#another family took in a cat they weren't really taking care of
scithemodestmermaid · 2 years
i take my dog for a walk in the afternoons that i’m free.  down the road from us was a dog that looked almost exactly like her, except a boy.  she absolutely loved him.  she would body slam him with glee whenever she saw him.  i didn’t really like his humans though, they were off.  but hey, they had a good dog and he was cute playing with my dog.
one day, he stopped showing up on our walks. a couple of weeks ago, the same dog showed up on the website for our local dog shelter.  he was an owner surrender with a bad leg and heartworms and nipping issues.
long story short, i have two visually similar dogs now. 
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radiance1 · 11 months
If you asked Danny how he found himself in this situation, he wouldn't be able to give you a short answer. For you see, Danny was a Prince, heir to the throne that will never be his (and thank the Ancients for that) and an ageless being who will stay around for eons to come.
He out-lived his family, friends, entire town. Except for Vlad, that man wouldn't die so easily to something like old age, much less when his empire still stands.
Danny has been summoned only a handful of times, all of which were either mistakes or some mortals who wanted to summon something for shits and giggles.
He liked the last ones, they usually have pretty good food.
However, the last summon he's answered, a mistake, was done by a handful of wizards who weren't exactly happy with the results they got, so he made fun of them severely for their mistake and then their master- who was apparently watching in case things went wrong- turned him into a cat after he could a bit too... excited.
So, how did it escalate from there?
It was a simple thing, really, he encountered a few injured cats, and then nursed them back to health. Then those cats kept coming back to him, again, and again, and again, the first few times with injuries, but later they came just to be around him and chat sometime.
Then they started bringing other cats around him, skittish ones they were, not exactly keen on letting him take care of him the first few times, but just like the ones before, they soon came around to consider him as a friend of sorts.
Then that repeated, and repeated, and repeated.
Then suddenly, he found that he had acquired a family of sorts, one made of feral cats that were as chaotic as his own, previous, family was and more. It was... nice, when he realized that, that he had a place, a foothold, in the mortal world and not just as Prince of the Infinite Realms.
Although, the amount of grandpa jokes when he revealed his age- 150 is still young, he'll have you know- was something that took getting used to. But it was nice to know they were comfortable enough to call him that.
There were some special cases among his little Familia. A few of them had what this world called meta-abilities, ranging from such like superstrength, enhanced durability, super speed to things like telekinesis, teleportation, flight, etc, etc.
One of them even had the ability to separate their body parts.
He kept an eye on those that had these abilities, no doubt that multiple people would try and kidnap them for nefarious purposes. Though they were incredibly small in number, caution is best to be kept, especially in a city as dangerous as that of Gotham.
He's never really made himself known to anyone other than his little Familia and a certain cat-themed criminal. He preferred to stay in his little warehouse, watching the days pass while taking care of a few kittens here and there, sleeping, eating, managing to use that Tv and computer he stole that one time to watch whatever thing is one.
It was a very calm life, all things considered.
Of course, then came a disturbance in said life, when the apparent rival Familia's wanted to meet him for one reason or another. Helpfully supplied by the first to have join his Familia, a cat with an immortality ability that he named Kevin.
Of course, he never knew Kevin had was immortal, but seeing him die one too many times and watching him get back up was prime evidence that he had one.
Apparently, his Familia was regarded as a relatively new one in the city of crime, and the other cats that were considered 'Heads' wanted to meet him for quite some time, especially when is got as big as it did and Kevin, glorious, glorious Kevin, has been going in his place to said meetings, and this district of Gotham they occupied was considered their territory.
Danny was blissfully unaware of this until today. But he decided that Kevin, sweet, hardworking, death-defying young Kevin, can continue engaging in cat politics, he wants no part in such things and Kevin has proven himself capable of handling it!
As much as he didn't want a part in this, he was persuaded to go at least once and can then leave everything up to Kevin. So he goes there, does things, talk to other 'Heads', being very vocal in his body language about how he couldn't really care less about being there.
Of course, he had to care when he sees Batman being thrown through a nearby wall and seeing as how he's heard about him from a friend (Catwoman has made it very clear how she felt about him on numerous occasions whenever they met.), he wasn't exactly keen on seeing him being smushed into a paste, so he went ghost, pure black fur being replaced by glowing white.
And then slammed right into a battle with Bane.
Kevin he swears to the Ancients if you for some reason try to get into this fight and die again, he will treat you like a kitten for the next three weeks.
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How are you doing? I hope you are feeling well.
Is it possible for a teen power or denji like reader? And if you would like maybe the reader also has the same past as denji or power from chainsaw man. You can choose whoever you want to do. I also really enjoy your posts! Thank you! And reminder for you to not overwork yourself. Please take care of yourself and make sure to take breaks. Stay safe :)
I am doing well, thanks for asking. I am glad, that you liked my posts. Enjoy ☺️
Denji! Teen! Reader
Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD Characters x GN! Platonic! Denji! Teen! Reader
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Description: There was something strange with Their Guiding Light.
Warning: OOC. Slight-Spoilers to Chainsaw Man (Denji's Past, Fate's of some Characters, Makima mentioned, No Nayuta). English is my second language.
You put your finished homework in your bag, trying not to damage notebook pages. Your handwriting became better, your reading skills proved and, recently, your math teacher praised for all the progress you have made.
Life became... normal.
As normal as a devil hybrid's life could be. Especially, if said hybrid had to take care of a cat and seven dogs, go to school and safe people from devils at their spare time.
Your fingers brushed against a chainsaw cord.
Pochita... Aki... Power...
Would your life ever be normal again?
If someone asked you if you blamed your father, for what has happened, you would say "I dunno"
If it wasn't for his debt, you won't become Devil Hunter, worked with Yakuza, had your heart fused with Pochita... Won't meet your friends. And Makima...
This situation was complex.
Really complex.
And you didn't want to think about it.
Not now. Maybe, later.
For now, you have some reading exercises.
You stand up and took new Bungou stray dogs manga volume.
With your phone near (to look a meaning of words you don't know), you start reading it.
🐾Their Guiding Light was really emotional and kind. And each time Guiding Light decided to say something good about them...
"Kunikida is so serious! It's cool and funny at the same time. I wonder if he could help me with math homework." Little Light was practically vibrating, rubbing against Kunikida's cheek.
"I would like to make some bombs with Kajii! Sounds cool!" Little Light was purring, curled on Kajii's head.
"Oh! Fyodor is so smart! I wanna be as smart, as him, one day!" Everyone try to hold back their laughter, looking at Little Light, who were "hugging" Fyodor's face.
🐾 But there was something, that makes them worried. They guessed, that you were a teen. And, for some reason, you have some troubles with reading. You were slow, re-reading some words, and taking your time.
🐾 They were worried, because they were afraid, that Their Guiding Light were bullied because of their reading habits. It was another reason for them to get to the real world faster. To protect you from bullies.
You were having lunch on a school rooftop. It's not like you can't eat at the school's cafeteria.
But, if Chainsaw Devil Hunter are needed, you need an easy way to get to the battle. Without being noticed.
You were ready to take a first bite of your food, when the school building started to shake.
Another Devil (you really didn't care about what kind of devil it was), was on a run. You put your lunch box down. Time to get to business.
You didn't notice, how your phone screen became white.
You pull the chainsaw's cord and jumped.
When you returned to the roof, you saw a group of shocked BSD Characters.
🐾 Yosano checked fifteen minutes, checking your face and arms, making sure, that you weren't hurt. During check-ups, BSD Cast explained everything to you.
🐾 Your life became even stranger.
🐾 You have a huge family right now. And a protective one.
🐾 When you were moving into the new house, some Devil Hunters (who knew about your Chainsaws) tried to stop them. It took one "F*** off, they are my kid now" from Fukuchi to stop them.
🐾 Chuuya became a second owner for your dogs. Fukuzawa became a second owner of your cat.
🐾 Kunikida and Poe are tutoring you. You wanted to improve your math, writing and reading skills.
🐾 Mori and Yosano will always run a medical check-ups on you, after your transformations.
🐾 Fitzgerald bought every merch with your Devil Form he can find.
🐾 You told Ango, Ranpo and Ayatsuji and Power's last request. They try to help you find a new Incarnation of Blood Devil.
🐾 Kids now attending the same school as you. After you defend them from bullies, they created a fan club of you. Not to Chainsaw Devil Hunter. No, to [Y/N] [L/N].
🐾 Life didn't become less chaotic. But, it became warmer. And more homey.
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rileys-battlecats · 4 months
I really like your work! I discovered it a while ago but recently found it again and explored your tumblr finally. I'm not sure if me deciding to spend a couple hours going through your entire posting history over curiosity about Mica clan is a compliment to you or says something about me but I did it.
It was really neat seeing your Shut Eye video. Also, just to satisfy my own curiosity: it looks like of the thirteen you have Heroncall, Oriolewing, Addereye, Larksong/star, Foxjaw, Owlpounce, Buckfoot, Snaptail and her two kits, another queen and her kit, and a random cat. Are you willing to share any information about the other queen and the random cat. But it was nice to see a bit about where the clan came from, and if your ever decide to make a video about the clan's founding know I will eagerly await it.
Also, thanks so much for the family tree. Part of the reason I went through your entire tumblr was because I was curious about the details behind the clan so it's nice to have that, if a tad too late for me to save a couple hours. Also, is Heroncall mates with Buckfoot? And it looks like Robinsong may have mated with the kit in the Shut Eye video that belongs to the other queen, am I right? Also, it's really neat to sea Owlpounce and Foxjaw being siblings. It makes sense with how fluffy they are, and Embertooth is too. Also, it's really funny comparing Owlpounce and Foxjaw with their social skills and steady personality to Embertooth, who is somewhat prickly. I can also see Puddlepaw being related to the three, maybe as a cousin to Embertooth? They're very fluffy and I can see their personality as less social but just as steady as Owlpounce and Foxjaw. Is Orchidstar related to Owlpounce? When I saw her she reminded me of Owlpounce and she's also fairly fluffy.
Side not: With how depleted the clan first was after the disaster, and with how they picked up Birchspeckle just for her abilities, was there a time where the clan was friendly to outsiders just afterwards? Before the illness and attacks I can see them almost needing the extra cats. It would make it horribly ironic how they isolate Mudpaw for all that several of them would also be only half-clan, and explain all the question marks you have in the family tree. They're cats that were encountered and helped create kittens but weren't necessarily interested in joining.
Sorry for the length of this by the way.
ok first of all I love super long asks so no need to apologize HAHA
The unnamed background cats haven't really been thought through at this point, but the random cat (not the queen or kit) is Addereye's apprentice at the time of the disaster! Not sure what happens to him, but it can be assumed he lives with the clan and probably dies before the events of Mudpaw's story.
Good eye spotting Buckfoot on the family tree! I had the idea in the back of my mind of them being one of Mudpaw's ancestors ever since I designed them. I've said before on here but Micaclan doesn't really endorse the whole "healers can't have families" rule, and they especially didn't care for it after the disaster, when their numbers were so low. Plus, I like the idea of Mudpaw reminding Owlpounce of her old mentor :') I also like the idea of Puddlepaw and Orchidstar being related to Owl, Fox, and Ember! having all the fluffy cats related to each other is so funny to me ^^
Directly after the disaster, I imagine the clan sort of relied upon the help of strangers in order to survive. Maybe they even took some into the clan at first, like Birchspeckle. But I think the thing that really started their sort of isolationist-tendencies was the slow loss of their culture. I think it's entirely probable that, in taking outsiders into their group, they began losing some of the traditions and beliefs that made them Micaclan. If the outsiders they allowed to join didn't care for the idea of Starclan, or for the idea of caring for the weakest among them before themselves, or for following the warrior code... would they even be Micaclan anymore? After losing their home, their families, their ancestral territory, their very connection to Starclan... would they, the last survivors of Micaclan, maybe even the last survivors of any clan, be the ones to allow their traditions and way of life to be lost forever?
It's this fear, I think, that caused Micaclan to veer so sharply into isolation. Larkstar has many flaws, and even if it stemmed from a desire to see her and her clan's way of life preserved, she still encouraged an unhealthy distrust of outsiders in the clan. By doing what she thought best at the time, doing what she thought would keep them and their way of life safe, she ended up creating a culture of isolationism, and this very isolationism harms the clan and its members. Birchspeckle was made to feel unwanted by the clan that raised her, Possum was fully disowned for wanting to leave the clan and explore, and Mudpaw was treated badly because of the clan's subconscious dislike for anyone they consider to be other. The changes the clan underwent did preserve most of their culture, it's true, but it also meant that they lost one of the core ideals that Micaclan was built on; Micaclan was formed by non-clan cats who decided they wanted to come together and embody a code of ethics that they found admirable. Micaclan was never formed on the basis of blood!
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Hi Author-nim! Could you please do my request? If you don't want, you can ignore it.
If yes, could you please do GN!MC as Lock from "Trash of the Count's Family"?
(sorry if i have grammatical mistake)
Have a good day/evening Author-nim ♡
oooh! Is that a webcomic? Trey's never heard of it before but Trey will do their best! Trey did some reasearch beforehand so it should be acurate? if it isn't I'm very sorry! You didn't specify what characters to do, So I'll just do the Riddle, Azul, and Jamil if thats okay!
GN! Reader!
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When he had first saw you, he figured you'd be just like Ace and Deuce, he was slightly correct, in a sense, as you weren't the brightest, and were quite naive, but when he spoke to you for the first time, he now realized you were more on the shy and timid side, you tried your best to follow the Heartslabyul rules, but you find it hard to memorize all 810 of them... the only one you only slightly remember well is "If you eat a steak on a full moon, a cat must play the violin."
He finds your naiveness slightly adorable, and how shy you get while speaking to him, because of this, he never thought that you had another side to you... Prior to Leona's overblot, during a fight with Jack Howl of Savanaclaw, you had entered your berserk mode and you shine out as a more delinquent like version of yourself, being stubborn and courageous, and insanely strong, you swung at Jack with your hands, which now had claws, your presense was threatening now, and he began to grow slightly scare of you... but after the fight you began to grow far too exhuasted to even move, Ace and Deuce carried you to the infirmary while dragging Jack with them so he could spill the tea on what the hell was going on with all the injuries happening around campus.
Oh dear... you poor, poor unfortunate soul... your naiveness is hilarious, falling for his tricks almost immediately, thinking he's trustable in the first place, but he also finds your shyness quite adorable, stuttering when speaking to anyone you come across like a shy little puppy... a perfect oppertunity for blackmail, pre overblot, he only saw you as a means for easy business, but post overblot, he's grown quite attached to you, praising you for your efforts and for helping him around the lounge, he feels so lucky to have someone as kind, yet so naive as you. He's at least lucky you've never used your berserk form on him, though the tweels say otherwise when reporting back to him...
You're similar to Kalim... very similar. Besides the fact you can actually take care of yourself instead of relying on others, he first took advantage of your naiveness and weaknesses, luring you in to become a part of his plan to overthrow Kalim from his position as dorm leader, though it was quite difficult to get you under his unique magic, as you hardly ever make eye contact due to shyness, but the second you do, he's got you right where he wants you.
Post overblot, he treats you more like a close friend, if you're sick, he'll help treat you, you got injured and can't cook today? he's already got some dinner made for you and ready on your table. You do the same for him as well.
He only saw your berserk form once, and he never wished to again. The durastic change in your personailty and actions... he couldn't handle them well, especially since this was pre overblot. He had underestimated you and your strength. He still probably has a few scars and bite marks from when he fought you in full berserk mode, you tend to feel guilty about that, but he always says "No, no, I deserved it, really."
You always tell him to treat himself, and if he doesn't? You're treating him. You don't care how packed his schedule is, you'll deal with it later, right now, you're taking him to a nice resturant for dinner and treating him like a sultan for a day, which makes him quite happy.
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shmowder · 3 months
I wonder which characters could consciously have a relationship with an unhappily married person despite the possibility of being caught? It seems to me that it could be Andrey, simply because he does not consider any authority and is confident enough to use his fists if necessary. Eva, because she finds some kind of “thrill” in that cat-and-mouse game. Maria, perhaps? I think she will be a little disgusted by the realization that she is involved in something as dirty as adultery, but at the same time she simply will not be able to allow herself to retreat, admitting defeat. The most debatable choice would be Georgiy, but if we consider that he's into “epistolary affair” which you described in one of your posts, and also shrouded by his judge's status, he can afford it. After all, he was unlikely to let such a one-in-a-million chance slip from his grasp. Besides, I was thinking about Rubin's reaction to a similar situation. Considering how conscientious he is, guilt would eat him alive, but that makes it more interesting that there should be such a thing in his partner that he clings to them with the last of his strength. I am very interested to know your opinion on these and other characters! 🧡
You liked your spouse, you really did. They were a decent person, they kept to themselves and never bothered you. But life with them was just so... dull, you'd even take arguments and drama over this unfulfilling marriage. Alas they never cared enough to argue and you never felt strongly enough about anything they did to start an argument over it.
It was a marriage of convenience rather than love. Your families arranged it, and you went along because what else is there to do in such a small sleepy town? The wedding day went uneventfully, and yes, the two of you did put in some effort to try and fall in love... at least at the start, but it just never clicked. the two of you weren't too different for it to be interesting, and neither were you too similar to relate to one another.
It was torture, a boring dull hell. A divorce was out of question. People during this time period did not just divorce casually without a big reason. So the two of you stuck it out, more akin to roommates than a married couple. Cold morning greetings and never sharing a meal together, each one of you in their own world.
Was there resentment? Maybe a little but nothing major, they cared not for your whereabouts and you didn't raise any questions when they'd come home drunk in the middle of the night. They provided the money, you took care of the house, it was a simple arrangement. Or maybe it was the other way around where you worked during the daylight and they took care of the cooking?
But the feeling that you were wasting your life and youth kept eating you up at night, gnawing at your core, bitterness bubbling up your throat as you witnessed the lovely dovey couples outside. You weren't just going to sit and wither in this house for eternity like an idiot, you were going to go out and live your own life.
However... you still had to be discreet about it. Maintaining your family reputation and all. It was simple, people barely knew you and you blended in perfectly with the background crowds. You came from a humble family and your spouse was no one notable.
Were you guilty over betraying their trust? A little. They were still a stranger to you in some way, you wanted your own happiness to come first. Not to mention the lipstick stains you spotted just below their collar the other day completely cleared your conscience of any remorse.
Free to roam... well within limit, you unawarly caught the eye of some rather renowned people in this town:
Andrey Stamatin
Going straight into a pub wasn't the most creative idea you had to admit. But there is a good chance that the type of people who frequent pubs aren't the ones with families back home. Therefore, the chances of running into someone who actually knew you were slim to none.
But maybe you should've been more careful of the people who didn't know you and really wanted to change that.
Andrey's effortless charm shines through his well-deserved confidence. The eyes of a man who knew he always gets what he wants, yet never became too arrogant or let his ego grow too bloated. The worst about Andrey was probably the fact he earned his reputation through action rather than exaggerations.
A handsome shirtless guy wanted to buy a drink, who are you to decline the free show?
You heard about him, of course you did, who in their right mind didn't know about the infamous Stamatin twins.
Andrey, however, wasn't what you expected from a man with a very inappropriate reputation. He wasn't sleezy nor did he proposition you on the first opportunity. He kept his hands to himself and let you have your space.
He seemed rather interested in your mind, asking you about your thoughts on various topics. Showing you some of his art, sharing stories about his time at the Capital.
In a rather thrilling way, you felt like a piece of meat on a platter in front of him. The way his eyes shamelessly roamed your body but would go back to focus on your eyes as you spoke, paying attention to your words and putting thoughts in his replies.
It was taunting how he kept you waiting for him to make a move, for the shark's jaw to finally close down after you've naively swam so close to his sharp teeth.
Yet, it never came.
As you frequented the pub more and more, the two of you grew closer together. You became less intimidated by his deadly presence, seeing him as a safety net to let loosen in and know he'll be there to catch you.
Playful banter on your end, lightheartedly poking fun at him at other times and knowing the dangerous glare he is giving you is an empty threat because of the way his lipe curl upwards in amusement.
Andrey enjoyed watching you try things for the first time, to get the prospective of a fresh new soul becoming more and more tainted with sin.
He even let you hold his gun once, that was fun wasn't it for the fact he lied about it being loaded just to watch you hold it with shakey hands and wide eyes after he threw it in your lap.
You've never had this much fun before, everyday became memorable by his side instead of the hours melting into each other. You'd wake up with a glisten in your eyes, a bounce to your steps as you made your way to the broken heart pub every afternoon.
Directly walking towards the rather empty are Andrey claimed for himself, fearlessly sitting by his side and asking what kind of trouble is he planning on roping you into today, watching his eyes soften as he pulls you into a side hug with one arm. Keeping his arm wrapped around your shoulder the whole night.
The playfully friendly banter mixes with the sexual tension undertones. The way he still undresses you with his eyes while knowing you can see him. Unashamed of his actions as you're forced to face the lust brimming in his dilated pupils.
He knows you know. He wants you to know.
His lips so close yet so out of reach, teasing you by whispering against your ear. Never quiet kissing you no matter how close your faces are at times, making you the one who has to take the final step.
It doesn't surprise Andrey when you come clean about your marriage before things progress any further, he has played worse roles than a homewrecker seducer before.
He isn't phased either. Yeah, you're cheating, what are you going to do about it? He mentions how your spouse is either probably cheating too to have cast a blind eye on the hickies and bites Andrey made you walk home with each night or they're a real idiot, which sounds more like a them problem to him.
If anything... he gets a little ego out of taking you in his bed when your spouse haven't touched you in years. Whispering how he's the best man you've ever had, how your spouse could never compare or bring you half the pleasure. Making you keep the ring on while he's eating you out, enjoying the cold metal feeling as you pull against his hair.
Maybe he should just bring your spouse in and have them watch you get properly fucked, show them how to please you so they may learn one useful skill in their pathetic lifetime.
Would you invite him to your home? Would you let him take you on the same bed you were wedded on? Would you wear white for him too and play the role or the timid virgin as he ruins you for any other person who thinks they even have a chance with you.
Andrey doesn't have a problem with the arrangement as long as your spouse stay in their place and know their worth. If Andrey wants to take you out, he will. Any plans or whatever your spouse has will be postponed or preferably cancelled.
They must always have second priority in your life. That the only reason they can even remain your spouse is because Andrey lets them be. Once they step out of line or suddenly want to start playing proper house with you, they might just get a hole or five in their back.
Maria Kaina
Arriving at the pub, you knew it'd be a bad idea to accept free drinks from the human embodiment of the town bicycle if you wanted this affair to remain discreet. Also you weren't looking to have your spouse murdered, they were boring yes but that's not a crime to get killed over!
So you declined the free drinks from Andrey, which raises some eyebrows throughout the bar, but the man took it in stride and went back to his seat. Let it be known that Andrey Stamatin does not chase, he gets chased and never the other way around.
Except, your little show caught the attention of none other than Maria Kaina. Yes, the Misteress capital M herself sat down at your table. Red velvet dress and all.
Maria. THE Maria. Wasn't she from a proper and nice family? What is she doing in a dingy basement bar? You knew the Kains were progressive, but you never thought they were this open-minded to let their only daughter roam freely in the most dangerous part of town without a single gaurd or anything.
She didn't introduce herself, of course she didn't, she never had to. Everyone knows her. You, however, had to squeak out your name when she asked—No demnaded to know.
Maria had this heavy presence. It was reminiscent of her late mother's yes, but hers is more... transparent. Nina was a thick dark abyss that swallowed you whole, or so you've heard, you haven't really had the misfortune of crossing paths with her while she lived. Thankfully.
Maria's colour however was more wine red, a dark cherry, bitter and sweet. The faux airs of superiority do tend to melt away after talking for a while, you begin to spot the cracks where her innocence peak through.
Best of all, she was extremely fun and entertaining. The way she talked about herself, the way she microdosed you on manipulation every other sentence in a rather adorable attempt to pry more information out of you.
Huh she really is just curious with no ulterior motives? That goes against what you heard about her. Or maybe this is all an act and whatever clever moment you had where you thought you saw through her, was just a deliberate choice she made. You could be eating out of her hand without realising it, making you think she is a merely a girl forced to play a role bigger than her just so to lower your guard.
All the thinking was hurting your brain, frankly. You came here to score a date, not to get checkmated in a game you didn't even know you were playing.
So you told her just that. Tongue loosened after a glass or two from the expensive wine she ordered. The expensive stuff always catches you off guard with their alcohol concentration.
She seemed... a little taken back. The look of surprise followed by a deadpan expression and a "huh." were probably the most sincere and authentic feelings she has shown today.
Logically, the next step was for her to take you to her bed. Getting up, paying the bill and bringing you a glass of water before linking her arm with yours like a proper lady as if you didn't just watch her chug wine straight from the bottle like an experienced sailor.
The walk to the crucible was rather short, the night was young and Maria smelled so... sweet. What kind of perfume did she wear? It made your tense shoulders relax, quieted your brain down and made you more agreeable than usual.
It felt weird entering the crucible premise rather than passing it by, like usual, the strange building always functions as a landmark for you to get around and use to rely direction. You never thought of it as a real building people can enter, least of all a warm home.
Your brain simply didn't accept the fact that real people lived inside of it, made food, showered, and slept on beds.
Wait, you did come here before once. Yes, the memory is a little foggy, but you're sure that it happened. It was the morning of your wedding, your parents took you to the judge to sign the marriage papers and proclaim your verbal consent to the whole affair so he may officiate it.
Oh god, would he recognise you? The Judge had a photogenic memory, he probably would. You hoped the old man is asleep by now like most old people do after 7pm. It would be so awkward to run into her uncle at this time, especially when his niece is literally leading you to her bedroom.
Actually, didn't her father live literally in the next building over? You can't decide which would make you want to dig your own grave more, stumbling into Victor or Georgiy at this forsaken hour.
Maria seemed fun at least, you're delightfully surprised to learn that someone like her makes such a good listener. She is curious about your hobbies and interests, inquiring about your favourite things from flowers and books to how you prefer your morning coffee.
She'd only share hers if you asked about it. It felt strange to think that no one before you asked her what her favourite bug is.
A ladybug, she'd say while looking away. Was she embarrassed?... No, that can't be.
Under the demands and "my way or the highway" attitude, Maria seemed... like a rather lonely person.
She wasn't shy or coy during sex, she was in her element as she laid you down and took the lead. Preferring to remain on top with you laid beneath her, she looked as majestic as ever while bare, her black hair falling below her shoulders, the strands soft between your fingers are you gently trailed your hand through it.
Maria does not do cuddles afterwards, even hugs were a little too juvenile for her taste. However, she let you continue playing with her hair, unconsciously leaning into your touch. Like a demanding cat, she'd move your hand back to her hair whenever you pull away, silently asking for more yet refusing to admit it out loud.
The two of you formed a routine. Maria was busy on most days and barely had time to herself, however she managed to squeeze you in her schedule even if it'd just for a mere hour.
She clearly enjoyed your company. Your bluntness and lack of tact seemed to amuse her as much as it annoys her at times. Yet it was play annoyance, rolling her eyes or crossing her arms. Saying how lucky you are to have her by your side.
Maria took you out on lunch, fancy dinners, and proper dates as she'd call them. Unlike that gross pub, she claimed she rescued you from.
When the topic of your marriage came and you dreaded the grim reveal, you decided you'd rather do it than break her heart later.
The day came and you told her the truth, to which she looked at you like you were an idiot.
"Of course I knew, I was there."
She was there? at your wedding?
oh, wait, yeah. There was this beautiful bouquet of red roses left as a gift on the table, the card reading M.K.
At first you assumed it was a nice gesture from your spouse but they were confused when you mentioned it, when asking the guests if they saw who left it, they claimed the person in red came and left quickly, that they couldn't stay for long.
So it really was Maria Kaina and not some prank your cousins played on you?
"Now that you've brought the subject up yourself, we can finally discuss the topic of your upcoming divorce." She nonchalantly added.
You really thought The Maria Kaina would settle for being someone's side mistress? Secret lover? Please, you offend her.
She knows you're more clever than this, or at least she hoped you were. You should've seen this coming. She's already making arrangements with the judge, all that's left is informaing your family. Afterwards, you can move in with her.
Be grateful, she is rescuing you from a life of boredom and insignificance to a whole new world, the future of mankind.
Not to mention even her mother agrees that this is the correct step, she encouraged her to persue you and claim you for her own ever since that first conversation months ago.
Yes, her mother, silly. Her dead mother. Nina. They can talk, didn't you know? Huh.... Well now you do.
Welcome to the family.
I enjoyed writing this more than I thought tbh, it was both hilarious and heartfelt at times. I do want to make more versions for other characters in the future like Artemy, Daniil, young Vlad, Lara, Katerina and definitely Georgiy Kain omfg I want him.
But this post was getting too long for a drabble so yeah. I hope you enjoyed it anon!
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azrakaban · 4 months
Masked Pt 4 - Draco Malfoy
Part 4 of a 5 part mini fic, hope you enjoy <3
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Summary so far: your love story with Draco has come to an end.. or so you think. With a letter from hogwarts in your hand, who knows who you'll 'run into' at the school? 
A/N: same as the other chapters - but please remember that although in this fic you and Draco are in sixth year,the whole killing Dumbledore thing won't go down, and THERE WILL BE NO FOOLISH PANSY SLANDER IN MY COMMENTS. Pansy is bae, and I will give you no reason to hate her. 
Mental talking is in italics, so don't get confused please <3
"What is Draco Malfoy to you?"
A direct lie. You knew it. You just hoped your face didn't betray that. 
"Read her. I must know if she lies." 
Your mother's voice echoed around the room, the words directed to a Mattheo Riddle. He took a step forward. 
"Sorry about this yn. It's necessary though, you know? We have to know if you can be trusted not to throw yourself at him the second you step inside the castle." Mattheo said, smirking. You glared at him. You felt him enter your mind. 
'Remarkably empty in here isn't it?'
'Shut up.' 
'Careful Nott, my ability to lie is the only way you're getting to Hogwarts.' 
You felt Mattheo leave your mind. 
"She's telling the truth. He means nothing to her."  Mattheo said, locking eyes with your parents. 
You tried not to look as if this was news to you. They looked at you, then nodded. 
"She can go."  
And that was how you had ended up here. On a platform, holding a trunk and cat crate. (Sorry if you prefer owls or toads, the cat is necessary for the storyline) 
You sucked in a breath. Stepping through the barrier was one thing, being on the platform surrounded by hugging families was another thing. You felt Theodore stiffen beside you, and you gently squeezed his hand. 
Your childhood hadn't exactly been affection central. Your mother may have hugged you or told you she loved you once in a blue moon, but your father preferred to keep his enemies close, allies closer, and kids as far away as possible. 
You sighed, pulling your mind from memories. You registered that Theo was pulling you onto the train. You weren't sure why you were surprised that your mother hadn't said goodbye. 
You were dragged into a carriage with a few of Theo's friends, letting him pull you to sit beside him. 
"Guys, this is my sister yn. She's joining our year." He said, fistbumping Mattheo, who was sat opposite him. You were opposite a pretty girl with dark curling hair, and beside a girl with long blonde hair. 
The girls both seemed wary, but gave you small smiles. "Hey yn, I'm Pansy, this is Astoria, Lorenzo, and I'm guessing you know Mattheo?" The dark haired girl said, indicating all the people in your carriage. 
"Yep, nice to meet you all. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you're all in Slytherin?" You said, pointing to their green ties. 
"Right in one n/n! Okay if I call you that? Great. I'm Enzo." Said Lorenzo. "We're the nicer Slytherins anyway. The others just don't speak to us, to be honest. Though that could be because of Theo's prejudice against Draco." He said, giving your brother a judgmental look. 
"It is justified!" Theo said, rolling his eyes. 
"Oh really? In what world?" Said Astoria, snorting. You smiled. 
"Do you have something against the Malfoy's as well then yn?" Said Mattheo. He gave you a knowing look as your brother looked at you. You could feel the pressure of your answer building. 
On one hand, you had Theo, who would probably tell your parents whatever you said. The safest option would be to lie and said you hated their guts. The other option would be to be honest, and say you had no problem with them. Was there a way to keep Theodore quiet? 
An idea came into your brain. Yes, yes there was. 
"I've got no problem with the Malfoys. I think the whole feud thing is stupid." You said, looking directly at Theodore. He looked mad. 
"What the fuck yn?! You're not going to take our side in this? Clearly somebody lied to mum and dad, Draco does still mean something to you!" He said, quiet fury evident. 
"Actually, I think I can reverse the terms on you Theo. Can you even remember why we're supposed to hate them?" You said, giving him a doubtful yet mad look. 
He opened his mouth then closed it. "EXACTLY! Becuase we were never told! We were just told to hate them, without reason, without justification! It's ridiculous!" You said, giving him an exasperated look. 
"Maybe mother and father had their reasons to keep the motive of the feud from us." He retorted. 
"Bullshit. You know how I know? I heard mother arguing with father the night of the ball! Neither of them even know why we're supposed to be mad at them! And apparently, whatever happened, happened over 350 years ago! That's just absurd!" You said, leaning back in your seat. 
His mouth opened again and Pansy clapped a hand over his mouth. "Shh, i want to hear what she says next." She said, smiling at you before removing her hand from his mouth. His mouth was closed, but he went to speak. You cut him off. 
"Oh, and if you tell our parents, I'll tell them about how you were the one who got drunk and vandalised their property in London." You said, leaning back. 
"You wouldn't..." He gasped, a look of fear evident. 
"I would." You snarled, before calming yourself. "But I won't have to, will I theo? Because you're not going to tell them, are you?" You said, looking him dead in the eyes, challenging him. 
He grumbled, but murmured an agreement. You smiled content, then raised an eyebrow at Mattheo who was laughing. 
"She's got you there Nott, even you know it." He said, grinning and clapping your brother on the back. 
"Giiiiirl." Said Astoria from beside you. "That was brilliant." She said, high-fiving you. You smiled and let her pull you to your feet. 
"Come on. Pansy, you too. Boys, just stay here and wank off, or whatever you do whenever you're alone." She said, dragging the two of you out and into a different compartment. 
Once the three of you had found a free compartment, Astoria pulled you both into it. She pushed both of you into seats and slammed the door closed, locking it and pulling the blinds down. Pansy gave you a side look as if to say "Don't ask." Astoria sat down opposite the two of you excitedly. 
"Well? Do you wanna spill?" She said, looking at you and giggling. You just looked at Pansy and all three of you were laughing. 
"Oh god, the look on Theo's face was priceless. I know I'm supposed to be on his side with the whole bias against the Malfoy's thing, but girl it was good to see him get called out on it!" Astoria said between fits of giggles. 
You gasped. "Theo never mentioned a girlfriend! Guess I'm not the only one keeping secrets then?" 
Astoria looked you dead in the eye, giggles subsiding for a moment. "You're definitely not, and while we're on the subject of secrets, wanna tell us why you defended the Malfoys if you're a Nott?" She queried, arms crossed on her knees and leaning forwards. 
Pansy turned to look at you, a friendly smile on her face. "If there's something going on between you and Draco, you know you can trust us right? We're your girls now, me, Astoria and Rhia once you meet her, she's ill right now... point is, we can help you with your sitch." She said. 
You turned to meet her gaze. "Well, thanks to both of you, but honestly there's not much to tell. Just a family feud, forbidden and secret romance and a deep and unsolved question." You said, laughing at the surprised looks on their faces. 
"Well, you know, I'm not sure, but I think, just maybe, that's more than 'not much'." Astoria said, leaning back and grinning. 
"Agreed! Sounds like a serious drama, right out of a romance novel. Wanna tell us?" Pansy said, leaning back against the window and getting comfortable. 
"Alright, but get comfortable girls, this could take a while." You said, adjusting in your seat to be comfortable. 
"We're ready. This is probably the most romantic thing I'll ever encounter in my life. Theo is a tad clueless when it comes to the inner desires of a teenage girl." Astoria said, shaking her head. 
You mock gasped. "My brother? Clueless as to love? Never." You said rolling your eyes. "I'll talk to him, you deserve the whole deal Astoria." She tilted her head but smiled. 
"Now, are you girls ready for the story of a lifetime? Well, not a lifetime, but a pretty good story either way?" You asked. 
You were met with two eager nods. "Well then, it starts with a capri-sun..." 
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End of Pt 4! Please leave a like, reblog or comment if you enjoyed <3
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zargontari · 3 months
"Skippy. What is that."
"What? Joe, it is one-thirty in the morning, you should be sleeping. Your duty shift isn't for—"
"— not for another four hours, yeah yeah, I know. Answer the question, beer can. What the hell is that?"
"Oh. That."
"Yeah. What is that?"
".... Nothing. You should just ignore it."
"Really? Because it looks like one of your weird spider bot things."
"'Weird spider bot'? Please, Joe. Have some decorum. You are the captain of this ship! You must know what that is by now."
"Oh my god I cannot believe this is the card you're playing right now. The jump computer maintenance bot, okay! I know what it is! What I don't know is what it is doing here! In my bed! With me!"
"Oh, that. Yes, I suppose your choice of partners is a little odd. Not that I would ever judge you for what you're into—"
"Touchy! Okay fine, yes, I may have had something to do with it."
"I knew it."
"But you really cannot blame me! You see, I was looking through your mother's Facebook again earlier, and—"
"H— Hang on. Hang on. You have my mom's Facebook? And what do you mean, again?"
"Of course I have it, Joe! Her profile is wide open on the internet, and one of the first things I did upon downloading said internet was pull out all data pertaining to you and your family."
"That's .. really creepy, Skippy."
"Oh, it wasn't just you. This whole barrel of monkeys got that special Skippy treatment!"
"You are— Really not making this any better, Skippy. Can we get back to the subject?"
"Of what?"
"Of why one of your freaky little robots is just chilling in my bed! You know, the bed I'm in? You know that thing freaks me out."
"You need exposure therapy, Joe. But alright. Here is the truth. While looking through all of your baby photos — you really were one ugly baby, eugh — I discovered a picture of you and a cat. Your mother's cat, to be precise."
"Oh, man, I always hated that cat. Any time I walked by the thing she'd take a swing at my ankle, and those claws were not toys. Actually, I probably still have the scars, hang on a second."
"Hm, no, you do not. I took care of that and a few other scars while you were in the medbay that first time — not to worry, your mysterious 'important' scars were all left untampered. Even though that is a stupid concept to me, I will still respect it. Now— please put your sock back on. It smells bad enough in there without you releasing the 'hounds', so to speak."
"Alright, alright. Didn't want to get my feet cold anyway."
"Thank you. Now, while looking at that cat, I had a thought. I then went to check and see if you had had any pets since, and could not find any record of such an animal."
"... Yeah? Skippy, I was in the Army. I didn't have time for a pet. That's even if I had wanted one, which I didn't. Too much work for something that's just gonna die way before you do, you know? You put all that effort into the thing, you take care of it, you love it, and no matter what you do it's gonna have an absolutely abysmal lifespan and you're gonna have to bury it before you're even a foot into your own grave. No thanks. I decided a long time ago that pets weren't for me."
"... So, based on that new information, I assume that you would not like to see the bot do a 'roll over'?"
"That's a PET?"
"His name is Rover."
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frogzzai · 1 year
Overhaul x Quirkless!Reader
Send in requests I have no motivation :'( (I write for MHA, Creepypasta, Slashers, Demon Slayer, JJK, Harry Potter, Rick and Morty, Fantastic Beasts, Winx)
Warnings: Abuse (from family), Bullying, no pronouns mentioned/ no appearance or description of reader mentioned (I don't think?)
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Being quirkless in this world wasn't easy, you were part of the minority of the population which led to all sorts of bullying. You weren't really sure why, the only life this effected was yours. You've endured this all your life so you didn't often let comments get to you, but everyone has moments of weakness.
Today had been a particularly nasty day with people bugging you left right and centre, all you wanted to do was go home and sleep it off, although, you knew that wouldn't happen straight away. Both your parents were well respected heroes, with powerful quirks. The rest of your siblings and most of your extended family had pro hero-worthy quirks. Except you. You were the anomaly, the one who brought shame to your bloodline. For a while, after realising you didn't have a quirk, your parents tried to keep it away from the publics eye, not wishing for their reputation to be ruined. See, your parents were the sort of 'heroes' who were only in it for the money. They didn't really care about saving others, that's why they had no problem berating you on the daily and getting physical.
This is why you decided to take an alternative route home, not sure if you'd bother going back at all. After a while, you realised you were lost. You had only just moved over to Japan, the hero payouts being higher here then back in your home country. You still weren't fluent in Japanese, yet you could hold a basic conversation. Reading still proved difficult, and so you couldn't use signs to help you navigate. Wanting to test your luck, and get to somewhere you were familiar with, you went up behind a group of girls.
'Excuse me, where am I?' You said, you didn't mean to phrase it like you'd never been to Japan before but you couldn't do detailed sentences.
The girls turned around and, to your horror, turned out to be some of the ringleaders of your bullying problem.
'Oh, what's that? Don't tell me you're stupid as well as quirkless. What are you doing here anyway? This is my neighborhood and I don't want you plaguing it. Quirkless people are useless, what are you going to do in life? Almost every job requires a quirk and even if you managed to get one, you couldn't hope to get paid higher than minimum wage.' The middle one sneered.
'Please, I only asked for d-di-d-,' You panicked, forgetting the translation of direction.
'D-d-d-, cat got your tongue? You can't even speak Japanese properly. You really are useless!' Your mistake seemed to humor the girl as she held up her hand. 'Why don't I show you what your missing out on?' Her fingers merged together and changed into a massive claw. Instead of standing there like an idiot, you made a run for it. Just because you were quirkless, didn't mean you couldn't read the room.
You made it down a few blocks before your legs were taken out by some sort of spinning wheel, possibly another one of their quirks.
'You really thought you'd get far, huh?' The girl with the claw laughed and took your arm. She lightly scraped your arm before slicing it right down the middle, a scream ripped from your throat, or at least tried to. You voice was completely gone, the last quirk? You've already seen two, this must be the third. No matter how much you tried, no sound would come out. They shoved you up against the wall and you sort of slumped against it. It looked like she was about to strike again, but it looked like she had a second thought. Her and her goons took their leave. More like legged it, a hero? An officer? You didn't bother to get up, just sat their, head leaning to the side, zoning in and out repeatedly.
Someone stood in front of you. The one thing that stood out was his shoes. They were oddly clean, like he'd put them on for the purpose of standing before you. He got down on one knee to get a better look. You flicked your eyes over to him, he had really pretty irises. They were a nice shade of gold, certainly unique. His plague mask freaked you out a bit but you didn't think on it much, could be down to allergies. You knew you looked awful, your eyes must've been puffy and red from crying and your arm looked awful. You weren't the prettiest sight at the moment but you weren't too sure if that's what had him looking so disgusted.
'You couldn't defend yourself? Those quirks were pathetic.' He said, mocking you. Clearly unaware of your situation.
You weren't too sure how to respond to that, but, you decided to bite the bullet and come clean. Not sure how to form the sentence, you simply uttered, 'Quirkless.'
His eyes widened a bit as realisation dawned on him. He took your arm, the one that wasn't injured, and pulled you up with him, taking you with him. You didn't bother to fucus on your surroundings, just basking in the fact you hadn't ended up with more injuries. The next time you brought yourself back to reality you were in the cleanest med bay you had ever seen. You couldn't see anything that would make it imperfect. The odd thing about this was, there were no other patients, and it was dead silent. The man that you'd seen earlier was standing over you.
'Are you really quirkless?'
You nodded, not feeling all too talkative. He seemed content with that though, and gently straightened out your injured arm, you winced a bit. He noticed this but couldn't do much to help you, as he began cleaning and disinfecting the wound. Despite the burning pain, you kept quiet, still not sure if he was a friend or foe. Once the wound was steralised he wrapped it up, not too loose and not too tight. He must be a trained doctor then?
You looked up and took him in properly for the first time. You'd be lying if you said you didn't find him attractive. Although, you had to admit the colour contrast on his coat didn't do him any favours.
'You're not from around here, are you?' He asked.
You were startled by his question, and gave him a weary look.
'I mean, you didn't seem like you knew the place very well when I found you. You were looking around as if searching for a familiar face when those girls had you pinned.' His words were difficult to understand, he spoke at a decent pace yet his sentences were complicated to you, and drawn out. You took out the words you did know and tried to translate what he said. You assumed he was asking if you knew where you were, or something along the lines.
'No. I live a few blocks over. I only recently moved here, I'm not from Japan.' You said.
'That explains your way of speaking, your sentences are short and basic.' He pondered, you knew he didn't mean it like this, yet you couldn't help but feel degraded. You tried your best learning Japanese but it was difficult, especially when you moved here without any knowledge of the language whatsoever. He seemed to notice your crestfallen look and apologized, sitting down beside you. He put an arm round your shoulders and gently rubbed his thumb up and down.
'Why have you been so nice to me? Do you normally pick up injured strangers from the street, is this a long drawn out plan to murder me?'
He chuckled a bit, amused by how serious you sounded. 'No, I helped you because you aren't sick. You aren't riddled with the disease people have normalized. You don't have a quirk, you're pure.'
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dragons-and-misc · 1 year
a lot has happened over the past few months.
tw: animal death, depression
Was real depressed, failed a course
Got a chance to make up for failed course, passed
Got real depressed again, failed another course
Fought it, passed the course
My cat died
Started a co-op placement
Feelin' weird today
I failed a course in my bachelor's program because I was going through a depressive episode. It was right around the time I started most of my blogs on here. I just... couldn't keep up with anything. I was gone to the world, and being here was a beautiful respite. My spouse was (and still is) beautifully supportive, and I'm so thankful I have them.
But I got the chance to make up for it. I got an extra assignment (on top of the course load for the next semester), and I managed to pass. The extreme high of passing and knowing I was still in my program was met with another crash. Another episode. I was gone to the world again, but I was too embarrassed and sad to post anywhere. I don't remember much from my winter 2023 semester, just that I wasn't... here, you know? I wasn't in my body. I was somewhere else.
I failed another course, but this time, I fought it. It was law (why they made us take a law course in a design program, I'll never know), and I failed by 2%. I fought. I was so fucking angry and distressed, but the prof relented. I can't go into the details of it. I'll just get mad. Suffice to say, I'm glad I passed.
I got a co-op placement. I was overjoyed. Things were looking up. I had a week between the end of my winter semester and my 8-month placement starting.
My semester ended on April 21st. I saw a friend on the 22nd. On the 23rd, my cat didn't get up for breakfast. He just laid on the couch, raised his head, and set it back down. I should've taken that as a sign something was very wrong, but I brushed it off. My spouse fretted over him (an understatement, I assure you).
He hadn't really eaten anything by the 24th. We took him to the emergency vet.
The 24th, 25th, and 26th were a mess. The poor thing was in and out of three clinics - two emergency and our regular vet's office. I slept on the floor with my kitten. I barely ate. I tried to be nonchalant. Of course my baby was fine - he just wanted to freak us out. He'd done it before, and we'd all come out of it alright. My spouse was anxious, and I couldn't blame them.
On the night of the 26th, I finally let myself descend into worry. I asked my spouse, "You think he's gonna be okay... right?" 
They reassured me. He was going to be okay. He was being monitored, and his condition was taking a turn for the better. He was going to come home tomorrow. I was so confident that everything would be okay that I saw a friend on the 27th.
It was mid-to-late afternoon when my spouse called me. I thought maybe it was time to pick up my cat.
I remember saying, "Hey honey, what's up?" They were quiet for just a second, and then I heard a choking sob. I knew. I knew. I knew. They didn't have to say it. I knew. I couldn't move. The friend I was with called my name once. Twice. I was frozen. I knew. I knew. I knew.
Kidney failure. He wasn't going to make it, and we weren't going to let him suffer. We rushed to the vet's office. Our friend stayed with us the whole time. When he was brought into the room, we all knew it was time.
I'm grateful that I got to hold him as he passed. I held him in my arms, repeating, "I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you."
It's been 4 months, 2 weeks, and 5 days since my kitten died. A family member warned me not to ritualize his death - that it would only make it harder to find peace. They're right. I don't care. I want to know how long I've been without him. One day, I won't need to know. But right now, I do.
I started my co-op placement on Monday, May 1st. I spent 4 hours commuting (2 hours to work and 2 hours to home) for the first 3ish months. I was exhausted all the time. I would get up at 5:30 am, leave the house at 6:00 am, come home at 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm, and be asleep by 7:30 pm - 8:00 pm.
I started to work from home in late July (thank fucking gods). I get up a half hour before I'm supposed to start most days. I'm still tired, but not as much.
I like my placement. I like the work, I like my coworkers. I like what I do. If I hadn't had this structure, I would have toppled harder into the abyss. I only cried at my desk a few times, and I think only one person picked up on it (and only once). I don't think I would have done anything rash, but the summer months would have been lost.
I miss my kitten. I dream about him from time to time. I won't dig deep into my spiritual beliefs in this post, but I know he's visited. I know it's him in the dreams where he presses his forehead to mine. I know that when I tell him, "I know, buddy, I missed you too," it's not just a subconscious form of coping.
I can't remember him very well when I'm awake. Sometimes, it feels like we never had two cats, just one. I have difficulty remembering where he would curl up or the sound of his meow. When he first passed, I thought I saw him everywhere. Now, it's all fuzzy around the edges.
But when I dream, I see him healthy and happy. He's firm. He's here.
Sorry. This is the part that's been sticking with me the most. Maybe it's because losing him was so recent. Maybe because I just... can't remember much between October 2022 and April 2023.
Good things have been happening, too.
I've been learning Blender (though I don't think I've drawn anything for the past month and a half). My spouse and I have had beautiful days together. I've seen friends. Thanks to my co-op being paid, we've gotten some things we've needed for a long time.
I read a lot of r/NoSleep on Reddit. It makes me want to write again. I got Tears of the Kingdom and decided to go for 100% on this run. I got Portal 1 and 2 on my switch - I beat Portal 2 for the first time a couple of weeks ago (god, it's a good game). I was playing DnD with an old friend, but work got in the way. I think I'll be able to pick up again soon, though.
I dream of my kitten.
I'm feeling empty today. Well, not exactly empty. My head is a jar with a hornet inside. I can't focus on anything, and I feel like I'm vibrating, but I can't bring myself to move. I don't feel sad, but I don't feel happy. I guess I'm anxious.
This is a lot. And it's really just a stream of consciousness at this point. I dunno. I'm still going to post this and repost it to my other blogs (DiscoBrainRot and MightBeArt), but it might all get deleted at some point. I dunno.
Anyways. I hope I come back to posting more. Hopefully soon. I hope to get back to drawing and share some of the stuff I'm doing in Blender. I can't make any promises, but I can try.
A lot has happened over the past few months. I'm tired. But I'm okay. Or I will be.
And that's enough.
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blossom-hwa · 2 years
Sooooooo there's not much request for tbz based on what im seeing so far......... May i then humbly request for my bae jacob + fairy au 👉👈 love u lots lina <33 -baker anon
jacob + fairy au.......... I will willingly pass on to the next life sobs
5 year anniversary drabble game: send me a Stray Kids/TXT/Golden Child/Ateez/The Boyz member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you
Title: Fairy Roommate
Pairing: Jacob x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 786
Warnings: mentions of animal injury (nothing major)
The first thing anyone needs to know before coming over to your place is that your roommate is a fairy. 
Which is honestly not a huge deal, in and of itself. Fairies aren’t bad roommates most of the time - they can hold their alcohol, they keep things clean, they never lie, and they can smell other’s lies a mile away. All in all, they’re not bad creatures to keep around as an acquaintance or as a friend, if one can get past their propensity for tricks and pranks first. 
And Jacob - he’s a very kind fairy. He hardly plays any pranks and the ones he does like are harmless, like adding a pinch too much of spice to your meal (he always has another serving ready in case it was actually too much to take) or hiding your favorite article of clothing only to give it back a few days later. All in all, you got lucky with your roommate. He even pays the bills on time. 
But there’s a reason you have to warn people your roommate is a fairy - two reasons, to be exact. The first reason: 
The plants. 
Jacob has a green thumb. Most fairies do. You’re not so bad at gardening yourself - before you moved in with Jacob, you had a few potted plants of your own around the house that you took care of regularly. But once Jacob made himself a presence in your life, those plants switched loyalties immediately, and now they only respond to him. 
Because he makes them grow. 
Flowers and greenery now cover almost every available inch of your little apartment, save a few spaces where you put your foot down and said they needed to remain open. Your apartment looks more like a greenhouse at this point - with all the magic and love Jacob keeps pouring into his plants, it’s almost impossible for them not to grow. 
You’ve grown used to it. Better he collect plants than other weird things like strange magazines. At any rate, the clippings make nice gifts for your friends and family whenever a holiday rolls around. It’s just other people are sometimes... caught off guard, to put it lightly, when they see vines curling out the window and up the wall. 
But the second reason. The second reason. 
Jacob really, really likes animals. 
It started with the injured dogs and cats. They weren't so bad - once Jacob nursed them back to health, you could convince him to send them to the local animal shelters, where they’d be able to find the animals better homes. You even kept a cat and a dog yourselves, Mochi and Cobi. 
But there were more. Here are the numbers at your last count:
- six cats
- four dogs
- five squirrels
- a turtle
- ten mice
And, somehow, inexplicably:
- a doe and her fawn. 
When you open the door to that, you have to take a moment to ensure that you aren’t dreaming. Once you’ve made sure that there’s actually two deer in front of you, that you’re not just hallucinating and need to go to the hospital, the exhaustion immediately settles in.
He looks up innocently from the couch. “Yes?”
You gesture at the two large animals standing in the middle of your living room. “We can’t keep them here.”
His lips immediately turn down into a pout. “Why?”
“We don't have enough space, Jacob!” You gesture at the small expanse of living room in front of you. “If we didn’t have enough space for more than a dog and a cat, we don’t have space for a doe and her fawn! Speaking of - where are Mochi and Cobi? How did they react to this?”
A sheepish smile begins to spreads across Jacob’s face. “Uh...”
You pinch the bridge of your nose. “Why did you bring them here?”
“She has an injured leg.” Jacob points to a white part of the doe’s foreleg that you hadn’t noticed. Bandages, you realize. “I couldn’t just leave her there when she wasn’t healed fully.”
You sigh. “How did you even bring her back? You know what - don’t answer that, I want to maintain plausible deniability.” Ignoring Jacob’s snort, you finally take off your shoes. “If you can keep Mochi and Cobi in line and ensure that the deer won’t come to harm, you can keep them here -”
Jacob’s eyes light up.
“- only until the mother’s healed up. Then they need to go.” You fix Jacob with a gimlet eye. 
He droops slightly, but nods. “Fine.”
“Good.” You drop your backpack. “Now how do I get around them without spooking them to high heaven?”
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iconoclast-infidels · 3 months
Recap & Rename - Nico's "The living are the hope of the dead" Verse or "Raging Sharknado" Verse - Either or. lmao
General info:
Dmitry - Other half of his soul - Ok not just a romantic metaphor because part of his soul has been amputated and surgically injected into his heart. Yo. It's a thing.
Dmitry Kolyavich Churchill-Myasnikov - Yeaaaaaaaah the last name thing. Nico took it hyphenated too. So Nico is really annoying with his 'Merican repeat vocalization attempts at saying his own last name over and over. Niccolo Jeremiah Churchill-Myasnikov. It's probably his number one self soothing technique as he plays with Nick slime, blows bubbles, smoke rings, finger paints on dirty car windows, anything really. It's coming out of his mouth.
Dmitry has also sold his soul to Nico via demonic contract. Usually this by default ends with damning the exchanged soul to Hell after death. Of course there's the caveat that Dmitry doesn't stay dead for long. Nico never mentions to Dmitry the one side-effect this may have on him either considering their unique heart situation mentioned above. He may inadvertantly also be damning himself, but can't truly know and doesn't care because he's always believed himself to be damned due to being a demonic halfling child to begin with. Their souls are pretty entwined at this point. Now he's mixed with another sort of fallen angel? He goes around believing he could never make it to Heaven anyhow. Dmitry has always had more faith in him than that even if the system was truly rigged as Nico tends to believe.
Nico's goal in life used to always be to find his absent demonic father and make him proud. This way he'd be able to rise in the demon ranks for fear of being tortured due to his human nature.
The longer he's been with Dmitry and throughout all the cataclysmic events that have evolved Nico his goals are changing... sort of. He wants his earth family. He's focused on life a little more than death and that wasn't always the case. Is he still obsessed with death? Sure. But, he actually wants to live now even if that means he has to be a cyborg koala to do it. He's good with that.
The Good Family Through Nico's Eyes
Dmitry's and Nico's family - Gary the Penguin, Lisbeth the cat, Nadya - Dmitry's mother, Nova - Nico's biological mother - Nova Noelle - and a sounder of boars. Oh, and let's not forget Luca, Dmitry's alter.
Nico's Foster Family - All still reside in Detroit (Mom - Veeda) Has a tendency to call them Psuedo-Mom or Faux-Dad adding such random prefixes to their monikers in playful affection still to this day.
Nico's real sisters exist out there still. This means the twin sisters who are actually witches that Nova had adopted and Nico was raised with until he was taken away from her. They weren't biologically his sisters, but they were raised with him and his biological mother. They were separated in foster care. He learned later they were adopted by another family. He only saw them once and chose not to approach when he saw them living a happy life afraid he'd curse them since he destroys everything he touches. This is an avenue of Nico and Nova's tale yet to be completely adventured. They were Nova's best friend's children. She took them in upon an untimely death of the biological family. All of this was demon/magic related. All the more to Nova's tale and why she's so hard headed herself and was so protective of Nico until it all fell apart. That may be something Nova wants to explore more even if Nico did not when he had the chance.
The Friends Nico Tolerates as a Masking Non-People Person
Caim - The demon who took an interest in Nico when Murmur wasn't around. If Murmur wasn't going to take up on his son's loyalty, this demon saw it as a way to get in and create a bond of loyalty. It was an "I was there when your father wasn't" type of bond. It's one of the few demons in Hell Nico might choose to turn to in a bind, not that any are completely safe or without ulterior motive. There's a slew of demons under this ring that fall in the category of Nico knows them through Caim, but he doesn't really know them very personally. Nico is not tight with much of Hell.
Amelia - The red head that actually knows about Dmitry and his whole life. So of course he's down with his BFF
Wasp - Biker/Hacker friend/s. Nico's down with this person and her crew thereof. She was probably Nico's fave friend of Dmitry's people.
Samael - The Angel of Death - He is absolutely fascinated by this person and actually thrives in their appearances, however harbors suspect feelings around them in case he's there to take Dmitry aways worried there's going to be a final time. He holds no belief that God would grant him the gift of Dmitry forever and there is nothing more sus than an angel coming into the scene to take his angel back where he rightfully deserves to be even if Nico would fight for Dmitry tooth and nail to keep him. He's selfish like that. That's the only way Nico could ever see that. So Samael's presense does keep him on edge despite the fascination.
Jovan - Ghost boy - Yeah, that happened. Oops. That was probably Nico's fault. Jealously happens. But, ghost friends are cool, right? Of course a necro-ghost-sensitive halfling like himself would get stuck with an annoying "accidental death" of his making guy that he'll always be able to sense because of who he is. Fun. Ghost life after death means unfinished business for Jovan. Nico didn't plan on that. At least he plays guitar? Nico plans on making up for this one. Yes, demon boy feels guilty.
Lock - A werewolf that got involved. Son of the Boogie Man. Hell shit is weird. Nico doesn't question it anymore. Who doesn't like dudes that like crows? Yeah, we'll see. He's on squinty eyes with him still. Unsure.
Le Not So Good People In Nico's Eyes
Murmur - His Demonic father despite the constant need for his attention and approval.
Collin Hackshaw - Though this name is never uttered. Dmitry's father.
Leila - Soul he hated hearing about not because of the thought that Dmitry could have been in love before him, as everyone has a past, but because Dmitry used to speak as if he still was. Big jealousy vibes there. It was hard to compete with a non existant person held on a pedestal. That got worked through though and Nico's more secure than he used to be on that matter or he'd not have gotten married.
Tags that may be used, Raging Sharknado Thoughts, Cyborg Koala, My Journal, Nico things, Dmitry Feelz, Nico's Playlist, v.the living are the hope of the dead, my cute nerdy boyfriend is outsmarting me again and I don't care, rock hound shit, space shit, quotes
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laikynparrish · 8 months
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NAME: Laikyn Rae Parrish
AGE: 37
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Female. She/her.
SEXUALITY/STATUS: Bisexual. | Engaged.
BIRTHDAY: October 3rd, 1986.
HOMETOWN: Covington, Georgia
FACECLAIM: Sophia Bush
Born to Sophie Walters-Parrish & Owen Parrish in 1986.
She goes by Lake to most. Her books are published under Laikyn Parrish, and will continue to.
Her parents had her sister a few years after they had Lake, and the moment she was born, Lake was a doting sister. Their bond has only grown since, making their thick as thrives.
Growing up Lake remembers more bad stuff about her mom, then good. As she never stepped up to being a mother, while her dad became a dad the moment the stick turned pink.
Owen Parrish has always been there for his daughters, through thick and thin. Sophie hasn't been in the picture much since Owen grained full custody of his children two year after their divorce. As originally, the courts ruled in favor of the mother, but would come to see that she wasn't fit for the girls.
Owen moved out of the house he shared with Sophie and the girls, and moved closer to his brother, Jake, and his family, after the custody battle. Lake was nine at the time.
Cousin to Ryan and Drew Parrish.
Lake was an extremely active girl in sports during her childhood. Everything from volley ball, to soccer, to cheerleading, and even basketball. She enjoyed being in sport.
During her senior year, she was in a car accident that nearly took her ability to walk. Her future in sports were done, and the doctors weren't hopeful, but they didn't know Lake. She wasn't going to take no for an answer. She'd work and work to get better, and she did just that.
She would attend college for literature arts, something no one thought would be what she'd go to college for, but she loved it nonetheless.
At 24 she published her first book, and for the next ten years would continue to publish book after book, series after series. She enjoys writing crime, mystery, and romance. Which made it no surprise when she ended up in the genre of dark romance.
Her career as a writer is very successful, and she has a large following behind it.
She coaches cheerleading at the local middle school and high school. She will also time to time coach soccer and volleyball.
When she was 29, she'd come to meet one of her cheerleaders, 10 at the time, who would change another course in her life. A girl from a very troubled home life, would come to find her graces in the care of Lake. At 30, Lake would sign papers that would give her guardian of the girl. Her name Emilia "Emmy".
She is currently happily engaged to Greta Morrison, they live in Orchid Park, with Emmy, and their two cats, Shadow and Tiger.
Lake is a romantic, and extremely family orientated. She has a very close relationship to her dad and sister, as well her extended family.
She has published many books, but currently her two most popular are series. The Kingdom Series which sits at 5 books. And The Lords of Chaos which it's 3rd book is to be released in March.
She has been reached out to about making her Kingdom Series into a movie series, in which, she has accepted, and the process for that had started early last year.
FRIENDS/FRIENDLY RELATIONSHIP: (M/F/NB) She is a Covington native, so honestly this could be childhood friends, school friends, new made friends, the list really doesn't end here.
RIDE OR DIE/BEST FRIEND: (F/NB): Literal bonus points if this is a friendship thats been alive since they were children. But over all, a best friend that has been their through it all, and who act gay for each other (although it is very platonic).
LIKE THE BROTHER I NEVER KNEW I WANTED: (M/NB) A male muse that shares a very brotherly like relationship with her. She grew up with the Parrish boys, so she isn't unfamiliar to having brotherly figures, but this one would be a friend she made sometime in her life.
EXES/FORMER FLINGS/ETC: (M/F/NB) Lake identifies as bisexual. So anything before that is open game. It could've ended on good terms, bad terms, or just ended. She actually loves love, so she has had her fair share of relationships, including long term ones. But at this moment, she is very happily taken.
READERS: Anyone who likes her books, who follows her writing.
NEIGHBORS: She and her wife live in Orchid Park, so anyone that also lives there.
PARENTS/SIBLINGS/ETC OF HER GIRLS: If your character happens to have a sister OR daughter that is around middle school, or high school age, then they could know each other through her coaching. This could also be past students as she's been coaching for almost ten years.
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Holy shit. This year had to have been the most eventful year of my life and that's saying something.
Beginning of last year, Gavin and I were struggling to do whatever we could to find an apartment. Well, come February, we did. We finally were able to cross the biggest gap in our lives and relationship. I packed my stuff and suddenly, I was with him and living in Texas. My 28th birthday came and I got to spend it with friends. I haven't spent a birthday with a friend in so long. It felt wonderful to have people that wanted to be around me.
April came around and another one of my biggest dreams came true. I finally got my first puppy. Bliz has been a name for a dog I wanted for years and now he's my precious baby. I love my dog so much. He might be a little special needs as I've come to discover, but he's perfect and I know that fate brought my Bliz and I together. AND along with April, I got my beautiful, gorgeous, handsome, cunty, stunning, sweet, passionate, loving new pookie Niran. He literally brought me back to Overewatch single handedly and I love him. Fell for that man harder than any other fictional man ever. I want him carnally fr.
May was lovely and just as exciting. Not only did we once again have a wonderful time with friends for Gavin's birthday, but we got a new baby as well. Toast and Bliz actually got along and she was our kitten. Sly little thing she is, but I can't imagine life without her. Never was a cat person but I suppose she really changed me. I love my fatass little cat.
June was, hard. While being so excited to see Mexico for the first time ever in the following month, my dad ended up in the hospital. Just after Father's day. Quite possibly the scariest thing my family has ever had to go through. Weeks of nothing but worry and stress. He pulled through, but he will never be how he used to be. He's mostly in a wheelchair and can no longer walk on his own. I miss my father. I miss him so much. I took for granted all the times we went to the grocery store and taking him to the bank. I know everyone says it, but do not take time for granted. It really can be gone in an instant. I am happy to say my dad is okay. Him making it to his 81st birthday and to the New Year, means everything. I want nothing but comfort for him this upcoming year, and for my mom and sister to take it easy too. We all love him.
July, was wonderful. I got to go to Mexico with Gavin's family. They showed me nothing but kindness and caring the whole time. Mexico was beautiful and I want to go back. I have to get my passport updated but hey I will. After Mexico, it was back home to NJ. Being back home felt so right and I wish Gavin and I could move over there, but it's not in the cards right now. But! I enjoyed a great time seeing my dad and going to the Jersey Shore. Time with my mom, sister, and dad pretty much recharged me. Stayed about two weeks longer than intended but I know in the long run I needed that.
August. God. August. It started out great. We were back home and Gavin was ready for his appointment to start T. Both of us were so happy that he could finally start his journey. We went, he got it, life felt so good. However, it seemed like Gavin and I couldn't catch a break and life decided, "yeah, throw them in a car accident." Gavin's car was towed and we were in horrible pain. My stomach was so bruised I couldn't bend down and Gavin could barely use his hands. A whole week of stress and anxiety over what to do now that we didn't have a car. Thankfully his parents were once again, so kind, caring, and understanding that we were able to get a new car. His name is Ramram and he's kept us safe which is all we could ask for.
September wasn't so bad other than learning two of our friends, weren't the people we thought they were. October was pretty okay which was nice. Throughout these months it was mostly financial stress which we still have but the hell am I supposed to do about it at this point.
November. I usually hate November. Halloween is gone and done and I don't really care too much about Thanksgiving. But I suppose Gavin changed that. After weeks of severe depression and anxiety, crying every day, it all stopped. He proposed. He had gotten me the most beautiful ring. Goth and elegant. With one question, everything melted away and I haven't cried a sorrow tear since.
Now that it's December, I realize just how many things happened and how things still are happening. My family and family's friends accept my engagement and are excited for me. They are happy. I'm planning a wedding. I made it far enough in life that I am getting married. I'm getting married next October. I'm still tearing up as I write this because 19 year old Lauren didn't think she'd make it to 20, let alone 27. I'm getting married. It's incredible. Other than being in a dream like state from that, of course I had to get a whole ass addiction to Baulder's Gate 3. Perhaps it's not the traditional dnd experience but I can't say I don't love it. I now get to have some fictional men be here without me needing them. I get to have Astarion and Halsin and Gale at my happiest. That's, so different than all of the ones before them, Niran included. It almost doesn't feel real.
2023 was something else. 2024 is going to be wonderful. I am soon going back to NJ to plan where to have our wedding. Gavin and I will have our first anniversary and Valentine's day together too! I get to go back to NJ a few more times for wedding plans and vacation and then the wedding. My biggest hope for 2024, is that Gavin and I can start a process to start my dream.
I want to be a mother. I wanted to be a mother since as long as I can remember. If I can just start this journey into being a mother, everything up until that point will have been worth it. Every moment of stress, pain, tears, and more. I hope sometime next year I can make a post saying we've succeeded. I know the process won't be easy, but it will be worth it.
Happy New Year everyone. I made it through this year. I can make it through next year, and you can too.
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rogueshadeaux · 1 year
An update regarding inFAMOUS: Erosion
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Hey there! Rogue here, and I have something regarding inFAMOUS Erosion that I wish to tell you all about so as not to blindside you.
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(Now, stop panicking, first off lol.)
I got married in the height of the pandemic; everyone in my family has autoimmune issues (even my poor cat is asthmatic) and my then-boyfriend at the time and I wanted to cover as many bases as possible, especially since I was pregnant. So our five year plan became a five week one, and we got married. No wedding, no reception, just us on the courthouse steps with a judge (we weren't even allowed in) and then take out after. While neither of us cared about a wedding, we never got to go on a honeymoon, and that was always something we strived for down the line. COVID-19 took so much from so many of us, and my family was no exception.
Well, the parasite that was in my womb is now two years old, the oldest is becoming an adventurous spirit, and we've decided it's time to put that savings account to good use and make this a family affair. We've booked not only two separate trips, but a series of events all throughout July and August so we may 'live it up' in lieu of time and chances missed.
And I plan on going on hiatus while we do so.
I fear I won't be able to keep up with the word count and deliver a quality tale on time, and would rather make sure I don't burn myself out trying to perform on top of everything else we have planned. It's also always healthy to take a break! And I feel I have the perfect midpoint prepared to pause and give you all an 'intermission' of sorts before returning. I know it's always so so scary to hear an author is going on hiatus, because really, that's the preamble to an orphaned fic; so I want to assure you that where I will stop the story before disappearing is 104,404 — and the current fic is at 136k words. There's still passion for the project, and it will probably be worked on in the lull time of my hiatus; but that gap between where I've posted and where I am is closing, and I don't want it to get any closer. And I fear trips and concerts and museums and events and a wild summer is simply the perfect storm to be caught in — and to lose my way in the kicked up dust.
"So then...what does that mean?"
I will be posting up to Chapter Twenty, with a two-chapter 'mid-season finale' as I've been jokingly calling it on the 9th and 10th of July. After that, I will be going on hiatus until September 11th, 2023. Another Monday, per the usual. I am beyond excited for this second half; I finally feel like I can dive into the real meat of the story. Once I hit that midpoint, every piece of foreshadow and worldbuilding is on the table. The big turning point that'll propel the second half of Erosion will be revealed. I'll be moving on from whittling the wood to manipulating the marionette, and you have no idea how hyped I am to really give you the tale I'm trying to spin. The sad thing is, I've still gotta spin it, and I fear I won't be able to dedicate myself as well as I should in order to really give this idea in my head the honor it deserves. And of course, what you deserve too; I'm a freelance editor. If I put anything out there that sucks, I will off myself lol.
"Will you be disappearing too?"
Nah. Probably not. I'm chronically online and legally/medically can't drive, so I gotta do something on the car/plane rides. There are two one shots in my google docs I might push out in the meantime, an art commission planned, and of course, I will always supply memes and share other inFAMOUS pieces that my dear friends are putting out. There's so much newfound chatter in the inFAMOUS fandom that I feel confident I could step back for two months and you wouldn't even miss me! It's truly breathtaking to see this fandom returning like this. If you put things into perspective, while two months seems so goddamn long — that's 4 chapter updates. That's it!! That's all I'm gonna be gone for!!
"What if you finish Erosion while you're gone?"
God, that'd be the day, wouldn't it? I'll definitely freak the fuck out and post nonstop on Tumblr, so if I do, you'll know lol. If by some stroke of a miracle I finish Erosion while I'm gone, I will still be on hiatus until September 11th. I need a goddamn vacation. But upon returning, if I am either done or very close to done, I plan on upping my schedule to a weekly posting system. If not, biweekly until that point.
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So, that's my advance warning for you all: I plan on stepping away, but it will not be permanent. I can't disappear from this fandom the moment it's beginning to return! That'd truly be insane!
While I am gone, check out @conduiitz'/@kraftledare's Shattered, a comic of a Glass Conduit looking for his best friend in a post-apocalyptic wasteland; @codenamehazard's No Man's Land, an Evil Karma Cole MacGrath AU that follows the Beast as he explores the Wildlands of the Great Plains and the society Conduits have created in it; and @cedar990's Equilibrium, where Light Conduit — and DUP Agent — Ezra Sims tries to throttle the plans of the rising Dust Men in Nova City.
And keep an eye out when you read; you might catch a certain pair of Conduit twins playing around in the backgrounds of these stories! They need a break too, after all.
I want to thank you for your understanding and for all the time you've dedicated so far to hearing me tell this story. I've truly enjoyed every second of it, and cannot wait for more. Tsiikohtaahsi'tsihp amohk aohkanoo'p — which in my tribe's language means I'm so happy we've all gathered here; it's given me a chance to tell a tale I never thought anyone would care about, and to watch the embers of this grand video game franchise be fanned enough to reignite. I love this community and will be itching to return the moment I declare official hiatus status, I just know it.
But until then, let's finish the first half of inFAMOUS: Erosion!
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It will forever rub me the wrong way how Moth Flight implemented the "Medicine cats shall not take a mate nor have kits" rule into the Medicine Cat code. Especially given that her specific set of circumstances was both tragic and unique.
Moth Flight was young when she took Micah as a mate. When he died, she was left to raise their four kits alone while juggling the duties of a medicine cat. Not to mention that this was during a time where knowledge about herbs was scant and where apprentices weren't really a thing. Not yet.
Although in the end, Moth Flight became overwhelmed and made the decision to give up Spider Paw, Bubbling Stream, Honey Pelt, and Blue Whisker, her experiences being a young mother should not have meant that no medicine cat after her should have been robbed of the opportunity to raise a family while healing their Clanmates.
When it comes to cats like Yellowfang and Leafpool, who had cats in their lives who would've helped care for their children, or cats like Alderheart, Jayfeather, and Spottedleaf, who seemed responsible enough to be able to balance love and duty, is this really a fair thing to impose onto medicine cats?
Should wanting to heal your Clanmates and commune with StarClan strip you of your right to find love and raise a family?
I think a better situation that would've called for the implementation of this restriction into the medicine cat code is if a medicine cat chose their mate and/or children over their Clanmate, resulting in said Clanmate's death. A death that would've been prevented had the medicine cat remained impartial.
I wrote a whole thing out for like 5 mins then tumbr got rid of it rip so here’s attempt 2
I completely agree!
Adding on, Moth Flight did not have a nursery system nor an additional qualified medicine cat for support during this time. Nowadays the nursery system can either give you a permaqueen or the means for someone else to step in and help look after your kits whether it be another queen or if needs be an elder or a clanmate who has experience raising kits that wouldn’t mind, maybe a parent who isn’t running the clan like Wind and Gorse were?
Also it’s a weird rule because medicine cats do usually have siblings and parents to care about, why would one of those cause your judgement to be more clouded than children or a mate? I feel like I’m most cases a medicine cat wouldn’t look at their mum bleeding out and have the same emotional reaction as they would for most their clanmates. Jayfeather literally stops visiting the Moonpool for a while over Leafpool’s death and mixes up herbs which he never does, so you can’t try and pretend that only kits and mates have the potential to produce a significant emotional response in a cat if something were to happen to them Erins.
I feel like they should have kept it similar to the original religious celibacy thing they were going for rather than stretch out the explanation. Until Moth Flight’s Vision it just seemed a case of them wanting to dedicate as much as they could to StarClan and healing so they forfeit certain paths that other cats take for granted in order to leave as much time in their minds and souls for StarClan as possible. To me that does make more sense than hinging everything on the very first medicine cat’s exceptional and unfortunate experience.
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