#and not provide jason with the actual resolve he needed with bruce
archtroop · 2 years
Dick's Special Brand of Guilt
Titans 3x12 brought me another jaw dropping moment. This show, albeit not innocent of faults, has a great sense of -
Show, don't tell.
The show goes to great lenghts to delve into the minds of the characters, prioritizing psyche over structural integrity, as it seems, but I can actually provide numerous clues from what's shown on screen, as to how you can bridge over and explain many of the plotholes.
With this, I would like to point out at what must be Dick's "worst self", shown him while he was submerged in The Pit.
I think, the dream sequence Dick experiences, is poking at his faults and desires, and is meant to break one's resolve for returning to life, OR, coming in terms with your greatest faults and desirs and then coming back. A purgatory of sorts, which seems to be a theme for majority of the characters this season. And of all, Dick is in dire need of absolution, since he was acting absolutely defunct and untethered the whole time, from the moment he stepped back on Gotham's streets.
In his vision in the Pit, Dick has to come to terms with the fact that he failed his birth father (subjectively), by "loosing his way" and "failing him" and for "trying to be someone he is not" (again, subjectively speaking). Mind you, John Grayson, in this vision doesn't give any absolution or resolve. He just accepts it as is, "I know, son. I love you. " In this segment Dick as he is now, is what to be, and it is what it is. An acknowledgment of sorts of the current outcome of events, no fixing or changing this by much, but to accept. To take in stride. I think this is a very rare kind of "vision" used in media: there is no penance or guilt over this aspect. The hero isn't here to change himself in the future but rather to come to terms with himself and accept himself as is.
The second segment is largely revolves around Jason. In the Titans TV verse, Jason's story is tied to Dick's in a much more profound way than in the comics, as far as I can tell. In Titan's scenario, Dick was given authority of sorts over Jason, and he absolutely screwed it, from top to bottom.
His disdain towards the teen ran deep. In this vision, he has to come to terms with his wish for Jason to never exit in the first place. Jason is the replacement to himself. Jason saunters into Dick's life as a dark mirror, an apparition of something that was personal - Robin. Dick, for the love of god, met Jason, and thought, somewhere deep, "I wish he never existed." When Jasin actually dies, Dick is left with the poisoning guilt of a wish that came true.
There's another aspect in play: Mar'i. She's the last clue: The vision is about fatherhood. John, Bruce, Dick - what was what would be, but also what IS: Dick is a spiritual "Father" of the moniker of Robin. Jason was, to Dick, like an unwanted child, an outcome, occurrence he never asked for, never wanted, never agreed to, something that came FROM him, carries his "genetic code" and walks free on God's green earth. And Dick is expected to care for him, to help him, RAISE HIM.
I call this special brand of guilt a Mother's Guilt, because it's so often the tough share of women who are torn from the inside for having to raise child/ren they never asked for - offspring of themselves that they never wanted. It's a crushing type of guilt, one hand feeds, the other grips the table and the mind silently wishes for an end to it all. And if the offspring does comes to harm, the world comes crushing down on that person, for they wished something so awful on a creature that is absolutely innocent.
In his vision, Dick actively kills Jason, and for what it's worth, S2 is a plethora of instances in which Dick didn't - wouldn't - do enough (or at all), to help Jason. He neglected him. He didn't want him. Dick is guilty of what that fed into. Jason dies and Dick is torn, for he is releaved, and thus eaten up by sheer guilt.
If one takes this idea and walks through season 3 of Titans with in mind, Dick's erratic behavior makes sense a bit more.
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secondratefiction · 4 years
An AU where the batkids are closer in age and all go to gotham academy... chaos ensues, because these boys are chaotic good, and the girls are true good
The principal has Bruce Wayne’s personal cell on speed dial.
Not that it does much good, he lives in a house with six high schoolers and one very temperamental middle schooler. Bruce Wayne lost his ability to give a fuck about anything years ago.
Barbra isn’t even his kid, why is he getting calls about her too?’
“I’m sorry to hear that a seventeen year old girl managed to hack your entire system, sir. I still don’t understand what that has to do with me. Perhaps you should try to contact Commissioner Gordon.”
The others on the other hand... those he can’t pawn off on anybody else.
“It’s been twelve years, at this point there should be some kind of note in his file that Dick is going to fidget and sit in strange positions, it’s just something he does... No, I am no considering any medications for him. Or any of my children for that matter.”
“I’m sorry, Jason did what now? No, no I’ll definitely speak with him about this. Thank you Principal Weatherby.” - “Jason... Jason I don’t care if your teacher is ‘willfully misinterpreting’ the book, you can’t call him incompliant and storm out of class.... because you’re in high school and that’s not how that works. Just.... just come home, please.”
“So let me make sure I understand you correctly... this boy repeatedly snapped my daughter’s bra strap - to the point said strap came undone. At which point she punched him in the face. And you want to take disciplinary action against her? Very well, go right ahead. I'm going to need a copy of the referral though, because we’ll be filing sexual assault charges. Thank you. Stephanie, let’s go,”
“Principal Weatherby... I know people think I’m just some rich trust fund baby or what have you, with nothing better to do with my day, but I assure you, I am quite a busy man. So can you please explain to me why my meetings get continually interrupted with complains about Tim sleeping in class? Is he not still one of the top performers? Then I don’t see the issue. If he’s not actively causing a problem, and his grades aren’t being effected do not call me about this again. If you’ll excuse me, I have a business to run.”
“I’m sorry Principal Weatherby, what exactly would you like me to do in this situation? I can’t physically force Cassandra to speak. Also, I don’t have the paperwork in front of me... but I’m pretty sure she’s allowed to sign her presentation, and that not providing her an interpreter is actually illegal.... No, that won’t be necessary. Thank you for taking care of the matter, please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help resolve the satiation.”
“One moment, let me clarify something -  we’re talking about Duke Thomas? Punching another student in the cafeteria? Is there more context to this situation? . . . Ah, and was the boy harassing Cassandra the same one that Stephanie had the issue with last month? I see. Well, Principal Weatherby, I’ll speak with Duke this evening, but you may want to look into this other student before the school really does get hit with some kind of lawsuit over his behavior.” - “That dumb bastard doesn’t know how lucky he was Duke hit him before Cassie could.”
“Damian said what exactly?. . .  Yes, well I can see where that would be highly inappropriate. . . . I’m terribly sorry, Principal Weatherby, but I’m about to step into a very important meeting. But this is his mother’s number, I’m sure she’ll be more than happy to help you resolve the situation.” - “Best of luck. You’re gonna need it.”
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A Failed Betrothal (5)
This is going to be the last part I am going to post in a while. My school is finally starting up again and I am sure to be swamped with homework. Without further ado. Enjoy ❤
(Part 1)(Part 4)
Damian laid in bed, thinking about the recent turn of events. Lady, who told them that they can call her Marinette since they might as well get acquainted while the Waynes were in Paris. She had found out Jason’s identity after a few google searches and by extension, the rest of the Bats while they both were taking a shower. It had taken a few arguments and one sentimonster attack that cut one of the arguments short to trust the Dupain-Chengs with their secret identities. His bride was apparently a superhero too. Has been for a few years. In a different world, he might have actually dated her out of his own free will and fought crime with her together.
Damian shook his head at that thought.
That was the curse talking. Get a hold of yourself, Wayne. Resist. Don’t think about Marinette and her blue eyes.
Back to the akumas, Paris had been under the control of a magical terrorist for years. Lady Noire, formerly known as Ladybug, formed a team to battle against him. He also found out about the Guardian who chose Marinette and someone else, who wasn’t spoken about much except that his name was Chat Noir and she now wields his ring temporarily, to fight against Hawkmoth as partners. The same Guardian that promised her hand-in-marriage in exchange for protection from the League of Assassins. Sabine, the Blue Reaper, had to be restrained from killing the old amnesiatic man by her bear of a husband who was reluctant to do so and also wanted to help her.
Hawkmoth also had a partner who went by the name, Mayura, with a power similar to his and could create sentimonster out of negative emotions. Their top suspect was Gabriel Agreste, with much evidence pointing his way but they had difficulty trying to confirm it and had the time to gather evidence to do it. The local authorities were helpful but getting a search warrant for a famous, rich designer who was a known recluse with circumstantial evidence is not possible.
After informing their father of their kidnapping and the situation in Paris (and racking up the Dupain-Cheng's phone bill), they were told to stay there and help as much as they can. Tim, who was coming to Paris for a vacation (suspicious), got his plans hijacked and was now going to help uncover Hawkmoth’s identity.
When the Justice League had reached out a few years ago, they were rebuffed by the Mayor. Nightrunner got into contact with the one of the heroes, Ladybug who asked for a meeting outside of Paris with Wonder Woman and Batman came along, to assess her. They didn’t expect a young girl to be Paris’s heroine.
3 years ago…
“Bonjour, Princess Diana of Themyscira, daughter of Hippolayta, it is an honour to meet you. And you too, Batman.” The spotted heroine greeted both of them with Nightrunner besides her. Their meeting point was in the gardens in the Palace of Versailles.
“The pleasure is all mine, Ladybug. But I am confused as to why you have refused the Justice League’s help.” Wonder Woman was worried that the Ladybug Miraculous was active again and for many good reasons.
“I would be glad for some help but Paris is run by an incompetent fool. He wants no one outside of Paris to think that the city is unsafe due to Hawkmoth and keep the tourism numbers high. The other reason is that my Miraculous Cure can restore any physical damages done during a fight and involving you might result in more damages than I could cure. But I also think it would be better if there were less powerful heroes in Paris, akumas amplifies one’s power and I don’t want to fight you after you had a bad day.” Ladybug explained. Nightrunner murmured in agreement.
“Do you know how Hawkmoth operates?” asked Batman. He had read reports of the situation but wondered the true extent of it.
“Have Wonder Woman explained to you about the Miraculous?”
He nodded.
“Hawkmoth has the butterfly miraculous, and it has the power of transmission. In the right hands, they would be used to grant ordinary people powers as the user’s champions. But in the hands of Hawkmoth, he targets people with high negative emotions, a girl after a bad break-up or a student with a failed grade. He grants them powers to use for revenge or some obscure version of justice. In return, he asks for mine and Chat Noir’s miraculous. With our two miraculous, he can make a wish but wishes always come with a price so it is best if we keep it out of his reach.”
“How have you not captured him yet?”
“Hawkmoth is a coward who rarely comes out to face us. I have never met him face-to-face. He uses people to get what he wants. Not very honourable. The Mayor has refused to help my attempts to stop him or prevent more akumas because his bratty daughter isn’t given a Miraculous to be a hero. I don’t have the time or resources because I am still in school and have other obligations outside the suit. I can’t tell my family and ask for help because the Guardian’s ,the one who gave me the Miraculous in the first place, secret identities rule and some magic thing that makes me unable to tell them.”
The adults were all horrified at what the girl was going through.
“We could help in other ways. Not fight the akumas but provide you the resources to track down and capture him. Do you have any training? From the footage we have seen, you know martial arts and how to use some weapons.”
“I was raised in a forgotten temple somewhere in Asia with brutal training everyday before I ran away. I met someone on my way out who took me in and adopted me.” She said it seriously enough that they have no room for doubt.
“Batman, she just said she was adopted. She may have the features but the answer is no.” Wonder Woman said with a knowing look in her eyes.
“I wasn’t thinking about it. She has a duty to Paris right now and I am not going to take away from her life here. I don’t adopt every black-haired and blue-eyed child I see.” Batman denied.
“I am confused.” Ladybug said, tilting her head.
“Batman here has a bad habit of adopting kids with a tragic past, especially kids with black hair and blue eyes.” Nightrunner explained to his fellow Parisian hero.
“Well, Mousier, you will have to fight my parents for custody. While I have training, Chat Noir doesn’t and he hinders the battles with his ‘help’. I would give him some but he sees them as dates even though I have told him it’s not.”
“His incompetence is a liability. Why is he your partner?”
“The Guardian chose him too like he chose me through some stupid trial I somehow passed the requirements for. I am just hoping that there is a really good reason for choosing Chat Noir. I have some questions on how you are-”
“Ladybug, what are you doing?” A sharp voice cut in. An old man who appeared to be dressed as a tortoise landed in front of them.
“Master Fu, this is Princess Diana of Themyscira and the world’s greatest detective, Batman. I am asking for their help in finding Hawkmoth.” Ladybug explained, confused why Master Fu looked upset.
“Ladybug, that was extremely foolish of you. This is a matter of the Order. You shouldn’t have involved other heroes in it. We can resolve this on our own. I apologize on behalf of her for wasting your time.”
“But, Master-” “We will talk about this later, Ladybug. You are young and don’t understand things yet.”
“Guardian, with all due respect, my mother was a Ladybug wielder herself and the Amazons will lend a hand to any miraculous holders in need.”
“It is appreciated but Ladybug, Chat Noir and I can do it on our own. Come along, Ladybug.”
“Let me at least apologize for my mistake, Guardian.”
“Very well. Meet me later.”
“I am sorry but it looks like I have to fight Hawkmoth without your help. That being said please don’t try to look further into Hawkmoth’s identity and leave any notes of your leads in the mouth of the gargoyle on the northside of Notre Dame where I usually rest after I finish patrol. Salut, Princess Diana, Batman, Nightrunner.” She left using her yo-yo to swing away after giving them a wink.
Batman smirked. He had to give it to Ladybug, she was clever and resourceful and Diana was right, he wanted to adopt her.
Present time…
(Words in bold are French)
Now that the previous Guardian was out of the picture, the Miraculous team would gladly accept any help they can get.
Damian and Jason had picked up Tim from the airport and they had already set things up in one of the Wayne penthouses in Paris. Less chance of nosy maids than in a hotel.
Bilal had already handed over all the evidence he could find. He was also one of the Miraculous team’s trainers when Sabine couldn’t make it. Jason and Damian were going to help in training and be back-up heroes when needed. (Bilal wore a miraculous once to help out. And that one time was weird enough to last him a lifetime and he was never doing it again.)
Sadly, all the magic users who were allies or part of the JL were busy with other missions or MIA so they couldn’t break Damian’s curse yet. Bruce didn’t see the problem with the curse so unless it causes major problems or someone is free to break it. They couldn’t go back to Gotham until they got the necessary things in order so it looks like they were going to be in Paris for a while.
The next morning, Tim was nowhere to be found. Because they were paranoid Batboys, they tracked his phone to see him at the Dupain-Cheng’s bakery with Marinette and a group of other people, having breakfast.
“There you are, Replacement.” Jason shouted as he entered the bakery, “So, this is where you were? I see you have already figured out who Ladybug is and met her.”
Marinette looked at Damian and Jason, then at Tim and back at them again.
She face-palmed as she connected the dots and realized what the nagging feeling she had around Tim was about.
“Oh my Kwamis, you are Tim Drake, adopted by Bruce Wayne aka Batman. Jason and Damian are your brothers. And judging by your build, you are Red Robin. I feel so stupid.”
Thankfully, there were no customers around yet to hear some of the world’s most important secrets being out.
“I am- We are not- Bruce isn’t- How?! How the hell did you find out? And you are Ladybug?!” Tim was floundering at Marinette’s words and the caffeine from his first coffee of the day hadn’t kicked in yet. He looked at her friends, who were looking at the Wayne boys with shocked expressions….and looked similar to the rest of the Miraculous Team.
The caffeine finally kicked in.
“Oh my God. I was talking to the entire Miraculous Team and I didn’t know it. That means Chloe Bourgeois is a hero. That bratty blonde I met as a child is a hero.”
“Speak for yourself, Timothy, my childhood friend is a hero too. I can’t believe we are all heroes.��� Chloe said in total disbelief.
Introductions and alter egos were exchanged.
Nearly everything went swimmingly if it weren’t for Chloe jokingly elbowed Marinette and said, “You get to date a hero too. No need to worry about flaking out on dates.”
“What do you mean dates? Dupain-Cheng and I aren’t dating.” Damian said, “My mother wanted us to marry each other, not date.”
“Mari, looks like you need some explaining to do.”
Marinette gave the short story on how she met Damian and Jason.
“So you guys are absolutely not dating? Cool. Tim, are you still open to being Mari-bug's fake boyfriend?” Chloe asked. Tim looked at her incredulously.
“You called me all the way here to fake-date your friend. Why? Not that I am complaining about her or anything.” “There is this boy in our class, Adrien Agreste and he has a little obsession with Marinette.” Chloe explained. “Romantic Soulmates.” Nathaniel chimed in, doing air-quotes.
“So I volunteered on your behalf to be my best friend’s long-distance boyfriend in America who has video-call dates with her once a week. You are going to have little romantic dates coincidently where our classmates are going to be, especially Adrien. It might put him off from pursuing Marinette for a while. After you leave, we are just to mention you every now and then to prevent him from getting any ideas.”
Damian felt a hot, burning sensation in his chest and clenched his jaw at the thought of Marin- Dupain-Cheng holding hands, cuddling and doing all those romantic actions with Drake of all people. (No, he wasn’t jealous. Not at all. Don’t be stupid. )
“Tch, Drake is going to be busy trying to find Hawkmoth. He can’t go around Paris, being Dupain-Cheng’s boyfriend. Besides, he can’t be a proper boyfriend even in his most lucid moments. I will be her boyfriend instead.”
Tag list: @alysrose-starchild, @buginetye, @lookatthestars1, @blackroserelina, @macncheesemonster, @mochinek0, @myazael, @tonicxworld, @thewitchwhowaited, @t1dwarrior-of-earth, @kissa-chan, @iwantasecretidentity, @theymakeupfairies, @user00000003, @woe-is-me0, @kashlyn, @mochegato,@moonlightstar64 , @greatcatblaze, @moongoddesskiana, @tazanna-blythe. @tonicxworld, @toodaloo-kangaroo, @frieddonutsweets, @local-witch-of-mn, @lady-bee-fechin, @iglowinggemma28, @indecisive-mess-named-me, @k-tea-and-coffee, @jayjayspixiepop, @all-mights-asscheeks, @idk-j-go-with-it , @loysydark, @thenillabean, @lolieg, @zalladane, @silvergold-swirl, @henie04, @blueblossombliss, @khneltea, @mochegato, @itsmeevie01, @roguishredaxion, @alyssadeliv, @steph-hearthlight, @adrestar, @eliza-bich, @abrx2002, @hikari55ttva, @doglover82, @daminette5074
(PART 6)
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americasmarauders · 3 years
What about ....
“i’m not worthy of anybody’s love.” “that’s not true, you’re worthy of mine.” followed by the lover breaking eye-contact… + a love confession
Followed with tentative kisses in the dark
With Jason Todd x reader ❤❤❤❤❤
Lots of love xoxo
did this get completly out of hand? yes, yes it did. It was supposed to be short and sweet, but suddenly I had 12 pages of angst ready to make their way into the world. 
I’m so sorry it took so long, elle, life got in my way, but now you have like, 6k+ words to make up for it. I really hope you like it.
warnings: completly unedited, sorry for the typos :))
words: 6,856
masterlist #
Aged 14, sometime in September.
Mason Anderson was the biggest dick she had ever met. He was petty and jealous and he picked on her just because. She just wanted peace, quietly resolving  the homework she had spent an entire week working on. The library was empty, safe for a couple of other students when he barged in and robbed her of her papers. 
He claimed he needed it more than her, he was the one almost flunking out of the class. She demanded her homework back, but he ran towards the boy’s bathroom with her work. It wasn’t the first time that sullen feeling of despair had been planted on her by Mason Anderson, it still didn’t make it any easier. 
She sat in front of the boys bathroom, hugging her knees in an attempt to find comfort. She kept thinking that she could do it again, she had done it once, theoretically it would be faster to do it a second time. Light footsteps echoed through the hall, her eyes found their way to the source of the noise. 
Jason Todd was a tiny kid with a big brain and an even bigger heart. He had helped her with English more times than she cared to admit. Sometimes she would see him walking towards the alley near the Academy, holding an extra package of chips to the little kid that stayed there sometimes. She liked Jason Todd, considering him the only alley she had inside the cold walls of the Gotham Academy. 
��What’re you doing here?” he asked, delicately, sitting beside her. “I thought you were gonna finish Statam’s paper today.”
“Mason Anderson stole it,” her eyes were cast downwards, looking at the seams of the floor with an almost inhuman interest. “He wanted to copy it, and I wouldn’t let him so he decided to flush down the toilet instead.”
“I’m sorry,” he muttered to her, sitting next to her on the floor. 
“It’s okay,” she shook her head, stretching her legs in front of her. “I just,” she sighed, trying to find the words, “I spent one week working on that, and I really needed the grade, you know? But he just didn’t care, he just thought of himself.”
Jason looked at her, softly. His eyes held a certain fire behind them, something she could never really describe what it was. It was entrancing, it calmed the pace of her heart.  He didn’t say anything before getting up and marching towards the boys bathroom. 
She didn’t hear anything going on inside, her mind imagining all sorts of scenarios where Jason would emerge from the bathroom beaten and defeated, Mason walking out completely victorious, with a shiny top grade Literature paper in hand. Her blood boiled at the image, more so than it did before. She got up from the ground, determined to help Jason win the fight, even if her papers were already down the plumbing. 
But the door flung open, her friend walking out calmly, clutching her homework delicately. He offered her a smile, and as the door closed behind Jason she could see Mason on the ground gripping his nose in pain. 
“Here,” the papers were completely dry to the touch, her confusion deepening. “He was copyin’ it.”
“I can’t believe you got this back,” she whispered, shaking her head in disbelief. “I thought… I thought I'd have to redo it.”
“Nah,” he smiled shyly, “I would’ve helped ya.”
“I can’t really depend on you for everything, Jason,” she replied politely. “It’s not fair.”
“I got your back,” he affirmed, “ya don’t need to worry.”
And it meant the world to her that he did. 
Aged 16, October 12th. 
Jason Todd and her became friends after the Mason Anderson incident. She didn’t know what Jason had said to him, what had he done, all she knew was that Mason never bothered her again after that. 
It was the night of her 16th birthday. It was late, probably past 3 in the morning when Jason carefully landed on the fire escape that led to her bedroom. He carefully carried a small box, wrapped neatly with a blue bow. He had chosen the gift lovingly, his heart warm with her. Jason hadn’t expected her to be such an integral part of his life, but just as quietly as she arrived, she placed herself in his heart permanently. She was his friend, true friend, she didn’t expect anything other than his company and support, something he was glad to provide. 
His knuckles lightly grazed her window, making the softest noise.  Her shades were partially open, he could see her body lying comfortably on her bed. She moved slightly, her body turning towards the window. Her hands rubbed her eyes delicately, seeing Jason smile awkwardly at her. She got up and dragged her feet towards him, opening her window to him. 
“What’re you doing here?” her voice was slurred, intoxicated with sleep. 
“You know, you should really lock your windows,” he commented, “Gotham’s a dangerous city.”
“Jay,” she warned, “what’re you doing here? It’s…”she searched for her clock, “fuck, 3 in the morning.”
“It’s your birthday,” he responded clearly, as if it was the most obvious reason why he was on her fire escape, on a cold October night only wearing a light jacket.
She blinked at his blunt response, confused on what to say to him. “You’ll see me tomorrow, Jay, I don’t understand why’d you come all this way just to see me.”
“Because it’s you,” he shrugged, stepping into her bedroom silently. “You really thought I wouldn’t see you on your birthday?”
“I don’t know,” she whispered, looking down at her feet. A soft breeze came in through the window sending shivers down her spine. Jason closed the window for her and she sent a silent thank you towards his way. “I thought you wouldn’t bother.”
“Well,” he extended the little box to her. Her fingers brushed on his softly, a shock sent on his skin at the touch, “I couldn’t not see you.”
Her hands hugged the box carefully, hesitant on what to do with what was given to her. “Open it,” he urged her. 
She eyed him suspiciously, undoing carefully the blue bow that decorated the gift. Opening the box, a tiny robin pendant next to two tiny stones pendants, an opal and an onyx: her birthstone and his. “Wow,” she breathed out, her heart racing inside her chest. Suddenly, she didn’t feel sleepy anymore. “Jason, this is… You didn’t have to.”
“Of course I had,” he stated, his eyes soft and loving, lingering on her more than they should. “You mean a lot to me, darling.”
Her eyes glinted underneath the pale moonlight streaming through the half closed curtains of her room. Jason’s breath hitched quietly at the sight of her, disheveled and sleepy and yet the most perfect person to grace his life. She was at a loss for words for a few moments, opening and closing her mouth, not knowing how to react. Her eyes trailed frenetically over the pendants, trying to find meaning in those.
“Why a robin?” the inquiry startled Jason. He wasn’t expecting to explain himself, much less explain why he had given her a robin pendant. She had no clue what he did when the night fell, who Bruce actually was and he intended to keep her in the dark about that aspect of his life. She didn’t need to know anyway, and telling her would only put her in danger. That was what Bruce made her believe. 
“It reminded me of you,” he answered, simply, his eyes fixated on her angelic face. 
It wasn’t untrue. Robins were friendly and protected over, birds that should never be harmed. Jason made sure of that, he had her back, always, and he knew she had his. But mostly, he wanted her to have a piece of him everywhere she went. If something were to happen, he wanted to guarantee he wouldn’t be a footnote in her life. What a magnificent life that would be, he knew.
Her eyes ran on his face, looking for a hint that he wasn’t sincere, that he was just messing with her. The thought was more heartbreaking than she anticipated. She found nothing malicious in his face, in his eyes, and smiled back at him. “Thank you, Jay,” she kissed his cheek delicately, her lips barely brushing his skin. It was enough to send both of them into a frenzy of feelings, a thousand thoughts running through their heads. 
“Here,” he extended his hands, his eyes clear and full of emotion for her, “I’ll put it on for you.”
She handed him the box, turning around so he could clasp the hook of the necklace. Jason was considerably smaller than her - she guessed it was because of the years of malnutrition he endured when he lived on the streets - so she sat on her bed to meet his height. His fingers brushed slightly at the back of her neck, sending goosebumps on her body.
It was when she turned to look at him again that she realized that maybe Jason wasn’t just a friend to her. Maybe the interest she had in Jason, or how her heart raced when she saw him for the first time in the day weren’t because he was her friend. Maybe it was because she had decided to love him with all her soul. 
Aged 16, April 28th.
It was ironic how sunny it was in Gotham that day. It was like nothing had happened, the world hadn’t gotten the memo that it was supposed to be gloomy and sad outside, to match the pain she felt inside. 
On the deep green grass of Gotham cemetery, stood her and Jason’s family, listening to a priest preach something meaningless to her. Nothing mattered to her anymore, her friend, best friend, was buried deep into the earth, 6 feet under. She would never get to see him again, hear his laugh, take in his smile. She would never have another birthday with him, give him his favorite books, tell him she loved him. Her eyes were fixed on the fresh dirt lain over his shiny coffin, her hand fidgeting on the robin pendant Jason had gifted mer  months before. It wasn’t an open casket, she couldn’t even see him for the last time. 
The call was the most confusing moment she had ever gone through. He didn't even tell her he was going after his mom. He didn’t even get to explain that to her. Jason just burst through her window late at night, saying he was leaving Gotham for a few weeks, anger seeping through his pores and contaminating the room. His knuckles were badly bruised, as her fingertips lightly brushed he hissed. She didn’t question him, it didn’t even go through her head. He had said he wanted to find a part of him, and she nodded, wishing him luck. 
Looking back, she wished she had begged him to stay, to find that part of him in Gotham, with her away from the perils of foreign bombs. Tears sprouted in her eyes as the thought passed through her head. It wasn’t her fault, she couldn’t predict a tragedy would have happened. It had become a mantra to her, and sometimes repeating it to herself didn’t help at all.
Bruce Wayne stood next to her, stoic, his face stony. It almost didn’t look like he had lost a son. But she saw how his jaw tensed, how it was similar to when Jason was upset and didn’t want to tell her about it. She could see how broken he was inside, how angry and desperate. She felt that too. 
The priest stopped talking and the four people standing on that lawn let out a stuck breath of relief. Jason’s brother approached his Father, walking away from her. She stared at the stone, cold like Jason’s body, with the engrave ‘Jason Todd, beloved son and friend’. It didn’t make justice to what Jason actually was, he was much more than just a son and a friend, but it was what they used to describe him. If Jason had decided what his epitaph would be, surely would be a dramatic quote from Shakespeare. 
Her name was called out in a posh british accent and she turned toward the person. What she saw was an older gentleman, holding a black umbrella to protect his baldness from the sun. A thin mustache hung over his upper lip, molded into a sad frown. “I’m Alfred Pennyworth. Master Jason talked a lot about you,” he commented with his left hand behind his back.
“All good things, I hope?” she joked quietly, her eyes trailed to her black shoes, wet grass glued to the sides of it. 
“The best things, I assure,” his voice was firm and calm, his accent oozed her security, something she was eager to cling on. He reached for the inner pocket of his blazer, pulling a crisp white card. She furrowed her eyebrows, accepting the card. On it, it had Alfred’s name, his profession underneath and a phone number. “If you ever find yourself needing anything, I’ll be happy to help.”
She nodded, her thumb lightly brushing the expensive paper on her hand. “Thank you Mister Pennyworth,” her eyes found the old man, the wrinkles around it making his stern stance seem gentler. “Thank you.”
“Would you like to come over for some tea?” he offered. “I’m sure Master Bruce wouldn’t mind having his son’s friend over.”
She wanted to, a force inside her compelled her to accept his offer. But her heart was broken, and she didn’t know if she was ready to enter what used to be Jason’s home so fast after he was buried. At the same time, maybe she didn’t have the nerve to say no to such a kind person. “I--,” she hesitated, “okay, I’ll have some tea.”
Aged 18, mid-August.
“I don’t know what to do, Alfred,” her hands fiddling with the necklace Jason had given her long ago. “It feels like I’m at a crossroads and every sign points to the direction my heart doesn’t want to go.”
The old butler poured her mint tea - her favorite, as he had learned over the weekly visits she paid him - calmly and firmly as she ranted. “What is holding you back?”
She looked at Alfred, her eyes confused at the question. She hadn’t lingered on the fact of why she didn’t want to accept the scholarship on Metropolis. Her brain told her it was only logical, she would miss her parents, her weekly meeting with Alfred, her hometown. But Alfred was always one step ahead, he had a sixth sense as she had come to learn. “You know,” she replied softly, her eyes lingering on the beautiful teacup in front of her. 
He said her name, getting her attention. “Master Jason isn’t here anymore,” he stated simply, laying cookies on her plate, “you don’t have to stay behind for him.”
“I know,” she picked up the spoon and twirled it between her fingers. “But,” she hesitated, not knowing how to phrase her feelings, “Alfred, I can’t even think of it. I can’t wrap my brain around leaving him.”
“You are not leaving him,” his voice was calm and gentle, softening her panic. “You are moving on.”
She shook her head, her eyes shut close tightly. “It doesn’t feel like it,” she whispered, “I feel like I’m meant to be here, Alfred. I can’t really explain it.”
“Well, if you do decide to stay in Gotham, I hope we can continue our weekly teas,” Alfred said, a tone of hope in his voice. 
She smiled at him, her eyes filled with kindness. “If I do decide to stay, I’d love to keep our weekly teas,” her smile stayed as she uttered the words. “I appreciate our time together, Alfred.”
“I’m honored,” he said to her, bringing the teacup to his lips.
Heavy footsteps sounded behind her and she turned around to see who it was. Turning around, her hand bringing the teacup to her lips, she saw a disheveled Bruce Wayne walking towards her. His eyes were barely opened, prominent bags under his eyes cast a shadow on his features. His tie hung untied on his neck, his shirt over his pants, the sleeves folded up to his elbows. It was a stark contrast from the Bruce Wayne she had seen at Jason's funeral, two years back, the one she saw frequently splattered on the news front pages.  
“Oh,” he stopped on his tracks, his hands falling limply to his sides. His jaw tensed and, suddenly, a mask fell on his face, the vulnerability he displayed a few seconds before gone. He wasn’t anymore Bruce, a guy who had just woken up and wanted something from the kitchen of his oversized home, he was the Bruce Wayne, now. The velocity of the transformation haunted her. “I didn’t realize we had visitors.”
She rested the teacup pack on the counter, and got up from the stool. “I’m so sorry Mr. Wayne,” she muttered, extending her hand, introducing herself. “I am, was, Jason’s friend.”
“Yes, yes,” he nodded, “I remember you.”
Alfred looked pointenly at Bruce as pulled a mug from a cabinet. He poured coffee for himself, and leaned against the counter next to Alfred. She stood there next to her stool, paralyzed in his presence. Everytime she was present in Wayne Manor, Bruce was either too busy to ever grace them with his presence, or away on some business trip she never bothered to ask what for. “We have weekly teas, Master Bruce,” Alfred said, his tone laced with something deeper than announcing their weekly traditions. 
Bruce’s jaw tightened somehow and his blue eyes rested on her. Her eyes drifted to her teacup, her tea getting cold. She was itching to grab it and drink it, but she felt uncomfortable even moving a inch from her place, much less feeling the liberty to resume her previous behavior. “Really?” his eyebrows shot up, his head tilting slightly. “Please, seat, pretend I’m not here.”
She hesitated before sitting back down. Her hands hugged her teacup, the warmth of it seeping through her skin. It was hard to pretend he was not there next to her, looking at her with judging eyes. She wondered if he remembered her from the funeral, if he had thought of her when he was thinking of Jason’s legacy, what his son had left behind. Her eyes looked up at Bruce before quickly darting back down to her tea, “Yeah, I don’t really wanna go to Metropolis,” she whispered, resuming her previous conversation with Alfred. The air in the kitchen was tense and awkward, she couldn’t look any of them men in the room in the eyes. 
“I’m certain Gotham U will admit you,” Alfred reassured her, “You’re a brilliant person, they’d be fools to let you go.”
“Thank you, Alfred,” her eyes were focused on the tea, like it was the most important thing in that kitchen. “They usually don’t take this long to send the letters, it’s making me nervous.”
“Gotham U, huh?” Bruce chipped in. “What’s your major?”
She looked expantly at Alfred, trying to see if he knew any of Bruce’s intentions. But she often forgot how impassive Alfred was, how in control of his emotions he was, something she lacked. He didn’t show her anything, she assumed he knew of something, like usually. “Applied physics,” she responded, quietly. 
“Wow,” Bruce breathed out, “impressive.”
She offered him an awkward smile in return. It was hard to find a response to the reaction of others when they became aware of her major. It was highly uncommon, and usually those who followed that path were men. When people discovered what she wanted to do with her life, they almost always reacted like they had found an unicorn.
“Well, when you do graduate, look for me, I can help you get a job,” Bruce politely offered, his tone kind. She looked up at him for the first time, his expression almost fatherly. 
“Thank you Mr. Wayne, that’s very kind of you,” she bored her head, looking down at her tea once again. 
His phone rang, and he picked it up from his pocket. Her eyes trailed over to his expression, his jaw once again tense. “You’re welcome,” he replied, feigning happiness and comfort. “If you’ll excuse me,” he left the kitchen in broad steps, his shoulders tense and determined. 
That was the first time she came to the conclusion that Bruce Wayne was a strange man. 
Aged 22, end of May.
College was an excruciating experience, but finally she had left it all behind. With her diploma in hands, she finally felt a small semblance of freedom, something she had longed when isinde the four walls of her old dorm in Gotham U. 
She stepped into the ground floor of Wayne towers, her shoes clicking nervously on the floor. She had made sure to dress properly to meet Bruce Wayne, unsure of what he’d think if she showed up dressed like a broke college student, something that she very much was. It was the mentality of fake it till you make it, aim a bit higher and maybe you’ll get there. She desperately wished she’d get there.
One of the receptionists let her in, indicating the floor in which she should go to. Her hands sweat gripping the folder with her recommendations and her resume, she gulped looking at the elevator intently. Her free hand found its way to the tiny robin gently resting on her neck. She wished Jason was there to help her, give her tips on what to say to his Father to make him glad, and what to avoid doing so that he’d hire her. She could imagine him if she closed her eyes, next to her, barely taller than her, smiling at her wishing her good luck. The elevator dinged, bringing her back to reality. Jason wasn’t next to her, and she didn’t have anyone to give her tips on what to say to her potential boss. She was alone, just like she had been for six long years. 
In spite of the hundred floors of the building - quite literally - the elevator ride was fast. When the doors opened, it revealed a small greeting room, with a couple of couches and a tall window illuminating it. She eyed directly in front of her, the double doors with a tiny plaque with the name Bruce Wayne engraved on it. Her eyes lingered on it for a couple of moments, as she walked towards the lonesome couch next to the big window. She took a deep breath, trying to calm the beating heart. She wondered if Bruce was already inside the room, if he remembered what he had offered to her all those years ago, or if he had just been polite and did not plan on following with it at all. 
After that strange meeting with him four years back, she had barely seen him again. A couple of times she had seen a shadow passing through the corridors while she was heading out of the Manor, someone she assumed for the sake of her mental health it was Bruce Wayne and not a ghost. The notion that he was a strange man only intensified, adding the perception that he was hiding something. She knew he was a good actor, but she could see tiny cracks and slips, an ability gained from years of loneliness. It was hard to say what it was that he was keeping a secret from everyone, but there was something there. 
Her name was called and she saw Bruce Wayne standing underneath the frame of the double doors that lead to his office. She got up promptly and walked towards him, her grip on her folder tight. His hand was extended and she shook it professionally, pretending like she wasn’t panicking inside. 
“I have someone I’d like for you to meet,” he stated, guiding her inside his office. The office was probably four times bigger than the small room she had stayed previously, the large windows providing a beautiful view from Gotham. You could almost pretend it was a normal city looking out from that window. “This,”  he motioned to the man sitting on a cozy nook in the back of the room, “is Lucius Fox.”
The man was big and well built, his round glasses standing on the tip of his nose. He smiled at her, crinkles forming beside his eyes. His hand found his glasses, taking them off and putting them in his pocket. “Nice to meet you, Miss. mr. Wayne has talked a lot about you,” he stated, his hand extended for her to take it. 
She looked back at Bruce, confused. After all, he remembered her and he remembered his offer. She turned back to Lucius and shook his hand, a determined expression on her face. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Fox.”
“Lucius Fox is the head of our R&D department, and has agreed to take you as his personal apprentice,” Bruce explained. 
Shock overcame her, her eyes wide. She looked between Lucius’ kind smile and Bruce’s stoic stance, unable to believe the opportunity was real. “Really?” she uttered incredulously. 
“I have some personal projects and I’d very much need the help,” Lucius explained, calmly. “Mr. Wayne has talked highly of you, I’m eager to see what you’re capable of doing.”
“I--,” she shook her head, trying to get rid of the hesitation, “thank you, sir.”
“You’re welcome,” Bruce responded, a small smile gracing his lips. “I’m sure you’ll do great.”
Aged 24, April 26th.
The humid air of the cave made sweat drip down her face as she tinkered away with a broken gadget she had designed for Bruce’s night time activities, as she had so dearly called it. 
It was a new development, the cave and the capes and the vigilantism. The two years she invested working with Lucius all served a greater purpose to Bruce. She was to be the next Lucius Fox, help provide Batman, or rather Bruce - in her head it was still confusing to assume that the guy who had given her a job was the ‘Dark Knight’ - with gadgets capable of doing everything that his physical capabilities couldn’t. Lucius was old and reaching retirement, and even if he loved his job, he was reaching his limit. She was beyond grateful for his guidance, she had learned so much. But he had left her a fucking weird job. There was no other way to describe it. 
The cave was quiet, Bruce had left sometime before, she could only hear Alfred quietly talking to Bruce through the comms and the drip-drip of water falling from the ceiling and hitting the small lake underneath her. She had settled in a little abandoned nook, her tools all scattered on top of her table. She rested the screw driver she was working with on the table, lifting the magnifying lens. She rubbed her face, tired of looking towards the tiny malfunctioning screen.
Her hands remained on her face, concealing her emotions. The robin pendant always felt especially heavy on the 26th of April. It had been 8 years since she had seen Jason, and as pathetic as it sounded, she never really got over the loss of him. They always felt particularly lost, she couldn’t focus on anything other than him, running circles around any problem presented to her. Looking at the gadget, it felt nearly impossible to find a solution to it, her mind foggy with sadness and grief that she could never really shake off, even with years between her and the day he had died. 
The knowledge that Bruce kept everything as Jason had left, and even made a little homage to his Robin days in a secret corner of the cave, hidden from view, was heavy in her heart. She struggled to keep her eyes trailed to her task and not at the memory of Jason. She took a sharp breath, trying desperately to sew herself together. It was truly pathetic how much it still affected her, how open the wound still was. 
A sharp motor sound echoed through the walls of the cave, disturbing the few bats that hung from the ceiling. A guy built like a fucking brick wall parked his bike on the platform, taking long strides towards where Alfred stood. He adorned a cracked red helmet that glistened in the white lights that illuminated the pathway. His heavy footsteps echoed through, her eyes unable to escape from him. She approached silently, praying that that loose panel near the little stairs that lead to the main computer wouldn’t scratch underneath her weight. 
“Where the fuck is Bruce?” he growled, his hands balled into fists next to him. His leather jacket was worn and old, its sleeves bunched up near his elbow, exposing his veiny forearms. The cracked part of the helmet revealed his blue eyes, sparkling in a familiar way. It tugged her heartstrings, her hand instinctively went to her robin. It couldn’t be, Jason was dead. 
“He’s on patrol, Master Jason,” Alfred said calmly, his eyes trailed to the screens in front of him. Alfred acted like this man’s fits of anger were completely normal. 
Her brain repeated that it wasn’t Jason, it was a mere coincidence that this man’s name was the same as her dead best friend’s. Jason was a tiny and scrawny kid, he wasn’t tall and thick like this man. Jason wasn’t bitter and prone to anger fits, even if he was angry most of the time. He was silent and kind and sweet, this man looked to be the opposite of it. 
“He promised, Alfred, where is he?” he growled, his fist slamming on the table. “He fucking promised.”
“I’m sure he’ll arrive soon, if you’d like to wait,” Alfred motioned to the medical bay, the gurney sitting there on its lonesome. The man huffed, marching to the gurney, otherwise ignoring her presence a few feet away. 
She approached Alfred quietly. “Who was that?” her voice laced with curiosity and fear. 
Alfred looked at her serenely, knowing something she didn’t. He smiled at her, teh crinkles around his eyes appearing generously. “Why don’t you find out?,” he responded to her camly. 
She took it as an order, and made her way towards the small infirmary area. Her footsteps were light and determined, her hand clutching the robbing resting on her chest tightly. Her brain ran over scenarios on how likely it was that this person had almost every physical attribute to her best friend Jason, if he had taken steroids for the past 8 years. It wasn’t likely, but in light of her new knowledge, of how close the supernatural was to her, it was very much possible. 
“Do you want me to take a look?” she asked quietly, shifting the weight from her heels to the tips of her toes. She felt so small in his presence, something she didn’t feel with Bruce, oddly. Maybe it was because Bruce didn’t give off such menacing vibes when he was near her, or maybe it was because her brain was unconsciously comparing this man to her Jason, who had always been smaller than her. “At the helmet, I mean.”
He eyed her surgically, analyzing everything about her. His eyes rested on her pendants, widening slightly in recognition. It took almost everything in her to control her beating heart, to control her brain trying to say that in fact that man before her was her Jason, and it wasn’t her brain playing tricks on her. 
He gently took his helmet off, revealing his crisp black hair cooly laying on his forehead. His eyes focused on the helmet, his arms extended to give it to her gently. Her eyes would leave his face, a face she had longed to see for eight excruciatingly long years. His eyes had remained the same, after all: kind and sweet. His face, however, told a story of hardships and pain, hardened by whatever he had been through all these years. She didn’t know how to feel, if she should feel betrayed he hadn't trusted her enough to say that he was alive, that he was six feet under anymore, or if she should feel elated that Jason was alive and she could finally tell him all the things she wanted to.
Her fingers brushed him slightly, as she picked up the broken helmet from his hands. His hands still felt the same, her heart noticed, picking up a beat. She looked at the crack that exposed half of his face, the electrical parts fizzling dangerously. Her eyes focused on Jason once again, her lips shut painfully. The tears that came to her eyes were inevitable, trembling fingers reaching at her robin pendant, clutching it tightly. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered.
“Don’t,” he shook his head gently, “it’s not your fault.”
She could see he wanted to touch her, but something held him back. She wouldn’t find out what until much later.  
Aged 24, August 16th. 
Jason had promised her he would show up, and he never broke his promises. That was what she repeated to herself, late at night. She had prepared everything for his birthday, bought a present for him and baked a cake. She had said that he was supposed to appear at seven. It was well past midnight, the cake had found its way back to the fridge, the present was back in her closet, and he hadn’t showed up yet. 
A part of her kept telling her to give up, her best friend had stood her up: Jason changed fundamentally, he wasn’t the same boy he was when she met him and it was foolish to hang on to that notion; it was perfectly plausible that he had the habit of breaking promises now.  But she was well aware of that, she saw it in the tiny things how much Jason was transformed, it still didn’t change the fact that she knew he valued loyalty above all else, and that included loyalty to his words. He wouldn’t break his promise to her. 
She changed out of the cute dress she was wearing, feeling foolish and sad that she was about to give up most of the hope that he would show up. Her pyjamas welcomed her comfortably, a safe space to let the heartbreak settle on her. He won’t break his promise, she repeated mentally, he won’t. The mantra did little to soothe the growing dread inside her, the notion that maybe she didn’t know him as well as she did. That he didn’t tell her everything that day, that he didn’t trust her anymore. It hurt more than she anticipated. 
Sleep was almost consuming her when she heard a loud clang outside her bedroom. She shook awake, throwing the covers off her instinctively. Her hand grabbed the baseball bat that rested beside her bed, bringing it up and close to her. With slow steps, she approached the window. Her fear settled when she saw the familiar red helmet staring back at her, begging to let him in. She dropped the bat on the floor, opening the window. 
He got in her room awkwardly, struggling to pass his huge frame through a tiny space. She reached to help him, offering her hands. He took them, butterflies running amok on her tummy. “You’re late,” she commented, trying to mask the hurt in her voice. 
“I know,” he said, taking off his helmet and dropping it on top of her bed. “I’m sorry.”
She hummed looking at him underneath the moonlight seeping through her window. She hadn’t gotten used to how big he became, and how smaller she felt in his presence. She was by no means a small woman, but his entire being could encapsulate her with a simple hug, and not the other way around like it used to be. “Why are you late?” she moved to sit on the bed, the helmet rolling off the bed delicately. 
He looked at her, sitting down next to her gently. “I don’t know,” he answered, rubbing his hands together, his elbows resting on his thighs. 
“Why do I feel like you’re not being honest with me?” her head tilted, looking at his beautiful profile. There was a scar connecting his right temple to the corner of his upper lip, and it made him even more beautiful than he already was. He fascinated her to no end, his brain, his looks, his entire being was what made her keep going, the light on the end of her tunnel. 
His eyes trailed over her face, looking for something she guessed he wouldn’t find. “Why are you always so nice to me?”
“What do you mean, Jason,” she breathed out, confused at the inquiry. “I’m your friend, I’m supposed to be nice to you.”
“No, you’re not,” he shook his head, his hands balled into fists and his eyes closed. “You’re not supposed to be kind to me,” he got up, his back towards her.
“Stop it, Jason, you’re scaring me,” she whispered, her voice shaking a bit. 
“You’re supposed to be angry at me. I abandoned you, left you alone, and when I came back I didn’t tell you, I didn’t look for you,” he continued, trying to manipulate her emotions.
“Why are you saying these things, Jason, they’re not true,” she got up, her voice no longer shaking, determined and focused. 
“Because I don’t deserve it,” he turned to her, his eyes tortured and sad. “I don’t deserve your kindness and friendship. I’m not worthy of it.”
“Jay, I--” she started, but Jason interrupted her. 
“Don’t, please. I’m not worthy of anyone’s love,” his voice was heavy with emotion. She discovered that Jason was often ruled by two main emotions: sadness and anger. In that moment, she could only see those in him and a part of her broke.
“That’s not true, you’re worthy of mine,” her voice was so honest and raw, it caught Jason by surprise. She didn’t know what he expected out of her at that moment, maybe to give in to his spiral of bad thoughts and self flagellation, but she refused to let him believe those awful things. “Jason, you really don't know?”
He remained in silence, his eyes wide and shocked, focused on the ground. His jaw was tense and his hands balled into fists tightly. She took a hesitant step towards him, reaching for his hands. They relaxed under her touch and she threaded her fingers through his. It wasn’t hard to notice how perfectly they fit with each other, like to halves of a whole. “I’ve loved you ever since I was 14 and you marched into the boys bathroom to get my lit homework back from Mason Anderson,” she whispered, her eyes focused on his face, while his were focused on their hands together. “I’m sorry I didn’t say it before, I’m so sorry it took me so long to say it, Jay. But I can’t let you believe all those horrible things you said. Not when I love you more than anything in this world.”
He stayed silent for a couple of moments, her heart beating erratically inside her chest, fearing she had screwed up their friendship for good. In a way, it was worst to know he was out there and didn't want to speak to her because she dared to tell him about her love for him. “Please say something,” she begged him quietly. 
His eyes finally found hers, his hands breaking the link they formed. He rested his hands on her cheeks gently, and she dared say, lovingly. Her heart started beating excitedly, the fear slowly dissipating as his gaze got more intense. 
His lips brushed against hers, her eyes fluttering closed at the contact. He kissed her gently, a love delicate and fragile, just acknowledged between them both. His grip on her was firm, his thumb grazing delicately on her cheekbones. Her hands thread through his soft hair, still slightly humid from the sweat caused by the helmet. The air was charged with want, tentative kiss toeing the line between what it was and something more. 
She wished to stay like that forever. She prayed to  whatever was out there in the Universe, to allow her that happiness. To stay kissing her love tentatively in the dark for as long as she could, as long as he’d let her. 
Jason broke the kiss, his forehead resting on hers. His fingers found their way to the back of her head, cupping it softly. “I love you,” he whispered, his lips almost brushing with hers. She reached for his lips once again, like a magnet finding its match. “I love you so much,” he reassured.
They kissed once again, not intending to break apart any time soon. 
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myvividreams · 4 years
[Maribat] Hamilton the Musical AU
When @fsketchart​ started screaming about a Hamilton AU in the discord server, I screamed back with a Hamilton the Musical AU and now it’s a thing. Feel free to scream back to me about it!
First of all, yes, this is Jasonette
At the start of this AU, Jason is two years older than Mari, recovering from Pit Madness, reconciling with the Batfam, attending therapy with the rest of the fam, and recently declared legally alive.
When Jason’s therapist tells him he has to find more hobbies outside of hero-ing, some genii in the batfam decided to ‘help’ by arranging the entire production of a play since, you know, Jason in this AU is very much a thespian in addition to being a literature nerd. Alfred is very proud
Said play is Hamilton the Musical. It’s a charity production funded by the Martha Wayne Foundation, and all proceeds will go towards fixing up and providing aid to the residents of Park Row (which is half of what sold Jason on the plan).
Mari, having just finished her second year of college, is brought in by Tim as MDC to design and create the stage costumes.
On her way to the theater for her first meeting with the cast and crew of the play, Mari is caught in a villain attack---a minor one, as far as Gotham is concerned---that is resolved without needing any sort of intervention from her. It’s Red Robin and Red Hood who resolve it (since Tim and Jason were nearby and on their way to the same meeting as Mari).
Mari negotiated for a workroom in the theater so that she doesn’t have to keep lugging costume parts and cloth around. One night, she stays in a little late and Jason catches her singing to the Hamilton soundtrack while working. He asks her if she’d help him practice. She agrees.
It’s dark out though, and Mari still has to head home. Jason offers to walk her home bc Gotham is dangerous. She agrees. Which is a good thing because they’re held up by some thugs. When they attack, Jason takes down most of them only to turn and find that Mari is a BAMF who took down two of them herself. He’s impressed.
One of the batkids catch them practicing and snitch on them to Alfred who tells Jason to invite Mari over for dinner.
Mari helps Jason practice for a bit and then ropes the other batkids into helping him. Dick has video evidence of Jasonette practicing which he accidentally on purpose posts online. Social media goes wild.
Who is this girl with the second Wayne son?? They’re so cute??
By the way, the Justice League isn’t a thing yet in this AU. For a future JL meets the Batfam trope! (Plus Mari)
A few weeks into rehearsals, Eliza’s actress calls in sick after an encounter with Scarecrow, and Mari is roped into playing Eliza’s part for the day. Mari’s good at it, to the cast’s surprise, and the chemistry between Mari and Jason is great. Mari ends up being cast as Eliza’s understudy.
Meanwhile, Damian is forced into being the Burr understudy after he and Titus repeatedly disrupted rehearsals and destroyed stage props they were still making. Bruce (aka Alfred) hopes it will teach him to appreciate the work the cast and crew are doing.
Damian needs a lot of help. So Mari pitches in and then ropes Jason in, and then they both rope in the rest of the batfam one by one. Soon Mari is visiting the manor regularly to help them practice.
It starts with Steph. She volunteers to play Philip for the chance to play dead and dying again.
They’re singing Stay Alive (reprise) when Bruce walks in wondering what’s happening. Is someone hurt?? Was there an attack he doesn’t know about?? He spies them in the middle of the living room with Stephon the coffee table while Mari and Jason are sobbing over her dramatically.  He walks out. He’s done.
At some point, they convince Bruce to do Washington’s parts and are blown away. Washington’s lines resonate a little too well with the batfam, and it makes things awkward for a while. These emotionally constipated bois
Dick is King George. He relishes the opportunity to trash talk Bruce. Jason is annoyed he can’t join him and breaks character one time to gang up on Bruce
Imagine Dick singing da-dadada-DADAAA while swinging on the chandeliers
Tim sings/raps Jefferson’s parts. What Did I Miss and the Cabinet Battles are amazing to watch. Except Jason and Tim are uber competitive, and they make additional (historically accurate!) rap lines to keep the cabinet battles going.
Cass is still mostly non-verbal, so she helps out by handing the others props or figuring out a way to add special effects (like using a flashlight as a spotlight). She also signals if the acting of the Actual Actors in the batfam is accurate/passable or not.
...Cass is also The Bullet. It’s a very respectable role, what are you talking about!
The family therapist starts wondering why the batfam’s progress suddenly jumped. It’s because they’re working through their issues vicariously through the characters in Hamilton
Dick, Steph, and Tim post videos of the fam and Mari practicing on social media. They start trending.
They also coo over Jasonette singing It’s Quiet Uptown while walking through the manor gardens, dancing on the dining table, and basically serenading each other with broadway songs all around the house. And Gotham.
They have video evidence.
(The production crew create a blooper reel of all their cast and crew’s shenanigans which they later sell on DVDs as part of the charity. Batfam and Mari take up 80% of all the bloopers on the DVD)
After social media realizes that most of the batfam aren’t in fact part of the charity show cast, people start a petition for a show with all the Waynes acting in it.
They cut it too close to the dates of the charity show for it to be possible, but their therapist mentioned to Alfred once that having the family work on a fun (non-violent) project/activity together would be good for them.
So, Alfred convinced Bruce and mentioned it to Mari who convinced Jason who helped convince the rest of the fam, and they agree to hold a concert ala the 25th Anniversary Les Mis concert in place of the final show they had initially planned. Tickets sold out in the first hour.
Damian, seeing the petition’s success, creates his own petition---for Alfred the Cat to be part of the production. Everyone votes for it.
The director tries to talk him out of it but Damian is a stubborn brat. The director finally puts his foot down and says he’ll allow it but only for the concert with the rest of the batfam. Damian agrees.
The director approaches Mari for help in mitigating the “damage” by making the cat a costume. Just in case.
(She does, and it works for about half the song before someone notices that baby Theodosia is strangely mobile. Then the baby meows, Damian coos at it during the instrumental, and the audience slowly catches onto the fact that baby Theodosia is actually a cat.)
(Alfred the Cat goes viral.)
The charity shows go live on the weekend of Jason’s birthday. Opening night is Aug 14, then they have two shows each day on the weekend. The main actor for Burr and Eliza step down on Aug 16, Jason’s birthday, to give Mari and Dami the chance to perform---and so that Jasonette can act together.
They get a standing ovation.
Unlike the full production of the original charity shows, (Mari and) the batfam’s concert was entirely meme worthy.
It had all the wackiness of the blooper reels but cranked up to eleven
Damian’s rendition of Dear Theodosia becomes a meme. Someone was able to get a hold of a video of him singing it with and without Alfred the Cat as baby Theodosia. The difference is like night and day.
Bruce half regrets that he allowed it to be immortalized on film/DVD and sold with the bloopers.
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juniaships · 4 years
Actiontoongorlz's Top 8 Canon x OC Ships 💖💖
I've been looking at OTP/Couples memes for a while and decided that it's time for me to make my own! For an extra surprise I'm not putting Ben Tennyson x Jora Holiday on this list because I focus too much on them anyways & I want my other OCs & their loves to have the spotlight for a change. The timing couldn't be more perfect as we're close to Valentine's Day!!! If you don't support canon x oc or find my ships displeasing then move along because this is a Happy Place! 😁😁 Again these are couples that I consider my personal OTPs in regards to canon x oc. That and making more content with my ships in general! Be warned the text is long and contains spoilers for certain shows and such!!
Clarify: these are my own ocs so there's not going to be anyone else's oc/canon. I might have to save that for another post in the future! 💚 But yeah these are characters that I came up with :]
Alright I'm done ranting, let's get started!
1. Sonic x Lani: I never quite gave much thought into this pair as I should so I promise to do something with them in the future! I promise! What I appreciate about SonLani is that there's little drama, like everything is super chill because both parties are chill. It's not a big deal and they don't need grand gestures to show how much they care about each other. Unlike Preboot Archie with its carts full of poorly written romance and strangely OOC moments on Sonic's end, SonLani had a lot of time to grow, while keeping his established personality in check. They actually communicate with each other, and stick by each other thick and thin. Lani loves Sonic for who he is & has no plans on changing him. Likewise Sonic has someone he can rely on when things get tough; not to mention he can really be himself around her without going all "iLl sLOw dOWn fOr U." Plus the ship name I gave them is a huge nod to the games ^_^
2. Jason x Vanessa: A recent pair due to Vanessa being a new creation but I'm honestly in love with them right now. In-universe they are regarded as the prime example of 'Opposites Attract' in Odyssey. They didn't get along very well in Jason's first couple of months in town due to his hardheaded self and her aloof demeanor. But through events such as Blackgaard and Novacom they gradually learn to trust one another. They see each other in a different light, Vanessa realising that Jason is a lot more thoughtful than he lets on, and Jason discovering her hidden fun side and kindness. Vanessa provides challenges and a sense of normalcy Jason can enjoy away from spy business. Meanwhile Jason fulfills her thirst of adventure & simultaneous desire for a peaceful life as well as spirituality. They're a equals, regarding each other as such and not to mention the BANTER! Hard to believe a former nun can keep up with a secret agent both physically and trading barbs XD. There's also the Forbidden Love factor of Vanessa being the duaghter of Regis Blackgaard, Jason defending her because he KNOWS she is nothing like her old man. Their friendship and romance overcome so many obstacles. I can honestly say that if Vanessa was canon she'd be the type of person Jason would like to be with especially over Jillian Marshall *gags*
3. Kaysha Wallace x Leo Hamato: Now here's a ship that I want to get more into 😁😁 Honestly I love the idea of this pairing: the serious leadee x bubbly spirit! Kaysha is very perky yet understands Leo's feelings on shouldering so much responsibility (she being the oldest child in her family). She's very willing to support him because she doesn't want to see him get all weary from burden. Likewise Leo can be himself around her, and teach her to be more responsible. He doesn't doubt her potential and sees her as an equal even during those periods where she was not on par with the other ninja. Kaysha shows Leo it's okay to relax and let other people help him out and not shut everyone out. When Leo expresses his ability to give her a safe life she simply laughs it off; the way she sees it him simply there in her life is enough. The most interesting facet is their dynamic varies between shows, so you'd see different scenarios and reactions as well as similarities and differences in their romance subplot.
4. Artie x Rhodanthe: Another couple I seriously need to give more attention to, they're meant to be is the foil to Shrek and Fiona in several ways. Artie and Rho may come from different social classes but they're both searching for a purpose to prove their haters wrong. Artie lacked confidence while Rho was overconfident believing she didn't need help. Together Artie learns to stand up for not only for his kingdom and loved ones hut also for himself; Rho's pride gets tempered by Artie's kindness and willingness to compromise. Another thing I like is that Artie has someone who loves him for him not because he is attractive and of royal blood. Likewise Rho has someone who respects her in spite of her social standing & shares her beliefs in making life easier for the poor & outcasts. While both lacke the physical prowess of Shrek and Fiona they rely on each other's resourcefulness and strategic thinking to get by. Unlike Shrek and Fiona they don't get married at the end of their focus movie, resolving to figure out where to take their relationship next. They still have their own life goals and don't want to rush into a relationship which sends a pretty good message. However they have their disagreements - in fact they got a huge argument that became a plot point in Shrek Forever After - but through it all they rediscover the things that made them fall in true love with each other. I'm really loving the subplot I have planned where they forget their memories and slowly fall back in love again.
5. Finn x Alma: Surprise! Yes8 I have a Cars OC (that was originally a fanon Disney Princess) who is the niece of Tow Mater in my verse and she enters a relationship with Finn McMissile. The thing I love about this pair is that it allows Alma to use her skills to flourish, treating amd healing injured spies. She's also into travel and adventure so she can pretty much keep up with Finn. Likewise Finn realizes she is more than just a pretty face or a one-off fling but someone with the passion to face challenges head on; Finn seems to love a good challenge! But overall they'd make a nice pairing, Finn showing Alma the world and Alma showing Finn some of the more simpler things in life.
6. Alexander Paine & Qiu Jin: Well well well look at what the cat dragged in? If it isn't our first villain pairing? XD Just kidding only one half is a genuine villain. What makes this couple so unique in that their storyline goes way back to before the events of the show, he being a agent and she a mechanic. They loved each other deeply, even to the point of starting a family, but forced apart due to some troubling events. When they do get back together it's not so much a bittersweet reunion as Paine became a full villain and Qiu Jin had spent years in&out mental institution before being released There's visible pain & regret, Alexander desperately wanting a semblance of what they once had. He seeks power not just for himself for to heal her. But Jin refuses to go along with his schemes wanting nothing more than to move on and see their children. Jin is a huge Mortality Pet for him, but his own selfish desires for power is a major obstacle their love can't overcome. It's the more bittersweet of my pairings but an important one nonetheless.
7. Bruce Wayne x Nicola Holden: Ok the Brooding Guy/Gentle Girl trope is a mixed bag these days but I really like this trope in regards to Brucola. Like with Artie/Rho, Bruce and Nicola come from different social classes but has that same compassion and drive to help others. Nicola is someone Bruce can trust but at the same time she lets him know there are boundaries (aka don't use my weaknesses as a contingency plan). I also feel like Bruce needs a sort of normal love interest, while he has canon normal girlfriends most of them were pretty boring. At least with Nicola she has has a life outside being a love interest her own goals and motivations. She also loves Bruce for him, not because of his money and good looks. It's a generally healthy dynamic built on honesty & empathy. Another reason why I find this pair adorable is that it actually matches with the rest of the Trinity; you know, like how Superman is with a journalist and Wondy is with a soldier/agent. Nicola & Bruce having different ways of pursuing justice while still sharing similar moral codes. It helps that Nicola is actually a hero rather than an antihero/villain/straight villain (Bruce dating a villan would only make him look like a hypocrite). Nicola sees all facets of Bruce's life and makes the choice to stay; provides some much needed light not just in his life but also the rest of the Batfam. In turn Bruce has another connection to the normal world that is willing to be in his life and see him genuinely happy. They're mature adults who ground each other and build each other up.
8. Optimus Prime x Malina Lovelace: Okay is it just me or do I think TFA Optimus Prime needs more love? What's funny is that at first Malina didn't like the thought of being outshined by newcomers in her superhero career. Spending time with Optimus makes her realize that there's more to being a superhero than fame. Optimus doesn't look down on her, and is more than willing to work with her and appreciate her work. She becomes touched by his friendliness and aceepts him and the other Bots. At the same time Malina reminds Optimus that it's okay to make mistakes and move on, and that it's okay to cut toxic people out. I even wrote a noncanon ficlet where Malina calls out Sentinel and Blackarachnia for the way they treat Optimus. OptMalina is a romance built on respect despite the obvious differences. Not to mention they have each other's back, and they learn about each other each time. And just like with KayLeo and BatRose there's different continuities which means unique versions of the Optlina pair. The Bayverse *chortle* and Prime versions are a few I'd love to explore in the future!
- Chad Charming x Soraya Nedakh: Essentially snobby rich kid who learns to be self sufficient and see past appearances through a positive influence. Soraya helps Chad to understand that being royalty isn't just pretty clothes and parties but actually using that status to help others. And Chad actually has his views challenged: Soraya doesn't back down easily.
- Jetta x Zane: The concept of JettaZane (or A Touch Of Snow/IceMagic) is that the robot teaches the human what it's like to be human. Jetta started out as an extremely cold person and a loner, but her time with Zane - the literal ninja of ice - gradually melts her heart & she becomes more caring and accepting. So the robot programmed to be human helps the human raised to be a cold machine unlearn her toxic traits and reclaim her humanity. Also Pixane is kinda boring imo, like they're only together because they're both robots. Not very compelling if you ask me.
- Brian Crown x Kelly Arbol: The wellmeaning goofball and the beatnik poet are something I rarely see much of, but that pretty much sums up their ship. Brian may be a bit self centered but he has a heart of gold and through Kelly's influence he becomes more confident in being a worthy successor to his dad. Meanwhile Brian respects Kelly in and out costume and teaches her how to have fun. Not to mention Kelly interacts with someone outside her circle, which is a welcome change from the trope of only dating someone within your circle.
- Janus Lee x Lenora Rose: Another pair from the same show as Paine and Qiu Jin, there's not much to say on them other than it's one of the most tragic couples. Lenora died a long time ago due to circumstances beyond her & Mr. Lee's control and it's her death that was the catalyst to his gradual descent into evil. As the show goes on we see glimpses of their life together and realize that Lenora is more than the Ghost, she was someone with her own dreams and motivations. She and Janus were outcasts who found companionship in each other, and were able to build a life together using their hard-earned resources to help others. Even in the last few months of her life she didn't go down without a fight, wanting her legacy to be one of love and hope. It's her memory that may be the key to redeeming Mr. Lee in the future of A.T.O.M.
- Ben Florian x Paige: Again not much else to say but they're the antithesis of Mal x Ben. One thing that bothers me about Mal & Ben is that they are supposed to be equals when it's pretty darn obvious from the scenes they were not. With PaigeBen it's clear that they ARE equals who respect each other. Ben's agency isn't reduced to just love interest, he has someone he has good communication with and wants to see him succeed. Paige has someone who shares her interests and see her more than just that One American Newbie. They LEARN to work together without love potions involved. Plus we haven't had a commoner Disney Princess in a while so Paige fills in as someone who works her way into high status then uses that status to help others with Ben at her side.
That's enough of my Canon x OC OTPs! I hope to explore them more throughout the year :) I work hard to flesh out my OCs and their romantic storylines as if they're real 💚😌
I do have KayLeo week planned for Feb 14 to Feb 21 so don't be shocked when I start posting rottmnt stuff or art of Kaysha! Anyways these are my personal ships that I enjoy despite the lack of content I made of them, so hopefully I have the creative juices flowing to make more stuff! Final note I'm working on a platonic oc x canon meme to show that love doesn't have to be romantic. A
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commonratmiraculous · 5 years
DC Crossover AU | swear warning
So all the Gotham AU’s have Marinette leaving Paris to fend for itself which while I’m not against the idea of Marinette going on holiday or getting a break seems a bit unrealistic for both Marinette’s personality AND that of the Batfam. It isn’t out of character for members of the Batfam to go to different countries for extended periods of time however.
So I propose this (though I apologise to Daminette shippers because this isn’t for you) older psydo-siblings Marinette and Adrien AU:
Damian, ten years old, is now living with his father and has just been told that everything he has learnt growing up is a lie and he should abandon it immediately.
Obviously, this doesn’t go down well with the ten year old ex-assassin in training.
To make matters worse Batman has just not-died? Everyone thinks he’s dead and there’s a lot of in-fighting in the family.
Tim wants to remain Robin, Dick thinks Damian should be Robin. There’s a lot of expectation on his shoulders and Damian still has no idea who he is as a person: most ten year olds at least think they know who they are.
So Damian just packs a bag, hijacks a JLA teleporter/zeta-tube and books it to Paris in the middle of the night, resolving to tell Alfred and Barbara where he is over video message because it would be easier.
Why Paris? Well they face near apocalypses regularly enough that Damian won’t be thrown off guard when he returns to Gotham.
While being different enough he won’t get bored.
It doesn’t take long for Barbara to demand an explanation for why Damian is suddenly in Paris of all places.
There’s an attack while Damian’s video chatting her and he can tell she feels guilty but he’s sticking to himself on this one.
Babs isn’t the type to disagree with Damian needing time away from the clusterfuck that is their family. Makes sure he has money and an apartment with a secret room for training and gear etc.
Babs actually wants to know more about the situation in Paris, most of the videoes look fake to her but her systems can’t figure out how. Damian is officially running a mission for Oracle.
He ends up pulling out his katana to help protect a few younger children who got seperated from their parents or carers in the park. Damian doen’t really have to do much, but he’s got a sword and that makes the kids feel safer.
Ladybug and Chat Noir notice the surprisingly capable child with a sword.
After the attack Chat Noir is the one to talk to Damian, who isn’t quite sure what to say just that everything he’s learnt about his upbringing thus far has been a lie and he’s looking to escape his expectations a bit.
Honestly, a ten year old who ran away from home to be free is the kind of person who gets Adrien’s immediate respect. And Chat promises to help with that but asks Damian to stay with a friend first.
Said friend is Marinette.
Damian pieces things together and assumes the two know eachothers identities because why would you work on a team and not know who the other person is.
Outs them both, Marinette for being Ladybug and Chat for being whoever the posters on the wall are.
When he realises what happened he - having been raised in a particularly large cult - suggests a magical secrecy vow that stops others from being able to overhear or read the secret. That way the danger of the other person knowing is reduced to zero.
He then suggests they train together because clearly they haven’t been doing enough of that and their enemies probably are.
Adrien talks about getting Chloé to help enroll Damian in Dupont, Damian decides to test to skip a few years so he’s in the same classes as them.
He likes being able to talk to people who don’t automatically assume he’s an idiot because he’s young. Though he’ll deny it.
There’s another call from Dick who is exactly the embarrassing guilty older brother he’s expected to be.
Meanwhile, Marinette and Adrien are steadfastly refusing to acknowledge they like eachother.
Marinette believes that Adrien is having second thoughts about his love declarations to Ladybug because he’s not saying anything. While Adrien is falling over himself because Ladybug turned him down and Marinette won’t speak to him at school and oh no.
All sides of the love square are aware of eachother but it’s still alive. It’s exactly that stupid.
By the time Dick has finished calling Wally has made it to the bakery to pick up Damian and take him to his new apartment. Damian taking both of their numbers so that he can contact them and vice versa.
Adrien and Marinette have found some kind of common ground by the time Damian is in Dupont taking tests for skipping a number of grades. It’s probably somewhere in Marichat territory.
This change shocks everyone in their class at the same time.
When they meet Damian they’re even more confused because Marinette and Adrien have bonded over co-parenting a ten year old???
Jason was the one who got away from Gotham when he heard that and he would not stop laughing.
Damian does make it into their class.
Kim thinks he can tease Alix over the fact she’s as short as a ten year old.
Damian teaches Alix how to flip Kim and she does.
Alix, Nathaniel and Damian are really good friends from then onwards.
Which is good because I’ve always headcanonned Damian getting into art.
Damian and Lila do not get along, though he’s treating her presence as a training exercise on building tolerance. He said as much to both Adrien and Marinette causing them to laugh.
Various members of the Batfamily have had few interactions with Gabriel Agreste, including but not limited to snarky comments about how they made it into school for Careers Day while living in the States.
Team Miraculous have also had encounters with the JLA. They’ve ended particularly badly in the beginning because of how the JLA was apparently aware of Tim’s breakdown over Bruce not being dead and looking for him, while not doing anything to provide help or listen. People who do that aren’t welcome in Paris.
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lananiscorner · 6 years
(1) You ever want to get back at DC for their classist bullshit? Then how about this: Somebody decides to make a TV special about Cyrus Pinkney, the architect of Gotham. Batman approves and sends them his case files about his staged death and actual survival. Journalists can be detectives, too, if they want to be and track down Cyrus' way through history and his eventual descendants under another name. Last known descendant, Jason Todd.
(2) It gets the journalists thinking. Did Bruce Wayne know and just not say anything? And if grandpa faked his death, how high are the chances that Jason did too? So one day Jason opens his door and finds a bunch of journalists just waiting to pounce. At the same time Bruce has to answer some uncomfortable questions because naturally everybody assumes the worsts and Jason’s certainly not helping (sweet revenge for everything).             
(3) And Tim is suddenly just “the new blood”, Damian “the outsider” and Jason “Gotham Royalty” over night. Especially once it comes out that Pinkney actually wised up in his later days and left quite a fortune for his heirs. A fortune that collected quite an interest while people where trying to find out who was actually supposed to inherit it one day.             
Thanks for your ask, Anon.
While this is an interesting idea for an AU, honestly, I’d just settle for fanfiction writers remembering to do the following to call out the batfam’s classist behaviors over the past (and present):
Do not exclude Stephanie Brown from the list of Robins.
Remember that Bruce is largely to blame for Steph’s failings as Spoiler, because he never bothered to actually provide her with needed information, much less actual training.
Do some research on who Jason Todd really was as Robin, instead of decrying him as the angry, disobedient failure all the time.
Drop the damn “I took him in so he wouldn’t become my enemy at some point” narrative. It’s ok to say Jason might have gotten stuck in a life of crime, but painting it like he would have become the next Joker had he not become Robin goes against his entire characterization.
Have Bruce insist that Jason is included in important family events and milestones, such as the portrait painting. Same goes for Cass.
Have Bruce actively discourage elitist attitudes on parts of his white sheep children, especially reigning in Damian’s “above it all” attitude. Dick has done a good job with that, but it should never have been his job to begin with and I want Bruce to take some goddamn responsibility.
Have the batfam actively apologize to one another for classist behaviors of the past. That does not mean that the issue will be immediately resolved, but give them the opportunity to grow as people.
Along those lines: have the victims of said classist behavior (usually Jason, Steph or Cass) call it out when they see it, instead of just ignoring it.
Of course, it would be nice if the actual DC writers did all of this as well, but I’m not holding my breath for that.
EDIT: Also, making Jason the wealthy and famous one would not fix the classism issue. It would merely shift the respective roles.
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spectral-musette · 7 years
I saw Justice League!
Spoilers below:
So disclaimer, most of my DC knowledge comes from the small screen (not the comics). Grew up with Lois and Clark and Batman the Animated Series. Caught up with the animated Justice League and Justice League Unlimited from the early 2000’s after it aired. Super enjoyed Young Justice. I’ve seen some sporadic DC animated movies, though certainly not all of them. I liked Season 1 of Gotham a lot but I bailed in Season 2 cause I got busy and was feeling sensitive about some of the gruesomeness of show.
(I’m not currently watching any of the other DC shows, the 70’s Superman movies have never been my thing, nor have any of the live action Batman movies, really.)
Overall I have way more background with DC characters than with anyone from Marvel. I adore various individual Marvel characters a lot, but for the team ups, I just feel more invested in the Justice League than I do the Avengers.
Also overall, I found both Wonder Woman and Man of Steel to be the more moving, poignant films, but….
Damn, Justice League was a lot of fun.
I mean, Wonder Woman made me actually tear up, but Justice League was a romp that left me feeling pleased and happy and very entertained. I definitely have space on my shelf for both kinds of superhero movies.
Starting off with who I know least about:
Aquaman was excellent and I hope everyone who fancast Jason Momoa is patting themselves on the back. Good call. He’s got a powerful screen presence and pulled off Damaged Loner who is Too Cool for School but Secretly Cares really well. I found him very interesting, I’m ready to find out more about his story and ship him with Mera, carry the heck on.
Cyborg was very sympathetic, and for only having about three quarters of his face to work with (what a nice face though), Ray Fisher had so much gravity and emotion. Also what a beautiful voice??? So glad they didn’t process it too much to sound more robot-y, because I just enjoyed listening to him so much. I liked that he played such a pivotal role in the plot. Of the newcomers, Aquaman and the Flash carried a lot of the humor, but Cyborg saved the day.
I’m mostly familiar with Wally West as the Flash (as in JLU and Young Justice), but I thought Ezra Miller’s Barry Allen was very endearing. Snacks for Barry 2k17. I thought his first-battle freak out was really well handled, and I love the way Bruce resolved it with the “just save one”. (Barry’s Speed Force run was a bit weird though, lol) Like, all in all, will any cinematic superhero speedsters compare to Quicksilver in Days of Future Past? Probably not. But I still liked Barry.
For those I know more about as characters in general:
I do like Ben Affleck as Bruce, and his Batman is growing on me. I liked that the opening scene with Batman involved a little more martial-arts-graceful-it’s-jujitsu-god-bless-you Batman than the heavily armored version in Batman Vs. Superman. Still really love Jeremy Irons as Alfred and only wish there might’ve been more, and more Alfred and Bruce banter. I could’ve listened to Alfred pick on Bruce about his crush on Diana for the entire runtime of the film.
(I am here for WonderBat, I blame the Justice League cartoon.)
It’s admittedly been a while since I watched Batman vs. Superman, but I felt like her characterization in Justice League was a bit more in tune with how she was portrayed in her solo film – older and wiser and sadder, but with the same insightfulness and willingness to show vulnerability and softness when it was needed. And I like that the film gave her space to grow, exploring her fear not just of losing people she cares for, but of taking the responsibility of asking anyone to answer her call and risk their lives.
(Just now thinking about how much that must resonate with a Bruce who seems to have lost a Robin somewhere along the way)
And last but not least, CLARK I AM SO HAPPY YOU STOPPED BEING DEAD. The resurrection was a BIT wacky. I’m not sure what I expected, but it wasn’t that. I was kinda hoping they would bring the coffin into the Kryptonian ship and something would just happen, but oh well. I felt like newly resurrected “unbalanced” Clark was maaaybe not even necessary, but I assume they wanted to have some hero vs hero fight scenes, and all in all it didn’t last that long (especially compared to the last movie in the franchise).
bEcAuSe Clark Just Loves Lois So Much, and I am always in favor of that as a plot point.
Also I really like both that Lois is dragging her grieving self to the Daily Planet to do her work but at the same time acknowledging that she’s not okay, and she’s not ready to write about other people’s grief and fear and pain just yet. And the fact that she carries some shame about that is very Lois, but I love how tender and understanding Clark is – of course he would never be ashamed of her. I really love everything we’ve seen so far between Clark and Lois, and I’m so happy that the DC movies are not only embracing the most iconic couple in superhero history but also making them fresh and real enough that I can actively ship them.
If I have to say something critical, it is that the villain was a bit cartoony (not just in the CG sense) and dull. Like, it provided the necessary “save the world” conflict. Aaand may have suffered a LITTLE from sharing a name with 70’s rock band. Like, I may have giggled a little, just like, once.
But not spending a lot of time developing the villain meant we had more time to devote to the heroes and the team dynamic and I was okay with that.
Wasn’t wild about the new Amazon costumes either, but they also weren’t quite as objectionable as I was expecting. Might’ve been more annoyed if I hadn’t known about it going in.
The CG on Henry Cavill’s face on the reshot footage was also noticeable and distracting, but, honestly, if that’s my biggest qualm about the movie, I’m okay with that?
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DC Answer and Questions: Okay then. How about this question? If Jason Todd had a kid someday from someone (accidentally or otherwise) and he was the only parent to raise the child, how would he go about taking of them (if he was willing and able to do so that is)?
okay listen to me. idc what anyone else has told you – jason todd would try his damnedest to be the best dad he could possibly be for his kid. 
First of all, if Jason ever had kids, I definitely think it would be accidentally (through a surprise pregnancy or an accidental adoption, you decide), because I do not think that Jason thinks of himself as parenthood material. Boy has a lot of self-esteem issues and I think a big part of that is an inability to see the good things about himself. He thinks that he’s a Bad Influence and that growing up around him would definitely not be good for a child.
And add to that the huge amount of stress that comes with being a single parent??? He’d be so freaked out, because how the hell is he supposed to do this?? He knows that he has to keep the baby because he knows exactly how rough the foster system can be (especially in Gotham) and no way is he putting his child through that, but he literally has no idea how he’s going to handle the situation.
He’s terrified and literally has an emotional breakdown over it that ends in him calling Bruce in tears at three in the morning because no matter how complicated and strained their relationship is, he’s the closest thing Jason has ever had to a loving father and he needs advice from someone who’s done this before.
He has a long heart-to-heart with Bruce, followed by an even longer one with Alfred (who has, after all, raised not one, but two generations of orphans at this point), and eventually he resolves to get it together and be there for his kid. He wants his child to have a much happier child than he had, and he’s willing to do anything to make that possible.
He buys tons of parenting books and reads all of them in like a week. He gets more serious about his security, making sure his safehouses are absolutely as secure as he can possibly make them, while also babyproofing all of them. He even goes to Roy for advice, since Roy was in a very similar situation with Lian.
When Baby Todd is really little he definitely gets one of those baby backpacks so he can carry them around and have his hands free. He wears it backwards so the baby can nap on his chest and he can physically see them to check on them. 
Okay, you know those vines that are like “Terrifying dude but a really good dad”? That’s Jason. He doesn’t stop being the Red Hood, or drop any of his illegal activities, but his kid is always his top priority. You better believe he finds a way to make it to every school play, every parent-teacher meeting, every ballet recital and soccer game, and it’s so obvious to anyone who sees him with his child that he loves them so much. All of his various safehouses have fingerpaintings hanging on the fridge.
He’s so sweet with his kid? He’s the most supportive dad ever, like as long as his child is happy and knows that they’re loved that’s all he cares about. Also super protective, wins all of the “my dad could beat up your dad” contests.
Baby Todd definitely spends a lot of time with Roy, and with Kori (when she’s not off doing Important Space Stuff). And you better believe the entire Batfam comes up with really obvious excuses to visit Jason and take the baby for a few hours so he can Get Some Rest. (Dick is the most common offender, and he spoils his niece/nephew rotten because he wants to be the favorite uncle.) 
Baby Todd also really loves Bruce, so they end up providing a bridge for Jason and Bruce to mend their relationship. As many kids as he’s raised, Bruce actually has no experience whatsoever with babies, so Jason has to teach him things like,, how to swaddle an infant, how to heat up formula, how to hold a newborn so you support their head correctly, ect.
Honestly, I think having a kid around would be really good for Jason’s mental and emotional health? He’s already a really caring person (arguably too caring, as much as he tries to pretend he isn’t) by nature, so having someone to take care of gives him a new sense of purpose. And having a small child dependent on him kind of forces him to get better about taking care of himself, and to let go of some of his anger. It ends up being a really positive thing for him, and he and Baby Todd are very close.
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newstwitter-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on News Twitter
New Post has been published on http://www.news-twitter.com/2017/03/08/washington-post-how-free-agency-impacts-potential-kirk-cousins-trade-talk-5/
Washington Post: How free agency impacts potential Kirk Cousins trade talk
(Jonathan Newton/The Washington Post)
The combine has come and gone, and here we are in the two-day legal tampering period that precedes Thursday’s free agent signing window.
There are tons of questions still swirling about the Redskins — some good, some bad, some football-related, some not.
We do our best to get to the bottom of as many of them as possible in this week’s mailbag.
Thanks, as always, for taking part, and keep those questions coming.
Email them to me at [email protected] with the subject line of “Mailbag question,” and we’ll do it all over again next Tuesday — after some free agent signings have taken place.
In regards to the legal tampering that opens up this afternoon: How might that affect trade talks between the 49ers and the Redskins with Kirk Cousins? Also, why hasn’t he signed his tender?  Is that also something to do with the Niners?
— Rob Fox, Lincolnton, N.C.
I don’t expect the legal tampering window to have any impact on Cousins-related trade talks between the Redskins and 49ers, because I don’t think San Francisco is desperate enough to seriously consider trading for Cousins.
[Combine over and Gruden signed, Redskins face free agent questions]
There are two factors here that my colleague, Master Tesfatsion and I managed to uncover last week. Yes, Kirk Cousins and Kyle Shanahan have a good relationship, and Cousins would love to play for him again some day. But, Shanahan and general manager John Lynch understand the importance of hanging on to your draft picks. Shanahan has seen what happens when a team sells the farm for a quarterback. Both men know how many needs the 49ers have and that building through the draft is the best way to go. People familiar with their thinking also say that they’d be hesitant to pay a $20-million-plus-per-year salary while also giving up a bevy of picks.
Shanahan and Lynch both signed six-year contracts. So, they’ve got time to build this thing the right way. They very well could use their picks this year to meet other needs while signing a space-holder quarterback, like a Matt Schaub, and then wait to see if Cousins hits free agency next year and sign him without giving up picks.
Lastly, Cousins hasn’t signed his tender yet because his agent is still reviewing his options. Before, when he had the nonexclusive tag, he still could negotiate with other teams. But now that it’s the exclusive tag, that’s a little more restrictive. And since he has time, his agent is taking that time before having Cousins sign and lock in that guarantee.
With the Bears and Browns interested in Mike Glennon, Jets interested in Tyrod Taylor and 49ers interested in Trevor Siemian, how would a dried-up QB market impact the negotiation/trade leverage between Kirk and the Skins? I think if the team is looking to trade Kirk Cousins it has to be in the next two to three days to maximize a return.
— Ziggy Valbrun
The Redskins insist they want to keep Cousins. But let’s say they change their mind and are willing to entertain offers. There could be teams that want to get their quarterback situations resolved during free agency. But the Redskins probably would have a little bit better leverage if they wait until closer to the draft.
[Redskins confirm Gruden contract extension without comment]
The Redskins have the first part of their backup plan in place, and that’s Colt McCoy (and the other part would be drafting a quarterback to groom behind him), so they aren’t desperate to move Cousins so they can find another quarterback. And, a team that didn’t get their quarterback situation taken care of in free agency would be in a more desperate position just before the draft, so they’d be willing to give up a little more.
Do you think the Redskins want to upgrade the middle linebacker position? The current starters are adequate, but don’t provide game-changing plays.
— Ajay Mathur
I actually don’t think it’s a talent problem with the Redskins’ inside linebackers. Mason Foster had a really strong second half of the season. Will Compton, who is a restricted free agent, is a really smart, instinctual guy and an effective communicator. Sure, he might have some speed deficiencies. But he has enough to get it done.
[Bullock: Combine blow up could give Redskins a great fit in Reuben Foster]
I think what would help both of those guys is having better defensive linemen in front of them, and better safety support. Better players up front would mean more open lanes for the linebackers to shoot through and make tackles or sacks. It would be good for the Redskins to draft a rangy, speedy, athletic playmaking inside linebacker to groom behind Compton and Foster and eventually turn him loose. But Compton and Foster are definitely capable of getting the job done. It’s the highest importance that the Redskins upgrade their defensive line.
Why haven’t the Redskins given qualifying offers to some of their restricted free agents? It seems dumb to wait till the last second, if they know they will make an offer i.e. Compton, Thompson. Any chance another team tries to poach one of them?
— David Gans
Your guess is as good as mine on this one, chief. Nothing about the Redskins’ moves (or non-moves) have made sense this offseason. The restricted free agent tenders aren’t tricky at all. Players like Will Compton and Chris Thompson have both been told by coaches and/or management that they are valued and that they want to bring them back. So, it’s really confusing as to why they haven’t gotten those restricted free agent tenders yet. I think both would be smart moves, by the way.
If Pierre Garcon requested a trade midseason, why was he so upset the Skins didn’t talk to him before yesterday? Doesn’t that mean he wanted out?
— Brian Lowery
I think that Garcon probably feels disrespected. You play for a team for five years, you’re their most consistent wide receiver during that span, you’re coming off another 1,000-yard season, and they don’t even pick up the phone and talk about bringing you back the whole offseason? Sure, there was a point during the season, where Garcon felt like the forgotten man. But he never stopped working hard, never caused embarrassment.
[Brewer: Jay Gruden earned a new contract and a new burden]
He did ask his agent to see if the team would consider trading him to a team that would use him more. The team said no, and so Garcon kept coming to work, kept setting a good example and kept trying to help his team win. It wasn’t that Garcon didn’t want to be here. He just wanted to be with a team that would use him. Things improved in the second half of the season, and Garcon’s production increased. Throughout the year, Garcon heard his coach and quarterback praise him and talk about how valuable he is. But then, when the offseason comes, the team did nothing to back that up. So, that’s where the frustration stems from. Mixed feelings are definitely understandable.
There have been a lot of questions and worry regarding the status of Redskins’ GM Scot McCloughan. I’m wondering, just what is the team’s present chain of command? Who is McCloughan’s “second-in-command”? Are there any other prominent scouts/personnel people to take care of assessment and evaluation should Scot not be able to get things done? Finally, just what are the terms of Scot’s contract with the Redskins?
— Emmett Mosley
From everything we can gather, here’s how the chain of command looked/looks with Scot McCloughan on what appears to be some kind of leave of absence. All of the college scouts report to Director of College Scouting Scott Campbell, and the pro scouts still report to Director of Pro Personnel Alex Santos. Those two, along with senior personnel executive Doug Williams are reporting to Bruce Allen. And, somewhere in there, Jay Gruden is involved as well.
This is basically the setup that the Redskins had pre-McCloughan. This was the setup when the Redskins drafted Trent Murphy, Morgan Moses, Spencer Long, Bashaud Breeland, Ryan Grant, Lache Seastrunk, Ted Bolser and Zach Hocker. That group also oversaw the free agent signings of DeSean Jackson, Tracy Porter, Andre Roberts, Jason Hatcher, Shawn Lauvao. So, that wasn’t a bad year. There were some hits, and some misses. But the same could be said of the last two draft and free agent classes that took place on McCloughan’s watch. And, although McCloughan led the personnel department and reported directly to Allen, it wasn’t like he didn’t accept input from coaches, the scouts and Campbell and Santos.
It’s a team effort, with Allen basically having the final say.
This post has been harvested from the source link, and News-Twitter has no responsibility on its content. Source link
0 notes
newstwitter-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on News Twitter
New Post has been published on http://www.news-twitter.com/2017/03/08/washington-post-how-free-agency-impacts-potential-kirk-cousins-trade-talk-3/
Washington Post: How free agency impacts potential Kirk Cousins trade talk
(Jonathan Newton/The Washington Post)
The combine has come and gone, and here we are in the two-day legal tampering period that precedes Thursday’s free agent signing window.
There are tons of questions still swirling about the Redskins — some good, some bad, some football-related, some not.
We do our best to get to the bottom of as many of them as possible in this week’s mailbag.
Thanks, as always, for taking part, and keep those questions coming.
Email them to me at [email protected] with the subject line of “Mailbag question,” and we’ll do it all over again next Tuesday — after some free agent signings have taken place.
In regards to the legal tampering that opens up this afternoon: How might that affect trade talks between the 49ers and the Redskins with Kirk Cousins? Also, why hasn’t he signed his tender?  Is that also something to do with the Niners?
— Rob Fox, Lincolnton, N.C.
I don’t expect the legal tampering window to have any impact on Cousins-related trade talks between the Redskins and 49ers, because I don’t think San Francisco is desperate enough to seriously consider trading for Cousins.
[Combine over and Gruden signed, Redskins face free agent questions]
There are two factors here that my colleague, Master Tesfatsion and I managed to uncover last week. Yes, Kirk Cousins and Kyle Shanahan have a good relationship, and Cousins would love to play for him again some day. But, Shanahan and general manager John Lynch understand the importance of hanging on to your draft picks. Shanahan has seen what happens when a team sells the farm for a quarterback. Both men know how many needs the 49ers have and that building through the draft is the best way to go. People familiar with their thinking also say that they’d be hesitant to pay a $20-million-plus-per-year salary while also giving up a bevy of picks.
Shanahan and Lynch both signed six-year contracts. So, they’ve got time to build this thing the right way. They very well could use their picks this year to meet other needs while signing a space-holder quarterback, like a Matt Schaub, and then wait to see if Cousins hits free agency next year and sign him without giving up picks.
Lastly, Cousins hasn’t signed his tender yet because his agent is still reviewing his options. Before, when he had the nonexclusive tag, he still could negotiate with other teams. But now that it’s the exclusive tag, that’s a little more restrictive. And since he has time, his agent is taking that time before having Cousins sign and lock in that guarantee.
With the Bears and Browns interested in Mike Glennon, Jets interested in Tyrod Taylor and 49ers interested in Trevor Siemian, how would a dried-up QB market impact the negotiation/trade leverage between Kirk and the Skins? I think if the team is looking to trade Kirk Cousins it has to be in the next two to three days to maximize a return.
— Ziggy Valbrun
The Redskins insist they want to keep Cousins. But let’s say they change their mind and are willing to entertain offers. There could be teams that want to get their quarterback situations resolved during free agency. But the Redskins probably would have a little bit better leverage if they wait until closer to the draft.
[Redskins confirm Gruden contract extension without comment]
The Redskins have the first part of their backup plan in place, and that’s Colt McCoy (and the other part would be drafting a quarterback to groom behind him), so they aren’t desperate to move Cousins so they can find another quarterback. And, a team that didn’t get their quarterback situation taken care of in free agency would be in a more desperate position just before the draft, so they’d be willing to give up a little more.
Do you think the Redskins want to upgrade the middle linebacker position? The current starters are adequate, but don’t provide game-changing plays.
— Ajay Mathur
I actually don’t think it’s a talent problem with the Redskins’ inside linebackers. Mason Foster had a really strong second half of the season. Will Compton, who is a restricted free agent, is a really smart, instinctual guy and an effective communicator. Sure, he might have some speed deficiencies. But he has enough to get it done.
[Bullock: Combine blow up could give Redskins a great fit in Reuben Foster]
I think what would help both of those guys is having better defensive linemen in front of them, and better safety support. Better players up front would mean more open lanes for the linebackers to shoot through and make tackles or sacks. It would be good for the Redskins to draft a rangy, speedy, athletic playmaking inside linebacker to groom behind Compton and Foster and eventually turn him loose. But Compton and Foster are definitely capable of getting the job done. It’s the highest importance that the Redskins upgrade their defensive line.
Why haven’t the Redskins given qualifying offers to some of their restricted free agents? It seems dumb to wait till the last second, if they know they will make an offer i.e. Compton, Thompson. Any chance another team tries to poach one of them?
— David Gans
Your guess is as good as mine on this one, chief. Nothing about the Redskins’ moves (or non-moves) have made sense this offseason. The restricted free agent tenders aren’t tricky at all. Players like Will Compton and Chris Thompson have both been told by coaches and/or management that they are valued and that they want to bring them back. So, it’s really confusing as to why they haven’t gotten those restricted free agent tenders yet. I think both would be smart moves, by the way.
If Pierre Garcon requested a trade midseason, why was he so upset the Skins didn’t talk to him before yesterday? Doesn’t that mean he wanted out?
— Brian Lowery
I think that Garcon probably feels disrespected. You play for a team for five years, you’re their most consistent wide receiver during that span, you’re coming off another 1,000-yard season, and they don’t even pick up the phone and talk about bringing you back the whole offseason? Sure, there was a point during the season, where Garcon felt like the forgotten man. But he never stopped working hard, never caused embarrassment.
[Brewer: Jay Gruden earned a new contract and a new burden]
He did ask his agent to see if the team would consider trading him to a team that would use him more. The team said no, and so Garcon kept coming to work, kept setting a good example and kept trying to help his team win. It wasn’t that Garcon didn’t want to be here. He just wanted to be with a team that would use him. Things improved in the second half of the season, and Garcon’s production increased. Throughout the year, Garcon heard his coach and quarterback praise him and talk about how valuable he is. But then, when the offseason comes, the team did nothing to back that up. So, that’s where the frustration stems from. Mixed feelings are definitely understandable.
There have been a lot of questions and worry regarding the status of Redskins’ GM Scot McCloughan. I’m wondering, just what is the team’s present chain of command? Who is McCloughan’s “second-in-command”? Are there any other prominent scouts/personnel people to take care of assessment and evaluation should Scot not be able to get things done? Finally, just what are the terms of Scot’s contract with the Redskins?
— Emmett Mosley
From everything we can gather, here’s how the chain of command looked/looks with Scot McCloughan on what appears to be some kind of leave of absence. All of the college scouts report to Director of College Scouting Scott Campbell, and the pro scouts still report to Director of Pro Personnel Alex Santos. Those two, along with senior personnel executive Doug Williams are reporting to Bruce Allen. And, somewhere in there, Jay Gruden is involved as well.
This is basically the setup that the Redskins had pre-McCloughan. This was the setup when the Redskins drafted Trent Murphy, Morgan Moses, Spencer Long, Bashaud Breeland, Ryan Grant, Lache Seastrunk, Ted Bolser and Zach Hocker. That group also oversaw the free agent signings of DeSean Jackson, Tracy Porter, Andre Roberts, Jason Hatcher, Shawn Lauvao. So, that wasn’t a bad year. There were some hits, and some misses. But the same could be said of the last two draft and free agent classes that took place on McCloughan’s watch. And, although McCloughan led the personnel department and reported directly to Allen, it wasn’t like he didn’t accept input from coaches, the scouts and Campbell and Santos.
It’s a team effort, with Allen basically having the final say.
This post has been harvested from the source link, and News-Twitter has no responsibility on its content. Source link
0 notes
newstwitter-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on News Twitter
New Post has been published on http://www.news-twitter.com/2017/03/08/washington-post-how-free-agency-impacts-potential-kirk-cousins-trade-talk/
Washington Post: How free agency impacts potential Kirk Cousins trade talk
(Jonathan Newton/The Washington Post)
The combine has come and gone, and here we are in the two-day legal tampering period that precedes Thursday’s free agent signing window.
There are tons of questions still swirling about the Redskins — some good, some bad, some football-related, some not.
We do our best to get to the bottom of as many of them as possible in this week’s mailbag.
Thanks, as always, for taking part, and keep those questions coming.
Email them to me at [email protected] with the subject line of “Mailbag question,” and we’ll do it all over again next Tuesday — after some free agent signings have taken place.
In regards to the legal tampering that opens up this afternoon: How might that affect trade talks between the 49ers and the Redskins with Kirk Cousins? Also, why hasn’t he signed his tender?  Is that also something to do with the Niners?
— Rob Fox, Lincolnton, N.C.
I don’t expect the legal tampering window to have any impact on Cousins-related trade talks between the Redskins and 49ers, because I don’t think San Francisco is desperate enough to seriously consider trading for Cousins.
[Combine over and Gruden signed, Redskins face free agent questions]
There are two factors here that my colleague, Master Tesfatsion and I managed to uncover last week. Yes, Kirk Cousins and Kyle Shanahan have a good relationship, and Cousins would love to play for him again some day. But, Shanahan and general manager John Lynch understand the importance of hanging on to your draft picks. Shanahan has seen what happens when a team sells the farm for a quarterback. Both men know how many needs the 49ers have and that building through the draft is the best way to go. People familiar with their thinking also say that they’d be hesitant to pay a $20-million-plus-per-year salary while also giving up a bevy of picks.
Shanahan and Lynch both signed six-year contracts. So, they’ve got time to build this thing the right way. They very well could use their picks this year to meet other needs while signing a space-holder quarterback, like a Matt Schaub, and then wait to see if Cousins hits free agency next year and sign him without giving up picks.
Lastly, Cousins hasn’t signed his tender yet because his agent is still reviewing his options. Before, when he had the nonexclusive tag, he still could negotiate with other teams. But now that it’s the exclusive tag, that’s a little more restrictive. And since he has time, his agent is taking that time before having Cousins sign and lock in that guarantee.
With the Bears and Browns interested in Mike Glennon, Jets interested in Tyrod Taylor and 49ers interested in Trevor Siemian, how would a dried-up QB market impact the negotiation/trade leverage between Kirk and the Skins? I think if the team is looking to trade Kirk Cousins it has to be in the next two to three days to maximize a return.
— Ziggy Valbrun
The Redskins insist they want to keep Cousins. But let’s say they change their mind and are willing to entertain offers. There could be teams that want to get their quarterback situations resolved during free agency. But the Redskins probably would have a little bit better leverage if they wait until closer to the draft.
[Redskins confirm Gruden contract extension without comment]
The Redskins have the first part of their backup plan in place, and that’s Colt McCoy (and the other part would be drafting a quarterback to groom behind him), so they aren’t desperate to move Cousins so they can find another quarterback. And, a team that didn’t get their quarterback situation taken care of in free agency would be in a more desperate position just before the draft, so they’d be willing to give up a little more.
Do you think the Redskins want to upgrade the middle linebacker position? The current starters are adequate, but don’t provide game-changing plays.
— Ajay Mathur
I actually don’t think it’s a talent problem with the Redskins’ inside linebackers. Mason Foster had a really strong second half of the season. Will Compton, who is a restricted free agent, is a really smart, instinctual guy and an effective communicator. Sure, he might have some speed deficiencies. But he has enough to get it done.
[Bullock: Combine blow up could give Redskins a great fit in Reuben Foster]
I think what would help both of those guys is having better defensive linemen in front of them, and better safety support. Better players up front would mean more open lanes for the linebackers to shoot through and make tackles or sacks. It would be good for the Redskins to draft a rangy, speedy, athletic playmaking inside linebacker to groom behind Compton and Foster and eventually turn him loose. But Compton and Foster are definitely capable of getting the job done. It’s the highest importance that the Redskins upgrade their defensive line.
Why haven’t the Redskins given qualifying offers to some of their restricted free agents? It seems dumb to wait till the last second, if they know they will make an offer i.e. Compton, Thompson. Any chance another team tries to poach one of them?
— David Gans
Your guess is as good as mine on this one, chief. Nothing about the Redskins’ moves (or non-moves) have made sense this offseason. The restricted free agent tenders aren’t tricky at all. Players like Will Compton and Chris Thompson have both been told by coaches and/or management that they are valued and that they want to bring them back. So, it’s really confusing as to why they haven’t gotten those restricted free agent tenders yet. I think both would be smart moves, by the way.
If Pierre Garcon requested a trade midseason, why was he so upset the Skins didn’t talk to him before yesterday? Doesn’t that mean he wanted out?
— Brian Lowery
I think that Garcon probably feels disrespected. You play for a team for five years, you’re their most consistent wide receiver during that span, you’re coming off another 1,000-yard season, and they don’t even pick up the phone and talk about bringing you back the whole offseason? Sure, there was a point during the season, where Garcon felt like the forgotten man. But he never stopped working hard, never caused embarrassment.
[Brewer: Jay Gruden earned a new contract and a new burden]
He did ask his agent to see if the team would consider trading him to a team that would use him more. The team said no, and so Garcon kept coming to work, kept setting a good example and kept trying to help his team win. It wasn’t that Garcon didn’t want to be here. He just wanted to be with a team that would use him. Things improved in the second half of the season, and Garcon’s production increased. Throughout the year, Garcon heard his coach and quarterback praise him and talk about how valuable he is. But then, when the offseason comes, the team did nothing to back that up. So, that’s where the frustration stems from. Mixed feelings are definitely understandable.
There have been a lot of questions and worry regarding the status of Redskins’ GM Scot McCloughan. I’m wondering, just what is the team’s present chain of command? Who is McCloughan’s “second-in-command”? Are there any other prominent scouts/personnel people to take care of assessment and evaluation should Scot not be able to get things done? Finally, just what are the terms of Scot’s contract with the Redskins?
— Emmett Mosley
From everything we can gather, here’s how the chain of command looked/looks with Scot McCloughan on what appears to be some kind of leave of absence. All of the college scouts report to Director of College Scouting Scott Campbell, and the pro scouts still report to Director of Pro Personnel Alex Santos. Those two, along with senior personnel executive Doug Williams are reporting to Bruce Allen. And, somewhere in there, Jay Gruden is involved as well.
This is basically the setup that the Redskins had pre-McCloughan. This was the setup when the Redskins drafted Trent Murphy, Morgan Moses, Spencer Long, Bashaud Breeland, Ryan Grant, Lache Seastrunk, Ted Bolser and Zach Hocker. That group also oversaw the free agent signings of DeSean Jackson, Tracy Porter, Andre Roberts, Jason Hatcher, Shawn Lauvao. So, that wasn’t a bad year. There were some hits, and some misses. But the same could be said of the last two draft and free agent classes that took place on McCloughan’s watch. And, although McCloughan led the personnel department and reported directly to Allen, it wasn’t like he didn’t accept input from coaches, the scouts and Campbell and Santos.
It’s a team effort, with Allen basically having the final say.
This post has been harvested from the source link, and News-Twitter has no responsibility on its content. Source link
0 notes