#art history is always at 9
age-of-moonknight · 2 years
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“Session,” Moon Knight (Vol. 9/2021), #10.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Alessandro Cappuccio; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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the hardest lines ALWAYS come from ao3 fanfics and I stand by this
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Mostly thanks to @emilyelizabethfowl (their reblog contains many of the fic links!! thank u sm) and a few deep dives into my ao3 history, the sources of the quotes have mostly all been recovered! I apologise for not posting them all with proper credit originally, I truly didn't think the post would blow up so much, but the lesson is very much learned :) enjoy!
- number 1 is from merthur fic called Destiny Ordered You To Die, But I Willed You To Live by ironfamjam
-number 2 is from a klance fic called reach out for you (break these walls) by Paladin-Pile (UserFromPluto)
- number 3 is a batman fic called Home (jason centered) by Daisybirb
- number 4 is a zukka fic by I'm Not Angry Anymore by team_avatars_eyebags
- numbers 5 and 9 are from The Art Of Burning by hella1975, an amazing ongoing atla following zuko
- number 6 is a hualian fic called No paths are bound by cataclysmic_calamity (originally a thread fic but also fully uploaded on ao3)
- number 7 is a merthur fic called tell me every terrible thing you ever did (and let me love you anyway) by Stardustwrites17 (the quote is also originally from a poem apparently)
- number 8 is from a batman fic called Nature and Nurture by lurkinglurkerwholurks
- number 10 is from a steddie fic called let me know (everythings alright) by bexiguess
ALSO there is now a part 2 !! (which I swear is better organized)
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thesunsethour · 10 months
little bits of irish history for curious hozier fans: street signs edition
Do you love the song Butchered Tongue? Pay attention to these lines here:
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So, may I draw your attention to the The Official Languages Act 2003 (Section 9) Regulations 2008 (S.I. No. 391 of 2008).
ok stay with me
In 2008, the Irish government passed legislation that made it mandatory for road signs in Ireland to have both Irish (Gaeilge) AND English names on them (or, in Gaeltacht areas where Gaeilge is still the first language, only in Irish). Here’s an example:
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The Irish, or Gaeilge, is always above the English and italicised. This is because that while Gaeilge and English are both official languages of Ireland, Gaeilge is the ‘first’ official language
However, while it was technically only legislated in 2008, bilingual road sings in Ireland had been extremely common for decades prior to it officially being made law. In fact, the first bilingual signs date back to the early 20th century - before our independence from Britain!
In Tom Spalding’s book Layers: The Design, History and Meaning of Public Street Signage in Cork and Other Irish Cities, he found that the first recorded bilingual street sign was in Blackrock, Dublin (An Charraig Dhubh, Baile Átha Cliath). Their local council in 1901 rolled out yellow and black bilingual road sings as part of the Gaelic Revival.
The Gaeilc Revical was a period of time in Irish history that saw a huge resurgence of Gaelic art, sport, and language. Literature was written by Irish people about Irish history, current affairs, and folklore. Traditional Irish music was learned and played again. Gaelic games (Gaelic football and Hurling) spread across the country. And Gaeilge, our language, was to experience an incredible revival.
Despite Ireland’s long colonial history, Gaeilge actually remained the majority tongue until the early 19th century. However, a combination of teachers beating children for speaking it at school, the genocide of the famine wiping out mainly poorer communities more likely to speak Gaeilge, and the knowledge that speaking English unfortunately provided more opportunities than Gaeilge, the language was almost killed off. (This is shown most clearly after the 1800 Act of Union that meant Ireland was ruled directly from London, with no parliament in Dublin).
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Although these maps make for grim viewing, Irish is so very far from dead. Our children learn it from the ages of 4-18 in school (though I believe it can and should be taught better, but I digress). Gaeltacht communities are still going strong particularly in the west of the country. There are more Irish-language schools (gaelscoileanna) than ever before.
And every day as we pass by road signs that display Gaeilge proudly, it is as a result of decades, centuries of people refusing to stop speaking our mother tongue despite incredible violence.
I am far from a fluent Irish speaker, despite my 14 years of learning the language in school. But what Gaeilge I have, I have proudly.
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(The work isn’t over, however. I do not feel knowledgeable enough to speak on Northern Irish efforts to implement more widespread bilingual signage but anyone who wishes to share some info please do!!)
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dirtyheathencommie · 2 years
I’ve gathered some resources and tips and tricks on self-educating after educational neglect. This is only what I did and what I know helped me. I’m about to graduate college with honors after having no education past the age of 9. I wouldn’t be here without the following. Everything is free, and at/well above the standard for education in the US.
The holy grail: Khan Academy. Nearly every course you could take is available here, in order and by grade level. Their open-source free courses rival some of the college classes I’ve taken. This is your most solid resource.
For inattentive types: Crash Course offers a variety of courses that are snappy, entertaining, and extremely rewarding. They work for my ADHD brain. They also have college prep advice, which is essential if you’re looking to go to higher education with no classroom experience.
To catch up on your reading: There are certain books that you may have read had you gone to school that you’ve missed out on. This list is the most well-rounded and can fill you in on both children’s books and classic novels that are essential or at least extremely helpful to be familiar with. You can find a majority of these easily at a local library (and some for free in PDF form online low key). There are a few higher level classics in here that I’d highly recommend. If it doesn’t work for you, I’d always recommend asking your local librarian.
*BE AWARE* The book list I recommend suggests you read Harry Potter books, and given their transphobic author you may or may not want to read them. If you choose to, I’d highly recommend buying the books secondhand or borrowing from a library to avoid financially supporting a living author with dangerous and damaging views.
TEST, TEST, TEST: Again, Khan Academy is your go-to for this. I don’t personally like standardized testing, but going through SAT and ACT courses was the best way I found to really reveal my gaps so that I could supplement.
Finally: As much as you can, enjoy the process. Education can be thrilling and teach you so much about yourself, and help shape your view of the world. It can get frustrating, but I’d like to encourage you that everyone can learn. No pace is the perfect pace, and your learning style is the right learning style for you. In teaching yourself, be patient, be kind, and indulge in the subjects you really enjoy without neglecting others. You are your teacher. Give yourself what others chose not to.
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icyg4l · 3 months
PAC: Why Did You Reincarnate as a Woman?
For this Pick-A-Pile, I am going to continue with my Women’s History Month series, where I uplift, inspire and/or relate to women on this platform. This reading is a bit of a life path reading and a past life reading but it’s more general. So take whatever resonates and leave what doesn’t. Without further ado, please pick a pile!
Left-to-Right (1-3):
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Pile 1: If you chose this pile, this is definitely for my girls who like to move around. I think that you’re someone who was meant to be rich, you definitely have expensive taste. In a past life, I think that you were into the esoteric world and into the arts. You dibbled and dabbled in a little bit of this and that. But I don’t think that you were able to find stability in your past life. But you had a clear vision for yourself. So this time, you’ve reincarnated as a woman to gain financial stability and independence from the debts of your past life. In past lives, you could have been non-committal or always wanting to rush into things. And as a result, you reincarnated without ever having a satisfied spirit. As women, we are expected to be the nurturers and sidekicks to men. But you, Pile One, are definitely the main character. You’re a free spirit and a force to be reckoned with. You follow the beat of your own drum. But remember that the goal is to feel happy with where you already are. Your spirit has a lot of fire but don’t burn it out trying to be everywhere all at once. You were born to be the non-comformist and that’s okay.
Signs: Gemini, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius.
Cards Used: 7 of Cups, 5 of Wands, Queen of Discs, 9 of Discs, 2 of Discs, Ace of Discs, The High Priestess, The Hierophant, 3 of Swords, The Star, 4 of Discs, The World, 8 of Wands and Justice.
extras: beyhive. saweetie. white nails. green eyes. born with heart issues. short-term career path. life path number five. pirates. bohemian style. theatre kid. paint. big city girl.
Pile Two: If you chose this pile, you’re definitely someone who is described as a pure spirit. What’s funny is I channeled those Snapped interviews of people saying their friend was “the light in a dark room”. You have the tendency to make friends easily. You’re very introverted. That’s how it’s supposed to be. In a past life, you could have suffered from depression; perhaps you were in a mental hospital. You were burdened with a reputation that wasn’t true to your character. You were an outcast. Maybe you could predict death & people despised you for it. I think you felt unloved and misunderstood. This life is supposed to be a clean slate for you, Pile Two. I think that there was a lot of gossip about you. But this time, you carried over the scars from being a target of gossip. Maybe you feel like you don’t really have any friends. Maybe you have a weird relationship with trust & you end up trusting the wrong people/none at all. Maybe you keep people at an arms length but you’re still a friend to all. I think that you reincarnated as a woman to reclaim your power and the right to be here on this Earth. You make the world go round, Pile Two. Don’t forget that. Never feel guilty for having fun.
Cards Used: Justice, The Chariot, Knight of Wands, Page of Cups, 3 of Cups, 3 of Discs, King of Wands, 10 of Wands, Queen of Swords, The Magician, Ace of Swords, 9 of Cups, Ace of Cups (RX), Ten of Swords, The High Priestess, 7 of Cups, Queen of Cups and The World (RX).
Signs: Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aquarius, Libra.
extras: nurse. break my soul. ellie goulding. codependency. microsoft. computer geek. smiley emoji. venusian. dmv. pills. fasting. making friends with outcasts. working with autistic children/elderly people.
Pile Three: If you chose this pile, you’re probably a person who struggles with their faith. This doesn’t come from nowhere & it’s not new to you. It’s in fact true to you. Today, you’re described as someone who is rebellious or maybe even lazy, but somehow you never complain about your circumstances. You’re like Trish De La Rosa. You keep a job! But in a past life, you were like a moody teenager. You never really saw the good in things. You were very negative. You held grudges and shunned people if they pissed you off. You could have been a gang member or you were an advocate for civil rights. Either way, your mindset was very black-and-white, no in between. As a result, I feel like you can struggle with following the rules today. I also feel like you have the tendency to be anti-religion/anti-Christianity, which is the basis as to why you struggle with your faith. Someone could have told you that you had “loose” ways as a child and this lit a fire under your ass. Misogyny in the church, but also in general is a reason why you have this fighter spirit. You have a fighter spirit, Pile Three. You’re here as a woman to take back what’s yours. You’re here to help other women realize their worth, reclaim their sexuality and transmute their pain into something beautiful, Pile Three and you will do it successfully.
Cards Used: Nine of Swords, The Star, The Emperor, Ace of Wands (RX), Ten of Swords (RX), Two of Discs, Eight of Cups, Queen of Cups, The Sun (RX), 4 of Discs, The World, 4 of Cups, Justice (RX), 8 of Swords, The Lovers (RX), The Hierophant, Princess of Swords.
Signs: Scorpio, Aries, Capricorn, Pisces.
extras: detention. good luck charlie. rapper. obsessed with cats. megan thee stallion. enough (2002). independent women. scarlet red. queer rights activist.
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blackexcellence · 1 year
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#BlackHistory365 Art Round-Up ⬇️
Elsa Soares via @rodrigoincolors
"This is Elsa Soares. She's one of the biggest names in Brazilian music and considered a matriarch of Brazilian black artistry. BBC named her the voice of the millenium and she was one of the most important and loudest voice against racism, LGBTQIA+ and women rights, among other social causes. She's died yesterday at age 91. This is a very simple, but sincere tribute to her. May you rest in power!
Please, listen to her music and search more about this great woman."
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2. Portrait of Sarah Forbes Bonetta by Hannah Uzor via @fyblackwomenart
Portrait of   Sarah Forbes Bonetta by  Hannah Uzor
Sarah Forbes Bonetta  was an Egbado princess of the Yoruba people in West Africa who was orphaned during a war with the nearby Kingdom of Dahomey and later became the slave of King Ghezo of Dahomey. In a remarkable twist of events, she was liberated from slavery by Captain Frederick E. Forbes of the British Royal Navy and became a goddaughter to Queen Victoria. She was married to Captain James Pinson Labulo Davies, a wealthy Lagos philanthropist.
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3. Marian Anderson by @novva
I’ve always wanted to do a series on black classical singers for BHM, so here’s a sketch I squeezed in this week—a tribute to the great Marian Anderson!
Marian Anderson (February 27, 1897 – April 8, 1993) was an African-American opera singer and contralto. In 1939, after the Daughters of the American Revolution refused to allow Anderson to sing to an integrated audience in Washington, D.C, then First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and her husband President Franklin D. Roosevelt arranged for Anderson to perform an open-air concert on the Lincoln Memorial steps on Easter Sunday, April 9, 1939. She was able to deliver a critically acclaimed performance before an integrated crowd of more than 75,000 people, and a radio audience in the millions.
Read more about her accomplishments here, and donate to the National Marian Anderson Museum here.
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Remember: tag your history & trailblazers art with #BlackExcellence365 for a chance to be featured!
And keep your eyes out for next month's theme... 👀
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ramayantika · 1 month
I woke up just now but in half asleep summer nap state I will roll for Heermandi
1. I felt that Alamzeb's casting could be better. The girl was pretty but yet I could not feel the budding romantic expressions on her face and body language. Like that sharmana and poetry narration felt very forced.
2. TAJDAR WHY WHY WHY SLB I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU. No spoilers. Tajdar is very charming, amazing voice, very handsome.
3. Okay considering the history of tawaifs I was at times so mad at Alam and was about to hit the phone screen to say woman wake up to reality.
4. Lajjo and Zorawar's story. Why he left her, her addiction and Lajjo's story could have been explored more. You have such a brilliant actress and when SLB is noted for using actors and their character to their greatest potential, I felt he did not not do that with lajjo this time. We only see her enter in sakal ban, she is always drinking and thinking about Zorawar
5. Manisha was brilliant. The ruthlessness, the wit and slyness. And for a tawaif of those times whose existence and power is constantly challenged, by other tawaifs and rivals and then nawabs and British she has to be so clever, cunning and vicious. Yet her feelings for Alam especially by the end (spoiler free) did make me understand her stony heart more.
6. Aditi as Bibbo was charming, graceful and elegant. And goddamn the way she uses her skills to charm henderson so she may help her people to fight against the British.
7. Star villain Fareedan. I was looking forward to her schemes. And it was understandable why she hates Mallikajaan (manisha). The power play, the constant challenging was interesting to watch. Also sonakshi really acted well, both as Fareedan and as Rehana aapa. I won't say much because the way her character changed at a point where mallika was violated (watch the series for that) like it made me get an overview of these women. Women who were wronged since birth, clinging on to their art and performance, carving a distinct identity for themselves and yet having pride over who they are, and despite all the politics, inner enmity and betrayals, they still did not wish the worst to each other and later come together for they all share one pain.
8. The women if heeramandi coming together to fight for the British got me goosebumps. They decide to use all their money and life to fight for the country. Aditi's (bibbo) dialouge ek baar mujrevali nahi mulkvali bannke sochiye and another dialouge which meant that when the country is burning one does not organise lavish gatherings (mujra mushayra)
9. Songs were pretty good. Sakal ban was trending and I loved the other songs too. Reminded me of Pakeezah
10. Sanjeeda Shaikh as Waheeda. Bhai I used to feel so bad for her. She was betrayed everytime. Poor girl wanted power too like her sister but I understand why she wasn't given. Tawaifs cannot be put into a box. They aren't your gentle shy lover girl type women like we see in pakeezah, the lovely shy, sweet, pure sahibjaan. Their world is a golden cage and to survive here is a war fought everyday.
11. Tajdar ka baap kya gadha egoistic aadmi hai
12. End thoughts: aesthetics = 100/10. I was still looking for slb to explore more of their emotions and life and not just their opulence. Summing up everything, heermandi: 7/10
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nerdykeppie · 9 months
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Launching Tuesday - Historically Queer, our next enamel pin collection!
We Have Always Been Here.
Ten pins - two pairs, five single pins, and the La Maupin mega pin (she needed extra room for her headdress) - each with multiple unlockable colorways.
We launch Tuesday, 9/12, at 3PM Eastern, noon Pacific. Follow us on Kickstarter to be notified when we launch -- or just to help out! The visibility to Kickstarter from having followers on our campaign helps a lot. :D
Featured in this campaign:
Enheduanna, oldest named author. Incorporating trans themes into writing thousands of years old.
David & Jonathan, king & prince whose love surpassed the love of women.
Sappho, Lesbian poet. She should need no other introduction.
La Maupin, also known as Julie d'Aubigny. The original disaster bisexual. Opera singer, swordswoman. May have burned down a convent.
Publick Universal Friend, American religious figure. Going by gender-neutral pronouns since the year the Declaration of Independence was written.
Anne Lister & Ann Walker, the Gentleman Jack & her wife. Acknowledged as the first same-gender marriage in modern Britain.
Dr. James Barry, British surgeon. A transgender man, Dr. Barry performed the first C-section done by a European in Africa in which both mother & child survived. He is also credited with vastly improving conditions for wounded soldiers in the British military.
Nikola Tesla, Serbian-American genius. Listing Tesla's inventions would take a series of posts. Liked pigeons better than people.
If you don't see your favorite historical figure, don't fret! We've planned multiple sets of Historically Queer figures. We can't use them all up at once. :) Help ensure we can make future sets by helping us create this one!
Frequently Asked Questions under the cut.
Hey, what flag is that on Sappho?
That's the Sapphic flag, created by @tepkunset. NerdyKeppie's owner, Spider, is a butch lesbian who uses that flag for their art.
Hey - what about [historical figure]? How could you forget [historical figure]? This is erasure!
We didn't forget, we promise - this is the first of several installments of this project. After the absolute stress of the last Kickstarter when we had 300+ different SKUs by the end of the project, we decided to take a more focused approach to Historically Queer. We attempted to provide a good cross-section of identities, and will continue to expand in future projects. Spider has a huge folder on his computer full of planned pins and reference images.  
But historically...
Yes, we know that it isn't totally proper to use today's terms to discuss people who lived a long time ago. But also, how else do we talk about our community history in a way that's understood, and celebrate our shared queerness, other than to use the words and iconography which are understandable to us now? We celebrate our shared history with the words and understandings most accessible to all of us, and we hope that by providing not just the pins but a few elementary facts about these historical figures, we'll encourage people to read more about them in their original context.
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barblaz-arts · 8 months
I haven’t sent any of the other messages, and this is the first time I’m even seeing your opinions on this matter as I’ve followed you for your Wenclair art.
I’m an Israeli citizen. On October 7th thousands of Hamas terrorists went into Israeli villages (on Israel’s territory) and raped, shot, beheaded, burned alive and murdered 1400 CIVILIANS. They kidnapped 230 more citizens into the Gaza Strip, including babies and the elderly (no idea if they are alive, as Hamas didn’t let the Red Cross or anyone else see them and REFUSED any deal to release them, despite all the lies they are spreading). Hamas uploaded videos of them doing these deeds, they were proud of them. We are still not done counting our dead, 3 weeks later, because of the state they were left in. We identify people by DNA pulled from pieces of skull tissue, by CT scans of burned masses of flesh showing parents hugging their children as they were burned alive.
A little bit of history. In 2005 Israel completely pulled out of Gaza, and handed it over to the Palestinians. In 2007 Hamas was elected to lead the Gaza Strip. This is an organization that in its charter says loud and clear they want to murder Jews. It’s not hidden, there is no question about it. They are proud of it. And since 2007 they have not allowed for an election in Gaza, they have stolen international aid money to build terror infrastructure and embedded themselves deep within their civilian population (just a few days ago evidence was provided that Hamas built their HQ under a hospital, specifically because they knew Israel wouldn’t bomb it).
The truth is, the pictures from Gaza are heartbreaking. The civilians are suffering and it’s making me sick. But how is Israel supposed to respond to the massacre of October 7th? Just pretend it didn’t happen? No country would. Israel isn’t targeting the civilian population though, unlike Hamas. I’m not saying innocent civilians aren’t killed, they very sadly are because war is horrible. But it’s always an accident, they are never the targets. Hamas is the target.
Israel has its part in creating Hamas just like the USA had its part in creating ISIS and Taliban. Still doesn’t excuse terrorism. Israel didn’t deserve the October 7th massacre anymore than the USA deserved 9/11. I hope that you can appreciate that.
The truth is, there are innocent civilians on both sides here that are suffering. Things aren’t black and white, and they never were with this conflict. And if you want to have a discussion I’ll happily talk to you privately, answer questions as best as I can. But only if we come from a place of mutual respect. If you want to block me, that’s fine too.
I do want to let you know while I can that your art is beautiful and made me smile on multiple occasions. I hope you continue it. And I wish you luck with everything and hope that we all have peaceful days in the future.
First of all. Gaza was not given to Palestine. Israel put them there and had Gaza serve as an open air prison.
You can't go around saying "Israel has its part in creating Hamas but it still doesn't excuse terrorism" then go around saying that this genocide is justified because "What else are we supposed to do after what happened in Oct 7?" What a double standard. You do not get to say that what happened to them makes you feel bad but say that you were left with no other choice. You dont get to say that Hamas being born from 70+ of brutality is still not an excuse to kill but also say Israel doing the same thing is justified.
Now, of course this does not mean that I side with Hamas. Never have, never will. I side with Palestinians, something so many Zionists cannot seem to comprehend, because they see killing them as one and the same.
Listing off those atrocities, though heartbreaking, as I will always mourn the innocent, still does not change my stance or how I feel. I feel like a broken recorder, constantly having to repeat that the civilians in Gaza did not do those and in turn did not deserve any of this. The hostages don't either of course, and the families of the ones still held captive are furious with their government for choosing to bomb them along with Hamas like some sort of sacrifice, like what you are implying the civilian deaths to be. Just unfortunate casualties for the greater good.
You can go ahead and say that only Hamas were meant to be targeted all you want, but they did not need to cut off their water so they're not even able to clean and defecate. They did not need to cut off power and render hospitals useless. And NO they did not need to bomb those same hospitals, even IF it were true that it was a Hamas base. And they did not need to use phosphorus bombs to do it. This has, and always will be about Israel's hatred of arabs and Muslims, as it was 70 years ago before Hamas even existed, as it still is now.
Tell me, if the past two or so weeks was really about Hamas, then why are these people mocking the civilians that are mourning their families' death as they starve?
None of this should have happened. Hell, you shouldn't even be living where you are in the first place. No one has any right to colonize. Whatever white supremacists or religious reason anyone says.
Of course this does not mean that I believe all jews or Israeli are as evil as the pieces of shit in that tiktok compilation or the powerful pile of dung that rule your country. There are Isreali and Jews protesting for Palestine as well, and I deeply admire them for their bravery and to feel compassion for the other side and act on it.
It's baffling how you're aware that Israel is responsible for Hamas creation but still, maybe not want it, but think all you can do is reluctantly accept the unavoidable. Because this was definitely avoidable. But your government actively wants this, and frankly I dont think it cares about you. It does not care about the soldiers they send out and the people that died and the hostages that were taken. They are using you as an excuse for more death and money.
"Those thinking of revenge should be ashamed," said by one of the survivors of Oct 7. And she is right. You are demanding the wrong things of your government.
And no, I will not be talking to anyone about this in my direct messages. Talking about it privately makes it feel like some debate to be won, when this shouldn't be a debate at all. The reason why I answer these kinds of asks is to make people aware of what is happening. I'm just some girl, I cannot fight for Palestine in any way that can directly save a life and I dont have the financial capability to donate, but I can do this. We can make those sick excuses of humans on top know that we know of their stink and we will not give it any excuse.
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yujinslovr · 8 months
DAY 9 : gp!yujin x fem!reader
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CW: anal, oral, degradation, humiliation, edging, lmk if theres anything else!
word count: 2,738
a/n: proofread at 3am, i'm half asleep so pls forgive any mistakes😞😞😞
you knew what she had brought you here for, it was for the same reason all the other old businessmen at this event had brought their young beautiful wifes. it wasn't a new occurrence to you, yujin would often bring you to these kinds of events. you only had one job, and that was to sit still and look pretty. she would bring you along with her because she knew that you looked better than any of her business partners girls. the hard gazes you received from the older men you were surrounded by was proof of that if anything. it was the biggest ego boost for yujin, to know that all of these taken men were in envy of her for having someone like you.
many would hate it, being objectified in this way, and maybe if you were someone else you would’ve. she only kept you with her, her arm tight around your waist to show you off to the other people there, to boast that not only was she young, rich, and pretty, but she also had an insanely beautiful wife. and honestly, you didn't mind it one bit.
you had met yujin in college where she was studying business and you art. you had dreams of being an actress but your parents wouldn't leave you alone unless you graduated from college. you had always liked art, ever since you were young so you figured why not go into that. you and yujin’s love story had been one like the movies. yujin was always going to take over her millionaire fathers business and had been training for it since she was young while you were more of a free spirit. yujin more than excelled in what she did and was the definition of a prodigy, her getting her fathers business was never even a question. you bumped into her in a coffee shop and the rest was history. you quit your dream of becoming an actress since yujin said ‘she wanted your beauty all to herself’ and now here you were, living your best life with the best wife ever. you knew yujin enough to know that she saw you as more than just arm candy for her, so you didnt mind acting like that's all you were every once in a while for her.
yujin had always worn suits to these kinds of events, and you always a dress to match her suit. you didnt know what it was, but in this suit yujin just looked too fucking good. her biceps were protruding out of the navy blue dress shirt she had on, her suit jacket set off to the side. not only was her insanely hot physique being shown, but her bulge seemed to have multiplied in size. your eyes just couldn't seem to leave the very noticeable bulge in her pants. 
you two were sat at a table, her conversing with the man in front of both of you, their wifes at their sides just like you with yujin. you were making small talk with the ladies in front of you, your hand under the table seeming to have a mind of its own first rested itself on yujin’s thigh. she didn't think anything of it at first, knowing that you were someone who always liked to have physical contact. but then your hand started slowly going upwards, not stopping with your conversation for even a second. when your hand came to rest on her crotch, she shot you a look, dropping her hand under the table and removing your hand from her. she continued with her conversation after this, thinking that was that and now you’d stop. 
oh how wrong she was. 
as soon as she put her hand back up on the table to grab her beer to drink you quickly put your hand back and gave her bulge a small squeeze. yujin promptly choked on the beer she was drinking, glaring at you. after coming up with an excuse for her choking she leaned into your ear and whispered out a warning telling you to stop. and you did just that for a while, even leaving her side to go converse with some other people. after a while, you got bored and decided to mess with her a little more. you looked around for her, and it wasn't long before you caught sight of yujin manspreading on a couch, a table full of empty bottles of beer in front of her and the men sitting opposite to her. you went up to where she was sitting and sat down on her lap, leaning your head into the crook of her neck. yujin’s hands instinctively went around your waist as she asked you if anything was wrong. 
“i’m so bored, when can we leave?” you whined out into her neck, leaving a few kisses to convince her. 
“why don't you get me and these gentlemen here some drinks, i’m having a conversation right now but we can leave in a couple hours.” she gave you a little pat on your ass before ushering you off her lap. 
all the men sitting at the couch opposite to yujin agreed on beer so you went to fetch it for them. maybe if you were someone else, you would’ve found her tone and words infuriating, but then again you weren't someone else. yujin had always been like this, ever since the first week in which you two started getting to know each other. if you were being honest, you were so different before you met yujin, you had so many more dreams that you were determined to achieve but you ended up compromising on all of them for yujin. you would do anything and everything for her, and being her obedient little housewife in front of her coworkers was something you’d do anyday. 
when you came back to them you set down all the drinks on the coffee table in between the two sofas. you once again found yourself on yujin’s lap. “baby, i need you..” you whined out into her ear, subtly pressing yourself harder into her crotch. 
“behave.” it was one word, but one that held multiple threats along with it. her hands harshly gripped your hips as she stopped them from moving while glaring at you. her eyes daring you to challenge her and misbehave more. when she thought it was enough, she turned back to the men in front of her and put a tight smile on her face. “so, where were we?”
you were growing increasingly bored as yujin’s conversation went on, they were talking about business and boring stuff that you didn't understand. you thought back to her warning and you knew there’d be consequences if you actually made her leave this function early yet you couldn't seem to find it in you to care. all you knew was that you wanted to leave and you wanted to jump yujin’s bones, and with that you had made your decision. you would have started to grind on her but that’d be too obvious, the people she was talking to would definitely find out. so instead you reached your hand in between the two of you and started to palm her crotch. 
yujin choked mid sentence when she felt what you were doing, she couldn't exactly reach down and remove your hand. that’d make what you were doing very obvious and she still had appearances to keep up. yujin’s grip on your hips tightend as she glared at you, the silent threat looming over you, her nails were digging into your hips yet you still couldn't find it in you to care. you continued what you were doing, staring her dead in the eyes, a smirk on your lips. yujin abruptly stood up, forcing you to stand along with her. she moved you from her front, very aware and pissed about the very clear tent in her pants. if she could, she’d have kept you in front of her but she needed to bid these men goodbye, they were some very important people and she was beyond mad at what you were doing. 
“i apologize, but i really must leave now. it was a pleasure meeting you gentlemen.” yujin said, shaking all of their hands individually.
one of the men whispered a ‘have fun’ with a wink, clearly catching on to what had happened due to her very obvious boner. “you bet i will.” yujin replied with a large cheeky grin spread across her face. 
yujin’s entire demeanor changed the moment you two stepped out of the event hall, her smile dropping and you knew you were in for it. you both sat in the truck limo which was waiting outside for the both of you. the screen between the driver and passengers was immediately closed and you were forced to your knees. yujin was sat at the long sofa that spread across the entirety of the limo while you were on your knees in between her legs. yujin shoved your head into her clothed crotch, “c’mon baby, suck it won't you? kept on touching me through my pants, thought you’d wanna suck me through them too.” yujin said in mock innocence, tilting her head to the side when you tried to pull away. 
“I said fucking suck bitch.” she pulled your hair, hard. you let out a whimper at the pain in your scalp from the roughness. “don't make me repeat myself again.” 
you hesitantly opened your mouth, not wanting to anger her further by not listening. you wrapped your mouth around the bulge in her crotch and sucked on it, yujin rutting into your face. the entire act was so incredibly humiliating and you genuinely couldn't believe what you were doing. thankfully though, yujin soon decided that was enough and she needed to feel your mouth around her. she yanked your head away, using your hair as leverage, you let out a yelp at the stinging in your scalp. you now had a full view of the wet spot your spit had made on her boner, the sight made you flush red in embarrassment. yujin removed her hand from your hair and went to undo her belt, then unzipped her pants and pulled them and her boxers down enough for her cock to spring out. 
you took a hold of her cock, wrapping your hand around the thick meat. you brought your mouth up to it and softly sucked at the head, your hand stroking what wasn't in your mouth. your slow pace was starting to piss yujin off again so she decided to take things into her own hands. her hand found purchase in your hair as she pushed you all the way down, your nose touching her pelvis. your eyes widened at the sudden intrusion, tears springing in your eyes as you choked and tried to pull yourself off. yujin’s hand kept a firm grip on your hair and stopped any type of movement you tried. 
yujin pulled you up for a second, allowing you to breathe in before once again forcing your head down. “fuck baby, takin me so well.” yujin let out in a sigh, your gags and chokes turning her on even more. the way you looked up at her through your tears, your mascara smudged and drool leaking out of your mouth. she thought you looked prettiest like this, a mess all for her. with one last grunt yujin forced you all the way down and emptied herself into your mouth, she pulled out halfway through and started stroking herself, painting your face with her cum. “mm, what do you say baby?” yujin hummed out, taking your chin in her hand and tilting your face up to her. 
“t-thank you..” you stuttered out, your mouth incredibly sore from her roughness. 
yujin hummed in response, a smirk spread across her face as she trailed her hands up to your hair, pulling you up. yujin then manhandled you onto all fours on the sofa while she knelt behind you, squeezing and slapping the skin of your ass. she spread open your cheeks, spitting on your puckered hole and then rubbing it around. she slowly eased a finger into your hole and watched as you tensed up at the foreign feeling. she thrusted the finger in and out and when she felt you were ready, she pushed herself in. you let out a scream at the big intrusion in your small hole, you and yujin didn't do anal often, you couldn't even remember the last time you two did it. 
“i don't think you deserve me in your slut cunt, after what you pulled, you don't deserve to even cum.” yujin grunted out as she bottomed out into your ass. 
you let out a whine at both the feeling and her words, you were wrong but you deserved to cum as least. you clenched around nothing, your neglected cunt yearning for some kind of stimulation. yujin never once faltered in her thrusts into your ass, letting out small grunts of pleasure every time you clenched. the burning feeling of her going in with basically no lube, only a bit of her spit was put on both you and herself, and the small amount of lubricant was starting to make it burn. “i-it hurts–!” you let out in a scream, hissing at the feeling, it was a manageable amount of pain but you didn't want to endure this small amount of pain. 
“do i look like i fucking give a shit?” yujin growled out, bringing her palm down on your ass as she pounded into you harder. 
your arms gave out and you leaned your head into the sofa, yujin gripped your hips keeping your lower half up. you looked to the side, looking at yujin behind you and was greeted by the sexy image of her with sweat dripping down her face, her shirt seemingly molded into her body allowing you to clearly see her abs and biceps. seeing her eyes closed, you took this chance to reach down and play with your clit, gathering your slick and circling the hard nub. you were in heaven, finally getting the stimulation you so craved. you couldn't stop your moans and whimpers if you tried, the feeling overwhelming you after wanting it so badly. it had barely been a few minutes, but the combined feeling of yujin in your ass and your clit finally receiving attention had you teetering over the edge. you clenched impossibly tight, you were so close, on the brink of cumming.. until it was all taken from you. yujin's hand grabbed yours and she pulled both of your hands behind your back as you started struggling against her, upset at the fact that she ruined your orgasm. 
“what? you really thought i’d let you cum? a fucking whore like you doesnt deserve to.” yujin laughed out condescendingly as she continued fucking into you. tears were falling down your face in frustration and at the loss of your orgasm, you were so insanely mad yet you couldn't do anything about it and that frustrated you to no end.
“yujin please oh my god i swear i'll be good next time, please i just need to cum.” you cried out, desperation clear in your voice. 
“we’ll see next time then, if you're good next time then you can cum next time.” you could only let out broken cries of please, begging her to have mercy on you.
yuijn’s thrusts into you became erratic, a clear sign that she was close. when yujin felt like she was on the brink, she pulled out of your ass and bottomed out into your pussy, stilling when she did and then spilling her load deep inside your cunt with a loud groan. you let out a moan at the feeling of her warm semen flooding your insides, clenching tight around her to maximize her pleasure. yujin pulled out of you and fell backwards onto the sofa pulling you on top of her. 
“i didn't cum.” you pouted into her neck, your tears soaking her shirt as you whined. 
yujin wrapped an arm around you, stroking your hair, “when we get home.” 
and as if on cue, the driver knocked on the partition screen and opened it crack, enough for his voice to reach you two. “we’ve arrived ma’am.”
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starryevermore · 3 months
the house of snow (9) ✧ coriolanus snow
the house of snow ✧ a royal coryo au | pinterest board| ao3
pairing: king!coriolanus snow x fem!reader
series summary: the king of panem is in search of a bride. and, for reasons you can never understand, coriolanus snow has set his sights on you. it would never be a happy marriage, you’re sure of that. but none of that matters, because when snow decides he wants something, he will do everything in his power to ensure it is his. 
chapter summary: he is in love. 
word count: 1,823
series warnings?: 18+ MINORS DNI, royal au, regency au, arranged marriage, rivals to lovers, obsessive!coryo, jealous!coryo, protective!coryo, eventual smut, eventual pregnancy, more tags to be added later
chapter warnings?: a shorter chapter, coryo’s pov, soft!coryo, obsessive!coryo, pet name (petal), not proofread
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Coriolanus Snow was fourteen years old when he fell in love. The academic year was nearly halfway over, just days away from winter break. Coriolanus hated breaks. His one hot meal a day would be ripped away from him for at least two weeks—longer, perhaps, if the weather turned inclement when school was supposed to pick up again in January. The only good thing about a break was not having to carefully construct his image, to ensure that no one realized that the great house of Snow was falling. But he tried to not pay either issue any mind, choosing to focus instead on the Academy’s trip to the opera house. 
It was supposed to be a culture day of sorts. Since the war and the Dark Days, the arts had been slow to return to the Capital. Most of the funding was spent on rebuilding efforts, ensuring that the Capital’s citizens had places to sleep and things to eat. But the Plinth family had been funding the arts steadily over several months since being granted their title, enough so that the opera house could open its doors once every few weeks to hold a performance. Strabo Plinth paid for a Lord’s Room, and insisted that Sejanus’s class be able to attend one such performance. 
Coriolanus did not particularly care for the arts. He could see their value, sure, in being able to memorialize parts of history, to show how the public viewed the changes in culture. It was a history lesson for him and little more than that. 
His mistake, of course, was muttering that to Sejanus as they took their seats in the front row of the Lord’s Room. Or, rather, his mistake was saying such a thing within your earshot. 
“I beg your pardon?” you said, peering around Sejanus. 
Coriolanus stiffened, surprised to be called out so publicly. It was one thing for you to question his ideas in the classroom. He didn’t mind that. It kept him sharp. It made him always prepared to provide a solid rebuttal to a counterargument. But this? He didn’t know what to do with this. “I believe our time could be better spent than listening to people sing in a language that we don’t even understand yet.”
“It is remarkable to think that a boy so intelligent could think so lowly of the arts,” you said, turning your nose in the air. “The arts bring us a sense of community. It allows us to come together and understand the way our society functioned and continues to function. It breeds creativity, and with that, innovation. Do you think we would have such impressive advancements if not for people becoming inspired by the beautiful? You think you’ll become a man of logic, of sound mind, but you will be little more than a cynic if you do not appreciate the arts.”
He blinked. Well. He didn’t know how to rebut that. He tried, though, because Snows do not back down from a challenge. “I can understand the value of poetry and prose. But a performance? It seems more gratuitous than anything beneficial to proper society.”
“Perhaps you are of simple mind, then,” you said. You turned your attention to Sejanus. “Are you also simple?”
Heat rose to Coriolanus’s face. He prayed that he did not look as red as he felt. Before Sejanus could answer you, he said, “Are you of simple mind? I can hardly think of a reason to attack someone’s intelligence other than for a lack of a proper argument.”
Rather than looking as embarrassed as Coriolanus felt, you only laughed. “Fair enough, I suppose. How about, you try to find enjoyment in this performance and if you don’t, you can gloat without interruption or criticism.”
“I shall agree to your terms.”
But as the performance began, Coriolanus could hardly focus on anything other than you. How you sat at the edge of your seat. How you propped an arm up on the railing, cradled your face in your palm. The way your eyes seemed to sparkle as you absorbed every note. You were mesmerized and mesmerizing. He couldn’t look away. Coriolanus might not have learned the importance of opera that day, but he certainly realized you were a work of art all your own. 
Coriolanus Snow fell in love at fourteen years old in an opera house. 
Two weeks later, when the Academy students returned from break, he left a single white rose he begged his Grandma’am for on your desk. You did not know it was from him, but he didn’t seem to mind. Not when you showed the flower to everyone you saw. Not when you wore it so proudly in your hair. 
And, now, ten years later, he brought you another rose as you sat curled up in his palace’s library. 
You had not yet noticed his presence as he stood several feet away. He didn’t mind, though. Coriolanus fell in love with you when you didn’t even realize he was watching, and he fell further in love with you every moment he had to admire you. 
Coriolanus twisted the rose by its stem pinched between his fingers. It was not often that he felt anxious, but it was becoming more frequent. After everything that happened with Sejanus, he found himself becoming paranoid that you might run away. That everything you said that evening was an elaborate ruse and that you were waiting until the last moment to run away to the base Sejanus was stationed at. That, despite his efforts in intercepting Sejanus’s letters to you, one might have slipped through and you were just biding your time. 
Still, he felt the need to apologize to you. He was not sure how truthful you had been when you said you intended to tell him of Sejanus’s plan. He wanted to believe it, to be sure. But Coriolanus had been angry enough to murder Sejanus then and there, and he was sure you realized that. Coriolanus was worried that he scared you, that he might have gone a hair too far in ensuring you would not be taken away. That one day soon he might wake to news that you were gone—running off to a life with Sejanus or a life away from him, he wasn’t sure.
And yet, here you were. You had come to the palace unchaperoned, of your own accord. You had done so every day this week. You let him kiss you, and you kissed him. You let him hold you. He did not go further than that—nothing more than passionate kisses and longing touches. Not because he did not desire it, but because he wanted to know you desired it. It meant little to him to have you as a wife in name. He wanted to drive you as insane as you drove him. 
Your head lifted as his footsteps echoed across the floor. You watched him as he approached, knelt down before you, and plucked the book from your hands. He marked the page you were on and set it aside, replacing the book with the rose. 
You stared at the rose, admiring its pure white petals. “Thank you, Coryo,” you said.
Oh, how he loved for you to say his name. He wished, of course, for it to arise under different circumstances, but he loved it nonetheless. 
You reached down, a hand cupping his chin, and pulled him up to meet your lips. Coriolanus kissed you softly, as if you might break, before he moved away and took a seat next to you. He pulled you into his side, his arm snaked around your waist as your head fell against his chest. Your legs curled up under you. You burrowed yourself further into him. 
“The ton might soon think we have held a secret wedding if you continue spending your every waking hour here, petal,” he teased. He wouldn’t mind if they thought that. Anything to keep the ton from trying to take you away. 
“The ton would believe we lived on the moon if someone was convincing enough.”
He laughed and shook his head. It was nice for you to tease but not direct it at him. “I am pleased you spend so much time here now, though.”
“It…feels safer.”
Oh. Oh, he liked that. How long had he been hoping you would say something like this? Coriolanus lifted your hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to your knuckles. As much as he liked the push and pull with you, this was better. This was nicer. This was the sort of life he deserved. 
“I don’t feel like I have to pretend to be someone else. When I am with the rest of the ton, I have to still act like a respectable young lady. At home, I can’t even read in peace. But when I am here, I can read and call you horrible names without judgment.”
Coriolanus snorted. “Oh, I judge you for the names you call me.”
“But you don’t stop me either.”
“No, I suppose I don’t.” 
And why would he? He loved your wit. Even if there were times he wished you would tone it down, he appreciated that you didn’t put up with bullshit. Coriolanus had little respect for people that allowed others to walk all over them. In his view, most of the ton was like that. You, however, were a beautiful, shining exception. 
Coriolanus glanced around the room, making sure that Coriolanus the Cat was not around. Whenever he tried to kiss you, that damned cat would appear out of nowhere to try to claw his face off. (Or, as you put, “play with him.”) Coriolanus wasn’t sure if you were in cahoots with Sejanus, but he was certain that you were in leagues with the cat. Once he was sure the cat was not preparing for attack, Coriolanus cupped your face in his hands and pulled you in for a kiss.
“You can call me anything, and I will still adore you,” he mumbled against your lips. “I love—OW!”
You pulled away with a laugh as Coriolanus the Cat pounced on top of his head. You reached for the cat, cradling the beast in your arms, cooing at it. “We don’t attack our papa, Coriolanus,” you said, pressing a kiss to the top of its head. “He doesn’t deserve that, does he?”
Coriolanus glowered at the cat. “I don’t think that’s my son. I think he’s a bastard.”
You swatted at his chest. “Don’t be rude, he can hear you!”
Coriolanus leaned down and whispered in the cat’s face, “bastard,” before pulling away before the cat could claw his face off. But, while the cat was trapped in your arms, he did take an opportunity to steal another kiss, grinning as you giggled against his lips. 
Hmm. He could get used to this. 
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timmyrx2000 · 9 months
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TEAMWORK Mabel and Pacifica Style!
Mabel and Pacifica proudly display their collaboration on the team's official Baseball Uniform Design. Art by @turquoisespace35
It's part of an AU where, during their free time, Dipper, Mabel, Pacifica, and Wendy form a baseball team to try and get Dipper and Pacifica out of their shells. Wendy and Mabel try to boost Dipper's confidence by getting him to give playing baseball a shot and Pacifica, now part of the gang, comes along for the ride.
Among the entire group, Mabel and Pacifica have the most history, with their start being...rocky at best. While Pacifica and Mabel are now together on their tiny Baseball Team with Wendy and Dipper, Pacifica still feels quite anxious around Mabel knowing how she's treated Mabel in the past. What surprises her though is how easily Mabel seems to have gotten over those times and just seems to enjoy having her as a new friend. Pacifica's not used to Mabel's optimistic and upbeat attitude on life, especially growing up with rich, snobbish, stuck-up family and friends where you just didn't let things slide, but you made sure you won at all costs.
Mabel, on the other hand, loves having Pacifica as a new friend but still feels she's still quite distant and apprehensive getting close to her. Mabel's always makes an effort to have a bit of fun with Pacifica but almost always, Pacifica responds rather awkwardly. Mabel knows its not about Pacifica not wanting to be friends, but she knows she's gotta break her out of her shell cause she knows there's a Pacifica in there that just wants to break-free and enjoy life to her fullest.
When Wendy pitches the idea of finally formalize the Baseball team into a real ream, complete with recruiting 9 Players, she says they'll need an official Baseball Team Uniform and what better people to come up with it than the queens of style and creativity right in the team: Pacifica and Mabel!
Both girls are excited at the prospect of making the official team uniform but they do have some doubts on if it can or will work. Mabel and Pacifica have 2 very different ideas of style and creativity. Pacifica, in particular, is even more nervous that if this ends in disaster, she may lose the only real friend her age she would have had. Mabel, however, dives right into the opportunity seeing it as the chance to finally hangout and get to know Pacifica more. But can opposites work together?
As they pitch ideas back and forth both Pacifica and Mabel gain more insight into each other's personality. They begin opening up to each other slowly but surely. Pacifica begins to admire Mabel's spice for life, her creativity, and her boldness in imagination. She admires how Mabel is so unapologetic for who she is and no matter how bad things get, Mabel still manages to find the bright side of life. Mabel, on the other hand, begins to admire Pacifica's fierce and strong personality and how she's unafraid to speak her mind. She sees in Pacifica someone who is brave enough to stand up for herself against anyone who'd try to put her down, and she sees in her someone who is unwilling to go back to the life she had living as a slave to her dad's bell.
Their new found respect and admiration for each other proves to be a great asset in their collaboration. They're not competing, but they complement each other. They form the perfect duo for the job, with Mabel inspiring Pacifica to be more ambitious and daring in her choices while Pacifica helps keep Mabel grounded and realistic. It culminates with the pair proudly presenting their work to Wendy and Dipper who are thoroughly impressed and proud of their new Team Uniform. 
But it doesn't just stop there!  Mabel and Pacifica both prove to be a force to be reckoned with on the field, both partnering up during the games to help out in forming strategies and executing plays. When times get tough, they have each other to lean on, no matter how difficult and complicated things get. Pacifica couldn't ask for a better friend than Mabel, and neither could Mabel ask for a better friend than Pacifica.
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thepromptfoundry · 5 months
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The prompt theme for February 2024 is a Fannish Fest February!
Come, join in the party, celebrate your fandoms, fandom history, and community!
If you use this list, please tag me here @thepromptfoundry, I’d love to see your writing and art!
Feel free to combine different days' prompts with each other, or combine them with other seasonal events. Respond to as many prompts as you want or as interest you, don’t worry about missing or skipping any. Remember, this is supposed to be fun!
If you have any questions or musings, check our FAQ, and if you don't find your answer, shoot me an ask.
Plain text list below the cut:
1 Your First Fandom 2 Your Current Blorbo 3 A Character Who Deserves More Love 4 Your Favorite Bit Of Fannish History 5 Characters Swapping Clothes 6 A Fannish OC (yours or someone else's) 7 Patching A Plot Hole 8 A Fanfic Trope You Always Love 9 A headcanon with canon support 10 A headcanon with no canon support 11 Cosplay 12 A Character Who's Totally Not Dead 13 If The Characters Found The Fanworks 14 Your OTP (or OT3+) 15 A Crossover 16 A Fanfic Trope You're Very Picky About 17 A Ship You Don't Ship, But Do Respect 18 The Sequel We Deserve But Never Got 19 Different Versions Of The Same Character 20 A Friend's Blorbo 21 A Fandom You Didn't Expect To Get Into 22 A Non-Human Character Made Human 23 A Human Character Made Non-Human 24 A Rarepair 25 How You Would Do A Gritty Reboot 26 A Villain Who's So Good At Being Bad 27 Your Smallest/Least Active Fandom 28 A Bit Of Backstory 29 What The Future Holds (Post-Canon)
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its prosecutor jiang wanyin!!!! oh fuck!!! / gifs + au rambling below the cut / follow for more mdzs x aa crossover stuff :3
all the gifs i made (poses traced off franziska):
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hes so similar to franziska when you think about it. theyre both deeply insecure tsundere adoptive younger sibling of successful main characters. who carry whips. something something edgeworth choosing death and wwx actually dying also
his share code is HWFEFF if you wanna use him in a trial! you can't share backgrounds but heres the scenery from the donghua i used.
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the easiest way to put custom stuff into objection.lol is to send it in discord and then use the link from opening it in your browser :)
a whole lot of AU stuff
the art im making is for if mdzs was an ace attorney game, playing from WWX's POV to solve various mysteries/cases over the course of the plot. so this scene would be from turnabout goddess, which would loosely cover the dafan mountain mystery.
cases include:
Turnabout Revenge (Mo Manor, quick introductory first case)
Turnabout Goddess (Dafan mountain, the good times flashback)
Turnabout Saber (the man-eating castle (omg hiii nhs))
The Blind Turnabout (Yi City arc)
Turnabout Deviation (the Koi Tower conference, Empathy on NMJ ala turnabout memories or beginnings. opening cutscene is his qi deviation)
The Blood-Soaked Turnabout (second Burial Mounds siege, flashbacks: Xuanwu, Sunshot, YLLZ, Nightless City massacre)
Turnabout Lotus Seeds (testimony about JGY, tree scene, golden core reveal, bathtub scene. opening cutscene could be JGS' death but that would make it canon rather than ambiguous)
Turnabout Confession (Guanyin temple)
the problem with splitting novel!mdzs into turnabouts is that flashbacks are a huge chunk of the book but they don't have mysteries/ cases to solve so they've gotta be lumped together with present day stuff. imo? many of the flashbacks would likely have to be abridged so they could be retold ala DL-6, SL-9, or the fourth grade incident, where characters talk about it over some pieces of art. this is really difficult when theres a metric ton of unspoken, complex, and signifcant history between every character lmao
there's not as much of a problem with the cql timeline but i have not finished it. so.
the opening cutscenes in ace attorney always show the murder and/or the murderer plotting. the first cutscene of the game would be MXY summoning WWX, muttering about getting revenge on his family (it would also be good for him to mention the yllz being dead because that's how the novel starts.) cut to WWX's POV as he wakes up covered in blood and the investigation segment begins.
for investigations of monsters (goddess, saber, etc) the cutscene would be a scene of some poor throwaway cultivator getting their shit wrecked.
it would be cool to make a breakdown for JGY but again I need to review that scene cause I don't know who I'd base him on. maybe Vasquez or Dahlia.
tell me your thoughts!! i'm working off of a mdzs summary/ skimming the novel because i don't remember it too well so if i get anything wrong please yell at me
Jin Ling's sprites & Nie Huaisang's sprites / masterpost
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enchantedwitchling · 7 months
Mistakes and Misconceptions: Embracing the Learning Curve in Witchcraft
Witchcraft is a profound journey, a tapestry woven with spells, rituals, and self-discovery. Yet, like any intricate art, it comes with its share of learning curves. In this blog post, let's explore the valuable lessons I've learned from my own mistakes and address common misconceptions about witchcraft, helping fellow practitioners navigate this magical path with wisdom.
1. Embrace Imperfection 🌿🌟
Mistake: Expecting perfection in every spell or ritual.
Lesson: Imperfection is the beauty of human experience. Spells might not always go as planned, but each mistake is a teacher. Embrace the learning process and grow through your craft.
2. Ethics First 🤝⚖️
Mistake: Neglecting ethical considerations in spellwork.
Lesson: Every action in witchcraft has consequences. Uphold ethical principles, ensuring your magic is a force for good. The Wiccan Rede, "An it harm none, do what ye will," is a compass for ethical practice.
3. Knowledge is Power 📚✨
Mistake: Relying solely on intuition without study.
Lesson: Intuition is potent, but a foundation of knowledge is crucial. Dive into the history, symbolism, and traditions of witchcraft. The more you understand, the richer your practice becomes.
4. Respect the Elements 🌬️🔥🌊🌎
Mistake: Disregarding the power of elemental balance.
Lesson: The elements are the cornerstone of magic. Respect their energies in your spells. Balance and harmony with the elements amplify the potency of your craft.
5. Patience in Spellwork 🕰️🕯️
Mistake: Rushing through spellcasting without patience.
Lesson: Spells require time and energy. Rushing compromises their effectiveness. Be patient, focus your intent, and allow the natural flow of magic to unfold.
6. Personalize Your Craft 🌈🌿
Mistake: Trying to fit into someone else's magical mold.
Lesson: Your journey is unique. Tailor your craft to resonate with your beliefs and experiences. The most potent magic comes from authenticity.
7. Openness to Adaptation 🔄🌌
Mistake: Sticking rigidly to one path or tradition.
Lesson: Witchcraft is ever-evolving. Be open to exploring different traditions and adapting your practice. The eclectic nature of witchcraft allows for flexibility and growth.
8. Mindfulness in Manifestation 🌟🧘
Mistake: Focusing solely on desires without mindfulness.
Lesson: Intentions should align with your highest good. Be mindful of what you wish for, ensuring it doesn't harm yourself or others. Positive, mindful manifestation is the key.
9. Embrace Setbacks as Growth 🌱🌑
Mistake: Seeing setbacks as failures.
Lesson: Setbacks are stepping stones to growth. Embrace them, learn from them, and recognize that they're an integral part of the magical journey.
10. Trust Your Intuition 🌠💖
Mistake: Ignoring your inner voice.
Lesson: Your intuition is your greatest guide. Trust it. If something doesn't feel right, explore why. Your instincts are powerful allies on your magical journey.
Remember, dear witches, mistakes are not roadblocks but signposts on this enchanting journey. Embrace the learning curve, for it is in these twists and turns that the true magic of witchcraft unfolds. May your cauldron of wisdom brew with the lessons of your experiences, and may your magical path be illuminated with the light of understanding.
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chainsawmascara · 5 months
Figuring out where every companion fits in my Suddenly A Thing art school au doodle world is. Going to be interesting.
God's favorite princess who started it all is in general fine arts. She loves charcoal, painting feels like a necessary evil but it's secretly what she's always wanted to do.
Lae'zel is clearly in metalworking/sculpture.
Astarion is in textiles, specifically embroidering and fashion design/history. He has an entire brand built in his head. He works at an upscale fashion store part time. He judges EVERYONE.
Wyll???? Wyll's studying art history and debating going into curation. He's a trust fund kid and his father is deeply disappointed THIS is what he's doing with his college fund. He spends free time in the dark room. Darkroom photography has no place in the world these days, but he loves the classics and waxes poetic about 35mm film and its versatility - he does some oil painting over certain photos for flourish. It's phenomenal. He doesn't think it's that great. Everyone disagrees.
Gale is. Gale is the english major from the sister university who decided a double major is a good idea (it isn't, he is suffering) and hurled himself into abstract/surrealism. (It works very well in his favor when tara steps in his paint and walks on the canvas. He had a three hour anxiety attack and decided he did it on PURPOSE.
(Part of me wants to slam him into dark room photography and i will not elaborate. Maybe he sneaks in to hang out with wyll. He cannot be good at everything but he NEEDS TO BE GOOD AT EVERYTHING. He's a recurring subject of wyll's work.)
Where the FUCK do i put karlach. She's on a roller derby team outside of school. But what does she DO. She's in there somewhere but WHAT DEPARTMENT.
Dammon shares classes with Lae'zel bc that's The Most Obvious Thing. He's a natural.
Isobel? Pottery. Aylin doesn't go here. She's just The Girlfriend also on the roller derby team and hangs around.
Rolan is obviously into impressionism. He's the manet of the school, trying every artist's style in a desperate attempt to find his own despite cal and lia both knowing he HAS his own style and it's GORGEOUS but he just can't see it himself.
Alfira is also in the textile department. Astarion hates everything she makes. She plays music at local clubs on the weekends. Lakrissa is her bartender girlfriend who studies sequential art.
I need to keep this going, I'm on to something here.
But where the FUCK do i put KARLACH.
Edit: 9 fingers is the drug dealer. I went to art school, i promise you there are so many gatherings based solely around that, she'd be there constantly. Jaheira and Halsin are figure study models. Jaheira probably has her hand somewhere else in the school, she'd definitely have something to do with installation pieces, I'll get there let me cook on that one. Minsc is. Fuck. I need to figure that out. We're GOING SOMEWHERE HERE, WE'RE MAKING THIS HAPPEN.
Someone is in the jewelry department it's someone it's SOMEONE maybe lae'zel dips into it bc metal casting NO IT'S MINTHARA. MINTHARA. YES. I WILL JUSTIFY THIS WHEN IT'S NOT 2AM BUT TRUST ME IT'S MINTHARA. Intricate wire wrapping with gem stones she gets from 9 fingers, she has 5000 tools for it and no one realizes how violent whitesmithing tools are but I've BEEN THERE TRUST ME and the wire wrapping gives big spiderweb vibes, it's perfect, i love it, yes, she's in cahoots with astarion on a future design house and the bickering is CONSTANT.
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