#anyway one looks like a little goober
qweerty30 · 6 months
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l0ganberry · 3 months
Since I did Barnaby, why not do all the rest of the neighbors? (Including home)
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All of this started because of one simple and funny thing I did with Barnaby
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tonariofjananda · 1 year
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Based on a this ask
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Been playing a TON of palworld and I am so autistic over it 😭 it's literally just me and my little goober animal friends that go around and explore just a beautiful open world map and build and try to survive 🫶 what more could I really ask for
#hope i can just see little art of the goobers in the tags one day#and not a bunch of arguing#its so pretty too like im in love with the red area that looks like fall#and my giant chillet boss i caught 🫶#i honestly thought it was going to be exactly like pokemon but its genuinely a lot more like rust but with little guys 🫶#i would say its like minecraft but minecraft is too far off in its own wag#i only say rust because ive seen my brither play it and that looks about right#i saw people say that they make basically slave farms and like ??? HOW??#if they dont live in the most comfortable and happy environment they will NOT work 😭😭😭#i dodnt know that they liked higher quality meals so i was only feeding them berries and everyone was just angry sleeping or slacking 😭#i was so distraught too because i thought i did everything perfect 😭#THEY HAVE THREE HOT TUB/SPA THINGS!!#WHY ARE YOU MAD ABOUT THE WORK ENVIRONMENT 😭#anyway now they get great meals and i make sure to pet them whenever they help me with something 🫶#tried making a base for only farming materials and i literally spent more mats just making the bare minimum 😭#which still needs at least one hottub 😭😭😭#anyway ramble over#just having a lot of fun and im glad i gave it a shot#if youre on the fence- its a lot more than just pokemon and guns#if you just really like survival overworld games with cute creatures that are reminicent of pokemon#i think youll love it#oh yeah you can capture humans LMAO#useless tho 😒 id rather have a cute little sheep that has the same stats#palworld#ramble#autistic ramblings
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timetothirst · 16 days
Simon Riley is (not so) secretly a huge sap | Part 2
(A/N)- FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF. and a little angst but mostly so much sweetness that it’ll raise your blood sugar. i banged this out in one sitting with no breaks so if it seems incorrect or weird then no it isn’t. i’m sleep deprived and v lonely i hope u understand. That being said enjoy my little goobers! MWAH
You love Simon’s tattoos. You trace them with your fingers whenever you get the chance, kiss the ones on his chest and shoulders whenever he huddles close to you in bed. You even managed to convince him to let you color in part of his sleeve once, provided you used washable markers. He lets you doodle on him too, if you like. You have to use black pen, though- he’s got a theme going, don’t you know.
Sometimes, when curiosity strikes you, you’ll point to a particular one, ask how he got it and why. His answers range from profound and emotional to “Eh, I thought it’d look cool. And I was right.” These ones are your personal favorites, the ones that are only there to fill out the tapestry on his skin. Like the small, quarter-sized ones hidden on the inside of his wrist, all grouped together; A bucket hat, a baseball cap and a little bar of soap. The symbol for TF141 on his bicep. Barbed wire, chains, and swirling flames that seemed to leap off his skin, even in black and white. A ballistic missile with a shark face painted on it, which- and even he would admit this- was a bit of an impulse decision, and kind of clashed with the rest of his sleeve, even though it still looked good.
There are ones you know not to bring up. Ones that clearly have dark memories attached, his own twisted way of explaining why he was who he was, ensuring he never forgot. It wasn’t healthy to have permanent reminders of his perceived failures etched into his flesh. He knew that now, but they still held sentimental value, however strange that may have sounded. A cockroach on his shoulder, dog tags. A rifle, helmet and boots, all stood up together. A date written above three skulls, side by side, one of them far too small. You didn’t ask about these.
It’s because of this that, when he brings you a gift one day, its importance isn’t clear right away.
You’d been together a while. It wasn’t a birthday or an anniversary, nothing too special. Still, hed gotten you something anyway
“Oh. Almost forgot…”
He was fresh out of the shower when he remembered, wearing a pair of sweats and little else. He spent some time digging through plastic bags in order to find it. “Popped by the shops and saw it sittin’ there. Thought it’d look nice on ya, an’ I had the cash on me, so…” he had explained with a shrug.
Despite his feigned nonchalance, you had known him long enough to tell that he was nervous about your possible reaction to his present. A bit unusual for him, but not strange, per se. When he handed you a small, rectangular box with shiny gold lettering on it- the name of some company or other, but you couldn’t read the font- you took it happily.
You thanked him even before you knew what it was, which he teased you for just before pressing a kiss to your forehead and telling you to open it.
It ended up being a cuff bracelet. In your preferred metal, of course. Simon remembered little things like that. It fit perfectly, and it was made to look like a key had been bent and wrapped around your wrist. It looked pretty sweet, actually, and your eyes were bright as you put it on and thanked him once more.
You could tell that there was something you weren’t putting together, though. The way he was looking at you, holding his breath and searching for a reaction of some kind. You fiddled with your new key bracelet and glanced around, but you couldn’t figure out what he was waiting for.
“…What’s happening right now? Is there, like. Something else, or-?”
He rolled his eyes then, giving a quiet chuckle. “Bloody hell. You’re lucky you’re cute, you lil’ idiot.” He teased, though there was nothing but soft affection behind his words.
“And you’re lucky you’re handsome, you big jerk,” You replied, your tone exactly the same and your smile never faltering. “Now, will you please tell me what i’m not getting?”
He was tense and silent as he nodded and took your arm, the one you had placed the bracelet on. He directed your hand to his chest and guided you to press your palm flat against the skin there. That was when you looked down and put two and two together.
It was one of the oldest tattoos he had, judging by the fading and quality, though it still looked just as good as all the others.
A shiny metal lock, just off center and resting right over his heart.
Lock tattoo. Key bracelet. Blushing, fidgety boyfriend that looked like he was going to sink into the floor at any moment.
Ohhhh my god.
For a second, you stood there, too stunned to say anything. You kept your hand on his chest and used your free one to cover your mouth, your eyes wide as you looked from him, to the bracelet and back again.
“I kept the receipt.” He muttered.
That snapped you out of your trance, and you immediately shook your head as you began to tear up.
“Simon…it’s beautiful. This is- I don’t even know what to say, it’s just-“ You choked out. You leaned forward and hugged him then, your grip tight and your head resting where your hand had been just moments ago. Thanks to your new closeness, you could actually hear his heart beating now. Much faster than normal, but beginning to slow down now as he wrapped his arms around you in return.
Simon was many things, but a poet wasn’t one of them. He didn’t even want to attempt to tell you just how significant this gesture was to him, not with words anyway. He didn’t even think he could if he tried, if he was honest with himself. But he didn’t have to. You understood. You were always good like that. His sweet, wonderful partner that not only filled a hole in him he never knew he had, but also helped patch up the old ones with soft touches and encouraging words.
“Thank you, Simon.” You whispered. He could feel your lips moving and your warm breath ghosting across his skin as you remained latched onto him, refusing to let go anytime soon. Not that he minded. He rested his chin atop your head, closing his eyes and savoring your presence just like he always did. When his voice eventually returned, it came out impossibly soft.
“No, thank you.”
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abswife · 5 months
modern gf! ellie headcanons
i'm in love with this woman so this is what she'd be like as your girlfriend <3
nsfw at the bottom mdni
you'd meet her at a vintage thrift store
you'd be there with a couple of your friends and one of them would be like "omg check out the hottie over there"
and you look over and it's ellie looking gooood
then she'd like trip over the carpet or some shit, looking like a dumbass and your friends would immediately lose interest
but not you
you'd be like hot and awkward??
hell yeah
i am a loser ellie truther i won't be stopped
ESPECIALLY modern ellie
like ellie without all of her trauma would be a total goofball lets be fr
so anyway, you'd find a way to talk to her
and you end up securing those digits
you guys would go on a couple dates and start hanging out a lot
you kept waiting for her to ask you to be her girlfriend but it just wasn't happening
so, you took it upon yourself
once you guys are official, she can be much more suave
however, she's still a goober
she would work at a comic book store
and even though she has tons of comics readily available to her, she still owns a like a whole plastic tub of them
wouldn't even put them on a bookshelf, just keeps them in a plastic tub
she DEFINITELY is still a space nerd
maybe she's a student studying astronomy or something
her idea of a date is watching a movie at home and eating ramen noodles lmao
idk why but i feel like when she's at home she just refuses to wear a shirt
like she is just constantly walking around in her sports bra
she also ABSOLUTELY owns a pair of dinosaur boxers and they are her favorite
her favorite pet names for you are babe and pretty girl
and probably like "my little crunchwrap supreme"
she's the type of girlfriend that would do stupid shit to impress you
like she'd try to jump over a trashcan or something in public and totally eat shit
absolutely oblivious to how hot she is
like girls will stare at her in public and when you get huffy about it she's like "??? what are you talking about?"
she is usually a top but will bottom if you ask nicely
despite her awkward and silly personality, in the bedroom she's actually very confident and sexy
though she still likes to mess around and have fun
she could eat pussy all day it's her favorite activity
when she uses a strap she acts like it's her actual dick
she'd have you suck her off and she'd be moaning and groaning like she can feel it
when she bottoms she likes to be spanked oop-
however a little more hesitant to spank you cause she's like "but baaabe i don't want to hurt you :("
though it doesn't really take much convincing lol
she's got a high libido
bby likes to fuck at least every other day like she's a horny little monster
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meanbossart · 5 days
Okay but I would love to hear your thoughts on the other spawn
Twirling my hair shifty-eyeing to the side OKAAAYYYYY WELL IF YOU INSIST 🛀
(This is a continuation of this post where I go into some detail about my thoughts on Dalyria, Violet, and Leon ((or "Leonard" as I apparently dubbed him as by mistake))
Let me start with the one I love the most after my sweet well-meaning-child-murdering-doctor Dalyria: Pale Petras.
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First of all, just look at this fucking guy. What a goober.
I pretty explicitly go off-canon when it comes to my theories about Petras. According to him, he has been with Cazador for a hundred years - I find that very, very difficult to believe. Whether I would scrap that line entirely or just tack it as hyperbole is irrelevant - though he does seem to have a knack for the dramatics, or at least he tries to.
Petras immediately strikes me as a newcomer in the group. He's the most lively out of the spawn we chat with and seems to still retain what is a pretty strong, bold personality. He's antagonizing towards Astarion and pretty much sides with Cazador up until his life is on the line - and, most interestingly to me, his immediate reaction after being freed if you instruct them to lead the spawn into the Underdark seems to be one of fear and reluctance, unlike Dalyria who almost immediately takes the responsibility upon herself and seems warm towards Astarion and the player for what they've done.
Abusive relationships don't start abusive. If you've ever been friends with someone who's hooked up with a known serial abuser, chances are that you have had to sit through their attempts at justifying their behavior as foretold by previous partners - "oh, they just weren't a good match", "they both enabled abuse towards each other", "his ex was just crazy, man." This honeymoon period can last anywhere from a few weeks, to several years - until said friend inevitably finds themselves in the exact same cycle that said ex escaped from.
That's Petras. Petras is fresh meat. He's compliant. He's gullible. As a human in a world where you're surrounded by races that live up to several hundreds of years, he's attributed power to longevity - he loves being a spawn. He loves knowing that he will never lose his youthful looks and that his newly-acquired "curse" makes him desirable in it's own, odd way. He thinks this gig is easy - go out, get laid, get fed, rinse and repeat. Sure, sometimes there's a misunderstanding and he gets his joints broken or nails ripped out, but whatever! They grow back! To a vampire with powers of regeneration, dismemberment and scalping might as well be equivalent to ten belt-smacks to the backside just like his father used to give him as a child. Plus, it's never really his fault - If Master knew the truth, he would never set his goons on him at all!
And Oh, he adores Cazador. Not as a friend, a lover, or even a family member - but an aspiration. He sincerely believes that through hard work and resilience he can one day also have his status and fortune. And it shouldn't even be hard to stand out among this angsty little crew - what are they so bent out of shape about, anyway If they spent less time moping and more time working, maybe they wouldn't have such a tough time. Especially -
While it is likely incidental, I find it very ironic that Petras was put in Astarion's early-access outfit. And much less accidental than that: his mannerism and word-choice are a blatant imitation of Astarion's behavior. The flair, the flirting, the flattering and the abrasiveness; I've heard it theorized that this must be how all of the spawn act - I disagree. Petras is the only one we see exhibit that type of demeanor. I think he actively models himself after Astarion because as thick as he might be, he did catch onto the fact that his master has a particular interest in the white-haired elf.
And, of course, Petras hates Astarion for it. He sees him as someone who could have had it all, but gave up on it in favor of being bitter, angry, and naively wistful over his lost life. He has the looks, he has the charm, he had his master's favor, they go out and Petras watches men and women alike swoon over him and laugh at his shitty jokes, to then return home with a long-faced, bratty little shit-head of a toddler-man who would never even understand what the paralyzing loom of mortality is like in the first place - an ungrateful, nepotistic bastard whose had it all handed over to him by daddy, who was loved and fed and given a well-paid job fresh off his teens - but now he has to put a little work in. Now he has to do things that he might find unpleasant. And all he fucking does is whine about it.
Astarion is the personification of everything Petras ever wanted to be before being turned into a spawn, and he accidentally wears it on his sleeve day in and day out. I have no doubt that Astarion is blatantly aware of that fact and it makes his skin crawl - but Dalyria tells him that Petras is too young. Too new. Cut him some slack.
And frankly, I don't think he's evil, either. He strikes me as naive and star-striken. I don't know how long he's been with the Szarrs for, but certainly the light in his eyes would eventually fade over time and he would have had all the zest beaten out of him, same as the others. But, for now - he just doesn't know his own luck.
Admittedly, I have much less to say about Yousen and Aurelia. We don't hear as much as a word out of Yousen, but I've chosen to read the silence of and about his character as indicative that, maybe, he was able to hold onto his sanity and honor the best out of all of them. He had to do what he had to do to survive, but he did it while attempting to withhold any standards allowed to him for his own peace of mind - I like to imagine he had a lot of sincere empathy for all of the spawn, and, while they were never close, him and Astarion exchanged sincere words about their situation a few times during their stay at the palace; just enough to remind the elf that he wasn't alone, but never so much that Yousen would intrude into his space, or add strain to his already fragile state of mind.
And Aurelia... She strikes me as so young and already so beaten. I'd wager that what was once a sweet tiefling girl is now a terrified animal who does absolutely whatever she can to avoid pain and punishment - the snitch of the group, the reluctant ass-kisser, the one who desperately clings to any relief in whatever form it may come - be her master's approval or the shoulder of a sibling she has damned to the kennel more than once out of fear for her own life. Everybody has been hurt, betrayed, and irritated by her - but she's just so god damn pitiful that they can't push her away forever. While she would live, I believe she would have the hardest time adapting to freedom after Violet - just completely dependent on others and burdened by what she's had to do.
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i did it for winx i did it for powerpuff girls anyway here’s my pitch for a good “modern” scooby doo remake
shaggy comes from a family of paranormal investigators. at barely 16 years olds he returns to his hometown of coolsville with his dog after his super rich parents tell him it’s time to live up to the family name, taking him there specifically because of many rumors about cursed areas of the town and crmiinals who take advantage of said rumors to pretend to be monsters themselves. while there he reconnects with his old childhood friends and eventually all together they form the mystery inc... and have to deal with a benevolent yet very clumsy spirit who took over scoob’s body
character thoughts under
shaggy is, again, the last of a family of paranormal investigators, who ever since he was a child had to deal with his parents bringing him in adventures and dealing with (real and fake) monsters. you’d guess that would make him brave, but. no that just made him very paranoid. while he acts like the team’s straightman, he’s also the only one who knows how certain monsters work, ironically working as one of the “brains” of the group!
scooby, again, used to be a normal great dane. a little lazy, not even particularly friendly, at least until shaggy brought him with him in coolsville; during their first night out. while he ends up falling into a trap, a benevolent ghost takes over his body, making him able to talk and tell the kids that coolsville is in big trouble and that they need to stick together. overall, he’s the team’s mascot, someone who’s directly connected with the main antagonist similarly to the mystery inc series, but also a goofy spirit (and now dog) who’s appreciating life!!
velma is a seemingly distant and cold nerd, but also the first one who joins shaggy in his adventures after she learns that all the curses and mysteries of her town might be real. her knowledge and ability to think on the fly comes from her being a dnd player and, most importantly, a dungeon master, and out of everyone she’s by far the bravest member of the team.  while a little snarky and with a lot of problems with social cues, she’s a smart and quick thinking young lady who’s happy to be part of a real adventure. and also has a girlfriend who may or may not be yet another monster since her being into criminals and monstergirls is a recurring trend now
daphne is part of the popular girls in school, but since we hate stereotypes she also has a reason to be popular other than “she’s pretty XD”. tiktok influencer and vlogger, she joins shaggy and velma almost by accident uhhhh i’d say 3 or 4 episodes into the series, maybe trying to start off a paranormal youtube channel, and eventually gets very close to them. the assigned people person, she knows everything about everyone in town and is generally very charismatic, but make her angry and she’ll make sure that you will remember with who you’re messing with.
fred, daphne’s boyfriend, is a member of the football’s team and the mayor’s son... and for “half” of the first season, he unknowingly acts as a minor antagonist, since i’d say. down with the politicians, the mayor is one of the bad guys, and with fred being a total himbo he accidentally works as his spy. eventually he finally understands that something is up with his dad, especially thanks to daphne who reminds him who truly cares for him, and eventually shaggy and velma too, with who he shares good memories of pretending to be detectives together and watching “that one weird show with the talking dogs and the kids looking for ghosts... goober or something!” he finally becomes the team’s wild card, the brawn and. yea i’d bring back his love for traps and elaborate schemes. he and velma become super besties after she tells him about her latest dungeon in her session
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The Moon's Teaparty REBLOG CHAIN!!
You're walking down the liminal void of the Paraverse. It's,, pleasant. At best. Not much, but it's certainly there for you to endure and somewhat enjoy.
As you walk, though, you happen to come across something on the ground. Rolling over and tapping against your shoe with a clink, stopping by your feet.
It seems to be a tube of some sorts,,, a scroll, maybe?
It seems like it.
Curiosity gets the better of you. You kneel down and take it into your hands, looking it over -- then opening it up. Before you, you see the following.
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" Attention members of the Paraverse! You are all cordially invited to The Moon's Tea Party this upcoming Fall at Hook, Line n' Adventure™️ Grove. There will be food, drinks, and desserts provided free of charge. There is a cottagecore-esq theme to the event if you would wish to match the venue, however there is no strict dress code required. Gifts for the host are optional but appreciated for those who would like to bring one. " " Please reply to this message as soon as possible if you wish to attend this event. All are welcome to join the illustrious Moon on this joyous occasion! "
Three little stars - located near the bottom of the sheet - begin to glow once you've read everything over. A moment or so passes and they beam up what seems to be some sort of holographic-esq image.
You believe it to be the venue.
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Now. This certainly seems exciting~
But here comes the question at hand.
Do you accept?
---------------------------------- 𓆩⟡𓆪 --------------------------------------
I've actually been planning this little event for a while~ and it'a FINALLY HERE !! Some people on Discord have been waiting a good while for me to get it DONE too. HehHAH!! So, if you couldn't tell, this is SUPPOSED to be one of those Reblog Chain Events. And I'm hoping, to whoever wishes to participate, you ALL have fun with it!!
There's no real rules, just simply reblog THIS POST with your goober ( OR gooberS, if you have multiple ) dressed up in some sweet cottage-core-esq outfit. Bring whoever you like and whatever you like, it's all about having a wonderful time really~
Anyway, have a MAAAGNIFICENT rest of your evening~ Mx Marlowe will be delighted to see you there~
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venturelovebot · 3 months
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A/N: AAAAH This is the first piece of media I've written for Overwatch since like 2019! I wanted to so badly get back into writing but I just never felt like it! (´;ω;`) I cannot believe this goober is what got me back into it. Bless their little rock eating heart.
Premise: You're a nerdy college student majoring in arts. Guess who you have a massive crush on. Guess whose popular and you're not. Guess who gets asked out anyway. ・*・:≡( ε:) G/N!insecure!reader x Venture "Rock Eater" Overwatch ft. Illari the supportive friend!
Warnings: None! Just fluff.
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You doodled another heart on a blank layer with your stylus. Beside that one you doodle a smaller one. You glance up quickly enough to get another look at their face and add small details to the main focus of your artwork. You move down a layer and add more shading. You zoom out. You're not happy with it.
"You push yourself too hard." Illari takes a seat next to you and sets down an unopened can of coffee. "You only see the mistakes. Everyone else will always see the bigger picture."
"That's what you keep telling me..." You softly sigh and open the can. Half of it nearly disappears in a gulp, so sleep would have to wait a little bit longer.
Illari looks over your work. "Oh! Is that S–" You cut her off with a harsh shush. Your head nods towards Sloane who sits not even twenty feet away from you laughing and talking with their friends.
"Not so loud..." You frown.
"Wow." Illari smiles softly and lowers her voice to a whisper. "That's like the third drawing you've done of them this week. Why not just ask them out already?"
"Stop!" You blush, hit the save button and close your laptop screen. You bury your face in your hands and feel the embarrassment begin to burn on your skin.
Even though no one has noticed, it feels like the whole world was staring at you. Tears softly gather behind your eyes but you blink them back before Illari takes notice.
"It's not like they know who I am. Plus they're cute... and look at me..." You sigh and feel a lump in your throat start to form.
Illari puts a hand on your shoulder. "Remember that you only see the mistakes. Everyone else will always see the bigger picture." She gets up quietly and grabs her book bag. "I'll text you later."
You watch between your fingers as she makes her way out of the building. After she leaves your line of sight you reopen your laptop and the familiar sting of failure settles over you again. You use your sleeve to dry your eyes before shaking your head gently to center yourself.
Right. Back to work.
The chatter of people around you dwindles as the time passes by and the sun lowers itself towards the horizon. You hit the save button for the twentieth time and decide to call it quits when the light makes it harder to see the finer details on your screen. You set your stylus aside and remove your drawing glove to let your dominant hand finally rest. The cramp pulses in your wrist and fingers as you massage them firmly. All was quiet for a brief moment.
"Hey! Is that me? That's so cool!" Oh, god... that voice. Their voice.
You had no time to react as a nervous heat strikes your body like lightning. You're frozen, blushing and panicking– and you just noticed you forgot to hide the heart doodle layer.
It cannot get much worse than this.
"I told you they were talented!" Illari smiles and sits across from you. "You should show them the other ones."
"I'll kill you." You mouth to her and her smile widens into a grin.
"Can you send them to me? I'll give you my number– wait a minute..." Sloane takes another glance at the screen. "Are those hearts?"
The feeling of helplessness overwhelms you as tears begin flowing from your eyes nonstop. You quickly cover your face in an attempt to save yourself and the small amount of dignity you have left. There was nothing you could say to defend yourself in this situation. This causes Illari to feel guilty and stand up to comfort you.
"Hey! It's okay! Your artwork is super good! I look really good! A lot better than I usually do, I think..." Sloane takes a seat next to you. "Wow, you even got my tattoos right. That's crazy! In a good way, I mean..."
You try your hardest to dry your eyes with your dampened sleeves. "You really think so?" You're hardly able to hide the choking in your throat.
"Actually... I think you made me look too good." They joke and you can't help but laugh a little.
"What are you talking about? You always look good regardless of what you do..." You glance over at them. Sloane's face lights up with a soft red glow from your compliment.
Illari takes a few steps back unnoticed, her plan beginning to unravel.
"Aww! Well, thanks!" There's a tone in their voice you haven't heard before. "You're not so bad looking yourself, ya know." They smile.
"Oh! That's not true... I could definitely look a lot better I think–" You look away with a grin on your face. "My hair is a mess... and–"
"No! I'm being honest! Your hair looks nice...! And you smell really nice! And you seem really nice!" You could tell they were embarrassed at this point. "Uh– anyway– You're definitely cute. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself."
A moment of silence passes as you look back at them. Both of you are grinning at each other uncontrollably like a couple of nerds. The tension in the air begins to fade.
"Wow..." You pause for a moment. "Thank you. Really."
"No problem! Say, can I ask you for a favor?" Sloane asks.
"I'm thinking about getting another tattoo for my birthday. Could you design it for me?" Sloane lifts up their tank top to point at their chest. "I was thinking about getting something cool like the eye of Horus! Or maybe something like a flaming skull. Or a frog. I haven't decided yet–"
Your face turns bright red as you eye their bare skin. It was everything you daydreamed about– except this time it was all real. You wanted more time to admire everything but they lower their shirt back down... a soft disappointment looms over you, but you're not about to squander your chance.
"I'd love to!" You answer confidently for the first time in a very long time.
"Nice! So it's a date then? Does this Friday work?" Sloane writes down their phone number for you.
"That sounds... nice." You reply happily.
"Cool, I'll see you around then." Sloane stands up and nearly walks off before turning to you one more time. "I almost forgot. What's your name? Illari didn't tell me."
"Y/N..." They echo. "I like that name. See you Friday!"
You watch as they leave, not taking your eyes off of them for a second until they're completely out of your sight.
"You're welcome." Illari smiles and heads out afterwards.
You spend an extra couple of minutes gathering your things before giggling and kicking your feet like a little kid. You just got a date with one of the most popular people on campus! And this is what it feels like... a rollercoaster of butterflies in your stomach.
You head back towards home as the moon brightly shines in the starry sky above, wondering about this coming Friday... what you would wear... you needed to be prepared.
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autisticlancemcclain · 9 months
There’s a knock on his door.
Keith freezes. There’s never a knock at his door.
“…Yeah?” he calls out cautiously, dog-earing his book and setting it down on his mattress. Shiro doesn’t knock, Shiro just calls out from wherever he is. Or texts him. And it’s not like Keith even has friends over, because he’d have to have friends to have them over. Shiro is also, as it turns out, equally as uncool, and never has company.
The door handle turns, and Adam pokes his head through the crack.
“You busy?” he asks.
Keith blinks. “Oh. Hi.”
That makes sense. Adam is here a lot. Keith has kind of forgotten to count him as company, actually. He kind of just appears at random times. Keith is half convinced that Adam is actually some kind of hologram Shiro has created to argue with, mostly because imagining that is really funny.
But he’s never come to Keith’s room before.
“Hi,” he says back, smiling slightly. “Shiro had to run out to handle something because the Garrison would delve into chaos without him, apparently. So he’ll be gone until after dinner.”
He looks at Keith expectantly. Keith stares back, eyes big, because he has no idea what the hell to say to that. Like, he’s correct, Shiro is the one and only thing holding the stupid school together, but Keith’s not quite sure why Adam has come to announce that to him.
“So are you free?” Adam repeats.
“Oh,” Keith says, startling a little. This is a — Adam is seeking him out. Intentionally. Planned. The fiancé of his foster — father? brother? mentor? Keith should ask more questions — has made plans, and they include Keith. Keith is being considered as someone to be hung out with.
“Yeah,” he says, voice cracking. “I’m free.”
“Cool,” Adam says, nodding. “C’mon.”
Keith scrambles off his bed and to the door, not wanting to give Adam time to change his mind. Not that it matters, or Keith cares about hanging out with him. Or anybody for that matter. But he’s curious, so.
“What are we doing?” Keith asks, jogging after him. Adam is a power walker. There’s not a lot of space to power walk in the small apartment, but Adam manages to leave him in the dust anyway. More fuel to Keith’s hologram theory.
“Well, obviously I love your brother more than the moon and stars,” Adam says matter-of-factly, striding over to the kitchen and opening counters.
Keith blinks. Well. That’s one question answered, he supposes.
“But I’m worried.” Adam sets down his armful of supplies; a small mixing bowl, chopsticks, a knife, a cutting board, and an array of vegetables. “Takashi tries very hard at everything he does. It usually gets him quite far. But cooking?” He shakes his head, grabbing a strainer and a head of cabbage and stepping over to the sink. “I don’t know who cursed him, but he’s physically incapable. And you’re thirteen. You’re growing. You can’t eat boxed noodles and peanut butter sandwiches all day. It’s bad for you. Come here.”
“I eat a lot of fruit,” Keith offers, feeling strangely like he has to defend Shiro, or something. Not even necessarily against Adam. Perhaps against the Allegations. “He’s very big on oranges. And mandarins. All citrus, really. There’s a lot of it.”
Adam rolls his eyes. “That is because Takashi read a book about scurvy when he was fourteen and is now terrified of it, because he is a goober. He’s also afraid of squirrels, if you’re wondering. He found out that some of them are carnivorous and never recovered.”
A tiny, barely there smile quirks his lips. Keith bites the corners of his mouth so it doesn’t get any ideas, then steps hesitantly towards the kitchen island, across from Adam. He watches him scrub the leafy vegetable, careful to get in all the nooks and crannies, then pat it dry. He moves to set the cabbage down and then seems to think better of it, leaning back against the sink.
“Get me the salt,” he says, gesturing to a bowl on the counter with pursed lips.
Keith narrows his eyes at it suspiciously. “Why?”
“You ask a lot of questions,” Adam observes.
“You answer very vaguely,” Keith returns.
Adam barks a laugh. Keith finds himself pleased at the reaction.
“I’m going to scrub the cabbage with it,” Adam explains. “It’ll draw out the moisture and take out any leftover dirt, too.”
Satisfied at the answer, Keith grabs the salt bowl, bringing it over. He moves to go back to his spot but Adam stops him with a wet hand around his wrist, gently guiding his hands towards the cabbage. Keith wills his shoulders to relax.
“One hand open to support it, one hand in the salt bowl,” Adam instructs quietly. “Grab a handful and start rubbing it in.”
Hesitantly, Keith grabs the offered cabbage, hyperaware of how his shoulder brushes against Adam’s bicep when he moves; how he doesn’t move away, but he’s not crowding, either. Just…close.
“I can actively feel my fingers pruning,” Keith says in disgust.
Adam snorts. “Yeah, they do that.”
Step by step, Adam guides him through chopping vegetables, measuring spices, mixing sauces, and handling the stove until Keith is working his way through a basic stir-fry like a pro. He’s more shocked than he should be when he tries his first bite of it and likes it.
“You have managed to avoid being cursed, too,” Adam says around his own bite, pleasantly surprised. “I was worried that living with Takashi would curse you by proxy. But this is good.”
“I mean. It was stir-fry. We chopped and we fried. Hard to fuck up,” Keith points out.
“You’d think. When I tried to do this with Shiro, the pan was charred so bad we had to throw it out. I don’t even know what he did. I was right there. It’s like he destroyed it by rancid vibes alone.”
Keith hides a smile in his noodles. Adam notices anyway, and grins.
“Sounds about right.”
“You’re good, though, kiddo,” Adam says, and his hand is heavy on Keith’s head. “You’re good.”
Keith swallows the sudden lump in his throat. His face gets red.
He leans into the touch.
other parts in this universe
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missterious-figure · 1 month
Soooo I caved in pretty hard when it came to your wine and feathers au (I adore them all! Just so so cute!!) 😭 I surprisingly had the perfect little bird to use and sketch designs of! (Also note I don't know how to draw birds... yeahhhh)
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So here they are!! (with different color varieties) they are inspired by the Indian Fantail pigeon so they are a little lady OH! They also go by she/they! I currently do not have a name for her just yet. Anyways despite her "professional" appearances she is a motherly sweetheart she adores children and loves being a fandancer, at her old job (which will be redacted) she tended to children and wishes to have some of her own day. She was removed from her job due to certain complications regarding her species and now resides at the casino as a performer! (very original) Also last little note as much as I love the brothers and favor them HEAVILY, I love cowboys more! 🫶 so I wanna ship them with Toby so badlyyyyyy he needs more love too! So names recommendations would be lovely! And that's it! Have a great day/night! Thanks for reading my little dabble.
Whoa. Whoa! WHOA!!! PRETTY!!!! Love the design and story!! Such BEAUTIFUL color schemes, too!! Hope this doesn't come off rude, but I think I like brown and green one best! Not saying the other isn't gorgeous, but I'm just a sucker for brown+green palettes!! Just look at Toby!
Speaking of Toby, you can ship your oc with him! I love seeing other people's headcanons for these birb goobers!!! (anybody is allowed to ship their ocs with any of the silly peacock boys. Including one I'm working on rn...)
(Sorry I've been so slow lately)
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roodles03 · 8 months
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Boo! (They're Pretending)
Happy Halloween, everyone! The only good thing about Fall. (And it was somewhat ruined this year because ofc there was an artic blast of doom. I live in the upper south, and it's 34 degrees this morning wtf. Like holy SHIT the poor trick or treaters...)
Anyway, ignoring my Fall slander (you can love Fall btw, no hate towards the people who do. I mainly just hate ragweed season tbh) Willow is pretending to scare Hunter, and Hunter is pretending to be scared. Kinda like
"OooOoooOooh! I'm coming for you! Boo!"
"Aaah! Oh no, you scared mee!"
Little playful antics.
This drawing was such a challenge but I'm happy with how it came out in the end. Main things were the arm positioning and hands for both Willow and Hunter. In animation school Im being taught the importance of silhouettes, so I actually posed them differently then I would've if I hadn't learned that as much yet. It's more noticeable with Willow then Hunter. I've always struggled with hands touching the face due to arm positioning, not exactly sure why that is but it's always something I've had trouble with. No joke, for Hunter I referenced a Steven Universe screenshot, and for Willow, I referenced one of Belos' childhood painting memories.
Btw I do not want to see any slander of Willow's costume in the comments. (/hj) She looks like a silly goofy goober skrunkily scrimbo it's amazing.
Fun Fact: Sometimes when I'm bored I go through a lot of video game instrumental music and challenge myself to think of a TOH drawing idea from the song. Its EXTREMELY rare when I end up actually making one of those ideas. This is one of those rare cases. I got the idea for this drawing while listening to music from an old Viteral World called Jumpstart (anyone remember Jumpstart lol?) It was the main Windy Hollows theme. What the drawing ended up being was NOTHING like I first invisioned in terms of posing, (still had the whole scaring each other playfully idea) but tbh I think the end product was a lot better. Yippie.
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allastoredeer · 2 months
Do you have any headcanons about Alastor's participation in WW1? The Selective Service Act of 1917 made it mandatory for men aged 21-30 to register for military service and was later expanded to include men as young as 18, so if the stream saying that Alastor was late thirties to early forties when he died is still canon he'd have lived through that
So, I hadn't gotten to this part in my development of Alastor's backstory, but it got me thinking because, huh, how DID Alastor manage to get out of that?
Unless he just served in WW1. Which...I find oddly funny. I don't know why, but the the image of Alastor in the trenches...
But anyway, you got me curious so I looked into it. You're 100% right about the Selective Service Act of 1917 making it mandatory for men aged 21-30 to register for military service, and they even came up with different "classes" of the men who qualified, and if they exhausted one class, they'd go down to the next.
However, even with the Selective Service Act, there was still a lot of draft evasion going on. In fact, a significant amount of draft evasion happened in the South, which, as I'm sure you know, Louisiana is part of (some of it was in part of Southerners not having documentation, and thus, unable to even legally draft, which would probably give them a whole other slew of problems).
So, I was looking into how people evaded the draft. A lot of it is split up into different groups, like draft avoidance and draft resistance, with their only little list of things, but that's a lot and I don't wanna get into all of that. But my bet is on Alastor doing draft avoidance.
And there were actually quite a few interesting ones, like:
Claiming to have a mental or psychological problem (if you could find a doctor willing to certify that for you)
Student deferment, when someone is primarily in school to learn and study (or obtaining one in an effort to avoid the draft)
Deliberately failing the military intelligence tests
Professing sincere or religious ethical beliefs (join a church, avoid the draft!)
and my personal favorite:
Being homosexual.
Because, as you know, the government can't allow the gay in the military!
And look, I'm a silly goober, so of course I immediately went to Alastor claiming to be homosexual. But the thing is, I kind of do think that is something Alastor would do for a majority of reasons.
In the 1920's, social values were evolving, and a lot of postwar "youths" began questioning traditional concepts of family, sexuality, and gender. There were "little Bohemia's" around the US, including in Manhattan and San Francisco, with communities and groups like this, and they weren't exactly unknown.
Back to Alastor, he lived in the French Quarter in New Orleans (or, at least, that's where I think he lived as a majority of mixed-raced Creole people lived there, which we know Alastor canonically is). And it just so happens, that it became the birth place of New Orleans gay community in the 1920's. There were entire gay neighborhoods, there were clubs where people dressed in the clothing of the opposite gender, they had parties and bars, and while it wasn't "the norm" to live this "lifestyle," and there was still a lot of harassment, it was still fairly normal to see. (Of course, then came what we can call the "gay panic" where government started cracking down on it, and claiming the gay community were all predators and pedophiles, and - well, you know. You know.)
But that was after/close to Alastor's death, so...
Anyway, I 100% believe that Alastor did take part and lived in communities like those. Names and labels for those things didn't exist at the time, so it's not like he knows what they're called, but homosexuals, cross-dressing, drag queens, they were normal to him. He's lived with them, partied with them, maybe even tried a few things out himself(so many headcanons, guys. So many).
This is to say, I think Alastor would 100% be comfortable claiming to be homosexual to avoid getting drafted. You've seen getting married for tax benefits, now consider becoming gay for draft evasion! I actually had a pretty fun talk about it with a friend in Discord, which only cemented it in my mind LMAO.
I have SO many headcanons around Alastor and him living in the French Quarter, in gay communities, where they challenged social norms (and we all know how he feels about challenging status quo's 😏)
But if not that, my runner up is that he totally bribed his way out of it. I don't know how he got the money, maybe he killed someone and stole their wallet, IDK, but bribery is a yes from me.
And if not THAT one, then he joined and church and claimed to have sincere religious and ethical beliefs 😇 🙏 (Yes, this is inspired by Nun Alastor, and no, I do not take constructive criticism. That's what happened guys, I was there). Besides, New Orleans was pretty Catholic, I'm sure he could find a church somewhere.
That's my take on it XD I think the one closest to Alastor's canon character would be bribery, but this is fandom, and if I say he claimed to be gay to get out of going to war, then goddammit he claimed to be gay to get out of going to war.
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hyunsvngs · 8 months
Ok ok somno with jisung RECEIVING 🤤 you wake up to get a drink or water, come back to bed and see hannie sleeping soo cute with his face kinda scrunched up and a lil drool and he’s so endearing!! you kiss his nosie and he lets out a soft whine :(( and god damn that boy is so sexy and so cute all wrapped up in one goober package, you can’t help but go down on him. put all your love on that cutie so good he wakes up with a whimper 💗 i wanna kiss all over him for the rest of time :((((
jisung is often hard in his sleep. every single time, you wonder what he’s dreaming about - whether it’s you, or if it’s his anime flavour of the week. nonetheless, since the both of you discussed somnophilia and jisung agreed with zero hesitation, you’d been waiting for your chance. now was the time.
your boyfriend was so cute when he slept. he was always clad in a comfy oversized t-shirt and boxers, tight around his slender hips and showcasing everything he had to offer. you kiss his nose briefly, making him hum a little in his deep slumber. his cheek is smushed against the pillow and a little bit of drool is smudged on his bottom lip. he’s so cute.
you had a mission, though. as gently as you can, you push the blanket down to his hips and yep, he’s hard. his hands are tucked up in front of him in his curled up position on his side, and you softly push him onto his back. the movement rides his shirt up to show his tummy and tiny waist. it’s the object of a lot of your wet dreams.
without thinking, you pull his boxers down just under his balls, gripping his length in your hand. jisung always got so hard so quickly - he was solid, veiny and thick and his balls looked so full. you ran your spare hand over them and his thighs clenched, a sigh tumbling out of his lips.
you’re quick to wrap your lips around his cockhead. it’d be too dry to give him a handjob, so why not? you lave your tongue over the slit, tasting the saltiness of his precum and the pure, unadulterated scent of jisung. he whimpers in his sleep, and you blink up at him. still asleep. good.
you work your mouth over him a little more. he’s sensitive even asleep, you can tell. his cock is twitching in your mouth everytime you engulf the entire thing and his balls feel practically throbbing everytime your hand rolls over them. you gently run your fingernails up his thigh, and then oh - he bucks his hips into your mouth with a sharp whine.
“ohhh, yeah. that’s it, my baby, ah- best fuckin’ way to be woken up, shit,” his voice is gravelly from sleep, his eyes bleary and barely open. he pulls his shirt up further, revealing dark, dusky nipples on a broad chest. he reaches down to grab your head, encouraging your bobbing movements. “look so pretty with my cock in your mouth, haha. ‘s good.”
you pull off, grinning. “it’s good? you like being woken up like this?”
“um, yes,” jisung scoffs. his cheeks are blushing pink, but he still yanks your head back onto his cock anyway. “every morning please, without fail.”
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punchbuggie · 4 months
hiiii more bakugou head canons bc i love that silly goober
i love the idea that he has dimples but no one but like the bakusquad and deku know
like imagine if you will: bakugou getting comfortable around 1A and genuinely laughing at something and they all see cute little dimples in his cheeks
then like todoroki pokes his cheek and is just like “you have dimples.” and then everyone freaks out and theyre like “AWWWW BAKUGOU!!!!” and tackle him in hugs
and then he tries to fight them off and is like “ugh i hate you people” but in reality he really loves the affection from his class and appreciates them and their constant reassurance that they genuinely like him for him and not because of his quirk
this more of a 1A head canon but i think if anyone AND I MEAN ANYONE were to start calling baku a villain or something theyd go F E R A L
i read a fanfic on ao3 about it and I LOVE IT
it was so incredibly cute and i 100% think it would happen (i’ll try to find it and add the link at the bottom)
baku totally loves to cook and bake for everyone especially eri
he would def be a big brother for her and be so incredibly soft with her but like only 1A and the erasermic fam would know
he’d totally still be >:( on the outside, but so incredibly soft for eri and she knowsss
she knows she has him wrapped around her finger but she’s a little angel and would never use that against him
maybe if she wants an apple but she deserves it!
honestly i think mitsuki wouldve taught katsuki to be a feminist from a young age (as shown by him fighting fairly against uraraka)
the girls would totally find this out after training with him in class and like sure theyre nervous at first, (who wasnt?) but they slowly learn that he’s one of the only ones in 1A to fully treat them equally
they probably start voluntarily partnering with him with kiri doesnt
after the other boys realize this, they feel bad for not treating their classmates equally and apologize and promise to fight fairly
i love all the comparisons to bakugou being a pomeranian so i think his friends (we’ll say denki) figured it out and tease him mercilessly about it
every single one of the bakusquad members has his pfp as a pomeranian
mina and denki have matching photos of pomeranians with bakugou’s hero suit editted on
sero has one with a chef hat that’s been posed to look like he’s mixing a bowl
and kirishima has a photo of the happiest pomeranian ever with so many little hearts messily drawn around it bc he loves his boyfriend
ofc they all know when they need to stop teasing him, they are his best friends after all
they never take it too far and have learned how to read his subtle facial expression and body language changes so they never upset him or push him too far
bakugou secretly thinks the pomeranian jokes are funny but refuses to let any of his friends or boyfriend know
anyway!! i hope you enjoyed more of my hc about the silliest boy
heres part one: https://www.tumblr.com/punchbuggie/734569823080677376/my-favorite-bakugou-headcanons-mamas-boy-like
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