#as of currently…
sun-e-chips · 7 months
In your waterpark Au... Do Sun and Moon let high school students volunteer as lifeguards during the summer? I could see Sun and Moon proudly bragging about their students to random people at the park and said kids behind them trying to get them to stop or just plain groaning in embarrassment. Have a fantastic day! (or night?)
Without saying too much (I am currently writing the au shhhhh) I will tell you unfortunately for most the past and the current present there are no human staff and the waterpark is entirely run and maintained by animatronics.
Sun and Moon as well as all the Tiki bots were designed to also fill the role as the park’s lifeguards, many robot eyes are constantly surveying the premise’s. The tiki bots are able to pull people from the water but only sun and moon are designed to perform CPR (I talk a little more about this in a previous ask)
Butttttt If the boys did have human staff they would absolutely be bragging as well as messing with them. The teens would especially be embarrassed by the boys praises and smothering in front of all the parks guests while they’re still on shift. The boys have no shame in expressing their fondness for the staff. All employees would be family no matter how short their time there may have been, Sun and Moon will always remember. They never forget a face after all hehe.
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rainn-dropz-world · 4 months
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OG: https://earthliberationstudio.com/shop/reclaim-revolutionary-queerness/ !!!!!
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politijohn · 4 months
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sayruq · 4 months
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Happy Pride Month
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acepumpkinpatrick · 24 days
Y'all!!! Emergency!!!
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Your Esims are also helping Palestinians in Jenin!!
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Instructions & Discount codes
Truly Esim
Thank you @anneemay for the notice
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spiiderpunk · 2 months
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lasttarrasque · 8 months
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writtenroses1813 · 8 months
I’m so sorry but in the nicest way possible do yall actually read books or just read words??? Cause I’ve been seeing that trend of people not understanding how “snarled” and “eyes darkened” and “eyes softened” etc. was used in a book and like…
Genuinely, do yall just not have imagination?? Or not understand figurative language??? Also eyes do literally darken and soften have you not lived a life??? How do you read with no imagination? Is this how you get through so many books in one month - you simply don’t take the time the understand the words as they are read?
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humanvoicebox · 8 months
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I swear once you start digging out their crimes you'll dig to hell and back.
This article is more that 24 years old
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troythecatfish · 5 months
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Continue Escalating
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It legitimately amazes me how the “We can't allow the Holocaust to happen again” crowd can look at something like this and still claim that the Israeli government isn’t committing any war crimes.
Absolutely horrific stuff.
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felitomkinson · 24 days
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politijohn · 5 months
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sayruq · 4 months
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If you, for some reason, still have a subscription to the Atlantic, cancel it
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s0up1ta · 2 months
toxic yaoi or something idk i haven't watched gravity falls
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moonlayl · 5 months
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