isnt a diet. Plant based is the diet portion, and not everyone can go plant based. But everyone has the capacity to look at the data and recognize the destruction animal use has, whether it be enviromental, human, or animal.
Veganism should feel relaxed as you try new things at your own pace or feel comfortable in where you are now in life. Its about getting people to look at animal agriculture as a whole and moving forward, especially for those who cant right now or who cant ever.
Veganism is about changing very slowly and supporting everyone it can. It is NOT about forcing people to be 100% plant based. its about giving you the option
ok enough post finished lol
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tsukkismoonlight · 2 years
Hello I saw your matchups being opens and I would like to request a romantic matchup for Jujutsu Kaisen please.
I have a round face, slightly on the chubby side, tanned skin medium length brown hair with brownish hazel eyes that people do admire. I am on the short side with my height I’m 5’2, so I would like someone tall when it comes to an S/O usually. I am over 18 so yes I am an adult and I am a straight female so I would like to be match up with a male character.
My MBTI is an ISFP. I do love to go on adventures and just live life, I don’t like staying at home all day so I do tend to go out and hangout with some friends if not I hit the gym now a days or go to the mall by myself because I am a shopaholic, but when I am at home I try to keep myself busy by baking treats! But when it comes to being in a relationship I can be jealous to the point I just become clingy to my s/o.
I am told that I am naturally funny because of the dumb things I do or say but I am kind hearted and can be sassy and savage when provoked. My favourite colours consists of red, black and blue atm; fav food is sushi, I love sushi and fav animal(s) is penguins and ducks! Idk if that helps but I added random fun facts about me just in case.
Anyway thank you in advance and take your time, no rush :)
You stared at the letter, almost afraid to blink, as if it would disappear in some mysterious way just as it had appeared. Finally, you grabbed the note, and started to read…
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Hey hey hey !! I feel being short on all levels, 5'3" hurts my soul, cant reach anything, eternal arm rest 😩😩 and also,, i just know that im going to be craving sushi for a week because of this lol
But, anyways !!! Here's who I'd match you with...
Nanmi Kento !!!
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-okay, listen, Nanami /needs/ the type of person who would drag him out of the house because we all know that he stays home when not working
-he also needs a person who can just…help him actually live his life and feel like he's living yk ?
-which is why this works so well between you two
-i mean, how is he supposed to just…say no to you ??
-exactly, he cant.
-if you asked him to go shopping, despite the fact that this man has all of two seperate outfits, and cares little for clothes that aren't some sort of business casual, he would go
-he would try his hardest to give advice, or help you pick out whatever it is that's on your list to buy
-if you asked him to go to the park, on a hike, to a pet store, art store, doesn't matter where
-he would go
-because, when he's with you, he gets to think about things other than work
-he gets to smile and laugh, which is /not/ a typical sight that just anyone gets to see
-when he's with you, he finally gets to relax
-and i think on your end, it's nice to have someone so willing to be with you in your endeavors
-for both the days where you want to go out, or the ones where you want to stay inside
-he will try all of your baked goods, and even try to sneak some of the unfinished products (like cookie dough or something yk)
-he's someone who helps you feel secure, and safe
-and he definitely only has eyes for you, how could he not ? After all, you are probably the one person capable of helping him to feel alive, and like theres more to life than this made up schedule that he seemed to find himself on
- and he definitely doesn't mind the clingy-ness
-he likes having your attention just as much as you like giving it, he is yours and you are his, nothing else matters to Nanami
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a lockscreen for u
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Thank you sm for joining in on my matchup event !! I really hope you enjoy reading these !!! I also hope that you have a wonderful rest of your day or night !!!
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