#and now with a i running rampant why not finally give up
qumiiiquinnquin · 8 months
i know that i am not improving and always making mediocre drawings, so i want to give up
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san8ny · 2 months
!: sfw, a bit of morally grey! Ellie, infidelity.
?: Ellie can’t seem to leave Jesse’s girlfriend alone..
Ellie is not a bad person, she swears she isn’t.
“You have a nice lip shape..” you murmur absentmindedly, smudging out the lipgloss on the sides of Ellie’s ajar mouth with your thumb, eyes looking anywhere but directly up at where you hover over her. This feels sweetly intimate, she thinks, palms directly on your sides as she steadies you on her lap, pretty much since you need a comfortable position to apply products onto her face; The room is warm, rainfall falling lightly on the windowsill rhythmically as the dim lampshade casts a golden hue on your face.
Her eyes finally fall on you and she hopes you don’t notice the slight dilation in her ivy orbs, her affection for you running rampant while Jesse’s game echos where he lounges in the living room a few rooms away from where you two currenly sat in her bedroom— on her bed.
She liked you, you had spunk that none of Jesse’s previous girlfriends had; more importantly, you actually acknowledged her existence living with him, rather than seeing her as a nuisance or a 3rd wheel, always making her feel involved when you two would just chat it up.
Guilt gnawed at her heartstrings whenever you’d go out of your way to be polite to her, often times shushing Jesse when he’d interrupt whatever she had to say, your undivided attention on her as you closely listened to her, even scooting closer.
She practically went to bed with you on her mind; and god, was her appetite and both jealousy maxed out on the nights you would sleep over, perversely having her ear up against the door while you and Jesse fooled around, closing her eyes and imagining it was her around your arms and not her longtime friend.
When her fingers slowly trail up to your baby blue, lacy bralette, you’re pulling away slightly, making small distance,
“Ellie, we’ve talked about this—
“You don’t even like him like that.” She immediately retorts, croak in her throat expanding when you don’t allow her to get anymore closer than she already is. She looks nothing short of pathetic right now and she knows it— you know it.
“Just one kiss..” She attempts to negotiate, eyes pooling with desperation, “I can’t move on fast, you know this..”
She’s down-bad to the point she doesn’t even see the corner she’s put herself in; even if you were to potentially take up her offer and put an end to whatever was left of your relationship with Jesse, you’d still have to actively see him everyday. Lost in your thoughts, Ellie’s burying her head in your lap while you mindlessly run digits in her hair, massaging her tender scalp like you did all those nights you two spent together as you form a conclusion.
“and what about him?” You whisper, humoring the idea, but she doesn’t respond, eyes trained on the shadow moving underneath her door and additionally, way too comfortable in the warmth you held to give a response. She eventually mumbles something but it falls incoherent before she completely goes non-verbal, just focusing on the massaging of your honeyed fingertips.
It was a sickly sight, to say the least, and Jesse would agree.
He stands near the wall adjacent of Ellie’s bedroom door, heart racing as it all dawns on him why she’d been so fond of you and not the others. What he’d just witnessed through the small crack of her door has just completed changed everything, and yet explained it all at once.
A small part of him doesn’t blame Ellie, as he’d fallen for your charms too but, why specifically you? Why not the countless other girls she’s passed up under the guise of ‘not being for a relationship?’
His throat dries up as he, himself, comes to a bridge,
Was she truly not ready for a girlfriend, or was she just getting ready for his?
He stands defeated as he watches the one girl he’s ever liked have more of a connection with his bestfriend than he ever did with her; to add more salt to the wound, he finally notices,
she’s aware of his presence.
She doesn’t acknowledge it, simply letting you pet her like a docile pet while her relatively warm gaze burns into him, a telltale sign she’s trying to get the message across that she’s won whatever this was.
For sure, Ellie Williams was a bad person.
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13uswntimagines · 3 months
Weight of the Sky (Alessia X Leah X Reader)
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Summary: No one knew why you left the United States and stopped accepting call-ups to the senior team. Only the important people were informed that it had to do with your treatment by the coaching staff. But some reporter got ahold of the story, and a report that was never supposed to see the light of day. How do you deal with everyone suddenly knowing your deepest, most shameful secrets?
Warning: This fic deals with how people process trauma. There’s implied abuse, but nothing explicitly described or explained. Again, systemic abuse (physical, mental, and verbal) is what is dealt with in this fic, specifically how someone might deal with it (in healthy and unhealthy ways).
It wasn’t something you talked about. 
It wasn’t something you liked to think about. 
The people who were important to you knew something had happened. They knew why you stopped accepting call-ups to the senior USWNT a year ago, why you had fled the NWSL, and why you were so adamant about never stepping foot on American soil again. 
You didn’t feel the need to explain it to anyone else. To open the dark box you had buried so deeply so long ago. To rip apart the fragile stitches you so carefully constructed over your wounds. 
But as you stared down at the headline, it looked like you wouldn’t have a choice. 
Scandal set to dismantle US soccer: reports of rampant emotional, physical and sexual abuse at both the youth and senior level 
You didn’t want to read it. 
You wanted to shove your phone back in your bag and join your team out on the pitch like nothing had ever happened. 
It had worked for you so far. 
But the way your phone was buzzing told you that it wouldn’t work for you this time. 
That arriving late to practice so you had the locker room to yourself wouldn’t be the out you prayed it would. 
It was one of the best and worst qualities of the team you had left behind. Their stubbornness, especially when someone’s well-being was on the line. 
They wouldn’t give up when you had been the baby of the USWNT for so long with your first call-up coming at 16. 
It didn’t matter that you barely answered them most of the time now. 
With both you and Foxy playing for Arsenal, you knew that Alex, or Kelley, or Alyssa, or Becky were not above calling Kim or Jen to sort you out. 
To force you to face the thing you had run to Europe to escape 3 years ago. 
The things you had never told them about. 
“Have you read it yet?” You blinked up at the voice of your fellow American, as Emily sat down beside you.
“Just the headline,” You sighed, tossing your phone into your cubby and grabbing your cleats. “I’m pretty sure I already know what it’s going to say,”
You could feel her eyes on the side of your face, trying to peel back the impenetrable mask you always used to cover your emotions. You had known Emily long enough for her to be able to see past it. To decipher the barely visible tells littered across your features. 
You could feel the pity in her gaze, and it made you want to puke. You didn’t want it. You didn’t need it. 
“I didn’t know the details,” Emily said, her voice a pained whisper. 
It wasn’t that Emily hadn’t known about the abuse. She was your longest friend, one of the people who you had shared nearly all of your soccer experience with. She knew that things had happened, but you always breezed over it. You didn’t give out specifics. You didn't need to be viewed as one broken toy. 
You made a low noise of agreement. “That was by design,” 
She caught your arm, and you finally looked at her. 
Concern accented her blue eyes, and desperation lingered behind her irises. It was an unspoken question. 
A why that rang clearly. 
“It was better for everyone,” You muttered, finishing the knot on your boot and pulling the 2nd one up, answering the question she hadn’t asked with words. 
You knew she would have fought for you. She would have stood up to the people you had been too afraid to. It was safer if she didn’t know the full extent of what you had endured. If the complaint you had lodged was the only record of it. 
You wouldn’t put anyone in the firing line. Especially not her. 
“Did Leah and Alessia know?” She asked, so quietly you barely heard it. 
Or maybe it was just the blood pounding in your ears. 
You blinked at the question, looking away from the defender. 
Of course, your girlfriends knew, but they didn’t know. You had never gone into depth about your experiences in the youth system. You never detailed how it had followed you like ghosts until you couldn’t take it anymore. 
Until you broke under the pressure. 
It wasn’t like you hadn’t tried to tell them. To let the words out during a million late-night chats over tea with Leah, or when you were so comfortable laid out in Alessia’s chest, her nails dragging up and down your back. 
They made you feel truly safe for the first time in your life. 
You didn’t want to give them a reason to not want you. To realize you were too… damaged to love. 
You cleared your throat, your cleats clicking in the concrete as it hit the floor. “You better get your boots on. We’re going to be late,” 
You didn’t wait for her response before you pushed yourself to a standing position, and headed out onto the field. 
You hadn’t spoken to your girlfriends since the article came out. You had spent a very rare night in your own apartment, ignoring their texts, and the calls that had followed. 
You were surprised they hadn’t staked out your apartment this morning, or been waiting for you when you arrived (admittedly late) to practice. 
You understood that you couldn’t ignore them forever. You didn’t want to. 
You just wanted enough time to gather your thoughts. Time to figure out how you were going to explain it all to them. You just wanted 3 hours of peace, before you would have to face reality.
Before you would have to finally deal with Pandora’s box. 
You snorted to yourself as you reached the locker room door. 
At least Pandora’s box had held hope with all of the bad things. Your box held nothing but pain and agony. Memories that had burned and sizzled the happiness you had finally regained. 
Experiences that were like bubbling acid, destroying everything they touched. 
You didn’t want them to destroy the word that you had rebuilt for yourself. 
You wanted to pretend for just a bit longer that you weren’t a poison that could only hurt the things you loved. 
Pretend like you weren’t about to lose everything. Like they hadn’t realized how… unworthy you were of them yet. 
You felt eyes on you the second you stepped onto the pitch. Like tiny lasers, following your every step. Your every breath. Like they were waiting for you to break down. 
And for the most part, you ignored them. 
You painted your signature easy smirk across your lips and joined the midfield warmup line behind Kyra. It was also coincidentally the line furthest from your girlfriends. 
You focused on the drill, watching as Lia expertly weaved through the cones, the coaches passing her a ball every 3 cones to send into a mini-net. It was easy to let your mind sink into the familiarity of soccer. 
The field had always been your happy place, even when coaches were running you into the ground. It was a place where all that mattered was your skill. Your ability to ignore physical discomfort and pain to run circles around your teammates. 
It was why you lasted so long under Rory Dames, Paul Riley, and the rest of the USWNT coaches. They couldn’t break you on the pitch. Pain only fueled you. 
It’s what had driven them to… other methods. 
You pushed yourself through the line drills, forcing your legs to move faster, and your feet to take shorter touches, driving the pace of the midfield line higher and higher. 
“You know this is just warm up right?” Kyra panted as she made it through the final drill, both hands behind her head. “We still have an entire practice to go,” 
You shrugged, grabbing a water bottle and squirting a bit in your mouth as you waited for the other lines to finish. “Just feeling it today,” 
“Don’t feel it too hard though,” She said, side-eyeing you, trying to sound casual. “Pushing yourself won’t make it better,” 
You blinked at her, and the uncharacteristic seriousness in her voice. The young Australian was the last person you expected to read the article and then try to confront you about how you dealt with it all. 
“I’m fine,” You mumbled, squirting more water in your mouth. 
“Never said you weren’t,” Kyra said quickly, stealing the bottle from your hands, briefly glancing over your shoulder. “But you don’t have to be if you don’t want to be,”
You nodded stiffly. 
You knew that if you wanted to fall apart the team, and your girlfriends would be there for you. 
But you didn’t want to. 
It would make it real instead of just the bad dream you had convinced yourself it was. 
“I just want to play football,” You sighed, running a hand through your hair. “I’m over everything else,” 
Kyra hummed, her serious look shifting into an impish grin as she flipped the bottle towards you and squirted you with water. “Heads up,” 
“Must you always be such a pest?”  Leah’s voice appeared behind you before you could think about what Kyra meant, her arms wrapping around your middle and her chin resting on your shoulder. “Hello darling,”
Shivers ran down your spine when her lips pressed into the sensitive spot just below your ear, and your body tensed unsure if it wanted to sink back into her or flinch away. Your skin crawled in a way that it never had in her embrace before. 
You shoved the feeling down. 
It was ridiculous. 
Uncalled for. 
Not real. 
“Hey,” You said, painting a smile on your face and forcing yourself to relax back into her familiar hold.“The forwards aren’t finished yet?” 
“They were on their last drill when we finished,” She said, loosening her grip so you could turn to face her. “Less will be happy to see you. She missed you last night,” 
You noted the worry lines on her forehead and the crinkle between her eyes. 
You forced your lips to quirk upward into a teasing smirk despite how heavy it felt. “Just her?” 
“You know better my love,” Leah hummed, her blue eyes searching your face and her thumbs running over the skin under your training top just above your waistband. “We were worried about you,”
You could hear the honesty, the concern in her voice. The unspoken questions lingering in the air between you. 
“I’m ok,” You said, meeting her eyes. 
It was the truth. Right now, with the pitch under your feet, you felt alright. 
You felt almost normal. 
She nodded once. “Ok,” 
You appreciated that she didn’t press you. Didn’t point out the obvious cracks in your perfect mask. 
You knew you wouldn’t be able to escape their probing later, but at least now she let you be. 
“You’re still coming home with us tonight?” She asked, her voice still soft, and you swallowed hard. 
Jonas blew the whistle just as the forwards finished their last line drill, calling the group to circle up before you could answer. 
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, gently extracting yourself from your girlfriend. 
“We should go,” You said, ignoring her question and the deep frown etched across her features. 
It should have bothered you how the knot in your chest loosened as you stepped out of her grasp. How your skin didn’t feel like it was on fire. 
Her and Alessia had always made you feel safe and it should have bothered you that Leah’s hands had reminded you of his. 
But you didn’t have time to be bothered. 
You pushed the feelings down again, forcing the lid on them shut. 
You hoped Jonas’ remarks would be short. That you could have the ball at your feet soon. That you could sink into the familiar peace soccer always brought you before any more emotions tried to force their way to the surface. 
A stupid article would not derail your practice. 
You stayed at the edge of the group as Jonas explained the 3 on 3 drill he wanted you to do, watching his little whiteboard as he drew out the formations. 
It was easy to ignore the poorly concealed glances from your teammates (and Leah’s blatant staring). It was easy to force yourself to focus on the coach. 
It was easy to pretend your other girlfriend hadn’t edged her way over to you, her perfume surrounding you with the sense of peace you had been missing since the stupid article came out. Surrounding you like it had done since the two of you were at UNC together, and she was your anchor to reality, even when she didn’t know it. 
Alessia didn’t try to touch you, even as she leaned closer. 
“Be my partner?” She asked in a whisper, the words tickling your ear. 
You made a low noise of agreement, your fingers fidgeting at your sides. 
It felt like when you were in college again. 
Like every time you would come back from a national team camp, and have to reintegrate back into the team. How she would always inch over to you while Coach Dorrance explained drills. 
The two of you had been dancing around your feelings back then, and you had been convinced your heart and soul were too damaged to deserve someone like her. 
You thought her and Leah had finally unconvinced you. That they had finally washed away the feelings of hands you didn’t want and cracks that you feared could never be healed. 
You were wrong. 
When the news broke, you stared at the headline for hours. You were thankful that you had decided to spend the night alone for once. That your girlfriends were having a date night (something the three of you tried to do every once in a while) because the rush of uncleanliness that rushed over you and settled deep beneath your skin, leaching into your bones was unstoppable. It didn’t matter how raw you scrubbed your skin in the shower.
The nudge pulled you out of your thoughts, and you blinked at the blonde forward. 
You hadn’t realized that Jonas was finished, or that most of your teammates had already dispersed. 
“Oh, yeah,” You muttered, unsure of where you were supposed to go, or what you were supposed to do. 
Maybe you hadn’t been paying as much attention as you thought. 
Alessia’s lips tilted upwards, and she sent you a knowing smile. The one you hadn’t seen often since you were both in America. The one that used to greet you after bad camps and hard nights. 
“Come on then,” She nudged your arm with her shoulder again.“Steph’s our third,” 
Your eyebrows furrowed. 
Why hadn’t she picked Leah as your third?
She always picked Leah. 
You were the one who liked to play against your defender girlfriend. She was always physical, and it never failed to get you worked up. 
Alessia liked to play with Leah. Their banter always wound her up. 
You turned, glancing at the Australian defender already collecting a ball. Frankly, you were just thankful it wasn’t Emily. 
That would remind you too much of your time at UNC. 
“Alright,” You nodded, swallowing hard. 
You had no reason to feel this… off balance. 
No reason to be thinking about the things you had escaped. 
Alessia’s head tilted to the side, watching you. “We need to make sure we kick Leah’s ass. She’s got Viv and Lea. It’s unfair,”
You hummed again. 
This you could do. 
You let your brain slip into the safe place where all that mattered were tactics and the ball. The safe place where all that existed was the pitch, and none of the other noise mattered. 
“We’re faster, and we can outmaneuver them,” You mumbled, letting her guide you towards Steph. “It’s the team of Beth, Kyra, and Katie I’m more worried about honestly,”
While Leah, Lia, and Viv were tactically savvy, you knew you could outpace them. They were defensive-minded, and you were far more used to being an attacking midfielder than Lia was. You would use their defensiveness against them. 
Beth’s team was much more balanced. Though Katie liked to attack, she was a damn good defender. Kyra could absolutely play as a box-to-box midfielder and Beth was a lethal striker. 
Alessia made a noise of agreement, her hand gently resting on the small of your back. 
The comfort didn’t send pinpricks up your spine like you thought it would, but maybe that was because you were talking about soccer. 
Whatever the reason, you leaned into it, accepting the familiar comfort. 
Yeah, you could do this.
“It’s scary to see her like this,” Leah breathed out, glancing towards the door to the showers. 
You had waited until the rest of the team finished before you disappeared through the doors, with a promise from Leah and Alessia that they would keep everyone out. 
Emily and Lotte both joined in their vigil, forming a little circle of sorts with their chairs just outside the washroom.
Alessia sighed, running her hand through your hair. “Reminds me of our junior year,” 
That year had been brutal. 
The two of you were growing closer, edging past the line of friendship into something more. At least you had been until you attended the USWNT World Cup Qualifying tournament. 
After that, everything changed. 
You pulled away completely and looked like a ghost. 
Your eyes dulled from clear to a murky y/e/c like your soul had been ripped out. You were basically nonverbal by the end of the spring semester. It was all Emily, Lotte, and her could do to make sure you ate and got to practice on time. 
She didn’t want to go back to that. Ever. And she didn’t like how similar this felt. 
How easily you had retreated back into yourself and put all of your shields back into place. 
“The year Paul was an assistant for the senior team,” Emily nodded, sharing a meaningful look with Lotte and Alessia. 
Leah frowned.
She was clearly missing something.
“She would come back from National team duty and look like a shell,” Alessia explained gently. “We knew something was going on, but not what it was,” 
“Or how deep it went,” Lotte added, her eyebrows pinched together as she looked back at the door. 
Emily put a gentle hand on her back, rubbing soothing circles. 
“He was her coach for the U17 team too,” Leah said, phrasing it as a statement instead of a question. 
She had read the article, and the full report, unable to stop herself even as the words sliced into her heart like razor blades. It was line after line branding the horrors you had faced from age 13 into her mind, as the reporter described the abuse you and your teammates had endured in excruciating detail. 
The worst was the photo that he had included in the report. 
Three words were handwritten in font that was left on colorful sticky notes around your apartments, telling her and Alessia how much you loved them. Font that was on every card, every poem you wrote for them. 
Font that spelled out Help me, please. 
A plea that hadn’t been heard for years, until an anonymous source had sold the story to the New York Times. 
“Yes,” Emily agreed. “He used to push her so hard during practice and the things that would come out of his mouth were vulgar, but I didn’t know about the other stuff. She only told me they were extra film sessions to help with her game,” 
Leah snorted. “She told us they were tactics meetings, and that he would make her play games she couldn’t win. She never told us what the punishments were,”
“It was by design,” Emily said, using the same careful tone you had used earlier, shaking her head. “I don’t think she’s ever actually processed what happened. She was too busy trying to protect everyone else,”
“She was a child,” Alessia hissed. 
The article said you were 13. Just a kid. You shouldn’t have to protect anyone. They should have protected you. 
The system shouldn’t have failed. They shouldn’t have to deal with the catastrophic fallout. 
“So was I. So was Mal.” Emily bit back. “She didn’t want what was happening to her to happen to us, so she didn’t fucking tell us. We could have stopped it,”
Lotte held up her hands, telling both of them to calm down. “She buried her feelings so she didn’t have to face them,”
They weren’t angry at each other, she knew. They were both fixers and they couldn’t fix this. Just like they hadn’t been able to fix this while the four of you were in college. 
She was just surprised Leah hadn’t snapped yet either. She was the most protective over you, probably because it had taken you longer to fall for her than it had taken for you to fall for Less. 
“And now she doesn’t have a choice,” Leah said with an eerie sense of finality. Like the matter of fact bang of a gavel after a judge made a ruling. 
The stupid Times writer made it impossible for you to continue to ignore it. He made it impossible for you to outrun it. 
“She’s going to try to pretend it’s fine,” Emily sighed, meeting Leah’s eyes. There was something… haunted hiding in their depths that sent a shiver down Leah’s spine. 
“And then completely implode when she can't,” Lotte added, mirroring the haunted look behind Emily’s orbs. 
They had both seen you at your worst, and they feared they were about to get the sequel. 
Leah dragged her eyes from Emily to meet Alessia’s. 
They knew the struggle you had with your emotions, even the happy ones. The cycles you spent oscillating between locking everything inside and shaking in the shower because you couldn’t stop them from pouring out of you and you were afraid of what you would do. 
They all knew about it. 
They had all dealt with it at some point. 
“We’ll keep an eye on her,” Leah promised quietly, again meeting Alessia’s eyes. “She’s coming home with us, or we’re going home with her,”
“She will not be alone tonight,” Alessia agreed. “Or ever again,”
The three other women hummed, before a comfortable silence enveloped them, broken only by the sound of the shower. 
They didn’t have to wait long before the water stopped, and then it was only a few minutes before you came shuffling into the changing room, dressed in one of Alessia’s oversized hoodies and a pair of Leah’s sweatpants despite the warm temperatures outside. 
You looked small. Fragile.
Leah pushed herself to her feet the moment she saw you, only refraining from pulling you into her chest when Alessia placed a gentle hand on her arm. 
She learned in college that physical contact wasn’t always something you enjoyed when you felt this vulnerable. 
“Ready to go Darling?”
Your head bobbed, and you held your hand out for Alessia. 
Leah tried not to let it bother her that you had bypassed her. She knew it was just because you were familiar with how Alessia handled you when you were like this. You knew what to expect from her, while Leah’s reactions were more of a mystery. 
You didn’t want any surprises.
Not now. 
Not when you were feeling so vulnerable. 
Alessia took your hand and pulled herself to her feet, while Leah grabbed all 3 of your bags. 
“Lead the way then,” Leah sent you a very soft smile, gesturing with her free hand. 
Your head bobbed again, and you headed for the door, not even acknowledging Lotte or Emily. 
You didn’t have the mental capacity to address them anymore. Practice had taken all that you had, and you just hoped you could make it through the night with your girlfriends. 
You honestly just wanted to curl up in your bed and pretend the rest of the world didn’t exist. 
Maybe they would let you for one more night. 
Dinner had been… quiet. 
Frankly, most of their night had been quiet. 
An eerie silence seemed to settle over any space you were in, suffocating and heavy, unable to be broken even by a soft soccer game playing in the background. 
You seemed to be… sleepwalking in a way. 
Your eyes were open, but you were light years away, lost in exactly what thoughts they weren’t sure. 
This was much worse than when you were at UNC. 
But Alessia and Leah both resolved not to push you. 
They let you pull away from them both while you watched a random men’s game, cuddled into the far end of the couch. They didn’t press as you stared blankly at the screen, only chiming in when they directly asked you a question. 
With the way the night had gone, they weren’t entirely sure you would join them in bed, afraid you would choose to sleep in the guest room instead. Alessia knew if you did, they would be keeping watch outside the door in shifts. 
But you didn’t. 
You had crawled in between them, still dressed in sweats despite the high temperatures in the house. 
Things were again quiet while Alessia scrolled through her phone and Leah read her nightly chapter. You steered clear of touching either of them at first, glaring at the ceiling like it had personally offended you. 
Then you shifted. 
You rolled over slowly, pressing your face into Leah’s stomach. 
She lifted her book to give you space, carefully winding her fingers through your hair with her free hand. Her nails dragged along your scalp, and you were relieved at the familiar warmth and comfort that spread through your chest. 
You never wanted to associate her or Alessia with the feeling of him on your skin. 
It was easier with Alessia. 
She had been there to pick up the pieces after each camp. She had been on ground zero for the fallout. 
Leah hadn’t. 
You only knew Leah from the time you played against her. 
This was also different. 
It was like an army of souls you thought you defeated marching their way back through your mind, reigning old wounds, and ones you had so long pretended didn’t exist. They ripped apart the careful stitches you had used to pull yourself back together and pried open the covers you had placed on the things you could not face. 
This wasn’t a new wound. 
It was stupid that an article. Words. Had reopened the festering relics you thought you escaped. 
Leah turned the page above you, seemingly oblivious to the anguish pulsing through you with every heartbeat. 
But you knew she wasn’t oblivious. 
Her and Alessia had been watching you all day, trying to support you in their own ways. You knew they wanted to help. All you would have to do is ask. 
You made the decision before you could overthink it, rolling away from Leah and staring pointedly at the ceiling. 
“It wasn’t that I didn’t want to tell you both about what happened,” You said, your voice far more shaky than you thought it would be, and you felt the women on either side of you pause. “I just didn’t know how. I’ve never really known how,”
You didn’t look at them. 
You knew that if you did, you wouldn’t be able to talk about it. The words would get caught in your throat, and just like all of the other times you tried, you would be rendered speechless. 
“We know,” Leah said, her book closing with a low thump. “We’re not upset with you,” 
“We just want to understand,” Alessia added, setting her phone down on the side table. “The things in that article. It went on for so long,” 
Her voice cracked, and part of you longed to turn over and pull her into your arms. To tell her that it wasn’t that bad. To pretend, just like you always had. 
You swallowed hard. You couldn’t do that. 
They knew the truth now, and there was no escaping it. 
“I didn’t know what to do. There’s not exactly a recourse for stuff like this in America,” You explained. You needed them to understand that it wasn’t that you hadn’t tried to stop it. 
It wasn’t that you liked it. 
You were just powerless. One of many cogs in an outdated machine. 
Leah shifted, sitting up and turning to face you, sitting crisscross on the bed, a deep frown etched across her features. “Even on the youth teams?”
You shook your head. 
There hadn’t been anything you could do until you got to the senior team. Until a certain forward recognized the signs and had been so… stubborn and unrelenting in her support. 
“Alex helped,” You sighed., picking at the edge of your sweatshirt sleeve. “She got me to do the report and had Coach Riley removed. Apparently, I wasn’t the first, nor the last,”
You owed a lot to Alex Morgan. More than you would ever be able to repay. She had been the only one to know the true extent of the damage the coach had done, and she fought for you when you couldn’t fight for yourself. 
It’s why you felt so guilty when you left the team. When you left her. 
“It’s why she visited so much in North Carolina,” She said, rather than asking as realization brushed across her features. “Not because she wanted you to play for Orlando,” 
“She was worried, and my Captain at the time,” You mumbled, unable to help the way your lips turned upwards slightly at the mention of the old fight between you and Alessia. The fights about Alex taking a 2-hour flight to visit every weekend. The fight you knew now was centered around jealousy and fear that Alex was trying to get you to leave her.
Leah’s eyebrows pulled more tightly together. “If Riley was gone, why did you stop accepting call-ups?” 
“Vlatko was a lot like Paul. And Roary,” Your nose scrunched at the mention of their names. They left a terrible taste in your mouth. “He doesn’t understand player health and wellbeing. He told me to play on torn tendons in my ankle or risk my spot,”
Leah’s frown deepened as she tried to understand the full extent of what you had endured. “So you gave your spot up,” 
You nodded once. 
Your greatest regret in this whole thing was that you had given up playing for your country. Given up the thing you dreamed about for your entire childhood. 
“I was too tired to fight him too. Especially when I found places and people where I didn't have to fight at all. People who treated me like an actual human, instead of a playing card to be toyed with,”
You finally met your girlfriend's eyes, the weight of your words. The weight of the choice you had made was not lost on either of them. 
“And you carried the weight of it all on your own,” Alessia said, shifting and laying a gentle hand on top of yours, effectively stopping you from unraveling the hem of your sweatshirt sleeve. 
You shrugged. Sometimes you felt like Atlas, forced to hold up the sky, but it was better than being forced to watch the people you loved hold it. 
“You don’t have to do this alone. We’re here to help, but we can’t if you hide things from us,” Leah said, joining Alessia's hand on top of yours. “So no more secrets, alright?”
You bit your lip, finally nodding. 
Old habits would die hard, but you had to try. 
For them. 
Alessia squeezed your hand, and you turned, rolling over so your face rested in its favorite hiding place against her chest, and Leah shifted to spoon you from behind. 
The smothering sadness around you disappeared, driven out by comfortable silence your girlfriend's breathing, and the feeling of them pressed against you. 
There was something else nagging at the back of your mind. 
Something else you hadn’t been ready to face yet. 
No more secrets, you reminded yourself. 
“Emma called me last night,” You admitted softly against Alessia's chest. “she wants to talk at the game against Chelsea,”
The coach had been very polite in her voicemail, leaving an apology you knew she didn’t owe you, and suggesting that the two of you have a chat. 
Leah hummed behind you, lips brushing your ear. “Do you want to talk to her?” 
“She’s probably going to try to convince me to play for the US again,” You said, ignoring the question she asked you. 
“And do you want that?” Alessia prompted again. 
Your shoulders lifted and fell helplessly.“If anyone could convince me, it would be her,” 
“That didn’t answer the question sweet one,” Leah said again, pinching your side. 
You made a low noise, finally pulling your face out of its favorite hiding place. 
You knew what your answer was, and you knew that Alessia and Leah would support you. 
They would help you hold up the weight of the sky, and it would all be ok because you would do it together. 
Article and all. 
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bunnyboyjuice · 8 months
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I saw this and immediately went Getou and his pink girlfriend Like i had to write for it immediately.
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Getou knew you liked plushies. When you first let him into your room he noticed all the Sanrio plushies in an array of sizes decorating your bed and your bookshelf. He picked up on that immediately and would always surprise you with a new plushie on two. But he never really knew the names he would see “Cinnamoroll” or “Pompompurin” on some of the items you sent him he knew them by shape not by name.
That all changed when he saw you flipping some of them all over and placing some of them on the floor. “Why are you doing that baby?” He says chuckling at your actions. “Umm.. because I don’t want them to see us doing it.” You mumble embarrassed cleaning off your bed of your plushies.
Cute! Getou thought to himself as he ran his hand down your back giving your ass a playful smack before chuckling at you cleaning off your pink bed sheets and comforter so that your plushies don’t see y’all having sex.
Getou could feel himself throb with desire watching you bend over in that pink silk night gown as you turn your last plushie around.
“M’all done now.” You giggle feeling his large hands roaming over your body as Getou’s eyes trace your figure . “Finally I felt like I was waiting forever baby.” Getou said he grinded against you, his dick pressing into the fat of your ass his hands squeezing and fondling your curves eagerly.
“Lay down f’me baby lemme see that pretty face.” He says chuckling putting his dark curls up in a loose bun. His lidded eyes peering into yours as he smirks from above. His lips colliding against yours greedily as he pulled down your night gown revealing your pretty tits to him.
You can feel his warm breath tickling at your neck as he sets the pace. Getou’s mind running was rampant as he holds your hips thrusting into you slowly. His mind going hazy as he feels your tight walls clamping down on him. He loves the way you look up at him all cock drunk when you feel him thrust and hit that gummy spot making you whine and whimper, that fueled Getou even more making him pick up the pace his warm hands rubbing up your thighs as your pretty manicured nails rake down his back. “Fuuuuck baby y’re so good, fuck!” He groans thrusting into you deeper.
His hips colliding with yours as they stutter keeping an uneven pace. “Getou I can’t take it” You whine as he grabs the back of your thighs and holding your legs up to your chest, putting you in a mating press, “Yes you can baby your doing it right now.” He coos at you, your slick and his pre- mixing to make a filthy, sticky mess. He thrust into you cunt again watching your slick coat him as he sighs dreamily. His mind was already in the clouds as he felt you squeezing tightly around him. “Wanna cum..gonna cum Getou.” You hiccup feeling him deeper in your core.
You feel your body going hazy as you grip at the sheets your eyes fluttering as Getou is relentless with his pace as your sloppy pussy flutters around him more squeezing him for every last drop. “C’mon baby lemme see you cum m’kay you know how much I love watching it.” Getou lidded eyes stare into your glossy doe ones feeling the pressure bubble getting ready to pop your toes curl.
Your mind goes numb feeling Getou’s cock kiss that sweet spot again and again as he thrust watching you squirt drenching his cock. “There she is that’s my good girl.” He purrs at you feeling his cock twitch inside you. He slowed down his thrust lazily letting his hips roll feeling your legs quiver letting himself go shooting ropes of his warm seed into you.
Getou laided there with you letting you settle down rubbing your back up and down as he pressed kisses into your forehead.
“You did so good, so fuckin’ perfect baby.” He mumbled against your head as he presses more kisses. Getou looks over at one of the plushies in your bed and he gently picks it up admiring it. “Babe I have a question which plushie is this one they all look the..same to me.” He chuckles as he sees your head peek up to look at the one he was holding.
“That one’s Cinnamoroll he’s a dog and he has girlfriend named Mocha I think I have a plushie of her too but she might be in my bookshelf instead of on my bed.”
“Oh so they’re like a pair like us?” He says with a chuckle looking the Cinnamoroll plushie again.
“Yea they’re put together in a lot of the art I see of them so they could be a pair.” You murmur picking up another plushie.
“I think this one is like you a little bit.” It was a little devil plushie shaped like the Cinnamoroll plushie. “So it’s Cinnamoroll but evil?” He says gently placing the Cinnamoroll down and taking the newly inquired plushie in his hands.
“Well kinda his name is Berry and he has a pink friend named Cherry.” You told Getou as you got the pink plushie with bat wings. “See they’re kind of like us a little bit.”
Getou looks down at the pink plushie and smiles.
“Can I keep this one I promise I’ll keep it safe I’ll put it with my other plushie I got that reminds me off you.”
Your heart almost leaps out of your chest from how much love was stored in your little heart for him.
“Yea..you can keep him he’s all yours.” Your eyes flickered over to Getou admiring the plushie like it was the last thing on earth to Getou this plushie was now his new favorite thing from you besides all the other trinkets you got him.
Getou presses a soft kiss to your lips before pressing another kiss to your now assigned plushie counterpart.
“We’re always together no matter what isn’t that cute.” Getou mumbles pulling your closer to him kissing you on your nose.
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A/n: yall I had to get this out because I have finals coming up which is so upsetting but I hope yall enjoy this silly thing I wrote. Also ignore my Sanrio knowledge about Cinnamoroll and Lloromannic…like this really got to me.
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cvnt4him · 3 months
you listened to me pookie good job
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doing a handstand and splitting on it (thank you for tolerating my rampant horniness)
You got it babes you don't deserve to be treated shitty js bc of something you can't control🫶🏽🫶🏽
[That first picture is mine now I'm never gonna stop using it ever]
Help bc tell me why on time I was on tiktok n some said they'd give natsuo the n word pass LOL
I kinda have an obsession w the todorkis😞
porn w no plot w natsuo todoroki<3
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Meeting natsuos family as his official girlfriend was nothing but amazing. Him calling you his girlfriend was so heartwarming it literally.made you gush.
"god yes-- fuck! c'mon babe ride my dick just like that--- yes!"
He moaned while throwing his back, you rode his cock for all he was worth. Bouncing and grinding into his cock, his hands on your waist guiding you up and down on him. He bit his lip while struggling to stare up at you, the pleasure you granted him was far too good for him to wrap his mind around.
You couldn't even comprehend what he was saying too busy in your own little daze, fucking him for all he can give. You wanted his cum inside of you seeping and reaching the deepest depths of you. Him bucking his hips up to reach you Everytime you bounced up was just adorable.
He was such a a laid-back guy, who knew he actually like being laid back and fucked? In his childhood room nonetheless. His father, younger brother, and eldest sister had gone out so you had all to yourself. It was holiday break so getting to meet his family AND fuck him? Yeah this was heaven.
There's no way you can wait any longer, you feel like you're going to go insane if you don't feel him cum deep inside of you. He's immediately hit with jolts of pleasure and a shiver runs through his whole body. You move down to his face and plant little kisses all over his cheek, he's so adorable the way his face scrunches up in blissful pleasure. The way he moans is practically inhumane, pornstars should be envious.
"Ahh...babe....that feels amazing" hearing his low moan excites you, he's such a sweet guy all the time he deserves to cum inside of someone who loves him unconditionally.
The way his eyes were completely glossed say he's been completely taken over with lust. There are small beads of sweat forming on his forehead and his face is completely flushed red. He looks so pretty like this and you fall in love with him all over again. You can't comprehend how you got him but you did and you weren't going to let him go until you felt his warm cum spurting and seeping deep inside of you. Reaching every unclaimed part.
He gripped your hips and slammed you down on his cock one final time as he spilled his cum inside of you, shooting long ropes of cum deep in your cunt, he hadn't pulled out just yet, assuring all of it was inside of you.
He lets out a breathy moan and pulls you into him. Lying your head down on his sweaty chest, he kissed your forehead and smiles down at you.
A low knock comes at his door and the sound of someone clearing their throat is heard.
"uhm... Natsuo, could you come down, please son."
Fuck. Had his dad heard you two? Shit he was never gonna live this down. You hold back a stifled laugh, snorting into your hand as you try not to make him even more embarrassed.
"yeah sure whatever!"
He yelled sitting up and groaning lowly.
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simonrileykisser3000 · 2 months
UHHHH IVE NEVER WRITTEN BEFORE, Don’t know how to tag and I didn’t proofread cause I’m real lazy. also kinda stupid, i probably used the same metaphors and similes like a million times. So uh, yeah. Read at your own discretion, I’ll tag what I think is important so read pls
TWS & MENTIONS—— Torture, blood, goreish, betrayal, heavy angst, overall gruesome and violent, mentions of relationship with simon ghost riley (implied but heavily), angst angst angst and more angst with a side of angst. Did I mention angst.
That’s it I think lmk if I missed any? Okay enjoy, hopefully!
Inspo and plot credit to users ghouljams & criminalamnesia !!!
When your vision blurs and your eyes fog up— you can’t make sense out of the coarse pangs of pain running up your sides, down your legs and through your nose. For the first time in your life, it’s a weary weekend evening and you happen to be tied up to a splinting wooden chair in the middle of a dark warehouse. You think the red running down and dripping onto the floor is your own blood, but again, you can’t see. A fist collides against your stomach once, twice, then thrice, and finally relents.
"P…please— stop," You recognize your voice alongside the ringing in yours ears. Panicked— desperate. Your hands twitch behind your back on instinct, a deep familiar instinct to grab those hands and soothe your thumbs over those scared knuckles.
“Fuckin’ hell.” Price grumbles. This wasn’t what he wanted to happen— not your betrayal, not the torturing, and most insistently— not the feelings that hit him when it all came crashing down. The pang in his heart planted the thought and truth that you were practically family. He shakes his head before slamming a door behind him.
“Fuckin’ hell is right!” Simon yells back, slamming down his mask onto the table. He catches a look at your blood smeared over it and anger flares up and over his lips again.
You look at his face and you think you’ve never seen him make that expression. You’ve seen the best and worse of him. You’ve seen the face he makes when he’s afraid, the one he’s made when he cries and his shoulder shake with sobs. It scares you how foreign they he looks now. Ten feet can’t feel anymore distant than right now. Tears boil over onto your red and purple cheeks, voice cracking and quiet.
“I didn’t— I wouldn’t! I was with Gaz all the whole time, tell them Gaz!” You manage and don’t notice how through your fading conscience, you omit and slur words together. When Gaz averts his eyes you can’t help but wonder who’s the real traitor in this whole ordeal.
“You abandoned your post, left Sergeant Gaz to fend for himself, didn’t answer none of your fuckin’ callsigns,” Simon steps closer. You flinch.
“Why?” He yells. “Fuckin’ speak!” Fear runs rampant through your veins and you can’t recognize this man. This man is angry and unrecognizable, and you can’t for the life of you believe why.
“Please, Simon— I didn’t. I wouldn’t.” A few words go unsaid in the wake of pain.
“Good at lying, aren’t you?” Simon steps close. He’s quick to pull out his infamous sleek knife out one of his holders and slice it across your shoulder. Warm blood trickles down and you let out a cry so raw it hurts your throat. It hurts, burns— but nothing sears more than the look he gives you.
You shake your head and sob out. This can’t be seriously be happening. You were just returning from hiding after the Mexican cartel stormed you and Gaz’s recon location. You ran until your lungs gave out and when you thought you were safe, Johnny had tied your wrist behind your hands and forced you down onto your knees with a rougher than usual hand.
Confused, you panted out. A joke, perhaps? You look around with a small smile. It drops as quick as it formed and it’s almost comical how fast it all happened. One second your legs were aching from running and the next it was from the cut of a choppy knife. The hand that used it was just as choppy, rigid, tense.
“Please, I didn’t do it! I didn’t fucking do it!” Your voice shakes with hurt and anger. “Why won’t you all believe me!” Your voice tears out of your throat. Simon slams his hand down on a table and the noise beats fear into you and gets your heart pounding.
Silence ensues and you could’ve sworn it was worse than being tortured. Your own fucking force members. Eight years, rough and painful years, for one bark from Shephard to tear everything down and away from you.
It takes a few more beatings from Simon for it to get through your hazy mind—He’ll kill you; Right here, right now. Your history can’t save you in the face of betrayal.
When your body is bruised and raw with cuts and you can’t place anything anymore, only then are you granted a silence. Like a madman, captain Price swings open the door of the room he had cowered into.
“Fucking hell, Simon! Stop!” He pulls Simon’s arm back, voice taut and if you could see, you’d see the guilt in the blue of his eyes. His words are like a bite in the neck to everyone in the dark room.
“Shephard conned us. He— Fuck!” He grabs the bloody knife out of Simon’s hand and throws it onto the ground.
“He and graves fucked us over. Lied to Laswell and the rest of us ate it up like fucking dogs!” He yells. Frustration pounds guilt into his head.
Simon’s hand goes limp and you don’t get the satisfaction of seeing guilt seep and set into his face. It would’ve been funny had it not been due to the weight of it all.
“Shit. Shit, shit!” Price runs up to you, eyes frantic as he look over your wounds. Raw, teared and sliced open. Bruised beyond recognition.
You can’t even respond to his hands holding together some of your wounds, the panicked yells between Soap and Gaz, the pale silence from Simon. It’s too quick, you think. That or your mind is slowing down. Most likely the latter.
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2-dsimp · 9 months
can u write something for yandere armin? like what if his darling actually liked him back but then ppl are gossiping about him visiting Annie and still having feelings for her? this hurts darling bc she never forgave Anine and maybe her sibling is dead bc of the female titan so she just kinda stops talking to armin???
@laughing-with-god these were catching cobwebs in my drafts but it’s finally here (^◇^;)
Cw: Unhinged Armin! Fem! Reader, suicidal mentions, manipulative tendencies, yandere tendencies, obsessive behavior, mutual pinning
Is she ignoring me?
Armin questioned.
Watching you longingly from afar underneath the bangs of his long blonde hair, he began to overthink about what went wrong between the two of you. The rumors that kept circulating his mind about how you also had feelings for him. Was driving him insane with all the conflicting emotions in his weak heart.
Doesn’t she feel the same way? But if that’s true then why…?
If the rumors are true then why’re you avoiding him? The day before the both of you were in the library leisurely reading books sitting next to each other as if you were connected by the red strings of faith. The atmosphere was so blissful a lovely distraction from the chaos in a world that seems so hopeless.
But now he’s witnessing you ignoring his existence entirely almost as if he didn’t exist in your heart to being in with. And that made him anxious with insecurities running rampant until it turned into twisted delusions.
Has she found another?
No, that can’t be! What do I do? I can’t let her go. I need her. I need her. I need her. I need her—
“Hey did yall hear about what’s happening between Armin and Annie?”
A distant voice snapped him out of his obsessive train of thoughts, and he automatically tuned into the conversation of gossip stemming from a group of scouts.
“Duh everyone knows that those two will hook up eventually, but my heart goes out to that girl who had a crush on him.”
Another voice chimed in with a slight huff of pity going out to you.
“Yeah, hasn’t Armin always had the hots for that Titan girl? I heard that he went to see her last night at the stables”
Armin went rigid at the mere mention that he would choose that abomination you utterly despised over you. Calming himself he couldn’t help but let out a tiny sigh of relief realizing that it was not as bad as he originally thought. Although, he did have an encounter with her, trust me when I say that it was far from that of a friendly front.
Now that he had a clear vision of the situation, he knew exactly what he needed to do to mend the bridge between him and his darling.
Him being all nice to Annie was just a facade to get her guard to the lowest crumbling point. The woman was already running on a half life carrying the guilt of her past warrior self. He pretended to be empathetic towards her, feeding the flames of her innermost desire to end it all by stating that she had suffered long enough by the hands of fate. And that as a former ally he’d assist in making sure she had a nice send off straight to hell.
And eventhough He knew it was wrong of him to enjoy the simpering thought of how jealous you were at the mere inkling idea that he was interested in Annie. He couldn’t help the excitement drumming along in his heart at how that was a sign of your apparent love towards him. A telltale sign of how you wanted him.
He nearly got weak in the knees at the vision of you and him getting together as a loving couple. Especially since he knew that his goal was within reach, all he had to do was set the plan in motion. In few days time you’ll soon see how much he truly loves you, and how much he’d be willing to be your faithful companion.
And what better way to show it, by giving you the chance to get revenge on the traitor you loathed with all your being.
With that in mind Armin quickly headed towards your quarters, his steps becoming upbeat with a small hopeful smile on his face while he daydreamed about you rewarding his efforts with a kiss.
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khuzena · 2 years
My biggest 'what if'
Isagi, sae, rin, x g/n!reader (tried to make it g/n!reader?? but enjoy)
Warning: a little fluff, hurt little to no comfort, angst, break ups, cheating, (no happy ending typa beat)
Summary: their biggest what ifs from you and tje blue lock boys' relationship
Note: hello! I'm starting to get motivation to write again and i hope this fic is good enough
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Itoshi Sae:
"What if he treated you better?"
His biggest 'what if' is what if he put more effort in your relationship.
He took your love for granted and now that it's gone he finds himself longing for it.
Every night he weeps in silence that even the birds cannot hear him, only the gods above listen to his cries. Begging for you to come back but he could never say it out loud. Not when his ego was as big as the world itself.
Sae tried so hard to keep the relationship.
But trying hard to keep a relationship wasn't just delivering fancy gifts on your doorstep or messaging you once a week.
Trying hard to keep a relationship wasn't just asking you how was your day and proceeding to ignore you while you frantically waited for his response.
He was trying.
But the hickey from a forgotten one night stand says otherwise.
You stared at him with blank eyes, as empty as a black hole eating away every feeling that was once boiling in your heart.
The pain was too much to bear.
"Sae, why the fuck did you do that?", you whimpered defeatly, you no longer had the energy to fight him about this.
Not when you screamed from the top of your lungs a hundred times ago.
At this point you can't even expect much. Cancelled dates left and right, his stupid excuses and worst of all his shitty promises.
Sae promised to love you so, like how Gomez loves Morticia. Though you both were just another pathetic Blair and Chuck.
He sucked in his breath and stared right back at you, though all you could see is the same emptiness you feel.
The relationship so damaged you both have no hope for it.
But it's alright.
It's alright.
It's not.
He prefered to spend his time with other women though he usually denies, this time he didn't.
"I don't want to waste my time on you, so what?"
The air grew more tense and you were at your breaking point. Realizing that he both wasted your time and your effort for the relationship. You excused his behavior multiple times but now he's said it himself.
Your mouth was left agape from what he said, the hurt still stinging.
He tried to compose himself in the heat of the moment, he knew he was wrong and he accepted it.
"Then leave." He said coldly.
Those eyes, those fucking eyes.
He stared at you with those goddamn eyes, you remember that kind of glare. The glare he'd give when he's pissed to the core; when he's provoked.
But why is he mad? Didn't he want this?
A single tear trickled down your cheek, the tear carrying the weight of a heartbreak that weighed thousands.
Though you didn't falter.
Carrying your bags and a slam on his door without a single word escaping your lips was enough.
But it's alright.
It's alright.
It finally is.
Meanwhile the weight of you leaving hit hard on sae like a thousand bricks.
He asked himself for one more time, why didn't he beg you to stay?
Oh how he badly wanted to get on his knees and confess his sins begging for forgiveness. But his ego was too big, he was too ashamed to beg you to stay.
So he stares at the moon you told him you loved.
The moon always stayed despite the wounds from the meteorites scraping its surface.
You must've been the moon, he thought. But he didn't just scrape your heart, oh no. He burnt it all down until there was no love and sanity left.
Sae lets his mind wander off again, but this time it's all about you.
Why you weren't his future but just another 'what if'
Isagi Yoichi
"What if he prioritized you more?"
He wonders often why he didn't prioritize you more.
Sure, football was always running rampant in his mind but he knew he could've spent time with you.
He was sweet, sweeter than the smell of fresh roses.
He wants you so much, too much he's starting to think his love for you might distract him.
He wants to think he still has a chance. So he doesn't hesitate to spoil with his hard-earned riches.
Yet, money doesn't save a relationship. He wants to think it does.
He's a smart one, always one step ahead so he's always known for a long time now this relationship won't last; but he wants to think it'll last.
Isagi had always loved you and it didn't waver, not once.
But he was terrible at showing that he did.
He loves you, he assures you he does.
But he'll always choose his career over you and he won't hesitate to push you out of his life just so he could still play football.
You two barely spent time with each other due to him pursuing his football career.
Every once in a while the lack of quality time would get to you.
Both itching to just see each other again, just to hold each other in your arms even for just a minute.
For now you two are lying in each other's arms. Surprising, considering your schedules that you both could never sync.
Though today's cuddling session was different. It wasn't soothing, more nerve-wracking.
The man in your arms was breathing erratically. Isagi knows this is the last time you'll hold him like this.
His grip on you was tight, not wanting to let you go. But you were barely holding on anymore.
Why should you try to keep this relationship when you can't even see each other for months? Why must you keep trying for something like this?
You two tried so hard to keep the relationship together but it never worked.
It crumbles every time, no matter how hard you put the pieces together like glass but it turns into dust every ticking of the clock.
Isagi could feel every tremble from your fragile body, the strength to fight for your relationship chipped away from the stress and bickering from 3 hours ago.
You both made an agreement that you would both no longer see each other anymore. That this would be the last time it was 'you and yoichi'
He's made it clear you were a distraction from his career. So why is he holding you so tight right now? Why is he holding you like you're fragile that you might slip away if he ever even let go of you for a second?
He's left you to pick up the pieces of your broken relationship but now he finds himself trying to stitch it all up on his own.
Isagi knows that tomorrow will be another bleak day.
Except this time he's longing for something he cast aside for the first time.
Isagi Yoichi is a man who's great at reading the field, probably at reading people too. Though this entire situation isn't something he can decipher like a game of football. It's a puzzle but each piece makes him lose progress.
Even in the cold and dark room where not even a speck of light could escape, he can still feel your gaze lingering on him but he's too ashamed to say anything.
He wants to say 'I love you' one last time, but he just cant.
No words needed to be said in this embrace, but one question stayed on his mind before he drifted to sleep.
What if he prioritized you as much as football?
Maybe then this embrace could last a lifetime and not a single night.
Itoshi Rin
"What if he really loved you"
He knew this relationship was just a mistake.
He wanted to try something new.
Sometime after breaking up with you he starts thinking more about you.
Images of you clouding his thoughts every second, every minute and for god knows how long.
His love for you was temporary but the thoughts of you were permanent.
Sure, he was toxic and just wanted to try this whole relationship thing but the more he thinks about you all he feels is regret.
He thinks it's strange.
He's never even loved you properly but why does he feel like falling in love all over again?
Why does he feel like he's starting to feel butterflies in his stomach again yet he knows it only flickers for a second?
He was going insane. He doesn't love you, at least he thinks he does.
Not when he stays up all night stalking your wondering if you found someone new and better for you.
Though the relationship has been long dead so there's no point in starting again from day one.
Rin found himself scrolling through images of you and him when you were still together right after a secured win in a football match.
His teammates were confused about why he's been zoning out lately.
As he sat straight on the bench, he felt a small tap on his shoulder.
A voice so loud it could wake up king Tutankhamun from the grave rang in his ears, "Yo Rin you good?", Bachira asked with a confused look while isagi and kunigami tail after him.
Rin scoffed, "None of your goddamn business."
The male stood up from his seat, grabbed the towel right next to him and walked off to the changing room.
'how strange' the three thought but were interrupted by a large crowd of interviewers bombarding them with questions.
Meanwhile rin stayed back at the changing room, still looking for that spark he felt when he first met you while still scrolling through old photos of you.
And again.
How lukewarm.
After he got back in the stadium his eyes darted towards you in the benches, cheering for another player.
There he felt that spark again in his heart that was once lost.
The irritated expression that was plastered on his face a while ago now softened.
The crowd might think he finally relaxed yet his heart was pounding so loudly, his eyes trying to avoid yours but he can't help but stare; he doesn't mind getting lost in those pretty eyes again.
But he knows you two are like parallel lines, always seeing each other from a distance yet your fates will never intersect. And if it did, it would burn both your souls from the draining thing you call a 'relationship'
Oh how he watched your eyes glimmer as the next round started, the same eyes that stared lovingly into him a long time ago.
If only he really loved you, maybe then he'd feel that spark in his heart again when he stared into your eyes.
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Note: hope y'all enjoyed! This was sitting in my draft for a month and I don't have time to write anymore cos yk school ://// not proof read cos i need to sleep so sorry ♡
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monoghost · 1 year
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(No TW just comfort)
   There he stood across the room not really grasping why you so suddenly came to him without uttering a word even in response to his own, that is until he saw the look in your eyes. His gaze soften upon seeing your melancholy expression, the way your head hung low, and your hands dejectedly falling at your sides. Initially, he was worried he had upset you but upon observing you he knew it wasn’t that, you had something much more pressing going on. Although he couldn’t quite read exactly what was causing you such distress he just knew the emotions you had felt by one look at the way you carried yourself. You hadn’t dared to meet his stare knowing that if you did so everything would come crashing down at once, and the weight of the burden you were carrying would become too much for you to bare. You refused to let the pools that were building in your eyes overflow in front of him. He noticed you holding back, it slightly pained him as he would never want you to feel the need to put up a front around him. He slowly made his way towards you, his eyes fixated on your gloomy expression. Although Erik wasn’t one to typically initiate large amounts of physical affection in the relationship as you both were still fairly new to this however at this moment none of that mattered. All that matters is that you’re in front of him in need of his soft touch and protective grasp. He slowly reached for your hand taking it into his own then lifting it softly to his lips all the while maintaining eye contact with you even if you tried looking away. The way you so helplessly stared at him absolutely broke his heart, he knew you struggled with so many things all at once but to see how truly distraught you are in this moment made it all more real. He stared softly before gently wrapping his arms around you his right hand subconsciously guiding itself to the back of your head to pull you into his embrace, and the other slowly running up and down your back.
“Everything is okay now, I promise you my love I’m here.” He spoke so softly and delicately while running his hand down the back of your head. This was enough to set you over the edge, tears falling rampant from your now reddened cheeks as you raised your hands to grasp the material of his shirt from his chest your other hand grasping the back.
“I’ll protect you I promise, share your burden with me Angel don’t hold back it’s only me.” His voice was so soothing to the burning of your heart, he was so genuine and was happy to comfort you the way you have with him. His delicate words and voice caused you to bury your face into his neck just so you could feel more surrounded by his protective presence. Recalling everything that had caused you to be this way your shoulders shook as you now audibly sobbed into him. It was so much emotion at once, the overwhelming feeling of affection you’re getting from Erik, the sadness you held in your heart, and your gratitude for finally having someone to genuinely try to soothe the wounds of your heart. 
Upon hearing your audible sobs he softly shushes you while pulling your body impossibly closer to his own. 
“When you’re ready tell me what’s going on but for now I’ll just hold onto you until you’ve calmed.” He softly reassured leaving gentle kisses on the side of your head and the tip of your ear. Although you didn’t tell him what was on your mind that night he still stuck beside you and held onto you giving comforting words here and there without forcing anything out of you. He simply stuck by your side the entire night until you fell asleep in his embrace once he had taken you to lie down, your face still buried into the side of his neck while he held you with both arms. Although it was a simple gesture it was truly all you needed and he understood that happily caring for the person he loved more than absolutely anything.
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callioclops · 3 months
Going through Tumblr's Community Guidelines to find out which one all the transfems are apparently breaking
So let's just be clear, we all know that transfem blogs are being taken down for criticising Tumblr staff. I wouldn't be surprised if mine goes down for making this. But I think it would be good if we just go through what is and isn't allowed and find where they might be trying to find a loophole if they even bother to give a reason.
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The only way I could see this ever being relevant to the transfem ban wave is if they made pro-Palestine posts which Staff chose to unfavourable misinterpret as pro-Hamas, which I wouldn't be surpised by but it's a separate point I think
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Ironically, transfems are getting banned for doing the exact thing it suggests here. We're addressing our concerns directly with staff. We're speaking up, we're raising awareness, and yet we're banned for explicitly following the advice given in the Community Guidelines. Nevertheless I expect a few of them have been banned on this exact point. Now, if any of the critiques had been levelled at the staff specifically based on any of the qualities listed then yes, that would be valid, but I've yet to see that, and even if I did see that I have no doubt that they'd be banned faster than the 50 TERFs and Nazis that commited the exact same violation against them for weeks on end.
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I'm including this one for the sake of completion but I don't think I need to talk about it. Obviously no one is violating this for critiquing staff and I think it would be absurd for them to try and claim it.
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A similar thing here, although more likely than the former if a "KYS" gets thrown in out of an understandable amount of anger or frustration. Again however, I haven't personally seen this from any criticisms.
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We know transfems have been banned on this point. It's been explicitly stated and the evidence given has been none, or tenuous at best. They can and will book you on this point for any reason it seems. We shouldn't have to be scared to share our photos to highlight our experiences as trans women. There is no reason why our faces should be considered inappropriate.
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To my knowledge the only time this has come up is Hammer Car, and we all know how absurd that is. To be banned over a looney tunes threat shows the person pulling the trigger has been waiting for a reason.
The following is a long string of completely irrelevant guidelines that I'm including to make sure I haven't missed anything, feel free to skip over these.
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And now we're back to one last thing that has a chance of being levied agaisnt us:
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Staff, I want to make this perfectly clear to you: Critique is not harassment. Protest is not harassment. Your job is to run a website that is welcoming to people of all gender identities, races, ages (within your own limit of when people can make an account of course), etc. When you're getting so many complaints about this, that should be an indicator for you to consider whether something is being done wrong. And it may not be you that's doing it, but when the company you work for is allowing this rampant prejudice to be carried out, you have a duty to do something about it. Make a statement denouncing the actions of the company. If you're in a position to do so, strike. Protest. If you agree with us that what's happening is wrong, then stand with us. And if you don't see anything wrong with the silencing of disparaging opinions from an oppressed minority, keep at it I suppose. You won't get all of us.
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And finally a couple more completely irrelevant guidelines for this topic.
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amaya-writes · 11 months
the promise ring thing sounds so cute omg! could i req megumi with his childhood love they're just innocent lil kids (well not that little maybe like 12-13 ish?) and he just thinks reader is ,, magical and he's maybe seen or read sm that talks about giving someone you love a ring so he gives reader a cute ring, maybe a ring pop?
Ringtober Masterlist
Notes: I think you wanted a scene where he actually gives reader the ring but I just thought the idea of him buying the ring with Gojo was so cute so I did this instead
Warnings: n/a just fluff
Characters involved: Megumi Fushiguro, Gojo Satoru
Fem reader, you/yours
A promise ring wasn't a light commitment. Or at least, that was what the store advertising those flashy rings with colourful crystals had said.
It was a token of your undying affection for the person you gifted it to, a symbol of your promise to stay by their side and cherish them for as long as you knew each other.
But most importantly, it was a promise—a promise to one day solidify your relation into something more, to create a permanent bond of mutual love and trust.
And how could a gullible tween like Megumi ever turn down such compelling advertising?
He didn't care that Gojo let out innumerable coos and taunts as Megumi excitedly ogled at the glass display, or that any of his schoolmates could walk past that store at that moment and witness the great Fushiguro Megumi gawking over a Sanrio ring.
He wanted that ring, no- needed it.
"Not gonna happen, kid."
Megumi couldn't help the annoyed frown that tugged on his lips. Gojo had given him a clear ultimatum when they stopped by that shop, if Megumi wanted the ring, he had to tell Gojo why.
Normally that wouldn't have been much of an issue, except Gojo knew you. He had seen you at least a handful of times helping Megumi after class or chastising him for beating up yet another kid.
And knowing the insufferable jujutsu sorcerer, he would most definitely pull some embarrassing stunt if he knew who Megumi's crush was.
His crush. The thought itself was a little surprising.
Fushiguro Megumi, a delinquent known for being a troublesome loner, had a crush on you, the smart, pretty and absolutely perfect girl who was unfortunate enough to be his seat partner.
And he wanted to give you a promise ring.
His cheeks dusted pink as he envisioned himself giving you the pink and white my melody ring that would no doubt have you giggling in delight. The sight earned another mocking taunt from Gojo as he whipped out his phone to click a quick picture, making Megumi glare at the black device.
He would work on deleting that photo later, but for now, Megumi needed to get that ring.
A sigh fell from his lips as Megumi dejectedly muttered your name. He had tried saying it as softly as he could, but judging by the wide grin on Gojo's face, the white-haired man had defintely heard.
"How adorable, you're crushing on that cute girl who helps you with your homework."
Megumi didn't bother gracing him with a response, instead moving to enter the shop. He had to secure the my melody ring before someone else stole it!
"Hey, Megumi-kun, think I should put in a good word for you?"
Gojo's sing-song taunt made Megumi throw a murderous glare over his shoulder, earning a loud laugh from Gojo.
"Oh come on, what's with that look? I would an amazing wingman."
Gojo continued with his teasing even after the two successfully left the shop with the ring, but Megumi couldn't find it in himself to feel as annoyed a he usually would.
Instead, he felt a swarm of nervous butterflies run rampant in his belly.
Megumi was finally going to confess to you with a promise ring. He just hoped you wouldn't turn him down.
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Brotherly Love pt.4 J.T
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Summary: Maybe Damian's having a change of heart.
Warnings: name-calling, cursing.
Gender Neutral
Brotherly Love Masterlist<-Right here
You walked through your school, guiding yourself through the groups of kids that crowded the halls. Reign and Penelope were expecting you to eat lunch with them as usual. Penelope had blown up your group-chat the day before with pictures of nothing but her new cat, surely that would be what today's topic of speech would be about. Your shoulder bumped into someone else's, as you turned to apologize you noticed it was one of Damian's friends .
"Watch it idiot!" He snapped at you.
"Leave them alone Axl." A female voice ordered, her brown eyes stared onto your own as you turned to walk away.
"What took you so long?" Penelope asked, curious as to why you were late to your group meet up.
You set your that down on the table infront of you before answering. "I ran into someone."
"Who's that one girl your friends with in theater?" You questioned, referring to the girl that you had just seen.
"Haven, why?" Penelope smiled, wondering why you had a certain interest in this particular girl.
"Penelope." Reign finally spoke, trying to get the blonde haired girl to not push you into I saying something you don't want to.
*end of the school day*
As you hopped in the back of the car that Alfred was picking you up in, you realized that you were leaving without Damian. As far as you knew he didn't have to stay late for his Art class, but you decided to not sat anything due to not being sure.
Bruce stood in the kitchen of the Manor, peeling away at an orange. His mind ran rampant as Jason popped into his head. His second son, how he used to peel oranges for him, and now Jason dosent even come through those doors anymore.
"Bruce!" You beamed, before running up to sit at the bar stool across from him.
"Hello, Y/N." Bruce smiled "How was school?" He questioned. Lately this is how the days have been going, you running up to Bruce when you get home, him asking how your day was, and you giving him detailed gossip that Penelope had told you about at lunch that day.
Bruce's fingers worked at the orange he was still holding, ridding it of its skin, even picking off the little white strings that stick themselves to the fruit. Once the fruit was finally free of its flesh, he handed one of the quarters to you, you accepted it with a smile.
"So listen to thi-" You spoke before being interrupted by a deep voice cutting off the conversation between you and Bruce.
"Hey." A familiar face came into the kitchen, cutting off your and Bruce's conversation.
"Jason?" Bruce gasped, stunned that Jason had made a visit to the Manor on his own will.
"I came to see if I can take them out." Jason spoke again, gesturing to you.
Your eyes moved between both of the men as they stared at each other.
"Uh yeah, if they want to." Bruce rushed out, both men now looked at you awaiting your answer. You nodded.
"May I have a moment with father?" You asked, Jason nodded his own head before wandering off.
"Where's Damian?" You questioned, remembering that he was not with you on the way back home.
"He hit someone at school today" Bruce sighed.
"Who?" You gasped out, wandering who made Damian angry.
"Some kid named Axl." Bruce answered, "Do you know him?"
"Not personally." You muttered, remembering the encounter you had with the kid you ran into.
After you said your goodbyes to Bruce you walked out of the kitchen and towards the front doors of the Manor, where Jason was stood waiting.
"Ready?" He asked when he seen you, already pulling open the doors before enough could answer.
As you hurried down the steps after him he, had already grabbed a helmet that rested on his motorcycle. With the reach of an arm he handed it to you before putting his own onto his head.
He helped you hop onto the back of the motorcycle, jumping on himself after you were situated. 
"Hold on" He ordered before revving up the motorcycle and driving off.
The two of you pulled into Batburger, the same place you were at just days prior when he picked you up from school. Jason helped you jump off of the bike, and now he was holding the doors to the building open.
"Do you want the same thing as last time?" Jason asked, seemingly remembering your order.
"Yes, please." You whispered before walking over to the same table that you were at last time the two of you were here.
As Jason sat back in front of you with a tray of food in hand, he tossed a small plastic bag in your direction. As you opened the bag you noticed that it was a figurine of Robin, more specifically the newer Robin, your twin brother.
"Who is it?" Jason asked, craning his neck so that he could see who you got. You only lifted up your arm to show the figurine to him.
"Demon spawn." Jason muttered out, playfully throwing a dissatisfied look at the figure. A smile broke out on your mouth as Jason laughed at himself. Your mind wandered about the scars that showed themselves on the left side of Jason's face. Where could he get scars like that, did someone do that, who would do that?
"Are you gonna eat?" Jason asked, mouth full of the burger he was eating. You continued to stare, but reached a hand to pick up a fry.
"Why do you have a scar shaped like a 'J'?" You wondered, Jason just sat there in silence, staring at you.
"So there was this stupid clown fucker."
After you arrived home later that night, you walked up to your room. You stood infront of you desk that sat in the corner of your room, placing the Robin figurine right next to your Red Hood figurine.
*the next day*
You had to stay after school, helping behind the scenes for your school's theater club. Penelope was across the room rehearsing lines for her part in an upcoming play. Your eyes scanned the room and landed on the girl that you had seen yesterday, your feet decided to walk over to her.
"Hello." You spoke, startling the girl.
"Hi." She smiled.
"Did you tell Damian about yesterday?" You questioned, curious to see if the Axl Damian punched was the same one that called you a name.
"I just said his friend called his sibling an idiot." She smiled again, "I'm Haven, by the way." She shot a hand out for you to take.
"I know, you're friends with Penelope." You responded shaking her hand. "I'm Y/N."
"I know." She giggled out, still holding your hand in her own.
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Look I know art wouldn't really be an after-school activity but it is now. Also, this feels like a filler episode rather than another chapter. (Ngl I hate oranges.)
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kimberbohwrites · 2 months
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'Ma'am' Chapter Two
Rolan has been pining for an older Tav for some time now. They both think they other hates them and when they realize their error, smut ensues. >Dedicated to @lemonsrosesandlavender and you know why. >Dedicated to @crowwolf and anon for the original prompt that spiraled into 6k words of smut >Dedicated to anyone who identifies as female and has ever felt the struggles of seeing your own beauty and power in a world that wants us to be the opposite. Esp. those of us who might be getting older.
Rated: Explicit, MDNI, Smut Word Count: 2966 Chapter 2/2 Read Chapter One: Tumblr | Ao3 READ ON AO3 (also continued below the line)
Please note: In this I’m writing as Rolan in his 30s and Tav in her 40s with a 10 year age difference.
As the door of his bedroom clicked shut behind him, Rolan immediately found himself flush against the door. You had rushed to claim his mouth once more in an eager kiss. The entire way up from the shop floor he had barely been able to focus, his mind unraveled with lust and need. Soft touches from you had kept him grounded enough to manage his way to the bedroom.
He whimpers as you kiss him, it feels as if it’s been ages since the last one even though he knows only minutes have passed.
“Someone is a little touch-starved, aren’t they?”
Rolan blushes deeply as you whisper the obvious in the darkness.
“I— it’s…”
He sputters trying to answer you. A small part of his brain tells him that he should be embarrassed to already be falling apart so completely under the touch of another. The greater part of him can’t find the will to care at all. Finally, you are touching him, and he can touch you, your beauty and warmth no longer just out of reach.
“It’s okay, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about”
You say as if you can read the scattered thoughts running rampant through his mind.
“I have wanted to touch you for so long Rolan, I promise I’ll make you feel good, okay?”
He nods in response, biting back a whine.
“What do you say?”
He fumbles for a minute and then remembers and with it comes the warmth of arousal pulsing through him once more.
“Yes ma’am”
You reward him immediately with a harder kiss, your tongue sweeping into his mouth. Gods you’re perfect. He’s whimpering into the kiss again when your hands sweep up into his hair, taking it down from his normally neat hairstyle and letting it fall loose on his shoulders. As you comb your fingers through it softly, he kisses down your neck as if to worship every bit of skin he finds.
You moan at the feeling and the sound makes his knees buckle under him again. This time you do notice.
“You poor thing. You should lie down.”
You guide him from the door over to the bed and while standing next to it, give him a few more sweet kisses before pushing him down hard on to it. He lands on his back on the soft sheets. Before he can think, you are on him, straddling his chest and leaning down to kiss him deeply. Rolan can’t help but moan and whimper lightly at the sensation.
“Gods… wanted you… wanted this… so long” he manages to get out between kisses. The words come in deep gasps of air as he wills his body not to give out from sheer ecstasy.
“Me too,” You respond as you sit up and gaze down at him.
You give him a look that seems to be begging a question — is he still enjoying this? Still wanting this?
He nods and whines, bucking his hips up. You’re sitting too high on him for him to find the friction he is seeking, and he lets out a whimper of defeat.
“By all the gods Rolan, look who is being greedy now”
“Please ma’am, please more”
Your smile could light the whole city, he’s sure of it.
“Alright, since you asked so nicely. Are you going to be good for me?”
He nods excitedly.
You smile again.
Then your eyes roam the room looking for something, he’s not sure quite what until your eyes narrow upon spying your quarry.
“Those will do nicely,” you muse to yourself
“Stay right here, like a good boy,”
He squirms a little in anticipation but heeds your order as he watches you climb off him and the bed. You cross the room toward an open closet that is strewn with old things. Upon one the shelves sits a box of old lengths of silk that matched the curtains in the bedrooms. Rolan hadn’t disposed of it yet, the bedroom closet was one of the last things he planned to worry about in the reorganizing of Ramazith Tower. It’s a blessing in disguise as you select a few lengths and turn to him with that foxlike grin.
“Can I use these?”
You say it so sweetly that Rolan almost forgets for a moment that he’s lying painfully hard on his bed, waiting for you. His heart flips flops in his chest at the way your eyes look innocent against the mischievous shape of your mouth. You are strong, brave, bright, and caring — and he is absolutely taken with you.
“Yes, of course.”
Crossing the room back to him, you take command of the situation once more.
“Get up and take off all your clothes,” You order him with that same sweet smile on your face.
“Yes ma’am”
He almost leaps off the bed and into action. Clawing at his own clothing so quickly that it makes you laugh a little despite the situation. Before too long he is naked before you, chest rising and falling in heavy breaths of anticipation. His cock stands proudly at attention, dripping pre-cum in eagerness of what might come next.
“Good boy,” you say, and he doesn’t even bother to fight the way he beams in response. Not that you’d miss the way your words made his cock twitch.
“Can I tie you up? Would that be okay?”
Rolan nearly passes out at the thought. Never had he considered being tied up in such a manner and now at the mere suggestion of it he is almost coming completely untouched. The whimper of need he responds with is quite loud.
“Please, ma’am,”
“Please what? Good boy?”
He shifts and squirms again. The feelings running through him feel stronger than any wine or drink could ever compare to. Is it possible to be drunk on a person? He wonders to himself. Here he is ready to throw his pride away in this moment for you and he couldn’t be bothered to care.
“Please… tie me up…Ma’am”
He grits out the words, still trying to save a little face by trying to hold on to that grouchy personality that protects him from the world.
“On the bed”
You order as you approach and help guide him where you want him with a caring touch. Every so often you drop your face down to a different part of his skin and leave hot kisses in your wake. His body feels like it’s on fire from the combination of stimulation.
“Fuck” He hisses out.
His wrist is in your gentle grasp as you begin to tie it carefully to the closest post. You repeat this action three more times with each limb, so patiently and delicately checking to make sure the knots were firm— but also being sure they wouldn’t cause pain. You looked up at his face questioningly between each, making sure he was still okay and felt safe in this moment.
Rolan was grateful for it. While he didn’t know yet how to articulate it, he was fragile in so many ways from mishandling over his life. From parents who dumped him away as a baby to a city that would exile him for no crime other than existing. Hells, even the damage that his predecessor did to him in the short months of his apprenticeship was more than what the average person might suffer in their lives. Some part of you must have known, always known, he mused to himself, that he was fragile.
And yet you waited patiently for him anyway. He thought.
Rolan hadn’t been in love before and he wasn’t even sure if you even could fall in love with someone as they tied you to a bedpost, but if it was, he was certain that this was the case. He loved you. Now wasn’t the time to tell you, but he would and soon. He’d take you for dinner and by candlelight he’d tell you that he loved you and never wanted to be without you.
But for right now he was just a man tied to his own bed. There was a certain freedom in it he found himself thinking, as strange as it may seem. As soon as you took control, he felt a weight lift from him, the panic about the Tower, the worry over his siblings, the fears of inadequacy that have always haunted them — it’s like you could mute them simply by taking charge. There was a blissful peace in it.
He felt your fingertips ghost up his leg and snapped out of his thoughts, you’d finished securing him and were tracing his infernal ridges as you worked your way back up to him. Finally, you came to sit down on the bed next to him. It was only then that he realized he was nude you were still fully clothed. You looked at him with an almost devilish quality in your eyes.
“What’s wrong?”
He whimpers as his mind reels, trying to parse out what it is he wants. He knows he need only ask.
“T-touch me, please ma’am, touch me”
“Of course, because you asked so sweetly”
You run your hands over his torso, and he immediately groans at the feeling. Your skin is softer than anything he’s ever felt. Brushing your fingers across his nipples gently earns you a hiss that causes him to shift slightly, already seeking relief. His cock is throbbing, impossibly hard from this and he’s certain that he is making a mess of the bedding from the steady stream of pre-cum leaking from it.
“You feel so good Rolan, you’re so warm, I love it”
As you finish your statement one of your hands grazes near his cock ever so slightly and he lets out a loud whine. He finally pulls against his restraints for the first time. The featherlight touches have him close to the precipice before you’ve barely begun, and he is nervous about how long he can last like this.
“You’re so sensitive too, so reactive, it’s perfect”
Your touches continue to his thighs, his abs, finally brushing against his cock once more. Tears well in his eyes and threaten to spill. He can’t form words under these conditions; your praise and your touch have undone him. Then he feels you get off the bed and turns to find you standing once more.
“Noooo” He whines.
“Shhhhh, patience needy one… and you forgot something.”
He gathers his thoughts for a moment.
“Sorry ma’am”
“That’s better, now be patient”
The words are an order, not harshly barked but with enough authority behind them to know that you mean business. He bites his bottom lip to calm himself, careful not to draw blood with his sharp teeth.
You smile down at him as your hands come down to the hem of your tunic to pull it over your head slowly. His chest is pounding in anticipation as you slowly remove each piece of clothing all just out of reach of him. It is both torture and reward, for as you reveal each new bit of skin. He is both thrilled and being driven nearer to madness by the thought of your bare skin against him. After what feels like an eternity you are nude before him and climbing back on to the bed.
Your hand brushes up his cock again. It lurches under your touch, and he groans and tries to position his hips to get more friction.
“This is big, Rolan.”
He can’t help but grin as you grasp him and begin to stroke him. He’s never known where he stood as far as being well-endowed went, but he’ll take your word for it.
“I think you need to make sure I can handle this, want to help?”
He nods eagerly in response, and you smile at him. On your hands and knees, you crawl up the bed to him.
“I think I’m going to sit on that pretty face of yours, is that okay?”
“Fuck,” he hisses out almost coming at the thought, “Yes, please, ma’am”
His words come out as individual pants as he writhes against his bonds once more.
 Leaning down, you give him another kiss, deep and full of affection. Your tongue brushes against him and you moan a little into his mouth. He smiles into the kiss remembering that you want this just as much as he does. Then you are pulling away to straddle his face and lower yourself gently. His tail comes up to wrap around your ankle as you do so, holding you tight.
“If you need me to move or to stop for any reason, just let go of me with your tail, okay?”
He nods to you, and you lower your dripping cunt down on to his face. He strains against the bonds to raise his head, eagerly licking at every fold. This isn’t something he has a lot of experience in, but he’s been told he’s a quick study and he’s nothing if not enthusiastic. Trying to catalogue every touch you like best, he flattens his tongue against you as he tries to cover more area.
The result is almost immediate as you begin to shake and shudder. He can feel your thighs start to quiver and knows he’s on the right track. Before long he is taking your clit in his mouth, sucking gently and alternating with his tongue. Your moans grow louder, and he can hear you saying his name. His cock drips in excitement, trying to rein himself in to not finish just from the taste of you.
After a few minutes you’re close and he can tell, all he needs to do is push you over the edge. Without the use of his hands, he is struggling to come up with exactly how when it hits him. With a deep breath he presses his nose to your clit as his tongue darts in and out of your hole. He grinds his face slightly against you, being sure to keep a firm pressure. The extra friction is just the thing and with almost a wail, your climax overtakes you. You drench his face with the sweet taste of you while you writhe and shiver as he continues to lick you through it.
“Good boy,” You moan sensuously as you clear the fog of your orgasm.
Lifting from him and repositioning yourself once more, you lean down to kiss his drenched face. Sharing the taste between you which makes you both moan into the kiss. He is pulling against his bonds now. He needs to have you, or he is certain he’ll die. You notice with a coy smile, having wound him up just as you had planned.
“I didn’t forget about you of course” you murmur as you shift down to straddle his desperate cock.
He nods eagerly, so close to the edge already that he is nearly delirious for the release of oblivion under you. Still, he steels himself as he feels your warm heat envelop him, wanting this to last just a little longer if possible. The sound that leaves you as you fully seat yourself on him makes it nearly impossible to hold on. Your head is thrown back, neck exposed, your mouth opens, and you let out the most seductive moan he’s sure he’s ever heard.
His tail comes up to wrap around your waist as you adjust to the size of him.
“Fuck, Rolan, you feel amazing,”
He can’t respond, he’s huffing and fighting to hold on to control — to not cum on the spot. Fighting to not grind his hips up into you to get more of that feeling. It must be truly obvious how close he is, or you must be a mind reader because your next words are just what he needs.
“It’s okay Rolan, you don’t have to hold on, I want you to enjoy this”
He groans again as you begin to bounce yourself on him, his tail seeking to aid your motion. He’s puffing and panting, gods you feel so good,
“Thank… you… ma’am” he pants out to the pace of you riding him.
“My good boy”
With those three words it’s over. He lets out a loud grunt, almost a yell as his eyes roll back. His body lurches against the bonds as his cock pulses within you, filling you with his hot spend. His mind is a blank, all thought having been driven from out at the moment of climax. There is only the feeling.
Without a doubt, this is the hardest he’s ever come before. His head rests back against the bed and his mouth drops open as he continues to jerk up into you slightly with each spurt as he comes down. The first sensation he notes outside of pleasure again is the sound of your calm voice.
“That’s it, that was so good, you’re so good Rolan.”
You’re heaping praise on him, and he allows the combination of everything to sweep him away once more. When he comes to again it’s only minutes later, but he’s been untied and you’re gently cleaning him with a warm towel. You climb into bed with him and check his wrists and ankles, massaging them to soothe any discomfort. After a few minutes he pulls you close to him, and you lean out of his reach to grab a blanket to cover you both. Then you settle back, facing him as he puts his arms around your back, happy to have you in his arms.
The last thing he feels before he slips off to the best sleep he’s had in years, is the feeling of you leaving a kiss on his forehead — just between his horns.
He falls asleep with a smile on his face.
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koolades-world · 5 months
Hi!! Hope you're having a good day! May I ask for levi with some sort of anime girl type hoodie and reader asking him to get rid of it because their jealous?
hello! of course :)
Me? Jealous?
Levi was looking forward to his gaming session with you that evening. You'd been seemingly very busy the past week, so he hadn't gotten a chance to snag your sole attention at all. He hated having to vie for your affections during the day with his brothers, so instead he sent you a text to ask if you were up to play games. He was overjoyed when you said yes.
Right after dinner, he set off to his room to tidy up. After throwing away the several empty energy drink cans and chip bags, and wiping every controller down, he let you know he was ready when you were. You showed up to his room soon enough with a smile on your face.
"Levi!" You peaked in through the crack in the door he'd made to check who'd knocked. He fully opened the door and promptly shut it behind you.
"Hey Mc." He found himself grow increasingly nervous as you threw your arms around him. You'd known each other for so long now, yet every time he turned to putty under your touch.
"You have any games in mind?" After they backed up, he noticed your expression fall a little, causing him to panic. What had he done? Maybe you'd finally realized you'd rather hang out with Mammon or Asmo. They were much more fun anyways.
"Yes... no! I meant no." He stumbled over his words after remembered he had to speak.
"If you had something in mind, let's do that. You're the expert after all." You grabbed his arm and dragged him towards his gaming setup. Eventually, after some coaxing from you, he showed you what he wanted to do with you, so that's what you spend your evening doing. A few times during the evening, he thought he saw you give him some side glances, but he brushed it off because you seemed happy enough.
Once you’d done what he wanted, and you were both growing tired of that particular activity, Levi suggested rewatching a favorite anime of yours. After he put it on, he only got halfway through the first episode before letting his thoughts run rampant again. He was certain they were giving him side glares now. The anxiety of the situation began to eat away at him, crippling any confidence he had. After he caught you full on staring at him, he knew he had to say something.
“Mc?” He turned his head to meet your gaze.
“Hmm?” You seemed as if you’d just woken up from a stupor of some kind.
“Are you… alright?” He held his breath waiting for your response.
“Yes. Why do you ask?” They shifted their body towards him. Silence filled the room. He has no clue where to go from there. He didn’t think he’d get that far to be honest.
He could only muster up a small “Alright.” Way to go genius! What a smart way to answer a question. But, he just couldn’t bring himself to open his mouth again for anything that wasn’t sad, deflated balloon-esque noises. The pair stared at each other now, neither speaking. Eventually, you finally said something.
"I'm sorry. It's just be being dumb." You looked away from him, sneaking glances. He remained silent. You sighed, and continued despite seeming to not want to. "It's just... your hoodie." He looked down suddenly at what he was wearing. It was just some generic anime girl on a hoodie. It had been a gift from Mammon, and when he says he scoured the internet for he, he found nothing. She wasn't a real character and while he didn't actually know where he got it from, he had his guesses.
"What?" Was all he could muster. He felt like he looked incredibly stupid, kind of like a fish with wide eyes and an open mouth.
"She's not a character I've seen in your room before." Levi could sense there was more you wanted to say, but kept dancing around the topic. As he thought more about your words and the expression on your face, the lightbulb above his head finally lit up.
"OH." With that realization, he began to panic and immediately tried to take off the hoodie, only to remember he wasn't actually wearing anything underneath. He quickly pulled it back down and decided to turn his back to you instead.
"Levi! You don't have to take it off, you know." You put your hand on his shoulder.
"If you're jealous, then I need to. I know what that feels like. It's not a good feeling. You shouldn't have to feel that if you don't need to." The words that came out of his mouth were more poetic than usual. For a second, you were unsure on how to respond.
"Thanks. You're really sweet. Now, do you want me to get out while you change?" You began to giggle as his face turned beet red. He quickly ushered you out of the room, causing you to laugh more, but as soon as you were out of the room, you dwelled on the warm, fuzzy feelings Levi gave you. You were so lucky to have him in your life.
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bagopucks · 1 year
Trevor Zegras x Reader
Cuddling with Trevor was nothing short of chaotic. Especially on days when I wanted to relax, and had to actually drag him down onto the couch to get him to settle.
Trevor had been running rampant all day, trying to plan his off season trips and schedule his summer. I was laying on the couch trying to enjoy a movie.
It was only when Trevor paced past the couch for the thousandth time, that I finally grabbed his hand and stopped him. He looked up from his phone. I shook my head at him.
“T, why don’t you put the phone down and lay down. I promise everything will still be there in a few hours.” I encouraged, watching as his face screwed up in question.
“No. I’m almost done.” I highly doubted it, but even if he was done, that didn’t eliminate the look of pure stress in his features.
“Come on, Trev.” I was careful when I reached up for his phone, giving him a chance to pull it away. I was relieved when he surrendered it into my grip. I turned the device off and set it on the coffee table, before I pressed my back against the couch cushion and opened my blanket to welcome Trevor in. He pulled his shirt off and quickly laid down on the couch by my side. Our legs tangled together almost instinctively. As did our arms as we tried to hold onto one another.
I had one arm around Trevor’s hip while I used my free hand to run a finger down the bridge of his nose. I smiled contentedly at Trevor. He closed his eyes as I moved on to his eyebrows, smoothing them down and running a few fingers across his temples.
“My mom used to do this when I would take naps.” Trevor whispered as I slowly ran my fingers down from his temple to trace the shell of his ear and follow his jaw.
“How do you remember that?” I giggled softly.
“Cause I hated naps well past the age of five.” Trevor’s bashful smile had me laughing softly.
“Your poor mother.” I teased in a whisper, watching as Trevor’s eyes opened. He slipped his hand beneath my shirt to trace little patterns on the skin of my back. I eventually moved my hand from his face to wrap back around his body.
“Why are you so tense about all this planning?” I asked quietly, watching as Trevor’s eyes searched my own. For something I didn’t know of.
“I just want to get it over with.” Trevor whispered. “Wanna get it over with and know for sure that I have time to go home, time to see the Hughes, time to spend with you. I know you wanna go home too, so I thought if I planned my stuff fast, then you could plan yours and we could minimize the amount of time we’re apart.” He shrugged a shoulder.
“Trev, when I said I wanted to go home, I meant I wanted you to come with me.” I teased, watching the gears turn in his head. His brow furrowed in confusion.
“Yes, T. My mom has been dying to meet you.” My words brought a bright smile to his lips.
“Really?” He sounded less in disbelief and more so flustered now. Nervous.
“You won’t believe how excited she is. She’s seen pictures of you. She absolutely adores you from what she’s heard.”
“You really do take after your mother.” I laughed softly at his words, gently slapping his chest with the arm I had tucked between us.
“Shut up, Trevor.” I tried to roll over, but a tight grip on my hip kept me from going anywhere.
“Relax, I’m just teasing. With those big old shoulders, you’re definitely more like your dad.”
I feigned offense with a gasp.
“Trevor!” I raised my voice, tempted to shove him right off the couch. He couldn’t stop himself from laughing. “You’re such a little shit!”
“Don’t tell your mom I said that.” He warned through his settling laughter.
“Oh I’m telling her. I’m telling her, and you’re gonna be in the dog house.” I pointed a finger at him, and Trevor merely giggled before reaching out to lower my hand.
“Oh I love you,” he drawled out as he finally settled. I rolled my eyes and rested my forehead against his chest. Trevor let out a quiet sigh before he slipped his other arm beneath me, holding on as he rolled onto his back and pulled me on top of him.
I quickly fixed our blanket, my hands coming to rest on his arms as my body laid on top of his own.
“You don’t have big shoulders, I promise.” Trevor whispered as he slowly combed a hand through my hair. I sighed softly. “You’re perfect. And proportional.”
I snorted at his words.
“Shut the fuck up, Trevor.”
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Camomile pt. 7 [Ghost x gn!Reader]
pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4, pt. 5, pt. 6, pt. 7, pt. 8, pt. 9, pt. 10
AN: Please lemme know if you are liking this series I'm desperate for reassurance and validation <3
Synopsis: You're no longer in the hands of the enemy but the memories still linger. Ghost helps you through a nightmare. Word Count: 1.5k Warnings: injuries, nightmares, torture, kinda graphic, non-con touching (men are creeps) Ghost x gn!Reader (callsign Rags): Hurt/comfort. Loads of fluff. Nightmare trope!
It was pitch black when you woke. You reached up to tug at the eye mask when a warm hand covered yours, pulling it gently over your head. Cobalt eyes met yours.
“Ghost.” You breathe. You missed him.
“The very same.” He replies with a gentle nod. Soap and Gaz have left and the Lieutenant has dragged a chair over to your bedside; barely leaving any room for his legs. He is leaning forwards, tattooed forearm resting on the rail and dangling near your thigh. He’s no longer in uniform or tactical gear; his mask replaced by a simple black balaclava. Suddenly you realise you have no idea where you are. He tilts his head, watching you as though he can see the thoughts running rampant behind your eyes.
“Where are we?” You ask, thankful your voice isn’t as scratchy as it was before. Ghost leans back a little but keeps his arms resting on the rail.
“A base somewhere in Europe, I’ve not really asked to be honest.”
You frown, “That’s unlike you.”
“Yeah well,” he laughs softly, though it isn’t a happy sound, “geography wasn’t quite the priority, was it, love?”
“Suppose not,” you mumble. His eyes soften and he reaches out to pat your knee.
“I’ll ask Price when I see ‘im. It’s somewhere nearby, though. Didn’t have enough time to RTB.”
You nod slowly, fingering one of the wires by your side. Ghost just watches, waiting for you to speak.
“No one’s told me anything.” You feel like a child being left out of adult discussions. “Haven’t even spoken to the doc, Price didn’t properly debrief me – even Soap and Gaz wouldn’t talk about it. What am I missing here?”
The Lieutenant knew it was coming. He’d waited to see you just for this reason. You needed rest, not intel.
Ghost sighs. “How about I get you a cuppa? Let’s start there.”
Broken ribs, cigarette burns, slight pneumonia, minor internal bleeding, a handful of lacerations – to name a few. Ghost had brought you your file and held your steaming mug of camomile while you flipped through.
“What’s this?” You ask, pointing to a thick black line, roughly drawn. “Why’s someone redacting my personal medical shit?”
“The same reason Price won’t debrief you yet – you need rest, Rags.” He swipes the file from your hands and before you can argue settles the steaming mug in your grasp instead. You glare at him as you try not to spill it, craning your neck to take a sip. Ghost shakes his head and wraps an arm behind your back, supporting your weight while he readjusts the pillows. You lean back, his hand lingering until it’s pressed between your warmth and the bed. He lowers himself back into the chair, his hands wrapped around his own mug.
“That isn’t fair.” You finally say, too tired to argue but not willing to let the subject drop. “I have the right to know.”
Ghost takes a long sip before replying. “You do.”
“Then why–“
–“Because it’s a lot.” He says, cobalt eyes firm as they hold your gaze. “It’s a lot and you aren’t well yet. You can barely sit up on your own and can’t stay awake for more than a couple of hours. Please trust me, you’ll know in time.”
“But I want to know now,” your mumble, looking down as tears prickle against your will. The Lieutenants eyes soften.
“I know you do.”
“I just don’t like not knowing things.” A tear escapes. You swipe at it angrily.
“I know you don’t.”
“I just –“
–“I know.” He nods, wrapping a hand around your wrist, sliding it up to your forearm and giving it a gentle squeeze.
Your lip is wobbling now but Ghost doesn’t move. His thumb swiping over the soft part of your wrist. Back and forth.
“I know, Rags.”
And you get the feeling that he does. He doesn’t talk much about his past but you can recall a few months ago when a mission went awry and you walked in on Gaz stitching him up – shirt rolled to hang loosely around his neck. Scars weren’t abnormal for soldiers, but the markings were repetitive and consistent. Corporal punishment. Something you were all too familiar with as of late.
The Lieutenant doesn’t stop. Gentle and slow. Letting you know you were with him and you were safe. He watches as you fight the sleep weighing heavily on your eyelids.
And when your eyes fall shut and your breathing deepens he still stays.
“Ah, дорогая,” a voice whispers menacingly in your ear. Fingers stroke down your cheek, your chest and down over your navel. Your stomach muscles ripple and flinch away on impulse. The chain rattles as you lean away from his touch. His grin widens, yellow teeth glinting.
“Ready to talk?”
You clench your teeth; jaw locked and tongue pressed to the roof of your mouth.
“Still not talking, дорогая?” He’s rougher now, hand coming to grasp your throat, the squeeze a warning.
“I have nothing to say.” You spit out, swallowing against his hand. He chuckles.
“So feisty.” He shakes his head, patting your cheek roughly. “It won’t last. You’ll be screaming soon. I’ve always found the screams of women far more satisfying than men.”
The smell of burnt flesh wafts up to your nose and you look down. He’s holding a lighter against your bare torso. Why can’t you feel it? You watch as your flesh melts away into a gaping trench; your eyes watering at the stench. Blood bubbles and boils around the edges. The pain hits you in a wave, bursting and overflowing. The damn breaks and a scream rips from your throat. He laughs then, tipping his head back as he watches you writhe.
“Rags!” Hands shake you roughly, wrapping around your shoulders. You try to shake them off but they refuse to let go.
Your eyes snap oven, hair sticks to your sweat covered face and you fight the hands holding you still.
“No, no, no, please!” You can’t help but cry, twisting in their grip. “Please.”
“Rags.” The voice is soft but firm. “Look at me.”
That voice. Where have you heard that voice?
You wrench your eyes open, tears pool and trickle down your cheeks. Cobalt blue stares back down at you, blond brows creased in concern.
“Rags? Are you with me?”
You’re gasping like a fish out of water. Chest heaving; breath ragged.
His mask has slipped down, lower than you’ve ever seen it. With a shaking hand you tug it back up. He catches your wrist, a finger circles and tickles your palm.
He nods, his other hand stretches out and gently brushes strand of hair away from your forehead. “S’alright. I’m here. You’re safe.”
You feel so tired. Rung out like a rag and set to dry in the wind. His hand has settled on your cheek. Cautious and gentle. “They took my camomile.” You whisper and Ghost tilts his head, confused.
“What do you mean?”
Your face crumples under his concerned gaze.The thoughts running through your mind are no longer logical. “The camomile I keep in my spare pocket – they took it.”
His thumb swipes under your eye, catching a tear. He frowns, “That’s ok, I’ve got some with me.”
Your chest heaves again and a sob slips from your mouth. “I was worried you wouldn’t have any left and Soap and Gaz only drink coffee – Price too.”
“Oh, darling.” He breathes, eyes sad as he strokes your jaw.
–“and you would have no-one to drink camomile with if I was gone.” You gasp, now clutching at his own wrist was you ramble. Your breathing is picking up again, a machine beeps more rapidly behind you.
Ghost’s face has crumpled completely as he watches you, unsure what to do. Your grip on him tightens, almost grasping the Lieutenant as though he will slip away.
“Would you like a hug?” He asks, throat constricting. He knows how hard it is to accept touch after experiencing the nonconsensual grip of the enemy. You nod frantically. It feels like you are falling apart at the seems and you need him to hold you while you sew yourself back together.
Slowly – making sure his hands are always in your line of sight – Ghost collapses the bedrail and slips in beside you.
“Show me where I can put my hands, love.” He murmurs in your ear and with shaking hands you guide his arms around you. You settle against his broad chest, your breathing slowly syncing with his own.
“Thank you.” The words so quiet he can barely hear it. He tucks you in closer, resting his chin against the top of your head.
“This ok?” He mumbles into your hair. You nod gently against him.
“No place I’d rather be.”
— — —
Next Part:
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