#and made a joke about putting my cat and the bit first before me
gxlden-angels · 2 years
Were you personally victimized by the JOY model in church? Did your youth pastor shame you for having basic needs? Do you compulsively feel the need to give the food from your plate, the clothes off your back, and the air from your lungs just to justify your existence? Well do I have the model for you!
Introducing: The "Y, Tho" Model
This model stands for:
Y - Yourself: You should put yourself first
T - The Bit: Always commit to the bit
H - Homies: Gotta kiss the homies goodnight
O - Others: You can worry about others when you have your shit together
Remember this model when you can't remember your priorities in life! Now get out there and change the world!
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frost-queen · 4 months
Watch the boyfriend (Reader x Elijah Mikaelson)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic  , @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 , @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers   , @merlieve , @queen-of-books  , @glimmering-darling-dolly   ,@denkisclown  , @wildieflower   ,@meyocoko  , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07  , @melsunshine   @panhoeofmanyfandoms  , @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat,@rosecentury,   @imagines-by-her ,  @evilcr0ne , @vviolynn, @niktwazny303   ,@avada-kedavra-bitch-187
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Your foot bopped along with the beat. Earplugs in you sat sideways in one of the Victorian chairs. Legs over railing, scrolling on your phone. The Mikaelsons were out, meaning you had the house for yourself. You took the opportunity to do absolutely nothing and have some me time. Moving around the house with earplugs so that the music swallowed you whole. Now you were just sitting down, waiting for the Mikaelsons to come home. Your eye caught a glance of the first Mikaelson entering.
It was Kol. He nodded at you as you gave him a welcoming nod back. Freya entered next with Rebekah, chattering about something. Elijah and Klaus were the last Mikaelsons to enter. Elijah smiled upon seeing you. With vampire speed he rushed over to you.
Coming to hover over you, leaving a caring kiss on your forehead. You looked up at him, tapping at your lips. Elijah chuckling before kissing your lips upside down. You heard Klaus groan letting himself fall down in the sofa. You unplugged your earplugs, swinging your legs over the railing to the front.
“How was your day sweetheart?” – Elijah asked coming to sit on the railing with you. – “Enough about me, how was your day? Did it go well?” – you answered. Elijah took your hand, fiddling a bit with your fingers. Looking at him, you noticed some forgotten blood on his jaw.
Making your finger wet, you wiped it clean. – “You missed a spot dear.” – you told him. Elijah cupped your cheek. – “I’ll have you to clean me.” – he whispered to you. Klaus rolling with his eyes. – “Please lead this up to the bedroom.” – he scolded. Elijah and you both laughed. Klaus then got up, taking his brother by the arm.
“Come we have much to discuss.” – he said. You blew Elijah a kiss as he left with his brother. Putting in your earplugs again, you forgot what you were even mindlessly scrolling through. Video after video you were watching with little interest.
Swiping your finger up a few more times, the video’s flashed by. Till one video made you stop and watch. A girl’s voice speaking as you saw the camera getting pointed at a boy. “Hey guys can you watch my boyfriend for me.” – she said taking her leave. Her phone turned towards her boyfriend as he looked confused at the camera.
It made you laugh at how silly his expression was. – “What are you laughing about?” – Rebekah asked joining you in the open living room. You took out your earplugs, showing her the video. At first she furrowed her brows till she started laughing. She handed you back your phone. – “Do you think I should do it with Elijah?” – you questioned. Rebekah quirking her eyebrow up.
“He’d have no clue.” – she answered. – “Right!” – you called out. – “That would make it so funny!” – you told her. – “If you do make the video, send it to me.” – Rebekah suggested. – “So you can have leverage over him?” – you teased with a laugh. – “Then you should make one about Niklaus too.” – she joked. Rebekah’s phone rang as she got up, answering it. Speaking with her gave you stuff to think about. Getting more eager to do it with Elijah. You only had to wait for Elijah to finish his meeting with Klaus.
Waiting for Elijah felt like eternity so you decided to help out Freya in the meantime. Help her label some new bottles with ingredients for her spells and potions. The urge of filming the video growing by the minute. Freya noticed you were eager for something, but didn’t comment about it. Hearing the door open, it made you tense your muscles. From Freya’s witchy room, you saw a glimpse of Klaus leaving.
You quickly set the last bottles down. – “Sorry gotta run Freya!” – you called out, taking your leave. – “Thanks for the help Y/n!” – Freya shouted after you. You ran into the room where Elijah was. He looked surprised at you for a moment. – “Y/n, sweetheart.” – he called out. You walked up to him, placing your hands on his hips, getting on the tips of your toes for a kiss. Elijah happily kissed you back. 
“Someone missed me.” – Elijah said with a smile. – “Didn’t you miss me?” – you asked curious, already knowing the answer. – “Immensely.”  - Elijah responded cupping your cheek. His comment made you scrunch your nose with a teasing smile. Elijah booped your nose making you flutter your face back. – “How about a drink?” – You suggested, tilting your head a bit. – “I can’t say no to you spoiling me.” – Elijah replied.
You went over to the bar, taking two glasses. Leaning over the counter, you grabbed for the bottle. – “Need a hand sweetheart?” – Elijah asked. – “No!” – you called out loud. He moved his hands up in defence, not arguing with you there. He sat down as you returned with his glass. You then went over to grab your glass from the counter. Pulling out your phone. You pretended to hold it against your ear as if you had a call.
Elijah furrowed his brows, wondering who you were calling. You then moved your phone down, pressing the record button. Returning to Elijah, you made sure it was recording from the front. Setting your glass down on a good position. – “Hey guys can you watch my boyfriend.” – you said, setting the phone against the glass for support.
Elijah’s gaze went from you, down to your phone. Staring confused right at the camera as you took a run for it. Elijah turned around. – “Y/n?” – he called out. He then looked back at the camera, feeling like someone was watching him. He stared awkwardly at it, feeling awkward to even sip his drink. Nervously, he moved his hand up to greet whoever was watching him.
His gaze glided awkwardly away from the camera, trying to see if you were returning. When you weren’t returning, he sighed deep. Tapping his fingers patiently together it felt awkward for him. Elijah suddenly moved closer to the camera. His face getting full on the camera. – “I don’t need watching.” – he said to your phone. You had returned seeing him do that. It made you laugh loud, making him turn his head in an instant. – “Y/n!” – he shouted.
Continuing to laugh, you ran over to your phone to collect it. Your face came on the camera as Elijah looked over your shoulder in the camera as well. – “Has he behaved?” – you asked teasingly at the camera. Elijah looked in shock at you. – “I have!” – he called out, making you laugh loud, stopping the video.  
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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duchess-kyuupid · 2 years
So I had an idea, what if reader was the magicless student and didn't feel like going home because they knew they were dead in their old world?
So one day a friend asks, "What do you think you'd do if you got back home?"
And reader just replies nonchalantly with a straight face with, "Probably lie in a coffin six feet under."
The friend thinks they are joking but little do they know...
Could it be with Ace and whoever else you'd think best fit the scenario? Thanks! <3
Hello anon! Sorry this literally took forever (-ω-、) At first I had a hard time trying to figure out how to put it all together and who to do lmao I think I ended up doing pretty good, if I do say so myself (maybe a little bit overboard as it went on, though? Like the request looks like it's supposed to at least be a little bit funny but my brain says 'haha sad reader go brrr') Either way, I hope that you enjoy, darling <333
~ "I'm probably never going back." With Ace, Kalim, and Grim ~
[Angst to fluff, Platonic Grim, Gn! reader]
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"So," Ace started, munching on his sandwich, "What d'ya go to the Headmaster for this time? You get stuck with another random job again?" he asks with a sinister innocent smile on his face as he eyes your own lunch.
"Actually, we were discussing the prospects of me going home," you stated nonchalantly, casually sliding your plate of food closer to yourself, knowing full well that Ace really only started this conversation to get you distracted so that he could get at your cherry pie (which the chefs had made specifically for you, as a thanks for helping keep the fireplaces warm over winter break).
Now, while you had certainly noticed that Ace was after your food (you were used to it already, after dealing with Grim after all of this time), you had failed to notice the way that Ace's smile fell off of his face for the faintest moment after he heard the words 'home' leaving your mouth, but he was quick to regain his notorious smile before you could see his disappointment. And in an act to tease you a bit (and to rid himself of the unknown feelings bubbling in the pit of his stomach), he brazenly chuckles and states without thinking,
"Ha, I bet that old man probably told you to give it up. Like, what would you even do if you got back home?" Without a second beat you tell him with a straight face,
"I'd probably just be six-feet under."
"Right?" Ace agrees with a hearty chuckle. And he sees that you still for a second, lowering your head and taking a deep breath for a moment. In that quick moment of you losing concentration, Ace swipes the last remaining bite of your cherry pie with a cheeky smirk.
"So that's why I'm probably never going back," you clear your throat and look at Ace with a sad smile, tears brimming your eyes. And suddenly, Ace feels really, really guilty. He was just trying to lighten the mood by joking with you...about going home...
Ugh, how could he have messed this up, worse? It's impossible, I tell you! Ace knows that you've just been suddenly thrust into a world that you know nothing about, forced to attend a school where you barely even meet the minimum for the curriculum, and, to make matters even better for you, you're basically forced into doing whatever that Headmaster of the school tells you to, simply because he was just kind enough to let you stay at the school since you hadn't even a penny to your name nor your nonexistent family in this world.
Not only that, but you're also the prefect of this new dorm without any magic at all, and you're supposed to keep an eye on this random cat that nearly ruined the Orientation ceremony. And! You've also got to handle both him and Deuce, also known as the chaos duo to everyone who knows them. And he just stole the last piece of your cherry pie, which was honestly something that you more than deserve after all the shit that you've gone through. We all know that you weren't crying because of him stealing your pie, but this fact really was just the cherry on top of his sundae of regret.
So yeah, just label him as Dumbass #1 in your book, if he isn't already.
And he's not sure why he was surprised to see those tears in your eyes, but he was, and he's ashamed at the fact that he's never noticed how you've felt before. So in a frantic motion to fix things, Ace stands up quickly, saying a quick excuse to you about accidentally leaving something in his last class or something, and excusing himself from the lunch table before you could even react.
You honestly didn't know where he went after he left you at lunch, because he wasn't in any of his classes for the remainder of the day. It was only after classes, as you were walking back to Ramshackle with Grim, that you saw him next. He was standing in front of your front door with a nervous look on his face, but he was dressed quite nicely. Not quite formal attire, but it looked like he was expecting to go somewhere, at the very least. Once he saw you approaching, his face brightened for a moment, with a slight blush cropping up on his cheeks as you ask him what he's been doing all day.
"Well," he starts with a chuckle and his infamous smile, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "I got permission from the Headmaster for us to leave campus for a while, so why don't we go check out some stores at the village nearby? I thought that maybe I'd show you around, since you'd probably beg me to keep you from getting lost anyway... Oh, and don't worry about paying for anything, I have it allll covered." He says that last part with extra emphasis and a more confident smile than before, hoping that that would be the ticket to getting you to agree. Little did he know, you were going to agree even if he wasn't going to buy you anything. And little did you know that one of the biggest reasons why he's decided to do all of this can be explained through one simple sentence: 'I want you to start liking this world more than your own.'
In truth, he'd struck a deal with Azul again in exchange for enough cash to buy whatever you wanted from any store (he's got a lot of work cut out for him in the upcoming future), but shh, you didn't need to know that. It would be all worth it if it means that you can get a chance at starting a normal life here...
And perhaps, maybe one day you might want to start living your new life with him by your side.
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Oh, Kalim. This epitome of sunshine was sharing everything about his family, his childhood, and his homeland to you with so much enthusiasm that you felt yourself feeling the twang of homesickness starting to erupt in your heart. But of course, this always happens with Kalim, doesn't it? First, he hurt the one who he's always adored as a brother- Jamil, and now, he's hurting you too, all without realizing it. You could never blame him for it, though. His genuine happiness and warmth was something that you looked forward to every day, and most of the time just being around him felt like you were basking in the sun on a cold day.
But, sometimes the warmth that he radiates so fervently starts to feel like too much, as if you were being scorched alive under the unbearable heat of the sun.
"So," Kalim says, taking a moment to catch his breath, "I think that's all of my brothers and sisters, plus all of my extended family too! We're a big family, so I know it's a lot, haha! Say, what's your family like?" he innocently asks with bright, expectant eyes.
And you know that he doesn't mean to do this to you, but you can't deny that right now you felt like his beautiful red eyes were burning themselves into your soul like a branding iron. You don't want to make it sound like you blame him for your predicament or his enthusiasm about his family, so you give him the best smile you can muster and divert the subject to the best of your ability.
"Well, they're really not as important as yours is. Can you tell me more about how the Asim family started out? Your family must have a lot of really interesting history."
"Oh, sure!" Kalim nods happily to your request, forgetting his own question shortly after as he continues in his own rant about his gigantic family and some of the more interesting parts of its history.
At this point, Jamil really couldn't bear to listen to this anymore. He's been quietly watching and listening in on your conversation with Kalim from his seat in the corner of the room, where he was supposed to be 'studying'. Jamil sees that Kalim's doing the same thing to you as what happened to him, and decides to step into your conversation. 'Might as well go ahead and rip the band-aid off before it gets to the point of no return,' Jamil thinks.
"Hey," he begins, cutting Kalim off mid-sentence, "Do you have any sort of plans for when you get to go home? If you can go home?"
And Kalim looks at you with a surprised look on his face at Jamil's question for you because of course you'd want to stay here in Twisted Wonderland with him and everyone else! He'd never thought of the idea that you'd ever want to go back home to your original world, Kalim felt like it was just a given that you'd want to stay even if you had the choice to leave. But now that he thinks about it a little more, he doesn't understand where he even got that idea from to begin with. After all, as someone who cares for his family and his homeland a great deal, he can kindof understand how you might feel after being torn away from all of that without any way of returning.
"Haha, well," you chuckle heartlessly, "I'm probably never going back anyway. I think if I went back home now I'd just be six-feet under or something." Your attempt to lighten the mood with your 'joke' fails when you hear the sound of your own voice saying it. You would be lying to yourself if you tried to claim that, no, your voice wasn't shaky, and that yes, you were completely fine with never seeing your family ever again. Jamil makes a comment that he was going to grab something to drink from the kitchen, leaving you in a moment of silence with Kalim following your rather dark 'joke.'
"Well, what's the harm in trying anyway?" Kalim asks softly, "You never know unless you try! Plus, even if it doesn't work out, at least you can say that you've given it your all, right?"
"That's the FUCKING problem," you snap, "I've BEEN trying to go back home, and nothing's ever working! And there's no way in hell I'm just going to give up and go ~'Well at least I tried'~ when it's my goddamn LIFE on the line here!"
Oh no, you didn't mean to start yelling at Kalim like that... But after hearing his flippant "at least you've given you're all" comment, all of the pent-up emotions just felt like they were going to explode if they were kept inside any longer. You feel bad for suddenly yelling at him, but at the same time, it felt like the water gates have finally opened, and before you knew it, more kept spilling from your mouth.
"I had a normal life back in my world, you know! I had people who cared for me, I had plans for the future that I painstakingly paved the road for for my entire fucking life. Everything that I've done in my life up to this point, it's all become utterly useless now that I've come here," you wailed, tears escaping your eyes as you spoke without constraint, "Can you imagine how it feels to have everything stolen away from you, Kalim? All of the people that I've created my childhood memories with, they're all gone! My scholarships, my college applications, my work experience- nonexistent! Hell, if you want to get into the legalities of it, I technically have never gone to school in my life before attending NRC because I never existed in this world before then." You take a breath to help calm yourself down, but after still feeling the flames of rage bubbling in your lungs, you continue to vent out your feelings.
"Do you know how it feels, Kalim, to have no idea whether the people you love know if you're dead or alive? To have to think about how they would react to my 'death' when I'm still kicking and screaming inside another world?! To have to think about everything that you've been forced to leave behind all of a sudden?" You're basically screaming out your frustrations to the sky now, as you couldn't bear to stare at Kalim as you cried out your miseries, "To have to think about the life you could be leading right now if you weren't dragged to some random world with no knowledge about it's countries, it's history, or even it's most fundamental principles like magic?"
Kalim's staring at you intensely, taking every single word you speak into account. Even as you got to the point where you couldn't speak clearly anymore, when you pushed yourself to where all you could do was sob, snivel, and blubber out your words of woe, Kalim sat there listening to you the whole way through.
At some point during your crying, Kalim pulled you gently into his arms in a tight embrace as he let you continue to let your feelings out. He was going to wait until it was all out before he even tried to say anything (reason one being, because it would be rather rude to interrupt you, and two is because he's been rather notorious for crying when he sees other people cry and he didn't want to make the crying spotlight on him)
When you were finally done, Kalim patted your head soothingly and spoke quietly. His own voice was shaky too, and he was also on the verge of tears just from watching and listening to you.
"I never knew you felt like that, I'm sorry for not realizing it earlier," he says, and just the sound of him trying to keep in his tears breaks your heart to pieces.
Your pain is his pain, your tears are his tears, and your smile is his smile because, even if he doesn't realize it yet, he truly loves you dearly. Kalim knows he can be really, really dense most of the time, which is why he never noticed these pent-up frustrations of yours when they were so obvious to Jamil, but he hopes that you'll forgive him for making you feel even worse.
"It's not your fault, Kalim. I'm not angry at you or anything- I'm sorry for yelling like that," you inhale, "It's just-... It just hurts, you know? Thinking about all of the what-ifs and the could-be's... But the truth is, I've had more fun in the short time that I've been here than in my entire life back home. And most of that's because of you, actually."
"Really?" he asks, a spark of his normal cheer returning to his voice.
"Yes, really. I might not be able to use magic, but it's been something that I've loved learning about since coming here. You know, the very first time you took me on a ride with the magic carpet, and I got to see this whole new world from way high up in the sky, I knew that nothing from my home could beat that experience. I'm going to miss my home, but it's not so bad when I know that you're here."
Oh, look at you- you were the one who just had an emotional breakdown right in front of Kalim, and yet you're the one consoling him! Your sweet words struck through his heart like cupid's arrow, and he internally vows that he will always be someone who brings a smile to your face- that he will do everything that he can to make sure that you're happy.
"Then," he perks up, wiping his face from any stray tears that might have escaped from earlier, "Let's go on another carpet ride together, outside of campus!" He exclaims excitedly, all hints of previous sadness gone from his eyes and voice.
"There's so many places I want to show you, but I think we should look for spots that look like your home! This world is a pretty big place, so I'm sure there must be somewhere that looks similar to yours. Tell me everything about your homeland- If we can't find something like it, then we'll just have to make it ourselves!"
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It was in the midst of winter break that you started to feel more lonely. All of your other friends were gone and spending the holidays with their families, while you were still here at the school with your only company being Grim and the Ramshackle ghosts, who would come and go as they pleased. Everything was just so,, quiet, without the chaos duo Deuce and Ace around. Of course, Grim was almost always up to his own little shenanigans too, but most of the time they were harmless and it was just him entertaining himself with catching mice and such.
The silence of the winter break and the bleakness of the white snow was staring to take a toll on you, and it wasn't helping the fact that you're still experiencing nightmares beyond what you see in the mirror at night (this is not a jab at you, I swear).
For reference, you just had a dream that woke you up in the middle of the night, sweating and gasping for air as you tried to recollect yourself. Of course, you couldn't fall back asleep after what you've just seen, and Grim was still sound asleep in his corner of the bed. Quietly, you move to get up to go get some fresh air outside- not forgetting to bring your jacket with you to the freezing cold weather out there.
And you spent a bit of time in the silence of the night, sitting on the stairs of the front porch of the Ramshackle dorm with a heavy jacket tied to your shoulders, just staring up into the sky. This isn't the first time that this has happened, so you know that looking at the stars would usually help you out in times like these.
'I can see the stars so clearly from here. Back home, the stars would be so dim that most nights you could hardly see them because of all of the lights around.'
'Huh, I wonder what kind of constellations this world has thought up of. That kinda looks almost like a horse, if you look at it sideways.'
'I wonder what kind of galaxy this world is in. The Milky Way was nice and all, but something different could be nice, too.'
Those would be the kind of thoughts that would help calm you down after your nightmares and you'd start feeling sleepy again. You'd go back inside, maybe drink a little bit of water, and then delve underneath the covers of your bed and go to back to sleep.
But this time, though, you could hardly focus on anything else except for the contents of your dream. No matter how intently you stared into the night sky, there was nothing else that you could think of other than, 'It was just so realistic.'
"Hey, hench-human! There you are! 'Was wonderin' where ya went so late at night. Come back in already, you let the fireplace in the room die out and now the whole room's gone cold again," you hear Grim calling out to you from the now open door of the Ramshackle dorm.
"Sorry Grim, I'll be back inside in just a bit, just gimmie a minute, alright?"
"What? You're just gonna sit outside in this cold?" Grim exclaims, "What are ya even doing out here anyway?" And you hear Grim's paws tapping on the old wooden flooring as he scampers his way to you.
"Couldn't sleep, so I went out for some fresh air, that's all."
"Oh yeah? Had another dream about the Great Seven? Or was it that Mickey dude in the mirror again?" He pushes your arms away from your legs and jumps into your lap without another thought. If he was going to wait for you to get up and relight the fireplace, he was at least going to wait somewhere that's nice and warm- your lap.
"Actually," you clear your throat, "not this time, no."
"Then what's up?" And he just said it so casually, like either he knew that something was bothering you and he wanted to make the conversation comfortable enough to talk about it- that or he's just completely unable to read a room (which was honestly the more likely option). Either way, it made you pause for a moment, to think about whether you wanted to answer his question honestly or make up some sort of lie about it.
"I'm thinking about whether I should just go ahead and tell Crowley to give up on looking for my way back home," you admit, deciding on telling him half-truths for now. But your comment caught him off guard, and he looks back at you with surprise. "Huh, why would ya do that?" he asks.
"Well, I mean I'd probably just be lying six feet under if I do manage to go back, so what's the point in having Crowley waste his time on this? Besides, he's been using it as an excuse to make me us do all of his dirty work for him, and I don't want to be indebted to him anymore than I already am."
"Well, I guess that does make sense, but still, haven't you been wantin' to go home this whole time? What's with you givin' up now?" he grumbles.
"Awe, I had no idea that you hated me this much," you joke, "To think, that even my closest friend even wants me gone from this world! Oh, woe is me!"
"Hey, you know it ain't like that, henchman!" Grim pushes you playfully, "I'll have you know that, unlike SOME people, I care about my minions. If ya wanna go home, then you should keep tryin' to find a way back, especially if there's someone else doin' all the work for you."
"That's sweet of you to say, but I'm probably never going back."
"What makes you so sure?" And you don't say anything to his question, not for a while. Grim notices your silence and concludes his statement, "Well, if that's what you want, then alright. It just means that you'll be here to see me become the greatest mage in the world!"
"Mhm," you nod sluggishly, and the conversation goes quiet from there. Now, the heavy silence of the winter night fell upon the both of you, the only sounds being the creaking of the old wooden planks of the Ramshackle dorm, the frostbitten wind blowing through the air, and the soft shuffling of you petting through Grim's fur as he sits idly in your lap. The silence didn't bother either of you much, as Grim was nearly falling back to sleep with the soft movements of your hands brushing him and the warmth from your lap keeping the cold at bay. But as time continued to pass, your anxious thoughts started clouding the deep recesses of your mind once again and you felt compelled to speak upon them.
"Grim, I know that you're a monster and everything, but do you know anything about reading a human's pulse?" you speak suddenly, and he flinches awake at your question, rubbing his eyes tiredly as you continue without letting him answer, "You can find your heart rate just by pressing on your wrist, or placing these fingers against your neck, like this." And you demonstrated both actions to him.
"Grim,, I," your voice chokes up, "I can't feel my pulse... Earlier I had another nightmare, and I saw myself dying. In my world... It was so realistic, I..." Tears start erupting from your eyes as you recall the vivid memory, and Grim stares at you with wide eyes as you continue, "When I woke up, I felt like I could still feel the pain. It was so excruciating, I felt like I was going to throw up, so I came out here."
Your body was shivering uncontrollably with how you were trying to keep your tears in as you spoke, and you pull Grim closer to you in a hug close to your chest, "Grim, please tell me. Do you hear anything? Anything at all? Even if you lie to me, please just tell me that you can hear my heartbeat."
Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.
"I can hear it," Grim states seriously (I mean, after seeing the state you're in, it would be more than a little rude if he wasn't serious), "And I'm not lyin' to ya. It's super cold out here, which is probably why ya can't feel it, but you do have a heartbeat. I promise you, you're alive, right here, with me." He wasn't expecting this, but he tries his best to comfort you, though really he has no idea about what to do or what to say. But as awkward as his words come out as, it still works to help you calm down after a while. He waits until your breathing starts to slow down and your tears have stopped spilling.
"Henchman, I'm startin' to feel hungry for a midnight snack," he states, "I know you're hungry too, so let's go sneak into the cafeteria and see what they've got!" And he leaps off of your lap and looks at you with his bright blue eyes, "We can warm up by its fireplace while we're there too."
As he starts dragging you towards the school, he turns to look at you and he says, "The way I see it, the way you still get hungry or thirsty is how we know that you're still alive. You wouldn't need to eat or sleep if you were dead, like the ghosts, now would'ya? You really need to stop overthinking things like this, givin' me a heart attack when you start cryin' outta nowhere like that..."
I accidentally wrote a whole mini-story for them, no wonder this request took so long </33 I really hope that you enjoyed reading this, anon! While I did have trouble at the beginning, things started falling into place as I kept writing 👏👏
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masivechaos · 25 days
there's nothing cats can't fix!
── ☆ patrick verona x gn! reader
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── ☆ Request: yes / no
── ☆ Synopsis: Patrick finds you upset after a bad grade in math and he knows exactly how to make you feel better
── ☆ Warning/content: my English
── ☆ a.n.: 0.9k words-
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“Hey there,” Patrick grinned as he approached you. “How you doin’?”
You glanced up, eyes tired “I’m… fine, I guess,” you said as you got into your car “What do you what?”
“Can’t I just check up on you?” he dared with a smile playing on his lips, he rested his arm on the top of your car, he kept talking to you, bent over so he could speak through your open window.
You sighed, not answering to your usual banter. Patrick frowned “What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” you answered a second too fast.
Patrick shook his head “You can’t make me believe that lie. What’s happening in this head of yours?” he asked, a little softer. He didn’t want to press you but he also wanted to know. 
With your eyes closed and the back of your head against your seat, you spoke, “Just a bad grade in maths, nothing important”
Patrick’s face softened “Ah, maths,” he whispered “It’s just one grade. It’s fine”
You opened your eyes “No it’s not, it’s not my first C- and I feel like I can’t get better at maths. I try, I really do. But maybe I’m just not made for this.”
“Don’t say that,” Patrick immediately said “C’mon now, stop being so upset, it won’t help you get better.”
“I know,” you answered a little more harshly than intended.
Patrick rolled his eyes, “Get out of the car,” he commanded.
You glanced up, eyebrows frowned in confusion “What?”
“Get out of the car,” he said again, softer. Still not understanding, you opened your door. “Now, get into the passenger seat.”
Once settled, you sighed “I can drive myself just fine.”
“Choose another moment to act tough,” he said as he put his seatbelt on.
“And where are we going?” you asked, too tired to handle if it ever was a sort of joke.
He stared at the road as he drove “Don’t you trust me?”
You sighed “I do, I do”
Of course you trusted him. He was your best friend at the moment, he always knew what to say, how to cheer you up. When you first met him, you couldn’t have imagined how important he would become to you. He didn’t have the best reputation, hell, he even had lots of scary rumours about him (which you had found out were false).
And maybe, just maybe, you had a tiny bit of a crush on him.
It wasn’t your fault though. Who could resist the Patrick Verona grin?
You and Patrick drove to the sound of the radio blasting the Cardigans. He knew that during these moments, you didn’t like to speak. So despite his urge to make sure you felt a little better and the hint of worry in his chest, he kept his mouth shut, fingers drumming on the steering wheel.
After twenty minutes, he pulled over. You looked out the window “Where are we?””
“It’s a surprise,” Patrick smiled as he got out of the car and hastily moved to the passenger side and opened the door. “Come here”
You walked for a minute before Patrick stopped “Here we are,” he said.
Your gaze explored the frontage, eyebrows knitted together “Marceline’s cat café?” you whispered and then your eyes widened “wait-”
You turned around and beamed at Patrick, “You took me to a cat café? Why? How?”
As Patrick saw your smile, he knew exactly why he had done this. To make you happy “Well… you had been talking about wanting to go to one and you seemed pretty upset today so I thought… why not.”
You kept beaming at him “No way,” you whispered under your breath.
Patrick led you inside, the café was cosy and sunny, cats displayed everywhere, on the floor, on a chair, on shelves, on their cat tree “Oh my…” you mumbled in awe
You both took a seat “This is so cute,” you said when you saw a cat on the chair next to yours.
Patrick chuckled. Once you both had your drinks, you started to talk about mindless things, school, parents, homework, things like that…
“I swear it’s so-”
Patrick glanced up from his limonade when he heard you stop talking. And then he saw the cat crawling in your lap. He chuckled as he saw you froze with a huge grin on your face, not wanting the cat to leave.
The cat, with its long black hairs, turned around on your thighs before finally deciding to lay there, curled up.
“Patrick Patrick Patrick!!” you whispered, excited “Are you seeing this?
“I am,” he said with an amused grin, “He likes you.” Who wouldn’t? He thought.
You kept staring down at the little fur ball in your lap with a grin. Patrick’s heart felt warm in his chest, this was definitely a better sight than seeing you all upset because of maths earlier. You looked so adorable like this, a cat was enough to make you happy and he loved this idea. You carefully leaned forward a bit and wrapped your lips around the straw of your drink, the cold strawberry lemonade felt good for this hot weather.
“You’re feeling better?” he asked softly.
You glanced up from your lap, still in awe of the small cat “Yeah definitely, thank you” you said with a genuine smile that changed something in Patrick. He just loved you so much.
“Next time, don’t worry so much for a simple maths grade,” he smiled
“Yeah I know…” You were definitely someone who constantly worried too much for nothing and Patrick knew that. But now that he was here, he was going to help you as much as he could.
“And remember,” he grinned, “There’s nothing cats can’t fix.”
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thescarletnargacuga · 3 months
WARNING: none, this is an adorable rambling fic
A scream broke a rare moment of quiet at the circus. Pomni had woken from another terrible nightmare. This time the abstractions broke free of their imprisonment and were tearing everyone apart. Caine was horribly attacked and glitched and...and...
She curled up into as tight a ball as possible, trying to calm herself. "It was just a dream....just a dream..." A snap sound in her room made her flinch. She uncurled herself enough to see the floating red tux of Caine.
"Pomni, I could hear you all the way out of bounds! What happened!? Are you alright?" He lowered himself until his chin rested on his hands on the bed, his body laid out in the air. "Pomni?"
"It's stupid..." Sha said quietly, somewhat embarrassed over being afraid of a nightmare. She didn't mean to bother anyone else with her problems, especially Caine.
Caine's brow furrowed. "Nonsense, my dear. If it's got you this scared, it's not stupid."
Pomni peeked out from her self contained ball, tears brimming her eyes. "...it was the abstractions again. They...they attacked. You."
Caine's eyes widened for a second but relaxed as he rested on his elbows. "You truly have nothing to worry about, my dear. Abstractions can't touch me! They can't even leave the cellar."
"...what if they did?"
"Then I'd put them back." He shrugged.
"But then they'd get out again." Pomni slowly got out of her tight ball.
"Aaaand I'd put them back again." He chuckled. "And again and again, I'd herd them like cats!"
A small smile found Pomni's lips. "How are you always so confident? Nothing phases you."
"I'll tell you a secret." He scooted a little closer.
Pomni moved closer too, listening intently.
"I'm a very good showman."
Pomni's brows raised. "It's all an act?"
"Not all of it, but I'm the ringmaster, I need to lead by example. Do you want to know what does scare me?"
Pomni nodded.
"You being afraid." His eyes softened. "Pomni, when I heard you scream like that...I feared the worst."
Pomni looked down. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
Caine put his hand on hers. "Don't apologize. If anything , I want you to know that I'm afraid because I care deeply for you."
Pomni's smile reached her eyes. "I care about you too...a lot." She gazed into his eyes, feeling butterflies fluttering in her stomach.
Caine fully descended to her bed. Laying next to her, holding her hand. He felt his code buzz excitedly at her words. "Then allow me to scare away those bad dreams. What can I do? Name it."
Pomni hesitated, color tinged her cheeks. "...could you stay with me while I try to get some rest?"
Caine smiled broadly. "Why, of course I can!" He snapped his fingers and his tux turned into pajamas, his hat became a nightcap.
Pomni laughed with surprise. "You have pajamas?? I thought you didn't sleep."
"I don't, I just like the aesthetic of sleep. If humans have taught me anything, it's that a state of rest is important. And they're right, it's kind of nice to do nothing for a bit. Buuuuut, only for a bit. I can't sit still forever." He winked.
"I really didn't expect you to agree so readily." She laughed nervously. "Can you- er, that is would you...hold me?" She said the last two words very quietly, the color in her cheeks darkening.
Caine gently squeezed her hand. He felt a rush of nerves when she asked, but she didn't have to know about that. "You're taking me for all I'm worth, aren't you?" He said teasingly and moved to hold her close to his chest.
Pomni nearly squealed with fluster. "I'm sorry! I- uh-"
Caine chuckled. "It was a joke, my dear. You can relax. Rest. If you sleep, you can dream pleasantly knowing that I'll keep the nightmares away."
Pomni struggled to calm herself, at first. They've never done this before. Why did she ask? WHY DID HE AGREE!? Her mind raced as anxiety tried to keep her awake but the way Caine held her so securely... The way he was rubbing gently circles into her back... Her eyes drooped.
Caine could truly relax when Pomni finally relaxed. Calming her from an anxious state was like trying to charm a snake. He felt pleasantly warm from her embrace. He wished they had done this sooner. He never knew humans were so cuddly.
"Caine..." Her muffled voice came from against him.
"Could you do just one more thing?"
"Anything." He meant it. She could tell him to delete the circus and he would.
She looked up, very close to his face. "Can we snuggle?"
"Is that not what we're doing now?"
"No, this is cuddling. Snuggling is more..." She pressed her forehead to Caine's jaw, slowly rubbing her head to his.
A tingle went down Caine's spine. That felt good. "Yeah..." He cleared his voice. "...we can." He leaned into her. His code begging to go just one more step further.
Pomni froze when she felt both of Caine's jaws press to her forehead. Did he just..? Oh, he did. She couldn't control the color on her face so she hid against him, pressing her face to his chest.
Caine's eyes went wide. What was this? Was she kissing him back? Right where a human heart would be???? He was going to blue screen if he wasn't careful. He cuddled and snuggled her the way she wanted, but she wasn't settling down. He could feel her digital presence humming with energy.
Pomni peeked from her hiding spot. He snuck a kiss... She should too. It would only be fair. She pecked him on the chin and immediately buried her face against him again.
Caine blue screened. He blanked out for several seconds, and when he rebooted, he couldn't believe what just happened. She just- It was almost- "Pomn-ni." He couldn't help the stutter in his voice.
She couldn't look up. She knew she was in trouble. "Hm?"
"Is this...really what humans do to bond?"
"I'll be honest. I don't know. I've never...not with anyone before." She admitted.
"So you're making it up as you go?"
"Pretty much. To be fair, a lot of human relationships are like that."
"I see. Then can I make an educated guess based on your actions?"
Pomni tensed. "Sure?"
He moved his hand to her face, tipping her chin up to look at him. He saw how flustered she looked. The heavy blush on her face was adorable. "Relax for me." He said in a low whisper.
Her guard fell under his loving gaze. She watched him smile at her and lean into her lips. A warmth spread from her chest to her toes.
The kiss was mutually unsure and exploratory, figuring out what felt good. They kissed slowly, savoring every second of one another. Caine held her close, no room between them. Pomni was the first to explore the use of tongue. Caine loved feeling hers against his.
The kiss ended as slow as it started and they touched foreheads.
"I love this."
"I love y- this, too."
Pomni chuckled. "I love you, too." A kiss sealed it.
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gutterfuuck · 4 months
can you do sfw/nsfw headcanons for rex? i love your writings, can i be 🦊 anon?
of course! i will be naming you foxie anon!! here you go! (also this has been in my drafts since a long time, i am so sorry!! please do enjoy, this one is a little short i developed evil writing block at the end and did not finish it 😭 i am so sorry please spare me)
rex sloan x reader (anon requested fem reader/pronouns, they forgot to mention that in original ask!!)
just being at your place is enough for him. wether it’s an apartment, you have roommates or you live with your parents, he’s always eager to stick around wherever you are. you notice the way little things become misplaced, rearranged to his liking. it wasn’t something that made you upset, just inconvenienced you when you were trying to get out of the house in the mornings. you woke up to your keys in a little cat bowl instead of on the coat hanger, courtesy of your boyfriend.
“i just thought it’d be nicer.” rex mumbles as he rolls around in your bed, eyes closed with strands of hair falling over your pillows, the blankets shifting as he rolled over onto his stomach. you roll your eyes, having spent almost 15 minutes searching for your house keys when you could’ve just looked into the new little bowl he’d placed on the counter. you place a kiss on his forehead before leaving for work, nodding in agreement. “it did, i really like it… it’s cute, rex.” you smile, panic over as you rush to get into your car. he was such a heavy sleeper, you’d had to shake him awake five times before he’d opened his eyes.
when he first meets you, he tells you he’s a hero straight off the bat. he really liked you, okay!? he couldn’t risk messing up, especially not when he had something so perfect at the moment. he’d seen and heard what keeping secrets could do to relationships between heroes and civilians. you aren’t surprised, maybe even a little bit insulted when he’d told you, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to work out ‘rex sloan’ was ‘rex splode’.
his sense of humour is immaculate, makes you giggle with just a side eye sometimes. you have an inside joke going where you give each other a glance while talking to others, something that makes you both almost burst out laughing mid conversation. you didn’t mind if it made you both look a little bit rude. you guys only enjoyed each others company, anyway.
romance is top tier; personalised fireworks just for you, coming home to see that you wouldn’t have to worry about making dinner because he’s already bought home takeout by the time you’re home. one night, he’d placed everything like he had made it himself but you’d caught on that he hadn’t as soon as you tasted the food. (he wasn’t a good cook by any means, you had to learn that the hard way)
get ready for your home/room/whatever to be rearranged, he’s really big on home design and your space is his space. just like the cat dish, you slowly start to notice things appearing until you enter your bedroom one day and realise it would look like a whole other home compared to the way it looked last time. you really didn’t mind too much, you welcomed it. he really needed this, maybe it was his way of winding down.
“blinds or curtains?” rex asks, face buried in the magazine you’d picked up on the way home for him, his finger circling the page, “you just put curtains up last week, rex.” you roll your eyes, laying down next to him so you could rest your head in his lap, letting him balance his pages on the side of your head. almost every week you’d find him setting up a new dresser, installing lights into your ceiling, the whole nine yards. it was refreshing being with rex, it seemed like he never wanted to sit down, always doing something, you were just grateful that he’d make all the time in the world just for you. “right, yeah, but hear me out on this one: sparkling blinds this time.” he flips the page around to show you the nardo grey blinds with glitter embedded, you nod your head in agreement, “i hear you, i do… next week maybe.” you smile back, giggling when he closes the magazine to kiss you on your nose.
you liked to shower with him but rex loves to bathe with you. he loves sitting in front of you with the back of his head on your chest, loves having you wash his hair for him even if he had to bend his legs uncomfortably for you to both fit in the tub. rex flinches when he stands up to get out and your palm connects with his butt, taking him by complete surprise. he almost slips and falls which makes you laugh so hard you thought you wouldn’t be able to breathe, “ouch- hey!” he says, steadying himself before wrapping the towel around his waist quickly. “i would never do that to you- okay, maybe i do but that’s besides my point!” you can only laugh back in response, watching as he sticks his tongue out at you and grabs you your towel, wrapping it around you when you emerge from the bubbly water with suds sliding down your back.
he’s really big on pda. whether you’re in line for a movie, waiting to pick up food, shopping or out in public just be ready to have arms wrapped around your waist or his lips on yours as soon as you get to the cash register. he wants everyone to know that you’re his, he’s so proud of his relationship you’d think he’d been with you for a hundred years if you spoke to him, every sentence starting or finishing with “my girlfriend”. everyone is tired of it but not you, you knew how much it meant to him.
his stamina is borderline evil. after you’d finish, he’s straight back to rolling over onto his back and pulling you on top of him. makes you ride it til you’re exhausted, likes to whittle you down before he’s on top of you, large hands squeezing your hips and moving them back and forth in time with his messy thrusts.
“shit, shit- squeezing down so tight-“ rex pants, collapsing forward onto you with his head right next to yours, stuttering hips making slapping sounds between you both. “r-rex..! too much-“ you whine, legs numb and pussy raw, you’d been at it for hours now, the sun was setting outside. he could hardly hear you, lost in his own pleasure as he felt your walls clamp around his dick again, cockhead twitching with sensitivity. how many times now? three, four..? five, maybe? he didn’t know, he lost count, all he could focus on was the way sweat dripped between you both and the way your face scrunched up again, mouth hanging open with hot breaths fanning his shoulder.
“y’know h-how pretty you look-“ he slurred, voice breaking as he pushed in again, a long groan escaping his lips, “cummin’ again, princess…?” rex holds your face in his hands, trying to hide his own disheveled face away from yours. your stomach knots up, eyes rolling back behind your eyelids as you let the sensation of your nth orgasm take your body by surprise, back arching up off of the bed as you clawed away at his back. you’d look them over later, he could worry about the red scratch marks when you weren’t trying to hold onto him for dear life.
be careful!! he likes to grab and change positions as fast as he’s put you in one so be prepared to wake up with finger shaped bruises in your skin. you scold him for the marks he leaves, but can’t deny the way your stomach flipped like you were on a roller coaster when your coworkers notice your hickeys and bites and they know exactly who you belong to. you’re not the only one covered in bruises and love bites; his teammates comment on them whenever they notice a new one which would be rare because of rex’s costume, though he liked to show them off on purpose. rex belonged to you just as much as you belonged to him.
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nickssidewitch · 5 months
Chris’s Dilemma, Pt. 2
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Following Chris and Layla’s “escapade” in the Cut The Cameras podcast room, Chris and Layla try to understand where they stand, leading to an interesting phone call…
First Part here: Chris’s Dilemma
Warning: SMUT with plot, Dom!Chris x Sub!OC, phone sex, some fluffy bits
Chris’s POV
So… that happened.
I don’t think I need to do a recap.
We all finished our food and hung out for a little bit. Layla taught Matt how to play around with her cat Knight, and even showed him the best places to scratch him, pet him, and all that stuff. The moment was heartwarming, until I heard her mention how he “had to remember those things for the next time she’d come back.”
She wants to come back?
Huh. She wants to come back. It took a second to really understand that. She wanted to come back? To my home? After all of what happened between us? Not that it was bad or anything. It’s just- I don’t know. I would feel pretty awkward to come back to the same house where the person I just had snuck to have sex with lives with his brothers. It was awkward enough to sit down and have lunch with them knowing what had occurred.
Matt offered to walk Layla to her Uber, which I was lowkey jealous about, but I didn’t want to make that too obvious. So, all I did was give her a hug right after Nick, a long one like we’d always done, and gave her a smile and a look into her eyes. I hoped that she could see through my eyes how I truly and deeply felt about her, on some telepathic shit.
As Matt and Layla walked through the front door, Nick grabbed the hood of my sweater and dragged me to the bathroom, shutting the door behind us. “Listen to me, listen to me, listen to me!!” He whispered with a raised tone. “You are despicable!!”
I scoffed as I heard Nick’s words and responded, “It was your plan!”
Nick groaned. “Yeah, well, I didn’t plan on you to fuck her the first time you even admit your feelings to her!!”
I was about to clap back at him, but I raised an eyebrow at him as I realized what he said. “Wait a minute- how do you know we had sex?”
I could hear Nick let out a deep sigh before he answered. “I might be an idiot, but I'm certainly not stupid!!” He answered as he smacked the back of my head and rustled my hair, the action pointing out the obvious post-sex hair that I now sported.
“Oh,” was all I could let out.
“What the fuck did you guys even talk about?” He pinched the bridge of his nose and shut his eyes as he processed (or at least tried to process) what happened. “And please omit the ‘sex’ parts. I don’t wanna hear about that shit.” Valid point.
“Okay, so,” I explained the situation, “Y’all left, she and I were left alone, we started playing 20 questions or something like that—”
“20 Questions??” He interrupted. “Who the fuck plays 20 Questions??”
“We did! We didn’t know what else to do without it being awkward.” I noticed him roll his eyes. “So, we played 20 Questions, told each other how we felt, and one question led to another and… we fucked.”
“That’s so-” He stumbled over his words. “You’re so fuckin-”
“I know! I know! It was a hasty move. I get it. But, I just-” I paused, trying to piece together the best way to put it. But I couldn’t. “It’s hard to even explain. It just felt right at that moment, I guess.” That’s a better way to justify it than anything else, I guessed.
Nick bit his lip as if he was holding back any sort of “buts” or “ands” that he could add to the already awkward conversation. He didn’t want to escalate anything further. It was obvious to us that we both needed time to think this over. So, he dropped the conversation. For now. “Alright, c’mon,” he said as he walked out of the bathroom, and I followed right behind him.
“What were you two doing in there?” Matt asked with a cheeky smirk and a chuckle as he looked down the small hallway and noticed us walking out of the bathroom together. I would’ve normally laughed at him hinting at some sort of incest joke, but his voice made me jump as I thought he was still outside waiting for the Uber with Layla.
Nick scoffed as he began to walk up the stairs. “Don’t be fucking weird, Matt.” And with that, he entered his room and shut the door, a click finalizing his exit from the conversation and the overall day.
I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water from inside.
Matt looked over and noticed the bottle, and the unusual drink choice puzzled him. “Water?”
Water, oh my god, he’s right. I didn’t even notice. I was just too deep in my own head, thinking about Layla, what happened today, and how the future would be. I walked over to one of the cupboards and took a bag of Cheez-Its as I answered him. “Yeah? What about it?”
“That’s new.”
Correct, yet again. I had to think of a rebuttal fast. Then, something clicked. “Remember what I said earlier? I’m changing. Evolving, like a Pokemon.”
“Oh God, okay sure,” he replied, and I could hear a small snicker as he turned the corner to his room. “It’s your turn to wash the dishes by the way.”
3rd POV
“Tell us everything.”
Layla and her three friends Dawn, Destiny, and Malia were sitting at a random bar in the middle of LA, just having their little biweekly rendezvous as friends usually do. They updated each other about their respective workfields: Dawn with their music endeavors, Destiny and her similar influencer/content creator tasks as Layla, and Malia with her soccer- or sorry, football- wifey duties and sports research stuff that Layla didn’t really understand but supported nonetheless.
“So, I met up with the guy. Him and his brothers, actually.”
“Yeah, we know that part,” Dawn interjected as they took a forkful of their salad. “But, what happened during the meet-up?”
“We had a little moment before filming the podcast where we just spoke about little introductory stuff like ‘Where are you from originally?’ and ‘What’re your favorite things to do in LA?’. They played with Knight a little bit. I feel like they loved him more than me.”
Malia chuckled. “Don’t be modest, Layla. They don’t like your cat more than you,” she applied gloss on her lips as she continued, “And I feel like you’re saying that to stall.”
“Stall? I am not stalling,” Layla protested quickly as she felt her cheeks get warmer. Might as well just tell them, she supposed to herself. They would just constantly ask her about any sexual or romantic interaction she might have had with Chris anyway.
So she admitted, “We fucked,” quite nonchalantly, and ate some of her nachos as she braced herself for their reactions. She could feel their eyes widen and jaws drop without even looking at them.
“Oh my God?!” Dawn exclaimed, nearly dropping the martini glass in their hand. “Y’all did ‘the do’??”
Layla just continued eating as she responded. “Yep.”
Malia grabbed Layla’s container of nachos and dragged them towards herself. She scoffed, and it was clear to Layla that she wanted more details. “Um, excuse me? No more chips for you until you tell us more.”
“We did it in their podcast room.” She glanced at Destiny as she heard her gasp from across the table. “No, his brothers weren’t in the house when it happened,” she added, and she could see the relief take the weight off of Destiny’s shoulders. “They left to get some food for us from Chic-Fil-A. We had a good 15 to 20 minutes to do what we had to do.”
“Ooh, so how was he?” Dawn asked, obviously hinting at certain aspects of Chris that they were curious about. “Not trying to be invasive, you don’t have to tell me anything.”
Layla chuckled. “Good, because all I’m gonna say is that it was satisfying. He was satisfying. All of him.”
Malia let out a squeal of excitement. “Yes, bitch!” She get out of her seat and grabbed Layla in a tight embrace. I’m so fucking happy for you.”
“Nisha won the bet, oh brother,” Dawn said as they rolled their eyes. Nisha was another friend of all of theirs that was unfortunately not there for their little girl-chat due to a little business trip she had with her NBA boyfriend. “She bet me $50 that y’all were gonna fuck. She’s not gonna stop bragging about it.”
“Y’all are so unserious,” Layla said. “Betting on my sexual ventures.”
Dawn shrugged and laughed. “Well, your pleasure is of the utmost importance to us.”
“So, when are you gonna see him again?” Destiny asked.
Layla answered, “Hm, I don’t know. We haven’t spoken since that happened.”
“And when did that happen?” Malia asked, lifting an eyebrow as she started her point.
Layla replied, knowing where Malia was going with this. “It happened one day ago.”
Malia tapped on her wine glass with her nail, almost as if she was literally pointing out the obviously bullshit circumstances. “Exactly. One day ago. Honestly, men are weird. And he should have contacted you about it that same night about it. But, I’ll give him a one-day grace period, which ends in,” she looked at her phone’s time, “3 hours. So, if he doesn’t text you or something in 3 hours, I’ll personally drive to his house and whoop his ass for you.”
A chuckle left Layla’s lips as she nodded her head. “And I know you would actually do that.”
“I don’t like when men play games. Especially not little white boys,” she looked directly at Layla as she added, “No offense.”
“None taken ‘cause I understand,” Layla said with a grin. “Honestly, I think he’ll come to his senses tonight. I hope.”
“Layla, we got your back regardless,” Dawn reassured her. “Also, there’s someone else here who has a boy problem that we need to discuss.” All eyes at the table shifted to Destiny’s direction. Oh boy…
Layla arrived home after her night of girl-talk and gossip, laying herself onto her bed after taking off her heels and her dress. She laid with her bra and panties still on, wanting to calm herself down before getting ready for bed.
Suddenly, her phone dinged with a notification. She searched through her purse and unlocked the phone, and that’s when she noticed that she was sent a text.
And it wasn’t any text from any person.
It was from Chris Sturniolo. He passed the Malia test.
And the text read, “Hey, you up?”
A “you up?” text? Really?? Layla thought to herself and cut her teeth. He was really the type of guy to hit you up randomly with a “you up?” text? Was it out of boredom? Did he just want to have a little stupid chat? Or did he want to be serious? Did he want to talk about what had happened the day before? Was this a booty call? Fuck…
Layla texted him back. “Hey, yes, I’m up. You good?”
The speech bubble with the ellipses that indicated him typing appeared on her screen, and her anxiety gradually increased the more seconds she waited for his response. Until-
“Yeah, I’m good,” he replied at first, making Layla figuratively wipe the sweat from her forehead. But, the text bubble with ellipses popped up again, and Layla braced herself for his continuation. “I wanna talk about what happened the other day— not over text though.” There it was.
Layla could feel her heart speed up its tempo. He wanted to speak to her on the phone?? Like, hear her voice? Listen to the words coming out of her mouth? Oh, God, help her.
Despite her worries, she replied, “Ok, we can talk right now.”
A small thumbs-up popped up over Layla’s text bubble, indicating an unwritten “okay” from Chris, and within a second later, Layla’s phone rang. Thank God it wasn’t a FaceTime call, she sighed in relief. She was a bit nervous, and seeing his face would probably make her have a breakdown.
“Hey,” Chris said. His voice sounded so sexy over the phone, but not as sexy as in person. It was good to hear from him regardless.
“Heyyy,” Layla drawled out in reply as she brought the phone to her ear. “It’s nice to hear from you.”
A quiet chuckle came from the other side of the line before Chris said, “Yeah, you, too.” Silence. And then, “I missed your voice.”
Fuck… Layla said to herself mentally. He missed my voice? Should I tell him back? “I missed yours, too.” Silence.
And then his voice came on, “I’ve missed you. A lot.”
This man is fucking with my head. “Me, too. A lot.”
“Yeah?” Another chuckle. “What about me?”
Layla could hear his smug little smirk from the tone of his voice, and it lowkey pissed her off. Well, not really. This man has her by her neck. “Your face, your smell-”
“My smell?”
“Yes, Chris,” Layla rolled her eyes.
“Did I stink?” The sound of a sniff came from Chris’s side of the call, and Layla laughed as she could only assume he sniffed himself for comedic effect.
“No, you smelled rather pleasant. For a man,” She joked.
“I’ll take that as a compliment, actually. Men are icky,” he continued on with her joke, and it worked as he could hear her laugh. There was some more silence before he continued. “Have you been missing me in other ways since then?” His voice said with a slur as he thought about the many ways that Layla could reply.
“Yes,” she answered, her teeth taking a nip of her own lip as she held back a soft moan. If he knew what was best for him, he wouldn’t be talking to me with that tone.
“Yeah?” he repeated in a darker tone, intentionally egging her on as he noticed her voice holding back a note of lust. “How else have you missed me?” He spread his legs on his bed as he felt himself harden. He had a feeling he knew where this conversation would go, and even if he wasn’t ready, his dick sure was and he couldn’t deny it even if he tried.
As if she could see his actions, Layla spread her own legs and softly felt herself through her panties. She was warm, and felt her arousal start to seep through. “I thought of how you looked on top of me.”
Chris sighed, trying not to chuckle. He wasn’t trying to make fun of her, no. He was trying to toy with her, trying to make her flustered through the phone. You see, his initial plan for the phone call tonight was to talk to her about their little sexual endeavor. He wanted to get some things off his chest and clear the air about his true romantic feelings for her. But, when he finally dialed her number, something struck him– some sort of lust bug. Not a love bug, a lust bug, AKA his libido. So, he winged it and decided to speak to her with a hint of arousal in his voice. And it was working, obviously, as he could hear her hold back little moans and hear some hint of lust in her own tone of voice.
“What else, Layla?”
He sounds delectable, Layla thought to herself. It was like her mind wanted to slow down and really try to comprehend the encounter happening at the moment, but her mouth just spoke without restriction. “I thought about the way you would grip onto my body. Your hands felt so fucking good…” She rubbed her fingers over her panties with more pressure, stimulating her clit with the circular movements.
“They did, sweetheart? Nice and tight for ya, huh?”
A subtle mhm escaped from between Layla’s shut lips as she continued to please herself. Her left hand found some way to put her phone on speaker, and she placed it onto the nightstand beside her. She needed some more relief for the aching between her legs.
“What else, pretty girl?” The palm of Chris’s hand rubbed his dick over his trousers as he needed to relieve the ache in his body, too. This girl had a hold on him, for sure.
Layla struggled to speak as she began to slip the fingers of her left hand into her panties, yearning the feeling of something inside of her– something that mimicked the feeling of Chris’s dick inside of her. “I thought about the way you felt inside of me.”
“How did I feel?” Chris continued to palm himself as he spoke.
“So good,” she answered with a moan laced between her words, “so fucking good.”
“Are you touching yourself, Layla?”
Fuck. “Mhm…”
A beat of silence came with the subtle sounds of Layla’s fingers stroking inside her wetness in the background. And then-
“Good.” He bit his lip before adding on, “Good girl.”
“Fuck,” was all Layla could respond with as she continued her movements. Her fingers went as far as they could go, which wasn’t as far as Chris went, but it managed to help her somehow.
“Keep fucking yourself– make yourself feel good. Imagine it was me. Imagine I’m there, fingering you, making you feel good.”
Layla whimpered as the fingers on her clit fastened their pace, and the fingers inside of her were doing their best to satisfy her.
Chris continued, “Imagine I’m looking up at you, and my tongue is licking at your little clit. You’re not ignoring your clit, are you, Layla?”
“Nuh-uh,” was all she could let out as she went on with her movements. Her stomach started to warm, hinting at a climax building up.
“Gooood,” he slurred out, “keep thinking about me eating you up, just lapping at that pretty fuckin’ pussy. You got the perfect pussy, you know that, honey?” Chris could hear a moan from the opposite end of the call, which spurred him to start jerking himself off. Thank God, he lived on the lowest level of his and his brother’s house where they wouldn’t be able to hear any of the lewd acts happening in his room.
“Keep going, I know you’re close,” If he was correct with his discernment, he could hear Layla’s pussy make squelching noises. She was definitely getting close. “Keep going, that’s my good girl. Just imagine me.”
Layla’s back arched off the bed as she neared her orgasm, and her toes curled as the pleasure increased. “Chris…”
“I know, mama, I know,” he reassured her. “Just feel good, baby.”
As if on cue, Layla came around her fingers, clenching around them with a tightness she could say she had never felt before. It was like they'd been strangled and had fallen victim to that man’s voice.
Chris soothed her, trying his best to settle her down from her orgasm. “There you go, that felt good, yeah?”
Layla chuckled as her chest heaved. “Yeah…”
“Don’t move your hands from your pussy, though,” he said. The beginning of some sort of calming atmosphere was immediately snatched by the tone of Chris’s voice. It seemed to sound even darker than before, like it had some sort of malicious intent behind it. “Keep your hands right there.”
Layla followed his words immediately, resting her hands back onto her labia as she awaited for more of his instruction.
“I want you to slap it for me.”
If it was any other man, Layla would have laughed at this request. Slap her own coochie? It just sounded silly. But, with Chris, it was different. He had something commanding, nearly dominating, in his voice, and it kept her in a trance that she would only need an orgasm to break from.
“I didn’t hear you, Layla,” he said a bit impatiently.
Layla regathered herself and nodded as if he could see her, letting out a slap on her labia. Her body quivered at the sudden impact, which she could guess was Chris’s idea in the first place.
And her guess was correct, as she heard a low chuckle from his end. “Good. I would’ve done it myself if I was there– slap you silly to mess with you and get you all flustered again. Except I wouldn’t have just done it with my hand.” Chris pulled out his dick from being encapsulated under his pants. And no, he wasn’t wearing underwear because who the fuck wears underwear in their house? Definitely not him. And it was quite convenient for the situation occurring.
“Keep slapping your pussy, princess. Like how I slapped my dick on it a couple of times in the podcast room. You remember that?”
Layla sighed, and something sounding like a growl came from her throat as she got impatient, “Chris…”
Chris didn’t like her impatient tone. “Give yourself one final slap, but make this one harder. And I wanna hear it sting.”
Layla whimpered and gave her pussy a final slap just as he commanded and winced at the sting it gave her. A rush of arousal mixed with anticipation and the now stinging nerves on her pussy made her moan.
“Geez, I felt that one,” he said playfully, as if he wasn’t the one who told her to make it hurt. But, the show went on. “Put your fingers back inside– not deep, but just enough. Like I’m putting the tip in,” he continued, and his suggestion made him stroke the tip of his actual dick, going through synonymous motions with her.
Layla dipped her fingers inside of herself once again, only doing as he told, using a small bit of her fingers to stimulate herself.
“There you go… You feel me, baby? Feels so good?”
Layla nodded as she fell back into the trance he put her in earlier. She really wanted to focus on his voice to maximize her own enjoyment.
After a couple more strokes of his own dick and until he thought she had enough of her own movements, Chris instructed, “Okay, now I want you to go deeper. You can do that for me, right princess?”
“Mhm,” the girl answered and went deeper, curling her fingers which caused her to yelp a moan.
Chris tsked at her reaction. “If you’re curling your fingers, we’re not at that step yet, baby. Be patient. Just go in deeper and stop at your second set of knuckles. Go in and out, in and out…” His own hand motioned similarly, stroking only a small section of his shaft before going back to the tip again, repeating this every stroke.
And Layla followed, pumping only up to the second set of her knuckles at a decent pace.
Again, after a couple more strokes, Chris began his instructions. “I want you to finger yourself faster and rub your clit slowly, alright? Stay at the same length of your fingers and do not curl.”
Layla followed him again, speeding up her pace, and began to rub slow circles at her clit, which was still a bit sensitive from rubbing it earlier. She winced a bit loudly, causing Chris to notice.
“I know, mama, you’re still sensitive from earlier. That’s supposed to happen,” he assured her, “You’re supposed to feel sensitive. That’s why you hadn’t forgotten what happened the other day between us. It’s how you remembered the way I felt touching you, gripping you, fucking you…” Layla moaned as he continued, “I made your body so sensitive to me. That’s why you missed me, baby. That’s why you’re fucking yourself to the sound of my voice right now. You’re sensitive to me.”
“Chris,” Layla moaned with a drawl. Her jaw hung open a bit as she continued fucking her fingers into herself. The circles around her clit fastened, and her belly started to ache with bliss. She was close. Curse him for being right. Curse him for having this effect on her. Curse him for–
“I know, princess, shh..,” He cooed. “I want you to do something for me, okay?” Layla moaned, which was a thumbs-up for Chris to continue. “Bring your fingers as deeeeep as you can down that pretty pussy, okay? I want you to feel me right down there, by your belly. Just like when I put my dick so deep inside you. I want you to feel me,” Layla’s moans got louder, and he drawled out, “There we go… The tip of your fingers should be as deep as where the tip of my dick should be.”
Layla moaned, “Yes, fuck! Please…”
“You can curl your fingers and keep going, baby. Keep fucking yourself. Let me hear you clench around your fingers. I love the sound it makes when you’re close.” Chris continued to talk dirty to her as he gave himself longer and faster strokes, yearning for his own orgasm as it neared. “Fuck…”
Layla could hear the sound of him stroking his dick, and this was the final straw. She got so close to her orgasm- she could feel her heart galloping like a horse nearing the finish line of a race. When all of a sudden–
Layla halted her movements abruptly, his voice immediately taking her out of her state of euphoria. She huffed in confusion. No one has ever stopped her from having an orgasm in their control before. Did he just edge her?
A chuckle sprang up out of the phone, followed by a loud guffaw as Chris seemed to get a kick out of this. “You thought I was gonna let you cum?”
Layla grunted, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Aht-aht! Don’t give me any attitude, young lady,” he started, “I don’t want you to cum until the next time I can actually put my dick inside of you again.”
Layla rolled her eyes as she heard another laugh from him. “You’re aggravating.”
“And ‘aggravating’ I shall be.” He laughed as he put his dick back in his pants. “This was just as hard for you as it was for me, y’know. I got blue balls now.”
“Good,” she replied deviously. “So, you can’t cum till we meet again either.”
“Wasn’t planning to, sweetheart. I’m saving these puppies for you.”
Layla’s eyebrow rose. “‘These puppies’? Are you referring to your-”
“Yes, I’m referring to my sperm as ‘these puppies’.”
‘Well, don’t do that again?” She faked a gag into the phone and heard laughter in response.
“Alright, alright,” Chris complied, letting out a sigh to regain his composure. “Layla, I hope you know I’m serious about you.”
Layla’s heart skipped a lub-dub or two as she processed what he said. “Serious?”
“Mhm. I’ve really been thinking about you all fucking day since we did the pod,” he explained. “I don’t wanna lose this, whatever this is. I don’t-” he paused as he battled with himself as to what to say next. But, he didn’t care if it came across as fast or forward. “I don’t wanna lose you.”
Layla couldn’t believe this. Seriously, she could not believe this. It’s not that she didn’t wanna hear what he had to say– she genuinely anticipated this. But, it was all so much. Just a whole sensory overload. “Chris… I feel like we should talk about this in person.” Chris gulped as he listened to her continue, “I thought the phone call would be enough, but we literally just fucked to the sounds of each other’s voices, and we’re still on that high.”
Chris sighed. “You’re right. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have called.”
Layla quickly refuted his statement, “No, no that’s not what I meant. I’m just saying that having a serious talk like this shouldn’t happen after sex. Look, let’s set up a date where we can have a proper conversation about this. Okay?”
“Okay. You’re making sense. You’re so smart,” he complimented her, and Layla swore she could envision him giggling and swinging his feet at his own words.
“Okay, buddy, relax. I know I’m smart,” she said with a laugh, which he followed with a laugh and smirk of his own. “Chris, I’ll text you tomorrow. We can set something up.”
He smiled. “Yeah, sure. I don’t wanna hang up, but I also want you to get a good night’s rest. Hm, what should we do about that?”, he teased her playfully.
“Ugh, goodnight, Chris,” Layla said with her own playful tone.
Chris let out an exaggerated groan and playfully replied with a tone matching hers, “Ugh, goodnight, Layla. Don’t let the bedbugs bite– that’s my job,” he said, followed by a few nom-nom-nom’s.
Layla laughed before hanging up.
This man got her hook, line, and sinker.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Jungkook: 𝓖𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓭𝔂 (Intro)
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Jewels, Money, Shiny things- stuff he's been collecting before he stumbled upon you. Now the only thing he's greedy for is you.
Tags/Warnings: Alien!Jungkook, Cat Hybrid!Reader, Major fluff!, suggestive themes & heavy flirting, Primal themes (biting, grooming aka he licks her neck lol, scenting, manhandling), size difference because come on this is my content and you know my kinks by now don't act surprised
Additional Content: none yet
Masterlist: to be added
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Jungkook is humming to himself in a good mood as he cuts open a cardboard box delivered, knife cutting through the tape holding everything safely together.
Almost instantly you're in the room with him as well, ducking under one of his arms to catch a glimpse of what he's gotten delivered. "Hey- I've got a knife here, careful." He chuckles, gently pushing you a bit so you sit a bit further away as he pulls out the plastic wrapped item. "Oh, nice! I was worried it might be a little too small.." He mumbles more so to himself as he opens the vacuum packed item, fluffing it up as you watch with wide open eyes.
"You bought it!" You tell him, amazed, and he grins, opening another sealed back that contains a fitting pillow for the human-sized pet bed he'd bought for you. It was a little on the more expensive side for him- but to see your eyes sparkle like that, and watch you grab and drag is towards a sunny spot near his windows is enough of a reward for it.
It's something that you never really experienced prior to living with Jungkook. He's offering you more than just a home, or basic care- he offers love, a feeling of belonging, comfort and a sense of security.
His kind is, on earth, often times compared to dragons for their heavy and alligator-like tails and uniquely diamond-shaped pupils, but mostly for their behavior of collecting things. Food, money, candy- some even collect blankets or pillows or plants, there's nothing one won't attempt to hoard more of if it brings them joy or happiness. Jungkook himself is pretty tame for a Xiro- he only really hoards food and snacks at home, but has started to become rather fond of spoiling you instead of himself. He's got a whole collection of hybrid stuff- medications, supplements, snacks, collars and toys- it's all there, even emergency medical stuff, just in case, because you never know.
He's not only your owner after all, but your mate- lifelong companion, your protector and lover, and he won't ever give you a reason to complain about that fact.
He folds the cardboard box together to throw away later, before he walks over to you, playfully manhandling you around to lay in the, for him way too small, bed with you on top of him. "I might have to put it away again if you lay in it more than you want to be with me.." He chuckles, though you know there's a hint of truth in his joke.
Jungkook is awfully possessive when it comes to you and your attention.
"No, I'll always like you most." You purr quietly, and he offers a happy sounding growl before he closes his eyes, basking in the sun shining onto his body with you. "Nap time?" You ask, and he chuckles, nodding.
"Nap time."
Your favorite way of cuddling has become to sleep almost on top of Jungkook.
He's warm, like the sun, and strong enough not to be fazed at all by your added weight on top of his chest either. It also reassures you during sleep that he's still there, and that you're not alone.
Jungkook himself loves it too.
He knows it's sometimes tough to adapt your body to his nocturnal sleep schedule- but very amusingly to him, you're totally capable of sleeping anywhere he takes you as long as he's in reach. It's made it very easy for him to take you to work for example- his job being what brought him to you in the first place, though tonight he's simply offering company to his friends at the small restaurant one of them owns.
It's then that a couple of police officers walk in, clearly not there for simple food.
"Sir- can I check your papers for her please?" A more elderly guy in official uniform asks Jungkook, looking at you who's currently sleeping rolled up in a blanket-burrito on one of the nearby chairs close to Jungkook. It's common for law enforcement to check ID's of hybrids these days, since a lot of them are illegally trafficked on to his planet, cases rising rapidly for reasons no one's entirely sure of yet. It's a little sad to him how earth and humans seem to try and 'get rid' of your kind so shamelessly- but he's no politician, nor does he want to really involve himself into this mess at all.
He's got you, and that's all that matters.
"Sure." He says, used to the procedure as he moves to grab his bag to fetch his wallet. "I only got her identification card with me though, I hope that's alright." He mumbles, pulling out the card in question before he gets out his own, already aware that that's gonna be asked next.
"That should be fine. Just gotta match up the ID tattoo on her to make sure if you don't mind." The officer says, and Jungkook nods.
"Yeah sure." He offers, moving towards you to carefully run a hand over your shoulder first as to not startle you on accident. "It's right here." Jungkook shows the inside of your ear, the officer matching it up by sight with what's written on your ID card, before he nods and gives him back his items.
"Thanks. It's just a routine thing- cases have been popping up left and right these days.." The man sighs, writing something down in a booklet. "Her medical records all up to date?" He questions, and Jimin nods.
"She's scheduled for tomorrow for her yearly vaccinations. They're expiring in two months I think, but we wanna travel soon so I wanted to get it done sooner rather than later." Jungkook chats, and the officer nods.
"Very good. If only everyone was like this.." the man sighs, watching as his coworker seems to argue a bit with a young man and his own hybrid next to him. "I won't bother you any further. Have a nice night." He offers, before leaving to aid his colleague in the argument he's involved in.
You move around a little, wiggling closer to his chair as he sits down again, both Jin and Taehyung emerging from the kitchen, sitting down. "Man, humans are a struggle.." Seokjin sighs, leaning his head on his hand. "Why can't they be nocturnal? I've been working all day, no breaks!" He whines, and you wiggle out your arm to reach out and pat the older man's head. He looks at you with squinted eyes at that, an action that years prior would've scared you-
But Xiro people are gentle giants, you've come to learn.
"Hah, if Jungkook wasn't written on all the documents I'd steal you right away." He complains, and Taehyung laughs at Jungkooks playfully angry face, his tail swiping from left to right.
"You keep your grabbing claws to yourself old hag." He insults the oldest at the table, who's mouth gapes open at the audacity of the youngest.
"How could you!" He scolds. "Younglings these days, wear a sleeve full of ink and think they're free to do whatever!" He shakes his head, making you giggle.
You love the carefree banter Jungkook has with his friends.
You love hanging out with them, their friendship something not commonly seen on earth anymore since the collapse. People aren't really too warm anymore on earth, rather concerned with finding a new villain to blame for everything wrong every day it seems like. So in a way, you're glad Jungkook chose to take you with him back when he volunteered to help give Hybrids back on earth their identification tattooed. It was a form of social work, a publicity thing created to familiarize humans with the Xiro people and their planet. It worked.. mildly successful.
Though it was a win in the lottery for you.
"I should probably head home, she needs to sleep in a proper bed." Jungkook says after a moment, and Seokjin nods.
"Hah, I always forget they sleep during the night. You could just leave her here though-" He offers, though he receives a glare from the younger alien.
"Absolutely not. Get your own, old man." He scoffs playfully, getting up to put on your coat for you. It's pretty windy on his planet tonight, so he's learned to bundle you up to prevent you from getting cold.
"Pah, I just might! Stupid kid." He growls, shaking his head. "Here, take those though. Poor thing is probably living off of nothing but pre-made meals." He gives you the bag full of boxes filled with what he knows are your favorite foods.
"I cook for her, thank you." Jungkook rolls his eyes, before he properly says his goodbyes, your hand in his as you walk home in the lowering suns of his planet.
You remember how you'd met him.
He was intimidating to say the least- ink underneath his skin swirling around slightly, eyes sharp and piercings glimmering in the lights around him. His tall statue and rather muscular physique definitely didn't help his case either- so it shouldn't have been surprising to him how you'd glare at him as if ready to strike if he'd attempt to harm you.
"You're cute, really, but you gotta show me that pretty ear of yours." He'd chuckled softly, head tilted innocently and his smile almost docile.
A careworker wants to scold you, reaches out- but the man who's name tag read 'JUNGKOOK', holds out his hand in a silent demand to let him handle it himself.
"What can I do to make you more comfortable?" He'd asked, and your ears had slowly relaxed, surprise having caught you off guard. No one's ever asked you a question like that prior to him- you didn't know what to answer to that. "Hm?" He'd pressed softly, and you'd shrugged, looking around nervously. "Thats a pretty tail you have there. My kind has them too." He'd smiled, a grin more akin to a rabbit than the dragons his kind gets compared to, heavy alligator-like tail swaying behind him as if to show it off.
"...is it heavy?" You'd asked bluntly, and He'd laughed, shaking his head.
"Not really no. I guess because I grew up with it, I never really thought about that." He'd told you, casually readying his tattooing equipment while talking to you. "But as a child, my mothers would tell me how I'd always cause trouble with it. I'd empty any table low enough for it to reach!" He'd giggled, and you'd smiled at the thought of the younger version of him knocking down items from tables and shelves, too clumsy yet to quite think about it all.
"I burned mine on a candle once." You'd meekly told him, petting your own tail in search for comfort as you remembered the memory. He must have bright and colorful memories of his childhood- while you barely have anything worth keeping in mind, you'd thought to yourself.
"Well, you better make sure you don't get it hurt again, little thing!" He'd simply offered, before his surprisingly gentle hands had rubbed some numbing cream on the inside of your ear. "Or... maybe I could?" He'd asked, and at that, your ears had fully turned towards him, and made him smile. "Ah, adorable, really!"
"You'd.. take me in?" You'd asked, and He'd shrugged.
"I wasn't planning on bringing an earth-hybrid home-" He'd smiled, before the tattoo gun had buzzed to life. "But looking at you, I feel like I've found what I didn't even search for."
And today, the tattoo on your ear isn't just a Number.
It's also a memory, forever cherished by the both of you.
There's a low rumbling sound in his chest as he holds you close to himself, nosing along the crook of your neck.
It sounds awfully like those CGI-Dinosaurs in movies back on earth- and you know he's just as dangerous as the directors of these sci-fi movies intended their creatures to be. His heavy, snake-like tail has you wrapped securely to himself on his lap, hands free to roam over your body as if he needs to re-paint your image back into his mind using only his fingers and palms. His tongue traces over your skin, marking you, seemingly on a mission to find the perfect spot, before his teeth bite the skin, leaving his mark on yoir body amongst so many others, chuckling when you begin to squirm a little at his actions, your soft cat tail a stark contrast to his own.
You're like the prey in the python's grip- but this predator has chosen to feast on you in different ways.
"Hm.. are you happy, little thing?" He asks you, and you nod, leaning into him, your soft cat ears brushing against his cheek as you purr- a sound he's learned earth's cats make when they feel good, making him smile. "I'm glad." He offers, laying down with you as his tail curls around the both of your bodies, warm orange glow from outside his home bleeding in and bathing you both in shades of gold. It doesn't matter though how warm the suns on his planet shines-
Your favorite sunspot will always be him.
"I love you." He says, chuckles right after it. "Thays how you say it on earth, right?" He wonders, and you turn a bit, looking at him.
"Depends." You say, chin on his chest while his hand runs over your head, coming to rest on your lower back where your tail is just about to begin. "What do you wanna say?" You ask, and he hums as he thinks.
"I asked Seokjin if he knew an earth-expression for deep emotional care and longing. A word or sentence to make sure your mate knows how much you want to stay close to them, both physically and any other way." He says, and you blush, turning your head to the side on his chest.
"Hm, guess that's love, yeah." You nod. "How do you say it here?" You wonder, and he smiles, hand running up and down your back.
"I commit my life to you." He says softly, hand still before you look up at him. "Thats what we say here- and that's what I say to you." He mumbles, and you can't help but stare for a good moment.
Jungkook and you have been intimate before. You've told each other that you deeply care, that you're mates, that you're in a relationship. But it's the first time you ever talk about love, about something so meaningful as.. well, this. And hearing it from him in such honesty makes your heart race like never before.
"Dont just stare, little thing. Kiss me!" He playfully growls, pulling you up and closer to press his lips against yours, laughing along with you as you roll around in the sheets, getting lost in love and happiness together.
Humans would look at you both in absolute confusion if they saw you like this, you think to yourself.
Freshly showered and dressed in comfortable clothes, you're halfway laying on the fluffy carpet on the floor, and also somewhat in Jungkook's lap. Well- your butt is in his lap, legs and upper body not- but he's positioned you like this himself, and you've got snacks and TV, so you don't complain.
He's humming the tune of the commercial playing to himself as he brushes out your tail with gentle strokes of the specially designed hybrid brush- your eyes growing heavy with tiredness after the things you've been up to not even an hour prior. Your neck and thighs still sting a little faintly from his lovebites he leaves every time you both make love. You don't mind them though, not one bit.
"Will you be okay later?" He asks, referring to when he'll put you to bed, while he'll go to work later. Jungkook would love to have you sleep close to him at all times- but sometimes, like today, he just forgets that you're not nocturnal like he is, and while you've adjusted somewhat to that, he should've saved up his physical acts of loving you for after he's done working, considering how much be tends to tire you out with that. He teases you a lot about that, but its also another endearing thing to him.
You never complain about anything. You adapt freely to his way of living- so he's doing the best he can to make it all as easy for you as he can.
You nod at his question, yawning as if reminded of your exhaustion, and he chuckles, hand smacking your butt playfully, causing you to whine in complaint- the skin still a little tender from earlier. "Sorry." He says- but you know he's not.
You stretch and turn on his lap, and he smiles watching you, hand running over your exposed stomach, before he leans in to kiss one of his bites at your neck. "Hm I don't wanna leave you here.." he complains a little, moving around to pull you properly on his thighs, though you just hug him, head leaning against his shoulder. "And you're freshly marked up too. Won't have to worry one bit about someone trying to steal you away from me " He purrs, and you just shrug, clinging onto him. "We could take the round bed I bought with us to my studio. Hm? You could always sleep there then, when I'm working." He offers, and you nod after a moment.
He laughs, before he gets up, puts you on the sofa for a moment to get everything ready for his plan. It's a great idea- that way, you'll be comfortable just like at home, and he'll have you close and won't have to worry about you.
When he later comes to work with both you and the round pet bed in a bag, his coworker just shakes his head with a slight smile, already used to the younger alien's actions from years of experience. You easily fall asleep under blankets he places over you after setting up the bed in the corner you choose for yourself, and he already knows he feels a lot better like this, knowing he'll be able to look after you more properly this way.
When his first client comes in, Jungkook explains that you're his- that you're his mate, not just a companion or pet as humans call it, and the young man is understanding.
"I've been visiting the carecenter in the capital." The man named Jimin says, as Jungkook puts down the tracing paper on his back. "I'm worried though- online research made it seem as if Algol isn't a good environment for them.." he mumbles, and Jungkook shrugs.
"She's perfectly healthy, and has been living here for more than two full cycles. Yeah, their circadian rhythm can sometimes make things a bit tricky, but I've gotten used to handling it whenever necessary." He explains, making sure to do his work properly. "You'll have to really study what they can and can't eat though. A lot of vegetables we eat here are poisonous to them, and some of them can't digest dairy well." He offers.
Jimin sighs. "That sounds intimidating." He huffs almost disappointed, watching you roll over in your sleep, tail limp as you're out like a light. "But they seem like such good company."
"They are." Jungkook agrees. "She's probably the best fitting mate I could've ever found." The artist shrugs, beginning to tattoo.
"I mean, they did mention in research that earth-hybrids and Xiro people are surprisingly very compatible, even in genetics." He informs the younger alien. "Have you heard of the couple that recently became parents? And the child is perfectly healthy too."
"Hmhm, I've heard." He nods. "Maybe it'll help our declining birth rates, at least a little."
"Have you thought about having one with her?" Jimin asks, and Jungkook nods.
"One day, probably. We both want that. But not right now. There's no rush." He says as he follows the lines he'd prepared on the skin of the older man.
"Understandable." Jimin nods.
And Jungkook doesn't stop softly smiling as he works, and thinks about your future together.
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poke-me-with-a-stick · 5 months
Chapter 31 of 'Artificial Wingman!'
for the entire story, click Here!
Jason eyed Danny from his position on the couch, pretending to be completely engrossed in his book. Ever since the other morning, the teen had been acting... weird. At least, weirder than normal.
It had started when Jason had got up the day prior. As per usual after a gruling patrol, after breakfast and a shower, he had passed out as soon as his head touched the pillow, and stayed asleep until the sun was just an hour or two from setting. He probably would have slept in longer, but his stomach had made it's need for food known, and his bladder wasn't too happy with him either.
When he walked into the kitchen, intending to put together the world's greatest sandwich to tame his hunger, he had come in to the sight of the Demon brat and Jazz fast asleep, Jazz curled up like a content cat in the arm chair and Damien sprawled ungracefully on the couch. Both had been covered in throw blankets, and a Disney movie played on in the background. The only person not asleep had been Danny, who on first glance seemed to be back to working on his gun. And Jason would have left it at that, if not for the teen seeming to panic as he walked into the kitchen.
He had startled, flailed a bit as he whirled around to face the man. The gun had been hastily shoved under a pillow, out of Jason's line of sight. "Heeeey," The kid had drawled, his midwestern accent making the word roll off his tongue naturally. "I, uh. Didn't hear you get up?"
"...Okay?" Jason had raised an eyebrow at the teen, still not awake enough to deal with whatever was going on with him. "I got hungry. It's almost dinner time." He pointed out, his tone dry.
"It is?" Danny blinked owlishly at him before looking at the time. "Huh, I guess it is."
Jason couldn't help but smirk at the kid. "What, to absorbed in your work or something?"
It was meant to be  a joke, just some light ribbing that was natural between him and his friends and family. Instead of laughing or rolling his eyes, like Jason was used to, the teen seemed to grow tense. His eyes drifted to the wall above Jason's shoulder, obviously trying not to look directly at the man, as he tried to laugh it off. "Me? Absorbed in my work? Psh, nah! I would never! Haha..." his laugh was audibly strained.
An awkward silence fell between them, Jason staring as the teen figited in place. "Uh-huh. Right, okay." Jason had to force himself to break the silence. "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm starved. How's about you wake those two up, and I'll make us all some sandwiches?" He had barely finished talking before Danny nodded enthusiastically, practiacally leaping to wake the others in the room.
Jason didn't mention Danny's weird behavior to either his sister or Damien, but he couldn't let it go either. And the more he observed the teen, the more he was convinced that Danny was hiding something.
That led to now. With Jason's face half-burried in his book and Danny fiddling with the gun's casing. Fiddling, not actually doing anything besides screwing and unscrewing the screws that fixed everything together. Every few minutes, he would put down his weird glowing screwdriver and pass his hand over the odd glass beakers on the back, almost as if checking for a change in them. Jason was left to assume he didn't find what he was looking for, as he would flip the gun and pick up his screwdriver again and repeat the process.
Finally, Jason had had enough. He closed his book and set it aside with an overly loud sigh. Just like he knew it would, his movement drew Danny's attention immediatly. "Okay, I can't stand this anymore." Jason let the exasperation leak into his tone and he stood from his arm chair, only to walk a few feet and flop down next to the teenager.
Danny let out a startled half-chirp, half-wheeze sound that shouldn't be possible for human vocal cords, quickly shoving the gun under the nearest pillow. "W-what do you need?" He asked, clearly trying for casual.
Jason shot him a look, one that conveyed just how much Danny wasn't fooling him. "What I need," Jason began, "Is for you to tell me what the Hell is going on with you. You've been acting off since yesterday, and I want to know why."
"Nothing is going on!" The teen answers, a little too quickly. He looked away from Jason, his eyes going his hands. It was way too obvious that he was lying. 'We definatly have to work on that,' Jason couldn't help but think, frowning at him.
Sitting up, Jason sighed. "Yeah, alright. The thing is, you see, when you look away like that, it makes it kinda obvious that you're lying to me." The teen jerked his gaze back to Jason's immediatly, swallowing hard as he met the deceptivally relaxed facade that the man wore. "Now that I have your attention, lets try this again. What happened between  yesterday morning and now that has you so..." He trailed off as he tried to think of the word to descripe the teen. "...Paranoid?"
Danny seemed to hesitate, guilt shining through his unnaturally blue eyes. "I-" He stopped, as if searching for the words. Sighing, he seemed to deflate in defeat. "I've been lying about something." He admitted, his voice quiet.
Caution rose steadily in Jason. "Lied about what?" Had he lied about his feelings? Or maybe the potion? Was this about the 'cure' they seemed to have? Or maybe the original Love Potion? Jason's mind ran wild with thoughts and theories. "Is it something to do with you and Da- I mean, Robin?"
The teen seemed to sense the double meaning to the seemingly innocent words. "No!" He shook his head frantically. "No, no no! Nothing like that, I promise!" His assurences, despite the desperation in how he expressed them, seemed genuine enough.
A small sigh of relief escaped him as he nodded at the teen. "Okay, not to do with that. Then, what is it?" His suspision fell back to the gun, stashed not even a foot from him. "Does it have to do with that?" He gestured to the weapon, where it barely peeked out from the cushion.
The halfa's flinch was all the comformation he needed. "Y-yeah." He mumbled, his head dropping in shame.
"Is there something wrong with it?" God, Jason hoped not. The kid was the only one who seemed to understand how it functioned. Heck the only person that Jason could think of that might be able to help would be Tim, and that was if he didn't have an anrism at the spare parts that were used to make the damned thing.
"No, there's nothing wrong with it." Danny chuckled sheepishly as he reassured the man, his hand coming up to rub at the back of his neck nervously. "The opposite, actually. It's, um..." His other hand came up in a slighly aborted gesture. "It's fixed. Tada?"
Relief that he didn't have to try and understand whatever rocket science went into that abomnible creation temperarily stopped him from realising the full impact of the teen's words. "It's...fixed?" The teen nodded, not looking at him. "Like, fully functional and ready to use?"
"Well..." Danny's hand fell from his neck as his other came up in a so-so gesture. "It's functional, but it can't be used yet." Finally, the teen's head came up, though he still refused to look Jason in the eye. "It has no energy to function yet, so it's in power-collection mode, I guess." Turning slightly, the halfa pulls the gun from under the pillow, handing it to Jason for a closer inspection.
"So, it's fixed, but you can't use it yet?" He turned the gun this way and that, examining the Sci-fy weapon for anything odd. Well, odd-er than a gun that's soul purpose was to shoot a hole in the fabric of space and time.
"Nope. It's basically like a toy without it's batteries. It's cool, and fun to goof off with, but it doesn't do any of the things it's supposed to." His fingers grazed over the glass tubes on the back. "It'll take a few days for it to absorb the needed ecto for us to get home, so it's basically just a waiting game." As he spoke, a slight green sheen formed along the glass's surface, seemingly following the motion of his hand. When Danny pulled his hand back, the glow faded, but didn't disappear.
Satisfied, Jason handed the gun back to the teen. "Okay, so it's fixed. Why does that have you acting all weird?" It didn't make much sense. The whole reason they came here, to one of his more secret safehouses, was so that Danny could fix his gun. Why would he try and hide the fact that it was done, charging up and safe to use?
Obviously, Danny thought the answer was more than obvious. "Your serious?" He asked, his face screaming his disbelief. "You can't think of the one reason I wouldn't want to tell everyone?" When Jason shook his head, Danny let out a shocked giggle. It faded a bit into a whine of distress, making Jason eye the kid worriedly.
Before he could try and comfort the kid, as awkward and stilted as it would be, he spoke up. "If mine and Jazz's way home is ready to go, then what excuse do I have to stay?" The words were whispered, and wouldn't have been audible if Jason hadn't been right beside him.
The words struck him like a wooden plank to the head. Of course, how dumb could he be? Of course the kid would see it like that, like the only reason he was there to begin with was because he had no way home. To suddenly have a way home again? Why would he stay? He had no reason for remaining in this dimension. No reason, other than the fact that he was falling in love. But someone like the kid, like Danny, wouldn't see it that way. Especially if he still thought that Damien's feelings were purely caused by that potion.
Jason bit back a curse. Shook his head. Now was not the time to figure out the thought process the teen had gone through. Not when he was actively curling in on himself. Jason got the feeling that the kid hadn't really processed what completing the gun meant either. He knew what it meant, obviously, but it hadn't sunken in until his hand had been forced. Until he'd had to say the words out loud. The look of desperation and despair and acceptance on his face was heartwrentching to look at.
"Y'know, you don't necessarily have to have a reason to stay." Jason pointed out, speaking in a hushed voice.
"What do you mean? Of course I have to have a reason!" Danny turned to look at Jason again. "If I don't have a reason, that means I have to leave. I have responsibilities, a home, a life! I can't just up and disappear without having some sort of excuse for it! People would be worried, or want to know where I was!"
And that was the root of the problem, Jason realized suddenly. It wasn't that Danny thought he needed a reason to stay, it was that he needed to justify his absence to others. "Danny," without meaning to, Jason's voice softened, something that ususally only happened when comforting small alley children. "You don't have to justify yourself to anyone. If you want to stay longer, then you can. No one would blame you for it, and if they did, then they shouldn't be important to you anyways."
Danny huffed out a laugh. "I know that," He admitted. "I know I don't have to have a reason. But it just feels..." His words tapered off as he tried to think of what to say. Groaning, he burried his face in his hands.
"It feels wrong, because you think it's selfish."
"Well, yeah. It is selfish, isn't it? Because first I was staying because I didn't have a way home, and then it was because Robin needed my help with the potion's effects. But the cure is done and ready for Robin to take, and I have my way home charging up as we speak. The next step should be to just... go home." His hand rested on his chest, gripping tightly at his shirt. "But it, it hurts to even think of leaving. The thought of leaving Robin behind, or Robin taking the cure and me being right? It makes my core ache."
Jason could tell the teen wasn't really paying attention to just what he was admitting. The confusion on his face as he basically poured his heart out, the way he clutched at his chest as if the pain he felt was phyiscally effecting him. It took everything Jason had not to smile as he realized just how far the teen had fallen for his demon of a younger brother.
'It's like he came straight out of a Young Adult romance novel.' The thought, while true, was not helpful in the moment. Instead of bemoaning that his younger brother got to live the fantasy, he tried to think about what would get through to the kid.
Jason wasn't the best at comforting people in dire situations, he was basically flying blind here. Talking out feelings was not any of his families strong suits. But listening to this scrawny adoption bait practically wax poetica about his little brother, the one everyone was sure would either end up filling the mansion with cats, or marrying Jon, because of poor social skills(a distinct lack of interest in pointless civilian matters), made him search through all his people skills for the right thing to say.
"You know, you don't have to stay gone." That was part of the problem, right? Danny didn't want to leave Damian and never see him again.
"...what?" The confusion broke through the heartbreaking agony that the kid had been wallowing in.
"Yeah, you've got that gun fixed, at least enough to get back home. What's stopping you from coming back?" The panic and pain faded from the kid's face for a moment, before returning.
"But what if I'm right, and the potion works? Would Robin even still want to see me again?" The teen pulled his knees to his chest, tucking his feet beneath him and burying his face in his knees. "I know that after the love spell that made me fall in love with Sa- I mean, one of my friends, things were super akward between us. Would he still want to hang out around me?" If the kid didn't have density shifting powers, then Jason would be sure he coulnd't shove his face any further into his knees. He winced in sympathy, knowing that the kid would feel the imprints of his jeans later.
"Well, that sounds like a lot of 'What if's' again, kid." He decided that he'd question that 'Love Spell' bit later. Right now, he had to pull this kid's head out of his own doubts. "And we did talk about that already, didn't we?" Danny made a relunctant sound of agreement. "Right. So what changed? What made that conversation fly out of your head?"
"..." Danny was silent, his chest barely rising as Jason waited for an answer. Finally, a noise barely above a whisper, so quiet that Jason almost missed it. "I don't know."
"You... don't know what brought on all these thoughts?" The man tried to gently press the teen to think about it more. "There must have been something that made you spiral, right? It's not just about Robin not wanting to be around you, is it?" Danny hesitantly lifted his head, side eyeing Jason as he continued to prod. "And it can't be because your scared of what people would think of you. No offence, but you seem more of the 'doing things regardless' type."
"...well, I did mention that thing about my core, right?" The teen brought up hesitantly.
"Yeah, you did." Jason remembered. "The way you talked about it, you made it sound like it was your heart or something."
Danny laughed awkwardly. "Yeah, something like that." The teen sighed, uncurling slightly. "Okay, so to just call a core a heart is a massive understatement. A core is... like a heart and a brain and an immune system and a filter all in one." Jason couldn't help but blink blankly at the teen, his brain trying to process the amalgamation of words that he used to describe whatever a 'core' was.
When he felt like he had a handle on it, he nodded for the teen to continue. "So, cores do all these things for ghosts that the human body does for normal people. It's super important, and if anything happens to the core, it can hurt or even destabilize a ghost, which is basically like a more painful second death, one where you fade from the world instead of existing as a different entity." Jason nodded, focusing more on the core thing than the teen infront of him hinting at dying at some point.
"But it's not just physical injuries you have to look out for. Ghosts are emotional beings. My parents think that ghosts are just emotions imprinted on ectoplasm, not thinking or feeling being. They only got one thing right in all of that." The agony had faded from the teen's face finally, and in it's place, an intense focus as he tried to explain. Jason was counting it as a temporary win.
"So ghost are made of emotion?" It was the only thing that could make sense out of all of that, if only one part was right.
Danny snapped his finger and pointed at the man. "Got it in one. Ghosts are born from ectoplasm rich areas and an intense emotional output upon death. Smaller, less sentient ghosts that are born from emotions imprinting on ectoplasm without a death are blob ghosts."
"Blob ghosts?" Jason asked.
"They have a more technical name that Frostbite uses, but I usually just call the blob ghosts. 'Cause they're litteral blobs with faces that float around. They actually have an important job, keeping ectoplasm from getting stale or too thin in places close to portals and such..." The halfa physically shook his head, black hair fluffing up in a small cloud before settling messily again. "That's something I'll get into later. I was talking about cores."
"Right. Cores, something about... emotions?" The man leaned forwards a bit, resting his elbow on his knee as he reminded the teen where he had diverged from the original topic.
"Oh! Thanks. So, ghosts are made partially from emotion. We have obsession, things that we liked in life, or bring forth a particullarly strong emotional responce. Like, I have two, a main one and a passive one. Both are really good at bringing up emotions like contenment and excitment, which helps to generate ectoplasm and feeds my core. Because I'm half human, I don't have to rely on just my obsessions or the 'Zone to keep my core running. But just as much as emotions feed ghosts, the wrong emotion can hurt them. Things like rejection have to be handled delicatly, or you risk a core cracking. And ghosts being emotional being, we tend to get... attached, pretty easily. Even when we try not to." The kid let out a bitter laugh, running his hand through his hair.
"Wow. That's, uh. Definatly a lot to take in." Jason leaned away from the teen a bit. "Okay, so we should probably do a 'Ghosts 101' sometime. But for now..." Jason sorted through all the information he had just been given, internally thanking his bat training as he did. "So bad emotions hurt you, and things that bring up strong bad emotions can hurt you just as much as a physical injury?"
"If not more so, in some cases." Danny nodded. "Actually, emotional hurt is way worse than any physical injury. We can litterally lose limbs and regrow them in a day or so."
"I'm... gonna think about that later." Jason steered the conversation back on track. "Anyway, negative emotions are bad for ghosts. And you tried not to get attached, right? So you wouldn't hurt when you had to leave?"
"Lot of good that did me!" Danny huffed, crossing his arms.
"So when you think about leaving... oh. Oh."  That made a lot more sense. "Huh."
"Yeah," Danny rubbed the back of his neck. "I didn't really register it until a few hours ago. I thought that it wouldn't be as bad with me, because of my, ah, unique situation." He gestured to himself vaguely. "But it appears that still being mostly alive does not exclude me from the side effects of emotional attachment." The way he said those last two words made Jason's lips tip up at the corners.
"So leaving would physically hurt you?" Jason clarified the true situation at hand. Danny looked like he wanted to protest, but let his shoulders droop in defeat as he nodded.
"Leaving without knowing if the emotional bond is truly broken or not would be like slowly being poisoned, especially if I never saw him again. And having the bond break quickly would be like breaking a bone." The teen grimaced, rubbing his hand over his chest again, as if he could feel the sensation. Knowing what he does now, it honestly wouldn't surprise Jason one bit.
"Well, what if you left before he took the cure?" Jason didn't know where the thought came from, but it made the teen pause and think again. "You could leave knowing the bond is mutual, and come back later when your more prepared for a negative reaction. Would that work?"
Danny considered it for a minute before hesitantly nodding. "I...guess that would work? At the very least, I could talk to Frostbite about it. If anyone knows how to safely break an emotional bond, or at least prepare for one to break, it would be him." Danny's face screwed up in a mixture of very identifiable emotions as he spoke.
"Hey, chin up." He gently bopped the teen's head, grinning at the indignant look he was faced with. "It would be good to talk to this Frostbite person, whoever that is, and be ready for if it happens. But," he looked Danny directly in the eyes, "that doesn't mean you have to focus on the bad outcome. Robin could be right, and he might keep his feelings, or he might not be in love with you, but still want to be friends." The halfa didn't look totally convinced, but he nodded anyways.
Jason sighed, leaning back into the couch. This was the best he could do on that front for the time being. Deciding to drop the topic for now, the man changed subjects. "You know that you'll have to tell Robin and your sister about the gun, right?"
Danny flinched slightly, but nodded. "Yeah, I know. I had planned on telling them...eventually..." He ducked his head again, this time out of embarrassment. Jason cracked a grin before forcing his expression back to a serious one.
"Well, I won't say anything." The teen perked up, a look of disbelief on his face. "But you need to tell them. Perferably sometime soon." He gave the teen a pointed look as he finally stood up, stretching as he turned towards the kitchen. "The other two should be back soon, so I'm going to get started on dinner. How do you feel about spagetti?"
Dick stared in horror at the mess that had been made in Alfred's kitchen. The man had gone out shopping randomly, stating that he had run out of some ingrediant or another that he needed for dinner that night. Barely thirty minutes later, and there were bowls and mixing utinsles littered over every surface. A pot bubbled threateningly on the stove, steam thick enough that Dick almost mistook it for smoke. And right in the middle of it all, sat Stephanie.
She barely looked up from where she was trying to cut a pineapple, the knife making a sawing motion as it stuttered through the fruit. "Steph?" He asked cautiously, making sure that he stayed firmly out of the kitchen. Alfred was not going to be pleased when he came back and saw this mess, and Dick did not want to be incriminated by setting a single toe into the disaster zone.
"Hey Dick!" She called out happily, not looking away from the mess she was making of the pineapple. "What's up? Did you need something?"
"Uhh, no. I'm alright. But what are you doing?" Wait... "Does Alfred know you're in here?" There was no way Alfred knew she was in here. Practically all of the family, barring Jason and Cass, were banned from the kitchen.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" She asked, expertly dodging the question.
'It looks like you're making a huge mess.' "Um, I have a good idea. But I might be wrong! So can you tell me what you're doing?" His smile was slightly strained as he tried not to grimace from the smell of burning sugar.
Steph turned around, letting out a startled noise as she moved to remove the bubbling pot from the stove. Turning off the eye, she set it aside on a pot holder, she grabbed a spoon and stirred vigurously before dumping half a cup of what Dick could only assume was milk into the pot. A horrible hissing noise arose, making the man take a step backwards. Steph completely ignored the terrible noise, using a fork this time to whisk the mixture.
Finally, she set the nightmare concoction aside and turned back to her butchered pineapple. "I told you, after I ruined your suit, that I would find a way to make it up to you!" She sent him a smile that in any other situation would be sweet, but now it only doubled the dread building in Dick's stomach.
"So you're trying to... cook for me?" It was hard to call whatever this was cooking, but he wasn't going to rain on the girl's parade. Alfred would probably chew her out once he gets back and sees what she's done to his domain.
"Would you call this cooking?" The qustion was mumbled, low enough that Dick barely heard it. Lifting her gaze to meet his, she smiled a bit wider as she spoke up. "I'm trying my hand at homeade candy! I tried to make you some homeade cereal, but..." Her gaze drifted over to a baking tray covered in black little balls that Dick now knew was supposed to be one of his favorite comfort foods. It was hard to keep the grimace off his face. "When that failed, I decided that caramel sounded like a great alternitive! But the recipe that Alfred had was a bit boring, so I thought, hey, doesn't fruit go good with caramel? I wanted to try apples, but Alfred said we were out. Then I saw the pineapple and thought, hey, that's kind of the same thing, right?"
Oh, she had to be doing this on purpose. Did he do something to set her off here recently? Siding with one of the others over her? A joke that irritated her? A villian that she had to take care of instead? No, nothing like that had happened. So what was it? What did Dick do to piss her off this badly? She didn't even look like she was mad, which was infinitly more terrifying than her being openly hostile.
"Riiight," Dick drawled out, taking a small step backwards as she brought the knife down with more force than necissary. "I'm just gonna... go look for one of my spare suits... they aren't where I left them last..." Slowly, he backed away from the doorway and down the hall, until he was out of sight of anyone that could be watching from the kitchen. Once he was sure that Steph wouldn't be able to see him, he turned and rushed back down the hall.
He had done something to invoke the scarrily petty side of his baby brother's ex, and if he wanted to survive the next few hours with all his hair and a settled stomach, then he needed to call in some backup. Normally, he would try and hide behind Damian, but with his littlest bat MIA, he had his second option avalible to him. "Duuuke! I need your help!"
(I know that there are probably spelling errors/grammer mistakes, but it's okay because I tried my best!)
For the amazing person who made this prompt, as well as the lovely people who have been following along!
@halfblackwolfdemon @manapeer @xxwintrynightzxx @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 @blu-lilac @academicpurposes @secretdestinywerewolf @passivedecept @naluforever3 @postit-nope @spiteismymiddlename @2t-productions @plague-daisy @feet-achy @bubblecookies16 @thesapphiredragon13 @justwannabecat @magicalcollecter @adeniumdream @amuseofminds @lupagrim @readerkayden @dr-syko-pharm-4 @ladythugs @angelheartgamer @markthespot68 @kyrianclawraith @michikoy-yuki @servasvictoria02 @your-emo-nightmare @vala-dreams @scarlett-green-rose @t1dwarrior-of-earth @charlie-the-frogie @akikoyuii @mysticalcomputerdetective @roseuniverse999 @im-totally-not-an-alien @thefearfullone @weird-droplet-309 @jaytriesstuff @raventao @jacquelynwinchester @dragongoblet @tlise21 @longlivethefallen @the-archer-goddess @temple-of-jalebi @adepresseddwightsblogofjunk @plainly-colorful @the-legalHe-shipper @49saltpeppershakers @igotafewbadideas @tumbling-darkling @sparklygardenbouquet @sarcastic-yami @blueneko9314 @starscreamlover @liedboutmurder @do3y @roze-realm @some-mildly-happy-human @yinari-uchiha @azuera @chaoticmistake @altairsarts @kawaiikenna @heartsong18 @thetoyboxs @tricksovertreats @mnemovoid @lim4b3ans @horribly-lost-and-gay @keimiwolf @dryeraseslime @joey394
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bloodykora · 1 year
If you’re still doing Buggy headcanons: Sooo I always actually thought big noses on people are INCREDIBLY attractive. Give me men with noses that look just a bit too beaten up, women with noses that are big and wide, give me Roman noses and hawk noses and any unconventionally attractive nose and I am SWOONING.
… I feel the prompt almost writes itself at this point, what would Buggy think of someone who sees his funny looking nose not as a flaw but a mayor charm point and just constantly gives it kisses, traces it affectionately, boops it or comments (in all honesty and absolutely genuinely) how handsome and distinguished it makes him look, how it really suits him etc?
Wanna read about that man bluescreening because he hasn’t even treathened them yet to not make fun of his nose and they are already at the „flattering him to save themself“ stage? What do you MEAN you’re not saying that to safe yourself?!
This fucking anon/ask made me giggle so much, I literally showed it to my friends. I hope I did you and the prompt justice!
Enter the moment in Annie where Ms. Hannigan sees Warbucks’ diamond and goes “Oh my god, is that thing real?!” in shock but also delight. Me at that dude’s honker. (I want to be put on his nose like he has gangrene and I’m a leech who sucks on it to get the blood flow going) Also enter the Doja Cat quote of liking big noses.
- At first, dude is fucking weirded out. People have made comments and jokes about this stupid little red thing on his face and you… you think it’s attractive??? Huh.
- Definitely thinks you’re lying at first (and for the next few months), you’re literally the only person who is able to shut him up.
- Curtain drops, spot light is on, the blue haired clown walks in. Blabbering on about how his entrance should be more enthusiastic, but you got your eyes on your own prize, bright big red nostrils. If he wants an entrance, you’ll give him one by starting to clap loudly, getting so giddy that you start slightly hopping.
- “Oh my goodness, that is just.” Loss for words. “Are you making fun of me?” He approaches you, you hear him but his words don’t really seep into your brain at the moment. “It’s gorgeous, literally the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Your eyes are locked with his eyes and before he can even reply you reach up to brush your fingertip against his nose.
- Wants you dead first, no one has gotten close to touching it in years. And you, a low life nobody insults him like that. You get strung up immediately, your arm stretched so your fingers are out.
- “For that little ploy, I’ll take your fingers first and then your life.” Yes you’re scared but really could you regret it? This was the pirate’s life. “Oh, darn. Well, I’ll at least die happily. My eyes set on the most lovely nose I’ve seen in my years of life.”
- Thinks you’re still making fun of him until a few compliments later it clicks in his head that you mean it, with no hint of sarcasm or mockery. He lets you down, immediately ordering his crew to take care of the others you came with while he returns (runs) to his quarters. He’s a little intrigued by you, willing to die for a graze of his face. He keeps you as well, not that you’re upset by it.
- Crew thinks you’re hilarious, stopping a task to gaze longingly at the captain until either he realizes in which he shoos you back to work or he walks away. You boost his ego a ton though.
- From a distance he can ignore the thoughts he knows you’re thinking but up close, when they’re said in front of the crew, other pirates, hostages. He’s been known to cover your mouth with something so he doesn’t freeze up. When yall get together though, its game over.
- The first time you licked it, he almost saw some form of god. The angel's chorus was in his ears and he couldn’t help but say a little prayer in his head about you.
- Kissing it at least 3 times a day for good luck, rubbing up and down the bridge to soothe him to sleep, nipping at it when you feel playful. Not to mention he now has your voice in his head if he ever insults it going: “That’s not true! It is like one of the top 3 of the things I love about you and if you are mean to it again then I’m gonna cut it off and keep it all day!”
- Laying in his bed just watching him go about the day when you drop a “If my memory was wiped tomorrow I hope I’d get to keep at least the picture of your nose in my head.” before just turning over and going to rest. You hear him physically stop in his tracks and then a thud, he had let go of a boot.
- He doesn’t ever want to ask for praise about his nose on the days where he feels more insecure but you can tell by the way he rubs it on your collarbone and shoulder. You immediately pull out the good old “Have I told you how dashing attractive your nose is today? I seriously would just hop on and ri-” he doesn’t let you finish the sentence, cutting you off with a kiss knowing where it’s going.
- If anyone comments on his nose, you are the first to bite back. Threatening to cut out their tongue and string it up for future people to understand their place. Then squish Buggy while speaking highly of his stunning feature and how lucky they are to see it in the first place.
- You’re kinda crazy but hey, so is Buggy and he loves that you’re insane about him and his nose.
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charliemwrites · 3 months
Maybe I am being overly sensitive about this, but that Konig got added into the 1fur1 AU before Gaz did and then Gaz ending up as the only non-dog makes me feel a bit hesitant? Almost like he is being separated—the “vibes” of playing with a dog are different from playing with a cat. I don’t know, am I just reading too much into it? I’m not even sure what kind of response I’m asking for to be honest 😭
Hi! Okay, first, thank you for reaching out and sharing your thoughts/feelings on the fic. I can absolutely give you my response and a candid answer that I hope is enlightening(?) or provides closure.
Let’s start with where Gaz came in the series. I always had every intention of including him, but I couldn’t decide on a satisfactory way of introducing him for a long time. I didn’t intentionally put him last, but that he was is a product of internalized bias that I continue to try to challenge and improve upon. In essence, I couldn’t think of how I wanted to write him in because I am unaccustomed to writing him. I hope that makes sense?
Now, for making him a cat. I understand that there are many racist stereotypes and caricatures that liken black people (and other people of color) to different animals. I try to be aware of that when writing. If there is a negative association between black people and cats, i am entirely unaware of it.
I did intentionally make Gaz a cat. From my understanding of Gaz’s character, I thought it made sense. He’s highly competent, an excellent operator while alone, with a well rounded skillset, and fiercely loyal. And, as I joked in a previous ask, I could only imagine a cat falling from something (a helicopter) while being fine but miffed about it. That was a genuine discussion I had with others. I also thought it would be a fun point of asymmetry in the story, to have a parade of dogs followed by a single cat.
All of that said - is writing him as a cat and the rest of the group as dogs another instance of internalized bias? I’m not sure, and I’m open to discussion about it. I did not think I was ascribing any negative connotation to Gaz by personifying him as a cat shapeshifter, but amongst a band of dogs, perhaps it is and I’m not seeing the perspective. Again, I would be open to discussing it if someone wants to take the time.
I hope this answer made sense and was coherent, and that it provides some explanation that helps. If you want to talk more about, we absolutely can but I understand you likely went on anon purposefully. Thank you very much again for reaching out. 💕
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loulouhattie · 3 months
The Vampire’s Violin
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Pairing: m!Tav x Astarion
In my playthrough, Astarion multiclasses as a bard. My HC is that he loved music once, and played it before Cazador took him. Now, with his taste first of freedom in 200 years, he indulges himself by trying again. But doesn't anticipate Finn watching him
Tav: Finn is a half drow fighter/paladin who puts up a front of being a too-cool, tough guy jock. In reality, its a mask for his sensitive and gentle nature
Rating: teen
Tags: fluff, romantic tension, little bit of enemies to lovers, but very light
This is a very self indulgent one-shot I wrote because I couldnt stop thinking about this story hc, and then I had to draw it to bring it to life and
Bon appetit i guess
‘Gods above!’
Astarion almost dropped the violin, swinging around to see the Finn staring through the bushes, eyes gleaming and his face split into a mischievous grin.
‘How bloody long were you standing there!’ he hissed.
Finn shrugged.
‘I only came out here to find a tree to piss on. Certainly didn’t expect to find you giving the squirrels a concert!’ Finn smirked at him.
Astarion's fingers curled around the bow. He hated this feeling that he’s been caught.
But there’s nothing wrong with what he was doing, is there?
Finn noticed the tension in his shoulders, and his sneer softened.
‘Can I listen?’
‘What? No. Fuck off,’ Astarion spat, ‘and if you tell the others, I’ll decorate your bedroll with your innards.’
Finn stepped out from the bushes, standing only a few feet from the pale elf in clearing. Astarion’s eyes narrowed, his hackles tense like a cornered cat.
‘I won’t breathe a word, honest. I guess I’m just surprised, you don’t strike me as...well, it’s nice to learn a little more about you,’ Finn explained earnestly.
His tone was sincere, but Astarion’s eyes remained narrow.
‘well, it’s not much to learn about. It was a long time ago. From before I was turned,'
He absently twirled the bow,
'I suppose I got curious. People have often said such skills never leave you, and, well, like I said. I got curious.’
‘Cazador not a music lover?’
The bow stopped twirling.
‘That had better be a joke.’ it came out in a snarl.
Finn raised his hands in apology. The silence in the clearing was cool and comforting, accented by the occasional chirp of insects.
Astarion’s shoulders relaxed, and he turned so that he faced Finn fully.
‘You’re not going to fuck off. Are you?’
‘Nope!’ the half drow’s eyes couldn’t possibly get any rounder as he plonked happily down on the ground, legs crossed and beaming like a child.
Astarion scoffed. He twirled the bow once more, chewing the inside of his cheek.
‘If you’re going to insist on staying here, just keep quiet. It won’t do to distract me.’ he snapped at Finn, raising the violin to his chin. Out of the corner of his eye, Finn’s eyes sparkled as he shifted to a more comfortable position.
The pale elf exhaled, pressing the rest into the crook of his neck. With his bow hand, he plucked the string. He turned the peg for the corresponding string slowly, plucking steadily as the note sharpened.
A hot spot in his fingertip formed under the string’s friction. The note pinged clearly through the clearing, and he was satisfied. Onto the next 3 strings.
Finn watched the vampire intently. He couldn’t help but notice that his posture shifting. His brows were always so furrowed with malice, but now the focus on tuning the instrument had melted them.
There was a ghost of gentleness to his red eyes. Finn made sure not to move, careful not to disrupt this trancelike state.
Astarion plucked all 4 strings once more, their notes singing gently into the air. Shifting his stance, he raised the bow to the instrument. The insects were silent, waiting. Waiting for the performance to begin.
But the elf hesitated. His gaze clouded. Finn felt a sense of melancholy radiate from him.
‘Is…is something wrong?’ Finn probed gently. Astarion lowed the bow, dejected.
‘I don’t know what to play.’ he admitted.
200 years without so much as thinking of playing, and he was going to just give it a go?
Pathetic. What a stupid, foolish idiot he was! He wasn’t good for anything beyond manipulating and seducing pretty things-
‘I know!’
A sharp whistle sang through the clearing, making Astarion winced.
What was this idiot doing now? Astarion stared at him incredulously, about to snap at him.
Finn’s face scrunched with focus as he barely got a half cooked tune out between his lips. The only time he ever whistled was for Scratch, and this tone deaf fool couldn’t get a note out!
Then, he heard it. In between the very flat notes, he recognised that tune.
It was the song that Alfira sang in the Grove.
Astarion went still. He focused on the notes that wove together in a tapestry of melody.
Could he piece that melody together? Something he had only heard once?
He raised the bow, and passed it across the instrument. The strings squeaked in protest.
A grimace.
Finn continued to whistle... well, he continued to struggle.
Astarion repositioned the bow in his fingers. He pulled it across the violin again.
And this time, the note flowed forth. And melted into the next, flowing into a song.
It was as though mage hands were gently guiding him. The dust fell slowly from his memory as he recalled the forms for playing.
What started as rough squeaks began to form into a melody, a song. It filled the clearing, and he instinctively began to shift his weight from one foot to the other to keep his tempo.
Finn watched, transfixed. What he thought was a shift in demeanour before when he was tuning the violin was nothing compared to what was before him now.
Moonlight gleamed off Astarion’s pearlescent skin and snowy curls, dancing off him to the song he deftly coaxed from the instrument. He was a different being entirely - he was lost in the music.
His face creased in focus, not out of his usual snidenesss. He was transcendent, his brows and lips dancing to the rhythm as he bow flowed across the strings.
The song came to an end. And both men were still.
Neither said a word for a beat.
‘I won’t lie: you’re a bit shit.’ Finn broke the silence.
Astarion let out an uncharacteristic bark of laughter. Finn snickered to himself. The air was light, and mild around them.
A blush crept up Finn’s ears.
Astarion lowered the violin, letting it hang at his side. The silence of the forest permeated the clearing. He was suddenly aware of how exposed he felt out here. The bliss of feeling the music vanished in an instant.
‘We should head back, before some goblin or beast comes calling for an encore.’
‘Wait,’ Finn stood up quickly, dusting off his trousers. ‘I really enjoyed that. Listening to you play. Do you…'
He shifted on his feet, scooting dust beneath his shoe,
'if you play again, could I come and listen?’
Astarion took in the half-drow before him. He hadn’t noticed before, but his ashen skin seemed to absorb the moon and starlight. A gift of the Underdark, perhaps.
His red eye sparkled, and he recognised the blush on his ears and cheeks. The faintest hint of desire.
This would be easier than he thought.
‘Darling. I suppose we could arrange a more intimate viewing.’ he stalked past Finn, taking care to breeze so closely by that he brushed delicately past Finn’s fingertips.
He heard the faintest trace of his breath catching, and he knew he had him in the palm of his hand. He gazed at him through lowered lashes, a smile etched across his face. Poor, pathetic boy.
‘Let’s head back to camp. Maybe tomorrow night, we can arrange another little…performance.’
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can you do scenarios for the GoM boys + Himuro falling asleep by or on female reader?
GoM Boys + Himuro - Nap Time
It was hard to tell when something was wrong with Akashi. He held in his emotions very well. However, being around him so much, and so close, you could tell that something was off; even as he diligently worked on the student council paperwork.
“Akashi-kun, is something the matter?”
The red head looked up from his writing, slower than usual, but smiled. “No [Y/N]. Of course not.”
“I can tell that something is off with you. Please tell me what’s wrong.”
He seemed to hem & haw over your earnest entreaty before he turned back to his paperwork. “I’m just a little tired. Nothing to worry about.” It took a lot for Akashi to mention that. Any sign of weakness was something that his family, or father, would not tolerate. So, it showed how much he trusted you.
You weren’t surprised he was tired. The expectations put on him, as well as his academics, extra curriculars, and basketball, it was a wonder he wasn’t exhausted all the time. The stress must really be getting to him if he was willing to admit he was ‘a little tired’.
Setting down your pen, you sneak over to the door of the student council room and lock it. “Why don’t you lay down on the couch?” You offer. “No one can come in now. And I’ll keep watch for anyone lurking around in the halls.”
“I couldn’t possibly do that.” Akashi insisted. Acting as if the whole idea was absurd.
“Come on. It’s not like you’re the first student council member to crash out on it.” The implication that he was no different from his peers may Akashi furrow his brow. “I won’t tell anyone. Rest is important for recovery. I’ll work on this, and you can take a quick cat nap, and will never tell anyone your shameful secret of you being tired once in your life.”
He scoffed once at your joke, but seemed to concede. “Very well,” Akashi agreed as he loosened his uniform tie and headed for the couch, “as long as my secret is safe with you.”
This seemed to put him at ease and Akashi fell asleep to the sound of your pen against paper. Scribbling away while he rested in the afternoon sun.
Aomine napping wasn’t anything new. He spent most of his school days up on the roof in his favorite nap spot, watching the clouds and laying in the sun like a cat. It was a wonder he didn’t get burned.
Climbing the stairs to the roof, you found him spread out on the concrete. Still unsure how that could possibly be comfortable. “Are you going to class at all today?”
The basketball star opened one eye up at you, then shrugged. “I’ll go to lunch.”
“Lunch isn’t a class, Aomine.” You remind him as you knelt beside him.
He stretched long and loud before he settled back into his nap position. “I’m gonna go to science here in a bit. We’re learning about cicadas.” You smirk at Aomine’s childish interest still in all things insect related.
He rolled over and placed his head in your lap. “But that’s not for another half an hour.”
“Hey! I’m not a pillow! And unlike you I have to go to class.”
“If you did you wouldn’t be up here.” He cleverly remarked. You growl a little and tempted to just stand up and let his big, dumb head smack against the pavement.
Aomine’s hand reached back to touch your leg. Not in a gropey way, but in a calm, affectionate, soft kind of way. “Stay with me.”
His words make your heart weak. Looking at his peaceful face, and the gentle way he spoke only to you. Your resolve cracked instantly. “Fine. But we’re going to class at the bell.”
Aomine smirked in his sleep and continued to nap. Resting in your lap with the cool breeze and warm sun. You wish you had brought a book.
It was late at night when Kise texted you and said he was finally finished with his shoot. The two of you were supposed to meet up for a date, after his modeling gig, but it had run very late. You were willing to let it go, but Kise insisted that you had made plans and were going to stick with them.
“Hey [Y/N]-cchi.” He greeted at the door in his signature way, but with much less enthusiasm.
“Kise you look exhausted.” You tell him honestly, but still let him in and close the door. “I told you we could reschedule. You didn’t have to come all the way over here.”
“No, no. It’s fine.” He insisted as he took off his shoes. “The shoot was really hard, but I felt bad for bailing on you because of work. Do you still want to go out? There’s some after hours clubs I could probably get us into.”
“No thanks.” Aside from the fact that Kise clearly looked tired, you were already in your pjs and didn’t want to get dressed again. “Why don’t we just relax and watch a movie. Did you even eat anything while you were on set?”
“Oh, you know models.” He joked as he followed you down the hall toward the living room on autopilot. “Nothing but coffee and mineral water.”
You tell Kise to sit down on the couch and you would make him something. Surely you had enough stuff in your fridge to make him a sandwich. Coming back into the living room you saw Kise on the couch with his head tipped back on the sofa, asleep. You smile a little as you appreciated the gesture of him wanting to make time for you, but it was clear he was working himself hard to keep up with school, basketball, modeling, and you. Kise was a nice guy. He wanted to make people happy; even sometimes at the expense of himself.
You set the snacks down and pull out a blanket to lay over him. Kise roused a little, but more to adjust to a more comfortable position. His head lulling to the side.
You smile again and curl up next to Kise, who immediately wrapped his arm around you in his sleep. It may not have been the date Kise had wanted with you, but it was still nice to spend time together. Even if you were both asleep for it.
The blue haired boy jumped awake in alarm; or as alarmed as Kuroko could get. He looked at you in surprise as you scrunched your mouth and told him, “You were asleep.”
“Oh. Was I?” He asked rubbing his eyes.
“How could you not know?”
“Well, sometimes when I stay up late reading, I just nod off for a few minutes and wake back up. My presence is so low most people don’t seem to notice.”
“And you don’t walk into walls or anything?” You ask curiously. More interested in the phenomenon than irritated now.
Kuroko shrugged. “Not really. If I do, I’m not moving that fast. So I just bump into it, wake up, and keep going.”
“What if you walk off a bridge or something?!”
“I haven’t done that yet either. So I guess it’s ok.”
You watch Kuroko as you continue to walk to school. Staring at his face until his eyes suddenly slide closed and he was practically sleepwalking the rest of the way to school. He was right. No one really seemed to notice and subconsciously moved out of his way as he moved through the morning bustle. Overall it seemed his body had the muscle memory to get him there unharmed, which was really interesting.
When you came to the crosswalk you reached out and grabbed Kuroko’s hand to hold it. He woke back up, blinked a few times, then looked down at your hands before looking up at you. “I’d like to make sure you don’t walk into traffic.” He smiled and squeezed your hand.
You walk the rest of the way to school, Kuroko in and out of sleep, before you both make it to the gate and he seemed ready for the day. “Thank you for keeping me safe [Y/N].” He told you. Squeezing your hand one last time before you part ways toward your separate classes.
His head bobbed yet again as he stared at the textbook before it popped up. Midorima glared at the pages, as if their lack of interesting facts was the problem, and tried to refocus again.
“Why don’t we take a little break?” You suggest. Setting your own book down.
“No.” Midorima said emphatically. “We need to get this done before the next cram school.”
With graduation, and future plans for college fast approaching, you had both signed up for the same cram school. A very advanced, competitive cram school that boasted the highest acceptance rate into top universities. But it wasn’t only that the program was competitive, the students were. And though he tried to hide it Midorima was fiercely competitive.
“Midorima-kun, it’s ok. It was just a fluke. You don’t have to get first place for every practice exam. It’s just practice. Second is fine as well.” His hands gripped the pages of the textbook fiercely. Clearly, he did not agree. You sigh and close your book. “You know, studies show that a brain without enough REM sleep can not only not process information, but actually loose retention of pre-existing information in an effort to prioritize necessary function in the absence of rest.”
“Where did you read that from?”
“The Harvard Medical Journal.”
He stopped scanning the page and looked up at you over his glasses. Clearly only seeing reason now that someone with credentials he hadn’t even met had made the argument. “Fine. 20 minutes, then we go back to studying.”
You smile and come around to the other side of the table by Midorima. He seemed uncomfortable resting beside you, at first. But clearly he was so tired that that didn’t matter and was out very quickly after he closed his eyes. Not even bothering to take off his glasses.
You reset the alarm for an additional 20 minutes to let him rest longer. He was a little upset at the loss of nearly a full precious hour when he woke up, but did look more refreshed, and tackled the books with a newfound gusto.
“[Y/N]-cchi….this movie is boring….”
“But you picked it?” You remind him as Murasakibara stretched out on the couch; taking up most of is with his size.
“I know, but it’s boring now.” He repeated. “Plus we’re out of snacks.”
“Is that why you’re bored?” You ask, not mentioning that you barely got any of the popcorn or candy you’d brought in. “Because you don’t have any snacks? I can pause and we get you some more.”
“No.” He replied. Although he clearly wasn’t responding to your question. “I’m comfy here now.” His head was in your lap, while the rest of was half covered with a blanket. Which, you had to admit, did look pretty comfortable.
“Murasaki-kun, you’re not going to fall asleep are you? I didn’t mention it earlier, but I kind of have to go to the bathroom and…” Your comments were cut off by a loud snore. Murasakibara clearly already asleep in your lap.
“Annnnd now I’m stuck.”
Himuro chuckled at your misfortune. “Sorry [Y/N]. I could try to move him if you want.”
“No…don’t wake him…” You’d seen Murasakibara woken up from a nap, and it was not pretty.
“Can you really blame him though? I’m sure your pretty comfy.”
“Oh yeah,” you droll back sarcastically, “just a big snuggly fluff ball over here.”
He chuckled again and shifted around under the blanket. “Hmm…I think so.”
“Not you too Himuro!” You hiss, trying not to wake Murasakibara, as he rested his head on your other shoulder.
“I’m not. I’m not.” Himuro insisted. “I’m just kidding around. I have a little more self-control than Murasakibara.” Even as he said that his eyes slid closed, and his words came out slower. Another few breaths and he was asleep. Quietly snoring on your shoulder, while Murasakibara snored loudly near your ear.
Yep….you were really stuck now.
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letssimptogether · 1 year
“Never Have I Ever…”
Scream Group 4 x Reader
Summary/Warnings: The group of 4 is having a house party at Stu’s, drinking alcohol and playing “Never Have I Ever” — suggestive language and mentioning of alcohol in the fic below!
A/N: Sorry I took so long Anon! Had some things going on LOL
Requested: Yep!
Taglist: @kazuubaby @tulipsatmidnight @belaballs
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It was a Friday night at Stu’s house, and so far, Stu, Randy, and Y/N were all sitting on the couch, the three of them deciding on which horror movies to watch and which were too campy. Billy was in the kitchen trying not to struggle with the popcorn.
On her way with Sidney, Tatum was bringing some jell-o shots and a few regular shots.
“What’s up, bitches!” Tatum chants sticking her tongue out, sauntering into the house with bags of what seems to be alcohol in the air.
Sidney shook her head smiling slightly, and quickly made her way next to Y/N, Tatum finding a spot near as well.
“You guys ready?” Randy wiggled his eyebrows, pointing the remote at the TV.
He didn’t wait for anyone to respond before turning on Halloween II; Sid rolled her eyes while Y/N and Tatum downed a shot before reaching for a handful of popcorn.
Billy took a shot and mumbled something to Randy and Stu.
“Let’s make this more interesting,” Stu stood up, a cheshire cat smile forming, “We should play ‘Never Have I Ever’!”
“I’m gonna need more alcohol, then.” Sidney half joked,
Sid’s response had Stu practically throwing a jell-o shot at her. Then Tatum, and finally Y/N. The boys grabbed their own, and Stu poured everyone a cup half full. The group all took the shot, and looked around at each other, silently quizzing who’s going first until Tatum finally broke the small silence.
“Never have I ever,” she paused for a moment, but then wiggled her shoulders and joked suggestively, “gone skinny dipping!”
Everyone looked around as Stu, Billy, Tatum, and Randy take a sip of their glass. Sidney and Y/N looked at each other quizzically, but laughed.
“Never have I ever,” Sidney spoke up, “never have I ever snuck into a building.”
Billy, Randy, and Stu all took a shot, while Y/N, Tatum, and Sidney sat there looking around at each other, whisper-joking.
“You think they had a threesome in there?” Tatum giggles.
“Oh definitely.” Y/N snorted, reaching for their glass.
“Oh my,” Sidney chokes taking a small sip from her glass.
Everyone turned their stare to Y/N, who just put their cup down. By this time, the alcohol was kicking in, and everyone was feeling a little giggly and witty. Stu started extending his arms, as if he were presenting Y/N.
“Never have I ever,” Y/N started, “been choked or choked myself during sex.”
The group shot their drinks practically through their noses as they watched Y/N take a shot.
“I beg your pardon, Y/N?!” Tatum gasped, “and you didn’t tell me?”
Sidney’s eyes widened, ‘with who?’ she mouthed to them. Y/N just winked at the pair in response.
“I don’t kiss and tell.” They joked, the liquor making them a bit flirty as Y/N set the cup down, touching fingers with Tatum in the process.
☆ ☆ ☆
By this time, Randy, Sidney, and Tatum all went home. Sid and Tatum spending the night together, and dropping Randy off at his house in the process. The only ones left were Y/N, Billy, and Stu.
The drunken triplet laid cuddled up on the floor and watched horror movies till around 3AM.
Stu’s voice slurred happily, “D’ya hear about the Woodsboro Murders-”
Billy’s intoxicated laugh rang through Y/N’s ears as they nodded their head.
“You know that’s us right?” Billy finished Stu’s sentence, and the both of them busted out laughing, before realizing what they admitted and going dead silent.
“I don’t give a flying fuck if you’re the Easter Bunny and friends, if you stop cuddling me I’m gonna be pissed!” Y/N remarked, much emphasis on the word ‘pissed’.
The trio ended up cuddling the entire night, Billy to Y/N’s left and Stu to their right—their head rested in the crook of Billy’s neck as Stu’s arm draped around their waist.
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lazycats-stuff · 2 years
I love the Jason Todd x Jokers son it's awesome!
I actually have another idea while I lay with my cat lol batfam/Jason Todd x brother reader (like he's the biological son of Bruce but a lil older than Damien) he has a close relationship with Jason compared to his other siblings and he ends up getting captured by Joker?
You got it! I'm glad you like it, I was a bit worried that I didn't write it well, I have never written such dynamic before. Again, let me know how it turned out.
Warnings: Kidnapping, violence, Joker being the Joker, Jason losing his mind, blood
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Jason waited outside of (Y/N)'s school. He wanted to take his favorite brother back home. They didn't have a chance to hang out this week, because the teen was swamped with exams. Jason swore that (Y/N) didn't sleep this week. Poor kids...
He smiled once he saw him at the entrance, talking to his friend. He leaned on his motorbike, crossing his arms. He waited until (Y/N) saw him and then opened his arms. (Y/N) ran into them, hugging his favorite brother.
" Hey mini Bruce. " Jason joked as he hugged his brother back.
" Stop it, I look nothing like him. " (Y/N) said.
" Yeah sure. " Jason said, ruffling his hair.
" How come you came to pick me up? "
" Well, I know you stay later on Fridays. And I wanted to hang out with you. I missed you this week. " Jason mumbled.
" Aww. I missed you too Jay. But if you had a plan to take me out, please don't. I just want to sleep. "
" You got it. I was going to take you home anyway, you look like you are going to drop dead. "
" Wow, okay. " (Y/N) pretended to be offended, sitting at the back of the bike. Jason handed him the helmet and (Y/N) put it on.
" Hang on bro. We are going to be back home quickly. "
Jason turned on the bike and started driving back to the manor. It was a perfect day for a nap too. It was cloudy and if you were from Gotham, you knew for a fact it was going to get rain. So it would be perfect for a nap.
When Jason sat down, (Y/N) wrapped his arms around Jason's stomach to hold on. Jason revved the motor and started driving. It was a quick drive back to Jason's driving skills. (Y/N) had hold onto the bike when they got back.
" I'm not a bad driver. " Jason defended himself watching his younger brother.
" Say that to my legs. Jesus. Next time pick me up by a car. " (Y/N) said, managing to steady himself.
" Come on. You need to eat and then sleep. "
" Can you nap with me? " (Y/N) asked, using his puppy eyes.
" Of course I can. But you need to eat first. I think that Alfred made something with fish. "
(Y/N) nodded and went inside the house.
" Let me take your bag up to your room. "
Jason took the bag while (Y/N) went straight to the kitchen. He didn't find Alfred, but he did find a container with his portion. He let out a yay and took the container and a fork to sit at a kitchen island. He took his phone from his pocket and put it on the kitchen island.
He dug in, happy to eat something. The teen had a small breakfast today, not enough to get him through the day and he was hungry all day, despite the lunch he had. It was a stressful week for his family too. Joker was up to no good, but more than usual.
He still doesn't get it how they still do it. On patrol until late in the night, injured, seeing stuff that would make his stomach turn. Was (Y/N) trained like his brothers? Yes. But he didn't want to become a vigilante, he wanted to be a normal teen. And he didn't consider himself strong enough to become a vigilante.
And... He didn't tell anybody this, but the reason why he was up until 2 or 3 am this week was because he was worried for his brothers and father. There were times when he couldn't sleep until he knew that his brothers and father were in their rooms and even then he either went to Jason's room or Bruce's. He truly didn't know what he would do if something were to happen to his dad or Jason.
" Hey, what are you thinking about? " Jason said, sitting across from him.
(Y/N) was startled by Jason, he must have been thinking about this for so long that he didn't hear him.
" Jason, don't sneak up on me. You scared the living shit out of me. " (Y/N) said, taking an another bite.
" Oh, come on, you will live. " Jason laughed.
" Ha ha. Very funny... Are you free tonight? I need you to drop me off at a friend's house. We wanted to have a sleepover. " (Y/N) said quickly.
" Okay. Is it the brunet guy? " Jason asked, taking his jacket off.
" Yes, but his name is Cody. For the record Jay. "
" Okay, okay. " Jason laughed, smiling at his younger brother. " I will drop you off tonight before I go on patrol. Does the old man know? I don't want him blowing a fuse. "
" I texted him, he said it's fine. "
" Okay. Which bike you would like? " Jason asked, smirking.
" Screw you Jay. "
Jason cackled like a madman, leaning back in his chair.
" Okay, I will take a car to drop you off. Don't worry. "
" You always make me worry Jay. "
It was Saturday evening, a day after the sleepover and Jason was getting worried. Jason went to pick (Y/N) up a few hours earlier, but Cody, the friend said that (Y/N) went already. Jason was confused at first, but then noticed the cameras in the neighborhood. He called Bruce to tell him to get the footage. Something is off. Way off...
He searched the block for any evidence, his gut refusing to believe that everything is okay. What the hell happened last night? Maybe Cody was lying, but Jason could tell if someone was lying. Shit.
And the time for (Y/N) to go missing too is far to weird. Joker wanted something from Wayne Enterprises, they got intel that he wanted to get guns that Wayne Enterprises was storing at the moment. They were old and were supposed to be destroyed, but there was some delay.
Jason took his phone and called (Y/N)'s phone. He was back at Cody's building, waiting to hear (Y/N)'s voice. He froze once he heard the familiar ring in an ally. He ran into the ally, finding the phone near the dumpster.
He knelt down, getting the phone. He blinked a few times, trying to fight tears. Jesus Christ... No. Not him. Out of all the people, not him. He called Bruce with shaky hands. His hands never shook.
" Jason? Where is (Y/N)? "
" Taken. I found his phone near the dumpster behind Cody's house. " Jason stated, trying not to cry.
" Okay, I will obtain the footage for the entire block. Is there anything out here that might help us? "
" No, I searched the entire block, there is no signs of struggle. And Cody said that (Y/N) had left already, but I think someone threatened him to go. "
" Okay. Until we get the footage, we can't do anything. Come back. "
Jason hanged up, going back to his car and driving like a maniac back to the manor. He is not going to allow himself to waste a single second. He won't be holding back. Not when it comes to (Y/N). He was protective of all of his brothers, but he was really connected with (Y/N).
He ran towards the cave, wanting to know if there is anymore development. The rest of the family was already there, surrounding the big computer.
" And? " Jason asked.
" He was taken, but we can't connect the kidnappers to any Gotham rouge. " Bruce said.
Okay, an outsider then. That would take some time, but they would get the intel soon.
" Okay. So, we need a suspect. Who the hell wanted to take (Y/N)? " Jason asked.
" Somebody who wants money? Maybe for ransom? " Tim suggested.
" Or someone who hates Bruce? " Dick added his suggestion.
Bruce didn't say anything, obviously thinking. He had a lot of enemies, both as Bruce Wayne and as Batman. So the list wasn't small... Far from it...
A ping on the computer alerted them all. It was from the news, the anchors telling that this is the footage of (Y/N). The family froze, looking at the screen like they were hypnotized.
Everything was fine until Joker came on screen. Jason froze completely, eyes widening. No. (Y/N) was bound to a chair, gagged, with blood over his face. Joker was showing his face, clearly proud of his handywork. Jason's eye twitched.
" Now, I want the weapons from the Wayne Enterprises and I will let the boy live. "
The tape stopped and it returned to the regular program. Everyone slowly turned to look at Jason. Jason took a deep breath, before flipping a table near him. He let out a yell, before rubbing his face.
" Jason, you need to calm down. " Bruce said, trying to calm him down. If he goes out, he will kill somebody.
The boys moved away, trying not to get in the crossfire.
" I will be calm when (Y/N) is back here and Joker behind bars. That's that. And if you need me, I will be out in the city looking. "
" Jason, we need more info! You can't go out this mad! " Bruce yelled after his son.
" Too fucking late! "
Bruce stood up, going to change into his suit. He doesn't want to Jason to kill the Joker, he would regret it and it wouldn't do anything. Tim stayed behind to track down the footage.
They barely managed to catch up with Jason. It took them 15 minutes to calm him. Jason was already a deadly individual, but when mad? Get out of the way.
" Jason, we need to think. We need a plan of action. " Bruce has tried to explain, but Jason laughed.
" A plan of action? We need to get (Y/N) out of there! I can't let him go through what I did! I can't!" Jason yelled, before he took a deep breath.
" Jason, you need to compose yourself. I know it's difficult, but now your judgment needs to be perfect and not impaired. I know you are angry and I know you are getting flashbacks, but you have to... Shut the emotional part out. I know how it sounds, but when dealing with the Joker, you can't allow the emotions to take over. "
Jason was quiet as he listened to Bruce. As difficult it is for Jason to admit this, he knew Bruce was right. He can't allow his emotions to lead him.
" Do we have a lead? " Jason asked, trying to breathe.
" No, Tim is still looking, but we do have all known Joker's warehouses and other similar locations. We can start from there. We will split into two teams and start searching. Jason you are with me. Everyone, stay in contact. The moment you get something, call it in. "
The boys nodded, Jason simply stayed still, seething with anger and adrenaline.
" Come on Jason. " Batman prompted, walking to the edge of the building. Jason followed, still mad and angry. Nothing can calm him down. Absolutely nothing.
It has been hours and Jason was getting angrier and angrier. There hasn't been any leads in regards to (Y/N) and he was losing his mind.
" How can you be so calm? " He asked Bruce, who was calm. It irritated him beyond belief.
" I have to Jason. I can't allow myself to be guided by emotions. I can't make any mistakes. I don't... I don't want to lose him like I lost you... " Bruce admitted, looking away.
Jason was shocked by this admission.
" What? "
" I can't lose another son to Joker. I barely got over your... Kidnapping."
" Really? " Jason asked, petrified by this new piece of information.
" Yes. I searched for you just like you are searching for (Y/N). Despite what the Joker told you, I never stopped looking. "
Jason looked away, away from Bruce's eyes. He swallowed, trying not to cry. He clenched his fists and then released them.
" Hey guys, I managed to track him. Bruce and Jason are the closest to the docks. It's an old warehouse and be careful. Bring (Y/N) back. "
Jason and Bruce agreed and started moving. They are going to get him back now.
Jason paced outside of the cave medical part. Alfred wouldn't allow him to enter. They brought (Y/N) back, but he was beaten, had his nose broken and dislocated shoulder. Jason was only thankful that (Y/N) was under a lot of painkillers.
The mere process of getting (Y/N) back was rather simple. They took out Joker's goons and Jason got some revenge. He found a crowbar and while Batman was busy with freeing (Y/N), he has beaten the Joker. He didn't kill him, he just made sure he would be recovering for the next year. He smiled at the memory. It was etched into his memory.
" Masters. " Alfred said, closing the door.
" And? " Jason asked impatiently.
" He is going to be okay. I reset his nose and shoulder and gave him some stronger painkillers. He is going to be out for a while. I prepared a bed for you too master Jason. "
" Thank you Alfred. "
Jason stepped into the room, taking his shoes and jacket off. He looked at (Y/N), simply sleeping. Now he could sleep and protect (Y/N). With a last glance to (Y/N), he laid down and closed his eyes. Now everything is the way it should be.
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666writingcafe · 6 months
The Final Boss
MC is too smart for their own good. And it's making them fail my test.
Have they demonstrated an understanding of Beel's powers? Yes. Have they used those powers to defeat their foes? Yes, and in an impressive fashion, I might add.
But the fire they normally have is missing.
"You've noticed it too, haven't you?" Asmo scooches closer to me and looks into the viewing ball I set up. "The passion's not there." I sigh.
"I suppose it's my fault for allowing your brothers to pick out the location of this test," I tell him. "I would have simply reserved an arena in the Devildom and have the battle there, but Satan insisted that this game of Levi's would be perfect."
"As if MC doesn't know the tropes of a RPG game."
"I mean, even if they had no knowledge whatsoever before the exchange program, Levi would have at least taught them the basics." Asmo runs a hand through his hair to get some of it off his face. "Do you remember the first time you made full and complete use of my powers?"
"All too well." It was during a threesome with a girl we both liked. To put it simply, we fed off each other's lust and inadvertently overstimulating her to the point of death.
Asmo likes to joke about it sometimes. I don't.
"So, how do we get MC to do what you're asking?" Right. The task at hand.
"To be honest, I don't know," I answer. "I suspect they'll put more energy into their battle with me, but I don't know if it'll be enough to bring out all of Beelzebub's power."
"Why now?"
"What do you mean?"
"You've never been this invested in your apprentices becoming sorcerers." Asmo pauses. "Does MC mean that much to you?"
"You already know the answer to that." He sighs.
"Yes, but I want to hear you say it! Do you know how tiring it is to constantly use my powers to get dirt on people? It's so exhausting!"
"Yes, what?" The patronizing look in his eyes makes me want to barf.
"I care about MC. A lot. They're the first human in a long time that I see myself having a future with." I pause. "Is that good enough for you, Asmodeus?" He playfully snarls like a cat, bending his fingers to look like claws.
"What an attitude!" he exclaims, smiling at me.
"You annoy me."
"Only because I care." Asmo glances back into the ball, appearing to think. "What if we upset MC?"
"No." Asmo huffs.
"I'm not saying we make them destroy the game or anything that extreme! I just think that if we tease them a little bit, we'd get them to feel something other than sheer boredom."
"Teasing might work. Just not on MC. They'll get too flustered to focus properly." I pause as an idea pops into my head. "Your brother, on the other hand..." Asmo's eyes widen before gleefully laughing.
"That's it! Oh, Solomon, you're such a genius!"
"How, exactly?" I'm asking because I want to know where his mind went, because he seldom complements me in a professional setting.
"You see, MC hates when we're reduced to our sins. That was why it took them so long to warm up to me; I wasn't being my true self, but merely a caricature. If I act like gluttony is Beel's only personality trait, then MC will feel the need to jump to his defense, thus triggering that connection you told me about." Interesting...
"You do realize that MC will be controlling your brother, right? The more angry they get, the stronger Beel will become, and I'm pretty sure you don't want him pummeling you." Asmo makes a dismissive noise.
"I'll be fine! Don't worry about me. Any injuries I sustain will be temporary." He smiles, nudging me with his elbow. "I want MC to become an official sorcerer as much as you do, you know."
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