#and that they both desperately need some positive familial bonds
corvigae · 1 year
You know what time it is, gamers? That's right, it's "Oddly specific Nervous Subject headcanons" time again! This time I'm thinking about the idea of Nervous and Ophelia having actually known each other when they were both very young, of Nervous playing with his baby cousin Ophelia and them being close at the time. As an adult, Nervous doesn't really remember much from his early years anymore, but sometimes he swears he can remember a little girl following him around, sticking super close to him like she was afraid to be left alone, and like she was certain he'd keep her safe from whatever she was so scared of. Having been so young, Ophelia doesn't remember this at all, but when she does finally meet her long-lost cousin she can't help but think he seems comfortingly familiar.
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ystrike1 · 1 month
Boss, Bxtch, Baby! - By Ichibu Saki (8/10)
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Would you let someone lock you up for half a million dollars? You're not getting it for free. You have to follow extremely strict rules, and you have to stay inside a mansion allll day. For months on end. Hey! Put that pen down! Don't sign without reading the fine print! Being a pet isn't an easy job!
Hojin is a man who has given up. Family bonds are too complicated. He can't keep a man no matter how hard he tries. He's deep in debt because his brother betrayed him. He's a sweet and giving person.....because he's afraid of being alone.
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The loan sharks find him. He thinks he'll die with nothing in life, but then a group of men in suits appears out of nowhere.
The group claims a VIP wants him, and said VIP is willing to pay off his debts.
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Being rich and gay in Korea sucks. Especially when your family is mostly comprised of sociopaths. Yooseong had a very good time with Hojin, but he can't date right now. Inheriting the family business is his main priority, and the head of the family is scared of gay people.
He needs a pet lover. Someone literally willing to hide in a bunker and wait for him.
Yooseong totally doesn't have issues and he definitely doesn't get violent and possessive when he likes someone! Don't misunderstand! He just has to lock up Hojin to keep his family off his tail.
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Hojin says no.
Yooseong snaps his fingers.
The suits hold Hojin down until he signs the paperwork.
One year. Debt clear. Total obedience.
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Yooseong is way too controlling he is literally insane, but we gradually see why the heck he is the way he is.
Yooseong and Hojin are both deeply insecure in different ways.
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Hojin falls in love first.
Yooseong was obsessed from the beginning, but Hojin is the first one to admit that living together with a stud kinda rocks.
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Shocker Hojin has toxic attachment issues....but they're a different breed.
His father abused his mother, but he won her back with money. Then his mother regretted returning to her abusive husband. She left once more, and Hojin left with her.
Hojin learned that only kind people deserve love, and some mistakes can't be forgiven.
He's had many lovers, but they all leave him eventually.
He's a clingy people-pleaser who falls in love out of desperation...not love.
Yooseong doesn't trust him, but Hojin is so messed up that he doesn't understand how shallow his doting love is.
Yooseong enjoys it. They fall into twisted pleasure together.
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Yooseong's annoying little brother is annoying because he's straight.
He was going to inherit the company, even though he's a moron, just because he's straight. Yooseong was passed over entirely because he was gay.
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Lil bro does mess up on purpose so Yooseong can have the position he deserves but he's still a messy loser annoying short guy.
Yooseong's massive ego makes his family relationships....cold af.
Yooseong is insane so he beats up Hojins brother. The same brother that saddled him with debt.
Hojin never finds out because Yooseong learns that Hojin hates violent declarations of love, and he loves his horrible brother too much to ever see him again.
He wants to keep the good memories, but he can't interact with the man who sold him away.
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Yooseong becomes even more unreasonable though, and he starts to become really unlikable as a person. He's a GREAT controlling yandere but Hojin is a nice guy with no family and not much to live for. It's hard not to feel bad for him when Yooseong treats him like an object.
This one is a mixed bag, but it's very tense and it can be funny.
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lurkingshan · 2 months
Every time I see a Wedding Impossible GIFs on my dash I keep thinking that when it's over I'd love to read your take on what went wrong with this show. In a form of a very spiteful rant preferably.
(the show probably doesn't deserve too much of your time but I am just very VERY curious and had to share)
WELL! I was considering just letting this show go quietly into the night, but I will take this excuse to do a good rant instead.
*cracks knuckles*
You asked what went wrong with this show, but truly, nothing went right with it. From top to bottom, it's an utter waste of a good premise and a total destruction of the rare opportunity to get some positive queer rep into a het kdrama for a broader audience than will ever be reached by a ql. Let me list the most glaring problems:
They made Do Han a supporting character in his own narrative. Do Han, his sexuality, his desire and need to hide who he is to protect himself, and his desperate plan to avoid a life he doesn't want is the core of the story. Despite that, the story treats him like a minor supporting character with limited screen time and virtually no interiority or character development that made any sense.
The relationships were poorly written and the bonds were not believable. Ah Jeong was meant to be Do Han's ride or die bestie, but nothing in their scenes together or her behavior towards him suggested this was actually true. They seemed more like acquaintances who were friendly enough but had no real loyalty to each other, or even like she was a random actress he hired to play his wife. And Ji Han and Do Han had no brotherly bond or affection to speak of; their relationship consisted entirely of Ji Han throwing tantrums and demanding things for no reason other than he wants them, and Do Han trying to avoid being forced into them.
The leads were terrible people and the show did not realize that. Do Han's brother and best friend entered into a romance while she was engaged to Do Han. Ji Han thought it was a real relationship and did not seem to feel any guilt about pursuing his brother's lover. Ah Jeong was under a contract she agreed to as both his best friend and as a job to protect him and did not seem to care that she was breaking her commitment and threatening his safety. They gallivanted around flaunting their relationship in public with no regard for Do Han or his reputation whatsoever. And the show tried to convince me that Do Han was the selfish one in this scenario for the great sin of being gay and not just fucking off and getting out of the way of their relationship. Ji Han and Ah Jeong were never held accountable for what they did to him; instead we got to watch many scenes of Do Han being shamed and berated. Anyone who contributed to the writing and depiction of this can get fucked.
Every element of the story was poorly written and the resolutions were either unearned or so badly set up that they fell flat anyway. Do Han was being harassed and stalked and the story only barely cared about this. The family drama was boring and the grandpa character was a mess of contradictions who changed on a dime depending on the demands of the plot. There was no chemistry to speak of between the leads. The romance was utterly unbelievable and developed so poorly that it was impossible to care about whether these two assholes got together. The show used romcom tropes randomly to fill time even if they didn't fit. The final episode was stuffed with cameos by actors with personal connections to the cast and crew in the hopes it would distract us from what an unsatisfying conclusion it was, and the whole thing ended on a bizarre wedding gag that didn't work at all. The only good part was Do Han coming out on his own terms and leaving to go live his own life in New York, but the way they framed that was so gross I couldn't even enjoy it.
Most importantly, the messages of this show were deeply, unforgivably homophobic. This story went out of its way to tell us over and over again that Do Han is a selfish coward for being closeted, that his sexuality is a burden for his loved ones, that his family and friends are the real victims for having to deal with him, and that he was the one in the wrong for trying to protect himself. At no point was he allowed to get truly angry at the way his family and friends were treating him; he remained benevolent and shouldered the guilt and blame for everything, despite doing absolutely nothing except try to live an authentic life. At every turn the show depicted his siblings and grandfather and friend being hateful and/or careless with him, but then told us it was Do Han's fault for being who he is. They wanted us to blame the gay character and sympathize with a brother who resented him for not being the straight business leader he wanted him to be, and a friend who betrayed him without a second thought. The show argued passionately that the lies Do Han told to protect himself were the real problem, not the homophobia and hatred and rejection he faced every day of his life. It was an abysmal and offensive message and exactly the opposite of what a responsible piece of media would be trying to communicate.
I don't know if the people who made this show are actively malicious or just deeply incompetent, but they had no business telling a story involving a queer character if they were going to do it like this.
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yandere-romanticaa · 10 months
William frustrates me beyond belief but I'm still so incredibly, madly in love with him. Also, reader is kinda yandere for William here as well. Reader is female.
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The pale moon in the night sky starkly contrasted the glow of a freshly lit candle, its warm flames just barely reaching the parchment of paper. Her hands shook violently as (y/n) analyzed it, word for word, heart racing in her chest as she positively beamed with joy, her (e/c) blown open wide with excitement.
William had written back to her. Finally.
The two had developed a friendship a little bit over a year ago but what William remained oblivious to was that (y/n) had been helplessly in love with him for years now. The Moriarty family was well known and regarded within polite society and their status as free bachelors boosted their popularity even more so, especially amongst the women. No matter which Moriarty brother entered the room, they would turn heads and people would talk. Be it in awe or jealousy, the entire family was something worth gawking at. Truth be told, their staff was also the hot talk of the town. They were easy to talk to and friendly, Moran and Bonde in particular. That was exactly how the girl managed to step into the threshold of the house and finally have a proper word with the handsome mathematician.
Their talks started off innocent enough with William indulging her with his company every now and then. She managed to slide through the tough cracks of the mysterious man, bit by bit. She would watch him grade papers sometimes, his gaze cascaded downwards as (y/n) played the role of the dutiful young lady who was minding her own business over some hot tea.
(y/n) was many, many things and eager was one of them. This, whatever this was - it was not enough for her. More, she needs more. Having afternoon tea with William was the highlight of her day but by God, it felt as though she was going to implode!! William, ever the gentleman, never once made a move on her, no inappropriate glance, no comment, nothing. Be it day or night William was constantly keeping her at the edge of her seat, wondering whether or not he would actually do something. Sometimes, if she was lucky, she could feel the touch of his slender fingers against her own as they both reach for the sugar. Their eyes would meet and William would give her a sweet smile, never actually recoiling in shame or embarrassment. Did this mean he was fond of her? Was she overanalyzing it? She couldn't know, William was such a hard person to get a good read on. (y/n) knew that no one was perfect in this world but in her eyes, William was more brilliant than the stars that hung high in the night sky.
Letting out a sigh, (y/n) hugs his letter close to her chest as she looks out the open window, the crisp air giving her a sense of relief as it blew into the room and onto her hot skin. It was so late in the evening, no one was awake now. What even was the point of all this?
Unbeknownst to her, William was wide awake in his office as he looked out his own window, his cheek resting on the palm of his hand as a wicked little smirk made its way onto his face. Several papers were sprawled out in front of him, all of which were your letters. William took great pleasure in reading them all from time to time and analyzing everything you said. You tried so hard to act like a perfect little noblewoman, always having a polite smile on your face and carefully choosing each word you dared to utter. He felt a little bad, toying with you like this, keeping you dancing on the very edge until you finally crack.
William was desperate to see the real you, the oh so jealous (y/n) who did her best to hide her seething rage in front of the other ladies who gushed about William right in front of you. He never failed to spot the way you bite the inside of your cheek, the rage in your eyes was so evident but oh so precious. He was selfish, keeping you on his tight leash like this but it was all worth it in the end. He was driving you mad with desire and before long, he was sure that you are close to your breaking point.
He can't wait to have you, all of you.
There was nothing in the world that could stop him.
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violet-shadows · 2 years
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It’s okay.
After a desperate search, Azriel rescues his friend and fellow member of the Inner Circle. Their reunion prompts some revelations about their shared connection and feelings for one another.
What are we waiting for? (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three - NSFW)
Azriel has never been very good at talking about his feelings and his mate is no different. When both make assumptions about the other’s intentions, heartbreak and miscommunication ensue.
I knew it the first night that I saw you. (Part One) (Part Two)
When the High Lady’s sister sends a friend to your shop in her stead, you find your thoughts are soon captivated by a certain member of the Inner Circle.
Speaking of forgiveness. (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three)
A spike of fear down the mating bond has Azriel racing back to the Night Court, terrified by what he’ll find. Meanwhile, the Inner Circle grapples with the fallout of a severe case of mistaken identity.
Low on Hope (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) (Part Four)
The youngest of the Archeron sisters went to great lengths to keep her family afloat before her sister went over the wall. The nature of her sacrifice was a secret she vowed never the share. That is, until Feyre and new brother-in-law’s magical abilities spoil her plan to leave the past in the past. When old memories become fresh wounds again, it’s up to a certain Spymaster to help piece Y/N back together. 
Azriel discovers something about his half-human mate that alarms him.
Cover Story (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three)
When a mission leads him to a secluded island, Azriel recruits a friend and colleague to pose as his mate. Their time spent working together reveals more than they anticipated. 
Welcome Home
Azriel comes home late one evening to a surprise from his mate, who has spent the evening reading scary stories.
One More (NSFW)
Azriel is nothing if not patient and his willpower brings you to new heights in bed.
Scary Stories
On a camping trip with the Inner Circle, a spooky tale has you leaning on Azriel for comfort. 
Wish Things Were Different (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three)
You know your mate loves you, but as he and Elain get closer, you begin to wonder if he wishes things had turned out differently.
These Hands
Your mate is thrilled about becoming a father, but his past makes him question whether he’s fit for the role. 
Retribution (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three)
When Azriel’s best friend is kidnapped, he fears he may never get the chance to reveal his true feelings for her.
I Need You (NSFW)
Some playful teasing between you and Azriel turns into something more. 
Grounded (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) (Part Four)
Azriel meets a stranger in the library and finds the course of his life forever altered. 
Take Care
Azriel’s mate hasn’t been herself lately, stirring up old fears for the Shadowsinger. [fluff and angst]
Moving On (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) (Part Four)
After loving Azriel in secret for years, you decide it’s time for you to move on.
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I’m supposed to protect you.
When a sparring match with your mate goes south, Cassian is left to pick up the pieces with a guilty conscience.
I’d do anything for you.
Cassian will do anything to make his mate happy, even if it means sacrificing his own comfort.
Payback (Part One) (Part Two)
After spending the evening teasing his mate, Cassian finds himself in a compromising position when she seeks revenge.
A diplomatic mission goes awry, leaving Cassian and his mate stranded in the Illyrian wilderness. 
Cassian and his mate reunite after a long, hard battle and take comfort in one another.
Sleepless in Velaris
Cassian wakes up alone and comes looking for his mate. As usual, he knows just what to do to help her fall asleep. 
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ACOTAR Writing Circle Masterlist
Missing Piece (Series Index)
(Nessian x Reader) Cassian and Nesta are happily mated and in love, so why do they feel like something is missing? When a newcomer arrives in the City of Starlight, they learn that their bond is not yet complete.
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🚫Requests are closed as of 10/01/2022.🚫
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AO3 Fic Rec List 2 - DC - Batfam
This one is only Jason and Damian met in the League of Assassins fics because I like them so much. (there probably will be more of this)
It's Just Me and Your Ghost by dancingsweetheart129
He never wanted to be in this position, standing on a roof top, helmet on, facing his father.
But desperate times called for desperate measures, and no matter how invulnerable he thought he was, if he couldn’t get through Sionis’ warehouse, Damian would die. And he was not taking that chance.
“You wanted to talk, Red Hood?” Batman asked, and the Robin beside him tilted his head. Jason had seen the kid work, he was like a computer. He was an expert and standing to the side and taking in enough information to solve a problem, better than Bruce ever had. If anyone had a chance of figuring out who he was, it was Robin.
“I need your help.” Jason finally admitted, his voice distorted through his helmet. “I know you and I aren’t exactly friends, but my hands are tied.”
“What do you need?” Batman asked, voice even and careful. He wasn’t a fan of the Red Hood, not with his guns and general stance on killing and violence. Jason wouldn’t hesitate to put a bullet in someone’s head if they deserved it.
“Black Mask ambushed me yesterday,” Jason admitted. “He took my kid, and I need to get him back.”
Jason raises Damian in Gotham, but when Black Mask kidnaps the kid to get back at the Red Hood, Jason has no choice but to ask the Bats (who don't know who he really is) for help.
1 Chapter, 3 692 Words, Complete.
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The Bond of Blood is Nothing Compared To Love by Sleepypapaya
What if Jason and Damian met in the League? What if they were brothers?
A series showing a world where Jason and Damian first met in the League. When they are both in Gotham, they don't tell any of the Bats about the fact that they know each other quite well.
4 Works, 9 812 Words, Incomplete.
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the truth more first than sun by Ellergrine
Life gave Jason Todd a second chance, let him come back from the dead, and made him an older brother in the process. He’s not going to waste the opportunity.
A little girl stops Red Hood on patrol and asks for his help, she has to do an English assignment on her hero and wants to ask him some questions.
1 Chapter, 2 204 Words, Complete.
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Nothing in This World Can Change by RandomReader13
Damian's being picked on at school. Jason calls in the big guns.
Jason calls Talia in to deal with the fact that Damian is getting picked on at school. After, the three of them get lunch together.
1 Chapter, 2 151 Words, Complete.
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Catch Up by DragonflyxParodies
Dick has an epiphany.
Dick realizes that Jason and Damian knew each other before Damian arrived in Gotham.
1 Chapter, 308 Words, Complete.
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She Had Me at Damian by sahlo_folina
Jason and Damian after the Batman: Death in The Family movie. (I know it's not meeting in the LOA but still)
1 Chapter, 1 029 Words, Complete.
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I Saw You In A Dream by sleepypapaya
Damian hurts. Every inch of his skin burning, and someone is yelling, and then—
And then it's all calm. Strong arms surround him. A voice hums against his hair. He is safe. He is safe, but there is blood. The humming stops, and Damian looks into once-green eyes, vacant in death. The arms are locked around him, and they are cold, but he can't escape.
His protector is dead.
He wakes up crying
Damian is hit with fear toxin and remembers that he and Jason knew each other before.
1 Chapter, 1 177 Words, Complete.
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Estranged by Perhappiness
They never talk about it. The first time they met, Jason was a shell of a person and Damian was too young to comprehend what was being shown to him. The real, first time they met, the age had already been beaten into Damian and Jason was a bitter version of himself. The first time they really saw each other was amongst an ocean of shame and regret. After that they kept their distance. There’s no repairing what never existed
Damian's and Jason's relationship across the years.
1 Chapter, 2 686 Words, Complete.
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I'm a Sinner, I'm a Saint by dancingsweetheart129
“Robin, what happened?” “He shot himself,” Damian choked out, finally managing to find his breath. “Are you hurt?” Damian bit his lip and shook his head, but he couldn’t speak. Not without bursting into tears. He had been trying so hard, he was good now. He didn’t kill, he did the right thing- “I’m taking him back to my place, he’s fine, just needs some space,” Jason said, his hands grasping Damian by the shoulders and hauling him to his wobbly legs. “Robin, can you walk?” And Damian was loath to admit it, but no, he didn’t think he could. His whole body was shaking, and he felt like a weight about to drop. He shook his head. “Okay, Bud, let’s get you home,” Jason sighed, hefting Damian up into his arms instead. “I’m not far from here.”
Ooc for Damian but I love it. Shows more of Damian being a kid and having to deal with the bad side of being a vigilante.
1 Chapter, 1 150 Words, Complete.
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best-underrated-anime · 7 months
Best Underrated Anime Group H Round 1: #H4 vs #H5
#H4: Teen Shogi prodigy grows up and battles his mental health
Having reached professional status in middle school, Rei Kiriyama is one of the few elite in the world of shogi. Due to this, he faces an enormous amount of pressure, both from the shogi community and his adoptive family. Seeking independence from his tense home life, he moves into an apartment in Tokyo. As a 17-year-old living on his own, Rei tends to take poor care of himself, and his reclusive personality ostracizes him from his peers in school and at the shogi hall.
However, not long after his arrival in Tokyo, Rei meets Akari, Hinata, and Momo Kawamoto, a trio of sisters living with their grandfather who owns a traditional wagashi shop. Akari, the oldest of the three girls, is determined to combat Rei's loneliness and poorly sustained lifestyle with motherly hospitality. The Kawamoto sisters, coping with past tragedies, also share with Rei a unique familial bond that he has lacked for most of his life. As he struggles to maintain himself physically and mentally through his shogi career, Rei must learn how to interact with others and understand his own complex emotions.
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#H5: Middle school soft tennis club deals with trauma
Constantly outperformed by the girls' club, the boys' soft tennis club faces disbandment due to their poor skills and lack of positive results in matches. In desperate need of members, Toma Shinjou is looking to recruit capable players, but he fails to scout anyone. Enter Maki Katsuragi, a new transfer student who demonstrates great reflexes when he catches a stray cat in his classroom, instantly capturing Toma's attention. With his interest piqued, Toma ambitiously asks Maki to join the boys' team but is quickly rejected, as Maki doesn't wish to join any clubs. Toma refuses to back down and ends up persuading Maki—only under the condition that Toma will pay him for his participation and cover other club expenses.
As Maki joins the team, his incredible form and quick learning allow him to immediately outshine the rest of the team. Although this gives rise to conflict among the boys, Maki challenges and pushes his fellow team members to not only keep up with his seemingly natural talent, but also drive them to devote themselves to the game they once neglected.
Titles, propagandas, trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#H4: March Comes in Like a Lion (Sangatsu no Lion)
Sangatsu no Lion is a series that gets praise and has some awards, but it gets rarely talked about. It’s ranked highly on anime lists as being a good anime to watch, but there’s little fan engagement or video essays about it like other promising titles.
Maybe it's because the series is a slow-paced slice-of-life drama that goes over topics like mental health and the trauma of losing loved ones at a young age, and how those factors impacts the lead deeply.
Rei is a hard character to watch sometimes. He’s a doormat, shy and quiet, with crippling low self-esteem. He’s a social outcast. He puts a lot of burden on his own shoulders and blames himself for living up to people’s expectations. He’s a flawed and traumatized teenager forced to grow up too quickly.
Rei lives isolated, and that's how we're introduced to him. He has a strained relationship with his adoptive family. He has trouble interacting with his classmates. He has a few tentative friendships with the people he plays Shogi against, but Rei struggles to connect with others. It doesn't help that he feels pressured by the expectations placed on him as the fifth ever Shogi player to go pro in middle school, making him a prodigy. He's losing multiple matches and stagnating, struggling because of his mental health taking a downward spiral.
When Rei meets the Kawamoto girls, his life seems to get better. Rei initially doesn't want to get to close to the Kawamoto family for fear of rejection, but he ends up visiting often. With them, he receives the care and affection he never had in his foster home. He also learns to socialize and rely on others with his interactions with the Kawamotos, growing as a person.
Trigger Warnings: Child Abuse, Mild child neglect from adopted family, death of birth family, healing from mental health issues.
The plot revolves around Rei and him trying to cope with the stress of life and growing as a person. A part of this is him having to make peace with the trauma of losing his biological family and having a strained relationship with his adoptive family, who are neglectful and bitter towards him. The anime overall goes over Rei healing from his mental health issues, including battling his anxiety and issues with self-worth.
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#H5: Stars Align (Hoshiai no Sora)
Propaganda 1:
Covers a wide variety of issues and gets into the nitty-gritty of the often under-prosecuted instances of child abuse in Japanese society. Multiple LGBT characters, subversions of gender roles, a simple but appealing art style, and some really talented seiyuu to top it all off.
Propaganda 2:
This series is so amazing even though it was cut halfway through (and the trigger warnings, mainly in regard to the environments many of the characters live in) make it difficult to suggest at times. It’s half a sports anime and half a drama, switching between the sports sections and explorations of the lives of the characters involved, the latter of which is the part I really adore. The story discusses the heavily discussed topic of abuse pretty well and also has a good handle on discussions about things like gender (specifically in regard to a canon non-binary character, though there is also a minor character who is a trans man who is also discussed) that I haven’t seen too many other series address, or at least not to the effectiveness of this story. The characters also just have so much charm and compliment each other well, and I love watching them get closer and interact. They’re buddies, and I adore the boys soft tennis team plus Yuu and Mitsue (+ Arashi I guess. He’s from a different school’s team and directly opposed the team, but he very quickly becomes their friend afterwards), as well as all of their dynamics. It’s not a watch for when you’re looking strictly to have a fun time or looking for a complete story, but it’s an amazing story regardless. Also, I love the opening and ending songs so much. I wish this series got its season two so much because it’s so good, I don’t think I did it justice at all.
Trigger Warnings: Child Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Gender Identity/Sexuality Discrimination
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If you’re reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
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atopvisenyashill · 6 months
can you rank the great houses? 😊
obviously this is just my opinion on them, etc etc also thank you for this ask i love lists alskjdfj
9. House Arryn
Constantly dying off but they had a lesbian and a milf as rulers once so they have that going for them. House Royce is cooler, GIVE ME MORE BRONZE YOHN I'M READY FOR HIM!!!!
8. House Lannister
I’m sorry but They Are Just Fine. When I’m reading their chapters I feel something and then I mostly forget about them after I'm done. I wish we had a real Dance era book mostly for Joanna and Tyland tho.
7. House Tyrell
I think it’s really funny that they are upjumped stewards and the whole Reach has been pissy about it for generations. Mostly exist for other characters to project onto but by god do they reflect back in fun ways. I want to meet Willas so bad but I’m positive if we meet him he’ll die soon after so rip me!!
6. House Targaryen
Interesting villain house that George gets too distracted by too often. Lots of fun historical characters, the cyclical doom is amazing to read but Dany’s chapters drag so bad to me at some points and F&B just pissed me AWF. The best ones are usually tied to her magic (prophecy chapters, fever/vision dream chapters) or her dragons in some way and the dragon bond is also what I tend to find most interesting in her ancestors as well.
5. House Greyjoy
I haven't reread Victarian in years but damn Aeron, Asha, and Theon are all as great as I remember so I'm making the decision to put them this high on memory alone. But this family is just a group of the most delusional people ever, struggling in a culture that doesn't allow room for struggle, and the way Euron acts as this black hole of terror for all of them, until finally, finally, there is Asha, not only knowing and understanding that the way she's lived is wrong but going home and dragging everyone else through the dark and into the light with her. Also, their culture is just really fun and cool.
4. House Baratheon
Started by my number two enemy, Orys Baratheon, but damn do I love basically everyone else in this stupid ass House. The House as a whole really plays with masculinity; what it is, the damage you do when you measure up to your role, the lengths they will go to in order to pretend the fault lies elsewhere, craving the pleasures but refusing to deal with the consequences, and all of that fallout landing on their innocent children, dooming them for the next generation as well. I need more Baratheon women tho jfc.
3. House Tully
I literally love that the Tully’s are in canon known as being huge bitter bitches. The most fucked up idea of what family is in the world but by god do these people try, they all try so hard to live up to those words but the price of duty and honor is always the sacrifice of their children for The Family, and not actual protection of their family, and while Hoster recognizes this far too late, his children become determined to do Every Single Thing Wrong in order to be loyal to both The Family and their family. Unpleasant people, I love them so much.
2. House Stark
Taught me what family is!!!! The whole series for them is an examination of the family unit under pressure and how their attempts to stick to their assigned roles (The Mother, The Father, The Heir, The Dutiful Daughter, etc) just makes them completely break under the stress so they discover what's under that - AND IT'S LOVE BITCH. I HATE the analysis that their stories are about rejecting love or overcoming emotion because it all comes back to that moment with Ned in the dungeons, remembering how he chose Lyanna, Jon, and love over honor, the way he chooses Sansa over honor, THAT is the point, for all of them, trying to keep these impossible oaths of honor and ignore love but in the end, the father they venerate chose love because it is not just okay to yearn for love, it is human and natural and good to love others.
1. House Nymeros Martell
If the Starks are a family desperately trying to find each other again, than the Martells have long been lost. A House defined in its modern day by the violating loss of one of its daughters in a society that doesn't put much worth in losing daughters. It's the themes of justice and vengeance, waiting on the system that is not meant to help you to bring you peace, on the people who are at the outskirts of society finding the line between the overthrow of power and keeping the cycle going, it's STANDING AS AN ACT OF LOVE. For Doran to his Arianne, for Oberyn to Elia in the face of Tywin, for Elia to her children in the face of the Mountain, for Meria and Nymor and Maron and Loreza and Nymeria and Mors, the point is not just to stand up and fight but to stand up and fight for something, to fight for the people who depend on you because there is no one else to do it. A responsibility, a calling, an honor, a horror.
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v7n5 · 4 months
Feel like pure shit, just want a smutty multi-chapter Howard Hamlin fanfic that recounts the many secret sexual affairs that he has had with different people throughout the course of his life, most of which he sought out to recompense for the lack of intimacy in his marriage because both him and Cheryl were iron-closeted and only got married out of familial pressures (things took a turn for the worse after the fight that ended with Howard moving into the guest house). Ultimately, none of them could fulfill his wants and needs because they're all cold and distant in their own ways: there were the handsome strangers he met at some gay bar like Nacho who were emotionally unavailable and only wanted to dick and dash like they're in denial themselves; Jimmy whom he was smitten with and trusted to be able to keep a secret, but it didn't take him long to realize that Jimmy being selfish and cruel and rougher than Howard had liked and not paying any mind to Howard's own pleasure in bed was his way of getting back at him for being a jackass of a boss; Chuck whom he'd got especially close with ever since he was still studying pre-law, so close that he would make up any excuse to be alone with him and suck him off in his office from time to time to seduce his mentor because the daddy issues that had been developing throughout his father-absent youth came to fruition the moment a wiser and older man gave him a sliver of attention, Chuck allowed him to live out his fantasy but never reciprocated in that sense but they remained really good friends, hence Howard's desperation for his approval and affection and the idea of "I still have a chance" kept brewing in his mind even when he could see Rebecca out of the corner of his eye (the incident at the end of ss3 scarred him for life and talking about the intimate details of their relationship before it in therapy did not help). The latter half of 607 didn't happen because he decided that he was in fact the bigger person and the right thing to do was to drink himself into reflecting back on his life choices and wallowing in his own self-pity. Though he didn't storm Mcwexler's condo, the whole ordeal was still his Joker moment, so he put his foot down, got a divorce and resigned from his CEO position because fuck you, he deserves to do that. And maybe after a year or so, he met a certain Salamanca who got out of a certain shoot-out unscathed (haven't determined if Howard happened to stumbled into El Michoacáno or he went back to the gay bar), their chemistry was through the roof, they bonded over the loss of families/ lovers and "being a nepo baby is oh so hard", their romance blossomed because Lalo was textbook definition of charming and exactly Howard's type. One date led to another, and Howard ended up getting the best pipe he'd ever had while trying to hold back the tears stemmed from indescribable emotions. Would Howard find out who Lalo actually was? Would it matter? Would they last? Those are problems for future them.
Like literally that's all I want tbh.
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whumpbby · 4 months
It's a nice evening to send random asks. Please tell me what modern Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling would be like? (what they would wear, where they would be working, some modern interest they might have, etc.) :>
Sorry for the wait, I'm travelling so everything online takes a while;)
I have so many different ideas for all kinds of different modern scenarios XD
Personally, I'm not a great fan of modernAU, because I find them most of the time quite uninventive. I like when the characters from a fantastic world are still fantastic in the modern world - love me some urban fantasy AU:)
In that case, I'd see JC in a scenario similar to the OG story - a last heir of once powerful clan, forced to navigate the political scene of powerful people and protect his people and territory.
He'd work as someone who can leave at a moments notice to deal with the problem. I read one fic where cultivators were still apart of the modern world and worked to control spirits and so on - and I support that idea.
If he absolutely needed to have a job and wasn't a cultivator, it would be some leadership position that required a lot of time investment from him - a director of a family business that almost went under, that he saved from ruin. Something regional and long-standing. Fisheries. Local restaurant/hotel chain. Funeral home.
Oh god, I love the idea of a funeral home xD
He'd have a hard time raising his nephew single-handedly, Jin Ling would spend a lot of time in JC's office/workplace as a little kid, waiting for his uncle to finish work/solve the issue, so he wouldn't have the best contact with hia peers. And if JC's job was something creepy (like a funeral director) the kids at school would be creeped out and bully him. He would have a problem finding friends and grow up to be a standoffish teen. He'd spend time hanging out at the funeral home and in the local park with his dog, play computer games and read books. A general 'lonely teen' stuff.
Now, if that's the world where magic exists to a degree - maybe the Lan are a spirit-whisperers that deal with ghosts and that's why JL finds friends with Sizhui and Jingyi, who are not really creeped out by his family's business.
Say, if there happens to be a Case happening in the area and Lan Wangji appears with the juniors to follow a trail and the trail leads to the body JC has in his funeral house - and he's all "Fuck off, you specifically Huanguang-Jun, I'm done with this life after it took my family away! None of that on my turf! And don't you dare to drag my nephew into this shit!" And Lan Xichen has to step in to convince him to help them while the boys bond...
But I digress.
Jiang Cheng dresses sharply always - as is required of a serious funeral director. He has little patience for the living, but also has a very sympathetic character, and people find him comforting in their hardest moments, even though on the daily he's quite brusque. He'd just externally so well put together! They trust him!
Jin Ling also dresses well - because he was raised by a neurotic mess of a man that was desperate to present his nephew perfectly so that the services wouldn't take him away and give the parenting rights to the Jin. JL likes bright colours and hates getting dirty, and likes to look good (people find him less of a weirdo this way) and will make sure to get the brands together to match. His uncle has a thriving business so the money isn't a problem in his teen years.
They usually eat dinners together - even if JL has to bring a takeout to the funeral house when his uncle works late. They both know how to cook, being single men and all. JC makes sure to take regulat holidays with his nephew, taking him skiing or diving, and so on, because life is short.
In general, they are living a slow, quiet life of a little family that loves each other very much:)
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agent-calivide · 9 months
Some more fun facts about my rendition of Phoenix!
She has chronic anxiety, she used to bite her nails down to nubs before her job required her to wear gloves.
She had a deep scar across her palm from trying to open Zor’s car radio with a knife. It slipped and cut a deep gouge across her hand.
Phoenix is CPR certified. All agents are actually, and Heimlich trained.
Even though Phoenix can’t dance to save her soul, she can hella strut. She was actually recommended for the infiltration division (aka the division that most hot people go because they’re trained on how to flirt and seduce their way into places) but she refused, wanting to stick to stealth.
Phoenix is both touch repulsed and touch starved, she hates it when anyone touches her aside from M, Jocie, and Juniper (depending on the AU). That being said, once the touch threshold is crossed she’s an absolute cuddle bug and needs to be holding a hand or wrapped around an arm at all times.
Phoenix is Demisexual, she doesn’t really think of people on a scale of “hot or not” as much as “aesthetically pleasing” and when she does find someone looks good her first thought is usually that they’re conventionally attractive, not actual smitten. She actually thought she was ace for the longest time until she met Juniper and realized she was actually Demi. Juniper managed to hop over her “no touchy” barrier by showing (what looked to be) genuine kindness. It was quite humble of him to help a stagehand when he was the owner of the theater in her eyes, which is why she ended up accidentally bonding wayyy too fast.
That being said: this girl is a pan mess. If she gets any positive attention she devolves into a smitten puddle, not that she’d ever admit it. Solaris, Fabricator, Juniper, and Caliente have all pulled at her heartstrings totally by accident. The only reason Handler and Prism don’t is she looks at them as father and mother figures.
She idolizes Prism. When she got the home check mission she screamed and kicked her feet like she was meeting a celebrity, Prism is her hero. She loves computers and computer design, and Prism makes her feel like learning tech isn’t impossible.
Phoenix got into the EOD not with any skills or notable accomplishments, but because she was a nameless, faceless 17 year old with no notable record from the middle of nowhere with no personal connections or attachments. Between that and desperation for money that made her accept any job, the EOD practically swept her up when her application came through. They needed more young agents, and she got through the training by the time she was 20.
She’s not only competent, she’s one of the youngest agents on the field. This is also why she is very unconventional, impulsive, and reckless.
She loves computers… but she feels like she’s not smart enough to learn about them. Her father and mother were the perfect 50’s family, smile for the camera, but awful behind closed doors. Her father reminded her every step of the way that she was too stupid to even earn a high school degree, much less go into computer engineering.
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
some thoughts on rhaena vs aemond in relation to vhagar
hello all i know that i am clearly an aemond apologist, but i wanted to give a more nuanced and unbiased take on the idea of him "stealing" vhagar from rhaena. namely, i wanted to argue that rhaena was always meant to bond with morning, and that to have her bond with vhagar would erase a great deal of her character's significance.
the show sets up some interesting parallels between rhaena and aemond, in that both are explicitly shown to be shunned and/or bullied because of their lack of a dragon. if the adults hadn't fucked up all of the children, i genuinely think the two could have empathized with each other about this, and maybe even have been friends. of course, we didn't get that, so we'll never know.
so we have two targaryens, both a similar age, and both the only dragonless members of their families. and we have vhagar, the largest, most powerful dragon of the world, freshly available for claiming.
how, and why, is it important that aemond ends up with vhagar, while rhaena does not? because rhaena WANTED vhagar, while aemond NEEDED her.
rhaena has a sense of safety and protection that aemond never had. she knows that she has powerful grandparents, and a powerful father, who are not only able but willing to protect her. so a dragon is not a matter of life and death for her.
it IS for aemond. alicent and criston care about him, but both are in very limited positions of power compared to people like daemon, corlys, and viserys. it's deeper than him being bullied; it's everything he's been taught by alicent and otto about the danger he and his family are in; a paranoia that is later proven when viserys prioritizes rhaenyra's reputation over aemond's physical safety, and literally threatens to cut out his tongue if he says bastard again. aemond needs vhagar in order to protect himself and his family, because no one else will. and he is so desperate that he stakes his LIFE on this.
so vhagar is claimed by aemond, and not rhaena.
and rhaena is young, and grieving her mother, and so the opportunity is not important to her in that moment. but even in the years beyond laena's funeral, rhaena does not claim any of the several riderless dragons on dragonstone, where she is living. vermithor, and especially seasmoke, would have both been very viable options. but she did not claim them.
i feel like this points to the fact that rhaena was not MEANT to claim a dragon, during all of those years. she already had a dragon: it had simply not yet hatched. and also that she was never going to be the type of person to claim an already-grown dragon; rather, one who needed to grow along with her hatchling.
and once the dance of dragons was done, with almost all of the dragons and targaryens extinct, rhaena and her little dragon are suddenly EVERYTHING. together, they are the emblem of hope, and of healing, for their house and their family. they survive, where so many of our other beloved characters did not, in order to serve as this symbol: of the future.
rhaena was always meant to bond with morning. and if morning had hatched any earlier, they both very well might have fought and perished in the dance of dragons. and i think the fact that they survive, together, is incredibly meaningful. please don't take that away from rhaena, y'all.
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hereticpriest · 3 months
Mercy Chapter 8: Inferno
Rating: Explicit 18+
Relationship: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
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To begin with, some warnings about this story: A/B/O Dynamics, Female Alpha, Male Omega, Some chapters may involve messing with the whole 'alphas are always dom and omegas are always sub' because I think nuance exists even in A/B/O dynamics, Fucking with the timeline (this is a blend of Canon, Legends, and original lore), Minimal use of Y/N (Explained in the first chapter), Reader is an alien species of my own creation and thus has a physical description, Familial bonds explored heavily, Clone rights explored heavily, Violence is more graphic than canon-typical however any graphic descriptions will be noted, AFAB reader, Not beta-read so I apologize for any mistakes.
Chapter warnings: Explicit p in v sex, oral sex (m and f receiving), handjobs (m and f receiving), breeding kink, praise kink, amazon position, navigation of pack intimacy and family intimacy in a non-intimate societal structure. Let me know if you think anything is missing!
Read on AO3
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven
Chapter 8: Inferno
Morning light spills into the small den you've made for yourself, and you blink awake to your Omega stirring behind you. Sometime in the night, you both had rolled over, and Obi-Wan was now sleepily grinding his erection into the curve of your ass, your tail pushed out of the way and wrapped lazily around his waist. You could feel through the bond that he was still mostly asleep, hips moving without any conscious thought, chasing pleasure. You were wet, both from his slick and your own coating your thighs, and you pressed back into Obi-Wan’s pelvis obligingly, giving him something to grind against. The bond between you flares with disoriented thoughts of pleasure and need as your Omega wakes up in the peak of his heat, and you hum thoughtfully at the vague image that floats through your bond of Obi-Wan shoving you down on all fours so he could take you like an animal.
What a dirty little thing. D’you wanna mount me, baby?
Yesyesyesyesyes please Alpha, can I?
Of course you can, sweet thing. I’m yours. You can do whatever you want with me.
You aren’t a dumb knothead Alpha. You have no problem with your sweet Omega taking control for as long as he can manage. You have absolutely no qualms about your gorgeous, strong Omega on top of you, taking what he needs from your more than willing body. During your many missions, you’ve seen Alphas that feel like they need to posture, puff up their chests and act like even the smallest act of submission would crush their entire ego. It doesn’t even have to be an actual act of submission, so long as they perceive it as one. You’ve never really felt like that, even on your mission with Qui-Gon Jinn, where you had to sink into the mindset of a normal, non-Jedi Alpha.
Frankly, the idea of Obi-Wan so desperate for you that he has to push you down and rut desperately into your body sounds delightful. You stretch a little against him, laughing as your hips are yanked up, letting your Omega roll you on to your stomach. A strong hand wraps around your tail, and you moan as Obi-Wan uses it to pull you back into him, his other hand holding the base of his cock so he can bully his way inside of you. It takes a couple of thrusts before he manages to bottom out, and you can feel the intense relief over your bond as he finally feels your warmth strangling his cock. He releases his hold on your tail and you wrap it around him to keep him close, relishing in the feeling of his hands digging into your hips hard enough you’re sure to have bruises. With each thrust, he makes a little ‘ah’ sound that stokes the fire inside you, sending molten desire coursing through your veins. You can feel his mindless desire through your bond, and you project back your own, earning yourself a startled gasp and a shaky exhale.
Obi-Wan groans as you clench around him, forehead falling between your shoulders and nuzzling into the dip of your shoulder blades, his hips stuttering. Warmth floods you, and you sigh happily at both the feeling of your Omega coming inside of you, and the bliss that bleeds into your bond from him. He slows to a stop buried inside of you, panting for breath, but he doesn’t soften. You hum inquisitively at him, starting to turn only for Obi-Wan to gently push you down into the softness of his nest, his hand pushing between your shoulder blades to keep you down. A low moan slips through your lips as he starts to thrust again, still aching, and you can feel the blind need coursing through him. He’s nearly mindless with it, desperately chasing another release to ease the inferno inside of him. He starts to lose his rhythm as he gets close, so you take over a little, rocking back to meet him with every sloppy thrust. Finally, with a guttural groan that seems ripped from his chest, Obi-Wan clings to your hips as he comes a second time, and gets the temporary relief he’d been needing. It only takes a couple of seconds of messily stroking your clit before you join him, and your Omega whimpers at the clench of you around him, curling himself around you.
Sated, you stretch out in the nest, guiding Obi-Wan down beside you so that you can cuddle up with him. Obi-Wan pulls you into a messy kiss, stroking his hands down over your body to gently squeeze your chest, touch your tail, and grab handfuls of your ass. One strong hand guides your leg over his hip, and you gasp into your Omega’s mouth as he strokes his fingers through the sticky mess between your legs. You’re sure you’ll have beard burn all around your mouth by the end of this, but you couldn’t care less. Not when Obi-Wan is sliding his tongue across yours, sucking at your lower lip and moaning desperately into your kiss. Not when he’s sliding his fingers into your cunt, wetting them with the thick spend he’s filled you with, and using them to circle your clit.
“Wish it would take, Alpha. Make a youngling of our own to raise together like we do with Anakin. You would be such a good mother - you’re so good with him, it makes my heart ache. I truly do not think I would have done such a good job with him without you, Mercy.” Obi-Wan murmurs in your ear, nipping along the shell of it while rubbing your clit fast and sloppy, “Stars, I’ve dreamed of you being my Alpha since I presented. Want a pack, darling, want a family with you and our son.”
Euphoria is not a strong enough word. Obi-Wan nips and kisses his way down your body, pushing your thighs apart so he can settle between them, the pads of his fingertips still working over your clit while he places kitten licks across your inner thighs. He sucks lazily at your labia, following the guidance of your bond as he experiments and gets to know your anatomy a little better. Moaning at the taste of you combined sends a blissful vibration through you, and you gasp for breath, tangling your fingers in his hair.
“Stars! Omega, kriff, put your mouth where your fingers are.” You instruct, and Obi-Wan obeys immediately, plunging his fingers inside of you while swirling his tongue around your swollen bud. He sucks it into his mouth, a little too hard at first, but he quickly adjusts when he feels your discomfort through the bond. He’s always been a quick study, and he uses it against you now as he hungrily devours you. You feel yourself quickly nearing the edge, hands fisted in Obi-Wan’s hair as you try desperately to be gentle with him, even though he moans every time you accidentally tug. You may be in the early midst of your rut, but you were still going to be a good Alpha, and you would never hurt your Omega unless he explicitly asked you to. As soon as that thought enters your mind, Obi-Wan looks up at you with his big baby blues through his ginger lashes, a hint of amusement dancing away in them.
You won’t hurt me by pulling on my hair, my love. I quite like it. Relax, Alpha, let me make you feel good.
Stars, you’re so goddamned pretty.
Obi-Wan moans into your cunt, and you slam your head back against the ground, roaring your pleasure as you fall head over heels into a blinding orgasm. Your mate strokes his large hands over your shaking legs as he sits up, his facial hair wet and shiny with your release. Despite the need coursing through him, he lets you come down from your high, laying down beside you to wait only to laugh as you roll over atop him and smother him in kisses.
“We need to eat something.” You murmur against his lips, squeezing his pecs with gentle hands, your thumbs stroking across his nipples.
“Mmm, or you could mate me again.” Obi-Wan counters, eyes rolling back in his head for a moment as he pulls you closer.
Even with a gentle night breeze reaching into your den, sweat trickles down your back. The taste of iron lingers in your mouth, laced with the citrusy flavour of the pheromones pouring out of your Omega. All you can smell is the tang of his arousal driving you to fulfill his every need. Below you, Obi-Wan begs you to let him breed you every time he can manage to get a lungful of breath in between his whimpers. You’re not going easy on him - you’ve got his legs spread, knees level with his chest while you drape yourself over him. He’s buried inside of you, your knees on either side of his rucked up hips, and you think you might have found your favourite position. You’re so close to him, chest to chest, your elbows hooked under his knees to help hold his legs up while simultaneously steadying yourself against the ground. He’s balls deep inside of you, the angle allowing you to grind your clit against him with every thrust and roll of your hips. His arms are looped around your shoulders as you lay kiss after kiss across the graceful curve of his neck, and the sweet sound of his blissful moans fills your ears, well-earned gifts that fuel your desire.
Nearly together, you both go tumbling over the edge of the umpteenth orgasm you’ve shared in the past few days. You collapse on your back beside Obi-Wan, reaching out to tangle your fingers with his and bring his hand up to your lips so you can press kisses to his knuckles while you pant for breath. You take a moment to get feeling back in your body before finally pulling Obi-Wan closer. You massage his legs gently, willing the ache to disperse with a gentle nudge of the Force, and he breathes a sigh of blissful relief as he rests beside you. Over the last few days, he’s become more and more willing to let you take care of him without fighting to immediately reciprocate. He’s slowly but surely learning that you get real fulfillment out of caring for him, and that you’ll happily accept him caring for you when you need it. You’ve struck a balance.
Your rut is in full swing, but you’ve managed to keep yourself and your Omega healthy and full this entire time, even though you’ve made it through most of your ration bars. Thankfully, you’re nearly at the end. A day longer at most, and then you’ll be able to think about something other than your gorgeous, perfect, tempting Omega. Obi-Wan is also nearing the end of his heat, finally starting to be able to handle an hour or two without begging for you to take care of him. You can’t really feel how exhausted and sore you must be after several days of this, but your inner thighs are purple with beard burn, your hips and waist are covered in hand-shaped bruises, you’ve got lovebites on your neck and shoulders, and your knees and shins are scratched up from rubbing against the ground. Obi-Wan has lovebites across his neck, shoulders, inner thighs and across his pecs. Otherwise, he’s mostly uninjured, since you’ve been exceptionally gentle with him even in the midst of your rut. The massages you’ve been giving him have certainly helped ease the soreness in his muscles - necessary since you keep folding him into somewhat uncomfortable positions, experimenting to find what feels good.
“Mmm, Stars, I love you.” Obi-Wan purrs, chest rumbling something fierce. His purr is no longer raspy and unused, but full and loud now that you’ve kept him purring near constantly for the last four days.
“I love you too, dear.” You reply with a happy sigh as you finish up his massage by stretching out his hips. Once he’s loose and pliant, you gather him into your arms and press a kiss to his temple, “Now, drink some water and get some sleep. You must be exhausted, and dehydrated with all the times you’ve come today.”
You can feel his shy embarrassment through the bond, and you give him a gentle squeeze, “You’ve earned it. Been such a good boy for me.”
That does it. Obi-Wan shivers, but reaches for one of the waterskins and gulps down what remains. You find it endearing how embarrassed he is about how much slick he produces, and how much he comes with every single orgasm. You’ve gone through several basins of water cleaning the both of you up, and he nearly drowned you once when you let him fuck your face on the third day of his heat. You know he likes how much he fills you up, can feel it through the bond hiding under the embarrassment, and you’ve tried to reassure him that you love it. He’s starting to ease up a little, though he still gets a little shy sometimes, so you do your best to reassure him. Praise usually works, though it can also exacerbate the symptoms of his heat.
You pull Obi-Wan into your arms, stroking your thumb around one of the bite marks around his pert nipple, healing it as you touch him. You tuck his face into your chest, pressing kisses to his hair as you tangle your legs with his, your tail wrapped tight around his thigh. Obi-Wan nuzzles his cheek against your collarbone, sighing blissfully as he finds a comfortable position and starts to doze off. Eased by the comforting weight of your Omega falling asleep in your arms, you quickly join him.
You feel two familiar Force presences at the fringes of your awareness and sigh with relief, using your spare tunic to scrub yourself down a little faster. Obi-Wan is already cleaned up, getting dressed on the bank of the stream while you finish with yourself. You had taken the time earlier today to heal both your own injuries, and the many lovebites covering your Omega’s body. To your surprise, he had protested, but reluctantly acknowledged that it would be better, appearance-wise, for whoever came to rescue you. The Jedi are not known for their sensuality or sexuality, and you doubt most Jedi would understand the primal need to mark your lover in the midst of your rut.
You promised to give him new ones another time, and Obi-Wan had flushed all the way from the tips of his ears to his chest. Something about being here had felt temporary, like something with an inevitable end, but you were both beginning to realize that you got to go home to the Jedi Temple together, and while they might see fit to punish you in some way, there was no denying you were meant for eachother in the Force. They couldn’t separate you without breaching their own Code. Obi-Wan is yours, and you will always be his.
“My old Master is coming. Yours is with him.” You comment, and Obi-Wan nods, purring with excitement. He picks up your underwear and breast binding from where you’d hung them from a low branch, stepping closer to the edge of the water to coax you out.
“Come on, darling. They’ll be here soon. Get dressed so we can go home, Alpha.” He encourages you, and you smile, ringing the cloth before you reluctantly step out of the water.
“You can’t just use that to get whatever you want, love.” You tease him, and he raises an eyebrow at you skeptically, looking you over to indicate that it is clearly working and why would he stop if it works? You roll your eyes, laughing as you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into a quick kiss.
“Cheeky.” You whisper against his lips, and he smiles, gently breaking away to give you your clothes.
“Get dressed, Alpha, unless you want our old Masters to see your bits.” He teases playfully, winking at you as he moves away to get your next layer for you. You can’t help but smile adoringly at him as he helps you get dressed, and by the time he helps you belt your robes closed, you feel a gentle touch against your Force signature through the last remaining remnants of your training bond with Master Plo. You reach back, inviting your old masters closer, and it isn’t long before you see the sunset orange skin of your father figure, and the warm smile of Obi-Wan’s.
“It’s good to see you hale and whole.” Master Plo greets you both, and you give him a wide smile. You notice Qui-Gon eyeing the way your tail is wrapped loosely around Obi-Wan’s wrist in lieu of you holding his hand, and you worry for a moment that it might seem overly possessive, but your Omega takes your tail in hand and strokes his thumb in little circles on the tough skin.
“I am so glad to see you both.” You give a short bow in greeting, and feel the last remaining tension in the two Masters ease. Ah. They were nervous about your Alpha instincts making you aggressive. A valid fear, but your deepest instincts don’t perceive either of them as a threat. If anything, they’re part of your pack. Master Plo is like your father, and Qui-Gon Jinn has instinctually been part of your pack since your mission together many years ago. Your calm demeanour gives Qui-Gon the confidence to approach Obi-Wan, and you watch him clasp your Omega’s shoulders in his hands, squeezing gently.
“I’m glad you’re alright, my old Padawan.” he murmurs out loud, and Obi-Wan nods, a genuine warmth in his smile.
“I’m perfectly fine. Mercy was injured in the crash, but I had nary a bruise. Thank the Force she’s so skilled at healing that she could start the process even in her condition. We’re both healthy and happy to see you both.” Obi-Wan replies, clearly trying to assure his old Master that he’s not been mistreated. Qui-Gon accepts it with a nod, putting an arm around Obi-Wan and bodily but subtly breaking the contact of your tail around his wrist to lead him towards the ship, and you know that it’s a test. Your rut has only ended this morning, and your hormones are slowly calming down. It’s a dangerous test, but you know inherently that it is necessary. If you can’t control yourself, you might need to be isolated a little while longer, lest you put your rescuers in danger.
Thankfully, you’re able to breathe through it. Obi-Wan looks back at you as he’s led away, reluctant, and that sparks a bit of protectiveness in your chest, but Qui-Gon must remind him because he turns his gaze forwards again. Master Plo pulls you into a hug, and you sigh happily at the feeling, holding onto the back of his flight jacket.
“I can’t wait to go home.”
Being in the Jedi Temple again is like being blanketed in peace. You missed being home while you were trapped on that moon. You missed the constant flowing connection of the Force and all of the Jedi around you. Even after a meeting with the Council in which you had to justify your bond with Obi-Wan, and were separated from him so that they could verify that he hadn’t felt forced into it, you were thrilled to be home.
The Council gave you a new set of chambers, ones made for bonded Force mates, with four bedrooms to accommodate Padawans. It was a rare thing among the Jedi, but there were accommodations available, though you had never seen them before today. You move swiftly around your chambers, gathering your few belongings into a couple of bags while Obi-Wan makes you both tea. You’ve both changed and taken your respective heat and rut blockers, but you no longer need to wear scent blockers should you not want to. Bonding eases the fluctuations that make Alpha and Omega scents so distracting for Jedi. For now, both of you have decided to go without while you settle into your new home.
“What does this say, darling? It’s Haelan, isn’t it?” Obi-Wan asks, holding up one of the tail cuffs you’d been given by Master Sav Lasra long after his death.
“That was Master Aulo Bas’ tail cuff. It has his virtue name engraved on it. Shepherd. He acted as a guide to the next generation of Jedi at the temple on Ilum long ago, and was regarded as a very wise man who dedicated his life to younglings.” You explained, rubbing your thumb over the Haelan script. You gestured to each of the other three cuffs in order, “This was Master Xyla Wellar’s. Her virtue name was Mirth. It is said that she was always smiling in battle, and relished the chance to make anyone laugh. The next was Master Sav Lasra’s, and his virtue name was Justice. He was known as someone who defended the weak, and helped those he rescued to resettle themselves. The last cuff belonged to Master Tasine Ro, whose virtue name was Valor. She was a powerful Guardian who faced unwinnable odds with a bravery that inspired those around her. She was said to be able to inspire her troops with her Force signature alone.”
Obi-Wan listens intently, holding each cuff with its due reverence in a way that softens your heart. You put them back in their box, tucking it away in one of your bags, then lifting his hand up to kiss his knuckles. He hands you a cup of tea before collecting his own from your night table, and you both sit in silence for a moment as you drink your fill, delighting in the peace of your home.
“Anakin will be returning soon.” Obi-Wan says with a fond smile, “Master Yoda sent him on a small quest to the lower levels when he was alerted to our arrival time, to give us a chance to settle.”
You nod, excitement rising in your gut. You’ve missed your Sprout.
“Well, I suppose we should get going then. Do you think he’ll be happy to live with us?” You ask, and he laughs.
“He’ll be annoyed that he won’t be able to run to your chambers to escape me, but he’ll be happy to have you so close. He’s always more balanced when you’re around.” Obi-Wan comments, and you can’t help but beam at what you consider a very high compliment. You both finish packing, heading towards the chambers he shares with Anakin, and it is as Obi-Wan is letting you comb beard oil through his facial hair that you feel your son’s Force signature distantly. You both smile, and you give his cheeks a gentle rub to dry the excess oil, then smush a kiss to his brow, getting up from the couch to wait. The door slides open in a rush, and your sweet Sprout enters the room in a swirl of cloaks and panting breath, clearly having run the whole way.
“Hi Sprout!” You barely have time to open your arms before Anakin has slammed into you, gathering you against his lean but strong frame and burying his face in your shoulder. You hear a soft ‘oof’ before feeling your Omega pressed into your side, and you giggle, imagining the faux disgruntled look on Obi-Wan’s face as Ani pulls him into a group hug.
“I was so worried.” Anakin mumbles against your shoulder, and you stroke his hair soothingly, covering him in kisses.
“We’re perfectly fine, Ani. More then. But we both missed you so much.” You reply gently, and Obi-Wan nods, surprising you when he kisses the top of Anakin’s head. Clearly it surprises your Sprout as well, but you feel him melt in your arms, and his face is hot against your skin. He nuzzles your scent gland, and you sigh, running your fingers over his Padawan braid.
“Can I rebraid this for you, Sprout?” You ask, and Anakin nods against your neck, rubbing his face there for a second to wipe away his tears in a way that isn’t very subtle, but clearly makes him feel better, so you don’t complain. Obi-Wan gathers Anakin into another quick hug before letting him go, and you lead your boy to the settee, sitting on the edge of it while he sits on the floor in front of you. Obi-Wan takes his place beside you, helping you with Anakin’s braid, holding the many beads and bands you both have gifted him.
“While we were stuck on that moon, some things happened. Did the Council already speak to you about this?” Obi-Wan asks, and Anakin nods.
“They said that you didn’t have your blockers, but you were okay after the crash. They said… that you guys are Force mates.” The young Padawan replies, his voice hesitant but not upset. He knew you all stood on the precipice of change, but he wasn’t sure what kind, and whether he would like it.
“That’s true. How do you feel about that?” You ask, and Anakin contemplates that for a moment before shrugging.
“I mean, I’m not exactly surprised. You both have been in love since I’ve met you.”
That draws a laugh from you, and you give the apple of his cheek a gentle pinch.
“Well, aren’t you wise? You know this doesn’t change the way we feel about you, right, Sprout? I’ve always loved you like you’re my own, and no one and nothing could ever change that.” You murmur, adding a violet band to the end of his braid to represent the joining together of your pack.
“The Council has given us access to new chambers, where all three of us could live together. When Mercy chooses a Padawan, we have room for them as well. There’s even a spare, should you perhaps choose to stay with us long enough to have your own Padawan.” Obi-Wan offers, and you can see the peach blooming in Anakin’s tanned cheeks at the thought. He can recognize the offer there, the room being made for him in your pack, and the extension of that offer to anyone he brings with him. He leans his head against Obi-Wan’s knee, and you huff playfully since you now have to stretch to reach his braid.
“I’d like that.” Anakin says with a soft finality, and you finish with his hair, lifting it to show Obi-Wan. He strokes his fingers over it, nodding approvingly, leaning across to gently kiss you behind your son’s head. Ani groans, and you laugh as you break the kiss, giving your son’s shoulders a squeeze.
“Go get your things, Sprout. I’d like to get us all moved in tonight, so we can have dinner together.” You give him a gentle push on the back, and he sighs, beleaguered, as he gets off the floor and heads to his room. Obi-Wan leans over for another kiss, and you snort, pecking him quickly before nodding your head towards his room, “Go, dearheart.”
Obi-Wan rolls his eyes but stands up, heading towards his bedroom door, his charming sass in full swing, “Goodness, so bossy.”
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Villain: Tirivanis, the Duke of Wounds
The first rule of dealing in blood is to never dip into your own supply
One must admit that there is power in blood, mortals bleed so easy yet a few drops can mean the difference between life and death. Blood is what ties us to are closest kin, and agreements signed in blood are thought to be the most binding. Is it any wonder then that someone would look upon this power and not seek to claim it for their own?
Enter Tirivanis, an enterprising devil who sought to unlock all the multiverse’s sanguine secrets, mastering not only the binding blood contracts of his infernal kind but more esoteric sources of magic: the contagious curse of vampirism, pagan battle and fertility rites, sorcererous inheritance and destined dynasties. Over time the Duke became so skilled at Interweaving these disciplines that he could freely mingle his power with that of his follower’s bloodlines, creating a living reservoir of arcana that he could tap into at will without the need to tempt mortals individually. This made him a true power in the courts of hell, atleast until he was summoned to the material plane in order to lord over some of his underlings and ended up getting into a fight with a meddling seraph resulting in being entombed beneath the earth for a few centuries.
Imprisonment was not good for the duke, trapped as he was and unable to maintain the bonds of magic that sustained him and all the contracts he had struck began to slip into default, bleeding him of more and more of his power. This imbalance that was only corrected after a nightmarish battle above his resting place soaked the earth with enough blood and sorrow that he was able to wrest himself free at which point he emerged as a changed and harrowed thing, desperate to undo all that he once made.
Though Tirivanis can play at being the suave and calculating devil he once was, the moment he gets a whiff of blood touched by his old power he goes after it like a shark, ripping his victims apart, wringing their flesh of blood, even licking it off the ground where it was splattered, made feral with the ecstasy of being made whole bit by bit. When his frenzy passes and his mind returns, he rises again, having traded yet more dignity for yet another scrap of his old power. He begins the hunt again, using what magic he can muster to seek his next victim.
Its a classic story: the party is set on the trail of a curse-slinging warlock hellbent on acquiring blasphemous powers and willing to perform any dark ritual to achieve it, only to fight their way through the villain's dungeon lair to find their quarry in pieces all across the ritual chamber. In the centre of this gorily decorated chamber they find a once-regal devil trapped in a ruinic circle panting after the out of reach warlock giblits like a starving dog. Having caught Tirivanis in a compromising position, the party might be able to haggle for some infernal boon, provided they don’t mind using entrails as bargaining chips.
Having proven themselves erstwhile heroes, the party receives an invitation to a country estate to hear a potential request for employment. A day or so carriage ride from the town, they find their hosts “out” at the moment, but are invited to wander the beautifully kept grounds and be waited upon by the friendly ( if a little anemic ) serving staff. That night, the party is woken from their beds and invited to meet with their perspective employers, who turn out to be a family of vampires. Carefully controlling both their appetites and number, the vampires have managed to not invite outside attention, atleast until one of their number was attacked kidnapped. Do the party accept their blood money, or risk angering a very old and well connected family on principle alone?
The hottest new trend on the arcane black market? Rune inscribed leaches that’ve begun appearing in the realm’s swamps, which suffuse the caster’s body with magical stimulants while taking just a little blood in return. Tirivanis created these loathsome symbiotes to detect for those who share a tie to any of the magical bloodlines he crated. When one of the little critters gets a taste, Tirivanis is there in a matter of days, though the dealers have been covering up the deaths of tieflings and other users in order to move more product.
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xlxcktrx · 9 months
see the world through the eyes of an ENFJ.
hi everyone! it's been some time since the last time i posted on here [i have to say that this year has been hectic tho]. tonight i got lost on my thoughts about how the ENFJs see the world through their eyes and it was this morning when i decided to write about it.
i went yesterday afternoon to have dinner with my partner's family, and when i came back home i felt different kinds of feelings after that beautiful time. it has been stated multiple times that ENFJs are people-oriented, commited to bring and maintain harmony inside of their circle and willing to meet the needs of everyone in the group. that makes them extremely interesting to analyse and understand.
the first thing that comes to my mind when thinking about the ENFJs in general is the love they develop for both difficult and simple things. it can be either a person or the birds, ENFJs develop strong bonds with their surroundings and they aspire to maintain them in the long time. as an ENFJ, i do catch myself full of love and commitment towards everything i know [and i can assure that it also creates trouble from time to time]. ENFJs also tend to make people feel welcome and accepted, and that leads them to struggle to meet everyone's needs and take full responsibility of the group. in my opinion, i often find myself desperately searching for a way to make people feel as if they were home, and i assure you we can tell if they feel that way or not.
but that's how ENFJs keep their life happy. i believe this proactivity towards others keep ENFJs happy and gives them a reason to feel useful [not because they have to be useful themselves, but because they always want to make a positive difference in the world]. the love the ENFJs have within their hearts is truly something else... and most of them use that for the best of purposes [which leads them to succesful outcomes].
it's like a cycle that repeats over time: the more i give myself to others, the fuller i feel inside.
ENFJs also have strong values that they would defend to the hilt. that also means they will strive to make everyone respect these values [and i do indeed know that this is kinda wrong, cause one cannot impose their values over another]. this view they have about the world gives them the courage and strenght they need to go the extra mile for the things they want to achieve [so it's usual to see them as leaders, since they also keep harmony and read people very well]. this goes hand in hand with the indecision of making the right choice in order to keep everyone happy and satisfied [i also know it's impossible to do that but if it can be posible, i will always try to achieve that].
with all this said, i know the approach i made may not fit with every ENFJ that could read this. every one of us is different and for that exact reason, there are millions of scenarios that can happen [can we say that i did an outline?? hahah]. i hope this post was entertaining for y'all, and my question for today is the following: do y'all often feel like you fully meet the needs of others? or, on the other hand, you feel stressed for the opposite reason? i hope you're doing well, i love y'all a lot! <3 [also, please don`t forget to drink a lot of water on this very hot and beautiful summer].
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firedrakegirl · 4 months
I stared tiredly up at the now shattered Stark tower, before taking a breath and heading inside. The fighting had literally just stopped, but something was pulling me in…something needed me. I’d learned to follow those pulls. They’d never steered me wrong. I walked up and up and up, all the way to the floor where Ironman had been thrown through the window. There…the reason for everything. I knew instantly upon seeing the green clad god that it was all his fault. “You absolute asshole.” I stormed over to where he was lying on the ground, clearly in pain. “What did you do to me?” Despite my tone, I was gentle as I started looking him over for more than bruising, carefully removing his armor and tunic. “Roll over, let me see your back.”
“Who are you?” He did, and there was something….right about the fact that this being who didn’t trust anyone was giving me his back.
I hissed in sympathy at the mottled bruising that was getting worse even as I watched. “What hit you?”
“I believe he is called the Hulk.” Green eyes looked over his shoulder at me with curiosity.
“Then I think you’re lucky. From what I know, he’s stupidly strong. I’m gonna go find you some ice for the swelling so you can at least move a bit more easily.”
“Who are you?”
“I’m the person who’s been dreaming about you for years. Didn’t know it was you til now though.”
Confusion then understanding dawned in his eyes. “I did a spell, a very long time ago. I always thought it failed.”
“What kind of spell?” I stood and headed toward the half ruined bar.
“Someone to be by my side as my brother should have been.” His voice was soft, vulnerable. I froze.
“Well then.” I gathered some ice and brought it back to him after a moment. “Guess I’ll do that then. Everyone deserves someone by their side.”
He struggled to sit up fully then smiled at me. It was a small, sad thing. “Are you sure about that?”
“Positive.” I nodded, smiling back. “I know a little of what you’ve been through. I have your back.”
He laughed and rested his forehead against mine….then all of the sudden…
I was so different from everyone around me. Bright gold hair and muscles were everywhere, even my brother, but I was long and lanky with dark hair.  I didn’t have the muscles, but I so wanted to be like my amazing older brother. Mother did her best to teach me the best ways to fight while being small, and it worked! I could almost keep up on the training grounds, without my magic! Mother taught me magic too, helping me learn and grow and nurturing my interests in a way no one else did.
I learned and grew and idolized my brother. father told us we were both meant to rule as he told us stories of the glories of past wars.  Brother and I
Brother gained new friends, the warriors three. They had another hanger on, a girl, Sif. I thought maybe we could be friends because we were both so different. It was not to be, as she took more after my golden brother. One would think she was his sibling rather than me. That was okay. I was just grateful he and his friends let me tag along. They liked it more when I could help them thanks to my magic.
Brother told me magic wasn’t a manly thing to do. It’s always amused him though. But…I suppose Asgardians are more about the muscle, aren’t they. I tried to build muscle like he did, but it didn't work. I got better with throwing knives, learning to strike before anyone realized I was even there. It was considered cowardly, but I didn't have the sheer strength of the other Aesir. Decades of adventures and danger and being treated worse and worse led me to spending more and more time in the library until I found an old spell. The concept intrigued me. Forgotten sedir that would allow him to find that bond, that connection with someone that he'd once had with his brother before they grew apart so harshly. That bond he so desperately desired and craved, as the outcast of the royal family. No one in his life gave me that bond, and as time passed and I still lacked such a close connection to anyone, I gave the idea up as a failed experiment. Life continued, Thor's adventures and having to talk them out of danger, a few memorable moments of mischief, Thor in a wedding gown, Odin manipulating me into seducing a stallion, my first child ripped away before I could even get to hold him, rumors circulating, my brother becoming more of a stranger, secluding myself in the library more and more. Then the day of Thor's attempted coronation, trying to talk to the man I still thought of as my father about my concerns and being brushed off. Having to trick a couple Jotun into appearing in the Vault. Everything going so terribly, horrifically wrong. Heimdall committing treason, turning blue, Thor's banishment, learning about being adopted, Father falling into the Odinsleep, being the temporary king, Thor still managing to cause trouble, Heimdall committing treason again, Laufey, the fight on the bifrost, falling....falling falling...pain, so much pain. a blue jeweled scepter, new thoughts and ideas, preparing to lead and army to Midgard, the defenders, the green beast, then a human, covered in dust and bruises, calling me an asshole with soft eyes and gentle hands as she helped and...oh. That bond was so much better than I ever thought it could be.
I opened my eyes again as myself and smiled at Loki. "You are so amazing."
"You are amazing. You've experienced so much and done so much and are just amazing." I pulled him into a close hug, squeezing him tightly. "I'm so proud of you." For a moment, Loki was stiff in my hug before utterly melting, burying his face in my shoulder. It wasn't long before I felt my shoulder growing damp as he cried. I just held him tightly and hummed softly and off key to whatever showtunes were in my brain.
"Don't leave?" His voice was so much smaller than it should have been, thick with tears and the pain he'd been dealing with alone for far too long.
"Never Loki. You're mine." I assured, stroking his hair. "I'm not leaving your side, as long as I live."
"You'll live a very long time now." He muttered, starting to pull himself off of me.
"I know. And you'll live a much shorter time. I'm sorry about that."
"It's okay. I'd rather a short life with someone who truly cares than a long one without."
"I know." It was weird to know all these things I hadn't before. "I love you, big brother."
"And I love you too, Sister."
"You need rest. I'd say let's go somewhere but..."
"But I attacked the city and need to atone for the crimes I committed."
"And I think you're too worn out to actually do anything to protect us if we ran."
"Indeed." He sighed and laid back into the hole created by the Hulk. "At least this spot is exactly the right size."
I winced at the feeling of rubble pressing into bruises. "I'll grab the cushions from the couch. It'll be better for our back."
"Good thinking."
"I'm used to caring for bruises."
"I've noticed. I'm not exactly sure how you've managed to live this long."
"Oh, don't worry. You're not the only one wondering that." I laughed, pulling ruined cushions off a couch that probably cost more than I made in a year.
"You should sleep too." He snagged them easily as I tossed them over.
"I'll be fine. I want to make sure no one tries anything while you're out of it." I helped him tuck the cushions behind him so that he could rest more comfortably.
"We're tied closely enough that I don't know you'll have a choice."
I hummed my agreement, curling up next to him. "Either way, I'm staying here and doing my best to protect you."
"Puny mortal." He teased, gently stroking my hair.
I lightly slapped his chest before resting my head over his heart. "Silly god."
"Trix are for kids?" I could feel the sleep pulling at our consciousness.
"Mmhm. Sleep hun."
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