#and that shit hurts bc I don’t let go & the more u punch me in my fuckin’ face the harder and harder I bite down and ripping I’m gonna bite
theskyexists · 1 year
gundam ep 18, 19 20
didnt want to watch more gundam bc i was so pissed and i didnt think that the writers/narrative were going to treat what they had miorine do to suletta with enough weight.
i start episode 6 after waiting to let myself calm down.good call on my part. but
why the fuk does miorine feel beholden to prospera when prospera didnt do shit lol
miorine’sover the top anger is no longer adorable. it’s just childish and annoying. a sign of her being stupidly out of her depth. the politics are also so ridiculous. is shin sei now miorine’s subsidiary? when did that happen? WHAT IS OWNERSHIP EVEN IN THIS UNIVERSE. DID MIORINE INHERIT SHARES?????????
this was the ONLY way it could go yeah for suletta to think that i guess. but damn im glad i waited
‘ive no intention of fighting you you saved my life’BUT i will insult your friend.
what an idiot. starting to dislike how this is all about literal children
are we punching miorine. we doing this?
so martin got hurt by a mob and they’re like hey why dont u stay behind to protect the base from the mob. lol
miorine never rescinded earth house’s rights to the ship with which they can just dump suletta at her place? ????? god its so japanese
fuck. chuchu is NOT punching miorine? ‘talking things out’? what the fuck. why are we getting all these fun lil group dynamics after something so shit. why are they still working for gundarm at all. ‘WHEN the bullies come back, dont try anything crazy’  literally leaving the hurt member for the bullies to kill iguess. what the fuck
how is this elan so good at fighting he can stop a terrorist pilot witch from stabbing him in the eye
‘i did not expect him to team up with peil’ why the fuck ever not
wow that went fast. suletta didn’t even fight for aerial. god. the most doormat to ever doormat. not even AERIAL. did prospera arrange for suletta to find aerial because eri wanted to see her?
what the fuck dude i mean. why.... WHY.
ok so why didnt eri ever do this before though like - could have talked to her in this mindspace all along. ok so...uh. they dont need the key which is suletta anymore. and...wait. so there were a lot of children. but surely not so many. what with the timeline. but hold on. and score eight, thats when eri doesn’t need a pilot. you’re telling me there was no way of tweaking the software or hardware for the AI inside to take control of the suit. beyond a score 8 datastorm. why the fuck is eri being so nasty to suletta. i thought she cared about her
what the fuck. literally like. what the fck. why would eri do this to her right after miorine did this to her. what even goes on in their minds
simply ejects her into the vacuum of space with limited air supply. ok.....? i mean. and aerial cannot be steered by herself either we were just told so they’re both just in space i guess.
prospera and eri literally just told her: actually use you were also just a cog in a machine that we were using and we dont need anymore bye
???????????????????????????????????why the fuck would eri do that
‘suletta deserves to live freely’
are you fuckign serious. are you fucking serious. really. you’re fucking serious. you are telling me that. prospera and eri care about suletta as well but they just lied to her again and told her they don’t just to let her ‘live freely’.. all these people are completely insane and psychopaths and completely unforgivable. completely fucking insane and unforgivable. the writers just made it worse. i CANNOT forgive this. i literally cannot.
if suletta does not go apeshit i will kill somebody and that somebody will be the whole writing team
ep 19
let me just say that i saw some ‘oh we all good now’ fanart and i am absolutely not about it. jezus christ.
wow they really skimped on the animation for miorine
suletta is going further and further into a depression spiral and earth house is jus like: hmmm sucks . and the people who love her are like: lol bye better off without us! fuck yoU!!!
this rando side character from a mid-level company who for some reason does the counselling at the school (???)  or hijacks it is like a total ......like. player. reallyjust playing around . its great
what IS benerit group’s jurisdiction? is miorine ever gonna see the terrible circumstances that her friends came from? too bad Nika and Chuchu aren’t along to point out: yeah i worked here as a nine year old 12 hours a day lol
who the hell is miorine negotiating with? and why is she going if she doesnt speak for the group. what can she even promise
this spacian and not-elan and nika have been in thisroom for what. a week? and somehow elan is capable of holding her TWICE. how theFUCK is he not dead. his superior male strength apparently. hate this part. its boring. it’s sexist. it’s stupid. but i guess its nice that theyre doing a fucked up emotional bond between the shitty spacian and the shitty earthian bc they’re both gundam pawns
miorine thinks she can get some goodwill for developing prosthetic limbs....(which by all accounts ALREADY EXIST LOL LOOK AT PROSPERA). wow that went surprisingly well. goodthing the guy’s a doctor. and recognised she means well. might be a way to change things etc.
general guy surely must have been responsible for the 1500 earthians disappeared and tortured huh....
god i cant stand the earth house-suletta dynamics. everybody is so annoying. suletta for being her same old self and earth house peeps for being like: oh but just have a meal with us we’re friends :):):):) shut the fuck up
it’s like these writers have never experienced grief at all
oh she just gotta have a nice soup and a cry and a meal with friends. shut the fuckup
‘even when you know it’s not the right way, sometimes it’s the only thing you can do’
uh. no. what? martin didn’t have to sell nika out just bc he was sure she was a terrorist. miorine and eri and prospera didnt have to stab suletta in all the worst places just to ‘set her free’. that like saying: oh i killed a couple of people but eh, meh, eh, so what?i just fucked around abit and now we’re finding out. so it goes!
seriously this kid actually reveals all this shit to guel??? lol!!!!what an idiot!!! these people almost killed you!!! guel doesnt even care enough to get a you a spot in the academy (’you should ask somebody else’WHO GUEL. WHO IS HE GONNA MEET)
this story went far off the rails
this kid just sold out his people’s best chance of becomign indpeendent and free from benerit group. what idiot adult never told this complete dumbass to keep his fucking mouth shut.
prospera. what the FUCK. how is THIS necessary for anything? Eri. Why are you doing this also. Im looking at all the fanart thats like ooooo we all good after ep 22 we a happy family.
Suletta is a psycho. Prospera is a way worse psycho. Miorine is a bitch. Guel is a total bastard. Even Eri is a total psycho.
oh ok it was an excuse to leave miorine behind with no guards at all. LOL. the guards all left and prospera was like byeeeeeeee
the high council (?) (who the fuck are they then) have been funding the earthian ochs earth corporation gundams....ok thats one mystery solved. so why did prospera attack the gundams there. and was there an implications that there are multiple sophies and noreas or were they simply associated in teh system. but also what. they corrupted GUND principles? you care about those prospera?
Miorine seriously has no direct control over her men or gundams? why is she so......DUMB. i know shes only seventeenbut like.
‘oh we didnt give orders’ that is no excuse. check your lines of command. get your goddamn intel directly. there are like three fucking robot pilots. you can speak to them DIRECTLY. now they’re blowing up shit because theyre getting shot at. soldiers and cops are such cowards. oh ill just laserblast everybody. instead of idk. listening to ORDERS and simply evading
‘guel, you’ve defiled her’
what. lol. shaddiq maybe you should have helped her. idk. always being such a stupid dick
‘prospera mercury was onto us.’ ok so he knows that shes destroyed the stored gundams.
aerial did NOT do the only thing she could. in fact, she could have just said: suletta, our mother is a total pschyo, shes going to fuck everyone over just so i can live again. you shouldnt be part of that. with her actual voice
literally.what is this japanese fucking bullshit. it’s like they literally have different neural pathways. like LITERALLY. every anime has this to some extent. where there’s these contrived mantras based on idiotic non-communciation. as though it is impossible to be truthful or straightforward about anything. its better to stab someone than be straightforward.
really hate the tempo, the futility, and most of all the heart of the emotional conflict. it’s fake. it’s extreme. there’s no payoff. and in the end it is unrelated to any of the earthian suffering. 
i predict: suletta is not going to go apeshit
chuchu did not punch miorine and will not
prospera and  eri will also not get any comeuppance
‘its all my fault. i did this’
uh yeah. because you didn’t prepare. you didn’t consider that everybody had their fingers on the triggers. you didnt control your soldiers. YOUR SOLDIERS. just let the commander fly off. didn’t intervene in communication. didn’t tell  the commander that THOSE robots also needed to be disarmed. yeah. people died because you’re an idiot. fuck you
ep 20
shaddiq is angry at guel for no reason. guel is angry at shaddiq for important reasons like he accidentally killed his dad at the plant quetta incident that shaddiq orchestrated
what is this ‘comedy’ low-stakes shit between martin and these two leftover student council idiots
‘our mobile suit wrecked havoc while we claim to be a  medical company’ maybe shouldnt have a mobile suit. ‘even lilique is angry’ WHY AREN’T THEY.
why is earth house so completely apathetic? Miorine kicked suletta to the curb like its nothing. they didnt much care. Miorine seems to have attacked a major Earth city. they dont much care. fucking hell dude lol
he really thinks guel (who is definitely a dumbass) was the one to taint miorine’s name and soul? he KNOWS prospera was behind it. jezus christ. can they just kill  each other already. fucking hell. how did the writing tank likethis.
shaddiq deliberaely wants to have the school demolished....
wow those cathedra guys are terrabad at responding to attacks and protecting civilians
how does shaddiq knowthat. right bc he has connections with. ok its a way to freak him out but cmong guel. SHADDIQ SET THAT UP ACCUSE HIM OF THAT RIGHT NOW. didnt
the weird thing about the gundam fights is why their conversations are always boosted from enemy to enemry to the entire fuckign public
comms just said: dont get involved leave it to security
house jeturk instantly sends out a student. who almost got killed last time. didnt even lift campus restrictions. SURELY thats a single fucking switch
Burion House doesnt have a single pilot with them in the bunker ?
chuchu really going for Nika right now? Martin the rat stopping her and asking Nika to help out? after ratting her out? my god
Nika: ‘this is all my fault’ what the ever living fuck are you talking about. what arrogance
shaddiq was hoping guel would protect miorine from all this shit but he didn’t i mean fair enough. guel is such a fail-man
shaddiq is for sure not. and his idea is pretty good. too bad he keeps having people murdered left and right. if he’d simply ordered his people in dawn of the fold to help miorine out but noooo
ah he wanted spacian losses at asticassia to poke the league....but....then why was he running for president. and also. surely he hasn’t been able to transfer many of the assets yet. just grassley’s
i like how norea’s grief is fuckin realhere alright
wow elan doing his: i hold your arms so you cant hit me move here again. even works in mobile suit form. lol
yap. norea too. i mean. who can care about suletta or miorine or fuckin guel when sophie and norea be imploding right here. the war oprhans, the exploited unprivileged drafted children.they’re mercilessly mowed down by the ‘good guys’ cathedra. who’ve been doing that shit for twenty years.
I HATE earth house lol
i also hate suletta. dont like her shounen shit anymore which isnt shounen shit anymore. thats because all of this is just so.....who cares.who cares. truly who cares.
thing is. this show really likes to do dramatic moments but all the dramaticmoments this past season have not been satisfying. they have been really frustrating narratively. shaddiq and prospera and miorine and the league all fucking shit up. miorine really SHOULD have chosen shaddiq it turns out. they might have actually made a good pair, if shaddiq had been truthful at all
suletta isnt gonna do shit about earth. she really doesnt give a fuck. miorine is too stupid to do anything about it. guel ABSOLUTELY is. and everybody else is infinitely dumb
to be honest, why did prospera destory earth ochs gundams when it destroyed miorine’s chances of becoming president. unless she didnt need quiet zero after all. but then why bother with her AT ALL
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angelicyoongie · 2 years
FIRST OF ALL: lovesick IS one of the best fics I’ve read on here period. no ifs ands or buts.
SECONDABLE: I love love loved this chapter. I love that I can feel for both Reader and (some) of the boys. I love that I can feel and understand Reader’s hatred, anger, and despair (and I love that you didn’t let her give up without a fight!). The feelings I have are so conflicting and you wrote them so well. I love that I can sympathize with JK, Jin, Namjoon and even Taehyung while rooting for Reader’s escape. Bc while I can acknowledge that the boys just want her love and affection, I also understand Reader feeling helpless and trapped. Thank you for not letting Reader lose her fight and smarts while being captured.
THIRDLY: Reader is so damn strong. Stronger than me even. I don’t think I would have been able to stop myself from punching the shit out of Taehyung if he tried to kiss me, or throwing a carrot at Jimin’s head after his smugness (this is the anon that called him a little asshole btw. I love Jimin but I want Reader to fuck him up so bad.) I also love how she tried to keep her composure and manipulate Namjoon into taking her away. +1 for her intelligence!
I feel so so bad for Reader though. I wonder how the boys are gonna treat her now? If they’re gonna be even worse? I hope not, bc there’s no way they’re gonna get Reader to even like them if they up the ante and start acting crazier w her.
I can see Reader just giving up and trying to die slowly instead of fighting. Like being unresponsive, not even trying to pretend to like the boys nor talk to them. Or being even more hostile. Idk. Those are just my predictions.
Anyway. I had a lot of fun reading this chapter!
(PS: Reader is better than me bc if those demons we call Tae and Jimin tried to corner me in the kitchen talking about “do u like Jk and Yoongi more than us? 🥺” I’d be like “yeah lmao. now fuck off.”)
Thank you so much omg?? 😭😭💖💖
It makes me so happy that you enjoyed this chapter so much! I really wanted to show off the boys' delusions/hopes in contrast to the MC's despair and I think I managed that okay! I really wanted to write a MC with a lot of drive and guts that didn't submit to them at the first possible moment, so I'm having a lot of fun with her character! I've been putting her through a lot, the poor thing, but she's still fighting!
Honestly, the MC has handled all of this way better than I ever could! I would’ve lost my mind at the first letter, lmao. And oof, yeah, my quick temper could NEVER. “Little asshole” is a great way to describe ls!Jimin lol 💀 She’s a strong woman! 
Hmm, good question. They won’t necessarily hurt her, but if the MC thought they were clingy and intrusive before then she has another storm coming once she’s back to the cabin ... The MC is going to have to rethink her plan, that’s for sure! She’s tired and drained at this point, so she’ll probably “give in” to what they want while she tries to gather herself again. 
Thank you so much again!! 💖💖 (Lmao same 💀)
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sunset-bobby · 2 years
once again coming to at 3am…on a road trip but hey i make the time to be consistent
Loving Kourtney and Gina’s hair
god portwell miscommunication is ugh
Love the energy Carlos
I’m already laughing this is great
love an instigator
see bc we know the other side of the situation (EJ’s daddy’s issues) Gina’s pettiness makes me annoyed yet i get it
“I can hit him for real” y’all see EJ square up at that? Bitch said back the fuck up
woah woah woah….OK so I know that’s not real bc I genuinely believe EJ woulda knocked the shit out of Ricky
Carlos read the room again Maddox and Jett are siblings sir
Okay Gina i get it but talk
Carlos is like someone save me
Damn these poor girls
“I think I broke the children”
Alright so know it’s fake but I could never I’d slap a bitch
Yes EJ more arms, also Kourtney are we SURE he’s straight….
lmaooo I’m sorry but Carlos u miss casted some of this 😭
“oh my face I have been slapped” best line delivery this season
hey buddy
oh shit this is a little 😳
Remember when I was a rina…yea same but I need EJ happy so like let’s not hurt my baby
Oh if I was EJ hands would be thrown, song would’ve been interrupted, all four legs in Ricky’s face
Ashlyn baby ur gay is showing
Welp i think it’s time we say rip portwell
Channing needs to get beat up
I can’t say who side i’m on… The rina are gonna eat this shit up because it means rina  but you can see how this all could would’ve been said with a healthy conversation right?
 Maddox you cannot give somebody a sexuality crisis in the middle of a room
Holy shit things are just hitting all the fans
 Call him out Maddx!!! as you should
“I need to sit down” me too Ricky
Okay yay for communication thank you EJ
honestly Gina ain’t y’all just start dating a month ago….clearly the man hates his name when was he gonna tell u?
Ricky is having a hard time w/ this siblings thing
Gina, damn…but also like he kept one secret and it was cause he thought he could change it… I know that I am like a gut punch I don’t go to angsty song out of this I’ll be upset (preferably from EJ or a duet)
Just all got real Meta
I told u the Camera guy needed to get beat up but Nooooo
Sir these are children
Took Ricky’s advice and wrote a Ricky-esq song love Jet
Sobbing no I can’t do the flashbacks
This episode was intense like so much happened holy shit
Who did EJ call???
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ranking the doctors based on whether or not i could beat them in a fight:
one: no fucking way
look ik that he’s an old man but he beat the shit outta that one guy in the romans AND the robot-him that the daleks made. he also did NOT hesitate to try bash that caveman in the head with a rock so he definitely wouldn’t hesitate to beat me within an inch of my life.
two: probably
first off, let me clarify that i would never hurt him, i don’t think i could physically bring myself to do it. but if i had to, i’d totally win. bring it on little man. also; he doesn’t have a very good track record in delivering punches or defense BUT; he’s more flight than fight, and im a shit runner. so if he got away, there’s no way in hell i’d catch him again. i still say the likelihood of me winning is relatively high
three: oh hell no
the man has a pHd in kicking ass. he would fed-ex same-day ship my ass directly back to my maker.
four: definitely
idgaf that he has like a good foot on me; knees only bend one way and it ain’t backwards or sideways motherfucker come at me. i would kick the shit outta him, no doubt.
five: absolutely
this one it pretty self explanatory; what are u gonna do, twink? huh?? you gonna swing ur stupid little cricket bat at me?? id like to see you try. the only thing i’m worried about is he’s got a lot of backup to call on but one on one, id totally kick his ass.
six: no way
i mean he strangled peri so- he would beat the shit outta me, man idk what u want me to say.
seven: absolutely not
he’s a sadistic, manipulative, little man. i love him. he also: terrifies me. he’s the first version of the doctor id be scared to fight.
eight: bring it on, pretty boy
again, same with two, i would never hes so sweet and id feel terrible but, if i had to id win:
war: tell my mother i love her
eight im pretty sure i could take but war would kill me; he’s called the fucking WAR DOCTOR. THIS MAN SURVIVED A LITERAL W A R. he wouldn’t want to obv, but that’s the only way i can see this scenario playing out.
nine: i’m going to the hospital
i don’t think he’d want to fight me, he’d go easy on me bc he is a sweetheart. but: he would totally wreck my shit.
ten: let’s go, pretty boy, round 2
pre-christmas specials before he kinda went down the dark path, i totally win. the man in a bean poll, i could crush his head with my thighs. BUT: post-time lord victorious ego-trip, he would put a gun to my head and shoot me point blank, execution style.
eleven: i’m not afraid to fight a child
again, pre-emo phase, id totally win but like post-season 7, i think we might be evenly matched. i feel like he’s got a lot of pent up rage. but then again, so do i.
twelve: absolutely fucking not
this man could end my life with a LOOK, besides from seven, he’s the only other version of the doctor that would have me shitting myself if i ever had to square up with him
thirteen: lmao nah
id let her beat me up, no cap 🥴
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socheckitout-mikey · 3 years
Can u do play fighting w Dallas would include? :3 either nsfw or sfw is fine
heya birdie! when i saw this ask come in i was Y E L L I N G bc play fighting w. dally ngl scares the shit outta me and he’d play dirty asf, but also he’d kinda soft? here’s my mess - mae
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Play Fighting with Dallas Winston Headcanons:
° Alright, straight off the bat, if you think for one second that Dal’s gonna take it easy on you, you thought wrong asf!
° This guy freaking cheats like the word’s his damn middle name! Which it is, let’s be real lmaoo
° Probably German Suplex’s you onto your damn mattress for Christ sake! He broke the bed sajffjkds
° But do you play nice either? Hell no! There’s a war you’ve saddled up to, and you’re Dallas Winston’s s/o! Ofc you’re not letting him win without a good fight.
° This one time he made the fatal mistake of underestimating you the first time y’all both play fought. He was horrifically surprised when you managed to keep him in a headlock for a solid 20 seconds before he tickled your sides like a possessed man.
° “Is that how we’re playin’ things doll?”
° “You cheated!”
° “Course I did, I’m Dallas Winston!”
° istg you cringed sdhsahfsdf.
° “You make it sound like that’s something to be proud of.”
° “What’d you just say, you lil shit?!”
° Cue you running round the outside of your home and your neighbors thinking you’re a total freak, check!
° Play fights also turn into tickle fights, and you play dirty bc you know Dally has ticklish armpits.
° “I swear to God, you do that one more ti-”
° “Oooh! You swore to God- I thought you only swore to yourself.”
° You talk back a lot and Dally just has to accept it now lol
° If you play fight in front of others, like the gang for instance, Dally’s real mean about it, pinning you down in odd positions that make the boys tease you.
° So help anyone who’s an arms length away bc they’ll get kicked or punched.
° “Sorry Pony! Dally kept-”
° “We all know what Dally does to you in your free time.” Soda laughs wildly from the other end of the room.
° “What was that?!” You freeze, anger flashing across your countenance.
° “Sheesh, everyday you start soundin’ more and more like Dally, eh Two-bit?” Steve grins, elbowing his buddy playfully in the side.
° “Damn right! They’re lookin’ bout as ugly as him too!” Two-bit grins, dodging the empty beer can launched at his head by Dally.
° “What’d you say about me?!”
° Oftentimes play fighting is a playful activity for you and Dally since Dally can be quite relaxed. He doesn’t take things too personally. Even tho he’s a straight up Jackass.
° He let’s you win sometimes, especially if you reward him like kisses or get him a beer.
° “You tell anyone I did that, I’m skinnin’ ya!”
° “I’ll note it in my diary to tell Soda.”
° Play fighting occurred this one time he read your journal and it had some embarrassing shit in it about how you were in love with him. He got a right kick out of you shoving your face into his chest once he’d pinned your arms down by your side.
° “C’mon! It ain’t that bad!”
° “It’s worse than the time Soda puked on me in first grade!”
° Can’t go without saying that things turn sexual either bc this is Dallas Winston we’re talking about.
° Often times it ends with him pinning you down and starting a make out session.
° Or he’ll pin you down and be a little mean, staring down into your eyes with little words being said.
° “What?”
° “What do you mean, what?”
° “Dal, don’t be an ass!”
° “When am I not?”
° The times when he suddenly stops, lifts you up slightly and places you ontop of him. They’re v precious and I support these moments.
° Or the wild times when he throws you over his shoulder and slaps your ass like a champ!
° Play fighting with Dally is riddled with fun, playfulness and competition. He’s always looking to demonstrate how much stronger he is, but in a way that doesn’t hurt you or scare you because Dally just doesn’t get a kick outta scaring you like he does other people. You’re like Johnny, his soft spot.
° Play fighting is often relaxing and his way of teasing you. Touch is something kinda foreign to Dally, especially if it’s not in a sexual way. So, although play fighting can turn sexual, it allows for him to show affection towards you in a way that isn’t sexual.
° Dallas just sucks at speaking how he feels. So you can really tell her cares for you when he let’s you win a play fight in private or goes a little easier on you, particularly when he’s in a good mood.
° Just never bring that fact up though! Because if you do, he won’t go easy on you for awhile. Though it’s all done in good fun!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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requests: open!
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saintobio · 3 years
I have high hopes that y/n didn’t do that. Personally, I don’t think she would spite him even after all he’s put her through, unless it concerns her health. Even then I still have doubts, she’s very selfless. Then there’s the dialogue between his two best friends. I do recall you saying that they’re soulmates but everything’s is wrong timing for them a while back, so I’m kinda glad she asked for a divorce. In my opinion their relationship was toxic even after the whole Sera ordeal was over, it just seemed like the only thing that could “patch them up” so to say, for y/n and gojo was that baby. And moving her into the mansion he was planning on moving in with sera? My guy…he clearly needs more time to change.
Anonymous said
I can't see y/n giving up that child. She'd risk the labor at the cost of her life. She loves the baby, and no matter how much Gojo hurt her, she'd reason that the child is innocent.
Shoko's behavior... her dad's... I think she's going to have the kid still, but she's too scared to let Gojo be a part of it because she can't trust him with her and the child (just like she said.) I think the "abortion" might have been a ploy to get him to agree to a divorce and/or keep him in the dark about the child. WHICH, I read it closely but I'm hella dyslexic so I think I saw that he never agreed to one or signed any papers right? They're still married? And he hasn't been going out so there's no way he got "served"?
Anonymous said
okay what was shoko tryna say tho?? “it’s not what it seems”????🤨 I’m kinda doubtful reader actually had the abortion.. my heart hurts so much for satoru even though he’s a dick. mans really bought us the mansion he imagined living in with sera… ughhhh tojixreader arc when
Anonymous said
Honestly I think y/n kept the baby. She probably lied to get Gojo to leave her alone, she’s leaving so she can continue the rest of her pregnancy term in peace so she can give birth safely. I just can’t see y/n killing her baby bc of its father’s mistake, u all saw how she cherishes the baby. I feel so bad for gojo tho, he has lost his second family, his reputation is ruined and he believes his baby is dead. U really ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped on it huh?😭 crying, throwing up, sliding down my the wall dramatically, banging my head on the wall, ripping my hair out, screaming, punching air, and coughing. If u hate us just say that🧍‍♀️
@el13 said
YOU SAID WE COULD HANDLE IT, I COULD NOT HANDLE IT omfg I didn't see that coming. Whether she decided to stay with him or not, I really didn't think she would have an abortion (unless🤔). But holy shit, I feel so much pain for him. I guess sometimes the timing and circumstances just aren't right. Anyways I'm gonna cry myself to sleep now- 😭✌️
Anonymous said
why do i feel like she's keeping the baby but she just doesnt wanna tell mr gojo the dumbass bitch? 😈😈 i think this chapter hurts a whole of a lot but having to be here since wastelands made me numb as fuck, other than that, another amazing chapter saint 💗 ily, *kiss kiss*
Anonymous said
This chapter hurt a LOT but I think they divorcing is for the best like when you think about it their marriage was so stained with Gojos mistakes and there was no way y/n would ever trust him completely.I know many people think Gojo deserves all this pain and he does but I also think he deserves to get somehow a “happy” ending , I hope he gets therapist and learns to love himself and not to be so codependent of others. He has a lot of work to do and for y/n ( I have the theory she didn’t get an abortion pretty sure she’s moving and raising the child by herself and if she did get one good for her too bc she should always prioritize herself) I hope she finds someone who loves her unconditionally and gives her what she deserves ( if that man is toji or not it really doesn’t matter to me) and I also hope she heals from all the pain Gojo put her thru , she deserves nothing but happiness . And just a final note! The way you write angst is AMAZING!!!
Anonymous said
I wonder if mc rlly went thru with the abortion? if that makes sense, I just feel like it’s very out of character for them. I’m excited to see ch20 !! I love ur writing style it’s so heartbreaking yet beautiful
Anonymous said
Saint… wtf was this? This was so sad omg😢, Satoru’s really going through the shit, but so is Y/N. Ahhh and the little munchkin too🥺?? This was a ton to take in at one time omg. I’m holding out a small amount of hope that the baby isn’t really gone and they are just keeping them away from Gojo, but ik it’s a long shot. I really hope both him and Y/N get a chance to heal from all this, but once again, Gojo really did this to himself (and Y/N) he didn’t have to marry her and treat her like that, but he did and I don’t think he’ll be able to move on with his life and start his healing process until he acknowledges it and stops trying to find an excuse for it. As for Sera… well, I don’t think anybody just deserves to be treated as badly as that, she better understand that’s what she gets for messing around with a married man. She should’ve known better and then treating Y/N like shit… when she was nothing but kind and understanding… yeah I don’t wanna she deserves all of what’s going on considering her situation, but at the same time it’s a lesson learned (Especially with the whole Naoya thing, cause 😬 that was just embarrassing). Anyway, I hope Y/N has a chance to heal and recover from both her angina and her mess of a marriage. Question: did Y/N get the surgery to get rid of her angina? Or is she still waiting? Where is Y/N gonna travel to? And how did Toji react to everything that’s going on? But all in all, this was an amazing chapter Saint, and I really appreciate you doing this on your time when you feel like it. It makes it even more special that you share your talents with us ❤️. Get plenty of rest and drink water ❤️❤️❤️
@minaces said
Pls why do I have a feeling this miraculous fanfiction baby of 5 months somehow lived ??? (Idk how incubation works !!!!!!!!) but like she's leaving the country ,,,, and shoko's little "trust me" just leaves me thinking . . .
I'm like gaslighting myself into thinking that the baby somehow lived idk why I got so attached to this fanfiction fetus
Anonymous said
i will believe there was no abortion, that’s why y/n is going away, and they just wanted to make satoru suffer. yes.
i felt it all the way to the core. you get to understand gojo’s pain. but i still believe y/n decision were wise and we do not have the reasoning behind them since we just got gojo’s pov.
if he actually proceeded with his actions it would all be in vain, for he would just be escaping the consequences of his actions
AGGGHH im such a sucker for you and your writing
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these are all rly good theories you guys !! they’re very interesting to read but i can’t confirm anything rn </3 i’m glad to know that the angst delivered tho 🥺 tysm
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xsamsharons · 3 years
hi! if youre up to it could you please write abt what i'd be like to meet nikolai for the first time and then later find out he's your soulmate. basically just soulmate!au headcanons.
thank you - i cant wait to see what you come up with. btw love your work so much:)
summary: headcanons about being nikolai's soulmate.
pairing: nikolai lantsov x reader.
genre/warning: just fluff
a/n: hey love !! i decided to make this a modern!au but let me know if you want me to redo it and have it set in the grishaverse.
ok so
i wholeheartedly believe that nikolai's personality would only be amplified in a modern setting.
you thought he was cocky before? wait til u see his instagram.
you thought he was obnoxious? wait til you see the person he becomes when he hears toxic by britney spears.
you thought sturmhond was a bit of a pretentious alias? wait til he starts saying he sees himself in young bill from mamma mia: here we go again.
you get the point.
so i feel like unless you've known him ever since you were little
you probably wouldn't get along with him at first.
let's say you meet him bc you're friends with alina and she introduces you at her birthday party
so the first impression of nikolai you have is one of a drunk nikolai
which is a thousand times worse
so you immediatly dislike him
and then your friendgroup (the crows) merges with his friendgroup (tgt)
so you're forced to spend more time with this rich guy who you consider arrogant, loud and annoying. and extremely fucking cute
so it's safe to say you aren't pleased.
specially when he starts to flirt with you every chance he gets.
"are you sure we don't have any classes together? cause i could've sworn we had chemistry."
and a bunch of stupid pick up lines that he is aware won't work, he just says them cause he knows it annoys you.
but then one day you find him helping a stray injured cat (or a dog, whatever you are into) on the street when you're walking home
and while you consider just avoiding him, you decide against it just because he looks like he has no idea of what to do with a hurt kitten
so you walk up to him and offer to help him take the cat to a vet to patch them up
and that's the turning point.
he decides to adopt the stray cat after you leave the vet, and he calls him (it's a he) "emerald"
which you think sounds ridiculous but don't comment on it.
and you spend all day together:
helping him buy the supplies needed to raise a cat,
stopping at a coffee shop on the way to his apartment,
spending the afternoon playing with emerald and nikolai in their living room, etc.
but the day comes to and end way too soon for your liking
because, to your surprise, you were actually enjoying your time with him
and before he walks you to the door, he decides to take off the, in your opinion, unnecessary amount of jewelry he wears
which is when you see it:
the mark on his neck that was usually covered by the amount of chains he wears around it
a mark that wouldn't be that big of a deal, if it didn't match the one you have on your own neck.
so you freeze
and he notices.
"what's wrong?" he asks after noticing your wide eyed expression and change of demeanor.
a question to which you only reply with a hand movement that vaguely moves in the direction of his neck, and then towards your own.
and he connects the dots.
"the mark?" he asks, and you nod. "you hadn't noticed?"
"you had?"
"why did you think i was flirting with you all the time?" he laughed
"i don't know!" you defended, feeling a bit stupid for not noticing. "because it annoyed me?" you offered.
"i will admit your reactions were a little hilarious, but i wouldn't have wasted my time if i knew you weren't interested."
"well, technically, i wasn't." you defended again.
"and, technically, this is the universe's way of telling you that you're full of shit" he winked.
and from then on, you two only got closer.
visiting him and emerald became a daily thing.
and hanging out one on one without all of your friends became a normal occurrence.
you started to laugh at his jokes, flirt back with him when he delivered a stupid pick up line, and sing britney spears with him when one of her songs came on the radio.
but you still hadn't kissed, and it was driving you kind of insane.
did he not want to? was he disappointed you were his soulmate? was he waiting for something?
because it had been weeks since you found out about him being your soulmate.
and it had been weeks of spending every minute together.
but he still hadn't kissed you, and it's not like he was a shy person by any stretch.
so you decided to take matters into your own hands.
and what better day than one when you were having ice cream by the beach while watching the sun set over the horizon.
and the sun was shining just right on his hazel eyes
and casting an orange hue around his blonde hair
and shit, he real was breathtaking, wasn't he?
he turned around to face you with a soft smile on his face when he noticed your staring.
and found you looking at him with a smile that mirrored his own.
and a look in your eyes that he couldn't quite place.
"can i kiss you?" you asked him, your voice barely above a whisper.
he smile widened as he nodded, and that was all the confirmation you needed to lean in and finally press your lips against his.
and jesus christ, did it feel good.
his lips felt like the only reason you had been put on this earth was to kiss them.
and the smile that lit up his face once he pulled away made you feel like you were a little kid with a crush on a cartoon you saw on tv again.
you smiled back at him, and punched his arm softly after a moment.
"what was that for?" he complained, rubbing his arm softly with a pout on his lips.
"why didn't you do that sooner?" you asked him.
"that good, huh?" he smirked.
"shut up." you blushed.
he cupped your cheek again before he spoke "i didn't want to until you felt sure that you wanted to kiss me for me, and not just because you now knew i was your soulmate." he admitted, and your heart melted.
"aww, look at you. you big softie." you replied and he laughed.
"just kiss me again." he begged.
and how could you not?
because he might be annoying, and loud, and a bit too pretty for his own good.
but he was your soulmate.
and you were his.
so who really cared about his big mouth when you had the opportunity to just shut him up with a kiss any time you wanted?
not you, that's for sure.
this is my first fic in this format so i'm sorry if it sucks lol. also the idea abt modern nik being a britney fan is 100% @wtfrae's <3
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dilfwaynes · 3 years
hi!! can i request a hc of the batfam reaction of their eastasian!reader gf  experiencing racism? thank you <33
just a reminder if you took place in any involvement of asian hate block me rn bitch :)
a/n: i hope you enjoyed this anon, i tried to make it accurate without stepping over any boundaries since im not asian myself. if anyone finds any sort of this offensive pls dm me !!
warning ; racism, batfam beating hoes, mention of blood
parings : bruce wayne x asian!reader, jason tood x asian!reader, dick grayson x asian!reader, stephanie brown x asian!reader, tim drake x asian!reader, damian wayne x asian!reader
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it’ll honestly take a minute for bruce to realize what happened
when first entering the store he took notice of the man glaring but brushed it off thinking it was directed towards him as bruce wayne
you however didnt really pay attention to the dirty looks being thrown at you
with bruce excusing himself to the restroom and makes a promise of a quick return, you wander around the area by yourself
it was all fine until a man approaches you, giving a fast glance at him before turning away. there was definitely something up with him
“you don’t belong here”
your head shot up at his words, looking around you to make sure he was talking to you
“excuse me?” you lift an eyebrow at him, knowing what he was hinting at
“you fucking heard me, you don’t belong here. go back to your country.”
you inch away as he steps closer,”you better back the fuck away..”
he simply gives a smug face only coming closer,”or what?” you tighten your jaw when he loosely lets out a slur, your fists clenched.
“or i dislocate your arm.”bruce’s voice rings out, deep in anger as his eyes flicker to you and scanning to see if you were ok physically.
the ugly bitch’s face pales when he realizes who’s your boyfriend. without hesitation bruce yanks him away from you, slamming him to the wall
demanding for a first and last name,  squeezing his neck when the guy stays quiet
shaking he gives in and tells, flinching when bruce slams him against the wall one last time before dropping him
“i guaranteed whatever poor status you do contain i’ll tear it completely, say goodbye to your job.” he grabs for your hand and brings you into him as you both walk away.
“i’m sorry i shouldn’t have left you alone, my fault,”he presses a kiss to your temple.”and please don’t think any worth of that garbage’s words.”
you shake your head,”he was just some lowlife, not worth thinking about.” you reply leaning into him.
he looked at you and could tell no matter what those words still hurt somewhat and it angered him to no end
no one deserved to hear that disgusting shit, especially not his girlfriend.
his eyes hardens but doesn’t push further to make you anymore uncomfortable than you probably already are
giving another kiss to the side of your head he makes a quiet promise to himself not to leave you alone anymore in public with disgusting people like that around
jason todd:
as soon as the slur leaves the guy’s lips jason’s fist collides to his jaw, no doubt   shattering it
you and jason were grabbing lunch at some restaurant slash bar since it was the first time in a few days jason was free
everything was okay until you got up to go to the bathroom and some guy bumped into you
jason watched with hardening eyes as you apologize instead of the guy who slammed into you
“watch where the fuck you’re going at.”
you fall shock at the word, staying in place
while jason is on his feet in no time, swinging to the asshole’s face
screams were heard as well as the sound of bones breaking from his fist impact, the guy stumbling to the floor
“you racist fucking prick that’s my girlfriend you ugly fuck,”lifting him by his shirt he grabs his face and turns him to you.”apologize to her before i break your fucking face.”
he quickly rambles apologizes, crying in fear or pain. most likely a mix of both
jaaon lets him go and gives him another punch, this time to the nose. finding satisfaction at the pool of blood now seeping out
jason grabs your hand and starts to lead you outside,”let’s go eat somewhere else and forget about this shithole.”
you barely had time to give a reaction to anything as everything happened so fast
“hey look at me, don’t listen to that worthless fuck and his fucked up mindset. i dont know what to say to comfort you since i never experienced anything like this.” he stops at the car, placing his hands onto your shoulders
you nod sighing lightly, you only wanted a simple lunch with your boyfriend but instead got hate crime for simply  breathing.
“it’s nothing i haven’t gone through before,”he shakes his head blue eyes filling up with rage.
“no one’s gonna be doing that anymore, or at least getting away with it while i’m around
he was completely taken by surmise at the slur being thrown at you, as well as the fault of you being the root of the covid 19
but before he had any time to react you were already on your feet glaring,”the fuck you just called me you piece shit.”
before he could reply you already kneed him and punched him between the eyes, dick laughing at the cries of pain
“you want me to take over or you wanna handle it babe?”
even how badly he wanted to beat the shit out of the pos the choice was yours
you denied and wanted to handle this on your own
but everytime the guy tried to get up dick would just shake his head and tell him to stay down, or simply push him back down
eventually if you start going too far richards would pull you away and tell you hes not worth it
he understands your anger but he doesn’t want you to past a line you won’t recover from bc of some worthless grime
“c’mon, he’s not worth anymore of our time. lets go eat pizza.”
swing first talk later
he’ll just look at guy for a few seconds with a blank face
then he’s literally knocking them out
will probably kick him into the wall or ground
u dont know if you wanna pull him away because you already the tabloids, or if you wanna let him continue to beating the guy
damian probably wouldn’t realize how much he beat the guy to a pulp until you’re tugging him away
nudging his neck with to your nose to try and calm him down
he’ll end the fight with spitting on him tbh
your face reddens with anger when your eyes met the racist bitch, enjoying the view of his blood on the floor
“racist piece of shit,” he hisses before finally turning his back brow still frowning with anger
unlike the others (mentioned) he also knows and experienced racism and understands your point view way more
and know bow to comfort you better tbh
afterwards he’ll talk to you and comfort you, as well as opening up about his racist encounters, as well as his mothers.
if you’re still upset about what happened some hours later he 100% offers to beat up the guy again
you laugh it off cos hes serious about doing detective work, finding the guy and beating him to a pulp
you thank him but deny his offer and settle to confiding into him and just telling him how your feelings
“are you fucking serious right now bitch?”
steph deadpans staring at the girl who called you the slur with ease, going on about how you were the cause of corona and to go back to your country
shocked at the words, hearing all of this before but it still doesn’t fail everytime you hear them
turning to you and seeing the hurt on your face from the word, she quickly turns to seeing red
without a second thought she grabs the collar of the woman’s shirt
“you’re gonna fucking apologize to my girlfriend right now or i’m gonna slam your face into the floor and break it
you stay still, pleased at watching the girl shake in fear under steph as she chokes out a mesh of a shit rushed apologizes
stephanie throws her down to the ground after her third apologize
“are you okay?” she knew you weren’t but asking the question would lead into the stage of comforting you
you nod but go on to tell her that this isn’t the first or last time this will happen, but it still never fails to shock you
she frowns at your experiences and doesn’t quite know what to do to help since she never went thru anything like that
she offers to take you to your favorite restaurant and end the day in wayne manor watching whatever you wanted
smiling when you accept, pulling you in her and pressing a kiss on-top of your head
“dont worry i’ll beat any jackass that pulls any racist shit.”
i think he’ll be the less  violent one out of everyone
he would honestly be so disgusted and gross out at humanity and how the woman thinks shes superior just because she’s white
if it was a guy saying what was said, then he would probably hit them ngl
but he takes the higher road with the woman, belittling and ending her with his vocabulary
and you’re pretty sure that his words hurt her more than an actual punch would 
you laugh when he compares her built to a buffalo
he then goes on to a more education lean, explaining how skin tone has nothing to do with a person, and she should adapt to modern times and stop being a racist cunt
after he ends it he goes on to find out who she is and email/call her workplace to inform what kind of employee they have
probably also goes on to make sure she wont be hired anywhere else
comforts you alot and and will get you anything you want
prob gets you both milkshakes as you vent to him about today and other racist things said to you
hates how you have to go thru any of this for simply existing
the  incident opens his eyes and he starts talking to bruce about opening a charity for ‘stop asian hate’
would shy away from the press and say you both came up with the fund
u’ll dismiss that rq and tell everyone it was all tim’s idea
all the money goes people got assaulted and paying for any hospital bills or anything needed
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Hi! I love everything that you write and heh I am a fan! 😄 tbh this is my first time requesting something on Tumblr! If you don't mind and if I am not being a bother...can you write about how the guys would react If MC suddenly starts making meme references? I don't know how I got the idea but I am REALLY curious. And love you! :D
Hiya! Tyvm for the kind words, and apologies that this took a while! I hope you have the chance to enjoy it regardless ❤️❤️❤️ Love you too, sweet pea! I promise to get to the next request you’ve sent ASAP~
Aight but this would be hilarious because the range of the reactions is just ungodly. I will be putting this under a cut after Napoleon so I don’t clog up everyone’s dash, but all the suitors are included below otherwise! 
Comte is the one that recognizes a few, but didn’t really stay in modern times long enough to be as well-versed as a Gen Z kid might. Regardless he finds the wittiness and absolute chaotic fuckery to be delightful, and will 100% support the harmless nonsense. It never fails to get a laugh out of him
Mozart that first day be like: “Buzz off MC I hate you” MC, because she likes swinging bats at wasps’ nests: “Well that’s not very cash money of you” Mozart: ?????????? Comte, giggling in the bg like the secret fae he is This one’s just because I’m petty, but after the events of Comte rt I just imagine them encountering Vlad again and MC’s just “I lived bitch.” while Comte is flipping him off behind her lkjahgkjhdsg
Comte @ Leo when he finds the latter under his desk: Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you.  MC: wheezing from the hallway as she’s about to give him his letters
MC: So how was your day, honey? Comte: Good, good--briefly had to go beastmode upon the punk that pilfered my lint roller MC, biting her lip to keep from laughing: So does Leo still have his kneecaps? Comte: for now.
Comte, @ literally anyone upsetting the MC: I won’t hesitate, bitch
Comte: Be careful with my emotional baggage, it’s designer
MC: What if I was evil and ran towards you at very fast speeds Comte: My arms are strong, I would catch and hug you
Leo and Dazai are the ones that don’t have a single reference point but are filled with so much dumbass chaos energy that they just. Understand immediately???? Nobody knows how or why, but they just catch on so fast--adapt the language in a matter of weeks. Never underestimate the power of combined boredom, depression, and humor
I swear to god I just see MC taking them their Blanc/Rouge and being like “here you go sir, one enslaved moisture” and they just go fucking hog wild from day one. MC starts impersonating Theo when he leaves the room around Dazai, like fake deep voice “you all only hate me because you do not like me and I am mean to you. grow up.” Or like the MC meets a baby on her travels with Leo around town and she holds them and says v seriously and sagely “So you are Baby? I have heard tales of your exploits.” and Leo about loses his shit right there. They both think MC is the funniest person alive--they’ve never been more eager to throw a ring at someone in their entire life.
Also a bonus for my beloved Dazai:  MC, facing even the slightest inconvenience (like dropping her fork) in the most dramtic voice possible: Life is not daijoubu. Dazai: wheezing
MC, after watching Theo turn down a woman at the bar in the meanest way possible: bro quit letting the darkness consume you u r scaring the hoes Dazai, literally rolling around on the ground, half-drunk and dying:
MC, walking alongside Dazai and stopping to stare at her reflection in the River Seine. Dazai’s expecting some sad or twisted shit, since people often feel comfortable talking about those things around him, but instead she just: “Oh, it’s you. The source of all my problems.” And he about falls into the river from shock HAHAHA
At this point don’t be surprised if his next book is about an absolute madlad woman similar to MC
Napoleon finds it to be a delightful quirk more than anything? He doesn’t really understand it, but he finds it funny when they change their voice for effect or speak in exaggerated tones. If it’s just comprehensible enough for an outsider to understand--or Sebas gives him context--chances are it’ll send him into a laughing fit
For this one I just imagine MC singing that Ratatouille meme song obnoxiously bad while cooking, and Napoleon and Comte are just so wildly amused by it bc it makes zero sense and it’s only vaguely French at this point
MC @ Napoleon while they’re cooking brunch: Can I offer you a nice egg in these trying times?
MC, conflicted because she’s tired and wanted to sleep in but also got to see Napo’s cute sleeping face for a few hours: For my next stunt, I’ll wake up at 5AM on the day I can sleep in. Sebas: Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise MC: early to bed and early to rise makes me a massive bitch Napoleon: laughing in agreement
Isaac is the type to be bewildered and concerned at first (especially when he hears the more nihilistic ones hoOOOoooOO BOY) but eventually begins to understand it’s some bizarre attempt at humor (that hurts Zack baby). While some part of him laments that it reminds him of Dazai and he’s secretly jealous of how she and Dazai bond over it, he will sometimes join in the chaos when the mood strikes him and he’s feeling mischievous
Isaac: How are you feeling? MC: Oh, I’m not Isaac: seconds from dialing 911 Isaac: Are you okay? MC: Oh yeah dw I just suffer from that syndrome where your neutral expression makes you look like you’re an angry serial killer Isaac: say sike rn
Isaac, tutoring MC and correcting something:  MC, muttering while redoing it: The risk I took was calculated, but man am I bad at math. Isaac: unable to help a laugh
One time MC was avoiding Isaac for fear of hurting his feelings and he just confronts her like: Isaac: back by unpopular demand, me! What’s wrong, MC pls MC was so hecking proud of him
Isaac, telling MC about a recent discovery he learned at uni from another professor: bones typically heal stronger after they’ve been broken--so long as they’re set properly, of course MC, looking him dead in the eyes: So what you’re saying is that I should break every bone in my body until I become superhumanly powerful? Isaac: please do not, no
Mozart and Jeanne are just. Totally lost. Why are you talking like that??? Why are you making “crab hands”???? They don’t understand. Maybe never will. They reach a point where they just kind of laugh and shake their heads, endeared by the oddity after they’re used to it and have determined it isn’t a threat/insult. 
MC: It’s a cold and it’s a brooooken, Waluigi. Waaaaluigiiiii...waaaahluigi..... Mozart: surprised, then starts snickering and playing along on the piano
Arthur, asking MC very personal questions out loud because he is an idiot sometimes: Soooo MC, are you a top or a bottom? MC: I’m a threat. (If he asks a second time, the response will be “Wouldn’t you like to know, weatherboy.”) Jeanne, fighting a smile:
MC, about to punch an asshole: Your free trial of being alive has ended Jeanne, seconds from laughing for the first time in 100 years:
Also, because I genuinely can’t help myself. You know that knight meme like “Parry this you fucking casual.” I cannot stress enough that it is literally the personification of Jeanne’s entire character. I’m not even joking.
Arthur and Shakespeare are utterly fascinated by the rapid evolution of wordplay and the sheer hilarity. They will ask all about these so-called “memes” and ask for examples of them if MC can show them (either somehow accessing her phone or drawing them). MC draws Arthur the knife cat meme and he about a s c e n d s at the hilarity of it all, points and yells THEO IS HOLDING THE KNIFE. He is correct. They will be delighted and follow along eagerly, and--god forbid--will make their own based on late 19th century struggles.
Is this where Shakespeare got the idea for “What, you egg? stabs him” and “You are a saucy boy.”? I’m too scared to ask. Don’t even get me started on “The Fool jingled miserably across the floor.” That one is just too on the nose...
I can’t even imagine what would happen to Shakespeare if MC like translated vines and memes into Ye Olde English around him. Imagine she’s at one of those noble balls and hears rumors of these two guys living together and they’re so obviously gay and he says “And those gents w’re roommates.” And in the most false surprised tone ever MC just replies “oh mine own god, those gents w’re roommates.” Imagine having a wife that’s just as hilarious as you are and hits you with all the force of a bag of wet mice every time you speak in retaliation, he’s going into palpitations.
Every time Arthur does smth stupid MC just: “I Pretend I Do Not See It.”
Vincent is tickled pink by MC’s penchant for finding joy and/or amusement in nearly everything they do, and he smiles gently when he sees them muttering and laughing to themselves. He wants to be able to join them in what they love, but he has a harder time following along and understanding the darker humor sometimes. Mostly gets confused??? Please give him the easier ones to mimic and laugh when he tries--or just include him in your jokes MC. He’s babie your honor...
But he also. Will not. Stand any kind of self-deprecation or borderline verbal self-harm. He’s usually very easygoing and calm, but for whatever reason that stuff makes him go deathly quiet and upset.
MC, after something goes horribly wrong, hugging Vincent: Oh Vince, we really in it now Vincent: giggling a little despite his worries, relaxing
MC: Theo stop simping for Vincent that’s my job
MC, when Theo leaves the room and she gets Vincent all to herself: The evil is defeated.
MC: And this is where I would put my will to live...if I h a d one! Vincent: ;-; MC: oh shit, oh fuck, I was only kidding Vincent wait (MC was subsequently lectured and loved on for many hours)
Theo is conflicted because on the one hand, he loves to see you smiling and having fun. On the other, you’re clowning as hard as Dazai and Arthur and he can only handle so many monkeys in his circus. Most of the time he will roll his eyes and be the straight man of this comedy, but you might find him cracking a smile--or accidentally letting a chuckle slip past his lips now and again.
MC, after meeting Theo: I’m a nice person, but I’m about to start throwing rocks at people.
Theo, those first days: Oh? You’re approaching me? Instead of running away, you’re coming right to me? MC: I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer.
Theo: Every time I ask MC to explain “vibe check” to me she hits me with some kind of improvised weapon
MC, after the “incident” (you know the one): This year, I lost my dear lover Theo Theo, in the distance: QUIT TELLING EVERYONE I’M DEAD! MC: ;-; sometimes I can still hear his voice...
Sebastian is last because oh boy. OH BOYYYYY I LOVE HIM. Okay so the way I see this happening with Sebastian is just. So wild. Because at first he’s t r y i n g so hard to be the proper butler man. He does not meme. But then he starts to drift closer to what Niles from The Nanny was, where he’ll quip and joke in private or when the situation is just beyond the amount of absurdity he can handle without making a snarky comment. Everyone in the house can’t fathom how Sebas and MC got so close so fast, but there are points where they’re just “Are they even speaking English anymore???” It’s 11 times funnier than normal because Sebas almost never smiles or laughs when memeing, the deadpan quality of his playing along sends MC every time
Has ABSOLUTELY said “HEY. PANINI HEAD. ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME???” jokingly when MC made a mistake in the kitchen. They laugh about it for y e a r s
MC: I can’t date someone who keeps a lamb as a pet, that’s so weird Sebas, brushing Lotte in front of MC: MC: MC: Okay, I will make an exception because she looks very polite
MC and Sebas, fully aware of the fame some of the men will reach in modern times: We will watch your career with great interest.  (I s2g that’s like half of Sebas’ rt right there I’m crying)
Sebas rt with Lotte be like that 500 dollar Mareep meme: “sometimes a family can be just a boy, his gf, and their 500 dollar two foot tall Lotte”
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Hope van Dyne’s child
Hope van Dyne x child!reader
Scott Lang x stepkid!reader
warnings: insects (ants), sharp weapons
prompt: anonymous: “Happy holidays darling! Would you write HC for Hope Van Dyne's child? Love the step-parents HC 🥰”
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growing up as a lil smarty pants
grandpa hank was pretty proud, although he didn’t see you very much
once every few years
but he did tell you all these crazy stories about his adventures that you honestly thought were just fiction (until you were older)
“and i was as small as an ant, but i was still incredibly strong! remember that, kid. just because you aren’t as big as someone else doesn’t mean you can’t beat them” -hank
“y/n doesn’t need to be hearing those stories, hank” -hope
“why not? they have important life lessons in them!” -hank
“why does mommy call you ‘hank?’” -you
“because mommy hates grandpa, isn’t that right?” -hank
“okay, i think that’s enough of this visit. come on, y/n, time to go” -hope
your mom was very supportive of you, nonetheless
she wanted to be different from her dad
so she showed up to EVERYTHING
birthdays, sick days, tucking you in for bed, parent-teacher conferences, art shows, you name it
“here’s some tea, jellybelly. it’ll make your throat feel better” -hope
“mom, i think i’m dying” -you
“you’ll be fine” -hope, givin’ u a kiss on the forehead
life wasn’t like, extra crazy or anything. sometimes she’d bring you to work and honestly? darren cross didn’t seem like the worst guy. he even brought you whatever you might need if your mom was staying late at work
“hey, van dyne junior! i brought you a puzzle that might keep you busy for a while...and a happy meal from mcdonalds! let me know if you need anything else, me and your mom will just be in the lab for a little while” -darren
“thank you!!!” -you
uh huh, ur mom taught u manners!
anyways you started spending more time with your grandpa cuz they had a plan
thats when you found out that his “turning small” stories were not, in fact, bullshit
“wait grandpa...you actually did shrink as small as an ant?” -you
“why would i lie?” -hank
okay well cue you wanting to shrink down to ant size now it was your new aspiration
you did learn how to command ants tho!!!!!!
but unfortunately (or not so unfortunately) hank brought scott to the party
“hi!” -you, waking scott up
“what?!” -scott, jumping back against the headboard
“hi.” -you, staring at him “im y/n. these are my ants”
bullet ants were just crawlin around the place
“oh, that’s....that’s cool. any chance you could tell me where i am or how i got here” -scott
“wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy” -you, leaving abruptly
“are you bothering our guest?” -hope, watching you proudly nod “good job, jellybelly”
mom taught u how to punch 🥰🥰🥰
and let you use scott as a punching bag
but scott wasn’t like awful or anything he was just insufferable at times
“i think you’d like my daughter cassie. she’s weird and smart just like you” -scott
“did you just call me weird? mom, can i punch him again?” -you
“no no no! i meant weird in a good way! please dont hurt me anymore!” -scott
chasing him around the yard ready to ATTACK
hank had to tell u to cut it out
“dont tell them what to do” -hope
“someone has to” -hank
“excuse me? i parent y/n just fine, better than you ever did for me!” -hope
“do they do this often?” -scott
“every time they see each other but that’s not very much” -you
“hm...hey, do you like ice cream? specifically baskin robbins?” -scott
ur mom said “we do not associate with idiots ❤️” and then proceeded to associate with said idiots
scott did end up saving u from darren tho bc that mf tried to hold u hostage and scott was really not in the mood for that bullshit
“you alright, y/n?” -scott
“murder is okay, right?” -you
after that whole ordeal he and your mom were kinda a thing uh huh
and he introduced you to cassie!!! she was amazingly sweet and you could def see the family resemblance
“is this my new sibling?! i’ve always wanted one!” -cassie
“hey, me too!” -you
you hung out with her on a weekly basis, with or without scott
and mom and grandpa were working on a ✨special project✨
one you insisted on being apart of
“no, y/n, we can’t make you your own suit. you’re too young for this sort of thing” -hope
“pleaaaaase mom? i swear i’ll he responsible with it!” -you
“you’re mother is right, y/n. you’re just not ready yet. maybe someday, but not anytime soon” -hank
scott took you on family bowling trips yes he did
and just corny stepdad shit
but he went to germany and mom and him broke up and FF to two years later when you guys had finally reunited
“scott!! you asshole!!” -you, like this -> :)
“kiddo!! sorry to hear that!!” -scott, same energy
shading him the whole time
“ach mein gott” -you
“are you kidding me, y/n? i make one mistake. ONE” -scott
“you’re one mistake has caused me to live in MINIATURE HOMES” -you
“WELL IT’S NOT” -you
“did you at least miss me?” -scott
“sicher habe ich” -you
“god dammit” -scott
surprise!! u kind of had a suit (for emergencies)
as a van dyne/pym, it was almost a necessity to know how to use pym particles
scott acted like a proud dad
“wow, you’re really doing it!!!” -scott
“halt die klappe” -you
“please stop” -scott, tearing up
finding out about ✨grandma✨
she possessed scott and touched ur face and told you that she was so excited to meet you but you didn’t know wtf was going on and you had the urge to smack scott but THANKFULLY you did not
“i have to meet her for real! let me help you guys!” -you
“okay” -hope
“what? really?” -you
“it’s about time we put your genius to good use” -hope
scott offered you a high five for that and u literally accepted it
“don’t get too happy, that was just an in-the-moment thing” -you, watching scott’s eyebrow raise “fine. you can have a hug”
okay okay well everything went okay and then half the world ~vanished~ including ur whole family but like cassie and her family took you in and you spent five years very alone and upset until one day cassie called you downstairs and whoopdedoo???? scott???????
“is my mom with you?” -you
“sorry, sport, she’s not...do you have your suit with you? we need to go on some...hero business” -scott
you missed scott a lot over the past 5 years, this really did cheer you up, even if it was just him
“how’ve you been holding up the past few years” -scott
“the world sucks, man” -you
“i can see that” -scott
he turned on some tunes for the two of you to enjoy otw to the avengers hq and it was probably the best memory you created since everyone disappeared
“wait, reach into the glove box” -scott
“oh, god, i hope there’s no rodents in here...” -you, reaching for a picture “is this..?”
“family photo!! you were little back then, i can’t believe how time flies. i mean, it flew really quick for me, the quantum realm is no joke” -scott
you were busy staring at the picture of your mom, you really missed her
busy ~saving the world~
and going to 2012 with scott
“hey uh just so you know, i might be able to make pym particles” -you
“‘might?’ and if we use faulty pym particles we ‘might’ die. would you like that?” -tony
“hey, back off, stark. they’re just trying to help” -scott
next thing u know ur in present day and THEN u actually got to hold the scepter bc scott let u
“im gonna stab you!!” -you
“no!!!” -scott
the other avengers, literally mourning natasha while you chase him around with a sharp weapon: 😧
okay after the place was destroyed u got to face mr. purple man and yo mama showed back up and saw you on the front lines
“y/n????” -hope
“mom????” -you
“scott!!!!” -scott
“really, scott? a shrek reference? now?” -you “...nice”
the reunion with your mom was short and sweet but you missed her forehead kisses and she gave you one immediately!!!! and she was crying but you were too bc damn
“listen, after this, we’re gonna have such a fun family night. i’m so sorry i couldn’t be there for you all this time” -hope
“mom, it wasn’t your fault...it was that purple bastard, let’s get him!” -you
“they grow up so fast...” -hope
i n s e c t f a m
insect fam killed it out there and then ✨attended tony’s funeral✨ together right after
that’s one solid family 😌💖
anyways time to celebrate a (halfway) return to normalcy
with your *sister* cassie and your mom and your...scott
you were just happy to all be together again, it’s been WAY too long
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @spideyandtheboys // @ghost-bich // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @groovyfluxie // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot //
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anotheranimestan · 4 years
Heyooo I legit just found u bc of the bakugo series, and then I went on a spree reading your account- ugh I’m in love!!! Do you think you could tag me when part 3 comes out?
Ahhh! Thank you so much! ❤️ You guys have no idea how much a few words of encouragement means to writers 😭.
No need to tag tho because here it is!!!!! 😃
Sorry it took so long. I wanted to write it as best as I could! I don’t want disappoint anyone who’s been enjoying so far. ☺️
All Bark No Bite (pt. 3)
(Final part)
Bakugo angst + ~sexual tensionnn~
Please, children avert your eyes. Things get a LITTLE inappropriate here 😳
Read part 1 and part 2
wc: 2.4k
He’s an asshole...but he’s a HOT asshole 🤤
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You’d never seen his room before. It was much different than you’d imagined. You’d expected burn marks all over the walls or blown up debris of things scattered about. Maybe a bunch of mirrors so he could look at his self-confident, conceited ass all night. But actually it was kinda of nice. Pretty neat. He had some posters hung up and some books laying around. Black sheets and blankets. And it smelled oddly sweet in here, sort of pleasant believe it or not.
You’re so used to him yelling and exploding so it was weird seeing him so relaxed, in his natural habitat. Doing normal things. Like eating a snack, tapping his pencil in concentration, fidgeting with his hair. He even spun around in his rolling chair a few times mindlessly. He was acting sort of...cute? It was unnerving being attracted to him like this.
But as soon as he noticed you watching him it was all over. You were making him self conscious. He didn’t even realize he’d let his guard down like that.
“That makes absolutely no sense, dumbass.” His voice was bored and over it.
“What are you talking about!? I’ve explained it three times!” You retorted indignantly.
“Exactly. I thought you were smarter than this...” He jabbed before turning around and flipping his notebook shut.
You’d spent twenty minutes attempting to teach him what he’d missed in class earlier today but he was insufferable. Easily the worst student on the planet. Every time you explained something he’d tell you how to teach it better. Who does that!?
“Whatever moron. I didn’t come up here to try and teach your pea brain. I—“ The words were harder to say than you’d expected. Painful actually. They really didn’t want to come out. “I just wanted to say sorry for getting you—“
He whipped a pencil and it hit you directly in the forehead.
“Ouch, what the fuck?” You hissed, rubbing the sore spot. How’d he get so much damn power behind that thing?
“Don’t apologize. It’s weird.”
“What!?” You threw the pencil back but only managed to hit his shoulder.
“Anyways...” He ignored you, completely unfazed by your assault.
“You’re easily the most—“
“Anyways...” You swore if he cut you off one more time you were going to smack the shit out of him. “Aizawa thinks you’ve lost your mind.”
The unexpected information took you aback.
“He saw you try and get yourself blown up in class yesterday... No sane person is stupid enough to pull a move like you did.”
Ah yes... he meant the time you wrapped the man’s hand around your neck, tauntingly, in front of like 20 classmates and two teachers. You’d been trying to avoid asking yourself the question of why you did that. You claimed it was the best way to shut him up....but there were other ways to do that. More reasonable ones. You wouldn’t admit you’d daydreamed of doing it before and subconsciously took the opportunity. Red embarrassment flashed through your body again. God knows what they were all thinking when they witnessed that. You desperately wished people would stop reminding you.
Suddenly the need to defend yourself bubbled up. “I—I only did that because I knew you wouldn’t do anything.”
He scoffed. But didn’t deny it. “If you’re going to try something stupid. At least do it right.” He chastised.
Your body froze as he stood up and walked over, crouching down directly in front of you.
“If I wanted to choke you. I’d do it like this.”
He wrapped his hand around your neck. Demonstrating the best way to actually cut off someone’s air flow. But he did it so gently you barely even heard his explanation. You were just flashing back to last night. Instantly your entire body lit on fire. Replaying this scene in your head was strong enough. But reenacting had you completely out of sorts. Kissing him again but this time going full out. You wanted to bite him, just to hear him make that deep moan into your mouth again. Just imagining it was making you flutter. Aching to have him pressed up against you like that, relieving some of this pressure that was building up in your body. You felt yourself unraveling. About to pounce.
But he interjected with something that stunned you once again. “The way you did it would be better for...other forms of choking.”
Dear god. Surely he knew what he was doing to you. If he kept this up any longer your heart or your lungs were definitely going to give out.
But you mustered up your last two brain cells that weren’t absolutely losing their shit over him and carried on with your normal banter.
“Yea yea, I get it. You can stop now.”
He didn’t budge. His hand still snug around your throat. You obviously didn’t mind it there but it was incapacitating your brain function.
You gently pushed it away and he didn’t resist. But where he put it next was no better.
He traced the side of your cheek and along the outline of your lips. Just staring at them, eyes lost like he was thinking deeply about something. He wasn’t giving you a moment of a break. No room to breathe.
Your nerves were through the roof, your heart was beating so loud you could hear it in your ears. Desperately you tried to change the topic. “So is this your attempt at being nice? Advice on how to murder someone?” It’s amazing how your mouth just spewed shit out even though your brain was actually dead.
“Sure.” Now he was tugging at your bottom lip. Completely unbothered by you baiting him.
“Ah. A nice Bakugo? I must be having a dream. I guess now that you’ve lost to me your whole tough guy persona has been killed.”
That snapped him out of it. But now he was looking just as intensely, directly into your eyes.
“Don’t push it.”
“Or what?” Faking composure was coming so easily much to your relief.
“Do you want to find out?” He growled.
“You’re not scary.” You said rolling your eyes as hard as possible.
Something snapped in him. He couldn’t hold himself back anymore. Within a moment he had you on your back. Your body didn’t even have time to process. Even if it did, would you have stopped him? He trapped both your wrists on either side of your head and your feet under his ankles. His arms looked glorious as he held up is body weight.
“How about now?” His voice was deep and savory.
There he went. Invading your mind again. His scent. That lust-filled look in his eyes. The way he was thoroughly enjoying being on top of you. The adrenaline was coiling through your body. He had you right where he wanted you. He could do anything he wanted to you. But that “annoying little mouth of yours” wasn’t done quite yet.
“Whatever. You always do this. But you won’t actually try anything.”
“You think I wouldn’t hurt you at all? I literally want to kill you sometimes.” He had a smug little grin on his face. But his eyes couldn’t pull themselves from your lips. After experiencing them once he could barely stop thinking about them.
“You’re telling me? I fucking hate you.” You lied.
It made his smirk form into that wicked, shit-eating grin he always wore. The one that gets deep under your skin and makes you want to punch him in the throat and yank him onto you at the same time.
“Kissing someone is a weird way to tell them you hate them.” He was really cutting into you now.
You hissed. “Hey. You kissed me.”
“You kissed me back.” He raised an annoying little eyebrow.
Your brain wanted to choke him (the murder kind) but your body was screaming something completely different. The emotions swirling around in your chest was so overwhelming. Finally you burst.
You trapped one of his arms and corresponding leg and threw your weight to roll on top of him. One of your favorite moves from self-defense class that you knew would come in handy. Now you straddled him and using every ounce of your weight tried to pin his wrists down.
You expected him to fight you like the vicious little monster he is. But instead when you looked down he was just staring back at you. You were stunned at how good he looked at this angle. Did he have any bad angles?
“Finally. You made a move.” He said pretending to sound impressed. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“Yea well...” You scoffed proudly. “you think you’re so fucking tough. Now looo—“
The words flew out of your mouth and you were tumbling again. This time he just grabbed your waist and tugged you with brute force. No technique needed. He easily overpowered you.
“Yea, that wasn’t going to work out. It was a cute try though, Little Bite.”
He laid directly on top of you now. Your legs spread as he rested his hips between them. His full weight pressed into you making it flutter. Your arms had somehow wrapped themselves around his neck and rested on his back.
The tension in the air made it difficult to breathe. But you were fully unconcerned with getting oxygen right now.
Nose to nose now he said “We’ll just count this as my rematch. Clearly I won.”
“You suck at flirting.”
Flirting? Where’d that come from?
“Seems like it’s working pretty good to me.”
That smug fucking face again.
“You’re such an ass.”
He bit his lip.
“Fuck...I love when you insult me like that.”
A beat passed and that was all it took. You smashed his lips onto yours. Wrapping your legs around him and squeezing. Too close wasn’t close enough.
He kissed you like he wanted you bad. Like you were his favorite meal and he was absolutely famished. It was so intense and passionate that neither of you could catch any air. Every insult, all the bickering, every jab had built up to this moment and was fueling it like gas to a forest fire.
His warmth was overtaking you. His body was so heavy, crushing you just liked you’d been daydreaming about all this time.
Your mind shut down all functions except desperately trying to use all five senses to their max capacity and commit every bit of him to memory.
He felt you pawing at the edge of his shirt and sat up. He peeled it off slowly. Letting your eyes adjust to every inch of him.
Your hands were instantly stroking every one of his muscles starting at his shoulders and trailing down his soft skin slowly...slowly to the edge of his jeans. Your index finger sat teasingly on the front button as you admired his perfectly toned body.
But before you even had time to think about what you wanted to do next he took your wrist and secured it down above your head again.
He dipped down and went straight for your neck.
Greeting it with a warm wet kiss from his tongue, his lips wrapped around your skin and sucked gently. You felt the blood pooled with pleasure rushing to the area. His other hand started exploring your body. Finally he was getting to put his hands on you the way he really wanted all along.
After you started tugging on his hair, desperately trying to avoid any scandalous hickeys he rolled you around again.
Letting you on top to straddle his hips. Giving you only a little bit of freedom though, as he locked one arm around your waist and the other started caressing your thighs slowly working his way north.
After squeezing your ass until his heart was content he clamped down both hands on your hips. You couldn’t bare it anymore. Your hips started gently grinding against him and you bit down on his neck all at once. You felt the angle of his pelvis rubbing into you creating little rumbles of pleasure.
“Fuck y/n..” he muttered under his breath.
You both were getting more and more bothered and aroused. His hands never stopped grabbing and tugging at you. His moans growing more fervent as he whispered into your ear.
He was just toying with the idea of peeling off your shirt when...
Your soul practically rose out of your body as a loud bang almost broke the door down. Bakugo’s hand slapped over your mouth. You’d screamed without realizing it.
Kaminari’s laugh sounded through the door. “Oh my god Bakugo! You scream like a girl!”
Mina shrieked. “No, stupid! Y/n are you in there!?”
Your life was ending.
“Get the fuck out of here before I come out there and break your skulls!” Bakugo barked at them.
They didn’t say anything but you heard their quick footsteps as they ran down the hall still shrieking like banshees.
“Oh god..” you groaned as you tried to roll away from him, using his bare chest to push off.
But he wouldn’t let you go. “Where are you going?”
“Aren’t you going to go hunt them down and threaten them or something.” Typical Bakugo behavior.
“No, I’m busy.”
You had to stop your mouth from falling open.
“They’re probably going to tell everyone.” You prodded. Expecting his temper any second now. Like he was a bomb about to go off. You pulled away again in preparation, sitting fully upright now.
“I’ll deal with them tomorrow. I’m dealing with you tonight. Now get back over here before I get mad.”
You shrieked as he muscled you back into his arms. He bent you back around him as snugly as he could. Moving your chin to the side, he kissed your neck, sweeter this time. Instinctively your hands ran through his hair. Fuck the rest of them. You could get lost in this hot head all night. And you were as he started gently sucking on your soft spots again.
But he pulled away abruptly. Like he’d just realized something. “How are you gonna become a pro hero if a moron like Denki can scare you like that?”
You smacked the back of your idiot’s head lightly. “Don’t fucking ruin it.” You groaned.
“Fine.” He grinned as he went in for the kiss that started the rest your next piping hot and sticky couple of hours together.
TADAAA! What did you guys think?? What was your favorite part overall?
I’d love hearing your thoughts and opinions 😃 makes me a better writer
Also special shout-out to @jennammaee ! Pt. 2 of this series has been my most successful post yet, so thanks for encouraging me to write it!!
Tags: @sweetsailor000 @yumxmii @fullsundear @frosted-flakes @marloalmore @aprilbouz01 @deneuves @softestparker @davidbowiehotashell-blog @mocha-focha @piii-chan @v0dkadaddy @xxjosiexx
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biqherosix · 4 years
hiiiiiiiiii do u write for the drgaon prince ??????????????????????? it’s totally not el spamming you again bc you deserve your ezran/callum x sister reader even if i’ll give it to you too
the secret life of katolis royalty - headcanons
prompt(s): the royal family uphold a proper, good reputation. but with you and your siblings, there are always bound to be a few secrets whether they're silly or not
pairing(s): familial! callum x fem! reader x ezran
fandom(s): the dragon prince
genre(s): fluff
warning(s): none (if there are, please feel free to point them out!)
other notes: hi el 🙄 anyway yes i write for dragon prince now because there is a lack of content in this fandom, especially for the royal siblings ! i want platonic goodness, and i'm getting it even if i have to make it myself. enjoy :) also reader may possibly be bi?? can be interpreted as whatever you'd like though !
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- so you're three years older than callum, making you at least seven when ezran is born
- you're so protective, no doubt about it
- and callum doesn't mind because you're not overbearing (if anything callum is more protective of you and ezran than you are of your brothers)
- which is why callum never finds out about your little things with both soren and claudia (more like a kiss with claudia, dating soren, and then breaking up with soren to try shit out with claudia; spoiler alert you kinda miss soren as much as you love your magical perky girl)
- another reason is that cal has such a major crush on claudia before meeting rayla and you don't want him to feel bad upon finding out
- but let's be honest ezran finds out because he walked in on you making out with soren after exiting a secret tunnel
- ezran gossips with you more than you both like to admit because of this huge secret only the two of you now know
- but it brought you two closer and he's really happy about that because now he gets to cuddle into your side while he asks questions and spills the beans while you play with his hair lmao
- yk sometimes you even shit talk callum and his sword fighting and that definitely stays between the two of you (he always wonders why you two are giggling under the tree whenever he plays around with soren)
- but you love your brothers and they love you so !! freaking !! much !!
- y'all are attached to the hip, you can't be seen without one or the other
- most of the time it's your brothers doing your thing and brushing up your knowledge on royal etiquette because a part of you is anxious whenever your father talks about his royal wrongdoings
- he doesn't mean to worry you, he just wants you to be prepared (you were in fact, worried and unprepared when he died and you now had three mf children and a dragon egg to take care of)
- don't worry though because callum and ezran are here to save the day and will tell you how amazing you are for hours, it honestly passes the time very well
- okay but i gotta get this outta the way before i forget but callum is the epitome of the "you're doing amazing sweetie!" meme okay?? he is
- where he succeeds (magic, art, being awkward) you on the other hand lack and vice versa (you are badass okay? you can fight and spar properly thanks to your mother's extensive knowledge and even without a weapon you can pack a punch)
- rayla doesn't really understand how callum can be so happy and perky even when you suck at what you're doing
- but he's your baby brother and he loves hyping you up
- callum is your biggest hypeman and always has been it's a second nature to him, trust me if someone were to mention your name he'd never shut up !!
- like this one time you drew rayla and callum on a spare piece of paper callum gave you and it didn't really turn out the best but he still fake cried and attacked you in a hug
- he keeps it in his sketchbook and he's never letting that go, so rayla jokingly judges him for it and your boy ezran backs you up with callum
- "i don't see why you keep it, i mean it doesn't even look like us! we're like lil' stick figures" "art is contemporary, rayla. it can be anything you want it to be! isn't that right zym?" "ez is right, plus it doesn't look that bad! it's cute. look, she even drew me doing magic! her markings are so accurate" "callum, i don't even know what spell you're doing" "it's clearly aspiro! look at the wind" "they're lines!" "that's what art is all about!"
- baby gets so nervous when he and rayla kiss bc he obviously has to tell you and your opinion matters most to him; he's just scared bc rayla always teases you and you may not approve
- so he kept it a secret for a fat minute after telling ezran, ez is so annoyed bc he has to keep your soren secret and callum's??? at least bait and zym are there to listen (man relationships are hard)
- you just laugh because you saw it coming and the moment is just so wholesome !! you tackle rayla into a hug, welcoming her into the family with "bad drawings and all" bc she never lets you live it down fr fr
- but later that night callum can't sleep and he lets out everything because he never really told you about his crush in the first place like he feels really guilty because you're always so open with him and sometimes he has some walls up, like how he was with king harrow even if you're his biological sibling
- also you bet on your life that you would do anything to make sure callum was content with his life and so after his lil rant and your assurance he asks if you've ever felt that way before
- and you had to do it to em, so you tell him about soren and claudia
- "why didn't you tell me anything before?" "you liked claudia! i didn't want to be the reason for your heartache" "but you're my sister, you deserve to be happy. maybe you and soren can work out" "eh, we'll see. not gonna lie i was ready to go back for him after he almost killed that dragon. he looked pretty hurt but you looked way worse honestly" "hey! you're making my heart hurt here y/n." "that doesn't count because it was playful!"
- you end up going to sleep that night leaning on each other because that's what you've been doing all your life — leaning on each other and you don't want him to forget that !!!
- you also wake up the next morning with ezran in between you sleeping soundly, and rayla comes back to the three of you making funny faces and laughing like there was no tomorrow
- she didn't get it but the three of you did, it was a simple moment that you would all cherish even after ezran becomes king — perhaps it even makes you better as royals
- and from then on, there were no secrets, just a family trying to piece themselves together again after so much tragedy
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Siblings in Writing
(edit: this was not supposed to be as mean/angry as it sounded! this is really just one type of sibling relationship, albeit a type of relationship i often see underrepresented in writing. my experiences are not everybody’s experiences, and i’m sorry for the parts of this post that make it sound that way. use whatever kind of sibling relationship you’d like--just make sure your siblings have fought (small or big disagreements) at least once!)
yall. PLEASE. NOT ALL SIBLINGS CALL EACH OTHER “sissy”, “sis”, OR “bro”.
I DON’T CARE HOW CLOSE THEY ARE. ANY AND EVER SIBLING PAIR HAS FOUGHT. and TWINS?? a lot of twins aren’t as close as you think they are. i know like 3 pairs of twins and usually they are TEARING EACH OTHER’S THROATS OUT.
me and my brother???? we have our nice moments where hes like “hey adele look at this thing i drew, do you like it? i don’t think i did a good job but--”
“i think it’s really cool”
but most of the time???????? he calls me bitch and i insult him TO THE MAX.
younger siblings do things they would never, ever do with anybody else solely for the purpose of annoying their older sibling. older siblings, at times, will go into homicidal rage.
“what’s up?” “go away” “no”
“hey” “hi” *separate ways*
“hey full name other doesn’t usually use” “I literally hate you so much”
older: “NAMEEEEEEE! mom/dad/other wants you!” younger: “fuck off” older: “i’m going to break your nose” younger: “with mom/dad/other standing right there? yeah sure”
younger: “why are you here” older: “cause it’s my room, fuck nugget, get out”
older: “WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU IN MY ROOM” younger: “oof someone had a bad day” older: “IM GOING TO KILL YOU”
“i hate your face” “cool, i have food” “give me some”
“NAMMMMMMEEEEEEE! dinner’s ready!” “yeah yeah okay give me a second i’ll be right down”
“why did you have to come here?” “this is,,,, our house,,,,, that i too live in” “yeah but i was hoping you’d get run over by a bus” “why thank you, i was too”
i dont care if you want your siblings to be close or whatever, do you know how INFURIATING it is to have a twin????? especially an IDENTICAL ONE???
if you have identical twins, they are going to hate each other’s guts for 3/4s (or more) of the time. having somebody who looks just like you, living in the same house as you, probably going to the same school as you, who has the same birthday as you, and most likely sleeps in/super close to the room you sleep in? actual hell. especially if they have a lot of the same interests/friends as you do. this experience is horror in it’s rawest form. nobody wants this. they want the “close, happy twins who do EVERYTHING together and have since they were born!!!”
remember what i said about hell?
(possibility: if the one identical twin is better at something or more liked than the other, it fuckin sucks. imagine this experience in the school halls: “eva???? what are you wearing???? oh my god, did your mom mix up your clothes with jasmine’s again? i feel sooo bad for you!!”
“actually this is... jasmine. eva has spanish right now.”
“oh. whatever.”
sucks, right?)
forcing that kind of relationship on your fictional twins is both unrealistic and tbh kind of scary.
now, twins who don’t look the same. everything i just said, but minus the appearance. yeah. i can see the shitshow now!
coming from an older sibling, younger siblings are satan.
they will:
annoy the older sibling at all costs
never do anything the older sibling says
“why does SHE/HE/THEY get to be in charge!!!!” whines the sibling who is literally four years younger and still can’t spell phone without replacing the “ph” with “f”
snitchin little bitches
older sibling: *flicks younger lightly on arm* younger sibling, tears of lies and deceit running down their face while they grin, knowing they will be believed: MOOOOOOOM NAME PUNCHED MEEEEEEEEEE
eat all the sweets
then they will blame it on the older sibling
literally, they will blame anything on the older sibling
watches an r-rated move -> name said it was alright!!!! (i most certainly DID NOT)
admittedly, they can be cool 1/324532 of the time. make sure to include these cool moments once in a blue moon bc sadly they do happen
POSSIBLY will feel like older gets more attention sometimes
DEFFINETLY feels like the older gets more freedom
i, as an older sibling, am biased. ill do my best tho
insults the younger sibling (SOMETIMES unfairly actually a lot unfairly)
ill add this to younger in a moment but on the flipside the younger sibling probably feels like the OLDER sibling gets more attention instead
takes out problems on sibling/family (to be fair when younger grows up they do this too)
“pshhhhhhhh, TRUST me, you do NOT want a sibling”
*to friend* “i literally hate him/her/them/other so much. i would kill him/her/them/other if i had the chance” “no you wouldn’t” “are you sure”
“nah man, you can’t talk shit about him/her/them/other, only I can talk shit about my sibling” *immediate fist fight/verbal decimation*
if a younger child is talking shit, they will be BLACKLISTED AND DESTROYED. probably more than is fair.
probably has hurt the younger sibling pretty badly at some point, most likely by accident but if it doesnt fit you storyline,,,, i have done despicable things
underestimates their strength when dealing with younger sibling
“i am not his/her/their/other parent, why do i have to do this”
younger sibling, to older: “son of a bitch” “we literally have the same mother”
“haha ur scared of the daaaaaarrrrrrrk” older says, as their brain is in a panic about whether or not there’s a serial killer in the dark room waiting to kill them
so yeah. i have so many metas i need to write about so many things
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evera6234 · 4 years
Gotham’s Salty WIP: Chapter II
RATING: T (Teen for cursing and stuff, this may change)
Basically, the typical Daminette with a bit of lime and spice. Borderline crack fic bc i cant without humor. 
Marinette Dupain-Cheng goes to Gotham whilst carrying three years worth of emotional baggage, what she does with it, we don't know. Does she lug it around? Probably. Does she kick it off a skyscraper? Not probable, but maybe. Does she use it to drop kick an unsuspecting liar. Most definitely.                ~~~> EDITED BY OLLIETHETURTLE ON AO3
Transferred from AO3. 
Lemme know if u wanna be tagged
   “Yeah, your signatures don’t line up…” says the man at the front desk. “You said your name was… Lila Rossi, right? I’m looking for a... Marinette Dupain-Cheng?”
   “Present,” an amused Marinette announces.
   “No! There must have been a mistake. I personally talked to Brucie and his 4 sons, Jason Grayson, Tim Todd, Dick Drake and my precious Damibear!”
   “Yeah no. That 100% didn’t happen. 100%,” the somewhat peeved front desk attendant grins.
   “How dare you talk to Lila like that! What’s your name? Give me your manager's number!” Alya fumes in a french accent (A/N: total karen moment intentionally placed). 
   “My name is Andrew Winston, and my supervisor….”
   “Hey Andrew, what’s poppin!” says a voice. After observation one could say that said voice comes from a tall muscular man, with a white streak in his hair, wearing a leather jacket.
   “My blood vessels, Jason. My blood vessels. Why are you here? You weren’t supposed to be here today.”
    “Yeah, Dick broke his arm yesterday at home. He fell down the stairs. And since I am such an amazing brother, I decided that I would fill in for him today!”
   “You were forced,” concludes Andrew as he scratches out Lila’s name off the previously mentioned thicc stack of papers with a black marker. 
   “This is the class you are supposed to caddy around WE. And they seem to be a bit peeved right now.”
   Jason sighs, “Ok. what’s the issue…”
   “They are saying that Lila Rossi, here” Andrew points to Lila, then looks down at his notes “says she spoke to a Brucie, a Jason Grayson, a Tim Todd, a Dick Drake and her precious Damibear to set up this field trip. My info here says that a girl named Marinette Dupain-Cheng set this trip up but they don’t believe me.” Andrew nonchalantly continues “Speaking of which, Marinette please sign on all the starred lines. Lila and her friend already filled out everything else.”
   “Tim Todd!” Jason chokes. 
   The tour had slowed down in the corridors of Wayne Enterprises as Jason let the students go on a quick bathroom and water break. Lila had left for the bathroom, and it is safe to say that Marinette learnt her lesson to avoid bathroom confrontations with Lila. They were never fun, and right now she doesn’t think she can handle a wet shirt in winter. 
   “Really, Marinette. You take credit for all of Lila’s hard work,” says Kim passing by.
   “Do you have any idea how hard Lila worked on this, and you know she hardly has any time to spare.” Max pitches in. 
   “Yeah. Lila worked so fucking hard concocting the names Jason Grayson, Tim Todd and Dick Drake. Sounds like the revamped cast to The Three Stooges,” Chloe crackles giggling.
   “I sure wonder how Tim Todd and Jason Grayson are today? Are they well?” Marinette questions sarcastically.
   “Absolutely fucking amazing after hearing that!” Jason wheezes, overhearing the conversation. Jason gave Marinette a knowing look that confirmed an earlier inference. This Jason was Jason Todd. This was priceless. 
   Adrien’s eyes narrow on his angered face. “What was she doing.” “She promised to take the high road.” “She only needs me, I’m her best friend.” He watched the situation from a distance, unnoticed by Marinette. But as sly he is, he did not slip Jason’s radar. 
   “So y’all, 1:30pm. That means, Lunch time!  Right and you’ll be at the cafeteria, I’ll be joining you guy in about 15 minutes. So fuel up. Remember to show your IDs, lunch is on the house! Bon appetit!” Jason cheerfully announced as bows dramatically (like actors at the end of a play) and he turns around.
   A bit into lunch Mrs. Bustier came up to Marinette and Chloe’s table. “Marinette, can I talk to you?” asks Mrs. Bustier. 
  “Can I come too, Mrs. Bustier?” asks Chloe suspiciously
   “No, Chloe. This is just in between Marinette and I, sorry.” Mrs. Bustier replies sternly.
   “It’s okay, Chloe. I’ll be fine,” reassured the ladybug holder, squeezing the bee holder’s hand.
   “Ok, fine. Let me know if something happens.” Then Chloe leans in to whisper to Marinette, “Audio record it, just in case.” Marinette nods. 
   “Ok, Mrs. Bustier. I’m coming!” replies the bluenette happily as she follows Mrs. Bustier away from the crowd. 
   Adrien, from his table with Nino, Alya and Lila watched, “Hey guys, I need to go to the bathroom,” he said before standing up.
  “Marinette you should be setting an example for the class. What you did today, making fun of Lila was wrong,” Mrs. Bustier frowned. “You of all people know Lila's condition and you should be more accepting of her.” Disappointed, Mrs. Bustier continues, “I expect you to apologize to her before we head back to the hotel.”
   “With all respect, no thank you. I will not apologize for my actions,” Marinette sternly begins. “Does the school have any medical record of her illness?” Marinette asks. “Why should I allow her to take credit for my hard work? And why do I have to be the model student who is obligated to be kind to everyone, when no one ever is to me?” Marinette, now more frustrated than before, questions the teacher. She felt a storm of emotion begin to stir. 
   “Because you are the class representative! It is your responsibility to lead the class with your example! Lila is a student with needs, she needs to feel accepted by all her classmates and it is your job to fulfill her needs.”
   “I’m sorry Mrs. Bustier, but sometimes I can’t shove a square in a circle. Sometimes I can’t do things. Lila is lying, and I can’t lie with her. I will not lie.i will not pretend to like her. And why must I be responsible for all the students in class, but receive no respect for it. Receive nothing but hate and insults. How is that fair for me?” Tears begin to collect in Marinette’s eyes. Mrs. Bustier, for the longest time, has been one of Marinette’s favourite teachers. The fact that right now Mrs. Bustier, couldn’t give less of a shit about her feeling hurt. 
   “I understand but what about Lila’s feelings? I cannot let you bully Lila. You are being selfish right now, I never thought you could act like this. I am disappointed in you.” Mrs. Bustier finishes as she walks away. 
   “What about MY feelings. What about me, what’s so wrong with me being selfish every once in a while. Have you ever looked into my family’s bullying complaints against Lila? What about me?” Marinette cries  desperately, as Mrs. Bustier walks away. “Why is everyone ignoring me?”
   “The real question here is, why are you ignoring me?” growled a voice from behind Marinette. “I thought you promised me to take the high road.” Marinette’s eyes widen as she realizes who’s talking to her. 
   “I never promised, Adrien. Not once. I can’t keep silent and alone for longer.”
   “You are not alone, you have me. And I even LET you talk with Chloe.”
   “Yes, I have Chloe and thank you your majesty for letting me communicate with another human being. And no, Adrien I do not have you,” Marinette raises her voice. “Lila has you, you only talk to me in secret. You let Lila lie, you let her hang off your pretty model arms when she wills. You are and were never on my side.”
   “So you really are jealous?”
   Marinette, delirious with anger frustration, her voice laced with contempt, “No, never.” 
   He looks down at Marinette and smiles “Stop lying Marinette.” 
   “I’m not.” Adrien looks back at Marinette, as if he knows something as he too stalks away. “I’M NOT!” Marinette yells. 
   “So she said that she talked to Brucie, Jason Grayson, Tim Todd, a Dick Drake and her precious Damibear!” Jason nearly on his side from laughing too hard. 
   “DAMIBEAR!” Tim howled in laughter, with his hands wrapped around his torso to somehow hold his ribcage together. Both brother’s are laughing their asses off in Tim’s office.
   “I KNOW!”
   “Are we gonna tell him?” Tim begins to ask before he interrupts himself, “No! We are not. What we are going to do is call him that and let him figure it out, sooner or later he will meet the class and when he does…”
   Jason let the scenario Tim described play in his head, “YES! You now speak my wavelength, to be honest maybe Lila wasn’t lying. You may be a Todd.”
   “No fucking way am I one. By the way, you should check on the class, how long has it been since you left them?”
   “Shit! Twenty minutes! Farewell, dear Replacement.”
   “Have fun, report back on any juicy lies, specifically ones about sweet baby Damibear or even Brucie.” 
   “What the fuck was that?” thought Jason as he heard two people arguing in a secluded hallway, “Marinette?” he thought when he saw the girl, immediately putting a name to the face. But he didn’t know the boy. Jason whipped out his phone and quickly took a picture of the situation, making sure to get a clear shot of the boy’s face. For research purposes.
Gunz Blazin: Hey Tim Todd
Gunz Blazin:  Can you gimme a background check for this guy 
(*attaches a cropped image of the mystery boy’s face*) 
Boy Wonder: ???Tim Todd???
Replacement: I gotchu fam. 
Boy Wonder: ???fam???
Boy Wonder: ???
Boy Wonder: Can I be a Todd too
Replacement: No you're a Drake 
   Jason heard a voice coming from behind him, “That’s Adrien Agreste.” 
   Jason turns his head to look at the boy again and hears more of the conversation. He turns back and she’s a tall-ish blonde girl with blue eyes. “You are? Marinette’s friend?”
   “And he is not Marinette’s friend?”
   “He absolutely is not Marinette’s friend. He’s the ass-hat who thinks he owns Marinette. Are you SURE I can’t punch him in the face?”
   “What if I just break his nose a little.” (Requested by Ollietheturtle, my new dear editor)
   “As an employee of Wayne Enterprises, I’m supposed to say no, but in all honestly I kinda wanna do that myself…”
TAG LIST: @jeminiikrystal @demonicbusiness @i-am-ironic @woe-is-me0 @miracleofadisaster @clumsy-owl-4178 @onmywaytoloveyou
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whumpasaurus101 · 3 years
I wanna write more training pieces so here's my attempt at it and also making a new oc I simp for. great :D..... but also I'm calling out Tabea (@happy-whumper) damn right I'm pinging u xD bc Tabea also simps for her so uhh, yeah. XD
CW: overworked/over-trained / cursing /
“Right, left, duck. Right, left, du-.... well that wasn't a very good duck.” “Well, it was an attempt, since you called the duck late, about a second before you fucking hit me!” “Well, in a match you won't have any warning, so, get better.”
Asher rolled his eyes, “Whatever, this is stupid, you're a shit trainer.” “Watch your mouth,” Antonio warned. “Fuck off.”
Antonio quickly ripped off the training pads and punched Asher right across the face. Asher only stumbled back, making Antonio growl and tackle him to the ground. He landed punch after punch at Asher, watching as blood poured out from his nose. It still wasn't enough to get his anger out. “Hey, hey! Anto, lay off! Doesn't he have a match in a few days?!” Another trainer yelled as she looked up from her phone. “He does, and I have to make sure he doesn't lose,” Antonio growled. “Well, how does beating the mutt up help?”
Antonio took several breaths to calm himself down and punched Asher one last time before getting off of him, “I don't like when you're right, Sandra.” Sandra grinned and stood up, “That's what I'm here for!” She strolled over and knelt down beside Asher, cupping his cheek and turning his face towards her, “What's such a pretty mutt doing in a place like here?”
Asher just clenched his jaw, eyes studying her full sleeve tattoos on both arms, her left hand was more full and had tattoos crawling around her wrists and on her fingers. Antonio scoffed, “Don't let his looks fool you, he’s a fucking animal. Should be caged and locked up if you ask me, and stubborn as fuck. He's a nightmare to train, I've never had such a difficult dog to train.”
Asher chuckled, “You're welcome.” Sandra laughed, “Oh these are my favourite!!!” She smiled, excited. “Say, how about you take a break and I can train him myself, hm?” Antonio practically jumped at the suggestion, “Yes! Of course! Go ahead! Please!”
“Alright alright, calm the fuck down, I know you’ll miss me, babycakes,” Asker smirked with a wink. Antonio went to leap at Antonio but Sandra quickly held him back, “Woah woah there mister tough guy, break, now.”
Once Antonio left -slamming the door behind him of course- Sandra silently studied Asher for a moment and smiled, “You are pretty!” Asher scoffed, “Uhm… you already said that.” Sandra looked taken back for a moment, “Well, I'm sorry mister ‘you can't repeat shit’ police.” Asher's eyebrows furrowed, “That was a long description.” “Dude, are you seriously going to insult every sentence I say?” “No….. not unless you say something that an insult is necessary to.”
Sandra looked at him for a moment before clapping her hands, “Right! This is not an English class. Let's actually do the fighting bit.” Asher yawned before slowly getting up, wiping the blood from his upper lip but only for more blood to fall. “Come onnnnnnn, Mr Slowcoach, we don't have all day.”
“Oh, how rude of me, I should be all ‘yippeeeeee!! Wooohooo!!! I just love being treated as anything but human!!!’ Oh dear, how terrible of me, however could you forgive me I-” He was quickly backhanded across the face. “Okay listen, I'm not like Antonio. I know Anto is tough but gives up quick. But honey, I'm not like that,” She cooed, cupping Asher’s face and smearing the blood from his nose with her thumb.
Asher growled. He knew who Sandra reminded him of. That absolute psycho bitch, Alicia. He bared his teeth and Sandra laughed, “Awwww, do we have a tough wittle puppy,” Sandra spoke in a fake baby voice, “Oh look how scary! However, will I train such a scary puppy?!... Oh wait.”
She quickly kneed him in the stomach and kicked him backwards, “Look, I know you're going to try and be smart, give some comments and talk back, but I've dealt with worse than you. So there's no point. Now, get up off your ass and start practising your punches at that fucking punching bag before I rip all of your fingernails off.” As the sentence went on, Sandra grew louder, making Asher flinch.
He growled once more but slowly stood up and walked to the punching bag. He slowly raised his fist and threw a weak punch before turning back with a bored expression on his face, “My shoulder hurts,” He grumbled. Sandra sighed, stormed over and dug her fingernails in the back of his neck and he let out a cry, “Listen to me, you better throw the biggest punch at that bag before I show you how strong my punch is.”
Asher rolled his eyes, “What time is it?”
“What time is it?” “Why?” “Will you just fucking answer my question!?” “You answer mine first!”
Asher felt a sudden explosion in his chest and his breathing grew heavy. He quickly turned around and threw a punch at Sandra. Before the fist could connect with her face, Sandra quickly grabbed his wrist, spun him around and twisted his arm behind his back and twisted at an uncomfortable angle. Asher let out a cry. He couldn't dislocate his shoulder again.
“STOP!! I- I- I have a match! You're going to- fuck! PLEASE!!! STOP!” Just as tears began to fall, Sandra let go, “Not so full of shit now, are ya?” She grinned. Asher collapsed to the ground, gripping his shoulder, crying, “F-fuck you,” He whined.
“Now! Back to the punching bag, c’mon, you couldn't be physically any slower.” Asher couldn't force himself up. He was so tired and sore. And just all together sick of this place. He wanted to go home, he wanted to be anywhere but here.
Asher channelled his anger and put all he could in his punches, they were pretty hard. He even surprised himself with how strong he was punching. He let out a yell and threw combos of punches, he was angry. He hated this place. He hated it here. He hated her. He hated everyone. Everyone who made his life a living misery.
He couldn't stop now. He couldn't slow his attacks to the bag. “Alright, you can stop, I just wanted to see how strong you could punch.” Asher didn't listen, in fact, his punches almost sped up. Sweat started dripping down his fringe of curls, slowly rolling down his face.
“Asher.” Shut up! He thought to himself You wanted me to do this and now you want me to stop. JUST SHUT UP! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP, “SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT U-”
The voice cut into his brain. It was Antonio. A sudden wave of nausea hit Asher and he collapsed to the ground. He overdid it. He was overworked. He was exhausted. He was hurting. He wanted to go home.
… home? No. no, he didn't call Rodger’s house ‘home’. He’d never do that!!! No! He just needed everything to stop spinning. Everything to not be so loud and bright. And that's when a wave of darkness hit him and his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he lay on the training room’s mat, hearing the very distant yelling of someone shouting at him to get up. And then. Then there was quietness. Silence. Peace.
@likeit-or-whumpit @milk-carton-whump @yesthisiswhump @as-a-matter-of-whump @appy-polly-loggies @happy-whumper @myst-in-the-mirror @tears-and-lilies @heathenwhump
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cuinnamonbun · 4 years
I really love ur headcanon about Hijabi Mc with the brothers! I really love it cuz there is no one writing about us in any fandom =(
I was thinking would u do the (un)datebale characters with Hijabi Mc if u can ? =3
If u don’t want then u can ignore the ask 🖤
Hello there, angel! I assume you meant the chaotic Hijabi MC headcanon that I wrote, so I hope you enjoyed these xx
she/her pronouns!!
The (Un)Dateable Characters' + Luke’s Reactions to a Hijabi MC That Looks Extremely Pious and Quiet but is Actually a Chaotic Mess
As future king of the Devildom that wishes to strengthen the relations between the three realms, prejudice and discrimination against the human exchange students’ choice of religion is a HUGE no-no
Diavolo would not mind the fact that she is wearing a symbol of her devotion to God on her head, but he would be so intrigued by this human at first meeting
Not about her religion, of course, he is well aware of all the religions in the world; Abrahamic religion being the one he is most familiar with (obvi)
What excited him was the fact that this human was so. friggin. hilarious.
He’s not even sure if this human is doing it on purpose because something would happen that would catch her off guard and she would just say?? the most random shit???
Like say, she got jumped by Mammon and her response to that would be a monotone scream and a “sTOP i could’ve dropped my croissant!” but she was actually genuinely startled
He’d be so fascinated like wow! Go girl, give us nothing!!
He would invite her over for tea so many times just so she could explain slang to him
Diavolo: Tell me MC, what is the meaning of DILF?
Due to personal reasons, MC will now be passing away
He would abuse the usage of slang everywhere and he would be so excited to finally understand what Leviathan is talking about
Lucifer: Diavolo, we must talk about the student council budget
Diavolo: That wasn’t very cash money of you
Lucifer: ....excuse me?
Diavolo: Periodt okurrr slay queen
MC has to go hide to avoid being slaughtered like a sacrificial lamb by Lucifer
Diavolo would be also be curious and impressed at the intricate planning of each and every one of her pranks
Like sure, it may be annoying to be the one at the receiving end of it, but understanding the details behind it?? All the logic, physics and patience put into it just to ensure a flawless delivery??? Absolutely stunning
MC has him mesmerised
He would absolutely want to learn the art of pranking from her
Honestly, at this point it’s no longer the human exchange student and the Devil King, it’s now the mentor and the mentee
Lucifer has to demand MC to stop teaching him these things for the sake of his sanity because it’s taking him away from his royal duties that’s keeping the Devildom from falling apart
They still meet up in secret though screw you, Lucifer
This is another demon whom would not mind the fact that their chosen exchange student is a Muslim
Lord Diavolo’s reputation hangs on this exchange program going extremely well, he would not let simple prejudices put a smear on that
He has prepared himself well to receive people from different walks of life just so he can provide all students a comfortable stay during their term in the Devildom
But wait...what is that human doing?
Oh...this poor man
Not only does he have to keep that ginormous labyrinth of a castle spotless and immaculate at all times and ensure that every event being hosted by the castle is going perfectly without a hitch, but he also has to take care of an overgrown man-child that is also known as the future king of the Devildom
Now, he has to make sure this...mess of a human doesn’t go stir up trouble anywhere?
Barbatos is a calm and collected man, but he’s still a demon; virtues aren’t exactly something they practice 
He would need to down three cups of melancholy coffee and squeeze a stress ball whenever he catches MC in her antics whether it is alone or with someone in tow
Somehow he’s the only one whom MC would find almost impossible to prank
Like she managed to catch Lucifer off guard once (that was her proudest achievement) but BARBATOS???? yeah, it’s like he has a pair of eyes on the back of his head or something
MC: *tries to sneak up on him*
Barbatos, not even turning back: Enough of that now, MC, come enjoy this tea I’ve made
Pranking Barbatos will become her number one mission during her entire term in the Devildom
Barbatos would be really amused and impressed at the lengths she would go through just to see that shocked look on his face
Why, it might even be—dare he say—endearing
Though MC will cause this man stress and grey hairs, Barbatos couldn’t help but appreciate her company every time she came around
When she’s not up to her daily shenanigans, she would simply opt to help Barbatos out with some of the chores or preparing the treats for a tea party with the student council members and the exchange program, even though he’s mentioned that she should do no such thing
But knowing that this girl is constantly energetic and restless, Barbs agreed to let her help since he would not want to deal with her breaking some priceless antiques or getting herself in trouble with Devildom law again
She helps to remind him that it’s okay to be laidback once in a while and that he doesn’t need to be so uptight all the time
These two have an unusual friendship but it’s only good vibes all around ^^
Before she leaves the Devildom though, he would pretend that she actually managed to startle him with her last grand prank and the look on her face was worth his reputation taking a slight hit
He totally has a soft spot for her
Solomon and MC would be the best of friends man
The minute this shady sorcerer laid his eyes on her, he KNEW...this would be his new BFF
They would wreak so much havoc together that they give Lucifer a migraine the size of Lord Diavolo’s castle because they’re rUiNiNG tHe iNtEgRiTy oF tHE eXcHanGe pRoGrAm
Psh, as if that’d stop them
Honestly, it was like they each have one braincell that cancels each other out every time they get together
Lucifer: You two better have an explanation for this
MC: We have three actually. 
Solomon: Pick your favourite
Lucifer hates it whenever they get together and he would always try to prevent them from meeting up 
But his wits are no match for the power of their friendship!!
Solomon would defff try to persuade MC to get more pacts with other demons
Solomon: C’monnnn MC, we could be powerful! :c
MC: Bold of you to assume we’re not powerful now, bestie
So we have established that MC loves to pull pranks right?
She would have so many ideas on the top of her head that she would never use because 1) they either defy the laws of physics or 2) she would need magic to pull it off perfectly
So imagine her excitement when she found out Solomon is the greatest human sorcerer
She would 100% reel him in her plans and schemes and NO ONE (except the angels, they have immunity bc they’re babies :] ) would be safe from them
Despite all the fun they would have though, Solomon definitely treasures her as his greatest friend
I imagine life for Solomon would be quite lonely and he appreciates the constant joy and company that MC would provide him
He would definitely fuck a bitch up if someone dares to mess with his bestie 🙄
These two adore each other so much but they would be caught DEAD before they would admit that to each other 🤭
When they first met, Simeon was so happy to find a person so devoted to God such as MC
He takes it upon himself to become MC’s guardian angel around the Devildom
He would helicopter them for a while and would (reluctantly) back off if MC finds it a bit suffocating 
(don’t be mean MC, he just cares about u alot that’s all :( )
This man is capital P patient
I mean, that’s a given with him being an angel and all
But seriously,,, one has to be in awe at how calm and collected he is even when MC would pull pranks that would cause a normal person to wanna punch the living daylights out of her
Eventually she would feel bad and stop pulling these pranks on him though, he’s just too sweet and she can’t take advantage of that </3
They would be really close though (along with Luke) because he would frequently invite her to pray the 5 essential prayers together with Luke or read the Qur’an together and it’s just wholesome vibes all around man 🥺
As angels, him and Luke would have such beautiful recitations of the Qur’an and I can picture MC frequently dropping by Purgatory Hall just to listen to him recite the kalimahs with the perfect tajweed (Non-Muslims if you’d like to hear an example, check out Sheikh Mishary reciting Surah al-Kahf, it’s beautiful man 🥺)
He would frequently invite MC and Luke out for walks too and these three would look so domestic together people often mistake them as a little family (much to the brothers’ chagrin and Simeon’s amusement)
Simeon has such a calming presence that he could even tame a chaotic MC down and have her sit still enough, it will be as if she turned into a completely different person
MC, violently shaking like a hamster on crack: U CANT STOP ME LUCI, URE NOT THE BOSS OF-
Simeon: Hello, MC! Would you like to come and have a pleasant chat with me? ^^ 
MC, as if in a trance: ...anything for you, Beyonce
MC is such a simp for Simeon and honestly, who can blame her?
Luke was extremely happy when the two of them met
This cutie is a proud servant of God and he loves humans who loves Him as much as he does
So it comes as to no one’s surprise when he attaches himself to MC
This would heighten when MC stepped between him, Beel and Lucifer during that,,,,incident
His favourite time of the day is praying in congregation with MC and Simeon and baking with MC
MC would steer clear from involving Luke in her pranks and/or outright pranking him
He’s just a precious little child okay, MC has a soft spot for this angel
She would definitely try to tone down her chaotic energy around him, but she would NOT hesitate to verbal + cyber bully any demons that dare to bully her child
Rando demon: haha shortstack
MC: So you have chosen death
Seriously, Luke would gawk at the obscenities coming from MC’s mouth
He would have to physically drag her away before the demons could devour them both
He would be absolutely SHOOKETH at the language she used because she has been nothing but sweet and polite to him. It was like she switched into a whole different person right in front of his eyes
Luke: MC! I knew living with those horrid demons is a bad idea! They’ve corrupted you now!! *crying Luke noises*
MC: Lil buddy, I was born this way
He would definitely feel really touched that MC is so protective of him though, but he would have to tell her to never say those words again, even if she’s trying to protect him
She would (hesitantly) tell him she would try her best but that would literally only last for half a day because another demon has foolishly decided to mess with him with her present
MC is Luke’s mother point blank period.
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