#art fight had made me like big character art pieces again
thehappiestgolucky · 11 months
Me twirling my silly moustache when my silly little plan is working (I get to see and draw a bunch of silly Rivulets)
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kozachenko · 4 months
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Ok so, what I did is go into the clip studio paint file, make a new file, copy and paste the group in the original file, merge everything, get rid of the extra stuff outside of the canvas, and then make the flattened image smaller and crop the canvas. Once you have that, export it and you're done. This helps maintain the actual quality of the image and also helps shrink the file size down to something actually postable (if anyone has a better way of doing this please tell me)
[Edit]: Ok I guess posting something to Tumblr just naturally compresses the image a bit more somehow because I'm looking at it now and zooming in too much makes it a bit blurry so I'm still gonna have to futz around with image quality for future pieces oof
Artist's Note:
I'm so glad I figured out a way to do this because I like working on a big canvas so I can get as much detail in as I possibly can. Only problems are how laggy it gets while drawing lol.
I had an idea for a drawing with Reimu and Zanmu because I really like thinking about their potential dynamic a lot. I also wanted an excuse to draw Zanmu again but in my normal rendering style because last time I drew her she was in my more sketchy style with generally flat colours so I wanted to draw her again. Speaking of, looking at the sketch for this is a jumpscare that I never enjoy seeing, like, man am I glad I didn't use those for my final piece.
Also about her spear. I was originally gonna make it like the ones she had in game, but it kinda threw off the whole piece. It was too big, too blue, and too flat, so I just went "fuck it" and gave her a different one instead. My headcanon justifying this is that the ones she uses in game are for danmaku battles whereas in any other fight she just uses a proper yari, or she still uses the yari and just makes it all glowy to power it up, maybe both lol. I pulled as much inspiration as I could from Sengoku era spears, and even put in some blue into the decorative part of the spear and also added a little skull to pay tribute to the original spear. Also, in my research I saw some art of izanami and izanagi making japan and saw that the yari izanagi has had a little decorative tassley thingy on it so I took some inspo from that and just made it one of Zanmu's tassles (Idk when that art was from or if the spear was still accurate to Sengoku period Japan but hey, probably the same reasons Eirin puts little bow ties on her arrows, it's just for personalization purposes).
I love rendering hair and clothes so much omg, while I like the super curly hair Zanmu, the longer, wavier hair suits her better for this drawing (I imagine it only does that like how Ghibli characters hair moves when they feel angry lol). I love making Zanmu's hair all messy and crazy, as well as giving her grey hairs, this woman has aged like a fine wine. Also, if the hem on the ends of her sleeves, top of her shirt, and her pants look like gold to you, that's because it is! It's fairly light so she's not collapsing under the weight, but it's gold! (I don't care how impractical it is, it's just cool). Not the undershirt though, it's made of a gold fabric. I had a cute idea with Reimu's hair to make it have a red shine to it. I also changed up Reimu's outfit so it isn't just a blob of red. I like it a lot when Reimu's skirt and outfit is segmented into different layers, so I wanted to incorporate that.
I tried to draw their hands differently as well, but IDK how noticeable that is. Also, I am super happy with how the side profiles for the two of them turned out, I used to struggle a lot with how to make the side profile of a character actually look like the character, so I'm really happy that they actually look like themselves.
Also added in the tree and rocks in the background as an homage to Zanmu's character art in Touhou 19, just because I was getting kinda stumped on what to do with the background lol.
In terms of a story idea with Reimu and Zanmu, idk why but the potential plotline of Zanmu wanting to ascend to godhood is so fascinating to me. Like, it is very possible that if she just convinced everyone she was a god (which would be very easy for her to do), she would become one in a heartbeat. Also, if she were to become a god, with her ability to return stuff to nothing, could she hypothetically get similar abilities to (Jojo Part 5 spoiler btw) GER? Like, idk about the death timeloop stuff, but the concept has been haunting me every night as I have been trying to find loopholes in GER's ability for a while now ( for no reason in particular). Back to the main topic, I imagine that she would probably tell Reimu that if she were to become a god she would take over the Hakurei shrine since the god there might as well be dead, and Reimu just says to her, "Over my dead body bitch." Like, I have no idea how to summarize their dynamic but like, it's the type of hero-villain dynamic where the phrase "We're not so different, you and I" would definitely be a phrase said during a fight. I think that if another IN style game were to release, Reimu and Zanmu would be in a team together. They could also have an interesting mentor and pupil kind of dynamic. Can you tell that Zanmu has been charging my mind rent these part few months? Like, instead of living in my head rent free, she kinda just uno reversed the whole situation and now she's the one charging me rent. What happens if I get evicted from my own brain? Actually, scratch that, I don't think I wanna know.
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dekusleftsock · 5 months
Yada yada, kudou looked through Izuku’s memories and saw big gay thoughts, but we already knew they were gay. Of course they were gay. They’ve always been gay.
It’s so FASCINATING! And I know I’m late to the party (school, work, life, depression, art block, the list could go on) but all I can think about is the trust that this entire situation holds.
On one hand, Izuku has to trust Kudou and his abilities. Defeating him from the inside out is probably the only way Izuku will win at this point.
And on the other hand, Izuku in his own way, is having to trust shigaraki, something he hasn’t done nor even considered before. He sees that little boy inside of him, but there’s more to that little boy. The man that stands before him, broken and beaten and shattered emotionally by society, is a person too. It truly doesn’t matter that the boy exists; yes it’s a way for Izuku to understand that concept of “heroes and villains are cut from the same cloth”, but it’s also the understanding that even when someone has fucked up their life, still deserves to be treated as a person for doing so. Everyone, EVERYONE, deserves the right to be and feel like a real and alive human being.
To me, it’s in the same vain as Izuku as a little boy. We could go over he details ALL DAY as to how he became the person he is, what could’ve been different, what could’ve happened. But at the end of the day, the only thing that changes the past is how we view it; Katsuki knows this.
There’s a part of me that whenever I see a fanfic where Katsuki meets his old middle school self that he hates him, wants to kick him down, humble him, whatever other verb here:
But that small part of me always thinks that it’s… oddly out of character.
Okay, comparing Katsuki and Izuku, who is more ashamed of their pasts?
If you guessed Izuku (and you agree with me), tell me what exactly inclines you to think that?
Because the difference between them is who accepts themself, and who doesn’t.
Accepting yourself doesn’t just mean, accepting that you were a bad person but you’re better now so it’s okay. No, I think that’s actually more complex than implied.
In my opinion, seeing your past actions as something to forgive is important too. Katsuki meeting his middle school self may seem like an aggressive cat fight in idea, but it practice may turn into high school Katsuki being unaffected by middle school him. He knows why he thought what he did, understands that it was bad, but also understands why that mindset came to be. He can be sorry to Izuku AND sorry to himself.
Izuku I think feels a sense of shame for his middle school self, especially that weakness. He cried more in middle school too; he didn’t try. That’s what he’s most mad about and unable to forgive himself for, he didn’t try.
And to an extent, Izuku has to learn that his perception of his past is what matters most: Shigaraki is the same.
Shigaraki as a little boy could’ve lived better circumstances. He could’ve found a hero and been saved. He could’ve had this or that or made a better decision. And I think a small part of him feels guilty for it. Shigaraki also doesn’t accept his past.
Ofa being taken away, as saddening as it may seem to fans, was always an ending I was hoping for. Of course I could be wrong and by the end of the manga he still has it, and while I’d still be happy with that ending… I just really want Izuku to let himself be a human being. A flawed one, with things he could or could not change, and accepting that fact.
After all, “You’re still human.” Right?
And sorry to bring up the girls again, but part of the key components to saving Himiko were trusting her, and not clinging to a small part of her. She wanted to see and know Himiko as she is, not who she was.
That’s this dudes problem; even if he wants to tear that rug to pieces, there’s certain ideas that hold him back. Think, the idea that your emotions matter less over others, or hating yourself for flaws that nearly every human being has.
Izuku saving Shigaraki has always always always been about saving himself too, and I love that.
Izuku had to trust Katsuki in this battle, trust allmight, trust Ochako, trust people. He had to let them take the wheel, the burden. Maybe he and Shigaraki can lift that burden for themselves too. His mask is broken, he’s become a monster blackwhip thing…
What’s your move Izuku?
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venjamyra · 5 days
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Lyrics – Same Shade as Concrete by Circle Takes the Square
feels a little funny to be making fanart of a manga that started before I was born with music that came out when i wasn’t even one year old yet…
lineart and various inane ramblings (manga spoilers ahead) about this comic that haunts my mind below the cut (its a lot…)
Okay, here’s the line art for anyone who wanted to see it without spoiler talk:
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wow, so cool. Sometimes I like the lineart better in some ways and the colored version in other, different ways… I wonder how to find a good middle ground…… such are the mysteries of life
Onto the brain rot!!!
Okay, so this whole piece is kind of showing Wolfwood’s journey toward ‘accepting’ that he is an assassin. He has killed people. And his belief that he is irredeemable, this is just who he is now, stained with blood.
I’m gonna talk about panels 1,2,3, and 4. Those are just in order from top to bottom, so panel 1 is him firing the gun, and panel 4 is him in the river of blood.
So panel 1 is establishing that this is teenage Wolfwood, and he’s killing someone. YES I used that one painting as a reference (The Fallen Angel by Alexandre Cabanel). I don’t know anything about it, but it looks cool and I like the idea of an apparently evil character crying dramatically. Throw a gun in the mix and you have me curled up in a ball crying about Wolfwood. Wolfwood isn’t crying here, but I hope the reference shows the implication that he’s crying internally.
Panel 2 is directly contrasting with panel 4 with the volume of blood. I chose the blood to just barely cover his hands on purpose, NOT just so that I didn’t have to draw more hands lmao. Lots of blood on his hands symbolism throughout, because he has his whole thing about it. Anyway, this is like, the specific amount of blood where Wolfwood finally feels too far gone. It’s reached his hands, he can’t come back from this.
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shout out to the people who helped me find this panel earlier 😅 @markcampbells @grymmdark
The crosses are there to establish his being surrounded by the Eye of Michael, trapped into this pool of blood. I know with the three crosses there’s some heavy crucifixion symbolism going on. It was honestly unintentional, but if I had to come up with something for it, I’d say in Wolfwood’s mind in this moment, he is the one crucifying people (Jesus, whomever). Again with that ‘too far gone’ stuff. He ‘knows’ who he is now, and it is not a savior. I’m not Christian as an adult and the only thing I did in Sunday school was question the adults or quietly judge them for their logical fallacies so idk if this makes sense in Bible-lore 😭 lol sorry.
Panel 3 hits home on the bloody hands thing, big motif. And then the gun pokes through the panel to give us this connection to the final panel, where we see a second drop of blood, coming from Wolfwood’s own hand, presumably filling the river he’s in. So the entire river is made specifically of blood from his hands, not just blood he spilled.
Panel 4. The big one. Okay, I heard that willow trees represent peace. I don’t know if this is bullshit, but I guess they can mean whatever I want ✨. Wolfwood is not fighting the flood here, just floating along, basically. He’s not relaxed, he hates this. But he’s come to some kind of acceptance. He feels (false) peace that this is just who he is. If he doesn’t get to control who he is or what he does, at least he knows that. This is not the time or place that I’d like to talk about themes of control and bodily autonomy in Trigun--we’d be here forever lol--but its totally that stuff. The willow trees contrast with the crosses here. It is no longer the Eye of Michael holding him in, trapping him in this pool of blood. Now, the willow trees (peace, acceptance) that are grown from his own mind/coping methods are what keep him trapped. I like to imagine the crosses are still beyond the trees, causing the trees to serve as both a wall keeping Wolfwood in and a wall keeping the antagonism of the Eye of Michael out. This is also visual because willow trees look much nicer than mysterious creepy crosses.
The comic basically ends where Wolfwood begins in Trigun. Yeah, he’s got his silly moments, but on a deeper, less superficial (sub-superficial…ficial…?) level, he really believes himself to be stuck in life, unable to change. In the last panel, he’s naked because he’s vulnerable; this isn’t the suit and a charming smile, this is him as he sees himself.
This idea of Wolfwood feeling acceptance with his shitty life drives me insane. In volume 8, after he kinda does his normal assassin work again, he is so fucking sad and angry. I think he tries to tap back into that idea of acceptance, but he can’t. He’s been through so much and seen so much with Vash that he just can’t accept it anymore. Like with the song lyrics as they’re used in this comic, is someone (Eye of Michael, Chapel) goading him into standing in this pool of blood and staying there even as it rises. And then here, he gets a little taste of freedom and just fucking pulls himself out!!! If I feel inspired I could make a part 2 one day where he’s pulling himself out of the blood river or something idk.
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All manga panels are courtesy of Trigun Manga Overhaul!
Oh and some fun drawing things before I go. Important disclaimer: I do not claim to know what I’m doing.
The first pic has the guidelines I used to create shape and draw attention. I saw someone say that using simple shapes helps with composition so I’ve been trying that? It seems cool, I like it. And the second one has my lines to remember where my light source is. I kind of shade based on vibes, which I want to work on, but for now is fine. But the idea is that even though each of these panels has days/weeks to years between them, they all have one light source that extends across the comic. It comes across as a ‘lower’ source relative to Wolfwood in the first panel, which feels dramatic. By the time we get to the last panel, it comes across as the sun, high in the sky. I did this because it felt cool.
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okay love and peace and go listen to the emo music my older brother showed me yippee!!!
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mylittlesecrethaven · 3 months
How Relationships With Them Would Be: Pt 2
Anyway, let's do this.
I'm finishing this up.
Even though nobody asked me to.
Vice housewarden time. (Also, I know some of the dorms don't have vice housewardens, but you know what I mean by these characters. Please don't comment or message or whatever and be like "Um, actually--" Cause I know. Don't worry. :3 Thanks tho)
Ngl, perfect boyfriend material. I can't really see anything that would go bad unless you're just super stubborn about your teeth brushing habits. I think that's the only deal breaker for him.
MC: But I don't wanna brush my teeth now! I'm going to bed.
Trey: Do you know what can happen to your teeth by skipping even one brushing session?
MC: Don't know, don't care.
All in all, the only way this wouldn't work out is if you are the asshole.
Pfft- You fucking wish. I mean, if you get close enough, maybe. But this boi would probably rather trick you and snatch your shit than try to date you. Of course, even if you did get close, he'd tease you to no end. (But if y'all were dating, I'd say he'd be a pretty ok boyfriend)
MC: Um... where's my wallet?
Ruggie: Oh, I used it to buy food.
MC: Oh, how much food?
Ruggie: As much as I could get with whatever was in there.
MC: ...
Ruggie: And then I sold the wallet for some quick cash.
MC: ....my wallet....
Yeah, you could never keep anything valuable.
Unless you're into sadism, you'd fucking die. Also, if you hate mushrooms, good fucking luck. And if you piss him off? You're family would never find you again. I swear, being with this guy would always have you on edge.
MC: Um... Jade? I may have.... sorta.... kinda.... destroyed one of your terrariums... On accident though!
Jade: *silent stare*
MC: ....Jade?....
Jade: *creepy smile thing he does*
(And then MC either goes missing, gets left up on a mountain, or has to work all of Jade's shifts at Monstro Lounge for a month while also helping maintain all of his garden shit)
So yeah. Unless you're ok with constantly being watched for weakness or blackmail, I'd say don't date this psycho.
I mean.... maybe? He's super weird about trust, so even getting close to him would be hard. If y'all are close, I'd say it'd be ok. He probably wouldn't have as much time for you as you'd like since he has to deal with Kalim all the time. Otherwise, I'd say he's ok.
MC: Can we go on that date tomorrow?
Jamil: No. Kalim is hosting another party.
MC: Again? He just had one yesterday, and I've been trying to get us to go on a date for weeks.
Jamil: Can't. Sorry.
Kalim would honestly be your biggest problem while actually dating Jamil. I'd say he'd be almost as good as Trey, otherwise.
Another maybe. Sorta like how Jamil has to deal with Kalim, Rook is obsessed with Vil, so you'd kinda have to fight for attention. Honestly, you'd have to fight for his attention with everything. If you're a dull person, you stand no chance in pulling his eyes and actually dating him. However, unlike Jamil who has pretty much no choice in having to deal with Kalim, you'd have to live with the fact that Rook actually chooses other stuff over you.
MC: I made this cool art piece!
Rook: And it is beautiful! *goes back to watching Vil*
MC: That's.... that's it?
Rook: *still watching Vil* It is an amazing work of art! *pause* Oooo! Vil looks stunning today!
I feel like you'd have to have really high self-esteem to deal with being showed up by other stuff. It'd honestly really suck.
Honestly? Probably an ok boyfriend. As long as you're also a prankster, at least. If you're too dull or very lowkey, he'd probably gloss right over you. But if you're bubbly and hyperactive like him? Then yes. It'd also work if you're lowkey, but spook easily. I'd say he's alright.
Lilia: *appears behind MC* Hello!
MC: *nearly jumps out of their skin*
Lilia: *laughing*
MC: Not funny!
Not as good as Trey, but I think he'd be fine otherwise. The only big issue would be secrets, so if you aren't ok with your partner keeping a few private details to themselves, Lilia probably wouldn't like you as much. (Or maybe he'd like you more cause he'd get to tease you with it, but you might not like it yourself)
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erika-xero · 10 months
Thinking a lot of how social media affect art, how it is getting increasingly more difficult to earn money with it and honestly it just... makes me so sad?.. Disclaimer: I do not want you to pity me. I just want to share some thoughts. Some fears, maybe. Some regrets.
I know that I might never be able to make a good fortune by drawing illustrations, because it seems that I was entirely wrong with my priorities? I always wanted to do more: bigger pieces, more characters and hidden details. I wanted my art to tell a story, if possible.
Who could possible know that most of the people will move to mobile devices with small vertical screens, on which wide detailed illustrations with cinematic feel will look the worst?
Who could possible know that the algorythms of the social media would want you to draw MORE yet, somehow, draw less? I could go insane doing the same stuff over and over again: small portraits, halfbodies in the same simplistic style because they look best in instagram or on tumblr mobile app and gather more attention? And they are also faster to make, thus you can please the allmightly algorythm posting every day or two?..
I love my work, I adore doing various things, I love it when one week I work on a traditional art fullbody with a golden halo and the other three weeks - on a digital artwork with a dynamic fighting scene. But gods. How tiring is it to know that the piece you've been working on will get barely any attention, because three-weeks gap in my posting schedule will, for sure, upset the allmighty algorithm.
They say that it is always bad to switch style or a theme, because people get upset and unfollow you once they see something they aren't waiting to see. Different character body type? Unfollowing. Different facial feature? Unfollowing. Different aesthetic? Unfollowing.
Slightly different shading and coloring? Unfollowing.
But variety has key importance to me. I wish to draw characters which are drastically different from each other. I want to experiment. I want to explore. I want a drawing to be a puzzle I will be solving for hours, days, weeks, never getting bored. I do not wish my work to become a rutine to serve the algorithm or even the general public.
I see, like, those commercially succesfull artists, who post every day earning more money per week than I will be ever earning per month. It is all the same story over and over again: conventionally attractive characters. Halfbodies. Pleasant facial expressions: faint smiles, slightly raised eyebrows. Simple pose, 3/4, detailed clothing. Always the same stylistic choises. Always the same aesthetic.
Of course, sometimes they do draw stronger, bigger pieces, they experiment, they search for something new - but mostly secretely. In private. During the free time they earn - by their hard work and dedication.
I... can not afford drawing stuff for myself in my free time. Honestly, I don't have free time either than the time I spend on my trips to hometown - the only moments I could spend with my family. Neither can I draw five similar pieces in a row, because my brain starts to melt like a strawberry sundae?.. Because when I get bored, I lose concentration? Because, I made variety the key feature of my art and this turned out to be the worst decision an artist can make?
Am I just... weak? Am I stupid? Am I unworthy? Am I childish for wanting my job to be fun and entertaining and fulfilling to do?
There's this group chat I am in, and today someone, the succesful artist, said that anyone, who has less than 10K followers are, to say so, a no one? All of a sudden I feel so upset. My day is ruined. I never had 10K anywhere but VK (which is absolutely useless to anyone doing commissions). I never even cared about numbers... I never wanted to be big. Be popular. For most of the time, my biggest wish was to feel... fulfilled? To be happy, be proud of what I am doing?
I feel fulfilled. But I also don't want to starve myself to death. And I certainly feel like if I, one day, will want to have family, I wouldn't be able to make enough money to afford having a child.
Was I... entirely wrong? Did I waste my time chasing phantoms? Is it too late for me? Will I be among those, who might not survive the hard times, at least, as an artist?
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feralkwe · 2 months
thinky thoughts
i was driving home with a friend yesterday, a friend i've had almost 20 years now, who was my very first internet friend in the early aughts when feminist blogging was in its heyday and who has become an irl friend now that i've moved to the mainland. she has functioned as a big sister in my life all this time. i love her to pieces, and my life has significantly improved with her in it.
we were talking about how weird it is to think the age our children were when we met, and the ways their lives and our lives have changed over the course of our friendship. we both started out single mothers stuck in poverty, and had our respective journeys out of those circumstances during which we've been supportive to one another, helping each other out when we had the means to do so. we've veered in and out of connected interests. i'm a gamer, she's never been into games and more often than not has no idea what i'm talking about. i have no grasp of interior design or fashion, and she has a knack for these things. but we take interest enough to appreciate what these things mean to each other. we've had disagreements and even fights over the years, but at the end of it we found the relationship to be worth the work you put in to maintaining it.
i met my best friends over fifteen years ago through fandom. we formed a fast kinship out of what we joke to be our objectively correct fandom opinions, mostly about the same character from that fandom. over the course of time we've wandered out of overlapping fandoms, supporting one another in our interests even though we didn't share them. i've read some of their fic in those fandoms. i've reblogged art of characters i know nothing about. we find dumb ways to show our interest in their interest. we found the connections beneath the fandoms, the human bonds, and built something enduring and beautiful that i can honestly say i could not be the person i am today without. even when we eventually fell into the same fandom again, we wound up engaging with it in very different ways. but we support each other, gently rib one another over "being wrong" and realize that at the end of the day, those things are ephemeral. our friendship endures.
i met my spouse almost 20 years ago, about the same time i met my big sister. we met through a job, both having come from backgrounds of poverty. we both enjoyed gaming (he started me on my first mmo), but quickly discovered we like very different games, but even when we play the same games we engage with them in very different ways. we share almost no other interests. he likes action movies, i like dumb comedies. he listens to goth and rockabilly, and i'm a classic rock and pop princess. he's read about a third of one of three of my original novels, one of my published shorts stories (he helped me work out the science i used) and (thank fuck) none of my fanfiction. but he shares my work with others, listens to me natter on about games he doesn't play, and we even will watch movies together because we enjoy time together, and i like to bite him at random intervals to keep it real and go with him to look at parts for his bike.
my point (i actually have one) is that in order to build long-term relationships you have to find the connections beyond the fleeting. you remember that your big sis loves pink lipstick so you send her a trinket bowl shaped like pink lips, or that 'none pizza with left beef' makes your spouse lose it until they cry laughing. that one of your besties has a laugh that carries over even your own loud one making music of the two of you, and the other will chase canada gooses with abandon until you fall in the grass in delight. you smile when they talk about their favorite actual play podcast and squeal over their tattoo that is inspired by an anime you've never seen. you bring up old shit to drag them and never let them live down the goofs that made you all laugh until you cried. you send them dumb cards or plants when their life is hard and you can't be there to make them soup when they're sick. you do these things because you love them. you love them for all the bits and pieces that comprise their whole even when those things don't align with your own. you might find the initial connection in the shared interests, but you build bonds separate from those through the commonality of your humanity.
relationships, platonic, not, and familial, take work. you have to put in effort. you don't have to like the same things, but you do have to have room to allow those varied and separate interests to shine in who they are. you take delight in their joy and share comfort in their sorrow. you talk to them. you reach out to them. you show that they matter to you more than your differences. that's love. that's something that endures.
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realspacejunk · 1 month
3. What ideas come from when you were little
For the art ask game
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
23. Do you use different layer modes
3. What ideas come from when you were little?
When I was in school, I had this elaborate fantasy setting of abducted humans and aliens forming a criminal gang in space to finance their search for Earth and fight bad guys. It had planets, artificial planets that were layered and under construction, space stations, spaceports that were giant trenches in the earth or a ring in the sky, characters, resistance fighters, opportunists, terrorists, an occupied Earth, cradle planets that were secured and secret, quarantine sectors, apartment layouts, zombies, species living in nuclear vaults deep underground, dying empires with noble kings, honourable monk warriors, corrupt and benevolent megacorporations, 60.000 years old and 4 billion years old extinct ancient civilizations, big wars over the entire universe, universe-wide extinction events, old and extinguished space magic, ancient and upcoming robot societies, and all that stuff, all connected in a timeline. It inspired me to make lots of art of space and planets at the time. But almost no characters since I sucked at making humans. One Idea I had was about a spaceport that was literally a hollowed-out planetoid.
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Much of the tech was inspired by Prothean and Forerunner architecture from Mass Effect 3 and Halo 4 since I really like those. I made many little drawings of this stuff during and after classes, but I put them all on paper years ago and I don't know where they are. (Lies, I found them)
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I don't think about that setting that much anymore since I was unable to think of a believable reason as to why an alien corporate entity would abduct half the human race, turn them into bio-organic synths and sell them as workers to the unknowing galaxy.
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in?
There was this one painting I started after I finished the Lively Town piece. it was supposed to be a town in a jungle, but I lost interest because The perspective and composition sucked, it was mainly green and I hate painting plants since they confuse me, and I did not know what kind of characters I wanted to make the subject of the scene. It did not help that I had no lore for the thing so I just put random characters in there without knowing what they were supposed to be doing there.
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20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy?
This might sound lame but I can't answer this because I have no idea what other artists struggle with. I struggle with most things myself and can't say what I find easier than most others. The opposite is much easier to ask. Other artists I know are usually awesome at things like anatomy and gestures, which I find to be nightmarish.
23. Do you use different layer modes?
I use layers but to separate subjects like Characters, scene elements, etc. Rarely do I use them in modes other than normal, and when I do that I quickly merge them down again. Most modes I like to apply directly using brushes. The blending modes I use the most are Color Dodge, Add, Multiply and Overlay. Sometimes at the very end of a project, I put one flat color layer on top and use it in Color mode and play with the opacity to harmonize the colors and control the colour temperature without falsifying the values.
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a list of media that I was obsessed with (or still am) and I now know it's because I'm nonhuman (with explanations)
the x-men movies and x-men: evolution- general themes of not being normal/not fitting in with normal humans. wolverine, nightcrawler, rogue, beast, mystique- all beastly/shapeshifter characters that I love. I used to watch one specific episode of x-men: evolution over and over again because there's one part where rogue uses her power on Sabretooth and she gets fangs and claws and its super awesome.
wild kratts- got to see and learn about lots of cool animals!! and ofc they have cool suits that let them change into whatever animal they interact with. in one episode Chris's suit malfunctions and he goes kinda creature mode as a Tasmanian devil (my favorite episode, if you know you know)
wolfblood- the intro slaps major ass- so does all the music actually. werewolves going to high school in England (my dream.) I was IN LOVE with Rhydian, I specifically remember packing up all my art stuff dramatically just like he does when he runs away. also a werewolf getting adopted by vegans is so funny to me. lots of late nights staying up watching and imagining myself running through the woods with them.
teen wolf- a classic in the werewolf community. I never finished it, I found it a bit weird at points, but I definitely liked the transformation scenes.
my babysitter's a vampire- vampires are kinda eh to me but there were other mosters in that show, including werewolves <3
H2O: just add water- 🎶🎵CUZ IM NO ORDINARY GIRL🎵🎶 I genially just love this show. I wish I was a magic mermaid. the cove with the moon and the glowing water was so cool to me. aohr narh! cleaoh!
fairy tail- the first anime i ever watched <3 not my favorite but i still love it. magic system is cool, there's monsters and dragons and flying cats. Natsu is my favorite, he has a super special dragon power and at one point i think he kinda turns half-dragon? idk its been like 6 years since i watched it. this was right around the time i started drawing and making my own characters, so i made my first ever self-insert oc- she was a super bad ass half fox girl that wore chains and spikes and was ofc friends with Natsu.
Naruto and Naruto: Shippuden- my favorite anime, I will never not love it. Naruto has a giant fox spirit sealed in his belly and goes crazy feral wild sometimes and its so awesome. foxes are my favorite animal, and yes I did make a self-insert that was friends with Naruto and also had a piece of the fox spirit sealed in her.
blue exorcist- main character rin finds out hes half demon and son of satan (very cool!) he gets pointy ears and fangs and a tail (!!!) hes treated like a beast and something to be feared when his friends find out but they eventually come to accept him :3
the last unicorn- I have this movie on DVD so I frequently watch it. the OST is absolutly unmatched and the animation is beautiful. the unicorn gets turned into a human and is confused about her identity, which is so me fr. the song "now that im a women" was a huge part of some of my artworks in art school, I used it to talk about my gender identity (it also applies to my nonhuman identity obv)
the curse of the were-rabbit- werewolf but cuter cuz its with bunnies. stop motion transformation scenes are really awesome.
howls moving castle- howl save me. save me howl. turn into a big owl beast and please come save me. I love the sound his big talons make on the tile when he comes back from fighting in the war <3
princes mononoke- literally my first post on this blog was my beautiful wolf mother moro. i wish i was her i wish i was the wolf princess i wish she was my mom plz let me get adopted by giant wolves in a magical forest plz. also my favorite Ghibli movie ever.
luca- this one is recent and oh god. this movie got to me so bad and gets to me every time i watch it. its gay AND nonhuman?? i love those lil Italian fish.
wolf walkers- very obvious choice, but i haven't even seen it yet !!!! its not available on any streaming services i have but I've seen enough clips. also the secret of kells and song of the sea are amazing movies by the same studio and i love everything about them. and we got that banger song (we are running with the wolves tonight.)
sweet tooth- such a good show. half animal people lets go! they are literally hunted down and have to go into hiding, and then theres that super cool group of older teens with the cool masks. i would definitely be apart of them (if i wasn't half animal) ((I totally would be)) cant wait for the last season and im also sad its ending.
this is all i can think of right now... theres also countless videos on YouTube that I'll probably never find again so </3
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thespectralvision · 8 months
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I met Paul Bettany (again) yesterday at Dallas Fan Festival and I'm not sure I'll ever recover.
To preface this, I've been doing cons and seeing live productions for a long time, so I have met a fair number of celebrities and I've never had a bad experience. Getting to meet Lizzie Olsen a few months back was thrilling enough, and I feel so blessed that both she and Paul ended up attending conventions in Texas within a span of months. That said, Paul Bettany blew every other celebrity meeting I've had so far out of the water I don't even know how to compare them. Part of that is my own personal connection to his work - he's been my favorite actor for a very *very* long time - and getting to share how he's been a part of my journey from afar was very emotional and so *so* worth it. Long story below the cut:
When I met him breifly in NYC it was very exciting, but he was running almost 30 minutes late to his own play and didn't have time to chat, so we just snapped the selfie and that was that. The play was an amazing experience, and I discussed it in this post back in December when it happened.
Yesterday I had several one-on-one minutes with him over the course of the day. After a little stress getting in the line (where a kind lady on staff went out of her way to help me and a large group of friends in line with me. One of them had purchased an autograph because she's collecting MCU signatures in a book, but she told me she also wanted to set me up so he knew I was a super-fan.
He started by looking at the print and then deciding he was going to sign it in pink. He was *very* adamant about that, and I laughed and said it was his call. The grin as he started to write and confirmed that yes, pink was the right colour was a wonderful laugh at the beginning.
I told him that I specifially painted this for him to sign, and he was so kind as he looked at it and told him it was my art. I shared a little of my journey and thanked him, because I found Vision as a character due to being a fan of his acting for nearly 2 decades, starting with when I saw A Knights Tale shortly after it came out back in 2001. Before I could drive my dad would take me to go see every movie he did in theaters, and as an adult I've kept up. Paul's work has been a constant in my life, and a source of comfort long before his involvement in the MCU let alone my love of Vision as a character (completely seperate from the man who plays him)
I explained how I had been fighting severe depression for most of the 10 years prior to WandaVision's release, and I had given up on art. Watching WandaVision, and then reading comics about Vision made me want to paint him. The first several times I've never shared (maybe I'll do a big dump of unfinished/unreleased art one of these days) but I just kept trying. In the time since I've created close to 200 piece of art, and I take so much joy in it again. When I have a bad week I paint to relax, I paint when I'm struggling to express things, for a distraction or to share my joy. I didn't go into so much detail with Paul but he listened to every word. I then mentioned that I had met him very breifly in NYC last winter because I had travelled to see him for The Collaboration, and a front-row seat had been my Christmas Gift. He was *so happy* guys. He looked like he had just been given the best compliment ever when I told him how much of a treat it was to get to see him acting live. He made this little happy sound and it was so lovely. I think as artists, knowing our work has inspired others in the way we are inspired is a very high compliment and it felt that way.
He was so kind and at the end of our time together before I walked away he looked at me and told me I had a gift, and thanked me for sharing it with him. I think hearing my story and his small but oh-so-important role in it made him a little emotional too, he looked like he might cry for a breif moment. I said I would be seeing him later for a photo and he smiled so brighly and waved me off, and he didn't turn to the next group until I turned away from his table. All my friends were waiting for me and had been watching and they started freaking out about the conversation. Another friend who was in a different line but had excellent eyesight of Paul was like 'I think he loved your art wow his reaction'. They watched him with other guests for quite awhile and commented that he was all smiles and like that with everyone. Every other person I spoke with at the convention who met him had nothing but glowing things to say. A few friends told me after they now understand why I'm so fond of him hah.
I had a period of time between the autograph and the scheduled photo ops, so I walked the rest of the event and picked up some goodies I'll share in another post - it was like Paul Bettany/Vision Christmas I've never seen so much Vision art and merch selling and on display let alone being bought. When it was finally my time for the photo he finished with the group ahead of me and his face lit up with a bright smile as I moved into the space. I wasn't sure how close was ok - I have a rule of thumb when doing con photos to let the guest decide how much contact/space is ok because everyone is different. Paul put his arm around me and kept nudging me until I finally moved in closer, then he gave me a proper hug with a little squeeze. If you've ever imagined huging Vision (or Paul) it's exactly what you expect. Before he let me go he thanked me again (?!) and waved me off, and said he'd see me at his panel in a little bit.
His panel was also fantastic and fun, and he charmed the entire room. Some friends went with me who aren't as familiar with him or his work outside of Marvel, and they all agreed they would pay to meet him again/see a panel if he had one. I'm sure someone else will beat me to uploading the video (I did record most of it but my phone was almost dead) so I won't go into too much detail but it was such a fun hour.
I couldn't have asked for a better day. If anyone on this Earth made me feel the way Vision makes me feel when I'm reading comics or watching MCU projects, it was Paul. He described Vision in an interview once as 'warmth personified' and I think that's just a lot of *him*. His energy was infectuous and he was so gracious and kind and humbled by the display of fans. It was also just nice to see so many people celebrating his art and the characters he plays. It's rare to see *so much* love for Vision, let alone others that are less known.
If you are a fan and have an opportunity to see Paul Bettany live please do. He really is a gem and in this case I'm so glad I got to meet my hero in more ways than one.
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summmeister · 6 months
A Look Over the Art I Made in 2023
2023 has come and gone, with a sizeable improvement on my art skills. Once again, I am VERY proud of the work I managed to accomplish this year. I'll be going over some of the highlights month by month in this post, being sure to point out anything of note.
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Starting off the year, I made some new artwork of Skweeb! I consider this fairly outdated now, but it did start a few trends with the character, mainly how I draw shine on him. His eyes bulge outwards, they're not holes! I also drew @akfamilyhome's character, Leddy.
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This was a BIG month for me! I tried a lot of new things, and most of them worked out! This month also contains what I consider to be one of my best drawings this year, a celebration of Hollow Knight's 6th anniversary. Other highlights include a dashing tribute to Dangeresque and an entirely new reference sheet for Skweeb!
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March was not a particularly noteworthy month. These are the only two drawings from it! That said, I am quite happy getting any drawings out this month at all! As you'll see later on, this wasn't actually my most dry month.
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A VERY full month! I can't even fit everything I wanted to! Lots of Skweeb here, some Lucy too! Also a fitting send-off to Courtney (very sad Dead End got cancelled). Tried some big things here, like with the parody Album art, but for the most part I was just doing what I was good at: simple character full-bodies.
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VERY dry month for art. This is the only piece from May! I participated in @some-fool-fp's aRtPG collab this month. Skweeb joins the party!!!!! Made my own custom logo for him, too.
I had a LOT of college work this month. I was working on a game!!! I got the highest grade possible on it, very proud of that. If you would like to play it, you can do so here. Just a warning though, it's very short and VERY jank at times.
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Another big month!! Some proper reference of Winslow, another Jevil drawing, and my FAVORITE piece of Skweeb art to date!!! The pose and the shading is just so good on it, I love it.
...Well this is awkward.
Art Fight was this month, and with all of my effort going towards that, I kinda... didn't draw any of my own art this month. Whoops.
Let's press fast forward, shall we?
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A NEW OC WAS CREATED THIS MONTH!!!! Meet Chao. He helps out at the circus. He babby. I put a TON of effort into getting his design just right and ensuring he had the proper referencing before working on anything else. I love this 'lil guy.
Also some of my favorite art from this year!!! Inspired by Lemon Demon's "One Weird Tip", I made some art that takes place on a ficticous desktop! Getting the shapes and text right was hard, but I am so glad I put the time and effort in.
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Always Watching.
WOW, I am so so proud of what I accomplished with this CoTL piece. Everything from the pose to the composition and the use of colour is just PERFECT. This is up there in my favourite pieces of art from this year.
Skweeb and Jack Frost are here too... wait, it's not December yet!
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A certain someone turned 2 this month! My baby boy, now 2 years old... how time flies...
It was halloween this month too... but Skweeb isn't dressing up this year. It's Lucy in his place! Got some nice Jax art here too, I love that asshole.
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I was never the most content with my previous Jevil artwork. I never felt like I was giving it my all, which is why I'm happy to say that this month, I did!
I also took a second shot at drawing Jax; this time, featuring Pomni! I used thinner lines and taught myself how to draw hands a whole lot better, I think it helped, haha.
Lastly, (part of) my piece for @hillelart's 10th Anniversary FNAF collab! The full thing is staying secret for now. Keep an eye out for January 15th!
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Finally, we arrive at December.
Funnily enough, I didn't actually draw for half the month. But when I got back into it, I got BACK in. I'm very proud of both of these pieces, and the shading and blending I used in them! This certainly feels like a new era of my art, and I'm looking forward to continuing it!
And that's it. You made it to the end! Most people just together a simple image for their art recap, and while that certainly works just fine, I like to go into the nitty gritty, write down my entire year in art, y'know?
I'm not sure if this year contains as much progress as 2022, but it certainly contains a BOATLOAD of progress! Look back at the start of the post and compare it to the end of the post, the difference is insane!
Lastly, I've got just one more thing to show, once again, redrawing my first ever piece to mark off yet another year. I hope you like it, you'll only have to wait another 365 days for the next one!
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Bring on 2024!
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sillybond · 9 months
I feel like, I need to express myself a bit because there's an emotional bomb right inside me and It's tiking very fast!
Might get a bit cringy lol
Adventure Time brought many thimgs to my life. It has made me think, laugh, love, cry and adore all about it, the characters, story, the world, the art, the creators, everything! But the singular best thing about it has been the lessons it has taught me. I'm the same age as Finn was is CAWM I ended the show alongside him and, (despite not having been through quite the traumatic mind boggeling adventures as he has) I have learn a lot by seeing him and the people around him.
There's a lot of experiences that the whole AT cast have gone trough. Each one might affects people differently. Maybe you relate with Finn and Marcy for their strugglers with their fathers. Maybe you see yourself in Bonny, with her over controling-work focused mindset. Perhaps it's in Huntress Wizard and her inability to open to other people. Whatever it is, we all have at least a bit of thoose problems in ourselves. Thoose are our battles to fight for.
But once thing that stands above all and gives meaning to fighting thoose problems is the simple fact that whever, whenever or whoever you are your life is worth living.
And THAT is the key. We've seen time and time again how characters break down, have fights, loose people or whatever but what keeps them going is that they know their lives are not only worth living, but fulfilling pieces in a gigantic puzzle formed by all, moved by all forms of life, that they exist to love, to love others and to love life above everything else.
That IS the lesson. Yes! your life my life is worht living! Just because you are alive.
I belive that nihilism is a natural force inside of us. To ask ourselves the big questions (i.e. what is my porpuse, why am I here etc) and then realize that nothing that we respond will matter, cause nothing matters!!! I know captain obvious right here. But it does'nt have to matter to be meaningfull. Love is an end in it of itself, LIfe is and end in it of itself. You aren't alive to do anything in particular. My personal belife is that Life shouldn't be seen as a tool to acomplish anything (because again, nothing that you get will matter), life is tool to get itself. I'm not telling you to do nothing or not help people or don't do what you are passionate about. It's the oposite. I'm telling you to do all that, beacuse it's not only your life but it has meaning just beacuse it exists. As long as you are alive you should persue yourself , search for your life and love every part of the journey, even if it's bad. The trip is infinite, but beautiful and full of wonder and terrible and distraughtful at the same time. But loving it is the key and it doesn't matter it's all worth it cause YOU ARE ALIVE!!!
I'm getting kind of worked out, but I think you get my point.
Every time I think about this I remember both Astral Plane and The Comet. Two of my favourite episodes. In 22 minutes it sumarises everything that I've just talked about.
Previous to those episodes I ditached myself from everything in my life, pretty much. And I just wanted to go to Ooo beacuse it felt like it had a meaning, and there's was cool magic and everything. I'm sure some of you might have had a similar feeling.
But after thoose it made me realise that, no, that wasn't the point. Adventure time wasn't created so you could get hunged up on it and just wish everything was magical, (just like Fionna!!) AT exist so you can realise something much greater the same thing Finn realized when he pondered his existance.
In both episodes Finn choose to live. He saw the world around him, he saw pain, regret, beauty and in the end he choose his life, everything that he had experienced. It would have been so easy for Finn to go with the Catalist Comet and disapear. He wasn't in a good place. Everything had seemeangly gone to crap. He lost his arm, father, girlfriend. But even then he choose the pain rather than being detached forever. He has seen life and death, he has been the reincarnation of both thoose things. He choose life because it was simply worth living.
In a cold, dark universe life shines a glimps of light, a speck that lasts for a blink of an eye, even if it doesn't last it's worth experiencing it and protecting it.
Fionna understud this. Fionna was like me, wishing for her life to be different. But in the end. She saw that that wasn't the point. Finn would have choosen his reaity even if it was non-magical, or better, or worse than what it was, that doesn't matter. What matters is that you love where you are. Finn does, Fionna finaly learned that two. It's a long journey, but it has to be started. And I thank Adventure Time, the crew, characters and everything for this oportunity. To see life in a new light. To make the active choice to live and love and trust and die happily, because if I could be in any alternative universes I wouldn't wish to be anywhere else but in this one.
Thank you adventure time, you taught me to live again.
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taldigi · 5 months
So I was rereading some of your old posts about the miraculous setting, and it made me wonder something. How interesting do you think it would have been if Ladybug Classic took place in a fictional city instead of Paris?
I would have liked them to actually have used Paris to its full potential. It would have been ideal.
The show runners are completely obsessed with cartoons and superhero media but It feels like they forgot that one of the most important characters in those pieces of media tend to be the cities! Gotham is a huge character of its own, so is metropolis and Spider-Man's New York. Hell, look at Miles Morales' New York.. a big part of those characters is their ugly side. Sometimes the setting is what makes the character shine the most. Sure Batman is cool right? But outside of Gotham City he definitely feels odd. (Coming from someone who only watched some cartoons when she was a kid and only experience with Batman is through the Justice League cartoon)
Ladybug's Paris is.. weird. It's like a shiny doll house version of Paris where everything is beautiful and the streets are clean and there's no crime so the police can be incompetent and they send their trash into space... But they still can have their little episodes where they pull in the entire police force to fight a single akuma based on the fact that it's a Chinese person rather than all the other akuma that were not. It's also weirdly futuristic. And I don't think I like that. That is a huge personal point but I think series based around ancient magical fairies trapped in magical artifacts probably shouldn't have a futuristic tint to it. Just make them superheroes with super suits instead of fairies with magic. Just go iron Man on them. That contrast might be interesting to some but it's incredibly frustrating to me as to why when fairies eat ancient potions suddenly again the ability to wear space suits. Even the characters having a weird hex overlay is way sci-fi for the setting. It's frustrating and I hate it. I know they wanted to give the suits a sort of texture but...
It's like solar punk done wrong. Or like eco.. vaugeism... There's a word for it, but it's not solar punk. Solar punk would be interesting. It's trying to be eco forward, but it's not doing well because it's not actually doing anything worth saying. And then again I haven't seen the recent episodes because I refuse to watch it. Though I hear the last episode has some pretty fucking weird decisions in terms of setting like how different characters in different grades can now intermingle and go to the same classes or whatever. I can't be asked to look it up.
They also never explore any other part of France. Which I think is odd. They want this to be a uniquely French story but they only really feel like expanding out into big major cities. Honestly them expanding out to New York and introducing their own Justice League or Shanghai or even dystopia France just kind of shows that they're all playing in baby mode.
Honestly what they should have done and what they probably would have been happier with is if they had just gone ahead and made it their own original city sort of like how Gotham is original and made it this funky futuristic eco city that they seem to have always wanted and they could have just made it really Chinese because that's clearly what they want to do with all of the kung fu and Chinese mysticism they're forcing into the show.
Something something in the daytime my name is Marinette but when the sun goes down I become ladybug and I watch over Miracle City. Something something. They could have even had like big art centers to do their history episodes in or have like a giant statue or a giant tower be sort of their big monument.. anything that makes the show uniquely French is interchangeable. There's nothing so intricately French about the show that It would ruin or severely damage the show if it changed settings.
As for ladybug classic... It's a chance to do Paris right I guess. I wouldn't change the setting. If I wanted to change the setting I would just play with my faewild characters instead..
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vexladin · 11 days
Big rant alert about one piece this anime is very dear for me and im almost going to celebrate my 7th year of being interested in this silly pirate show so I thought that i should take this time to just rant about it (again)🫡
Something I really love about one piece is its weird and wacky character design and how it manages to form relationships between characters that aren’t romantic and are most of the time platonic and familial bonds with found family.The character design never gets boring to me and I get that a lot of people think the art style is ugly but I feel like I’m at that point that it’s just think of it as a charm, one piece just wouldn’t be one piece without its goofy proportions sure the animation studio sometimes overdoes it and alters a lot of the female body types a ridiculous amount but it still manages to hold a bit of charm because one piece isn’t about a battle of whose the prettiest or whose the most conventionally attractive sure boa has a whole gimmick of being the prettiest woman but it’s not her whole character she still has a lot of depth that makes her enjoyable to watch there’s a lot of characters that wouldn’t be seen as attractive in our world but are found attractive in one piece for example boa marigold is found attractive and just like Catarina Devon another character that is deemed as “unattractive or unpleasant” looking by some has a whole fan club of women who find her attractive even when she doesn’t fit into mold of beauty standard everyone is so ridiculous looking that and it feels refreshing when ridiculous characters are taken seriously and not just made to be laughed at because they’re fat or are just deemed ugly by fans or characters in the show Queen had a whole song about how he would be popular if he lost weight but he wouldn’t because he’s full of funk and muscle which I think is very meaningful you don’t have to have every character be skinny for them to be likable. And while we’re on the topic of not having to be attractive to be likable I really love Dan Dan her relationship with sabo luffy and ace I adore the way she was written as this cold woman who lives with mountain bandits and doesn’t care about the boys even though she genuinely does we saw it first hand when she beat up garp for letting ace die she cares deeply about all three of them even when they’re not her actual children. I just honestly love the way oda writes friendships nami is able to interact with all of the male crew members and not have it seem as romantic and flirty i like that she’s able to have physical contact with them and be around them without constantly having that “omg what do I fo there’s a guy right there >///<“ gag I see in a lot of anime even when sanji if flirty with her and Dino’s over her and Robin they’re able to care about him without it automatically being deemed as romantic by everyone around him and there are many moment where sanji interact with women and not being romantic about it Robin being able to protect him when he was being held by Black Maria in Wano he want simping over the fact Robin came to save him but was happy his friend came to his aid when he needed her the most this is also where I think sanji realized that not every woman needs to be protected or save because there’s a bunch of one piece ladies that can hold their own without the help of a guy that people gloss over.On the topic of relationships I also want to add that the way female relationships are portrayed makes me do happy a lot of the female characters are clear girls girls they don’t fight over a man and ruin their friendship over him they actually get to spend time together and do things like shopping and having regular hangouts without a man being the main topic.
Also take some time to look at nami the straw hats I love them so much
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g-on-ef · 1 year
Helluva Boss season 2 episode 4 Rant Review IDK but be prepared to hate me Stolas/Stoliz lovers
Okay guys I'm not gonna come down from the high of seeing my baby Striker so I might as well get this review out the way while it's still fresh on my mind ^^
Striker my gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous snake boy you've done me proud !!! Love how bad ass he looked with the Pancho it further feeds my head canon that Striker is Mexica {yall free to disagree but thats my personal head canon} !!!
The fighting scene guys I loved how smart and agile Striker is. The way he used the environment to his advantage as well as all parts of his body.
Feet, arms, tails, hell he was amazing with both the rope guns knife it showed Striker isn't just good with his body but also different types of weapons.
Hell rewatching the fight scene and imma be honest Striker has more experience with his body as well as weapons than millie and moxxie.
Again the way he used his body showed guns weren't the only weapon he had the environment the way striker used everything from Millies ax sticking on the ground to the railroad tracks showed how he uses his surroundings to work for him and the weapons showed this guy is a deadly fighter and not one to be messed with.
And once again, once again my boy is spitting facts !!! I said it once and I'll say it again my boy sees Hell for what it is and how he and his people are at the bottom of the barrel and he's not afraid to do what he sees is right if it means saving his people.
Argue with the wall yall fuckers aren't gonna change my mind about Striker and his actions.
Now onto his personality okay I know some people don't like the unhinged way he is but if I'm honest it was good granted I would've loved this to be seen as the show progressed but I guess I'll take this wit a grain of salt.
Okay I may anger some of my fellow striker lovers but I did not like his new voice honestly I'm still gonna use Norman's voice when I read fanfic cause I loved how Norman voiced my boy and that's the voice I'm sticking wit ^^
Speaking of voices yall I did not like Stella's brothers VA like that art style with that voice did not fit him, gonna be honest I was imagining something like Stolas not that.
Also side note did something happen wit Lunas VA i saw a post talking about it but exsit out Tumblr before I could like or reblog it.
I also hated how they reduced Stella into I don't even know what to call that mess cause you mean to tell me this woman is once again treated like a 1 dimensional wet piece of paper that can't think for herself and is just a spoil brat ??? !!!
Like Viv keeps adding these characters that are big and bad but are just become a joke towards the end.
Also that incest plot ... ... ... someone tell viv that this is not game of thrones/house of the dragons please.
I'm not touching that because if I tell yall that Stella might be a victim of incest abuse yall would have my head and viv and crew will not know how to handle something like that.
Like you mean to tell me not once Stella thought that she wouldn't get anything from her divorce unless Stolas had a say so ??? Like come on man.
Also Viv, you and your little crew can shove whatever bullshit down my throat to convince me Stolas is an innocent soft blue and I'll choke on it till I'm blue in the face.
Like someone remind her that her show is in Hell and no one cares if he cheats or not.
Like Stolas I knew you were dumb but damn I didn't know you were THAT DUMB.
You still cheated, you still betrayed an agreement you made, you are still an asshole for cheating.
I'll already made a post on Stella and the bullshit that is her marriage so again argue wit the wall.
Stolas, Stolas, you got shot by an assassin, he has a blessed rope, and he obviously has angelic weapons and you have the audacity to ask if your endangered ... ... ...
I have no words for the sheer amount of stupidity of that question -_-
Also why in the fuck did you call Blitz ??? Why not your guards why not someone who can save you before the threat kills you ??? !!!
The anger and annoyance I felt when he called for him knows no bounds especially when Blitz told him he had a very important appointment to get to and that fucker just had the nerve to try and convince him to still save him ???
Again why not call your royal body guards ??? !!! Like dude i know you're horny and want to live every fantasy that involves you and Blitz but the man has a life outside of you let him live it !!!
Also can we all agree that the sex jokes are getting old/boring like viv sex jokes do not make your show for a mature audience if anything it's for an immature one instead.
Case in point you trying to say the R slur but ended wit how you can't say it anymore after being called out on it
Funny yes but not funny haha funny you ass needs new material cause your jokes aren't funny.
I love absolutely love how Blitz rather be at the appointment for his daughter than save Stolas like him complaining about Stolas {rightfully so} and how he rather focus on making sure his daughter is comfortable and safe really warm my heart.
I find hilarious how viv tweets/likes shit like this
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And yet the only time she remembers that imps are at the bottom of the barrel or needs to remind the audience that the citizens of hell hate imps and they are horribly mistreated is when Striker is involved.
Like you mean to tell me Striker is a simple minded bigot and yet he's the only one that's called out how fucked up Hell is for imps AND episodes that surround him show how the royals and others view imps ??? !!!
Pick a side and stick to it.
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Said it once and I'll say it again Viv is not gonna make me hate my gorgeous snake boy.
Cause seeing him stabbing that bird seeing him torture him I was cheering him on !!! Like I was seriously smiling and praising him.
Like yes amor torture that bird make him pay !!!
Millie and Moxxie ... ... ... you had me and you lost me that's all I gotta say
The ending gonna be honest the ending made no sense.
Blitz your boyfriend had a blessed tip rifle pointed at the ditzzy blue blood had a blessed rope like OF COURSE HE CAN GET HURT !!!
Anywhore there's more but these were my main issues ^^
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Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)
Chapter One
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Rated: M
Warnings: Character near death, blood and bruises (not too descriptive but still), You get a few sweet moments as a treat
Summary: Every bat needs its robin, right? No different for a knight needs his squire.
Chapter two
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The howling winter winds rush past him, the roaring of the engine on the racer motorcycle mixed with i; narrowed glowing white eyes as races through the snow covered roads.
Christmas Day, you have been missing since the day before Christmas Eve. Moon Knight has been running on no sleep as he kept searching for you. It was this evening he got a lead in the form of a small SD card chip in the mail. It had files of your music… And a video file.
A video of you in your handcrafted Moon Knight costume being beaten by Bushman and his men, you fought for as long as you could before they overwhelmed you. The sick fuck taking pleasure in beating you with a crowbar. Over and over and over until your silver costume is covered in red.
Marc told you not to go on your own missions! Steven had hoped you would call him before you did anything brash! And Jake, he only blames himself for pushing you this far.
The building he tracked your phone to likely where Bushman called him from.
Damn this motorcycle! He needs to go faster, get to you faster! He has to bob and weave, the snow and ice on the ground slowing him down. Driving as fast as he can, he jumps off the bike allowing him to glide in the air letting the harsh wind carry him the rest of the way forward up to the building. A grappling used once close enough to go to the roof.
Jake shouldn't have let you go after your argument! He foolishly believed he snuffed out your misguided desire to help him, to be like Moon Knight.
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It was spring when you met each other. Rather Steven met you on the bus when he accidentally fell asleep on your shoulder.
"Nah, man, you're fine!" Bright and smiley, American accent, "You looked like you needed it. Hope you didn't miss your stop though." You talk while stretching in your, what looks like a notepad. "Oh here, thanks for being my muse for the ride."
Still half awake he takes the piece of paper you give him before getting up.
"This my stop, uh, cheers!" 
Nice kid, the art you gave him was amazing. A picture of him sleeping.
Steven didn't think he would see you again and if he did it would probably be on the bus.
"Yo! Hi, you're the sleepy bus guy, right?" You met at the library he got a job at. "I'm (Name)!"
Turns out you are an international student from America going for your art degree. Your father lives here and you figure to go to college abroad.
"Imagine wearing white in the dark." Apparently you are History major (that's it no elaboration) and you love drawing. "Moon Knight? Seriously sounds like a Sailor Moon character… His name was Moonlight Knight, pft." Big fan and a critic.
Steven is trapped in the storm called you each afternoon on a Wednesday, you said Wednesdays is your day off. He would be at lunch eating and you slide next to explaining how you are going to fist fight your art history professor. Or, showing him from sketches you got done while on the bus here. You are harmless and he found himself enjoying the company.
"So you're saying you can teach me Hieroglyphics, Mr. Grant?"
Then things shifted. You asked if he could teach you everything he knows about egyptology. Steven didn't mind, you always nudged him to be open about his interests.
As time went on, as you asked more questions, Steven found out far too late why you were suddenly interested in Egyptology.
Specifically about a man in white.
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"Moonlight!" He calls out from the darkness.
Moon Knight made it to the storage facility where he found your phone dead on the entrance. He slipped in through the roof. "Come on," The place is empty of anyone, full of crates, and cold. "Please be alive." He stopped praying a long time ago during his mercenary days, but right now he is begging you to be alive.
Something falls over in the background.
Logic is completely out the window as he is quick to head towards the sound. He is the only thing standing out in the darkness.
"Moonlight…" Marc moves his gloved hands to touch your swollen, bloody, half masked face, "I'm going to get you out of here." It is going to be painful for you to move and Marc fears reopening any barely closed wounds.
A struggling weze comes from you, "B-bomb."
Right because it would be too easy and leaving a loose end if Bushman let Moon Knight get his partner back.
"Save… Self."
Because so long as Moon Knight is around, vengeance can be delivered. That is how you view the vigilante who inspired you to become something bigger than yourself.
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No one likes a copycat, the saying goes. You felt differently. If a person copies a cat, copy the right cat. The momo you follow as you started being Moon Knight. No matter how much research you did on this mysterious person (if they even are a person), you couldn't get your costume to be accurate to the one witnesses reported seeing.
You got a cape and cowl. It sparkles…
You found an outfit. Silver bodysuit with black leotards. It is not as hopeful as it sounds…
You got shoes! Okay, so you found out heels suck in a fight and jumping from rooftops. Sneakers are great and you got black ones.
Weapons are fairly easy to get when you steal them from the thugs you beat the hell out of. Yay to that.
Mask is big oof but you are sticking to black with cut out eye slits. Use make up around your eyes, real edgy.
Now… To find the crime. The tricky part about fighting crime is sometimes there are too many places to be at once. So you have to be smart about where you hit and you have to leave a message.
Graffiti a giant moon crescent was not your best idea but hey! Your involvement was on the news… Which would be good if wasn't for the fact your outfit looks so not great on phone camera shown on the news.
"That's embarrassing."
"What was that?" Steven calls from the kitchen.
"Oh, uh, nothing." Watching news on the small television. Committing to memory the thugs who will be jailed, if they aren't important enough. Gang stuff and all that. You feel like rooke as you enter this line of work, you know you are.
"Need a better suit." Leaning against the couch stretching your body out.
"Yeah, it's a bit on the daft side." Coming over wiping his hands with a kitchen towel.
Your brain almost thought of Daft Punk, "Yeah, maybe."
"Maybe they were coming from a costume party and got stuck on the wrong side of London."
Totally yup on the wrong side by mistake and not on purpose. "At least they broke someone's nose!"
"Maybe." Steven doesn't sound impressed.
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The trail of blood on the snow leads down the path Moon Knight swiftly took with you in his arms. The building has blown up which would have not only killed you both. You often say "magic ain't shit if you got a gun or hands" as a joke when speaking about all superpowered people out in the world. All those powers yet instead of helping they add more problems.
Unless you're Spiderman. Completely biased to the guy.
His cape is wrapped around you as he places you against a tree. The explosion and building collapsing on top of him has exhausted whatever strength he had left. Khonshu's power could only do so much.
"Idiot." You struggle to speak knowing you have to stay awake.
"I'm an idiot!?" Marc yells with clear unfiltered hurt, the sort of hurt you didn't he would feel towards you. "Running off on your own to get Bushman when I ordered you not to go after him." The rant is about to start and he doesn't hold back anything. Not the burning hot tears or the panic when you start to daze off. "Stay awake, we aren't finished yet, (Name)." Desperate as he taps the slightly least damaged part of your face.
"Heh… You…" Coughing blood, "I hate Moonlight. Sounds gimmicky." Trying to lighten the mood.
"Let me Moon Knight but ha ha cooler."
Marc's lips form a smile as best as he can.
You reach out touching his cheek, smearing blood on his cheek.
"(Name)! (NAME)!"
In exchange for your life,
"Come on, come on!"
Do you swear to protect the travelers of the night,
"(Name), wake up, you gotta stay with me."
To embrace my will,
Marc's voice comes very distant.
To assist in delivering my vengeance. To keep them afraid of the night?
You whisper soundlessly mouthing a single word.
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