#and now it looks identical to a YouTube comments section
lunod · 2 years
Ngl I kinda hate the homogenous nature of tech now. Site culture used to be a pretty big thing, and sites used to all look different from each other. You picked sites to be on not just for the community but for the drastically different functionalities the site offered from other sites. Now everything has pretty much the same functionalities and site culture has less to do with actual culture and more to do with the platform's method of communication (video vs txt primarily). Phones used to have very different UI depending on the brand AND model and now it all runs together and you mainly choose based on ??????? brand name preference I guess. It just feels disingenuous and obviously caters toward making as much money from as many people as possible.
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applebunch · 2 years
i think if (pre-episode 30) michael watched be more chill he would catch a severe case of miss-the-point-itis. “man, i wish i had a squip. obviously not an evil one tho haha” michael please. please listen to the character who shares your name. please listen to christine. she’s literally you from the future. michael. MICHAEL.
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literaturewithliz · 9 months
I feel like making a sappy post abt PJO rn so here we go!
As the hours go by, it gets clearer and clearer to me that soon, everything will change for the fan base of pjo. And no matter how hard I try to be excited, there is such a beautifully tragic feeling of sadness I get to think about it. About not knowing what will happen when that show comes out.
I never realized just how protective I was of Percy and his group until it was announced that filming had begun for season 1. When I saw Rick’s post, I felt light for a moment, and then a heavy feeling settled in my chest that I still cannot quite describe. The ironic part of all of this is the fact that it has been alarmingly long since I’ve sat to read these books. In fact, the last time I read The Lightning Thief, it was the first time.
It was quarantine, so the mood was already impossibly somber. But what made it such a unique experience for me was the fact that I had depression. My parents had just split which was earth shattering for me, a ten year old, and all I could think about 24/7 was the countless fights they had, their words ringing in my head like a gigantic bell that never did seem to stop. My grandmother (whose house my dad and I were staying in) and my father still had in person work at that point, so I was alone everyday, which gave me all the time in the world to ponder my emotion, or lack there of. I came close to doing unspeakable things, and eventually just stayed inside my room. I hardly ever came out, so hardly anyone physically saw me for a year. I never picked up phone calls, I ate meals in my room, and I spent the day sleeping so that when I woke up everyone in the house would be asleep and I wouldn’t have to talk to anyone.
I had completely lost my identity at that point, because since school was out, there was nothing to try at. All of my validation came from my academic performance, specifically my performance in reading. At this time, I really didn’t like to read at all. I just didn’t love it, my heart wasn’t in it, but I did it all the time because all of my classmates and teachers and both of my parents told me I had a gift, and that I was destined to do something with it. And so I read all the time, and it seemed like that was all I did. But now that there was no one encouraging me, I didn’t see a point.
Until one day when I was scrolling through a YouTube comments section, and one of the comments mentioned the name Percy Jackson, who I had never heard of before. I looked into the replies of that comment and there was just an endless amount of love there. These people who have never seen each other before all still seeming like a family in their own way, bonding over this book series. I remember wondering why I never had that, with all the books that I’ve read. And then next I remember thinking that I really did want it, and begged my dad to buy me the first Percy jackson book. I was very hesitant because I still didn’t care all that much about reading, but I thought that something about this series must be different, if all of these people can bond so much over it.
So I started reading it, and after a couple of chapters, I gave up on it. Because I didn’t understand what was happening, and I didn’t want to. I thought that the group of people I saw were weird for liking such a boring book. And I didn’t pick it up again for about two more month, when my depression was at an all time low. There was hardly anything in my mind except that loud bell, and I was desperate to make it go away. There wasn’t anything to do, and I felt like this really was the end for me, that life was always going to be this never ending storm of awful feelings, and I would be lonely forever.
So I did the only thing I thought I was good at, and I read. I sat there for a solid 3 hours and read that book without putting it down and it was the best thing that had ever happened to me, because I actually loved it. These characters felt personal to me, I felt like I had known them my whole life. I feel like it was also the first time I had laughed in a while.
Percy Jackson showed me that reading didn’t have to be something I did for the approval of others, but it could be amazing. I kept purchasing the series as it went, and by the time it was over, School had started again, and I talked to people every day. My life felt like there was at least a little bit of normalcy to it, and while the bells never really did stop ringing, I now had a whole fandom I could talk and relate with about these books and about life in general. PJO was always like a buoy in the storm for me at that time, and eventually, I read more books. Books that I loved this time. And instead of reading for the approval of others, I read because I didn’t want to do anything else.
Eventually with all of these new books, I fell out of the fandom for the most part, but Percy was always there in the back of my mind. So how odd it feels now, to feel like I am about to cry at the thought that a whole new generation of fans is about to storm in, and we will all be there with open arms. Maybe there is a little girl out there right now feeling what I felt, and this show will be there to be her anchor. Maybe these characters will be there to show her what the world could not.
I feel like I sounds silly and over dramatic and maybe I do, but it is all true. This series changed my life in the best of ways, and for that I will always be protective of it.
Even so, I know that we have deserved a true adaptation, the world deserves to see Percy Jackson as it truly is. And even with my fear and my sadness to see this era go, I am so unbelievably excited to see what happens next. So excited to watch and rewatch these episodes with y’all until I can’t see straight. So excited to hear what people think of it. I think big things are coming. Good luck Leah, Walker, and Aryan. Good luck to every other actor and every set worker and good luck to Uncle Rick, because with this chaotically beautiful mess of a fandom, you will definitely need it.
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bladeydp · 4 months
I only learned about this shameful affair a few months after the release of Fake Worlds End in late 2023. In this post, I will describe what happened and my subjective opinion of lunariamv as an active domestic Charon fan on the Internet.
First let's understand who lunariamv is. lunariamv is an online game maker (active on Tumblr and tiktok) who has been reviled by charon fans overseas for pirated charon games. lunariamv started out as a painter, but one day he started to imitate charon's games. At first, it was just the imitation of the painting style, and then gradually began to copy the original. lunariamv's Doom Stones is a direct copy of charon's Makoto Mobius. Not long ago, lunariamv copied Mikoto Nikki again.
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Now let's talk about my personal feelings
My favorite charon character is Mikio from Makoto Mobius. I've only been active on Twitter for six months now. The first time I saw the Doom Stones CG I naively thought it was some unfinished work by charon. And then I was misled, like an idiot, and I posted it on Twitter. Later, under the explanation of the Internet fans, I found that what I saw was something contrary to heaven. (I ended up deleting that tweet because it was disgusting to think of copycat stuff as a family thing) and lunariamv drew Mikio as a man...
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lunariamv, don't you get it? The decision to change the original in order to make it look less identical is disgusting...)
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(" I don't Want People Who are hindering Me to Interact with Me "is like a thief declaring that he is stealing from people around him and not to stop him.) He claims to be artistic and aesthetic without any consideration for anything else, like A saying to B: "I like your dress, but you will be mediocre without it, so I will get the same dress as you." Let me make my position clear: I do not oppose those who learn from charon's painting style, and the later development of painting style depends on the reference in the early stage. But isn't it a little cheeky to copy the plot? lunariamv claims to be a charon fan, but she would rather draw a fan map of her own game than a fan map of charon's own character. In addition, lunariamv's early works were found to have been copied by overseas charon fans.
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Like Matsuri? That's right, because lunariamv doesn't make people.
However, lunariamv explained the plagiarism: "I didn't do it intentionally, it was just for fun."
One day I robbed your house of every penny left, and when I finally tell you, "I didn't mean to rob your house, it was just for fun," you will be happy.
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Why are you calling this guy Mikio? You probably know that I like Mikio, and I think you're getting back at me and the other Charon fans, right? lunariamv, I should have known you had no shame.
And this guy is trying to mislead his uninformed fans by branding his game as a Charon game.
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lunariamv posted a video of herself playing the game she copied from Charon on YouTube. lunariamv's YouTube account:
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I argued with him in the comments section of YouTube and was met with sophistry:
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Even if you have no business purpose, no intention of making a profit, but you have done such a reckless thing, especially against the Charon group, lunariamv, I just want to ask you, is your conscience being eaten by a dog? You don't talk back to other fans, you don't talk back to me, you use the law as a shield when I'm judging, do you really think the world revolves around you?
So I went to tumblr to argue with this asshole. Continue to expose this guy's evil deeds under this guy's blog, and then he responded to me like this:
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Who gave you the courage to be a thief and scold me for exposing your ugly face? First: No one listens to your guile, your guile is against ethics. Second, other fans are helping me. I only look at the facts. Third: I am 18 years old. I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child and had symptoms of delusional disorder. But I'm not retarded. I think lunariamv's comments have violated my right to personal dignity, mocking me as childish, retarded, and incapable of respecting others. No, have you ever respected other fans who come to you to talk to you alone? (There are private messages from overseas fans about how this guy's stolen work compares to the original, but this guy doesn't reply) Do you respect Charon? You're talking about respect here?
Not only was I scolded, but lunariamv wrote a short essay in order to "repay" my exposure:
(I have three requirements for you :1. Stop infringing 2. Delete the works that involve plagiarism 3. A public apology to Charon makes it spam?)Stop using the law as an excuse. I've seen that too many times before, "I don't take Inspiration as my own," and when you posted your last rip-off and shamelessly called it original, how did I tweet it back at you?
Just because you acknowledge and praise the original work doesn't mean you can copy it, but if you acknowledge and praise the renovation of my home, you can pick the door lock of my home? What bandit logic...) How can you proudly compare yourself to everything in the world? A: Do you think in other people's shoes? Don't you ignore other fans when they explain to you calmly? In my private letter to you, I just repeatedly emphasized my three demands. Did I verbally attack you? Isn't it true that you plagiarized? (" I'll Take Criticism with a grain of Salt, "and then you posted this quibbling essay.)
"You want the same thing as Charon, Please don't expect it," Then you don't fucking get involved with Charon, you can't be original? Your work is too misleading, and some Charon fans who don't know the truth have begun to defend you, really fucking "Congratulations, congratulations" ah)(you have violated the bottom line of Charon and Charon fans again and again, my evaluation is either apologize or delete the number roll, pretend what big tail Wolf)
This guy played Fake Worlds End and still insists he didn't plagiarize, knowing Charon went through a plagiarism scandal and still plagiarized, so it's a little cheeky to defend herself, right?
By the way, this guy is already copying mix ore.
Finally, I gave it to lunariamv with one of our famous Chinese poems. Anyway, that guy doesn't understand the broad and profound Chinese culture.
あなたは少し能力と度胸があるならば、私の郵便受けに来て私のフィードバックを探します:[email protected]
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magentagalaxies · 11 months
Kids in the Archive: Episode 3
hi everyone you know the deal - i uncovered a bunch of original scripts for kith sketches with the help of the wonderful bruce mcculloch and now i'm here to bring you all a behind-the-scenes comparison of script and screen!
Previous Episodes: Episode 1 - armada finale ("do we make it?") Episode 2 - fran & gordon: the vacation
today's episode is dedicated to @ofkithandmckinney as we cover the script of their favorite sketch, s2e1's "comfortable"
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the thing that immediately sets "comfortable" apart from all the other scripts i own is the multicolored paper is it printed on, with some parts being on pink and others on blue. this is not accidental - each color denotes a specific revision date which is standard practice for tv production, though comfortable is the only script in my collection in this style. the date for pink revisions is may 22nd 1990, while blue revisions were june third of the same year. while taking photos of the scripts, my phone tries to color-balance the images automatically to make it look like black text on a white background, so i had to trick my phone into letting me show off the pink pages here today
The Casting
since the opening of this script is near-identical to what we seen onscreen, I decided to use this section to highlight an interesting (and at times confusing) element of this script, which is that dave and mark's roles are occasionally switched. at times dave is designated as scott's character's wife and mark as the other husband. on a related note, this also wasn't initially written as a nina sketch, with the character being referred to as "marion" in this draft. all in all, while thinking about this alternate version of "comfortable" is fun, i frankly cannot imagine anyone else playing these roles, as all of them bring the perfect type of energy. plus, this nina appearance relates it to my web of kith sketches that exist in the same universe
The "Improv"
this script also allows us to clear up a misconception i've seen in the youtube comments of various uploads of this sketch: people claiming "i want you in me" was improvised
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i can see where this misconception came from - while adhering to the script very faithfully, at this point in the sketch things feel like they're starting to fly off the rails, and each of the actors are struggling not to break. plus, this is totally something scott would do. there's a chance this could have been improvised during a rehearsal or table read (it is on the blue pages after all) but in the version that was broadcast this line was expected. however, there is a possibly-improvised moment in the recording which wasn't in the script. after scott's character takes his pants off there's a moment where he starts singing hava nagila - in the script it just says "da da da da". why scott chose to commemorate this moment with hava nagila we may never know
The Ending
unlike our past few sketches, there's no big difference between the script's ending and the final moments of the sketch on tv. all the beats are accounted for, with most variations stemming from the goldmine that is getting nina in this situation
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as soon as i saw this script in storage i knew i needed it in my collection (with bruce's permission of course), and with all these fascinating production elements it certainly delivered. beyond that, comfortable is one of my favorite sketches as well, because i vividly remember the first time i watched it in the summer of 2022
pre-2022 i'd seen some kids in the hall before, but they'd always been scattered sketches and individual episodes all from season one. when i got into season 2 i didn't know what to expect. would this increased attention and production value make the kids less willing to push the boundaries? would they end up like snl? looking back it's hilarious i could ever think that about this troupe, but i identify "comfortable" as the sketch that really set the tone for what i was in for with season 2. the living room setup and premise of an awkward gathering feel similar to any number of middle-of-the-road snl sketches, which lulled me into a false sense of mundanity, until scott keeps pushing the limits and eventually starts straight-up fucking kevin mcdonald on the table. of course this season wasn't going to be your standard fare sketch show, as pretty soon after followed sizzler and sizzler and the iconic "touch bellini" contest, but as i saw the world of these suburban couples' descend into chaos it was comforting that this punk rock sensibility wasn't over yet.
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themessengervevo · 10 months
Hello everyone! Before I begin, I have to say I very much thank everyone who shared my story around. It may not be much, but it could lead to something more. Thank you for doing that.
Since my goal with my original post was to not only address my sudden unfair banning from the platform but to also give attention to other problems with this platform, I decided to give this operation a catchy name of sorts. You can call it
Operation Take That!
or anything else really. Hopefully that will give this movement more of an identity.
In other news though, I may have discovered some very peculiar bugs that affect the Youtube experience for me, and I'll show these in this post to give bugfix suggestions. For the sake of clarity, and also because I like old stuff, I will be showing these screenshots with CustomTube enabled. It's an extension for Chrome and Firefox that changes the look of the Youtube layout to older ones, specifically mid 2014 in this case.
First on my examination will be the home page. For this and other instances, I will be comparing how a banned user sees a page with the same tab but in a container so as to show how a normal user sees the same page. So how does the home page should usually look like? It should look as shown here:
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Notice the sidebar on the left. Now lets compare it with the non-container homepage, and see what we get:
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You can immediately see how the sidebar is gone. Why? If you can't login into a youtube account, why remove the sidebar? It still wouldnt let you sign in anyway because you are terminated. It is simply unnessesary!
Now lets move onto the watch page, and see how that is different, here is a screengrab of a random video I took from the home page in the container:
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Again, notice the sidebar, but also the Like and Dislike buttons and the row of buttons from "About" to "More". Lets also compare the comments section, here is how it looks in container:
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Great, right? Now lets see how those two look without container:
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Notice how wrong everything looks? The lack of sidebar again, the misshapen Like button, the Save button here is the default one, the Share button has been replaced with a number, and the More button has three dots underneath it. Odd right? Lets see the comment section now:
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Oh wait, there is no comment section here, because it's stuck in a loading loop! Again, why does this need to happen when you get banned? This is just unnessesary again!
Here's some other issues that I know of or found that I feel like need to be fixed:
The Like and Dislike buttons in comment sections lead to the sign in, unlike the ones under the video itself.
There's been performance issues for users of Firefox, including an intentional 5-second slowdown and big lag. The lag one in particular seems to be happening to everyone, not just me with an almost decade-old laptop at this point. Some speculate these changes were made by Google as part of a tactic to get non-Chrome users to, well, use Chrome, and see it as just plain being greedy. I think so too.
Occasionally, when I enter the home page from a watch page, the tab assumes I am logged in and shows my pfp and notification bell and all. I can click the pfp to open what would be the menu there, but is stuck in an endless loop. As well, the page im on shows a "Something went wrong" error. Very weird. That needs to be fixed too I think.
Again, please reblog and share this post around to not only hear my story but to hear my criticisms and suggestions too. I might make more of these posts to show how bad Youtube's getting as a platform. Also I am still considering whether to get a Boosty or not. Maybe even a Ko-fi if they allow that. Again, thank you for your support so far, I couldn't be more happy to hear your thoughts on this, and if any of you had or have the same experience I'm having, please reach out!
- Thank you, The Messenger.
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prose-among-the-trees · 3 months
Uh can you elaborate on your call out on DD? Like you threw a lot of shit at the wall without a single source and I've not heard any of that before. Could you specify on the misinformation part because I haven't seen anyone say that.
The whole post reads like you have personal beef and not an actual argument
You got it. I’ll admit I should have gone about that with a lot more backing it. I’ve never met DD in any capacity, nor do I want to, but my personal issue with them comes from how did was portrayed to me before, during, and after my diagnosis through their YouTube videos and the way they sensationalize and offer clickbait titles to all of their videos.
There are three fantastic videos by a YouTuber called Cringey about the timeline of DissociaDID. The first video starts out as a desire to respond to Nin (host at the time) about the way she handled the allegations against TP and how shady that was. I’ll post the video here along with the timestamps (these timestamps are also a pinned comment by the creator)
Timestamps for part one (these are copied directly from the pinned comment)
Intro: 0:00-2:48
DID definitions and notable DID YouTubers: 2:48-7:24
The Pottergate Center: 7:24-13:08
The University Complex (Nin being denied university re-entry): 7:24-17:58
Misinformation (bad sources and using psychological terminology to sound smarter): 17:58-23:59
The Real Nin (BetterHelp, supporting TeamPiñata + friendship with Bobo): 23:59-47:51
Closing thoughts and reiterating the video’s intent: 47:51-51:35
On the Misinformation section:
Just gonna make a lil transcript for these sections because I feel like the actual words (with time stamps) are more telling than my stupid ass narration.
18:16 starting transcript
Cringey speaking: “In Nin’s video, ‘Schizophrenia and Dissociative Identity Disorder, What’s the Difference? Debunking DID Episode 9,’ she says this.”
DD speaking: “Hallucinations. Hallucinations are hearing or sensing voices that aren’t real or aren’t really there. This could be things other than just voices, so you can see things that aren’t really there, hear things, feel things that aren’t really there, and hallucinations are a symptom that can come with Dissociative Identity Disorder but are very very integral to a diagnosis of schizophrenia.
“So somebody with DID may or may not suffer from hallucinations, but somebody with schizophrenia will DEFINITELY suffer from hallucinations.”
18:58 ending transcript
Cringey corrects this, explaining that only about 70% of people with schizophrenia are reported to have experienced hallucinations, leaving an entire 30% not accounted for in DissociaDID’s quick summary of such a complex condition.
I’m going to cite an NIH article that supports that here.
For this next section, I’ll leave the timestamps for you to watch and just summarize since she rambles a bit.
Starts at 20:45 and ends at 23:44
Cringey discusses the fact that DD doesn’t discuss the limitations of studies conducted in regards to how long ago the study was conducted, the outdated terminology*, and the fact that a lot of these studies, in being so old, are no longer representative of the world now as people are being diagnosed.
Some of these studies come from 1901, over 100 years old, all the ones before 1994 use MPD as the term for DID, and a lot of the names seem to be just copied to make the sources look more credible.
“A lot of these sources are also books with individual studies in them, so if you haven’t heard of did, you’re going to have to spend a lot of time reading these books to find the individual studies, other than just providing the study itself.” Paraphrased from Cringey
*little side note here- they still will put ‘multiple personality disorder’ in their video titles and act like they’re destigmatizing the disorder. Ffs.
There is a part 1.5 where Cringey corrects points that she makes in this first video, along with clarifications and addressing criticisms of it. That’s linked right here:
This video is only 15 minutes and corrects how DissociaDID is pronounced, the university that Cringey references DD attending, how to pronounce betterhelp (English is not her first language), how psychologists can diagnose disorders in the uk, whether or not she’s DissociaDID herself, and the definition of stalking versus using public (mis)information provided by someone you’re criticizing.
I think this little video is mostly correcting semantics but it’s still important because it verifies that Cringey really did a deep dive and the actual misinfo like the way she pronounced names was mainly language based and not someone not doing their due diligence when it comes to research.
If you’re pro self dx then you won’t like Cringey’s takes in this 1.5 video so be sure to take those with a grain of salt.
Okay on to part two that I’ll link here:
More Timestamps (again copied directly from her pinned comment)
Recap of part one: 0:00:00-0:04:52
Table of contents for this video: 0:04:52-0:05:58
In depth study issues and the 1-3% statistic: 0:05:58-0:12:09
Racism + problematic behavior: 0:12:09-0:27:20
(Tw here for domestic abuse in times 0:22:36-0:26:45)
Patreon, fan exploitation, and DissociaDID draws: 0:27:20-0:41:43
Unanswered questions and manipulation: 0:41:43-0:59:42
DIDTubers and their opinions on Nin: 0:59:42-1:16:24
I’d like to point out that the issues with Nadia didn’t go away (the racism part). In DissociaDID’s update video introducing Kya in one of their first few videos back the last time, Kya alludes to bullies forcing Nadia off the internet. That’s not true. Nadia was a racist caricature of an indigenous person that people of color saw issue with.
It doesn’t shock me that you haven’t heard of this before. DissociaDID keeps a tight hold on comments, both on TikTok and YouTube, as to make the audience feel more tight knit. There have been people who have had issues with them since they started their channel. Any criticism that they get, nicely worded or not, is quickly deleted and it’s assumed that it never happened at all. Most recent example I can find was on one of their most recent TikTok videos.
You’ll also notice I didn’t mention the issue of treating fusion like death in these particular sources. This is a criticism by the did community that watches her now, and most of that criticism is found on Reddit. If you don’t want Reddit as a source I don’t blame you, but comprehensive articles aren’t being written about DD, and the subreddit is where people with the condition have come together to discuss why that and so many other takes of theirs have been detrimental to the did community.
But yeah. The videos are long but they’re worth the watch if you want to see criticisms people had and still have 3 years later. My initial post was riddled with emotion and personal bias, and I won’t apologize for the former. DD hurts the community by being in it, and they should not be allowed to be a public figure misrepresenting a disorder that is so debilitating to myself and so many others.
Thanks for reading.
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joelletwo · 4 months
notes on TIME. themselves now benoted and referenced out appropriately. much of them just banger quotes from the essay
kintoki (tokiko) (placeholder thought during the swords intro that inherently set up a link between time and castration to me bc i have spent weeks thinking about the meaning of kintoki as the noncastrated ideal/the imposter as such as his prosthetic appearance in mantama) (u may notice thats the same youtuber who did the Comedy video i linked ages ago. i have been getting much mileage out of him.) sword castration - "dispossession disrupts temporality."
takasugicentrism "Takasugi is driving the time loop." (i did talk about this in the tags.)
(everyone else finds ways to move on but gintoki hates to leave ppl behind.
does gintoki respect ppls agency. yes with otose shouyou takasugi. no with all his antagonists and other ppl who want to die? <- still unsure
gintoki simultaneously the witnesserrrrrrr (unacting observer or unflinching observer past where action can help him save someone) and the forgetterrrrrr (sop animation) gintoki doesnt have goals of his own (didnt fight to protect the country but everywhere his sword reaches is his country) (literally just vibing) (this one written at the end of the essay but i was still trying to do the same thing as this section. figure out the gintoki-side of why utsuro-sugi fill the other driving half of the manga. why are they that for him. what ARE gintokis motivations. and do we EVER see his interiority.)
progress/movement in personal time needs personal integration.
(divisibility disproves infinity of personal time; indivisibility in kile ouroboros sense of a perfectly integrated I = noncastrated impossible ideal of infinite personal time?) (post-note: perfectly integrated and indivisible and questionably possible I = line?)
(utsuro resists (could hyperlink the kintoki post again) integration/external impregnation; flip side, shouyou welcomes impregnation but cannot satisfyingly access its results; psychoanal mother 0-1 (from this video)? more gintama preoccupation w the possibility of mtf transitioning?))
when it is fished (unwillingly, I think) out of Takasugi’s eyelid. narrative time cannot move until Takasugi’s eye becomes Gintoki’s sword
(gintoki/takasugi pov [later swapped with shouyou/utsuro pov]) (again my eternal question. why do we get takasugi pov thoughts so many times. and do we ever get gintokis. and what the hell does that mean (evil things). i dont remember what i mean about shouyoutsuro. thinking that any time we see shouyou outside of a shouka sonjuku flashback is more about what utsuro thinks about shouyou than about shouyou? definitely about the final swapping and their weird four-way identity crisis math thing)
Thus half of the loop is about Gintoki always standing up again, always waiting for Takasugi to face him, and the other half of the loop, that is, its motivation, is about Takasugi working up the guts, or whatever he does throughout the series, to finally come at Gintoki* face to face. Gintama doesn’t actually timeskip until Gintoki kills Utsuro in silver soul. Birthing time looks like an escape from the time loop.
(ouro self-fertilization = the way out of ouro [THEORETICALLY])
(cyclical time is measurable -> iterable/buildable)
[koizumi time diagram (not the post but the comment)] <- not actually useful here just my landmark for characters engaging with their own story's fucked up experience of time and getting fun and mathy with it. nonperfectly coherent/stable timeloop with two phases self-satisfiedly diagrams out to linear time briefly intersected by an infinity sign which ive always wanted to use as a model for mapping out more complicated time stories
narrative time twists into defeatist cycles intentionality versus ruination, “I” as capable actor versus “I” as acted upon I cannot act, and yet it acts on me. My despair at the exterior world which rivets me to itself quickly translates to despair in, at, my self. his loss is even more infinite for the narrowness of its scope mathematically irrational (x(sin(1/x))) <- WHOA
part where i basically stopped taking notes and enjoyed the ride lol
(sakamoto "hope" argument -> i have used sakamoto before (very very ending letter monologue abt miracles) as the mouthpiece for gintama merging two paradoxical ideas (idealist pov and materialist pov) to reinforce each other rather than to disprove)
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hello everyone, annoying spaniard here!!! these last few days i've been stressing over assignments so i didn't have time or will to post one of these, but i'm back and this post is gonna be a bit longer so yay!
if you don't know what i'm doing, i'm just playing pokemon scarlet and violet and commenting on any references to my culture i come across :) here's my previous post btw
let's start with porto marinado's marketplace!! markets are big in spain, they can be found all throughout the country and i feel there's not a single market that served as inspiration for the paldean one, below i'll just add the ones i know the most / the most representative ones: the la cebada and san miguel markets in madrid, the la boquería market in barcelona, and the central market in valència
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staying on this topic, i also really like kofu as a gym leader and specifically as a chef! as you could already imagine by looking at paldea, food is incredibly important in spain, it is part of our cultural identity and it plays a huge part in almost every aspect of daily life. there's 283 michelin stars in the country, and spanish chefs have won the title of best chefs in the world on numerous occasions. cooking shows are very popular, and in most of them there's always a section where the chef goes to the market to get fresh produce, just like kofu does! his personality reminds me a lot of famous tv chef karlos arguiñano, while his design is more similar to chef josé andrés, an incredible human being who's done a lot of humanitarian aid around the world and who recently got awarded with a honorific plaque in kyiv by ukrainian president zelensky as well as with the order of honor.
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i've already commented on this but i hadn't seen the actual postal office building until now; the colour of mail service here is yellow, just like in the games :)
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i found a new restaurant which means new food yay!!!
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the first dish is just pintxos, similar to tapas but make them basque, and that area is really big on fish and seafood so it makes sense than their pokemon counterpart also has them!
even if arroz con leche is usually associated with argentina, it actually originated in spain and it is a traditional dessert still handmade in rural areas and widely consumed all over the country
ceviche is peruvian!
the fourth dish is probably a reference to espetos
the fifth is just pasta lol
even though levincia is 100% inspired in valència, both because of its location and its modern / technological look (also its name), the business area looks like it took inspiration on the cuatro torres business area and the AZCA district in madrid, the heart of business stuff in the country.
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(btw the four towers in the pic are now five so much closer to their pokémon counterparts)
also as a quick note i find very funny the fact that the largest company in paldea seems to be a construction one, as the 2008 spanish economic crisis started (among other factors) due to the high speculation within that sector lol
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i also find iono a hilarious concept for a paldean gym leader cause streamers are actually very popular in spain, i would say most young people (including myself) follow at least one streamer, and just looking at the top streamers list for november 2022, i'm counting 4 spanish streamers in the top 50 of the world. spanish youtubers are pretty high in the hispanic twitch community and for what i've seen on the internet recently younger latines are beginning to associate spain with twitch and streamers which lol. and of course, i cannot talk about spanish streamers without talking about ibai llanos, probably the most influential person to young people right now in the country (and a pretty good influence that is); he has the 4th most-followed twitch channel in the world, he's won the streamer of the year award in 2020 and 2021, held many irl events that have broken twitch view records, and has managed to rival mainstream television. in fact, spanish television seems to hold an absurd grudge against streamers and sees them as direct competitors, it's all very bizarre and makes all of iono's thing even funnier.
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also - and i realise this is only a thing that happens in the spanish version of the game but it brought me immense joy and i wanted to share it with you - all of iono's lines and in general all of her gym was full of references to twitter memes and basically internet slang, it was both delightful and painful. here are some of my favorites:
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she would say 'hacer la combatición' ('do the fightation') instead of 'combatir' ('fight'), and this is a reference to twitter slang; instead of saying 'morir' ('die') people would just type 'hacer la morición' ('do the diation'). it's just a funny and nonsensical way of saying it, that's it. also i've said this irl so it's one of those expressions capable of jumping outside of the internet into everyday vocabulary
at one point she calls you 'monstro/a' ('monster'), which is an expression the singer and celebrity rosario flores uses during the the voice auditions (she's a coach there) a lot, to the point it became a meme.
this one made me holler because it is one of my favourite expressions and one i use all the time... anyways when you defeat this trainer (i believe he's the first one?) he says 'emosido ganados' ('we have been beaten'). the correct way of writing that phrase is 'hemos sido ganados', and it is a reference to this graffitti which has become a staple in the twitter reaction meme repertoire ('emosido engañado' reads 'we have been fooled', the correct way of writing it is 'hemos sido engañados'). i unfortunately also say this one irl from time to time rip me
and that's all for this post!! i hope you liked it!
here's next post :)
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rin-and-jade · 8 months
This question touches upon the notion of “traumagenic” and “endogenic”; as well as The Theory of Structural Dissociation. The Theory of Structural Dissociation seemingly supports endogenics as it states that there are “natural born” systems. They would be “endogenic” because they're not born from trauma, (as those who are “traumagenic” are).
I recently had a discussion with someone in a yt comment section about those two terms and they pointed me to you, so I just want to see what you think.
I believe in endogenic systems; because why would a book (the DSM) made by those who don't even experience plurality determine whether something exists or not? And as systems, those who are heavily categorized and misunderstood or looked down upon because they don't fit the singlet category, I feel as though we should embrace different forms of neurodiversity.
My questions are: what is the real line between "traumagenic" and "endogenic"? Are systems who were born as a system and weren't exasperated by trauma (like an endo) any less valid or real than those who were exasperated by trauma (traumagenic)? Or because of that theory, if that's how all systems work, aren't all systems "endogenic"?
Before reading: Long post. This purpose is to discuss and look at things in another pov, not intended to debate current beliefs/opinions. TLDR Provided. Last notes at bottom.
To clarify first, im in a neutral stance between the endo and traumagenic community as i focus more on the better of living for any kinds of plural people. Your question did seemed interesting and i had ever discussed this by myself on free time, so i do got some answers for you!
The line between these two are its origin and functionality, to put it in my opinion. The unique thing about plurality is that, i can totally see it being possible that it can exist outside of trauma.
Well, let me explain it to you like this:
An intact personality is where multiple facets are cohesive, and these facets that gives you that said personality is your identity. It's how you see yourself, and act like who you know. Basically, it's how you can act differently in different situations be it at school, at home, at somewhere else etc.
The thing about where personality is located in our brain has been a complex topic for scientists, if i remember correctly, there wasn't a specific spot for it as our brain has multiple areas with different functionality, and these regions cooperating creates a tangible output like how you react, or your typical behaviors.
I kept finding singlets discussing things that looks like really mild system things, and especially from this one youtube video (im so sorry i couldn't provide the link, it has been months ago i had watched but it discussing this too by a doctor or something. lmk if i have to find it again) quotes that the brain fools us into thinking theres only one 'kind' of us, not by it's exact words but close. These people can have different levels in terms of sense of personality unity btw, so not all singlets are the same either.
Now the origin and functionality for a traumagenic is different, because these states are being separated, and compartmentalized due to trauma. The presence of amnesia blocks the other side's of selves sometimes to severe degrees, now acting independently. There is also proof that the grey matter and the communication between regions are different, compared to a healthy brain (i can find the links for this too if needed). Well, you could read more about DID if needed.
So no, neither are less valid, but that doesn't mean both works the same or have the same processes either. Which means, not all systems are endogenic by origins.
Lastly, this is from what i had learnt and connect the dots over many sources i had read to ensure a wide perspective, nuanced understandings in topics. I am fully aware if some of you seem to disagree or see my views as wrong,, we have our own pov's ofcourse. i don't want to fight about validating my pov alright? Im also open to feedback/extra questions, im as well aware of the existence of fake/bad endos and do not support them.
TLDR: There are real life experiences and proof that supports the idea of being plural in mild/different ways, or ways that are different to traumagenics due to the complexity of the brain. Neither are the same in terms of how it functions and where it came from. Neither are also less valid.
- j
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weeapplelover · 2 years
@that-vigilante-piedpiper I had an idea for Pied Piper but it was too long for an ask so here it is in writing, and I hope you enjoy!
like the idea of a civilian coming up to Piper and convincing him to answer one of their questions. He agrees, as long as the answer wouldn't expose his identity.
He isn't ready for the civilian to ask why he became a vigilante.
He takes a deep breath and starts his story after leading the person to a bench so they could sit down.
He explains how he had wanted to be a hero ever sence he saw All Mights debut video. How he thought saving people was the coolest thing someone could do. So, like many children, he grew up wanting to become a hero. And he still did, despite how many people grew out of it, despite the amount of people who told him he couldn't do it, he never did. No matter how dangerous it was for him, it would be worth it to see the people he saved smile.
When he applied for the hero school he had always dreamed about going to, they rejected him without letting him even take the exam. It sent him into a deep depression. He went out running one day, not really knowing what he was doing, and he ran into someone who needed to be saved. That act of vigilantizm that was normally just a good civilian taking action helped him realize that if he wanted to save people, he would have to do it illegally, and hero work was the only job for him.
So that led to his first fight, then another, and another and eventually he got a name, and then an addition to the name, and now he was a famous vigilante. At this point he started crying happy tears. The sitting civilian puts their phone against the wall to record them hugging so she wouldn't have to edit the video that much later.
Piper says goodbye, and goes on his way as the civilian ends the recording and contemplates posting it. They decide to wait until they meet piper again to ask. Probably going to be weird, but nevertheless, people have been dying to know Pied Piper's backstory for a while.
She meets Piper again, this time after he had just saved her from a dude looking to mug her, and she figures now is as good a time as any to ask.
"Uh, do you remember me? You told me your reason for becoming a vigilante, and I was wondering if it was okay because you got kinda emotional and I didn't want to make you feel like I betrayed you or something by posting your feelings online..."
"Oh, I kinda actually expected you to."
"Yeah, I thought you posted it and people just didn't find it interesting or you didn't tag it correctly or something." He shrugged. "I get emotional a lot, and yeah, it's kinda personal but I talked with someone about it and they said it was my choice and the media has been dying to know anyway so why not. I've had time to prepare." Was all he said before he climed up the building and escaped, probably pausing sometime during his buliding-hopping to call the police to her area, because they arrived shortly after she posted the video with doubt in her mind.
About a day later the media blew up with Piper. The video the person had posted was titled, "Piper's Backstory, asked by a fan" and was trending. It was about 7 hours after it was posted that the police found it. The whole office had gone completely silent to hear Piper's story.
The hero commission wasn't any different. They had the video playing on the begscreen TV, haws was present as well, listening to every word and sheding a tear when the person recording gave a hug to Piper, which was returned.
The comment section of the video was filled with support, letting the vigilante know everyone loved him and that he was a hero in their hearts no matter what any hero schools or even the commission said, if Piper was even able to get access to the comment section of the video.
Reo was scrolling through his YouTube when he saw the video, reposted and credited by the account that updated anything anyone posted on Piper. He went to the original link to find the original comments. He showed Izuku when he git back in from patrol, obviously nervous and jittery and an hour early.
Izuku cried. He mumbled something through his tears about people being so nice to him when he was a vigilante and how people were so supportive of him saving people and he cried until he fell asleep.
Naomasa noticed an absence of Piper activity that night, and, though relieved, he decided to research the video. Maybe it had something to do with that?
The next morning it was on the news. Midoriya Inko couldn't help but feel familiarity to the story, and Izuku had a sleepover at his friend's house last night (she wished he would warn her about these things) so she couldn't ask him.
Naomasa had found out that the girl that had posted the video had it in her possession for about 2 weeks before posting it because she wanted to ask if it was okay. Anyway, he had just got a Piper sighting and was hoping to catch him this time. Maybe he could be made an official hero if he could convince the hero commission.
Maybe the kid could live a better life.
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esignwebservices · 2 years
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By identifying their usernames, viewers of YouTube now have a new option to locate and communicate with video producers. It enables channels to utilize @username formatted channels with distinctive identities.
Looks interesting? Share your views on the latest updates in the comment section.
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warningsine · 3 months
The rampant increase of hate messages on social media is a scourge in today’s technology-infused society. Racism, homophobia, xenophobia and even personal attacks on people who have the audacity to disagree with someone else’s political opinion – these and other forms of online hate present an ugly side of humanity.
The derision on social media appears in vile and profane terms for all to see. Obviously, the sole purpose of posting online hate is to harass and harm one’s victims, right?
Not necessarily, according to recent studies about hate messaging in social media. Although seeing hate comments is unquestionably upsetting, new research suggests there’s a different reason people post hate: to get attention and garner social approval from like-minded social media users. It’s a social activity. It’s exhilarating to be the nastiest or snarkiest and to get lots of thumbs-ups or hearts. Anecdotal evidence makes a good case for the social basis of online hate, and new empirical research backs it up.
In over 30 years of research about online interaction, I’ve documented how people make friends and form relationships online. It now appears that the same dynamics that can make some online relationships intensely positive can also fuel friendly feelings among those who join together online in expressing enmity toward identity groups and individual targets. It’s a “hate party,” more or less.
Online hate is a social phenomenon
When you look at online hate messages, you start to notice clues that suggest, more often than not, that hatemongers are posting messages to each other, not to those their messages implicate and denigrate.
For instance, white supremacists and neo-Nazis often include codes and symbols that have shared meaning for the in-group but are opaque to outsiders, including the very people that their messages vilify. Including “88” in one’s message, hashtag or handle is one such code; the Anti-Defamation League’s lexicon of hate symbols explains that the 8th letter of the alphabet is H. And 88, therefore, is HH, or Heil Hitler.
Another clue that hate is for haters is the way it has shifted somewhat from mainstream social media to fringe sites that have gotten so hateful and disturbing that it’s hard to imagine any member of a targeted group wanting to peruse those spaces. The fringe sites say they promote unfettered free speech online. But in doing so, they attract users who write posts that are widely unacceptable and wouldn’t last a minute on mainstream sites with community standards and content moderation.
The kinds of messages that would quickly be flagged as hate speech in any offline setting come to dominate the threads and discussions in some of these spaces. Users curate meme repositories – for instance, the anti-Jewish, anti-LGBTQ and “new (n-word)” collections – that are hideous to most people but funny to those who partake in these secluded virtual backrooms. They’re not spaces where the targets of these epithets are likely to wander.
Ganging up builds community
Further research lends credence to the hypothesis that haters are in it for social approval from one another. Internet researchers Gianluca Stringhini, Jeremy Blackburn and their colleagues have been tracking what they call cross-platform “raids” for a decade.
Here’s how it works. A user on one platform recruits other users to target and harass someone on another platform – the creator of a specific video over on YouTube, for instance. The originator’s post contains a link to the YouTube video and a description of some race or gender issue to prey on, instilling the urge to act among prospective accomplices. Followers head to YouTube and pile on, filling the comments section with hate messages.
The attack looks like its purpose is to antagonize a victim rather than building ties among the antagonists. And, of course, the effects on the targeted person can be devastating.
But backstage, the attackers circle back to the platform where the plot was organized. They boast to one another about what they did. They post screen grabs from the YouTube page to show off their denigrating deeds. They congratulate each other. It was for getting attention and approval after all, consistent with the social approval theory of online hate.
Social approval eggs users on to greater extremes
More direct evidence of the effect of social approval on hate messaging is also emerging. Online behavior researcher Yotam Shmargad and his collaborators have studied newspapers’ online discussion websites. When people get “upvotes” on antisocial comments they’ve posted, they become more likely to post additional antisocial comments.
A recent study by my colleagues Julie Jiang, Luca Luceri and Emilio Ferrara looked at users of X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, and what happened when they received signs of social approval to their xenophobic tweets. When posters’ toxic tweets got an unusually high number of “likes” from other users, their subsequent messages were even more toxic. The more their messages were retweeted by others, the more posters doubled down with more extreme hate.
These findings do nothing to diminish the real hurt and anger that justifiably arise when people see themselves or their identity groups disparaged online.
The social approval theory of online hate doesn’t explain how people come to hate others or become bigoted in the first place. It does provide a new account for the expression of hate on social media, though, and how social gratifications encourage the ebb and flow of this problematic practice.
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bladeydp · 4 months
I only learned about this shameful affair a few months after the release of Fake Worlds End in late 2023. In this post, I will describe what happened and my subjective opinion of lunariamv as an active domestic Charon fan on the Internet.
First let's understand who lunariamv is. lunariamv is an online game maker (active on Tumblr and tiktok) who has been reviled by charon fans overseas for pirated charon games. lunariamv started out as a painter, but one day he started to imitate charon's games. At first, it was just the imitation of the painting style, and then gradually began to copy the original. lunariamv's Doom Stones is a direct copy of charon's Makoto Mobius. Not long ago, lunariamv copied Mikoto Nikki again.
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Now let's talk about my personal feelings
My favorite charon character is Mikio from Makoto Mobius. I've only been active on Twitter for six months now. The first time I saw the Doom Stones CG I naively thought it was some unfinished work by charon. And then I was misled, like an idiot, and I posted it on Twitter. Later, under the explanation of the Internet fans, I found that what I saw was something contrary to heaven. (I ended up deleting that tweet because it was disgusting to think of copycat stuff as a family thing) and lunariamv drew Mikio as a man...
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lunariamv, don't you get it? The decision to change the original in order to make it look less identical is disgusting...)
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(" I don't Want People Who are hindering Me to Interact with Me "is like a thief declaring that he is stealing from people around him and not to stop him.) He claims to be artistic and aesthetic without any consideration for anything else, like A saying to B: "I like your dress, but you will be mediocre without it, so I will get the same dress as you." Let me make my position clear: I do not oppose those who learn from charon's painting style, and the later development of painting style depends on the reference in the early stage. But isn't it a little cheeky to copy the plot? lunariamv claims to be a charon fan, but she would rather draw a fan map of her own game than a fan map of charon's own character. In addition, lunariamv's early works were found to have been copied by overseas charon fans.
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Like Matsuri? That's right, because lunariamv doesn't make people.
However, lunariamv explained the plagiarism: "I didn't do it intentionally, it was just for fun."
One day I robbed your house of every penny left, and when I finally tell you, "I didn't mean to rob your house, it was just for fun," you will be happy.
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Why are you calling this guy Mikio? You probably know that I like Mikio, and I think you're getting back at me and the other Charon fans, right? lunariamv, I should have known you had no shame.
And this guy is trying to mislead his uninformed fans by branding his game as a Charon game.
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lunariamv posted a video of herself playing the game she copied from Charon on YouTube. lunariamv's YouTube account:
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I argued with him in the comments section of YouTube and was met with sophistry:
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Even if you have no business purpose, no intention of making a profit, but you have done such a reckless thing, especially against the Charon group, lunariamv, I just want to ask you, is your conscience being eaten by a dog? You don't talk back to other fans, you don't talk back to me, you use the law as a shield when I'm judging, do you really think the world revolves around you?
So I went to tumblr to argue with this asshole. Continue to expose this guy's evil deeds under this guy's blog, and then he responded to me like this:
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Who gave you the courage to be a thief and scold me for exposing your ugly face? First: No one listens to your guile, your guile is against ethics. Second, other fans are helping me. I only look at the facts. Third: I am 18 years old. I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child and had symptoms of delusional disorder. But I'm not retarded. I think lunariamv's comments have violated my right to personal dignity, mocking me as childish, retarded, and incapable of respecting others. No, have you ever respected other fans who come to you to talk to you alone? (There are private messages from overseas fans about how this guy's stolen work compares to the original, but this guy doesn't reply) Do you respect Charon? You're talking about respect here?
Not only was I scolded, but lunariamv wrote a short essay in order to "repay" my exposure:
The original link:
(I have three requirements for you :1. Stop infringing 2. Delete the works that involve plagiarism 3. A public apology to Charon makes it spam?)Stop using the law as an excuse. I've seen that too many times before, "I don't take Inspiration as my own," and when you posted your last rip-off and shamelessly called it original, how did I tweet it back at you?
Just because you acknowledge and praise the original work doesn't mean you can copy it, but if you acknowledge and praise the renovation of my home, you can pick the door lock of my home? What bandit logic...) How can you proudly compare yourself to everything in the world? A: Do you think in other people's shoes? Don't you ignore other fans when they explain to you calmly? In my private letter to you, I just repeatedly emphasized my three demands. Did I verbally attack you? Isn't it true that you plagiarized? (" I'll Take Criticism with a grain of Salt, "and then you posted this quibbling essay.)
"You want the same thing as Charon, Please don't expect it," Then you don't fucking get involved with Charon, you can't be original? Your work is too misleading, and some Charon fans who don't know the truth have begun to defend you, really fucking "Congratulations, congratulations" ah)(you have violated the bottom line of Charon and Charon fans again and again, my evaluation is either apologize or delete the number roll, pretend what big tail Wolf)
This guy played Fake Worlds End and still insists he didn't plagiarize, knowing Charon went through a plagiarism scandal and still plagiarized, so it's a little cheeky to defend herself, right?
By the way, this guy is already copying mix ore.
Finally, I gave it to lunariamv with one of our famous Chinese poems. Anyway, that guy doesn't understand the broad and profound Chinese culture.
あなたは少し能力と度胸があるならば、私の郵便受けに来て私のフィードバックを探します:[email protected]
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byemizumikahago · 11 months
Mizumi on youtube
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I found a bunch of old videos/comment section mizumi was a part of 11-9 years ago. One is an AMV (anime music video) collaboration with someone, and the other is her featuring in 4 videos from a person's Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask's playthrough.
The existence of these comments/collabs by themselves proves... nothing, really. The content of them doesn't say anything about mizumi's character (not that I'd know, I don't speak German well enough to fully translate everything she says), and, even if they DID say something important, it's from a decade ago, so what value would it hold in comparison to mizumi's actions now?
I'd be lying if I didn't admit, however, that I'm at least a bit curious as to the contents of the Zelda playthrough are. Google translate can give me a rough idea of what her comments say, but not the whole video. If anyone out there speaks German, and can help me, that would be very much appreciated.
I'm also a bit confused about this specific screenshot from the second person's channel:
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"Do you like AMV's? Check her channel, too", but there's no videos at all. Completely empty. Not even any playlists, nothing. This suggests Mizumi could've unlisted/privated/deleted these "amv's" sometime between 11 years ago, and today (so, there's no real way to narrow it down). I'll have to go back through her history to try and find any mention of amv's, or featuring in a zelda playthrough, or anything. This will probably take a while, so be patient while I do so.
This post doesn't really accomplish or share anything noteworthy. It doesn't expose/shed light on the truly nasty, deplorable side of mizumi as a person, all it shows is that, yeah, mizumi used to make amv's with someone and was in a zelda majora's mask video. Big deal, so what?
BUT! What this post, and what this whole blog sets out to do, is not just to expose/call out mizumi, but to archive her actions over the course of her internet identity, since she makes it a hobby to delete anything and everything from her past without a care in the world.
So yeah, I'll continue to try and find more context behind these images. Because who knows, my search could lead me to find something important; something I never would've been able to find if I hadn't turned my head to look in that direction.
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valravn72 · 1 year
It’s so funny when conservatives point out a problem with neoliberals but then miss why the problem is bad and then pin it on leftists because they can’t tell the difference. Like the issue with “woke tv shows” is that corporations are marketing people’s identities to them while simultaneously taking money from people who want to massacre them. Yes, it’s disingenuous. Not because it’s representation, though, because it’s bad representation.
They use this a lot to give themselves the benefit of the doubt. Like they’ll say something about not trusting doctors and the leftists they’re talking to know that medical fraud and imperialism is real so it’s not like they can disagree with them on that point, but what they really mean is that they think COVID isn’t real and they’re flat earthers. They won’t tell you that. They’ll wait until they’ve gotten you on their side enough to show you their cards because they like to pretend to be misguided moderates until they’re able to use their ideologies to their advantage, but they aren’t saying doctors are racist they’re saying that sick people are only sick because they victimize themselves and only white supremacist assholes are trustworthy doctors. They aren’t actually stupid, it’s all pretend. They’re trying to make you sympathetic.
Some of their followers are actually just missing the point, though. And even if they aren’t it makes them easier to debate with because when they are so hellbent on pretending to be on the same side it’s hard for them to actually disagree with you. Most people get so upset at the idea of being on the same side as these people that they lash out, but the trick is to keep having the same take as them but with a nuanced opinion (i.e. corporations having diverse characters is bad because they don’t actually care about these people and they just try to make their identities more marketable to the centrist public) and then watch them scramble to disagree with you without just admitting that they think trans people should die.
I first really noticed this when I was arguing with someone about representation in a YouTube comments section because I am that dumbass. They said something about having nothing against trans people and having a trans friend and just disliking “forced representation.” They gave a bunch of examples of corporate tv shows making shitty representation that actually harms the community they’re supposed to be representing so they could make money. I wondered for a moment if these examples were actually chosen because they knew the writing was bad and they just were missing the point of what made it bad, or if they thought the problem was that people were allowed to be represented in the first place. I wondered if they even knew which point they were trying to convey.
Then I accidentally clicked on their username. YouTube has this thing now where you can see the last comment someone made on the channel whose video you are currently looking at. Their comment was them deadnaming and misgendering Elliott Page intentionally and calling trans women perverts. I told them I saw it and that shut them up. It was amazing,
That’s the whole thing that channels like Prager U pull. They say something that everyone agrees with for different reasons, and once they have you on their side they slowly funnel the logic they used for that into more and more absurd political opinions. The goal is to appear logical at first and then funnel you into extremism, and they have the people who listen to them repeat the same politically vague arguments elsewhere to achieve the same affect and make their side appear more reasonable than they are.
Whenever a conservative think tank says something that you agree with but for reasons that you don’t agree with, that’s intentional. Don’t pretend you don’t agree with them, that’s what they want. Agree with them and wait for them to make the next move. Trust me, tell them that their conclusion is actually antiracist if they’re making it for the right reasons. They will blow up. Tell them that yes, the government is suppressing people’s freedom of speech and give the examples of black people being thrown out of court rooms and disabled people and trauma victims being publicly gaslighted. Turn their two faced logic into the fuel for your nuance. Not just because it makes things easier, but also because it’s funny.
Extra note: this is also why neoliberals suck at debating conservatives, because their ideology isn’t even based on pretend logic it’s just toxic positivity and denial.
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