#and they both up up a brave front with the kids but they cant with each other adn theyre so complicated
aceyanaheim · 1 year
every time i watch Lip and Fiona on the Sheboygan episode it fucks me Up
like Every Time
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mari-the-bimbo · 1 year
hi! could you please do something related w/ rich!geto please? idk like being childhood besties with him and how their relationship (meaning from bff to lovers) would blossom after he becomes heir of the company,, have a nice one i love your writing <3
Rich bf! Geto
A/N: STOPPPP this is such a cute idea I love it! 😮‍💨💗 also this finally pushed me out my comfort zone since I’m always writing 20 chapter long slow burns instead of writing it in one 🤣
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You guys became friends when you were 13-14. Awkward teens who spotted each other on the way to school. Geto saw you shoving 2-3 chicken nuggets in your mouth while running to school. It was hilarious in his eyes. To satisfy his curiosity of you, he offered you a ride on his bike, which you easily agreed to, but in return the raven haired boy started to call you ‘chicken nugget’. And since then you were attached to the hip.
You were Geto’s sweetheart, his dearest friend. The slightly strange but sweet girl who he didn’t miss a chance to hang out with, whether it was sneaking your cowardly ass out of class, or giving you a ride home.
And even as you both grew up, and hit puberty, the affection only grew stronger. But now there were butterflies that would grow when your eyes would meet. Or when he’d catch a glimpse of your cute smile, or when your eyes would land on his broad chest when he pulled you for a hug.
Geto always knew he had feelings for his favourite chicken nugget girl, but he didn’t believe he deserves you.
“Bro what do you mean you don’t deserve her? She wants you too bro, trust me” Gojo would reassure him, but that’s because he didn’t understand. Nobody understood how perfect you were, and how he didn’t want to fall short of being perfect for you.
And so at night, while staring at a picture he took with you from a tacky photo booth, he’d promise to make you his girlfriend that day he graduates and takes over his dad’s company. The day he is rich and powerful enough to give you the world.
And so the raven haired man continued life, knowing his ulterior motive. Mastering his degree, shadowing his father at the firm, making connections.
But he’d also watch you continue life too, slightly different to his. He’d scroll through your Instagram, watching your average life with some average nameless men.
It didn’t affect him though, you could post with as many of these basic, nameless men, but he already knew you were each other’s endgame. Till fate brings you back to him, he’ll wait through your phases.
And one day, fate was delivered.
Geto: hey, sorry to hear about your breakup nugget
Your eyes widened like saucers. It’d been a while since you spoke to your first love, Geto. Sometimes you’d imagine if life would be different if you were brave enough to confess to him. You wish you didn’t simply hold hope to the words he uttered the day he moved away for uni.
‘One day, I’ll come back for you’
His voice was so soft, and his smile so sweet, yet it seemed like a distant dream now.
You cant help but laugh at the nickname he kept for you dearly ever since you were kids.
‘Thanks’ you reply casually. Not expecting his following text.
Geto: I’m back in town soon. You free to meet up doll?
At a rooftop cafe, as the sun set, the newly appointed CEO held your hands dearly, whispered sweet nothings and made confessions of love.
And the rest was history.
It wasn’t long until Geto convinced you to move into his penthouse. Holding your hand is he guided you through the luxurious place.
Placing his chin on your shoulder, “this is your home now doll” he says.
Being the girlfriend of the rich heir Geto was peaceful. You’re his pretty angel that he loves to spoil, he never wants you to be sad or deprived of anything, especially since he’s now a millionaire.
He loves taking you to buy luxurious dresses, but he always wants you to wear it again once you’re home. With a tilt of his head and a sly smile, he’ll shamelessly encourage you to change in front of him, eyes like a hawk as he seats himself on a chair watching you undress, softly muttering dirty thoughts, making you flustered as you change.
Even as he completes paperwork at night, you’re seated on his lap. His large hand caressing your thigh, sometimes slipping his hand underneath your silk night dress to make you blush.
He’ll also occasionally look away from the work to appreciate your sleepy face, smiling before encouraging you to sleep on his lap, nudging your head onto his shoulder, kissing and cooing you enough to fall asleep in his warm muscular arms.
“Goodnight angel”
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appocalipse · 2 years
ok its me again… i cant decide if store or jewelry is better so maybe u just pick whichever one u like lol ty :)
hi ♥ i went with jewelry + exes to lovers hehe <3 hope you like it!
[JEWELRY; Wearing a piece of jewelry (ring/necklace/bracelet/watch) that the other bought. ]
Two seconds after you enter the bathroom, the door opens and Steve comes in.
"Here, let me help you," he says, already approaching before you can answer.
Breaking up with Steve had been one of the hardest things you'd ever done. The breakup hadn't happened because you didn't love him anymore, or because you were interested in someone else, or for any other reason ordinary couples break up.
No. You'd broken up with him for one simple reason: you were afraid you weren't good enough. Steve was kind, he was brave, and of course he was very handsome and charming, although those last two things didn't weigh that much in the balance of things. And if Nancy — who had been his first love —was anything to go by, you had very little chance of being the girlfriend Steve deserved. She was just perfect in your eyes; beautiful, smart, very, very brave. She would often risk her life for others, like he did. And if the two of them didn't work out together, why would it work out with you?
You're well aware that the whole problem may simply be in your mind, that you're being unfair — both to Steve and yourself — but you couldn't help it. So you had walked away, protecting yourself—even though part of you knew Steve would never hurt you.
That's why today, two months after you'd broken up with him, you considered not coming to Max's birthday; you knew he would be here. But you love Max and it wouldn't have been fair to her not to come for such a selfish reason.
Then, against your better judgment, you came, reason why you're now trapped in a very tiny space with your ex — with whom you're still very much in love with.
Steve does a brief damage analysis. There's a sizable stain on the front of the lovely green dress you're wearing, a mixture of scarlet and purple right over your heart, spreading like a bleeding.
It's just grape juice, of course. You're trying to remove it with a cloth soaked in ice water, but he's not sure it's working.
This unavoidably brings a memory to his mind, one he's not fond of. Steve hesitates.
Then he pushes it away; you're not Nancy. You and him aren't even together anymore.
He realizes he's not making himself feel any better with that thought.
"I'm fine, Steve," you say in a tone that's neither warm nor cold; a balanced, measured, trained tone. "You can go back to the party."
"I'm sorry," he replies, biting the inside of his cheek as he thinks about what to say next. Uh...
"It wasn't your fault."
"Yes, it was," he insists. It's a half truth; Steve and the kids were kicking a ball back and forth, some game you were trying not to pay attention to, and then it somehow ended up hitting the cup in your hand and disaster was done. "I'm sorry, I should have been more careful."
You don't look at him, too focused on the stain. "It was an accident," you say, and Steve hears the usual gentleness behind your voice. "And it's just a dress, anyway. It's okay."
"It's a pretty dress-very pretty."
It's a risky move, he thinks. But by then he's said it and there's nothing he can do about it.
Steve watches the way you swallow, the way you pause for a brief second, how you look at him and quickly look away. It's a reaction, at least.
You don't answer. The trailer is small and the bathroom proportionately tiny. The air practically crackles with tension around you two.
The stain seems to be fading, but the fabric is getting wetter, sticking to your skin, turning transparent…
"Steve," you whisper, and his gaze darts to your face immediately. Is it a warning or an invitation?
He had definitely been staring.
"Sorry," he says again.
"Stop apologizing."
You put the cloth under the running water. Steve hears a metallic clink before he sees where it comes from: your arm. Your wrist, more precisely, where the bracelet he gave you as a gift just a few months ago is.
Steve can't stop himself from taking your wrist into his hand for a better look, half expecting the object to disappear at any moment, only a figment of his imagination.
"You still have it," it's not a question because it would be stupid to ask when he can see it for himself, but Steve still can't believe you're wearing it.
It doesn't.
He looks at you. You look flustered, your cheeks warm. Your parted lips can't get any words out, and the only thing Steve can think about is placing his hand on the back of your neck and kissing you slowly.
You gently pull your wrist away from his touch. "Do you...want it back?"
"I- what? No!" he exclaims, as if the idea horrifies him. "No, I'm just…I'm just surprised you're wearing the bracelet I gave you, that's all."
"I like the bracelet."
"Only the bracelet?"
Maybe he's pushing his luck, he thinks. But there's hope on the way you hesitate before answering, on the look on your face.
You look at the floor, dropping the cloth on the sink. "I don't know what you want me to say."
"Dustin told me you have a date tomorrow."
It is true. To be honest, this date means so much to you that you had forgotten about it until this very moment.
"I'm trying to move on," you say honestly. And failing, is what you don't say.
"By wearing the bracelet I gave you? Doesn't it remind you of me at all?"
Every damn thing makes me think of you.
An exasperated sigh escapes your lips. "I'm trying to move on," you repeat, weaker this time, a whisper. He hears it.
"So if I kissed you right now, you wouldn't feel anything?"
A single step is enough for Steve to be directly in front of you. Your heart seems to have been replaced by something three times faster and much louder.
"Wouldn't you kiss me back?" he touches your face with a gentle hand, leaning into you slowly.
Not wanting to say yes, I'd kiss you back (the truth) but unable to say no (which is a big, big lie), you take a step back as he steps forward. Nowhere to go — your back hits the wall.
He breathes against your mouth and you close your eyes, letting your head rest against the wall. "Steve," you whisper.
"I love you," he whispers back. "I just- I love you. You can go on a date tomorrow, you can go on a hundred dates, it doesn't matter. I won't give up on you, you hear me? Not unless you tell me that I don't stand a chance."
You don't.
Steve walks away. You stand there, leaning against the wall long after you hear the door close behind him, desperately trying to catch your breath.
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pancakewithsprinkles · 2 months
Sam And Max Headcannons <3
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Max loves to draw, though he's on the artistic level of a kindergartener. He likes using crayons the most :)
Sam and Max are both autistic. In fact, the whole reason they got into this business is Sam's never ending hyperfixation on black and white detective films.
They always get icecream after a job to celebrate :)
The commissioner is literally just Steve Purcell
On halloween, they always go as themselves and see how many people they can trick into thinking they're just in costumes. It's always fun
Max likes babies :)
Sam could be making thousands selling his artwork, but he doesn't think its good. (its basically on par with the mona lisa I have no idea where he gets that idea from)
Their favorite icecream is orange dreamsicles :)
Max loves using slang in front of sam to watch him panic because he has No Idea what his little buddy is saying
Max is the top
They like M night Shyamalan movies
Max isn't allowed to listen to Caramel Dansen anymore because last time he did he got so hyper he nearly broke everything in the office
they own multiple of eachother's plushies
They love interacting with kids!! Sam always has police badge stickers in his pocket in case of a Child Spotting. Max also has pixiesticks on hand for the same reason. Sam has no idea if they're actually pixie sticks or if he's just giving kids hard drugs and he's too afraid to ask
Sam is terrified of the Vet. Its a whole day ordeal of Max having to trap, trick, and manipulate his way into forcing sam into the vet's doors. He always gets a chewtoy afterwards though cus he's a brave lil pup :)
Max likes going to the vet because he steals all the equipment
Sam is a giant frank Sinatra fan, listens to him All The Time. This has led to max hating frank sinatra.
Sometimes max will just latch onto sam like a damn parasite and Sam wont even know he's been latched onto him until Max says something. Its nearly given Sam a heart attack on occasions
Sam has a dog bed, and Max sleeps where ever he wants. Spots Sam has found him sleeping in include: The Fridge, On the roof, On his head (suffocating him), In the microwave, and in the fishbowl.
When max dries off after getting wet he looks like a gigantic puff ball. He hates it, and Sam always makes fun of him for it
Sam does the Snoopy Happy dance :)
Max loves being thrown around. Down the stairs, through a window, being spun until he's violently ill... you name it, he adores it.
Max cant swim, but he will lie till the end of time that he can, since he finds wearing floaties embarrassing. He usually drowns at least two times at pool parties
Max's idol is the shark from Jaws
Max loves putting stickers on things he loves! Which usually means himself and Sam are covered in them
If you ask either of them how old they are, they'll reply with "time is a concept" because they've honestly forgotten what age they are
Sam and Max both believe in santa (I guess this isn't a headcannon since they did see/kill him once but still I like it)
Max has the uncanny ability to sleep anywhere anytime he wants, including sleeping standing up.
Sam and Max met eachother at a playground because Max bit sam and said he wouldn't let go till they were best friends. I think you all know how the rest of the story goes
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postmail · 1 year
okay so biggg trans hc dump up ahead. idk how read mores work and i was sleep deprived as hell when i wrote this so idk
okay so trans maxwell right? trans maxwell. but consider that if one part of a pair of identical twins is trans then typically the other one will be too. so trans jack.
and thats just dandy and opens up a lot of interesting paths you could take with that. and look, ive got a whole deleted version of this post thats twice as long going over the whole wendy and abi thing, so just trust me when i say that ive thought about it, lol
and just listen to me. the idea that both jack and maxwell are trans makes me feel so much. perhaps the reason they seem to be rather close is because they share this one aspect of themself with the other.
imagine a nervous william admitting his darkest secret to his twin and finding out that the other has been dealing with the exact same thing the whole time. or jack putting on a brave face and telling william that he wishes he was born a boy and william saying that he feels the same, and that maybe they werent born that way but they could become who they know they are inside. neither of them will face this alone, so long as the other is there
contrast this with trans, hirsute wilson. wilson, who feels like no one in the world understands. no gets why hes happy he has hirsutism, and why he refuses to shave, because they think hes a woman. he cant tell them that he feel like his body has finally got the memo thats hes a man, that it feels right to be able to grow a beard. its no becoming cis over night, but it makes him feel better. gender euphoria and all that jazz
wilson feels like who he is in the inside is finally being reflected outwards. and if other people dont like the truth... well, he doesn’t need them anyhow. he knows who is, and thats all that matters.
when wilson moves to america, it is very much like turning a new leaf. here, he decided, he would live as a man- and nobody would ever know the truth. and it feels great. but it also feels very lonely. it feels very isolating, and he has a dark secret all over again. hes not lying to himself or others anymore, but he knows how fragile this new life is. one wrong move, one wrong person confided in, and this whole new life hes constructed for himself will crumble in front of his eyes.
all of this considered, is it so much of a shock that he withdraws himself, swearing the only friend he needs to be science? refusing to interact with others unless absolutely necessary, never letting himself get close to anyone. to protect himself
all of this compounds into living alone in a rickety shack in the woods, far from anyone else. never seeing anyone except the postman on the other side of the window.
wilson might pass much better, but he lacks something maxwell has- a support system, someone who understands him. this isolation protects him from the transphobia of the outside world, but its loneliness all the same
its this that makes him willing to listen to the smooth talking stranger over the radio. he has no one, and when even science itself seems to fail him, hes eager to hear out the first friendly voice hes heard in a long time.
when hes trapped in the constant, it almost feels like reality has come back to smack some sense into him. of course, of course this would happen, who was he kidding?
when he frees maxwell and then precedes to be freed himself it takes them both a long time to figure out that the other is trans. they are both very well trained in hiding this specific part of themselves, but theres only so long you can hide this kind of thing from some one you are literally surviving in the woods with
so when someone inevitably finds out, i think it would be a whole ordeal. if its maxwell figuring it out then i think he would be more chill about it but wilson would lose his goddamn mind. for the first time, wilson finally has someone who understands him and doesn’t judge him.
it would change everything. wilson gets more comfortable with maxwell than he ever has with anyone else and maxwell can understand and he can understand maxwell
its been so long since maxwell had had another person like him around, and its like a breath of fresh air. he doesnt have to watch what he says, he doesnt have to make sure that his voice doesnt sound too high, he can just be honest with who he is, and wilson wont judge him. infact, wilson almost seems to like him more because of it
maybe they try to go back to how they were after this reveal but they just cant. they know too much now to just go back to the way they were. and maybe they find that they dont really want to, anyways
they might be in hell, but theyve got each other.
all of this to say, t4t maxwil is the best maxwil. trans rights baybeeeeee
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
!Watching Horror Movies With Bakugou And Kirishima!
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Scenario: its time for your annual horror movie night with your best bois!
Your voice echoed through the dorms and reached the ears of a very irritated kacchan~
“Hold on a dam minute you fuckin idiot!”
He called back from his spot in front of the stove in the kitchen(the microwave is RIGHT THERE but nooo he insists on using the stove for popcorn 🙄{i do too tbh😭})
“Guyssss,”kiri whispered. “Youre gonna wake everyone uppppp”
At this you gasped and quickly held a finger over your mouth in a ‘shush’ gesture and kiri nodded.
Not long after,katsuki walked in,a huge ass bowl of popcorn in his arms
“Cant belive you assholes burned the last two batches” he said as he sat to your left
You happily took the bowl into your lap and onto your,now crossed legs.
The couch had been decked out in different fluffy blankets and poofy pillows
For what? you might ask(yh its in the title..)
Well it was your annual besties halloween movie marathon of courseeeee
You guys did it every year!
Just you,kiri and katsuki on the commonroom couch with a big fat bowl of popcorn in dark,watchin scary movies
This year youd decided to change it up just a liiitle bit
Instead of goin for the regular halloween-y horror films you settled for the final destination movies
Guaranteed to make you scared and also wary for daysss
So once you were all situated and comfortably snuggled in,you pressed the play button
And the film began
Like ik we all know and love out little kachchan as this brave courageous hot headed best boi but even these movies get to him :’)
Like itll be a particularly gruesome death that yall can see it comin and he’ll slowly grip your hand under the blankets
Neither of you acknowledge it,but you feel happy and proud knowing that katsuki feels safe enough to let down his walls around you.and we all know how high his walls and defences can be,(theyd give even eugene fitzherbert a run for his tiara!)
Kiri on the other hand is very expressive
We know that tho dont we besties~💅🏻
Like he’ll he yelping and gasping and shouting warnings to the charcters and suddenly the kid who was telling yall to shush was makin enough noise to alert even the league of villains!(dw the entire dorm had earplugs in,they knew how loud you guys got on ur traditional movie night)
And when you stop for a break you guys completely lose it and both chastise and mourn the characters who passed
The one where the guy gets his organs sucked out in the pool really had kiri TRAUMATISEDDD
Give him a hug please he needss ittt
Also youre gonna need to make sure he doesnt go to any pools for the next two weeks
Bakugou was really shook by the one where the train got derailed and killed them
He was out here cursing the rat :’)
You and kiri reallyy needed to work hard to calm him down :’)
And finally to wash it all down you guys watched some masterchef and Attack On Titan: Junior High.
And when the boys saw you were still a little shaken up,your eyes lookin at the windows and the shadows, they knew what they had to do
Bakugou pulled you to your feet and kiri got the tunes
And together they made sure you danced your fears away!
You went on till past 2 am and finally when you were tired enough you plopped back onto the couch and just chilled
You were the first to fall asleep that night,so the boys decided ‘you know what? Fuck it! And just stayed there with you!
You guys woke up at about 8 am the next day and had breakfast with the rest of your class all while still discussing the previous night’s movies!!
please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the mha characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but this story? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
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seldomscilence16 · 2 years
Whumptober day 15: Emotional Damage
Fandom: Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons
New scars
Breathing through the pain
Alrighty, so this comes from someone who has not read any of the books, and whos head cannons for angst just scream over anything else. Also... like ignore every timeline ever and history has no place here.
Jacks been around awhile. Not as long as other spirits obviously, but far longer than any 14 year old would or should expect to live. And he certainly never asked for it, but its not like Jack ever got much say in his life.
The point of the matter was, he's been around awhile. Hanging out mostly with the Winds, and doing what was expected of him by the other winter spirits. And of course number one, never being seen... because why would anyone see him right?
Which he supposes is really where his point lays, that hes old and hasnt been seen in a verrry long time and yet here he is, in a situation that is making his brain go in loops, as a dragon growls at him. Now, he knows thay random magical things exist- he is one after all- but having one see him and looking very aggresive is a whole other thing. He's had to deal with a lot of angry magical beings thank you, a dragon is not one he'd like to add to the list.
"Whoa there Toothless, whats got you so angry bud?"
"He is far from toothless." Jack knows he cant be heard but the situation makes him nervous.
But this kid also gives him the perfect distraction, as the dragon- Toothless- turns his head just slightly. Jack is able to kick his staff up and with a quick call to the breeze, hes landing on a rock and out of reach. He can get a better look now, see the prosthetics on both the dragon and boy, how the two interact, how stressed the boy seems.
He frowns a bit before creating a snow flake and spinning it between his fingers a bit. Berk is used to snow, so this shouldnt be too out of the ordinary- not that Jack cares really- and sends the flake down. He watches for a bit, the goofy smile and the silly game that includes fish and drawing in the dirt. He smiles a bit, before it falls as the winds inform him of where hes needed.
As Jack flies off, to bring a cold front across Scotland, he fails to notice the green eyes that follow him.
He has an eventful week.
Meeting a dragon, helping 3 michevious triplets prank their sister, and made it snow inside a hidden tower.
It was a nice week, compared to others since his awakening or whatever. But he also didnt necessarily do his 'job' as well as he could have over that week. And was therefore being summoned by Winter itself.
Hes somewhere between Scotland and Germany. Some thick forest slowly being covered in snow, and a bunch of winter spirits lurking about. It puts him on edge, not that he'd let any of them know, but he continues to the meeting place anyway. This is the way things have always been done, there are rules and those that dont follow them...
Jack is a spirit of winter, so he has to follow these rule, even if they seem to become more abundant and stricter every time. Even if he doesnt see the others following those rules. Even if hes scared to (second) death every time hes summoned.
Winter stands in all their glory, he wears a long fluffy blue robe that almost seems to clash with his orangish skin. But Jack wouldnt be mentioning it again, not after the first time, when he couldnt do anything for a full season, trapped by Winters side the whole time.
He stops a few feet away, feeling almost naked without his staff- hidden somewhere safe, guarded by the winds- he curls his hands into his cloak to hide how they tremble.
"Lord Winter, you summoned?" The words feel wrong in his mouth.
"The cold front, if you could even call it cold, has delayed our first frost by weeks! What have you been doing thats more important than your job!" His voice always leaves a ringing in Jacks ears, the way it roars across the landscape for only spirits to hear, and mortals to feel like a wave.
"The winds brought what you sent, I I did my best to s-" he flinches back as Winter steps forward.
"You have a job as a spirit of winter, Frost. And instead of doing the work I assigned you, you mess around and throw the seasons out of balance. The blame lays on your shoulders boy, and you have to be punished for it. To appease the Mother. You understand dont you?"
The solomn look they give as they step ever closer, a familar blade appearing in their hand, has fear rising to clutch at Jacks heart. He was told it gets easier, but he fears it all the same, for it hasnt yet. His skin crawls as the lord stands behind him, bodies flush in a way he hates, places the knife in his weak grasp and wraps their own around Jacks smaller, paler hand.
Jack tries not to remember what happens next.
He takes deep even breaths as he staggers his way towards his staffs hiding place. The winds try their best to keep him upright, but he still feels ready to topple any minute.
The wounds already start to seal themselves, the power of a season lord, but the drain of them, the pain, still lingers. Absently he picks at scars, new and old, on his arms, staring blankly ahead as he tried to focus on breathing through every wave of pain his steps bring.
When he hears the crack of something in the distance he can only groan in grim acceptance of more punishment. The other spirits always get mad when he fails, says it fails them all, and that they must share their punishment with him too. He thought the stones would have been enough, but maybe he should stop thinking.
He leans against the nearest tree, awaiting the first spirits presence, but instead sees a familar dragon bounding closer. He curls into himself, eyes closed in the hopes of staving off the oncoming pain. Instead he feels a huff of hot breath but nothing else, opens his eyes to meet those of the Nightfury.
"Toothless, where'd you go bud?"
"Are ye sure ya trained dhe dragon?"
"You dont think he found any ruffians or thugs right?"
Three familair voices filter past the trees, and he wonders how his week of visits found eachother. The girl stuck in a doorless tower, the Princess under tight watch, and the Chiefs dragon riding son, it was definetely an interesting bunch.
As the three make it into the clearing, Jack isnt expecting much, hes glad its not spirits, but Toothless has yet to take his eyes off him.
"Alright my toothy watcher, your friends are here, and I got places to be far from here." Before Winter changed their mind and decided he needed to be held for another season.
"Oh my gods he is real."
Jack freezes, eyes roving over to the three mortals who stare right back. Not at the tree, not at the dragon, at Jack. They couldnt see him before, no one could except Toothless- and maybe the chamelion, Jack couldnt tell for sure though- so why could they see him now??
"Its really Jack Frost." The blonde breathes, a... frying pan(?) in her grasp.
She said his name...
"Jack Frost is real?" The red head mumbles with wide eyes.
He looks back to the dragon,
"They just said my name." Toothless nods, grinning at him without teeth- and now the name makes sense.
"I cant believe this." The viking runs his hands through his hair in disbelief.
"You literally ride a dragon." Jack comments dryly, pushing off the tree and wincing with a hiss of breath.
"You're hurt!" The blondes exclamation draws the others attention.
"Yer a spirit, howdidya get hurt??"
"Its nothing, I uh... messed up."
"Its not nothing! Let me see!"
"Thanks blondey, but its nothing new. Im more concerned that you guys can see me now and I have no idea how."
He starts making his way towards his original goal again, he was almost there, and with the wind on one side and Toothless on the other its easier than before, even with eyes on him.
"Well Toothless likes you, so I guess thats gotta be a good sign."
"Sure changed his tune from last time." Jack agrees, the wind blowing his staff into his hand.
"How... how long have you been bringing winter to Berk?" Viking asks
"Far longer than your lifetimes. Which is why I know I'll be fine."
"So wha yer sayin, is this happen'd before."
He narrows his eyes at the scot,
"Lord Winter is in charge under Mother Nature herself. Our mistakes effect the turning of the seasons, mistakes we cant afford."
"Well it sounds like hes putting everything on you. Its not like youre the only one in charge of winter." Viking points out.
"Shh!" Jack looks around, the winds quiet and still, setting him on edge, "hes coming, you guys gotta go!"
"What why?" Blonde looks around frantically, pan held up in defense.
Before he can respond, a wind lingering between hot and cold, blows through them, knocking the three mortals back. Jack is quick to form a wall of ice between them and the oncoming spirit made wind. Lord Winter in their orange glory is sweeping through the trees, and to put mortals in obvious peril like this, Jack doesnt understand.
"You talk as if they hear boy. You are just a winter spirit, nothing more. I think you need another lesson in that."
His injuries burn at the threat, cuts and stabs and bruises alike. Still he prepares himself, he will protect the mortals who are here because of him, even if he perishes and becomes one with the snow.
Hes not expecting the three mortals to come to his side, the dragon readying a fire in his throat as the humans draw their weapons. From their searching gazes he can tell they cant see the actual Lord, but their presence at least effects the nature around them, giving a general target that may or may not have harm brought to it by mortal means.
Hes not ready for a fight by any means but he'll protect them.
So a wall of green coming between the groups is the last thing he expects.
"A mere Miser minion growing too fond of the seasons I see." A voice smooth and sweet but underlyed with power. "Tormenting a dear child of winter, three fated mortals and a child of the sky. This will be no longer."
"Uh whats going on?" Viking whispers to him, staring at the wall of nature.
"Um... I think Mother Nature is mad?" Jack whispers back.
"Youre lies will no longer infect my seasons minion." The wall recedes and the 'Lord' is gone. "And you five, I believe I owe you all an apology."
A woman of beauty emerges from the scenery itself, regal and powerful and full of all of natures beauty.
"Let them haunt you no more young Frost. Im sure your new friends will turn your fate yet." Leaves fall from the trees, brushing over his company as a wave of warmth hits him. His pain bleeds away, though his scars remain, "have fun with your new friends Jack, and be well. Until next time."
She fades away, and when he looks back to the mortals he finds gaping mouths.
"I have to draw her."
"My dads never gonna believe any of this."
"Why is it always fate?"
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atherix0 · 2 years
Very exciting news - i converted my main tumblr blog because it was supposed to be a blog for me to try and post about writing and became inundated w minecraft boys so here we are - feral mumbo anon is off anon >:) now i no longer have to worry about hitting the button hehehe
UH SO GRIAN AND MUMBO???? Gayer than hell. Gayer than the devil himself. No normal person sees an ex-engagement gift in their friend's bag and go 'no hes MINE' BOYS THATS GAY YOU ARE BEING GAY
Also all of scars backstory aaaaah. Did i wake up at 3 am and read this again so my thoughts are incoherent at best yes. But lil baby scar and cub were so cuiuuute oh my god two lil 7 year olds just out here makin it til they break it
I do love how the entire time scar was like "I am Aware cub and I share a birthday [i think???], got 🌟 randomly 🌟 paired up as kids, are two entirely different classes, and debuted super early. And hes so smart. And somehow an arranged marriage never crossed his mind. Jesus the DEVASTATION
Also the awkward teen kisses were everything tbh. I love when teenagers are like "*shuffles nervously* i know what im doing" bless them.
But scar???? Telling off the entire elven court in front of them and getting free because of Cleo??? I love it. Brave man, he deserves the world. I cant wait to meet cleo tbh, at least i hope we do. Cleo my beloved. But also i hope we meet the elven king not in a memory because something tells me bird brain and blood brain would do something drastic and dumb, like yell at him. Or punch him. 👌
But also just like, for them to get to sit their and assure scar that their friendship [and love] comes with no strings attached is everything to me. For this to be the moment both grian and mumbo are looking at each other like - "Wait a minute- Scar-?" Cannot wait for them to have that conversation tbh. Imagine looking at your boyfriend, realizing hes got feelings, and being like "oh thank god" if these two dont TALK i am gonna go MAD i am NOT a slow burn girlie pop
Oooooh nice, welcome to non-anon <3 Nice to *formally* meet you~ <3 If only I could be main blog </3
They are SO gay Grian really saw that old engagement jewelry and was like "break it break it breAK IT-" his first thought was really "hold up wait a minute just a sec wait Scar's around my age his ex whatever could still be around I don't Like That(tm)" lmao just wait until Cub actually shows up cough AND YEAH Mumbo was chill until he learned what it meant and then he just. "No" lmao
Writing Elven children is weird cuz you have to find that balance between "super formal society" and "children are children regardless" and just jgfdkl little Scar had my heart while writing <3 little Cub did too ofc just babies <3
[same birth month&year basically but close enough to same day for beings that live 700+ years <3 Elves are so long-lived that it's not UNusual to be born in the same year but definitely not the norm, but to be born in the same month is like. Very unusual <3] Have I mentioned that Scar can be so oblivious lmao BUT ALSO to be FAIR to him, he knows absolutely no one who has ever been in an arranged marriage, his cousins are between 5 and 200 years older (the King is his great great great grandfather lmao there's a lot of gens there and long lived species whoo) than him and only a handful of them are married to people they chose so poor thing literally looked at this situation like "Grandfather wouldn't invite just anyone to the Palace especially when he's so overprotective... I'm sure that doesn't mean anything for me specifically" lmao But like. For him it wouldn't have been that BAD if they had just TOLD him, because if he had known from the start he'd have seen it as him and Cub making the best of an unfair situation, but because he was never told until the engagement day every Moment(tm) between them felt like a LIE which </3 Hurts so bad- Also Scar being aware of the class difference I knew needed addressing at some point which is also why it's important that Cub made the first move, even though Cub was already aware that he would end up marrying Scar and Scar wasn't kfdsjlk
hgjkfdgjk precious children just trying to act like mature grown ups but at the end of the day they're still teenagers who have no clue what they're doing and share awkward nervous kisses <3
The fact that literally the only people who TRIED to stop him were the King, his mother and to a degree, Cub (though what was Cub going to say, I wonder...) even though the Court was full of their most immediate family? I mean. If that doesn't speak to something Scar hadn't noticed at the time- :) Cleo really had this little knobby teenager come to them with an engagement piece in his hair and break down about how his entire life has been a lie and everyone he thought loved him was just using him and said "This is not happening. Nope, not happening. Run, kid" Cleo is my absolute beloved <3 I love them. Now I wonder why Scar is so hesitant to meet up with them... :) Haha we definitely haven't seen the last of the Fae King. Unfortunately for Grian and Mumbo, if there is ever an OP character in this series, uh, it's definitely the Fae King. (Not OP enough to save Scar tho </3 rip) And meeting him might not be under the best circumstances... :) I wonder how that will be resolved, huh. I hope everyone understands Unreliable Narrator tag means Everything Is Not What It Seems while also not assuming it means the King isn't an ass at the same time
Yessssss <3 we love a good "no strings attached" love story <3 Just three guys who love each other very much and have no ulterior motives <3 HAHA yes <3 them just looking at each other like "ohh okay I see, this is good" jkgfdlkfdsk NOT A SLOW BURN GIRLIE how have you survived 90k+ words without a single Scar-Kiss <3 Did the accidental flirting and the bite tie you over my friend <3 hhhahjfd-
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absolutelyfizzing · 3 years
George x reader angst/fluff
description - Y/N and the Order head out to deliver Harry to the burrow on the night of his seventeenth birthday. Chaos ensues and when you reach the burrow, you couldn't be more thankful for your friends and family being safe.
warnings - minor talk of gore and injuries, death, general warning for george being an absolute angel. Fem pronouns and reader gets picked up
A/N - so this is the first time ive posted in like months i think which is a little crazy, im so sorry for the delay. This is something that i just really wanted to write, i will be posting some requested writings soon as well as hopefully some more writings outside of just harry potter and marvel. 
word count - about 3600
You were terrified. The feeling in the pit of your stomach made you want to cry but you pushed it down. There were bigger matters at hand. Bigger things to worry about. One of those things being the possibility of you never seeing your best friend or your boyfriend again. The thought made you shake and when you looked over at Fred and George you knew they were thinking the same thing.
You had been friends with the twins since as long as you could remember. Well actually, you had disliked them when you first met them, they were much too loud for you to get along with and they frustrated you to no end but you somehow had all of you classes and activities with them. They accidentally let loose a prank on you in your third year and you screamed at them before going up to the astronomy tower and crying. They followed you a few minutes later and apologized and sat with you until you stopped crying. Actually they stayed with you until they could make you laugh. From then on, you had a soft spot for the twins and the same happened to them.
You didn't know when you started to have romantic feelings for George, he always said that he started to feel something for you when he was in fifth year and you sneezed so hard you made a nearby owl fly away. You thought that was rather ridiculous but it made you blush all the same. You started dating in sixth year when Fred nearly shoved you two into a closet and told you he wouldn't let you out until you talked to each other about your feelings. Since then you had been the happiest you had ever been in your life and you were forever thankful to Fred who took 100% credit for your relationship. They were your family, all the Weasley's were. Now, looking at everyone you loved in a room, you felt worry rise in your throat. No, worry wasn't the right word. Terror.
George pulled you into his side and he kissed the top of your head deeply.
"I love you. You don't have to do this." He mumbled into your hair and you sighed.
"You know just as well as I do that we both have to do this. It's okay, I'll be with Moody. He won't let anything happen to me." You muttered and then turned so your face was pressed into his chest. "But I love you too." You whispered and a tear fell from your face and into George's shirt. You then pulled away and pulled Fred into a hug. He groaned dramatically.
"No, I'm hugging you. No complaining." You grumbled and he complied, his hand going around your back and smoothing out your hair. You knew he was looking at George, some sort of twin telepathy going between them but you didn't care. When you pulled away, both of them smiled gently at you. Then before you knew it, the polyjuice potion was being passed around. You gave one last look at George and drank the potion and he did as well. It was the worst tasting thing you'd consumed in a long time and as you were keeping yourself from throwing up at the taste you felt yourself get a bit taller. You looked to your side to see two more harry's. You smiled at them and began to change your clothes.
You had agreed to go as Harry with Moody, Mundungus would also be there as himself. You had decided to switch last minute. You all walked out of the house as the minutes ticked by waiting for Harry's protection charm to end. Eventually you all were off with one last longing glance at George.
The battle was one that would haunt you for the rest of your life. As soon as you left there were death eaters on you. All you could do was hold onto your broom for dear life, Moody on the broom behind you and Mundungus on a separate broom right next to you. Before you could think, there was green all around you and screaming from every direction. You just focussed on getting to the Weasley's, a route you knew by heart, and let Moody do the protecting. At some point you looked to your right and Mundungus was gone. When you looked to your left you were horrified to see the dark lord flying next to you. Tears came to your eyes at the realization that you would probably not be making it out of there. Moody quickly began sending spells his way but it was not an even fight. He held off Voldemort for an impressive amount of time but all good things end. You heard the killing curse and saw the green light and you expected it to hit you, you were the target. Somehow Moody got in front of you to stop you from getting hit and you screamed. When Moody's body fell from the broom, yours did too. You hit the ground with a thud and your body immediately screamed in pain. You looked to the side of you and saw Moody's body. Tears were falling from your face but the shock running through you prevented you from feeling whatever damage you took from the fall. You took a breath and gathered yourself. You needed to get out of here. You would have time to scream and grieve later if you made it out of this alive. The death eaters obviously thought you to be dead and Voldemort had fallen back for some reason. You feared it was because he realized you were not the real Harry. Your tears stopped, face hardened, and you stood with slight difficulty. You would have to get to the Weasley's and you prepared yourself to apparate. When you did, your aim had been a bit off. You were in the bog outside the burrow and you could see the light in the distance. There was a panic at the house and you realized that the others had all arrived. Despite the pain in your legs, you began to sprint to the burrow. You noticed that you were yourself again, your hair getting in your eyes as you ran.
"Y/N?" You heard Remus yell and you kept running. Someone pulled you into them and you looked up to see red hair. You had arrived at the burrow and the tears had begun as well.
"Fred, Moody is dead. Voldemort killed him. Mundungus disapparated right at the beginning, I don't know where he went. It was just me and Moody and then he just-"
"Shhh, hey you're safe now, it's gonna be okay." He muttered and you noticed the break in his voice. You suddenly realized that you didn't feel George near you. You pulled back quickly. "Living room" Fred stated and you headed in, Fred following behind you. When you saw George though, you were not filled with relief. In fact you were so filled with dread that you thought you might just throw up.
"Is he..." you whispered. You couldn't finish your question, dreading the answer.
"m' not dead" Came a whisper from the man you loved and tears began streaming down your face as you collapsed next to him and buried your face in his chest. Your breathing was rapid and your heart was racing. It only slowed when you felt a familiar hand brushing through your hair.
"Fred, I'm saintlike." you heard George whisper and you looked at him questioningly but he was looking across the room to his brother. Fred looked concerned and dropped down next to you, a hand going to your back.
"What's wrong with him? Is his mind affected?" Fred asked his mother worriedly. You were also looking to Molly for reassurance but she looked just as concerned as you.
"Saintlike. You see...I'm holy." George spoke again and all attention was on him. "Holey, Fred. D'you get it?" The relief that you felt was overwhelming and you laughed deeply before burying your face once again into the chest of the man you loved.
"Pathetic. Pathetic! With the whole world of ear related humor before you, you go for 'holey'?" Fred laughed with you, his voice cracking with emotion and the tears streaming down your face were now happy ones. You were so thankful that the man you loved was okay and unchanged besides the trauma he would likely carry. And of course that he only had one ear.
The rest of the night would go by in a blur. You were debriefed by Remus who tried to be as gentle as possible in his questioning. You did not leave George's side and neither did most of the Weasley's. However hours later you still hadn't moved or eaten, too scared to leave George. Enough time had passed that everyone told you George was out of the woods and most people had gone to bed. You couldn't leave though. Molly walked toward you, a plate full of food with her. George was asleep and you were staring at him fearfully, making sure that his chest was moving with life.
"You need to eat, dear." Molly whispered and you sniffed a bit.
"I cant." Was all you could say and she sat next to you.
"Well either you need to eat or I will wake George up so he can make you." At this you looked at her. She had unshed tears in her eyes and you suddenly tackled her in a hug.
"I'm so sorry, Molly." You whispered into her neck where she was holding you.
"What on earth are you sorry for?" She asked.
"I'm sorry I couldn't protect him and that I wasn't here to help when he got here. I'm sorry I didn't convince him not to go. I'm sorry-"
"Hey, stop." She asserted and you did, pulling back to look at her. "Now you know why you went. George went for the same reason. You were both very brave and it could have been either of you who got hurt out there. Now you are both alive and okay and so are the rest of my children. I will be thankful for the rest of my life for that. But I still seem to have a kid who isn't taken care of and I need to make sure that she is. So will you please take a breath-" she paused to wait for you to take a deep breath, which you did, "and eat something. Or else I fear my son may have a heart attack when he wakes up. Okay?" she questioned and you sniffled and wiped your nose.
Making one last glance at the movement of George's chest before looking to Molly and nodding. She handed you the tray of food that instantly comforted you and she sat with you while you ate. You were both silent but you were thankful she was there to watch over George while you were distracted. When you were finished she took your plate and stood.
"Now I am going to get some rest. You should consider doing the same." She whispered and patted your hair. You watched her walk to her room and you looked back to the man in front of you.
You weren't sure how long you were sitting there but by the time you came out of your trance to a hand touching your face the fire was nearly out. You looked up at George and he looked sad.
"Are you okay, baby? Do you need anything?" You started to stand up, worried he was uncomfortable. He pulled you down on top of him on the couch and you squirmed, worried you would hurt him.
"Honey, I need you t' stop moving and let me hold you please." He sounded serious so you stopped trying to get off of him. Instead you sighed and moved to straddle his hips and then lay the rest of your body on top of him, your head going to his chest. "Thank you." he whispered. You lifted your head to look at him and he had tears in his eyes.
"Are you in pain, bubs?" you tried to be quiet so you wouldn't disturb the peace in the room.
"No. I'm just glad you're okay." He whispered and a tear fell. You reached up to brush it off and you smiled at him.
"Of course I am, you're the one who got hit by a spell." You reassured but he shook his head.
"You're right that I'm the one that got hit by a spell but Voldemort tried to kill you. You could have died tonight, Y/N." He seemed so sad but you didn't know how to comfort him. You hadn't really thought about it since you got to the burrow, too focused on George. You had yet to really process the fact that Moody had died to save you and without his sacrifice you would not be here with your boyfriend.
"I didn't though. I'm okay." You moved up a bit to kiss the cheek on the side furthest from his injury. "We are both okay." You put your head in his neck and sighed deeply. He took a deep breath into your hair and wrapped his arms around your back.
"We are never doing that again." He grumbled and you chuckled.
"Really? I was planning on taking some polyjuice tomorrow, maybe having another go at it." You smiled and he rolled his eyes.
"I thought I was supposed to be the comedian."
"Not when your last joke was 'holey'. Your comedian title has been revoked."
"Oh shut it, I'd just taken a curse to the head, give a guy a break." He smiled but you both stopped and the smiles dropped while remembering the reality of the situation. "How long have you been up watching me?" he asked gently and you sighed, preparing for your scolding.
"Probably 6 hours or so."
"SIX HOURS? You haven't slept since you got back? Darling you need to go to bed, why on earth did you stay up that long?" he practically screeched and you shushed him as best you could so he wouldn't wake the whole house. You didn't answer his question, instead looking at his chest. "Y/N why wont you sleep?" He asked again, this time more seriously. You felt tears come to your eyes.
"I couldn't-I had to-" you were cut off by your own tears.
"Hey, bubs, whats wrong? I'm sorry, didn't mean t' upset you, bunny." You shook your head at the thought that he had made you cry.
"I was just worried that-" You paused to take a breath, "I thought if I went to bed I might wake up and you wouldn't be..." You felt him shush into your hair. He hadn't really thought about it that way and he felt bad for keeping you up like that.
"Bunny, I am fine. I pinky promise." He pulled away to do just that. As your pinkies were interlocked he made decisive eye contact with you. "I promise nothing bad is gonna happen to me if you sleep, okay?" You nodded a bit and he leaned in to kiss you. "How about we both go to sleep and you can stay right on top of me so you can be with me if anything happens." He mumbles against your lips and you nodded again. He pulled you snuggly into him and put a hand on the back of your head to hold you there.
"I love you." You whispered into his chest, not even necessarily trying to get him to hear.
"I love you too, bunny. Now you need to shush and get some sleep." You huffed and finally settled into him. He couldn't sleep for much of the time you did, he could never admit it but he was quite scared as well. He shared your fears. He was worried he would wake up and you would no longer be with him. He got bits of sleep now and then but he couldn't sleep through the night. You stayed asleep on top of him until he saw the sun come up. He knew you were vaguely awake as your breathing wasn't as slow and you curled into him tighter.
"M' gonna get up to make us some tea, yeah?" You nodded slightly and he took that as an okay to get up. He picked you up gently and brought you to sit on the counter in the kitchen. His head didn't seem to hurt at all which surprised him a bit but he knew his mother was a gifted healer and she worked her magic on him to make sure he would feel okay the next day. He tried to step away from you to make some tea but you did not release him. Instead he was trapped standing in front of the counter, you clinging to him tightly. It was at that moment that the other twin decided to come into the kitchen.
"How's the hole?" He nudged George with his elbow and he chuckled.
"Not bad at all, don't even really have a headache." He muttered, still trying to be moderately quiet as you seemed to be in a half asleep state and he knew you needed all of the rest you could get.
"She doing okay?" Fred whispered, nodding toward you.
"Restless night." George replied and Fred nodded in understanding, moving to prep the tea for George seeing as he was trapped at the moment. When the tea was done, George rustled you awake slightly. "Would you like some tea, m'love?" You nodded and moved to sit up a bit, releasing George and catching Fred making gagging noises next to you.
"Oh shove off." You grumbled and he chuckled. You made a move to get off the counter and George grabbed your waist to assist you. As soon as you were on the ground you made your way over to Fred to hug him properly. You were just so relieved that your favorite people made it out of yesterday alive and Fred sighed and hugged back.
"Y/N, this is 3 hugs in 24 hours. I'm starting to worry about your head. There isn't a hole in it is there?" Fred questioned and you rolled your eyes. You lifted your head and turned it to look at the other twin across the kitchen who stood with tea in his hand, gazing at both of you with a calm and content look on his face. You smiled at him before releasing his brother who gave your hair a ruffle as you turned to look up at him.
"Thanks for being okay." You smiled at him and his gaze softened a bit.
"Right back at you."
The rest of the morning was spent drinking tea and talking, thankful just to be alive. As the family woke up there was more relieved exchanges without the shock and stress that had been present the night before. You rarely left George's side besides to let him get changed and have a private talk with his brother. Eventually Ginny dragged you away to get you cleaned up and changed into clothes that weren't covered in blood and grime. As you walked away the boys began to gather around George. Ron looked at the twins expectantly with a glint in his eye.
"Well? Show us then!" He got out a bit excitedly. Harry smiled as well and Bill seemed to have some jitters. George smirked before a ring appeared in his fingers. It was modest but it was all he could afford and he knew it wouldn't make a difference to you anyway. The boys all shoved each other in excitement and Fred clasped a hand on George's shoulder.
"I know you know this already but I just want to remind you that if you hurt her, all of us wouldn't hesitate to beat you to bits." He smiled but there was not so much humor behind his statement. The rest of the boys mumbled in agreement. George gave them all a look.
"Okay, first of all, I nearly died yesterday. I think you could all stand to be a bit nicer to me."
"We all did, get over yourself buddy." Bill joked and George rolled his eyes.
"Second of all, How come I'm the one getting threatened? I'm your brother."He looked around the group.
"'Cause she's the favorite, obviously." Ron stated simply before leaving the group, Harry and Bill following him, both giving George a teasing smile before they left.
"I think that was rather rude." George grumbled, though there was no malice behind it. He looked over at his twin who simply shrugged and patted him on the back.
"Just the way it is. If you two were to break up, I'm pretty sure she's the one who stays in the family." Fred winked before heading out of the room as well and George took a second to look at the ring in his hand. He heard footsteps and quickly shoved it into his pocket. You appeared in the doorway, hair matted down with water and in comfy clothes, fuzzy socks adorning your feet.
From the doorway you smiled at George who beamed back at you. You felt around in your pocket for a moment where your hands were shoved and when your hand hit the hidden ring there you let out a breath. You stared at each other for a moment, just content to be near each other without thinking about the war for a moment, warm light filling the room and calm in the air, both planning on later asking the other to spend the rest of your lives together.
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reblogging4thewin · 2 years
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line.
Thanks,@thisisapaige for the tag!
(these are all Destiel fics unless labled otherwise; I also skipped poems)
Sleepy Stares: Cas was staring at Dean, as he often had over the years, but this was different.
A Solid Foundation (original horror story): As she parked the jeep in front of the shell of what would be their new home, Lisa turned towards her partner.
I'm the One He's Walking to: “Do you want to go for a walk this evening?”  Cas had asked Dean that day over lunch.
The Theme is Dean: When Dean had said he wanted to throw a western-themed party, he thought Sam was going to tease him - that themed parties are for kids, and Dean's turning 43.
Did you mean it?: “Dean?”  Cas strode purposefully down the hallway of the bunker, heading towards Dean’s room.
Sir, this is a Wendy's: The lunch rush was ending, and the last customer had just walked out the door.
I won't ask for much this Christmas; I won't even wish for snow: Dean stood on the porch and looked up at the stars.
A Cozy Gift, a Warm Embrace: Like most mornings, Dean awoke to find that Cas had rolled over in their comforter, such that it wrapped under and around him, leaving Dean exposed on his side of the bed.
Marshmallows to Share: Jack popped another mini marshmallow into his mouth.
Go to Therapy: The past few months have been a whirlwind for Dean. (For reference, here are the next two lines that was a setup for: Finding out that his whole life was a lie - except for one very important angel, losing everything, and then finally winning their freedom left him reeling.  After 42 years of keeping everything locked inside and putting on his brave hero and big-brother face for the world, Dean was, for the first time, free to be himself.)
Maybe that Makes Me a Fool (Drowley): Freshly human again, and alone, Dean had some time to think.
This is How I Held You: “Trust me.” That had never worked out well for Dean before.
Relatively Blunt, Obviously Oblivious (CasMick and Destiel): Cas called Mick asking to talk about a case, and they met up at a bar.
Immortalized Grip: Much like the scar of Cas' handprint had faded from Dean's shoulder with time, healing, and multiple resurrections, the scar of Dean's hand on Cas' shoulder was also starting to fade.
Halo: Eileen’s breath was heavy in her chest.
Everyday Beauty: One day, Cas bought a Polaroid camera at a flea market.
How to Save a Life: Cas, an angel, deciding to become a hunter, was unexpected, to put it mildly.
In the Arms of an Angel: The colors and sounds of cheer surrounding them gave Cas a warm, fuzzy feeling.
Revelation: Cas slammed the door of the dungeon and used his blood to ward it from Billie, who was approaching fast.
Paint it Black (Drowley, Demon Dean): Crowley thought back to what he said to Dean when he first turned.
Bonus (since one of my 20 most-recent stories was not a fanfic):
21. Heaven Sent: “Are you sure you can do this?” Dean asks Jack.
I think all of these fall into 5 categories:
'Here's something unexpected breaking their routines' (like 1, 4, and 17)
Literally just state what the scene is (like 2, 6, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16, 19 - oh this must be my most common thing to do then)
Mention a circumstance and make you wonder why (like 10 & 15)
Start with a quote are jumping right into the action (like 3, 5, 12, and 21).
Start with just a simple action - which sets up going into that character's thoughts (like 7, 9, 18, and 20).
If I had to pick a favorite, it'd be This is How I Held You. Heaven Sent is a close second though. These both start with quotes actually...hmm...
No pressure tags: @you-cant-spell-subtext-without; @doctorprofessorsong; @fellshish; @emeraldcas
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fatphobiabusters · 3 years
hello! i have a toddler, and her dads side of the family are all bigger, and so is she. shes 2 but can pass as 5, and Im not in contact with the dad so i cant ask him, but I was wondering if you had any resources for kids of any ages and how to support if/when she gets grief about her body from society? i already know that u shouldn't talk abt weight in front of kids, and i dont restrict things like chocolate. ive always been on the thin side but i did struggle with anorexia for a few years, which i was able to overcome when i had to eat while pregnant for her. i just want to make sure that she grows up knowing shes beautiful, u know? i constantly get comments already about how shes big for her age, i usually reply to those people something along the lines of yeah shes super strong too (she moved a chair while i was in it once!) but im wondering if theres something better i can say? even if shes 2, shes listening, and i dont want her internalizing that she like has to be strong for her body to be okay. theres just a lot of stuff that i dont know, that i want to know, to be there for her the best i can. thank u!
I'm so happy to hear you are thinking about this already! You are doing some good ground work, and I'm pleased to say there are already listicales about raising body positive kids. Does my soul good. Some places to start:
A podcast:
And to help teach media literacy:
Also it's important to check in with your kid, throughout the years as they experience things related to body image, often we think as adults that something will be experienced a certain way by children when it can be the opposite. Kids are funny that way. I also want to point out (because I didn't see it but I could have missed it) that if you watch media with your child make a point of saying a fat character is cool or brave or what have you, older media won't be good for this (I cringed thinking about The Goonies) but for instance in the Pokémon xy season, Teirno is a fat boy that loves to dance and you could say "I wish I had moves like him".
Mario is fat and is the hero of his game series, comes to mind as well. Even if she doesn't realize it you'll be teaching her to respect bigger bodies that aren't hers. Because everyone is unique and I'm sure as adults we know some weird cognitive disconnects start young.
Kids might also be accidentally rude or cruel as well, so back to that check in with your daughter thing. I was in college when a 7 or so year old asked me why I was so big/fat. I said "this is the way I am, people are all different, isn't that cool". If I was 7 and another kid said that to me it'd have been a toss up between "that's a weird question" and total mental keysmash. Kids are all so unique.
It is mentioned in the links but to your concern about praising strength, a great way to get around that concern is to mix it up. Non physical traits, especially, are great to praise, children have more control over their actions vs their rapidly changing bodies. For instance you can emphasize kindness and helpfulness. It's really dependent on the situation, but a rotation of complements can foster a more rounded sense of self. It sounds like she's your only child but it's good to encourage kids in a gender neutral way. Our culture praises boys differently from girls. So don't be afraid to praise bravery, cleverness, adventurous thinking ectra along side emotional responsiveness, generosity, helpfulness ectra.
Something I didn't see mentioned but want to bring up from personal experience is, your daughter might struggle with wanting to mature and wanting to be a kid at the same time. To some degree all kids do but often bigger kids are shopping in the adult clothing section earlier than their peers, I remember being embarrassed about it, so down the road if you notice her needing the adult clothes, maybe have a talk about how she's still a kid and she can still be a kid, clothes are just clothes, and now a days with torrid you can find stuff with pop culture characters on it. (Back in my day it was very much a shift from cute fun patterns and colors to muted or jewel tones). The adult nostalgia boom is probably going to be great for kids like me who had to age up in clothing earlier. Off this, one more personal story but my mom was shorter and an apple shape, I was a pear and taller than her since I was maybe 14-16, she didn't know how to help me dress. So down the line don't be afraid of googling up how to best dress your daughters shape. I spent most of high school in jeans too tight on my thighs with shirts a size too big. Big oof.
I don't know how to finish this off just, thank you so much for caring and I hope both of you have many years of self love ahead.
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how sweet it is (to be loved by you) - todoroki x reader [chapter 2/8]
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You are the head baker and owner of a struggling bakery. When pro hero Creati comes in for a wedding cake, of course you accept.
As a business owner, you are excited about the boom in profits resulting from the publicity of working a hero wedding.
As a baker, you are ecstatic to work on an extravagant cake - your most ambitious one to date.
As a woman, you are terrified as you begin to grow feelings for the one person you REALLY cant: the groom.
NOTES: NO infidelity, NO cheating, NO divorce!
Chapter One
Four Months Before the Wedding
His voice is deep and his words soft-spoken. He politely kicks his winter boots against the mat at the front door and takes another step into the bakery. The movement causes flakes of snow to detach from his hair and flutter to the ground around him. It’s almost magical, like a scene from a fairytale. Wow. You can’t help but stare.
The man is tall -more so than you’d thought from the rare interview you’ve seen of him- and impeccably well dressed. His expensive-looking navy coat is long and chic, somehow managing to fit both his smaller waist and powerful shoulders. It’s probably tailored. You idly think of your coat hanging in the back: an item you’ve had for about five years now that definitely looks its age. What wouldn’t you give to be one of these rich people that for some reason seem to be visiting your bakery recently.
That thought brings you back to reality. Right. Pro hero Shouto is in your bakery.
Why is he in your bakery?
It slowly dawns on you. Rich people. The wedding. “Oh, you must be here for the cake.”
“I am.” He nods, looking around the little front area. You feel a little self-conscious, hoping that everything he sees is up to his standards. “Forgive me, were you about to close?”
“No no!” You wave your hands as he turns to look at you. “It’s okay! This actually works better, we can discuss everything without being interrupted.” Walking over to the door, you flip the sign over to ‘closed’ and gesture towards the seating area. “Please take a seat. I’ll go grab my stuff and be right back.”
Turning on your heel, you head for the back room without another look back at the hero. Instead of going straight for your wedding binder and notebooks, you lean against the nearest wall and place your head in your hands.
Oh my god. Shouto Todoroki is the groom.
Somehow, this wedding is an even bigger deal than you thought. Obviously, any hero wedding became an important event, but you had thought (hoped, even) that maybe Creati was marrying a civilian or a lesser-ranked hero. The wedding would still be a big deal, but you were confident in your ability to handle it. Shouto Todoroki, a beloved hero in the top 15, is definitely not what you were expecting. This wedding is bound to be huge in a way that you definitely had not prepared for.
The hero profession is a solitary one. Pro heroes rarely date, and if they do it is a very secretive affair. It is extremely dangerous to date a hero and those brave enough to try become an instant target for villains. This target only gets bigger the higher the hero’s rank is, and most top heroes don’t even try.
Thinking about it, you can’t really think of any of the top 10 heroes other than Creati (apparently) who are in a relationship. Sure, there were rumors about the number six hero Deku and the number twenty-four hero Uravity, and Endeavor must have had someone if he has kids but-
Oh no.
Oh no no no.
Todoroki is, well, a Todoroki . He is Endeavor’s son. The terrifying number one hero will probably be at this wedding. The number one hero will probably eat your cake. And if it’s both Todoroki and Yaoyorozu’s wedding, you can bet that a bunch of other big-name heroes will be there as well. Your vision swims as pressure pushes on your shoulders. How can you even begin to deliver a cake up to this caliber? You might be good, but you’re just one person.
You’re going to need to block off more days.
After what is probably a suspiciously long pause, you manage to calm yourself down enough to push off the wall to grab your binder and notebook. You pause before heading out to the front area, taking a deep breath to steel yourself before walking out.
Todoroki has found a small table near the window. He has partially turned away from you, face resting on his palm as he looks out to the snowy street. He has taken off his scarf and coat, both draped carefully over the back of his chair. How does he manage to look so elegant while doing something so normal?
You pinch your thigh. Stop it. You can’t think this way about him. You have to be professional. He is a client. He is a married man .
“Sorry for the wait!” You call out, heading over. He turns to look at you as you sit across from him, placing the binder and notebook on the table. You take this opportunity to introduce yourself properly. Up close, you find him even more handsome than before. Those dual-toned eyes are calm and watchful, and his sharp features have a symmetry to them that would not look out-of-place on a Vogue Japan photoshoot.
“Nice to meet you.” Todoroki gives a polite smile, shaking your hand when offered. It’s quite cold. “I believe Momo has already spoken to you about the general idea.”
“Yup!” You nod, taking the moment to open your notebook. “Unless things have changed, we’re still going for a five-tier cake.” Glancing up, you wait for him to nod before continuing. “What design are we thinking of?”
You look down, ready to write quick notes on whatever design has been chosen. This is the part you’ve been both excited for and dreading the most. Normally, you are extremely excited to get a design and to work to bring that design to life. You live for the expression you see on the client's face at their first look at the finished product. This time though...you’re nervous.
The design that is chosen will either make or break your next few months. If the design is easy and normal, you will be able to complete it on time with confidence. If the design is unusual and complicated, you honestly don’t know what you are going to do. This cake has to be perfect down to the smallest details, and you have to balance your time between the cake and running the store. Maybe you can hire another baker on a contract for help. Hmm.
After a few moments of no response, you look up. “I don’t know.” That normally blank face seems unsure. His mouth pulled into a small frown.
“You...don’t know.” You blink. That’s a bit weird. “Okay...I just thought that you would have a bit more input.” He is the groom, after all. You didn’t think Yaoyorozu was the kind of woman to insist that only she had input in these matters. Wait. Was that rude to say? You decide to push past it for now. “No matter, as long as we can get the full contract done for today I’ll be happy. I’ll need the design elements as soon as possible though if we want them to be completed on time. Some parts will probably need a lot of planning. Do we know the flavour or flavours yet?”
You suck in a breath through your teeth. Calm, be calm. “ Okay. I’d like to set up a taste test of the top requested flavours, so that you can get an idea of how the cake will actually taste and make the final decisions. I’ll need to do that as soon as possible.”
“I understand.” He nods, a bit stiffly.
“Do you...have a date in mind?”
He gives you a surprised look, two-toned eyes flickering over you. “...for the wedding?”
You sit up straight. “No!” What the hell? Did he think you were propositioning the groom to his own wedding? “You obviously have a date for the wedding. For the taste test!”
“Oh.” He replies simply, not seeming to understand the absolute absurdity of his own question. “No, I will likely not be involved with that. I only came today as a favour.” A favour?
Todoroki takes note of your confused expression and explains. “They got held up by the villain attack.” Oh, that makes sense. Yaoyorozu must have gone to help the others. The U.A students tend to appear whenever possible to help each other out. You think it’s sweet that they have such a strong bond after graduation. You don’t really talk to anybody you went to school with anymore.
His explanation does give your meeting a bit more context. If Yaoyorozu is ‘in charge’ of the cake, and Todoroki did not expect to even be meeting you, you can’t really get too annoyed at him that he doesn’t have the answers. At least he showed up and didn’t leave you wondering if you’d been stood up by the heroes. In the end, you decide to table the question about the cake tasting date, but underline it in your notebook. You’ll need that, soon.
The rest of the meeting goes smoothly. The two of you go over the contract in as much detail as possible. While it is extremely unorthodox for you to leave blank spaces in your contracts, you are sort of forced to do so in the areas of flavors and design. In the end, the hero couple is paying over double the amount you would normally charge for the cake. You can’t imagine any crazy design or flavour going over that cost. Neither hero seems like the crazy type of client. You’ll be fine. Hopefully. If you’re wrong then...well...you’re kind of screwed. The publicity has to be worth it.
After only about an hour of discussion (you really don’t have too much to go over, with Todoroki knowing nothing about the design or flavours), the meeting is over. You close your notebook, stand up and offer a hand to shake to end the meeting. Todoroki stands, shaking your hand with his cooler one. He assures you that somebody will reach out to you soon about the needed elements. You hope you’re right.
“I am sorry that I kept you after hours.” He says as he gracefully slides on his coat, glancing outside. “I hope you don’t have too far to walk.”
You shake your head. “Don’t worry, I actually live upstairs.” Something flickers in his face that you can’t catch.
Then he nods. “I see.” He wraps his scarf around his head, somehow managing to look both cute and attractive. He heads towards the door, the bell chiming as he opens it. “Goodbye then.”
“Goodbye!” You smile and wave. “Be safe out there!”
You watch as he leaves, completely still until you can no longer see the red and white hair out the window. Letting out a deep breath, you sink back down into the chair.
Well, that sure was something.
You’re not sure exactly what prompted the suddenly quick response after so long of nothing, but some of the information you need comes the very next day.
It’s early morning. The store has just opened, you can hear the slight bustle of your loyal morning folk as they come to get their breakfast. Your morning worker -a young man named Tanaka who is almost scarily jolly in the morning- welcomes everyone with his juxtaposition of a voice: booming yet somehow soft.
You have been down at the bakery for hours now, getting the first round of bread, pastries, and other necessary items complete before opening. It’s a lot of work, but you can’t complain. At least you still have work. You have just finished a batch of your personal favourite, rosemary goat cheese croissants when your phone rings in your pocket.
Pulling your phone out of your pocket (the thing has been covered in flour before, it’ll be fine), you check the contact name.
[ Contact: C Manager ]
Your eyes widen, and you instantly accept the call. With one careful eye on your ovens, you walk over to a nearby wall and lean against it. “Hello?”
"Good morning.” The soft voice of Yaoyorozu chimes in on the other end. You straighten a bit, surprised to hear the hero directly. “My apologies for Shouto the other day. I understand he wasn’t too much help to you.”
“No no, it’s okay!” You gesture with your hands, realizing afterward that she obviously doesn’t see it. “He was really kind, and we still got some work done.”
“I see.” She hums thoughtfully on the other end of the phone. “Well, he did mention that you were getting stressed about certain elements of the cake. Is that correct?” Oh no. You hope she doesn’t think you’re being rude.
But she doesn’t sound annoyed or frustrated at you. If you had to guess, her tone sounded more amused than anything. You bite your lip before answering. “Ah, well...I don’t want to pressure anyone. I just need to get started on certain things or it won't be done in time.”
“Yes, I understand.” She responds. “I figure I can give you some of the design ideas now if that works?”
Oh, hell yes! “That would be wonderful!” You can’t help but smile. Finally. “Do you want to meet somewhere?”
“Unfortunately, no. I’m caught up in this-” She pauses as a loud sound comes through the phone. “ thing at the moment. Will you be amenable to me giving you the details over the phone?”
“Oh, yea! That’s okay.” You push off the wall and rush towards the office area, grabbing the newly named ‘Y&S Wedding’ binder with your flour-covered hands. It’s fine. You anchor the phone between your shoulder and your face and grab a pen with your other hand, opening the notebook to the ‘design’ page. “Okay, what do you got?”
The cake turns out to be pretty normal as far as wedding cakes go, which you are extremely thankful for considering everything. It is a five-tier cake, classic white with cascading pink flowers and green stems/leaves. That is...definitely doable. You can ace this. Thank god. Relief hits you hard in the chest as you write it down.
“Is there anything extra that either party would like to be added?” You ask, your tone dipping into complete professionalism as your mind has a mini-party at the relatively easy design. You doodle a happy face beside your notes.
“No, that is alright,” Yaoyorozu replies. “It was a struggle already to talk him down from some of the crazy cake designs he had in mind to something more...appropriate.” A pause. “Not that any of the ideas were bad per se, but I don’t think the wedding is the place for a giant All Might statue cake.”
Your mind-party screeches to a halt. What?!
“He...wanted an All Might cake?” You ask in disbelief. That doesn’t sound like Todoroki at all. Maybe it was a way to ‘get back’ at Endeavor? There have been plenty of rumors over the years about that relationship, but they team up enough now that most have been pushed to the side.
“Yes, well, he adores the man.” She says it with a fondness that seems almost inappropriate considering your current state.
You think of the calm prince-like man from the day before. Could he really be that big of a fanboy of a hero like All Might? It just doesn’t compute. They were so different. You really can’t picture it. Still, it’s not like you really know Todoroki. Maybe he has some secret obsession or something.
Somehow, you feel like you’ve gained some insider knowledge. The press would pay a good amount for something like this. Not that you ever would go to them, ew. Actually, would they even believe you if you did? It was so absurd.
You realize that you have disappeared into your own thoughts. A big no-no when on the phone with a client. You pull yourself back. “Thank you for the design! I will get to work right away. Do we have any idea when we can do a cake tasting? That is the last big milestone here.”
“I’m sorry.” She responds, sounding truly apologetic. “It’s...difficult between all of our busy schedules. I promise I will work to get something set up.”
Well, honestly that is all you can really ask for. You thank her for the information and her time. The two of you say your goodbyes, and hang up. For a moment you stare down at your notebook in surprise. This is not how you expected things to go. It’s early, and you have a lot to do today. You already can tell you will be partially distracted, your brain trying to figure out the specifics of the design.
You smile. In the end, finally, you have something you can work with.
1 Week Later
Ten minutes before closing (of course) , the bell above the door chimes. You can’t see who has walked in, your back to the door as you wipe down a table. You take a brief moment to close your eyes and breathe before turning around.
“Good evening!” Your customer service voice is normally on point -the stuff of legends really- but this time it becomes higher-pitched at the end.
Shouto Todoroki stands in your doorway. Again.
After the last meeting, you truly didn’t expect to see the man again until his wedding (maybe not even then). He didn’t seem to have any input in the cake decisions, nor did he seem to care about not having any input.
“Oh, hello again.” You smile, fighting to keep your voice steady as you shove the cloth in your apron pocket.
“Hello.” His mouth ticks up in a soft smile.
“Were we supposed to have a meeting today?” You ask, pulling your phone out of your pocket to look at the date. No, you don’t think there was a meeting scheduled. You see Todoroki shake his head in your peripheral vision. The hero politely kicks his shoes on the mat and takes a few more steps into the store. Heterochromatic eyes look around for a moment before catching on to something to your right.
“Then what can I do for you today?” You ask politely, following his line of vision to your display case. “Here for a snack?”
Those eyes look straight back at you. “I want to order another cake for the wedding.”
What?! Your heart plummets. Another cake?! This late?! When you’re already having trouble getting the specifics on the first one?!
Todoroki seems to notice your panicked expression, hands going up in a calming gesture. “Not a large cake, but one of those small specialized ones.”
Your panicked thoughts pause. Wait. “Do you mean… a groom's cake?” Please be a groom's cake. You can make a groom's cake.
He nods. “It’s a surprise.” A surprise? For Yaoyorozu?
“Uh, sure. I can do that.” You reply. “Hold on a sec.” Instead of going for your physical notebook in the back, you decide to simply bring up the note app on your phone. It’s not as professional, but it works in a pinch. “Is there a theme?”
“All Might.”
You blink slowly, mouth opening in surprise. All Might?!
The conversation with Yaoyorozu comes to the forefront of your mind. Is he...really just an All Might fanboy? That seems so wrong, somehow. You narrow your eyes at his blank expression, considering him.
“...you must really like him, huh?” You whisper.
Todoroki tilts his head a bit to the side, eyes narrowing in confusion. “He is a very good teacher.”
...is that enough to get an entire cake based off of the man?!
A long moment passes where you both stare at each other, neither seemingly sure of what to say. Eventually, as the professional you have to break the tension. “Well, okay. I can definitely do that. Groom's cakes tend to be relatively small and fun. What elements are you looking for?”
“I will leave that up to you.”
“Uh, are you sure?” That is a lot of power he is just handing you, especially when he seems to care so much about the retired number one hero.
“You are very highly recommended by the Uraraka’s.”  Do the Uraraka’s know everybody?! “I don’t really...have an eye for design either way, and as the wedding gets closer I feel like I may become too busy.”
“That makes sense.” You mumble, writing down on your notebook app. Weddings are normally difficult things to plan, and you can’t imagine the amount of stuff necessary for a large hero one. If he wants you to design the smaller cake, you can do that. Your mind is already pulling together a few ideas. Similar to the large cake, you’ll need to make this one amazing. “What budget are you thinking?”
“Is 50,000¥ enough?”
Startled, you look up. 50,000¥ was a lot for a groom's cake. You want to tell him so but said groom is no longer in your line of vision. Glancing over to your right, you find the hero looking into your display case. He seems to care very little about the amount he just mentioned (ugh, rich people) so you simply say. “Um, yeah...that’s enough.”
You walk closer to the man, wondering why he seems so interested in the unsold pastries. “You are about to close, but there are so many left.” He looks up as you get closer. “How much longer will they last?”
Stopping to stand about a foot away from the man, you also look into the display and frown. “Oh...yeah, they are probably going to be thrown out, sadly.”
“Why?” At his soft voice, you glance over at the hero. Your eyes lock with two-toned ones.
“I try to sell the leftovers at half-off the next day, but they still barely sell.” You shrug. “I try to give as much as possible to the local shelters, but it isn’t always possible.” Looking outside at the hail coming down, you know you won't make it there today.
“Do you always make too much?”
“No.” You sigh, looking back at the sad, unbought pastries. “We used to be much busier, a year or so ago, but that chain bakery opened down the street and took a lot of my customers with it. Sometimes I still find myself baking as if it’s as busy as it was a year ago, just on habit really.”
There’s a long silence. Then, “I’ll buy them.”
Your eyes widen as your head swings towards the hero. “What, all of them?!”
“Yes.” He nods.
“No no no you don’t have to do that.” You find yourself saying, hands waving uselessly in front of you. “I wasn’t trying to pressure you or anything, it’s okay. You don’t have to-”
Todoroki shakes his head. “No, I want to.”
He looks straight at you, eyes telling you that he won’t back down from this. And well, you’re really not sure why you are refusing him. Maybe it’s the worry that he thinks of you like a charity. “Are you sure?”
The next five or so minutes are spent with you packing up every last dessert and pastry into bags. Todoroki will need to use both arms to carry them, but the man doesn’t seem concerned. You are about to put the last rosemary goat cheese croissant away when he interrupts. “Wait, can you leave that one out?”
“Oh, sure.” You reply, placing it on a napkin as you close the paper bags on the counter with a piece of tape.
Todoroki reaches forward, his hand grabbing the croissant with one hand and bringing it to his mouth. One bite, and small parts of the flaky pastry flutter to the ground. You don’t mind, it makes you happy that the croissant lasts the entire day. Also, his wide-eyed expression is adorable.
He chews a bit more and swallows. “It’s good.”
“Thank you.” You smile. “You don’t have to say that, you know. I won't be offended or anything.” Okay, a bit of a lie. You adore those croissants.
“I’m not lying.” He insists, two-toned eyes staring straight at you. “It’s really good.”
His eyes are a bit more intense than normal. You look away, your cheeks warming a bit at the complimentary words. Shit, no. Married man. Nope. Not going there, even for a second. “Well, thank you.” You even your voice and continue packing the bags, keeping your eyes away from the man.
Once done, you carefully slide the bags across the counter towards him. “Here you go. Do you need help taking them anywhere?” Your professional voice is back.
Todoroki gives you a weird look, taking the bags in his hands. The croissant he was eating is mysteriously gone, although you notice a small crumb on his cheek. You look away. “No, I will be okay.” His deep voice echoes a bit in the small room.
After a brief moment, he walks towards the doorway. “Thank you for coming!” You call out, not moving from behind the counter. It’s safer here. “I’ll get started on the groom's cake right away! If I see you again, I’ll run my ideas by you.”
“I’ll come again.” Todoroki looks back with a small nod. “I hope you have a good night.”
The hero leaves as quickly as he appeared, disappearing out of sight only moments after he exits the bakery. If you had a chair behind you, you would sink down into it. As it is, you rest your hands against the counter in exhaustion.
These heroes were taking a lot out of you. Damn.
2 Weeks Later
You stare up at the imposing building ahead of you, dread pooling in your stomach. The building itself was a hotel, tall and beautiful in architecture. That doesn’t matter too much though, you’re not exactly here for the hotel. No, you are here for the fancy-as-hell restaurant at the top: Eragawa.
Even the elevator to the restaurant is fancy. Luckily you are alone in it, so you are able to stare and judge your reflection in the mirrored walls without anyone seeing you. You frown, using your free hand to try and pat some of the flour off your shirt and organize your hair a bit. It doesn’t work, you already look extremely out of place.
It’s not like you wanted to be here at this fancy restaurant in your work slacks and shirt covered in various ingredients. The day had started normally, with you planning to spend your free time getting caught up on overdue paperwork. However, a text early in the morning ruined that plan.
[ Contact: C Manager ]
C Manager: Creati will meet you at Eragawa today at 7:30 p.m for the taste test.
Truthfully, you were starting to get a bit annoyed. The manager never asked your opinion, or even if you were free at the time they wanted you to be. They would always just make plans without you. You understood that Creati must have a really busy schedule right now, but damn . Still, it’s not like you could refuse. You had been waiting for this for a while now.
You: Okay. Thank you!
So, you had spent the rest of the day busier than ever. In between baking and managerial duties, you had to make a variety of cakes and icings in different flavours. Since you didn’t have any idea of where to start, you picked the most common flavours for her to try. It was... a lot to do on your own, and not for the first time did you wish you had some sort of assistant.
By the time you had everything ready to go, you had just enough time to make it to the restaurant. Knowing how impossible it had been trying to get this cake tasting appointment in the first place, you didn’t want to risk anything by being late. You had no time to shower or even change out of your work clothes. You simply grabbed the container of cakes, threw on your old coat, and ran out the door.
Now, though, you wonder if maybe it would have been better to be a bit late. The elevator door opens on the top floor, revealing a modern-looking restaurant in dark colours. You clutch at the handle of the container and look around. Wow. Nobody here looks like they would be caught dead in anything not a designer brand.
The hostess looks you over with a critical eye as you approach, but smiles and welcomes you nonetheless. “Good evening! Welcome to Eragawa, how can I help you today?”
“Um, hello.” You smile awkwardly back. Even the hostess is dressed nicer than you, damnit. “I’m with the Yaoyorozu group?”
The hostess blinks slowly at you. “Of course. Please wait here for a moment.” She turns to disappear into the back, another host taking up her post. You shuffle to the side of the waiting area and look around. The restaurant just screams ‘posh’ with its white tablecloth and candles and napkins folded into roses. You’d bet those glasses are made from actual crystal too. Damn.
The elevator door opens again as a group of well-dressed men and women walk in. You lean into the wall, trying to make yourself invisible to the other customers. It doesn’t work, and a woman in a fancy dress looks down her nose at you as she passes. The host takes them immediately to their table. Figures.
Eventually, the hostess you were talking to returns. “Please come this way.” You notice her smile is a bit larger this time as she leads you through the dining room. Quite a few patrons give you odd looks as you walk by, clearly not used to someone covered in powder walking through the area.
The hostess leads you past the dining room to a hallway in the back. You have just enough time to wonder if you are being taken out back like some sort of mafia movie before she stops at a door. She turns and opens it, bowing low as she gestures for you to go inside.  
You walk through, eyes wide. Somehow, the private room is even more extravagant than the dining room. It’s dark and modern, like the rest of the restaurant, with giant windows overlooking the city. A beautiful crystal chandelier hangs from the tall ceiling. In the middle, two people sit at a round table. They look up as you enter.
Yaoyorozu’s eyes widen as she takes you in. You offer her a sheepish smile, before glancing at the other person. He looks at you with a carefully blank face, but you know he must be thinking something by the way those heterochromatic eyes flicker up and down over you.
Both of them are dressed beautifully. Yaoyorozu is in a gorgeous maroon dress and Todoroki in a light-blue button-down shirt and dark pants. They look properly dressed for this occasion.
Somehow, you feel even more embarrassed. Your cheeks warm a bit as you take a step into the room. “Um, hello.” You attempt a smile. “Sorry if I’m late, I just closed the bakery. Hello again, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki”
“Were you unable to get someone else to close the shop?” Yaoyorozu asks. If someone else were asking, you’d assume it was some sort of dig. Instead, she honestly just sounds concerned.
“I would if I could.” You reply, placing the cake carrier on the table. “Unfortunately, it’s just me.”
The two of them share a look that you can’t decipher. You just hope that you haven’t somehow embarrassed them. “Anyways,” You begin, trying to lighten the mood. “I come bearing the best gift of all, free cake!” Not much of a reaction there. Maybe a free cake to a rich person isn’t as great. Hm. “I’m actually glad that both of you could make it, this way we know for sure that the cake is up to your standards.”
Yaoyorozu looks at the carrier on the table. “Should we wait until after dinner?”
“Ah, I actually have food at home.” You lie, wringing your hands in your lap. There was no way you are staying here. It is too awkward. “If you like, I could leave it with you and head out? I won’t be able to stay though.”
“I see.” Todoroki replies, sharing another look with Yaoyorozu. “Then, shall we begin?”
The cake tasting goes...weirdly. While you have brought a wide variety of selection, the two come to a decision within the first three cakes. Their final decision doesn’t even come from one of your options but is rather a mix of a few they haven't tried yet. In the end, they decide on a vanilla cake with both a strawberry and matcha layer in the middle. They decide on it quickly, too.
“Do you want to try the samples I have?” You point to your cake options with strawberry and matcha. It’s a smart move. For all they know, you suck at these flavours.
However, Yaoyorozu simply shakes her head. “You are recommended by the Uraraka’s.” Her mouth ticks up as she looks over at Todoroki. “Plus, Shouto brought your desserts to the agency a few weeks ago. They were a resounding hit. I am confident in your abilities to pull this off.”
You turn to Todoroki, eyes wide. “You did?!”
He nods. Your mind blanks for a second at the implications. A bunch of heroes eating, and liking your desserts. That is really cool. Still, there is a very different matter at hand. “B-but those are pastries and desserts, not cakes.” You try to get them to see sense. The cakes are right in front of them, why are they messing about?
“It will be okay.” Yaoyorozu nods. “And, well, to be honest I do have another meeting I need to attend.”
Wait, what?
Didn’t they want to have dinner? Why is she leaving? You blink in confusion as the woman stands up. She looks over to Todoroki first, smiling, before turning to you.
“Good night you two.” She says kindly as she turns, walking out of the room with only the clicking of her heels audible. The door closes softly behind her. You stare at it for a moment, mind a whirlwind of confusion and disbelief.
“What just happened?” You turn back to look at Todoroki. The man is also wide-eyed, staring at the door.  “Uh, are you okay?”
That seems to shake him out of it. Heterochromatic eyes shift to you. “Yes.” He nods. “We should also leave.” The hero stands up, grabbing his coat from the back of his chair. It’s the same long navy one you admired the first time you met him.
“Um, okay?” You reply, confused. Oh god, you hope you haven’t done something to somehow ruin their entire night. Dread curls in your stomach as you pack the cakes back up into the carrier
Todoroki leads the way back to the elevator. Yaoyorozu is no longer in sight, probably long gone by now. The staff seems as confused as you feel as you leave, sending odd looks to each other. Your stomach tightens a bit more.
It’s only when you reach the elevator that something clicks in your head. You were dining with two heroes, who both suddenly started acting weird. Really, there is only one explanation you can think of: there’s a villain nearby.
Your heart pounds heavily as you enter the elevator, clutching the carrier tighter in your hands. If there is a villain nearby, why didn’t the heroes evacuate the restaurant? Maybe it’s not safe. Maybe they have to wait for more heroes or a hero with the right quirk?
Despite having lived in Musutafu for most of your life, you’ve never been too close to a villain attack. You have always counted yourself lucky in that way, but maybe your luck is running out. You glance over to Todoroki at your side. The hero doesn’t look any particular way, that blank mask still on his face.
The two of you exit the elevator and head out of the hotel lobby. There is a distinct lack of heroes or police outside, which surprises you. Yaoyorozu must have called for someone, right?
Todoroki leads you across the street to the nearby sidewalk. “What do you need me to do?” You whisper as you finally come to a stop. “Do you want me to call the police?”
“The police?” He looks down at you, tilting his head slightly in confusion. Then his eyes narrow. “Is something wrong?”
Is something... not wrong? You look back up at the hotel, where everything seems completely normal. There is no screaming, no fighting, nothing.  Oh.
As the panic subsides, another layer of embarrassment begins to creep in. Were you really freaking out over nothing??
“I-uh, thought that since we booked it out of there so fast, something had to be wrong.” You look away and try to explain, face warming. “Maybe like a villain or...something.”
“Ah.” He replies. “No, nothing like that.”
“Then...why did we leave?” You risk a glance back up. Todoroki is still looking down at you, expression once again soft.
“You were uncomfortable.” He replies simply.
You can’t even deny it. “So we left?”
“So we left.”
Well, damn. That’s sweet. “But...what about your dinner?”
He pauses, looking around. “Where do you want to go?"
“Uh, I have food-”
“Don't lie.” He interrupts, looking back at you. “You spent your whole day working and baking these cakes. You didn’t even have the time to change before coming here. There is no way you had time to make food.” That’s the most you’ve heard him say at once. Huh. And well, he’s right.
“I could have leftovers?” You attempt, knowing that you’ve been beaten. Your shoulders slump a bit as you consider arguing more. Who are you to be eating with a hero anyways? But...you are tired and hungry. All fight drains from your exhausted bones as you look up at him. You think about potential places as you look around. Honestly, you haven’t been to this part of town much (other than a few fancy dinner nights with your ex, but you don’t want to think about that). Todoroki waits patiently as you think.
“Well...I know one place.” You finally say. “But I’m not really sure if it’s your style.”
“It’s okay.” He shrugs. “I’m sure it's good if you like it.” Oh god. Why does he say those things? You hide your flushed face by walking away. The hero falls into step beside you, seemingly content to let you lead the way.
Walking with Todoroki at night is an ethereal experience. You know it will be a part of your dreams for years to come. Both of you are quiet, taking in the scenery as you walk. It’s cold through your thin jacket, and you shiver a bit at first. It’s a bit weird, but after a few moments, the temperature seems to rise. You put it down to scientific anomalies.
“There it is.” You point out a small stall half-hidden on the street. The two of you make your way over to the small. You keep one eye on the hero, ready to abort at the smallest sign of hesitation from the man. This is definitely not his usual scene.
When you are almost there, the man pauses. You turn, looking up to his face. “Todoroki?” The hero looks surprised, eyes wide and staring at the name of the stall.
“It’s perfect.” He responds, before starting to walk again. His pace is faster than normal, and you have to actually speed up to keep beside him.
As you finally make your way up to the soba stand, you call out. “Hey Haru!”
Haru -a middle-aged man with a bald head- looks up, smiling big when he sees you.  “Hey! I haven’t seen ya sorry face ‘round here in a while. How’ve ya been? Come ‘ere to chat with this old man?” His eyes then catch on Todoroki. “Ah, I see.” His smile ticks up into a smirk.
Your own eyes widen. “No! It’s not what you think, Haru. We’re just here to eat.”
Haru doesn’t look like he believes you but lets it go. “Havin’ the usual then?” You nod. He turns to Todoroki. “And fer you?”
“Do you have cold soba?” The hero asks, taking a seat on the stool next to you.
“Hah! Do I have cold soba?” Haru replies sarcastically. “‘Course I do!”
“Haru makes the best soba on this side of the city.” You say, looking up at Todoroki. The hero looks down at you, and his expression makes you pause. His face is soft and kind, eyes glittering with delight. He smiles.
Your stomach flutters. You push it away and smile back.
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seattlesea · 3 years
bad representation in the riordanverse
-Gave Hazel and Piper gold and ‘kaleidoscope’/brown-blue-green changing eyes and pretty much went ‘Let’s add some characters of color but they cANT HAVE BROWN EYES THAT’S NOT PRETTY ENOUGH’ as if whitewashing isn’t more than just the skin.
-East Asian characters: Riordan pretty much went 'Here are my East Asian characters- one of them looks like a fat baby on steroids and is super undeveloped, his mother is strict and cold, and all the others are just described as 'Asian' because different countries in Asia don't exist and there's obviously no difference between Japanese, Chinese, and Korean'. His portrayal of East Asian characters went like this: Frank: Chinese, chubby, hates himself, underdeveloped, described to look like a 'Chinese Canadian baby man' and a 'panda' as if that's not stereotyping, and only learned to love himself when he looked hotter.  Drew: Asian, villainized, rude, shallow, vain, and selfish. Ethan: Asian, rude, evil, a traitor, and deceased. Grandma Zhang- rude, strict, cold, traditional, and deceased.
-Hazel: Has gold eyes. Has 'cinnamon brown' hair even though dark brown or black hair would be way more inclusive and realistic. Had a mother portrayed as a rude and selfish witch who sacrificed, used, and trafficked her own child. Was the only character called or described as a witch while African-Americans were usually accused of witchcraft just for their skin color. Was the only character who was cursed. Had a mother who literally practiced voodoo. The only African-American character in the series before ToA who isn't dead (but she also died). Was paired with a sixteen year old guy even though African women are constantly forced with older men and that's blatantly racist stereotyping. 
-Piper: Had 'chocolate brown' and then 'mahogany' hair? Has kaleidoscope eyes. Put a feather in her hair (which is stereotyping)- and it was an eagle feather, which is also wrong because eagles are extremely sacred to First Nation tribes and only spiritual leaders or warriors can wear it or it has to be gifted by an Elder of the tribe, and Riordan basically went 'Feathers are very important and it's racist to make a character wear one at inappropriate times but I'm going to make my character wear one as a cute accessory to make her look cool, pretty, and headstrong and to add to her 'Aesthetic'’ even though Cherokees didn’t wear feathers (which proves he did the bare minimum of research). Constantly oversexualized (56% of First Nation women are sexually harassed and Riordan had the audacity to put Piper in an 'embarrassingly low v-neck' and to have her constantly drooled over by a WHITE MALE and have her sexualized by her 1000+ mother without her knowledge or consent).  It's said that her father was from a reservation in Oklahoma...but there are no reservations in Oklahoma, only cultural centers (which also proves that he did the bare minimum of research).  She's the only First Nations character and she's the only character (besides Nancy Bobofit) depicted as a kleptomaniac (First Nations people are constantly called thieves by racist assholes). “The week before, he’d turned down several million dollars to play Tonto in a remake of The Lone Ranger. Piper was still trying to figure out why. He’d played all kinds of roles—a Latino teacher in a tough L.A. school, a dashing Israeli spy in an action-adventure blockbuster, even a Syrian terrorist in a James Bond movie. And, of course, he would always be known as the King of Sparta. But if the part was Native American—it didn’t matter what kind of role it was—Dad turned it down.” (The Lost Hero, page 165). So her father is fine with playing an extremely racist and stereotypical Middle Eastern role but not a First Nations role. Uses a cornucopia as a weapon (how she got it- cutting it off a half-bull- is disrespectful to her culture as hurting an animal is banned and she used a cornucopia- a symbol of Thanksgiving- as a weapon). Cut her hair, which is basically taboo in First Nations culture.
-Samirah: Had an arranged marriage (at age twelve, and she believed that she was groomed to be married to a rich and respectable family and nothing else). Ripped off her hijab in front of tons of male characters. The only Muslim character. The only Muslim character and she's the only character who married her cousin (you're supposed to break stereotypes, not enforce them).
Thomas Jefferson Jr: Said that he was thankful to the British for not siding with the South during the American Civil War even though they needed the South's cotton (but they didn't side with the North either). AKA a black man and son of a freed slave was thankful to Britain for not openly oppressing him? And at the same time he was named after a racist slave-owner.
Reyna: She's brown and her entire story revolves around her being independent, strong, alone, and self-sufficient but also desperately needing love and support but then Riordan says that she can't get her heart healed AKA she went through an abusive home, killed her father, left her sister, felt alone her whole life, worked a two-person job alone for months, and had to put on a brave face for others throughout all this then was literally told 'Shut up no one wants to hear about your struggles, just suck it up and deal with it’ and have you seen all the shit brown girls have to go through and keep silent about it? 
Extra: -Latino, Puerto Rican, African-American, Chinese-Canadian, East Asian, First Nations, etc. characters and the two most powerful, best, and most skilled characters and who the stories mostly revolve around are two white guys AKA white supremacy.
-"Harriet Tubman, daughter of Hermes, used many mortals on her Underground Railroad for just this reason" and that World War II was caused by a child of Zeus and a child of Hades fighting very blatantly erases the shit those people went through and Riordan just went 'Let's use these racist movements as little easter eggs in my story'.
-Thanatos, who was chained and enslaved, is described with dark skin.
-Riordan writing the characters went a little something like this: Drew: You get common Eastern Asian features like dark hair and eyes because you're arrogant, selfish, conceited, and rude, and because you're an antagonist and you're going to be used to make one of my protagonists- who has unique traits- look good so you're going to have the basic, 'boring' physical traits so the readers know who's the more superior of the two of you. Leo: You get common Latino features like curly dark hair, dark eyes, and light brown skin cause you're the weird, hyperactive unattractive one who's very flirty but constantly gets rejected and you're the only main character without a love interest and the only way you can get a girlfriend is when she's forced to fall in love with you through a curse. Frank: You get common Chinese features like dark hair and eyes cause you're the fat unattractive loser who catches the eye of the African character who already has unique and 'special' traits so you don't have to be super attractive. Reyna: You get common Puerto Rican traits like dark skin, hair, and eyes cause you're the stoic, lonely, intimidating, and cold one who wants all the guys (two white guys for that matter) but none of them want you and they both have girlfriends with traits like blonde hair and gray and kaleidoscope eyes so the readers know who are the more interesting couples.  Piper and Hazel: You two get eurocentric features because you're the main characters I have to set apart from everyone else- including other females whom I'm going to make one of you rivals with- so the readers know who's more superior so I'm giving you unique eye colors that literally cannot be found in humans so I'm going to try to validate it by saying that it's from something mildly associated with your godly parent even though neither of them have those traits. Riordan basically said that the common features are bad and boring and that unique and special features- aka features not found in those ethnicities- are good and cool. Also- if gods don’t have DNA how can their traits be passed down to their demigod children checkmate Riordan.
-Cecil Markowitz is the only Jewish character in PJO and the first thing used to describe him is "That kid, always thinking about the potential payout".
-Lavinia said that she was going to bring her date to her bat mitzvah even though you don't bring dates to bat mitzvahs or bar mitzvahs and she said that it was 'awkward' to tell her rabbi that someone was going to be her date even though you don't explain your guestlist to your rabbi, and they're most likely not even going to be at the party.
-Only three Latino and Puerto Rican characters (Leo, Reyna, and Hylla) and all three came from abusive households.
-Leo said 'Mamacita' as if that's not stereotyping.
-Made Nico ‘pale’ even though he had olive skin and gave him black hair and dark eyes despite Italians usually having light hair and eyes just to add to his ‘Goth Boy Aesthetic’.
-Hazel described Pluto to look like Adolf Hitler.
-Carter Kane said that Elvis took African-American music and made it sound like rock 'n roll and described it as cool- like no it’s cultural appropriation. 
-Leo was abused and Riordan thought that it'd be funny to make all the other characters line up to punch him and then try to make it look funny. 
-Gave almost every single POC character a white name and sometimes gave them white first names and POC surnames, and Reyna and Bianca are the only POC characters with names from their culture/native language and one of them is dead and reborn as someone else and the other’s full name wasn’t revealed until the fourth book in her series and she hates using it.
-Made two POC characters with names from their culture- Samirah and Olujime- go by white nicknames (Sam and Jamie) to make it ‘easier to read’ despite having white characters with the same amount of syllables in their names (like Annabeth) that didn’t go by nicknames.
-Never actually described the characters of color with physical traits from their ethnicities (Reyna, Hylla, and Leo with big eyes, thick eyebrows, brown hair, wide noses, full lips, etc., Piper with almost-oriental eyes, shovel teeth, high cheekbones, black hair, etc., Nico with light or brown hair and eyes, olive skin, a narrow nose, etc., Hazel with a wide nose and lips, dark brown eyes, black or dark brown hair, big eyes, thick eyebrows, etc.).
-Nico was forcibly outed by Cupid and Riordan and the fandom didn't care and the only thing they thought was 'Aww, he has a crush on Percy! So cute!' AKA romanticizing a forced outing. 
-Riordan said that he didn't want to make Reyna lesbian or bisexual because he thought it'd be stereotypical making her LGBTQ+ because she didn't want men anymore even though she could've been bisexual all along but Riordan casually dismissed the idea of that saying "Having a girl end up with a woman after dating men is a bad stereotype" and basically said that real bi girls don’t exist.
-The Hunters of Artemis were made so Artemis/Diana could protect those girls from men and their behavior towards women but Riordan dismissed lesbian relationships- even though nothing about that was said in real Greek mythology- meaning that he thinks that women need protection from other women just as much as they need protection from men.
-Alex Fierro is the only gender-fluid or transgender character and she/he’s seen as rude, snarky, and sharp and Magnus could magically tell when Alex changed gender.
-Riordan said that he wouldn’t make Reyna a lesbian because of stereotypes despite the reader asking if Reyna was going to get a girlfriend, not come out as lesbian AKA Riordan thinks ‘Girls liking girls’ is automatically ‘lesbian’ and completely dismissed bi, pan, poly, omni, etc. girls.
-Used a self-insert to make fun of wlw readers who saw themself in Reyna and thought she could be a cool character to relate to.
-Enforced LGBTQ+ stereotypes like the cold-hearted Asexual, the flamboyant bi/pan, the snarky gender-fluid, the emo gay, the laid-back and rebellious lesbian who dyed her hair pink and chews a lot of bubblegum, etc.
-Has one-hundred fifty-five characters total minus gods/goddesses, Titans, giants, nymphs, dryads, satyrs, monsters, etc. and only has fifteen confirmed LGBTQ+ characters (do the math, that’s exactly one out of ten regarding OCs).
-Only one character that isn’t cishet.
-Saves most the LGBTQ+ for the side characters or only confirms characters LGBTQ+ once they’ve become a minor character despite being a main character before.
-Only stated that Reyna was Asexual outside of his books and on Twitter as if that’s not exactly what J.K Rowling is doing.
-Used the LGBTQ+ community to make Piper seem like the ‘special snowflake’ and to set her apart from her siblings to make it seem like she’s better than all of them and used Hera/Juno and Aphrodite/Venus as excuses for his homophobic mindset that believes that straight is the default cause “Suddenly, much of what she and I had talked about started to make sense. Not being defined by Aphrodite’s expectations. Or Hera’s ideas of what a perfect couple looked like. Piper finding her own way, not the one people expected of her” in synonymous words is 'The expectations for love and the idea of a perfect couple are a heterosexual relationship, and anyone who 'finds their own way instead of the ones people expect' are different'. ‘Different’ and ‘default’ are antonyms AKA if he thinks that LGBTQ+ people are ‘different’, he thinks that straight is the ‘default’. Remember- an author writes their own personal beliefs.
-Josephine is the only black LGBTQ+ character.
-Reyna is said to be Asexual despite feeling sexual attraction towards Percy cause no one likes someone five minutes after knowing them and it’s anything but sexual attraction.
-Magnus and Alex are the only LGBTQ+ relationship whose growth and development is actually shown in the story (while there was also Apollo and Commodus, Piper and Shel, Will and Nico, Apollo and Hyacinthus, Emmie and Jo, Lavinia and Poison Oak, etc.).
-Riordan never canonically said the name of any sexuality and is clearly uncomfortable with the LGBTQ+ community shown by his little to no writing regarding physical affection and deep emotions in his LGBTQ+ relationships.
-Only added in LGBTQ+ relationships for publicity- Percy Jackson and the Olympians release dates: 2005-2009. 2005-2009: LGBTQ+ support was nearly at an all-time low. No LGBTQ+ characters, relationships, or references in the books. The Lost Hero-The Mark of Athena release dates: 2010-2012. 2010-2012: LGBTQ+ support was still very low. Still no LGBTQ+ characters, relationships, or references in the books. The House of Hades release date: late 2013. Mid-2013: the giant spike for LGBTQ+ support and allies. One confirmed LGBTQ+ character. The Sword of Summer release date: late 2015. 2015: LGBTQ+ support was good and gay marriage was legalized. A few LGBTQ+ references but no confirmed characters. The Hammer of Thor and The Ship of the Dead release dates: 2016-2017. 2016-2017: LGBTQ+ support was quite high. Two confirmed LGBTQ+ characters and the first canon LGBTQ+ relationship and kiss. The Trials of Apollo release dates: 2016-2020. 2016-2020: LGBTQ+ support was very high. More LGBTQ+ characters confirmed in one book than all the other series combined. Kind of obvious he was just following the public opinion.
-Legit said ‘Reyna can’t like girls cause she has had crushes on guys before’.
-It was heavily implied in The Battle of the Labyrinth that Rachel Dare had schizophrenia/psychosis but it's never brought up again.
-Grover's fake feet made it look like he was disabled from the Mist and it was said that he was bullied because of it but it was never brought up again.
-It was said that Tyson looked like he had down syndrome from the Mist covering his one eye but it was never brought up again. 
-It was stated that every character but Frank has ADHD and dyslexia but never actually showed any symptoms after Percy Jackson and the Olympians and characters like Piper and Leo were even able to read English writing throughout The Lost Hero and the only symptom of ADHD Riordan showed through his characters was ‘a lot of fidgeting’ as if that’s not a blatant stereotype. 
-Luke, a twenty-two/twenty-three year old had a crush on Annabeth, a sixteen year old. That's a six-seven year age gap. 
-The only two girls put into relationships with much older men are black (Hazel and Sadie).
-Hazel, a thirteen year old, got together with a sixteen year old guy. Hazel's crush on Frank is normal- a girl having a crush on an older guy, but Frank's crush on Hazel is disgusting- an older guy looking down at a child and thinking about making out with her.
-Aphrodite's kids are seen as useless, weak, snobby, shallow, vain, and selfish just because they’re feminine. 
-Riordan portrayed Aphrodite’s kids as feminine despite Aphrodite being the goddess of love and beauty, not femininity, as if romance and beauty are reserved for women only. 
-Piper is the only 'tomboy' child of Aphrodite and she's portrayed as tougher, stronger, and better than her feminine siblings (and it's portrayed that way multiple times throughout the story like other characters telling Piper she’s "-tough for a child of Aphrodite").
-Piper immediately stereotyped and disliked every single feminine character like Drew and the rest of the Aphrodite cabin just because they liked makeup and skirts as if that’s not shallow criticism. 
-Feminine characters like Drew, Isabel, Khione, and Medea are used or even created solely as antagonists to make Piper- the tomboy- look better.
-Calypso is the only feminine character and she sucks at everything. 
-Riordan’s take on female characters: Drew: a vain, rude, selfish, snobby, and bitchy mean girl. Silena: a shallow traitor. Reyna: a cold-hearted robot. Piper: internalized misogyny that was never brought up again. Calypso: an island whore. Athena: a rude, aggressive bitch with no emotions. Aphrodite: shallow, vain, conceited, and self-centered. Hera: completely evil with no backstory added into it. Marie: an evil witch who selfishly used and sacrificed her daughter.
-The Hunters of Artemis were blessed by Artemis to protect them from men but Riordan made it only about the men in their lives (again) and portrayed the whole 'losing men' thing like it was a burden and that they're 'giving men up' even though they join the Hunters to leave men. He distorted the original meaning of the Hunters- protecting women- by making it about the Hunters hating and being forced to leave men even though they're asking to have no men in their lives, cause that's the point of it. 
-The Amazons and Hunters of Artemis despise men and literally attack them if they so much as speak as if sexism is reserved for women only.
-Portrayed femininity as weakness (and masculinity as strength, it’s even in the word- tomBOY).
-Constantly pit women against women for the sake of romance and love triangles instead of normalizing women getting along despite liking the same people and let the female’s relationships get controlled and influenced by the men in their lives.
-The men always outpower the women in powers and skills. Riordan’s portrayal of powers and characters- Percy: You’re going to have epic water powers and can even create your own personal hurricanes and even though you’ve only been canonically training for eight months total you’re going to be the best swordfighter despite multiple characters having years more training than you. Jason: You’re going to be able to fly, control lightning, create storms, and electric shock people into another dimension. Leo: You’re going to be able to create and control fire and blow shit up with just a screwdriver. Frank: You’re going to be able to shape-shift into any animal you want, even a whole dragon. Nico: You’re going to be able to control darkness and shadows, literally teleport, and raise a whole army of undead soldiers. Reyna: Powers? Nah, your only ability is to lend strength to others as if that benefits you at all. Annabeth: Powers? Nah. Piper: You’re going to be able to manipulate and seduce people and are literally going to use your body and attractiveness as a weapon and your power is literally called charmspeak. Hazel: You have more powers than all the other characters combined that can literally destroy anyone in less than a second but you’re never going to use them or even remember that you have them cause screw the female character being more powerful than the males. 
-The men always accomplish the most incredible feats and if the females ever do accomplish something great (Reyna healing the riff and defeating Orion while the Hunters and Amazons couldn’t combined, Annabeth going through Tartarus, Hazel learning to control the Mist, etc.) they are never praised or rewarded or all the credit goes to the men. 
-Ares/Mars in real Greek/Roman mythology was the feminist patron of the Amazons who loved his daughter very much and killed a rapist but was portrayed as the dumb, cruel asshole who loved nothing but bloodshed and tried to kill a twelve year-old kid who was trying to help him while Poseidon/Neptune in real Greek/Roman mythology was a greedy, short-tempered, and arrogant asshole who raped almost as much women than Zeus/Jupiter but was portrayed as the kind, caring, and gentle father figure. 
-Frank is the only chubby character and he hates himself because of it, was constantly fat-shamed, and only learned to love himself after he got rippling abs, muscles, and looked hotter (because fat = ugly in Riordan’s mind, even though it's not). 
-Clovis was depicted with a pot-belly and Drew described him as 'repulsive'.
-Dionysus/Bacchus is also depicted with a pot-belly and he's portrayed as a useless, rude, lazy, and drunken asshole. 
Basically how Riordan wrote his characters- Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Reyna, Hazel, Piper, and most minor protagonists: You’re all going to be super attractive, have at least one character or more pining for you, have your looks constantly commented on, and some of you will even use your looks as a weapon cause that’s not obvious sexualization cause you’re all the main characters and protagonists that readers need to know are the protagonists. Nico, Leo, and Frank: You three are originally portrayed as unattractive but at some points are described as cute and two of you are insecure about your looks cause you’re scrawny and chubby and one of you hates yourself cause of your body and only learn to love yourself once you magically gain abs cause more muscle obviously equals more attractiveness.  Luke, Silena, Chris, and Ethan: You four are going to be super attractive because you’re traitors but all of you make up for your actions and decide to help the demigods and become protagonists again. Octavian, Bryce, Michael, Titans, giants, etc.: You all are the antagonists so you have to be super ugly with multiple physical imperfections cause you’re not allowed to be attractive since you are against the protagonists and I have to set you guys apart and show the readers who’s the better and more superior character. 
-Frank hated himself cause he was chubby and only loved himself once he got skinnier and gained muscle through magic but even then was called ‘cute like a panda’.
-Leo was described as scrawny and unattractive and was insecure about being short but even then was called ‘cute in a scrawny way’.
-Piper had facial imperfections and even a pimple on her nose but once she got claimed all of those disappeared and they stayed gone even after the blessing washed off despite all the magic being gone and only then was Piper’s looks commented on multiple times. 
-Lester/Apollo hated his appearance cause he had a little flab and acne and his physical imperfections were used as comedy by making fun of it as if insecure readers don’t exist.
-Percy and Annabeth had one canon physical imperfection- a gray streak in their hair- and that magically washed away.
-None of the other characters were described with any physical imperfections like pimples/zits/acne, body hair (despite none of the characters having the care or time to wax or shave), bushy/frizzy or messy hair or eyebrows, big or small hands or noses, blackheads, super thick or thin eyebrows, blemishes, birthmarks, scars, stretch marks, braces, lazy eyes, yellow or chipped teeth, eye bags, glasses, moles, dimples, love handles, flab/fat, visible veins, freckles, etc. unless it added to their ‘aesthetic’ despite none of those being bad and saves it only for the antagonists as if ‘physical imperfections’ = ‘evil’. 
-Riordan portrayed the Romans as cold, cruel, ruthless, strict, and overall horrible despite them being the more inclusive camp regarding family and godly parents, have multiple families and rules that ensure their camper’s safety, and hold the nicest characters in the series while the Greeks are portrayed as fun, wild, reckless, silly, and cool despite holding the most prejudiced and rude characters, outcasting and ostracizing characters of certain godly parents just for their parentage, stereotype almost every single cabin, and make some campers without siblings live, sleep, and eat alone. 
-Every Greek traitor (Luke, Silena, Ethan, and Chris) were portrayed as powerful, kind, attractive, and awesome and each made up for their actions but each Roman ‘traitor’ (Octavian, Bryce, and Michael, and only one of them are actually a traitor) were portrayed as unattractive, cruel, ambitious, ruthless, and extremely weak and never actually did anything useful.
-The Greeks were part of the Union and the Romans were part of the Confederacy (adding on to Riordan adding racist movements as fun little easter eggs in his stories).
-Four out of seven of the main Seven are Greek.
-There are at least 70+ Greek characters and less than thirty named Romans.
-The Battle of San Francisco Bay was used for the sole purpose to weaken the Romans and make the Greeks seem stronger than them and while the Greeks went through two whole wars, their camp laid almost completely untouched but the moment the Romans are introduced, half their population is wiped?
-Romanticized Annabeth judo-flipping Percy AKA romanticized physical abuse/harassment (emotions, angriness, feelings of love and affection, ‘they went through a lot together’, etc. do not excuse hitting someone) despite Annabeth knowing where Percy’s Achilles Heel was and not knowing he lost it and flipping him on his back anyways (if Percy didn’t lose the Achilles Heel, Annabeth would’ve killed him).
-Romanticized Leo killing himself to see Calypso again and to take her off her island AKA a romanticized suicide.
-Romanticized Calypso yelling at and insulting Leo and Annabeth insulting and canonically lowering Percy’s self-esteem AKA romanticized verbal abuse/bullying.
-Romanticized Will trying to help Nico through his loneliness and depression as if that can’t be portrayed as someone just wanting to help another person AKA  romanticized mental illness.
-Romanticized every character kissing another character without asking first and without their consent AKA romanticized sexual harassment.
-Romanticized Piper taking advantage over Jason’s amnesia and mental state and jumping onto him despite knowing there might be a girl he couldn’t remember AKA romanticized manipulation.
-Romanticized Piper and Annabeth’s possessive, overly-jealous, and controlling behavior over Jason and Percy (even before they were canonically dating).
-Romanticized Nico being forced to confess his crush on Percy AKA romanticized a forced outing.
Rick Riordan:
-Refused to apologize for his actions even after being called out by people from the groups he was writing inaccurately and stereotyping (Muslim, Jewish, African, First Nation, lesbian, gay, Puerto Rican, etc.) and tried to make himself look like the victim.
-Claimed he was being ‘bullied’ by readers half his age who were just pointing out his books’ racist flaws.
-Showed time and time again that he is not willing to listen to the voices of minorities.
-Clearly didn’t do his research on ethnicities, sexualities, religions, etc. shown by how he got the simplest things wrong.
-Tried to say that he- a straight white man- was right when people of the actual groups he was writing about (gay, First Nation tribes, etc.) were wrong.
-Used excuses like having a ‘headstrong’ and ‘stubborn’ character who wants to ‘show their culture in their own way’ for his stereotypes. No, Riordan, you want to show the culture that way, not Piper. She’s a fictional character, you’re real. Dumbass.
-Literally said ‘Sorry I put feathers in Piper’s hair, I can’t change what I wrote in the past and I didn’t know that sensitive readers existed’ then continued to write feathers in Piper’s hair in the future books. 
The Fandom:
Note: Not to all of the fandom, obviously
-Draws Piper with light skin, light hair, and kaleidoscope eyes with feathers, hippie bands, and beads (yes, it's canon, but you're allowed to change it if it's blatantly racist, and the bead and hippie band thing was created by the fandom and that's also stereotyping).
-Almost always draw Reyna, Hylla, and Leo with light skin and Caucasian traits (props to the few artists who drew them with the right skin tones).
-Draws Hazel with gold eyes, ‘cinnamon’/light brown hair, and an adult body.
-Sexualizes female characters by drawing them in sexy and revealing clothes and giving them all the same exact sexy, slim, and perfect hour-glass shaped bodies.
-Almost never include physical imperfections, muscle, scars, stretch marks, etc. in drawings.
-Fancasts white actors for characters of color and puts actors/faceclaims of white people or people of different ethnicities in the moodboards or aesthetics for characters of color.
-Participates in cultural appropriation by wearing feathers when cosplaying Piper and wearing a hijab when cosplaying Samirah.
-Supports Riordan, tries to defend him, and condones his clearly racist and bigoted actions just cause they ‘like the books’ (if you are straight, white, and/or cishet, I definitely don’t want to see you trying to defend a fifty-five year-old multi-millionaire who is clearly racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic).
-Romanticize physical abuse, verbal abuse, mental illnesses and panic/anxiety attacks, etc.
-Ship pedophilic, manipulative, abusive, and wrong relationships.
-Barely allow others to have their own opinions (looking at you Perachel haters) without yelling at, insulting, cursing out, and/or even threatening them for liking or disliking different things than them including ships, characters, books, plots/faults, and Riordan himself.
-Straightwashes characters like shipping Nico with female characters or setting him up with a female character in fanfics.
-Whitewashes characters like drawing Hazel and Piper with eurocentric features, Reyna, Hylla, and Leo with white skin and Caucasian traits, Nico with white/pale skin, etc.
-Try to excuse and explain abusive, manipulative, possessive, and overall very wrong and toxic behavior.
-Fail to recognize and/or admit the toxic, racist, homophobic, sexist, transphobic, wrong, abusive, etc. faults in the books, ships, and characters just cause they like them.
The Percy Jackson franchise does not add good representation. You can still like the series as long as you don’t condone Riordan’s racist and toxic writing and actions and don’t try to ignore the horrible and stereotypical faults just cause you don’t want to admit that your favorite or childhood story is horrible. 
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bubsdolan · 3 years
Hiii so this is a suuuper sensitive topic and it’s ok if you don’t feel comfortable writing about it, but my one year anniversary of my r*pe is next week and I was wondering if you could write something w gray? Maybe just friends but they both know there’s feelings there but reader is scared cause, in my case, my first ever date w a guy was w the man who a**aulted me & it’s also been my one s*xual experience and I’m scared of men lmaooo it’s ok if you can’t tho I’ll luv u always and no matter what <3
{baby, having spoken to you privately and having you open up to me the way you did, i hope you know how strong you are. how brave and so incredibly special i know you are. thank you for trusting me and putting all your faith in me to deliver something that you can use to help you cope in a way. i love you and im here whenever you need🍒 sorry it’s so late}
{trigger warning- sexual assault}
you had been keeping yourself to yourself all day, avoiding calls and texts from everyone closest to you as you harboured your deeper most inner feelings that often send your mind spiralling out of control. your demons working a mile a minute as you relive the events that unfortunately occurred a year ago today. a secret you had yet to tell anyone, in fear of not being believed or for how people could potentially perceive you.
it was the year anniversary of the day you got sexually assaulted after your first ever date with a guy you forced yourself to forget the name off. all memories of him were erased besides the feeling of his dirty, unconsensual hands on your body. the face of a devil hovering over you maliciously as you begged and pleaded with him to let you go. you never truly recover from that sort of trauma and over the last few days, the feeling of dread and fear had slowly been creeping its way back into your life where it didn’t belong.
you were meant to be spending the evening with your best friend, grayson. you both made a pact at your naive age of 14, that once a week you would both go out and do something spontaneous. a pact you both refuse to break serval years later, wanting to make the most of what life has to offer. but in your state of mind, there was nothing worse than putting on a brave face, especially for someone who could read you like a book, and lying to yourself and others around you about how you were really feeling.
although grayson dolan was your childhood bestfriend, and at times your only companion, your relationship was more than that. it was deeper and held a different spark than when you were kids. you were the happiest when with grayson, something about being around him made you feel at ease, at peace with yourself and most importantly safe. you har a flirty relationship, always cuddling when watching movies, being quite handsy with each other any chance you could, but you both were to scared to push the boundariesof anything more- you more than grayson.
you were getting ready to wallow away in the comfort of your bed, surrounded by snacks and your favourite netlfix shows as you needed an escape. you needed to escape the prison of your own mind, as well as the world around you. however, you were pulled back into reality at a startling knock at your door. a knock you knew all too well.
coming face to face with gryson, the one face you needed to see but also feared in this moment, you sigh in defect and reluctantly let him inside your apartment. you could instantly see his face relax at the sight of you. after not answering any of his calls and texts for serval hours, he was starting to panic, his mind running away with thoughts of something bad happening to you. he couldn't live without you and the very notion of it made his heart bleed.
“bubba-” you melt at the nickname reserved for grayson and grayson alone. he was so blindly unaware of the affect he had on you, that even something as simple as a term of endearment coming from his lips, was enough to set you into a pool of your own tears. 
grayson is by your side in seconds, slamming the door with his foot as he holds you in his embrace- an embrace you needed now more than ever. he’s shushing your whimpers, running his fingers tips through the ends of your hair as he rocks you back and fourth with his body. he lets you cry, his heart breaking at the sound, wanting nothing more to take away your hurt and pain, although not knowing the real cause behind it. 
you collect yourself, whipping your bloodshot eyes to try and hide any signs you were weak, but grayson knew you better than you knew yourself. he knew something was deeply wrong, but in his mind, he came up with the conclusion that it had something to do with him. his suspicious only growing when you push him away, creating a painful distance between the two of you as you wrap your arms around your body in protection. from what- you didn't know, grayson was and always will be your protection.
a sigh leave yours lips the minute you see grayons face drop, his lips setting into a devastating frown. his eyes welling up with his own tears at the thought of you not wanting him anymore. you were pushing him away without realising it and it broke him. “why are you here, grayson?
“im here for you, bubba. you weren't answering any of my calls or texts, i was worried about you.” grayson steps closer in hope you would drop your facade, in hopes you would run into his arms and live the happily ever after you both crave and deserve.
“im fine. you can go now. please.” your voice cracks slightly and yet again you take a few steps back, holding your hands in front of your body as an attempt to stop graysons movements coming any closer to you.
“what are we y/n? one minute you want me and the next you can’t stand to be near me. now your completely shutting me out. if i did something wrong please- please tell me. i cant handle the silence, the tears, the absence. im right here, you have me- all of me. but you gotta let me in.” 
at his confession, a confession you have longed to hear, you’re breaking. sobs raking over your body for the second time tonight that tells grayson this is bigger than him. 
“im scared, gray, im so fucking scared. im terrified of letting you in because the last guy i did, he- he.” you break down in his arms. not having to go into detail about the trauma you’ve faced because grayson is doing what he does best and protecting you. leading you to sofa, lifting you onto his lap so your legs are straddling his hips. you cry into the crock of the his neck, his arms securely fastening around your waist as he lets you burn out all of all the tears you needed to cry.
“did he hurt you?”
no answer. your eyes shifting uncomfortably from his face to his lap. your fingers fiddling with his shirt as you try your best to avoid his question. one that would open up a can of worms you weren’t sure he was ready for.
“did he lay a finger on you, baby, please i need to know what happened so i can help you. i lo- i care about you and i hate seeing you in pain.” you can hear the hurt and desperation in grayson’s voice, something you wished to never hear or be the cause of again. 
and so you tell him, everything. from the talking stage with your abuser, to the events before and after your assult. you can feel his body tense beneath your own as the words leave your lips. he wanted to kill the arsehole for laying a finger on his girl, for betraying your trust and breaking such a beautiful creature, ripping the life and soul from you. but more importantly- he was angry at himself for not seeing the signs sooner. for not noticing the way you flinch whenever he or another male trys to touch you, or how you cower into a shell of a human whoever someone raises their voice at you. he was beating himself up mentally at how he wasnt there to protect you, to love you and stop any harm coming your way like he promised 14.
grayson sits in silence, staring ahead at the wall, taking in every piece of information you share. his arms tighten around you body, his jaw locked and body tense as his eyes shoot with rage. he’s keeping himself calm for your sake. the feeling of you wrapped safely in his arms is the only thing stopping him for not hunting down that bastarrd and ending his life. you ground him.
grayson heard enough, your words eating him alive, not able to listen to the tragic events an angel was put through. and before you know it, his lips are on yours. a sweet sensual kiss that takes you by surpirse but has you kissing back almost instantly. this was everything you needed, everything you hoped and dreamed of, but once again your mind and self deprecation took over. you pull away, breathlessly. leaning your forehead agasint graysons as he brings one hand to rub soothly across your cheek bone, eyes burning into each other’s as you silently confess what should have been said a long long time ago. 
“consider this my spontaneous adventure of the week but i love you, y/n, more than i could ever love anyone. and i swear to you, hand on heart, i will never let anyone hurt you again. s’got you, baby. it’s me and you forever, till the end of time- fuck i- i need to kiss you again.” grayson interrupts his ramble, leaning forward to peck your lips once, twice, three times as he becomes addicted to the taste of you. so high off the love everyone knew you shared so each other but took the pair of you longer to admit.
“please don't hurt me.” you whisper, the words rolling off your tongue before you fam stop tjem. just needing the reassurance that grayson will live up to all your expeditions, even exceed them. but also that  history won’t be repeating itself.
“baby, cross my heart hope to die, id never lay a finger on you in that way. you’re safe with me, y/n, always have been, always will be.”
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tricewithaz · 3 years
Do you have any Zoya and Nikolai wedding headcannons I would really appreciate it
listen none of that bullshit of an ✨intimate wedding✨ they go ALL OUT its HUGE and theres a lot of food and a big ball and everything
Both of them wear white. Nikolai wears a typically russian kaftan with golden details and big sleeves, and also a sword cause decorative swords are my shit. He also has a crown that falls on his forehead its pretty and it makes his eyes shine.
And she wears an off the shoulder gown, with a sweetheart neckline and a princess cut with big skirt. It also has big long sleeves. She wears a big tiara too with beads that frame her face and fall onto her neck.
The wedding has reporters and photographers and all like, its that big. i mean irs the king of ravka getting married i guess it makes sense.
Everything is decorated in white blue and gold, with delphiniums and jasmine, the place smells so fresh and summery
Oh its a spring wedding. They have it at the palace cause fuck institutionalized religion idc. And its on a very sunny and fresh day 😌
He just!!! cant!!! stop!!!! smiling!!!! And everyone notices it. In fact him being so smily gets into most reports cause its dashing.
They hold candles during the ceremony (yes i did look up russian wedding traditions for this hi i didnt include all but i did add some) and the way it illuminates zoyas face..... saint like i say sAINT LIKE
her eyes look so bright (ah yes the esrrings.... they make it even better) nikolai cant help but spurt out a "im dying to kiss you" to which the officiant asks him to "be patient, boy! ".... this also makes it into newspapers and cronicles.
And when they kiss its so cute too cause theyre both so impatient for it, afterthe first kiss nikolai kisses zoya all over her face and shes so smiley and all
im thinking that decades after some of the most emblematic historic pictures from Nikolis reign are him and zoya kissing and zoya signing the marriage ceritifcate with him smiling behind her, as well as zoya feeding him cake with a knife
Their first dance!! its a rather animated dance he twirls her around and lifts her up and all and its full of cheers
He also dances with pretty much all of his girlfriends, genya first. And with some little girls too. And with his mom of course.
They cut the cake together and zoya feeds him a bit of it on the same knife and he gets all messy cause i mean look its difficult to est a whole piece of cake from a knife. And he kisses her after and she gets cake all over herself too but its ok cause it tastes good. She picks a bit of cake from the corner of his lip and eats it.
The party gets.... intense okay..... very much so.... lots of stories to tell...... not all are child friendly.... theres also fire
Everyone gets tipsy. Drunk Genya is a delight she dances around a lot, with everyone, like, generals, commanders, nobles, and she compliments them all and fixes their hair and is very chatty
Of course she lets embarrassing stories about nikolai and zoya slip out "no colonel you dont understand i used to erase love bites from the kings chest back in the day" "well miss petrova the new queen seems uptight but ive seen her breasts probably more than anyone else in this room has, shes just like that with a couple of drinks on her, unlike me" "i know the king seems brave but if you put a spider in front of him hell scream like a 5 year old trust me ive seen it myself"
Tamar also talks a lot about their endeavors some of which shes included in. The kids seem fascinated by her and admire the king and new queen even more than before.
Young girls chat about how they wish they were the queen right now cause everything is so dreamlike and they seem so in love.
Nikolai eyes leoni and adrik cause adrik has gotten a bit drunk and hes reALLY trying to dance with leoni and shes just laughing and "oh saints they kiss" both he and zoya feel so proud of them
a couple of drinks in zoya steals sweets from everyone 😔 she feeds a couple to nikolai too
At some point nikolai and zoya just disappear 😶 but the party continues and it gets even crazier
But Nikolai and zoya share one last dance far from the party surrounded by flowers and a chilly breeze. At this point her shoes are off and shes holding her crown in her arm, she rests her head on nikolais chest and his heart is pOUnding. She cant quite believe this isnt a dream.
And she tries on his crown 👁 it looks weirdly good
Oooh she also keeps her last name. Welcome to the Lantsov-Nazyalensky dynasty?
Now that shes officially a queen she jokingly orders nikolai and the triumvirate around, starting at the wedding "tamar as your queen i order you to bring me more champaigne" "david im signing a law right now for you to cut your hair every month"
he does it to nikolai too the next morning while still in bed shes like nikolai as your queen i order you to bring me a tea and bath salts will ya and hes like ok but as your king i order you to give me a kiss 😌
The next day everyone is reading the cronicles of the wedding like its the most engaging romance novel ever cause its just!!!! so cute!!!! Theyre thE STANDARD
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bunsndoofs · 4 years
Why Lumity Is Important to TOH
So recently, I saw an argument playing out in a comment section, in which one of the people involved states “why do we need luz and amity to get together so badly, just focus on having Luz become a witch”. So putting aside the whole “its Disney first proper form of queer relationships so yes its important” debate and ignoring the fact its even gay so anyone cant say “you only like it because its gay” Lumity is an integral part of the story and its theme. Mainly, one of its themes of taking your flaws and seeing them as a source of strength rather than weakness
Lets first analyze the very first episode, where we have Luz in the office after clearly messing up and releasing snakes in the school. Now this clearly isn’t supposed to be a positive thing, and of course her mother and the principal try and figure out how to help her. The issue with this though is the way they decide how to help her, they focus on trying to get rid of her creativity and energy in its entirety as well as try and enforce reality on her heavily. They see this flaw of her, and encourage her to erase it away using force to get rid of at once, all the while while ignoring the most positive element about this: her creativity. And while yes, it was what caused the issue. They don’t try and offer help to Luz other ways that maintain her creativity while allowing her to understand what she did was bad, they instead choose the option that gets rid of her flaw in its entirety. They lack the ability to see potential and growth and only see that flaws are an issue rather than something to use to better someone
This is countered when later in the boiling isles, Luz is allowed too see her flaw as something of a source of power. When shes there, everyone is quick to point out how shes human, and how that flaw weakens her from doing magic. instead Luz uses that very flaw to find new magic in the form of drawing out the spell and finds strength in that, which even is something that gives her advantage when facing the monster in “First Day”, and thus creates something out of the very title of being human that originally made her weak.
This is shown throughout the show with many characters, willows whole arc in episode 3 is about taking her weakness in abomination magic and using that to find that shed rather do plant magic. When King struggles with his relationship with Luz and in “Really Small Problem” when the friendship bracelet between them breaks, signifying the weakness and collapse in their relationship, he then uses that broken item to save everyone and then uses the broken pieces to share the bracelet between everyone. Hell the whole story of “Adventure in the Elements”, is Luz taking this area after it being deemed useless, and then using it to save everyone and gain even more power and strength
And then, there’s Amity. Amity who’s whole character is based around the fear of being perceived as weak. Her relationship with Willow was tarnished because she was “Too weak to be her friend”, and then there’s Grom where Amity’s whole fear was being to scared to fight her own battle. And this is where her relationship with Luz comes to play. Because Luz is the one who breaks down those walls and has Amity actually display weakness.
“Convention” displays this theme perfectly and Luz and Amity’s relationship, where the two try their hardest to be seen as the stronger one. This getting to the point where both Lilith and Eda get them to cheat, just because they want to establish superiority. And when they find out, Amity is displayed to be vulnerable completely, in one of the lowest moments on the show. She even states that Luz made her look like “Fool”, to say that even then, all she cares about is what others perceive her as and whether o not the crowd saw her as a coward. So she hammers down, continuing with her debate and shunning for Luz weakness of the fact shes human and how she isn't a witch. But then Luz accepts it to Amity’s surprise saying “I’m not a witch, but im training to be one” she shows optimism and proceeds to show off her light spell, in which Amity first comments on how its beginner magic. bUt she appreciates it BECAUSE Luz’s humanism, something that previously made her weak.
From there, its because Luz was there that Amity was able to show off the sides of her that she was ashamed of. She publicly shows affection towards her favorite book character in front of Luz, after in the beginning of the episode denying her reading for kids rather than admitting she enjoys it. Understanding Willow shows this further, where Amity goes from hiding her faults and mishaps in how she treated Willow to Luz, being heavily pessimistic because of the fact she caused all of this, and due to Luz’s motivation that “We can do this together,” she was able to confront her fears, ACCEPT that she was too weak, and while it didnt fix everything it bettered their relationship. Which, without Luz, might not have happened if Luz wasnt there to support her and believe in herself. And Wing it like Witches even shows Amity frustrations with her past mistakes as grudgby captain where Luz then gives her the opportunity to use that and better her past mistakes and use it to support the team rather than do hat makes her happy, even hurting her leg and letting Willow score.
And with Luz, the support and acceptance of weakness goes far as well. Luz complains about her queasiness and fear in grom, in which amity then goes on about how Luz is incredibly brave and is able to do stuff she never could.  And in Wing it like Witches Amity even states “She can be so stupid, which I LOVE” which just shows her support, even after Luz messes up, and hurt her teammates and is stuck in a bad situation, amity still believes in her and loves her REGARDLESS of her flaws.
They both need each other as opposite ends of a spectrum, amity is a character who is depicted as perfect and luz is constantly seen as a failure. But these two NEED each other, Amity so Luz can accept the positives in her her flaws to have more confidence, and Amity needs Luz to accept that its okay to be flawed and to accept who she is to become a better person. Lumity is needed in this regard, and just the plotline having Luz becoming a witch isnt possible because in order to grow physically in terms of power Luz needs to first grow emotionally, and Amity is the best character to do this through. They need each other, you cant just erase that and have the same show because their love is that important in the theme of self acceptance.
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