#anti phobia
fatliberation · 9 months
how is obese a slur? (genuine question, not rooted in hate! )
isn’t it just a word for when someone is more than just a tad overweight? like, for if they’re… i guess the word is obese. doesn't it just mean fat?
again, no hate, just a genuine question from someone who belives everyone should love themselves and have the ability to travel with comfort… but maybe being morbidly obese shouldn’t celebrated?
do you hear yourself?
no hate, but I think your body is morbid.
no hate, you should love yourself, but I don’t think you should exist in that body.
you should be able to travel (aka the world should be accessible to you), except I draw the line at what I deem is “too big.”
you are part of the problem.
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solis-angelus · 1 month
I am tired of straight girls agreeing with my bi-ness because men are apparantly "ew" and women are inherently the "better choice". I am SICK of being told by lesbians and other queer girls that I'm not "bi enough" if my attraction to women doesn't exceed my attraction to men.
One time these two friends of mine, 1 straight 1 lesbian, asked me who I preferred more, men or women. My answer was "50-50. Both are equally attractive to me." (I wasn't trying to prove any point or anything. That is genuinely how my attraction works. But percentages don't matter either way, you do you <3). And their reaction was "oh yeah she's confused" as if I wasn't sitting right there and haven't been confidently and stably out as bi for 2+ years at that point.
Both the two friends, once told me that they had thought I'd come out as a lesbian after some time because ofcourse the only way a girl can be bi is if she's a closeted lesbian or she's "just asking for attention".
One of the friends I made at the new city I moved to 2 years ago tries to be an ally by SAYING THAT SHE HATES MEN??????? LIKE WHAT?!?
I find men hot as hell. The ones I like, I want to give them flowers, kiss them breathless against a wall. I want to make their world a heaven, split the bill on our dates, get enormously horny with them, motivate them and compliment them and put a smile on their face. And the same goes for women too.
These "men are ew" people need to be fucking right-hooked across their jaw.
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kdramaxoxo · 1 day
i know you said you wouldn’t watch the atypical family because of the suit, but the story is very beautiful and something you would probably love. i think you should give it a try. the only reason i can think of why she wore it was because she had to ‘lose weight’ so quickly again. please reconsider!
Hi anon!
Atypical family did seem like my jam but I just CANNOT get past the fat suit. I wish I could enjoy it cause I really like the daughter so much!! (also anon, i'm really sorry for this next thing pls forgive me...)
I do a lot of anti fatness work in my life, and the use of fat suits in media is one of those things I can't look past.
Without telling you ALL of the reasons fat suits are bad for fat people (since I'm sure there are tumblrs that are way better spoken about this topic), I'll just say this: I understand the urge to use a fat suit to show before and after, but I highly suggest another option. Using a fat suit dehumanizing fatness and makes it a thing to gawk at. It other's fatness by cartoon-ing it through a suit. Fat suits do not at all look like fat people--they look like a small body wearing a fat suit.
The storyline/conflict for the character in atypical family is that she's fat and sad because of it. That's it. They basically show her as someone who wishes she wasn't larger, but of course snacks a lot and gets teased for her size. She can't use her powers because she is a larger bodied person (which literally makes no sense--flying is MAGIC). Her main goal is to not be larger and I assume the show will have her succeed by losing the weight. Sigh.
There's another drama I'm watching (Dreaming of a F**king Fairytale) where the director actually casts a fat person and listen, that's a good step closer. But where k-dramas get things wrong is they do not do the work to build out those characters. Their character is "fat person" and follows all of the fat phobic tropes that go with that.
Body size is NEUTRAL. It cannot be good or bad. Everyone deserves to move in the world in the bodies we have, and unfortunately things like fat suits just stigmatize oppressed communities and make things worse for larger bodies.
If you have never thought about fat suits before I’m hoping this helps you see a different point of view :)
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peridyke · 2 months
once when I was 13 I unfollowed someone for saying they smoked weed ohh how the turn tables
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sysboxes · 11 months
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[Text: This social protector has social anxiety (and thinks the brain did a great job deciding that /sarcasm)]
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sanctiphera · 6 days
Egypt is angry. Israel has been finding all the smuggling tunnels into Gaza, which is going to stop all the smuggling and money being made by the corrupt Egyptian regime. Boo hoo.
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n-00-nes · 1 month
Learning from love goddesses
The representations below were created hundreds or even thousands of years apart by groups that spoke different languages and lived in different climates. Despite differences in their style, function, and degree of realism, they share common features.
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The love goddesses typically have an hourglass figure, with a small waist, larger than average breasts, and pronounced hips. They have a moderate, healthy weight: fairly slim, but not skinny. This Indian statue is two thousand years old.
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These two Minoan examples are more than three thousand years old.
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Never were obese women widely preferred. Rubens is often cited as a counterexample to conventional beauty standards. But his corpulent figures, such as the image below, are exceptions in a long history of love-goddess representations that fit the general trend. Outliers like this don't nullify the rule.
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While fleshier Venuses are seen more often around 1600 AD, Rubens' were heavy even by the standards of his time.
Obese prehistoric figurines like the 30,000-year-old “Venus of Willendorf” are also frequently raised as counterexamples. But they don't qualify as love goddesses. The “Venus” appellation is arbitrary and disputed by scholars. These figurines weren't found with a label, and their true meaning and function are unknown.
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"We dug up some stone carvings of fat women" is simply not good evidence that obesity is or ever was considered beautiful.
And there is, in fact, no shortage of ancient figurines which do exhibit the hourglass shape common in verifiable love-goddess representations.
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nomoremrnicefat · 2 months
even if being fat was unhealthy, you dont mistreat someone for smoking, drinking beer, vaping...
my dad takes MORE of 4 beers A DAY, i haven't seen a soul tell him to worry about his health, when he gets sick no one says is cause he drinks beer either, but when i feel sick is magically cause im fat, even tho im naturally fat all most of my family also is.
it was never about health, y'all dont worry about our health.
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me when I got prescribed Ativan for my anxiety: omg just like Fall Out Boy song
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jasontoddssuper · 7 months
Okay,so let's pretend the afrolatino Jason headcanon is racist because of how often nonblacks and gringos shovel stereotypes that aren't even canon to him in their content of it(it's not,that's not how it works but just play along with me for a bit)and that you guys are right that nobody should hc him that way due to it.Now that i've set the scene,i have some questions:Why do you never say the same about the autistic Tim hc even though it's so often used to infantalize him and erase his actual personality and ironically by extension his actual positive autistic-coding or the bi trans man Dick headcanon even though there's an overabundance of him being potrayed as extremely sexually loose and into toxic dynamics if they involve men and feminizing his apperance so much that he dosen't even resemble his canon design anymore even though it's almost always after he's finished transitioning and finding a million ways to call him a girl as a joke?Where's the energy against stereotyping when it comes to ableism and biphobia and trans///phobia?What,does it only 'count' when it's black people and latinos of color having fun by making a character we love be like us and we're just not allowed to because our oppressors ruined it for you?Hablenme enserio payasos
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fatliberation · 9 months
I don't know if I'm looking for advice or solidarity, but I have to express this to someone.
I'm an eating disorder survivor. At my worst I was hospitalized, in 2004. Now, in my 30s I'm fat and happy, except for one thing. I want to be a mother. For me and my wife to be eligible for fertility treatment at the only clinic in the UK treating fat people I have been told to lose 20kg to get my BMI to under 40, or be refused treatment altogether.
This is horrendously triggering. I don't know what to do. Our fatness means we're already barred from adopting or fostering in England, so this clinic is my last option. I don't want to put myself and my wife through the resurgence of my eating issues, but being a parent is all I've ever wanted. This whole system is so fucked up and I hate it. Fat people have been having babies since the dawn of time, if it caused such terrible problems there wouldn't be nearly so many of us, but still they're gatekeeping who can get to be a parent.
I'm sorry. I just figure you'll understand.
Dear anon, my heart bleeds for you. I am wrapping you up in the tightest hug. I wish I could take away the pain you must be feeling being faced with this incredibly unfair decision. Not enough people realize the true extent of what anti-fatness steals from us. Our humanity. The right to a family. The restrictions on BMI and adoption in England are disgustingly inhumane. God forbid fat people raise kids. I'd say this is eugenics but it's beyond genes at this point. Nevertheless, they want our genocide. It's okay to do whatever you need to do to process it or survive it.
I've been sitting on this ask for months in hopes that I could offer you something helpful. Today, I finally came across Big Birthas, an information and support page on pregnancy, labor, and birth for fat people in the UK. They have a facebook group where I hope you might find some answers about fertility treatment, or at the very least, connect with a community of fat people who will understand your unique experience.
I'm so sorry you've been put in this horribly unjust situation. You have every right to grieve. I hope you and your wife have been taking care of yourselves and that you may surround yourselves with support. Please remember to be gentle with yourself and know that whatever decision you make about your own body here is completely justified. You have been in my thoughts for a very long time and I am wishing you all of the best with love. Please don't hesitate to use this blog as a resource, you have thousands of fat liberationists right here in your corner, many of whom would be so proud to call you mom! ❤️
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From the article:
A day later, AO3 was back online, but concerns have lingered: What would happen if fan communities, especially queer fandoms that are lifelines for young LGBTQ+ people, ceased to exist? And it turns out, one of the most worrisome threats facing sites like AO3 isn’t a small outfit of cyberattackers, it’s the United States government.
Note: the beginning of this article might seem to be implying that the ao3 cyberattack did in fact have religious motivations, which ao3 themselves has stated is probably incorrect (and sources seem to back them up). However, the danger we all face from this shit is very real, and the government is refusing to take steps to actually protect kids in favor of rampant queerphobia and draconian censorship.
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stormy-mogai · 1 year
i remember one time a bunch of terfs tried to harass me on my blog and one of them justified it by saying that since I posted in the "anti terf" tag, it would appear to terfs
like seriously they are self reporting so hard
why tf would you be looking and posting in anti terf tags unless you were looking to start a fight
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sysboxes · 1 year
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[Text: This system has catagelophobia]
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sanctiphera · 7 days
“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” — So true in so many ways in today's world.
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scarefox · 11 months
Can people I look(ed) up to, stop coming out as idiots recently -.-
Emilie Autumn: posting AI art claiming she painted it and ignores her fans calling her out and rather posts even more AI art
Anastasia Soko/lova: straight up says brands should not advertise for straight men to wear make up and straight men can’t wear womens lingerie because “Oh no, what will become of the masculine men? They will die out!! Kids can not see this or they grow up and become gay and feminine!!” (and she doesn’t understand why she get’s shit for it since she is such a LGBTq supporter. Can’t believe the first and probably only time she writes me is while I try to explain to her why her post sucks. not sure if she gets it but she agrees with me... idk man her english is not the best). tbh that’s her second offence in my books, since she’s also an anti-vaxxer & anti-meds, thinking that if your body doesn’t beat the virus on it’s own you / she (when she was sick) deserve to die. (I let that slide then since she was talking about herself at the time)
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