#and then she referred to bruce as daddy...
hood-ex · 9 months
Hang on a damn minute. You're telling me Jason is back on his killing game now? That he's looking to kill Joker? And that he's open to death threats? Wow. Wow. Jason damn Todd. Thanks for the whiplash, asshole. And for the laugh because ngl this did make me cackle:
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Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War: Red Hood
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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The Incredible Hulk (1968) #249
#when Betty left her father to try to learn independence she did so in the middle of the night only leaving a note and not saying goodbye#which she explains as that she knows how convincing her father can be to her#and that if she spoke to him face-to-face she didn’t have the faith she would be able to get herself to leave#she goes so far as to change her appearance and check into a hotel under a different name to make sure that he can’t track her down#and it’s really striking to me that she now seems more comfortable with seeing him face-to-face#specifically because he’s had a mental breakdown#she says ‘Daddy’s illness has robbed him of some of his old bite’#and ‘he’s not the same fire-eater he was’#there’s this scene which is one of the few times we see Betty while she’s off trying to learn independence#where right before he had his breakdown Ross went on an angry rant on TV#and it shows Betty watching that and saying that he’s acting like he did when her mother died#which I assume happened when she was a child or a teenager#also here she’s framing Ross’ behavior towards the Hulk as part of a longer pattern#first hunting I assume Nazis in the 40s then communists in the 50s and then the Hulk in the 60s#I’m finding Betty and Ross’ relationship really interesting#and what her life must have been like as an only child and girl being raised by a man like General Ross#and how that would have impacted her as a person to this present day#also noting that Betty refers to Bruce and her father as the two men that she loves#I think it’s interesting to consider how she might favor one over the other#based on what she believes their culpability is in their current predicament#or how else she would weigh it#marvel#betty ross#fred sloan#rick jones#my posts#comic panels
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kittyball23 · 6 months
More little details I liked in Trolls Band Together!
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More Clay Rusty Roboting in the back
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An excited smol boi
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Whatever camera angle this was 😂
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John Dory nearly falling off the stage
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The pictures up in Grandma Rosiepuff's pod. From top to bottom/left to right:
Branch and Spruce interrupting John Dory's date (my personal favorite of the bunch)
The bros in front of a cake (I think, it's kinda blurry lol)
Portrait of the bros
Branch's bros singing onstage
Clay graduating??
Floyd singing
Smol boi Branch crying
Spruce in sunglasses
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How John Dory looks up as Velvet and Veneer sing the specific lines "Hold your head up/Keep your head up"
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Bruce's kiddos scratching their eyes
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JD's unimpressed look as Clay dotes over Branch
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More Branch admiring Poppy as she speaks to Clay
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Branch's reaction after Clay demonstrates the "well-oiled Robot" dance
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Viva owning BroZone music
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This interaction between the brothers as they sing "It Takes Two": Branch's attempt to lead, while JD tries to take over, the concern on Bruce's face as it happens and Clay dragging JD away
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Branch and JD glancing at each other as they determine that Veneer is redeemed
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The kiddos at the end of the movie messing with Bruce being the exact colors of him and Brandy (also I'm guessing the "pulling out Daddy's chest hair" line was a reference to the first movie lol)
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JD reading one of Clay's sad books in the background
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And King Peppy's reaction when Branch was about to "propose" 😆
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hana-no-seiiki · 4 months
Good news. Did some decent progress on What’s Up Danger so you guys will finally get fed this Wednesday! Bad news, the quality might not be the best since I’m fasting while writing it oTL
Anyways, here are some Batfam w/ Cat Villain! Reader moments/snippets.
Both Jason and Reader’s first words to each other were, “What the fuck.”
Reader referring to Jason being a giant, and violent asf esp in comparison to Dick. While Jason was confused at his heart beating so fast and mildly crushing on you while you were fighting.
Bonus points: You guys did the spiderman point meme.
You have the biggest age gap with Dick. I headcannon the boys to be close in age so there wouldn’t be any not so good implications when it comes to relationships, but it’s almost unavoidable unless Batman switches sidekicks every year or so. (You are younger than Jason but older than Tim)
But that is also another reason why you two didn’t click as well as you did with Jason
You’d often make jokes or use slang and Dick would just be “???” He tried his best though.
On the reverse side of things, and like I mention before Tim and you got along too well as friends. He’s one of the few people you could gush to about literally any fandom and he somehow (through stalking your searches and literally every gadget/appliance you owned) knew everything about it already.
You two have written several theses on fellow vigilantes and villains (mostly ‘dumb’ ones like who has the best cake based on so and so criteria)
Damian is the best when it comes to bantering with you mid-fight. It’s the combined years of sass and assassin training. Went from plain insults to whole ass (not so) subtly being horny when you beat each other down.
He’s also the worst (best?) when it comes to your nicknames. He insists that you two use it on each other. Some exclusive while others he’s usually fine hearing from other mouths.
There was one point in time where you were called Kitten while the boys forced/bribed you to call them Daddy
Tim and Jason have tattoos of you/related to you.
For Jason it’s your name with a few paw prints, and for Tim it’s when he first fought you (and got his ass whooped)
After Jason came back and revealed himself to you, he tattooed the scratch marks you left him on his back after doing the deed.
Damian secretly practices doing henna so he can draw on you during your “wedding” since he doesn’t want anyone touching you. Sort of defeats the purpose, but go off king.
Being the thorough guy he is, he uses lab equipment to make his own blends.
Bruce? Bruce hates your ass. Sometimes it’s in a hatefuckey way but most of the time he blames you for corrupting his kids.
So he corrupted you in turn.
I feel like he gets off to cucking them honestly (blame that one comic) but if Reader is AFAB I wouldn’t be surprised if he impregnated them.
He’s a softie at heart when it comes to you though, courtesy of your similarities with Selina.
Speaking of, Talia adores you.
Like if there was anyone she would want with her son it was you.
She thinks the fact that you haven’t been put behind bars is a testament to your skill, and after getting over your similarity to her “rival in love” she would actively get you to be with her son.
Eventually she realizes she loves you more than Bruce and well, that’s a story for another fic.
You have at least a dozen trackers on you at all times.
Most of them you’ve ingested and pooped out.
It’s mostly Tim of course. But the duty of actually feeding you that stuff usually goes to Dick.
Dick has uh- somnophillia’ed you a fair bit after the break up.
He really, and I mean really likes to watch you sleep.
It reminds him of those ‘catnaps’ you’d take while watching over the Titans.
There would be times where he’d just be in a daze/in autopilot for hours reminiscing about your past together
His favorite memories to go back to were your first fight together, first kiss, and times under the sheets, and a date you guys had before in a festival/circus.
He never takes the antidote for Poison Ivy’s sex pollen and always comes to you for it, regardless of his or your relationship status.
Tim has at least a million typewritten chats with AI you, and around a few hundred hours of voice chats.
You did eventually take his virginity.
He came as soon as he was inside you/you were inside him.
You have been offered to be a part of the bat crew or a vigilante. But,
you massacred many after Jason’s supposed death and feel too guilty to call yourself anything other than a villain.
Chokers with bells. It’s a popular gift to give you. Especially ones that are custom made with expensive ass materials and engraving.
Sometimes Tim just gives you weapons.
Alfred is your best source of blackmail material.
You’ve actively tried cursing him (with immortality). You love the man.
He’s secretly the president of your official fanclub/fansite but you didn’t hear that from me.
You fight a lot with Damian’s pets. Like in a way that you turn into a literal cat and hiss at them.
And last but not least, you’re vv close with every member of the Teen Titans (besties with Rachel and Garfield)
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bruciemilf · 3 months
Hi, I am simply thinking about what the unhinged Elder Waynes would do if they were still alive when the Clown killed Jason
(I mean thinking about them as grandparent menaces in general is INCREDIBLE
Martha and Cass at a vanity as Martha does her makeup and puts her in family heirloom jewelry? Thomas and Alfred lowkey kidnapping unhinged stalker baby Tim? Thomas painting a pregnant Steph's toenails? Martha becoming Duke's feral PTA mom? Thomas "Dick can do a little homicide, as a treat" Wayne? etc etc???)
They have the patience and the resources to wait out Joker being an ambassador or can get him someplace that even as ambassador he shouldn't be.
Martha and Alfred helping Harley get away from Joker (Thomas is so proud his baby girl is a doctor *SNIFF*)
Also Thomas and Martha being involved with protests all the time and getting arrested all. The. Time. Alfred doesn't come with because someone has to be ready to bail them out along with everyone else who got arrested
Anyway. Thomas Wayne kneecapping the Clown for Jason. That's all.
I genuinely believe Thomas would’ve folded Joker like a wet napkin and send that bitch to hell crawling. Protective Batfamily is one of my all timefavorite tropes!!!
Also, Thomas referring to Harley as his baby girl :(( that’s so real. No thoughts, only Thomas beating himself up for not being there (death will do that to a guy) for her, and Harley fearing she’s too inadequate for love.
If the lowest form of life doesn’t find her worthy, what’s the point?
“Oh, honey. You’re too good for that guy. For anyone . And I’m so sorry he convinced you of the opposite,” just cradling her against his chest, the smears of ice cream on her mouth forgotten,
“Let me tell you. When i walk you down the aisle to Pammy, you know what she’s gonna think? ‘The funniest, prettiest, smartest, craziest woman in the world is gonna be mine forever. How lucky am I?’”
And Martha comforts Bruce when he has yet another argument with Jason, over something tiny, but everything tiny is everything sharp for them, — and she tells him,
“I miss your little tantrums so much,” she sighs, petting his hair, not as curly as hers but just as soft, “You used to stomp your little foot and yank on your daddy’s hand. If that didn’t work, you’d run to your papa and screamed until we started laughing. You’re lucky, you know.”
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mochinek0 · 9 months
I'm a Princess
Chloe sipped her champagne as she looked around the Waynes' Gala. She spotted many people that were clients of her mother and some that promoted Gabriel. She noticed a few other designers, but the rest of the people…..well, they at least dressed the part. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a girl who she could have sworn was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. The girl had darker skin and green eyes, but her face, her eye shape!
Chloe sauntered over and shoved the champagne flute in front of her face.
"Go on." she demanded, "Get me another drink."
The girl looked her up and down.
"You still wear Gabriel?" she questioned, "Ew."
Chloe gasped, "He is an amazing designer!"
"He's an asshole." the girl retorted.
"You better shut your mouth, you Twerp!" Chloe bristled.
"Or what?" the girl commented, "You're gonna tell my mommy about your horrible fashion choices?"
"How dare you!" the Bourgeois heiress cried.
"No. How dare you show up to the Wayne Gala in something that is four seasons old!" the girl claimed.
"I am a Princess and-" Chloe began.
"No." the girl interrupted, "You are the daughter of a hotel owner, who didn't even wear clothes designed by her mother. You decided to wear trash."
Chloe was fuming. She had never been spoken to this way and the face of the girl wasn't helping.
'Her face is irritating! She looks just like Baker Girl when she started pushing back!'
"I am a princess and-" Chloe spoke again.
"I'm a princess." the girl declared, "Technically, after Great-Grandfather and Grandma passed way, Daddy became King. I'm a princess; you're playing dress up."
Chloe scowled, "You little-"
"Princess Amaya Wayne, lovely to see you again." a voice called out.
"King Ali of Achu." Amaya curtsied, focusing her attention on him.
Chloe closed her mouth and focused on the interaction in front of her.
'The Waynes have royalty in their blood and this….brat is actually a princess?'
"I'm very sorry, Ms. Bourgeois, but I must get going. My family will be summoning me soon." Amaya smiled, "King Ali, why don't you accompany me? I'm sure Father would love to discuss the next fundraiser for the children's hospital."
"Of course." the king answered.
The hotel owner fumed as they walked away. She lost sight of them in the crowd; Ali had never forgiven her for that fish-smell fiasco when they were younger. Chloe had to see for herself if the girl who humilated her was actually a Wayne. She followed them from a distance and tried to blend in with other girls nearby. She was too focused on Amaya to notice the judged looks thrown her way, as she tried to incorporate herself into their circle talks.
Sure enough, King Ali walked Amaya up to Bruce Wayne and someone else. Chloe couldn't make out who the guy was, but she heard the King of Achu refer to him as Damian. Amaya hugged Bruce and call him 'Grandfather', before he was asked to answer some questions for the Daily Planet.
'She's actually a Wayne!'
Bruce excused himself and the hotel owner was able to get a clearer view of the guy. He looked exactly like Bruce, but his complexion was similar to the kings' and he had green eyes.
"Why don't we continue this conversation tomorrow, Your Highness?" Damian spoke, "There are some things I want to go over without prying eyes or ears."
The King nodded and walked off.
"Have you seen your mother, Amaya?" Damian questioned.
"I believe she is with Uncle and people watching, as usual." she smiled, "She does love to look at everyone's outfits."
Out of the corner of her eye, Chloe spotted a familiar head of blonde hair. As Adrien walked out of the crown, Chloe scowled as she noticed his companion: Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Chloe dropped her glass as Marinette Dupain-Cheng walked over and kissed Damian Wayne.
"Mother." Amaya smiled, before hugging Marinette.
'Baker Girl; she married into the Wayne family! How did she manage to weasel her was into a family with royal blood?'
Chloe stomped and politely shoved her way through the crowd towards the stage. She couldn't believe that she saw that brat was hugging her Adrikins, after she disgraced the Gabriel name!
"You look lovely as always, Amaya." Adrien complimented, "You definetly get your beauty from your mother."
Amaya smiled, "Thank you, Uncle Adrien."
"Don't act high and mighty!" Chloe demanded, "You were just trash talking his father a few minutes ago!"
"Chloe." Marinette spoke.
"Baker Girl." the hotel owner sneered back.
Adrien and Damian were quick to push the girls behind them.
"So what?" Adrien asked, "Who cares if my niece talks shit about Gabriel?"
Chloe looked at him in shock, "But you-"
"Left his place and company when I was eighteen and I never looked back." Adrien declared, "I hated being a model and everything that came with it. The rules, the photoshoots, the diet, the loneliness, that stupid schedule pack dictating when I woke up, went to bed! I couldn't even hang out with my frineds!"
"But we're suppose to run an empire together!" Chloe shouted back.
"Is this some bullshit my father told you?" the former model questioned, "The last time I saw him was twelve years ago and the last time I spoke to him on the phone, was eight. I don't know what he told you, but I never wanted to own Gabriel. I can't draw to save my life; I never want to model again. I don't know what you would do, but it's certainly not draw."
"I can draw!" the hotel owner shouted.
Adrien smiled, "Really? Anytime there was a competition, you tried to steal Marinette's sketches and frame her. You have never put in any effort to practice drawing. I never even saw you take fashion classes. You just decided since your mommy was a fashion designer, you would be too. Audrey probably des more in a day, then you do in a week!"
Chloe could feel the promises she was fed start to crumble. Gabriel had told her that once Adrien was done with his vacation, they would run the company. Adrien was telling her that was never going to happen. She had been waiting for the da when she didn't need to watch over the hotle anymore. It was annoying having to serve others and make sure their needs were met. What about her needs? She wanted a trip to Cancun! She wanted to sail the Caribbean! She wanted to sleep past six am!
She snarled, "What about Baker Girl, huh? You seriously expect-"
Damian was quick to get in her face, "Call my wife that again and you'll be thrown out on the street."
"She is-" Chloe faltered
"My wife is a fashion designer." Damian stated proudly, "Number one in the country and number three internationally."
"Hah!" Chloe smiled, thinking she had caught them in a lie, "Zahr is-"
"My wife." Damian replied, wrapping his arm around Marinette's waist, "She makes all designs and has total control of her own design company. It's not even associated with Wayne Enterprise."
Amaya laughed "She's just sore that her gown is horrible."
"Amaya!" scolded Marinette.
"It's true." Amaya declared, "She tries to act big, but that spray painted gold just screams 'Look At Me; I Deserve Attention'!"
Adrien began to laugh since Chloe had been wearing the same color scheme since they were toddlers. Her attitude certainly hadn't changed. Damian just smirked at his daughter's decleration.
"And what is with that horrible blue eyeshadow?" the Wayne heiress continued, "No one wears eyeshadow that blue; it's outdated. It doesn't even match your dress or skin tone. If anything it makes you look a bloated fish. Why on Earth would you wear a nude lip shade of color? Even in the 50's, when they did use that shade, at least they had red lips."
Chloe's jaw dropped. Never had she imagined a child would tell her off for how she dressed. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Marinette biting her lip and could see Adrien laughing himself to tears.
"Yep." Adrien cried, "Tha-That's definetly your kid, Damian."
Mari sighed, "Is Yami and Malik gonna be the same way?"
"You do love honesty, Habibiti." Damian pointed out.
His wife groaned, "I'm gonna get so many phone calls when the twins go to school."
Chloe scowled and began to stomp away. She couldn't believe that someone who was related to bakers talked to her like that. The trash that came out of that girl's mouth left her fuming!
"Good." Amaya called out, enough for Chloe to hear, "Grandma is leaving. My eyes were starting to hurt, just from looking at her. Thankfully, the galas are at night. If we had it during the day, we'd have a disco ball on the floor with all that metallic strips sewn in."
Chloe could hear the baker's daughter snort, before laughing along side her Adrien.
"Amaya, you know how much your grandfather cares about appearances at these." Damian stated, causing his daughter to sigh, "Grounded for a week."
"Yes, Baba." Amaya spoke, "I only did it to get back at her for being a bully to Maman, when she was my age."
Mari kissed her daughter's head, "As long as you're not like this at school."
"Never, Maman." their daughter answered.
"Come along, Amiriti (Princess)." Damian spoke, "Let's go find your grandfather."
Chloe looked back to see the baker's daughter on her husband's arm. Adrien and her bratty daughter were right behind them, talking and laughing. Chloe had never felt so humiliated before.
'Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous!'
Nothing was like how it was before when they were all in Francois Dupont College. She was no longer the Mayor's Daughter. Her father had moved to NYC with her mother, after high school. She had taken over as the owner of the hotel. Chloe had tried to use the same control she had in school to dictate the hotel's conditions and staff, but it failed miserably. People started to leave bad reviews of the hotel; some of the staff quit. When her father had heard about it, he offered to come back for a few months to show her how to run it properly; she had hung up on him.
Chloe Bourgeois couldn't believe that promises she had overheard as a child were over. She was suppose to marry Adrien Agreste; he was her Adrikins!
'I never should have helped him runaway from home to get into school!'
Chloe knew that was the moment everything changed in their realtionship. Everyone had turned him against her! He started speaking up more, defending others from her, and calling her a bad friend. She had hoped that one he finished 'exploring' that his new habit would be broken and they would get married after university. She had never even looked at another guy so when she found out that he had quit modeling, she thought he was getting ready to take over the company and propose. The proposal never came and Adrien had left Paris, without a word.
'It was all Baker Girl's fault! She ruined my Adrikins! Her Adrikins never behaved like this 'til he met her!'
She continued to glare at Marinette. She hated how Marinette was now rich, even richer than her. Marinette always got what she never had; a loving home, parents who cared about her, and now a husband and family. Chloe refused to believe she was jealous.
'I deserve more! I deserve my happily ever after with My Prince!'
Chloe turned her gaze to Adrien and she felt her heart stop. Adrien was on his tip-toes, kissing some guy taller than him. To add insult to injury, he looked just like Marinette. He had dark hair and blue eyes. Adrien Agreste had always been her dream Prince Charming, but she wasn't his Princess. Apparently, Adrien Agreste was the princess.
Chloe walked away as she heard Amaya ask if Uncle Adrien and Uncle Jon were excited for their wedding next month.
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ravenromanova · 6 months
Naughty and Nice
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Pairings: Winterwidow x Female reader
Warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUT!!!! Mommy and daddy kink (Reader is referred to as mommy) Sub Natasha!! Unprotected sex, Metal arm kink, Oral (f receiving) Breeding kink, Vaginal smacking, Fingering, Squirting, Creampie. (I’m not even sorry)!
Kinkmas masterlist - Main masterlist - Send me requests!!!!
This is downright filthy and i’m not even sorry there is very and i mean very little plot… this is also based off my DR so enjoy :)
You knew it was a bad idea. You tried to tell her not to go through with it but she was stubborn. So inevitably you got wrapped up into Natasha’s scheme. See your beloved boyfriend Bucky had been in her words “Ignoring us and being distant” So she decided that you two would get dressed up in the littlest and tiniest dresses you had, get all dolled up and make him regret it.
And that’s exactly what you two did even though you protested the whole time. It was obvious Bucky was going through something and just needed some time but Natasha didn’t care, she missed his attention and truthfully you did to. But you’d never go as far as she was. Because currently she was dancing with Bruce and they were a little closer than they should’ve been. But in all honesty you weren’t going to try to talk her out of her idea anymore so you sat at the bar as she went along with her plan.
What you didn’t see was how Bucky’s eyes darted between the two of you and how he nearly shattered his glass in his hand. After about fifteen minutes of her little game he came up with his own plan. So he walked over to you and gently placed his hands on your waist.
“Hi babydoll” He cooed in your ear with a softly and gentle tone. You smiled as you turned around in your chair and faced him. God he loved that innocent smile of yours.
“Hi honey” Your sweet voice rang through his ears and he couldn’t help but smile at you.
“You’re such a good girl for not getting wrapped up in her game” Bucky praised you as his eyes wondered over to Natasha who was still grinding on Bruce.
“I didn’t want to get in trouble and plus i’d much rather dance with you verses any other guy here” You said honestly as you looked into his crystal blue eyes.
“And that’s why you’re on my nice list this year” He said with a smirk and you couldn’t help the arousal that started to pool between your thighs. “And that’s also why Natalia is on my naughty list” His eyes stalked over to Natasha who was shamelessly grinding on Bruce.
His hands soon cupped your cheek and you shivered at the contrast of his warm and cold hands. All he wanted to do in that moment was to tear that little dress of yours off and take you right there. But he knew he needed to punish Natasha before he did that. So he quickly kissed your forehead before he stalked over to Natasha calmly.
He didn’t even bother saying anything to her and just threw her over his shoulder as she yelled. “James!! put me down!” She said smacking his back as he walked to your shared room.
Bucky nodded his head to you so you knew to follow them. You quickly finished your drink and followed behind them trying not to laugh at Natashas yelling.
“Put me down your bastard!!” She yelled again but all Bucky did was smack her ass harshly to get her to shut up. You giggled as you followed them into the room.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” He scolded her as he threw her onto your bed.
“What’s wrong with me?! What’s wrong with you!? Who just throws someone over their shoulder like that James” Natasha screamed crossing her arms over her chest and pouting. “I was having fun til you ruined it” Her eyes landed on you as you silently closed the door and walked up behind him.
“Dont even act like you didn’t want this” He said in a low voice that made the both of you shiver. “You decided to act like a brat so daddy would put you in your place right?” He asked as he took her chin in between his fingers. “Even tried to get mommy in on your naughty little plan didn’t you?” You smiled at his words and then sat next to Natasha.
“That she did” You responded for her and your hands slowly caressed her cheek. “And didn’t mommy even tell you it was a bad idea?” You asked kissing below her ear making her shiver.
“Yes” She responded not looking at either of you. “I just wanted daddy’s attention” Her words made you smile and you made her look at you.
“But all you did was make daddy mad” You said softly and Natasha just nodded her head in acknowledgement.
“You know you have to be punished right?” He asked bringing her attention back to him.
“Yes daddy” Natasha said in a small voice nodding her head.
“Take off your clothes and lay on your back now” Bucky commanded with a stern voice. Natasha was quick to take off her dress and red lingerie and laid against the pillows.
See she thought she was going to get fucked till she cried but that wasn’t what Bucky had in mind at all. He watched her lay on the bed before he brought his hands around your neck and brought you in for a kiss. Instinctively your hands wrapped around his neck and you kissed him back and a small moan escaped your throat.
“Normally i’d remind you who you belong to…but i have a better idea on how to punish you” He said breaking the kiss as he spoke gruffly to Natasha.
His words made the both of you look at him in confusion. “What’s your plan daddy?” Natasha asked nervously and slowly rubbed her thighs together to relieve the tension she felt.
“I’m gonna fuck mommy since she was a good girl and if when i’m done with her she still has the energy to fuck you then she will. But if mommy is too tired than you’ll have to wait till tomorrow.” Both your eyes widened at his words. Bucky was always very dominant with the two of you but he’s never punished one of you like this before.
“But dadd-“ Bucky cut her off.
“Deal with your punishment for being an attention seeking whore” He said coming up to her and smacking her core. Natasha yelled at the contact before she quickly nodded her head.
“Now come here babydoll” Bucky beckoned you over to where he was standing and you quickly obeyed.
He smiled as you stood in front of him with an eager look. “Strip and get on the bed” He said a lot more gentle then he did to Natasha.
You reached behind you and slowly unzipped your dress giving both of them a show. What you didn’t see was how Natasha kept rubbing her thighs together as she watched you get fully naked. Once you finished taking off your pretty black lingerie you laid next to her.
Natasha smiled as you laid next to her and she reached her hand out to touch you all while Bucky watched. You smiled as you leaned over to give the redhead a passionate kiss.
“Be a good girl and i promise mommy will make you feel good” You whispered against her lips which caused her to smile and nods enthusiastically.
“Yes mommy” She responded and you kissed her again as you felt Bucky climb on top of you.
His eyes were dark and fully lust blown as he powered over you. You then felt his hands grip your hips and you moaned softly at the contact.
“Please daddy” You begged bucking your hips against him. Bucky simply smiled and lowered himself in between your thighs. He then stuck his tongue out and licked a stripe on your dripping folds. Your hands immediately flew to his hair and you tugged on his dark locks.
Bucky spread your lips and wrapped his lips around your clit and start sucking causing you to squirm and mewl under him. You kept one hand on his hair essentially riding his face and the other hand you put in between Natasha’s thighs.
“Fuck baby” You moaned as he added two of his metal fingers into your dripping core. Trying to ride out your pleasure you focused on Natasha for a minute and started rubbing her clit. Natashas back arches off the bed once you started touching her. She reveled in your touch knowing it wouldn’t last long until you were ready for her.
“Oh mommy” She moaned grabbing your hand to keep it where she needed you the most. She started grinding against your hand chasing her high while you got blissed out from Bucky’s mouth and fingers.
“Cum for me baby. You have till daddy makes me finish to cum” You choked out in broken moans and she nodded her head enthusiastically. She started moving her hips against her hand with fever needing release.
And while you let her use your hand as she pleases you started to feel the band in your stomach about to snap. Bucky was eating you out like a man starved while he pumped his metal digits in and out of you harshly.
“Come on babydoll cum for me” Bucky urged hitting your g-spot as he curled his fingers upward. You tugged at his hair again feeling the band snapping.
“OH FUCK!” You screamed as you came all over his face. And luckily for Natasha she came just seconds after you.
“Such a good girl” Bucky praised pulling his fingers out and licking them clean. He then came back up to your face and pulled you in for a kiss. The kiss was sloppy and nothing but tongues and it was nothing but filthy.
Natasha watched the two of you and she couldn’t help the arousal that pool in between her thighs again. Her moan caught yours and Bucky’s attention making you two break the kiss.
“Aw is someone feeling left out?” Bucky taunted her as he pulled away from you and moved over to her. You smiled at his teasing and flipped on your stomach watching them. He slowly made his way over to her and kissed her softly.
“Please” She begged clawing at his toned abs. “Please fuck me” You giggled at her desperate pleas.
“It’s not me you have to beg moya lyubov” He turned both of their heads over to where you were laying on the pillows looking at them. “You gotta beg mommy” He continued with a smirk on his lips.
Natasha wiggled herself from under his hold and crawled over to you on her knees. “Mommy” She said softly as she put her hand on your cheek.
“Yes baby?” You said with the same smirk Bucky had. You flipped over back on your back so she had better access to you.
“I need you” She started grabbing one of your tits in her hand.“Please fuck me mommy” She begged and then brought your nipple in her mouth and started sucking softly.
“Has she been good enough daddy?” You asked Bucky who was watching this from the corner of the bed.
“I dont know” He said coming up behind her and rubbing his hands down her body. “Do you think you’ve been good enough Natalia?” He asked in her ear as she continued to suck on your nipple.
“I have” She says desperately as she let go out you. You and Bucky looked at each other and nodded. “Please” She begged again.
“Lay on your back pretty girl” You commanded softly her and she was very quick to obey. A smile adorned your face as you looked at her sprawled out on the bed. God she was so pretty, fiery red hair splayed across the pillows, puffy red lips parted as she breathed deeply, and her pale body on display and you couldn’t wait to devour her.
“You’re gonna eat her out and i’m gonna breed you” Bucky husked in your ear causing you to snap out of your thoughts. You smiled at his filthy words and settled in between your girlfriend’s thighs. Your hands gripped her pale thighs and parted them as you left kisses on them.
“So pretty” Natasha smiled at your praises and she felt her heart rate speed up. If she knew this was how her plan would’ve worked out then she would’ve pulled this a lot sooner.
You kissed her thighs again before you parted her lips and started eating her out. She moaned loudly and held onto your hair and started grinding her hips against your face. And while you were lost in the taste of the beautiful redhead in front of you Bucky took this as his opportunity to without warning shove his cock into you. You moaned as he rammed into you which in turn made Natasha moan.
Bucky snapped his hips against yours and gripped your hips tightly. He groaned feeling your walls clench around him. The three of you were all moaning together all consumed with pleasure.
“Oh god!” Natasha yelled out as you started to finger her. You started pumping in and out of her at the same pace Bucky was thrusting into you. You pulled away from her clit for a minute and rested your head on her thigh still fingering her and just looked at her fucked out face.
“S-So fucking pretty” You choked out as Bucky started to thrust into you harder. He gripped your hips harder and fucked into you chasing his own orgasm. Your hand squeezed Natashas thigh trying to ground yourself.
She moaned and kept grinding her hips against your hand until you pulled away. “Mommyy” She whined but she was quickly shut up as you started to smack her clit. Her head flew back and she started losing her mind at the contact. You smiled and continued to smack her clit knowing she loved it.
“Cum for me baby” You urged and smacked her a little harder causing her to jump. Less than a second layer your hand was covered in her juices. “That’s a good girl” You praised cleaning up the mess she made.
“Thank you mommy” She said with a smile and you kissed her softly muttering a soft ‘you’re welcome’ Til you felt Bucky’s cock prodding your hole again.
Bucky stilled his thrusts as your brought Natasha to the edge. But now that she is thoroughly fucked he started thrusting into you again rougher and harder than before.
“Gonna fucking breed you babygirl” He grunted pulling your hair so your back was flush against his chest. You were so blissed out you completely missed the smile that crossed Natasha’s face as she watched the two of you.
“Please daddy please make me a mommy” You begged grappling at his metal arm for stability. Bucky grunted as he felt his own orgasm build up.
Natasha watched the two of you for a minute before she ended up feeling left out. So she sat on her knees and and started rubbing your clit.
“Oh fuck” You moaned at the feeling. Every nerve ending was on fire feeling the both of them touch you in everyway you needed.
“Cum for me babydoll” Bucky grunted in your ear feeling his own orgasm build even faster.
You grabbed onto his shoulder bucking your hips against Natasha’s hand. The band in your stomach snapped and you came with a guttural moan. Bucky came right after you losing his mind feeling you cum around his cock.
“Take it baby” He grunted thrusting his seed into you making sure you end up pregnant. “Gonna make you a mommy” You moaned at his filthy words again nodding your head not being able to speak. Once he was sure nothing would leak out of you he slowly pulled out of you and Natasha pulled her hand away.
Luckily his arms were still wrapped around your stomach or else you would’ve collapsed. He slowly turned you around and gave you a soft kiss before he laid you down against the pillows.
“Both of you stay here i’m gonna go get a rag” He said softly to you and Natasha as the two of you cuddled together.
“You were such a good girl” You praised Natasha kissing her forehead. She giggled and wrapped her arms tighter around you and laid on your chest.
“Thank you mommy” She said as she let out a sigh of contentment. Bucky came back a few minutes later with a wet rag. He slowly crawled over to the both of you and started to clean both of you up. Once you and Natasha were cleaned up he laid on the other side of you. His arms wrapped around your waist and one of his hands rubbed Natasha’s arm that was laying on you as well.
“I’m sorry” Natasha said after a beat of silence. You and Bucky both looked at each other and smiled softly before you turned back to look at her.
“It’s okay pretty girl” Bucky said softly and leaned over to give her a kiss. “I’m sorry i was kinda distant i didn’t mean to be” He continued ava’s this time looked at the both of you.
“It’s okay baby” You said giving him a soft kiss. “We definitely need to work on our communication though” They both nodded their hand and laid their heads on each of your shoulders.
The three of you laid in comfortable silence until you all fell asleep tangled up together with smiles on your faces. Who knew Natasha acting out would lead to some of the best sex any of you had ever had.
~The end~
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stuckysbaby1938 · 10 months
Daddy!Stucky x fem!little!reader
Summary: you wake up with a sore throat and your daddies take care of you
Warnings: sick little reader, pet names, references to a punishment, fluff
Notes: this is very short because I am sick so yay for me but I will be posting more hopefully now that I have a break from school, enjoy
Word Count: 481
Steve: dada Bucky: daddy
written on my phone
"Wake up pretty girl, it's time for breakfast" Steve rubs your back as he coaxes you out of slumber. You open your eyes only to shut them right away when the thumping of your head was all you could feel or hear.
"Cmon, let me see those pretty eyes" you slowly open your eyes. "Hi princess" he smiles. You whine as feel the scratchy ache in your throat but he takes it as you not wanting to get up. "Oh baby I know, but I let you sleep late. It's time to get up now." He picks you up and carries you downstairs where Bucky is cooking.
"Good morning doll." Bucky kissed your cheek before continuing cooking. "Someone didn't wanna get out of bed this morning." Steve sat you down at the table and got you some milk. "Still sleepy baby?" Bucky placed a plate of pancakes in front of you. You push the plate away, not wanting to hurt your throat more.
"No ma'am, eat your breakfast." Steve pushes the plate back in front of you. You whine and push it away again. "Do we need to have a little talk about manners?" he raises his eyes expectingly. "Steve calm down, she's sleepy." Bucky pulls your chair closer to his. "I need to try and eat your breakfast baby. It's pancakes, you love pancakes." He reasons. You shake your head. "Why not baby?" You pint to your throat. "What?" You whine again.
"Does your throat hurt angel?" Steve asks and you nod. "Can you stick out your tongue baby?" You do as Bucky asks and stick out your tongue for him to see the strawberry color. Bucky sighs  and looks at Steve. "We should call Bruce." Steve nods and goes to make the call. "And you get go back to bed sweet girl." He picks you up and takes you to his and Steve's room. He lays you down in the bed and covers you up. "You wanna watch a movie?" You nod and he turns on The Lorax.
A few minutes later Bruce comes up and confirms that you have strep. Steve and Bucky do everything in their power to make you comfortable. Steve even makes you homemade chicken noodle soup. They spend the rest of the day cuddling with you and making you feel better.
"Get some rest love. We'll be right here." Steve kisses your forehead.
"We love you doll." Bucky kisses your cheek before you fall asleep in their arms.
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"Run Rabbit, Run!" pt.2 - E.N
Summary: After getting sent to Arkham, Edward requests to see Y/n Wayne. The visit is not what y/n expected at all...(this might not be entirely consistent with the first part, but just ignore those parts pls. I have exams soon so I'm balancing writing and college and running on like 5 hours of sleep each day 😭 I'm still rlly proud of this tho <3 I hope u like it)
Pt.1 here pt.3 here
Content Warning: 18+, explicit language, AFAB!Reader, she/her pronouns, egotistical!Edward, stalker!Edward, yandere!Edward, brief mention of suicide, mentions of rough sex, EXTREMELY graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse, sexual content, dirty talk, daddy issues, daddy kink, praising, degrading, choking, slapping, edward referring to himself as a fox and y/n a rabbit, mentions of blood, mentions of murder, mentions of guns, mentions of torture. (Edward is a freak in this. This is kinda like joker/harley dynamic except there is no abuse, it's just that Edward is so fucking charming that y/n is OBSESSED with him.)
Word Count: 7k+
Songs For Inspo:
YOU'RE TOO SLOW (Bonus) - Odetari
Freak Show - Punkinloveee, h3artcrush
I LOVE YOU HOE (W/ 9lives) -Odetari
She' So Nice - Pink Guy
Custer - Slipknot
Tumblr media
~Read Below Cut~
Y/n sat on her bed, head in her hands as she wept. Bruce put a hand on her back, rubbing comforting circles. It was a huge blow to her gut. She had fallen in love with Edward over the months they had been friends. The two of them had gotten so close. And now, she had found out that he was The Riddler. The real humiliating part? It was right under her nose. Though she had suspicions, she never wanted to believe them, so she ignored every red flag she saw.
"I'm really sorry." Bruce said.
"Bruce, is it bad that I still care about him?" She asked, tears forming in her eyes.
He sighed.
"No, I don't think so. He was your friend."
She nodded, wiping away the tears that spilled down her cheeks. Bruce frowned, pulling her in for a hug. After the whole incident happened, Bruce immediately went to y/n's apartment, outside of his armor of course. He knew she lived nearby and he wanted to make sure his sister was ok. Y/n had told him about the man she met in a bookstore, and from what she had shared with him, he was a good person. But, he should know better than anyone how easily one can hide their true self.
"I'm surprised he didn't try and hurt you. You're a Wayne and it seems like he has a grudge against our family."
"He has every right to hold a grudge against us!"
Bruce pulled away from the hug, confusion on his face. Y/n sighed, standing up and going to her nightstand. She opened it up and pulled out a file. Tossing it to Bruce, she crossed her arms over her chest. Inside was pictures of the old orphanage that was once Wayne Manor. Pictures of the living conditions, children, and even Edward were in there. Y/n had done some serious digging to get this information, though, it was easy if you were a Wayne of course.
"He lived in the orphanage, Bruce. His entire life. Our dad offered him a better life, told him that he could work for W.I."
"He did?" He asked, looking through the pictures.
"Yes, he did. Edward, he applied so many times to the Renewal project. But...dad and mom..." She trailed.
Bruce looked up at her, feeling his heart sink.
"...well, you and I were too young to take charge of anything. So, he was left to rot in that prison. He told me about the things he experienced there, Bruce. It haunts me that Wayne Enterprises let children suffer. We could have easily helped those poor children." She sniffled, holding back tears.
"You think we're sad orphans, Bruce? Look at those pictures. Look at how they lived..."
He did. He saw all of it. The rats. The horrible beds that they had to sleep in, if they even could. Bruce felt cold just looking at the pictures. He winced as he saw one picture of a child, bite marks on their hands and fingers.
"When I was older, I found out about this. That's why I live out here, Bruce. I want to live like everyone else does. I donate to the orphanages, I do check ups to make sure everything is good, I donate to hospitals, I do volunteering. But, it was Edward who showed me how truly terrible this city is. Yes, he murdered people...but they were bad people Bruce. You know this. That's why he didn't go after me..."
"It sounds like you're defending his actions..." He raised an eyebrow.
"I'm not! I'm just...he's not a bad person, Bruce. Sick in the head, sure. I'm just worried about him..." She mumbled.
"Y/n, he murdered people."
"And you go around beating people up in a bat costume! Maybe you belong in Arkham too." She spat.
"I don't kill people."
"Well, maybe if you did this city would be safer!"
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"I-..I don't know. I'm sorry. I'm just shaken up. Frankly, I could give a shit about the people he killed, they were all scum. I'm just worried about Edward."
"Well, he's in Arkham, he's safe there. He can't hurt anyone and he can't hurt himself."
"I guess...not the most humane place though."
Y/n's phone rang, making both of them fall silent. Who could be calling this late at night? It had been an hour since Edward was apprehended, making it 1 A.M. She looked at Bruce before answering the phone.
"This is Y/n Wayne, who is this?"
'Ms. Wayne, this is Cap-...Commissioner Gordon.'
"Commissioner Gordon! Um, what's the matter?"
Bruce raised an eyebrow.
'It's 'The Riddler'. He's asked to see you in Arkham.'
"Oh, um...ok, I'll be there."
Y/n hung up the phone.
"It's Edward. He's requested to see me..."
"And you're going?" He asked.
"Well, of course I am. I need an explanation, some closure. He's still my friend, Bruce."
He sighed.
"I'm surprised he hasn't asked to see me. He seemed so obsessed with gaining my attention. Um, you're not going to tell him that I'm..."
"No, Bruce. I'm not an idiot. Can you drive me to Arkham, please? It'd be nice to have you there."
"Yeah, that's ok..."
When the Wayne siblings arrived, everyone practically worshipped them. Offering to open doors, constantly saying 'Ms. Wayne' and 'Mr. Wayne'. It annoyed the both of them a lot, though Bruce was the one who could hide the annoyance. Y/n, however, could not. Yes, she loved her family, but she didn't want to be seen as simply 'the Wayne daughter'. It put her on a high pedestal that she hated being on.
"Fuck, there he is." She mumbled, looking at him through the one way window.
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Yes. Um, I know there is camera in the room, but do they pick up audio too? I'd prefer for our conversation to be private."
Bruce looked at the security officer.
"Oh, um, no ma'am they do not pick up sound. They only serve as surveillance to make sure an inmate doesn't try and do something they shouldn't. Sometimes we hold therapy sessions in here too, so, legally we can't record sound."
"Ok, thank you. Alright, I'm going in."
"I love you, little sis."
"I love you too, big brother."
Y/n took a deep breath as she opened the door. Edward's gaze landed on her immediately, causing her to feel small. Yes, y/n had always been slightly intimidated by Edward, but even more so now. He did not look like a person who was capable of violence, and yet he murdered multiple people. It was startling. Swallowing a lump in her throat, she sat down in the chair on the other side of the glass.
"Mmm, I knew you'd come..." He hummed.
"You're still my friend, Edward. I care about you."
He chuckled, deciding he'd circle back to that topic later. Tilting his head to the side, he raised his hands up slowly so the guard didn't get jumpy. Edward pointed at the thing in their hands.
"What's that?" He asked.
Y/n opened up the slot underneath the glass. She slid the item into the box, closing the lid. It fell to Edward's side, and he picked it up. A small smile formed on his lips. It was y/n's copy of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. Y/n watched as he flipped through the pages, immediately feeling himself grow warm with happiness.
"I was going to bring you a blanket, but they said that it was a safety hazard. They said you could hang yourself with it." She grumbled.
"Well, this is still a nice present."
It fell silent in the visiting room. The only sound was the flipping of the pages as Edward skimmed through the book. He looked so nonchalant, as if he didn't just snipe Falcone less than 2 hours ago. Though, to be fair, his death wasn't that distressing. Y/n was just startled by how calm he was, especially with where he was.
"Edward, why did you call me here?"
"Hm, I'm not entirely sure...I suppose I just wanted to see my 'friend' again." He smiled innocently.
Y/n huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. Edward smirked, humming to himself like he usually did. His fingers rapped against the book, creating small tap sounds. Eventually, y/n just rolled her eyes.
"Look, if you aren't going to talk to me then I'll just go."
"Oh, you will? Ok then, go ahead."
Y/n looked at him, cheeks tinted slightly pink. He had that smug grin on his face, y/n had seen it a lot. Edward had that look when he won a game they were playing or if he stumped y/n on a riddle. But, this time it was more sinister. It sent chills down her spine and she stayed put in the chair. Edward chuckled, nodding his head slowly. He didn't have to say anything, they both knew he called her out on her bluff. Sighing, he looked at her with kind eyes, but his tone of voice was the complete opposite. He was so good at pretending to be something he was not.
"Y/n Wayne, you knew who I was for a while. Why didn't you say anything?" He questioned.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about, Edward."
"Hm, so you never saw the mask in my pocket that one night? You never saw the tiny dots of blood on my face ? The riddles never raised a red flag?" He asked, continuing to flip through the book.
Y/n was silent, looking down at her hands shamefully. Edward tutted, shaking his head. Coolly, he read a small part of the page he was on before looking back up at y/n. She nodded, admitting that she saw them all.
"Uh huh, so why didn't you say anything? I'm dying to know the answer..."
"I-It was because you were my...friend, Edward. I was conflicted."
He kept his face neutral as he looked at her.
"Mmm, there's that word again. Friend. I know you're lying about your answer, so I'll make a deal with you. I'll tell you a secret I've been keeping for a while, and you in return will give me an honest answer. Sound fair?" He asked.
Before she could answer, he started to talk again.
"I've been stalking you for months, y/n. Long before I 'met' you in that bookstore. Did you know that?" He giggled.
"Did you really think I just happened to show up in your favorite bookstore? That I just happened to live directly across from you? I know everything about you, y/n. I've been watching you. Studying you. Like a predator stalks their prey."
"You're fucking with me, Edward. That's not funny." She scolded.
"Oh, I don't think it's funny either. I'm being very serious, y/n. Now, why don't you tell me the truth about why you never ratted me out?"
"What the fuck..." She mumbled.
"Well? I'm waiting for an answer."
She was taken aback by his secret, but it made sense the more she thought about it. Of course he had stalked her. She was just too fucking stupid to see it. The thought of Edward stalking her for months before they met scared the shit out of her. But, at the same time, it excited her.
"Y-You're a creep! I trusted you! I lov-..." She trailed.
"Aha, there's the answer I was looking for! Go on, say it." He cackled.
She sighed, looking at her hands again.
"I loved you, Edward. That's why I never said anything."
"Loved? Oh no, you still love me y/n. I know you do. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here."
"I do not love you! You're a psycho, a creep, and a murderer!" She spat.
"You knew all of those things before, yet you still were 'friends' with me. Isn't that right?" Edward smirked.
"And don't act like you hate the idea of me stalking you. I know who you are, y/n. You're so easy to read."
"I-I don't know what you're talking about..."
Edward sighed in annoyance, propping his forearms up on the metal ledge. He maintained his neutral facial expression as he looked at her. Y/n felt small under his gaze and he knew it. He knew he had power over her. He always would.
"Tell me, doesn't the thought of me watching you from my apartment excite you? Waiting all night for even the tiniest glimpse of you? I know how much you crave attention from others." Edward suavely said.
"I-I mean..."
"Oh, precious Y/n never got the attention she so desperately wanted growing up. No mommy and daddy to tell her 'I'm so proud of you, sweet girl!'. Isn't that right, rabbit?" He cooed.
Y/n felt a chill go down her spine. He was right. Fuck, he was good at reading people. Sniffling, y/n nodded her head. How the hell was he doing this to her?
"Oh, the poor thing. You have such a kind heart, always giving and giving and giving. When has anyone ever given you anything in return? When was the last time someone praised you?" He asked.
Y/n reached up, wiping a tear from her eye quickly.
"S-So long..."
"That just won't do, will it? No, I don't think it will."
She looked at him, lips quivering.
"You know who is proud of you? Eddie."
He watched as she smiled softly. Edward loved seeing her smile so much. If he could just capture a picture of it and keep it, he was sure he would never feel sadness ever again.
"Y-You are?" She sniffled.
"Of course I am, sweetheart. You make me so proud. There are so many things you're good at that deserve praise. Your art, your constant donations to charity, your kind heart, my oh my the list goes on!" He chuckled.
Y/n was blushing like a school girl. To be completely honest, she didn't care that Edward had stalked her. Sure, it was a little jarring, but he was the first person to show her genuine love in a long time. Y/n was head over heels for him and there was nothing she could do about it. The heart wants what it wants after all.
"Oh, there's that beautiful smile. Such a pretty girl. But, y/n, I do have one thing I'm not proud of at all."
"W-What dad-...Edward?"
He smiled to himself at her near 'slip up'. If she had called him it, he wouldn't have minded at all. Actually, he would have loved it...
"You see, you lie to me a lot. You think I never notice, but I do."
"I-I'm sorry..."
"Do not apologize, y/n. All will be forgiven if you just tell me the truth about one thing."
"That's my girl, now, the 'bad dream' you had earlier. I believe you didn't tell me the full story. Why don't you tell Eddie alllll about it?" He grinned.
"O-Oh...um, I-..." She trailed.
"You can tell me anything, rabbit. I'll keep it as a secret."
Swallowing a lump in her throat, she nodded softly. Edward kept his gaze on her. It was a good thing that the cameras didn't record audio, because he knew what was coming. Yes, he already knew what the dream centered around, but he wanted to hear her say it. He wanted to hear the filthy words leave her mouth.
"W-Well, I was honest about dreaming that you were the Riddler..."
"And you were right! You're so smart." He praised.
Y/n should have felt disgusted at how light hearted he was, but she wasn't. It was upsetting how in love she was with him. She was y/n Wayne and she was in love with The Riddler. But, the shame behind that brought excitement. It was a secret between the two of them, a forbidden love. Just like Romeo & Juliet.
"...but you um, you were frightening. A-And, I um...liked it." She mumbled.
He raised an eyebrow.
"Can you elaborate?"
"I th-thought it was hot...that you um, were making me scared. Um, you were being really um...rough." She stuttered.
Edward felt his dick slowly getting hard. He cursed the glass in his head and the cameras. If he could he'd reach right across and give y/n something to dream about for years to come. Groaning softly, he nodded his head. He wasn't going to be vague anymore. He was going to be blunt.
"Did I fuck you?"
"I-..no. I w-woke up before anything like that happened." She admitted.
"Mmm, so you got all worked up over a dream I didn't even fuck you in? You must have really loved what I was saying and doing in it, huh?" He teased.
"Yeah. I-I did."
"You say we're friends, y/n. But, do friends say they love each other in a romantic way? Do friends have wet dreams about each other?" He asked.
"N-No, they don't..."
"That's right. Mmm, I've had dreams of you too, rabbit. Filthy, filthy, dreams." Edward shivered.
Y/n shifted in her seat, arousal soaking through her panties. Edward could tell she was turned on. She couldn't keep still, thighs subtly rubbing together. He tutted and shook his head.
"Now, now, you better stop that. You don't want to get caught, do you? How embarrassing would that be to have your brother find out that The Riddler was making your pussy wet? I'd be mortified if I were you." He taunted.
She whimpered, ceasing the movement of her legs. Edward could see how much willpower it was taking her not to do it. Amused, he smiled and tilted his head. He was going to torment her, tease her until she was merely a puddle on the chair.
"Ever since I first saw you, I was fascinated. That fascination turned into love. And with most love, comes lust. And oh, my sweet rabbit, I have never wanted someone as badly as I want you."
"Believe me when I say that I want to ruin you, y/n."
Y/n whined, resisting the urge to dive her hands down her pants. Edward scoffed, resting his hands back in his lap. He grabbed his dick through his pants, adjusting it.
"I have much more to say, y/n. I suggest you do your best to keep your face neutral. But you can moan, just quietly. I would very much love to hear you moan. I've wondered what it might sound like."
She nodded, gaining her composure as much as she could. Sighing, Edward looked towards the ceiling. It looked as if he was collecting his thoughts. Y/n nearly trembled in anticipation.
"I've had so many dreams of you. Some of them are sweet. Those ones consist of us going on dates, maybe a park or a movie." He said.
"That sounds nice."
"It does, doesn't it?" He smiled.
"But the other ones, ohhh, they are filthy. They are so vulgar that I'm not sure I should let them fall upon your ears." He hummed playfully.
"N-No, I want to hear! Please daddy!" She blurted out, covering her mouth with her hand.
He smiled gently, his dick twitching underneath his pants. A soft groan left his lips. Edward was wishing a painful death the the guard watching their visit. He wished for the cameras to power down and for the glass to disappear.
"You sound just like you do in my dreams. I can't say no to how pathetic that sounded."
Y/n blushed, rubbing her thigh with her hand. It was out of view of the cameras and the window, so Edward allowed it.
"I've had dreams where you're on your knees, begging for me. You always look so desperate and needy every time. It's such a pitiful sight that I can't help but give you what you want. Do you know what you want in those dreams?" He asked flatly.
"W-What, da-" She paused.
"Oh rabbit, you can call me that if you'd like. It sounds so good rolling of your tongue..." Edward smirked.
"Ok, daddy...um, what do I want in your dreams?"
Leaning forward, he got closer to the glass. A cocky, toothy smile plastered over his face. His eyes were bright and happy, as if he was about to tell her a funny joke. Raising up his hands, slowly, he made a very subtle 'jerking' motion.
"To get fucked like a whore, obviously." He laughed.
Y/n whimpered. Her chest was tightening from how aroused she was. She took a deep breath, letting it out through pursed lips. Edward grinned, seeing how worked up he was making her.
"Oh, but you're not a whore. No, far from it. In my dreams I may fuck you like one, but you don't act like one. Once I'm done giving you a good dick down, you get so clingy. You're so dependent on me, never wanting to leave my side. It's so precious. I only hope that you're like that outside of my dreams too." He cooed.
"Y-Yes, I am! I-I'm here, after all. I missed you..."
"Oh, that's so sweet. I shoot and kill Carmine Falcone and the first thing you think of is 'I want Edward! Where's Eddie? I miss him so much!'. Is that right?"
"Well, not exactly."
"I cried first..."
Edward felt a pang in his chest. It genuinely hurt his heart to hear her say that. He never wanted to make her cry, unless it was from pleasure.
"You poor thing, I never though about how you'd feel. I never wanted to make you cry, I just wanted to get rid of the scum that pollutes Gotham." He frowned.
"I know, I may not agree with the murdering...but I'm not saying I miss Falcone either. It just scared me. I was just worried about what would happen to you..."
"You were worried about me, rabbit? You don't need to do that. I can take care of myself, y/n." He smiled.
She nodded. Edward could tell that she felt sad. He did not want her to be sad, not at all.
"You know I love you, y/n. Right?" He asked.
"Y-Yes, I do."
"I did it all for you. I had different plans for Gotham before. I was going to do something far worse, but you made me change my mind. I just want you to live in a city where you can be safe."
Y/n smiled. It was a messed up way to show he loved and cared for her, but she hadn't been loved before. She didn't care anymore, she just was warmed that he wanted her to be safe. Even if he did it through murdering crooked and corrupt people. She blushed, looking down at her hands.
"No, no, don't hide your face. I want to see it." He asked softly.
She looked back up, faint pink dusted on the tip of her nose and her cheeks. Edward loved that about her so much. He thought it made her look so happy and gentle. He chuckled, clapping his hands together as much as he could with the handcuffs on.
"There she is, the prettiest thing in Gotham." He smiled.
"You're making me blush, Edward..." She mumbled.
"I know and I love it. I love watching you get flustered, it's so precious. If only I could touch you..." He sighed.
"Why do you want to touch me?" She asked.
"Well, I want to hold you and kiss you, y/n. That the first thing I want to do." Edward hummed.
"First? Wh-what are the other things?"
"The things I dream of, rabbit." He grinned.
"Tell me more about the dreams!" Y/n said.
He tutted, wagging his finger back and forth. Eyes were squinted as he disapprovingly frowned. He rested his forearms back on the metal ledge, smiling cockily.
"Now, that sounded like a demand. You aren't telling me to do something without asking nicely, are you?"
"N-No, I'm sorry! P-Please, tell me more Eddie." She corrected herself.
"That sounds much better."
He looked her up and down, sighing happily.
"Tell you more, hm? But there are so many dreams, so many fantasies. Though, one thing stays the same in every single one." Edward stated.
"What is that?" Y/n asked curiously.
He planted his hands on the cold surface, leaning towards the glass. His face turned into a very sadistic and comical expression. Dramatically, he emphasized his words.
"You take my dick like a fucking champ..." He smirked.
Y/n moaned, letting out a breathy sigh. Edward stayed in his close position, not finished with what he was saying.
"I'd fuck you so perfectly that nobody else's dick could even make you feel a fraction as good. But before I'd do that, I'd make sure you're on the brink of tears in desperation. You don't get dicked unless I believe you've earned it. I'd want you on your knees, begging, whimpering, groveling at my feet in hopes that I'll fuck your needy pussy." He chuckled.
Y/n's mouth was slightly agape, startled by how blunt he was. He looked like such a shy person, yet he was a total freak. Again, he was so good at pretending to be someone he was not. Everything he was saying seemed so out of character for him, but in reality, it was his true self. Y/n was just the only one who could bring that side out of him. Edward groaned, pointing at her mouth. He seemed irritated or frustrated, either one really.
"That pretty mouth, it's practically asking me to fuck it. Those lips look so plump and soft. Oh rabbit, open up, let me see your tongue." He asked, on the verge of pleading.
She hesitated slightly, but did as he said. Of course she did. No matter what, she would listen to and do what he said. She was his property, and they both knew it. None of them had to even say it. It was obvious that y/n was Edward's girl. Titles weren't necessary. She was simply his, as much as he was hers. Y/n let her tongue roll out and let Edward look at it for a bit. She did it in a way so that the cameras didn't see, and if they did, it just looked like she was yawning in a way. He covered his mouth with his fingers, doing his best to not jerk off at the brief sight of her tongue.
"Ffffuu...it's a blessing that I can't touch you. Your throat would be raw after I finish with you..." He groaned.
Y/n whined, spreading her legs open subtly. Edward looked down, seeing the obvious damp spot over her pelvic region. His tongue darted out and swiped over his lips. Her eyes were silently screaming 'Please, I want you!' and he loved it. Once again, he cursed the glass between them. He just wanted to devour her, taste her, eat her alive like a fox eats a rabbit. She probably tasted so sweet...
"I wish you could see how you look right now. It's so pitiful. You look like you want to be fucked so bad. Do you want to be fucked?" He groaned.
"Y-Yes, I need it daddy..." She shivered.
"Need? You desperate thing, tell me why you need to get fucked by me."
"B-Because I'm so w-wet...it aches..." Y/n whined.
"Poor rabbit, if he could daddy would bend you over and fuck you against this glass." He said flatly.
Y/n moaned softly, making Edward grip his pants. The sound was nearly enough to make him bust all over the hospital uniform. Not wanting to draw attention, Edward looked at the book again. He pretended to read it.
"You said you dreamt I was rough with you, yet I didn't even fuck you? Well, I can promise you that I'd never hurt you without your permission, I want you to know that. I love you too much to do that to you. I believe that trust and safety is important when doing things like that. So, do you trust me, y/n?" He asked, looking up from the book.
"You believe I'll keep you safe?"
"Yes, I do."
"And you'd tell me if you were uncomfortable, yes?"
"Of course."
Edward looked back down at the book, once again pretending to read it. He was such an actor. It was almost sinful how easily he could hide his lust and vulgarity.
"So, if I shoved your face into your bed with my hand wrapped around your neck, would you like that? Would you like it if I made you choke and gasp for air?" He hummed.
"Do you want me to pull your hair and skull fuck you until you're crying on my dick? I bet your gags sound so vulgar and erotic." He asked nonchalantly.
"E-Edward, please..."
He held up the book and slumped into the chair. Edward looked like this was the most boring conversation he had ever had in his life. His eyes lazily ran over the words in the book, y/n was half convinced he was actually reading it while he spoke those filthy words to her.
"I bet you'd like to get slapped too. Not too hard, of course. I wouldn't want to bruise that pretty little face. But, firm enough the make sure you don't step out of line. You seem like you love to be put in your place." He yawned.
"E-Edward, I don't know if I can handle this anymore..."
"That's too bad, you wanted to hear all of this, right? Now you need to sit and listen."
"You're filthy, rabbit. Letting a criminal and a murderer make your pussy wet."
"I-I know."
"That's good that you know. You're self-aware about how dirty you are. You must want dick terribly bad if you've resorted to someone like me."
"N-No, I l-love you!"
"Hmm, that's right. That doesn't make it any better though, rabbit. In fact, it makes it worse. Not only do you want to get dicked down by me, but you love me. For shame."
"Oh, don't worry sweetheart. I'm not angry with you. I think it's lovely that you feel that way towards me, I feel the same to you. But, we better make sure no one else knows about this. Hm?"
Edward placed the book down, looking at y/n.
"Mmm, I wish I could just fuck the soul out of you. I want to make you writhe and squirm. I just know you'd feel so good around my dick."
She moaned a little louder, biting down on her tongue. Edward chuckled, leaning against the metal ledge again.
"You, rabbit, are going to scream my name." He smiled.
"Th-that's big talk f-from someone in A-Arkham." She stuttered.
Edward raised an eyebrow.
"Are you getting smart with me?"
"N-No...I was j-just..."
"No. I know what you were doing and I'm not amused. You don't think I'll find my way out of here? I will. And when I do, I'm coming for you."
Y/n blushed.
"When I get out of here, I'll be sure to rearrange those pathetic guts of yours. I'm all bark and bite."
"You can't even touch me, Edward. It sounds like a bunch of talk to me..." She huffed, getting annoyed with his cocky behavior.
"You want me to break the glass and fuck you right here? I could care less about being watched but I sincerely doubt you want the guards to see you get fucked stupid by me. Don't play with me." He spat.
"I'm n-not trying to play with you, daddy..." Y/n mumbled softly, looking down at her hands.
"Yes you are. You're mocking me and yet you sit before me, wet, pathetic, and needy. Isn't that right, rabbit?"
She nodded.
"You want me to protect you, hold you, love you, yes?" He smirked.
"My, my, you have terrible daddy issues, don't you? Hm. But, if you want that so bad, then why are you playing with me? Mocking me? Do you think I appreciate that? Do you think it makes me proud?" He scolded.
"No I don't, daddy." Y/n sniffled.
"Mhm, it was so rude of you to talk to me like that. Do you want to hurt daddy's feelings?" He frowned.
He was such a serpent. Oh, but he was so lovely, too. Y/n couldn't help it. It was as if she bit the apple from the tree of good and evil. Except, the serpent held the apple in his mouth after, taunting her as she begged for more. Edward was waving what she wanted in her face, just out of her reach. And he knew it. He was so sick that it was hypnotic. So dangerous yet so kind looking, a wolf in sheep's clothing. Y/n was getting too close to him, but she didn't care if she got bit.
"N-No! I don't want to!" She whined.
"Then what do we say when we hurt someone's feelings?" He hummed, cupping a hand over his ear.
Y/n swallowed a lump in her throat, practically choking on her desire. She placed her hands on the ledge, bottom lip quivering as she looked at Edward. He felt his heart skip a beat as he saw slight tears prick in her eyes. She looked so pretty when she cried, as demented as that sounded. A single tear trickled down her cheek before she wiped it away with her finger.
"M' sorry, daddy..." Y/n sighed.
"Oh, say it again, rabbit." Edward grinned.
She looked at him, blushing heavily. He raised and eyebrow, giving a sleazy smile. Y/n looked at the floor, feeling slightly humiliated. Why? She truly did not know. Maybe it was the way he was talking to her. He was so good at making her feel small.
"I-I'm sorry, daddy." She mumbled.
"An apology has never sounded so sweet..." He hummed.
Y/n figeted with her hands.
"You're just lucky I'm not able to get closer to you, rabbit. You'd be giving me more than just an apology." Edward stated flatly.
She whined, trying to picture what he was hinting at in her head. But, when she did that, she felt herself getting more turned on. That was the last thing she needed.
"I'd give you something too, but I don't know if you'd be able to handle it..." He laughed softly.
Oh, he was so demented. But, it was so hot to her. Y/n should not be so worked up over a murderer talking pure smut to her. Yet, she was. Her core ached and throbbed, pleading for her fingers, Edward's fingers, his dick, mouth, anything. She needed to be touched so bad. It was driving her crazy. She squeezed her thighs together, doing her best not to rub them together.
"That's it, back to being timid. You know you aren't the one in control here, y/n. I may be in chains in this hellhole, but don't think for one second that it makes me weak. I haven't touched you and yet I have you soaking wet, desperate to pleasure yourself while 2 cameras are pointed at you. I have you whimpering, whining, moaning, and begging for something that I can't even give you. Does that sound like someone with no power over you? No hold over you?"
"No, Edward. I-It doesn't."
"Exactly. And you love it."
She nodded and whined.
"I've got you eating out of the palm of my hand, y/n. Just like a rabbit. I wonder, if I give you a carrot, will you jump for me?" He snickered.
"I'm not a pet!" She spat.
"Then why are you so obedient to me? Why are you so dependent on me?" Edward asked, shrugging his shoulders.
He leaned forward, propping his elbows up. Looking at y/n, he spoke in a low tone.
"Admit it, I own you! My name is practically branded on your chest. If only...no, I don't want to scar that pretty skin of yours. But, maybe, I could just mark you...yes. Would you like that? My teeth digging into your neck? I swear I'll try to be gentle, but I'm afraid you might taste too good to be able to restrain myself...I bet your flesh and blood tastes like sugar..."
Y/n was shocked, completely thrown off by his sadistic words. Yes, she was trembling in fear. It was so disturbing to hear him talk about how he wanted to mark her, break the skin on her neck. But, yet again, y/n found herself drawn to him. It was sick, twisted, and vile. And her pussy throbbed.
"I-, b-but it'll hurt..." She whimpered.
"Well, I said I'd do my best to be gentle. All you have to do is tell me to stop! Though I so badly want to...rip you apart...I would never want to make you upset or uncomfortable, sweet rabbit." He smiled sadistically.
Y/n panted, feeling arousal seep onto her inner thighs. She felt so dirty...
"I already know the second you get home, you're going to play with yourself while thinking about me. Thinking about the things I could do to you. Thinking about how I could just..."
Edward banged his fists subtly on the table, maintaining a consistent rhythm. He kept eye contact the whole time, lips curling up into a sickly smile. He was a cocky little shit. He knew exactly what he was doing to her and he thrived in the actions he did. The sound of his fists banging rang in her ears and made her throb. Edward sped up the pace, watching as y/n's eyes closed, no doubt imagining the feeling and how it would look. Abruptly, he stopped, practically edging her in a way.
"...destroy you. Break you. Please you. Torture you." He smirked.
"E-Edward, you're a dick! You're tormenting me!" She cried softly.
"Yes I am, took you fucking long enough. I thought you were smart?" He mocked.
She shuddered, his cold gaze freezing her blood.
"It's a game to me, y/n. Yes, I love you, but I love making you crave me too. And you make it so easy..."
A knock on the glass startled y/n, making her turn around. It was most likely Bruce telling her that the visit was going on too long. She sighed, looking back to Edward. Y/n was upset, not wanting to leave, despite how torturous he was being to her. He too looked upset, his plaything was about to leave. His plaything. His. He'd have to make the last minute count. He lured the prey into security, and it was genuine security. But now, it was time for the mind games. It was time for him to strike fear and paranoia into her heart. He wanted to be in her mind for a long time to come.
"You said you loved how I intimidated and scared you in your dream, yes?" He asked.
"You'll never know when I get out of Arkham. Not until it hits the newspapers."
Y/n looked at him, unsure of what he was getting at.
"I wonder how long you'll be paranoid? How many times will you watch a dark corner, wondering if I'll walk out of it? How many times will you sleep with one eye open? How many times will you watch behind your back as you walk down the streets? I am still a criminal, after all." He smirked devilishly.
Y/n's eyes widened, feeling her skin turn to ice. It was then that she realized he truly was sick. But, why did she still love him? Oh, how conflicting a forbidden love must be. To want someone that should not be wanted. To seek approval from someone one should never seek approval from. His pupils looked dilated, staring deep into her soul. She felt exposed and violated just from his gaze. And she loved it...
"Lord, what fools these mortals be!" He shouted.
She shivered, standing up slowly from the chair. Edward picked up the book again, flipping to a certain page. He had memorized the entire book, as he had already read his own copy he bought at the bookstore. But, being Edward, he wanted to be theatric as he read quotes. He looked at y/n in the eyes, standing up abruptly, no doubt startling the guard, Bruce, and y/n herself. He placed his hands against the glass, a breathy laugh leaving his lips.
"I'll follow thee and make a heaven of hell..." He trailed.
Her pussy throbbed once again, thinking back to when they were in the bookstore. She had told Edward that she would never accept anyone's love unless they confessed or expressed it through Shakespeare. And, he was doing exactly that, Although, he was doing it in Edward fashion. Ominous, eerie, and disturbing.
"...to die upon the hand I love so well." She finished.
The door opened up and Bruce came in, grabbing y/n by the hand. Edward laughed hysterically, pacing back and forth behind the glass. His eyes were crazed behind his glasses as he kept his gaze on y/n the entire time. Y/n could tell that he was being dramatic, just wanting to get a rise out of everyone.
"Thus I die. Thus, thus, thus. Now I am dead, now I am fled, my soul is in the sky. Tongue, lose thy light. Moon take thy flight..." He paused, slowly walking back to the glass.
"...Now die, die, die, die!" He cackled.
He watched as Bruce dragged y/n out of the room. She looked back at him, still worked up from their 'discussion'. Edward blew a kiss to her, further making the scene more demented. Y/n attempted to reach up and grab it, but wanted to be discreet, so instead she smiled at him. It was odd though, as she was still terrified of his tangent that he went on. The sight of him laughing and quoting Shakespeare was not something she thought she would ever be scared of, but it was. But before she left, she heard him say one last thing. It sent chills down her spine.
"Run rabbit, run! For I linger in the shadows and you will never know when I might pounce..."
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
My little love
Chapter 16
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x enhanced reader
Word count: 4.8k
Warnings: talks about blood, wounds, medical procedures, sad everyone, bad medical references, some fluff at the end because you know me.
A/N: I made up some B.S. on this one so please just go along with it. Also please be kind!!! Not my favorite chapter but oh well.
Series masterlist
Ch 15
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The medical team had wheeled you out while Bucky stood there watching. He was shocked into silence. Even after everyone left Bucky just stood there, both kids hanging on to him for dear life. They were both scared. In all honesty all three of them were but Bucky couldn’t show it.
“Daddy, what’s wrong with mama?” Henry asked after a moment. His question was enough to get Bucky moving.
“I don't know. Let’s go find out.”
Bucky walked out of the apartment and ran into Steve.
“Hey what was all that about?” Steve asked as he looked at all three Barnes’.
“It’s Y/N, I do-don’t know. She just got back and next thing I know Lottie was crying for her and Ivy was pounding on the door to let her in. Henry found Y/N unconscious. They were having trouble finding her pulse.” Bucky was starting to panic with every word and Steve pulled Lottie away from him.
“Go find out what’s going on. I’ll be down in a minute.”
Bucky didn’t need to be told twice he headed to the stairs. He couldn’t be in the elevator; it would take too long. But every step he took it felt like he couldn’t move fast enough. It wasn’t true he made it to the medbay in record time but it also felt like everything was in slow motion. He stood in front of the sliding glass doors looking into the room you were in. It was a frenzy, everyone moved around you quickly. They talked amongst themselves in quick short directives. Even with his heightened hearing Bucky couldn’t make out what was being said.
His mouth was dry as he watched. Never in his life had he felt so helpless. A nurse ran out and Bucky tried to grab her to ask how you were but she pulled away. She ran down the hallway and into a different room. Suddenly the doors open again and you're being rushed out. Bucky must be hallucinating because whoever was on the bed wasn’t you. At least it didn’t look like you. The body was too fragile and lifeless. Had he lost you already but he didn’t know it yet? He’d barely had a chance to love you fully. How was he supposed to cope? How would he tell the kids mama wasn’t coming home?
Bucky gasped for air as if you’d taken his ability to breathe with you. If that’s what it took for you to live then he’d willingly give his life up for yours.
Bruce stood in front of him. Concern, clear in his face. Then his eyes moved over Bucky’s shoulder then back to him.
“You should sit. We don’t have any news yet. At this time we are trying to stabilize her.” He said as he motioned for one of the seats in the small waiting area.
When Bucky turned around he realized the whole team was there. So we’re the kids. Charlotte sat in Nat’s lap with a little pout on her lips. Eyelashes, still wet with tears. Henry was holding on to Steve. He kept going in and out of a translucent state. Bucky sat next to Steve and Henry quickly moved to sit on his father’s lap while Lottie reached for Steve.
“Did she tell you if she got hurt, maybe stabbed or shot?”
“Shot? No,” Bucky shakes his head. “She said she got kicked in the ribs but she was fine.”
Henry patted Bucky’s chest to get his attention, then whispered in his ear.
“Bubs no you didn’t hurt her.”
“What was that?” Bruce asked and Bucky sighed.
“When Y/N got home Henry hugged her tightly. She pulled away and that’s when she told me she was hurt. Henry thinks it’s his fault.”
Bruce crouches down and smiles at Henry.
“You didn’t hurt her, I know it’s scary but we’re going to figure out what did and make her better, ok?”
“So you think she was shot?”
“I’m not sure. There’s an open wound near her rib but we couldn’t find a bullet but we have to wait until she’s stable before we can do any scans. It still doesn’t explain the markings on her skin.”
“What kind of markings?” Steve asked.
“It almost looked like something was spreading from the wound out toward the rest of her body. It kind of looked like lightning shooting out in different directions. There’s also swelling in the area. But we’re concerned with the shortness of breath, muscle spasms, she’s lost blood, irregular heartbeat and she’s been in and out of consciousness.”
“Dr. Banner, you need to come see this.” Ivy had appeared in the waiting area. There was blood on her scrubs and just seeing it made Bucky sick.
“I’ll be back as soon as I have something.”
Bruce rushed off with Ivy leading the way. The waiting room was quiet.
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Your heart finally stayed at a steady rhythm. Bruce instructed one of the nurses to take some blood before trying to get any type of scans or x-rays done to finally try and figure out what was going on. Nothing made sense, there was no way for you to not realize you had been shot or something while out on the field. Bruce assumed you most likely didn’t realize something had happened until you started to get undressed.
“Dr. banner.” One of the nurses raises the vial of blood she’d just drawn so that Bruce could look at it.
“What on earth?”
Bruce grabbed the vial and flipped it back and forth but the blood was coagulated. That was extremely odd and he wasn’t sure what to make of it.
“Get this down to the lab and tell them anything I send from now on is a high priority.”
He turned around with the intention of doing another physical examination of the wound when he saw your eyes flutter open. Bruce got closer just as you started to try and move. Your eyes moved back and forth frantically as you tried to find something or someone you recognize. There wasn’t much you could see because you had a breathing tube in your mouth and your muscles were so tense. Bruce takes your hand and leans over so that you can see him.
“Hey, I need you to calm down. You’re going to hurt yourself. You’ve been in the medbay all day and we’re trying to figure out what’s wrong. Squeeze my hand once for yes and two for no. Do you understand?”
You squeeze his hand once.
“Good. Did someone kick you in the ribs?”
One hand squeeze.
“When you were in the field did you get shot, stabbed or injected with something?”
You squeezed his hand twice. He asked a few questions that felt irrelevant.
“Do you think something could have bit you?”
You squeeze twice. You were starting to get frustrated.
“I know you hate this,” he gives you one of his sad smiles. “I need you to fight for me ok. Everyone is outside waiting to hear some good news so we can’t give up. It’s just you and me ok. Just us working together to figure it out like we always do.”
You close your eyes for a moment as a few tears make their way down your temples. In that moment your chest feels tight and your grip on Bruce’s hand tightens. One of the monitors starts beeping erratically.
“Shit. Y/N stay with me ok. Try to stay calm. I need you to stay with me, please. I can’t do this without you.”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head and you begin to seize. The team around you moves quickly to try and stabilize you again.
After a few minutes of working together and giving you some medication, which was risky because they weren’t sure what was going on, you were finally back to stable reading for your vitals.
Bruce excuses himself for a moment and heads into his lab. It had been a long time since he had felt so helpless. As soon as the doors closed a guttural frustrated scream rips from his throat. Green creeps up from his neck up to his face while his clothes start to tear. He did his best to get his emotions under control before something worse happened. The last thing anyone needed was for him to hulk out when he was needed. Once Bruce calmed down he rushed over to his workstation and he began to type.
“Ok if Y/N were here what would she start with?” He mutters to himself under his breath.
He goes through the checklist you created for yourself when someone on the team is injured. Bruce had heard it countless times, especially when the injury wasn’t obvious. He keeps going over what he knows. Friday informs him he’s needed back in your room and he rushes out in hopes that the blood tests are back and that he can fix this.
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Time seemed to drag on. Bucky had zoned out a bit until he heard Lottie calling out for you. When he looked over she was looking up at Steve. She kept pointing in the direction Bruce had gone in and her bottom lip wobbled.
“Mama?” She whispered before she started to cry silently.
Bucky, Steve and Henry were the only ones that could hear the chaos erupt in your room down the hall. Again they were struggling to keep you breathing.
“Let’s take the kids out for a walk.” Steve tells Bucky.
“You take them. I want to be here just in case something happens.”
“I’ll go with you.” Wanda offered and she quickly stood and took Lottie from Steve. Henry was more reluctant but with Bucky’s approval he walked out.
Bucky threw his head back and closed his eyes. The rest of the team talked amongst themselves and he wasn’t sure why but it was making him anxious. He kept replaying his morning over and over again trying to figure out if he had missed something. Maybe if he had noticed sooner you wouldn’t be fighting for your life.
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Hours had gone by, the sun had already set and still there was no news. The team had taken turns in watching the kids away from the waiting room. Steve had brought Bucky water and anything he needed but Bucky couldn’t be bothered. Now most of the team was back except for Vision who had volunteered to stay with the kids while they slept.
Bruce walked out after being in your room for hours and it was the first time Bucky moved from his chair.
“Please tell me you have something.” Bucky begged. Panic in his voice and on his face.
“We need to do a blood transfusion. All we know is that her symptoms are similar to that of someone who has come in contact with something poisonous.”
“That’s all you have? It’s been hours and you have nothing?”
“Buck. I need you to calm down.”
“Calm down? You should be saving her life.” Bucky was yelling now. His face was red with anger as he stared Bruce down. Sam moved to hold him back.
“Steve, I need you to come with me please.”
Bruce was unfazed by the outburst. He knew everyone was stressed out because of the situation. He could even understand Bucky’s frustration but getting mad at him wouldn’t help the situation. Steve looks over at Bucky before he starts to move.
“What is happening to her? Why do you need Steve?” Bucky asks before either man can walk away.
“I’m not sure. From the blood test we were able to do it seems like she was injected with some kind of toxin. It’s synthetic in nature so we can rule out that something bit her. I think she was injected with the toxin but I can’t figure out why the symptoms occurred after she got here and not at the moment. I don’t know how to cure her except for one thing and I’m not sure how effective it will be.”
“What is it?”
“Y/N and Steve have the same blood type. I was hoping that by giving her a transfusion that-“
“The serum might cure her. Do you think it’s actually possible?” Nat stood up and moved next to Bucky.
“I hope it could at least buy us some time so that we can create a cure or remove the toxin out of her system. I’m not even sure if it will work but either way she has lost some blood so the transfusion is necessary.”
“Then we shouldn’t wait any longer.” Steve says. His eyes connect with Bucky’s and he gives him a reassuring smile before following Bruce.
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Steve sat next to the hospital bed you were in. He was a mess the moment Bucky had said you were being taken down to the medbay. Of course he had to push down those feelings, Bucky and the kids needed him. He knew you’d want him to be there for them so he did that. It helped to stay focused on the kids. Time seemed to move faster that way except for when they asked for you and Steve didn’t have an answer.
Bruce had personally overseen the procedure and the machines monitoring you started to not only show that you were just above stable but that your health was rapidly increasing. Steve hoped it worked because he wasn’t sure what would happen if you didn’t make it. He leaned forward and took your hand in both of his.
“You gotta fight whatever this is. I can’t lose you now.” He whispered as he sniffled lightly. “Let’s see, the kids are ok. Henry really wants you to wake up so that he can give you his surprise. Charlotte has been very quiet though. She didn’t even want to wear her Belle dress. Bucky is trying to put on a brave face but I think he’s about to lose it. So come on Magnet, you gotta pull through.”
There’s a little tap on his hand, then another and another and Steve laughs. It had been your idea after going on a couple of missions with him that he teach you Morse code. You said it would be good to have another way of communicating just in case but really it was to talk shit about the other agents that had been sent on a mission with you both. It seemed like it came in handy now though. All you managed to say was don’t, because you hated that nickname.
“If I would have known all it took was calling you Magnet, I would have done it hours ago.” He says as he looks up at you and your eyes are open but you couldn’t turn to look at him.
You tap on his fingers again and he grins at you when he realizes you’re calling him an ass. He gave your hand a kiss and then stood and gave you a kiss to the forehead before telling you he would be right back. After another moment Bruce walked in along with Steve. You lifted your hand and Steve took it so that you could tap a message and he could talk for you.
“She wants you to take out the breathing tube.” Steve said after a minute.
“We can do that but I want to do a quick check first. Just to make sure you won’t need it anymore.”
He went over every physical test he had done and did them again and compared results. “Everything is looking good but we still need to do some scans of the injured area.”
Your finger moved against Steve’s palm with lightning speed.
“She wants to know why you haven’t done scans already and what happened.”
“You kept crashing. We’ve been working nonstop to get you stable. This is only the second time you’ve been fully conscious since you got down here. But let’s make you more comfortable.”
Bruce called a nurse and she helped remove the breathing tube. You coughed and took a deep breath.
“You know if you wanted a vacation all you had to do was ask.” Steve quips and you roll your eyes but smile.
Bruce walks over to the other side of the bed and hands you a cup of water. You took small sips grateful for the cool liquid soothing your very dry throat.
“Bucky?” Your voice was incredibly hoarse and you coughed after only saying one word.
“I’ll get a quick scan done of the area and you can go get him.” Bruce told Steve and he nodded before leaving the room.
“You gave us quite the scare but I’m glad you’re ok.”
“I never—“ you coughed again. “Noticed anything until—“ you take a deep breath. “I took off my top.”
“I figured as much.” Bruce said as you were taken into the room where the scannings were done.
Once you were done you were taken to a clean room and the nurses helped to get you cleaned up. Bucky rushes in just as you sat up in bed. He stood there just staring at you, his eyes full of unshed tears and distant as if he couldn’t believe you were looking back at him.
“Buck, babe?” Your still raspy voice filled the room.
And just like that could breathe again as he rushed to your side. Bucky cupped your face gently, his tears stained your cheeks as he peppered kisses all over them. He pulled you into his chest once he sat down at the edge of the bed. The floodgates opened now that he knew you were awake and he couldn’t control it. You move your hand up and down as you try to soothe him.
“I-I thought I lost you.” He said through stuttered breaths. “God, I don’t know what I’d do if that happened.”
“I’m ok my love.” You whispered.
“I know. I do really but this has all felt like a nightmare. Worse than anything hydra could ever do to me.”
“Hydra was horrible to you. How could you say that?” You pulled back and stared at him wide eyed.
“Sugar, everything I’ve ever wanted I found it with you. If I lost you I don’t think I’d have a reason to live. You’d take my heart with you.”
You opened your mouth to reply but Bucky cut you off with a desperate kiss. Someone cleared their throat at the door and you pulled apart. The whole team was there.
“Eewwww mom and dad were kissing.” Clint says with a smile, causing the others to chuckle.
“I’m sorry for interrupting the reunion but I think I found the issue.”
“Wait, if you didn’t know what the issue was, why am I getting better?” You looked at Bruce.
“Well, you lost some blood and we needed to do a transfusion and since you and Steve are the same type…”
“So what am I like a super soldier now? Because I don’t feel all that super.”
“I’m still not sure how much the serum might affect you but for now it’s doing the most important part which is healing you and that’s all we care about.” Bruce walked to stand by your bed.
“I think I need oxygen. It’s a bit hard to breathe.”
“Let me set that up.”
Bruce moves around and sets up everything you’d need before handing you the nasal cannula so that you can fix it how you like.
“Good. So I did a multi angle scan to try and figure out what created the puncture wound.” Bruce said as he pulled up the image. “You can see why I thought you had been shot. The wound is circular but your rib stopped it from going further. Here you can see the crack in the bone from whatever was used to insert something like this…” he taps the keyboard a few times and a picture of some type of capsule pops up. “What I’m thinking happened was when you were on the mission you were stabbed with some kind of syringe that delivered this capsule. But then you were kicked in the same area so you thought the pain you were feeling was from the kick not this.”
“It’s probable but if that’s the case why didn’t the capsule dissolve the minute it was injected.”
“Well what I think happened was that since you had your uniform on it kept everything compressed including the capsule. The moment you took off your Kevlar it popped. I think you were lucky that the capsule didn’t get pushed into your lungs, it would have been game over in an instant.”
“This is lucky?” Bucky gritted out. He was still very tense by the thought of almost losing you.
“Very lucky. I could have dropped dead during the mission.”
Bucky was still so upset, his pout reminded you of Charlotte’s and it was hard not to tell him how cute he looked.
“We have at least bought ourselves some time to create an antitoxin to help your body fight, unless the serum does that first. I already started a search for cases around the world that presented with similar symptoms to see if anyone else was targeted.”
“Thank you Bruce, for everything.” You smile at him. He just nods and excuses himself and Tony follows.
The rest of the team comes in quickly giving you hugs and promising to come by the next day to check up on you. Once they’re gone, Bucky moves to lay down with you on the bed. You move over to give him some room and then lay your head on his chest.
“You should go get some rest.” You tell him after some time of just holding each other.
“I can get some rest right here.”
“Baby, you’ll be uncomfortable. Just go get some rest and bring me the kids in the morning.”
“But what if something happens during the night and I’m not here?”
“Nothings going to happen. I already feel so much better. I just want you to take care of yourself too. I won’t be able to sleep if I know you’re not comfortable, baby please go get some sleep.”
Bucky wanted to argue, he really did but he could see how tired you were too and decided against it.
“Fine, but I’m telling the nurses to call me asap if you even sneeze.”
“I love you.” You smile.
“I love you more.”
Bucky gets up from the bed and kisses you before reluctantly walking out of the room.
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Henry woke up when he heard his father thanking Vision for staying with him and Lottie. The door to his room opens up and closes just as quickly since it was empty. Then he hears the door to Lottie’s room open. Even though his room was already done, there was sometimes where he still liked to stay close to his sister. With everything going on Lottie had been unusually quiet. She didn’t want to play and she held on tightly to anyone who would hold her. Bucky made his way to the bed both kids were sharing and first kissed Lottie’s forehead and then Henry’s. He couldn’t resist and turned to look at his father.
“Hey bubba, mama woke up and she’s feeling much better.” He smiles warmly at his son.
“Can I see her?”
“Tomorrow, we need to get some rest and then I’ll take you down to see her.”
“Ok.” Henry said with a pout.
“Sweet dreams Henry, I love you bubs.”
“I love you daddy.”
Bucky cleared his throat and walked out leaving the door ajar. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to hold in the overwhelming emotion of having Henry say those three words back.
Henry couldn’t get back to sleep, he was way too excited to know that you were better. He laid there next to his sister and waited. It was a while before he heard his father start to snore lightly. Henry got out of bed and grabbed his teddy bear and sneaked out of the apartment. He used his invisibility to roam the halls of the compound. It took him a few tries but he found the waiting room everyone had been in and from there he headed toward the rooms.
All of them were empty except one and he stuck his head in to see if you really were there. He found you sitting back on the bed with your head tilted up. Henry wasn’t sure if you were awake or not so he walked in, staying as quiet as possible so as to not bother you or not get caught.
He held his teddy bear close to his chest with both hands as he looked up at you. You had your eyes closed and he sighed. Henry really just wanted to spend some time with you. Without any other options Henry sat in the only chair available in the room after pulling it closer to your bed.
You opened your eyes and looked at the small sound of the chair being shifted. For a moment you thought you were hearing things but then you realized the chair was closer. A smile forms on your lips.
“Hi sweet boy. Are you going to let me see you?” You say softly. Henry appears before you.
There was a bit of fear in his eyes and you were sure it was to do with the thought of being punished.
“I’ve missed you. Will you lay down with me?”
“Can I really?”
“Yeah. I’d really like a hug.”
Henry smiles at you and stands on the chair in order to get on the bed. He was dressed in his favorite dinosaur pajamas, dinosaur feet slippers included. He looked so cute and comfy. Henry was careful, he always was but now even more so. He made sure to get on the side you hadn’t been hurt on and when he laid down he did it softly.
“Are you feeling better mama?”
“Yes, and now even better since you came to see me.” You smile at him. “Does your dad know you’re down here?”
“No.” He whispered after a minute.
“We should let him know.”
“But he was sleeping when I left.”
You sigh because that’s exactly what you wanted him to do.
“Ok, we’ll just make sure to let him know tomorrow morning.”
“Night mama.”
“Good night my sweet boy.”
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Bucky was going into full panic mode when he couldn’t find Henry early the next day. It wasn’t until Friday informed him that he was with you that he calmed down enough to grab Lottie and head for the medbay. Both of them were still in pajamas.
When he got there Henry was still asleep by your side and the smile you gifted him was enough to melt any remaining fear away.
“Mama!” Lottie made grabby hands at you as her eyes lit up.
Bucky set her down on your other side and she laid her hair down on your shoulder while her arm wrapped around your neck. Henry began to wake up and his eyes went wide when he saw Bucky. He looked up at you for help.
“Henry we’ll have to talk about you leaving like that but we’ll do it later. You’re not in trouble for this but you can’t do that again, ok?”
He nods and looks down at his hands.
“Do you want to give mama your surprise?”
He nodded and told you to close your eyes while Bucky gave him whatever it was that he wanted to give you.
“Open mama.”
Henry held up a small canvas that was obviously made by him and he looked so happy. There were a bunch of flowers on it and you were certain they were done with finger paint.
“Do you like it mama?”
“Like it? I love it.” You took it in your free hand.
“Uncle Steve said girls like getting flowers so I painted some so you can have them forever.” He beams when he tells you this little piece of information and it makes you tear up.
“You are so sweet. I love you so much sweet boy.”
“I love you mama.”
Henry’s words have you crying. It’s an overwhelming amount of emotions. Your arms wrapped around both Lottie and Henry as you held them as close as possible.
“I love you.” You say as you look at Bucky.
“I love you more.”
Bucky joined the hug too. He held his whole world in his arms and he had never been so scared of losing something as he was now. He never had doubts about how much he loved you before but almost losing you made him realize that he needed to fight harder to keep you safe. To show you just how much he loved you and that he’d do anything for you and the kids.
The first thing he’d do would be to take Henry to Wakanda and the second would be to track down the son of a bitch who almost stole you from him.
But for right now he’d just enjoy having his family by his side.
Ch. 17
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jasonsmirrorball · 7 months
second star (988)
part of the dad!jason au. reader is referred to as 'mommy', female child original character, child illness, angst, allusions to canon relationships, bruce + dick make an appearance, happy ending.
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your daughter falls ill when she's about four years old. it's the kind of sickness that leaves her bed-ridden for a while, her little coughs echoing down the hall while you make her soup with a tight heart. jason fares worse, tension lining his brow and you can see the shards of his broken heart glimmering in his eyes every time she cries.
he reads to her a lot, his drowsy, tired girl curled up in his arms while he turns the pages of her favourite book. the edges of the paper are softened from the years, the scrawl of her name on the front page wobbly and overlapping the title. most times, she falls asleep before he can finish the first chapter, but it's fitful, full of shallow breaths and restless murmuring. he doesn't leave her bedside, and in the end, neither do you, taking up residence in the armchair beside her bed while her father – too big for the princess bed her beloved uncle had bought her last year – hangs his legs off the bed frame.
she cries when you hold her as jason changes her bedding, her muscles aching in time with your heart. her curls are damp with sweat, her face with tears. you murmur promises to her, kissing her salt-tracked face, i know, baby, i know. it'll be quick, i promise. daddy just has to put new covers on.
sickness is no stranger to jason's family, who've had their fair share of broken bones and other wounds. still, they come by and you watch them try their best to hide their worry. dick, kneeling by his best girl's bed and softly tucking a curl behind her ear. hi, sweetheart, he murmurs sweetly, doing okay? 'course you are, brave girl. he presses brand new stuffed toy into her arms, tucking the giraffe under the covers.
he leaves her with a hug, and you watch jason follow him out of the room, unwilling to let his older brother go just yet. the front door remains shut, and you know that they've gravitated to the kitchen, low voices muffled through the walls. you turn to your girl, her tired eyes fixed on the orange splotches, mouth open as she touches its ears. mama, look. like on tv, she says tiredly, and you grin.
when you get better, we can write dickie a card to say thank you, huh?
one by one, the rest of the family come to visit their girl. and jason says very little, face stiffer and more solemn than he ought to be at his twenty nine years old, but you know him. he's glad they're here. devastated about why. terrified as to what might come.
he'd cried the night she was born, more than once. the first time he'd seen her, tiny, wrinkled thing that she was. the first time he'd held her – his whole world, right in the palm of his hands, he'd told you later that night in a whisper, watercolour eyes tearful and not for the first time that night. didn't ever think i would get here. thought maybe i got lucky with you, he had confessed. my luck can't be so bad if i've got her, too.
you knew he was remembering those words, remembering the ones he'd told you he loved you for the first time. i'm a cursed man, sweetheart. you'd be better off with someone else. and yet...and yet i'm too selfish not to tell you i want you. i love you.
it seems especially cruel a joke of fate to allow him this chance at happiness, and threaten it so quickly.
the doctor comes and goes. bruce pays for it before the man has left the room, and you think your husband might come to physical blows with his father, in the living room, when he finds out. he doesn't. 's not for me, he tells you later, when your baby girl has fallen asleep, his face pressed into your neck. he loves her, too.
and you can't deny it, the way your father-in-law dotes on her. the grumpy old man is wrapped around her littlest finger, as charmed as you've ever seen him when your firefly seeks him out at family gatherings. she spends most of dinner by his side, insistent on sitting next to papa, much to your chagrin and reminder of her manners. it's fine, he assures you quietly. she's much better behaved than any of my children.
you know that it simultaneously warms and embitters your husband, to watch him be so good with your daughter.
she gets better slowly.
the worst of it passes in the slowest night of your life, spent wetting rags and coaxing her to take the medicine she'd been prescribed, feeding bites of food to her while holding back your own fearful tears. jason takes over when she starts to throw a tantrum, only to run out of steam and cry quietly. you have to leave the room for a moment, struggling to catch your breath.
hey, he murmurs, from the next room. you think you can take a bite for me? i know, angel, but you gotta eat something. tell you what, i'll help you finish this, and when you're better, you, me and mommy are gonna go on a trip. anywhere you want.
beach? you hear her feeble voice suggest and he hums.
yeah. you wanna go swimming?
the bowl is empty by the time you return, and you don't know if it's hope that colours your vision and puts rose in the apples of her cheeks. but jason seems to see it too, and you see grief and relief in his eyes when he catches your gaze. you stand by the bed, and his fingers find yours. in her pyjamas, your girl points to the book on her bedside table.
she stays awake to see the end of the book.
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i don't know what spurred this on but i wanted to rip my heart out a little. unnamed todd baby you are the light of my life. i kept thinking about that poem about the father who got his sick daughter plums and just about in general how fathers love. it makes me so ill especially thinking about my own but i wanted to put jason in that situation and do it while trying to stay true to canon (somewhat). anyway. hope u liked this. it's unedited and hastily written but i hope it makes you feel something.
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byghostface · 2 months
Hello! Nika fan here! Uhm, curious, as you seem like a Nika expert, how do you explain her personality as a character? 😅 Sorry, sounds stupid, but I really wanted to understand her more! Detailed or in simplistic form, I don't mind one or the other.
Hope you have a good day! Love your art! ❤️ 💀 ❤️
Hi there! Thanks for the question and take an interest in her!!^ ^♥️ (I tried to keep it simple but I keep adding details about her, so it has become a lengthy description, but you can scroll to the bottom I have the simplistic version of it)
Detailed version↓
I would say Nika is a quick wit, bold, resilient, stylish, rebellious, and very much an independent person. Sometimes a bit of a showgirl in her own playful theatrical way.
→Painting her face with skull makeup. Her trademark move by tearing people's hearts out. Presenting herself in distinctive outfits. Kneeling as a sign of respect when she first meets with people whom she holds long admiration for - Batman, her (past) mentor Lord Death Man. When she goes undercover with Damian in Gotham High, she shows up dressing to her own taste in clothes, even though he tells her to be inconspicuous.
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"Sorry, I don't do inconspicuous."
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Batman and Robin(2023)#8 -Artist: Nikola Čižmešija-
She tends to make silly nicknames for people, like throwing it in between conversations as a not-serious jab/comment: Damian- little birdie, Bruce- Daddy bat-brucks (reference Annie), Ra's Al Ghul- old fart😭(cus he is in ghost/spirit form, and properly bugging her for a while…)
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The interests she has are drawing and opera. She also mentioned she's a K-pop stan, so I imagine she is interested in different ranges of music.
"—wander around an old folk's home and like… pick up painting or opera, y'know?"
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Nika is an easygoing, open-minded and curious person (reads Damian's manga and talks to him about it). She's not very good at picking up social cues (saying death-related jokes at bad timing or it didn't land well) despite that, she still pays attention to what people are saying and observes people well (discuss the fighting skills of tournament fighters with Damian, and showing concern about Damian's injured arm).
"It's good. I like that it's a romance about an art school. But also about being competitive…"
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And oftentimes she lives in her own head (obsesses with death and honing her newfound powers). It improves after she meets Damian and considers other possibilities in life other than death and killing.
"Life can be more than just being really good at killing people. You've proven that a few times."
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Batman and Robin(2023)#7 -Artist: Simone Di Meo-
She likes to handle things at her own pace/plans and has the confidence in herself to do it correctly. So she has the bad habit of saying white lies or doesn't tell people the whole picture/exactly what she is trying to do.
Sometimes doing things head-on fearlessly because she has ambition and pride in herself (calls dibs on Damian's first match, keeps fighting in the death tournament attempt to gain victory, takes over Lord Death Man's empire, takes inspiration from Talia and makes a new outfit for herself).
When first met, people might find Nika quite rude/careless. Once you get to know her, she's just very straightforward and honest when expressing her feelings. She can be pretty brash, had short-tempered to people who are disrespectful/annoying to her.
"If you really are this badass that you think you are, you'll respect me."
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Nika is a person of a free spirit with a strong will and motivation. She would follow reasonable orders/rules from ppl whom she respects, but she would get irritated when people tried to hold tight control over her and tell her what she should or shouldn't do, it might signal her that they don't trust/have faith in her (like her family). And if she feels like being overlooked/underwhelming, she tries to rebel and manage things on her own terms (run away from home to learn more about her powers, overthrow Lord Death Man, handle Mila's situation, go to Gotham to see Damian after his lack of contact/attention to her even though he calls her his girlfriend first).
Simplistic version (summary)↓
Prominent personality trait— Quick wit and easygoing, with a strong will and motivation. A confident, resilient, fashionable, and challenging person.
Hobby(so far)— Drawing, k-pop, opera.
Social ability— Tends to be playful, joking around with people, and likes to nickname them as a not-serious jab/comment. Mostly minding her own business, and not relying on other people much. Kind of a lone wolf who values her own time and effort.
Goals(so far)— Relying on her obsession with death to make sense of life. After the tournament and managing Lord Death Man's criminal empire she wants to slow down a bit to enjoy/explore her life.
With Damian— Playful, free talking and showing more emotions with him. Honest to him with times (resolved misunderstanding with him quickly). Likes his accompany a lot.
With (her older sister) Mila— a bit melancholy but not afraid to fight against her when she is being disrespectful/harmful.
And Ty for liking my art!!💝 I must say my portrayal of Nika still has some level of my preference/fanon in it (I love my art, but I'm not always satisfied with how I portray her within my ability). So take it with a grand of salt and give comics a try if you can! (For Nika, Robin2021, Lazarus planet: Next evolution, and Batman and Robin2023)
Have a great day anon, and thanks for reading!!🫶⚰️💀🦴♥️
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eupheme · 1 year
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— until we meet again
alfred pennyworth x f!reader
Rated E - 5.3k
Tags - age difference, sexual thoughts/daydreams, crushes, mutual pining, enamored!alfred, love-at-first-sight vibes, romance, light angst, oral (f receiving), light daddy kink
Inspired by this incredible anon - I loved the idea of trying an Alfred POV + mini-prequel, for part of Penny For Your Thoughts (posted a year ago yesterday!) 💕
follows part i with a brief reference to part iii
It wasn’t anything more than chance - the briefest meeting of eyes from across the room.
And yes, he’s thought about that moment, wondering. But never thinking they’d meet again - that those thoughts of “what if” might actually be based in some truth.
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He had noticed her.
Of course he had.
Eyes drawn to the form sitting at the bar, soon after they had stepped inside. No more than an idle glance until there was a turn of her head - until he recognized her profile.
The woman from the gala.
It had been months ago. Spring, then. The weather was just beginning to warm, flowers pushing through the earth to bloom in the sun as the days grew longer. He remembers the night well - a charity ball for the hospital.
Recalling how he had to wheedle Bruce into accepting the invitation - weeks had passed since he had last gone out, and there were reputations to be upheld.
Somehow getting himself dragged along, as well.
He had been half-listening when he felt the weight. One he had come to know during his time as an intelligence agent - the feeling of being watched.
Eyes sliding to Bruce first, who wasn't listening at all. Dulled eyes unseeing as they stood trapped together in a conversation with a pair of financial advisors from Wanye Enterprises.
Alfred's well-timed hums of agreement enough to carry the conversation, for now. His gaze wandered through the crowd at the cocktail hour, his own glass flute cool between his fingers, all but untouched.
There was a shift in the groups, a party splitting into two. A gap formed between them, when he saw her.
A woman - one he found stunning. Standing with her arm curled around her waist, the fingers of the other pressed against her lips.
They parted, when their gaze had met. She blinked at him with wide eyes - caught. Head ducking as she shifted back toward the companion she was with, the briefest glance back his way before she jumped back into the conversation.
For a wild second, he had thought she had been looking at him. A stirring in his chest he had not felt for ages, for years.
But, surely not.
The feeling twisting into something else, something he didn't wish to examine, as his eyes had flicked toward Bruce.
Towards the subject of her certain fascination. He supposed the thought was pleasant - he'd been trying to convince Bruce to go out, make friends - date - for years.
Anything to get him out of the Tower, to see him smile again.
Maybe even drop this new-formed interest in vigilantism.
This was certainly something to consider.
A rich bell rang out, then. A slow transition into the seated dinner as conversations wound down - each name carefully grouped on the thick, creamy-white seating chart. A gold charm around the stem of each of their glasses, the number stamped on the disc as a reminder.
Unable to help glancing for the woman again, as he moved towards his seat. Finding her - seeing her split from her friend, heading to a table alone.
An idea had swiftly formed. He knew the organizers of the fundraiser - the Wayne family still had close contact with the Hospital, their upper staff.
Excusing himself from Bruce’s side, though he wasn’t not paying attention - eyes glued down to his phone. Scanning through live traffic videos, itching to be out and anywhere but here.
It’s had been an easy thing, to switch his own seat with hers. An escort sent to gently divert her, claiming a mistake in the glass she received.
Her frown had been sweet - the briefest hesitance before she was guided to his old spot. Seated next to Bruce, while Alfred sat four tables away - trying not to watch.
Congratulating himself on playing matchmaker, though he doesn’t feel as pleased as he thought he would have.
Fitting in easily enough - had been acquaintances with a couple at this new spot. Conversation flowing over the appetizers, unable to help as his eyes drifted.
To Bruce, who sullenly picked at his food. Angled slightly away from his pretty dinner partner - Alfred was already shaking his head, his tongue trapped between his teeth.
God, help him.
Stealing the briefest glimpse to the side. Where he met her eyes, again. They lingered this time, for a moment - until her lips curved in a shy smile, until her gaze dropped again.
He allowed himself another moment.
Wondering, but not too much - not sure if he wanted to understand. It’d been too long since he felt a flutter in his chest like this, that wasn’t linked to worry or fear.
He didn’t know how to take it.
It’s hard to remember the rest of dinner. He knows he rushed through it - anticipating that Bruce would not linger, that he’d want to leave as soon as socially appropriate.
Excusing himself politely, as Bruce had stood. Allowed one last look at the girl he wouldn’t see again - just a small, stolen moment.
Before he had made for the door, holding it open for the younger man to pass through. Giving the slip to the valet, as they stood together in the chilly evening, the sun just settling below the horizon.
“Thanks for ditching me.” There was ice to Bruce’s words, a blade-sharp edge, “Should I even ask what that was all about?”
If they weren’t spoken in that tone, he might have been touched. There had been weeks where Bruce hadn’t wanted to be in the same room as him.
“Thought you might prefer a more interesting partner this evening.” Alfred replied smoothly. The next question coming unconsciously, not even meaning to ask it, “Did you catch her name?”
He could feel the eyes on him, but kept his own facing forward as he looked for the valet. Hands slipped into the pockets of his trousers, determined to continue the charade.
There was a low scoff.
“Maybe we should have traded seats, instead.”
In this moment he had rued how perceptive Bruce could be. How over time, they had learned to read bits about each other.
A long moment, as the car pulled around. The valet exiting, rounding the front of the car before Bruce had taken pity on him.
His voice knowing as he finally told him her name.
Alfred had tried it out himself - later that night when he was alone. Rolling sweet on his tongue, before he locked it away.
No use dwelling on it, he had told himself. He was busy enough as it - a whole Tower to keep running, a young man to keep alive.
In a city as big as Gotham, another meeting would be unlikely. It would be be better for him to rid her - of any possible connection - from his mind.
And he had, as an old memory that sprung to the surface. One from the summer of his youth - fingers reaching out towards a painting at the Fitzwilliam Museum. An urge to feel the layered brushstrokes for himself.
Pausing, then drawing back. Knowing that it was not meant for that - his touch. That it would never be his. That beauty like this was best appreciated from afar.
And with that - the memory of her was locked away.
He moved on.
And now, despite those odds he had wondered about, despite the way he told himself he’d forget…
He finds they’ve been brought together, again.
Bruce has already split from his side, that honed, laser-focus taking over - leading him deep into the lounge. Leaving him in the doorway, jacket and cane in hand.
Firmly rooted to the floor, as something sweet blooms in his chest. A moment, before he can move again.
Of all nights to see her. Not that he was complaining, it was not at all an unwelcome surprise. But of course it comes on a night when Bruce is in one of his moods.
Hell-bent on a fight that Alfred knew he could never win.
He can’t bear to approach her. It would be impolite, and surely unwanted. She certainly had not dwelled on that night as he had.
And seeing her now, a vision - even from across the room - made him feel more foolish than ever.
But, he finds his feet unstuck. Taking him over to the bar. The urge to still stay close, in a place like this.
His eyes purposely finding Bruce so that they would not stray. Watching the stiff, uneasy gait of his walk as he approached the arch along the back wall.
Almost missing the scrape of a stool, a flicker of movement out of the corner of his eye.
How she moves to be closer to him.
“Mr. Pennyworth.”
She says his name, and it’s the prettiest thing he’s heard.
A hand extended, and without thought he’s taking it eagerly. Unable to resist the slight squeeze - pressing his hand firmly against hers as he tries out her name for himself.
“Always a pleasure to see you, miss.”
For the moment, her attention is on him. Something he had not anticipated, unable to help a quick look over his shoulder. Finding Bruce again - where he’s talking to the two men, heads bowed.
Surely, he could afford a short conversation?
His eyes turn back, finding hers.
Where she’s watching him, head cocked, “I didn’t expect to see you here. This doesn’t seem to be your usual spot.”
The fact that she thinks she might know his usual spots at all thrills him. Enough that he’s returning her smile.
“Just here on business, miss.” He answers kindly but evasively - his guard still up, when it came to Bruce’s excursions.
Unable to help asking in return, “What about yourself?“
“Same.” She smiles, eyes crinkling at the corners, “Though I’ve already done my rounds. I’ve been waiting for the traffic to die down so I can grab a cab.”
A soft, silent moment. The drink lifted to her lips, head tilting back. His eyes sweeping over the exposed column of her neck as she swallows.
A subtle dip lower - admiring, appreciating. The pretty shade of her dress, how it compliments her form. How for a moment, he imagines he was here, with her - an intentional date.
In another life. In another time - when he was ten, twenty years younger. Without the burdens of grief and the scars he still carries.
He’d ask her to dinner. Somewhere beyond his means, most likely. Unable to help it, wanting to sweep her off her feet, treat her to the very best.
Romance her. Bring her roses. Walk her to the door, after. Leaving with the anticipation of next time - and if he was lucky, knowing the feeling of her lips pressed against his
“Too bad you’re not here for fun, instead.”
Her sudden words feel like an electric shock, bringing him instantly back. A wistful, coy lilt to her voice, as she sets the drink down.
Bright eyes finally finding his, her words pointed, “That would’ve been even more interesting.”
For a second he thinks she teasing, and what a cruel thing it is. But then he sees her expression, the pieces of the puzzle that he’s been avoiding fitting neatly into place.
Lips parting with an sharp inhale, eyes blinking. Scrambling to find words - because he still can’t bring himself to believe.
That she would actually be interested in him. Not when she was so pretty, so young - not when she could surely have anyone of her choosing.
“You flatter me.” He finds his voice, after a moment. The words almost rueful, “But I think I am far too old for that sort of thing.”
She laughs then, shaking her head, “That’s ridiculous.”
An elbow propped on the bar top, her chin resting in the palm of her hand. A slow lean forward, invading his space.
Close enough that he can smell her perfume - the faded scent of soft vanilla and amber against her skin.
Her voice going low, gaze fixed firmly on his, “Maybe you haven’t met the right girl yet.”
It’s been so long that he doesn’t know how to take it. Defenses rising up instead, deflecting the attention.
“Ah.” He breathes, watching as her eyes slowly drop to his mouth. Swallowing, before he hears himself adding, “Perhaps someone more like Master Wayne…”
Trying to circle back to before. His poor attempt from the gala - directing attention from himself, again.
Those clever eyes dart back up to his, as she laughs. The glint of the low lights off her hair as her head shakes, “I am certain Mr. Wayne is not interested, nor am I-”
He feels his presence then, the shadow with a weight that he would know anywhere. The silent steps, an appearance at his shoulder.
Alfred’s eyes linger, for just one more moment. Knowing their meeting is about to come to and end. A second of greed, clinging to that thin point of connection for just one more breath.
And then his head is turning, the spell breaking. Seeing the frustration that pulls at Bruce’s face, the downward turn of his lips.
“Just missed them. They’re at the other-”, Bruce all but growls - before his eyes are shifting, finally landing on her. Finally realizing that they’re not home and it’s not just the two of them, anymore.
His words are severed, as she smiles. A tight politeness to the curve of her lips that doesn’t meet her eyes.
Bruce’s head turns sharply, cutting her out of the conversation.
“I have to go. I’ll be home later.”
If he wasn’t in such company Alfred’s fingers would be pinching the bridge of his nose - always forgetting how little manners Bruce could have when he irritated.
The younger man almost recovers, offering a half-hearted bow of his head in her direction. Sweeping out the front door a moment later, as Alfred exhales a long-held breath.
“My apologies,” He manages - his own smile strung tight. Not the way he had thought this conversation would go, “It appears my business has been concluded.”
“Seem like.” She smiles then, small and wistful. A softness in her farewell, “It was really nice seeing you.”
A thousand things swirl thought his mind during the second that her gaze holds his. His keen memory calling back to her words before.
“-waiting for the traffic to die down so I can grab a cab.”
An idea forming to prolong this meeting for just a few moments longer. Not that he shouldn’t offer this anyways - it might be rude to leave her here alone without at least offering.
“Allow me to offer you a ride home. I believe you’re on the way, and it’s the least I can do.”
He has no idea if it’s true, but he’d drive her anywhere in Gotham.
She takes the offered crook of her arm. Fingers pressing into the meat of his forearm - his knuckles curled tightly around the cane, as he savors the contact.
“Thank you. That would be lovely.”
A step as she moves in closer - tucking her body close to his, as they make their way to the door, together.
She does live close - her address carefully recited, as he mentally charts the best route to Gotham Village. A little pleased she lives somewhere safe - still in the Downtown-area, but not in places where Bruce visits often.
Soft idle chatter dissolves into a comfortable silence - with as much rain they have, you can only talk about it for so long - as he cranks the heat against the fall chill. Concentrating on the slick road ahead as he weaves through the streets.
Unable to help the occasional side-glance her way. So strange to have her in a place as intimate as this - only a hands-breadth or so away.
Wondering if her perfume will linger later, like a ghost.
His mind soon splitting, as it always did. Glancing up towards the sky - looking for the beacon. The summons he dreaded, only because it meant something had happened that was bad enough that they needed Bruce.
A summons that always brought him back to the Tower, to worry and wait.
But so far, the skies have only birthed the sheets of rain and dark, sweeping clouds.
The trip ends much too soon, as she gestures towards the row of brick apartments. Parking comes second nature - easily sliding his Bentley into one of the open spots outside the door.
Painted a pretty shade of green, like spring. Like when he had first saw her.
“Thank you for the ride, Alfred,” She tells him, his name sounding just as sweet as before. A hand coming to rest on the door handle, before she hesitates.
Her next words floor him.
“Would you come up if I asked you?”
His hands clench around the wheel, as he finds himself frozen in place. There’s not a lot of things that surprise him anymore. Not after what he’s seen, that he’s been through.
But this. This, was certainly unexpected.
“Oh.” He manages, this tongue feeling thick in his mouth. Catching the slow movement as she shifts - starting to lean toward him instead, an elbow resting between them. Her head cocked, eyes watching him so carefully.
Full of nervous hope.
There’s a hammering in his chest, a warmth that blooms across his cheeks and ears at the thought. At her offer - one he wishes so desperately to take. To reach out, sink his teeth into.
But does she know what she’s asking?
Does she really want him? And would she still, when she’s seen all of him?
“It’s uh, been a while.” He manages, to buy a few more moments to think. Even with her sweet teasing, he hadn’t thought they’d end up here.
Far too long since he’s been pursued. He’s forgotten all the steps, his feet feeling out of sync with this dance.
But she’s unfettered - the slowest shift as she moves closer. A soft inhale of breath as a hand reaches out. Her full intent shown as her fingers unfurl to rest against his knee.
Something sparking with her touch, coursing through him.
“I don’t mind if you’re nervous,” She confesses - a hitch of her breath. A small, encouraging smile sent his way, “I’m a little nervous too.”
At her words, something unlocks. The pressure of the want oozing up, seeping through the cracks of the wall he’s built so sturdily.
Unable to help the small, rough laugh just as her fingers inch up, towards his thigh.
To think that she was nervous. As if his rejection would come from a lack of desire, and not years of duty. Compounded into his skin, down to his bones.
He could assuage her. He could do that much.
Moving with a speed that matches her, his own head tilting slowing. Just until his nose almost brushes hers, until he’s close enough to see the fan of her lashes above heavy-lidded eyes.
“That’s not what I said, dove.” His words come out low, rasping. The endearment coming easily, as he watches how his tone effects her - the subtle shift in her seat.
The small gasp that has her eyes closing - those pretty lips parting.
For him. Waiting, just for him.
He moves.
Eyes finally closing as his lips brush against hers. Unable to help leaning in, the urge to touch - a hand reaching to cup her face, hold her close as a soft moan thrums in her throat.
A heady throb coursing through his chest when there’s the touch of her tongue against his lip. As he opens eagerly for her and she clings to him, pressing herself closer as she deepens their kiss.
His tongue passes over his lower lip when they finally part - still tasting her sweet mouth as she leans back. Shooting him a look that goes straight to his cock - heavy-lidded and wanting.
“Come inside,” She all but begs.
Robbing him of his breath, again.
His mind running wild at the offer and innuendo. Unable to help another small laugh, strangled in his throat.
I’d like to. He thinks, as his jaw tightens. Would love to see you come, darling. At least twice. A third time, if I can hold out. If that’s what you want.
Would it be so wrong, to have one night of selfishness?
His head shakes, ridding himself of the doubt.
Making a decision.
His fingers twist the keys, turning off the ignition.
Giving in to what he wants - at last.
She is nervous, he can see it in the way she fumbles with the lock, missing it with her keys.
Though she has no reason to be. He’s hers now, and will be until she no longer wants him.
Hands coming without thought - one against the curve of her lower back, steadying her. Another wrapping around her smaller hand, easing the key in.
Unlocking the door.
“Bedroom?” She asking, a glance over her shoulder as he takes in her apartment - the details that make up her life.
Ready to take a step forward - but he’s not quite done kissing her yet, now that he’s no longer confined to the interior of a car.
His hand still wrapped around her wrist - using it to tug her back against him. Carefully turning them until her back presses into the door.
Her head tilting up as he leans into her space - hands sliding up his chest to grip onto his shoulders for balance.
Fingers finding the soft fabric at her hips at her lips meet his, rucking up the hem. Wanting to make her feel good, too - as her hips press into his. Fitting a strong thigh between hers as she clings to him, already grinding down on his offer.
Already wanting to taste her again, hands roaming up to cup her jaw. Tongue stroking the seam of her lips until she’s parting them with a groan. The sound high-pitched and wanting, as his own moan joins her.
Her fingers unfurl from his shoulders. A hand ghosting down to cup where he’s thickening in his trousers with each rock of her hips. Squeezing him, gently.
His groan deepens, grows louder. His hips jerking into her touch as their kiss breaks - as she grins.
The last bit of that worry and self-consciousness that clung to him like a second skin, fading away at her touch.
He wants her. He can admit that now.
“Bedroom.” He husks, a hand gripping onto her hip as he moves away, as the heels of her shoes drop down. Loathe to leave their connection - a hand still lingering at her jaw.
One that she catches, entwining with her own as she leads him further inside. To her sanctuary - where he lingers for a moment in the doorway, as she sits down on the edge of the bed.
Leaning forward, to reach her shoes - though that’s something he’d be glad to do, for her.
“Allow me.” He kneels, ignoring the ache in his thigh as she extends her leg.
His palm cupping the soft skin of her calf - the other hand deftly working the tiny buckle, slipping her foot free. A soft sigh as he rids her of the other - an easy practice to his movements.
Fingers brushing over skin, the soft sweep of a thumb against an ankle.
Old habits sinking in as he takes the briefest moment to line both of her shoes up next to her nightstand.
Lingering for a moment there, between her knees. Eyes lifting when her legs part further - spreading themselves open for him.
Traveling up the expanse of bare skin - from foot, to ankle, to calf.
Knee, to thigh, to-
His breath is low, harsh. The word no more than a rough gasp.
This sight of her, right now. The smallest mark of worry between her brows, a bit lip mixing with the dark look in her eyes.
The shadow of her dress not quite disguising the scrap of fabric between her thighs. Darkened and soaked through. Wet, for him.
His hands move on their own. Sliding over soft skin, over the curve of her knee. Watching as she hikes her dress up a little more - but he wants to see everything.
Pushing the fabric up himself - to her hips, as he rises. Fitting his waist between her knees, as his fingers grip at her waist. Taking in every detail - each curve and inch of skin. The heave of her chest, the mounting hunger in her eyes.
The lips that part, begging for him.
“Please, sir.”
Christ, she was going to ruin him.
It’s not a title that was new, not exactly. But time had made him forget. Not wanting to deny her of anything - taking this scrap of what she might like, might want, and storing it deep within his chest.
If she really wanted it, she could have it. But tonight… all he wanted was to take care of her.
The smallest shake of his head as he bends, the curve of his nose brushing over her stomach. The brush of his mouth against her skin as he moves downward.
“Not sir.” He grits out - reaching the waistband of her underwear. A pretty little lace thing, just barely keeping him from what he wants.
Her voice comes again - the syllables light on her sweet tongue, “Mr. Pennyworth?”
That is a pretty sound, and oh so tempting. His eyes flicking up - dark and glittering as he considers it for just a moment.
But then, the smallest shake of his head.
“No, not that either. Just-“
Just Alfred. Just you and me tonight, dove.
“Alfred,” she coos, and he thinks she’s read his mind. Before he’s catching the sly look in her eye as her hip cant upward, “If you wanted me to call you daddy, all you had to do was ask.”
He can’t deny the effect it has on him - the desire that drips off each word. Filthy, in a way he had not been expecting.
Fingers pinching into her hips - unable to bite back the groan as he presses his hard cock into the side of the mattress. A desperate attempt at relief.
Dear god.
Her eyebrow is lifting, lips rounding on a soft and knowing little “oh” of interest.
His own face growing stern, the slightest edge to his voice, “That mouth, darling, is going to get you into trouble.”
If she keeps it up - the flirtation, the teasing, the just being her - then he will surely disappoint her.
Catching her sweetly off guard as his head dips. Flattening his tongue against the spot that is damp for him. A breath through his nose, inhaling her scent before he’s pressing close. Her hips jerking as she cries out, his own hands coming to cup her ass - keeping her pressed snug against his mouth.
Unable to help the low groan, sounding loud in the small room. The fabric darkening under his tongue as he presses into her wet center.
Again, and then again. Already able taste her through the fabric. Still unable to resist tugging the scrap to the side, so he can do this properly.
He takes his time. Tracing every inch with the point of his tongue. Parting slick, puffy folds as he groans, as his cock throbs in its tight confinement.
Leaning back, after a moment.
Needing more.
“Oh,” he rasps. A rough groan pushing from his chest as his fingers curl around the delicate fabric. Peeling them down her thighs, baring her pretty cunt to him.
Eyes flipping up, catching hers - how she’s strung-tight with anticipation.
“I could eat you all day.”
And he would - if it meant that she kept making all those sweet sounds for him.
Leaning forward then, to press his mouth to her. Thighs pressing into his shoulders as he explores with soft kisses and the flick of his tongue.
Listening to what makes her whine. What makes her go silent, breath hitching. What has her lips parting as she moans. As she moves with him, the unconscious rock of her hips as he fucks her with his tongue.
She wriggles above him. Her pussy pressing against his tongue as her ass lifts, so she can tug the fabric of her dress up, and then off. Letting it drop over the edge of the bed, lost in her eagerness.
Baring herself to him, as his eyes drag down. Past shoulders and to the lacy bra that matches the panties he tugged off her. The sweet curve of her breasts, confined in the fine fabric.
He cannot take it any longer. A request, one of the few he will make, slides from his lips. Breathed out against the soft skin of her thigh.
“Can I touch you, dove?”
Working quickly and efficiently - removing his prized golden cufflinks. Tucking them away safely within his trouser pocket, along with his wrist watch. Rolling up one of the sleeves of his shirt over strong forearms, as she watches.
“Yes.” She begs, as the fabric of the other sleeve pushes up to his elbow.
He can’t help the low growl, as his hands move back into place. Flattening against soft skin, dragging down until he’s stroking her sensitive inner thigh. Achingly careful as a finger glides across her clit, watching how she clenches for him.
Wanting to fill that pretty, greedy hole. Fingertips gathering her arousal, tracing the tight opening - before pressing a finger inside.
Sinking deep into the heat as she jolts, a heady moan as he begins to thrust.
Achingly tight as he fits another in, his eyes fixed on where he takes him. Unable to help thinking about how she’ll feel wrapped around his cock. A throb as she whimpers at the stretch - though in the same breath she’s pushing herself up on her elbows to watch.
Where his forearms flex, the noisy thrust of his fingers that come back slick and shining.
“Gorgeous.” He purrs, dipping his head to press a kiss right against her swollen clit. Tongue flattening to swipe over it next, as her thighs trembling, grasping at her bedding.
Pressing his fingers knuckle-deep, as far as he can reach. The techniques coming back to him - even after all this time - as the tips curl, press, drag.
He’s watching as she cries out with pleasure, greedy eyes taking every detail in. Doing it again so he can watch her lips part with a long moan. An unconscious and needy flex of her hips, pressing her soaked cunt closer to his mouth.
“Again.” She whines - as he tugs the plea from deep in her chest.
Unable to keep the edges of his lips from curling as his lips wrap around the sensitive bud. A soft suck as he steadily finds the soft with his fingers again, and then again.
Each of her breathes coming in a short staccato as she gasps, whimpers. Head tilted back - pretty, unfiltered thoughts pouring from her lips.
Begging, for him.
“Fuck me, oh god, please-”
Clenching down around his fingers that refuse to slow. That won’t stop until he feels her pretty little cunt come around them.
Wholly enraptured by her pleading - his voice going soft with want and emotion, “I will, darling. Anything you want.”
Because right now, he would. For tonight, this moment, he is hers.
“But I need you to come for me first. Can you do that for daddy?”
He does it, for her. Returning the favor - as his finger plunge and curl.
Wanting, needing - to bring her over that edge first. Ignoring the throb of his cock, the tightness in his trousers in favor of her mounting pleasure.
He sees how his words effect her. The clench as she bears down around him, a kiss-swollen lip trapped between teeth as she gazes at him with half-lidded eyes. The short jerk of a nod, lips parting to breathe out the word, “Yes.”
Just before she comes undone for him. Her cunt tightening around his fingers as she moans, head tilted back against the pillows. His tongue pressed against her swollen little clit, feeling how she throbs for him.
Each breath a high-pitched pant, soft sounds as her thighs tighten around him. His fingers still moving - drawing out the pleasure, pressing against that spot that had her sobbing. It’s perfection, in every sense of the word.
And, if all he has is this.
This night.
The memory, and her smile, and the taste of her on his tongue -
He thinks that would be enough.
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Please excuse the self-indulgence, just feeling a little sentimental. Thank you so so much for reading 💖💕
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whosmarii · 5 months
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Maybe the only way you can learn about your powers is with shock therapy. You didn't even know the extent they have. So S.H.I.E.L.D decided to send you on a mission they belived not to be Avenger typa deanger, they were wrong. Marc Spector case seems to be much more profound and obscure that it appears.
*This chapter is just a preface (it literally says prologue lol) so take that into account,
*Reader is fem and already has a name (you are Nefer dear), but you can like completely ignore that name and use yours.
It is 4am. You usually wake up at that hour, the training is beyond all bearing and you already state that you'll never use pills to the stress cause by it.
" You have to be able to control your brain on your own Nefer, if not, you'll have to be put down." That's what Nicholas Fury told you when S.H.I.E.L.D take you in. You think just like him, what it's going to be of you if your wellbeing depends on a pharmacist with a chemical engineering degree who just wants to capitalize on your suffering so that you buy more of his Lorazepam.
Anyways, he wasn't refering to that when he said that sentence. Nicholas meant that you need to be able to control your powers, so you can finally be a confirmed Avenger.
It's frustrating, seeing everyone around you having a symbiosis with their supernatural abilities. Even Peter with just 15 years did it in less than a week. But you couldn't do it in 19 years, not even when 5 of those years consisted on studying your might, a fucking failure.
In fact, if it weren't for Tony, Bruce and their test, today you would still not know the label of your powers. Apparently you can somehow work with Love and beauty but we don't exactly know the dimension of this. You always suspected it tho.
"Denisse could you take care of Nefertiti for a few minutes, please?" Said Carmela, Nefertitis mother, leaving the living room leaving no place for a response. "Aren't you the most cute girl hm?" said aunt Denisse looking right at the baby of 1 year old in front of her. The little girl stretched her arms to try and touch her belly. "Oh, you like my t-shirt? look it has color pink! you like color pink right Nefi?" Nefertiti smiled at her, trying to say something but failing because of her lack of speaking ability, still she managed to mumble some words, or an attempt of them. "baba- babs-bybybyby" "Baba? papa? you want your daddy? your dada? i'll go find him baby" baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby. That was the word. baby, baby, baby, baby. "baba- babababa- byyy-baaaa by- baby-baby-baby" the child yelled the word alone in the living room. Of course the sound alerted the whole family making everyone run towars the living room, just to find Nefer repeting the word baby with her eyes closed. "I can't belive this... Anton, get the camera! Nefer is saying her first word!!!" said the mother of the little girl to her husband, kneeling in front of her to praise her for her intelligence. Meanwhile aunt Denisse remaind standing in the doorframe with a frown on her face. Nefertiti's first word was baby and she was uncontrollably saying it, now with her eyes open looking right on hers. A few seconds later Carmela notice the weird behavior, she thought that maybe Denisse or her husband were making silly faces and movements so her baby would look at them. But when she looks backwards the only thing she sees is her sister touching her belly. "Baby in here?" mutters Denisse while pointing at her belly. Nefertitis smile gets bigger and she starts nodding with her head. Silence. Silence. Silence. Silence. "Are you pregnant..?" "Yes."
Your mother would always tell you that story. How did you know your aunt was pregnant? no one knows, no, actually you do now. You guess that it is one of your abilities. You don't exacly know how the fuck could could you use that for an Avenger mission but at least you knew it was your thing.
Your family also told you storys about how you would talk about couples that weren't actually together and years later got married. At first everyone thought that maybe you could see the future but that wasn't it.
Or about the many times people would do what you told them to do just because you were the prettiest girl they ever saw. And i'm talking about an extreme dimension. People doing ilegal things on autopilot just because a pretty 7 year old girl told them to.
Bruce says that you have some type of higher intelligence when it comes to femenine aspects like fertility and love and that you clearly have some type of absolute beauty that if you learn how to use, it could be very powerful.
But for now, you are useless. You can't be on Avengers missions if you don't know when are your powers going to strike and in who are they going to strike. That's why you have to wake up at 4 am every day to train your powers. That's what you been doing for the last 5 years.
And that definitly has to change now.
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bedlamsbard · 11 months
Some concept writing! This is a scene that I've been thinking about for a while but haven't had anywhere to use it; I might do a bigger wedding story at some point, which is why this isn't going to AO3 as a standalone. This is set several months after On Yonder Hill/Endgame in the Yonderverse timeline. (Note that the timeline doesn't quite match up with the sequel concept, which is why it's all concept writing.)
Steve/Nat, Bruce/Betty, and Clint/Laura all referred to. Pied ravens are an extinct color morph from the Faroe Islands.
Just over 2K under the break.
There was a nervous edge to Lila’s voice that made Clint’s hand tighten on his razor.  He flinched an instant later as the twitch opened a thin cut on the underside of his chin.  Wiping the blood and the last of the soapsuds away, he called back, “Yeah, sweetie?”
He had to fight to keep his voice calm and finish wiping his face dry, rather than rushing downstairs immediately.  Since the Blip he had been hovering in a way that he knew made them all nervous, not dissimilarly to the way he had hovered when he had first retired after the Ultron debacle.  Only back then it had been because he didn’t really know what to do with himself when he didn’t feel like he was counting time until his next deployment; now it was because he couldn’t bring himself to believe that they wouldn’t all vanish if he turned his back.  He was doing his best.
“Dad, there’s a – a bird.”
Clint stopped with the water running across his hands.  “A bird?”
“Hon, I think you’d better come down here,” Laura added.  From the sound of it she was standing at the bottom of the stairs.  “I think it’s for you.”
He heard Nathaniel say, “Why would a bird be for Daddy?”
“Jesus,” Clint muttered, turning the water off and wiping his hands dry. “I’m going to kill that son of a bitch.  Coming to my house –”
He took the stairs two at a time on the way down and arrived in the kitchen to find Laura and the kids clustered on one side of the room and a big black-and-white bird perched calmly on the back of a chair.  The back door was open behind it.
Because of the color, it took Clint a moment to identify the bird as a raven.  It was half again as big as the next biggest raven Clint had ever seen, which was pretty damn big.  It had the same indefinable air of being faintly alien as the handful of Asgardian animals he had seen, maybe something about the glossiness of its piebald feathers or the curvature of its beak.
Clint eyed it warily.  He had grabbed one of his holdout pistols on his way downstairs and was holding it down by his thigh where the kids couldn’t see it, just in case he had guessed wrong and the damn thing wasn’t Asgardian after all; if it was Asgardian he doubted bullets would have all that much effect on it.
The raven eyed him back with what seemed to be equal suspicion, then let out a single quork and turned its head.  There was a glitter of green-gold energy as it turned back with a thick envelope held in its beak.
Clint gritted his teeth and tucked his gun into his waistband, pulling his shirt down to cover the grip.  “You tell Loki,” he informed the raven as he crossed the kitchen, “that the postal service exists and it’s very reliable.  Don’t tell me he’s too cheap to buy an international stamp.”  He took the envelope a little gingerly from the raven, then resisted the urge to flinch as it repeated the motion, this time with what seemed to be a tightly rolled scroll.  It settled back on the chair and watched him after he took it.
“What?” Clint asked it. “What do you want?  A prize?  Go on, shoo.”
The raven ruffled its feathers and didn’t move.
“Jesus,” Clint muttered, taking a wary step back from the bird and putting himself between it and his family.  He opened the envelope first and pulled out a perfectly ordinary sheet of heavy embossed paper, reading out loud, “You are cordially invited to the wedding of Robert Bruce Banner and Elizabeth Lee Ross – Bruce is engaged to the Vice President’s daughter,” he informed Laura, passing her the invitation as she came up behind him. “The weddin’s going to be in some church in Virginia, which makes me wonder why the hell Bruce has Loki’s menagerie delivering his mail.”
The raven quorked at him again, sounding annoyed.
“That’s wonderful,” Laura said, reading the invitation.  “What’s the other one?”
“Ross must be losing his mind,” Clint said as he unrolled the scroll.  “He hates Bruce.  He – holy shit!”
“Nat’s getting married!” Clint said, staring at the sheet of parchment or pressed wood paper or whatever it was the Asgardians used.
Laura snatched the scroll out of his hand. “To who?  I didn’t even know she was seeing anyone!”
“Aunt Nat’s getting married?” Lila said, venturing closer with a wary look at the raven.
“Nat’s getting married to Steve Rogers?” Laura said, staring at the scroll.  She stared accusingly up at Clint and said, “Did you know about this?”
“No!” Clint protested.  “I had no idea that they were –”  Several dozen observations from his month at the compound while they had been working on the quantum tunnel and the Time Heist snapped together.  He had written them all off as coincidence; Steve and Natasha had been weird about each other since they had gutted SHIELD together nine years ago.  Hell, they had been weird about each other since the Chitauri invasion back in 2012; Steve had apparently taken one look at Natasha on the helicarrier and decided that she was the only person there he trusted.  Clint still remembered seeing him for the first time back in that cell-cum-cabin and the wordless question-and-answer that had passed between Steve and Natasha about him.  From his best calculation they had known each other for about twelve hours at that point.  “I’m an idiot.”
Laura gave him a dry look.  “I thought you were living with them at the compound.”
“I wasn’t paying attention to who was sleeping in whose room!”
“So we’re going, right?” Lila said, reaching for the scroll; Laura relinquished it to her after a moment and the kids all clustered around it.  Clint wished them luck at reading Loki’s ornate, runic handwriting; at least the damn thing was in English.  Why Loki was writing Steve and Natasha’s wedding invitations was anyone’s best guess.
“The wedding’s going to be in New Asgard,” Clint said.  Although he had scouted the borders during the Snap, he had only been out to the settlement once and wasn’t sure how he felt about it; his visit had been soon after the Blip and Loki had been busy organizing it with ruthless efficiency, backed up by its original residents.  Clint still couldn’t decide if Thor hadn’t been able to get a word in edgewise or if he had been content to let Loki have his way.
“So?” Cooper said. “New Asgard’s cool.  I’ve seen pictures on the internet.”
Clint exchanged a look with Laura.  He didn’t like the idea of letting his kids anywhere near Loki, no matter what Loki had been up to during the past five years.
“I mean, if aliens attack again, New Asgard’s got to be the safest place to be, right?” Cooper insisted.
It had been eleven years since the Battle of New York and Clint still couldn’t get over the fact that that was a concern that kids just had these days.  “New Asgard’s full of aliens, bud, that’s why it’s got the words ‘new’ and ‘Asgard’ in the name.”
“But all the Avengers are there too.”
“Probably just to spite Ross,” Clint muttered; for better or worse Steve and Natasha were currently running the active Avengers team out of New Asgard.  It cut down on the paparazzi, anyway.
Laura put a hand on his arm and said, “It’s Nat, Clint.  And Steve,” she added as an afterthought; she liked Steve but knew him less well than she did Natasha.
“Yeah, yeah, of course,” Clint said; the outcome was a foregone conclusion and they didn’t need to have a debate about it.  He looked back at the patient raven and said, “Are you waiting for an RSVP or something?”
It quorked again.
“Right,” Clint muttered, then, louder, “Yes on both, party of five.”  He took the RSVP card that had been in Bruce’s envelope, found a pen, and scribbled his response before holding it tentatively out to the bird, which took it in its beak and made it vanish in a little flicker of green-gold magic.  “Is there one for Steve and Nat?”
The raven made what he assumed was a negative gesture.  It spread massive wings and hopped into the air, gliding out through the open door.  They all rushed after it, getting to the door just in time to watch it vanish in another flash of green-gold energy.
“God, everything about Asgard is so weird,” Clint said.  “I gotta make a phone call,” he added, and went upstairs to find his cell phone.  He checked the time in Norway before he hit the call button, then said, “You’re getting married?  I had to find out from one of Loki’s wild animals?”
“Hello to you too,” Natasha said.  “I was going to call, Loki just moved faster on the party-planning than I thought he would.”
“Since when have you and Steve been – uh –”  Aside from a few ill-fated attempts that Clint and Laura had arranged in the first year after her defection and the disaster with Bruce in 2015, Natasha didn’t date.  As far as Clint was aware, Steve didn’t either.
“Seven years,” Natasha said, after a brief pause.
“What?”  Clint almost yelled.  “You didn’t say!”
“I thought you were supposed to be observant, Hawkeye!  I didn’t realize we were supposed to send out a press release!”  She took a deep breath and then added more calmly, “I thought you knew.”
“I found out now,” Clint said.  “You guys aren’t really, uh, demonstrative.”  He bit his lip; thinking back on it, he was pretty sure that Steve had been sleeping in Natasha’s room at the compound nine nights out of every ten.  “So, uh, why now?”
“Steve really wants to.  He wouldn’t have pushed if I didn’t, but – I do too,” Natasha said.  There was a little bloom of heat behind the words, like any other woman who was in love; Clint just wasn’t used to hearing it from Natasha.  “It’s like – like everything was on pause during the Snap and we just couldn’t think about it then.”
“Yeah,” Clint admitted; he knew what that one was like. “Why New Asgard, though?  Isn’t Steve Irish Catholic?  He could get St. Patrick’s or St. Matthew’s for the asking.  Or whatever the cathedral in Brooklyn is.”
“St. Joseph’s,” Natasha supplied.  “He says he doesn’t care and if we have a wedding in the States then it will be a sideshow.”
“And having one in New Asgard won’t be?” Clint said dubiously.  “You know what Asgardians are like –”
“I know better than you do,” Natasha pointed out.  “You know what New York has that New Asgard doesn’t?  The press.  It’s mostly an excuse for Loki to throw a party, anyway.”
Clint bit his lip, then went over to shut the bedroom door. “I don’t like the idea of bringing my kids to New Asgard, Nat.”
There was a long pause before Natasha said carefully, “You’re not coming?”
“No, of course we’re coming,” Clint reassured her.  “Just, you know.  St. Pat’s would have been a lot easier.”
“For you,” Natasha pointed out.  “We’re going to have enough trouble getting Loki into the country for Bruce’s wedding.  Bucky’s already started a betting pool on who’s going to punch out Ross.”
Clint snorted.  “Who’s in the lead right now?”
“Betty.  You haven’t met her, have you?”
“Nope, but I read her file.  When did you meet her?”
There was another long pause.  “We had an op five years ago, about six months after the Snap, and she got brought in on it.  I don’t want to talk about it on the phone.”
Clint bit the inside of his cheek. “Was that the thing in New York when the Tower got blown up?  I saw it on the news.”
“That’s the one.”
Clint was well aware that he had fucked up by not linking up with the remaining Avengers after the Snap.  To his grief-stricken mind it had seemed like the best idea for everyone at the time, but in actuality it hadn’t been good for anyone, him included.  He had been able to tell from the news reports about the New York op that there was something big missing and no one had any idea what it was.  That usually meant that something had gone very, very wrong.
He cleared his throat and said, “We’ll be there.  For Bruce and Betty too, tell them I said hi.  I gotta go have breakfast.”
“Okay,” Natasha said, sounding a little relieved not to have to talk about whatever disaster had happened on the New York op.  “Give Laura and the kids my love.”
“Will do.  Talk to you later.”
He ended the call and sat down heavily on the bed, tossing the phone to one side.  “Damn,” he said eventually, feeling more than a little astonished.  Clint might not have gotten snapped, but he had missed a lot anyway.
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romanarose · 1 year
Hello Sunshine, Won't You Stay?
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Santiago Garcia
Triple Frontier Master List
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Summary: A song fic for the wonderful universe created by @astroboots, Homecoming, to Hello Sunshine by, you guessed it besties, my daddy Bruce Springsteen. If you haven't read Homecoming, I'm literally begging you to read it, but Ima be honest, Homecoming is like. THE STANDARD for Triple Frontier fanfiction. Does not take place any specific time, and OBVIOUSLY ITS JUST MY SILLY FIC SO IT'S NOT OFFICIAL IN TIMELINE but just it's when Santi is trying to figure out his place.
A/N: First of all, are y'all tired of my Bruce Springsteen and Fleetwood Mac references all the time? I will not be stopped. But also. Hi Astroboots I hope this isn't weird ;-; I just tend to hear songs and attached it to things and if I get really inspired I write a song fic, and I've been, predictably, listing to a lot of Springsteen and I just had this song going on repeat and thinking about Santi and Homecoming.
Warnings: Nothing much. Anxiety, commitment issues, mentions of death, mentions of sex.
Had enough of heartbreak and pain
I had a little sweet spot for the rain
For the rain and skies of grey
Hello sunshine, won't you stay?
Santiago laid in bed, wide awake as usual. The sun was up, so he was up, old habits die hard, he supposed. He could hear her in the kitchen making coffee and breakfast before she’d be heading out and goddamn if it didn’t smell good… He could get used to this… But he wont. Santiago refuses to. He had started to get used to it, that was the problem. Santiago had begun to form a routine; a dangerous thing for a man like him. He was supposed to be on the go, never staying in one place very long, coming and going as he pleased, french exits and one night stands. Men like Santi couldn’t form routines, can’t afford to. Routines mean regularity, and regularity means familiarity, familiarity means closeness. And closeness… Well that meant he could get hurt. Having something meant that it could be taken away, at any time. And he couldn’t stand to lose her and Frankie. In the morning, Santiago would wake up, take a piss, shower, and complain about something as he stumbled into the kitchen. That’s where she’d push a coffee into his hand with a soft smile and continue singing along to the radio as he leaned over the counter, watching her… Maybe she is talking to him about plans for the day, maybe it’s quiet, and they listen to Bruce Springsteen sing about glory days over the radio waves. After a while, somewhere between the coffee and when Frankie’s bedroom door opening, Santi’s mood had greatly improved, and by the time Frank’s socks are shuffling across the hardwood floors, firm hand patting Santi on the back as he mumbles a greeting on his way over to her, the sun is fully up and the room and the world seem just that might brighter. But see, therein lies the problem, doesn’t it? The world is brighter with them in it. It always had been, of course. Her, Frankie, and the Millers were some of the only things that ever brought him back to the states since his moms death, but everything that had been going on recently between Santiago, her, and Frankie had complicated things. What exactly that was, he wasn’t entirely sure himself. They hadn’t addressed it, they hadn’t talked about it, it simply was, and so far… Santi liked that. Until Frank kissed him.
You know I always liked my walking shoes
But you can get a little too fond of the blues
You walk too far, you walk away
Hello sunshine, won't you stay?
It wasn’t even anything out of the ordinary, they had kissed each others heads before; they were from very affectionate cultures, touching and chaste kisses were the norm, even between men, but this felt different, domestic… Like every morning, Santiago leaned against the counter as he drank his coffee, Billy Joel was singing “She’s Always A Woman to Me” and he couldn’t help but think of her ‘she steals like a thief but she’s always a woman to me…’ Right on time, as Santi’s mood lightened from the ‘grumpy old man’ Will referred to him as and into something more akin to a normal, functioning adult without commitment issues, Frankie emerged from his room. Santi auditorially tracked his steps, as always, as he did anyone within earshot but Frankie was for a particular reason. Bedroom doorway, down the hall, stop to take a piss, back down the hall, around the couch, hip checking the kitchen table yet again, and Santi waited, refusing to admit how eager he was for his friend's familiar touch on his back. It came, as it always did, the large hand tender on Santi’s ever-tense back, but accompanied by something else; a gentle kiss on the side of Santi’s head. Santiago watched her turn around, eyeing him nervously and looking questioningly at Frank. She knew what this would do. Catfish was in way too much of a sleep haze to connect any dots, but she always knew exactly how Santiago’s brain ticked. So, for the last week, Santi had avoided both of them, getting up ungodly early, going for a run until he knew both had left, and then finding any excuse to stay away from them. “Ben’s truck needs work” “Gotta help my sister move” “Gonna be on a zoom meeting for a few hours”. It was all bullshit and everyone knew.
You know I always loved a lonely town
Those empty streets, no one around
You fall in love with lonely, you end up that way
Hello sunshine, won't you stay?
Apparently, she had enough. Maybe, just maybe, it had something to do with the fact Santi had refused dinner yet again, and mumbled something about “getting out your hair soon”, and Santiago should’ve know what that would do to her; she had probably started plotting the second he disappeared. Never one to take Santiago’s bullshit, when Santi woke up this morning, he heard the distinct sound of the coffee pot going, and Fleetwood Mac on the radio; she had gotten up before him on purpose. ‘I’ve been ‘fraid of changin’ cause I built my life around you…’ he heard her sing softly along. Had she and Frank done that? The spare bedroom, the way she kept his things, the way Fish always asked him to stay, as if it was a favor to him, not an inconvenience… that was the problem. The kiss on the side of his head, the light way it had fluttered against his hairline, how Frankie hadn’t even looked at him, like it was completely normal. That wasn’t the worst part. The part that got him, the part that made Santiago go into fight or flight, made every nerve stand up on edge was that, yeah, it felt normal. It felt right. And he wanted it again. But Santi couldn’t intrude on their marriage anymore than he already had, it wasn’t plausible, it wasn’t possible. What would the guys think? How would he explain this to his sisters? Since when was he gay? He’d have to come out and god, he’d have to admit that part of himself to his own reflection first. It was all to much. So he was hiding. Hiding in his bed, tracking every sound in the house, hoping to god she’d leave. It was saturday, who knew what the schedule looked like, weekends always depended, and since he had missed any time with her or Frank this week, it was all up in the air. She did this on purpose. She knew she had to corner him, force him to make a choice, one way or another, and she knew what he wanted. She’d seen it in his eyes every time he watched her, everytime she watched him watch Frank leave the room, and that time they spent together, as he watched Frankie pound into her and he couldn’t decide which one of the pair of them he wanted to be more… 
You know I always liked that empty road
No place to be and miles to go
But miles to go is miles away
Hello sunshine, won't you stay?
But the fact is he wanted to be both. He wanted to touch her, feel her, fuck her, but he also wanted to taste Frankie; his mouth, his cock, every inch of skin on the man. Why did the idea scare him so much? Was it the fact he’d be entering into a relationship with two people? Would it be admitting he was bisexual? Or was it the fact he’d be opening himself up to more than just friendship. He had friends, close friends he loved dearly, he had vulnerabilities when it came to them, seeing Will shot made him lose focus and watching Tom die certainly had an affect on him that no one dared bring up, but there was also the death of his mom, a life in the military and a litany of other issues in that brain of his that caused him to push anyway people that got too close. How was he supposed to bury another friend? None the less someone he loved? And death wasn’t the only problem, what if they got tired of him? And that’s not a what if, that was a when. She said he had a home here, that this place would always be his… but no one ever wanted him around that long. Santiago was a temporary person, a rolling stone, people could take him in small doses, but this little morning routine he had come to love so much would only end in disaster. One day she would be tired of making coffee for him and yell at him to make his own, one day Santi would say something hurtful as he always did when trying to push people away, one day Frankie would be over Santi staring at his wife’s ass… But what if they didn’t? The sound of singing and the smell of food was growing tempting… What if they really, genuinely wanted him to have him long term in their life? And what if Santi could push back all his instincts to run away and allow himself a home… because this feels like home, this feels like forever… What if he just… tried? It could hurt, it could hurt real fucking bad… but god, the glimpse of domesticity and the little slice of this american life he had seen so far, he didn’t want to lose. Was it worth the risk? Maybe he didn’t have to make a commitment, not forever, not right now… but he could make a choice for right now. Frankie was in the kitchen now, no doubt giving her a kiss on the cheek, and he could keep the ghost of his lips on his skin. He could allow them in, allow himself to love and be loved in return by two people who already know the darkest sides of him and still chose, no, fought to keep him in their lives… plus, he really had to pee…
And miles to go is miles away
Hello sunshine, won't you stay?
Hello sunshine, won't you stay?
Hello sunshine…
Santiago put on his socks, hating the feeling of cold foot on his feet and with a deep breath, he opened his bedroom door, the sound of her voice singing Anerican Girl became joyfully louder as the wooden barrier was lifted. He allowed the music, the instruments and her voice and Frankie’s in tandem with Tom Petty to surround him, fully and completely surrendered as it penetrated through him and Santi thought ‘I can get used to this...’ After the bathroom and his usual shower, he dressed and nervously walked into the kitchen, where he found her cooking, and Frank in Santi’s usual position; leaning over the counter, staring at her ass. ‘She was an American girl; raised on promises…’ Santi knew Frankie wouldn’t do what he had done before, not at the risk of scaring Santi off again, so Santiago slide up beside his friend “buenos dias, hermano”, patted his back and, shakily and hesitantly, kissed Frank’s temple, and whispered, loud enough that he knew she heard too, but quiet enough he could pretend he only said it to himself. “Te echaba de menos”
She turned around, his favorite mug in hand and a knowing smile on her face. “Hello, sunshine” She extended the mug to him, a gesture Santi hesitated on taking, knowing the weight of what it meant. “You staying for coffee?”
He looked at her kind eyes, looked at Frank’s softly waiting face, and back to the coffee, taking it in his hand.
I've had a v v v v bad day with so much anxiety (I aint had an anxiety attack in like a year, but two this week thanks to bad friends) andalthough it's one am and my first day of class is literally tomorrow, writing this was the only thing that managed to get me to stop shaking and think about something ELSE
Ima take a moment to plug Awakening Series Masterlist, if you're into poly/gay/group sex, shit like that, might enjoy it! It's got 3 parts right now all leading up to group sex, but the next few chapters will be a few different things!
Also, if you like how I write Santi, check out my PRIDE AND JOY! My recently completed series Leather and Lace. Check all warnings bc it's pretty intense in content but I've been told it was handled well, and I'm very happy with how it ended, and opening up the gate for Frankie's story next <3
And to Astroboots, I gotta say again, I love homecoming (and red flags!!!) and I wanna say a huuuggee THANK YOU!!! For writing it!!! it makes me so happy and so horny at the same time.
tagging people who I know read homecoming/reblogged the first story or something, instead of my usual whores, sorry if you literally dont care, you can ignore this lol
my loves, @welcometostayingawake @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @axshadows @softlyspector
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