#aoba johsai x female reader
Karasuno, Nekoma and Seijoh:
Miss Manager and the Mystery Man
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Karasuno x Fem! manager; Nekoma x Fem! manager; Seijoh x Fem! manager
Warnings: jealousy, mostly fluff
AN: this is a request, I kept it kind of generic and mostly platonic
Most chaotic reaction goes to Karasuno 🏆
It happens at nationals
The team is brimming with excitement and nervousness as they prepare to take on Inarizaki
You, on the other hand, are relatively calm
You know your boys and how talented each and every one of them is
There’s no doubt in your mind that they will win
While they stretch, you mindlessly jot down things to remember, stats you want to collect
“YN is that you?” A voice rings from behind you as you turn to see your cousin standing right there
“Omg hi!! It’s so good to see you!” You bellow in excitement as you quickly leap into his arms from a big hug
The team is watching, utterly confused
Why are you hugging this person? Why is this person a man??
They instantly go on guard
Tanaka and Noya are growling low
Suga and Enoshita watch with narrowed eyes
Kageyama isn’t even paying attention let’s be real 😅
Asahi is concerned
Kiyoko is all smiles because she knows who the man is and is happy for you
Hinata looks confused, as does the rest of the team
Daichi narrows his eyes, but decides to approach
“Uhh hey YN, who is this?” He questions, guard up but still giving the stranger the benefit of doubt
Of course, that is before Hinata jumps in and says
“Is this your boyfriend Yn??” He screeches as the entire team stops
Some hold their breath, others just stand there
And some, well some freak out
“Who the heck do you think you are city boy??” Tanaka provinces, getting right into said city boys name
“Some guy who apparently thinks he’s good enough for OUR YN!” Noya shouts, only encouraging Tanaka
Poor Yachi is standing there, no idea how to react
You just stand there, rolling your eyes because of course this is the conclusion they would come too 🙄
You quickly stand in front of your cousin, pushing the two one brained celled teammates back
“This is my cousin! He lives far away and I don’t get to see him often!” You shout
The team instantly relaxes
Daichi quickly grabs Tanaka and Noya, whose mouths gape at the realization and apologizes
“Sorry about this,” he says to you and your cousin
Your poor cousin is probably scared for life 😂
But deep down you don’t mind, you know the team love and care for you
Chillest team? Definitely not 😂
Today was a beautiful day for a run
Of course, your enthusiasm wasn’t shared by all teammates involved
See example 👉🏻 Kenma
But nevertheless the team needed to work on their endurance
Normally you wouldn’t go with them, opting to stay behind and fill water bottles or chat with the coaches
But lev and Yamamoto had been begging you to go so you figured why not
You didn’t exactly hate running (only god knows why) so you thought it would be a great team bonding activity
Per the usual Yamamoto is leading the pack, followed behind Kuroo and Yaku who are silently racing
Kai, Fukunaga, Lev and Inuoka trail behind
And last but certainly not least, is you and Kenma
While you and Kenma run, you talk a little but mostly Kenma tries not to die
Then you see him
As he approaches, you make sure it’s actually him before freaking out
“Omg Hi!” You screech, as Kenma looks from you to the mystery man who is now stopping and smiling back at you
“Hey YN, how are you?” He asks as Kenma continues to stare, taking advantage of the break but still wondering who this man is
Could it be your boyfriend?
By now the rest of the team has stopped and are quietly observing
No one does anything yet, at least not until the mystery man goes in for the hug
“Whoa whoa who the heck do you think you are?” Yamamoto quickly jumps in, halting the man’s movements
“Excuse me?” The man says before stopping and looking at you like you can control these guys 🙄
Then Kuroo and Yaku step up to the plate 🙄 because why not
“This is our manage dude, better back off!” Yaku snarls as Kuroo just smirks
“Yaku don’t be mean to the man, not like he has anything remotely close on us,” Kuroo sneers as the man looks so utterly confused
Kenma is definitely recording this whole thing because he knows something’s up
You just stand there unimpressed
“Guys will you knock it off! This is just my cousin! He lives here but I don’t see him much because he’s in college!” You shout as all the guys freeze
“Cousin??” Some say
“In college?” Others chime
“I’m so sorry about them,” you apologize, “they all share a braincell and it seems it’s not made an appearance yet today!”
Your cousin looks from you to them before speaking, “it was nice to see you Yn, I gotta head out.”
Your cousin quickly jogs away before he has to deal with anymore crap
“Do you guys have one ounce of chill in you?” You grind out
“Sorry YN,” they all say in unison
But you can’t be mad at them for long and soon you are back enjoying your run with your boys
Definitely the most jealous
It’s the interhigh tournament and you are busy filling water bottles for the team
Usually one of the boys would accompany you but coach needed them for a quick meeting
And your an independent woman, you can handle yourself
As you fill, someone comes besides you and taps your shoulder
“Hey Yn, long time no see!” The guy says as your face lights up and you hug him with all your might
You haven’t seen your cousin in ages, despite living in the same prefecture
“Hey how is it going? I see your team made it to interhighs. Congrats!” You say as you carry on a nice a sweet conversation
But that’s not what it looks like from afar
Because you see, a certain second year setter spots you and quickly runs to tattle on you for having any contact with boys outside the team 🙄
“Some guy is hitting on Yn!” Yahaba screams at the team as Makki, Mattsun, Iwaizumi and Oikawa RUN towards you
Mad dog, Watari, Kindaichi and Kunimi are calm about it but still head out to see what’s happening
Before you know it, your engulfed in a squeezing hug by Oikawa who is glaring at your cousin
“My YN back off!” He shouts as Iwaizumi smacks him upside the head
“What are you doing with our YN?” Makki probes as your cousin seems to be completely and utterly confused
“Umm I was just talking with her,” he says as you try and wiggle out of the caged arms of Oikawa
“Just talking?” Mattsun glares as you quickly make your way through the tall players
“He’s my cousin!” You shout as Mattsun, Makki, Iwa and Oikawa all go stiff
In unison they all say, “cousin??” And look back and forth from you to your cousin
“Yes and I was just talking with him about you guys!”
“Awe you were talking about me YN-Chan??” Oikawa squeals as Iwa again smacks him
“I’m so sorry about them,” you say before budding yourself cousin farewell and pushing the team away
“Sorry YN,” they bellow in unison again as you roll your eyes
Try not to be too mad at them Yn 😂
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anonomouswriter-blr · 6 months
Oikawa x Reader: School Festival [a haikyuu one-shot]
Ok y'all, so my friends and I had an all-nighter where we write one-shots. The twist is, we each wrote down on different sticky notes a character, a plotline, and I think the third is a location. We did this a year ago and I forgot all about this, but I recently found it so I'm posting it here lol
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I hope you enjoy.
1145 words
Story under the cut.
Being a foreign exchange student, experiencing life in Japan was a bit of a culture shock: different introductions, different eating customs, different school traditions. One school tradition you noted was that Japan had school festival days. For the past week, your class had been working on an idea and building the vision. Today was the final day where the booths would actually be open to people and you were kind of nervous. Why? Who knows. Maybe it was more excitement than nervousness.
Your class finished assembling the booth reasonably quickly, so you figured you’d find your friend Oikawa to see if his booth needed any help. It wasn’t long before you found his booth and he was waving you down. Oikawa was one of the first people to introduce himself to you. Of course, you now realize he was just trying to scope out the new girl considering his… following, but it ended up being a good friendship; mainly consisting of you helping Iwaizumi call him names and him being a weird flirt even though he’s pretty much a dork.
“Hi, Y/n! Couldn’t stay away for long, eh?” he asked, waving.
“No, actually I’m looking for your pretty friend. Hey, Iwa!” you responded jokingly, to which Oikawa feigned a sad pout. “How’s the booth coming along?”
“We're almost done. Just need to put up the last few banners,” Iwaizumi said.
“You may want to be careful, Y/n. As soon as we open, girls will swarm the area. You might get trampled and die,”
“Yeah, I’m sure,” you said, rolling your eyes. “What are you guys doing anyway?”
“Kissing booth,” Iwaizumi said boredly as the title banner was hung up. You turned your head to Oikawa,
“It’s the perfect concept! There's no girl in the world that wouldn’t want to kiss me! Just think of the revenue,”
“I wouldn’t count on it if it’s gonna be you, Oikawa. How is this even allowed in a school setting?”
“It’s just on the cheek. He does have a big following of girls at this school. It’s not like we can use his brain to help our booth,”
“I guess that makes sense,”
“How mean! Everyone undermines my intelligence,”
“Oh yeah, how did your game go Saturday?”
“It was fine. We won, of course, but it just felt too easy. I need a challenge in my life. You should come to my next game! You can wear one of my jerseys,”
“Hmm, tempting, but I’ll pass. Volleyball isn’t really my thing. Well, if you’re pretty much done, I’m gonna head around to look at the other booths. See ya around!”
“Bye, Y/n~!”
Everything looked amazing and you were having a good amount of fun before someone grabbed your shoulders from behind, making you jump. “Ya ho~!”
“Gah! Oikawa you scared me! Why would you do that?” you exclaimed and punched him in the arm.
“Ow! I can take the abuse from Iwa, but from you, it’s just too much,”
“Sorry. I saw opportunity and couldn’t resist,”
“The abuse I endure for you. Do you wanna go do something together?”
“What about your booth?”
“I’m all kissed out and on break. Girls wear a lot of lip product,” he said while rubbing some gloss and balm off his cheek. “But anyways, let’s go get some food or something. I’m so hungry,”
“I saw a teriyaki booth somewhere. Wanna get some of that? You’re paying,”
“Don’t I always?” The two of you walked the booths, trying different foods and desserts. The games were pretty fun too! It was nice playing games that weren’t rigged. You were clowning on Oikawa a bit at how much he sucked at some of the games compared to you, though you're sure he’d thrown some of your matches together. As your escapade continued, you noticed some girls you passed had their hands pressed to their cheeks while pointing and gazing at Oikawa, undoubtedly gushing over how they kissed each other on the cheek.
“I don’t understand how you can manage all the female attention. I’d get too tired of having to interact that much,”
“It does get bothersome sometimes. I used to love it, but now I think I’d prefer to have only one girl's attention, you know?”
“Ah, the development of a teenage male. From boyhood to maturity. All ready to settle down,” suddenly you gasped dramatically, almost making Oikawa drop the snacks he had bought. “A Ferris wheel! How did they get a Ferris wheel here!?”
“Y/n, I don’t think I’d trust that. It looks a little old,”
“Old shmold! Let’s go on!” Without a moment to protest you were dragging Oikawa by the hand to the big ride. “Woah! I can see the field yard from here!”
“Y/n! Please don’t lean out the side like that. You’re gonna fall!”
“Oh, you mean like this?” you asked and leaned out,”
“Y/n!” he said, reaching for you.
“What? Are you scared” you asked, and started rocking the box. He grabbed you and forced you to sit still beside him, like a mother to her rambunctious child.
“You’ve lost your fun privileges. Sit still until the ride is over,” you couldn’t help but laugh at him. You wondered if rides were a fear of his or if it was just Ferris wheels. Either way, it was fun to be out like this. You guys only ever really interacted at school during classes or studying. “Hey, Y/n. I think you should rethink going to my next game. I think I’d play better if you were there,”
“Why would you need to play better? You already win don’t you?” by this time the wheel had stopped and it was time to get off. You left the ride with a ‘thank you’ to the person running it and continued on.
“It’s less about the winning and more about… Y/n, would you just listen for a sec?” he grabbed your hand and pulled you back nearer to him. You blinked twice, looking down at where his hand didn’t leave yours.
“Kawa?” he started running his thumb over your knuckles nervously, his eyebrows knitting together in conflict.
“I want to see you at my games. I don’t care if I win, I just want to see you wearing my jersey number at my games,”
“What do you…” this wasn’t… was it?
“Earlier, I was wondering if you were gonna show up to the kissing booth at some point today. But now I’m realizing I’m glad you didn’t.”
“Because now it feels more genuine,” he looked up at you, into your eyes, it felt invasive, uncomfortable, but not altogether unwelcomed. “Y/n. Can I kiss you?”
“I…” but the decision was clear to you then. “Yes.”
Sure enough, you were at his next game, the number one displayed proudly on your back.
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maezume · 1 year
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✩ ˛˚ . 𝗔 𝗖𝗢𝗟𝗟𝗘𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 𝗢𝗙 𝗔𝗟𝗟 𝗠𝗬 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗦 ; — which is your favorite?
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select one ; karasuno, nekoma, fukurodani, aoba josai, inarizaki high
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loveriotss · 1 day
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ⓘ HAIKYUU MASTERLIST ⸻ [ rules , request (closed atm) ]
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: ̗̀➛ main masterlist ༊*·˚
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⌗ KEI TSUKISHIMA ✮⋆˙ ↳ [ wip ]
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©loveriotss — all rights reserved to me. please don’t try to copy/steal my work. please do not use any of my ideas/translate my work without my permission.
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smwhererealistic · 3 months
can I request a Kenma x reader fic? What would be kenma's reaction the reader cheers for other members/group? Thank you!! Love you fics <3
cheerleader gf cheering for someone else
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kenma always felt tired, introverted during games; but he always tries his best. his biggest fear is what others think of him, he can't help it though. during games he felt unmotivated at times, but it changed when he finally confessed his feelings for you at the start of second year due to the team and kuroo's nagging self.
according to his best friend's words, he finally ''snagged the girl of his dreams''. every match, if he ever needs to, takes a quick glance at his girlfriend cheering for him (the team) by the side.
when people started to realise the quiet gamer setter was dating the perky cheerleader. it was no better than yamamoto whining about how kenma got a girlfriend before him and yaku's teasing.
he didn't mind it though other than showing his flustered face everytime. he loved you and you were his personal cheerleader when he was down.
however, now he watched by the side, the aoba johsai match against fukorodani. you were cheering for oikawa (THE TEAM) , the male lead of almost all the female's eyes. it didn't help that you were from that school too, so he couldn't really know what happens.
he met you at the first practice match of seijoh and nekoma. you found him sitting outside during break time, playing animal crossing as his switch got taken away by the bedheaded male since the match was starting again.
you glanced at him and reached into your bag as you silently left the gym and handed it to the shocked guy. your switch was already turned on and ready to play even if there was 5 minutes left.
''you can return it later,'' you said and walked back in as he fiddled with the cat charm on it. that's how you two met, and got closer after.
he would text you in class secretly when he felt low on energy so he could get to read your comforting words. the match soon ended, with aoba johsai losing by two points.
he smirked mentally as the captain of seijoh cheered his teammates up. it immediately turned into a frown, physically, as he walked over to you and hugged you dramatically as you complained about his sweaty self.
''looks like yn might switch sides-'' lev said out loud unintentionally as yaku nudged him. kuroo tried to ease the tension as he patted kenma's back and turned to his team to get ready for their match in 10 minutes.
kenma stood up quietly as he snuck out, and to the designated locker rooms which you saw.
kenma didn't know why he left, it's not like he even had anything to distract himself with since his switch got taken away...but, he just waited.
then, the door opens as he sees you enter.
''what's wrong, kenma..?'' i walked towards the male sitting on the floor, against a locker as i approached and stood before him.
i reached from my pockets and took out a switch as i handed it to him and sat beside the now flustered guy.
''nothing..'' he mutters and immediately starts a game. you continued to sit beside him, watching as he occasionally fiddles with the cat charm while playing.
we both sat in silence as we heard the announcer's voice, informing them of the 3 minutes left. thinking his team might be stressed, you gently took the switch and patted his head as he groaned softly and stood up.
you pulled him out of the locker room, hand in hand as we walked back to the gym, muttering motivational words to him as he kept silent.
''yn...who is oikawa to you?'' he asks softly, his hair hiding his face.
''my cousin???'' he froze in his steps.
sorry for postponing this request for so long!!
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pinkykats-place · 4 months
Aoba Johsai x Reader Insert
Tumblr Haikyuu Fic Recs
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None of the stories linked are mine.
Male and female reader inserts.
Some contain mature content.
GIF not mine.
Note: if you read and enjoy any of these stories - please like, leave a comment and/or reblog original post!
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Feral Animal
Alpha! Kentarou Kyoutani x Omega! Reader
Summary: You just wanted to get the boys to practice on time. You weren’t prepared to deal with this.  Good thing you had a guardian angel- or should we say, dog.
Kyōtani x fem! reader
Summary: Kyōtani insecurities fuel his jealousy. What happens when he finds out you’re the new baseball team manager....
Angry confessions
Summary: You’ve tried everything to make Kyotani realise you like him but he thinks you’re joking.
imagine kyoutani and reader on a date and the rest of aoba johsai seeing them on a date
Kyōtani with a shy pastel gf (slight nsfw)
boyfriend headcannons- K. Kyoutani
Kyoutani Kentarou (Maddog)x fem! Reader
Summary: kyoutani and reader on a date and the rest of aoba johsai end up seeing them
Nail Appointment
Kyotani Kentaro x fem!Reader
Hanamakki Takahiro x milf!reader
wolf! matsukawa x bimbo!lamb!reader
NSFW || fem!body with fem!pronouns
matsukawa issei x m!reader
Iwaizumi x reader
Summary: you give your bf head at the red light
They’re Beautiful
time skip!Iwaizumi Hajime x afab!reader
Nsfw fic
to have iwaizumi's love
iwaizumi hajime x chubby!m!reader
summary: iwaizumi really just thinks you're a great catch. the saying 'many fish in the sea' stops at you because he loves you, including your body—maybe especially your body
Jealous Boss Iwaizumi 
iwaizumi loves bimbos. he will treat you like the dumb little slut you are.
Iwa-chan, Panic!
Iwaizumi x male!manager!Reader
Summary: Iwaizumi is crushing hard core of Seijoh’s new manager.
iwaizumi got a lower back tattoo on his 21st birthday.
bunny oikawa who’s so cute and gets overstimulated fast
Being Sejioh's Manager
Aoba Johsai x Female Manager
Roster Hopper - Aoba Johsai edition
Fem!y/n x Aoba Johsai players (Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, Kunimi, Kyōtani) all separately
Summary: Y/n bets her friend she can sleep with the star players of Aoba Johsai (Univiersity AU) without any of them finding out.
Go Go Go Go Go Seijoh! Advisor's Affection
Mizoguchi Sadayuki x fem!Reader
Summary: L/N Y/N lands a job teaching history at the prestigious Aoba Johsai. What happens when a certain captain invites her to be the Seijoh Boy's Volleyball teacher advisor?
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michavs · 4 months
Oikawa x Fem!Reader
Summary: dating the captain of Aoba Johsai's volleyball team who has many female fans. Ran away from his practice cause of jealousy, where he finds your bad habit and comforts you. (support my Ao3.)
Tags: oikawa x fem!reader, hurt-comfort
Warnings: language, vaping!reader, oikawa being redflag(?), messy relationships, grammatical mistakes probably
It’s been almost seven months since you started dating Oikawa Tooru, the handsome, always cheerful, and energetic captain of Aoba Johsai's volleyball team. Oikawa is constantly surrounded by people, especially female fans captivated by his charm. You often see him being overly friendly with them, chatting and laughing non-stop. Although Oikawa always assures you that he’s just being polite and there’s nothing to worry about, you can’t help but feel jealous.
Today was a usual day, you accompanied Oikawa to his volleyball practice for the upcoming competition. Instead of greeting you sitting in the stands, he went over to chat with the girls there. "Oikawa-san, I brought you a drink." said one pretty brunette, offering him a bottle of water. Oikawa accepted it with his usual sweet smile. "Thanks a lot.” he said before returning to his practice.
You sighed in resignation at the familiar scene, "Hh, nothing new." Frustrated and bored, you left the gym to get some fresh air. You went behind the building and sat on one of the benches, fishing out your strawberry-flavored vape from your blazer pocket. The smoke mingled with the surrounding air as you gazed blankly at the sky. You had no idea how much time had passed just sitting there in a daze. Before you knew it, the bright blue sky had turned into an evening hue. The evening sky in Miyagi always had a mesmerizing feel, blending with the bustle of students heading home.
You pulled out your phone and opened Instagram, shocked to see Oikawa’s story, smiling with another girl. “Good luck, the fuck?” you muttered angrily, glaring at your phone with smoke still swirling from your lips. There’s an urge to just smash your phone and throw it away.
Meanwhile, inside the gym. “Iwaaa-chan, have you seen (y/n)?” Oikawa asked Iwaizumi, who was mopping the court. Iwaizumi paused, thinking. “(y/n)? I think she went out.” he replied, resuming his work. Oikawa nodded and quickly left the gym to search for you. Oikawa looked around the gym because he knew you wouldn't go far or even head home without him. The strong scent of strawberries hit his nose, and he knew it was your distinctive smell. He hurried towards the source of the scent.
You had just exhaled a cloud of vape smoke when you heard footsteps approaching. Turning to the sound, your eyes met Oikawa's, and you nearly dropped your vape in shock. “(y/n)..?” he called out, seemingly the first to catch you vaping like this. You stared back blankly. “Why are you here?” you asked, pretending not to care though you wanted to hurl the bench at his fucking face.
Oikawa stepped closer, standing in front of you. “I should be the one who asking you that. Why are you doing this?” He took the vape from your hand, his sharp eyes filled with meaning. You stood up from the old bench, facing him. “Oikawa-san, don’t be nosy. Give it back.” you ordered softly.
Oikawa’s expression was a mix of anger and disappointment, clearly unhappy with what he was seeing. “Nosy? I’m your boyfriend and don’t call me Oikawa.” he stated firmly but without judgment. You scoffed bitterly, “Boyfriend your ass, Tooru. Do you think it doesn’t hurt seeing you with other girls? You never introduce me as your girlfriend to those girls even you said i was your bestfriend to your teammates,”
Oikawa stepped closer, and instinctively, you backed away until you were cornered against the wall. “How can I believe in love when every time I see you, you’re with someone else? I feel like I’m not even part of your life.” you continued, your voice sharp.
“Hey, I never meant to make you feel that way. I just... I don’t know how to explain it. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you.” he replied, guilt evident in his voice. He tossed your vape into a nearby trash can and held both your hands. Your eyes met, and you fell into the depths of his beautiful gaze. “You can talk to me if you need to, so tell me why you started vaping.” he gently urged, lifting your chin so your eyes locked again.
You looked down at your shoes, struggling to find the right words. “I just… i’m feelin so tired lately and i need something that makes me feel better.” You tried to explain, but no answer seemed right. Vaping felt like a way to relieve your stress and jealousy, but deep down, you knew it was just a temporary escape.
Oikawa sighed, softly touching your chin to lift it again. “(y/n), I care about you. Don’t hurt yourself with this, you know it’s bad for you, right?” he said, his voice tender and filled with concern. You nodded slightly at his words. Oikawa smiled, moving his face closer to yours. “There are other ways to feel better, you know.” Your heart raced at his words. “Like what?” you asked, imagining how red your face must be.
A thin smile formed on Oikawa’s lips. He leaned in, pressing a gentle, lingering kiss on your lips. You were stunned, feeling as if you were floating. The kiss was sweet, like strawberries, and warm, making your soul feel more alive than ever before.
As he pulled back, you stared into his eyes, trying to process the emotions swirling within you. Oikawa’s goofy grin made you chuckle despite yourself. “See? Better already.” he said, his voice lightening the mood.
You sighed, the tension slowly melting away. “You’re impossible, you know that?” Oikawa laughed, a sound that felt like sunshine breaking through the clouds. “And yet, you still put up with me.” He sat down on the bench beside you, pulling you into a warm embrace. “Let’s make a deal. If you ever feel like this again, talk to me first. No more hiding behind vapes or running away, okay?” You nodded, feeling the sincerity in his words. “Okay, I promise.”
For the next hour, you and Oikawa stayed on that bench, talking about everything and nothing. He shared funny stories from practice, making exaggerated faces and gestures that had you laughing uncontrollably. It was in these moments that you remembered why you fell for him in the first place – his ability to make you feel seen, heard, and cherished.
As the sky darkened and the stars began to twinkle, Oikawa stood up, offering a hand to help you up. “Come on, let’s head home. We’ve got another day tomorrow.” You took his hand, feeling a renewed sense of closeness. Walking back to the gym to gather your things, Oikawa kept up a steady stream of chatter, his voice a comforting background to your thoughts. You realized that while he might be surrounded by admirers, it was you he came home to, you he searched for, and you he kissed under the evening sky.
The next day at practice, things felt different. Oikawa still charmed everyone around him, but he made a point to acknowledge you, even introducing you to his teammates and his fans as his girlfriend. The jealous pangs that once gnawed at you began to fade, replaced by a growing confidence in your relationship. And when the competition day finally arrived, you were there, cheering louder than anyone. Oikawa looked up at you in the stands, a mischievous wink and a cheerful smile on his face that made your heart flutter. You knew, no matter how many people surrounded him, your place was always by his side.
© MICHAVS 2024, please do not translate or repost my fics without my permission.
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lizzy06 · 2 months
Tobio Kageyama x Reader
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Haikyuu! Fic Rec Masterlist
Karasuno Fic Rec Masterlist
remeber, forever ✨✨by @saintobio (unplanned pregnancy, angst, cheating, unrequited love)when the boy you’ve loved for years unexpectedly becomes your baby daddy. the catch? he’s in love with someone else. [COMPLETED]
best man✨ by @realcube (oneshot, humor) kageyama’s been with you through highs and the lows, he genuinely loves you unconditionally. so what happens during the lowest of the low, he finally meets your older brother - oikawa tōru. [COMPLETED]
Bruised Ink ✨by @seokiloquy(oneshot, soulmate au, fluff)When you write on your skin it appears in the same spot on your soulmates body.[COMPLETED
]soulmate au by katcchii (oneshot, soulmate au, fluff) When you can hear their heartbeat in close range with them. As soon as you meet them , it stops and their heartbeat is permanently inked into your skin. you meet your soulmate at aoba johsai vs karasuno match [COMPLETED]
UNEXPECTED BLOOM. by @ugh-tsumu (oneshot, soulmate au, fluff) Wherein if your soulmate gets a wound or cut, flowers bloom of the same spot on your body. As the newest manager of Karasuno, you were asked by your senior Kiyoko to escort Kageyama towards the school clinic after getting himself injured in the middle of a practice match.[COMPLETED]
To be your king by @nsfwsportsanimebabes (oneshot, soulmate au) Kageyama’s soulmate is the setter of the female Karasuno volleyball teams rival school. They have the same tattoos[COMPLETED]
numberbuddy ✨by -moontopia (fluff, humor, chat fic at the start) 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧~ [COMPLETED]
 Volleyball on the Brain ✨ by @oreosmama (oneshot, Soulmate AU, fluff) In a world where soulmate’s thoughts are written on their other half’s hand, your soulmate always has the same thing on his mind every day: volleyball and the occasional dumbass ginger. [COMPLETED]
𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 ✨by @rikorene (oneshot, angst, fluff, rebirth) you are living your life in the cold dark shadows inside of the walls of your mansion, never believing in things such as soulmates nor love, even dismissing the simple thought of it. then, you met a pair of lovely navy blue eyes that oddly resembled blueberries, but despite that, they held so much warmth in it. a warm feeling that you didn’t want to ever let go. [COMPLETED]
Handwriting by MrsTanaka (oneshot, soulmate au, fluff)Soulmate AU where you have half a quote on your wrist and upon having physical contact with your soulmate you get the other half on your opposite wrist.[COMPLETED]
Exceptional abilities ✨by GhostiMoth (oneshot, soulmate au, talent sharing) You've never been a huge fan of volleyball. you never thought about joining it in school until one day the coach of your junior high school dragged you to practice after seeing your skill during a friendly match between your friends during P.E. Soulmate au with talent sharing.[COMPLETED]
Finally by @3asahi(oneshot, soulmate au, fluff)[COMPLETED]
liar, liar by XIIILNT(soulmate au, fluff) where the first words your soulmate says to you are engraved/tattooed on your forearm.[COMPLETED]
Flutterby by flying_raijin (strangers to friends to lovers, slice of life, fluff)An academic smartypants meets a volleyball smartypants. Chaos ensues. [COMPLETED]
Photo Booth Strip by hxneekyuu(hxnee) (oneshot, friend to lovers, childhood friends, smut, angst, fluff) Kageyama makes you smile that first day in the sandbox, and he spends the rest of his life learning what it means to make you happy. Or he learns that marriage isn't simple. [COMPLETED]
Petty Competition✨ (oneshot, humor) by @oreosmama After you get a new pet in your home, Kageyama can’t help but feel a little neglected after a while. It’s all Snickers’ fault. [COMPLETED]
a first for both of us by lumippon (fluff, smut, humor)[COMPLETED]
How He Shows You Affection by @jayeray-hq(oneshot, fluff)[COMPLETED]
Stubborn by IppenX (idiots in love, fluff, humor) It's no surprise that it took a shooting star for the volleyball-focused dumbass to realize he's fallen in love with someone who'd probably never see him that way - but knowing that didn't mean he was going to give up. [COMPLETED]
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bizkitsnuggets · 4 months
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main m.list
(chapters will be added once “like no other” is finished)
synopsis: the struggles of a 3rd year aoba johsai student trying to ask his crush to homecoming.
flufffff, highschool au, hajime being head over heels, seijoh4, more tba
status: ongoing!
likes and rebloggs are vv appreciated!!!
table of contents —
day 1: unveiling secrets
memoir 01
day 2: tba
day 3: tba
memoir 02
day 4: tba
final day: tba
memoir 03
homecoming: tba
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thesecretoffiona · 6 days
Everything in Between ☾ Part 1
✰ Iwaizumi Hajime x Female Reader
Note: Hi! I'm Fiona, and this will be my first short fanfic on Tumblr and fanfic in general haha and I originally got this idea from a TikTok that I saw made by @ semiloml about how Haikyuu boys would react to being stuck in an elevator with you and I'm genuinely the biggest Iwaizumi fan haha so my mind went so many directions after reading what she wrote for Iwa so here's the first part! I really hope you will like it. :)
·˚ ༘*ೃ༄ೃ⁀➷⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚☄. *. ⋆·˚ ༘*ೃ༄ೃ⁀➷⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚˚ ༘♡
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"Hey y/n, I'll head on up first, okay?" Aimi hollered across the cafeteria of Fukurodani.
“Yeah, okay, I know you just can’t wait to see–” you were cut off by your friend with incessant shushing, causing lots of heads to turn in your direction. You shot your friend a directed look and she gently slapped her hands together to make a praying motion, mouthing, “Sorry!” You sighed and took another bite of your sandwich, your mind reeling towards numerous things. 
As Aoba Johsai’s manager, you knew that Fukurodani was a powerful team, not knowing whether or not today's practice match would go your team's way or not. Even with your mind full of thoughts and outcomes, you couldn’t not feel Iwaizumi’s stare. 
You’ve felt his gaze since your friend had abundantly gathered the entire cafeterias attention with her loud shushing. You felt your face getting hot but you put all your thought into trying to look as normal as possible.
Fukurodani’s coach had been surveying Oikawa for a few months now and decided that he was exactly who their team needed as an opponent, hence why Aoba Johsai was all the way here, at Tokyo.
“You look hot, do you need some water?” OIkawa said as he took the seat in front of you.
“I’m fine, but thank you, Oikawa.” You replied, head still on other topics.
“You’re fine? This cafeteria has their ac on blast, yet you still look like a tomato that went through war and back.” Oikawa retorted.
You gave him a glare, feeling your face heat up more at the fact that someone had noticed how red it already was. You always had a thing for turning red over the littlest things, sometimes nothing at all.
“Is it really that noticeable?” You sighed, “It’s nothing.”
“Come on, what’s got you so worked up?” He questioned.
You really really did not want to tell him that it was because you had some unlabelled feelings about his best friend. Were they even feelings? Everytime you looked at him, your heart would do something of a somersault inside your chest, it was even difficult to talk to him, pretending like he wasn’t on your mind just hours ago.
“You should really go get warmed up instead of bothering me like a fly that doesn’t know when to quit.” You said with a smile.
He looked around before speaking.
“I’ll have you know that I’m not even comparable to a fly. That Kageyama is an annoying fly in my life.” He paused. “I’m more like.. a pretty butterfly.”
“Right, right.” You responded with a smile.
Oikawa let out a light laugh and stood up.
“Fine, I’ll get going first. I’ll see you in there.” He said.
You gave him a nod before responding, “M’kay, see you in there."
About 10 minutes pass and you realize that Iwaizumi had already left, probably to go warm up, as well. You leave the cafeteria, looking for the elevator to get to the gym upstairs. 
“This school is huge…” You mumble to yourself, taking mental notes of every corner you’re passing.
As you turn right once more, you see an elevator down the hall that’s about to close and you pick up your pace.
“Hey! Hold it, please!” you yell, without seeing the face of who was inside as the elevator doors were closing. A hand stuck out in the middle, opening the elevator doors once more. Your heart dropped. It was Iwaizumi. Not that you didn’t like him, or weren’t fond of him. Just that you found it easy to talk to the rest of the team except him. He made you nervous, yet you couldn’t figure out why.
Despite your thoughts, you jogged up to the doors, giving Iwaizumi a soft smile.
“Hey, thanks, Iwa.” You breathed out.
He didn’t return the smile, he just grunted and said, “Yeah, no problem.”
Iwaizumi clicked the third floor button and tucked his hands into his pockets. The silence was deafening, and you didn’t know what to say. You were worried that your face would tell him that you felt awkward, shuffling in your feet and clearing your throat. You look over at him and you see that he has no emotion.
You were so caught up in checking out his face that you didn’t notice the elevators going to a sudden halt.
“What–” You stumbled forward a step, in tandem with the halt that sent a shock throughout the elevator, bracing yourself to hit the elevator doors when two steady hands caught you, righting you up on your feet once more.
You closed your eyes shut for two seconds, cursing yourself, knowing whose arms were around you.
“Thanks…” You spoke to the elevator floors, not wanting to make eye contact with Iwaizumi, his arms still around you. 
You heard Iwaizumi clear his throat.
“Um, yeah. You’re all good, right, y/n?” He asked.
His arms were still around you, you noted.
“Yeah, I’m all good," you cleared your throat. "um, what just happened?” As soon as you asked that, the elevator lights turned off and Iwaizumi finally took his hands off of you, allowing you to kick-start your breathing again.
You looked over at him, pushing buttons on the elevator.
He cursed under his breath. “The elevators are out of power or something? What the hell?”
Okay, wow. If you thought your heart was originally beating fast, it was beating 10 times faster now.
“Woah, hey, you okay?” He looked at you, letting out a light chuckle. “I’m sure everything’s going to be fine, they’ll send someone for us.”
“Okay, don’t laugh. This is a very real fear of mine, okay?” You glared at him for laughing at you.
Iwaizumi was holding a hand over his mouth now.
“Look, don’t worry. I mean, you’d expect a powerhouse school like Fukurodani to have running elevators, but I guess I’ve been overestimating them.” He said, following with another chuckle at you.
“Plus, it’s nothing like the movies, I’m sure. They’ll send someone for us.” He continued, trying to reassure you.
“Right, right. Unless it’s everything like the movies.” You said while rubbing your hands together.
“I wouldn’t worry about that until we have to.” He looked you up and down as he said that.
You watched him start to take his teal and white Aoba Johsai jacket off.
“Here, wear this. You seem cold.” He held his jacket in his hand, handing it off to you.
“What?” You felt your face heating up, despite your hands feeling icy cold inside this small elevator.
“Look at it this way, it could be worse. At least you aren’t alone. I’m here for you.” He said trailing off to look at the elevator ground instead of your eyes.
Why was your heart beating so fast? No way, this was the guy you didn’t know how to communicate with. But why was it that you didn’t know how to communicate with him?
Without saying anything, you took the jacket and slowly pulled it over your shoulders. It was huge on you, compared to Iwaizumi. 
“Thanks,” you started to mumble. “that’s really sweet of you, Iwa.”
Was it because it was dark in the elevator and you couldn’t see clearly, or was Iwaizumi Hajime really blushing right now, behind his usual scowl?
You smiled and walked a step to the wall of the elevator and slid down to take a seat.
“Hey, dummy, come take a seat instead of standing there awkwardly. You don’t know how long it’s going to take before someone comes for us, if someone does at all.” You called out to him.
“Someone’s going to come.” He said with a scowl and a sigh as he came over beside you and took a seat, yours and his pinky unnecessarily close together.
The tension inside this elevator was heavy. You rummaged your mind for questions to ask to start up a conversation, with Iwaizumi’s even breathing in the background, strangely calming you.
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Being Seijoh's Manager:
Miss Manager Secretly Dating Matsukawa
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Issei Matsukawa featuring Seijoh x Fem! Manager
Warnings: Swearing, Loserkawa
A/N: This is an Anon request! I chose Seijoh because I love chaos and will take literally any opportunity to bully Oikawa 🙃
Oof yn, you are so lucky 😩
Literally I can't even
Matsukawa... Issei Matsukawa YN...
Ok that's enough 😒
To sum it up, you're a very lucky lady YN
Not to mention you manage Seijoh 😱
Aka the Simp Squad!
Literally Seijoh and Nekoma would worship a manager prove me wrong
You can't ✋🏻
So when a new transfer student shows up
Now Seijoh is limited on its resources...
"Resources" being people who don't know of Oikawa 🙄
Oof it's all hands on deck!
You just so happened to be the new incoming student in Mattsun's class
The teacher introduced you and literally all the guys were like 🥵🥵🥵
Because our angel is a hottest lemme tell you!
Mattsun is thanking God right now because the seat next to his is open and ready for the taking
"Hi I'm YN! It's nice to meet you!" You say cheerfully as Mattsun watches you
"Uhh Issei Matsukawa, it's nice to meet you," he stammers out
You smile at him, please do less YN 🙄, and the man is gone!
After that, Matsukawa kind of just becomes your friend
Like you hang out during class, after class and even during lunch
Which is where you get introduced to the gang
The gang mainly being Iwaizumi and Hanamaki with the occasional interruption for Oikawa
Soon you start getting introduced to all the Seijoh boys
Our precious first Years, Kindaichi and Kunimi
As well as our second years, Kyotani, Yahaba and Watari
Of course you also have to deal with Seijohs resident pain in the ass 😒
"YN-chan when will you go on a date with me?!?!" OIkawa whines
You don't miss the low growl that comes from Matsukawa 👀
"Oikawa I told you, you aren't really my type," you say, shrugging
Mattsun definitely doesn't miss the little look you give him 😏
"I'm everyone's type YN!" Oikawa whines
"More like everyone's pain in the ass," Iwaizumi grinds out
You, Mattsun and Makki 👉🏻🤣🤣🤣
Oikawa 👉🏻😱 IWA-CHAN
"YN should be our manager since she's the only girl we know who will actually turn Oikawa down," Makki suggests
Literally the light bulbs 💡 in these boys brains all go off
"That's a great idea! YN would you be interested?" Iwaizumi asks you
"Sure! I mean, I need a club so why not!" You respond as the boys all jump for joy
Literally a whole celebration YN just because they FINALLY have a manager 😩
Mattsun is excited but also a little nervous
He's fairly confident in himself BUT when it comes to you, he feels a certain sense of vulnerability
He has started to develop feelings for you and he wants to keep you all to himself 🥺
He kind of looks at you being manager as a win/lose
Sure he gets to spend more time with you but then so does his team
However, he buries his feelings deep down for the sake of you and the team
Unfortunately that does not last long 😅
Because our precious Mattsun is one jealous boy!
Especially when it comes to his friends
Why are you always standing so close to Iwaizumi?
Why do you have to hand Makki his water bottle like that?
Why does Oikawa have to touch you???
It only takes about a week before he finally loses his cool
It happens one day after practice when the third years are taking their turn to clean up the gym
You are busy, running around all cute like
Freaking adorable 😍
When suddenly, a rouge ball gets lose and rolls in front of you, tripping you and sending you crashing to the floor 😱
"HOLY SHIT YN!" Iwaizumi yells but Mattsun is already by your side
"Are you ok?" He says as grab your knee
"I think so, my knee just kind if hurts," you whimper a little
"God dammit Oikawa look what you did to Yn!" Iwaizumi yells
Oikawa right now 👉🏻👁👄👁 *just existing*
"Come on YN, let's get you to the nurse," Iwaizumi says as he goes to lift you up
Too bad Mattsun is already on it
"I got her," he says lifting you effortlessly as you squeal
"I'll come with," Makki says as Mattsuns head snaps to him
"I said, I got it!" Mattsun growled as Makki stopped looking strangely at his best friend 😑
Mattsun carries you to the nurse and sets you down
The nurse checks you over, determining it was just a small bruise and that you would heal just fine
Once you are done, you go to stand up as Mattsun stops you
"Issei, what-"
"YN go out with me?" He blurts out
You 👉🏻😃 whet-
"YN I like you alot and I want to take you out!" He says as you just stare 😳
Yes yn, give us NOTHING 👏🏻
"Of course if you don't want to-"
Quick YN!
"No I do! I like you too Issei, I'm just surprised! I didn't think you'd like a girl like me," you say, blushing and putting your head down
"You mean an absolute perfect angel? How could I not!" He said as you smiled
He linked his hand in yours and helpedyou back to practice
After that day, you and Mattsun soon became a couple
A secret couple 👀
Why secret? Well because you are Mattsun didn't really care to share your personal lives with anyone
Now that doesn't mean these super sleuths didn't suspect something 🕵
Literally Makki and Kunimi KNEW something was up but they could never find evidence
Picture Makki and Kunimi following you two around, hoping they would catch you holding hands or kissing 🔍
Just them, cameras at the ready 📱
But alas it never happened
You and Mattsun always hang out but you were very good at keeping things secret
You'd only hold hands in private, kiss when absolutely no one was around
Even at practice, you gave nothing away
Until one day 🙃
Oikawa was on his bullshit again, as he was most days
Literally he was relentless in his pursuit of you YN ✋🏻
We are all getting second hand embarrassment from him istg-
"YN-Chan, please?? Just picture you walking in on the arms of the volleyball captains arm at the inter-heigh prelims! Everyone will be so jealous and we will rule Miyagi prefecture!" Oikawa 🙌🏻
You 👉🏻🤍 N O 🤍
"Ugh YN come on! Ok how about this, one date, just one little tiny date!" Oikawa begged
Now you could hold your own YN
But Mattsun 😬 oof he was sick of Oikawa's shit
"Shittykawa she said no, knock it off!" Iwaizumi belted out
"Iwa-chan you are suppose to be on my side!" Oikawa cried
"I'm on team YN," Iwa said
"Me too," Kindaichi said, Yahaba, Makki, Kunimi, Watari and Kyotani agreeing
"Oikawa you are sweet just not my type," you said ad Oikawa followed behind you
Mattsun is seething at this point and Makki is like 👀🍿
"Well if I'm not your type then who is?!?" Oikawa whined as Mattsun finally snapped
"I am Oikawa now back the hell off my girlfriend!" Mattsun shouted
You 👉🏻😬😅
Mattsun 👉🏻😡
Makki and Kunimi 👉🏻😃 📱
Iwaizumi 👉🏻😐🙄
Oikawa 👉🏻😐😳😱
"YN really? Mattsun???" Oikawa shouted
You just shrugged and smiled
"I have a thing for middle blockers what can I say," you smile, kissing your boyfriend on the cheek as he pulls you closer
"Totally called it!" Makki and Kunimi shouted, high-fiving
"YN-Chan you wound me," Oikawa whined again
"Just say the word YN," Iwaizumi said, holding a volleyball
"It's ok Iwa, we are good!" You say as Mattsun holds you close
"It seems like your girlfriend has a soft spot for me Mattsun," Oikawa 😏
Mattsun rn 👉🏻😐 Iwa-
Before he even finished the word, a ball forest barreling at Oikawa, hitting his square in the back of the head
"IWA-CHAN!" Oikawa 😭
Please YN, he deserves it and you and Mattsun deserve to be happy 🥰
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ivoryu · 1 month
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f – fluff a – angst d – drabble o – oneshot s – smau t – texts ☆ – personal favorite
most will have a female reader!
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coming soon…
NEW YEAR’S DAY (iwaizumi x reader) f, d, o
your and iwaizumi’s relationship as “new years day” lyrics.
coming soon…
coming soon…
more teams/characters will be added!
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smilocity · 3 months
Author’s List of Writing
Characters I write about (including games, animes, shows, etc)
I write for only x female readers (Sorry in advance!)
David "Hesh" Walker
Logan Walker
Keegan P. Russ
Captain Commander Thomas Merrick
MWI—MWIII (Old and new)
John "Soap" Mactavish
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Captain John Price
Alejandro Vargas
Rodolfo Parra
Alex "Echo 3-1" Keller
Karasuno High (Everyone except Ukai and Takeda, Kiyoko and Yachi)
Aoba Johsai
Nekoma High
Inarizaki High
Fukurōsani Academy
Kamomedai High
(I won’t write for EVERY character of these schools. There are many characters so I will be accepting them as long as I’m okay with it.)
One Piece
Roronoa Zoro
Vinsmoke Sanji
Monkey D. Luffy
Portgas D. Ace
Trafalgar D. Water Law
The Disastrous Life of Saiki. K
Saiki Kusuo
Kaido Shun
Kineshi Hairo
Kuboyasu Aren
Kuroko no Basket
Kuroko Tetsuya
Kagami Taiga
Kise Ryota
Midorima Shintaro
Aomine Daiki
Murasakibara Atsuhi
Akashi Seijuro
Kasamatsu Yukio
Hyuga Junpei
Izuki Shun
Takao Kazunari
Himuro Tatsuya
Hayama Kotaro
(I will not be writing about Lloyd since I don’t think he’s of "age" because of the whole aging potion thing.)
Cole Brookstone
Kai Smith
Jay Walker
Zane Julien
(I may just write head cannons of funny Drabbles.)
Young Justice
Robin Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
Connor Kent — Superboy
Wally West — Kid Flash
Red Arrow Arsenal — ( (1st Clone) Roy Harper)
Red Robin - Tim Drake
(2nd) Robin Red Hood — Jason Todd
LEGO Monkie Kid
Sun Wukong
Six-Eared Macaque
(I know, I know…I’m all over the place…Trust me…I just got into 9-1-1…)
Any "weird/disturbing" asks will be deleted and you will be blocked!
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ladytheoris · 3 years
Iwaizumi Hajime thinks his wife is clingy. Well, he has his reasons too. One, what is about to happen the moment he steps into his home. As he skips two steps and practically ran to his home, all he could think of was what will happen at the exact moment he opens the door. And two, obviously one sums up everything.
It is an everyday schedule now. You being a working member of the society, and being home earlier than him, it was supposed to be like this. And him being an athletic trainer to the volleyball team of Japan, truth to be said, this was an everyday schedule when he was in the country, which is restricted to months. Did he cherish these moments? Yes. The smile on his lips was the answer for that.
As he opens the door to your apartment, he gets a millisecond, or if not a tad bit more, to catch a flying figure. He did stumble back a few steps, but he is used to this, so he knew this will happen. He holds his wife, who now has her arms around his neck, and legs wrapped around his waist, peppering kisses all over his neck.
Yes, he is sweaty, and yes he is tried. But you too are equally tired and got fed up waiting for him. Maybe that's why, he just tightens his hold around your hip, pulling you closer to him as he places fluttering kisses on your hair and forehead.
"Can I at least shut the door before you decide to pounce on me the moment I come home", he speaks in between the kisses. You push your hands further, shutting it for him, as he removed his shoes and takes you into your living room.
Of all the good things and the bad things that happened in his life, maybe meeting you was the greatest thing. You being a part of his life, was all that he could ask for. And you were equally loving him, knowing that his love for you is basically to infinity and beyond.
AN: breaking my schedule because next week on I might be practically non-existent.
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daichiis-scrunchiie · 3 years
Karasuno x yankii!fem!reader
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info & tw: smoking, minor bullying, y/n being a baddie, fluff, kiyoko time-skip spoiler ✧*。she/her pronouns
Yankii: a Japanese subculture whose members are seen as trashy and uneducated ,, commonly rebel with altered/ customized uniforms and a tendency to fight.
• as a third year over time you've grown accustomed to weird stares and whispers,, waltzing down the hallway with leg-warmers over your tights and a baseball bat casually resting over one shoulder
• your mom fits into the yankii stereotype as a highschool dropout and teenage parent,, in fact you're from a whole line of proud yankiis 😌 your aunts practically raised you with their gyaru influence, so you have a lot of 80s/90s wardrobe hand-me-downs
• there's pictures of your dad with his massive pompadour and motorcycle from when he was younger
• he brings pictures of little you sat on the seat of his old bike,, a daddy's girl 😌💕
• he now works on a construction site and the workers adore it when you pop along to the site after vbc practice
• the guys your dad works with will be cooing over you bringing him lunch one minute to arm wrestling you the next ‼️ you don't hold back because you are surprisingly strOng 💪
• playing poker with the old geezers while dad lays the spackle 😌 bringing this skill to school and winning extra yen for the vending machine
• now as a manager of karasuno--
• you definitely stand out 😳 with kiyoko as the silent beauty,, yachi as the trembling cutie and you as the outlandishly colourful and bubbly girl
• you stand on the sidelines watching practice while blowing bubblegum and smacking your glossy lips
• write every note you can think of in your hello kitty notepad (with fluffy pen obvs),, then switch to your pocket mirror to touch up your eye-shadow
• something like 'yamaguchi's float serve is coming along nicely' surrounded by hearts and cute drawings <33
• kiyoko makes you do kissy faces so she can re-apply your gloss,, girls supporting girls 💪
• scrunchies always on your wrists to give out to long haired players or simply style kageyama's hair on the sidelines,, pinching his cheeks and chatting about who dumped who in your year while he just nods along without complaint
• normally a quick smoke before practice so you'll creep around the side of the gym and find a tired ukai already there
• the first time you joined him and offered your bedazzled Bic™ lighter he was shocked,, but now he's so accustomed to it he just raises his hand as you yell "yo, old man!"
• it's common for takeda to smack you both on the back of the heads,, leaving you both grumbling while stubbing out your ciggs before hopping on the mini-bus
• karasuno,, unfortunately,, lacks a yankii community-- shiritorizawa and aoba johsai however ‼️ you love seeing people that look like you at practice games and you'll often sneak away to hang with them
• on your own turf you've already adopted outcasts and eat lunch with the first years that feel they don't fit in
• the lgbtq+ kids 💕adore💕 you and greet you in the halls every morning
• you bond with hinata over constantly being underestimated; him in volleyball and you academically
• you're actually a true barb and know it's your duty to stay in school and be the first in your family to go to college 💪 so you study hard,, daichi worries you'll burn yourself out but you just wave him off with a smile
• next thing you know he's draping his jacket over your shoulders after you doze off on kinnoshita on the bench
• by nature you are sooo flirty,, you fluster asahi a lot,, harrassing him to feel your legs because "i shaved last night! Feel!! Feel!! They're so smooth~"
• a huge collection of egg magazines from decades ago,, you'll flick through them for fashion inspo during break periods (canonically hq is set in 2012 and egg finished publishing in 2014,, so you were up to date with them xoxo)
• look really scary when you walk with the team into another school,, but you just get along with-- everyone <33
• kenma absolutely adores you and your head scratches-- your ridiculously long acrylic nails are just 🥴 purr-fect
• iwaizumi loves that you don't hold back with harsh high-fives and arm wrestling,, mad-dog is so scared of you lmao 💀
• you won't allow tsukishima to give backtalk and shut him up efficiently with a glare or snappy comeback
• you and tanaka ohmygosh you stress daichi out the most-- making him bald already lmaoo
• you adore your kouhais and offer to help them study,, buy them snacks,, and tell them to never take up unhealthy habits while smoking your fifth cigg (hypocrite)💀
• nasty rumours follow you,, ofc people love to talk smack about you based off your appearance,, your team is quick to shut these down however,, they are pretty intimidating 🤛😌👹
• people always assume you're mean when this is lit-rally you:
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• you don't back down from fights tho,, anyone badmouthing your team?? heard the asahi slander enough times?? you're rolling up your sleeves while daichi sighs,, holding his hand out to take your hoops
• you & him are the definition of "kick his ass babe I got yo flower"
• speaking of babe,, you call everyone that platonically!! Unless they're uncomfortable with it then you resort to something a little calmer like 'bro' or 'lovely' ( first time yachi heard it she fainted)
• you're very affectionate and can't help but give cheek kisses and random squeezes,, nishinoya practically floats when you praise his skills
• let's just say the first time you met atsumu he was rendered a stuttering,, flustered mess after the constant flurry of nicknames like "honey, babe, sweetheart"
• your team just glared at him as if to say "you're not special"
• and the way you can talk to people so easily as if you've been besties since you were a twinkle in your mom's eye-- futakuchi was floored when he found you and the scary iron-wall middle blocker and you sat criss cross gushing about his pet tortoise
• all in all you can get along with anyonee,, everyone adores you,, and you actually have a bright future ahead of you much to your haters' dismay 😘 stay mad and stan elle woods ya pussies
• saeko was the one to give you driving lessons and you loved every second of it,, ukai as your supervisor hated it and hurled in a plastic bag more times than he could count
• in the time-skip era you're a successful nail technician-- getting to gossip all day with customers and always drag your highschool friends over for sleepovers + manicures in your hello kitty pj's💅🏻
• you also did kiyoko's nails for her wedding 😭 and you returned the favour of kissy lips by applying a final coat of gloss before she walked down the aisle
A/N: first post,, hope you enjoy <3
What's New - Megan thee stallion
Every Summertime - NIKI
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translytherins · 3 years
*Aoba Johsai coming in for morning practice*
Iwazumi: Good morning everyone
Kunimi: Good morning
Kindaichi: Good morning senpai!
Oikawa *whining*: You all sound like robots! Try spicing it up a bit guys!
*[Y/n] bursting through the door*
Oikawa: That's not what I meant when I sai-
Oikawa: Meanie [N/n]-chan (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
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