#and yes I will be talking about this scene until the day I die thank you for asking
When Hangman went to the jukebox right after Rooster walked into the bar, he might as well have just selected “Mamma Mia” by Abba.
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reiderwriter · 7 months
Okay but, flirty reader majority pointed at Reid, and the scene where he has to get hosed down and says "I'mma bout to get naked, I don't think you wanna see that" and reader's just like raising her hand and says "don't worry I'll stay". And after she walks out to go to the hospital and sees everyone and with an open mouth and wide eyes just goes " woah" cause big dick energy
A/N: Hi, thank you so much for your request! I've been a bit sick lately, so I haven't had a chance to write much, but this was fun and quick to write! I might do a part 2 with the actual smut in the future, so if that's something people would want let me know in the comments!!
Warnings: suggestive content, public dirty talk?
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“I really want to see that.” 
You heard the words but weren't sure where they'd come from for the longest time. It had been a confusing morning, with a high alert for anthrax and your coworker trapping himself inside a contaminated lab to save you from dying a presumably very painful death, you couldn't be blamed for not realizing that you'd said the words in question. 
He'd meant the words sarcastically, of course, and they'd warned Morgan off immediately with a chuckle and a “You better survive this, kid,” but you'd stood rooted to the earth until he'd repeated them again. 
“Y/N, they're going to strip me down. You don't want to see that.” 
“I really do, though.” Your eyes unabashedly trailed down the contours of his body, soaked from the hoses currently decontaminating him. You could've sworn that he was moving in slow motion as his hand pushed back his hair and cleared his face of water. 
If there weren't this many CDC agents around, you'd have likely joined him in his impromptu shower to feel your way along the lines of his clothing, checking to see what was outline and what was the thick layers of shirt and pants that unfortunately still obstructed your view. 
Another minute of you ogling him went by before your eyes finally returned to anywhere near his, and you realized that your desire for the man could no longer pass for camaraderie. 
“You better not die, Spencer. Not before I can enjoy the meal I'm about to sample.” 
His doctors were either ignoring the conversation completely or were busy focusing on other things, and luckily, they didn't react to your words. Other than to take Spencer's temperature one more time when he flushed bright red, and stared at you slack-jawed. 
“We're going to have to speed this along, Doctor Reid. Please start unbuttoning your shirt,” one of the hazmatted men said to him, but his eyes were fixed on you. 
“Yes, please do, Spencer. It's for your own good. And mine.” 
You expected him to blush and fawn again, but his day had been as long and confusing as your own, so you were unsurprised when he looked you directly in the eye and began unbuttoning his shirt. You watched his descent, and your breath faltered, seeing the water drip down his bare skin now. 
“I'm not sure which of us is wetter right now,” you tried to joke in earnest, but you felt a sharp jolt of lust in your gut as soon as his hands reached his belt. 
“Y/N, you need to leave now. Before you make this any harder for everyone here.” The innuendo in his words were clear, but you were thankful again for the considerate and/or oblivious doctors either side of him bagging up his discarded shirt and jacket. 
“Only if you promise I can make your life as hard as I want to when you're in the clear.” You smiled again, hoping the full force of your lust would reach him. Spencer was always oblivious to genuine flirtation, you'd observed enough women throwing themselves on him (had discouraged a few too many with a hand on his arm and a finger playing with the abandoned curls at the back of his neck, too) to know that for sure. 
You needed to make your need for him explicit. 
“I mean it, Spencer. I really mean it.” 
His eyes locked with yours for the last time ad you made to turn around, doing your best to convince him without becoming distractedly horny. 
“I know. I'll see you at the hospital.” 
“At the hospital? Risky, I like it.” You winked and turned away, leaving him calling back after you as you walked over to the car Derek had pulled around the front of the property. 
“Wait, not the hospital! Those beds aren’t comfortable. Y/N! Y/N, really!” 
You giggled as you sat down in the car, but you bubbled with anticipation still. 
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crimsntwlip · 10 months
“i said i love the smiths” | mattheo riddle x reader
pairing: mattheo riddle x fem!reader
warnings: kinda short, mentions of alcohol, readers status not mentioned, reader is a slytherin, soft fluff?
summary: slytherin is throwing a house party, to which you desperately want to stay in your room but get dragged downstairs by your friends. you end up on the couch, next to mattheo, who was also stuck in the same situation . 🐾
a/n: this imagine is inspired by the my fav 500 days of summer scene 😭😭!!! if you have no clue what im talking about you can watch it here! pretty cute scene :> but enough of that!!!!
masterlist | posted: 11/15/23 | part 2
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you looked at yourself in the mirror, staring out the outfit you wore for the party you swore you wouldn’t go. that was until your 2 closest friends, elenoise and augusta, begged for you to join them. i mean fully begged, down on their knees begged, to the point where you just finally agreed to end this madness.
you could see the both of them through the mirrors as they wore a smug expressions behind you as they sat on your bed. you groaned, having second thoughts, “do i really have to go?” you sighed. to be fair, your friends knew you weren’t really a social butterfly, i mean you’d rather just stay in bed with headphones in blasting music while reading.
but of course, your friends thought you needed to go out and experience more stuff while you were in hogwarts. which brought them here, dragging you with them to some stupid party.
“yes!” they exclaimed in sync, “we’re doing this for you, trust, you will be thanking us later,” elenoise grinned as augusta nodded next to her. you only huffed, feeling defeated.
as you three begin to make your way downstairs, the smell of alcohol hits your nostrils as the loud music blasts. you make your way through the crowd, and you already regret coming. you look back, expecting to see your two friends following behind, only to find them gone, lost somewhere in the crowd. you sighed, rubbing your sweaty palms against the fabric of your pants anxiously.
you made your way through the overcrowded space as you spot an empty space on a couch that was in the corner of the common room, making you sigh in relief. you sat down, your nerves finally calming down as you observed everyone. It was only then that you heard the faded music of your favorite band, the smiths, lingering next to you. causing you to glance over your shoulder, revealing mattheo riddle, looking bored out of his mind as music blasted through his headphones.
you only glanced at him before you hesitantly start trying to make convo. you weren't friends with him, but you knew of him, i mean who didn't know him?
you gave him a small smile as you saw that he had finally noticed your quiet presence. you took this opportunity, "the smiths?" you start off, your index finger pointing up towards his headphones. but with his music still blasting in his ears, he doesn't hear you. he glances at you and gives you a small "hi" before he turns his gaze back away.
but you continue to try again anyways. you lean in slightly closer, paying close attention to confirm that it was the smiths. "i love the smiths," you say with a serene smile as mattheo turned his attention towards you. "sorry?" he asked, pulling his headphones down to his neck to hear you clearer.
"i said i love the smiths" you state once again, causing mattheo stare at you in awe making your smile slightly grow. again, you hesitantly speak once again, "you've- you've got good taste in music," you complimented. "you like the smiths?" mattheo asks nearly cutting you off, you grow shy and nod muttering a small "yeah" before you sang along to the music that was still blasting around the star-struck boy's neck.
"to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die- i love em." you grinned, glancing around the room once again. mattheo kept his gaze on you, but before he could say anything else, your friends came along. "(y/n)!" one of them exclaimed, "we were looking for you everywhere!" they said, taking your hand and dragging you with them, leaving the boy alone once again. you glanced back to see mattheo still staring at you in awe, making you giggle and turn back towards you friends.
"holy shit," a smitten mattheo mumbled as he watched you disappear in the crowd.
a/n: lmk if you guys want a part 2 or if i should make this into a series!! i enjoyed writing this 🤭 <33
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alexisomnias · 1 year
⤷ he'd be a pine tree (— pining trope)
featuring the OVERBLOT BOYS
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RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS         -  knees brushing against each other, leading to deep breaths and giddy feels.
riddle is hopelessly in love with you, to the point its distracting. seriously? how could he let his feelings grow this large to the point he can't even simply go near you without his mind running off to a romantic version of your real relationship. oh, how riddle hopes that daydream would one day become real, but for now. he needs to get back on trac-
"riddle? are you okay?" your voice raises, cutting through and silencing his voice playing loops in his head. he blushes, his hair color blending to his face as his breath catches. stomach churning nervously as he feels your skin brush against his, a blockage in his throat as his head pounds nervously. how much he really wants to hold your hand now, or wrap his arms around you... (when was he so touch starved...?)
"y-yes.. im perfectly fine. thanks for your concern." he nods, gazing away, afraid that even a few more seconds of meeting your eyes would cause the butterflies in his stomach to explode from inside out. why couldn't he just be straight up about his feelings...
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LEONA KINGSCHOLAR        -  taking care of them in the shadows
leona was a blunt man. always straight to the point, and uncaring of others first opinions on him. but with you? oh it seems like nothing that ever comes out of his mouth is honest! its not like he lies to you, its just that he never finishes his full thought. "stop dragging me into trouble" i don't want to see you hurt, "why are you touching me?" you could've asked...
so, what better way of getting out his feelings to anybody but the true object of affection? well simply let himself lie in your shadow. for all those in front of you too gaze and know for, but for you? you won't see the slight affection and care that seeps into his gaze, nor will you know that behind the scenes he is ensuring your life upon arriving to Twisted Wonderland will be nothing but easy and like royalty. for he does not want to ever see you struggle.
so he'll be in your shadow. for him to follow you and love you, for everyone else to see that love except you... until he decides to appear before you once the sun comes out and he's ready to open himself to that level of vulnerability, to step out of the dark and show his face.
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AZUL ASHENGROTTO        -  digging in their interests so that you have common topics to talk about
it was quite well known that azul has many connections, many ways to get information and to utilize it. his office is like an archive for all secrets and importance. but for that section of his brain, it holds everything about you. from silly daydreams, to just everything you like and what could make you happy. he truly had an entire library of thoughts and knowledge dedicated to you only with a key to those who break into his heart whether he'd like it or not. floyd and jade, being two, never left him alone about it.
it was no secret to his two friends that azul was a simp, he'd die before admitting it, but its true! he was utterly floored everytime you smiled at him, everytime you greeted him first. he was down-bad to the point he'd of made it to the bottom of the Mariana trench. Azul only wanted to make you happy, and get to know you better. even if he had no chance to call you a lover, this was far more than enough. so he got into all your interests so he had a common interest with you, no matter how wild, he'd end up loving it because you love it. and he loves you.
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JAMIL VIPER        -  Instant butterflies when you call out their name
"jamil!" you called excitedly, waving him over with a beautiful, utterly handsome smile on your face.
jamil was used to his name being called. from Kalim to the servants in the house. it is common knowledge to know a servant would get his name called, for an order of sorts. to be told. but with you? oh it was so so different... normally everytime his name was called he'd be filled with dread. what would he have to do next? but with you? it is filled with such euphoria. your calling him, you want to talk to him, you want to see him. its such a strange thing to jamil on how his name being called could be so different. from just a simple tone, simple vocal difference. how is it so different everytime you call his name?
jamil would be ready to walk no mattered distance if he could meet you again. ugh.... how did he end up this deep in love? he's merely in high school...
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VIL SCHOENHEIT        - having your every little thing memorized 
vil schoenheit was an actor. master of memorizing lines, and routines of all sorts. and yet, he is also a master of memorizing you. from your lovely smile, to your hair, to your hypnotic eyes. vil has it all remembered as if he's going to chisel an exact replica of you as a statue. this memory of his helps him realize every little emotion you have. your lips are a little bit more curved, are you okay dear? your hair is not in its usual style? what brought up this change? oh you must've gotten new clothes, he's never seen this outfit before.
all of which are in effort of loving you. he truly never thought he'd find the day where of he'd care so much for someone that every bit of them is put into memory. every touch, feeling of skin put into his mind like a note sheet. notes upon notes about every little thing he notices about you... and if you catch him staring..?
"vil? do i have something on my face? you've been staring for a while..."
"oh no, there's nothing there. just noticing the beauty that's made its mark."
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IDIA SHROUD       - dropping everything at their messages
idia wasn't the type for social interaction, in fact any sorts of it he would immediately ditch on. for even if he gets a messaged it would be left on read for weeks, but with you? oh its like theres a personal alarm set for himself! every message, or call you make is received right away. like an update for a game or show, he sees it right away and it immediately leaves him feeling giddy...
for an introvert, anti-socialist, like him. it was unfamiliar to get such a wonderful sensation upon being talked to... being noticed... having someone contact him first, willingly? oh how it felt like the world flipped itself for him, and complied to his wills and wants. and those wants? oh its to call you his... but i guess he got too far caught into the selfshipping delusions for he doubts you'll ever love him above online friend (he's to nervous to meet you face to face. you're so ethereal).
when the notification goes off, the typing bubble immediately comes up. hes not missing your message for the world.
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MALLEUS DRACONIA        - rambling about something you love and all they do is stare at them lovingly
malleus is completely, and totally infatuated with you. every word you speak, every breath you take it has him at the edge of his seat. ready to love and adore whatever you do next. he thinks everything you do is lovely, and worthy of adoration. he especially loves when you tell him about whatever interests you may have. Malleus absolutely adores listening to you.
please, tell him about anything and he'll listen so devotedly. how he loves knowing your comfortable enough around him to tell him and talk about your interests, whether from Twisted Wonderland, or from your world, "earth". anything and everything you tell him he is so ready to listen and learn. its coming from you, its something you consider important. so its only natural he listens.
and when you do rant, he stares and listens. looking at you like your the only thing in his universe, a beautiful sunset of which he's never laid his eyes upon before. a gift given by the world for him to love and cherish. and he'll learn everything about this treasure he has the pleasure of knowing. so... child of man, tell him more.
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A Helping Hand. // Virgin!Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader, MODERN AU [ONE SHOT]
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Summary: it comes as a shock to find out that your extremely attractive best friend is still a virgin! So you offer to help him lose it to which he agrees to, unbeknownst to you, he was secretly in love with you, are those feelings reciprocated? // based on this request
WARNINGS: unprotected p in v sex, handjob, blowjob, orgasm denial, virgin!aemond, multiple orgasms, teasing, tiddy sucking, oral (m.), pussy slapping, cumming inside, premature ejaculation, some fluff at the end + not proof read.
WC: 2.6k
You were currently lying on the sofa with your best friend Aemond, watching a movie but it was so boring that you both engaged in a conversation which revealed something you had not known about Aemond, despite being friends for almost two years.
“Wait what?! You're seriously a virgin?” you yell when, shocked at what Aemond had just revealed, he looks away shyly and feels a little embarrassed, you quickly regain your composure, immediately noticing how his face dropped when you were shocked, likely taking it in an insulting way.
“Don't get me wrong- Aemy, but seriously? You're literally the hot shit, I can't believe you haven't gotten with anyone, do you know how crazy popular you are?” you try to show him that you didn't mean it in an insulting way, but just complete shock considering how beautiful he is.
He looks at you in confusion and shakes his head.
“Oh seven hells, you dense dumbass.” you huff crossing your arms, “Literally there's so many people fawning over you! The girls from my uni class? Everyone! Even one of my friends used to have a crush on you. I had to listen to her constantly ramble about you.” you explain.
“I never really focused on my surroundings that much, and I didn't really think I would stand out.” you dropped one of the popcorn kernel into the dish, shocked at what he had just said.
“You've got to be fucking kidding me! Seriously? 'I didn't really think I would stand out' my gods, you are literally so perfect! Your unique features, your purple eyes and platinum blonde hair are features I would die to have! You're so beautiful.” you mock what he said before you compliment him and he gives you a shy smile after chuckling at the way you quoted him, with a high pitched voice.
“Thanks.” he says and you nudge him with your elbow, “Seriously though, never thought you'd be a virgin, I thought you'd at least would've gotten with multiple girls, or boys.” you shrug and he purses his lips, “I think you are confusing me with my brother.” he says and you laugh, “Yeah right! I never expected the younger brother of the literal fuckboy of KL university to be a virgin, thought that you'd follow in his footsteps.” you joke around, and Aemond scrunches his nose, “I have no taste for such depravity.” he says, tone serious before you both burst out laughing, “Whatever you say baby.” you wink at him jokingly, calling him baby. He smiles at that and stares at you.
Just then a loud screen erupted from the TV screen and you were focused on the movie once again, watching intently while chewing on popcorn.
But Aemond didn't turn his attention back to the movie, he watched you, the way the light emitting from the TV bounced off your lights and face, giving you a certain type of glow, the way your lips were pursed and eyebrows furrowed as you watched the screen, clearly affected by a scene that bought out that reaction from you, but he didn't care to look, he preferred to stare at you.
Aemond Targaryen was in love with you.
You didn't know that.
You and Aemond had shared classes but never really interacted with one another, until you were late to class one day and found all the seats occupied besides the one next to Aemond, you went and asked if you could sit there and Aemond smiled at you gently before muttering a yes, and that's when your friendship blossomed, you both started talking to each other.
You developed a small crush on him at that time, the way he would be so kind and gentle with you made your heart flutter, but then you pushed away that crush the minute you found out that he was dating Floris. You felt hurt but quickly moved on, and continued to stay friends.
That's when you turned your attention back unto him, “Hey- didn't you date floris? Did you guys not have sex?” you asked way too openly and he blushed immediately at that thought, “N-no- we tried but i was so nervous that i could not get it up, and then I found out she was cheating on me.” he says embarrassed and you mentally wanted to punch yourself, how can you ever forget the reason they broke up? It was the first time you saw Aemond so out of it, not being his usual self, but you helped him get over her, after her, he never really was interested in anyone. Until he realised how he truly felt towards you.
“I'm sorry, that was stupid of me.” you apologise and he shakes his head, “Don't be, you were curious, and that's okay, I don't take any offence.” he says and you smile at him before scooting close to him, leaning your head on his shoulder, he could smell the shampoo in your hair and he loved it very much, closing your eyes and basking in the comfort of your presence.
Aemond never felt like this before, he didn't know what you did that made him fall in love with you, or get so comfortable around you, you showed him the difference between what 'love' and 'like' feels like. He thought he had loved Floris, but it was just like, and he thought he liked you, but it was love.
“Do you wanna lose it?” you ask, raising your head to look at him, “Lose wh- my virginity?” he asks and you nod, “Mhm yeah, I wish I had experience.” he says and your mouth curls up into a smile before you propped yourself up. “I can help you.” you say and he looks at you shocked. “–Only if you're comfortable, no pressure.” you reassure him, before reaching forward and grabbing the glass of water and downing it entirely, and he thinks for a bit. Losing his virginity to a girl he loves so dearly? Fuck yes. He would be a fool not to accept that offer.
“Sure.” he says and you smile, “Do we schedule it?” he asks and you bite back a laugh, “Whenever you're ready babe.” you wink at him and he looks at you with a smile on his face. You both sit there in silence after that exchange, staring at the screen but not quite watching or processing what the hell was going on, until you felt Aemond place a hand on your thigh, you smirked, there's your cue.
But you didn't react and let him explore a bit more as his hand went under the skirt you were wearing, his hand travelled up to your inner thigh, stopping right by your cunt, you felt him press two fingers onto your clothed area gasping when he found it damp, you were clearly enjoying this. He looked at you with uncertainty and you nodded, giving him permission to touch you.
His hands pushed aside your panties, fingers dipping into your wet heat before he slid his hand up and down, coating his fingers with his juices until he found your clit and rubbed small circles on it. You gasped when you felt him do that.
He was teasing you.
You did not know what came over you, and you pulled his hand away, before you got off the couch, going on your knees in front of him, he was taken aback by your swift movements and tried processing what was happening, but before he can, you parted his legs, settling yourself in between them on your knees before undoing his pants, and pushing them slightly to reveal his boxes, you pushed them down as well and it revealed his hardening cock.
He gasped when he felt your warm hand wrap around it, giving him a few pumps before it became fully erect. You watched as the tip became red and started leaking precum, which you collected with your thumb before rubbing it on the tip, making him throw his head back.
You slowly took the precum leaking from his tip and coating your hands with it so it acts as lube before moving your hand up and down his length, you were so enchanted by how pretty his dick looked, it was big, bigger than any of the guys you've had before, he was just perfectly thick enough, a vein running along his erection, pumping the blood. Your mouth watered at the sight.
Your daze was quickly broken by a loud moan Aemond let out when you squeezed his cock a little, and you looked up at him, his face was flushed, breathing ragged and heavy and he looked at you with mouth slightly wide open and it went straight to your core, you rubbed your thighs together to satiation the itch there.
You pulled his cock towards your mouth before kissing the tip and licking it causing his gasp loudly at the way how good your tongue felt against it, you slowly took him inside your mouth, hands making up for the area you aren't able to take and bobbed your head up and down, tongue swirling around his cock.
“F-fuck you feel so good.” he grunts making you chuckle, causing vibrations which shot up to his spine, he held your head with one hand and started using you to fuck himself, your hand left the base and resting on his thigh as you let him using your mouth to fuck, he shoved his cock deep inside making you gag, tears welling up your eyes, you breathed through your nose, eye closed at the intensity.
He was near, and you could tell by the way he became sloppy, that's when you pulled yourself off him, ruining his orgasm and he looked at you with such a confused expression that made you smirk.
You got up off your knees before taking off your skirt and top, leaving you only in your bra and panties before you straddling him, hands resting on his shoulder as you kissed him on the lips, his hands held you by the waist, kissing you back and rutting up against you, trying to gain some friction.
He undid your bra clasps and you helped him remove it, baring your tits to the room, you got up slightly to grab the hem of his shirt and pull it off him, revealing his toned chest.
He kissed you again, hand entangled in your hair as he pushed his face against yours, it was desperate, you away and teased him but pinching his nipples making him slightly whimper.
You felt his finger wrap itself around the band of your panty before he applied force in pulling and tore it, you gasped when he discarded the torn piece, slapping him lightly on the arm, “Hey! Those are expensive.” you said and he chuckled “I'll buy you a new one.” he says in a daze, and kisses your neck. You can feel the stiffness in his kisses, he was extremely nervous about it.
“Aemy, just relax.” you put your hands on his shoulders, lightly massaging it when you felt how tense they are and he pulled away to look at you and nodded.
You gave him a small kiss on the cheek, below his scar, before you caressed his hair lovingly, trying to soothe his nerves.
He appreciated that, he really did.
When you felt him relax enough, you grabbed his still-hard cock again and lifted yourself up on your knees before lining it against your entrance, slowly sinking down on him, completely engulfing him before you let him settle inside you, that's when you started riding him, grinding your hips.
He moaned loudly, cumming almost instantly when he felt the way you clenched around him, and you halted.
That was way too quick.
He felt embarrassed and he looked down, avoiding eye contact with you.
You grabbed his face and made him look at you, “It's okay aemy, it happens.” you say, caressing his cheek with your thumb but he looked down once again in shame, “That- was way too fucking quick. I'm fucking ashamed- fuck.” his voice cracks and he seems like he's about to cry, but you pulled him in for a hug. Hands around his hand as he presses his face against your tits, his hands hold your hips for balance.
“Shh, it's not shameful Aemond, it happens and that's completely all right, it's your first time as well! Don't feel bad.” you kiss him atop his head and he looks at you, you give him a reassuring smile before pressing a small kiss to his lips.
“Besides, I didn't let you finish earlier too, and by the way, you're still hard.” you say, grabbing one of his hands, pressing it down on the end of your stomach, making him feel the bulge there, and his eyes widen. “That's me?” he asks and you chuckle and nod, “Yeah you're way too fucking big.” you say it in a joking manner and he smiles.
You slowly start moving again, riding him, he showers kisses on your breasts before taking one unto his mouth. You grabbed onto his shoulder for support, moving up and down, you moan out loud when the tip of his dick grazes against your rough patch, he moves his hips upwards as well, rutting into you with so much need, he stops his actions on your breasts before he kisses you, holding you by your waist as he pounds into you.
You felt the familiar rise of pleasure from your core, the coil that snapped so quickly when his tip hit the rough patch, pushing you over the edge as you moaned his name out loud, causing him to grunt as well.
You felt his thrusts become sloppy once again, and you had an evil plan, pushing off him, sliding him out and ruining his orgasm once again, before you could get off him completely, he changed positions by pushing you onto your back on the sofa, pushing your legs to your chest and sliding in effortlessly and roughly beginning to pound into you.
You didn't know where this intensity came from but you didn't mind, you grabbed the sofa hand above your head to stabilise yourself as his thrusts were extremely brutal and hard, causing your body to jolt up.
You felt his tip bullying your cervix, causing slight pain, but you didn't show it and let him fuck you brutally.
His hand fell to your clit, rubbing fast but furious circles onto, and slapping it time to time, causing a little twinge of pleasruable pain, the band in your core snapped once again, making you arch your back pushing onto him, he came at the same time inside you, pushing to the hilt and riding his orgasm out. He collapsed on top of you, still inside you.
“Wow- that was- fucking intense.” you compliment him and he just hums, causing vibration.
“I love you.” you freeze when the confession leaves his mouth as you feel him burying his nose in the crook of your neck.
You smile at that and caress his hair lovingly.
“I love you too.” you place a small kiss to his head when you feel him smile as he breathed heavily.
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neostrayteez · 1 year
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PAIRING. lee jeno x female reader
SUMMARY. you have detention thanks to your temper and unfortunately, so does jeno, the boy you hooked up with last summer.
WARNINGS. smut, profanity
PLAYLIST. “gangsta” by kehlani
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The library was quieter than usual. There was almost an echo to the old clock on the wall, ticking by the seconds that felt like hours. A minute may as well have been a day in here.
You were - humiliatingly - two minutes early. It wasn’t that you were eager to serve your sentence, but political science finished a bit fast and you were actively avoiding your peers after the scene you made during lunch that landed you in here.
Their looks of scorn, adoration and worst of all, pity, were uncomfortable.
The library was empty. A perfect place to lay low and hide. You picked a seat at the second table a respectable distance from the front. Mr. Kim waltzed in, looking perturbed as ever, and called you by name.
“A whole week, huh?”
“Yes, sir.”
He bobbed his head.
You were lucky not to be suspended for the outburst, but your squeaky clean record up until this point had swayed the principal in your favor.
Mr. Kim checked his watch. For a moment, there was a tiny sliver of hope that you would have the library all to yourself, serving detention alone. But then, five minutes late, Jeno strutted through the door.
“What’s up, Mr. Kim?” he asked gruffly.
You wanted to crawl under a rock and die.
Jeno noticed you, his eyes locking onto you like a sniper’s scope, and pure mischief spread across his face along with a grin.
“You’re late, Mr. Lee!”
“Well, well, well,” Jeno taunted, as if he’d not heard him, cocking his head and sticking his tongue out at you. “What do we have here?”
“Fuck off, Jeno,” you grumbled.
Mr. Kim chided your choice of language and barked, “Mr. Lee, take your seat.”
“Of course, sir,” Jeno said silkily, dropping into the chair directly behind yours.
You rolled your eyes. Of all the tables and chairs, he positioned himself there to be a nuisance to you. You expected nothing less.
Jeno leaned forward. “You know, ‘fuck off’ isn’t what you said to me the last time we were alone together,” he whispered in mocking. “It was more like, ‘Fuck me, Jeno. Ooh. Ahh. Fuck me.’”
You flushed with embarrassment and your heart dropped into your stomach. You didn’t need to be reminded of the ridiculous shit his dick made you say that night.
To your relief, Mr. Kim spoke like he didn’t hear the filth rolling off Jeno’s tongue, “You’ve both got an hour in here. No talking. No running about. Just sit and contemplate your bad decisions.”
You and Jeno fixed him with equally blank stares.
“But since I know you won’t, just study or nap. Whatever. I don’t care.” Mr. Kim pointed his finger squarely at Jeno. “Just no funny business that could get me scolded by the principal. Do we understand each other?”
“Yes, sir,” you and Jeno said in sync.
Mr. Kim gave a nod and left, adding that he would be checking in every once and a while to ensure nothing scandalous occurred on his watch.
The moment the door closed, Jeno stood, flipped his chair around and straddled it. Overlapping his arms on the back, he said, “Never thought I’d see the valedictorian in detention.”
“You know why I’m in here,” you hissed, leaning back, trying not to let him get under your skin. Of all people, to be stuck with Jeno? This was an extra serving of penance you didn’t sign up for.
It’s not that you disliked him. Not entirely anyway. It’s just that Jeno had the ability of seeing right through you. You couldn’t fool him or sway him, like you could everyone else. Jeno had you completely mapped out after one night.
And what a night that had been.
Jeno chuckled. “I must say, watching you fuck Kylie up in the cafeteria was not on my bingo card for this semester, but it was a thrill. The judo-style throw to the ground was immaculate.”
He was tempted to add that you had permission to throw him like that any time you so desired.
You snorted, but said nothing. You didn’t feel guilty about fighting Kylie - the bitch had it coming the moment she crossed you - but fighting wouldn’t look good on your pristine record. And although you’d already landed a coveted spot at an Ivy League school plus a hefty scholarship, you were in no position to jeopardize either with your temper.
Jeno scooted his chair toward you noisily. “Why’d you fight?”
Folding your arms across your chest, you turned to finally look at him and snapped, “How many languages can you say ‘none of your business’ in?”
“Three. Now, come on.” Jeno whined your name. “We’ve got an hour in here together. Plus five extra minutes, in my case. Tell me why you leveled her.”
You clamped your lips shut.
Jeno was nothing but persistent. “Did she plagiarize your essay? Did she make fun of your clothes?” Jeno lowered his voice and asked, “Did she steal a certain boy from you?”
A bolt of anger went rushing through you like lightning. Whipping around to face him again, your eyes shone with emotions you went to great lengths to hide. “You know?”
Jeno nodded.
“Everyone knows. Don’t they?”
He nodded again, but this time, the mischief was gone from his face.
You hung your head. There was no way to adequately describe this feeling. You wanted to cry and would probably feel better if you did, but you dared not shed a single tear over a boy that didn’t love you.
The saddest part was you thought he could. It stung the most. Like getting bit and feeling the venom slowly poison you for days afterward until you finally succumbed. The bite itself was bad enough, but to languish in misery and pain? That was cruel.
Jeno got up from his chair and took the seat beside yours. He stretched his arm out on the table and propped his head in his hand, trying to search your face, but you were well-hidden behind your hair.
You didn’t say anything when Jeno tenderly tucked some of the strands behind your ear.
“Don’t lose sleep over Mark Lee.”
“I won’t,” you said roughly, lifting your chin high and forcing out the breath you’d been holding, along with the tears you successfully stifled.
Jeno smiled. Then, seeing you were no longer on the verge of crying, resumed his teasing. “I never thought someone like you would fight over a boy. It’s beneath you.”
Your lips parted in disbelief. “I wasn’t fighting over him,” you exclaimed. “I fought her because she disrespected me.”
You were telling the truth. The moment Mark betrayed you, your feelings for him evaporated into thin air. Jeno was right. You would never chase after a boy. The betrayal still stung though.
Jeno smirked and licked his lips. “Well, you definitely got your respect back, baby girl.”
You grimaced. “Don’t call me that.”
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but we hooked up last summer. Didn’t we?”
“That doesn’t mean you can slap a dumb pet name on me.”
“Not the only thing I slapped, if memory serves,” Jeno murmured darkly.
You swallowed the lump in your throat. The heavy smack of his hand landing on your naked ass echoed in your mind. The memory was still fresh, like it happened yesterday, and it made you press your thighs together.
That was what frustrated you most about Jeno - your body craved him, remembering how good he made you feel.
Satisfied by your reaction, Jeno sat up, slouching in the chair. He spread his long legs, his knee brushing against your thigh, but you didn’t move away. You didn’t want to give him an ounce of submission.
If you gave him an inch, he would turn it into a mile.
You sized him up. Jeno looked a little too good with long hair, dark like his eyes. The leather jacket fit him like a glove, as always - he never left home without it, and his jeans looked ripped from use and not that he bought them that way.
Jeno marched to the beat of his own drum. He didn’t give a shit what people thought about him, but they knew better than to voice any opinions either way. Jeno lived in detention for bending people into submission with force. He didn’t tolerate disrespect on his name.
Apparently, you had that in common.
It took you a moment to realize you were eyeing him. Who could blame you? His thick thighs in those jeans warranted at least an extra second or two of staring.
Jeno was enjoying it. He smirked. “Like what you see, baby?”
“You look good,” you said shamelessly. You had history together. You knew he liked to be complimented on his body and looks. And if you fucked someone, didn’t that give you license to flirt with them later?
“Thanks. So do you,” Jeno replied, eyes lingering on your cleavage.
You started to grin and quickly turned your head to hide it.
That didn’t matter. Jeno knew you were pleased. And he wanted to lewdly elaborate that you looked mouth-watering. With your pretty black skirt and v-neck tee. Your body was strong from volleyball, where you spiked the ball almost as hard as you socked Kylie in the face for stealing from you.
Rumor had it you crushed on Mark Lee for months and his oblivious self had no fucking idea where to buy a clue. You finally had the courage to make a move on him - as much as it killed you to be the one to initiate - but after one perfect date after another, you thought there was a future between you and Mark.
Which was dashed the moment Kylie flaunted the hickies on her neck and the bruises on her thighs Mark had left behind at a party.
Jeno frowned. Mark didn’t deserve you. You needed someone worthy that could match your fire and energy, not staunch it. Someone that would protect your heart and worship your body.
Kylie would have never been able to take Jeno away from you. He was as loyal as he was fearless. Any disrespect showed to you, was disrespect shown to him.
But… you weren’t his, Jeno remembered.
His mind wandered, back to the summer. Jeno could still smell the salt of the sea as it wafted on the breeze through the open windows. He could still hear how you moaned his name and sometimes, if he closed his eyes, he could still feel your fingernails dragging down his back as he fucked you in the backseat of his car.
Mr. Kim walked in then, whistling as he did. He saw Jeno’s new position beside you and the look of sheer annoyance on your face, and quirked a brow, but nothing else was amiss so he didn’t care. Jeno gave him a wave, you offered an awkward smile, and Mr. Kim returned to his office with a half-hearted warning to behave yourselves.
As Mr. Kim’s footsteps echoed further down the hall, Jeno slid his chair closer to yours, but this time, he crowded your back.
You felt the heat of him first and you shivered when the scent of him really hit you. His cologne was something earthy and clean, but curiously, he smelled like strawberries, which caught you off-guard. That was when you noticed he was chewing gum.
Jeno blew a bubble that burst with a loud pop.
“Mmhm. Want some?”
“No thanks.”
Jeno raked his eyes up and down your body. He so badly wanted a taste of you, no matter how small it was. If you only knew he would do anything you asked of him for a kiss.
He closed the rest of the distance between you, which wasn’t much, and brushed your hair to the side slowly, leaving your neck exposed for him to begin trailing soft kisses up the column of your throat.
“Jeno...,” you said, your tone full of warning, but you didn’t tell him to stop.
Jeno slipped an arm around your waist like a snare, shifting you toward him. He was logging away every second that you didn’t push him away. “Hm?”
“If you get me in trouble,” you mumbled, but your actions betrayed your words. You tipped your head back, giving him even more access to your neck, and you reached behind to slip your fingers into his long hair. You’d been wanting to run your hands through it since you laid eyes on him.
Damn it. Why does he have to feel so good?
Jeno chuckled darkly. You were falling apart in his arms, just like you did last summer. He kissed and suckled the sensitive spot beneath your ear, and tightened his grip around you until your shoulders were flush against his chest.
There was definitely a connection. Jeno’s heart didn’t race when he saw other girls, even the ones he’d hooked up with, but any time he caught a glimpse of you, his heart went wild, taking his pulse with it.
You hummed, eyes fluttering closed. His kisses grew louder and wetter, nibbling aggressively beneath your jaw. He was turning you into mush. You could feel yourself getting weaker, running your hands over those burly arms, imagining them around your naked waist as he drilled you from behind.
In an instant, you were back in his car, feeling it rock underneath you with Jeno’s rough movements. He filled you so deeply - so completely. You felt a pleasure and release more than you’d ever known before.
Jeno was the best sex of your life; a crown no other boy had come even remotely close to taking from him.
You remembered where you were (which was not the backseat of his car, unfortunately) and why you were there in the first place (because of a stupid boy that broke your heart), and you unwound Jeno’s arms from your waist and shook free of him.
Jeno studied you, cocking his head coyly. His eyes, though clouded with lust, were also twinkling with affection. Like you were the prettiest thing he’d ever seen.
“We can’t,” you said weakly.
Jeno purred your name. “You can kiss me. There’s no one here, but you and me. Just you and me.”
You wavered. He had never looked so kissable than at that moment.
What the hell was this emotion sitting heavily on your chest? Had you missed Jeno? You would never voice that though. You were no fool.
Jeno reached for your waist slowly, giving you every chance to draw away from him or bat at his hands, but you didn’t. He steered you toward him again, this time face to face, and whispered, “I’ve missed you.”
That makes two of us, after all.
“I’ve been here the whole time,” you told him, a little stern, your expression sour. “You could have asked me out.”
“Pfft.” Jeno scoffed dramatically. “Yeah, the deadbeat and the valedictorian. Very Beauty and the Beast of us. What would your friends say?”
You’d never seen him so bitter. It almost knocked you back. “You think my friends have any say over who I date?”
“Yes, because that’s why you wanted Mark as bad as you did.”
You bristled. Did he really think that little of you? Or was that jealousy talking?
Jeno kept going, pretending to swoon. “Perfect Mark Lee. Top athlete. Class president. Headed to an Ivy League, like you. Rich parents. He’s the whole pretty package.”
“I liked Mark because he was kind. Not because of what he had,” you said in a small voice.
“Sure, babe.” Jeno rolled his eyes.
Your first instinct was to get annoyed, maybe even offended, but instead, you saw right through him. As Jeno shifted away from you, you moved closer to him and asked, “Do you wanna know why I slept with you last summer?”
“Because you were horny?”
“Because you asked me to dance with you.”
Jeno paused.
You chuckled fondly to yourself, thinking back to that night. You and Jeno never crossed paths at school, but fate must have been at play then.
“I was so tired and burnt out and stressing over every goddamn thing in my life that I had to get right, and I was wondering what the hell I would do if I failed. If I screwed everything up and let everyone down. My whole family is counting on me to make something of myself.”
Jeno listened, looking at you a little differently.
You smiled as you said, “You approached me at that party. You made me laugh. You got me to dance for the first time in years. I used to love dancing. You made me forget how fucking exhausted I was for a night.”
A grin spread itself across Jeno’s lips. “And exhausted you in other ways.”
You nodded, fighting a laugh.
Jeno reached for your face, stroking his thumb over your cheek, and whispered, “Aren’t you just full of surprises, baby girl?”
This time, you didn’t correct him on the pet name. It was starting to grow on you. You bit your lip, wishing you had the courage to admit just how badly you wanted him to touch you.
Jeno confidently pulled you into his arms again, reading your mind, and brushed his lips over your cheek before kissing the corner of your mouth. You made the softest sound, like this one gentle kiss had completely ruined what was left of your resolve.
Sound beyond the door made you part from each other, sitting rigidly in your chair to avert suspicion. Mr. Kim peeked his head in, asked if either of you needed to use the bathroom, and when you both declined, he left again.
The door closed and Jeno reached for your hand. You let him, watching curiously as he surveyed the bruises on your knuckles. There were a few jagged cuts of broken skin that the nurse disinfected after the fight. She said they would heal faster in the open air, but you could bandage them later if you felt it necessary.
Jeno pressed a kiss to your bruised knuckle, then the other, carefully avoiding the cuts. It turned him on; you being strong and vicious, so hell-bent on punishing disrespect shown toward you. You had that in common with him.
It was sick and twisted, Jeno was well aware, but that was part of what made it even more attractive and arousing to him. Kylie stole Mark, not because she wanted him for herself (she wasn’t the least bit interested in him, much to Mark’s shock when he realized he lost two girls in one night with one fuck), but because she wanted to take something away from you that you really wanted.
You sucked in a breath when Jeno’s lips and tongue drifted to your wrist. He really was determined to seduce you and you were getting closer and closer to surrender. You glanced at the clock. Detention was half over now. He was running out of time.
Between kisses, Jeno said, “I don’t think Mark would know what to do with you if you had him.”
Your brows stitched in confusion.
Jeno glanced up, fire flickering in his eyes. “You’re way too powerful for him.”
That made something inside you snap. In the next second, you crashed into Jeno, locking your lips to his in a kiss that put the others to shame.
Jeno was ready to catch you, getting his arms around your waist and lifting you into the air like you weighed nothing. You held his head in your hands, tangling your fingers in his long hair, and made a noise when he set you down on the table, popping your legs around his hips where they belonged.
This boy was yours. There was no doubt in your mind. The way he kissed you and the way he held you to him, there was nothing on this earth he wouldn’t do for you. To have you.
You slipped your tongue into his mouth and Jeno kneaded your hips, his hands rough as he roamed them over your body. There was a catch in your breath when his fingers slipped under your shirt, desperate to touch your bare skin.
“Fuck,” Jeno groaned between kisses, his jeans getting too tight. He settled his hands on your thighs to anchor himself to you and thrust his growing bulge against your clothed sex, feeling your warmth.
You lost track of time. And everything else. Fuck it all. There was only you and Jeno, just like he said, kissing and touching. Reckless and hungry, one for the other.
The sound of the door sent adrenaline prickling through every inch of you, but you were too drunk on his kisses to give any thought to self-preservation. Jeno reacted much faster than you did, dragging you off the table and clumsily to your feet. You managed to throw yourself into the nearest chair while Jeno - for whatever stupid reason had popped into his head - dove under the table.
Mr. Kim poked his head inside and upon seeing only one of two criminals, came marching in. “Where is Mr. Lee?” he exclaimed.
You smoothed your hair back, desperately trying to catch your breath and get just the tiniest bit of composure. Mr. Kim would raise hell if he knew you’d been making out when you were supposed to be dying of boredom.
“He, uh,” you stammered. Fuck! “He went to the bathroom.”
Mr. Kim narrowed his eyes. He was not convinced.
Your eyes, on the other hand, widened.
Jeno’s hands were running up your bare thighs, pushing up your skirt.
“Are you sure?” Mr. Kim pressed.
No. He’s between my legs. Your heart was racing out of control. Your lungs were going to combust. Jeno’s hands were on your hips and his head was between your knees. You could feel his warm breath on your inner thighs.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. “Positive, Mr. Kim. He’ll be right back,” you said hurriedly.
Jeno lifted your skirt a little higher, knowing you were hidden from the waist down by the table, and smirked at the sight of your pink panties. And buried his face in your clothed pussy.
“Fuck,” you squeaked out in a high-pitched whimper.
“Language,” Mr. Kim chided once again. “Tell Mr. Lee he now has to stay an additional ten minutes for taking a stroll!”
You threaded your fingers into Jeno’s hair, trying frantically to slow him down, but he was kissing your sex with the same passion and intensity as he’d kissed your lips - like he was trying to make you scream. And you weren’t far from that.
Nodding rapidly, you said, “Yes, Mr. Kim. I’ll tell him. I promise.”
Suspicion was clearly written all over Mr. Kim’s face, but you knew Jeno giving you head underneath the table was not on the list of possibilities going through his mind. Thank god.
Jeno kept a punishing grip on your hips, kissing and tonguing at your folds, tasting your arousal despite the panties in his way. He couldn’t wait to peel them off and make you beg.
When the door closed, sending a loud slam echoing through the library, Jeno quickly slipped out from between your legs, knowing exactly the reaction he was going to get.
You reached under the table, swatting at his head as best you could. “Fuck you, Jeno,” you yelled. “Fuck you!”
“You will in a minute,” Jeno retorted, grabbing your knees and spreading you apart for him again.
You fell back against the chair, gasping at how he manhandled you. “Oh shit,” you moaned as he yanked your panties to the side and dived back in.
Jeno steered your legs onto his shoulders and found your clit with his tongue. He soon grew frustrated with your underwear, which seemed to be intentionally trying to block his way. Winding his hands through them, Jeno tugged sharply, ripping your panties with ease and letting them fall to the floor.
“Not fair,” you whined, pulling on his hair in retaliation and earning yourself a moan that made your toes curl.
Jeno kissed the inside of your thigh and said, “All’s fair in love and war.”
At first, you kept your eyes worriedly on the doors, but soon, your eyes were winched closed, your head tipped back. You writhed on the chair, arching and squirming, because it had been a while since someone ate you out, but mostly because Jeno was kissing your cunt like a man starved.
Jeno slipped his tongue into your hole and lapped at your slick. He was a lucky bastard to be burying his face in your pretty pussy. You weren’t exactly an easy girl to bag. Boys were lining up around the building to fuck you, but only Jeno had scored last summer. You’d told him as much.
Had you been saving yourself for Mark since then? It would seem so, given how sensitive you were to Jeno’s mouth. He was going to unravel you in no time.
You bounced into his face, covering your mouth to muffle your sounds, your other hand cupping his head. Jeno reached under your shirt, under your bra, and palmed your breasts, which were shuddering with the rest of your body. He kneaded them and pinched your nipples, teasing his fingers around the nubs until he felt them stiffen.
Jeno shook his head between your legs, your thighs clamped tightly on him. Your pussy was fucking addictive. He knew he should stop - that he needed to stop - but he just couldn’t. He wanted to suck every drop out of you until one of you passed out from exhaustion. Or orgasm. Whichever came first, because Jeno was so hard in his jeans there was a strong chance he was going to come untouched in his pants.
“I’m coming,” you cried out, your lashes fluttering as he played with your nipples and your clit. Your mouth was dry from panting. “Jeno… Jeno, please!”
Fuck, he loved how you said his name and how you begged for him, on the cusp of euphoria. But Jeno made a disapproving sound and gave one last kiss to your perfect pussy.
Your eyes went wide, just like they had when he first started, as you watched Jeno come out from beneath the table. “What are you doing?”
“Hm?” He played clueless, much to your annoyance, and he nonchalantly swiped your ripped panties off the floor and tucked them into his back pocket.
“Why are you stopping?!” You sounded desperate, because you were. Climax had been right there, close enough to taste. You were experiencing the most powerful tunnel vision of your life, thinking only of how you could get him between your legs again to finish what he started.
Jeno came to stand over you. He sure did enjoy watching you lose your mind. He cocked his head for the millionth time that afternoon and just smirked down at you. “Who have you fucked since me?”
“No one.”
“Should I believe that?”
He did believe it actually. Jeno just liked toying with you. And with how badly fucked out you were already, the edge of your orgasm slipping away with every passing second, you weren’t exactly in good shape to lie to him.
His hesitation infuriated you, as it should. Was he implying you’d been whoring around? You got up, shoving him away from you, and whined, “You bastard, I hate you!”
Jeno grabbed you and stole a kiss in the time it took you to blink, before you could even react. But it didn’t matter. You folded into him like you had not a shred of self-respect left to your name, like he was the only thing you wanted.
“Fuck me like you hate me then,” Jeno growled, watching you expectedly. You were still reeling from the kiss. “If you wanna come, baby, you gotta do it on my dick.”
He made you crazy. You didn’t know whether to suck him dry or slap the shit out of him. He would enjoy both. You glanced down, seeing the hard bulge in his jeans, your mind filling with memories of that big cock and what it could do to you.
Jeno raised a brow. “How about it?”
You scowled. He truly was annoying as all hell in addition to being stupidly good-looking.
Jeno watched as you turned away from him, reaching for your bag and rifling through it hurriedly. And he chuckled darkly when you pulled out a condom packet and slapped it into his hand. Sex Ed gave them out by the bucket full, after all.
Delight filled Jeno’s face. “Always full of surprises.”
You squeaked when Jeno took you by the hand and started rushing toward the back of the library, dragging you behind him. You struggled to keep up with his long strides, but you couldn’t stop giggling. The excitement in your chest threatened to burst you at the seams.
It should have been a crime to be this aroused by someone. The chemistry between you and Jeno was off the charts; highly destructive and flammable, consuming everything in its path.
Including both of you, together, engulfed in flames of your own design that burned hotter in your midst.
Tucked away in a nook behind rows and rows of old books, where the blinds were shut on the windows and the soft lights overhead gave a warm yellow hue, Jeno spun you around in his arms and sealed his lips to yours.
It was a passionate, almost rough collision of teeth and tongues, like two cars racing toward each other at breakneck speed. The kind of kissing reserved between two people desperate to bring one another to ecstasy.
You whimpered into Jeno’s mouth when he shoved you against the wall, forcing his hips between your thighs to rub his clothed cock against your sex. Jeno could feel the wet heat of you and thrust his bulge on your folds, hungry for friction. His tongue slipped between your lips just as his fingers prodded at your entrance.
A pitiful sound escaped you. Two long thick digits curled into your pussy, finding that spot inside you without hesitation and stroking, crooking, making your hips rock into his hand.
You wrapped your arms around Jeno’s neck and broke from his kisses to stare into his eyes. His pretty irises were almost gone, dilated to black. He was so turned on he couldn’t see straight and you weren’t faring much better.
“I thought I could only come on your dick?” you stuttered, his fingers thrusting faster into your cunt.
Jeno nodded and nipped at your lips. “Just kiss me and let me prep you, yeah?”
You did, kissing him hungrily. Every now and then, you moaned or cried into his mouth, those fingers hitting you just right, but you wanted that cock and so you kept reaching down to palm at him.
Little by little, you got his leather jacket and his shirt in a pile on the ground, letting you brush your fingers over his nipples and the sharp lines of his abs. Then, you unfastened his jeans, but couldn’t get them past his muscly thighs at this angle. Not that you cared. You were fisting his cock, pumping it with the same speed he fucked you with his fingers.
Jeno panted and moaned in the crook of your neck. “Shit,” he snapped, finally breaking.
He spun you around, pinning you to the wall, but drew you toward him by the hips harshly. You tried to find purchase on the wall while Jeno tore open the packet and rolled the condom down his length, his cock so stiff it twitched with need at the sight of your glistening pussy. You wiggled impatiently, shifting your weight as you readied yourself for the stretch, glancing over your shoulder to salivate over that big dick.
You bit your lip as he steered the head of his cock to your folds, arching your back, bracing your hands on the wall. Jeno curled an arm around your waist, pressing his palm into the lowest part of your stomach and drove in deep, pulling out of you to thrust back in, a little deeper each time.
Sucking in a breath, you were about to moan at the top of your lungs, but a hand swiftly clamped over your mouth. You cried out Jeno’s name, muffled against his palm, and rocked back with his movements, trying to take more of him. All of him.
“Open up for me, baby,” Jeno whispered into the sore sensitive flesh of your neck, where he kept biting because he needed an outlet for just how good the hot vice of your cunt felt around his cock. “Tight fucking pussy.” Jeno groaned, sneaking a hand under your shirt to hold onto one of your breasts.
Tears pricked at your eyes. Jeno was dancing on the line of pleasure and pain. His cock was so hard and thick, bottoming out and making you see stars. You held onto his arms, shivering at how your walls burned and stretched to accommodate him, already screaming for more.
Jeno’s hand fell from your mouth to wrap around your neck possessively. You moaned softly. He was being surprisingly gentle, though you knew him as the opposite. It was very telling how tightly Jeno held you against him, how slowly he dragged his cock back and forth inside you.
But once Jeno was satisfied you could handle him, his pace started to build until he smacked his hips into your ass, your soft flesh heating up beneath his hands as he brought you down to meet his thrusts, slamming that cock into your sweet spot.
“Like that, baby,” you begged, desperately trying to keep yourself in place to get every inch of him. “I can take it.”
I know you can. Jeno brushed his parted lips up your neck and kissed your jaw. He’d give you anything you wanted if you kept begging for him. He stuffed you full of his dick a little harder and hissed, “You’re so fucking good. So wet for me.”
You bounced your hips, matching his rhythm. It annoyed you; the two of you could have been fucking each other’s brains out this whole time had you not been cowards last summer.
Jeno glanced down, watching you throw it back on him, and grabbed the nape of your neck, pinning you to the wall.
“Jeno… fuck!” You gasped as he fucked you hard and fast. You winched your eyes shut and squirmed, but you were nothing compared to his strength.
Jeno shoved himself balls deep in your cunt and stilled, groaning with pleasure. Before you could catch your breath, he pulled out of you, making your arousal slip down the inside of your thighs and flipped you around to face him impatiently. He smashed his lips on yours just as you opened your mouth to complain and lowered you to the floor underneath him, sucking on your tongue and thrusting his cock back inside you. You spread your legs and drew him into you by the hips, watching Jeno hook your knees in his arms.
“This is mine,” Jeno said, his voice raspy and dangerous. Both of your mouths were open, lips brushing, panting for breath.
“Yours,” you said without missing a beat, drifting your hands down his back to his ass. “Whenever you want it, it’s yours, baby.”
Jeno rewarded that with a kiss and a hard thrust of his hips.
The desperation took over both of you. There was only you and Jeno chasing the high, stealing pleasure from each other’s bodies as hard as you could. Jeno crushed you into the floor with his weight, his hand tangled in your hair, the other covering your mouth, because you couldn’t keep quiet. He was so rough, starved for you, and all of the unspoken, unresolved feelings between you coupled with him taking you for all you were worth made you break.
The orgasm began like waves between your thighs. Your body went tight, your back arching like you had no control over it anymore, and you screamed into Jeno’s palm as your walls pulsed and squeezed his cock.
Jeno felt you unraveling and swore, his hips stuttering at your pussy sucking him in. He hurriedly got ahold of your hands, pinning them to your sides, and thrust in as deep as he could go, emptying his load into the condom.
You blinked to clear your vision, watching Jeno close his eyes and moan, shaking with his own pleasure. Hooking your legs through his, you grinded into him, milking his orgasm, smirking at the total euphoric daze on his handsome face.
Jeno finally lowered his head, meeting your eyes, and you both chuckled at the same time. You smiled when he didn’t hesitate to kiss you, his cock still buried inside you, his hands still pinning you to the ground.
“Any boy you fuck that doesn’t deserve you…,” Jeno whispered, his breath hot on your lips. “I will kill him.”
You wilted. It shouldn’t have aroused you, but it did. You felt your body tighten on him one last time for it. “If you want me so bad, why don’t you ask to keep me?”
“Would you say yes?”
“Ask me and find out.”
Jeno lost himself in your eyes, staring, burning. He inevitably surrendered, hands falling away from your body, soft cock slipping out of your core.
You watched him rise to his feet and peel off the condom, and you sat up, adjusting your clothes as he threw it away. “Don’t tell me the guy who doesn’t give a fuck is scared of rejection like the rest of us,” you taunted, wanting to goad him, because you wanted a reaction.
You needed a sign that he was capable of loving you.
“Fuck off,” Jeno snapped, zipping up his jeans.
You took that in stride and stood, sucking in a sharp breath at the soreness between your thighs. “‘Fuck off’ isn’t want you said to me last time,” you retorted, using his own words against him. “It was more like, ‘Please, baby girl. Please let me fuck you. I’m the only one good at it.’”
Jeno wanted to laugh at your impression of his voice, but he was too busy deflecting. He fished his jacket off the floor and clocked you a glance. “Am I?”
You rolled your eyes. “You are so fucking obnoxious.”
“We have that in common. Among other things.”
You snorted. Why he couldn’t just talk to you after you’d had sex was a mystery. How could he be so intimate with you one way, but not the other?
Jeno saw the sadness forming on your face and he reached for your hips, bringing you flush against him. You smiled in pleasant surprise, content to be in his arms again, and closed your eyes when he graced a quick kiss on your lips.
For a moment, Jeno studied you, like he was committing you to memory. Jeno anticipated this would be the last time he would ever hold you or touch you again.
“Maybe I don’t deserve you either,” he whispered bitterly.
You frowned. Your whole body tensed with it. “Then… no one does.”
Jeno’s eyes widened. You would be the first and only person to have ever found any worth in him. Jeno wasn’t ready to accept that yet. It was such an utterly foreign feeling to him.
You said, “No one deserves anyone, Jeno. It’s about effort. Do you feel something for me or not?”
“Do you feel something for me?” he shot back, his heart on the line.
You forced out a tiny laugh and worked your hands up to his face, cradling his cheeks. “This is how the night ended between us last time. We’re both too scared to do anything with this.”
Jeno bobbed his head. “Yeah.”
You sighed. Mark was supposed to be safe. That was why you really wanted him. He was kind. He was reliable. He was cautious.
But he crumbled at the first gust of wind.
You looked at Jeno. He was passion and fire, made of steel. Much like you. He kissed your wounds. He would destroy anyone that tried to hurt you.
Nothing would break Jeno. Loving him would be risky, you knew that, but you accepted it, because in his arms would be the safest place in the world.
The two of you resigned yourselves to this little stalemate, though the tension dissipated. Both you and Jeno knew there was something worth fighting for between you.
Jeno held you by the hand, mindful of your wobbly steps as you returned with him to the tables. To your relief, Mr. Kim was nowhere to be seen.
He appeared five minutes later, announcing the hour of detention was over, but Jeno had to stay an extra fifteen minutes. You gave your lover a smirk of amusement as you gathered your things.
You told Jeno and Mr. Kim goodbye, the latter already out the door, but Jeno grabbed your wrist as you began to leave.
“How long did you get detention for fucking up that bitch?”
“A week,” you replied calmly.
Jeno laced his fingers through yours, bringing your battered knuckles to his lips to kiss. “Hm. I guess tomorrow I need to get myself sent here again.”
You chuckled with a shake of your head.
“And the day after that. And the day after that too.”
“I’m sure you will,” you purred, taking your hand back and grabbing him by the chin, stealing one final kiss.
Jeno grinned as you walked away and propped his feet on the table, overlapping his hands behind his head like he was sitting on a beach somewhere.
By the last day, he would find enough courage to ask to keep you.
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tending-the-hearth · 1 year
everything i loved about "the little mermaid" live action
Ariel's melody being her siren song!! that little new bit of lore!! i also really liked that it added more depth as to why Ursula wanted her voice in exchange for her becoming human
the way Ariel became almost angry during the bridge of "Part of Your World", she was so frustrated that she couldn't do the things she was dreaming about, like YES let her be mad!!
full body chills during "Part of Your World" + the first reprise
Ariel helping Max onto the boat 😭😭😭
I've mentioned this before, but Ariel hearing Eric's voice before seeing him!!! hearing him sing before seeing him!!! agh!!!!
Eric holding Ariel's hand on the shore after she rescues him 😭
the detail put into each of Ariel's sisters was so stunning, i'm so excited to read more about them in the books! i loved that they each had their own specific vibe
"For the First Time" being a voice over, as Ariel's thoughts, and then the scene shifting to complete darkness except for her to represent us being in her head and hearing her thoughts, and the way it gets cut off when she realizes she can't say "hello" to Eric? i cried
The Jodi Benson cameo and her giving Halle!Ariel the fork 😭 literally her passing on the mantel of Ariel 😭😭
Eric and Ariel being total nerds with each other??
The way Ariel "told" Eric her name using the constellations???? and him saying it was written in the stars???? hello????
Also Eric saying "my little mermaid" made me so soft wtf
Eric and Ariel running around and giggling in the castle and being the definition of puppy love like they're so goofy and in love i adore them
the "Part of Your World" reprise after Ariel sees Eric with Vanessa shattered my heart, the MOST heartbreaking song
Grimsby kicking the ring away after it falls near him, my man knew exactly what was going on, he's known Ariel for three days and is already a ride or die
just Ariel and Eric holding each other so tightly after she gets her voice back, and Eric refusing to let her go until Ursula literally has to throw him away
i like that they added a chunk of time passing between Ursula's death and Eric and Ariel reuniting, it added a little extra drama and emotion when they finally saw each other again!
listen i'm an absolute sucker for a "hug before kiss" reunion and i was SO happy that Eric and Ariel had that, it fit them and their relationship perfectly, the way Eric just clung to her, and Ariel's happy smile as she hugged him back 😭
The mermaid statue and the dress representing the land vs. the sea???? and both returning back to where they're supposed to be but having new meanings????
Ariel's wedding dress being pink to (probably) pay homage to her pink ballgown in the animated movie was such a good touch, and i loved the length!!
Triton and Ariel's goodbye, where he says "you shouldn't have had to give up your voice for me to hear you"???? hello my father issues jumped tf out and had me sobbing in the theater
literally the entire movie was so beautiful, i could talk about it for hours, this is the best live action remake honestly, and Eric and Ariel (specifically the live action version obvi) have moved up to become my favorite Disney Princess/Prince pairing, just behind Belle and Adam (bc let's be honest, nothing can top them)
@queen-with-the-quill bc i know you're seeing it soon! more things i forgot to tell you lol
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hannigramislife · 3 months
Saw your thoughts on dazai ships and wanted to hear about your take on akutagawa ships.
Entrapta voice: You're asking me about my theories?? I've waited years for someone to ask me about my theories!
Hello friend! Thanks for the ask! I love talking about Akutagawa, he is my heart and soul, so this will be fun! I will take the chance to also thank you about your interaction with my posts, it makes my day ^^
Now, let's get into it!
Shin Soukoku (Akutagawa/Atsushi) - This is everything to me. Absolutely everything. They're in love. They're soulmates. They were created by the same ring of laughter. An angel lost its wings and they both fell in Yokohama, waiting to be reunited. Sskk is the definition of "whatever souls are made of, his and mine were the same." I cannot accurately describe how happy they make me. I can't even give a coherent and objective reasoning as to why they're the best ship ever, they just are. "Just the two of us? / Do we need any more?" WHY ARE YOU RECITING YOUR WEDDING VOWS NOW, GOD–! Anyways. 1 billion/10.
Chuuaku (Chuuya/Akutagawa) - Similarly to my other post, I don't get people who have a problem with this ship. It's cute, it's beautiful, it makes me happy. I talked to my friend about this issue once; like, why is multishipping not a thing in this fandom?? Maybe I want to jump around dynamics??? Can skk give me friends to lovers?? No?? Great, Kunizai it is. Like, why can't we let people ship other shit than skk and sskk?? Anyways, Chuuya and Akutagawa care for each other, there is mutual respect, they would be a great comfort to one another. I say valid, 10/10 ship.
AkuHigu (Akutagawa/Higuchi) - I love, love, love this ship. Love them. They're so cute?? Like, I'm a die-hard sskk fan until I die, but I would LOVE to see more of this ship. The scene where Higuchi goes to save him?? Where Akutagawa gains consciousness and the first thing he does, before he can properly gather his senses, is apologize to Higuchi?? Also, the whole episode where she's stalking Gin because she thinks she's dating Akutagawa?? Their interactions in Wan?? I actually fucking love them. Every time the focus is on them, I feel like I'm watching a shoujo anime. Higuchi makes me think that Akutagawa would be a romantic. I need more of theeeeeem. Literally they're born to shoujo and forced to shounen. 10/10.
Dazaku (Dazai/Akutagawa) - Since I expressed my frustration with the fandom regarding this in the Dazai ships post, I will focus on my opinions about this ship. Honestly, it makes me feel kinda awkward? When I think of them in a romantic manner? Feels just a little bit like missing a step. However, it's an interpretation I would be open to if I could be convinced that Dazai actually, you know, likes Akutagawa? Like, you know that one scene in Lady Bird that's like "I wish you liked me / You know I love you / But do you like me?" That's how I feel the dynamic is between these two. Yes, Dazai is hoping Atsushi will be good for Akutagawa, and yes, he is happy Akutagawa stopped killing, and God knows what his plans are for the future – but do you like me? Valid ship context wise, neutral territory, I just need a little more from Dazai before I can make a final ruling.
TaniAku (Tanizaki/Akutagawa) - LISTEN GUYS. LISTEN. I BLAME BEAST FOR THIS, BUT THESE TWO ARE SO, SO, SO IMPORTANT TO MEEEE. I unironically love them. I don't care that Beast is the only canon I have to work with for this ship; it's so good. Like, the way Beast Tanizaki understood Akutagawa?? The way he supported his revenge mission from the get go?? The way he stormed the Mafia HQs and fucking held an assassin hostage just so he could help Akutagawa?? Ride or die. That bitch. I would actually die if I saw them interact in canon. Like, that's your bestie in another life. 100/10. I need them. It is a need.
TachiAku (Tachihara/Akutagawa) - I have no serious thoughts about this, to be honest. I think it would be lowkey hilarious. I haven't had nearly enough interactions between them for me to get attached to this ship in any way. Plus, now that we know more about Tachihara's...real self, I would love to see more of these two! I am going to allow this ship, and hope to see these two at least fight by each other's side in the future!
I think that's it for the most popular ones, please let me know if I forgot any ships!
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kurishiri · 2 months
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n.5 . . . “ in the medical records reflect a hidden love ”
— this translation may not be 100% accurate or may contain creative liberties for characterization or narrative flow purposes. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost or claim these as your own!
— cw: crown being crown, a little mention of blood.
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Kate: Roger, there’s trouble…
Roger: What’s wrong, you got a case of diarrhea or something?
Kate: Wh— I don’t!
Roger: Haha, sorry, it was a joke. So, what actually happened?
Kate: It’s Liam...
We headed to the laboratory, where I saw Liam, one of his arms dangling and swaying at his side with no support.
Roger: I’m pretty sure you weren’t scheduled for a mission, so how’d this happen?
R: And Al, weren’t you in my room just a couple hours ago? What happened between then and now?
Alfons: After I left, I accompanied Liam on a most amusing outing to satisfy his curiosity.
Kate: Apparently they were doing a game where they ran on top of moving trains...
Roger: You guys’ll get caught for this stuff sooner or later.
Liam: ...I’m really sorry for causing you trouble like this, Roger. But, can you... fix this?
Roger: Ahh... this one might be beyond my scope.
R: Worst case, it might never heal again...
Kate: N-no way...
Roger: ...is what I would say, if it wasn’t just joint dislocation. That’s all it is, so here, take a breath. I’ll put it back in place for you... one, two, three—
Liam: Whoa!
L: Ah, it’s back to normal!
Alfons: Yaaayy, cue an applause from me here.
Kate: Oh, thank goodness, Liam! And thank you so much, Roger.
Roger: Jeez, all that ruckus and it was just a dislocation—
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Victor: Roger, there’s an emergency!
Harrison: Hey—let go, you damn geezer!
Roger: What is it this time?
Victor: Harrison stuffed his cheeks with the scones I had just finished baking, so he burned his mouth!
V: See, look, it’s already red here, the poor thing!
Harrison: ...It’s nothing worth going to Roger for. I’ll just put some ice on it or something.
Kate: Uhm, then what about Lord Elbert?
Victor: Elbert has a case of dry eyes, it seems. See here, it’s a little red!
Elbert: ...??
Harrison: You’re so overprotective.
Roger: Now hold up guys, just who do you take me for?
Ellis: Hey, Roger. Wah, it’s packed here.
Roger: What’s up, Ellis. Don’t tell me Jude got himself stabbed again by someone who hates him—
Ellis: Ah, sorry, this time it’s me.
Kate: Ah, Ellis, there’s blood on your arm!
Ellis: Don’t worry, Kate, I’m fine. We’ve already stopped the bleeding, and the wound isn’t deep anyhow.
Jude: It’s ‘cause yer so big n’ ya got distracted.
Ellis: But, at that rate you really would have been stabbed at your side?
E: I can’t have you die now, Jude.
Jude: Ya always yappin’ ‘bout that, give my ears a break already.
William: Hello there, Roger.
Roger: Will... don’t tell me even you got hurt somewhere too?
Liam: I think it’s just he heard all of us talking and came to see what was going on, right?
William: Hehe... yes, that’s right. I was quite drawn to the voices here. It seems you all were having fun.
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Letting these troublemakers say what they want and do as they please, it was so noisy I could hardly bear it.
But, that was a scene I was almost painfully familiar with as well.
(...Yeah, that’s right, this is just the “norm” for me.)
As long as the thing called Curses exist in this world, though, this “norm” will eventually break.
After all, those who bear a Curse are absolutely unable to escape their “tragic fate.”
But, if by any chance, I found a way we could escape from these fates.
If that happened——if their smiles don’t have to be stolen by their destined fates,
(I guess... I would be a little happy.)
“Just how long do you plan on continuing this?” Al’s question popped into my mind again.
Roger: Al, I’ve got an answer to that question you asked.
Alfons: .........
Roger: Until the day I see my ambition realized.
Alfons: So I see you are a difficult person as well. Alright then, do what you wish.
Seeing Al shrug his shoulders, I couldn’t help but think he hadn’t changed at all since he was a kid, and I ended up laughing at the thought.
Roger: Jeez, all you troublemakers line up in a single file now. I’ll examine you all.
Kate: I’ll help, Roger!
Roger: ......... [surprised]
R: Thanks, that’ll be a big help, Kate.
R: There are some bandages on that shelf over there—
Within the Cursed ones, there was a unique presence named Kate.
For just a moment, I thought that she might hold the power to break the Curses we bore.
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And I couldn’t help but wonder, why did I think something like that?
But whether such was the case would reveal itself in these fleeting moments that would pass us by from here on out.
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← prev fin. ecb story 🪞🍻
full masterlist 👑
END NOTES: thank you to everyone who read and supported the translation! this is quite an interesting story, where Roger gives us a snippet of multiple characters who have appeared in previous episodes of “the past records” plus Victor. I think Roger has always struck me as a sort of older brother type with an interesting sense of humor, and it’s really charming to be able to see that in action with so many of the other cast.
he may be a bit egotistical, but i really can feel that he has a soft spot for the other crown members, and treats them with respect — it was especially evident to me when he vowed to not touch elbie without explicit permission first when he knew he was adverse to doctors, and when he told jude to do what he wanted when he realized smoking was involved in his drive to live.
i hope this gives you a taste of roger — and others — when you go into his route!
p.s. there is an epilogue to this story, which i will eventually translate, but that actually takes place after kate and roger become lovers and it can sort of be treated like a separate story i feel. so, i will be translating the early bird bonus story, which features alfons and roger (..as children!) first, as i feel that fits with the timeline of this story a bit better, haha.
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aishangotome · 3 months
[Gilbert] Choose Your True Love: Part 3
Part 2
A scream filled with all the agony of the world shook the tense air.
Curious, I approached the window, but was immediately pulled away from behind by my waist.
Gilbert: You're quite curious, aren't you?
Emma: ...............
(...What was that...?)
I think I only saw it for a few seconds.
But in those few seconds, there was a scene that burned into my mind.
My body wouldn't stop shaking, and I felt sick.
Emma: What... what was that?
Emma: ...Blood...
Emma: The square... was bright red...
Gilbert: Ah, you saw it?
Gilbert: It's the Emperor's game... Obsidian's famous public execution.
Emma: Execution...?
Gilbert: His methods are messy. Even experienced cleaners get sick sometimes, so it's best you don't watch.
Emma: ...Ah...
Gilbert: There, there, you were scared.
Gilbert held me in his arms and stroked my hair as if soothing a child.
If I had seen that sight alone, I might have screamed.
(...People's heads... were lined up.)
(So many... like a spectacle.)
Emma: In this castle... Do people die so easily, every day?
Gilbert: Yes. Life is cheap, equal to a scrap of paper.
Gilbert: You're normal to think it's abnormal. It's better not to lose that sense.
Gilbert: If you become like me and see that and feel nothing, it's too late for you as a human.
Emma: ...............
(Assassinations, executions...)
(...It's a nightmare.)
If this isn't a dream but a reality of the past, then I understand why Gilbert, who was once a kind boy, had to become a trampling beast.
(This is... He couldn't have survived this without becoming a beast.)
I clung to his cold body, and Gilbert's fingertips tightened.
Gilbert: This is not a place for you to be.
Gilbert: I don't know what the future me was thinking when he brought you to Obsidian, but...
Gilbert: I want to kill the "me" who brought a pure you to this dirty place.
(His voice... He's serious.)
Roderich: Prince Gilbert.
Gilbert: Ah, thank you for your hard work. Have you secured the route?
Roderich: Yes. Since the execution is in progress, now is the time to go.
Gilbert: I see. ...Can you walk?
(...We're leaving this place.)
When I nodded, Gilbert let go of me.
Instead, he took my hand and pulled me gently, as if escorting me.
I stumbled, but managed to move my legs.
Behind me, the death throes were still rising.
Men and women alike--if there is a hell, this place might be it.
Gilbert: You look pale. ...Roderich, bring the medicine.
Roderich: Yes.
We left the castle through a deserted area and were led to one of Gilbert's hideouts in the city.
Thankfully, the hellish spectacle wasn't taking place in the city, but what I saw on the way here was different from what I knew.
(Everyone looked depressed and tired, there was no vitality, and the whole city was desolate.)
(...I like the Obsidian of the future, but the Obsidian of the past is very...)
Gilbert: Can you take the medicine?
Emma: ...What kind of medicine is it?
Gilbert: It's a medicine to calm your nerves.
(They have that kind of medicine on hand?)
I was handed a small vial while sitting on a chair.
Judging by the familiar, unique color, it might be something Walter had made.
Next to the vial was a drink that looked like it could be a palate cleanser. It was very thoughtful.
Emma: Thank you...
Gilbert: You're welcome. But be careful, it tastes awful.
(...I know, Gil.)
I accepted his kindness and poured the liquid from the vial down my throat in one gulp.
I masked the peculiar taste that made me feel even worse with the sweet juice.
Gilbert: Now, you said you came from the future, but you don't know how to solve the current situation.
Gilbert: Since we don't know, we need to investigate, and I'll take care of that.
Emma: Huh?
Gilbert: I'm going to have you evacuate to Jade until I find out more.
Gilbert: I'd really like to send you to Rhodolite, but...
Gilbert: The Bloodstained Rose Day, wasn't it? I think that war you were talking about will happen soon.
Emma: ...
Gilbert: I'll report back to you. So, with that said...
Gilbert: Take care, "Little Rabbit."
Gilbert stroked my hair and turned his back.
It seems he's going to return to the castle without resting.
Gilbert: Roderich, you don't have to come back for a while.
Roderich: Will you be alright on your own?
Gilbert: Who are you talking to?
Roderich: ...My apologies.
Gilbert: I'll make sure you get to Jade safely.
Gilbert: If you get even a single scratch, your head will be next, so be careful.
Emma: Wait... please.
I stood up from the chair and grabbed Gilbert's mantle.
Gilbert: What is it?
(Gilbert in the past has been so kind to me.)
(But I... haven't been able to thank him for anything.)
When I thought about what I could do now, the first thing I noticed were the dark circles under Gilbert's eyes.
(...Come to think of it, there were documents piled up in his room too.)
(Maybe he's taking over all the government affairs of the country instead of the Emperor, who neglects domestic affairs.)
In the future, Gilbert seemed to have his own time by training people and delegating tasks, but if that nightmare is happening every day, he might not even have that luxury now.
There's only one thing I can do for Gilbert, who is being targeted and working so hard.
Emma: Would you like to rest for a bit?
Gilbert: Do I look tired?
Emma: ...Yes.
Emma: You don't look "alright."
Gilbert: ...
Gilbert: I see. If you, who are sensitive to people's emotions, say so, then maybe I am?
Gilbert: ...That's a very tempting offer, but...
Gilbert put his hand over his mouth, paused as if in thought, and then lowered the corners of his eyebrows.
Gilbert: But... I'm sorry.
. Part 4 | YouTube SE in JP
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ughgoaway · 1 year
How do you think the parent-teacher conference would go?
okay yes I have been thinking about this since i originally thought of this au
(Also, quick psa- these are never proofread, so if they are incoherent/ littered with spelling errors...shhh)
I can see matty getting the email through about parents evening and just PRAYING it's with you. Annie has two teachers (bc fuck having a class of 30 kids on your own are you mad) and he thought it might be with the other one. who is fine, she's an older woman and is very lovely... she's just not you
little does he know behind the scenes you had to kind of fudge things to get him for parents evening, your deputy head teacher comes up one day and tells you the plan for parents evening this year, he explains youre only getting half the class. so rather than doing it with your co-teacher, you'd do half and she'd do half. of course, you immediately ask, "Oh... okay, can I see my list?"
you read it and feel your heart drop, Annie wasn't on there. and you swear it's not just because you want an excuse to sit across from matty for 20 mins... you also genuinely love Annie and would love to talk about her and her progress.
you catch the other teacher in the staff room and have a quick chat, "Mrs Richards, do you think we could go over the parent's evening lists? I was just wondering if there's any students that you don't have that you might like?"
"Oh yes dear, let's have a look," she says, grabbing your list, "Ah yes, if it's okay with you, I'd quite like to see Jason's mum and dad. After the paper aeroplane incident last week, I think I need to have a proper discussion with them"
you scream internally, thankful you won't have to have that conversation, and that you might be able to snag Annie, "Oh yes, that's fine with me! why don't we swap for say... Annie Healy?" You say trying to play it off and act like you didn't already have a child in mind when you started this conversation.
luckily, Mrs Richards is completely oblivious to your crush (that you insist is not a crush) and says, "Of course dear, consider it done. I'll send all the emails tonight"
cut to actual parents evening and you are wearing your favourite dress. well, favourite appropriate dress. it's nothing much, floral and flowy, but it just works, and you love it.
and you totally did not try on every combination of dresses and shoes that you own to find the perfect one. at 3am.
you definitely did not do that because that would be insane...
anyway, you just finished your appointment with Lucy's parents, and it all went well. You did have to have a discussion about her habit of punching her male peers in... certain places, but it went down surprisingly well.
you completely forget who your next appointment is until you stick your head out of the door and see matty standing with a cig in the corner. for a good few seconds, you just stand and stare, enamoured by the glow of the cigarette lighting up his features. and the way his cheeks hollow as he takes a drag.
matty finally spots you and waves, dropping his cig and crushing it before rushing to meet you. you take a deep breath and straighten up, trying not to die from nerves before this meeting.
"matty! hi! come in, come in, " you say, waving him in. Neither of you notice the receptionist raising her eyebrows at you, calling him matty. she makes a mental note to talk (tease) to you about it later.
he comes in and sits down, and for the first 10 mins, it's a completely normal meeting. You discuss how Annie is doing, how she's interacting with her peers, and what progress she is making.
obviously, googly eyes are being thrown both ways, but you are both beautifully oblivious.
but soon somehow, you both get completely off topic.
"you've never seen true romance! oh love, that wounds me, " matty says, holding a hand to his chest in faux hurt.
you giggle lightly at his reaction, brushing over the pet name so you don't have a mental breakdown over it in front of him.
"I know! I know! it's been on my list for years but I've never got around to it, is it one of your favourites?"
matty then of course goes on a 5 minute rant about how amazing the film is and what it means to him, "I mean I wrote one of our most popular songs about it, as soon as I wrote it at 18 I knew it would be such an important song. to me. to the band. even to our non-existent fans at the time. well, our one fan, my dad"
you smile at him just in awe of his passion for that band, "Oh yeah, robbers, right?" You say shyly, trying not to show the intensity of the stalking you did.
matty just stops and looks at you, his face a mix of cockiness and pure adoration, "Yeah yeah, you been listening to my band?" he teases and pokes at your arm. Soon, his hand slips down and lightly rests on yours as you speak.
you just nod dumbly because how can you focus on what he just said whilst he's practically holding your hand?? thankfully, you catch yourself reasonably quickly and realise just nodding is not the appropriate reaction to what he just said.
you don't know what comes over you, maybe it's his hand on yours, the soft look in his eyes or the gentle smile on his face but you decide to just be honest.
"Honestly?" You say, and matty nods softly, eyes flittering around your face (perhaps even down to your lips) , "I didn't know who you were before, but now? I am a little bit obsessed. I listened to you on the drive-in this morning, " you say whilst avoiding eye contact.
"No way," he says, laughing to himself. He squeezes your hand to encourage your eyes up, and you give in and make eye contact, "what's your favourite song? you've got to tell me that"
"well i-" Of course, before you can finish, there's a harsh knock on the door. you both jump and separate hastily as you spring up and get it.
before you can say anything, the person behind the door starts talking, "Hi, we're Jackson's parents, are you miss y/n? I thought our appointment was at 6. it's 10 past, and I'm kind of in a rush"
you start stuttering out apologies, and matty is already behind you preparing to leave. He quickly grabs your hand and squeezes it as he brushes past.
you squeeze his to grab his attention, "paris. my favourite song is paris", you let go and usher the other parents in. they squeeze past a frozen matty, just standing and gazing at you.
soon you are closing the door to mattys shocked face, giving him one last grin before clicking it shut.
(paris is not my fav song, but it's matty's, so we gotta have a bit of romance)
blurb masterlist here!!
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skipper1331 · 1 year
Comfort // Deyna Castellanos
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a/n: based off this request. I hope you like it!
"Hey…" Deyna whispered, you let your bags drop on the floor, eyes red and puffy. You looked at her and then you broke down. All the tears that you didn‘t spill at the airport were now streaming down your face twice as hard. "Baby…" she wrapped her arms around your small body, you were sobbing in her neck, shaking. It hurt her to see you like that. "I- I should‘ve done more"
Deyna guided you to the couch, your head resting in her lap while her hand played with your hair as she tried to calm you down. No words were exchanged. You couldn‘t talk anymore, you did it too much already. Deyna was just there, the comfort you needed. She was the only one who was allowed to see you so vulnerable. You cried until you fell asleep.
Deynas sitting position wasn‘t comfortable but she would never have dared to get up and wake you, not when you looked so hurt.
While you were sleeping, she thought of something that might or at least cheer you up a little.
"Deyna" you rasped out, her eyes finding yours "I love you"
"I love you too," she gave your forehead a kiss before you slowly sat up, still on her lap. "Kiss?" you smiled, shyly. The striker grinned, giving you a kiss. A kiss that held so many emotions.
"Take a shower, we‘re going out" Deyna told you, pressing multiple kisses over your face "where are we going?"
"For me to know, for you to find out"
Quickly, you took a shower and dressed yourself before you made your way back to the living room where your girl was. "you look nice" the striker commented on your (casual) outfit, smiling fondly at you. "Are you ready, my love?"
"Yeah, let’s go" you grabbed her hand, pulling her outside, stopping at the street "Um, where do we have to go?"
"Follow me" she pressed a kiss to your cheek, walking down the street.
The two of you talked about everything and nothing but the World Cup, not wanting the mood to change. The walk wasn‘t long, Deynas plan was to take you out to your favorite restaurant.
"Tada" your girlfriend stated with open arms to point at the restaurant. "My favorite restaurant?"
"Well, yes?" she looked at you confused, your face unreadable, "we can go somewhere else if you want to?"
"No, no! It‘s amazing, you‘re amazing"
You went inside, taking a seat at your usual table. You could see everything from the table, you could look outside or to the kitchen and could see every person in the restaurant. "Hi, how are you both? Long time no see!" Josh, the waiter said.
It's funny, whenever you guys had been here, Josh had always been your waiter. He was a super nice guy, attentive and friendly with a sense of humor. You enjoyed his company, he was not only your waiter but also became a friend and thought Manchester is blue (something you loved to hear) One day, you had invited him to the Derby and afterwards he cried about how great it was, he was such a sweet soul. "Joshy boy! How are you? How‘s the little sister?"
"I‘m great, thank you. She‘s still crushing on you" he laughed, Deyna watched the scene in front of her, a big smile on her face. "I told you, you should take her with you to a game" you smacked his arm, giggling along. His sister was sweet 6 year old girl, obsessed with football and a die-hard ManCity fan, a die-hard Y/N/L fan. "One day…maybe. So your usual?" he looked at you and your girlfriend who nodded, then walked away.
Your date went on smooth, Deyna a charmer as always, some chats with Josh and a delicious meal. For a moment, you could forget your sadness about the World Cup final loss, you could be yourself and happy.
"Thank you, Josh, it was amazing as always." your girl stated as he cleared the table.
"Baby, can we get Ice cream?" you asked with puppy dog eyes.
"Of course, my love" Deyna paid for your meals before the two of you said bye to Josh, giving him hug.
As you got your ice cream (Deyna paid again with the statement: it’s my treat) you walked home, holding hands. You felt at peace, the sun had already set, stars clear in the sky.
"Thank you for doing this" you knew the striker did all this to ease your mind "I love you" your arms went around her neck, pulling her down. You kissed her like you would lose her.
The final will hurt for a while but you were nothing but proud of your team and with Deyna by your side at every step of the way, you‘ll come back stronger.
The lionesses would come back stronger than ever, ready to take revenge.
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mortiferumsomnum · 2 years
Soup Kitchens and Runaway Ghosts (Part 3)
Part 1, Part 2
When your boss tells you to come to Apartment 304 in Schnapp Avenue along the Upper West Side of Gotham, you don’t question it. You especially don’t question the grocery list that your boss listed down for you, neither do you question the need for fluffy blankets, pillows and paper bags.
You have to gather up the things in a box, get into your (stolen) car, and drive to your second location.
It’s just something you do.
The less questions you ask, the less you have to deny. That’s what Bill had learned in his life as a professional henchman.
However, after a long career of being a henchman, none had ever compared to the experience of working under the Red Hood. Sure, the guy threatens you with his guns, and shoots and misses your feet as a joke, but the man had been changing the lower-class neighborhood for better with all the control he has in the Gotham Underworld.
Bill never had to fear for his life, either. He didn’t have to worry about living a new day, and he didn’t have to worry about what wacky idea his boss had just cooked up. Now, all he worried is what kind of soup they’ll be making for the next day at the soup kitchen, and what new recipe the Red Hood’s favorite person, Jason, was going to teach them.
Honestly, Bill didn’t feel like a henchman at all. Maybe a butler-in-training, even if there was no hope for him being employed as a butler.
(In the future, Bill would fondly look back at this moment as he serves tea to a graying Alfred, who is relaxing in his bed as Jason... well, Master Jason, retold his semi-mundane day to his grandfather.)
Finally, he arrives.
- ‘Congratulations! You killed someone! But not just someone! It’s multiple people!’ a voice in Tim’s head laughs. It sounds like a mix between murder-hungry Jason and that lunatic Joker. 
- There had been a time before he killed someone. Well, he thought he killed him. Johnny Warlock. Although in the end, the guy was actually alive the whole time, Tim remembers punching the guy’s fake until he couldn’t hear the fake’s grunts, until he couldn’t hear the fake’s heartbeats. Warlock hurt Spoiler, hurt Steph who he was in love with that time; he broke her leg and made her scream. He was so beat up over being a murderer, it took a while to get over it. (Source: Robin #123, Die Screaming, Boy Wonder!)
- It also doesn’t help that he even met a future version of himself who killed everyone, donned in a fucking Batsuit and acting like going far and killing your enemies was the norm. To be fair, in this future, every single teen titan were killing and taking things too far, but there is nothing more frightening than knowing that you have the potential to kill so efficiently without remorse. (Source: Teen Titans vol. 4 #17-19, Teen Titans of Tomorrow; Robin Today, Batman Tomorrow; Running Out of Time)
- Now, he killed people. On accident. Fuck.
- Before heading to the apartment, he decided to head to the scene, staking out in a shadowed area while observing what was going on. It wasn’t good. There were police everywhere. Jim Gordon was talking with a bunch of... investigators? Wait, they’re not Gotham-based investigators.
- He threw a tiny drone into the air, letting it catch wind before controlling it to fly closer to where the investigators were, planting a few bugs onto them and turning up the volume in his installed listening device. He was too far to lip-read. (I’d like people to know that in this au, he has some bugs on every officer in Gotham.)
- “Look,” that was Jim Gordon’s voice, “I get that you want to take over investigating this case, but I’m not handing it to you. You don’t understand the going-ons in this city. Red Hood is a crime-lord, yes. But this situation looks like the Red Hood was being chased for things not related to crime. Excessive how these ‘government based agents’ took to chasin’ after a single rogue without a single thought of avoiding civilians. It was the Red Hood leadin’ them to a civilian-less road, from how it looks like, rather than being chased into an environment where they could go all out. They didn’t hesitate to run-down a civilian, much less avoid children or seniors. In comparison to Red Hood who took great care to staying off of civilian roads and within GCPD territory.”
- “I don’t trust any of ‘ya folks who say yer from the government to keep my city safe.”
- “Like you have been keeping it safe for all the years you’ve been Commissioner?” one of the investigators scoffed. “Letting caped vigilantes beat up bad guys, and receiving weekly break-outs while your officers do nothing but sit pretty in their car with a gun?”
- Tim bristled. Jim Gordon is the only person who’s trying to do anything to make sure Gotham citizens stay safe, trying his best to weed out all the corrupt officers no matter how slow it had been going. Things ARE getting better. It’s not like Jim likes relying on vigilantes, either. The only time he relies on the Bat is when there is No Other Option. But he has mutual respect with all the Bats.
- Commissioner Gordon only raises an unimpressed brow, which looks so much like Barbara’s. “You’re still not getting it,” he said, turning around and doing a great impression of Batman walking away like a badass, letting his long coat billow in the wind. Unlike the Bats, however, he doesn’t disappear from sight and only enters his car, driving away.
- The investigators start talking to themselves. Here’s what Tim gathers: 35 men had been killed from his little accidental murder. (Breathe in, Tim. You can brood about it later...) They weren’t just chasing after Red Hood, but they were also after a ‘Daniel Fenton’ and an ‘unauthorized clone’ possibly made from Daniel’s genes. This ‘Daniel’ also can’t be brought back to his home, because his parents have also teamed up with them.
- They confirmed Jason’s claims about these people hunting down ghosts. But Tim finds out from them how they not only aim to hunt them down, they aim for complete extermination. It’s ‘Daniel’s’ parents who wants to conduct experiments, given that any findings will be reported to these people. 
- There’s... there’s just no way these people are actually from the government. If ghosts were real and the government were involved... wouldn’t that mean that there are actual laws on how ghosts are treated and dealt with?
- “Make sure to report to the boss about how much we need to spend to catch these ghosts.” Tim almost growls, clenching his fists. Because not only were they talking about getting rid of ghosts, but including the extermination of his definitely-not-but-totally-is-brother. He can’t let this happen. 
- Once these investigators were done talking, they went into their own car. Tim made sure that his bugs wouldn’t be tracked for at least the next 3 days. Then, he opened his comms to a private link to Oracle.
- “O, I need you to search something. Ectobiology laws.”
- “...What?”
- “Laws on how ghosts are dealt with.”
- “Tim... I... fine.”
- After a few moments, Oracle cursed. “This can’t be real. There are actual laws on--- Tim, how did you find out about this? Does Bruce know about this? What the actual--”
- “I don’t think even Harvey Dent knows about this, and he was an attorney. What did it say?”
- “In summary? It’s all ‘kill on sight’ for any ghost. They’re making reforms for some of them, though. None of them good. It mostly involves research.”
- “Are there any research on ghosts?”
- “That are not just narrative reports from Ghost Hunters? Yeah, from Madeline and Jack Fenton. They’ve written so many of them, they’re probably the only scientific source. Ectoplasm... it seems to be similar to the Lazarus Pits...”
- Tim pursed his lips. He doesn’t know how much Jason wants to share about Daniel and the clone. “O, these people want to catch Jason. He has the same ecto-signature as the ghosts that they seem to like tracking down.” He needs to update his safe-house to avoid Jason and his new wards from getting caught. But also, “We might want to see if Robin and Batman has some kind of ecto-signature on them... Maybe even Dick from how much time he spends with them. I’ll try to nab some of the gadgets from these vans and see if we can turn them into our own tech. 
- “You do that. I’ll update Batman on what’s going on.”
- Tim cuts the line off and sighs. His body suddenly feels heavy, and it’s not because of anything physical. It was a weight in his mind that refuses to lighten, only growing heavier and heavier. 
- But he remembers what he told Barbara, and he remembers that Jason is waiting for him with hot chocolate in the safe-house he needs to upgrade.
- He pushes his body forward. It’s probably thanks to his training that his body is able to do exactly he needs to do, staying out of the people’s eyes while snatching the tech before it could be loaded in some government trailer. his head felt foggy, and he couldn’t feel his hands and legs. But his body was moving. And the next thing he knows, he’s already changed out of his costume, headed to Jason on foot.
- The Doctor, Theodore “Teddy” Sturgeon (HEH. I named him after some author. Have you read To Marry Medusa? don’t remember much of the plot, but damn I remember loving it!), checked over Danny again. 
- Everything was healed. The vivisection and blaster wounds have healed into scars. Other parts of his body also showed some light scars, but the most dangerous ones have been healed.
- He sighed, rubbed a hand down in his face, and took a spare pillow. Then, he screamed into it.
- The smell of chocolate wafted around the apartment, making him feel nauseous, so he laid on the cold floor. Which, of course, made his nausea worse. 
- “Hey, Doctor Teddy! Do you want some hot chocolate?”
- No. Maybe some soup. But Teddy was too nauseous to talk. So, he only groaned back.
- “I’ll take that as a yes!”
- Of course groaning was a mistake.
- The Red Hood, who was now dressed like a civilian named Jason, came back inside with two mugs. He handed one of the mugs to Dani, who took it with a smile. Everyone in the room could tell how shaky her hands were, and that’s why ‘Jason’ led Dani to one of the smaller couches for her to sit down on.
- Then, Jason sat down at another couch and sipped from his own mug. Thank you Mr. Red Hood for thinking he was pathetic enough to not have any of his own hot chocolate.
- That was when there was a knock on the door. The Red Hood laid his mug on the wooden table that was also in the room, before getting up to answer the door, Dani doing the same thing and running right after him.
- [And I’d like everyone to know that Dani is smol. Like, she reaches until Jason’s hips smol.]
- He heard Dani gasp. “IT’S BILL!!!”
- He heard the Red Hood sigh. “Timmers, why are you burritoed and carried by my best chef?”
- “Hrrrrnnngggg...”
- “I’m not... I’m not that good, man.”
- Huh... that last voice sounds familiar. Doctor Teddy took a great effort to stand up, groaning and feeling his knees click. Then, finally, the people came back in, with Jason heading straight to the kitchen with a paper bag... probably full of groceries, and...
- “Oh, shit, Bill??”
- “Teddy??”
- Dani blinked at the both of them, sitting back down at the small couch while picking up her mug. “The two of you know each other?”
- Know each other? They used to work under the same bosses during the first Robin’s earlier years! Teddy was trying to get his degree while also getting paid doing all the easy stuff, y’know, like bandaging other henchmen up?? He was there when Bill had lost two of his femurs to Batman. He’s the one who brought him to Dr. Thompkins’ hospital.
- During those years, both he and Bill were so desperate to make a living, they refused to see exactly how deep in crime the both of them were getting. By the time the third Robin came into the picture, they drifted apart... well, it’s not like the two of them were close in the first place, but whichever boss Teddy was with, Bill was there too. It just felt weird not seeing the other whenever they were working under a new boss.
- Teddy got his degree, tried practicing in legal stuff, got too sentimental with some patients, and got arrested for doing unauthorized surgeries on people who definitely needed them. After being released, there was no hospital willing to accept him anymore... that’s when the Red Hood recruited him... and the rest was history.
- Bill chuckled. “Small world, huh?” he said. Then, gesturing to Danny with his chin, he smiled at Teddy. “Looks like we’re going back to old times, eh?”
- Teddy, who no longer felt the effects of nausea, only nodded. “Yeah,” he said, smiling back. Then, he gestured to the kid that Bill was carrying over his shoulder. “Does he need help?”
- Bill shook his head. “Nah. The kid just needs a cup of Jason’s hot chocolate. He looks like he’s been under the influence of Scarecrow’s fear toxin.”
- Teddy winced. “Yeah, okay,” he said, stepping aside so that Bill could place the kid wrapped in a fluffy blanket on the small couch the Red Hood was sitting on earlier. 
- Teddy squinted. “Is that... Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne?????”
- Bill nodded.
- Oh shit... he knew that the Red Hood, Jason, looked familiar. Does that mean that his name is actually, truthfully Jason?? THE Jason Peter Todd-Wayne??? Second adopted son of Bruce Wayne who died????? No... no... maybe they just look alike. And have the same name. Or the Red Hood chose that name specifically because he LOOKS like Jason.
- But that makes no sense! The Red Hood shoots anyone who disrespects the dead. He’d be a hypocrite if he wasn’t... Jason...
- Red Hood, who might also actually be known as Jason, walked into the room with a tray carrying three mugs. He handed one to Bill, then one to Timothy, who accepted it with a tired thank you, and then a mug towards Teddy. Upon accepting it (and no, Teddy did not squeak while he thanked him! *sobs* he didn’t!!), Teddy realizes that his mug was filled with good ol’ chicken soup.
- Okay, whatever. You don’t throw under the bus someone who feeds you well. Taking a sip, he inwardly cried at how good it was.
- “So, the kid sleeping on the couch is your brother?” Bill decided to ask, taking a seat on a chair he dragged from the kitchen.
- “Yeah... kinda... but we like thinking we’re siblings!”
- “Hm... how long has he been out?” Bill asked. 
- Here, the small girl seemed to become smaller. Her face turned sad, and it broke Teddy’s heart because no small child is supposed to look that sad. The Red Hood... Jason patted the girl’s back to comfort her.
- “He’s been out even before she took me to check on him, Bill,” said Jason. “He’s also never woke up when the Red Hood brought him over to Doc.”
- Oh, ohhhhhh, so we’re keeping Jason and the Red Hood being the same person a secret? Okay, yeah, Teddy could do that. Wait, he called him Doc, and only Doc. He doesn’t want Bill to misunderstand that he’s being legal in his Doctor stuff. He’s as much in crime as Bill probably is.
- But he doesn’t have time to point that out, because Timothy Drake-Wayne grunted, bringing out from his blanket a plastic bag full of tech, looking a bit more lively now that he’s drunk the hot chocolate.
- “Is everyone in this room in the know about who’s chasing after... the kids?” he was looking at Jason for confirmation, who nodded.
- “The official story,” said Timothy, “is that the ‘Government Investigation Ward’ or GIW is after the Red Hood, due to his constitution being similar to that of a ghost.”
- Bill blinked. “I’m sorry... what?”
- Timothy ignored him. “Ghost is just a general term for anything that has ectoplasm. The real story is that they’re after the kids AND Red Hood, because all three of them have ectoplasmic components in their body.”
- Bill looked to Teddy with a question in his eyes. Ectoplasm? his gaze seemed to ask. 
- “When I was treating Danny over here, he had some green substance in his blood,” he explained. “It both enhanced his healing and the infection, so his body was literally at war on the inside.” Turning his gaze to Timothy, he confirmed, “That green substance must be what you’re calling ectoplasm, right?”
- Timothy nodded. “It is. I don’t know the full description of what this ectoplasm does, but it seems that all three seem to naturally create ectoplasm in their bodies.”
- “When the Red Hood said to the Bats that the GIW seemed to follow him due to what he was, it mostly meant that the GIW was following them through their ectobiological signatures.” Timothy then shook the plastic to make all of their attention point to it. “The tech in this plastic bag? I took it directly from the vans before they were retrieved by the government. Once I figure out how they managed to sense ectoplasm with these things, I’m going to upgrade the security measures in this room... and then to the new safehouse we’re going to move into.”
- Bill whistled. “I knew that the Waynes were probably sponsoring the Bats behind the scenes, but to be the ones personally making their gadgets? That’s amazing.”
- Doc suddenly put the pieces together... techy... Timothy Drake-Wayne being Jason Todd-Wayne’s step-brother...
- Oh shit. That’s Red Robin, isn’t he?!?????
- “You okay, Doctor Teddy?? You’re looking a bit pale over there...” said Dani with worry on her face.
- “I’m... I’m fine.” NO I’M NOT!!! “I’m just... processing that the government... is using the people’s taxes to chase after people who are very clearly alive....”
- Dani snorted. “You don’t know the half of it! But, yeah! This IS where all the taxes are going. That’s why a whole bunch of people where me and Danny came from commit tax fraud!”
- Jason huffed. “Danny and I, Dani.”
- Dani gave Jason the stink-eye. 
- Jason then pointed a thumb to the kitchen while looking at Timothy. “The dining table is clean. You could do your stuff there. There’s also extra hot chocolate on the stove.”
- Timothy gave a small thanks. But before Timothy could pass Jason, Jason took him by the shoulders and whispered into his ears that the Doctor couldn’t hear.
(”Thanks, Tim... I’ll chat with you later, yeah?”
Tim shrugged. “Or we don’t have to talk about it.”
Jason pats his shoulder. “Whatever makes you comfortable...” What else would Dick say, Jason wondered. Then, he added, “Just know that I’m here to listen when you do wanna talk.” Because there’s no fucking way he’s letting Bruce talk to Tim about what happened.
Tim was quiet, eyes shining under the dim light of the living room. “Yeah... thanks.
Nailed it.)
- Timothy then briskly disappeared into the kitchen.
- The investigators, who are actually known as Operative J and Operative K, using the aliases John Jones and Keith Keys, stopped their car in front of Wayne Manor, their gadget blinking and beeping softly as they stood in front of the gates. “Two ectoplasmic signatures here, over,” Operative J, John Jones, said into his comms.
- Operatives L, M and N were in front of Arkham Asylum, their own gadgets beeping softly. “One in Arkham, over.”
- Operative O, who was staking out in Schnapp Avenue, put his binoculars down. “Three in Schnapp Avenue: Daniel, the clone and an unknown man. Apartme----”
- Operative O wasn’t able to complete his report, because he was thrown into a wall, wheezing as he slid down.
- Then, he felt an electric shock to his neck, putting him to unconsciousness.
- “Operative O. Operative O, respond!”
- The Operative’s comms were crushed. Then, Operative O received another electric shock, frying any trackers he may have on his body that may lead the other government freaks to his location.
- Nightwing turned on his own comms. “O. Message Hood and Red Robin. Tell them that their location has been compromised.”
- “On it.”
- Nightwing then walked up to the unconscious Operative, picking him up by the back of his collar, and dragging him out of the rooftop. Some interrogations were in order.
Taglist (holy fuck there’s a lot of you *wheeze* I’m stopping the requests for tags cuz *gestures*): @203moonysello @crimsonfreakshow @quirky-gardener @ultimatebluff @8000fangirl @ashoutinthedarkness @lady-time-lord- @deathssilentapproach-blog @slytherindemonqueen @akikoyuii @ depressed-bitchy-demon @ crazylittlemunchkin @ angelheartgamer @ spicyramenstuff @ cat-in-a-fedora @ kawaiikenna @ scaehime @ kotaleartzu @ blankliferain @ xarexraven @ roseunivers999 @ mysticalcomputerdetective @ icedoverdestiny @ mlpizza @ rhyme-is-sublime @ yurijay @ distractedducky @ rosiea184 @ tinybrie @ absol-01-blog @ crystaldrops20 @ emilytopaz @ ae-vixrose
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#ASLDGHASLGDKHLGHASLG NIGHTWING MY BELOVED AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#dc x dp#dp x dc#bill the professional henchman#tim drake#barbara gordon#jim gordon#jason todd#dani fenton#danny fenton#danny phantom#dick grayson#DAMNNNNNN THIS GOT LONG HAHAHAHAHAHAHA#Danny needs to wake up soon cuz he's missing out on all the suffering#It would be so funny if Harvey Dent knew about the Ecto-laws but didn't bother too much on it because he didn't believe in ghosts#Yes the one ectoplasmic signature is Joker in Arkham#I REMEMBER SEEING A POST ABOUT JOKER HAVING ECTOPLASM TOO AND I REALLY LOVE THOSE POSTS#Maybe it's best if Danny stayed asleep bc he'll easily be able to defeat the joker#I really want to make a Tim Drake villain origin story in this au. I am SO gonna make Tim spiral in this.#It’s not even funny. I WANT JOKER JUNIOR DAMMIT. I NEED MORE JOKER JUNIOR CONTENT!#HOW JOKER JUNIOR WOULD BE FORMED IN THIS AU. Like Joker somehow manages to convince the GIW to put him among their ranks.#BUT we'll see how this story flows cuz like Joker Junior would be a whole different story from this#...nah. I'm keeping Joker Junior. I JUST NEED TO FIGURE OUT HOW *EVIL LAUGH*#Anyways if I keep Joker Junior Jason will be in for a whole lot of hurt#Because even if I'm not that good at imagery and shit I REALLY want Jason to gain Danny and Dani only to lose Tim#Is it going to be like in Batman beyond where instead of killing batman joker has JJ try to kill Jason instead?#And Jason has to watch how Tim who in this au hates the idea of killing who became scared of killing after his accidental murder#he watches Tim murder Joker who laughs loudly because FINALLY the FUNNIEST JOKE HAD BEEN MADE#HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YESSSSSSS YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS#but we'll see if joker junior fits this storyline (*sobs* i really hope it does)
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s1m0nth3swaggy · 4 months
Painland - Edwin Paine x Charles Rowland
Small spin on the confession scene with a little more angst but happy end :)
Pushed out rlly fast because I've been sleep deprived for days straight! Not proofread lol
WARNINGS/ CONTENT INFO; Angst with sweet ending, fav silly boys, nothing much really
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Edwin doesn’t mind. He really doesn’t. Why should he, Charles is only his best friend, after all. He isn’t jealous. He isn’t.
He shouldn’t be, at least. He shouldn't be feeling like Crystal is stealing Charles from him, like his best friend will leave him. He isn't allowed to feel that. Because Charles is only his friend, and Crystal is a girl. That's how the world works.
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Edwin doesn’t like this feeling. He hates it, actually. He hates having to realise that he isn’t normal. He hates knowing he will never be. He doesn’t want to think that his father would’ve disowned him for his feelings, not that he’d ever told him about it, until recently, he didn’t even know it was possible to feel like this - much less that it was accepted by now. He was thankful Niko had shown him, definitely, but at the same time he couldn’t help but curse himself for believing that meant he could actually manage to have the courage to speak to Charles about it. He didn’t, swore he never would, Edwin was too scared of the possibility that Charles would react to it the way Edwins father always did - ignore it, call it unnatural, and pretend it didn’t exist. Nothing would ever bring Edwin to talk about his feelings - he’s never done it before. He won’t start now. Not even when Niko told him that attraction between boys is normal. Not even when he realises that whenever he looks at Charles, he gets that little giddy feeling in his stomach (he isn’t even sure if it’s an actual feeling or rather a psychological thing - he’d have to look into it). Not even when Charles rescues him from hell, definitely not then – the words tumble out before he can stop them.
“I love you.”
He shouldn’t have said them. He knew he shouldn’t have. Simply by the way Charles turned around for a glance, before dragging him up the few remaining steps - Edwins legs hurt from all the running, Hell worked differently when it came to feeling things, but he also wondered if it were only his legs that hurt. He could only keep it together because the way Charles squeezed his hand as he pulled him along made him have the slightest sliver of hope about the feelings the other might have. Deep down, he knew it was stupid. It's really stupid.
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It only gets worse when Charles doesn’t talk to him afterwards - Edwin blames it on the fact that the whole ordeal was so hectic, with Niko immediately hugging them, the Night Nurse still being there, the whole situation of them maybe having to go to the afterlife after all… It was a lot, Edwin has to admit. It doesn’t help that afterwards, Charles joins Crystal in her room, and Edwin is convinced he just messed up the only friendship he’s ever had. He just lost his best friend because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut.
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It was the first time Edwin didn't stay in Nikos' room for the night, like he usually would. He'd spend the night reading, sometimes her books, sometimes his own, succumbing to the weird relaxation that the presence of a sleeping person somehow brought to him. In a way, it almost made him sleepy himself, though it was impossible for him to sleep.
Tonight, he stepped up onto the building's roof. If he wasn't dead, he'd feel the coldness of the night - he somehow felt it in his heart nonetheless. He sat down on the edge, sighing as he viewed the street below. He wondered if they'd go back to London, open their actual agency room back up… Hypothetical futures that he probably ruined for himself. Edwin might have to continue the Dead Boy Agency by himself, he figured. He shook his head, not wanting to think about it. He didn't like the thought of having to be without Charles. If it was possible, he'd probably die again because of it. After all these years, a life - or death - without the other seemed impossible. Especially after Edwin realised he didn't just have friendly feelings for Charles. He ran a hand through his hair with an annoyed huff. He came up here to ignore what happened, not sit around and be depressed about it.
“It's probably cold, isn't it?” A voice behind Edwin spoke, and he immediately recognised the soft tone of mischief and teasing. His heart dropped as he turned to look at Charles. “... I suppose it would be.” He answered, slightly awkward. Would Charles mention anything? Would they talk about it? He didn't even care if he got rejected, honestly, he just wanted an answer. He turned back to the street, uncaring about how messy his hair now was. Edwin doesn't think he can look at Charles right now. He does want to, but something inside him would break if he did. So instead, he gazed at the street below, a weird comfort about the darkness only lit by Jenny's half broken light. Charles came to stand beside him, and Edwin silently cursed him for it. Even more so when the other lifted a hand to fix Edwin's hair slightly. Something so mundane, yet it made his non-existent heart jump. Charles noticed, he always did, even though until now he hadn't thought anything of it. “Look, Edwin, we've been friends for 30 years. I didn't think you'd ever… feel like that.” The curly haired sighed deeply, and Edwin knew what would come next, he'd read it in the books Niko had given him. This was a rejection. One that would hurt, at that. When he had read these scenes, they didn't feel like this, didn't make his stomach churn and his heart drop - metaphorically. In those books, it was so much easier. Some sadness, then acceptance, easily gotten over with. For Edwin, this was his life. If he didn't have Charles as a friend, he might as well step back into hell. It didn't matter anymore where he was, because he'd be without Charles.
There's a beat of silence between them, Charles tries to find the words. “It's okay. We can just stay friends. I don't mind.” Edwin speaks, and he's surprised that his voice doesn't betray him. “I do, though.” Charles grumbles, and for the first time, he doesn't struggle with finding the words to describe his feelings. “Edwin, you're the most amazing person I've ever met. Now, I haven't met a lot of people, most were either assholes or clients, but I would be lying if I didn't say that I'm glad to be here with you. I can't tell if I.. just want to be your friend or not but I don't know… I'm willing to try, I guess?” He rambled, his words coming out slightly too fast as one of his hands comes up to rest on Edwin's shoulder. The curly haired sighed softly. “I haven't exactly had the.. Best place to figure out feelings and stuff so… be a little patient?” He chuckles awkwardly, immediately trying to bring humour back into the situation - Edwin was more than happy about that. He didn't like the whole feely stuff as well. However, he still couldn't help the relieved sigh that fell from his lips. “..okay. Trying things out. That's… yes, that I can do.” He answers, and he smiles back the second he realises Charles’ face twists into his usual grin. “Guess we're two idiots with feelings, huh?” He chuckles, idly playing with the pins on his coat. “As much as I wish I could say that isn't true, I guess we are.” Edwin hums back, sighing softly as he feels Charles lean against him slightly.
“Well, at least we're each other's idiots with feelings now.”
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pain-is-too-tired · 11 months
One thing that will always kill me about Michael Yew's death and how Rick just... kinda dropped it?
Like yeah he brought it up recently... like twice in one book.
But we get NO closure. After Percy leaves that bridge you have nothing but context clues to piece together how him and others might feel after.
Yes,he was brought in just to die, but unlike with Lee the book prior (who doesn't even get a description) he's semi fleshed out. As much as you can a minor character in half a book.
Him being known for his attitude and his fighting with Clarisse. Yet he's the one who truly gets that things were about to get serious (with little info BTW. Annabeth mentions he hardly explained a thing so all I can think of is Percy just told them where to meet and what to bring.) He stepped back and gave the chariot, and got rightfully upset when she still refused. Yet when he explains it to Percy he doesn't sound angry anymore, the way he talks gives a more "ey, what can we do now" tone.
We see how he is in battle, he's much calmer then he was at camp. He's still got attitude but he's not picking fights with anyone. He's grinning when he runs up, and given their odds in that fight he likely was doing it to not show his siblings or the enemy he was frightened in any way. His siblings were dieing, I always assume this where they took their biggest hit. So Michael, who's been rushed into a leadership role in the middle of war, is in the biggest battle yet and losing his siblings left and right. And he keeps his head.
He's the one who tells Percy they need to retreat. Yet he doesn't question him when Percy tells them they need to hold their ground there. And Percy LITERALLY tells Annabeth she's the only one who can gather MICHAEL'S cabin in a defensive line why Percy fights the minotaur.
And Michael, known for telling Clarisse to kiss his ass in the most ages 10+ book way he can, just does a sarcastic "gee thanks" and doesn't argue.
Boy had to watch Percy flirting with Annabeth that whole first bit in middle of battle gods bless him 😭 I just know he teased Annabeth once Percy left.
But yeah, he's such a good leader for just being there a year. And when they're retreating, and Annabeth gets hurt and whisked away, he definitely saw Percy was the only one standing between Kronos' Army and his siblings + all of Manhattan. If it weren't for his idea to break the bridge (which is brilliant btw we don't see many other campers mentioning Percy's powers.) Then they would've been screwed. Reinforcements didn't come until the next day, and say Silena leaves around the same time for Clarisse,she doesn't return until the day AFTER.
Michael made a calculated decision, and why it's argued whether he could've pieced Percy have dipped in the styx or not(Hestia out right says it in front of everyone. And just watching him fight they had to have tell that he wasn't harmed as he should be) he still knew Percy couldn't hold all of them on his own.
And the reaction when Percy finds out is emotional. Him desperately searching over the bridge,his frustrated scream(which I hope is heart breaking in the show). It's emotional. Then it's intrupted by Annabeth needing help,not say that scene wasn't needed btw, just I find it very unrealistic no one even ASKED Percy about Michael. Even if they saw the end of the fight through the shield, there had to be someone going "is it true about Michael?"
I know they were more established characters, but it's just sad that Michael is kinda...forgotten.
And the thing was, his odds were purposely stacked against him.
In a rp server I'm on we were talking about how in a battle usually people take out the strongest and the healers.
Ares cabin is likely the strongest in just brute strength and determination in a fight. He didn't have to do anything for that.
The Apollo cabin ARE the healers(so are hunters but not as good considering none of them could help Annabeth.)
Jake outright states that Kronos went for their weak points, but I don't think he just means by size(after all the Apollo cabin had one the highest amount of members second to Hermes)
The Hunters were the biggest by size, but they were also at their strongest. Kronos attacked by night, Hunters took oath to the goddess of the MOON.
And very few other cabins had limitations based off day and night cycle.
Except for Apollo kids. They were weaker at night with the lack of the sun(not Will in tsats weak, just not at their highest point).
Not only that, but it would take care of the best healers. By the time Percy has to grab a Apollo kid,Will's likely the oldest(and considering Michael personally trained him Percy probably knew him in some way before hand as he likely took up as semi-head medic when Michael was too busy in battle stuff, assuming he was always the second oldest before that battle that is.) And best medic.
Kayla and Austin don't specialize in healing like Will does. We don't even really know what powers they have different to Will's. That and they were like 11, Kayla was maybe 12 but we're not sure. They likely joined camp THAT year and had hardly any medical training. And we don't know the skills of who(if any) were left after that first night.
I stand by the fact that Kronos' decision to push his focus on Williamsburg Bridge was strategically planned,that it makes Michael's death even more tragic.
I hope in the show we 1. See more of him in at least the background. 2. Get shown people actually mourning him. Obviously I'm biased to Jake cause Jake x Michael. But Katie, Silena,Annabeth??
Heck the Stolls? I can see them being close to him.
Show Clarisse(and maybe even Chris too) finding out about his death. Show how it effects Percy and the Apollo cabin. Percy looks at the Apollo cabin a good amount of times throughout the book, Show him looking over at Will rushing about and having a pained look on his face.
Also,I find it completely impossible that there was no kid at that camp who tried to bring up Michael when Percy went missing. Like "oh there goes another missing head counselor."
Then just immediately gets clonked on the head for it fjdydf
Like there was a way to bring him up in tlh, considering he went missing, and then Percy(who was the last one with him) goes missing after the war. Like you're telling me no one was comparing that? In a camp filled with gossiping teens? Mhm sure.
Anyway, thank you for coming to my Ted-Talk
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The previous ones about toji and sukuna sees as hella fire 🔥🔥
Can I get a prince NANAMI cause yk that feral episode of nanami just came out and IM STILL NOT OVER IT.
So witch reader and NANAMI. Let's say their rolls are like water and oil. NANAMI the soon to be the king the honored prince while the reader the witch with people trying to burn her and pour ice water on her.
I can't think of how they'll meet but probably in a bad situation and NANAMI decided to have her around. I'd still like to read his feral part.
I'm here now.
k.nanami x fem!reader
Nanami? going farel? For us? Yes, please!!
warnings: mentions of violence, mentions of blood, mentions of a stake, mentions of torture… I think that's it.
Authors note: Thank you so much for requesting!! I love nanami with all my heart, and the new animation... it had me drolling. Anyway, I hope I did the feral scene some justice. And don't worry, love! Your request is not dull!! At all! After reading your request, this is what came instantly to my mind. I hope that this is good enough for you. Feedback on what I could have done better is always welcomed. Love you all! Enjoy 
Wordcount: 1.165
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The only thing on your mind is hiding. Surviving.
How they manage to find out your true identity, you don't know. How did it turn out this way?
Your lungs were burning from all the running—the cold cutting through you like knives. 
One moment, you were preparing herbal teas; the next, you heard people gathering in front of your door, ready to storm your door to tie you to the stake.
You've been nothing but careful. You never use your magic in the open and constantly integrate yourself with the other villagers. You were always familiarizing yourself with everyone and blending in. 
But even that wasn't enough. Up until yesterday, no one seemed to be suspicious of you. So then again- how did it turn out like this?
So you run in hopes of somehow saving your life. Your magic wouldn't obey you. You have tried multiple times by now. But all of your efforts were in vain.
Then you saw a clearing. You knew this way. It led to a cave with ancient runes. If you managed to reach it, you could teleport to the next village with the help of a spell, and there you would- 
But just as your little glimmer of hope came, it vanished into thin air when you tapped into a hunter's trap and were caught hanging from a tree by a net.
You couldn't even blink as you were processing what was happening. "No! No, no, no!" you tried to pull at the strings. Pathetically trying to escape the trap, but it was too late.
"Ha! She's here! She fell for the hunter's trap!" one shouted.
You couldn't understand why your powers didn't want to work. It didn't make sense. Why did this have to happen to you?!
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You were roughly pulled from unconsciousness by ice-cold water. 
You were in a dungeon. Through a small opening, some daylight came in, but you couldn't see more. This opening was small enough to push a book through but nothing more. It's been three days since you were caught. Always brought from one place to another. 
You had expected to be chained to the stake the second they got you, but you've learned that before they officially deposed you, they wanted to torture you for you to reveal the location of the higher circle of witches. 
You have yet to learn how they even got wind of the higher circle existing. But you wouldn't say a word. You would die either way. So to hell with them!
So, while enduring all forms of torture, you haven't muttered a single word.
"You stupid bitch!" Another blow with the whip. "JUST TALK ALREADY!" It hurt. So very much. You were panting due to the loss of your breath from the impact.
You prepared for jet another blow, but it never came. Instead, the door was forcefully kicked down, revealing the man you have been thinking about as your safe place for the last few days. 
For a moment, there was nothing but silence. No one dared to move. Your eyes began to swell with tears, and for the first time in the last couple of days, you felt relief and hope fill you.
"Ken?" your voice not much louder than a whisper. Afraid to break the spell and all of this being an illusion. 
When his brown eyes finally met yours, "What do you think you're doing to her?" you almost choked on a sob that escaped you. He was real.
"I- Your majesty- I- She's a witch?" 
You met Ken when you were out in the woods one day. He was trying to get Yuji, a soldier in training, to a healer. He was attacked by a bear, and the animal almost tore him apart. 
You saved him that night, revealing your identity in the process too the two men and them swearing they wouldn't say a word.
Ever since then, they would constantly visit you from time to time. In that time, you grew very cole to the men, especially Ken. But they told you they were soldiers. Mere men from the army of the king.
"Since yesterday, there has been a new reform which I have introduced as the new king," he says coldly as he makes his way to the two of you. "A rule that says that all beings, whether with supernatural powers or not, can only be convicted of a crime." 
New King? Does that mean... Ken is actually Nanami Kento? Crown Prince of this kingdom? The honored prince?
He stops right before you and your tormentor. "So I ask you again. What do you think you're doing?!"
You didn't even realize that Yuiji was there until he put a cloak around your shoulders. "Y/N! Are you okay? What a question, of course not!"
"Yuiji, you came..."
Hatura takes a reasonable few steps away from all of you now. He felt his king's bloodlust increasing with each passing second.
"I didn't kn-"
He didn't even get to finish his sentence before Nanami punched him into the wall behind him. Hatura was so shocked that he was almost paralyzed on the spot out of fear. His nose already bleeding from the force of Kento's punch.
His survival instincts kicked in as he tried to scramble away. But he didn't come far as nanami pulled him back by his hair, and his face leaned dangerously closer to Hatura's.
"Tell me... what. Were. You. THINKING?!" Kento's voice growls murderously as he tightens his grip on Hatura's hair. But he didn't even let him speak as he punched him jet again into his abdomen.
His grip on his hair loosens, and Hatura slips on the ground, hoping that if he just stays put, the newly crowned king will spare him.
As you looked at the body on the floor, you could see the blood from his mouth and nose. Hatura then spits a tooth out and shockingly looks at it. "Please- Stop."
That's when Kento grabbed him by the throat and lifted him high in front of him into the air. "Did you stop when you were torturing her? After you folks drugged her so she would become defenseless?! HUH?! Did you?!"
"So... sorry..." Nanami had had enough. He let go of him, and as he fell to the ground, he slammed back into his face with a clenched fist. You could hear something break when your tormentor was beaten unconscious. Kento pulled away from him and then joined you at your side.
You were weakly leaning against Yuji's frame. Eyes bearly open from all your exhaustion. Kento then crouched in front of you, sitting to inspect your wounds. Blood splattered across his knuckles. "Ken..." you weakly muttered. 
It captured his attention, to which he shifted at you. He said nothing, but you could tell he wasn't happy.
Nanami observed your frail, beaten-up body. Which did not satisfy him one bit. 
"Ken, I―"
"Don't worry, my dear. I'm here now."
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