#and you also see it as proof of the kids growing into themselves
almondmilktargaryen · 7 hours
Duty & Sacrifice (Part Three)
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Summary: Aemond is married with two kids to Floris Baratheon, as it was his duty. But it's when he ventures into Flea Bottom in the night that he faces his sacrifices.
Couple: Aemond Targaryen/Fem!Reader
Category: Flangst
Content warnings: Mourning child loss (written by someone who's not a parent), lying
Word count: 4.6k
Also on my Ao3
Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four ✍️
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Just as when he left Flea Bottom, the guards do not look twice at Aemond as he walks through the Keep. They do not see his face, nor the two cloaks he wore (Criston gave him his to hide the blood). No, all they see is his boots as they bow upon passing. The only words they utter are, “My prince.” Aemond faces forward. His eye does not stray. And his head stays up.
He turns sharply after climbing the stairs, finding his chamber doors in the east wing. The guard outside mimics the expected behavior before Aemond pushes himself through.
Out of all things unexpected in one night, Floris being absent was jarring. She sticks to a routine, just like him. With the candles already snuffed out, the smell of smoke had been replaced by the open air from their balcony. She should’ve retired hours ago.
Perhaps the gods wanted to leave him alone after… all of it, reminding him how alone he truly was. Still, Aemond looks around, peering past corners and squinting into dark areas at the far ends of their chambers, straining his vision with the distance as he feels the chains in his chest. They weighed down his heart and lungs as he staggered and lifted the bedcovers. Caution camouflages with his grief and takes hold just as strongly. Floris could be anywhere.
The weight, the chains stacked on themselves. Aemond discards the cloaks and mixes them in their shared dirty clothes. The view of King’s Landing taunts him; the capital he once saw from a safe distance nearly two years ago. Even in daylight, the people were nothing more than specks of dust. None of them could hurt him. He never thought it would be the reason, once again, why he felt this way. It was only more proof that he has not changed, still stupid. Three and ten, self-loathing, and stupid.
Luc used to represent his self-loathing. Now he sees Alyssa.
She was warm whenever he held her to his chest, like the sun washing over the cityscape. She was a blaze as fiery as her hair. Now she’s snuffed out like the candles in his chambers, but this time far away from home.
Aemond grips the barrier of the balcony as he falls. The stone scratches his skin as he clings to it like a cliff’s edge, yet he sinks down and down. A heave escapes him, squeezed out of him as the imagery of it all floods back, every angle pouring in as he convinces himself there was something he could have done. Before the alleyway, before Chataya’s. Surely, there was a step he missed. He had to have, so he retraced it all while shivering, like winter was here.
The door creaked open, making Aemond’s head spring up like a deer hearing a twig’s snap. He plugged his grief, picking himself up in the shroud of darkness and rubbing his face.
“Aemond!” Floris’ silhouette is barely in view, but he still recognizes it as she pushes her bangs from her forehead. Her rapid breaths grow louder with each step toward him before she’s fully in the moonlight. She’s in her nightgown. The black one from her mother that matches her hair, both now in crumpled waves. “Where have you been? Daeron has been in a state demanding to see you.”
“What’s wrong with him?”
A hand remains in her hair, the other on her hip. “He won’t stop crying. A nightmare, maybe? I put him to bed hours ago, and the handmaidens said he woke up screaming.”
“I’ll go to him.”
“Wait.” A palm meets his chest, square in the center. “What’s wrong?”
Aemond stares into the dark of their chambers just above her head before falling to her blue eyes. It was wiser not to speak.
The tips of her fingers are cold as they brush under his eye. Her short nails barely scrape his unmarred cheek. The wetness shines under the moon as she turns her palm to him.
He pulled out his usual excuse, putting a hand over his patch. “Eye pain.”
“Eye pain?”
“Your upsets usually force you to rest, not tears.” She observes the residue before wiping it on her gown. “I haven’t seen it this bad since Baelon’s last name day.”
“Well, it happened. It comes in waves. Or sometimes a moment’s fit.” Another way to cover himself in the future. He’s discovered grief rises in him at inconvenient times. Gods love to torture. “I can’t control when they occur, Floris.”
“I never said you could. I just—”
“I need to see Daeron.”
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The children sleep in the west wing of the Keep now. After what happened to Jaehaerys, Aemond insisted their rooms be away from the royal quarters. He made sure there was a guard at their doors day and night. Jaehaera included. Tonight, however, there were two guards outside Daeron’s door, appearing dazed and confused. Yet they still had the sense to bow to their prince.
Aemond opened the door to find five handmaidens completely helpless. But like the guards outside, Aemond was also confused when finding his son not screaming. His body only bounces in place like he had the hiccups. His head was down and he gripped his little golden blanket.
“He’s tired out his throat, my prince,” one handmaiden says. Her voice shakes.
Daeron looks up when hearing the title. His little eyes are puffy from crying so hard, and Aemond’s heart, merely hanging by chords, can still twist in on itself as he watches his boy’s lip quiver.
“Leave us, please,” Aemond says.
“Forgive us, my prince. We tried our best.”
Daeron rubs an eye with the heel of his hand. “Papa, my… throat hurts.” His voice sounds like he swallowed gravel from the training yard.
“I’m sure, sweetling. Hold on,” Aemond turns his head to the group. “My son is thirsty. Please, one of you fetch him some water. Add some essence of nightshade to help him sleep.”
Their curtsies blend with their departure. The door shuts behind him.
The candle on Daeron’s bedside table revealed the redness across his face, hot and sticky with tears. Aemond walks to the foot of the bed. He’s careful not to let his weight go too suddenly, recalling the height difference this time between this bed and Baelon’s. He’s not hesitant though with stretching out his arms. “Come here,” he says.
Daeron springs from his covers, leaving behind the small golden blanket as he crawls into Aemond’s lap. He hugs him at the neck while Aemond holds him at the waist. It’s a long hug, something they both need. He smells like outside, earthy yet sweet. He lets himself feel the boy’s fragile ribs steadying themselves. His father was here now. There was no need to worry. So they took in air as they needed it—with ease. When he pulls back, Aemond grabs the spare handkerchiefs left behind. Daeron still sniffled, but refused to blow his nose. Aemond pinches it instead.
“What’s upsetting you so much?”
“Am I to be Lord of Storm’s End?”
Snot dribbles on the handkerchief. “I had a dream.”
Aemond cocks his head. “Tell me about it.”
“I had a dream that… that we went to Storm’s End to see Uncle Royce. But I was alone. And-and—”
“It’s alright.” Aemond rubs his son’s back. “It’s alright.”
“You wouldn’t let me fly Morning. I couldn’t get back home.”
Aemond gave pause as he listened to Daeron. The boy’s lip quivers again as Aemond’s thoughts swirl, shushing his son as he remembers Helaena. Aemond clears his throat. He smiled down at his son. “I know what this is,” he says with an exhale. “Come with me.” He holds him close as he stands up, walking across the rooms to settle at his window, the other side of King’s Landing before them. Aemond used Daeron’s fleshy arm to point. “What’s that building there?”
“That’s right. The Grand Sept. Your Aunt Helaena is there. You never got the chance to meet her.” He petted Daeron’s head, white fluffy hairs that swept to the front and covered his forehead. He looks back up at Visenya’s Hill. The sept’s cylindrical corners and golden domes draw eyes to the center of the city. One of them held three bejeweled urns with their ashes inside, and Aemond dares not sniffle. “She would have dreams like yours, except she would often be awake. They would overwhelm her all the same. We didn’t understand them.”
“What happened?” He doesn’t look up at Aemond when he asks, only straight ahead at the sept. Meanwhile, Aemond blocks the memories; gore and blood still trailed the back of his mind if he ventured far enough. His leg bounces as he exhales slowly through his mouth, sounding like a haunting wind. Daeron didn’t notice. Aemond couldn’t gather an answer. What could he say? His sister went insane. She killed herself. He found her on Maegor’s spikes. She blamed herself for something that was his fault, and he never got to apologize.
“She lost her sons in the last war. Your cousin Jaehaera’s brothers.”
“Were they soldiers?”
“No, no.” He’s perfectly between Jaehaerys and Maelor in age. The ages they remain for the rest of time. He skips that. “But she loved them so much, losing them was too much to bear for her.” He rests his chin on Daeron’s head, just catching the tear streaking down his cheek before it dripped onto his son’s scalp. Observing the sept again, he longed to be ignorant of such despair. He shook Alyssa from his mind (as best as he could) to come back. “That’s how I feel about you.”
Daeron relaxed a little, his back touching Aemond’s chest. “But what about—” he coughs. “Uncle Royce.”
Aemond ignored the name. “These dreams can be very vivid. About things we already know. Your uncle named you heir, so you will be Lord of Storm’s End one day, yes. But you will go when you are ready.” He kissed Daeron’s head, inhaling his scent as he tried sniffling subtly. “We will ensure your brother receives proper training in royal proceedings as king. Your mother and I will ensure you’re prepared as a lord.”
Daeron doesn’t speak. He picks at the leather of Aemond’s jerkin.
Aemond, in return, hugs him tight with both arms. He gets close to his ear. “You’re not leaving me for a long, long time. Is that what you needed?”
He finally nods. His little white sideburns tickle his nose.
“Good. Because it’s the truth.” He picks him up again. “Now, time for bed.” His sniffling boy buried his head into his neck as he cuddled close, his fingers wrapped around the back. It was painful to do so, he could admit, but he still pried him off. His fingers slipped off him like broken stitches as he made him settle back in bed. He was reluctant, but gave him the golden one, avoiding the black stag sewn in the corner. He kissed the boy one more time before walking to the door.
“Uncle Royce. Where is he?”
“I assume at home.”
“But in my dream, I didn’t see him there. I said I was alone.”
Aemond blinks rapidly. “Perhaps… you didn’t venture far enough to find him.”
He rubs the satin edge of the Baratheon blanket.
“He loves you very much, Daeron. He wouldn’t leave you alone.”
“I know. I just don’t feel like he’s there.”
Aemond said nothing, only watched his son. His purple eyes, swollen and exhausted, darted up at Aemond briefly. They eventually went back down as he pulled his bigger blankets over his lap. Aemond could feel there was something else there, more his son wanted to say. And Aemond, for all the love he bears for his children, didn’t want to hear it tonight. So, he slowly turns on his heels.
He suppressed his curse. “Yes?”
“Was… Aunt Helaena… were all her dreams true?”
Aemond swallowed thickly as he saw his wife do hours before he left for Flea Bottom. The truth is painful to keep down as he hears Helaena’s voice speaking of rats, then Jaehaerys’ head rolling on the floor just hours later. Still, Aemond looks his son in his beautiful purple eyes as he sternly says, “No. Now go to bed.”
Daeron doesn’t move for a moment, but eventually lays down. Neither of them say goodnight.
Finally, Aemond exits and heads back to his room. Keeping his head up, he pushes down his anguish with each step. He’s not out yet.
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Floris barely waited for the door to close before she pounced. “Where have you been?” She is now the starkest thing in the room, all the candles alight again and casting a deep orange across their chambers and she is as dark as tonight’s sky. Only her cream skin contrasted with her hair and attire.
“I told you,” Aemond said. “At a meeting with the City Watch.”
“Her arms crossed over her small belly. “For two hours?”
“When have you had a City Watch meeting last two hours?”
“Just now.”
“Floris, please.” He walks past her, cornering himself on the damn balcony. He lacks the courage to even glance at the city, choosing the brush below instead.
“What did this meeting consist of?” Her voice gets closer.
“My business with the City Watch.”
“Our baby boy wailed for his father.” Aemond can hear the way she bares her teeth. “And wherever this City Watch meeting occurred in the Keep, you were nowhere to be found.”
“It was a meeting in the city.” He spat out the first retort in his mind. “A dire meeting.”
“What could be so dire that you could not tend to your own son?”
“Someone killed a baby.”
The brewing storm halted with a catch in her breath. Her suspicion, though, is still strong around her. Aemond could smell it like rain in the air. He didn’t speak further. Rather, he found the nearest chair and fell into it. The barrier’s small columns blocked the city, similar to a cell as he thought of the woman he loved near the Old Gate. He cannot tell which one is the prisoner, as he pressed his temple with two fingers.
Floris crouched in her gown. Her gaze was heavy as Aemond did everything to keep from letting unnecessary information slip from him. “We took care of the killer. That’s what matters.”
Floris’ pale hand meets the crook of his arm. A thumb doesn’t brush back and forth like it did when his mother succumbed to her fever. The other arm does not wrap him in closer like it did when his nightmares of war jolted him and woke them both. Her thick brows didn’t slant in sympathy. They were straight and stern. “Whose baby was it?”
“Whose baby was it?”
Aemond rips his arm away, the leather of his sleeve squeaking sharply from her grip. “What relevance is that?”
“Because you’re a kinslayer.” It rolls off her tongue so naturally.
“I’ve told you not to—”
“It’s what you’re known for, Aemond. I don’t understand how one baby would concern you.”
Aemond slams a fist on the arm of the iron chair as he stands, turning his back to his wife before facing her again. “You know I lost my nephews in the Dance.”
“After killing another.”
“Don’t!” His fingers curl into a fist. It’s when his father crosses his mind that he throws the force against his hip and lets out a shaky exhale. “Floris.”
“With your brother’s bastards rotting in the alleyways, I just don’t understand the difference.” She picks herself  up, pushing with her knees  and holding her belly. Aemond doesn’t help her.
“Because she wasn’t a bastard.” He spits out the words. Another lie, but he doesn’t care.
“Then whose baby was it?”
The chamber doors groan slowly. Aemond doesn’t move from his wife, but refuses to answer. Even as he sees her anger boil her skin and streak her cheeks, he keeps his mouth shut and watches the doors.
“Forgive me, my prince. Princess. I do not mean to disturb.”
Even in a tunic and linen breeches, he stands like he wears his Kingsguard armor: feet apart, hands collected at his front. No blood in sight, and his hair is disheveled as if someone tore him from bed.
“Leave us,” Floris snaps over her shoulder.
“Cole, what news?” 
He delays in reply, clearing his throat. “Once again, we require your presence, my prince.”
“With what?” Aemond slips around Floris before she can stop him.
“With, uh, burial arrangements.”
Aemond stood still, frozen.
“If the baby has a family, they can decide for themselves,” Floris says. “I don’t understand why such matters require my husband.”
“The family is quite… distraught, princess. As a mother, I’m sure you can understand the idea of such pain.”
Floris’ eyes falter slightly to the floor before glaring back at Criston
“The maesters have wrapped the body and prepared her for her final journey.”
“I’ll go,” Aemond says.
Floris snatches Aemond at the arm. “No!” Her heels skid on the stone floor.
“Do you wish to see the child’s body yourself?” Aemond snaps back at her. “For proof she’s real and your husband has a heart?”
He expected Floris to let him go, in every sense of the phrase. But her small fists only coiled tighter around his forearm. Everything hard about her expression fractured before him. The blue in her eyes glisten brilliantly as she shakes. “Please, Aemond.”
“It won’t take long, princess. I assure you. Your husband will be back soon.”
“Don’t leave.”
Aemond sighs. But he looks his wife in the face as he pulls his arm from her hold a second time. He walks to Criston.
It falls on deaf ears.
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Neither speak a word as they make their way through the Keep, nor create any sense of urgency with their footsteps. The only ones who look them in the face are a number of Gold Cloaks, either nodding or appearing extra sullen.
They don’t exit through the front doors. No disguises with them now. Instead, the pair navigate through Maegor’s tunnels to find their escape, opening one (of many) secret doors. The scale of Aegon’s High Hill meets them, the white waves of the Blackwater and a bobbing rowboat just below.
“How did you do it? Is Alyssa—”
“Not now.”
Criston jumps down first, landing on a small area of flat rock. He scales down the small mountain with ease, and Aemond follows with enough distance to not disturb each other’s footing. They hug the jagged walls and Aemond keeps his eye focused down on his own feet, his impaired sight working against him more than ever, with only moonlight just barely revealing shadows here and there. Criston even turned around to help him with some of the hill’s slimmer edges, but he refused, wanting to retain his focus. Over time (and with an absurd amount of patience), they meet at the bottom. They let the steep decline guide them to the small beach, meeting the rowboat.
“We have paid some Gold Cloaks to act as alibis in case your wife wants to inquire. They have already spread the word to others.”
The pools of Floris’ Baratheon blue eyes stick with him. She barely faltered upon word of her father’s fall in battle, nor a tear shed at his funeral. She maintained a grace fit for an unmoving force like her. Yet it was Aemond who pushed her tonight. He pushed her to tears. “And the maesters?” He inquires while clearing his throat. “What you said back there, that was true?”
Criston stretches his arms out to steady the boat. “Watch your step,” he tells him. But before Aemond can even take a step, he’s holding out his hand. Aemond looks down at it.
“I can get in fine on my own, Cole.”
“Just…” He gestures again and keeps it out until Aemond reluctantly takes it, one palm meeting the other. Criston guides him in and continues holding tight as the wood creaks under his boots. He doesn’t let go until Aemond sits down, the boat wobbling. Then Criston steps in on the other side, the Blackwater just missing his ankles, rocking the boat all the same. He grips the edges as he steadies it before reaching down.
Even the late night couldn’t hide the bundle of white waxy cloth, the small bloodless being that he held himself just hours ago. He can still feel the phantom wriggling in his arms from her twin’s screams. Now she is here, still. Still and cold as Criston handed her over. But even as the wind blows, Aemond hovers over her to shield her from the chill. He whispers to her as he does.
“I asked Maester Orwyle to wrap her, so we have another alibi should we need it. With her… injury…”
Aemond traces over her eye. Where her eye would be.
“There was no reason to suspect she was anything but a peasant child.”
“And Royce?”
“The less you know, the better.” Criston then pulls their weight with the boat’s oars as Aemond’s fingers brush the outline of his daughter’s face. The noise of moving water surrounds them as he pictures her. He pulled her into the world first, and he never thought bringing his third child into the world would affect him as deeply as his first two. He never imagined she would leave the world the way she came: wet and screaming.
It wasn’t until Criston docked the boat on the other side of the bay that he thought about asking where he—they—were being taken. He still stood unsteadily when stepping out, eyeing the breathing mountain amongst the young trees: his Vhagar. White birds that were perched on her spine flew when she picked up her head. She doesn’t yawn as she normally does when she wakes up, leaving Aemond to wonder, again, just what they’re doing here.
She peers from her high vantage point, neck fully stretched out as her acid green eyes peer at them both, watching them trudge through the brush of her dwelling. She sniffed the air harshly, sounding like a long hiss if Aemond wasn’t looking. Criston continues pushing the vegetation aside (as he had clearly done before, given the faint imprints of feet in the lush grass). It’s not until they make a circle around her that he sees the pyre; a shadow of dry black timber. Thick logs made the foundation as smaller sticks crossed each other to make the bed.
“She was a Targaryen,” Criston says. “She deserves a proper sendoff.”
Aemond clings to the cloth, securing her against his chest as if he is concealing her under his cloak all over again. He stares at the stick bed, and Vhagar lying behind it. Her chest rumbles, something like a hum that causes the earth to tremor under them. Her neck cranes down for a closer look, and Aemond can see the slashes in her pupils as he feels the creaking of her ancient joints when she tries standing.
“Lykirī, Vhagar.” Aemond tries adding some force behind his High Valyrian.
She doesn’t listen. One foot forward, and the ground quakes. Roots and leaves shiver. The length of yellow teeth come into view as she takes another sharp breath.
Still nothing. Her snout is inches from his forehead as her sniffs are smaller and more rapid. Her pupils drop to his chest, then back to him as she nudges him. Aemond has to step back to replant himself, but doesn’t order her to be still. His hold on Alyssa remains firm, closer to his chest than her mouth. She closes her lips, and the vibrancy of her eyes disappears when they do the same. Aemond’s forehead meets her snout, and Vhagar is silent as Aemond keeps his sobs down. He clenches his teeth hard and his jaw already aches from the tension.
Eventually, Vhagar steps back, leaving Aemond to walk to the pyre. He was not sure how long it took him to get there. Neither Criston nor Vhagar spoke. The strain from his temples to his eye, and now his jaw, made every step feel glacial. But eventually he did. He couldn’t imagine the sticks being more comfortable than that cot, but he didn’t pick her back up. He swallowed the snot and bile, meeting in the middle of his throat as he stepped back. Criston stood next to him. Vhagar looked at him.
“Dracarys.” He orders it as pathetically as he did before.
Again, she doesn’t follow him. She opens her mouth with no dragonfire. Her massive head twitches to one side, looking at him as she did the first time he ordered her to fly at Driftmark. But just as Aemond can feel the ache in her bones, she can feel the chains in his chest.
Neither of them wants to do this.
Aemond takes a breath, swallowing something like courage. “Dohaerās, Vhagar! Dracarys!”
Her head drew back with another hiss and her pupils thin out before her eyes close. Her neck curls back and she stretches her jaw. It’s always slow. Even the green color that lights up her mouth. He would be convinced that the pyre lit at the same speed, but Aemond fell into the grass; his knees giving in like the wood did under the intense heat.
Criston is still there as Aemond sobs freely, the sounds of it drowned out by the cracks of sticks and logs. He holds Aemond tightly as he buries his face into Criston’s shoulder. “It’s beautiful,” he tells him. “She’s ascending to the heavens where she belongs. No one can hurt her anymore.”
Aemond blocks his nose in the cloth of Criston’s shirt, sucking in air through his mouth so he doesn’t smell any of it. He remembers how Helaena wailed when she held Jaehaerys, his body limp and the blood soaking into her dress. The woman he loves screamed the same way. The cry of emptiness, a gaping wound inside. Aemond doesn’t have the lungs to scream like that. He just thinks of Helaena on the spikes. “I have to go to her,” he finally says. He pulls away, and Criston’s silhouette is nothing but a bleary shadow. “I have to before—”
“You know she doesn’t want to see you.”
“It doesn’t mean she won’t need me. We still have a child to take care of.”
“She has a child to take care of. You have three. Two of them are here. Another will be in the coming months, and your wife does not need the extra stress of questioning your whereabouts.”
Criston now sandwiches Aemond’s face between his hands. He doesn’t scream at him, but the force of the bones in his hands is hard against his skull.
“Don’t make me build a pyre for your fifth child, Aemond.”
His voice catches in his throat. Neither mother of his children wishes to see him now. Helaena once felt the same, but Aemond’s mistakes called him and Aegon to war, leaving her to grieve on her own. He turns to the pyre, a green haze that occasionally spits at the sky. The smoke burns his nose, making his eye clench shut against the sting. In that darkness, he remembers his mother and the knife to Rhaenyra’s eye. She understood sacrifice. And it was now his turn.
Criston stands up. His outline is still blurry and black, but Aemond can just see his hand outstretched for him. “Your family needs you.”
Aemond remembered his role. And he took Criston’s hand.
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Taglist: @paprikaquinn @immyowndefender @teal-anchor @dixie-elocin
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hijklab · 10 months
The thing about liveship traders that I think is so dope is that from page one you’re given exactly the tools that the vestrits will use to get through everything together. They are traders, they bargain. They don’t just bargain their way into marriages, they bargain their way out of poverty, into new government structures, into the favor of the most powerful people and creatures in their world, into royal status among dragons and pirates and diplomats, until they’re literally shaping a new society and new relationship with humanity entirely. From day one we understand that this family has a specific skill set and then they use it to dig their way out of hell.
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itsabouttimex2 · 24 days
I noticed that you write MK to be a teen, when most other people call him an adult. Any reason why?
I’m in general not a fan of the “Megapolis, in spite of being a fictional futuristic high-tech city, has laws that mirror modern day China one to one” theory that most people use to try and prove that “MK is ‘canonically’ an adult”.
Because MK is like… a genuine masterclass in how to write a character’s age in that there are so many signs pointing to teen or adult (and in some very few cases even a child, but only rarely), but never entirely confirming a single number.
Which is just… so good? Because any person of any age can see themselves in MK’s shoes, which makes him much easier to relate to?
And also in general I just hate the “my headcanon is canon because (thing that is not proof)” that people use to bludgeon down other headcanons.
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MK is written to be age-ambiguous for a reason! The show is meant to appeal to teens, who exist from “thirteen-nineteen”, so he’s been given traits that could easily point in any which direction for his age.
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(He’s also a character in a CHILDREN’S TOY COMMERCIAL. He literally exists to sell expensive plastic toys. Why are people so serious about him “needing” to be an adult?)
Like, yes, he lives alone…
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On the second floor of a building owned by his adoptive father, not by himself out in the city away from his guardian. He’s also very bad at taking care of his place, even though it’s a single room. Like, tell me this doesn’t just look like an average teenager’s room. (He also owns a night-light shaped like Monkey King’s cloud.)
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Yes, he works as a full-time delivery boy and drives around everywhere…
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But Tang calls him a “growing boy” in the second episode, which isn’t the sort of thing you say to a full-grown adult.
He’s given lots of moments to be very adult in ways that are hard to read as “childish”, and childish in ways that are very hard to read as “adult”- BECAUSE HE’S DELIBERATELY MEANT TO EVOKE A VARIETY OF AGES SO THAT ANYONE CAN RELATE TO HIM.
(These two scenes in particular lean towards MK being very young, but it doesn’t mean he’s canonically young, you know? Just like driving and having a job don’t make him canonically an adult.)
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So I write him as an age-ambiguous “teen” while never described where exactly he is on that spectrum of “thirteen-nineteen”, which I think is the best way to write an ambiguously-aged character- by leaving them ambiguous! Then he can be an adult or kid or teen in the mind of whoever is reading my fics.
Wow this was supposed to be short but it went a little longer than I expected.
Thank you for asking!
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connorsbonez · 2 years
DC/DP Crossover Idea #44
Somehow Skulker is the one to acquire a de-aged Phantom and decides to just…take him along in his hunts?? Just strap him to one of those baby carriers and they’re good to go.
Like sure, he could just drop the welp somewhere in his haunt back in the Human Realm and wait till the kid is back to his normal form but that would require Skulker having to drop by the Human Realm often to check in on the welps status so it was just easier to carry him around till the boy changes back and they can go back to hunting him down. (He’ll change back, right?)
Of course, nothing is that simple when it comes to the Phantom boy, because due to him getting suddenly shrunk down his powers have decided ‘hey, you can no longer reasonably control me’. And it’s not usually a problem because Phantom is usually hanging out in a good old baby carrier that’s close enough to Skulker so his core kind of…helps stabilize the powers a bit??? Like sure, more often than not there’s a thin sheet of frost covering his body from where Phantom was, and every so often the boys limbs would randomly disappear or shoot out ectoplasm but that only really happened in the times that Skulker had to remove Phantom from his person and leave him alone to his own devices.
Skulker had quickly learned that he couldn’t just leave Phantom because 1. The welp was a natural wanderer and only being able to either crawl or barely float didn’t stop him, at all. 2. He was a trouble magnet and 3. All these got worse when the boy got bored, causing him to wander off and attract trouble
There totally wasn’t a 4th reason, nope, not at all.
To fix this problem, he put the welp into one of his cages (it got changed into a more child-friendly version, imagine a play pen with a top on it and there you go), perfectly baby Phantom proof so he couldn’t get out, and he even threw some baby ghost toys in there so he can entertain himself while Skulker went after his prey.
Eventually Skulker + Phantom find themselves in the DC universe for a reason of your choosing, maybe a group heard of the Infinite Realms Greatest Hunter and they needed his help to take a creature down.
Well, he goes and the group is greeted by a large robotic-looking man with solid green eyes and firey hair, and the white haired baby boy with glowing green eyes that sat happily in a baby carrier as he chewed on…ice that was formed in a doughnut shape and had a green tint to it? It wasn’t hard to see the sharp teeth dig into the ice that seemed to refuse to crack even a little.
They weren’t really given the chance to question the child, from both the lack of interest that the hunter had in answering and also the very reason they even tried to contact Skulker in the first place.
Some side-glanced the cage that suddenly appeared and now contained the small child who didn’t react to this like it was something normal for them. Some even tried to touch the cage, only to be quickly greeted by a shock of electricity, a clear sign to not touch the cage.
It’s only till after Skulker was able to deal with the creature that they needed him too, does he answer.
The problem is that Skulker forgot that these mortals weren’t from the Infinite Realms, they weren’t ghosts, and they also didn’t know how Skulker and Phantoms dynamic worked, as he wasn’t used to interacting with those who didn’t know all of those at least vaguely.
So maybe answering with “I’m waiting for him to grow up so I can have his pelt hung amongst the rest of my trophies.” And then immediately disappearing afterwards with Phantom wasn’t the smartest idea but hey, it’s not like Skulker knew.
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lostrgirl · 3 months
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In God’s Hands
Aphrodite (God of love)!Huening Kai x Mortal Being!Fem Reader
Side character: Apollo! Soobin, Ares! Taehyun
Summary: As the god of love and beauty, Huening Kai the most beautiful creature that ever exist. He never met someone who are prettier then him. But one day he met a girl that is so beautiful and Kai think she's a threat for him.
He hates her, but later his hatred towards her become obsession.
Trigger Warning: Kai kind of misogynist, M@sturbate.
Other TW will be put on.
This is the story of a girl, named (your name),
And it starts with the forbidden fruit.
Chapter 1
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As the god of love and beauty, Huening Kai is the most beautiful creature that ever exist. He never met someone who are prettier then him. And because of that he became arrogant and tend to underestimate other creature even other gods.
Also because of that too, he never fell in love to anyone nor has sexual desire. Because their ugly face (Kai’s opinion) make him lose his desire to have a sex. For the god of love and beauty, sexual activity is a mortal being’s thing to fill their emptiness because they can’t do the things that gods can.
Unlike the other gods who spent their time having fun in mortal realms, peeking through the woods watching the maidens take a bath or changing themselves into animals and rape them. For Kai that’s a disgusting thing to do, and it’s very disgraceful behavior.
If there's one thing that Kai likes and it's definitely better than sex or woman is Peach. He love that fruit, he even make a peach garden at mount olympus. And the peaches from his garden is the most sweet and juicy in the whole world, heaven, and hell. Other gods agreed that the peaches from his garden is the best.
One day his brother, Taehyun decided to play a trick on him. He told Kai that there's peach garden that produce peaches sweeter and bigger than his garden. Because of that Kai got curious and want to proof Taehyun's word, he doesn't like the fact that a peach that are plant by human are more tastier than his peach, than him, a God.
Little did Kai know, he got tricked by his brother. Of course Taehyun lie to him because Kai's peach is the sweetest thing he ever taste and there's no chance a land of human can grow a tree that produce a fruit sweet like a sugar. It's not peaches that Taehyun wants his brother to see but a girl.
Taehyun know how proud is Kai about his beauty and like to underestimate other. Says that no one ever compared to his beauty and no one can make him fall. Kai is so arrogant he even didn't wants to take a look at the mortal realm because he knows human can't beat god's beauty. But Taehyun know one girl who lived in the forest, her house located near to the river. She has a face that he so sure can defeated Kai's ego. Her name is-
"Y/N! Where are you? Can you help me with the dishes please"
"Yes mother! I will come, wait a minute" she replied.
You has no doubt that you heard a sound of a falling peach to the ground and want to check around because those naughty kids already stole peaches from your family garden three times this week! But before you can find those rackals your mother already called you. You took a deep breath before finally turn your body and leave the garden.
You didn't has any clue that someone was peeking behind the trees watching you in silent. Huening Kai watched you walked into the garden with your long silky hair, skin like porcelain, and face like heaven. He's too stunned with your beauty that he drop his peach (he took it from your garden earlier to check if this peach taste better than his) he just took one bite untill you came.
When he dropped the peach, you immediately look at surrounding, try to find the peach thieves. Indeed there's a peach thieves, but he's not a rascal kid nor a human, but God itself. After you get into the house, Kai fly away leaving that place fastest as he can. His heart go pit-a-pat, he never feel his heart beating this fast. He can't believe it that a mortal being can make him feel like this and he's to embarassed to admit that You, are beautiful.
Taehyun asked Kai his opinion about those peach but Kai refused to answer and got mad. Those peach taste terrible blend, didn't have chance at all to compete his peach. Seeing Kai's reaction Taehyun hid his smile because he knows that his brother must be already met you.
As time pass by, Huening Kai drawn in madness. He can't help to go to your garden and see you from afar silently watching you picking the fruits. You didn't know that you are not alone and carelessly wearing thin fabric showing the curves and silhouette of your body. The cold breeze sweeping through your clothes and hair, making your nipple became hard and stiff stand out behind the fabric.
Kai feel something weird about himself when watched the scenery, he feel hot, and for the first time he saw his dick raised up and became so hard. Without any doubt he slowly caress his manhood up and down, he didn't know about this at all, his hand moved by its own and he start to fasting his movement and let out a little moan while his eyes watching you and his dick looking in turns.
He finally come and leave his cum trace on the tree.
After that he fell sit to the ground with mixed emotion. He felt relief, angry, disappointed, and embarassed. Then he fly go back to his place and make a promise to himself that he will never come to your garden again, he didn't want to see you again. To Strengthen his will, Kai start to denial and plant hatred towards you.
He think there's no way a human can have that beauty, is his father (Zeus) have other Illegitimate child that Kai didn't know and it could be you. A face combination from god?
Did that thing work? Did Kai really does stop coming to your garden? Absolutely not.
He can't help but continue to come to you and see you in silent, watched you doing your daily activity while he's masturbating behind the tree behind the bushes. He do it aggresively because he can't help to deny his feelings meanwhile his body say other words. But looking at you from afar is not enough, he want to see you closer, he wants to know you better so he can hate you even more.
So one day he decided to met you, he change himself to human, hides his wing.
He is so sly, he acted dumb playing with you. Suddenly approach you asking for direction so he can be closer with you. He saw your face clearly for the first time and he can’t hides his happiness by giving a wide smile and blushing.
You are in the middle of picking peaches when a yound handsome man came to you. You never see him before, and you are mesmerized by his beauty. You thought he always has that rosy cheeks while it only shows at you. Then he said his name is “Hyuka” what a lovely name.
Chapter 2 (Upcoming)
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piss-pumpkin · 3 months
🏖️ A beach episode 🌊
Older!Dipper pines x reader, Douce amere chapter 23 ~4.0k words Masterlist Prev
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The state of your head meant you couldn’t swim much. Getting water on it, especially dirty water, like that of the Gravity Falls lake was a bad idea. Having the cut contaminated or infected was a big no-no. Even with it healing well, there was still a somewhat open wound under your bandaid, and the cover was far from water proof. That being said, you also weren’t a bitch. 
You just couldn’t let the water touch your head. Seemed easy enough. 
Your flip flop broke on the way to the shore, so Dipper gave you a piggy back ride, and you kicked your other sandal at Mabel, who walked ahead of you. She didn’t dodge, and it hit her in the back. The Grunkles were grabbing things from the trunk: floaties, a chair for Stan, some weird invention of Fords that would do… something to the water. 
Dipper let you down on the dock, where you wouldn’t get sand stuck on your feet. 
The dock was worn down from years of splashing and walking, and you’d been told it was the place where Mabel got her first kiss. And with a merman Dipper was not fond of. That was a fun bit of mythology. 
The lake wasn’t exactly crowded, but it was on the busy side. You couldn’t be too surprised considering the good weather. On the beach, the cops, Blubs and Durland were laying in towels and giggling to themselves over magazines you couldn’t make out from the dock. A couple of Wendy’s brothers were on the water fishing. Mcguckets son was lecturing some teenager sternly.
Stan had used the car to inflate a couple floats. He was walking towards the three of you, tube in hand, a  nice one too. It had a headrest, and netting in the bottom to sit on.
“Oh my god, look at that!” Mabel said, pointing into the water. 
You looked. The lake water was a little dirty, tinted greenish from some underwater plants growing off the dock legs.
“Um, what?” Dipper asked, leaning over the edge of the dock. You fought the urge to push him in, he hadn’t wronged you in a while, probably didn’t deserve it.
”Yeah, I don’t see anything, what are we looking at?” You asked, studying the lake. You didn’t even see any fish.
Mabel looked up at the both of you, jaw hung open. She pointed accusingly at the small waves. “You guys seriously didn’t see that?” She asked, brow raised. “It was like- I fucking huge fish or something!” 
You pursed your lips, glancing back at the water. It seemed all clear. “Uhhh,” you looked at Dipper, who had a matching look of apprehension, with a little curiosity. “Yeah, I didn’t see anything,” you admitted.
Dipper put his hand up like he was in a classroom, “I also didn’t see-“
“Hey kids, catch,” Stan called, hurling the tube like a frisbee. 
You turned around to look at the shore where he came from. “Huh-“ the tube hit you square in the face. The impact of the rubber got your straight in the forehead. For a soft material, it sure did hit hard when you had stitches in your face. “Fuck!”
You heard Stan suck a breath in through his teeth, “Sorry, my bad,” he said. 
Dippers jaw was hanging open as he looked at Stan, and Stan shot a thumbs up with a guilty smile and shuffled away. 
Mabel swooped I’m in front of you to look at your head. “Bandaids still on,” she said, examining the edges. She picked up the tube Stan threw, and handed it to you. “So your still alive, that’s good!”
You grimaced. At least you could tell your head was getting better, because it didn’t stay bad for long. You blinked a few times, and the pain was nearly gone. “Yippee,” you said dryly.
Dipper and Mabel could swim, and you could… hangout. When they went in the water, you lounged in the tube.
Mabel actually had one too. She swam to shore to grab a float shaped like a pizza slice. She flopped up on it, and laid on her back, saying she was trying to get tan.  Her head was buried face down in the crust.
You might’ve rested your sunglasses on your forehead if not for the bandage. Instead, they were over your eyes as you lounged on the tube, and you hoped to god that your sunscreen would be enough to avoid a sunglasses tan line. 
It was surprising how good a job you were doing keeping the water off your face. The headrest of your float was completely dry. 
The twins traded the pizza slice around. Dipper ended up sitting on it, holding onto the side of your tube so he didn’t drift away. The tube was much higher in the water then Dippers float, so for today you were taller than him. Felt good. 
Mabel insisted on diving for pearls. You and Dipper ended up slowly drifting away from her spot by the docks, carried by the weak waves. You caught a glimpse her feet above the surface before she vanished under the water for another dive. 
You leaned over to Dipper, “I feel like we should be betting on if she finds anything, you know?”
He leaned on the tube, and you smiled seeing up close how you were a good head and a half taller than him like this. “She totally won’t, right?” He said, half as a question. 
You shrugged, “I don’t know.” She came up for air again, and took her goggles off to get some water out of them. When she saw the two of you facing her, she waved enthusiastically before putting them on again and diving. “I would say no, but it’s Gravity Falls, you can never know for sure,” you grinned. 
Dipper snickered. “Okay, if she finds a pearl, it’ll be super weird,” he said, talking with his hands as he tried to draw an elaborate picture in the air. 
“Or better yet,” you added, “not even a pearl. She finds some weird cursed gem or artifact.”
He tapped at the rubber of the float. “Okay, I like your thinking,” he said, “but she’s so shallow, like what, did some dude just drop some weird magic thing off the dock?”
You waved your hand in dismissal as you snickered. “Well maybe, like a wizard or something was walking one night and just keeps shit in his pockets,” you said, trying to think. Thinking was hard through. “Or it’s just washing up from the tide.”
Dipper snorted, “washing up from where? This is not a big lake.”
You winced, swishing your cheeks around your mouth. “Uhhh,” you started. 
Before you could come up with something, Dipper gasped. “Wait no- no you’re right,” he said quickly, looking over at the island in the other side of the lake. “I, uh- remembered. There is very much weird shit in here.” 
You pursed your lips, “Okay, well now I’m worried.” The best you could think of was how Mabel’s merman boyfriend somehow ended up in the ocean from here, so it clearly connected somewhere. That or you could make up some underwater ancient city. 
Dipper glanced around, then pointed at the island on the far side. “I’m like, eighty percent sure that island is alive, and it’s a giant floating head,” he whispered. “But we’re fine, we’re… so far over here.”
”Um,” you said, trying to think about that. You had nothing though. Your head was completely empty. You’d totally been on that island before. 
In very convenient timing, you caught a dark glimmer under the water under you. Like… a big fish. But it didn’t look right in the way it moved. “Dipper,” you said sternly, pointing to the water. 
He hummed, looking first at you, then following your finger. Luckily, it was still in a sight. A big, maybe human sized, dark shadow swimming… towards the dock. You could tell Dipper saw it, because his face first lit up with excitement, then fell. Mabel had just come up for air. 
You and Dipper looked at each other, then back at Mabel. The dark shadow had disappeared in her direction. “Dude,” you said.
”Yep,” he affirmed quickly. 
You turned, and started to paddle your tube back over to the dock. Dipper looked like he was about to do the same. You poked at his arm, “you can just swim over, man,” you said. 
He glanced at Mabel, then at the pizza slice. “Yeah, okay,” he said, rolling back into the water.
As he started to swim away, Mabel raised her hand above the water, and you couldn’t hear what she was saying. It looked like she was holding something to show. Maybe a pearl. 
In a blink though, she was almost under. Your eyes widened as her head, all but the top of her hair sunk. Then she was back with a gasp, thrashing.
You sat right up, pointing, “Holy fuck!” You couldn’t tell if Dipper saw, but he definitely heard. He looked back at you for a moment. “Go get her!” you yelled, frantically trying to paddle over. How important was your head? Should you just jump in?
You worried faded quickly though, as Dipper picked up the pace swimming to the dock. He’d get there far faster than you could anyway, now. So you paddled as best you could. 
Mabel disappeared under, and Dipper was close enough to dive after her. And for a good moment, it was oddly quiet. Most of what you heard was your own paddling. You swallowed hard. Ford was far off on the shore doing something with the water. Stan was asleep on his chair. The rest of the people on the lake didn’t seem to see anything. It was just you, the twins, and some random sea monster. Or… lake monster.
By the time you got close, they were still under. You tapped against the tube. You pulled your feet out of the water, like touching it would get you pulled down too. Should you just go? You stood up, and peered over into the waves.
Just then, you heard the surface break behind you, and gasps for air. You whipped around, nearly falling off as you did. Your knees hit the netting in the tube as you crashed down. “Guys?” You asked, paddling over to them. 
Dipper was holding Mabel, who looked more shaken up, and swimming towards you. You offered a hand, and he made Mabel take it first. Only sliding around a little bit, you managed to help haul her into the tube beside you. 
Next was Dipper. Three people in one tube was not great, but it beat touching the water. You caught a glimpse of the shadow fish under you just as Dipper was climbing on. You held the pizza slice float like a weapon to bat it away if it tried anything. It didn’t. 
Dipper and Mabel were panting, and Dippers eyes were locked on the water. 
“Guys, what happened?” You asked, starting to paddle to the dock. If you could climb up onto it, you wouldn’t have to be on the water so long. Dipper must have had the same idea, because he started helping. 
But he also kept looking back at the water. The fish was gone, though. He hummed lowly, “there was-“
”-That bitch had arms!” Mabel shouted, staring at her hands. They were shaking a little. “And they were fucking gross!” 
You grimaced. Fish with arms. Alright. You got to the dock, and Mabel was talking about the fish with arms, and black hollow eyes, according to her. The dock wasn’t too high off the water. With a boost at the feet, you and Dip got Mabel up first, then you, then you both helped to pull him up. You had his hands, so he brought the floats up one with his leg, and one with his teeth. 
You all sat on the dock a moment, catching your breath. You looked around. Nobody seemed to notice the commotion, somehow. 
“Guys!” Mabel shouted, pointing at the water.
You rushed over to the edge to see. The big fish was moving towards the shore, and closer to the surface. You could see the… arms.. flowing at its sides more clearly now that Mabel pointed them out. 
You scanned the beach. Nobody was too near the water except… Ford, kneeling by the waterline with a little machine. You sucked a breath in through your teeth, “God, Fuck.”
The fish moved pretty fast. The three of you stood up, and started to run.
Running felt weird on the head. You slowed to a jog while the others sped to Ford. 
The fish got there first, though. Dipper and Mabel were calling his name, but Ford didn’t seem to be listening. He was staring at the water. The dark shadow was swirling where he knelt, and Ford seemed hypnotized. 
“Cathrine, you came!” He said giddily. His eyes were wide and enchanted as the fish emerges from the water. 
The twins slowed down, stopping to stare. You caught up to have with them. The fish, apparently named Cathrine, was disgusting. It… or maybe she- had arms that moved and sagged and hung like kelp, and were the same colour, too. She didn’t have fingers, instead just… leaves. Her hair was a wet lump of darker plant, cooled down her back. Her skin was also a murky green, and feathered with plants and dusted with sand.
Mabel was gaping, and pointed at the slimy kelp hands, “oh my god, that touched me,” she said meekly. 
“Great uncle Ford!” Dipper yelled, cupping his hands around his mouth. “Get away from that, it’s dangerous!”
His warning were in vein, though. Ford finally looked over at the three of you on the docks, and just waved happily, “Hi Kids!” then went back to staring into Cathrines eyes. Or… actually you weren’t sure if it had eyes, you didn’t see its face. 
Dipper started speed walking to him again, and you and Mabel followed behind. He stopped suddenly, “wait, Cathrine?” He said, one hand moving to his chin. 
You and Mabel shared a glance, silently agreeing not to interrupt his thought process.
”Cathrine- ugh, where do I recognize that…” he grumbled, string between the wood planks of the dock into the water. He snapped his fingers, “oh my god, I’ve got it,” he said, looking at Ford again. “Great uncle Ford wrote in the journal, he used to date a siren names Cathrine, do you guys think…” he trailed off, and you all looked at the big fish again. 
Yeah, she could look like a Cathrine.
“Okay, so let’s kick her away from him, right?” You asked, eying Cathrine. 
They nodded. 
When Ford saw you all approaching again, he grinned even wider at you. He pointed the three of you out to Cathrine, who turned her head to look, and for the first time you saw she did have eyes. She had hollow, pure black eyes, and completely sunken in skin, worn down like when water blazes a trail into stone. Her cheeks could have been a river, and her wrinkles like streams. 
“Kids, come meet Cathy!” Ford called happily. How Stan was still asleep on the chair with a magazine over his face, you’d never understand. 
Dipper practically wheezed, “fucking Cathy?” He looked frantically between you and Mabel, then back to Ford. He shouted across the water again, “That thing tried to drown Mabel!”
Ford waved his hand, “she wouldn’t do that,” he said quietly, possibly forgetting that you were all across the dock from him.
That might’ve been the last straw. The three of you started running to the shore again to catch Ford before something unfortunate happened. You had to slow down for your head, but even in a jog the old planks of the dock hammered under your feet. 
“You’ll love her,” Ford declared happily, taking her slimy kelp hands in his own to hold lovingly. “I think we’re going to finally tie the knot!”
Mabel had to stop running to cough and sputter as she started to laugh. “Go on without me,” she wheezed, planting her hands on her knees to support herself.
You heard Dipper mumble under his breath at her, but he kept forward towards Ford. When your feet hit the sand and dirt off the ground, Dipper was already close. Mabel coughed behind you as she caught up.
Ford was entranced in Cathrines eyes, and she was subtly pulling him closer by the hands. Well, not that subtle, actually, if you could notice from across the beach. Subtle enough that Ford didn’t seem to pay any mind. “I can’t believe it,” he said dreamily. “After all these years, I found you again.”
 ”No fucking shot,” you said, turning to Mabel as the two of you rested. Damn your head. Dipper was the only one doing anything productive. 
Catherine pulled harder, and Ford started idly leaning more toward the water, until he was wading in on his knees to follow her direction. It was only when she smiled wide that you saw her mouth. Her lips blended well into her skin, almost unnoticeable until she opened her jaw, and you could see the rows upon rows of sharpened teeth. 
“Great uncle Ford, no!” Dipper said, as if he was scolding a dog. 
You and Mabel shared a glance, and decided rest time was over. You both tried to catch up with them. 
Just as Cathy tried to yank Ford into the water, Dipper practically tackled him, wrapping his arms around his torso and pulling him back. “Great uncle Ford, snap out of it!” He yelled, turning his head so he didn’t scream in Fords ear. 
“D-dipper, what are you doing?” Ford asked, with all the hurt in his tone of a kicked puppy. He fought back against Dipper, and was far stronger. 
Luckily, just as he broke free, and Dippers grasp broke, you and Mabel got there. She took his arms, pulling them out of Cathy’s grip, while you shoved Ford onto his side in the sand and held him down. Ford tried to thrash and resist, but Mabel kept a firmer grip than Dipper did. 
“Ford, you fuck,” you said, looking as Cathrines deranged smile curled into a teeth scowl. “Do we have to kill you? What’s going on?” 
“She’s the love of my life!” 
Dipper groaned, glaring down Cathrine. 
Ford struggled against you and Mabel, hard. Mabel grumbled holding back his arms as his thrashing grew more desperate the closer Cathrine inched to the sand. Ford tried to wiggle towards her, so you sat on him to hold him down.
You looked to Dipper, expecting help. Or for him to swat the creature away. Instead, he was staring down Cathy, with what at first looked like a glare, but you went on to realize was… a trance. “God fucking-“ you started. You tried to reach him without moving too far from your post, but it didn’t work. At least Dip wasn’t moving. 
Cathy had turned her attention to your boyfriend, and Ford was not happy. “Cathy?” He practically begged. 
You were also not happy. “Dip,” you said, snapping your finger at him to get his attention. It didn’t work. In fact, he hadn’t blinked the whole time you’d been looking at him. You glanced back at Mabel, still holding thrashing arms. Ugh. “Dipper, snap the fuck out of it,” you complained. 
The siren creeped closer to him, and he made no effort to move away. Worse, he knelt down to her level. Mabel seemed to notice too, “uh, bro?” She asked. 
“Ok, Mabes, let’s both agree not to look too hard at Cathy, alright?” You said, trying to keep the fish out of your peripheral. “Cuz he can’t look away right now.”
Mabel nodded, averting her eyes. At the very least, Ford was calming down. Well, no. Calm was not the right word. Ford was depressed and disparaged like you’d never seen before, practically melting into the sand rather than thrashing for escape. 
You tentatively got up from Ford. The moment your weight was off him, he sprang up and tried to lunge for Cathrine. “Oh, fuck off,” you grumbled, tackling him again and holding him down. A low groan escaped his lips. 
Things were getting worse for Dipper though. Slowly, as if crossing a threshold, he outstretched his hand for Cathrine, despite Fords despondent wails. Her disgusting slimy leaves were dangling above him as she lowered them onto his palm. You made mental note not to touch his hands until he washed them.
You looked at Mabel. There seemed to be a stalemate going on. “Ok, what if one of us takes arms and body,” you suggested, looking at Fords sad face resting in the sand. 
“Oh!” She perked up. “I can try,” she offered. 
“Uh, on three?” You asked. You shared a nod and started to count.
On three, you leapt up towards Dipper, shoved him out of the way. You pressed your eyes into a squint as you faced Cathy, trying to avoid her face. Holy fuck her gross hand was near your legs. 
You squirmed at the thought of that touching you, and your legs moved on their own. In a swift motion that you didn’t even fully register, Cathrine was kicked in the head. Easy, since she was low to the ground on the water. 
The moment your foot collided with her face, you regretted it. Still barefoot, you could feel her grainy, slimy skin on yours, and feel the way her jaw moved with your hit, and the way it freaked with the motion. You squeaked as you recoiled away, almost wanting to cleave your foot from your body. 
Cathrine hissed, with a remarkably similar reaction to you. She slithered away back under the water like a snake, and swam away. That was all it took? 
You looked back to take stock. Mabel had knocked the wind out of Ford landing on his back, taking his arms down with her in a makeshift arm bar. Why in gods name she wasn’t doing that the whole time, you didn’t know. With Cathy gone though, he seemed to be doing better, and was actually spitting out the sand that had gotten in his mouth instead of gnawing on it defeatedly. 
You glanced at Dipper, who blinked a few times. His eyes were watery, probably recovering from the dry spell staring context he seemed to have with Cathrine. “Hey, so-“ he started, looking at you, the Ford and Mabel, then the empty spot in the water where the siren was. “Um, what happened just now?”
You snickered, “Found out you’re into old fish hags.”
Ford mumbled out a dazed, “Don’t call her that, she’s a beautiful woman.” None of that was factually correct. She looked more like a fish. 
Dippers face reddened. “I-“ he stopped himself, jaw hanging slightly open. He closed it, pursing his lips, “Yeah, I got nothing, actually.”
You rolled your eyes, and offered him a hand up. “Yeah, I didn’t think so, you freak,” you laughed smugly, “should I be jealous?”
He took the hand, brushing the sand off his legs. “Uh, maybe not you,” he said, glancing back at the ground. “But Great uncle Ford should be.”
He groaned again from the ground, and Mabel got off of him. “Do you guys, uh, wanna leave?”
You stared at the water a moment, scanning for anymore dark shadows underneath. Your eyes caught on the boat Wendy’s siblings were on. “Yeah, alright,” you affirmed. “Is somebody gonna wake Stan?”
“Not it,” Mabel said. You quickly echoed her, leaving Dipper the odd one out. 
“Why are you guys the worst?” He said, walking off toward Stans chair. Ford mumbled an agreement from the ground, and you were fine to call the beach episode done. The water was not looking amazing after seeing its creatures. And you had to go home and wash your foot as soon as possible, since cutting it off wasn’t an option. 
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Chat I did smth scary 💀 after like 2 years I’ve given my friend fanfic privileges back. I got one friend who matches my freak and I can trust to read my fucking x readers. Trying to write this chapter was so stressful cuz for once I was self aware of my cringe.
Taglist: @cipheress-to-k-pop @dead-esque @phobo-ss
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pinkiemachine · 4 months
Superman: Origin Story! 🎉
Part one involving what became of Krypton and the rest of the El family will be linked below.
Lara and Cal crash landed together on Earth (specifically, outside of Smallville Kansas) in the summer of 1977 with their escape pod badly damaged, and Lara bleeding out. As luck would have it, a young couple was driving through that part of the country and saw what they thought was a plane of some sort crash land. John Kent jumped out of the car and went to check to see if there were survivors and found a Kryptonian escape pod, steaming and smoking, with a woman and baby inside. Lara could tell that she didn’t have much time. Attempting to speak to John (though, he didn’t understand her language) she asked that he would take care of her son and bring help. Along with Cal, she also gave John a small, hand-held device that he couldn’t figure out the purpose of. Then… she died.
John was left standing there, not knowing what to do for a few seconds. Ultimately, he figured he ought to bury the body out of respect, so he ran back to his wife to give her the baby. By that point, though, there were already dark shapes on the horizon. Martha spotted them. Black helicopters. The Kents got in their car and sped away as quickly as they could, not wanting to get tangled up in whatever conspiracy this was. John didn’t take them back to house that night. Instead, they kept driving until they reached his sister Emma’s house where they would lay low for a while.
Martha was still holding baby Cal and she couldn’t bear to let him go. She had suffered a miscarriage just a week before and immediately fell in love with the boy. There would be no getting rid of him now. They decided to name him Clark, after a word John thought that the woman in the pod had tried to say to him.
After the black helicopters had gone, and after the crashed pod had mysteriously disappeared, John and Martha went back home and continued on with life. Naturally, they had a million questions, but answers would be very tricky to supply unless they wanted to poke their noses into uncertain places. So they kept to themselves. Clark, meanwhile, was growing up fast and strong. Literally. By the time he was two, he was lifting things he really shouldn’t be able to, running faster than they could keep up with, and falling out trees on purpose (not sustaining any injuries) because it was fun. This was their first inkling that Clark might not be human. (After all, Kryptonians do look a lot like humans.)
I would also like to mention that in this version, Clark has siblings. Yes, a few years after saving Clark, Martha gave birth to another son, Micheal. Then came Sean, then Rueben, and finally Suzie. They all worked together on their father’s farm, though it was kind of an open secret who did most of the work. Clark would out-perform his brothers constantly, and it had become quite the sore spot in the family. But, when the tractor breaks down, who’re you gonna call to get it back to the barn? Probably the superhuman son who can lift it with one hand and fly. They did have a lot of good times as well. They got up to so much stupid stuff…heheh… story for another time.
Clark was told from a young age that he was allowed to use his powers on the farm, but nowhere else. Especially not in town. John and Martha were worried the black helicopters might come back. So Clark did his best, but rumours still abounded. Some of the other kids in his class at school even called him an “alien” because of how weird he acted sometimes. Naturally, he had been told his origins by this point. When he was six, his parents sat him down and explained about the pod and his mother and John gave him the small device that Lara had given him. The moment Clark touched it, it activated. It was a holo-photo projector, and it displayed a portrait of the El family, baby Clark included. This was proof that Clark was from the stars, and from that moment onward, he became obsessed with outer space. By the time he was in middle school, he had star maps and rocket posters pinned up in his room, he tracked down every scrap of alien news and conspiracy theories that he could find, and tried to send out radio signals into deep space with his own dinky, homemade system in the family tree house. He loved his adoptive family, he did, but he also wanted to know what had happened to the rest of his birth family. Were they out there? Did they know where he was? That he was alive? He had so many questions!
Alas, time flew by, and no answers appeared. He had a falling out with one of his brothers (involving Clark losing control and accidentally hurting one of the family dogs with his laser vision) and after high school he left to get a degree in investigative journalism, later taking a job at the Daily Planet in Metropolis. He still talked to his brothers and sister and Ma and Pa, but he felt alienated. He didn’t really belong anywhere. That’s why this job was so important. He would scour the ends of the Earth to find answers.
Little did he know, though, that the escape pod and Lara’s body had been taken by the government and were being experimented on. Head of the classified project currently: Amanda Waller. Most invested investor: Lex Luthor.
Part one here 👇
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browniefox · 1 year
The (New) +Anima Au Guide!
A few months ago, I made a post about the basics of +anima, and now I realize it was kinda bad, so I'm making it again! So, here's a little guide to the basic world of +anima - mostly how anima work - in hopes to inspire people to create +anima aus!
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What is +Anima?
+Anima is a ten-volume manga written by Natsumi Mukai. It is very good and cute, you should read it! It revolves around a world where certain people have something called an anima.
When a child is put into a life-threatening situation, there's a chance that they will get the abilities of a nearby animal - granting them wings like a bird, or tail of a fish, for example - in order to survive the situation. It's like if trauma gave you cat ears!
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Nana, for instance, was running from her drunk and angry father in the woods at night, and got a bat anima. Natural anima only happen to children.
Getting an anima, or seeing someone with an anima, is rare enough that, even if people are aware of what anima are, those with bird or fish anima are often confused for angels or mermaids. Those with anima are usually treated poorly and feared as something dangerous and scary.
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Those with anima are able to look like normal humans most of the time, accessing their anima and transforming back and forth at will. When appearing like a normal human, however, there is still proof of being an anima by way of a marking(s) somewhere on their body. The marking reflects the animal/trait that they have, the location usually correlates with there or how the trait shows up.
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As an anima is connected to survival, children with them usually lose their anima as they grow older and find themselves in better situations. In the manga, most of the anima are either kids or teens. There are a few cases of adults with natural anima, two being seemingly homesless men (one seems to be a rat anima, while another is a bison), and a few who are of the Native American-Coded group in the manga, the Kim-un-Kur, who are known to keep their anima through adulthood seemingly because 1. it's less ostracized against, 2. their life style probably is better with one, and 3. they're more in tune with nature and their anima.
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(^this is the the buffalo anima and a crow anima)
There is also such a thing as 'fake' or 'manufactured' anima, but only in a sense. There's a way to extract the anima from a person, though if the person is not willing the anima will not remain after the procedure. When willingly extracted, however, the anima can then placed into another person, though the connection between human and anima seems to be tenuous, and the anima may choose to leave.
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Outside of a 'manufactored' anima, in canon there is one instance of an anima hopping from one human to another, though in that case the anima was that of a vicious and vengeful bear.
While in-fiction it's mostly hinted at and a little vague, it seems that the anima - as in the animal power itself - seems to have some degree of sentience, as it seems its the anima that makes makes the choice when to leave the human. It seems to be that the spirit of the animal literally ends up in the human that gains the anima.
Those with anima also seem to be able to do a further transformation into a more animal-like form called metamorphosis.
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As you may have noticed me doing throughout the post, those with anima are usually just referred to as ‘anima’, though the animal spirit in the is also called their ‘anima’.
In the world of +Anima, there is also a side of the continent that has big market in anima slave trade, so make of that what you will.
Anyway, I find the world of +Anima FASCINATING, please talk to me about +Anima and make aus I love it.
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(These are the four main characters of the manga! Cooro (crow), Husky (fish), Senri (bear), and Nana (bat).)
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bi-bi-bi-buckley · 2 months
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I think I could talk about BakuDeku for hours.
Like, genuinely
I understand their past. All that's happened.
But when you see past that. See Katsuki's actions for what they were supposed to be. Acknowledge of course what he's done but also acknowledge he is changing and atoning.
These two have always been special to me but now that I'm older I'm (somewhat) smart enough to understand and adore their relationship on a greater scale.
And also, looking at them from a literary standpoint. The parallel of Izuku's body running before he had a chance to think to save Katsuki from the sludge villain.
And Katsuki doing the same thing for Izuku with Shigaraki, ending up getting impaled?
The soft looks you catch when you're paying extra close attention to Katsuki.
The familiarity and comfort the two find in each other.
These two mean the world to me. And I know not everyone sees their relationship like that. But they're special to me. And I love them.
I can only hope for them to get the happy ending they deserve. Maybe even together? But I know how unlikely that is.
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He's looking at Izuku here. Seeing him train when he should be sleeping after a long day of hero work.
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The soft smile he has as he watches Izuku win. Seeing him be victorious in battle. (At least until Shoto catches him!!)
And that's just two examples from the movies not even talking about the canon stuff!
Their story is tragic, something that breaks my heart the longer I think about it. But they're healing.
I know some people can't forgive Katsuki for what he has done, the important part is Izuku has. And Katsuki is growing. He's becoming better.
Class 1.A vs Deku is proof. This kid is desperate to have Izuku back. So he does something that who knows if he was planning on doing them or if it was on a whim.
He apologized. And he's putting in effort to call him Izuku. Even when Izuku says he doesn't have to.
And then there's the recent episode.
(spoiler below break)
Say all that you want about Katsuki. But his "7 minutes" when he died? Were Izuku. In his final moments, Izuku was not only on his mind but gave him strength to keep going. To push past what I can only assume would be the worse amount of pain imaginable.
He still had that card on him. That special All Might card that matches with Izuku's.
Whether you see their relationship as platonic or romantic, I do truly think they're soulmates.
Not in the traditional sense, but I do believe their souls are meant for one another. They complete eachother. Where one falls flat the other excels in. They push eachother to be the best version of themselves they can be. And I think that has to count for something.
Izuku and Katsuki were made for eachother. That is something I can say without a shadow of a doubt.
Two sides of the same coin.
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hello-im-not-a-possum · 4 months
Writing in tags got a ball rolling and I'm thinking more and more about full ghost/bitter babysitter Vlad
Thinking about how Jazz and Danny grew up with ghost hunters as parents and a ghost as an uncle, the types of wrenches it throws into the family's relationships with each other...
Starting with the parents' perspective,
It's easy in the beginning to dismiss the paradoxical nature of ghost hunters having a ghost live with them, The Ghostbusters had Slimer, Fentonworks has V-Man. At the start, their tiny children can see and understand the difference between their friendly uncle Vlad (who at the start, looked like a pathetic wet kitten) and a 'real' dangerous ghost.
It's less easy when you and your old friend wind up in an arms race driven and perpetuated by both rational and irrational fear.
At the start when he looked human and his grudge was apparent but it was shown when he was passive-aggressively doing chores around the house and getting the kids ready for school, it was funny, guilt-trippy, sure, but also helpful. Now that the kids are teenagers and can do their own share of the chores and get themselves ready for school that grudge needs other ways to manifest and he can't break inventions and loom ominously on their bedroom ceiling forever.
"We're not *just* ghost hunters, there's more to our studies than dissection and having Vladdie around makes those other studies easier."
With time, turns into...
"Well, how would we know if our anti ghost forcefields and other ghost proofing gadgets work or not if we didn't have a ghost to test them on?"
With more time, turns into...
"This is the Fenton Ecto-Vaporizer, it turns every ghost caught in its rays into nothing but steam! Well, every ghost except the pesky patient because it grew immune to Blood Blossoms and effect amplifying serums 🙄"
And for the most part 'the ghost haunting our home for decades is immune to our shock collar and we need to make something stronger or he'll rip our spines out of our bodies and wear our skins like coats' is said in jest,
at the end of the day,
during those nights that SHOULD be silent but their guilty consciences make the whispers at the end of the bed recounting the day they not only killed, but dumped their best friend like garbage and fled the state that much louder as the bright red eyes of the vengeful spirit become their unwelcome night light...
They have to ask themselves will he kill them before or after the kids go to college?
From the kids' perspective... where do I even start?
Okay, good news is that they had a good tradeoff with a better childhood, I mean for starters their Christmases were a lot less nasty with Uncle Vlad and I strongly suspect that Little Danny's favorite Christmas story of all time was 'A Christmas Carol' as he'd love the christmas ghosts thanks to knowing his own 'christmas ghosts'.
And both kids grow up knowing that ghosts CAN be good people, they see their uncle lose his outer humanity over the years while they grow up and come to understand that just because a ghost can *look* mean and scary doesn't mean that they *are* mean.
Danny would likely have more 'tools' in his belt other than fighting. Sure, fighting's on the table if need be, but when it comes to different ghosts and their different issues, he'd likely stop and ask himself "Is this ghost who's screaming about a dance in need of a butt-kicking, or is she in need of some help?"
but as teenagers who can see that their family situation is NOT normal...
Jazz knows that there's more to Vlad's tragic story than 'I was really sick and your parents didn't visit me in the hospital :C'. She also knows he's not telling her.
Granted, nobody's really comfortable telling the girl one raised to adulthood that their parents murdered and abandoned them without a second thought,
But the whimsy and charm of 'oh look my uncle's a ghost' is lost when 1. you're not a kid anymore. and 2. getting him to be emotionally honest and upfront with you about his past is like pulling teeth.
Does Danny go to any of the adults when the accident happens? CAN he go to any of the adults when the accident happens?
It's established how he hates the idea of his parents getting a divorce, of losing his family, and at this point in time despite their attempts to hide it in front of him and Jazz, he can pick up that Vlad is not happy with or around his parents who in turn appear more and more uncomfortable with their old friend.
He knows that his mom and dad can put up with ghosts if they absolutely need to, but how will they take knowing that HE'S a ghost?
And how will Uncle Vlad himself take it?
He can trust him to teach him everything he knows about being a ghost, but at the same time, he's grown up watching Vlad destroy any and all inventions his parents make that seem too dangerous to them, so what would he do to his parents if he knew that 'their negligence killed him'?
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hatlordave · 1 month
More Misty Woods stuff:
Nyxia technically legally owns the property. Technically. Shenanigans were involved in that coming to be seeing as she didn’t previously have a birth certificate.
They dont have an oracle or missions that they do. Most of them just live there full time. Some do leave once they hit 18-20, but they’re welcome to stay as long as they want. Nyxia is currently the oldest resident at 24.
Mythological heritage doesn’t effect status or lodgings, rather age does. The younger you are, the lower in the silo your room is (with a couple older kids/young adults to help guard and care for the little ones)
Exceptions include infants (not too common) and those with disabilities that would prevent them from climbing the silo. Those exceptions have lodgings in the farm house as it has better baby-proofing and disability access. The nymphs who raised Nyxia help out with the littlest ones
The three oldest on the property (Nyxia, Jamison, and Penny) take turns keeping watch from the top of the silo at night where they can survey the upper part of the property.
In edition to the farmhouse, barn, and Silo, there’s also a garden plot and some apple trees in front of the house, and they do have a larger field where they grow different crops that they rotate each year. Theres also a creek running down to a small lake on the property.
They dont have any mythical animals (yet! Nyxia is trying to change that), but they do have a few normal ones! They’ve got chicken hutch, a couple dogs, a barn cat, and two horses.
Theres plenty of woodland on and surrounding the property as well, so whatever they dont grow or raise themselves, they can hunt or forage. Though they DO make trips into town for other food and supplies, they’re largely self sufficient.
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alienoresimagines · 1 month
I would love to see more of Clegan after the war (I know this has already been mentioned) but specifically in the context where they adopt or have a child (preferably a girl because they are girl dads to the core)!! I know there are a few ones but they’ve likely been abandoned so I’d loveee to see more domesticity and them settling into the whole white picket fend thing (even though this would be super hard for them given the time period)!🥹
Ooh, see, as per my own personal hc I don't see them with a child, at least not in canon, but I love that there is so much diversity in what people would like to read 🥰🥰 It's proof of a fandom that's alive in my opinion 😌
I think I've seen one going around where John has a biological little girl that comes to live with them after the war (?) but it's true there aren't many set in canon, it could be such a fun thing to explore! And the good thing with fanfiction is that it doesn't have to be 100% historically accurate 🥰 Maybe John or Gale's sister has a child but is unable to take care of them so the child goes to stay with their uncle and his war buddy 🥹 Maybe John was the godfather of a kid who's lost their parents during the war or maybe they adopt once they feel settled and safe enough 🥹 But you're absolutely right about giving them the white picket fence and the nine yards, they deserve them 🥹 If they get a dog, they'd have the new American dream 🥹 Be right back crying about John teaching his kids how to play sports in the backyard while Buck reads on their porch but looking so fondly at his little family 🥹
It could also be really interesting to explore the impact it has on the Buckies themselves, to have a child, a person, to take care of and help grow 🥹
Also the 100th as uncles!!! Grandpa Chick!!! Meatball being all soft for that lil' one 🥹
I hope more people will write those kind of stories for you, Nonnie 💕
What are some tropes/hc you'd like to see more of in Clegan fics?
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Starlight, Starshine; Missing In Action
Guys can you tell I'm bad at making up title names yet
Because I SUCK at coming up with titles author is still insecure ab their writing short one this time well theyre all short one shots but yk not beta/proof read author is eepy
Author swaps between writing on mobile and on computer so
Summary: Sun and Moon miss you! You haven't been coming to work lately! Be it illness or injury, they're worried about your wellbeing!
Notes/CWs: no real CWs I think, at least none I can think of, readers reason for being MIA is vague and non descriptive, story mostly shows Sun and Moons side of things, au where nothing goes wrong because I just want the glamrocks + sun/moon to be happy, Sun is sad and Moon is worried, ends on a positive note, little to no dialogue (mix of a stylistic thing and also admin still sucks at dialogue(
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sun would be lying if he didnt notice your absence immediately. the same could be applied to moon. it was... weird. they were so used to working alone, just the two of them in their shared body in the daycare before you had arrived, but...
without you there giving them an extra set of hands and a pair of eyes, things seemed duller. sure, they still got their job done just fine, the kids were still taken care of, but they had to admit that their worry was putting a damper on them.
first it was just one day, then two, then three. what was once manageable became unbearable. even the children began to notice that sun seemed to drag his feet just a little and snap his head at any sound coming from the slide to the daycare. moon, on the other hand, seemed to wander about more than usual while they slept, according to the children who had trouble sleeping during naptime.
things came to a head on the night of the third day, after everyone had gone home. things were so quiet, yet so loud.
no one was telling them anything, even after they had managed to talk to a few of the remaining human staff members, but they didnt do anything to give the animatronic relief.
were you sick? hurt? fired?
did you die?
immediately moon shut down the idea as soon as it occured; of course something so horrible hasnt happened!
but still, on the fourth day you didnt turn up, and for a fleeting moment, moon had revisited that idea.
no, you were still here, hed reassure himself and sun
the children, at least the ones who were regulars, began to ask about you before naptime that day. no answer moon could give seemed to satisfy them, just as the growing anxiety wracked through them at the end of the day.
it was early on the fifth day, before the daycare had opened. not a single person in sight, save for sun; who had resigned himself to perching himself on his balcony, not quite trying to pinpoint anything in his line of sight.
then suddenly, the sound of someone setting themselves down at the top of the slide ripped through the quiet air. sun spun his head around, just in time to see an employee be engulfed by the ball pit at the end.
sun didnt even do his signature dive before plunging himself into the pit below, and crawled along the floor of it.
just as you broke the surface of the pit, and brought your eyes to look up and adjust to the bright lights above, sun made his presence known as soon as you made you revealed yourself.
in the form of a tight hug. his rays sound rapidly around his head, the tips just slightly brushing against your skin. he pulled you out of the pile of plastic, doing a little twirl before walking towards the bridge and placing you down on solid ground.. a hand firmly placed on your shoulder, the other, almost resting itself on your cheek before finding its place on your other shoulder. in an instant, sun unloaded into a long string of questions
where were you?
were you okay?
what happened?
are you hurt? sick? are you still recovering?
and before he could stop himself he went into a small tirade of how worried he and moon were
they started messing up their job!
the kids started to notice!
they couldnt relax at all the entire time you were gone!
not that they wanted you to feel bad for not being there, it's not like you asked to be away.. it's just,
they were so happy you were back, and okay!
the entire time, suns rays moved; clicking nervously and retreating slightly back into his head while he talked about his and moons fears; and in a fast whirl when he expressed his joy over your return
he just kept on going, and going, and going. two minutes turned to five then began to drag on.
"I'm here, I'm not going anywhere," you said suddenly, before clasping your hands over his, which were still attatched to your shoulders. you removed them, and carefully intertwined your fingers between his.
"Promise," you added
his rays went still, his head lowering to your hands. a simple nod, and that was that. silence
silence that was short lived, as the daycare was due to open, with people steadily streaming in.
as the children arrived and squealed at your return, things began to feel right again.
things were going to be just fine..
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mofffun · 10 months
Team wings headcanons??? Any????
They are children on the playground and arguing is proof of their "friendship"!!
Rita being the secret supplier to Yanma's antique collection (think government auction, double as one Gokkan's source of income)
Yanma Gast 100% knew about Moffun.
Yanma the hashtag angry mark vs Rita the pool of yarn mark (ahhh I want to doodle)
THEM WITH KIDS: Rita scaring a little girl in N’kosopa vs. the flower twirl with Ishabana boy + Yanma is a good teacher
when did they first hear the king-ohger legend
"You don't even know that?" -> Yanma: yelling at auroras to "turn off your damn speakers!!!" // Rita: can't tell a lightning cable from a type c
I don't think Rita is bad in tech in terms of lacking a sense in it but they just never had the need to study it
Rita will never say the full technical name for Yanma's inventions though (Does he even know his lie detector is called the Thundercarcker behind his back?)
(bringing the actors into this) Rita serectly adding another grudge on their list because Yanma's Moffun voice is actually really good
per manga ch13, the grudge list grew again because the Jealous Judge's retainer has a heart uchiwa for the yankii king
Yanma is smart enough to motivate the judge with words into helping him if necessary but it'll take a minute hour for Rita to begin wonder if it was because they agreed with his reasoning or his choice of words
Yanma is 2 years older but by kingship he is 6 years Rita's junior. Their first meeting happened at 21/19. The number fluctuates because I also really want to see their first meeting at 19/15.
similarity and differences:
teased by Himeno, Yanma turns red and Rita turns white
they are too gay to sit properly
parallel play (they could sit in a coffee shop for hours and people would think they are angry with each other because they're not talking but it's actually the most comfortable way for them to stay together in the same room)
unconsciously hum while working long hours
“what is sleep”/caffeine addicts 
 you KNOW they both have a tendency to fall asleep in their office
Both have a sweet tooth but Yanma in drinks and Rita in hard candy. Rita more so than Yanma because butterfly.
don’t really look at what he’s eating vs. has a gokkan-native comfort food
Yanma doesn't mind trying foods with dry/weird textures Rita is not exactly a picky eater (because gokkan food shortage/low variety of homegrown food) but typical “I need that texture once in a while or I start malfunctioning”
(Gokkan has all sort of weird pickles and dried meats, typical winter country)
Like any northerner Rita has a high alcohol tolerance though without a preference (okay Gokkan harvest(?) festival and the one day the prison complex is allowed fruit punch) and you'll find me beat up before I say Yanma Gast can take more than a beer.
Yanma Gast has a HUGE ego but I think it’s only gotten worse by having an eternal hyper in Shiokara. Does Rita has an ego? long story short, yeah.
first meeting
development of king's hotline/ohger calibur/king's weapon
the moffun scalper
development of the lie detector
yanma's arrest and trial
when yanma and rita were castle-mates (?) before himeno and kagu got themselves in jail
jail time
the body swap phone call!!
body swap resolution (admit it canon is not giving it to us)
the voyage back home
maintenance spa day of the shugods
first meeting: I think one reason Rita doesn't like N'kosopa much (and an underlying cause to them randomly arresting everyone in 28 besides stress), is organized crime plagued N'kosopa in the aftermath of Wrath of Gods.
Post-Wrath, the blue king ran away, so N'kosopa is either an anarchy or at warring states where crime bosses and militarists took hold. "Police" exist but took bribes per Shiokara. At that time, Rita just became king themself and has enough on their plate. So even though it's technically a domestic affair, it's a growing potential threat to Chikyuu's order but it's too systemic for a 10-year-old foreigner to take on alone.
I also think Rita would be required to witness the day Yanma officially becomes King. He has the popular vote, but to keep things simple, the monarchy is kept instead of transitioning into procedural democracy. So the yakuza lawyer, Usba maybe, say they have to get the Chief Justice here, to everyone turning blue and silent for a moment from the excited discussion of a big ceremony hearing their name.
but! my initial fic idea in may/june was very simple because I only wanted to put them in a bike + sidecar and sunglasses and comedic road trip. They chase down a McGuffin to help a kid. Their budapest. Where Yanma making "Absolute Neutrality" Rita's name comes from something they said. Maybe that's why the couldn't end the incident in a less legal but more effective way.
another first meeting idea allows them to meet younger as late teens is maintenance day for the shugods. A very random event is if the Yanma needs the Ohger Calibur to stay over temporarily, how is Rita gonna continue with the trials? Did he buy them a substitute pon pon Moffun hammer at the tuck shop??
Developing the henshin system: See I think Yanma is not going to bother putting in a function that he personally can’t use but knowing it’s a team’s weapon, as a good designer, he at least has to ask the other kings what they want as an auxillary. What is his reaction hearing Rita says bow? (i talk as if anything other than HA? is an option) What if Rita didn’t suggest bow, but Yanma just assigned them that because it fits that stick-in-the-mud?
Body swap resolution: Yanma wants to train his body but doesn't know where to start. I mean, he can't ask Rita of course. But if anyone can keep a secret, it's them. Oh of course he doesn't have to go that far and outright get humiliated again, so he has to phrase it like picking a fight. Rita is down anytime to "convince" Yanma Gast so they didn't really register it as a one either. (re: Erica saying arguing is the proof that this two are "friends")
Yanma's arrest:
Yanma's hair got fried blond because of his ultracomputer
N'kosopa mass protest + boast rally that conversely proved Yanma is the culprit
nobody remembers to hire Yanma a lawyer
a particular loud shriek when Gokkan's power black out (lucky for yanma it's summer i.e. long day)
Morfonia and her unsaved files
Yanma's sentence include improving Gokkan TV/Internet reception as community service
Jeramie using the "boys will be boys"/"he's just a kid" defence as Yanma's Grand-Master to mask he secretly contributed here and there
+ power blackout doesn't really affect the bugnarok because they're underground and only beginning to build a power system with Gira and Shugoddom's help
Shugoddom's historic gas lamps!
Himeno breaking down Yanma's door because "if not for my hospitals all equipped with the best backup power!" (solar/wind energy), and that she can't curl her hair that morning.
Kaguragi turned it into a campfire story night/community event somehow
Yanma's trial day is the day Gokkan's immigration and tourism board has to overwork for the first time.
Shiokara and hacker gang arguing for visitation rights. homemade bento
does yanma sentence last for more than two years if he says prison break is an additional charge?
Gira tried negotiations but he knew he isn't being fair and backed down quickly with a Rita stare
Yanma got dragged away with Papi-chan helicopter style, he's yelling at Tonbo to put in a good word for for his buddy and Papi-chan ignore him lol
They have two key words: past/present and secrets.
the thing with wings is, they somehow sparked in each other another side. (i.e. they drive each other crazy, and they are the only ones that can do that to the other) But then they spring back like nothing next day like children on the playground.
On a level, these two are actually very similar in terms of being analytical and practical. Yet their conflict comes from attacking problems from opposite angles. Rita represents the past and Yanma the future. Rita will collect evidence and review history while Yanma focuses on what's already in hand and invents something new. I said that right, but in a way Rita is forward-facing when they never let any childhood trauma stay a trauma or haunt them; Yanma is nostalgic based on his antique/physical media collection.
You may say it's partly recognition of the self. That's why they are only antagonistic 80% of the time.
(hc territory) They ended up doing the same thing/making the same choice ouf of completely different reasons. They are more similar than they think they are but no one can name what/why (not even me).
Yanma Gast 100% knew about Moffun but he kept his mouth shut in ep11. He (should) never told anyone about what Rita did in the underworld. I'm lying to myself he trusted the judge won't do something they didn't deem necessary so he turned away in 38.
Rita holds grudges. Yanma Gast is the source of their headache since he stole Gira and kick-started the story. Sometimes they don't get how such an obnoxious person is so popular. But Rita guesses, he's dependable when it's important. Not a very skilled fighter but he's not dumb. At least they can count on him not to intervene if they make it clear they are making a move.
the movie scene: No spoilers, but, I just think that’s a really nice scene to that established how different Yanma and Rita are while providing a base for reconciliation following their argument in 19. Neither of them are acting like their usual self. I don’t mean they are ooc, but you see them perform different than everyday under an unknown situation.
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1 2 3 (can also be read as a standalone)
my awesome steve playlist ; Ao3
(ft. the beginnings of a beautiful friendship and shitting on the school dress code)
Steve has always been fascinated by the act of creating.
His father is a very strict and traditional man. Everything has a specific way it ought to be, and anything that deviates from this fixed set of beliefs is simply wrong. (No, don't go into the kitchen, Stephen. Why do you need so long to get ready, Stephen. This type of music isn't fit for a Harrington, Stephen.)
He finds it kind of ironic. According to the bible, Eve was created from Adam's rib. And yet, according to his father, it is only the woman that creates. It is the woman who creates homemade meals for the rest of the family. It is the woman who creates tales and stories to put the children to sleep. It is the woman who creates patterns and fabric and clothing out of loose textiles and yarn.
Steve isn't completely sure what the man is supposed to do. When his father is home, he mostly disappears in his study or watches TV. (Steve finds it kind of sad)
He supposes he should be grateful that his father is always so eager to leave. Maybe he would have convinced Steve of this trist world he seems to live in if he had had more time to whisper it into his ears. But as things are, Steve loves to create. It soothes something deep in his soul to watch his weird little trauma-bonded ragtag group of kids engorge themselves on a meal that he created. (And Hopper. Nobody appreciates his cooking more than Hopper.) It makes him feel in peace with himself to start his day by fertilizing and watering and occasionally repotting his plants. (The Golden Girls seem to be particularly effective in that regard). It makes him feel accomplished to see his babies thriving and growing, a visible proof of being needed. It makes him feel more comfortable in his own skin to be able to create a more genuine version of himself - with his face as his canvas - one he can somewhat recognize in the mirror.
He'd like to say that he managed to free himself of most prejudices his father somewhat attempted to breed into him by the time he is slinging ice cream at Scoops Ahoy! . (To say that his father tried his hardest when it came to anything regarding his family would be a gross overstatement.)
Steve had not been a good student.
First he threw meaningless party after meaningless party in an attempt to fill all the empty space his parents left behind.
Then he got together with Nancy, and he had never studied more. Which would've been great, if something about her learning style didn't just refuse to work with him. All the stupid facts he needed to know just didn't want to get into his head (he was trying, okay?! He tried to explain it to Nancy when she said that he was smart and just had to "apply himself more". But "this is just too boring" sounds like a weak excuse even to his own ears. And he really tries to be less lazy, everyone else seems to manage it just fine, but he just can't do it.
He leaned into it after a while. Pretended to be more dumb and oblivious and obtuse than he really is. Because then it wouldn't be his fault. It would be something outside of his control. Bad genes or just rotten luck.
It hurt a bit, how easily people believed him. And you know what they say, if you hear something often enough....)
And after that he was a bit too busy being terrified 24/7 and trying to deal with the aftermath of multiple concussions on his own. He was honestly surprised that he actually managed to graduate, half-expected to become another Eddie Munson.
That is all to say that you really don't have to be fucking Einstein to realize that skimpy sailor clothing that barely manages to cover your butt does not mesh well with ice cream that needs to be kept in negative temperatures at all times. But Scoops Ahoy! would need to actually care about its employees to change something about it, which - especially with communists and socialists and whatnot hiding in every corner wanting nothing more than to destroy America or something - was not very likely. To say the least.
One day Steve wakes up with a running nose and an itch in the back of his throat. It is not enough to call in sick, but it is enough for him to think fuck it and bundle up in a scarf and a cashmere jacket that actually belongs to his mother (it is ridiculously soft and it matches to the rest of the outfit so leave him alone, okay?!). As long as he is still wearing the stupid sailor's hat management can't complain.
Or that is what he thinks. Until his boss decides that today of all days is a great day to go to the mall, another jackass (that he is going to kill very slowly and painfully) loudly complains about the extra layers (THAT HE IS WEARING SO HE WON'T BECOME SICK AND THUS BE ABLE TO WORK MORE?!), and boss takes that as his cue to stomp into Scoops and loudly lecture him about "branding" and "marketability" and "wasted assets". Of course the universe decides that right now is not the absolutely perfect time to make a Demogorgon appear that releases everyone present from their misery. He barely has left the shop again when Robin is already laughing so hard she has to take her break earlier.
The next time he looks at the damned board there is another point under the "you suck" column. He argues that he should get one in the "you rule" category simply because someone looked at him in this horrible horrible uniform and thought that hiding all this was enough of a crime to literally complain to his boss. He must be a truly pitiful sight because she eventually relents.
Here is the thing about Robin. She is funny. She is snarky. She knew who he was in Highschool - hell, she was part of the group he used to terrorize for no reason - but she doesn't hold it against him. Sure, she will make fun of him and the "you suck" - game (which he insists should be renamed to the "you rule" - game) certainly wasn't his idea. But it doesn't feel angry or malicious. At least not anymore. Sure, her only way of communication seems to be bad jokes at his expense and she doesn't really notice when she occasionally crosses a line. But it still somehow feels like she is laughing with and not at him. (Maybe it helps that she makes self-deprecating jokes about herself as well.)
But the best part is how he doesn't disappoint her. You can't let someone down who has no expectations in you on the first place, though she manages it in a way that doesn't feel like a weight in his chest like it does with his parents.
He loves Nance (even though he thinks he is finally starting to fall out of love with her), but she never quite could hide her disappointment when weeks of studying together ended up in an average grade at best. And the little shitheads, god bless them. He knows they don't do it on purpose and that he is just being too sensitive, especially because he himself does nothing to convince them of the opposite, but it kind of stings when literal newborns who will probably get scholarships to ivy league in the future keep calling him stupid. It is, admittedly, pretty demeaning.
With Robin, there is none of that. Sure, she has better grades than him (not that that is particularly hard) and will probably be able to get out of this hellish place when she graduates, but for now they are both working at a dead-end customer-service and extenuating circumstances like those tend to bind people together. He would know. An angry customer can be scarily similar to a literal demogorgon.
The next day his nose is still running and his throat is still hurting and he seriously considers coughing into their sortiment as a rebellion of sorts more than once. Robin, of course, is having the time of her life.
"It's like the opposite of the school dress code", she jokes. "Don't you dare hide too much skin, young man, or you won't distract the potential customers!" He snorts at her exaggerated and yet eerily accurate imitation of their boss.
Then he has an idea. "Ooohhh, I know this face" Robin sinsongs rubbing her hands together. "This is your 'I'm going to do something stupid' face. You wear it concerningly often."
"Correction, Buckley. You are going to help me, and we are going to do something stupid. Together. It's not very patriotic to abandon your brother in arms in the trenches like that, you know."
She takes a sceptical look at their tiny shop. "Don't take it personally. But if there was a war. And our country was this Scoops Ahoy. I would rather join the dark side than help my brother-in-arms"
"You mean you would rather murder me than", he takes a significant look to the freezer hidden in the back, "chill with me here?!". She punches him (Robin is surprisingly strong for someone with such noodle arms), and sighs deeply in a way only underpaid customer-service-workers can relate to when a group of teenagers crowds the counter. Steve can't help his smug little smirk as they serve the group together and knows it is taking Buckley everything she has not to punt him in the face. She is totally going to be an idiot with him.
They need a second whiteboard, but Robin refuses to let the "you suck"-game go, so they pool their money together and buy the cheapest one they can find.
The first step is easy: Robin needs to find out all the dress code rules in Hawkins High and write them on their new board.
Then it is Steve's time to get to work.
Experiment #1: Fingertip Rule
"The length of skirts, skorts, and shorts must extend below the student's fingertips when the student's arms are extended at his/her sides."
"Soooo.....am I just going to have to find like....massive socks."
They stare at each other.
Steve raises one of his brows (he is proud of that one). Robin blows him a Raspberry. Steve bites his lower lip to stop himself from smiling. Robin is the first to break, this time. She bursts out laughing. He consoles himself with the thought that at least he won their little stare contest. Plus, with a big of luck and tigh-high socks, maybe this annoying not-quite-cold will finally go away.
The worst part of having completely cutt off contact with everyone in his grade is that he has nothing to do. Everyone he would be willing to spend time with is in fucking school so he has the whole fucking morning to do lots of big old nothings.
So maybe he had an ulterior motive when he suggested this little experiment. One that had nothing to do with a sore throat or a running nose. (He suspects that Robin is aware of that, too. But for once in her life she actually knows when to shut up, so whatever.)
That day he drives out of the parking lot and turns his beloved car in the opposite direction of his home. Sure, he could buy the yarn and the sewing supplies in Hawkins, and his father probably wasn't planning on going to that particular shop anytime soon. But Steve has nothing but time and it is always better to be safe rather than sorry. (Which is also why he always carries a bat full of nails in his trunk.)
It is only when he is already halfway there that he remembers that he is still wearing that stupid fucking uniform. Fuck. But it's okay. It's fine. He just can't let Robin find out that he forgot to take it off and had to actually interact with real people (they've decided pretty early on that customers don't count as those) while wearing it. The only worse thing would be to admit defeat and drive all the way back only to change clothes. Like, he doesn't really have standards or self-respect anymore, but that is a bit pathetic even for him.
And how good a decision that ended up being. As soon as he enters the girl at the counter gives him an appreciative once-over. He brushes away some of his hair almost on autopilot. He isn't sure what about sailor-themed polyester seems to work with so many people, but he sure isn't going to look a gift-horse in the mouth. Steve Harrington may not be very good in a great many things, but one thing he can do well is people. He is good at assessing other's intentions, knows how to be charming or how to subtly suggest an idea (manipulation is such a strong word) and project a certain image. He wasn't called the King for nothing, after all.
He stays way longer than he initially intended, but he is pretty sure the girl gave him a bit of a discount, plus she actually taught him the basics of knitting, so he is not going to complain. (At first she thought it was his way to get closer to her, but about five minutes in she realized he was way too intense about it for it to be solely that). So maybe he actually will be telling Robin of his little mishap so she has no choice but to give him another point in the "you rule" column.
The next day, for the first time in what feels like an eternity (he and time have always had a complicated relationship), he does not start his day sitting his butt in front of the TV boring himself to death until it is time to go to work.
Well, that is a lie. He does sit on his sofa the whole time. And he does have the TV on for some background noise. But instead of flipping through channels until he finds something he can at least pretend to be somewhat interested in, he takes everything he bought yesterday afternoon and starts knitting.
Or well, to say that he immediately started knitting would perhaps also not be too accurate. First he stares at the newly-bought yarn for who knows how long trying to decide on a color. His petty petty heart is begging for him to use the orange that clashes horribly with the navy blue of the uniform, but at the same time he should probably not immediately start with the worst possible combination, no matter how much he may want to. Instead, after a frankly embarrassing amount of contemplation, he decides to start with the red. It fits with the accents, and the blue doesn't become too overpowering. Then he begins. For real this time.
Or well. He tries. Turns out knitting is much more complicated when you don't have a cute girl next to you to correct you when you mess up. By the time he has to go to work, he has achieved a whole lot of nothing. (He had been pretty proud of his little square until he noticed that something was wrong and it was lopsided and weird and he couldn't exactly pinpoint it but it was bothering him so he undid all his progress and then had to run to his car when he realized he was already late for work.)
When he arrives he is out of breath and his hair more disheveled than he would normally allow, but he is also only ten minutes late and wasn't stopped by the police for speeding so he sees it as a win. He starts questioning his assertion when his lovely co-worker raises both her eyebrows, quirking her lips (She can't raise just one, which is half the reason why he does it). He follows her gaze.
"Hey, you can't expect me to finish two tigh-high socks in less than a day."
"I'm not looking at you inexistent socks, dingus"
"Interesting fashion choices, your majesty. Got your panties in a twist?"
Steve looks at Eddie Munson who seems to have appeared out of nowhere. Steve looks down. Steve sees that in his hurry he accidentally put his shorts on the wrong way around. Steve lets out a deep deep sigh.
The nice girl (he swears it was something starting with 'H'. Heather? Hannah?) said that she needs about three days for a pair of socks. Considering that, Steve doesn't think his one week is too shabby.
Of course, stupid innocent soul that he was, he once again managed to destroy all his work by letting it shrink in the wash. She (Helena? Hayley?) really hadn't been exaggerating when she said that knitting is at least as much unmaking as actually creating.
Six days later he arrives at Scoops on time for the first time in a week. (It had become personal, okay?! Not his fault time decided to fuck with him specifically for some ungodly reason)
He can see the exact moment Robin sees the high socks that go exactly as high as his fingertips reach - her mouth actually falls open. Her eyes widen further into an honestly comedic degree when he takes out the pair that had shrunken while washing.
"Buckley up", he says, finding himself very funny. "Brothers in arms, remember?"
Steve isn't sure if he should consider himself lucky or despair when their beloved boss actually graces them with his presence. Sure, all this had originally started as a way to see how much clothing is too much clothing according to the higher-ups. But his socks took a lot of work and it is very refreshing (ha!) not to have to freeze his legs off for multiple hours.
He takes a look at their whole fit and turns to Steve. "Harrington, didn't we already have this conversation less than a month ago?"
"While, yes, it may seem like that", Robin interrupts, manager always having had a noticeable preference towards her for some reason, "this actually doesn't conceal any of the important bits." Both visibly wince at that last part. She points towards the sliver of skin between where his shorts end and his socks begin. "According to school dress code, this is plenty distracting. You wouldn't disagree with the school principal who is responsible for the education of literally the entire town, right sir?"
At seeing the skepsis in his gaze Steve quickly intervenes. "Plus, I mean, the customers can barely see it anyway. You know, because we are standing behind the counter. So it doesn't make that big of a difference. And I'm still a bit sick". He coughs for good measure.
The boss looks at both of them with raised brows (Steve admittedly feels a sense of superiority at knowing his boss also can't raise only one like he can) and a long-suffering look as if he were the one who can look forward to two more hours of customer service. For a second Steve is absolutely sure that because of this idiotic little joke he and Robin are going to be fired on the spot. Instead he lets out a long deep sigh and nods in defeat before leaving them alone.
Robin immediately goes for the high-five. "Oh my god this was so great. Did you see his face?! Like-" , she makes a face that looks nothing like his had "Oh my god. I can't wait for the second experiment. This is going to be so much fun!"
This time it is Steve's turn to look at her incredulously. Maybe Robin is part of the group of degenerate people his father always warned him about.
Experiment #2: Hosiery Rule
"tights, leggings, or other types of hosiery must be accompanied by a fingertip length or longer top or dress."
The second their boss's eyes had narrowed at the sight of his socks, Steve had decided that he had enough. He actually needed this job - not in the least because he would probably die from boredom, and who would be there to protect the kids then?
But he hadn't counted on Robin's delight at sucking it up to the school dress code (even if nobody AT school knows of their nefarious deeds) and by the time the shift was over she had somehow convinced him to wear tight leggings instead of the demanded shorts. "The more see-through the better", were her exact words. At least he managed to stop her from going straight to the shoulder rule - he wasn't sure he was ready to destroy one of the uniforms he'd had to pay out of own pocket for this little game of theirs.
So as soon as Steve gets home he goes to the first guest room (he isn't sure what fight had had her barging into the bathroom with tears in her eyes years ago, but his parents hadn't slept in the same bed since. The only reason it is still called the "guest room" and not "his mother's room" is because married couples don't do that. Apparently. If that is what a marriage looks like, Steve would rather stay single forever. And why had he come here again? Oh, yeah. Leggings.
He approaches her drawers and prays that she has left behind at least one pair of yoga pants. He refuses to actually spend money because of this bullshit. (Okay, maybe that isn't strictly true. Because even worse than wasting money on a stupid pair he will only wear once and could possibly get him fired is the thought of Robin being mad or disappointed at him.)
Not for the first time he thinks that his mother must have had a wild past she never talks about. If he had to describe the woman in one word it would be classy. Her posture is always as straight as a flight attendant's or a model's. Her wardrobe consists of muted whites and creams. Maybe the occasional black if she is feeling especially bold. Her jewelry is always small but tasteful ("if it's too big, it's tacky. It makes you look desperate to prove something or to flaunt your wealth"). Her makeup, just like everything else, is elegant and purposeful. Classy.
But then El rummaged through her makeup drawers and somehow found a bold black eyeshadow palette with a cracked mirror (his mother is always very careful with her belongings). Or her son will to through her clothes in an attempt to find a pair of see-through skin-tight leggings that fit him and the only pair he can find is a truly abhorrent screaming orange.
He remembers how he considered making the socks orange to clash with the uniform and just barely stops himself from hitting his head against the wall. Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny. Good one universe or god or whoever the fuck.
The next day he goes to work wearing the fucking horrible leggings. Robin does not look appreciatively enough of his sacrifice, which is probably because he knew he would never be able to step out of his car if he didn't cover it with some black jeans, at least on his way over to Scoops.
She understands his debacle when he goes to the back to take off his normal and socially acceptable pants and comes out wearing that thing he still can't believe he actually found in his mother's closet. Easy for her to laugh, considering her nice and non-offensive navy blue pair. She went through with her own advice and one can clearly see where her underwear begins. Steve is pretty sure that it is in no way appropriate to make fun of that. But Robin makes jokes about how he is never going to amount to anything and he is STILL wearing the worst clothes he has ever laid his eyes on for her, so he thinks he has earned the right. As expected, she punches him in the arm and screams at him for looking. (Never mind that he wasn't, it is just pretty impossible to ignore, okay?!) She wants to put on the extra shorts she started storing here after she accidentally let a huge ice cream cone with fudge and sprinkles fall on her and had to finish the rest of her shift with sticky clothes - yes, Steve did obviously make inappropriate jokes about that, although not nearly as many as he would today. He reminds her that the entire reason they are doing this is to be inappropriate, and that if she can cover her old grandma undergarments (Hey, I want to see you stand around for over an hour wearing fucking lingerie, asshole) he can take off the orange eyesore he put on JUST FOR HER. A bit of pleading (he is not going to be the only embarrassed one today if it kills him) and they are both standing uncomfortably and trying to laugh it off when the tenth customer takes a judgemental look at their legs (if not an outright comment, thank you Tommy and Eddie.)
Steve doesn't try flirting with every cute girl that comes around and can confidently say that he has never felt less sexy in his life (and that is saying something, considering he has had a concerning amount of injuries and near-death experiences over the last two years). Robin decides to put the "You suck"- game on hold for one day because Steve argues that they should add a talley everytime she gets judged as well, and she can't find any convincing counter-arguments.
Things did not get much better when the boss came around. Steve is pretty sure Robin's whole underwear situation is the only reason they weren't fired on the spot. She looks approprietly grossed-out when he voices this thought.
If there is one positive thing about this whole experience, is that he has never felt so close to his coworker as today. Trauma truly is a hell of a bonding experience.
Experiment #3 Pyjamas:
"Hawkins High includes pajamas in the category of provocative clothing"
"We are not doing this."
"Yeah, no"
"Do you like, sleep in lingerie or something? like, why would pajamas-?!"
Experiment #4: Shoulder Rule
"tops that have less than two fingers width of coverage on the shoulders are prohibited for any student, and shirts that are cut like A-style under shirts or beach wear can't be worn by boys."
Steve's cold is finally completely gone, but this whole experiment has stopped being about that weeks ago (if it ever truly was.)
After the humiliating incident that had been the day before, Steve and Robin were in complete agreement that there was absolutely no way they were going to stop their little game now and let the fucking mess that had been yesterday be in vain.
And so they have unanimously decided to cross the one line Steve had secretly sworn to leave untouched: mutilate their uniforms.
Now, they are both aware that that is their most radical move yet. And although some non-believers will vehemently deny it, Steve and Robin (well, mostly Steve to be honest) are aware that purposely provoking other people will sooner or later bite you in the ass (especially if those people are above you in the hierarchy). And so, for the next week, both wear their regulated uniforms. Their poor boss looks so relieved Steve almost confesses that this is only the calm before the storm.
"Why shoulders, though?"
They have decided that they can continue with their plan. Or, well, Steve had been so distracted with his new plant (he bought a bonsai that he named after Robin instead of the golden girls so he could have the satisfaction of cutting her branches when she'd been particularly annoying at work). And his parents had randomly come back for like a week and his mom had left a lot of new makeup releases behind, which of course meant that he had to experiment. Plus summer vacation started, and his unofficial and unpaid job as a chaffeur for a bunch of preschoolers with it. These same preschoolers also started bothering him at work more often, which meant: 1. Robin now had a lot more fuel to make his life hell, and 2. He'd been very lucky the kids hadn't been to the mall on leggings day.
Which means that Steve hadn't even started the modifications yet. But Robin only remembered to bring an extra shirt their next shift together, so like, they are both at fault here.
"Like, what about that particular arm region makes the teachers so horny?"
"Oh my god Steve ew! The code isn't- well, now that i think of mister Bernd, yeah. Wouldn't surprise me."
"I know. And I am so glad to be out of that place. So, a month sound good?"
"Hey. If you can finish it in half that time I will deal with the hard costumers AND willingly clean the really gross and sticky shit."
"I don't..."
"And you get another "you rule"-point. If I do get fired I want to have a bit of the vacations left, man."
"Okay alright, I'll do my best"
"What the fuck you fucking menace what's wrong?!"
Steve sighs. He is relieved to see Max spending so much time outside of the trailer but Jesus H. Christ. He carefully lets the needles that were previously residing more or less safely between his teeth fall on the table, makes absolutely sure that they are indeed on the table in front of him (cursed things must be from the upside down with how they keeps disappearing on him) and grabs for the walkie-talkie again.
"Lukas. Max. I said: What the fuck is wrong with you two? Care to answer in a normal volume, shitheads?"
"Where are you?"
"At home?? Where else would I be?!"
"Well, that is convenient!"
"What do you-"
"I don't know? You never have time anymore! I don't know what the fuck you keep doing all day?!"
"Language Max!"
There is a knock on the door. Convenient indeed. Steve sighs.
He manages to do it in one and a half weeks (he has found that knitting is very calming when the night is too dark and the memories feel too real)
At first he had wanted to try huge sleeves that swish when he moves his arm, but a) that would take even more time and b) it would fall into the ice cream and make a mess so he opted to make the already existing pattern in his handbook for beginners. Except with a hole where the shoulder is. And the blue also doesn't quite match the uniform. And Robin's arms a bit too skinny. So like, maybe it isn't perfect, but that isn't the point anyways. Nobody is perfect and shit.
The first people he knows who see him like this are Nancy and Jonathan. (They seem to be on a date. He is relieved when the realization doesn't hurt nearly as much as it once would have.) After the five longest minutes he has ever experienced, he is almost relieved when he sees their boss coming towards them. The relief quickly turns into terror when he sees the look on his face.
Robin follows his gaze. "Fuck." "Fuck indeed."
"Wait, you said that all this started because of the dress code bullshit, right?"
"Well, actually, it all started because some asshole out there is incredibly attracted to me-" Steve does not have time to finish his correct statement before the boss gets there.
"Buckley. Harrington. Why are you wearing-"
"Wow, Jonathan! Don't you think that Steve and Robin look absolutely dashing?"
"I- sure. They look... great. I definitely would not have come to Scoops Ahoy on this fine day if I hadn't seen their attractive....shoulders."
"Right? Where did you get those, Steve? I want to buy some, too!"
He has no time to see if their boss buys this extremely fake display before his heart stops in terror as he sees his kids stomping towards him. He tries to gesture for them to go away without his boss noticing. They purposefully misinterpret his flailing and walk faster.
"Hey Steve, what are you wearing?!"
"Yeah it looks so great doesn't it?", which prompts Mike to look at his sister as if she just murdered his puppy in front of him.
"Didn't these fresh new outfits make you want to eat ice cream more than ever before?" , Robin tries to salvage this complete dumpster fire.
Thankfully Jonathan and Will seem to have working sibling telepathy because the latter slowly nods. "Yes. I am never in more mood for ice cream than when my eyes are confronted with...long sleeves and...bony shoulders."
Somehow they actually manage to convince him. He isn't sure whether he really believed them (unlikely), he just got too tired of their shit (relatable) or just didn't want to do the extra work of finding someone else (which, understandable, but c'mon dude). Either way, what matters is that Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley remain with a steady (if meager) salary. Plus they had to swear to never pull such a stunt again, which Steve is honestly kind of relieved by.
Unfortunately this victory came at a cost: now the party knows he can knit.
"Hey grandma Steve! My sock has a hole. Can you fix it?"
"Hey Steve! Remember that apron we gave you when we found out you can actually cook? Wouldn't it be fair for you to knit costum shirts for us in return?"
"Hey Harrington. We've got this stray that sometimes wanders near our house and since you can apparently knit-"
When the Russians threatens to pull out his fingernails, his first thought is that he won't ever be able to finish the "Anti-Russia Squad" socks he was making for himself, Robin and Dustin.
When they are drugged out of their minds, Steve tells Robin he named a plant after her.
"Her name is Fuck You Motherfucking Robin Buckley Jesus H. Christ I Can't Stand You. Get it? Because then I don't actually insult you-
"You're just saying the name of the plant so technically you aren't cursing at me-"
"but at the same time i get it out of my chest!"
"oh my god i need a house plant so i can curse YOU without insulting you"
"rude but fair"
"except that i am so terrible at taking care of plants somehow they always...they always die"
(they are still crying half an hour later)
Steve's graduation present is a soulmates-sweater. One huge two people sweater. They wear it almost every day for like a month. (People keep assuming that they are dating which is really annoying because NO? THEY ARE BOTH VERY MUCH AVAILABLE?? Platonic with capital P? Why is that so hard to understand?)
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
Welcome to all the sides of the Hollow Knight fandom. I'm glad you met them both and now you know how insane some people go to the extents of the "child headcanon". Tbh, this is why I don't like the headcanon at all. Like, both sides have good points but I personally see it as a bad thing for a race of forever disabled gods. So I just hate headcanoning the small vessels as children mentally cause I hate seeing them infantalized. Like. At all. Don't agree with the NSFW works of them of course, but you get the idea of what I'm going for.
I mean I still don't like the headcanon that they're mentally an adult, bc it takes a lot of the fun and tragedy out of it for me. Part of the appeal of Hollow Knight for me is that heavily tragic element of 'they were children/they never got a life' where Ghost and Hollow are on two sides of the same coin of their childhood being stolen away- Hollow was raised as machine to be sacrificed for war, while Ghost never got to grow up. Reading them as mentally an adult and physically a child reduces that quite a bit. That doesn't mean that it's not a take that you can have, but personally for me I dislike it because unless you're specifically playing from the angle of horror, it reduces Ghost to Just Another Silent Protagonist. And the horror element also doesn't appeal to me much bc I already have to live with that shit anyways. Doesn't mean it's bad, but it means that I have two pretty big reasons to not wanna work with it.
Then again, I also don't see them as forever disabled or incapable of growth, I just think that Hollow grew because they were in favorable conditions and Ghost is stunted because they were out there in buttfuck nowhere for who knows how long (this is a phenomena that actually happens in insects). BV, for example, def. grew a bit, and while the headcanon that they were a prototype pure vessel is relatively common, there's no hard canonical proof of it, so it's very possible they simply grew because they remained in Hallownest while Ghost ventured out of it. Ghost going into the Wastes is also why I hc that they're still mentally a child, because the Wastes do have a mind-erasing effect when exposed long enough, so they kept getting swept back to square 1. BV, on the other hand, acts like a young adult despite physically being a young teenager. As for the other vessels found around Hallownest, those I write as children still bc they're all fucking dead. no development was allowed to happen.
I'd also like to note that infantilization of children is also kind of a problem that needs to be addressed rather than sidestepped. Like don't get me wrong, kids are, well...kids, but children above 7 or so are basically like little adults that lack experience and a fully developed brain. They're not stupid, they just lack the life experience to successfully solve most problems and have brains that aren't fully developed in the logic or emotional processing unit yet. People have a really bad habit of treating all kids like they're babies that don't know anything or can't have strong opinions/problem solving skills, even though they very much do have quite a bit of personal agency (which unfortunately is only ever revealed in neglect situations). That's why I write Ghost as basically a very serious 11 year old; they can fend for themselves and have a pretty good idea of what's going on around them, but they lack the refinement, experience, and restraint that their older siblings do. Sure, most 11 year olds aren't capable of carrying out what Ghost did, but there isn't really anything in Hallownest that an 11 year old couldn't figure out how to get past either. Children in neglectful and abusive situations have to navigate dangerous shit and fend for themselves all the time, it's just that Ghost's issues are on the inhuman and divine level rather than most others
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