#anyway i guess we're going to be going through everyone's dreams after all!
egophiliac · 25 days
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we were fucking ROBBED
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
i do genuinely hesitate to ask, as i am sure i will find out more than i meant to in time, but atm my various feeds and an uninformed google are not telling me what most recently exploded about the british government, so if you have the time and the inclination i'm agog for your summary/take
HOO BOY. It has been a Things Exploding In the British Government day to the extent that in the hour-odd between my previous post and this one, I had to go back and check if anything ELSE had exploded while I wasn't looking. Everything that they are currently denying will probably be confirmed within the next 12 hours or less, though, so nobody get too comfortable.
Anyway, we all remember how Liz Truss succeeded Boris Johnson as Prime Minister, met the Queen, the Queen immediately fucking croaked which honestly was the funniest time she could possibly have done it, the country ground to a total halt for ten days, and then when it got going again, Truss and her chancellor (aka finance minister, for those of you happily ignorant of British politics), Kwasi Kwarteng, proposed a Thatcherite wet-dream economic plan of unfunded massive tax cuts for rich people, because something something Stimulate Growth. We are also generally aware that this crashed the pound through the floor, blew up people's mortgages and other mildly important bills, and did nothing to deal with the actual energy bills/cost of living crisis currently engulfing the UK. Oops.
After absolutely everybody, including the commie socialists at the Bank of England, screamed OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU MORONS DOING???, and the day after Kwarteng insisted he would absolutely remain in post and he had 100% confidence in the Plan, he... got sacked for creating this, the Plan that Truss had asked him to deliver and which had won her the Tory party members' election. This made him officially the second-shortest serving chancellor in UK history aside from the guy who literally died in office. Womp womp. That will be a pub quiz answer for you. You're welcome.
Having spent all this time hiding from the press, then giving eight-minute press conferences during which you could literally track the pound crashing in real time, and performing more U-turns than a dancing dashboard hood ornament, Liz Truss took a break from her busy schedule of conducting the Economic Disaster Waltz in the key of B Fucked to appoint Jeremy Hunt as the new chancellor. Jeremy Hunt is mostly notable for being a Tory who can put his pants on without assistance and being a genteel failure at all the previous cabinet posts he's held, which is why he is now regarded as a "safe pair of hands" in a party that has dissolved into a lot of shit-flinging coked-up gibbons who can only scream BREXIT BREXIT BREXIT and IMMIGRATION IS BAD!!! (Side note: they recently had to cancel a festival designed to "celebrate the freedoms of Brexit" due to logistics issues associated with, you guessed it, Brexit. That is not directly relevant to the current clusterfuck, but it is too funny not to include.)
To nobody's surprise, Jeremy Hunt then ripped up the entire economic plan and offered a new one, which was not measurably better than the last one but at least reversed some of the most egregious cuts, and which made everyone ask if Liz Truss had been tied up and duct-taped in the boot of a Range Rover and/or if Hunt had secretly staged a coup with the help of Larry the Downing Street Cat and taken over the government. Probably nobody in the Tory party would mind very much if he had, because they were all busy either planning how to oust Truss or publicly denying that they were indeed planning to oust Truss. One of the popular names for her successor? Boris Johnson! No, I am not making this up. Maybe this has all been a horrible dream and we're going to wake up and find that BoZo is back in charge, after massive public scandal for being a serial liar, which he had been from Day 1, finally made him resign. I repeat, what even the hell is going on here. Nobody knows. Meanwhile, Hunt is warning about even more budget austerity and "eye-watering" cuts to public services that can least afford it, because the last decade didn't result in quite enough preventable deaths for the Tories' tastes, and because they have been forced into this by a car crash completely of their own making.
....anyway. This brings us, more or less, to today. Yesterday, Truss refused to commit to protecting something called the pensions triple lock, which guarantees that old-age pensions (the UK form of social security) will rise in line with inflation, costs, or earnings. A) Inflation in the UK is now at a whopping 10.1%, and B) given as old people are literally the only demographic still willing to vote for the Tories, this miiiiiight seem like an even more unnecessarily stupid and self-sabotaging idea. Sure enough, U-Turn Number Eight Million was duly performed this morning, and Truss insisted she had always intended for the triple lock to be protected. But would Universal Credit and other welfare/benefits programs also be adjusted upward for inflation? HELL NAH! THOSE ARE FOR POOR PEOPLE! GROSS!
This, however, was only the beginning of the unpeeling of the latest idiot banana. Keir Starmer, riding high on the back of recent polls that have given Labour a 36-point lead and predicted that the Tories could be left with as few as 22 seats in Parliament if a general election was called tomorrow (leaving the SNP as the official opposition), appeared at Prime Minister's Questions and got to shoot fish in a barrel. Truss did not dissolve into a pile of goo on the floor and/or have a bucket of water thrown on her and melt into Margaret Thatcher, so that was taken as a win. Well, at least for two hours or so. Then Suella Braverman, the ex-Attorney General who had briefly run for the leadership when BoZo resigned, and who exists along with Priti Patel in order to prove that in the modern Tory party, women of color can heroically be just as much as awful xenophobic monsters as crusty old white dudes, resigned as Home Secretary. Did you even know she was Home Secretary? Neither did she. She took over Patel's job in a bid to apparently make Patel look cute and cuddly by comparison, as she is even more determined to do horrible things to migrants as much as possible. The official reason given for her resignation was that she sent an official document from her personal email account, and this had something to do with immigration and/or the Office of Budget Responsibility forecast that the Tories have, in the valiant spirit of freedom, resisted actually publishing for any of their current economic plans. CONSERVATIVES ARE GOOD FOR THE ECONOMY!! yell people on both sides of the Atlantic. Oh-kay.
Anyway, Braverman used her resignation letter to blast Truss for pretending that everything was fine and dandy, which means the BUT HER EEEEEEMAILS was absolutely just an excuse and even she wanted off this sinking ship as fast as possible. Grant Shapps is now the Home Secretary. It's not important. The point is, if more ministers start resigning, the government will probably implode just as it did when they deserted BoZo en masse. What the hell happens then? Fuck if anyone knows. Since they will, as noted, get absolutely cosmically annihilated if they call a General Election, the Tories will resist doing that with all their might (the next one isn't due until 2024, which is about 1004329 years away at the current rate that time is passing here). Truss was already elected by a tiny minority of the country (about 160,000 Tory party members). STICK RISHI SUNAK IN THERE AND CHANGE THE RULES AGAIN?? HECK, SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN! KEEP THOSE MUSICAL CHAIRS COMING, CHAPS!
(Also: we will recall the Daily Star's Lettuce Cam, where a picture of Liz Truss has been placed next to a head of lettuce to see if she is kicked out of office before it rots away. It now has a special companion, Tofu. This is because Braverman, just yesterday, gave a speech attacking the latest round of climate protesters as being spurred on by Labour, the Lib Dems, and the "Guardian-reading, tofu-eating wokerati," which she doubtless thought was a very clever line at the time. Because British Twitter is British Twitter, the Tofu: 1, Braverman: 0 jokes have been rife.)
And since we are still not done: tonight, Labour forced a vote on a fracking ban which was being treated as a de facto confidence vote in the government. Aka if the Tories voted for it, they would be considered to be defying the government. Because Britain is a cartoon country run by clowns, the method of Parliamentary voting literally involves walking through Door A for Aye and Door B for Nay. The "whips," or the people whose job it is to assure that party members vote according to the government's position, have thus been known to physically stuff recalcitrant MPs through these doors, because Hail Britannia, or something. So we soon had reports that the anti-fracking vote was, dare I say it, a total clusterfrack, and the Tory whips were literally throwing crying Tory MPs through the Nay door so they would Vote To Support The Government. This sounds like a beginning to a Monty Python sketch, but it is just another ordinary evening in British politics in 2022! (Did Truss herself vote? Or BoZo, Patel, or any of the other Tory big beasts? Nope. Evidently she was "too distracted" with all the other crises going on, which probably means she just didn't want to show her face or she might get killed. Hard to blame her.)
So: the fracking ban was defeated, Labour MPs were like "oh my god the sheer clownery," even Tory MPs were spitting mad, we soon had more rumors that both the Tory chief whip and the deputy chief whip had resigned (currently in the Official Denial stage, so yeah, that will be confirmed before tomorrow morning), and I haven't even mentioned the part where one of Liz Truss's press aides admitted that they used to lie about various relatives of hers having just died so Truss didn't have to do interviews (actual quote: "just aunts and cousins, not any major relatives!"). We all wondered if that wasn't actually a lie but the minor members of the Truss family had voluntarily decided to die rather than have anyone know that they were related to her. Either that or she just sent MI6 after them. It's entirely possible.
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fics-n-stuff · 2 years
The Interview (and the year and a half to follow)
Pairing: Eddie Munson × Steve Harrington
Summary: When rockstar Eddie Munson reveals that he's married, and to a teacher no less, his fans don't know what to do with themselves. Steve and Eddie, especially Eddie, love the chaos. And he can't help but keep declaring his love for his mystery husband.
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: This is a modern AU in which Steddie are in their early thirties and everyone else is aged up accordingly, and it's truly incredibly sappy. I wrote this all in one go at 2-4am before a shift at 9am, so it could be a masterpiece or it could be crap. You decide!
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"My husband is a middle school teacher." Eddie had said, just trying to give the interviewer a little bit of background on his life. He hadn't expected it to set the internet on fire. 
"Eds, what the hell did you do?"
"All I did was say that my husband is a middle school teacher and now everyone's obsessed with you. I think they like the idea that I have a soft side."
"You're nothing but soft sides." Steve chuckled, engulfing Eddie in his arms as they cuddled on the couch. "Maybe I should be the famous one."
"In your dreams, Harrington." Eddie scoffed, playfully smacking him on the shoulder.
"If they like the idea that you're secretly a softie, maybe you should tell them that we're an emergency foster home. Or that we have seven pseudo-children."
"One thing at a time, babe. I don't want to set the world on fire."
Eddie didn't do another interview for a while. He was busy producing his band's next album, their fifth one, and spending time with friends and family between tours. But when Corroded Coffin was invited to be the musical guest on a late night show two months later, partly to promote a movie that Eddie was in (it would be his acting debut and he would be lying if he said he wasn't terrified that people would think he was absolutely horrendous), he had almost forgotten about the frenzy he had whipped his fanbase into at the reveal of the existence of his husband.
"So, a couple of months ago you let slip that your husband is a teacher." The host said to him when he sat down after performing his song, and the audience cheered. These were the questions they wanted answered.
"Yeah, a lot of people were surprised to hear that I'm married but I've been wearing a wedding ring for six years." Eddie smiled, holding his left hand up to the camera to display the simple silver wedding band on his ring finger. "I guess nobody really noticed because I wear a lot of rings."
"That's insane, you've been married for six years?" The host exclaimed, and Eddie nodded with a chuckle. "I have to ask, how did you two meet? I mean, a heavy metal rockstar and a middle school teacher are not a conventional pair."
"We met in high school." Eddie answered, and the audience awed. "Well, technically, he had just graduated high school and I was on my second repeat of senior year. We met through some mutual friends."
"That's so sweet. Isn't that so sweet?" The audience cheered at the host's prompt and Eddie giggled, his hair falling into his face. "Was it a love at first sight thing? How did you end up together?"
"Um, kind of. It was strange, he was a popular jock in high school and I was about as weird and unpopular as they got, but once we got to know each other outside of school we clicked fast. And he's hot, like really hot, so I fell immediately." The crowd laughed.
"Wow, that's fantastic. But, anyway, I need to move on before I get carried away. Let's talk about this movie you're in."
"Yes, let's."
Steve was watching the show at home, sat on the couch with Robin on one side and Dustin on the other who were poking and teasing him as they watched the tooth-rottingly sweet interview. Robin was the one who hopped onto Twitter to see what people were saying, and, once again, social media was ablaze. #eddiemunsonhusband was trending the whole next day, and Steve and Eddie found it hugely amusing. 
Eddie slowly started opening up about his personal life after the overwhelmingly positive response to all his husband talk. At the premier of his movie, he walked Robin down the red carpet with him, telling the interviewers that the two of them and his husband were all roommates for a few years in his early twenties. In a radio interview he did in the lead up to his album release, he talked about how he ran the Hellfire Club in high school and how he was still friends with and still semi-regularly DMed for the kids that were in the club, and he told them about how one of the Hellfire kids was the one to initially introduce him to his husband. When the album released and the band did an interview with Rolling Stone, he told them about how supportive everyone in his life was of his music. He told them about the night's he would stay up writing Corroded Coffin's first album, his husband - then boyfriend - doting on him the entire time. And all of this served to fan the flames of his follower base because, even in opening up about his life and his friends and family, he never revealed who his husband was.
Steve didn't go to many of Eddie's public appearances. He never had; it wasn't his scene. And when he did, they kept their distance and kept things discreet until they were inside and there were no more cameras. When Eddie went out and released another morsel of information about his life, Steve sat at home grading papers or planning lessons and smiling to himself about his chaotic rockstar husband. 
And then it was time for Eddie to go on tour again. Steve hated saying goodbye when Eddie went on tour. 
The tour started in California and slowly snaked it's way across all fifty states, stealing Eddie away from their home in Indianapolis for six months. The faculty at Steve's school kept asking what was wrong in the first few weeks after Eddie left. He told them that his husband was travelling for work.
Eddie missed Steve too. Unapologetically so. For the first time on tour, he felt comfortable mentioning his husband. Every other night he brought up how much he missed him, usually as an introduction to one of their songs; one of the softer ones, off of their third album, that he wrote about Steve right after they got married. The audience ate it up every time. His bandmates always rolled their eyes and teased him after the show.
Eddie's tour landed back in Indiana right after Spring Break. Steve was thrilled to have him back, even if it was brief before he moved on to the next state. And Eddie was thrilled to know that, as he played his first night in Indianapolis, Steve was out in the crowd watching. Will, El and Mike had been out in the crowd when he played in California, Max and Lucas had come to see him in their recent new home of Chicago, and Erica, Nancy and Johnathan would be there when he played in New York City. But tonight he knew that Steve was out there in the crowd, with Dustin and Robin, screaming and cheering for him like he had from the start.
"Alright, this is the part of the show where I normally get all sappy about how much I miss my husband." Eddie said into the microphone, his skin gleaming with sweat. His fans cheered. "But not tonight. Because tonight, I'm pleased to say, my husband is here in the crowd." His fans screamed even louder. "And no matter how much you try you're not gonna spot him. You wanna know why? Because he's wearing my clothes so that he blends in with the crowd." Eddie grinned. The audience went wild. "This next one's just for you, sweetheart." 
Out in the audience, dressed in a pair of Eddie's black jeans, a pair of Eddie's bulky boots and a t-shirt from Corroded Coffin's last tour, Steve felt his heart swell.
A year after the revelation of Eddie Munson's husband came the revelation of Eddie Munson's kid. Like the chaos gremlin he is, Eddie took to Twitter on a Thursday afternoon and casually announced that he and his husband were fostering a kid with the intention to adopt.
Like clockwork, the internet set ablaze.
The eleven year old girl had been in Steve and Eddie's care three times over the past two years before the adoption, spending about eight months in their care over the three stays. Then, when Eddie had been in the last month of his tour, Steve got the call that a kid needed a place to stay. Steve had got the second bedroom ready with clean bedding, made sure the cupboards were stocked with snacks. And when the social workers arrived, the girl had launched herself into Steve's arms, babbling about how happy she was that she had ended up with Steve and Eddie again.
It was unusual for Steve and Eddie to see so much of the same kid. They were an emergency foster home, they usually only saw kids for a few nights or a couple of weeks. And it was the same with her the first time she stayed with them. She stayed for twelve days before she moved to a different home. But then she was back. Only three weeks later she was back in their care and, for whatever reason, that's where she stayed for the next five months. It had been a year since Corroded Coffin released their fourth album, and they had decided they were taking their time with the next one, so Eddie was home and not very busy and perfectly happy hanging out with the kid that they hadn't expected to have for so long.
She went back to her parents at the end of the five months, much to Steve and Eddie's disapproval. But they hoped that they had cleaned up their act and she would be going back to a more child friendly environment. Unfortunately, she was back a year later. The social workers had brought her back to Steve and Eddie and asked if they could keep her for a few months again. Of course, they enthusiastically agreed, and the three of them settled in together for the next three months until she was taken back to her family again.
The third time was the final strike. There was no way she was going to be placed back into her parents' care. Steve had volunteered them to foster her for as long as they could. She had always been a wonderful addition to the home ever since her first stay.
When Eddie got home he was thrilled to see her. He'd been filled in on the situation over call, of course, but you couldn't hug someone over the phone. It was only a couple of weeks after Eddie got home that he and Steve started talking about the possibility of adoption.
Steve and Eddie had always wanted kids. At first, they had planned on adopting a baby, but after involving themselves in the foster system and seeing the demand that there was for people to take in older kids they decided that that was their calling. The girl coming into their lives in the way that she did felt almost like fate. And so they sat her down and asked her how she would feel about the whole thing. Much to their delight, she had enthusiastically agreed to the idea, and they started the process immediately. Eddie felt like this was a major development in his life and he wanted to share it - at least a vague bit of it - and so a month later he took to Twitter.
Things went pretty quiet after that. Eddie's label was organising for a European tour, but he made sure it wasn't too soon so that he would be around for the adoption process. And that was where he put all of his energy: into his kid.
The girl attended the school that Steve taught at, and Eddie signed her up for a dance class when she mentioned an interest. Steve helped her with her homework and bought her books and had long conversations with her in which he taught her things without her even realising that she was learning. Eddie nurtured her creative side, buying her art supplies and teaching her guitar and singing Disney karaoke with her on the weekends.
Corroded Coffin was nominated for a Grammy. It wasn't their first nomination but Eddie was excited about it anyway. They hadn't won a Grammy yet, there only really being one category for metal music and plenty of artists deserving of the award.
Steve and Eddie had their first Christmas with a kid. Wayne came over like he did every year, making it a real family affair. They went overboard with the decorations and wracked their brains for the best gifts to buy. They made a gingerbread house and watched an obscene amount of Christmas movies, and it was the best Christmas they'd ever had.
The adoption was finalised at the end of January. The whole thing had been smooth sailing, Steve and Eddie having proved more than capable of taking care of a child over the years. And now they had a kid and they were officially a family and things couldn't have been better.
And then Corroded Coffin won the Grammy for Best Metal Performance. Steve and their daughter had leapt off of the couch with cheers and whoops and fists waving in the air. And after his bandmates had taken turns at the microphone thanking their management and their fans and their families, Eddie had taken his turn for a speech.
"I have so many people that I want to thank, and they know who they are. My uncle Wayne, the Hellfire kids and all my other friends from back home, all of our fans and every friend we've made in the industry. But, obviously, I want to thank my amazing husband for tolerating my chaos and the fact that I write best in the middle of the night. And I also promise to try and change that habit now that we have a kid in the house, and you're allowed to hold me to that." He gave his speech with a massive grin, trophy gripped tightly in his hands, and when he stepped off stage he split off from his band and excused himself to call Steve, who had secretly bought a bottle of champagne and Eddie's favourite cake from his favourite place to celebrate the victory (because he'd had a gut feeling that Corroded Coffin was going to finally win this one).
Then, as if it had crept up on them, it was time for the European tour, which would steal Eddie away from his husband and daughter for even longer than the US tour. 
Right before he boarded the plane, Eddie opened up Instagram, ready to cause one last stir.
The picture was one of Eddie's new favourites. Robin had taken it in their garden when she came over to hang out one random afternoon. Eddie was dressed peak rockstar, distressed black jeans and a studded leather jacket, chains dangling off him and hands covered in rings. And Steve was peak teacher, all blue jeans and a soft grey sweater, and glasses balanced on his nose. He was giving their daughter a piggyback, but the picture was from just an angle that you couldn't see her face, because she deserved her privacy even if her new dad was a rockstar. 
Now that it's all official and I find myself with this perfect little family, I think it's time to finally show you all the amazing man that I share my life with. Everyone, meet Steve.
And, for the final time, the internet went crazy. It was unanimous; they loved Steve. And Eddie couldn't blame them, because he loved Steve too.
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makeitmingi · 5 months
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 4]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 3.2K
You were half asleep on Seonghwa's shoulder, on the way to the restaurant. Jongho was the designated driver for today, going around to pick everyone up before going to the restaurant.
"So, did you have fun last night? Getting to know the owner?" Wooyoung turned around from the passenger seat with a teasing smile. You shot him a weird look while Seonghwa kicked the back of his seat.
"I know you're older, hyung. But I will kick you out if you do that to my car again." Jongho threatened as he drove.
"We're here." He parked the car. You got out, pulling your hood up tiredly. Seonghwa quietly strolled beside you, his arms tucked into his coat pockets.
"Yunho gave me the passcode." You yawned and keyed in the passcode.
"He's not coming?" Seonghwa asked.
"Not this early. He looked tired yesterday and stressed out after trying to help me with the prep. Anyway, it'll be much faster with just 4 of us doing the prep and baking." You shrugged, opening the door.
"What did you guys make yesterday?" Wooyoung tilted his head while Jongho turned the lights on.
"Blackberry apple tuile in the dehydrator, made the shortcrust pastry for the tartlets and marinated the pork medalions for dinner service." You informed. All of you hung your coats up in the small storage room and got to work right away. With aprons on and tools laid out, you all knew what to do immediately.
"State what you're taking on so we can keep track of things." You called out, a sharpie in hand and a piece of paper in front of you.
"I'll get started on the red velvet cake batter so we can get it in the ovens and cooled in time for icing." Jongho said, heading into the walk in with a big bowl to gather ingredients.
"Guess that leaves me on the palmiers first." Wooyoung pulled his sleeves up.
"Shall I do the cheesecake?" Seonghwa asked. You nodded and crossed out the item on the list.
"I'll continue with the tartlets then. Speak up if you need help." You retrieved the base dough from the fridge and the mini tart shells to begin blind baking them.
When Yunho came in, about an hour after you, with Mingi, Hongjoong, Yeosang and San, they were all greeted with the amazing smell of sugar, butter and vanilla filling up the restaurant space.
"Damn, I'm hungry." Mingi said.
"I need them to sign the contracts." Yunho walked in with the manila folder tucked under his arm. The boys, except Hongjoong, curiously followed behind him, wanting to catch a glimpse of the crew that was behind the amazing smells.
"Good morning!" Yunho smiled. All 4 of you turned to the group at the door with acknowledging nods before focusing back on your own tasks in front of you.
"Sorry to interrupt. I have the contracts for all of you to sign." He cleared his throat.
"Sure." You all stopped momentarily to gather.
There was a moment of silence as the 4 of you read through the contract that Yunho gave out. Meanwhile, the other boys with Yunho were staring at you, the way you exuded coolness.
"Here's a pen." Yunho held out the pen to you. You were the first to sign. After that, Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Jongho followed suit.
Just like that, you handed the contracts back to Yunho and broke apart to your own areas of the kitchen.
"Yunho." You stopped the owner in his tracks. You nodded over to the main prep table in the middle and he walked over, tilting his head curiously. The other boys stood behind him. There was a tray that you brought over, with some red-purplish stuff on it. You lifted a piece to Yunho.
"Thank you but what is this?" He bowed his head gratefully but was still confused. You gestured for him to take a bite. He did and his eyes widened with excitement.
"Is this what we made yesterday?!" He beamed.
"Yes. Blackberry, apple tuile with thyme." You said. Yunho held the small piece between his fingers, like it was a piece of gold.
"Wow. I helped make this." He said in awe. You hummed, amused at how stunned Yunho was.
Yunho took your appearance in. You weren't just wearing an apron like yesterday, there were tweezers sticking out of pockets, a timer clipped to your sleeve and two towels hanging on the string.
"I'm (y/n). That's Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Jongho." You suddenly spoke, pointing to each person on your team that was busy.
"I'm Mingi. This is San and Yeosang." The other tall guy introduced. You figured they would be the wait staff.
"Excuse me. Hot tray coming through." Wooyoung said, taking a tray of palmiers out from the oven. The boys shrunk back behind Yunho, jumping out of the way. You turned back to focus on your tartlets, making the custard that will go under the strawberries.
"We'll be out of your way." Yunho quickly said, ushering his friends out. They were disappointed they were not offered any samples of food like Yunho was.
"My cakes are still in the oven but shall I start on the madeleines? We'll put them in once we have oven space." Jongho asked.
"Yes. Are you done with the cheesecakes, Hwa?"
"They're in the oven. I'm open now, do you need help with the tartlet assembly?" He walked over, drying his hands. You nodded and he laid everything out for you.
"Make the gelatin glaze?" You requested. It will be tart shell, with a thin layer of strawberry jam at the bottom, then vanilla custard over the top and a mix of fresh strawberries and basil on the top.
"Last batch of palmiers in." Wooyoung announced.
"Get started on the yuzu loaves please. We need them cooled for the drizzle." You replied. He gave a thumbs up. Meanwhile, San and Mingi have been peeking in, they were both mesmerised by the way you worked with your team. Mingi's parents owned a restaurant but he had never seen people who this way in a kitchen before.
"You two! We need to start setting up before opening." Hongjoong grabbed them by the back of their necks to drag them to the front counter where Yunho was.
"I'll be on coffee." Mingi said.
"I'll help you with that." San raised his hand. Hongjoong would be managing the cashier while Yeosang will serve customers.
"Yunho should float, introduce yourself as the owern." Hongjoong suggested. The others nodded in agreement and Yunho hummed. Soon, the doors will be open and people will be here.
"Sorry to interrupt but we've decided not to serve this first yuzu loaf since it is a little lopsided." You said.
"What she means is, you guys can have it for breakfast before opening." Seonghwa clarified. The 5 boys immediately bowed.
"It smells so good." Mingi said in awe.
"Enjoy." You and Seonghwa went back to the kitchen to continue. The 5 boys crowded the yuzu loaf like vultures, digging into it with forks. They didn't even bother cutting into it to portion out, they went straight for it.
"Oh my god... It's so good." San melted.
"Where did you find these people? This is amazing!" Yeosang said, eyes wide in surprise on the taste.
"Not me, Hongjoong hyung." Yunho chewed his food. Hongjoong smirked proudly. They didn't realise that you were watching them in amusement, especially when they fought over the last piece.
"What are you watching?" Jongho tilted his head when he saw you loitering at the kitchen entrance.
"They're fighting for the last bit of Wooyoung's yuzu loaf. Like seagulls fighting for the last shrimp." You chuckled.
"You look like you're watching television." Wooyoung laughed.
"It feels like I am." You replied. You walked away to continue your task. Once the fresh strawberries were mixed with basil, you spooned them over the custard layer.
"Done. You can jelly glaze them." You told Seonghwa. He nodded and brushed over the gelatin mixture which will make the fruits look shiny and glossy. When each item was done, you put one piece of each item on a plate to bring it out. Most importantly, you wanted Yunho to try them to get his opinion.
"This is a piece of each item. You've had the yuzu loaf. This is lemon poppy seed madeleines, strawberry basil tartlets and palmiers. For the cakes, New York cheesecake and red velvet." You explained.
"The yuzu loaf was super good, by the way." San smiled.
"I'll be sure to tell Wooyoung." You gave a nod. After that, you retreated back to the kitchen.
"Wait, strawberry basil? Like the thing on pizza?" Mingi blinked, realising one of the treats that you had just brought out to them. This time, Yeosang cut up each item.
"Oh my... Okay, this is my new favourite." Hongjoong covered his mouth as he chewed, pointing at the red velvet cake.
"This seashell cake things would go so well with coffee." Yunho said as he took a bite.
"Ah! Okay, let's quickly finish up and clear the counter. We're opening in 30 minutes." Yunho panicked, realising the time. His heart suddenly lurched and his stomach churned uncomfortably, he was getting too nervous and anxious.
"Let's do a final sweep." Yeosang and San grabbed the brooms to clean the floors while Mingi and Hongjoong went around to wipe the tables and chairs.
"I'm going to... get stuff." Yunho said to his friends and walked away. From the corner of your eye, you watched him cross the kitchen and enter the walk in fridge, closing the door behind him.
"Nervous?" Yunho jumped when you appeared. Your arms crossed and your eyebrows raised.
"Yeah... It's finally happening... And I just don't want it to fail." He hung his head down, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Why do you think it will fail?" You cocked your head to the side. The stoic look on your face made Yunho confused on whether you were asking a rhetoric or not.
"It's my first time doing this, clearly I've not been the efficient restaurant owner. I was supposed to do this with my grandmother. This was her dream. And if I waste it, I'll never forgive myself." He shook his head. There was a silence in the walk in fridge until Yunho heard you let out a soft sigh.
"You've said it yourself. This is your first time. It's a learning process and you'll still continue to learn. Your grandmother must have believed in you to give your this opportunity." You said.
"All that you have done, it is not a waste. What is a waste is you panicking here in the walk in when the place hasn't even opened yet."
"You're right..." Yunho nodded.
"Don't scare yourself with the negatives of what can go wrong. Go in with a fresh, open mind, be excited for what can happen and the positives." You advised.
"Thank you, (y/n)! I'll go out now and open." Yunho grinned happily and ran out. You walked out.
"What?" You blinked, seeing the 3 boys staring at you.
"Naughty (y/n). With the boss? On day 1? In the walk in?!" Wooyoung teased with gasps. You rolled your eyes, throwing your tea towel at him as you went back to your station.
"Are you good?" Seonghwa asked softly, coming to stand next to you. You looked up at him and nodded. He pulled you in to gently stroke your head. You all finished up the rest of the cafe confectionaries, getting some extras ready in case they sell out.
"Take a small break everyone. Get a drink, we can observe the cafe opening. Then we'll start cleaning and discuss dinner service." You instructed.
"Okay." The 3 replied, putting all their used dishes together to clean later on. Wooyoung and Jongho went out to get coffee at the front of the house, where Mingi and San were.
"Want a drink that's not coffee? They have ades." You laughed.
"Sure." Seonghwa walked out with you. You were just in time to see Yunho open the doors and flip the sign to open.
You watched with a small smile, Yunho grinned as he greeted the first customer that was already in the queue. There wasn't a large queue but people must have been curious seeing the posters around.
"Here." Jongho handed you a coffee.
"Thank you." You received it and took a sip. The boys went back into the kitchen first while you continued to linger around.
"Sorry, can I make a drink for Seonghwa? He doesn't drink coffee." You asked.
"Of course. Want us to make something?" San offered. You shook your head, grabbing a glass and whatever you needed. You didn't want to break their momentum when orders were already starting to come in from customers. After mixing a drink for Seonghwa, you moved out of their way.
"Here, Hwa. I mixed the tropical fruits and topped it up with soda." You handed the glass to him.
"Thanks." He patted your head and took a sip before continuing his cleaning. There were two sinks so you all just took turns cleaning up. While waiting your turn, you wiped down your station.
"I'm craving a reuben." Seonghwa said.
"Reuben? Nah, monte cristo for me." Wooyoung laughed.
"What's with both of you craving sandwiches all of a sudden?" You scoffed while rolling your eyes.
"Basically they want to make ham and salt beef for our next cooking get together." Jongho spoke, going to keep the leftover ingredients in the walk in.
"It has been so long since we've made those two things... I don't know if I remember how to..." You scratched your head.
"Liar." All 3 boys coughed.
"You know what? You make your own ham and you, make your own salt beef." You glared at them. Wooyoung dried his hands while laughing, coming over to hug your arm.
"My precious (y/n), you've made things so many things more complex than ham and salt beef that you saying you've forgotten how to make it is a joke. You aren't fooling anyone, especially any one of us." Wooyoung pinched your cheeks.
You swatted his hands away and went out to see how the cafe was doing. Most of the tables were filled, with customers enjoying the drinks and food.
"Oh, (y/n)!" Yunho jumped when he turned around and almost bumped into you.
"I didn't think so many people would show up." He said. You hummed, nodding your head as you continued to look around.
"The confectionaries are moving fast. Everyone likes all of them." He blurted out with a big grin. Honestly, Yunho had to urge to hug you and thank you for helping him at the start, in the walk in.
"Told you. Worried for nothing." You looked up at him but your face didn't show that you were teasing or making fun of him for his nerves earlier.
"You were right." He nodded in agreement with a shy smile.
"Umm, excuse me." A customer stood at the counter and you nodded over for Yunho to go. He went to attend to the customer while you went back into the kitchen.
"Ah! I need a break." Mingi complained as he entered after you.
"It's only been an hour." Jongho stated.
"Let's discuss our dinner menu and break for the day." You said as the 3 gathered around you at the kitchen island, ignoring Mingi. But Mingi stuck around, curious to listen in.
"Let's do the pork tenderloin medallions with cherry madeira sauce. I'm not sure how the crowd will be so let's not accompany it with the risotto this time since those are cooked to order. We'll do a parsnip puree as the starch component. Then a roast chicken with gochujang butter under the skin." You said.
"What's the starch for the chicken?" Seonghwa asked.
"We should do mixed roast vegetables. They can sit under the chicken as the trivet and they'll roast in the chicken fat- butter mixture." Wooyoung suggested.
"For seafood, we'll do a cioppino with crusty bread? We got some shellfish and we'll cook that with the monkfish." You said.
"I think we should have a pasta option." Jongho voiced out.
"Let's do miso butter tagliatelle with mixed mushrooms and borttarga." Seonghwa decided. The rest of you nodded then discussed some simple appetisers to make.
"Two desserts. One light, one heavy." You told them,
"I would say we do something simple. Panna cotta with raspberry coolis. Then bukkumi with makgeolli ice cream." Jongho suggested.
"That's a good idea. One western and one korean dessert." Wooyoung agreed. You hummed and wrote it down on the paper. Mingi quietly left the kitchen.
"What's with that look?" Hongjoong asked him when he came out.
"I just listened in on the kitchen team plan tonight's dinner menu. Like wow, I want one of everything they're preparing. It all sounds so good and amazing." Mingi said, star stuck like he had just witnessed greatness or a celebrity.
"Get back to work. There are customers that need service." Yeosang waved everyone back to their stations. Wooyoung came out.
"Yunho? Do you have time for us to quickly discuss the dinner menu before we leave for the afternoon?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm coming." Yunho nodded and left Hongjoong to the cashier as he entered the kitchen. When he entered, he immediately noticed you weren't there. He wanted to ask where you went.
"This is what our team discussed earlier." Jongho handed Yunho the paper where you had been scribbling on earlier with sharpie.
"Sorry, you might need to explain all this to me." He apologised with a sheepish smile.
"Sure." Wooyoung, Jongho and Seonghwa explained all the dishes to him, the components, how they will be cooked, etc. However, Yunho was slightly distracted by where you were.
You were actually standing outside in the cold, taking in some fresh air. After a stint of cooking, you usually wanted to get some fresh air on your own with peace and quiet, away from the busy kitchen. That's why the 3 usually let you be and gave you the space that you wanted, for as long as you needed.
He wondered if you were okay. But if your friends were not worried, Yunho shouldn't be.
"I'm ready. Let's go when you're done." You poked your head in to tell the boys and left without acknowledging Yunho. To be honest, you didn't even see him.
"Thank you for coming in so early. I'll see you all tonight." Yunho bowed to them.
"No problem." Seonghwa smiled.
"See you." Wooyoung said and the 3 bowed before exiting the restaurant. Yunho watched from the window as you waited for them by Jongho's car. Seonghwa wrapped an arm around you.
"I'm tired." You leaned against him, mumbling like a grumpy toddler.
"Yes, let's all get some sleep. We have a long dinner service ahead of us." Seonghwa chuckled and ushered all of you into the car.
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deandoesthingstome · 11 months
No Matter How Far
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Pairing: Syverson x Fem!reader
Word Count: 1.1K
Warnings: pretty much same as before: just some talk about sexual situations, a little pining
A/N: Thank you to everyone who wanted to know what Sy thought about the letter in Heart Wide Open. He jotted a few things down for you.
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Hey Darlin'
Hope it's okay I start off that way. I mean, you went and put yourself all out there like that. How could I start any other way?
And I'm sorry if it's taken what feels like forever since you wrote. I got your letter as soon as I got back. Got all of 'em, actually. Can't tell you what it meant. It's okay you had a hard time sticking to day-to-day. It felt real nice reliving some of those moments and seeing what else you have in mind for us.
We had a mission, headed out - must've been right before your first letter showed up, that letter I had hoped would come. I had started giving up after a few weeks. Anyway, I was away from post for awhile. By the time I got back and read your first letter, I was sure the rest were gonna show you'd gone through a whole change of heart. But you didn't, did you?
If I thought it was hard not to get hard reading some of the things you wrote in that first letter, it wasn't nothing compared to the rest. You oughta be glad the US military doesn't make a habit outta reading my mail. I probably shoulda stopped opening your letters right there in front of mail call, but I couldn't wait to get back to my bunk. I wanted to know right then and there if you still thought everything you said at first.
But believe me, darlin', I'm gonna take my time reading those letters over and over again when I find some time alone. Unfortunately, right now that isn't often. Not nearly often enough. But my superiors say they have their eye on me. A few more successful missions, I could be pulling another rank or two soon enough. So I'll just get all this down and ship this out and hope you still want a whole lotta my love when I get home.
Hell yeah I remember bumping into you that night. I thought it was a dream. I could tell you seemed a little out of your element but I didn't want to let you run. There was just something about you... And I'm real glad you took me up on that drink.
You and your friend (sorry, I don't remember her name at all. Had something a little more important on my mind that night) were a riot. The easy way you bantered with each other once you let go of a few nerves. The way you included me. Then my boys when they came along.
And it's okay. I knew when my buddies showed up at least one of them would be taking at least one of you home. That's just how they do. I guess it's my luck I showed up first to stake a claim. Believe me. They understood not to mess with you.
So yeah, darlin', I think about that night, and the rest of 'em, a lot. l couldn't wait to get you home, but I'm glad we stayed and talked the whole night. In your letter you made it sound like we drank the night away, you know? But we barely had time to drink between all the stories. I remember that because if it had been any other way, I probably wouldn't have had you on the couch that night, or anywhere else for that matter. I wouldn't have wanted you to regret anything that night. It sounds like you and me both don’t.
Oh, and I definitely plan on taking you up on that offer, though I can't really decide how I want you first when I see you again. Bent over the arm of the couch is nice, but I also wanna be looking into those beautiful eyes of yours the first time I make you cry out my name again.
Yeah, I think about all the ways I wanna make you come for me. If we're talking couches, I could definitely do with having you straddle my lap, legs wide and hips sunk low onto me while I kiss you with everything I have and run my hands over the sweet cheeks of your ass. And I do like to think about my mouth on your pussy. You tasted so sweet on my tongue and don't you ever go thinking that ain't something I'll always want to do.
I really, really hoped you'd write. It's funny you say you held back, 'cause I know I felt like I did, too. And it was all I could do not to ask you to wait. I know what long distance can do to new relationships, but if I'm honest? It didn't really feel new. It felt like I'd known you forever.
Darlin' I know we don't exactly see eye to eye on a lot of things. But that heart of yours? Reaching out to me from all the way over there? If I'm honest, it's one of the things keeping me going. If it takes some hippy dippy yoga to make you feel that way for me, well, maybe it's not as bad as I've made it out to be.
Which was weird, knowing there was so much about you I didn't know. Everything really. But now that I know how you feel, I don't feel silly at all telling you I want to learn it all.
All of it, darlin'. Before I got your letter, I spent a lot of time, when I wasn't taking care of business and the team, thinking about taking care of you. I wanna know how many more ways I can make you come on my fingers. Wanna know how many new positions I can put you in and make you scream your head off. Wanna see you move underneath me and sway above me.
But I also wanna know how to make you happy, wanna know how to cheer you up when you're sad, or at least let you know I'll be there whenever you decide you need me. I wanna know what else you like to get up to on a Friday night with your friends when we aren't fucking like there's no tomorrow.
I love the idea of taking you out to eat at that new restaurant.  (And you're right. We're never going Dutch.) I can't wait to sit next to you in a dark movie theater and not watch the movie. And getting you out on a trail in the woods? With no one else around? Well, a man's gotta have some secrets, doesn't he?
I gotta sign off for now, but if you keep writing, so will I. Every chance I get.
Oh, and just in case it wasn't clear: yeah I want your heart. All of it. Keep sending it my way. I'll keep it close no matter how far away you are.
Yours, Sy
Taglist: @sillyrabbit81 @kittenofdoomage @raccoon-eyed-rebel @mayloma @geralts-yenn @fvckinghenrycavill @kebabgirl67 @beck07990 @itsrubberbisquit @sweetdreamsofgelato @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @alexakeyloveloki @marantha @aireraume @angelmather1 @lizzystuffsthings @enchantedbytomandhenry @omgkatinka @littlefreya @avengersfan25 @thesaucynomad @just-chirpin @henryownsme 
Tags if you commented, reblogged (and Tumblr let me), or asked for a reply: @mrsevans90 @caramariehurst @miruwen @lysarria​ @uunotheangel​ @firefly-in-darkness​ @cardierreh15​ @totalwool​ @blackwidownat2814​ @foxyjwls007​ @ylva-syverson​ @funfickgirl22​ @sausagefest1996​ @walkers-mostacho​ @sofiebstar​ @mirkwoodlane​ @warriormirkwood​ @kingliam2019​ @firstcashheroathlete​ @cavilladdict​ @galensmistress9​
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murderthecat · 6 months
Space Ghost
Written By: ChryslerBuildingFeathers https://archiveofourown.org/users/ChryslerBuildingFeathers
Art Prompt #20 By: SapphicSaphir https://www.tumblr.com/kipo-oak
EctoImplosion 2023
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Vast cold crowded silence. That's what this was. Like lying lonesome in a local lake long after the day’d gone dark. So much happening around him, so many stories to be told, and here he was floating. On, and on, and on. Comforted and aching at the same time. 
Danny was having a very strange last summer vacation.
It started, as most things do for Danny, with Jack and Maddie Fenton. The two had burst through the house's front door, raving about an old colleague they'd ran into again during their nightly ghost hunting: "Scotland!" they cried in unison.
"We're going to Scotland this summer!"
"We.. Are?" Danny asked worriedly.
“Well, we certainly are!" Jack replied, exploding with giddiness.
"But…" Jazz trailed off expectantly.
"Er, well, me and your mother, anyway." Jack corrected himself.
Maddie continued for her husband: "But not you, obviously, Jazz. We know you've got work and college stuff. And, well, Danny..." 
"Danny, we were thinking. This is your last summer before adulthood. Maybe-" Jack said.
"Maybe you're old enough to spend it on your own, and figure out what you want to do for yourself." Jazz finished for them with a smile.
"You.. You mean it?" He asked. 
The three nodded. "That's great!" Danny grinned.
And so his summer was set. It was gonna be an awesome couple months!
Except, when he went to tell Sam and Tucker about it:
"You're both going on college trips? But I thought you were set on MIT, and you've been there a dozen times by now!"
"Well, we were- " Sam replied, hesitantly. "But then we got these new letters, and you see..."
She sighed. "Danny, of all places, Harvard offered us a full ride."
"I know we had everything all planned out, and we wanted to tell you sooner, but-"
Danny groaned. "But you didn’t want to bum me out while we were studying for finals, this is an amazing opportunity, and I'd have to kill you both if you didn't at least think about it?" 
He couldn’t even blame them for waiting until now, because he knew he’d probably do the exact same thing in their place.
Sam smiled sadly. "Thanks Danny, love."
"And sorry, dude. Seriously." Tucker added on. 
"Hey, maybe this could be a good chance for you, though?" Sam suggested.
"Maybe you can do something just for yourself?"
“I guess so.” Danny said.
The two wrapped him in a hug.
“And hey, you can still give us plenty of ghostly visits while we’re on our trip, you know? You’re our boyfriend after all!” Tucker cheered him.
So here he was, following their collective advice. Or at least, trying to. Alone in space feeding his obsession, swallowing as many stars as could fit in his eyes. The portal was locked, the ghosts knew to leave him alone, and he had all the time he could need to try figuring out what to do with his afterlife. 
He’d planned to go to community college, hit the books hard to make up for his bad high school years, and then join Sam and Tucker at MIT. But, if his partners went off to a school as exclusive and Ivy League as Harvard? There’s no way he could make it into there, let alone afford it. And even if he could, he still had no idea what he’d do with himself after finishing college. 
Get a job in aerospace engineering so he can at least be close, only for the inevitable trouble that follows him everywhere to steal that away too? Become a professor so he can teach everyone else how to accomplish his hopes and dreams?  No. 
The human world is not built for a ghostly prince. 
Him, or his space fantasies.
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catt-leya · 2 years
could you write something where rick is fingering the reader and daryl walks in by accident while rick is praising her with things like ‘good girl’ and when daryl does walk in she tries to move ricks hand away but he doesnt stop not even after she cums and daryl is just standing there speechless
Own Me (18+) || Rick Grimes
Thank you Anon 💗
I always wanted to write something in the direction and the request has inspired me incredibly 🤭
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I realize how the Saviours look at me. Especially the male ones.
It was not so long ago that I was handed from one to the other and had to do what they asked of me.
Thankfully, that time has passed and I have met Rick.
It was the day Negan forced them all to kneel before him. That was the day we met for the first time and days later I was still dreaming about his blue eyes.
One thing led to another and now Rick's hand is low on my back as he leads me through the Sanctuary and I struggle to ignore the stares of the others.
Rick knows exactly what my role was with Negan and knows that I certainly didn't do it willingly, but that doesn't change the fact that it happened.
I know that he, too, is trying to ignore the fact that 80 percent of the males in attendance have seen me naked at least once, and he's doing it for my sake.
Rick is incredibly possessive and probably would love to cut off the dick of anyone who used to have me with him, but I've asked him to back off because it wouldn't change anything anyway and would only give more tension between the now beaten Saviours and us.
I can already see the exit and am about to exhale when a guy whistles after us and shouts, "Rick? We're all one group now. That was your big speech, wasn't it? Wouldn't it be fair to share then? Food, water...women? It's not like everyone hasn't fucked the whore next to you and the way she used to moan, she liked it too."
Before I can hold Rick back, he breaks away from me and goes for the guy I can't even remember.
The Saviour is maybe half a head taller than my boyfriend, but apparently he didn't expect Rick, who has been completely level-headed for the last few months after the war, to go at him like that.
That's why he stumbles back a few steps when Rick grabs him by the throat and presses him firmly against the wooden pillar behind him.
No one in the room makes a sound and it is so quiet that everyone can hear Rick's voice trembling with rage: "Sharing with scum like you? You probably even feel the need to take what belongs to someone else because a woman like her would never spread her legs for a asshole like you."
Briefly, the guy looks over at me and Rick moves even closer to him, which draws his eyes back to my boyfriend, who hisses, "You don't look at her. Ever. If you even dare go near her, I'll gouge your eyes out and castrate you. Got it?"
Silently, they stare into each other's eyes, and Rick whispers menacingly, "Say yes."
Another brief silence follows before the guy mutters, "Yes."
Still Rick doesn't move away from him and I reach out my hand to him, "Rick? That's enough. He gets it. Let's go, please."
Gritting his teeth tightly, Rick lets go of him and grabs my hand tighter than usual.
I flinch briefly and then let him drag me out of the room, but instead of walking out to Daryl and the others, he pulls me into an adjacent room and pushes me inside before pulling the door shut so it's just ajar.
Confused, I look up at him, "Why don't we go outside?"
A surprised gasp slips from my lips as he pulls me tightly to him by the back of my neck, and I brace myself with my hands against his chest to keep from colliding with him.
I can feel his heart beating fast against my palm and I can guess that he's still incredibly tense about this guy.
Gently, I stroke his chest with the flat of my hand and whisper, "Just forget it, Rick. It doesn't matter what he said."
His eyes glitter in a very particular way as he looks down at me and murmurs, "Did he sleep with you?"
I tug at his shirt, knowing I don't have to lie, "I don't remember. Could be, though. I was in bed with most of the people present, so I don't remember every face."
He just looks at me for a moment before slowly turning me in his arms and pulling my back against his chest. Not knowing what he's up to, I ask, "Shouldn't we really be getting going? I'm sure the others will be looking for us by now."
Instead of answering me, he leans over, brushes my hair aside, and kisses my exposed neck.
It's the exact spot he knows full well will turn me to putty in his arms, and I whimper softly, "What are you doing?"
His palm of his right hand moves from my hip to my stomach and I wince as I realize what he's getting at.
His lips slide over my neck and I curse my body, which immediately responds to his touch, even though my head says otherwise, "Rick, not here."
My gaze darts to the ajar door, wanting to pull away from him, but his grip is firm and he licks over my pulse, "Why not?"
His fingers slip under my waistband and I turn my face to him, "Someone can come in here at any time and I'm sure they can hear everything outside."
His soft lips graze mine as he breathes, "I want them to hear you moaning my name."
My heart skips a beat and I swallow hard at his words.
His eyes bore into mine and he doesn't break eye contact even as he slides his hand completely between my legs and I moan softly at the contact.
My head falls onto his shoulder and he slowly slides a finger inside me.
Immediately I tighten around him and he whispers harshly, "I've barely touched you and you're already wet for me."
I press my ass harder against his crotch and feel it turn him on too.
His thumb between my legs strokes just the right spot and I moan, "Rick."
Softly, he hisses, "Louder."
My whole backside is pressed against his larger body and in the places where I am soft he is hard and masculine.
I've had sexual experiences with many men, but with Rick it's different. When you love someone, every touch, is like fireworks and every kiss, is like a surge of electricity.
He squeezes harder and I actually moan his name louder.
His hot breath hits my ear as he growls, "Good girl."
I flick my eyes open to look down at his hand, just then the door is pushed open and Daryl is standing in the doorway.
Before he can place the scene before his eyes he opens his mouth, "Rick? I..." And then abruptly breaks off.
Panicked, I grab Rick by the wrist and want to pull his hand out of my pants because Daryl is also staring right at that spot.
But instead of releasing me, he slides a second finger inside me and I bite down hard on my bottom lip to keep from making a sound.
I quickly look up at Rick, but his gaze is coldly fixed on Daryl and I know he's trying to stake his claim on me with it. Even in front of Daryl.
He wants him to see what he can do to me.
I don't dare address Rick because I know all I'd get out of my lips is a gasp, so I stare up at him, trying to use it to draw his gaze to me, but he doesn't dignify me with a glance and just growls, "What did I say?"
My eyes dart back to Daryl who's standing there silently, which isn't really anything new, but his eyes are also fixed on Rick's hand and I don't think he's going to move anytime soon, so I loosen my tense body and Rick rewards me with a kiss on my neck, "You're doing good."
I have no idea where to look without getting even more uncomfortable with my boyfriend fingering me in front of his best friend, so I turn my head so I can only look at Rick and gasp, "Please."
He finally looks at me, "Please what?"
I surprise myself by not asking him to stop as I sigh, "Please more."
Rick lowers his head and kisses me hard on the lips and slides his tongue between my lips.
In the back of my mind, I know we're putting on a show for Daryl that I might be ashamed of later, but at that moment, I couldn't care less.
So I put an arm around Rick's neck and he asks harshly against my lips, just loud enough for Daryl to hear, "Whose are you?"
Not caring that I'm not actually anyone's property, I moan, "Yours. You own me, Rick."
He releases from my lips, "That's right."
The hand that isn't between my legs moves over my ribs to my breasts and he pinches my nipple through the fabric of my shirt. Immediately my head falls back onto his shoulder again and from half-closed eyes I look back up at Daryl, who can't take his eyes off me.
I know how proud Rick is to be able to touch me as he pleases and I barely put up any resistance. He's proud of how my body responds to him and the pleasure he can give me.
Even as I come twitching around his fingers he doesn't stop and I greedily rub myself against his hard cock without taking my eyes off Daryl.
Any shame has evaporated and I moan Rick's name over and over again as I come closely following a second time and he has probably reached its goal, because he pulls his hand out of my pants.
My legs almost give out from under me as he brings his hand to my lips and I pull the fingers that were inside me before between my lips and lick them clean as he asks me to do.
This makes Daryl gaze travel up to my lips and then to my eyes. It's like the eye contact pulls him out of his stupor and jerkily takes a step back, "You..."
Yeah, he doesn't have the words, and to be honest, neither do I.
But Rick doesn't seem embarrassed at all as he pushes me forward a bit at the hip, "What's up?"
Pure irritation is written on Daryl's face before he clears his throat, "We're waiting for you."
Rick juts his chin, "As you saw, we were busy for a minute, but we'll be right there."
Daryl nods and disappears as quickly as he appeared.
Staring in disbelief at the spot in the doorway, I can't believe I've been a part of giving Daryl free porn.
Gently Rick takes my hand in his and pulls me out of the room, "I've never seen Daryl so speechless."
I blink several times before replying, "Why did you do that?"
Immediately he stops and turns to face me. His blue eyes glisten with satisfaction as he whispers, "Because a lot of people wish you'd moan their name like you moan mine. But it's my name now, and it damn well always will be."
@positive-squid @hail-yourselves @mrsxreeves @chanlvr2 @criminalwalkingsupernatural @sunshinevirus
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bloodgulchblog · 4 months
Alright fuck it, s2e1 liveblog.
I'm watching this with people later so the goal is just to get through it enough to sate my impatience, so I'm back to ye olde standby of watching it at high speed with subtitles on. (...Only I guess I'm gonna be slowed down by making comments, huh?)
Spoilers and uncharitable opinions and unfunny jokes will follow.
Not going to talk about stuff in the episode opener until it comes back bc there's not enough to say anything about.
5 minutes in and we're already doing whatever this is huh?
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6:30 - Alright okay, fuck, Vannak took his spine pellet out and gets to have one (1) personality trait and it's animal facts and I kind of don't hate that. TV Chief is very unlikable but characters like Kai and Vannak playing the angle of having very youthful quirks bc having emotions is new is cute.
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~10:00 - I have nothing to say yet about spooky shapes in the fog but I think this shot of Chief back to back with a marine is fun. Also I wonder if Corporal Perez (this character) will still matter 5 minutes from now.
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Also looks like the foggy sword fight from the trailer is here, too difficult to get any kind of cap that doesn't suck out loud. I'm thinking about how I heard someone making a big deal about how Season 2 feels "less like a video game" (whatever that means), meanwhile "fog full of stealth sword guys trying to kill you" feels very very video game level.
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~13:00 - Man, and I really thought that sword fighting stuff in the trailer was a solid indicator they were dragging Thel 'Vadamee into this mess. Hey guys look, Arbiter's in this season. 4,000 of him!
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Additionally, if a bunch of people decide this is a ship the fandom owes me twenty dollars.
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~15:00 - Congrats to Perez for surviving five minutes. Also, we're still doing whatever this is:
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16 minutes in we finally get the show's opener. (It has the Halo in it now, I don't think it was there before but let's be perfectly honest it's not like I cared a lot.)
~17:30 or something, reminded once again that a lot of people are attracted to this actor
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Also guess what, Keyes is an Admiral now I guess????
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Do we think he still gets to get eaten by the Flood eventually? Do we think the Flood will even be in here? Place ur bets at the counter.
Anyway, they're basically diving into a big timeskip here where a bunch of planets have been glassed since last season (including Madrigal). This whole AU is weird to the bone in terms of how its timeline is shaking out.
Anyway anyway, aww here we go
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"I'm not here to replace Dr Halsey, I'm here because I believe in you!"
Ohhhhh he knows all the Spartans' names already, ohhhhh they want the audience to like this mf so bad, they want it to be such a tweest that he sucks shit-
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Moving right along, at 22:30 we have the Rubble having a crowd decide whether various refugees should be spaced or taken into indentured servitude, because of course we do.
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tl;dw the nebbish redhead knows where Catherine Halsey is and there's a big bounty out for her and he's trying to use it as a bargaining chip to not die and everyone thinks that's very funny, also Soren is here. I guarantee he decides to go after her, but first we have to have a scene cut back to whatever TV Chief is doing.
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Man I'm really noticing they haven't shown the weird ridged rubber tech suit yet this episode, I wonder if they decided to replace it.
Anyway here's Perez, I still think they want people to start shipping:
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Then Jimmy Rings has a meeting with tv show's new guy they want you to like so bad.
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Also he says "The O-N-I" like a complete tool. (This is how you know he sucks.)
And while I'm talking trash about him: Ackerson stop flirting, didn't they tell you nobody's allowed to be gay in Halo? Get your shit together.
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Thus ends the dream of the funniest possible universe where we just had Cortana: The Show forever. Someone get the penny whistle. My heart will not go on. 😢
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Fuck, I was doing timestamps, right? I'm like half an hour in.
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They're laying this on so thick so fast there's no way he's not a shitweasel in this AU, but also that would be the funniest possible thing to me.
(If anyone ships this, the fandom owes me forty dollars and therapy.)
ANYWAY... Action figure time. (Remember to boycott Jazwares!)
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Soren's kid is playing with a MASTER CHIEF ACTION FIGURE and being weird, meanwhile Soren's wife is calling him out on shit and reminding him that refugees being turned away is, you know, bad.
Congrats to Soren's wife for continuing to be the most unexpectedly sympathetic supporting character I guess, but they made Soren so unlikable off the 1st season it's hard for me to feel investment of any kind here.
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35 minutes in: the Spartans are watching a space TV broadcast. They have Ca-ADMIRAL. Admiral. Admiral Keyes presenting the Colonial Cross to Corporal Perez for blah blah blah you saw the start of the episode. The shape of the ceremony and the hovering tv drone thing are obvious H2 references.
(Does this mean Perez is our Sergeant Johnson now? Vote with your phones.)
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Get your face out of here, Ackerson, I know what you are.
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Oh god there's another team of Spartans (Cobalt) and having adult Spartan-IIs call each other names like children is fucking weird.
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Aaaaand tumblr is capping the number of images I can post here and I'm still only about half way done. Fuck. I am not doing this this way for Episode 2 I can promise you that.
(Also hey look the tech suit is back, I guess Silver Team doesn't use it so much anymore to show you they're more human now or whatever?)
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butterflydm · 9 months
wot rewatch 1x7: the dark along the ways
spoilers for s1 of WoT and through Knife of Dreams in the books; minor spoilers for one of the s2 character blurbs
Aaaaah, my angel Tigraine is here to kick ass and have a baby. This cold open floored when when I first saw it and it still floors me. It's amazing. I'm looking forward to more Maiden action in s2 so much. Not just the fighting here, but the emotion -- how frustrated she is that they won't just let her have her baby in peace, how she finally has a moment to herself and then this new potential threat shows up and we hang in that moment. Fantastic episode opener and it really makes me excited about what we might get in s2 for the cold opens.
So... given that she left Andor to chase a prophecy to save the world and has found herself on Dragonmount about to give birth... Tigraine could probably guess who her kid was going to be at this point, I feel like? She was very well educated, first in Andor and then in the White Tower, so I'm sure she would have known the Prophecies (maybe she even figured out when she learned that the female warrior society of the Aiel was called the Maidens of the Spear?)
The Emond's Field people want to get Mat but Moiraine must refuse because he's literally in recasting limbo right now. I love how Rand just instantly lost all trust in Moiraine the second she refuses to open the Waygate. She won him to her side by helping Mat, then immediately lost him once she stopped. Rand (and Nynaeve) are so protective & defensive over Mat in this episode and I really love it.
Of course, Rand is now probably also about, like 75% sure that he's actually the Dragon and so there's no need to worry about Mat anyway. But Moiraine is absolutely not sure who the Dragon is and it very well could be Mat (imo if she wasn't worried that Mat was a potential channeler, it would be pointless to send the Red Ajah after him).
Rand's little despairing looks back at the closed Waygate and his instant defense of Mat against anyone who says a word against him (even Egwene): catnip to a newly-minted Cauthor shipper.
Yeah, Mat is 100% Moiraine's least favorite child -- she 'knows' what choice he would make, she says (the wrong one). So, there are actually two different ways that the show could go with Mat -- Moiraine could be either right or wrong that Mat would make the wrong/evil choice and it depends on how they've decided to handle the Seanchan. Because if they follow the same storyline that the books did, Mat does essentially choose to embrace evil along that path (even if Jordan never admits it) when he decides that he's okay being married to an unremorseful and unwilling-to-change slaver. If Tuon stays the same way that she is in the books, then Moiraine was right about Mat. If Mat and Tuon's storyline gets changed/updated to be less... awful, then Moiraine will have been wrong about Mat.
Lan tries to tease Nynaeve to cheer her up but fails, so he tries to reassure her instead, telling her that Mat is safer where they left him. It's a sweet little moment.
Both Egwene and Rand are more open in this moment than they were in episode 2 and are able to share a snuggle as they sleep (but Egwene also checks in with Rand first this time and waits for him to essentially nonverbally give her a 'yes' before snuggling in). Rand is also a lot less raw about the breakup and they're hovering in a weird 'maybe we're not broken up after all' space.
People's worst fears clawing at them is a lot more informative kind of existential terror than just gore-whispers.
Honestly, given how on-edge everyone is put by the Black Wind, it would more surprising if it didn't lead to tensions and arguments. That was a rough experience for them all.
Lots of Lan backstory in this episode! His title, people from his past, etc.
Poor Moiraine looks so exhausted. Pretty much now until the end of the season. This is also when Moiraine has the message sent to the Red Ajah about Mat, which Lan is not around to hear, I note.
Perrin engages in some Fainspotting!
Oh, I notice that when Min serves drinks to the ta'veren, she keeps her eyes down. To avoid seeing all the viewings maybe? And I'm pleased to say that show!Min remains likable on rewatch, despite my bad experience with book!Min in my reread! She actually is a world-weary and well-traveled woman who has been through Too Much and is Tired instead of feeling like a tweenager cosplaying as one. And Moiraine literally has to blackmail her into sharing her viewings about the EF5.
And reading the new s2 summary about Min also tells us why Moiraine threatening her with exposure is enough to make her crack -- she was forced to be a carnival act! Yikes, Min's aunts!
Also that does look like the same baby from Rand's vision in the next episode, at least to me, so I think that's what she was seeing.
The EF5 all confronting Moiraine. I do wonder if it was the whispers of the Ways that made her decide to open up to them about how the non-Dragons will die when the Dragon faces the Dark One. And though the group does fracture into an argument after this discussion, they do present a united front against Moiraine here.
This argument also does a good job in laying down Egwene's philosophy and her reasons for wanting to do this. And we get another passionate defense of Mat from Rand.
It's fascinating how quickly Nynaeve jumps the conclusion that Rand and Perrin are 'fighting over' Egwene (something that both Rand and Egwene find initially baffling). I wonder how long Nynaeve has been expecting this to come up as an issue between them, that she goes there so quickly. Back in ep1, she sends Perrin away from Egwene's celebration to spend time with his wife and then in this episode, she notices Perrin noticing Egwene and Rand snuggling together. She is on "Perrin->Egwene HIGH ALERT" at all times and it's just kinda fascinating. If she'd just let them argue, I sincerely doubt that Perrin would ever have let anything slip.
Perrin's staring at Rand's mouth while saying "only woman I ever loved was my wife" moment. With a single shot, Perrin comes across as infinitely less heterosexual than his book counterpart.
We get some more good Lan content in his scenes with Moiraine and then Nynaeve. It's nice to get to see a piece of Lan's culture and for him to share it with Nynaeve. All the scenes that he has with both of them in this episode are really good. Lan comparing his devotion to Moiraine to Nynaeve's protectiveness over the Two Rivers' kids; I like it.
And this scene with Egwene and Rand is his last stab at denial. He wants to pretend that he can still be Egwene's husband/Warder. But if he doesn't give up on his denial, he might be condemning Egwene, Perrin, & Nynaeve to a painful death. What Egwene says here (that she will stand by Rand if he's the Dragon) is also related to why he goes off on his own and pretends to be dead imo -- he knows his friends wouldn't abandon him and so he has to abandon them for their safety.
And we reach the point where everything is at a crisis point and Rand can't keep denying every strange thing that's been building up since the night the Trollocs attacked.
This scene with Rand and Min is very good. Again, show!Min is doing a lot better than book!Min. Also, Min, I'm holding you to that "three beautiful women" viewing.
Aah, the kindness of how the show did Rand's birth really gets to me. The story is so much... colder in the books. That show!Tigraine gets to have a last moment of connection before she dies, and gets some assurance that her kid will be taken care of. It was an incredibly compassionate change to make.
lol, the poor awkwardness of the three Emond's Fielders (before they realize that Rand has disappeared with Moiraine).
Moiraine's thoughts, probably: "shit, it's one of the boys. Well... at least it's not Mat".
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abbythewritor · 9 months
"Fairness." OnePiece x Saitama reader, 5.
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"Just a Normal girl looking for an everyday life. At least, if you call sailing across the seas with idiots with useless dreams a simple task, then you might wanna see a doctor. Seriously."
Warnings: Blood, gore, mentions of Luekimia, and heaps amount of blood and strength. It might be a little cursing, but not bad, and maybe some flirting in there, but it's mostly clean.
Other things:
-You didn't get bald due to your powers; you got bald to an extreme illness.
-You part of the straw hat crew, but others are interested in you and your power.
-Everyone that is a male is taller than you.
-Monsters from the OPM world will appear in One Piece, and I'll make some new monsters you will fight.
Enjoy the fifth chapter everyone!!!!!!
"Alright, here's the plan!"
Everyone was surrounding Jimbei as we were closer to Marineford. I was still sitting by Crocodile as everyone else rang us three. "We are headed to the marine headquarters to rescue Ace! It will be dangerous, so we must keep our guard up!" He explained as Buggy whipped towards him. "HEY WAIT A MINUTE!! NAVY HQ?!! I KNOW THAT YOU GUYS KNOW ABOUT THE WAR BETWEEN WHITEBOARD AND THE NAVY! BUT WE DON'T NEED TO GET INVOLVED!!" He snapped, others nodding with agreement, which made Crocodile sigh with reply. "It's obvious. It's your fault for being so clueless." "WHAT?!" Buggy screeched as Crocodile continued. "We passed through the gate of justice. That means our destination must be either the Navy HQ or Enies Lobby. The tub current that we're on is exclusive to the Government. It's a giant whirlpool that connects the Government's 3 significant facilities. We wanted to break out because we have a role in the war." He finished, as I nodded. "He's right; even if we tried to get out of here, tides, which I've heard of, will only keep us in this circle, which would be hard to escape anyway. "
Mister Three and Buggie's eyes grew wide, their tongues coming out as Luffy nodded to our statement. "Yeah. The real fight is on its way."
"THE REAL FIGHT IS ON ITS WAY?!" The two snapped, as everyone else didn't know about this Buggy, and Mister Three pleaded with Jimbei to stop the ship, but they didn't understand that we were on a current. "We can't stop! We are on the current!" Jimbei replied as my head tilted. "Why can't you guys just jump off?" The two whipped to me angrily. "WE CAN'T. DEVIL FRUIT USERS LIKE US WILL DIE INSTANTLY!!" My head tilted more. "Really? Even just swimming?" Mister One stood beside me, crossing his arms. "Devil fruit users can't swim in the water; we'll just sink to the bottom." I nodded. "I see, so I guess you guys are going to the war after all." "SHUT UP!" The two snapped again, and I giggled as Jimbei continued with the plan.
The way he described the White beart pirates, the marines, and the warlords seemed pretty thorough, as they sounded solid.
This world never ceased to amaze me, wondering who I was going to fight next, what allies I was going to make, and even what outcome to arrive.
But, listening to Jimbeis plan more and more, I couldn't help but get excited, as there would be enemies just as powerful as I, which meant a fair fight would be coming my way very soon.
After a couple more minutes of discussing the plan, one of the snail things rang, and it caught my attention. "Oi, I think something is ringing." Everyone heard it too, as Luffy and everyone looked around
Soon enough, Luffy landed his eyes on a pillar with a door, and everyone besides Crocodile, Jimbei, and Mister One ran that way.
Smashing through the wall, I grabbed out a snail with a phone on it. Everyone's eyes widened. "A-A snail transponder!" I looked at it confusingly, as Mister three walked to me. "Don't answer it! We are ona marine ship!" Luffy stood on the other side of me, as he looked at it blankly, buggy soon in front of me as us four, and the criminals looked at it more. But, as Luffy was getting inpatient, he simple picked it up, and answered it. "Hello?" "HE ANSWERED IT!!!" "This is Navy HQ."
"Ah, I'm Luffy." I nod. "And I'm Y/n." Everyone was shocked. "DON'T GIVE YOUR NAMES LIKE THAT!!"
"We know that the ship has been taken by escapees. We received a report from Fleet Escort Force at Impel Down. We determined who the two main suspects of this great escape case were...from, the insider information before contact was lose. Monkey D Luffy, and a rather larger, yet strong female!" Everyone surrounding us was shocked. "Y-Y/n-san is a suspect! But there warlords here!" A criminal yelled. "Yeah! She's to cute to be a suspect!" One of them replied, as we listened further as the marine continued, telling us how Buggy was also apart of Gold D Rogers crew, a friend of the current yonko shanks, as well as he had the same plan as Luffy to free ace, as he was freaking out.
The marine also told us that we would never get through the gates into Marineford, as we will be instantly shot down, as he explained there was no sea for us to escape an Live on to.
I was getting a little iterated from this marine guy. "Oi, Marine guy." My voice spoke, as he hummed with response. "I don't know how tough you marines are, but you guys are seriously getting on my nerves." Everyone's eyes jolted open. "EH?!" "You seriously think your little talk will make us back down? Ace is an important person, a man at the wrong time, and to think you Idiots arrested him for only wanting freedom and Justice for his murdered crewmate? Pow pathetic.." Crocodile smirked, both him and Mister one looking my way from the Cannon, as everyone's mouth couldn't close or speak. "We are going to rescue Ace, even if it gets us killed, because everyone in the world, weak or strong, deserves freedom, and fairness." I finished, shutting the snail thing off, and throwing it off the ship, into the water, causing the pirates to slump, as Mister three grabbed my shoulders. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! WITH SUCH A PEDIGREE HOW COULD YOU BE SO DIRTY?!" "My, My, seems like we have a pickle, but we shouldn't be blaming Y/n-san after all, as we all want justice in this world." Ivanka spoke, as Luffy nodded. "Yes, that's correct, but hey Buggy, I already knew you used to be apart of Rogers crew, but, the old man, rayleigh, told me that you and Shanks grew up together." Buddy came out of nowhere. "RAYLEIGH?! YOU'VE MET HIM?!" He asked with a smile, then continued. "I miss Vice Captain! Where'd you see him?!" He asked, as everyone was shocked they were talking about a man known as "Dark King" as I was just even more confused, but didn't want to question it. But, as Luffy tried to explain, the idiot pirates surrounded Buggy more, Praising him for being so strong, as Buggy was just as confused, but took in the compliments and held a proud smile. I sighed, shaking my head with a smile on my lips as well, as the air suddenly changed, which made everyone to look, as my eyes then widened.
A large marine base, just in the distance, which might be the area where the war is going on, as Smoke was arising from the far.
"THAT'S IT EVERYONE! MARINEFORD!" Jimbei yelled, as me and Luffy ran next to him, all of us soon standing on our feet as we were getting closer.
A small smile pressed against my lips, as my fist clenched slightly. 'Hold on Ace..' I thought, looking to Luffy, then back to the base.
'Your fairness will soon come.'
"W-What happened?! It stopped moving!!" Well, you and everyone were about too arrive to marine base, until a giant ass tsunami decided to show up.
As Jimbei made the ship ride up it, the water of the storm froze, as the marine ship, and all of you were now sitting on it, not moving a muscle.
You were shocked, as you were beside Ivanka and Jimbei, as Buggy also looked over the edge, not believing his eyes either. "W-WHAT THE HELL?! THE SHIP HAS ICED IN AND WE'RE COMPLETELY TRAPPED!!!" Jimbei looked at it thoroughly, as he already knew what the cause of the water freezing is done by. Crocodile was off the ship, as he went to the edge of the frozen water, as he was able to see the war going on. "Look down." He spoke, turning to us. "You can see what's going on."
Jimbei and Ivanka hopped down, Luffy following as he picked me up, bringing me down with him as we both looked at well.
"Old man..." Jimbei mumbled, as Ivanka gulped. "The war has already begun..."
My brows furrowed with seeing so much death and destruction below, as most of it was done by the said marines.
Looking around more, my eyes landed on Ace, who was on the execution platform as a giant ogre was dead before him. "It all makes sense." I looked to Jimbei, who was still looking down. "The title wave was whitebeard, declaring war himself as the freezing of it was done by Admiral Aokiji..." "I see" I looked back down. "Both sides seem to have powerful fighters...it's a matter of time when Ace gets executed...how do we get down?" "EVERYONE LISTEN!" Luffy yelled his hands on his hips. "I got an idea to get us through this!" He announced as we all had ears until I held up my hand. "Luffy, wait, I got an idea; everyone would have to brace themselves, though." He paused, and everyone looked at me. "The only way we need to go is down, and the only way to do that with the ship stuck is to break the ice." "N-NANI?!" Buggy and Mister Three yelled, as Luffy nodded. "Right! We only have a little time or know what's going on since the snail thing is gone, so we must hurry!!" I nodded. "Leave it to me!" Soon enough, I jumped super high in the air as some pirates gasped with awe; getting high enough, I took a deep breath before launching back down, my fist punching the ice, which broke instantly but also exploded.
The loud noise caused the war to stop below, as the warlords, marines, Ace, Admrials, and Whitebeard pirates were all confused about what was happening.
That was until a marine pointed up. "LOOK! An explosion!" Garp and Sengoku, who were with Ace, looked up, as Did Whitebeard and everyone else, as the ship we all were on was falling, with the team who escaped impel down as well. Ace was utterly shocked, as Buggy and everyone except me, Crocodile, and Mister One were screaming. "YOU IDIOT GIRL!! SOME OF US CAN'T SWIM YOU KNOW!!!" My eyes rolled. "It's all ground, Buggy-sama, you'll be fine-" "WE WON'T BE FINE IF WE ALL CRASH AND DIE!!" Mister Three added, as all of is continued to fall, as Ace saw Luffy, his eyes widening, but he saw you as well, even more shocked. "L-Luffy.....T-The c-cutie..." He mumbled as we didn't land exactly where we wanted to, near Whitebeard's ship, as a loud 'crash!' noise surrounded the area, and smoke and pieces from the marine ship flew everywhere.
No one knew what was going on, as I coughed persuasively, Jimbei offered me a hand up as I accepted and looked to Crocodile. "Are you ok?!" He nodded, dusting himself off, as I looked to Mister One, who also nodded.
Jimbei brought Luffy, Mister Three, and Buggy up from sinking in the ocean as they coughed rapidly.
Exhausted, Buggy couldn't stand anymore as he barely made it, as Luffy stood beside you. "A-Ace! W-Were are you, Ace!!" He yelled, coughing from almost drowning, as I knelt to him. "Hey, take it easy; we'll get to him. You'll need to get the water out of your lungs first-" I paused when Luffy stood up, shocked as he saw the execution platform in the distance, Ace on it who looked our way with disbelief.
I looked at him, smiling that they hadn't executed him yet, as Luffy took a big breath before yelling. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, everyone in the war hearing him as the fire fists eyes started to water. "LUFFYYY!!!" HE screamed back, as Luffy smiled, not worried at all, and he got into stance. "Hang on, Ace! I'll-" He paused when the others stood beside us, Buggy awake, as Crocodile was on the other side of Me, Ivanka on the other side of Luffy as Jimbei and Mister One were beside her, as Mister. Three beside Crocodile, as well as Buggy.
"W-Wait a minute.." One of the Marines spoke, looking at a crocodile. "C-Crocodile!?" Another Marine gulped. "Not just him, there's more!" Ivanka chuckled, a smirk forming her lips. "All forces are here on both sides! There are a lot of big names!" She spoke as Buggy laughed, his arms going out. "The world's got to be ready for it!" I smirked at their comments, excitement rolling through my veins as Luffy got into position, looking straight at Ace. "Ace, we're coming to rescue you!!" The team was shown as Sengoku gritted his teeth angrily, whipping to Garp. "GARP IT'S YOUR STUPID FAMILY AGAIN!" Garp couldn't believe it also, as both his hands grabbed his head. "LUFFY NO!!"
"Look! I-It's not only the straw hat!" A marine spoke, looking at Jimbei, Me, and Ivanka." I-It's Jimbei and Ivankov! of the Revolutionaries army! A-And that girl! It was described on the escape report at Impel down!"
Another one gulped. "Y-You mean the cute one they were describing?! She doesn't look like a pirate at all! But look at all of these infamous pirates behind them, too!" The pirates joining us roared with fighting spirit as we looked at another tall, handsome man...his yellow daring eyes like a haw, a red/black hat onto his head, which matched his vampire-like look, his pale skin which complimented his slick black hair, as he looked to Luffy and me. "He always causes trouble...Straw Hat....bringing a regular girl into this is foolish, especially when she doesn't look like anything special." A tall, creepy creature shrieked with anger. "STRAW HAT!!"
A familiar pink-haired and blonde-haired male was also shocked to see Luffy watching from a distance. "He's so tough!" The pink-ette spoke, the blonde boy about to faint.
The Admirals were also watching as a familiar pineapple-like man looked at him. "He's the brother that Ace was talking about, Yoi. But I' curious Yoi on who that girl is, Yoi."
"So jimbei, you working with pirates now, huh?! What kind of switch off is that-" "That's right." Jimbei spoke. "I resign from the warlord position..." Sengkoku growled angrily as he and Garp knew we all had a common goal.
Crocodile was looking around, his eyes landing on Whitebeards's ship, his brows furrowing with irritation as he bolted, as I was confused why.
But, I saw him hurry to Whitbeard's ship, as he mentioned on defeating him, but...I don't think he can, because I think that old man means so much to Ace...I need to follow him.
As all kinds of destruction surrounded Whitebeards's ship, he only glanced at the scenery, letting out growls, and stood proud. "Long time no see Whitebeard...."
Crocodile's voice was familiar to the old man as he sighed. "You never learn..do you?" Crocodile didn't say anything but was irritated as he was about to attack him until a hand roughly grabbed his hook, launching him away.
I landed safely behind the old man, The debris coming from the ship crocodile flew towards some marines, as they ducked for cover.
Crocodile was irritated with you as he looked down to see you have water on you.
I was looking at you with a blank face, my fists clenching. "Even though the agreement has been fulfilled... it's pretty stupid to go After a man who means so much to Ace..." I snarled, and he looked surprised as I already knew his weakness. "Then why are you protecting him when he's a stranger to you, Miss Y/n-san...?" His question didn't affect me as I looked up from the floor to him. "Because...no matter who's going after who, if the enemy senses to kill someone who has done nothing wrong yet....I'd strive to take them down..." I firmly stated as Marco was eager with my words, as he looked up at the ship from behind him.
But, as Crocodile was about to move again, some members of the old man's crew blocked him from moving, as Whitebeard glared down at me.
He didn't see anything special about me, not knowing how a small, larger girl like me was able to dodge a whitebeard attack.
My clothing was odd too; black/red checkered pants hugged my curves, and I had a little tank-crop top on, I didn't have any shoes or socks on, as my clothes looked ripped and damaged.
"Oi...brat.." He spoke as I turned to him. "Oh, yes?" "You could block Crocodiles' attempt to condemn me....what was your reason?" "Because Ace says you mean so much to him, that's what." His eyebrows rose with slight surprise. "You knew Ace?" I nod. "Only for like 5 hours...until they took him here. He seems like a really nice and caring guy; it makes me pissed on how he got to this point...people like him don't deserve this kind of hatred." "And you came here to rescue him...with his brother...correct?" I nodded sternly. "Yes, sir!" He glared harshly at me. "DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU'RE MESSING WITH?!" He asked louder, as the ground rumbled, but it didn't bother me, as he lifted his staff, soon slamming it on the ground, as again, it caused the earth to rumble. "A little girl like you would be dead meat!" He spoke again, as Ivankov and Buggy had fear on their faces, and my fists started to clench. "Shut up!"I snarled, looking straight up at you. "First of all, I'm not little; second, you're a fucking bastard to think that a girl can't fight!! You don't even know me!! I just saved your ass, and this is how you repay me?! And you call yourself a Yonko!!" I screamed. Buggy and Ivanka's eyes widened more with shock as they couldn't believe your words, and he glared down at me. "Your crew member, the boy you care about most, is up on that platform, about to die any minute...It's not up to you to decide who and who doesn't get to fight!! I know exactly what you are up to; Ace told me you would become king of the pirates, Right?! That's not happening because Luffy told me he wants to become King of the Pirates. I have full faith that Luffy will achieve that goal!! And you wanna know what else?! I'll do everything in my power to save Ace... BECAUSE EVERYONE IN THIS WORLD GETS PICKED ON, THE STRONG DESERVE FAIRNESS IN THIS WORLD!!" I screamed, my voice booming as the pirates, marines, and the team had their arms up in the air, their mouths open wide enough to hit the floor, as I just stood up to Whitebeard, not showing any fear whatsoever. Your words struck Whitebeard hard as a low groan escaped his mouth.
He and you glared harshly at each other, veins popping out of both of your heads as you prepared for him to fight you, until he lifted his staff again, slamming it on the ground harder this time, as you didn't flinch...until a smile spread to the Yonkos lips, impressed with your bravery. "I like you...kid...what's your name..?" I let my guard down. "Y/n L/n's, sir!" I responded, his eyes looking down at me. "You have strong hope of strength, Y/n....a great ability on the battlefield. I won't forgive you if you cause me trouble...understand?" I nodded sternly, facing forward to Ace. "No problem, just don't get in my way." Everyone still had wide eyes and mouths, as they couldn't believe I was simply talking to Whitebeard, my 'hair' blowing in the wind. "I-I can't believe this girl.." Ivanka spoke as Buggy gulped. "S-She just..."
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howlingday · 7 months
We Fight Together
Robyn: How is she taking it?
Fiona: We... We fixed up her wounds, but...
Joanna: Dammit! If she keeps smashing against the rocks, she'll reopen her wounds at a minimum, and at worst, she blows our cover and dies anyway from her wounds before we're found!
Qrow: Mm... Ruby...
Ruby: (Smashing against a boulder) ARGH! DAMMIT! DAMMIT! I'M STILL TOO WEAK!
Qrow: Hey there, Squirt...
Ruby: (Stops) U... Uncle Qrow! You were there, weren't you?! You saw! You saw it! Everything's okay, isn't it?! It's all a dream! Please tell me it was all a dream!
Qrow: ...She's dead, Ruby. Yang's dead.
Ruby: No... No! YOU'RE LYING! YOU'RE-! (Chokeslammed into a wall) ACK!
Qrow: You just survived the world's deadliest war yet, and you barely survived by the skin of your goddamn teeth! You tried your best, but facing all those powerful enemies shook you to your core, right?!
Qrow: You're drowning in a sea of your own shame and guilt, but you need to stop your damn crying and quit thinking about what you lost! WHAT'S GONE IS GONE, AND YOU CAN NEVER GET IT BACK!
Ruby: (Breathing slows, Stops struggling)
Qrow: (Lets go)
Ruby: (Slides into her butt, Looks at hands)
Ruby: (Closes thumb)
Ruby sneaks into the dormroom. Weiss is looking away, studying at her desk. Reaching forward, she readies to pinch Weiss' neck. Aaaaaaaaand...
"Ruby, don't even. I'm studying right now."
Ruby: (Closes second finger)
Ruby looks up to see Blake glaring through binoculars. With a growl, she calls down to everyone. Even through the howling winds and the pouring rain, she can still hear her.
"Grimm, two hundred yards ahead!"
Ruby: (Closes third finger)
"Just you wait and see!"
Ruby watched as Jaune boasted from his perch by the lake. There was a tackle box of lures sitting next to him, rented from the boathouse close by. He jabbed a thumb to himself.
"Back home, I was the fish champion!"
Ruby: (Closes fourth finger)
"Ruby, if you keep pestering me, you won't get as much as everyone else."
Ren warned from his place at the stove. Without looking, he knew she was sneaking sugar into his recipe. She thought it would help the kelp and algae taste. Ren thought otherwise.
"Trust me, Ruby! I used to bandage up Renny all the time when we were kids! I even taught him a few things!"
Nora wrapped the gauze tight around Ruby's hand. Her fingers felt a little cold, but Nora assured that was her blood loss talking. Later, she'd verify with Ren.
Ruby: (Tears brim, Closes fist and a thumb)
"Huh? You wanna learn how to pick pockets? I guess I can teach you a thing or two."
The lessons didn't last long, but Ruby did learn a thing or two about snatching jewelry and wallets. That is, until Weiss and Ren came after her and Nora respectively. Emerald feigned ignorance, of course.
Ruby: (Closes other hands finger)
"Oh! Greetings, Ruby, my friend! Would you like to join me in my routine self-diagnostic?"
Ruby carefully backed away from her best friend. However, no was never an acceptable answer for Penny. So, taken by the hand again, Ruby was forced to think about herself with Penny. It was nice, but always ended with her feeling like she should go see a doctor.
"Do not worry, Ruby, my friend! I'll always be at my most functional for your mission!"
"Good morning, Miss Rose. Did you sleep well? A rested mind is the greatest tool in a Huntresses arsenal."
With a blink, the former headmaster of Beacon returned to his host's mind, leaving the awkward boy alone with the awkward girl. He scratched his head and blushed as she did the same, both embarrassed by the sudden shift.
"Uh, g-good morning, Ruby."
Weiss: Ruby!
Blake: Ruby.
Jaune: Crater Face!
Ren: Ruby.
Nora: Ruby~!
Emerald: Ruby.
Penny: Ruby, my friend~!
Ozpin: Miss Rose.
Oscar: Ruby.
Ruby: (Opens her fingers, Closes her fingers) M-Muh team...
Ruby: I need to see 'em! I NEED TO SEE 'EM!
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yourstrulyaiko · 2 years
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╰┈➤ featuring; boku no hero academia! drummer! bakugou katsuki! x lead singer! fem! reader  
જ about; Heartbreaks. Aches. Dreams shattered. You feel like there was no bridging between you and your goal as an artist. Especially since the bridge that connected you that was your ex-boyfriend, Shindo, who you met at club. Now, that you’re separated. You thought, that was it. No more. Well, you thought wrong.
જ contents and warning; profanity cause bakugou is on it, asshole bakugou, cigarettes, smoking, angst, drummer bakugou, band au, fluff, romance, drama, paparazzi, cheating, break ups, toxic relationships, getting physical (the bad kind) and many more that I have definitely missed.
જ author's note; I actually have a lots and lots of chapter about band au which needs to be revised and re-written. unedited.
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This is it!
This is your first album with the band
Technically, your debut album.
And you're writing it too while on tour.
While, you're on a private plane. Scribbling some possible lyrics.
Mina spots you then her little nosy ass is like
"What are you doing?"
Obviously you get a little shy.
You're writing songs in your room not with other people around.
Hiding that old notebook that was barely hanging on together.
"It's just... Some lyrics... I was going to suggest another song or... Maybe an album after tour?
Everyone is excited. Love the idea!
Look at you being so productive!
But debby downer jerk fucking Bakugou has to ruin everyone's parade.
"A fucking album? We're on a world tour and that's what you're thinking of, woman? We're fucking exhausted enough."
Everyday this bitchass always have something to say
And everyday you've had enough of his bitch ass
"Well, if you want this while band to sink down. I guess, I should stop writing. I'm not here to argue with you, Bakugou. I'm here to fucking help you. Whether you fucking hate it."
Before he could rage again and ignite another argument.
Kirishima, Sero and Mina all gave him a warning glare.
Especially, Kirishima.
This shit was going too far.
Didn't he remember his warning?
At this point, he really have to dig deep and send the message home.
"Katsuki. Talk to me, privately." Kirishima commands.
"Well, if you got something to fucking say. Just say it now." The blonde practically barks.
"Oh, I got a lot to say. But, I'm saving you the embarrassment from everyone. So, either we talk here or privately."
Anyways, Bakugou jumps up from his seat and grumbling along the way as he makes his way to the back of the plane.
That's when Kirishima slams him up the wall.
I know this is out character but I gotta-
"What is going on man?"
"There ain't nothing wrong with me-"
"Nothing wrong." Kirishima scoff "I told you about this. (First name) is here to stay and help. This is what we've been fucking fighting for. This is our dream. You're going to let it crash and burn? For what, some stupid fucking girl that clearly didn't care about you?"
"You don’t know shit-" Bakugou tries to shove but Kirishima overpowers him.
"I don't know shit." Kirishima mocks, "I know everything. I've seen it all with my own two eyes. I fucking know."
Bakugou was angry. Pissed even.
"I told you, we're moving forward... I hate to say this but it seems like we’re going without you.. " Kirishima pauses he calms down, "Look, I get it. You've been through a lot. But, if this is how much is affecting you. We'll have to part ways temporarily."
At this point, Bakugou's heart dropped to his stomach and his breath hitches.
Kirishima was serious about his threats
"We have to, Bakugou. We can't stay in the past. I know what happened. We know. I'm sorry. We're here for you. Right now, there are a lot of things you're through and have to unpack. Camie wasn't the best person. We're aware, now that she’s gone. This is your chance to get and ask for help. You're free now."
Kirishima gives Bakugou a firm pat on his back and he leaves.
Leaving Bakugou in his own broken thoughts.
There was about 5 hours left till you arrive in the US
Everyone was asleep at this point.
Except you, you're still revising and re-writing some of the lyrics.
The light above you was on.
It didn’t bother anyone. They were all in snooze land.
Well, except Bakugou.
He woke up because of the light.
He could never sleep with the light on
He sat up to get the eye mask then his naturally drawn into where the source of light is coming from.
It was you, your legs tucked in and you were furiously scribbling away
So deeply concentrated.
He stared for a while. Not noticing him wide awake and just watching you.
Eventually, he just left you in his own little world before falling back asleep.
World tour has come to an end.
It was amazing!
You have never travelled this much your whole entire life,
You were so fucking excited.
Your excitement was so infectious.
Everyone (except Bakugou) all had one thought, 'How cute'
It made them smile uncontrollably.
You're always asking them to take a photo of you with the weirdest shit.
Why not take a photo with landmark?
And you're eating something. Mina would whip out her phone,
You're showing your plate of pasta or the flower shaped ice cream.
Your whole damn camera roll is just filled with random photos of random shit. Hell you even took photos of the damn seagulls.
Ofc, there's photos of your bandmates doing random shit.
Like that one funny hat you found.
Kirishima being buried in the sand in Barcelona with some sand titties.
Denki gave him the yitties.
You and Bakugou never interacted much at all.
Actually, he avoided you at all coats.
When you are on break from rehearsals and sound checks
He gets up and leaves for a cigarette break.
He only does this with you tho.
Bakugou was speaking Bakugou with everyone else
What do I mean by that?
You know what I mean by that.
Jk, well the usual Bakugou. Calling them with some weird ass nickname and just acting the usual Bakugou
It would be for the better though instead of butting heads.
You all took a 2 weeks break.
This gave you chance to print out all the photos and keep in a photo album.
Since you got paid a phat stack.
You decided to invest in a better keyboard.
Cause your current one is barely holding on
You're a writing machine.
You didn't even sleep at all.
What break?
Also, you got group chat privileges now too.
Aka, you were added
Denki: Why should I not put water hot oil?
Producer Jirou: NO
Bakugou: What the fuck did you say dunce face.
Sero: Um
Kirishima: I'm coming over! Get out of your apartment
Mina: I so knew that.
There are also constant reminder too to take a break
But it seems like you're the only person who isn't taking this time to take a break.
Everyone is out having fun,
So, Sero texted that you are all going to hang out and meet them at the station.
Well, you do need it. Since you've only been writing and working for a week in your shitty apartment.
When you got to the station, everyone was there (except Bakugou)
All dressed weirdly to hide their identity cause they're more famous than you
"Hey!" Mina waves her arms wildly,
"Hey, so where are we going?"
"We're going to Bakugou's house." Sero informs you.
Oh, you're shitting yourself.
You're VERY aware this man doesn't like you.
And now you're going to his house?
You're meeting the lord savior Jesus Christ much earlier than expected.
Kirishima can sense that you're pretty nervous.
Denki is all like, "DoN't WoRrY, bAbY gIrL. i'M hErE tO pRoTeCt YoU."
Throwing his arms around you.
On the way there, you're already fucking shaking.
Walking from the train station to his house.
You're feeling sick. You want to throw up.
Now, you don't know know that this man was rich, rich.
He got a big house.
He got daddy and mommy money.
When the doorbell rang.
You're in fight or flight mode.
The person who opened it tho wasn't Bakugou.
Nope, it was a much older man.
It's his dad.
Now, you're wondering where the hell did he get his personality.
He lets you all in.
Not before making sure to shake your hand and welcome you into their home.
"Ah, you must be (First name), their new lead singer. Nice to meet you." “I’m Masaru. Katsuki’s father.”
"Now, I've been wondering when the hell are you brats going to visit us."
The MILF She's basically Bakugou but a hot MILF woman. Same attitude. Same appearance.
But, feminine.
She looks at over to you.
Not gonna you got nervous or hor-
"So, you're the new lead singer?"
Yes, ma'am.
Are you going to get shouted at again?
"Oh my God, aren't you so fucking pretty?" “My name is Mitsuki by the way! I’m the brat’s mother! You know the one who whacks his stick on the drum.”
She's squishing your cheeks.
She's praising you!
How many of you can say that a Milf is fangirling over you?
No one.
She's a little too honest too.
"The song My Happy Ending? I've been playing it non-stop in the car radio and even on my headphones."
"Masaru, don't you think she's better than the previous lead singer? Who was it again?"
"When are you coming out with the album, hon? It will definitely chart better."
You definitely don't know if she's pulling on your leg or she definitely thought, you're better.
But, hey! You'll take it.
“Hey, ma.” Kirishima spoke up, “Where’s Katsuki?”
“Said he needs to go somewhere.” Mitsuki rolls her eyes, “What? That brat didn’t tell you?”
She goes on a rant about needing to inform everyone especially if they’re coming over for dinner.
She sneaks in a little insult here and there too.
While, Mitsuki is throwing it down the kitchen. You all sat around in their sofa. Masaru is handing out some snacks and drinks.
Not gonna lie, you’re a little uncomfortable.
When, you stand up and try to help.
Mitsuki tells you to sit back down and relax
Yes mommy
Everyone was chatting away and having fun.
When Bakugou finally arrives. Slamming the door behind him.
They’re getting into screaming matches.
Judging from everyone’s reaction. This was a normal occurrence between them.
Dinner was pleasant. The food was incredible.
Of course, you had to compliment the chef and Mitsuki was incredibly flattered.
She also shared that some of the veggies were grown by Masaru in their back garden.
Everyone was having fun, chatting and laughing.
Something that was weirdly uncharacteristic though from one person in the room.
You noticed that he was so quiet, he was barely eating and just staring at his plate.
He was just so lost in his own little world.
You do wonder what's going in his head.
Break was over, everyone got their well deserve rest.
Except you, cause you're a hardworking ass bitch.
This was going to be a long months of recording. A brand new project,
Immediately, Jirou turned to you the moment you walk into the office.
She's like "What you got?"
There are going to be total of 10 songs in the new album
So, you present her your idea and the melody.
Obviously, since she's the producer, she will be the one who has the best and last calls on the final product.
Jirou would tell you; this way is better, add riff here, the runs would be better if it was this way in this part, the pitch is a little off try it this way, this line doesn't make sense can you revise it?
She's just so perfect and amazing.
Eventually, everyone started pouring in. They're pitching their own,
Even Bakugou was contributing into track playing a simple beat.
Everyone is having fun, chatting and sharing laughs in the writing process. Everything is going smoothly,
Mina also decided to film the whole process too. To post on the official YouTube Tokyo Lights channel.
But, you sat back as everyone chatted among themselves.
You're quiet, thinking over the whole song.
Something wasn't clicking with this one. There's something missing...
"Hey, Ei."
"Oh! We're in the nickname stage now?" He grins playfully, "So, what's up?"
"Can you sing?"
Now, everyone is getting excited.
(Except Kirishima)
Who is protesting about it cause he's never sang before or even been recorded (Sero says otherwise cause he's heard him singing his heart out while he's in the bathroom)
Kirishima is blushing because he's embarrassed about it.
In their past 3 albums, no one else has sang except their former lead singer.
This is really the start of a new beginning.
This album is a bit personal to you.
It was an open letter to your former lover to say you weren't in the good place to love nor did that person deserve your love.
You're fixing a lot of damage done.
It starts off by blocking Shindo's phone number and booking a therapy right away.
The next week, Bakugou sees you outside his therapist office.
@xviternity @bluebreadenthusiast​ @chuugarettes​
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wolame-o-ccx · 1 year
- Hello, uncle! Or should I say " brother"? - Hunter says, and Phillip flinches. - Come on, Pip, give me a hug!
Phillip is shocked. He looks into his nephew's eyes, which were previously purple. They're brown now, just like…
- Caleb? - A terrible guess flashed through his mind. Hunter chuckled. Or rather, Caleb chuckled.
- Are there any other options? Of course, it's me. Aren't you glad that we're finally together again? - Oh no, Phillip is not happy.
- What about Hunter? - He's almost whispering it, but Caleb heard him anyway.
- What about him?
- WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY NEPHEW, YOU BASTARD?! - Phillip screams as loud as he can. He's very angry
- The fake was able to return the original. Everyone is happy, aren’t we? - Caleb's face is genuinely puzzled. It's like he can't understand why his brother is so angry.
- You k-killed him. You killed Hunter. Why?
- Oh, come on, you wanted this. All these years you've been trying to get me back. And now I’m here. So I don’t get it why you so angry
- I've changed my mind. I don’t need you.
- Oh, it's a pity. Wait, I know what will make your happy! I killed those witches and those poor people whose souls they corrupted! Now we can go to that horrible place and end our work as witch hunters
- No… - Phillip doesn't believe it. Phillip doesn't want to believe. He’s lying! He’s lying! Philip sniffs the air and smells blood. He listens and understands that there is only one heart beating in the house, the one that belongs to him. He sees Hun… Caleb's bloody hands. He looked around. On either side of him lay the bodies of those to whom he had become attached. Willow, Gus, Amity, Vee, Luz, Camilla, they were all lying dead. And this thing, the thing that had once abandoned him, the thing that had taken over his nephew's body, the thing that he now hated with all his soul... The thing was smiling.
Phillip wasn't just angry, he was furious. In a couple of seconds, a monster stood in the place of a man. A monster who was ready to avenge the loss of the most dear thing in Phillip's life. With a loud roar, the monster pounced on the one he once adored. With one bite, he tore off half of his head. The teenager's body fell to the floor, his blood mixed with the blood of his former friends.
He was alone again, he was alone again, he was alone again...
Phillip woke up in a cold sweat. He was lying on the sofa in the living room of Camilla and Luz's house. Was it all a dream? Just one terrible nightmare. He quickly went down to the basement, trying not to make any noise. He was so glad to see Gus and Hunter sleeping peacefully in their beds, but he had to check something else, so he awoke his nephew.
- Uncle? Something happened? - Hunter is very surprised when his uncle looks closely into his eyes. Phillip is glad to see those purple eyes more than anything in the world. He hugs Hunter, who is surprised by the sudden hugs, but he hugs his uncle back.
- It's you. It's really you. - Phillip almost whispers. surprising his nephew even more.
- Ehm... Yes, it's me. It's me. - He pats his uncle on the back, worried about him. He sees Flepjack watching them closely, and then pecks Gus until he wakes up. Hunter puts his finger to his mouth, his friend nods and begins to watch them with interest. – Everything is normal.
- I'm glad to hear that. - After a while, Phillip says. – I'm glad you're okay.
- What could have happened to me while I was sleeping? I'm always on my guard! - A sudden guess appears in his mind - Uncle, did you have a bad dream… about me?
- It was a terrible dream. A real nightmare. - He agrees, because Hunter was right - I want to tell you.... You don't just look like him more than others. You're much better than him in everything. I'm glad I can call you my nephew.
Hunter is very surprised. What did his uncle dream about? Hunter feels very sorry for him. They hug for ten minutes before Phillip goes back to his sofa. Left alone, the boys sit in silence for a while, and then decide to discuss it in the morning with their friends.
☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ you didn't have to do this like that THAT IS SO ,💔💔💔 him going from wanting Caleb back to deciding he doesn't care anymore and just wants Hunter to be himself and be safe AUGH THAT.
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jpitha · 11 months
Dreams of Hyacinth 28
First / Previous / Next
While Tink docked to the Xenni station, Nick and Eastern got dressed.
"Do we need to wear anything special? I don't know the Xenni very well." Eastern was pulling on clothes and talking with Tink through one of her support frames.
"They breath a mix that's similar to yours and the K'laxi. You should be fine. You might find that it smells odd. They have more sulfur in their home planet's atmosphere than Earth, but the concentrations they have won't hurt you. There's a touch less oxygen and more xenon too, but not enough to worry about, especially for the time we're going to be there. They like it warm too, so short sleeves will be fine."
"Thanks Tink." Eastern looked over at Nick. He was busy pulling his pants back on. "Ready to go meet the Xenni?"
"No, but I guess we're going to do it anyway." Nick sighed as he finished putting his clothes on.
"What's wrong, hon?"
Nick looked up at Eastern, worry on his face. "Eastern, we're two criminals from Hyacinth. Small time crooks who - until two weeks ago - used to con people out of their valuables and effectively shoplift. Now, we're lightyears from home, on the run from an Empress who has a Voice that can make people do what she says, and we're going to talk to another sapient species about touching a magic stone in a warp gate to do... something. We're not even sure what's going on. Why would I be okay?"
Eastern strode over and hugged Nick tightly. "We'll be okay because we're doing it together."
Nick melted into the hug. "I hope so Eastern. I'm way out of my element. I've been trying to hold it together these past few days, but... with all that's going on... and Selkirk..." Tears welled in Nicks eyes and he didn't say anything else.
Eastern held Nick a long time until Tink made a throat clearing noise. Nick started and looked up at Tink's support frame. "Sorry, it's just that we're docked, and I can see that some Xenni are waiting outside the airlock. Do you need a moment?"
Nick broke off the hug. "I'll be okay Tink, it's just... been a lot for me."
Tink's support frame nodded. "I get that. I'll go do some final checks and meet you by the airlock in a few."
Nick washed his face and took a few breaths. He came out of the bathroom looking much better. "I sure hope the wild surprises end soon. I could use a vacation."
Eastern smiled. "I'd like that. Take me to Parvati."
"It's a deal. When this is all done, we'll go spend a month on Parvati. I'll show you all my favorite places."
Nick and Eastern found Chloe, Hat and Tink's support frame waiting for them down at the airlock. "Everyone is here. Let's get this over with." Chloe sighed and reached for the airlock cycle.
Eastern narrowed her eyes. "Wait. Chloe, Nick and I plan on telling them the truth. We want to examine the Gate, and touch the stone inside. Were you planning on..."
Chloe's hand reached back from the airlock cycle button. "Honestly? If it was just us-" she gestured at Hat and Tink "-I wouldn't tell them a thing and just request to see the gate and examine it."
"Bully them you mean." Hat crossed his arms.
Chloe glared at Hat but said nothing. "Since twice now I have told you something that... didn't quite happen the way I expected it I am willing to try and do things your way. We will not hide anything from them. But I don't think we should come clean with everything all at once either."
Hat shrugged. "For once, I agree with Chloe. Telling them everything might be a bit... much. We don't know how much they know about Empress Melody - if anything - and her and Raaden's Voice. Without seeing it, it's kind of tough to accept."
Eastern looked at Nick and he nodded once. "That's fair. It is pretty wild what they can do."
Chloe looked at everyone one more time, and pressed the airlock cycle. The airlock hummed and hissed for a few seconds and the inner door opened. Everyone stepped inside, and the door shut.
After another moment, the outer door opened and Nick's nose was assaulted with the smell of the sea. It's smelled like low tide at a beach back on Parvati. He knew that the Xenni were much more aquatic than humans were, but this was surprising. Did they live on a water world?
As the party stepped out, they were met by three Xenni. They were shorter than humans, but wider. Their bodies had a glossy carapace that shone under the artificial lighting. Nick noticed that at the joints of their limbs, the carapace was segmented almost like armor. They walked on two large legs with two more behind, and they had two arm like appendages that were more or less where human arms where. Their heads were large, with visible mouthparts that looked like they helped put food into their mouths and two eyes on short stalks above their head.
Crab people. Nick realized with a start. They looked like crab people.
One of them, whose carapace was a deep dark bluish red had colorful badges on their chest. It looked like an indicator of rank. "Greetings, and welcome to Xenni Station 73. My name is Coreanth and I will be your guide, assistant, and liaison while here."
Eastern stepped forward. "Thank you Coreanth. My name is Eastern, this is Nick, and Chloe, and Medicine Hat, and the support frame is Tinker Toy, our ship. We are pleased to meet you."
One of the Xenni next to Coreanth raised one of their arms and a device whirred and beeped. They made a noise at Coreanth and moved their arm such so that Coreanth could read the device. "Ah. Two of you are human, and the rest are-" they struggled for words "-not."
Chloe smiled thinly. "That is correct Coreanth. Nick and Eastern are biological humans, the rest of us are not."
To their credit, Coreanth seemed to recover quickly. "Welcome, welcome! Please, accompany me, and we can lead you to the Gate. We have added atmosphere to it, and connected it to our station. You can breathe there easily, there is no need for suits." They turned and gestured for them to follow.
As the group walked down the hall, the two Xenni with Coreanth took up station behind them. They seemed to carry no weapons, but their purpose was clear. They were guards meant to make sure nobody strayed from the group.
Coreanth sounded jovial though. "Tell me, it has been many years since we have met any humans outside of our standard meetings and exchanges of information. What brings you into our empire?"
"We're interested in the Gates. We would like to examine one, and try and learn more about it."
"Are you a part of the expedition that came through about 10 of your years back and explored the Gate system? I was not part of the group that gave access, but I remember reading about the expedition as they passed through Xenni space."
"Not... exactly, no." Eastern was careful "But we are trying to further the knowledge they gathered. They learned some interesting things about the Gates, and we're looking to build upon that knowledge."
"Oh? That is fascinating. We have had the Gates in our empire for as long as we have had an empire. We have examined many of them very thoroughly. Maybe we know the information you seek already."
As Coreanth took a few steps further down the hall, Nick looked around. The hall had rounded walls, and while it was brightly lit, the color was different than he was used to. It was bluer, harsher. He wondered if the Xenni evolved under a brighter, bluer star than humans. It might explain their carapace too, if they were exposed to higher concentrations of ultraviolet light.
Eastern nodded quickly. "We'd like that Coreanth, you probably do know far more about the Gates than we do, we'd like the opportunity to learn from you."
Coreanth's mouthparts clacked. Nick realized it was clearly a body language gesture, but he had no idea what it meant. Nick was kicking himself for not bringing a translator module. It would have told him things he can't pick up about Xenni body language. At least Coreanth speaks Colonic very well.
Coreanth's mouthparts clacked again. "I will tell you a surprising fact about the Gates right now in fact. Did you know that there is a distributed intelligence that lives inside the Gates? They manifest themselves as nanoscale machines on this side of the gates, but exist almost wholly in the liminal space where the main Gate is?"
Eastern, Nick, Chloe, Hat and Tink stop walking. Nick and Eastern look at Coreanth with wide eyes and Chloe looks around the hall worriedly.
"You did not know this, yes? It's very surprising is it not?" Coreanth's mouthparts clack again. Nick wonders if it's a Xenni smile.
"Coreanth... are they called Nanites?"
Coreanth's eye stalks wave back and forth. Another Xenni body language. "They are, Eastern! I am very surprised you knew this. Where did you learn it?"
Eastern takes a step and then stops. She looks back at Nick, her eyes wide. She's almost ready to panic. Nick steps foward. "Coreanth, did the Nanites tell you about... an Empress?"
"Empress Melody? Yes, we know about her. The Human who took up the mantle of the Old Empress and is attempting to rebuild their empire. The Nanites said that she has made a few personality backups. We've spoken to her a few times now."
Eastern's head swivels over to Coreanth. "Coreanth, Melody is dead. She died ten years ago."
Coreanth's mouthparts clack. Nick is sure it's a nod. "Her human body is dead yes, but like I mentioned, she made a few backups to the Nanites. We can speak to her if you'd like. All of the previous Empresses are there too. It can get quite noisy if they all want to speak." Coreanth starts walking again. "Come! We can go visit them now if you'd like. I was going to give you a tour first, but it seems like you would like to meet your Empress. We can do that first, and take a tour after."
Coreanth took them through the long, winding halls of the Xenni station and down deeper. Soon, they reached another heavy door, and the fourth Xenni they've seen this entire time was standing guard. This one was carrying a rifle. It was like nothing Nick had ever seen. It was a similar color to the Xenni's carapace and was rounded and seemed to mold into their arms and hands perfectly. As they approached the guard straightened up, and said something in their whispering, chittering language. Coreanth gestured at them and replied. Satisfied, the guard stepped to the side.
On the other side of the door, the hall was much different. Made of stone, or a stone like material, it was much wider and cooler than on the Xenni station. The light was more yellow as well, closer to the light Nick would expect to see. After a short walk, they came to what looked like the end of the hall.
Coreanth's mouthparts clacked again. Nick had a hunch they were having a great time. "Humans, would you please approach the wall here? I have a feeling that when you approach it will open."
Nick and Eastern approached the wall. When they were about a half meter away, there was a rumbling, and the wall slid down into the floor, revealing a large, airy chamber ahead of them. Nick looked over at Coreanth. "If it opens for us automatically, how did you get in?"
"At first, we forced our way in. After we met the Nanites and talked things over, they added our signature to their memories, and allowed us to operate their machinery."
"But why does it work for us without that?"
Coreanth pointedly did not clack their mouthparts. "Because you are Builders. You already have access." They stepped ahead. "Come, I will show you the Directory Stone."
As they walked further into the Gate, Nick and Eastern looked around. It was almost like a temple, or a mausoleum. It was clearly made for a ceremonial purpose. People never lived here. It appeared to Nick that there were places for people to gather in this main room, and they all faced towards a very large door at the other end of the room.
Before the door, was a dais. A half meter tall, it was a circle nearly in the center of the room. As Nick and Eastern approached, there was a flash of green light, and appearing on the dais, was... a hologram.
Chloe gasped when she saw it. "Nick, Eastern, look. It's a map."
Nick and Eastern stopped and looked at the map. It spun genly in front of them. "Where are we I wonder?" Nick looked at Chloe.
When he spoke, the map spun and whirled until one point was in front of them. symbols flashed in front of the point. Words, most likely. "Chloe, what was the name of the huge station that Melody was on when she became Empress?"
"Reach of the Might of Vzzx, I think."
Nick looked at the map. "Where is Reach of the Might of Vzzx?"
The map spun and the points became very small and the view backed out until Nick could make out the entire galaxy, and then quickly zoomed in to another point. Here more text flashed, and there was a different symbol, yellow that was flashing, almost like an error.
"Look, that's where the Reach is supposed to be, but that symbol is flashing."
Coreanth looked at the map with them. "It says that the station is not where it is supposed to be."
Eastern turned to Coreanth in shock. "You can read it?"
"Yes. Those of us who spend a long time with the Nanites can take on a small measure of their skills. We are not Builders, but with high enough densities of Nanites - and their permission - we can leverage their abilities. It is why I am able to be speaking to you. I don't actually know Colonic, but I can speak it to you thanks to the Nanites. I can also read their text readouts."
"Will that happen to us?"
"I do not know. It is up to the Nanites, I suppose." Coreanth turned and stepped away from the dias. "Come, they're just through here."
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k0ppyi · 1 year
.. / .-.. --- ...- . / -.-- --- ..- in which chihiro goes back to the Spirit Realm, meets old Friends, but Not the one shes looking for. (At least not in Spirit Realm)
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"Happy birthday, Chihiro," her mom and dad smiled at her. Chihiro smiled and blew out the candles. "What wish did you make?" Her dad asked, "w-wish? I'm way too old for that!" She scoffed.
Chihiro spent the rest of her day with family and friends. But she couldn't help but feel as if something was calling to her.
A few days later, Chihiro decided to go on a bike ride. The feeling was still there and she had to get rid of it. "Mom, dad! I'm heading out!" She called, "wear a coat!" Her mom replied. "Oh and remember, we're going somewhere, so take the keys!" Her dad calls, "mhm!"
Chihiro biked all the way down the hill she lived on. She came to a stop. The woods, the woods where she knew there was a tunnel. "Should I go in...?" She asks herself, feeling a sense of deja vu. She turned her bike and pedaled towards the tunnel. Chihiro hopped off her bike and stepped forward. Chihiro's eyes widened. She remembered. She remembered everything. The Spirit Realm, her time as a worker at the bathhouse, Lin, Kamaji, Haku.... It all clicked. Her strange dreams where she feels deja vu, her interests in supernatural things, everything. Chihiro stepped in, "should I..?" She asked herself. She nodded, "I will," she said, stepping inside the tunnel.
The more she walked through the tunnel, the more she felt memories fading into her. And then she was on the other side. It looked the same as when she left. She wondered if everyone else changed like her. Or do people in the Spirit Realm not grow? She made her way through the city, she remembered that Haku fed her something, a berry, maybe? She ran out to a field and looked around. A red berry, yes a red berry. She picked it and pocketed it. "I guess all I have to do is wait..." she muttered. She wasn't too sure how time worked in the Spirit Realm, hopefully she would get back before her parents.
After a while of waiting, waiting, and waiting, it finally turned night. Chihiro stood up and noticed herself disappearing. She ate the berry and soon enough, she became visible. "Now what to do....what to do..." she muttered, "it'd definitely cause a ruckus if I entered the bathhouse, but what other choice do I have...?" She doubted Haku still worked for Yubaba, but still. She looked at the building, then the train tracks. 'Building or train tracks?' She asked herself. She didn't have a ticket, surely she can walk. But who knows how long it'd take for her to get to Swamp Bottom? She sighed, taking her final breath as she held her breath in.
When she passed security, she took a breath. She ran down to the boiler room and slammed the door open. As she walked in, Kamaji said, "it's rude not to knock, you know," he said, fiercely. "Kamaji, it's me, Chihiro. I have a question," she said. Kamaji straightened his back a little. He turned his head, slowly. "...Chihiro?" He muttered. Chihiro nodded, "oh! It's you! I remember when you were so small!" He said, patting her head with one arm. "Well, I'm 15 now," she chuckled, "15, wow..." he muttered, "anyways, what's your question?" He asked. "Um...I wanna know what happened after I left. You know, to Lin, Zeniba, No-Face, Haku," she said, counting on her fingers.
Kamaji went silent, as if he was thinking. "Let's see, Lin's still saving money for train tickets, so she's working here. Zeniba and No-Face are still together in the cottage. And Haku...well, he visits us, but it seems like he's busy venturing both the Human and Spirit Realm," Kamaji says. "W-what!?" She exclaimed, "what? What's wrong," Kamaji asked. "Well..I was kinda hoping to find him here, but now you told me he's in the Human Realm too. It seems impossible that I'll be able to meet with him again!" She cried, tears starting to form. Kamaji grabbed a tissue and wiped her tears, "don't cry, Chihiro, there's many possibilities you'll see him," he says, Chihiro sniffles. "He doesn't live in the Human Realm, he just goes adventuring there, plus, he couldn't have gotten too far from where you live in the Human Realm," he comforted, "you're right..." She calmed down.
Then, the door opened, "hey Kamaji, here's your food," the woman said. "Lin!" Chihiro cried, happily, "huh? Whose this dope? And how does she know my name," Lin said. Chihiro took no offense, she knows she's changed. "It's me! Chihiro!" Chihiro exclaims, "Chihiro? Jeez! You've grown so much, how long has it been? It feels like you were small and tiny just yesterday!" Lin exclaimed, "5 years for me.." Chihiro smiled. "What brings you back here?" Lin asks, "she has intentions of finding Haku," Kamaji explains. "Really?" Lin asks, "yes! Do you have any idea where he could be?" Chihiro asks, "I suggest going to the place you first met him, if he's not there, maybe you can ask Zeniba," Lin says, "I don't have train tickets," Chihiro's smile fades. Lin looks at Kamaji. "Don't Look at me, those train tickets were hard to get," he says. "Ah! Maybe I could walk!" Chihiro suggests. They both look at her. "You sure? It could take a while," "I'll be fine," Kamaji and Lin look at each other , "okay, but if you can't stand walking much longer, just come back," Lin says. Chihiro nods and runs out.
"Hey! Chihiro! Wait for me! I have the boat!" Lin calls, running down with a wooden boat. "Ah! Sorry!" Chihiro calls.
Lin places the boat in the water and boards it, "here," she says. Chihiro gets in and they make their way to the train tracks. "Alright, be safe," Lin says, "okay," Chihiro says, taking off her shoes and holding them in one hand.
Chihiro finally gets to Swamp Bottom, and she's greeted with the lamp. She follows the lamp and knocks on the cottage door. "No-Face, dear, would you go get that?" Zeniba asks. Then, the door opened. No-Face tilts their head. "Uh, hi No-Face," Chihiro waves. "Who's that" Zeniba asks. "It's me, Chihiro, granny," she says, putting her hand up. "Chihiro? Why, I haven't seen you in years," Zeniba says. "Come in, come in," she smiles. Chihiro enters. No-Face pulled out a chair for her. "So what brings you here?" Zeniba asks, "I'm looking for Haku," Chihiro says, "Haku? Hmmm..." she mutters. "Do you have any idea where he is?" Chihiro asks, "no, unfortunately I don't," Chihiro saddens. "I won't ever see him again.." Chihiro muttered. Tears started falling down her eyes as she thought of never reuniting with Haku again. "Oh dear...please don't cry," Zeniba said. No-Face took a napkin and wiped Chihiro's face. "Chihiro, honey. Dont ever look at the negative side of things. You will never get out of that pit if you do. Believe that you'll see him again. You know you'll see him again," Zeniba said, consoling the girl. Chihiro sobbed even more. But she knew Zeniba was right. She had to be positive.
Chihiro left the tunnel, this time with memories. As she was about to hop on her bike, a voice came from behind her. "Excuse me..." the boy said. Chihiro flinched in surprise, "o-oh...hello," she said, turning around. The boy in front of her looked vaguely familiar.He had a short bob-cut and thin eyes. Almost like...! Chihiro gasped, "....Haku?" She muttered, stepping closer.
The boy stared at her, smiling, "Chihiro," he smiled. Chihiro smiled and ran all the way towards him to give him a hug. "Haku!" She exclaimed, happily. Tears started spilling from her eyes as she sank to the floor. "I-I didn't think we'd meet again...." She cried, Haku wrapped his arms around her. "Now that we're together....I don't ever wanna seperate again!" Chihiro cried, launching into his chest as he fell on his bottom. "Yes....we will stay in touch..." Haku replied, happily.
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thesimpsbasement · 1 year
𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕓𝕖 𝕞𝕪 𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕖!
Sorry this is like, a month overdue but sickness decided to pay me a visit so I just felt too miserable to write so uhm yeah,March ver a Valentine's day fic,this is also lowkey self indulgent sorry not sorry
Fandom:The disastrous life of saiki k
Characters: Kusuo Saik
Author: Mod Betty
Warning/tags:platonic,reader's sexuality is not mentioned,Saiki talks telepathically to the reader,kinda goofy ngl it's saiki k we're talking about
Reader is gender neutral 
Word count :1,256 words
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    Valentine's day,the day where high-schoolers go heart-eyed for everyone they see,chocolates,red and pink cards filled with hearts…the teenage dream,but it isn't so lovey dovey ,why? Simple.Rejection. The utter despair when your crush doesn't share your feelings of love and affection, truly sad but not Saiki's problem. He didn't understand the Valentine's craze,all his friends seemed to disagree, all fantasizing about their dream partner giving them the sweet box of heart chocolates.Well almost all his friends, the exception was you.You often shared his feelings when it came to stuff like this,you hated it as much as he did.You knew of his problem of girls fawning over him and he knew how you also had a similar issue,classmates not getting your hints about not liking them in that way and they're surprised when you are forced to reject them in person because they were too blind to see you weren't interested.It was a pain for the both of you,the unwanted attention was honestly tiring and with the holiday all about love coming tomorrow you both knew your days will be just awful. So during a class where you didn't feel like paying attention to,you heard Saiki's voice in your head 'Got any ideas for tomorrow?' He asks trying to figure out how both of you can escape from it 'Nope,just thinking about it is giving me a headache' you respond ,this wasn't the first time you both talked telepathically, it was easier and it wouldn't cause attention or rumors about you two dating or something. 'Guess we'll somehow have to leave the situations if we can't avoid them' Saiki said ,pondering on any escape plans that wouldn't involve him directly using his powers such as teleporting in front of them 'Just like the stuff you pulled on Chiyo?' You tease ,turning to him to see his face,annoyed at your comment 'Don't remind me' is all he said.
        So the day has arrived,both you and Saiki were a tad bit nervous, hoping there wouldn't be too many suitors for each,it's not like they're Teruhashi or some harem anime.But as they stepped on the school premise they get ready for their "avoid all nuisances at all costs" mission to begin.
    First period was…rough… to say the least.You definitely weren't expecting chocolates and flowers on your desk already,at least not this many anyway.You definitely knew they were watching you,waiting for your reaction.You pretended to not see them,and when you blocked the view of the chocolates,they were gone! The suitors looked away for just a second and it's gone!? Did they accidentally place it on the wrong desk!? Surely not they could've sworn they placed it on your desk.Said flowers and chocolates ended up on Teruhashi's pile,there were so many anyway,one extra wouldn't be noticed 'Thanks for the help' you say in your mind,hoping Saiki could hear you through the noise of other people's thoughts 'Don't thank me yet,this has only just begun' He responded staring at his empty desk,he got lucky,he was quiet,never talking to people so his classmates didn't really notice him as much as people noticed you since you at least talked when interacting. 
         Saiki has heard that one of the girl's wants to confess to him later today.He immediately went straight to you,telepathically of course to let you know of the situation so you can make a plan to get him out of the conversation. Surely enough after the second period,the girl came to him.She seemed nervous, biting her bottom lip,cheeks already red.Saiki was already feeling awkward being there,he just wanted to leave. "Uhm Saiki I w-was wondering if you could be my-" before she could finish her sentence you ran up to them, after panting from running you look at Saiki "Hey Saiki a teacher is asking you come to their ,something about wanting to talk about a grade" you lied,hoping your performance was believable. Saiki nodded before heading in to the supposed teacher when in reality it was just his next class ,thankfully this girl wasn't from his class so there wouldn't be any awkward moments. The girl sighed in defeat looking at the floor as she walked away,you had to admit you did feel bad for her but eh that's what rejection does to a person. You watch her go to whatever she was headed before heading towards your own destination. 
      Lunchtime was pretty tame,most people being focused on eating rather than confessing, besides no one would risk getting rejected in front of the whole school in the middle of the cafeteria.  However this peace wouldn't last for much longer. So far it was all clear,the next class went smoothly without any instances. However when you decided to go outside for some fresh air,that peace was ruined.Someone you didn't even recognise came up to you smiling before saying "well since it's Valentine's day I feel like it's only right I say this ____ I've admired you since I first saw you,you were like an angel that has come from the sky,your beauty is something that could rival anyone else" they began to say,not showing signs of being finished.Saiki wasn't nearby so you began to worry when suddenly you welp a gust of wind suddenly appear out on nowhere and somehow ,the handkerchief from your pocket flew out causing you to turn around and watch it fly into the distance "uhm sorry but I gotta go get this,see you later" you say as you ran for the now practically flying handkerchief till you reached a secluded area only to see a certain pink haired boy." So it was you" you say,knowing that it wasn't windy at all today,he simply shrugged acting like he had no involvement.'Looks like it's 2 encounters with you and one for me' He says "don't jinx it because I'm not sure how to save you this time" you joked before checking to see if the area is clear before both of you walked back in the school. 
           The day ended and both of you thought it was finally over,you both went to your lockers to put your shoes away when suddenly two people walked up,some towards saiki and the other towards you,shoot! How were you two supposed to get out of this!?You both were nervous, preparing yourself for doom then you both heard a voice "Saiki! ____" it was Toritsuka! Seeing as you two were probably friends with the medium,they slowly backed away,apologizing before walking away.Oh Toritsuka you miracle of a man you are! You saved both of them."uhm what's up with your faces,looks like you just got out of a tight situation" he asks,confused look on his face "because we did" you signed astou changed your shoes,Saiki following suit.The three of you went home,Toritsuka teasing Saiki about he's a playboy for getting all the girls despite him indirectly rejecting all of them. Eventually you get home and both of you flop on your beds. You look up at the ceiling of your room sighing,before smiling "I owe Kusuo a coffee jelly" you think to yourself, not knowing the same boy is thinking the same about you."I owe ____ a coffee jelly".
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