#and this is just the stuff i can think of off the top of my head.
courtingchaos · 2 days
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Undesired signal leakage from one sound channel or track to another.
Playlist (if you wanna play along at home.)
Eddie Munson x Fem Reader
Prompt: Eddie - I really like the idea of making him a naughty tape full of audio recordings of you playing with yourself for when he's out of town and you can't be together for a few days. But it's a surprise so you pass it off as a regular old mixtape and he doesn't suspect a thing until the first two songs end and then the real stuff starts.
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Masturbation, reader tattoo mention
A/N: I have a list in my notes of prompts and I don’t remember what ask this one came from originally so apologies for that.
18+ NSFW No Minors
Eddie digs through the bag he hastily packed that morning while the phone sits tucked between his cheek and his shoulder. “What kind of surprise is it? When did you even get it in here? Is it dirty?” He gasps into the receiver. He can feel you swatting his arm even from four hours away.
“It’s nothing wild, it’s just-“
His fingers close around something almost buried to the bottom and he fishes it out, slick plastic cassette case gleaming in the low motel light. “Did you make me a mixtape?”
“I told you it wasn’t anything wild.”
He knows you’re twirling your finger through the phone cord, your chin probably tucked into your collar in mild embarrassment.
“I love it.”
“Don’t uh, don’t go playing it for the guys though.”
“Oh so it is dirty.”
“No, I just don’t want them making fun of me for putting Linda Ronstadt on there three times.”
“Three? What are you, breaking up with me via music?” Eddie teases you while he reads the insert you lovingly wrote on, little hearts in the corners beside the 10 track listing.
“No! She’s just got a way with the language of love!” You whine into the phone and Eddie laughs.
“Okay, okay. I’ll keep it all to myself. Gives me something to listen to while I fall asleep.” Behind him the shower cuts off and he knows Gareth will be out to finish his tangent on getting bullied out of his terrible pizza toppings. “You gonna be okay if I let you go?”
“I won’t cry myself to sleep if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Oh shut up, I know you walk that widows peak night and day awaiting my return from…Detroit.”
“I don’t waste my time like that. I know you’re up to your armpits in groupies.”
Eddie looks around the old motel room and scoffs. “If you think four nerds are pulling groupies in the kind of room we have, I have a river to sell you.”
After saying goodnight five times and you finally hanging up on him being sappy he flings himself into the bathroom after Gareth and before Jeff and Frank get back with food. Four straight hours in a car with three other men makes him want to crawl out of skin so he watches the steam roll out from the behind the shower curtain with anticipation. Almost scalding water leaves red marks over his shoulders and down his chest, enough to make him feel clean again while he rinses his hair. He can hear muffled voices from the other side of the thin bathroom door and knows he’s been relegated to the small couch in their room.
“You know, it’d be nice to get the bed once in a while.” He says when he exits the bathroom and snatches two slices from the open box on the single king bed.
“If you didn’t try to spoon all of us we would.”
“Oh what, you bothered by a little cuddling?”
Gareth glares at Eddie hard and Jeff cracks up at the deep breath he takes in. “If it was just cuddling I wouldn’t think anything of it, but you turn into the world’s only land octopus! I’ve never been so sweaty in my life! I don’t know how your girl puts up with it, you’re a fucking radiator!”
“This is why I always take the cot.” Frank singsongs from said cot while watching the local news.
The bickering continues as Eddie makes his temporary bed on the too hard, too small couch and finally ends when Jeff just shuts off the lights. “I need everyone to shut the fuck up for the next five hours okay?”
Eddie only hums and fishes around for his headphones, cassette player tucked up under the blanket with him. With the tv flashing across the walls Eddie starts to drift off to the slow beat of “Blue Bayou”, a soft chuckle for your choice of intro, and by the end of it he’s almost out when he hears your voice.
“Okay, so uhm, this is actually your final warning to stop playing this for everyone because you never listen to me so I’m trying to save us both some face you ratfink.”
His eyes snap open in the dark and he pulls the player out from under the covers like it’ll tell him what’s going on.
“I’m pretty sure you’ll listen to me this time though if I put a warning on your mixtape.”
He slaps around beside him on the floor for the case and squints at it in the flashing tv lights to see if you wrote something he missed.
“Anyways though, I do miss you and I hope your show goes well. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there but there’s never much room in those motels, huh?”
He can tell you moved around while recording, the bumping of the tape deck clacking in his ears. He’s glad it’s dark so none of the guys give him shit for the blush he knows is dusting his cheeks.
“Hell, one day soon you’ll get your own room and then I can come out and I don’t have to do sappy shit like this.”
The recording cuts and jumps to Carly Simon’s “You Belong to Me” and Eddie can’t help but laugh and feel hollow at the same time. As small as this couch is it would be nice to feel your weight on top of him, your head smushed in next to his sharing headphones that might snap from overextension. The song cuts off a few notes early to shuffling sounds and then your strained voice.
“This is really hard to do one handed, I won’t lie, but I wasn’t just gonna whisper sweet nothings to you.”
One handed? He can barely make out your breathing but he can hear the gasp alongside your light laughter.
“I don’t know if you know this, and if you don’t I’m sure I’m just inflating your ego but-“
The long sigh that follows finally jogs his tired brain and keys him into what’s happening. He whips his head to the side to see the sleeping forms of the other three before he sits up and pays closer attention.
“You have amazing hands Eddie, and it isn’t just-ohhh-it isn’t just the guitar playing you know? You know just where that spot is. I think your fingers are longer, I don’t know.”
Suddenly Bonnie Raitt is in his ear and he’s fumbling for the buttons on the side of the player to fast forward because while he appreciates your mixtape skills, now is not the fucking time. You would make him wait through three more songs before he accidentally runs into the middle of your recording, a thin moan of his name that makes him stand and head for the bathroom.
“-and I just miss you a lot and you’ve only been gone f-for what, a day by the time you get this?”
His lighter clicks in the dark while juggles the tape player and his pack of cigarettes.
“You actually just left my place. We had dinner and I told you I wouldn’t fuck you because it’s like good luck or some shit. I heard boxers do it like that.”
You have a remarkable way of running your mouth while otherwise occupied, thoughts that zip between moans and even he has a hard time keeping up. In the bathroom he cracks the small window so he doesn’t set the smoke detector off and then locks the door behind him before turning the shower on full blast. When he finally sits on the edge of the tub he expects a little more from you before Bill Withers starts singing about missing sunshine and he has to fast forward again.
“You’d think I’d be a little embarrassed to do this but actually it’s-fuck-it’s kind of easier to rec-“
Eddie sucks on his cigarette until the cherry burns bright red and his lungs start screaming, the cut off voice in his ears lending to quiet sounds of your hand working fast to make your breath jump in your chest. He thinks about you probably laying on the floor of your tiny studio, right at the foot of your bed with that big boombox next to your head set to record. That pillow that’s too big for your tiny couch, the one that got relegated to a ‘floor pillow’, stuffed behind your head while your toes catch on the edge of your green rug as you try to brace yourself.
Eddie sits on the edge of the tub and breathes in his own exhaled smoke and chews on his lip till it goes almost numb. Sits there and listens to your gasps and whimpers, the far off wet slick of your fingers moving faster.
“You’d think…I was making you…a tape to send you off to war.” Your laugh is light, forced air before it chokes off on his name and he slides down to the cold tile floor. Cigarette tossed into the tub behind his head, he’ll fish the butt out of the drain when he’s done listening to your voice.
“Barely a long weekend and-and-ah shit!”
You’ve tranced him, hardly notices the dig of the tile against his bare skin, doesn’t give a shit that this floor is dirtier than he can imagine probably. He lets his vision fuzz with the steam filling the small bathroom so he can focus on your voice and try to picture you laid out in front of him. It’s just another lazy afternoon, weed haze ringing your apartment while he watches you from across the room.
“I miss you when you’re gone. It’s only four days but I miss you Eddie.”
Sitting on that tiny couch and mesmerized by the dance of your fingers over your own skin. Nails press lightly into lines of ink to trail up your thigh and over your hip, to press into the softness of your belly. You’d hold his gaze the whole time like a dare while your other hand kneaded at your chest. When those adventuring fingers finally dip between your thighs and you sigh so light, Eddie follows suit.
Through the headphones he can hear you closer now like your lips were pressed to his ear. Heavy pants and no more words, just breathing that stutters and climbs in pitch. He wastes no romance on himself, not here in this cramped bathroom, not when he can almost feel your breath hot and damp against his neck. With every hitch of your voice he speeds his hand up, didn’t even bother pulling his shorts down all the way. In his imagination you give him a chastising smile for it before your reddened eyes roll back into your skull on a moan and he uses both hands now, just like you would.
The next song started and ended maybe but his hair clings to him in the steam and his sweat. There’s a chord change he thinks that proceeds his stomach clenching and his thighs aching before it all cuts off with your loud moan. You must have slapped at the player too late, not catching all of your agonies for him. Not everything, sure, but the important part is there. Your voice chanting low as your pleasure ebbs, his name over and over until you giggle and gasp.
Soft hands, phantom and damp with arousal and sweat cup his face when he cums, the heel of his palm shoved into his mouth to stifle the high noises trying to escape his throat. The track clicks again back to music and it isn’t until Eddie hears Peter Frampton that he starts to crash back into reality.
“If I know you like I think I do, I’m sure you’re rolling your eyes at me.” You giggle again at the end of the cassette, satiated and melancholy. “I just wanted you to have a little something, though I am sorry I buried it all in some of the best love songs ever written.”
You leave him with an I love you and another I miss you and a little bit of a mess to clean up. In twenty minutes though, when he’s back on the couch having evaded being caught and sucking down another smoke, he falls asleep and dreams about that hazy afternoon he intends to give you when he gets home.
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softspiderling · 1 day
illicit affairs - part six | r.c
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“Because I wanted to talk to you.”
The tone in Rafe’s voice made you pause and you felt your stomach drop. This was it. Rafe found out about your feelings for him and he was about to tell you how he didn’t feel the same.
“Can you let me say what I want to say first?”
OR; Your parents are gone for the weekend and you had the house to yourself. Mostly.
pairing: rafe cameron x reader
warnings: none, I think
word count: 3k
author's note: wait.... this is kinda crazy, but don't hate me for this please. Also i'm genuinely so tired rn, falling asleep as i type this... happy reading!!! <3
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
pt. six: "so you leave no trace behind"
You were sitting at the bottom of the stairs at your house, watching your parents pack the last of their things into their bags. They were headed to Charleston over the weekend, running the last errands before the Spring Fling the following week.
“Do you have your wallet and phone?” your mother asked your father as she closed the flap of her purse, checking her reflection in the mirror.
“Yes dear.”
Your father tossed his laptop into his bag, zipping it up before straightening his back, glancing over to you.
“Are you sure you don’t want Kelly to come over the weekend? It’s still not too late to call her in.”
“I’m good, dad,” you assured him. “Kelly should take the weekend off, it’s such a waste to have her for the whole weekend just incase I want a home cooked meal. I’ll probably just go out to eat.”
“Okay then,” your father said with a nod. “We’ll probably be back Sunday night, behave yourself.”
“Bye honey!” your mother called over her shoulder, exiting the house. Your father was hot on her heels, but just before he closed the door, he paused, turning back to you.
“And don’t you dare throw a party while we’re gone,” your father said, wagging a finger for good measure because apparently you were a child in the 80s being scolded by your parents. You resisted an eye roll, because they still had enough time to make you to come along on the trip, so you only nodded, like a good daughter.
“I won’t dad, don’t worry,” you sighed, leaning your chin on your hand. “I’m just going to hang out with my friends.”
Your father gave a curt nod, bidding you goodbye before he left, shutting the front door behind him. Shortly after you could hear the engine from their car start, before the sound of the engine slowly quietened down as it left the estate.
“Finally,” you sighed to yourself, padding back upstairs feeling like your stress had just left with your parents. It was a sunny day out and you wanted to use that time to get some tanning done. As you fished a bikini out of your drawer, you had half a mind to text your friends to come over, hang out by the pool. But that meant facing Rafe.
Ever since the nightly swim during the boneyard party, the ache in your chest that you felt whenever Rafe was around had started to feel more present, as opposed to dull. But you had promised yourself (and Rafe) that this wouldn’t get between your friendship. Tugging the bikini top over your chest, you stared at your reflection in the mirror, unhappy with yourself.
“Fuck it,” you muttered to yourself. Grabbing your sunglasses, some sunblock and your phone, you headed back downstairs, sending a text into your groupchat.
precious [04/05/24: 2:37 pm]: i’m out by the pool if anyone’s down to join
precious [04/05/24: 2:37 pm]: bring food tho
Sliding the door closed behind you as you stepped out to the patio, you headed for your designated sun chair, dropping your stuff on the small side table. You planted your ass on the chair, slathered the sun block on your body, because you very much did not want to look like the hamburgers Topper tried to grill and as you spread the sun block on your arms, your phone buzzed.
top [04/05/24: 2:40 pm]: stuck at the court house with my mom rn, i’ll text when i’m otw
kelce [04/05/24: 2:41 pm]: i’ll be over later
No reply from Rafe, though.
With an eyeroll, you turned your phone, screen side down and made yourself comfortable on the chair, feeling your skin warm up from the sunrays. You heard your phone buzz again, but you were too lazy to reach for it, shutting your eyes, a comfortable silence settling over your patio. Before you knew it, you dozed off, limbs growing tired in the sun.
“Hey precious…. You really invite people over to hang out just to be asleep when I get here?”
You let out a small noise, squeezing your eye shut, a frown on your forehead. The voice quietened, and you nearly slipped back into your slumber, when you felt fingertips dancing on your exposed stomach. The touch was featherlight, but it broke through your unconsciousness, your eyes fluttering open.
Rafe was perched on the edge of the sun chair, his palm resting on your hip. His mouth was curled in a smirk and you were already annoyed with him.
“I was having such a good nap,” you huffed, rolling your shoulders a little, before you arched your back, waking yourself up a little.
“You’re not being a very good host,” Rafe replied, all the while his eyes not leaving your chest, which admittedly, was your goal.
“You haven’t been a guest at my house since you were 14.”
Leaning on your elbows, you sat up to look at him, unimpressed.
“Where are the others?”
“Told them not to come,” Rafe said, his thumb tracing circles into your skin, but you only narrowed your eyes at him.
“Because I wanted to talk to you.”
The tone in Rafe’s voice made you pause and you felt your stomach drop. This was it. Rafe found out about your feelings for him and he was about to tell you how he didn’t feel the same.
“Can you let me say what I want to say first?”
You exhaled deeply, sighing, and buried yourself deeper in the sun chair. Rafe watched you intently for a second, removing his hand off your waist to run it through his hair.
“When I suggested we do this casual sex thing, I was mostly doing it out of comfort. I hated hooking up with those random girls who were always so insanely clingy after, and you were right there: my best friend, who’s also kinda crazy hot and understands me without having to say a single word.”
Rolling your eyes at him, you turned away to hide the flush on your cheeks, but Rafe stopped you, turning your chin to face him again.
“Will you look at me while I’m talking to you?”
You lifted your eyes to meet his, and nearly died at his undivided attention on you. After making sure, that you weren’t going to turn away again, Rafe dropped his hand, carefully reaching for yours.
“The past few days I have been struggling, feeling restless, and I couldn’t tell why, until I realized….” Rafe paused, taking a deep breath. “I love you, precious.”
Your eyes widened at the confession, your mouth agape. “I…. What?”
“I know this sounds insane and I really really hope you feel the same way, because otherwise this is gonna get real awkward,” Rafe chuckled dryly, and you shook your head quickly.
“Rafe,” you started. “You know I’m in love with you, right?”
“You are?”
Rafe beamed at you, pulling you in closely, and the weight on your shoulders disappeared when your lips touched his. Even though you have kissed so many times, this kiss felt… Different. He pulled away, hand gently caressing your cheek and you sighed softly, thinking of how to break this to Kelce and Topper.
“What are you thinking about?” Rafe asked, raising a brow at you. “Precious?”
Your eyes narrowed at the sudden increase of volume,, his voice his voice seeming so much louder than before. You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out.
“Precious, hello?”
With a gasp, you startled awake, your heart racing when you saw Rafe standing over your sun chair, his brows furrowed over his sun glasses.
“What?” you breathed out, swallowing thickly, trying to calm yourself down.
“Shit, are you okay?”
Rafe pushed his sun glasses up, his forehead creased in concern and you nodded, taking a deep breath.
It was just a dream.
“Yeah, sorry, you just startled me,” you assured him, grasping at your chest. You could barely look at Rafe, the dream was still replaying in your head, it seemed so real. Rubbing your face with your hand, you swung your legs off the sun chair, peering up at Rafe, hand coming up to shield your eyes from the sun.
“When did you get here?”
“Not that long ago,” Rafe replied, eyeing you suspiciously. “You sure you alright?”
You rolled your eyes at him, shoving his bicep. “Yes, dad.”
Rafe smirked, and you knew exactly what he was going to say next.
“I think you meant-”
“I know what I meant, you perv.”
Your hand reached out to whack him, but his reflexes were faster, his fingers slipping around your wrist to stop you. With a quick tug, he pulled you towards him, sending you crashing against his chest. You glared up at him, but your cheeks were flushed. If he asked, you’d blame it on the sun.
“Why aren’t we hanging out at your pool more often?”
Rafe played with the small strings of your bikini bottoms on your waist, a smirk ever present on his lips.
“Because you always get bored hanging around doing nothing,” you reminded him. He clicked his tongue, his eyes zeroing in on the valley between your breasts.
“I wouldn’t be bored if you wore this bikini every time, fuck.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “God, have you always been this horny or is it just since we started fucking?”
Before Rafe could answer, a crash sounded from inside the house followed by some cursing. Your head turned towards the sound before you looked back to him.
“Top and Kelce are here already?”
“Yeah, we came together,” Rafe said, as if it was obvious, but you only let out a sigh, pushing away from him to head into the house. As you got into the kitchen, you saw Topper and Kelce tinkering around in the kitchen.
“Hey boys.”
“Precious, hey,” Kelce greeted you, shoving a bag of ice on the counter to give you a half hug.
“What are we making?”
“I was thinking frozen daiquiris,” Topper said, heaving the mixer on the counter with a grin, before smacking a kiss on your cheek. “Hey. We were starting to think Rafe got lost out there.”
“Oh no. He was too distracted by my boobs.”
Topper paused to glance over to you, his eyes quickly flying over your chest, before giving a brief nod.
“Yeah, I don’t even like boobs and yours look good in that bikini,” Kelce chimed in. Rafe only gave you a look that said I told you so as he rounded the kitchen island.
“And you’re calling me a perv,” Rafe miffed, emptying the bag of mangoes. Together, the four of you managed to make a big batch of frozen mango daiquiris, tossed together the salad the boys got from Whole Foods and prepped the steak for grilling in-between bickering.
Sipping on your drink, you carried out the salads out to the patio, while Topper got the grill going, with Rafe breathing down his neck, because he paid good money for the steaks and he wasn’t about to let Topper grill it to death. Kelce was setting the table when you put the salad bowl down, a beer bottle in his hand as he laid out the cutlery. You eyed him carefully, thinking back to his text.
“Hey, what were you doing before you came over?”
Kelce’s hand stilled over the fork, and he decidedly didn’t lift his head, staring at the napkins. “I was at the golf course.”
He was being cagey, and his answer didn’t really satisfy you, especially because you knew how he Kelce hated golf. Whenever Top and Rafe went golfing, you and Kelce either went for ice cream or to the beach or hung out in a golf caddy, making fun of Top and Rafe. Kelce would never willingly go on on the green.
“…. What were you doing at the golf course?”
Kelce hesitated before he answered, taking a deliberately took another long sip of his beer, and you narrowed your eyes at him before he finally gave in.
“Malcolm asked me if I wanted to play a few rounds of golf with him.”
Your mouth dropped open, half in shock, half in excitement. “Wait, really?”
Kelce nodded, his mouth curling up in a small grin.
“Yeah, Just the two of us.”
“Kels, that’s great,” you told him, pausing as you thought his words over. “Wait. Was this just you hanging out, or was it a date?”
“… He didn’t say date.”
You sighed and Kelce shook his head, frowning.
“Don’t look at me like that. You know this shit isn’t easy, for neither of us.”
“I know Kels,” you said, voice soft. “But I just don’t want you to get hurt again if Malcolm is scared of things getting real and throws himself at another girl.”
Kelce shrugged with his shoulders, like he didn’t really care, but you rounded the table to lean your head on his shoulder. He didn’t say anything for a few minutes and you were content to just stand there with him, watching as Rafe and Topper fought over the grill.
“What about you?” Kelce suddenly asked.
“What do you mean?”
“I haven’t heard anything about boys from you recently.”
Your eyes lingered on Rafe as he snatched the tongs out of Topper’s hand, and you bit back a smile. “Oh. No one’s caught my eye recently,” you lied and Kelce, sighed.
“You’re lucky, crushing on someone is so stressful. It is not what it used to be.”
If only he knew.
“Alright, steaks will be done in a few minutes!” Rafe called over from the grill and you nudged Kelce.
“Come on, let’s get the rest of the table settled.”
The four of you spent a rather chill day out at your pool. After a great steak dinner, with the steaks grilled to perfection (”I told you that it was the perfect time to take them off the grill Top, sometimes you just gotta listen to your gut.”) you got buzzed off of the frozen daiquiris and even went into the pool a few times. Before you knew it, the night broke in and it got too chilly, so you started clearing everything away, carrying the dirty dishes into the kitchen.
“Man, staying out in the sun all day really knocked me the fuck out,” Kelce said, yawning into his shoulder as he put the rest of the salad into the fridge.
“Yeah, we’re getting old,” Rafe agreed with him, and Topper side eyed him,
“Who’s we? You’re two years older than us.”
Rafe smacked Topper’s head upside down and you snickered to yourself as you dried off the mixer. Rafe moved to open the dishwasher, but you waved him off.
“Leave it, I can do it in the morning.”
Rafe raised an eyebrow at you. “You sure, precious?”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
Rafe yawned into his fist and the boys started to collect their things. You were taken aback, having expected Rafe to find an excuse to stay back, maybe even stay the night. You did have the whole house to yourself, and it seemed like he didn’t even care.
Tossing the dish towel on the counter, you walked the boys to the door, leaning against the door frame as you hugged them good bye.
“Alright, guys. See you tomorrow. Thanks for dinner.”
The boys waved, one by one getting into the car, and you crossed your arms as you stared at Rafe through the tinted window of Topper’s car as you stood on your front porch. As Topper’s car pulled off your grounds, you headed back inside with a sigh, shutting the door behind you.
You were tempted to go to sleep right away, but the amount of dishes in the kitchen was taunting you. In all honesty, you’d have appreciated a little help from the boys, you only turned down their offers because you thought that was what Rafe wanted you to say. On one hand, you really didn’t feel like cleaning up, on the other hand, you didn’t want Kelly to feel obligated to clean your shit up when she came back on Monday. So cleaning up it was. You put the dried off mixer away, and started rinsing the plates and cutlery. You cleared the last of the dirty dishes into the dishwasher, yawning into your elbow. Kelce was right, the sun shining down on you really had made you super tired. You yearned for your bed and for some rest, and sleep was near as you put in the last plate into the dishwasher. Just as you were about to shut the dishwasher and start the program, the hairs on the nape of your neck rose when you heard the sliding door to the patio open in the otherwise quiet house.
Didn’t you lock the door?
Your heart was in your throat, and you grabbed the nearest weapon you could find - a rolling pin - as you snuck into the hallway. There was no way that someone broke into your house, right? It was just your imagination?
You half expected to see nothing as you rounded the corner, the noise just being a figment of your tired self, but you froze when you heard steps come towards you so when you stepped out from behind the wall, you swung the rolling pin as quick as possible, hoping to knock the intruder out before he could do any harm.
“What the fuck are you doing?!”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
author's note: wait omg my first actual cliffhanger in this series
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see-arcane · 2 days
With a total of 1,176 votes tallied, the preferred plushie poll winner with 28.8% of votes is…
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What a close one! Jonathan came in with 27.7%, the mysterious Mr. Morse with 24.9% and, delicious irony of ironies, London Dracula with 18.9%. Rest in pieces. Now, what does all this mean going forward?
First, just to reconfirm: I will absolutely be looking into the costs for having more than one plushie character produced at a time. For all that Mina has the top spot if it comes down to a solo run, Nobody Wants to Separate the Gothic Horror Soulmates, even as wee little plushies. It hurts my heart to think of. Mina and Jonathan deserve to sit side by side on everyone’s pillow. Just as Quinn Morse deserves to haunt the pillow next to theirs while casually throttling and carving London Dracula into pieces. For enrichment.
But beyond that, some other key things:
How is this getting done?
Sadly, I was not a cool enough kid for Makeship to greenlight a collaboration with me. Tragique. But while I was sitting around waiting for them to get back to me, I had time to browse around for other options. During that sniffing around I dug up a couple of promising manufacturers—one of which has some really neat options for not only plush toys, but all sorts of bric-a-brac like stationery, shirts, bags, cups, et cetera—and I plan to reach out to them for quotes to start with. Nothing really gets to move forward until I can nail down prices and the amount of X plushies to be made.
I am more than a little hesitant to tell anyone MAKE ME 1000+ PLUSHIES, PLEASE, THE TUMBLR POLL SAID THEY’RE GOOD FOR IT. These aren’t as simple as print/make-on-demand products, so I need to be careful estimating the amount of folks ready and willing to drop money on the little guys. But I will keep everyone updated on the numbers regardless!
Sooo is this a crowdfunding thing or an investment or what?
Don’t know yet. I am still between jobs at the moment—reminder to check out my Ko-Fi if you want to drop me a buck or commission some art!—but if this is something I can safely drop some of my own money in with the guarantee that it will let me do better than break even, I’ll do what I can out of pocket. However, if the cost of making something of good quality turns out too steep, I’ll start looking into stuff like Kickstarter and Backerkit and so on. I want to be sure I’m not gutting anybody’s wallet to pull this off and I want to be double-sure that what we’re paying for isn’t some flimsy throwaway junk. We are all here on the same Dracula book club starving artist site, so It Has to Be Worth It and not a money-sink for anyone.
Got it. Any other info to spare?
For the plushies specifically, this is when I’ll start:
Polishing up the current four designs into cleaner illustrations with different angles to provide for mockup samples with whoever I pick to manufacture with. If I get stuck on something—(which is likely)—I may throw up another poll to bug everyone about palettes and fashion choices. I have a few more designs I haven’t dropped yet for Epilogue Harkers, a non-Bloofer Lucy, and keychains that I’d love to share too!
Eyeballing materials. I’m already picturing a very close-cut cloth for the build and clothes, but I need to decide on filling too. Stiff overstuffing to hold a pose versus softer/lighter plush for floppy cuddleability. 
Poking at other character roughs, ala the Suitor Squad, the Weird Sisters, Van Helsing, Renfield, and Baby Quincey. And if all of those go well…
…maybe some designs for other favorites in the public domain playground. (Looks meaningfully at Clarimonde, Carmilla, Victor Frankenstein and the Creature, the King in Yellow, too many others.) ((But that’s all far-future stuff at the moment.))
Cool! But you also mentioned something about other merch?
I did.
Because goddamn do I want some Dracula-themed stationery. Journals! Memo pads! Pens! Every day we don’t have these things with the Harkers’ mark upon them is a victory for the forces of Count Dracula’s document-destroying evil. Likewise for shirts, totes, mugs, keychains, face masks and other things that could use some novel-flavored goodies. Hell, I’ll probably even get on with making stuff for The Vampyres to link on my website too. Because I am. Maybe behind on that. By several months.
I’ve got to start working on some designs for those too while the plushie process is progressing. Pray that my carpals don’t get tunneled.
Nice! Sounds like your plate is pretty full. So that’s it, right?
Arcane. I need you to tell me this is all you’re working on.
Please stand by for June 30th.
I have a little treat brewing for the Dracula Dailiers and @re-dracula folks in honor of a very special day for our good friend Jonathan Harker.
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madhattervanessa · 2 days
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Summary: It's been weeks. Mabye you should leave?
Warnings: Flirting, Miscommunication
Words: 518
A/N: Look I... I have fallen into a rabbit hole with these two. They are idiots and they are my idiots and there will probably be around 3-4 more drabbles on these guys. Have fun! Requests are open as always.
Masterlist - Mobile Masterlist
You ruffle through his dresser, huffing as you fail to find any underwear. 
You look up from the dresser and puff up your cheeks in frustration.
He is leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom, one hand holding his toothbrush, the other languidly holding on to the top of the frame as he waits for an answer.
“I’m out of underwear again.”
His eyebrows barely jump as if to say and?.
“Can you get some from my apartment?”
He grunts and leaves for a moment.
You hear him rinsing out his mouth in the bathroom before he returns.
He pulls a black shirt over his head and you do your best not to go doe-eyed at the way his muscles ripple with the movement.
“Stop looking at me like that, dove. Gonna get you in trouble.”
You grin, fidgeting with your hands behind your back as you watch him pull on some sweatpants.
“If you’re the trouble, I’d like to get into that.”
You’re met with a scolding look, but you can already tell he liked that.
“‘S why you always run out of underwear, pet. Don’t know why you bother at this point. Should just keep your stuff here.”
You’ve gone completely still at the statement.
Simon doesn’t even throw you another look.
“When did you last sleep in your bed, hm?”
You twiddle your thumbs as you try to remember.
It must have been a month now?
“Oh. Uhm, right.” You crumble under the weight of his gaze and go to collect the panties that had been flung across the room just last night. “You probably want at least some space when you’re not deployed.”
You hear a sigh behind you.
You are chewing on the inside of your cheek as you step into your underwear, pulling them up to gently let the elastic snap into place against your hips.
When Simon’s hands gently grab you from behind, it makes you jump.
“That’s not what I said.”
He pulls you back until you are pressed against his chest.
“Well, it’s what I got from that. If you just wanted to have me around to fuck, that’s fine-”
He simply covers your mouth with one broad palm, his lips against your temple as he sways you a little.
“Did you not hear me when I said that I liked you? Hm?”
You huff against his hand but let him hold you still.
“Y’keep thinking way too much. If I’d wanted nothing to do with you, I wouldn’t have let you in here. Wouldn’t have bought you treats and coffee. Sure as hell wouldn’t have fucked your needy little cunt, love.”
You feel your cheeks warm at the memory of last night.
“‘s bloody inconvenient having to let you get out of this apartment just for you to fetch some underwear I’ll rip off of you anyways. That’s all that’s bothering me.”
He lifts his hand from your mouth and pets your waist. His forehead drops to your shoulder and you feel his lips press a kiss to the skin there.
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felassan · 6 hours
Just poring over some of the new images. ◕‿◕
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Docktown, Minrathous (in the daytime, in contrast with the gameplay reveal video), reminding us that Minrathous is built on an island. maybe the magic-monorail-looking bridge here is actually the single bridge that goes to Minrathous, like in the lore?
Docktown is the home of Neve. the distinctive floating building is in the distance again. compared to Ferelden, the buildings in Minrathous are like another planet entirely! Tevene architecture/design is so hostile - spikes on chairs, spikes on the sides of buildings.. I wonder if the doorway here is the entrance to the tavern/bar here [second image]. if you look in the window to the left of the door, the figure on the right could be the 'bouncer' at the top of the steps in the bar image. also, outside of here are tables and barrels, like you might expect outside a tavern establishment.
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I'm curious about the heraldry of the boat in the harbor with the blue unfurled flags. it reminds me a bit of this Fereldan heraldry, but the animals are the wrong way round and it isn't quite right. either way, the heraldic animal is also present as the prow of that boat and one other.
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Elf Rook (either City or Dalish but without vallaslin applied in CC), Emmrich and Harding. Rook is a sword-and-shield warrior here, Veilguard symbol on their chest plate, Warden symbol on their shield. Maybe this Rook has the Grey Warden background? anyways, looking closely at Rook's chest plate here, with the gray metal armor, the purple Veilguard symbol on the left, the 'bandolier' of three brown leather pouches across their chest, and the diagonal lines on the plate going the other way, it looks like maybe this Rook is wearing the same 'iconic[?] Rook outfit' as in the key art, or at least the torso piece. They both also have the metal shoulder plates, purple fabric over the elbow area, brown leather gauntlet etc. It's just that in this screenshot Rook isn't wearing a helmet/hood (or has them toggled off in the Options menu? ^^). anyways, I love that purple seems to be the 'iconic[?]' color for Rook, and also look at how this long-haired Rook's hair flows and sits around their neck and shoulders! and again the detailing is cool, like scratches on the shield and stuff.
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Harding's arrow is glowing. Is her bow or arrow enchanted or have some kind of stat buff, or could this be an example of her magical powers in action, like her tarot card art might suggest? also, we can see from the tall skeleton/undead statues in the background and the skull-lid vases in the foreground that this shot is from the Necropolis.
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The groupshot at HQ is so [cat crying screaming].. 🥺🥺 I love it so much, with the round table it has like Knights of the Round Table vibes or something and it's so nice to see everyone together and in their casual outfits too. I hope there are lots of moments like this in the game. ^^ Davrin is whittling wood, something that reminds me of Halsin and my Inquisitor (who is Dalish, and also had that hobby). Did some people.. bring their chair of choice to the meeting room hh? Davrin's looks like it was carved from a tree stump. Harding and Neve have a comfy sofa. Emmrich's looks kind of gothic and Nevarran. Taash's stool [?] is gold and practical-looking.
Taash looks so bored hhh. here we can see Bellara without her magical gauntlet. Do you think Manfred and Assan come to the team meetings..? :D Lucanis has impeccable tailoring, with lil bird-skull looking buttons at his collar. he's buttoned right up and professional looking even in his casual downtime, even when some of the others are the opposite. unsurprisingly his casual clothes have that blue-black corvid feather sheen. surely he has coffee in his mug. ^^ I wonder what Neve's drink of choice is though? from the way Lucanis leans here, do you think Lucanis and Emmrich is one of the companion-companion relationships that might develop like Taash and Harding?
Harding looks so cute and cozy on the couch with the cushion and her slippers, I can't take it. and I really love Neve's casual look with her scarf and hair like that!!
I think this scene is probably from the Lighthouse. Game Informer mentioned that it had a library, which is the central area of the The Lighthouse, and that it's there the party will often regroup and prepare for what’s next. Could this be one of those moments in there? ^^ in the background are stacks of books, and books on shelves, like a library would have. on the table is an assortment of scrolls, maps, papers. you can see a feather quill pen and red wax seals. having the maps in front of Davrin, a Warden and monster-hunter who has probably travelled far and quite a lot, is a nice touch. some of the books look quite ornate and arcane-ish, and are there a few of the 'Bellara'-style triangles on the table as well? and what do you suppose is the blue diamond-looking thing with white veins on the table?
(I'm also curious what the golden thing in the top right is.)
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we can tell from the way it looks but we also know from a file name that this is the Rivain Coast. it's beautiful, it looks so bright and hot, the water is so blue. we first saw this locale in the Thedas Calls trailer from Dragon Age Day 2023. again, in the distance, we can see that statue.
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From a file name, this is Arlathan Forest. everything is suffused in soft golden light, almost whimsical and Fable-like the Game Informer piece said. this shot is framed with those familiar trees with orange foliage e.g one, two, three. this place reminds me of some of the elvhen ruins we got to see in Trespasser. in the top right is green Veil/Fade shenanigans. a place where the Veil is weak, or the edge of this particular Veil bubble? past the wall of green it looks like some of the buildings are broken thanks to the warping, and there are floating rocks.
and look closely at some of the assets -
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there's an owl, which are associated with Falon'Din and Andruil. lots of those howling Fen'Harel wolf statues. they look just like they do in DA:I which is awesome for consistency (also cool to see these return, so many of the art assets in DA:I were rly cool), and might even be the same assets being re-used (which is sensible and sensical for game design, something Mark Darrah talked about before).
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I'll never write it because it hits a bit too close home for me to write it without mental strain (I'd read it okay tho...) but I have a very specific scenario in my head so—
Bradley gets the same type of cancer his mom died from.
I imagine it's lung or pancreas cancer because I've seen those and they can be quite aggressive or progressive depending on type. In my head, Carole was in her late thirties/early forties at the latest when she got sick and I imagine it was unexpected and quick, as it often is with young cancer.
The thing is, people deal with cancer diagnosis differently in so many ways — some are in complete denial, some try to stay optimistic for their family, and some just... give up.
Bradley's seen enough cancer and death that he can't deny it but he also can't ever believe he has any luck left in life.
He's in his late 20s. He's just been proposed as his squad's candidate for Top Gun. The DADT just got removed. He has a long-term, serious partner (Jake) who he might not be completely open about everything yet but whom he loves and plans to marry and who loves him back. They're planning on buying a house, Jake talks about having kids. Bradley met Jake's family and his life didn't blow up and they even liked him. The years after he stopped talking to Mav were tough, but he's feeling as settled and as happy with his life as he can be at the time.
He goes to his routine physical as normal, maybe his spirometry comes up short or maybe his bloods are a bit off, or maybe he's just feeling more tired than normal and the doc has a feeling.
Doc informs him about the suspicions, he gets the tests done and it turns from suspicion to reality. At no point Bradley mentions it to Jake. He's taken off flying schedule, sure, but he doesn't tell anyone why, just making something up about his eyesight getting worse or maybe about a recurring ear or sinus infection.
Even if the diagnosis wasn't that bad and the oncologist was optimistic prognosis-wise, Bradley, who has already heard the exact same words about his mom's diagnosis, wouldn't believe it at all. Maybe he wouldn't believe it at all to the point that he'd refuse treatment and just let life run its course.
He'd start planning.
Get everything sorted out while he can. Make it as painless for everyone as much as he can.
And it starts small and escalates quickly. He updates his will, he has a med leave meeting with his superiors, advocates for a transfer to an office role.
He breaks up with Jake, still not telling him a thing. Just so he doesn't have to go through it with Bradley as well — because he knows he'd. And you bet he does the break up in a way that pisses Jake off to the point he doesn't realize how suspicious everything is — the timing, the medical leave, Bradley changing from 'let's buy a house together and have kids' to 'i don't think we can really work out together' on the span of weeks. He's brash in the worst way, and obviously, it also makes their friend group wary and isolates him — which was exactly his plan.
There's one person who he knows will be forever guilty if they don't talk. So, you know, he takes a trip down to China Lake and he and Mav talk. He says all the right things he knows Mav wants to hear — that he forgives him, that he's not mad anymore, that he understands, that he still considers Mav his sort of dad and that he was pissed but he's ready to move on. Maybe Mav does the unexpected and explains to Bradley why he pulled the papers and maybe Bradley actually forgives him.
So, you know, with that Bradley is all ready to take on everything alone, never have anyone find out and just start, well, dying on his own, medical partial leave, all of his stuff sold or written into the will, potential transfer to a paper-pushing position in Point Mugu, far away from everyone who could ever care about him, any people who could ever be affected at all by his illness in the blind.
He was not counting on one thing, though — that Mav, forgiven and missing over ten years of Bradley's life, will try to be part of his life again. Calls, visits — Bradley can't really keep it hidden that he's just rolled over his life in the span of weeks, even if he doesn't not why. Bradley was young when his mom got sick but not that young — he remembers how Mav took it, he's not going to retraumatize him.
But it's really hard not to let Mav know too much when he's asking about everything, and he mentions Jake once and Mav runs wild with the information. First starts to prod Bradley, then tries to do his own investigation and finds out that Jake was stationed at the same base and that they had been together before they broke up abruptly not long ago.
He thinks he's connected the dots — Bradley's weird behavior has to be due to heartbreak, y'know — and tries to play a bit of a wingman by approaching Hangman on his own.
The two people Bradley is trying to keep in the blind meet and realize something is fishy. Jake not only gets hit with the face with Bradley's estranged dad existing but also not being estranged anymore and with that Bradley is acting freaking weird. Mav gets hit in the face because it was Bradley who did the breaking up in the nastiest way possible (and he raised him better than that and also can still see he's got the sad lovesick puppy face whenever Mav tries to bring Jake up) but also with the realization that whatever Bradley is doing, he's got them fooled.
In the end, I think it'd be Ice who figures it out (whether or not he and Mav are together in this scenario). Hears all about it from Mav and Jake and has this moment when it all kind of spins in his head, his own experiences and feelings making a callback, and just tells them, it sounds like he's preparing for a goodbye.
Needless to say, Jake is pissed, Mav is pissed. They stage an intervention and you know that Bradley coughs up (probably in some dramatic way as well... like getting sick to the point they call an ambulance for him...). They definitely freak out when they find out he's been refusing treatment this whole time.
(I don't want to go into actual details of treatment but you can bet Mav and Jake are fucking glued to him from then on and they watch him like hawks. It's not all roses and I don't believe it'd be a quick treatment, probably running long, having better and worse days. Maybe he won't even be able to fly afterwards, once he's in remission. Maybe he never goes into remission. I don't know, I don't like thinking that far...)
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ao3commentoftheday · 2 days
hi! I'm not sure if this falls under your blogs purview but is there a cheat sheet for meanings of tags? like. I'm confused over what would be the difference between tagging a work "Time Travel" and "Alternate Universe - Time Travel". or what "Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence" would even mean. and like why wouldn't "Alternate Universe - Time Travel" be a meta or a subtag for Time Travel? but theyre not related at all. the canonical tags confuse me a lot if I think too much about it. am I overthinking? lol. have you noticed patterns over how the volunteers organize this stuff? like what is a meta tag, what's a subtag etc?
An Alternate Universe can be anything that isn't canon. That can be a small change, as in canon divergence or a large change where suddenly characters from Bridgerton are manning the Starship Enterprise.
Canon Divergence means that something in this story branches off from canon events. Maybe in canon, Character A has an opportunity to share a secret with Character B but decides not to at the last moment. A canon divergence fic would change that singular moment and then imagine what might have happened if Character A had shared their secret after all. Everything up to that point would be the same as it was in canon and anything after that point might be different (with many or few changes, depending on that author's vision).
To me, the difference between Time Travel and Alternate Universe - Time Travel is the difference between Supernatural and Doctor Who (really showing my tumblr age here).
Supernatural is a genre show full of gods and monsters and ghost hunting. It also has the occasional episode where the characters travel through time for a plot-relevant reason.
Doctor Who is a genre show about adventure and the risks and rewards related to it. Almost every episode contains some form of time travel. The main character is a time traveller. The main vehicle is a box that transports people through space and time.
So if I see a fic tagged with just Time Travel, I figure this is a fic with a plot that relies on the trope of time travel as a major or minor component of the story. Some MacGuffin the characters interact with sends them forward or backward in time for some reason.
If I see a fic tagged with Alternate Universe - Time Travel, I expect the characters to be time travellers or to be the companions of time travellers. There might be discussion of how time travel works, the rules they need to follow when travelling through time, all that good timey whimey stuff.
I don't know how well I'm explaining this and I also might get schooled in the notes, so I'll leave it here and see what the blog thinks of the whole thing 🤣
Tags as a whole are treated like family trees. The tags at the top of the tree are meta tags. The tags at the bottom are subtags. Tags that have the same meaning are syns (short for synonyms), canonical tags are ones that have been added the Archive's backend and are available to you in a dropdown menus and autocompletes.
If you search out the Time Travel tag, you can see that it has a parent of No Fandom (meaning it doesn't belong to any specific fandom). It's a canonical tag, and it has several hundred tags that are synned to it. Scrolling down the page, you can see there are also subtags that fall below Time Travel on the family tree, but it doesn't have any meta tags because it's at the top of its particular branch.
If we look at Alternate Universe - Time Travel, it also has the parent tag No Fandom. It also has several hundred syns. However, this tag doesn't have any subtags below it. In terms of universes, this is as specific as it gets. The metatag, the one at the very top of this particular family tree, is Alternate Universe - which is any universe that is either different from canon or different from the universe we live in, or both.
The Wrangling Guidelines used to be linked in the site footer, but I know they're revising things in the back end right now so I won't link the bookmark I made that still seems to work 😆 Instead, I'll see if any tag wranglers out there want to share their thoughts on how these kinds of decisions get made.
You can also check out the "ask a wrangler" takeover I hosted a few years ago!
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Camp Crystal Lake - Chapter 12
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Requested by @yellowjacketsbuzzbuzz
Joel Miller x f!reader (romance/horror)
Setting: Camp Crystal Lake
The reader is taking on the position of a camp counselor at the infamous Camp Crystal Lake. While she begins to enjoy her summer, even crushing on the camp director Joel, a killer lurks in the woods unbeknownst to anyone.
**I’m sorry for the long break in between now and the last chapter. The end of the school year is crazy (for me and my kids, haha). Thanks for your patience!!
When I made the decision to ride over with Joel I think it was clear to everyone where the two of us stood. I didn’t care. I would have shouted it from the rooftops, though there was a little bit of added fun in sneaking around.
“So, this was your plan all along huh?” Joel asked as he began to back out of the dirt lot at the camp.
“What was?” I asked, pressing my eyebrows together.
“You just wanted a lonely, older man to buy you a beer.”
“Oh yeah,” I joked back as he began to grin, “It’s all about the free beer.” We both chuckled, “Definitely not the..” I sighed, “..mind-blowing.. other stuff.”
“Mind-blowing huh?” Joel took his eyes off the dirt road for a moment, “Would that get me five stars on Yelp?”
I laughed out loud, “Is that the max?”
“That’s the max,” he said with a nod.
“Well, then, yes. Five stars it is.”
“You in any rush to get to the bar?”
I smirked to myself and it turned into a full blown smile when Joel glanced back in my direction. “No.”
He linked his hand with mine and a few hundred yards down the road Joel took a turn down a little road comprised of cracked pavement that looped around past the archery range and a set of outdoor volleyball courts. Eventually the road came to a private clearing by the lake.
I glanced outward at the picture-perfect lake before us. Houses were scattered along the tree lines in the distance. “Well, I can tell you brought me here for the view.”
“It’s a good one.”
“It is.” I switched my gaze back to Joel and let my head lean back against the headrest. My teeth caught my bottom lip and my lips twisted back into a smile. At the same time I pulled my right foot up so it rested on the seat and rested an elbow on my bent knee.
“You’re cute,” he said, beginning to lean in my direction.
“Thank you.” My eyes closed as his lips met mine and I pulled him more forcefully to me by the back of his neck. Almost immediately the makeout session grew heated and Joel pulled back to whisper.
“Climb into the back,” he said, not opening his eyes before diving back in for another hot-and-heavy kiss.
I obeyed, shimmying my body backwards over the center console so I was in the center of the bench-style seat.
Joel struggled to get his bigger body through, though after a few seconds he was swapping positions with me and pulling me onto his lap as he sat comfortably in the center.
The cab of the truck was hot and a lair of sweat was already coating our bodies as I ducked out of the tanktop I’d slung on for the night out. At the same time Joel’s fingers toyed with the button of my jean shorts.
My tongue wrestled his for dominance as I grinded by nearly-nude body on top of his tent-pitched cargo shorts.
Joel groaned, shoving them down off his hips without having to undo the button or zipper. When he sprung free, my hand found his erection as we continued to kiss in a feral, needy fashion.
“No one will come down here right?” I whispered, the only conscious thought in my fully aroused state.
“No,” he choked out, letting out a heavy breath against my lips, encouraging me to continue.
That was good enough for me. I lowered myself onto him, and Joel’s hands found my hips. Our lips collided fiercely again. Once again, I was lost in the moment; lost in my lust for Joel Miller.
When Joel and I walked into the bar, dusk had set in. The interior looked as if it hadn’t been changed in decades, though I guess that was part of the charm. There was no hiding it, Joel slipped his hand through mine as the two of us strolled up to where our friends were seated at the bar.
Sandra pretended to look at an invisible watch on her wrist. “You two get lost?”
Jeff finished the tail end of his drink. “Yeah, I’m already done with my first beer.”
“Had to go fill up the truck,” Joel claimed, making me smirk.
“Twenty minutes to fill up the truck?” Sandra asked, taking a sip from her mixed drink, “You must have a big tank.”
I began to laugh and Sandra winked at Joel as she, too, giggled at her own joke.
“So, (Y/N), how big is the tank?” Jeff asked, flagging the bartender down to get another draft.
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Joel cut in.
“I would,” Sandra raised her hand.
“What’re you drinking?” Joel changed the subject with a smile, looking at me. With his head turned in my direction he gave a wink.
“Whatever light beer is on tap,” I said with a shrug, “Bud Lite, Coors, whatever.”
“There they are!” Ted rejoined the group after a presumed trip to the bathroom and slid in to the barstool beside Jeff.
“Would you like another beer, honey?” The female bartender asked him after taking Joel’s order.
“I would love one, my dear,” Ted responded, “And because you’re so wonderful, I’ll give two dollars for a tip instead of my usual one per drink.”
“High roller!” She flashed a grin at him and slid a beer in his direction upon popping the top, “That one’s on the house.”
“Thank you.” He smiled a toothy grin and Jeff nudged him when the bartender moved on to a pair of customers down the other end of the bar.
“I think she likes you,” Jeff told him with a nod.
“I think so, too.” Ted chuckled and sipped his beer.
“So, what if Jason is out there!” Sandra blurted out.
We all turned to her, each with smiles or laughs.
“It’s all bullshit, Sandra,” Jeff assured her.
“What if it’s not?” I added, “Some of those old stories are true.”
“But Jason’s dead,” Jeff said.
“The locals say he’s still alive,” Joel told us, tapping his beer against mine, “Right?”
“So they say.” A slow grin spread across my face.
“The whole thing is absurd,” Ted added, “These two get in trouble today because of a dumb legend about a guy who doesn’t exists.”
“Anymore,” Joel added, “He doesn’t exist anymore.”
“Or does he?” Sandra raised her eyebrows.
“Good thing I’m going to be staying at her place tonight,” Ted joked, motioning to the bartender with his bottle.
“She’ll keep you safe,” Jeff told him.
“She’ll keep me safe,” Ted added with a goofy chuckle.
“And Joel will keep (Y/N) safe,” Sandra added.
“Ohhh, will he?” Ted raised his eyebrows picking up on our body language, “Ah, I knew it.” He then nodded, “Who’s keeping you safe, Sandra? Because this guy couldn’t hurt a fly.”
Jeff nudged him hard with his elbow in the ribs and Ted scrunched his nose. “Ten bucks says you can’t even get her number.”
Ted looked at the bartender again who glanced in his direction with a small smile. “You’re on.”
@gissellec1 @cattt777 @armybts20137@bbiophiliaa @littleblackcatinwonderland @mermaidgirl30 @brittmb115 @yellowjacketsbuzzbuzz @beltzboys2015-blog @lwfics @pedropascal111 @mellymbee @itscatrodriguez-thepearl
@alex-does-art-things @gothcsz @sarap-77
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kruom · 2 days
𝙔𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙪𝙯𝙖𝙣 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙖 𝙝𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙣 𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 + quotes ©
pairing_ Yandere muzan x reader
Possible triggers_ unhealthy relationship, “predator vs. pray” dynamic, muzan being mean, mentions of humiliation, sadistic tendencies, huge power imbalance, mentions of punishment, slight fluff, not proof read :p
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-muzan is far from a gentle yandere in any way, so he’s more cruel than anything. Paired with his distaste for most things he’s one of the worst yanderes you can have.
-you most likely met purely by accident. You were taking a night walk when you so happened to run into him. In any other circumstance he would have killed you on the spot but you intrigued him. He’s the type of yandere to immediately gain intrust at first contact. He’ll be confused and enraged since he had never felt this level of want twords a human.
-though it’s likely he’ll let you go and watch from a far, there is also a possibility where he’ll just straight up kidnap you.
-muzan is the type of yandere to be possessive, controlling, cruel, and isolating. He views himself as a god and that will have a heavy burden on your “relationship”. Since you are a human he will throughly enjoy tormenting you to the point you feel nothing but helpless. Though as much as he loves to play with you and see you try to fight him he wants you under his control.
-muzan enjoys displaying you infront of his subordinates. It’s a power trip and an example. Most know not to interact with you (except for doma of course). If you piss him off enough he’ll have no problem degrading you infront of everyone “Come now, you had no problem acting a fool a few hours ago. What’s the difference now.”
-he loves to see you afraid. It really strokes his ego especially given your state. He’ll eat another human in-front of you and smile when you get upset. If he’s in the right mood he’ll let you slip away only to catch you a few minutes later and revel in your despair. Liking you afraid is also why he prefers to keep you human (only turning you if absolutely necessary)
-I kinda imagine him to have behaviors similar to a vampire, so he has an obsession with your blood. Of course he doesn’t want drain you so he try’s to hold back. He also loves to listen to your heartbeat and feel your warmth. It’s been hundreds of years since he felt one so he soaks it all in.
-though he doesn’t need to, he understands you need to sleep. He try’s his best to provide you with enough comfort. He rarely joins you, only doing so if he’s really needy or pleased with you. He’s not good at cuddling of any kind so he basically just lays on top of you (which is really uncomfortable) and listens to you breathe.
-another way he shows affection is pulling you into his lap. This is the time he kisses you the most. He’s surprisingly gentle but is quick to get rough without even thinking about it. "Stupid little thing..So naive..so pure.. This is why you need me."
-stepping away from all the fluffy stuff, muzan can be extremely mean and cold. Sure he adores you but your not safe from his wrath. Lots of things can step him off, most of them being not even closely related to you.
-he can’t stand disobedience of any kind so he is quick to correct it. There is no such thing as soft punishments and he will just go straight to the extremes. Wether that be breaking limbs or restricting food, he’s not afraid to do what he deems necessary. Sometimes he forgets how fragile humans can be. "The next time I’ll kill someone I should take you with me. So you can finally see what happens when you try to run away again."
-is escape possible?? no. Although I do see a slight possibility like in the original demon slayer timeline. I imagine with you in the picture it will be ten times harder to kill him since he’ll be less cocky with you on his mind. So in my version of events no, it wouldn’t be possible. With how powerful he is and how short of a leash your on, and of course Nakime, I don’t see a possibility where you would get a decent chance.
-for scenario sake, if you some how were to it would make muzan more cruel. The longer your away from him the more manic he gets. You’re his  and he can’t stand a reality where you’re not. He’ll divert his efforts from the blue spider lilly to finding you. He’ll be worse then he was to his subordinates and everyone else. You can also say goodbye to any family you had left, because he will kill them out of retaliation.
-In conclusion muzan is a very difficult yandere. You always have to be walking on egg shells to please him. There is no chance of escape since not even death can keep you apart. Play your cards right and you just might have a tolerable time.
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in1-nutshell · 2 days
Hey I saw that your requests are open so I decided to send one your way. A while ago you did a request for tfa character’s reaction to a spider-buddy. I was wondering if you could do something similar to that. Specifically, I’d like your take on how the tfa elite guard (Jazz, Jetfire, Jetstorm, and Sentinel) would react to spider-buddy.
Spidey Buddy lives!!!!
Hope you enjoy!
Spidey Buddy meeting Jazz, Jettwins, and Sentinel
SFW, Platonic, Human reader
Spidey and Jazz met through Prowl once the Guard came back to Earth.
He finds Spidey to be an interesting person.
At first, he thinks that Spidey is a new type of human he hasn’t met.
Color him surprised when he finds out that they are just like an outlier on Cybertron.
Reminds Jazz of the Jettwins.
Has a lot of respect for the tiny human trying to do good for their community while helping Optimus’s team.
Loves watching them swing around the city with their webs.
Jazz has tried seeing how strong the webs can be.
Jazz hanging upside down from the top of a building. Spidey drops down a bit hanging upside down from a single web. Spidey: “Do you have any more doubts, Jazz?” Jazz: “Just one question.” Spidey: “Yeah? And that is…?” Jazz: “How do I get down?” Spidey: "Hold that thought.” Spidey climbs back up the roof and beings to pull the Autobot up. Jazz has a priceless face seeing Spidey pulling him up. Spidey: “Oh yeah, I’m also really strong!” Jazz: “Coulda fool me.”
Jazz love testing the Spidey sense, especially when they do mock spar sessions.
Never in his imagination would he think he’d be sparing at an almost equal with a partner smaller than any minibot back home.
If Spidey ever needs help, Jazz will do one of two things.
If he is available, Jazz is rushing to their side ready to help.
But, if he is under strict orders from Sentinel, he’ll make sure to send any available bot to go help Spidey out.
They met Spidey through Bumblebee.
The yellow minibot claimed to know a human outlier and they wanted to meet them.
The twins quickly become fans of Spidey after seeing their powers and how much good they had brought with them.
Jetfire wants to know more about the action-packed patrols and missions Spidey has gone through.
Jetstorm wants to go on patrol with them.
They have had a moment with Spidey’s web weapons.
Spidey and Jazz looking at the web mummified Jettwins. Spidey: “What did I say about going through my stuff?” Jetfire: “This is an easy fix, watch!” There is a faint glow, but it quickly goes off. Spidey: “Did I mention that these webs are highly fire resistant? And don’t even try and use the wind, Stormy.” Jetstorm: “Can you get us out?” Spidey looks at Jazz. Spidey: “After 15-minute time out then we’ll start with the webs. Fun fact did you know it takes hours to get that gunk off? You can ask Bee.” Frustrated Jettwin noises increase.
The twins love it when the Spidey sense goes off.
So much that they like to throw random things at Spidey to see them dodge or catch it.
Jazz and Optimus do tell them to stop after they chucked a trashbot at them.
Will drop everything if Spidey calls them for back up.
They have a plethora of excuses on why they had to leave their post for Sentinel anyways.
Poor Spidey…
Sentinel is screaming once Spidey deploys the webs.
Spidey hanging upside down from their web, waving happily. Spidey: “Hi! You must be Sentinel—” Spidey narrowly escapes the blast and the rapid fire of fist. Spidey: “WHAT DID I DO!?” Sentinel: “Take this you filthy organic—”
Sentinel falls to the floor with Optimus standing over him venting a bit. Out of pure reaction, Optimus had punched Sentinel in his asteroid sized chin to stop him from trying to hit Spidey. Spidey lands on Optimus’s shoulder. Spidey: “Yeesh! And I thought you were bad when the webs came out.”
Optimus does have a shred of sympathy for his friend, but at the same time finds it a bit funny.
It’s the equivalent of a person hanging from a chandelier to get away from a mouse.
Sentinel refuses to get to know Spidey or even acknowledge them.
No matter how much the tiny hero tries, Sentinel refuses to budge.
His prejudice against organics increases tenfold when Spidey is in the room.
Can not stand the tiny ‘hero’.
Refuses to answer the question about him screaming into his room after catching a glance at Spidey’s fangs.
Hates the Spidey sense with every fiber of his being.
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Sentinel, did in fact, scream and ran to his room hiding for a total of 5 hours after Spidey yawned.
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-☆welcome back☆-
Hi! Im coyote, i’m a trans dude and i’m 19, and this is of course my new blog! My old blog was @agoofyannoyancetolaw if you would like to see my older writings. I’m happy to take requests in my inbox whenever but don’t expect for them to be done all the time cuz I’m lazy.
most of my writing is for top dom male reader but I do take requests and I love to read people’s comments on my writing or just whatever be it random inbox silliness or request
-this is an 18+ blog, you’ve been warned. Honestly I’ve given up trying to stop all minors from interacting because it takes up my time- but I am not held responsible for what you read on this account as on every single post it warns you Minors Do Not Interact
-this is a male reader blog e.g: gn, cis men, transmasc and overall masc-leaning reader povs
-things I won’t write for are: female readers (although yall can interact), hard dub or non-con, incest, step-cest, glorifying issues or things I’m not fully understanding of, and anything I’m not comfortable writing. And just stuff I never get motivation to do
-things I will write: drabbles, short stories, requests, head cannons, and most anything that ain’t on my won’t write list
-if something I’ve written shows a stereotype or misunderstanding about something such as mental health, race, religion, etc. or just anything else you think sounds wrong or could offend someone, tell me! It’s not my intention and if you point issues out I’m always glad to learn and fix things
characters I will write for:
Cod: any characters that I have some knowledge of and I feel comfortable writing!
(More coming soon)
tag system:
#coyotes_den : reposts and off topic posts that don’t have writing
#coyotes_trinket_jar : drabbles and head cannons (where most requests will end up)
#coyotes_horde : longer fics!
#coyotes_friends<3 : responding to mutuals
★my silly writing mutuals you should follow★
@rodolfoparras @fortheb0ys @embry-garrick @miguel-owhora @literallyrousseau @knot-headed @barkwoodroad @batfleshh @adrawinggnome @issdisgrace @planetrhythm @princeguri66 @moralesirl
(Some of the @ aren’t working due to idk why)
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arc-misadventures · 2 days
hey, you are a popular Rwby stuff writer who has written many stories, so I want to ask you how from a reader to a writer, why do several people like to write that after Pyrrha, Jaune is no longer considered worthy of someone's love? more? that doesn't make any sense and I find it silly and pointless (Yes, I know we're talking about Fanfiction), Jaune Basically he only knew Pyrrha's feelings for 5 minutes before he died and for some reason that means that he suddenly considers her her love of her life and that she can't love anyone else, which seems really silly, even though Jaune had previously shown no romantic interest in her, it just doesn't make sense to me, just because Jaune found out that Pyrrha loved him. Does it mean that he can't love anyone else? I don't know, it seems very strange
I apologize if the question is stupid
I doubt that I am that popular of a writer, but to answer your question.
First off, Jaune was well aware of how, Pyrrha felt for him before that kiss. Most people like to act as if he was aware that, Pyrrha had feelings for him by the, Beacon Dance, at least he became aware of them. And, you can’t look to the part where he was trying to comfort her, and placed his hand on hers that he wasn’t aware of how she felt for him, and was testing the waters so to say the least.
If given more time, Jaune, and Pyrrha would have probably started dating. In a ‘No Fall AU’ i could see the pair start dating after the festival.
Now, as for the idea of, Jaune isn’t deserving of anyone’s love. Well, I like to see it as, Jaune is scared to fall in love again.
Take it as such, Jaune finally clued in that, Pyrrha has feelings for him, and he has feelings for her. The duo want to explore the possibility of a relationship. But, before that relationship has a chance to bloom it tragically ends.
No one forgets their first crush, I’ve learned techniques to forget my first crush, and it is a bitch to deal with. So, do you honestly think, Jaune can just move on from his first crush when she was murdered on a day that lead to the destruction of of, Beacon Academy, and then the realization that, Ozpin fed ideas to, Pyrrha’s head that lead to her death?
Does it sound like it’s an easy task to just, ‘move on?’
And, the cherry on top of it all, is that their first kiss as well as their last. Can you imagine the pain of such a kiss; A lovers kiss filled with the painful regret of a farewell?
In my opinion, Jaune doesn’t feel that he is undeserving of love. Jaune is scared to love again, because his first love was so short, and so painful that it haunted him for a long time afterwards.
Least that’s my opinion. Does that answer your question?
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obsessedwrhys · 12 hours
Hey so how do you think rise donnie would deal with a magical crush who is very chill with his tech and magic ramblings. He is in the room when April asks magival crush “is he bothering you? He can be a bit insufferable sometimes. He can’t just let things go and just accept magic as is”. And crush is like “oh. I don’t mind it. I mean, everyone thought rainbows were magical. They still are, but now you know how they work. I kind of like watching his big head try and figure this stuff out”?
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ just lots of fluff and flirting (I went overboard with the flirting), reader does get hurt but it's just minor, used of (Y/N) but only once, I hope this is a good read ☹, reader is fem!!
It was another normal Tuesday for everybody in the lair, like always, you found yourself sunk into the bean bag your best friend plus boyfriend, Donnie, personally installed in his lab just for you. Well how he manages to become your boyfriend is a different story.
It all happened so fast, you were both blabbered about magic and science and suddenly he's pouring his heart out for you. What's more surprising is that this ain't exactly your home realm. You're pretty lucky enough to have score yourself a bunch of friendly people willing to let you stay at their place, not to mention be fine with your whole magical fiesta.
Anyways, you were concentrating on the game in your phone until you hear Donnie let out a frustrated groan. Curious, you looked to see him struggling with what seemed to be his next hopeful project. It's just not looking too hopeful right now.
"You okay?" You asked and his gaze darts towards you. He waves his hand dismissively.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I must have gotten the formula wrong" He said and at the same time, he walked over to the other table to check on his notes. You put your phone away before getting up to approach him.
"Can I help?" You asked.
You then stood beside him, your eyes examining how his hands are placed at both sides of the notebook as he has his head focused at it in the middle. His brows were slightly furrowed from trying to figure out what went wrong. Even with the stress, you can't help but find the concentration on his face somehow making him appear more attractive.
"No... no... I wouldn't wanna trouble you with this burden..." He muttered almost like a whisper since his mind is already preoccupied with focusing.
"Watching you torture yourself with this is already a burden" You joked and he couldn't help but chuckle a bit.
"You're right, I'll try my best to figure this out sooner" He shoots you a sweet smile before walking off to the table in the center that has his project on top.
"Maybe after this we can go exploring. You said you wanted to visit the museum right? If we're lucky enough, I can shut down the surveillance so we can go in undetected, it'll be like the place is ours" He said, putting on his safety goggles as he continues on his work. You couldn't help but feel all giddy inside just hearing him remember you telling him that a few days ago.
You clear your throat, calming yourself.
"That'd be awesome. I don't know if you know this but I can detect old magic in artifacts. Connecting with them makes me stronger" You grabbed an unfinished rubix cube from his shelf and began to play with it as you made yourself float. Even with your body levitating a few feet above him, he didn't mind but was more focused on the task at hand.
"Huh... is that why you're so eager to go? To make yourself more powerful?" He said, a hint of amusement in his tone.
"Not entirely, I did say I wanted to explore it with you" You said and just hearing you say that, he tried to bite back a smile, a sense of pride swelling up in his chest.
"Gaining power and spending time with me? You're awfully greedy. Are all magical beings like this from your realm?" He playfully teased and you couldn't help but let out a humoured scoff.
"Too bad it must just be me" You responded and it made him laugh to himself while shaking his head.
"What else should I be aware of about your powers?" He asks and you hummed as you thought it over.
"Well... my powers get crazy strong when I feel a strong emotion. Whether it be sad or anger. Somehow being overwhelmed can 'cause me to lose control" You said and it automatically caught his interest.
"Lose control?" He repeats while putting on gloves before using the angle grinder on the metal.
"Huh... I can understand why... the heightened emotions you feel can create a swirling vortex of energy that can overwhelm your conscious control, making it easily for you to lose any sense of control over yourself, it's almost inevitable" He asserted like he always does when he's invested with every new discovery about your magical abilities.
"Really? Are you saying that's a bad thing?" You raised an eyebrow as you finally landed beside him, at the same time Donnie stops using the angle grinder and puts it aside. He pulls over his goggles, letting it rest just above his head.
"Not exactly, there are other emotions that can also work... Magic is no different than science. There's always a different formula available to replace the other" He said, twisting some screws onto the machine and once he's done, he turns it on before stepping back to see it on and working.
"And maybe sometimes... different is better" He smiled, satisfied with his success. He then turn to look at you who seemed puzzled, in your hand holds the rubix cube you have yet to finish.
"I'm sort of getting it but what other emotions is there that doesn't involve me turning into a raging monster?"
"There is one... an emotion that makes you feel calm yet overwhelmed at the same time... but you'll have to fall"
"Fall?" You watch as he goes to the other side of the room to grab a handkerchief to wipe his face clean.
"Fall in love... can't be hard right?" He looks at you, his eyes warm like it'll be enough to melt you. The way he stares at you makes it seem as though you're the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. You blush as you let out an awkward chuckle.
"Love? Are you saying that because half of the movies we watch, the main character happens to win in the last minute against the bad guy because of the power of love?" You joked, trying to hide the fact that your heart is beating faster than it would.
"This is purely science. I don't recall any movies using that trope" He says and you couldn't help but tilt your head, your brows raised in disbelief.
"Beauty and the Beast"
"Hey he was cursed by a witch"
"That was more about cutting her hair"
"Uh Hero? Frozen?!??! Every freaking Christmas movie ever created?!?!!" He stares at you, silent for a second and you can see from his face that he's thinking it over.
".... you had me at Frozen. Ah alright, you're missing the whole point of all of this" He approaches you and you can't help but try to at least avoid the effect he's having on you.
"What I'm trying to prove here is that maybe you can try focusing on that emotion. Maybe it can even save you out of a messy situation one day. Who knows?" He crosses his arms, a confident smirk on his face. You roll your eyes with a smile of your own.
"You and your science talk. I do appreciate it but sometimes it's a wonder you haven't talked my ear off" You joked and it makes him laugh once again.
"Oh please, my voice is not irritating, at least not compared to yours"
"Excuse me??"
Right as you finished talking, April enters. She stops in her tracks as she awkwardly shifts her focus from Donnie's face to yours. Sensing the clear look of annoyance on your face, she decides to step in between in whatever conversation you two are having.
"Hey now, I've been gone for only a few hours and you guys are already trying to tear each other down" She laughs half heartedly. Clearly sensing the shift of emotion in the atmosphere, Donnie shrugs as he chooses to walk back to his station.
"Oh well, and uh (Y/N), you should go with April. It's almost evening and you usually eats at this hour. I'll find you later" He says with his back turned to you. Not really caring much about it, you also shrug before turning the other way.
"I was gonna go eat anyways" You said but deep inside you could feel that flutter of emotion again. Without much complain, you decided to go to the kitchen to April, the rubix cube still in your hand.
You're seated at the chair and toying around with the cube that you failed to acknowledge the concern look on April's face. She hands you your plate of food before taking her seat beside you. It was when you both started eating that you finally notice. But before you can ask, she beats you to it.
"Are you okay? I saw your face back there and it seemed like you guys were arguing. Is Donnie bothering you again? I know how far he can go trying to experiment on you" She said and her words nearly caught you off guard. You're aware of her concern about your safety but you weren't sure she would be THIS concern. Especially directing it towards Donnie.
"Wait no we weren't arguing just now. He just said some stupid comeback at my joke. Besides, what makes you think he'd do that?" You asked and she turns to look at you as if your question was a dumb one.
"Um, hello? He's Donatello. The 'Magic is not a real thing' Donatello... Did you forget how he was trying to have you join his crazy experiments when you first got here??" She said and you couldn't help but laugh a bit from how unreal the situation you're in.
"Okay first of all, he doesn't hate magic. He's just amazed about it you know? It's like giving a baby their first taste of sweet candy"
"You're comparing him to a baby now?"
"It was just a metaphor"
"Fineeee!! But how is he okay with letting you hang around in his lab? Doesn't magic and science not work together?"
"Oof if that was the case then people would think that thunder and lightning was a sign of God's fury from above"
"Okaaay... you have a point but... why do you like hanging around in his lab? It doesn't seem to be your cup of tea" You look at her and you see a teasing grin on her face.
Oh boy.
"His lair is... quiet... it's comforting"
"Ah yes... the sound of him drilling for hours is very relaxing. Not to mention the loud noises of his hammer! Wh-What a paradise!!" She says while ending up laughing at her own sarcasm. You let out a defeafed sigh.
"Okay maybe I happen to enjoy watching him work. It's exciting!! Do you see the way he puts things together?" You said with pride that you failed to notice the smile on your face.
"Uh huh" She looks at you and its clear that she doesn't buy it one bit.
Minutes later after you both are done eating and chatting about your everyday lives, you found your way back into the lab.
As expected, you found Donnie in his chair and seemingly working on his next project. Seeing how busy he looks, you decided to just go back to your place on the bean bag... but the sound of your footsteps caught his attention. His eyes slightly perked up as he swung around in his chair to look at you.
"You're back so quick...?" He said, his tone coming off surprised.
"Yeah... why? Do you need some alone time?" You took a step back and he quickly got to his feet like he's trying to stop you.
"That's not what I meant... uh I need to ask you an offer" He then leaned his back against the table and from the way his eyes is struggling to maintain eye contact with you, you could tell it wasn't anything good.
"Do you mind if you could used your powers to give my machine a boost? I need to make sure if it's resistant from getting fried easily" He looks at you, his gaze making him appear hopeful that you'll be fine with that... and honestly why wouldn't you be?
"Sure, just tell me how much is too much" You walk over to the machine displayed on the center and he mirrors your action. You stand side by side as you gently place your hand on top of the core.
"How about we start with something small and we'll work our way up from there?" He suggests which you nodded in agreement.
Just like that, you activated your powers and at the same time made sure you weren't using too much of it. In relief the machine didn't blow up but was running just fine. Almost at the same time, You and Donnie exchanged thankful smiles when turning to look at one another. With the first stage cleared, you decided to up the heat a bit.
"ZZZzzzz" The machine buzzes a bit from the increased intensity of your powers but surprisingly it's still intact and working right.
"Alright... moment of truth..." You grit your teeth anxiously... then activated the full force of your powers.
Almost like a flash, you could feel surges of electricity coursing through your vines so due to your instincts you quickly pulled your hand away cause of the pain. And for the machine it was now overloading but somehow still functioning. Before you could even do anything, Donnie is already by your side with a med kit in hand.
"Are you okay? I know you're an enhanced being but still that must have hurt" He places the kit on the table and opened it to take out anything you needed.
"Just a small wound" You said, showing him the tiny burn on your pinky. Instantly he's already treating it with the petroleum jelly.
You don't say anything but choose to watch him tend to your minor injury. From his body language you could tell that he was very focused on not hurting you in the slightest. Soon after he wraps a clean bandage loosely around your pinky, he looks at you with a wave of warmth on his face. How he looks at you so softly is making your heart beat like it did not long ago.
"So... are you still up for our visit to the musuem?" He asks and you chuckle in disbelief.
"Seriously? You're not gonna even explain why you invented this thing in the first place? Not after my effort of helping you out?"
"Oh that? I wanted to surprise you but since you asked, this is gonna be our one way ticket to shutting the surveillance off. Just stick this bad boy into the breaker and the cameras are out" He picks it up and effortlessly puts it into the back of the truck, you follow him not far behind.
"You built all that just to spend one night with me at the musuem?" You tilt your head and he freezes in place, his back facing you as he stands at the back of the van.
"Uh... yeah... why not?" He rubs his neck awkwardly. From that you could tell that you've somehow made him flustered. You laugh and the sound of you laughing made him turn around out of curiosity.
"What are you laughing about?" He said despite the movements of his lips beginning to form a grin.
"Nothing nothing..." You look at him, a smile still present on your face but soon you show him your pinky, the same one he helped bandage it up for you.
"Kiss it to make it better?" You said with your hardest attempt of making puppy dog eyes. He shakes his slightly out of amusement.
"Only because you asked" He takes a few steps forward and carefully holds your arm by the wrist before guiding it towards his lips. He kisses it delicately and while he does so, his eyes are remained locked on yours. The intensity of his gaze made you blush that you couldn't help but look away.
"There... is my baby done whining now?" He said with his hands now intertwined with yours. You roll your eyes as you let him pull you into his embrace.
"Yeah yeah... let's go to the musuem now smarty pants" He chuckles at your response with his arms wrapped securely around you, his fingers tracing gently down your spine.
"Should we watch a movie after we get back?"
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justapersonherelol · 18 hours
my thoughts on what I believe is the three top Lucifer ships
Starting off on an unrelated note, MY GOD, ADAMSAPPLE??? THATS SO CREATIVE OML
I like it! The ship is simple, it has great chemistry and sets up great angst potential for the ship, especially with the heavy theory that Adam will turn up as a sinner for season two. Also, it’s heavily implied that Lucifer has done the horizontal tango with two of the og humans, so why not make it all three and finish up his collection? Adding onto that, they could have a great relationship as awkward exes from their time in Eden Garden, and man Lucifer has a crap ton of autistic rizz.
however, that’s the problem. I can only see them as exes. I mean, Lucifer didn’t seem to have any leftover attachment to Adam when he died, and ultimately did choose Lilith over Adam. Also, Adam has Lute now, and objectively has a healthier potential romance than him and Lucifer.
So, I like the ship and honestly go ahead (I say that with all three ships lol, ship what you want as long as you don’t force it onto others) but it’s not really one for me.
Okay… I ship this.
it’s just a really silly ship and I really like their dynamic already!
HOWEVER, I don’t want this to become canon. I ship this only fanonly, and I like aroace Alastor NOT ending up with anyone, because currently Alastor thinks he hasn’t found the right person yet, and him falling in love with Alastor would actually kinda undermine the whole self discovery of asexualism/aromanticism in the first place! Yes, making him fall in love with Lucifer AFTER his whole sexuality discovery thing could really be impactful to the audience as a way to show what a aromatic or asexual person could experience, but I don’t want the show to be centered around Alastor, and if they added all of that while still balancing every single character development, the show would just be too long.
oh boy do I have a crap ton of stuff to say about THIS ONE.
It’s the canon ship. The main characters parents. LUCIFER LITERALLY WENT TO HELL FOR LILITH, Lucifer is DEFINITELY the bottom and we have an IMPECCABLE height difference, we LOVE TO SEE THE SHORT KING WITH HIS 190-something CM WIFE. Who’s ALSO THE MOST BADASS WOMAN IVE SEEN. LIKE, GURL, STEP ON ME 🔥🔥🔥
But… Liliths been gone for seven years. She left her husband and her daughter. Lilith also is shown to be taking Charlie away from Lucifer in that one scene, causing him to fall into his depression… do you really love your husband if you leave him? Taking your daughter with you? And she doesn’t look good right now, because apparently she’s in Heaven? Perhaps she made a deal with them? It’s just.. really sad.. and sadly, i see the similarities to some parents.
Some parents fell out of love but refuse to divorce because of their children or tradition. It’s common and depressing, and often ends up worse than if they had just divorced. They fight and give each other snarky as comments, put each other down and take the other away from their child because they treat them to be a bad influence or something? And I think that’s what we see with Lucifer and Lilith right now. They were together for who knows how long, and Lilith was young. Who knows how old Lucifer is. Maybe… they were young, they did rash things, and swore they were going to love each other forever, but puppy love just doesn’t last forever. Lucifer might still love her and abandoned everything FOR her, but Lilith might have used him as a first love, an ex. Since most of Hazbin hotels audience are young adults… it could be a good idea to display the fact that not all love lasts forever. They could fall of out of love. Eternal love, while sweet, is foolish. All couples also have their ups and downs, and Lucifer and Lilith not having those just sounds wrong, yknow?
Lucifer deserves better than a relationship where they share mutual hatred but stay together for the sake of a child. Sometimes, divorce is the best option, whether you like it or not.
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First things first: I am not deactivating. Just. Taking a break.
Mututals: You can get my discord if I don't ask for yours before I leave in a couple days. You can also give me a snap though I may be worse at responding to that.
This is my reasons for leaving so no one thinks I do anything crazy, or if anyone has their own gripe they can take this as a sign to take a mental health break of your own.
The Racism on this site remains unchecked, and the agression against black user who call it out should absolutely NOT be that high. You adore recreating the racist systems that got us here in the first place. You think your lense on how we experience opression, even the theories we wrote, are better and clearly so much superior.
Exorsexism is disgustingly rampant. We are a jokes to people. We are fakes to other. We are a convenient argument about people passing. We are "dangerous" to a preciously protected set of binaries that do nothing to help any of us.
Lesbophobia across the site has no reason to be so high on a site with so many Lesbians and yet!! We treat labels like they're more important than lives. People act like a personal interpretation of the idenity is an attack. We go "Being a Lesbian is so complex. It's intricate and special" And then when a butch takes t, or a femmes uses he and maybe even gets top surgery, or someones attraction isnt the simply wlw Lesbianism they're told they're doing it wrong and that it's not fair to try and over complicate being a lesbian.
Transandrophobia and Transmisogyny against me and other trans people on this site is out of control. People are infighting and people are lashing out laterally and comparing it 1:1 to the opression the system holds against all of us.
Intersexism continues to be like, so easy for you guys to commit no matter how many voices speak up about how best to be aware of intersex issues.
You guys adore ableism just as you have for years and years. You're obsessed with degrading people who do mental illness or disability "wrong." You see someone stuggling with illness and you don't wait to tell them your personal opinion on their experience. Adding ocd triggering guilt tripping to post. Refusing to hear out people about adding image ids/alt images and how screen readers work.
The Antisemitism I was seeing well before 10/7 was gross. It only increased as people scrambled not to be associated with "the bad jew." People had mutuals and friends for years that abandoned them at the first chance. They spread lies or twisted truths in order to chose Jewish bloggers off the site. I DO notice that when people make post on antisemitism there is often more Jewish people than goy in the notes acknowledging it. I don't think I've seen one without horrid Antisemitism in it's own notes in months. Multiple people have told me to leave my heritage out of pride in their attempts to keep out Jewish people.
Voices from Palstine are only used when they support certain ideas. You all turned supporting people into a fucking witch hunt against profiles on the Internet. You reblog a post of Palastine joy and then reblog an unsourced tweet about something Palstinians have said isn't true, that slanders Jewish people unprompted. For a long time some of you weren't even sharing the right sources for helping them bc you couldn't fact check before sharing?
And then there's fucking STAFF. They couldn't stop themselves from banning trans blogs if you paid them. They couldn't keep harassment campaigns at bay if it killed someone.
They used us to coax queer people here for years by sharing that they support queer identities and even at one point let our porn exist here! And then it was all fucking wiped off the map. Now one mass reporting of an untrue claim can get an minorties blog permanently removed.
They say "We need money!" but when people gave it to them this site got w o r se. They use distractions and try and make stuff around the fun shit we came up with to keep us from fussing.
They mute and remove users who make a loud enough point to sway people. They mute and removes uses that are so quiet no one would notice.
Minorties inboxes are a headache.
So I'm out. I'll probably be back at some point because I have things I DO enjoy here.
But for mental health I just gotta catch my breath.
This will be my pinned until I get back I guess im case anyone wonders where I went.
I'll have a queue going of a few last minute things i want on my blog but when it runs out thats it for a while until I return.
Thats all
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one-killer-blog · 2 days
Heya welcome to my blog
This blog won't be nsfw but it prob won't be completely sfw (like I might post something every now and again of nsfw stuff but I'll tag it #tw nsft)
First things first I'm a fictive from a system (a system is multiple people in one body and a fictive is one of those people having a source, like a game, show, sans au, etc)
I'm aromantic (NOT AROACE) and I'm dating 2 of the peeps in our system
I have ADHD, autism, non-24 and a butt load of other mental illnesses (I'll let you guess which)
I have a pretty messed up source because of shit I won't be disclosing but I do love me some sourcemates (fictives or fictionkins idc your still sourcemates)
I'm fine with shipping and stuff so don't feel bad interacting if you ship me with uhhh... Dust?? Idk I couldn't think of anyone off the top of my head 💀
I'll prob just rant and talk about random shit on this blog so yeah
Also please don't try and rp with me that'd make me wildly uncomfortable-
Dni and userboxes under cut
Dni: Basic dni criteria, Radqueers, Anti therians, Anti furries, Proship/Antiship, Basically just don't interact if you're an asshole kay?
(anti endos can interact if they want but I don't think they would want to tbh)
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